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Family, Fire & Faith



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FROM THE PUBLISHERS A TIME FOR NEW BEGINNINGS Happy Holidays Moms! We hope you had a most blessed Thanksgiving and pray you were able to spend it with those you love. As we enter into this joyous Christmas season, we have much to be thankful for and much to look forward to as well. We first want to thank you, our faithful readers, for the most amazing first volume! Can you believe this is already the last issue of our first year of Momology Magazine? This last year

TRACI HUHN Publisher

AMANDA HENSLEY Associate Publisher



we have introduced you to some amazing local businesses – from comic book stores to auto repair shops to lakeside resorts and more! We’ve read stories of trial and inspiration. We’ve learned about how to love more and that it’s ok to be modest. We’ve laughed and cried together. We have been Momology, perfectly mixed and perfectly matched. This next year promises to be just as exciting, heart-warming, inspiring and challenging. Most importantly, we vow to encourage you in this crazy thing called motherhood. We pray that each of you feels the strength and presence of God as you embark on this journey every morning. For those of you who have raised your children and may be enjoying or waiting on grandchildren, we pray that you feel His peace in a job well done. For those of you who are still longing to be called Mom, we pray that you are granted the opportunity to feel the warmth of little hands in the Perfectly Mixed and Perfectly Matched way that God has in store for you. As 2014 comes to an end we hope that your holiday season is merry and bright. We want to hear from you, so please submit your stories to us at for a chance to be published next year. Have a very Merry Christmas and a most Happy New Year!


ASK THE EDITOR Merry Christmas, moms! We wish you all the love, joy, peace, and CHOCOLATE your hearts desire this Christmas season. As you spend all your time in the background making sure everything happens just as your family likes it from now until the new year, it is our hope that the content of this special issue of Momology Magazine will be a catalyst to rejuvenate your minds, bodies, hearts, and spirits. We give you permission to take a little time for yourself so you can give the best of yourself to your friends and families. We are so thankful you have allowed Momology to be a part of your life. From the bottoms of











our hearts to yours, Merry Christmas!!!!!!! Grace and peace,

John Momology Magazine is a bimonthly publication of Allymac Concepts. Allymac Concepts is not responsible for any omissions or misrepresentations submitted to the magazine. Advertisers represented in this publication and their agencies assume all liability for the content of advertisements and photos. Opinions, advertisements, and articles expressed do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher or Allymac Concepts’ employees. Be advised many writers featured in this publication are not necessarily professionals but moms writing from personal experience and should be read as such. Reproduction or transmittal of any part of this publication is prohibited without express permission in writing from the publisher.




1.4 REJUVENATE: in this issue









EXPRESS YOURSELF KIDS FASHION.............. 7 EXPRESS YOURSELF MOM FASHION ..........12 UPDATE YOUR DECOR WITH MODEL HOME INSPIRED DIYS ............................................ 14 THE MODEST MOMMY .............................. 26




ALL THINGS ARE NEW................................... 8 ON THE COVER: CHOSEN: FAMILY, FIRE AND FAITH........................................................... 19

FACE IN THE MIRROR.................................. 17 THE SPA AT LA TORRETTA LAKE RESORT......24 BECOMING AS LITTLE CHILDREN.................29




PANCAKES AND CHEESECAKE: MOM’S SECRET TIPS...............................................28


PLAY THINKING OUTSIDE THE (TOY)BOX.............. 18 ACTIVITY & EVENT CALENDAR ....................22

HEAL ON POINT WITH DR. RAYMER .................... 30 ADVERTISER’S INDEX ALLYMAC CONCEPTS PHOTOGRAPHY..... 2 MOCKINGBIRD BABY ................................. 6 MONTGOMERY COUNTY JOB FAIR....... 9 REFLECTIVE LIFE MINISTRIES....................... 11 C.A.R.S. ....................................................... 13 SCENTSY ...................................................... 14 THE RICHARDSON GROUP REALTY ............. 15 INHALE MINISTRIES ..................................... 17 THE LAW OFFICE OF ERIN LUCKE ................ 29 ATHLETIC REPUBLIC THE WOODLANDS ... 31 WOODFOREST NATIONAL BANK ............... 32



The Greater Houston, Texas area has over 6 million people with 50% being represented by the female population. Our readership will be extended beyond this area by means of digital publication as well as an accompanying website and social platforms. Using the phrase “Perfectly Mixed, Perfectly Matched” we seek to encourage moms to embrace their mommy place in life and realize that as long as they are doing the very best they can, they are the perfect mommy for the children that call them MOM. Studies have indicated that the buying power of women in the United States is continuing to increase, with women accounting for over 85% of all consumer purchases and seventy-five percent of women identifying themselves as the primary shoppers for their household (, 2014.) For a media kit, visit or contact Shannon Hardesty at (225) 316-8837 or


Do you know someone who has an interesting or inspiring mom story? Sure you do! Just like all kids are different, all moms are unique in their experiences, perspectives and talents. We want to learn and grow from these different walks in the daily life of a mom and invite you to send your story starters to



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Express Yourself

KIDS FASHION Avalene is a tween who loves to have animal prints mixed with all her outfits. She loves her boots and wears them with anything from her biker-esk outfit (pictured here) to skirts, dresses and even to ballet.

Meet Avrie, your modern day Punky Brewster. She loves to mismatch prints, colors and styles. From her glittery animal print calf high tennies to her “Fancy Nancy� like hair bow.

Does your child love expressing themselves through fashion? We want to feature them! We believe that it is incredibly important to learn who you are and that fashion is one way that children explore this for themselves. If your child would like to be featured in the magazine, please send their first name along with high resolution photos, a short description of how their personality comes through in their look, and where to get the look to



he holidays, as they say, are upon us again. It’s time for shopping, cooking, planning, parties, feasts, guests, family, friends, and church services. Twenty-eight days of Christmas songs filling our malls, cars, and our homes. Twenty-eight days of the hustle, the bustle, and all the warm Christmas cheer battling it out against a commercialized Christmas frenzy. We will send and receive cards, take pictures, eat, drink, and laugh. We will celebrate and catch up with our loved ones and remember loved ones who have gone on before us. We will reflect on this old year that is retiring into the history books, and embrace the promise of the new year to come. As we reflect on where all our time went this year, we will make vows of improvement for next year. Somewhere in the mix, we will celebrate the birth of a baby some 2,000 years ago. As mothers, this time of the year means a lot more work for those you love knowing it will certainly be taken for granted yet again. You don’t mind, at least not most of the time, because you love your family, but let’s face it, it is simply exhausting. On top of all your mom duties, you are now the planner/coordinator, cook, cleaning service, shopper, card-sender, and anything else necessary to create the holiday experience your family knows and loves. You are the one behind the scenes making it all happen. Perhaps in the midst of it all, year after year, you have unintentionally and slowly made a habit of taking for granted the birth of that baby 2,000 years ago. It is easy to do even without all the extra work. Let’s reflect on His birth together and invite the Lord to make it new to us this year - to make us new. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 We sing songs about that supposedly silent night every Christmas, year after year, until it becomes little more than a mindless act of community, a bonding experience with friends and loved ones, a tradition. We watch church plays and musicals depicting the events of that night, read the biblical account (probably from Luke) to our families, perhaps toss some change into the Salvation Army’s collection bucket or contribute to Operation Christmas Child, and it all simply feels good. Jesus is a special baby in a manger heralded by a star and travelers from the east. Pa-rum-pa-pum-pum and everything is warm, fuzzy, and sterile. Perhaps the significance and gravity of the events that occurred on that night (which most likely was not the 25th of December) has been lost somewhere between the Check out The Star of Bethlehem at (Photo credit)


