It is my great privilege to celebrate Alpha's 30th anniversary here in Hong Kong with you all. What began with a small group of individuals at Union Church in 1994 has now touched tens of thousands of lives across Hong Kong, bringing them to have a personal encounter with Jesus. I was one of them. I experienced this transformation personally in 1997 at St. Andrew's Church.
The impact of Alpha has grown tremendously through the faithful efforts of believers like yourselves, spreading beyond church walls into schools, offices and community centers, serving everyone from youth to the elderly and underprivileged. We were also the first Alpha office in contextualising Alpha resources to our local language and culture , which helped Alpha spread through Hong Kong and fueled its significant growth. Now with the Chinese Alpha Film Series (CAFS), we can reach countless Chinese people - here in Hong Kong, across the region, and beyond.
Thank you for your faithful and unwavering support. It is truly an honour to walk this journey of faith together with you.
As we mark Alpha's 30th anniversary in Hong Kong, my heart overflows with immense gratitude. For three decades, your partnership has enabled us to share the transformative message of Jesus across Hong Kong. Together, we have witnessed Alpha taking root in over 65% of churches, spreading across all major denominations, reaching over 50 different industries in the workplace, and having a presence in one in four secondary schools. Each number represents countless lives transformed by God's love.
2024 has been a year of divine acceleration. By God's grace, Alpha's invitation to explore life's deeper meaning now appears across our city landscape –from street banners to housing estates and minibuses. Our simple question, "Is there more to life than this?" paired with a QR code, has become a digital pathway leading seekers to explore faith through Alpha.
We are seeing extraordinary breakthroughs in reaching diverse communities. The Chinese Alpha Film Series is opening doors in the Mandarin-speaking community. Our elderly-focused Alpha, with its tailored activities, brings the gospel's joy to our seniors in ways
Message from the Chairman | Message from the Executive Director 董事會主席的分享
Message from the Executive Director
they can easily grasp. And now, with our brand new Alpha Youth Series – created by youth for youth – we are connecting with the next generation in their own language.
But what moves me most deeply is the beautiful tapestry of unity emerging across Hong Kong. The Great Commission truly flourishes through Great Collaboration. That is what we are seeing – walls coming down, bridges being built, all for the advancement of the gospel.
Your generosity has made all this possible. As we celebrate our 30th anniversary, we are not just looking back – we are looking ahead with great expectation. We are expectant of more lives transformed, more doors opened and God's love spreading wider and deeper across our city. My sincerest gratitude to you for being part of this extraordinary journey.
Alpha creates a space for people to explore life's big questions in a friendly, open and relaxed environment.
Alpha is run over 8-11 weeks, with each week looking at a different question around life and faith.
Alpha is run all around the world, in person and online. It is free and everyone is welcome.
啟發創造一個空間,讓人在開放和輕鬆的 環境中探索人生的重大問題。
啟發為期 8-11 週,每週探討一個環繞生 活和信仰的問題。
啟發遍及世界各地,有實體和線上兩種形 式。費用全免,歡迎所有人参加。
Our Vision 我們的願景 Our Mission 我們的使命
At Alpha, we long to play our part in seeing: 在啟發,我們盼望看見:
The nations reached The Church revitalised Society transformed
We work in partnership with the Church to give every person the opportunity to explore a personal relationship with Jesus - wherever they are at - for free.
Even as his health declined, he accepted Christ and was baptised at 79. He wept as he described his spiritual awakening - a transformative moment that gave him new life.
儘管病情惡化,他在 79 歲時接受了耶穌並受洗, 流下淚水說出「豁然開朗」,這是他生命重燃的瞬間。
Throughout his life, Keung endured hardship, dedicating most of his years in providing for his family. Just when he and his wife were looking forward to a peaceful retirement, he suffered a stroke that left him partially paralysed.
