Q alpha gamma delta
summer 2010 volume C, N0.4
fraternity growth making a difference submit a RIF/LIF
this past biennium brought a
Alpha Gamma Delta’s journey began long ago, this past biennium brought a whirlwind of change that has reinvigorated our Purpose and the Fraternity’s drive to remain relevant to the growing number of sisters we serve around the world.
Jackie Brannon Stutts International President
summer 2010
While Navigating with Purpose during International Convention in June, I was inspired by how palpable the change really felt. Our effort to manage more efficiently carried over into Convention, including our goal to anticipate what we can do now to set Alpha Gamma Delta apart in five to 10 years. Our programming was centered on this idea, making sure that the content was relevant to today’s Alpha Gamma Delta members and ensuring that our educational efforts are ahead of the curve. During International Convention, it was exhilarating for the extension team to share the presentation given to Syracuse University’s Panhellenic to ultimately obtain the opportunity to return to the home of our Alpha Chapter. The announcement that the International Headquarters building had been sold was a historic moment for all members to share. Many were excited about the news of chapter websites and online reporting opportunities on the horizon. One of the more intriguing moments for
change ...
me from Convention was during the workshop entitled, “Using the Purpose as Your GPS.” There was an open, honest conversation about hazing, the current struggle some of our chapters face. Methods to eradicate hazing with all collegians, advisors and VST Chapter Management Team in attendance at Convention were discussed. The professional programming presented by The Leadership Institute-Women with Purpose was on target for relevant topics of today. Convention was a distinct time of pride-building for our membership! We are making waves while Navigating with Purpose! Please consider joining Alpha Gamma Delta on this new journey. Accept the challenge to play a larger role in the future of the Fraternity. By paying your $40 Alumnae Dues, you support future endeavors such as our colonizations at Boise State University and Syracuse University this fall. Our membership numbers are increasing at a faster rate than the average NPC organization, due in large part for the increased involvement of our alumnae. Be sure to send Recruitment Information Forms (RIF) to chapters! Sending a RIF is very important to help collegiate chapters succeed by offering membership to outstanding potential new members from your area. For your continued
involvement, I am most thankful. Additionally, please consider making a donation to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation to assist with the future of the Fraternity. It is an important tax deductible investment that provides further support for the Fraternity, our sisters and our communities. Notice in this issue how many scholarships were awarded because of the generosity of so many sisters. My heartfelt appreciation goes out to the other International Council sisters and International Headquarters staff members for a job well done during the past biennium. I welcome Lisa Adams Matthews to her new International Council role as International Vice President-Collegians. To Sharon Dunkman Carruthers, our past IVP-C, thank you for your valuable contributions over the years. We’re grateful you are continuing your service as Fraternity Special Projects Chairman! To all of you, I give my gratitude for your interest, love and dedication to Alpha Gamma Delta. You are the reason our past biennium has been so successful. For the current biennium, stay tuned. Alpha Gamma Delta is strategically Navigating with Purpose!
Jackie Brannon Stutts International President
table of contents
Director of Communications and Marketing Jill Lewman Harter
The INbox
Fraternity News Welcoming Alpha Gamma Delta's newest chapter at Arizona State .
Graphic Design and Marketing Specialist Elizabeth Hoover Communications and Marketing Coordinator Kailee Fouch www.alphagammadelta.org
Convention 2010
A look back at International Convention 2010.
Member, Fraternity Communications Association
Collegiate News The Quarterly is published four times per year at 8701 Founders Rd., India-
Alumnae News Improving the lives of Afghan women.
Sister Spotlight
napolis, IN 46268. Send all correspondence to International Headquarters, 8701 Founders Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268. When sending marriage or death announcements, please send duplicate information to your collegiate chapter or alumnae chapter/club so
Pearls of Wisdom A guide to RIFs and LIFs.
accurate records may be kept.
The Quarterly welcomes editorial submissions from freelance writers.
Issues focus on themes, so please contact the Communications Department for guidelines, deadlines and additional
Chapter Grand
Q Corner
The Quarterly Magazine Mission The Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly Magazine endeavors to:
• Serve as a forum of communication to inspire, educate and challenge members on Fraternity, Greek and women’s issues. • Rekindle, sustain and excite member loyalty and interest through celebrating and validating sisterhood and recognizing and acknowledging individual and chapter/club accomplishments. • Serve as a permanent record and archive, documenting the Fraternity. 1
the INbox
Q quarterly
Dear Editor, I just want to thank you for the amazing article in the most recent magazine regarding bystander behavior. As mentioned in the article, I am the creator and producer for the RESPONSE ABILITY Project. Now I travel the country as a professional speaker empowering others to not be bystanders and to stand up for what's right— say something, do something! I applaud the stand that Alpha Gamma Delta has taken to empower its members to do the same. I encourage you all to do something similar to Sondell Cross (mentioned in the article) and see how this program can make a difference on your campus. Remember: bystander behavior is everywhere! I actually have declared it an epidemic. We have an opportunity to empower ourselves and others to stand up against this epidemic and cause a major shift in our behavior. After all, this really is why fraternities and sororities were founded—to produce caring, committed and courageous citizens in the world. Join me in leading the way to rid this epidemic from our lives. It's your choice in any given moment when you see something happening that you know is not right. It's your choice. Thank you, again, for your stand! Mike Dilbeck Creator and Producer, RESPONSE ABILITY Project mike@mikedilbeckpresents.com Dear Mike, Thank you for providing a comment on our article in the Spring 2010 Quarterly, Overcoming the Bystander in All of Us. We are so proud of our sisters across the continent who are truly standing up for themselves and others. Keep up the great work with the RESPONSE ABILITY project! Sincerely, Quarterly Editor
Dear Quarterly Staff, I just finished reading the Spring 2010 Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly—well done! Great content and I really enjoyed the Alpha Gamma Delta photos used throughout. I know your members must really enjoy this publication. Interfraternally, Steve Latour Director of Development Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity
Hello, The new magazine looks great! I’m one who would like to continue to receive it in print— nothing like curling up with a cup of coffee and catching up with Alpha Gam. I don’t think I’ll keep up online. Thanks for all you do! Kristin Schafer Zeta Psi-Western Michigan University
Submit your feedback on the Quarterly! Thank you to all sisters who submitted a letter to the editor for this issue. Remember, the Quarterly is for YOU!
Dear Steve, Thank you for the feedback on the Quarterly! Our members play a vital role in providing content for our publication and we are proud of their efforts. Thanks again!
Dear Kristin, Thank you for the kind words about the redesign of the Quarterly. I understand your concerns about an electronic magazine. Remember, you can always print it and read at your leisure.
Sincerely, Quarterly Editor
Sincerely, Quarterly Editor
summer 2010
We want to hear what you think about your magazine! Send your comments on this issue of the Quarterly by September 3 by e-mail to quarterly@alphagammadelta.org or by mail to Attn: Quarterly Editor, 8701 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268.
fraternity news updates
Volunteer Service Team Structure Update
Update Your Contact Information
Iota Chapter Celebrates Centennial
International Council is
• Regional Recruitment
pleased to introduce several
Coordinators and Regional
Have you moved, changed
Proud members of Iota
new positions to the Volunteer
Finance Coordinators–
your name or changed
Chapter-University of
Service Team (VST) Structure.
These positions will provide
your e-mail address? Don’t
Washington celebrated
The new positions include:
an additional support and
forget to tell International
their centennial anniversary
experience for our collegiate
Headquarters! It’s easy
in 2009. Honored guests
• Director of Extension and
chapters and the specialists
to update your contact
included Benita Wilson
Director of New Chapter
who assist them. This will
information online. Visit the
Dick, Alpha Gamma Delta
Development–These positions
also provide volunteers with
Fraternity website to
Foundation Board President
replace the New Chapter
new leadership development
get started!
and Jackie Brannon Stutts,
Development Coordinator
International President. “Alumnae across many
position. Splitting these functions will allow these
The changes to the VST
generations marveled at the
volunteers to provide the
structure will more fully
many changes, but most of the
intensive support needed
support our strategic goals
comments were about what
for successful extension
of Membership Growth and
has stayed the same for Iota's
efforts, new colonies and new
Development and Improved
100 years: the friendship,
chapters with director level
Fraternity Management,
sisterhood and love of Alpha
including our commitment to
Gamma Delta that endure
producing the best Fraternity
today,” said Cherie Tucker,
• Alumnae Development
leadership possible. The
Iota Chapter alumna. “It was
new VST Directory is located
indeed a happy birthday
position will focus solely
on the main page of the
for Iota [Chapter].” Learn
on the extensive alumnae
Member Services section
more about Iota Chapter’s
recruitment involved in
of the Fraternity website
anniversary on the
beginning and sustaining a
under "Important Links."
Fraternity website.
new chapter.
For questions about this structure change, e-mail Lisa Straiton Williams, Alumnae Specialist, at lwilliams@ alphagammadelta.org. www.alphagammadelta.org
fraternity news
IHQ Happenings International Council and the International Headquarters staff have been working hard to carry out the initiatives set forth in the Fraternity's strategic plan. Check out the latest updates to provide value to the membership.
Introducing Chapter Websites and Online Reporting
During the spring 2011 semester, Alpha Gamma Delta will roll out its newest online tool for chapter and member data management—a part of the Fraternity’s partnership with Omegafi. The product, called Compass, will revolutionize the interaction between volunteers, collegians and the Fraternity. Compass will be a one-stop-shop for member and chapter management tools. Compass will replace each collegiate chapter's locally managed website, the Member Services section of the Fraternity website, Omegafi’s Member Access Plus website, the Omegafi website and the database at International Headquarters. All of these tools aren't going away—they're being streamlined into one product that will seamlessly serve the needs of collegians, officers, advisors and the Volunteer Service Team. Our hope is that the Compass product will eliminate the need for most paper reporting, will allow collegians, advisors and VST members better access to data and will make communication easier and more frequent between all levels of the Fraternity. We're excited about changes that Compass will bring to Alpha Gamma Delta. For more information, e-mail jharter@alphagammadelta.org.
Announcing the Sale of International Headquarters
International Council is proud to announce the sale of the International Headquarters building. A task force has been created and the search is underway for a new facility, with the official move expected to take place in fall 2011. By relocating to a new building, International Headquarters will occupy a modern, functional facility that will help the Fraternity continue to grow. In addition, the facility is expected to house both International Headquarters and the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation staff. “With this move, International Council has affirmed the value of an appropriatelysized, updated facility that will meet the needs of the Fraternity for years to come,” said Jackie Brannon Stutts, International President. “While we are proud and grateful for the home that we’ve occupied for more than 30 years, we are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.” For more information about the sale of International Headquarters, visit the Fraternity website.
Abbie Schneider Joins International Headquarters Staff
Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity is pleased to announce the selection of Abbie Schneider as Director of Fraternity Services (DFS). Previously, Abbie has been the Director of Leadership for Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity in Charlotte, North Carolina. As a part of this role, she led educational and programming initiatives. Abbie has also worked at St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas, as the Program Director for Involvement and Leadership and at The George Washington University as the Assistant Program Coordinator for Greek Life. A member of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity, Schneider holds a master’s degree in Education and Human Development with a concentration in Student Affairs from The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature and Professional Writing from Elon University in Elon, North Carolina. Replacing the former title, Director of Chapter Services, the Director of Fraternity Services is the leader of the Fraternity Services Team at International Headquarters. She has broad responsibility for the Fraternity’s chapter service operations, membership growth and membership development initiatives. The DFS works closely with Fraternity volunteers, campus professionals and community partners to ensure that the Fraternity serves the needs of its members and achieves its strategic plan. Learn more about Abbie.
4 quarterly summer 2010
Introducing the 2010-2011
Leadership Consultant Team
In an effort to bring support and guidance to collegiate chapters across North America, Alpha Gamma Delta selects recent graduates to serve on the Leadership Consultant Team each year. This talented and hardworking team will serve as a valuable resource for all chapters, in addition to providing support to Alpha Gamma Delta’s new colonies this fall: Boise State and Syracuse University.
Annie Raeder
Beta Delta-Indiana University Degree: B.A. in English “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.”
Brooke Scott
Beta Delta-Indiana University Degree: B.A. in Special and Elementary Education “Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that it'd be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.”
Samantha Murphy Gamma Zeta-University of Memphis
Degree: B.A. in Business Administration “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” -Robert Frost
Wendi Witek
Theta Mu-University of North Carolina at Wilmington Degree: B.S. in Business Administration Finance “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.” -Henry Ford
Clara Mitcham Upsilon-The University of Oklahoma
Degree: B.A. in Journalism/ Public Relations “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.” -Nelson Mandela
Lesley Feyeherm Sigma-University of Illinois Degree: B.S. in Psychology
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” -Dr. Seuss
Do you want to be an Alpha Gamma Delta Leadership Consultant? Follow the Leadership Consultants on the road this year and learn more about the program by visiting agdlc.shutterfly.com. www.alphagammadelta.org
fraternity news
Attaining to High Ideals:
The New Delta Xi Chapter On
May 1, 2010, Delta Xi Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta was reinstalled at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. With the initiation of 75 new members, this reinstallation was one of the most successful in recent Alpha Gam history.
we took the time to invest in people and use our values to guide our process. It’s really that simple. I know that Delta Xi Chapter will continue the chapter culture of relationship building while keeping our values a central part of their chapter,” she said.
The colonization process at ASU began last January, complete with a customized marketing plan that reflected the values and styles of the university. Additionally, Alpha Gamma Delta implemented a values-based recruitment strategy, yielding an impressive number of exemplary colony members.
Sisters from Delta Tau Chapter-Chapman University served as members of the initiating team, joined by Jackie Brannon Stutts, International President, and Gail Calkins Duree, Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Trustee. The nearly 200 hundred people in attendance represented nine states and 17 Alpha Gamma Delta chapters at the Feast of Roses banquet, held at the Fiesta Resort Conference Center in Tempe, Arizona.
Hilary Zimmerman, Extension Specialist at International Headquarters, was present at the installation. “I found myself sitting at the back of the room during Initiation like a proud older sister who is so honored to be surrounded by 75 women who share the same values as me. We have a group of high caliber women at Delta Xi Chapter because 6 quarterly summer 2010
“It was a joy to celebrate the Initiation of the newest members of Alpha Gamma Delta,” said Jackie Brannon Stutts, International President. “They will help Alpha Gamma Delta continue to be an esteemed
women’s organization that strives to attain high ideals.” The colony members of Delta Xi Chapter created a blog to share with the ASU community and Alpha Gamma Delta members worldwide what the Fraternity means to them and how they exemplify the Purpose in their everyday lives. Check out Delta Xi’s blog and get to know their new members! In addition, new member Ashanti Wright received a $10,000 grant to implement a three-day conference for the Greek community at Arizona State. She was inspired after attending Collegetown, a five-day conference hosted at ASU by Anytown Arizona, Inc., an Arizona nonprofit organization dedicated to providing youth leadership programs. The conference, aptly titled Greektown, will run from October 8 to October 10 and explore diversity awareness, social justice and personal empowerment.
Flourishing IN THE FRATERNAL WORLD Returning to University of South Carolina, Boise State University and Syracuse University
by our strategic plan, Alpha Gamma Delta has much to celebrate in the area of membership growth. The Fraternity is aggressively seeking extension opportunities to encourage Alpha Gamma Delta to flourish in the fraternal world and the community at large, and we’re excited to tell you about the progress we have made! Our recent recolonization at Arizona State University proved successful, as our valuesbased recruitment strategy and customized marketing plan provided 75 outstanding women. These sisters are exemplary leaders who are involved in several campus organizations.
UPCOMING COLONIZATIONS Building upon the overwhelming success of the Delta Xi Chapter recolonization, the Fraternity is pleased to announce it will be recolonizing the very first Alpha Gamma Delta chapter—Alpha Chapter at Syracuse University—in fall 2010. “We are proud to be invited back to the campus on which our organization was founded,” said Jackie Brannon Stutts, International President.
“Alpha Gamma Delta will positively contribute to the Syracuse community by living the values of the Fraternity that our Founders established more than a century ago.” Alpha Gamma Delta will also be colonizing at Boise State University in fall 2010. The Fraternity is energized about the opportunity to contribute to a young, growing Greek community that is driven by living the values of the fraternal movement. Jeremiah Shinn, Director of the Student Involvement and Leadership Center at Boise State, commented, “As we continue to identify new ways to augment the learning and development of Boise State students, it is vital for us to partner with organizations that share our values and our desire to be intentional and progressive in shaping the learning environment. I believe that Alpha Gamma Delta is ready and willing to be a true partner with us in this endeavor.”
WE NEED YOU! As Alpha Gamma Delta continues to emphasize membership growth and development, we need the support and encouragement of our Alpha Gamma Delta sisters to help these new colonies thrive. If you live
in the area of a new colonization opportunity and are invited to attend an alumnae interest reception, please attend. You will be able to learn more about the campus and about the commitments needed for the various volunteer opportunities with that colony. For each new colony, we need advisors, general volunteers, financial support and words of encouragement to achieve success. If you do not live near a new colony or chapter but would like to provide support, consider becoming a Pearl Sister. A Pearl Sister is an alumna mentor to a new member, as a collegiate sistermother is to a sister-daughter. Pearl Sisters can communicate by e-mail, by phone or maybe even in person. This relationship can reinforce the lifetime commitment of Alpha Gamma Delta membership and demonstrate our vast circle of sisterhood! If you are interested in helping with any of the upcoming Alpha Gamma Delta extension opportunities, please contact Hilary Zimmerman, Extension Specialist at International Headquarters, at hzimmerman@alphagammadelta.org or 317-8722655. Learn more about our extension opportunities at www.alphagammadelta. org/AboutAGD/NewColonies.html.
convention coverage
Known as the “Lightning Capital of the World,” Tampa, Florida, is familiar with high levels of energy crashing into the bay area,
illuminating the evening sky with an uncontested light show. As over 590 Alpha Gamma Delta sisters converged in the sunshine state to celebrate sisterhood and the Fraternity’s renewed commitment to progress, a different type of energy descended on the city; one of excitement and anticipation for a reinvigorated Purpose and a new dedication to relevancy. During the four humid summer days, the appropriate theme of Navigating with Purpose drove the programming and challenged sisters to connect their experiences with each line of the Purpose. With a variety of events to choose from, attendees were able to exercise their mind and body, in addition to cultivate acquaintances and experience the many activities the city of Tampa had to offer.
Navigating with Purpose
Before attendees even began contemplating Convention attire or packing their bags, it was apparent that this Convention had a different feel, with a goal in mind to streamline processes, make the best use of technology and remain committed to Alpha 8 quarterly summer 2010
Gamma Delta’s green initiatives. Both the Convention Registration Packet and Confirmation Packet were sent by e-mail. The Registration Packet boasted a cutting edge video, introducing the city and the theme, Navigating with Purpose. Not only were the costs of printing and mailing cut significantly, but the video and interactive packets were an unprecedented example of the Fraternity’s drive to remain relevant to members. Officially beginning June 23, 2010, the Fraternity’s 46th International Convention commenced with the Opening Session. International President Jackie Brannon Stutts welcomed attendees to Tampa, sharing her excitement for what would prove to be a much different experience from previous Conventions. “This is a time to refresh your Fraternity spirit and to perfect your vision of Alpha Gamma Delta. It is a time for collaboration. A time for unity. A time to Navigate with Purpose,” she said. Aligning with the push for innovation, the biennial report was completely conveyed through video. Each International Council member communicated the progress her area had seen in the past two years. Though the main focus was on how far the Fraternity had come, International Council also touched on their vision for the future of Alpha Gamma Delta and the many accomplishments just on the horizon. After the video wrapped up, Jackie took a moment to hone in on the true achievements of the past biennium. She explained that just over this past year, Alpha Gamma Delta’s membership has grown by 7.4 percent, exceeding the National Panhellenic
It’s not too late to order Convention merchandise! Visit the Fraternity website for more information.
Conference average of 6.6 percent membership growth. In addition, Alpha Gamma Delta was asked to present for extension opportunities at 12 campuses across North America and was selected to extend at six, including Syracuse University—home of our Alpha Chapter. “It is difficult for me to express into words the joy and honor I feel as we look forward to returning to the very place our Founders began all that we hold so dear,” Jackie said. In addition, Jackie set the stage for the new decade of Alpha Gamma Delta, exploring the Fraternity’s new commitments to growth and innovation and alluding to the exciting announcements to come in the next four days.
