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brain power






FROM THE PUBLISHERS IGNITE, INSPIRE & LEAD THE YOUNGER GENERATION Can you believe it’s already our second issue?! As we approach the summer season, the days are getting longer, the temperature rising, our kids getting ever more antsy for school to FINALLY be out, and we find ourselves wondering how time just keeps flying by! With every passing day, we give of ourselves as Moms. We take care of our kids, our home, our jobs, our grandkids, our neighbors, our aging and sick parents, our spouses, and at the end of the day, there’s not much, if anything, left over for us. Have you ever thought, “How can I possibly keep going when I’m running on empty?” We hope you’ll be inspired with this issue to IGNITE something in your lives, whether that be to REIGNITE the passion in your marriage, or receive some ENCOURAGEMENT to take on that self-transformation you’ve been dreaming about, or learn about how alternative medicine can IGNITE a new woman inside of you. It’s our hope that you’ll find something that speaks to you, and maybe something that you can relate to. So lift that chin up high, because while you may find yourself spread thin from time to time, it’s inspiring to know that our children and family look to us to IGNITE something inside of them as well and it all starts with the love only a mother can give. Most importantly, we want to wish every one of you beautiful women a happiest of Mother’s Days! We pray your hearts are filled with joy as you embrace the ones God has entrusted into your lives and call you Mom. Happy reading!

TRACI HUHN Publisher

AMANDA HENSLEY Associate Publisher











FROM THE EDITOR In lieu of a letter this issue, John Lewis and all of us here at Momology Magazine would like to wish all you mothers out there a great big blessed Happy Mother’s Day!! We salute you. You are what Momology is all about and we dedicate this issue, and every issue, to you.





PUBLISHING MARKETING Momology Magazine is a bimonthly publication of Allymac Concepts. Allymac Concepts is not responsible for any omissions or misrepresentations submitted to the magazine. Advertisers represented in this publication and their agencies assume all liability for the content of advertisements and photos. Opinions, advertisements, and articles expressed do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher or Allymac Concepts’ employees. Be advised many writers featured in this publication are not necessarily professionals but moms writing from personal experience and should be read as such. Reproduction or transmittal of any part of this publication is prohibited without express permission in writing from the publisher.




1.1 ignite: in this issue



MAMA LAUGHLIN: THE STRONGEST WOMAN YOU KNOW FAITH MORE THAN A MANTRA ..............................6 CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS, CHANGE YOUR LIFE ...................................................... 30 LOVE LOVE AS A VERB: TOUCH.............................. 8 AGAINST THE ODDS: THE MIRACLE OF LIFE ....................................................................26

HEAL MAMA LAUGHLIN: THE STRONGEST WOMAN YOU KNOW ..................................12 15 WAYS TO FUEL YOUR BRAIN AFTER 50 ............................................................................. 20 EAT SMOOTH-A-LICIOUS....................................16


BRAIN POWER FUELING YOUR BRAIN AFTER 50 SHOP THE MODEST MOMMY...............................22 PLAY INHALE MINISTRIES ....................................28 IGNITE THAT FIRE ....................................... 32 YOUR EAST TEXAS VACATION SPOTS.. 34


ADVERTISERS The Greater Houston, Texas area has over 6 million people with 50% being represented by the female population. Our readership will be extended beyond this area by means of digital publication as well as an accompanying website and social platforms. Using the phrase “Perfectly Mixed, Perfectly Matched” we seek to encourage moms to embrace their mommy place in life and realize that as long as they are doing the very best they can, they are the perfect mommy for the children that call them MOM. Studies have indicated that the buying power of women in the United States is continuing to increase, with women accounting for over 85% of all consumer purchases and seventy-five percent of women identifying themselves as the primary shoppers for their household (askingsmarterquestions.com, 2014.) For a media kit, visit momologymagazine.com or contact Amanda Hensley at (936) 494-9962 or amanda@allymacconcepts.com

STORY IDEAS Do you know someone who has an interesting or inspiring mom story? Sure you do! Just like all kids are different, all moms are unique in their experiences, perspectives and talents. We want to learn and grow from these different walks in the daily life of a mom and invite you to send your story starters to stories@momologymagazine.com. PERFECTLY MIXED, PERFECTLY MATCHED





H “Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts.” Mother Teresa

ave you ever told someone you would pray for them and never actually followed through? Maybe you meant to, but were simply busy. Or maybe it was more of a nice gesture, along the same lines as wishing someone a good day. Do you ever feel like prayer itself has become a ritual, like a mantra you repeat, without any real power or connection? It’s easy to let happen. Maybe it’s time for a recharge. Merriam Webster defines prayer as “an address (as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought.” Concise. Inclusive. Not very useful. As we seek to draw near to the heart of God concerning prayer, I have a feeling you will find this definition anemic at best. In I Thessalonians 5:17 we are admonished to ‘pray without ceasing’. Imagine spending a day asking God for things without ceasing. Is that even possible? As I thought about this I found myself trying to think of other things we do “without ceasing.” Breathing. Feeling. Being. There’s not much else. The question seems to be, “How do we make prayer as elemental as breathing or even being?” We will come back to this later, but for now, think about it. Jesus Himself instructs us how to pray in what is commonly known as “The Lord’s Prayer.” Let’s take a look at Matthew 6:9-13. In verse 9 we read, “Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.” Ok, so there is an aspect of prayer that is worship.

FAITH EDITOR’S NOTE: How’s the silence treating ya? (If that question seems strange, read last

issue’s submission entitled On the Habit of Silence on page 8.) I encourage you to keep finding ways to incorporate silence into your day to day life. Even if it’s been hard, don’t give up! It is well worth your time and effort. I invite you to find inspiration from this article about one woman’s experience seeking God in silence. I would also love to dialogue with you about your experiences along this journey. Send your personal stories to: stories@momologymagazine.com.

Verse 13 finds us trusting in His protection and brings us back to worship. He transcends any and every temptation we will ever face. He Himself is better. Just Him.

When I pray do I believe He is better than the temptations I face?

Since Jesus was instructing His disciples specifically on how to pray this will be our first test:

When I pray, do I worship Him?

In verse 10 Jesus follows worship with praying for His will and kingdom. I get the sense that when we approach Him and get a glimpse of His fullness, the natural response is worship AND wanting more of Him. Wanting so much more of Him that we desire His kingdom would arrive and His will be finally fulfilled.

When I pray, do I want His kingdom and will?

You may read verse 11 and think, “so prayer is, in fact, making a petition”, and you would not necessarily be wrong. You could think about it as asking for our daily needs. You could also think about it as trusting Him for those daily needs. Asking in faith because you know who He is.

When I pray do I ask in faith because I know who He is?

When I pray do I confess my known individual sins to Him and seek His forgiveness?”

