A Publication of Alpha Phi International Fraternity Since 1888 Vol. 114, No. 2 Spring 2002
Travel Phi-ver
Convention 2002 GET READY FOR AN ADVENTURE GET CONNECTED WITH YOUR SISTERS Join us June 26-30 in Tucson, Ariz.
Look Inside for Alpha Phi Travel Opportunities Including: 2002 Alpha PhiSponsored Trips Regional Leadership Conferences
C ntents Features Travel Phi-ver
Alpha Phi-Sponsored Trips
Regional Conferences
Fraternity Strategic Direction
DePaul Installation
TRAVEL PHI-VER Beth Braun (HA-New Hampshire) travels to Egypt during a week abroad program. Meet Beth and other sisters whose work, play or volunteer activities relate to travel.
Depar tments
ALPHA PHI-SPONSORED TRAVEL Essential Europe for Recent Graduates is one of the fabulous trips offered through Alpha Phi in 2002. Quarterly Deadlines ISSUE Summer 2002 Fall 2002 Winter 2003 Spring 2003
COPY DEADLINE April 15, 2002 July 15, 2002 Oct. 15, 2002 Jan. 15, 2003
President’s Message
Career Development
Alumnae Pride
NPC Update
On Campus
Potential Member Form
Letters to the Editor
Bulletin Board
Convention Registration Form
Web Site Update • Check out our new and improved design that incorporates our logo and tagline. • In addition, www.alphaphi.org now offers secure pages for a Foundation donation, alumnae dues payment and online conference registration.
For more information visit our Web site at www.alphaphi.org
• Beginning in this issue, when you see this symbol following an article, visit our Web site at www.alphaphi.org for additional information on the topic.
PEOPLE Sheree Clark (AΛ) spearheads an art exhibition to support Sept. 11 relief efforts and promote pride in America.
Founders Clara Bradley Burdette (’76), died 1954 Florence Chidester Lukens (’75), died 1885 Martha Foote Crow (’76), died 1924 Ida Gilbert Houghton (’76), died 1916 Jane S. Higham (’76), died 1949 Kate Hogoboom Gilbert (’75), died 1900 Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults (’75), died 1895 Rena Michaels Atchison (’74), died 1933 Louise Shepard Hancock (’76), died 1932 Clara Sittser Williams (’75), died 1925 International Executive Board International President: Jean Cameron Tindall Vice President: Carole Salerno Secretary/Treasurer: Amy Pfannenstiel Bunszel Felicia Hunt Valerie Lawlor Monica Kennedy Monczka Mary Rekart Ulich Crista Cate Vasina Judith Segerer Watson Ex-Officio: Sally McCall Grant, NPC Delegate Ex-Officio: Pamela Wilcox, Executive Director Foundation Directors Chairman: Susan Brink Sherratt Vice Chairman: Kathleen Feeney Hiemstra Secretary: Michelle Marchant Treasurer: Susan Weiskittle Barrick Judith Knudsen Brown Gayle Goodman Jean Cameron Tindall National Panhellenic Conference Alpha Phi Delegate: Sally McCall Grant First Alternate Delegate: Deana Koonsman Gage Second Alternate Delegate: Linda Groves Root Third Alternate Delegate: Laura Malley-Schmitt Editorial Advisory Board Chairman: Lisa Marlene Sawyer Susan Weiskittle Barrick Sheila George Bright Jan Jones Owen Heather Wallace Alpha Phi Quarterly Staff Director of Marketing & Communications: Maureen Lyons E-mail: mlyons@alphaphi.org Editor: Christine Spiegel E-mail: quarterly@alphaphi.org Alpha Phi Quarterly Design Michelle Webb Design E-mail: mwdesign@intosh.net Alpha Phi Home Page www.alphaphi.org Executive Office Executive Director: Pamela J. Wilcox Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Phone: 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 E-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org Foundation Office Executive Director: Nancy Owen Craig Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Foundation Phone: 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 E-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org Alpha Phi Quarterly Editorial Policy All persons interested in submitting materials for publication in the Alpha Phi Quarterly are encouraged to send them to the editor at the Executive Office. The editor reserves the right to accept, deny or edit any materials submitted. Unless otherwise requested, all photos sent to the magazine will become the property of Alpha Phi International and will not be returned. Articles may be sent by mail, fax, e-mail or on a PC disk. Please send your information to the editor by the deadlines indicated on this page. Materials received after these deadlines will be considered for the following issue. Please direct any submission questions or inquiries regarding publication advertising to the editor at 847.316.8920, or quarterly@alphaphi.org. The Alpha Phi Quarterly is published winter, spring, summer and fall. Subscription price is $3 per year; single copies are $1. Send change of address or announcements to Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Second-class postage paid at Evanston, IL, and at additional mailing offices. (ISSN: USPS 014680) Postmaster: Please send address changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Printed in the USA.
While pondering the travel theme for this issue of the Quarterly, I ran across a quotation by St. Augustine: “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page.” I believe the quotation has a lot of truth to it, especially when applied to my travels as International Executive Board (IEB) president. Alpha Phi has been my “book,” and I have been traveling often to better understand each of the many “pages” that make up her membership. Part of my responsibility has been to grasp the entire picture of Alpha Phi, and traveling to numerous locations has helped me do so. When I list on paper the destinations to which I traveled during my four years as IEB president, it becomes apparent that I have, literally, seen Alpha Phis from coast to coast, from mountain to prairie. During my term, I visited cities spanning North America: Ithaca, N.Y.; Chicago, Ill.; Los Angeles, Calif.; Providence, R.I.; Toronto, Ontario; and San Juan, Puerto Rico to name a few. Wow! Traveling to alumnae and collegians’ homes makes it possible to visualize, firsthand, the environment in which they live and the challenges they face. I met so many new Alpha Phis during my travels, and it reinforced my belief that ours are the most extraordinary women in the world. We have women who work Jean Cameron Tindall all day, take care of their own families and volunteer as chapter advisers — essentially caring for another family as well. Typical trips, which may involve visiting with three or more collegiate chapters in one day, provide an up-close-and-personal view of what it is like to be an Alpha Phi today. Subsequent meetings with alumnae groups vividly illustrate the incredible resource those collegians will have after graduation. Tackling future planning for the Fraternity becomes much easier after visiting Alpha Phi locations. When I need perspective, feedback or opinions, I can easily pick up the telephone and call on the sister I dined with at a local deli, the collegian I talked with in the chapter house lounge or the alumna who served me dinner at her home. The IEB feels face-to-face feedback is so important to our planning process that we recently implemented new programs to gain member input on the Fraternity’s Strategic Direction (see page 11 for complete article). With every new face and location, I learn so much more about the Fraternity I have loved for 35 years. Every Alpha Phi location I visit provides me an opportunity to understand its particular needs. Only by literally placing myself in their surroundings can I understand this depth. Each of us on the IEB remembers our travels more vividly than our day-to-day tasks. Perhaps it is the excitement of spending time with sisters that reminds us of the importance of sorority. Maybe we pay closer attention to our environment because we know we are responsible for representing our members. Whatever the reason, I will always remember with fondness my Alpha Phi trips and the wonderful women I have met along the way.
Jean Cameron Tindall ( M-Miami University) International President SPRING 2002
Meet sisters who incorporate their passion for travel into their careers, volunteer activities and leisure time.
Travel, learn and have fun with sisters – all while supporting Alpha Phi!
Some collegians and advisers ventured 1,000 miles to take advantage of leadership training opportunities.
In the Next Issue • Alpha Phis in Service Careers • Wilfrid Laurier Installation • Recruitment Directory
CONVENTION 2002 SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT: SACHI KOTO Alpha Phi is delighted to feature CNN Headline News anchor Sachi Koto as the Convention 2002 keynote speaker. A 14-year veteran of CNN, Sachi is based in the network’s world headquarters in Atlanta covering breaking news as a prime-time “just in” anchor. During her tenure at CNN, Sachi has anchored for CNNRadio, CNN Airport Network, CNN International and has produced, written and anchored for Turner South. Sachi also is an associate of Jackson, Wong & Associates management consulting firm. She promotes diversity awareness and appreciation, serves as a coach in media presence Sachi Koto for executive development and career enhancement and advises on expatriate-related issues. For more information visit our Web site at www.alphaphi.org
They’ve Got Travel Phi-ver Mention travel and tourism to an Alpha Phi and you’ll hear about sisters who work in the industry. They represent everything from convention and visitors’ bureaus to airlines, cruise lines and hotels to government and international corporations. They are employed at travel agencies, or they own their own. In addition, a great number of Alpha Phis study abroad as part of their collegiate curriculum or participate in continuing education programs, including Alpha Phi-sponsored trips, after graduation. Collegians and alumnae volunteer or work for service organizations in North America and abroad. Whether it is their profession, their favorite pasttime or their passion, Alpha Phis travel while they work, play and volunteer. Careers: Travel gets in their blood One travel expert special to Alpha Phi International is the Fraternity’s official travel agent, Kim Pease Criscuolo ( I-Texas Tech), of Canyon Creek Travel, Richardson, Texas. Kim began working with Director of Training & Development Denise Jung Reens (E Northern Illinois) in 1992 and officially represented Canyon Creek Travel during the 1993 Leadership Conference and 1994 Convention in Palm Springs. She has attended every Convention since, ensuring that all travel arrangements run smoothly. An agent since 1984, Kim originally graduated with a degree in business, but later entered a travel academy because the life of an agent seemed more glamorous. Today, she says being a corporate agent is “challenging and sometimes difficult, especially now. But the travel industry gets in your blood.”
LIFELONG PHI LOVES TRAVEL, SORORITY Betty Lou Armstrong Reckmeyer (A-Syracuse), a proud Northern Virginia area alumna, recently traveled to Beijing, China, with another Alpha Phi, Susan Midland (ZIΛ-Virginia). According to Susan, “Betty Lou is especially proud of the Fraternity, wearing her pin every day, since she is the granddaughter of founding member Louise Shepard Hancock (A-Syracuse).” Susan Midland, right, accompanies Betty Lou Reckmeyer to Beijing, China.
HOW HAS TRAVEL CHANGED SINCE SEPT. 11? Following the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S., security was obviously heightened at airports and other transportation facilities, in public venues and for major events and attractions. Kim Criscuolo, Alpha Phi’s official travel agent, says one thing in particular she has noticed is despite warnings from airports about arriving early and allowing sufficient time prior to flights, “People are still not taking this seriously. One woman (not an Alpha Phi of course!) called me in tears because she arrived at the Meridian, Miss., airport 45 minutes before her flight was scheduled to depart and they would not let her board the plane.” She continues, “Flyers really need to take those warnings seriously — especially because as incidents happen, authorities add steps to the security check process.” Kim adds that noticable trends in travel since Sept. 11 include: • an increase in family-based trips • a tendency to stay closer to home (increased domestic travel) • rising popularity of shorter trips (weekend warriors)
For more information, including security tips for travelers, refer to www.faa.gov.
Amy Lindberg-Brock ( -Oklahoma City), group sales manager for the Charleston (S.C.) IMAX Theatre, agrees. “I grew up a ‘slave to travel,’ due in large part to my dad, who owns and operates Turner Tours in Oklahoma City, Okla.” She continues, “Many people don’t realize that travel and tourism contributes so much to the economy of any one city, state and region. Visiting tourist attractions in one’s own area actually contributes and gives back to that community.” Play: Junkies take advantage of Alpha Phisponsored travel Jane Phillips (BB-Michigan State) has done her part to support the tourism industry and Alpha Phi at the same time. She traveled twice via Alpha Phi-sponsored trips, first on an Austrian Winter Escapade in Salzburg, Austria, then a study trip to Poros, Greece. “Both trips were superbly crafted by Alpha Phi,” she says. “My family and I have been greatly enriched by these two travel experiences. I am very grateful.” June Dickinson Smith (B -Kent State) joined the Austria trip as well. And although she’d been
❸ ❷ ❶ June Smith, far right, enjoys
there five times before, June traveled through the Fraternity to Hong Kong, too. She says, “For the price, [the trips were] very worthwhile.” In fact, June says she’s been looking into the next Alpha Phi-sponsored trip she will take. Denise Reens says June's experience is similar to those of many who have traveled on Alpha Phi trips: she had such a good time that she signed up for another. Denise traveled with both Jane and June to Austria. She also visited Tuscany in Italy. Denise says, "I met some wonderful women and still communicate with many of them. Alumnae should take advantage of these Fraternity-sponsored trips. Even if you sign up to travel as a single, you are surrounded by sisters, so you are never alone!" Volunteer: Sisters choose service Even before President George W. Bush’s plea to Americans in January to commit at least two years of their lives to some form of national service, volunteer vacations and other service trips were growing in popularity, especially among collegians and recent graduates. Junior Lynette Valdez (IB-St. Mary’s) spent two weeks volunteering in the Uxpanapa Valley in Vera
Cruz, Mexico, last May with a group from her university. “We worked to help the small community with its new business ventures including pig farming and ranching. What a life-altering trip!” says Lynette. During her 2001 spring break, Courtney Cooper (BE-Arizona) was co-site leader of a service project trip to Imuris, Mexico. She and other University of Arizona students spent the week painting, teaching children at an orphanage, handing out clothes, visiting a nursing home and organizing sports recreation programs for local children. “It was exciting to do something different,” says Courtney, who now is a sophomore at Arizona. “It defied the typical college and Greek expectations of what students normally do over spring break.” Susan Winterhalter ( T-Baldwin Wallace) also participated in an alternative spring break last year. The graduate student was a co-planner and site leader at Big Oak Girls Ranch, a ranch for abused and neglected girls in Springville, Ala. Alternative spring breaks, volunteer vacations and other such service opportunities have been on the rise since the early 1990s. So have the opportunities to discover or create a career in travel. (For more information about travel careers, see Career Development, page 10.)
an Alpha Phi-sponsored trip to Hong Kong.
❷ Members of Alpha Phi and Kappa Delta sororities travel in Tuscany, Italy, in August 2001.
❸ Pictured during a Scotland educational travel program’s graduation night are (from left) Joyce Adams Patterson (ΓDePauw), Jane Tennerstedt Bayer (Γ-DePauw), Betsy Valentine Hall (BI-West Virginia) and Nancy Scism Marble (Γ-DePauw). The three DePauw (Γ) alumnae hadn’t seen each other in 50 years.
CONNECT WITH SISTERS WHEN YOU TRAVEL Holly Duckworth (ΘA-Linfield) says every time she travels for business she requests a list of sisters in her destination’s zip code from the Executive Office. She then contacts the women to invite them for coffee or dinner while she’s in town. According to Holly, “I’ve not been turned down once, and I’ve met some amazing sisters across the country this way.” Lynette Valdez, second from left, spends spring break 2001 volunteering in Vera Cruz, Mexico. She is one of many U.S. and Canadian sisters who have participated in alternate spring breaks.
Seven Hawaii Alpha Phis welcome Pacific Northwest Alumnae Membership Coordinator Holly Duckworth to Oahu.
SISTERS FORM UNOFFICIAL TRAVEL GROUP Karon Fountain Olsen Davis (ΓZ-Puget Sound), president of Durney Travel & Cruise in Olympia/Lacey, Wash., has organized annual Reno trips for several Puget Sound sisters. Karon travels with the group on these and other adventures as well, including yearly trips to Las Vegas and concerts in Seattle. Sisters (from left) Carol Williamson Sherrell, Terry McGowan Kinnaman, Karon Fountain Davis, Helen Lahti Edmonds, Barb Faylor Swenson and Lauretta Thorne Scrafford travel to Reno in 2001.
Even with the increased security and slowed economy following Sept. 11, travelers seeking a weekend away, or an outright adventure, are out in full force. Whether your ventures are for business, service or fun, if travel is a passion for you, let your journey begin! Take off with these resources: Visit our Web site at www.alphaphi.org (and see page 6) for Alpha Phi-sponsored travel opportunities for both alumnae and collegians. GENERAL TRAVEL Epicurious Travel/Concierge.com www.concierge.com National Geographic Traveler www.nationalgeographic.com/traveler Fodor’s Travel www.fodors.com Frommer’s Travel www.frommers.com Trip.com www.trip.com
The group of between eight and 12 women consists of alumnae from 1957-62. “We are mostly all grandmothers,” says Karon. “We all enjoy each others’ company so much and have a great time together. We didn’t meet often during the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s —all too busy raising families, I guess. But the ‘90s produced a desire to get back together again.” Because several sisters wear Alpha Phi T-shirts during their travels and bimonthly lunch meetings, Karon says, “we almost always meet other Alpha Phis.” Karon invites Gamma Zeta alumnae from the late 1950s and early 1960s to join their excursions.
VOLUNTEER TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES Break Away www.alternativebreaks.org Habitat for Humanity www.habitat.org International Executive Service Corps www.iesc.org International Volunteer Program Association www.volunteerinternational.org USA Freedom Corps www.usafreedomcorps.gov Check with your university for information on collegiate and alumni study and volunteer opportunities.
Thank you
to everyone who responded to the Quarterly’s call for Alpha Phis in travel. As you can imagine, the response was overwhelming! If you have not heard from us, please do not think we’ve forgotten you. We may contact you in the future. Do you have a unique travel story or occupation? Share the details with the Quarterly at quarterly@alphaphi.org.
shine on the westin L a p aloma
JUNE 26-30
The Westin La Paloma Resort and Spa, an AAA Four Diamond Award resort surrounded by breathtaking desert and mountain scenery, provides a unique environment for discovery and relaxation. The resort offers the perfect setting for Convention 2002, an opportunity to rediscover Alpha Phi, reunite with sisters and meet new friends, reflect, relax and discover something about yourself in the process.
