Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly • Summer 2011

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alpha gamma delta


summer 2011 volume CI, N0.4

6 UIFI recap


mentoring youth


sister spotlight



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Experience the new Alpha Gamma Delta!



Q Jackie Brannon Stutts International President

it feels so simple, yet so ...


a year of countless discussions, surveys and potential markups, Alpha Gamma Delta has a new brand message and visual identity! I can’t believe the day has finally come to share it with all of you! I’m especially excited about our new message: Live with Purpose. It feels so simple, yet so perfect for Alpha Gamma Delta. The message can be applied across the organization, from the individual to the collegiate chapter to International Headquarters—it's Fraternity-wide! The new brand message and visual identity is one component of our plan to continue bettering Alpha Gamma Delta’s image for our membership and others. The brand message and identity, the new website, and the Alpha Experience and Gamma Experience materials all have a relevant, fresh image. As a growing organization, the new message and identity speak to our personal and organizational goals and vision. The new International Headquarters building will also reflect the new message and identity. We are excited to provide a new home that our membership can be proud of and utilize. In addition, the launch the Fraternity Housing Corporation will help our chapter housing to be safe and attractive.

2 quarterly summer 2011


As we continue the responsibilities of meeting many Fraternity initiatives, we have made a commitment to learn from the Greek system and our National Panhellenic Conference sisters specifically. We want to be partners with the campus Greek Life office personnel, too. One of our strategic initiatives is to be more visible in the fraternal world. Cultivating relationships within the Alpha Gamma Delta circle has benefitted the Fraternity. Much time in the last few years has been spent with the Foundation and The Leadership Institute-Women with Purpose board members. This relationship-building effort has resulted in a more focused approach to better our entire organization. Examples of this are the exceptional programming of the Alpha Gamma Delta Experience and the revamped Leadership Consultant program. Both encourage membership development and relationship building. In an effort to deepen alumnae sisterhood bonds, there is an alumnae development task force reviewing all aspects of alumnae chapter/ club life. Later this year, we will begin to review and upgrade the recruitment, appointment and education of all volunteers to better serve the Fraternity. All three entities, the Fraternity,

” the Foundation and The Leadership Institute, are diligently working together on initiatives such as these to make Alpha Gamma Delta stronger. The Philanthropy Committee has been focused on renewing our commitment to healthy living and determining what that looks like across the organization. We’ve long understood the benefits of life balance for all our members and we’ve acknowledged that Alpha Gamma Delta can do a better job to make life balance easier. Our accomplishments over the past few years have been pure joys. As we continually improve to better ourselves, there will be many more celebrations to come! Alpha Gamma Delta is a premier women's organization making others (as well as our own members) take notice. As the Purpose states, we are encouraged to esteem, revere and love Alpha Gamma Delta for the difference she is making in the lives of those whom she touches. This is happening! The challenge for all Alpha Gams is to Live with Purpose!

Jackie Brannon Stutts International President

table of contents

Director of Communications and Marketing Jill Lewman Harter

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8 16

The INbox

Graphic Design and Multimedia Coordinator Kylee Kirk Communications and Marketing Coordinator Kailee Fouch Bennett

Fraternity News

The New AGD

Leading with Values

Live with Purpose

Collegiate News Partnered for Success

Member, Fraternity Communications Association The Quarterly is published four times per year at 8701 Founders Rd., Indianapolis,


Alumnae News

IN 46268. Send all correspondence to

ers Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268. When

International Headquarters, 8701 Foundsending marriage or death announcements,



Pearls of Wisdom

please send duplicate information to your collegiate chapter or alumnae chapter/club so accurate records may be kept.

23 24 45

Sister Spotlight

The Quarterly welcomes editorial

focus on themes, so please contact the

Meet Lee Woodham Digiovanni

Foundation Chapter Grand

submissions from freelance writers. Issues Communications Department for guidelines, deadlines and additional information.

The Quarterly Magazine Mission The Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly Magazine endeavors to:


Q Corner

• Serve as a forum of communication to inspire, educate and challenge members on Fraternity, Greek and women’s issues.




• Rekindle, sustain and excite member loyalty and interest through celebrating and validating sisterhood and recognizing and acknowledging individual and chapter/ club accomplishments. • Serve as a permanent record and archive, documenting the Fraternity.

the INbox

Q quarterly

Dear Quarterly staff and Executive Director, I wanted to thank you both for not only allowing me to share my story about El Salvador with my sisters, but also for furthering our Fraternity. I love sharing my experiences about my trip to El Salvador with others, and this was the best avenue to do that. The hard work you all put in at IHQ and in the Quarterly remind us where we have come from, and hopefully where we can go in the future! Courtney Wilhelm Beta Omicron-Illinois State University Dear Courtney, Thank you for sharing your story in the Quarterly! Many members reached out to us and were inspired by your story. You are a great representative of Alpha Gamma Delta, and I hope you will continue to Live with Purpose throughout your life! Best, Jill Harter Quarterly Editor

Dear Quarterly staff, Thanks for the excellent review of our Fraternity history in the spring issue. I enjoyed it greatly. Also, thanks for the piece by Liz Harriss York, whose concerns are so clearly stated. At age 69, I share these concerns. For that reason, I am very much interested in the opinions of MIT psychologist Sherry Terkle, in her new book Alone Together. Terkle addresses the ways in which technology is changing us, according to the cohort we belong to. It would make a fine conversation [for the] alumnae among us who resonate with the issues she raises. I found the focus on the cherishing of friendships by the collegiate chapters a welcome exercise. It brings to light the common thread that the Quarterly readers have! Carol Kitchen Alpha Phi-Marietta College Carol, I’m glad you enjoyed the Quarterly and that Liz's article inspired you! Best, Jill Harter Quarterly Editor 2 quarterly summer 2011

Thanks to all of the sisters who provided feedback on the Quarterly on our Facebook Fan Page and on Twitter. Several of your comments are below: TWEETS • Great article in the @alphagammadelta Quarterly about our founding! Happy #FoundersMonth! –Katie Butler, Beta Xi-Purdue University • Just read @alphagammadelta Quarterly cover to cover. As an Alpha Chapter alumna, loved article/pics of our founding year! –Rachel Sears Casanta, Alpha-Syracuse University FACEBOOK COMMENTS • I read the history article. I never knew that Edith had the fall and was injured during most of the founding year. I also found it interesting about the evolution of the New Member Pin and about the attic room. Actually, the whole article was fantastic! Thanks staff...keep up the excellent work! Oh...and I had to read it online too because my hard copy hasn't come yet. Couldn’t wait either! :-) –Tara Wheeler Prather, Theta KappaUniversity of Virginia

• Once again I was reminded of how much foresight our Founders had considering they weren't all together that many times. I'm also really glad that shampoo was developed during the past century. –Patricia O'Connor Vreeland, Epsilon Iota-University of Northern Colorado

Submit your feedback on the Quarterly! Thank you to all sisters who submitted a letter to the editor for this issue. Remember, the Quarterly is for YOU! We want to hear what you think about your magazine! Send your comments on this issue of the Quarterly by September 19 by email to quarterly@ or by mail to Attn:

Quarterly Editor, 8701 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268.

fraternity news updates


Colonization at Austin Peay State University


Chapter Websites

The colonization process is underway

Have you seen your initiating

for Alpha Gamma Delta at Austin

chapter’s website? Check them

Peay State University in Clarksville,

out at www.alphagammadelta.

Tennessee! Follow the journey on the

org/member/chapters. If you are a

colony website at

collegian and your chapter does not

You can also check out the colony’s

have a website provided through

Facebook Fan Page and Twitter page.

OmegaFi, please contact Kailee

Alpha Gamma Delta’s colonization

Fouch Bennett, Communications

recruitment begins in early October. If

and Marketing Coordinator, at

you have questions about the extension or

process, contact Brooke Heffernan,


Assistant Director of Fraternity Services-New Chapter Development, at or 317.872.2655.


Building Updates • Renovations have begun at Alpha Gamma Delta's new International Headquarters! Follow the progress at yourihq. • The Fraternity Housing Corporation has finished its renovations at Epsilon Beta-University of Kansas and AlphaSyracuse University. Staff members were on-site overseeing the renovation process and ensuring that these facilities are safe, competitive and attractive. More about the Fraternity Housing Corporation will be in the next issue of the Quarterly.


fraternity news

InspiringThe Sisters at Leadership Conference Over

400 collegians and advisors traveled to Indianapolis, Indiana, for The Leadership Conference (TLC), held at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown from June 24-26, 2011. Usually held every two years, TLC is an opportunity for collegiate officers and advisors to connect, share ideas and receive training to help them in their officer roles.

This year, TLC programming centered on the Gamma Experience—a program for second and third year initiated members of Alpha Gamma Delta that incorporates the Alpha Gamma Delta Purpose. Focusing on individual and chapter growth, the Gamma Experience encourages chapter-wide discussion, led by a peer facilitator. At TLC, attendees were trained in The Leadership Institute-Women with Purpose’s awardwinning program Barriers to Facilitation, empowering them to learn valuable life skills while preparing them to lead their peers through the Gamma Experience. The conference began on Friday evening with an energizing Dessert Reception and Launch Event, where 4 quarterly summer 2011

sisters were encouraged to interact with one another and discuss the Purpose. Jackie Brannon Stutts, International President, and Stephannie Sack Bailey, Executive Director, started the evening by highlighting the latest Fraternity updates. Lee Woodham Digiovanni, Education Committee Chairman, and Kodee Gartner, Assistant Director of Fraternity ServicesChapter Development, took the stage next, discussing the meaning behind the Gamma Experience and the purpose of the conference. In addition, TLC attendees had the opportunity to view a sneak peek of the new Alpha Gamma Delta visual identity and brand message—Live with Purpose. Attendees were provided with a notebook and sunglasses with the new logo on them as a special treat! On Saturday, attendees learned more in-depth information about the Gamma Experience and then started the Barriers to Facilitation course. In the afternoon, attendees had the opportunity to practice their newly-learned facilitation skills with

a group of peers. In addition to learning about the Gamma Experience and developing facilitation skills, sisters were encouraged to have discussions about the significance of the Alpha Gamma Delta Purpose and the Ritual. In a session called “Celebrating a Life of Purpose” on Saturday night, sisters were divided into groups and asked to discuss the personal meaning behind each line of the Purpose, encouraging group interaction and personal reflection. A meaningful and purposeful conversation about the Ritual, led by collegian Samantha Avanzino, Delta Omicron-University of Nevada Las Vegas, and Stephannie Sack Bailey ended the evening. On Sunday morning, sisters attended breakout sessions that helped them learn how to implement the Gamma Experience into their chapter’s member development programming. The conference ended with an inspiring closing session that encouraged sisters to be confident about their facilitation skills and get excited about sharing this new program with their chapter.

Gamma Experience Tweets

Throughout the conference, Twitter was incorporated into programming as a reflection component. The hashtags #gammexp and #TLC2011 were used to display tweets on screens throughout the event. A few tweets from TLC attendees are listed throughout this article! Follow IHQ: @alphagammadelta.

@bialew: ''Our Ritual is who we are and the Purpose is what we do'' @alphagammadelta #gammaexp #TLC2011

@leedigio: It's a great day to be an

@alphagammadelta! Can't wait for people to see #gammaexp today at #TLC2011! Lots of love put into it.

What is the Gamma Experience?

Using the Alpha Gamma Delta Purpose as our framework, the Gamma Experience incorporates group programs and individual application activities for each line of the Purpose. The intent of the Gamma Experience is to encourage discussion with members of each class, learn how to apply the Purpose to members’ individual daily lives and reflect on the implications of the Gamma Experience on the membership growth and experience. The Gamma Experience is intended for second and third year initiated members of Alpha Gamma Delta and is a part of the complete member development program—the Alpha Gamma Delta Experience. Peer-led and entirely discussion-based, the Gamma Experience provides a standard framework from which chapters are able to create a custom experience based on the perspectives represented within the membership.

How did the Gamma Experience begin?

The Gamma Experience has been a dream of many Alpha Gamma Deltas for quite some time. Our members wanted to create a meaningful membership experience. The Leadership Institute employed a comprehensive research study with Alpha Gamma Delta collegians, and what they discovered is members really connect with the Alpha Gamma Delta Purpose. As a result, The Leadership Institute helped Alpha Gamma Delta create a membership experience entirely focused on the meaning of the Purpose, providing members with a real-world application of this historical set of values. In order to create the best possible educational program for our members, the Gamma Experience was test piloted in the spring 2011 semester with 12 collegiate chapters with varying geographic and campus differences. The pilot process began in February 2011 with the Gamma Experience Training Event, held in Indianapolis. Representatives from all 12 pilot chapters attended to learn and participate in the Barriers to Facilitation course. After the event, each chapter was assigned a portion of the programming to test with the chapter membership. Representatives from International Headquarters and The Leadership Institute traveled to each pilot chapter to observe the programming in action. Based on feedback from the chapter and observations of the programming, changes were made to the Gamma Experience programming to better suit the membership.

Thank You!

A special thank you goes to The Leadership Institute for creating such an impactful program; the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation, for funding the program; and the pilot chapters, for their helpful feedback and positivity throughout the pilot process.

@agdexec: Such great updates from @alphagammadelta at #gammaexp. The future looks bright for this wonderful organization. :)

@Jessr1313: #Alphagammadelta #gammaexp #TLC2011

@AnnaE55: This is what Alpha Gam is

supposed to be. Amazing and so simple. #gammaexp #TLC2011

Living with Purpose. Never have I felt more proud to be an Alpha Gam then right this moment! #Inspired

5 5

Leading with Values “ ” We have a mentality that where we are is just fine. But what is so wrong with working to be amazing?


went to the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI) not knowing what to expect. I had never been to a leadership conference before, and to be honest, I was pretty terrified. But in a matter of just five days, it seemed like all 90 attendees were my best friends. After sharing our story, we all walked out of the room with a new outlook on everyone else. We were more understanding of each other and our differences. After the first night, I looked through the outline of the next four days. I saw that we would be discussing our ritual on one of the days. I had no idea how this would be possible for me. Almost every other person in the room had someone else from their chapter there. How was I going to talk about my Ritual with complete strangers? I couldn’t explain to them what anything meant, so it would obviously be a pretty short conversation. I have never been more wrong. All 90 students sat down in one room and participated in a conversation led by Ben. He brought us back to the first day of UIFI, when we made a list of all the things that were getting in the way of Greek life’s success. He pulled out that piece of paper and got out his ritual 6 quarterly summer 2011

book. He then wrapped that piece of paper around his ritual book. There was just silence. Everyone in the room realized that everything we “stand for” is ruined by everything that we do negatively. All the partying, all the hazing and all the disrespect for others was hiding what each different [organization’s] ritual stands for in general. I remember feeling so defeated that night but our facilitators reminded the group that we still had another day. We needed to trust the system. The next day, we made our blueprints. Our blueprints were basically outlines of what problems our chapters have and how we plan to go home and fix those problems. What steps need to be taken? Who needs to have their fire lit? What can you do even when you feel like you can’t do anything? How do you find the courage to speak up to your friends? Our meeting that night was very different from the night before. It was inspiring, and we were all feeling much more relieved and courageous. It’s very hard to explain how strangers can change your life, but that is exactly what happened at UIFI. I will be returning to my campus with a whole new outlook on life and how to run my chapter. We have a mentality that where we are is just fine.

But what is so wrong with working to be amazing? What is so wrong about trying something that may not work? What happened to our Purpose and the goal to “possess high ideals and to attain somewhat unto them?” One of the common phrases at UIFI was, “Stop worrying about the how and just focus on the what.” We often get caught up in the how. We don’t know how things will work out, and we don’t know how we will accomplish our goals. However, if all we focus on is the what, we could be a completely different chapter. My goal for the next two years is to find a way to inspire my chapter like UIFI inspired me. I am extremely grateful for my opportunity to attend UIFI. I have made friends who I know will support me in the changes I want to make in my chapter. In addition, I know that these friends will also hold me accountable to my goals. I am going back to my chapter as a completely different person, inspired to make positive change, and for that I am thankful!"

Chelsea Simmons

Delta Tau-Chapman University Thank you to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation for sponsoring Alpha Gams to attend the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI). Make a donation to the Foundation at

Introducing the 2011-2012

Leadership Consultant Team

Each year, Alpha Gamma Delta selects recent graduates to serve on the Leadership Consultant Team, in an effort to bring support and guidance to all of the Fraternity’s collegiate chapters. This talented and hardworking team will serve as a valuable resource for all chapters, in addition to providing support to Alpha Gamma Delta’s new colony this fall at Austin Peay State University. Lesley Feyerherm, Sigma-University of Illinois, was a 2010-2011 Leadership Consultant and is returning for a second year.

Maria Carbenia

Alpha Iota−Baldwin-Wallace College Degree: B.A. in Political Science with a minor in History and International Studies “For me, living with Purpose is trying each day to be a little better than I was yesterday. I always keep the Purpose in the back of my mind and I try my best to use it as my guide."

Melissa Pope

Alpha Lambda−The Ohio State University

Lauren Carlson Zeta Eta−Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Degree: B.S. in Industrial and Management Engineering “I do my best to cherish my relationships with my family and friends while doing all that I can to make a positive impact on the world around me.”

Caitlin Tejeda

Epsilon Epsilon−William Jewell College

Degree: B.A. in Speech and Hearing Science

Degree: B.A. in English and Organizational Communication

“By volunteering in my community, forming lasting friendships with my sisters and committing myself to attaining the best education possible, I attempt to live the Purpose each and every day.”

“Each day I try my best to be a loving daughter, loyal friend and well-rounded woman. I sometimes fall short of these ideals, but I live with Purpose because I never stop trying.”

Ashley Lamphier Shannon O'Nale Mu−Brenau University

Degree: B.S. in Early Childhood Education “I hold the meanings and Purpose of Alpha Gamma Delta very close to my heart and feel as though it’s important for us as members to really get to know our Ritual. Knowing the ins and outs of Ritual makes you comfortable with it, which in turn makes it much easier to live out.”

Lesley Feyerherm

Sigma−University of Illinois Second Year Leadership Consultant Degree: B.S. in Psychology “Most of all, I think about the 11 women who started it all in 1904. I live our Purpose as a sign of respect for those inspiring women who had the courage to begin our wonderful sisterhood.”

Epsilon Zeta−Arkansas State University Degree: B.S. in Communications-Radio/TV and B.S. in World Languages-Spanish “My favorite line is ‘To welcome the opportunity of contributing to the world’s work…’ because I've always had a passion for volunteering! I love the power of philanthropy and its potential to change lives.”

Do you want to be an Alpha Gamma Delta Leadership Consultant? Follow the Leadership Consultants on the road this year and learn more about the program by visiting


live with purpose

8 quarterly summer 2011

Experience the new Alpha Gamma Delta! FOR MANY YEARS, the Armorial Bearings was the natural representative mark of Alpha Gamma Delta. It was common place at that time for Greek organizations to adopt their crest as the official logo, but as the corporate and consumer world grew and shifted, specific images and ideas became more and more of an essential component to identifying different companies and products. Alpha Gamma Delta grew to adopt this notion as well, switching to a few different logos and brand messages over the years to serve as the symbolic embodiment of the Alpha Gam experience. It is no secret that the past two years have been a time of tremendous change, as the Fraternity works toward its mission to become more relevant to all members. And there is still much progress to come!


live with purpose LAST YEAR, we turned around to take a peek at just how much progress we had made, and we realized that “Surrounded by Sisterhood” was not totally describing all aspects of Alpha Gamma Delta. We determined that although sisterhood is a founding ideal of our organization, Alpha Gamma Delta has much more to offer our members and the world. In addition, the world, the organization and the collegiate experience had changed greatly since the last rebrand. International Council decided it was time for a new visual identity and brand message that would be more reflective of today’s mission and values. To kick off the rebranding process, International Council met with the chosen marketing vendor to discuss what important messages they felt the visual identity and brand message should communicate about Alpha Gamma Delta. It was very clear the new visual identity needed to reflect the traditional elements of the Fraternity, with a modern twist. While the previous logo was appealing and proudly served as the Fraternity's visual identity for a decade, it didn't seem to communicate the fast momentum which makes Alpha Gamma Delta stand out today in the fraternal world. International Council believes the new visual identity is much more reflective of the Fraternity today.

Embracing the Purpose Though Emily Helen Butterfield didn’t write the Alpha Gamma Delta Purpose until much later, the ideals set forth in the Purpose were formed during that founding year at Syracuse University. Putting the Purpose on paper gave all members advice on how to live a virtuous and fulfilling life without explicitly clarifying the means to achieve the ends. It was likely the expectation of our Founders that the Purpose would serve simply as a guiding light for our members and also the Fraternity herself. It began the tradition of encouraging members to define their own experience. Several surveys and extensive conversations later, all audiences were in agreement that Live with Purpose should be Alpha Gamma Delta’s new brand message. It encompasses all that the Fraternity stands for, including our drive to inspire the woman and impact the world.

