V O L U M E X C I X, No. 3
Chapter Reports, page 32
Welcome, Beta Upsilon Chapter! page 41
VIEWP INT Every two years, sisters from across the continent gather for International Convention, excited to rekindle existing friendships and create new ones. For those who attended Convention, I hope that the Convention feature on the following pages helps you recall the sisterhood shared, memories made and skills learned while in San Antonio. For those who were unable to attend, hopefully you will get a glimpse into the fun-filled and educational event that our sisters hold deep in their hearts. From the first-ever Convention Philanthropy Walk to the evening at Knibbe Ranch, our sisters have much to remember from Convention. The Archives Committee provided Convention attendees with five videos from the Fraternity’s historical collection that covered topics like the early days of the Fraternity, the growth of Alpha Gamma Delta, International Convention, philanthropy and the Quarterly. Attendees were pleased with the informative and entertaining videos, and I am proud to say that these videos are now available for purchase at www.alphagammadelta.org. A variety of workshops were also provided for attendees, with topics ranging from philanthropy and social networking to Omega Financial and release figure methodology. International Convention was definitely a fun time, but much progress was also made for our Fraternity. Hopefully, Convention left you with a renewed sense of our Purpose and what it means to be a sister of Alpha Gamma Delta. 46
Each individual sister and local chapter is a part of the whole, and together we can unite to make an impact in our communities and the world at large. So I am asking you, as a sister of Alpha Gamma Delta, to work with your local chapter or club to commit to small achievements. We can work together to increase recruitment numbers, retain current members, create more fund raising opportunities and increase visibility on campus and in our local communities. You may be asking yourself how to achieve the small tasks that I ask of you. By sending in a Recruitment Information Form (RIF), providing financial support to collegiate chapters to help with recruitment and providing volunteer support for community service projects, you can make a significant impact on our collegiate chapters. I am confident that if each sister commits to these tasks, Alpha Gamma Delta will truly live up to its vision: Inspire the Woman. Impact the World. Another significant way to contribute to our sisterhood is to pay your annual Alumnae Dues. Alumnae Dues are an important source of funding for the Fraternity, helping to provide for free subscriptions to the Quarterly, maintenance and development of the Fraternity website, funding for collegiate and alumnae programming, leadership conferences and our treasured International Conventions. Thank you for providing our sisters with this important revenue that will help secure a bright future for Alpha Gamma Delta. Please see pages 38 and 39 for more information and to pay your Alumnae Dues.
I would personally like to welcome each of the 19 sisters of the newly-installed Beta Upsilon Chapter at Roosevelt University into Alpha Gamma Delta sisterhood! Read more about the installation on page 41. Thank you to all of the volunteers and staff members who played a major role in this successful and monumental installation. In addition to replenishing the Fraternity’s resources, it is important to focus on renewing our bodies and our minds. I encourage you to join our sisters in participating in the Walk to 2010 Challenge. Check out the back page of this magazine to learn more about this new initiative that will help us to defeat diabetes one step at a time. Sign up today! International Convention provided our sisterhood with momentum to make a difference in our communities. From local philanthropy events to achieving the highest grade point average on campus, I am proud of our members for their successes. I am excited about our future and hope sisters will continue to join in the efforts to make our world a better place.
Director of Communications Jeanne Henning Assistant Director of Communications Mary Kay Price Graphics/Web Coordinator Elizabeth Hoover Communications Coordinator Jill Lewman www.alphagammadelta.org
Member, College Fraternity Editors Association
The Quarterly is published four times per year at 8701 Founders Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268. Send all correspondence to International Headquarters, 8701 Founders Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268. When sending marriage or death announcements, please send duplicate information to your collegiate chapter or alumnae chapter/club so accurate records may be kept. The Quarterly welcomes editorial submissions from freelance writers. Issues focus on themes, so please contact the Communications Department for guidelines, deadlines and additional information.
The Quarterly Magazine Mission The Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly Magazine endeavors to:
Jackie Brannon Stutts International President Our Vision: Inspire the Woman. Impact the World.
• Serve as a forum of communication to inspire, educate and challenge members on Fraternity, Greek and women’s issues. • Rekindle, sustain and excite member loyalty and interest through celebrating and validating sisterhood and recognizing and acknowledging individual and chapter/club accomplishments. • Serve as a permanent record and archive, documenting the Fraternity.
V O L U M E X C I X, No. 3
Convention 2008 More than 660 Alpha Gamma Delta sisters gathered this year for the Fraternity’s forty-fifth International Convention to share knowledge, meet new friends and celebrate sisterhood.
The 2008–2010 International Council
Meet the Team
Members of the 2008–2010 International Council, installed at Convention 2008, are excited and prepared to lead the Fraternity forward.
The Leadership Consultant/Advisor Team is trained and ready to impart knowledge, guidance and inspiration to chapters throughout North America for the upcoming academic year.
In every issue …
Inside Cover 12 32 40 41 43 44
Viewpoint From the Foundation Collegiate News Chapter Grand Fraternity Happenings Directory EndNotes
42 47
Texans often remark that everything is bigger in Texas. Indeed, the state boasts a ranch as big as Rhode Island, a state capitol building second only in size to the nation’s Capitol and a land mass that ranks as the largest of the country’s contiguous states. There is truth to the typical Texan bravado. It is only appropriate, then, that Alpha Gamma Delta’s first Convention foray back to the Lone Star State in nearly 20 years be celebrated with appropriate gusto. For four hot summer days, San Antonio was flooded with more than 660 sisters prepared to remember, rejoice and rededicate themselves to Alpha Gamma Delta at the Fraternity’s 45th International Convention. There was a little bit of everything—formal banquets and armadillo racing. Stuffed squirrels for sale from vendors and live long horn cattle. Structured workshops to exercise the mind and a five-kilometer philanthropy walk to exercise the body. Each event and activity served to connect attendees to Alpha Gamma Delta and to their sisters, and all were celebrated in true Texan style. Above all, our unity in action—unity that makes possible our friendships, our traditions, our strength and our sisterhood—was boldly personified in each and every Alpha Gam sister. 2
Unity in Action
Convention 2008 officially began on June 19 with the Opening Banquet and the Flag Parade, a tradition that began at the Fraternity’s Centennial Celebration at Convention 2004 in Chicago. The parade boasted a new participant for 2008, Beta Upsilon Chapter, following the chapter’s recent installation at Roosevelt University. All 182 installed chapters were represented, with sisters proudly displaying their school spirit. The biennial report, distributed at each Convention, was complemented this year by a video component that allowed each International Council member to address the progress made in her specific focus area. Shown during the Opening Banquet, the video not only informed attendees of the Fraternity’s development over the past two years, but also served as proof of Alpha Gamma Delta’s ongoing commitment to the use of technology and multimedia. In addition to the creation of the biennial report video, 17 other videos were also created for viewing at Convention 2008. Of these 17 videos, five represented an innovative approach to the Fraternity’s history taken on by the Archives Committee. Covering a wide array of Fraternity topics, from the early days of the Fraternity to the history of Alpha Gamma Delta’s philanthropic efforts, these videos were shown periodically throughout Convention to a captive audience of Alpha Gams, eager to learn more about their Fraternity. The first of these videos, which chronicled the history of the Fraternity’s Conventions, debuted at the Opening Banquet and served as an appropriate reminder of why Alpha Gams have continued to gather every two years for International Convention. International President Jackie Brannon Stutts mirrored these sentiments in her opening remarks, as she urged attendees to consider the “three Rs” throughout the following days: “First, rejoice. Rejoice in the moment. There are so many wonderful things to celebrate at this Convention. Take time to appreciate the importance of each experience and each encounter with your Alpha Gam sisters.
Second, rededicate. Rededicate yourself to the Fraternity. We can relish in the pride of our successes, but there is still much to accomplish. We must not rest on our laurels. We must continue to move forward. Third, remember. Remember the faithfulness of the past. Let’s not forget our history. As we consider the progress made over the past two years and the progress that we will most surely make over the next few days, we must not forget to consider the progress that Alpha Gamma Delta has made over the past 104 years.”
Celebrating Tradition
Ever since the first official gathering in 1907, the Fraternity’s Conventions have boasted a strong commitment to traditions, both old and new. By engaging in our time-honored customs, we are imparted with a sense of unity and sisterhood that connects us with all sisters, even those who came more than a century before. The evening of Friday, June 20 gave sisters an opportunity to reconnect with the roots of Alpha Gamma Delta—the Ritual. The Initiation Service, during which five women were brought into the Fraternity as hundreds of sisters looked on in appreciation, was held prior to the Honors of Epsilon Pi Banquet and the Memorial and Honors of Epsilon Pi services. The Honors of Epsilon Pi recognize the work of alumnae members who have provided extraordinary assistance to the Fraternity through faithful, outstanding and continuing service. Kay Taylor Donahue, Upsilon–University of Oklahoma, served as Toastmistress for the banquet, and to the excitement of many attendees, 230 sisters were named as recipients of an Honor of Epsilon Pi. The distinction of serving as Toastmistress for the banquet was not the only highlight of Kay’s evening, however, as it was revealed during the Honors of Epsilon Pi service that she was the recipient of the Circle of
programming, improvement and overall excellence. For a listing of collegiate and alumnae awards recipients, please refer to pages six and seven.
Epsilon Pi, the Fraternity’s highest honor. Having devoted years of dedication and service, Kay is just the 22nd wearer of the Circle in the Fraternity’s history. The final night of Convention on Sunday, June 22 saw sisters gathered together for the Feast of Roses, a tradition that made its debut at Convention 1915. Jennifer Smentek Mores, Gamma Alpha–University of Georgia, acted as Toastmistress for this elegant evening, and sisters offered eloquent toasts to our alma maters, our Founders, our alumnae, our collegians, our initiates and our Fraternity. Following the toasts, International Vice President–Extension Sheila Kelley Sola called the Chapter Roll, and the room became awash with the glow of candlelight as sisters lit their tapers in honor of their initiating chapters. Immediately following the Feast of Roses, attendees gathered for the Living Circle, led by Deedee Smith Evans, Upsilon–University of Oklahoma and wearer of the Circle of Epsilon Pi. Deedee led sisters in Alpha Gam songs, stopping to add helpful instruction and personal anecdotes about her experiences leading this tradition since its inception in 1968.
Recognizing Excellence
The dedication of the Fraternity’s collegiate and alumnae groups was recognized at separate alumnae and collegiate awards luncheons during Convention 2008. More than 35 awards were presented for achievement in various categories, such as recruitment, scholarship,
Five Alpha Gamma Delta sisters were honored with the Distinguished Citizen Award at Convention 2008. These awards are given to alumnae members of the Fraternity who are outstanding in their professions or in civic, organizational, cultural or charitable work. Recognized as 2008 Distinguished Citizens were Bonita Regan Kirby, Alpha Eta–Dalhousie University; Linda Porter Powell, Alpha Tau–Edinboro University of Pennsylvania; Patricia Mungenast Smith, Gamma Sigma–Troy University; Katherine Spindler, Beta Xi–Purdue University and Cindy Luis Wells, Delta Epsilon–University of California, Los Angeles. For more detailed information about these outstanding Alpha Gamma Delta sisters, see page eight.
Growth of Knowledge and Wisdom
Alumnae and collegiate attendees alike were offered a variety of workshops that allowed members to learn with each other and from each other about topics that impact women at all stages of life. From information and instruction on release figures management methodology for recruitment to helpful advice on how to live healthier lives, the Fraternity’s Education Committee endeavored to create a workshop schedule that was conducive to sisters of all ages. In addition, various roundtable discussions were held, and sisters benefited from the opportunity to share ideas and collectively solve common problems in their specific situations. The Leadership Institute-Women with Purpose provided sisters with a relevant presentation by life coach Christine Hassler with her address on “The Myth of Having it All.” Drawing from personal experience, Christine discussed the complex roles that women face today. Touching on topics like body image, relationships and achieving life balance, Christine’s humorous and honest approach to the relevant topic was well received among sisters. She urged women not to worry about “having it all” and comparing themselves to others. Instead, women should create a path in life that makes them happy. “One of the most important things in achieving balance is not caring about what others think,” noted Christine.
Walking The Walk
The Fraternity’s revitalized philanthropy effort was warmly received when it first debuted at 2007’s Volunteer Leadership Conference. Since then, this effort to “Defeat Diabetes One Step at a Time” has grown tremendously in size, leading to a landmark event at Convention 2008. For the first time in Convention history, hundreds of Alpha Gam feet marched together to take steps toward healthier living through the Convention Philanthropy Walk. Three hundred and thirty-nine sisters answered the call to join as evidence of our commitment to healthy living, and the Fraternity found great support in external partners as well, with 18 organizations and businesses serving as sponsors. The five-kilometer walk wound around some of the city’s most popular attractions, including the Alamodome and the Tower of the Americas at Hemisfair Park, as sisters cheered and sang along the way, providing both encouragement and entertainment. In addition to participating in the walk, attendees were asked to collect funds to benefit two worthy recipients—the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation and the American Diabetes Association. Our sisters continued to step up to the challenge, as more than $24,000 was raised for efforts to defeat diabetes. The support and enthusiasm shown for this inaugural event has ensured its presence as a new Convention tradition. At Convention 2010, attendees will arrive even more prepared for the Convention Philanthropy Walk after completing the Walk to 2010 Challenge, an initiative that debuted following the success of the Convention Philanthropy Walk. To get involved in this exciting new program, see the back cover of this issue of the Quarterly.
Texas Style Sisterhood
Alpha Gams found themselves immersed in the Texas experience at an evening outing to Knibbe Ranch presented by the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. From the expected—hay rides and line dancing, to the unexpected—armadillo racing and photos atop a long-horn steer named Oreo, Alpha Gams embraced the opportunity to kick up their heels and let loose at this entertaining off-site event.
Decked out in western wear, members young and old connected with each other despite age or experience as a true testament to our shared sisterhood. Several sisters were awarded for their commitment to the Texas theme, winning contests for best cowgirl boots, best cowgirl hat and best overall cowgirl.
Looking to the Future
Eventually, as it always inevitably does, time began to grow short for our 45th International Convention gathering. Rather than dwell on the thought of bidding goodbye to friends and sisters, however, attendees looked toward the future of the Fraternity. The Fraternity’s International Council for the 2008–2010 biennium was installed at the final General Session, bringing together yet another group of talented, dedicated sisters to guide our Fraternity in the coming years. To learn more about the newly-installed International Council officers, please see page ten. Following installation, International President Jackie Brannon Stutts addressed the membership, outlining plans for the Fraternity and expressing the extra significance of this installation service. Following Jackie’s graduation from college, LaVerne Taylor Flanagan, then Grand President, had implored her to continue her Alpha Gam involvement. Years later, at Convention 2008, it was LaVerne who would install Jackie in her second term as International President. Relating this story to the future of Alpha Gamma Delta, Jackie urged all sisters to take an active role in shaping what our Fraternity is to become. “The sisters who came before us have done their part. It’s our turn now. We must put pen to paper, inspiration to heart and unity in action. Together, we can build Alpha Gamma Delta to even greater heights than we ever could have imagined,” she stated. “We can paint its story with tales of loyalty, of tradition, of sisterhood, of honor. Our chapter is unwritten. Where our story goes is up to us.”
Just can’t get enough Convention? Join us June 23-26, 2010 for our 46th International Convention in Tampa, Florida!
Collegiate Awards
1 2 3 4 5 6
Gamma Omega–University of Alabama at Birmingham
Activities Award Gamma Delta–Auburn University
Philanthropy Award Beta Beta–North Dakota State University
Member Development Award Gamma Delta–Auburn University
Financial Management Award
Gamma Delta–Auburn University and Xi–Illinois Wesleyan University (tie)
Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award Patricia Reimer–Sigma–University of Illinois Chapter Advisor (not 6 pictured)
Emily Butterfield Incorporated House Association Award
8 9 10 11
Chapter Efficiency Award Gamma Delta–Auburn University
International Council Merit Award Gamma Delta–Auburn University
Myra Vedder Foxworthy Panhellenic Award Gamma Phi–Georgia Institute of Technology
International Council Recognition Award Alpha Omega–Duquesne University and Gamma Omega–University of Alabama at Birmingham (tie)
Gamma Alpha House Association, Athens, Georgia
Beta Iota–Eastern Illinois University
Recruitment Award
Chapter Improvement Award
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Scholarship Improvement Award
Chapters with 65 members or less: Epsilon Lambda–University of Central Missouri Chapters with 66-94 members: Delta Tau–Chapman University Chapters with 95 members or more: Beta Xi–Purdue University
Rose Bowl
Chapters with 65 members or less: Zeta Theta–Lafayette College Chapters with 66-94 members: Rho–Iowa State University Chapters with 95 members or more: Gamma Phi–Georgia Institute of Technology
Chapters with 65 members or less: Epsilon Nu–University of Central Oklahoma Chapters with 66-94 members: Beta Iota–Eastern Illinois University Chapters with 95 members or more: Gamma Delta–Auburn University
Alumnae Awards
Alumnae Chapter Outstanding Community Service Award Hawaii Alumnae Chapter
Alumnae Club Outstanding Community Service Award Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae Club
Outstanding Support to a Collegiate Chapter Award Denver Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter
Helen Mae Clarahan Spiese Alumnae Panhellenic Award Palm Springs Area Alumnae Club (not pictured)
4 5 6 7
Adopt-A-Chapter Award North Atlanta Alumnae Club
Alumnae Chapter Newsletter Award Auburn-Opelika Alumnae Chapter for The Chatterbox
Alumnae Club Newsletter Award Santa Clara Valley Alumnae Club for The Rambler
Greatest Percentage of Membership Growth– Alumnae Chapter Gamma Alpha Alumnae Chapter
Greatest Percentage of Membership Growth– Alumnae Club East Bay Alumnae Club
A complete listing of Convention awards, including Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Award winners and Fraternity award Honor Roll recipients, may be found on the Fraternity website at www.alphagammadelta.org.
Most Improved Alumnae Chapter Award
Most Improved Alumnae Club Award
11 12
Gamma Alpha Alumnae Chapter
Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae Club
Alumnae Chapter Achievement Award Greater Fort Lauderdale Alumnae Chapter
Alumnae Club Achievement Award Houston Alumnae Club
Outstanding Junior Circle Award New York City Junior Circle (not pictured)
Distinguished Citizens The Fraternity is pleased to announce that five exceptional sisters were awarded the Distinguished Citizen Award at Convention 2008. This prestigious award was established in 1959 to recognize Fraternity alumnae for outstanding professional and community achievement.
Bonita Regan Kirby
Linda Porter Powell
Alpha Eta–Dalhousie University Distinguished Citizen in the Field of International Relations
A positive and compassionate woman with a strong work ethic, Bonita Regan Kirby has made a difference in the field of international relations. As past manager of the Executive MBA program for St. Mary’s University, Bonnie has led academic partnering trade missions all over Asia and South America. Bonnie is President of the Hong Kong Canada Business Association and a member of the Board of Directors for the Atlantic Innovation Fund.
Alpha Tau–Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Distinguished Citizen in the Field of Health Education
A lifelong advocate for the dental health of children, Linda Porter Powell spent over 44 years as a registered dental hygienist. Linda traveled to Japan, Australia and Nepal to learn about healthcare and provide dental relief to children abroad. For three decades, Linda was an active member of the Pennsylvania Dental Hygienists’ Association. In 2006, Linda received the Louise Coria Memorial Outstanding Member Award at the Pennsylvania Dental Hygienists’ Association and Keystone Dental Nearly 50 years after her Initiation date, Bonita Regan Kirby is con- Health Conference for her productive and dedicated service. One of her tinuing to make a difference in the lives of countless Alpha Gamma most significant accomplishments was when she helped start a dental Deltas. A wearer of the Arc with Diamonds and Pearls, Bonnie has hygiene school at the University of Zurich in Switzerland. been honored for outstanding service to university students. In addition, Alpha Eta Chapter has named an award in her honor, called the Linda entered Chapter Grand on May 31, 2008. Bonita Regan Kirby Outstanding Alumnae Award, in recognition of her dedicated service to the Fraternity.
Patricia Mungenast Smith
Gamma Sigma–Troy University Distinguished Citizen in the Field of Government For Patricia Mungenast Smith, being one of Alabama’s longest-serving judges is just the beginning of her long list of significant accomplishments in judicial affairs. Patti serves as an Associate Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. Throughout her tenure, Patti has served as Shelby County’s only Juvenile Court Judge, where she helped establish Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Shelby County, the Developing Alabama Youth (DAY) Program and the Early Warning Program. Patti has dedicated her professional career to juvenile justice issues. In 2001, she was selected as the National Court-Appointed Special Advocates Judge of the Year. Patti was one of the founding members of the Gamma Sigma Chapter at Troy University.
Katherine Spindler
Beta Xi–Purdue University Distinguished Citizen in the Field of Science
Katherine Spindler has dedicated her efforts to helping others achieve their career goals in the field of science. Kathy has been a professor since 1985 and is currently a professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Michigan Medical School. Among Kathy’s many awards, she received the NIH Research Career Development Award and the American Cancer Society Junior Faculty Award. She has published 50 peer-reviewed articles. In her spare time, Kathy is a member of the University Musical Society Choral Union in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She is also a member of the STRIDE committee, which is a University of Michigan group of faculty that is committed to improving the recruitment and retention of women and minorities in graduate programs in science and engineering.
Cynthia Luis Wells
Delta Epsilon– University of California, Los Angeles Distinguished Citizen in the Field of Journalism As the first woman to lead a sports department in Hawaii, Cynthia Luis Wells has made an impact in the sports writing world. Cindy wrote for the Pacific Daily News in Guam, and has been a sports writer for the Honolulu Star-Bulletin since 1981, where she currently is a sports writer and columnist. Cindy was the first female sports editor in the Gannet Newspaper chain and just one of seven in the country in 1978 when she began her career. Last year, Cindy was honored by the American Volleyball Coaches Association as its national award winner in print journalism, and she sits on the boards of the University of Hawaii Sports Circle of Honor and the Hawaii Sports Hall of Fame. Cindy has been a member of the Hawaii Alumnae Club for the past 25 years.
Do you know a talented Alpha Gam who has achieved significant professional accomplishments and touched the lives of others? If so, contact ivpa@vst.alphagammadelta.org to nominate her for a 2010 Distinguished Citizen Award.
The Honors of Epsilon Pi The Honors of Epsilon Pi recognize faithful, continuous and outstanding Fraternity service. Alpha Gamma Delta thanks these women for their dedication and congratulates them on their accomplishments.
