A Publication of Alpha Phi International Fraternity Since 1888 Vol. 116, No. 4 Fall 2004
Alpha Phi
Friendships Inside:
Convention 2004 Fraternity Directory Foundation Cardiac Care Award
Watch future Quarterlies and visit www.alphaphi.org for information about changes to your Quarterly subscription.
C ntents In This Issue President’s Message
State of the Fraternity
Convention 2004
Convention Awards
25-, 50- and 75-year Anniversaries 14 Alumnae Pride
ALPHA PHI FRIENDSHIPS These Texas (Ω) sisters have been friends for more
Potential Member Form
than 60 years. Read this and other stories of Alpha Phi friendships.
On Campus
Career Development
Reunions/Small World
Fraternity Directory
Bulletin Board/Classifieds
QUARTERLY RECEIVES APEX AWARD The Alpha Phi Quarterly received its third award this year: an APEX (Awards for Publication Excellence) Award of Excellence in the category of Magazines and JournalsPrinted Four Color - for the Fall 2003 issue. The award, presented by Communications Concepts, Inc., honors excellence in graphic design, editorial content and the ability to achieve overall communications excellence.
Health Perspectives on Inside: 2004-06 IEB Search y Fraternity Director
phaphi.org: New at www.al NITY. ONLINE COMMU Alpha Phi’s new membership number, You will need your gain access. to on the back cover,
A Publication of
Fraternity Since Alpha Phi International 2003 Fall Vol. 115, No. 4
HAVE YOU MOVED? Send your new address to Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 or update your address online at www.alphaphi.org.
8 CONVENTION 2004 Rancho Mirage, Calif., is the perfect setting to meet sisters, renew friendships and network during Convention.
Quarterly Deadlines Issue
Copy Deadline
Winter 2005 Spring 2005 Summer 2005 Fall 2005
Oct. 15, 2004 Jan. 15, 2005 April 15, 2005 July 15, 2005
Founders Clara Bradley Burdette (’76), died 1954 Florence Chidester Lukens (’75), died 1885 Martha Foote Crow (’76), died 1924 Ida Gilbert Houghton (’76), died 1916 Jane S. Higham (’76), died 1949 Kate Hogoboom Gilbert (’75), died 1900 Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults (’75), died 1895 Rena Michaels Atchison (’74), died 1933 Louise Shepard Hancock (’76), died 1932 Clara Sittser Williams (’75), died 1925 International Executive Board International President: Crista Cate Vasina Vice President: Peg Dechant Thornburg Secretary/Treasurer: Billie Coskey Battiato Stacey Grimes Boulmetis Deana Koonsman Gage Carole Salerno Susan Brink Sherratt Shana Goss Smith Lindsay Wiggins Ex-Officio: Sally McCall Grant, NPC Delegate Foundation Directors Chairman: Susan Weiskittle Barrick Vice Chairman: Gayle Goodman Secretary: Linda Gardner Massie Treasurer: Alin Hernandez Wall Susan Bevan Ann Brinkman Amy Jordan Tvrdik Crista Cate Vasina National Panhellenic Conference Alpha Phi Delegate: Sally McCall Grant First Alternate Delegate: Deana Koonsman Gage Second Alternate Delegate: Laura Malley-Schmitt Third Alternate Delegate: Mary Rekart Ulich Editorial Advisory Board Sheila George Bright Ann Brinkman Emily Ellison Lamb Jan Jones Owen Alpha Phi Quarterly Staff Editor-in-Chief: Christine Spiegel Program Coordinator-Marketing & Communications: Kayee Ip E-mail: quarterly@alphaphi.org Alpha Phi Quarterly Design Michelle Webb Design E-mail: mwdesign@intosh.net Alpha Phi Home Page www.alphaphi.org Executive Office Executive Director: Susan Zabriskie Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Phone: 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 E-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org Foundation Office Executive Director: Rebecca Andrew Zanatta Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Foundation Phone: 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 E-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org Alpha Phi Quarterly Editorial Policy The purpose of the Alpha Phi Quarterly and its content is to provide information and services to the membership of the Alpha Phi Fraternity, in keeping with the Fraternity's status as a 501(c)(7) tax-exempt private membership club. The magazine is devoted to highlighting its members and matters of fraternal and college interest. The views expressed in the articles published in the Quarterly are those of the authors and their contributors, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Alpha Phi Fraternity, its officers or staff. All persons interested in submitting materials for publication in the Alpha Phi Quarterly are encouraged to send them to the editor at the Executive Office. The editor reserves the right to accept, deny or edit any materials submitted. Unless otherwise requested, all photos sent to the magazine will become the property of Alpha Phi International and will not be returned. Articles may be sent by mail, fax, e-mail or on a PC disk. Please send your information to the editor by the deadlines indicated on this page. Materials received after these deadlines will be considered for the following issue. Please direct any submission questions or inquiries regarding publication advertising to the editor at 847.316.8920, or quarterly@alphaphi.org. The Alpha Phi Quarterly is published winter, spring, summer and fall. Subscription price is $3 per year; single copies are $1. Send change of address or announcements to Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Periodical rate postage paid at Evanston, IL, and at additional mailing offices. (ISSN: USPS 014680) Postmaster: Please send address changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Printed in the USA.
Whether you joined Alpha Phi as a collegian or alumna, the heart of Alpha Phi is in the friendships you make along the way.
Career Development: Networking has always been the best method to find a job. Follow these tips to develop and refine this valuable skill set.
Health: Female friendships can help reduce stress.
Sisters and guests support Alpha Phi’s message about cardiac care while attending the Convention 2004 Red Dress Gala.
A highlight of Convention 2004 was the Red Dress Gala that concluded the event. It was amazing to look out and see so many women dressed in red! What a powerful statement it was. Imagine the statement your chapters could make to your communities if you hold events such as this. The Alpha Phi Foundation has been educating women on the dangers of heart disease for more than 50 years, but it is just lately that the mainstream has picked up this message. Alpha Phi needs to continue to be part of that message, and I encourage you to help our chapters to do that. During the gala and throughout Convention, we celebrated the last biennium and set the stage for the next two years. We celebrated our successes in the areas of alumnae outreach, collegiate growth and financial health, and we outlined a plan for the future. The Red Dress Gala and all that it represents is
Crista Cate Vasina
just one of the many exciting things Alpha Phi membership can look forward to. Alpha Phi is strong, and her future is bright. Together, the International Executive Board, Executive Office staff and
Alpha Phi Foundation are ready to move forward through the next biennium. We thank you for the trust you have placed in us. We are committed to working diligently to strengthen and improve Alpha Phi; with your encouragement and
Thank you to all Alpha Phis who shared their “friendship”stories with the Quarterly. If your information was not included in this issue, please do not think we have forgotten you. We may contact you in the future.
In the Next Issue Values-based Career Moves Lake Forest Installation Foundation Scholarship Recipients Announced
support, I’m confident we will be successful.
Visit www.alphaphi.org Do you have information on a missing alumna? Visit www.alphaphi.org/alumnae_info.html to help us locate “lost” alumnae.
Crista Cate Vasina (¢¡-Northern Colorado) International President
FALL 2004
Have you registered yet for Alpha Phi’s ONLINE COMMUNITY? Visit www.alphaphi.org/ onlinecommunity today.
State of the Fraternity Editor’s Note: Following are excerpts from the State of the Fraternity address presented by International President Crista Cate Vasina (∆Γ-Northern Colorado) and Executive Director Susan Zabriskie (ΘMichigan) during Convention 2004 in Rancho Mirage, Calif. CRISTA: As President, I work with both the International Executive Board (IEB) and the Executive Office (EO) staff. I travel to meetings, visit chapters, attend conferences, meet with alumnae and talk regularly with other national and international presidents about the state of affairs for fraternities and sororities. I enjoy my job. I have had the privilege of installing chapters, initiating new members and representing our organization. What isn’t difficult about being International President is answering questions about the work the Board does not do. For example, none of us live in Evanston, Ill., nor do any of us get paid. But more importantly we don’t manage the staff, we don’t make decisions regarding ELC visits, we don’t manage day-today financial operations and we certainly don’t answer the numerous daily phone calls that come into the EO. We leave all that in the capable hands of staff. But back to what I do as President and what the Board does in its work. As outlined by the Alpha Phi Constitution, the IEB is the governing and policymaking body of the Fraternity and in the interim between Conventions exercises general fiduciary responsibility for the Fraternity’s business and affairs. This means we are charged with creating the future for this organization. We cannot simply predict who Alpha Phi International Fraternity will be in two years, 20 years or 200 years. We must create who she will be and develop the strategies, make the decisions and prioritize the many competing needs that ensure the Alpha Phi of tomorrow is not just the Alpha Phi today – but bigger, healthier, stronger, wealthier, more successful. Had, at any time in the history of Alpha Phi, the collegiate or alumnae leadership in this Fraternity accepted that Alpha Phi was as successful as it needed to be, we would not have all the chapters we have today. We would not benefit from all the resources – both human and finan-
cial – that help us excel. We would not have a Foundation to support our work. We would not have the amazing programs we offer women, and we would not be the competitive force we are within the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC). As the governing body of this organization, we reflect on the work of past leaders and recognize the responsibilities we have. We understand the importance of focusing on our future. Our Board has chosen to direct the future of Alpha Phi by both strengthening and growing this Fraternity. In order to make sure we successfully meet the needs of the organization, the IEB developed some very specific goals that help us strengthen and grow Alpha Phi – and we challenged the staff and volunteers with addressing these goals. One important aspect of governance is working with our outstanding Executive Office staff. The staff also has the critical role of partnering with our invaluable field volunteers and managing our chapters – both alumnae and collegiate. The partnership the IEB has with the staff is critical to all our success. We are proud of this relationship and believe Alpha Phi has created a unique and successful model for other women’s Greek organizations to follow. The partnership is guided by Executive Director Susan Zabriskie, an enthusiastic leader who is committed to continuous improvement. SUSAN: As Crista mentioned, we are a partnership dedicated to growing and strengthening Alpha Phi. The vehicle created this year to develop the roadmap for that growth and strengthening is a five-year plan for the Fraternity. This is a roadmap that will be followed by the partnerships of the Board, staff, our outstanding volunteers and the Foundation. One of the guiding lights of the fiveyear plan is the mission statement, approved this May by the Board.
advocating service. Alpha Phi develops character for a lifetime.” Our finances are strong, and we are committed to improving unit costs as well as to providing products and merchandise that will encourage people to “buy Alpha Phi.” Our collegiate membership community is also strong. The new NPC recruitment resolutions present an opportunity for all of us to help strengthen the systems on our campuses and demonstrate what a positive experience being part of the fraternal community can be. We chartered a large number of new alumnae chapters over the last biennium and have significantly improved our programming in this area, not to mention our new anniversary jewelry and our growing online community. It is critical that our alumnae membership continue to support the Fraternity through involvement: paying dues, volunteering, letting us know when you have moved, etc. The evaluation of the Strategic Plan charted some additional areas for further exploration, including housing, development and communication. For instance, our Web site traffic has increased 63 percent in the last year; that means rethinking some of our traditional methods! There are a multitude of new and exciting things for our organization in our five-year plan. I encourage each and every one of us to be as fully engaged in our organization as possible … there is nothing that we cannot do together! CRISTA: Now I want to tell you what I need from you. I need you to be part of creating the future of our organization. I know that not only must we prepare the operations side of the Fraternity for the future, we must prepare you to be part of Alpha Phi’s future leadership. I’m confident that each of you will consider what role you are going to play in the future of our beloved Fraternity. I want Alpha Phi to remain always in your heart and on your mind.
MISSION STATEMENT FOR THE FRATERNITY: “Alpha Phi International Fraternity is a membership organization dedicated to promoting sisterhood, cultivating leadership, encouraging intellectual curiosity and
Celebrating Alpha Phi Friendships Editor’s Note: Whether you joined Alpha Phi as a collegian or alumna, the heart of Alpha Phi is in the sisterhood – the friendships – made along the way. This issue of the Quarterly pays tribute to those female friendships in our lives.
Lisa’s Gift
By Lori Higgins Morris (BΠ-USC)
I think my heart stopped beating after the out-ofthe-blue phone call from USC (B¦) sister Lisa Tabah. But on reflection, it didn’t stop; it actually started, and I have her to thank for giving my husband Joe and me the most precious gift we could imagine: our son, Ryan. It is an amazing story – one Ryan asks to hear over and over and one that brings tears to my eyes and to those Lori Higgins (Morris) and Lisa Tabah who hear the tale of true sisterhood and generosity. Lisa and I were part of an awesome pledge class and shared our years together having the best time of our lives while fitting college into the equation. Of all the pledges in that fall 1973 class, Lisa stood out. She always stood out in the crowd. She was extremely avant-garde, stylish and always very cool. When the rest of us dressed identically in wrap-skirts and Jacques Cohen espadrilles, Lisa wore outfits out of Melrose boutiques and platform shoes that defied walking. She chain-smoked, painted her long nails metallic tones and raced her celadon-green Mach 1 Mustang up and down “The Row,” dodging co-eds on bikes and blaring David Bowie. While we all loved Lisa’s joie de vive, we also knew deep down that she was uniquely different from the rest of us. But if you were singled-out to be part of her world, you knew that you too, were something special. Years passed, and one by one we married and went our separate ways to focus on careers and FALL 2004
families. With somewhat regularity, we’d gather the Phis for showers or other occasions, but Lisa was conspicuously absent, leaving the rest of us to compare notes on who had talked with her last and where she was now living. Yes, Lisa had the wanderlust. She also loved to move. All these pictures were running through my head the day my mother and I headed toward Los Angeles from my home in Rancho Palos Verdes to pick up our son. It was January 4, 1993. Joe was in San Francisco checking in on his mom following surgery, and I was working at home. It was a tough time in our lives. We desperately wanted a baby, but were having no luck. The infertility treatments were emotionally and financially draining. Neither of us wanted to admit we were about out of hope. When the phone rang I was surprised to hear the voice of Lisa Tabah. After a few minutes of small talk and catching up, I could tell there was a purpose to her call. She told me she knew of Joe’s and my difficulty trying conceive and thought we would make great parents. My world turned upside down as she told me she knew a woman who was expecting a baby and was planning to give it up for adoption. She said she immediately thought of us and then stated rather matter-of-factly, “I don’t know if you’ve considered adoption or not …” My head was spinning: “Was she offering us a child?” The idea was so completely out of the blue; I was speechless. Then she added, “The mother is in labor.” I told her I needed to talk to Joe and would call her right back. If you thought the call with Lisa was
“I have her to thank for giving my husband Joe and me the most precious gift we could imagine: our son, Ryan.”
Lori Higgins (Morrris) and Lisa Tabah meet as new members of Beta Pi.
“I am ever grateful that the sisterhood Lisa and I experienced made that gift a possibility.”
Ryan and Lori Morris
wild, imagine the call I made to my husband! My excitement was too difficult to contain. Joe knew Lisa by reputation and from the stories about those magical years called “college.” Her legend was large, but he soon learned the “real” Lisa Tabah was a warm, kind, generous, loving mother of two adopted sons herself. Joe’s response to Lisa’s offer was, “It must be meant to be.” In the short time it took to reach Joe and call Lisa back, Lisa announced, “your son has just been born!” I can still vividly feel the joy and the frenzy that surrounded us in the following days as we each
cradled the tiny, perfect person in our arms. Ryan is now 11. He is our only child and true to his birth announcement, “a blessing that makes our lives complete.” The joy he has brought to our family is a priceless gift – one for which I am ever grateful that the sisterhood Lisa and I experienced made that gift a possibility. Lisa Tabah passed away two years ago after struggling a lifetime with diabetes. I regret that Ryan will not know the vibrant, loving, hysterically funny Lisa I knew. But I will share with him my stories.
Stitches of Sisterhood By Andrea L. Zrimsek (EI-Duquesne)
When I pledged Alpha Phi, I had no idea how the bond of sisterhood would touch my life. After graduation I was lucky that my closest friends from college all settled in Pittsburgh, my hometown and home of our alma matter. Over the years, three of us migrated to the same small suburb, with the others just a few miles away. Though we don’t see each other as often as we did when we were young and carefree, when we’re together it’s as if no time has passed. The bond of Alpha Phi and the memories we created in those short years holds us together as sisters and friends. As years passed, I wondered if I would ever find that same closeness with other women later in life. Not that I haven’t made any friends since tossing my mortarboard, but something seems to lack in a friendship when you can’t mock someone for who they dated a dozen years ago. I eventually resigned Carol Crowley and Andrea Zrimsek
myself to think Alpha Phi was my main conduit for friendship. Little did I know how true of a statement I made. In December 2001, while a full-time graduate student, I decided to realize a longtime dream to learn to knit. I opened the phone book and found several yarn shops around Pittsburgh, selected Carol’s Needleworks and placed a call. Carol, the owner who just purchased the shop, told me to stop in and she would happily teach me. From the minute I walked in the shop, I felt I belonged there. Carol and I bonded immediately, despite an age difference of two decades. I spent endless hours in the shop clicking away with my needles and absorbing everything I could from my new friend. As knitters often do, Carol and I would knit and chat about everything in our lives. I even wrote a story about Carol for one of my journalism classes. Something had delivered me to this particular knitting shop, but I didn’t know what that something was. Then one day, about a year after I found the Bridgeville, Pa., knitting oasis, Carol Mitarotonda Crowley (¢¼-Indiana University of Pennsylvania) blurts out that she is an Alpha Phi. Suddenly all my questions were answered. As a strong believer in fate, this showed me that somehow, someway Alpha Phi will always find ways to bring sisters together. Andrea L. Zrimsek is a writer and knitter based in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sister Urges Others to Treasure Friendships My story is unique because my friend never knew we were sisters. Rachael Fitt (¢¡-Northern Colorado) and I were inseparable best friends in junior high. Regrettably, a teen hormone-enraged disagreement caused our friendship to splinter. Through the years I Marcy Steinmetz (Wood) and had hoped to mend the Rachael Fitt friendship, as time heals all wounds. One holiday season I was at a local mall and saw a memory tree set up for loved-ones who had passed away. I saw her name. Struck with disbelief, I moved on with my holiday shopping, thinking I misunderstood the tree’s purpose and that I would contact her as soon as the holidays were over. One thing led to another and a year or two passed. Then I was flipping through an Alpha Phi Quarterly and caught a glimpse of her picture. She was killed in a car accident shortly after graduation prior to her wedding. Her sisters at UNC had set up an Alpha Phi Foundation donation in her name. She really was gone. I interpret these events as an ivy link; she and I were meant to be connected. I write this to impress upon other sisters that friendships are
precious. Take the time to contact that long lost friend; you may not get a second chance. –Marcy Steinmetz Wood (B¡¤-Colorado)
Sisters’ Bond Remains Strong Despite Tragedy, Life Changes During school, Rachel Victorson, Pam Stuck Lopez, Cathy Jacobus (all BI-West Virginia) and I were inseparable. Our first life-altering experiPam Lopez, Donna Alexander-Lawson ence was Cathy’s and Rachel Victorson death two years after graduation from a car accident. She had just been engaged. We have been through deaths, marriages, births, miscarriages and now divorces. Today, Rachel and Pam are raising daughters who are close in age and participate in many activities together. I continue to visit at least once a year even though I live 300 hundred miles away. Through all the challenges we have faced in 30 years, our bond as sisters is as strong as the day we pledged. We have remained loyal and true to each other. When we get together, we pick up right where we left off: 30 years ago on the WVU (continued on page 6)
Lawrence reunited in May in San Antonio. “We still enjoy laughter about dating in numbers – never alone – with Air Force guys, dances on campus and walking everywhere due to no cars and no gasoline stamps,” says Charlotte. ALUMNAE STILL DO LUNCH AFTER 50 YEARS
Jeff and Sara Ellis and Jill Waldrop
In August 2001, Sara Keltner Ellis visited Jill Waldrop (both O-Missouri) in Phoenix, Ariz. The two were roommates in 1987 who had barely seen each other since graduation, but e-mailed occasionally. During the five-day trip, Sara met several new people and fell in love with the city. She also, eventually, fell in love with one of those new people: her husband Jeff. “None of this would have been possible if it wasn’t for Jill inviting me out for that long weekend in 2001,” says Sara. Sara is president of the Greater Phoenix alumnae chapter and Jill serves as treasurer of the Arizona State (ΓΠ) chapter house corporation board. FALL 2004
Charlotte Logan, center, has kept in touch with several Omega sisters for more than six decades. In July, she traveled to San Diego to visit two sisters who have been away from Texas for several years: Bonnie Erter Patterson, left, and Joy Goff Miller, right.
Charlotte Wigzell Logan (Ω-Texas) has kept in touch with several Texas (Ω) sisters for more than six decades. Charlotte and four others who pledged in 1942 and lived in the freshman dorm together have reunited annually for many years. Most recently she, Lenora Going Rentfro, Beth Baskin Colley, LenaBelle Koch Denman and Dot McGuire
Beta Epsilon sisters enjoy the “Luncheon Movement.”
About 15 Arizona (BE) collegians from the early ‘50s have returned to the Tucson area and meet once a month for lunch. Begun in the early ‘90s, the meetings were coined the “Luncheon Movement” by Margaret Clampett Bath. “We are a very merry, vigorous, nutty fun group,” says Joanna Wagner Cheney. “We stick like glue and (continued on page 6) PAGE FIVE
(Sisters’ Bond continued)
campus in the Alpha Phi house, sitting in the day room talking about our day’s experiences. –Donna Alexander-Lawson (BI-West Virginia) Reunions Keep East Carolina Sisters Together After Three Decades
Delta Alpha sisters reunite in May in Isle of Palms, S.C.
As an only child, I was so excited to have “sisters,” and a whole brand new group of friends to experience college life with. Thirty-four years later, many of those women are still my very good friends, and we get together every year. The challenges we face today are certainly different than those of previous decades, but it always helps to share with the
(Arizona Alumnae continued)
are enjoying our lives. We all are very vital and active in our individual worlds. We thoroughly enjoy each other and hold each other very dear. There is nothing like a 50-year friendship.” ETA BETAS REALIZE THE IMPORTANCE OF SISTERS
(From left) Erin Williams, Jennifer Porter, Stephanie Crossey and Diana Ernst remain close after 10 years.
When Stephanie Crossey, Diana Ernst, Erin Williams and Jennifer Hagstrom Porter (all HB-CSU/San Bernardino) joined Alpha Phi, senior sisters told them how much their Alpha Phi friendships would mean.
women who have been there along the way. I truly believe becoming part of Alpha Phi was the turning point in my life. It has, in one way or another, affected everything from the places I’ve lived to where I’ve vacationed. I would wish for everyone, Alpha Phi or not, the wonderful friendships I’ve shared with my Delta Alpha sisters. –Jackie Seaver Cominotti (¢A-East Carolina)
A Significant Alpha Phi Friendship I just finished addressing a birthday envelope to Sara Gerhart Wieland (BS-Indiana). Sara and I have been close friends since we pledged Alpha Phi some 47 years ago. At Indiana University we would treat ourselves on “down days” by going to the flower Beverly Carmichael (Heid), left, and shop to buy a rose Sara Gerhart (Wieland) have for each other and remained friends since pledging then having a big Beta Tau in 1957. orange at the famous
Ten years later, Jennifer says, “when people tell us they covet our type of relationships, we understand the truth behind the message. Nothing compares to the friendships you will form in Alpha Phi. Here’s to the next 10 years. May they be just as fulfilling and adventurous as the last.” SHORT-TIME NEIGHBORS, FOREVER FRIENDS A warm invitation to a Maryland (∆Z) chapter meeting and gentle nudges by the alumnae chapter president lured four 20-something Washington, D.C., area transplants back to Alpha Phi in the ‘70s. Although Jetty Buchholz Stockel (BΓ-Colorado), Sunny Wilhelm Keene (ΓΩ-Midwestern State), Kathy Cicitto Kilduff (BΩ-Kent State) and Pat Hynes Weinstein (Σ-Washington) came from different collegiate chapters and the four only lived in the same area one year, they became forever connected. Thirty-five years later, they continue to hold reunions as often as possible. “The thread of Alpha Phi bubbles up enthusiastically at the oddest times – like when we started belting out Alpha Phi songs to distract ourselves from the terror of mountainside chairlifts in Colorado – or Jetty’s confident exuberant
Sisters who met as alumnae keep in touch after 30 years. They are pictured (top) during their first reunion in Bermuda in 1980 and (bottom) in Maui in 2003.
Gables. We have sent flowers to one another and other gifts since that time. When her father died unexpectedly, I helped Bev Heid, right, travels to Sara Wieland's son's wedding in 2003. her through her grief by playing the piano at the chapter house while she pondered things, looking out the window. Weddings and children, as well as funerals, have been part of our shared friendship. Her successful, loving husband died 10 years ago, and I was one of the first called. We lived in different cities, but, of course, my husband and I went to the funeral and supported her afterward. One of my two daughters is named Sara, after my good friend. Our daughter, Beth, pledged Alpha Phi at DePauw University, and my friend Sara gave her Alpha Phi pin to Beth. We call one another, send cards and visit when possible. I was fortunate to be part of a great pledge class. I still am in contact with several others, but Sara and I have been the closest for all of these years. –Beverly Carmichael Heid (BS-Indiana)
driving on her native curvy mountain roads,” say Kathy and Pat. Each reunion picks up where the last left off. Each sister revels in their friendship, confident and secure in the knowledge the others will always be there for her. Isn’t that what sisterhood is about? And it all started with Alpha Phi. CHILDHOOD FRIENDSHIP IS REKINDLED Seventeen years ago, two 5-yearolds met and became best friends during tap dancing classes. Then at age 11, one of the girls moved away, and they lost contact. Three years Stephanie Zimmerman and Elizabeth ago by chance, the pair met up Rogal
FALL 2004
Friends for More than 65 Years
Pat McKibben (Evans), standing second from right, and Dottie John (Schuldt), kneeling at right, have been friends for more than 65 years. They are pictured here with Beta Omicron sisters in 1952.
Pat McKibben Evans (BO-Bowling Green State) and I met in second grade. We played together then and still do today! We were young friends at church in the late ‘30s, throughout high school Pictured during a 2002 reunion are Pat, and became room- right, and Dottie, center, with Carolyn mates at Bowling Arnholt Fitzsimmons (BO-Bowling Green Green State. Pat is State). a cancer survivor who continues to work valiantly to win her ongoing battle. All prayers are welcome. –Dorathy John Schuldt (BO-Bowling Green State)
again at Kettering University and instantly clicked. A year later, they were initiated into the Kettering (IE) chapter of Alpha Phi together. Today, Stephanie Zimmerman is president, and Elizabeth Rogal holds various positions including vice president of formal recruitment. “We were best friends when we were 5, and yet again in our early 20s,” says Stephanie. “Friendship really does come full circle.” SISTERS GROW CLOSE AFTER COLLEGE Claire Mysak (HX-Bishop’s) lost touch with many college sisters after she graduated. When she returned to Lennoxville, Quebec, two years later, she Claire Mysak and Jennifer Banks was contacted
by Jennifer Banks (HX-Bishop’s), Eta Chi chapter adviser, to join her advisory committee. “Jen and I graduated from Bishop’s the same year, and while we were always friendly, we were never close friends,” says Claire. “Of course, I was eager to help my chapter and agreed to become program development adviser. I’m so thankful I did! Since becoming an adviser in 2002, Jen and I have become so much closer than ever before. I’m always calling her for advice – with Alpha Phi, as well as with life – and I truly see her as a source of inspiration. Although Jen lives in Montreal (1.5 hrs from Lennoxville), our times together are so important to me. I look forward to each school semester when she and I have our weekly, and sometimes daily, chats. And as I look back, I realize were it not for Alpha Phi, Jen and I would never have made contact again and wouldn’t be the friends we are today. So thank you, Alpha Phi!
Alpha Phi Convention 2004: “Above and Beyond”
The desert paradise of Rancho Mirage, Calif., provided an inspiring backdrop for the more than 500 Alpha Phis and guests who attended the Fraternity’s 65th Biennial Convention June 23-27. The four-diamond Marriott Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa was the perfect setting to meet sisters, renew friendships, network with other collegians or alumnae and help determine the future of our Fraternity. The four-day event, organized and led by Director of Training & Development and Marketing & Communications Denise Jung Reens (E¢-Northern Illinois), featured awards ceremonies (see page 10), an Order of the Ivy reception for former traveling consultants, initiation, a special Red Dress Gala and captivating speakers and presenters. Training Opportunities Offered Concurrent educational tracks were held for chapter advisers, collegiate and alumnae delegates, with separate programming for recruitment advisers, house corporation board members and house directors. Separate Rush U. and House Corporation Board tracks provided an opportunity for the more than 125 participants to receive intensive training and communicate best practices.
Members of the 2004-06 International Executive Board, profiled in the Spring 2004 Quarterly, are installed during Convention 2004 in June. Pictured are: Deana Koonsman Gage (ΓI-Texas Tech), Carole Salerno (EY-CSU/Sacramento), Shana Goss Smith (XMontana), Vice President Margaret “Peg” DeChant Thornburg (BΩ-Kent State), Lindsay Wiggins (BΠ-USC), Susan Brink Sherratt (BB-Michigan State), Secretary/Treasurer Billie Coskey Battiato (Φ-Oklahoma) and International President Crista Cate Vasina (∆ΓNorthern Colorado). Stacey Grimes Boulmetis (ΘT-Rensselaer) is not pictured.
RADIOSTAR VISITS CONVENTION Natalie Lofton (∆∆Oklahoma City), winner of the national RadioStar contest, was a special performer at Convention. Natalie won the KJ103 FM (Oklahoma City) RadioStar competition and went on to beat artists from New York and Los Angeles to win nationally. The prize was a Natalie Lofton Sony® recording contract, a $50,000 signing bonus and concert dates in New York and Los Angeles. Listen for Natalie on a radio near you soon!
Foundation Rolls Out Anniversary Plans During Convention, the Alpha Phi Foundation announced a special two-year marketing, fundraising and educational initiative that will lead up to its 50th anniversary in 2006 (see sidebar, page 13). Part of the initiative included the unveiling of the Foundation’s red dress pin, the newest symbol of support in the fight against heart disease. If you are interested in ordering your own Alpha Phi red dress pin, contact the Foundation office at 847.475.4532 or visit www.alphaphi.org.
The 2004-06 Foundation Board of Directors are (from left) Crista Vasina, Amy Jordan Tvrdik (O-Missouri), Chairman Susan Weiskittle Barrick (BO-Bowling Green State), Ann Brinkman (Z∆-Iowa State), Secretary Linda Gardner Massie (∆A-East Carolina) and Vice Chairman Gayle Goodman (B∆-UCLA). Not pictured are Susan Bevan (Σ-Washington) and Treasurer Alin Hernandez Wall (B∆-UCLA).
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING ALUMNAE WHO WERE INITIATED DURING CONVENTION 2004! Alumnae initiates are pictured in the front row, with sponsors on the stairs behind: (from left) Bridget Greaney with sponsor Laura Malley-Schmitt (ZΦ-MIT), Tobi Neiland with sponsor Linda Long Boland (ΓK-CSU/Long Beach), Karen Soltero with sponsor Laura Davidson (B∆-UCLA) and Sarah Holderman with sponsor Becki Hodler Holderman (∆P-Ball State).
Awards and Honors Laura Davidson (B¢-UCLA) produced Thursday’s collegiate awards extravaganza, with the help of computer experts, singers and dancers. Toastmistress Peg DeChant Thornburg (B¿-Kent State) recognized chapter and individual alumnae award recipients during Saturday’s alumnae awards luncheon. Awards for outstanding and most improved alumnae and collegiate chapters and outstanding advisers, advisory boards and house corporation boards were presented during Saturday evening’s Red Dress Gala. 2002-04 International Executive Board Member Felicia Hunt (GQ-San Diego) served as toastmistress. (See page 10 for a list of all award winners.) Phyllis Sims Selig (¡¢-Kansas) conducted the Service of Remembrance and the initiation ceremony, in which four new members were welcomed into Alpha Phi sisterhood (see sidebar).
lifetime sisterhood
The Alpha Phi Foundation also sponsored its second annual Move Your Phi’t 5K Walk/Run. One hundred fifty participants walked or ran the scenic course to raise more than $12,000 for the Foundation. Thanks to the participants and the many people who donated to the Foundation in their name.
red dress gala
Move Your Phi’t
California Chapters Reunite Alpha Phi International hosted a special reunion during Convention 2004 for local alumnae and those who attended collegiate chapters in California. Those participating in the Friday evening reception thought it was an excellent idea and suggested such an event be held at every Convention moving forward. View and order Convention 2004 photos online at www.photoreflect.com. Please Note: Enter Alpha Phi as Customer Name to access photos.
FALL 2004
Convention 2004 Award Winners INDIVIDUAL AWARDS IVY VINE AWARD RECIPIENT Congratulations to Sally McCall Grant (Γ-DePauw), recipient of the 2004 Ivy Vine Award. The award honors distinguished, long-term service at high levels of responsibility for the overall welfare of the Fraternity both within the organization and in the greater community.
Sally Grant
Editor's Note: Look for Sally's biography and additional information about the Ivy Vine Award and past winners in the Winter 2005 Quarterly.
