Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly • Spring 2015

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spring 2015 volume CV, N0.3

alpha gamma delta



fraternity news


alumnae profile


pearls of wisdom



warm encourages

Alpha Gamma Delta is like a —a place that celebrates who you really are and you to build upon that to become .


your best self

I think it is so interesting to hear and see how different recruitment is from year to year and even from chapter to chapter. We all went through it and participated in it, yet none of our experiences are exactly the same. But we do all share this after recruitment: we have new sisters to walk through life with, a Purpose to help guide us and a place where we fit and belong.

Rie Gerah Hoehner International President

If you think of all the things that have contributed to our long history of success, fostering an environment for women to feel included throughout their membership is at the top. And that begins with recruitment! There’s no way we could have grown to an organization of over 165,000 women if we hadn’t worked on being great at recruiting others to join us and making sure each sister felt like she truly belonged! I believe women join Alpha Gamma Delta because our values and our sisterhood are so real, and they find a new sense of belonging in our Fraternity. When we say it’s a “home away from home,” we mean it. Alpha Gamma Delta is like a warm embrace—a place that celebrates who you really are and encourages you to build upon that to become your best self. It’s a sense of belonging that helps our souls grow.

There are so many life lessons we learn during recruitment, whether you realize it at the moment or not. (Check out the feature article on page 8 to read more about this!) One that I continuously apply today is being gracious and learning from others. And I don’t just mean with sisters. This applies to everyone! It is our responsibility to be thoughtful about including all of those around us, no matter their Greek affiliation, interests, background or culture. While our connection through Alpha Gamma Delta provides a rare, tight circle of community, there is also so much to be learned when we embrace and celebrate the interesting tapestry of individuality that makes up our world. Do all that you can to cultivate your Alpha Gam friendships, but also lead by example, and be the person who helps others find a place to belong! Loyally,

Rie Gerah Hoehner International President

Communications and Marketing Manager Bethany Smith

table of contents 4

Marketing Strategist Kailee Fouch Bennett Graphic Designer Casey Brock


Communications and Marketing Coordinator Shelby Huber

8 18


Member, Fraternity Communications Association The Quarterly is published four times per year at 8710 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46260. Send all correspondence to International Headquarters, 8710 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46260. When sending marriage or death announcements, please send duplicate information to your collegiate chapter or alumnae chapter/club so accurate records


may be kept. The Quarterly welcomes editorial

2 Your Voice

14 Collegiate News

Chapter Happenings

24 Foundation

Inspiring Leaders

submissions from freelance writers. Issues focus on themes, so please contact the Communications Department for guidelines, deadlines and additional information.

3 Fraternity News

Fraternity News Updates

4 Fraternity News The Leadership Conference (TLC)

5 Fraternity News Appreciating Our Sisters

6 Fraternity News

Alpha Gam Boutique: Coming Soon!

7 FHC Focus

Welcome to the FHC, Upsilon Chapter!

8 Feature

Recruitment Matters: 7 Real Life Takeaways

16 Collegiate Profile Empowering a Change

17 Alumnae Profile Breaking the Mold

27 Chapter Grand 28 A Look Back

The First Recruitment

The Quarterly Magazine Mission The Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly Magazine endeavors to:

18 Alumnae Profile Impact the World

20 Alumnae News Alumnae Recaps

22 Sister Spotlight Meet Connie

23 Pearls of Wisdom Be a Skilled Facilitator

29 Spot a Squirrel

• Serve as a forum of communication to inspire, educate and challenge members on Fraternity, Greek and women’s issues.


Stay up to date between issues, too!

• Rekindle, sustain and excite member loyalty and interest through celebrating and validating sisterhood and recognizing and acknowledging individual and chapter/ club accomplishments. • Serve as a permanent record and archive, documenting the Fraternity. 1

your voice




QUARTERLY? Was proud to see the issue of on-campus sexual assault highlighted on the cover of the @alphagammadelta Quarterly. #Awareness is key. Samantha Mehlinger Delta Tau-Chapman University

WE WANT TO HEAR WHAT YOU THINK! Thank you to all sisters who submitted feedback on the last issue of the Quarterly. Remember, the Quarterly is for YOU! We want to hear what you think about your magazine. Send your comments on this issue of the Quarterly by July 15:

I really enjoyed the openness and honesty of this issue of the Quarterly. I especially liked the “Driven by Challenges” story on Kacey. I also have Epidermolysis Bullosa. It’s inspiring to see other sisters going into research with a personal mission to improve the lives of others. Keep it up, Kacey!

I love reading my @alphagammadelta Quarterly and seeing what my amazing sisters are up to! Sophie Crebbin Delta Nu-University of Calgary

So proud to be part of an organization that’s not afraid to make rape culture the subject of their cover story. @alphagammadelta Morgan Downing Alpha Omicron-West Virginia Wesleyan College

Erin Mobley Gamma Omega-University of Alabama at Birmingham


SEND AN EMAIL: COMMENT ON FACEBOOK: ENGAGE ON TWITTER: SHARE ON INSTAGRAM: MAIL: Alpha Gamma Delta International Headquarters Attn: Quarterly Editor 8710 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46260


quarterly | spring 2015

We sure do love our mascot! Over 6,236 sisters liked, commented on and shared our post about Squirrel Appreciation Day on January 21. We’re one step closer to making it a national holiday!

Over 700 sisters liked this photo of Lauren Mnayarji, Beta Delta-Indiana University, being crowned Miss Indiana University! We are thrilled to see Alpha Gams making such an impact on their campuses and in their communities.

fraternity news updates

Honoring Our Founders Founders Day is coming up on May 30! This year, we will be celebrating 111 years of sisterhood. We can’t think of a better way to honor the memory and accomplishments of our 11 Founders than by paying your Alumnae Dues. With your $40 contribution, you help continue the Alpha Gam story. These funds help ensure that Alpha Gamma Delta can continue to fulfill the vision our Founders had for our sisterhood and provide an experience filled with Purpose for generations of collegiate women to come.

Don’t wait! You only have a few more weeks to pay your Alumnae Dues for the 2014-2015 fiscal year. Pay online now by visiting and clicking on the “Pay Now!” button on the homepage. Your contribution truly does make a great impact!

Advocating for the Greek Community

Alpha Gamma Delta and Alumnae Panhellenics

Alumnae Panhellenics are local community organizations that are composed of representative alumnae from the 26 National Panhellenic Conference member groups. Their purpose is to inform Greek women of current trends, promote the fraternity system, improve the Panhellenic image and stimulate a continuing interest in Panhellenic affairs. Alpha Gamma Delta is represented in over 150 Alumnae Panhellenics across the country. There are some additional groups seeking Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae representation though, and your involvement locally can ultimately support the Fraternity in membership growth. View a list of Alumnae Panhellenics in need of Alpha Gam representation at

If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please contact Cinda Zehner O’Connor, International Vice President-Panhellenic Affairs, at

Alpha Gamma Delta is Colonizing at… Alpha Gamma Delta is so proud that Lauren Bosler, Epsilon-University of Kentucky, and Kacy Flaherty, Rho-Iowa State University, represented our organization at recent Congressional visits! These two sisters were chosen from a wide pool of applicants to work with the Fraternal Government Relations Coalition (FGRC) and directly interact in the legislative process. Not only did Lauren and Kacy have the opportunity to experience Washington, D.C. in a whole new way, they had the chance to participate in prep work leading up to the Congressional training sessions and visits.