This brings us to the part we all love the most: confession. In verse 12 we are taught to seek His forgiveness just as we have forgiven others. This presupposes we are forgiving those who have wronged us. So we may first ask ourselves, Am I holding any grudges? If the answer is ‘no’ we are free to seek His forgiveness for our sins. (Notice it is plural and not ‘sin’ in general.)

Be careful not to treat these questions as a checklist you can complete to know whether or not your prayers are “correct”. Just as the Lord’s Prayer itself, these questions are a guide. I want to consider now our initial challenge, making prayer as elemental as breathing. Have you come up with any ideas? Here is mine: What if praying without ceasing means including God in every moment, every thought, every decision, and every aspect of our day to day lives? If our prayers, in this way, were infused with Him. If our lives were infused with Him. Imagine. •

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While most couples don’t have a problem figuring out that a certain, sensual kind of touch adds flames of passion to their marriage, often we have trouble giving ourselves over to the magical way that touch can help us connect on a deeper, more profound level.

LOVE AS A VERB a series on Surviving the Chaos Together T TOUCH

why touch?


ouching is one of the most powerful ways that we communicate as humans. Just one touch can express feelings that take many words to describe. In some moments of our marriage, there are no words, but a simple hug can say so much, calming the storm or merely serving as an expression of unending love. Human touch is a phenomenal form of nonverbal communication that enhances our interactions but also delivers many physical and emotional benefits. Research indicates that the act of touching, or being touched, can make you healthier and happier – and who can complain about that?

communicating through touch

SOURCES: 1 greatergood.berkeley.edu \\ 2 cnn.com \\ 3 huffingtonpost.com \\ 4 nytimes.com


If you have been married for any length of time, you probably understand how important communication is between husband and wife. Verbal communication is important, but because of the differences between men and women, it’s sometimes like we are speaking a different language and intentions are easily misunderstood. Touch, as a form of nonverbal communication, is a universal language, and can sometimes help convey our message as well as our meaning much more clearly. Research indicates that warm, reassuring touch triggers oxytocin, called the love hormone1. As such, people tend to trust your nonverbal communication more than your verbal, making touch an excellent way to comfort, connect, apologize, encourage, support, show understanding, offer security and ultimately, to communicate love to our spouse.

emotional benefits

The emotional benefits of touch are mutual– it does not matter whether you are touching or being touched3. Touching can ease symptoms of depression and anxiety because the release of oxytocin reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Our bodies interpret supportive touch as if to say “We are in this together.” Oxytocin also triggers the areas of the brain that helps regulate emotion to relax so that it can focus more on problem solving. Through the research of neuroscientist Edmund Rolls, we have learned that touch also activates the brain’s orbitofrontal cortex, an area of the brain linked to feelings of compassion and reward. Touching also eases feelings of anger. For example, touch can ease feelings of irritation and allow a more accepting spirit. “Touching someone while apologizing helps build a connection,” neuroscientist Michele Noonan, PhD explains. “The sensation triggers the brain region called the insula, which is involved in emotional processing, and can help ease a person’s irritation in the moment3.” Overall, couples, who touch more, tend to report more satisfaction with their relationships4, which is a great reason to be sure you practice touch in yours!

physical benefits

Not only does touching promote emotional wellbeing, but it also provides many physical benefits leading to better health. Just like the emotional benefits, the gains are mutual for touching and being touched. Some benefits include: 1 Boosts immune system by lowering cortisol levels and producing more white blood cells including the killer cells that attack pathogens such as viruses, while reducing inflammatory cytokines associated with autoimmune diseases as well. 2 Decreases the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure, calming cardiovascular stress and stimulating the Vagas nerve. 3 Reduces pain by lowering the cortisol hormone in the parts of your brain that registers pain so you no longer feel it as much.2 These are just a few of the remarkable ways that human touch can enhance your health. The reality is that the human body responds to touch in a positive way from the day of birth, as studies show that infants held, cuddled or massaged more thrived and gained weight faster! All evidence supports that the more you use touch to communicate with your partner, the happier and healthier both of you will be. So go ahead… hug, kiss, massage, hold hands and caress to your lover’s content. Since we know that touching is mutually beneficial, everyone wins, everyone’s loved, and you both live happily, healthily after! •

Christina Trantham

Independent Consultant

(936) 718-7903


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ALLYMACCONCEPTS.COM info@allymacconcepts.com



Being challenged is inevitable, being defeated is optional. ROGER CRAWFORD



cover story


s modern day mommies we often proudly don our supermom capes pushing ourselves beyond all limits, to ensure our beautiful bambinos are happy, healthy and well protected. Despite the superhuman strength and endurance that only we, as moms possess, and the encouragement and validation we receive from friends and family, we often feel beat-down, insecure and undeserving of the same quality of life for ourselves. A lack of confidence spirals into a tornado of emotions and excuses, inhibiting us from attaining, or even setting, goals for our own lives. Clearly, we do not lack motivation or the desire to do and be great, but we validate excuses and turn them into reasons, developing what I like to call “I CAN’T SYNDROME.” Often, it’s not until we realize the effect that letting ourselves go has on our children, that we turn our “I can’t” into “I must” - digging deep within ourselves to find the will and the way to take a chance and make the change that will ultimately save our lives, (enriching theirs in the process.) Brandi “Mama” Laughlin, boy-mom of 2, came to this realization not long after having her first child. Stepping on the scale, post baby, weighing in at 198 lbs, she realized she had not lost a single pound, and made up her mind that she had to make a change. Growing up, Brandi played sports and was very athletic – never overweight, even as a teenager. At 5’6”, throughout high school, she maintained a healthy weight of 135 lbs eating whatever she wanted. Like many, she continued these eating habits, not fully aware of the long-term detriment it would be to her health. This set her up to enter her first pregnancy already overweight and out of shape. After sitting on the couch for six years, she had become accustomed to being a spectator on the sidelines watching while others engaged in physical activities. “Definitely having my kids helped me to realize it’s not just me anymore,” she said. “I need to be healthy for my kids. Not only do I need to be around and to watch them grow, but to play with them. I never considered a change until I had my first child and then I realized, wow, I have to keep up with him!” Still she had every excuse in the world, before she actually made a change. “I can’t tell you what they were because there were so many of them” she said. “I had a cycle, I would say okay, after I am done eating this one Taco Bell meal, I am going to start on Monday and get this 60 pounds off. I would do well for a day or I would starve myself and then eat whatever I wanted and then feel terrible.” Brandi attributes this cycle to the fact that she was not yet mentally ready to make the change. “If you don’t become mentally ready, it will not actually stick,” she said. “You can do fad diets or a “magical pill” but if you are not mentally ready, it will not become a lifestyle. I was not ready at that point, I don’t think.” Brandi picked up blogging after she got married, writing about anything from fashion to fitness – basically whatever she had going on in her life at the time. As she blogged, she found her mindset being slowly renewed and strengthened. She began to take yoga, spin classes, and eventually picked up running. Her transparency in blogging let her raw, quirky personality come out to her readers, and more and more people began to follow her for inspiration and entertainment. As her readership grew, she began to receive emails and comments from her followers letting her know what an inspiration she was to them. She would read about one who just ran a mile after reading her blog, then another who was inspired to improve her health through clean food choices. As the number of emails grew, so did her confidence and motivation. It touched her deeply to connect with and inspire others to improve their mindset and change their habits. In turn, her readers also became her main source of inspiration. While Brandi “Mama” Laughlin has become well-known across the world, she does not feel that she is an extraordinary person. She is not a celebrity – she is no different than you and I. Just a woman who did not let up until she discovered her inner strength to make the change she needed. It just happened to dramatically alter the course of her life. If you have been struggling with your weight and want to get your body and life back, she encourages you to search deep and find the strength within you. We, as women, are the strongest creatures on the planet, so don’t give up! Your mindset can be changed and the course of your life will be dramatically different. One day you will wake up and realize, as Brandi did, that the strongest woman you know is you! If you need some motivation and inspiration to get you going – check out Brandi’s blog at mamalaughlin.com. •