RESORT HIGHLIGHTS: Private 27-hole Jack Nicklaus signature golf course. 12 championship tennis courts (10 are lighted, four clay). Arizona’s longest resort waterslide (177-feet), a waterfall, three whirlpool spas and three pools. Fitness center, racquetball, volleyball and aerobics.
Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa, a 9,300 square foot state-ofthe-art facility with world-class skincare, hydrotherapy, salon and body treatment services designed to nurture your body, mind and spirit. Four restaurants, including a bistro with breathtaking views of the Santa Catalina Mountains, a deli, lounge and swim-up bar and grill.
Small World: Alpha Phi Comforts Sister Working Abroad Instead of job hunting senior year, Beth Braun (GA-New Hampshire) wanted to strengthen her résumé and live in a foreign country at the same time. She decided on BUNAC (British Universities North American Club), a program which offers university students and recent graduates work/travel opportunities around the world. She departed for London, England, in June 2001, one month after graduation. “Before I even got off the plane, I was questioning whether I had made the right decision. I was far from home in a new country. My first London black cab took me to the BUNAC hostel, my home for the next several months. After lugging my heavy bags up three flights of stairs, I was officially homesick. Then, something wonderful happened … I opened the door and saw Alpha Phi stuff everywhere.” Sarah Armstrong ( O-Drake) had lived in the hostel for a month already and helped Beth adjust. “Who would have known that I would travel 5,000 miles from home to find a sister?” says Beth. “It made the transition so much easier.” She continues, “In college, we always talked during recruitment about Alpha Phi as an international organization and how it attracted great women from across North America. The way I felt about Alpha Phi was magnified when I walked through that door. I knew Sarah was the type of person I could be great friends with, but even more, she was already my sister!” Beth was Beth, left, and Sarah enjoy the Wimbledon overwhelmed tennis tournament in July. The pair waited in by the line six hours to purchase tickets.
support she received not only from her Alpha Phi sister, but from BUNAC. Through the organization’s job center, Beth found a job as a personal assistant for a wellknown British company located near Piccadilly Circus. Sarah worked for the British Consulate. Beth boasts about the organization, “BUNAC is a great opportunity for young women to explore the world while working and really living in foreign countries.” In fact, Eta Alpha sisters were so impressed with how much Beth enjoyed the program that five signed on for summer and fall placement. During her six-month stay in London, Beth traveled to Amsterdam, Ireland, Wales, France, Italy and Egypt. “From Europe, travel is so accessible and so inexpensive,” she says. “Most employers are more than happy to give time off to travel. Mine even bought me travel guides to a couple of the countries I visited. European employers perceive travel and vacations differently than those in the U.S.; they see it as a necessary part of being young.” Beth believes traveling “opens the scope of what you are capable of, what the world is capable of … because you are seeing it all for yourself.” “I am an American first and foremost, but we all came from somewhere else,” she says. “In Egypt, I saw where architecture was born; in Paris, style and art. It shows where America fits in the world stage. Would she do it again? “Absolutely!” says Beth. Although she would be more likely to work abroad again in Western Europe, she says her next travel destination is Thailand.
“In college, we always talked during recruitment about Alpha Phi as an international organization and how it attracted great women from across North America. The way I felt about Alpha Phi was magnified when I walked through that door.”
Beth rides a camel in Cairo, Egypt. The Great Pyramids of Giza are in the background.
For more information on BUNAC, visit www.bunac.org or call 1.800.GOBUNAC. Or Beth says feel free to contact her at eabraun50@hotmail.com. PAGE FIVE
Alpha Phi-Sponsored Travel Alpha Phi International sponsors and receives a portion of the revenue from each of the following trips. For details about trips on this page, visit www.alphaphi.org or contact Alpha Phi’s marketing department at 847.475.0663.
Essential Europe for Recent Graduates
Young Alumnae Tour Program to Italy
June 30-July 24, 2002 Special Land Price: $2,389
July 18-29, 2002 Land Price: $1,449; single room supplement $325
AESU Alumni World Travel offers this special tour of Europe especially to Alpha Phi graduating seniors. The 25day trip begins with an overnight flight to “Merry Old England” and visits a total of 11 countries. France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Italy, Vatican City and Greece are highlighted stops.
This program has been specially designed to meet the needs of Alpha Phi’s younger alumnae and offer an amazing itinerary that will take you to Italy’s most treasured cities! Visit some of the most important sites in world history, as well as seeing the ‘sunny’ side of this most picturesque country. Rome, Venice, Florence, Sorrento and The Isle of Capri are highlights of this special young alumnae tour. You will also travel to Pompeii, the ancient buried city and Milan, the center of European fashion. We’re certain this is an experience you will never forget. You will be able to relax, unwind and enjoy the sights and sounds of Italy and all of its wonders.
Village Life in England’s Cotswolds Sept. 1-9, 2002 All-inclusive: $2,495; single room supplement $325 Village Life in England’s Cotswolds is one in a unique series of programs designed for inveterate travelers who know the vibrant character of a country is best found in the provinces, on the backroads, around the local market squares. It offers you a cultural and educational experience like no other. The tour focuses on what has been known for centuries as “the heart of England.” Here, you will come to know everyday life in the 16th and 17th century wolds. You will learn about the culture and history of the Cotswolds with a program of lectures, meetings with local residents and exclusive guided tours of historical monuments. By special arrangement, Lord Charles Spencer-Churchill (Sir Winston Churchill’s cousin) will greet participants during an exclusive early opening of Britain’s grandest private residence, Blenheim Palace. You will stroll the same boulevards in Bath that Jane Austen, Beau Nash and Thomas Gainsborough once strode; and walk in the footsteps of scholars, artists and wits in the quadrangles of Oxford University. This is the perfect time to celebrate England’s hallowed institutions, during the Jubilee Year of Queen Elizabeth II’s reign! This is a truly distinctive program.
The Magic Light of Florence and Tuscany Sept. 12-20, 2002 Land price: $2,995; single room supplement $395 Optional Venice extension Sept. 20-25: $1,595; single room supplement $325 Join us in Tuscany – the birthplace of the Renaissance. Imagine a small region that can claim Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Galileo, Dante and Botticelli as its native sons! Florence, where the Renaissance began, is the capital of Tuscany – a living museum of art and culture. We will explore its streets, plazas and great works of art and architecture in the company of excellent guides. A short drive outside Florence transports us into the beautiful Tuscan countryside. We’ll stay in Chianti, among the best-preserved landscapes in Italy, some virtually unchanged since they were depicted by artists five hundred years ago. The region has large areas of woodlands, interspersed with vineyards and dotted with medieval towns high on hills and ridges. An optional five-day visit to Venice, with a side trip to Burano, is planned after the main trip.
Alpha Phi and University of Chicago Graham School Programs
Oxford-Chicago Program
Alpha Phi partners this year with the University of Chicago’s Graham School to offer the following exceptional educational travel opportunities. U. of Chicago provides royalties to Alpha Phi for each member and non-member who signs up through the Fraternity. Please note that enrollments are limited and will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. For details about Graham School trips, visit www.alphaphi.org or contact Alpha Phi’s marketing department at 847.475.0663.
July 22-Aug.10, 2002 $4,500 non-credit tuition; $5,900 credit tuition. Registration/refund/full tuition payment deadline: May 15, 2002.
New York Theater Tour May 23-26, 2002 Special land price: $1,450 per person (double occupancy); $1,800 for single occupancy. Registration/cancellation/full tuition payment deadline: April 13, 2002. Join us for an adventure to New York’s famed theater district and experience the plays before they win a Tony. We’ll see four of the most talked-about onand off-Broadway shows and enjoy stimulating discussions with artists active in New York’s theater scene. Accommodations are in the heart of Manhattan at the historic Algonquin Hotel, home of the famed Algonquin Round Table where writers and critics have congregated for the last 80 years. Our guide is Curt Columbus, artistic associate at Steppenwolf Theater Company, artistic director of Chicago Theater by the Lake and in Chicago theater for more than a decade.
Turkey: The Architectural Gifts of the Ages May 31-June 16, 2002 $4,000; single room supplement $365. Registration/refund/full payment deadline: April 15, 2002. Join University of Chicago Middle Eastern Studies Expert Dr. Hakan Ozoglu on our Turkish adventure this May and trace the influence of the magnificent civilizations of Turkey through the architectural treasures they left behind. We will visit and study architectural sites spanning the entire recorded history of Anatolia — Hittite, Classical, Byzantine, Seljuk, Ottoman and Republican.
Oxford, England, with its ancient history and medieval setting, is a fascinating place for any tourist. But to experience Oxford as a scholar, living and working within the cloistered halls of its university, is truly extraordinary. In this joint program of the University of Oxford and The University of Chicago you may choose from a variety of small-group tutorial courses on English art, history, architecture or music, either for personal enjoyment or for academic credit. Christ Church is one of the premier colleges of the University of Oxford. Refounded in 1546 by King Henry VIII with the dual function of college and cathedral, it serves that unique role to this day. Participants live as students of Christ Church, residing in the quadrangles.
Call Cindy Rutz at 773.834.0158 with questions about the Oxford Program.
An African Eclipse Safari Nov. 28-Dec. 13, 2002 $7,295 Registration/refund/full payment deadline: April 15, 2002. Venture into the timeless heart of Africa: Botswana, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. Visit the powerful Victoria Falls, discovered and named more than a century ago by Dr. David Livingston. Explore remote game paradises in Chobe Game Park in Botswana and Kruger National Park, South Africa. On Dec. 4, 2002, Alpha Phis will have the opportunity to marvel at one of nature’s greatest wonders: a total solar eclipse. Travelers will be taken behind the scenes to see some of the conservation work done by the trip’s co-sponsor and one of the United States’ most outstanding zoos, Brookfield Zoo. The impressive team of experts features astronomer Dr. Douglas Duncan, University of Chicago, and Dr. Mike Briggs, Brookfield Zoo. Dr. Briggs has spent years studying the ecology of large predators in Southern Africa including lions, leopards, cheetahs and hyenas. Dr. Duncan is known throughout the U.S. for presentation of astronomy and is a regular commentator on National Public Radio station WBEZ in Chicago. He has lead eight eclipse expeditions. A total eclipse is a sight the fortunate see during their lifetime, and the chance to see this eclipse combined with the fascination of Africa makes this an extraordinary experience. An optional pre-excursion to the South African Astronomical Observatory near Sutherland and post-trip extension to the Okavango Delta, Botswana, are planned as well.
t ra i n i n g
2002 Regional Leadership Conferences
❶ Northeast Regional Conference participants take a break from networking.
❷ Mother and daughter, Karla Hardy-Allford (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) and Betty Jo Ferraro Fuller (AΛ) enjoy the South Central Regional Leadership Conference.
❸ Collegiate leaders and advisers from the Southeast region get pepped up during a recruitment workshop.
❹ National Panhellenic Conference Chairman Sally McCall Grant (Γ-DePauw) presents a workshop about NPC during the Pacific Northwest/Southwest Regional Conference in Los Angeles.
More than 1,000 Alpha Phis arrived by airplane and automobile — some traveling as many as 1,000 miles. The February 2002 Regional Leadership Conferences drew chapter advisers and executive council members from each of Alpha Phi’s 143 collegiate chapters across North America. The women joined together to develop and improve skills necessary to direct their chapters. In addition, regions invited alumnae to attend the annual conferences, some holding special receptions in their honor. Representatives from the International Executive Board, Alpha Phi Foundation, educational leadership consultants, alumnae volunteers and Executive Office staff were on hand as well, assisting with presentations and answering questions. The three-day conferences addressed individual chapter training needs in addition to issues specific to each of the Fraternity’s eight regions. Attendees concentrated on developing skills related to leadership, risk management, finance, scholarship and governance. Roundtable discussions were held to investigate current topics affecting chapters. “Regional teams and staff had the opportunity to meet chapter advisers and collegians from each chapter in their region. This one-on-one interaction
INTERESTED IN BECOMING MORE ACTIVE IN YOUR REGION? Volunteers are needed to work at and help plan 2003 Regional Conferences. For more information, contact the Executive Office at 847.475.0663 or e-mail training@alphaphi.org.
NEW PROGRAMMING Alpha Phi’s department of training & development rolled out new or revised programs at each conference:
Anti-hazing: updated program that seeks to incorporate the best of Hazing 101 and address chapter and individual member liability for hazing behavior. Officer Transition: newly revised manual. Each section has been expanded to provide a detailed overview and foundation for each step in this important leadership process. New Member Orientation: newly designed facilitation guide. It still includes the same outstanding information and tips, with certain resource information changed to reflect updated policies and procedures. Resource Guide: new this year, the guide lists valuable Web site references for researching everything from study tips to eating disorders.
provides for the sharing necessary for our collegiate chapters to succeed,” says Director of Training and Development Denise Jung Reens (E -Northern Illinois). This is the fourth year conferences have been organized in the regional format. It is the first time two regions, Pacific Northwest and Southwest, combined to host a conference. According to Pacific Northwest Regional Manager Shana Goss Smith (V-Montana), “Everything went very well. We were
❶ Tracy Rackauskas (AΛ), Jamie
Thank you to the volunteers who served as Regional Conference planners MID-ATLANTIC: Kim Larsen Watson (O-Missouri) and June Collins Herron (∆Φ-Indiana U. of Pennsylvania) NORTH CENTRAL MIDWEST: Colleen Sirhal (Θ-Michigan and HM-Marquette), Gina Catalona Hoener (E∆Northern Illinois) and Brandi Baumgartner (∆Θ-Western Michigan) NORTHEAST: Tanya McGinn (Y-Washburn) PACIFIC NORTHWEST: Shana Goss Smith (X-Montana) SOUTH CENTRAL: Linda Boon DeFee (ΓI-Texas Tech), Nonie Barrett Lowry (ZA-Eastern Illinois) and Marcia Brehm McIntyre (ZA-Eastern Illinois) SOUTHEAST: Liz Lord-Hannum (HΠ-Richmond) and Debra Nardi Myer (HΛ-George Mason)
Grant ( -DePauw) is 2001-03 NPC chairman (see Winter 2002 Quarterly). Also at each conference, the Alpha Phi Foundation sponsored a philanthropy recruitment event. In collaboration with the Fraternity, they unveiled Ideas from the Heart, a guide to help chapters plan successful philanthropy recruitment events (see Foundation, page 34). The new seminars and special training were a winning combination, according to Fraternity Executive Director Pamela J. Wilcox. “Participants take home with them skills that will not only help them become better and more efficient leaders but will carry over to help them in their professional and personal lives – well beyond college,” she says. “While regions and times change, Alpha Phi’s core values stay the same and can be applied to all aspects of personal growth.”
SOUTHWEST: Lindsay Wiggins (BΠ-USC)
Sevenz Marshall (ZΞ-Elmhurst) and Tonya Quick Dickson (EBButler) attend a reception sponsored by area alumnae chapters in the North Central Midwest region. Each chapter was assigned a room and alumnae circulated to the various events in each, with prizes awarded at the end of the evening. Tracy was initiated as an alumna during the conference.
❷ Upper Midwest conference attendees participate in a trust exercise.
❸ The skills learned and improved upon during Regional Leadership Conferences are beneficial well beyond college. ❹ Sisters enjoy the MidAtlantic Regional Conference, held in Gaithersburg, Md.
UPPER MIDWEST: Jan Brinker Schaeffer (BO-Bowling Green State)
able to share the planning, operation and costs of the conference, and at the same time, remain focused on the specific needs of the chapters in both regions.” Some regions incorporated awards presentations, initiation and ritual discussions, alumnae initiation ceremonies, Phi Market and alumnae educational sessions. Most highlighted special speakers or presenters. A new session incorporated into all conferences this year discussed the history of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC). NPC celebrates its centennial anniversary this year, and the occasion is special to Alpha Phi because past International President and past Foundation Chair Sally McCall
Four British Columbia (BΘ) chapter officers drove from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, to stay with sisters at UCLA (B∆) and USC (BΠ) prior to the combined Pacific Northwest/Southwest Regional Conference. Since they were making the trip for the conference, they figured they would enjoy some of Los Angeles as well.
Interested in a Travel Career? Most professionals in the industry will admit it’s their passion for travel and the free or discounted travel associated with their jobs that drew them to the industry. According to Alpha Phi’s official travel agent Kim Pease Criscuolo ( I-Texas Tech) (see Travel Phi-ver, page 2) the field is not always as “glamorous” as it appears. But she says if you can handle a relatively low paying entry-level position, occasional long hours and challenging situations that often arise, you’ll find a job with unlimited opportunities that you’ll love. START YOUR TRAVEL CAREER SEARCH WITH THE FOLLOWING RESOURCES: American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) 800.275.2782 www.astanet.com Cruise Lines International Association 212.921.0066 www.cruising.org Hospitality Jobs Online (includes links to hospitality schools, career tools, job listings) www.hotel-jobs.com International Association of Convention & Visitor Bureaus 202.296.7888 www.iacvb.org Travel Industry Association of America 202.408.8422 www.tia.org World Tourism Organization www.world-tourism.org World Travel and Tourism Council www.wttc.org
An industry on the go According to a 2001 World Travel and Tourism Council report, travel and tourism will create more than 5 million jobs per year over the next decade. These jobs are dispersed among the following sectors: airlines/transport; conferences and conventions; arts and culture; hotels, food and beverage; ecotourism; outdoor recreation and ancillary services associated with tourism. Those entering travel today will find a trend toward consolidation, so Kim suggests checking out larger corporations for opportunities. She also says to take into consideration new developments in Internet technology. Accessing and planning travel from one’s personal computer is increasingly popular; great for the consumer and for those employed by Internet-based travel companies, but competition for travel agents. Requirements Required schooling for travel positions varies depending on the sector and level of employment you seek. Vocational schools, colleges and universities offer travel-related courses of study that lead many to successful careers. For example, Kim says if one chooses to enter the field as a travel agent, it has become increasingly important to possess such training. Kim received her undergraduate degree in business, but later attended a travel academy. According to Kim, “Like any industry, it is difficult to walk in the door without experience. And it is difficult to get the experience until you land that first job.”
