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In 2014, about 12, 360 new cases of cervical cancer were diagnosed and over 4,000 women died from cervical cancer. You can do your part by getting regular well woman exams and Pap smears to avoid invasive cervical cancer. Symptoms include: irregular vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, watery vaginal discharge, vaginal discharge tinged with blood, pelvic or back pain, pain during sex, problems urinating, problems defecating and swelling of the legs.

◙ One of the highest risk factors for cervical cancer is having the human papilloma virus (HPV).

◙ Cervical pre-cancers are diagnosed far more often than invasive cervical cancer.

◙ Most cases are found in women younger than 50.

◙ A pap smear can find changes in the cervix before cancer develops and can find cervical cancer very early in its most curable stage.

◙ Obesity and lower intake of fruits and vegetables have been linked to higher incidences of cervical cancer.

◙ Women who were younger than 17 when they had their first fullterm pregnancy are almost 2 times as likely to develop cervical cancer.

◙ Women who’ve had more than 3 full-term pregnancies have an increased risk of developing cervical cancer.

◙ There is evidence linking long term use of oral contraceptives to cervical cancer.

The cervical cancer death rate has gone down more than 50% in the last 50 years thanks to early detection from regular well woman exams and Pap smears.



Source: The American Cancer Society

™ ®


FROM THE PUBLISHERS A TIME FOR NEW BEGINNINGS Happy New Year! We can hardly believe it’s 2015 already. After all, we’re supposed to be getting self-tying shoes and a flying DeLorean this year. Won’t that make life grand? We realize that much doesn’t change from day to day as the clock turns over another year, hour and minute, but we want to be the source of faith and encouragement in your life that helps you get through those days that feel like years. This year we’ll be bringing you stories of heartache and triumph. We’ll share how we’ve failed as women and Moms and what we learned from it. We’ll stand with you in your corner and cheer you on in your dreams. We are Momology, and together we can do this!

TRACI HUHN Publisher

AMANDA HENSLEY Associate Publisher






EDITOR IN CHIEF As you sink into a nice warm bath or favorite chair with this issue, prepare to be motivated to try something new, take that risk and start your own business, find something fun to do with the kids and husband, and read about families that are overcoming odds and doing the unthinkable. As we move forward through each issue this year we pray you’ll bring a friend, sister, co-worker or stranger along with you in this crazy life we call motherhood. Are you ready? Good! Let’s go!


ASK THE EDITOR Hello, dear moms! Welcome to 2015. I am excited to see the journey the Lord will take us on this year. Who knows what lies just around the corner? As I consider the qualities, characteristics, and unique traits that distinguish a ‘mother’ from anyone else, I am reminded of the quiet strength of a mother’s love. It compels amazing feats of strength and endurance, ever-anticipates the needs and wants of loved ones, and is always there - a steady refuge of safety and comfort. You are, in so many different ways, the backbone of the family. In this issue we will celebrate and










explore this aspect of motherhood. Happy reading, and Happy 2015!

John Momology Magazine is a bimonthly publication of Allymac Concepts. Allymac Concepts is not responsible for any omissions or misrepresentations submitted to the magazine. Advertisers represented in this publication and their agencies assume all liability for the content of advertisements and photos. Opinions, advertisements, and articles expressed do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher or Allymac Concepts’ employees. Be advised many writers featured in this publication are not necessarily professionals but moms writing from personal experience and should be read as such. Reproduction or transmittal of any part of this publication is prohibited without express permission in writing from the publisher.



2.1 STRENGTH: in this issue









THE MODEST MOMMY: THE PERFECTLY DRESSED PEAR..............................................28

HOBBIES & HEROES.......................................23 EVENT CALENDAR........................................22






GLORY IN WEAKNESS...................................10 MADILYN & GOLIATH...................................25

THE EMPOWERED CHILD BIRTH.................18 POWER WITHIN US........................................26



LOVING THEM THROUGH THE MOMENTS.....7 AREN’T WE ALL A LITTLE BIT OF A FIXER UPPER?................................................15

NEW YEARS UN-RESOLUTIONS.....................12

REFLECTIVE LIFE MINISTRIES.......................11


INHALE MINISTRIES......................................14


RICHARDSON GROUP REALTY.................15

WORK BECOMING AN UBERMOMTREPRENEUR........................................17

PROTECT STRONG WOMEN.........................................14

MOMOLOGY.............INSIDE FRONT COVER ALLYMAC CONCEPTS PUBLISHING.............6 MOCKINGBIRD BABY .................................8 C.A.R.S. ....................................................... 13

ATHLETIC REPUBLIC THE WOODLANDS ....... .....................................INSIDE BACK COVER WOODFOREST NATIONAL BANK.................... ...................................................BACK COVER


The Greater Houston, Texas area has over 6 million people with 50% being represented by the female population. Our readership will be extended beyond this area by means of digital publication as well as an accompanying website and social platforms. Using the phrase “Perfectly Mixed, Perfectly Matched” we seek to encourage moms to embrace their mommy place in life and realize that as long as they are doing the very best they can, they are the perfect mommy for the children that call them MOM. Studies have indicated that the buying power of women in the United States is continuing to increase, with women accounting for over 85% of all consumer purchases and 75% of women identifying themselves as the primary shoppers for their household (, 2014.) For a media kit, visit or contact Shannon Hardesty at (225) 316-8837 or


Do you know someone who has an interesting or inspiring mom story? Sure you do! Just like all kids are different, all moms are unique in their experiences, perspectives and talents. We want to learn and grow from these different walks in the daily life of a mom and invite you to send your story starters to



Wishing Upon a Star?

By: Amanda Hensley Traci and I have recently come across a blog called “Hands Free Mama” in which Rachel writes about “Letting Go...To Grasp What Really Matters.” One current blog post talks about the 3-second pause and the power it can hold in how your children view you, as well as how you view your children. In the beginning, it talks about regret. Regret that hurts, burns, aches, and, without fail, hurts you and your loved ones in the process. Oh, how we’ve both made so many mistakes in our short years as mothers. Ones that we wish we could take back, but simply can’t. Regret. I, personally, think back to the days when I longed to be a mother. You see, my husband and I struggled for three-and-a-half years with infertility. We were left without answers, wondering why we were having miscarriage after miscarriage, longing to be parents. I still remember the day we found out we were pregnant with our oldest daughter. The joy I felt, coupled by unimaginable fear, struck me deep within my soul. We were going to be parents. Did we have what it takes? Years have gone by since that moment and another child has joined our family. The nights have grown longer, as well as the days. The stress, responsibilities and committments have piled on with no immediate end in sight. Days go by without time to shower and meals often get delayed by hours or completely missed. When you give a woman kids, take away her makeup and a few meals here and there, deny her sleep and coffee, then you’ll end up with someone who’s probably short on patience. That’s where I’ve found myself. All of a sudden, the little lives that I was entrusted to raise were becoming frustrating with every single “I want” and cry and whine and tantrum. The incessant need for something. When did the change happen? When did I stop seeing the joy in the little moments? I was reminded by Rachel’s blog how short our time really is and how important it is to make each moment count. We’ve all heard from our parents and grandparents that the days are long, but the years are short. In the moment it may not seem like it, but we too, God willing, will be repeating the mantra of our generations one day. I felt inspired to choose joy over frustration, because only I can control how I respond to each day, just as my children and family can choose how they respond. Today, I choose to turn over a new leaf and be a new Mom, and wife for that matter. I will allow myself to be human and real with my family instead of pretending to be superwoman who has it all together, because I’m just not. I will listen to my children’s hearts and not just their words. I will choose to love them through their moments. Most importantly, I will fail at all of this. I will probably fail


DON’T RISK LEAVING YOUR KIDS ALONE WITH MORE QUESTIONS THAN ANSWERS. Do you have a will or guardianship papers in place to protect your children? Who would be entrusted with your kids? Would they be beneficiaries of your assets?