A New Journey
The third presentation of the Flag Parade kicked off the second day of International Convention, celebrating the Fraternity’s connection with the collegiate chapters. With the announcement of the recolonization of our Alpha Chapter at Syracuse University fresh in the minds of many attendees, a buzz swarmed the room as the Processional began, with Alpha Chapter’s flag leading the way. Two new flags, Zeta Omega Chapter-University of Ontario Institute of Technology and Kappa Delta Chapter-Westminster College, joined the ranks following installations in 2009. Delta Xi Chapter-Arizona State University also shared a special moment, as cheers erupted through the crowd for the phenomenal
success of ASU’s recolonization this spring. With all 184 chapters represented, the Processional arranged the flags in a wide arc, encircling the large meeting hall and symbolizing the true heart of the Fraternity. Following immediately thereafter, the Leadership InstituteWomen With Purpose took the stage, encouraging sisters to share with others how they exemplify each line of the Purpose in their everyday lives and challenging sisters to find meaningful ways to exemplify the Purpose during their time in Tampa. Heeding their message, Thursday’s programming continued with “Using the Purpose as Your GPS,” an open discussion workshop on the dangers of hazing and the methods to remove it from all chapters. During the Oprah-like discussion led by Amy Vojta, Alpha Kappa-Bowling Green State University, and Emily Perlow, Alpha Lambda-The Ohio State University, several collegians and a Chapter Advisor opened up about their experiences with hazing within their own chapter. International President Jackie Brannon Stutts and Executive Director Stephannie Sack Bailey were also a part of the conversation, sharing the Fraternity’s stance against hazing and the brutal truth that hazing is still a problem for college students. This fluid conversation on a previously-hushed topic carried with the Fraternity’s mission for forward movement and inspired an open, honest and real ambiance for the rest of Convention, allowing collegians and alumnae alike to dig deeper into the Purpose within their specific roles and within the greater Fraternity as a whole. www.alphagammadelta.org
convention coverage
Honoring Tradition
Traditionally, Convention has always provided a sacred opportunity for attendees to renew their dedication to Alpha Gamma Delta and honor the timeless traditions that have gained precedence over the years. Sisters gathered Thursday evening for the Ritual Service to honor those sisters who have come before and reflect on the sisterhood Alpha Gamma Delta has given them. Held before the Honors of Epsilon Pi Banquet, hundreds of Alpha Gamma Delta sisters welcomed three women into the Fraternity during the Initiation Service, creating an atmosphere of sisterhood and love that continued throughout the evening. In 1919, the Honors of Epsilon Pi were established as a unique means of recognizing volunteer service to the Fraternity. The Honors are awarded to “recognize ‘faithful, continued and outstanding service to the Fraternity’ beyond what is properly expected from an alumna member.” Nearly 100 years later, these awards of distinction are presented to the well-deserving alumnae members during the Honors of Epsilon Pi Banquet, much to the excitement of the attendees who were thrilled to share their appreciation for the wearers’ many years of service. As Convention drew to a close, sisters donned their formal attire to attend the Feast of Roses dinner. Amy Dalrymple Ryan, Zeta Epsilon-Michigan Technological University, served as toastmistress for the formal dinner and several other sisters offered celebratory toasts to our alma maters, our Founders, our alumnae, our col10 quarterly summer 2010
legians, our initiates and our Fraternity. The room was cast into darkness after the last toast was given, signaling International Vice President-Extension Sheila Kelley Sola to begin calling Chapter Roll. As the chapter names were read one by one, the room slowly began to glow with candlelight as sisters lit their tapers in honor of their initiating chapter.
Awarding Excellence
Since 1959, Distinguished Citizen Awards are presented at each Convention to alumnae who are outstanding in their professions or in civic, organizational, cultural or charitable work in ways that demonstrate the Alpha Gamma Delta Purpose. During this Convention, the recipients of the Distinguished Citizen Award were Carolyn Bennett, Tau-University of Toronto; Shelly Ruttan Jamieson, Tau-University of Toronto; Elaine Folk Marshall, Alpha Xi-University of Maryland and Jani Macari Pallis, Gamma PhiGeorgia Institute of Technology. For more detailed information about these outstanding Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae, see page 14. In a new twist for this year’s Convention, both collegiate chapters and alumnae groups were recognized at an awards luncheon Friday afternoon. Additionally, the traditional silver awards were replaced with radiant crystal awards. With the crystal awards, winners will no longer have to return the award, allowing the groups to proudly display their achievements for years to come. Over 35 awards were presented in a variety of categories, including recruitment, scholarship, improvement, philanthropy and overall excellence. A complete operational listing of all award recipients can be found on page 12.
Purposeful Programming
In accordance with the theme Navigating with Purpose, all educational sessions for both alumnae and collegians were purposefully designed to be relevant to attendees. For this Convention, all Alpha Gams were asked to provide content ideas, forming an outline of the hottest topics in the Fraternity’s community at large. The Leadership Institute-Women With Purpose was also instrumental in providing incredible information and resources on topics such as handling confrontation, best advising practices and managing meetings effectively. Other workshops shed new light on recruitment, philanthropy, finance and integrating the Purpose into everyday chapter operations. Collegians and alumnae were able to collaborate and bounce ideas back and forth with each other in the many open forum workshops. As an extra resource, an entire hallway in the hotel was lined with roundtables to give sisters further opportunity to share ideas on a gamut of subjects.
A Focus on Philanthropy
Over 260 Alpha Gams braved the early morning and Tampa humidity to walk five kilometers for the Convention Philanthropy Walk, which made its debut at the 2008 Convention to match the “Defeat Diabetes One Step at a Time” campaign. The Walk followed the famed Channel Riverwalk offering sisters amazing views of the bay and surrounding city. Many Alpha Gams were well prepared for the Convention Philanthropy Walk after participating in the Walk to 2010 Challenge, an
initiative launched at the 2008 Convention to encourage sisters to walk 1,000 miles, the distance between Indianapolis, Indiana, where International Headquarters is located, and Tampa, Florida, the location of the 2010 Convention. Participants who completed the Walk to 2010 Challenge in attendance at Convention were awarded with a new pair of socks and a travel-sized first aid kit. With the help of 16 external sponsors and Alpha Gams across the continent, the Convention Philanthropy Walk raised $16,197.11 to defeat diabetes.
Embarking on the Next Decade
As Convention drew to a close, International President Jackie Brannon Stutts cautioned attendees to be prepared for a fast pace in the upcoming biennium, similar to the lightning speed forward movement the Fraternity had experienced in the two years leading up to Convention. She extended an invitation to the membership to join her on the new journey, giving anticipation for the future of extension, membership growth, innovation and a new building for International Headquarters. She graciously asked Alpha Gams to be flexible for the inevitable bumps and turns in the road. “One of the greatest traits I admire about our Founders is their ability to plan ahead,” Jackie said. “They had the foresight to create an incredibly dynamic and flexible organization that could withstand the test of time and whose values could remain relevant through each shifting decade. It is with these values in mind and our Purpose in tow that we take the wheel, steering the Fraternity into the next horizon. I challenge you to jump on the bus, take a seat, buckle your seat belt and ride with us! The journey will be one of which you will be proud.” www.alphagammadelta.org 11
convention coverage
Collegiate Awards
Improvement Award 1 Scholarship (Membership of 65 or less) Theta Beta-Auburn University at Montgomery of 66 to 94) 2 (Membership Gamma Iota-Mercer University of 95 or more) 3 (Membership Alpha Lambda-The Ohio State University
Award 9 Recruitment Theta Tau- Belmont University
Helen Butterfield Outstanding House 10 Emily Association Award Delta-University of Minnesota Resident Supervisor 11 Outstanding Mary Anne Cope, Delta-University of Minnesota
International Council Recognition Award Alpha Beta-University of Michigan Delta Tau-Chapman University
Rose Bowl Award (Membership of 65 or less) Alpha Omega-Duquesne University
(Membership of 66 to 94) Beta Omicron-Illinois State University
Improvement Award 4 Chapter Mu-Brenau University
Otis Chipman Award 12 Georgia Omega-University of Akron
of 95 or more) 20 (Membership Gamma Delta-Auburn University
Award 5 Activities Gamma Delta-Auburn University
Efficiency Award 13 Chapter Sigma-University of Illinois
Chapter Advisor Award 21 Outstanding Patricia Eckard Magdik,
Gamma Sigma-Troy University Award 6 Philanthropy Theta Beta-Auburn University at Montgomery Development Award 7 Member Beta Iota-Eastern Illinois University Gamma Zeta-University of Memphis Gamma Sigma-Troy University
8 Financial Management Award
Beta Iota-Eastern Illinois University Gamma Delta-Auburn University
12 quarterly summer 2010
Gamma Delta-Auburn University Zeta Kappa-University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Council Merit Award 14 International Gamma Delta-Auburn University Chapter Achievement Award 15 New Alpha Lambda-The Ohio State University Vedder Foxworthy Panhellenic Award 16 Myra Beta Omicron-Illinois State University
Alpha Tau-Edinboro University Jill Ebers Dolberg, Beta Alpha-Nebraska Wesleyan University Award 22 Annulet (Membership of 65 or less) Gamma Zeta-University of Memphis of 66 to 94) 23 (Membership Xi-Illinois Wesleyan University of 95 or more) 24 (Membership Gamma Delta-Auburn University
Alumnae Chapter and Club Awards 1 2
Alumnae Chapter Achievement Award Chesapeake Alumnae Chapter Alumnae Club Achievement Award St. Louis Alumnae Club
Most Improved Alumnae Chapter Award Twin Cities Alumnae Chapter
Most Improved Alumnae Club Award Old Dominion Alumnae Club
5 Alumnae Chapter Outstanding
Community Service Award Greater Raleigh Alumnae Chapter
Alumnae Club Outstanding Community Service Award Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae Club
Outstanding Support to a Collegiate Chapter Award Beta Alpha Alumnae Chapter
Adopt-A-Chapter Award Fox Valley Alumnae Club for support of Beta Epsilon at Carroll College
9 10 11 12
Helen Mae Clarahan Spiese Alumnae Panhellenic Award Tau Alumnae Chapter Outstanding Junior Circle Award Las Vegas Junior Circle Alumnae Chapter Newsletter Award Greater Seattle Alumnae Chapter for The Inklings Alumnae Club Newsletter Award Santa Clara Alumnae Club for The Rambler
www.alphagammadelta.org 13
convention coverage
Distinguished Citizens The Fraternity is pleased to announce that four outstanding sisters were awarded the Distinguished Citizen Award at Convention 2010. This prestigious award was established in 1959 to recognize alumnae for outstanding professional and community achievement.
Shelly Ruttan Jamieson Carolyn Bennett Tau-University of Toronto Distinguished Citizen in the field of Government Service/ Public Service
Tau-University of Toronto Distinguished Citizen in the field of Government Service/Public Service
As the highest ranking civil servant in the Province of Ontario, Canada, Shelly Ruttan Jamieson has certainly earned her spot on the Women’s Executive Network’s list of Canada’s Most Powerful Women. Varied positions in the field of health care and government service led to her appointment as the Secretary of the Cabinet, Head of the Ontario Public Service and Clerk of the Executive Council in January of 2008. In addition to serving Canada through her vocation, Shelly works to give back to the country in whatever way she can.
With a career beginning in family medicine, Carolyn Bennett has dedicated her life to promoting women’s health issues and encouraging the betterment of Canada’s public health system. Dr. Bennett received her medical degree from the University of Toronto in 1976 and went on to obtain her certification in Family Medicine in 1976. After several years as a physician at Women’s College Hospital and an assistant professor at the University of Toronto, Carolyn was awarded the Royal Life Saving Society Service Cross recognizing her more than 20 years of distinguished service.
Despite her demanding career, Shelly still found time to be a member of the Tau House Association and uses her educational background in business to provide the House Association with advice on major spending decisions. One of her greatest Alpha Gamma Delta moments came when her daughter, Heather, joined Tau Chapter in 2005.
In 1997, Carolyn was elected to Canada’s House of Commons. As the first Minister of State for public health, she implemented a true public health network, allowing all 13 Canadian jurisdictions to join together in the effort to protect health care for all Canadians. Among her many awards include the coveted EVE Award for contributing to the advancement of women in politics and the National Award of Excellence for Outstanding Leadership and Dedication to Injury Prevention and Safety, of which she was the first recipient.
14 quarterly summer 2010
Elaine Folk Marshall Jani Macari Pallis Alpha Xi-University of Maryland Distinguished Citizen in the field of Government Service
Gamma Phi-Georgia Institute of Technology Distinguished Citizen in the field of Engineering
Numerous awards in technology, government innovation and women’s leadership mark Elaine Folk Marshall’s term as North Carolina’s Secretary of State. Among the most notable is the North Carolina’s Association of Educators’ Women’s Equality Award and the Lifetime Achievement Award for Women in Business by the Triangle Business Journal. Elaine is the first women ever elected to a statewide, executive branch office in North Carolina and only the third Democrat to hold the position in 70 years.
Even before graduating with a doctoral degree in mechanical and aeronautical engineering, Jani Macari Pallis was leading research for NASA, the Department of Energy and the U.S. Air Force. She had founded her own company, Cislunar Aerospace, Inc., and was well on her way to creating numerous cutting edge developments. In addition to aiding the world’s space programs, Jani has also created a series of engineering activities especially designed for young women, some of which she taught to the Girl Scouts of Connecticut.
As a former teacher, business owner, judge and Senator, Elaine places enormous importance on the issues of child welfare, women’s issues and economic development, in addition to Alpha Gamma Delta. Once a year, Elaine makes it a priority to reunite with her sisters from Alpha Xi Chapter to rekindle old friendships and cultivate new friendships.
Her drive to initiate change and ingenuity exceeds beyond the world of aeronautics to envelop Alpha Gamma Delta. Over the past five years, her mission has been to locate Gamma Phi Chapter sisters, especially those considered lost in their database. Aptly named “Columbo,” she, along with her team, have located over 570 missing sisters or sisters with incorrect information!
The Honors of Epsilon Pi The Honors of Epsilon Pi recognize faithful, continuous and outstanding service to the Fraternity. Alpha Gamma Delta thanks these women for their dedication and congratulates them on their accomplishments.
The New Wearers of the Crescent of Epsilon Pi with Diamonds Present at Convention: left to right: Jackie Brannon Stutts, Cinda Zehner O'Connor, Penny Yocum Edmondson
Recipients of the Arc of Epsilon Pi with Diamonds and Pearl Present at Convention
The New Wearers of the Crescent of Epsilon Pi Present at Convention: top left to right: Gail Calkins Duree, Deborah Schmidt Eschenbacher, Amy Runyan Rock; middle left to right: Patricia Speakman Conville, Peggy Kuebler Field; bottom left to right: Lisa Adams Matthews, Patricia Tulley Riddiford
Recipients of the Arc of Epsilon Pi with Diamonds Present at Convention
Recipients of the Arc of Epsilon Pi with Diamonds and Pearls Present at Convention
Recipients of the Arc of Epsilon Pi with Diamond Present at Convention
Recipients of the Arc of Epsilon Pi Present at Convention
www.alphagammadelta.org 15
convention coverage
standing left to right: Mary Beth Dulcey Morabito, Lisa Adams Matthews, Rie Gerah Hoehner, Marie Ford Palmer seated left to right: Anne Loring Eiler, Jackie Brannon Stutts, Sheila Kelley Sola
International Council Installed for 2010-2012 Biennium Jackie Brannon Stutts
International President, Gamma Delta-Auburn University The past biennium involved a whirlwind of change with many new initiatives stemming from Jackie Brannon Stutts’ commitment to reinvigorate Alpha Gamma Delta in the name of growth, innovation and progress. Entering her third term as International President, Jackie is as driven as ever to continuing pushing the Fraternity forward, always with the Alpha Gamma Delta Purpose as a guiding light. “We’re making an effort to manage the organization more efficiently, while making sure we do not lose the human touch. Alpha Gamma Delta is anticipating what we can do now to set us apart in five years. We’re getting ahead of technology, pushing it to its current limits to meet our needs, instead of using what is available to suffice until something better comes along. We are not stagnant!” she says. Her alumna involvement with the Fraternity began as an advisor for Gamma Psi Chapter at the University of North Alabama. She has steadily climbed through the ranks of the Volunteer Service Team, learning valuable skills that have been instrumental in her role as International President. She was recently awarded the Crescent of Epsilon Pi with Diamonds at the 2010 Convention. 16 quarterly summer 2010
Mary Beth Dulcey Morabito International Vice President-Alumnae, Zeta Beta-Lehigh University
Entering her second term as the International Vice PresidentAlumnae, Mary Beth Dulcey Morabito is striving to streamline processes and procedures across the whole organization, shifting the focus back to the importance of sisterhood. Though her main tasks involve the alumnae experience within Alpha Gamma Delta, Mary Beth has recognized the importance of collaboration to ensure a quality collegiate experience in order to encourage alumnae involvement. “I would like to see our Fraternity continue to improve the collegiate experience, recognizing that those sisters who have a positive, meaningful collegiate experience are those most likely to continue their involvement as alumnae,” she comments. Mary Beth is very active in several community organizations in her hometown of Novi, Michigan, including the Novi Sturgeons Swimming, Cub Scouts and the Leonhard Elementary School PTA. She wears the Arc of Epsilon Pi with Diamonds.
Lisa Adams Matthews
International Vice President-Collegians, Epsilon Nu-University of Central Oklahoma Newly-installed International Vice President-Collegians Lisa Adams Matthews’ four year experience as Director of Chapter Management will greatly aid in her new position on International Council. Having a firsthand experience with collegians on a daily basis, Lisa understands the need for a shift toward relevancy and innovation. “As our members becomes less and less ‘paper and pencil’ people, the Fraternity must utilize technology to make communication more efficient and less cumbersome, from basic communications to the reporting requirements for our collegiate chapters,” she comments. “My vision for Alpha Gamma Delta is that She continues to make an impact on women’s lives by providing a lifelong, Purpose-driven experience that is relevant at whatever stage of life she finds herself.” Residing in Wichita Falls, Texas, Lisa is a teacher, in addition to serving other various volunteer positions within the education system in her community. She was awarded the Crescent of Epsilon Pi at the 2010 Convention.
Marie Ford Palmer
International Vice President-Membership, Gamma Alpha-University of Georgia As Alpha Gamma Delta continues in our drive to expand the Fraternity, International Vice President-Membership Marie Ford Palmer’s extensive background in recruitment is an invaluable resource. Beginning her third term in her International Council role, Marie is excited to continue infiltrating our chapters with the idea of valuesbased recruitment and meaningful member development. “We have to empower our sisters to target and to successfully recruit valuable new members who can continue our vision. Membership development improves the
collegiate experience and equips our members with life skills that will serve them during their collegiate years and beyond,” she says. “Additionally, a well developed alumna member is powerfully equipped to support our chapters and our Fraternity as an advisor or Volunteer Service Team member.” Marie resides in Lexington, South Carolina, with her family. She wears the Crescent of Epsilon Pi.
Sheila Kelley Sola
International Vice President-Extension, Gamma Beta-Florida State University Sheila Kelley Sola enters her second term as International Vice President-Extension with the determination to purposefully expand the organization. While growth is essential to the health and strength of the Fraternity, Sheila understands the importance of matching campuses with the values of Alpha Gamma Delta to ensure that each new chapter is best equipped with the resources it needs to be successful. In addition to her motivation for purposeful extension, Sheila is also excited to explore more leadership opportunities and training for both collegians and alumnae. “As technology continues to change, we need to continue to update our technology and follow that change. Our collegians and alumnae should have access to programs which are user friendly and using the most current technology available. Through this use of technology, we will be able to help our members continue to grow and develop into women with purpose,” she says. Sheila wears the Arc of Epsilon Pi.
Anne Loring Eiler
International Vice President-Finance, Alpha Xi-University of Maryland
vision for the next biennium includes continuing to strengthen the financial stability of the Fraternity and keeping abreast of technological advances to make reporting easy and convenient for members. In addition to being very involved in the Fort Lauderdale Alumnae Panhellenic Club, Anne also serves in various offices in the Church Women’s Club. She lives in Lighthouse Point, Florida, where she enjoys gardening. She wears the Arc of Epsilon Pi with Diamond.
Rie Gerah Hoehner
International Vice President-Panhellenic Affairs, Epsilon Nu-University of Central Oklahoma Embarking on her fourth term at International Vice President-Panhellenic Affairs, Rie’s involvement with NPC began long before her election to International Council in 2004. She has served as a delegate to the National Panhellenic Conference since 1995. Her service with the Fraternity began as a Leadership Consultant and expanded into various roles over the years including Province Director-Collegians from 1989 to 1991. Rie’s vision for the next biennium includes addressing growth of collegiate membership, alumnae participation and relevancy. “Regardless of our personal level of Alpha Gam experience, our membership in this Fraternity should always offer each of us the opportunity to grow personally and to learn from our experiences. To maintain our international strength, our members must feel the benefits of membership and feel connected to the Fraternity for their lifetime. Through this connection, we will continue to have the support and commitment that will keep us growing and fulfilling the vision of our Founders,” she comments. Rie lives in Houston, Texas, with her four children and husband, Mack. She wears the Crescent of Epsilon Pi.
For her second term as International Vice President-Finance, Anne Loring Eiler’s www.alphagammadelta.org 17
collegiate news For the Summer 2010 Quarterly, collegiate chapters were asked to share how their chapter is living the second line of the Purpose: “To develop and prize health and vigor of body.” Read more collegiate chapter reports on the Fraternity website.