Kim says even after her travel schooling, she started her career by delivering tickets, and began work as an agent less than a year later. In addition to schooling, general characteristics are important in this service industry: interpersonal skills, cultural sensitivity and awareness, and flexibility. Career changers When sisters need change, it seems they turn to travel. As with Kim, the trend among many who responded to the Quarterly’s query for travel Phis was receiving an undergraduate degree in a nontravel field and changing to a travel career later. Barb Gaasedelen (E-Minnesota) graduated with a degree in journalism, worked in television news for 11 years, became a travel agent for four years, then landed a job as an instructor for a computer reservations system. She travels around the country and abroad training travel agents how to use the system. Beth Collier ( -DePauw) made the decision while still in college. The pre-law major spent a semester studying in London and traveling Europe. “I decided law school could wait. I love traveling!” She is a tour director for Ambassadair Travel Club, a private travel club that runs about 600 trips per year out of Indianapolis, Ind. Both women agree it’s never too late to change your career path, especially to something you are passionate about. Perks Ingrid Gluck (FB-Loyola Marymount) has worked for Princess Cruises™ since 1991, currently as the company’s senior communications analyst. She says even with the challenges of the industry, the travel perks make it worthwhile: “I’ve had the fortune to travel around the world as a result of my employment,” she says. “My experiences have been rewarding, and I would not trade them for anything!” Editor’s Note: Kim Criscuolo is employed by Canyon Creek Travel, a full service travel agency based in Richardson, Texas.
Board Announces Fraternity’s Strategic Direction for 2002-04 The planning process… The International Executive Board (IEB) strives to build on previous Boards’ efforts to take the Fraternity to the next level of excellence. Your IEB and those that follow derive their mission from Alpha Phi’s Vision for the 21st Century, and during each biennium a new planning process takes place under the umbrella of this vision. With the planning process recently behind it, the IEB is happy to unveil the core elements of past and new plans to you. They include: • A Strategic Direction, the overarching objectives the IEB sets that reflect the desires of Alpha Phi members. • Fiscal Year Strategies and Goals, the plan to implement the Strategic Direction that is created by staff and volunteers under the direction of the executive director and oversight of the IEB. The Strategic Direction is the culmination of more than a year’s worth of Board work including: listening to members, reviewing the Constitution, the Ritual and the Strategic Plan, wading through survey results from the 1996 strategic planning process and a 1999 follow-up survey, and inquiring of other governance organizations. It describes the outcomes that members want and will receive from Alpha Phi. Outline of the Strategic Direction Alpha Phi International Fraternity provides an environment in which its members can experience a sense of belonging and enjoy success in sisterhood. Accordingly: I. There will be clarity about the fundamental values of the Fraternity experience. Alpha Phi seeks excellence through • womanhood (pride in self, humanity) • scholarship (intellectual curiosity and passion for lifelong learning) • service (contributing citizens of the world) A. Chapters will be aware of the value framework within which they are expected to operate with regard to the following: 1. membership recruitment 2. member experiences • personal integrity • academic achievement • education about Alpha Phi history • philanthropy and service 3. safety and risk management 4. the consequences of non-compliance B. Members will be informed of the obligations and benefits of lifetime membership including volunteer opportunities.
II. Chapters will have the capability to serve their members. A. Chapter leaders will be provided with the necessary tools to gain expertise in the following: 1. membership recruitment 2. chapter operations including but not limited to: • finance • risk management • crisis management • membership education and retention 3. leadership and interpersonal skills B. Chapters will have the resources and materials necessary for success: 1. membership recruitment and retention tools 2. marketing and public relations strategies 3. programming 4. safe and competitive housing and/or meeting facilities
III. The public image of the Fraternity will attract and retain members. A. Women will wish to be part of this prestigious organization. B. Alpha Phis will be perceived as highly capable women. C. Universities will regard Alpha Phi International as a constructive partner.
IV. Members will have access to information that enables them to be informed about and connected to Alpha Phi and each other.
The Board wants to hear from you Over the next six months, the IEB will seek member input on the Strategic Direction. Feedback gathering began during Regional Conferences in February, at which Board members discussed the Strategic Direction and conducted a short survey of collegiate members. Alumnae present also had the opportunity to provide feedback. The IEB also plans to host travelling Coffee Connections – a series of informal discussions over coffee and sweets, to hear what local members have to say about the Fraternity’s future. The discussions, held throughout chapter cities, are intended to bring together Alpha Phi members with their Board to gain feedback. The first Alpha Phi Coffee Connection takes place in conjunction with the IEB’s April meeting in Evanston. In addition, there will be an opportunity to offer your input on the Strategic Direction at Convention 2002, during a town hall meeting hosted by both incoming and outgoing IEB members. In the meantime, please feel free to contact any IEB director to discuss this plan. SPRING 2002
alumnae dues
o Re conn
Alpha Phi is part of you. Membership gives you incredible friendships, amazing
leadership skills and lifetime support. Those opportunities are available to you and to a
h Alpha P
continuous stream of new members because alumnae support the Fraternity by paying their International Alumnae Dues. Paying your 2001-2002 International Alumnae Dues is one way to thank Alpha Phi for all she’s given you. It’s also a way to positively affect the future of other Alpha Phis and ensure that meaningful experiences and opportunities continue. Paying your dues supports an organization that provides wonderful lifelong memories. How do I pay? Paying your dues has never been easier. Select from three methods: • Send a check for $21.29 U.S. ($20.00 dues plus $1.29 for Founders’ Day pennies) or $32.62 Canadian payable to Alpha Phi International to Alumnae Services, Alpha Phi International, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. • Call 847.316.8940 and we’ll process your dues payment over the telephone. • Pay online at www.alphaphi.org/alumnae_info/dues.html. Please remember to pay your local alumnae chapter dues separately. Don’t delay. Reconnect with your sisters and ensure the future of Alpha Phi! Pay your 2001-2002 International Alumnae Dues today! This is not a tax-deductible contribution.
Northeast Region BOSTON, MASS. A Founders’ Day brunch in October marked Boston alumnae chapter’s first fundraiser of the year, with proceeds benefiting the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Members raised more than $1,000 by participating in a 13-mile walk for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute’s Jimmy Fund. A Toys for Tots® collection and holiday event concluded the year. The chapter’s fall newsletter was mailed to more than 700 local alumnae, and its e-mail list kept sisters in the loop about events. E-mail APhi_AlumnaeBoston-subscribe@yahoogroups.com to join the e-mail list. Some members traveled to Providence, R.I., in February to attend the Northeast regional conference’s alumnae reception (see Regional Conferences, page 8). The evening provided an opportunity to mingle with sisters from the region and meet local, regional and international VIPs. Boston Phis also
enjoyed a wine tasting at Christy Hefflon Yeager’s (ΘK-Rochester) home in February. Several Bentley (ZP) alumnae had plans in April to attend the chapter’s 20th anniversary celebration in Wakefield (see Bulletin Board, page 36). Boston sisters are creating a Web site and welcome suggestions at rainah911@yahoo.com. –Joyce Brady Bean (ZP-Bentley) BOSTON CONTACT:
Raina Huebner (I∆-Rhode Island) rainah911@yahoo.com 617.629.7891
SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY October brought Southern New Jersey alumnae two reasons to celebrate: Founders’ Day and the chapter’s 30th anniversary. Members met at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pa., on Oct. 20, enjoyed the beautiful exhibits and reminisced over brunch. The special guest of honor was June Collins Herron
(∆Φ-Indiana U. of Pennsylvania), Mid-Atlantic region alumnae membership coordinator. –Lisa Eng (HH-Seton Hall) SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY CONTACT:
Lisa Eng (HH-Seton Hall) lisaeng@erols.com 856.854.4133
BUFFALO, N.Y. After everyone dug out from the more than seven feet of snow that blanketed the area during the holidays, Buffalo alumnae gathered in January to ice skate at a downtown outdoor ice rink and enjoyed dinner at a nearby restaurant. Two women who had previously met through work discovered their shared affiliation during the event. Chapter President Tracey Rosenthal Drury (ΘE-SUNY/Buffalo) is a reporter for a local business journal and knew Lynsey Zimdahl (A-Syracuse), a local AmeriCorps*VISTA volunteer, because of a story she wrote. When Tracey called alumnae to invite them to the ice skating
❶ event she came across Lynsey’s name. The situation was a great icebreaker for the pair. In February, sisters helped with SUNY/Buffalo’s (ΘE) formal recruitment and enjoyed a Buffalo Sabres hockey game from a luxury suite. Other events included a happy hour in March and a progressive wine and dessert night planned for April. Silver Sisters (most who have been members for more than 50 years) hold monthly luncheons. For more information about the chapter, visit www.geocities.com/alphaphibuffalum/. –Tracey Rosenthal Drury (ΘE-SUNY/Buffalo) BUFFALO CONTACT:
Tracey Rosenthal Drury (ΘE-SUNY/Buffalo) tbdrury2@aol.com 716.731.6420
NYC METRO, N.Y. An online book discussion of Edith Wharton’s House of Mirth attracted several NYC Metro alumnae. If the next book’s (Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri) online discussion is as well attended, members will meet in person for future book reviews. Valentine Phi-ver, the most recent “happy hour,” was held at the trendy New York hot spot, Light, on Feb. 7. Proceeds from the event benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. Vice President of Programming Alisa Vitti (ZOΛJohns Hopkins) led an interesting discussion entitled “Sugar Blues and Cravings,” a holistic/alternativebased approach to examining and controlling eating habits. Due to the success of the event, alumnae will schedule new lectures every few months. For more information on the chapter, visit www.nycalphaphi.org. –Bonnie Lestz (∆-Cornell) NYC METRO CONTACT:
Tammy Skuraton (A-Syracuse) tammy@lkinc.com 212.265.3631 x105
❷ RHODE ISLAND Rhody Phis kicked off 2002 with a “happy hour” at a local restaurant and a Super Bowl shindig. In February, sisters attended the Northeast regional conference’s alumnae reception in Providence, R.I. Alumnae and collegians enjoyed meeting and sharing ideas and experiences. Other spring events included attending a Providence Bruins hockey game, an evening at the Comedy Connection, “happy hours” and a cooking class with a local professional chef. Check out the chapter’s Web site, www.RhodyPhis.com, to stay involved. All Rhode Island alumnae are encouraged to join. –Amanda Cunningham Cote (EΩΛ-Texas A&M)
❸ ❶ SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY (From left) Elizabeth Fonda Wiltshire (A-Syracuse) and Margaret Calder Griest (BΠ-USC) receive 50-year pins from the Southern New Jersey alumnae chapter during a Founders’ Day celebration.
❷ BUFFALO, N.Y. Buffalo alumnae help the SUNY/Buffalo (ΘE) collegiate chapter during formal recruitment.
❸ HAWAII Hawaii alumnae pose next to a tropical waterfall in a Honolulu restaurant. Pictured are (from left) Jacque Thomas Law (Λ-UC/Berkeley), Mary Alice Baker Wetzel (T-Oregon), Connie Mayhall Mortara (T-Oregon), Mary Lynn Manuel Godfrey (B∆-UCLA), Shirley McKown (XMontana) and Ann Lloyd (X-Montana).
Kim Norton-O’Brien (ZP-Bentley) knorton_obrien@hotmail.com 401.884.3971
Pacific Northwest Region HAWAII
How Does
Alpha Phi Offer You Travel Opportunities as an Alumna? • Alpha Phi-Sponsored Trips (see page 6) • Convention 2002 (see information throughout this issue) • Regional Conferences (see page 8) • Educational Leadership Consultant Positions (see page 33)
The Hawaii chapter recognized 50-year members at a luncheon in a “kamaina” (local) restaurant in Honolulu. Alumnae held general meetings during Founders’ Day, the holidays and in late spring when collegiate scholarship winners were announced. Potluck board planning meetings were held throughout the year during months when general meetings were not. A holiday party included a silent auction annual fundraiser and a canned food and paper products collection for area families in need. –Sandy Flentje Kofel (∆Ψ-Wisconsin/Oshkosh) HAWAII CONTACT:
Sandy Flentje Kofel (∆Ψ-Wisconsin/Oshkosh) skofel@winnersatwork.org 808.395.1583
❶ ❶ AUSTIN AREA, TEXAS Austin area alumnae take time out of trick-or-treating to pose during Texas (Ω) chapter’s annual fall carnival. Pictured are (from left) Pam Rettew Curry with son Braden and daughter Alyssa, Laurie Miller McSorley with daughter Erin, Debbie Jensen Carver with son Justin and Melanie Kieke Pav with sons Jackson and Tyler (all women are Ω-Texas).
❷ DALLAS AND SUBURBAN, TEXAS Vice President of Programs Ashley Reaves reads a seasonal story during the Dallas and Suburban alumnae chapter’s holiday gift exchange.
❸ FORT WORTH, TEXAS Susan Stone, left, presents the 2001 Elizabeth Thompson Smith Award to North Texas (ΓH) collegian Jenna O’Brien during the Fort Worth alumnae chapter’s mother-daughter event.
Austin area alumnae donated more than 60 toys to the Travis County (Texas) Sherriff Brown Santa program thanks to their 4th annual holiday potluck dinner, toy donation and ornament exchange. Fall activities included a Bunko game night and a Discovery Toys® party. Spring events include dinner with the local Texas (Ω) collegiate chapter and a Mexican potluck dinner and game night. The year’s final event is a Round Rock Express baseball game and pre-game tailgate party. –Melanie Kieke Pav (Ω-Texas)
Dallas alumnae supported breast cancer awareness by participating in the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation’s Race for the Cure® in October. The chapter raised $1,200 for the Alpha Phi Foundation with sales of wonderful-smelling Home Interiors and Gifts® candles, organized by Vice President of Philanthropy Dee Smith Spurlock (∆B-Texas A&M/Commerce). In November, Lynn Clements Soutter (ZN-Texas Christian) hosted a trunk show and tea party at a local accessory and gift shop. December found alumnae celebrating the holidays with a gift exchange, hosted by President Michele Hurley Quiroga (Φ-Oklahoma). A mother-daughter dessert party in early January was a fun opportunity to introduce local collegians to
Melanie Kieke Pav (Ω-Texas) melpav@austin.rr.com 512.244.0159
South Central Region
Alpha Phis throughout the St. Louis metropolitan area mourn the death of St. Louis Gateway alumna Mary Lou Belz O’Neal (BT-Indiana). She passed away Nov. 14, 2001, following a brief illness from complications of cancer. According to alumna Mary Ellen Shelton Brucker (K-Stanford), “In the past 50 years, no St. Louis Alpha Phi has been more active in alumnae affairs or served the Fraternity with more energy and effectiveness.” Mary Lou is a former alumnae chapter president, Missouri (O) house corporation board president and Missouri recommendations chairman. She organized the alumnae chapter’s February Have a Heart lollipop sales fundraiser for more than 15 years, raising thousands of dollars for the St. Louis Children’s Hospital cardiology department. She attended annual St. Louis Heart Association Heart Parties for pediatric heart patients for nearly three decades. She was key in the establishment Mary Lou O’Neal of the Southern Illinois University/Edwardsville (EΞ) collegiate chapter. For her service, she received Alpha Phi’s Michaelanean Award in 1974. “Mary Lou always worked to strengthen bonds between her Alpha Phi sisters. She was the glue that held many St. Louis Alpha Phis together,” says Mary Ellen. “She gave the same cheerful and devoted energy to her family, her church and her many friends. Few members were more loyal or devoted to Alpha Phi and its values, and she returned them in full measure to all she touched. We are richer for her life.” –Mary Ellen Shelton Brucker (K-Stanford)
Oklahoma City alumnae hosted a photography lesson in May at the Oklahoma City (∆∆) chapter room. Members attended an Oklahoma RedHawks minor league baseball game in August. Alumnae helped area collegiate chapters with fall recruitment; both Delta Delta and Cameron (ΘP) pledged quota, and Theta Rho doubled its size. In September, alumnae held a Creative Memories® scrapbooking party and participated for a second year in the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation’s Race for the Cure®. Founders’ Day was celebrated Oct. 13 with the Tulsa alumnae chapter and area collegiate chapters. Other events included a lesson on financial planning and a holiday party and ornament exchange. –Beth Anderson (Φ-Oklahoma) OKLAHOMA CITY CONTACT:
Beth Anderson (Φ-Oklahoma) banders@flash.net 405.364.0263 PAGE FOURTEEN
Editor’s Note: Several sisters made gifts in Mary Lou’s memory to the Alpha Phi Foundation’s Forget-Me-Not Fund.