momology recently spoke with Mama Laughlin about her fitness journey. read more on pg 14.


cover story

momology recently spoke with Mama Laughlin about her fitness journey #MOMOLOGYMAGAZINE

“My health journey has made me want to help other people. I have been doing that on the blog for awhile but turning it into a career is new for me and a blessing in disguise.” Mama Laughlin

momology: Other than the obvious, what life experiences do you feel have contributed to you developing into a strong person? Brandi: Definitely having my kids helped me realize that it is not just me anymore. I need to be healthy for my kids to be around and watch them grow. Not just be around but to play and run at the park. momology: What other areas of your life have you seen an impact on from developing your physical strength/losing weight? What fears/challenges have you overcome? Brandi: First, my marriage – it hasn’t been easy. My husband married someone that was not very self-assured. I didn’t have a lot of self-worth. That is the person he fell in love with. Once I lost weight and gained confidence, though, I was a total different person- one who would stand up for what I believed in. It completely changed me from the inside out. This caused the dynamics of our relationship to change and we decided to work on it through counseling. It is much better to have it out in the open and talk about it, rather than shove it under the rug. Secondly, my health journey has made me want to help other people. I have been doing that for a long time through the blog, but recently have been able to turn it into an actual career. momology: Did you experience any pain or other medical issues due to your weight that have drastically improved over the course of this journey? If so, what? Brandi: In 2001, I injured my ACL while playing volleyball in high school and had knee surgery. After I graduated, I always used my knee injury as an excuse, among other things. I always said I couldn’t run because of my bad knee, big boobs, every excuse I could find. My knee never really bothered me, it was just in the back of my mind. I had to put it on something. When I started running and found out my knee didn’t hurt, I started to take it slowly and began to rule out those excuses and start to work through them. I got a good sports bra. During my half marathon in 2012, I had ITBS (Illiotibial Band Syndrome), horrendously ridiculous shooting pain in my knee and I ran the whole marathon with that pain.


It was the most eye opening experience because I had worked really hard for that half marathon, training to set a PR (personal record). When I got sidelined from this knee pain, I knew I had to finish that race. It was the longest 13.1 miles of my life, but quitting was never an option. That is why I think I have been so successful – because I don’t make quitting an option. I know that I will falter but as long as I keep going, that is what really matters. momology: You are an inspiration to so many people, but I want to know, who inspires you? Who have you looked up to throughout your journey?


CONTACT: Amanda Hensley (936) 494-9962


Brandi: My readers, and that is so cliché to say. When I first started writing I really had no one to look up to or push me. I wrote because it felt good to get out what I was feeling. And in doing so, I motivated people I didn’t even know. When they would write me and tell me that my post helped them run a mile today or they lost 85 pounds, it was so motivating to me. It’s nice to know that I am helping people just putting my story out there - very cool and awesome to be a part of. momology: We recently read about your layoff and your plans to pursue a personal trainer career (quicker than you would have if you had a full time job elsewhere). Do you think that your journey helped you remain strong in this otherwise difficult transition? Brandi: Absolutely, if it weren’t for my journey I would not be where I am today. Deciding what I want to do. Laid off but maybe without a plan of action. Never knew I wanted to go into a health related field until I realized my passion and letting other women know that you don’t have to be perfect, just strive for progress. •

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SMOOTH - A - LICIOUS Power snacks for busy summer days



2 Greek yogurt has twice the amount of protein as regular yogurt.

3 5 6

1 PEANUT BUTTER & HONEY 2 RIPE BANANAS 3 MILK 4 PEANUT BUTTER BANANA SMOOTHIE /// Photo credit dreamstime.com 5 GREEK YOGURT /// Photo credit allymacconceptsphotography.com 6 ORGANIC VIRGIN COCONUT OIL 7 CACAO POWDER /// amazon.com

Smoothies make delicious and nutritious meal replacements and snacks for hot Texas summer days.



MIX AND ADD-INS nutritionally charged

MATCH 5 essential smoothie “food groups”

Hemp seeds

Hemp seeds are the most digestable form of protein for your body, packing 8 of the 10 amino acids that the body can’t make on its own, and contains essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. Vegans love this protein source with a mild nutty flavor.

Flax seeds


raw cow’s milk raw goat’s milk coconut milk almond milk rice milk soy milk orange juice

fruits & veg

spinach kale celery juice strawberries blueberries blackberries bananas peaches pineapples mango coconut pumpkin puree

sugar & spice maple syrup honey agave nectar raw sugar cinammon ginger vanilla extract almond extract nutmeg mint cayenne pepper


yogurt peanut butter almond butter PB2 rice protein powder hemp protein egg white protein powder

good fats avocado coconut oil flaxseed oil olive oil

Flax seeds are rich in fiber, protein and omega-3s.

Wheat germ

Wheat germ has one gram of dietary fiber per tablespoon.

Sunflower seeds

Shelled seeds provide a boost of copper, magneisum and selenium.

Chia seeds

This fiber-loaded and protein-rich seed can help control blood sugar and also takes on the flavor of other ingredients.

Raw cacao powder

The ORAC chart, which measures antioxidant levels, puts raw cacao at about 95,000 whereas antioxidant-rich blueberries rank only 2,000 on the same chart. Raw cacao powder is also a great source of energy. And who can complain about the great chocolatey flavor?!

