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Alpha Gamma Delta is loving, leading and lasting thanks to our loyal donors. This newsletter is published to share your impact, and to thank you for believing in our Foundation’s mission of providing essential support for women’s education, philanthropy and leadership.
Redwood Empire Food Bank in Santa Rosa, CA, is a philanthropic leader, breaking down barriers and making nutritious food more accessible through their School Pantry Program.
The school pantry model is new to many fighting hunger

organizations, and its importance cannot be overstated. Food distributions take place at schools, eliminating time and transportation barriers. Redwood Empire has led the way and celebrates its 15th anniversary of the program this year.
As one of 28 organizations that received a Fighting Hunger Grant last year, the funding Redwood Empire received from the Foundation went directly to schools where 70% of students qualified for Free and Reduced Price Meals.
Alpha Gam's partnership with Redwood Empire extends beyond our donors’ generosity, as our collegiate sisters at Delta Rho-Sonoma State University, volunteer to make a hands-on difference.
“The support we receive from Alpha Gamma Delta ensures that homes in our community most vulnerable to hunger can access our local safety net, improving the health of families in need,” said Grant Manager Hayley Benjamin.
Our philanthropic focus impacts all communities and touches all generations, and the need continues to grow. Whether through charitable gifts or hands-on service, our sisterhood’s dedication to fighting hunger is ever-present and inspiring.
Our Foundation volunteer grant evaluators are busy right now evaluating more than 250 grant applications from organizations throughout North America, a 129% increase from last year. Give today to help us meet this need.
GAMS ARE Leading

Although we may not realize it in the moment, the experiences we share with our sisters have a lasting impact on the women we become and lives we lead.
From helping her discover her professional passions as a collegian to fueling those passions as an alumna, Brit ProfitRheinwald, Theta Phi-University of Tampa, credits Alpha Gam as a guiding force in her life.
Her collegiate experience developed her as a leader, pushed her outside her comfort zone and helped her find
new interests and values, inspiring her to pursue a career in higher education.
“When I met this wonderful group of women in August 2001, I had no idea they were changing the trajectory of my life and shaping it into something I could have never envisioned myself but love every single day,” Brit said.
Throughout Brit's alumna experience, Alpha Gam continues to guide and support her passions. This fall, she received a Continuing Education Grant from the Foundation, helping her attend the Association for the Study of Higher Education Conference to present her dissertation research on housing and food insecurity among undergraduate students.
Inspired by Alpha Gam’s philanthropic focus, Brit hopes her research will inspire higher education professionals to implement changes that bridge the financial, food and housing gaps students face.
“Without opportunities like this, I couldn’t fund my passion, and more importantly, couldn’t be the voice for collegians,” Brit said. “This has given me the chance to be their voice and speak to higher education practitioners to make them aware of issues they otherwise might not be aware of.”
Congratulations to Brit for earning her Doctorate in Education (EdD), and thanks to Foundation donors who empower sisters like Brit to realize their dreams!
Some of the greatest questions we ask in our lifetime concern the impact we wish to make and the legacy we want to leave behind. It can be difficult to identify causes deserving of our highest support, but when led by our hearts, we often find the decision easier than expected.
Harriett Luke Williams, Delta Epsilon-University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, not only listened to her heart, but also to her sisters’ hearts for service. Harriett was so moved by her
experience in Alpha Gam and so forward-thinking, that she left an incredible gift in support of Alpha Gam’s philanthropic focus.
Thanks to her foresight and generosity, the Foundation can increase its annual support of fighting hunger over the next several years to begin to meet the ever-increasing need.
The magic of a bequest, like Harriett’s, is that it touches multiple generations, and although her journey in our sisterhood began in the 1930s, her legacy and impact will be felt by our communities nearly a century later.
Inspired by Harriett’s story and want to leave your own legacy? Contact Foundation CEO Julie Waitman at 317.663.4242 to learn more about planned giving.

Alpha Gamma Delta's International Convention is right around the corner, and we can't wait to see YOU!
Join us in Atlanta, GA, from June 27-29 to connect with cherished friends and celebrate Alpha Gam's sisterhood.
The Foundation is excited to honor and thank our loyal (individual) donors at our Jewel and Corinthian Event on June 27 at the Georgia Aquarium.
Not a Jewel or Corinthian Society member?
Visit alphagammadeltafoundation.org or call the Foundation to join.
Celebrate a birthday, congratulate a sister or honor a dear friend!
Alpha Gam eCards are the perfect way to spread kindness and support our mission.
eCards are $10 each and count toward your Foundation annual giving (June 1 - May 31). All donations using this platform benefit the Annual Fund, supporting our area of greatest need.
Scan the QR code to send an eCard!

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OUR MISSION: The Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation impacts and enriches our communities by providing essential support for education, philanthropy and leadership.
Your Legacy
If you're interested in making a planned gift, the first step is creating a will! The Corinthian Society recognizes forward-thinking sisters who name the Foundation in their estate plan. To learn more, contact Foundation CEO Julie Waitman at 317.663.4242.