Erin Lucke



The Reusable

SQUEEZE POUCH! Where were the squeeze pouches when we were growing up? They are not only amazing, but super convenient, fairly mess free, and quite entertaining for the little ones. The only downside seems to be that whatever comes in them tends to be on the pricier side. Our answer: the oh-so-cute and frugal reusable squeeze pouch! That’s right. Take a super sturdy reusable plastic food storage bag, put a nozzle on the side, and slap a super cute pattern or color on it, and your kids are set with their very own squeeze pouches. Now, what to put in them? Available at - 2 pack for just $7.99!



My daughter loves the organic yogurt that comes in a squeeze

Much like the yogurt pains, these will also cost you a pretty

pouch, but at over $3.50 for only 4, my wallet cries a little every

penny for just a 4-pack box. I have a friend who makes and jars

time I buy them. Instead of that, buy your favorite yogurt in the

her own organic, no sugar applesauce. I love spooning a bit of

economical large tubs and fill them with a spoon for yummy

this into an owl pouch and watching the kiddos go to town! Hit

yogurt on the go!

up your local farmer’s market to see what tasty homemade selections are at your fingertips, or just opt for the more economical larger jars at your grocery store. Image Sources: &


Image Sources: &

Breakfast Squeeze

One recipe I found at was for a greensicle - a

If you have a little one that needs a hearty breakfast, try com-

tasty way to get some good greens in our little goblins (or big

bining pureed butternut squash with oatmeal and sweeten with

goblins alike). Blend 1 peeled banana, ½ cup frozen pineapple,

maple syrup. Not only will this last them until lunch time, but the

1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk, ½ cup washed kale and

healthy fibers and sugars in this will help keep their glycemic levels

½ cup washed spinach. Fill your squeeze pouch and give it a go!

in check. There’s nothing worse than a hangry baby! Am I right?

Freeze the remainder in other squeeze pouches for a cold treat. Image Sources: &


Image Sources: &


visions. He explains, “And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure.” Much speculation has been made concerning the nature of this thorn in Paul’s side. Suggestions include a physical infirmity, a specific sin, or persecution or some other hardship or affliction. At the end of



nd the New Year has arrived. You have brought last year to a resounding end with


the day, we do not know what the thorn was because Paul and the Bible do not specifically tell us. We do know, however, it was intended to keep Paul from being “exalted above measure,” and we know how Paul responded to it. He asked God to take it away. Three times.

reflection, renewal, and festivity. You have reconnected with friends and family,

Think about the trials, inconveniences, frus-

hopefully refreshed your mind and body, and relit the flame of His life in your heart. As you

trations, anger and heartache that have

made and/or renewed resolutions for the New Year, the door on this last year closed with

come with your own personal Motherhood

finality, sealed forever to the annuls of history. And here you are.

journey. Maybe it is babies who wake up all

You cannot go back and relive or change anything about 2014. It is what it is, or was,

through the night, the kids who never listen

as it were. You can, however, determine how you will approach this next year. New pos-

to you, the sibling disputes that carry on far

sibilities, new goals, new hopes, and new challenges await you. The script of your life lies

into adulthood, the wayward child, the fi-

before you; a chapter of blank pages neatly stacked in a pile, awaiting pen and ink.

nancial challenges. The failures and uncer-

Before we get too far in, too fast like every other year, I would like you to pause with me a

tainty. The constant work you put in every

moment and consider what manner of narrative you would like to be written for this year.

day, every year that, at times, seems to re-

I know I do not need to tell you, having already accepted the rich and beautiful mantle

ceive little or no recognition or thanks. Ever

of motherhood, how it truly never ends, never rests, and never allows for a vacation. No

feel like you had a thorn in your side? Have

matter how old your children become, you are their mother and they need you. Having

you ever asked God to take it away? God

a two-and-a-half year old and a 1-year-old myself, I have already experienced many,

responded to Paul with two statements. He

many moments when my daughters have been distraught, but daddy just would not do.

said, 1) “My grace is sufficient for you,” and

There were countless nights with our first when she would wake up crying in the night and

2) “…My strength is made perfect in weak-

the moment I opened her bedroom door and she saw me, she would start screaming

ness.” The two statements are linked with

hysterically. The instant she saw Mom, however, her crying ceased and her body relaxed.

the word, “for”, indicating that statement

Granted, children grow up and eventually need their dad more and more over the course

2 further explains statement 1. His grace is

of their lifetime, but there is just something extra comforting, nurturing, and special about

sufficient for us - how? Because His strength

Mom. It is beautiful, almost mystical. It is also how you have the new mother who wants

is made perfect in our weakness.

desperately, more than anything else in the world, just one night of uninterrupted, deep

But what does that mean and how does it

and refreshing sleep. Sometimes you just need a break from it all. Yet, time and again, no

apply to being a mom? The first statement

break comes. What will this year bring for you, dear Mother? Where will you find the ener-

indicates that in every stress, every hard-

gy required simply to carry on day in and day out?

ship, and every possible situation you will

Being a husband and a new dad, I feel wholly unqualified to write on this topic from

face this year, His grace is sufficient. He has

experience, so I will not attempt to. Nor will I simply urge you to “hang in there” or remind

already given you the resources for every-

you that “God is in control” or quote some other overused phrase or bible verse. I would

thing you will ever face, if indeed you have

like to turn to a passage of Scripture, however, and explore together the strength God

believed, and His grace is the answer every

intends for us to live in as sons and daughters in Christ; whatever season of motherhood

time. There is nothing the world or anyone

you find yourself in today.

else can throw at you this year that would

The text we will examine is 2 Corinthians 12:1-10. Paul has been engaged in some tongue-

render His grace insufficient. What a com-

in-cheek boasting for several verses going back to Chapter 11. He is responding to some

forting thought! But, if you are like me, it

other men who have been commending themselves while at the same time attempting

leaves you asking, “How is His grace suffi-

to discredit Paul’s authority. In this particular passage he writes about some unimaginable

cient?” Or, to put it another way, “How do

visions God has given him - one in particular, a vision of Heaven too wonderful to even

I experience His grace being sufficient day

describe. Instead, Paul describes a counterbalance he was given to these unbelievable

to day?”

The key to unlock this truth in your life and in my life is in statement 2. Most of the time in life, we are striving to be strong, right, do well, succeed, excel, or, at least, have it all together. We commend people for a “job well done,” and tell people to “work harder” when they are not quite cutting it. We admire those who have “pulled themselves up by their bootstraps” to achieve great things. We reward the strong and pity the weak. And yet, His strength is made perfect in weakness. Could it be that, in all our efforts to exalt strength and do away with weakness, we have only succeeded in settling for our far inferior human strength in place of His divine strength? If His strength is made perfect in weakness, it certainly would appear


so. It would also appear we have forgotten that we have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer us who live, but Christ lives in us. (Galatians 2:20) We have His power already in us waiting to be released. Our problem is that the power of Christ diminishes in us as our pride and assertion of strength increases. They have an inverse relationship. “Are you telling me, John, that I should strive for weakness and attempt to fail at motherhood?” Dear Mother, my hope is not to tell you anything, rather to struggle through Scripture with you. I do not write as a teacher, but as a fellow struggler and parent. Besides, I do not think either of those is necessary. We all have weaknesses as it is and are guaranteed to fail some of the time no matter the endeavor. We do not have to attain weaker weaknesses or worse failures. Do not forget the end goal of God’s response to Paul. It is not weakness or failure. It is God’s power perfected. What I do think it means is we have to come to the end of our flesh, the end of our efforts to “make it happen.” To stop striving to do better, be better, love better, simply because our best still misses the mark. It does not matter how well we mother or father

Hot off the Press! My Prayer Chair is now in Spanish!

our children, if we do it in our own strength. At the end of the day, our own strength always comes up short. Always. Thank God we are covered by His grace. Thank God our weakness opens the door to His perfected strength! This, then, is the place I think we need to live in. To humble ourselves to realize the task before us will require more than even our strongest strengths can accomplish. And to relinquish control to Christ who lives in us. It is in this humbled, surrendered state of weakness that His power is perfected in us and we can truly glorify God in our day to day lives as parents, as children, as employees, co-workers, and as friends. As moms. Imagine the power of Christ released in your life, flowing through every aspect, and powering your momhood divinely.