10 quarterly summer 2011

Live with Purpose is universal; there is no defined way in which a member can effectively live with Purpose. It is up to the member to absorb the 10 lines, decide for herself what each line means to her and determine her own plan to incorporate those values into her life. The Visual Identity One of the many founding symbols, the red rose, has long been indicative of Alpha Gamma Delta and is a natural representative of Alpha Gamma Delta’s rich history and evolution to meet the needs of women from all walks of life who seek friendship and purpose.

Understanding the importance of circles within Fraternity, the rose remains as a spherical shape. The goal for this visual identity was to incorporate a concept of forward movement into the design. This was achieved through the dramatic flow of the rose stem, which seems to grow out of the “L” in Live with Purpose. The “L” becomes the solid foundation from which the rose is able to prosper, much as the Fraternity strives to be the supporting base that allows our members to reach for their best. This new visual identity replaces the previous Alpha Gamma Delta double roses logo. The Fraternity has a variety of visual elements and symbols—the red and buff rose, green asparagus plumosa fern, the pearl, the

Badge and the Armorial Bearings. A brand is intended to provide some visual representation associated with an organization and to convey a message about the organization. It is not necessarily comprehensive of all that the organization stands for. For example, think of Nike's iconic swoosh. It immediately identifies the company as Nike but certainly doesn't represent everything they sell or stand for. Likewise, we have chosen the red rose and green stem to represent Alpha Gamma Delta in our visual identity. The Visual Standards Guide outlines the appropriate ways each element of the visual identity can be used. It is posted on the website in the Alpha Gams section. The goal of the Visual Standards Guide is to establish consistency. Generally speaking, it should not be altered in any way, with the exception of resizing. Because Alpha Gamma Delta is so reaching, with chapters and members located all over the world, it is important that each and every member do her part to protect and promote the new brand. To be successful, every member must make a conscious effort to replace any appearance of the old logo with the new brand in the appropriate ways defined in the Visual Standards Guide.




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Your Challenge: Live with Purpose Take a moment to reflect on the Alpha Gamma Delta Purpose and determine how those 10 lines can be incorporated into your life. It likely wasn’t Emily’s intent for every member to follow the Purpose as a road map. The point of the Purpose and the message Live with Purpose is to determine your own path to achieve these simple ideals: Be there for your sisters. Take care of yourself and those around you. Be the best you can be. Know that what you do matters. You can make an impact in the smallest of ways. That’s living with Purpose. 11

live with purpose A NEW FRATERNITY WEBSITE

Contact Us – Here you’ll find photos and contact information for all International Headquarters and Foundation staff.

Alpha Gamma Delta has a new website! Focusing on member-driven content and sharing the stories of our sisters, the new website is designed to be interactive, informative and engaging. You will notice many helpful features displayed on the home page, including a chapter locator tool, sister search tool and a link to view the “Experience the New Alpha Gamma Delta” video! A new feature has been introduced—Let's Talk—that demonstrates how members and friends of Alpha Gamma Deltas are living with Purpose. In addition, we've developed a public section of the website—Alpha Gams— that is intended for members of Alpha Gamma Delta. By clicking on "Alpha Gams," sisters can read the latest news and information about the Fraternity and its members, connect with sisters in their area, read our blog and share ideas. Check out the next few pages to see what the new website has to offer! Chapter Locator Tool – Use the Chapter Locator to find collegiate chapters and alumnae groups near you. After searching, you will find links to the groups’ websites, Facebook pages or email addresses.

Like – Spread the word about Alpha Gamma Delta’s new site by “liking” it on Facebook!

12 quarterly summer 2011

Let's Talk – Check back often to read how Alpha Gams around the world are living with Purpose. Alpha Gamma Delta has an abundance of fabulous members who are doing awesome things in the name of our Purpose, and we’ll be featuring them here. Want to share your own story? We want to hear it! Click “Tell Your Story.”

Login Box – Use this login box to access myAlphaGam, the new, members-only portal. Here you can find sisters near you, access handbooks and forms, register for Fraternity events and more! See page 22 for login instructions or watch this video!

AGD Foundation – The Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation’s website is now housed within the Fraternity’s site. Visit their site to learn more about the Foundation or to make a gift.

Alpha Gams – We’ve developed a public section of the website—“Alpha Gams”—that is all for members! By clicking on “Alpha Gams,” you can get the latest news and information about the Fraternity and its members. In addition, you can connect with sisters in your area, read our blog and share ideas with one another. The Recruitment Information Form (RIF) and other important documents are located here.

Search Box – The search box is a quick and easy tool to find the information you are looking for. Simply type what you are looking for in the search box and click on the magnifying glass to get started. (Note: You cannot use the search function to find items on myAlphaGam. These unsearchable items include handbooks, manuals and forms. You must sign in to myAlphaGam and click on the Resource Center to access these items.) Facebook Comments – Log in to Facebook to comment or ask questions using your personal Facebook account. Alumnae and Collegians – Get quick access to information about connecting with Alpha Gamma Delta as well as defining membership expectations to cultivate your experience as an Alpha Gamma Delta.

Blog – Check out our blog that highlights initiatives and announcements regarding Alpha Gamma Delta and the greater fraternal community. View the blog entry about the new brand message and visual identity.

Make a Gift – We’ve made it easy for you to give to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. Idea Bank – Have a great idea you’d like to share with other Alpha Gams? Post it in the Idea Bank! You can even attach a photo or document to your comment to explain your idea further! Sisters looking for recruitment or alumnae event inspiration can use the Idea Bank’s search tool to start the brainstorming process. Need more information? You have the ability to comment on the idea to get the extra tips or tricks you need!

Member Resources – Links to important Fraternity documents can be found in Member Resources. 13

live with purpose

myAlphaGam MyAlphaGam is the new, members-only portal where you can have instant access to find sisters near you, access handbooks and forms, download helpful resources and update your information. It replaces the previous Member Services section of the Fraternity website. You can even link to your Facebook account, participate in polls and catch up on the latest Fraternity news! See page 22 for registration instructions!

myApplications – Depending on your role with Alpha Gamma Delta, you will have access to different items under myApplications. If you are a collegian, you will be able to connect to Member Access Plus to pay your dues. If you are a VST member, you may see a link to Compass, the new Fraternity database.

Resource Center – The Resource Center is your one-stop shop for all operational Fraternity documents. This is where all handbooks, manuals and forms are located.

Idea Center – In the Idea Center on myAlphaGam, you can find recruitment resources, brand templates, Alpha Gamma Delta Experience materials and Alpha Gam songs. Many recruitment, brand and Alpha Gamma Delta Experience resources are still in the works so be sure to check back often!

Events – Soon, you will be able to register for all Fraternity events. Stay tuned for more information!

14 quarterly summer 2011

PRIVACY SETTINGS myProfile – Through myProfile, you can update your personal information with International Headquarters, in addition to change your username and password for myAlphaGam. (Note: Please be sure to verify your contact information in myProfile and adjust your privacy settings. Everyone’s privacy settings are currently set to share no information so if you wish to share your information with sisters who may be searching for you, click “Edit” on the profile box and select “Share Contact Information” at the bottom.)

Announcements – Each time you log in, be sure to check the Announcements section for any new notes from Alpha Gamma Delta International Headquarters.

The process of transferring information from our old database to Compass, the new database, did not allow for your previously selected privacy settings to carry over. In an effort to best protect your privacy rights, it was determined that the default setting for all members would be to not share any information. If you would like for other Alpha Gams to search and find contact information for you, please click “myProfile,” then “Edit” in the main profile box that shows your username for myAlphaGam, name and graduation year. At the bottom of the “Edit” screen, you can check “Share Contact Information” to allow other Alpha Gams to see your home address, phone numbers and email address. Unfortunately, unlike Member Services, you are unable to select which information you would like to share. If you click “Share Contact Information,” you are agreeing to share all the information listed above. We are working with OmegaFi, our database provider, to eventually give you more sharing options in the future. While you are in myProfile, please be sure to verify that your information is correct. Once you update it in myAlphaGam, it automatically updates our database!

Advanced Search – Use the Advanced Search to reconnect with old friends or search for sisters near you.

My Calendar – The My Calendar feature will help you remember important Fraternity dates, including Fraternity events and due dates for Fraternity documents. 15

collegiate news

For the Summer 2011 Quarterly, collegiate chapters were asked to share how their chapter cultivates acquaintance with many whom they meet. Read more collegiate chapter reports on the Fraternity website at www.alphagammadelta. org/aboutus/ alphagammadeltaquarterly/ collegiatereports.

Alpha Beta –University of Michigan

Alpha Beta Chapter fully embodies this aspect of the Purpose through many fun and memorable sisterhood activities. We kicked off our first amazing sisterhood event with Bid Day, where we hosted a lovely garden party on Alpha Gamma Delta’s front lawn. We enjoyed many fun activities such as a photo booth and provided sisters with memorable bonding activities. Initiation week was also filled with bonding activities such as Sweets ‘n Greets, which offered a fun tour of all of the senior houses to the new members, and a mother-daughter tea. All of this culminated with a sisterhood retreat, where we played trivia and icebreakers. -Rachel Christensen

Zeta Epsilon –Michigan Technological University

Our chapter has been very active with recruitment this year. During Formal Recruitment, our chapter had high hopes of meeting great women to join the organization. Over the semester, we have welcomed many into our home. Every Sunday, a few sisters get together to cook dinner for the chapter. Often times, a sister will invite a friend to meet the rest of the women, and it’s a great way to get to know people. We also invite people over for movie nights, game nights or out for ice cream if a few sisters are getting together. Our chapter has also been very active on campus. We attend events held by the campus, as well as sporting events. This is also a great way for us to get out and meet new women that would be a great addition to the chapter. -Lindsay Hamel

16 quarterly summer 2011

Delta Theta –University of Idaho

Being a part of Delta Theta Chapter means possessing an enthusiasm for cultivating acquaintances with many whom we meet. We participate in many campus-wide events, join a variety of clubs and committees and partake in socials and philanthropies with other Greek organizations. Recently, Delta Theta Chapter was invited to a social function with Theta Chi Fraternity. This event was held in appreciation of our chapter raising the most money for their philanthropy to put an end to domestic violence. At the event, aptly named Pie a Theta Chi, our women not only had the opportunity to throw whipped cream pies at the men, but also to dance, talk and socialize. Through being active on our campus and participating in fun, philanthropic events such as these, our women are able to create a good name for our Fraternity. -Tracey Spencer

Beta Xi –Purdue University

Our chapter uses the Alpha Gamma Delta Purpose to guide us to reach out to others on Purdue’s campus. Throughout the semester, sisters have participated in numerous philanthropy events held by different fraternities and sororities. We also participate in trade dinners with other Greek groups on campus. We’ve had such a great time cultivating acquaintances with other members of the Greek community this fall. We’re looking forward to continuing this effort next semester. -Allison Becker

Gamma Phi –Georgia Institute of Technology Psi –University of Alabama

This semester Psi Chapter has enjoyed cultivating many new and old friendships. We kicked off the year with a new member class that everyone couldn't wait to get to know. During Initiation week, each older class had a designated night to participate in an activity with the new member class, like bowling and making ice cream sundaes. In addition to sisterhood events, members of Psi Chapter are involved all over campus, participating and forming ties in clubs ranging from SGA senators to prestigious honor societies. We look forward to what exciting events and relationships a new semester will bring. -Genie Smith

Gamma Phi Chapter is able to cultivate acquaintance with many of the people we meet on Georgia Tech’s campus because of our leadership roles and participation in campus events. Gamma Phi Chapter received the Panhellenic Leadership Award from 2008-2010. Many sisters are leaders of Georgia Tech’s freshman orientation program and are tour guides. Sisters also participate as members of the Ramblin’ Wreck Club, a group of Georgia Tech students that promote spirit and good sportsmanship at Georgia Tech athletic events. Not only are we campus leaders, but we are also leaders for women, with our participation in Take Back the Night, an event held to raise awareness about sexual violence. Gamma Phi Chapter sisters also hold places on the Georgia Tech Women’s Recruitment Board. We expand our circle outside Alpha Gamma Delta by working with others around campus. -Katelyn Vermeyen 17

collegiate news

Partnered for Success presenting it to a panel of local professionals. With feedback in hand, Priya and Nikki set off last fall to bring Partnered to Success to life.


Arizona State University students Priya Nathan (left) and Nikki Lewis (right) founded Partnered for Success to aid foster and orphan youth.

a change the student would like to see in his or her community.

n 2005, only 37 percent of foster alumni (adults formally in foster care) attended college, compared to the general popula- Through several brainstorming sessions in class, Nikki revealed tion of 51 percent.* that she was an orphan. When her parents died, she was able to Since she was little, Priya Nalive with her aunt and uncle but than, Delta Xi−Arizona State still experienced a sense of disUniversity, has been exposed to placement. Their shared passion the trials of the foster care sysfor helping foster and orphan tem. Her mother has long been youth led to the idea for a menan advocate for disadvantaged toring program, with a twist. children and instilled in Priya a drive to correct the damaged Partnered for Success would be system. a three-tiered program, utilizing ASU students as mentors for “The foster care system has a foster or orphan high school lot of flaws, but we can try to students. The first tier would inhelp those who age out do it volve field trip based workshops successfully,” Priya said. “Basito teach the mentees indepencally, when they turn 18, in a dent living skills in addition to lot of states they are expected job preparation. The second to be adults. They don’t have a permanent guardian in their life tier would focus on community service, providing the mentees who can help them.” with valuable résumé additions. Lastly, the third tier would be Priya, a marketing major, the mentoring piece. met Nikki Lewis, a business management major, through “We feel that a lot of ASU stuher Leadership through Action dents have recently gone through class, a component of the ASU a lot of the life changes that the Tillman Scholars program. The foster and orphan youth will two were paired up for one of have to go through,” Priya said. the class’s major assignments: “We have recent experience that to design and implement a we can share.” leadership program that would address a social issue or address Part of the assignment involved creating a business plan and 18 quarterly summer 2011

Understanding the need for capital, the pair entered the Innovation Challenge. The Innovation Challenge is an opportunity for students to win up to $10,000 to implement an idea that will make a difference in the local and global community. Over 153 teams entered the competition. After presenting to a panel of judges, Priya and Nikki walked away with a $1,000 grant. The publicity opened up several new fundraising opportunities and even landed them in the business magazine, Fast Company, as Arizona’s representative for the most innovative ideas in the United States. This academic year has been a whirlwind for both Priya and Nikki. The two often met twice a week, for four to five hours at a time, to secure funding, design the workshops, recruit both mentors and mentees and apply for 501(c)(3) non-profit status. Partnered for Success will officially launch this fall. This year, the program will be relatively small, utilizing about eight to 10 mentors for about five to eight mentees. Planned field trips include a trip to an apartment complex to learn what to look for in a safe apartment and a shadow day, where mentees will shadow a professional in a career they are interested in. “Right now, we are keeping

our program small the first year just because we want to be sure we can concentrate on all the youth,” Priya said. “These mentees already have enough people who walk in and out of their lives; they don’t need one more person.” Both Priya and Nikki stayed in Arizona over the summer to finalize details for Partnered for Success’ launch. Nikki will be graduating early this December to take on more of an executive director role with Partnered for Success. “We’d like to bring on a board of directors and hopefully get grant and funding money so we can have a salary for Nikki. We also need to bring on others to help with the program,” Priya said. It is predicted, if nothing changes in the child welfare trends, over 10.5 million children will experience the foster care system.* It may be impossible to reduce this statistic, but Priya and Nikki are committed to making sure the foster and orphan youth they touch through Partnered for Success are given the tools they need to be productive and successful adults. If you or your chapter is interested in learning more about Partnered for Success, visit the website at http://partneredforsuccess. org or find them on Facebook. *According to a 2005 study by Casey Family Programs, the nation’s largest operating foundation focused entirely on foster care and improving the child welfare system.

alumnae news Theta Iota Almunae Chapter

Calgary Area Alumnae Chapter

Calgary Area Alumnae Chapter In June, members of the Calgary Area Alumnae Chapter attended the Style Your Life event in support of the Canadian Women's Foundation, an organization that aims to lift women out of poverty. The guest speaker at the event was Clinton Kelly of TLC's What Not To Wear, pictured here with smiling Alpha Gams! - Ashley Kennedy

Theta Iota Alumnae Chapter enjoyed several events over the past year. In the fall, they hosted a pre-recruitment social for the women of Theta Iota-Western Kentucky University, assisting with recruitment preparation and providing them with several meals and goodie bags for the week. In October, Theta Iota Alumnae Chapter celebrated Homecoming with an alumnae brunch at the chapter house. Five alumnae initiates were also welcomed into the circle of sisterhood in October. We concluded the year by participating in WKU's Relay for Life, in honor of at least seven members who have fought cancer in Theta Iota Alumnae Chapter’s short history. Sixteen representatives from the alumnae and collegiate chapters and three legacies participated in the event, raising $2,600 and placing third in the Greeks for Life Competition and in overall fundraising! - Melanie Evans

Greater Raleigh Alumnae Chapter The Greater Raleigh Alumnae Chapter held a number of entertaining and informative events this spring! Representatives from WomenHeart, an organization dedicated to educating women about heart disease, joined us at our February meeting, and we welcomed North Carolina Secretary of State Elaine Marshall, who we nominated for the Distinguished Citizen Award, to our March meeting to congratulate her on receiving this honor at International Convention 2010. We celebrated the “Seasons of Sisterhood" with a lovely International Reunion (IRD) brunch, and one of our sisters gave a presentation at the very first Alpha Gamma Delta chapter house at UNC-Chapel Hill, which she called home during her college career. We enjoyed getting together for our annual potluck dinner in May, and we're looking forward to a fun-filled fall! - Dawn Pasley Myers

Epsilon Kappa Alumnae Chapter It has been a fantastic year for Epsilon Kappa Alumnae Chapter. Last July, the alumnae chapter held a garage sale, raising $300 for the Connie Yates Brown Scholarship. We kicked off the school year by welcoming the collegians back for Polish Week with snacks and a gift of silverware for the chapter house. During recruitment, we also provided a Bid Day lunch for the collegiate chapter. In October, we held our second annual Homecoming gathering. Over 40 alumnae and collegians attended, spanning over five decades. In December, we hosted our annual family Christmas party and held a silent auction to raise funds to help support the collegiate chapter. In January, our sisters joined together for a Zumba fundraiser. Alumna Christy Deruy Hays, a certified Zumba instructor, volunteered to teach the class for us. The event raised more than $400 for the Imogene Boone Scholarship and the Jacqueline Iley Scholarship. In April, we had 103 Epsilon Kappa Chapter sisters in attendance at International Reunion Day (IRD), including 61 chapter sisters and 42 alumnae. Visit us at - Nicole Thomas

Theta Iota Alumnae Chapter

Central Florida Alumnae Club At our Alpha Gam Always ice cream social in August, we had great weather, and we had some new members join us. Our annual garage sale was held in Maitland, Florida, in November, and we were able to raise funds for our club and the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. Our Christmas brunch was held in December and was a big success. We collected canned goods for a local charity and collected funds for the United Service Organizations (USO). Some of us volunteered to usher at the Shakespeare theatre in December and enjoyed the show with our sisters. We sold Yankee candles in the spring as a fundraiser and then attended International Reunion Day (IRD) at Seasons 52. Our shrimp and corn boil was attended by sisters and their spouses/friends in early June. It was a fun event for our Alpha Gams and their Alpha Gam men! - Rachel Niemiec

Alumnae Chapter Recaps for the Fall 2011 Quarterly are due September 19. Fill out the form online or email your report to 19

alumnae profile


ast winter, Krystal Parker, Zeta Zeta-Worcester Polytechnic Institute, was hunting for a unique gift for her best friend and Zeta Zeta Chapter sister Liz Kinnal. A frequenter of eBay, she decided to see what Alpha Gam items she might find up for auction. When her search results returned a book titled 75 years of Cooking with Grand Council, she knew she’d struck gold. When Liz opened the book a few weeks later, she was shocked at the many eccentric recipes inside, all submitted in 1979 by past members of Grand Council (today’s International Council). When planning for the 75th Anniversary Convention, the members of Grand Council wanted to do something special to contribute to the Epsilon Pi Loyalty Fund and the Founders Memorial Fund. (The Founders Memorial Fund became the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation.) The cookbook was sold for $5, and all proceeds were split between the fund and the Foundation.

The rules would be simple; they both had to try everything. With over 145 recipes to choose from, it is their goal to finish the cookbook by the end of 2011.

Q: How did you come up with the name for your blog? Krystal: The title of our blog is “But Who Will Eat the Liver?” The

first night, we were going through the recipes, and there were four or five recipes that had chicken liver as a main ingredient. I’ve never had liver before, but it just doesn’t sound appealing to me. It kind of became a running joke between the two of us: who was going to eat the liver? We decided we are going to save all of those recipes until the end. We are looking at doing something with some of our other sisters that are in the area and have them help us eat the liver. It will be a fun way to end it.