Gamma Omega-University of Alabama at Birmingham
To highlight prizing health and vigor of body as well as the Fraternity's main philanthropic cause, diabetes awareness and education, the sisters of Gamma Omega Chapter and Gamma Upsilon Chapter-University of Montevallo joined together to volunteer and participate in the American Diabetes Association's Walk for a Cure. The day was a wonderful one, filled with meeting other collegiate sisters, eating healthy foods and learning more about diabetes. We also helped the events coordinator, an Alpha Gam alumna, coordinate a wonderful event in the city of Birmingham for the American Diabetes Association. In Gamma Omega Chapter, we feel it is not only important to receive our Jewel Chapter status by raising monetary donations for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation, but also we strive to donate our time directly to the philanthropies that the Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity and Foundation support. - Chelsey Smith
Psi-University of Alabama
We have been busy staying fit this year! We had a huge number of women kick off Homecoming week by taking part in the Roll Tide Run. Many of our members also participated in Tuscaloosa's first annual Walk for Diabetes. The walk, which circled three miles in downtown Tuscaloosa, directly benefited the American Diabetes Association, with Alpha Gams alone raising more than $500! We also hosted a cookout for diabetes awareness. Our intramural teams have performed outstandingly well so far this year. We won first place in both flag football and volleyball and hope to keep up our perfect record. - Ann Gieger 18 quarterly summer 2010
Rho-Iowa State University
At Rho Chapter, we understand that physical, mental and emotional health each play a vital role in living a successful life. We support each other daily, whether by simply saying “good luck” for an exam or being there to talk when a sister is in need. In addition to our peer support, our staff provides us with the means to lead a healthy lifestyle. Our cook understands the importance of making nutritious choices and provides us with a variety of fresh and wellbalanced meals. It is the cohesive support within our chapter that makes us truly successful. - Jayne Hauser
Theta Lambda-University of West Florida
At Theta Lambda Chapter, to help us develop and prize health and vigor of body we stay constantly busy between intramurals in the fall and Greek Week in the spring. This spring we practiced for six weeks before Greek Week, which all paid off when we won Greek Week 2009 (again)! This fall we participated in volleyball, flag football, soccer and disc golf intramurals on campus and in all of these sports we had two teams. We had a game four days a week! Many of our sisters also trained to compete in the Sigma Chi Derby Day Dash on campus in October which helped us win Derby Days 2009. - Rebecca Sullivan
Beta Upsilon-Roosevelt University
Staying healthy has always been a priority for the members of Beta Upsilon Chapter at Roosevelt University. This semester we lived the Purpose by ensuring that we provided lots of healthy snacks at events such as our Bid Day, sisterhood retreat and program meetings where we had guest speakers. We also planned many dinners, where we all brought a variety of delicious and healthy foods. One of our members occasionally teaches classes at a fitness club, which we all plan to attend whenever we can. By staying true to these standards, we will be healthy and having fun for a long time. - Emily Petroschuk
Beta Delta-Indiana University
Our chapter values the importance of positive body image and the necessity of leading healthy and active lifestyles. Last spring, a chapter program taught the women of Beta Delta Chapter about positive body image and the importance of being comfortable with your body. We used index cards to write down our favorite personal qualities and then posted the notes around the house for everyone to read. The practice gave us the opportunity to recognize the beauty in ourselves and our sisters. Also, we are involved in numerous intramural sports throughout the school year and often visit the gym together. This year we implemented a change in our lunch and dinner menus that allows for more balanced and healthy meals! - Laura Scheer
Zeta Epsilon-Michigan Technological University
We fulfilled “To develop and prize health and vigor of body” by looking out for each other once the swine flu hit Michigan Tech’s campus. For the healthy sisters, we encouraged one another to work out and eat better by making healthier meals together. For the sisters who got the flu, we encouraged one another to take it easy but still made it known that we were here for one another if needed. - Krista Knight
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alumnae news
young girl overnight, she was quietly transferred to the women’s clinic nearby. “We covered her up because we didn’t want the locals to know she had been on our base. We brought her over there and that was actually the last time I ever saw her,” Michelle said.
in Afghanistan On
the night of December 26, 2008, a pregnant 13 year-old young girl was delivered to an American military base in Afghanistan. She had been in labor for days. The baby, now deceased, was lodged in her pelvis, causing severe medical complications for the frightened mother on the brink of death herself. Michelle Johnson, Beta Omicron-Illinois State University, was in the command center on base that night, on her second tour with the National Guard. As the Flight Operations NCO (non-commissioned officer) responsible for landing helicopters, when she overhead the doctor order a MedEvac, she knew it was a call to action. Rushing to the doctor’s side, she couldn’t have imagined the personal call to action that this young woman would inspire. Though Michelle’s thoughts were entirely focused on the small young woman that lie before her, it was at that moment that the idea for her nonprofit, the Afghanistan Midwifery Program, was born. She took the young woman’s small hand in hers, and with the help of an interpreter, began to offer hope that help was on its way. However, due to the military’s policy to use their helicopters solely for military personnel, the MedEvac request was denied. “The doctor came down and pulled me out me out of the room. He said, ‘They 20 quarterly summer 2010
Her interaction with the women’s clinic that day turned into a part time job, helping the midwives three days a week until it was time for her to return home. “When I came home, I was so touched by what these women had to go through. I couldn’t image how lucky we are as Americans that we don’t have to worry about being able to go to the doctor,” Michelle said. Michelle Johnson was featured in the August issue of Glamour for her humanitarian work in Afghanistan.
aren’t going to send a helicopter for her, so we have two options. We can either send her back to her village where she is going to die or we can try to get this baby out.’ After sitting there, holding her hand and telling her that everything was going to be okay, I couldn’t just be like, ‘Well, go back to your village because there is nothing we can do,’” Michelle said. To complicate matters further, it is forbidden under Afghan law for a woman to be seen by a male doctor. However, with no female physicians on base, there were no other options. Upon examining the young woman, the doctor quickly realized his hands were too large to remove the baby and with limited medical supplies, a Caesarean section was not possible. The doctor then informed Michelle that because she had the smallest hands, he would have to talk her through the procedure. “At one point, I sat her up because we were trying to let gravity help us a bit. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her lower back to support her. She put her forehead on my forehead and one little tear came down her face,” Michelle said. “That was the only emotion that she showed. It quite literally broke my heart. I knew I was going to do whatever it took to save this poor girl’s life.” Eventually, Michelle was able to remove the stillborn, and after stabilizing the
After returning to the United States, Michelle began contacting several nonprofits in an effort to begin funneling money in to a midwife training program in Afghanistan. Many couldn’t promise that her funding would only go to train and support midwives or they strictly worked in the city centers. Understanding from her experiences, Michelle knew that rural Afghan women faced an even more difficult struggle finding a midwife or female doctor nearby to help deliver their babies. They usually end up delivering them on their own, often resulting in death for both the mother and baby. “I decided if no one was going to help me, I was just going to do it myself,” she said. And so began her journey to establish and grow her nonprofit organization, the Afghanistan Midwifery Project, which raises money to support a health education program, remote women’s clinics and in partnership with the Afghan Midwives Association, midwife medical kits. The race toward the Afghanistan Midwifery Project’s first birthday this past May wasn’t an easy one for Michelle, who does her best to split her time between her job that pays the bills and the nonprofit she wholeheartedly loves. However, as she draws nearer to understanding the nonprofit world and receiving her tax exempt status, she has her eye trained on some lofty goals for the future of the Afghanistan Midwifery Project. She said, “I would love for it to get to the point where we’re funding a full midwife school in Afghanistan. This is what keeps me going, knowing that there are women over there who are suffering right now that shouldn’t be suffering. We can prevent it.”
sister spotlight
Meet Susan
Rumsfield Clary, Beta Omicron-Illinois State University, is an iconic Alpha Gamma Delta volunteer. Always going above and beyond the normal call of duty, Sue serves Alpha Gamma Delta and her community in numerous capacities. “A couple of my friends joke with me that if there is a group, Sue is going to join. I have refined that over the years. Instead of doing too much I have decided what are my true passions. I have taken those passions and I’m trying to develop them efficiently and purposefully so I am really assisting others,” she said. As the director of Westminster Preschool, a large, half-day preschool program in the Glen Ellyn, Illinois, community, Sue applies skills she has learned through her Alpha Gamma Delta service to her career. She wholeheartedly accredits her professional success to the experiences Alpha Gamma Delta has given her. Most recently, Sue was an integral part of planning and executing International Convention 2010 in Tampa, Florida, as a volunteer on the Convention Committee. This year marked her third Convention in this role. Over the past six years, she has donated countless hours to ensure participants enjoyed each Convention, learning from other sisters and sharing the love of Alpha Gamma Delta. Because of the joy she has found through volunteering with the Fraternity, she frequently encourages others to examine their skills and the time they can afford to give Alpha Gamma Delta. “Any task is valuable. If everyone took a little task, we would all be better for it,” she said. “When I took my Initiation vows, I took them for life. The Fraternity has given me so much and I feel very blessed by the whole opportunity.”
www.alphagammadelta.org 21
pearls of wisdom KNOW HOW TO:
Expand Our Circle
of Sisterhood By: Marie Ford Palmer, International Vice President-Membership
you know a young woman headed off to college? Do you want to recommend a friend, neighbor or Alpha Gamma Delta legacy for membership? Inviting quality women to join our sisterhood brings loyalty, strength and support to Alpha Gamma Delta. Not only is recommending a young woman an easy way to give back to the Fraternity, but it’s also a great way to introduce chapter members to some of the outstanding potential new members (PNMs) on campus.
Here are a few quick tips to get you started: Should I send a Recruitment Information Form (RIF) or Legacy Introduction Form (LIF)? A RIF should be written for any woman that you know would make a great Alpha Gamma Delta member. By completing this form, you inform the prospective chapter about the young woman’s activities, honors and scholastic achievements prior to recruitment.
Who qualifies as a legacy? A legacy is a woman in a family relationship such as a daughter, sister or granddaughter to an Alpha Gamma Delta member in Good Standing. Even though a niece or a cousin is not a legacy, a member may use this form to introduce such a young woman if she feels the chapter would benefit from her becoming a member. Step family members can be considered a legacy connection depending on the situation.
Can a collegian submit a RIF or LIF? Absolutely! If you are a collegian who is interested in submitting a RIF or LIF, please make sure the forms are submitted prior to the first round of Formal Recruitment. This information is helpful in identifying women of quality who would enhance our chapters' membership.
What if a PNM I do not know wants me to write a recommendation? We should not write a recommendation for a woman on which we have no information. We value our membership and our ability to grow our Fraternity. That being said, we can take information from those who can provide meaningful insight. For example, teachers or clergy with personal, first person, information of the PNM can share about activities, work ethic, character, background, scholarship, etc. Additionally, our Greek sisters, though not Alpha Gamma Deltas, know the importance of recruiting women of quality. While we do not score these recommendations as those of Alpha Gamma Delta members, we do give them value as this information is helpful to our chapters during recruitment. Writing a RIF or a LIF is fast and easy. Send in a form today! 22 quarterly summer 2010
Recommend a young woman or legacy today! Follow these easy instructions: 1. Log on to the Member Services section of the Fraternity website.
2. Click on Resources/Handbooks, then General Fraternity Materials to find these forms.
3. Download or easily type and complete the editable RIF and/or LIF. These are created in Microsoft Word.
4. Mail or e-mail the completed form to the Membership Coordinator at the chapter that the potential new member is attending. The chapter addresses can be accessed on the Member Services section of the Fraternity website.
The Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation
Honor Roll of Donors Support of the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation is vital to the development of today’s Alpha Gamma Delta. Your generous donations help to provide scholarships to graduate and undergraduate students, essential educational programs for the Fraternity and grants for diabetes research and related support programs. This listing reflects annual giving levels based upon donations received between June 1, 2009 and May 31, 2010.
KEY * Members who entered Chapter Grand but supported the Foundation through an annual gift or planned gift during the 2009-10 fiscal year. Members and friends who joined the Corinthian Society by notifying the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation office that the Foundation is a beneficiary of a will, trust, insurance policy and/or pension or retirement plan. Lifetime Cumulative Giving Levels: Annulet
• Pearl Circle
▲ Alpha Circle
♥ Founders Circle
Δ Delta Circle
Double Rose Circle
♦ Diamond Circle
Γ Gamma Circle $25,000
Buff Rose Circle
Alpha Syracuse University Jewel Society $10,000 Jewels $10,000 - $24,999
Grace S. Weissgerber* ▲ $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Paula Gallup Little* | Supporters $250 - $499
Virginia Gelish Drew Elizabeth Winship Scott { $100 - $249
Jacquelyn Asnoe { Beverly Brown Dominy Julia Gallagher Alyssa Wood Harding Florence Buckenheu Hoffmeier Edith Vanderbeek Joseph { Virginia Marcelli Mahoney Helen Cheng Parr Kathleen Pavelka Barbara Mesick Rasbach { Susan Schiraldi Schebell { $1 - $99
Susan Holliday Barde Tiffany R. Blair Miriam Mitchell Bonk Adrienne Lashway Burruby Elizabeth Johnke Conklin Harriet I. Dempster { Virginia Jansen Foell {
Nancy Capellupo Gurzo Karen M. Hutchinson Robin I. Kauffman Bernice Baron Keech Charleen Symonds King-Husebye { Melinda Walker Krajewski Marilyn Pond Langdon Ann Slocomb Merrill Jean Hall Mooney Nancy Lana Rader Gertrude Gates Stillman Diane Michalke Van Lare Ellen Bean Westenfelder Beta University of Wisconsin Jewel Society $2,500 Jewels $2,500 - $4,999
Audrey Berg Kaasa | $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Janet Nehring Gibeau { Supporters $250 - $499
Mary Stricker Briscoe { Jane Endres { $100 - $249
Audrey Zilisch McClellan { Jan Thorpe White {
$1 - $99
Karin Cowman Alaniz Susan M. Brockman Suzanne Sueltmann Dornfeld { Lynn Hamm Erickson Dorothy L. Petersen Huber Barbara Ann Eastman Hungate { Millie Winger Lemoine Carol Casey Mullaney Patricia Miller Nowlan { Helen Scripko Pawasarat Dorothy Swift Rae Jean Kyle Whitmire Catherine Sands Williams Delta University of Minnesota Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Elizabeth F. Kadlec Benson Marilyn Erickson Mitchell | Lillian Hall Scarpa { Supporters $250 - $499
Joanne Setsvold Edlefsen {
$1 - $99
Barbara Lovelett Bearr Michele P. Berthiaume Susan Stockton Bohach Angela M. Bohrer Sharon Wagner Borine Kathleen S. Coyle Virginia Cox Elert Carol Williams Ellison Irene K. Fernando Violet Rosacker Graf Gabriel A. Hemphill Nancy Schmidt Langness Barbara Bartholdi MacKenzie Judith Volkenant McNamara Julie A. Miller { Paullette Burkholder O'Connell Patricia Leathers Oslund Barbara Tenney Pinto { Jennifer Green Pohl Jenny A. Scherber Kathryn Stenborg Schmidt Virginia Hanson Stabnow Lora Strigens Barbara Johnson Telander { + Beth Hurley Tracy Marjorie Vaughn Wezeman Nancy Hadden Wilson Eileen Williams Zahn
$100 - $249
Cynthia Wagner Engel { Lois Hamblin Moeller Alissa L. Franklin Movern Patricia Borg Schultz { Annemarie Petrucci Vaupel Dorothy Zakowski Wessel { Kari Kottke Willenbring
Epsilon University of Kentucky Jewel Society $10,000 Jewels $10,000 - $24,999
Virginia Babb Taylor*▲ www.alphagammadelta.org 23
foundation $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Beth Brandenburgh Hastie | Supporters $250 - $499
Ruth Breitenstein Henritze* ▲ + Barbara Hale Letton { $100 - $249
Mary Ammerman Adams { Anne Adams Embry Laura L. Holsclaw Susan Poetker Johnson Jill L. Purcell Elizabeth Hyatt Richardson { Mickey Levy Settle Constance Webb Skelton Mary Lou Beeler Smith { Charlotte Salisbury Thompson $1 - $999