Carla McDougal

Award WinningAuthor

What narrative will be written for your life this year, dear Mother? I imagine there is none of us who could rightfully say. Perhaps the better question is not so much what the narrative will be, but Who will write it. Ready to relinquish your pen? ◙

My Prayer Chair encourages the reader to engage in an ongoing conversation with God -

7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

Expect splashes of humor and heartfelt stories mixed with encouragement, scripture and prayer challenges. Order your copy today!



By: Amanda Hensley Can you believe it? The year 2014 has already come and gone, and here we sit in 2015. New years are times to make new goals, try new things and set some New Year’s Resolutions. Wanting to get healthier or lose weight are some of the most common resolutions, but we’ve put together 10 ideas for you that have nothing to do with that sort. Let’s make 2015 great!

1. Read through the Bible in 1 year:

There’s a ton of resources available for reading through the Bible, entirely, in one year’s time. You can select one that has devotions, maps and charts that go along with it; maybe even follow a plan that will take you through all books in chronological order. Each one has you reading just a handful of chapters a day, from Genesis through Revelation, all in just 365 days. No matter which method you choose you’re sure to be changed by this time next year. See for plans according to your preference: old/new testament, chronological, historical, etc. There’s something for everyone!

2. Plan girls night at least once a month:

Let’s face it ladies, there are many, many….many days when we are on the edge, or maybe slightly over, of bursting into tears at the end of each day. It is important to not lose your sense of self when you become a mother. It seems that as the days, weeks and years go on, we lose touch with our friends from high school, college or early career life. Pick a recurring day and plan a get-together over dinner, coffee, drinks, or whatever your fancy at least once a month. It’ll do your soul some good! My first one is going to be dinner and drinks at Américas. Nom nom nom.

3. Try something new:

Choose how often you want and book some time where you try something new. Maybe you and your husband go skydiving once and for all, or take a pottery class, or learn to ballroom dance. There are many things in life that you can never get back, and time and experiences are some of them. Seize this year to explore your bucket list and start marking some of them off. I’ve always wanted to try archery, so I’ve booked lessons with houstonarcherylessons. com.


4. Just do it:

You know what I’m talking about. It’s those things, which will vary widely between us all, that we keep saying we’re going to do one day. Well guess what, that day is here, so just do it! Have you been saying for years that you’d love to go to Fiji? Or maybe start your own business? Do you feel led to lead women in a new ministry? What are you waiting for?! Just do it and see what this year holds for you.

5. Give back a little more:

There are so many organizations here in the Greater Houston area that are in need of some volunteer time. Maybe get together with your small group at church or neighbors and pick one each month to serve. Your local food bank, women’s center, crisis pregnancy center or community housing districts could all use your hands, feet and willingness to give back. You don’t have to travel halfway around the world to be a shining light. You’ll be blessed by blessing others. I found a nifty website called where it will show you organizations based on your location and interest.

6. Smile more at one another:

That’s it! It’s such a simple task, but something we often forget to do. We get into this pattern of, “Hi, how are you?” “I’m great, how are you?” types of conversations that hardly even scratch the surface. Just smile more to the people you meet and look them in the eye when you do it. It’s sure to brighten your day and theirs.

7. Learn your children’s love language:

Many of you have heard of The Five Love Languages that couples use on one another, but we forget that everyone around us, those that we aren’t romantically involved with, have love languages as well. When we learn to speak our children’s love language, as described in 5 Love Languages for Children, we can often break down those pesky teenage walls, or years of brick and mortar that have been built up in estranged relationships. See 5lovelanguages. com to find out where to get your copy.

8. Give yourself grace:

This one, I think, is the hardest one of them all. As mothers and grandmothers we put so much pressure on ourselves to be superwoman! Why? We can’t physically do it all, but yet we expect ourselves to, and will exhaust ourselves trying. Give yourself some grace, please. Stop, rest and take a breath. It doesn’t all have to get done today, nor does it all have to be done perfectly. You’re doing the best job that you know how, and that’s wonderful. A humorous and insightful take on this is author Jenn Doucette’s book Mama Said There’d Be Days Like This. Settle in with your favorite cup of coffee, but be warned: you may find yourself spewing it out in laughter.

9. Go stargazing:

It’s funny how we can forget the things that fascinated us as children, huh? When we learned about the sun, moon, stars and planets, I’m sure we all wanted to be astronauts. We would search out the window of our parent’s car as we drove places in search of what we just learned about in school. When did we stop looking up? I encourage you to get away from the city every now and again and just gaze at the stars. Hey, that would be a pretty romantic date night too!

10. Get healthy to be healthy, not skinny:

I know, I said I wasn’t going to do the cliché exercise resolution, but I’m not just talking about exercise. We, as a culture, have become very secluded. I remember as a child playing outside until all hours of the evening, hardly coming inside from the time school got out until bath time. Set up some boundaries in your day to push pause, head outside for a walk or to play with the kids. Do a healthy body cleanse. Change the eating habits you’ve said you would change for years now, but don’t just go on a crazy diet. Make choices that are sustainable and fit your lifestyle. Don’t just join a gym, get a group of friends to take classes and hold one another accountable. Learn about your body and chemistry and what works best for you, not the latest fad diet, book or plan. Most importantly, do any of the above because you want to be healthy, not skinny, because we believe you’re beautiful now. If you’re looking for a pure, gluten-free, vegan cleanse, check out the multitude of Arbonne products. A great workout option is Dr. Derrick Raymer’s Mighty Mom’s classes at Athletic Republic-The Woodlands. With only 4-6 women max in each class, you’re sure to get a concentrated workout that focuses on strength building and health rather than attendance goals at other gyms. The small groups help keep one another accountable too, because if you don’t show up they’ll all notice. ◙



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f I listen carefully, I can still hear my grandmother’s voice, “Robyn

Our own agendas carried out in our own strength with our own

Lyn, be a strong little soldier!” Her authority filled my ears and

signatures scrawled upon their pages. We must have life and we

went straight to my seven year old heart. Suddenly, everything in

cannot make it happen.

my little world made so much sense. She knew me. She saw me. I

Amazingly, when I finally turned my face toward God, I was star-

finally had the answer. My grandmother’s powerful words would

tled to find He’s been there all along. He’s actually followed me

save my life and I wore them like a fine tailored garment. They

into the mess I’ve made and speaks not with chastisement but ten-

gave me strength.

derness! When I give Him the crumpled pages of the narrative that

As a child, I needed strength. I love that courage and tenacity within me. As I grew into an adult, that lovely strength morphed

I cannot make happen - when I let go - I find this mysterious place of hope.

subtly into control. The transformation was as natural as breath-

A.W. Tozer says letting go means “freedom from the everlasting

ing. Now, as a young wife and mother, if you had asked me if

burden of always having to get our own way.” Having to stay in

I had “control issues,” I would have laughed with my arms full of

control is indeed an everlasting burden. Ironically, it took great

daughters, “Are you kidding me? Look around. I’m not in control

strength to let go and now my heart is ready for the true adven-

of anything!”