Q: Are you following the cookbook in order or do you have an-

“We were looking through the recipes and so many of them were so outlandish and ingredients that you never would think of together,” Liz said. “I felt like we weren’t doing the cookbook justice unless we tried at least some of them. And if we were going to try some of them, we might as well try all of them!”

other way of deciding what you will make each week? Krystal: We try to balance our recipes because we make anywhere between three and five every time we get together. We try to make at least one recipe that we are pretty confident that we are going to like so we aren’t disgusted by everything that we eat. We try to balance it out and not do five good things in one night, although we have accidently done that before. But not on purpose!

The two friends decided they would meet once a week to cook three to five of the recipes and then blog about the good, the bad and the ugly outcomes.

Q: Have you had any trouble finding any of the ingredients? Liz: I had to find a jar of dried beef. We assumed it was prob-

ably like beef jerky or something like that, but I didn’t even know you could buy a jar of jerky. I asked, and it turns out that Hormel actually makes literally a glass jar full of it. Krystal: Which, funny enough, my parents couldn’t believe I didn’t know what that was. Liz: It also turned out to be very salty, and Krystal’s mom then told us after we made the recipe that we were actually supposed to wash off the outside of the dried beef. Lesson learned!

Q: What is the worst recipe you’ve made thus far? Liz: It was called Molded Cottage Cheese Salad. There is a

joke that Krystal and I have that we’ve mentioned on the blog. A lot of the salads don’t actually have vegetables in them. There is Jello and the weirdest things you could ever imagine putting in Jello. This one was lime Jello, green peppers (it did have a vegetable in it so it does classify as a salad), cottage cheese, whipped cream and diced American cheese. You mix it all together and let it gel. I had one spoon and that was it. I was done.


quarterly summer 2011

Q: Have you been pleasantly surprised by any of them? Krystal: What was the green rice recipe we made? Liz: Oh, you beat egg whites, but there were also egg yolks,

Q: How has this project brought you closer to each other? Krystal: Liz and I had grown apart a little bit after college just

Q: Who is in charge of clean up? Liz: I think we have managed to use every pot and pan in

Q: The cooking project started as a way for you both to reconnect

parsley and cooked white rice. Krystal: We weren’t quite sure what to do about the egg whites because it was almost like you made a meringue for the top of the rice. Liz: Then you had to bake it for like 40 minutes or something. It ended up being this soufflé type thing, and it turned out to be pretty good!

both of our kitchens. Usually, the person whose apartment it is cleans up because we are both pretty particular about how things are done. Krystal: I laugh about using all of the pots and pans because one week, both of our moms and the two of us cooked a bunch of recipes at Liz’s mom’s house. I think we used every single pot, pan and bowl. We ran out of spoons at one point. We found a way to go through every single utensil. Liz: We were pulling out bowls that probably haven’t seen the light of day in about five years.

Q: Were either of you experienced cooks before you

because of where work was pulling each of us and our busy schedules. This project has been really great for me to reconnect with her and build our friendship again, which is really important to me. Liz: It’s a chance to completely step back from everything else that is going on. We didn’t get to see each other very often. We only live 40 minutes away, and we were attached at the hip in college but we are busy with work and other things that we are doing outside of our careers. This is a really nice way for us to see each other. but has it also given you a unique peek into Alpha Gamma Delta history? Krystal: It is kind of neat to relive a little bit of history and to look at some recipes that have probably been family recipes that have been passed down since the 1800s. Some cookies that we made were submitted by Founder Georgia Dickover. It is essential slice and bake cookies that you make but the recipe was way before slice and bake cookies were ever in existence. You can follow along with Liz and Krystal as they work their way through the 145 recipes through their blog, “But Who Will Eat the Liver?”

started? Liz: I love to cook. It is probably one of my favorite things to do. Even in college, if I ever had time, I would try to make something at home with my parents. A lot of times if I go home my mom is like, “Why don’t you cook dinner?” Krystal: Liz is the cooker, and I am the baker. I love to bake but cooking is something I’m learning, and I’ve gotten better at it along the way.

Q: Do you ever have guest tasters to try out the recipes?

Krystal: We occasionally have guest tasters if

someone is around. Some people shy away from it a little bit because they have seen what recipes we’ve made before, and they know we have the pizza guy on speed dial. Liz: We have to promise that there will be a really good dessert or something we’ve made before to lure them into our kitchens. 21

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22 quarterly summer 2011


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sister spotlight

Meet Lee


Woodham Digiovanni, Gamma Alpha-University of Georgia, has always had a passion for education. She had served in several different Volunteer Service Team roles but when she saw an opening for Education Committee Chairman, she knew she’d found her niche. The Education Committee had been formed about a year prior, and after submitting her application and résumé, she was appointed to the role. Her main task would be to prioritize efforts with the collegiate experience, effectively designing the Alpha Gamma Delta Experience with help from the initial curriculum map that the previous Education Committee had devised. She knew the Purpose should be at the heart of all the programming and after playing with ideas and talking with her committee, Alpha emerged as “the beginning” and Delta, the Greek word for change, seemed to fit well for graduating members. Gamma, however, presented more of a challenge. The committee knew they needed something special for Gamma. The Leadership Institute–Women With Purpose was able to take the committee’s ideas, along with thoughts from collegians, International Headquarters staff and the Volunteer Service Team, and create something that is indeed very special. “I've been fortunate enough to be in a position to encourage [the Alpha Gamma Delta Experience’s] growth and development, and it certainly represents one of the most exciting things I've had the privilege of being a part of as an Alpha Gam,” Lee said. “What I love the most is I can play with ideas in terms of how to make the Alpha Gam experience better for our members. I have the freedom to try them, knowing that what we are working on can impact so many sisters.” Up next for Lee and the Education Committee is a redesign of the Delta Experience program and materials, which will launch at International Convention 2012 in St. Louis, Missouri. “We’ve gone back to the Purpose and that is just so exciting and so beautiful to me,” Lee said. “I think our Founders would be really proud of what we have done with their original vision.” 23


The Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation

Honor Roll of Donors Support of the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation is vital to the development of today’s Alpha Gamma Delta. Your generous donations help to provide scholarships to graduate and undergraduate students, essential educational programs for our AGD Fraternity and grants for diabetes education, awareness and research. This listing reflects annual giving levels based upon donations received between June 1, 2010 and May 31, 2011.


* Members who entered Chapter Grand but supported the Foundation through an annual gift or planned gift during the 2010-11 fiscal year. Members and friends who joined the Corinthian Society by notifying the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation office that the Foundation is a beneficiary of a will, trust, insurance policy and/or pension or retirement plan. Do you plan to provide for the future of Alpha Gamma Delta and haven't notified the Foundation office yet? Complete and send in the Corinthian Form. (Download form.) Lifetime Cumulative Giving Levels:  Annulet


• Pearl Circle


▲ Alpha Circle

♥ Founders Circle $500,000

Δ Delta Circle


 Double Rose Circle $5,000

♦ Diamond Circle $250,000

Γ Gamma Circle $25,000

 Buff Rose Circle $1,000

Alpha Syracuse University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Charleen Symonds Husebye  Supporters $100 - $249

Beverly Brown Dominy Virginia Gelish Drew Caroline James Ellison Julia Gallagher Nancy Schmitt Gurman Edith Vanderbeek Joseph  Lois Bishop Oakley Helen Cheng Parr Elizabeth Winship Scott  $1 - $99

Susan Holliday Barde Tiffany R. Blair Miriam Mitchell Bonk Adrienne Lashway Burruby Lois Seeger Bush Marilyn Castaldi Frances Voss Clem Nicole M. Davies Virginia Jansen Foell  Diana Gerland Nancy Capellupo Gurzo Karen M. Hutchinson Bernice Baron Keech Jennifer Shurtliff Kirkland Melinda Walker Krajewski Marilyn Pond Langdon 24 quarterly summer 2011

Mary Jane Compter Lasher Elizabeth Maier  Ann Slocomb Merrill Elizabeth Mitchell Jean Hall Mooney Barbara Rushmer Pack Traycie West Pinkoski Nancy Lana Rader Barbara Mesick Rasbach  Catherine S. Roy Ann Woodworth Sanborn Greta Hunter Schwegler Gertrude Gates Stillman Diane Michalke Van Lare Louise Orlando Ventrella Nancy Laws Weagraff Ellen Bean Westenfelder Beta University of Wisconsin Jewel Society $5,000 Jewels $5,000-$9,999

Audrey Berg Kaasa

$500 Jewels $500 - $999

Janet Nehring Gibeau  Supporters $250 - $499

Mary Stricker Briscoe  Jane Endres  Audrey Hilfiker Keck 

$100 - $249

Barbara Bluhm  Dolores Silverness Jung Audrey Zilisch McClellan  Jan Thorpe White  $1 - $99

Karin Cowman Alaniz Colleen Clifford Barnett Susan M. Brockman Suzanne Sueltmann Dornfeld  Lynn Hamm Erickson Barbara Ann Eastman Hungate  Helen Nelson Johnson  Millie Winger Lemoine Carol Casey Mullaney Patricia Miller Nowlan  Helen Scripko Pawasarat Dorothy Swift Rae Gail McCarthy Turluck  Jean Kyle Whitmire Catherine Sands Williams Delta University of Minnesota Jewel Society $5,000 Jewels $5,000-$9,999

Iantha Powrie Le Vander* ▲ $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Joanne Setsvold Edlefsen  Virginia Cox Elert


Marilyn Erickson Mitchell  Lillian Hall Scarpa  Supporters $250 - $499

Sally A. Scheefe Dorothy Zakowski Wessel  $100 - $249

Janice Stussy Elster Cynthia Wagner Engel  Irene K. Fernando Judith Volkenant McNamara Julie A. Miller  Lois Hamblin Moeller  Patricia Borg Schultz  Arlene Gustafson Stirratt Mary Ann Lenhard Streater $1 - $99

Camille A. Anderson Marilyn Gustafson Anderson Barbara Lovelett Bearr Susan Stockton Bohach Ruth Miller Davis Geraldine Schlitgus Eagan Carol Williams Ellison Marilyn Nelson Holland Doris Allen Howe Nancy Schmidt Langness Barbara Bartholdi MacKenzie Paullette Burkholder O'Connell  Patricia Leathers Oslund Barbara Tenney Pinto  Jennifer Green Pohl

sister spotlight

Kathryn Stenborg Schmidt Dorothy Langum Sinks Virginia Hanson Stabnow Phyllis Ann Tramel Stratton Marjorie Vaughn Wezeman Jacquelyn Lande Wick Kari Kottke Willenbring Nancy Hadden Wilson Eileen Williams Zahn Anne Wescott Zitnak Epsilon University of Kentucky Jewel Society $25,000 Jewels $25,000 and Up

Ruth Breitenstein Henritze* Δ Mildred Martin* Δ $1,000 Jewels $1,000-$1,903

Virginia Babb Taylor* ▲ $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Judith Saalfeld Cahill  Barbara Hale Letton  Supporters $100 - $249

Mary Ammerman Adams  Betty M. Barnes Anne Adams Embry Sara McClure Franklin Mary Beth Sammons Henthorne  Diane Edwards Hobscheid Laura L. Holsclaw Susan Poetker Johnson Mary Jean Hill Kinsman Alma Atkins McGuire  Margaret Wheeler Meredith Joan Fiero Nichols Jill L. Purcell Martha-Jean Hardwick Ramsey  Elizabeth Hyatt Richardson  Julie Wilson Roberts $1 - $999

Betty Latimer Anderson Carrie Germann Barlage Gene Crawford Bunnell Mary Dean Clarke Susan K. Compton Davis Lowrey Gardner  Carol McGinnis Gathy Sue Grannis Stacy L. Gray Tonya Carter Hatfield Helen Wilson Heltsley Kristen Smith Hord Janet Clarke Hurd Carol E. Leet

Louise R. Miller Kelly Shepard Profitt Amy West Reynolds Lindsay M. Rhollans Eloise Bennett Roberts Amanda Wade Schmitt Kimberly Holmes Taylor Mary-Rush Lynch Walker Amelia Perkins Warren Zeta Ohio University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Deborah Schmidt Eschenbacher  Francesca A. Lendrum  Supporters $100 - $249

Dorothy Higginbotham Arold Bonita Lauffer Fox Martha Myles  Catherine Fitzgerald Sotiriou $1 - $99

Martha Howard Castle Frances Ward Clark Lois Erdman Farrell Eleanor Fixler Gibbs  Carol Thompson Hughes Estelle Hogrefe Jones Antoinette Haut Kincade Carolyn Williams Lester Ina Zimpelman Loftspring Carol Gradolph Mason Patricia Mallett Mason Cynthia Clark McClary April Crowell Rose Doris Thiel Simonsen Andrea Manente Stell  Michelle Valencic

Doris L. Kagle

Shirley Rogers Hoyt { Sandy McMurray Novak

Erin Kennedy Butkovic Supporters $100 - $249

Mary L. Bersano Sharon J. Dicker  ▲

$500 Jewels $500 - $999

Eileen Berry Pratt  Kymberly Mellor Smitham  Jill Stout Von Feldt  Supporters $250 - $499

Kristi Johnson Feder  Oddrun Wick Hansen  Gail Caskey Harrison Marjory Winston Parker  $100 - $249 ▲

Carole A. Clause | Laura Bailey Suzanne Marley Culmer  Ann T. Daly Barbara Hill Dozier  Stacie Dienhart Gascho Kathi Ann Hancock Lee  Bonnie Schiffman Pearson  Ellen Rosselot Schneider  Kathryn Noll Webster 

Dina Micheletti Apostolou Karlene Bladow Carpenter June Sykes Farrell Jean Jorgensen Fisken Patricia Harlow Forsberg Lucille Wharton Frederick Joanne Manley Hancock Brianne E. Jones Barbara Allen Kraft Duane Dickinson Latham Leonne Wolfe Lundgren Judith Cole Nuber Marjorie Brewster Richardson Roberta Smith Sahr Gretchen Von Stubbe Sekel Debra J. Smevaag Joan Morrison St. Marie Pamela Nipper Thornton Kathryn A. Trimpe Sharon L. Winter Kappa Allegheny College Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Iota University of Washington Jewel Society $2,500 Jewels $2,500 - $4,999 $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Supporters $250 - $499 $100 - $249

Theta Goucher College Supporters $1 - $99

Patricia Houck Holvick Δ

Eta DePauw University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Margaret E. Piety | Dorothy Schoneker Skinner

$1 - $99

$1 - $99

Melinda McCracken Alcorn Laurie Tacheny Borden Vivian Hora Bosquit Sharon McBroom Brunjes Prilda Watson Duvall Carolyn Miles Fermann Kathryn Westphal Gentry* Mary A. Goetcheus Virginia Kibbler Lullo Carolyn Feicht Noss Elizabeth Mills Park  M. Clare Johnson Swanson Joanne Canary Thornburg Elizabeth Dye Walker  Karen Hawkins Weaver

Marilyn Newell Anderson  Susan Howard Brazier Carole Schuette Campbell Kristine Bubb Ellis Janice Lampley Harrison Barbara Todd Henderson Christine Neergaard Irwin Jennie Cameron King Barbara Kemp Mueller Bertha Brink Perry  Jean Haslet Sentz Carolee Engstrom Shubert Martha Swift Elizabeth Wilkins Walgamott Ralene Staehli Walls Shirley Widerski


Dorothea Hunter Haas Rebecca Good Jeppe Deborah Lawther La Pay Jean Stall Marmo Jody Moore O'Grady Karen Elmeier Perry Brenda A. Pittler Charlene Huff Shreve Ruth Peterson Verell Lambda Northwestern University Jewel Society $5,000 Jewels $5,000 - $9,999

Helen Heggie* • $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Pamella Marschall Jordan  Elizabeth A. Kaspar  Supporters $250-$499

Nancy P. Orbison

$100 - $249

Catherine Hobbs Amos  Karen Dombro Cagle  Susan Iverson Hyatt 25

foundation Margaret Watt Larson  Kay Joice Stemen  Barbara Parmalee Stuessy Mary Lou Mateer Tate Kimberly Peiffer Uchimura Joan Mangam Wegner 

Xi Illinois Wesleyan University Jewel Society $1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499

$1 - $99

$500 Jewels $500 - $999

Barbara Hultgren Benson Gloria Lee Wetters Bouschor Nancy Roth Burghardt Daphne Daume Betty Jo Halterman Dickerson Barbara Link Gelinas Louise Feigel Hanover Arlene Saline Jones Lynda Helen Fink Kest F. Patricia Laibly Colette Marine Lindemann Delores Waters Mossler Frances Sells Ryan Nancy Jean Spinka Timmerman Gail J. Valentine  Cherrie Johnson Wickstrom Carol Wanderer Worel Joanne Guerrieri Zurek Mu Brenau University Supporters $250 - $499

Kalina I. Haynes  $100 - $249

Holley Rotton Adams Jonna Kimbrell Schwalb $1 - $99

Marguerite Duncan McFarland Bradford  Eva Seale Brunk Barbara Grandy Collins Marjorie E Ford Coulton Lisa R. Fishman Terri Henderson Lyle Frances Sides Prunty Jessica Barker Shrout Margaret Smith Timberlake Claire Owens Walters Starr Wilson Nu Boston University Supporters $100 - $249

Margot Bergstrom Semonian  Marlene Murray Zuker $1 - $99

Dorothy Perkins Bartlett Roberta Chagnon Hendee Carolyn Aldrich Purcell Annie Kempton Rice

Beth Kelley Schneider

JoAnn Wolfgang Hostetler { Emilly Linman John { Supporters $250 - $499

Susan Frock Hartter { Mary Gentle Holtsclaw { $100 - $249

Eileen Lysaught Elworth Diane R. Jones Lora B. Nickels Margie Tribble Nickels  Sharon Morling Simpson Marilyn Pankratz Wadington Carol Schnepp Weber  Kelly Rowe Yeung $1 - $99

Stephanie Smith Anders Deborah K. Clark Nancy Jo Eyre Engels Renee K. Fehr Cheryl K Siedentop Gibson Mary Johnston Green Marilou Cerveny Haworth  Beverley Winkler Houghton Joanne Wingert Keaton Julia Raber Kemp Sue Stevens Kocienski  Elizabeth Rotz Krotiak Christina Down Main Marian Magee Marshall Elizabeth K. Mraz Madeline Murphy Duanne Freise Nelson Susan King Smuda Denise Cardot Thompson Della Askew Weinhuff Omicron University of California, Berkeley Supporters $250 - $499

Donna Holland Preece  Sonya L. Sigler $100 - $249

Jacqueline Peck Farrar Myra Clark Lynch  Vicki Odenweller Millard  Constance Remde O'Malley  Jay Alderson Schofhauser  Camille Farnsworth Schrader $1 - $99

Jane Stornetta Burch * Chapter Grand Corinthian Society for Planned Giving

26 quarterly summer 2011

 Annulet ♥ Founders Circle

Marilyn Burke Burke Carol Guild Burton Marie Freitas Chaddock Wendy C. Dittamore Joan Donahue Margaret Gallagher Fuerst  Alice Radebaugh Giuffre Susan DiGrazia Halfaker Barbara Schultz Johnson Evelyn Barbieri Miche  Merilyn McKenzie Ostergaard Laryon Dayton Owens Jayne Browning Squires Shirley DeMamiel Stewart Sylvia J. Clay Jennifer Borad Weir Dian Dinwiddie Wittry Martha Delgado Woodard Pi Coe College Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Julia Millard DeVader Evelyn Thiel Fryer  Julia Briggs Gall Danielle Stemm Heefner Marilyn Pritchard Ireland Melissa Jacobson James Kelly Trewin Karkoski  Sara Quinn Ketcham MaryJean Bavendick Lamb Marlene Rucker Larson Doris Dockendorff MacFarquhar Sophia A. Magill Judith Helin Mathre Jill Burnett Requist Carol Anderson Smith Beverly Bottge Spotz  Florence Devoe Woodward Sigma University of Illinois Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Doris Newell Soriano {

Maren Peterson Jackson Sue Maggio Sim 

Supporters $1 - $99

Supporters $250 - $499

Mary Ellen Davis Bilsborrow Carolyn Elscott Davis Leta Yourd Fitts Ruth Coates Lauther Jane Rall McLeod Carol Galaty Schneider Kay Herrbach Woodhouse Rho Iowa State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Dorothy Maitland Miller { Supporters $250 - $499

Martha Barton Hartman { Lila Lansing White  $100 - $249

Ruth Van Roekel Carey  Kimberly Ranch Coward  Nancy Carter Dolton Marilyn Ulfers Irwin  Nancy Ann Scarborough Meltzer  Sara Bellamy Warrington Jean Godby Wright Candace Nelson Zeigler $1 - $99

Elizabeth Morgan Anderl Pamela Nisen Burrier Joan Sanderson Chace Mary Ackerly Condit Nancy Spikings Dee  $1,000,000 $500,000