Carrie Germann Barlage Tara E. Bopp Katherinee Illston Byrne Sallie Heard Clark Mary Dean Clarke Susan K. Compton Martha Ammerman Cox { Carleen Schneider Esslinger Davis Lowrey Gardner | Carol McGinnis Gathy Helen Wilson Heltsley Megan E. Herde Virginia Lake Hughes Janet Clarke Hurd Mary Jean Hill Kinsman Mary Koeppel Nicole Raymer Law Patricia Fletcher Madden Margaret Wheeler Meredith Louise R. Miller Danielle E. Raymer Eloise Bennett Roberts Julie M. Wilson Roberts Amanda Wade Schmitt Kimberly Holmes Taylor Amelia Perkins Warren Zeta Ohio University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Deborah Schmidt Eschenbacher | Betty Jane Bates Farmer Hilda Beck Sorensen { Supporters $250 - $499
Inez Brinsfield Corrado { Francesca A. Lendrum {
$100 - $249
Laura A. Hodge Barbara Remsen Keene Antoinette Haut Kincade Martha Myles { Catherine Fitzgerald Sotiriou $1 - $99
Dorothy Higginbotham Arold Helen Murphy Bruns Judith Kick Butler Virginia Carlyle Martha Howard Castle Paula Meyer Demoss Eleanor Fixler Gibbs { Roberta Hardie Amy Hufschmidt Hopson Carol Thompson Hughes Jennifer C. Johnson Betty Lou Kennedy Kohl Carolyn Williams Lester Ina Zimpelman Loftspring Patricia Mallett Mason Cynthia Clark McClary Blair B. Metcalfe Jane Leatherman Nyman Florence Horn Oden Karen Johnson Shallcross Norma Woelfling Shilliday Michelle Valencic Nancy Templeman Ward Helen Davisson Wilkerson
Theta Goucher College Supporters $1 - $99
Jennie A. Gray Doris Voyce Hewitt { Doris L. Kagle Jeaneen Brady Wingate Iota University of Washington Jewel Society $5,000 Jewels $5,000 - $9,999 Patricia Houck Holvick Δ $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Shirley Rogers Hoyt {
Eta DePauw University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
$500 Jewels $500 - $999
Margaret E. Piety | Dorothy Schoneker Skinner ▲
Sandy McMurray Novak ▲ Eileen Berry Pratt { + Kymberly Mellor Smitham { Supporters $250 - $499
Supporters $250 - $499
Bonnie Schiffman Pearson |
Kristi Johnson Feder | + Marjory Winston Parker {
$100 - $249
$100 - $249
Lois Bearss Boswell Carole A. Clause | Marjorie Siddons Cooper Ann T. Daly Barbara Hill Dozier { Lisa Brickley Fink Stacie Dienhart Gascho Joan Nelson Hagerup { Kathi Ann Hancock Lee { Virginia Kibbler Lullo Linda Noble Ellen Rosselot Schneider { Elizabeth Dye Walker | Kathryn Noll Webster { Debra Smith Wright-Hughes $1 - $99
Melinda McCracken Alcorn Laurie Tacheny Borden Vivian Hora Bosquit
* Chapter Grand Corinthian Society for Planned Giving
24 quarterly summer 2010
Sharon McBroom Brunjes Nedra Hall Downing Carolyn Miles Fermann Mary A. Goetcheus Phyllis Osborn Hanna Elizabeth LeDonne Harkins Elizabeth Mills Park { Barbara Armitage Porter Jilann Wilkins Savery M. Clare Johnson Swanson Joanne Canary Thornburg Anne Miller Vaninger* Karen Hawkins Weaver
Annulet ♥ Founders Circle
Susan Howard Brazier Kristi Knowles Butler Carole Schuette Campbell Linda Walker Capron { Oddrun Wick Hansen Cherie Tucker Jill Stout Von Feldt { $1 - $99
Catherine Callow Bell { Gail Caskey Harrison + Tara K. Hendershott Julie Berger Karstetter Duane Dickinson Latham Barbara Kemp Mueller Judith Cole Nuber Ann MacPherson Segale { Carolee Engstrom Shubert Kathryn A. Trimpe Sharon L. Winter $1,000,000 $500,000
Kappa Allegheny College Supporters $100 - $249
Erin Kennedy Butkovic Sharon J. Dicker { $1 - $99
Mary L. Bersano Marnie Doner Caldwell Dorothea Hunter Haas Rebecca Good Jeppe Jean Stall Marmo Jody Moore O'Grady Karen Elmeier Perry Brenda A. Pittler Charlene Huff Shreve Ruth Peterson Verell Lambda Northwestern University Jewel Society $5,000 Jewels $5,000 - $9,999 Helen Heggie* Δ $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Pamella Marschall Jordan | Elizabeth A. Kaspar { Nancy P. Orbison ▲ Supporters $100 - $249
Karen Dombro Cagle { Betty Jo Halterman Dickerson Margaret Watt Larson { Marilyn Rupe Malles Delores Waters Mossler Miriam Goldberg Wilhelm Ellen Westerlund Zee { $1 - $99
Nita Myers Allen Catherine Hobbs Amos { Linda Carson Borton Gloria Lee Wetters Bouschor Nancy Roth Burghardt Daphne Daume Lorraine Bakula Gatewood Susan Iverson Hyatt Arlene Saline Jones Lynda Helen Fink Kest F. Patricia Laibly Nancy Jean Spinka Timmerman Gail J. Valentine { Cherrie Johnson Wickstrom Carol Wanderer Worel Mu Brenau University Supporters $100 - $249
Marguerite Duncan McFarland Bradford { Jonna Kimbrell Schwalb ♦ Diamond Circle • Pearl Circle
$250,000 $100,000
Denise Cardot Thompson Carol Schnepp Weber { Della Askew Weinhuff Kelly E. Rowe Yeung
$1 - $99
Eva Seale Brunk Barbara Grandy Collins Nan Haynie Colvin Patsy Divine Gilbert Kelli M. Horner Frances Sides Prunty Sidney Elliott Thompson Margaret Smith Timberlake Sherrie Walker Tucker
Omicron University of California, Berkeley Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Diane Neudek Healy {
Nu Boston University Supporters $1 - $99
Supporters $250 - $499
Dorothy Perkins Bartlett Olive Hall Calvert Roberta Chagnon Hendee Annie Kempton Rice
Helen Ernst Golden { Donna Holland Preece { $100 - $249
Joyce Kislitzin Kallgren { Myra Clark Lynch { Betty Brunn Fox Palkowski { Eleanor Collins Scannell { Jay Alderson Schofhauser
Xi Illinois Wesleyan University Jewel Society $1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499
Beth Kelley Schneider ▲
$1 - $99
$500 Jewels $500 - $999
JoAnn Wolfgang Hostetler { Emilly Linman John { Margie Tribble Nickels { Supporters $250 - $499
Mary Gentle Holtsclaw { $100 - $249
Eileen Lysaught Elworth Susan Frock Hartter { Marilou Cerveny Haworth { Diane R. Jones Sharon Morling Simpson Lora B. Tague Barbara Keller Tozzi { Annavesta Morse Watchinski $1 - $99
Anne D. Bostrom Elizabeth Kramer Brown Lana Brown Casica Deborah K. Clark Jennifer B. Elliott Nancy Jo Eyre Engels Renee K. Fehr Shirley Crum Fencl Shirlee Haegele Griffith Beverley Winkler Houghton Laura A. Jaskierski Sue Stevens Kocienski { Elizabeth Rotz Krotiak Christina Down Main Elizabeth K. Mraz Duanne Freise Nelson Sophia Yi Scott Susan King Smuda Δ Delta Circle Γ Gamma Circle
Kerin Baker Jane Stornetta Burch Marilyn Burke Burke Carol Guild Burton Marie Freitas Chaddock Jean Perata Dahl Ann Wiren Dempsay Wendy C. Dittamore Alison Merwin Eyster Margaret Gallagher Fuerst { Diana J. Jine Michelle L. Misner Constance Remde O'Malley { Laryon Dayton Owens Shirlee Laughlin Roberts Jayne Browning Squires Shirley DeMamiel Stewart Barbara Burke Thompson Dian Dinwiddie Wittry Martha Delgado Woodard Pi Coe College Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Doris Newell Soriano { Supporters $100 - $249
Sandra Melahn Beck { Toni Grey Carson $1 - $99
Mary Ellen Davis Bilsborrow Gwendolyn Sovern Colfer Carolyn Elscott Davis Leta Yourd Fitts Elberta Cousins Grubbs Ruth Coates Lauther $50,000 $25,000
Jane Rall McLeod Kay Herrbach Woodhouse Rho Iowa State University Jewel Society $1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499
Sigma University of Illinois Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Sue Maggio Sim |
Marguerite Jansky Froscher | $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Dorothy Maitland Miller { Supporters $250 - $499
Martha Barton Hartman { $100 - $249
Ruth Van Roekel Carey { Kimberly Ranch Coward { Ardis Anderson Hart { Melissa Jacobson James Sally Nicolaisen Laing Nancy Ann Scarborough Meltzer { Stephanie Dieltz Olsen Lucia Stevens Robinson { Beverly Bottge Spotz { Mary Hill True Jean Godby Wright Candace Nelson Zeigler $1 - $99
Elizabeth McDowell Alfred Elizabeth Morgan Anderl Pamela Nisen Burrier Joan Sanderson Chace Mary Beth Matthews Clark Bonnie Mathews Coleman Mary Ackerly Condit Julia Millard DeVader Evelyn Thiel Fryer { Sandra Schafbuch Gibney Jenele Crone Grassle Joyce Reinke Hanes Danielle C. Stemm Heefner Sandra Ross Heraly Marcia Eide Hinrichs April M. Hoffmeyer Marilyn Pritchard Ireland Kelly Trewin Karkoski { Sara Quinn Ketcham Marlene Rucker Larson Ramona Sime Lochhead Doris Dockendorff MacFarquhar Dorothy True Mathers Judith Helin Mathre Kelley Zastrow Michalski Pamela J. Neff Shirley Webber Shannon { Roberta Filson Welther Shandra A. Wendorff Florence Devoe Woodward
▲ Alpha Circle
Double Rose Circle
$10,000 $5,000
$500 Jewels $500 - $999
Mariann Babka Gutshall | Karen S. Koenig { Supporters $100 - $249
Cynthia Brasky Bauerle Marcie Strieker Campion { Cheryl Benner Cannistra { Cristi Johnson Hoffman { Mary Nelson Humenik { Joan Zaeske Kaufman Anne Tarr Manion Adda Robison McFeeters { Beverly Myers Nelson Sara Jones Nelson { Ruth Schwarz Nix Merriam Ernst Schantz Margaret Zirckel Sherer { Rita M. Sierens Patricia Holm Smith { Gail Fullerton Stolarik { Judith Desch Turner { $1 - $99
Loretta Trawinski Aimone Kay Yoder Anderson Betty Blomquist Ardisana Barbara Hartman Bengtsen Mary Amsteen Chappel Necia Hart Chessman Rosemary Cox Depler Jamie Brewbaker Drake Elise Poepping Fernsler Joan Heenahan Janette Herrmann Hendricks Leslie Shimmin Hickey Judith Bliss Huisinga Karen Walker Johnson Betty Sutch Jolly Renee Rozak Kohler Karen Schindhelm Krammer Meredeth Magers Lake Joan Gruenewald Leonard Linda Burruss Linscott Bette Wallerstein Lombard Donna Anderhub Martin Patricia Workman McCammack Kathleen M. Miller { Holly Nickeson Mirell Sara Jo Hanson Moore { Jennifer Rybak Moseley Joann Jones Patterson Ann Robinson Phillips Michelle L. Pozzi Mary C. Hoadley Sheeren Doris Small Vinik Buff Rose Circle
www.alphagammadelta.org 25
foundation Susan Phelan Vonder Heide Nancy Williams Tau University of Toronto Supporters $1 - $99
Margaret MacDonald Edwards Elizabeth Jones Audrey Gilmore Ormsby Suellen Kneeshaw Wiles Upsilon University of Oklahoma Jewel Society $5,000 Jewels $5,000 - $9,999
Dee Ann Elliott Woodall Δ $2,500 Jewels $2,500 - $4,999
Rene Boehm Martin | $1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499
Kay Taylor Donahue • + $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Carolyn Richardson Cobb ▲ + Linda Sigle Daniel { Carolyn L. Dick { Vicky Pogue Gunning { Sandy Kinney | Amber Hicks Marzuola { Catherine Seaton Oster { Bonnie Barbour Pereida ▲ Elizabeth Sunbarger Yager | Carolyn L. York ▲ + Supporters $250 - $499
Yancey Tighe Seitz $100 - $249
Alice Maxson Adwan Barbara Berrier DePue Deedee Smith Evans | Nancy Brewer Fox Joan Lill Harrison Pearl Hartin Iorio { Virginia Hoffman Lowrey { Beverly Baldwin Perkins Ann Adkins Rhea $1 - $99
DeLaine Lynch Bender Billie Cape Kathryn Wendel Case { Janice Gibson Cloud Carol Duer Cochran ▲ Allegra Phillips Derryberry Deatra Lewis Falkenrath { Wynona Webb Gordon Paula Hughes Goree
Claudine M. Brown Gutt Debra Frederickson Klinghoffer Nicolette Radloff Murphy Mary Menard Nalefski Dianne Peterson Ogle Irene Carey Osgood Jamie Bishop Powers Helen Meinert Rea Peggy Hollis Tanzer Phyllis Gentry Van Aken Patricia Chapman Weaver { Mary Sue Mullens Wooten Mahala Larason Wright Rosemary Ries Zellmer Phi Oregon State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Mary J. Brenneis { Supporters $250 - $499
Kathleen L. Meyer { Nancy K. Rorden { Jean Gardner Ullman ▲ + Pamela Kennedy Vandeneynde $100 - $249
Joan M. Allmaras Michelle Reser Bottaro { Patricia Buchanan Burnet { Terry L. Dallas { Mary Eisenhauer Harper Helen Rice Hawkins Lois Roper Izett { Opal M. Muir { Mary L. Scarpino { Maxine Churchman Shaw { $1 - $99
Gail McGowan Arnold Mary Wade Chalfan Kathryn Kaser Dodge Evelyn Grimmett Emmert Frances Balin Hahn Sally Ferguson Hecker Lana Lu Bouska Hull* Kristan Ruff Krivoshein Evelyn Fieber Madsen Jean Fulton McDowell { Veronica J. McShane Jo Anne Lightner Murphy Gale Marhofke Neel Janice Weaver Pankratz Peggy Dobbins Phillips Shirley Barcus Reimann Barbara Edwards Shepard Patricia Welch Stires Joan M. Swart-Keeler Janet Meyers Terpstra Valerie Wilson Wegner + Lois Eberhardt Wilson
* Chapter Grand Corinthian Society for Planned Giving
26 quarterly summer 2010
Annulet ♥ Founders Circle
Chi Michigan State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Susan K. Schalon ▲ + Supporters $100 - $249
Joyce Frank Bigelow Marian Hess Brooks Beverly Windell Card Donna McMahon Hekhuis Sherrill Ankli Larson Karen Lytle Schommer { $1 - $99
Eliz Sullivan Anderson Jane Gustine Ashby Florence Lockwood Bracker Janet Littell Caltrider Susan Wenz Coyle Laurel Malarik Gainor Joan Nielsen Goldman Barbara Sass Hammond { Dolores Susin Hekker { Jane Leonard Hilson Margery McCall Juk Diana Champion Leipprandt Lorraine Voisinet Maloney Stephanie Mason Margolit Sheree A. Meyer Cheryl Glover Nowicke Natalie Sunday Payne Nancy Mooney Pollard { Amy Rice Shifflett Marie F. Siragusa Lisa Malace Skupin Janis Zorman Watkins Kathy Anderson Wilkins Mary Stevens Zientek Psi University of Alabama Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Neita Hornbeck Mulherin { Ruth Brewton Talley Elizabeth J. Young { Supporters $250 - $499
Alice Walker Keene { Virginia L. McPhearson { $100 - $249
Dianne Harrison Dianne Ware Keel Robin Newman Lake Kathleen Nolen Martin { Amy Nichols McCain Jane Taylor Patton { Laura Hamilton Pirkle Janina Jeter Van Leeuwen $1,000,000 $500,000
Alice Clark Wasdin Bonnie Barnard Waters $1 - $99
Madeline M. Barter Sharon Moore Bettius Jane Buchanan Brunson Sylvia Sargent Cushing Amanda Blackburn Darby Louisa Beuerlein Franklin Elizabeth Carmichael Heflin { Gene Koster Henderson { Channing E. Howington Joyce Doster Mostellar Elizabeth Burns Nader Ann Little Philbeck Fay Smith Poole Jane E. Roberts Melanie Roberts Lesley Harlamert Russell Janet Henderson Staggs Stacey Summerville Julia Zeigler Sutton { Christy L. Hornsby Vick Dorothy Jones Webster Anne Emerson Williams Claire Black Wilson Omega Universtiy of Akron Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Debra Douglass Roth | Supporters $100 - $249
Gail Vassalotti Bertsch { Joan Davidson Corless { Bridget Cousino Athena Fundoukos Curley Jan Clark Dolan { Carole Vandersall Peterson { Margaret Dingle Sterling Colleen Tierney $1 - $99
Vicki Lex Booth Judith Kinnan Brooks Viola Schall Brown Lucille Lukens Clark Elizabeth Fitzwater Cooper Marlene Poje Dunford Sandra Nelson Frase Lauren M. Gates Margaret J. Gurry Erin Lottman Mary Koury Mann Marjorie Jones Mather Esther Rennick Moore Constance Stimler Pacanovsky Diane Ostich Pancoe Shirley Cappy Petersen { Jennifer Turk Romano Lynne Dunford Rossell ♦ Diamond Circle • Pearl Circle
$250,000 $100,000
Teresa Calhoun Stowell Marian Thompson Tunnell Laurie B. Vesalo Tiffany Baltes Wagar Diane Dunford Walter Gwendolyn Shaffer Watt Sandra Dobbs Wilsdon Joan Neller Wolfe
$500 Jewels $500 - $999
Patricia Phillips Cote { Joan Randolph Hatch ▲ Diane Pierson Monnier { Supporters $250 - $499
Catherine Coyne Reiter {
Alpha Alpha University at Buffalo (The State University of New York) Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Linda Rang Krempa { Diane Walker Walbesser ▲ $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Mary Noon Kellner { + Margery Barden Reason { Ellen Mendelsohn Reese | Cadence A. Schurr ▲ + Supporters $250 - $499
Elizabeth Goering Serrage { $100 - $249
Alice Wittenberg Hartman { Marie Dubke Racz { Louise Leifer Solpietro Joan Bates Wraight { $1 - $99
Elizabeth Ernest Armentrout Joyce Miller-Caggiano Marjorie Seipp Cederwall Florence Cuthill Clouse { Damaris Pask Curtis Louise MacDonald Morden Winifred Haas Morrison + Jeanette Nappa* Elizabeth Wollschlager Neal { Marcia N. Richmond June Ulrich Stillwell Dorothea Olson Tamborski { Jane Noller Turner Alpha Beta University of Michigan Jewel Society $1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499
Marcie A. Ball ▲ $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Peggy Kuebler Field ▲ + Barbara Newell Horldt D Nancy Pridmore Kleinpell ▲ Charlotte Bryant Miller G
Δ Delta Circle Γ Gamma Circle
Alpha Gamma University of Cincinnati Jewel Society $2,500 Jewels $2,500 - $4,999
Elaine Barrick Bess G $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Barbara Ebel {
$100 - $249
Wilma Sue Martin Auch { Anne Schans Benda Edith Coles Drcar Lisa Edgerton Anne Giviskos Kimberly Thomadsen Kleber { Margaret A. Lamb { Pamela A. Maker { Susan Hall McCannell { Louise A. Minore { Carol Richards Peske { Joyce DeWitt Pippel { Jean Luxan Ulrich { Ruth Schleh Webster { Susan Benschop Wefald { Mary Wolter Welz { + $1 - $99
Phebe Swinehart Allen { Margaret Owens Andres Lyndsey M. Anton Ryan J. Baril Laurel Krause Berhent Kristine T. Black Marion Dane Brewer Jane Meeuwsen Brodie { Michele Dale Cannaert Linda G. Cote Linda Bendlin Crawford Jean Davidson Gordon Lois Kelso Hunt Janet McCall Jensen Suzanne Harper Kaperzinski Lois Channell Kilkka Marion Pearson Knapp Janet Gilger Kochanny Shirley Ind Koenen Christine Tompkins Kulka Elaine Andrews Lamb Stephanie Kitchen Listman Elizabeth Huette Martin { Gail Ann Mejeur Kriste Fedon Mossman Julie Carlisi Olsen Constance Kay Olson Gertrude Scheib Rigg H. Arlene Decook Ruhala Kristen M. Burge Schumacher Judie Neal Stewart Audrey Jackson Stokesbary Hollie M. Wheeler Marallyn Mac Ritchie Wight
$50,000 $25,000
Supporters $100 - $249
Meredith Minturn Haner Geraldine Cobern Peterman $1 - $99
Mary Glenn Becconsall Carolyn Clark Bruckmann Marcia Caskey Davis Janet Craycraft Gibson Jane Graf Robison { Kathleen Luther Solt Erika Lenhardt Windholtz Alpha Delta Ohio Wesleyan University Jewel Society $25,000 Jewels $25,000 and up
Jane A. Graf*♥ + $1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499
Virginia Wantz Rennie { $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Imogene Boyle Elkins*▲ + $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Audra Jones Hansen { Supporters $250 - $499
Ruth Klick Tiemann { $100 - $249
Janyce Blessing Albert { Ruth Smith Brahs { Miriam Johnson Bruton { Andrea McGillivray King { Evelyn Colbeth Plunkett { Janet Henthorn Wolf {
Mary Lacy Huffman Martha Walker Kennedy Eleanor McDevitt Kilroy Anna Giokaris Kruse Betty Merrell Madden Sandra Hickson Noll Sally Palmer Norris { Jane Kaufman Spilatro Hazel Hinger Valentine Ann Koenigseker Wieczorowski Geraldine Grimm Williams June Mandel Winold Jean Markle Wright { Ruth Purdy Zeller Alpha Epsilon Westminster College Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Leah Davis Rowland ▲ Supporters $100 - $249
Susan Mead Baker Susan Shaffer Patrick $1 - $99
Valjean Gestner Armor Susanne Angehr Burns { Joyce L. Vervoort Campbell Nancy Crawford { Louise Imler Danzer Rhoda Allen Depriter Susan Hough Donovan Nancy Jarrett Eft Nancy Siehl Foulds Virginia Henthorne Graham Merrilee Briggs Hindman Mary Ellen Smith Jacques Margaret Ann Williams Migliore Candace Johnson Schneckenburger Tracy L. Stuck Michele Kershner Truax Diane Meriam Vance Barbara Tonti Weir Alpha Zeta McGill University Supporters $100 - $249