ture - trusting God with my hopes, my protection, and yes… for His

Yet, I was quite aware of the narrative that played in the back of

strength. And I am breathing deeply. ◙

my mind. I will create and maintain a beautiful world with no pain. And over the years I worked diligently on the screenplay. Even trying to get those I love to read off the same script and play their part - yes, even God. The problem with control is that you often get very disappointed even angry - as strategies or dreams fall apart. It happens so quick-

ly with unmet expectations, painful realities, and people refusing your script - ruined plans. And God…well, it’s as if He is not even listening. Honestly, it often feels like God has really let you down. Your heart hurts and you shut it down so you cannot feel the pain. You power-up with yet another brilliant self-made plan to make all things right. It takes a lot of energy and white knuckle determination to continue arranging the pieces of life so they make a beau-











tiful whole or at least don’t end in a much bigger mess. Then, in a moment, it’s turned upside down once again while you scramble for control. Sound familiar to anyone? You see, control is not strength; it is fear. Oh, it can start out rather benignly, maybe passions gone awry. Or perhaps it is a story about self-protection and avoidance of pain. Regardless, it’s about holding your heart so tightly it can hardly breathe. Neither can those around you! Most often, our need to stay in control springs from inner vows we


. LO



for t . H op e

he feminine soul.

don’t even know we have made: I will never hurt like that again. I am alone. I am a strong little soldier. I am… And there you have it. Do you see it? Often our ideas for arranging for beauty, wholeness and safety are not so much wrong as they’re just ours.


For More Information Contact Robyn at

By: Traci Huhn I was watching Disney’s Frozen, the Musical with my three-yearold son one day and during the time that I had to sit still for a minute and hold him in my arms, my favorite song of the entire movie came on. You know, the one where Kristoff brings Anna to meet his ‘friends’ a.k.a. the trolls, and they dub first Kristoff and then Anna as a ‘bit of a fixer upper and try to fix them up with each other?

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Now, I had heard this song many, MANY times, as I’m sure most of you have. But this time, the lyrics scrolled across the screen, because Frozen, the musical is simply a sing-a-long version of the movie. And as these words appeared before my eyes, with the melody filling the air, I realized that Disney was teaching us a practical life-lesson regarding our spouses! Aren’t we all a bit of a fixer upper? Consider these lyrics: Is it the clumpy way he walks?, Or the grumpy way he talks? Or the pear-shaped, square-shaped weirdness of his feet? And though we know he washes well, he always ends up sorta smelly, But you’ll never meet a fella who’s as sensitive and sweet. So he’s a bit of a fixer upper, So he’s got a few flaws His peculiar brain, dear, his thing for the reindeer, That’s outside a few of nature’s laws So he’s a bit of a fixer upper, but this we’re certain of You can fix this fixer upper with a little bit of love Is it the way that he runs scared? Or that he’s socially impaired? Or that he only likes to tinkle in the woods? Are you holding back your fondness Due to his unmanly blondeness? Or the way he covers up that he’s the honest goods? He’s just a bit of a fixer upper, He’s got a couple of bugs His isolation is confirmation, Of his desperation for healing hugs So he’s a bit of a fixer upper, But we know what to do The way to fix this fixer upper, Is to fix him up with you Sound familiar, yet? How about these: We aren’t saying you can change him, ‘Cause people don’t really change We’re only saying that love’s a force that’s powerful and strange People make bad choices if they’re mad or scared or stressed But throw a little love their way, and you’ll bring out their best True love brings out the best Everyone’s a bit of a fixer upper, That’s what it’s all about Father, sister, brother, We need each other, To raise us up and round us out Everyone’s a bit of a fixer upper, But when push comes to shove The only fixer upper fixer, That can fix a fixer upper is True, True, True, True I was thankful that I took the time to cuddle with my son that day. It is so easy to get overwhelmed with the negative and forget that you have the ability to love your spouse in a way that will make all of those things that need to be “fixed up” fade away. This Valen-

Brian Richardson


tine’s Day, whether you are stuck at home with the kids or have arranged childcare to go out, remember that love IS a force that is POWERFUL and STRONG. If you think that yours needs a little “fixing up”, then FIX HIM UP WITH YOU! ◙





evolved into a momtrepreneur basically out of necessity. Having enjoyed

a career in marketing, I decided I longed to stay home with my children. Financially, we still needed a steady source of income, yet I dreaded the idea of sacrificing time at home for just another office cube. I was introduced to Arbonne International in 2012 and immediately knew this was the business for me! Its mission for Pure, Safe and Beneficial products spoke to my heart. Two years and three kids later, I have a thriving

UBER Momtrepreneur

business that I love! I have the best of both worlds: a company with products that I believe in and the freedom to be my own

(Sibel Mandalinci)

boss. Better yet, I get to train others to do

By: Sibel Mandalinci, Independent Consultant - Arbonne International

ty. The good news is there is no secret - it’s

the same thing. I am continuously asked the secret to juggling family, business and sanipretty clear cut. First, there is no golden ticket; you will have to put in effort. Secondly, I have some non-negotiable practices that I

Your computer, your laptop, I-pad, and your phone whatever it is, don’t share it. This is your business - not playgroup. We don’t share with friends. Minecraft, ABC mouse and ESPN don’t need to be on your computer, and make sure they understand that. Get comfortable with saying “This is mommy’s work IPAD, no you may not play on it!”


follow consistently. The more I keep it simple and follow that formula the better off I am.



Luna Bella - Belly Casting, Murals & Custom Art

By: Amanda Hensley and Traci Huhn


hildbirth. An experience, both scary and sacred, that women anticipate with nearly

a good time to pull back the reigns a lit-

equal amounts of joy and fear. While thoughts of the precious moment her new

tle, so to speak, enjoy more time with the

baby is placed in her arms brings a smile to her face every time, the realization of what

grandkids and family, and relax towards

precedes this moment often floods a woman’s heart with fear and anticipation. She can-

complete retirement. Jami Hain, CNM,

not help but envision the pain and possible complications that may arise. Childbirth is not

having been at Nativiti for 11 years, was

for the faint of heart, and I don’t know anyone who would argue that it is an easy experi-

the perfect candidate to continue the leg-

ence. The comfort typically comes only with the knowledge that baby is on the way and

acy that Melanie and her husband Den-

that his or her arrival will signal the end of discomfort that started long before those first

nis had worked so hard to create. They

few moments of labor began.

approached Jami and her husband Gary

What if a mother could find more comfort with the process as she journeys through the

about purchasing the practice, and God

months of pregnancy and the approaching labor, and what if delivery did not trigger as

began to open the doors for them. “Ev-

much fear as the final months come to pass? The midwives at Nativiti Women’s Health

ery step has been a confirmation,” says

and Family Birth Center are dedicated to helping women find comfort in the process

Jami. “When we hit a snag, I just told God

from the moment they step into the center to the day that they bring baby home – and

if it’s your plan then take care of the road


blocks, and He did.” Nativiti is on track to

In terms of comfort, Nativiti Birth Center offers a warm and cozy environment. When

do approximately 40 more births in 2015

you walk through the door, you are welcomed with a seating area complete with cushy

than in 2014, and other than a few deco-

couches and chairs and a friendly smile. During routine prenatal visits, you may even be

rative and color changes, most everything

greeted with a hug from your favorite midwife. It proves difficult, however, to pick a favor-

will remain the same. “Most new midwives

ite, because the nature of the prenatal visit with a Nativiti midwife is more like a visit with

would rather build a new birth center just

a new friend. The appointments are longer, so you don’t feel rushed, and the entire team

the way they wanted it,” reflects Jami. “I

at Nativiti handles you with TLC as they get settled in to hear what you’ve been up to and

love Nativiti the way it is.”

how the pregnancy is going.