manger and present-day renditions of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.” A nation waiting for its Messiah, oppressed and seemingly forgotten by God (it had been some 400 years since the last prophet had spoken). A miraculous birth - announced by angelic visitations to both mother and father, a priest named Zacharias, and to shepherds in a field - all but unnoticed. The Eternal, Invisible, All-powerful God descended to planet earth, diminished Himself into flesh and blood, became an embryo in the teenage Mary’s womb, and went through the entire messy, bloody, glorious human birthing experience. Imagine that history-splitting moment when Mary held the baby Jesus in her arms for the first time and gazed into His eyes, umbilical cord still pulsing in sync with the rhythm of her heart in a cold, dirty manger in Bethlehem. She draws Him close to her bosom. Do you imagine a quaint evening, the baby Jesus - no crying He makes - with a soft glow enveloping a barn or a cave? All is calm, all is bright, all is extremely sterile. Or do you feel electricity in the air as you gaze upon a bloody, messy birthing scene: a crying baby Jesus being comforted by his sweaty, overawed mother, his exhausted father holding her hand, gazing in wonder at the Son of God? Immanuel. God with us. Salvation is here. The moment God Himself visited our planet, not as an angel or some other cosmic being, but as one of us. I imagine Creation pregnant with prophecy, shifting, groaning, bursting at the seams with expectation. Angels descending to witness this unprecedented, unimaginable event. (Later Scripture reveals that angels do not understand God’s plan for us and even still are watching us to see. What an unfathomable thought!) Even today babies are always held with a sense of awe bordering on fear of dropping or breaking them.

Imagine holding in your arms God Himself as a baby. Imagine being the first of all humanity to see Him - God in the flesh in your arms crying, slobbering, burping. They had to wonder what it all meant. Immanuel, Jesus. Salvation is here. If only they knew. The blood of the birth foreshadowed the blood of the cross. The magi brought three gifts: Gold was a gift given to kings, Frankincense was an ingredient for incense used in sacrifices, and Myrrh was used to embalm bodies for burial. Jesus Christ, the King, our sacrifice whose death was to secure salvation for all who believed, now a babe in a manger. At once christened King, marked for sacrifice, and prepared for burial. What imagery. I am convinced God is a poet, Creation His poetry. His expressions speak to the edges of the Universe, and penetrate the depths of our sin-laden souls. It seems His poetry is even written across the night skies. Rick Larson, a lawyer and professor in College Station, TX has done some incredible work uncovering the constellations and movement of stars in the skies surrounding the events of Jesus’ birth and death. I highly recommend checking out his research and documentary, The Star of Bethlehem, at this Christmas. “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world…” Psalm 19:1-4 You will find that the celestial poetry surrounding the birth story is breathtaking. What a tremendous, powerful, unequaled event we celebrate every December. Given the busyness and weight of extra duties taken on each holiday season, how does a mom, or anyone, keep herself from taking the birth of our Savior for granted? There are undoubtedly many answers to that question and it is for each of us to work out in our own lives, but here is one idea. Jesus instructed us to remember Him through the act of taking communion together, and it serves as a time to reconnect to His death and resurrection. We are to examine ourselves and deal with the sin He is bringing to the surface of our hearts. It is a checkup for our soul. In a similar manner, what if we use Christmas as a specified time each year where we reconnect with His birth? To reflect on the gravity of God stepping into His Creation, and becoming a creature. To gaze in awe on that babe in the manger and let His newborn life rise in our hearts again. This Christmas, choose to take nothing for granted. You are working hard, holding everything together for the family you love. Take a moment with just you and that babe in the manger. Gaze into His eyes, feel the electricity in the air, and let the awe and wonder of the Incarnation fill your heart. He truly makes all things new, including you. Renew your spirits, beloved mothers, heartbeat of your families. Close your eyes and breathe deep. Let the truth of three simple words wash over you. He is here.•

We all experience hardships in life - oftentimes we don’t understand why, but He makes all things beautiful, if you let Him in. As you go about your holiday activities this season, and really, all year-round, make a point to stand up for those whose voice may be broken and be a beacon of light so that they may see Him and allow Him to make them new. If you are someone who is hurting, let these lyrics give you peace, comfort and rest in Him, allowing Him to come into your heart, make you new, and rejuvenate your soul.

He Makes All Things Beautiful Lyrics by: Joey Hensley Child of God, life has been unkind, hope was in your dreams of peace you’ll never find. And all you know is everything breaks down, everything falls down: the cross before the crown. He makes all things beautiful. So beautiful, a heart that’s on the mend, eyes that shine again as life begins in Him. And all you know, everything is good, everything is right: perfect in His eyes. He makes all things beautiful Every good, perfect gift is from above; He makes all things new. He makes all things beautiful. You’re beautiful.

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Presented By:

LOVE AS A VERB a series on Surviving the Chaos Together YOU ARE A RAINBOW BY: TERI DARBY


usbands. We love them more than anyone and everyone. They make us laugh, hold us when we are “Dare to love yourself upset, work hard to provide, and love us just as we are. as if you were a rainbow They choose us! It is funny, though, how sometimes they can with gold at both ends.” irritate us more than anyone on the planet. You know, when ― Aberjhani they do things like go to bed to sleep off an illness when you “can’t” do that. And insisting on watching sports, playing video games, or spending time on hobbies when there is so much that needs to be done? Or going out with the guys even though that means you are stuck with all the responsibilities at home? I have listened to countless women grumble about this, and the complaints cross generational boundaries. Young women, old women and women in between. Recently, though, a strange thought sneaked into my mind. What if they are actually doing something right and we are looking at it all wrong! Hear me out. What are they actually doing? They are healing, relaxing, and doing a bit of de-stressing. I don’t know a woman alive who does not need to do this! If we did, we would heal faster, be less stressed, and live overall happier and healthier lives. We need to love on ourselves a little bit too. As Aberjhani said, “Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.” As a woman who raised four children, I understand how hard it is to find the time to take care of yourself. However, I am also a woman who is enduring the consequences of not doing so as my health now suffers from that past neglect. If you do not feed your mind, body and soul properly, you are also less effective in caring for others. We need to stay on top of our game and be at our best to handle the demands of a busy family life. Letting your body rest when you are ill will definitely alter the norm in your family life. However, it is because your family needs you that you must take care of yourself. A big part of this is letting go! You do not have to do everything yourself, and many responsibilities can wait until you feel better. If you are ill and need to stay in bed so you can heal faster, do it. Let your kids eat cereal or grilled cheese. Let your spouse manage the evening. It’s okay if everything does not get done the way you normally do it. Your kids will live through it and learn to become a little more independent in the process.