Margaret Davidson Black $1 - $99
$1 - $99
Sara Wilkinson Adams Jane Brandon Binns Eleanor Moore Brown { Christine Kreps Buchert Sarah Hoover Buchert Ruth Carson Carnicom Rosemary Kramling Chenue Donna Baker Frederikson
▲ Alpha Circle
Double Rose Circle
$10,000 $5,000
Linda C. Hutton Grace { Gail S. Storey Alpha Eta Dalhousie University Supporters $100 - $249
Jean Collins Dexter {
Buff Rose Circle
www.alphagammadelta.org 27
foundation $1 - $99
Crystal Merrick Gwynne-Timothy Bonita Regan Kirby { Alpha Theta Hunter College Jewel Society $10,000 Jewels $10,000 - $24,999
Natalie Chuma • $1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499
Gladys Stuart Banks | $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Jean C. Hoyt* | + $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Eileen Dorgan Herbermann | Ingeborg Endres Koch | Mildred R. Stansky { Supporters $100 - $249
Doris Keeley Formicola { Ann Krikorian Norma Schmid { $1 - $99
Evelyn Fay Farrell { Dorothy MacMoran Jean Grams Oberg { Eleanor Heinzel Rice Anne M. Wright Alpha Iota Baldwin-Wallace College Supporters $100 - $249
Janet M. Kail Deborah Strebel Pierce Josephine Edwards Rentsch { Judith A. Rezabek {
Patricia D. Quelos Oberlin Linda Rist Ochs Susan J. Phillips Nancy Bell Rainone Jean Sperow {
Margaret Harsh Scherer { Brittnie N. Smith Marilyn Monroe Snoddy Barbara Bessey Weiss { Deborah Rowe Wilkin
Alpha Kappa Bowling Green State University Supporters $100 - $249
Alpha Mu Pennsylvania State University Supporters $100 - $249
Amy L. Vojta { $1 - $99
Magdalene Batcha Davenport Virginia Mesnard Davis Joyce Hoagland Eby Joyce Shue Forbes Pamela Doerrer Gaskill Edith Stapleton Giglio Pamela J. Havlin Shari K. Heimberger Ruth Gerken Hill Shirley Johnston Krouse Evelyn Oates Lotz Sarah M. Quick Martha Miller Ragan Susan Brewer Schaar Barbara Coreno Szabo Jennifer Zoul Walker { Alpha Lambda Ohio State University Supporters $250 - $499
Teresa Davis Bodey { Sheila A. Damren Jayna Kenney Koler { Jean King Plunkett
Norma M. Dolezal { Lillian Martini Florentine Molly Rodie Glazer Lisa Greb Erin K. Hegarty Cathryn Seckler Henneberry Ann Bohnenstengel Hofelzer Marjorie Smith Holschuh Stacy Smart Hunt Penny Carpenter Jones Sheri L. Kellner Carole Ward Kiekhaefer Louann Rezabek Lawson Jane Stull Lockard Marilyn Harvey Marvel Carol Pittman Maupin
Suzanne Beucler Fortuna Dorothy Denney Howard Kina A. Kerst Helga Doppleb Sauter Elinor Porter Swiger { Stephanie A. Thomas Karen Gullett Collett Elizabeth Neal Daniels Barbara Short Drake Kathryn R. Bowen Eisley Cynthia Piloseno English Sara B. Gastwirth Marcella Graham Huffman Joan Ford Iverson Martha Wetzel Keltner Jean Beauman Klamfoth Dema Smith Krill Janet Ricket Loos Priscilla Martin Marrah Shirley Lantz Miille Jean Davis Murphy Patricia Newbauer Margaret Gaugh Rusinko
* Chapter Grand Corinthian Society for Planned Giving
28 quarterly summer 2010
$1 - $99
Alice Fox Brubaher Marie Marzzacco Clark Sally Kotchin Donner Kathy Patula Gromoll Susan Hess Hughes Terryjean Behney Jenkins Karen Miklos Katz { Marybeth Burnham Levine Melissa L. Marshall Jennifer Hart Noonan Jeanne Maxwell Raynor Sharon Lentz Ricci { Maribeth Wilt Seibert Joanne Stemler Shaughnessy Gilda Greco Shaver Aimee Raymond Siegler Dagmar Tichy Stein Alpha Nu Kent State University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Elisabeth Schneider Hair {
$100 - $249
$1 - $99 $1 - $99
Taunee Snyder Besson Kay A. Boerrigter { Carol Carrochi {
Annulet ♥ Founders Circle
$500 Jewels $500 - $999
Donalee Williams Unal Supporters $250 - $499
Cynthia Apking Ramadan { Barbara Timmins Sanders { $100 - $249
Carol Gould Barbe { Judith Poole Culler { Kathryn Slight Eble Karen Elsom Gonzales { Loretta Hausman Holmes { Candice Baranchik Hughes { Millicent Loudon Vetnar $1 - $99
Harriet Posgay Bender Grace Abhau Bush { Treva Ewing Croskey Beverly McGirr Esch Beverly Wittmus Foight { Joyce Thorp Hackworth $1,000,000 $500,000
Gae Caldren Kesselring Marcia McClintock Manning Patricia Newdome Matyas Patricia Magee-Nemetz Patricia L. Owen Ellen Werbeach Rothwell Sara Terhune Stoops Elizabeth Kieber York Alpha Xi University of Maryland Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Anne Loring Eiler { Wanda Mehring Mann | Supporters $100 - $249
Linda J. Blatz { Eve Goodale Layman Anne Morris Martin { Kathleen Eccard Mellott Helen Jackson Stoltz Lindsay Whitaker Young $1 - $99
Eleanor Barney Abarno { Naomi Miller Beckley Diane Wynn Boulavsky Patricia Ton Costello { Rozella Evans Hagen M. Deane Kempfer Hill { Carolee Brophy Miller Ann Sargent Reiter Lynn Light Rivers Joan Johnston Schrager Jean Osman Schwartz Ruth E. Taylor Susan Curtis Warren Alpha Omicron West Virginia Wesleyan College Supporters $100 - $249
Dreama Jones Alvis Janet Anderson Diane Merecky Barker Nancy Titchenal Cheshire Arline Franquiz Marteney Betty Hogsett Summers $1 - $99
Lillian Alfred Margaret E. Barb Sara E. Bogdan Kay Rider Brown Carolyn Sillaman Bruce Lois McWhorter Cailliet Zoann Spencer Callahan Barbara Graumann Columbus Nancy Williams Coonts Donna Bland Cutright Bonnie Metz Farrar Kathryn Hammond Foster ♦ Diamond Circle • Pearl Circle
$250,000 $100,000
Leslie Jones Helfgott Alda Wagner Hymes { Darlene Serack Ielapi Heather Friday Jamison Sandi Hall Kemper Kathleen McDowell Loewen Wilma Johnson Lufburrow Michelle C. Mayhew Marilyn Wickerham Morris Joyce Fresh Neumark Jill A. Okes Jennifer Hill Orzolek Charity-Anne Metz Schuller Alice Brucker Szekunda { Carol Mosher Treible { Barbara Courtney Woodford
Alpha Sigma Indiana University of Pennsylvania Jewel Society $1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499
Elizabeth Hosack Rhule | $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Suzanne McGee Petr { Kristin Dendtler Thomas {
Linda Jo Hall Davis Lee Martin Koch Jillian Palka Miller Jessica E. Sasso Janelle A. Ulrich Carol Kunz Williams Bonita Bisogni Zdrale
Barbara Henderson Miller • + $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Susan Durant {
Alpha Tau Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Supporters $100 - $249
Cherie Austin James {
Supporters $100 - $249
Janet Majewski Van Elslander { Leslie Russell Westbury { +
$1 - $99
$1 - $99
Kathleen Komosinski Best Diane Plesuchenko Betcher Barbara Maronek Ekstrom Beatrice D. Faryno Nicole M. Lefevre Janice Crawford Malace Elizabeth Kaschalk Minbiole { Elaine Simpson Skrentner Dolores Stevens* { Pamela A. Maciolek Tenney Alpha Rho Temple University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Yvonne B. Ceslak Susan Deplatchett Pamela A. Wiley Deshotel Martha Hixson Flint Kristen Overholt Forrest Rebecca Auer Gomes Linda Burchard Hanson Mary Jane Hackett Heggeness Jennifer L. McDonald Katie E. Ralston Alpha Upsilon Central Michigan University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Martha Vorech Frank { + Susan Doll Loesel { Nancy Thorman Pittman ▲
Claire Coleman Schweiker ▲
Marie Bernice Hogg Koals
Sarah L. Hughes Molly Duggan Weir Jennifer L. West {
$1 - $99
$1 - $99
Patricia Jean Zurbach Fitzmyer Caroleen Faust Kendall
Δ Delta Circle Γ Gamma Circle
Betty Corbit Bradford Barbara Harrold Douglas { Marilyn Parr Girardin Kristin M. Maricle Elaine Krondak Taylor $1 - $99
Margaret E Brown Ewing Dianne Vanness Hart Ann Hunter Waller Alpha Chi Thiel College Supporters $100 - $249
Janice Evans Parker { Paulette Rote Phillips { $1 - $99
Susan Overholt Giles Connie McCleary Ostrove Lois Weller Alpha Psi Ferris State University Supporters $100 - $249
Sharon Riggs Russell $1 - $99
Barbara Biechler LaFave Alpha Omega Duquesne University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Michele Madore Boillotat { + Supporters $100 - $249
Wendy Shanholtz Andersen Pamela Mihane Barker Katherine Lewis Carlson Marlene Fallbeck Carriker Jo Ann Rezek Dexter Jeanette Krause Ekberg Mary Rogers Fredrickson Mary Lou Hoffman George Mary Lou Barker Harkness Micole R. Harms Nancy A. Harms Michelle Miller Hess Honey Powers Hewitt Cleo Teselle Hull Sherrill Waldo Jones Kathryn Pearse Lafayette Dianne Gillespie Lawson Marilyn Gustafson Lenhart { Kathleen Ann Brown Magnuson Julie Ecklund McMaster Janet Behrens Millnitz Lynn Larson Neumeister Jane Odgers Michele Mihane Parks Pamela Dixon Predmore Joyce Spencer Richards Doris Rohrig Samuelson Judith Myers Scott Jolene Rethmeier Smith Sandra Fuller Stallings Ruth Olmstead Thompson Ruth Norton Vaughan Julie Gaughen Warford Frances Luginbill Warner Julianne Aronson Wisecup Beta Beta North Dakota State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Julie Waitman Cretin | Michelle Jones Daly {
$1 - $99
Norma Hansen Andersen Barbara Booth Cluley Christina Kyker Dunn Wanda Stickler Ferguson { Pamela Husk Hambley Marlene Rann Johnson Marcia Jaquith McCrary
$50,000 $25,000
Supporters $1 - $99
Carol Yebernetsky Carfang
Supporters $100 - $249
Supporters $100 - $249
Alpha Phi Marietta College Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Supporters $100 - $249
Martha Warner Bakkila-Pirkey Dorothy J. Swanson |
Supporters $1 - $99
Alpha Pi Wayne State University Jewel Society $1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499
Connie Dunham Mutton Jacqueline Hulbert Post Mary Lou Sanderson Michele Schallip { Mildred Pascoe Sewell Karleigh M. Simon
Catherine Edge Gibson Rita Deschaine Madore Mary A. Nash { Sandra Haas Pfeuffer
Supporters $250 - $499
Beta Alpha Nebraska Wesleyan University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
$100 - $249
Camellia McNett Embacher { Nancy Thompson Stauffer { Abigail L. Burgum Lois Daggett Gernbacher { Janice Anderst Haggart Stephanie J. Martin
Vera Janke Kahl
▲ Alpha Circle
Double Rose Circle
$10,000 $5,000
Buff Rose Circle
www.alphagammadelta.org 29
foundation Melissa Anderson McCulloch Karen A. Nordstrom $1 - $99
Kari Brandner Butler Tiffaney Stolba Ekstrom Marcia Hunter Fridland Elgene Armstrong Graves Cari Johnson Herness Mary Nelson Herther Jean Thompson Knaak Susan Wall Krueger Suzanne Miller Lahlum Debra Boisjolie Macias Meri Martin Chelsey Miller Sharon Mallinger Miller Joyce Tucker Pettinger Betty Getman Pierson Janice Ness Schlaht Annette Siversen Barbara L. Swenson Roberta Drake Wurster Beta Gamma University of Manitoba Supporters $1 - $99
Helen Bowen Genevieve Mathieson Thomson Beta Delta Indiana University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Chris Rudduck Fedor Supporters $250 - $499
Jacquelyn Sandy Cramer ▲ Judy Harding Zell { $100 - $249
Jane A. Crawford Alice Greer Daniels Linda Roehrs Delano { Brenda Lankford Gottlieb { Judith Van Sickle Harris Jane Stouder Hawley Susan E. Jay Katherine Wayman Mehner { Mary Ellen Kimes Mooy { Megan E. Parmenter Martha Woods Porter { Suzanne Lienhart Schlagenhauf { Brittany A. Steer Laurel Vaughn { Mary Lou Kuhn Weidenbener { $1 - $99
Mary Farrell Ajango Patricia Fisher Allen Mary Steinkamp Alt Mary Kem Banister
Jean Larum Frisoni { Alycia Settle Graves Jessica Q. Hoffmann Edith Lindemann Johnson Ellen E. Knecht Laurielle Kistler Koch Laura L. Lamb Ann Rennemann Liberman Christine Johnson Marks Lu Ann Witt Mason Debra Meyer Joanne Crosby Miller Pamela R. Newman Sandra Aoki Ohara { Amanda M. Ream Paula J. Rushworth Eleanor Blake Selle Ruth Donaldson Smith Annette Placke Smith Tina Green Spraetz Jennifer M. Thurmond Marilyn Waters Weathers { Dyann Miles Wesp { Martha M. Wright Ann Seddelmeyer Ziegel Karen Aukerman Zimmerman
Beta Eta Southern Illinois University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Beta Epsilon Carroll University Supporters $100 - $249
Beta Theta University of WisconsinWhitewater Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Susan Rosholt Banghart { Sandra Naidu Berner Susan E. Ellison $1 - $99
Diane Huelsbeck Adams Deborah Raimann Brownlow Wendy Wernberg Crisci Jaime Emond { Phyllis Ellison Ferris Ada Rankin Holloway Ann Gerdes Jazgar Christina R. Jesik Alison M. Manley Ashley L. Szmanda Beta Zeta Parsons College Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Sara Wagoner Young |
Sally Jo Taylor Fisher $1 - $99
Lois Young Schmidt Margaret Sutherland Weatherspoon { Patricia Kurka Wehr Judith Hollander White
* Chapter Grand Corinthian Society for Planned Giving
30 quarterly summer 2010
Annulet ♥ Founders Circle
$1 - $99
E. Anne Turner Edwards { Sue Keeton Pellegrino-Wolf { Supporters $100 - $249
Marian Lee Cripe Allan Cathy Schmidtlein Cassato Mary Williamson Catlin { $1 - $99
Patricia Theiss Archer Kathy Kelley Booziotis Nancy Buffum Carr Jo Frances Kirby Flynn Marsha A. Geib Cynthia A. Hagan Laura A. Kenney Nancy Hunter Pei Patricia Hartlage Sebby Suzanne Longenbach Stockton Frances Groennert Thorpe
Diane Raffel Collins G + Supporters $250 - $499
Patricia A. Tomaszewski { $100 - $249
Holle Chopp Kelley Jean R. Kopp Mary Miller Sellin { + Jacquelene Kern Shebesta { $1 - $99
Sandra M. Adelman Kristine Kohl Amborn Beta Iota Eastern Illinois University Jewel Society $1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499
Patricia Tulley Riddiford ▲ +
Supporters $100 - $249
R. Glinke Hollings Elise Rennels Ramsey {
$500 Jewels $500 - $999
Mary Dawson Droste Linda Whelan O'Connor { Supporters $100 - $249
Judith Bloomquist Duncan { Kathy Perrone Hansen $1,000,000 $500,000
Dianne Tegtmeyer Baker { Katie L. Bielenberg Dee Wilson Buker Jane Peters Dawson { Carole Mateer Gaston Cynthia Muenchau Ingold Kelli Panici Kauzlarich Donna Phillips Glenna Miller Reed Sandra Book Rhoads Mary Dankovich Slavin { Julie A. Stratton Charlotte Sij Walther Megan Targonski Weber Andrea Glenn Whitmore Cynthia Kopp Wright Lynda Haupt Zuege Beta Kappa University of Iowa Supporters $100 - $249
Lynn Kay Fillenwarth $1 - $99
Diana Bright Brunt Cynthia A. Carter Kay Christensen Grooters Judy Burrell Knudtson Martha Kay Harris Phipps Susan Fransen Thrams Beta Mu Minnesota State University, Mankato Supporters $100 - $249
Marsha L. Christiansen { Kathryn L. Nelson { $1 - $99
Patricia L. Schils Carol Harrer Vickery Beta Nu University of Northern Iowa Supporters $1 - $99
Barbara Steen Burgess Debra Howard Daniels Sue Ludeman Hunt Beta Xi Purdue University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Anonymous Donor { Ann Zehner Angle { + Karen Dewitt Frederick { Marcelyn Modesitt Hagan { ♦ Diamond Circle • Pearl Circle
$250,000 $100,000
Cinda Zehner O'Connor | Katherine R. Spindler {
$100 - $249
Nanci Gross Gannon Patricia J. Reimer Sondra McPherson Rodgers-O'Connor
Supporters $250 - $499
Kathleen R. Palla
$1 - $99
$100 - $249
Patricia Hurtubise Behrens { Nicola K. Chalik Joann Hollingsworth Drochner | Karen Palla Kovach Susan Young Kraabel { Karen Krampe Madinger Karen Haas McDonald Cynthia Ortman Meyer Susan Nichols Pierce { + Lisa J. Welch $1 - $99
Jane Fucik Allendorph Marcia Weigand Carothers Christine Pohlmann Doolittle Robin Hollatz Falconio Meg Brannan Fortney Danette Easley Gatz Maribeth Glaub Nancy Clarke Hoy Cynthia Thompson Humphrey Susan Connor Joseph { Joan Spiess Julow Karen Frye Knotts Gayle A. Kurokawa Helene Martucci Lamarre { Kathleen Westropp Litchfield Judith Higgins Maretich Marilyn R. Margiotti Sharon Davis Ninno Gretchen Lueck Poorbaugh Michelle Pinne Ripper Charlene Buell Rutar Debra L. Shields Allison Davis Smith Pamela Ross Todd Melissa A. Valle Susan Hudson Wall Elizabeth E. Weisemann Claudia Winkler Beta Omicron Illinois State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Martha Rosenberger Zimmerman ▲ Supporters $250 - $499
Susan Rumsfield Clary { Patricia Miller Drexler {
Vicki Allen Ackerman Pamela Rennie Burke Ronda K. Cremeens Patricia Anne Beran Dexter Joy Schnowske Dornfeld Alexandra Sloane Galicia Denise Ann Koch Hollmer Kristine Lynn Holmes Nogal Jennifer Laws Richards Amy K. Guy Ulrich Dori Davis Wauer Beta Pi University of St. Thomas Supporters $100 - $249
Supporters $250 - $499
Jane Miller Taylor { Shirley Hurst Akin Kimberly Ellet Arasin { Dana Lozowski Calleja { Peggy S. Gates { + Lois Bridges Grubbs { Kirsten Polentz Haas { Elaine Graffis Holmes Beth Waters Johnson { Susan McCraw Klein Deborah Barber McNeill { + Alicia L. Smith Sandra Barton Vickers { Rebecca Cochran Weber
Supporters $100 - $249
$1 - $99
$1 - $99
Charron P. Davis
Gamma Alpha University of Georgia Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Gamma Beta Florida State University Jewel Society $1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499
Beta Sigma Creighton University Supporters $100 - $249
Sarah Wallsmith Pritza $1 - $99
Barbara Peters Hirz Beta Tau Ball State University Supporters $100 - $249
Jennifer Hampton Cochran $1 - $99
Laura Schiefley Ballard Kimberly Remmers Stanley Stephanie Swihart Topping Beta Upsilon Roosevelt University Supporters $100 - $249
Patricia E. Barber { + Bryna Bobick { Lee Woodham Digiovanni { Kristen L. Schaible Fox Nancy Garrott Mele { Marie Ford Palmer { Martha Mills Scudder {
Jeanne Campbell Jacobs { Sheila Kelley Sola {
$100 - $249
Kathlyn Flynt Barksdale Dorothy Treadwell Cantrell Patricia Richardson Clark Mary Miltner Copeland Jennifer Tonkin Dixon Jennifer Springer Duncan Carol Griffin Dyson V. Sharri Edenfield Karen Sewell Gaston Amy O'Conner Guggino Jean Travis Hall Susan Brakke Heim Martha Wells Holmes Julie Knaak Johnson Karen Sasseville Kennedy Jennifer Collins Lawrence Nancy Ann Hodgson Lovelace Jennifer Smentek Mores { + Lauren Lampertz O'Brien Anne Pennington Perry Karen Mikell Perry Christine Sorchy Priday Christina P. Rainie Rose Williams Rigdon Lessie Bailey Smithgall { Rebecca Lawrence Taylor Beth Atchison Thurmond Melissa Wendt Tymchuk Tanya Rachels Ward Vallory Dearing Welday
Beverly Just Duda
$500 Jewels $500 - $999
Carolyn Floyd Hobbs { $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Pauline Chance Brannon { Marie L. Hill-Chapiesky G +
Shirley Metz Cundari { Elinor Hager Durham { Cornelia J. Hetrick Nancy McClure Houston { Danielle King Stephanie Gunderson Marshall Janice Williams Montgomery Carol Boggs Sasa { Nina Shuman Alicia Kazimir Simpson { Francine Ware { Alicia B. Adams Barbara Hart Appeldorn Betty Jo McAteer Bauer Karen Connell Biddy { Katherine Cooper Bradley Kristi Monaghan Burtch Jeanne Reese Cason Virginia Ricks Eby Marlene Hillis Foord Margaret Brokaw Garland Ruth Black Gryzich Winnie Douglas Hargis Mary Gunn Holden Evangeline Griffin Holt { Caroline Dowdell Irvin Sandra Zevin Judson Patricia Hollins Kohler { Gary McAteer Logan Lori A. Lovelace Judith Elkins Meggs Jennifer Noble Monahan Vanessa A. Nikki Sharon Anderson O'Donnell Mary Day Phelps { Carol Da Prato Rominger Kristen Dax Saltman June McCurdy Sayers Stephanie Green Scott Jacqueline Bird Smith Arlene Sargent Sundy Sarah Thielen Bobbye Hutt Thomas Jessica L. Tuznik Mary Truluck Vann Taryn E. Voloshin Gamma Gamma Queens University of Charlotte Supporters $100 - $249
