Patience - Houston

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RED & BLUE 14 page


momology magazine















RED & BLUE 14 page





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FROM THE PUBLISHERS PATIENCE IS IN HIM Spring is in full-swing and I can’t help but notice the new growth and the vivid, vibrant colors as I pause for a moment to consider the wonder of the world that God has given us in which to reside, something we often take for granted in the rhythm of our everyday chaotic lifestyles. And this chaos gives way to frustration and impatience as we navigate from one task to the next hundred with distraction after distraction making its way into our paths as we press forward to try to accomplish just ONE SINGLE THING that we have set out to do. We often forget that we are somewhat like the seasons, as we meander through this journey called life, we, too are given opportunity for new growth and for our lives to be filled with vivid and vibrant colors as God wraps us in his loving embrace and seeks to provide us with the patience that we so desperately wish that we had – to be better mothers, wives, lovers, employees and children of God. To better serve Him and His kingdom amidst the chaos and humdrum that life can become. We seek to understand His plan and purpose for this life that He has so graciously given us not once, but twice as we are reborn in Him – with a goal to press on towards, but sometimes not full understanding the path that is leading us there and the reason it seems to be taking so long! I am overcome with humility as I come into His presence after allowing the distractions to consume me, to recognize that He is still there, His arms are still open and His provision

TRACI HUHN Publisher

AMANDA HENSLEY Associate Publisher













still continues as I press on towards the goal – as I seek to train up my children in the way they should go, lest they part from Him, adding strong soldiers to His army. The world tells me that I’m a failure, but our Lord and Savior is patient and He loves us so much that He gave us His ONLY son, that whoever believes in him shall NOT perish but have eternal and everlasting life. Can I get an Amen? Press on, dear mothers – we are ALL a part of his GREAT BIG plan and He is the patience you seek in following the path He has paved for you until you arrive in your final destination. What a glorious day that will be and the WAIT will be so WORTH the victory! We would like to welcome Dallas/Ft. Worth to the Momology Magazine community. We are excited and passionate about expanding our reach and look forward to sharing your stories and hope with others in your community.








Momology Magazine is a bimonthly publication of Allymac Concepts. Allymac Concepts is not responsible for any omissions or misrepresentations submitted to the magazine. Advertisers represented in this publication and their agencies assume all liability for the content of advertisements and photos. Opinions, advertisements, and articles expressed do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher or Allymac Concepts’ employees. Be advised many writers featured in this publication are not necessarily professionals but moms writing from personal experience and should be read as such. Reproduction or transmittal of any part of this publication is prohibited without express permission in writing from the publisher.













MERCY HOUSE ...............................................8 BIBLE STUDY REVIEW.....................................10 DEAREST FRIEND ..........................................11 THE FRUIT OF THE FAST-FOOD FAITH ...........12

CLOSET ORGANIZATION TIPS ......................22 THE MODEST MOMMY ................................24


LOVE RED AND BLUE BALLOONS ..........................14 10 UNEXPECTED WAYS HE SHOWS HIS LOVE .......................................................................16 HAPPENSTANCE,ROMANCE, AND SCOOBY SNACKS........................................................18


HEARTACHE TO BLESSINGS ..........................28 ONE BITE AT A TIME ...................................30 GROWING YOUR OWN HERB GARDEN ......31 HERB INFUSED BITES ...................................32 PATIENCE .....................................................33 ON POINT WITH DR. DERRICK RAYMER....34

AXA ADVISORS ............................................ 17 KELLI ALLISON | THIRTY-ONE ......................... 26 ATHLETIC REPUBLIC THE WOODLANDS ....... .....................................INSIDE BACK COVER INHALE MINISTRIES ...................BACK COVER


The Greater Houston, Texas area has over 6 million people with 50% being represented by the female population. Our readership will be extended beyond this area by means of digital publication as well as an accompanying website and social platforms. Using the phrase “Perfectly Mixed, Perfectly Matched” we seek to encourage moms to embrace their mommy place in life and realize that as long as they are doing the very best they can, they are the perfect mommy for the children that call them MOM. Studies have indicated that the buying power of women in the United States is continuing to increase, with women accounting for over 85% of all consumer purchases and seventy-five percent of women identifying themselves as the primary shoppers for their household (, 2014.) For a media kit, visit or contact Shannon Hardesty at (225) 316-8837 or


Do you know someone who has an interesting or inspiring mom story? Sure you do! Just like all kids are different, all moms are unique in their experiences, perspectives and talents. We want to learn and grow from these different walks in the daily life of a mom and invite you to send your story starters to




Connor Is 19 years old and superhero obsessed. A superhero in his own right, Connor enjoys playing and winning gold medals for The Woodlands Warriors, a Special Olympics basketball team. He enjoys anything water related from swimming to setting sail on the high seas! He loves meeting new people, making new friends and serving the Lord every chance he gets.


age 19


We believe that it is incredibly iimportant to learn who you are. Hobbies and heroes help children develop a sense of self worth and confidence. If your child would like to be featured in the magazine, please send their first name along with a high resolution photo and a short description of why they like their hobby or hero for consideration in a future issue. You may submit it to



In His Own Time




“Armed guards walked me, a group of other bloggers, and our guides down a muddy trail into Mathare Valley, one of Kenya’s largest slums and most dangerous places in the country. We were observing and writing on behalf of Compassion International who had arranged the trip. I trembled from more than fear. There was hopelessness everywhere you looked—endless tiny tin shanties where hundreds of thousands of people were crowded, “homes” with no electricity or running water. Plastic bags full of sewage floated in a green stream and the ground wasn’t made of dirt at all—it was just a mountain of trampled garbage. The stench was almost unbearable and nearly gagged me. A majority of the residents were small, unsupervised children. They called out to us, “How are you? How are you?” hoping we would put something in their upturned hands. You could see they were malnourished with swollen bellies. Their faces were filthy with flies covering them and they didn’t bother to shoo the insects away. It was a hellhole, not fit for the living. I began to cry and couldn’t stop. I wanted to shut it all out. I was so angry with God. Where are you? How can you allow so much suffering? I stopped and closed my eyes. I saw God’s finger pointed at my chest as He asked my spirit the same question: “Kristen, how can you allow this?” In that exact moment, I knew my life would never be the same. I was a long way from home and my family. I was “just a mom.” But my faith journey that started in high school had brought me to this place. Standing in this wretched hellhole, only He knew where it was going to lead.”


any moms start blogs. Some moms even travel to third-world countries.

Most moms, however, don’t start non-profit organizations. Kristen Welch, author of the blog “We are THAT Family” and founder of Mercy House, has done all three. A blogging trip to Kenya with the intent of shedding light on child sponsorship developed into a cause that


significantly change both Kristen’s


and the lives of


all over the world. “What I



experienced in





largest slums wrecked me,”


said. “I knew I had to respond. I returned home and four months later, my family founded Mercy House.” Mercy House exists to engage, empower, and disciple women worldwide in the name of Jesus Christ. The organization funds maternity homes in Kenya and provides aid

-An excerpt from

to pregnant girls living in extreme poverty.

