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Affiliation Opens Chapter Doors for Transfer Students
Sometimes, plans change. Life happens. Priorities adjust. Dreams evolve. A student’s original university no longer fits.
More than 1 million students transferred to another college or university in 2021, according to the National Center for Educational Statistics. For Alpha Chi Omega collegians, that also means leaving their chapters of initiation behind.
But, if members’ new colleges or universities also have an Alpha Chi Omega chapter, they have a choice –affiliate. Affiliation has offered members the chance to continue their collegiate chapter experiences since the early years of the Fraternity.
Simply put, affiliation is when a member joins an Alpha Chi Omega chapter into which she was not initiated. According to Alpha Chi Omega policy, an active collegiate member in good standing who transfers to a college or university where there is a collegiate chapter may affiliate – though this is not required and the collegian may instead become an alumna member. More information about the full procedure is available at my.alphachiomega.org.
What does affiliation look like in practice? These Alpha Chi Omega sisters share their experiences.
Moving Closer To Family
A childhood dream to explore the west coast and spread her wings brought Olivia Cosgrove to Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
"I've always ached to explore new states and felt that doing so would help develop me into the person I wanted to become," Olivia says. "I was immersed in the new environment and quickly fell in love with the scenery, friends and culture in San Luis Obispo."
Alpha Chi Omega added a sense of belonging. "My initial attraction to Alpha Chi Omega was hearing how openly every member talked about their personal development and the friendships they had gained from joining as a freshman,” she remembers. “I wanted the same for myself.”
As a first-generation sorority member, getting involved in the Epsilon Omega chapter was initially nerve-wracking. But Olivia quickly became the assistant VP risk management and threw herself into overseeing the wellbeing of her chapter. Alpha Chi Omega became home.
Sadly, actually being away from home brought heartache. "I felt that I was missing family events that could not be replaced by pictures sent on text messages," Olivia explains. "I kept going back and forth if transferring would be the best decision for me. How could I leave the life I had made for myself and the friendships? It was not an easy decision."
Ultimately, Olivia decided that transferring to the University of South Carolina felt right, but so did the connections she had made with Alpha Chi Omega. Fortunately, the Theta Upsilon chapter awaited.

"Alpha Chi Omega had become an integral part of my college experience, and I wasn't ready to let that go," she says. "From stepping into the [Theta Upsilon] house on work week, I immediately felt the love each girl had for one another. I'd never seen such strong sorority connections. I knew that I would find a place here just as I had done at Cal Poly."
Olivia jumped in quickly. "From getting check-in texts from our president to members asking the 'new girl' to hang out, I feel that I belong in this chapter," she says. "Getting dinner at the house, going on sister dates with our new members and attending sisterhood events together has made this transfer process seamless for me. I was worried that my new chapter wouldn’t be the same, but it has exceeded my expectations."
As she finishes her first semester with Theta Upsilon, Olivia has plans to become even more involved — including running for office. In addition to making new relationships, Olivia is determined to maintain close ties to her chapter of initiation, particularly with her big sister Chloe.
"I’m truly grateful that I have the opportunity to experience two chapters that have an infinite amount of love for this organization," Olivia says.
Finding The Right Fit
Sometimes a school is simply not a good match, as Grace Gilmore found.
''I transferred to find a school that was a better academic and environmental fit for me," Grace says. "I had to find out what I didn’t like to find out what I do like."
What Grace did take with her from her initial college experience at Arizona State University was her passion for Alpha Chi Omega and treasured experiences with the Zeta Pi chapter.
"I chose to affiliate [when I transferred] because I had such a positive experience being involved in Greek life at my old school, so I wanted to continue,” Grace explains. “It was a great opportunity to meet new people and introduced me to some of my best friends."
So strong was her connection with Alpha Chi Omega that she moved directly into the Chi chapter house when she transferred to Oregon State University.
"It was a little bit scary since I did not know anyone at all and had only chatted with some of the girls virtually," she says. "I decided just going into it with an open mind and positive attitude while being the most authentic version of myself was the best way to tackle my nerves and the process as a whole."
Grace took every opportunity to get involved at Chi chapter, including being elected VP finance just two months after affiliating. "This experience really has taught me that the sisterhood of Alpha Chi is more than just within one chapter," Grace says.
Following Her Dream
Victoria Mata began her academic career at The University of Texas at Austin and was initiated by the Alpha Phi chapter during her sophomore year.
"I remember meeting Alpha Chis during recruitment, thinking that they were such wonderful role models and hoping to be just like them one day," Victoria says. "I was drawn in by the chapter's focus on empowering women, the dedication to our philanthropy and the fun-loving spirit of the girls I talked to."
However, later that year, Victoria was offered the chance of a lifetime – becoming a Houston Texans cheerleader. "It was a life goal of mine to dance professionally, so when I was presented with the opportunity, I transferred schools to make it happen," Victoria explains.
Victoria’s strong connection with Alpha Chi Omega and her Alpha Phi sisters eventually led to the Gamma Upsilon chapter at the University of Houston.

"I didn’t immediately affiliate with Gamma Upsilon. I had a very busy schedule that fall and was unsure if I would be welcome and feel at home in a new chapter," Victoria says. "But after the first few weeks of classes, it quickly became apparent to me that something in my life was missing, and that something was sisterhood.”
Still, she was nervous. Would connecting with a new chapter as a junior be possible? Victoria pushed herself to participate in as many chapter events as possible.
"I’m so grateful for how welcoming and kind they were to me, especially during my first few weeks," Victoria says. "Although I never held an elected position, I was always one to jump at the opportunity to volunteer or do tabling or attend social events. Making memories with my Alpha Chi sisters definitely paid off, and I clicked with the girls faster than I could’ve ever imagined."
Both chapters felt like home. "I found that Gamma Upsilon, just like Alpha Phi, was filled with women who were leaders, academics, artists, fun lovers and some of the funniest people I’ve met. The values of Alpha Chi Omega, as an organization, transcend any university and are present no matter which chapter you join," says Victoria, who graduated this spring and is now studying law. "Although I did find myself making adjustments in order to better understand the differences in being part of Greek life at a much smaller school, I never once was made to change myself in order to fit in at a different chapter."
Members offer this advice to their sisters transferring schools and considering affiliation:
• Just try it – “If Alpha Chi has had a positive impact on your life, don’t be afraid to continue that journey at another school. It can make a big change feel less scary,” Olivia says. “This decision has given me more friendly faces on a large campus and a chance to get involved at my new school. It may be a bit intimidating at first, but the love and support as a transfer student from my sisters made the choice to affiliate worth it!”
• Trust your gut – “If anyone is thinking about affiliating, my biggest piece of advice would be to trust your gut and yourself!” Grace says. “You will never know unless you try.”
• Rely on your bond of sisterhood –“Remember that Alpha Chi Omegas are your sisters no matter where you are from, and they will be happy to open their arms and accept you into their chapter,” Victoria says. “Remember there is nothing stronger than this bond. Our sisters are all held to the same standard nationally, and our chapters' values transcend any barriers. I can promise that you’ll feel at home anywhere that there’s an Alpha Chi.”