The new wearer of the Circle of Epsilon Pi:
The new wearers of the Crescent of Epsilon Pi present at Convention:
Kay Taylor Donahue, Upsilon–University of Oklahoma
left to right: Susan Eberts Prater, Zeta Omicron– Kettering University; Marie Ford Palmer, Gamma Alpha–University of Georgia; Amy Racin Danks, Omega–University of Akron
Recipients of the Arc of Epsilon Pi with Diamonds and Pearls present at Convention
Recipients of the Arc of Epsilon Pi with Diamonds and Pearl present at Convention
Recipients of the Arc of Epsilon Pi with Diamonds present at Convention
Recipients of the Arc of Epsilon Pi with Diamond present at Convention
Recipients of the Arc of Epsilon Pi present at Convention
Fraternity’s International Council Installed
Front row, left to right: Rie Gerah Hoehner, International Vice President–Panhellenic Affairs; Jackie Brannon Stutts, International President; Sheila Kelley Sola, International Vice President–Extension Back row, left to right: Anne Loring Eiler, International Vice President–Finance; Marie Ford Palmer, International Vice President–Membership; Sharon Dunkman Carruthers, International Vice President–Collegians; Mary Beth Dulcey Morabito, International Vice President–Alumnae
Jackie Brannon Stutts International President, Gamma Delta–Auburn University Jackie Brannon Stutts begins her second term as International President with a reinvigorated charge to unite Alpha Gamma Deltas in the name of growth and progress for the Fraternity. “Alpha Gamma Delta has positioned herself to transcend from mediocrity to greatness,” she says. “By unifying our efforts, we can continue to move forward and exceed our expectations of bettering the Fraternity beyond even our wildest dreams.” Jackie began her alumna involvement with the Fraternity as an advisor at Gamma Psi Chapter at the University of North Alabama and has steadily progressed through the volunteer ranks, holding positions on the Finance Committee, as the International Vice President–Collegians and as the President and Vice President of The Leadership
Institute–Women with Purpose, Inc. Throughout her life, she has drawn on the Alpha Gamma Delta Purpose for direction and motivation. “Simply stated, our Purpose is our life’s mission,” comments Jackie. Among her favorite Alpha Gam experiences was witnessing the Initiation services of her three daughters at Gamma Delta Chapter at Auburn University. Her son will be a freshman at Auburn University this fall. With a degree in pharmacy, Jackie currently teaches high school and resides in Tuscumbia, Alabama with her husband Larry. She wears the Crescent of Epsilon Pi.
Mary Beth Dulcey Morabito International Vice President– Alumnae, Zeta Beta–Lehigh University Newly-installed International Vice President–Alumnae Mary Beth Dulcey Morabitocredits two of her predecessors, for-
mer Council members Penny Yocum Edmondson and Paula Gallup Little, with her desire to serve on International Council. “Their inspiring leadership, combined with their empowerment and encouragement of me as a volunteer, led me to believe that this was a way that I could further serve our Fraternity,” she notes. Mary Beth’s service on an international level will be aided by her past experience as a Province Director, Area Coordinator, Director of Alumnae Operations and Director of Chapter Management, as well as her high hopes for the Fraternity. “My hope is that our Fraternity will continue to grow and provide meaningful, lifelong opportunities for leadership, service and friendship.” Mary Beth currently resides with her family in Novi, Michigan, where she is active in a variety of community organizations, including the Cub Scouts, Novi
Sturgeons Swimming and the Leonhard Elementary School PTA. She wears the Arc of Epsilon Pi with Diamonds.
Sharon Dunkman Carruthers International Vice President– Collegians, Gamma Zeta– University of Memphis Entering her third term as International Vice President–Collegians, Sharon Dunkman Carruthers is prepared to continue her work on behalf of the Fraternity. Prior to her International Council position, Sharon served as Director of Collegiate Operations from 2000 to 2004 and Province Director–Collegians from 1994 to 2000. She also served in a variety of advisor positions to collegiate chapters for nearly 20 years. “I view serving on Council as an opportunity for service to an organization in which I strongly believe,” Sharon says.
for 2008–2010 Biennium Sharon is also heavily involved with the University of Memphis, serving on both the University of Memphis Greek Women’s Housing Task Force and the university’s Panhellenic Building Council. She also undertakes fundraising projects and serves in several capacities for Subsidium Inc., an organization that supports the Memphis Oral School for the Deaf. Sharon works as an office manager for a residential land developer and homebuilder in Memphis, Tennessee. She wears the Crescent of Epsilon Pi.
Marie Ford Palmer International Vice President– Membership, Gamma Alpha– University of Georgia After two years of dedication on International Council, Marie Ford Palmer is excited to begin her second term as International Vice President–Membership. With an extensive background in recruitment, the continual work on and evaluation of this facet of the Fraternity is an extremely important focus for Marie. She previously served as Director of Recruitment Operations from 2001 to 2006 and as Recruitment Consultant and Province Director–Alumnae prior to that position. “Our growth and recruitment success is what drives me,” comments Marie. “We are on such an upward trend that I want to continue to help move us forward. My ultimate goal is every chapter at quota and total.” Marie resides with her family in Lexington, South Caro-
lina, where she is co-owner of Snappy Girls Interiors and is an Events Coordinator for Corpus Christi Catholic Church. Marie is also active in community organizations, including her Parish Council, the School Improvement Council, the Junior League of Atlanta and Friends of Children’s Healthcare Atlanta. Marie wears the Crescent of Epsilon Pi.
Sheila Kelley Sola International Vice President– Extension, Gamma Beta– Florida State University Currently beginning her first term on International Council, Sheila Kelley Sola brings a variety of Fraternity experience to her role as International Vice President–Extension. Sheila has previously served as a House Association Specialist and Chapter Advisor, as well as in a number of recruitment-related positions, including Recruitment Specialist and Director of Recruitment. In recognition of her excellent service, Sheila received the Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award from the Fraternity in 2001. Motivated to serve on Council in order to make a positive impact on the Fraternity, Sheila looks forward to the 2008–2010 biennium. “As a member of International Council, I hope to help our Fraternity to continue to grow and expand while at the same time being able to help meet the needs of our growing membership,” says Sheila.
tions. She and her husband Gary have three children. Sheila wears the Arc of Epsilon Pi.
Anne Loring Eiler International Vice President– Finance, Alpha Xi–University of Maryland Anne Loring Eiler enters her first term on International Council with a deep desire to fortify the strength of the Fraternity on both a local and international level. “My hope for the future of the Fraternity is the well-being of her international organization through the continuing development of strong chapters,” she comments. Anne’s Alpha Gamma Delta involvement includes roles as an alumnae chapter president, House Association Specialist, Province Finance Specialist and Alumnae Panhellenic Delegate. In addition to service to the Fraternity, Anne has been extensively involved in the Fort Lauderdale Alumnae Panhellenic Club, having served it as President, First Vice President and Second Vice President. The club honored Anne as the Fort Lauderdale Panhellenic Club Woman of the Year in 2001. Anne resides in Lighthouse Point, Florida, and has two grown daughters, both of whom are Alpha Gamma Delta members. She enjoys spending her time gardening and walking. Anne wears the Arc of Epsilon Pi with Diamonds.
Rie Gerah Hoehner International Vice President– Panhellenic Affairs, Epsilon Nu–University of Central Oklahoma Entering her third term as International Vice President–Panhellenic Affairs, Rie Gerah Hoehner has succeeded in building consistency in the Fraternity’s National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) delegation, a quality she believes is necessary for success. “Most of the 26 member organizations have very little, if any, movement in their delegate positions, which provides a wealth of experience,” she comments. “In this day, and as some groups yearn to press the envelope of change, experience is critical in evaluating possible implications and unintended consequences that come with radical change.” Rie’s involvement in NPC stretches several years prior to her first term on International Council in 2004. She served as First Alternate Delegate to the National Panhellenic Conference from 2000 to 2004 and Second Alternate Delegate from 1995 to 2000. Rie has also volunteered for the Fraternity as a member of several committees and as a Province Director–Collegians from 1989 to 1991. A resident of Houston, Rie is the President and owner of a small business and has four children with her husband Mack. Rie wears the Crescent of Epsilon Pi.
A resident of Kennesaw, Georgia, Sheila works as a caterer and is involved with a number of different community organiza-
collegiate news alumnae news foundation from the foundation fraternity happenings
Honor Roll of Donors Support of the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation is vital to the development of today’s Alpha Gamma Delta. Your generous donations help to provide scholarships to graduate and undergraduate students, essential educational programs for the Fraternity and grants for diabetes research and related support programs. This listing reflects a lifetime of cumulative giving levels based upon donations received between June 1, 2007 and May 31, 2008.
Alpha— Syracuse University Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Paula Gallup Little u
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Jacquelyn Asnoe Edith Vanderbeek Joseph Elizabeth Maier Elizabeth Winship Scott Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Susan Holliday Barde Elizabeth Johnke Conklin Virginia Jansen Foell Florence Buckenheu Hoffmeier Charleen Symonds King Husebye Melinda Lee Walker Krajewski Mary Jane Compter Lasher Jean Hall Mooney Kathleen Pavelka Barbara Mesick Rasbach Nancy Pyne Ryan Virginia Balyeat Schaaf Susan Schiraldi Schebell Greta Hunter Schwegler Ellen Bean Westenfelder Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Miriam Mitchell Bonk Tammy L. Breski Julia Gallagher Nancy Schmitt Gurman Karen M. Hutchinson Leslie Hughes Johnson Helen Cheng Parr Alyssa R. Rush Ann Woodworth Sanborn Gertrude Gates Stillman Susan Triggs Triggs-Rhuda Diane Michalke Van Lare
Beta— University of Wisconsin
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Audrey Berg Kaasa u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Mary Stricker Briscoe Jane Endres Janet Nehring Gibeau u Barbara Ann Eastman Hungate Patricia Miller Nowlan Helen Mueller Smith Gail McCarthy Turluck Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Suzanne Sueltmann Dornfeld Audrey Zilisch McClellan Carol Casey Mullaney Geraldine Sanders Pritchard Dorothy Swift Rae Diane Kaercher Stumpf Jan Thorpe White Jean Kyle Whitmire
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Barbara Lovelett Bearr Violet Rosacker Graf Barbara Bartholdi MacKenzie Lois Hamblin Moeller Kari Kottke Willenbring Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Marilyn Gustafson Anderson Mary Cristianson Boyer Carol Williams Ellison Janice Stussy Elster Judith Tobolt Hawton Nancy Schmidt Langness Lois Scherven Martin Karen Amundson Messner Patricia Leathers Oslund Madelon Epple Peterson Sally A. Scheefe Michelle L. Portlance Spinks Mary Ann Lenhard Streater Beth Hurley Tracy Eileen Williams Zahn
Epsilon— University of Kentucky
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Susan M. Brockman Anita B. Dahlke Millie Winger Lemoine Margaret Krumm Martiny Sandra Bupp Nielsen Catherine Sands Williams
Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Ruth Breitenstein Henritze u
Delta— University of Minnesota
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Mary Ammerman Adams Joy Bell Haley Beth Brandenburgh Hastie u Barbara Hale Letton Ann Abbott Lyons u Alma Atkins McGuire Elizabeth Hyatt Richardson
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Cynthia Wagner Engel Lillian Hall Scarpa u Patricia Borg Schultz Jana G. Smith Dorothy Zakowski Wessel
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Davis Lowrey Gardner
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Judith Saalfeld Cahill Marion Salisbury Clark Mary Dean Clarke Winifred Berckman Humphrey Janet Clarke Hurd Sarah Yelton Leighty Margaret Wheeler Meredith Eloise Bennett Roberts Melissa Scott Sabo Mary-Rush Lynch Walker Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Harvey Jennings Crowe Anne Roan Drummond Carol McGinnis Gathy Sue Grannis Helen Wilson Heltsley Billie Hyatt Hendry Laura L. Holsclaw Mary Jean Hill Kinsman Kimberly Melvin Lauffer Rebecca Lackey Phillips Elinor Duns Rushing Marie VanHoose Sayre Constance Webb Skelton Virginia Babb Taylor Charlotte Salisbury Thompson Julie L. Tolliver Sheila Johnson Vose Amelia Perkins Warren Jennifer Grimsley Wood Deborah Sledge Wright
Zeta— Ohio University
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Deborah Schmidt Eschenbacher u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Eleanor Fixler Gibbs Nancy Riegel Matthews Martha Myles
Hilda Beck Sorensen u Andrea Manente Stell Nancy Burhans Theibert Ruth Wright Williams Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Dorothy Higginbotham Arold Martha Howard Castle Mildred Yeager Hooper Carol Thompson Hughes Estelle Hogrefe Jones Antoinette Haut Kincade Dolores Slabe Marck Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Suzanne Wessinger Brickner Helen Murphy Bruns Judith Kick Butler Frances Ward Clark Elizabeth Sullivan Corbett Lois Erdman Farrell Kathy Toy Johnstone Edna Overholt Knecht Betty Lou Kennedy Kohl Ina Zimpelman Loftspring Patricia Mallett Mason Mary Athearn Matson Cynthia Clark McClary Flora Noss McMahon Rosellyn Paige Rudolph Karen Johnson Shallcross Norma Woelfling Shilliday Michelle Valencic Colleen Ciulla Wagner Helen Davisson Wilkerson
Eta— DePauw University Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Eleanor Pray Meister u Dorothy Schoneker Skinner u Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Eleanor Thee Barkley
“I speak on behalf of those individuals affected by diabetes, our dedicated staff and volunteers when I say thank you for helping us.” ~American Diabetes Association
honor roll of donors
KEY: u Individual Jewel members who have donated a minimum of $500 during the fiscal year 6/1/07-5/31/08. * Members who entered Chapter Grand but supported the Foundation through an annual gift or planned gift during the 2007- 2008 fiscal year.
Carole A. Clause Bonnie Schiffman Pearson u Margaret E. Piety u Elizabeth Dye Walker Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Joan Nelson Hagerup Kathi Ann Hancock Lee Pamela Siemering O’Neil Elizabeth Mills Park Ellen Rosselot Schneider Kathryn Noll Webster Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Vivian Hora Bosquit Barbara Hill Dozier Lisa Brickley Fink Stacie Dienhart Gascho Mary A. Goetcheus Barbara Armitage Porter Barbara Cheney Prellberg Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Melinda McCracken Alcorn Laurie Tacheny Borden Sharon McBroom Brunjes Ann T. Daly Prilda Watson Duvall Marilynn Kline Elvidge Carolyn Miles Fermann Clarise Smet Fischer Eleanor Mackey Hanson Elizabeth LeDonne Harkins Virginia Kibbler Lullo Mary Johnson Swanson Anne Miller Vaninger Phyllis Miller Westermeyer
Theta— Goucher College Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Doris Voyce Hewitt
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Jennie A. Gray
Iota— University of Washington
Delta Circle $50,000 - $99,999 Patricia Houck Holvick u Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Sandy McMurray Novak u Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Kristi Johnson Feder Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Marilyn Newell Anderson Linda Walker Capron Betty Hughes Cole Shirley Rogers Hoyt Barbara Bowers Novak Marjory Winston Parker Bertha Brink Perry Eileen Berry Pratt u Ann MacPherson Segale Kymberly Mellor Smitham u Jill Stout Von Feldt Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Carole Schuette Campbell Sharon Hester Duvall Mary Anderson Fendler Jean Jorgensen Fisken Judith Cole Nuber Joan Morrison St. Marie
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Dina Micheletti Apostolou Jamel Hassen Barden Red Rose Circle Susan Howard Brazier $500 - $999 Kristi Knowles Butler Doris L. Kagle Gina Tomola Cefalu Charlotte John Polkinghorne Joan Nielsen Fetty
Patricia Harlow Forsberg Janis Bastron French Joanne Manley Hancock Tara K. Hendershott Sheila McNeill Honeywell Irene Robertson Kenney Barbara Allen Kraft Cynthia Bolton Morgan Maxine McGary Reed Marcene Lehman Singh Marjorie Enders Townsend Cherie Tucker Amy Wilder Weisner Sharon L. Winter
Kappa— Allegheny College Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Martha L. Barmes Sharon J. Dicker Carol E. Lewis Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Mary L. Bersano Jean Stall Marmo Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Dallas Hunt Allison Erin Kennedy Butkovic Dorothea Hunter Haas Karen Elmeier Perry Brenda A. Pittler Ruth Peterson Verell Imelda McNamara Way Mary Ann McCurdy Wrenshall
Lambda— Northwestern University
Delta Circle $50,000 - $99,999 Helen Heggie u * Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Nancy P. Orbison u
Double Rose Circle Red Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 $500 - $999 Pamella Marschall Jordan u Marguerite Duncan McFarland Bradford Margaret Smith Timberlake Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Sisterhood Circle Catherine Hobbs Amos $100 - $499 Karen Dombro Cagle Melissa Sockwell Bollinger Elizabeth A. Kaspar Eva Seale Brunk Margaret Watt Larson Jessica L. Carlton Jillian L. Miller u Barbara Grandy Collins Candace Naumowicz Patsy Divine Gilbert Zacher Melissa Anderson Ritchie Jonna Kimbrell Schwalb Red Rose Circle Matilen Powell Sheram $500 - $999 Sidney Elliott Thompson Betty Jo Halterman Cheryl L. Thorsten Dickerson Kimberly Henry Troha Teri Proske Glaess Delores Waters Mossler Eleanor Miller Patton Nu— Cherrie Johnson Boston University Wickstrom Buff Rose Circle Carol Wanderer Worel $1,000 - $4,999 Ellen Westerlund Zee June Ericson Williams Irene Mitts Zibart Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Linda Carson Borton Gloria Lee Wetters Bouschor Nancy Roth Burghardt Daphne Daume Lorraine Bakula Gatewood Barbara Link Gelinas Lynda Helen Fink Kest F. Patricia Laibly Ellie Weiss Rosenbloom Gloria Strang Selander Nancy Jean Spinka Timmerman Joanne Guerrieri Zurek
Mu— Brenau University
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Kalina I. Haynes Polly Bellis McQueen Alice Jackson Smith u
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 B. Marlene Murray Zuker Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Dorothy Perkins Bartlett Marianne Douglass Corley Roberta Chagnon Hendee Carolyn Aldrich Purcell
Xi— Illinois Wesleyan University
Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Beth Kelley Schneider u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Susan Frock Hartter Marilou Cerveny Haworth Mary Gentle Holtsclaw JoAnn Wolfgang Hostetler u
“I never would have imagined UIFI to have been such a life-changing experience.” ~Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute Participant
from the foundation
Emilly Linman John Sue Stevens Kocienski Betty Esch Love * Barbara Keller Tozzi Carol Schnepp Weber Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Deborah K. Clark Eileen Lysaught Elworth Susan King Smuda Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Lori Wolf Birkey Betsy Gaines Bone Elizabeth Kramer Brown Linda Warner Darr Jennifer B. Elliott Renee K. Fehr Kathleen Ross Gardner Cheryl K. Siedentop Gibson Velma Gorsage Mary Johnston Green Alice McCarty Grubb Janet Umecker Hansen Diane R. Jones Susan Brown Lanter Christina Down Main Marian Magee Marshall Magen Thompson Mertes Duanne Freise Nelson Lora B. Nickels Margie Tribble Nickels Ann Steninger Ottesen Cheryl Wadsworth Pieper Bonnie Hall Ruecker Sharon Morling Simpson Dorothy Arnette Stoutenborough Victoria Scala Wood Kelly E. Rowe Yeung
Omicron— University of California, Berkeley Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Dorothy Persell Gray
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Ruth Miller Bayliss Margaret Gallagher Fuerst Helen Ernst Golden Joyce Kislitzin Kallgren Myra Clark Lynch Evelyn Barbieri Miche Betty Brunn Fox Palkowski
Donna Holland Preece Eleanor Collins Scannell Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Verna Egilbert Bumann Marilyn Burke Burke Jean Perata Dahl Jayne Browning Squires Barbara Burke Thompson Dian Dinwiddie Wittry Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Carol Guild Burton Jane McCollam Cleave Ann Wiren Dempsay Alison Merwin Eyster Camille D. Farnsworth Susan DiGrazia Halfaker Patricia Wallace Heavey Michelle L. Misner Merilyn McKenzie Ostergaard Ethelynne Clark Pitti Shirlee Laughlin Roberts Shelley Byer Rodrigues Shirley DeMamiel Stewart Martha Delgado Woodard
Pi— Coe College
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Sandra Melahn Beck Doris Newell Soriano u Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Mary Ellen Davis Bilsborrow Toni Grey Carson Leta Yourd Fitts Evelyn Melby Gerum Peggy Johnson Hartman Carol Galaty Schneider Kay Herrbach Woodhouse
Rho— Iowa State University Gamma Circle $25,000 - $49,999 Jeanne Heidler
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Marguerite Jansky Froscher u
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Ruth Van Roekel Carey Kimberly Ranch Coward Evelyn Thiel Fryer Ardis Anderson Hart Martha Barton Hartman Marilyn Ulfers Irwin Jane Lloyd Martens Nancy Ann Scarborough Meltzer Lois Ohnmeis Ohms Michelle H. Perry Lucia Stevens Robinson Mary Gorgen Wolfe Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Kelly Trewin Karkoski Sally Nicolaisen Laing Virginia Jackson Leetun Dorothy True Mathers Dorothy Maitland Miller Doris Renaud Nielsen Stephanie Dieltz Olsen Mary Wheeler Pypes Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Elizabeth McDowell Alfred Pamela Nisen Burrier Mary Ackerly Condit Amy Ducey Glenn Jenele Crone Grassle Joyce Reinke Hanes Virginia Wieck Hark Danielle C. Stemm Heefner Marilyn Pritchard Ireland Sara Quinn Ketcham Rachel Ganzer Knepper Karen Reed Kuhlman Marlene Rucker Larson Sophia A. Magill Judith Helin Mathre Anna Keppy Murphy Linda French Robinson Mary Hill True Jean Godby Wright Candace Nelson Zeigler
Sigma— University of Illinois
Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Norma Johnston u * Shirley Parsons Shive u Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Michelle Hernandey Gagnard
Muriel Nelson Gurr Phyllis Parsons Shive Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Marcie Strieker Campion Minnie Machetta Dutcher Sara Clark Flesner Mariann Babka Gutshall u Karen S. Koenig u Evelyn Laurence Massengill u Kathleen M. Miller Mary Cox Miller Annette Martin Moore Margaret Zirckel Sherer Sue Maggio Sim u Gail Fullerton Stolarik Dorothy Wilson Vaughan Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Diana Baird Shirley Armour Billick Donna Lindstrand Blake Joy Hiser Donewald Margaret Miles Flynn Janette Herrmann Hendricks Judith Bliss Huisinga Joan Zaeske Kaufman Joan Gruenewald Leonard Mary Saxon Liddy Adda Robison McFeeters Sara Jo Hanson Moore Beverly Myers Nelson Sara Jones Nelson Ruth Schwarz Nix Ann Robinson Phillips Joy Straka Rice Merriam Ernst Schantz Patricia Holm Smith Lois Roe Switzer Carla Temple Judith Desch Turner Susan Cullison Wallace Nancy Williams Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Loretta Trawinski Aimone Kay Yoder Anderson Betty Blomquist Ardisana Cynthia Brasky Bauerle Barbara Hartman Bengtsen Diane Hartigan Burda Necia Hart Chessman Ashley N. Cragg Elise Poepping Fernsler Ruth Olin Foreman Janet Wolf Grummitt Joan Heenahan