His daughter Olive never wavered in sharing the Gospel with her father. Despite facing numerous setbacks, she persevered and eventually brought both her parents to the Elderly Alpha at St. Andrew's Church. Keung began his journey of discovering Jesus through a relaxed environment at Elderly Alpha. He found joy through the games and discussions. Gradually, God softened his heart. Even as his health declined, he accepted Christ and was baptised at 79. He wept as he described his spiritual awakening - a transformative moment that gave him new life.
Keung's wife Fan accompanied him to Alpha and was baptised alongside him. After his passing, she often spoke of how her faith in Jesus helped her navigate the loss of her beloved husband. Subsequently, their eight-year-old granddaughter began attending church, which prompted her parents – Keung's son and daughter-in-law – to join Alpha. The granddaughter and daughterin-law came to faith, and remarkably, even the daughter-in-law's father found Christ.
This is the power of the gospel, passing from one person to another, bringing salvation to the whole family.
Grateful for your partnership in impacting Hong Kong for Jesus over the past 30 years
2024 marks a historic milestone as we step into 30 years of Alpha in Hong Kong. We stand in awe of God's faithfulness for the countless lives transformed by the gospel.
More than 65% of all churches in HK have opened their doors to Alpha 全港超過 65% 教會為啟發打開大門
50+ different industries 個行業
have run Alpha in the workplace 曾經舉辦職場啟發
156 schools 間學校
More than one in four secondary schools in Hong Kong have run Alpha 全港超過四分之一的中學曾舉辦啟發
Every major denomination runs Alpha, including the Catholic church
Note : Statistic for Hong Kong and Macau 備註 : 香港及澳門的統計數字
2024 was a record-breaking year for Alpha Hong Kong
Thanks to your partnership, we witnessed a record number of lives transformed through Alpha in 2024. None of this would be possible without your faithful partnership and support.
Number of people experiencing Alpha 參加啟發的來賓數目 (2016-2024)
I strongly believe that in this city, we are called to use Alpha as a channel to bring people before God together.
我非常相信在這個城市裡,我們正正就 是要藉著啟發這個管道一同將人帶到神 的面前。
Rev. Stephen Cheng
Senior Pastor, Kwun Tong Swatow Baptist Church
In 2024 | 在 2024 年 333
People have experienced Alpha 位來賓體驗過啟發
Churches have run Alpha 間教會舉辦過啟發
Alpha courses were run in different contexts 個不同類型的啟發
Alpha leaders were trained 位啟發領袖被培訓
Marriage and Parenting courses were run 個美滿婚姻及親子課程
People have experienced the Marriage and Parenting course 位來賓參加了美滿婚姻及親子課程 4,908
Alpha is a joyful celebration where the church community comes together to warmly welcome and serve our guests.
啟發就像一個慶典及盛會,教會會眾上下一心, 預備最好的款待給一眾新來賓。
Rev. Jackson Yeung Yau-chi 楊有志牧師
Bishop, The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong 基督教香港信義會監督
Citywide Gospel Movement to Reach Every Soul
Thank you for partnering with us to light the city with the hope of the gospel 感恩有您攜手同行,以福音燃亮全城
In this pivotal season when hearts are uniquely open, God has stirred our hearts to dream bigger. Our vision is to launch a citywide gospel movement that carries one burning desire – to see every church, school, workplace, and believer empowered to share the good news across the city.
Gathering pastors and leaders from over 100 churches for the Activate Alpha Everywhere launch 招聚來自超過 100 間教會的牧者和領袖參與全城啟發啟動禮
If you are thinking about how to enable your church to go from being inwardlooking to more outward-looking and how to really walk out the Great Commission as best as possible, I can't recommend Alpha more highly to you.
如果您渴望幫助教會接觸更多教會以外的群 體 , 並更好地實踐大使命 , 我大力推薦您使用 啟發 。
Rev. Andrew Gardener Andrew Gardener 牧師 Senior Pastor, The Vine Church 葡萄藤教會主任牧師
My experience at E.F.C.C. Tung Fook Church has shown that roughly 90% of Alpha guests not only made decisions to follow Christ but also became actively engaged members of our church community.