“Rhinestone Jesus: Saying Yes to God When Sparkly, Safe Faith is No Longer Enough”

The young women who are provided relief are typically pregnant from rape or prostitution. “The girls are given maternal healthcare, in-depth counseling, parenting


classes, education and life skills,” said

educated. They are subjected to physical and sexual abuse.” She also argued that most

Kristen. “Really, they are given a family to

view women as the “backbone of society,” that they work hard, provide for their families

love them.”

and defend their children. “These are the kinds of women we serve. We want to remind

Kristen says that her organization is much

them that God has not forgotten them.”

more than a physical house… it is a place

Mercy House has not only changed the lives of the young women it serves, but also has

of hope. In addition, Mercy House reaches

changed Kristen and all her family’s lives as well. “Before [Mercy House], there were lots

women in not just Kenya, but in a number

of trips to Target and a lot of time and money spent on myself with personal aspirations

of different countries through the ministry

for success,” Kristen said. “After [Mercy House], I’m incredibly busy, but what I do matters.

of Fair Trade Friday. “We seek to empower

I have purpose. I have a beautiful community who says “yes” with me and I fall into bed

women all around the world through fair

exhausted every night.”

trade product development as a means of employment.” The Fair Trade Friday initiative is a monthly

Kristen is driven for her cause. “I’m compelled to serve in this way because I have been served. I’m compelled to give because I have received so much. I’m compelled to love because I am loved. What I do matters and it is eternal. It will last longer than I do.”

subscription-based club that delivers a

“There are so many ways to get involved,” said Kristen. “Locally (Houston) we have hands-

box of 3-4 beautiful fair trade items to a

on service opportunities regularly. Through our online store (,

subscriber’s door. “Think cute accessories,”

you can shop, host a home party, join Fair Trade Friday, or become a monthly donor.”

added Kristen. One-time boxes are also

Kristen says sponsorship is how Mercy House meets its monthly budget, but all of these

available for purchase to ‘try out the

areas of involvement are valued greatly.

club’ or to give as a gift. Kristen wanted

“I’m a mom. I don’t have the right education or credentials to do any of this, but I said

a consistent way to provide jobs for the

“yes” and God is doing the rest. And the best part is that so many other mothers – hundreds

young women Mercy House serves. “We

– have said “yes” with us and that has created a beautiful story.” ◘

believe in redeeming consumerism. In America, we are going to buy, so let’s buy things that matter.” Women are paid a fair wage to provide for their families and are also offered support by non-profit partners. “In America, we have opportunity. I didn’t see that in Kenya,” Kristen explained. “We raise the money and support a completely indigenous staff in the country. Our flagship ministry is in Africa, but through Fair Trade Friday, we are working in 14 other countries to empower women.” Each ministry of Mercy House is geared to provide hope. “Women are one of the most

LEARN MORE: The Mercy House Ste. 115-110 8000 Research Forest Dr Spring, TX 77382

oppressed people groups in the world,” Kristen began. “In many countries they don’t have rights or the opportunity to be



Bible Study Review






As a mom it’s easy to say, “Yes,” to


Beth Moore is known for her vivacious and



you’ll be taken on a color journey with a

and go to bed late. We’re there making

ministry. In Children of the Day we explore

hilarious storyteller and theological scholar;

lunches for everyone else and often forget

I and II Thessalonians and follow Paul, Silas

what a ride! In Hebrews she helps us

to eat. We stay busy and rest very little.

and Timothy as they spread the gospel

navigate the bridge between Old and New

It’s easy to give and give, because that’s



Testament that is full of rich history that’s

our instinct. But we’re not super women.

When we think of sharing our faith with

applicable to us as Christian women today.

In Breathe, Priscilla Shirer teaches us

others, especially in areas or times of

She shows us that Jesus is our accessible

about the importance of the Sabbath;

persecution, ridicule or rejection, we get

King. In this 6 week study you’ll be drawn to

when it’s time to Shabbat and rest. We

scared. This can often lead to a time

the heart of our God and know that Jesus

all need to stop and breathe a little

of dry bones and weariness though,

is supreme, as well as compassionate,

in life, or we’ll wind up burnt out and

because we’re called to share. We are


spread way too thin. Go on. Breathe.

the children of the day! Are you ready?

☼ Priscilla Shirer, a speaker and author, has

☼ Wanda Elizabeth “Beth” Moore

spent more than a decade addressing major

(born Wanda Elizabeth Green on June


corporations, organizations, and Christian

16, 1957) is an American evangelist,

pop culture references that connect

audiences across the United States and

author, and Bible teacher. She is the

the dots between the Bible era and

around the world. Most recently Priscilla has

founder of Living Proof Ministries, a Bible-

modern life. Her style combines sound

focused on teaching the Bible to women

based organization for women based in


through an expository teaching style.

Houston, Texas. The ministry focuses on

relate to anecdotes and comedic wit.

Priscilla is married to Jerry Shirer, former

aiding women who desire to model their

Her resume includes six years as the

lives on evangelical Christian principles.

director of Focus on the Family’s national

Additionally, Moore writes books and

women’s ministry where she created the





When you study a book with Lisa Harper

every event, party and plan. We rise early







☼ Lisa Harper has been lauded as a






Shirers established Going Beyond Ministries, a speakers’ bureau of Bible teachers,


including Priscilla. Now the parents of








followed by six years as the women’s


at the Living Proof Live conferences

ministry director at a large church in

ministry and family responsibilities. While

and at Houston’s First Baptist Church.

Nashville. Now a sought-after Bible teacher

Priscilla continues to minister full-time, Jerry

She married Keith Moore in 1978. They

and speaker, Lisa was on the Women of

manages her schedule and other business

have two grown daughters, Amanda

Faith national arena tour for eight years




and speaks at many other large multi-

with son-in-law Curtis Jones, work with

denominational events as well as at

their mother at Living Proof Ministries.

hundreds of churches all over the world.




Photo credit :




popular Renewing the Heart conferences,






















EDITOR’S NOTE: This letter is a creative response - meant to be read in free verse poetry style - to a question posed by Beth Moore in the Children of the Day bible study where she asks you to write a letter to a friend describing to them what scripture means to you.



(to be read in free verse)


ecently, you may have been bewildered/baffled, or may have tried to dodge this Holy Spirit igniting fire-ball that I’ve had going inside of me; with an unsufficed appetite of a caterpillar for eating scrolls.

On the other hand you may have been delighted, or even ignited by its flame. But/ it’s likely I have stirred up some sparks of incredulity

or even concern for extinguish control. That could lead to another cross to bear, once again hanging my own self. These incredulities & extinguishers are small compared to what Jesus bears/forbears; And this little cross doesn’t fit my height. I will not get down on my knees to be/allow myself to be crucified - you’ll have to hang me from a 6ft tree. I’m too tall for that little cross. Jesus already died for me by taking my turn (& he’s coming back for victory!) I am a part of his army. I am freed from the enemy. I’m also equipped with his armor and the greatest of Spirits that shields, guides, and protects me. He paid the price for me; from my birth; once again a baby born into His kingdom. Like Christ, born in a manger with a mama cow for milk, sheep for wool, and family to care for me - here I grew from a baby; ready to walk, ready to grow, ready to wean from milk, and juice (in a bottle) produces fruit. Lo and behold, I discovered a glimpse of heaven; a glimpse of the Promised Land. Deuteronomy 7:8-16. [Wheat, barley, copper fruit, milk, honey, pomegranates]; Where faith love and hope reap blessing and it’s beautiful! To share it and bring people to this land is my heart’s desire. I don’t want to [nor can I] do it alone, or walk away. It goes beyond walking maturely. I want to grow up and be His servant & make bread. The good kind, that calls for milk, honey, & pristine wheat, all in abounding supply to make such bread. But I have to help, work, not volunteer, work, contribute, give back to the land; nurture, grow, supply - what I take from it, and even more. Then by this, I’m helping to heal, to care for the tree, then the garden around us. I look at you all; I see the beautiful growing wise mothers who produce sweet milk; are beautiful fruit bearing trees; that God intends us to be, pure at heart; full of faith, love, hope, and a Top Chef from Heaven who can cook the most amazing soul comforting food. Must we ask ourselves, how much sand is left? How long will you nurse your baby? Or have we exceeded milk-dependent nursing age? Or maybe we’re just not producing milk, or bearing fruit, giving back to the land. God’s land, that he provided for us, with clear beautiful empowering directions, with the right training, it’s like the best job, and pays beyond what our duties earn, and grasp like gleaning. A baby’s start 10% to glean, 90% for the upright, contribution to provide for the young and people of land, or could it be we glean on Earth 10%, and 90 % in Heaven? Yes, there are rumbling clouds forming with the pace of God’s time, preparing for the day of Jesus’ coming; to bring victory to the kingdom of absolute most amazing things by all measures, the one only God our Father and Lord Jesus, who loves us - LOVES LOVES LOVES US! Works produced by faith, labor prompted by love, and endurance inspired by hope is how we know we are effectively loving Him and those around us, and being a part of His kingdom. To get to the Promised Land, 1 Thess. Keep a quiet life; mind your business, and work with your own hands. There is where all our needs are sufficed and potential shines brightest; we find the greatest joy and even more. We have an honest, strong army to build for our Creator, Father, Lord, our family, and our family in Christ. It starts with 1) Self 2) Family 3) Nation. (I’m still working on my family that I can only hope pray and love to be of great service in His kingdom, the house he prepares for us.) He directs things for us. Open and close doors, through the Holy Spirit. He is in control, but I must step up and do my part, without behaving like a baby, waiting for my needs to be met. You can put a tool in hand, but that won’t make it useful. He has been with me from there to here, here to there, and there to where I am going. Where are you? Where do you want to be? Because, Sisters, who God loves, He has chosen us. He says. DEUT 7:8-12 “This is where I will love you, and bless you, and increase your numbers...” That means God keeps His promises He made to our ancestors. More or so less the Old Testament humans had to be tamed, were mere babies. New Testament, is our rebirth, a baby’s guide to learn to walk. It’s a reflection, of the human races’ maturing growth to become civilized adults. So dear friend, I ask you, what has your recent Scripture Study done for your love of the bible? ◙