Leslie Shimmin Hickey Abbie Olson Hubbel Karen Johnson Jackson Delores Anderson Jensen Joan Kleppinger Jones Kathleen H. Kohl Karen Schindhelm Krammer Kimberly Patyk Krolick Shannon Riley Lenze Linda Burruss Linscott Anne Tarr Manion Holly Nickeson Mirell Cathy M. Mitchell Michelle Gazdik Pheiffer Alicia Ambrosini Rapelye Bette Degischer Rice Susan Phelan Vonder Heide Audrey Gronert Williams
Tau— University of Toronto Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Martine Rathe Celej Madeleine Lascelles Gosnell Elizabeth Jones Audrey Gilmore Ormsby
Upsilon— University of Oklahoma
Pearl Circle $100,000 - $249,999 Kay Taylor Donahue u Delta Circle $50,000 - $99,999 Dee Ann Elliott Woodall u Gamma Circle $25,000 - $49,999 Sandra Lewallen O’Brien u Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Carolyn Richardson Cobb u Carol Duer Cochran Bonnie Barbour Pereida u Jimmie McGowen Webb u Carolyn L. York u Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Deedee Smith Evans u Myra Vedder Foxworthy Sandy Kinney u Elizabeth Sunbarger Yager u
“Prior to UIFI, I used to think I understood what being a leader meant…I had no idea it would change my entire perception of leadership altogether.” ~Cindy, Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute Participant
honor roll of donors
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Doris Casey Barton Kay Davis Crow Linda Sigle Daniel Deatra Lewis Falkenrath Vicky Pogue Gunning u Gretchen Grover Harris Pearl Hartin Iorio Jasmine Turner Ledbetter Virginia Hoffman Lowrey Rene Boehm Martin u Jacki Gaumer Murphy Kathleen Hawkins Rowland u Catherine E. Seaton u Patricia Chapman Weaver Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Mary Vondra Cannon Nancy Shelton Clegern Janice Gibson Cloud Carolyn L. Dick u Paula Hughes Goree Bonnie Ely Hibbert Debra Frederickson Klinghoffer Irene Hartwig Megehee Mary Menard Nalefski Jamie Bishop Powers Donna Wood Schobert Jean H. Stayton Betty Edgington White Elizabeth Higginbotham Windes Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Alice Maxson Adwan DeLaine Lynch Bender Billie Cape Loretta Aby Chaney Alice Stinson Dixon Angela Glover Gitner Shirley Snoddy Haines Leslie Gardner Harden Linda Collard Harlow Helen Carson Jeffries Mary Fitzhugh Jones Jennifer D. Gallo Moore Dianne Peterson Ogle Susan Richardson Scott Yancey Tighe Seitz Peggy Hollis Tanzer Mary Mullens Wooten Mahala Larason Wright
Phi— Oregon State University
Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Jean Gardner Ullman Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Vivien Warner Bean Michelle Reser Bottaro Berniece Hirter Hill u Lois Roper Izett Gerry Johnson Jean Fulton McDowell Kathleen L. Meyer Opal M. Muir Nancy K. Rorden Mary L. Scarpino Grace Norman Simon Mary Terry Williams Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Patricia Buchanan Burnet Mary Wade Chalfan Nancy Vaughn Clarke Helen Rice Hawkins Margaret Buckley Lewison Sharon Philbrick Nowling Pamela Kennedy Vandeneynde Valerie Wilson Wegner Shirley Hanna Woodward Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Evelyn Grimmett Emmert Joy Wallace Gallagher Debra Zarosinski Grbavac Frances Balin Hahn Mary Conway Helvogt Lana Lu Bouska Hull Barbara Thomas Jackson Evelyn Fieber Madsen Gale Marhofke Neel Peggy Dobbins Phillips Shirley Barcus Reimann Ellen Hanson Ross Lillian Holechek Tiernan
Chi— Michigan State University
Gamma Circle $25,000 - $49,999 Marcella Gast Schalon
Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Jean Jackson Robinson Susan K. Schalon u Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Elizabeth Morris Tinter u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Peggy Middlemiss Cully Barbara Sass Hammond Dolores Susin Hekker Nancy Mooney Pollard Karen Lytle Schommer Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Florence Lockwood Bracker Sherri A. Fresorger Joan Nielsen Goldman Donna McMahon Hekhuis Jane Leonard Hilson Margery McCall Juk Kelly George Kaplan Sylvia Qualls Lawson Kathleen Whipple McLaughlin Cheryl Glover Nowicke Lisa Malace Skupin Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Jane Gustine Ashby Gloria Scott Buzard Janet Littell Caltrider Beverly Windell Card Elizabeth Lonergan Cavanaugh Lynelle Bales Cook Candace Murphy Cothron Diane E. Coulter Anne Kontas DeRose Doreen Koebel Dukes Joyce Stellberger Fogg Laurel Malarik Gainor Sherrill Ankli Larson Lorraine Voisinet Maloney Natalie Sunday Payne Doris French Pennington Linda Prieskorn Marie F. Siragusa Amy Huxell Stanton Michelle Reno Tiffany
Psi— University of Alabama
Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Gillian Branscomb Beavers Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Belinda White Carmichael Elizabeth Carmichael Heflin Gene Koster Henderson Kathleen Nolen Martin Virginia L. McPhearson Gloria Narramore Moody u Neita Hornbeck Mulherin Jane Taylor Patton Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Jane Buchanan Brunson Hermione C. Embry Amy Nichols McCain Janet Henderson Staggs Julia Zeigler Sutton Alice Clark Wasdin Anne Emerson Williams Claire Black Wilson Elizabeth J. Young u Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Cindy Eby Anderson Cassie Wright Ball Elisabeth Crow Branch Darcy Fogelberg Copeland Teresa Martin Dauphin Amy Knudsen Edwards Luanne Harper Elliott Margaret Koster Findley Roberta Peacock Gamble Dianne Harrison Amy Andrews Henderson Channing E. Howington Carol Cox Kissel Elizabeth Stirling Lewis Winifred Williams Marks Jane Shivers McDow Bennie Cannon Nolen Suzanne Solomon Owen Susan Watson Richards Melanie Roberts Lesley Harlamert Russell Rebecca Henderson Strickland Janina Jeter Van Leeuwen Catherine Gordon Wallace
Dorothy Jones Webster Saylor Beck Wiley
Omega— University of Akron Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Debra Douglass Roth u
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Gail Vassalotti Bertsch Jan Clark Dolan Rosejean McGinley Fuchs Jorja Kneiley Higgins Leah Bann Mazzaferro u Shirley Cappy Petersen Carole Vandersall Peterson Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Lucille Lukens Clark Joan Davidson Corless Athena Fundoukos Curley Amy Racin Danks u Marlene Poje Dunford Jennifer Schmidt Everetts Sandra Nelson Frase Patricia Friberg Gerak Pamela Gould Kokomoor Marjorie Jones Mather Constance Stimler Pacanovsky Margaret Dingle Sterling Marian Thompson Tunnell Laurie B. Vesalo Diane Dunford Walter Gwendolyn Shaffer Watt Joan Neller Wolfe Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Vicki Lex Booth Elizabeth Fitzwater Cooper Barbara Berry Jones Mary Kapusinski Margida Esther Rennick Moore Jennifer Turk Romano Lynne Dunford Rossell Marjorie Capotosta Shanahan Colleen Tierney Tammy A. Waldron Sandra Dobbs Wilsdon
“Thank you for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation General Scholarship. I am so grateful for it. Thank you for making scholarships like this available for Alpha Gams — it makes life as a student much easier!” ~Shannon, Scholarship Recipient
from the foundation
Alpha Alpha— University at Buffalo (The State University of New York)
Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Cadence A. Schurr u Diane Walker Walbesser u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Florence Cuthill Clouse Alice Wittenberg Hartman Ellen Trankle Kohnhorst Linda Rang Krempa u Elizabeth Wollschlager Neal Marie Dubke Racz Margery Barden Reason u Ellen Mendelsohn Reese u Dorothea Olson Tamborski Joan Bates Wraight Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Patricia Larson Allenson Marjorie Seipp Cederwall Mary Noon Kellner Louise MacDonald Morden Louise Leifer Solpietro Jane Noller Turner Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Damaris Pask Curtis Winifred Haas Morrison Vivian Shaffer Murray
Alpha Beta— University of Michigan
Diamond Circle $250,000 - $499,999 Evelyn A. Jones u Delta Circle $50,000 - $99,999 Barbara Newell Horldt u Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Marcie A. Ball u Margaret Kuebler Field u Nancy Pridmore Kleinpell u Charlotte Bryant Miller u Marian Trapp Molander Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Dorothy Jefferson Greer
Joan Randolph Hatch u Ruth Laing Townsend u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Arline Howard Ackerman Phebe Swinehart Allen Wilma Sue Martin Auch Sharon Snyder Bloodgood Patricia Phillips Cote u Kimberly Thomadsen Kleber u Margaret A. Lamb Pamela A. Maker Elizabeth Huette Martin Jeanne Mueller McKee Louise A. Minore Diane Pierson Monnier Carol Richards Peske u Joyce DeWitt Pippel Catherine Coyne Reiter u Frances Thornton Stutzman u * Miriam Dorsey Supinger Florence Hiscock Thomas Jean Luxan Ulrich Ruth Schleh Webster Susan Benschop Wefald Mary Wolter Welz Debra Fick Wendler Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Nancy Tressel Akers Nancy Heavner Battistella Jane Meeuwsen Brodie Betty Peat Clark Linda Bendlin Crawford Tama Parmater Curtis Machelle Behm Hammond Janet McCall Jensen Suzanne Harper Kaperzinski Cathie Caruso LaBeau Elaine Andrews Lamb Susan Hall McCannell Susan M. Muscarella Jane Bueker Peterson Marallyn Mac Ritchie Wight Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Margaret Owens Andres Ryan J. Baril Anne Schans Benda Laurel Krause Berhent Kristine T. Black Marion Dane Brewer Michele Dale Cannaert Anne Giviskos Jean Davidson Gordon
Helen Murray Kegerreis Janet Gilger Kochanny Ruth Brand McDermaid Kriste Fedon Mossman Helen Clark Nordhaus Constance Kay Olson Carrie Gilmore Richardson Gertrude Scheib Rigg Margaret Harris Saxon Audrey Jackson Stokesbary Elizabeth Kranich Warren Jennifer Alice Wever
Alpha Gamma— University of Cincinnati Gamma Circle $25,000 - $49,999 Elaine Barrick Bess u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Barbara Ebel u Doreen Lindemann Johnson Jane Graf Robison Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Mary Glenn Becconsall Marcia Caskey Davis Donna Harrell Medlock Barbara Braeuning Moore Geraldine Cobern Peterman Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Carolyn Clark Bruckmann Janet Craycraft Gibson Meredith Minturn Haner Kathleen Luther Solt Erika Lenhardt Windholtz Edith Althaus Wyatt
Alpha Delta— Ohio Wesleyan University Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Jean Carl Johnson
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Ruth Smith Brahs Miriam Johnson Bruton Audra Jones Hansen Lucy Herrett Niedenthal Sally Palmer Norris Evelyn Colbeth Plunkett
Virginia Wantz Rennie u Ruth Klick Tiemann Janet Henthorn Wolf Jean Markle Wright Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Sara Wilkinson Adams Eleanor Moore Brown Mary Lacy Huffman Eleanor McDevitt Kilroy Andrea McGillivray King Jane Kaufman Spilatro Jacquelyn Carleton Wilson June Mandel Winold Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Jane Brandon Binns Christine Kreps Buchert Rosemary Kramling Chenue Anna Giokaris Kruse Betty Merrell Madden Sandra Hickson Noll Diana Miller Parker Jean Watts Tanger Geraldine Grimm Williams
Alpha Epsilon— Westminster College Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Leah Davis Rowland u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Susanne Angehr Burns Nancy Crawford Betsy Bigler Lambert Helen Zuccaro Reichel Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Susan Mead Baker Nancy Siehl Foulds Mary Ellen Smith Jacques Margaret Black Meister Margaret Ann Williams Migliore Diane Meriam Vance Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Valjean Gestner Armor Joyce L. Vervoort Campbell Louise Imler Danzer Nancy Jarrett Eft Ruth Moody Williams
Alpha Zeta— McGill University Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Dorothy Crabtree Davidson
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Linda C. Hutton Grace Sheryl Drysdale Kerr u Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Margaret Davidson Black Betty Lindsay Moen
Alpha Eta— Dalhousie University
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Bonita Regan Kirby u Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Jean Collins Dexter
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Crystal Merrick Gwynne-Timothy Patricia Fownes Harris
Alpha Theta— Hunter College
Pearl Circle $100,000 - $249,999 Natalie Chuma u Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Joan Hippler u Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Gladys Stuart Banks u Dorothy A. Harney u Eileen Dorgan Herbermann u Jean C. Hoyt Ingeborg Endres Koch u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Doris Keeley Formicola Norma Schmid Mildred R. Stansky
“This grant will help me to pursue my dreams and to finish my MBA degree earlier!” 16
~Amy, Continuing Education Grant Recipient
honor roll of donors
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Rosalie Sarrica Nahas Anne M. Wright Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Ann Krikorian Dorothy MacMoran Eleanor Heinzel Rice Lois Pezella Vidaver
Alpha Iota— Baldwin-Wallace College
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Norma M. Dolezal Marilou Farnsworth Fox Josephine Edwards Rentsch Judith A. Rezabek Jean Sperow Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Molly Rodie Glazer Nancy Schwartz Harris Stacy Smart Hunt Carole Ward Kiekhaefer Susan Garman Meermans Patricia D. Quelos Oberlin Naomi Perkins Powell Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Ingrid Johnson Cavan Deborah L. Chapman Lillian Martini Florentine Cathryn Seckler Henneberry Ann Bohnenstengel Hofelzer Janet M. Kail Sheri L. Kellner Louann Rezabek Lawson Jane Stull Lockard Marilyn Harvey Marvel Carol Pittman Maupin Deborah Strebel Pierce Nancy Bell Rainone June Baur Williams Marguerite Yearsley Winkler
Alpha Kappa— Bowling Green State University Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Michelle Vigneau Blose
Madelyn Carew Durkan Patricia Crane Sleva Amy L. Vojta Jennifer Zoul Walker Barbara Babcock Walsh Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Shirley Waugh Carlson Wilda Berndt Clifton Joyce Hoagland Eby Barbara Bowman Grimm Doris Urschel Haynes Janet Henderson Henke Dorothy Kanouse Heritage Ruth Gerken Hill Evelyn Oates Lotz Betty Bolinger Moore Judith Walter Pabst Martha Miller Ragan Martha Brewer Rini Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Carol Krohn Albright Katherine Guckert Allison Pamela King Braden Lisa Kaiser Cicero Magdalene Batcha Davenport Barbara Humbel Finley Joyce Shue Forbes Edith Stapleton Giglio Shari K. Heimberger Carrie Weller Horst Norma Sherman Kelling Kara L. Komarek Klink Joan Delau Manson Elizabeth Harris Nelson Susan Edmund Olinger Sarah M. Quick Susan Brewer Schaar Lorene Mathias Searfoss
Alpha Lambda— The Ohio State University
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Teresa Davis Bodey Margaret Harsh Scherer Elinor Porter Swiger Barbara Bessey Weiss Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Ruth Huber Cahill * Judith Barickman Caywood Elizabeth Neal Daniels Barbara Short Drake
Elizabeth Waddle Goertemiller Darlene Fleisch Harris Jayna Kenney Koler Michele Krieglstein McDonel Shirley Seiter Palumbo Helga Doppleb Sauter Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Barbara Merithew Carr Angela Licause Centa Karen Gullett Collett Sheila A. Damren Monica Komar Ellis Suzanne Beucler Fortuna Marcella Graham Huffman Joan Ford Iverson Kina A. Kerst Jean Beauman Klamfoth Dema Smith Krill Alice Ingle Lenker Janet Ricket Loos Priscilla Martin Marrah Shirley Lantz Miille Patricia Newbauer Emily Perlow Patricia Deblass Repic Margaret Gaugh Rusinko Kelley Brantley Southard
Sally Kotchin Donner Nadine Kinsey Grasty Carol Jenks Marchant Gilda Greco Shaver Dagmar Tichy Stein
Alpha Nu— Kent State University Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Grace Abhau Bush Judith Poole Culler Beverly Wittmus Foight Karen Elsom Gonzales Elisabeth Schneider Hair u Candice Baranchik Hughes Barbara Timmins Sanders Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Harriet Posgay Bender Treva Ewing Croskey Gae Caldren Kesselring Cynthia Apking Ramadan Ellen Werbeach Rothwell
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Barbara O’Hara Nealon u
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Beverly McGirr Esch Elizabeth Marshall Kloskoski Patricia Newdome Matyas Patricia Magee Nemetz Patricia L. Owen Barbara Mospens Turner Deborah Landy Van Batenburg
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Karen Miklos Katz Sharon Lentz Ricci
Alpha Xi— University of Maryland
Alpha Mu— Pennsylvania State University
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Barbara Ranck Ashenfelter Kay A. Boerrigter Lois DiJoseph Czarnecki Terryjean Behney Jenkins Linda Lentz Maier Joanne Stemler Shaughnessy Aimee Raymond Siegler Stephanie Bird Wagner Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Irene Grefe Bauer Marie Marzzacco Clark
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Wanda Mehring Mann u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Eleanor Barney Abarno June Weiner Auerbach Linda J. Blatz Patricia Ton Costello Anne Loring Eiler u M. Deane Kempfer Hill Anne Morris Martin Esther Spies Schneider Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Naomi Miller Beckley
Diane Wynn Boulavsky Sharon Patton Cox Ann Sargent Reiter Lynn Light Rivers Helen Jackson Stoltz Ruth Kaylor Tait Susan Curtis Warren
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Ellender Morgan Edwards Rozella Evans Hagen Joan Lee Gerber Irvin Kathleen Eccard Mellott Joan Johnston Schrager Pamela Reik Schrank Jean Osman Schwartz
Alpha Omicron— West Virginia Wesleyan College
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Alda Wagner Hymes Vera Stewart Neal Margaret Shaw O’Connor Alice Brucker Szekunda Carol Mosher Treible Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Lillian Alfred Margaret E. Barb Valjean Edinger Wilma Johnson Lufburrow Mary Skinner Morrell Marilyn Wickerham Morris Betty Hogsett Summers Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Louise Tannehill Bagby Beth A. Bailey Sandi Snow Brown Carolyn Sillaman Bruce Lois McWhorter Cailliet Zoann Spencer Callahan Nancy Titchenal Cheshire Nancy Williams Coonts Marjorie Young Fizette Darlene Serack Ielapi Jill Irey Kathleen McDowell Loewen Arline Franquiz Marteney Joyce Fresh Neumark Jennifer Hill Orzolek Lisa Frush Parsons Patricia Cline Reeves Charity-Anne Metz Schuller Mary Reed Snedeker
“Unless you have been in a situation like ours, you cannot believe how wonderful it is to receive a gift like this one.” ~Sisters Income Supplement Grant Recipient
from the foundation
Alpha Pi— Wayne State University
Pearl Circle $100,000 - $249,999 Barbara Henderson Miller u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Rita Cook Avery Karen Lau Collier Eve H. Korff Therese M. Marz Elizabeth Kaschalk Minbiole Dolores Stevens Janet Majewski Van Elslander Leslie Russell Westbury Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Janice Crawford Malace Kari L. Tauriainen Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Kathleen Komosinski Best Diane Plesuchenko Betcher Barbara Maronek Ekstrom Beatrice D. Faryno Diane Evans Franks Alice Murray Kolhoff Loretta Leech Ruby
Alpha Rho— Temple University Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Claire Coleman Schweiker u
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Jane Creamer Sullivan Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Clare M. Schwab Flocco Caroleen Faust Kendall Jeanette McGann Lamb Angela Juszkiewicz Watson
Alpha Sigma— Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Elizabeth Hosack Rhule u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Carol Klamar D’Andrea Suzanne McGee Petr u Kristin Dendtler Thomas Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Jean Charles Brady Michele Stelma Carey Linda Jo Hall Davis Rebecca Johnston Perry Carol Kunz Williams Bonita Bisogni Zdrale
Alpha Tau— Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Cherie Austin James
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Linda Feather Baker Linda Burchard Hanson Linda Porter Powell * Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Yvonne B. Ceslak Martha Hixson Flint
Alpha Upsilon— Central Michigan University
Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Nancy Thorman Pittman u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Wanda Stickler Ferguson Martha Vorech Frank u Michele Schallip Musman Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Jennifer L. West Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Norma Hansen Andersen
Sharon Caine Bowen Barbara Booth Cluley Christina Kyker Dunn Michelle J. Mercer Connie Dunham Mutton Regina LaPorte Stein
Alpha Omega— Duquesne University
Alpha Phi— Marietta College
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Mary A. Nash
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Martha Warner Bakkila-Pirkey u Dorothy J. Swanson u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Gretchen Golze Montgomery Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Margaret E. Brown Ewing Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Ann Tracy Toll
Alpha Chi— Thiel College
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Janice Evans Parker Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Judith Fincke Erlen Connie McCleary Ostrove Paulette Rote Phillips Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Sharon Emmett Brink Patricia Speakman Conville Susan Overholt Giles Denise Stetler Kocott Lois Weller
Alpha Psi— Ferris State University
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Joanne Lentine Hare u Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Ann Heafey Blalock Barbara Biechler LaFave Sharon Riggs Russell
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Michele Madore Boillotat u
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Carol Yebernetsky Carfang
Beta Alpha— Nebraska Wesleyan University
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Barbara Harrold Douglas Marilyn Gustafson Lenhart Kathy Jo Siffring Powell Rachel Zook Schum Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Mary Lou Hoffman George Mary Lou Barker Harkness Michelle Miller Hess Pamela Dixon Predmore Joyce Spencer Richards Doris Rohrig Samuelson Janet Tiekotter Smith Sandra Fuller Stallings Elaine Krondak Taylor Frances Luginbill Warner Julianne Aronson Wisecup Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Wendy Shanholtz Andersen Pamela Mihane Barker Katherine Lewis Carlson Marlene Fallbeck Carriker Jo Ann Rezek Dexter Barbara Dorsey Ferguson Marilyn Parr Girardin Carol Garlow Gorby Honey Powers Hewitt Cleo Teselle Hull Sherrill Waldo Jones Vera Janke Kahl Dianne Gillespie Lawson Kathleen Ann Brown Magnuson
Rebecca McDonald Mark Stellarose Lampshire McKenzie Lynn Larson Neumeister Michele Mihane Parks Nancy Meier Robeson Judith Myers Scott Jeanene Krause Smith Jolene Rethmeier Smith Ruth Nelson Steen Ruth Olmstead Thompson
Beta Beta— North Dakota State University
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Julie Waitman Cretin u Jill Jorgensen Shipley u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Michelle Jones Daly u Lois Daggett Gernbacher Anne Heiberg Houghton Kara Schwartz Johnson Lois Milhollan Turnquist Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Kathryn Lee Holle Jean Thompson Knaak Suzanne Miller Lahlum Debra Boisjolie Macias Susan Losness Reinke Roberta Drake Wurster Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Tiffaney Stolba Ekstrom Dorothy Sharpe Enge Janice Anderst Haggart Kristen Borg Pratt Annette Siversen Christine Hoaby Swerczek
Beta Gamma— University of Manitoba Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Helen Bowen
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Margaret McMaster Czaja
“I’ve come back energized and motivated to make our chapter the strong, involved, vibrant chapter I know it can be.” ~Amy, Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute Participant
honor roll of donors
Beta Delta— Indiana University
Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Jacquelyn Sandy Cramer Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Patricia Cragg Gascho Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Deborah Stanley Bennett Linda Roehrs Delano Brenda Lankford Gottlieb Karen Gerlach Joyce Angela Bernhardt Mahoney u Katherine Wayman Mehner Mary Ellen Kimes Mooy Sandra Aoki Ohara u Martha Woods Porter Laurel Vaughn Marilyn Waters Weathers Mary Lou Kuhn Weidenbener Jean Jackson Wells Loraine Clouse Wells u Dyann Miles Wesp u Judy Harding Zell Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Mary Steinkamp Alt Barbara Wahl Bastin Nancy Boyd Mary E. Fuson Jane Stouder Hawley Pamella Lednicky Kearney Laurielle Kistler Koch Laura Shapiro Kulnane Deborah Williamson Lane Betty McLeod Paula J. Rushworth Ruth Edry Salek Annette Placke Smith Martha M. Wright Ann Seddelmeyer Ziegel Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Brittany A. Ausmus Rita Biddle Karen Lentes Byrd Beth Buzzelli Carlson Buffie A. Johnston Cubit Alice Greer Daniels Becky Kaylor Ennis Chris Fedor Judith Van Sickle Harris