URSA MAJOR AWARD WINNERS The Ursa Major award recognizes alumnae members of Alpha Phi who have achieved outstanding success in their chosen fields, either professional or volunteer, on a local, state, provincial or regional level.
Melissa Morgan Watkins (EY-CSU/Northridge) Melissa is a member of the San Luis Obispo alumnae chapter. She obtained her real estate license in 1989 and has been recognized for her accomplishments throughout her career as a real estate agent. During Melissa’s career at Century 21, she helped raise thousands of dollars towards Easter Seals® and participated in the Meals on Wheels® program bringing meals to elderly patients. Judy Ethell Glatz (ZAEastern Illinois) Judy has instilled disciplined financial practices to strengthen Washington University (ZY) and Missouri (O) chapters’ fiscal health since serving as treasurer for both house corporation boards. Her continuous devotion as Zeta Upsilon’s HCB treasurer for nearly 20 years has ensured long-term financial success for the chapter. In 2003, Judy was presented Eastern Illinois University’s Alumni Service Award for her outstanding volunteer service to the university’s
foundation and accountancy advisory boards, leading a young alumni team to raise more than $250,000 for the accountancy program. Alexa Conomos (ZΓ-Santa Clara) Alexa began a six-month internship at KFTY-TV Channel 50 News, a small independent station in Santa Rosa, Calif., eventually landing her first reporting job with ABC affiliate KMIR-TV Channel 6 News. She was later promoted to weekday morning anchor. Alexa is currently the morning traffic reporter and the noon news co-anchor for WFAATV in Dallas, Texas. With Alexa’s help, Alpha Phi’s Dallas alumnae and collegians were able to partner with Brenner Communications and other local news anchors for the successful and much publicized Santa’s Helpers event in Dallas, Texas, and surrounding communities. Mary Gangel Sommers (Z∆-Iowa State) As director of financial aid programs at the University of
2004 FRANCES E. WILLARD (FEW) AWARD RECIPIENT The Frances E. Willard award honors Alpha Phi alumnae who have achieved outstanding success in their chosen fields and who have gained recognition on a national or international level. Lisa Rawlins (BΠ-USC) Lisa is senior vice president of studio and production affairs at Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., responsible for government affairs and community outreach with an emphasis on the feature film and television production divisions of the company. She is actively involved in community-based organizaLisa Rawlins tions and advocacy groups. She is a past president of the Burbank Community YMCA and Burbank Chamber of Commerce, serves as chair of the Entertainment Industry Development Corporation Board and the Burbank School District’s partnership advisory council and sits on the boards of Project Restore, Central City Association, Burbank Community Foundation, Coalition For Clean Air and Crista Vasina and Lindsay Wiggins the Kids’ Community Clinic. Prior to joining Warner Bros., Lisa present Lisa Rawlins, center, with the FEW award. served as director for the California Film Commission, which she created in 1985.
Nebraska at Kearney, Mary has managed student aid budget totals over $25 million in federal, state and institutional funds and oversees scholarship programs over $2 million. Mary actively serves as president of the Rocky Mountain Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, is a member of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators board of directors and was previously the president of the Nebraska Association of Student Financial Aid Professionals. Eileen Sullivan Ptacek (EAAshland) Eileen has been a leader in the education forefront with expertise on family and consumer sciences, career education, service occupations training and home economics. For the past 30 years, she has
counseled students, developed and implemented communitybased skill training programs for special needs students and taught high school seniors employability skills. Sandra Farris Martin (∆∆Oklahoma City) Sandra is a charter initiate of the Oklahoma City (∆∆) chapter and served as rush chairman, pledge-trainer and president. After graduation, she served as Delta Delta’s chapter adviser for seven years and has served as the faculty adviser for more than 20 years. Sandra is a professor of mass communications at OCU teaching advertising, public relations and mass communications law. She also supervises the university’s American Advertising Federation Student Competition Team.
Gale Martin Waddell (BΓColorado) Gale is best known for her use of vibrant colors in watercolor paintings, as evident in her painting of a New Mexico landscape published on the cover of the spring 1980 issue of the Alpha Phi Quarterly. She has extensively volunteered her services to the Albuquerque Junior League’s Children’s Theatre for over eight years, taught senior arts, served on the Episcopal Diocese of New Mexico and Cathedral Church of St. John art committee and established and directed the Cathedral Gallery for seven years. Gale has also been an active charter member of the Alpha Phi Albuquerque alumnae chapter since 1949.
MICHAELANEAN AWARD WINNERS The Michaelanean award is given each biennium to those who have shown outstanding loyalty and continuous devotion to Alpha Phi at the local level. Karla Hardy Allford (ΓΩMidwestern State) Carolyn Gore Ashe (∆A-East Carolina) Peggy Blue Chesen (NNebraska) Tamara Miller Davison (ZMColorado State) Connie Hamernik Doverspike (Φ-Oklahoma)
Rona Mayer (Ω-Texas) Denise Mika-Biga (P-Ohio State) Michele Hurley Quiroga (Φ-Oklahoma) Christiane Sentianin (B∆UCLA) Shelley Bowers Schweitzer (B∆-UCLA) Dawn Toth (EB-Butler)
Jennifer Fielder (Ω-Texas)
Judy Giudice Tull (Ω-Texas)
Diane McConnell Girgash (P-Ohio State)
Sara Wood (Σ-Washington)
Denver, Colo., left, and Far North Dallas, Texas, receive awards for Outstanding Alumnae Chapter during Convention 2004.
Lucy Kazarovich (∆Y-Baldwin Wallace)
POLARIS AWARD WINNERS The Polaris award was presented for the first time at Convention 2004. It is given to those who have shown outstanding loyalty and continuous devotion to Alpha Phi at the regional level.
teamwork (From left) Debby Gray, Betty Jo Fuller, Jan Schaeffer and Amy Tvrdik are recipients of Alpha Phi’s first Polaris Awards. Kim Norton-O’Brien also received the award but is not pictured.
Betty Jo Ferraro Fuller (AΛ-Alumna Initiate)
Jan Brinker Schaeffer (BO-Bowling Green State)
Debby Bryden Gray (EA-Ashland)
Amy Jordan Tvrdik (O-Missouri)
Kimberley Norton-O’Brien (ZP-Bentley)
FALL 2004
MOST OUTSTANDING CHAPTER ADVISER Toronto (Ξ), Alison Nash Ohio State (P), Nicole Neiman Michigan (Θ), Denise Mika-Biga MOST OUTSTANDING ADVISORY BOARD Central Missouri State (ΘΛ) Delaware (EN) MOST OUTSTANDING CHAPTER Loyola Marymount (ZB) Ball State (∆P) MOST IMPROVED CHAPTER Eastern Washington (HΨ) Ohio State (P)
Most Outstanding Chapter Adviser awards are presented by International President Crista Vasina to Denise Mika-Biga, top, and Alison Nash. Nicole Neiman is not pictured.
ORDER OF THE LAMP (OUTSTANDING CHAPTER RUNNERS-UP) Loyola Marymount (ZB) Northwestern (B) George Mason (HΛ) Ohio State (P) Lafayette (HΣ) Nebraska (N) Eastern Washington (HΨ) Arizona (BE) Linfield (ΘA) Ball State (∆P) HOUSE CORPORATION BOARD AWARDS Outstanding House Corporation Board/Chapter Relations Butler (EB) Missouri (O) Most Improved Facility San Jose State (BΨ) Michigan (Θ)
Awards for Most Outstanding Advisory Board are presented to Delaware, left, and Central Missouri State. Most Outstanding HCB awards are presented to UC/Berkeley and San Jose State, far right.
MOST OUTSTANDING HCB San Jose State (BΨ) UC/Berkeley (Λ) CHAPTER FINANCE AWARDS Outstanding Chapter Finance Program San Jose State (BΨ) Nebraska (N)
Most Improved Chapter Finance Program Loyola Marymount (ZB) Oregon State (BY)
LEADERSHIP AWARDS Excellence in Chapter Leadership Elmhurst (ZΞ) Texas (Ω) MARKETING AWARDS Excellence in Public Relations Butler (EB) USC (BΠ)
Ball State is awarded Most Outstanding Collegiate Chapter. Loyola Marymount also received the award, but is not pictured.
Excellence in Community Service Programming Butler (EB) Nebraska (N) Excellence in Philanthropy Programming Wisconsin/Stout (ΓΣ) USC (BΠ) Excellence in Alumnae Programming Year Round Northern Colorado (∆Γ) Oustanding Website Texas Tech (ΓI)
MEMBER DEVELOPMENT AWARDS Excellence in Member Development Programming Chapman (HY) Arizona State (ΓΠ) Most Innovative Member Development Program Butler (EB) Washington (Σ) Excellence in Sisterhood Programming Dayton (ZΨ) UC/Berkeley (Λ)
MEMBER RECRUITMENT AWARDS Excellence in Formal Recruitment Santa Clara (ZΓ) Virginia Tech (HO) Most Improved Formal Recruitment Maine (∆N) Miami University (ΓN) Excellence in Formal Recruitment Skills Training George Mason (HΛ) UC/Davis (EP) Excellence in Continuous Open Bidding MIT (ZΦ) Texas (Ω) and Colorado (BΓΛ)
Most Improved Continuous Open Bidding Cameron (ΘP)
Excellence in All Member Education Northern Colorado (∆Γ) UCLA (B∆)
Excellence in Marketing Alpha Phi Wilfrid Laurier (IΘ) UCLA (B∆)
Excellence in New Member Orientation Texas (Ω)
Outstanding Philanthropy Recruitment CSU/Long Beach (ΓK) Texas (Ω)
family Outstanding Original Skit in Recruitment Butler (EB) Missouri (O)
PANHELLENIC AWARD Betty Mullins Jones Panhellenic Participation Loyola Marymount (ZB) Ohio State (P)
Outstanding Theme in Formal Recruitment Chapman (HY) USC (BΠ)
SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS Outstanding Scholarship Program Lafayette (HΣ) Missouri (O)
MUSIC AWARDS Outstanding Original Song Washington University (ZY)
Most Improved Scholarship Program Northern Colorado (∆Γ) Ohio State (O)
Outstanding Recruitment Parody Delaware (EN)
Highest Chapter GPA Washington University (ZY) Nebraska (N)
FOUNDATION AWARDS The Martha Mast Award The Martha Mast Award is presented every two years in honor of long-time Foundation Chairman Martha Watkins Mast (BN-Duke) to a collegiate and alumnae chapter whose support of the Foundation by education, service and philanthropy is exemplary.
Martha Mast Award recipients are Omicron collegiate chapter, left, and Rhode Island alumnae chapter.
Top 10 Donating Collegiate Chapters Loyola Marymount (ZB) Santa Clara (ZΓ) USC (BΠ) Illinois (BA) Chapman (HY) Arizona State (ΓΠ) Nebraska/Kearney (∆Ξ) Nebraska (N) Texas Tech (ΓI) CSU/San Bernardino (HB)
FALL 2004
Top 10 Donating Alumnae Chapters Chicago NW Suburban, Ill. Rhode Island Toronto, Canada DuPage Valley, Ill. Chicago Lake Shore, Ill.. Dallas and Suburban, Texas Tampa, Fla. Greater Philadelphia, Pa. Northern Virginia Phoenix, Ariz.
networking SHARING OUR HEARTS FOR 50 YEARS During Convention 2004, the Alpha Phi Foundation announced a two-year marketing, fundraising and educational initiative leading up to its 50th anniversary in 2006. Coined with the tagline Sharing our Hearts for 50 Years, the goal of the initiative is to raise awareness of Alpha Phi and the Foundation in our chapters, on campuses and in our communities, to increase fundraising dollars to further support scholastic and leadership programs for our members and to amplify our impact in the fight against women’s heart disease. Leading the initiative is a team composed of the following volunteers: Ann Brinkman (Z∆-Iowa State), chair Martha Watkins Mast (BN-Duke), honorary chair Susan Bevan (Σ-Washington) Susan Weiskittle Barrick (BO-Bowling Green State) Nancy Owen Craig (BX-Bucknell) Linda Long Boland (ΓK-CSU/Long Beach) Amy Jordan Tvrdik (O-Missouri) Susan Brink Sherratt (BB-Michigan State) Kathy Feeney Hiemstra (∆Θ-Western Michigan) Christina Champ (HΛ-George Mason) Rebecca Andrew Zanatta (BPΛ-Washington State) Watch your Quarterly or visit Alpha Phi online at www.alphaphi.org for updates about the Alpha Phi Foundation’s 50th anniversary and opportunities to get involved in the festivities. If you have an idea or would like to initiate an anniversary event in your area, contact the Foundation Executive Office at 847.475.4532.
Congratulations 25-, 50- and 75-Year Sisters! Alpha Phi salutes the following women who celebrate a significant anniversary of sisterhood during 2004. We recognize these members of Alpha Phi for 25 (initiated in 1979), 50 (initiated in 1954) and 75 years (initiated in 1929) of membership. Congratulations also goes to 10-year sisters (initiated in 1994).
ANNIVERSARY RECOGNITION PINS These women are now eligible to purchase a special anniversary pin from the Executive Office to mark this wonderful occasion. The sterling silver 25-year badge in the shape of the Big Dipper is fashioned with one sapphire at each of the seven joints (cost: $35). The 50-year pin, a silver circle with four red stones, is created so your original badge can be placed inside the circle (cost: $30). The 75-year pin, a brilliant diamond-shaped golden pin with clear stones at each of the points, also allows you to place your original badge inside the pin (cost: $30). To order, please e-mail alumnae@ alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8940. Please add $5 shipping & handling fees to each pin order. 25-, 50- and 75-year member certificates are free with each pin order. Certificates may be ordered individually for $10 each, plus $5 shipping & handling.
Editor’s Note: See page 23 for details on 10-year pins.
25-year Members Editor’s Note: Ashland (EA) is not in the 25-year member list due to initiation practices of the time . Other chapters may not be listed because they did not exist at the time (e.g., chapters were closed or not yet established). AΛ-Alumnae Initiates Mary Hatcher Judith Snyder Rychlik *Ruth Wheeler Borman *Deanna Wilkens Wormuth A-Syracuse Carolyn Baehr Theresa Borden
*Carole Bouchard Michelle DeLongchamp Annunziata Cindy Dombrow Robotham Tracy Goughnour Aufleger *Janis Hair Heather Hereford *Kathleen McManus
Audrey Mescall Dombroski *Debbie Mollihan *Ellen Tedesco Elizabeth Thompson Gail Tyner Taylor B-Northwestern *Elizabeth Bandera Laurie Borgers Gadre *Lynne Brinker *Lynn Erlandson Beth Ginsberg Marilynn Goldberg Jacobs Cathleen Hainer Albrecht Carol Helferich Davis Susan Horswell Fisher *Cynthia Juco Trudi Kahlenberg Picciano *Ann Kotlarski Robin Levinson Levine Audrey Lyon Karen Majdiak Fraley *Carolyn Marshall Wright Martha McKee *Mary McMahon Lise Miller Venning Mary Milota Szostak Joan Mullan Goldwater Randa Sabbagha *Louise Shackelton Leslie Shear Gretchen Wehrenberg Γ-DePauw Robin Aubert Leighton Ana Bacallao Harshaw Lisa Barkley Robin Biedermann Eggert Linda Blessing Soukup Catherine Curtis VanDuzer Deborah Fenner Patricia Freeman Rang Ann Gibson Nancy Grossman Nale Heather Horner Hohlt *Lori Izard Karen Jensen Riggers Susan Kason Lesley Kidd Turner Kimberly King Roberts Gail Liesendahl Feazell Barbara Lynam Brayton Laurie MacIsaac Brandvik Jennifer Martinson West *Kimberly McPherson Karen Meyer *Ann Miller Amy Miller Marschand Julie Mullin Piatka Dayle Ohlau Ashfield Michelle Palmer Neill Carolyn Parks Rex Gail Polomchak Robinson Helen Poorman Emily Prothero Moberly Nancy Schilling Stanwick Joyce Swope Linda Thornburg Schmelzer Kimberly Tolen Lisa Wenger Henderson Peggy Western Massello *Elizabeth Wright Gonzales
∆-Cornell Miriam Akabas *Carol Ankenbrandt Richards Rosemarie Aurigemma Amy Bejsovec Kathryn Burgess Verzoni Cynthia Cattarin Kawzenuk Bethana Connell Ross *Theresa Fenzl Zabliski Diane Gibbs *Emily Gross Stacey Hunt Montalto *Debra Kipke Nancy Lee Sexton Jennifer Li *Laura Mackoff Wendy Mattar Harman Susan McElroy Smith *Jean Mest Hensel Renee Miller Kathleen Miller Ellen Naismith Staley Margaret Nelson Teresa Passaretti Joyce Sansbury Quirk *Chris Scheider Jameson Nancy Schneller Rice Susan Scott *Cheryl Shim Shirley Stewart Tracy Stone Cornelius Jane Tuttle *Jean Westa Ryan Elizabeth Wilkinson Amrine Joan Yater E-Minnesota Mary Alevizos Sue Bakke Sperber *Susan Barker *Sue Blair Susan Block Dianna Bootz *Kathleen Casey Kristin Danielson Bender Elizabeth Dedon Pauly Lisa Evidon *Janet Feldman Linda Fine Abbott Elizabeth Flannery *Heather Friend Odahawski Tamara Klitzke Melissa Koukkari Ridley *Leah Lamon Susan Levy Elizabeth Lincohn Laura Marsh *Molly McHugh *Lisa Olmen *Mildred Olson Hoppe Joni Ouellette Flood Carolyn Penner Mary Rice Jill Somers Riverso Ann Spoddis Cynthia Theis *Clara Vance Jana Wahoske Johnson Molly Walsh
Θ-Michigan Wendy Deffler Worrell *Deborah DesJardins Gretchen Dietz *Christine Duris *Janet Elmlinger Carolyn Gaston Elizabeth Geist Susan German Cothern Darcy Gibson Berglund *Susan Hebel *Linda Jacobs Barlow *Debra Meacham Kathleen Monahan Lammers Diane Pearson Bartoszewicz *Andi Poch *Tricia Richardson Angelle Rothis *Felicia Rottman Kathleen Small *Donna Sneden *Anne Webster Kimberly Wheeler Lori Wood Knapp *Laura Young *Kathryn Young Lavery I-Wisconsin Ceil Combs Barrie Donna Connelly Koeble Margaret Corcoran Kim Daly Ciszewski *Linda Ebert Halfmann Sandra Fletcher Berman *Susan French Dana Gardner Ecker *Mary Gion Guy *Carol Griffith Solheim Patricia Haberman Laurie Illing Ripplinger *Rose Ingrassia *Kathryn Karow Susan MacCani McCarthy Claire McCarty Kilian Dana Meredith Anne Millar Hoefflin *Marcia Miller *Kathy Morton *Kimberlee Moser Boulay *Marjorie Newald Sarah Nolin Bond Colleen Omalley Bowar *Maureen Paine *Jill Peterson Kubek *Janet Pugliese Karl Ann Schiefelbein Norton *Karin Schleisner Pamela Schwenn Behrend Carol Scott Allison Smith Cabalka *Louise Storino Laura Sweemer Krogstad Julie Vergeront *Mary Warpinski Kirstan Wigdale Chambas Lisa Zejdlik Smith KΛ-Stanford Yvette Ferreira Flynn Karen Gardner George Diane Long Elizabeth Murray Smith Λ-UC/Berkeley Mimi Bardet Bridget Barrett Katherine Barulich Ryan Sara Bernstein Chaves Annette Bohr *Susan Breshears Bayh Peggy Conroy Kristi Corris *Susan Dahlgren Mary Damron Glaeser
Sissela Danielson Carolyn Doolittle *Leslie Forrester Margaret Gould Damron Linda Graham Doris Grossman *Mary Hancock Angela Herd Hilary Holbrook Holden *Lori Kaufman Colleen Kerwin *Katherine Klapkiw Lisa Kully *Cynthia Lowe Denise Mandel Sharon Mathie *Debra McCoy Mary McCoy Cedarleaf Julie McSweeney Kathryn Meredith Navone Marison Mull Alison Murphy Mary Murray Reynolds Elizabeth Notti Rochlin Joanne Pillsbury Whitney Pinger Suzanne Rischman Micaela Shafer Britta Sjorgren Sonia Soohoo Selene Sutherland *Laura Tompkins Alvord Jill Tomsic Leslie Wolf Victoria Woodward N-Nebraska *Deborah Bass *Patricia Breen Moore Diane Burkhard Stanek Debra Dale McElroy Kari Fredrickson Bourke Michelle Hicks Dudley Donna Hoffman Vrbka Tamara Hopewell Coburn Kelly Kasik Howard Lynnette Kelly Loretta Krause Bunnen Rhonda Lundberg Ann Mallatt Killenbeck Lori May *Lori McKee McGill *Randi Meyer Paula Mitchell Pflueger Lisa Riedmann Lackovic Jane Roberts McGill Susan Selig Bullington Kathy Shanahan Peterson Marion Slattery Bendon Kathy Tejcka Judy Todd Krenk *Laura Toner Penny Tourtellot Horne Diane Walsh Huffer Shelley Ward Sullivan Debra Yaley Sheri Young Michaud Ξ-Toronto Jane Beatty McCrimmon Sheila Bell Best *Patricia Cameron Colley Alison David *Catherine Esplen Cathrine Glover *Anthea Horne Monica Kennedy Monczka Catherine Laurier *Mary-Jane McNally Mollie Okeefe Lahnsteiner *Marianne Reynolds Highwood *Patricia Webb
O-Missouri Kathy Bolin Johnson Elizabeth Bornhauser Weinsting Mary Brekrus Laurel Cassin Dawson Nancy Clore Cutter *Ronda Cole Otway Anne Detten Nancy Ebert Julie Eden Hisle *Frances Fishback Willis Karen Frick *Jolynn Gower Carrie Grass Steere *Kathleen Gredell Susan Hanshaw Andrea Hoemeyer Wilt Sue Hoff *Janolyn Jackson Foresee *Jeannine King Melinda Matthews *Clare Michaels Blando Margaret Obermeyer Poulin Cheryl Ochs Pfneisel Carla Oldani Kurth Suzanne Paling Karen Peart Krager Michele Phillips Wright Kelli Pritchard Mary Purdham Hammock Sherri Sanders Pamela Sheil Cathie Shook Loesing *Ann Sights Lefford *Susan Sommer Ginger Sperandeo Brune *Julia Torrence Cathy Way *Donna Westoff *Karen Wichern Amanda Wilcoxen Tera Williams Virginia Worley Poehlman Π-North Dakota Greta Adamsen Medrano Janice Beck Mostofi Rebecca Brakke Knutson Jamie Faiman Anhalt Elisabeth Flaat Ferguson *Sharon Fritz Pollard Marsha Gibb Arko Kathleen Gibb Riley Joann Hall Patricia Henning Strother *Lori Jerstad Sarah Jordheim Underdal Della Kelly Kapocius *Colleen Lavelle *Katherine Logan Patti Mahar *Tamra Martinson Joan O’Day Waldschmidt *Kristen Owen Eickman *Sherry Pederson Jeanne Peterson Erickson Joni Schulz Randall *Renee Stottler Vaaler *Susan Sundland Janelle Taubert Sundberg Julie Wennberg *Rebecca Zeitler Pfeifer P-Ohio State Virginia Abbot *Susan Ackers Betsy Ankrom Janet Aydelotte *Jane Bobel *Carolyn Brame Tavener Nancy Chrissos *Sharon Coon Karen Coyne Volpe
* The Executive Office does not have current contact information on this member. If you have information about one of these sisters, contact the alumnae department at alumnae@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8940.