Everything changes at a speed heretofore unimaginable and we are all struggling to keep up. Please do not hear me wrong- I am not categorically dismissing technology or the Internet as evil, wrong, or inherently sinful. I just think we would be wise to consider its effect on us regarding


the things that really matter in life like love, joy, peace and patience. The best things in life, after all, often take time to come to fruition. Things like relationships, great works of art, and character




crucial part of all of the above is, more often than not, waiting. Yet, fast food and instant entertainment have trained our hearts to never wait for anything.

By John Lewis

Everything is always at our fingertips, almost the moment before we think it. So we

“Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.”

struggle with our humanity. Our already

― Molière

impatient hearts have been supercharged


with the lightning-fast capabilities afforded magine for a moment, you are writing someone a letter. I am not referring to an email,

us by technology.

text, or a social media message or any other digital correspondence. Rather, a genuine,

Pause with me a moment and consider

hand-written, sent via the United States Postal Service, letter. Your hand smooth’s the

these two verses: “The Lord is good to those

blank page before you, pen in hand, and your heart is brimming with expression. You

who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks

cannot wait to fill the pages and see where it takes you.

Him,” (Lamentations 3:25) and “those who

You begin to write and rewrite, toss rejected versions in the waste basket, and struggle

wait on the LORD shall renew their strength;

with the words on the page until you get it just right. Then, when you feel it is perfect, you

they shall mount up with wings like eagles,

very carefully fold the pages, slip it into an envelope, address, stamp and seal it, and

they shall run and not be weary, they shall

send it off via your friendly neighborhood mail carrier. Your heart fills with anticipation the

walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31) Are you

moment you know your letter is in-route!

weary, dear mother? Could you use a generous dose of the Lord’s goodness?

Then you wait for a reply.

It’s your lucky day! Just follow these 3 easy steps to- Wait. No. I’m sorry. I suddenly

Weeks go by, perhaps even months, but you never lose hope. Life carries on around you,

somehow crossed over into a late night

but no matter how bad or good the days are, you always come back to this hope of a

infomercial. I wish I had 3 easy steps to give

letter written just for you, and you smile. Then one day, when you least expect it, among

you, I really do. But I am afraid there are

the other mail, you encounter an envelope with your name hand-written on the front!

no shortcuts to spiritual success, whatever

It is hard to describe the joy and anticipation that courses through your heart and fingers

Instead, we have this messy business of

salutation. Reading words handwritten just for you by your friend, family member, or lover

dying daily, His life in us, and letting His Spirit

brings such a warmth to your soul as your heart connects to theirs. And you read it and

rule our hearts. As we discussed last issue, it

re-read it, admiring even the handwriting, and store it somewhere for easy access and

is no longer we who live, but Christ who lives


in us. What, then, is the source of patience?

Now this may sound to you like a scene lifted out of the 1850’s, or maybe the 1920’s or

I think we forget, at times, that patience is a

some other era long ago. Though perhaps touching and charming, it feels a bit slow,

fruit of the Spirit. It never will be a fruit of the

inefficient, and archaic. Why wait weeks and months to read something you could get

flesh, no matter how hard we pray or try.

in mere seconds via text or email? Some of you, however, will remember and identify,

Seek patience and you will ultimately find

realizing you only have to go back as far as the 1980’s or early 90’s to remember an

heartache and frustration.

experience like this. Such has the impact of the Internet and technology had on our lives and culture over a very short time period. We used to talk about “life in the fast lane”, but now, with the advent and complete integration of the information superhighway, life is the fast lane.


that is.

as you clumsily tear open the envelope and unfold the letter, your eyes searching for the

Seek Him and His life in you and you will find patience and a whole lot more - all He is, living in you! The Lord be good to you, dear mother. May you bear the best fruit. ◘


Bears All Things





aturday is traditionally a time for family, a time for great food, and lots of fun. Kids play, dogs bark, and mom and dad scurry to cook, clean, catch up, cater to kids, and seek

even the slightest opportunity for rest. On Saturday, April 26, 2014, however, the Lunoff family was forever changed. Tracy lost a co-parent, Ron lost a friend, and Hannah lost a father. Richard may be gone, but this “modern family” is not easily broken. The bond, both heartbreaking and beautiful, is in the balloons. Richard Lunoff died last April after undergoing his sixth open-heart surgery, a procedure that took a grueling 14 hours. He was born with Truncus Arteriosus, a congenital heart defect, and the need for frequent open-heart surgery was the nature of his condition. After spending 53 days in intensive care following the surgery, Richard passed away. “The loss of a parent is one that I thought I would never have to explain to Hannah,” Tracy said. “How do you tell your child their father has gone to heaven… that she’ll never see him ever again?”

could possibly give.” It was at that moment Tracy knew they were right for each other. One year later, at the Commitment Day 5K, Ron proposed, and Tracy happily said ‘yes.’ The very first phone call Tracy made to share the exciting news was to Hannah and Richard. “I shared my story (with Ron) of my relationship and friendship with Richard, which is unconventional in most eyes as a divorced couple,” Tracy began. “But he was my co-parent and for the benefit of our daughter, we were friends.” Ron was very understanding. He could see how well

Tracy and Richard were married seven years before deciding they were better together as co-parents and friends. “Hannah was always our priority,” Tracy said. “We even duplicated her room in each other’s home so her environment looked exactly the same regardless of the address.” Even after the divorce, Tracy and Richard attended school events, birthday parties and holidays together to create normalcy for their daughter. “I was a single mom. It was hard. It took a lot of juggling,” Tracy began. “My priorities shifted to supporting Hannah and myself.” Tracy explained that being a single mom and attempting to re-enter the dating scene at 35 was quite an experience. Though it was difficult, Tracy never gave up. “I knew in this great big world, there was someone out there for me… someone that could be my supporter, lover, and friend… who could bring a smile to my face and warmth to my heart.” After two years of patiently waiting, Tracy found that “someone.” Ron and Tracy first met at the Commitment Day 5K in Austin on January 1, 2013. “During our first conversations, I told Ron that I was looking for someone that could sweep me off my feet, hold a conversation with me and be active with me. If you could make me laugh, it was a bonus.” When they met in person, he picked her up, spun her around,


and gave her “the biggest hug a person

balanced and happy Hannah was as a result. Creating that comforting atmosphere for Hannah was so important, especially in light of her father’s death. Tracy invited Richard’s family, her family, and her best friend to be present in telling Hannah. “Hannah, what are Daddy’s favorite colors?” “Red and blue,” she responded with a smile. Tracy explained that this year for her father’s birthday, they would send red and blue balloons to heaven. She explained that “Daddy’s heart was not strong enough for him to live on Earth with us, and he died and now lives with God in heaven.” Hannah didn’t cry. When Tracy asked Hannah if she had any questions, she had just one: “Can I go play?”