Ne w alumnae chapters
Alpha Phi International is delighted to announce alumnae chapters and ivy connections are forming in the following areas:
❸ the alumnae chapter. The event was held at Danna Morguloff Hayden’s (ΓH-North Texas) home and hosted by Carol Robnette McQueary (ΓH-North Texas), Shannon Baskins Burton (ΓH-North Texas) and Luann Brennan Bruster (ΓH-North Texas). The chapter’s newsletter was compiled by Courtney Lehrmann Schnell (EΩΛ-Texas A&M). Spring events include a Mardi Gras party, the annual Grape Escape wine auction, a Hawaiian luau, Kentucky Derby hats on parade, a book review and an annual rummage sale fundraiser planned by Vice President of Programs Ashley Reaves (EΩΛ-Texas A&M) and Arrangements Chair Amy Gavigan (EΩ-Texas A&M). For up-to-date chapter information, visit www.geocities.com/sys113. –Staci Stephenson (Φ-Oklahoma) DALLAS AND SUBURBAN CONTACT:
Michele Hurley Quiroga (Φ-Oklahoma) Michele_hurley@starkey.com 214.328.6901
FAR NORTH DALLAS AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES, TEXAS The Far North Dallas and Surrounding Counties alumnae chapter was chartered in July 2001, and members held their first official meeting in September. By January, they had grown to almost 50 members. Founders’ Day 2001 found members joining in the celebrations of five other alumnae chapters and four collegiate chapters. In November, the chapter donated more than 70 pounds of food to the Dallas Food Bank. In December, toys were collected and donated to the local Toys for Tots® program. –Robyn McCormac Green (∆B-Texas A&M/Commerce) FAR NORTH DALLAS AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES CONTACT:
Karla Hardy-Allford (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) Kallford@swbell.net 972.624.0686
Terre Haute
Fort Collins
Cedar Rapids
El Paso Mission/Rio Grande Valley Wichita Falls
Germany London
Metro East Edwardsville Oklahoma City Evansville
Bay Bridge
San Antonio
Monmouth/Ocean County
Alpha Phi seeks alumnae who are interested in forming alumnae chapters and ivy connections in the following areas: Pasadena, Calif. Eugene, Ore. Salem, Ore. Columbia, S.C. Please contact Alison Tibbits (I∆-Rhode Island) at atibbits@alphaphi.org if you are interested in starting or getting involved in a chapter in your area.
Congratulations to the following alumnae chapters for recently receiving their charters! GREATER GREENSBORO (N.C.) Chartered: Oct. 9, 2001 Chapter president: Stacy Poindexter (EΦΛ-NC State) E-mail: stacy.poindexter@ mba.wfu.edu
INLAND EMPIRE (CALIF.) Chartered: Nov. 29, 2001 Chapter president: Iwona Luczkiewicz Contreras (HBCSU/San Bernardino) E-mail: iwonam2000@yahoo.com
MONTEREY BAY (CALIF.) Chartered: Oct. 16, 2001 Chapter president: Alice Schmitt LeFebvre (Λ-UC/Berkeley) E-mail: alicelefebvre@earthlink.net
WINTER PARK/ORLANDO (FLA.) Chartered: March 5, 2002 Chapter President: Sharon Pruter Sanders (B∆-UCLA) E-mail: sanders5756@msn.com
Members of the newly organized Inland Empire alumnae chapter gather during the fall. Pictured are (back, from left) Melissa Johnson (EY-CSU/Northridge), Iwona Luczkiewicz Contreras, Jenny Hagstrom, (front, from left) Diana Ernst, Kristen Ferron, Jennifer Gamez, Erin Zubieta Williams, Stephanie Crossey and Marcie Balderas (all HB-CSU/San Bernardino).
Long Beach alumnae join CSU/Long Beach (ΓK) collegians, parents and other local alumnae for a dinner in October. Pictured are (from left) Alumnae Chapter President Ellie Johnson, Gamma Kappa Chapter Adviser Lori Hirsch Stokoe (BA-Illinois), Foundation Traveling Consultant Kristin Tomala, Gamma Kappa Vice President of Programs Kelli Jonkey, CSU/Long Beach President Dr. Robert Maxson and Gamma Kappa President Christina Stein.
Members of Ashland and Cleveland East alumnae chapters meet at the gravesite of Founder Elizabeth Grace Hubbel Shults in recognition of Founders’ Day in October.
Cleveland East alumnae create bookmarks focusing on cardiac care during a January meeting.
account of Washington, D.C., based on her experience on Capitol Hill. The November meeting, held at Myrika Morris Tyler’s (ΓH-North Texas) home, included an ornament exchange with North Texas (ΓH) collegians and a presentation by Lynn DeLemos Gross (∆∆Oklahoma City). In January, members held the annual motherdaughter dessert, silent auction and fashion show at Mira Vista Country Club in Fort Worth. Susan Stone and her committee of Ann Shelp Coburn (ZN-Texas Christian), Diann Prater Cook (ZK-Southwest Texas State) and Shelly Hoger Parks (ΓH-North Texas) organized the event, and proceeds benefited Texas collegians and the John Peter Smith Hospital’s Alpha Phi McFerrin Golden Stethoscope Award. The 2001 Elizabeth Thompson Smith Award, announced at the mother-daughter event, went to Jenna O’Brien (ΓHNorth Texas). Visit the chapter’s Web site at www.angelfire.com/ tx4/aphi. –Louise Florey Reid (ΓI-Texas Tech) FORT WORTH CONTACT:
Susan Stone (ZN-Texas Christian) apeyrefitt@aol.com 817.921.9822
Southwest Region FORT WORTH, TEXAS Fort Worth alumnae held a recruitment party at the home of Susan Stone (ZN-Texas Christian) in September. In October, they joined Metroplex alumnae to celebrate Founders’ Day at La Cima Club in Las Colinas. A 50-year pin was presented to Linda Dorris Strassburger (Ω-Texas), and Janice Coughlin (ΘK-Rochester) gave a behind the scenes
INLAND EMPIRE, CALIF. Inland Empire alumnae held their first meeting in October, and events have been non-stop since. From dinners out to get-togethers at sisters’ homes, the women continue to meet on a monthly basis. Those living in the Inland Empire area are encouraged to join. –Iwona Luczkiewicz Contreras (HB-CSU/San Bernardino)
Iwona Luczkiewicz Contreras (HBCSU/San Bernardino) iwonam2000@yahoo.com 909.864.3121
LONG BEACH, CALIF. Long Beach alumnae co-hosted two successful events with CSU/Long Beach (ΓK) collegians in October. A Founders’ Day potluck allowed 20 alumnae an opportunity to visit the newly renovated chapter house and witness a lovely candlelight ceremony led by collegians in the chapter’s backyard. Alumna Charlotte Covelli Goforth (BΠ-USC) shared some of her custom calligraphy work during a chapter meeting. Her business, Covelli Designs, features personalized cards, invitations, letterhead and announcements. A second event was a dinner at the CSU/LB student union, catered by alumna Sophia Marinos Riley (ΓK-CSU/Long Beach). The event brought together more than 130 collegians, parents and alumnae for an evening program keynoting CSU/LB President Dr. Robert Maxson and Foundation Traveling Consultant Kristin Tomala (ZΞ-Elmhurst).
Attention Quarterly Correspondents To ensure quality reproduction, if you are submitting digital photos to the Quarterly please note the following requirements: • Original image must be 300 dpi. • A lower resolution image cannot be converted to 300 dpi for print. • Images must be at least 2” x 3”.
❸ President Ellie Johnson (B∆-UCLA) and Gamma Kappa President Christina Stein welcomed guests. Dr. Maxson spoke about his support for fraternities and sororities and challenged the audience to be alert to opportunities that present themselves - opportunities that will allow one to “express one’s unique potential.” Kristin stressed the importance of collegians’ philanthropic work on the Alpha Phi Foundation’s behalf. Last year, collegiate chapters raised more than $250,000 which supported cardiac research programs, offered graduate and undergraduate scholarships, recognized outstanding teaching on college campuses, helped women in crisis situations and funded innovative training and leadership opportunities. LONG BEACH CONTACT:
Ellie Johnson (B∆-UCLA) elliej@csulb.edu 562.985.4512
Upper Midwest Region ASHLAND, OHIO Ashland area and Cleveland East alumnae chapters gathered for a service of remembrance and lunch on Oct. 13, six years after the site marking Founder Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults’ (A-Syracuse) grave was dedicated. Cleveland East alumna Joan Norris Graham (BO-Bowling Green State) and a small committee spearheaded the fundraising for the marker in Lake View Cemetery, Cleveland Heights. –Ann Hathaway Beckert Schar (EA-Ashland)
CLEVELAND EAST, OHIO Cleveland East alumnae began the new year with a dinner and business meeting about cardiac care. The group had a great time editing and composing a heart bookmark with the theme “Beating for Life What you need to know to keep your heart beating for a healthy life.” The bookmarks will serve as educational references for the public about heart disease prevention and awareness. They will be distributed to hospitals, doctors’ offices and other medical buildings. –Rea Dawson Wedekamm (BI-West Virginia) CLEVELAND EAST CONTACT:
Ann Hathaway Beckert Schar (EA-Ashland) abassoc@richnet.net 429.281.2525
Rea Dawson Wedekamm (BI-West Virginia) Dawneedee@aol.com 440.729.9001
shine on sisterhood PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS Wednesday, June 26 Registration and Delegate Orientation Informal Welcome Dinner NPC 100th Birthday Celebration
JUNE 26-30
Thursday, June 27 Alpha Phi Marketplace Opens Opening Ceremonies Featured Speaker: Sachi Koto Networking Lunch
Featured Presenter: Erin Weed Concurrent Sessions/Tracks for Collegians, Advisers and Alumnae Individual and Chapter Awards Dinner Friday, June 28 Foundation Luncheon Court of Ivy Dinner Initiation Reception Honoring New Initiates
Saturday, June 29 Service of Remembrance Alumnae Awards Luncheon (Frances E. Willard, Ursa Major, Michaelanean) Training Sessions Installation of Officers Candlelight Banquet Sunday, June 30 Optional On/Off-Property Activities
Sister Supports Sept. 11 Efforts
Judge Honored by Ohio State Bar Magistrate Denise Herman McColley (BO-Bowling Green State and M-Miami University) of Napoleon, Ohio, is the 2001 recipient of the Ohio State Bar Foundation’s Public or Government Service Award for her significant contributions to the legal profession, the justice system and her community. Denise McColley Denise was honored at the Ohio State Bar Foundation’s annual meeting in November. Denise founded Napoleon’s Center for Child and Family Advocacy in 1983 and was instrumental in the establishment of the Northwestern Ohio Court Mediation Service Program. She is a founding member and president of the Napoleon High School Alumni Association, the Ohio State University Club of Henry-Defiance Counties and the Henry County Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (MRDD) Board.
Sayles Graphic Design (Des Moines, Iowa) co-owner Sheree Clark (A ) and business partner John Sayles spearheaded an art exhibition in December to benefit Sept. 11 relief efforts and promote pride in America. “Art Fights Back: An Exhibition and Benefit” is a collection of posters sketched by John and inspired by the terrorist attacks and the resulting spirit of American patriotism. Backed by 30 Des Moines-area communication companies and creative professionals, Sheree and John debuted the public exhibition of more than two dozen posters at Veterans Memorial Auditorium in Des Moines Dec. 7, 2001, the 60th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attacks. Fundraising efforts included silent auctions of framed, signed posters and the sale of reprints, limited-edition serigraphs, a show catalog and a postcard set. The three-day event raised more than $15,000 for relief efforts. Sheree and John are working with several groups to arrange a nationwide tour of the exhibit. For more information or to purchase merchandise, visit www.artfightsback.org.
She Coaches a Winning Team Madison Middle School (Albuquerque, N.M.) tennis coach Jo Shockman Hagel’s ( -North Dakota) squad won the Northern New Mexico Tennis Association Mid-School League’s coed championships. It was the school’s second consecutive win and third title overall, with a previous win in 1998. This is Jo’s eighth year as Madison Middle School coach. The North Dakota native has taught 36 years, several of those in Illinois. She is a past Albuquerque Area alumnae chapter president.
She Creates for the Community The work of Char Anderson Lees (BOBowling Green State) was featured in the Jan. 2, 2002, Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch. Her design was chosen out of 22 artists as the signature piece for the historic Harrison West neighborhood in Columbus. The sculptress created “Side by Side,” 10“Side by Side” is a Char Lees foot twin, creation. stainlesssteel towers decorated with symbols of the neighborhood, and the artwork was installed this fall. Char was quoted as saying, “I like the intimacy of the site. You’re right up close to the pieces when you’re in the park.” Char attempted to reflect the neighborhood’s character with cutouts in the towers that depict children at play, a man walking a dog, neighborhood rooftops, the downtown skyline and even an owl guarding the entrance to an old elementary school. Her selection was based on a jury of residents who first chose three artists to submit formal proposals, then more than 175 neighbors voted for Char’s design in January 2000.
Sayles Graphic Design artwork benefits Sept. 11 relief efforts and promotes pride in America.
Alumna Named Marketing Associate
Author‘s Latest Book Is “Dickensian”
Genevieve Johnsen (EQ-UC/Davis) is a
Children’s author Barbara “Bobbie” Brooks Wallace (B UCLA) has 23 books and numerous awards in her repertoire. Her latest book, Secret in St. Something (Atheneum $16.00, ISBN: 0689834640), is a mystery-adventure set in late-19th century New York about a boy trying to save his baby brother from their cruel stepfather. Reviewers have referred to it as “Dickensian.” Look for Miss Switch Online (Atheneum $16.00, ISBN: 0689843763), scheduled for release this spring. Peppermints in the Palace (Atheneum $16.00, ISBN: 0689850433), the long-awaited sequel to Peppermints in the Parlor, will be released in September 2002. Peppermints in the Parlor won the 1983 William Allen White Children’s Book Award. Bobbie has also received the Mystery Writers of America Edgar Award for The Twin in the Tavern (Aladdin Paperbacks; ISBN: 068980167X) and Sparrows in the Scullery (Atheneum; ISBN: 0689815859).
marketing & communications associate for Witeck-Combs Communications, Inc., in Washington, D.C. The corporation provides strategic public relations and marketing counsel and specializes in affinity marketing and issues management. Genevieve is active in UC/Davis’ Cal Aggie Alumni Association and volunteers for Food & Friends, supporting the Washington area HIV/AIDS community.
Alpha Phi Provides Link to Success Alison Ball Mankowski ( -Michigan) and Jessica Rappe ( O-Drake) are proof that sisterhood connections occur even after college and provide a foundation for career success. The Chicago marketing firm owners first met as copywriters and discovered their shared affiliation. After working on the same creative team for some time, the pair branched out on their own and launched Synergy Creative, Inc. in 1995. The Alpha Phi-led business has grown steadily every year and produces awardwinning print and marketing collateral. Synergy Creative’s list of services includes graphic design, copywriting, and print and mailing management. “Alpha Phi has remained an important thread in our business,” says Alison. “It’s funny … we’ve learned that some of our clients and colleagues are also Alpha Phis. We’ve built a network that has provided great support for our business over the years.”
Alison Mankowski, left, and Jessica Rappe
Elementary Principal Wins Top Honor Denise Dusek Potter ( I-Texas Tech), principal of Riverside Elementary, Carlsbad, N.M., was selected as a 2001 National Distinguished Principal by the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP). She is the only recipient from New Mexico, one of only 64 chosen nationwide and abroad. The honor included attending a Denise Potter two-day event in Washington, D.C., where she received her award during a black tie dinner. Denise has been principal since 1998.
Sister Heads University Relations Janet Murguia ( -Kansas) is the executive vice chancellor for university relations at the University of Kansas. She oversees the university’s internal and external relations with the public, including governmental and public affairs. Janet’s administrative areas include the offices of University Relations, Governmental Relations and Trademark Licensing, KANUFM public radio station and Kansas AudioReader Network, a radio reading service for the blind and visually impaired. Janet also coordinates the university’s strategic planning and marketing efforts and works closely with the KU Endowment Association. Janet previously was deputy campaign manager and director of constituency outreach for the 2000 Gore/Lieberman presidential campaign. Janet worked at the White House as legislative counsel to former Kansas congressman Jim Slattery for seven years. She also was deputy assistant to the president and deputy director of legislative affairs, serving as the senior White House liaison to Congress.
Bobbie Wallace
Mark Your Calendar for NPC’s Centennial Celebration! Oct. 10-13, 2002
NPC Biennial Session Held in Tucson
Chicago Marriott,
Alpha Phi Sister Installed as Conference Chairman
Oak Brook, Ill.
Less than a month after the terrorist attacks on America, more than 60 Alpha Phis met in Tucson, Ariz., for the National Panhellenic Conference’s (NPC) 57th biennial session. Chairman Marian K. Williams of Kappa Kappa Gamma opened the Oct. 5-7 meeting by thanking all in attendance for their willingness and courage to join together in Panhellenic sisterhood during a time of national tragedy and unrest in the world. The occasion was special to Alpha Phi because past International President and past Foundation Chair Sally McCall Grant ( DePauw) was installed as 2001-03 NPC chairman (see Winter 2002 Quarterly). The weekend launched a year-long NPC centennial celebration that culminates at the October 2002 interim session near Chicago, the Conference’s birthplace. Delegates and representatives of NPC’s 26 member groups met at the Westin La Paloma Resort celebrating the biennial theme “Leading the Way, Sharing the Vision.” From the chairman Marian challenged the Conference to deal with the important issues of the day. Three discussed in an open forum by member groups were: “Whose chapter is it?,” “Advantages and challenges in working with the men’s groups” and “Recruitment concerns.” Alcohol remains the No. 1 problem on college campuses. NPC adopted resolutions to continue promotion and encouragement of non-alcoholic chapter events with men’s fraternities and other student organizations, to encourage college Panhellenics to adopt a position in support of alcohol-free social activities in fraternity facilities and to organize a Day of Dialogue, a campus/community discussion on alcohol. PAGE TWENTY
Pictured (from left) at their first executive committee meeting in July are College Panhellenics Committee Chairman Laura Sweet, Sigma Sigma Sigma; Chairman Sally McCall Grant (Γ-DePauw); Alumnae Panhellenics Committee Chairman Carol Warren, Pi Beta Phi; Secretary Martha Brown, Delta Gamma; and Treasurer Elizabeth Quick, Gamma Phi Beta.
