What I'm Looking Forward to This Year By Moe Hom
For key Club 20-21 school year, I look forward to seeing our new Key Club t-shirt, key Club socials, meetings, and above all volunteering opportunities. I look forward to this the most because not only do I get to help others, I also get volunteering hours. I love meetings new people and working with them. I can be hard to find time to volunteer with our busy lives, but I believe dedicating your time as a volunteer will also help you in many ways. Volunteering connects you to others. I allows you to connect with your community and make it a better place. Volunteering will help others and will also help you. It can help you make new friends and boost your social skills. For so many good reasons, I liked to volunteer and I look forward to this year;s volunteering opportunities. The Trojan Talk | Page 4