Tracy says this was the absolute hardest conversation she’s ever had. “Hannah certainly tested my faith, my confidence as a parent, and my ability to provide clarity during a very unclear time for her.” Later that day, Hannah had a few more questions. “She wanted to know how I knew her daddy was with her,” said Tracy. She told Hannah to close her eyes and think about something he would say. She did, to which she smiled and giggled. “See! That’s how you know Daddy is always with you – thinking about him made you smile and giggle.” Hannah wondered if it could happen again, and tried it once more, this time with a mirror up to her face. She instantly lit up with a smile and said, “There’s Daddy! He made my face smile.” In that moment, Tracy knew Hannah understood and that she was going to be okay. In preparing for the funeral, Tracy talked with Hannah about the types of things she would see (an open casket, her father’s body, people crying, people smiling, people laughing and telling stories about her father.) She explained to her daughter that she would see her daddy’s body, but that his spirit was with God. Tracy and Hannah established a “safe word” before the rosary. “She understood that she could say this word to me at any time and if she did, we’d leave immediately, no questions asked.” Tracy gave Hannah pictures of her and her daddy together for her to focus on. “We held hands, walked up to his casket, she talked to him about the pictures and then we sat down.” When asked how their relationship has changed after suffering this loss, Tracy explained that it has not. “Hannah and I have a foundation of honesty and trust. She knows I’m going to be honest with her, she trusts that I’m going to be there for her, and we laugh A LOT. When life gets hard, we laugh.” The close relationship between Hannah and Ron has also proven integral and invaluable. “Ron is amazing with Hannah,” Tracy said. “He makes her laugh and she has connected with him in a way that is comforting, natural, and that you really have to see them together to understand. He doesn’t have to love her, but chooses to love her as if she was his own.” Before his death, Richard thanked Ron for making Tracy and Hannah happy and said that he was a good man. “I’m beyond blessed and thankful to God for bringing Ron into our lives.” Tracy and Ron have finally set a date to be married. They will become a family March 21, 2015, and Hannah is very excited to be the flower girl. Her dress is made from the dress Tracy wore when she married Richard. “It’s my way of keeping him close to her on our wedding day.” They will continue to honor Richard on his birthday, as “heaven is only a balloon ride away.” ◘


Nativiti Staff


10 Unexpected Ways He Shows His Love






By answering when you ask:

Not-so-obviously-love Notes:

In doing some digging through past experiences a friend once

There’s something about a written letter that we’ve forgotten

asked me, “Did you ask God where He was during that?” I hadn’t,

about in the age of texting, emails and instant messaging. A

and so it was recommended to just ask. The Bible tells us to bring all

handwritten letter, even if just to tell you, “I’m thinking about you

of our cares and worries to Him, and when I asked I got this answer.

today and the pets are fed,” does something good for your heart.

“I was there with you, holding you close, my precious daughter.”

Dessert: Worship:

I know there’s a cliché that all women love chocolate, but all

That moment when your favorite song comes on the

women, I think, love fancy desserts. You know, the ones that

radio at just the right time, sending you into a moment

most grocery stores now carry in the bakery section? They look

of reflection, relaxation, praise, etc. Sometimes we just

like they could be served at a five star restaurant. When one of

need those reminders of how great and loving our God is!

those shows up at home without prompting, that’s true love.

A Rainbow:

When the diaper bag gets packed:

Every time it rains I praise him because after the rain comes a

It’s really nice to be getting ready to go somewhere and

refreshed Earth, so birds can chirp, the ground can be quenched

to find that the kids are ready to go and the diaper bag

and life can grow. On the days I get to see a rainbow I’m

is packed. It seems like those are the last things to get

thankful for His mercy and promise to never flood the Earth

done before running out the door, because you’re now

again, and praise Him for being a God who keeps His promises.

late, so to have it done for you is such a stress reliever!

Our Children:

When he stands up for you:

As I watch my kids grow they become more and more of a gift from

As the kids enter their teenage years, or even earlier sometimes,

God to me. There’s no escaping that being a parent is one of the

there’s this mystical thing that happens when they all of

most challenging and important roles a person can have. And on

a sudden know more than you. There are arguments and

the days when you want to cry, God gives you those little arms to

talking back that ensue, and there’s nothing sexier than

wrap around your neck and the little words of, “I love you,” to hear.

when a husband sticks up for his wife to his own kids. A simple,

It helps me understand a little more what He feels as our heavenly

“That’s my wife first, and your mother second, so you better

father when we disobey or cause angst, and yet He still loves us.

show some respect,” can send the butterflies fluttering!

A flat tire:

Something sacred:

Ok, hear me out. While a flat tire is undoubtedly annoying,

It’s so hard when nothing is your own anymore. Your clothes, shoes,

they’re a blunt reminder that not only is God in control, but that

cup, fork, lap, chair, phone…it all gets taken and claimed by the

sometimes as superwomen Moms, we still need to be taken

little ones. When your husband gives you time alone, or a chance

care of. Trying to change a flat tire while wrangling the kids is

to hide or have something all to yourself, it’s a beautiful thing,

impossible, so we must do something we all hate – ask for help.

and one that makes you feel refreshed and like an adult again.

The next time you get a flat, thank Him for it.


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inding Prince Charming is rarely as simple as true-love’s timely first kiss,

having the perfect shoe size, or avoiding a poison apple. Occasionally, though, it can be as easy as eavesdropping on a


conversation of plans to watch a Floyd Mayweather, Jr. fight. Just ask Elizabeth Kessler and Bobby Medrano who recently shared their heartfelt, inspiring, and real-life love story. Content with her life, Elizabeth Kessler went to work on Friday, September 13, 2013, with plans to hang out with a girlfriend and watch the Floyd Mayweather, Jr. fight afterwards. However, during a quick break away from the workplace, her friend informed her that she would be flying solo. From around the corner a voice chimed in stating he wanted to watch the fight. After a few minutes of introduction and banter, Elizabeth and Bobby exchanged numbers and decided to meet up after work - neither believing they would hear from the other. Both were pleasantly surprised. As promised, Elizabeth sent out a message with the plans and Bobby showed up to hang out. As it turns out, both had to work late and missed the fight, but still managed to spend the entire night sipping whiskey and listening to her record collection. They discovered they had much more in common than their appreciation of boxing. They talked about everything from religion, friends, family, to future dreams. They even discovered they actually worked at the same place and somehow had managed to avoid crossing paths for over three months. From that night on they were inseparable. Who knew Floyd Mayweather, Jr., packed Cupid’s arrows in those boxing gloves? Over the next few months, their relationship rapidly evolved into something more. Realizing that Elizabeth was becoming a permanent fixture in his life, Bobby felt it was time to introduce Elizabeth to his two children, Benny, 6 and Ellee, 2. Bobby explains his concerns at the time, “As a father, I did not want to introduce someone into their lives until I felt the time was appropriate. Elizabeth agreed and did not want to rush as well, which made me respect her more”. They had agreed to initially introduce her as a friend and go from there, allowing time for the kids to adjust and build a routine involving Elizabeth. Elizabeth reflects, “I had concerns as to whether or not Bobby had time in his life for everything - work, school, the kids and me. I did not want to take away from any of it.” She then adds this thoughtful insight, “There is no question, when children are involved, you can’t take a selfish role as an adult.” Elizabeth was fully prepared to make any of the sacrifices necessary to ensure they were happy and comfortable with her. To her delight, she fell in love with the kids just as quickly as she did Bobby and they did likewise. Then, on the evening of February 23, 2014, when on their way home from the grocery store while stopped at a red light, a drunk driver slammed into their vehicle. Bobby sustained a few minor bumps, bruising, scrapes and scratches. Elizabeth’s injuries, on the other hand, were much worse. She sustained spinal trauma, slipped discs, and a concussion with shortterm memory loss. Reminiscent of 50 First Dates, starring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore, Elizabeth began to experience more than just a slight concussion. She began to exhibit extreme mood swings, depression, difficulty recalling recent events or activities, and her personality

Photo location credit (also on Cover): Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Gardens. Thank you for allowing us to use your grounds!


was different than the woman Bobby had met. As they came to grips with the severity of her injury, Bobby and Elizabeth realized they had more than just her physical wounds to mend.