Edith Lindemann Johnson Ann Rennemann Liberman Lisa R. Macey Christine Johnson Marks Patti Hagen Martin Lillian Felker McDonald Debra Myers Meyer Janet Bokern Palfey Amanda M. Ream Diane Davis Render Tonia Parker Ruddock Ruth Donaldson Smith Barbara Chamberlain Stetina Jennifer M. Thurmond Lesley A. Weinert
Beta Epsilon— Carroll College
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Kathryn Park Stephen Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Diane Huelsbeck Adams Jessica A. Bohr Wendy Wernberg Crisci Phyllis Ellison Ferris Ada Rankin Holloway Ann Gerdes Jazgar Patricia L. Johnson Marilyn Osterling Olin Deeann Crowns Schlueter
Beta Zeta— Parsons College
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Sara Wagoner Young u Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Margaret Sutherland Weatherspoon Judith L. Hollander White Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Sally Jo Taylor Fisher Patricia Kurka Wehr
Beta Eta— Southern Illinois University
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Mary Williamson Catlin Molly J. Hagan E. Anne Turner Meyers u
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Marian Lee Cripe Allan Sue Keeton Pellegrino Wolf u Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Frances Lisac Burckhartt Nancy Buffum Carr Cathy Schmidtlein Cassato Jo Frances Kirby Flynn Joyce Toler Maloney Mary Helm McRoy White Patricia Hartlage Sebby Suzanne Longenbach Stockton
Beta Theta— University of WisconsinWhitewater
Gamma Circle $25,000 - $49,999 Diane Raffel Collins u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Jacquelene Kern Shebesta Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Jean Kopp Mary Miller Sellin Patricia A. Tomaszewski Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Luanne Franz Fahl
Beta Iota— Eastern Illinois University Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Patricia Tulley Riddiford u
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Dianne Tegtmeyer Baker Judith Bloomquist Duncan Elise Rennels Ramsey Mary Dankovich Slavin Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Karen Hollis Dockweiler Carole Mateer Gaston
Linda Whelan O’Connor u Marcia Keranen Vidoni Charlotte Sij Walther Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Carmen Muirheid Auerbach Alice Nehring Brock Molly McCallen Burroughs Karen Emory Haire Lavinia Cawley Kendle Kelly Pendergast Miller Megan Targonski Weber
Beta Kappa— University of Iowa Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Sherri Brown Martin Barbara Fish Rolph
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Lynn Kay Fillenwarth Susan Fransen Thrams Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Diana Bright Brunt Kay Christensen Grooters Jeanne M. Gross Kathy A. Mathews
Beta Mu— Minnesota State University-Mankato
Beta Xi— Purdue University
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Penelope Yocum Edmondson Janet K. Johnston Cinda Zehner O’Connor u
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Ann Zehner Angle u Bonnie J. Brown u Joann Hollingsworth Drochner u Marcelyn Modesitt Hagan Susan Connor Joseph Susan Nichols Pierce Margaret Edwards Sheriff Katherine R. Spindler u Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Patricia Hurtubise Behrens Marcia Weigand Carothers Maribeth Glaub Barbara Bitzer Kruger Kathleen Westropp Litchfield Judith Higgins Maretich Barbara Moffatt McCormick Pamela Ross Todd Claudia Winkler
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Lauren Davies Hall Buff Rose Circle Eleanor Jacobsen $1,000 - $4,999 Hannemann Marsha L. Christiansen u Kerry McLaughlin Kathryn L. Nelson Hessenthaler Nancy Clarke Hoy Red Rose Circle Joan Spiess Julow $500 - $999 Pamela Henderson Carol Harrer Vickery Kennedy Karen Palla Kovach Beta Nu— Gayle A. Kurokawa University of Marilyn R. Margiotti Northern Iowa Daphne Smith Mauer Red Rose Circle Cynthia Ortman Meyer $500 - $999 Christine Watson Peck Debra Howard Daniels Debra L. Shields Sue Ludeman Hunt Allison Davis Smith Jeanne Miller Rothlisberger Robin Martin Throckmorton Sisterhood Circle Nancy L. Trusnik $100 - $499 Lisa J. Welch Wendy Grassley Speckerman
“Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to go to LeaderShape. It was an amazing experience! I learned so much and made lasting friendships.” 19 ~Ali, LeaderShape Participant
from the foundation
Beta Omicron— Illinois State University Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Martha Rosenberger Zimmerman u
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Karin Struck Burwell u Susan Rumsfield Clary Patricia Miller Drexler Denise Smedley Mazzocchi u Laura Hooper Wayland Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Pamela Rennie Burke Patricia Roth Johnson Patricia J. Reimer Pamela Reimer Rosa Edna R. Sinclair Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Vicki Allen Ackerman Karen Bellettini Berta Kristine Lynn Holmes Nogal Sondra McPherson Rodgers-O’Connor Mary F. Skinner Dori Davis Wauer
Beta Pi— University of St. Thomas
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Beverly Just Duda
Beta Sigma— Creighton University Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Laura K. Varsek
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Sarah Wallsmith Pritza Jill Robinson Wallis
Beta Tau— Ball State University
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Diane Gitt Birdwell Jennifer Hampton Cochran Stephanie Swihart Topping
Gamma Alpha— University of Georgia Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Leslie Smith Lowthers
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Kimberly Ellet Arasin u Bryna Bobick Lee Woodham Digiovanni u Peggy S. Gates Lois Bridges Grubbs Kirsten M. Polentz Haas Amy Hentz Ingram Beth Waters Johnson Deborah Barber McNeill Nancy Garrott Mele u Marie Ford Palmer u Martha Mills Scudder Lessie Bailey Smithgall Deborah Short Stovall Sallie Middlebrooks Vetter Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Karen Meehan Ashley Kathlyn Flynt Barksdale Dana Lozowski Calleja Meghan Keally Gaskill Charlotte S. Grimes Carol Graham Healy Susan Brakke Heim Susan McCraw Klein Patricia Summerville Rosend Carla Stanley Sappe Lisa C. Young Kyle Branning Young Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Shirley Hurst Akin Peggy Bassing Bailey Dorothy Treadwell Cantrell Patricia Richardson Clark Mary Miltner Copeland Jennifer Springer Duncan Betty Jane Anderson Fenwick Karen Sewell Gaston Elaine Graffis Holmes Julie Knaak Johnson Suzanne Johnson Kiefer Helen Sutton Milburn Susan Hagan Patrick Karen Mikell Perry Christine Sorchy Priday Cynthia Peavy Rhodes Alicia L. Smith Elizabeth S. Sutton
Kathryn C. Sutton Rebecca Lawrence Taylor
Gamma Beta— Florida State University
Gamma Circle $25,000 - $49,999 Marie Locker Hill u Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Jean C. Hacker Stella Barrineau Thomas u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Pauline Chance Brannon Theresa Bridy u Mary Cooney Crum Elinor Hager Durham Margaret Smith Franklin Nancy McClure Houston Martha Cowart Means Mary Land Miller Alicia Kazimir Simpson Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Katherine Cooper Bradley Mary Yancey Hartmann Mary Gunn Holden Evangeline Griffin Holt Jeanne Campbell Jacobs u Patricia Hollins Kohler Carol L. Lockey Mary Hanford Miller Sheila Kelley Sola u Bobbye Hutt Thomas Mary Truluck Vann Francine Ware u Cornelia McCreary Waters u Margaret Thrower Watt Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Lynne Watson Abstein Betty Jo McAteer Bauer Sara Hartness Deiters Holly Johnson Fulmer Margaret Brokaw Garland Frances Merritt Grande Brenda McCullough Hailey Sandra Zevin Judson Jane Shiley Krblich Mary Ann Lassiter LaPorte Gary McAteer Logan Judith Elkins Meggs
Jennifer Noble Monahan Mette Jensen Odom Sarah Patterson Paul Carol Da Prato Rominger Violet Walters Skinner Jessica L. Tuznik Carol Marchich Wine
Gamma Gamma— Queens University of Charlotte Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Paula J. Causey Billie Mancin Little
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Grace Hager Andrews Hanna Richardson Kitchin Dorothy Wilkie McCall Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Elizabeth Nash Corzine Dorothy A. Cumbey Karen Bittenbring Neilson
Gamma Delta— Auburn University
Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 LaVerne Taylor Flanagan u Jackie Brannon Stutts u Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Dorry Hayes Blackburn u Jeanne Swanner Robertson Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Ann Watson Collister Nancy Hoyt Duncan u Patricia Riley Farmer Laura Powell Hall Judy Henderson Hardwick Kay E. Ivey u Kate Kiefer Elizabeth Ingram Lamberth Sandra Waldrop McInnes Jean Little Phillips Betty Ann Chadwick Russell u Martha Jernigan Scott Cathy Campbell Turner Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Mary Venable Addison
Barbara Thorne Anderson Mary Pugh Arant Deborah Jetton Caldwell Susan Strickland Copeland Mary Furr Davis Cristi Cannon Dixon Ann Spicer Dodson Anne Manley Eastman Anne Little Jackson Vivien Long Jones Martha McClinton Langford Sharon Rochambeau Lovell Carmen Fornara MacDonald Carol Baldwin Martin Jane Adams Mazenko u Josephine Webb McRae Barbara Burwell Mundy Linda Grabensteder Pou Susan Hamilton Russell Helen Randle Snider Carolyn Hogan Stilwell Dorothy Pedersen Stuart Katherine Echols Thompson Robyn Vissing Van Yperen Evelyn Kidd Voigt Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Margaret Fornara Bartholomew Denise Eastall Buschman Ellen Lanier Collins Anne DuBose Cottle Gene Culver Sarah McIntyre Davis Shannon McInerney Douthit Shawn Casey Dunaway Lisa Copeland Earles Nancy White Edwards Jeanne Killingsworth Eggleston Allison Vines Fortune Millicent Barnes Fox Maria Fulford Garrett Ginger Baker Giles Jean De La Bar Harris Pamela Seamon Harris Barbara Welch Hart Marcilla Jacobs Heath Virginia Hinds Hempfleng Barbara Mathews Hill Betty Dickinson Hixon Page Henry Jackson Martha Walden Johnston Jane Salmon Jones
“Thank you so much for the scholarships over the past four years…The support from the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation was a huge help and made my degree an option.” 20
~Bryna, Scholarship Recipient
honor roll of donors
Marguerite Sparks Lawrence CJ Meigs Moore Jeanne Tynes Plaxco Jane Sentell Preiss Linda Eskind Rebrovick Stephanie Wallace Renuart Julia Hickman Reynolds Kelley Crawford Slappey Martha Pearson Stone Rebecca L. Stutts Catherine Bradley Walker Susan Gamble Weingarten Teresa Farrell Whittle Deborah Price Williams Olivet Summers Willis Susan Long Womack
Gamma Zeta— University of Memphis
Gamma Theta— Florida Southern College
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Sharon Dunkman Carruthers u
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Margaret E. Hutson u
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Suzanne Roosa Herzing Yvonne Eynon Lyon Susan Sumner Oder u Kathleen Repass Weigl
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Ann Magee Guest Claire Hicks Long Trudy A. Noyes Janet Pape Qualls Joan Steele Stein
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Jane Hutson Owen u
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Carol Zimmerman Caraway Betty Carter Bobette Sandifer Thompson u Dixie Steelman Treadway Susan Waller Tull
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Jacquelyn Goodwin Burgess Jayne Childs Daly Beth Edwards Morgan Carolyn Frazier Moxley * Margaret Horner Walker
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Carol Kinser Baker Jeanie Palmer Dowdle Jennifer Raper Kiser Mary Ann Sibley Morriss Traci Strickland Whitmire Jane Barcroft Zink
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Nola Hatten Boughton Gene Stokes Brown Frances Pegues Burroughs Katherine Smith Gunter Patricia Noah Jones
Gamma Eta— High Point University
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Gayle Metts Adams Daphne Adams Ashworth Vasilike Pappas Demopoulos Evelyn Blanchard Fowler Barbara Bransford Lacy Carol Clayton Norris Barbara Mansfield Peck Phyllis Wall Purdy Barbara Murray Smith Ellen J. Solomon Anne C Newsome York
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Patricia Nance Quick Diane Abbott Steele Sharon Sweeney Stupar
Gamma Epsilon— University of North Carolina
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Nanci Berryman Castorr Julie Young King C J Neal Lipski u
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Amelia Welles Homer Pamela Clark Kurtz Linda Reid Lepionka Paula Hutson Simmons Sarah Schopf Truby Mary Ann Aiello Williams Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Barbara Hart Cavanah Deborah J. Collins Sandra Rothenberg Ehlke Linda Moore Ginn Hazel Repass Jones Carolyn O’Connor Marlowe Sally Ramsey Ogburn
Gamma Iota— Mercer University
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Sylvie Kramer Weikert Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Charlyn Frith Elliott u Victoria Elliott Gardner Patricia Daugherty Miller
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Martha F. Collins Mary Hubbard Corby Barbara Ballenger Frazier Bonita Baldus Grier Barbara Taylor Marchant Carole Imwold McRacken Joe Ann Taylor Shannon Denise Carter Shuster Sarah A. Viglione
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Laura W. Herrin Nancy Cail Long Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Linda Barefield Bond Andrea H. Bottoms Joanna Monahon Droege Sandra Cowan Etheredge Janet E. Jarriel Mary Hambrick Lockard Maria Williams Longshore Edith J. Vardaman Melissa L. Voynich
Gamma Lambda— Longwood University Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Patricia Whitehurst Crute Robin Belcher Liesfeld Patricia Rogers Townes Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Betsy Delong Jackson Carolyn C. Mondy Patricia A. Saunders Katherine Koch Winston Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Sallie Gibbs Adelman Rebecca Davis Brooks Kathleen A. Cullen Linda Dobbins Laumann Martha Petry Parham Mary M. Saunders Sharon Binder Thomas
Gamma Mu— James Madison University
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Edna Parker Burkee Nancy Will Crow Judith Meyer Tice u
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Taunya A. Eyre Robin Roberts Hill Betty Jung Howerton Shirley Cochran Martin Sarah E. Powell Mastera Anna Greer Neubauer Susan Carter Salyers Kimberly Sutton Sarff
Gamma Omicron— Eastern Kentucky University Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Esther E. Saalfeld u
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Kathleen McCallum Smith Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Rebecca M. Brown Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Patricia Hodge Barker Deanna Bogie Conaty Beth A. D’Amico Julie Nickell Ferguson Angela Wallace Heibert Lela Durham Redick
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Gamma Pi— Angela P. Coon Middle Tennessee Martha Harrison Lerario State University Elissa Cooper Wood Elizabeth A. MacKay Wood Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Suzanne Carmack Spicer u Gamma Nu—
University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Angela R. Magill u Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Carol Brumley McGlothin Mary J. Wyatt
Gamma Xi— Murray State University
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Jill L. Giordano Cathey Hartline Lane
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Laura J. Barber Susan Wilson Davidson Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Catherine Richard Erickson Kathryn M. Moore u Ramona Rogers Nichols
Gamma Rho— Armstrong Atlantic State University
Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Frances George Arnsdorff u
“Without your support, graduate school would not likely be a part of my future.” ~Jacqueline, Scholarship Recipient
from the foundation
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Nancy Breland Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Mildred Deal Derst Jessica Waldrop Harris
Gamma Sigma— Troy University
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Rebecca Bowes Murphy u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Christine Cook Hutson u Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Mary Ford Agee Peggy Wilson Carr Gayle Beazley Decker Linda Lee DiLullo Rita Harden Lunsford Michelle Aderholt Mulligan
Gamma Tau— University of West Georgia
Gamma Circle $25,000 - $49,999 Michelle Flake Morgan u Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Lynn Taylor Faller Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Deborah Long Mullen Barbara Walton Smith Mary Williams Trice Nancy Seay Waller
Gamma Upsilon— University of Montevallo Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Nancy Bailey Knickerbocker u Mildred Ligon Orr u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Amber Davenport Coleman
Phyllis K. Ferguson Harriet Halstead Overcash Julia S. Rudd Pamela MacPherson Young u Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Debra Elliott Cardin Angela Fleites Hernandez Karen A. Kelly Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Valeria Valdes Breen Stefanie Letanosky Crowe Leigh Kitchens Mello
Gamma Phi— Georgia Institute of Technology Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 B. Jane Skelton u
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Jennie Colosi Balboni u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Courtney Huskamp Huggins u Sue A. Settles Therese Rauth Viscelli u Liz Harriss York u Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 JoAnne Bernadette Johnson Sharon R. Just u Alyssa Levy McElrone Jani Macari Pallis Patricia Caudle Smith Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Jennifer L. Brecher Stephanie Chapman Christine Pesola Curtis Karen Jones Fite Sharon M. Jadrnak Jessica L. Klimesh Caroline M. Mahoney Susan Oravec Matthews Miriam Alytia Patton Courtney H. Tomasz Shannon M. Vittur
Gamma Psi— University of North Alabama Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Elizabeth Adams Anderson Sarah Collins Evans Sonya Burcham Sanderson
Gamma Omega— University of Alabama at Birmingham Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Dana Peden-Gentile u Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Robin Baker Wright Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 DeeAnn Fortner Arnett Lori Dooley Feist
Delta Alpha— University of Southern California Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Melody Y. Nishida u Christine M. Ofiesh u
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Diana Agajanian u Kathleen Bice u Barbara Meador Callard u Eleanor Pierce Kelso Sarajane Sutter Kirby Ethel Lund Pattison u Catherine Gauld Stock u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Beth Aspen Braziller u Phyllis Clement Campbell Helen Sims Curtis Barbara Marbach Fentress Debra Knox Gomez Jana Waring Greer u Joanne Cone Johnson Carolyn J. Keefe Susan Wills Lockwood u Nadene Gruwell Minear Susanne Noyes Neff Anne S. Rubsamen Linda Glover Rylett
Susan Vessels Candace Harper Wheeler Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Carol McCluer Chapman Susan See Elftman Mary Davis Hazzard Marjorie Galbraith Klein * Penny Parks Nolan Carole Bauer Shook Barbara Johnson Taplin Linda Beamer Taylor Jane Kubasak Thornton Eleanor Josten Valentine Sonnee Stallman Weedn Jeane Becking Wood Penelope Scott Yarrow Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Willow Whitfield Bechtel Mardel Graham Blum Candy Allen Duncan Dorothy Lorenz Harte Maurene Smith Hogan Marcia Gettman Krueger Maryanne Hammatt Leckie Shirley Largura Limbaugh Ann Morzov Matthiessen Janet Carty Muller Carol Breitkrautz Pangburn Annice J. Pelentay Marijane Perkins Karen L. Steuber Marvalee Hendricks Wake Wendy Gail Gaines Weatherup
Delta Beta— Washington State University
Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Joyce Aamot Greene u Kathryn Wilson Jones u Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Catherine Cornehl Hyslop Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Nadine Hanford Finley Elizabeth Raugust Fox Betty Hummel Griffith Holly Whitcomb Henry Janice Holtorf Hirsch u Janice Atkinson Martin
Jacquelyn Wehring Moore Cecelia J. Quirk u Mary Wilson Testa Lee Drake Zahniser Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Susan Hoop Bishop Barbara White Bradford Bonnie Stack Christianson Wendi Kepner Damico Marilyn Holert Drengson Harriet Appleford Ennis Carol Seegert Kocher Lynne Hitchcock Nicholson Winnifred Castle Olsen Elizabeth Hazelton Paget Kathleen Bauder Shattuck Barbara Bruhn Sinnott Kris Juris Takemura Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Jacqueline Aamot Jennifer Doty Baxter Molly Kramer Brunner Beverly Hall Ehlers Teresa Thorpe Gehlen Darlene Power Hunter Elsie Dawson Johnston Ilene Olsen Lacey Debra Patterson Lisser Anne Ludwick Long Elizabeth Halvorson Maus Connie A. Edwardson Michael Kimberly Crane Reber Margaret Nickell Schalow Joann Chadbourne Swanson Barbara Shirk Talbott
Delta Gamma— Montana State University
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Vivian Gillette Durland Jo Ann Hicks Guenther Tana Lee Ege Mullendore Donna Sheets Wagner Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Vickie Hemstad Betty Vanatta Henderson Janet Myers Lowney Carmen Reiquam Malsbury Janice Kathary Vigre Louise Fulton Worster
“This scholarship will help greatly with my financial need for school this year. I can’t thank you enough for your generosity.” ~Angie, Scholarship Recipient
honor roll of donors
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Judith Drummond Bramlette Jody A. Collis Jennifer Flanders Estep Joyce Myers Fletcher Margaret Buchman Haag Mary Lou Kranz Hammell Eleanor Vanatta McKamey Grace Gartner Metsker Geraldine Weir Roth Beverly Panther Sevick Shirley Anderson Turner
Delta Delta— University of Oregon Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Donna Fields McCain
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Marcia Cameron Graham Norma T. Johanson Muriel Hagendoorn Raz Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Alyce Willmarth Drescher Lani Achor Ford Judith M. Wiant Gavin Johanna Flood Morrow Inez Richardson Riechers Leann Johnston Roque Edith Ebell Scott Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Judith Peterson Keever Margaret Rauch Warnke
Delta Epsilon— University of California, Los Angeles
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Marjorie Lund Crump u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Joan Whittaker Allison u Elisabeth Yeoman Briffett Charlon Brown Franke u Betty Fortune Lang Gail Tyler Neher Dorothy Huston Newman Barbara Keith Richardson Priscilla Gaskill Robertson
Mary Campbell Rodebaugh Inez Hopkins Sepmeyer Sandra Goodwin Streech u Cynthia Luis Wells Mildred Nickels Wood Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Patricia White Burns Vera Roush Curzon Virginia Berwick Dawson Penelope Thompson Donnelly Jane George Erlbaum Judy Boster Mark Betty Jo Purgitt Wyatt Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Beverly Bush Aggen Jana S. Bickel Helen Roche Johnston Patricia White Knowles Gloria Caravacci Koenig Mary Magee Pike Suzanne Pollit Scarrberry Elizabeth Beeson Thorsen
Delta Zeta— University of British Columbia Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Lucille Ingalls Caldecott Elizabeth Carlson Weingart
Delta Eta— San Diego State University
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Naomi Grant Bolonesi Lynn Miller Hartline Fran Wallace Holland Janet Purvis Lisle Frances Mettlach McCrackin u Kristin Amundson Ogley Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Georgie Hearrell Botte Janet Russell Lind Catherine Morrell Seymour Billi Kortsch Walton Jane Wilson Wittkow
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Jean Johansson Atwood Margaret Williams Bennett Isobel Bruen Chisum Barbara Bunten Dryer Norma Rolls Duffy Andrea S. Furst Norma Stark George Frances Gibson Grimes Sallie Ann Lincoln Haight Patricia Groener Hansen Patricia Ann Weaver Hardeman Janet Moss Johnson Gloria Suarez Justus Linda Jane Stitt Lofgren Jane Alderson McCorkell Marion Tanner Moore Mary Luebben Morgan Sandra Sarff Punch Carolyn Vosteen Sharpe Daryl McKenna Swanson
Delta Theta— University of Idaho Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Charlotte Ruckman Misner u Linda A. Werner
