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Alpha in Church 教會啟發【Annual Report 年報 2023】
Relentlessly serving the Church in all ways possible
11,252 adults in church setting have heard the Good News of Jesus through Alpha
11,252 位成人於教會開辦 的啟發聽聞福音
Uniting the Church through evangelism
藉著福音行動 帶來教會合一
We believe Alpha is one of the best evangelisation tools available to the Church. Our team has tirelessly introduced Alpha to churches, equipping them with best practices and supporting them to build a culture of evangelism. Last year, our team facilitated 115 workshops and trainings, with over 4,300 leaders equipped to run Alpha.
We are also committed to advance the mission of the Church. In 2023, we presented in over 36 conferences, speaking and preaching at numerous weekend services.
我們相信啟發是其中一個最佳的傳福音工具。我們的同工團隊努力不懈地向教會介紹啟發,裝備他們開展啟發,並協助他們建立傳福音文化。 去年,我們的團隊舉辦了 115 次啟發 工作坊和培訓,超過 4,300 位領䄂接受籌劃及開辦啟發的裝 備。
我們也致力於推動教會實踐大使命。單單在 2023 年,我們被邀請於超過 36 場會議分享,並在多個主日崇拜中分享信 息及提倡啟發價值, 協助推動差傳。
Hub churches fueling multiplication
We recognise that we cannot accelerate the spread of the Gospel alone. Hub Churches are influential churches that run high quality Alpha and have a kingdom vision. Over the past year, we have worked closely with 12 Hub Churches to fuel the growth of the Gospel in the city. These Hub Churches openly share their best practices and generously coach other churches in running Alpha. They also act as ambassadors to share about Alpha with their network. By sharing their knowledge and experience, Hub Churches ignite a fire in other churches, multiplying the impact.
如要繼續擴張福音的境界,我們知道單靠自己的力量並不足夠,我們 更需要與本地教會合作。 其中與核心教會 (Hub Church) 合作成了 我們重要的策略。核心教會是指一所具影響力並恆常開辦高質量啟發 的堂會,而這堂會也樂意將異象傳遞給其他教會。在過去的一年裡, 我們與 12 所核心教會緊密合作,竭力推動全港福音事工的發展。 這 些核心教會向眾多不同教會分享她們成功的經驗,並慷慨地為其他教 會提供指導與支援,她們更會在各自的網絡中分享啟發,成為啟發的 大使。透過知識和經驗的分享與傳承,核心教會燃點了眾教會的福音 火種,帶來了倍增的影響力。
Alpha has mobilised and engaged everyone in evangelistic work, bringing breakthroughs to our church. The Alpha Hong Kong team's selfless and passionate dedication inspires our coworkers to serve wholeheartedly with dedication!
啟發能夠起動眾肢體積極投入參與佈道 工作,為堂會帶來新的突破。啟發團隊 真誠熱情、毫不計較的擺上,感染著我 們的同工更願意用心地服侍!
—— Rev Keynes Kan Yiu Tong Senior Pastor 簡耀堂牧師 | C&MA Hebron Church 宣道會希伯崙堂主任牧師
Mandarin speakers reached in their heart language
When it comes to global revival, we cannot ignore the largest ethnic group in the world – the Chinese people – numbering over 1.5 billion across the globe. Some believe that the Chinese will carry the final baton for evangelism. We will witness the Gospel going from the East to the West in our generation. The Chinese Alpha Film Series (CAFS) was birthed in response to this need.
Since its official launch in 2022, we estimate that over 350,000 people all over the world have heard the Gospel through CAFS. Since almost 1 in 7 people in Hong Kong are Mandarin native speakers, CAFS is an essential tool to reach the Mandarin-speaking community. CAFS is effective for both professionals and new immigrant families. We also launched the Cantonese-dubbed version of CAFS last year, which was very well-received in Hong Kong.
當提到全球復興異象的時候,我們不能忽視世上最多人口的族裔―― 15 億 華人群體。不少人相信華人將會承接傳福音的最後一棒,在這世代將福音 由東至西傳播。而華人啟發影片系列正為此而生。
自從 2022 年推出以來,估計全球 350,000 人透過《華人啟發影片系列》 接觸福音。在香港,每 7 個人當中約有 1 位以普通話為母語,而《華人啟 發影片系列》正是接觸普通話群體的有效工具,對於新來港專才及新移民 家庭都深具吸引力。此外,香港啟發在本年度更推出了《華人啟發影片系 列》廣東話配音版本,備受各界歡迎。
Leaders envisioned at the Alpha Regional Gathering
亞太啟發會議 領受合一異象
Alpha Regional Gathering is the most strategic regional annual event for Alpha. Held in Malaysia, the three-day conference inspires and equips strategic church leaders with the tool of Alpha. Last year, we were thrilled to have the largest ever delegation from Hong Kong, with 70 senior leaders from 30 churches, 8 NGOs and 19 denominations. 100% of the churches advanced along their journey of engagement with Alpha and 92% went on to run Alpha.