Shirley Armour Billick Michelle Hernandey Gagnard  Adda Robison McFeeters  Gail Fullerton Stolarik  $100 - $249

Cynthia Brasky Bauerle Helen Below Capdevielle Elise Poepping Fernsler Mary Nelson Humenik  Shannon Riley Lenze Anne Tarr Manion Beverly Myers Nelson Cathy Mitchell Parker Judith Desch Turner  Mary Martin Welch* $1 - $99

Susan M. Alcorn Kay Yoder Anderson Betty Blomquist Ardisana Barbara Hartman Bengtsen Jamie Friedman Bradshaw Constance Schriver Cervantes Necia Hart Chessman Rosemary Cox Depler Joy Hiser Donewald Jamie Brewbaker Drake Ruth Olin Foreman Mariann Babka Gutshall  Joan Heenahan Janette Herrmann Hendricks Leslie Shimmin Hickey Emmagene Brennan Hope Betty Sutch Jolly Kathleen H. Kohl ♦ Diamond Circle • Pearl Circle

$250,000 $100,000

Renee Rozak Kohler Meredeth Magers Lake Joan Gruenewald Leonard Mary Saxon Liddy Bette Wallerstein Lombard Janet Day Meyers Kathleen M. Miller  Holly Nickeson Mirell Sara Jo Hanson Moore  Ruth Schwarz Nix Joann Jones Patterson Ann Robinson Phillips Michelle L. Pozzi Joy Straka Rice Michelle Mayes Sensoy Margaret Zirckel Sherer  Patricia Holm Smith  Joan Lori Zelent Stevenson Lois Roe Switzer Susan Cullison Wallace Julie Fish Westall Nancy Williams

$100 - $249

Alice Maxson Adwan Elizabeth Danaher Berger Mary Vondra Cannon Nancy Shelton Clegern Deedee Smith Evans ▲ Nancy Brewer Fox Pearl Hartin Iorio  Debra Frederickson Klinghoffer Paulette Akers Lippard Bonnie Barbour Pereida ▲ Jamie Bishop Powers Yancey Tighe Seitz Erin Durand-Hodges Yarbrough $1 - $99

Oteka Little Ball Billie Cape Jackye McLean Choate Janice Gibson Cloud  Carol Duer Cochran ▲ Allegra Phillips Derryberry Deatra Lewis Falkenrath  Wynona Webb Gordon Paula Hughes Goree Shirley Snoddy Haines Jill E. Jester Alice VanEaton Lanning Virginia Hoffman Lowrey  Nicolette Radloff Murphy Cindy Carden Murray Mary Menard Nalefski Dianne Peterson Ogle Irene Carey Osgood Margaret White Poorman  Helen Meinert Rea Jane Worley Shaw Peggy Hollis Tanzer Susan Weems Taylor Mahala Larason Wright

Tau University of Toronto Supporters $1 - $99

Martine Rathe Celej Denise Taylor Davidge Madeleine Lascelles Gosnell Elizabeth Jones Audrey Gilmore Ormsby Chrissy M. Phelan Upsilon University of Oklahoma Jewel Society $10,000 Jewels $10,000 - $24,999

Sandy Kinney

$5,000 Jewels $5,000 - $9,999 $1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499

Phi Oregon State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

$1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Supporters $250 - $499

Dee Ann Elliott Woodall Δ

Mary J. Brenneis {

Kay Taylor Donahue •

Kathleen L. Meyer  Nancy K. Rorden  Pamela Kennedy Vandeneynde 

Rene Boehm Martin  Sandra Lewallen O'Brien G $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Carolyn Richardson Cobb ▲ Carolyn L. Dick  Vicky Pogue Gunning  Amber Hicks Marzuola  Catherine Seaton Oster  Carolyn L. York ▲ Supporters $250 - $499

Cara Manzelmann Schad Δ Delta Circle Γ Gamma Circle

$100 - $249

Joan M. Allmaras Michelle Reser Bottaro  Mary Eisenhauer Harper Helen Rice Hawkins  Diane Douglas Kutter  Opal M. Muir  Mary L. Scarpino  Maxine Churchman Shaw 

$50,000 $25,000

$1 - $99

Carol Green Brackett Mary Wade Chalfan Joy Wallace Gallagher Debra Zarosinski Grbavac Karin Barfknecht Hardin Sally Ferguson Hecker Evelyn Fieber Madsen Jean Fulton McDowell  Veronica J. McShane Gale Marhofke Neel Peggy Dobbins Phillips Leslie Johnston Pranger Mary Murphy Rosebrook Patricia Welch Stires Joan M. Swart-Keeler Lillian Holechek Tiernan Valerie Wilson Wegner Lois Eberhardt Wilson Shirley Hanna Woodward

Deborah Pierce Nancy Mooney Pollard  Linda Prieskorn Amy Rice Shifflett B. Stebbins Janis Zorman Watkins Mary Stevens Zientek Psi University of Alabama Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Neita Hornbeck Mulherin  Elizabeth J. Young  Supporters $100 - $249

Chi Michigan State University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903 Marcella Gast Schalon G

Jane Buchanan Brunson Dianne Ware Keel Alice Walker Keene  Kathleen Nolen Martin  Virginia L. McPhearson  Wesley Smith Merrell Jane Taylor Patton  Alice Clark Wasdin Bonnie Barnard Waters


$1 - $99

$250 - $499 Susan K. Schalon ▲ $100 - $249

Joyce Frank Bigelow  Florence Lockwood Bracker Peggy Middlemiss Cully  Sherri A. Fresorger Donna McMahon Hekhuis Sherrill Ankli Larson Sylvia Qualls Lawson Kathleen Whipple McLaughlin  Ann O'Brien Sachs  Karen Lytle Schommer  Marie F. Siragusa Lisa Malace Skupin $1 - $99

Jeanette Drane Benjey Janet Littell Caltrider Stacey Kahn Cendrowski Candace Murphy Cothron Diane E. Coulter Susan Wenz Coyle Beverly Herber Dailey Joan Nielsen Goldman Patricia Rogers Hamlin Barbara Sass Hammond  Dolores Susin Hekker  Jane Leonard Hilson Margery McCall Juk  Lorraine Voisinet Maloney Stephanie Mason Margolit Sheree A. Meyer Natalie Sunday Payne Doris French Pennington

▲ Alpha Circle

 Double Rose Circle

$10,000 $5,000

Laura Gray Barron Madeline M. Barter Sharon Moore Bettius Cathy Williams Culberson Amanda Blackburn Darby Teresa Martin Dauphin Carletta Roberts Hawley Elizabeth Carmichael Heflin  Gene Koster Henderson  Hannah E. Holcomb Amy Nichols McCain Suzanne Solomon Owen Janet Henderson Staggs Rebecca Henderson Strickland Claire Black Tisdale Janina Jeter Van Leeuwen Nancy Kitchings Watson Anne Emerson Williams Omega Universtiy of Akron Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Debbie Douglass Roth  Diane Dunford Walter  Supporters $100 - $249

Gail Vassalotti Bertsch  Joan Davidson Corless  Athena Fundoukos Curley Jan Clark Dolan  Janice Scharra McInally Shirley Cappy Petersen  Carole Vandersall Peterson  Colleen Tierney  Buff Rose Circle

$1,000 27

foundation $1 - $99

Katherine Baczewski Jean Sandy Bernert Elizabeth Fitzwater Cooper Patricia Thompson Denham Marlene Poje Dunford Vicky Hubler Ferron Jessica Bruner Flick Mary Lou Daugherty Gault  Barbara Berry Jones Ruth Wagner Lamb Mary Koury Mann Marjorie Jones Mather Rachel B. Messenger Esther Rennick Moore Diane Ostich Pancoe Lynne Dunford Rossell Marian Thompson Tunnell Laurie B. Vesalo Joan Neller Wolfe Alpha Alpha University at Buffalo (The State University of New York) Jewel Society $1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499

Diane Walker Walbesser

$1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Linda Rang Krempa  Cadence A. Schurr G $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Margery Barden Reason  Ellen Mendelsohn Reese 

$1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499

Peggy Kuebler Field ▲ Barbara Newell Horldt D $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Nancy Pridmore Kleinpell Charlotte Bryant Miller G $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Patricia Phillips Cote  Diane Pierson Monnier  Jean Luxan Ulrich  Supporters $250 - $499

Wilma Sue Martin Auch  Margaret A. Lamb  Gail Ann Mejeur $100 - $249

Ryan J. Baril Stefanie Berk Deller Lisa Edgerton Dorothy Jefferson Greer  Suzanne Harper Kaperzinski  Michele Krolicki Kitch Louise A. Minore  Daniella A. Picciotti Joyce DeWitt Pippel  Carrie Gilmore Richardson Shirley Meyer Tucker Ruth Schleh Webster  Susan Benschop Wefald  Mary Wolter Welz  Joyce Lawrence Whitney $1 - $99

Supporters $100 - $249

Alice Wittenberg Hartman  Mary Noon Kellner  Marie Dubke Racz  Elizabeth Goering Serrage  Louise Leifer Solpietro  Dorothea Olson Tamborski  Jane Noller Turner $1 - $99

Patricia Larson Allenson Elizabeth Ernest Armentrout Florence Cuthill Clouse  Damaris Pask Curtis Louise MacDonald Morden Winifred Haas Morrison June Ulrich Stillwell Joan Bates Wraight  Alpha Beta University of Michigan Jewel Society $2,500 Jewels $2,500 - $4,999

Marcie A. Ball

Margaret Owens Andres Anne Schans Benda Laurel Krause Berhent Kristine T. Black Sharon Snyder Bloodgood  Marion Dane Brewer Jane Meeuwsen Brodie  Susan Himes Burger Michele Dale Cannaert Tracy J. Chichester Linda G. Cote Linda Bendlin Crawford Tammy Carr Cruickshank Jane Gray Drumm Ann Gabriel Machelle Behm Hammond Joan Randolph Hatch ▲ Lois Kelso Hunt Janet McCall Jensen Janet Gilger Kochanny Shirley Ind Koenen Elaine Andrews Lamb Amy Vander Breggen Lundquist Pamela A. Maker  Elizabeth Huette Martin 

* Chapter Grand Corinthian Society for Planned Giving

28 quarterly summer 2011

Diane Heidemeyer Meyer Kriste Fedon Mossman Julie Carlisi Olsen Constance Kay Olson Jane Bueker Peterson Gertrude Scheib Rigg H. Arlene Decook Ruhala Margaret Harris Saxon Shirley Lam Steiner Judie Neal Stewart Audrey Jackson Stokesbary Miriam Dorsey Supinger  Jean Emmons Wehling Marallyn Mac Ritchie Wight Shelley A. Winters Anne Morrow Woodell Alpha Gamma University of Cincinnati Jewel Society $2,500 Jewels $2,500 - $4,999

Christine Kreps Buchert Ruth Carson Carnicom Rosemary Kramling Chenue Susan Plunkett Fasano Donna Baker Frederikson Mary Lacy Huffman Martha Walker Kennedy Betty Merrell Madden Ellen Joyce Pagliaro Maust Sally Palmer Norris  Ruth Keese Schaeffer Jean Watts Tanger June Mandel Winold Alpha Epsilon Westminster College Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Leah Davis Rowland

Elaine Barrick Bess G

Supporters $100 - $249

$500 Jewels $500 - $999

$1 - $99

Barbara Ebel { Supporters $100 - $249

Marcia Caskey Davis Meredith Minturn Haner Jane Graf Robison  $1 - $99

Mary Glenn Becconsall Carolyn Clark Bruckmann Janet Craycraft Gibson Kathleen Luther Solt Erika Lenhardt Windholtz Alpha Delta Ohio Wesleyan University Jewel Society $1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499

Virginia Wantz Rennie  Supporters $100 - $249

Ruth Smith Brahs  Eleanor Moore Brown  Miriam Johnson Bruton  Debra J. Force Audra Jones Hansen  Jean Carl Johnson ▲ Evelyn Colbeth Plunkett  Ruth Klick Tiemann  Janet Henthorn Wolf  Jean Markle Wright  $1 - $99

Sara Wilkinson Adams Janyce Blessing Albert  Jane Brandon Binns Helene Ockershausen Braatz

 Annulet ♥ Founders Circle

$1,000,000 $500,000

Ann Burton Hartman 

Valjean Gestner Armor Susan Mead Baker Susanne Angehr Burns  Joyce L Vervoort Campbell Nancy Crawford  Louise Imler Danzer Rhoda Allen Depriter Anne Poland DiDesiderio Nancy Jarrett Eft Nancy Siehl Foulds Betsy Bigler Lambert  Lorraine Deane L'Huillier Margaret Ann Williams Migliore Karen Kuhns Schaefer Candace Johnson Schneckenburger Jamie R. Spisak Diane Meriam Vance Barbara Tonti Weir Barbara Byrd Whitehead Alpha Zeta McGill University Supporters $1 - $99

Gretchen Voorhis Fleming Linda Hutton Grace  Betty Lindsay Moen Alpha Eta Dalhousie University Supporters $250 - $499

Bonita Regan Kirby { $1 - $99

Jean Collins Dexter  Crystal Merrick Gwynne-Timothy ♦ Diamond Circle • Pearl Circle

$250,000 $100,000

Alpha Kappa Bowling Green State University Supporters $100 - $249

Patricia Fownes Harris Sheilagh Beal Stewart Tiffany S. Thornhill

Amy L. Vojta  Barbara Babcock Walsh 

Alpha Theta Hunter College Jewel Society $2,500 Jewels $2,500 - $4,999

Gladys Stuart Banks

$1 - $99 ▲

$1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Mildred R. Stansky  $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Eileen Dorgan Herbermann  Ingeborg Endres Koch  Supporters $1 - $99

Ann Krikorian Dorothy MacMoran Rosalie Sarrica Nahas Jean Grams Oberg  Fay Limbou Papas Eleanor Heinzel Rice Evelyn Sabino Norma Schmid  Margaret Taube Sklarsky Anne M. Wright Alpha Iota Baldwin-Wallace College Supporters $100 - $249

Alpha Lambda Ohio State University Supporters $250 - $499

Teresa Davis Bodey  Sheila A. Damren  Jayna Kenney Koler 

Deborah L. Chapman Norma M. Dolezal  Lisa Greb Carole Ward Kiekhaefer  Deborah Strebel Pierce Josephine Edwards Rentsch  $1 - $99

Dorothy McCullough Bishop Cathryn Seckler Henneberry Ann Bohnenstengel Hofelzer Marjorie Smith Holschuh Stacy Smart Hunt Janet M. Kail Sheri L. Kellner Louann Rezabek Lawson Mary Snyder Lewis Marilyn Harvey Marvel Marilyn Hughes Miller Patricia Quelos Oberlin Susan J. Phillips Naomi Perkins Powell Mary Louise Mikesell Schar Jean Sperow  June Baur Williams

Δ Delta Circle Γ Gamma Circle

Carol Krohn Albright Theresa Sherry Bonick Muriel Maline Campbell Magdalene Batcha Davenport Madelyn Carew Durkan  Barbara Humbel Finley Edith Stapleton Giglio Shari K. Heimberger Dorothy Kanouse Heritage Ruth Gerken Hill Norma Sherman Kelling Shirley Johnston Krouse Evelyn Oates Lotz Andrea Johnson Meckes Betty Bolinger Moore Melissa Fett Morton J. Pabst Tricia M. Patton Susan Brewer Schaar Jennifer Zoul Walker 

$100 - $249

Elizabeth Neal Daniels  Monica Komar Ellis Suzanne Beucler Fortuna Darlene Fleisch Harris Kina A. Kerst Helga Doppleb Sauter Elinor Porter Swiger  $1 - $99

Kristen Caris Beck Denise Roesch Beres Karen Gullett Collett Barbara Short Drake Marcella Graham Huffman Kimberly A. Jirsa Martha Wetzel Keltner Jean Beauman Klamfoth Dema Smith Krill Alice Ingle Lenker Janet Ricket Loos Priscilla Martin Marrah Shirley Lantz Miille Patricia Newbauer Margaret Harsh Scherer  Marilyn Monroe Snoddy Stephanie A. Thomas Barbara Bessey Weiss 

$50,000 $25,000

Alpha Mu Pennsylvania State University Supporters $100 - $249

Barbara Ranck Ashenfelter  Taunee Snyder Besson  Carol Carrochi  Marie Marzzacco Clark Lois DiJoseph Czarnecki Marjorie John Hutzayluk Terryjean Behney Jenkins Karen Miklos Katz  Linda Lieberman Monticciolo $1 - $99

Kay A. Boerrigter  Alice Fox Brubaher Sally Kotchin Donner Jonnylee Rodgers Gore Kathy Patula Gromoll Linda Lentz Maier Jennifer Hart Noonan Michele Lewis Poythress Sharon Lentz Ricci  Erica Snell Ring Maribeth Wilt Seibert Joanne Stemler Shaughnessy Gilda Greco Shaver Aimee Raymond Siegler Dagmar Tichy Stein Stephanie Bird Wagner Alpha Nu Kent State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Elisabeth Schneider Hair  Cynthia Apking Ramadan  Supporters $100 - $249

Judith Poole Culler  Barbara Timmins Sanders  Donalee Williams Unal $1 - $99

Harriet Posgay Bender Grace Abhau Bush  Treva Ewing Croskey Donna Jean Paxton Edwards Karen Elsom Gonzales  Joyce Thorp Hackworth Gae Caldren Kesselring Elizabeth Marshall Kloskoski Patricia Newdome Matyas Patricia Magee-Nemetz Ellen Werbeach Rothwell Barbara Mospens Turner Patricia Rausch Woodling Alpha Xi University of Maryland Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

▲ Alpha Circle

 Double Rose Circle

$10,000 $5,000

Anne Loring Eiler { Wanda Mehring Mann | Supporters $250-$499

Catherine Wuerthner Schmader Mary Yehl Weisel  $100 - $249

June Weiner Auerbach  Linda J. Blatz  Patricia Ton Costello  Anne Morris Martin  Kathleen Eccard Mellott Shirley Forst Noble Pamela Reik Schrank $1 - $99

Eleanor Barney Abarno  Naomi Miller Beckley Diane Wynn Boulavsky Linda Oursler Freyman Rozella Evans Hagen M. Deane Kempfer Hill  Elaine Folk Marshall Ann Sargent Reiter Esther Spies Schneider*  Joan Johnston Schrager Jean Osman Schwartz Helen Jackson Stoltz Susan Curtis Warren Alpha Omicron West Virginia Wesleyan College Supporters $100 - $249

Janet Anderson Arline Franquiz Marteney Vera Stewart Neal*  Margaret Shaw O'Connor  Betty Hogsett Summers $1 - $99

Lillian Alfred Jennie Cunningham Amos Louise Tannehill Bagby Margaret E. Barb Kay Rider Brown Carolyn Sillaman Bruce Zoann Spencer Callahan Nancy Titchenal Cheshire Nancy Williams Coonts Donna Bland Cutright Rhonda Mast Dalton Kathryn Hammond Foster Darlene Serack Ielapi Heather Friday Jamison Sandi Hall Kemper Ellen Gird Knapp Kathleen McDowell Loewen Wilma Johnson Lufburrow Michelle C. Mayhew Marilyn Wickerham Morris Joyce Fresh Neumark Courtney Plummer Nunez Julie A. Renner  Buff Rose Circle

$1,000 29

foundation Alice Brucker Szekunda  Carol Mosher Treible  Barbara Courtney Woodford Alpha Pi Wayne State University Jewel Society $10,000 Jewels $10,000 - $24,999

Barbara Henderson Miller • Supporters $100 - $249

Janet Majewski Van Elslander  Leslie Russell Westbury  $1 - $99

Diane Plesuchenko Betcher Teresa Brooks-Maniaci Barbara Maronek Ekstrom Beatrice D. Faryno Carol Falk Fenzan Elizabeth Stokes Klein Alice Murray Kolhoff Eve H. Korff  Nicole M. Lefevre Therese M. Marz  Elizabeth Kaschalk Minbiole  Pamela Maciolek Tenney Alpha Rho Temple University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Claire Coleman Schweiker ▲ Alpha Sigma Indiana University of Pennsylvania Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Elizabeth Hosack Rhule ▲ $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Suzanne McGee Petr  Kristin Dendtler Thomas  Supporters $100 - $249

Carol Klamar D'Andrea  $1 - $99

Michele Stelma Carey Linda Jo Hall Davis Lee Martin Koch Jane Ramsey Logan Jillian Palka Miller Rebecca Johnston Perry Kim Matarrese Rectenwald Virginia Klekot Walsh Carol Kunz Williams

Alpha Tau Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Supporters $250 - $499

Patricia Eckard Magdik  $100 - $249

Mary Catanzaro Wessel Rebecca Auer Kristen Overholt Forrest Linda Burchard Hanson Melanie Kirk Huron Amy Whayland Van Kleeck Alpha Upsilon Central Michigan University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Nancy Thorman Pittman

Patricia Speakman Conville Susan Overholt Giles Denise Stetler Kocott Connie McCleary Ostrove Lois Weller