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Elizabeth Misner Johnson u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Susan Hopkins Castelin Sherry Walsh Fanning Cecilia Amaro Hoffman Sharon Houck Hood Patricia Stroh Loo Janet Seitz Jashinski Virginia Remacle Snyder Kathryn Zenier Swenson Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Karen Kottkey Chamberlain Dianne Stone Milhollin Edna Jones Neal Norma Headrick Slade Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Mary Arvin Alger Connie Harriman Benson Mary Bjustrom
Cheryl Spencer Britton Gayle Curtis Cunningham Diane Fingerson Drakeley Kitty Collins Geidl Dawn Shipley Harlow Jody Newcomb Harris Nova Jackson Hatch Kristina J. Svendsen Herron Sharon Bartosh Kinney DeLoy Simpson Lance Gaye Graham Littleton Jill Bachmeier Lunsford Joyce Stansbery Lunsford Christine L. Mackert Molly McClure Susan Evans Oberst Christine H. Schreiber Melinda Lou Sloviaczek Smyser Beverly Fossum Stettler D. Anne Frazier Walradt
Delta Iota— California State University, Chico
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Elfriede Walzberg Bagley Patricia Leitheiser Bell Theresa L. Dolan Janet Hepler Gillespie Vesta Betonte McDonald Marilee Swor Meuter Eunice Jones Wesp Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Gina Gallego Colton Donna DeDomenico Holpainen Melaine McVay Taylor Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Karen Faist Baird Linda Bergemann Chaix Susan McGovern Downward Cindi Anderson Edmondo Laurie Stone Fennell Sandra Pamplin Ficalora Sandra Nason Griffin Janeen Ayoob Hubiak Doris Perdue Kaiser Susan Stimmel Paluncich Marilyn Morcomb Planzer Kareen Hanson Sheffield Jolie Graves Webb Pam Weber Wiswell
Delta Kappa— University of Alberta
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Chantelle Peredery Moore
Delta Mu— University of California, Santa Barbara
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Jean Bosworth Garcia
Delta Nu— University of Calgary Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Kelly M. Hopper
Delta Xi— Arizona State University
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Kimberly Hall Johnson u Toni Brooks Milnes Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Heidi Scheifele Axelrod Candace Morrison Cox
Delta Omicron— University of Nevada, Las Vegas Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 S. Michelle Schwer Nicholl Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Tabatha Wheatley Fotenos Laurinda Meyer Hawkins
Delta Rho— Sonoma State University
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Kelley Flynn Holt u Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Molly C. Rattigan
“Thank you so much for the scholarship — I am so grateful for it and all the work that you do to make opportunities like this possible!” ~Shannon, Scholarship Recipient
from the foundation
Delta Sigma— University of Hawaii at Manoa Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Mary Ikeda Miwa u Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Janelle S. Jinbo
Delta Tau— Chapman University Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Melanie Bowen Bridges
Epsilon Alpha— University of Missouri
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Charlene Morris Conrad Nann Blaine Hilyard u Ann Taliaferro u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Carol Reppel Amling Brenda Bier Barton Betty Ream Brock Judith Hayes Hand u Elizabeth Perdue Hyde Karen Price Myers Sara Acuff Smith Lorinda Kirkwood Stombaugh Carol Clemons Thomas Michelle A. Yuenger u Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Betty Buschart Brand Rose Rice Dishman Betty Smith Hawkins Stacia D. Hentz Carrie Lyn Hoemeyer Ousley Paula Egbert Ross Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Marianne Messmann Antweiler Teresa Briscoe Brun Margaret Pegues Chapman Deborah Kuntz Houston Glenda Glahn Klein Lois Darby Leimkuhler
Jacqueline Sensenich Loyd Nancy Tucker O’Shea Rita Sullivan Rundquist Mary Taliaferro Wilhoit Kathleen N. Willard
Epsilon Beta— University of Kansas Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Cynthia Coe Allen Mary Sampson Fay Ruth Reitz Holsinger Dana Dugan Homan u Martha Oliver Myers u Miriam Young Pack-Kelsey u Lori Springer Zwart u
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Jessica Bush Block Teresa Mulinazzi Kempf u Mary McTigue White u Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Jennifer Thole Berquist Leslie Klosterhoff Dalton Kathleen Gibbons Delaney Kim Hotchkiss Harris Pattie Gene Hewitt Victoria Lysaught Marshall Kourtney Gellender Misse Valjean Parker Schroll Lorraine L. Shearing Kimberly Wicke Southern Jennifer Ross Sykes Erin C. Veazey Erin Hansen Witcofski
Epsilon Gamma— University of Denver Delta Circle $50,000 - $99,999 Gail Calkins Duree u Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Jean Nevius Johnson Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Heather Schmidt Blake u Artis Tanton Boulier Carol Newman Greene u Joann Brenton Harbison
Florence Duboff Northway Kay Tannehill O’Halleran Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Susan Foster Gould Mickey Gates Maker Nada Nadine Milosavljevic Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Patricia Kelly Ashlock Lois Thomas Boyd Alice Dralle Cozens Mary Lou Damascio Keating Heather L. Kelly
Epsilon Delta— University of Texas at Austin Gamma Circle $25,000 - $49,999 Patsy Smith Davis u
Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Betty Leatherwood Adams u Benita Wilson Dick u Kay LaBauve Parnell u Elizabeth Cartledge Rogers u Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Ann Huffington Breed SaRita Obelgoner Parker u Irene Hoke Sandahl Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Doreene Frizzell Boubel Susan Kiefner Cage u Laura Glass Hensley Joan Kenney Hoyt Lelia Van Norden Kelley u Shirley Rose Kraus Jeraldine T. Walker Joan Bryan Wright Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Theodora Vanderwerth Boehm Angela Steinle Hairston Mary Chaney Heard Elizabeth Keasler Mansfield
Dorothy Thornton Rencurrel Sharon Edmiston Seago Kimberly Carson Seay Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Darlene Prouse Birkes Mary Lambert Chapman Kathleen Kime Graham Dixie White Hill Randhi Smith Parsons Amelia Runyan Rock Kathy Kraus Rorschach Letty L. Thornton Martha Angerstein Wasson
Epsilon Epsilon— William Jewell College Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Norma Moss Barto Alyce Curtis Leytham Diane Brown Wicker
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Alice Rowland Algie Janice Thomas Baker Hanna Lockwood Dobberstine Janet Bailey Durbin Margaret Harris Kilpatrick Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 MaryPat Thayer Carnes Sharon Purdy Gilliam Linda Harger Jolly Kristin M. Leitze Roberta Carr Lierly Andrea Shumake True
Epsilon Zeta— Arkansas State University
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Mary Jane Droke Caudill Ada Marsh Oldham u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Katherine Martin Farris Nancy Redd McGee Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Mary Allen Ray Jerrie Rogers Walden
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Frankie Gipson Adams Amber Philhours Baldridge Deborah Oldham Clement Sandra Wood Faltemier Allison Denman Holland Janice Harlan Massey Phyllis Riley Orlicek Blair D. Perry Virginia Thomas Roush Catherine Smart Williams
Epsilon Eta— Texas Christian University
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Nancy Sheppeard Atkinson u Susan Havran Carter Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Pamela Nix Gilmore Nancy Mitchell Ogrod Sheila Grant Thayer Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Leslie M. Martin Billie Oakley Minot Mary B. Packard Sue Sperling Vincent Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Donna Edelen Blanton Susan Bond Butsch Barbara Stroud Cannon Helen Huff Dunlap Linda Freise Proch Joyce Gibson Roach Sandra Hyre Vaught Carol Ferguson Wiener
Epsilon Theta— University of Colorado Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Jane Larson Alder Kathleen Fisk Christiansen u Mary Heimann Linn Mary Kelley Wyss
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Carol Mueller Koontz
“I would like to express my thanks for the assistance of the SIS grant. This has been a tremendous help during (my) recovery.”
~Sisters Income Supplement Grant Recipient
honor roll of donors
Cydnee McMullen Karen Winquist Waligorski Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Sally Yewens Meisner
Epsilon Iota— University of Northern Colorado Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Cindy Griffin Haas u Susan E. Turman u Patricia O’Connor Vreeland u
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Virginia Harkins Agnew Margaret Latinis Hays Catherine Vietti McVey Laura L. Mortick Marsha Cranz Reynolds Susan Coury Rogers Marcia Meyer Roos
Epsilon Lambda— University of Central Missouri Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Sherralyn Denning Craven u
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Ina Billingslea Bryan Debra Saylor Lumley
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Karri Lampson Kent Myrtle Hickman Stanley Grace C. Wright
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Beverly Butts Eddings Cheryle Lyons Henley Nancy Beach Kenepp Ruth Harlan Lamb Rita D. McAmis Laura Quillin Richter Dawn Papasifakis Strope Sally Scott Virgo
Diamond Circle $250,000 - $499,999 Marie Monk Samp u * Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Connie Yates Brown Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Helen Kriegsman Mary Coffman Russo Leseley Adey Simpson Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Sue Rash Albers Barbara Lattin Bierman Dona Maddux Cooper Julie Zishka Ellenberger Karen Spicer Finch Karen Simpson McCurley Annette Skaggs Rohde Patricia A. Wagner
Epsilon Nu— University of Central Oklahoma Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Rie Gerah Hoehner u
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Donna M. Benge Janet Rensink Biancalana Ann Struble Birkle Karin Whetstone Culter Anne Overton DeGraff Mary Sue Myers Jean E. Selders
Epsilon Kappa— Pittsburg State University
Karen Conard Brannam Sandra Jo Boys Daugherty Elizabeth B. Berning Gerber Susan Lala McCall Juneil Thomm McQueen Dee Ann Smith Riebel Brenda Coats Schearer Jan Post Stejskal Terry Deal Waggle
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Sara B. Salisbury Shirley Kochsmeier Siegel
Epsilon Mu— Fort Hays State University
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Jone Courtney Galloway Patricia Sampson Mills u Lana Tittel Shults u Shelley S. Sutton u Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Renee Scheuermann Davis Amy Pfannenstiel Dible Pamela Krueger Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Stephanie Groninga Bannister Lynette Brazda Bickley Paula Burris Blume
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Susan C. Adair u Marcie Worl Kirchberg u Kimberly Martin Klaus u Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Kay D. Cunningham Lisa Adams Matthews Roseann Gerah-Nida u Robyn E. Roach Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Cathryn Baxter Davis Lauren Allen Hammack Jennifer M. Odor Amy M. Hervey Wingfield
Epsilon Xi— East Central University
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Karla Taylor Brooks Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Kelly Lucas Davenport u
Epsilon Omicron— Southwestern Oklahoma State University Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Becky Kelly Harvey u
Epsilon Rho— Texas A&M University
Epsilon Chi— Kansas State University
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Jennifer P. Powell u
Epsilon Psi— University of Texas at Dallas
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Leigh Harrison Kent
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Jane Carmichael Bickham Ronda Lenser Dillard Charlotte C. Jamieson
Epsilon Sigma— Cameron University Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Carolyn Scott Seabolt
Epsilon Upsilon— Tarleton State University
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Donna Plumlee Hendrix u
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Gina Hinman Vincent u
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Holly Phillips Rudnick u Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Diane Wardrup
Epsilon Omega— Truman State University
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Emily L. Albright Carolyn A. Bopp
Zeta Alpha— Eastern Michigan University
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Jami Ables Lovelady
Delta Circle $50,000 - $99,999 V. Beverly Payne *
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Jane B. Dennis Helen Keven McShane
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Denise DiFranco Browning u
Epsilon Phi— Texas Woman’s University
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Kristina Danielak Schnierer
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Sheryl Ahlstrom Goodson u
Zeta Beta— Lehigh University
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Caren Schlebach Lawrence
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Susan Kelly Archer Mary Beth Dulcey Morabito Karen Lindquist Randall
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Muttaya Chaivashirasak Bollich Jessica H. Strasen Wendy Shepard Tuten
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Lori Siegrist Guadagno Linda Eickemeyer Kelly
“Your continued gifts really do make a difference in the lives of children with diabetes. Not only do they learn they are not the only child with diabetes, but they form lifelong friendships and support systems.” ~ American Diabetes Association, Indiana Area
from the foundation
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Laura Yearsley Riehl Lori Schlauch Trechter
Zeta Delta— Towson University Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Janis Lang Bartosz u Michele D. Hartlove u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Lesley A. Hubbard u Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Katherine Klinefelter Hastings Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 April Coffinberger Blahut Megan N. Haupt Elizabeth Payne Heath Wendy Hucht Lanahan
Zeta Epsilon— Michigan Technological University
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Rebecca Shetron Nold Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Ellen J. Brinkman Cheryl Kryscynski Early Janet Turner Lomasney
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Karen Zalewski Oliver Elizabeth Archambault Stank Alyson J. Stuer Sara J. Swiatlowski Donna M. Underwood
Zeta Eta— Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Deborah L. Allen Christine M. Gagnon AnneMarie Daly Riechmann Constance Keefe Sanneman Patricia Newcomer Simmons
Zeta Kappa— University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Sujatha Reddy
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Christine Pawlowski Sullivan
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Cynthia L. Banks Laurinda J. MacKinnon Diane Brawdy Miller
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Carolyn Barron Chuba Karin Brian Dooley
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Ellen L. Fogarty Maureen Hangac Audrey Kaplan O’Neil Marci L. Sindell
Zeta Theta— Lafayette College Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Julie Pollock Trainor
Zeta Nu— Alma College
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Mary Jo Toth Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Janelle Kauffman Moore Alison Flagg Rhoads
Zeta Omicron— Kettering University
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Minnie A. Lieblich
Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Susan Eberts Prater u
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Lauren Moses Cypert Donielle Weinholtz Gangoli
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Stephannie Sack Bailey u
Zeta Zeta— Worcester Polytechnic Zeta Iota— Institute Miami University Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Cynthia L. Moser u
Laura Letton Byington Kristina L. Held Chadwick Amy Agle Foreman Laurie Vetter Lehman Beth Sieja Olson
Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Roberta L. Phillips u
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Andrea Smith Budraitis u Kimberly Nelson Michelle White Simmons Debra Collins Watt Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Vivian Heighway Butler
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Adrienne Kerr Beckett Heather Slotnick Mueller Melissa A. Scheich Angie Suthivarakom
Zeta Pi— Saint Joseph’s University
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Deanna Martz Drnevich Lisa Aquilino Lunny Angela Scola
Zeta Rho— Quinnipiac University
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Karyn Kahl Layton
Zeta Chi— University of Western Ontario Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Vanessa Onisiforou Filosa
Zeta Psi— Western Michigan University Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Kristin D. Schafer
Theta Alpha— Louisiana State University
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Penny C. Heuiser u Laura Aymond Proctor Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Michelle Maillet Menard Alison Langlois Peick Sandra Guidroz Peterson
Theta Beta— Auburn University at Montgomery Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Kelly Smith Foshee
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Tamela Allen Holcomb
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Melanie D. Brown Melissa Brown Grete Richards Carder Lisa White Carlock Carrie Schumacher Dobey Katherine Patten Kania Terri Owens Kates Pamela Glenton Nix Sasha J. Snyder
Theta Epsilon— University of South Alabama
Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Donya McKee Gillespie u
Theta Zeta— Randolph-Macon College
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Linda Mabry Wilkinson Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Jennifer M. Abels Elizabeth Jenkins Beaudet Elizabeth I. Leonard
Theta Eta— University of Tennessee at Martin Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Catherine L. Matthews Jennifer Williams Winstead
Theta Theta— Mississippi State University
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Virginia Herring Sorgen Juanita Frenzel Wallace
Theta Delta— North Georgia College Theta Iota— and State University Double Rose Circle Western Kentucky $5,000 - $9,999 University Sylvia E. Ferry u
Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Kay Jones Vaught
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Andrea A. Cummings Jennifer Lynch Nickel
“Educational training and support to the collegians and volunteers is so important for our Fraternity. The Foundation helps make this happen.” ~Jackie Brannon Stutts, International President–Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity
honor roll of donors
Theta Kappa— University of Virginia Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Tara Wheeler Prather
Theta Lambda— University of West Florida Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Casey Patton Preston Elizabeth Schemm Scheifele
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Christina Adams Chaffin Kristalyn N. Thoma
Theta Mu— University of North Carolina at Wilmington Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Lauren B. Ruffino
Theta Nu— Virginia Commonwealth University
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Jennifer D’Surney Emory
Theta Xi— Clemson University Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Nicole Roberts Diak
Theta Pi— Lambuth University Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 Michelle L. Parks
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Emily E. Garrett
Kappa Alpha— Avila University
Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Mary Riedesel Thayer
Kappa Beta— Missouri Western State University Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Alyssa Holyfield
Friends of the Foundation
Pearl Circle $100,000 - $249,999 Dutch Freise Delta Circle $50,000 - $99,999 Richard & Betty Devereaux u Alpha Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous Donor Suzanne Devereaux Donald & Suzanne Hilliker u Double Rose Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Keith Steiner u Buff Rose Circle $1,000 - $4,999 Mark & Ellen Braunstein Mark & Lee Ann Elvig u Carl Funderburk u Nancy VanBalen Red Rose Circle $500 - $999 James & Pamela Cyze John C. Funderburk u Paul & Sandra Gay u Christopher & Suzanne Grys u Amy & Brantley Henderson u Carl & Carleen Herde Tom Hom & Mae Rosok Ignacio & Josefina Oviedo Sara M. Phillips Edward Powell u Susan Putman Debra Winter u Charles Zumkehr u Sisterhood Circle $100 - $499 Johnna & Rick DeWees Susan & George Abe Priscilla Abell David & Susan Allgood Cecilia & Michael Altieri
David Amos Susanne & Raymond Anaya Eric & Nina Anderson Leroy & Jean Anderson Craig & Wendy Ankeney Nancy Avellar Carlos & Norma Ayala Darlene & Craig Ayers Robert & Veronica Bailin Rick & Sharin Balcom Rick Baldwin Scott & Cindy Barber Billie & Gregory Beachy Sheryl Beck Tim & Deb Beck Rose Bellettini Frank Belotti Kathleen & Steven Belsar Korey & Jeff Bernstein Julie Berry Carol Besler Ruth & Michael Betbeze Ken & Linda Bielinski Richard & Denise Bierie Soonae & Antonio Bigornia Cherry Blair Marjory & William Blumenthal Cathy Boer Susan & Peter Bogusz Robert & Gay Bonney William & Connie Bontz Michael & Jennifer Borgini Thomas & Kathleen Boroni Kathleen & John Boyle Perry & Mary Ellen Braun Delilah Brooks Edward & Sharon Brosius Bruce & Joette Brown Linda Brown Lloyd & Terri Brown K.J. Browner-Elhanan Gary & Mary Louise Burge Carl Burkard Thomas & Margaret Burke James Cameron, Jr. Esther Camuti Karen Carpenter John & Sharon Chambless Ivy & Hon Chan Sharon & Bob Chapman Don & Myline Chappell Kathy & Chris Christea David Clark Eileen Clark Joyce Cobb Jeff & Linda Coffaro Gregory & Georgianna Cole Nancy Common
Mary & Gary Cordes Maureen & French Cornett Nancy R. Cox, DVM Mike & Melinda Crews Ann Dalby Thomas & Diane Daly Dennis & Nancy Damiens Patricia Damler Lisa & Paul Dattilio Lynn Daves Rod & Chris Dawson Kathy Dean Marie & Richard DeMarco Mark DeMenno April & Mark DeMoss Anthony & Bonnie DiBiasio Stewart & Dawn Dillingham Judith Dimicelli Andria Dinerman Susan DiNunzio Ruthann & Virgil Dodson Cathy Dona Janet Dougherty Lisa & Michael Doumak Jane Doyle Michelle Dupey Jan & Peter Duquette Allen Dykes Billy & Isabel Edwards Deborah & William Edwards Michael & Sheila Ellsorth Randy D. Escue Michael & Leanne Evans Jerry & Deborah Fall Peggy Quist & Bill Farmer Dess Feick James & Laura Feirick Moni Fielder Kelli Fischer Shelton Flowers Denise Fox James & Pattie Frazier Tom & Denise Freethy Mary Friedland William & Kathleen Fussinger John Gainer John & Carol Gandia James & Diane Garrett Amy Gershman Willard & Dona Givens Deborah & Daniel Gokey Geoff & Carlene Goldfinch Jay & Kathryn Goldstein Hal & Julie Gollos Anne & David Gould Susan & Donald Gray David Grosso Darlene Grubb
Pam Gunter Michael & Anita Haas Michael & Cara Hankinson William & Donna Harmon Karen & J. Edmond Harrow Karin Hartnett Larry & Janet Heikkila Michael & Annette Higgins Jan Hill Mike & Peggy Hojnacki Mark & Lynda Hollan H S & Kymothy Holland Stephen & Karen Holzmeister Gary & Kay Horn Beth Horvath Diane & James Hourihan Susan & Paul Howard Thomas & Kathy Howard John & Linda Howarth Michael Howie Kelly & Henry Hune Frank Hutson Richard & Maryellen Hyland Marla Ignaszewski Nancy Isakson John & Kathleen Janosik Robert Jefferson William & Maria Jenkins Donald & Bernadette Jermusyk Alan & Barbara Jirik Debbie Johnson Eddie & Cheralyn Johnson Laura Johnson Paula Johnson Joseph & Nancy Jones Eileen Kadamus Mark Kamitomo Joan Kapowich Rosa & Jon Kaswick David M. & Ruth D. Katt Danny & Kathy Keany Michael & Jackie Kennedy Sherrie Kilcullen Kathy S. Kish Keith Knapp Molly & Jim Knecht Cameron & Kathryn Knight Debra & Joseph Kobel Elizabeth Koch Julie & Phil Kumler Cindy Lange Phillip & Carol Lasater James & Laurie Lee Audrey Leftwich Charles & Debra Leingang John & Cindy Lewis Mary & Val Li Robert Little
“ Your recent grant makes it possible for us to continue serving children and families living with Type I diabetes…making it possible for children to attend camp who would not otherwise have the means.” ~Gales Creek Camp Foundation
from the foundation