FALL 2015!

SPRING 2016! 3

The Leadership Conference THE LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE (TLC) IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER! Alpha Gams will be traveling to Indianapolis, Indiana, on June 18-20 to hear about the exciting new ways to enhance the recruitment experience. Attendees will learn about a new membership selection process and technology, Select-A-Sis, that gives access to recruitment tools straight from a computer, tablet or mobile device. The fun continues as Alpha Gamma Delta will be hosting an etiquette dinner with Lizzie Post! Lizzie, Emily Post’s relative, will share the ins and outs of


quarterly | spring 2015

table setting and traditional table manners during the “Etiquette for the Modern Girl” program. The festivities carry on with the Alpha Gam Boutique launch! Attendees will get the chance to see and shop Alpha Gam apparel and accessories before the online launch, which will happen after TLC. Even if you can’t attend, you can still join in on the fun! Keep a lookout on social media and be sure to follow along on Facebook ( alphagammadelta), Instagram (@alphagamihq) and Twitter (@alphagammadelta). We will be posting live from the event with #AGDTLC15.

fraternity news


Appreciating Our Sisters

n April, Alpha Gamma Delta celebrated all the wonderful advisors and volunteers during Volunteer and Advisor Appreciation Month. Because of their time and service, Alpha Gams continue to be impacted by advisors in their own communities and beyond. We are honored by their commitment and inspired by how each of these women are truly living with Purpose! We love hearing testimonies of the impact advisors and volunteers have on fellow sisters. Check out some of our featured stories collected from our Advisory Appreciation Month 2015 album on our Facebook page! To see additional stories, view the entire album at

Amanda Harris Allison Epsilon Phi-Texas Woman’s University Member Development Advisor for Epsilon Phi Chapter

Hanna Lockwood Dobberstine (pictured right) Epsilon Epsilon-William Jewell College Chapter Advisor for Epsilon Epsilon Chapter

We would like to recognize this beautiful Alpha Gam and expecting mother, Amanda Harris Allison. She serves Epsilon Phi-Texas Woman’s University as the Member Development Advisor, but she is so much more. She has an enormous heart and her ability to see all sides of any situation is amazing. She has incredible communication skills and her knowledge of Alpha Gam is pertinent to the operation of our chapter. Her beautiful family of three (soon to be four!) has gone through tough times, but she has always been dedicated and dependable as a sister and as an advisor. We are very grateful to have Amanda on our team of advisors because she is always thinking of ways to help improve the collegiate member experience and make the sisterhood strong. We love you, Amanda! Shannon Jones Schilke and Kamryn Kurtzner

Hanna Lockwood Dobberstine is the Chapter Advisor for Epsilon Epsilon and has been active with our chapter since she graduated in 1966! In fact, Hanna’s license plate reads “AGD66.” She loves our chapter unconditionally, and I can’t imagine Epsilon Epsilon Chapter without Hanna. We want to thank her for all that she has done and let her know that we love and appreciate her so much! Karlee Friend


fraternity news

Coming this summer...

Alpha Gamma Delta is launching the online ALPHA GAM BOUTIQUE, your new one-stop shop for affordable, trendy and exclusive Alpha Gam merchandise! Want even better news? Because the Boutique is owned and operated by the Fraternity, not only will you be guaranteed the highest quality items, all of your purchases will also benefit Alpha Gamma Delta. That’s what we call a win-win! Make sure to follow the Boutique on Instagram (@alphagamboutique) for information on when you can officially start shopping and get insider sneak peeks! 6

quarterly | spring 2015

fhc focus

Front rendering of the Upsilon chapter house

Welcome to the FHC, Upsilon Chapter! The Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity Housing Corporation (FHC) is excited to announce a partnership with UpsilonUniversity of Oklahoma! The FHC exists to provide safe, competitive and attractive housing exclusively for members of Alpha Gamma Delta collegiate chapters. From completing renovations and remodels, to handling bookkeeping and leasing services, the FHC is proud to serve 29 different collegiate chapters of Alpha Gamma Delta. The FHC has begun an extensive renovation of the Upsilon chapter house that was damaged during a fire in January 2014. To see an animated tour of the design plans, search “Construction Concept Video - Alpha Gamma Delta - Upsilon Chapter” on YouTube!

Highlights of the renovation include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Complete interior remodel Grand two-story foyer Chapter room for over 300 Elevator Exercise room Study lounges Dedicated night kitchen Large craft room Two large study halls “Get ready” rooms for hair and makeup Second floor laundry room Dedicated Executive Council meeting room Chapter President private bedroom Exterior rework and facelift

You can learn more about the FHC at




ou may not have realized it in the moment, but no matter what your experience was like, you’ve played a critical role in Alpha Gamma Delta’s growth and success. We’re talking about recruitment—a vital lifeline of all membership organizations. If you think about it, we’ve grown from a small group of just 11 young women to a thriving, world-spanning network of over 165,000 sisters because of our ability to continually share the Alpha Gam experience with others. There is so much that goes into recruitment, but at the very heart of it, it is the way we keep Alpha Gamma Delta moving forward, with new sisters to carry on and live out our Purpose. Have you ever thought about what you learned during recruitment? The great thing about the recruitment experience is that it really is a two-way street. Not only are you helping the Fraternity grow, but you also likely grew a little bit yourself.


quarterly | spring 2015

“Recruitment is the lifeblood of our sisterhood,” Marie Ford Palmer, International Vice President-Membership, said. “Recruitment skills are skills that will carry our members throughout their lives.” In between the late night decorating, door chants, laughter and maybe even a few tears, there were real life lessons happening. During that small window of time, you received hands-on training for some of the most valuable life and career skills. No matter what age or stage you are in now, there are still aspects of your recruitment experience that can help you continue to succeed at all that you do!


Always be welcoming

It’s been proven that people who feel a sense of belonging lead healthier and happier lives. Actually, that’s most likely one of the reasons you joined Alpha Gamma Delta in the first place—you were looking for a place to belong, a close-knit community where you could thrive. And during recruitment, you wanted to convey that same “home away from home” feeling. “We learned about the importance of eye-contact and making women feel welcome in our home,” Marie said. “We developed strong conversation skills by learning to find commonalities. These were really our first networks.” Now that our lives are busier than ever, and our society feels more detached because of technology, finding a community like within Alpha Gamma Delta can be hard. Yes, there are alumnae and alumnae groups all over the world for you to find connections with as sisters, but for those who may not have those sort of ties, it can be easy to feel isolated. Recruitment teaches us to put in the extra effort to make others feel welcome, and that’s an important lesson we can carry throughout our entire lives. Regardless of our differences, we should always do our best to make others feel at “home” and like they are part of our larger community. “I think that I always knew I was supposed to be welcoming, but the amount of effort that went into putting forward a sincere welcome was the major difference,” said Cindy Watkins Kane, Zeta Theta-Lafayette College. “I like that recruitment taught me not to leave the welcome to chance and hope for the best.” Cindy is right; there is an extra step that goes into making your welcome sincere. But it doesn’t have to be difficult—participate in random acts of kindness or make it a habit to acknowledge others in the grocery store. In a group setting, be the one to nurture a true connection. “You never know what kind of situation people you’re talking with or people around you are dealing with,” Lindsey Fisher Cafarella, Gamma Alpha-University of Georgia, said. “It’s always good to be kind and positive so those around you know they’re in the presence of comforting and caring people, even if you never see them again.”


