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The Marriage and Parenting Course 美滿婚姻及親子課程 【Annual Report 年報 2023】
4,816 people have experienced the Marriage and Parenting Course
4,816 個來賓參加婚姻 及親子課程
75 % growth of people experiencing the Marriage and Parenting Course
75 % 婚姻及親子課程參加人數年度增長
At Alpha, we desire to bring God into the centre of all our relationships. We especially desire to see God's transformative power in every marriage and family, because we believe that a family thrives when God leads.
在啟發,我們希望讓上帝成為我們所有關係的核心。我們相信靠著上帝的引領,家庭能夠興旺起來。我們期待看到上帝改變的力量出現在每一個婚姻和 家庭當中。
Revitalising relationships in families and marriages
Our Alpha family life series, including the Marriage Course and the Parenting Course, provide practical tools to build stronger families. They help families to effectively navigate life stages of pre-marriage, marriage and parenthood. Last year, the family life courses showed remarkable impact across churches, workplaces and schools. We have witnessed how the courses have blessed and transformed families in Hong Kong.
啟發的家庭系列包括美滿婚姻課程和親子教育課程,為婚前、已婚和面對育 兒等不同人生階段的人士提供了建立穩固家庭基礎的工具。去年,我們見證家庭系列在教會、職場、以致學校都帶來了影響力,讓祝福臨到更多的香港家庭,帶來社會的改變。
Blessing pastors through date night experience
Last year, we felt compelled to bless church leaders' marriages, recognising their tireless service to our communities. We had the honour to host our first-ever Pastors' Date Night, bringing together over 30 pastor couples for a transformative session of our Alpha Marriage course, with a specific focus on love languages. This event marked a significant milestone for us as we believe blessing the marriages of pastors will overflow to the wider community.
去年,我們渴望能祝福教會牧者的婚姻,以 答謝他們服侍社區的努力。我們有幸舉辦了 有史以來第一次教牧夫婦之夜,邀請了 30 多位牧師夫婦來,經歷了一個浪漫的約會晚 上,一同體驗美滿婚姻程課程中有關「愛之 語」的一課。 是次活動是香港啟發的一個 重要里程碑,深願我們為教牧夫婦帶來的祝 福,能繼續延展到社區當中。
For over a decade, my wife and I have wholeheartedly advocated for The Marriage Courses. As our own marriage has been blessed, we hope to strengthen the marriages of Christian leaders so that they can serve together in unity to reach more families with the Gospel.
過去十多年,我與師母致力推動美滿婚姻課程, 因為我們的夫妻關係先被祝福,亦希望信徒領袖 的婚姻關係被鞏固,更有力同心服侍,將福音分 享給更多家庭。
—— The Rt Revd Dr Timothy Kwok 郭志丕主教 | Bishop, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui.Diocese of Eastern Kowloon 香港聖公會東九龍教區主教
We are extremely grateful that we could join The Parenting Course. The most impactful lesson has been to meet your child's needs, which allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of our daughter's love language. This, in turn, enables us to fill her emotional tank and express our love for her.
十分感恩我們能一起參加《親子教育課程》。最深 刻的課題是「滿足兒女的需求」,讓我們可以進一 步了解自己女兒的「愛之語」,從而可以填滿她的「情感槽」,表達我們對她的愛。
—— May Wan & Martin Choi 溫綺薇及蔡邦基 | Heep Yan Kindergarten Parents 協恩幼稚園家長
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