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper eases an upset stomach, ulcers, sore throat, congestion, cough and diarrhea . Also an anti-fungal, anti-allergen and helps the body metabolize foods and toxins.

protect feature



r. Derrick Raymer, D.C. spent his childhood playing sports in northwestern Kansas. Basketball, football, golf, and baseball filled his afternoons, weekends, and summers when he wasn’t hanging out with friends or going to church. Just like any other red-blooded American boy, he had his fair share of sports-related injuries. He continued as a college athlete at Sam Houston State University in Texas where he met his wife while pursuing a bachelors in kinesiology and health. He then went on to complete a doctorate in chiropractic care from Palmer College of Chiropractic. “I knew that’s what I wanted to do,” he says, “to take care of athletes the way I was taken care of-- athletes who are going through the same daily injuries I did as a high school or college athlete.” With extensive experience in sports medicine therapy, Dr. Raymer discovered his passion for working with kids early on while still at Palmer College. Since then through his work at a sports clinic in downtown Houston, his practice in The Woodlands, Legends Sports Complex, Houston Premier Basketball and Serve Volleyball Academy this passion has only grown. Next month, Athletic Republic – The Woodlands will open its doors to receive new patients. “My passion is to provide young athletes with proper treatment, to teach them proper exercise techniques and lifting mechanics. Through assessments and


More than 2.6 million1 children ages 0 – 19 are treated in the emergency room for sports and recreation-related injuries each year. Overuse injuries, injuries resulting from repetitive micro-trauma to the tendons, bones, and joints, account for roughly half of all youth sports injuries, while the remaining half are those resulting from a single traumatic event, or acute injuries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports more than 50%2 of all sports injuries among children are preventable. In other words, our kids are getting hurt playing sports more and more frequently, and many of those injuries could be prevented.

Braelon Abueita, Age 9 (white jersey) - Aspiring Professional Soccer Player

“I believe that part of our responsibility to athletes is to try to prevent these injuries in the first place.” Dr. David Geier, Director of MUSC Sports Medicine and orthopedic surgeon. 3

athletic screens, to find areas of the body that are weak and may provide athletes with a greater chance for injury.” Once these weakened areas are identified, Dr. Raymer works with athletes to strengthen and increase mobility and potentially lower their chances for injury. Youth sports have significantly changed over the last ten years. Parents and coaches are starting kids ever younger with training, sports clubs, and the incessant athletic activity that comes with the package. Dr. Raymer comments on this trend, “Athletes are getting injuries at younger and younger agesrepetitive injuries. And I want to give them treatment and ways to prevent injuries so when they are adults their bodies won’t feel worn and broken down from overuse.” Dr. Raymer combines soft tissue treatment, chiropractic care, and corrective exercise to build strong, stable, balanced young athletes. The chiropractic adjustments help joints move properly. Sometimes, however, when muscles are tight and not treated, it can consistently cause joints to be restricted, feeling stuck. By loosening up the muscles, adjusting the joints that need to be adjusted, and utilizing exercises to help stabilize treatment to the area, Dr. Raymer is able to address the core problem and the results are maximized. In this process he also works with his patients to identify


SOURCES cdc.gov/safechild www.uihealthcare.org postandcourier.com theandrewsinstitute.com


the behaviors and training methods being used that are causing the problems, and then educates them on proper methods to prevent pain and injury moving forward. The end result is an athlete with a strong, stable core. “This gives me confidence that our athletes will have less injuries. Fluke injuries are bound to occur, but if we can show that an athlete has a strong base, a strong foundation, and moves well, the injury risk should go down.”

early June

“I have seen my patient population and surgical cases get increasingly younger. Children, parents and coaches need to realize that kids need to take a break from playing one sport year round. Sports should be fun for children. Overuse injuries in children is a concerning trend.” Dr. James Andrews4

To utilize this approach Dr. Raymer has become certified well beyond what’s normally required to practice as a chiropractor. Beyond his doctorate, Dr. Raymer is also certified in the Functional Movement Screen, Selective Functional Movement Assessment, Graston Technique, Active Release Technique, McKenzie Protocols for Herniated Discs, plus continuing education hours in developmental kinesiology courses. He has accumulated over 300 hours of continuing education, several times the recommended 16 C.E. per year. Dr. Raymer has chosen to extend his education beyond what’s required in order to provide optimal treatment to his patients. “It gives me a lot of tools in my toolbelt; a wide variety of treatment options for the wide variety of symptoms and conditions that come in to the office each day.” With a wife and 10 month old daughter, Dr. Raymer is passionate about family. When asked about what motivates him in his day to day practice he pauses for a moment, becoming introspective. “I want to be able to provide for my wife and daughter. To do the right thing- to treat people in the manner that is best for them each and every time regardless of profit. To be a man of Christ, a great husband to my wife, and a great dad to my daughter.” Dr. Raymer carries this passion for God and family into his practice each day. While he envisions the bulk of clients in the new facility to be in the 7 to 18 year old range, he has a heart to take care of mom and dad, too. Dr. Raymer treats patient of any age, from newborn to adult. Some common symptoms he treats outside of sports injuries are: carpal tunnel, nerve pain, sciatica, sever’s disease, plantar fasciitis, and the traditional lower back, neck, and shoulder pain. In addition to these, the goal at Athletic Republic – The Woodlands is to provide proper treatment, assessments, and sports performance training to all athletes, and to give parents more confidence that their kids will have less likelihood of injury. To mom and dad, Dr. Raymer also has this to say, “Heck, while you’re in the office and your son or daughter is getting treated, we can find out what’s causing you pain as well.” Come visit Dr. Raymer at Athletic Republic – The Woodlands so you too can “Move Better, Feel Better.” For more information contact Dr. Derrick Raymer, D.C. at (936) 647-6758. •


8101 Kuykendahl Rd. The Woodlands, TX Located just behind the Alden Bridge Shopping center.

Athletic Republic is the culmination of 24 years of research and relentlessness. It’s an evidence-based sports training system that has delivered improvements in speed, power, agility and stamina to nearly 1 million athletes of all ages. Athletic Republic is a brand built out of a firm belief that there is a better way to train athletes, a better way to rehabilitate and a better way to maintain peak athletic performance. We are not a gym. We are performance sports training. For more info, contact Susan Romero at 936-443-7747 or by email to susan@athleticrepublicthewoodlands.com.





ways to fuel your brain after

With researchers estimating that one in three people will suffer with Alzheimer’s disease in their lifetime, it would be prudent of those of us over 50 to keep our brains happy and healthy.

1 exercise

Our brains need plenty of oxygen and the best way for you to ensure that you are getting enough is cardiovascular exercise. Walking 30 minutes a day is a good rule of thumb. Strength exercises protect brain cells from damage done by free radicals, and encourage new brain-cell growth.

50 5 vitamins/antioxidants

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3 h20

Drink plenty of water. Dehydration is a common issue for older people. When our bodies lack adequate water, the brain tissue shrinks and this affects cognitive functions such as short term memory, focus, and decision making.