Barbara Biechler LaFave Alpha Omega Duquesne University Supporters $100 - $249

Michele Schallip  $100 - $249

Michele Madore Boillotat  Mary A. Nash 

Sarah L. Hughes Molly Duggan Weir Jennifer L. West 

$1 - $99

$1 - $99

Louise Heinzman Bissell Joanne Decker Clever Barbara Booth Cluley Sarah E. DeVoe Christina Kyker Dunn Wanda Stickler Ferguson  Pamela Husk Hambley Alyse D. Johnson Marlene Rann Johnson Connie Dunham Mutton Jacqueline Hulbert Post Mary Lou Sanderson Mildred Pascoe Sewell Regina LaPorte Stein Jillian Thomas Alpha Phi Marietta College Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Diane Maher Burgess Dianne Vanness Hart Gretchen Golze Montgomery 

Dianne Gillespie Lawson Marilyn Gustafson Lenhart  Kathleen Ann Brown Magnuson Julie Ecklund McMaster Janet Behrens Millnitz Mary Bucknell Moore Lynn Larson Neumeister Jane Odgers Michele Mihane Parks Kathy Jo Siffring Powell  Joyce Spencer Richards Jeanene Krause Smith Jolene Rethmeier Smith Sandra Fuller Stallings Ruth Olmstead Thompson Ruth Norton Vaughan Julie Gaughen Warford Frances Luginbill Warner  Julianne Aronson Wisecup Beta Beta North Dakota State University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Julie Waitman Cretin | $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Michelle Jones Daly {

Carol Yebernetsky Carfang Kathleen Spencer Elder Elise M. Foley Rita Deschaine Madore Janet Kokinda McGee 

Supporters $250 - $499

Beta Alpha Nebraska Wesleyan University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Lois Daggett Gernbacher  Kara Schwartz Johnson  Shirley Brossart Johnson Stephanie J. Maijer Karen A. Nordstrom Nancy Thompson Stauffer 

Kristin Maricle Fulkerson Supporters $100 - $249

Laura M. Davidson  Marilyn Parr Girardin Rachel Zook Schum  Elaine Krondak Taylor $1 - $99

Martha Warner Bakkila-Pirkey  Dorothy J. Swanson 

Corinthian Society for Planned Giving

$1 - $99

Alpha Psi Ferris State University Supporters $1 - $99

Supporters $250 - $499

Supporters $1 - $99

Alpha Chi Thiel College Supporters $100 - $249

Janice Evans Parker { Paulette Rote Phillips {

$1 - $99

* Chapter Grand 30 quarterly summer 2011

Dorothy Montgomery Renshaw  Ann Hunter Waller

Wendy Shanholtz Andersen Pamela Mihane Barker Katherine Lewis Carlson Judy Hogeland Cunningham Jeanette Krause Ekberg Patricia Hare Florence Mary Rogers Fredrickson Mary Lou Hoffman George Micole R. Harms Nancy A. Harms Cleo Teselle Hull Sherrill Waldo Jones Kathryn Pearse Lafayette

 Annulet ♥ Founders Circle

$1,000,000 $500,000

Abigail L. Burgum Camellia McNett Embacher  $100 - $249

$1 - $99

Marcia Hunter Fridland Julianne Miller Hawkins Cari Johnson Herness Jean Thompson Knaak Susan Wall Krueger Suzanne Miller Lahlum Debra Boisjolie Macias Chelsey Miller Pederson Betty Getman Pierson Roberta Drake Wurster Kathleen Taylor Wyman Beta Gamma University of Manitoba Jewel Society $5,000 Jewels $5,000 - $9,999

Dorothy Simmons* G

♦ Diamond Circle • Pearl Circle

$250,000 $100,000

Supporters $1 - $99

$1 - $99

Joan Fleming Anders Genevieve Mathieson Thomson Beta Delta Indiana University Supporters $250 - $499

Chris Rudduck Fedor $100 - $249

Jacquelyn Sandy Cramer ▲ Alice Greer Daniels Judith Van Sickle Harris Katherine Wayman Mehner  Sue Schenkel Meyer Mary Ellen Kimes Mooy  Ruth Edry Salek  Suzanne Lienhart Schlagenhauf  Brittany A. Steer Laurel Vaughn  Mary Lou Kuhn Weidenbener  Judy Harding Zell  $1 - $99

Patricia Fisher Allen Mary Steinkamp Alt Jean Larum Frisoni  Mary E. Fuson Alycia Settle Graves Jane Stouder Hawley Janet Janson Kardatzke  Lisa Macey Keating Mari F. Keller Ellen E. Knecht Laurielle Kistler Koch Ann Rennemann Liberman Lu Ann Witt Mason Lesley A. Weinert McDonnell Joanne Crosby Miller Pamela R. Newman Annie E. Raeder Amanda M. Ream Diane Davis Render Paula J. Rushworth Ruth Donaldson Smith Annette Placke Smith Danita Smigiel Stone Jennifer M. Thurmond Katherine Bowman Vierkant Jean Jackson Wells  Dyann Miles Wesp  Lisa A. Williams Martha M. Wright Ann Seddelmeyer Ziegel Beta Epsilon Carroll University Supporters $100 - $249

Susan Rosholt Banghart  Eilene Dehling Dybvad Susan E. Ellison Δ Delta Circle Γ Gamma Circle

Diane Huelsbeck Adams Wendy Wernberg Crisci Phyllis Ellison Ferris Ada Rankin Holloway Ann Gerdes Jazgar Christina R. Jesik Kathryn Park Stephen Ashley L. Szmanda Beta Zeta Parsons College Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Sara Wagoner Young | Supporters $1 - $99

Sally Jo Taylor Fisher Lois Young Schmidt Patricia Kurka Wehr Judith Hollander White Beta Eta Southern Illinois University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

E. Anne Turner Edwards { Supporters $100 - $249

Mary Williamson Catlin { $1 - $99

Marian Lee Cripe Allan Frances Lisac Burckhartt Nancy Buffum Carr Ashley R. Droege Roberta Puntney Floyd Jo Frances Kirby Flynn Marsha A. Geib Renee Alexander Hagen Christine Heins Laura A. Kenney Deborah Dahmer Pearce Nancy Hunter Pei Elizabeth Galeski Phelps Barbara L. Rudkin Sarah A. Schweizer Patricia Hartlage Sebby Brenda Stanhouse Suzanne Longenbach Stockton Allyn Dobson Van Vechten Beta Theta University of WisconsinWhitewater Jewel Society $10,000 Jewels $10,000 - $24,999

Diane Raffel Collins G

Supporters $250 - $499

Patricia A. Tomaszewski { $100 - $249

Denise Kolmos Cassin Jacquelene Kern Shebesta  $1 - $99

Sandra M. Adelman Luanne Franz Fahl Mary Miller Sellin  Beta Iota Eastern Illinois University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Patricia Tulley Riddiford G $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Linda Whelan O'Connor { Supporters $100 - $249

Judith Bloomquist Duncan  Megan Targonski Weber $1 - $99

Dianne Tegtmeyer Baker  Alice Nehring Brock Molly McCallen Burroughs Kathy Butler Cole Barbara Buck French Carole Mateer Gaston G. Lanman Gossett Bonnie Hatch Hanke Kathy Perrone Hansen Cynthia Muenchau Ingold Kelli Panici Kauzlarich Deanna Donnelly McCarthy Glenna Miller Reed Rita A. Sola Charlotte Sij Walther Andrea Glenn Whitmore Cynthia Kopp Wright Lynda Haupt Zuege Beta Kappa University of Iowa Supporters $100 - $249

Lynn Kay Fillenwarth $1 - $99

Cynthia A. Carter Kay Christensen Grooters Susan Fransen Thrams Beta Mu Minnesota State University, Mankato Supporters $100 - $249

Kathryn L. Nelson  $50,000 $25,000

▲ Alpha Circle

 Double Rose Circle

$10,000 $5,000

$1 - $99

Carol Harrer Vickery Beta Nu University of Northern Iowa Supporters $100 - $249

Wendy Grassley Speckerman $1 - $99

Barbara Steen Burgess Debra Howard Daniels Cheryl Fernow Frey Beta Xi Purdue University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Joann Hollingsworth Drochner  Marcelyn Modesitt Hagan  Cinda Zehner O'Connor  Katherine R. Spindler  Supporters $250 - $499

Kathleen R. Palla  $100 - $249

Nicola K. Chalik Denise L. Howarth* Susan Connor Joseph  Susan Young Kraabel  Barbara Bitzer Kruger  Helene Martucci Lamarre  Kristina S. Marek Cynthia Ortman Meyer Sharon Davis Ninno $1 - $99

Karen Quick Alender Jennifer L. Andert Janet Coapstick Bechman Barbara Baerwald Bowman Marcia Weigand Carothers Christine Pohlmann Doolittle Jennifer Oberlin Eads Robin Hollatz Falconio Maribeth Glaub  Jessica A. Hermes Kerry McLaughlin Hessenthaler Nancy Clarke Hoy Gayle A. Kurokawa Kathleen Westropp Litchfield Marilyn R. Margiotti Barbara Moffatt McCormick Kelly Richardson Parker Jane Young Richardson Debra L. Shields Beth York Strodel Patricia Belin Thomas Robin Martin Throckmorton Pamela Ross Todd  Buff Rose Circle

$1,000 31

foundation Nancy L. Trusnik Melissa A. Valle Stephanie J. Vandor Elizabeth E. Weisemann Claudia Winkler Beta Omicron Illinois State University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Karin Struck Burwell  $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Patricia Miller Drexler  Pamela Reimer Rosa  Martha Rosenberger Zimmerman ▲ Supporters $100 - $249

Pamela Rennie Burke Susan Rumsfield Clary  Nanci Gross Gannon Patricia Roth Johnson Tamara Shierry Laugharn Patricia J. Reimer  Sondra McPherson Rodgers-O'Connor Amy Guy Ulrich Jane Beyer Westerhold $1 - $99

Vicki Allen Ackerman Karen Bellettini Berta Cynthia L. Beutke Kathleen Himmel Bossingham Patricia Anne Beran Dexter Britney N. Dibler Jodi Garrett Fronczke Linda Luehrs Ganassin Michelle Townsend Hartzell Kristine Lynn Holmes Nogal Nancy Nims Theesfeld Beta Sigma Creighton University Supporters $100 - $249

Sarah Wallsmith Pritza Beta Tau Ball State University Supporters $1 - $99

Melinda Estes Bingaman Gamma Alpha University of Georgia Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Patricia E. Barber  Linda Shook Barron 

Bryna Bobick  Lee Woodham Digiovanni  Nancy Garrott Mele  Marie Ford Palmer  Martha Mills Scudder  Jane Miller Taylor  Supporters $250 - $499

Dana Lozowski Calleja  Amy Hentz Ingram  $100 - $249

Peggy Bassing Bailey Virginia Petty Dorminey Carol Griffin Dyson Peggy S. Gates  Lois Bridges Grubbs  Elaine Graffis Holmes Beth Waters Johnson  Karen Sasseville Kennedy Nancy Ann Hodgson Lovelace Deborah Barber McNeill  Jennifer Smentek Mores  Rose Williams Rigdon Alicia L. Smith  Lisa C. Young $1 - $99

Carla Smoak Austin Nancy M. Bobbitt Mary Miltner Copeland Allison A. Creel Karen Sewell Gaston Anna K. Gray Kirsten Polentz Haas  Susan Brakke Heim Helen Sutton Milburn Denise Lewis Obront Karen Mikell Perry Lessie Bailey Smithgall  Barbara Jones Torbert Gamma Beta Florida State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Pauline Chance Brannon  Francine Ware  Supporters $250 - $499

Stella Barrineau Thomas  $100 - $249

Cynthia Bacon Allison  Kristi Monaghan Burtch Shirley Metz Cundari  Grace Dansby Elinor Hager Durham  Dorothy Walker Grimes Martha Newland Guemple Cornelia J. Hetrick Nancy McClure Houston 

* Chapter Grand Corinthian Society for Planned Giving

32 quarterly summer 2011

Jeanne Campbell Jacobs  Stephanie Gunderson Marshall Janice Williams Montgomery Nina Shuman  Bobbye Hutt Thomas Kathleen Power Tucker  Mary Truluck Vann

$500 Jewels $500 - $999

$1 - $99

Jeanne Swanner Robertson 

Karen Connell Biddy  Katherine Cooper Bradley Joan Cunningham* Teresa Long Dean Marlene Hillis Foord Margaret Brokaw Garland Frances Merritt Grande Betty Fox Hagan Mary Yancey Hartmann Mary Gunn Holden Evangeline Griffin Holt  Sandra Zevin Judson Patricia Hollins Kohler  Elizabeth Eastridge Korst Mary Ann Lassiter LaPorte Carol L. Lockey Gary McAteer Logan Lori A. Lovelace Judith Elkins Meggs Jennifer Noble Monahan Mary Warner Peacock Mary Day Phelps  Carol Da Prato Rominger Kristen Dax Saltman Brittany Sherwood Jessica L. Tuznik Lisa Duque Zilinski Gamma Gamma Queens University of Charlotte Supporters $100 - $249

Hanna Richardson Kitchin Billie Mancin Little  $1 - $99

Kathryn Hickman McCrary Karen Bittenbring Neilson Gamma Delta Auburn University Jewel Society $10,000 Jewels $10,000 - $24,999

Barbara Thorne Anderson G Rebecca Thorne Carroll G $5,000 Jewels $5,000 - $9,999

Jackie Brannon Stutts G $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Dorry Hayes Johnston Blackburn* 

 Annulet ♥ Founders Circle

$1,000,000 $500,000

Patricia Riley Farmer { LaVerne Taylor Flanagan Kay E. Ivey {

Supporters $250 - $499 $100 - $249

Christine Blackburn Danner Janet Cole Daulton Sarah McIntyre Davis Natalie Lyle Dickerson Anne Manley Eastman Penelope Peth Edwards Patti Guthrie Hill  Dru Coleman Johnson Martha McClinton Langford  Frances Gates Moore Linda Grabensteder Pou  Jane Sentell Preiss Betty Ann Chadwick Russell  Linda Johnson Stone Anna Soberg Tisdale Cathy Campbell Turner  Susan Long Womack $1 - $99

Mary Venable Addison Nancy Mims Bishop Sue Bruce Bridwell Allison L. Chaffin Ellen Lanier Collins Ann Watson Collister  Susan Strickland Copeland Mary Furr Davis Rochelle Morriss Davis Ann Spicer Dodson Jane Haley Dykes Lisa Copeland Earles Nancy White Edwards Jeanne Killingsworth Eggleston Lisa Brabston Fawcett Carla Brabston Forester Allison Vines Fortune Ginger Baker Giles Laura Powell Hall  Judy Henderson Hardwick  Jean De La Bar Harris Pamela Seamon Harris Marcilla Jacobs Heath Ellen Simmons Houck Anne Little Jackson  Patsy Johnson Vivien Long Jones Kate Kiefer  Leigh Worley Mayer Ann Harris Messer Healey CJ Meigs Moore Sue Fuller Mosley Jean Little Phillips  Jeanne Tynes Plaxco Kimberly McKinney Reid

♦ Diamond Circle • Pearl Circle

$250,000 $100,000

Supporters $100 - $249

Susan Hamilton Russell Suzanne Kelley Rutledge Martha Jernigan Scott  Anne Spencer Seknicka Patsy Thigpen Shreve Iras Fearn Smith Sarah Floyd Smith Susan Lovett Speakman Blakely Avery Stephenson Martha Pearson Stone Dorothy Pedersen Stuart Elizabeth Stutts Thompson Nancy Grimes Traylor Robyn Vissing Van Yperen Evelyn Kidd Voigt Deborah Price Williams

Renate Veikins Dauser Lindsay M. Jarman Joan Steele Stein  $1 - $99

Gamma Epsilon University of North Carolina Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

JoAnne Armstrong-Jones { $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Jane Hutson Owen |

Daphne Adams Ashworth Dorothy Beals Ballew Nola Hatten Boughton Gene Stokes Brown  Jacquelyn Goodwin Burgess  Frances Pegues Burroughs  Margaret Horner Walker 

Gamma Lambda Longwood University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Supporters $1 - $99

Supporters $250 - $499

Supporters $1 - $99

Julie E. Bedenbaugh Linda Moore Ginn Amelia Welles Homer Hazel Repass Jones Barbara Compton Posey Sarah Schopf Truby Kathleen Repass Weigl { Mary Ann Aiello Williams

Robin Belcher Liesfeld  Martha Petry Parham $100 - $249

Eileen Mathes Anderson Carolyn C. Mondy  Marian Pond Taylor  Patricia Rogers Townes  $1 - $99

Sallie Gibbs Adelman Rebecca Davis Brooks Nancy Evans Cobb Betsy Delong Jackson Geraldine Daniel Kruger Karen Lane Owen Emily S. Stone Sharon Binder Thomas Gamma Mu James Madison University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Judith Meyer Tice 

Gamma Iota Mercer University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Supporters $1 - $99

Gamma Nu University of Tennessee at Knoxville Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Angela R. Magill

Supporters $1 - $99

Deborah J. Daugherty Carol Brumley McGlothin Gamma Xi Murray State University Supporters $100 - $249

Sarah Farmer Jane Phillips Werner $1 - $99

Kimberly Sanert Baker Deborah Hawkins Crooks Jill L. Giordano Betty Jung Howerton Sarah Powell Mastera Carolyn S. McAliley Mayce Nixon McGowan Jo Ellen Paris Miller Jan Oglesby Susan Carter Salyers Gamma Omicron Eastern Kentucky University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Esther E. Saalfeld  Supporters $100 - $249

Rebecca M. Brown  $1 - $99

Elizabeth Metry Adams Patricia Hodge Barker Rosanne Butcher Hack Angela Wallace Heibert Gamma Pi Middle Tennessee State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Suzanne Carmack Spicer G Supporters $250 - $499

Susan Wilson Davidson {

Cheryl Clary Bowen Angela P. Coon Louise A. Costello Millicent Markels Tibma

Kristi A. Elgersma 

$50,000 $25,000

Anne Cragin Barber Victoria E. Bartlett Linda Barefield Bond Linda Cosby Carpenter Adela MacCaughelty Ford Ruth Wilheit Laney Mary Hambrick Lockard Maria Williams Longshore Maggie R. McCampbell Jennifer Wright Purcell Kimberly A. Rogers Kimberly A. Shugar Edith J. Vardaman

Patricia Whitehouse Crute 

Margaret E. Hutson 

Sharon Dunkman Carruthers  Bobette Sandifer Thompson 

Δ Delta Circle Γ Gamma Circle

Gamma Eta High Point University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Gamma Theta Florida Southern College Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Vasilike Pappas Demopoulos Evelyn Blanchard Fowler Katherine Smith Gunter Susanne Robinson Hardy Jane Blakely Hutchinson Patricia Noah Jones  Barbara Bransford Lacy Carol Clayton Norris Barbara Jester Oliver Phyllis Wall Purdy Shirley Gee Seabrook Joan Leonard Sibley Martha Fortune Wickers Beth Harris Williams Anne Newsome York Gamma Zeta University of Memphis Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

$1 - $99

Ginny Carpenter Mary Cootes Eastman Julie Young King  Carole Imwold McRacken Patricia Nance Quick  Joe Ann Taylor Shannon Karen Wilson

$1 - $99

Cynthia Smith Cater Patricia Daugherty Miller  Elise J. Shourds Sylvie Kramer Weikert 

Mary A. Avis Carol Kinser Baker Valerie Billingsley Brown Carol Zimmerman Caraway Betty Carter Joy Lott Craig Polly Blake Dunn Marilyn Sanford Garey Ella Garey Keltner Jackie Jackson Massey Mary Ann Sibley Morriss Amy M. Nance Betty Steward Tribble Susan Waller Tull

C J Neal Lipski 

Supporters $100 - $249

Supporters $100 - $249

▲ Alpha Circle

 Double Rose Circle

$10,000 $5,000

 Buff Rose Circle

$1,000 33

foundation Gamma Rho Armstrong Atlantic State University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Gamma Upsilon University of Montevallo Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Frances George Arnsdorff ▲

Carol S. Clenney Nancy Bailey Knickerbocker 

$500 Jewels $500 - $999

Supporters $100 - $249

Mildred Deal Derst  Supporters $1 - $99

Jessica Waldrop Harris Lynn Tucker Roberts Gamma Sigma Troy University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Christine Cook Hutson | $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Rebecca Bowes Murphy | Supporters $250 - $499

Patricia Mungenast Smith $100 - $249

Shani Risinger Core Lori M. Lee $1 - $99

Peggy Wilson Carr Gayle Beazley Decker Jenna A. Donaldson Janet Starkel Gaddy Mary Mungenast Howell Janice K. Johnson Rita Harden Lunsford Adelene Steed Williams Gamma Tau University of West Georgia Supporters $100 - $249