Excelling at the art of conversation

It really is an art and, probably more importantly, an underrated life skill. Can you think of a time before your first recruitment that you had the opportunity to network with so many people in under an hour? And it was more than the usual, “Hi! Where are you from?” conversation. Time and time again, you practiced walking up to a complete stranger and proactively initiating a meaningful conversation. That’s not easy! But having the natural ability to make easy conversation with anyone in the room is an invaluable skill, from networking events to job interviews. On top of that, meaningful, purpose-driven conversation is good for the soul! “My husband is in the military, and we are constantly moving and going to new events with new faces. I think of and thank my sisters and recruitment experience all the time because I am able to transition well at parties and functions,” Jordan Broderick Gillick, Gamma Alpha-University of Georgia, said. “This is a skill I’ve noticed not many people have. I have confidence in my people-meeting skills because of recruitment.” Just like Jordan, you still retain those skills, even years after your last recruitment, but you may just need to occasionally brush up on them. Practice, of course, makes perfect! Put yourself back in the recruitment mindset, and remember the tricks you used to talk about your experience. If you get stuck, here is a tip collegians are using today: use lines of the Purpose as conversation starters. Even if you aren’t talking to a sister, you can use the general topic of each line as a prompt to get the words flowing. Because of your great ability to make small talk, you’ll make all kinds of connections, and you just never know how the people you meet could change your life!




Maintaining (and using!) your network

During recruitment, this meant using everyone in your chapter to accomplish the task at hand, whether that involved hanging banners above the front door or preparing skits. Your network included alumnae as well, and they were crucial for support and recommending potential new women. Your chapter had to work to maintain that network and make sure the critical support it provided successfully continued. How could you have pulled it all together without all those hands to help? That’s how life is, too. There is much value in having a network of people outside your family that you can rely on for a wide variety of things. Sisterhood intrinsically provides that, but that network requires maintenance. Keep in touch as best as you can with those who you find inspire you to be your best self. Call upon them when you need them. That is what networks are for!


Refocusing on the bigger picture

In the moment, there are an incredible amount of tasks to check off when it comes to preparing for recruitment. It could feel overwhelming when looking at each piece individually. You had to keep the big picture in mind, because at the end of it all, you welcomed new women into your sisterhood that you knew would change your chapter (and the Fraternity) for the better. Shifting your focus to the end result is a key life skill, and it is incredibly beneficial in the workforce or when working in a group.

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“I realized that helping people find their own place in a large scale effort was a big key to motivation and pride in what a group is doing,” Cindy said. “Today that has helped me in managing large projects by making sure that the people involved in each aspect don’t just think their task is a check mark on the task list. I always make sure to take the time to explain what we are doing and why it fits. I think that lesson from recruitment has helped me to be a more inclusive leader.” From a career perspective, seeing the bigger picture and being able to communicate that with others creates the necessary buyin. In life, too, think about how often you let yourself get bogged down in the mundane details. Create that motivation for yourself by remembering your end goal.


Making it a priority to give back

While meeting potential new members, you most likely shared our commitment to “contribute to the world’s work in the community where I am placed,” even if you didn’t phrase it quite like that. And you might have talked about Alpha Gamma Delta’s philanthropic focus at the time. You’ve been a part of a larger movement to make the world a better place and have seen the impact even just one person can make. As a collegiate member, you carved out time to give back to your community, and you benefited from that, too—probably in more ways than one. Post-graduation life gets busy very quickly, and if you haven’t had time to make giving back a priority again, put it on your list for when things slow down a bit. You know how to seek out those worthwhile volunteer opportunities, and whether it’s giving back to Alpha Gam or another organization near to your heart, you’ll add value to your life and professional development with however you choose to serve.


Budgeting your time wisely

Sorority life in general teaches this life lesson, but it is reinforced and highlighted during recruitment. It is by far one of the busiest times of the year for every collegiate chapter and always seems to fall during the craziest academic week, too. There is not a minute to be spared in your day, and nothing can take the back burner. So what do you learn to do? Budget your time accordingly. “Recruitment is all about a schedule and an agenda. You have to have both to get to everything that needs to be done. I learned that without both tools, my organizational abilities suffer,” Marie said. Learning to prioritize and balance everything gracefully is a skill you can use in every aspect of your life. You’ve tackled overwhelming demands for your time before; you can handle whatever life throws your way because of your time management skills!


Remembering you’re capable of more than you think

Confidence-building is a large part of the sorority experience in general, too, but recruitment is one of the best opportunities to push you beyond your comfort zone when it comes to planning, preparing and meeting potential new members. Because of all the skills you learned from recruitment, that confidence to tackle anything should come naturally to you. You’ve had the hands-on experience, and you excelled at it—you got this, whatever “this” may be! “Recruitment really helped prepare me for my medical school interviews and life as a future physician,” Heather Whitaker Chouteau, Beta Delta-Indiana University, said. “I gained a lot of confidence in interacting and building rapport with many different people.”

All this said, it’s not surprising members of Greek organizations reported they felt prepared for life after college at a rate 10 percent higher than those who were unaffiliated.* How great is it that a vital element of Alpha Gamma Delta has taught each of us so much that we can carry throughout our lives? The next time you find yourself exhibiting one of these skills, just think how recruitment really helped shape and foster your personal and professional skill set!

*Gallup poll study



The Changing Landscape of Recruitment As a vital lifeline for Alpha Gamma Delta, our recruitment procedures are always evolving to ensure they continue to be an extension of our values and that the chosen few we select to join our sisterhood are poised to elevate the Fraternity. At The Leadership Conference (TLC) in Indianapolis this summer, participants will be learning all about our new membership selection policy and some new technology that will make voting during rounds much more simple. Though specific details about the membership selection policy are carefully guarded, there is a little insight that can be shared. You may be aware that Alpha Gamma Delta recently updated Good Standing requirements with increased scholarship and service expectations. To follow in line with those changes, the Fraternity has elevated expectations for potential new members to be eligible for membership. Therefore, Alpha Gamma Delta has

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also been working with chapters to change the conversations our collegians are having with PNMs, associating key messages back to our values and to our Purpose. For the past year, select pilot chapters have been testing both the new membership selection policy and Select-A-Sis, a webbased program that allows members to vote electronically between events on any Internet-connected device. These pilot chapters are in love with this new option, and for good reason: it is extremely easy to use and takes away the huge hassle of data collection and entry! Currently, 11 inter/national groups are using this software with great results. The Fraternity is very excited to roll out this technology to all of our chapters at TLC to use during Formal Recruitment this fall!