*Linda Creps Tracy Disabato Margaret Evans *Shelley Franz Laurene Groscost Fulton *Cynthia Kelly Riehm Sydney Lancaster Slomsky Lynda Lanphere Buel *Gretchen Mattey *Marjorie Mendicino Marcia Mendicino Pfefferle Christine Mercer Grindley *Melissa Metcalfe *Lindy Moren *Panagiota Pandis Karen Riley Huey Dana Rosenbaum Hakes Mary Ruby Morgan *Debra Ruthsatz Karen Scaggs *Lori Vechazone *Elizabeth Wallace Tamara Ward Henry Kimberly Webb Beth Wiltberger Ullum *Mary Yocca *Marian Young Σ-Washington *Dana Campbell Kathy Conyard Umlauf *Tamra Cranwell Hunter *Barbara Davis Isherwood Elizabeth Exner Lagerberg Tina Frolund Susan Gardner Deyo Jeannine Graf *Karen Gudmunds Juliana Harrison Nievergelt Linda Johnson *Suzanne Kane *Diane Katsumoto Adachi *Nancy Kauffman *Colleen Keane *Anita Keire *Mary Knudsen Lisa McDonald *Deirdre Meldrum *Sharon Miller Martha Miller Tejera Martha Mills Therese Mollerus *Christina Neroutsos Gahagan Sara Norton Kim Olmstead *Mary Perko Traci Riley Susan Schettler McMains Jo-Dell Schroeder Haag Debra Schultz Anderson *Catherine Shiner Susanne Skacel Seidel Elizabeth Soriano *Carol Stowe Janice White Bingham *Jeanette Wicker Eggerman T-Oregon *Lisa Abel Terri Barnes Johnson Darrylene Bergerson Cokley Jane Bergin Joanne Blais *Ellen Burge *Paula Catania *Elizabeth Chaffee *Pennie Chitwood Bender Cheryl Cook Karan Crow *Kathleen Dailey *Wendy Hall Conway Cathy Harrison Rudinsky *Susan Ivanoff Jacobson Terese Jensen Freeman *Vicki LaCroix *Anita Leahy *Ann Mackin Sandra Manning *Lisa Maronick Riney Emily May Markavage Leanne Menashe
FALL 2004
Patti Miller Evans Cynthia Notos Aschbacher Cynthia OConnor Sheila Potter Gates *Marcy Rubenstein *Kate Ryan *Sandra Satterfield *Jule Shanahan Johnson Lori Slagel Roach Elizabeth Stark Miller *Wini Tompkins Jenny Twogood Kathryn Vore Poissant Y-Washburn *Becky Brtek Marty Clemmons Katherine Doss Smith Cindy Dugan Betsy Finnell Karen Gradert Doel *Katherine Hartwell Eaton Julie Hochard Conway Joetta Jennings Lena Jennings *Nancy Moherman Joellyn Obrate Carla Richardson *Leann Skidmore Sullivan Cynthia Stevens *Cynthia Thomas Φ-Oklahoma Valerie Allison Muriel Anderson Paulson Elizabeth Bernhardt Pamela Carter Mason Michele Crivello Melissa DeFord Gathings Ann Edwards Tara Elam Ley Judy Freeman Robinson Rayna Galoob Holly Hall Schmidt *Laura Hankinson Ainsworth Beth Hess Graves Tammy Holloway Marlys Holt Mary Horrall Cindy Hufford Kimball Sandra Humble Fuzzell Patricia Kelley Cloud Tami Liddell Welsh *Patty Lowery Hacker Lynn Luthey Michelle Macias Cain Sharon Martindale Jennings Patricia Mason *Sonya McCaskill *Caroline McClintock Westcott Sandra McCullough Blaine Debra McGowan Lile *Kim Miller Karen Mozer Rains *Jamie Parker Magisos Brenda Pinkerton Jordan Elizabeth Pinkerton Trudean *Margaret Powell Cynthia Rankin Hawley *Brenda Reed Jana Renegar *Debbie Rice *Mary Shavney Martin *Cindy VanHelsdingen Williams *Cynthia Wheeler X-Montana Mary Beck Dillman *Cari Christian Lisa Comrad *Jane Copely *Colleen Dailey Kelly Flaherty Lucile Hicks Denham Hollie Hunt *Kristi Kliber Larsen *Susan Kolokotrones *Heather McGillis Janet Stugelmeyer Denman *Kelly Sullivan Livingston
Ψ-South Dakota Terese Berglund Bahmer Denise Bierschbach Raap Barbara Brady Gienapp Kathleen Cronin *Mary Donlin Patricia Doss Schliesman Lori Endres *Andrea Erickson *Tonya Galyardt Juanita Haas Zern Ruth Hultgren Henneman Laurie Jungwirth Duncan Andrea Kuehn *Karen Kujuwa *Lisa Long Dickson Anne McKeon Pendleton Becky Neff Jaegar Lynn Nerlund Beattie Mary Beth Pecenka Hockett Patricia Peterson Heine *Cynthia Preszler Judith Scheer Ruskamp *Elizabeth Sierp Tamela Spencer Adams Carla Taplett Thomsen Elizabeth Whalen Blanchette *Theresa Willis Jill Zimbeck Matson Ω-Texas *Stacey Ardoin Suzanne Bever Gerdetz *Patricia Bourgeois Reese Broussard Palmer Aivia Burton Gimarc Nancy Carroll Bean *Suzanne Clark Lauri Cope Wasmuth Constance Courtney Westfall Linda Davies Barbara Frazee Farmer Tenley Gorder Hansen Nancy Grace Smith *Star Hanson Cook Lisa Harris Tricia Harrison Legler Frances Haynes Felecia Hudson Wieruscheske *Laura Hummel Strahan *Joyce Jackson Callahan Lea Johnson Brenda King Denny *Alicia Koury Pamela Lewis Sylvia Mallarino Rosemary Marek Howard Camille Mason *Lisa Mathews *Terri McMurray Twomey Sandi Monroe Braband Nanette Newlin *Laura Patterson *Paula Popejoy Rachel Rackley Howell Susan Rhone Pilat Amy Riedel Bone Carroll Rorschach Arnott Jeannene Simonton *Lynn Stevens *Kimberly Stewart *Teresa Thomason Janet Tindel Tonda Turpen Howard *Leslie Vise Morales *Caren Wallace Wendt BA-Illinois Melissa Abel Virginia Arrigo Judith Beluscheck Coady Kathryn Blessman Borland Linda Bogdanoff Robinson *Carole Chiappe *Victoria Dalsanto Peggy Dreveny Vandeleur Laura Dupree Klein Robin Giles Baskerville *Christine Haag Nancy Hall Sharon Herbert Howarth Alicia Jilek Leahy
Ellen Mamoser *Margaret Masciola Kunzweiler *Nancy Maxson Drapalika Teresa McDonald Paul Deanne Miresse Frank Maureen Mukai Elizabeth Nolan Buzard Margaret O’Connell DesPain Lynda Oosterbaan Lindholm *Laurie Peard *Janet Quinn Eileen Rajala Meyer Erin Reilly Trudy Russell Darden Sherri Seliga Pennel *Sherry Sherman *Jennifer Stevenson Jill Stjohn Berger Stephanie Swanson Cassioppi *Kathleen Sweeney Marquis Suzy Walsh Cheney *Luann Wingert Hoffmier Linda Woods Pierce BB-Michigan State *Carolyn Beal Jennifer Bogue Bick Melanie Boukamp Munzing Marcia Bourdo Moss Karen Brink Pauli Lynn Clay Crilley Darcy Doebler Milliken Nancy Donahue Lundquist Patricia Ducker Daniels *Virginia Eby Lynda Eick O’Neill Kathryn Fischer Good Catherine Jones Smith Lynn Kaiser Stelter Allison Keavy Falkenberry Sharon Koenig Davis Diana Kowalski Holker Jody Lenz DelaGardelle *Sally Leslie Anne McCafferty Neidhart Megan McCafferty Miller *Kathleen McDonnell Suzanne McLaughlin Allison McNabb Sporn Valerie Nicklaus Hval *Vikki Pachera Keilen *Patty Paulsen Nancy Pentiuk *Linda Price *Amy Rosborough *Wendy Sanback Van Stee *Molly Thayer Thomas Lori Tobis Jaime Welsh Vinck BΓ-Colorado Jay Bangle *Joyce Bockserman Goldin *Nancy Burns *Jane Eddy Margaret Fortuny Holly Hodges Wendy Jones Rogers Sally Karr Carpenter Tammy Lacey *Martha Lewerenz *Jean Miller *Sydney Mitchell *Linda Munz *Carolyn Murphy Kathy Nemecz Kaghan *Amy Papp *Shawnna Price *Deri Reed Susan Rogers LeFant *Penny Roushar Jansen Joanna Sawyer Janelle Schneider Stastny Claire Sullivan Danos Helena Svechovsky *Michele Wallace Sally Wilson VanDerWey B∆-UCLA *Catherine Batson Bauer Laurie Bloom Shirk Robin Brigham Schwimmer *Sandy Campbell
*Kathryn Cooper Julie Croner *Jane Dale *Sherri Devereaux Van Opijnen Jeanmarie Dunk Evans Caitlin Dunn Nora Frank *Gina Garrett Parker *Brenda Halkais *Terri Kahn Marianne Kearney Wright *Roberta Koz Danna Kurtzman Kipnis *Gail LaFranchi *Rhonda Leach *Nancy Levey *Lisa Lockwood Kristin Lundstrom Julie Marsella Douglass Carolyn Mauch Noe *Nancy Miechowicz Diana Mudgway Hurst Gayle Nelson *Laura Panosian *Julie Rice Nancy Riela *Karen Riley Kasser Faith Rodarte Jackson Jill Rossi Smith Celia Salter Sisson Ellen Santon Field *Beth Schaffel *Rene Sellers Catherine Smith Solverson Mary Sorensen *Marla Stein Lory Treadaway *Jeanine Vaughan BE-Arizona Carol Ameling Dietz Amy Arenz Storer Kristy Banks Messer *Carol Becker Darlene Black Kelly Brumbelow Katherine Bundy Cheryl Butler Debbie Campos Amy Carr *Holly Corbin Lisa Coulter Hyland Diana Crites Misenhimer *Susan Darling *Cassandra Datena Cooke Kathleen Gassman Tyler Renee Hamstra Pew Kathaleen Hudson Sorensen Kimberley Kelley Blackford Lori Lefferts Wendy Mages Gail Mosher *Deanna Mulder Debbie Parsons Darlene Perfetto Judy Russo Pamela Saari West Diane Sherrill Ogle Leslie Tolman Elizabeth Weary Cannon Deborah Weisberg BZ-Idaho *Martha Anderson Carrie Barton *Ellen Cantrell *Anne-Marie Casselberry Nelson *Lori Dyson Nancy Felin Mary Greenwell *Janet Harrison Judith Hasenoehrl Pamela Hilliard *Diane Iverson *Donna Karklin *Pamela Long *Marilyn Maule Barreca Lisa McDonald Rimsa *Mary McDougal *Linda McGraw *Shirley McMurtrey May Barbara Rains Wingerson
Teresa Schnabel *Tracy Shields Olson Lori Tinker Sharilyn Trout *Lorrie Walrath Scoles Sonja Wicker Takatori Beta Eta-Manitoba *Anita Huppe Bihum Susan Mauws Clubine *Sharon Mooney *Sharon Sorby Rubel *Dianna Tjaden Schleier BΘ-British Columbia Kerry Arffman Cressey *Laurie Baird Barbara Barry Laura Bell McToch *Johanne Berube *Nanci Burrows *Patricia Castellarin Klassen *Tania Dial Haleen Dunlop Johnston Lori Ferguson Jacquie Gaudet *Tara Griffin Sally Hickling Lori Holland McGrady *Francesca Hollander Brenda Mungham Stathers Tracey Oliver Brown Kelley Roberts McElroy BI-West Virginia Kimberlee Bailey Smith *Kirsten Benson Annette Callen Rachel Claudia Capelle Gazsi *Lynn Chincheck Koehler Kimberly Dye Schoger Lauren Hawk Barszcz Cheri Jacobus Melinda Kiger Cheval Mary Lucci Barill Mary Luther Landry Pamela Maltby Drago Debra McKee Williams Toni Morris *Elyse Neely Debra Rexroad Mann *Molly Ricketts *Mary Robards McClanahan April Robertson Pamela Sellaro Toepfer Kari Staddon *Terri Trowbridge Amy Tuckwiller Wolf Amelia Willis Mount BK-Denison Catharine Dobbs Debra Griley Mentzer *Jennie Grinstead Kenney *Tina White BΛ-Rollins Janet Bishop Falk Juanita Boyd Laplant Phylis Crosby *Deana Downs Jennifer Franklin *Sharon Hall Berinhout Susan Kaufmann Freedman Lynn Kelly Kathy Kohl Pauline Leavengood Bonds *Diana Leavengood Blanco Donna Lochmandy *Laura Salyer Shackelford *Catherine Stover Hood *Julie Wallens Deone Williams Robin Yeuell BO-Bowling Green State *Sandra Borg Hamilton *Linda Bratina Finucan Susan Clark Groene Margaret Czarnecki Boehmer Wendy Featheringham Williams *Mary Fiely Garcia *Jo Holloway Ranallo *Kathryn Hosler Daughters Becky Kisabeth Gibbs
Mary McKenzie Alley Leslie Miller Loy Julie Olsen Rojek *Jayne Pazderski Reitz Deborah Pike Eckhardt *Maureen Powers *Teresa Recktenwald Ann Rinehart McManis *Theresa Roof Janine Slack Lambros *Amy Smith Melissa Sprague Weber *Jean Stretchbery *Nancy Taggart *Melissa Thompson Joyce Tomazin Charvat *Sharon Townsend Karin Wahl Walker Jean-Marie Wolf BΠ-USC Deanna Abdulla Karen Acton Sellers Valerie Barnhill Theresa Blinn *Pamela Brice Diane Cairns Elaine Codekas CodekasFleck Jennifer Cole *Amanda Coppie Ruple Dree DeClamecy *Cathleen Edelbrock Joana Gee Tracey Gluck *Mary Googooian Wendy Green Abbate Julie Griffen Childs Tracey Gumbiner Melissa Guss Hoffelmeyer Jennifer Hayes Lopez Kelli Hill Pamela Judge Adamson Kathryn Kohn Keating Moira Kristof Hummel Terese LeClerc Jacqueline Merchant Leslie Miller Birkett Nancy Palk Miller Karen Paulin *Anne Pease Sarah Pegram Elizabeth Rawitzer Bozzo *Stephanie Salata Jennifer Smith Weinert Anne Stewart Cindy Stock Katarina Tasic *Rebecca Thompson Ellen VanBuskirk Jacqueline Viera Jody Wojciechowski BP-Washington State *Barbara Bowers McGuire Robin Brooks Whitlock *Wanda Craig *Barbara Curry Stoneberg Nora Gohrke *Janet Harter Hite Gena Jamison Ellen Marsh Bonter Karen Morris Lippy Susan Powell Skavdahl Lori Smith Wist Elizabeth Thomson Levandowski Tracy Tucker Lenora VanderHoop Boyd *Christy VanDruff Mary Zwaschka BT-Indiana Kathy Acheson Cooke *Shirley Alexander *Ann Beatty Panah Janet Bishop Patrick Carolyn Brandt Broughton Kerri Brink Bryant Sandra Brunton Carr Kathleen Churchill Free Karyn Custer Jankowski *Donna DeMonet York Jennifer Dickey Barlow Priscilla George
Linda Goodman Polley Teresa Gooldy Barber *Lynn Gottschalk Susan Hager Gonsorek *Vicki Hagood Maureen Hallagan Gerber Mary Hierlmeier Caudill *Cynthia Hines Goodman Edith Karch Holloway Suzanne Kayes Klauke Camille Maris Wood Susan McGarry Risk Carla Mullis Williams *Jeannie Olson Dana Pehlke Jones Leann Perkins Wilson Julie Rippe Clark *Sherri Sipes Kathy Smith Kimm Sturm Hole Erika Swartz Callahan Tonia Thomas Hyams Lori VanDuyn Queisser *Kathleen Vernon *Mary Vondran *Martha Walling Carlson Shelly Warrick Kacergis Tena Weaver Jean Wesling Lewry *Lorrie Wildman *Linda Williams Terrie Williams Kolar BY-Oregon State *Suzanne Aigner *Felicia Aimi *Teresa Bilbao Rhonda Boyer *Catherine Campbell Hertler Marcia Chan Ridley Kristy Cortese Mernaugh Carolyn Dement Hawk *Anna Dielman *Patricia Doeneka Diane Erickson Wood *Elizabeth Foster Margaret Gaubatz Green Maribeth Gaylord Taennler Susan Harai Stacey Hay Hillier Sue Heeszel Nettleton *Laura Heiman Lisa Icenogle Benoit Pamela Johnson Dailey *Patricia Keiper *Debbie Kelson Laura Loe Claudia Mark Patricia McInroe Elisabeth Moller Theresa Moore Lovett Bernadette Niedermeyer Lisac *Tammye Page Cindy Pickens *Cindy Reason *Susanne Shinn Jawson *Thea Stow Chadwick Lori Trappe BΦ-Whitman Rebecca Adams *Kathleen Ash Barbara Baldwin *Amy Cruikshank *Deborah Doupe Donna Harmon Christine Rieger *Elizabeth Rogers Jeannette VanWinkle BΨ-San Jose State *Karen Ables *Nancy Amrhein *Kathryn Anguiano *Karen Bay Caselli Debra Bergen Walker *Jamie Cackler *Anita Clark Turk Elizabeth Combs *Joanie Cox *Nancy Davidson Ludlow Darcy Dickerson Mestas
Karen Dowling Peck *Lynn Freitas Sandra Friborg Carol Gilbaugh Moran *Linda Gray Kristine Haines Susan Horalek Kasner *Danica Jaich Cheryl Johnson Oreglia Michelle Mitchener *Mary Murphy Kathy Odenthal Lavezzo Gayla Petersen Fracisco *Alice Phillips Pam Shear Hokanson Lisetta Smith Wallace Debra Stanton Moreschini Susan Victor Lori Ware Nancy Weaver BΩ-Kent State *Mary Bonvissuto Michelle Dicarlo Lynn C. Gaydosh Cindy Lipiec Dawn Mattingly Carol Pohlchuck Susan Sekel Skowronski *Judy Walker ΓA-San Diego State Leslie Alvarado *Anita Archer Haggstrom *Gizelle Auzenne *Kim Bacigalupi Barbara Bates Quickstead *Kandy Clifton Mitzi Cosgriff Chacon Judy Cottingham Betsy Cullington *Beth Dean Lunenburg Dana Grabb Guild Susan Griffiths *Marilee Laguardia *Robin Lambert *Laurel Louderback Kathrine Martin ColeLeathers Becky Metzler Linda Mitchell Hernandez *Margaret ONeil Ann Pattin *Cindy Pearson Seaman *Rebecca Peyton Johnson *Melissa Puente *Nada Rosenfeld Lisa Schreiner Pronovost *Nancy Serra Nancy Sprague Sherratt Julie Stevens *Dorcas Todd Carol Troy Nancy Vinal Hilgers Catherine Weber Monica Wells *June Yoggerst ΓB-UC/Santa Barbara *Camille Chambers *Linda Dalke Lori DeRuise Maple Colleen Gorry Pizarev Jennifer Hall McCullough Patricia Heid O’Neill Jennifer Holleman Gifford Leslie Kephart Theresa Longhetti Dean Rebecca Lowrey Kohrt Elizabeth Metcalf Dean *Julie Prater Evalyn Sciacca Kerman Kelli Shields Hentschke Michelle Stava *Susan Stephenson *Barbara Thompson Andrea Topel Fiock Lindie Wais *Julie Wilson Linda Wolf Beck ΓΓ-Drury Beth Brower Jacquelyn Callaway O’Dell
Belita Cardin Tracy Hoskins Melody Peterson Ardyth Rector Neill Susan Rutan Lisa Snow Naumann Γ∆-Kansas *Trudi Allen Winger *Alisyn Andreas Nina Beeler Fowler *Elizabeth Blackburn Jane Bryant Coulter *Joan Bryant Robinson Sheila Campbell *Carol Couchman *Lisa Demeyer *Lynn Denton Kronberg *Karen Ehrlich Blankenship Nancy Ellis Cynthia Fincke Overman Kay Goldschmidt *Lisa Gonzales Dana Green Hobbs *Holly Hagan Susan Hettwer Flanagan *Cheryl Holland *Terri Holloway Currier Denise Homa Sharp Vicki Hooper Katherine Kidder *Leslie King Kristy Kossover Hensel Suzanne Lemen Susan Levin Epps *Allison MacGregor *Julie Nelson *Linda Patton Gayle Pemberton Hutchens *Andrea Peterson Zwibelman Deborah Pfeifer Hodnik Carol Pulliam Stephanie Rudnick Leiserowitz *Ruth Runnels Beth Schaben Bastian Kimberly Stoff *Janet Storey Judy Strasser Ciambrone Christine Tamburini *Regina Warren ΓZ-Puget Sound *Elizabeth Blome Owens *Mary Bond Patricia Cunningham *Carla Dusek *Stacy Gilden *Renee Healy *Deborah Hearron Annie Hemovich Smith Susan Hopp Nakaji Elizabeth Krakauer *Sally McCombs Janet Milam Howe *Tracy Mixon Amy Noble Novitsky *Willowdyne Rezentes Bernsten *Caroline Schoepp *Susan Spessard Comstock Teresa Thompson Anne Wills Lindquist ΓH-North Texas *Christmas Alderman Kinard Mary Bandy *Kathryn Bickley Elizabeth Brunson Abernathy Angela Caudle Elder Candice Cowen *Amy Darrow Laura Denman Amelia Garrard Stacy Hall *Donna Hammer Kennedy *Julie Hart *Angela Hitt *Julia Jeanes Denise Johnson Julie Jones West *Margaret Kayser *Shawn Kmieciak
Teresa Lettieri Leah Macchia *Nema McLerran *Stephanie Mendenhall Danna Morguloff Hayden Myrika Morris Tyler *Heidi Nierman Winters *Tracye Russell *Loretta Singdahlson Gruenes Sarah Stovall Kelldorf *Susan Whitworth Charlotte Wills Wendy Winks ΓI-Texas Tech *Nancy Allen *Sarah Ashburn *Traci Balcom *Margaret Becton Blackshear Deborah Bond Terre Brown McCarty Brandi Burney Catherine Casey Sheridan Chapel Carrie Cole Dianna Collins Hartwell *Kathryn Cook *Dana Craig Marcy Ewing Slocum Tammy Fisher Arbuckle Susan Graham Marilee Hall *Elizabeth Hall Kia Harris Lassen *Elizabeth Hendricks Rubinett *Deborah Hunt Roberson Mary Hutchens Lorena Kennedy *Shirley Maddox Moseley Melissa McCauley *Michele McKnight Wisdom Karen Minter Lanter *Margaret Nabors *Margaret Nelson *Cheryl Nossaman *Darlene Parker Pencsak Tonda Pierce Robin Ray Morgan Cheryl Richie Galifaro Karen Roberts Washington Anita Sloan Kittridge *Lynn Tilley Rhonda Tyler Pierce *Leigh Ubben *Trisha Wilson Kathy Zaicek ΓK-CSU/Long Beach Kerri Anderson Janice Baker *Susan Bal Susie Drees Dominguez Bonni Dumm Kostrencich Donna Elias Maureen Hersey Shriver Karen Katnic *Susie Kemler *Tracy Lee *Kelley Mayer Gilbert Sheila Merlin Laura O’Hara Patricia O’Toole Peggy Rullo *Robyn Satuloff *Alejandra Srednicki Lori Zemke ΓN-Miami University *Barbara Benson *Elizabeth Brodigan *Joy Brown *Carla Chamberlain Holly Conner Johnston Nancy Crawford Ulbrich *Janeen Forsythe Sylvester *Wendy Frame *Amy Furbee Karen Green Lawrence Carol Gregg Overland Catherine Hippsley Hogan Eleanor Hirons
Karen Hood Hanks Alice Johnson von Loesecke Robin Krause Blitz Elizabeth LaPorte Stott *Lauren Larson Theresa List Linda Malone Loughran Kathleen May Ellsworth Nancy McDonald Weinert Kristen Miller Brunke *Lisa Novak Kimberly Polk Lori Price Zoller Cynthia Riggs Roshon *Jennifer Riseling White *Terri Sackl Susan Saunders Pescovitz *Mary Sharrock Karen Shurmer Ridenour *Suzanne Silliman *Kathleen Smith Boe Jill Thompson Oshea Lynda Wells Vespoli ΓΞ-Wichita State Kimberly Alexander Mary Christina Paulsen Shirley Clegg Dieker Susan Godfrey Kimberly Hahn Mayberry Connie Hudson *Josephine Jimenez *Becky Kiser Norris Vicky Lucas Caron *Deborah McFerren Leslie McGlohon *Pamela McKain Mary Mertes Hesse Janice Orth Schartz Cynthia Raya Kay Rothfelder *Debra Shanks Nancy Shockey ΓO-Drake Susan Bistrick Carole Bracken Addison *Catherine Burton Renee Caputo *Wendy Cohen *Mary Cotter *Julia Gotthelf Allison Halquist Wey *Jennifer Heddens Cochrane *Kim Hefter *Lynn Heinlein Allen Ann Heins Lewis *Martha Howe Robinette Hunley Kasuboski *Julie Hyde Fredrika Langer Leighton Deborah Lawson Guymon *Noel Morahan *Karen Newar Debra Orloff *Elyse Shepherd *Karen Smith Branom ΓΠ-Arizona State Margaret Brenneman Linda Christensen Rasmussen Shelley Davis Cynthia Delzell Ventrella Nancy Esser Stacey Goldman Anita Jackson Cherie Johnston Ann Karr Kuhl Pamela Kish Bush Mary Konton Deborah Lippmann *Carolyn McIntyre Shefelman Debra Novak *Kathleen Overvald *Catherine Place Linda Sanson *Eileen Steele Starace Patricia Sullivan Tonn Mary Szachowicz Parker Linda Thorn Cheryl Tilford Shea Janet Zacher
ΓP-Penn State Sheryl Barden Coholan Karen Beaver Dirkmaat Darlene Capp Buffano Arlene Cravatta Jeanine Diesel Kathleen Hare Styer Debra Jakubic *Karen Komsa *Holly Leithead MacKenzie Annelesley Magill Hackthorn Karen McKelvey Brown Marry Ann Murphy Ressin Susan Nehilla Fennecken Candace Rehnert Amy Resetar Kreider *Marcia Sanzotto DellaBella Barbara Thompson Kovacs *Tracy Thoren *Maria Veselinovich Wendelyn Weinstein Hickey ΓΣ-Wisconsin/Stout Laurie Dach *Terri Hageness Pratt ΓΩ-Midwestern State Elizabeth Arnold Paula Bachman Batts Barbra Boatman Lebow Tammy Danylchuck Marla Foster Young Ana Lopez Virginia Mickle Laura Ostrom Gordon *Vivian Pruyn Sharon Rutherford ∆A-East Carolina Patricia Adams Sheri Ashworth Michelle Brown Nancy Cantwell Howell Margaret Davison DavisonStephens Marianne Edwards Fitzpatrick Linda Frazier Carolyn Gore Ashe *Sue Griffin Lennon Cynthia Hanna D’Esterre Cynthia Huters Sanders *Geri Keel *Martha McCoss Cynthia Mewborn Eason Theresa Osborne Cheryl Page *Amy Qualls *Dorene Rountree Susan Tucker Nadena Weathers Dale West ∆B-Texas A&M/ Commerce Margo Arnold Talley *Thelma Bailey Karen Bearden Demetrice Beasley Johnson *Laurie Bergdahl Pamela Borden Penny Clarkson Debra Esmon Carroll Geddie Marcia Gudger Karen Hammonds Abernathy Dana Higgins Julie Knutson Jepson Lynda Martin Cynthia McCollum Baker Sheryl Slater Pamela Snipes Pamela Stanley *Amanda Upshaw *Carolyn Venable Kahler Brenda Woodruff Mills ∆Γ-Northern Colorado Kathryn Apt Rodby Becky Bogrett Shelley Bormuth Knutsen Melinda Braun *Victoria Brill Sharer
Cheryl Carr Futera Carol Cox Schneider Cindy Croissant LaPre *Julie Cullar Lambert Penny Davis Laurie Enders MacArthur Laurie Hagood Beaver *Staci Hubbard *Karey Klug Walker *Elsie Kopsa Sena Michelle Kwiatkouski Bills Lauri Lewis *Robin Mastry Myers Patricia Meehan *Etsuko Nagano *Terri Nocton Kristi Pack Nancy Randall Nancy Robertson Atkins Annette Robison Foust *Cassandra Wulfers Cathy Young Dennerline ∆∆-Oklahoma City Linda Browers Magbee Christina Ceballos Woodson *Sarah Flood Mayfield Alice-Anne Fox Nix Melanie Hawkins *Cynthia Miller ∆E-Iowa Lisa Abel Sharon Belzer Wanner Tina Bertogli Koepnik Susan Boss Hershner Nancy Breen Kluever Lisa Brown Schweitzer *Kim Burton Carolyn Cave Nancy Conibear Turner Cathy Curran Maura Erler Rita Hartness Brenda Jones Bremicker Kim Kennedy Lopez Nancy Kindig Dankle Mary MacIntosh Carrell Jill Morrow Guimont *Barbara Orr Warren Sandra Orton Turner Pegi Petersen *Chris Radimaker Platz *Deborah Ries *Jane Siebels Kilnes *Ann Sturges *Jennifer White Rose ∆Z-Maryland *Karen Becht *Barbara Broussard Sarah Clark Claire Clark Stephanie Cohan Culbertson *Carole Collart Eagles *Grace Daley *Dana Edmonds Hamilton Margaret English *Julie Falvo *Sally Gardner Deborah Gasper Curley *Dawn Hardy Berbert Debra Isaacs Ryon *Therese Kilgallon Rebecca Kushner Bonnie Lehmann VonRinteln Colleen Lockwood Lauri Marden Jill McKay *Katherine Rosencrantz Jane Sengstack *Joanie Toole *Sandra West Maureen Wright ∆H-Adrian Kelly Darrow Weakly Teresa Didomizio Panczyk *Jane Edgar Sims *Vicki Eustice Thomas Janice King Lisa Miller Kathleen Young Shannon
* The Executive Office does not have current contact information on this member. If you have information about one of these sisters, contact the alumnae department at alumnae@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8940.
∆Θ-Western Michigan Jennie Amato *Claudia Basing Karen Boelstler *Sandra Carrow *Ann Coburn Laura Derrico Kelly Doelle Susan Dotseth Raupp Melissa Embs Miller Judith Gagalis Renee Gerlich Ciennik Pamela Gillhespy Rickli *Tammy Grosvenor Kimberly Hadam Fine Lori Hadler Buxton Melissa Jacka Steenson *Susan Jones Conti Anna Landin *Kathy Lazarski Terri Leamer Tutton *Margaret Livingston Damico *Ann Mercer Sally Mosley Carlson *Mary O’Connor Smeekens Cynthia Pole Bertsch Emily Popowitz Pamela Rickelman Gunst Susan Sandmeyer Jody Shafer Doherty Elizabeth Stickford Pendy Elaine Stokel *Stephanie Taylor Patricia Whiteside Rogers *Jennifer Wylie ∆K-Wisconsin/LaCrosse *Jody Berner *Kim Butz Fougere Kathleen Clerkin Brunner Brenda Dahlin Weber *Renee Dion Kristi Dummer McCabe *Mary Griswold Rice *Cindy Hallman Lauren *Kathleen Hazlett *Susan Hetzel Sarah Hibscher McGowan Cindy Kilbey Safstrom *Julie Krull *Ann McIntyre Renee Meyer Leidel Cynthia Meyers Patros *Kristen Moen Julie Morrissette Lisa Nicolaisen Teteak Patricia Nitke Stebbins *Teresa Olson Rosemary Otzelberger Janis Saltzmann Chapman *Julie Sands Rolfes *Wendy Smith *Joan Talasek *Sandra Thiel Barbara VanVeghel Kleine *Lori Wollenzien Danielson ∆M-Purdue Flo Austin Krampe Karen Azar Scofield Gloria Bacon Bacon-Tiwari *Tamara Beal Richardson Tacy Blakely Swinehart *Dawn Bunyard Angela Cassady Casassa Lisa Chab Melloy *Cynthia Chudek Gossett Denise Cmiel Pamela Deardurff Hodges Dian Doutlick Olson Cynthia Eidler Vivoda Kimberly Faulkner Davis Barrie Gilbert E. Caroline Gustafson Ault *Cynthia Hampton *Jennifer Hillis Helen Huser Nill Carolyn Ives *Renee Kalmes Nelson Vickie Kniffen Hudson Stacy Maurer Michele McGaffic Drennan *Jayne Oakes Anne Renken
FALL 2004
Angela Schmidlen Schrader Karen Schultz Williams Sarah Stuckey *Susan Wurster ∆N-Maine Margo Barry *Lisa Benson Cindy Bishop Lynne Boretti Rinaldi Lisa D’Agostine Cote *Shawn Duff Alice Grant Lynn Hallsey Mary Hikel Lynne Moody Jordan Teresa Rankin *Martha Richardson Kristen Seastrom Walker Karen Simpson Catherine Steele Christine Sweeney Cameron Lisa Wardlow ∆Ξ-Nebraska/Kearney *Sandy Beale Deborah Blankenship Betty Boyd Griffin *Barbara Buntemeyer Nancy Craig Exstrom Donna Edwards Roehrs Elizabeth Everett Augustyn Kathleen Furlong Guinane *Laura Gilbow Katy Gillott Crooks Jacque Heltzel Poppe *Ladonna Hill *Mari Lancaster Lauri Larsen Cimino Leanne Larson Elder *Amy Lonowski Michelle Markoff Stokes *Deborah Marrs *Jayne Odell Hariman Sharie Orth Grant *Cindy Peetz Peterson *Nancy Piccolo Nancy Pontine Kinyoun *Pamela Powers *Vickie Powers Crooks Janell Priess Jellison Jane Swalley Stoppkotte Nora Vasquez Lenz Jeannie Weeks Dudzinski Stacy Wells Osborn Jill Zerzan Shefte Barbara Zukaitis Mullen ∆Π-Indiana State Donna Butcher Strange Renee Ewin Giles *Kelly Fields Costin Kathy Freeley Shellie Fulk Kiedrowski Judeanne Hart *Sandee Kravik Carla Market Shaw Jane Maxwell Weyrich *Tracy Pahud Janet Pepmeier Daniels *Susie Richeson *Glenda Rosendaul *Diane Steltenpohl King *Lynn Willham ∆P-Ball State *Kimberly Allen *Rebecca Bronnenberg Alice Carpenter Hogue Constance Christy *Kimberly Clark *Susan Crowden Castleman Cindy Devers *Jennifer Ferguson Miller Sherry Flynn Dwyer *Denise Hummel *Janet Hurt Melinda Kesterson *Debbie Lewellen Rassel Christina Marshall Larson *Denise Michalik *Jean Mitchell Catherine Norton Rowan Joan Ogle Kahn Kimberly Reisinger LeCount
Melissa Robinson Mossian Brenda Russell Vanfossen *Sandra Shaw Flowers *Sue Smith *Dawn Snodgrass Shelley Stiens Mauger Hazelann Venezia Yongue *Lisa Wahlquist Mary Wooldridge McLaughlin Nancy Young Phillips ∆Σ-Wisconsin/Stevens Point *Susan Brasch *Amy Clough Amy Ertl Karyn Kopecko ∆T-Louisiana State Jeanne Balencie Hildebrandt Cynthia Burkert Rhodes Shawn De Pierri Miller *Cathy Eads Tone Marsha Holland Romano Elaine Katkocin Balaity Linda Lewis Smith Loretta Moseley Osburn *Martha Rich Mary Taft Johnson ∆Y-Baldwin-Wallace Suzanne Burton Theresa Hanzek *Jaculin Linden Szhillaze *Sharon McCluskey ∆Φ-Indiana U. of Pennsylvania Cindy Bohn DelVecchio *Cheryl Cessna Askew Sandra Fiscus Leipheimer *Denise Kennedy *Julie Rotunno Tracy Shaw ∆X-William Woods *Antoinette Balistreri Julie Barnett *Melinda Barton Macker Susannah Benton Caroline Bruce Bergs *Lynn Burton Sheri Ewing *Cindy Flatt Burg Penelope Ford Sabrina Graham *Nadine Hanlet Laura Holder Ward *Deborah Hoover *Kristine Knudsen Kristin Krantz Bleecker Kathleen Kromer Cooke *Linda Kuehn Quinn Julie Larue Renspie Katherine Masure Marquart Karen Ortmann *Alison Perry Hoffman Karen Peterson Haggerty *Tracy Priest Heath *Susan Salant Shari Satterfield Kross Suzanna Schafer Dean Alynn Schmitt McManus *Colette Srock Susanne Tighe Linda Wilson Paula Wilson ∆Ω-Moorhead State *Sonjia Anderson Easton Kelly Bresson Debbie Ehlers Lacey *Ellen Engelhorn Dorothy Henderson Linda Howard *Sally Kinsley Maris Lavonne Kravik Bancroft *Mary Laymon Kittelson *Ann Merrick Ruth Mobberley Schmitz Cheryl Reuer Stacey Roedel *Terri Sebens *Lynn Smithwick *Rachelle Struble *Julie Wheeler
EB-Butler *Susan Amick Alvarez *Pamela Atchley Marjorie Atlas Patricia Barnett Kim Cooley Gail Elkins Meir Mary Fischer Burger *Joyce Jacobs *Charlotte Little Gwin Jennifer McGinnis *Jean Niebel Mary Ossman OssmanFecher Karen Schweller Pierson EΓ-CSU/Sacramento Linda Barton Teres Bugatto Mugnaini *Lisa Burke Evelyn Campbell Smith Robin Cohen Baldini *Laurie Donnelly Wailly Tracie Dudley Waxman Coreen Frost Carolyn Griffen Mary Hagedorn *Sandy Harcourt *Cathy Hembel Kathe Horangic McCormick *Tamara Janke Fudge Shelly Johnson Marker *Kimberley Joyce Nancy Klinke Short *Dann Krabbenhoft *Dana Levine *Maureen Matthews Patricia McElligott *Kristie Reynolds Carole Salerno *Allison Stidham *Maria Stone *Tina Stoutner *Lori Warren Keely Wilson Mendes Elizabeth Young YoungMurphy E∆-Northern Illinois *Joy Alberti *Georgia Anderson Tauscher Jane Armstrong Heinzmann Jennifer Beifuss Hovde *Janell Bolda Linda Bonk Colello Susan Carlsen Machonga *Cheri Carpenter *Elizabeth Chrisman Carlson Mary Chromy Figel Laura Dathe *Rose DeFily Pamela Eckmann Kolzow *Judy Forslund *Cheryl Hannon *Janine Johnson Sylvia Kalley Marianne Kopeika Cullinane KyleAnn Lanchantin Weidman *Julie Lower Margaret McCue Hughes *Laura Moore Rosemary Morris Iadarola *Elizabeth Murray *Lynelle Ower Sophie Pasciak Dennis Debra Prokes Seyfert *Kathryn Ross Gigi Sjovall Cowan Lisa VanderKoy Henschen EH-Old Dominion Jean Acey Draper Tammy Castle *Kim Cox *Susan Dupree *Kelly Edmonds *Tonia Felix Bolton *Mary Lebaulluer *Allison Patterson *Starr Perry Nicholson Cynthia Richardson Kathleen Riley Pitchford Mary Sanchez Quigg