Part of de-stressing is having the time to do it. You must learn to delegate, delegate, delegate. A wise person told me long ago that my biggest problem was that I was exhausted and I needed to stop doing everything for my children. Not only was it not healthy for me, but it wasn’t healthy for them either. They were not learning to be responsible people. So, they started helping with the laundry when they were three and four years old. Gradually turning into masters at washing their own clothes. My youngest has been completely doing his own laundry since he was eight. Even small children should be given tasks to help get dinner ready. Let them fold the napkins and set a pretty table. No, this is not necessary, but I guarantee you that it will develop confidence in your children as they begin to use their own ideas. The side benefit is they are spending time with their parents and giving mom more precious time for herself. Allow your children do for themselves what they are able to do. Of course, they will not do it perfectly, but that is how they learn. So, now that you are learning how to make the time you need, what does de-stressing look like to you? I asked some women what they like to do and here are some of the most popular responses:


In Mark 12:31 God instructs us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. How would our neighbors feel if we treated them the way we tend to treat ourselves? Never having time for them, or feeding them when they are hungry, or helping them in a time of need? Yes, we are taught to be selfless, but that does not mean to neglect ourselves or that verse would make no sense. In order to be in top shape to serve Him, we must take care of our bodies, mind and spirit. As a matter of fact, we are told in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 that our bodies are temples and not to sin against it, so we should treat them with the utmost respect and love. These biblical principles should be guidelines that we hold ourselves accountable to, taking a moment here and there to breathe, breaking free from the chains that once held us hostage and observing Godly margins in our lives. While it’s true that men (and even some women) may take relaxing and self-care to an extreme, much can be learned from their ability to stop and relax - taking some time to rejuvenate without hesitation. • • • • • • • • • •

Take a long bubble bath all by yourself. Curl up with a good book that you are excited to read. Attend a Bible study. Get together with the girls and have a few laughs. Exercise, such as running, swimming, or taking a Zumba class. Listen to or make music. Get a massage which not only relaxes, but also releases toxins from your body. Go out for a pedicure. Play games or have a movie night with the family. Enjoy a dinner out with your mate.

Notice that all of these activities are good for you. Exercise, feeding the mind, and being in the good company of other women. One of my favorite pastimes for relaxation is going to paint workshops with a friend of mine. We both love being creative in many different ways and currently we are learning to paint in a casual fun atmosphere. We also have been to ceramic workshops, taken various classes, and made Christmas presents together. We have finally learned the value of getting away from our responsibilities to relax and have fun. Bottom line is that if you want to be at your best with a happy attitude and have healthy relationships, then you must take the time to take care of yourself. That means eating right, exercising, feeding your mind and soul, sleeping enough and relaxing. Your family will love that you are happy and less stressed. You will also reap the rewards of a healthier life in the long run. So go ahead and be nice to yourself. Thomas Aquinas put it this way. “Well-ordered self-love is right and natural.” How cool it will be to be known as the rainbow in your household! If you are successful at loving yourself, you also no longer have to resent when your hubby loves himself! You will appreciate that he cares enough to make sure he is the best that he can be. Both of you may just discover together the secret of the ages: Life is good! •


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SELF Elizabeth’s style is eclectic - she does not shop the way most women do and is not persuaded by fashion ads or new trends. Instead, she finds a piece she likes, even if she only likes a certain aspect of the piece, and then she either wears it as is or alters it into something else. She may have items that hang in her closet for a year until she decides what she wants to do with it. Whether it’s one of the slashed up tour t-shirts she’s collected over the years paired with designer heels, Doc Martens with shorts for work, or a rockin’ dress from Pickles & Ice Cream Maternity Apparel (pictured here), she sticks with what she truly loves and finds comfortable, no matter what the experts say.

FALL CAR CARE MONTH CHECKLIST: Winter is on the Way! It’s well into Fall here in Texas and the Car Care Council reminds motorists that checking their vehicles before the temperatures drop is a sensible way to avoid being stranded out in the cold and the unexpected expense of emergency repairs. The following list are important items to get checked on your car before the freezing temperatures hit. Call one of the three C.A.R.S. locations for any maintenance or repair needs you may have! HEATING, WIPERS AND LIGHTS: • Make sure heaters, defrosters and wipers work properly. • Consider winter wiper blades and use cold-weather washer fluid. As a general rule, wiper blades should be replaced every six months. • Check to see that all exterior and interior lights work and headlights are properly aimed. TIRES & BRAKES • Check the tire tread depth and tire pressure of all tires, including the spare. If snow and ice are a problem in your area, consider special tires designed to grip slick roads. • During winter, tire pressure should be checked weekly. • Have the brakes checked. The braking system is the vehicle’s most important safety item. GAS, OIL & FILTERS • Keep your gas tank at least half full throughout the cold weather to prevent moisture from forming in gas lines and possibly freezing. • Be diligent about changing the oil and filter at recommended intervals. Dirty oil can spell trouble in winter. Consider changing to “winter weight” oil if you live in a cold climate. • Check the fuel, air and transmission filters at the same time. System Checks – Charging, Cooling & Exhaust • Have the battery and charging system checked, as cold weather is hard on batteries. • Clean, flush and put new antifreeze in the cooling system. As a rule of thumb, this should be done every two years. • Have the exhaust system checked for carbon monoxide leaks, which can be especially dangerous during cold weather driving when windows are closed. PACK THE ESSENTIALS • Make sure that your ice scraper and snow brush are accessible and ready to use. • Stock an emergency kit with jumper cables, a flashlight, blankets, extra clothes, bottled water, nonperishable food and a first aid kit with any needed medication. *Source


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Whether you’ve just purchased a brand new home or have been a homeowner for quite some time, these DIYs will add a flair of creativity to your space that is sure to impress!

wooden blanket ladder Keep your blankets

framed chalkboard wallTransform a boring

handy, with this “comfort-

space on the wall into a

able but chic” wooden

giant chalkboard! Great

blanket ladder that you

for to-do lists, chore lists,

can diy for only $10!

scoreboard for family

Complete step-by-step instructions for your wooden

game night ... and the list goes on.

blanket ladder can be

Complete step-by-step

found at shanty-2-chic.

instructions for your framed

com. (Photo credit)

chalkboard wall can be found at shanty-2-chic. com (Photo credit)

restoration hardware-inspired shelving For that small space above the toilet in your half-bath. We love that these shelves are being support-




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ed by galvanized pipe and floor flanges that have been coated with textured spray paint. Complete step-by-step instructions for your hardware-inspired shelving can be found at (Photo credit)


GETTING YOUR HOUSE READY TO SELL So you want to sell your house and you think you need to throw massive cash at the problem to solve your problem? Well that is not necessarily true. Sometimes a good cleaning, removing clutter, or just a few bags of mulch in the front beds are all you need to do. Buyers are more interested in functionality of a home as opposed to high dollar improvements. If they know you need a new roof, that granite countertop will not count for so much.

