3 minute read
Have You Considered Board Service?
Some sisters have been waiting for board service recommendations to open; others are just learning about the opportunity now! Either way, we invite members to explore volunteering on an Alpha Chi Omega national board as a way to give back to our sisterhood. Recommendations are now being accepted!
The Alpha Chi Omega Enterprise is led by three boards of alumnae volunteers – the Fraternity National Council, the Foundation Board of Trustees and the National Housing Corporation Board of Directors. Each year depending on terms, some of the boards request recommendations for new volunteers. While each board governs a different entity with a specific focus area, all boards share the need for strategic thinkers and visionary leaders.
The following board positions are open at this time for terms beginning August 1, 2024:
• One National Council president
• Five National Council vice presidents
• Four Foundation trustees
• Four National Housing Corporation directors
While previous volunteer experience with Alpha Chi Omega is a benefit, it is not required, and expertise from professional roles, leadership in other organizations and other personal experiences are valuable. Alpha Chi Omega needs candidates who are dedicated to the Real. Strong. Women. Experience and skilled in board governance and strategic planning. The organization is seeking more alumnae members to aspire for board service with the pool of candidates representing the diversity of our members and our campuses.
Our current board members are always happy to share about their experience with prospective candidates and answer questions. Please email Erin West, executive manager, at ewest@alphachiomega.org to arrange a call with a board member.
In addition to board service, Alpha Chi Omega is also seeking qualified alumnae to serve on the National Nominating Committee (NNC) and help identify the future leaders of the organization.
If you know an alumna sister who can make a difference as a national-level volunteer, please continue reading to learn about the specific duties of each board and of the National Nominating Committee. We also highly encourage self-recommendations! Thank you for considering these impactful volunteer opportunities.
Board And NNC Election Timeline
February 15, 2024: Deadline to submit a recommendation for all roles
March 15, 2024: Deadline to submit materials to be considered a candidate for all roles
March-May, 2024: Recommendations and candidate information reviewed; interviews held; candidates selected for the Foundation and NHC
May 13, 2024: National Council and NNC slates announced
June 2, 2024: National Council and NNC petition deadline
June 12, 2024: National Council and NNC materials sent to voting delegates for election at the 2024 National Convention
August 1, 2024: Terms begin for all roles