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Workplace Alpha 職場啟發【Annual Report 年報 2023】
Unleashing Gospel impact in the workplace
78 % Growth of people hearing the Gospel through Workplace Alpha
78% 職場啟發參加者人數增長
Raising up Gen Z leaders for missions
興起 Z 世代福音領袖
It is amazing to witness how God has sparked a movement for workplace missions through Alpha over the past few years. For this flourishing movement to continue, we must raise up the next generation of young leaders to take the baton. The Alpha mentorship programme provides an effective platform for seasoned leaders to nurture fresh graduates, inspiring them to advance God's mission in the workplace. This has resulted in a series of Gen Z workplace Alpha, with over 200 young people's lives being touched.
在過去幾年裡 , 神透過啟發興起 SPARK 職場宣教運動 , 當中的發展讓我們既感恩又驚嘆。 為了讓這場宣教運動繼續擴展開去,我們必須興起職場新生代領袖承傳使命。啟發領袖培育 計劃提供了一個有效的平台,讓經驗豐富的啟發職場領袖栽培初職信徒,激勵他們在職場中 繼續實踐使命。這促成了為職場年青人而設的 Alpha Z 的誕生,多達 200 名初職人士生命 被觸動。
"Sparking Conversations" sparked interest in faith
Sparking Conversations 引發信仰興趣
Sparking Conversations is a series of online engaging talks given by leading figures in the marketplace. We have been honoured to invite Ms Kathryn Shih, Mr Ray Chan, Mr Leslie Choy and Prof Frederick Ma to share their insights. These talks have sparked seekers' interest in exploring life and sowed seeds for the Gospel.
Sparking Conversations 是一系列線上講座, 由城中領袖分享職場上的真知灼見。我們很榮幸能 夠邀請到施許怡敏女士、陳展程先生、蔡志輝先生 和馬時亨教授分享他們的見解。這些講座啟發了未 信者探索生命的興趣,播下了福音的種子。
"SPARK" marketplace missions conference
SPARK 啟發職場宣教特會
In June 2023, Alpha hosted the SPARK conference, a marketplace missions conference aimed at reconnecting Christians. Over 250 participants from diverse industries joined us. This conference was critical in re-gathering Christians post-pandemic and acted as a catalyst to ignite their vision and passion for the workplace.
在 2023 年 6 月,啟發舉辦了 SPARK 啟發職場宣教 特會,目的是重新連結對職場宣教有負擔的職場信 徒重啟福音工作,感謝神有超過 250 多名來自不同 行業的信徒出席了是次會議。 這次會議是疫情後首 個重新凝聚職場信徒的大型聚會,我們盼望這個會 議成為催化劑,點燃他們對職場宣教的異象與熱忱。
Even though I am not new to the workplace, I still feel confused and stressed when I join a new company. Alpha arrived at just that moment, giving me the opportunity to connect with God during a brief 1-hour lunch period amidst my hectic work schedule. My Christian colleagues have since become my trusted spiritual companions. I came to Christ through Alpha and two years later had the privilege to serve as an Alpha small group host. I hope that God will continue to use me to spread His message of grace in the workplace!
就算我不是職場新鮮人 , 初來新公司亦難免感 到迷茫及壓力 。 啟發課程正好讓我在忙碌中以 午間一小時來認識神 , 信主的職場同事也同時 是我最佳的屬靈伙伴 。 我在啟發中決志 , 亦有 幸兩年後成為啟發的組長 , 希望神繼續使用我 在職場中把神美好的恩典信息廣傳開去 !
—— Emmy Wong 黃子夏 | Workplace Alpha Participant 職場啟發參加者
A lot of people in the workplace are enslaved by unfulfilled ambitions and unsatisfied longings. Through serving at workplace Alpha, I witnessed how our Father Lord liberates us from slavery and draws us into His love. I am so thankful that God has transformed many lives including mine through Alpha.
在職場中,許多人被難以實現的抱負和無法滿 足的渴望所奴役。透過在職場啟發的服事,我 見證了天父如何將我們從奴役中釋放出來,吸引我們進入祂的愛。我非常感謝神透過啟發改變了我以及許多人的生命。
—— Jenny Yu 余子芊 | Workplace Alpha Leader 職場啟發領袖
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