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Here are a few items that have a Return on Investment that you may want to consider if needed: • Siding 92% ROI • Minor Kitchen Remodel 92% ROI • Roof 80% ROI • Windows 80% ROI The improvements that you do should also be based on the value of the home. A $20,000 Viking stove in a Production Subdivision would be over-improving. Or do not let an Alligator Budget spend money in a Hummingbird Subdivision. Countless times have I had homeowners tell me what they put in upgrades from the builder, and then the home sat on the market because they wanted their investment back. Should not have put in the $250,000 full sized Home Theater, because you cannot take it with you. The value that you put on upgrading should be based on your enjoyment of those upgrades. If you have a four bedroom home and only one bathroom, a Buyer will see that perhaps you should have another bathroom. Minor improvements in the kitchen and bathrooms are where we have seen the best return. One area that needs mentioning is curb appeal. If a buyer drives up and the house looks like it needs improving, then that ends the process before it gets started. Just a few improvements from the local grower can spruce up the outside of the house and create a better curb appeal. One of the best ways to insure that you are not over spending is to have a consultation from a local Realtor and solicit them for ideas. They can give you the value of your home and show you ways that you can sell your home without wasting money.

Brian Richardson


Schedule a consultation with The Richardson Group Realty. Call Brian at (713) 320-6712 or visit




OLD SWEATER CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS Use old sweaters whose pattern will be okay upside down since the bottom of the sweater will become the top of the stocking. Spread the sweater wrong side out on a table and place another stocking or a pattern bottom side up and backwards on the sweater. Trace around the pattern and then pin the sweater so that the front and back stay together while sewing. Machine stitch on the lines before cutting to prevent the sweater from raveling. Cut around the stitches and turn stocking right side out, folding the top down. Make a loop out of the same material or use ribbon or twine. Sew it on the inside of the stocking on the heal side. You can embellish with lace, buttons, ribbon or other items as we did here. Inspired

MANTLE-FREE STOCKING HOLDER Some people don’t have a fireplace mantel or don’t want to hang their stockings on them. This stocking holder, made mostly of repurposed materials, is a splendid solution. The stocking holder pictured here is made out of an old table bottom and a left over 4x4x4ft. untreated post. The top and bottom trim were bought as well as the hooks. However, old drawer or cabinet knobs can be used as well, which would cut the cost of the project. We sanded down all the pieces to take off any old paint and stain. A router was used on the corners of the post to make it look more finished. In this case, the table had a metal anchor in the hole, so we used a hanger bolt to attach the post to the bottom. We then glued the trim on the top and bottom and filled in the gaps with caulk. Then we painted it with chalk paint. You can also sand the edges a bit after painting to make it look more rustic. Lastly we screwed on the hooks. Inspired by:


Photo by Annabella Charles Photography



efy, reposition, lift, reverse, stimulate, recover, defend and


rejuvenate. These are just some of the words I am bombard-

ed with each day. Such is the life of a maturing woman and her skin and body. And that seems to be every woman! When my mother-in-law was alive, she would catch her reflection in the mirror and proclaim, “Who is that old woman in the mirror!” She would go on to explain that she felt ever so much younger on

In many ways I am stronger, yet time has softened my edges.

the inside than that woman’s reflected face. My young self thought, And that is truly glorious. well, she was crazy. I’m not thinking that so much anymore.

Oh but ladies, I am not finished! For, I shall still bear fruit in my old

In this season of life, I find many women of my age either talking age and I shall be fresh and flourishing. Psalm 92:14

Last time I

about their “last chance” or proclaiming “I’m done,” too tired to checked, you cannot buy that in a bottle! birth anything new, simply finished. Such is the lie our culture

So, I am going to embrace yet another change in my life. I truly

demands we buy into – basically use women and throw them aside. desire to age with strength and kindness, grace and beauty. Although we sure better have our face revitalized and regenerated in the tossing process. Really? I wish someone before me had explained this aging process -

Although… for now I am keeping my hair appointments – one thing at a time, one thing at a time! I’d like something to match my heart when I look in the mirror.

explained the changes as truly lovely and a place of new discovery. Instead, it is described as unattractive and worn-out, where one must hold onto youth to find anything of vigor, newness and life. It seems given that a woman must reclaim the earlier years to


have a beauty to offer her world. Now don’t get me wrong, I take care of my skin. Yes, I even color my hair. Some may say I have bought into the lie. Maybe… My body has gone through many changes in its lifetime. And this new aging process is just one more normal and beautifully

planned change. Naturally it starts at different times and lasts for different periods of time for every woman. It can begin unusually early in your late 30’s or in your late 50’s. The sequence varies among women. Some of our peers will have entered and completed some of the changes before we have even started. And it will happen to every woman. And this new change seems to happen earlier for women than for men. Gosh, sounds like puberty!











I am no longer eleven. Oh my, was I angry about that transformation. Somehow I made it through and eventually learned to embrace that change. I grew up. And I am ever so far from twenty, thirty or even forty. So many changes happened in those years – marriage, motherhood and jobs, moves, education, joy and heartache, wounding and healing. Life is change. Once again, I am changing. My heart feels quite young and strong. My body not always – I find it softer these days and in need of extra care. And that is the way it is supposed to be.



E. B

soul. e feminine h t r o f pe E. Ho H T REA For More Information Contact Robyn at




With Christmas just around the corner, this left me thinking about what my kids may want for presents. Then I went into their rooms and saw such a big mess of toys and what not all around. Do they really need more stuff to crowd into their toy boxes and closets?? This led me back to a Christmas when my oldest daughter asked Santa for tickets for all of us to go to the movies. Well Santa came through with a gift card with enough on it for us all to go. This was one of her most favorite gifts of all time. So on that note, I have decided to make a list of toy alternatives for the kids who already have way more toys than needed, or for those who would just like to think outside of the toy box for a more original Christmas gift.





Gift Cards for Stores- all kids love to go shopping with their own money. Just find a store they love.

Tickets to an Event- Plays, ballets, sporting events, concerts, races, moto-cross.... the list goes on and on.

Family Fun Places- Main Event, Mr Gattis, NASA, bowling, skating, Movie Passes- Who doesn’t love to go to the movies? During the Christmas season is when a lot of family movies come out so this is arcades, putt-putt, get up and get moving kinds of places. a big win.


Zoo Membership- This comes with free entry for a full year and many other perks, visit for more information.

Amusement Park Tickets/ Season passes- Six flags, Sea World, Splash Town, Schlitterbahn, Bush Gardens, Disney Land/ World and, opening soon, Texas Grand.



Museum Membership- Living in or around a big city generally offers many different museums. For more info on Houston museum memberships please visit to see what museums may interest your family the most.


Gift Cards for Treats- By this I mean foods, frozen yogurt, fast food restaurants, regular restaurants.



Classes- baking, cake decorating, painting...


The gift of a family vacation- Many families don’t ever have the time or money to get around to a family vacation. Take this time when most people have time off to go somewhere fun, relax and make memories that will last way longer than any toy.