William & Marium Llewellyn D.R. & Debbie Lowe Susan & Frank Luccarelli Debbie & Jeff Lyons Barb Malfetano David E. & Cynthia Leigh Maltry Kimberly Maly Miguel & Janet Mancao Joseph & Gail Mancini Philip & Catherine Mappin Gary & Rosemarie Marinkovich Phillip & Jean Marlar Kathryn & Bruce Matter Paul Mauren & Jane Winter David & Mary Maxwell Donna McCabe Robert & Julie McClain Dixie McClure Scott & Katherine McComas Charles & Cathy McGaughey Richard & Dona McGraw Melanie & Michael McNamara Jeffrey & Teresa McNulty Deborah Melvin Dolores Reis Menesini Michael & Angela Migyanko William & Karen Miller Esther Mills Nisan & Houry Minakyan Steven & Katherina Mintz Vicky Mitchell Dawn Molinar William & Stephanie Molnar Steve & Cynthia Montgomery Timothy & Karen Mooney Deidre & James Moore Nancy & Michael Moore Joseph Morgan Wendy Morouse Kathleen & Thomas Morrison Pamela & Donald Mower Patricia & Mark Mraz John & Mary Muller Lynn Mullins Linda Murphy Matilda P. Murray Scott & Myrna Murray Lori Nabozny David Nash David & Cindie Naughgle James & Mary Nee Randall & Linda Nettles
Rick & Karen Nieto Deena Noel-Horberg Renee & Peter Norris Diane Oates Eileen O’Brien Pat & John O’Brien Carolyn Odor David & Diane Olsen Bob & Judie Paar Gary & Kim Pagenkopf James & Sandra Pakula Robert & Katherine Patrick Paul & Patti Pedigo Penelope Pejka Diane Pennetti Margy Pepper William Perry & Lynn Stainbrook Steve & Debbie Phillips William & Marrey Picciotti Janette & Ruben Pires George Pirtle Audrey Potter Lonnie & Ellen Potter Melissa Queen Kathleen & Todd Raeder David & Noreen Raminski Donald & Cheryl Rammelsberg M.A. Ramos-Mendez Molly & Rick Ream Paulette Reed Eric & Meredith Reuben Lee & Cathy Rhodes Patrick & Joanne Richardson Robert Ricketts Jeffery & Caryl Ridley David & Karen Rindy Franklin Rinker George & Lea AnneRoach Monica Roberts Lisa Rolling Michelle Romano Bonnie & Stuart Rosenberg Maribeth & Larry Ross Paul Rouleau Opal & Stephen Russell Marc & Jeanne Rutherford Dave & Sarah Rychley Cathy & Dan Sale Stanley & Dominique Sangdahl John & Elizabeth Scarbrough Lisa Schroeder Elizabeth & Ty Schviling Howard & Susan See Michael & Karen Seidel John & Pamela Selinsky John & Cindy Sellers Linda & Randy Shipley
Robin Shishido-Bailey Wendy & Philip Shlossman Lori Small-Shubert & Steven Shubert Edwin & Lorna Sia Randy & Diann Slater Alan & Diana Smagler Carol Smith Michael Smith Robert Smith Dan & Karen Smothers Fred & Janet Snyder Rodrigo Solera Paul Stahl Danny & Karen Stanley James Stewart Kenneth & Monica Stewart Shelly Stewart Dan & Connie Strawn Matthew Stuart & Nancy Morouse-Stuart Robert & Dianne Studzinski Edward Sullivan William & Diane Sullivan Marjorie Taddeo Henry Talbot Randy & Gaye Tate Sandy & Larry Thiel Denise Thomson Glen & Vickie Tittermary Richard & Mary Toal Joel Tokarz Richard & Debra Trice Steve & Dawn Troke Donald & Elizabeth Tymchuck Steve Tyminski Barbara & David Underminer Tony Valle Rory Vander Heyden Marco Vasquez Rochelle Victov Mindy Wade Randall & Shawn Wagner Angela & Timothy Watkins Jeff & Helen Watson Michael & Karen Weber Randy & Barbara Westerdale Petra Wilde Gordon & Carol Willenborg Cynthia Williams Donna & Mark Wilson Karen Wilson Roger & Karen Wilson Dr. Robert & Donna Winter Melanie & David Wisler Susan Wolford
Phyllis & Julius Wright James & Joline Wunderl Terisa Wynia Candace & David Young Lynne Zane
Alumnae Jewel Chapters & Clubs
Collegiate Jewel Chapters
Members of the following collegiate chapters have contributed many hours to raise a minimum of $2,000 for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation for membership in the Jewel Society:
The following chapters and clubs contributed their time and talents to raise the minimum of $1,000 for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation for membership in the Jewel Society:
Delta-University of Minnesota Epsilon-University of Kentucky Iota-University of Washington Xi-Illinois Wesleyan University Atlanta Alumnae Chapter Rho-Iowa State University Beta Beta Alumnae Sigma-University of Chapter Illinois Central Florida Alumnae Upsilon-University of Club Oklahoma Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae Club Phi-Oregon State University Dallas Alumnae Chapter Psi-University of Alabama Denver Metropolitan Alpha Iota-Baldwin Alumnae Chapter Wallace College Detroit North Suburban Alpha Kappa-Bowling Alumnae Club Green State University DuPage Area Alumnae Alpha Lambda- The Ohio Club State University Epsilon Nu Alumnae Alpha Pi-Wayne State Chapter University Fox Valley Alumnae Club Alpha Sigma-Indiana Gamma Beta Alumnae University of Chapter Pennsylvania Gamma Zeta Alumnae Alpha Upsilon-Central Chapter Michigan University Greater Fort Lauderdale Alpha Omega-Duquesne Alumnae Chapter University Greater Kansas City Beta Beta-North Dakota Alumnae Club State University Greater Portland Alumnae Beta Delta-Indiana Club University Hawaii Alumnae Chapter Beta Eta-Southern Illinois Houston Alumnae Club University Norman Alumnae Chapter Beta Iota-Eastern Illinois North Atlanta Alumnae University Club Beta Xi-Purdue University Oklahoma City Alumnae Beta Omicron-Illinois Club State University Old Dominion Alumnae Beta Tau-Ball State Club University St. Louis Alumnae Club Gamma Alpha-University Tau Alumnae Chapter of Georgia Tucson-Southern Arizona Gamma Beta-Florida State Alumnae Club Valley of the Sun Alumnae University Gamma Delta-Auburn Chapter University Gamma Zeta-University of Memphis
“I have personally grown so much from this experience and I am so grateful to be part of an organization that gives scholarships to people like me.” ~Samantha, Undergraduate Interfraternity Participant
honor roll of donors
Gamma Eta-High Point University Gamma Iota-Mercer University Gamma Xi-Murray State University Gamma Omicron-Eastern Kentucky University Gamma Sigma-Troy University Gamma Tau-University of West Georgia Gamma Upsilon University of Montevallo Gamma Phi-Georgia Institute of Technology Gamma Psi-University of North Alabama Gamma Omega University of Alabama at Birmingham Delta Iota-California State University, Chico Delta Omicron-University of Nevada, Las Vegas Delta Rho-Sonoma State University Delta Tau-Chapman University Epsilon Beta-University of Kansas Epsilon Epsilon-William Jewell College Epsilon Zeta-Arkansas State University Epsilon Kappa-Pittsburg State University Epsilon Mu-Fort Hays State University Epsilon Nu-University of Central Oklahoma Epsilon Upsilon-Tarleton State University Epsilon Phi-Texas Woman’s University Epsilon Psi-University of Texas at Dallas Epsilon Omega-Truman State University Zeta Gamma-Gannon University Zeta Epsilon-Michigan Technological University Zeta Zeta-Worcester Polytechnic Institute Zeta Kappa-University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Zeta Omicron-Kettering University
Zeta Pi-Saint Joseph’s University Zeta Chi-University of Western Ontario Theta Beta-Auburn University at Montgomery Theta Delta-North Georgia College and State University Theta Zeta-Randolph Macon College Theta Lambda-University of West Florida Theta Mu-University of North Carolina at Wilmington Theta Nu-Virginia Commonwealth University Theta Pi-Lambuth University Theta Tau-Belmont University Theta Upsilon Georgetown College Kappa Beta-Missouri Western State University
Collegiate Giving Program – On The Move
The Foundation thanks the following collegiate members who supported the Foundation during our new collegiate giving campaign February 18-March 28, 2008. Delta University of Minnesota Camille A. Anderson Angela M. Bohrer Erica J. Hynes Jenny A. Scherber Epsilon University of Kentucky Megan R. Buxton Whitney S. Epperson Ashley C. Evans Emily C. Samuels Meghan M. Stromberg Iota University of Washington Megan W. Yeung
Rho Iowa State University Abigail M. Diehl Sigma University of Illinois Ashley A. Covington Upsilon University of Oklahoma Payton L. Baird Psi University of Alabama Hannah E. Holcomb Hayley E. Strong Omega University of Akron Katherine Baczewski Jacqueline K. Flaherty Jessica L. Genevish Dana C. Higgins Stefanie M. Rossi Bridget Vargo Alpha Beta University of Michigan Kristen M. Burge Alpha Epsilon Westminster College Jamie R. Spisak Alpha Eta Dalhousie University Erin K. Hamilton Megan L. Hines Leanne J. Lucas Alpha Lambda The Ohio State University Brittnie N. Smith Alpha Omicron West Virginia Wesleyan College Sara E. Bogdan Katherine L. Coleman Michelle C. Mayhew Alpha Upsilon Central Michigan University Sarah E. DeVoe Alyse D. Johnson Beta Beta North Dakota State University Aneisa M. Hagen Blair M. Winter
Beta Delta Indiana University Ellen E. Knecht Annie E. Raeder Vanessa R. Woolsey Beta Omicron Illinois State University Amy B. Abaravich Raeanna H. Bauer Keegan Boyd Kim M. Brancato Natalie A. Calder Brittany Cerevic Ashley N. Clare Hannah Clark Amanda L. Clayton Infinity N. Cole Stacey L. Darin Britney N. Dibler Bonnie A. Duewerth Janet M. Duszak Abigail Ferry Stefanie M. Flores Megan Frantik Jeanine M. Fry Kari M. Greiter Linda S. Han Sarah Kessler Melissa A. Leonas Danielle R. Logan Caroline B. Madding Jessica Markham Cassie May Meghan L. McCarthy Kristin M. Mytnik Kaitlin Nickrent Martha C. O’Hanlon Sarah Patti Kelly Phelan Nicole Price April R. Pytlarz Cassandra R. Salomone Kimberly N. Schmehr Janet V. Stover Kristin M. Stratton Lisa C. Thonn Kristyna R. Tomczyk Diane Troutman Kara M. Vombrack Katie L. Watson Courtney Wilhelm Caitlin J. Wlezien Beta Upsilon Roosevelt University Katie N. Olsen Heather M. Whitehouse Gamma Beta Florida State University Kaylee D. Flowers Alex V. Osfalg
Gamma Zeta University of Memphis Joy J. Rowland Gamma Iota Mercer University Victoria E. Bartlett Cari E. Hipp Amie R. Schry Susan E. Yarbrough Gamma Lambda Longwood University Julie A. Jackson
Gamma Xi Murray State University Sarah Farmer Gamma Tau University of West Georgia Jessica L. Hawkins Gamma Upsilon University of Montevallo Amanda P. Beck Stephanie M. Clifton Liz F. Sellers Amy M. Snyder Meghan E. Steed Jessica L. Steigleder Savannah L. Willingham Gamma Phi Georgia Institute of Technology Shabrina Jauhal Jennifer A. Lewis Amelia C. Randall Gamma Omega University of Alabama at Birmingham Ashlyn M. Abbott Victoria A. Murdoch Delta Gamma Montana State University Chandra L. Kinstler Delta Zeta University of British Columbia Tamara Bercht Delta Nu University of Calgary Chelsea M. Woit Delta Rho Sonoma State University Erin A. Dowdy
“More than 1,000 people have attended our workshops...These accomplishments would not be possible without your support. Thank you!” ~The Leadership Institute–Women With Purpose
from the foundation
Sona Gupta Steph A. Norris Delta Tau Chapman University Dawn M. Datte Janelle A. Kruly Theresa N. Talbot Epsilon Beta University of Kansas Rula C. Andriessen Epsilon Mu Fort Hays State University Julie A. Farrell Epsilon Nu University of Central Oklahoma Laura E. Heikkila Jennifer M. Odor Epsilon Upsilon Tarleton State University Candice T. Pearson Epsilon Phi Texas Woman’s University Jennifer Abney Epsilon Psi University of Texas at Dallas Lauren C. Coose Kyley M. Cope Yana M. Gelman Kirstie L. Maylor Jenifer F. Pfanzelt Rachel A. Stratton Nicole L. Whitmire Epsilon Omega Truman State University Laura A. Colombo Colleen M. Cooper Caitlin A. Corrigan Stella C. Costello Emily D. Cruse Whitney L. Fay Emi E. Griess Veronica P. Gunter Erin J. Herbst Grace McGaughey Tracy H. Mulderig Caroline B. Paillou Lauren G. Robertson Jessica L. Schmittgens Meghan E. Sherman Emily R. Tobben Patti G. Wood
Zeta Gamma Gannon University Lauren A. Hopkins Zeta Delta Towson University Monica B. Kitlas Dana I. Roffe Zeta Epsilon Michigan Technological University Shannon L. Culberson Katie A. Elicerio Stephanie S. Garbacik Zeta Chi University of Western Ontario Jacquelyn K. Humphrey Theta Beta Auburn University at Montgomery Jennifer L. Camp Jessica C. Champlin Amy L. Freeman Melissa M. Grimm Maddox Morgan E. Jones Alyson C. Lindsey Ali S. Morgan Kayla D. Oates Holly M. Speigner Lacey C. Wilson Keeley R. Yeargan Theta Delta North Georgia College and State University Courtney A. Crist Ashley L. Wilson Theta Zeta Randolph-Macon College Jackie A. Laundon Theta Iota Western Kentucky University Andrea A. Cummings Theta Lambda University of West Florida Melissa M. Demoreski Theta Nu Virginia Commonwealth University Katie A. Biddix
Theta Omicron Western Carolina University Reida R. Daves Theta Tau Belmont University Kelsey L. Breshears Amanda M. Castro Laura A. Cullman Amanda K. Danley Victoria E. Dutschmann Janelle Hawkes Morgan A. Holekamp Sarah E. Horn Krystal R. Long Mary M. Noel Allison M. Pellicciotti Sammie J. Rogers-Brown Cat P. Simpson Amber M. Slifer Gabby G. Swab Jamie L. Vickstrom Sarah E. Wright Rachele L. Wurm Theta Phi University of Tampa Charlie Azzue-Zelen Theta Chi Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Amanda L. Blakeney Amanda M. Chabay Felicia Y. Chang Amber V. Finlay Rachel L. Gershman Manisha P. Patel Maggie A. Pruden Vanessa Tumminca Kappa Beta Missouri Western State University Lisa J. Crawford Brandi M. Glenn Traci A. Kordick Chrissy M. Vestal Rehm Ashley L. Skidmore Patricia G. Steele Kappa Gamma Texas A&M - Corpus Christi Cristina C. Ramos
This special group of members, family and friends were honored by a gift in their name to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation: Betty Leatherwood Adams Frances Alexander Ann Zehner Angle Nancy Sheppeard Atkinson Danielle L. Berasi Bryna Bobick Judith Saalfeld Cahill Sharon Dunkman Carruthers Kimberley Quigley Caserta Patsy Smith Davis Mike Devereaux Glennelle Stinson Dixon Deborah Drake Deborah Schmidt Eschenbacher Becky Dalton Foster Joe Frantik Shara L. Garbacz Beverly Laidlaw Gates Keira Gitt Joyce Aamot Greene Megan K. Harris Katherine Klinefelter Hastings Phil & Judy Hastings Carole Kelly Hegenbarth Lainey Herlihy Kendra P. Hibler Marie Locker Hill Rie Gerah Hoehner Amber M. Holzmeister Sharon Houck Hood JoAnn Wolfgang Hostetler Margaret Fagan Hotze Courtney Huskamp Huggins Elizabeth Perdue Hyde Baljit Singh Jauhal Chelsea K. Jenkins Elizabeth Misner Johnson Maxine Johnson Kathy S. Kish Helene Martucci Lamarre Paula Gallup Little Patricia Eckard Magdik Wanda Mehring Mann Jamie A. Meeks Leslie Plucker Miniken Charlotte Ruckman Misner Elizabeth Smith Morgan
Michelle Flake Morgan Margie Tribble Nickels Melody Y. Nishida Hilary D. O’Brien Winnifred Castle Olsen Marie Ford Palmer Sue Miller Park Kay LaBauve Parnell Bonnie Schiffman Pearson Sue Keeton Pellegrino-Wolf Bonnie Barbour Pereida Daniella A. Picciotti Susan Eberts Prater Patricia Tulley Riddiford Roberta Fineroff Roffee Debbie Douglass Roth & Andy Roth Erin C. Saville Lynn Walkinshaw Scott Patricia Mungenast Smith Virginia Remacle Snyder Suzanne Carmack Spicer Katherine L. Stilley Jackie Brannon Stutts Shelley S. Sutton Chelsea B. Swab Kathryn Zenier Swenson Judith Meyer Tice Ann Arkley Tidwell Mary K. Toomey Judith Beers Turk Gail J. Valentine Nicole R. Walker Jessica L. Williams Kristen K. Winter Dee Ann Elliott Woodall Carolyn L. York Addie Witthuhn Young Sarah K. Young Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Board & Staff Alpha Epsilon Chapter Beta Omicron Chapter Beta Xi Chapter Delta Chapter Delta Pledge Class of 1990 Gamma Theta 50th Anniversary Omega Chapter Sigma Chapter Zeta Chapter’s 100th Anniversary
“The Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation is the only charity in the world that exists to support our Fraternity and our sisters.” ~Julie Waitman Cretin, Executive Director– Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation
honor roll of donors
Contributions were made during the 2007-2008 fiscal year in memory of these Alpha Gamma Delta members, family and friends: Helen Aamot Sondra Fogelson Adezio Margaret Shannon Amundson Frances Alexander Evelyn Claussen Anderson Clara Putnam Armstrong Ray Barber Leslie James Battey Melva Bump Bibbins Grace Austin Bickford Velma Sisson Birkhead Rea Marquart Brown Jane Schmitz Burkhard Ruth Huber Cahill Kathryn Gibbs Cline Jo Anna Bedell Cole Adah Staph Cooke Thomas Garry Cooney Cecile VanSkike Cordner Kari Imhoff Crewe Mary Brown Davis Cynthia L. Devereaux Marie Boitnott Druley Kathleen Fischer Edward Ford AllaDee Franklin Patricia Dancer Frew Jean Moulton Fuller Frances Hammond Funderburk Jo Ann Wetzler Gainer Angie Galano Blaine Garlow Marilyn Mead Gentile William Gerah Josephine Gibson Marcia Horton Glauner Sue Stewart Grasso Janice Wippler Groom Ruth Brandt Grundberg William John Haire Louise Melvin Hansen Jeanne Rummage Hastings Linda Rummage Hastings Norene Anderson Hedmark Steven Hill La Una Shepherd Hollowell Doris Iverson Catherine Sherriff Johnson Maxine Johnson David Jones Marlene Kingston Judy
Barbara Kassel Audrey Enger Keicher Carolyn Haston Keith Mary McLeod Leitch Helen Corey Little Betty Esch Love Frances L. Lynch Kathleen Martin Mack Ladora Kerr McBride Evelyn McKel Annie M. McLeod Kay Valvik McQueen C. Leroy Mereness Jeanette Mereness William Metz Herbert Milks Kimberly Bragg Moragne Marilyn Worthley Morgan Doris Lokay Munson Maxine Kreger Nelson Marcia Harrell Parenti Randolph Parnell Marie Pompilio Elvira Heuer Potter Marjorie Wright Powell Martha Neal Powell Susanne Rennie Luann Rhodes Burnell H. Richardson Betty Lou Rodick Doris Webber Rootham Zona Ruckman Williama Rumsfield Beverly A. Sahlaney Helen Bowman Salmon Patricia Halloran Schotters Jean Morrison Schultz Denise Hein Scott Margaret Sigler Virginia Blake Simonds Michelle Barnhill Snyder Carolyn Creighton Solera John Stewart, Jr. Dona L. Stovall Phyllis Prakel Tate Mark O. Taylor Shirley Rodgers Tellander Polly Davis Trowbridge Margaret Cart Turner Barbara Dennison Underwood Judith Butler Van Valer Florence Rosenheimer Vilter Roberta Bowe Wermund Nancy Gilbride Werner Barbara Smith Whaley Dorothy Dougan Widmer Linnelle Dobbins Willis Ola L. Wilson Christina Marie Wood Phyllis Donley Zumkehr
Corinthian Society
The following members and friends have joined the Corinthian Society by notifying the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation office that the Foundation is a beneficiary of a will, trust, insurance policy and/or pension or retirement plan: Joline Adams, Beta Alpha Ann Zehner Angle, Beta Xi Mary Wade Ayers, Epsilon Janice Thomas Baker, Epsilon Epsilon Anne Cragin Barber, Gamma Iota Patricia E. Barber, Gamma Alpha Katherine Blackshear Boardman, Gamma Alpha April R. Bone, Theta Omicron Theresa Bridy, Gamma Beta Rebecca Battle Bryant, Theta Beta Jacquelyn Goodwin Burgess, Gamma Epsilon Miriam Citron Burhans, Alpha Carol Zimmerman Caraway, Gamma Zeta David Carroll Karen Hoffmeyer Chichester, Alpha Upsilon Carolyn Richardson Cobb, Upsilon Charlene Davis Collins, Delta Gamma Diane Raffel Collins, Beta Theta Charlene Morris Conrad, Epsilon Alpha Alice Lawson Count, Delta Fred Davis Patsy Smith Davis, Epsilon Delta Jennifer Swanson Del Vecchio, Beta Sigma Benita Wilson Dick, Epsilon Delta Kay Taylor Donahue, Upsilon Kristi Johnson Feder, Iota
Margaret Kuebler Field, Alpha Beta Martha Vorech Frank, Alpha Upsilon Dutch Freise Peggy S. Gates, Gamma Alpha Joyce Aamot Greene, Delta Beta Dorothy Jefferson Greer, Alpha Beta Cindy Griffin Haas, Epsilon Iota Judith Hayes Hand, Epsilon Alpha Dorothy A. Harney, Alpha Theta Gail Caskey Harrison, Iota Jeanne Heidler, Rho Ruth Breitenstein Henritze, Epsilon Jane Hanlin Hier, Epsilon Nu Wendy M. Hiler, Theta Sigma Berniece Hirter Hill, Phi Marie Locker Hill, Gamma Beta Joan Hippler, Alpha Theta Jean C. Hoyt, Alpha Theta Lesley A. Hubbard, Zeta Delta Tanya F. Hughes, Theta Pi Marcia K. Hupp, Beta Kappa Margaret E. Hutson, Gamma Theta Elizabeth Misner Johnson, Delta Theta Kimberly Hall Johnson, Delta Xi Carolyn J. Keefe, Delta Alpha Mary Noon Kellner, Alpha Alpha Maryanne Knezevich Laird, Beta Epsilon Susan Strong Lewis, Delta Epsilon Paula Gallup Little, Alpha Angela R. Magill, Gamma Nu Stephanie Snyder Matherly, Gamma Omicron Kathleen Whipple McLaughlin, Chi Deborah Barber McNeill, Gamma Alpha Connie J. Milam, Delta Eta
“Thank you for making a difference in my educational experience!� ~Foundation Scholarship Recipient
Barbara Henderson Miller, Alpha Pi Michelle Flake Morgan, Gamma Tau Winifred Haas Morrison, Alpha Alpha Jenny R. Muller, Theta Delta Jennifer Trunk Parobek, Alpha Lambda Susan Nichols Pierce, Beta Xi Susan Eberts Prater, Zeta Omicron Eileen Berry Pratt, Iota Patricia Tulley Riddiford, Beta Iota Mary Coffman Russo, Epsilon Kappa Susan K. Schalon, Chi Cadence A. Schurr, Alpha Alpha Mary Miller Sellin, Beta Theta Catherine Morrell Seymour, Delta Eta B. Jane Skelton, Gamma Phi Sara Acuff Smith, Epsilon Alpha Shannon Carrier Smith, Epsilon Nu Suzanne Carmack Spicer, Gamma Pi Theresa Stephens Stapler, Gamma Tau Cheryl Piks Stump, Omega Shelley S. Sutton, Epsilon Mu Ann Taliaferro, Epsilon Alpha Barbara Johnson Telander, Delta Cynthia R. Thompson, Epsilon Psi Judith Meyer Tice, Gamma Mu Susan E. Turman, Epsilon Iota Jean Gardner Ullman, Phi Valerie Wilson Wegner, Phi Grace S. Weissgerber, Alpha Mary Wolter Welz, Alpha Beta Leslie Russell Westbury, Alpha Pi Nancy L. Wise, Omega Carolyn L. York, Upsilon
collegiate news
Summer 2008 Chapter Reports Alpha Gamma Delta’s collegiate chapters have successfully completed another year filled with sisterhood, friendship and memories.
minnesota Delta— Delta – University of University Minnesota of Minnesota Delta Chapter is celebrating its Centennial! On February 11, we held a 100th Anniversary Celebration at our chapter house. Individuals from the university community were invited, as well as Delta Chapter alumnae. The event was complete with appetizers, desserts, house tours and a slideshow that showed the history of Delta Chapter. On March 23, we held our Annual Pancake Breakfast to raise money for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. Over 500 people came and enjoyed pancakes, sausages, orange juice and coffee prepared and served by the Alpha Gams. We raised $2,100 at the event—a new record! -Angela Bohrer
missouri Epsilon Epsilon— Epsilon Epsilon – William William Jewell College Jewell College
The Epsilon Epsilon Chapter hosted several philanthropy events throughout the school year. In October, the chapter went trick-or-treating for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and raised $1,500. Throughout the spring semester, the chapter will host two annual philanthropy events, including a campus-wide dodge ball tournament, which will raise money for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. The chapter also will sponsor the fourth annual Debbie McElwain Memorial 5K Run/Walk in honor and memory
of a member of the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter who was killed by a drunk driver in 2004. All proceeds will benefit the Kansas City Special Olympics. -Caitlin Tejeda
This past fall, Epsilon Omega Chapter welcomed 38 wonderful women into our chapter. Watching them participate in our annual fall fund raiser Frats at Bat, a softball tournament, and Groovy Jams, our fall date party, made the whole chapter excited about the new members. -Kierra Cornell
sity president attend a Monday night dinner. During our 33rd annual Teeter Totter Marathon in the fall, we raised over $900 for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. During the 11th annual Beta Alpha Chili Feed, we raised over $350. We continue to be proud of our improved GPA, which is now the second highest cumulative GPA among sororities on campus. -Laura Roof
Epsilon Lambda— University of Central Epsilon Lambda – Univer- Beta Alpha— Zeta Mu – Richard Stocksity of Central Missouri Missouri Nebraska Wesleyan Beta Alpha – Nebraska ton College of New JerSince last spring our chapter University sey Wesleyan University has been involved in various ac- Besides celebrating our 80th Zeta Mu— tivities. We recruited four new anniversary at Nebraska Wes- Richard Stockton College sisters in the spring of 2007. leyan University, Beta Alpha of New Jersey
new jersey
Our chapter also received the honor of highest grades for the year. We recruited and initiated 15 new sisters in the fall. In addition to a great recruitment, we have been busy promoting our chapter on campus. We held our first annual walk-a-thon to defeat diabetes, raising over $800 for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. We have also held many sisterhood events, such as pumpkin carving in October. We finished the fall semester with a great Christmas party. After coming back from Christmas break, we recruited four women and had AGD Family Day. -Marissa Houston
Epsilon Omega – Truman Epsilon Omega— State University Truman State University
Excitement, joy, competition, farewells and just all-around fun is what Epsilon Omega Chapter was all about this year. In the spring we welcomed eight beautiful women into our organization and watched them grow into great representatives of Alpha Gamma Delta. Also in the spring, we hosted our annual fund raiser Just Kick It, a soccer tournament, and danced it up at our spring date party and Formal.