Trying to gather the words to effectively describe





reminded that we had already done that. It’s scary and frustrating trying to desperately grasp onto something – any of those things that make you… you.”

explains, “It’s a mixture of feelings –

Pausing a moment, she gathers her thoughts before proceeding, “If you took everything

confusion, emptiness – a feeling of not

that makes you who you are, like your emotions - happiness, interests, love, laughter,

knowing. Even your taste, not just what you

tastes, taste buds, hobbies… everything. It’s like all of those things were just dumped out.

do and do not like, but physically your taste

As if it was all being dumped out of a bucket. I would look in a mirror and see my face, but

buds change.” I could hear in her voice

I couldn’t identify with the person in the mirror. I was in there, but I wasn’t. I was a shell of

both wonder and fear for the physical

a body with no substance.”

changes and complexity of her

Elizabeth was unable to work due to her injuries and loss of memory, so Bobby stepped

situation. She continues, “For

up and took over. In addition to caring and doting on Elizabeth, Bobby went to school,

example, I would say,

worked two jobs, took care of his kids, paid the bills, did the laundry and became her hero.

‘Oh we should take

“You truly do find out who your true friends are when you are faced with something like

the kids to see that movie.’ just

this,” Elizabeth confirms. “Bobby was by my side the entire time. “ Bobby describes the affect the accident has had on their relationship, “After the accident,


Elizabeth had suffered physical and mental damages that changed her completely. She

b e

had everything from spinal injury to brain trauma and could not function as she normally would. She went through memory loss, extreme mood swings and bouts of depression, which was topped off with severe spinal pain due to the slipped discs. Although this was not through any fault of her own, it was a moment that I believe made us who we are today. My love for Elizabeth was my sole motivation to help her recover.... that and her cooking. All jokes aside, for me, a couple’s darkest moments can only generate a simple truth of that relationship, which for us was a proven devotion.” They agreed that the accident had initially affected her relationship with the kids, but not dramatically and mostly from her physical injuries. She says, “Though they seemed to sense that I wasn’t totally myself, it didn’t take us too long to get back into our routine.” Elizabeth is now relieved to have regained most of her memory. Now, one and half years later, Bobby and Elizabeth are engaged and excitedly awaiting the birth of their baby in March. Elizabeth admits they have a nightly bedtime ritual where they all pile into one bed, snuggle down and watch a movie. She looks forward to having one more to snuggle with in the pile. Bobby is just as excited. He is already plotting Halloween costumes…something to do with the Mystery Machine, Scooby Snacks and those pesky meddling kids. ◘

Love is a friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weakness. Ann Landers

EDITOR’S NOTE: Bobby & Elizabeth welcomed Sebastian to the world on March 2,2015.



Submit your family-friendly events and/or community events just for mom to



& Spa Present

Friday & Saturday MAY 15-16, 2015


Bathing Beauty Contest Vintage Car and Trailor Show Charcoal Championships Cookoff Bands and Bombshells Concerts Southern Star Brewing Company Beer Tastings Vendors

APRIL 4/4 Gill Aviation Open House David Wayne Hooks Airport, Spring, Tx See the B-17 Flying Fortress “Texas Raiders” along with her Warbird friends. Take a flight in the only authentic flying Lockheed C-60 in the world, Goodtime Gal. See website for times and fees.


10th Annual Free Easter Egg Hunt & Market 7 Acre Wood, Conroe, Tx Saturday, 10am - 2pm Easter egg hunt, petting zoo, mini-golf, Tombstone, our western town, zip-line, playground, and much more. FREE Admission - Purchase tickets for various activities. Includes vendor market.


The Stars Over Texas Concerts with Mickey Gilley Crighton Theatre, Conroe,Tx Saturday 7PM Sharity Productions in association with John Wiesner Automotives presents country music legend, Mickey Gilley in Concert.


4/10 - 4/19

58th Annual Montgomery County Fair and Rodeo The Montgomery County Fairgrounds, Conroe, TX Non-profit supporting the youth of Montgomery County. Shows, games, rodeo, carnival, barbeque cook-off, auction and much more. See the website for event schedule and performances. Admission FREE 4/13 - 4/16 For 4/10 - 4/12 and 4/17 - 4/19 Online: $10 Adults, $5 Children Gate: $12 Adults, $5 Children

4/24 - 4/26

13th Annual Texas Art Fair and Symposium on Early Texas Art University of Houston, Ho., Tx 4/24 5 - 8PM, 4/25 8AM 7:30PM, 4/26 9AM - 4PM Early Texas fine art exhibit, presented by the state’s leading art dealers, in conjunction with speakers on Early Texas Art. See website for fees and more.


Conroe Kidz Fest Heritage Place,



10AM - 5PM Activity Villages, inflatables, game booths, water activities, climbing wall, entertainement, food vendors. Concessions are available. FREE Admission.




5/15 - 5/16

Conroe KidzFest Movie in the Park Heritage Place, Conroe, Tx Saturday 8pm Enjoy the movie after the day in the park. Watch Maleficent (PG). Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and watch the free movie. Concessions are available. FREE Admission


The Pink 5k 2015 by Breast Cancer Charities Creekside Park, The Woodlands 1 Mile Walk and 5k Walk and Run. Awards for best dressed costume team and individual. Saturday Race begins at 8:30 Admission under two is FREE. See website for registration fees


Sounds of Texas Music Series Crighton Theatre Conroe, Tx Experience the amazing acoustics of the 79-year old theatre with Southern Troubadours in the Round: Song Swap with Joey Ely, Ruthie Foster, and Paul Thorn. Fee: $64.50

Vintage Car Festival First Presbyterian Church Tomball, Tx Saturday 10am - 4pm Old cars, entertainment, food, and auction. Bring the whole family to a day of fun. FREE Admission Registration deadline May 6th. Check website for fees.

Galveston Island Beach Revue Beach Central, Seawall Blvd. A Galveston Island tradition resurrected by Islander by Choice starts off the summer fun celebrating all things retro and vintage. It includes the Bathing Beauties Contest, Vintage Car and Trailer Show, Charcoal Championship Cookoff, Live Band Concerts, and vendors. For more information, visit the website.

For more community events in the Greater Houston area, visit events.


What should I wear?



closet PREPARE No matter how large or small your closet is, when it’s overflowing it creates headaches! The first step to organizing your closet is to prepare a staging area divided into three categories: Keep, Donate and Sell. You should go through your closet and decide if it’s something you’re going to keep, donate or throw away, or sell in a garage sale, if you’re up for that. Eliminate items that don’t belong in the closet and ask yourself the following questions as you sort: ♦♦ Have I worn/used this in the last

6 months?

♦♦ Does this still fit/work? ♦♦ Do I really need this?