Rev. Dr. Peter Ho 何志滌牧師博士 Founder of E.F.C.C. Tung Fok Church 播道會同福堂創堂牧師
Citywide Gospel Movement
God has opened remarkable doors to raise awareness of Alpha. Through His provision, we have secured free marketing spaces across Hong Kong – 70 street banner locations spanning all 18 districts, banners in 70 public housing estates, and even minibuses carrying our message throughout the city. Each banner asks the simple yet profound question: "Is there more to life than this?" with a QR code inviting people to explore further. We are excited to see people respond – scanning, exploring, and signing up for Alpha courses.
This movement has united the city's Christian communities in an unprecedented way. Prominent church leaders across different denominations have joined hands to rally believers to spread the gospel. Their unified voice reminds us that now is the time to share Jesus' love.
這場運動以前所未有的方式聯合了全港的基督徒群 體。不同教派的領袖携手合作,以社交媒體為平台,
號召信徒透過啟發傳揚福音。他們合一的呼聲提醒 我們,現在正是分享耶穌的愛的最佳時機。
Activate Alpha Anywhere video
Pastors and leaders endosement videos
Alpha in Church
Mobilising a Citywide Gospel Movement Through the Church
adults in church setting have heard the Good News of Jesus through Alpha 位成人在教會透過 啟發聽聞福音
Relentlessly Serving the Church Across Different Denominations
As part of the citywide gospel movement, our team has worked tirelessly to equip and empower churches to run Alpha. We witnessed deeper engagement across different denominations, including Baptist, Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) and the Anglican church (Sheng Kung Hui).
Last year, our team led 136 trainings and workshops, with over 4,294 leaders trained to run Alpha. We also shared in 37 conferences, seminars and church services, relentlessly serving and helping churches advance their mission.
Uniting Churches for the Gospel 動員教會同心合意興旺福音
The Great Commission is not possible without Great Collaboration. Last year, churches and workplaces laid aside their familiar ways to come together for several Joint Alpha Weekends. These Joint Alpha Weekends saw many salvations and beautifully displayed the unity of the Body of Christ.
I have attended many church gatherings, but Alpha stood out by making me feel truly centered and valued.
我參加個無數的教會聚會,唯有啟發令我覺得 我是主角。
Alpha participant
Alpha operates in more than half of all EFCC churches, offering participants a firsthand experience of how our churches serve their local communities.
超過一半的播道會堂會舉辦過啟發,啟發可以讓 參加者體驗到教會在社區的服侍。
Rev. Chan Wing-chau 陳永就牧師 General Secretary, Evangelical Free Church of China 中國基督教播道會總會總幹事
Advancing our Reach in the Catholic Context
We have witnessed a remarkable rise of Alpha in the Catholic context last year. This growth spans across parishes, schools, and workplaces, touching the lives of youth, young adults, and the elderly alike. We are encouraged by the growing demand for Alpha as a tool for encountering Jesus and building authentic small group communities. We are particularly encouraged to see school teachers using Alpha not just for their students, but also as a preevangelistic tool in ministering to their colleagues. Through coordinated efforts, we delivered more than 40 trainings and Experiencing Alpha sessions, empowering over 1,000 Catholic leaders across Hong Kong to run Alpha.
With one-fifth of Hong Kong's population being native Mandarin speakers, we recognise a significant untapped harvest field within this community. The new Chinese Alpha Film Series has brought significant breakthroughs as it resonates deeply with the mainland Chinese community in their heart language.
Over the past year, 70% of churches with Mandarin services in Hong Kong have used Alpha. Alpha has emerged as a primary tool to plant new Mandarin-speaking congregations across the city. Beyond church walls, Mandarin Alpha is also effectively run in the workplace, reaching Mandarinspeaking professionals across various sectors.