Recruitment and training of alumnae volunteers must be high priorities; it is each member group’s right and responsibility. Partnerships and collaborative efforts among the interfraternal family and those within higher education are of utmost importance. NPC has actively been cultivating those relationships, welcoming rapid growth of Latino/Latina, Asian and Native American brother and sister groups and recognizing the need and advantages of joining for dialogue and support. NPC educational program sponsorships of Something of Value, Drug Education Program, Women & Girls, Tobacco & Lung Cancer, College Women and Depression, Something to Talk About-Confrontational Skills and Academic Excellence are creating a lasting impact on college women. NPC adopted a resolution offering to present Something of Value at conferences of Southeastern Panhellenic Conference (SEPC), Northeast Greek Leadership Association (NGLA), Mid-American Greek Council Association (MGCA) and Western Regional Greek Conference (WRGC). Additional highlights Special sessions were held for various committees, inter/national presidents,
executive directors and editors, and campus meetings addressed issues at particular universities. Educational sessions included a presentation by Attorney and Stetson University School of Law Professor Peter Lake on the legal implications of various court decisions for fraternities, as well as strategies for the future. University of Kentucky Professor of Pharmacology Dr. Kelly Smith outlined the “club drug” scene prevalent in junior high through college environments. Alpha Delta Pi hosted a luncheon to commemorate its 150th anniversary. A professional video documented not only the sorority’s history, but also 150 years of women in history. NPC Foundation President Jean W. Scott graciously accepted gifts for educational programs and the centennial endowment. Celebrate the centennial The formal session concluded with an awards banquet, installation of 2001-03 executive committee and kick-off of the centennial celebration year. “Let us always remember we are here because those before us kept the faith and believed in the ideals of fraternity life for women,” Marian said in her closing remarks. “We will endeavor to do the same, so future generations will also enjoy those privileges of membership.” The next meeting is the centennial, Oct. 10-13, 2002, at the Chicago Marriott in Oak Brook, Ill. Editor’s Note: The complete session report, including alumnae and college Panhellenic award winners, is listed on the NPC Web site at www.npcwomen.org.
Iota Eta Chapter Installed at DePaul University By Samantha Lineberger (EB-Butler)
Alpha Phi International Fraternity presented a charter to establish its newest chapter on the DePaul University Lincoln Park campus in Chicago, Ill., Jan. 19-20. The weekend celebrated the 49 members who were initiated after more than a year of hard work by all involved. Alpha Phi’s Iota Eta chapter is the fifth sorority chartered at DePaul and Alpha Phi’s 143rd active chapter in North America. The Court of Ivy ceremony was conducted on the evening of Jan. 19 at the campus’ historic Cortelyou Commons. International Executive Board Member Mary Rekart Ulich ( -Northern Colorado) and Associate Director of Extension Linda Schnetzer (BO-Bowling Green State) led the ceremony with the assistance of several advisory board members, Northern Illinois (E ) collegians and members of Team DePaul. The initiation ceremony was held the following morning. Participants included Mary, Linda, Interim Chapter Adviser Megan Ford (G -George Mason), Educational Leadership Consultant Heidi Fleck (M-Nebraska), advisory board members and Team DePaul representatives. In addition to the charter members, six women were alumnae initiates. A reception honored new initiates and their families at DePaul’s newly built student center. Linda Schnetzer was mistress of ceremonies. Regional Manager Colleen Sirhal ( -Michigan) and Alumnae
Congratulations to the charter members of Iota Eta! Meghan Kennihan
Jackie Piraro
Anna Boltyanskaya
Amy Knerr
Roxanne Rodica
Stephanie Bonillos
Nicole Ktenas
Alex Rodriguez
Maria Borovilos
Lauren Kuchar
Arden Schuman
Kortnee Bush
Meaghan Lally
Molly Schwing
Tiffany Caliendo
Julie Lamz
Katie Secor
Angie Coker
Andrea Law
Katie Socha
Alyson Conner
Robin Lindemann
Beth Spellman
Julie Corirossi
Julie Mannarelli
Julie Sullivan
Kellie Dean
Stefanie Marten
Courtney Tepler
Julia Fisher
Ivy Martinez
Joanna Vivilakis
Meredith Fox
Deanna Marzovillo
Erin Ward
Emily Frankfurth
Emily Mitchell
Jen Westfall
MaryEllen Helmkamp
Kathy Mocarski
Christina Xydis
Anna Hnatiuk
Heidi Neuzil
Amanda Zimmerman
Miku Ishii
Christine Parzygnat
Becka Jackoboice
Sarah Person
(From left) Mary Ulich presents the Iota Eta charter to Christine Parzygnat and Jackie Piraro.
A special thank you to all advisers and members of Team DePaul!
Carolyn Alwan
Membership Coordinator Caryn Schultz (FAEastern Illinois) welcomed the women on behalf of the region’s collegiate and alumnae chapters. DePaul Greek Life Program Coordinator Marsha Carrasco spoke on behalf of the university and welcomed the chapter to the campus. Alpha Phi Foundation Associate Executive Director Rebecca Andrew (BQ Washington State) presented a scholarship pin to Iota Eta Scholarship Chair Heidi Neuzil. Charter members selected Chicago’s Children’s Memorial Foundation to receive a $1,000 Alpha Phi Foundation donation on their behalf. The donation benefits cardiology research at Children’s Memorial Hospital. Megan Ford presented the president’s pin to Jackie Piraro. Jackie and former Chapter President Christine Parzygnat spoke of the women’s accomplishments and thanked family, friends and the DePaul community for their support. The presentation of Iota Eta’s charter by Mary Ulich was a highlight of the installation events, and Jackie and Christine gratefully accepted on behalf of the chapter. This special weekend was one charter members, alumnae initiates and all involved will remember for years to come. Alpha Phi International enthusiastically welcomes the Iota Eta chapter of Alpha Phi.
Congratulations to Alpha Phi’s newest chapter, DePaul (IH).
Outstanding Adviser
Gina Bradley Feller
Editor’s Note: Volunteers who serve as advisers to Alpha Phi’s collegiate chapters across North America are vital to the success of those chapters. A chapter advisory board is led by a chapter adviser and includes advisers specializing in recruitment, programming and finance. Contact ksiron@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8938 for information about serving as an adviser.
Sticky Situations Are Part of Advising Sometimes an adviser and her board have to help a chapter work through situations that do not reflect Alpha Phi ideals. This was the case for Dayton (F ) Chapter Adviser (CA) Gina Bradley Feller (EAAshland). Last April, the advisory board learned of possible risky behavior affecting new members. The board discussed it with Executive Office staff and put probationary terms into play immediately. “As a result of the probation, the chapter refocused on the values and principles of Alpha Phi,� says Gina. “It was a difficult time for both the chapter and the advisory board. I told the women as much as I love them, I hate that this happened. The board worked with the women to make sure this type of activity doesn’t happen again and make sure they understand the implications.� “We’re special,� she continues. “We’re not just any other sorority or fraternity. We’re not like everybody else. We hold ourselves to a higher standard.� The chapter’s behavior returned to what the advisory board considers an accurate representation of Alpha Phi, and probation was lifted in February 2002. According to Director of Collegiate Membership Linda Long Boland ( J-CSU/Long Beach), “Gina and the members of her board have taken responsibility to educate the members, and they’ve helped the chapter refocus on our values.� Part of the success of overcoming this challenge comes from the trust established between chapter members and the advisory board, says Gina. In addition to the excellent relationships she and her four advisory board members formed with the chapter, “We maintain a good rapport and practice good communication with the women.� Continued education Gina says although she’s been a CA since 1998 and on the board since 1995, “I continue to learn every day. Advisers are great resources for each other, not only within an advisory board, but especially within
regions. It’s important to take advantage of networking opportunities such as e-mail, conferences and conventions. It also is nice that we can go to the Executive Office with questions or concerns.� Advisers take on a variety of roles depending on a given situation, says Gina. “I tell collegians that first I am their sister (sometimes collegians forget that), I am their friend and I also have to uphold the rules.� Gina, a member of the Dayton alumnae chapter since 1998, says she likes working with collegians because it is different than participating as an alumnae group member: “It’s important to me that I’m helping guide these women and hopefully making a difference in their lives. That is what happened to me; I still keep in touch with the advisers who influenced me when I was an undergraduate.� “Having a collegian say thank you or ask me to be a reference for a scholarship or another application indicates that I’m doing a good job,� continues Gina. “I try to be a role model. I try to instill my experiences and Alpha Phi’s importance to me. If I can help collegians decide to continue involvement as an alumna, then I’ve done what I’m supposed to do.� She admits her active involvement with the chapter does take time: “You have to dedicate yourself and be able to do so without interfering with other aspects of your life. You need a strong personal support system as well as a strong advisory board.� In addition, she says she receives support from her employer. The assistant prosecuting attorney says, “I have a boss who is really understanding and lets me take time off when it does not interfere with work. There are times when Alpha Phi is really hectic, but somehow, I’ve managed to work everything around it.� Gina, her advisory board and her support system are obviously working well together. Zeta Psi matched quota of 28 during a successful winter recruitment and maintained its standing as a top chapter on campus. And thanks to Gina and her advisory board, the chapter has taken responsibility to ensure its future behavior will be a positive reflection on Alpha Phi.
❶ ARIZONA Arizona State (BE) After the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S., Beta Epsilon women joined the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity to donate and pass out red, white and blue ribbons on the University of Arizona campus in exchange for $1 donations to the American Red Cross. The pair distributed more than 6,000 ribbons in the three days following the attacks and raised nearly $11,000. –Gina Mazzella
CALIFORNIA CSU/Hayward (H∆) The Eta Delta chapter holds offices of president, treasurer and publicity chair on CSU/Hayward’s National Panhellenic Association. New officers for the 2002 calendar year were installed in January. Alisha Valle is Panhellenic publicity chair, Monica Brumfield is council president, and Jacquie Powell is treasurer. The women are even more excited about the rotation since Panhellenic celebrates its centennial this year. –Carol Wilde (∆K-Wisconsin/LaCrosse), chapter adviser
CSU/Long Beach (ΓK) Gamma Kappas hosted their annual Phi Ball philanthropy kickball tournament in the spring. Participants enjoyed a live band, prizes, food and fun, and $1,500 was raised for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Chapter members joined the CSU/LB’s annual Kaleidoscope Festival by hosting a Flush-A-Phi dunk tank booth. Proceeds from the event also benefited the Foundation. Kelli Jonkey raised funds for the American Red Cross New York Relief Fund with a successful fall car wash. Sisters had a great time playing in Kappa Sigma’s annual all-sorority powder puff flag football competition and Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s beach volleyball tournament. Recruitment Chair Jennifer Hodgden’s hard
❷ work and dedication, combined with a new philanthropy project and an amazing preference night, led the chapter to a successful fall recruitment and 43 new members. Members enjoyed a fall retreat in Hermosa Beach. The chapter salutes 2001 Chapter President Christina Stein and congratulates new President Natalie Brownfield, who is sure to bring much success. –Jami Hambleton
Pepperdine (IA) Iota Alpha sisters began the year by participating in Step Forward Day, a campuswide day of volunteer work. The women had fun during formal recruitment; this year’s theme was “Catch the Phi-ver.” Recent graduate Kristina Buchholz received a 2001-02 Fulbright Graduate Fellowship to Germany. Vice President of Chapter Operations Alissa Hofmockel won an American Humanics “XCEL” Scholar Award. Alpha Phi sisters were eager to watch Laurie Little’s performance in the university’s fall musical, “42nd Street.” Delite Young is currently serving as student government association secretary. –Jill Huebschman
UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB) Gamma Betas proudly welcomed 27 new members who bring a wide variety of athleticism, talent and wonderful personalities. The chapter impressed potential members with a terrific recruitment week. Taryn Bernstein, Ali Cohen, Jennifer Lee, Paula Moffat and Jen Ryerson studied abroad during fall semester. Denise Ratniewski, Jeanette Toledo and Kara Valakai study oversees this spring. The chapter’s annual philanthropic event, the Phi Ball volleyball tournament, encourages all UC/SB Greeks to have fun while raising money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. –Rebecca Turek
Alpha Phi Panhellenic Officers (from left) Alisha Valle, Monica Brumfield and Jacquie Powell pose with a Panhellenic sister from Sigma Sigma Sigma.
❷ EASTERN ILLINOIS (ZA) Zeta Alpha collegians and alumnae gather for a special alumnae weekend.
❸ CSU/LONG BEACH (ΓK) Gamma Kappa sisters participate in Kappa Sigma’s fall powderpuff flag football tournament.
ILLINOIS Eastern Illinois (ZA) Zeta Alpha hosted an alumnae weekend in September. Undergraduate women enjoyed getting acquainted with alumnae, including charter members who attended the event. Collegians learned from them that qualities desired in sisters then are the same qualities the chapter members exemplify today. Zeta Alphas thank all alumnae who helped make the event special and fun. Vice President of Recruitment Stephany Avros led the chapter through a successful fall recruitment;
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❶ ❶
Collegians host Gamma Xi alumnae during a mock recruitment night and ice cream social at the chapter house.
UNC/WILMINGTON (HΞ) Eta Xi sisters (from left) Brooke Snoddy, Ashley Gurganus, Lauren Arienson and Nicole Kleines work with other Greeks to build a Habitat for Humanity house.
BOWLING GREEN STATE (BO) Beta Omicron new members participate in a sisterhood retreat.
OREGON (T) Tau alumnae and collegians celebrate at the 100th Anniversary of Greek Life banquet during Homecoming in October.
they met quota and acquired 34 amazing new members. New Member Educator Natalie Pavone and her assistants continue to do a wonderful job helping new members become a strong part of the chapter.
The annual Homerun Derby philanthropy baseball tournament was held during the fall on EIU’s intramural fields. Nine fraternities participated. The chapter hosted a “Singled Out” dating game and sold Hershey’s Kisses and Hugs candygrams during Cardiac Care Week in February. –Colleen Klein and Kelly Merkel
INDIANA Butler (EB) On Jan. 13, Epsilon Beta welcomed 46 wonderful women into the chapter. Following pictures and introductions, new members were surprised with an annual Bid Day activity. More than 120 members headed to Wheels of Wonder roller skating rink in Indianapolis. New Member Educator Jessica Barnes organized the event and has many more exciting activities planned for the new sisters. –Cynthia Avery
DePauw (Γ) During summer 2000, H. Raymund Bresnahan gifted the Alpha Phi Foundation with a memorial fund to
❷ honor his wife, Betty Van Ness Bresnahan (ΓDePauw). As part of the fund, Mr. Bresnahan challenged the Gamma chapter to maintain a grade point average equal to or greater than that of the prior year. If the chapter did so, it would receive 100 percent of the fund’s interest. With an outstanding grade point average of 3.2542 for the 1999-2000 school year, the challenge was definitely high. But the chapter achieved its goal. Gamma’s GPA for the 2000-01 school year was 3.2715. Members were rewarded with their $500 interest check from the Foundation. Congratulations to Gamma chapter and a big thank you to Mr. Bresnahan. –Lisa Janes Ripley (∆P-Ball State), chapter adviser
Indiana State (∆Π) Delta Pi sisters are happy to have a redecorated and newly landscaped chapter facility. Members each had a hand in painting the chapter room, and professionals were hired to install new carpet in the living room and linoleum flooring in the foyer and bathroom. Chapter members added flowers, bushes and beautiful red mulch for an outdoor face-lift. The final improvement will add a new sectional sofa, table and lighting later this year. The changes made at the beginning of the semester added to a successful recruitment. Led by Vice President of Recruitment Kari Peckinpaugh and Director of Formal Recruitment Laura Baxter, the chapter welcomed 23 new members and brought the chapter to campus total. A new philanthropy project was incorporated this year: making picture frames and donating them to the Deaconess Women’s Hospital’s cardiac center. The first annual Twist Off philanthropy event was held in November and included a Twister tournament for campus Greeks and other organizations. Each chapter or organization had a team of six, and Delta Pis were judges, referees and spinners. –Judith Genung
❸ KANSAS Wichita State (ΓΞ) Gamma Xi pledged nine women through formal recruitment, and members continue to enjoy the growth and success experienced in the past few years. Sisters are very active in Greek life. Last spring the women teamed with Beta Theta Pi fraternity to win third place in the annual Hippodrome, an elaborate skit contest for Greeks. The women went undefeated in the regular season flag football games and look forward to attending the regional tournament in Lincoln, Neb. They took third place in the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Trike Races and Delta Gamma Anchor Splash. The chapter’s spring King and Queen of Hearts competition and fall Alpha Phi-esta philanthropy event raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Community service activities included participation in the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation’s Race for the Cure® and trick-or-treating for UNICEF. During the fall, alumnae attended a mock recruitment night at the chapter house to help Gamma Xi collegians prepare for formal recruitment. An ice cream social followed and gave alumnae an opportunity to see old friends and meet new sisters. –Patricia Spiegel
Theta Psi has held the scholarship cup for the past two years. Members thank alumnae for their great turnout during the weekend’s events. The chapter welcomes new members Shauna Slack, Kristy DePompeis, Jena Greenwood, Vanessa Seeley, Christy Bortle, Brooke Hancock, Melissa Schwo and Courtney Baldwin. – Renee Gordon
Rensselaer (ΘT) Theta Tau initiated 11 new sisters during the fall. The chapter held its third annual Gong Show, this year featuring a Hawaiian theme, and donated profits to the Alpha Phi Foundation. The women enjoyed a visit from Educational Leadership Consultant Heidi Fleck (N-Nebraska) and learned about areas for improvement. A Bordeaux Ball and holiday party ended the semester. Chapter members were most impressed this year by a workshop presented on the Rensselaer campus
Rochester (ΘK) Theta Kappa women focused on building sisterhood during the fall. Rachel Theriot and Mei Ling Fu planned weekly activities on and off campus including retreats, tunnel painting, movie nights, bowling, laser tag, holiday dinner and a secret snowflake party. In response to the tragic events of Sept. 11, Andrea Miglani organized a campuswide American Red Cross donation drive and benefit concert that raised more than $20,000. Theta Kappa sisters helped by volunteering for table times, making ribbons and organizing a candlelight vigil on campus. Philanthropy Chair Keather Papa planned and organized the
CA ACADEMY is June 25-26. This is open to all chapter advisers. RUSH U. is offered for recruitment advisers June 28-30.