What our Facebook fans had to say We knew we wouldn’t be able to cover it all here, so we reached out to our Facebook fans to see what life lessons they’ve learned from recruitment. Here’s what they shared with us:

Recruitment skills have helped me in a variety of ways! My husband is in the military, and I use those skills to help put others at ease, to make effective ‘small talk’ and to help others mix-and-mingle. You have no idea how many times I’ve used the ‘hand-on-the-back-to-interrupt-you’ technique!

I was the Vice President Recruitment (or Rush Chairman during my time), and today, I am a director of human resources. Who knew that the skills I acquired as a collegian would be used each and every day of my work life. I learned how to find great people to join my company, how to market my company and how to promote great things about my company. I learned how to work with different personalities, and that you can find great people just by looking at their differences and what they bring to the table.

Recruitment taught me how to speak about an organization with confidence and in a manner that connects with the person I am speaking with/to with conviction, grace and poise. As a trained Public Information Officer that primarily works in emergency situations, this skill has been very valuable.

Cathy Tremain Hicks Theta Delta-University of North Georgia

Recruitment taught me to have confidence when I speak, and I couldn’t be more thankful for that.

Alexis Gonzalez Delta Xi-Arizona State University

Dawn Large Hart Epsilon Nu-University of Central Oklahoma

I truly believe that my ability to carry on a conversation with almost anyone at any given moment comes from sorority recruitment, and I cannot thank Alpha Gam enough for this skill! As a registered nurse, this continues to benefit me daily.

Molly Rattigan Delta Rho-Sonoma State University

Recruitment taught me to appreciate people as they are.

Jordyn David Zeta Upsilon-Northern Michigan University

Dana Higgins Webb Beta Xi-Purdue University

Recruitment taught me that I was not the only person in the room that was nervous. The prospective member was also nervous. The best way to make us both more comfortable was to just be myself and to encourage her to tell me more about herself. That sometimes might mean admitting that I was a little nervous.

Recruitment was a great lesson in cultivating relationships with key constituents. This really comes in handy with my career in non-profit development.

Amanda Clayton Beta Omicron-Illinois State University

Mary Ann Burney Allen Gamma Phi-Georgia Institute of Technology 13

collegiate news

Chapter Happenings

Beta Delta-Indiana University We are so proud of our chapter for raising $65,125.12 for the 2014 Indiana University Dance Marathon!

Iota-University of Washington This October, Iota Chapter sisters both volunteered and walked in the American Diabetes Association’s® Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes®.

Gamma Beta-Florida State University Our newly elected Executive Council has some big plans in store for Gamma Beta Chapter this year. We can’t wait to see how they will continue to inspire our chapter to Live with Purpose.

Zeta Beta-Lehigh University Sisters posing proudly with our letters during a chapter photo shoot.

14 quarterly | spring 2015

Delta Tau-Chapman University Sisters enjoyed meeting many potential new members while tabling at Open House during spring recruitment.

Gamma Tau-University of West Georgia All members of the chapter helped put together this beautiful float for the Homecoming parade.

Theta Iota-Western Kentucky University Before the Homecoming football game this fall, we met up with some of our alumnae for brunch. We had such a great turnout!

Beta Alpha-Nebraska Wesleyan University The members of Beta Alpha Chapter volunteered and participated in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk in September.

Reminder: The Collegiate Chapter Quarterly Report Form has been updated and is available in the Resource Center of myAlphaGam under Operation Team Forms. All chapters will now submit photos twice a year, each year. The deadlines are March 15 and September 15. All you have to do is upload up to three high resolution photos and provide a caption for each photo you submit! 15

collegiate profile

Empowering a Change By Beth Hartnett, Delta Tau-Chapman University

a reality. Amanda had an idea and wanted Taylor’s help in allowing it to take shape. A late-night brainstorming session last November quickly turned into the foundation of New Age Women. Just a month later, the pair was back in Amanda’s living room leading a small group of women through the league’s first personal development workshop. Amanda and Taylor, who serve as the group’s program directors, developed the New Age Women workshop as a six-week course, challenging participants to step outside their comfort zone in order to find their purpose. Weeks one, two and three are about learning to identify values, triggers and positive and negative influences. Week four is Taylor’s favorite—building a positive mental attitude through daily affirmations. “Your mind is the only thing that you have 100 percent control of,” she said. “If something bad happens, don’t let it ruin your whole day. Affirmations help us remember to take a deep breath, reframe and create a positive mindset.” ore women than ever before are enrolled at a college or university. And for the first time in history, women are more prevalent in the workforce than their male counterparts. Although these statistics are promising, the number of women in leadership positions remains low.


Week five elevates the sessions to a deeper level, encouraging participants to explore their fears and adversities. By week six, participants are ready to set goals and create a “top 100” list of their visions, whether short or long term. During an optional seventh week meet-up, members create a “vision board,” or physical representation of what they plan to achieve.

Taylor Concepcion, Delta Omicron-University of Nevada, Las Vegas, wants to be the catalyst for a change in this statistic. The vivacious 21-year-old is teaming up with fellow UNLV Greeks to empower others to take a stand. New Age Women, a newly minted women’s empowerment league, is their strategy.

Taylor’s dream is taking flight. Since that first workshop in December, New Age Women has expanded its reach from a circle of women gathered in an off-campus condominium to organizations across the UNLV campus and beyond. She hopes her success will inspire others to take action.

New Age Women is a six-week personal development program, aiming to provide young women, ages 13-30, with the tools they need to become motivated and confident leaders. “I want to challenge the status quo,” Taylor said. “Why is it that men raise their hands first? Why aren’t there more women in leadership roles? I want to push that next generation of women to not be afraid.” As an athlete and high achiever, who was encouraged by her father—a personal trainer—to always reach for what she wants, Taylor desired to become a counselor or motivational speaker and inspire others. She turned to her friends and fellow Greeks, James Silvas and Amanda Ornelas, for advice on how to start making her dream

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If there was one thing I’d love for the women to take away, it’s to recognize their greatness. “I want these women to leave our program with the motivation to go and reach their dreams,” Taylor said. “If there was one thing I’d love for the women to take away, it’s to recognize their greatness.” For more on the New Age Women empowerment league, visit Or take a look at Taylor’s personal coaching site at!