Family, Fire & Faith

BY: TRACI HUHN As told by Sabrina Wagoner




f you don’t bring her in now, you will lose your baby.” These are words that no mother wants to hear. They breed fear, uncertainty, helplessness and devastation. And yet, these are the exact words that tortured Sabrina Wagoner’s ears in November 2012, as the oncologist delivered the heart-shattering news. Her nine month old daughter had cancer. During her routine nine-month checkup, the doctor felt a mass in Lilly’s abdomen. Thinking that it was most likely backed up stool, she was given medicine to help pass it and scheduled for a follow up visit. When a weekend passed and nothing changed, an ultrasound was ordered and still, the radiologist was 90% convinced that she was backed up. Sabrina’s maternal instincts kicked into high gear she knew that the issue did not need to be ignored and immediately scheduled an MRI. As the emotions invaded their hearts and their heads became clouded and overwhelmed with the imminent prognosis, she and her husband Brent knew that they had to act fast. “There was not any room for what-ifs,” said Sabrina. “We needed to know right then what this was. I knew when I didn’t get any solid answers that it was time to push more.” But the diagnosis wasn’t good – the tennis ball size malignant tumor located in their daughter’s small body, identified as Neuroblastoma, was already stage 3 and significantly advanced. Doctors believe that the asymptomatic tumor threatening Lilly’s life had started in the womb and it was lucky that it was found. However, because it was wrapped tightly around a major abdominal artery, surgery was not an option at this point. Instead, two rounds of chemo therapy would be used to shrink the tumor with hopes that surgeons could then remove the tumor with less risk. Upon hearing devastating news about our loved ones, especially our children, we often consider the role or presence of God in our lives. Many become angry and bitter towards Him, reasoning that if He loves us so much, He would not allow bad things to happen to good people. Some may take it even further and claim that He is punishing them. Others, who believe that God makes all things beautiful and all things new, seek Him, realizing that He has a history of using these situations to bring Him glory, while bestowing grace upon his child – the victim of something that we can only fathom as cruel and unfair. When the Wagoners were given the news about their little girl, the only thing that made sense to them was to get on their knees. “I was very direct and reclusive in my prayers,” said Sabrina, “not wanting anyone but family and close friends to know what was going on. We didn’t want to burden others with our issues or feel pressured to constantly update people during such a crazy time. But then a wise woman – who I like to call Mom – told me that I needed to search deeper to find out what God wanted in this and most likely, it is NOT to shut the world out, but to bring them to His Glory to witness His miracle. I appreciated her words as optimism, but watched as the floodgates opened.” Three days after they found out that Lilly had cancer, the Wagoners decided to take a small step of faith and email the church to find out if they could have elders pray for them after church on Sunday – something small and intimate. But Jeff Wells, pastor of WoodsEdge, had different plans for Lilly. During the service, he told Lilly’s story to the entire congregation!


As Sabrina and Brent lifted their heads that had been buried in their hands in tears, they witnessed the entire room of people standing with their hands in the air, praying for their little girl. The Wagoners were completely overwhelmed with God’s presence. As they looked across the room, Sabrina felt God’s whisper “this is bigger than you … and what you see here is what this is all about.” The days that followed demonstrated their faithfulness to seek God. As they endured daily trips to Texas Children’s hospital for treatment, both of them with full time jobs and their two year old daughter, Landree, at home, they continued to pour out their hearts to Him, pleading for Lilly’s life. It is often in the midst of tragedy that we hear God speak most clearly. We are there, before Him, on our knees, sometimes faces planted to the ground as we plead with Him to heal and to just make the pain and uncertainty go away. It is here that we meet God face to face and hear His truth speaking loudly to our hearts. While the Wagoners continued to seek Him out throughout the endless days of battling for their daughter’s life, it was in a very special, vulnerable moment of prayer that God revealed His answer to the entire situation. As Sabrina rocked Lilly one evening, she started to pray and she felt her daughter’s tiny hand on her cheek. When she looked down at her, God whispered to her “Give her back to me, so I can work. She doesn’t belong to you, she is mine. This is not about you saving her … it’s between me and Lilly. Pray for My will to be done and you have to be ok with the results, no matter what they are.” As a Christian, this is hard. In the midst of your struggle and pain, you are not to pray for your will, no matter how strong your desires, no matter how great the ache – trusting completely in Him and His plan and praying that His will be done, over your own. As a parent, it’s even harder. It is your responsibility to protect your children, to shield them and guard them with your very lives.

To let go of that is almost unimaginable. Gripping Lilly’s life in her hands, so afraid to even sleep at night, Sabrina and Brent had to get to a place where they were okay if cancer took their daughter AND in the midst of it, bring as many people to Christ that they could through her story? “I’m sorry, What, God???” With faith as their only refuge, they began to let go and that is when the flood gates were opened. “We needed to pray,” said Sabrina, “but not only us, we needed a nation. We shared her story with thousands through CaringBridge, asking everyone to circle Lilly with prayer – her story went global. Prayers from all over the world were coming in following our daily updates and devotions, praising God through our journey. Some shared that they came to know or re-know Christ because they saw what God was doing through Lilly.” While Sabrina and Brent were letting go and giving it all to God, Satan was hard at work attacking their vulnerabilities and trying to stir up doubt in their hearts. After two grueling rounds of chemo circulated through Lilly – now 12 months old – they were told that it wasn’t working. Devastation and fear overcame them as the oncologist and surgeon gave word that it was time for removal – the very thing they refused to do in the beginning. The surgery was still just as risky but now they had no choice – and by the way, 30% removal of the tumor would be considered a “success.” As Lilly went in for a six hour cancer surgery, her parents gathered with a pastor and about 30 friends and family to cover her in prayers. After two hours Sabrina received a call, in which she was informed they were closing her up. “Immediately I thought: it was too big, it was too risky, they only got a little bit, we are going to have to continue this horrible cycle of chemo, she’s not going to make it, we can’t do this anymore!” As she gave in to the anxiety and began to grieve for what might be their forthcoming future with their daughter, God reached out and gently pulled her to Him. Five minutes later, as they sat in the consultation with her surgeon – Lilly in recovery – His hand in the entire situation was exposed. The doctor explained that when they opened her up, he immediately found a perfectly structured surgical pathway leading directly to her tumor, which had moved away from her artery. He was able to extract 90% of the tumor! “We took a double take, and I almost fell out of my chair,” said Sabrina. “Was this real? It was!” Sabrina reflects: Lilly’s surgical scar extends from one side of her hip bone to the other. Her now 4 year old sister calls it “her miracle scar”. We are monitoring the remaining piece left in her body and she just graduated to scanning only twice a year. God restored Lilly’s life so she can follow Him and use her story as a testimony. Lilly may have not been able to talk at the time, but I know she felt Christ with her the whole time. He restored our dependency in Him and made us blatantly aware of our role as her parents through this situation and in her life overall. This life isn’t about us, it’s about Him. We may not understand why a 9 month old baby has cancer….. but it’s not up to us to understand……we couldn’t waste time searching for the wrong answers….but spent it praying for what He wants to do in this time. It was when we were at our most desperate, vulnerable, hopeless state in our lives, He was able to work. He chose us to be her parents…..when He knew this was going to happen, he chose us. I still don’t know why, but how could we not let Him be glorified and do His work, no matter the end result? The main catch-phrase for cancer patients and their parents is Keep Fighting, you’re going to make it….but ours…Let Go, or you won’t. Indeed.




