Spring 2004 Alpha Phi Quarterly

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Protecting Yourself


IEB Slate Announced 2004 Regional Conferences

A Publication of Alpha Phi International Fraternity Since 1888 Vol. 116, No. 2 Spring 2004

C ntents In This Issue President’s Message


Career Development


Alumnae Pride


NPC Update


IEB Slate Announced


Regional Conferences




On Campus


Early Recruitment Addresses


Potential Member Form


Duke Installation








Reunions/Small World


Bulletin Board/Classifieds


ON THE COVER Girls Fight Back Founder Erin Weed (ZA-Eastern Illinois) offers advice for living a safer and stronger life (story on page 2). Cover photography by © ROB & SAS. Photography by © ROB & SAS

18 PROTECTING THE LEADERS OF TOMORROW February‘s Regional Conferences train collegiate officers and advisers to lead chapters and ensure the safety of sisters.

31 The Executive Office staff celebrates National Wear Red Day in February in support of the awareness campaign for women about heart disease.

Quarterly Deadlines ISSUE Fall 2004 Winter 2005 Spring 2005 Summer 2005

COPY DEADLINE July 15, 2004 Oct. 15, 2004 Jan. 15, 2005 April 15, 2005

MULTI-MEDIA PROJECT WINS AWARDS Alpha Phi International’s “Reel Connections” CD-ROM was honored with a 2003 Award of Distinction and an Honorable Mention for creativity from The Communicator Awards, an international awards competition that recognizes outstanding work in the communications field. The first-of-its-kind multi-media educational tool, funded by the Alpha Phi Foundation, helps collegiate chapters make a “real” connection with members through innovative programming and discussion questions. For more information, contact training@alphaphi.org.

Founders Clara Bradley Burdette (’76), died 1954 Florence Chidester Lukens (’75), died 1885 Martha Foote Crow (’76), died 1924 Ida Gilbert Houghton (’76), died 1916 Jane S. Higham (’76), died 1949 Kate Hogoboom Gilbert (’75), died 1900 Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults (’75), died 1895 Rena Michaels Atchison (’74), died 1933 Louise Shepard Hancock (’76), died 1932 Clara Sittser Williams (’75), died 1925 International Executive Board International President: Crista Cate Vasina Vice President: Amy Pfannenstiel Bunszel Secretary/Treasurer: Lindsay Wiggins Barbara Koontz Alevras Stacey Grimes Boulmetis Margaret Halla Cash Linda Boon DeFee Felicia Hunt Peg DeChant Thornburg Ex-Officio: Sally McCall Grant, NPC Delegate Foundation Directors Chairman: Susan Brink Sherratt Vice Chairman: Gayle Goodman Secretary: Kathleen Feeney Hiemstra Treasurer: Susan Weiskittle Barrick Ann Brinkman Judith Knudsen Brown Alin Hernandez Wall Crista Cate Vasina National Panhellenic Conference Alpha Phi Delegate: Sally McCall Grant First Alternate Delegate: Deana Koonsman Gage Second Alternate Delegate: Laura Malley-Schmitt Third Alternate Delegate: Mary Rekart Ulich Editorial Advisory Board Barbara Koontz Alevras Sheila George Bright Ann Brinkman Emily Ellison Lamb Jan Jones Owen Alpha Phi Quarterly Staff Editor: Christine Spiegel Program Coordinator-Marketing & Communications: Kayee Ip E-mail: quarterly@alphaphi.org Alpha Phi Quarterly Design Michelle Webb Design E-mail: mwdesign@intosh.net Alpha Phi Home Page www.alphaphi.org Executive Office Executive Director: Susan Zabriskie Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Phone: 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 E-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org Foundation Office Executive Director: Rebecca Andrew Zanatta Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Foundation Phone: 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 E-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org Alpha Phi Quarterly Editorial Policy The purpose of the Alpha Phi Quarterly and its content is to provide information and services to the membership of the Alpha Phi Fraternity, in keeping with the Fraternity's status as a 501(c)(7) tax-exempt private membership club. The magazine is devoted to highlighting its members and matters of fraternal and college interest. The views expressed in the articles published in the Quarterly are those of the authors and their contributors, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Alpha Phi Fraternity, its officers or staff. All persons interested in submitting materials for publication in the Alpha Phi Quarterly are encouraged to send them to the editor at the Executive Office. The editor reserves the right to accept, deny or edit any materials submitted. Unless otherwise requested, all photos sent to the magazine will become the property of Alpha Phi International and will not be returned. Articles may be sent by mail, fax, e-mail or on a PC disk. Please send your information to the editor by the deadlines indicated on this page. Materials received after these deadlines will be considered for the following issue. Please direct any submission questions or inquiries regarding publication advertising to the editor at 847.316.8920, or quarterly@alphaphi.org. The Alpha Phi Quarterly is published winter, spring, summer and fall. Subscription price is $3 per year; single copies are $1. Send change of address or announcements to Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Periodical rate postage paid at Evanston, IL, and at additional mailing offices. (ISSN: USPS 014680) Postmaster: Please send address changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Printed in the USA.