alumnae profile

Breaking the Mold


o Sara James Kurovoski, Epsilon Omega-Truman State University, living with Purpose is something bigger than herself. This proud mother of two balances a successful career as a Manager of Sustainability at a large corporation and is the current mayor of Pleasant Hill, Iowa. Sara, who has been recently named “Forty Under 40” by Business Record received this accolade through her excellent work of serving others and her community. “Living with Purpose means hoping to create a world that is outside yourself, and I believe I am helping with that in our city. It’s understanding there are decisions being made every day that are bigger than me, bigger than you,” Sara said. “We have a tremendous impact and being able to help facilitate those discussions and create collaborative environments and progress is just, for me, the definition of living with Purpose.” Her path to becoming mayor began with a simple phone conversation. Brushing off the idea, Sara insisted she wasn’t qualified enough. While reading Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead,” she had a breakthrough. She was holding herself back simply in fear that she couldn’t be a good mother and mayor. With that realization, knowing she could indeed have a balance, she pushed all doubts aside and made it known the next day she would be running. As the youngest and first female mayor of Pleasant Hill, she was forced to step outside of her comfort zone and break through the common misconceptions of society’s gender roles. Sara relied greatly on her Alpha Gam sisters through her journey to her position as mayor. “I have a few sisters on speed dial. They were and still are instrumental when I need to vent or need verbal support,” she said. “My absolute best friend, Kim Thiesfeld Vail, who I met at Truman, even took photos of herself wearing one of my campaign T-shirts. Even though she lives three hours away, she made sure to support me every chance she got.” As a collegian, Sara says Alpha Gam also helped mold her into the prosperous and strong woman she is today. Working harmoniously with many groups of people is something Sara must face every day, and she credits Alpha Gam for her ability to work with a variety of diverse individuals. “Being in Alpha Gamma Delta taught me a lot about people, specifically about different personalities. Just seeing all the different backgrounds and interests at Truman State was a wonderful learning experience. I have used what I learned about people to succeed in my position,” she said. “I would have to say

that people can either be your greatest strength or your greatest weakness, and thankfully we have some of the best city staff.” This busy alumna spends her days acting as the chief executive officer for her city of a little over 9,000 and working at a successful company, but don’t just think of Sarah as a business woman. Sara is also a wife and mother to two little boys, ages two and three. She recognizes that her hands are full between balancing work, mayoral duties and day-to-day life. “Every spare moment I get, we are doing things as a family, whether it is going to the zoo, the science center or simply watching a movie together,” she said. “My life is really focused on our family, so I give up “Scandal” and “Grey’s Anatomy” for family time, but it is worth it.” Although there is never a “typical” day for Sara, she teaches us all that our dreams are obtainable, no matter the road blocks in the way. Being a part of Alpha Gamma Delta gives each of us a community of supporters who are ready and willing to help us reach our goals. Step outside your comfort zone; you never know what might lie ahead!


alumnae profile

Impact the World By Amy Lober Alton, Zeta EtaRensselaer Polytechnic Institute


arbara “Babs” Peck Condon, Alpha Omicron-West Virginia Wesleyan College, has lived out the Purpose to contribute to the world’s work as she devotes much of her life to charitable projects. In college, Babs found Alpha Gamma Delta to be a place of other like-minded women who were interested in learning leadership skills and expanding their personal development and philanthropic giving. After graduation, Babs married and had two children before deciding to dedicate her professional time to volunteering. Barbara “Babs” Peck Condon, Alpha Omicron-West Virginia Wesleyan College, along with the other General When looking for Federation of Women’s Club Executive Council members, hear firsthand from the White House regarding their opportunities in her own support of grassroots campaigns and local activism. community, Babs rediscovered the General Federation of had the opportunity to visit with the beneficiaries of the Girl’s Women’s Clubs (GFWC), an organization which has multiEducation project and the Small Loans for Women project. generational family ties. Both her mother and grandmother had

been participants. The General Federation of Women’s Clubs is the international organizing force behind locally affiliated women’s clubs, with over 100,000 members, located in every state and more than a dozen countries. In 2013, GFWC members volunteered over 4.5 million hours and donated over $24 million. This time is well spent on impressive projects that include establishing 75 percent of the country’s public libraries, developing kindergartens in public schools and working for food and drug regulation.

The chance to assist in changing lives has remained memorable to Babs, as she was able to observe how the impact that donations of money, time and skills can transform an individual’s life.

PRESIDENCY In 2014, Babs was elected the 50th International President of GFWC. During her tenure, Babs plans to be a cheerleader for GFWC members and to encourage a renewal for volunteerism.

Babs became the GFWC International Affairs chairman from 2000-2002. Serving in the GFWC, Babs received multiple opportunities to travel and provide support for GFWC projects.

“Our GFWC members all give so much to our communities to make them better places to live and take nothing in return, but we seldom pat ourselves on the back or praise each other for these feats of heroic proportions,” Babs said.

One project Babs participated on was the Operation Smile project. Babs had the opportunity to travel to the Philippines and had firsthand experience seeing 1,000 children undergo cleft palate or cleft lip surgeries. She also traveled to Guatemala and Peru and

Babs’ focus on inspiring new members is shown through the many positions she has held with GFWC. Through all these positions, Babs held a personal goal in mind: she wanted to find

18 quarterly | spring 2015

The Executive Council of the GFWC met with White House officials to discuss community outreach projects.

a way to encourage the next generation of young women to be philanthropic and value volunteerism. During her presidency, the GFWC will celebrate its 125th anniversary. Part of her responsibilities will be to live and work in Washington, D.C. to help influence and shape the policies on GFWC missions and projects. “As the GFWC President, I take seriously my responsibility to interact with the policy makers in Washington, D.C., and in doing so, I hope that our members see that everything we do matters,” she said.

WHITE HOUSE SUPPORT In January of this year, the GFWC Executive Committee attended a White House briefing, where leaders of the volunteer organization met with key administration to discuss important topics surrounding community activism. Hallie Schneir, Deputy Director of the White House Council on Women and Girls, emphasized the effects of making change through grass roots campaigns and activism on the local level—two areas where GFWC excels. “We are proud to have an audience with the White House on these issues that are of such importance to us,” said Babs. “We look forward to working with the administration and positioning GFWC as an agent of positive change for the future, as we have for 125 years, by ‘Living the Volunteer Spirit.’”

Babs (right) and Cathy Jo Canterbury (GFWC Director of Junior Clubs, left) are making outreach to younger women a personal mission.

“I was inspired, and I wanted to do something with the time I was given on this earth. I hope people will look back one day on my life and say I positively impacted the world,” she said.

Alpha Gamma Delta’s vision, “Inspire the Woman. Impact the World.” has always been in Babs’ mind.


alumnae news

Alumnae Recaps Orange County Alumnae Chapter The Orange County Alumnae Chapter celebrated heart health in February with a relaxing yoga event! The sisters of Delta Tau-Chapman University joined together with our alumnae to promote healthy living while stretching out on personalized “Namaste Alpha Gam” yoga mats. A Rosebuds crafting event was organized as well, giving our alumnae moms the opportunity to join in on the fun without having to worry about a babysitter. Healthy snacks and a raffle drawing rounded out the experience with all proceeds from the day’s event donated to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. It was a huge success! By the overwhelming demand from both alumnae and Delta Tau Chapter sisters, the event will now happen yearly. -Beth Hartnett

Greater Boston Alumnae Chapter We had several fun events with our sisters these past months! We held a general meeting in November, participated in Alpha Gam Thanksgiving with Zeta Zeta-Worcester Polytechnic Institute and planned a number of events for the winter months and beginning of 2015. We’re looking forward to a full year of Alpha Gamma Delta fun as we rebuild our chapter and grow our membership! -Alison LeFlore

Vancouver Alumnae Chapter Vancouver Alumnae Chapter is looking forward to welcoming the newest graduating class into our alumnae group! We will be celebrating our 85th anniversary at the University of British Columbia in October. Our event will be held alongside UBC Alumnae Weekend and the centennial year. There will be several events leading up to raise money for juvenile diabetes research including International Reunion Day in May and a summer barbecue. We’re looking forward to entering teams in both UBC’s Storm the Wall and Delta Zeta Chapter’s football tournament fundraiser, too. It will be a busy summer of planning and fun! -Johanna Mickelson