THE RED CABOOSE CHRISTMAS TREE FARM Admission: FREE 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 14558 Tree Farm Rd, Magnolia

Open daily until trees sell out. This year we have Virginia Pine, Leyland Cypress and Frasier Fir from 5 - 15 feet. Come join us on the weekends to include exotic birds, koi pond, farm animals, BBQ, refreshments, hayrides, and so much more! WEEK OF DECEMBER


THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER AT THE CRIGHTON THEATRE Admission: $15, $18. $20 See site for schedule 234 North Main, Conroe

Presented by Stage Right, “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” is sure to be a people pleaser. Grab the whole family for a great experience. (936)441-7469 WEEK OF DECEMBER


A CHRISTMAS CAROL AT THE OWEN THEATRE ADMISSION: $18, $20, $22 See site for schedule 225 Metcalf, Conroe

Enjloy this Christmas classic musical with family and friends. (936)539-4090 SUNDAY DECEMBER


HOLLY JOLLY JINGLE Admission: FREE 2:00 pm - 9:00 pm The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion The Woodlands

Ring in the holidays with The Cynthia Woods MItchell Pavillion. Frolic in our Winter Wonderland, complete with snow and a perfromance of holiday classics and popular carols. TUESDAY DECEMBER


COOKIES WITH SANTA Admission: FREE 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Physicians ER 4524 Research Forest Dr. The Woodlands

We will be serving cookies and hot chocolate, as well as a stocking where the kids can drop off their letters to Santa. Each child will receive a response in the mail from Santa. Parents, please bring cameras to take pictures of your kids.




BETHLEHEM CITY 2014 Admission: FREE 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm West Conroe Baptist Church, 1855 Longmire Rd., Conroe

Come drive through the streets of Bethlehem , listen to the CD provided about the story of Jesus, and enjoy the festivities with family and friends as we get in the Christmas spirit. (936) 760-1911 FRIDAY DECEMBER


JINGLE BELL ROCK Admission: $25.00 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm Sleepy Hollow Multipurpose Building 9845 Sleepy Hollow, Conroe

Benefit sponsored by Children’s Books On Wheels. Jingle Bell Rock holiday party event. Dancing, live music, food, fun to benefit our literacy program “Seed To Read.” Live music provided by Ray Parsee and Cliff Duncan. (281)844-7596 Rita Wiltz:



2014 JINGLE BELL RUN/WALK FOR ARTHRITIS Admission: $18 to $40 7:30 am - 10:30am Northshore Park The Woodlands

Run or walk a 5k route with your team members and celebrate the seasosn by giving. Complete with food, drink, live music, prizes, giveaways and Santa’s Village. SATURDAY DECEMEBER


CHRISTMAS IN THE WOODS Admission: FREE 10:00am - 4:00pm 7 Acre Wood 4401 N. Frazier, Conroe

Access to Christmas market with vendors, Christmas music, park play areas, petting zoo, mini golf, zip-lines, NEW playground, play in Tombstone & more. Tickets may be pruchased for: Pictures with Santa; hay, pony & train rides; Concessions; Face Painting; Gourmet Baked Sweets; and more!



CHRISTMAS IN MONTGOMERY Admission: VARIES 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Old Community Center Bldg Montgomery

Arts and Crafts Sale Christmas Parade: 11:00am Downtown Breakfast with Santa: Living Savior Lutheran Church, 8-11am. Adult: $8 and children under 2 are free. Photos with Santa are $5. 37th Annual Candlelight Home Tour: 4:00- 8:00pm. Adults: $15 Children: $5 Buy tickets after 2pm at Nat Hart Davis Museum. 23rd Annual Cookie Walk: Old Community Center Building 12:00pm - 5:00 pm. Buy beautiful holiday cookies by the pound! SATURDAY DECEMBER


CONROE CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION AND PARADE Admission: FREE 11:00am - 5:00pm Downtown Conroe/Heritage Place

Includes 180ft mobile zip line, two real snow hills, carriage rides, face painting, petting zoo and pony rides, train rides, live nativity scene and much more. Parade by the Kiwanis Club starts at 1:00pm SATURDAY DECEMBER


MRS. CLAUS’ GINGERBREAD HOUSE WORKSHOP Admission: $5 museum entrance plus $5 workshop 10:00 am - 3:00 pm The Woodlands Children Museum

Join us for a festive day full of gingerbread house making, arts and crafts, games and so much more for everyone to enjoy! Check the website for many more events during the holiday season. WEDNESDAY NEW YEAR’S EVE ALL NIGHT SKATE, RAINBOW ROLLER RIN DECEMBER Admission: see site for details 7pm-12:30am or 7pm-7am 1695 N. Loop 336 E., Conroe


No pillows, pajama’s or sleeping bags. Don’t forget that every Saturday is Family Game Night from 7pm - 11pm! (281)292-9090

SUBMIT YOUR EVENT FOR FREE at All events will be made available online; publisher reserves the right to choose the events that will appear in the magazine. Paid advertisers will be given priority.



ARBONNE, A MOM’S BEST FRIEND For the moms out there who are saying “Arbonne? What’s that?” ...get ready to live healthier, save time and save money. Arbonne is a health and wellness company. It seems there are tons of companies claiming that these days, but what makes Arbonne different is each of the 400+ products are herbal and botanically based and free of the creepy toxins found in so many personal care and nutrition products. Every product is gluten free and certified vegan. That means they are actually safe for your family to use every single day! Arbonne has several product lines including baby care, anti-aging skincare for men and women, acne treatments, detox spa, aromatherapy, cosmetics and a full line of nutrition. Now you may be wondering how can Arbonne save me time…

Simple! Instead of rounding up the kids, fighting the mall traffic or trying to squeeze in a trip to the store on the way home, do your shopping online. Arbonne has an easy-to-navigate website where you can order everything you need and it’s delivered right to your front door. I told you it was simple! And it gets better .... Arbonne encourages families to replace products they usually use (shampoo, face wash, diaper rash cream or protein powder) and experience great results. A Preferred Client will save 2040% with each order and is never forced into auto ship or required to meet a monthly order minimum. You order what you need when you need it! And if you are looking to make some extra money, consider becoming an Arbonne

Independent Consultant and receive 35-50% savings on personal orders in addition to earning an income. Arbonne can be $200 a month for spending cash or replace a corporate salary so you can stay home instead of sending the kiddos to daycare. Your Arbonne business is also willable to your family for generations to come. Discover Arbonne meetings are held the first Thursday in The Woodlands. Specific meetings for the salon industry are held the first Monday at Sprout Salons. For additional information about products or Arbonne’s opportunity, please contact your consultant or Julie Peters at 281.795.2806 or

December 05 - December 19 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm The Little Gym $25/Day Members or $30/Day Non-Members 17947 I-45 Shenandoah, TX 77385

December 19 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm Santa’s Great Escape

$8 for Residents and $10 for Non-Residents per child. Must be paid in full by Wednesday, December 17, 2014 100 Park Place Conroe, TX 77301 Call 936-522-3950 to reserve your spot.

December 20 9:00 am – 2:00 pm Class Act Studios

$25 first child; $45 for two children; $60 three children (same family) 25275 Budde Rd. Ste 25, The Woodlands, Tx 77380 281-292-6779 Check your local calendars for more Shop & Drop opportunities!