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4 stimulate your brain

2 rest

Getting adequate rest rejuvenates our brains. Experts suggest that we need 7-9 hours a day of sleep for our bodies to repair and heal.

Stimulate your brain. It needs exercise like any other part of your body, so always continue to feed your brain with new experiences. Take a class, develop a new hobby, read a book or the newspaper, or learn how to play one of your grandchild’s video games. That is certainly a challenge!

Eat dark-skinned fruits and vegetables such as prunes, raisins, red grapes, plums, blueberries, cherries, broccoli, spinach, kale, onion, red bell pepper, beets and eggplant. Not only do these types of carbohydrates have plenty of vitamins, they also have disease fighting antioxidants.

6 omega-3s

Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids such as trout, salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines and halibut will delay brain function decline. Fatty fish are a well-known brain booster, thanks to the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which have been linked to lower risk of dementia, improved focus and memory.

7 nuts

Nuts such as almonds, walnuts and pecan are recommended as well. Walnuts are especially good for our brains because they promote delivery of oxygen and reduce inflammation.

8 monounsaturated fats

Use monounsaturated fats. Olive oil is a great source of monounsaturated fats, which have been shown to actually slow brain aging.

9 avocados

Avocados are full of monounsaturated fats that improve vascular health and blood flow. This makes them excellent for brain health.


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12 wheat germ

10 caffeine

Surprisingly, drinking coffee is good for your brain. Caffeine boosts mental alertness and coffee is rich in antioxidants that help maintain brain health. Also, a nice side benefit is that coffee can lift depression in women. Another caffeine rich food, dark chocolate, is also rich in antioxidants having the same benefits as coffee. More specifically, chocolate is rich in flavonoids, a class of antioxidant that helps to improve blood flow by regulating cholesterol and lowering blood pressure.

Wheat germ is a rich vegetarian source of choline -- a nutrient that is involved in the body’s production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that boosts memory, according to Shape. Eggs are another good choline source.

13 supplements

Increasing intake of vitamins such as C, E, folate and B12 is also considered helpful.

14 treat symptoms early

Studies suggest that untreated mental disorders such as depression can accelerate the development of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. It stands to reason that if you think you are suffering from any mental issues go to your doctor to get proper treatment not only for a more quality life now, but for later in life as well. Drop by Conroe Coffee in Downtown Conroe for an amazing cup of coffee!

15 stay away from this

11 garlic

Avoid activities that limit the oxygen flowing to your brain such as smoking and consuming harmful chemicals that destroy brain cells.

Garlic may help stave off some forms of brain cancer, according to research published in Cancer, the medical journal of the American Cancer Society. Investigators found that the organosulfur compounds in garlic actually worked to kill glioblastoma cells -- a type of malignant tumor cell.

Alyssa - Age 4

Mommy I don’t know why you spend all our money at HEB. We need it to buy a helicopter so we can get to Granny’s faster.


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f you’re like me, you may not be too excited about it. I’m about 15 weeks post baby, and not feeling so “swimsuit hot” these days. Our bodies always change dramatically having children , but this time around I’m noticing some not-so-fun changes that are either slower returning to normal or permanent. Just a little more fluff in my winter coat, I guess. Can I hear an “Amen?” A part of me feels so discouraged knowing that I may never have my bikini body back. But another part, a deeper part, knows I was never comfortable wearing a bikini anyway, even when I was a size 4 and 117 pounds. I always thought I was just a modest person, but now I wonder if I’m not alone. Perhaps other women also have an innate sense of discomfort in exposing so much skin. Many of you, like me, may wonder “where has all the modesty gone?” Several months ago I stumbled across a business called Rey Swimwear, which specializes in modest swimsuits. Developed by Jessica Rey, its purpose could be summed up with one simple question, “Why does it have to be itsy bitsy?”


Why Does it Have to be Itsy Bitsy? BY AMANDA HENSLEY

The kids’ year-long countdown to summer is finally coming to an end. Days are getting longer, temperatures are slowly starting to rise, plants are growing again and the bugs have returned. Yep. It’s swimsuit season.


Rey travels the nation discussing her studies and viewpoint on the invention and evolution of the bikini. In 1946, French automobile engineer Louis Réard developed the first bikini in his mother’s lingerie shop in a competition with Jacques Heim to develop the world’s smallest swimsuit. He named it the bikini because atomic bomb testing was being conducted in the Bikini Atoll at the time, and he felt the public’s reaction to his new invention would be like an atomic bomb detonating. The first bikini was considered so scandalous that French models refused to wear it, so he had to hire a 19 year old nude dancer (stripper) to debut his invention.



When we leave nothing to the imagination in the way we dress, we invite both positive and negative responses.

Reard’s string bikini design was a total of only 30 square inches of fabric. When introduced to the public on July 5, 1946, it was documented as the first time the wearer’s navel was revealed. To market his bikini, he boasted that it couldn’t be considered a true bikini unless it could be pulled through a wedding ring. Fast forward to 1960 and we have the release of Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini, a novelty song about a girl who was ashamed to be seen in a bikini. At the time of the bikini’s release, women’s swimsuits were measured for entrance into public beaches. If the swimsuit proved too small, they were not allowed in. Even with extremely modest swimsuits, women were escorted into the water by the use of a “swim machine” which allowed them to lower below the water’s surface without being seen. It’s no wonder the girl in the popular song was so afraid of being seen, as time did not change all women’s innate feelings or opinions. Today, the bikini industry has topped more than $8 billion and wearers see them as a status of power and strength. As I mentioned last issue, we have power as women in how we look and dress. How we choose to use that power affects those around us and the attention we in turn receive. What kind of attention do we seek? Men are especially stimulated visually and physically. When we leave nothing to the imagination in the way we dress, we invite both positive and negative responses. While some may complement our beauty, many men will gawk, fantasize, and make inappropriate sexual comments to us or to each other. Another thing to keep in mind is that women can be very envious creatures, constantly comparing our lives, looks, careers, status, etc with one another. Often this manner of dress only leaves us wondering if we are good enough.

EDITORS’ NOTE: We at Momology Magazine hope that this article pro-

vides some food for thought and stimulating conversation to a topic that may be considered taboo. It’s our most humble opinion that, yes, every woman will differ in how comfortable they feel in dress, bathing suits, and even just in situations having continued nothing to doto with clothing. page 23 Our intention is to build a community of women where all moms feel comfortable and accepted. In doing some research after speaking with women with varying opinions, we found the studies done by the founder of Rey Swimwear and Princeton University intriguing. This article reflects just one viewpoint. We want our readers to know we value and respect every woman’s opinion in how they choose to dress, parent, work, live and love, and that none of us are wrong, we’re just different. That’s what Momology is all about.