Dear Sisters, Our Founders were visionaries who believed Alpha Phi could be a sisterhood that values scholarship, friendship and service. They built the foundation that has supported Alpha Phi for 131 years, and their contributions have ensured that Alpha Phi remains a



Self Defense: Girls Fight Back Founder Erin Weed (ZA-Eastern Illinois) Empowers Women of All Ages


Identity Theft: Victims Urge Sisters to Defend Themselves


Acquaintance Rape: Sister Shares Story to Help Others


Career Development: Protecting Yourself During the Job Search Process

successful women’s fraternity. Today, we are committed to realizing the vision of these women and building on the legacy of our founding. Our Crista Cate Vasina

Fraternity leaders currently are considering how to ensure a successful future for Alpha Phi. To this end, we are evaluating

Alpha Phi’s 1996 Strategic Plan and Vision for the 21st Century. As part of this, we are also making recommendations for organizational improvement. A final report on our evaluation and recommendations will be presented during Alpha Phi’s 65th biennial Convention this summer in Rancho Mirage, Calif. Our collegiate and alumnae chapter leaders help make decisions about Alpha Phi’s future, including considering amendments to our Constitution during Convention. Our Constitution provides the framework under which all collegiate and alumnae chapters operate. These leaders help Alpha Phi balance the need to maintain our founding values while addressing the changing needs of our chapters and members. In order to make these important decisions, Convention delegates will receive information explaining proposed constitutional amendments. It is their responsibility to carefully review


Health Screening Guidelines for Women

Editor's Note: Some of the material in this issue of the Quarterly may be disturbing to some readers. The Quarterly staff feels the information chosen is necessary to educate and inform our members about three important issues facing women today: self-defense, identity theft and acquaintance rape. We hope to protect our members by alerting them about these issues and providing suggestions to help sisters protect themselves.

and consider how these proposed changes shape the future of Alpha Phi. The future of the Fraternity depends on the vision and participation of all members. Today, Alpha Phi is a very healthy organization – rich in history, sisterly

In the Next Issue

devotion and aspirations for the future. You and I are only the temporary guardians

Cool Careers

of the Fraternity, and our charge is to ensure that Alpha Phi grows even stronger.

Recruitment Addresses and Dates

To do this, we must set the course for the next 131 years … and in the end, it is this charge that truly defines Alpha Phi as a forward-thinking organization. Loyally,

New at www.alphaphi.org Do you have information on a missing alumna? Visit www.alphaphi.org/alumnae_info.html to help us locate “lost” alumnae.

Crista Cate Vasina ( -Northern Colorado) International President


Have you registered yet for Alpha Phi’s ONLINE COMMUNITY? Visit www.alphaphi.org/ onlinecommunity today.


“Babe in TOTAL


Herself ”

One out of six American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime.



By Erin Weed (ZA-Eastern Illinois)

One evening last fall, I was presenting a Girls Fight Back seminar at a university in Indiana. I was explaining the impact of verbal assault and asked my students, “How would you feel if someone walked up to you and called you a bit**?” Scanning the crowd of 300 college women, I called upon a thin girl who was confidently raising her hand. She said, “I don’t care if someone calls me a bit**. All that means is that I’m a Babe In Total Control of Herself.” That night, I learned the importance of power, and the attitude shift that occurs when women choose to reclaim it. By taking the five-letter word “bit**” and making it our own mantra of strength, it can no longer hurt us. Very rarely are women told, “You are smart. You are strong. You are dangerous and capable of taking a man down if he attempts to victimize you.” Instead, many of us were raised with the ideology that our daddy will protect us or our boyfriend will defend our honor. We learned to never be impolite, sometimes at the expense of being taken advantage of. As a society, our perceptions of violence against women are so skewed that there are still some people who hold the belief that rape is a woman’s fault. Just the other night, there was a story on the local news about a young woman sexually assaulted while walking home from the campus library. Several community residents interviewed on-camera exclaimed, “Why was she walking home all alone at night? What was she thinking!?” It never occurred to these individuals to be outraged at the perpetrator and wonder, “Why was this man stalking and raping an innocent woman? What was he thinking?” On top of existing stigmas in cities across the nation, we are also constantly fed personal safety advice from ‘experts’ in the media. They tell us to yell “fire” if someone is trying to rape us. (But who