Alpha is a very good tool to loosen the soil. It goes beyond mere knowledge of faith, but it ignites a spiritual yearning. It also removes the "stones" of life to create a fertile ground for the gospel.
陳謳明大主教 Archbishop and Primate of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui 香港聖公會教省主教長
Alpha is not just for the guests, it creates an invitational culture that empowers our own congregation to easily invite others to ‘ come and see ’ what Christianity is all about in a safe and welcoming environment.
白蜜夏牧師博士 Senior Pastor, Union Church Hong Kong 香港佑寧堂主任牧師
Youth Alpha
Reaching the City's Youth with Jesus' Love 以耶穌的愛觸動香港的青少年
Youth have heard the gospel through Alpha 位青少年透過 啟發聽聞福音
Connecting with Young Hearts Through Schools
Alpha Cantonese Teen Series (ACTS) continues to impact the lives of students with God's love in the context of schools. ACTS allows the gospel to be shared in ways that truly resonate with young hearts and minds. We are thankful that our strategic partnership with various denominations has expanded our reach to more schools.
During the Alpha Weekend, seeing so many young people, like myself, moved to tears, made me realise the power of the Holy Spirit touching hearts. It was truly moving for me.
Alpha provides our serving team at school with a systematic yet relaxed approach in spreading the gospel, deepening student-teacher connections and inspiring youth to be more proactive in exploring the meaning of life and faith.
Youth pastors came together for a time of connection and learning at our Alpha Regional Gathering in Malaysia last year. Together, we shared strategies and vision for reaching young people, fostering synergy and building lasting partnership amongst the city's youth pastors.
I want to encourage my friends to try Alpha because I feel Alpha uses a relaxed approach to discuss important topics. Alpha never makes me feel pressured. During the Alpha Weekend, the prayer ministry helped me experience God's love in a special way, and I have found so much more joy in my life since then.
Alpha creates a relaxed and stress-free space where I can explore faith with my friends over food. It has become such a great stress reliever for me. What is great about Alpha is how it eases into faith topics graduallythis really helps young people stay open, allowing us to discover God at our own pace.
Made for this generation, the newly launched Alpha Youth Series creatively unpacks the real questions young people have. Created through listening to over 200 youth around the world for two years, this series explores the core ideas of the Christian faith, in a fun, relevant and engaging way.
Looking back, my professional life was consumed by immense pressure. After graduation, I worked on a Macau casino project, living a hedonistic lifestyle. Later, while starting a business with friends, we hired a colleague who was a devout Christian. Although I had attended a Christian secondary school, this was my first encounter with authentic Christian faith in action. Nevertheless, I continued my own path.
During my entrepreneurial journey, I became increasingly fixated on the role of fortune in success. This led me to rely heavily on fortune-telling for major decisions. Rather than bringing peace, this obsession with controlling destiny only led to poor choices.
After experiencing a series of setbacks in my business ventures, finances, relationships, and mental health, I remembered my colleague's words about Jesus. In desperation, I prayed, "Lord, if You truly exist, please save me." Shortly after, through a friend's introduction, I joined Workplace Alpha. Alpha provided a relaxed environment for me to explore faith, where I met many peers who shared similar spiritual journeys. This eventually led to my complete surrenderI resolved to abandon my reliance on fortunetelling, entrust my life to Jesus, and accept Him as my Savior.
In the past, I had relied solely on my intellect and pursued worldly success, lacking genuine love for others. Since knowing Jesus, I've learned to extend God's love to others and gained deeper insight into human nature, which has actually made my professional relationships more fulfilling. I now understand that I work for the Lord, and my greatest aspiration is to be His witness in the workplace.
Workplace Alpha across over 50 different industries
職場啟發遍及 50 多個不同行業
The gospel is breaking into new frontiers as Workplace Alpha takes root in over 50 industries across Hong Kong. From accountants to firefighters, lawyers to construction workers, we are witnessing a beautiful movement of bringing church to where people are. When colleagues share meals and explore faith together, barriers dissolved and hearts open to Jesus. This workplace movement is redefining how Hong Kong experiences the gospel –beyond the four walls of the church.