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Greater Ft. Lauderdale Alumnae Club On February 1, 2015, we began our giving campaign to benefit the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. As of March 15, 2015, we have raised $780! On March 14, 20 Alpha Gams from 12 different chapters attended the Panhellenic Fashion Show and Scholarship Luncheon, our favorite annual event. Elaine Barrick Bess, our Panhellenic delegate, generously sponsored multiple tables. Together we raised hundreds of dollars through raffle ticket sales for the scholarship fund. -Vanessa Gonzalez Lopez

Las Vegas Area Alumnae Chapter It was a very successful 2014 for the Las Vegas Area Alumnae Chapter! We have held two Senior Rededication ceremonies, honored our 25 and 50-year members, celebrated International Reunion Day and welcomed an alumna initiate! In addition, we have welcomed a new officer board for the Las Vegas Junior Circle who held the first Junior Circle event for 2015, Taco Tuesday! We also held our annual Alpha Gam Always event, and in conjunction with Delta Omicron-University of Nevada, Las Vegas, we raised over $700 for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation at the

JDRF One Walk! Our alumnae chapter made dinner and provided items for Delta Omicron Chapter’s fall recruitment and welcomed new members at our annual “Alum Chum” event. We have also enjoyed living the Purpose at events like “Alpha Gam Friends and Family Paint Night,” where over 20 sisters, friends and family members came together for an amazing night! -Marissa Sarandos

Santa Clara Valley Alumnae Club Santa Clara Valley Alumnae Club has participated in a number of fun activities this year! One major highlight was walking in the American Diabetes Association’s® Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes®. Our sisters also hosted a Chinese New Year dinner, a lunch, a movie and our holiday cookie exchange. We have welcomed several new members to our group this year and are experiencing a resurgence in our numbers. We also had so much fun celebrating International Reunion Day with the rest of our Northern California sisters on April 12, hosted by Delta Rho-Sonoma State University. -Carol Richards Peske

Alumnae chapter/club recaps for the Summer 2015 Quarterly are due July 15. Fill out the form online by searching “recap form” at, or email your report to


sister spotlight

Meet Connie By Rachel Burchfield, Epsilon Beta-University of Kansas


onnie Windes Zieba, Upsilon-University of Oklahoma, has never known life without sorority. Growing up in Norman, Oklahoma, Connie and her family spent their summers painting and weeding at the Upsilon chapter house, the collegiate home of her mother, Elizabeth Higginbotham Windes, who was initiated in 1956. As an alumna, Connie has continued making an impact by representing Alpha Gamma Delta in the Houston Alumnae Panhellenic Association (HAPA). Through her involvement with HAPA, Connie has been instrumental in the creation of the Syracuse Triad Scholarship, which honors the connection between Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Phi and Gamma Phi Beta. She was honored last fall by HAPA for her many contributions to the organization. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO GET INVOLVED IN HAPA? I was looking for a way to become more involved in Alpha Gamma Delta. The board position for Houston Panhellenic looked like a wonderful opportunity to represent my sorority in a significant way. HOW HAS YOUR ALPHA GAMMA DELTA EXPERIENCE IMPACTED YOU ALONG YOUR JOURNEY? My Alpha Gamma Delta experience has made me feel part of a larger group of women who are bonded to one another by sisterhood. Wherever I go, Alpha Gam sisters are ready and willing to welcome me into their lives and accept and assist me however they can. I have loved getting to know the interesting, multi-faceted women I have met over the years! WHAT IS YOUR FONDEST ALPHA GAM MEMORY? My fondest Alpha Gam memory was when my husband and I were honored for our contributions to Houston Alumnae Panhellenic Association. Over 20 Alpha Gams attended the event in support and friendship.

including sisters from the Houston Alumnae

IF YOU COULD GIVE ONE PIECE OF ADVICE TO SISTERS, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Continue to be an active alumna from the moment of graduation. Check out the area you are living in to see if there are alumnae clubs or chapters. If there are, attend a meeting and start paying support fees. Even if you cannot be an active member at that time in your life, there may come a time when you will want to or need the support of your sisters!

P PORT OF YOUR SISTERS! 22 quarterly | spring 2015

pearls of wisdom KNOW HOW TO

Be a Skilled Facilitator Even the best, most engaging speakers will tell you they still get a little bit nervous each time it’s their turn to take the stage. For some of us, it can be daunting just to think about leading an important meeting with our colleagues or peers. It shouldn’t be surprising to learn that public speaking to any size group is one of the top ten things people fear most. But no matter what leadership role you are serving or in what capacity you are asked to facilitate, there are a few tips you can easily use to enhance your facilitation skills: 1


This sounds obvious, but it goes far beyond just practicing what you are going to say. Read through all of your notes and create an agenda. If you are leading a meeting, take note of any questions you need to ask of others. Make a list of any preparations you need to take care of before the meeting or event, and put together all of your supplies, handouts or audio/visual components in advance. Also, if you can arrive to your meeting space early, you’ll have plenty of time to get set up and test out the technology to make sure everything runs smoothly.



The best way to build credibility with those you are leading is to be your authentic self. Your audience will trust you more if you show them you are the same person when leading a meeting or casually having lunch together. What you wear is important here, too. Dress in a way that is similar to your audience and makes you feel comfortable in your own skin.




When you get nervous or stressed, your body produces adrenaline, and your blood stops moving in its regular pattern because your body is preparing your muscles for fight or flight. That’s why you get light-headed or feel those butterflies in your stomach. But on the flip side, adrenaline makes your brain work faster and gives you more energy. Being well prepared can go a long way to calm your nerves, but there are a few other tricks, too. Experts say the worst part is the first three to five minutes, before you reach your comfort zone. So plan to do as little speaking as you possibly can in those first few minutes. Transfer the pressure by beginning with an activity—a brainstorm, an icebreaker or an around-the-room introduction.


Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist and faculty member at Harvard Business School, has spent years researching how our body language impacts not only how we are viewed by others, but also how, by changing it, we can impact our own body chemistry. The bigger we make ourselves—as in the more space we take up—the more confident we actually feel. Amy calls this “power posing.” It’s also important to speak with confidence. Practice speaking clearly and at normal rate. When you’re in the moment, remember to vary your pitch naturally and allow for pauses to let everyone’s brains catch up.



Welcome participation, and if someone asks you a question you don’t know how to answer, see if another person in the room might be able to. Just because you are leading doesn’t mean you have to have all the answers! Include time in your agenda to pause for temperature checks as well. It’s one of the best ways to get a picture of how things are going for your audience, and it gives your audience the chance to ask questions, get clarification and, most importantly, make sure that no one is getting left behind. If you notice that your audience is fading, change things up a bit! Get everyone up on their feet for an activity or change your vocal quality and body language.