LABEL Labeling is always a good idea! When organizing toys, or items that are grouped together, labeling bins, baskets and boxes keeps them organized and prevents them from getting lost. I’ve done this in my own house with medicines. With little ones in the house I wanted to get all medicines up high, out of reach. I noticed when someone in my house would get sick, finding the medication was frustrating, so we’d just go buy some. Before you know it you’re overstocked (which is expensive) and some stuff was expired because it was hard to find. I got small plastic storage bins, separated out the medications and labeled them with Children’s, Stomach, Cold/Allergy, Eye, First Aid, etc. This allowed us to get rid of expired stuff, see what we actually had and evaluate what we needed, all while keeping it organized on a top shelf in the linen closet.


organization tips CONSTRUCT Install shelves in an easily reachable space that won’t take up hanging clothes room if your closet is used for this. Think about shelves that can hang on the inside of a door, as this is often wasted space, or a built in piece in the middle or to one side that can hold folding items, baskets or shoes. A short shelving unit below a clothes bar can be great for shirts and short skirts to hang above without wrinkling them.

DIVIDE When trying to organize things that are small, you have in abundance, or are in a odd shaped space, divide it up. Using an ornament box is great for under





and baby clothes. Pick them out of

SHARING When sharing a closet with someone else it’s best to communicate on a few key items before organizing: ♦♦ Identify problem areas – One person probably has more clothes than the other. In this case find another piece of furniture to hold items that don’t need to go in the closet. Find a slanted shoe rack for that shoe lover so they’re not on the floor or taking up a lot of room. Move items that aren’t worn often, like formal dresses, winter coats or specialty items, to a spare closet in another room or hallway. When space is tight or shared try to keep most used and necessary items within reach only. ♦♦ Use racks – Consider belt and tie racks to keep clutter items organized and

out of the way.

There are many


to choose from, both wall

mounted and hanging, so choose which one fits your closet layout best. ♦♦ Get ready the night before – Pick out your outfits and lay out your clothes the night before. This keeps two people from tripping over one another in the morning when you’re both trying to get ready. Not everyone is a morning person, so if a little preparation can help deter a fight first thing in the morning then do it!


This fun and flirty collection combines a number of pieces for an airy spring time look that’s perfect for athletic body shapes. The full flirty skirt is not only beautiful in it’s bold ombre pattern, drawing the eye downward, but the volumanous design helps to physically balance your body type by adding more to your bottom half. A beautiful basic white tee is a staple for anyone’s closet. When wanting to draw attention to a certain piece, like the skirt here, it’s best to keep it simple everywhere else. The longer sleeves help make your shoulders look narrower. Finish off your outfit with simple accessories to make this fabulous skirt pop even more. Many think headbands are just for girls and they’re not! Do a fun headband and skip the jewlery. Slip on a pair of feminine flats and grab a wallet or clutch that adds a pop of color, and voila! ◘ Ombre Full Flirty Skirt - $1055 White Tee - $75.00 Betsey Johnson Emmi Flats - $72 Yellow Flower Headband - $15 Orla Kiely Wallet - $88




Kelli Allison AN ORGANIZED LIFE | EST. 2015

It’s summer time and your kids want to go to the beach. For them, it is simple. Swim suit, flip-flops, toys, done. But, for a mom, it is an endless checklist of snacks, drinks, towels, sunscreen, bug spray, chairs, umbrella, and don’t forget the first-aid kit! The list goes on and on. It can be tough to balance all of this planning while still going about your daily routines. If you have a neighborhood pool, or visit a swimming pool often, it can be even more difficult, as you tend to pack and unpack the same bag every time the kids want to go swimming. And, let’s face it, in the summertime that is pretty much every day the sun is shining! Let me show you how I keep my sanity in the summer with three kids and our trips to the neighborhood pool. With these easy-to-use, easy-to-maintain solutions from Thirty One, you can organize your trips to the pool or beach with minimal effort. By keeping my pool bag ready to go and stocked with all the essentials, I am able to stay patient and calm when the time comes. And I actually enjoy our fun in the sun!

I keep a fully stocked Zip Top Organizing Tote with towels, sunscreen, bug spray, goggles, pool toys, pool access keys, firstaid kit, etc. ready to go for pool time. It is so My first-aid kit is housed in the oh-so-versatile Zipper Pouch - full of band-aids, alcohol Use a Picnic Thermal Tote for carrying lunch, snacks, and drinks. It is a cooler - just

wipes, eye drops, and so much more. Zipper Pouch in Sailor Stripe - $15

easy to just grab it and go, knowing I have everything I need! Zip Top Organizing Tote in Taupe Playful Parade - $35

Personalization, tax, and shipping are extra.

way cuter! Picnic Thermal Tote in Black Playful Parade - $35

The Deluxe Utility Tote is great for carrying large items like towels and beach balls. You can also tuck your Picnic Thermal Tote right inside for easy carrying! Deluxe Utility Tote in Navy Lotsa Dots - $50


Use a Key Fob to attach a Lunch Break Thermal to one of your bags for quick access to snacks and drinks. Lunch Break Thermal with Key Fob - $25, $5

For more great organization tips and tricks, visit! Nativiti Staff







ust as in storybooks

TO BLESSINGS Kimberly and


Bobby Head were once high school

“I’m sorry,” she says, as her voice cracks, “this is where I lose it.” A heart wrenching

sweethearts who reconnected later and

moment of silence follows, broken only by the soft sound of tears. You can almost feel the

married. Enjoying each day of wedded

inaudible emotional battle she is fighting. Now her voice is slightly higher and straining,

bliss, they became pregnant and had their

as she continues, “the most frustrating thing to reconcile in all of this is the reaction we

first son, Isaiah, in 2007. His was a happy,

received from those in the medical field.” Becoming more detached, she deadpans,

healthy and seamlessly easy pregnancy.

“(They said) ‘that sucks, but you can try again.’ That’s it. That’s what we did. Three months

When Isaiah was almost two years old,

later I was pregnant again.”

Bobby and Kimberly decided it was time to expand their family. Kimberly became pregnant immediately.

As an instructor for a small college in downtown Dallas, Kimberly remembers being frustrated when seeing pregnant girls who did not want to be pregnant with little stability or support eating junk food, smoking, and making poor decisions. She says with a shamed

Elated and excited, they shared their news

reticence, “I did not understand how someone who doesn’t want to have a baby could

with family and friends. Kimberly scheduled

be pregnant while my husband and I, who were stable and whole-heartedly wanted to

her first appointment to see her midwife

have another child, couldn’t. I was just in a bad place. I was heartbroken.”

shortly thereafter. She was approximately


six to seven weeks along when the day

Kimberly soon changed schools and moved into a Director’s position. Now in a less

came. She discovered some bleeding that

stressful job and environment, she became pregnant again. This time Bobby and Kimberly

morning and the midwife later determined

decided to wait through the first trimester before sharing the happy news. Sadly, at her

she had miscarried.

twelve-week exam the doctor was unable to locate a heartbeat.