Lynn Taylor Faller Michelle Flake Morgan G Rachel Beck Whitworth $1 - $99

Ingeborg Schneider Grant Virginia Sparkman Hardwick Jessica L. Hawkins Diane Hopkins Johnson Deborah Long Mullen Pearl Hubbard Nethery Rachel Boehl Niemiec Cathy Waldrop Steed Mary Bruce-Van Domelen Deborah Merritt Wightman

$1 - $99

Valeria Valdes Breen Marnie E. Chiasson Stefanie Letanosky Crowe Regina A. Brady Day Karen A. Kelly  Leigh Kitchens Mello Marika Schnell Amy M. Snyder Gamma Phi Georgia Institute of Technology Jewel Society $25,000 Jewels $25,000 and up

Lisa Frese Randall D $10,000 Jewels $10,000 - $24,999

Diana Bennett Eaton ▲ Patricia Caudle Smith ▲ $5,000 Jewels $5,000 - $9,999

Anne Rambaud Herren  Nivedita Persaud G Jeanette Raines Rogers ▲ Susan M. Schmid  $2,500 Jewels $2,500 - $4,999

Courtney Huskamp Huggins ▲ Kimberly Zimmerman Shorter  B. Jane Skelton ▲ Therese Rauth Viscelli

$1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Karen Jones Fite  Katherine Boedecker Goodwin  Esther E. Jimenez  Sara N. Johnson  Jessica A. Keesee  Kelly E. Keevan 

Corinthian Society for Planned Giving

Kristine L. Ashford  Andrea Clarkson Bentley Ann-Marie O'Brien Bethke Elizabeth Hollander Bodner Tamara Nahari Coughlin Lisa Custer Sharon Friedman Della Fera Christine McIntyre Faulkner Nicole Porcheddu Felice Rebecca Leonard Gunn JoAnne Bernadette Johnson  Kara M. Kazazean Alyssa Levy McElrone  Christina Robinson Scherrer Jennifer J. Schur Jenn R. Sessoms  Sue A. Settles  Alexandra W. Siu Laney E. Sowell Ann McConnell Stephenson  Karen Maslinski Stevens  Shannon M. Vittur  Mary Katherine Waldron Liz Harriss York ▲ Supporters $250 - $499

Stephanie M. Box Jessica M. Calhoun Nanette Kunzler Cooper  Amy Westergreen Cordner Christine Pesola Curtis Sarah R. Edwards Tamara Lindell Garbett Michelle Soule Haney Charlotte Whiteman Hebner Sharen E. Hiler  Jennifer A. Lewis Justine N. Lewis Marissa Muschott Martin Dianna Nord Katherine S. Rowley $100 - $249

Michelle E. Engler  Jeanene Fowler 

* Chapter Grand 34 quarterly summer 2011

$500 Jewels $500 - $999

Carrie Keelin Baker Jane Canady McClanahan Pamela MacPherson Young 

$1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499

Carolyn Monnerat Mestnik  Jani Macari Pallis  Emily K. Pechar  Lauren S. Rosenblatt  Eden M. Smith  Megan Smith Stieg 

Jennie Lee Colosi Balboni  Shari Mordhorst Begun Laurel Marshall Blanchard Melanie Harman Booker Baillie E. Homire Susan Corley Lavergne Shannon Cohen Lewis Caroline M. Mahoney Melissa Watts Mancill Megan M. Morris Christina M. Morton Abagail Nelson

 Annulet ♥ Founders Circle

$1,000,000 $500,000

Melissa Nord Amanda L. Phelps Kathleen Dieterman Sammarco Jennifer Mayberry Sasser Karen Ueberschaer Schnur Hannah Valles Terri Mayes Washburn Elaine A. Webb $1 - $99

Caroline Adams Elizabeth Baker Liz Bivins Jennifer L. Brecher Patricia A. Breed Jessica Brown Virginia Carter Caitlin Curtsinger Jenny E. Drinkard Taylor Durbin Rebecca Dye Lindsay Hicks Katelyn Hollingsworth Erin Horvath Sharon M. Jadrnak Marianna Jewell Ashley E. Johnson Christine Keyser Iris Lu Rachel Daffer Martin Shelbi Martin Susan Oravec Matthews Sabrina Santos McClain Melissa Near Rebecca O'Donnell Nels Jennifer L. Nelson Amanda Shapiro Nicolosi Chetsi P. Patel Miriam Alytia Patton Colleen Pollitzer Stefanie R. Presley Meghan Fischer Pressley Alexis Johnson Rivard Elizabeth Schunk Kristen Tocher Spoon Kelly R. Stiegel Kelly L. Straub Laura Schroeder Witbeck Marie Pesola Wright Christine Yi Gamma Psi University of North Alabama Supporters $250 - $499

Patricia Williams Roden $100 - $249

Susie Morris Ray Lia Pope White Joni Lumpkin Willingham $1 - $99

Heather King Clowers

♦ Diamond Circle • Pearl Circle

$250,000 $100,000

Gamma Omega University of Alabama at Birmingham Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Dana Peden-Gentile  Supporters $100 - $249

Lori Dooley Feist Robin Baker Wright $1 - $99

DeeAnn Fortner Arnett Brandi Hardiman Belcher Jessica L. Farris Carolyn E. Turner Delta Alpha University of Southern California Jewel Society $5,000 Jewels $5,000 - $9,999 Christine M. Ofiesh Γ $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

$500 Jewels $500 - $999

$500 Jewels $500 - $999

Supporters $250 - $499

Mardel Graham Blum Beth Aspen Braziller  Reid Reilly Dorwin Candy Allen Duncan Laury Sanor Graves Bonnie Carlson Kilpatrick Ann Morzov Matthiessen Janet Carty Muller Linda Glover Rylett  Jean Bogren Simpson Wendy Gail Gaines Weatherup Karen L. Aseltine Willow Whitfield Bechtel Phyllis Clement Campbell  Helyn Hollingsworth Cannan Lori Ann Rosemeier Cansler Carol McCluer Chapman Juanita Mills Feeder Janice Walker Gordon Joyce Massey Grant Dorothy Schultz Griffith Patricia Webb Grigsby Δ Delta Circle Γ Gamma Circle

Nadine Hanford Finley  Lori Andrew Henneger  Holly Whitcomb Henry  Elizabeth Hazelton Paget  $100 - $249

Judith Repp Battin Bonnie Stack Christianson  Diane Sundt Christie Betty Hummel Griffith  Carol Seegert Kocher Georgene Harber Leap Debra Patterson Lisser Jacquelyn Wehring Moore  Jill Shoemake Russo Barbara Bruhn Sinnott  Kris Juris Takemura Lauren Thomas Donna Albrigtson Yelich $1 - $99

Jennifer Doty Baxter Susan Hoop Bishop Molly Kramer Brunner Faris Dearborn Charbonneau Wendi Kepner Damico Marilyn Holert Drengson Beverly Hall Ehlers $50,000 $25,000

Karen Van de Graf Erickson Elizabeth Raugust Fox  Teresa Thorpe Gehlen Darlene Power Hunter Anne Harris Kepner Maudie Hulbert McDonald Barbara J. McQueen Lynne Hitchcock Nicholson Laura Childs Preece Kathleen Bauder Shattuck Joann Chadbourne Swanson Mary Kay Wilson Testa  Viola Houck Welchko Hsueh-Mei Y. Yang Lee Drake Zahniser 

Jean Rhine Socolojsky Margaret Rauch Warnke

Delta Gamma Montana State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Elisabeth Yeoman Briffett  Priscilla Gaskill Robertson 

Donna Sheets Wagner  Supporters $100 - $249

Christine Blow Frazee Janet Myers Lowney Danette Lund Rasmussen $1 - $99

Ruth Ellingwood Dorman  Joyce Aamot Greene ▲ Cecelia J. Quirk 

Diana Agajanian  Kathleen Bice  Barbara Meador Callard  Melody Y. Nishida ▲ Penelope Scott Yarrow 

$1 - $99

Delta Beta Washington State University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Alma Roth Prideaux 

Nadene Gruwell Minear  Ethel Lund Pattison 

Supporters $100 - $249

Carol O'Leary Harner Dorothy Lorenz Harte Maurene Smith Hogan Carolyn J. Keefe  Marcia Gettman Krueger Leslie Vorbach Lilly Mildred Webb Lowrey Karen Nordstrom Meyer Suzanne Noyes Neff  Marijane Perkins Virginia Mogle Pietila Cynthia Hunt Rudolph Carole Bauer Shook  Sherrill French Stutzman Barbara Barry Thomas Jane Kubasak Thornton Amy Fine Tiedemann Susan Vessels  Marvalee Hendricks Wake Sonnee Stallman Weedn Teri Nevill Wills 

Mary Logan Bailey Joyce Myers Fletcher Jo Ann Hicks Guenther  Margaret Buchman Haag Mary Lou Kranz Hammell Vickie Hemstad Jody Collis King Josephine Barrier Martin Grace Gartner Metsker Tania M. Mittleider Nita Coleman Ostlund Carol Mathews Roehm Beverly Panther Sevick Janice Kathary Vigre Louise Fulton Worster Delta Delta University of Oregon Supporters $250 - $499

Marcia Cameron Graham  Martha Baxter Haake $100 - $249

Barbara Ebeling Carney Judith Wiant Gavin  Muriel Hagendoorn Raz  Leann Johnston Roque  $1 - $99

Patricia Krueger Brady Alyce Willmarth Drescher Johanna Flood Morrow Edith Ebell Scott Marlene Dunk Smith

▲ Alpha Circle

 Double Rose Circle

$10,000 $5,000

Delta Epsilon University of California, Los Angeles Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Penelope Thompson Donnelly  Charlon Brown Franke  Sandra Goodwin Streech  Supporters $250 - $499

$100 - $249

Esther Machlin Chew Virginia Berwick Dawson  Eileen L. Lyon Gail Tyler Neher  Barbara Keith Richardson  Mary Campbell Rodebaugh  $1 - $99

Joyce Bane Abbott Beverly Bush Aggen Gail Donna Pearson Anderson Jana S. Bickel Almarene Williams Cook Margaret Lowe Crawford Vera Roush Curzon Gloria Nickerson Griffin Helen Roche Johnston Gloria Caravacci Koenig Judy Boster Mark  Kay Kawaratani Masuyama Bregette Etter Moseley Julie How O'Brien Melanie Sharon O'Donnell Marilyn Wolfe Sakata Delta Zeta University of British Columbia Supporters $1 - $99

Elizabeth Carlson Weingart Delta Eta San Diego State University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Frances Mettlach McCrackin | Supporters $250 - $499

Lynn Miller Hartline 

 Buff Rose Circle

$1,000 35

foundation $100 - $249

Patricia Holcombe Gylock Pamela A. Krebs  Janet Russell Lind  Janet Purvis Lisle  Linda Jane Stitt Lofgren Marion Tanner Moore Nancy Woodbridge Petersen  $1 - $99

Nadine Glines Abbott Georgie Hearrell Botte Isobel Bruen Chisum Barbara Bunten Dryer Patricia Groener Hansen Patricia Ann Weaver Hardeman Fran Wallace Holland  Janet Moss Johnson Gloria Suarez Justus Kristin Amundson Ogley  Catherine Morrell Seymour Carolyn Vosteen Sharpe Diane Dewey Sullivan Daryl McKenna Swanson

$1 - $99

Janice Wallace Bright Christina A. Bullock Linda Bergemann Chaix Gina Gallego Colton Kierstin Davis Coovert Jaimie-Lynn Craig Nadine Silva Davi Julie Sitton Duwe Cindi Anderson Edmondo Laurie Stone Fennell Sandra Nason Griffin Janeen Ayoob Hubiak Doris Perdue Kaiser Jeannette Millholland Kelley Vesta Betonte McDonald  Janet Rogers Metallo Alison L. Miller Cassandra Unibe Olguin Susan Stimmel Paluncich Diane Santiago Kareen Hanson Sheffield Adrienne Staple Templeton Eunice Jones Wesp 

Delta Theta University of Idahoo Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Delta Kappa University of Alberta Supporters $100 - $249

Supporters $100 - $249

Delta Mu University of California, Santa Barbara Supporters $1 - $99

Elizabeth Misner Johnson ▲ Charlotte Ruckman Misner ▲

Sherry Walsh Fanning  Patricia Stroh Loo  Patricia Burns Stice

Veronique Lessard

Laurie J. Barrons Jean Bosworth Garcia Delta Nu University of Calgary Supporters $1 - $99

Delta Iota California State University, Chico Supporters $250 - $499

Delta Omicron University of Nevada, Las Vegas Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Elfriede Walzberg Bagley  Donna DeDomenico Holpainen  Marilee Swor Meuter 

Epsilon Beta University of Kansas Supporters $250 - $499

Sarah Livadary Bergsto Katharine A. LiMandri Delta Sigma University of Hawaii at Manoa Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Mary Ikeda Miwa  Supporters $1 - $99

Kimberly Agonoy Mai Ly Schopf Schultz Delta Tau Chapman University $1 - $99 Epsilon Alpha University of Missouri Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Judith Hayes Hand  Nann Blaine Hilyard ▲ Sara Acuff Smith  Michelle A. Yuenger  Supporters $250 - $499 $100 - $249

Kelly M. Hopper

Delta Xi Arizona State University Supporters $1 - $99

Vicki Martin Fitzpatrick DaNeil Colarich Olson

Lisa M. Baldis Supporters $1 - $99

Tabatha Wheatley Fotenos

* Chapter Grand Corinthian Society for Planned Giving

36 quarterly summer 2011

$1 - $99

Christina Marquez Fisher

Denise Austin Dudenhoeffer

Diane Fingerson Drakeley Stacey Pack Fordemwalt Dawn Shipley Harlow Kristina Svendsen Herron Stephanie Brewer Joswick Laleh Jahanmir McConachie Kristin M. Montgomery Nancy Olson Russell Janet Seitz Jashinski  D. Anne Frazier Walradt Joleen Spencer Walsh Isabel Woods Wheatley

$100 - $249

Louise Wilson Kinder Mauda Grimes McGeorge Nancy Tucker O'Shea Sharon Aulepp Schwarz Nancy Harris Vineyard 

Dawn M. Datte

$1 - $99

Theresa L. Dolan  Janet Hepler Gillespie  Melaine McVay Taylor 

Delta Rho Sonoma State University Supporters $100 - $249

Michelle R. Barbeau Brenda Bier Barton  Charlene Morris Conrad  Rose Rice Dishman Deborah Kuntz Houston Elizabeth Perdue Hyde  Lois Darby Leimkuhler Carrie Lyn Hoemeyer Ousley Rondi K. Payne  Lorinda Kirkwood Stombaugh  Carol Clemons Thomas  Carol Smith White $1 - $99

Carol Reppel Amling  Virginia Kalen Argabright Betty Buschart Brand Margaret Pegues Chapman Joan Creech Charles Betty Smith Hawkins  Stacia D. Hentz Dorothy Wilson Hungate

 Annulet ♥ Founders Circle

$1,000,000 $500,000

Christine McMahon Malchow $100 - $249

Karen Lord Hinkin $1 - $99

Cynthia Coe Allen  Michelle Trahan Beeler Elizabeth Ouseley Dera Anita Rottler Heckman Ruth Reitz Holsinger  Susan G. Stanley Jennifer Lawrence Vance Epsilon Gamma University of Denver Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Gail Calkins Duree D Supporters $250 - $499

Joann Brenton Harbison  $100 - $249

Martha Fulton Gorden  Kay Tannehill O'Halleran  Ardlen Simpson Orrino $1 - $99

Lois Thomas Boyd Alice Dralle Cozens Leann J. Decker Harlene Edwards Charlotte Schroeder Estlow Georgene Michael Gainey* Aynsley Fein LeBlanc Charlotte Ryan O'Ryan Patricia Maguire Shaw Epsilon Delta University of Texas at Austin Jewel Society $1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499

Benita Wilson Dick G $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Susan Kiefner Cage  $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Betty Leatherwood Adams Patsy Smith Davis G ♦ Diamond Circle • Pearl Circle

$250,000 $100,000

Martha Kercheville Newton SaRita Obelgoner Parker  Elizabeth Cartledge Rogers ▲ Supporters $250 - $499

Theodora Vanderwerth Boehm  Doreene Frizzell Boubel  $100 - $249

Epsilon Iota University of Northern Colorado Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Epsilon Eta Texas Christian University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Supporters $100 - $249

Nancy Sheppeard Atkinson

Sammye Tisdale Diebel  Laura Glass Hensley  Janice S. Jochec Shirley Rose Kraus  Kimberly Carson Seay

Cindy Griffin Haas  Susan E. Turman  Patricia O'Connor Vreeland 

$500 Jewels $500 - $999

Carol Ferguson Wiener  Supporters $100 - $249

$1 - $99

Kathleen Kime Graham Frances Pittard Haynes Mary Chaney Heard Dixie White Hill Helen Swanson Kininmonth Kay LaBauve Parnell ▲ Dorothy Thornton Rencurrel Kimberly Matzke Tirlia Joan Bryan Wright 

Susan Havran Carter  Pamela Nix Gilmore  Shirley D. Heald Nancy Mitchell Ogrod  Sheila Grant Thayer  $1 - $99

Donna Edelen Blanton Susan Bond Butsch Barbara Stroud Cannon Helen Huff Dunlap Madelon Garrett Grassau Karen Jurgens Harrison Leslie M. Martin Janet Gough McMurray Billie Oakley Minot Jane H Olmstead Mary B. Packard  Ann Ferrell Ritchie Sue Sperling Vincent

Epsilon Epsilon William Jewell College Supporters $100 - $249

Alice Rowland Algie Norma Moss Barto  Melanie Griffin Cline  Alyce Curtis Leytham  Diane Brown Wicker  $1 - $99

Janice Thomas Baker Janet Bailey Durbin Sharon Purdy Gilliam Roberta Carr Lierly Jeri Weisz Schneider Eleanor Swadley Sweet 

Epsilon Theta University of Colorado Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Kathleen Fisk Christiansen 

Epsilon Zeta Arkansas State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Supporters $100 - $249

Jane Larson Alder  Mary Kelley Wyss-Cummings  Mary Heimann Linn 

Katherine Martin Farris  Ada Marsh Oldham  Supporters $100 - $249

Karon Sturdivant Mathews Allison Johnston McCoy Cynthia R. Middleton Suzanne Wright Stumbaugh Mitzi Langlois Young

$1 - $99

Gloria Gamblin Eickmeyer Cheryl Haywood Guttenmacher Allison Denman Holland Mary Allen Ray Janell Zeug

Nancy Pearce Garrett Mary Kellogg Kirby Carol Mueller Koontz Cydnee McMullen Sally Yewens Meisner Cynthia S. Thomas Karen Winquist Waligorski

$1 - $99

Sandra Wood Faltemier Leigh Robinson Garrison Mariella Shipton Hays  Δ Delta Circle Γ Gamma Circle

Ann Struble Birkle Karri Lampson Kent $1 - $99

Tamara Lynch Baskins Donna M. Benge Karin Whetstone Culter  Carol Anderson Gandy Kristen Fagre Healy Ruth Boyle Holt Mary Sue Myers Myrtle Hickman Stanley Grace C. Wright Epsilon Kappa Pittsburg State University Supporters $250 - $499

$1 - $99

Jamie Posey Buchanan Cheryle Lyons Henley Debra Saylor Lumley  Laura Quillin Richter* Shirley Kochsmeier Siegel Sara Salisbury Smith Dawn Papasifakis Strope Regina Hogard Utter Epsilon Mu Fort Hays State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Shelley S. Sutton  Supporters $250 - $499

Patricia Sampson Mills  Lana Tittel Shults  $100 - $249

Renee Scheuermann Davis $1 - $99

Stephanie Groninga Bannister Julie Farrell Billinger Karen Conard Brannam Amber A. Carlson Lynda Beachner Banwart  Alicia Thornhill Crutcher Sandra Jo Boys Daugherty $100 - $249 Katherine Bradshaw Chappelear Jone Courtney Galloway  Elizabeth Berning Gerber Leseley Adey Simpson  Paula Schoendaller Keefer Patricia A. Wagner  Juneil Thomm McQueen Linda Fell Pacey $1 - $99 Naomi Sheets Sperling Sue Rash Albers Jan Post Stejskal Angela Corrigan Bielefeld Kathie Miley Taylor Dona Maddux Cooper Terry Deal Waggle Kathlyn Fenton Edmonds Tina Todd Wiebe Margaret Latinis Hays Janice Urban Witt Mary Castagno Horgan Karen Simpson McCurley Epsilon Nu Carla Slattery Moore University of Central Oklahoma Laura L. Mortick Jewel Society Mary Benelli Polfer  $1,000 Jewels Susan Coury Rogers $1,000 - $1,903 Annette Skaggs Rohde  Kimberly Martin Klaus  Marcia Meyer Roos Mary Coffman Russo  $500 Jewels Donna Izard Spradley $500 - $999 Joyce Ryder Terbovich Rie Gerah Hoehner ▲ A Parrish Uhlenhop Marcie Worl Kirchberg  Lisa Adams Matthews  Epsilon Lambda University of Central Missouri Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Sherralyn Denning Craven G