From left: Lisa Jonas, Cassandra Patterson, Caitlin Mrumlinski and Hannah Behle, Sigma-University of Illinois


ecent surveys share some telling statistics about career opportunities for today’s young adults. More than 60 percent of employers say applicants lack communication and interpersonal skills, and nearly three in four complain that even those with college degrees aren’t prepared for the job market.* Never has the Alpha Gam experience been more meaningful for young women as a necessary dimension of their higher education. Conflict resolution, oral and written communication proficiency, time management, goal setting, planning and organizational expertise—these are real, everyday skills each one of us needs. They can’t be downloaded on a free app or read online. They must be learned, practiced and lived. It takes face-to-face, hands-on work to prepare our next generation of leaders. Thanks to donations to the Foundation’s Annual Fund, Alpha Gamma Delta provides the opportunity and training to realize these skills.

leader” and were challenged to live them daily, within their personal relationships, chapter and campus situations and in their community.

“I was expecting to learn basic leadership skills, but when we started getting into the program I saw it was going to be so much more.”

“I was expecting to learn basic leadership skills, but when we started getting into the program I saw it was going to be so much more,” said Victoria Miller, Epsilon LambdaUniversity of Central Missouri. “I gained so much knowledge that I can use later on in my career. Also, I got to meet other chapter presidents and learn about how things ran in their chapters. I still talk with them regularly and that has been incredibly helpful.”

Victoria Miller Epsilon Lambda-University of Central Missouri

The Foundation is a proud development partner of the Fraternity’s new “Inspiring Leader” training presented at 15 sites around the country this winter. The intensive one-day workshops reached more than 605 collegiate chapter leaders. Attendees learned the traits of an “inspiring Source: Surprising-Reason-College-Grads-Can-t-GetJob#sthash.7j9Fa0Pt.dpuf *

24 quarterly | spring 2015

Foundation “What made the biggest impact to me was seeing how Alpha Gam impacts so many women from so many different geographic areas and walks of life,” said Caitlin Mrumlinski, Sigma-University of Illinois. “Attending this training allowed me to really understand how lucky I am to be a part of such an incredible organization that positively affects so many women’s lives. I have already started to implement a few of the ideas that were shared during the training.” Thanks to your Annual Fund gifts, the Foundation supports leadership training for women. Help us continue our work in preparing our next generation of leaders.



Indianapolis regional training attendees from Beta Tau-Ball State University.


In addition to funding scholarships each year for undergraduate and graduate sisters, the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation provides grants to Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity to help develop crucial women’s leadership skills. The Foundation is a proud development and funding partner in “The Inspiring Leader” and other leadership initiatives such as: • LeaderShape and UIFI Scholarships – scholarships for collegians to attend premier leadership training academies to develop skills essential to their success.

• Conference Leadership Training – grants for leadership training at The Leadership Conference (TLC) and International Convention benefiting alumnae and collegiate members.

• Delta Experience Magazine – graduating senior guide for transition into life after college including managing your professional brand and connecting with your supervisor. • GreekLifeEdu – on-line, science-based education course providing new collegiate members critical information and training for making safe decisions in the areas of sexual assault, alcohol and hazing. • Novak Institute for Hazing Prevention – scholarships for interdisciplinary campus teams to address hazing from a strategic approach–focusing on prevention instead of response. • Leadership Consultant Program – on-site leadership training to 100 percent of our collegiate chapters.

Make your Foundation gift


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SEND YOUR GIFT 8710 N. Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN 46260




CONTRIBUTE ONLINE AT, where you can also select and send a special occasion eCard with your gift!

CALL US at 317.663.4242 to charge your gift (V, M, AmEx) or to find out more about other giving opportunities such as monthly giving, endowments, stocks and bequests.

Please let us know if your employer matches charitable contributions.


26 quarterly | spring 2015

chapter grand

Alpha – Syracuse University Ann Hutchins Downer ’43 Elizabeth Winship Scott ’30 Kelly-Ann Sheppard ’86

Tau – University of Toronto Jean MacTavish Gorrell ’46 Margaret Downey Sutherland ’63

Beta – University of WisconsinMadison Doris Busse Schlinkmann ’46

Upsilon – University of Oklahoma Barbara Casteel Warren ’50

Epsilon – University of Kentucky Joan Crawford Atkins ’48 Karen Brittain ’78 Jane Craig Fuller ’58 Suzannah Piercy ’14 Vyvyan Combs Ponsetto ’52 Zeta – Ohio University Virginia Andes ’38 Mary Pierce Johnston ’44 Jacqueline Wisby Schmidt ’53 Jean Mickle Watkins ’45 Iota – University of Washington Joyce Phillips Davies ’44 Janet Zieber Roberts ’52 Kappa – Allegheny College Margaret Fitzpatrick Moller ’39 Sarah Jenkins Reetz ’44 Janet Susan Glenn Waddle ’57 Lambda – Northwestern University Margaret Campbell Hollowell ’52 Mary Beth Riordon Kolb ’38 Judy Baar Topinka ’63 Mu – Brenau University Vans Brinson Clinkscales ’46 Gloria Eastburn Lynch ’47 Xi – Illinois Wesleyan University Lois Lantz Brotherson ’38 Phyllis Wertsch Dirks ’41 Omicron – University of California, Berkeley Diane Benoit Janssen ’48 Kathryn Pyles MacDonald ’59 Rho – Iowa State University Helen Stevens Hoopes ’46 Dorothy Maitland Miller ’49 Janet Wilkerson Thompson ’47

Phi – Oregon State University Elissa Olson Bogardus ’99 Helen Rice Hawkins ’42 Rae McMindes Knerr ’38 Chi – Michigan State University Deborah Shaw Blaszak ’70 Suzanne Foraker Kelley ’51 Lorraine Voisinet Maloney ’39 Psi – University of Alabama Mary Liddell Ballard ’41 Charlotte Echols Carlisle Michaud ’71 Marianne Smith Morgan ’45 Genie Mathews Palmer ’41 Shirley Coogan Winn-Bannerot ’41 Omega – University of Akron Joan Davidson Corless ’49 Cheryl Malone Garcia ’82 Frances Wohnhas Matthews ’46 Orpha Wagner Zahrt ’36 Alpha Beta – University of Michigan Marian Ott Cox ’45 Peggy Buckingham Grimshaw ’46 Linda Benjamins Mitchell ’69 Alpha Delta – Ohio Wesleyan University Karen O’Connell ’83 Margaret Jung Thomas ’51 Alpha Epsilon – Westminster College Ann Daugherty Sickeler ’39 Alpha Zeta – McGill University Frances Hutchison Jarvis ’36 Alpha Theta – Hunter College Violet Mesrop ’43 Alpha Iota – Baldwin Wallace University Margaret Aanons Barr ’46 Margaret Strock Peters ’45 Marie Schomer ’58