I JUST WANTED ANSWERS Reflecting on this second loss, Kimberly recalls, “No solutions were offered, no intervention or testing was done.” With the last couple of words, her voice cracks. Then nothing. When she breaks the silence, there is a sharper edge in her voice as she repeats, “well that sucks, but you can try again.” Kimberly explains that most doctors do not recommend testing for underlying issues until you have had three or more miscarriages. The result is frustration shared by women all over the country. Kimberly explains, “Why do we have to go through the pain and heartache of loss upon loss before they begin searching for an underlying reason? It doesn’t make sense. We knew we wanted to have a baby, we just did not know if we could continue to try only to face another loss.” With two years and two miscarriages behind them, Bobby and Kimberly were settling in from a move when she realized she was pregnant for the fourth time. Overcome with emotion, she found the closest OBGYN to their new home and went in, crying hysterically. The doctor ran a series of tests and blood work. This time her results carried the weight of words like tumor, cancer and chemotherapy. Concerned that Kimberly had a rare form of cancer known as Choriocarcinoma, her OBGYN and several specialists agreed on a plan. After several weeks of testing and D&C (Dilation and Curettage) procedures, it was determined that she had in fact miscarried and did not have a tumor. THEN THERE WAS HOPE Relieved and heartbroken, she was finally being treated. It only took a $1,000 blood panel to find answers and resolutions, but only after the price and frustration of waiting through three miscarriages. “I have a rare blood clotting disorder, triggered after the first pregnancy, that involves a daily dose of baby aspirin and folic acid. That’s it.” Hard to imagine all the suffering and loss that could have been prevented by something so simple. Finally, she was medically cleared in January 2012 to “try again” and was pregnant by March. “Bobby kept telling me to be calm and keep my faith. But I had it in my mind I had lost this baby just like the others.” On the contrary, in November of 2012, Kimberly and Bobby Head birthed a healthy baby girl, Natalie Grace. Kimberly reflects on her husband’s love and support throughout the years, “All through this journey, Bobby was extremely supportive. He is a rock - part of why I love him so much, because physically, emotionally, and spiritually he is a rock. Through everything he never faltered or waivered in his faith – he’s my rock.” “I want to share my story so others don’t have to suffer the same way. I would tell anyone don’t wait to suffer pain and loss, be proactive in your own health care. Don’t simply take your doctor’s word. Get a second or third opinion. Be forceful and persistent. Ask if they can run blood work.” Most of all, Kimberly desires deeply to encourage others on similar journeys to trust in God. She concludes, “If you want to have a baby, keep trying. Trust that your body is capable and that God has a plan. He will take care of it. He will give it to you, but it may not be as you expect.” ◘

Photography Credit: Scott Blackman Photography of Frisco, Texas. Pictured left to right: Bobby Head Family, Bobby & Kimberly Head, Natalie Head.





ow that spring is officially in full swing,

Here are the steps to get you started!

You’ve probably heard this term before;

we often find ourselves getting in the

spirit of the season and looking for ways



it’s become pretty mainstream these days.

to start fresh. The most common goal I

Think about what you’d like to see different

It basically means to eat as close to nature

find among my female clients is wanting

in your life and decide a reasonable

as possible. What I like to recommend is

to make better food choices. They want

amount of time it will take to achieve it.

to take this to the next level and make it

to be a good role model for their family,

Also, think of your goal in the present tense

fit for you. Make it a goal to eat as clean

know that they are doing the right thing for

and make sure it is positive. Examples are, “I

as possible given the circumstances. For

long-term health and feel good in a pair

am 20 pounds lighter five months from now”

example, let’s say you’re out to dinner

of jeans! I believe every woman deserves

or “I prepare healthy and delicious meals

with your girlfriends. Look at the healthier

this and I want to share with you what has

for my family most evenings.” By doing this,

options on the menu and even make

worked for me and hundreds of others.

you are preparing your mind to readily

special requests with your order such as

When you think back to all of your failed

receive these changes. I do this in all areas

hold the butter or have the entrée baked

attempts at dieting or starting an exercise

of my life and it works like a charm. You can

or grilled. Although eating out isn’t the

program, you may notice a pattern of

go as far as creating a vision board with

ideal scenario, you can make the most of

just sticking to it for a few days and then

pictures cut out from magazines of things

the situation and choose the best option

falling off the wagon. Why is this? Well

you would like to attract into your life. I also

for you. I also like to keep this tip in mind

what we naturally do is dive in with full

like to close my eyes and visualize what the

when eating at other people’s houses. I eat

gusto, even going as far as purchasing a

future looks like for me. One of my favorite

organic food and lots of veggies, but that

ton of expensive groceries or a hefty gym

quotes is “And all things you ask in prayer,

isn’t always the case for others. Instead

membership, just pumped about how

believing, you will receive.” ~Matthew

of being judgmental, try to embrace the

we’re going to look and feel. But after


moment and enjoy it. Of course don’t go overboard, but take the opportunity to

a short time, we don’t see any results. We don’t look any different and all that


apply what you’ve learned and eat the best you can.

sacrifice is just not adding up. This time, I

Aside from determining what you want to

want you to approach it one bite at a time.

change in your life, this is the single most

As you can see, these steps are really easy

important step. If you don’t plan ahead,

to do, especially once you get the hang

you will find yourself without healthy

of it. Just do the best you can, and if you

goodies in your purse, office desk or pantry.

make a mistake at one meal, or even for a

And before you know it, you are “forced”

whole week, just make a good choice at

to make a poor food choice since nothing

the next meal. You will instantly feel better

else is available. So try this instead - spend

about yourself and realize that you can

part of a specific day each week (I like

do this. Eating this way is not a diet, it’s a

Sundays after church) to plan, purchase

lifestyle. And when it comes to life, you can

and prep. Decide what you’ll cook

guarantee curve balls will be thrown your

for dinner throughout the week, make

way. When they are, remember this, and

a grocery list, go to the store and

take it one bite at a time!

come home to prep what you can in advance. I write the menu on

Nutrition and fitness expert Kimberly Olson,

our family calendar so everyone

PhD, CNC is the creator of FitKim, a nutrition

can help out. And follow my rule

and fitness blog that teaches people how

of thumb: don’t go to bed until everything is ready for the next day (as much as is feasible). It will work wonders for you!


easy it is to be healthy. ◙

from the HERB GARDEN

GARDENING IS GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH! Although it takes time and patience to grow an herb garden, reasons for doing so make it sound appealing. Gardening is good exercise and relaxing for all ages. It can save you money, as herbs can be expensive from the store. Most importantly, eating herbs is good for your health since they provide many anti-oxidents and essential nutrients to your diet with little to no calories. Another problem wth herbs bought from the store is that half the nutritional value of herbs is lost within thirty minutes of harvesting.1 It is best to grow your own and pick only what you need to use for that moment if you want the full nutrional value and most flavor for your favorite recipes. It is well worth the time and effort to be able to reap what you sow! 1



Lemon balm • Sweet Woodruff • Ginger Garlic Chives • Parsley • Mint • Angelica


•Plant your shady herbs in places that get

Lavender • Oregano • Basil • Thyme

four or fewer hours of sun per day.

Coriander • Rosemary • Sage • Dill

•Provide a moist, humus-rich soil.


•Shady herbs require less watering

•Plant your sun loving herbs where they Basil


will get full sun (6+ hours) per day. •Regularly water your herbs, but provide

•Keep your shady herb plants from becoming spindly by pinching and using them regularly.

a well-drained soil with a good amount of organic matter. •Avoid crowding seedlings and provide room for perennial herbs to spread out. •Keep your herb plants tidy and sending out new growth by pinching and using them regularly. Always use new leaves for cooking since older ones have a bitter Lavender

flavor and tough texture.


Chocolate Mint


herb infused bites

Photo: Becky Luigart-Stayner t-Stayner



INGREDIENTS 2 cups fresh basil leaves, packed 1/2 cup freshly grated Romano or 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil 1/3 cup pine nuts or walnuts 3 garlic cloves, minced Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste PREPARATION Place the basil leaves and pine nuts into the bowl of a food processor and pulse a several times. Add the garlic and Parmesan or Romano cheese and pulse several times more. Scrape down the sides of the food processor with a rubber spatula. While the food processor is running, slowly add the olive oil in a steady small Adding





while the processor is running, will help it emulsify and help keep the olive oil from separating. Occasionally stop to scrape down the sides of the food processor. Stir ground


some black

salt pepper





Toss with pasta for a quick sauce, dollop over baked potatoes, or spread onto crackers or toasted slices of bread. Adapted from: Simply Recipes



1 (2-pound) spaghetti squash

6 cups of your favorite fresh fruit

1 teaspoon olive oil

Parmesan-Reggiano cheese



with Chunky Tomato Sauce

(As shown)

2 garlic cloves, minced


1 teaspoon kosher salt


1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper


1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper


2 lg cans whole tomatoes, drained and

Other suggestions: watermelon, kiwi,


cantalope, grapes, apples, blackberries

3 oregano sprigs and 3 thyme sprigs

Juice of 1 lime

1/2 cup grated fresh Parmesan cheese

3 Tablespoons honey

2 teaspoons chopped fresh oregano

1 teaspoon poppy seeds

1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme

1/4 Cup chopped fresh mint

1 (15-ounce) carton ricotta cheese PREPARATION


Preheat oven to 400째 Pierce squash and place on a baking sheet; bake for 1 hour or until tender. Cool. Cut squash in half

Wash all fruit well. Cut fruit into bite size pieces and put in a bowl. Mix honey, lime juice and poppy seeds

lengthwise; discard seeds. Scrape inside

together. Toss fruit with dressing and

of squash with a fork to remove spaghet-

chopped mint.

ti-like strands.