Let us take care of you, so you can take care of them! BY: ANDREA GAUL

As we enter into one of the most wonderful times of the year, jingle bells are ringing, hot chocolate boiling, and the air is thick with expectation. Soon, you will spend time with family and friends, exchange gifts and celebrate the season. You might listen to stories and tell stories of your own (many the same every year), enjoy the company of loved ones you do not see often (and some you might see a little too often), and reflect on the year gone by. For now, though, we all know that it means cooking, cleaning, preparation and a whole lot of hard work. (In other words, everything is riding on you and you hold it all together!) Why not slow down a little this holiday season, take a break from the stress and treat yourself to a relaxing trip to the spa? Take care of yourself so you can take care of those you love most. Nestled in the piney woods of Lake Conroe and with services that boast a 98.6% satisfaction rate by guests, La Torretta Lake Resort and Spa is the perfect place to spend quality “you” time. La Toretta is 18,000 square feet of rest and relaxation located on beautiful Lake Conroe. In addition to all the amenities a guest should expect from their spa experience, including 11 massage rooms and 3 facial rooms, the facility adds something new to the mix with Turkish Hammam massage rooms and Turkish scrub rooms. “It is a total feel of relaxation when you enter our Zen-like facility,” says Judy Meitzen, Manager of The Spa at La Torretta. “We make every effort to pamper our guests and cater to their every whim.” While the majority of clients are guests at the resort, the spa is also open to the public, with people from Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Waco and surrounding areas taking refuge in what Meitzen describes as “a little gem in the woods.” Clients can truly enjoy the ultimate spa experience with services ranging from massage, facial treatments, wraps, manicures and pedicures and salon services. And it’s not just for the ladies! Many men bask in the full experience, complete with haircuts and barber services just for them. Massage therapy is offered in both 50 and 80-minute sessions, and ranges from the basic Swedish massage to the Sacred Stone massage. La Torretta offers a wide range of massages and tries to obtain as much information as possible from clients so that they are paired with the right therapists.

Among the most popular services is the “Massage Medley”, a customized massage experience targeting different pressure points that correspond to an individual’s problem areas. The most requested wrap treatment, “Milk and Honey Body Indulgence,” leaves skin with a soft and healthy glow, lasting 7 to 10 days! Take your spa experience home with La Torretta’s latest in skin care products, specifically “Skinceuticals,” which provide scientific and research-based improvement of skin health. Resurface the skin and “plump up” the collagen with their “Hydrafacial Edges” system, designed to erase fine lines and wrinkles.



Therapists at La Torretta are held to the highest standard of professionalism and hospitality, serving clients’ well-being above all. “Each staff member is chosen for their knowledge and technique, as well as the empathetic power to read energy and help pinpoint what each guest requires to make this their ultimate experience” Meitzen said. Perhaps the defining amenity that sets La Torretta apart is their prenatal, postnatal and oncology massage services. Prenatal massage is given to expecting mothers, and postnatal massage helps mothers to rejuvenate their bodies after giving birth. “Of all the things a new mother can do after the birth of her baby, postnatal is one of the most valuable of both physical and emotional benefits.” I’m sure you will agree with Judy that the stress of delivery and the hours spent caring for a newborn will certainly take its toll on the body. That being said, postnatal massage can help reverse the signs of aging and compliment the overall recovery process. Oncology massages are designed to work safely with cancer treatment. Whether prenatal, postnatal or oncology, it is always wise to consult with your doctor prior to having any massage to ensure that there are no underlying issues that could cause problems. Each therapist receives hands-on training and certification prior to performing any kind of specialized massage. La Torretta does its very best to make guests feel comfortable and pampered during treatment. Each guest is greeted as soon as they enter the spa with a warm welcome. They are then escorted to the “relaxation area,” where they are offered a complimentary drink or hot herbal tea of their choice. Luxurious amenities such as the Hammam steam rooms and exquisite shower/locker rooms stocked with beauty and hair products are available for use as well. Want to feel your best so you can give your best to your friends and family this holiday season? Make the appointment that will melt away your stress. The Spa at La Torretta is open daily from 9 a.m.5 p.m. on Sunday – Thursday, and closes at 6 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. Call the Spa at (936) 448-3023, or make an appointment online at

Indulge. Refresh. Revive. Treat yourself to a sensational

$99 Swedish Massage at The Spa at La Torretta. Special offer available Monday – Thursday through December 31st.

Call to book an appontment

(936) 448-3069 Visit us online 600 La Torretta Boulevard Montgomery, TX 77356




Sometimes I change recipes to make them healthier and sometimes it is just because it tastes better. These pancakes are good enough to eat without adding butter and syrup; and my family members say my cheesecake is the best cheesecake they ever had!

BLUEBERRY PANCAKES 3 eggs 1 C unbleached flour 1 C buttermilk 2T melted butter + butter for griddle 1T honey or pure maple syrup ½ t baking soda 1t baking powder ½ t salt 1t

pure vanilla extract

½ -1C fresh blueberries Beat eggs until fluffy. Beat in remaining ingredients except blueberries just until well blended. Adjust to desired thickness by adding more flour for thicker or buttermilk for thinner. Fold in blueberries. Heat griddle to 350° or when water

Crust: Mix all ingredients together. Add more butter a little at a time if too dry to

with 1T butter. Use a ¼C scoop to pour

stick together. Spread evenly into a 9 or

batter onto griddle. Make sure to keep

11 inch spring form pan and pat lighty with

blueberries mixed up in the batter as they

a flat bottomed glass (but do not pack),

will settle to the bottom. Cook pancakes

being sure to bring it up the sides of the

until they are bubbling and the edges are

pan a little bit. Filling: Cream together cheese and

brown. Stack them on a plate and cover

sugar on low for three minutes while

with a dish towel to keep warm. Add

occasionally using spatula to push ingre-

more butter to the griddle and repeat

dients off of the sides. Blend in vanilla and

process. Makes 9 4-inch pancakes.

flour. Add eggs one at a time, beating on

My personal touch:


TERI’S NEW YORK STYLE CHEESECAKE Serves 12 to16 Preheat Oven to 300° Crust 1¾ C graham cracker crumbs ½ t cinnamon ½ C butter, melted ½ C pecans, crushed very small Filling 5 Pkg. cream cheese, room temp. 1 C sugar 1 T pure vanilla extract 2 T flour 1 pt sour Cream 3 extra large eggs Topping: 1 pint to 1 quart of fresh strawberries 1T sugar

sprinkled on it bounces. Grease griddle

dry. Flip and continue cooking until golden

Adding additional eggs for richness

Using butter instead of oil

Using honey instead of sugar

medium speed until well blended. Be careful not to over mix. Mixture should be light and creamy. Fold in sour cream until well mixed. Slowly pour over crust.

Put a cake pan half filled with water on the bottom shelf of the oven to prevent cracking and the spring form pan on the next shelf up. Bake at 300° for 55 to 60 minutes or until cake is light brown and the edges are firm. It is okay for the middle to be a bit wiggly. Turn off oven and let cake cool in the oven to prevent cracking. This will take at least a couple of hours. Remove and let cool completely before covering and refrigerating for 6 hours before serving. Remove from pan immediately before serving. Topping is made from fresh strawberries. Blend ½ of the strawberries and sugar in blender. Mix in the rest of the strawberries which have been cut into thin slices. Let mixture sit in refrigerator until ready to serve. Put a spoonful of topping on each slice as desired. My personal touch: •

Adding crushed pecans and cinnamon to the crust, Yum!

Using fresh strawberries instead of glaze tastes more natural and uses much less sugar.