Alpha Kappa – Bowling Green State University Marilyn Walker Dearth ’57 Madelyn Carew Durkan ’45 Alpha Lambda – The Ohio State University Janet Soelmann Davis ’53 Janet Snyder Smith ’54 Alpha Nu – Kent State University Loretta Hausman Holmes ’60 Alpha Omicron – West Virginia Wesleyan College Ann Snyder Baughan ’87 Beta Alpha – Nebraska Wesleyan University Phyllis Kilian ThorntonBraunsworth ’52 Beta Beta – North Dakota State University Marjery Rowan ’66 Marie Letnes Smith ’38 Beta Zeta – Parsons College Evelyn Watts Gamrath ’58 Beta Eta – Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Roberta Phillips ’57 Beta Theta – University of WisconsinWhitewater Geraldine Labudde Walker ’65 Beta Xi – Purdue University Amanda Jurkash 2005 Gamma Alpha – University of Georgia Nancy Slaughter Cook ’64 Beverly Gunn Patrick ’47 Ruth Jarrell Thames ’41 Gamma Beta – Florida State University Courtney Carter 2013 Helen Stewart Kennedy ’59 Violet Walters Skinner ’46 Stella Barrineau Thomas ’43 Barbara Hutt Thomas ’48 Julia C. Owens Voyles ’48 Gamma Delta – Auburn University Nelda Beasley Huff ’41 Hope Johnson 2012 Suzanne Kelley Rutledge ’63 Jane McCall Schlegel ’43 Dorothy Pedersen Stuart ’51

Barbara Morgan Thompson ’53 Elizabeth Heard Ware ’44 Gamma Zeta – University of Memphis Barbara Lundy Dando ’48 Mae Stanfill Ewell ’47 Doris Ethridge Miller ’47 Gamma Theta – Florida Southern College Darleen Alden Mader ’61 Gamma Rho – Armstrong Atlantic State University Wendy Hendricks Young ’87 Delta Alpha – University of Southern California Patricia Wright McDonald ’51 Marilyn Brown Olson ’49 Ruth Squire Ulbricht ’47 Delta Beta – Washington State University Hazel Christenson Elder ’40 Helene Stoner LeBlond ’28 Dorothy Burch Linscott ’43 Sally Kuehl Short ’64 Delta Gamma – Montana State University Margaret Clack Cooper ’30 Helen Hammerstrom Cosner ’47 Delta Delta – University of Oregon Janet I Riggins George ’59 Delta Epsilon – University of California, Los Angeles Marian Jepsen Warburton ’44 Patricia Cavett Wilde ’48 Delta Zeta – University of British Columbia Doreen Dougan Hay ’43 Rita Standeven Ward ’44 Marjorie Weber Wilson ’44 Delta Eta – San Diego State University Barbara Musso Uden ’58 Epsilon Alpha – University of Missouri Dorothy Wilson Hungate ’43 Epsilon Xi – East Central University Tina Hope Davis ’80 Zeta Tau – Seton Hall University Kathleen McCullion ’94


a look back

The First Recruitment


lpha Gamma Delta’s first recruitment really occurred before our Fraternity was even founded. If you recall, the original idea to form a new sorority on Syracuse’s campus came from Dr. Wellesley P. Coddington. He was the one to pull aside Marguerite Shepard and let her know he thought there was a great need. As a junior, she was hesitant. With only one year left, would there be enough time for her to set all of the groundwork? She knew her group of friends wouldn’t be interested in joining, so who did that leave to recruit? Before making a final decision, Marguerite talked it over with her younger sister, Estelle, who was a freshman at Syracuse. Estelle was much more ecstatic about the idea. To her, it was a chance to make her friendships deeper and more permanent. And so the recruitment process started! Here’s how our Founders came to be a group of 11: •

On May 2, 1904, Marguerite and Estelle talked to Estelle’s good friend, Georgia Dickover, who was also excited about the possibility of founding a new organization. With the permission of Marguerite, Estelle and Georgia, Dr. Coddington approached Jennie Titus Smith (Morris), who came to the group’s second meeting on May 10. Over the course of the next week, the four women had recruited three other friends to join: Grace Mosher (Harter), Ethel Brown (Distin) and Edith MacConnell (Hickok).

28 quarterly | spring 2015

When the group met for the fourth time to discuss Greek mottos and Badges, Georgia Otis (Chipman) decided to attend. She was a close friend of Grace, Ethel and Estelle. The founding was supposed to take place at this meeting, but it was postponed until May 30 so they could recruit a few more women.

By May 30, the three remaining women were present for Alpha Gamma Delta’s official founding: •

Flora Knight (Mayer) – a close friend of both Edith and Georgia Dickover

Emily Helen Butterfield – known by several of the Founders

Mary Louise Snider – a close friend of both Marguerite and Estelle

After the Constitution and bylaws were read and adopted, the 11 women put their heads together to make suggestions for the Ritual and held their first election of officers. Jennie Titus Smith (Morris) was chosen as President, and this historic meeting was adjourned until the opening of the next college year!

Spot a Squirrel! Visiting a restaurant and see a squirrel figurine? On vacation and spot a squirrel stuffed animal? Take a photo! Make sure the photograph is high resolution and only contains Alpha Gam sisters. More information is available on the Fraternity website by searching “share your story.”

Amy Lober Alton, Zeta Eta-Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, took a photo with her festive squirrel ornament on her boat, Starry Horizons, in Las Palmas, Canary Islands. She stopped for a quick picture before starting her sailing journey to circumnavigate around the world.

Q corner OUR DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Executive Director, Wendy Bright Faust 8710 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46260 317.663.4200 Office Hours - 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. EST ALPHA GAMMA DELTA FOUNDATION Executive Director, Julie Waitman Cretin 8710 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46260 317.663.4242 Office Hours - 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. EST


ALPHA GAMMA DELTA FOUNDATION PRESIDENT Patricia Tulley Riddiford VICE PRESIDENT Debbie Douglass Roth SECRETARY Janis Lang Bartosz TREASURER Sue Maggio Sim TRUSTEES Estacia Medlen Brandenburg Deborah Schmidt Eschenbacher Rie Gerah Hoehner Carol Richards Peske

Ginny Gielen Carpenter, Gamma Eta-High Point University, spotted this sly squirrel at Cinderella’s Castle in Magic Kingdom during the Princess Half Marathon at Disney World!

FRATERNITY HOUSING CORPORATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Wendy Bright Faust PRESIDENT Katie Jolley Abernathy DIRECTORS Gail Calkins Duree Mary Beth Dulcey Morabito Bobette Sandifer Thompson


Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity 8710 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46260


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Connect with Alpha Gamma Delta!

MOVING OR CHANGING YOUR NAME? Please detach and mail changes to Alpha Gamma Delta International Headquarters, 8710 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46260 or email changes to Notify the Permanent Secretary of your chapter of any changes.

Name ___________________________________________ New Name _________________________________

I would like to: [ ] Join/Organize an alumnae chapter/club. [ ] Advise/Assist a local collegiate chapter. [ ] Serve on a short-term project, committee, etc.

Chapter/Year of Initiation ______________________________________________________________________ New Address _________________________________________________________________________________ street city state/province ZIP/postal code New Phone Number ______________________ Email _______________________ Effective Date __________ Parents: While your daughter is in college, her magazine is sent to her home address. We hope you enjoy it. If she is no longer in college and is not living at home, please encourage her to update her contact information with the Fraternity.

[ ] Assist a chapter with recruitment.

8,036 collegiate sisters achieved Strive for Pi in 2014 by obtaining a 3.14 GPA or higher! As if that wasn’t already awesome enough, 84 chapters had a 3.14 or higher average GPA in 2014.

Alpha Gamma Delta is so proud of these smart sisters!

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