Serve immediately.

Heat olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add garlic; cook 2 minutes, stirring frequently. Add 1/2t salt, 1/4t black pepper, crushed red pepper, tomatoes, oregano, and thyme sprigs; bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer for 20 minutes or until thickened, stirring occasionally. Discard




Chocolate Mint


Combine remaining 1/2t salt, remaining 1/4t







and 1/2C

squash into each of 8 (8oz) ramekins.

Sweet Basil

Spoon tomato sauce evenly over squash; divide ricotta mixture evenly among ramekins, spreading to cover. Bake at 400째 for 50 minutes or until lightly browned. Adapted from:


Oregano and Thyme


“Robyn! Just wait, patience girl!” I often heard that as a child. Patience seemed like defeat to my young heart. It meant I was missing out on something I desired at that very

discomfort to hold. No wonder it takes a lifetime to mature.

moment. And well, that was just so unfair. Patience was a challenge. As you may know, patience is often Every day we are faced with a myriad of choices to offer and mature our patience. We

defined as “waiting without complaining”.

face irritation, boredom, or we may suffer physically or emotionally. In these examples we


experience different levels of discomfort. It can be a real challenge to “endure without

involve complaint.





complaint”. People are naturally egocentric and our stressful lives make us believe that

over things that are merely annoying or

everything has to happen right now. It is all too easy to complain. Who doesn’t like

against our personal selfish wishes is petty. I


mean complaints to a sovereign God who

Grumbling to others

is therefore in control of our every physical I suppose you could wake up one morning and determine to be patient. Pull up your

and psychological concern. The Psalms are

boot straps the ol’ American way. Yet, I don’t think it works like that. Even with a life time

full of complaints and laments to God. He is

of opportunities, it seems that patience requires a heart change not merely a behavioral

the person to go to with our discomfort and


our concerns. This is an act of faith during our pain.

So, I have a theory. Upon reflection, often I am the most impatient when I am feeling shame about my identity, my worth, my dignity. This comes from a deeply wounded place

Shocked at my outburst, I took another

in me. Lies I believe about myself that have been verbally or nonverbally communicated

deep breath. In kindness to myself and the

through the actions or responses of others: I’m worthless, stupid, too much, unwanted…

other driver, I said aloud, “Robyn, stop! What

etc. When I feel this way, I am intolerant of circumstances, easily irritated at people, myself

is going on inside your heart?” For starters,

and even God. I want to be in control and avoid these feelings of shame. I lash out with

I don’t like being broken. I don’t like being

a contemptuous impatience to cover that huge feeling of shame - mostly to others - and

weak. I don’t like the drama of feeling I’m

if that doesn’t work, to myself.

too much, messy. I hate feeling unworthy of protection. I was using contempt to cover

Recently I was at the doctor’s office. You will find me there 3 times a week for adjustments,

the shame. And yes, I took my complaints

physical therapy and exercise for injuries sustained from childhood trauma. My body

to the only one I knew could do anything

has been compensating for years and finally just said, “Enough!” I have been at this for

about my physical discomfort, emotional

two months and I am experiencing some relief and improvement. One of the doctors

concerns and my heart.

happened to stroll by, or maybe he was looking for me, and asked how I was doing. That

knows, who sees, who I trust truly cares for

day I was discouraged and told him so. “Robyn, you have to remember that you have a


To God, who

lot going on in your body and this is going to be a long process.” They say patience is a virtue – one I heard, “You are too much.” Now I know the doctor didn’t really say that, but it is what I

important for a follower of Jesus Christ. And

heard deep inside. I felt the burning in my chest. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself

patience is a tremendous challenge. One

and went on with the appointment not giving his words a second thought. Well, when I

that is tested every day and a complex

got in my car to go home and pulled up behind a driver going 5mph in a 35mph zone… I

virtue we cannot even begin to create in

lost it. I let my contemptuous impatience fly at that driver. Thankfully by God’s grace my

our own hearts without the work of God in

windows were closed and the driver too intent on the road to hear my words or see my

our lives.

hands flailing angrily. Patience is active and contains much I believe patience is a multifaceted heart issue. It involves such things as sorrow, gratitude, kindness, confession, forgiveness, love, mercy, rest, and altruism. And there is indeed a



I am so grateful for persistent

opportunities to mature. ◙


with Dr. Raymer Make 2015 your year with healthy, immune boosting smoothies and group exercise that will not only make you stronger, but will also provide accountability for making it habit. DR. DERRICK’S FAVORITE POWER GREEN SMOOTHIE Ingredients: 8-10 o.z coconut milk 2 tablespoons coconut oil, 2 bananas 2- cups of spinach 2- cups of kale 1 Avocado 1-2 scoops of Vanilla protein

Add several ice cubes for texture. Blend all ingredients in a blender until it is well mixed and smooth.

Start your morning off with this power smoothie & then head over to Athletic Republic for our Mighty Moms Classes or if you are a working mom, join us for the Working Warriors evening class. There is an option for everyone, so come on out and see us!

Dr. Derrick Raymer, D.C.


Wednesday evenings 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

The purpose of the recovery class is to allow the active individual to learn different techniques to help reduce the everyday aches and pains of training and sport. Getting enough rest and recovering after strenuous exercise is essential to high-level performance. Through the class, a client will learn how to perform an active warm up, how to foam roll properly, mobility exercises, and different dynamic stretches that can help reduce tightness and pain. The class is designed to help athletes of all sports and all ages. It can help the body adapt to the stress of exercise, allows the body to replenish energy stores and repair damaged tissues. Our goal is to teach preventative measures to help athletes every day in the recovery process. To register, or if you have any questions, call Athletic Republic - The Woodlands at 832-791-5954 or email Susan Romero at

MIGHTY MOMS/ WORKING WARRIORS Mon./Thurs. 8:30 am -9:30 am or Tues. /Thurs. 9:30 am - 10:30 am

Wednesday evenings 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

These classes are geared for the individual to compliment any Pilates or Yoga training you’re already doing. The 60 minute class is scheduled multiple times throughout the week, The class includes a variety of exercises geared to improving strength, flexibility, coordination and core. Certified trainers work with you in a small group setting, in a relaxed environment away from the hustle and bustle of packed classes. Classes are limited to 10 participants. To register or if you have any questions, call Athletic Republic - The Woodlands at 832-791-5954 or email Susan Romero at


8101 Kuykendahl Rd. Suite 100 The Woodlands, TX Located just behind the Alden Bridge Shopping center.

Athletic Republic is the culmination of 24 years of research and relentlessness. It’s an evidence-based sports training system that has delivered improvements in speed, power, agility and stamina to nearly 1 million athletes of all ages. Athletic Republic is a brand built out of a firm belief that there is a better way to train athletes, a better way to rehabilitate and a better way to maintain peak athletic performance. We are not a gym. We are performance sports training.

For more info, contact Susan Romero at 936-443-7747 or by email to

™ M



V O L E.




E. H H T EA R B E.







ine soul. n i m e f e h t pe for

For More Information Contact Robyn at 36

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