Bonnie Buenger Lead Consultant (832) 704-1439


’m sitting here at my kitchen table listening to one of our NINE DOGS snoring as he sleeps on the floor beside me. The fragrance of HUCKLEBERRY SAGE fills the air. There is not one shred of evidence in the smell of this house that denotes all the dogs and cats that live within! Recently the puppy ended up with Scentsy wax spilled all over his back. Had it been a candle, he might have been burned badly by the hot wax. But since Scentsy is a FOOD GRADE WAX that melts at a LOW TEMPERATURE, he wasn’t hurt at all. Nor was there a fire caused by the flame of a candle that was knocked over. Do I LOVE Scentsy or what?!

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It doesn’t have to be itsy bitsy to make you beautiful.





3 1 SANDIEGO HAT COMPANY $42 /// Zappos.com 2 BEACH EARRINGS $48 /// Etsy.com/shop/ornatetreasures 3 BEACH ROPE TIE SWIMSUIT COVER $60 /// Loft.com 4 CAROLINE IN CREAMSICLE $42 /// ReySwimwear.com 5 SILK WRAP BRACELET $49.95 /// Etsy.com/shop/happygolicky 6 ROLISA FLATS BY GUESS $49.50 /// Macys.com 7 MICHAEL KORS SUNGLASSES $99 /// sunglasseshut.com



Make your summer wear stand out with bright contrasting colors. Or start with a neutral base, like a stylish black one piece, and spice it up with one bright pop of color.

Protect your eyes and skin from the hot sun with stylish shades.


ROBIN BACHMAN Independent Distributor (832) 704-1439

continued from page 21 So why risk damaging our relationship with our husbands or our own self-images? Though the reason we may be willing to take this risk goes deeper than the clothes we wear, how we dress is a good starting point, being within our immediate control. Jessica Rey mentioned a study done by Princeton University in one of her speeches on the evolution of the swim suit. Brain activity was analyzed of young men as they were shown images of women in different amounts of clothing. When they were shown images of women who were scantily clad, the portion of the brain associated with tools lit up. Some men showed no brain activity in the medial prefrontal cortex, which is the part of the brain that ponders one’s thoughts, feelings and attentions. A Princeton professor said, “It’s as if they’re reacting to these women as if they’re not fully human. It’s consistent with the idea that they’re responding to these photos as if they’re responding to objects, not people.” Analysts of this study and others from The National Geographic concluded that when women wear bikinis it inspires men to see them as objects- items to be used, rather than a person to connect with. So as you don your newest swimwear, run that extra mile, cut down on the carbs, I ask you to consider one question. What’s your motivation as you hit the beaches this summer? I loved how Candace Cameron Bure put it on this season’s Dancing with the Stars when she was asked how she balances her religious beliefs with a dance and show that’s sexy. She said, “I feel like a sexual woman. I’ve been married 18 years. I am a sexual woman. I want to reserve certain things for my husband.” The sexiest women are those who don’t give away everything for free but save their bodies for their husbands, leaving the rest to wonder. It doesn’t have to be itsy bitsy to make you beautiful. For more information on modest swimwear and to shop Rey Swimwear visit www.ReySwimwear.com. •


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Faith, patience & God’s timing BY: SUSAN MILLER


very wish upon a star, every birthday candle that was blown out, and every prayer I spoke at night for five years was all about one dream: me being a mother. My husband, Matt, and I had a very long journey during those five years. We had an ectopic pregnancy which ruptured my tube and my tube needed to be removed. After that, we did a gamut of infertility testing and even some treatments. We were told then that our chances of conceiving naturally were nonexistent. We pursued adoption and found a birth mom who picked us to adopt her child. We were with the birth mom for eight wonderful months and then she decided to run away and self parent. Her little boy wound up being placed in foster care. We still pursued adopting him. It never panned out. While we didn’t understand why any of this was happening to us, God’s decision and timing was infinitely better than anything we could have ever imagined. We moved back home to Texas after the failed adoption and a year later we found out we were pregnant naturally. Throughout my pregnancy I was so very thankful to experience any of it. We had some issues including an anatomy scan scare, my testing positive for being a carrier for cystic fibrosis, high blood pressure and complete bed rest. On Friday, a day after I entered my 34th week, I started having contractions. Three trips to the hospital and unable to make the contractions stop, I was admitted. On the following Tuesday, September 10th, our miracle baby boy - our gift from God, Mark, entered into this world with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. On the same day, my grandfather wound up passing away. It was a happy, joyous, yet sad day. I believe that he held on long enough to hear about his first great grandson and then left this world. Now I am snuggling my almost 8 month old son. I wake up and fall asleep with a huge smile on my face and a heart full of thankfulness every day. Mark has given me a great testimony that I share at least a few times a day - a testimony about faith, patience, and God’s timing. And Mark’s testimony will be equally amazing when we share with him our journey to be his parents. For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him. (I Samuel 1:27 NKJV) •

Against the odds THE MIRACLE OF LIFE

Over 40 and preggers again BY: BRANDI MCDANIEL


n 2004, after having my fourth child, I had my tubes tied and INSTANTLY was filled with regret. The decision haunted me for years and in 2011, I became convicted to have the procedure reversed while I still had time to conceive. I reached doctors and found one of the top microsurgeons in the world who specialize only in reverse tubal ligation. Saving our pennies, we planned for the operation in 2012. When we experienced financial devastation and had to use the money, I questioned if this was God’s plan for us to go ahead with the surgery and searching for answers, the desire of my heart was confirmed through several scriptures – all proclaiming that children are a blessing from the Lord. When we got our money back together, we rescheduled the surgery and Mike and I drove all four kids straight to Kentucky (where the surgeon is) and had the reversal surgery done in the early morning hours of March 4, 2013, having never even seen the surgeon’s face! Within the year, at age 41, I was pregnant again – joyous!! •


Do you or someone you know have an inspiring story that you want to share to encourage others in the Momology community?

Send to: stories@momologymagazine.com



any years ago, I was riding my bike. It felt arduous. Nothing at all like the hours of play I remembered as a child. And I wondered…when did this become work? Where had I lost my play?