*Vicki Stevens *Susan Upham Dianne Wiley Callahan *Sheila Zadd EI-Duquesne *Terri Beppler *Tamara Bergman Aitken Beverly Bober Rebecca Cornell O’Connor Penelope Diakakis Casella *Julie Donovan Debrah Farrone Kathleen Folk Kathleen Gilmore *Nancy Haas Killian *Margaret Harrison Bernadette Lynch *Michele Magrak Theresa Mastroianni Lisa Petronio *Susan Preston Laura Rehm *Elaine Rittenhouse Michelle Rose Conley Barbara Schneider Baudler *Suzanne Schutte Profeta *Carol Shaw Polacek *Toni Trombetta Linda Westapal Higgins EK-West Chester Robyn Arch Anne Bowen *Susan Dubin *Diane Fasnacht Ann Grudzinski Heidi Haupt Mcatee Beth Jones Karen Kelly Susie Klaus Karen Salchow *Mary Sanguily Weireter Kathleen Schmidt Janney *Debra Whitby Nancy Wills Stehno EΛ-Texas/Arlington Lori Balke Haji-sheikh Sandra Callarman Barbara Claytor Liles Terry Edwards Palacios *Cheryl Grefenstette Coral Libertino Long *Lisa Morehart *Donna OReilly *Teena Parsons Natalie Rider Lee Stpiere Donna Sulak EM-Lander *Lynn Anderson Stratton Jayne Behling Pinson Mary Benton Pinson Wanda Dixon Bryant *Robin Ferguson *Suzanne Goforth *Jane Goldman Godwin *Marcelle Hall Margaret McCravy Hunter *Valerie Pickell Duffie *Suzanne Reising *Wendy Sperry April Still Miller Cynthia Womack EN-Delaware Dianne Abate Datore Patricia Byrnes Schaub *Kathleen Capuano Joanne Chopak Foss Kelly Dugan Debra Eichenberg Scheid *Shelley Fischer Carol Ford Hersey Anne Garnett Shawna Giggey Mashal Kathleen Hand Holsinger Teresa Jonovich Karole Lauren Kates *Susan Kennedy Saralyn Laird Betley *Lynn Larsen *Suzanne Marcinkewicz Marie
*Mindy Masel *Lynda McCall Cooper Michele Minner Rafetto *Marianne Palisi Kathy Plumpton Weaver Elizabeth Silvius Croner *Kathryn Simms Joyce Simpkins Cheryl Vasey Hecht *Leslie Waddell Julia Welch Diefenderfer Kimberly Yates *Stephanie Yoder EΞ-Southern Illinois *Gail Bligh Patricia Gray Kowhne Cheryll Harrison Hall Elizabeth Kellner Cynthia Purdy Pardy *Alyson Smith Headley EO-Austin Peay State *Cathy Allsup Vaughn Jewel Burkes Simmons Kaycee Conard Smith Melinda Fly Biggs *Sheila Garrett Burney Kathy Holland Starr Pamela Howell Donna Linton Fields Karen McGinnis Donita Moore Piper Bonnie Murphy *Nellie Pack Whitener *Debra Parrish Albright Darlene Patton *Donna Shanks *Mary Stephens Oehler Rebecca Tinch *Diana Wellons Shepard Mary Wills Midgett EΠ-Evansville Margaret Bragdon *Jennifer Brown Ruth DeMaree Sutlive Lou Moore Douglas Lori Myers EP-UC/Davis Brita Abele *Laura Boss *Julie Brown *Carolyn Carhart *Claudia Carhart *Nancy Casebolt Love *Robbi Coil Coralie Crozier Kenton Debra Eagan Stoddard *Mary Emery DeMetre Virginia George Suzane Grey Melissa Harrington Vanderlaan *Susan Hellegas N. Herrera Anne Ingels Cynthia Johnson Bodenlos Laura Koch *Kim Leiker *Lore Lewsadder *Lisa Lojacono Susan Marks *Katherine Neilan *Pamela O’Connor Bardet *Janice Payne Nancy Pearson Ginger Peppers Suzanne Perroton Galloway *Kelly Pope Pope-Bulfer Janice Rauch Sara Schwab Trask Cynthia Watson *Suzanne Willson WillsonHendricks ET-Louisiana State/Shreveport *Gladys Corral Rodriguez *Karen Johnson *Patricia Jones Hudson *Anna Spann Moses EY-CSU/Northridge Julie Austin Eleanor Bianchi
Simone Erman Crum *Susan Evangelista Zwick Lynn Gokchoff Pamela Halpern *Robin Jaffee *Jeannie Kahanowitch *Linda Leitner Freeman *Suzanne Litwin Lauren McCann Michele Memsic Pamela Morgan *Kathleen Nicholson *Terri Olsen Edwards *Leslee Schneider Linda Stockdale *Cindy White Leslye Wolin EΦ-NC State Barbara Becker Maietta *Elizabeth Collins Rutledge Elizabeth Fugmann DeLoache *Tracy Godfrey Ann Jerome *Jill Lalk Ford *Bobbi Price Deborah Rector Parker Jackie Rouse *Susan Royal Stone Shannen Seversen *Mary Truesdell Howald Linda Walters EX-Cal Poly Laura Berglund *Shellie Bingham Schmitt *Wendy Brown Maureen Cashman Alison Cope Hodgkiss *Stacy Dugger Kayser Linda Fassig Susan Gagnier Melissa Hansberger Bornstein *Loren Kepler Emily McCutchan *Katherine Orme *Amy Pilkington Carolyn Schildwachter Borg *Jean Shepard *Laura Sloan Hill Sharon Steere Eucce Lori Thomson Harvey Julie Tuckett Hardardt *Kelly Ward Thulin EΨ-Lehigh Donna Anderson Kathleen Benner BArth *Karen Burke *Michelle D’ambrosia Aurora Delacruz Lisa Dippre Titus Phyllis Errico Anne Fitzpatrick Getz Carole Goldman Alicia Gomez *Lee Helwig Suzan Karpati June Kuvin Volk Jacqueline Lachman *Mary McCahan Julieanne McDermott Kathleen McMinn *Karen Moncher *Sharon Nagel Urban Lisa Rebar Beck Tracey Schwarz Tracey Silliman Peters *Michele Williams EΩ-Texas A&M Lisa Anderson Charissa Bell Susan Botsford Reppond Joann Brockschmidt Deborah Donnell Tammy Dossey Schreiber *Diane Dunn *Molly Enloe Barbara Ezzell Carol Fournier Sunseri *Nancy Gilead Martin Margaret Gray Goff
Kathy Hoekstra Anderson Debra Jordan Chernosky *Tammy Miller Bennett *Dana Mullennex Maria Perez *Melinda Scott Eileen Wall Karen Williams Fosster Deborah Wright ZA-Eastern Illinois Brenda Capron Goett Mary Caswell Kosowski Denise D’Adam Kramp Susan DiSandro Holsinger Lynn Duerinck Donna Duggan Markevicus *Dee Fowler Mary Gaither Blakeman Gayle Giza Ryan Lori Gorden Lohrberg Lynne Gregory Black June Hankammer *Jana Hermann Schafer *M. Hoecker *Lori Howard Mary Jayne Hufker Prior Laurie Hunt VanDuyne Mary-jo Kovach Linda Kravik Howell Karin Kuhl Debra Landon Cline Barbara Leutz *Connie Lindstrom Karla Miller Waltman Pamela Moews Gingrich Linda Morgan Upschulte Barbara Postlewaite *Teresa Rigney Veach *Mary Riley Quinn *Karen Salzman Owen Sharon Sandberg Bergman Janet Schall Cecil Debbie Scheffler Marks Barbara Schmeink Peek Michelle Thompson Panicucci Virginia Tobinson Wilcox *Lori Verrill Lowder *Sandra Weed Conkin *Becky Zarf Lamkey ZB-Loyola Marymount Pam Azpeitia Eileen Buscher Evanoff Kathy Campbell Irene Chrenow *Ingrid Eschbach Pliska *Lori-lyn Esquivel Nikki Ferrante Tricia Galligan Georgette Geppert Buckley Pat Kearney Alexy Kuncar Coughlin Eileen McGregor McIntyre *Patricia McSorley Talbot *Christina Meredith *Catharine Molnar Susan Mooney *Elizabeth Moss *Cathi Mostero Andrea Nola Armstrong Susana Nusbaum Regler Michelle Palmieri *Mary Robinson Rose Rodriquez Lisa Sosa Amodei *Julie Taufer *Erin Weiss ZΓ-Santa Clara Teresa Brenda Butler *Deborah Demattos Santos Pamela Gomez Murnane Susan Hicks Mau Tamara Leigh Davidson Leslie Sachs Cheryl Santos Melinda Schell Z∆-Iowa State *Debra Bobst *Lori Colby Elmitt *Lisa Dodge Karen Dosier
Kelli Farrar *Colleen Frank Mary Gangel Sommers Kimberly Kreisel Thomas *Julie Lang Ambrose *Kristen Larson Judy McCullough Leonardis *Rene McDonald Moore *Nancy Nickel Riggan Juliann Smith Jones Kathryn Sydnes Sorenson Mary Tharp Hendrickson Wendy Waddington Dorland Carol Yager ZE-Indiana U. Southeast Candyce Cailles Fox Mary Cassidy McCarty *Susan Davis Rochner *Shawn Gallagher Margaret Kopatz KopatzKraus *Michele Mitchell Kerry Riddle Nicolas *Lu Ryle Cathy Sparks Carol Trembly Sullivan *Carla Voyles Judy Wagner Carr Zeta Zeta-Murray State Lorinda Armbruster *Susan Brady Porter *Cherry Brown *Rebecca Brown *Autumn Corns *Gina DeMattei Ruth Faughn *Melanie Hamilton Edds *Michelle Lesnick Karen Pfeffer Mary Quarles Dessa Wedding Bray *Shana Wilkins *Susan Williams Schwindel Cheryl York Ladd ZH-Newberry *Luanne Bolt Catherine Brickley *Carol Conklin Sherrie Holland Rhonda Lockwood Jane Merritt Hunter *Sharon Moore *Laurie Olson Zeta Theta-Tufts *Deborah Perkins Wendy Phillips Linda Snow Dockser *Carmen Temme Heidi Toyias Sheehan ZI-Virginia Kim Bolka Holly Chong Patricia Coleman Agard Mildred Condon *Lina Crowder *Patrice Dastugue Lill Teresa Davidson Bonnie Eskenazi *Charlotte Garcia Lisa Glover Patricia Goodloe *Kimberli Grove Jean Herdt Ann Johnston Winton Sandra Luth *Carolyn Maher Wendolyn McDaniel Comes *Katherine McGrail *Deirdre McKee Russell *Sherry Mitchell Amy Pace *Catherine Pasternak Joyce Phipps Beth Pollack Mebane Martha Pyle Starling Wynne Riggins Sbertoli Drusilla Saunders Powell Esther Sherman Ann Weissert Paddi Williams Lonnquest
ZK-Southwest Texas State Lunelle Abercrombie Anderson *Lisa Akery *Elizabeth Altwein *Lisa Bashore *Carol Bass Robison Karen Bauer *Anne Belton Julie Bendele *Linda Burgess *Jody Burnette Susan Byrne *Susan Caravantes *Susan Carl *Kathleen Cashman *Mary Flory Wehrung Denise Frauenberger Patty Galyean Spiller Celeste Gay Ashworth *Tricia Gilliam *Nancy Granger Thweatt Connie Gressett Thompson Mary Hale *Michele Hammon *Suzanne Hanley *Susan Harvey *Christi Hellrung *Sandra Hill *Vickey Hluchanek Phyllis Humes Ruschhaupt *Desmond Ingrassia Janine Jammal Jacqueline Jaramillo *Cynthia Johnson Brittain Fay Johnston Wood *Penny Keprta Crow Marsha Knox Parris Karla Koop *Myrna Lane Teresa Limpus *Nancy Matus Margaret Murray Brown Peggy Nowlin Lewelling Audrey Paez Haake *Nancy Pasteka *Donna Price Kasmiersky Paula Pritchard *Rebecca Rardin Susan Redus Poorman *Victoria Robinson *Constance Robinson Baker Veronica Rocha Cindy Roiz Brackin Cydni Sheperd Choate *Rosine Shindler Nancy Showalter Leverett Catherine Skoog *Karen Smith Lee Smith Friedrich *Michele Southworth Kelly Stubblefield *Traci Tillery Andrea Tysdal Catherine Ullrich Doyle Heidi Urbanek Toni VanZant Lisa Vucinovich Cano Kimberly Webb Yzaguirre Lori White *Stephanie Wilson
ZΛ-New Hampshire College *Margaret Benson Denise Bourbeau Krol *Lynn Butler Schmidt *Katie Carey *Susan Carlton Sylvie Champagne Levesque Pat Clancy Linda D’Agostino Dudka *Rosemarie Daidone Debbie Deveaux *Lynn Dimatteo Bent *Margaret Egan Lori Evans Spencer Laurie Fiore *Helen Freer Lise Garand Tucker *Patricia Gorski
Janice Graham Kaliski Barbara Hakenjos St.Germain Patricia Jaindl *Kathleen Kenney Annmarie Kissell *Cindy Kosofsky Hilton *Brenda Lebel Christine Lessard Piacentino Marianne Levesque Diane Marquis Teldelgadillo *Mary Martinsen Nancy McCarthy Nesson *Debbie OBrien Barbara Painter Buzzelli *Sara Paulding Karen Ricard Thomas Sandi Ricard Joyce Patty Rolka Pam Roscitt Donohue Linda Rotondo Enman Pamela Sardilli Stanforth *Dorene Seeley Lobel Diane Skiados Puszka Barbara Solomon *Lenore Wood *Jill Wyckoff ZM-Colorado State Marilyn Asahi *Jennifer Bangs *Stephanie Barnhizer *Sally Beck *Michelle Berce *Dana Braun Bouchard Terri Brown Albee *Rebecca Bruce Colleen Conry *Brenda Corsentino Laura Creasey Nasiatha Tina DelPonte Christine di Iorio Terri Edwards Evans *Cindy Ellis Lisa Freed *Cindy Friel McElroy Debra Glancy Seyler Elise Goldenberg *Chris Hall *Bette Hansen Judy Harper Cindy Hauck *Holly Heiser Jennifer Hoemig Merkel Susan Kappler Blodgett Jeannette Kittredge Sierota Julie Lehrer Mary Lynch Francavilla *Julie Mahoney *Karen McNulty Rebecca McReynolds Catherine Melaragno Clarkson Rebecca Meyer Brown Laurie Miller Snider Deborah Neumann Ksiazer Janet O’Connor Barbara Owen *Cornita Pittman Lori Pitzer *Leslie Powell Sally Reed Thomas Lynette Reiter Pat Remedio
Susan Rhoades Weber Patricia Richards Hudson *Tina Roake *Tina Rodocker Linda Shupert Fox *Patricia Silvestri *Libby Simmons Joni Smith Meg Sonnenberg Smith Erica Stark Laura Stitt Sheedy *Margaret Sweeney Cheryl Swick Espinoza *Ptolemy Taylor Susan Tracy Frank *Betty Ungar Linda Wanvig Lisette Whatley Laurie Wiebelhaus Kathy Worley ZN-Texas Christian Diane Ackermann Prothro Mary Addington Smith Tracy Angel Liza Aponte *Stephanie Barksdale *Vaughan Braden Sandra Brawner Penny Brehany Darla Burke Alexander *Linda Clark Lynn Clements Soutter Mary Denys Curry Mary Dibrell McKenzie *Debra English Deborah Fugit *Elisa Goodwin Amelia Halter Cobb Nancy Hedges Mandori Ellen Hiben Legvold Catherine Hill Jones Kathryn Hillery Goswick Kristy Hughey Elrod Pamela Jenkins *Margaret Jenkins Mary Lu Johnston Marjorie Josephson Adams Iris Kaim Reeys Jo-Anne Kennedy Kristensen Susan Lipps Hernandez Mary MacAluso Hach Phyllis McCarty Alexander *Debra McDonald Zeilan Beth McKee Fredstrom *Joyce Miller Eileen Milsop Million Madonna Montemurro Radun Debra Ostrosky Linda Rector *Nickie Rodgers *Tena Scalco *Diana Skerl *Florence Sturgeon Galbraith Jeannine Swan Diane Thede Casey Laura Underwood Cook Barbara Waldron Jiongo Georgina Weddell Lisa Wolanski
50-year Members Editor’s Note: Toronto (Ξ) is not in the 50-year member list due to initiation practices of the time. Other chapters may not be listed because they did not exist at the time (e.g., chapters were closed or not yet established).
A-Syracuse Lucile Allan Ehlma Dorothy Campbell Van Leuven Deborah Cobb Stutz Suzanne Coughlin Guild
*Shirley Fifield Smith Laura Hill Hoenig Beverly Humphries Johnson *Nancy Jack Barbara Murray Collum
Jacquiline Warner Denis Marjorie White Whearty Nancy Wilson Charron B-Northwestern Marcia Arnold Reilly Simonne Bloom Wysockey Carol Carmody Thomas Linda Ciraci Relyea Diana Dahl Norlander Barbara Davies Linkins *Kate Denny Otto Daphne Derrick Cruciger *Sue Farrell Nilsson *Estelle Fitzsimons Christensen *Gail Gilbert Muth Margaret Glann Rieck Charlotte Griffiths Dickerson Kathryn Hall Tobinson Marlene Hegar Bixby Janice Herrud Meadowcroft Jean Hilditch Wilson *Janet Howard Johnson Marie Ingram Watt *Jill Jeffrey Kingsley *Deborah Lyons Alice Mack Chelich Patricia Mathers Blaul Janet Matson Eason Jane McClintock Weidman *Nancy Merizon Pabst Gail Meuer Remien Mary Miller DesJardins *Diane Scheidt Louise Shaw Sheila Traynor Klein Martha West Hamilton *Adrienne Wilkes Monroe *Beverly Young Wykoff Γ-DePauw *Mary Bugler Dion Jane Christensen Soper Sue D’Sinter Power Helen Knierim Schnorf Sarah Lever Adams *Judith Lilly Findlay Jane Mathews Braman *Johnnie McClaran Detrick Sue Miner Budig *Nordis Nelson Carolyn Peabody Nixon Janice Roberts Mair Judith Shafer Davidson Sue Sullivan McClure *Jo Ward Shadoan *Martha Williamson Phillips ∆-Cornell *Paula Atwood Wilson Elizabeth Bloom Weaver Edna Carroll Skoog *Chris Frangos Kirsch *Georgia Freeman Messemer *Susan Hitz Magnuson *Priscilla Kiefer Baker-Carr Nancy Kressler Lawley *Sandra Lindberg Bole Joanne Lyon Diamond Judith Madigan Burgess Norma McClellan Shehan *Jacquelyn Milligan Jane Morgan Nichols *Susan Nash Malone Ela Oudhousden Shacklett Joan Reinberg Macmillan Kay Rooney Irish *Vanne Shelley Cowie
Flo Spelts Booth *Elinor Steinman Helen Thom Edwards *Mary Tumpane Lachowicz *Ruth Willard E-Minnesota *Dorothy Anderson Hollatz Jean Maas Schiefelbein Helen McGovern Frye Beverly McKay DeFrance *Lucy Murray Hagen Dusty Platt Mairs Sally Schwartz Trucker *Judy Wolff VanNest H-Boston *Virginia Banash Smoot Cynthia Berson Tatelman *Marguerite Carusone Eileen Costa Nichols *Jane Crowell Eads Carolyn DeMarco Muriel Gebler Sweeney *Doris Riseman *Wendy Wood Curtis Theta-Michigan Shirley Abbott Hawkins Jennifer Allen Noyer Nancy Birney Roos *Ruth Bulderis Sani Rae Cruthers Weaver Barbara Doggett Kale Elizabeth Hait Hart Nancy Jaquette Mabry Emily Jewell Hodgman Grete Jorgensen Rettig Carol Kauffman Lawyer Sarah Luedders Dawson Helen Luth Mannion Nancy MacDonald Delaney Eileen Mooney Evans *Virginia Mullins Vigland Joyce Perry Nina Pollaccia Foster Laura Portz Norberry Sara Truesdell Evans I-Wisconsin Eleanor Allan Ball Virginia Bolte Birmingham Suzanne Bosch Teem Berneva Burhow Hebb Diana DeFeo Mrotek Nancy Glantz Morino Judith Hake Werner Mary Hand Smilanich Mary Hovden Uecker Barbara Karlen Kelley Judith Lane Retzlaff Constance Lind James *Judy McComb Kimball Elizabeth Mudd Dorsey Anna Neuses Hicks *Ann Peterson Lane Janice Rindt Aschenbrenner Λ-UC/Berkeley *Carol Baldwin Sharon Blake Chamberlain Phebe Cramer Savacool Kaholyn Daily McKissick Margaret Dawson Kraft Constance Deasy Grigsby Bettye Eckhardt Rodman Sheila Evans Wendt *Carolyn Geyman Brewer Dorothy Grettenberg Handy Pamela Heaton Hughes Mary Kinslow Murphy *Marion Landers Ferro
* The Executive Office does not have current contact information on this member. If you have information about one of these sisters, contact the alumnae department at alumnae@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8940.
*Judy Palmer *Joy Ritter Freschi *Sylvia Samper Janet Scott Grant Susan Talbott Jordan Barbara Trayner Maxfield Nancy West Curley Shirley Williams Traynor N-Nebraska Polly Downs Madsen Melva Fahrnbruch Alsip Mimi Gordon Hagedorn Crisoula Mastos Mary Mong Merrill Linda Nelson Smith Janet Niess Newell Jacqueline Ray DesEnfants Sylvia Smith Burke *Shirley Sokol Jump Patricia Uehling Donelan Karen Unger Rasdal Kay Yerk Schroeder Omicron-Missouri Eleanor Brand Jacqueline Bray Gentsch Jackie Collins Nowak Rita Gabriel *Barbara Jones Hicks Marianne Lowe Horned Jane Moore Lemmons *Patricia Weber Judd *Sally West Benita Wood Weitzel Π-North Dakota Barbara Benson McMullen Kay Brandhagen Bolonchuk Karen Carver Brezina Jo Dehen Razook *Sharon Dougherty Erickson Jean Fenstermacher Thomas Colleen Halloran Riley *Janet Harris Livingston *Carol Johnson Anderson Joan Kohler Goehl Betty Olsen Wheeler *Avis Quanrud Thorson *Katherine Rasmussen Lorentzen Joan Reiche Sorenson Mary Shannon Hoger Jeanne Uden P-Ohio State Mary Bowman White Patricia Bunting Payonzeck Marilyn Childers Rice Harriet Christensen Ann Cockfield Earl Peggy Dewey Delmar Nancy Doersam Bichimer Martha Elleman Collins Patricia Emmons West Wilma Evans Somers Jane Forster Humphrey *Kristen Gillette Dippy *Betty Grahame Abbott *Alice Hansen Robinson *Rita Huffaker Damico *Nancy Johnson Davis Charlotte Kelly Heitkamp Julie Keplinger McCartney Carol Kline Kindler *Janet Maiser Jacquette Marilyn Milsom Briggs Nancy Nance Brubaker Meyer Winnifred Nelson Blozis Judy Orsborn Ireland *Nan Reynolds Hudler Kathleen Rhoads Kelly Ann Shuttleworth Kegarise Nancy Siler Westfall
FALL 2004
Joan Stevens Rigel Patricia Terrell Crone Margaret Thompson Thomas Barbara Withers Sonneborn Ann Wittmer Σ-Washington Janis Bell Scott *Joan Castillo Roberts Carol Coleman Schutz *Shari Corkrum Derby Nancy Field Hoth Cornelia Fitch Brown Mary Flower Borreson Betty Gill Patricelli Evelyn Hamilton McGhee *Susan Karr Kuebler *Margot Lageson Brown Noydena Leonard Brix Marcia McCreery Schneider Janet McKinnon Connor Marilyn Medica Councell Marian Miller Fielder Adele Olsen Fruetel Gayle Osterman Robbins Luann Perkins Elaine Prevost Dohmeier *Joan Pyeatt Lankpord Nancy Robbins Ewell Susan Robinson VanPelt Marjorie Ross Young Margaret Staley Waters *Sherry Tagg Patricia Thomson Katherine Wendle Anderson Jan Williams Fitzpatrick T-Oregon *Carole Adams Wesson *Bettie Bartz Hill Ann Barzee Rezabek Mary Bergeron Gardner Brenda Blaesing Doktor *Barbara Gregg Lasley *Janet Hargis Taylor *Carolyn Heckman Peck Barbara Hogard Mercer Glenna Hunger Trudeau Karen Kraft Ostrowski Rosalie Mole VanAllen *Susan Nosler *Glenna Pearl Kerwood Sharon Pedersen Gilbert Katherine Rapp Harris Susan Shaw Mull Carol Sonnichsen Brinton Sandra Williams VanBerkhout *Betty Wilson Portwood Y-Washburn Donna Adams *Sylvia Brobst Robertson *Carolyn Carson Davenport Patricia Chance Miller Constance Glenn Finden Sara Greer Davis Carolyn Harvey Miller Jill Havener Watson Esther Johnston Warner Sharon McCain Wilhelm *Peggy McConnell Blain Mary McNair Jackson Karen Needham Reda Fran Paczka Osborne Audra Phelon McPeak Kay Sprouse Scharfenberg Ruth VanHole Ball *Mariellen Ward Kerby Mary Welty Hutchinson *Jean White Malone Φ-Oklahoma *Dona Beavers Stodter Ann Bell Williams Shirley Bennett Smith
*Nancy Bolender Lott Barbara Brendle Foreman *Jane Crisman Shouldice *Pat Frost Sellers *Pat Harvard Lebenbaur Ann Hathaway Barbara Johnson Vaughan Yvonne Jones Holmes Mary Lafon Smith Janice Livingston Pettegrew Marilyn McAnally Stark Beverly McArthur Brown *Virginia Nelson Watters *Joann Parish Saulsberry Marilyn Pecore Goodwin *Sandra Riley Day *Carol Simmons Caryl Simpson Skelton Suzanne Spiegel Davis Shirley Stewart Huser *Marietta Tunnell Taylor Mary Ziegler Davis X-Montana *Ann Ainsworth Behan *Shirley Bower *Cecelia Clark Marlene Crane Orham *Peggy Denham Mayfield *Shirley Erickson *Patricia Gessner *Nancy Harrington Greytak Sallie Hollecker Linnell Beverly Hunter Schessler Beverly King Schmautz *Norma Martin Dohrse Patricia Milne Hitchcock *Roxie Perrior *Betty Rucker *Arlene Steele Needham Shirley Thomas Harryman *Shirley Thompson Audrey Treweek Savage Ψ-South Dakota *Leah Authier Dorothy Ballensky Crouch *Marilyn Clark Borgen Roxanne Davis Smith Connie Devers Christensen *Marlyn Evans Burns Mary Fennel Kilpatrick Joyce Fennel Edwards Delores Grubl Palmer Betty Hinsey Garrett *LaVonne Miller Reinert *Jane Mumford Sunning Catherine Noack Kroetch Betty Norbeck Jones Shirley Nord Bauer Velma Norman Wilder *Jeanne Olson Anderson *Corrine Peterson Taylor Ginette Poulsen Grosz *Sallee Rippey Jepsen Carole Simmons Pier *Carol Spear Miller Roberta Spilde Liwski Ω-Texas Kathleen Agnew Ward Dorothy Angus Aitcheson Barbara Baird Clinkscales Eleanor Bassett Schrimsher Cay Berthelot Quoyeser *Joy Brown Taylor *Betty Call Speer *Carolyn Coffey Carolyn DeLoach Vowell June Denby Sprott *Barbara Dresslar *Wynell Elkins JoAnn Faulkner Dickey Dorothy Hagler Bell Elizabeth Henderson Babcock
Virginia Holstein Floyd Shirley Klein Harrington Elizabeth Kuebler Keahey *Martha Kunkel Oppenheim Jody Maltsburger Cosper Sue McCarty Wilson *Cora Petty Ruth Pojman Coffey Carolyn Pruet Patterson Margaret Rose Wade Gayle Schaaf Smith *Fenella Teplow James Shirley Tompkins Singletary *Maradee White Bell Earlene Whitt Moses *Jo Wickline BA-Illinois *Carol Anderson Webster *Gloria Belvel Joan Brunkow Ainsley Judith Brunkow Glasford Donna Dice Reynolds Joan Enderson Silliman *Jane Herberger Barrick Joy Kirtland Reese Joann Melahn Leeming Janet Mockus Damiano Adele Monterastelli Gregory *Barbara Nave Sokolowski *Jane Naylor *Ruth O’Neil Casey Shirley Ralston Heineman *Char Reich Barbara Sears Stout *Nancy Simons Dawe *Patricia Speyerer Boyd Eleanor Surber McCombe Maria Thys Arbeen Penny Walker Bossehann BB-Michigan State Evelyn Bochnig Kimball *Martha Browning Mast *Mary Collinson Peterson Ann Cunnyngham Leopold *Kathe Gau *Bette Goulet Barbara Jacobs Arthur Joy Knudson Walker Carol Kretschmar Yaw *Paula McDonald Beech Karol Miller Breen Patricia Owen Sawyer Janet Snyder Bennett Mary Stoll Becker *Sarah Terrill Mary Tuberty Page Valerie Vaughan Rule Yvonne Vogel Metzger *Ronna Wagner York BΓ-Colorado Marjorie Badecker Day *Marilyn Barnes Hackworth Nancy Bateman Webster *Barbara Bickford Hoy *Edith Black Chisholm Joann Buchholz Cramer Jacquelyn Ferguson Pearce *Susan Hillman Curtis *Shirley Hutton Nelson Barbara Janson Krause *Jane Joachim Snell Marcia Jobe MacDougall *Addie Kashuba Susan Keyes Morrison Shirley Mickle Williams Janet Nelson Haupt Patricia Orr Smith Sally Raymond Thomas Arvetta Robinson Brewer *Mary Roselieve
Ann Seabass Lee *Martha Sullivan Jones Eleanor Tilden Gardner Elaine Tobin Bovaird *Kristin Vogt B∆-UCLA Judith Anderson Stone Heather Beach Hicks Marion Bright Eck Carol Essert Hardison Elizabeth Gertsch Gray Clarann Johnson Goldring Vivian Johnston Black Joan Ludman McCann Betty McDowell Rall Marilyn Nickel Bonsack Veralee Osborn Bassler Rosemary Wooldridge Plue BE-Arizona Phoebe Andrews Therrien *Doronda Baker Craighead *Sandra Barrett Little *Penelope Bloch Louise Broughton McAllister *Mary Browne Gulianne Cooper Stamps Margaret Cram Wright *Karen Dickens Sacks Ellen Ericsson Archibald Cris Fitzpatrick Copley Natalie Fuldner Beck Ann Gallaspy Georgia Haught Stratton *Nancy Hoffman Joan Johnston Knoll Jereth Long VanHooser Mary Ann Manker Perry *Jean Matthews Kindig *Leslie Slagel Rees Mary Strahm Kemp Ellen Uhli Joan Volckausen Barry Cathaleen Wagner VanAtta BZ-Idaho Carol Amsbaugh Tracy Constance Astorquia Pratt Susan Bacharach Meyer Dona Bailey Weitz Patricia Berry Hauff Diane Billings Christensen *Patricia Brown Armstrong Nancy Buchanan Rees Phyllis Castater Forsyth *Yvonne Cleveland Hess Klea Crane Copeland Sherie Fox Schmauder Lexie Gill Barnett Judith Hodgins Gibbs *Gloria Hunter Jones Kathleen Koster Thomas Carol Lyle Larson *Maureen Maxwell Transue Janeen Parkinson Daly Elizabeth Potter Webb Mary Schultz Barton Sharon Stump Kubena BH-Manitoba Marilyn Anthony Donoghue *Mary Danyluk Margaret Dennis Owen *Shelagh Dobbyn McKechnie *Betty Ford *Sandra Hart Scarth *Gwen McMillan Beta Theta-British Columbia *Patricia Babcock *Patricia Blankenbach Russell Faye Fingarson Cooper V. Fletcher Mason
*Irene Hamilton Sherren *Eleanor Kerr Sparks *Mary MacLean *Sheridan MacPherson Sharen Markle Lambert *Decia McComb Pennington *Diane Peters Dean Sonia Stuart Ryan Adrienne Todd Sherrin Patricia Trick Springbett BI-West Virginia *Sarah Bailey Wallace Delores Curtis Johnson Peggy Glenn Wilson Nancy Gregory Struthers Dorothy Hedrick Sealy Jacqueline Hyre Fredlock Patricia Laughlin Archer *Rose Lawson Janice Mall Brown Mary McClung Roberts Marian McDonald Hiller Tommie Rodgers Fagan *Caroline Roush *Joanne Scott Elizabeth Stine Harris Jean Wells Foster Nancy Zinn Peterson BK-Denison Dianne Aabye Black Barbara Cairns Covington Joan Carver Howard Sarah Evans Jeffers *Susan Fisher Grant Suzanna Gordner Pollak Jane Heath Huber *Patricia Henderson Hoge Sallyann Henry Louise Hutchins Held *Jeanette Johnston Phelan Linda Lantz Stevens *Emily Mohr Jentgen Karen Morris Whitaker Mary Patterson Tokarz *Carole Rainey Barbara Rowe Barbara Russ Stevenson Nancy Steele Scudder Paula Templeton Patricia Templeton Whalen Nancy Witz Burkett BΛ-Rollins Joan Bucher Gowell Barbara Feidt Kelly *Laura Henderson *Marilyn Leighty Driscoll *Dolores Riddle BM-Alabama Shirley Brunner Moore *Sandra Hickey Jones *Carol Johnson *Janet Otero Eddy Margaret Overhultz Koutroulis Sarah Sandlin Joyce Thomas Johnston Ruth Thompson Adams Maude Tillman Watson *Wanda Wear Redmond Jane Wetzel Abts BN-Duke Mary Austin Nable Mary Carter Pruneau Janet Dean Mace *Anne Grady Hocker *Mae Guy Clayton Diana Mainsel Bates Patricia Page Leslie *Patricia Perrin Frances Pfeiffer Terrell BO-Bowling Green State Joan Allman Shoemaker
Janet Arn Murray Colleen Burns Thornton Sally Cummins Leininger *Donna Haydock Stratmann Joan Heiser Stearns *Barbara Hemmer Hewett *Hazel Jones Moos Elaine Karney Campbell Mary Majewski Kerr Mary Maturen Patricia Pettijohn Bresien Ann Seaver Pope Katherine Swigart Bainbridge Janet Tumbush Bubsey BΠ-USC Patricia Atkinson Nancy Barber Robertson Barbara Border Brogger *Rochelle Dessaussois *Molly Englehart Steele Glenda Follmer Quint *Michele Fox Norris *Elsa Hardy Dwight Jeanne Hill Palmquist Juanita Jones Kamm Edith Karl Hanlon *Sheila Long Jenkins *Marion Neale Honsaker Alexandra Nohl Platts Barbara Page Malone Patricia Potts McMahon Sallie Taylor Determan Marilyn Young Carlson BP-Washington State Janet Berry Dyckman *Ann Bowker Diane Flint Murphy Mary King Wike Stephanie King Erkeneff Dolores Lambrecht Williams Sue Lonctot Koester *Joyce Miles Carol Nelson Sands Margaret Slater Tulintseff Rita Zangar Mazur BΣ-Utah *Marilyn Birrell Ohlsen *Judy Brown Polly Cook Craven Ann Coonrod *Shirley Epperson *Janice Hall DeVore Dyann Mauchle Carol Menotti Oliver *Ellen Moore Davalt Meriel Nielsen Monical *Phyllis Novasal Bingham *Shirley Peterson *Barbara Pratini Lynn Rowan Myers *Jean Stillman June Taylor Leger Joanne VanLiew Udy BT-Indiana Mary Alling Lambert *Catherine Arvin *Betty Bauer Thrapp *Karen Bedwell Davis Elisabeth Bement Keough Marilyn Campbell Malott *Marlene Chambers Wood Carolyn Combs Callender *Diane Fair Jane Fitzsimmons May Yvonne Fox Arritt Cynthia Good French Suzanne Helms Rhudy Jo Hinshaw Scott Barbara Kleiser Adams Joan Lawrence Novak Eva Leath Liden Sue Ledden Ciotti Betty Luethge Roberds
Sharen Perkins Ramsey Susan Sprinkle Wrye BY-Oregon State *Mimi Becker Stout Dawn Crosby Hanna *Doris Denning Joane Jochums Ong *Patricia Lowry Briscoe Beverly Mott Jones *Patricia Volstorff *Janet Wakeman Bryant Kathryn Wiser Herndon Laura Wynkoop Dundas BΦ-Whitman *Joy Brandt Glinda Coombs Mason Margery DeVorss Perdue Gail Dickson Marioni *Marlene Eckart Kay Fancher Adam Diane Hall Jackson Constance Hammack Morgan Virginia Hanley MacDonald Evelyn Johnson Chapman Karen Jones Armstrong Dorothy Long Janet Nordby Callen Anne Schnell Michaelson *Carol Wakefield Lou Wernli *Clarise Wirth BX-Bucknell Lillian Barthelemy Rogers Suzanne Hoover Smith *Lucille Horton Weighart Marion McKenna Christine Snell Jean Sutherin WestWalker Doris Toft Haarr Sandra Vought Kroger Ann Waldron Huff Marguerite Warner VanDyke *Constance Williamson Harris BΨ-San Jose State *Elaine Armanini Miller Barbara Bates Comeri Marcella Bernardi Atherton Janet Brashear Gillespie Georgianna Clark Everson Sue Conger Jensen *Diane Coxhead *Judy Crum Comstock Elizabeth Frasse Kay Hanaford Bartlett *Donna Joost Lynn Nancy Klinger Schell Joanne Lindholm Eastlick Carol Loprest Kirk Connie Loughary Brandner *Sandra McIntyre Geraldine McKim Nelson Margaret Merle Amsden Janet Murray Barton Marilynne Myers Weldon *Nancy Neilson Gentry Charlene Nelson Long Colleen Page Cole Marilyn Pfitzer Gillaspy Marian Schell Rossi Dolores Seghi Scott *Aileen Sherry Mann *Ann Spurr Kathleen Steyer Church Harriet Tyson Anderson Kathleen VonTillow Ward Mary White Kolze Ann Whitten