Last year saw the birth of Alpha Anywhere Channel, an innovative platform nurturing Gen Z leaders to reach their peers. Partnering with churches, we are breaking new ground in connecting with young professionals. Whether in person or online spaces, these emerging leaders are creating welcoming environments where their generation can freely explore faith in ways that resonate with them.
We are witnessing a wave of re-evangelisation sweeping through Hong Kong's NGO sector. In 2024, seven NGOs reached out to us to run Alpha within their organisations. These social welfare workers touch many lives on a daily basis. When these social workers encounter Jesus, they will be able to draw strength from God and bring His love to those they serve. This beautiful chain reaction reminds us that when one life changes, countless others will be blessed.
I am grateful for the opportunity to share the gospel through Alpha with a number of grassroots construction workers who came to Hong Kong from Mainland China. Many came from very broken backgrounds and carried heavy life burdens. However, through Alpha, the Holy Spirit worked powerfully in their lives, bringing healing and love. Their lives are filled with hope and are forever changed.
It is amazing how the Holy Spirit brought together believers from various professional fellowships and churches to start the Central Mandarin Lunch Alpha. The Mandarin Alpha videos have this incredible way of touching hearts, becoming like a divine key, opening new doors to share the gospel with the Mandarin-speaking community.
People have experienced the Marriage and Parenting Course 位來賓參加婚姻 及親子課程
Enriching Homes and Connecting Hearts 祝福家庭、將心拉近
The Alpha family life series, including the Marriage Course and the Parenting Course, offer practical tools to strengthen families at every life stage - pre-marriage, marriage and parenthood. These courses create ripples of transformation across churches and schools. Young couples are discovering keys to lasting relationships before saying "I do." Married couples are rekindling their connection and learning to navigate life's challenges together. Parents are finding new confidence in raising their children with wisdom and grace.
But perhaps the most beautiful outcome has been watching these courses create natural bridges for the gospel. As families gather to learn and grow together, authentic communities form. Trust develops. Hearts open. And in these spaces of genuine connection, many are encountering Jesus for the first time, discovering that He is the foundation for flourishing families.
The Parenting Course's small group format encouraged authentic sharing and dynamic discussions. Parents found comfort in discovering that their parenting challenges were shared experiences, creating opportunities to learn from one another's journeys in a unique and enriching environment. 親子教育課程中的小組模式,鼓勵家長們真摯地分享,並 踴躍地互動交流。家長們發現自己在育兒路上所遇到的問 題並不罕見,他們深感安慰,更樂意向同路人互相學習彼 此交流,一起經歷這不一樣的愉快旅程。
Heidi Wong 黃少碧
The Parenting Course participant 親子課程參加者
When we were invited to join the Marriage Course, I thought our marriage was fine and it would not make much of a difference. But we were pleasantly surprised by its profound benefits. We discovered that many couples face similar challenges. The shared experiences served as valuable reflection points, deepening our understanding of each other's emotional needs. The group's encouragement and support were invaluable.
Through the Parenting Course, I gained a renewed understanding of God's purpose and importance in establishing families. I also learned how to fill children's "emotional tank" meeting their emotional needs. This not only brought me closer to my children and partner, but also helped me navigate workplace relationships.
I am grateful to have the opportunity to participate in the Parenting Course. The session on love languages particularly resonated, highlighting the significance of quality time with children. I learned that being present and expressing verbal affection contributes to their emotional security. Now, expressing "I love you" to my son has become a daily practice.
We are thankful to have completed the Marriage Preparation Course before getting married. It offered practical insights into married life, covering essential topics from effective communication to financial management. The course enabled us to explore various aspects of our relationship proactively, fostering mutual understanding before potential issues could arise. We wholeheartedly recommend this course to all engaged couples.