would really do that?) They tell us to never, ever walk alone at night, but what independent woman can actually follow that advice all the time? How many women want to go through life never being able to do things on their own? I am not proposing we throw the possibility of risk to the wind and stroll down whatever dark alley suits us. We simply need to start using better strategies for keeping ourselves safe instead of never being alone and hoping nothing bad happens to us. Following are five great strategies for living a safer and stronger life. #1: Take care of you first Before an airplane takes off, the flight attendants always go through safety procedures in case of an emergency. In the event that the cabin loses pressure, they instruct you to first affix your own oxygen mask, then aid small children or others who need your assistance. The reason is simple; we cannot be safe or helpful to others if we fail to meet our own needs first. As women, we are professional multitaskers. We are so busy taking care of everyone and everything else besides our own personal health and well-being, that before long, we may start feeling exhausted and depressed. From a personal safety perspective, the stronger you look and feel, the less likely you will become the victim of a crime. #2: Learn to say “no” This might sound simple, but for many women it is difficult to do. By saying “no” to someone or something, you are immediately setting a boundary. “No” is a sentence, yet many women feel there is an explanation that needs to follow it. Anyone who will not accept the answer “no” is trying to control you in some way. By learning to say “no” and set boundaries, it is more difficult for people to manipulate you. #3: Be a bad victim Crime can be broken down into a simple formula: bad guys are looking for easy targets, also called “good victims.” A “good victim” is someone who is weak, not paying attention to her surroundings and is visibly unable to set a boundary or fight back. Examples of “good victims” are a woman running in the park with her Walkman® blaring in her ears (she is totally unaware), a woman attempting to carry 10 ALPHA PHI


harm’s way. If your gut is talking to you, listen to it! To learn more about the value of intuition, I highly recommend a book called The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker.

bags of groceries into her apartment (her hands are full) or a woman lost in conversation on her cell phone (she is oblivious to her surroundings.) A “bad victim” on the other hand, is someone not willing to compromise her personal safety and awareness. Examples of a “bad victim” are a woman walking down the street with confident posture (she believes she’s worth fighting for and it shows) and a woman unafraid to make eye contact (a sign of not avoiding confrontation). Be a “bad victim” by using good judgment, keeping your awareness radar up and conveying an attitude of being a babe in total control of herself.

#5: Take a self-defense class I cannot tell you how many times I have heard the following phrase: “I’ve been meaning to take a selfdefense class, but just never seem to get around to it.” In many cases, it takes something tragic to happen for women to find the motivation to actually sign up for a class. For me, it took the murder of my sorority sister, Shannon McNamara (FAEastern Illinois), to make me realize how important it is for women to defend themselves. Several women have admitted to me that they would rather stick their head in the sand than acknowledge the realities of violence. Some might say ignorance is bliss, but in a country where one out of six American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime (National Institute of Justice, 2003), ignorance is incredibly dangerous. The reality of violence exists, but so does your power to fight back against it! By taking a selfdefense class, not only will you learn great strategies to get away from a physical attack, you will walk away with a sense of confidence you never knew possible. You will be amazed at the power your mind and body reveal to you, and it is the best gift you could ever give yourself (or a loved one). Find a class in your geographic area by visiting the resources page at www.girlsfightback.com. Stay safe and remember my motto, “There is nothing more dangerous than a pissed off woman!”

