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Alpha Chi Omega Chapter Consultants
Have you ever thought about what Alpha Chi Omega was doing 10, 20, 50 years ago? How have things changed for our members and organization? How have they stayed the same? Taken from previous Lyre magazines, the “Then and Now” series offers a glimpse into what life was like for Alpha Chi Omegas throughout history.
The chapter consultant program is an unparalleled professional opportunity for our real, strong women looking to make Alpha Chi Omega a part of their careers and gain unique experience directly relevant to their future endeavors. Each year, the consultants — representing chapters from across the country — make an immediate and lasting impact on our collegiate chapters. What started with a single consultant has grown into a large and impactful part of the Alpha Chi Omega experience.
Since 1955, Alpha Chi Omega has employed consultants to provide on-site coaching and support to our collegiate chapters. The program began with one consultant, Charlene Moore (Chi, Oregon State University), after the hiring was approved by the National Council. At the time the position was titled “traveling secretary.”
According to the December 1955 issue of The Lyre (pictured), “Those who can qualify will have a chance to travel, to get acquainted with various colleges or universities, the opportunity to work with college girls, plus the satisfaction of being of service to the Fraternity.”
According to Burnette Grimes Jones (Omega, Washington State University), national collegiate vice president at the time, “A traveling secretary is a counsellor and friend. She can stay with a chapter for a much longer period than a visiting officer and therefore is not only able to give helpful ideas but can stay long enough to see them integrated in the chapter. She is young enough to be an understanding friend to every girl in the chapter. She can see the collegiate viewpoint as well as the Fraternity national picture.”
During her visits, some of which lasted as long as six weeks, Charlene focused on scholarship, recruitment support and new member programming. Job requirements for the position included campus and chapter leadership, academic excellence, and strong recommendations from university leaders and chapter advisors. Faythe Luther Vorderstrasse (Chi, Oregon State University) carried the program forward the next year, visiting 78 collegiate chapters.
Today, Alpha Chi Omega has a team of chapter consultants, which varies in size each year depending on the needs of the organization. The consultant team for the 2023-24 academic year consists of 16 recent graduates. Consultants come from a variety of chapters across the country and join the team with leadership experiences ranging from chapter presidents to non-executive board officers, convention pages and campus leaders.
Chapter consultants have one of two assignments — resident or traveler. Resident consultants are located near a college or university to provide hands-on support for a chapter in that area. Chapters that have resident consultants include those undergoing establishment, newer chapters within the new chapter development program or designated established chapters. The remaining established chapters are supported by a traveling consultant. Traveling consultants have a portfolio of several chapters which receive support virtually or through in-person visits, lasting from a few days to a few weeks. Consultants today support chapters in all operational areas, including recruitment and retention, leadership development, accountability and marketing.
Chapter consultants are hired on an annual basis and typically serve in their roles for one or two years. Current traveling consultant Tory Wiley (Theta Iota, Baylor University) has had a great experience since joining the team in June. Tory shares, “Serving as a chapter consultant enriches my ‘why Alpha Chi’ every day. Seeing and engaging in the bond of Alpha Chi Omega across the country has shown me the vast impact this organization makes on women nationally. Working in this role has refined my leadership ability, confidence and professionalism more than I ever imagined.”
Returning consultant Allison Chambers (Epsilon Kappa, California State University, Fullerton) adds, “Spending the last year and a half as a resident consultant for Alpha Chi Omega has given me the opportunity to develop professional skills while working within a supportive community of sisters. The consultant role teaches me every day how to make vital connections with the people I work with and how to find balance in my own life. Being a consultant has provided me with more growth in just over a year than I can imagine being able to achieve in any other job!”
Interested in serving as a chapter consultant or know of someone who would be a great candidate? Contact Taylor Hill, associate director of collegiate experience, at thill@ alphachiomega.org to share your interest and learn more about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Alpha Chi Omega Consultant Facts
• Since 1955, there have been more than 420 chapter consultants.
• The largest consultant class was in 2015-16 with 24 members.
• This academic year, four chapters have resident consultants.
• The consultant application opens each fall for the following academic year.