Paula J. Causey { Hanna Richardson Kitchin $1 - $99
Grace Hager Andrews Δ Delta Circle Γ Gamma Circle
$50,000 $25,000
▲ Alpha Circle
Double Rose Circle
$10,000 $5,000
Buff Rose Circle
www.alphagammadelta.org 31
foundation Dorothy A. Cumbey Billie Mancin Little { Karen Bittenbring Neilson Gamma Delta Auburn University Jewel Society $10,000 Jewels $10,000 - $24,999
Barbara Thorne Anderson ▲ Rebecca Thorne Carroll ▲ $2,500 Jewels $2,500 - $4,999
Jackie Brannon Stutts ▲ $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Patricia Riley Farmer { LaVerne Taylor Flanagan ▲ Kay E. Ivey { Supporters $250 - $499
Constance Delaney Brown { $100 - $249
Sarah McIntyre Davis Anne Manley Eastman Gwenn Smith Freeman Maria Fulford Garrett Judy Henderson Hardwick { Patti Guthrie Hill { Kate Kiefer { Elizabeth Ingram Lamberth { Kathryn E. Mims Jean Little Phillips { Susan Powell Poteat Linda Grabensteder Pou Jane Sentell Preiss Stephanie Wallace Renuart Betty Ann Chadwick Russell { Lauranne McCraw Stephens Cathy Campbell Turner { $1 - $99
Mary Venable Addison Mary Pugh Arant Nancy Mims Bishop Mary Wilson Burson Denise Eastall Buschman Ellen Lanier Collins Ann Watson Collister { Mary Furr Davis Ann Spicer Dodson Julia Crutcher Edwards Nancy White Edwards Penelope Peth Edwards Keri Lembke Eitzen Allison Vines Fortune Ginger Baker Giles Jean De La Bar Harris Pamela Seamon Harris Barbara Mathews Hill Betty Dickinson Hixon
Nancy Hall Horvath Ellen Simmons Houck Anne Little Jackson { Page Henry Jackson Dru Coleman Johnson Martha McClinton Langford Marguerite Sparks Lawrence Sharon Rochambeau Lovell Landon M. McKean CJ Meigs Moore Sue Fuller Mosley Joan Holland Pate Wanda Mills Pauling Caroline G. Peek Jeanne Tynes Plaxco Martha Jernigan Scott { Anne Spencer Seknicka Patsy Thigpen Shreve Linda Johnson Stone Elizabeth Stutts Thompson Katherine Echols Thompson Catherine Bradley Walker Teresa Farrell Whittle Deborah Price Williams Joyce French Wise Gamma Epsilon University of North Carolina Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
JoAnne Armstrong-Jones { $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Jane Hutson Owen |
Dorothy Beals Ballew Gene Stokes Brown { Jacquelyn Goodwin Burgess { + Jayne Childs Daly { Margaret Horner Walker { Anne C. Newsome York $1 - $99
Gayle Metts Adams Daphne Adams Ashworth Kathryn Farris Baxter Nola Hatten Boughton Doris Taylor Bowles Katherine Smith Gunter Susanne Robinson Hardy Patricia Noah Jones Carol Clayton Norris Barbara Mansfield Peck Phyllis Wall Purdy Shirley Gee Seabrook Joan Leonard Sibley Barbara Murray Smith Martha Fortune Wickers
Corinthian Society for Planned Giving
32 quarterly summer 2010
Annulet ♥ Founders Circle
$1 - $99
Sharon Dunkman Carruthers | Bobette Sandifer Thompson { Supporters $100 - $249
Claire Hicks Long { Joan Steele Stein { $1 - $99
Mary A. Avis Carol Kinser Baker Valerie Billingsley Brown Carol Zimmerman Caraway + Betty Carter Joy Lott Craig Lynn Ledbetter Demi Ann Magee Guest { Caroline M. Jung Ella Garey Keltner Mary Ann Sibley Morriss Amy M. Nance Stephanie A. Simpson Diane Stigall Talarico Susan Waller Tull Liana Mitchell Wallace Jane Barcroft Zink Gamma Eta High Point University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
C J Neal Lipski {
Supporters $100 - $249
* Chapter Grand
Gamma Zeta University of Memphis Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Supporters $1 - $99
Amanda D. Anderson Martha F. Collins Mary Hubbard Corby Barbara Ballenger Frazier Bonita Baldus Grier Julie Young King { Rosa Scarboro Lund Barbara Taylor Marchant Patricia Nance Quick Diane Abbott Steele Karen Wilson Gamma Theta Florida Southern College Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Margaret E. Hutson | + Supporters $100 - $249
Linda Moore Ginn Paula Hutson Simmons Kathleen Repass Weigl { $1,000,000 $500,000
Julie E. Bedenbaugh Sarah Laymon Hallstrand { Amelia Welles Homer Larnell Rucks Marchant Barbara McManeus Mullins Sarah Schopf Truby Lora Boswell Vail Mary Ann Aiello Williams Gamma Iota Mercer University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Kristi A. Elgersma Supporters $250 - $499
Cynthia Smith Cater $100 - $249
Linda S. Finley { Diana Broussard McChesney Patricia Daugherty Miller { Sylvie Kramer Weikert | $1 - $99
Anne Cragin Barber + Linda Barefield Bond Jane Glendening Briskin Emily N. Cox Christina LaBell Folsom Ruth Wilheit Laney Mary Hambrick Lockard Nancy Cail Long Maria Williams Longshore Elise J. Shourds Taylor Stripling Sword Katharine E. Wibell Gamma Lambda Longwood University Supporters $100 - $249
Eileen Mathes Anderson Patricia Whitehurst Crute { Carolyn C. Mondy { Martha Petry Parham $1 - $99
Sallie Gibbs Adelman Karen Lane Owen Mary M. Saunders Emily S. Stone Sharon Binder Thomas Patricia Rogers Townes { Gamma Mu James Madison University Supporters $100 - $249
Edna Parker Burkee Nancy Will Crow Martha Harrison Lerario ♦ Diamond Circle • Pearl Circle
$250,000 $100,000
Gamma Pi Middle Tennessee State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
$1 - $99
Angela P. Coon Pamela McLeod Giegerich Elissa Cooper Wood Gamma Nu University of Tennessee at Knoxville Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Suzanne Carmack Spicer G +
Susan Wilson Davidson {
Jeanette Raines Rogers | Liz Harriss York |
Michelle Flake Morgan G +
$2,500 Jewels $2,500 - $4,999
Courtney Huskamp Huggins | B. Jane Skelton ▲ + Patricia Caudle Smith | Therese Rauth Viscelli |
Rachel S. Beck Whitworth $1 - $99
$100 - $249
Frances Becton Jakes
Supporters $1 - $99
Gamma Rho Armstrong Atlantic State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Deborah J. Daugherty Amy Holsinger Gurtis Carol Brumley McGlothin Gamma Xi Murray State University Supporters $100 - $249
Frances George Arnsdorff ▲ Mildred Deal Derst {
Cathey Hartline Lane Jeanie Brewer Morgan Kimberly Sutton Sarff Jane Phillips Werner
Supporters $1 - $99
Nancy Breland Jessica Waldrop Harris Pamela Williams Lowe Lynn Tucker Roberts
$1 - $99
Kathy Green Bird Taunya A. Eyre Jill L. Giordano Anita Arwood Goode Betty Jung Howerton Christian Irwin Shirley Cochran Martin Sarah E. Powell Mastera Mayce I. Nixon
$500 Jewels $500 - $999
Rebecca Bowes Murphy | Supporters $100 - $249
Lori M. Lee
$500 Jewels $500 - $999
$1 - $99
Rebecca M. Brown {
Julie Nickell Ferguson Rosanne Butcher Hack Angela Wallace Heibert Victoria McCormick Losito Lela Durham Redick Kathleen McCallum Smith {
Carla McLendon Allen Deborah J. Anderson Peggy Wilson Carr Gayle Beazley Decker Jenna A. Donaldson Janet Starkel Gaddy Agatha Conrad King Rita Harden Lunsford Kelsey S. McLemore Paula Bergeron Reichle Karen Hamilton Seale Nancy J. Turner Adelene Steed Williams
$50,000 $25,000
$1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499
Gwendolyn Usry-Arnold | Karen Jones Fite | Esther E. Jimenez | $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Jani Macari Pallis { Debora L. Scheib | Courtney H. Tomasz {
Gamma Upsilon University of Montevallo Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Nancy Bailey Knickerbocker | Pamela MacPherson Young | Supporters $250 - $499
$100 - $249
Christine Cook Hutson |
Esther E. Saalfeld |
Martha McEachern Abney Diane Hopkins Johnson Deborah Long Mullen Pearl Hubbard Nethery Rachel Boehl Niemiec Barbara Walton Smith Cathy Waldrop Steed Deborah Merritt Wightman
Ashelie White Halla
Gamma Sigma Troy University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Gamma Omicron Eastern Kentucky University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Δ Delta Circle Γ Gamma Circle
$5,000 Jewels $5,000 - $9,999
Supporters $100 - $249
Supporters $250 - $499
Angela R. Magill ▲ +
Supporters $1 - $99
Gamma Tau University of West Georgia Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Debra Elliott Cardin Carol S. Clenney Amber Davenport Coleman { Leigh Kitchens Mello
Nanette Kunzler Cooper Sharon Friedman Della Fera Tracy Roberts Hawkins Charlotte Whiteman Hebner Sharen E. Hiler Sue A. Settles {
Carrie Keelin Baker Regina A. Brady Valeria Valdes Breen Karen Wingate Campbell Stefanie Letanosky Crowe D. Catherine Anderson Gettle Lori Danley Helman Karen A. Kelly Lisa G. Parker Julia S. Rudd {
$100 - $249
Gamma Phi Georgia Institute of Technology Jewel Society $25,000 Jewels $25,000 and up
$10,000 Jewels $10,000 - $24,999
Nivedita Persaud ▲
▲ Alpha Circle
Double Rose Circle
$10,000 $5,000
Kristine L. Ashford Julie Westergreen Hays JoAnne Bernadette Johnson { Jessica A. Keesee Carolyn Monnerat Mestnik { Ann McConnell Stephenson { Karen Maslinski Stevens { Shannon M. Vittur { Supporters $250 - $499
$1 - $99
Lisa Frese Randall G
$500 Jewels $500 - $999
Angela Pike Baker Jennie Lee Colosi Balboni | Jill Zucali Bazinet Michelle Soule Haney Susan Corley Lavergne Kristy Leichliter MacDonald Amanda L. Phelps Amelia C. Randall Karen J. Ueberschaer Schnur Linda Podger Williams $1 - $99
Cindy L. Carson Maria Kommeth Dunlap Sarah R. Edwards Adria Schiadaresis Hogan Sharon M. Jadrnak Sara N. Johnson Stacey Reimer Kumpf Marissa Muschott Martin Buff Rose Circle
www.alphagammadelta.org 33
foundation Susan Oravec Matthews Melissa Nord Miriam Alytia Patton Cynthia Doyle Powell Meghan Fischer Pressley Megan V. Smith Laney E. Sowell Susan L. Tomasco
Kathleen Bice | Eleanor Pierce Kelso | Penelope Scott Yarrow {
Gamma Chi Nicholls State University Supporters $1 - $99
$100 - $249
Supporters $250 - $499
Carolyn J. Keefe { + Melody Y. Nishida ▲
Patricia Williams Roden Lia Pope White
Phyllis Clement Campbell { Reid Reilly Dorwin Candy Allen Duncan Jane L. Frederick Debra Knox Gomez { Laury Sanor Graves Ann Morzov Matthiessen Suzanne Noyes Neff { Anne S. Rubsamen { Marijayne Wallace Stegman Candace Harper Wheeler {
$1 - $99
$1 - $99
Christine J. Laughlin
Gamma Psi University of North Alabama Supporters $100 - $249
Lorie Graves Carter Jill M. Murray Erin Cornett Owens Belinda Morris Ray Tammie Self Terry Gamma Omega University of Alabama at Birmingham Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Dana Peden-Gentile { Supporters $100 - $249
Kathryn M. Weaver Robin Baker Wright $1 - $99
Jessica L. Farris Lori Dooley Feist Delta Alpha University of Southern California Jewel Society $5,000 Jewels $5,000 - $9,999
Christine M. Ofiesh ▲ $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Barbara Meador Callard | Eunice Launer Harris { Ethel Lund Pattison | Elizabeth Gisler Plumleigh { Catherine Gauld Stock | $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Beth Aspen Braziller { Carol McCluer Chapman Suzette Clover Deborah Jo Cordano Susan See Elftman Juanita Mills Feeder Patricia Webb Grigsby Maurene Smith Hogan Marcia Gettman Krueger Leslie Vorbach Lilly Mildred Webb Lowrey Nadene Gruwell Minear { Donna Isbell Morton Janet Carty Muller Annice J. Pelentay Marijane Perkins Carole Bauer Shook { Nancy Brown Shrodes Jean Bogren Simpson Christine Kolb Solano Cynthia McNeil Stover Sherrill French Stutzman Barbara Barry Thomas Jane Kubasak Thornton Susan Vessels { Marvalee Hendricks Wake Anne Keay Wallace Teri Nevill Wills { Jeane Becking Wood Delta Beta Washington State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Joyce Aamot Greene ▲ + Lori Andrew Henneger Janice Holtorf Hirsch { Alma Roth Prideaux { Cecelia J. Quirk |
Diana Agajanian | * Chapter Grand Corinthian Society for Planned Giving
34 quarterly summer 2010
Annulet ♥ Founders Circle
Josephine Barrier Martin Eleanor Vanatta McKamey Grace Gartner Metsker Tania M. Mittleider Nita Coleman Ostlund Danette Lund Rasmussen Carol Mathews Roehm Beverly Panther Sevick Lori Bakke Thorsrud Janice Kathary Vigre Wendy Sims Weaverling Louise Fulton Worster Zoanne Wynne Zapata
Supporters $100 - $249
Jacqueline Aamot Barbara White Bradford Bonnie Stack Christianson { Diane Sundt Christie Ruth Ellingwood Dorman { Betty Hummel Griffith { Carol Seegert Kocher Debra Patterson Lisser Jacquelyn Wehring Moore { Lynne Hitchcock Nicholson Elizabeth Hazelton Paget Kris Juris Takemura Hsueh-Mei Y. Yang $1 - $99
Ursula Riccius Bannister Jennifer Doty Baxter Susan Hoop Bishop Molly Kramer Brunner Faris Dearborn Charbonneau Marilyn Holert Drengson Beverly Hall Ehlers Elizabeth Raugust Fox { Teresa Thorpe Gehlen KayDee Catlin Gilkey Anne Harris Kepner Ilene Olsen Lacey Anne Ludwick Long Margaret Hulbert Lundquist Maudie Hulbert McDonald Patricia Skelton-McGougan Barbara J. McQueen Connie A. Edwardson Michael Victoria Suzuki Miles Winnifred Castle Olsen Jill Shoemake Russo Kathleen Bauder Shattuck Karla Barz Stauffer Joann Chadbourne Swanson Mary Kay Wilson Testa { Lee Drake Zahniser { Delta Gamma Montana State University Supporters $100 - $249
Vivian Gillette Durland { Jody Collis King Janet Myers Lowney Alice Durland Ryniker Donna Sheets Wagner { $1 - $99
Lois Hoefert Aring Edith Johnson Carlson { Jo Ann Hicks Guenther { Margaret Buchman Haag Susan R. Hart Karen Kropp Harte Vickie Hemstad Betty Vanatta Henderson Leann Fox Koon Carmen Reiquam Malsbury $1,000,000 $500,000
Delta Delta University of Oregon Supporters $250 - $499
Marcia Cameron Graham { $100 - $249
Judith M Wiant Gavin { Patsy Matsler Jensen Muriel Hagendoorn Raz { Leann Johnston Roque { $1 - $99
Patricia Krueger Brady Barbara Ebeling Carney Anne Louise Binns Davis Alyce Willmarth Drescher Martha Baxter Haake Jane Harding Knight Johanna Flood Morrow Edith Ebell Scott Marlene Dunk Smith Jean Rhine Socolojsky Margaret Rauch Warnke Delta Epsilon University of California, Los Angeles Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Charlon Brown Franke { Gail Tyler Neher { Sandra Goodwin Streech { Supporters $250 - $499
Elisabeth Yeoman Briffett | Penelope Thompson Donnelly { $100 - $249
Virginia Berwick Dawson { Jane George Erlbaum Betty Fortune Lang { Kay Kawaratani Masuyama Barbara Keith Richardson { Priscilla Gaskill Robertson { Mary Campbell Rodebaugh { Cynthia Luis-Wells { Betty Jo Purgitt Wyatt {
♦ Diamond Circle • Pearl Circle
$250,000 $100,000
$1 - $99
Gail Donna Pearson Anderson Patricia White Burns { Almarene Williams Cook Shirley Joiner Cooper Margaret Lowe Crawford Virginia Magee Erler Helen Roche Johnston Judy Boster Mark Mary Elizabeth McGoey { Bregette Etter Moseley Betty Fletcher Nickoloff Marilyn Wolfe Sakata Tamara Durnall Tabak Elizabeth Beeson Thorsen Harriett Luke Williams Delta Zeta University of British Columbia Supporters $1 - $99
Joanne Atkinson Barker Crystal M. Dow Glynis Duc Evans Renee Rainbow Stafford Kelly Symonds Elizabeth Carlson Weingart
Frances Mettlach McCrackin | Supporters $250 - $499
Lynn Miller Hartline { Fran Wallace Holland { Pamela A. Krebs {
Charlotte Ruckman Misner ▲ $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Sherry Walsh Fanning { Cecilia Amaro Hoffman { Elizabeth Misner Johnson | + Supporters $100 - $249
Connie Harriman Benson Elisabeth Jolley Gibb Patricia Burns Stice Lena Johnson Cooley Karen Flory Dalton Diane Fingerson Drakeley Kitty Collins Geidl Dawn Shipley Harlow Sharon Houck Hood { Karin Kesler Krippene Dianne Stone Milhollin Susan Evans Oberst Jill M. Seetin Janet Seitz Jashinski { Kathryn Zenier Swenson { Joleen Spencer Walsh Isabel Woods Wheatley Delta Iota California State University, Chico Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
$100 - $249
Katherine Amundson Boase Naomi Grant Bolonesi { Georgie Hearrell Botte Patricia Holcombe Gylock Janet Russell Lind Marion Tanner Moore
Jolie Graves Webb
Jean Johansson Atwood Margaret Williams Bennett Isobel Bruen Chisum Jill Daeschner Barbara Bunten Dryer Patricia Carey Floren { Sallie Ann Lincoln Haight Patricia Groener Hansen Patricia Ann Weaver Hardeman Janet Moss Johnson Gloria Suarez Justus Linda Jane Stitt Lofgren Kristin Amundson Ogley { Nancy Woodbridge Petersen { Catherine Morrell Seymour + Δ Delta Circle Γ Gamma Circle
Delta Theta University of Idahoo Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Janice Wallace Bright Christina A. Bullock Sandra Irwin Burdick Linda Bergemann Chaix Jaimie-Lynn Craig Nadine Silva Davi Cindi Anderson Edmondo Laurie Stone Fennell Sandra Nason Griffin Donna DeDomenico Holpainen Janeen Ayoob Hubiak Doris Perdue Kaiser Stephanie Cheda Nevin Cassandra Unibe Olguin Susan Stimmel Paluncich Jill Parker Pfeiffer Jean Gonsalves Smith Adrienne Staple Templeton Eunice Jones Wesp {
Delta Pi San Francisco State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Delta Kappa University of Alberta Supporters $1 - $99
Supporters $100 - $249
Elizabeth H. Woolnough
Elfriede Walzberg Bagley { Cynthia Monahan Berry Theresa L. Dolan { Janet Hepler Gillespie { Kimberly Lewis Krause Francine Michelotti Marquis Rebecca Munn May Vesta Betonte McDonald { Marilee Swor Meuter { Nan C. Noonan Diane Lakin Pola Melaine McVay Taylor {
Krista Moll Brennan Leighanne K. Burdick Nicole Neustice Wagg Delta Rho Sonoma State University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Kelley Flynn Holt {
Katherine Bass Sarah Livadary Bergsto Erin A. Dowdy Marcy S. Enoch Sarah Ferlazzo Calli Herzog Katharine A. LiMandri Audrey M. Molinar
Delta Mu University of California, Santa Barbara Supporters $1 - $99
Laurie J. Barrons
Delta Nu University of Calgary Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Delta Sigma University of Hawaii at Manoa Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Katarina Hertling Ortmann {
Mary Ikeda Miwa {
Delta Xi Arizona State University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Supporters $100 - $249
Dr. Doris Ching {
Kimberly Hall Johnson { +
$1 - $99
Jayme Shirrell Alexander Janelle S. Jinbo Deborah Lichota Keppi
Toni Brooks Milnes {
Epsilon Alpha University of Missouri Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
$1 - $99
Heidi Scheifele Axelrod Vicki Martin Fitzpatrick Michele Steinmetz Hamm DaNeil Colarich Olson Laura Jones Skousen
Judith Hayes Hand | + Nann Blaine Hilyard ▲ Michelle A. Yuenger {
Delta Omicron University of Nevada, Las Vegas Supporters $1 - $99
Laurinda Meyer Hawkins
Supporters $1 - $99
$1 - $99
Supporters $100 - $249
Supporters $100 - $249
Sarah O'Rourke King {
Molly C. Rattigan
$1 - $99
Delta Eta San Diego State University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
$1 - $99
Carolyn Vosteen Sharpe Daryl McKenna Swanson Marilyn Byrne Tesh Jane Wilson Wittkow Virginia Campbell Young
Supporters $250 - $499
Carol Reppel Amling { Karen Price Myers {
$1 - $99
Karen Faist Baird
$50,000 $25,000
▲ Alpha Circle
Double Rose Circle
$10,000 $5,000
Buff Rose Circle
www.alphagammadelta.org 35
foundation $100 - $249
Brenda Bier Barton { Betty Ream Brock { Charlene Morris Conrad | + Carrie Lyn Hoemeyer Ousley Rondi K. Payne { Lorinda Kirkwood Stombaugh {