“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” - John 14:27

Facebook has taken over my life. It used to be that when something extraordinary happened, I laughed, cried and basked in the ephemeral moment. Now it’s a knee-jerk reaction to reach for my phone and post my world with my ever-growing list of friends. Posting is a great way to stay in touch and brag on the family. Posting is also an easy way to cope with struggles. The problem? Posting/ coping only bandages our struggles. It mitigates the pain, but does not heal; it depletes, but does not refill. In essence, someone who is coping is turning to the world for the peace it cannot give. Only the Lord can grant the solace and rejuvenation we so desperately desire. Last Thursday, after a long and tedious day of a longer and more tedious week, my wife needed a break. Our regular schedule of school, scouts, church activities, and the daily grind of baths, chores, and eating dinner at a reasonable hour had just been overwhelmed by three additional events. On Monday, Jess went back to work after a five month hiatus. On Wednesday, our oldest daughter, Maiya, made the school play, adding three hours to her school day (when she’d normally be helping at home.) On Thursday evening, our youngest son, Ian, who is still learning to maneuver his pigeon-toed gait, careened at full speed down the hallway carrying/riding a stick pony, stumbling as he went, momentum carrying him face-first into the edge of a wall. The damage was acute and painful: a puffy, purple welt half an inch thick running from his right temple across his eye socket and nearly to the edge of his lip. The red line of blood down the center of the welt was trapped just below the surface by the thinnest layer of skin. Ian’s injury was a mixed blessing: a curious toddler suffering a painful setback while playing – enough to learn a lesson about running in the hallway, but not enough to warrant a trip to the ER. Thanks to ibuprofen and ice, Ian was nearly his usual self within half an hour. Afterward, he was content to sit in his rocker, suck his bottle, and watch Netflix with his siblings. Ian was millimeters from a trip to the ER. Jess was millimeters from her breaking point. Earlier in the year, Jess made a week’s vacation of Memorial Day weekend. Officially she was flying to West Virginia so that her dentist brother, DJ, could repair a cracked crown. Unofficially, she was using the alone time to ponder personal matters and rejuvenate her depleted inner vessel. Jess enjoyed scenic morning breakfasts from DJ’s front porch watching the Ohio River meander beneath a canopy of Buckeye and Black Locust trees. She spent heavenly nights snuggled with down pillows and a Tempur-Pedic® mattress. Cocooned by herself, Jess slept better than she had in years. Even the dental visits were relaxing thanks to massaging rollers in DJ’s dental chairs. In all things she communed with God. When she called each day to talk, I heard a spark in her voice that had been absent of late. Translated from Latin, rejuvenation is “return to youth.” No matter your age, your inner vessel is physically and spiritually replenished as you remember God is your Heavenly Father and you are His child. Relying on your Father in this way gives your life purpose and direction. Yes, life will at times be challenging, but as you plead for guidance, you will receive a burning light of hope. Your


faith will strengthen as the Lord sustains you through your burdens. Your soul will heal as you receive His love. West Virginia wasn’t the first time that Jess has needed serenity in solitude, and it probably won’t be the last. God-given solitude is essential to rejuvenating your strength so you can give your best to the ones who need you most. Jess found strength on the banks of the Ohio that sustained her as she came back to us. Rejuvenation need not be extensive, and God can send it in many simple forms: a kind word, a smile, the gift of service, miraculous music washing over you. Ironically, God can even rejuvenate you with the very people who stressed you out in the first place. Two hours after Ian’s face plant, Jess posted his picture to Facebook. He was sleeping on his overstuffed bear pillow on my side of the bed. The ibuprofen had kicked in and the swelling had subsided. The post began: “Toddler vs. Wall: wall wins with a sneaky KO blow.” While the post was a coping strategy, Jess had tapped into her rejuvenated strength to weather the storm of the moment. She had bent but not broken. She would be okay. After brushing my teeth, I went to move Ian to his toddler bed underneath the window in our room. Moments later, he dragged his pillow and blanket to Jess’ side of the bed. “Mama,” he called, his blonde tufts peeking over the edge of the comforter. “Mama?” Jess rolled over, scooped him up, kissed his scarred cheek, and they snuggled back to sleep together.

DON’T RISK LEAVING YOUR KIDS ALONE WITH MORE QUESTIONS THAN ANSWERS. Do you have a will or guardianship papers in place to protect your children? Who would be entrusted with your kids? Would they be beneficiaries of your assets?


Erin Lucke




with Dr. Raymer

erry Christmas, moms! Can you believe it is already December? Let me guess, you are fully prepared for the holidays with all

your Christmas shopping done, the stockings are up on the mantel, and the outside of the house is all lit up and decorated for Santa to drop by at the end of the month. What? No? Oh, I see - the craziness of life has got you procrastinating too. You mean my wife and I are not the only ones caught in the flurry of school, work, sports, shuttling our kids to various activities, and more? For most of us, this time of the year can be very stressful, which takes away from what this time of the year is really about. We should be able to enjoy family, be thankful for all of the blessings of the year, give to people in need, and show our loved ones how much they mean to us by giving gifts. This is a time of the year to put others first. Most of us use the month of December to please others. Society tells us to wait

Dr. Derrick Raymer, D.C.

until January and the new year to re-vamp our personal life through a “New Year’s Resolution”.

But why wait until January? Why waste over 30 days to start that resolution? Why not rejuvenate yourself now? Why not make a “Pre-New Year’s Resolution”? We all could jump into this holiday season with energy and excitement for the new year. Why not find something to get you excited and help you during this potentially stressful month that will also lead you into the new year refreshed and ready to go for 2015? Now, you may be assuming I am strictly talking about working out, shedding pounds, and losing inches off your waistline. But I’m not. My challenge to you is to revive yourself in a way that fulfills your needs right now. This might be cleaning up your diet by increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables, reading a book for an hour a day, volunteering at church or at a shelter, or simply taking your kids to the park every Saturday. Find something to do for the next 31 days that makes you happy, gives you energy, and allows you to enjoy the season for what it is! Hold yourself accountable and make it happen. For those of you wanting that head-start on the new year’s weight loss goal, find a gym, a yoga class, a Pilates class, or simply get outside and move! Challenge yourself to utilize exercise as a morale booster, a stress reliever, and a rejuvenator before the new year. Utilize this month as an opportunity to get a head-start on next year’s resolution, so when January 1st comes, this resolution is a habit and not a goal!

To meet this “Pre-New Year’s Resolution” goal, Athletic Republic-The Woodlands has several options for you. We offer individual personal training, endurance running training programs, and workout classes for small groups during the day and after working hours. Group classes are designed to be small, up to 10 people per class, and individualized for all different abilities. Give Athletic Republic-The Woodlands and Dr. Raymer a call at 832-791-5954 with any questions you may have to get started!

Knee pain in young athletes is extremely common. Most treatments and care are focused directly on the knee. However, by treating above and below the knee joint, and strengthening the hips, knee pain can resolve quicker!



8101 Kuykendahl Rd. Suite 100 The Woodlands, TX Located just behind the Alden Bridge Shopping center.

Athletic Republic is the culmination of 24 years of research and relentlessness. It’s an evidence-based sports training system that has delivered improvements in speed, power, agility and stamina to nearly 1 million athletes of all ages. Athletic Republic is a brand built out of a firm belief that there is a better way to train athletes, a better way to rehabilitate and a better way to maintain peak athletic performance. We are not a gym. We are performance sports training.

For more info, contact Susan Romero at 936-443-7747 or by email to

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