Photography by © ROB & SAS

#4: Trust your intuition Learning to trust your intuition is one of the best skills a woman can develop to avoid danger. The female gender is equipped with an incredible gut feeling that tells us when things just aren’t right. Believe it or not, this intuitive signal is actually a survival skill that has been scientifically proven to keep us from harm. So here is the good news: a woman’s intuition tends to be much stronger than a man’s because we have more developed emotional responses than men do. But there is a catch; even though we have this instinct providing valuable foresight, we are also habitual self-doubters. Unless danger is literally staring us in the face, we have a hard time believing that our gut could actually be telling the truth. Learning to trust our gut feeling and acting upon it is a sure-fire way to keep out of


Erin Weed is founder of Girls Fight Back, a self-defense program that empowers women to trust their intuition and protect themselves against violence. She created the program in 2001 in honor of Alpha Phi sister Shannon McNamara, who was murdered while fighting off an attacker. Erin’s self-defense training includes: carjacking situations, multiple assailant attacks, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Krav Maga, firearms training, knives/street weapons, criminal psychology and the laws concerning judicious use of force. Erin is certified by the American Women’s Self Defense Association and is a graduate of the Model Mugging program. She is also a certified Confined Area Survival Tactics instructor through the Modern Warrior Academy. Erin travels the nation teaching what she has learned at high schools, colleges, businesses and for women’s groups. For more information, visit www.girlsfightback.com.

Most rapes and assaults are attempted using only force; only seven percent involve a weapon.

One out of every 12 women will be stalked during her lifetime.


Protecting Yourself: Identity Theft My Mother Stole My Identity By Andrea Lane Schoenbeck (EΘ-Northern Iowa)

Identity theft is the nation’s fastest growing crime.

I became a victim of identity theft my sophomore I was told by the credit card company that in year of college, but didn’t find out order to have these items removed from until the following year. At that my credit report, I would have to press “I wanted to share point, I didn’t realize how much a charges against my mother – the victim I had actually become. My person I grew up trusting unconditionmy story because mother was the person who stole my ally. It was the hardest decision I ever others need to know had to make. My case has since been identity. Without my knowledge, she closed and the charges dropped. The it is okay to defend opened a credit card account in my police were unable to take any action name while I was away at college because my mother’s signature on the yourself in this and had the bills sent to our home credit card application matched my address. I learned about it because on my credit fraud papersituation . . . even if signature she had “forgotten” to pay the bills work. Also, it took me a year to build as they came each month. I was upset a family member is up the courage to take action, which I with my mom, but what could I believe was another count against me do? I worked summers to pay off the on the other side.” in the process of pressing charges. card so I could start to rebuild my I am stuck with bad credit until credit. 2007. Bad credit affects one’s life in so many ways. Three years later, I found out about a second My husband and I bought a house a year ago and card. My husband of three months and I moved had trouble getting a loan. We couldn’t even get from Iowa to Idaho. A letter arrived in our long distance phone service without paying a huge forwarded mail claiming I owed almost $1,000 in deposit until we had lived in our house for a year. late fees and that charges would be pressed against My situation is rare, but identity theft is not. I me if the balance was not paid. I called my father wanted to share my story because others need to and told him what had happened. He paid the bill, know it is okay to defend yourself in this situation ... but I am still paying the price. even if a family member is on the other side.

TIPS TO PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST IDENTITY THEFT This tipsheet is intended to provide general information and is not a substitute for legal advice.

• Guard your Social Security number (SSN) or Social Insurance number (SIN; Canada): do not include it on your driver’s license or personal checks. If a business asks for your SSN/SIN, ask if they’ll accept an alternative piece of identification. You don’t have to give your SSN/SIN to anyone who isn’t authorized to collect the information (see Resources list for more information). • Review your consumer credit report annually (see Resources list for bureaus). • Keep all personal and account information in a safe place. • Shred unwanted documents that contain personal information (e.g., pre-approved credit offers, health insurance statements, old bank and credit card statements and anything else containing your SSN/SIN).


• Never write your personal identification number (PIN) on your ATM card or on a paper inside your wallet or purse. Do not choose a PIN that uses digits from your birth date, SSN/SIN, telephone number or street address. • Keep a record of all account numbers, expiration dates and the phone number of each credit card issuer in a secure place for quick reference in case of loss or theft. Photocopy contents of your wallet (both sides of driver’s license and credit cards). • Monitor credit card activity: Contact the company immediately if you don’t recognize a charge. Close accounts you no longer use. • Rather than signing the back of a credit card, write “See Photo ID.”

• Monitor your Social Security/Social Insurance activity (see Resources list to receive statement to check for fraud). • Mail payments from a safe location (Post Office). Don’t leave mail in your mailbox overnight or on weekends. • Know who you are talking to: do not give credit card number or personal information over the phone or online unless you initiated the contact and trust the business. • When making purchases online, make sure you are in a secure section of the Web site (https:// rather than http:// – the “s” stands for secure; a lock or key icon should appear in the status bar at the lower corner of the Web page).