Chapter was very busy with various activities throughout the past year. The women worked very hard during Continuous Open Recruitment (COR) and Formal Recruitment, which helped our chapter welcome 24 new women! We have been involved with events such as the Spokes 4 Folks Charity Bicycle Ride, Alumnae Share-A-Dish, a trip to the largest corn maze in the world, scholarship banquets and a Secret Santa gift exchange. We also had great visibility on campus when we sponsored a speaking event by Tom Osborne, former head coach for the Nebraska Cornhuskers. The women were also honored to have the new univer-
This has been quite a successful year for Zeta Mu Chapter. Last fall we held our annual Mr. Stockton Sweetheart Pageant and began a relationship with Camp Nejeda, volunteering to benefit their young campers with diabetes. We are currently making a quilt that will be raffled, with the proceeds going to Camp Nejeda. This semester we are planning a new event, Are You Smarter Than a Sorority Girl, and will also be holding our annual Dodgeball for Diabetes. This recent Formal Recruitment was the first we have reached and surpassed quota!
Beta Alpha sisters take a break during recruitment.
collegiate news
new york north carolina Alpha Alpha— State University of New York atAlpha Buffalo Alpha – State Un
Alpha Alpha Chapter participated in the Breast Cancer Walk in September. Our women joined over 1,000 other individuals in walking through Buffalo to support breast cancer awareness and research. Breast cancer is a very serious issue that many women face, so it was nice to walk for the women who have dealt with, and will in the future deal with, this illness. We felt extremely moved to be part of such a great cause and look forward to participating again this year! -Kaileigh Hollowood
Zeta Eta – Rensselaer Zeta Eta— Institute Polytechnic Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
This year, Zeta Eta Chapter has had many new additions to the chapter. Not only did we gain 25 new sisters, but we also moved into a new house. Our chapter has participated in many campus and community activities, including Greek Weekend, Relay for Life and cheering on the athletic teams. We also participated in intramural sports such as soccer, volleyball, football and basketball. These have enabled us to be well recognized across campus. We have worked hard raising money for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation through our 24-hour volleyball tournament as well as money wars. Recruitment was a great success for Zeta Eta Chapter this year; some of our event themes included Road Trip, Hawaiian Luau, Pajama Bash and Italian Night. -Kristyn Ostrowski
Theta Omicron— Western Carolina University
The Theta Omicron Chapter has been a great contributor to our campus. We have won Homecoming for 10 years in a row. We have also been intramurals champs for three semesters in a row. The Theta Omicron Chapter is also proud to announce that one of our members was selected to be a Leadership Consultant! -Molly Fish
north dakota Beta Beta— North Dakota State University
The Beta Beta Chapter has been involved in several activities, including a kick-off sisterhood bonfire, the annual Alpha Gamma Delta chili feed with alumnae, decorating a local hospital for the holidays and a Panhellenic bake sale. In addition, we went trick-or-treating for spare change and raised over $3,000 for our philanthropy. On campus, we succeeded during Homecoming week by winning first place in the parade float competition, powder puff tournament and for house decorations. We also participated in the campus-wide pep rally and an all-Greek chili cook off.
Currently we hold first place in soccer intramurals. -Stephanie Hulet
ohio Omega— Omega – of University of University Akron
Omega Chapter has been busy with socials with fraternities on campus. We held our annual Double Vision event with Lambda Chi Alpha and recognized our alumnae at an alumnae dinner and International Reunion Day with a brunch at the house. We stayed connected with other Greek organizations on campus by participating in Pan-Hellenic Council meetings and Collegiate Issues events. We took first place for the flag football intramurals this fall and made it to the finals with our volleyball intramural team this spring. Our annual event, Lip Jam, and Hugs Day at Donatos, both supported the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. Our visibility was increased on campus and throughout the Greek community because we were recognized at the Greek Leadership Awards in fall 2007 for our outstanding contributions to philanthropy and we took first place for Greek Week participation in fall 2008. -Jessica Genevish
Alpha Iota – Baldwin WalAlpha lace Iota— Baldwin-Wallace College Alpha Iota Chapter saw many
Zeta Eta Chapter members welcome 25 new members on Bid Day.
triumphs in the past year, inspiring them to work even harder for their ambitions. In February, Alpha Gamma Delta competed in BaldwinWallace’s annual Greek Sing with the jungle theme Gams Gone Wild. At the event, they were delighted to receive support from the Omega Chapter at Akron University, and proudly took home the title of Sorority Champion. Throughout the rest of 2007, Alpha Iota Chapter only continued to shine as they placed as top sorority in April Reign, and was Sorority Champion again for Lip Sync the following semester. At the Greek Life Awards Banquet in April 2007, the Alpha Gams were proud to receive the following awards: Spring 2006 Highest GPA, Outstanding Scholastic Achievement, Outstanding Chapter Advisor, Outstanding Sorority and Greek Woman of the Year. -Jillian Nichols
Alpha Kappa— Bowling Green State University Alpha Kappa – Bowling
The ladies of Alpha Kappa Chapter have had a year of obstacles and successes. Through movie nights, baking cookies for other organizations around campus, frequent dinners and a bi-weekly sisterhood shuffle, we’ve managed to keep those bonds strong. The Alpha Kappa Chapter is improving our relations on campus by supporting many events sponsored by outside organizations. A growing favorite of ours is RockA-Thon. The Alpha Kappa Chapter was presented with the Bowling Green State University Involvement Excellence Award. We were lucky to have visits from several Leadership Consultants and their guidance and support has had a marked change. Finally, we are very proud to announce that we have become a Jewel Chapter for the first time in over 10 years. Alpha Kappa Chapter worked at Cedar Point as part of Ride 33
collegiate news Pride for a weekend and raised $3,000. Our squirrel soccer event was a success and we were able to raise $200. -Danielle Davis
Zeta Z e t aIota— Iota – MiaMiami m i University University
Zeta Iota Chapter is so excited to welcome our newly initiated sisters into the Greek community! We are so proud of all of their hard work and dedication they have showed already with their new member activities, including a dance competition, a volleyball tournament and tug-of-war. Zeta Iota Chapter has had a fabulous year. We won the King-of-the-Wing Philanthropy, a chicken-wing eating contest, and Have A Greek Day, for which all the money we won will be donated to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. We are also very proud to have earned four awards, including Excellence in Scholarship & Learning, Excellence in Leadership, Excellence in Brotherhood & Sisterhood and also The Darrell Hart Most Improved Chapter Award. -Melissa Hunnicutt
oklahoma Upsilon— University of Oklahoma The spring semester of 2007 was a terrific time for the Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta. The chapter pulled together to become our campus’ intramural champions. The biggest improvement in our sorority was a remarkable change in the GPA. Our sorority was ranked sixth out of 11 campus sororities with a GPA of 3.294. We also had successful philanthropic events such as our annual spring barbeque. All of our sisters banded together for this thriving philanthropic event. Not only do we support our university by attending its football games, but we also are involved in many events that aid the community, Greek life on 34
campus and the entire university. One notable event, Habitat for Humanity Shack-a-Thon, had many of our sisters not only on the executive boards, but also setting up cardboard shacks and donating money. We support our Greek community by attending many of their fund raisers. -Lydia Anderson
Epsilon Nu— on Nu – University of ma University of Central Oklahoma Epsilon Nu Chapter has been involved in various activities this past year. Our chapter raised more than $3,000 in our annual Oodles of Noodles spaghetti dinner for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. During recruitment we enjoyed painting candy jars for sugar free candy. Our sisterhood events included Destination Unknown, where we traveled to an unknown destination and bonded with our sisters. We also participated in many other Greek groups’ fund raisers throughout the year. We had a Christmas party right before break and we had a gift exchange. During Initiation week, we celebrated Alpha Night, Gam Night with the Gammas and Dinner with our Deltas. We initiated 27 new members in November and we celebrated afterward with the Feast of Roses. We are very proud of our involvement on campus! -Audrey Hendricks
oregon Phi— Oregon State University Winter term has been quite busy for the women of Alpha Gamma Delta. We have been very involved with other Greek organization’s philanthropies this term and have been very successful! In February, a group of girls teamed up with members from Sigma Phi Epsilon and competed in the Alpha Gamma Rodeo and won first place! We also competed in the weeklong Kappa Delta philanthropy, Mock Rock. We feel that being involved in these activities is a great way to build relationships within the Greek community and give back to the community. This term our new members began preparing for our All Campus Sing performance that is held during mom’s weekend in May. Finally, one of our members planned a Women’s Leadership Conference. We feel that it is very important to have representatives from our chapter at campus programs. Not only does it get our name out on campus, but we benefit from the skills and knowledge learned from these events. -Colby Kilcullen
pennsylvania Alpha Epsilon— Westminster College In fall 2007, the Alpha Epsilon Chapter raised over $700 for
the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. The sisters hosted The Newlywed Game: Homecoming Edition for the first time in September. The entire campus was invited to see the show and all of the Homecoming candidates participated in the event to raise money for the philanthropy. After Homecoming, the sisters of Alpha Epsilon Chapter held their annual alumnae picnic. The sisters all enjoyed catching up and sharing new memories with old friends. In December, the sisters of the Alpha Epsilon Chapter also held their annual Caroling with the Alpha Gams. The sisters raised money for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation while singing for the community. -Michelle Latta-Maloney
Alpha A l p h Sigma— a Sigma – Indiana University Universityofof P Pennsylvania
The year 2007 was a great one for the women of Alpha Sigma Chapter. With our Squirrels, Pearls and Alpha Gam Girls recruitment theme, we invited 10 great women into our sisterhood. In March, we received first place in Delta Gamma’s annual Anchor Splash competition. When we came back from Spring Break, the sisters were busy studying for finals and getting ready to end the semester. After a relaxing summer, the sisters of Alpha Sigma Chapter were back and ready to start a great new semester. We had a Leadership Consultant with us for Formal Recruitment which helped tremendously! Through Formal Recruitment we invited five women to be members. By November, Alpha Sigma Chapter was looking forward to our annual Thanksgiving dinner. We are raised over $2,000 for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation at our 28th annual Mr. IUP event.
Alpha Omega— Duquesne University Alpha Omega – Duquesne
Alpha Omega Chapter is always keeping busy with its endeavors on and off campus. Our year started out by selling paper Alpha Epsilon Chapter
collegiate news shoes for the juvenile diabetes walk and then participating in the walk. Overall, Alpha Gam was very successful during Greek Week, raising over $800 for the campus ministries and placing first in the poster contest. We were also lucky to be visited by a Leadership Consultant. As the year progressed, our Recruitment Coordinator started working hard for recruitment, themed J’Adore ΑΓΔ, and started to get sisters excited with a sisterhood retreat that helped our chapter learn about the recruitment process. We also held our annual pot luck luncheon with the alumnae on our wing and were able to meet and share great stories about our achievements so far this year, including retaining the title as the chapter with the highest GPA on campus. After recruitment, our chapter welcomed 13 new members. Our primary philanthropy project, Grab-AGreek, raised over $3,000. -Katelyn King
from juvenile diabetes. After a successful spring recruitment, Zeta Pi Chapter welcomed 15 wonderful new members. During November 2007, our sisters helped host a Risk-A-Palooza program with Lambda Chi Alpha to inform students about the dangers of alcohol. -Megan Hughes
Zeta Beta sisters pose for a photo during recruitment.
competing and motivating each other for intramurals and many campus events. We all left for Winter Break with excitement and anticipation for recruitment in early January, which would give us the opportunity to meet so many new women who would make outstanding additions to our home. These women continue to maintain our gold status at Lehigh and set high standards and ideals. -Elizabeth Fontaine
Zeta Beta – Lehigh University Zeta Gamma— Gamma – Gannon Zeta Beta— University Gannon University Lehigh University This past year, the women of Zeta Beta Chapter was very involved and active on campus throughout 2007. After the summer, we returned to Lehigh a week early to help the new freshmen move in; everybody was so excited to be back on campus with each other! To expand personal development and community involvement, we participated in the Step Out to Fight Diabetes walk to raise money for the American Diabetes Association. Also, we sponsored Strykes for Tykes, a bowling tournament, and raised money for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. We also invited the Junior Girl Scouts to the house as a new mentoring program in which the local middle school girls were able to earn new badges, and the sisters enjoyed the opportunity to be role models for members of another female organization. Throughout the semester, we enjoyed sisterhood dinners, group yoga excursions, scholarship and alumnae dinners,
Zeta Gamma Chapter have been very busy. In addition to Greek Week, the women held the Mr. and Mrs. Gannon University Talent Show. The money raised was sent to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. In the fall, our chapter helped the freshmen move in and we had a pumpkin carving contest as a sisterhood activity. Our Formal was held in December. After Bid Day, our chapter participated in a fun evening of bowling. At our sisterhood retreat, the chapter women decorated shirts, played games and ate pizza.
e t a K a p p a – Zeta Kappa— University of Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
This past year was very special for the sisters of Zeta Kappa Chapter. Our chapter celebrated its 25th anniversary. Many alumnae were able to join us for a weekend of celebration, including an open house lunch and
formal dinner. We had another successful Mr. UPJ contest, which raises money for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. We have also been busy with other philanthropy activities, including our adopt-a-highway, walk for diabetes and helping the local police department with Halloween activities. Many of our sisters have been keeping in touch with our Potomac Alumnae Adopt-A-Chapter. We were awarded the 2007 Greek Week Champions. Our year ended with a special Initiation, which included our Faculty Advisor, Sharon Bertsch, who has become a great part of the chapter. -Monica Miller and Julie Porterfield
Zeta e t aPi— P i – St. Joseph’s University
The Zeta Pi Chapter has been keeping very busy with all of our activities so far this year at St. Joseph’s University. Many of our sisters participated in several campus-wide service programs including Hand in Hand, Collegiate Challenge, Up ‘til Dawn and Project Appalachia. In addition to our campus service projects, Zeta Pi Chapter participated in a JDRF Walk. During the fall semester, our sisters raised approximately $2,000 for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation in our annual Fall Fashion Show. This semester our chapter has also been collecting Purses for a Purpose which will be donated to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for girls suffering
T h e t a P i Lambuth University Theta Pi— Lambuth University
In September, Theta Pi Chapter celebrated their Bid Day, welcoming quota plus one member into their chapter. Three girls have been invited to membership through Continuous Open Recruitment (COR) since Formal Recruitment. The new members received their sistermothers after Bid Day and are enjoying getting closer with them. In October, members took part in Homecoming activities. Theta Pi Chapter took second place in Lambuthpalooza and third place in overall activities. Nine women were initiated into the chapter in November. A fall Formal was held, as well as Trick-R-Treat for Diabetes, which included a swap with Sigma Phi Epsilon. Theta Pi Chapter is looking forward to the spring semester with Greek Week, International Reunion Day, Initiation, Up All Night, socials and sisterhood!
Theta Tau— BelmontTau University Theta – Belmont
The women of Theta Tau Chapter have represented the Fraternity proudly on Belmont University’s campus. Our women have held leadership roles in many organizations and have been invited to recognition societies and other department honors. Our chapter has also maintained the highest Greek women’s GPA at Belmont for spring and fall 2007. In April 2007, we sponsored the second annual Twister Tournament for the Alpha Gamma Delta 35
collegiate news Foundation and it was a success. In our annual trick or treat for the Foundation, we had big shoes to fill from the success we had in the previous year. We shattered all of our expectations, as it was our most successful philanthropy event to date. We also volunteered at Vanderbilt’s Diabetes Family Day again this past November. We definitely hope to continue participating in future Diabetes Family Days.
E p s i l o n P s i – University of Texas at Dallas Epsilon Psi— University of Texas at Dallas
Epsilon Psi Chapter had an eventful year. We held many fund raisers for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation, including selling Valentine’s Day baskets, our annual Mr. UTD male beauty pageant, a car wash and a communitywide raffle. We raised more than $3,000, making us a Jewel Chapter! We also attended a Panhellenic-sponsored fund raiser for the American Heart Association and a step show benefiting a women’s shelter. Some of our social events for the year included date party, a masquerade-themed Formal and a cooking class mixer with our alumnae. We had sisterhood retreat in a cabin in Oklahoma where we got to hike around Turner Fall National Park, and we held Alpha Gam Parents Day, where we attended the JDRF Walk and UTD’s Parents Weekend with our families. This year, the chapter put on several events to enhance our campus image, including making goodie bags for the sports teams and the university’s faculty, holding our annual sports tailgate and our first annual Alpha Gam Hug Day. For UTD’s Homecoming parade, we teamed up with one of the fraternities to make a life-size poker table and were awarded second place and a $400 prize.
bringing in PNMs, members of other Greek chapters and non-Panhellenic friends alike. -Jessica Elizabeth Burchett
washington Iota – University of WashIota— ington University of Washington Iota Chapter
During Greek Week, our chapter won Advisor of the Year and Miss Greek, and at the end of the fall semester, our chapter had the highest semester GPA among all NPC organizations.
Epsilon Upsilon— TarletonUpsilon– State University Epsilon Tarleton
The ladies of Epsilon Upsilon Chapter have had many successes throughout the past year at Tarleton State University. This past February, we hosted our 18th annual Picnic Basket Auction which helped to raise $6,000 for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation and area charities. This is not your average picnic basket, as the average basket this year went for $100. We even had a basket go for over $500! In this annual auction, members create picnic baskets with a theme. Each basket must contain a meal for two and they always have other goodies. In April 2007, the ladies of Epsilon Upsilon Chapter were nominated for many awards at Tarleton State University’s Leadership and Service awards. We were proud to claim three! -Brittani Cochrane
virginia Theta Nu— Virginia Commonwealth University Theta Nu Chapter has been involved in CPC Unity Day, Halloween Watch, philanthropy
events and an alumnae tea party. We have had wonderful recognition on campus and in our community. The chapter volunteered at the JDRF walk during the fall semester. We hosted the first semi-annual Charity Denim sale, where we sold jeans at discounted prices, and all our proceeds were donated to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. Theta Nu Chapter has also held the highest GPA on campus for the sixth consecutive semester. During our fall Formal Recruitment, 23 ladies were extended bids and all 23 were initiated. The new sisters were introduced to the alumnae at our alumnae tea party. -Sarah Studyvin
Theta Chi— Virginia Polytechnic Institute T h e t aand State Chi – Virginia University Polytechnic
Theta Chi Chapter has recognized the quality of our potential new members (PNMs), who typically become quickly socialized into our chapter and demonstrate great personal initiative in early stages of the new member period. Our philanthropy event, Battle of the Hill, raised a new level of interest in the chapter itself from the Greek community. We hosted a hot chocolate and sugar-free bake sale event, judged a walleyball tournament and scored a female versus male challenge. We received wonderful feedback and helpful philanthropic donations from all our participants. Our first spaghetti dinner fund raiser was an enormous success,
Iota Chapter has participated in many sisterhood and philanthropic events, including multiple exchanges with fraternity men, our successful philanthropy Mr. Greek, a dinner sisterhood as well as hosting an alumnae career networking event. Most of our work has gone toward planning and executing our Mr. Greek philanthropy. Sixteen fraternities participated in the pageant and raised $45,000 for the Treehouse Foundation as well as the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation! As a chapter, we all participated in many fundraising events that the fraternity men put on to raise money for the pageant, including a benefit concert. The pageant was an enormous success! Furthermore, for the autumn quarter grades, we placed third out of the 16 sororities on our campus. -Samantha Vo
Delta Beta— Washington D e l t a State Beta University
Our chapter has been involved in various activities, including a Formal and hosting a Continuous Open Recruitment (COR) event. On the first day of COR, we welcomed the potential new members (PNM) and decorated cookies for soldiers in Iraq. On the second day, we invited PNMs for dinner and a house tour. On the last day, we presented them with a slideshow of pictures, trying to show them what it’s like to be in our chapter. We are happy to announce that we added five new members to our chapter! In the fall, we received fourth place in grades. After our An-
collegiate news nual Chapter Evaluation (ACE) meeting with our advisors, we implemented many new study habits and goals. As a chapter, we are striving to obtain a 3.3 overall GPA for the spring semester. -Monica McAllister
alberta, canada Delta Nu— University of Calgary The Delta Nu Chapter has had an eventful and exciting fall semester. We recruited 14 new members to our chapter. Our first recruitment party was a baseball theme, and we had ‘baseball cards’ with details and pictures of all our members posted around the room. Our second party was entitled Sweet as AGD and revolved around a candy theme, with its main focus being educating potential new members (PNMs) about our philanthropic efforts for juvenile diabetes. We had several tables set up around the room with pamphlets sent to us by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and we spent this party explaining our charitable endeavors. Our third party was entitled Silver Screen and this was a chance for us to dress formally and host an elegant reception. There was a photo slideshow as well! After our successful recruitment, Delta Nu Chapter moved on to the annual campus food drive. This year, Delta Nu Chapter placed second above many other organizations and received a $150 gift certificate to our campus restaurant and lounge. -Olivia Pacentrilli
including a successful recruitment and Continuous Open Recruitment (COR) period, our annual spring Formal and Panhellenic Formal. We have had great visibility on campus, including the highest turnout of any group on campus to the annual Greek Week events, where we finished in a tie for first place, hosting successful bake sales where we raised money for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation and we won the highest chapter GPA among all the female groups on campus at Panhellenic Formal. We were the first female group on campus to reach total, with 30 members. -Stephanie Butterworth
nova scotia, canada
Alpha Eta – Dalhousie University Alpha Eta— Dalhousie University Alpha Eta Chapter has been involved in various activities this past year. In February 2007, Alpha Eta Chapter celebrated its 75th anniversary. The anniversary celebration took place in July 2007 with a weekend long reunion that was held in Halifax, Nova Scotia. This past school year, Alpha Eta Chapter has had several great events. Our Red Rose Ball was a great success. This past year, Alpha Eta Chapter has had great visibility on campus and perhaps our greatest achievement is nearly doubling the size of our chapter with our winter
recruitment. Alpha Eta Chapter is excited to announce that 71 percent of our chapter is above Pi (3.14 GPA). Alpha Eta Chapter has been maintaining strong relationships with other Greek groups on campus. -Sara Goguen
ontario, canada Tau— University of Toronto
Tau Chapter’s year started off with a bang and served to set the tone for the months to come. Formal Recruitment in September was just as successful as we could have hoped, and we’ve welcomed 12 wonderful young women into our circle of sisterhood. Scholarship has become one of our main focuses, as we consider it a part of our heritage at Tau Chapter, and we’ve spent time strengthening it this year with study groups and exam buddies. At November’s semi formal, we danced the night away. Soon to follow were sister dates, birthday celebrations and our Christmas Dinner and our annual Secret Santa. Philanthropy has been a huge success this year, with our bake sale in the fall raising a record breaking amount of $800 for the Toronto Humane Society. We had a great Trick-or-Eat collection this Halloween, collecting the most non-perishable food items out of any of the student groups. For Christmas we gave back to the community by donat-
Zeta Chi— University of Western Ontario
Zeta Chi Chapter has experienced a very exciting and busy time over the last few months! We welcomed 22 amazing new members while continuing our philanthropic activities, academic commitment, sisterhood events and Greek and community involvement. For our fall 2007 sisterhood retreat we stayed at a sister’s lakeside cottage. The retreat was a wonderful escape and definitely made us closer as a chapter. Apart from bonding as a chapter, we have also made it a goal to strengthen our Greek community on campus. Most recently we also held our annual Chrismukkah sisterhood dinner. The event is a long standing holiday tradition which includes delicious food, sisterhood games, a Chrismukkah performance, gift giving and even holiday caroling. This is definitely one event we hope to continue year after year as it is always a huge success. -Jessika Fink Is your chapter missing? This issue features reports for chapters in Minnesota through West Virginia and Canada. Missing reports for chapters in these states/ provinces were either not submitted or were not received by the Quarterly deadline.