At Nativiti their team of midwives and

But the ultimate comfort that Nativiti provides comes in the form of education, as they

medical professionals want you to know

encourage you to take control of your pregnancy and birth plan as the very personal,

that your birth experience is a very per-

low-risk experience that is the case for most births.

sonal decision that can only be made by

Melanie Dossey, CNM and founder of Nativiti Women’s Health and Birth Center, has

you and your family. Their philosophy is

dedicated her professional career to strengthening families and empowering women in

that birth is not an illness. “Many medical

childbirth. In 1995, she opened Nativiti, with the original location in a center off of FM

facilities will treat all pregnant and labor-

1960 and Red Oak, where they stayed for seven years. In 2002, they found their current

ing women the same; a cookie cutter ap-

location in The Woodlands, TX where they have been blessed to deliver an average of

proach,” says Jami Hain, CNM, and new

150 babies each year. Currently, the center has two birthing rooms with a whirlpool tub

owner of Nativiti Women’s Health Associ-

in each for moms who choose a water birth for their delivery. As more women discover

ates and Family Birth Center. “At Nativiti,

the Nativiti child birth experience, the numbers continue to grow, leading them to the

we want women to have choices and play

decision to open a third room for births in the near future. To date, over 1,830 babies have

an active role in their care. Here, they’re

been born at Nativiti Birthing Center.

allowed to move around during labor and

After 20 years of catching babies and treating women, Melanie decided it would be


will not be tethered to an IV line and pole.

Our clients have commented that they felt more in control and had more of a voice in their care while being allowed to express that voice when giving birth here. That’s the best compliment we could receive as midwives.” Everyone on staff at Nativiti receives neonatal resuscitation and CPR training, and their two office staff are medical assistants as well. The majority of their birthing assistants are registered nurses. “We work really hard to ensure that our staff holds the same beliefs that we do, that they truly believe in what we do and feel it’s important for women and families to have birth options,” says Jami. “Our staff is very caring, compassionate, friendly and helpful. All of our birth assistants really strive to pamper the moms while they are here so they feel loved and cared for during their birth experience.” Childbirth is an unforgettable moment for most women. The experience we have, whether positive or traumatic, will imprint on our hearts for years to come. When you speak with women who are 80, 90 or 100 years old, they can often relay very vivid memories and details from when they gave birth to their own children. It’s something that we, as women, will carry with us forever. “Our hope is that [women] are going to feel that their particular needs will be met with us,” says Jami. “The midwifery model seems to really support that well.” You may be wondering, what is a midwife, if you’ve never heard of the term before. Midwife means “with woman.” There are various routes you can choose in becoming a midwife. All midwives at Nativiti have completed their degrees in nursing first, and then re-

Birthing Class

turned for a master’s degree in midwifery, making them Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM). Midwives often work closely with other women who support an unmedicated birth experience, such as doulas. “I personally encourage all first time moms to have a doula,” says Jami. “A good doula will give them informational, physical and emotional support during pregnancy, labor and birth. She helps them navigate what to expect, when it’s time to come [to the birthing center], and is available to them, for example, when we have multiple births at the center simultaneously. She doesn’t leave their side.” The midwives and staff at Nativiti are firm believers in strength through education. It’s important to know what to expect, what you can control, and establish the mindset of “I can do this.” Giving birth is like running a marathon, which you should begin training for long before race day.

Office Staff

The midwives at Nativiti want to encourage women to start preparing for birth from the moment they find out they’re pregnant, not just focus on diet and taking care of themselves those 9 months. While Nativiti generally sees women of child bearing age and newborns through 28 days of life, they also offer so much more. Women and teens from puberty through post-menopausal years, and everything in between, can be seen at Nativiti for all well-woman exams and care. From FM 1960 to Oak Ridge North and spanning 20 years, Nativiti has been a constant in our community for women seeking a minimal intervention birth experience. No matter which route you choose for your family, Nativiti wants you to know there’s no right or

Birthing Assistants

wrong choice, only the one that’s best for you. The future of Nativiti awaits on the horizon with the new captain at the helm. If you are pregnant and considering a natural birth with a midwife, call Nativiti to schedule an appointment where they can walk you through the process and give you a tour of the center. And always remember, education is power – learn about all of your options and make an educated decision for yourself and your family. ◙

NATIVITI WOMEN’S HEALTH & BIRTH CENTER, INC. 28614 Oak Ridge Drive, The Woodlands, 77380 |(281)296-2333


Nativiti Staff


By: Traci Huhn


ne Saturday night in 2009, my husband and I arranged for a sitter – a girls’ night for me and a quiet night at home for him. I was at my sister’s house, hanging out and relaxing (something rare for me with three boys in the house.) I don’t remember who called who, but I do remember the conversation well. I greeted my husband with the usual question, “What are you doing?” “Watching a documentary,” he said. This was not atypical of my husband as he loves history, science and politics and I’ve seen him enjoy several documentaries over the years. Feigning interest, I asked, “Oh yeah, what kind of documentary?” Let me be clear – of course I was interested in my husband, but I am not into any of the previously mentioned subjects and documentaries do not typically get me excited. For this reason, his reply caught me off guard. “It’s actually quite interesting. It’s called The Business of Being Born and is about how women are naturally made to have babies.” Wait a minute. My husband was watching what? Oh yeah, he was watching a documentary about the natural childbirth process, using a midwife, no drugs, no hospital, not lying flat on your back in bed to give birth. Makes perfect sense? “You are watching what?” I asked. “The Business of Being Born … and if we ever have another baby, we are doing it this way.” In my mind, we were pretty much finished having kids. Three was plenty, and even though I always dreamed of having a girl, I’m not going to lie, the thought of having more freaked me out … just a little. Besides, the doctors said that I was lucky to have Gavin, who was four at the time, and most likely had endometriosis and not able to become pregnant again. Even though in my mind, after three induction deliveries, all with epidurals, it sounded completely insane to have a baby with no pain meds and to be forced to carry the baby until I went into labor on my own … I said “Ok. If that’s what you want to do, we will do it.” We? I was working for a chiropractor and adjusted regularly. I noticed improvements in my heatlh in several areas. No longer did I experience extreme bloating during ovulation. No more headaches every day at 3pm, allergies were improving, and I was no longer having issues with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome.) I stopped taking birth control because of the terrible affects it had on my body, and besides, I couldn’t have kids anymore, remember? It never registered that as my health improved, so might the ability to conceive - and that’s exactly what happened. I became pregnant again and even though I was excited at the possibility that I would be blessed with a daughter this time, I remembered very clearly the promise made to my husband. Natural childbirth. No induction. No pain meds. Just me and my body doing what it was made to do. That’s how I wound up at Nativiti. Although he knew I was scared, my husband convinced me to at least make an appointment for more information. I went into the initial consultation very unsure of