Supporters $250 - $499

Susan C. Adair  Cathryn Baxter Davis  Lauren Allen Hammack 

Supporters $100 - $249

Linda Loveland Rinehart  $50,000 $25,000

▲ Alpha Circle

 Double Rose Circle

$10,000 $5,000

 Buff Rose Circle

$1,000 37

foundation $100 - $249

Laura Coolidge Endicott  Linda Powell Garbe Rita Kanaly Williams $1 - $99

Patricia Taylor Caplinger Cynthia Lewis Crawford Kay D. Cunningham Margaret E. Dougherty Carole Kerley Evans Jane Hanlin Hier Patricia Cunningham Landrum Robyn E. Roach Margaret Payne Simons  Mary Epps Welch Amy Hervey Wingfield Epsilon Xi East Central University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Kelly Lucas Davenport { Supporters $100 - $249

Brenda Wolf Wright $1 - $99

Elizabeth A. Negrete Chandra Bridges Stroope Epsilon Omicron Southwestern Oklahoma State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Becky Kelly Harvey {

Epsilon Upsilon Tarleton State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Donna Plumlee Hendrix  Supporters $100 - $249

Jane B. Dennis Jennifer Luton

Alicia Tate-Nadeau Epsilon Rho Texas A & M University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Jennifer P. Powell { Supporters $100 - $249

Jane Carmichael Bickham Pamela Wright Schaper  $1 - $99

Ronda Lenser Dillard Deborah Lieske Hull Charlotte C. Jamieson Leigh Harrison Kent  Anita Elmore Konvicka

$1 - $99

Gertrude Carlson Sena Goodlett Leese Jami Ables Lovelady Laura S. Rhoten

Mary Beth Dulcey Morabito {

Epsilon Phi Texas Woman's University Supporters $1 - $99

Muttaya Chaivashirasak Bollich Amber Garrison Duncan Trisha Phillips Hartstack Megan McCrary Kleiman Jessica H. Strasen Epsilon Chi Kansas State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Gina Hinman Vincent  Epsilon Psi University of Texas at Dallas Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Sejla Alijagic Kristen K. Blakely Kirsten Maylor DeKrey Rachel B. Malone Diane Wardrup Epsilon Omega Truman State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Katherine M. Bross

Carolyn A. Bopp Nicole Birdsill Buesse Katarine L. Flemming Jaime Lummis Shelden

Corinthian Society for Planned Giving

38 quarterly summer 2011

Autumn Bayles Judith Lannin Panagakos $1 - $99

Zeta Epsilon Michigan Technological University Supporters $100 - $249

Jill Henschel Caruso Amy Dalrymple Ryan Lorraine Card Wright $1 - $99

Theresa L. Bills Stephanie S. Garbacik Rebecca Shetron Nold Sandra Lack Whaley Zeta Zeta Worcester Polytechnic Institute Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Joan Chace  Carla N. Rumazza 

Elizabeth T. Caragliano Angela J. Dohl Constance Paul Greendoner Maria Pankos Pruitt Amy E. Shotmeyer Lori Schlauch Trechter

$500 Jewels $500 - $999

Zeta Gamma Gannon University Supporters $1 - $99

Claudine Gagnon McCluskey Elizabeth Archambault Stank Suzanne Logcher Yeghiayan

Ashley K. Kujbus Nicole L. Kunz Zeta Delta Towson University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903 $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Janis Lang Bartosz  Alison A. Gardner  Lesley A. Hubbard  Monica B. Kitlas Supporters $100 - $249

Megan N. Haupt Susan Plummer $1 - $99

Supporters $100 - $249

* Chapter Grand

Supporters $100 - $249

Michele D. Hartlove 

Supporters $1 - $99

$1 - $99

Meagan L. Daniels Sherri Dail Paz Kristina Danielak Schnierer Kandice M. Teutsch Zeta Beta Lehigh University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Holly Phillips Rudnick { Supporters $1 - $99

Zeta Alpha Eastern Michigan University Supporters $1 - $99

Carol Caprinolo Allison April Coffinberger Blahut Nicole K. Brown Shannon E. Corr M. Teresa Kneavel Haupt Laura E. Hemenway Wendy Hucht Lanahan

 Annulet ♥ Founders Circle

$1,000,000 $500,000

Cynthia L. Moser { Sara J. Swiatlowski { Supporters $100 - $249

$1 - $99

Romiya Glover Barry Naomi K. Boatright Rebecca Hanifen Derwin Colleen A. Ellsworth Christine M. Gagnon Anne Mannarelli Gregory Pamela Peterson Haddock Casey Beaulieu Kilgus Karen Zalewski Oliver Krystal L. Parker AnneMarie Daly Riechmann Julie Banach Roy Constance Keefe Sanneman Donna Underwood Sullivan Mary Kate Toomey Zeta Eta Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Supporters $250 - $499

Sujatha Reddy  Gabriela Rodriguez $1 - $99

Jenifer M. Jones Audrey Kaplan O'Neil Barbara J. Vaccaro

♦ Diamond Circle • Pearl Circle

$250,000 $100,000

Zeta Theta Lafayette College Supporters $100 - $249

Gretel L. Raibeck $1 - $99

Crystalann Harbold Deardorff Elissa Ebeling Kaufer Sandra Veresink Kovacs Julie Pollock Trainor  Zeta Iota Miami University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Andrea Smith  Supporters $100 - $249

Holly Weibel May Debra Collins Watt  $1 - $99

Laura Letton Jeanette Carpinelli Kristina Held Chadwick Mary Keating Gahan Jennifer Giardina Kennedy Susan Wright Maher Jennifer Miles O'Reilly Kimberly Klavora Plein Zeta Kappa University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Supporters $1 - $99

Theta Beta Auburn University at Montgomery Supporters $100 - $249

Stephannie Sack Bailey  Susan Eberts Prater ▲

Heather Slotnick Mueller Aimee N. Queen Melissa A. Scheich Zeta Pi Saint Joseph's University Supporters $1 - $99

Marie Clapp Blaser Deanna Martz Drnevich Angela Scola Melissa Hilferty Stewart Zeta Rho Quinnipac University Supporters $1 - $99

Zeta Nu Alma College Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Mary Jo Toth { Supporters $100 - $249

Janelle Kauffman Moore

$1 - $99

Rebecca Battle-Bryant  Tonya Long Vaughn Theta Delta North Georgia College and State University Jewel Society $2,500 Jewels $2,500 - $4,999

Sylvia E. Ferry

Melanie D. Brown { Supporters $100 - $249

Zeta Sigma Northwood University Jewel Society $1,000 Jewels $1,000- $1,903

Melissa Brown $1 - $99

Angelina Asevedo Bradley 

$1 - $99

Betty Baggett Hall

$500 Jewels $500 - $999

Karyn Kahl Layton

Supporters $100 - $249

Dana L. Ketterer

Jennifer M. Abels Elizabeth Jenkins Beaudet MaryKay Svoboda Hester Elizabeth I. Leonard Linda Mabry Wilkinson

Zeta Omicron Kettering University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Supporters $250 - $499

Zeta Mu Richard Stockton College of NJ Supporters $1 - $99

$1 - $99

Iolanda Ingrassia Goodfellow  Michelle Maillet Menard Sandra Guidroz Peterson Helen Doody Potter Laura Aymond Proctor

Jennifer Werni Hughes 

Christine Pawlowski Sullivan

Supporters $1 - $99

Lynne E. Lehnhardt Megan M. Stevenson

Marissa Janazzo Salsbury Deborah Barbre Bowers Amber K. Hart Zeta Chi University of Western Ontario Supporters $1 - $99

$1 - $99

Ann Vaughn Robertson Jennifer Williams Winstead Theta Theta Mississippi State University Supporters $1 - $99

Virginia Herring Sorgen

Theta Iota Western Kentucky University Supporters $100 - $249

Yvette L. Reece $1 - $99

Aimee E. Morin Phyllis C. Parrott Amy R. Rock Kimberly Hunt Vince Jennifer Owens West Theta Kappa University of Virginia Supporters $1 - $99

Theta Epsilon University of South Alabama Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Theta Lambda University of West Florida Supporters $100 - $249

Donya McKee Gillespie  Supporters $250 - $499

Theta Alpha Louisiana State University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Keller M. Leathers Heather D. Sprinkle

Courtney Johnson Sollie $1 - $99

Theta Zeta Randolph-Macon College Supporters $100 - $249

Anne Weiand Kasupski

$1 - $99

Catherine L. Matthews

Kelly L. Becker Carrie Schumacher Dobey Morgan McPherson Evans Anne Weldon Hehir Terri Owens Kates Pamela Glenton Nix April Scogin Taylor

Kaitlin R. Hazen Megan McNevitts Stacey McCready Pipicelli Chantal Coulen Simard

Penny C. Heuiser {

Theta Eta University of Tennessee at Martin Supporters $100 - $249

Elizabeth Dunn Christine J. Moore Tara Wheeler Prather

Tracy Smith Dorics Kristalyn N. Thoma  Rachel C. Zick $1 - $99

Kate Godbold Brotherton Allison W. Klinkenberg Theta Mu University of North Carolina at Wilmington Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Christel Brady McMillan 

Acissia Barnard Boutell Δ Delta Circle Γ Gamma Circle

$50,000 $25,000

▲ Alpha Circle

 Double Rose Circle

$10,000 $5,000

 Buff Rose Circle

$1,000 39

foundation Supporters $250 - $499

Lisa Pridgen Rosser  $1 - $99

Lindsay Walker McCall Wendi E. Witek Theta Nu Virginia Commonwealth University Supporters $100 - $249

Heather A. Rider $1 - $99

Jeannine Rosado Theta Xi Clemson University Supporters $1 - $99

Nicole Roberts Diak Theta Omicron Western Carolina University Supporters $1 - $99

Allison Hinson Kenney

$1 - $99

Elizabeth & Thomas Hudspeth Thomas & Jean King Dyan Lawlor Harold & Carla LeVander John Mahoney & Regan Aduddell Drew & Shelley McCandless Marjorie Shahani Troy & Patricia Swinford

Sarah E. Horn Marisa Toth McLeod Catherine Simpson Starnes Theta Upsilon Georgetown College Supporters $1 - $99

Lisa D. Alder Kathryn M. Thompson

$100 - $249

Theta Phi University of Tampa Supporters $1 - $99

Jeanie Donnenwirth Baker Rosemary Cutillo Woodbury Theta Chi Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Supporters $1 - $99

Martha P. Ashmore

Kappa Beta Missouri Western State University Supporters $1 - $99

Denise Heimer-Johnson

Theta Pi Lambuth University Jewel Society $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Friends of the Foundation

Supporters $100 - $249

Edward M. & Jeanette Raines Rogers ▲

Mary Margaret Brewer Michelle L. Parks 

Kelly J. Gebhart

Jewel Society $5,000 Jewels $5,000 - $9,999

$1 - $99

$1,904 Jewels $1,904 - $2,499

Theta Rho Barry University Supporters $100 - $249

$1,000 Jewels $1,000 - $1,903

Tanya F. Hughes

Eileen Eiler McManis $1 - $99

Michelle L. Hovorka Theta Sigma Valdosta State University Supporters $1 - $99

Willa F. Valencia

Theta Tau Belmont University Supporters $250 - $499

Allison M. Pellicciotti

Mike & Betty Devereaux Δ Curt & Teresa Morgan  Gloria Rumsfield 

Steve & Kathryn Crain  Donald & Suzanne Hilliker Lou & Robin Isaf  $500 Jewels $500 - $999

Parents of Nikki Carbonari Donnell & Rainna Davis Hugo & Piera DeGrandis Kathy & John Fish Christian Pierce Ken Wheat Supporters $250 - $499

Michaelle & Eric Deitrich Joseph & Leslie Floren

* Chapter Grand Corinthian Society for Planned Giving 40 quarterly summer 2011

Stewart Aaron Richard Allan Donald & Geralyn Anderson William Badger & Edith Cook Daryl & Patricia Balchan Shirley Bennett Julie Berry Douglas & Michele Beverage Mary Jo Borel Robert & Mary Bradley Jonathan & Diane Bramwell David & Mindy Brass Mark & Ellen Braunstein  Jeffrey Broumas Janet & Curtis Brown Lon Bruso Bruce & Sylvia Byorkman Martin Strong & Michelle Carden William Carter Mark & Germaine Catton John & Kathryn Chase Stephen & Kimberly Chatham Parent of Aisha Chiakowski T. & Patti Cline John & Dawn Coen Lois Cohen Julie & Francis Corden John & Connie Cubitt Nancy & Tony Dappas Brad & Margaret Davis Anonymous Donor Shehata & Sonia Elsonbaty Karen & Scott Farver Joseph Fayer Andrew & Christine Fosselman Catherine Fridell Michael & Laura Fuller Deborah Gallagher Joe & Sandra Garcia Robert & Tambra Gifford Ric & Gina Gregoria Kip & Leslie Haggerty Timothy Haggerty Deborah & William Hartnett Michael Heinekey & Maureen Munn Thomas Hester Paul & Johnna Hochkammer Larry & Carol Hornsby Karen Isbell

 Annulet ♥ Founders Circle

$1,000,000 $500,000

Cynthia Johnson M.B. & Elizabeth Johnson Shirley Jones Dorian & William Jordan Lisa & Merrell Ketchum JunSeong Kim & Young Mi Park Edward & Miriam Klapka Michael & Jill Komar John & Patricia Kornacker James Lakerdas Joseph & Barbara Larrow David & Janice LaVelle Jamie Sheriff Law Jeff & Amy Lawson Jane Leck Peggy Lenfest Dean & Suzanne Lesiak Jeff & Ginger Lewis Mary & George Littrell Jeanne Lutz Barbara Maxwell Richard & Susan Mayer Dr. Ann Mazzotti Dennis & Ann McCunniff Robert McGee Parent of Shelby Mclean Carol Meeker Parent of Sofia Mejias Parent of Johanna Mickelson John & Mary Ann Miller William & Sharyn Milligan Joe Mitchell William & Barbara Moore David Nelson J. M. Odor Marcia Organ Marla Osborne Sara M. Phillips  Timothy & Teresa Pike Beth & Robert Probst Michael & Carole Psoinos Leigh Rabun David & Noreen Raminski Peter & Laurie Rapinchuk Robert & Susan Reemelin Mr. & Mrs. T.J. Richey Jamee Robinson Terri Romaine Celena & Donald Rorex Dean & Donna Rydquist Frank & Maureen Santoni Stephan & Patricia Schlagel Duane & Audrey Schmatz Larry & Cathy Sievers Steven Silverstein Marshal & Lori Sims David Sirey Judy Skara Sally Slomer Theresa Southerland Tony Stearns Daniel & Mona Stecklein Reaford & Pam Stroupe Sarah & Lynn Sunderman B.J. & Diana Taussig ♦ Diamond Circle • Pearl Circle

$250,000 $100,000

Dan Taylor Holly Taylor Patricia Terhar Jill Terranova Parent of Heather Terry Dianne & Eric Thorndike S.C. Tobin Regina & David Toomey Wade & Jessie Uptergrove Nancy VanBalen  Phillip & Susan Walker Debbie & Lloyd West Dr. Tracy & Helen Wheelock Petra Wilde Charles & Virginia Wiley Henry & Jamie Wiley Lynn Wilson Steven Witte George & Joanna Wuest $1 - $99

Carole & Dave Abernathy Robert & Susan Albicker Donato Alu, Jr. Jon & Beth Andersen Ruth Aborjaily & David Bannish Raymond & Karen Barley Kathleen & David Begler Kevin Berent Jane & Noel Bewley Robert & Susan Bills David & Sharon Boyer Nancy Breitenstein Vicki Broceus Lori Butala Gregory & Maylisa Carlock Delvonta Carradine Rose Cheatham Dae & Connie Choung Loretta Connors Robert & Wilma Couch Derrick & Stacey Cox Douglas & Carrie Czark Starr & Eddie Dalton John & Janet Daly Ken Daniel Scott & Kerri Davenport Eddie & Meg Deaton Mark & Monica Debrock Dennis Deloy Donald & Maureen Dixon William & Kally Dowling Paul & Corrine Duffy B.J. Duncan Michael & Sheila Ellsworth Keith & Kim Embry Lori & Dennis Erokan James & Lisa Fox Richard & Lori France Brian & Theresa Gallagher Mario & Agnes Genovese Beshoy Ghabious Deborah & Clarence Gibbs Holly & Jesse Gordon Gregory & Lana Gotcher Δ Delta Circle Γ Gamma Circle

Jo Gray Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hahm William Hall & Martha Olive-Hall Michael & Kathleen Hegarty Marilee & James Hill Kiranjot & Daljit Hoonjan Susan & Paul Howard April Jackson The Jennings Family David & Charlene Johnstone Kirk Jung Raymond & Ann Kansier Bryan & Cheryl-Lynn Koss Alexander & Stephanie Kreymer Monique & Michael Kueker Grandparent of Victoria LeBeau Ida & Wally Lee Susan Levine Ruth Lewis William & Marium Llewellyn Leonid & Inna Logashov Sterling & Kathy Long Ronald & Theresa Lynch Charles & Elizabeth Maneval Malerie & Mark Marinucci Cynthia Mastropiero John & Virginia McAllister Barbara McCall Mary Jo & Grady McCarthy Dixie McClure Guillermina & Juan Medina Thomas & Mary Meredith Michael & Linda Mies Melissa Mims Joann & Michael Mooney Karen Morse Patricia & Mark Mraz Vanessa & Gary Murdock Pam Murray James & Mary Nee Anthony & Linda O'Rourke Dean & Nancy Palmer Penelope Pejka Nicholas & Sandra Pessimisis Timothy & Lynn Peterson Daniel & Margaret Petrisko Michael & Carolyn Pierson Sandra & Frank Plyler Gina Poillucci Pat Powell Shelley Predmore Linda Preston Myrna Pugao Nancy & George Pytlik Janet Quistberg Dr. Gary & Monica Raab Samuel Rayburn James Reisteter Rebecca & Dennis Rindt Lynne Robertson Cynthia Ryan-Meissner Steven & Gail Sawyer Michael & Jodi Schluter $50,000 $25,000

Brenda & Mike Schoope Stephanie Schwartz Debra & William Sears Lars & Natalie Silverness Curtis & Maryann Smith William & Karen Smyth Joe & Yvonne Solari Sammy & Debra Steelman Richard & Ruanna Stumpf Scott Talbot Pam Taylor Steven & Teri Taylor Charles & Susan Teagarden Aaron & Ann Thanasack Robert & Beverly Thieneman Katherine Thornton Melanie Thornton Andree Toner Donna & Daniel Voris Lynn Walker Paulette & Steven Walsh Lawrence & Susan White Richard & Sandra White Peter & Karen Wibell Mark Wilmer Robert J. Wright Michael & Sarah Zakrzewski

Collegiate Jewel Chapters

Members of the following collegiate chapters have contributed many hours to raise $2,000 or more for the AGD Foundation for membership in the Jewel Society:

Delta- University of Minnesota Epsilon- University of Kentucky Iota- University of Washington Mu- Brenau University Rho- Iowa State University Sigma- University of Illinois Upsilon- University of Oklahoma Phi- Oregon State University Psi- University of Alabama Omega- University of Akron Alpha Alpha- University at Buffalo (The State University of NY) Alpha Beta- University of Michigan Alpha Epsilon- Westminster College Alpha Iota- Baldwin-Wallace College Alpha Lambda- The Ohio State University Alpha Pi- Wayne State University Alpha Sigma- Indiana University of Pennsylvania Alpha Upsilon- Central Michigan University Alpha Omega- Duquesne University

▲ Alpha Circle

 Double Rose Circle

$10,000 $5,000

Beta Alpha- Nebraska Wesleyan University Beta Beta- North Dakota State University Beta Delta- Indiana University Beta Eta- Southern Illinois University Beta Iota- Eastern Illinois University Beta Xi- Purdue University Beta Omicron- Illinois State University Beta Tau- Ball State University Gamma Alpha- University of Georgia Gamma Beta- Florida State University Gamma Delta- Auburn University Gamma Zeta- University of Memphis Gamma Eta- High Point University Gamma Iota- Mercer University Gamma Xi- Murray State University Gamma Omicron- Eastern Kentucky University Gamma Sigma- Troy University Gamma Upsilon- University of Montevallo Gamma Phi- Georgia Institute of Technology Gamma Psi- University of North Alabama Gamma Omega- University of Alabama at Birmingham Delta Gamma- Montana State University Delta Theta- University of Idaho Delta Kappa- University of Alberta Delta Nu- University of Calgary Delta Omicron- University of Nevada, Las Vegas Delta Pi- San Francisco State University Delta Rho- Sonoma State University Delta Tau- Chapman University Epsilon Beta- University of Kansas Epsilon Epsilon- William Jewell College Epsilon Kappa- Pittsburg State University Epsilon Mu- Fort Hays State University Epsilon Nu- University of Central Oklahoma Epsilon Upsilon- Tarleton State University Epsilon Phi- Texas Woman's University Epsilon Psi- University of Texas at Dallas  Buff Rose Circle