*Joan Wickliffe Johnson *Beverly Wilson *Joanne Wright BΩ-Kent State Eleanor Bland McDonnell Joan Conger Mulcahey Audrey Cowgill Brack Margaret Fee Burns Barbara Goodall Bingham Merry Keal Phillips Ann Metcalf Gamble *Shirley Minish Helen Moise Mikelann Murphy Williams Mary Nicodin Latsa Ceatta Osako Mickey Mary Schneider McCann Nancy Steinbrenner Fleming *Grace Unger Donna Veon Schobert Audrey Volkman Riedel Sandra Waring Travis Nancy Wiseman Trimbur ΓA-San Diego State Sally Cooper Masterson *Theresa Covey Margaret Crawford Morlino *Martha Crawley Gagin *Kay Drag Boldt Paula Haake Deblanc Gail Holden Theilacker Patricia McCormick Rickon Sharilyn McSwan Gloria Pearson *Florence Rusk Hudson Georgia Rutkowski Judith Scott Knierim *Mary Smith Engel *Susan Sundberg Hemphill *Diane Thrailkill *Joan Williams Sarah Wulbern Pomeroy Jeanette Zurcher Foushee ΓB-UC/Santa Barbara Beverly Annis Trefry *Jean Bethke Luther *Ann Boss *Dianne Coray Steinhauser *Mary Donlon *Barbara Dumont Holman Carol French Bridges Carolyn Gwinn Young *Barbara Hassel Ford *Lynne Johnson Nelson *Patricia Maitland Ederer Donna Moser Franklin Janet Orrisch Taylor *Patricia Parslow Douglas *Sandra Pedlar McNamara Nance Robinson Pierson Jo Salmon Campbell Nancy Schrimsher Harrigan Pamela Smyser Bernardi Nancy Strobridge Chase *Daphne Wade Hougham *Maxine Widdowson Hart Gamma Gamma-Drury *Patricia Bussey Williams Jane Griffith Schwickrath Beverly Hooks Wright Janet Jeffries Fischer Shirley King Walsh *Thelma Manser Γ∆-Kansas Jane Ausherman Horttor Carole Bird Smith Joann Boswell Lumpkin Phyllis Carter Cooper Ann Clark Steinbacker
Kathleen Clough Wallin Patricia Copeland Taylor Jeanne Cummin Cara Gollier Bates Karol Gorsuch Gallup Marianna Grabhorn Rosanne Greenwood Moore *Clara Hall Baskett *Carol Harshbarger Hendrix *Mary Kizer Culp *Lynne Livingston Tiemeier Cynthia Mason Turner Jane May Croyle Nancy Moore Britton Katherine Muehlschuster Burke Karamaneh Petrikowsky Oschwald Julie Purcell Miller *Susan Robb Meredith Gwendolyn Shumway Nakao Regina Smith Green Marcene Steffen Olson *Mary Symes Christie Darlyne Willhardt Williams Mary Woofter Boye ΓE-Lake Forest Joan Anderson *Joan Osburn Haase Roselyn Parkison Prow *Mary Pence *Joanne Srp Lovelett *Barbara Stahl Devan ΓZ-Puget Sound Delores Altomare Ravey Neldamae Baker Johnson Elberta Conklin Cohen Shirley Dickison Kiger *Phyllis DuColon McShane Susan Ellertson Claeys Lorayne Frace Breazeale *Georgianna Jeklin Mary Kennedy Schneider Joann Nicola Lang Ellen Reed Lowrie Beverly Sinkovich Marcelia *Joan Walsh Teichrow Jane White Santucci ΓH-North Texas *Jean Bonds Fritz Emily Bonham Secker Anne Bonham Hubbard *Nanella Burrows Elliott Marilyn Campbell Christian Marian Carney Arnold Pege Coggeshall Normile Wilma Connell Speer *Barbara Cosgrove Frances Daily Hover Janeil Day Klassen Ann Day Brashier Beth Durrett Shirley *Doris Ellis Malta Evans Akins JoAnn Fowler McClain Carol Frost Ferrell Sandra Fulmer Davidson Jerry Gaudet *Joy Giles Shirley Griffey Barr Earline Hancock McAuley *Shirley Harris Payne Ann Harrison Tilley *Arlette Hill *Olgie Ivey Jerryldine Jackson Gilmore Jan Johnston Cairns
Vallie Kennedy Abernathy *Peggy Manchen Violet Martin Williams *Pat Mathews Alice McAden Taylor Saralyn Owens Moore *Nancy Slack Warren Marcella Stewart Sheeler *Paula Turner Dickey Jane Turner Breining Paula Whitton DeBolt Susan Wright Key ΓΘ-Colorado College Joyce Charles Larkin Eleanor Diener Anderson Elaine Dupuy Harder *Deborah Fish Best
*Doris Gunn Huth *Mary Haberer Vincent Sharon Henson Buller Doralee Howell Karen Muench Sites *Darlene Okoneski Thomas *Rheta Olsen Mary Prior Dambman *Crystal Rapp Horne *Marilyn Ray Mary Smith Ruder Evelyn Sperling Hiett *Louise Strubel Strong Joan Vycital Trebilcock Barbara Walker Wright *Barbara Williams Owens
75-year Members Editor’s Note: Chapters may not be listed because they did not exist at the time (e.g., chapters were closed or not yet established). A-Syracuse Jane Alsever Bailey Louise Appleton Hallagan Eleanor Avery Griffiths *Margaret May Barbara Moore Graves *Eleanor Peck Loucks *Virginia Rose Cook B-Northwestern *Elizabeth Clark Kempf *Virginia Clarkson Grunwald *Virginia Gage Nystrom Eleanor Pier Alton *Jane Wilson Scott Γ-DePauw *Edith Anderson Wolf *Jane Baltz Reich Marjorie Bundy Parks Cornelia Carter Martha Crawford Brawley *Alice Dudley Unger *Irene Rothinberger *Evelyn Shallberg Klingbiel Margaret Tingler Royer Martha White Helt ∆-Cornell Eleanor Eckert Jean Frederick Joyce Ruth Gordon Brauner *Sally Moore Thompson *Alice Morton *Blanche Walter Parsons *Mary Wenbourne Ryan *Jean Wolfe Hale Epsilon-Minnesota Jane Affeld Hammond *Sally Griffith *Norma Gruber Ryan Agnes Hoff Sommermeyer Beatrice Jevne Burris *Mary Keirstad Addington *Janet Polley Devaney *Helen Simmers Paralee Sinotte Jackson Z-Goucher *Ellen Coolidge Sara Evans Seeley Evelyn Naill Ransom *Kate Titus Yutzy Eta-Boston *Marguerite Bradley Hickman *Elizabeth Gilchrist Moffa Mary Marsh Ober *Mary Milner Granath Eunice Young Moore
Theta-Michigan *Hortense Bumpus Wilcox *Betty Healy Getz Katherine Koch Blunt Beatrice Loomis Buchen Katherine Turner Ransel Ruth Walser Effinger Iota-Wisconsin *Louise Baumgart Roseman *Ruth Beymer Kraut *Jean Elliott Redeker Mary MacKillican Marcum *Mary Mistele Becker *Ruth Wiswell Bruce K-Stanford Eleanor Cranston Fowles *Elizabeth Jackson Barker Mary Leistner Corbus *Elizabeth Shupp *Louise Taft Ray *Mary Thayer Rintala *Bernice Woodard Digman Lambda-UC/Berkeley *Vivienne Caire Chiles Florence Corder Witter Helen Hein Ropes *Jean Herreshoff *Josephine Jackson Carol Sanborn VonMorpurgo N-Nebraska *Viola Baker Hallett Josephine Berggren Davis Eleanor Bessie Herzman Lucille Coker Shoup *Dorothy Holcomb *Lois Hunt Greenamyre *Virginia McCullough Wetherby *Aileen McMonies Flud *Elizabeth Stokely Mote Ξ-Toronto *Sybil Martin Graburn *Maryon Morse Urquhart *Muriel Sorby Dawson O-Missouri *Florence Allee Farrington *Mary Bodine Piper Ida Cannon Pixley Martha Daniel Harrod Rose Davidson Fore *Mary Dickson *Flora Exum Price *Lorene Kersey Mehrle Grace Stevenson *Mary VanMeter
Π-North Dakota Helen Collins Sogard Rosalie Fullerton Tharp Alberta Hart Robertson Helen Ireland Breece *Mildred Kunde Lewis *Margaret Moeller Rutten *Claire Nelson Halladay Helen Peterson *Carolyn Smith Koehntapp *Miriam Taylor Rho-Ohio State Marian Ault Drake *Margaret Condon McMahon Eleanor Eichhorn Loomis *Jeanette Hayes Phyllis Krumm *Constance Loomis Morgan *Dorothy Martin Durand Lucille Mayer Werner Pauline Miller Willard *Lucy Sloan Berger *Mary Sowash Kelso *Helen Wolgomot Coultrap Σ-Washington Margaret Chambreau Lindgren *Jean Hawley Williams Priscilla Storey Chapman *Una Swedlund Griffitts Tau-Oregon *Elaine Borthwick Schofield *Gladys Foster Lanscioni *Ruth Irwin Neveau *Inez Monroe Thompson Upsilon-Washburn *Helen Bowman St. John Dorothy Brink Armstrong *Lucille Foster Beck Virginia Law Platt *Constance Nelson Rauscher Helen Sutherin Floyd *Genevieve Thompson Karr *Lorena Vassar Thomson Phi-Oklahoma *Kathryn Bayless Andrews *Virginia Carlow Biggers *Rosemary Draughon Blanche Ratliff Welker *Pauline Robinett MacMillan Chi-Montana *Ermel Fessler Hanson Martha Jeffrey Sanders Margaret Manis Gannon *Mary Scott Catlett *Loisjane Stephenson Myers Ψ-South Dakota Jeannette Lynch Josey *Katherine Potter Bryant *Virginia Taylor Ronish Omega-Texas Julia Boggess McCamy Betty Bundy Wade *Marilla Masterson Webster Mary Morris Lyon Elizabeth Nagle Sue Smalling Hyde *Mary Stubbs BA-Illinois Harriet Baker Sherry Eaton Carmer *Lois Gwinn Carol Johnson Munroe *Mildred Lee Ward *Joyce Sandgren Shook *Mary Wallace Devlin Beta Beta-Michigan State Helen Bennett Hanson
*Anna Day Bright *Anna Emmons Green *Josephine Gehrig Pace Grace Greenwood Cronenweth *Beatrice Obrien Richards BΓ-Colorado *Grace Crosman *Ruth Derryberry Tomlin Mary Fleming Macha Mary Fowler Harbert *Margaret Harvey Beals *Grace Richardson *Columbia Winn B∆-UCLA *Sylvia Baker Russell *Mary Bear Goff *Clara Butler MacKay *Marian Dale Roper Thelma Dexter Manjos *Isabel Hogg Castle *Mary Joselyn *Mary Logan Wallace *Margaret Maslen McLaughlin *Ruth Raven Betty Storer Hughes Norma Swanner Benson BE-Arizona *Marjorie Evans Betts *Helen Felton Lackman Mary Gries *Jane Krug Holmes Barbara Stradling Murphy Virginia Watkins Kress BZ-Idaho *Elnora Anderson *Grace Hagan Poulson *Bernece Hartenbower Williams *Mary Heckathorn DeBunce *Charlotte Lefever *Gladys Locke Sinnott *Helen Mains Eals *Helen McDowell Johnson Elizabeth Myers Holmes J’Austa White Freeman BH-Manitoba *Genevieve Dozois Shearer *Marian Erb Brown *Hilda Horseley McEwen *Marion Lang Holme *Hazel Miller *Irene Scarth Irwin BΘ-British Columbia *May Black Buntine *Irene Cole Brunton *Mary Cole Cameron *Dorothy DeCew Dorothy Deeks Moore *Agnes Forsyth Peel *Grace Hilton Austin Heather Kilpatrick Elspeth Kilpatrick Bell *Helen Lamb McGaw *Margaret Logan Putnam *Josephine McIntosh Bell *Elizabeth Moore Chater *Grace Murray MacLean *Helen Northey Williams Ethelyn Patterson Turnbull *Rena Stinson Lord Florence Sturdy Burton *Blanche Wagg Bowman *Margaret Wright Smith
* The Executive Office does not have current contact information on this member. If you have information about one of these sisters, contact the alumnae department at alumnae@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8940.
Each year, alumnae are asked to support the Fraternity by paying International alumnae dues ($25.00) and Founders’ Day Pennies ($1.32).
This money directly supports the Fraternity’s programs and initiatives and
INTERNATIONAL DUES TOP 10 COUNTDOWN Alumnae from the following collegiate chapters had the highest number of International dues-paying members in 2004!
to Reconn
allows Alpha Phi to deliver the support systems and services our members want. Some of these services include the Fraternity’s Online Community
9/10. DePauw (Γ) (tie) 9/10. Michigan State (BB) (tie) 7/8. Indiana (BT) (tie) first time in the Top Ten! 7/8. UCLA (B∆) (tie) 6. Illinois (BA) 5. Northwestern (B) 4. Texas Tech (ΓI) 3. Bowling Green State (BO) 2. Missouri (O)
(www.alphaphi.org/onlinecommunity.html) which allows greater alumnae
and partially funding with the Alpha Phi Foundation educational leadership
consultants to visit collegiate chapters. This is just a small sampling of how
h Alpha P
communication, improving services for local alumnae chapters’ leadership
your dues help Alpha Phi! I THINK I PAID
What if you just paid your dues a month or two ago? The dues cycle is similar to the academic year and runs from July 1-June 30, which means you may have paid your 2004 dues. Alpha Phi needs your support for projects in the upcoming year! Don’t delay. Pay your 2005 dues today, and support Alpha Phi.
And the winner is (for the fourth year in a row!) ...
• Pay online using our secure Internet connection at https://www.alphaphi.org/alumnae_info/dues_secure.html.
1. Texas (Ω)
• Call 847.316.8940, and we will process your dues payment over the telephone. • Complete the alumnae dues form below and mail to: Alpha Phi Executive Office, Attn: International Alumnae Dues, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201.
2005 International Alumnae Dues L Enclosed is $26.32 ($36.85 Canadian) for payment of my International alumnae dues ($25 dues
L My check for $26.32 ($36.85 Canadian) is enclosed.
Please make checks payable to Alpha Phi International.
plus $1.32 for Founders’ Day pennies). This is not a tax-deductible contribution.
L Charge my dues payment to: NAME _________________________________________________________________________ FIRST
L Visa
L American Express
L Discover
ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ CITY ___________________________________ STATE ________________ ZIP/POSTAL CODE ____________
TELEPHONE ___________________________________ E-MAIL ____________________________________ ID# (FOUND ON BACK OF QUARTERLY) __________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ S I G N AT U R E
CHAPTER (COLLEGIATE) _________________________ SCHOOL ____________________________________
FALL 2004
DuPage Valley members present Joe Skvara, senior vice president of the Marianjoy Foundation, with a donation.
❷ CENTRAL NEW YORK STATE While browsing through Syracuse (A) memorabilia at a Victorian tea and memorabilia brunch, (from left) Mary Coburn Fagley, Dorothy Skerritt Brewer and Miriam Bruce Swift reminisce over Mary’s wedding photo. Mary traveled all the way to Syracuse from New Mexico.
Austin Alpha Phis walk for SafePlace in April.
Gina Paolo and Jaclyn Ramiriz participate in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer®.
Sisters gather at the Dallas Arboretum for the last meeting the 2003-04 year.
Mid-Atlantic Region CENTRAL NEW JERSEY Program Director Sara Burchell Kestner (BNΛ Duke) organized a luncheon and tour of Duke Gardens. Laurie Pavlina Lincoln (Λ-UC/Berkeley and ΓA-San Diego State) and Pamela Cooper Bowen (Ξ-Toronto) hosted a wine tasting event to benefit Womanspace, a non-profit agency dedicated to improving the quality of life for women in crisis. –Jin Li Allen (ZΓ-Santa Clara) CENTRAL NEW JERSEY CONTACT:
Laura Malley-Schmitt (ZΦ-MIT)
malley@alum.mit.edu 908.532.0756
North Central Midwest Region
Allie Tower Batt (ΓO-Drake)
CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, ILL. Members met at Barbara Danley Hall’s (BA-Illinois) home for a potluck. Marcy Jones Joncich (ΓDePauw), Carolyn Casady Trimble (∆E-Iowa), Sue Campbell Welke (Θ-Michigan) and Terri Pixley Dodson (BA-Illinois) celebrated Founders’ Day by attending a chapter meeting with Illinois (BA) collegians. In March, Ruth McCauley (∆T-Louisiana State), Illinois associate dean of students, met with alumnae and collegians to discuss the current campus scene as it relates to women and sorority life today. –Marcy Joncich CHAMPAIGN COUNTY CONTACT:
Marcy Joncich
joncich@uiuc.edu 217.384.5544 DUPAGE VALLEY, ILL. DuPage Valley donated $2,667 to the Alpha Phi Foundation and Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital in Wheaton, Ill., to purchase an EKG simulator to train nursing staff. Since 1982, the chapter has donated $48,000 to Marianjoy. President Arlene Kuhn Bettin (E∆-Northern Illinois), a registered nurse, and Sally Hanson Wallin (I-Wisconsin), a case manager, are both employed at Marianjoy. –Molly Statz Sabatino (O-Missouri) DUPAGE VALLEY CONTACT:
Molly Sabatino
info@dupagealphaphi.org 630.208.4801 www.dupagealphaphi.org LAKE COUNTY, ILL. Lake Forest (ΓEΛ) collegians and local alumnae attended an afternoon tea at Nancy Weaver Roach’s (∆E-Iowa) home. –Beth Oakes (ZΞ-Elmhurst College)
alliebatt@yahoo.com 847.550.1406 EVANSVILLE, IND. Phis and friends attended a late summer Sizzlin’ Chinese cooking class at Kitchen Affairs in Evansville. –Stephanie Keilman Walsh (∆Π-Indiana State) EVANSVILLE CONTACT:
Lorrie Hamrick Bilderback (∆P-Ball State)
lorrie@us.ibm.com 812.490.2547 MILWAUKEE, WIS. Alumnae Char Gauger Becker and Kathy Sedlak Ehley (both ΓY -Wisconsin/Milwaukee) hosted an annual potluck in June. The group meets twice a year – once in the summer and again for Founders’ Day. –Linda Robnett Short (∆Ψ-Wisconsin/Oshkosh) MILWAUKEE CONTACT:
Linda Short
twin@alumnae.alphaphi.org 262.375.2494
Northeast Region CENTRAL NEW YORK STATE Alumnae and collegians gathered for the Michaelanean Society dinner; graduating seniors were presented a silver-framed Alpha Phi poem. Thanks to Angie Hagan Peden (ΘI-James Madison), the chapter’s annual goody bag fundraiser was a success. Members enjoyed a Victorian tea and memorabilia brunch. Alumnae attended a reunion weekend at the Syracuse (A) chapter house, organized by Suzanne Chynoweth McGinn (A-Syracuse) and Melanie Takata Heaphy (EP-UC/Davis). –Melanie Heaphy
CONGRATULATIONS 10-YEAR SISTERS! You are now eligible to purchase a special anniversary pin from the Executive Office to celebrate this milestone. The 10-year pin features a bold Roman numeral X in brushed silver with a delicate ivy vine entwined around it. The Greek letters AΦ are engraved on the front of the pin. The cost is $35, plus $5 for shipping and handling. A 10-year member certificate is free with each pin order. However, certificates may be ordered individually for $10 each, plus $5 shipping and handling.
Melanie Heaphy
Joanne Godfrey
heaphy@earthlink.net 315.469.5973
joannec@easystreet.com 503.690/9305
NYC METRO, N.Y. The chapter created a new Web site and enjoyed allGreek alumnae events during the summer including a fourth annual Baseball and Brewskies event with Sigma Chi alumni at Yankee Stadium. –Danielle Altruda (ΘM-Hofstra) NYC METRO CONTACT:
Amy Nickerson (ΘΨ-SUNY/Plattsburg)
amynickerson@alumnae.alphaphi.org 212.642.1722 www.nycalphaphi.org RHODE ISLAND Gina Paolo (ΘM-Hofstra) and Jaclyn Ramirez (ΘTRennsslaer) participated in the two-day Avon Walk for Breast Cancer® and raised more than $6,700. The chapter held a games night at Kim Norton-O’Brien’s (ZP-Bentley) home, took a kayaking trip to Ninigret Pond and enjoyed an annual pool party at Laura Backus’ (EI-Duquesne) home. –Jacylyn Ramirez RHODE ISLAND CONTACT:
Jaclyn Ramirez
Jaclyn@alumnae.alphaphi.org 508.324.9886 www.RhodyPhis.com
Pacific Northwest Region PORTLAND, ORE. Alumnae made and donated sundry bags filled with personal toiletry items to The William Temple House. Melynda Schoening Stitt (HΨ-Eastern Washington) and Mara Eddis Cowan (ZΓ-Santa Clara) revived the chapter’s monthly book club and added scrapbooking nights. Alumnae helped local collegiate chapters with recruitment, initiations and senior ceremonies. –Joanne Finnamore Godfrey (H∆-CSU/Hayward) FALL 2004
South Central Region TOPEKA, KAN. Topeka alumnae hosted an annual spring luncheon, welcomed Washburn (Y) graduates Ashley Konrade, Melissa Konrade and Tiffany Yearout into the chapter and honored 50-year members Sara Greer Davis (Y-Washburn), Jane Ausherman Horttor (Γ∆-Kansas), Mary McNair Jackson (Y-Washburn), Patricia Chance Miller (Y-Washburn), Karen Needham Reda (Y-Washburn) and Darlyne Willhardt Williams (Γ∆Kansas). An annual scholarship was given to collegian Carley Cost (Y-Washburn). –Rebecca Collins (Y-Washburn) TOPEKA CONTACT:
Rebecca Collins
aphigirl01@hotmail.com 785.969.1337 GREATER TULSA, OKLA. Greater Tulsa alumnae held a summer luncheon meeting at Jeannine Hartwell Abbott’s (Ω-Texas) home, an origami night and a summer pool party at Melanie Yuracko-McKean’s (ΘΓ-Truman State) home and made a recruitment donation to the Cameron (ΘP) chapter. Upcoming meetings include a day at a pottery/mosaic studio, a Founders’ Day celebration and an annual holiday party. –Cheri Hinton-Quillen (∆P-Ball State) and Sally Cummins Leininger (BO-Bowling Green State) GREATER TULSA CONTACT:
Cheri Hinton-Quillen
thewoobiecat@cox.net 918.282.9754 OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. Alumnae raised $775 by participating in an American Heart Association Heartwalk®. Girls’ night out events
included gatherings at favorite restaurants. Sisters looked forward to the second annual Running of the Founders’ Day Purse at Remington Park with dinner at the Silks Club Restaurant, a jewelry presentation at Brockhaus Jewelers in Norman, a Merry Berry Market in November and the annual holiday party and ornament exchange. –Becky Morse (Φ-Oklahoma) and Brandie Parnell Snook (ΘP-Cameron) OKLAHOMA CITY CONTACT:
Beth Anderson Brown (Φ-Oklahoma)
banders@flash.net 405.364.0263 AUSTIN, TEXAS Austin area alumnae enjoyed a homemade gourmet party, pizza and game night and the traditional Texas’s (Ω) senior gift bag distribution during spring. This year’s bags included beautiful note cards and magnets handmade by Rhonda Osborn Rhode, Melanie Kieke Pav, Laurie Miller McSorley and Debbie Jensen Carver (all Ω-Texas). Austin alumnae chapter and ivy connection teams raised more than $2,800 for the SafePlace Walk in April, thanks to the hard work of captain Jennifer Fielder (Ω- Texas). SafePlace is a local organization whose mission is to end rape, sexual abuse and domestic violence. A family picnic ended the year in July. –Diane Flower Waggoner (EΩΛ-Texas A&M) AUSTIN CONTACT:
Diane Waggoner
dwaggoner@cox-internet.com 512.763.1570 AUSTIN AREA, TEXAS, IVY CONNECTION Sisters enjoyed an alumnae party at the Texas (Ω) chapter house, monthly happy hours, Martinis and Manicures nights and a beach party and picnic. Congratulations to Crystal Glass (Ω-Texas), (continued on page 24) PA G E T W E N T Y- T H R E E
Forth Worth alumnae tour the Fort Worth Modern Art Museum.
❷ HOUSTON, TEXAS 2004 Spring Break Houston internship program participants are: (from left) Susan Kunkel (BE-Arizona), Leigh Brosious (EI-Duquesne), Shaundra Eichstadt (NNebraska) and Lauren LaRoche (∆-Cornell).
San Antonio alumnae Cammie Arnold Todd (ΓΩMidwestern State), left, and Sharon Wilkers Carraway (ΓI-Texas Tech) sell Valentine lollipops and bears at University Hospital in San Antonio.
From left, Leslie Ferguson (∆X-William Woods), Tara Harrison (ΘΛ-Central Missouri State), Megan Tooley, Carolyn Clark (ΘΛ-Central Missouri State) and Jamie Straka attend the annual St. Louis Alumnae Panhellenic Association scholarship event.
New officers are installed during an annual wine and cheese meeting.
(Austin continued)
who won the title of Miss San Antonio U.S. Galaxy 2005. –Wendy Worth (P-Ohio State)
Regina Rice Haas (Ω-Texas)
regricehaas@alumnae.alphaphi.org 972.492.7710 www.geocities.com/sys113 FAR NORTH DALLAS AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES, TEXAS Alumnae held a Fashion for Foundation fundraiser to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. Other chapter events included a senior ceremony for North Texas (ΓH) graduates and lunch in the park at the Dallas Arboretum. –Jessica Johnson (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) FAR NORTH DALLAS AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES CONTACT:
Karla Hardy Allford (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) karla@alumnae.alphaphi.org 972.624.0686
FORT WORTH, TEXAS Fort Worth alumnae toured the Fort Worth Modern Art Museum and enjoyed a luncheon in the museum restaurant. The chapter presented its annual Alpha Phi McFerrin Golden Stethoscope award honoring nursing excellence at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth. –Nadine Troll Parsons (ZN-Texas Christian) FORT WORTH CONTACT:
Cathy Brown (ZN-Texas Christian)
Rona Mayer (Ω-Texas)
cbrowntcu@sbcglobal.net 817.465.8696
AustinIvyRocks@aol.com 512.699.6209 www.austinareaalphaphi.org DALLAS AND SUBURBAN, TEXAS Sisters gathered at Michele Hurley Quiroga’s (ΦOklahoma) home for a silent auction that raised $1,700 to benefit area collegians. Ashley Reaves Givens (EΩ-Texas A&M) served as event coordinator. –Callie Gerald Burns (ΓI-Texas Tech)
HOUSTON, TEXAS Houston sisters coordinated the second annual Spring Break Houston internship program, pairing Alpha Phi collegians pursuing medical careers with doctors at Texas Children’s Hospital in Pediatric Cardiology. Alumnae and their families enjoyed a Houston Astros baseball game. The chapter hosted a
Fall Fiesta in September and a Founders’ Day celebration in October. –Ginger Dillard Cleveland (Ω-Texas) HOUSTON CONTACT:
Victoria Bunch (∆Θ-Western Michigan)
marriedbunch@houston.rr.com 713.523.0780 www.houston-alphaphi.org SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS San Antonio sisters prepped for lollipop sales with a gathering at Cammie Arnold Todd’s (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) home. Thank you to Betty Attwood Collins (B-Northwestern) and husband for providing storage and pickup facilities for the lollipops. They also raised $1,000 for University Hospital and supported St. Mary’s (IB) collegians throughout the year. They looked forward to an annual Founders’ Day event. –Jane Sanders Martin (Ω-Texas) SAN ANTONIO CONTACT:
D.J. Johnson (Ω-Texas)
djj1224@aol.com 210.495.3782 ST. LOUIS GATEWAY, MO. Members hosted the 39th annual St. Louis Alumnae Panhellenic Association scholarship event in June. Delegates Sue Smiley Campbell (E-Minnesota), Jamie Feighery Straka (HΛ-George Mason) and Jayne Gebauer Kasten (O-Missouri) coordinated the logistics. Seven $1,000 scholarships were presented to active sorority members from the St. Louis area attending college in Missouri. Attendees brought teddy bears to donate to children heart patients at St. Louis hospitals. –Jayne Kasten ST. LOUIS CONTACT:
Megan Tooley (∆Ξ-Nebraska/Kearney)
immags234@aol.com 314.791.5405
Southeast Region DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. Daytona Beach area alumnae held their first meeting at Lorilyn Hamlin-Prioletti’s (∆H-Adrian College) home. Sisters looked forward to a Founders’ Day ceremony at the Ormond Heritage Condominiums, a sunset wine tasting cruise in New Smyrna, an Angell and Phelps chocolate factory tour and a meeting hosted by Michele “Mike” Krcmar (ΓA-San Diego State). –Linda Lampman Foreman (Π-North Dakota) DAYTONA BEACH CONTACT:
Linda Foreman
lindaforeman@bellsouth.net 386.671.0446 JACKSONVILLE FIRST COAST, FLA. Alumnae donated 330 children’s books to the Early Intervention Program, an agency that helps children with disabilities receive speech, occupational or physical therapy services. The chapter celebrated the Syracuse Triad with Gamma Phi Beta and Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae last spring. Deborah Bridge (Z∆-Iowa State and ΓO-Drake) was installed as the corresponding secretary for the Jacksonville Alumnae Panhellenic Association in May. –Dawn Inglis Montgomery (ZI-Virginia)
Symphony. Other events included a Phi-esta potluck dinner at Nancy’s home. A new Bordeaux Buddies group will meet monthly to watch movies, discuss books or just hang out. –Janeen Golomb Moore (EB-Butler) CHARLOTTE CONTACT:
Tracy Weaver Hickman (EΦΛ-NC State)
charlottealphaphi@yahoo.com 704.843.7578 http://charlottealphaphi.tripod.com
mgoblue_3@yahoo.com 904.565.9362 www.geocities.com/jax_alphaphi CHARLOTTE, N.C. Charlotte area alumnae gathered for an annual wine tasting party, hosted by Amy Salvatore Reiss (ΓNMiami University). Nancy Majcher Poffenbarger (E∆Northern Illinois) organized Pops in the Park, where alumnae and their families enjoyed the Charlotte
Sara Ellis
saraee@alumnae.alphaphi.org 480.706.0313 COACHELLA VALLEY, CALIF. After receiving its new charter in May, the chapter held its first social event to become reacquainted and meet new alumnae. -Jody Belich Landerman (∆K-Wisconsin/LaCrosse) COACHELLA VALLEY CONTACT:
RICHMOND/CENTRAL VIRGINIA Richmond alumnae joined Christopher Newport (ΘΦ) collegians for preference party festivities during spring recruitment and provided Care Bear treat boxes to Virginia (ZIΛ) students during polish week. Spring and summer events included a wine and cheese reception at Amy White Bradshaw’s (ΘΦChristopher Newport) home, a Mary Kay® chapter fundraiser to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation, ice skating, a happy hour and a Summer Restaurant Series where alumnae dined at area restaurants each month. –Diana Cichewicz (HΠ-Richmond) RICHMOND/CENTRAL VIRGINIA CONTACT:
Diana Cichewicz
Diana.L.Cichewicz@pmusa.com 804.763.0272 www.angelfire.com/va/richmondaphialum
Jody Belich Landerman
Jodyb7@aol.com 760.674.2308 INLAND EMPIRE, CALIF. The chapter held a coffee house roundtable in March. In April, members donated items for a yard sale to benefit CSU/San Bernardino (HB) collegians, and Jennifer Brooks (BΠ-USC), Leann Bactad (HB-CSU/San Bernardino) and Iwona Luczkiewicz Contreras (HB-CSU/San Bernardino) raised $200 in just three hours. Alumnae also enjoyed a social event with Eta Beta chapter. Summer events included a happy hour and a luau fundraiser that benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation and Eta Beta chapter. –Leann Bactad (HB-CSU/San Bernardino) INLAND EMPIRE CONTACT:
Deborah Bridge
Southwest Region PHOENIX, ARIZ. Phoenix alumnae enjoyed bead nights, a senior wine and cheese party to welcome Arizona State (ΓΠ) graduates, an evening jazz concert underneath the stars at the Desert Botanical Gardens and a Diamondbacks baseball game. A picnic and a black tie gala with Gamma Pi collegians during Parent’s Weekend will benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. –Sara Keltner Ellis (O-Missouri)
Iwona Contreras
iwonam2000@yahoo.com 909.864.3121 www.ieaphialum.com LONG BEACH, CALIF. More than 200 collegians, mothers and alumnae attended a mother-daughter tea at the CSU/Long Beach (ΓK) campus. Alumnae participated in a
(continued on page 26)
FALL 2004
Gamma Pi collegians and Phoenix alumnae participate in a volunteer day at St. Vincent de Paul’s® dining room.