this childbirth option. I thought there was no way I could do it. By the end of the visit with Melanie Dossey, CNM, founder of Nativiti, I was convinced that there was no way I could NOT do it this way. It totally made sense. Over the course of my pregnancy, I think I watched The Business of Being Born at least 10 times. Natural childbirth terrified me and yet the documentary made me feel strong and capable and helped me remember WHY I was doing this. My prenatal experience was amazing. While my OB/GYN sometimes suggested that I was making a big deal out of little things, the midwives celebrated every little moment with me and addressed my concerns with care – never acting as if pain or discomfort was “in my head” or that I should just “toughen up.” I looked forward to my visits each time as a place to go where everyone understood what I was going through and I never felt judged or misunderstood. As the time came near to deliver my daughter, I was still scared, but I felt prepared. The topic of birthing classes was brought up but as a mother of three who had previously taken a birthing class, they were okay with me skipping this part. One of the main concerns I had was how I would know when I was in labor. I had never gone into labor on my own. All of my babies had come almost two weeks late and by induction. “You will know,” the midwives reassured me. And you know what? They were right! On July 7th, my mother suspected that I was in labor. I was having contractions, but with all of my pregnancies, I experienced prodromal labor. I had contractions that came consistently every 10 minutes for a while and then stopped altogether. Because of this, my midwives told me to take Benadryl or a warm bath and if they stopped, it wasn’t active labor but if they continued, I should call. On this particular day, we had walked a lot, so I thought that was why my contractions were coming hard and strong and that I’d go home and rest and they would go away. When the contractions became stronger in the evening, I still didn’t know if I was in labor, so I decided to take Bendadryl… and a warm bath! In the bath, my contractions did not calm down. In fact, I could not even lay there, it hurt too bad, so I got out and attempted to sit on the couch. My husband was already in bed so I let him sleep. The last thing I wanted to do was wake him up for false labor. When I couldn’t even sit down on the couch because of how uncomfortable the contractions were, I knew that it must be real. Pacing around my house, I called the midwife. It was 2:00am at this point and I knew it was time. My contractions were every 2-3 minutes. She said to wait two hours and if they stayed the same or got worse I should call her back. The contractions became even more frequent so we called her back and were on our way to the birthing center! By the time we made it to the center, it was 5:00am. Upon arriving, I immediately got out of the car and threw up in the lawn.

When I was settled in a room, and my midwife checked me, I was already dilated to a 7! We opted for a water birth and since I was already so far along, I got straight into the tub. Not too long after, I began to have some very strong contractions and was having trouble breathing through them. My midwife asked me if I had taken a birthing class. “No, they said I shouldn’t need to.” I replied. Without hesitation, she taught me how to breathe through labor right then and there and as I looked into her beautiful blue eyes as my focal point, she coached me through the entire experience. An hour later, I reached down and caught my baby! I couldn’t believe I had just given birth all on my own without any drugs, and even more, I couldn’t believe how good I felt afterwards! In the hospital, I remember that all I wanted to do was go to sleep. My adrenaline was going so strong after giving birth to Camilla that I didn’t sleep until that night – in my own bed. Because at Nativiti, there is no overnight stay - You get to leave only four hours after having your baby! While the experience was pretty much the best thing that had happened in my life, ever, I was glad that now I could say that I was not ever going to be pregnant again and never going to give birth again. Turns out, I spoke too soon. In 2011, we delivered again – and in 2011, I opted for natural childbirth again… at Nativiti Women’s Health & Birth Center. ◙

By: Amanda Hensley


was introduced to Nativiti when my sister-in-law, Traci, delivered her daughter there. My husband and I got the call early in the morning that it was time! We packed the car and headed straight for the birthing center. When we arrived, my precious niece had already been born and Traci was sitting in bed, holding her and smiling. I thought, “No way had she just delivered a baby. She looks great!” She was able to get up and walk around on her own, was laughing and chatting with everyone there and said she felt great! That’s when I knew that if we were blessed to have children of our own, I would choose Nativiti. Both times I delivered at Nativiti I felt so empowered. It was an exciting and nerve-wracking experience going through my first full-term pregnancy, getting to hear my baby’s heartbeat each visit. I was always given plenty of time to visit, ask questions, and not feel rushed when explaining a symptom or seeking advice on various things. I was greeted by the same warm, smiling faces at each appointment, and had an opportunity to get to know each midwife so that I was familiar with everyone by the time I delivered. The moment I arrived in labor, I was greeted by my midwife who gave me a big hug and held me through a contraction as I stepped out of the car. She then took my hand, walked me inside, telling me the entire time what good work I was doing and saying things like, “You’re going to meet your baby today Mama!” I felt so nurtured and like she was speaking directly into my heart and soul as a woman. Even though a part of me was scared that I couldn’t do it, she made me feel validated and encouraged. I had shared my birth plan with them towards the end of my pregnancy and as soon as I walked into the birthing room, my birth assistant and midwife was busy setting the tone in the room that I had requested. They listened to the noises I made as I went through each contraction, knowing where I was in labor without having to check me. They encouraged me to get comfortable and to listen to my body if I needed to move around. They were able to help me do exercises and labor in positions that encouraged progression rather than being forced to lie in one place. They regularly checked our baby’s heartbeat in a way that wasn’t distracting to me during labor. During both of my deliveries, there was a time when I wasn’t progressing and seemed to be stuck. Rather than increase my anxiety with things like, “If you don’t progress you’ll be taken for a C-section,” I was reassured with more, “You’re doing such a good job. Let’s try this exercise and if it works to move things along then great, if not we’ll let you rest,” while continually checking on my baby’s heartbeat. My midwives were able to help by showing me techniques on how to labor with each contraction and even do some round ligament stretching to help me progress faster. The memories that stick out the most to me are hearing things like, “You’re doing it! You’re doing great!” as I was pushing instead of commands to push harder. It was encouraging to know that I was doing a good job. My husband and I decided to be surprised on the sex of our first baby until delivery, which the midwives knew, and allowed us to be the first to see and exclaim, “It’s a GIRL!” After delivering, I very vividly recall my birth assistant preparing a warm sitz bath for me and then helping me bathe and wash my hair. I was able to get up, put on fresh clothes, use the restroom and sit comfortably in bed to hold and nurse my baby. After just 4 hours we were on our way home with our new baby. I was free to rest in the comfort of my own bed and the quiet of my own room. It’s an experience that’s so difficult to describe and second to none. Labor and delivery are memories that are stored within me for the rest of my days, and I’m fortunate enough to say they’re beautiful memories that I’ll cherish forever. ◙



Photo credit:




THE RED CABOOSE CHRISTMAS TREE FARM Admission: FREE 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 14558 Tree Farm Rd, Magnolia

Open daily until trees sell out. This year we have Virginia Pine, Leyland Cypress and Frasier Fir from 5 - 15 feet. Come join us on the weekends to include exotic birds, koi pond, farm animals, BBQ, refreshments, hayrides, and so much more! WEEK OF DECEMBER


THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER AT THE CRIGHTON THEATRE Admission: $15, $18. $20 See site for schedule 234 North Main, Conroe

Presented by Stage Right, “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” is sure to be a people pleaser. Grab the whole family for a great experience. (936)441-7469 WEEK OF DECEMBER


A CHRISTMAS CAROL AT THE OWEN THEATRE ADMISSION: $18, $20, $22 See site for schedule 225 Metcalf, Conroe



Come drive through the streets of Bethlehem , listen to the CD provided about the story of Jesus, and enjoy the festivities with family and friends as we get in the Christmas spirit. (936) 760-1911 FRIDAY DECEMBER



HOLLY JOLLY JINGLE Admission: FREE 2:00 pm - 9:00 pm The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion The Woodlands

Ring in the holidays with The Cynthia Woods MItchell Pavillion. Frolic in our Winter Wonderland, complete with snow and a perfromance of holiday classics and popular carols. TUESDAY DECEMBER


JINGLE BELL ROCK Admission: $25.00 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm Sleepy Hollow Multipurpose Building 9845 Sleepy Hollow, Conroe

Benefit sponsored by Children’s Books On Wheels. Jingle Bell Rock holiday party event. Dancing, live music, food, fun to benefit our literacy program “Seed To Read.” Live music provided by Ray Parsee and Cliff Duncan. (281)844-7596 Rita Wiltz:


Enjloy this Christmas classic musical with family and friends. (936)539-4090 SUNDAY DECEMBER

BETHLEHEM CITY 2014 Admission: FREE 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm West Conroe Baptist Church, 1855 Longmire Rd., Conroe


2014 JINGLE BELL RUN/WALK FOR ARTHRITIS Admission: $18 to $40 7:30 am - 10:30am Northshore Park The Woodlands

Run or walk a 5k route with your team members and celebrate the seasosn by giving. Complete with food, drink, live music, prizes, giveaways and Santa’s Village. SATURDAY DECEMEBER

COOKIES WITH SANTA Admission: FREE 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Physicians ER 4524 Research Forest Dr. The Woodlands

We will be serving cookies and hot chocolate, as well as a stocking where the kids can drop off their letters to Santa. Each child will receive a response in the mail from Santa. Parents, please bring cameras to take pictures of your kids.