Plattsburgh State (ΘΨ)
by alumna Erin Weed (ZA-Eastern Illinois). She established the Girls Fight Back self-defense program following the tragic death of Shannon McNamara (ZA-Eastern Illinois), a sister who was murdered while fighting off an attacker in June. –Jillian Garone
Theta Psi women passed out pink ribbons to faculty, staff and students in October in honor of breast cancer awareness month. They also made stress balls to donate to the Wellness Center’s annual Wellness Fair. Despite missing this semester’s scholarship cup by a tenth of a point, the chapter was still recognized during Homecoming Weekend in October for its outstanding academic success;
HOUSE CORPOARTION BOARD Representatives meet June 30 in a special session just for HCBs.
❶ ❶
Duquesne (EI)
Epsilon Iota collegians and alumnae gather at a reception in the chapter suite during Homecoming Weekend in October.
North Texas (ΓH) Gamma Eta sisters support the North Texas football team at the New Orleans Bowl in November.
Samantha Helmig planned an amazing recruitment program for the spring semester. Director of New Member Education Blaise DiBernardo and the chapter welcomed new members in late January. –Lora Marden
annual Teeter-Totter-athon, which, in 24 hours, raised more than $700 for cardiac care. Sisters also volunteered for Spooktacular at the Seneca Park Zoo, dressing up in costumes and acting as guides to hundreds of local children who otherwise wouldn’t have an opportunity to trick-or-treat on Halloween. Formal Recruitment Chair Rebecca Porter and Director of C.O.B.
The Eta Xi chapter welcomed a new member class of 28 during the fall. These women were initiated and are taking a very active role in the chapter. Members joined other campus Greek organizations to help build a Habitat for Humanity house. Sisters had a great time and look forward to participating in another project soon. –Amy Caudle
NORTH DAKOTA North Dakota (Π)
How Does
Alpha Phi Offer You Travel Opportunities as a Collegian? • Alpha Phi-Sponsored Trips (see page 6) • Convention 2002 (see information throughout this issue) • Regional Conferences (see page 8) • Educational Leadership Consultant Positions (see page 33)
Pi chapter took first place in Greek Week and Phi Delta Theta’s Red Cross Philanthropy Week. They placed first among all campuswide organizations for the UND Homecoming Competition, and Chapter President Kim Lillestol was selected to be on the Homecoming Court. Members took second in Sigma Chi Derby Days; Kristi Alverson was Derby Darling. Brooke Shlager was Sigma Nu Sweetheart, and the women placed second in Sigma Nu Suicide Prevention Week competition. The chapter began several new scholarship incentive programs and held its first scholarship retreat. They placed first among sorority and fraternity GPAs with an overall chapter GPA of 3.31, beating the allcampus and all-women’s average. Following four retreats to prepare, formal fall recruitment brought in quota plus one — or 18 new members — including three legacies.
❷ Pi began two new philanthropy projects during fall in addition to February’s Cardiac Care Week, which raised $1,600 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. A Pancake Feed, held with Gamma Phi Beta sorority following the Sept. 11 tragedy, raised more than $500 for the American Red Cross. An Alpha Phi-esta Taco Feed raised more than $750 in a matter of two hours for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Members volunteer at local nursing homes each semester and hold an annual Halloween dance at the Grand Forks Listen-Drop-In-Center for mentally challenged individuals. –Kimberly Lillestol
OHIO Bowling Green State (BO) Beta Omicron welcomed 21 new members during fall recruitment. Sisters began the semester by attending a Homecoming pep rally to support Chapter President Casey Stevens, who was selected to be on the court. A new member retreat strengthened sisterhood. The chapter’s Broomball philanthropy event was a great success, with twice as many sororities participating as the previous year. Big/Little Night and inspiration week followed. As part of a chapter retreat, the women attended a team-building camp to build trust. The most meaningful part of the retreat took place at the very end; each sister had an opportunity to speak at the fireside. –Lisa Lautsch
PENNSYLVANIA Duquesne (EI) Epsilon Iota sisters began a busy fall semester by welcoming nine new members who have all been assets to the chapter. In September, several women
Early Recruitment Addresses DATES FOR TEXAS CHAPTERS Please refer to the following chapter addresses when mailing Potential Member Introduction Forms (page 28). Please Note: All forms should be mailed to the attention of Vice President of Recruitment. Contact the chapter for due dates.
MIDWESTERN STATE (ΓΩ) Gamma Omega Chapter of Alpha Phi 3410 Taft Boulevard Wichita Falls, TX 76308-2099 Recruitment Date: September 2002
TEXAS (Ω) Omega Chapter of Alpha Phi 2005 University Austin, TX 78705 Recruitment Date: August 2002
TEXAS TECH (ΓI) Gamma Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi #1 Greek Circle Lubbock, TX 79416 Recruitment Date: August 2002
NORTH TEXAS (ΓH) Gamma Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi NTSU - Alpha Phi, UNT Station P.O. Box 305692 Denton, TX 76203-0692 Recruitment Date: August 2002
TEXAS A&M/COMMERCE (∆B) Delta Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi Box 4203, ET Station Commerce, TX 75429 Recruitment Date: August 2002
Editor’s Note: A complete chapter recruitment address and date list will be printed in the Summer 2002 Quarterly.
participated in Duquesne’s annual Walk Miles for Kid’s Smiles philanthropy event benefiting the Children’s Institute. The chapter raised more money for the walk than any other organization on campus. In early October, Epsilon Iota proudly welcomed alumnae, including two founding sisters, during a Homecoming Weekend reception in the chapter suite. Everyone enjoyed catching up, looking at photos and discussing how times have changed over the years. The proudest moment of the semester was when sisters paired with Delta Chi fraternity and took first place in the university’s annual Greek Sing competition. Epsilon Iota placed second overall in 2001 Greek Week activities, which benefited homeless children. –Jessica Shirey
TEXAS North Texas (ΓH) Gamma Eta has gone through quite a few changes during the year. Chapter Adviser Pam Brown Carson (ΓI-Texas Tech) retired to spend more time with her family. The chapter thanks Pam for her hard work and dedication. They welcome new Adviser Kim Cordoni LeGue (HΘ-San Francisco State), who will continue to serve as recruitment adviser as well. Fall recruitment brought 25 new members, and sisters worked hard to prepare for North Texas’ spring recruitment. Many Gamma Etas followed the North Texas football team to its first Bowl game appearance in many years, the New Orleans Bowl. They won the Sun Belt Conference Championship this year.
Southern Utah (ΘΣ) Theta Sigma President Holly Burston recently learned the true meaning of sisterhood. She was heating grease on the stove in her apartment when it got too hot and caught on fire. She grabbed the pan and threw it in the sink — not thinking about the water in the sink. When the grease fire reached the water it exploded into flames. No one was hurt and no serious damage incurred, but the walls were black from smoke. She made one panicked call to a sister and seven Theta Sigmas arrived within minutes. They only knew that something was wrong and a sister needed them. The group spent two hours scrubbing the walls and Theta Sigmas (from left) Stacy Ventura, Tricia Gunderson, Holly Hatch, kitchen. Linda Rodkey, Stacee Coleman, Kiersty Lund and Lisa Marie Sundqust come to a sister’s aid after a grease fire damages her kitchen. –Susie Chandler Fire Safety Tip: Never put water on a grease fire! Place a lid over the pan or use baking soda to suffocate the fire. If the flames are too great, call the fire department.
The women showcased their athletic talents by competing in intramural flag football and volleyball and winning the Greek championship in women’s soccer. Members participated in Make A Difference Day, the Forgotten Angel Holiday Gift Drive, a winter accessories drive for the Association for Retarded Citizens and a bear drive for the children of Sept. 11 victims. Director of Philanthropy Sarah Campbell initiated a new community service program that allows sisters to donate items such as toiletries or food to Denton Friends of the Family. –Melissa Watson
VIRGINIA Old Dominion (EH) Ten new members were welcomed into the Epsilon Eta chapter in October and initiated in November. The chapter congratulates Jennifer Bacigalupi, Candace Cade, Casey Curnow, Rebecca Echipare, Jackie Ernzen, Elisabeth Frankie, Jaclyn Hawse, Jennifer Marks, Brandi Taylor and Kaitlin Van Etten. –Denise Shrader
WASHINGTON Washington (Σ) Sigmas are involved throughout campus. Vanessa Pierce, captain of the Washington women’s soccer team, helped lead them to an excellent season. Sisters are members of the UW crew and water polo teams as well. The chapter participates in every fraternity philanthropy event. A favorite event during fall was the Double Date Dance in November. Each sister invited a female friend and dates for herself and her friend. Chapter officers were transitioned, and the chapter welcomes new President Tina Jamerson. –Larisa Veckaktins
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New Additions Akron (HΓ) To Michael and Susan Woods Cammel, a son, Brian Kenneth, Dec. 11, 2001. Arizona (BE) To Jonathan and Katherine Kinsey Armstrong, a daughter, Jesse Jo, Oct. 16, 2001. Ashland (EA) To Luke and Tracy McGinnis Gromen, a son, Gavin McGinnis, July 25, 2001. To William and Lynn Wierzba Howell, a daughter, Alexandra Nicole, Aug. 12, 2001. Baldwin Wallace (∆Y) To John and Laura Parker Gaba, a son, Nicholas Parker, Nov. 2, 2001. Ball State (∆P) To Gary and Sarah Reinking Watkins, a daughter, Cora Isabella, Oct. 10, 2001. To Layne and Kathleen Lomont McDonald, a son, Luke Allen, Nov. 4, 2001. Bentley (ZP) To Derek and Kristin Ballou Cianci, a son, Alexander Richard, Aug. 29, 2001. Boston (HΛ) To Peter and Michelle Liem DeGroat, twin daughters, Annabel and Kyra, May 2, 2001. To Conrad and Kristin Gainer Hamrick, a son, Harrison Tate, June 22, 2001. Bowling Green State (BO) To Linus and Amy McGrath Bruno, a daughter, Mia, June 4, 2001. To James Mark and Maureen O’Leary Atkins, a son, Spencer James, Sept. 25, 2001. Butler (EB) To Brent and Kristy Shooltz McPike, a son, Brendan Isaac, May 24, 2001. To Glenn and Leslie Dewey Abbett, a daughter, Gracie Mae, Sept. 22, 2001. Cal Poly (EX) To John and Adrienne Paris Carey, a son, Spencer Morris, Dec. 11, 2001. Cameron (ΘP) To Elvis and Kimberly FindlayCoronado, a son, Jonathan Nathaniel, Sept. 26, 2001. Chapman (HY) To Anthony and Tanya Natcher Valli, a daughter, Isabella Lenore, April 13, 2001. Cornell (∆) To Harry Hilbert and Heidi Grenek, a son, Harrison Eugene, July 31, 2001. To Christopher and Michelle Capozza Johnston, a son, Ryan Christopher, Sept. 26, 2001.
CSU/Hayward (H∆) To Tony and Christine Bennett Thomas, a son, Zachary Garrett, Sept. 28, 2001. To Dean and Heather Wilkes Van Cura, a daughter, Chloe Mae, Oct. 9, 2001. To John and Katie Schweizer Thieman, a son, Gahrett Augustus Windsor, Nov. 14, 2001. CSU/Long Beach (ΓK) To Scott Krauss and Vanessa Meier, a son, Dylan Scott, Sept. 3, 2001. CSU/Northridge (EY) To Benjamin and Dena Lookholder Yosfan, a son, Joshua Cory, Jan. 2, 2002. CSU/Sacramento (EΓ) To Brian and Nichole Winton Waddle, a daughter, Bailey Briann, Aug. 8, 2001.
Johns Hopkins (ZO) To John and Donna Anastasio Aldridge, a daughter, Lauren Christine, June 20, 2001.
North Dakota (Π) To Henry and Bridget McDonald Gallagher, a daughter, Grace Emelia, Oct. 15, 2001.
Kent State (BΩ) To Aron and Jennifer Farley Hanlon, a daughter, Anne Elizabeth, Feb. 15, 2001. To Lance and Jennifer Raderchak Brothers, a daughter, Ava Elaine, June 27, 2001.
Northeast Missouri State (ΘΓ) To Andy and Kristen Lock Winters, a son, Tyler James, Aug. 6, 2001. To Brian and Andi Beaty Miller, a daughter, Anika Kate, Aug. 8, 2001. To Stephen and Sherri Struble Schultz, a son, Samuel, Aug. 18, 2001. To Phil and Jennifer Bender Christofferson, a son, Matthew Philip, Oct. 6, 2001. To David and Terri Nichols Marki, a son, Payton Paul, Nov. 1, 2001. To Tim and Rebecca Ems Oliver, a son, Benjamin Thomas, Dec. 10, 2001.
Loyola Marymount (ZB) To David and Tamie Allen Nash, a daughter, Madilyn Sophia, Sept. 3, 2001. Marquette (HM) To Todd and Jennie Rossy Pigeon, a son, Benjamin Todd, Oct. 12, 2001.
CSU/San Bernardino (HB) To Douglas and Robyn Reiter Swart, a son, Brendan Douglas, April 28, 2001.
Miami University (ΓN) To Jamie and Maria Blackledge Masi, a daughter, Abigail Grace, Jan. 7, 2001. To Todd and Lisa Bader Rosenthal, a daughter, Audra Shannon, Sept. 17, 2001.
DePauw (Γ) To Daniel J. and Patricia Freeman Rang, a daughter, Alexa Diane, April 4, 2001.
Michigan (Θ) To Brian and Joleen Minneman Robins, a daughter, Elizabeth Kathryn, April 16, 2001.
Duquesne (EI) To Damien and Angela Sanders Dubien, twins, Megan Elizabeth and Tyler Damien Gerald, Aug. 30, 2001.
Michigan State (BB) To Charlie and Michele Lesperance Lindholm, a son, Carter Riley, Aug. 12, 2001. To Jonathan and Tara Bryan LaBarre, a daughter, Emma Bryanne, Dec. 12, 2001.
East Carolina (∆A) To John and Veronica Potter Kosch, a son, Max Herman, Oct. 6, 2001. East Texas State (∆B) To John and Kimberly Coffee Sloan, a son, Christian John, July 23, 2001. George Mason (HΛ) To David and Janene Corrado Larson, a daughter, Francesca Elizabeth, Aug. 7, 2001. Illinois (BA) To Walt and Katy McDonald Kraft, a son, Michael Joseph Vladimir, born Aug. 20, 2000, and adopted Feb. 9, 2001. To Kolin and Lyn Debatin Bradbury, a daughter, Aubrie Edyn, April 12, 2001. To Kirk and Julie Brodrueck Oliver, a son, Jeffrey Thomas, July 18, 2001. To Nathaniel E. and Allison Goodman Spaitis, a son, Kyle Joseph, Aug. 21, 2001. To Brett and Leanna Gray Giltmier, a daughter, Megan Katherine, Jan. 11, 2002. Iowa (∆E) To Brady and Megan Pelisek Stump, a son, Jonah Blake, Aug. 20, 2001.
Missouri (O) To Christopher and Elisa White Jester, a daughter, Catherine Elizabeth, July 18, 2001. To Brian and Jennifer Rose Cunneen, a daughter, Savanah Rylee, Aug. 5, 2001. To Barry and Melissa Perlman Chelist, a daughter, Sophia Shiri, Nov. 21, 2001. To John and Amy Jordan Tvrdik, twin daughters, Brooke Alexis and Laney Renee, Dec. 30, 2001. NC State (EΦ) To Wesley Thompson-Smith and Amanda Smith, a daughter, Rachel Elaine, April 15, 2001. To Peter and Kristen Spencer Lagenor, a son, Riley Michael, Nov. 25, 2001. Nebraska (N) To Michael Roselius and Katherine “Kathy” Moldenhauer, a daughter, Elise Ann Roselius, May 27, 2001. To Jay and Stacy Lovelace Jolley, a son, Evan Jay, Aug. 27, 2001.
Iowa State (Z∆) To Dave and Susan Becker Zak, a son, William Gustav, Aug. 22, 2001.
Nebraska/Kearney (∆Ξ) To Paul and Maureen Laverty Zohlen, a son, Brandon Patrick, July 22, 2001.
James Madison (ΘI) To Michael and Shelia Perkins Carey, a son, Nicholas Brian, May 11, 2001.
New Hampshire (HA) To Kevin and Kirstin Nowell Nusky, a son, Connor Oliver, Sept. 16, 2001.
Northern Illinois (E∆) To Dane and Lori Flagg Van Hulzen, a son, Jake Robert, June 14, 2001. To Paul and Holly Harker McDermott, triplet daughters, Alayna Angel, Madeline Grace and Corina Noel, Sept. 16, 2001. North Texas (ΓH) To Joseph E. Jr. and Norma Milan Lopez, a daughter, Arielle Nicole, July 23, 2001. Northwestern (B) To Jad and Melanie Kishner Greifer, a daughter, Morgan Charlotte, Sept. 16, 2001. Ohio State (P) To John and Vicki Speroni-Russell, a son, Dominick Alan, Feb. 11, 2001. Oklahoma (Φ) To Patrick and Amy Zoblotsky Gardner, a son, Reece Austin, Dec. 26, 2000. To Andy and Katie Lamm Benson, a daughter, Madeline Frances, May 30, 2001. To Pat and Marilyn Young Morse, a daughter, Valerie Gene, Aug. 29, 2001. Old Dominion (EH) To Chad and Jennifer Moore James, a daughter, Brooke Thomas, Aug. 30, 2001. Oregon State (BY) To Ron and Jacqueline Owens Tucker, a daughter, Sarah Mae, May 3, 2001. Purdue (∆M) To Thomas and Kari Kinder Cummings, a son, Thomas Joseph III, Feb. 7, 2001. To Keith and Angela Hamilton Carlson, a daughter, Katelyn Marie, Aug. 8, 2001. San Diego State (ΓA) To Michael and Jennifer Powley Hill, a daughter, Megan Leigh, Sept. 13, 2001. To Tom and Tami Wood Dunnam, a son, Ethan Thomas, Oct. 13, 2001.