The Marriage Preparation Course participants 美滿婚姻預備課程參加者
The Marriage Course's well-structured format and comprehensive curriculum addresses all facets of matrimony. The mealtime discussions allow participants to share experiences, reinforcing that while marriage presents challenges, we are all navigating this path together.
Elderly people have heard the gospel through Alpha 位長者透過啟發聽聞福音
Reaching the elderly with the gospel is precious yet challenging. Last year, we worked closely with churches to create customised Alpha resources that speak directly to the hearts of our seniors. Through simple games and illustrations, we are seeing walls come down and hearts open to Jesus.
In 2024 alone, 1067 elderly people have journeyed through Alpha, discovering God's love in their golden years. It is especially moving to know that some have gone to be with the Lord just months after they encountered Jesus through Alpha. Each story reminds us of the profound privilege we have to share the gospel with them while we still can.
The Elderly Alpha programme delivered its message with clarity, using engaging activities and games that made the content more accessible and welcoming. It taught me essential spiritual practices like prayer and Bible reading, which deepened my appreciation of Jesus's love and sacrifice.
My journey with Jesus has brought increasing joy, and the church community has become like family, enriching my life with wonderful new friendships.
我開心了很多,認識了很多關於耶穌 的事蹟,教會好像一個大家庭,我認 識了很多朋友。
Senior 長者
Elderly Alpha participant 長者啟發參加者
Alpha Stories
71-year-old Ng Yiu Han struggled with suicidal thoughts, often asking herself, "What's the point of living so long?"
71 歲的吳 要嫻一直都有厭世的思想,言語間常說「要咁長命黎做咩」。
After her husband's passing several years ago, 71-yearold Ng Yiu Han struggled with suicidal thoughts and found life meaningless, often asking herself, "What's the point of living so long?"
Her life transformed when she joined Alpha in 2024. Through Alpha's biblical teachings and testimonies, she discovered a God who loves her deeply, has wonderful plans for her life, walks with her daily, and gives her profound peace.
This newfound faith sparked positive changes. She began taking better care of her health and diet, established a nightly Bible reading routine, and started sharing her faith with friends in need. Her joy grew day by day, and she developed a renewed appreciation for life. Having depended on psychiatric medication for over three decades, she now holds hope that she may one day live without them.
When she learned about her brother's emotional struggles, she immediately reached out to share the gospel with him and organised family prayer sessions for his recovery. Though she had never been an avid reader, she immersed herself in a book about nutrition for emotional health, demonstrating her commitment to supporting both his spiritual and physical wellbeing.
We are grateful to see how God has renewed Ms. Ng's spirit, guided her out of darkness, and helped her discover hope, living more abundantly each day.
I am honoured to support Alpha primarily because it "works" - a beautifully simplistic yet powerful way to make Jesus known, and to build meaningful friendships in the process. I trust the leadership of Alpha and the quality of the resources Alpha continues to innovate and freely provide, especially in Chinese.
Alpha is a unique program that is theologically solid, spirit-filled and practically relevant. It is offered in an interactive social setting, very much resonating the way Jesus broke bread where He went and preached. This is why Alpha has been effective in fulfilling the Great Commission, and I not only support it personally but even led a campaign to raise funds through a climbing expedition.
Budget in 2025 | Partner with Alpha Hong Kong 2025 年度財政預算|與香港啟發結伴同行
Partner with Alpha Hong Kong
Together, we can help more people discover and develop a relationship with Jesus.
我們攜手同行 , 可以讓更多 人認識主並建立屬靈之旅。
請支持我們 Please Support Us
Please join us in praying that more people will come to know Jesus - a personal and loving God - through Alpha.
我們誠心祈求主繼續使用啟發帶領更多人到祂面前 認識耶穌 作為個人救主 , 並且是滿有慈愛的主。
We believe everyone should have the opportunity to explore the Christian faith for free. You can help make that happen by considering a gift to Alpha, so that more people are transformed by the Good News of Jesus.