CHRISTMAS IN THE WOODS Admission: FREE 10:00am - 4:00pm 7 Acre Wood 4401 N. Frazier, Conroe


31 DOES YOUR CHILD HAVE AN INTERESTING HOBBY OR FAVORITE HERO? We want to feature them! We believe that it is incredibly iimportant to learn who you are. Hobbies and heroes help children develop a sense of self worth and confidence. If your child would like to be featured in the magazine, please send their first name along with a high resolution photo and a short description of why they like their hobby or hero for consideration in a future issue. You may submit it to



wants to tell


SEND YOUR STORY TO: for consideration in one of our upcoming issues of Momology Magazine! If your story is chosen, you will receive a FREE photo session,that’s right, IT’S ON US! *Photo location must be within 50 miles of The Woodlands, TX. PHOTO BY: ALLYMAC CONCEPTS PHOTOGRAPHY


BY: ANDREA GAUL something wasn’t right, we didn’t want to

inside her little body, Maddie is fighting a battle that would be difficult for anyone,

accept that something was truly wrong with

let alone for a child. She faces a giant that any parent dreads for their son or daughter to face. Maddie is like the biblical David and her Goliath is Tuberous Sclerosis, a genetic disorder that causes benign tumors to form in the body’s most vital organs.

our perfect little girl.” Tuberous Sclerosis, as described by Heather, is a genetic disease that causes tumors

Heather Lens and her husband Chris met in Florida in 2008. Tired of the college lifestyle,

to grow on vital organs such as the brain,

both were looking for a change in scenery, (Chris from Plymouth, Massachusetts and

heart, kidneys, lungs, skin, and eyes. There is

Heather from Westville, Oklahoma) and also a change of pace. After dating several years,

currently no cure for TSC and one can only

Chris popped the question and the couple moved back to Heather’s home state of Okla-

attempt to manage its effects. The disease

homa in 2011. “Before meeting my husband, I had sworn off marriage and motherhood

also causes behavioral problems such as

altogether,” Heather said. “I had seen so many families torn apart that I wanted nothing

Autism, ADHD, OCD and anxiety, and most

to do with it.” Heather fully intended to focus on her career alone until she met Chris.

that are diagnosed with TSC also have ep-

“About a year into my marriage, I was bitten by the baby bug. Everything in me wanted


to become a mother.”

Although the disorder does not currently

Heather became pregnant in February of 2012 and, being so “in tune” with her body, she

have a cure, the Lens family is optimistic

found out at just 4 weeks! She recalls the first half of her pregnancy as being very easy. “I

for the future. TSC might be Maddie’s “Go-

started a blog where I documented just about everything that happened. That’s how my

liath,” but anyone familiar with the story

blogging all started.” Heather’s blog, titled “Life with My Princess,” documents Maddie’s

knows that David ultimately wins the fight.

life from pregnancy to present.

Heather describes Maddie as a “ little spit-

Maddie’s birth story is not nearly as smooth, but rather filled with surprises (and not the

fire,” with more strength than anyone else

good kind.) “After 20 hours of labor, things got very interesting,” explained Heather. “Her

she knows. “She is stubborn, which works to

heart rate suddenly dropped. I’d just had an epidural and was finally feeling some relief

her advantage when fighting this disease.”

when the nurses came rushing into my room, flipping me over from one side to the other.”

“Something happened just after getting

Heather knew by the worried looks that something was very wrong. When doctors could

the diagnosis that I still find amazing. The

not stabilize Maddie’s heart, Heather was rushed to the OR to have an emergency C-sec-

room was flooded with prayers from our

tion. What happened next was a blur to the anxious soon-to-be mother. “All I remember

community. All of a sudden, Chris and I were

was waking up in a recovery room with no baby.” Finally, Heather was united with her

filled with strength, hope, and comfort that

daughter. “It was the most surreal moment. It’s almost like I was looking down on myself

can only be described as God intervening

from up above, watching myself become a mother.”

for us in a time of absolute need. We decid-

The first few weeks of motherhood were what she might expect life with a new baby to look like: sleepless nights, messy diapers, breast feedings, and a few tears - some shed for no reason at all. She quickly decided that working full time was not for her. “I was misera-

ed, then and there, that this disease would not stop Maddie or our family.” Above all else, Heather sees a bright future

ble at work. It wasn’t that my job was bad. I actually loved my job before I had Maddie. I

for Maddie. “This disease has brought sad-

just couldn’t stand not getting to be with her but for a couple of hours a day.” Heather was

ness, hurt and fears in our life but it has also

thrilled when she finally put in her two weeks notice and committed to a full time position

brought joy, love and accomplishments.

as stay-at-home mom.

My wish is for Maddie to use this disease

However, after spending just one week at home with her little girl, Heather and Chris

as a platform to show others that although

“got hit in the gut with the biggest punch a parent could ever feel.” At just five months

life can bring pain, that same pain can

old, Maddie had her first seizure and was diagnosed with an incurable disease. “When

be used to bring joy to you and to those

the doctors gave the first diagnosis, it hit us like a ton of bricks. Even though we knew

around you.” ◙


◀ Photos by: Laurelu of Heart Photography by Staci Shook


adilyn Lens is tough. She may look like the typical two-year-old on the outside, but



It’s 4:00 a.m. and both children are still sleeping. In the living room, a woman rocks side to side, bent over her couch moaning low and steady. At times, her moans border on deep growling. Her husband is beside her, quiet but firm and in control - her one source of clarity. She is preparing to birth her third son in the comfort of her own home. No bright lights, beeping, or noisiness of a hospital delivery room. Just her support team, herself and her baby. A Planned Unmedicated Birth For many women the thought of birthing without pain medication, let alone while at home, is like willingly signing up for torture. Today there are various birth plans to choose from, all equally good and beautiful, some involving pain medication and some not. Many women cannot fathom finding the strength to have a natural home birth given the ease of access to pain meds. Ricki Lake’s popular documentary, “The Business of Being Born”, has brought natural birthing into the mainstream consciousness and conversation. This film explains how any birth plan can be forced to change at a moment’s notice. While it is necessary to remain flexible and able to modify the strategy at any given moment, it is important to have a plan nonetheless. Sarah, and her hubby Dana Andrews, knew a natural birth plan was for them. Their two older boys were born un-medicated in a hospital, both with positive birth experiences. Dana being a chiropractor made the home birth choice for their third child easy. It was in line with their beliefs that the body is designed to handle the functions of life with little interference from the outside world. “Being my third time facing pregnancy, having delivered just 18 months prior, and really trusting my body and what God designed it to do were my two biggest inspirations for choosing a home birth,” says Sarah. “The continuity of care was a huge factor too. My midwife and her assistant were with me from the very first visit until 6 weeks after our babe was born.” Hospital Birth vs. Home Birth Birth experiences will differ from hospital to birthing center to home. In a hospital setting the baby is delivered and the


umbilical cord clamped and cut immediately before being taken for assessment and cleaning. In most birthing center and home birth settings, the baby is delivered and given immediately to Mom where the baby remains attached via umbilical cord until it stops pulsing. The baby is assessed while being held and is not taken away from the mother until the cord stops pulsing and is cut. He or she is also immediately returned to Mom or Dad after being weighed, measured and cleaned.