ID Theft Victims Lose More Than Out-of-Pocket Finances


boyfriend was never charged, “I was forced to move August 1996: Jill Waldrop (O-Missouri) receives a call from a cell phone company confirming an order for my safety, change my phone number, get a new she placed that morning. But Jill had not placed the credit card and put fraud alerts on my credit reports. It was quite the ordeal,” says Jill. order. So how does the company’s “Thankfully, nothing more representative know Jill’s address, “I was forced to happened.” phone number, Social Security number, place of employment, work move for my safety, In 1998, Congress passed the phone number, credit card number Identity Theft and Assumption and the card’s expiration date? change my phone Deterrence Act, making identity “I was flabbergasted!” says Jill, a number, get a new theft a Federal crime and a felony victim before the crime became so in many states. widespread. “I was told a woman had credit card and put In the past A victim’s losses may include not called in the order and was calling five years, 27.3 only out-of-pocket financial losses, back with a delivery address.” fraud alerts on my but substantial additional costs The representative agreed to help million Americans associated with trying to restore her Jill by providing her the address so the were identity theft credit reports. It was reputation in the community and police would get involved. However, victims. correcting erroneous information for Jill says she was brushed aside since quite the ordeal.” which the criminal is responsible. “no crime had been committed.” To learn how to protect yourself After several other attempts to from identity theft, see our tips sideinvolve police, she took matters into bar and check out the resources provided below. her own hands by approaching a neighbor of the delivery address, asked if he knew his neighbor and explained her situation. He agreed to introduce RESOURCES himself, tell the woman next door he and his family Canadian Consumer Information Gateway CREDIT REPORTING BUREAUS were moving and wanted pictures of the neighbors so http://consumerinformation.ca Equifax his children would have something to remember. He 613.946.2576 www.equifax.com or www.equifax.ca Order Credit Report: 800.685.1111 took a picture of the woman, with her car, license Consumer Measures Committee Report Fraud: 888.525.6285 plate and the house’s address showing. http://cmcweb.ca Canada: 800.465.7166 Jill took the photos to the local police station, 613.957.8717 Experian told them about the delivery scheduled for later that Office of the Privacy Commissioner of www.experian.com day and said she was going to hunt the woman Canada Order Credit Report: 888.524.3606 www.privcom.gc.ca down with or without their assistance. Report Fraud: 888.397.3742 800.282.1376 The officer ran the license plate to discover the Trans Union Corporation woman was a convicted felon, currently on probaU.S. Federal Trade Commission www.tuc.com or www.tuc.ca www.ftc.gov tion for multiple drug charges. The delivery house Order Credit Report: 800.888.4213 202.FTC.HELP was a property listed for sale and did not belong to Report Fraud: 800.680.7289 her. Her boyfriend had broken in. U.S. Postal Service Canada: 866.525.0262 www.usps.gov/websites/depart/inspect The police took the woman into custody and 800.275.8777 arrested her for identity theft. It turns out the woman worked for a cleaning U.S. Social Security Administration www.ssa.gov crew at the gym Jill joined and took Jill’s application, Free Personal Earnings and Benefit Estimate containing her personal information, off the Statement: manager’s desk. 800.772.1213 The woman was ordered to pay restitution and Report Fraud: 800.269.0271 was in jail for four months. But since the woman’s SPRING 2004


Acquaintance Rape: Sister Shares Story to Help Others By Dallas Sipes Chapman (BA-Illinois)

Approximately 66 percent of rape victims know their assailant.

In the U.S., 27 percent of women between 15-24 have been victims of rape or attempted rape. In eight percent of these cases the rapist administered some form of tranquilizer, not including alcohol, to his victim.

