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Youth Alpha 少青啟發【Annual Report 年報 2023】
Igniting youth with the love of Jesus 以主耶穌的愛點燃年青一代
13,082 youths have heard the Gospel through Alpha
13,082 位青少年透過 啟發聽聞福音
90 schools have run Alpha
90 所學校舉辦了啟發
Launch of Alpha Cantonese Teen Series creating a ripple effect
Alpha Cantonese Teen Series (ACTS) is an engaging video series tailored for Cantonese speaking teenagers, exploring timeless questions about life and faith. Launched in 2022, at a time when teenagers were wrestling with loneliness and isolation post-covid, ACTS has made significant evangelistic impact in churches and schools, transforming teenagers' lives in the city. ACTS has given teens hope for their future, a place where they can be heard and a homelike community.
《啟發少青年系列》 (ACTS) 自 2022 年推出以來, 其福音影響力已擴展到眾教會及學校,為香港的青 少年帶來生命的轉化。 ACTS 是專為青少年度身 訂造的啟發影片系列,讓學生與耶穌建立關係,展 開探索人生和信仰的旅程。 回顧 ACTS 推出的期 間,青少年正受著後疫情時代的「孤單」與「隔離」 感所困擾。 ACTS 正好能為這班青少年帶來新的盼 望,提供一個像家一樣的群體,讓青少年感受到被 聆聽和接納。
Alpha has surrounded me with a community with which I can freely share ideas and discover God's Word! My Alpha weekend was filled with the unforgettable presence of the Lord. I realised He loves me unconditionally. My friends and I grew in Christ together through Alpha and had an amazing experience!
啟發為我提供了一個群體,讓我可以在當中自由地分 享自己的想法並發現上帝的話語!啟發週末給了我一 個難忘的經歷,我感受到主的同在,意識到祂對我無 條件的愛。我和我的朋友們透過啟發一同在基督裡成 長,真是一次奇妙的經歷!
—— Hailey Cheung 張喜兒|Alpha Youth participant 少青啟發參加者
Empowering youth pastors in a year of transition在轉變的時代中
We recognise the pivotal role that youth pastors play in ministering to the youth. Our desire is to bless the youth pastors and see them flourish. Empowered youth pastors are not only instrumental in ministering to youth but also in fostering a sense of belonging, helping youth navigate life with resilience and hope. Because of rising emigration, 2023 was a year of change and transition for many youth pastors in Hong Kong. To strengthen and support them, last year we organised a series of events, including youth pastor gatherings, retreats, and a conference called "Energize" which we coorganised with Heart of God Church (Singapore).
面對移民潮的衝擊, 2023 年對香港青年牧者來說是 充滿轉變和挑戰的一年。香港啟發明白到青年牧者在 青少年事工中扮演著關鍵的角色,為此,我們舉辦了 一系列的活動支援他們,與他們同行,協助他們繼續 發展青年事工,這些活動包括青年牧者聚會、退修 營等。當中我們更與新加坡神之心教會合辦了名為 Energize 的青年牧者分享會,凝聚一班青年牧者為 他們打氣,彼此激勵,交流分享經驗,同心探索青年牧養新方向!
At Alpha, I can freely ask questions, helping me explore faith and draw closer to Jesus.
啟發可以主動問問題,幫助自己探索信仰, 令我同耶穌關係更親近。
—— Joy Ou 區子悠 | Alpha Youth participant 少青啟發參加者
Revitalising school evangelism
堂校攜手 福音傳播
With the launch of ACTS, we are thrilled to see a growing number of schools running Alpha, which takes place in both religious studies classes and extra-curricular activities, giving students an opportunity to explore faith in a fun and engaging way. Last year, over 125 courses were run in 90 schools, reaching approximately 3,356 students. Schools can conveniently run Alpha with readilyavailable videos and curriculum guidelines. Churches also actively partner with schools to run Alpha so that together they offer not only the lifechanging power of the Gospel, but also a lasting spiritual home to students that have accepted Jesus.
隨著《啟發少青年系列》 (ACTS) 的推出,我們興奮地 看到越來越多的學校在宗教堂及團契週會中使用啟發, 讓學生有機會以活潑和互動的方式探索信仰。 去年, 有 90 所學校舉辦了超過 125 個課程,約有 3,356 名學 生參加。 現有的影片系列、資源及課程指南大大有助 於學校推展啟發。此外,教會也積極地與學校合作開辦 啟發,這樣不僅能將福音帶給學生,讓他們經歷生命改 變,更能為信主的同學提供一個持續幫助他們成長的屬靈大家庭。
Alpha has changed my life a lot. It really made me understand the importance of having a close relationship with God and a good Christian community with which I am comfortable in sharing everything. I look forward to our sessions every Friday and I am sad that our season is ending.
啟發大大改變了我的生命,讓我意識到與上 帝有親密關係的重要性,並且嚮往有一個讓 我可以分享一切的屬靈群體。 我期待著每週 五的啟發聚會,對於我們的啟發聚會即將結 束我感到非常難過。
—— Cheryl Kwan 關晞悅 |Alpha Youth participant 少青啟發參加者
Equipping youth for evangelism
裝備培訓青年 向朋友傳福音
The best way to evangelise to youth is through youth. Last year, we collaborated with church leaders to organise a youth camp called"Radiate" to train and equip students to evangelise to their peers in creative ways. Not only have we witnessed incredible life transformations amongst the youth, we have also witnessed how the youth have initiated Alpha on their own, introducing Jesus to their peers.
向青少年傳福音的最佳途徑是由青少年人自己傳講。去 年,我們與教會領袖合作舉辦 Radiate 青年領袖營, 培訓和裝備學生以創意的方式向朋友傳福音。我們見證 了不少青少年生命轉化,同時感恩青少年開始主動地以 不同方式,使用啟發影片向朋友介紹耶穌。
Alpha does not have a rigid format. The interactive group discussions spark fresh perspectives. I enjoy listening to my friends' sharing. The discussion brings me so much joy and excitement and many fruitful insights.
—— Hillman Ho 何浚耀 | Alpha Youth Participant 少青啟發參加者
The Alpha Cantonese Teen Series (ACTS) is professionally made. It is well-paced, lively and dynamic. Its engaging content creates a space for conversations, empowering young people to develop a relationship with Jesus and start their journey of exploring life and faith.
《啟發少青系列》製作專業,節奏明快, 內容生動有趣,創造對話空間,讓青少年 與耶穌建立關係,開展探索人生和信仰的 旅程。
—— Most Reverend Joseph Ha Chi-Shing 夏志誠主教 | OFM Auxiliary Bishop of Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong 天主教香港教區輔理主教
ACTS is an important platform and tool for spreading the Gospel, especially catered for meeting the evangelistic needs of youth. Churches can utilise ACTS to establish youth ministries. We pray that the Lord will continue to use ACTS greatly.
ACTS 是傳福音的重要平台及工具,特 別適切年青人的福音需要,教會能運用 ACTS 建立年青人的事工,求主繼續大大使用。
—— Rev Irene Suen Pastor 孫靜敏牧師 | EFCC Kong Fok Church 播道會港福堂牧者
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