Epsilon Gamma University of Denver Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Gail Calkins Duree D Carol Newman Greene { Joann Brenton Harbison {
$1 - $99
Marianne Messmann Antweiler Michelle R. Barbeau Betty Buschart Brand Vera Woeger Chandler Margaret Pegues Chapman Joan Creech Charles Lynn Powers Guy Betty Smith Hawkins { Deborah Kuntz Houston Elizabeth Perdue Hyde { Lois Darby Leimkuhler Sue Cantrell Loudon { Janice Wilson Martinette Wynetta P. Massey Mauda Grimes McGeorge Shirley McCallister Meinert Nancy Tucker O'Shea Carol Clemons Thomas { Nancy Harris Vineyard { Joe Ann Russell Yocom Kristine M. Zondca Epsilon Beta University of Kansas Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Rozalynn Hammergren Dahlen { Hillary Young Guenther { $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Tracy Hines Gilmore Teresa Mulinazzi Kempf { Supporters $250 - $499
Kimberly Wicke Southern {
Supporters $250 - $499
Nada Nadine Milosavljevic Kay Tannehill O'Halleran { $100 - $249
Artis Tanton Boulier { Ardlen Simpson Orrino Virginia Vincent Sewall $1 - $99
Lois Thomas Boyd Alice Dralle Cozens Leann J. Decker Harlene Edwards Beverly Christiansen Fernald Charlotte Ryan O'Ryan Epsilon Delta University of Texas at Austin Jewel Society $1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499
Benita Wilson Dick G +
$1 - $99
Rula C. Andriessen Penny Leonard Balfour Mary Sampson Fay { Trisha L. Fenwick Ruth Reitz Holsinger { Elaine Putnam Rohrig Lorraine L. Shearing Annette Russell Zimmerman Lori Springer Zwart {
Susan Kiefner Cage {
Betty Leatherwood Adams ▲ Patsy Smith Davis G + SaRita Obelgoner Parker | Elizabeth Cartledge Rogers ▲ Supporters $250 - $499
Doreene Frizzell Boubel { $100 - $249
Darlene Prouse Birkes Theodora Vanderwerth Boehm Laura Glass Hensley { Janice S. Jochec Jeanine Watson Kuhlken Kay LaBauve Parnell ▲ Ana Gardescu Villasana Patricia Pigman Caldcleugh Kathleen Kime Graham Mary Chaney Heard Dixie White Hill Elinor Cartledge Howie { Shirley Rose Kraus {
* Chapter Grand Corinthian Society for Planned Giving
36 quarterly summer 2010
Norma Moss Barto { Melanie Griffin Cline { Sharon Purdy Gilliam Alyce Curtis Leytham { Diane Brown Wicker { $1 - $99
Alice Rowland Algie Janice Thomas Baker + Janet Bailey Durbin Patty Fisher Eason Roberta Carr Lierly Jeri Weisz Schneider Andrea Shumake True Janet Dinkheller Walt Epsilon Zeta Arkansas State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Katherine Martin Farris { Ada Marsh Oldham |
Leslie H. Scribner $1 - $99
$500 Jewels $500 - $999
$1 - $99
Epsilon Epsilon William Jewell College Supporters $100 - $249
Supporters $100 - $249
$1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
$100 - $249
Lynn Cherry Buscaglia Christina Kamm Carpenter Sandy Graham Johnson Amanda J. McQuin
Dorothy Thornton Rencurrel Kathy Kraus Rorschach Sharon Edmiston Seago Joan Bryan Wright {
Kristen M. Alexander Sandra Wood Faltemier Sara Snow Goodin Karon Sturdivant Mathews Nancy Redd McGee { Sharon Sturdivant Williams Summer Henley Wright Mitzi Langlois Young Epsilon Eta Texas Christian University Jewel Society $1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499
Nancy Sheppeard Atkinson | $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Carol Ferguson Wiener Supporters $100 - $249
Pamela Nix Gilmore { Shirley D. Heald Nancy Mitchell Ogrod {
Annulet ♥ Founders Circle
$1,000,000 $500,000
$1 - $99
Susan Bond Butsch Helen Huff Dunlap Hazel Ault Godhelp Madelon Garrett Grassau Janet Gough McMurray Billie Oakley Minot Jane H. Olmstead Mary B. Packard { Sandra Hyre Vaught Sue Sperling Vincent Epsilon Theta University of Colorado Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Kathleen Fisk Christiansen | Supporters $100 - $249
Jane Larson Alder { Mary Kelley Wyss-Cummings { Carol Mueller Koontz Mary Heimann Linn { $1 - $99
Nancy Pearce Garrett Margaret Troisi McClure Cydnee McMullen Sally Yewens Meisner Karen Winquist Waligorski Epsilon Iota University of Northern Colorado Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Cindy Griffin Haas { + Susan E. Turman { + Patricia O'Connor Vreeland { Supporters $100 - $249
Ann Struble Birkle Irene Garcia Hahn Karri Lampson Kent Linda L. Weiss $1 - $99
Donna M. Benge Ruth Boyle Holt Mary Sue Myers Eloise Brown Young Epsilon Kappa Pittsburg State University Supporters $100 - $249
Helen Kriegsman { Kelly Sartin Sauer Allison Fitts Schmitz Leseley Adey Simpson { Lisa Esch Swartz Patricia A. Wagner { ♦ Diamond Circle • Pearl Circle
$250,000 $100,000
Julie A. Farrell Jone Courtney Galloway { Elizabeth Berning Gerber Paula Schoendaller Keefer Juneil Thomm McQueen Marie Klaus Orth Dee Ann Smith Riebel Sheryl Robinson Rogers Mary M. Schill Naomi Sheets Sperling Jan Post Stejskal Terry Deal Waggle Janice Urban Witt
$1 - $99
Sue Rash Albers Gail Poeters Baxter Angela Corrigan Bielefeld Barbara Lattin Bierman Ida Harris Combs Dona Maddux Cooper Kathlyn Fenton Edmonds Margaret Latinis Hays Karen Simpson McCurley Laura L. Mortick Deborah Hull Myers Malisa Baugher Putnam Susan Coury Rogers Marcia Meyer Roos Mary Coffman Russo { + Oleta Wilson Shamasko Debra R. Johnson Simmons Joyce Ryder Terbovich A. Parrish Uhlenhop Susan R. Wilper Kimberly M. Young
Epsilon Nu University of Central Oklahoma Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Lauren Allen Hammack Rie Gerah Hoehner ▲ Marcie Worl Kirchberg { Kimberly Martin Klaus {
Epsilon Lambda University of Central Missouri Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Sherralyn Denning Craven G Supporters $100 - $249
Jamie J. Posey Buchanan Patty Shanks Richards Linda Loveland Rinehart {
Supporters $250 - $499
Melvalyn Smith Springborn $100 - $249
Cathryn Baxter Davis Roseann Gerah-Nida { Rita Kanaly Williams $1 - $99
Corie A. Crow Cheryle Lyons Henley Rachael C. Henley Ruth Harlan Lamb Mary Mentesana Long Laura Quillin Richter Shirley Kochsmeier Siegel Sally Schwartz Smith Sara Salisbury Smith Dawn Papasifakis Strope Sally Scott Virgo
Kay D. Cunningham Allison L. Davis Janet Gist Ervin Carole Kerley Evans Ellen Petty Gilbert Jane Hanlin Hier + Patricia Cunningham Landrum Lisa Adams Matthews April L. Atkinson Perry Robyn E. Roach Margaret Payne Simons { Shannon Carrier Smith + Mary Epps Welch Amy M. Hervey Wingfield
Epsilon Mu Fort Hays State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Epsilon Xi East Central University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
$1 - $99
Patricia Sampson Mills { Lana Tittel Shults { Shelley S. Sutton { +
Kelly Lucas Davenport {
Supporters $100 - $249
Karla Taylor Brooks { Crystal Durfey Chandra Bridges Stroope
Karen Conard Brannam
Supporters $1 - $99
Epsilon Omicron Southwestern Oklahoma State University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Becky Kelly Harvey { Supporters $1 - $99
Gayla Taylor Cox Patricia Webb Welch Epsilon Rho Texas A & M University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Charlotte C. Jamieson Dawn Jamieson Luza Jennifer P. Powell { Supporters $100 - $249
Jane Carmichael Bickham Suzanne Lide Brown Leigh Harrison Kent { Pamela Wright Schaper $1 - $99
Diana D. Adams Ronda Lenser Dillard Anita Elmore Konvicka Angela R. Meeds Cynthia McHatton Vines Epsilon Upsilon Tarleton State University Supporters $100 - $249
Jane B. Dennis Jami Ables Lovelady $1 - $99
Gertrude Carlson Amy Bumpus Harlien Donna Plumlee Hendrix { Sena Goodlett Leese Helen Keven McShane Kelli B. O'Neal Meyers Jennifer Luton Kimberly R. Putney Laura S. Rhoten Epsilon Phi Texas Woman's University Supporters $100 - $249
Amber Garrison Duncan Sheryl Ahlstrom Goodson { $1 - $99
Susan E. Dupar Megan McCrary Kleiman Jessica H. Strasen
$1 - $99
Sandra Jo Boys Daugherty Amy Pfannenstiel Dible Δ Delta Circle Γ Gamma Circle
$50,000 $25,000
▲ Alpha Circle
Double Rose Circle
$10,000 $5,000
Epsilon Chi Kansas State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Gina Hinman Vincent { Epsilon Psi University of Texas at Dallas Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Holly Phillips Rudnick { Supporters $1 - $99
Melissa K. Bain Kristen K. Blakely Kyley M. Cope Kirsten Maylor DeKrey Rachel B. Malone Susan Harding Moran Diane Wardrup Epsilon Omega Truman State University Supporters $1 - $99
Emily L. Albright Katherine M. Bross Nicole R. Birdsill Buesse Andrea Hein Guzman Lauren G. Robertson Stephanie M. Scott Zeta Alpha Eastern Michigan University Supporters $1 - $99
Meagan L. Daniels Victoria Hamilton Everett Genevieve Horney Thompson Zeta Beta Lehigh University Jewel Society $2,500 Jewels $2,500 - $4,999
Susan Kelly Archer | $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Mary Beth Dulcey Morabito { Supporters $100 - $249
Autumn Bayles $1 - $99
Sara D. Bailin Angela J. Dohl Lori Siegrist Guadagno Linda Eickemeyer Kelly Judith Lannin Panagakos Maria Pankos Pruitt Buff Rose Circle
www.alphagammadelta.org 37
foundation Laura Yearsley Riehl Lori Schlauch Trechter Zeta Gamma Gannon University Supporters $1 - $99
Lauren A. Hopkins Ashley K. Kujbus Zeta Delta Towson University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Janis Lang Bartosz | Alison A. Gardner { Michele D. Hartlove | + Lesley A. Hubbard { + Supporters $100 - $249
Katherine Klinefelter Hastings Megan N. Haupt Wendy Hucht Lanahan Susan Plummer $1 - $99
April Coffinberger Blahut M. Teresa Kneavel Haupt Laura E. Hemenway Zeta Epsilon Michigan Technological University Supporters $100 - $249
Jill Henschel Caruso Akemi Johnson Mitchell Amy Dalrymple Ryan
Christine M. Gagnon Pamela Peterson Haddock Lisa Pickar Nollman Karen Zalewski Oliver Donna M. Underwood Zeta Eta Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Supporters $250 - $499
Gabriela Rodriguez
Ellen J. Brinkman Shannon L. Culberson Stephanie S. Garbacik Monica Wojdak Hardin Amy Thomas Johnson Amanda P. Slade Sandra Lack Whaley Zeta Zeta Worcester Polytechnic Institute Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Cynthia L. Moser { Sara J. Swiatlowski { Supporters $100 - $249
Elizabeth Archambault Stank Suzanne Logcher Yeghiayan
Jeanine Tristano Keenan Dana L. Ketterer Zeta Nu Alma College Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Mary Jo Toth {
$100 - $249
Jennifer Hazard Dixon Maureen Hangac Sujatha Reddy {
Supporters $1 - $99
Alison Flagg Rhoads Megan M. Stevenson
$1 - $99
Ellen L. Fogarty Audrey Kaplan O'Neil AnnMarie Audibert Pursel
Zeta Xi Cornell University Supporters $1 - $99
Zeta Tau Seton Hall University Supporters $1 - $99
Sheila Devlin George Zeta Phi McMaster University Supporters $1 - $99
Heather Stading Gillbanks Zeta Chi University of Western Ontario Supporters $1 - $99
Stacey McCready Pipicelli
Zeta Psi Western Michigan University Supporters $100 - $249
Karen A. Kircher
Cheri Canfield Kristin D. Schafer {
Zeta Omicron Kettering University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Sandra Veresink Kovacs
Stephannie Sack Bailey {
Theta Alpha Louisiana State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Zeta Iota Miami University Supporters $250 - $499
Supporters $100 - $249
Supporters $100 - $249
$1 - $99
$1 - $99
Zeta Theta Lafayette College Supporters $100 - $249
Julie Pollock Trainor { $1 - $99
Adrienne Kerr Beckett Sarah A. Selby
Andrea Smith { $100 - $249
Debra Collins Watt { $1 - $99
$1 - $99
Zeta Mu Richard Stockton College of NJ Supporters $1 - $99
Vivian Heighway Butler Laura Letton Byington Kristina L. Held Chadwick Elizabeth Mueller Cunningham Amy Agle Foreman Christy D. Koerner Laurie Vetter Lehman Kimberly Nelson { Kelly Brown Poulin Catherine M. Shary Danielle M. Thomas Zeta Kappa University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
Heather Slotnick Mueller Susan Eberts Prater ▲ + Karen Hill Preiss Aimee N. Queen Melissa A. Scheich Zeta Pi Saint Joseph's University Supporters $100 - $249
Courtney Clarke
Penny C. Heuiser {
Dorothy Arceneaux Angel Cavalier Powell Michelle Maillet Menard Sandra Guidroz Peterson Theta Beta Auburn University at Montgomery Supporters $100 - $249
Betty Baggett Hall Tammy Holcomb $1 - $99
$1 - $99
Marie Clapp Blaser Deanna Martz Drnevich Melissa Hilferty Stewart Zeta Sigma Northwood University Supporters $1 - $99
Kelly R. Smith
Jennifer Werni Hughes {
Kelly Smith Foshee Lacey C. Wilson Theta Delta North Georgia College and State University Jewel Society $1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499
Sylvia E. Ferry ▲ $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Melanie D. Brown {
$1 - $99
Romiya Glover Barry * Chapter Grand Corinthian Society for Planned Giving
38 quarterly summer 2010
Annulet ♥ Founders Circle
$1,000,000 $500,000
♦ Diamond Circle • Pearl Circle
$250,000 $100,000
Supporters $100 - $249
Supporters $100 - $249
$1 - $99
$1 - $99
Melissa Brown
Linda Scott Hataway {
Amanda S. Wycoff Camarano Debora A. Clem Gwendolyn Johnston Terri Owens Kates Kay Jones Vaught Theta Epsilon University of South Alabama Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Donya McKee Gillespie { Supporters $250 - $499
Courtney Johnson Sollie $100 - $249
Darla R. Cowart Abigail Marshall Marbury $1 - $99
Margaret Gross Chapman Stephanie M. Moreira Heather D. Sprinkle Theta Zeta Randolph-Macon College Supporters $100 - $249
Jennifer M. Abels
Shawn Hiltunen Johnston Virginia Herring Sorgen Courtney Lewis Stombock Theta Iota Western Kentucky University Supporters $100 - $249
Jennifer Lynch Nickel $1 - $99
Patricia Godby Canon Mollie Clark Sarah E. Cottongim { Leisa Whitaker Kaszczuk Phyllis C. Parrott Karissa Shelton Riter Kimberly Hunt Vince Jennifer Owens West Theta Kappa University of Virginia Supporters $1 - $99
Elizabeth Dunn Tara Wheeler Prather Theta Lambda University of West Florida Supporters $250 - $499
Kristalyn N. Thoma {
$1 - $99
Elizabeth Jenkins Beaudet Ellen M. Buck Quinn W. Cunningham Janet Engle Cristin E. Autrey Gilley Anne Weiand Kasupski Melissa Leecy Elizabeth I. Leonard Linda Mabry Wilkinson Theta Eta University of Tennessee at Martin Supporters $100 - $249
Cinthia J. Eichhorn Catherine L. Matthews $1 - $99
Bonnie Poynor Theta Theta Mississippi State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Theta Nu Virginia Commonwealth University Supporters $250 - $499
$1 - $99
$1 - $99
Theta Upsilon Georgetown College Supporters $1 - $99
Kristine Kolenich Bakos Amanda J. Almassy Heather A. Rider Jeannine Rosado Theta Xi Clemson University Supporters $100 - $249
Heidi Schoepf Dannelly
Patricia L. Chaffin Sarah E. Horn Marisa S. Toth McLeod Sammie J. Rogers-Brown Cat P. Simpson
Judy Jordan
Theta Phi University of Tampa Supporters $1 - $99
Jeanie Donnenwirth Baker
$1 - $99
Meghann D. Wheeler Christine L. Workman Theta Omicron Western Carolina University Supporters $100 - $249
Theta Chi Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Supporters $1 - $99
Sara L. Epperson
Martha P. Ashmore Rachel L. Gershman Manisha P. Patel
Theta Pi Lambuth University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Kappa Beta Missouri Western State University Supporters $100 - $249
Supporters $250 - $499
$1 - $99
$100 - $249
Kappa Gamma Texas A & M - Corpus Christi Supporters $100 - $249
Michelle L. Parks {
Mary Margaret Brewer
Hanna I. Taylor
Sara R. Bovard Dani A. Longworth
$100 - $249
Tracy Smith Dorics
Emily E. Garrett Tanya F. Hughes +
$1 - $99
Andrea A. Failing Theta Mu University of North Carolina at Wilmington Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999
Lisa Pridgen Rosser { Supporters $100 - $249
Christel Brady McMillan $1 - $99
Leslie J. Burns Megan E. Johnson Huber Lindsay E. Walker
Theta Rho Barry University Supporters $1 - $99
Michelle L. Hovorka Eileen Eiler McManis Theta Sigma Valdosta State University Supporters $1 - $99
Wendy M. Hiler + Amanda Shearl Merritt Willa F. Valencia Theta Tau Belmont University Supporters $100 - $249
Allison M. Pellicciotti
Erin E. Parchman $1 - $99
Kristen N. Hawes Jonie V. Petitta Cristina C. Ramos
Friends of the Foundation Jewel Society $10,000 Jewels $10,000 - $24,999
Russell Webbink* ▲ $5,000 Jewels $5,000 - $9,999
Anonymous Donor ▲ Edward M. & Jeanette Raines Rogers ▲
Lynn Phillips-Gaines
Δ Delta Circle Γ Gamma Circle
$50,000 $25,000
▲ Alpha Circle
Double Rose Circle
$10,000 $5,000
Buff Rose Circle
www.alphagammadelta.org 39
foundation $2,500 Jewels $2,500 - $4,999
Donald & Suzanne Hilliker ▲ Curt & Teresa Morgan { $1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499
Mike & Betty Devereaux D $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903
James Henson { Gloria Rumsfield { Keith Steiner | King Stutzman { $500 Jewels $500 - $999
H S & Kymothy Holland Chris & Vickie Napier { Susan Putman { Supporters $250 - $499
Philip & Angeline Box David & Diane Lohr Pamela & Donald Mower Lyba & Harold Rouso Troy & Patricia Swinford $100 - $249
Richard Allan Parent of Ashley Alsup Donald & Geralyn Anderson Eric & Nina Anderson Jean Antle Thomas & Sandra Arndt Carlos & Norma Ayala Gregory & Annette Baker Benny Bell George & Marcia Benko Julie Berry Doyle Bingham Clark & Barbara Bisel Mary Jo Borel Normand Boucher & Lynda Chiara-Boucher Robert & Mary Bradley Nancy Breitenstein Angela Delvin-Brown & Ohma Brown Janet & Curtis Brown Timothy & Jane Bruins Michael & Anna Marie Bucior J.B. & L.A. Campanello Karen Campbell & Walker Ingraham Robert & Constance Carfano Marita Cason Allen & Betty Champion Lawrence & Sheryl Charleson Paul & Michele Chludzinski Kathy & Chris Christea Frederick Clarke Jane & William Clutterbuck Diana & Edward Colvard
Mary & Robert Cometa Vincent & Landra Cunningham Tony & Leslie D'Amato Brad & Margaret Davis Mary & Frederick Delafield Bruce & Linda Denby Kimberly & John Dernovsek Michaelle & Eric Dietrich Parent of Reena Dimaculangan Mary Ellen Donohue & Michael Minnis Kathleen F. Dorsey Jane Doyle Jerry & Loretha Edmondson Parents of Karishma Edroos Ronnie & Frances Elliott Babette Fath Joseph Fayer Joseph & Leslie Floren Luther & Sarah Frerichs Catherine Fridell Peter & Cindy Fruge Joe & Sandra Garcia Kimberly & Bruce Geddes Robert & Tambra Gifford Anne & David Gould Michael & Nancy Hall Jennifer & Zachary Halter Diane Hantz William & Monica Hardin Timothy & Ann Harrington John & Sally Hattle Thomas & Jean Heinsen Arthur & Elizabeth Hill Larry & Carol Hornsby Susan & Paul Howard Thomas & Kathy Howard Kim Jenson James Johns, Jr. Shirley Jones Dorian & William Jordan Rebecca Julca Parent of Alexandria Kapczynski William & Carmen Karhliker SK Keating L.K. & R.L. Keaton Earl & Delisca Kelley Parent of Brie C. Kelley Leo & Tammy Kennedy Myong Kim Edward & Miriam Klapka Judith Klein-Vertigan Ronald & Kimberly Krumm Deb Kulash Peggy Kulpa Joseph & Barbara Larrow Jamie Sheriff Law Jeff & Amy Lawson Margaret & John Lenihan Dean & Suzanne Lesiak Carol Levin Ruth Lewis Jim & Amy Loftin Fred Lott Mitchell & Jayne Madill Michael Maioriello, M.D.