San Francisco State (HΘ) To Davis and Lisha Ramsdell Fabris, a son, Noa Joseph Valentino, Aug. 6, 2001. To Richard and Kelly Tharp Rummelhart, a daughter, Ruby Quinn, Oct. 30, 2001. Santa Clara (ZΓ) To Mark and Mara Marie Eddis Cowan, twins, Isabelle Claire and Ryan Mark, Nov. 19, 2001. Seton Hall (HH) To John and Frances Chaba Nestorson, a daughter, Julianna Rose, Oct. 27, 2001. Southern Illinois (EΞ) To Matt and Julie Schmidt-Mueller, a son, Nathan Robert, May 26, 2001. To Scott and Laura Henry Bailey, a son, Jack Henry, Sept. 24, 2001. Syracuse (A) To Drew and Julie Salmon Chapman, a daughter, Lillian Jean, Sept. 20, 2001. To Eric and Jennifer Long Brady, a son, Cameron Arthur, Oct. 27, 2001. Texas A&M (EΩ) To Eric J. and Carrol Brown Gaspard, a son, Dean Castleman, April 19, 2001. Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B) To William Jr. and Brandi St. John Raines, a son, Jackson Grant, Sept. 1, 2001. Towson (HΩ) To Darin and Deborah Scott Miller, a daughter, Jennifer Elizabeth, Nov. 28, 2001. Tufts (ZΘ) To Loern and Pamela K. Parker Halverson, a son, Nolan Parker, Oct. 27, 2001. UC/Davis (EP) To John and Shannan Gehring Chanda, a daughter, Jessica Lynn, Sept. 26, 2001. UCLA (B∆) To Jeff and Karin Mason Garell, a daughter, Caroline Ann, July 13, 2001. To Michelle Webb and Michael Soules, a son, Brendan Steven, Jan. 31, 2002. UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB) To Michael and Laurie Gettleman Greenfield, a son, Jeffrey David, Dec. 19, 2000. To Javier and Nicole Fylpaa Hernán, a son, Lucas Christian, April 20, 2001. To Nick and Tanya Triggs Adams, a daughter, Natasha Lauren, Oct. 31, 2001. UNC/Asheville (ΘX) To Brian and Gail Gordon White, a daughter, Katherine Elaine, Dec. 28, 2001.
UNC/Wilmington (HΞ) To Jim and Sophia Peet Yancey, a daughter, Natalie Sophia, Oct. 22, 2001. USC (BΠ) To Chris and Kathy Hobbs Hill, a son, Charles William, Sept. 10, 2001. To Lee Barrett, a daughter, Kristin Alyonia Clare “Kacey,” born Aug. 10, 2000, and adopted, Oct. 9, 2001. Villanova (HE) To Edward and Christy Foster Sfida, a son, Nathan Edward, Dec. 3, 2001. Virginia (ZI) To Peter and Olivia Wheeler Rabinowitch, a daughter, Alexandra Ross, Dec. 8, 2001. Virginia Tech (HO) To Chris and Jennifer Pye Johannes, a daughter, Megan Elise, March 2, 2001. To Keith and Julie Smart Koob, a daughter, Blakely Susanna, Aug. 31, 2001. To Brian C. and Kari R. Montgomery Oakes, a son, Justin Montgomery, Dec. 4, 2001. Washington (Σ) To Mark and Julie Swanson Ulvin, a daughter, Madelyn Ruth, July 12, 2001.
If you would like a record of a birth, adoption, marriage or death included in the Quarterly, please clip out and submit this form to Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201. Or you may e-mail the information to quarterly@alphaphi.org. Please be sure to include all the requested information. P L E A S E N OT E : Announcements may only be printed if they have occurred within a year of publication. Announcements with missing information, such as specific date, will not be printed. If announcements are received after the copy deadline (see inside front cover for specific dates), they will be considered for the following issue.
To Joel and Deborah Hitch Neyhart, a daughter, Elise Joan, Aug. 2, 2001.
Washington State (BPΛ) To Trond and Alison Seville Liaboe, a son, Johannes Edward, Oct. 28, 2001.
Akron (HΓ) Roseann Margaret Jagla to Vincent Benelli Halliday, Dec. 22, 2001.
Christopher Newport (ΘΦ) Cynthia Henning to Nicholas Kotakis, Nov. 17, 2001.
Arizona (BE) Suzanne Link to James Smith, July 21, 2001.
Cornell (∆) Irene Argue to Thomas Christy, May 27, 2001. Helen Herrador to Robert Arco, Sept. 15, 2001.
West Chester (EK) To Robert and Sherron Harmyk Quinn, a daughter, Emily Faith, July 1, 2001. To David and Nicole Santucci Christensen, a daughter, Megan Elizabeth, Nov. 10, 2001. Wichita State (ΓΞ) To Jason and Carina Hirst Kranz, a daughter, Abigail Leanne, April 19, 2001. To David and Kelly Shand-Adams, a son, Devin Archer, Aug. 4, 2001. To Jonas and Michael Farmer Helander, a son, Kai Jonas Claude, Nov. 21, 2001. William Woods (∆X) To Paul and Melissa Hall Dulle, twins, Emily Bonnie and Jack Raymond, Nov. 20, 2001. Wisconsin/LaCrosse (∆K) To Daniel G. and Ann-Marie Catanzaro Baillargeon, a daughter, Emma Lorraine, April 24, 2001.
Erin Resler to Thomas Easton, Sept. 28, 2001.
Arizona State (ΓΠ) Kristen Hill to Scott Grant, July 22, 2001. Baldwin Wallace (∆Y) Raquel Glass to Leo Gaudreau III, Oct. 6, 2001. Ball State (∆P) Alicia Lynn Petty to Michael Frank, Feb. 2, 2002. Barry (ΘΩ) Michelle Halligan to Greggory Belleza, Feb. 2, 2002. Bishop’s (HX) Rayna Roberge to Andrew Porter, May 12, 2001. Bowling Green State (BO) Stacy Conway to Bryon Rethlake, Sept. 1, 2001. Butler (EB) Michelle Isaacs to Justin White, July 28, 2001.
CSU/Hayward (H∆) Katie Schweizer to John Thieman, June 3, 2001. Lorri Nicolini to R. Daniel Woods, June 16, 2001.
Delaware (EN) Anne-Marie Sotire to Bud Hayman, Sept. 29, 2001. Courtney Brown to Rudi Peksens, Feb. 2, 2002.
Drake (ΓO) Julie Knake to Cody Koch, July 7, 2001. Megan Hoffman to Nelson Donovan, Sept. 29, 2001.
East Carolina (∆A) Jennifer Johnson to Mark Bibbs, Aug. 25, 2001. Emory (ΘΠ) Helen Grigg to Padraig Kenny, Nov. 24, 2001. Hofstra (ΘM) Tanya Pineda to Lane McFarland, Oct. 7, 2001.
CSU/Sacramento (EΓ) Angelica Fernandez to Thomas Maurer, Sept. 29, 2001.
DePauw (Γ) Devon Elizabeth Thompson to Jonathan Ebbing, Nov. 10, 2001.
Duke (BNΛ) Alexandra Floyd to Andrew J. Bentley, May 26, 2001. Rev. Kerri D. Mock to Chad Thomas Hefner, June 2, 2001.
Illinois (BA) Jennifer Carroll to Jeffrey Seaver, April 21, 2001. Melissa Lufkin to Patrick McGrody, June 10, 2001. Indiana U. of Pennsylvania (∆Φ) Nancy Francis to Sam Erwin, April 21, 2001. Iowa (∆E) Michele Pflug to David Mounce, Sept. 14, 2001. Iowa State (Z∆) Megan Marker to Adam Mott, Sept. 1, 2001. Lafayette (HΣ) Sarah Proffitt to Lt. Bryan Bogardus, Nov. 11, 2001.
New Arrival/Marriage/Silent Chapter Form Death
Birth/Adoption FATHER’S NAME
Submitted by FIRST
Marquette (HM) Michelle Frisch to Champ Evans, July 28, 2001. Shelly Nelson to Christopher Green, Nov. 10, 2001. Maryland (∆Z) Molli Hoos to Greg Russell, Sept. 22, 2001. Miami University (ΓN) Carolyn Scheidler to Craig Black, Sept. 29, 2001. Michigan (Θ) Danielle M. Pankowski to Andrew D. Agbay, Sept. 29, 2001. Michigan State (BB) Autumn Labadie to David Vaupel, March 3, 2001. Midwestern State (ΓΩ) Vanessa Gill to Tim Whittington, May 12, 2001. Nebraska/Kearney (∆Ξ) Kathleen Tinnes to Dr. Richard Glow, June 15, 2001. Buffi Nelson to Johnie Kamery, July 28, 2001. North Dakota (Π) Lisa Jensen to Christopher DeBoer, April 21, 2001. Jennifer Smillie to Ian Castro, Nov. 2, 2001. Northern Illinois (E∆) Julie Flagg to Jon Higgins, Nov. 17, 2001. Northwestern (B) Heidi Williamson to Kevin Ruff, Dec. 30, 2000. Ohio State (P) Susan Hoffman to Scott Niswander, July 7, 2001. Penn State (ΓP) Mariah Thompson to Nathan Vink, July 14, 2001. Puget Sound (ΓZ) Cheryl S. Daniels to Jeff Ratay, Nov. 9, 2001. Purdue (∆M) Brighid Mulkey to Paul Kappel, Sept. 8, 2001. Southern Illinois (EΞ) Jennifer Gale Norris to Shawn Lee Moore, Oct. 6, 2001. Heather Schikowski to Scott Giacoletto, Nov. 17, 2001. SUNY/Cortland (HT) Patricia Islas to Stephen Monaco, July 15, 2001. SUNY/Plattsburgh (ΘΨ) Jodie Moses to Ron Sinsabaugh, Oct. 6, 2001. Texas (Ω) Christina Kerford to Glenn Welch, June 23, 2001. Leslie Lace to Benjamin Wells, Nov. 3, 2001. Texas A&M (EΩΛ) Carolyn Morris to Tissa Godavitarne, Sept. 1, 2001. Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B) Cherlyn McCormick to Andy Morrison, March 21, 2001. Tiffany Wallace to Dr. Trey Cone, Dec. 1, 2001.
Texas Tech (ΓI) Tiffany Pehl to Gabe Lawson, April 21, 2001. Toronto (Ξ) Michelle Harris to Richard Penman, Nov. 10, 2001. Towson (HΩ) Danielle Gustin to Anthony Salerno III, June 16, 2001. Dayna Steinberg to Frank Cioffi, July 20, 2001. Truman State (ΘΓ) Tricia Kyler to Scott Bowling, Oct. 7, 2001. Colleen Field to Jason Chappell, Nov. 10, 2001. UC/Davis (EP) Mary Griggs to Trevor Klitten, Nov. 3, 2001. UCLA (B∆) Denise Gaitan to Christopher Jackson, Sept. 2, 2001. USC (BΠ) Cheryl Hermano to Christopher Huber, Aug. 11, 2001. Virginia (ZI) Karin Wall to Nat Rotchford, July 7, 2001. Ann Tongwarin to Rick Koerner, Sept. 22, 2001. Erin Hill to Dirk Gifford, Oct. 27, 2001. Virginia Tech (HO) Susan English to Michael Leber, June 2, 2001. Washington (Σ) Gretchen Gould to Chris Jackson, Oct. 6, 2001. West Virginia (BI) Mollianne Starcher to Mark Hamilton, Nov. 23, 2001. Wichita State (ΓΞ) Alison Lindsay to William F. Brookins, Jr., April 28, 2001.
Idaho (BZ) Mildred “Posie” Tuller (’48), May 11, 2001. Clare Mildred Fitzgerald (’28), Jan. 2, 2002. Illinois (BA) Idelle Eloise Logan Miller (’42), Oct. 10, 2001. Indiana (BT) Mary Lou Belz O’Neal (’51), Nov. 14, 2001. Kent State (BΩ) Louaine Fischer Schram Taylor (’48), Dec. 31, 2001. Manitoba (BH) Isabel J. Hart Borrowman (’39), Oct. 8, 2001. Minnesota (E) Helen Fredell Dypwick (’39), Oct. 10, 2001. Missouri (O) Linda “Jean” Carper Hankins (’79), Sept. 19, 2001. Montana (X) Margaret Raitt Gilfeather (’32), Jan. 6, 2001. Harriet Paulus Scott (’43), Aug. 20, 2001. Nebraska (N) Ruth Margaret Carlile Topp (’25), Feb. 1, 2001. Oklahoma (Φ) Rosemary Kyler Dennison (’51), March 23, 2001. Jo Campbell Carnahan (’73), Aug. 29, 2001. Stanford (K) Ruth Beede Coopman (’31), Sept. 22, 2001. Syracuse (A) Phyllis Leonard Budd (’26), Jan. 13, 2002.
Wisconsin (I) Stacey Noddle to Jerome Schneider, June 9, 2001. Molly Bayer to Adam Sirkus, Oct. 13, 2001.
Texas (Ω) Julia Mary Bell Eidman (’33), May 31, 2001. Gloria Yzaguirre Stephen (’36), July 7, 2001. Rebecca Mangum Knight (’71), Jan. 5, 2002.
Silent Chapter
Toronto (Ξ) Barbara Hanes Kennedy (’71), Oct. 23, 2001.
American University (BΞ) Klovia McKennon Tilley (’39), Jan. 2, 2001. Arizona (BE) Jane Smith Drake (’42), Oct. 29, 2001. Bowling Green State (BO) Martha Treat Mitton (’52), Sept. 30, 2001. Colorado (BΓ) Shirley Schall Mabry (’32), Nov. 10, 2000. Thelma Richards Owen (’30), Nov. 10, 2001. Yvette Marie Wahlmeier Hopkin (’39), Nov. 22, 2001. DePauw (Γ) Frances Sharp Killen (’29), Oct. 22, 2001.
UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB) Patricia Ferguson Cole (’50), Dec. 20, 2001.
water fun! THe sun shines 365 days a year! Cool off by the resort’s waterfall or in one of three pools, including adult and children-only pools and a large free-form pool with swim-up bar. Take a 177-foot ride down Arizona’s longest resort waterslide or lounge in three whirlpool spas. The Westin La Paloma’s 27-hole Jack Nicklaus signature golf course is punctuated by dramatic saguaro cacti and desert wildflowers. Golf Digest, Golf magazine and Condé Nast Traveler rate the course among the best in the United States. Golf for Women recognized La Paloma as one of the country’s most women-friendly courses.
USC (BΠ) Ellen Blair (’73), July 29, 2001. Washburn (Y) Joan Gilroy Estabrook (’49), March 3, 2001. Julia Ann Duff Gotcher (’37), Oct. 7, 2001.
Washington (Σ) Emmie Lou Fairservice Towne (’51), Nov. 8, 2001. Bettina Roberts Kettenring (’32), Nov. 17, 2001. Washington State (BP) Carol Berglund Ramsdell (’59), Dec. 19, 2001. Wisconsin (I) Marion Prehn Buchanan (’47), Feb. 19, 2001.
Meredith O’Neill Hassett, left, and Kristy Irvine Ryan
In Memory of Kristy Irvine Ryan On Sept. 11, 2001, I lost my best friend, Kristy Irvine Ryan (F -Dayton), in the World Trade Center attacks. She worked at Sandler O’Neill & Partners in Tower 2. Kristy and I were best friends since fourth grade. I followed her to The University of Dayton and into Alpha Phi. Alpha Phi quickly became the central part of our college lives. We made many friends and had such a wonderful time being part of an incredible group of women. Kristy’s favorite part of Alpha Phi was the Halloween functions. If you were to ask our sisters, I’m sure they would remember her unusual costumes. Another part Kristy and I enjoyed was the philanthropic aspect of Alpha Phi. We took this to a new level in 1999. I was working as a teacher in Harlem when I met a wonderful woman who had recently been placed in a Harlem housing project after living in a domestic violence shelter. She had nothing. Together, Kristy and I purchased all her household needs. We bought sheets, towels, pillows, dishes, pots and pans, glasses, a couch, a washing machine, and more. On Christmas Eve, Kristy, her future husband and sister delivered the gifts to the woman’s apartment. The change was remarkable. This woman became a different person. She slowly regained her confidence, got off welfare, became a teacher’s assistant at my school and started smiling again. Kristy and I decided we wanted to spread this joy further, and Secret Smiles was born. Secret Smiles was a very small non-profit organization until Sept. 11. Since that time we have received many donations in Kristy’s name; [Alpha Phi, through its Alpha Phi September 11 Disaster Relief Fund] gave one of our biggest gifts. I wanted to write this letter to thank you all for your support and faith in Secret Smiles. There are no words that can adequately describe how grateful we are to all of you. We have formed a “Kristy’s Smile” division of Secret Smiles. The money raised in Kristy’s name will go towards helping families affected by the World Trade Center attacks.
I can’t fool myself into thinking that Kristy was ready to go; she wasn’t. But I do know that she was at her absolute happiest the day she died, her smile at its brightest. Kristy guided me through almost everything in my life, including becoming an Alpha Phi sister. I will miss her for the rest of my days. Thank you again, Meredith O’Neill Hassett (F -Dayton) Editor’s Note: The Alpha Phi Foundation donated half of the Alpha Phi September 11 Disaster Relief Fund contributions (see Winter 2002 Quarterly or www.alphaphi.org) to Secret Smiles, Inc. in Kristy’s memory. For information on Secret Smiles, visit www.secretsmiles.org or call 866.314.5397.