In the words of Brene Brown, somewhere in my early twenties I had become the “suck-it-up, get’r done girl”. Uber-responsible, I was able to muti-task like no other. I could bake 10 fresh fruit pies for the church dinner, make PTO calls, simultaneously watch my 3 daughters and 2 of the neighbor’s kids as loads of laundry agitated and tumbled in the machines, let the barking dog out, remove gum from blonde waves or auburn curls, write my grocery list and find coupons…all the while guiding the children in a creative art project at my kitchen table. I’m quite certain I was on the top of everyone’s call list. Why not? I’d call me. The need for control kept me involved in all the details of a project. Being in charge helped me manage the chaos and see that things were done timely and “correctly.” Ultimately it was better for me to work alone, besides I hated being dependent on a.n.y.o.n.e. And it all kept me from, well… looking stupid. Now, this phenomenon was not created overnight. And it was NOT the result of becoming a mother – that merely intensified my deep need to be competent. My life motto began to solidify around my ninth grade year of high school, “Take charge and do it bigger, better, righter.” I would work for you and use my mind, but I chose my projects and involvement very carefully. One must know all the answers and be


able to accomplish the task with much success – no disappointments or failures. And no one truly got to see my heart. Oh yeah, little room for play. Sound familiar to anyone? Now I am not saying I did not play with my daughters, I did and we had a lot of fun throughout those years. My lack of play was an issue of the heart. My heart. All that busyness was a ploy to hide the brokenness of a painful childhood. Spaces of deep hurt that left false messages at the very core of my spirit. You are worthless, you are stupid, you can’t do anything right, no one is proud of you and you are alone. I led a rigid busy life of rules that seemed to ease the pain and muffle the vibration of these words in my head. Never to be hurt again, I fortified my defenses and buried my heart with all its desires, hopes and dreams. Only a very few had access to the crypt. And even then, the view of my tightly self imposed rule-bound spirit was not so attractive. There was no freedom to risk failing, to recreate, to breathe deeply, or to live fully. And that is what play is all about. Do you remember? It has been said, “If one can’t lose, then it is not play.” With pure grit and desire, I endured many a scraped knee before I finally was able to ride my bike without its training wheels. Each bandaged knee was more dangerous than sitting inside on the couch, but oh sooo worth it in the end. My spirit soared as I wheeled through one risky adventure after another with brilliant scars to prove the journey.

Such freedom! Living life wholeheartedly. Truth – I am a woman of great value created in the image of God. And He doesn’t make junk. As I began to believe this truth about God and myself, I was slowly able to create and not control. I risked being known and let others take a full look at my heart. It was strange, I didn’t always have to be in charge or know all the answers. I discovered I could relax in chaos. Survive disappointment and failure. Ask for what I needed – while actually letting others do their part without knowing all the details. Heck, I even colored outside the lines. I KNOOOW…who was I becoming? I will admit it was and still is a process. Lies and old patterns often die slowly; they love to hang out waiting… you know, just in case you change your mind. Yet, busting out of my self-protective fortress I slowly became truly alive! Passions ignited, desires emerged. Once again I began to live with my heart above ground. Today when I ride my bike, I remember. Not what I have lost, but what I have gained. So, come on out and play. Take a risk. Ignite your passions. Let’s dream big, embrace desire, make a few changes and celebrate. And if we “fail”, we can always get back up and try again. Oh my…we are going to have so much fun! •

Robyn Whitaker


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For More Information Contact Robyn at




“The things, which are impossible with men are possible with God.” ~Luke 18:27 BY BETH POWELL, LCSW


o support 40 days of posting on Facebook powerful, Biblically-based spiritual phrases that can change the quality of our lives, I’ll begin this season with a description of how I invite many families who visit my office to jumpstart “mind renewal” to think past what their current situation is and line their thoughts with what God has in store for them – I assure you it isn’t death, gloom, doom and destruction, but instead inner peace and the alignment of oneself with God’s will – which is always His goodness and favor. I was inspired by this novel idea of “thinking as God would have us think” as a teenager – over 40 years ago – due to a book written by author and pastor, Norman Vincent Peale. Many families back then had a copy of his best-selling book, The Power of Positive Thinking. He essentially said that our thoughts determine what we see in the world. If we think we will fail, we will. If we think we will succeed, we will. If we want something, we speak it, in the affirmative, as if it has already happened. And Biblical scripture was included to back up his assertions. I now remember how my father would correct me whenever I’d say, “I can’t do that, “with “Oh yes, you can – Can’t doesn’t exist.” Hmmm, did my father get that can-do attitude from Norman Vincent Peale’s book? I’ll relate another memory from my adolescence in regards to the book mentioned above. I was so in love with a young man about my age, when I was 16. A friend of mine and I picked up the book, read as much as we cared to, then when she went home from my house, we both, simultaneously, chanted at exactly 9 p.m. that evening, aloud, over and over again: “(Name withheld to protect the poor guy) loves Beth Powell.” “(Can’t give you his name) loves Beth Powell.” I don’t think we quite got the gist of the book. And as teenagers do, we used the ancient wisdom within, to our own devices. I’ll always wonder if God thought our attempt to control the mind of a guy who was the object of my affection was pretty funny, or if we just fell up under the “Good Lord protects children and fools” rule. As I got older, I found out that “our will” probably wasn’t the same as God’s will. And we should seek His first. Norman Vincent Peale, so ahead of his time, so ahead of Joel Osteen and his current message of hope and faith in God’s goodness for us, strongly inferred in his forty spiritual phrases, which he called Thought Conditioners, that we could put what we desired out there, but if it wasn’t what God wanted….it wasn’t happening. “Affirm that the process (the turning of the impossible to the possible) is in operation. The final outcome may not be entirely what you now desire. But, handled in this manner, the solution will be what God wants it to be. “ Do you think God really gives one big hoot if we get a little red sports car? God gives us what we need, and he gives it to us in his time – and he is always right on time. I always hated it when my grandmother would remind me of that truth. I was so impatient – in fact, I’m still working on that one! So, how do people pray for little red sports cars and then get what they prayed for? I don’t know–never wanted one. That’s not my area. I just do mental/emotional/ neurobehavioral health, and I’ve never seen a little red sports car permanently rescue one from depression or anxiety, nor save a marriage. But what I have seen be so affective in changing a mind from the impossible to the possible is a prayer map,


sometimes called a treasure map. Prayer, to be super effective, utilizes as many senses as possible: We see it, we feel it, we hear it, we read it, we speak it, we share it with others and then we turn it over and let God do the rest. Sounds easy, right? It really can be much easier if we make a prayer map.


Honestly self-assess. What do you need, within you or outside of you that would make you a better, stronger, person? If you had what you desired, you would be able to give more of yourself to help others, to help make the world a better place. Is it peace of mind? Is it financial peace? Is it a life partner? Is it for your children to be successful adults? What if you wanted to help someone else pray for what they needed? Then your prayer map could be totally altruistic. The list could be endless. But, focus on just a few specific topics per prayer map. It’s confusing to put a laundry list of desires onto one board.