❷ LONG BEACH, CALIF. (From left) Jan Schott (ΓB-UC/Santa Barbara), outgoing president of Junior League of Long Beach, poses with Kathy Alexander Lingle (ΓK-CSU/Long Beach), who is awarded the Helen Newcomb Award for distinguished leadership and commitment to the Junior League and community.
Detroit East alumnae enjoy the Detroit Area Panhellenic scholarship luncheon. Pictured (from left) are: Judy Burgess Lundell (BE-Arizona), Peg Izant McCarthy (BKDenison), President Geneva Halliday (Θ-Michigan), Marg Kennedy Dietz (Θ-Michigan) and Marge Wendland Nixon (BB-Michigan State).
Ashland area alumnae and guests enjoy dinner at The Olde Jail in Wooster, Ohio.
that has included monthly events such as trips to a pumpkin patch, the Birch Aquarium and the Del Mar Fairgrounds Festival of Lights. –-Minka Francis (HB-CSU/San Bernardino) SAN DIEGO CONTACT:
Sabina Roaldset (HE-Villanova)
Sdalphaphi@hotmail.com 619.889.3041 DENVER, COLO. Alumnae prepared study sacks for area collegians, enjoyed a presentation on Hats and History at a meeting at the Oak and Berries Tea Room and held another successful prom dress exchange. Kudos goes to Carmichael Paulet (∆B-Texas A&M Commerce) and Holly Brown (BΓ-Colorado) for organizing the successful event that benefited more than 60 high school women from the Denver metropolitan area. Congratulations to Brandi Smith Hunt (ZM-Colorado State) for placing in the Top 10 at the 2004 Mrs. Colorado pageant. –Audrey Dessauer (ZΠ-Case Western Reserve) DENVER CONTACT:
(Long Beach continued)
Pilates® night, enjoyed a food and wine get-together and celebrated a senior dinner. –Sharen Metz Kokaska (B∆-UCLA) LONG BEACH CONTACT:
Kimberly Olson Oldham (BΨ-San Jose State)
brentnkim@aol.com 714.840.8931 SAN DIEGO, CALIF. In September, sisters enjoyed an IMAX film at the Ruben H. Fleet Science Center and lunch at Balboa Park. Alumnae celebrated Founders’ Day with a luncheon at the San Diego (HP) campus; 25- and 50-year members were honored. Sherrie Washington Bainer (ΓA-San Diego State) heads a Moms and Tots group
Tricia Wilson Stuart (EΞ-Southern Illinois) tricia@4translation.com 303.683.4812
PIKES PEAK, COLO. Chapter members held a retreat, went on a lunch bunch outing, attended the annual balloon glow in Colorado Springs and visited a wolf sanctuary. Other events included a Founders’ Day celebration and a pumpkin carving party in October. –Stacy Michael (ΘA-Linfield) PIKES PEAK CONTACT:
Kim Miller Kedra (BA-Illinois)
pikespeakalphaphi@yahoo.com 719.648.7718 www.pikespeakalphaphi.com
Upper Midwest Region ASHLAND, OHIO In May, alumnae were treated to a sneak preview of the Johnny Appleseed Outdoor Theatre before its summer grand opening. They toured the facilities, learned a brief history from the theatre director and enjoyed a salad and dessert banquet. In June, members, spouses and guests dined at The Olde Jail restaurant in Wooster. –Debby Bryden Gray (EA-Ashland) ASHLAND CONTACT:
Beth Skelton Peebles (∆Y-Baldwin-Wallace)
beth@skeltonsinc.com 419.884.1466
MONTANA ALUMNAE AND COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS SALUTE A SISTER When Delores Johnson Criswell (X-Montana) learned there were not enough alumnae to fill the many available volunteer positions at the Montana (X) collegiate chapter, she called every alumna in the Missoula Delores Criswell area and used persuasion and inspiration to secure a full house corporation board, assistance for recruitment, a location for the senior dinner (for two years) and volunteer help for the advisory board. Delores has served in every possible volunteer role in the past 50 years. Always a sister, always loving and always willing, a heartfelt thank you is sent to Delores from the Missoula alumnae chapter and Chi collegians. –Elizabeth “Bunny” Darko Buck (X-Montana)
new alumnae chapters
Congratulations to the following chapters for recently receiving their charters!
CLEVELAND EAST SIDE, OHIO Congratulations to Elizabeth Bernhard Vecchio, Joanne Mog and Lori Pitzer, who were initiated into the Case Western Reserve (ZΠ) chapter as alumnae initiates in March 2004. Alumnae relaxed with a spa night in March, learned new scrapbook techniques, enjoyed an ice cream social and celebrated with an annual year-end picnic in June. –Jamie Krovontka (EI-Duquesne) CLEVELAND EAST SIDE CONTACT:
Jamie Krovontka
Eddie117@hotmail.com 330.467.9568 DAYTON, OHIO Upcoming chapter events include the annual fall potluck, holiday party and Panhellenic luncheon. Spring will feature events such as Movie Madness, a nature walk and a fundraiser to benefit children in need. –Ann Lucas Bale (∆Π-Indiana State) DAYTON CONTACT:
Sandra Reed Mitchell (BI-West Virginia)
sandireed@alumnae.alphaphi.org 937.293.9703 YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO Youngstown alumnae enjoyed a spa night at Patricia Ward Shears’ (BO-Bowling Green State) home. The chapter created a display for a second annual Youngstown Panhellenic reception in August that welcomed new area alumnae. –Patricia Shears
Nashville Area, Tenn Chartered: June 16, 2004 Chapter President: Meredith Capps (II-George Washington) E-mail: meredith.a.capps@ vanderbilt.edu
Palm Beach & Treasure Coast, Fla. Chartered: June 16, 2004 Chapter President: Megahn Conti (ΘZ-Florida Tech) E-mail: meghan.conti@fwc.state.fl.us
Alpha Phi International is excited to announce alumnae chapters and ivy connections are forming in the following areas: Alumnae Chapters (alumnae of all ages) Alaska Anchorage California San Luis Obispo Canada Quebec Florida Gulf Coast, Melbourne Illinois Northeast Cook County Indiana Northwest Indiana Iowa Des Moines Michigan Holland New Hampshire Manchester New York Hudson Valley Ohio Akron, Toledo Oregon Salem Overseas Shanghai, China Virginia Lynchburg Ivy Connections (alumnae 10 years out of college and younger) Canada Toronto Michigan Saginaw Ohio Columbus Wisconsin Milwaukee Alpha Phi International seeks alumnae who are interested in forming alumnae chapters and ivy connections in the following areas: Murrieta, Calif. San Francisco, Calif. Tacoma, Wash. Please contact Alissa Meyer Milito (ZΞ-Elmhurst) at amilito@alphaphi.org if you are interested in getting involved with any of these chapters or starting a chapter in your area.
Patricia Shears
PWardShears@alumnae.alphaphi.org 330.726.1943
FALL 2004
Introducing: (Please attach a photograph if available.)
Introduction to Alpha Phi
Legacy Information Alpha Phi relatives (Please list name, address and chapter affiliation). NAME
Additional Information
How do you know this woman?
Have you spoken to her about Alpha Phi? If not, will you? List her school and community service honors:
What are her interests/goals?
Will she be participating in formal recruitment?
Personal Information
Mail Form Please attach additional information if necessary. Send this form directly to the collegiate chapter and the Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Please check the appropriate box below: Copy for EO records EO: Please forward to collegiate chapter
This form also is available on our Web site at www.alphaphi.org PA G E T W E N T Y- E I G H T
HOUSE CORPORATION VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Volunteers are needed to work with the following chapters’ house corporation boards: Akron (HΓ) Bowling Green State (BO) Butler (EB) Cal Poly (EX) Colorado/Boulder (BΓΛ) CSU/Chico (ΘY) CSU/Sacramento (EΓ) Dayton (ZΨ) Delaware (EN) Drake (ΓO) East Carolina (∆A)
Eastern Illinois (ZA) Idaho (BZ) Indiana (BT) Kent State (BΩ) Marquette (HM) Maryland (∆Z) Michigan State (BB) Minnesota (E) Missouri (O) MIT (ZΦ) New Hampshire (HA)
North Dakota (Π) North Texas (ΓH) Northern Illinois (E∆) Northwestern (B) Ohio State (P) Oregon (T) Oregon State (BY) Pennsylvania (HI) Puget Sound (ΓZ) South Dakota (Ψ) Syracuse (A)
Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B) Toronto (Ξ) University of the Pacific (IΓ) UC/Davis (EP) UCLA (B∆) Virginia Tech (HO) Virginia (ZIΛ) Washburn (Y) Washington State (BPΛ) Western Michigan (∆Θ) Wisconsin (I)
Those interested who live in these areas should contact bpeterson@alphaphi.org for details or call 847.316.8939.
CANADA Bishop’s (HX) Eta Chi held recruitment in September. The chapter celebrates its 15th anniversary in November. The celebration and initiation ceremony are open to all alumnae and sisters. Contact cindyauger@ videotron.ca for more information. –Darlene Legault Wilfrid Laurier (IΘ) A sisterhood dinner ended the school year. Sisters welcomed new Chapter Adviser Lauren Cherry Doherty (HX-Bishop’s) and said goodbye to Ashley Haugh (Ξ-Toronto), adviser since the chapter’s installation in 2002. Iota Thetas prepared for fall recruitment with an August retreat. –Ashley Kendall CALIFORNIA CSU/Hayward (H∆) Sisters participated in the local American Cancer Society® Relay for Life® in May in support of friends, loved ones and in particular, a sister whose father was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The women raised more than $2,500. –Danielle Morado San Jose State (BΨ) Beta Psi welcomed five new members following spring recruitment. The chapter hosted a Phi-Ball philanthropy volleyball tournament. –Vanessa Kearns UC/Berkeley (Λ) During the university’s Greek Achievement Awards presentation in May, Lambda received the Scholastic Achievement and Blue Circle for Excellence awards. The chapter’s annual 5K Bear Run in October benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. San Francisco Bay area alumnae are invited to join the chapter’s mailing list by contacting Mae Murakami at mae4@berkeley.edu. –Geordana Wagner-Porter
FALL 2004
CSU/Northridge (EY) Epsilon Upsilon welcomes new Chapter Adviser Meghan Kain (HP-San Diego). Sisters held the second annual Phisbee (Frisbee®) Tournament to raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. –Danielle Veis COLORADO Colorado (BΓΛ) Sisters took first place in Sigma Nu and Alpha Chi Omega’s annual Sluggerfest philanthropy event.
Krystal Rodgers attended the Undergraduate
Interfraternity Institute at Indiana University. Kimberly Callahan is the Panhellenic Council’s director of member education. Brynmar Bland and Sara D’Angelo obtained internships, with DTI and Eagle Trading Brokerage and WTOP news radio, respectively. Look for Homecoming updates at www.colorado. edu/Greeks/APhi/. –Krystal Rodgers
OKLAHOMA CITY (∆∆) Alpha Phi twin sisters Ashlea and Andrea Brack
were featured on Trading Spaces®‚ on TLC, in April. The pair “traded spaces” with two other Greek women on Oklahoma City University’s campus. Unscripted and unplanned, Ashlea and Andrea worked two full days, moving from project to project as they proudly wore Alpha Phi jewelry, showed off Alpha Phi pillows and posed in front of Alpha Phi bulletin boards. “The most exciting part was getting to hang out with the crew,” says Andrea. “They have so many great stories and experiences.” Top: Andrea and Ashlea Brack pose with Trading Spaces® Host Paige Davis and the two Oklahoma City women with whom they “traded spaces.” Bottom: Ashlea and Andrea Brack are featured on TLC’s hit show Trading Spaces®.
❷ NORTHERN COLORADO (∆Γ) President Jessica Wooten, left, poses with International President Crista Vasina during Convention 2004 in Rancho Mirage, Calif. .
Zeta Alpha sisters show their creativity while sporting Alpha Phi letters.
Idaho (BZ) More than 400 people participated in this year’s Alpha Traz event, raising $1,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. A disc jockey from a local radio station announced the event and helped raise awareness about the Alpha Phi Foundation. –Dani Tuott
PURDUE COLLEGIAN IS HOMECOMING QUEEN Adriana Bartucci is named Purdue’s 2003 Homecoming queen. This is the second year in a row an Alpha Phi has been honored with this title.
From left, Johanna Strickler, Sari Griffith, Melissa Jones, Courtney Morgan and Savannah Rule pose in front of a Velcro® Wall during the Alpha Traz philanthropy event.
Iota Thetas celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a potluck dinner. Pictured are Sara Hitchin and Tracy Briggs.
Little 5 riders celebrate their first place win.
Northern Colorado (∆Γ) Members earned top grades and were enriched with programming and sisterhood activities. International President Crista Cate Vasina (∆Γ-Northern Colorado) and Executive Director Susan Zabriskie (Θ-Michigan) visited the chapter during spring semester. Nine Delta Gammas traveled together to Europe, and some sisters served internships together. –Kate Phillips
ILLINOIS Adriana Bartucci
Eastern Illinois (ZA) Zeta Alpha took first place during Greek Week and received the university’s Five Star Fraternal Excellence and Sportsmanship award. Hoops for Hearts raised more than a $1,000 in support of cardiac care. Sisters painted houses and collected garbage throughout Charleston during the chapter’s annual Bucket Brigade philanthropy event. –Amelia Cook Northwestern (B) Beta held its annual Mud Olympics philanthropy event to support the Alpha Phi Foundation. The fundraiser was the best attended Greek fundraiser on campus with more than 250 contestants competing in four events. –Jennifer Hochstadt INDIANA
ZETA ALPHA PRESIDENT RECEIVES HONORS Alison Threlkeld is named Eastern Illinois University’s Most Outstanding Sorority President of 2004 and was recognized as one of the Top 10 Greek Women on Campus. Alison Threlkeld
DePauw (Γ) After weeks of intense training for DePauw’s annual Little 5 bike race, Gammas took home a first place trophy in the women’s race. The chapter was recognized for earning the highest GPA among DePauw sororities. During Mom’s Weekend in May, sisters teamed up with moms for the American Cancer Society® Relay for Life®. –Courtney Jeffries
IOWA Northern Iowa (EΘ) The Epsilon Theta chapter house underwent kitchen, porch, upstairs and basement renovations during the summer and fall. Sisters look forward to Homecoming and an annual alumnae barbeque in October. –Sara Frank NEBRASKA Nebraska (N) The Nu chapter house bathrooms were renovated during the summer and completed in time for fall recruitment. Kim Martin, Kristen Otterson, and Sidney Tobin spent the summer studying abroad in Oxford, England. –Amanda Buell NEW YORK Cornell (∆) A reunion weekend bed and breakfast was held at the Delta house in June. Alumnae, spouses and children enjoyed the festivities. –Adria Dalsass NORTH CAROLINA East Carolina (∆A) Delta Alpha sisters took first place in an ‘80s themed Greek All Sing contest during Greek Week. Jackie
Lambertsen is the university’s 2005 student body
secretary. –Kaitlyn Morris-Sturgis OHIO Miami University (ΓN) A group of Gamma Nus traveled to Ohio State (P) chapter to help with Rho’s Mud-Tug philanthropy event. Panhellenic Representative Lindsey Sacher attended the Undergraduate Interfraternal Institute. The women look forward to the fall King of Hearts philanthropy event. –Lindsay Mongenas PENNSYLVANIA Saint Joseph’s (ΘΘ) Theta Theta’s Jail and Bail philanthropy event raised $2,725 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. A senior sendoff luncheon concluded the year. –Kimberly Reif Villanova (HE) Sisters sported red dress pins and passed out heartshaped lollipops and information about women’s heart health during its first Cardiac Awareness week. They encouraged all on campus to wear red to show support. Eta Epsilon was recognized as an exceptional chapter, for its exceptional advisory board and its work promoting the Greek image and philanthropy during the university’s Greek awards banquet. The women welcomed 35 new members following spring recruitment. Donning “Everybody Loves an A Phi Girl” shirts while selling Pot O’ Gold treats on St. Patrick’s Day, the chapter raised more than $800 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. The women participated in an eight-mile Walk to Conquer Hunger and a Jail N’ Bail fundraiser that included an elaborate balloon jail construction, a deejay booth and a barbeque. –Laurie Ellen Park
FALL 2004
West Chester (EK) Epsilon Kappa brought home five Greek awards: New Member of the Year to Kristen Cornely, New Member Educator of the Year to Vanessa Johnson, Outstanding Advisor of the Year to Aime Gebert, Service to Campus and Chapter of the Year. Sisters took first place in Greek Games for a third year in a row. Organized by Jackie Gorbey and Alaina Hupp, the chapter’s annual Greek Night Live show raised more than $900 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. The chapter welcomed eight new members during spring recruitment. –Vanessa Gehman VIRGINIA Old Dominion (EH) Thanks to the hard work of Shelby Gavin, Epsilon Eta welcomed 11 new members. Afton Austin, Candice Cade, Jessie Creech, Rebecca Echipare and Laurel Scott were inducted into the Order of Omega. The chapter received university awards for Most Outstanding Panhellenic Chapter, Most Improved Chapter and Greek Organization of the Year. –Katie Brumbaugh
GAMMA SISTER IS 500 PRINCESS Recent graduate Kassey McQuinn (Γ-DePauw) is chosen as the 2004 Indianapolis 500 Princess. The honor is based on personal projection, motivation and commitment. As a 500 Princess, Kassey represented the Indianapolis Motor Kassey McQuinn Speedway and the 500 Festival by making appearances at social and volunteer functions leading up to the Indianapolis 500 in May.
WASHINGTON Washington (Σ) Sisters presented the chapter’s annual scholarship to three outstanding high school senior women, chosen from among 80 applicants. The recipients and their families were invited to an awards dinner and ceremony at the chapter house. Sarah Barker, Allison DeLong and Ashley Nelson coordinated the scholarship process. Kelsey Knowles was named president of the Associated Students of University of Washington. Genelle Bullert and Alana Benzel strengthened and improved the chapter’s scholarship program during the spring and 37 sisters made the Dean’s List as a result, raising the chapter GPA to 3.35. –Alisa Brandle WISCONSIN Marquette (HM) Eta Mu took first place during Greek Week and was recognized with Most Outstanding Philanthropy and Community Service at a Greek Awards presentation. The annual Alpha Phi-esta, Cardiac Care Week and Teeter Totter-athon benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters walked in and volunteered time for the Milwaukee multiple sclerosis walk. The women also participated in numerous campus events to keep Milwaukee clean. –Jessica Wojanis Wisconsin (I) The second annual Kiss Off for Cardiac Care was held in April. Contestants purchased $5 raffle tickets to “kiss” a scooter, and the participant left standing took a new scooter home. Local businesses and restaurants donated raffle prizes. Organized by Natalie Fandrey and Katie Nowicki, the event raised more than $2,200 for the Alpha Phi Foundation and cardiac care. –Stefanie Pervos
Sisters gather at the chapter house before formal recruitment.
❷ EAST CAROLINA (∆A) Tonya Wilkerson and Tracey Santucci participate in a Greek Week All Sing contest.
Wisconsin/LaCrosse (∆K) Delta Kappa’s annual Bounce for Beats philanthropy event raised more than $1,500 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. A quilt and Longaberger® baskets were raffled. Thanks to Julie Stietz, mother of Jamie Stietz, for making and donating the quilt and Pauline Mau for donating the baskets.
A new philanthropy event, Adopt an Agency, was held during the spring in which members spent a few hours each week helping a local Girl Scout® troop. Sisters participated in Adopt-a-Highway and presented “Thinking of You” ivy plants to professors and Valentines to the local nursing home residents. –Jamie Stietz
Sisters enjoy the philanthropy round of recruitment week.
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Job Success: Is It Still Who You Know? By Cynthia Krainin (∆Y-Baldwin-Wallace)
Whether you are looking to move up in your field, change jobs or are reentering the workforce, one person could serve as the conduit between you and your next position. You find that person by networking. Networking has always been the best method to find a job. Successful professionals have developed and refined this valuable skill set, and you can too. The perfect example of networking is the following story that was shared at a Boston alumnae chapter career support group meeting years ago. Sue calls Debbie, a favorite Phi from college and says she is looking for a job as a marketing specialist. At a dinner party the following week, Debbie learns that Joan’s company is looking for a new public relations and marketing team. Without hesitation, Debbie says she knows of a dynamic marketing wiz. Joan is thrilled because she doesn’t have to spend time finding a good candidate. Debbie gets Sue in touch with Joan. Sue sends her résumé, Joan calls her in for an interview, and Sue is a finalist for a position – one she would not have known existed if it hadn’t been for networking. Without physically being there, Sue was at the right place at the right time. She was represented by Debbie, who introduced her and presented her to the “right” person. Imagine how many places you could be and how many presentations could be given on your behalf if you told 10 people you were looking for a job. Networking is about connection, building relationships to collect information, educating yourself about employment opportunities and increasing your list of professional contacts. Studies consistently show an average of 80 percent of all jobs are not advertised. The result of networking is you receive a personal referral for a job. Many companies give bonuses to employees who refer job candidates. By letting the right person know you are looking, you could both benefit from the connection. The more people you contact, the better your chances. Start with people you know:
FALL 2004
Personal Contacts: family, friends, sorority sisters and college alumni, club members, neighbors, e-mail lists. Professional (Third Party) Contacts: doctors, accountants, bankers, insurance agents, financial planners. Business Contacts: current and previous coworkers and managers, vendors, suppliers, customers, professional associations. Educational Contacts: current and past classmates, teachers, college friends, sorority and fraternity members and their alumni associations, college alumni, college career centers, professors, coaches, advisors. Community Contacts: civic and business leaders, clergy, health club members, PC/Mac user groups, librarians, shopkeepers.
Networking: the building up or maintaining of informal relationships, especially with people whose friendship could bring advantages such as job or business opportunities. –Encarta World English Dictionary
Contact the individuals in each of these categories, but also ask to utilize their member and referral databases. Remember, it is who you know that will facilitate your job success. The job search is daunting for even the most intrepid professionals. Much anxiety is provoked because of the misconception that networking is ingratiating yourself on people you don’t know. Actually, we were trained in many aspects of networking thanks to our participation in Alpha Phi recruitment activities. Remember learning how to welcome, engage and present your message to person after person who you did not know? You’ve done it before, and you can do it again! Cynthia Krainin (¢T-Baldwin-Wallace) is a certified professional résumé writer, certified job and career transition coach and a certified employment interview coach, teacher, lecturer and co-author of the book Thriving At Work: A Guidebook for Survivors of Childhood Abuse. As director of career resources in Brookline, Ma., she has made the process of changing jobs easier, more effective and less stressful for clients around the globe since 1982. Contact Cynthia at career_resources@verizon.net or 617. 732.1200.
R E U N I O N S / S M A L L
Reunions Chapter Reunions Are an Annual Affair East Carolina (¢A) sisters eagerly look forward to annual reunion weekends held at Ann Thompson Ritter’s riverfront cottage in Chocowinity, N.C., - a 20-year tradition. Delta Alphas gather on Friday nights to laugh, talk, cook, celebrate good news and lend support to each other when necessary. –Jenny Dempsey Pitchford
Michigan State (BB) Phis meet for a reunion in Montana.
Delta Theta Reunion
Delta Theta sisters enjoy a fall reunion.
Sixty-five Western Michigan (¢£) alumnae from the 1984-93 new members classes returned to the university during its Homecoming weekend centennial celebration. For many, it was the first time back since graduation. A reunion brunch was held at the chapter house. Collegians hosted a silent auction to raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Many attended the football game; several visited favorite sites around campus. Thanks to the many sisters who helped with the planning, donations and the shared photos. –Kristin Crandle
they were at the coincidence. Carrie was hired on the spot and has since traveled as Emily’s personal aide on more than 50 trips. –Carrie Snidar Alumna Discovers a True Sister After a Sunday service at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Evansville, Ind., Nancy Wittgen Burks DeVoe (¡-DePauw) was enjoying coffee and donuts when the church’s parish manager sat down and said, “Did I hear you say something about Alpha Phi?” Nancy was excited to hear she shares an affiliation with Sister Barbara Schmitz (¢¤-Memphis State), who was hired by St. Mary’s in the fall. Sister Barbara had been chief financial officer for the entire Benedictine Order when she decided she was more suited for parish work. –Nancy DeVoe Phis Meet Overseas
Small World Beta Gammas Celebrate 40 Years
Beta Gammas celebrate 40 years of sisterhood.
Colorado (B¡) class of 1963 gathered in Boulder for a get-reacquainted weekend that went by much too quickly. Alumnae and guests dined at a local restaurant, toured the new chapter house and enjoyed a buffet lunch and evening football game. –Valerie Friesen
Politics Is Not All This Boss and Aide Have in Common Emily Stover DeRocco (¡Q-Penn State) was appointed by President George W. Bush as assistant secreCarrie Snidar and Emily DeRocco tary of the U.S. kick off a new initiative in Ohio. Department of Labor in August 2001. In January 2002, when she was interviewing a candidate for the position of events and outreach coordinator, Emily glanced over the candidate’s resume and saw that Carrie Snidar (GOVirginia Tech) was also an Alpha Phi. They both gushed about how much they loved being Alpha Phis and about how amazed
From left, legacy Charlotte Pearson Seaman, Cindy Pearson Seaman, Laura Florence and legacy Brynne Florence enjoy the TUCP Sakura Festival in Tokyo, Japan.
Considering there are only 12 international mothers in her daughter’s play group in Tokyo, Japan, Laura Matyear Florence (FT-Indiana U. Southeast) was pleasantly surprised when she learned one of the mothers, Elizabeth Baccelli Noll (J¤Stanford), is an Alpha Phi. Imagine her surprise when not long after, Laura walked into her daughter’s classroom wearing a South Central Regional Conference alumnae shirt and discovered a new student’s mother, Cindy Pearson Seaman (¡A-San Diego State), is also an Alpha Phi. –Laura Florence ALPHA PHI
Sister Leads FAWCO
LeBlanc Serves on ESM Board Margaret “Peggy” Young LeBlanc (G¡Akron) was elected to serve on Employee Services Management (ESM) Association’s board of directors. The Peggy LeBlanc mission of ESM is to help companies prepare the aging workforce for retirement and provide ideas for retiree programs that celebrate tradition and instill pride in the organization. Peggy currently manages the employee wellness program at Hughes Network Systems and has been an active ESM Association member for six years. Broadcaster Honored With Award Liz Rumann Mathis (¢E-Iowa) of KCRGTV9 in Cedar Rapids received Iowa Broadcast News Association’s Jack Shelley Award for her Liz Mathis 27 years of dedication to professional broadcast journalism in Iowa. Liz is the third woman to receive the award since its inception in 1972 and the first journalist from KCRG to receive the award. She is an anchor, reporter and internship coordinator at KCRG-TV9.
FALL 2004
Arline Burns Coward (¡J-CSU/Long Beach) is president of the Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas, Inc. (FAWCO), elected at Arline Coward the biennial conference in Stockholm, Sweden, in 2003 for a two-year term. FAWCO (www.fawco.org) is the largest international network of independent associations representing private American citizens overseas. Alumna Joins Teach For America® Roxann Fournier (IIGeorge Washington) was selected by Teach For America®, a national movement to eliminate educational inequity in the U.S. Roxann Fournier Roxann began her twoyear commitment to teach in low-income rural and urban communities with an intensive five-week summer training institute in Los Angeles before teaching in Philadelphia, Pa. For more information on Teach For America®, visit www.teachforamerica.org. Volunteer Receives AHA Award Deborah Nobile Milito (EI-Duquesne), PharmD, was recognized by the American Heart Association’s® Westmoreland Division as a recipient of its Deborah Milito fourth annual Hearts of Gold medical excellence award in cardiovascular education. Local hospitals recognize one individual who exemplifies the highest standards in cardiac and/or stroke patient care. Deborah was nominated by the Monsour Medical Center, Jeannette, Pa.
Oberly Founds Biotech Group Gail Gerbie Oberly (BE-Arizona) is director and co-founder of Forsythe Biotechnology Group, Inc., a whollyowned subsidiary of Forsythe Technology, Gail Oberly Inc. She helped launch the company in 2003 and currently oversees the group’s business development and customer relations. Gail has more than 24 years of experience serving and supporting the biotechnology industry. Visit the company’s Web site at www.forsythe.com/Forsythe/biotech/ index.jsp. Navy Captain Retires After 26 Years
Captain Grace Sheehan, center, is surrounded by Beta Pi sisters as she retires from the U.S. Navy.
Captain Grace V. Sheehan (B¦-USC), a commanding officer of the Enlisted Placement Management Center (EPMAC) in New Orleans, La., retired from the U.S. Navy in June. Co-workers honored her years of faithful service with a retirement ceremony. Grace’s family and many of her USC (B¦) sisters attended.
New Arrivals Adrian (∆H) To Les and Heather Naughton Crosby, a daughter, Emma Noelle, March 16, 2004. Akron (HΓ) To John and Nicole Geiser Russell, a son, Alexander Harlan, April 27, 2004. To Eric and Kym Cindea Steager, a son, Keegan Eric, June 7, 2004. Arizona (BE) To David and Zoenda Parks McIntosh, a daughter, Violet Morgan, March 5, 2004. Baldwin-Wallace (∆Y) To John and Nicole Butera Licata, a son, Aidan Frank, April 24, 2004.
CSU/Hayward (H∆) To Jonathan and Monica Vunesky Fey, a son, Darrin James, March 7, 2004. CSU/Northridge (EY) To Oscar and Karianne Roth Holguin, a daughter, Ava Bonnie, April 28, 2004. CSU/Sacramento (EΓ) To Mike and Natalie Dolce Alizadeh, a daughter, Emma Jeanette, May 25, 2004. To Keith and Lisa Keelor Gall, a son, Gavin Keith, March 28, 2004. To Darren and Ayme Reed McMillan, a daughter, Morgan Reed, April 15, 2004.
Ball State (∆P) To Paul and Molly Circle Sawyer, a son, Tyler Hudson, May 3, 2004.
CSU/San Bernardino (HB) To John and Yvette Duron Hofsaess, a daughter, Amelia Ruth, Nov. 13, 2003. To Jason and Cheryl Clark Gibbs, a daughter, Alyssa Joy, Dec. 29, 2003.
Bentley (ZP) To William and Jane Salisbury Schultz, a son, John Henry, Sept. 28, 2003.
Dayton (ZΨ) To Jeremy and Kathy Clune Barnhill, a son, Austin Jacob “A.J.,” Feb. 11, 2004.
Bowling Green State (BO) To Daniel and Jennifer Tudor Hedrick, a daughter, Elise Marie, Sept. 27, 2003. To Carl and Elizabeth Naish Lonsbrough, a daughter, Alison Marie, March 11, 2004. To Frank M. Jr. and Karen A. Simcich Bordelon, a daughter, Julia Rose, Dec. 30, 2003.
DePauw (Γ) To Chris and Alina Bower Willig, a daughter, Gracie Jane, Feb. 3, 2004.
British Columbia (BΘ) To John and Veronica Hejcman Millard, a daughter, Emily Veronica, April 21, 2004. Bryant (ΘB) To Scott and Santina Gemma Bianchi, twin sons, Justin Michael and Janelle Marie, May 18, 2004. Butler (EB) To Tom and Krista Oldham Baker, twins, Jacob Matthew and Ashley Jo, Feb. 6, 2004. To Martin and LoraLee Kilgore Weaver, twin sons, Jack Martin and Andrew Joseph, Feb. 5, 2004. To Jeremy and Deidre Elizondo Getz, a son, Anden Gabriel, Dec. 23, 2003. Chapman (HY) To Robert and Maria HernandezMercado, a daughter, McKayla Frances, Feb. 11, 2004. Columbia (ZX) To Robert and Theresa TebbettKoubek, twin sons, Andrew John and Jack Robert, Feb. 4, 2004.