亞太啟發會議是啟發亞太區總部一年一度最具策略性的盛事。會議在馬來 西亞舉行,為期三天,以啟發作為核心工具,激勵伙伴教會的領袖,同心 領受異象。去年,香港派出有史以來以最大陣容的團體出席,共 70 位教 會領袖,他們分別來自 30 間堂會、 8 個組織和 19 個宗派 。而參與會議 的領袖所屬的教會中,有 100% 的教會加强了與我們的合作夥伴關係, 92% 的教會委身持續舉辦啟發。
Alpha is an effective set of tools that clearly conveys the Gospel. It is straightforward for churches to use and easy for people to understand. At Saddleback Church Hong Kong, we use Alpha for diverse contexts, including adults, workplace, youth and ladies, and this has yielded remarkable results in spreading the Gospel.
啟發是一套很清晰的福音工具, 讓教會容易運用,人也很易理解。除了成人外,馬鞍峰香港教會也開辦職場、青少年人和女士的啟發課程, 所帶來的福音果效 非常顯著。
—— Rev Dr Stephen Lee City Pastor 李志剛牧師博士 | Saddleback Church Hong Kong 馬鞍峰香港教會主任牧師
Surge of Alpha in the Catholic context
We believe that what unites us is infinitely greater than what divides us. We are witnessing a beautiful display of unity in Christ as Alpha sweeps through Catholic parishes, schools, and other contexts, from the youth to the marginalised, including those grappling with homelessness and addiction. In particular, we feel incredibly blessed to collaborate with the Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Ha Chi-shing and Catholic organisations to host the 2023 "Ignite" event to explore how to ignite youth's passion for Jesus. We are thrilled to share that over 95% of the participants indicated they will recommend Alpha to their community.
我們相信,使我們合一的力量比分散我們的力量更大。 這一年, 我們見證啟發合一的浪潮席捲天主教區、天主教學校和各機構團體 當中 ; 從青少年到邊緣群體,到那些無家可歸和吸毒成癮的人,啟 發在他們當中都能帶來美好的福音果效。 其中讓我們特別感到鼓 舞的是能與夏志誠輔理主教及多個天主教組織合作,在 2023 年舉 辦 Ignite 活動,探討如何燃點青少年愛主的熱忱,我們很興奮看 到有超過 95% 的受訪參加者表示他們會向身邊的群體推介啟發。
Check out this video to learn more:
如欲了解更多,請觀看影片 :
I had no experience in running Mandarin Alpha but to my surprise, the Chinese Alpha Film Series (CAFS) resonated well with our Mandarin-speaking community. The testimonies touched many hearts. The guests also enjoyed the open discussions and Alpha's welcoming culture. Since the launch of Alpha, we saw a steady influx of new friends joining us every week, leading to remarkable growth within our Mandarin-speaking community.
我沒有任何舉辦普通話啟發的經驗,沒想到《華人 啟發影片》讓普通話群體容易產生共鳴,加上感人 見證觸動人心。參加者亦很喜歡啟發的開放式討論 和接待文化。啟發開展後每週不斷有新朋友加入, 讓我們的普通話群體有明顯的增長。
—— Pastor Rachel Tong | Hong Kong Baptist Church Mandarin Division 傳道香港浸信教會普通話部牧者
Although I am a Catholic, I have always felt like a bird without legs as I did not attend Mass regularly and did not know anyone at church. Since joining Alpha, the Lord has encouraged me through different individuals, giving me a sense of belonging. Alpha has rekindled the fire in my heart, making me a willing instrument of the Lord. I am grateful for His immeasurable grace."
「雖然我是天主教徒,但是一直像無腳的鳥兒般, 沒有固定的參與彌撒,也沒有認識教會中的弟兄 姊妹。自從參加了啟發後,主藉着不同的人支持 與鼓勵我,有一種回到家的感覺。啟發重燃我心 中的火熱,讓我願意作主的器皿,感謝主施予無 限的救恩。」
—— Stephen Chan 陳國良 | Alpha Participant 啟發參加者
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