manitoba, canada Beta Gamma— Gamma – University of Manitoba University of Manitoba Beta Gamma Chapter has been involved in various activities,
ing a huge basket of necessary items to Covenant House. As a chapter we have participated in both Greek Weeks and events in support of all other NPC groups and their respective charities to keep up our spirits and the spirit of the Greek community. At the end of the 2006-2007 academic year, the college Panhellenic presented Tau Chapter with both the Most Outstanding President and Most Outstanding Chapter awards. -Meghan Ariger
Delta Nu sisters enjoy their successful recruitment events.
are Alpha Gamma Delta.
You play an important role in the sustainment of our Purpose and ideals.
s alumnae, we unite to strengthen sisterly bonds and create new opportunities and enriching experiences for all Alpha Gamma Delta sisters. Your participation in the Fraternity’s annual Alumnae Dues Program is an essential factor in helping us to secure a bright future for Alpha Gamma Delta. Your voluntary $35 Alumnae Dues payment is an important source of funding for the Fraternity’s Operating Fund. Programs and resources supported by the Operating Fund include: • Continued free subscriptions to the Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly, the Fraternity’s award-winning magazine • Maintenance and further development of the Fraternity website • Funding for exciting events, such as International Convention and leadership conferences for collegians and alumnae • Operation and maintenance of International Headquarters • Support for collegiate recruitment and extension • Development of alumnae programs
Remember—You make a difference in the lives of your sisters. Use the attached envelope to pay your Alumnae Dues today! 39
Alpha – Syracuse University Virginia Balyeat Schaaf ‘41
Rho – Iowa State University Elsie Leef Ireland ‘20
Beta – University of Wisconsin Vivian Bull Guilford ‘42 Catherine Odehnal Jenk ‘40 Barbara Rockwell Krohn ‘40 Carol Haugh Swaim ‘65
Phi – Oregon State University Beverly Beier Woolley ‘39
Delta – University of Minnesota Beverly Raitt Kaiser ‘43 Virginia Chelgren Loomis ‘30 Carol Haugh Swaim ‘65 Epsilon – University of Kentucky Mabel Payton Abell ‘35 Marie Boitnott Druley ‘35 Linda Booton Pollard ‘58 Annette Klingholz Routt ‘38 Barbara Hulett Scroggin ‘53 Zeta – Ohio University Dorothy Moser Brune ‘33 Eileen Buchanan Wolff ‘41 Eta – DePauw University Catherine Gallatin Fitch ‘39 Phyllis Prakel Tate ‘48 Iota – University of Washington Glenora Jones Chouinard ‘39 Gertrude Standard Dewar ‘25 Dette Remender McGarry ‘51 Lambda – Northwestern University Marjorie Patton Crumpacker ‘33 Sally Brogan McLeod ‘55 Jean Hopkins Shipley ‘32 Xi – Illinois Wesleyan College Rea Marquart Brown ‘28 Betty Anne Esch Love ‘42 Doyne Henry McKinney ‘33 Arlene Lippert Murphy ‘26 Omicron – University of California, Berkeley Lucile Kemp Hulse ‘35 Pi – Coe College Arleen Steen ‘53
Sigma – University of Illinois Jo Ann Wetzler Gainer ‘45 Betty Walsh Lazich ‘46 Psi – University of Alabama Helen Hodgson Shannon ‘45 Joann Scott Watts ‘53 Chi – Michigan State University Melva Bump Bibbins ‘35 Muriel Lyon Stinson ‘37 Omega – University of Akron Pauline Sherry Reiss ‘40 Alpha Alpha – University of Buffalo (The State Univ. of New York) Ruth Thielke Herald ‘43 Norma Enquist Williams ‘48 Alpha Beta – University of Michigan Juliane Remsperger Marino ‘76 Frances Thornton Stutzman ‘29 Margaret Beckton Wedge ‘44 Alpha Delta – Ohio Wesleyan University Esther Blake Dickinson ‘31 Alpha Epsilon – Westminster College Helen Stevenson Barnes ‘57 Elizabeth Granlund Wells ‘58 Alpha Tau – Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Linda Porter Powell ‘63 Alpha Upsilon – Central Michigan University Marcia Phillips Maxwell ‘75 Alpha Omega – Duquesne University Jo Ann Jockel Rizzuto ‘70
Beta Alpha – Nebraska Wesleyan University Josephine Culver Kelly ‘39 Margaret Ayers Smith ‘34 Beta Delta – Indiana University Emma Robinson Livingstone ‘47 Martha Bridges Sims ‘50 Linda Law Small ‘58 Beta Zeta – Parsons College Joyce Mosinski Githens ‘58 Donna Zillman ‘67 Gamma Delta – Auburn University Helen Crook Reddoch ‘41 Lea Akans Carlisle ‘41 Dorabel McGavock Woodruff ‘47 Gamma Epsilon – University of North Carolina Josephine Fishel Milburn ‘47 Carolyn Frazier Moxley ‘56 Gamma Zeta – University of Memphis Lillian Griffin Grimes ‘47 Helen Van Vulpen ‘47 Gamma Mu – James Madison University Mary Mewborn Shrader ‘64 Gamma Nu – University of Tennessee at Knoxville Sandra Arnold Larsen ‘61 Delta Alpha – University of Southern California Ingrid Johnson Hartley ‘48 Kathryn Kalash Naeve ‘40 Catherine Vojkovich Vasek ‘59 Delta Beta – Washington State University Anna Harms Kelley ‘29 Rochelle Klopfenstein ‘90 Delta Eta – San Diego State University Sue Wolfer Earnest ‘49 Gayle Gragg Kubik ‘49 Delta Gamma – Montana State University Maxine Whitcomb Maxey ‘31 Betty McMillan Ross ‘47
Delta Delta – University of Oregon Donna Gatton Shepard ‘49 Delta Zeta – University of British Columbia Jean Lee McCammon ‘41 Sharon Harmer Stewart ‘62 Epsilon Gamma – University of Denver Virginia Gear Bopp ‘36 Corinne Jackson Fuller ‘40 Rosemary Drea Harrison ‘48 Barbara Selby Knudsen ‘47 Frances Nesbitt Walker ‘31 Epsilon Delta – University of Texas at Austin Grace Austin Bickford ‘44 Epsilon Kappa – Pittsburg State University Cheryl Crutchfield Mansell ‘65 Carolyn Creighton Solera ‘60 Ola Wilson ‘60 Epsilon Mu – Fort Hays State University Evelyn Witt Meckel ‘59 Theta Mu – University of North Carolina at Wilmington Annie McLeod ‘06
fraternity happenings
Beta Upsilon Chapter Installed at
Roosevelt University
Left: Past International Vice President-Extension Susan Eberts Prater and Beta Upsilon Colony President Sandra Coughlin display Beta Upsilon’s charter. Above: Excited Beta Upsilon sisters celebrate their installation. Right: Chapter Advisor Erin Gray and chapter member Sandra Coughlin pose with Beta Upsilon’s flag at Convention.
he Fraternity proudly welcomes Beta Upsilon Chapter at Roosevelt University into Alpha Gamma Delta’s circle of sisterhood. Nineteen women were initiated as charter members of the chapter on May 3, 2008. Alpha Gamma Delta achieved a significant milestone at Roosevelt University as the first National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) group on campus.
The Installation Banquet was held at Chicago’s prestigious University Club, a few blocks away from the university. Parents of the newly-initiated sisters attended, as well as several Chicago-area alumnae and Alpha Gam volunteers. Helene Martucci Lamarre, Beta Xi–Purdue University, shared greetings from the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation, presenting the chapter with a digital camera as a chapter gift and garment bags as individual member gifts. The charter was presented by Susan Eberts Prater, as well as other gifts of silver and Ritual items.
“The hard work of the women of Beta Upsilon reminds me of the drive and determination of our Founders in making their dreams a reality,” says Susan The hard work of Eberts Prater, past International Vice President– Extension, installing officer for the chapter. the women of Beta “Beta Upsilon Chapter is definitely an inspiraUpsilon reminds tion to all and has impacted everyone!”
More than 20 Chicago-area alumnae, International Headquarters staff and sisters from Alpha Beta–University of Michigan and Beta Omicron–Illinois State University assisted with the installation and Initiation ceremonies.
me of the drive and determination of our Founders in making their dreams a reality.
“During the Initiation ceremony, I had tears in my eyes as I watched the 19 women of the colony learn the innermost secrets of our Fraternity,” says Erin Gray, Chapter Advisor for Beta Upsilon. “I made eye contact with one woman and I saw in her eyes the same feeling I had when I was initiated—the wonder of being part of such an amazing organization of women.”
Throughout last semester, the Beta Upsilon Chapter created much visibility on Roosevelt University’s private, liberal-arts campus of just over 3,000 full-time students. The chapter hosted a Jewelry and Scarf Sale, which raised nearly $500 for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. In the future, Beta Upsilon sisters hope to have residence hall space as well as a dedicated chapter room. The women are also looking forward to recruitment this fall, as Roosevelt University is welcoming its largest incoming class in school history.
“I cannot wait to see the Beta Upsilon Chapter continue to break tradition at Roosevelt by exceeding expectations on campus and continually improving as a chapter,” says Erin. 41
fraternity happenings
Introducing the 2008-2009 Leadership Consultant/Advisor Team
Every year, Alpha Gam collegians depend on the support and guidance that the Leadership Consultant and Advisor Team brings to their chapters. Representing chapters across North America, this team of capable and hardworking Alpha Gams will educate, enhance and empower our collegiate sisters to make an impact on their campuses and in their communities.
Leadership Consultants Rula Andriessen
Mellissa Hulsey
Melissa Perry
Andrea Arnieri
Jessi McPherrin
Katie Ralston
Alpha Sigma–Indiana University of Pennsylvania Degree: B.S. in Interior Design
Alpha Tau–Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Major: B.S. in Elementary/Special Education (Literacy Concentration)
Katy Comer
Shannon Munsie
Ashley Turner
Epsilon Beta– University of Kansas Degree: B.A. in English
Beta Eta–University of Southern Illinois Degree: B.A. in Philosophy
Epsilon Phi–Texas Woman’s University Degree: B.B.A. in Marketing
Gamma Omega– University of Alabama at Birmingham Degree: B.S. in Mathematics
Delta Zeta–University of British Columbia Degree: B.S. in Biology
Theta Omicron– Western Carolina University Degree: B.S. in Interior Design
Theta Iota–Western Kentucky University Degree: B.A. in Broadcasting
Leadership Advisors
Andrea Cummings Initiating Chapter: Theta Iota– Western Kentucky University Undergraduate Degree: B.S. in Finance Pursuing a Master of Science in Finance (MSBA) Advising Chapter: Theta Beta– Auburn University at Montgomery
Betsy Mraz Initiating Chapter: Xi– Illinois Wesleyan University Undergraduate Degree: B.A. in Psychology Pursuing a Degree in Physical Therapy Advising Chapter: Delta– University of Minnesota
Amanda Zielinski Initiating Chapter: Zeta Nu– Alma College Undergraduate Degree: B.S. in Business Administration and Economics Pursuing a Master of Science in College Student Personnel Advising Chapter: Zeta Iota– Miami University
To learn more about the Leadership Consultant/Advisor Team and to view their bios, visit the Education & Leadership section of www.alphagammadelta.org.
Directory International Council
International President– Jackie Brannon Stutts ip@vst.alphagammadelta.org Tuscumbia, Alabama
International Vice PresidentAlumnae– Mary Beth Dulcey Morabito ivpa@vst.alphagammadelta.org Novi, Michigan International Vice PresidentCollegians– Sharon Dunkman Carruthers ivpc@vst.alphagammadelta.org Memphis, Tennessee International Vice PresidentMembership– Marie Ford Palmer ivpm@vst.alphagammadelta.org Lexington, South Carolina International Vice PresidentExtension– Sheila Kelley Sola ivpe@vst.alphagammadelta.org Kennesaw, Georgia International Vice PresidentFinance– Anne Loring Eiler ivpf@vst.alphagammadelta.org Lighthouse Point, Florida International Vice PresidentPanhellenic Affairs– Rie Gerah Hoehner ivppa@vst.alphagammadelta.org Houston, Texas
International Headquarters 8701 Founders Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46268 317-872-2655 Fax: 317-875-5824 www.alphagammadelta.org Office Hours– 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. EDT Interim Executive Director– Penny Yocum Edmondson Director of Accounting and Human Resources– Sara Hicks Director of Chapter Services– Mary Farrell Director of Communications– Jeanne Henning
Fraternity Insurance M-J Insurance, Inc. 9225 Priority Way West Dr., Ste.100 P.O. Box 50435 Indianapolis, IN 46240 888-442-7470 www.mjinsurance.com
Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Trustees President– Benita Wilson Dick benita@airmail.net Dallas, Texas Vice President– Debbie Douglass Roth ddragd@sbcglobal.net North Canton, Ohio Secretary– Peggy Kuebler Field pfield3311@sbcglobal.net Houston, Texas Treasurer– Patricia Tulley Riddiford riddi4d@aol.com Chicago, Illinois Jackie Brannon Stutts ip@vst.alphagammadelta.org Tuscumbia, Alabama
Foundation Office
3905 Vincennes Road, Suite 105 Indianapolis, IN 46268 317-879-9328 Fax: 317-415-0335 Office Hours– 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. EDT Executive Director– Julie Waitman Cretin Account Manager– Chris Fedor Development Manager– Jamie Sheriff
The Leadership Institute–Women with Purpose, Inc. 3815 River Crossing Parkway, Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46260 Office Hours– 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. EDT Executive Director– Stephannie Sack Bailey sbailey@theleadershipinstitute-wwp.org
Gail Calkins Duree duree@qwest.net Denver, Colorado
Training and Development Manager– Erin Strine estrine@theleadershipinstitute-wwp.org
Deborah Schmidt Eschenbacher deborah@esch-associates.com Upper Arlington, Ohio
Program Coordinator– Jill Lyons jlyons@theleadershipinstitute-wwp.org
Y’all Come Back Soon! By Jennifer Powell, Epsilon Rho–Texas A&M University
Coming Up...
During a frenzied election season, much attention is focused on the candidates campaigning for office…but what about the behind-the-scenes workers who tirelessly dedicate time and energy to advancing their political beliefs? The Fall 2008 Quarterly will feature just a few of our sisters who are doing just that, as we examine the role that we can all play in political activity at every level.
We Need You! Are you a political campaign staffer or volunteer? Are you passionate about politics, regardless of party affiliation? If so, share your story with the Quarterly for the upcoming Fall 2008 issue by contacting quarterly@ alphagammadelta.org today! Share your ideas and stories. Call our office at 317-872-2655 or e-mail quarterly@alphagammadelta.org.
Fraternity Honored With Industry Awards (left to right) International Headquarters staff members Mary Kay Price, Jill Lewman, Elizabeth Hoover and Jeanne Henning stand with the Fraternity’s awards at the 2008 CFEA Annual Conference.
Each year, the College Fraternity Editors Association (CFEA) and the North American Interfraternal Foundation present writing, design, multimedia and general communications awards to the leading fraternal magazines, publications, websites and campaigns of CFEA’s more than 80 member organizations. Alpha Gamma Delta was recognized for excellence in five awards categories at the 2008 CFEA Annual Conference: Third Place—News Feature Article (Long) Summer 2007 Quarterly: “Putting the Pieces Together” Second Place—Cover Design Summer 2007 Quarterly: “Putting the Pieces Together” Third Place—Critics’ Choice Cover Fall 2007 Quarterly: “Dear Sister” Third Place—Comprehensive Media Campaign Partnership in Sisterhood Campaign Third Place—Promotional Design Partnership in Sisterhood Booklet 44
Jennifer Powell, left, smiles with Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Trustee Peggy Kuebler Field at Convention 2008 in San Antonio, Texas.
One last time: Howdy from Texas, y’all! I can’t believe that Convention 2008 is over. We were so thrilled to have all of you come down and join us in San Antonio, and we truly hope that a good time was had by all. For me, it was such a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with my friends and sisters, both those from Texas and those from beyond! As a member (and the fearless leader) of the Houston Alumnae Club, I was thrilled for us to have the chance to help out as much as we could, and we loved having Convention so close to home. More than a dozen of us made an appearance over the course of the week, and it was great to have so many Houston sisters there. On a more personal note, I was thrilled, after being the only Epsilon Rho (Texas A&M University—Gig ‘em Aggies!) at Convention 2006, to have four of my Epsilon Rho sisters there to stand with me at Feast of Roses.
“It was truly refreshing to see people look around with a bit of wonder and new discovery of a place that is so familiar and close to my heart.” When I first heard that Convention 2008 was to be in San Antonio, I admit that I simply thought, “Oh, OK. Well, at least I can drive to this one!” Keep in mind that I have been traveling to San Antonio, and to the River Walk in particular, since I was 15, so I knew it would be a wonderful setting for our Convention. The color and life of the River Walk is difficult to match, and the central location of our Convention hotel was second-to-none. One of the best things for me about Convention, an unanticipated thing, was to watch our non-Texan sisters see Texas and San Antonio through new eyes. Now is probably a good time to admit that I’ve lived in Texas for 30 of my 35 years on this planet, so let’s just say that I’ve seen a lot of it up close and personal. It was truly refreshing to see people look around with a bit of wonder and new discovery of a place that is so familiar and close to my heart. In the interest of candor and cultural exchange, I do think it’s a good idea to clear up a few things about Texans, and now seems like the perfect chance! 1. We do say “y’all.” We say it a lot. We also know that the plural of “y’all” is “all y’all.” 2. Some of us, particularly Aggies, also say “howdy” a lot. 3. For the most part, we will call you “ma’am.” It doesn’t matter how old you are, it doesn’t matter if you are waiting on us or if we are waiting on you. For some of us, it’s simply embedded in our speech. We say it without thinking. Secretly, there are a few of us who believe our moms will know when we don’t say ma’am, find us and fuss at us for our failure to do so.
4. Despite the presence of armadillo races at Knibbe Ranch, I mournfully admit that 90 percent of my experience with armadillos has been seeing them on the side of the road—moved on to the next world. I’m afraid we sometimes call them “walking speed bumps” down here—it’s not intentional, it’s just bad design—the little guys are the same color as the pavement, and on top of that, they tend to move about when it’s dark. The other 10 percent of my armadillo experience is comprised of trying to figure out ways to keep them from digging up the flower beds, as they are wont to do. 5. We tend to forget how fascinating cows and steers, particularly those of the longhorn variety, are to people not used to seeing them. We see them a lot down here. I, for one, declined to be photographed with the longhorn at Knibbe Ranch. I’m an Aggie to the core, and it just didn’t feel quite right. 6. Sadly, we do not all own horses and/or oil wells. 7. If we are talking about someone, and we use the phrase “bless his/her heart,” we probably just insulted that person. “Bless his/her heart” is the Texas equivalent of a verbal “Get Out of Jail Free” card. That covers the high points—just tuck this information in your pocket for the next time you wander our way! Y’all are always welcome, of course, and it’s our pleasure to have you come down. Until then, love, laughter, safe travels and good times to all, and I hope to see you in Tampa at Convention 2010! 45 45
Take the Challenge! Diabetes, our philanthropic focus, is affecting our society at an astounding rate. But together as sisters, we can defeat diabetes one step at a time. Through the Walk to 2010 Challenge, we are doing just that. A charge has been made to each sister to walk 1,000 miles— the distance from International Headquarters to Convention 2010 in Tampa, Florida—before June 2010. Sound intimidating? It might. But if we count each and every walk—every treadmill session, every lap around the mall, every hike in the woods, and maybe even add a few more walks into our lives—we can do it.
The Fraternity will be with you each step of the way to help you succeed in this ambitious goal. An online community has been created at www.walkto2010.org for sisters to share their stories and progress. Those completing the challenge will receive recognition and prizes. All Alpha Gamma Delta sisters in Good Standing may participate, and attendance at Convention 2010 is not required. So get out there—Lace up your shoes, grab a sister and join us as we
defeat diabetes one step at a time!
Learn more and sign up online at www.alphagammadelta.org/philanthropy/walkto2010.html
✁ Moving or Changing Your Name?
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Notify the Permanent Secretary of your chapter of any changes.
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Effective Date ________ Alumnae or Fraternity office currently holding? _______________________ Parents: While your daughter is in college, her magazine is sent to her home address. We hope you enjoy it. If she is no longer in college and is not living at home, please encourage her to update her contact information with the Fraternity.
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