Organ Donation: Save a Life Thank you so much for writing the article on organ donors (Summer 2001 Quarterly). One does not know the importance of being a donor until one is on a list. I am on the lung(s) transplant list at the University of Southern California. The whole process is quite amazing and very involved. I have met several people who have [received transplants]; it certainly changed their lives. Your article was very informative. Sincerely, JoAnn Lewis (S-Oregon) New Alumna Finds Alpha Phi Overseas As a graduation gift, my family sent me to Europe for six weeks so I could see the world. Alpha Phi was unexpectedly on my trip as well. I met women from other chapters, which was a wonderful experience. I also encountered Alpha Phi in Bern, Switzerland. In Einstein House, [the apartment where Albert Einstein lived from 1903-05 that is now a museum,] I found the deepest picture of the universe ever taken. It was photographed through Ursa Major, Alpha Phi’s constellation! Love and AOE, Kimberly Slater ( A-San Diego State)
Alpha Phi International welcomes our two newest members of the 2001-02 educational leadership consultant (ELC) team. (See Summer and Fall 2001
Quarterlies for other ELC profiles.)
SIGHTSEEING shine on TUCSON Jennifer Kuhn
Adrianne Pusateri
My goal as an ELC is: to demonstrate how Alpha Phi offers opportunity to all collegiate chapter members, not just the elected leaders. I want to show every chapter and collegian what she is capable of and how Alpha Phi can lead her way. Making an impact and a difference in each of my assigned chapters will confirm to me that my job is complete.
My goal as an ELC is: to provide collegiate sisters the tools and confidence to do their best and be their best.
If I wasn’t an ELC, I’d: be applying for jobs in finance and probably volunteering to be a chapter adviser. As an ELC, I’m looking forward to: meeting Alpha Phis from across North America and sharing with them how much Alpha Phi has done for me and what it can do for them. Favorite Alpha Phi memory: I have so many wonderful memories of Alpha Phi, it is really hard to choose a favorite. Two are most memorable though. First was watching my mother get initiated as an alumna member, and second was being honored to conduct our chapter initiation ceremony as president. No one knows that I secretly: have to watch “Nick at Nite” before I go to bed every night. Three words that best describe me are: creative, outgoing and determined.
If I wasn’t an ELC, I’d: be applying for law school and looking for apartments in Boston.
Come early or stay late to take advantage of The Westin La Paloma’s half and full day off-property sightseeing and shopping excursions. Some highlights include:
Columbia University’s internationally known Biosphere 2 Center.
Sonoran Desert, the only place in the world where the giant saguaro cactus grows.
As an ELC, I’m looking forward to: working with fabulous Alpha Phi women across North America.
Saguaro National Park, featur-
Favorite Alpha Phi memory: conducting my last initiation as chapter president and looking around the room and seeing more than twice as many sisters as when I conducted my first initiation. It was an amazing feeling.
The world renowned Pima Air and Space Museum, the largest
No one knows that I secretly: want to be a famous singer. Three words that best describe me are: dedicated, outgoing and motivated.
We introduce them to the world … or at least North America! How many professions offer travel to someone fresh out of college? Alpha Phi does! Interested in or already know you love to travel? Want to meet sisters from across North America? Consider applying to be an ELC! Hiring for the 2002-03 year is already in progress, however, applications for the 2003-04 educational leadership consultant team will be accepted during fall 2002 and are due in January 2003.
ing the world’s largest concentration of saguaro cacti.
privately run aircraft museum in the world, which houses President Kennedy’s Air Force One among its more than 250 aircraft on display.
Colossal Cave, the world’s largest dry cave. Tombstone, site of the infamous gunfight at the OK Corral.
Kartchner Caverns State Park, the world’s only living cavern open to the public. See back cover for more adventures.
Jeep ride! PA G E T H I RT Y- T H R E E
Recruiting with Heart “We could always pot plants again.”
“But that’s so messy. And it doesn’t show the women going through recruitment what our philanthropy is all about.”
A Hundred Years - A Hundred Reasons to Celebrate! UC/Berkeley (Λ) chapter hopes for 100 donors, too, for its anniversary scholarship fund. The chapter, formed in 1901, is establishing an endowed Alpha Phi Foundation scholarship to benefit Lambda members and to celebrate its centennial. A committee is raising $20,000 from Lambda members to meet its goal. So far the group has garnered $5,000 from its first solicitation calls. A Foundation endowed scholarship fund of $20,000 assures a $1,000 scholarship awarded annually. Contact Associate Executive Director Rebecca Andrew (BPΛ-Washington State) for details, 847.316.8950 or randrew@alphaphi.org.
WITH HEART Foundation Board Treasurer Susan Weiskittle Barrick (BO-Bowling Green State) assists Northern Iowa (EΘ) Chapter President Katherine Krummel and former Chapter President Jennifer Slocum in presenting the 2001 Cardiac Care Award to Allen Memorial Hospital during Northern Iowa's annual parents' weekend.
“We need something about hearts. Something related to the Foundation and its work in cardiac care … but I can’t think of anything.” “We want to stand out on our campus with a great event.”
Incorporating philanthropy into recruitment events challenges many collegiate chapters. Since the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) began to promote philanthropy recruitment about three years ago, chapter members have asked the Foundation for ideas: what kinds of projects can we do? How can we show the Foundation’s work to potential members? How can we make it fun and exciting? Together with the Fraternity, the Foundation Brooke Cesare (EX-Cal Poly), left, and Kristin answers those questions. Ideas from the Heart, a Tomala (ZΞ-Elmhurst) sport Alpha Phi Foundation guide to help chapters plan successful philanHeart to Heart shirts during the Foundation's philanthropy recruitment workshop. thropy recruitment events, was introduced during Regional Leadership Conferences in February (see Regional Conferences, page 8). It includes project suggestions from making fruit smoothies to promote heart health to creating stress squeeze toys that are donated to campus study breaks during finals. "At first we thought it was difficult to apply the program to our chapter because our campus doesn't hold a philanthropy round during recruitment. But the booklet was helpful, and we now have great ideas for projects to do during chapter meetings," say Karen Grimes and Melanie Chaves, vice presidents of marketing and member recruitment at Butler (EB). Ideas from the Heart instructs chapters how to plan philanthropy recruitment events that work well for any chapter. The ideas can be modified to suit different sized campuses, chapters and recruitment styles. Some events require minimal planning and minutes to execute, while others require extensive planning and can last the length of an entire recruitment party. An easy-to-read key for each idea listed in the booklet helps chapter members choose an event that’s right for them. "It's nice to see that we are instilling in our members and potential members Alpha Phi's commitment to philanthropy. It is a quality that we all stand for, and these philanthropy recruitment ideas make us different from all the rest," says Jennifer Gladski ( FFlorida Tech), Dayton alumnae chapter president. Every chapter received Ideas from the Heart at Regional Leadership Conferences. Additional copies and more information about philanthropy recruitment are available from the Foundation by calling 847.475.4532 or e-mailing foundation@alphaphi.org. ALPHA PHI
Heart to Heart Foundation Awards $25,000 Grant to Allen Memorial Hospital’s Heart Project Northern Iowa (E ) chapter members heard a rumor. A hospital in Waterloo, Iowa, had started planning an innovative community project that encourages women to come in for a heart-to-heart conversation about their cardiac health. After quickly confirming the rumor, the chapter nominated Allen Memorial Hospital for the Alpha Phi Foundation’s Cardiac Care Award. The hospital won a $25,000 grant from the Foundation to fund Heart to Heart, a women’s cardiac health institute in partnership with University of Northern Iowa’s campus wellness center. “Our goal is to provide women with an opportunity to assess their risk factors for cardiac disease and help those who choose to modify one or more of these factors,” says Program Coordinator Kelly Hassman, RN, BSN. Allen Memorial’s Heart to Heart program is Kelly’s brainchild, and she thinks it’s a great project for a university setting. “As younger women, we think nothing can hurt us; we might choose to forego exercise or to eat a lot of fast food or to smoke. But research shows that the lifestyle we choose to live at a young age can make a huge difference in our risk for cardiac disease at 40, 50 and 60,” Kelly says. The project uses a three-step approach to help women learn about their risk for heart disease. First, participants complete a questionnaire and interview about their health background and lifestyle. Kelly measures weight, height, body mass index, blood pressure, lipid profile and performs a diabetes screening. During the next two phases, the work begins. Kelly helps women choose an area to improve: fitness, smoking cessation or stress reduction, for example. The participant returns at four weeks and again at eight weeks to discuss her goals and progress. “It’s important that the participant is willing to improve her cardiac health. We all have enough people telling us what to do to be healthy. We want to provide a nonjudgmental atmosphere where women receive positive reinforcement for their efforts,” Kelly says. Epsilon Theta chapter is already involved in the project, says Chapter President Katherine Krummel. “Allen Memorial gave our chapter the first opportunity to enroll in the Heart to Heart program,” she says. “Alpha Phi’s name is printed on the brochures distributed by the hospital, the local newspaper printed an article about us and the hospital featured us in a national newsletter.” Katherine headed the committee to nominate Allen Memorial last year and says her chapter can see benefits beyond the good press they receive. “Winning the Cardiac Care Award has made our chapter more aware of the opportunities provided by the Foundation,” she says. “It’s fun to see our gifts are put to good use. We know the money we raise is really making a difference in people’s lives.” “We can’t thank Alpha Phi enough,” says Kelly. “This project would not be possible if it weren’t for the Foundation’s award.” Would you or your chapter like to make a difference in women’s cardiac health? For more information about nominating a hospital, school or project in your community for the Cardiac Care Award, call the Foundation at 847.475.4532. (See the sidebar on this page for helpful application tips.)
Congratulations to the following finalists for the Alpha Phi Foundation’s 2001 Cardiac Care Award: Washburn (Y) – St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center for a lecture series and community events for women to identify heart disease. Atlanta alumnae – North Side Hospital’s Heart Health Center for Women for a “Mother and Daughter Woman’s Day Out,” offering free heart health screenings for women. Chicago Lake Shore alumnae – University of Chicago Children’s Hospital for evaluation of ultrasound-tipped catheters for use with nonsurgical closure of atrial septal defects. Chicago Lake Shore alumnae – University of Chicago Medical Center for a study on the inherited forms of cardiomyopathy. Houston alumnae – Texas Children’s Hospital for educational programs for women with congenital heart disease and the impact of pregnancy. Portland Metro Area alumnae – Doernbecher Hospital for research on heart growth in low birth weight babies.
HEARTFELT TIPS FOR A WINNING APPLICATION Katherine Krummel is the current chapter president of Northern Iowa (EΘ) chapter. Last year she headed the committee to nominate Allen Memorial Hospital for the Alpha Phi Foundation Cardiac Care Award. Katherine offers these suggestions for a winning application: • Plan ahead. It takes time to select a project and fill out the application. Call the organization’s development office for help. • Educate members. “Every time I contacted Allen Memorial, the staff wanted to know more about the Foundation and the other types of programs it supports,” says Katherine. Learn about the Foundation and teach chapter members about its programs. • Get personal. Try to schedule a meeting with the nominated organization’s contact person. Deliver the application form and answer any questions. This contact can later be a great resource for cardiac education programs for your chapter. • Be complete. Make sure your application is free of spelling and grammatical errors. Follow the directions exactly as printed on the application.
nion Plans B & B Rd &euBreakfast r te ap h C n ro ic Om uation Be Minus Since Grad s or autifully A “40-Years Plu 2002, at the be ed for June 7-9, nn pla bia, Mo. lum Co Reunion” is in e (O) chapter hous ri ou iss M $100. d te redecora d food cost only mmodations an d. en Two nights’ acco of the week nd only a portion e inforOr you may atte complied from th be ll wi s rie mo me of to let A book you are unable stcards (even if po on ed rn tu re mation attend). is available at tion information mail Reunion registra main.htm. Or eol.com/reunionjk/ n. tio http://members.a ma or al inf om for addition archerk58@aol.c
Houston ( ) Reu nion
A Houston (ΓΛ ) reunion is plann ed for April 6, 2002, at the home of Em ily Fraser Hippen in Katy, Texas. Contact Ca rolynne Bond Kent at 20 5.824.6424 or carolynnekent@ usa.net for infor mation.
Epsilon A lph Reunioan Plans 35-Year Dinner Friday, O ct. 11 Ash
land Un , 2002 iversity Homeco ming W eekend Cost is $ Contact 25 Ann Bec 800.338 kert Sch .1121 or ar for de annie@a tails at nniesam ishbacke ts.com.
Calling All Be ntley Phis .... Mark Your Ca lendars Join the Zeta Rh o
chapter as we ce lebrate 20 years at Bent ley! Saturday, April 6 6:30 p.m. recept ion, 7:30 p.m. din ner, dancing until m idnight Sheraton Colon ial, Wakefield, M ass. Specific details are available on the Bentley Colle alumni Web site ge at www.bentley .edu/alumni. Or e-mail zetarho_20@ho tmail.com.
chester Calling All Ro nae m lu (ΘK) A
t informaupdated contac Please send your e e-mail na m y created alu tion to our newl ail.com. tm ho ni@ um appaAl address: ThetaK ar from you! We’d love to he
The Westin La Paloma, Tucson, Arizona
N A M E B A D G E I N F O R M AT I O N ( P L E A S E P R I N T C L E A R LY )
R E G I S T R AT I O N F E E S All-Inclusive Package (6/26-6/30)
Includes: 4 room nights, taxes and tariffs, housekeeping gratuities, roundtrip airport transfers, 4 continental breakfasts, 3 lunches, 4 dinners, meal taxes and gratuities plus registration fee for one person. Weekend Package (6/28-6/30)
$139.00* (per night)
Includes: 2 room nights, taxes and tariffs, housekeeping gratuities, roundtrip airport transfers, 2 continental breakfasts, 1 lunch, 2 dinners, meal taxes and gratuities plus registration fee for one person. A La Carte Pricing ROOM RATE: Children under 17 who stay with parents
18 and over
$50.00* (per person)
Candlelight Banquet
MEALS: Breakfast
Registration Fee (required for a la carte package) Chapter Adviser Training Package (6/25-6/26)
Includes: 1 room night, taxes and tariffs, housekeeping gratuities, roundtrip airport transfers, 1 continental breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner, meal taxes and gratuities for one person. Recruitment Adviser Training Package (6/28-6/30) Includes: 2 room nights, taxes and tariffs, housekeeping gratuities, roundtrip airport transfers, 2 continental breakfasts, 1 lunch, 2 dinners, meal taxes and gratuities for one person. House Corporation Board Training Package (6/29-6/30) Includes: 1 room night, taxes and tariffs, housekeeping gratuities, roundtrip airport transfers, 1 continental breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner, meal taxes and gratuities for one person. HCB Day Session Only (6/30)
TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES Special training session packages are available for house corporation board members, chapter advisers and recruitment advisers. Visit our Web site for details.
Includes: Training session only. You must purchase a Weekend or All-Inclusive Package if you require lodging/meals. Total Amount Enclosed
*Based on double occupancy. Package does not include airfare. The Executive Office must be notified of flight arrangements by May 15, 2002.
METHOD OF PAYMENT Check is enclosed (please make payable to Alpha Phi International) Charge to my: AMEX Discover Visa Mastercard Card Number ________________________________________ Exp. Date _______________ Signature ___________________________________________ Print Name as appears on credit card _____________________________
Please return completed form with payment by May 15, 2002 to: Alpha Phi International, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Those paying by credit card may fax form to 847.475.6820 OR fill out online at www.alphaphi.org
This form also is available on our Web site at www.alphaphi.org
REMINDERS: •Delegates and Alternates must purchase an All-Inclusive Package to be considered the voting delegate. •You are not officially registered until we have your payment. •If you are not purchasing a package, you are required to pay the registration fee in addition to the cost of any individual tickets.
Unique excursions abound to satisfy everyone from the single traveler to the entire family.
ON THE OLD WEST Tucson is the oldest continually inhabited settlement in the U.S., dating back to 800 B.C. Tombstone, site of the infamous gunfight at the OK Corral, is close by.
IN THE SCENIC MOUNTAINS AND SPECTACULAR DESERT Kartchner Caverns State Park is the world’s only living cavern open to the public. The Sonoran Desert is the only place in the world where the giant saguaro cactus grows.
WITH SOUTHWESTERN CULTURE Tucson was voted “friendliest city” and one of the “top 10 U.S. cities to visit” by the readers of Condé Nast Traveler magazine. Tucson’s unique blend of Spanish, Mexican and Native American heritages is reflected in its diverse cuisine, art and shopping, and influences range from contemporary to historic.
THE SUN SHINES 350 DAYS A YEAR! From its history and natural wonders, to its diverse shopping, dining and art, Tucson offers something for everyone. Reunite with sisters and meet Alpha Phis from across North America as Alpha Phi Convention 2002 shines on Tucson!
Get ready for an adventure. Get connected with your sisters. Alpha Phi International’s 64th Biennial Convention is June 26-30, 2002, in Tucson, Ariz. Visit our Web site at www.alphaphi.org for updated Convention 2002 details and links to The Westin La Paloma and the Metropolitan Tucson Convention and Visitors Bureau. For more information visit our Web site at www.alphaphi.org
“Shine on Tucson” Join Us for Convention 2002
Tucson is consistently rated one of the best golfing destinations in the West.
Saguaro National Park has the world’s largest concentration of saguaro cactuses.
Columbia University’s internationally known Biosphere 2 Center is a short drive away.
POSTMASTER: Please send changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201