This Is It Sarah looks back on her entire home birth as a beautiful and relaxing experience. The night before delivering they took their family to swim as they did every week. She had been crampy, but any woman who has ever been pregnant can attest that crampy and pregnant just go hand in hand. By the time they returned home and got settled, a winter storm had descended upon their town in Michigan - Sarah’s biggest fear. After having slight contractions, which had been occurring for months now, she and her husband headed up to bed. On the day that their youngest son joined their family, Sarah awoke at 12:15 a.m. with a decent contraction, but nothing that really alerted her that “this was it.” At 12:57 a.m. she texted her midwife as they were 2-5 minutes apart and lasting for 1 minute. Her midwife headed out just in case, since the weather had increasingly gotten worse. It was a good thing she did, because it took her twice as long as normal to arrive at the Andrews’ home. After calling her best friend and sister, Sarah still did not believe she was really in labor. When she called her mom, she had a contraction while on the phone and her Mom said she would pick her sister up and be on her way. Moms always know. Still not believing she was in real labor, her husband went to help her stand up when a trickle of water ran down her leg. Sarah’s response was, “Holy shit, I’m in labor!” This was really it! Sarah found she was most comfortable leaning on their couch to labor, and she experienced the wide spectrum of emotions most women experience. The ones that range from “I can do this,” to “I’m scared to death,” to “My midwife won’t make it,” to “Thank God we’re not driving to the hospital.” That wide range of emotions that can change with each passing contraction require a support team prepared to help you get through each one. Sarah’s husband and best friend helped her by giving her vocal support and encouragement through calm presence, strong eyes and gentle touch. The first time that Sarah’s midwife checked her she was at 7 cm dilation. She encouraged Sarah by saying, “You’re almost there. You’ll have this baby in the next hour.” Shortly after that, Sarah felt the change in contractions as she entered transition, where your body begins to do some serious work, your vocal patterns change and the baby moves further down. Towards the end of her pregnancy Sarah knew the baby’s position was not ideal based on how she felt. As she labored and began to push, her midwife advised her to stay kneeling. After 3 pushes, the head was delivered. The next push did not produce any change; the baby was stuck, but only shortly. With the next contraction, Sarah gave a big push, loud scream and her midwife helped wiggle baby Tyler free - born at 4:45 a.m. at 9 pounds, 6 ounces, and 20 inches! He came out in the posterior position, but Sarah’s body knew just what to do. Her previous labors had been 8 and 6 hours, but this one was only 4 hours. The Fruit of Her Labor After delivering, Sarah was able to immediately take a shower and rest in her own bed with her son while she nursed him. Her midwife waited downstairs for several hours allowing them time for quiet, only checking on them as needed. A friend who came to pick up their oldest child for a playdate two hours after delivering said, “I would NEVER have guessed someone just gave birth here. There are candles burning and a sense of peace in your whole house.” Both of her older children remained asleep through her entire labor and delivery. While she showered, her oldest ran in and exclaimed, “Mom! Baby Ty Ty is here! You have to come see him!” Oh, the sweet innocence of our children. While not planning on growing their family, the Andrews feel that if they did have another baby they would most definitely choose a home birth again. “I do not think women that have epidurals or C-sections are weak or bad moms,” says Sarah. “They just make different choices than me. I do think that birthing a child is what a woman’s body was designed to do. Trust your body. Trust your instincts. Find a support team who respects you and your birth choice. Birthing my babe in the comfort of our home, surrounded by strength and love, was the single most empowering moment of my life. It’s an experience I wish every woman could have.” Sarah’s support team was her midwife, Stacia Profrock, her assistant, Cynthia Jackson, husband, Dana, and best friend, Chelsea. For more information about your prenatal, labor and delivery options visit BIRTH, Bringing Information and Resources to Houston, is a non-profit organization of parents, midwives, physicians, childbirth educators, doulas, professional labor support and lactation consultants working to educate Houston mothers about all the various birthing options available to them. ◙


“Birthing my babe in the comfort of our home, surrounded by strength and love, was the single most empowering moment of my life.”

Sarah Andrews Photography Credit: Mary Bortmas of Unforgettable Photos



This super chic collection combines a number of pieces for a funky yet sophisticated look that are all perfect for a pear-shaped body. The dark wash denim jeans are straight through the leg, which is slimming, along with the dark wash, which can easily transition from business casual day to night. The jersey wrap shirt is not only easy on the wallet and comfortable, but it cinches at the waist, accentuating your smallest part. Throw on this super cute linen blazer with hidden pops of color and you’ll complete your top half with sophisticated structure that balances your bottom half. You may need to go longer or shorter on the blazer length depending on your height. Finish off your outfit with statement pieces. These orange fashion jewels, handmade clutch and vintage blue pumps will give your outfit some character, all while drawing attention up and not overpowering your look with a large purse or loud shoes. Voila! ◙ Dark Wash Denim Jeans - $35 Wrap Shirt - $27.99 Linen Blazer - $154 Orange Fashion Jewels - $12.99 Floral Clutch Purse -$108 Vintage Blue Pumps - $135



with Dr. Raymer Make 2015 your year with healthy, immune boosting smoothies and group exercise that will not only make you stronger, but will also provide accountability for making it habit. DR. DERRICK’S FAVORITE POWER GREEN SMOOTHIE Ingredients: Add several ice cubes for texture. 8-10 o.z coconut milk Blend all ingredients in a blender until it 2 tablespoons coconut oil, is well mixed and smooth. 2 bananas 2- cups of spinach 2- cups of kale 1 Avocado 1-2 scoops of Vanilla protein powder Start your morning off with this power smoothie & then head over to Athletic Republic for our Mighty Moms Classes or if you are a working mom, join us for the Working Warriors evening class. There is an option for everyone, so come on out and see us!

Dr. Derrick Raymer, D.C.


Wednesday evenings 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

The purpose of the recovery class is to allow the active individual to learn different techniques to help reduce the everyday aches and pains of training and sport. Getting enough rest and recovering after strenuous exercise is essential to high-level performance. Through the class, a client will learn how to perform an active warm up, how to foam roll properly, mobility exercises, and different dynamic stretches that can help reduce tightness and pain. The class is designed to help athletes of all sports and all ages. It can help the body adapt to the stress of exercise, allows the body to replenish energy stores and repair damaged tissues. Our goal is to teach preventative measures to help athletes every day in the recovery process. To register, or if you have any questions, call Athletic Republic - The Woodlands at 832-791-5954 or email Susan Romero at

MIGHTY MOMS/WORKING WARRIORS Mon./Thurs. 8:30 am -9:30 am or Tues. /Thurs. 9:30 am - 10:30 am

Wednesday evenings 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

These classes are geared for the individual to compliment any Pilates or Yoga training you’re already doing. The 60 minute class is scheduled multiple times throughout the week, The class includes a variety of exercises geared to improving strength, flexibility, coordination and core. Certified trainers work with you in a small group setting, in a relaxed environment away from the hustle and bustle of packed classes. Classes are limited to 10 participants. To register or if you have any questions, call Athletic Republic - The Woodlands at 832-791-5954 or email Susan Romero at


8101 Kuykendahl Rd. Suite 100 The Woodlands, TX Located just behind the Alden Bridge Shopping center.

Athletic Republic is the culmination of 24 years of research and relentlessness. It’s an evidence-based sports training system that has delivered improvements in speed, power, agility and stamina to nearly 1 million athletes of all ages. Athletic Republic is a brand built out of a firm belief that there is a better way to train athletes, a better way to rehabilitate and a better way to maintain peak athletic performance. We are not a gym. We are performance sports training.

For more info, contact Susan Romero at 936-443-7747 or by email to

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