2 Place a powerful picture of God in the middle of the poster board. He is the creator, the one who answers our prayers. 3 Around the picture of the power of God, place pictures you’ve cut out of magazines or downloaded from the Internet that represent what you are praying for. 4 Add written captions at the pictures that contain positive affirmations. Example: My children are happy, productive members of society; my mate has the highest integrity and we are evenly yoked. (Remember, the person may not even have appeared, yet, but you are letting God know what you want.) 5 Place the prayer map on the wall near where you sleep. Look at it upon arising and upon retiring. Share it with others who have your highest and best interests at heart so the visual stays with them and becomes their thoughtful prayer for you…and then let God do the rest, in his time. If it is to be…It will be. •

The M.O.M. Initiative “Mothers on a Mission to Mentor Other Mothers”

1. a unique and exciting ministry focusing on helping moms of all ages and stages of their mom journey 2. a ministry to moms, mentors and ministry leaders, meshing the generations and reaching out to moms in unprecendented ways. The PREMIER BOOK that works in tandem with the ministry is available for pre-orders now and will be coming out in July! THE MAKING OF A MOM is the all-in-one resource that will not only minister to moms, but will also help mentors overcome questions like: 1 What will I say? (Questions at the end of each chapter make conversation and prep time easy.) The M.O.M. Initiative is growing at a warp speed.You can HELP THEM GROW by: Plan2 What will I do? (Venue specific Planning 1 Beginning a M.O.M. Group in your church, ministry, or community. ning Guides and M.O.M. Group InformaGuides and M.O.M. Group Information 2 Contacting your local church and asking them to begin a M.O.M. Group there. tion provide everything you need to begin provide everything you need to begin 3 SHARING this information with other MINISTRY or SMALL GROUP LEADERS. a M.O.M. Group, whether it’s a home, The M.O.M. Initiative is holding its first conference, BETTER TOGETHER (7/31-8/2) church, apartment complex, or crisis at Trinity Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida! With 20 speakers and 45 workshops, pregnancy center.) including: Hands on Leaders’ Workshop, Fighting for Your Family, Nothing too Broken, Lord, 3 What will I use? (The Making of a Mom Help My Marriage, A Mother Like No Other (Single moms), Bully Proof, Help Me Study God’s was Momcreated was created be a practical and to be to a practical and biblical Word, Building Top Notch Teams, and Wrestling with God. A fun weekend getaway with lots resource biblical resource can trust.) you canyou trust.) of excitement, great giveaways and an amazing worship band! The M.O.M. Initiative has groups in 29 states and 7 countries, existing for 3 PRIMARY PURPOSES: 1 To minister to moms with real relevant, and practical help. 2 To equip and train local churches to minister to moms who know Christ and to reach those who don’t. As an inreach ministry, M.O.M Groups weave mentoring into the fabric of the church. As an outreach ministry, it helps local churches minister to moms in the community. 3 To be a hub where moms, mentors, ministry and small group leaders can connect.






ost of my friends would be really shocked to learn I was outside this morning cleaning up the planting beds – pulling weeds, doing a little trimming of shrubs and watering everything. I realized I was not doing this grudgingly but was actually enjoying myself. I have to say that this activity has never been appealing to me in the past. Gardening, weeding, and trimming are words those who know me would never associate with me. Thinking about this a moment longer, it occurred to me that just a few weeks ago I cancelled all of my magazine subscriptions and subscribed to two new magazines on gardening and plants. And, to top it off I have made plans to completely transform my back yard, even adding planting boxes for vegetables in one of the side yards.


“Although being a mom is one of the most rewarding experiences in your life, there is a fine line between being a great mom and regrettably losing who you are in the process.”

This all seems to have crept up on me without my realizing it. I am really excited about this new interest but would like to know how this happened! It is difficult to identify how I have “morphed” into such a person, enjoying something I especially disliked in the recent past. Something has ignited a new passion in me and I love it!


PLAY Speaking from experience, I know sometimes you will find that circumstances have led you in a different direction and you seem not to have the ability to pursue your avid interests. Although being a mom is one of the most rewarding experiences in your life, there is a fine line between being a great mom and regrettably losing who you are in the process. You are forever a mom but that doesn’t mean the pursuit of your life passion has to wane altogether. What it does mean is you can now share this passion with your children, helping them discover their talents while getting to know more about you. This is also something you can continue with them throughout your life, regardless of their ages. Nurturing your children’s talents will boost their self-confidence as they transition through school and life in general. This is the ultimate opportunity to include your children in those things that have played a great part of your life in the past. If not now, when? Perhaps some of you have been inspired to start designing, painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument again as you’ve read. Whatever your talent, I hope you continue to share it with your family, inspiring your children with new possibilities. As your children get older they will always remember the wonderfully happy days spent growing up with a mom who understood the positive impact of sharing her talents with them – a mom who helped them find theirs. You will also have instilled in them the habit of sharing their talents rather than putting them away for later.

Diane Berry, Professional Organizer db consulting

Today is the day. Reignite that fire within you to pursue your talents, and get excited about doing this for you and your family! •

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Galveston Island H Gulf Coast destina ing family-friendl attractions, rides, shops, you can sp thrill rides and tha For tickets and pa com.

For 30 years the Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament has been bringing you back to the 15th century with dinner and a show fit for a king. Take the family up to Dallas, Texas and experience all the king and his courts have to offer. For details and ticket fares visit medievaltimes. com/dallas.

The Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden features beautiful garden tours year round! Founded by a group of individuals with a passion for preserving both history and nature, the gardens offer something for everyone, with more rooms and plans to grow. For more information visit dallasarboretum.org.

The George Obse State Park has thr create stunning v of the domes are depending on the of year, Saturn’s rings cou For more details a hmns.org.

THE GRAND THEATRE The Dr. Pepper Museum in Waco, Texas offers a unique look into how this iconic Southern brand began. Don’t forget to stop at the Soda Shop for a Dr. Pepper float, made with homemade Blue Bell Ice Cream, and pick up your 10-2-4 swag at the gift shop on your way out. To purchase tickets visit drpeppermuseum.com.

Historic Pleasure Pier is a ation like no other. Featurly games, food and retail pend a summer day with at salty sea breeze. ark times visit pleasurepier.



Kids’ Flicks!

That South Texas heat will be here before you know it, and so will the end of another school year. During those long summer days when you’re looking for something fun to do with the kiddos, head on up Interstate 45 to Conroe. The Grand Theatre 14 Conroe will be featuring Summer Kids’ Flicks from June through August. Every Tuesday and Wednesday, during participating dates, select movies rated G or PG will be played at 10AM for a smashing low price of $3.50! This includes your movie ticket, FREE box of popcorn and kid’s soda. The box offices will open at 9:30AM for ticket purchase. For more information visit TheGrandTheatre.com or call 1-888-94FILMS.

SMURFS 2 JUNE 10-11 Larry’s Old Time Trade Days in Winnie, Texas is the largest flea market in South East Texas. With three days a month to shop, you’re sure to find that East Texas treasure as you stroll the grounds to see what vendors are selling. Avoid the crowds and shop on Fridays! For exact market dates visit larrysoldtimetradedays.com.


ervatory at Brazos Bend ree domed telescopes that views of the night sky. Each open to visitors and e time of month or season


uld be viewed live. about the telescopes visit



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