$1,000 41

foundation Epsilon Omega- Truman State University Zeta Gamma- Gannon University Zeta Delta- Towson University Zeta Zeta- Worcester Polytechnic Institute Zeta Eta- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Zeta Iota- Miami University Zeta Kappa- University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Zeta Pi- Saint Joseph's University Zeta Chi- University of Western Ontario Theta Beta- Auburn University at Montgomery Theta Delta- North Georgia College and State University Theta Lambda- University of West Florida Theta Nu- Virginia Commonwealth University Theta Tau- Belmont University Theta Chi- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Kappa Beta- Missouri Western State University

Alumnae Jewel Chapters & Clubs

The following chapters and clubs contributed their time and talents to raise $1,000 or more for the AGD Foundation for membership in the Jewel Society:

Auburn-Opelika Alumnae Chapter Beta Beta Alumnae Chapter Beta Iota Alumnae Chapter Central Florida Alumnae Club Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae Club Dallas Alumnae Chapter DuPage Area Alumnae Club Fox Valley Alumnae Club Greater Seattle Alumnae Chapter Houston Alumnae Club Norman Alumnae Chapter North Atlanta Alumnae Club Northwest Florida Alumnae Chapter Old Dominion Alumnae Club St. Louis Alumnae Club Tampa Bay Area Alumnae Chapter Tau Alumnae Chapter Valley of the Sun Alumnae Chapter

42 quarterly summer 2011


This special group of members, family and friends were honored by a gift in their name to the AGD Foundation:

Caroline Aaron Shayna N. Abelman Kathleen Jolley Abernathy Ann Zehner Angle Frances George Arnsdorff Susan Rosholt Banghart Diane Correll Bauknight Connie Harriman Benson Elaine Barrick Bess Jennifer C. Bibbs Mary Robertson Blackall Barbara Baerwald Bowman Jessica Finger Brown Rosemary Dugger Brown Jess Bucher Rachel E. Burchfield Ellie C. Butler Dorothy Treadwell Cantrell Christina Kamm Carpenter Sharon Dunkman Carruthers Aly B. Chester Karen Bartel Chism Ariel Clark Montana A. Clelland Carol Duer Cochran Beth E. Cohen Laura C. Connors Ellen Cottrell Kathryn D. Crain Julie Waitman Cretin Jennifer L. Daly Michelle Jones Daly Jane Peters Dawson Jane Huselton Day Krystal Dearman Sharon Kimbrel Deck Kim Demel Kelly M. Dermyer Benita Wilson Dick Beverly Brown Dominy Gail Calkins Duree Penelope Yocum Edmondson Anne Loring Eiler Deborah Schmidt Eschenbacher Chris Rudduck Fedor Peggy Kuebler Field Patricia Carey Floren Julia Thomas Flores Vanessa L. Folk Ali Forsyth Libby Whitcomb Forsyth Margaret Williams Fosberg Alison A. Gardner Kodee D. Gartner Carol Radewald Gearhart Kristi Gohl Edward Gray Theresa Kaczorowski Green Joyce Aamot Greene Patricia Mullin Grosser

Michele D. Hartlove Katherine Klinefelter Hastings Gwendolyn Hauck Laurinda Meyer Hawkins Mary D. Hensel Kendra P. Hibler Rie Gerah Hoehner Veronica Hollingshead Sharon Houck Hood Marie E. Hopkins Laura Hornsby JoAnn Wolfgang Hostetler Kathryn M. Howard Lesley A. Hubbard Linda Williamson Johns Elizabeth Misner Johnson Hazel Repass Jones Kelli Jones Susan McCaslin Kainz Lelia Van Norden Kelley Sheri L. Kellner Ann Kemppainen Taylor Kite Nikoleta L. Kotsogiannis Sandra Veresink Kovacs Shirley Rose Kraus Victoria A. Kunkel Candace Larson Jamie Sheriff Law Barbara Hale Letton Robin Belcher Liesfeld Christina E. Llewellyn Eva Lu Joyce Stansbery Lunsford Aimee M. Maczko Jennifer A. Mallette Elena T. Mangoff Wanda Mehring Mann Paula F. Martins Colette M. Masterson Lisa Adams Matthews Kristen Mayer Katie E. Mayers Kassie Mcelvain Ruth Steward McMahon Linda A. McQuiston Erin K. Mellott Barbara Lutskus Mervin Marie C. Mirro Charlotte Ruckman Misner Kristi M. Molnar Megan Moore Mary Beth Dulcey Morabito Susan Harding Moran Elizabeth Smith Morgan Michelle Flake Morgan Elizabeth K. Mraz Bailey E. Murphy Michelle J. Neeb Margie Tribble Nickels Melody Y. Nishida Sandy McMurray Novak Emma & Erin Nunez Kathryn O'Brien Harriet Halstead Overcash Jenny Pagel Oxandale

Marie Ford Palmer Stefanie Pereira Emily Perlow Valerie A. Peroutka Janice Smith Pitrolo Leah Psoinos Gina Stein Ranger Margery Barden Reason Alisa L. Richardson Patricia Tulley Riddiford Andy Roth Debbie Douglass Roth Brenda Binford Rowell Talia Rudkin Holly Phillips Rudnick Mary Coffman Russo Carolyn L. Salyers Carol Boggs Sasa Ann French Schmidt Kristen E. Schweiger Sarah A. Selby Mary Moorer Senko Meredith A. Slemko Linda Hogeland Smith Sheila Kelley Sola Suzanne Carmack Spicer Heather D. Sprinkle Dhivya Srinivasan Nanci Beegle Starr Kelly F. Stasko Kat E. Stewart Jackie Brannon Stutts Shelley S. Sutton Kathryn Zenier Swenson Kathie Miley Taylor Judith Meyer Tice Kate Toomey Nancy O'Neal Tuneski Ashley D. Turner Brandie Van Order Sandra Veresink Andrea J. Wahl Bonnie Barnard Waters Leslie Russell Westbury Susan Whitcomb Alice White Kelly Zoul White Catherine Smart Williams Sharon L. Winter Theodora Smith Wintersteen Dee Ann Elliott Woodall Melissa K. Yee Carolyn L. York Pamela MacPherson Young Alpha Chapter Alpha Beta Chapter Alpha Epsilon Chapter Alpha Lambda Chapter Alpha Pi Chapter Beta Beta Chapter Delta Upsilon Chapter Detroit North Suburban Alumnae Club 50th Anniversary Epsilon Upsilon Chapter Gamma Alpha Chapter

Gamma Delta Chapter Kappa Gamma Chapter Theta Delta Chapter Theta Nu Chapter Zeta Omicron Chapter Zeta Tau Chapter Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Trustees Alpha Gamma Delta International Council Leadership Institute-WWP Directors Zeta Chi Sisters


Contributions were made during the 2010-2011 fiscal year in memory of these AGD members, family and friends:

Lynne Watson Abstein Diana Adams Mable Adams Margaret Wynn Allan Norma Lewis Altice Lenore Vanderkolk Anderson Taylor L. Anderson Buck Ashford Gillian Branscomb Beavers Dorry Hayes Johnston Blackburn Helen Sarnes Blomstrom Marie Wilkinson Brietz Dolores Gemlo Brimhall

Mary Sewell Burns Tim Cahill Dennis Camfield Nancy E. Carlson Evangeline Bintz Childress Carol Warner Chomicz Carolyn Petrie Coffman Charlotte Gantz Coffman Linda Oralene Couch Gladys Hainz Crawford Irene Fieldhouse Dailey Cynthia L. Devereaux Janice Jordan Dietrich Mrs. Jane Duncan Penelope Ann Elrod Merlon King Fanno Kent Fenzan Anita Wollert Ferguson Barbara Dorsey Ferguson Dorothy M Filak Betty McCaskill Francisco Barbara Feurer Freise Evelyn Hosick Gartrell Charlotte E Vanvleck Gemmell Marcia Horton Glauner Harriett Fox Grant Barbara Annette Gray Vera Roble Gunelson Joan Silverness Haggerty Betty Lynn Hall Shirley Divan Hendricksen Ruth Breitenstein Henritze Cassandra Hill Joan Hippler Sue Simmons Holder Willow Dunne Howe

Ruth L. Hudson Gladys Newbury Hunter Victor Jennings Angela Jester Barbara Walkinshaw Johnson George Juhl Angelique Restivo Kaufman Signe Keese Helen Daily Kingham Betty Packard Kinney Virginia Kammerer Kunkel Florence Doering Laheney Alice Samuelson Larson Lucille Russell Lawson Iantha Powrie Le Vander Agnes Vincent Jimenez Lee Donna Lieske Paula Gallup Little Esther Huber Lloyd Audrey Luecke Doris Allen Lynn Kimberly L. Martinson Marilyn Maxwell Marilyn Kuhs McDonald Rose Pflug McGee Ellen Miller Mary Cox Miller Martha Ann Mills Jeanne Souser Mingus Marjorie Gemmill Minshall Denise Hardie Monette Kimberly Bragg Moragne Trudy A. Noyes Karen Hein O'Brien Dorothy Jeka Picatti Stephanie Schwietert Pilewski

Mary Ough Powell Jane Smithwick Price Donald Quibell Judith A. Rezabek Nancy Wesch Rhen Luann Rhodes Laura Quillin Richter Barbara McNeer Robertson Jo Ann Williams Rudesill William D. Rumsfield Anthony Russo Sandra Hubenthal Sams Alex P. Saxon Margaret Hatch Seymour Dorothy Solt Erma Butler Spence Jack Stein Suzanne Davidson Stuart Irene Stutts Gaynelle Deskins Tatum Carol Nichols Teague Jesse Agee Temple Andrea Rose Teodosio Carolyn Hicks Terry Jessie Lane Thomas Ginger Currin Thompson Lee Aldrich Thompson Helen Pasas Todd Ruth Kelly Trevellyan Ruth Reynolds Vanells Eunice Butcher Weber Albert James Weisel Mary Martin Welch Mr. S. B. White, Jr. Mary Wiherle Ruth Moody Williams Joan Woll Wise

Don't miss your chance to be listed in the next Honor Roll of Donors -

give today!

Donations of $500 or more qualify for membership in the Jewel Society and special recognition at International Convention 2012. 43

Pay Your

Alumnae Dues!

“The Alpha Gam today seems to me as much of a Founder as those of May 1904. She has a greater load, a greater sphere, a larger equipment, a mighty responsibility.�

Founder Emily Helen Butterfield Since our founding, Alpha Gamma Delta has touched the lives of over 155,000 women. Now, more than ever, we have a greater responsibility to serve our members in a relevant and meaningful way that can only be done with your help. Alumnae Dues support many Fraternity initiatives, from collegiate chapter development and extension opportunities to volunteer training and alumnae programming. Your $40 contribution makes a true impact, providing the Fraternity with the sustainability to extend our reach and the means to exceed our Purpose.

Learn more about the Alumnae Dues program! alphagams/alumnae/alumnaedues

44 quarterly summer 2011

You can pay your Alumnae Dues in two ways: 1. 2.

Online alphagams/alumnae/onlinepayment By Mail Send a $40 check to: Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity 8701 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268

chapter grand

Alpha – Syracuse University Ruth Beener Austin ’24 Margaret Coddington Cowles ’23 Ethel Roberts Haberer ’28 Marion Groves Marcellus ’33 Barbara Northup ’56 Katherine Schultz Robb ’62 Helen Dann Stringer ’28 Laura Suchowlec ’85

Xi – Illinois Wesleyan University Maurine Christman Twiss ’34

Delta – University of Minnesota Gayle Miesen Roseen ’43

Phi – Oregon State University Clara Shank McCormick ’35

Epsilon – University of Kentucky Frances Kerr Barnes ’33

Chi – Michigan State University Mary Murphy MacDonald ’44 Jane Fryman Peth ’35 Lois Woodard Wharton ’31

Zeta – Ohio University Janet Taylor Aemisegger ’45 Eta – Depauw University Elizabeth Cook Boye ’47 Kathryn Westphal Gentry ’42 Anne Meadows Gottbrath ’65 Iota – University of Washington Lois Gobler Critzer ’39 Mary Hinman Darling ’20 Emabell James Holt ’44 Lambda – Northwestern University Margaret Bernstorff ’33 Beulah Henry Boyes ’44 Rosa Richkie Lamb ’31 Della Matthews ’41 Sandra Hubenthal Sams ’59 Omicron – University of California, Berkeley Juanita Grimm Morris ’49 Pi – Coe College Florence Telecky Dickenson-Hatch ’38 Jean Barkes Griffith ’49 Jeanne Conybeare Mills ’40 Rho – Iowa State University Paula Vatter Bennett ’46 Alice Samuelson Larson ’44 Doris “Jeanne” Renaud Nielsen ’44 Tau – University of Toronto Miriam Inkster Angus ’34 Margaret Leitch Chetter ’41 Mary Graydon Crouch ’39 Katherine West Keith ’31 Marjorie Rutland Livingston ’39 Maralyn Woodley Widdicombe ’50

Sigma – University of Illinois Phyllis Parsons Shive ’37 Upsilon – University of Oklahoma Barbara Berrier DePue ’52

Psi – University of Alabama Margaret Alexander Black ’44 Beverly McPherson Marshall ’44 Omega – University of Akron Rosalind Schultz Herrick ’29 Carole Frye Snyder ’52 Alpha Alpha – University at Buffalo (The State Univ. of New York) Frances Thompson Murphy ’31 Alpha Gamma – University of Cincinnati Marjorie Doerner Betzing ’39 Alpha Delta – Ohio Wesleyan University Diane Berrisford Coleman ’81 Lee Phalen Graham ’52 Nancy Comfort Gunn ’47 Margaret Hale Heckendorn ’45 Maxine Hyde Rogers ’49 Edith Turk Seiple ’37 Ruth Klick Tiemann ’40 Alpha Epsilon – Westminster College Mary Ellen Smith Jacques ’39 Alpha Eta – Dalhousie University Nancy Goucher ’63 Dianne Keating Purcell ’64 Patricia Hewat Robertson ’53 Alpha Iota – Baldwin-Wallace College Jane Stull Lockard ’40 Bette Hagedorn Warnter ’40 Alpha Kappa – Bowling Green State University Norma Scroggy Seifert ’53

Alpha Lambda – The Ohio State University June Presar Garrett ’46 Donna Weeks Landis ’46 Mary Marshall Montgomery ’66 Alpha Mu – Pennsylvania State University Janet Smith Berkov ’47

Alpha Omicron – West Virginia Wesleyan College Vera Stewart Neal ’73 Oleta Reed Post ’48 Alpha Pi – Wayne State University Rebecca Butler ’2010 Beta Alpha – Nebraska Wesleyan University Helen Sarnes Blomstrom ’32 Evangeline Bintz Childress ’33 Barbara Dorsey Ferguson ’50 Jean Flaherty Ground ’43 Barbara Furman McCulloch ’49 Jane Large Mock ’55 Angelique Restivo ’87 Beta Beta – North Dakota State University Dorothy Jeka Picatti ‘53 Beta Zeta – Parsons College Margaret Sutherland Weatherspoon ’57 Beta Eta – Southern Illinois University Barbara Ames Von Behren ’57 Beta Mu – Minnesota State UniversityMankato Randee Anderson Cattell ’67 Elizabeth McLean Kearney ’67 Gamma Beta – Florida State University Joan Cunningham ’54 Ernestine Hunt Davis ’50 Alyse Jackobson Hallengren ’50 Gamma Delta – Auburn University Mary Sewell Burns ’79 JoAnne Wise Denman ’51 Jo Ina Kirby Stephenson ’49

chapter grand

Gamma Rho – Armstrong Atlantic State University Jennifer Roberson McIntyre ’77 Delta Alpha – University of Southern California Mardel Graham Blum ’55 Betty Lewis Flanagan ’28 Mary Weedn Yeadon ’40 Delta Beta – Washington State University Margaret Berg Bernhoft ’37 Delta Gamma – Montana State University Herva Fiske Simpson ’42 Kathryn Lyon Spain ’30 Delta Delta – University of Oregon Merle Strittmatter Lastreto ’45 Delta Epsilon – University of California, Los Angeles Mary Moore Mollett ’39 Betty Crawford Pinney ’38 Epsilon Gamma – University of Denver Phyllis “Sharon” Phelps Reneau ’60 Shirley Fish Wisley ’45 Epsilon Delta – University of Texas at Austin Ellen Ward Crocker ’48 Sally Wallace Hays ’53 Irene Hoke Sandahl ’48 Epsilon Kappa – Pittsburg State University Amanda Smith ’2002 Epsilon Xi – East Central University Jennie Freeman Eddy ‘73 Zeta Nu – Alma College Sara Ballard ’93 Theta Beta – Auburn University at Montgomery Thelma Colston Nelson ’88

Gamma Zeta – University of Memphis Trudy Noyes ’64 Gamma Mu – James Madison University Harriet Carter Payne ’60 45 45



Spot a Squirrel!

Alumnae from Epsilon Alpha-University of Missouri-Columbia, pose with Myrtle (the squirrel) in Charleston, South Carolina.

Coming Soon... The Fall 2011 Quarterly will

demonstrate the work of the Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity Housing Corporation! Check out this issue to learn more about the International Headquarters building, collegiate chapter housing and the Fraternity Housing Corporation Board. As always, the Quarterly staff wants to hear from you! Please send any stories, information or ideas to quarterly@ Thank you for sharing!


In the Spring 2011 Quarterly article titled A Voice for the Voiceless, Courtney Wilhelm was listed as being initiated into the incorrect chapter. Visiting a restaurant and see a squirrel figurine? Take a photo! On vacation and spot a squirrel stuffed animal? Take a photo! Make sure the photograph is high resolution and only contains Alpha Gam sisters. More information is available online at


Q find

46 quarterly summer 2011

Courtney is a member of Beta OmicronIllinois State University. The Quarterly staff regrets this error.

Our Directory Alpha Gam Word Scramble Unscramble the words below using the clues from this issue of the magazine! Answers are posted at

International Headquarters Executive Director, Stephannie Sack Bailey 8701 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 317-872-2655 Office Hours - 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. EDT Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Executive Director, Julie Waitman Cretin 3905 Vincennes Road, Suite 105 Indianapolis, IN 46268 317-879-9328 Office Hours - 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. EDT


elona rehteotg (Book by Massachusetts Institute of Technology psychologist Sherry Terkle.)


unisat eayp (Location of fall 2011 colonization.)


ontciln lykel (Guest speaker at Style Your Life event attended by members of the Calgary Area Alumnae Chapter.)


ljelo (Main ingredient in many 75 Years of Cooking with Grand Council recipes.)


ythrit-evsen (Percentage of foster alumni [adults formally in foster care] that attended college in 2005.)


sfat nmcyaop (Magazine that featured Partnered for Success.)


eilv thiw psurpeo (Alpha Gamma Delta’s new brand message.)


ruecoser ntceer (Handbooks and forms are located in this section of myAlphaGam.)

International Vice President-Collegians Lisa Adams Matthews


laedt (Greek word for “change.”)

International Vice President-Membership Marie Ford Palmer


aebsirrr ot tnifaicoilta (Award winning program by The Leadership Institute-Women With Purpose taught at The Leadership Conference.)

International Vice President-Extension Liz Harriss York


tlewve (Number of chapters that test piloted the Gamma Experience.)

International Vice President-Finance Anne Loring Eiler


Bpnluirets (Outlines created by Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute attendees to fix issues within their chapter.)


diae abnk (Share ideas with other members and find inspiration in this online area of the website.)

International Vice PresidentPanhellenic Affairs Rie Gerah Hoehner


adie netecr (Section of myAlphaGam where brand templates, Alpha Gamma Delta Experience materials and songs are housed.)


ivpracy gstnties (Be sure to change these if you would like to share your information with other Alpha Gams.)


trehmi esockio (Georgia A. Dickover's recipe.)

Secretary Peggy Kuebler Field


sepilon ebta (The Fraternity Housing Corporation recently finished house renovations at this chapter.)

Treasurer Patricia Tulley Riddiford


cotoreb (Colonization recruitment for Austin Peay State University begins this month.)

Jackie Brannon Stutts


Bwtinbo (Add this to your Twitter or Facebook profile.)


Fetniertarrnyti (Undergraduate ___________________ Institute.)

The Leadership InstituteWomen with Purpose, Inc. Executive Director, Erin Correa 3815 River Crossing Parkway, Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46240 888-854-9971 Office Hours - 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. EDT International Council International President Jackie Brannon Stutts International Vice President-Alumnae Mary Beth Dulcey Morabito

Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Trustees President Benita Wilson Dick Vice President Debbie Douglass Roth

Susan Havran Carter Deborah Schmidt Eschenbacher 47

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