East Carolina (∆A) To Chad and Amy Rogers Roberts, a daughter, Ryland Noel, April 8, 2004. Franklin & Marshall (ZΣ) To Matthew and Kimberly Fitch Livingston, a son, Owen William, June 12, 2003. To Nick and Scarlett Stoeckel DeRosa, twins, Jacob Nicholas and Gabriel Nicholas, May 6, 2003. Idaho (BZ) To David and Jennifer Gish Eshelman, a son, Nathan David, April 11, 2004. To Brent C. and Hiedi Williams Skaggs, a daughter, Hennessy G., Jan. 24, 2004. To Justin and Jennifer Hansen Stiefel, a son, Tanner Justin, Oct. 25, 2003. Illinois State (ZT) To Michael and Jodi Brown Mohr, a daughter, Aubrey Erin, Aug. 19, 2003. Indiana (BT) To Craig and Jenny Snyder Hanneman, a son, Noah Edward, Aug. 12, 2003. To Jeremy and Mindy Thorne Nix, a daughter, Della Liane, March 30, 2004.
To Greg and Laura Blackerby Smith, a daughter, Isabella Rose, April 21, 2004. To T.C. and Jennifer Piraro Weintraut, a daughter, Olivia Anne, May 13, 2004. Indiana State (∆Π) To Brandon and Laura Skelton David, a daughter, Kaitlyn Elizabeth, April 14, 2004. To Dr. Patrick E. and Heather Cordes Hunter, a son, Matthew Earl, April 25, 2004. To Wes and Angie Jackson Hartley, a son, Jackson Benjamin, July 7, 2004. Iowa (∆E) To Patrick and Jodi Minard Klein, a son, Zachary Minard, March 18, 2004. To Patrick and Cori Spragg Moriarty, a son, Michael Patrick, Dec. 11, 2003. Iowa State (Z∆) To Brian Grigaitis and Sara Wells Salter, triplets, Hayden Anthony, Brenden Wells and Meagen Amanda, April 13, 2004. To Robert and Mindy LaMaack Faber, a daughter, Paige Madison, April 3, 2004. James Madison (ΘI) To Bryan and Kristen Phillips Wood, a son, Luke William, June 18, 2004. Johns Hopkins (ZO) To Salvatore and Kimberly Rampaul-Pino, a son, Andrew Ravi, Jan. 15, 2004. Kent State (BΩ) To Scott and Susan Hopkins Hutton, a daughter, Sydney Paige, Feb. 18, 2004. To Len and Shannon Zorn Hyde, a son, Christian Michael, April 2, 2004. Lander (EM) To Don and Tracy Mirra Kukan, a son, Dax Raymond, Nov. 4, 2003. Linfield (ΘA) To Todd and Sarah Jespersen Bastian, a son, Braxten Kole, April 20, 2004. Loyola Marymount (ZB) To Thomas Paine III and Julia Gardner Plotts, a son, Thomas Paine IV, April 27, 2004. To Kevin and Diana Kalty Swanson, a daughter, Julia Beth, March 17, 2004. To Gil and Risa Blewitt Bastien, a daughter, Annabel Grace, June 8, 2004.
Miami University (ΓN) To Jonathan and Elizabeth Smith Fligner, a daughter, Amanda Joy, Nov. 7, 2003. To Kyle and Heather Blakeslee Jamison, a son, Blake Alan, May 5, 2004. Michigan (Θ) To Matthew and Nicole Miller Price, a son, Griffin Matthew, May 17, 2004. To Daniel and Jennifer Hartline Edwards, a son, Zachary Hartline, July 9, 2004.
To Dave and Sarah Mason Cline, a son, Connor Michael, March 10, 2004. To Shawn and Shannon Lake Davis, a daughter, Lindsey Marie, Jan. 28, 2004. Northern Illinois (E∆) To Jonathan and Kirsten Stenseth Mulligan, a son, Luke Edgar, Jan. 1, 2004. Northern Iowa (EΘ) To Paul and Bridget Strottman Godson, a daughter, Ambria Faith, July 6, 2004.
Michigan State (BB) To Sean and Beth Edgerton Craven, a daughter, Elle Catherine, Dec. 5, 2003.
Old Dominion (EH) To Jeff and Sarah Deel Weygandt, a daughter, Piper Kinsley, March 17, 2004.
Missouri (O) To Steve and Denise Rehkemper Williams, a son, Theodore “Ted” Calvin, May 29, 2004.
Oregon State (BY) To Robert and Patty Baker Winkelmann, a daughter, Ashley Catherine, Aug. 19, 2003. To Randy and Robyn Whitehouse Scott, a son, Charlie Gordon, April 14, 2004.
MIT (ZΦ) To Chris and Samantha Lavery Hartemink, a son, Matthew Henry, March 10, 2004. Nebraska (N) To Dave and Eva Booth Ebert, a son, John Errett, April 4, 2004.
Penn State (ΓP) To Graham and Melissa Cepullio Bartlett, a daughter, Phoebe Frances, April 22, 2004.
New Hampshire (HA) To Sean G. and Laura Brown Lewis, a daughter, Brandy Nicole, April 19, 2004.
Puget Sound (ΓZ) To Michael and Chelsea McCarthy East, a son, Caden Michael, April 10, 2004.
North Dakota (Π) To Henry and Bridget McDonald Gallagher, twins, Rachel Susan and Jack Henry, March 12, 2004. To Anthony and Courtney McDonald Koebele, a daughter, Isabella Rose, May 15, 2004.
Purdue (∆M) To Richard Jr. and Sheila Conroy O’Ben, a son, Tanner Edward, April 6, 2004. To Vince and Carrie Hilb Zito, triplet daughters, Jaida Marie, Delainie Faith and Paityn Maria, Feb. 24, 2004.
Northeast Missouri State (ΘΓ) To David and Jennifer Beverlin Mitchell, a daughter, Madison Marie, April 28, 2004. To Steve and Lori Colburn Smerz, a son, Anthony Thomas, March 9, 2004. To Brian and Andi Beatty Miller, a daughter, Claire Jordan, Dec. 23, 2003. To Ted and Colleen Meyer Talbert, a daughter, Cecilia Danielle, Jan, 3, 2004. To Eric and Jean Strobl Vehige, a son, Adam Michael, Jan. 3, 2004. To Scott and Staci Johnson Young, a son, Chase Alexander, Dec. 29, 2003. To Jeff and Sarah Klein Brueggeman, twins, Kristin Marianne and Meaghan Naomi, April 1, 2004.
Richmond (HΠ) To Humphrey and Alice HallSizemore Mar, a son, Calvin Humphrey, Nov. 11, 2003. San Diego (HP) To John and Megan Shaw Wallace, a son, John “Jack” Ryan Jr., May 20, 2004. To Jeff and Deana Fahy Haug, a son, Ethan Thomas, March 27, 2004. To K. John and Marcy Steinmetz Wood, a daughter, Aynsleigh, Nov. 21, 2003. San Francisco State (HΘ) To John S. and Jennifer Barnes Ulrich, a son, Zachary Robert, April 10, 2004. San Jose State (BΨ) To Ken and Isabel de Sousa Roberts, a daughter, Caroline de Sousa, April 10, 2004.
Santa Clara (ZΓ) To Kelly and Kara Koeltl Underwood, a daughter, Katy Maureen, April 19, 2004. Seton Hall (HH) To John and Renee Jastrzab Granato, a son, Lucas John, June 10, 2004. St. Joseph’s (ΘΘ) To Greg and Jennifer Nese Lombardi, a son, Owen Michael, April 15, 2004. St. Mary’s (IB) To David and Jessica Adan Weier, a daughter, Kaitlyn M., March 16, 2004. SUNY/Cortland (HT) To Matthew and Arlene VanAlstyne Widrick, a son, Owen Karson, July 4, 2004. Syracuse (A) To Jeff and Lynn Segerstrom Knotts, a daughter, Margaret Fay, Sept. 16, 2003. To David and Paige Moses Lewin, a son, Weston Henry, May 7, 2004. Texas A&M (EΩΛ) To Keith and Shannon Marsteller Rash, a son, Kyle Aidan, July 15, 2003. Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B) To Brian and Mollie LupPlaceKinsworthy, a son, Harrison Wayne, Dec. 4, 2003. To Andy and Cherlyn McCormick Morrison, a daughter, Kaylie Nicole, June 7, 2003. Texas Tech (ΓI) To Scott and Krista Castleberry Wiehle, a son, Zeke Elias Alred, April 1, 2004 (also Phi-Oklahoma). Towson (HΩ To Jay and Kristen Penrose Kowalczyk, a daughter, Hayley Joan, June 5, 2003. To Bryan and Suzanne Woods Wieland, a daughter, Lily Marie, April 6, 2004. UCLA (B∆) To Stephan and Susan Morris Haber, a daughter, Samantha Grace, Jan. 15, 2004. UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB) To Andy and Kimi Novak Zeihen, a daughter, Dakota Hollie, March 2, 2004. UNC/Asheville (ΘX) To Anthony Louis II and Lesa Trey Wendeln, a daughter, Madison Marie, Dec. 30, 2003. To Keith and Amy Mecum Taylor, a daughter, Kaylee Grace, Feb. 6, 2004. UNC/Wilmington (HΞ) To Howard and Sara Schilling Lipman, a daughter, Claire Elizabeth, Sept. 19, 2003. Virginia (ZI) To Steve and Julia Jones Kurtz, a daughter, Madison Isabella, Nov. 5, 2003. FALL 2004
Virginia Tech (HO) To Scott and Katie Fought Roberts, a son, Seth Christopher, Feb. 21, 2004. To Anthony and Sheila Jennings Ganino, a daughter, Haley Elizabeth, April 11, 2004. To Bob and Brooke Budreau Kyle, a son, James Robert, Feb. 23, 2004. To Rhett and Rebecca King Fleitz, a daughter, Jade Catherine, April 5, 2004. Washington (Σ) To Ryan and Dana Fischer Wiebe, a daughter, Sophia Patricia, Feb. 10, 2004. Washington State (BPΛ) To Charles and Karthryn Walter Wagenblast, a daughter, Charlotte Grace, July 9, 2003. West Chester (EK) To Brad and Joy Leinbach Daugherty, a daughter, Lindsey Kathleen, April 23, 2004. Western Michigan (∆Θ) To Gregory and Sara Taylor Eggleston, a daughter, Sally Marie, April 29, 2004. To David and Mitzi Wriska Golden, a son, Dillon William, Nov. 25, 2003. Western Ontario (ΘH) To Barry and Kara Singh Bubela, a daughter, Sarah Jayne, May 9, 2004. West Virginia (BI) To Christopher and Tina Jones Hazen, a son, Ryan Christopher, Dec. 9, 2003. To Philip and Lisa VanNatta Carpenter, a daughter, Hallie Lin, April 27, 2004. William Woods (∆X) To Ted and Jennifer Allen Hindes, a son, David Christopher, March 27, 2004. To L. Scott and Heather Rowe Mayfield, a daughter, Paige Margaret, Feb. 25, 2004. Wisconsin/LaCrosse (∆K) To Tim and Rachel Breitsprecher Scholze, a daughter, Katharina Celia, July 24, 2003.
Marriages Adrian (∆H) Samantha Parsons to Andrew Seville, July 19, 2003. Arizona State (ΓΠ) Sarah Williams to Brian Gahan, June 5, 2004. Ashland (EA) Sarah Shearer to Ted Palace, Sept. 6, 2003. Megan Huss to John Pace III, June 19, 2004.
DID YOU KNOW? You can make a gift to the Alpha Phi Foundation in honor of a new arrival, to celebrate a marriage or in memory of a sister who has entered the Silent Chapter. Call 847.475.4532 or visit www.alphaphi.org/about_alpha_phi/donor_secure.html for details.
Baldwin-Wallace (∆Y) Monica Lidderdale to Brandon Bupp, March 20, 2004. Jennifer Hildebrandt to Joseph Spada, July 10, 2004. Ball State (∆P) Raquel Robertson to Jason Boos, June 5, 2004. Bowling Green State (BO) Alison Kloos to Andy Roop, Jan. 17, 2004. Butler (EB) Meagan Searles to Brad Todd, Nov. 15, 2003. Jody Harmon to Chris Hurtubise, Jan. 24, 2004. Laura Eberhard to Nicholas Garn, May 31, 2003. Case Western Reserve (ZΠ) Mackenzie Varkula to Tom Boyle, May 22, 2004. Central Missouri State (ΘΛ) Stacey Meyers to Chris Dale, Oct. 4, 2003. Tina Baldwin to Brian Link, April 22, 2004.
Elmhurst (ZΞ) Tiana Rust to Victor S. Escarcida, Sept. 1, 2003. Florida Tech (ΘZ) Kathleen Lisa to Derek Billetdoux, Sept. 13, 2003. George Mason (HΛ) Rebecca Lubow to Kevin Zubroski, May 8, 2004. Laura Schweitzer to Logan Carraway, Nov. 29, 2003. Virginia Largay to Brett Davis, Sept. 20, 2003. Idaho (BZ) Elizabeth Nee to Dan Rudolph, July 10, 2004. Illinois (BA) Caryn Lieberfeld to Marc Scheer, April 3, 2004. Kirsten Joy Siron to Michael T. Young, June 19, 2004. Illinois State (ZT) Rachel Shapiro to Matthew Demma, June 12, 2004.
Miami University (ΓN) Amy Sandmann to Ted Ackerman, Oct. 18, 2003. Amy Wheeler to Mark Macechko, June 28, 2003. Leigh Ann Parkinson to Sean Sullivan, June 14, 2003. Michigan State (BB) Elizabeth Meyer to Steven Patrick, May 15, 2004. Kim Petchar to Todd R. Jorns, May 22, 2004. Midwestern State (ΓΩ) Emelia Walker to Dr. Samuel Morehead, April 24, 2004. Minnesota (E) Jennifer Karrels to Mark Provencher, May 22, 2004. Missouri (O) Rebecca Wilson to Doug Thomson, June 27, 2004. Petra Luke to Banks Devine, Feb. 14, 2004. Nebraska (N) Katherine Brady to Christopher Brown, Oct. 4, 2003.
Colorado School of Mines (IZ) Ella Schmidt to John Cooke, June 5, 2004.
Indiana (BT) Marci Ayres to Jerred Copeland, June 12, 2004. Carrie L. Zboch to Robert Kopala, May 29, 2004.
Cornell (∆) Barbara Stryker Pratt to Jewett “Jack” Schrumm, June 14, 2003.
Iowa (∆E) Lisa Carmack to Eric Eytcheson, Feb. 28, 2004.
North Dakota (Π) Mandie Aus to Jonathan Frazier, June 25, 2004.
CSU/Chico (ΘY) Stacey Peterson to Michael Conaty, Sept. 20, 2003.
Iowa State (Z∆) Michelle Tripmacker to Joshua Helscher, July 17, 2004.
Northern Iowa (EΘ) Shannon Rudolph to Kurt Umthum, Nov. 15, 2003.
CSU/Northridge (EY) Polena M. Pirayoff to James A. Whiteman, Aug. 22, 2003. Shirin Shenassafar to Christopher Dorne, May 30, 2004.
James Madison (ΘI) Kimberly Sheades to Christopher Hansen, April 17, 2004.
North Texas (ΓH) Kristina Meixner to Dan Mugg, July 8, 2003.
Kent State (BΩ) Tracey Holy to Rich Brown, May 15, 2004.
Northwestern (B) Erica Stoll to Greg Hammack, Nov. 15, 2003. Randi Sherman to Dave Stanley, June 19, 2004.
CSU/Sacramento (EΓ) Naomi McCormack to Jeffery Goldthorpe, June 6, 2004. DePauw (Γ) Jennifer Schmaltz to Josh Ellis, Oct. 18, 2003. Duke (BNΛ) Tina Covington to Jeffrey Gordon, May 22, 2004. Beth Kirshenbaum to Jason Grosland, April 24, 2004. Eastern Illinois (ZA) Mandy Bernard to Martin Mayer, April 24, 2004. Keri Gragg to David Solverson, Jan. 24, 2004. Kristin Rojek to Luke Sharp, April 17, 2004.
Kettering (IE) Carrie Suhr to Michael Ekoniak, May 8, 2004. Linfield (ΘA) Monica Stone to Matt White, Feb. 28, 2004. Loyola Marymount (ZB) Elizabeth Najour to Michael Dolan, June 12, 2004. Manitoba (BH) Lorna Rae MacDonald to Dennis Goehring, June 26, 2004. Marisa Hunt to Bradley Ford, Jan. 19, 2004. Maryland (∆Z) Diane Parisi to Greg Jones, April 24, 2004.
Nebraska/Kearney (∆Ξ Charisse Hoops to Shannon Stenger, July 12, 2003.
Rensselaer (ΘT) Shannon Longden to Matthew W. Brown, May 8, 2004. San Diego State (ΓA) Erin James to John Barrier, May 29, 2004. Santa Clara (ZΓ) Jennifer Burns to Thomas Kindle, May 25, 2003. Shippensburg (ΘΞ) Rachel Thomas to Paul Jarabeck, May 22, 2004. Southern Illinois (EΞ) Lacey Randant to Mike Sonderegger, April 17, 2004. Laynie Bryant to Steve Arana, June 5, 2004.
It is the responsibility of every initiated Alpha Phi to see that the badge she wears is protected and is never worn by, or in the possession of, a non-member. When an Alpha Phi enters the Silent Chapter, her badge may be buried with her or returned to the Executive Office, where it will be preserved in the memorabilia collection.
Rebecca Ryan to Adam Gregory, April 24, 2004.
Ashley Almand to John Grosfeld, Oct. 18, 2003.
St. Mary’s (IB) Christa Gaither to Luis Rosas, June 19, 2004.
Washburn (Y) Angela Flaming to Scott Cohen, May 1, 2004.
SUNY/Binghamton (HZ) Mary Gustaitis to Michael Beyer, July 19, 2003.
Washington (Σ) Sarah Andersen to Mike Bruemmer, Aug. 30, 2003.
Texas (Ω) Diana Barbosa to Joshua Baker, May 29, 2004.
Western Ontario (ΘH) Kim Eldridge to A.J. Brogden, Aug. 23, 2003.
Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B) Amy LupPlace to Matthew Gillispie, Nov. 16, 2003.
Wilfrid Laurier (IΘ) Amanda Bonsi to Matthew Coughlin, June 21, 2003.
Duke (BN) Edna Joyner Martin (’37), July 11, 2004. Carolyn Veronica Bellet (’95), Nov. 10, 2003.
Texas Tech (ΓI) Cheryl Przada to Michael Urban, July 26, 2003. Heather Spellman to Scott Anding, Nov. 1, 2003.
Wisconsin/LaCrosse (∆K) Racehl Maciosek to Glenn Arent, Sept. 20, 2003.
Kansas (Γ∆) Gwendolyn G. Shumway Nakao (’54), June 17, 2004.
Towson (HΩ) Rebecca Bialo to Michael Wing, Dec. 21, 2003. UCLA (B∆) Tracy Durbeck to William Kirby, June 7, 2003. Wendy Deems to Troy Sugg, June 19, 2004. UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB) Patricia Hewitt to Sean Steven Donovan, June 6, 2003.
If you would like a record of a birth, adoption, marriage or death included in the Quarterly, please clip out and submit this form to Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201. Or you may e-mail the information to quarterly@alphaphi.org. Please be sure to include all the requested information. P L E A S E N OT E : Announcements may only be printed if they have occurred within a year of publication. Announcements with missing information, such as specific date, will not be printed. If announcements are received after the copy deadline (see inside front cover for specific dates), they will be considered for the following issue.
DePauw (Γ) Virginia Acher Williams (’32), June 6, 2003. Julia J. Blue Reinke (’52), June 9, 2004.
Silent Chapter
Kent State (BΩ) Sandra Rabe Atkinson Saylor (’65), Sept. 18, 2003.
Bucknell (BX) Glenna Godley Nolle (’48), Jan. 7, 2004.
Michigan State (BB) Elsie Holmes McKibbin (’38), April 22, 2004.
Colorado (BΓ) Frances J. DeBeukelaer Murray (’41), April 14, 2004.
Minnesota (E) Ruth Dickson Drake (’28), May 4, 2004.
Cornell (∆) Barbara Sandy Beachley (’40), April 15, 2004.
Missouri (O) Ann Hill Doerflinger (’61), April 17, 2004.
Catherine Jane Fox Eckles (’31), June 21, 2004.
Montana (X) Patricia Maher Henriksen (’58), Oct. 25, 2003 (also BZ-Idaho)
UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB) Zo Ellen Mason Pickman (’56), Jan. 9, 2004.
Nebraska (N) Jean M. “Pat” Thompson Helleberg (’45), Feb. 19, 2004. North Dakota (Π) Claire Nelson Halladay (’29), June 4, 2004. Ohio State (P) Charlotte “Char” Barber Sounik (’51), Aug. 10, 2003. Carolyn Wilcox Minor (’51), April 24, 2004.
USC (BΠ) Jean O’Connor Pevehouse (’53), June 15, 2004. Joy Slater Gorski (’46), Oct. 4, 2003.
Oregon (T) Anne McGeorge Hunt (’46), March 12, 2004.
Washington (Σ) Barbara Smelser Black (’43), May 20, 2004. Carol Gray Brooks (’63), Dec. 19, 2003. Elaine Fisher Gourlie (’42), May 19, 2004.
San Jose State (BΨ) Maureen “Jinx” Mulnix Matlack (’56), June 7, 2004.
West Virginia (BI) Carolyn Rodgers Frame (’51), May 19, 2004.
Texas (Ω) Alice Andreas Bryan (’42), Dec. 16, 2003.
Wisconsin/Oshkosh (∆Ψ) Linda Pope Watson (’66), March 14, 2004.
UCLA (B∆) Charlene Friese Royer (’46), Dec. 10, 2003.
New Arrival/Marriage/Silent Chapter Form Death
Birth/Adoption FATHER’S NAME
Submitted by NAME
For Formore moreinformation informationvisit visitour ourWeb Website siteatatwww.alphaphi.org www.alphaphi.org
Stress: Female Bonding Goes a Long Way By Alisa Vitti (ZOΛ-Johns Hopkins), Holistic Health Counselor, American Association of Drugless Practitioners
Stress is a normal part of modern life. But the risks to emotional and physical health are such that it is important to learn to manage stress. The power of female community to relax, nurture and provide a safe and powerful support base can help. Stress is our body’s hormonal response to danger. Whether the stress is caused by an oncoming truck, an angry boss or a crying baby, our bodies don’t differentiate. The response is a release of stress hormones that cause our heart to beat faster, muscles to tense up, and blood pressure to rise – moving our bodies into “action” mode. We were designed to either fight or run away when under stress. However, these solutions are not conducive in the modern world. We may get through tough situations, but our minds replay the stressful situations. The result is constant low levels of stress hormones that circulate through our bodies, leading to a variety of possible health problems including stubborn weight gain, fatigue and infections – and more serious health risks as the stress levels build. Recent research reveals the benefits of community building and bonding among women. Research suggests that among our ancestors, women who successfully built a supportive community made desirable partners because they could draw on the resources of the whole community to survive, have children who survived and keep a family healthy and happy. We can learn from the behaviors of our ancestors. We are more likely to survive the stress of the modern world when we support each other, ask for and offer help and build a loving community. These suggestions may help strengthen your relationships and create intimacy and community: • Cook/eat healthy food together. • Say “I love you” often. • Give and receive hugs (hormones released by caring touch counteract stress hormones and induce relaxation). • Give and receive support (it’s important to do both, and many women have a hard time receiving). • Practice good listening skills (are you really listening or just waiting for your turn to speak?). FALL 2004
Following are some fun and healthy stress-reducing finger foods you can make for your next girl gathering. Fruits and vegetables contain minerals that nourish and replenish your adrenal glands to prevent burnout. Enjoy! Veggies and Tofu in Lettuce Cups • Mince 2 stalks celery, 1 red bell pepper, 4-5 scallion stalks, 10 white mushrooms minced, 1/2 bunch of cilantro, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 inches of ginger grated and 1 block of tofu. • Sauté everything except the tofu in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. • When vegetables are tender add 2 tablespoons soy sauce and the tofu. Sauté until flavors combine. • Season to taste with black pepper (a pinch) and sesame oil (about 2 tablespoons) and remove from heat. • Wash, dry and separate leaves of 1 head of Bibb lettuce. • Spoon vegetable mixture into lettuce leaves and serve. Exotic Nibbles • Mash with a fork (or blender) 1/2 cup raisins OR 1/2 cup dates. • Pulverize 1/3 cup unsalted almonds. • Melt 4 tablespoons ghee (clarified butter) in a small saucepan. • In a bowl, combine all ingredients well. • With your hands, form the mixture into small balls. • Spread 1/2 cup of unsweetened dried coconut onto a plate. • Roll each nibble until thoroughly coated with coconut. Alisa Vitti is a holistic health counselor and nutrition and lifestyle coach certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. She, with two other women, created Laughing Sage Wellness Group (www.laughingsagewellness.com) to support women to live healthy and fulfilling lives. To learn more, visit Alisa’s Web site at www.alisavitti.com or contact Alisa at alisaholistic@yahoo.com or 917.862.8426. Alisa encourages you to write her with ideas for upcoming articles.
Editor’s Note: As always, consult your physician before starting any new diet or exercise regimen.
Fraternity Directory
FOUNDERS Clara Bradley Burdette (’76) Silent Chapter 1954 Florence Chidester Lukens (’75) Silent Chapter 1885 Martha Foote Crow (’76) Silent Chapter 1924 Ida Gilbert Houghton (’76) Silent Chapter 1916 Jane S. Higham (’76) Silent Chapter 1949 Kate Hogoboom Gilbert (’75) Silent Chapter 1900 Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults (’75) Silent Chapter 1895 Rena Michaels Atchison (’74) Silent Chapter 1933 Louise Shepard Hancock (’76) Silent Chapter 1932 Clara Sittser Williams (’75) Silent Chapter 1925
PA S T P R E S I D E N T S Phyllis Sims Selig (Γ∆-Kansas), 1974-78 Mary Carr Boyd (Γ-DePauw and Omicron-Missouri), 1978-82 Nancy Wittgen Burks DeVoe (ΓDePauw), 1982-86 Sally McCall Grant (Γ-DePauw), 1986-90 Virginia Burson Struble (BKDenison), 1990-94 Linda Gardner Massie (∆A-East Carolina), 1994-98 Jean Cameron (ΓN-Miami University), 1998-2002
Editor’s Note: Those listed in this directory are living past presidents. For a list of all past presidents, contact the Executive Office.
INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD International President Crista Cate Vasina (∆Γ-Northern Colorado) Alpharetta, GA crista.vasina@alumnae.alphaphi.org Vice President Peg DeChant Thornburg (BΩ-Kent State) Shelby, NC pegthornburg@alumnae.alphaphi.org Secretary/Treasurer Billie Coskey Battiato (Φ-Oklahoma) Littleton, CO oudoll@ix.netcom.com Stacey Grimes Boulmetis (ΘT-Rensselaer) Charlestown, RI aphi@boulmetis.com Deana Koonsman Gage (ΓI-Texas Tech) Stephenville, TX dkay52@alumnae.alphaphi.org Carole Salerno (EΓ-CSU/Sacramento) Pleasanton, CA CLsalerno@aol.com
Susan Brink Sherratt (BB-Michigan State) Alameda, CA sherratt@ix.netcom.com Shana Goss Smith (X-Montana) Port Gamble, WA slsmith_aphi@comcast.net
Third Alternate Delegate Mary Rekart Ulich (∆Γ-Northern Colorado) Alpharetta, GA marulich@aol.com
Director of Training & Development/Marketing & Communications Denise Jung Reens dreens@alphaphi.org 847.316.8921
Telephone numbers listed under Fraternity and Foundation staff are direct lines.