* Chapter Grand Corinthian Society for Planned Giving
40 quarterly summer 2010
Richard McAllaster Drew & Shelley McCandless Mary Jo & Grady McCarthy Robert McGee Carol McKinzey Parent of Johanna Mickelson Robert & Betty Mitterer Pamela Berry & Van Momon Benny & Laura Moore William & Barbara Moore Kathleen & Thomas Morrison Margaret Mott Michael & Christine Mullins Jim Nault David Nelson Randall & Linda Nettles Parent of Gina Neumann Vincent & Cindy Newell Judith Nigh Tim & Theresa Nord Douglas & Merrie Nunn Russell & Anne Oakley Michael & Angela O'Byrne Marla Osborne Susan & Robert Park Cathy Parsons Arete Passas Daniela & Dave Pelligronelli Margy Pepper Sara M. Phillips Steve & Debbie Phillips Alana McBride-Piech & Stanley Piech Michael & Debra Pinson Linda Preston Leigh Rabun Norman & Karen Rader Kathleen & Todd Raeder David & Noreen Raminski Peter & Laurie Rapinchuk Steven & Barbara Raymond William & Sarah Rector Patrick Richardson & Joanne Restivo Gary Richardson John & Candy Rollins Bonnie & Stuart Rosenberg Catherine Routh Jun & Donna Roxas C. Sabandal Marguerite & Sharma Saith Corrado Sammarco Patricia Scudder Marjie Shahani Paul & Sarah Shakespeare Kasey Shattuck Fred & Janet Snyder Ken Soo Hoo Lynne Steel Sammy & Debra Steelman Gary Sterczek Joel & Donna Stern Anne & Dale Stocking Bruce & Beverly Stott Parent of Maggie Sullivan Sarah & Lynn Sunderman
Annulet ♥ Founders Circle
$1,000,000 $500,000
Brenda Sutphen Ruth Sutton Scott & Christy Swindlehurst Holly Taylor Rico & Lee Ann Tejeda Charles & Susan Tompkins Charles & Rhonda Townsend Linda Trares Stephen Ullrich Dawn Urso Brandy Valdez Kerri & Mike Valentine Nancy VanBalen { Theodore & Susan Verhoff Katherine & James Walker Brenda Warford Gail & Janice Wernette Dr. Tracy & Helen Wheelock Wayne & Barbara White Peter & Karen Wibell Petra Wilde Henry & Jamie Wiley Timothy & Cheryl Wilson Gary Wimberly Steven Witte $1 - $99
Debra & Mark Allen Donato Alu Jr. Donald Apfel & Beth Lennie Kevin & Annette Aratani Charles Beck Jayne Beckel Thomasina Berki Suman Beros & Karen Kuhlke Colleen Bloom David & Sharon Boyer Patricia Infusino Braun Joyce & Herman Breitenstein Kevin & Gail Browning Velma & Bob Chamberlin Elizabeth & Scott Cole Daniel & Janice Congreve Lisette & Brad Coston Susan & Peter D'Alonzo Daniel & Lori Davis Patrick & Mary Davis Peter & Charlotte De Coite Linette & Randall Dodson Dan Duncan John & Julie Eifler Michael & Sheila Ellsworth Dorothy Evankoe Claude A. Eyler Julie & Scott Fairbanks Jeffrey Johnson & Diane Falsetti Kathleen & Joseph Feeney John & Lori Feery Donald & Rebecca Galeziewski Kevin Ganzer Lori Gardner Robert & Dixie Gier Heidi Gillespie Richard & Debra Goldstein Carlos & Elizabeth Gorostieta
♦ Diamond Circle • Pearl Circle
$250,000 $100,000
Ronald & Jane Griffin Sharon & Vincent Grix Denise & Jimmy Harper Barbara Henritze Kevin & Sandra High Craig & Carol Hildreth Milt & Peggy Horner Shannon & Marion Hostetler Madeline Houghton Lara Hurst Jay & Beth Jackson Jana & William Jessup Rachel Jordan Raymond & Ann Kansier Robert & Lucille Kesilman Kort & Mary Jo Kinstler William Kite, Jr. Albert & Margaret Kitlas Michael & Theone Klausler Henry & Donna Knott Donald & Toni Knowles Richard & Loraine Leak Shane & Cynthia Leasy Grandparent of Victoria LeBeau Flavia Lee-Faust Robert Little David E. & Cynthia Leigh Maltry Malerie & Mark Marinucci Kimberly & Brian Marr Richard & Maria Martin Calvin & Mary Mauch Dixie McClure Grace & James McGee James & Hilda McKee Jeffrey & Teresa McNulty Guillermina & Juan Medina Ross Miller Frances Mitchelson Michael & Maureen Monte Laura & Richard Moody Stephen Moore Nettie Morrison Patricia & Mark Mraz Vanessa & Gary Murdock Joseph & Janet Mure Timothy & Diane Near James & Mary Nee Douglas Nieb Jay & Barbara Nowak Eileen O'Brien Scott & Tina O'Brien Helen & Blaise O'Connor Marian Olson Dean & Nancy Palmer Susan & James Pecot Manel & Anil Peiris Penelope Pejka Susan & Ronald Perkins Nathaniel & Bedra Peters Sandra & Frank Plyler Deb Posch Diane Prais Nancy & George Pytlik Richard & Nancy Raggio Thomas & Carla Renn Δ Delta Circle Γ Gamma Circle
Dale Roberson Leslie & Sheryl Rogers Frank & Maureen Santoni Monroe Saye Michael & Jodi Schluter Roger & Marianne Scott Debra & William Sears Larry & Cathy Sievers Jay & Becky Stefanek Alex & Stephanie Stewart Michael & Nathan Stillman Kathy & Richard Sullivan Gary & Mary Sundstrom Charles & Susan Teagarden Leanne Todd David & Kathleen Torrance Anne & Matthew Turk James & Mary Turner Mark & Bonnie Vincent John & Wendy Vlahakis Lisa Wessel Bertha Wiley Michael & Elizabeth Willer Kathie & Mike Williams Karen Wills Tommy & Loretta Wilson Katarzyna & Stansilaw Wojnarowski George & Donna Wolff Elizabeth Woody & Carl Yardley
Collegiate Jewel Chapters Members of the following collegiate chapters have contributed many hours to raise $2,000 or more for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation for membership in the Jewel Society:
Delta-University of Minnesota Epsilon-University of Kentucky Iota-University of Washington Xi-Illinois Wesleyan University Rho-Iowa State University Sigma-University of Illinois Upsilon-University of Oklahoma Phi-Oregon State University Psi-University of Alabama Omega-University of Akron Alpha Beta-University of Michigan Alpha Epsilon-Westminster College Alpha Iota-Baldwin-Wallace College Alpha Lambda-Ohio State University Alpha Omicron-West Virginia Wesleyan College Alpha Sigma-Indiana University of Pennsylvania Alpha Upsilon-Central
$50,000 $25,000
Michigan University Alpha Omega-Duquesne University Beta Alpha-Nebraska Wesleyan University Beta Beta-North Dakota State University Beta Delta-Indiana University Beta Eta-Southern Illinois University Beta Iota-Eastern Illinois University Beta Xi-Purdue University Beta Omicron-Illinois State University Gamma Alpha-University of Georgia Gamma Beta-Florida State University Gamma Delta-Auburn University Gamma Zeta-University of Memphis Gamma Eta-High Point University Gamma Iota-Mercer University Gamma Xi-Murray State University Gamma Omicron-Eastern Kentucky University Gamma Sigma-Troy University Gamma Upsilon-University of Montevallo Gamma Phi-Georgia Institute of Technology Gamma Psi-University of North Alabama Gamma Omega-University of Alabama at Birmingham Delta Theta-University of Idaho Delta Nu-University of Calgary Delta Omicron-University of Nevada, Las Vegas Delta Pi-San Francisco State University Delta Rho-Sonoma State University Delta Tau-Chapman University Epsilon Epsilon-William Jewell College Epsilon Zeta-Arkansas State University Epsilon Kappa-Pittsburg State University Epsilon Mu-Fort Hays State University Epsilon Nu-University of Central Oklahoma Epsilon Upsilon-Tarleton State University Epsilon Phi-Texas Woman's University Epsilon Psi-University of Texas at Dallas Epsilon Omega-Truman State University
▲ Alpha Circle
Double Rose Circle
$10,000 $5,000
Zeta Gamma-Gannon University Zeta Delta-Towson University Zeta Epsilon-Michigan Technological University Zeta Zeta-Worcester Polytechnic Institute Zeta Kappa-University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Zeta Pi-Saint Joseph's University Zeta Tau-Seton Hall University Zeta Chi-University of Western Ontario Theta Beta-Auburn University at Montgomery Theta Delta-North Georgia College and State University Theta Epsilon-University of South Alabama Theta Lambda-University of West Florida Theta Mu-University of North Carolina at Wilmington Theta Nu-Virginia Commonwealth University Theta Tau-Belmont University Kappa Beta-Missouri Western State University Kappa Gamma-Texas A & M Corpus Christi
Alumnae Jewel Chapters & Clubs The following chapters and clubs contributed their time and talents to raise $1,000 or more for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation for membership in the Jewel Society:
Atlanta Alumnae Chapter Auburn-Opelika Alumnae Chapter Beta Beta Alumnae Chapter Central Florida Alumnae Club Chesapeake Alumnae Chapter Chicago Northwest Suburban Club Dallas Alumnae Chapter DuPage Area Alumnae Club East Metro Detroit Alumnae Chapter Epsilon Nu Alumnae Chapter Fox Valley Alumnae Club Greater Kansas City Alumnae Club Greater Portland Alumnae Club Greater Raleigh Alumnae Chapter Houston Alumnae Club Norman Alumnae Chapter North Atlanta Alumnae Club Northwest Florida Alumnae Chapter
Buff Rose Circle
www.alphagammadelta.org 41
foundation Old Dominion Alumnae Club St. Louis Alumnae Club Tau Alumnae Chapter Valley of the Sun Alumnae Chapter
Honors This special group of members, family and friends were honored by a gift in their name to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation:
Kathleen Jolley Abernathy Mary Farrell Ajango Ann Zehner Angle Christine Fedornock Baily Sofia Misner Baluyut Holly J. Batey Connie Harriman Benson Elaine Barrick Bess Jess Bucher Jacquelyn Goodwin Burgess Sharon Dunkman Carruthers Chapple Chandler Natalie Chuma Emily M. Conrad Mary Dandeles Cook Julie Waitman Cretin Alison Czaplicki Nina Blake Daniel Jane Peters Dawson Mike & Betty Devereaux Lee Woodham Digiovanni Kristi Currence Dill Helen Wosnuk Draper Anne Loring Eiler Renae Haynes Espey Sherry Walsh Fanning Leanne M. Fischer Patricia Carey Floren Sharon Hughes Garro Yana M. Gelman Annakaye E. Gier Joyce Aamot Greene Heather Molchan Grubich Diana L. Hargenrader Jill Lewman Harter Ruth Breitenstein Henritze Ruth Long Heskett Kendra P. Hibler Janice Holtorf Hirsch Diane Edwards Hobscheid Sharon Houck Hood Virginia Hubbard Cheryl May Johnsen Elizabeth Misner Johnson Ashley B. Kennedy Allison Hinson Kenney Jeila Ghahremani Kershaw Karen Palla Kovach Catie L. Laszewski Barbara Hale Letton Nancy Larson Lewis Paula Gallup Little Jane Ramsey Logan Jenay Robbins Lowe Joyce Stansbery Lunsford Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Magyar Sharron Logan McCormack Erin K. Mellott Charlotte Ruckman Misner 42 quarterly summer 2010
Charlotte & Art Misner Jennifer L. Misner Mary Misner Michelle L. Misner Elizabeth Smith Morgan Elizabeth K. Mraz Rebecca Bowes Murphy Susan Sumner Oder Gloria Pitt Osborne Kaytee Steis Pannell Janice Smith Pitrolo Ashley M. Putman Molly C. Rattigan Nancy Read Reed Sarah E. Rincon Olivia Jane Robnett Heather G. Rousso Holly Phillips Rudnick Celebrating 50 years of membership, Mary Coffman Russo Marion Douglas Sandifer Brit M. Schillig Kathryn Schreiber Scott Julia Shell Amanda Treat Sims Gayle Beckway Smith Suzanne Carmack Spicer Kelly F. Stasko Kathryn Zenier Swenson Judith Meyer Tice Amanda Arbogast Tomlinson Gail J. Valentine Joyce Evans Vanduyn Joyce Kaiser Wetstein Nicole Mitchell Wood Lori Cochran Woods Elizabeth J. Young Sara Wagoner Young Celebrating 50 years of membership, Sara Wagoner Young Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Staff Alpha Tau Chapter Alpha Tau Chapter 50th Anniversary Area Coordinators A-E Beta Xi Chapter Beta Omicron Chapter Board of Trustees of the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Delta Pi Chapter Finance Team Delta Sigma Chapter Epsilon Psi Chapter Epsilon Upsilon Chapter Epsilon Upsilon Chapter 25th Anniversary Gamma Omicron Chapter Omega Chapter Psi Chapter Rho Chapter Sigma Chapter Theta Beta Chapter Theta Nu Chapter Theta Zeta Chapter Upsilon Chapter Zeta Chapter Zeta Sigma Chapter
Memorials Contributions were made during the 2009-2010 fiscal year in memory of these Alpha Gamma Delta members, family and friends:
Mary Bacheler Amelung John Stephen Arceneaux Joan Wallis Arnold Ruth Waxler Banks Frances Grimstad Baucke Barbara Hultgren Benson Mildred Farnum Berkley George & Jeannette Black Evelyn Brouse Brewster Donald Brizendine Dr. Robert Burroughs Gergory S. Clanton Charlotte Gantz Coffman Mathilde Niles Cooney Mary Lewis Craig Gertrude Cronan Jean Andrew DeBacker Cynthia L. Devereaux Anna J. Dillehay Ellen Boat Donelson Robert Eckhoff, Sr. Linda Clowe Eyler Joan Martin Fayer Tom Field Hillary L. FitzHugh Barbara Feurer Freise Jean Moulton Fuller Frances Hammond Funderburk Peggy Gardner Evelyn Hosick Gartrell Charlotte E. Vanvleck Gemmell Judith Kanaby Glaser Terri D. Gonderman Helen Minick Goodrich Charlotte Ann Griffin Elaine Hartlove William Ernest Harwell Zoe Heimann Kim Hekker Terrill Starks Hendershot Ruth Breitenstein Henritze Peggy Perdue Herdt Marjorie Graybill Herkelmann Angela Fleites Hernandez Aileen Thayer Hickman Ruth Hickox Anne Heiberg Houghton Willow Dunne Howe Lola Lollar Huff Lana Lu Bouska Hull Margaret Jackson James Marguerite Sammis Jansky Barbara Walkinshaw Johnson Donna Barr Johnson Joan Levens Jones John Keenan Marion Mitchell Kelly Wanita Gafner Ketel Fay B. King Virginia Hodge Kranz Herman Arthur Kraus Elaine Vandeweghe Krause Virginia Kammerer Kunkel
Angela Lang Iantha Powrie Le Vander Lindsey N. Lear Agnes Vincent Jimenez Lee Louise Leonard Linda Reid Lepionka Helen Corey Little Paula Gallup Little Jane Jewell Lorenz Alice Matthews Lott Jacqueline Sensenich Loyd Ruth Wallace Lusk John Slockett MacPherson Pete Maggio Nancy Kubin Martin Evelyn Laurence Massengill Susan Pavicic Masterson Charlene Yates McDaniel Rose Pflug McGee Mary Melton Denise Hardie Monette Berneice Andersen Moore Kimberly Bragg Moragne Allen Mossler Melba Andrews Murphy Elisabeth C. Nevel Beth White Nix Karen Hein O'Brien Jean French Panzer Hitsy Parnell Ivy Walker Peitersen Mary Ough Powell Evelyn Jane Read Raedith Atwood Reed Adele Brossier Reese Mary Dutton Reierson Dusty Rhodes Luann Rhodes Joyce Roberts Mildred Roberts Betty Clark Rodgers Georgina M. Rowe William Rumsfield Angela Sahm Dr. Thomas Sanzaro Janice Sundberg Saylor Dorothy Schutz Dorothy Jensen Shaw Wanda Wilton Smith Joyce Wolfe Souders Mary Jones Spencer Dr. James Carr Stokes Mary Brinton Swank Helen Thomas Nick Thomas Joyce Evans Vanduyn Sherry Yates Vaughan Charlotte J. Lee Vizzier Aileen Sayers Warford Rosemary Anderson Waters Debra Wheeler Edna Noel Whitsitt Richard Wickstrom Ruth Moody Williams Marilyn Gulbrandson Wilson Marie Tudor Wonsey Anna Caldwell Yocum Kathleen Young Geneva Brewer Zillmer
chapter grand
chapter grand
Alpha – Syracuse University Paula Gallup Little '62 Jane Bucher Wallin '43
Beta – University of Wisconsin Elizabeth Frank Young '49 Donna Winfrey Jevens '58 Delta – University of Minnesota Sarah Rayman Marmesh '45 Mary Wickham Rademacher '49 Lillian Haggard Willret '30 Epsilon – University of Kentucky Marion Salisbury Clark '45 Virginia Stephens Clark '45 Jerry Steele Sheehan '47 Eta – DePauw University Elaine Barnaby Groner '44 Roberta Hellinger Liedman '30 Iota – University of Washington Nancy Solie Boeder '59 Dorothy Provine Day '54 Barbara McHardie de Gersdorff '36 Sally O’Brien Hopkins '46 Lambda – Northwestern University Dorothy Davidson Ball '30 Nu – Boston University Mary Bacheler Amelung '43 Pauline Peterson '26 Xi – Illinois Wesleyan University Nell Alexander Beadles '47 Vaudrene Hoose Cade '30 Jo Ann Sprankle Hough '52 Omicron – University of California, Berkeley Ruth Miller Bayliss '35 Pi – Coe College Elizabeth “Jean” Barkes Griffith '49
Rho – Iowa State University Elisabeth Clause Schroder '43
Alpha Iota – Baldwin-Wallace College Louise Wilson Tolley '47
Sigma – University of Illinois Hilda Livengood Martin '37 Marian Aldrich Schilling '30 Joan Woll Wise '49
Alpha Omicron – West Virginia Wesleyan College Carol Warner Chomicz '63
Phi – Oregon State University Marie Oetjen Bailey '40 Edith Bennett Beach '28 Chi – Michigan State University Jill McMullen '94 Omega – University of Akron Ruth Waxler Banks '42 Freda Hunter Corp '50 Gertrude Cronan '30 Anna Dillehay '40 Betty Frick Milden '38 Betty Clark Rodgers '47 Joyce Wolfe Souders '37 Alva Billings Trushell '32 Alpha Alpha – University of Buffalo (The State Univ. of New York) Sarah Hutton Ashman '34 Dorothea Hickman Meyer '38 Marie Maitland Modelski '42 Alpha Beta – University of Michigan Lois Watkins Herbert '42 Alpha Gamma – University of Cincinnati Dorothy Solt '49 Alpha Delta – Ohio Wesleyan University Betty Pickford Winchell '48 Alpha Epsilon – Westminster College Phyllis Williams Griffith '47 Inez Hawthorne Lance '38 Alpha Theta – Hunter College Eloise Anderson Cooney '37 Elaine Vandeweghe Krause '37
Alpha Pi – Wayne State University Dorothy Vandewalle Filak '60 Alpha Upsilon – Central Michigan University Evonne Hathaway Johnson '59 Beta Alpha – Nebraska Wesleyan University Evelyn Hosick Gartrell '29 Ruth Kunkel Trombla '32 Beta Beta – North Dakota State University Jeanette Archer Sorkness '39 Delaphine Rosa Wyckoff '35
Gamma Psi – University of North Alabama Donna Barr Sloan '77
Delta Alpha – University of Southern California Anita Wollert Ferguson '47 Carolyn Ainsworth Kuchenski '54 Patricia Stocking Switzer '45 Delta Beta – Washington State University Elsa Nizzi DeSantis '49 Claire Jones Good '30 Signe Frederickson Keese '64 Linda Newhouse Thomas '69 Gail Hodgson Wright '40 Delta Epsilon – University of California/Los Angeles Betsy Wells Keliher '38
Beta Eta – Southern Illinois University Geneva Brewer Zillmer '58
Epsilon Gamma – University of Denver Ruth “Imogene” Brady Demoret '45 Lois Stratton Roslund '36
Beta Iota – Eastern Illinois University Karen McAlister Bratton '65
Epsilon Delta – University of Texas at Austin Beverly Hayes Lea '47
Beta Mu – Minnesota State UniversityMankato Shirley Johnson Hill '67
Epsilon Upsilon – Tarleton State University Lindsey Lear '2007
Gamma Alpha – University of Georgia Lela Whitener Buice '35 Sallie Middlebrooks Vetter '51
Theta Epsilon – University of South Alabama Violeta Banchs Caceres '84
Gamma Beta – Florida State University Jo Ann Ebert Angle '49 Norma Lewis Altice '45 Mary Schoeppe Gale '44 Celeste Rodgers Williams '51 Gamma Kappa – Northwestern State University Sherian Hadskey Reed '61 Gamma Omicron – Eastern Kentucky University Gaynell Deskins Tatum '68
www.alphagammadelta.org 43
Spot a Squirrel!
Pictured below (from left to right): Beta Beta–North Dakota State University sisters Kara Bodmer, Deana Lusso Briggs and Jennifer Bodmer spot a squirrel sign while taking a trip in Dublin, Ireland.
Visiting a restaurant and see a squirrel figurine? Take a photo! On vacation and spot a squirrel stuffed animal? Take a photo! Make sure the photograph is high resolution and only contains Alpha Gam sisters. More information is available online at www.alphagammadelta.org/NewsAnd Events/theQuarterly.html.
44 quarterly summer 2010
Coming Soon... Are you a campus professional? Let us know! The Fall 2010 Quarterly will feature some of our Alpha Gam campus professionals and the latest trends in university and Greek life.. As always, the Quarterly staff wants to hear from you! Please send any stories, information or ideas to quarterly@ alphagammadelta.org. Thank you for sharing!
Alumnae Chapter Reports Due to lack of submissions, alumnae chapter reports were not included in this issue. To submit a report, visit www. alphagammadelta.org/NewsAndEvents/ AlumnaeChapterReportsQ.html and complete the form. Make sure to highlight your chapter/club’s activities and send a high resolution photo to quarterly@alphagammadelta.org!
Alpha Gam Word Scramble Unscramble the words below using the clues from this issue of the magazine! Click on the word list to complete the puzzle online. Answers are posted at www.alphagammadelta.org/NewsAndEvents/theQuarterly.html. 1) pelpa dpia ________________________ (Pay your Alumnae Dues by September 1 and you could win an _____ ____!) 2) rnewgtkeo ________________________ (Three-day conference sponsored by a grant obtained by a Delta Xi Chapter member.) 3) obgelsn ________________________ (Alpha Gamma Delta _______ to you.) 4) gngaatvnii ________________________ (2010 Convention theme: ________________ with Purpose.) 5) sbeitsew ________________________ (New technology coming to chapters in spring 2011.) 6) ayrtscl ________________________ (These types of awards replaced the silver awards traditionally given out at Convention.) 7) vyacelren ________________________ (A main focus of the Fraternity for the next biennium.) 8) lcnenha rrevlakiw ________________________ (Name of the path the Convention Philanthropy Walk followed.) 9) ts silou ________________________ (Location of Convention 2012) 10) acelyg ________________________ (A woman in a family relationship such as a daughter, sister or granddaughter to an Alpha Gamma Delta member in Good Standing.) 11) dulignib ________________________ (IHQ is relocating to a new _________.) 12) rsayusec eiryvusitn ________________________ (Fall 2010 colonization, home of our Alpha Chapter) 13) elrap sitrse ________________________ (An alumna mentor to a new member, as a collegiate sister-mother is to a sister-daughter.) 14) wfmiide ________________________ (Afghanistan Midwifery Project provides _________ medical kits.) 15) taeb oocrmni ________________________ (Chapter name of Michelle Johnson, founder of Afghanistan Midwifery Project.) 16) llro edit nru ________________________ (Psi Chapter-University of Alabama kicked of Homecoming week with ____ _____ ____.) 17) veelwt ________________________ (Number of extension presentations of the past biennium.) 18) atlunen ________________________ (Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation’s highest Lifetime Cumulative Giving Level.) 19) bibea ________________________ (First name of new Director of Fraternity Services at International Headquarters.) 20) xsi ________________________ (Number of Leadership Consultants for the 2010-2011 school year.)
Our Directory
International Headquarters Executive Director, Stephannie Sack Bailey 8701 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 317-872-2655 info@alphagammadelta.org Office Hours - 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. EDT Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Executive Director, Julie Waitman Cretin 3905 Vincennes Road, Suite 105 Indianapolis, IN 46268 317-879-9328 foundation@alphagammadelta.org Office Hours - 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. EDT The Leadership InstituteWomen with Purpose, Inc. Executive Director, Erin Correa 3815 River Crossing Parkway, Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46240 888-854-9971 info@theleadershipinstitute-wwp.org Office Hours - 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. EDT International Council International President Jackie Brannon Stutts ip@vst.alphagammadelta.org International Vice President-Alumnae Mary Beth Dulcey Morabito ivpa@vst.alphagammadelta.org International Vice President-Collegians Lisa Adams Matthews ivpc@vst.alphagammadelta.org International Vice President-Membership Marie Ford Palmer ivpm@vst.alphagammadelta.org International Vice President-Extension Sheila Kelley Sola ivpe@vst.alphagammadelta.org International Vice President-Finance Anne Loring Eiler ivpf@vst.alphagammadelta.org International Vice PresidentPanhellenic Affairs Rie Gerah Hoehner ivppa@vst.alphagammadelta.org Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Trustees President Benita Wilson Dick Benita@airmail.net Vice President Debbie Douglass Roth ddragd@sbcglobal.net Secretary Peggy Kuebler Field pfield3311@sbcglobal.net Treasurer Patricia Tulley Riddiford Riddi4d@aol.com Jackie Brannon Stutts ip@vst.alphagammadelta.org Gail Calkins Duree gduree@duree.com Deborah Schmidt Eschenbacher Deborah@esch-associates.com
Just in this past year, Alumnae Dues supported the exceptional success of our recolonization at Arizona State University and the selection of the Fraternity to recolonize our Alpha Chapter at Syracuse. In addition, the Fraternity launched the innovative Alpha
Gamma Delta Experience website, the portal to our comprehensive
member development program. Your voluntary Alumnae Dues
Pay Your Dues Online! (This is a secure method of payment.)
contribution of $40 ensures that future Alpha Gams are able to create the same memories you value from your collegiate years and share the experiences you’ve had as an alumna. Together, we can afford the Fraternity the opportunity to grow, develop and strengthen. After all, Alpha Gamma Delta does belong to you, encircling you with a lifetime of loyalty, love and friendship.
2. BY MAIL Mail a $40 check to: Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity 8701 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268