Manager of Collegiate Programming Keri Miller kmiller@alphaphi.org 847.316.8927
Fraternity 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 Phone 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 e-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org Direct voice mail line: 847.475.4786
Program Manager Marketing & Communications Quarterly Editor Christine Spiegel cspiegel@alphaphi.org 847.316.8920
Executive Director Susan Zabriskie szabriskie@alphaphi.org 847.316.8922
Chairman Susan Weiskittle Barrick (BO-Bowling Green State) Champaign, IL sbarrick@alexia.lis.uiuc.edu
Program Coordinator Marketing & Communications Kayee Ip kip@alphaphi.org 847.316.8938
Manager of Administrative Services Carol Schar cschar@alphaphi.org 847.316.8945
Vice Chairman Gayle Goodman (B∆-UCLA) New York, NY goodman7ny@aol.com
Manager of Systems Administration David Zielke dzielke@alphaphi.org 847.316.8930
Secretary Linda Gardner Massie (∆A-East Carolina) Toano, VA lgmassie@cox.net
Director of Alumnae Membership Cindy Day Erwin cerwin@alphaphi.org 847.316.8925
Lindsay Wiggins (BΠ-USC) Los Angeles, CA lindsay.wiggins@alumnae.alphaphi.org Ex-Officio Member/NPC Delegate Sally McCall Grant (Γ-DePauw) Walnut Creek, CA sgrnt@aol.com
Treasurer Alin Hernandez Wall (B∆-UCLA) Valley Village, CA awall@rbz.com Susan Bevan (Σ-Washington) Greenwich, CT sjb41690@aol.com Ann Brinkman (Z∆-Iowa State) Chicago, IL annmariebrinkman@yahoo.com Amy Jordan Tvrdik (O-Missouri) Ellisville, MO amyt@alumnae.alphaphi.org Crista Cate Vasina (∆Γ-Northern Colorado) Alpharetta, GA crista.vasina@prodigy.net
Program Manager Alumnae Membership Alissa Meyer Milito amilito@alphaphi.org 847.316.8941 Program Coordinator Alumnae Membership Melanie Keller mkeller@alphaphi.org 847.316.8940
Executive Director Rebecca Andrew Zanatta rzanatta@alphaphi.org 847.316.8950 Director of Annual Giving Sue Sandvick ssandvick@alphaphi.org 847.316.8949 Coordinator of Marketing Megan Barber mbarber@alphaphi.org 847.316.8951 Coordinator of Major Gifts Sara Kite skite@alphaphi.org 847.316.8948
Associate Director of Collegiate Membership Megan Bouché mbouche@alphaphi.org 847.316.8926
Coordinator of Programs Patricia Waddell pwaddell@alphaphi.org 847.316.8947
Associate Director of Collegiate Operations Laura Garraway Caulfield lcaulfield@alphaphi.org 847.316.8923
Program Coordinator Consultants and Recruitment Karen Goff kgoff@alphaphi.org 847.316.8934
Delegate Sally McCall Grant (Γ-DePauw) Walnut Creek, CA sgrnt@aol.com
Program Coordinator Collegiate Operations Lindsay Martin lmartin@alphaphi.org 847.316.8943
First Alternate Delegate Deana Koonsman Gage (ΓI-Texas Tech) Stephenville, TX dkay52@alumnae.alphaphi.org
Director of Finance Cathy Koessl ckoessl@alphaphi.org 847.316.8928
Second Alternate Delegate Laura Malley-Schmitt (ZΦ-MIT) Bedminster, NJ malley@alum.mit.edu
Alpha Phi Foundation 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 Phone 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 e-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org Direct voice mail line: 847.475.4786
All ELCs can receive mail at the Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Extensions below are voice mail only and may be accessed by dialing 847.475.4786. Patty Crowley (Ψ-South Dakota) Vermillion, SD pcrowley@alphaphi.org Extension: 160 Zara Dang (II-George Washington) Palo Alto, CA zdang@alphaphi.org Extension: 161
Manager of Housing Brandi Baumgartner Peterson bpeterson@alphaphi.org 847.316.8939
Brooke Harrison (HΞ-UNC/Wilmington) Virginia Beach, VA bharrison@alphaphi.org Extension: 162 Rebbie Howell (ΓN-Miami University) Fairfield, OH rhowell@alphaphi.org Extension: 163 Katie May (N-Nebraska) Fremont, NE kmay@alphaphi.org Extension: 164 Lisa Snyder (HI-Pennsylvania) O’Fallon, IL lsnyder@alphaphi.org Extension: 165 Lyndsay Wagoner (HΨ-Eastern Washington) Richland, WA lwagoner@alphaphi.org Extension: 166 Katrina Wolf (ΓH-North Texas) Plano, TX kwolf@alphaphi.org Extension: 167
REGIONAL TEAM DIRECTORY MID-ATLANTIC REGION Regional Manager Janis Coughlin-Piester (ΘK-Rochester) Arlington, VA janis.coughlin@alumnae.alphaphi.org Alumnae Membership Coordinator Connie Coghill Scinto (HΛ-George Mason) Vienna, VA cscinto@cox.net Collegiate Membership Coordinator Corina Scott (ZOΛ-Johns Hopkins) New York, NY corinascott311@yahoo.com Human Resources Coordinator Frannie Hodnett Dunlavy (BΩ-Kent State) Havertown, PA fradunlavy@yahoo.com Operations & Programming Coordinator Jennifer Kelly (EP-UC/Davis) Hyattsville, MD aphijen@yahoo.com
NORTH CENTRAL MIDWEST REGION Regional Manager Lisa Bostic Miller (Ψ-South Dakota) Lakeville, MN lbbhmiller@yahoo.com Alumnae Membership Coordinator Shelli Smith Anderson (∆H-Adrian) Carmel, IN fancyphi@aol.com FALL 2004
Collegiate Membership Coordinator Emily Porter Joern (Ψ-South Dakota) Eden Prairie, MN epjoern@mn.rr.com Human Resources Coordinator Sandee Revell Spears (X-Montana) Seattle, WA Srspears3@aol.com Operations & Programming Coordinator Jaime Alsup Ryberg (ΘΓ-Northeast Missouri State) Lake St. Louis, MO jaime.ryberg@alumnae.alphaphi.org Operations & Programming Coordinator Jennifer Weintraut (BT-Indiana) Indianapolis, IN aphi@weintraut.org
NORTHEAST REGION Regional Manager Kelly Fitzgerald Mazza (ΘΩ-Barry) Wolcott, CT kellyaphi@aol.com Alumnae Membership Coordinator Jillian Ramos (EH-Old Dominion and HΛ-George Mason ) Rock Tavern, NY jillian@alumnae.alphaphi.org Collegiate Membership Coordinator Liz Lowe Oltman (ΘT-Rensselaer) Red Bank, NJ emoltman@yahoo.com Human Resources Coordinator Jane Tanner (∆-Cornell) Parish, NY tannerj@sunyocc.edu Operations & Programming Coordinator Alison Begor (BA-Illinois) Albany, NY abegor@hotmail.com
Human Resources Coordinator Lisa Cordoni Matherly (BΨ-San Jose State) San Jose, CA matherly@sbcglobal.net
Human Resources Coordinator Denise Dowling Kanner (HT-SUNY/Cortland) Davenport, FL dkanner@alumnae.alphaphi.org
Operations & Programming Coordinator Jennifer Peabody (BΨ-San Jose State) Fairfield, CA jetta1872@yahoo.com
Operations & Programming Coordinator Sara Mayer (∆X-William Woods) Melbourne, FL smayer@alumnae.alphaphi.org
Regional Manager Susan Stone (ZN-Texas Christian) Fort Worth, TX tcustoner@sbcglobal.net
Regional Manager Jenny Holsman (ΓΠ-Arizona State) Chandler, AZ jennholsman@aol.com
Alumnae Membership Coordinator Betty Jo Ferraro Fuller (AΛ) Duncanville, TX bettyjofuller@alumnae.alphaphi.org
Alumnae Membership Coordinator Kamala Schofield Schuster (ZM-Colorado State) Denver, CO kamala@alumnae.alphaphi.org
Collegiate Membership Coordinator-Upper Jamie Coult (O-Missouri) Kansas City, MO jcoult@nkcsd.k12.mo.us
Collegiate Membership Coordinator Jill Allison (Σ-Washington and HI-Pennsylvania) Van Nuys, CA jillmallison@yahoo.com
Collegiate Membership Coordinator-Texas Michelle Jones Thompson (Ω-Texas) Los Angeles, CA pthomp@ucla.edu
Human Resources Coordinator TBA
Human Resources Coordinator Tara Hollenbeck (Θ∆-Creighton) Omaha, NE thollenbeck@fnni.com Operations & Programming Coordinator Nicole Sup Deprez (∆Ξ-Nebraska/Kearney) Omaha, NE suppyduppy@cox.net Operations & Programming Coordinator Rosalie Cesare Ippoliti (ΓN-Miami University) Missouri City, TX roippoliti@aol.com
SOUTHEAST REGION PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGION Regional Manager Kate Boyle Halfon (H∆-CSU/Hayward) Walnut Creek, CA khalfon@astound.net Alumnae Membership Coordinator Carol Wilde Wahl (∆K-Wisconsin/LaCrosse) Cameron Park, CA clw88@alumnae.alphaphi.org Canadian Resources Coordinator TBA Collegiate Membership Coordinator Michelle Wells (BPΛ-Washington State) Bellevue, WA aoe1872@hotmail.com
Regional Manager Kelly Benedetti (BO-Bowling Green State) Arlington, VA kbenedetti@alumnae.alphaphi.org Alumnae Membership Coordinator Teresa Gillian Gray (BΓ-Colorado) Alpharetta, GA teresagray@alumnae.alphaphi.org Collegiate Membership Coordinator Melissa Deere (ΘN-Appalachian State) Arlington, VA melissa.deere@alumnae.alphaphi.org
Operations & Programming Coordinator Susan Morris Haber (B∆-UCLA and HK-UC/Irvine) Encino, CA susanmhaber@earthlink.net
UPPER MIDWEST REGION Regional Manager Jan Brinker Schaeffer (BO-Bowling Green State) Fredricktown, OH jdsl9@bright.net Alumnae Membership Coordinator Debby Bryden Gray (EA-Ashland) Ashland, OH dbgray@zoominternet.net Canadian Resource Coordinator Joanne Alexopoulos (Ξ-Toronto) Toronto, Ontario CAN alexopoj@girlguides.ca Collegiate Membership Coordinator Aileen Melick Fischer (∆H-Adrian) Columbus, OH aileen.fischer@alumnae.alphaphi.org Human Resources Coordinator Lisa Sandberg Schiemann (EA-Ashland) Ashland, OH lschiem1@ashland.edu Operations & Programming Coordinator Kristi Nelson (BO-Bowling Green State) Dayton, OH topeaches5@aol.com
COMMITTEE ON LEADERSHIP Elected Representative Linda Gardner Massie (∆A-East Carolina) Toano, VA lgmassie@cox.net Elected Representative Sara Mayer (∆X-William Woods) Melbourne, FL smayer@alumnae.alphaphi.org Elected Representative Judy Kay Schmidt Mead (∆Γ-Northern Colorado) Columbus, OH evanswood.1@netzero.com Elected Representative Renee Zimmerman Zainer (BE-Arizona) Littleton, CO rzainer@aol.com IEB Appointee Sheila George Bright (ΓI-Texas Tech) Dallas, TX e-bright@tamu.edu IEB Appointee Nancy Lange Burnett (B∆-UCLA) Portland, OR nancb@UCLAlumni.net IEB Appointee Liz Underwood (O-Missouri) Brentwood, MO lizubr@aol.com IEB Appointee Michelle Wells (BPΛ-Washington State) Bellevue, WA aoe1872@hotmail.com
FINANCE STANDING COMMITTEE Committee Chair Lindsay Wiggins (BΠ-USC) Los Angeles, CA lindsay.wiggins@alumnae.alphaphi.org Billie Coskey Battiato (Φ-Oklahoma) Littleton, CO oudoll@ix.netcom.com Shana Goss Smith (X-Montana) Port Gamble, WA slsmith_aphi@comcast.net Barbara Thomas (ΓI-Texas Tech) Euless, TX barthomas@comcast.net Tami Letford (ΓA-San Diego State) Alexandria, VA tamiaphi@aol.com Nicole Meomartino (HΠ-Richmond) Natick, MA nmeomartino@yahoo.com Staff Partner Cathy Koessl ckoessl@alphaphi.org 847.316.8928
A Heart Full of Dedication and Commitment Congratulations to all who applied for the Cardiac Care Award; this was our most successful year to date with 26 applicants. If you are interested in applying or nominating a heart worthy program in your area, contact the Foundation today at 847.475.4532 for more information or to request an application.
For more than 50 years the Alpha Phi Foundation “SmartHeart” program emphasizes the importance has been supporting women and heart disease. of prevention and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. The program offers risk screenings, includThrough the Cardiac Care Award, we have been able ing blood pressure and cholesterol to annually make grants to institutions promoting the education, prevention “We are so grateful checks; as well as lectures and nutrition and exercise tips. and research of heart disease, specifically targeted toward women. to the Alpha Phi Why does Main Line feel so This year’s $25,000 grant winner is Foundation, it’s so strongly about educating women Main Line Health Heart Center in about heart disease? Wynnewood, Pa. Main Line is one of encouraging that the most experienced cardiac care and BE: This is the #1 killer of women heart surgery programs in Southeastern an organization of today - more than any cancer or disease Pennsylvania. Over the past two years women, especially combined. Our goal is to remove the the Heart Center has expanded its women and heart disease initiatives to young women, are level of intimidation women feel about visiting their doctor. They simply don’t include a “SmartHeart” component taking such a feel this disease will affect them. One of and free cardiac risk assessments. The “SmartHeart” plan includes classroom pioneering stand in the goals of the “SmartHeart” program is to educate women about the signs, and retreat programs, lectures and a kit symptoms and prevention of heart that contains a heart healthy cookbook, the prevention and disease. tips and a cardiovascular physician education of this directory. Dr. AS: Direct contact with patients is Meet Brenda Esopi, executive direcdisease.” what we ultimately want. With the help tor at Main Line Health Heart Center of this program we can clear up misconand Dr. Antoinette Sulpizi, a leading –Brenda J. Esopi, ceptions regarding heart disease, giving female cardiologist with Main Line. Main Line Health Heart Center women the tools they need to fight it. Executive Director Please tell us more about your The more they know, the more confi“SmartHeart” program and why dent they will feel talking with their the need is so great? doctors about their concerns. BE: What most of us are seeing from our female patients are the end results of heart disease. The
Antoinette Sulpizi, M.D., right, is convinced that women must become better informed about their risk of heart disease. In addition to her office practice, Dr. Sulpizi plays an active role in the MLH Heart Center’s “Women and Heart Disease” programs. She is pictured here with Executive Director Brenda J. Esopi.
Part of your program is to provide free risk assessment screenings to women in the community. What does an assessment like this entail? BE: The test is very simple and painless, and it only takes about 15 minutes to complete. The screening consists of a questionnaire to better evaluate the woman’s lifestyle (e.g., Does she smoke? Exercise? Is heart disease in her family?), both blood pressure and cholesterol checks and a one-on-one consultation with our doctors. Even if you cannot make it to one of our facilities, we will send you a free set of ALPHA PHI
Congratulations, Class of 2004 Family, Friends and the Foundation Are Proud of You! Parents and loved ones honored the following Alpha Phi graduates with a special gift to the Foundation.
The Main Line Health Heart Center’s commitment to enlightening women about the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of cardiac disease is reinforced by the six female cardiologists associated with it. Five of them are pictured at the Heart Center’s February 2004 “Friends of the Heart” dinner with Executive Director Brenda J. Esopi, back center.
sample questions to ask your own doctor about your risks and how to prevent heart disease. What are some lifestyle improvement tips you offer to women to decrease their risk? Dr. AS: A heart healthy diet, one that is low in fat and high in fiber, is usually the easiest remedy we can prescribe. We also recommend weight control and regular exercise. Most women do not understand how much obesity increases your risk of heart disease. BE: The number one thing I cannot stress enough to women is it is never too early to start a heart-healthy lifestyle. Even if you are only in your early 20s - start now! Dr. AS: That is very important. Heart disease actually has a long incubation period, meaning you may have no signs of symptoms for years. Also, know your family history and stop smoking today! Smoking is a huge risk in heart disease; it is not just associated with cancer. For further information about the Main Line Health Heart Center’s “Women and Heart Disease” programs, visit their Web site at www.mainlinehealth.org/heart or phone Executive Director Brenda Esopi at 610.645.8014.
Amy Ackerman (HZ-SUNY/ Binghamton) from Mom and Dad Kelly Alexander (HO-Virginia Tech) from her Parents Kari Alger (ΘY-CSU/Chico) from Mom and Dad Alison Angelo (EA-Ashland) from Mom and Dad Shenaya Archer (IA-Pepperdine) from Glorie McNeil, Tylene, and JP Archer Allison Ardolino (HM-Marquette) from Mom and Dad Kristen Argy (HO-Virginia Tech) from her Parents Kristine Aufmann (∆M-Purdue) from Kevin and Alberta Aufmann Cassandra Baird (HΞ-UNC/ Wilmington) from Mom and Dad Marissa Barbanente (HMMarquette) from Mom and Dad Amy Barfoot (IA-Pepperdine) from Cheryl Barfoot Anna Bashline (BA-Illinois) from Mickey Jester Alison Bettles (ZΓ-Santa Clara) from Mom and Dad Sarah Bierig (B-Northwestern) from Barbara and Jack Bierig Shannon Binger (Ψ-South Dakota) from Mom and Dad Melinda Blake (Θ-Michigan) from Gary and Barbara Blake Miriam Bloom (HI-Pennsylvania) from Deborah and Michael Bloom Amy Blumberg (EΨ-Lehigh) from Barbara and David Blumberg Courtney Booth (BE-Arizona) from Dave and Jesslyn Booth Brandi Boyle (ΓK-CSU/Long Beach) from Mom Sarah Brady (ΓΠ-Arizona State) from Mr. and Mrs. Brady Hannah Brehm (EA-Ashland) from the Family Rebecca Brody (A-Syracuse) from Sam and Jane Brody Abbey Brooks (ΘΦ-Christopher Newport) from Mom and Dad Vanessa Brose (BΨ-San Jose State) from Mom and Dad Allyson Browne (BE-Arizona) from Sharon and Lee Browne Sarah Bruckner (BΓΛ-Colorado) from Richard and Elizabeth Bruckner Shaylan Bryhni (EX-Cal Poly) from Laird, Kip, Kylie and Chase Kelly Buckley (HE-Villanova) from Mom and Dad Korby Lynn Buese (BΨ-San Jose State) from Sam and JoAnn Montgomery Melissa Bullock (Ω-Texas) from Gary and Janice Bullock Brianna Burgess (HΨ-Eastern Washington) from her loving Parents, Bob and Linda
Brittany Burks (HY-Chapman) from Don and Susan Burks Amanda Burnes (ΓΠ-Arizona State) from Mom and Dad Lauren Buro (HZ-SUNY/Binghamton) from Mom and Dad Chantelle Cafferata (EΓ-CSU/ Sacramento) from Emil and Renee Carolyn Camarata (ZB-Loyola Marymount) from Mom and Dad Jenna Carder (ΓO-Drake) from Mom and Dad Gina Carlier (P-Ohio State) from Tracy and Debbie Shannon Carlton (ZIΛ-Virginia) from Mom and Dad Malia Carpenter (HB-CSU/San Bernardino) from Rich and Sharon Katie Carroll (BPΛ-Washington State) from Mom and Dad Melissa Cattaneo (BE-Arizona) from Mom and Dad Gail Cayetano (HΛ-Boston) from Mom and Dad Jacqueline Chan (ZOΛ-Johns Hopkins) from Daniel and Maria Chan Ashley Chacon (∆∆-Oklahoma City) from your Grandparents, Joe and Betty Gallegos Stephanie Chaney (ZΨ-Dayton) from Mom Joan Connolly (HΛ-George Mason) from David and Joan Connolly Tiffany Conover (EΞ-Southern Illinois) from Pattie Conover Cindy Cook (IΓ-University of the Pacific) from Terri Chrissy Coolidge (BE-Arizona) from Mom Autumn Coppejans (ΓO-Drake) from Kenny and LuAnne Audrey Cordell (BE-Arizona) from Mom and Dad Kristen Cornelius (Ω-Texas) from Mom Gina Croft (H∆-CSU/Hayward) from Mom and Dad Kerry Crotty (ZΨ-Dayton) from Dad Patty Crowley (Ψ-South Dakota) from Mark and Kathy Crowley Jennifer Daly (EΓ-CSU/Sacramento) from Larry and Michelle Daly Allison Daues (ΓI-Texas Tech) from Deborah Sarah David (BΓΛ-Colorado) from Mom Christin Davis (ZOΛ-Johns Hopkins) from Mom and Dad Deanna DelGrande (BΨ-San Jose State) from Dave and Kathy DelGrande Katie Dodge (T-Oregon) from Mom and Dad Jennifer Dolan (BA-Illinois) from Dad Andrea Donahue (A-Syracuse) from Mom, Caitlyn, Michelle, and Terry Sharon Dooley (ZΞ-Elmhurst) from Mom and Dad Allison Douglas (BNΛ-Duke) from Ron and Barb
Eva Drinka (BA-Illinois) from Dad Erica Drucker (ΘI-James Madison) from Joel and Ruth Meghan Dubyak (D-Cornell) from George and Maureen Dubyak Robin Dunn (ΓA-San Diego State) from Keith and Susan Brianna Egnew (HY-Chapman) from Mom Pelin Erdal (EP-UC/Davis) from Mom and Dad Carley Evans (ΘΞ-Shippensburg) from Dennis and Barbara Natasha Fagel (BΠ-USC) from Mom and Dad Andrea Fellows (Ψ-South Dakota) from Mom and Dad Jessica Fennell (HP-San Diego) from Mom and Dad Alexis Ferguson (ZΓ-Santa Clara) from Greg and Rita Leslie Fiero (ΓH-North Texas) from Barbara and Gregory Price Lindsey Fishleder (B-Northwestern) from Debbie and Andy Fishleder Jensine Fitzgibbons (ZΞ-Elmhurst) from Barry and Suzanne Fitzgibbons Carly Flaherty (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) from Judith Flaherty Michelle Formanski (ZA-Eastern Illinois) from Ken and Roseann Formanski Jessica Foster (BΩ-Kent State) Mom and Dad Mary-Kathryn Fout (ΓN-Miami University) from Mom, Dad and Larkin Erin Fox (ΓI-Texas Tech) from Tracey Erwin Erin Foye (BZ-Idaho) from Debbie and Doug Hayley Friedman (B-Northwestern) from Rodney and Vivienne Friedman Gina Galasso (ZB-Loyola Marymount) from Mom Yael Garfinkle (ΘK-Rochester) from Eylana and Marc Vanessa Gentile (ZΞ-Elmhurst) from Frank and Candace Gentile Aileen Germano (ZB-Loyola Marymount) from Mom Lisa Gold (I-Wisconsin) from the Family Tiffany Gordon (EΓ-CSU/ Sacramento) from Mom and Dad Sarah Gourley (∆∆-Oklahoma City) from Dad and Alicia Katherine Green (B-Northwestern) from Candice Koral and G. Richard Green Stacey Green (O-Missouri) from James and Paula Green Ann Marie Greenberg (ZΨ-Dayton) from Ann and Harvey Greenberg Rachel Hager (ΘI-James Madison) from Mom Kristen Hamblin (EP-UC/Davis) from Mom and Dad Kathryn Hamor (HP-San Diego) from Paul and Gloria Hamor
(continued on next page) FALL 2004
(Congratulations continued) Molly Hanrahan (BE-Arizona) from Mom and Dad Meghan Hanratty (ZΓ-Santa Clara) from Mom Claire Hart (ΘN-Appalachian State) from Cappie and Ed Hart Amy Hargove (HP-San Diego) from Mom and Dad Nicole Harrison (ΘΦ-Christopher Newport) from Anna and Tony Harrison Jamie Hasenstab (ΘT-Rensselaer) from Mom and Dad Katie Heaney (HH-Seton Hall) from Kathleen and William Erin Heffernan (Y-Washburn) from Dan and Mary Sara Heischober (ΘΣ-Southern Utah) from Chancey Fitzgerald Shaine Helsloot (II-George Washington) from Mom and Dad Jennifer Helt (Π-North Dakota) from Mom and Dad Heather Henson (ΘA-Linfield) from Lauren Wagner Lindsay Hill (HT-SUNY/Cortland) from her parents Michelle Himmelman (ΘA-Linfield) from Steve Jeanne Hjelm (HB-CSU/San Bernardino) from Mom and Dad Heather Holmes (EΞ-Southern Illinois) from Mom and Dad Tisha Horst (EA-Ashland) from Sue Horst Stacey Huszczo (BB-Michigan State) from Mike and Jan Marissa Iacovetta (BO-Bowling Green State) from Mom Melissa Irvin (H∆-CSU/Hayward) from Bill Irvin Shema Jamaluddin (ZY-Washington University ) from Mr. and Mrs. Jamaluddin Camie Lynn Jansen (EX-Southern Illinois) from David and Sue Jansen Dana Jansky (EN-Delaware) from Mom and Dad Ruth Jenneman (ΓΣ-Wisconsin/ Stout) from Robert and Mary Ann Jobuka (BE-Arizona) from Nick Lisa Jobuka (EX-Cal Poly) from Nick Kathryn Johnson (ZΓ-Santa Clara) from John and Gwen Megan Jones (ΓΠ-Arizona State) from Ms. Megan Jones Shannon Jones (ZΓ-Santa Clara) from Mom and Dad Stephanie Julian (HH-Seton Hall) from Bob and Kathy Julian Melissa Kelly (ΓZ-Puget Sound) from Mom Courtney Kiel (ΓN-Miami University) from Mom Soraya King (∆M-Purdue) from Harold and Margaret King Courtney Kish (BΠ-USC) from Mom
Megan Klein (∆X-William Woods) from Mom and Dad Shannon Knight (BΩ-Kent State) from Mom and Dad Marissa Knopman (ZΨ-Washington University) from Mom Cynthia Koploy (BΠ-USC) from Cynthia Koploy Andrea Kowalski (HΛ-Boston) from Mom, Dad, Tom and Kita Sara Kuhle (Ψ-South Dakota) from Mom and Dad Rebecca Kuhnlein (BT-Indiana) from Mom and Dad Alison Lauderbach (BΨ-San Jose State) from Mom and Dad Blair Lawrence (ZIΛ-Virginia) from Donald and Angela Minnick Jamie LeBlanc (ΓA-San Diego State) from Jim and Lynda LeBlanc Amy Ledgerwood (ΘK-Rochester) from Mom and Dad Kathryn Lemke (Γ-DePauw) from Thomas and Ruth Lemke Robyn Lindemann (IH-DePaul) from Mom and Dad Mary Elizabeth Lombardi (HIPennsylvania) from Dennis Lombardi Rebecca Longtin (ΘΨSUNY/Plattsburgh) from Mom Kathleen Loughlin (ΘI-James Madison) from Mom and Dad Jennifer Lude (∆Π-Indiana State) from Lyndale and Robin Megan MacEwen (ΘΘ-St. Joseph’s) from Mom Katherine Marks (P-Ohio State) from Bruce and Karen Yvette Marquez (IB-St. Mary’s) from Juan and Yolanda Amy Marshlain (HΨ-Eastern Washington) from Bruce and Barbara Julie Martin (P-Ohio State) from Mom and Dad Catherine McBride (ΘΘ-St. Joseph’s) from Mom and Dad Tandi McBride (ΓH-North Texas) from Dad Ashley McCabe (ΓZ-Puget Sound) from Mom and Dad Jennifer McIntosh (ΓH-North Texas) from her very proud parents Megan McRoskey (ZΓ-Santa Clara) from Mom and Dad Krystal Medley (ΓI-Texas Tech) from Mom Lindsay Menasco (EX-Cal Poly) from Mathew and Shirley Andrea Miller (BΨ-San Jose State) from Karen Miller Erin Miller (HΨ-Eastern Washington) from Mom and Dad Kimberly Miller (T-Oregon) from Mom and Dad Tracy Mitchell (HP-San Diego) from Phil, Pollu, and Scott Mitchell Mara Monaco (HN-SUNY/Albany) from Mom, Dad, Adam and Eric – with Love
Katie Monte (ΘA-Linfield) from Nick and Patti Kristin Moon (BE-Arizona) from Mom and Dad Marissa Mowery (∆K-Wisconsin/ LaCrosse) from Mom and Dad Danielle Nelson (ZB-Loyola Marymount) from Mark and Mitchell Heidi Neuzil (IH-DePaul) from Mom and Dad Erina Ng (ZOΛ-Johns Hopkins) from Sun Ng Vivi Nguyen (∆-Cornell) from Vivi T. Nguyen Diane Nicoletti (BΠ-USC) from Gene and Myra Lauren Noll (∆A-Eastern Carolina) from Steven and Barbara Ruthanne Norquist (BPΛWashington State) from Mom and Dad Jenna O’Brian (ΓH-North Texas) from Dean and Pam Kelly O’Dell (EX-Cal Poly) from Mom Jessica Ohman (BZ-Idaho) from Mom Jennifer Olszewski (BΨ-San Jose State) from Mom, Dad and Stanley Elizabeth Onuska (HΩ-Towson) from Mom Jennifer Oriola (HΣ-Lafayette) from James and Janet Oriola Kari Orolo (HA-New Hampshire) from Mom and Dad Kelly Patterson (Γ-DePauw) from Brian and Karen Patterson Laura Pearson (∆A-East Carolina) from Mom and Dad Sara Pfaff (ZΓ-Santa Clara) from Mom Melissa Potts (IA-Pepperdine) from Dad Lindsey Prudhomme (BB-Michigan State) from Mom and Dad Lyndsay Pullen (ΓI-Texas Tech) from Mom and Dad Alexandra Renner (BΨ-San Jose State) from Mom and Dad Erin Rieger (ZΓ-Santa Clara) from Roger and Annette Rieger Claudia Rocca (ΘΞ-Shippensburg) from Robert R. Rocca Jr. Sarah Samuels (∆-Cornell) from Vicki and Tom Samuels Melanie Sayer (ΘT-Rensselaer) from Robert and Claudia Kimberly Schafer (∆∆-Oklahoma City) from Mom Sarah Schalich (ΘY-CSU/Chico) from Mom and Dad Brooke Schlager (Π-North Dakota) from Gary and Diane Karen Schulien (BT-Indiana) from Mom and Dad Lindsay Scott (ΓA-San Diego) From Mom and Dad Deanna Scortino (HY-Chapman) from Larry and Pam Kalie Seliger (ΘA-Linfield) from Robert and Kathleen
Megan Sette (ΘI-James Madison) from Mom and Dad Melissa Sharp (ZΓ-Santa Clara) from Mom and Dad Samantha Siegel (II-George Washington) from Mom and Dad Shaina Silver (ΘΦ-Christopher Newport) from her family Ellen Simon (ZΠ-Case Western Reserve) from Dad Melissa Skidmore (HΛ-George Mason) from Mom and Dad Tara Slidell (EN-Delaware) from the Slidell Family Nicole Sloane (HY-Chapman) from Mom and Dad Antonietta Smekal (BΠ-USC) from Mom and Dad Stephanie Smith (ZIΛ-Virginia) from Greenleaf and Susan Liz Smoose (AA-Syracuse) from Mom and Dad Kate Sockrider (BO-Bowling Green State) from Steve and Harriett Casandra Solis (ZΠ-Case Western Reserve) from Mom and Dad Nina Soromayor (Σ-Washington) from Mom and Dad Amanda Spector (ΓN-Miami University) from Beverly Spector Michelle Sullivan (HE-Villanova) from Cynthia and Michael Lourie Tatad (HK-UC/Irvine) from her parents Antonia Taylor (ΘΦ-Christopher Newport) from Mom Ariena Taylor (HK-UC/Irvine) from Mom Becky Tendler (O-Missouri) from Marty and Susie Stephanie Tennant (∆H-Adrian) from Mom-who loves you and is also an Alpha Phi Jennifer Topolosky (B-Northwestern) from Mom and Dad
Christine Tsai (∆-Cornell) from Mom and Dad Christina Tucker (HY-Chapman) from Mr. & Mrs. Tucker Brieanne Turchetti (ΘK-Rochester) from Gail Jessica Tybursky (EΨ-Lehigh) from the Tybursky Family Stephanie Uchima (B∆-UCLA) from Ray and Estela Amy Utcht (E-Minnesota) from Harlan Utcht Abby Walter (∆H-Adrian) from Mom and Dad Melissa Watson (ΓH-North Texas) from Mark and Chris Melody Weathers (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) from Carol and Steve Megan Weberling (BT-Indiana) from Mom and Dad Arielle Wein (HZ-SUNY/Binghamton) from Mom and Dad Katie Welch (ZΞ-Elmhurst) from Mom and Dad Erin Weiler (T-Oregon) from Pam and Bob Weiler Elizabeth Westby (BE-Arizona) from Peter and Cathie Kelsey Withers (ZΓ-Santa Clara) from Gary and Kathryn Shelle Wolters (Ω-Texas) from Mom and Dad Casey Wyant (HΣ-Lafayette) from Harry and Anne Katya Yanayaco (BE-Arizona) from Steven and Esperanza Simon Kathryn Brooke Young (ΘI-James Madison) from Marsha Young Erin Zomber (ΓB-UC/Santa Barbara) from Dad Mary Zurcher (HΛ-George Mason) from Buddy
IS YOUR DAUGHTER GRADUATING IN 2005? Parents of 2005 graduates can honor their daughters by making a donation to the Alpha Phi Foundation. Parents will receive a letter or phone call from the Foundation asking if they would like to honor their daughter's graduation with a gift. In return, the Foundation will send a card to each honoree at graduation time, and their name will be listed in the fall issue of the Quarterly. Along with the donation, your daughter can receive a silver brushed Young Alumnae Pin. Other family and friends wishing to honor a graduate may do so by visiting the Alpha Phi Web site at www.alphaphi.org and selecting “Make a Gift,” or contact the office at 847.475.4532.
] B U L L E T I N
HAVE YOU MOVED? Send your new address to Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 or update your address online at www.alphaphi.org.
Attention Quarterly Reporters! If you are responsible for gathering your collegiate or alumnae chapter’s report for publication in the Quarterly, please note the following deadlines. Materials received after these deadlines will be considered for the following issue.
Copy Deadline
Winter 2005 Spring 2005 Summer 2005 Fall 2005
Oct. 15, 2004 Jan. 15, 2005 April 15, 2005 July 15, 2005
GREATER FORT LAUDERDALE AREA ALUMNAE TO CELEBRATE 50 YEARS “Fifty Years of Helping Hearts” Feb. 5, 2005 12-3 p.m. Fort Lauderdale Country Club Plantation, Fla. Tickets: $30 Contact: Jo-Anne Freeman Penttinen (ΓE-Lake Forest) at jopenttinen@comcast.net or 954.943.0559
$199 to start your own business with Southern Living at HOME! Ever thought of quitting your “real job”? Staying at home with your kids? Earning extra money? Working when YOU choose? If so, SLaH is the right place for you! Lisa Bostic Miller (Ψ-USD), Director 612.750.8065 www.SouthernLivingatHOME.com/LisaMiller LBBHmiller@yahoo.com
The Spring 2005 Quarterly will focus on organizing your life, providing tips from Alpha Phi experts about topics such as eliminating clutter, managing time, reducing stress and creating work/life balance. We seek Alpha Phi professionals to offer their advice. Please contact quarterly@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8920.
Bishop’s to Celebrate 15th Anniversary Memorabilia Display Every Member Honored Door Prizes and Favors Any alumna who has ever been a member of the Fort Lauderdale chapter is invited to attend.
CLASSIFIEDS ARBONNE INTERNATIONAL Skincare and Nutrition for the Whole Family No Petroleum or Animal Products Contact: Jennifer Sheldon Doucet (ZI-Virginia) Independent District Manager www.jenniferdoucet.myarbonne.com 1.800.631.5864 Ask me about the Business Opportunity! Excellent Training, Incentives, Bonuses
A reunion is planned for all Bishop’s (HX) alumnae on Nov. 6, 2004, during the chapter’s initiation weekend. For more information, contact Cindy at etachialumnae@yahoo.com.
Alpha Phi Memories
RED DRESS BRACELETS! Cost of each bracelet is $10 which includes S&H. $5 from the sale of each bracelet goes to the Alpha Phi Foundation! Please e-mail your order to barlettnatalie@aol.com and check out the Cincinnati alumnae Web page for more details at www.cincy-aphi.20m.com GLYCONUTRIENTS To Your Optimal Health www.wellness2wealth.biz Gayle L. (Giza) Ryan (ZA-Eastern Illinois) Wellness Consultant gtr11@comcast.net Educate Yourself Today, For Optimal Health Tomorrow! Look your best at every age! Be your own boss! MARY KAY Skin Care and Cosmetics Julie Morse Stephens, Independent Beauty Consultant Free Shipping See what’s new: www.marykay.com/jstephens10
Interested in Promoting Your Business in the Alpha Phi Classifieds? The charge for the winter issue is $50 for up to 35 words (text only). Circulation for this issue is more than 45,000. The Quarterly also continues to accept advertising in the form of display ads, which begin at $200 for a 1/6-page ad. If you are interested in either advertising opportunity, please contact quarterly@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8920 by Friday, Nov. 5, 2004, to reserve space.
During college, you bought a T-shirt to remember every Alpha Phi date party, formal, Homecoming and Founders’ Day. Now you’ve graduated. You have a job. Your boss wants you to wear a suit, not a T-shirt. What do you do with the drawers full of shirts? Marilyn Mason Thomas (BK-Denison) can turn your old T-shirts into a one-of-a-kind keepsake. The quilt shown here was used by the Alpha Phi Foundation as a fundraiser during Convention 2004. E-mail Marilyn at ClassicQuilts@aol.com for more information on creating your own quilt.
FALL 2004 PA G E F O RT Y- F I V E
Convention 2006 66th Biennial Convention June 28-July 2, 2006 The JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes Orlando, Fla. Watch for Convention information in future issues of the Quarterly and on our Web site at www.alphaphi.org/conferences.
9 POSTMASTER: Please send changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201
Save this portion of your Quarterly! You will need your membership number (found at right) to identify yourself if you contact the Executive Office and to access various online resources.
Inside: Recruitment Addresses Wilfrid Laurier Installation