I recently ran into an old college friend and learned some very disturbing news. My friend, who I shall not identify to preserve the sanctity of her confidential disclosure, was raped during our freshman year at the University of Illinois. What makes me so angry is that nothing has changed. I, too, was assaulted at college, but I miraculously escaped the actual rape by fighting my attacker. I was stunned to learn that she and I, despite differing details, have very similar stories. I was assaulted in my suite in a highly secure building by someone I knew from high school who was borrowing class notes. At the time, I was furious, scared and thankful to have escaped the worst possible outcome. I told only close friends and my parents about the encounter and made sure I was never alone with this person again. I couldn’t avoid him entirely because he was my then boyfriend’s fraternity brother. I told my boyfriend a few days after it happened; I had to calm down before relating what I felt was a shameful episode. I knew it would be difficult for him to hear, so I tread carefully. However, the boyfriend chose to lay the blame at my door. The problem is nothing has changed in the 11 years since my attack. Women are still being attacked. These days, the rapist even has advanced weapons, including GHB and Rohypnol, today’s popular date rape drugs. The truly disturbing part of both stories is neither incident was reported to authorities. I took my complaint to the executive board of my assailant’s fraternity via a third party. I told them in RESOURCES Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Educational Development Center www.edc.org/hec 800.676.1730 National Organization for Victim Assistance www.trynova.org 800.879.6682 National Sexual Violence Resource Center www.nsvrc.org 877.739.3895 Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) www.rainn.org 800.656.HOPE


PROTECT YOURSELF: DATE RAPE DRUGS GHB and Rohypnol, commonly known as ruffies, are the most frequently used date rape drugs. Women can reduce their risk of drug-induced rape by following these guidelines: • Stay in control and reduce your personal risk by not drinking alcohol. • Drink only in safe, supervised places. • Don’t put your drink down for any reason. If you leave your drink at any point, consider it tainted. • Don’t accept open drinks, and avoid punch bowls or coolers of drinks. • In bars, only accept drinks from the bartender or server. • Be alert to the behavior of friends, and have them watch you. • Be extremely wary of anyone who appears overly drunk after consuming only a small amount of alcohol. • Avoid walking home alone at night, especially after a party. • Avoid going by yourself to a room with a man who has been drinking. • Tell a friend where you’re going and when you’ll return. • Prior to going out, make and keep plans regarding with whom you will leave a party or bar, and at what time. • Trust your instincts if you feel threatened or unsafe.

These guidelines are intended to provide general information and do not substitute for legal advice.

a written letter if they didn’t keep the individual in check, I’d report him and the underage drinking I had witnessed in their chapter house. Lucky for me, that was threat enough. My friend’s rape was so violent she can’t have children now. She didn’t want the public shame and scrutiny that go hand-in-hand with an investigation and public trial. There are differences between the stories of my friend and I, to be sure. She had been drinking; I was dead sober from studying. She was at a social event, and I was in my dorm room. Even so, our reactions, feelings and memories of the encounters are horrifyingly vivid, as though it happened just a moment ago. I even remember the panic I felt, my racing heart and the way I held my fist when I beat him off of me. I can still feel the bruises and tears and hear the things he said and my own sobbing afterward. ALPHA PHI




Protecting Yourself During the Job Search Process By Tracie Eisenman (P-Ohio State)

Holding your own in the professional arena can feel like an Olympic event at times. Whether you are entering or re-entering the work force, unemployed or considering a career change, the following are key elements to assist in the job search. Care for your career with thorough research. Ask the right questions. Examine company financials. If these aren’t public, find as much as you can to determine both company and position sustainability. Learn who your immediate supervisor would be; consider what it would mean to work for that person. Finally, look closely at the work you would be doing. Employee recruitment can be a mere “sale” to some recruiters. With jobs, don’t look for a good sale; instead, search for a great fit. Know your deal breakers. Know what matters most to you, e.g., the elements of a job or career you must have or must avoid. If you want to take time off between other life rigors, a deal breaker for you may be a job that requires you to take work home at the end of the day. If you are looking to climb the corporate ladder, a deal breaker might be a limited opportunity for advancement. Maintain perspective. This is perhaps the most difficult method of career safeguarding, especially in the formative years. Focus on happy hours with your friends all week and you are sure to miss that which makes a living. Get too caught up in your work and you might miss that which makes a life. Find your career/life balance.

want to pay off your student loans or start your own business? Be honest with yourself. Muster up some discipline. You know who you are and what you want. How will you get there? If you want a house, what does a down payment mean and what do mortgage payments look like? What do you have to do for yourself now to reach your goals? Map out the plan and commit to following it. Evaluate your strategy and revamp if necessary. Were your goals too lofty or too accelerated? Are you saving and investing in a way that will see you retired before your student loans are paid off? Or are you working so hard that you don’t allow yourself to have fun every once in a while? Be sure your goals are attainable, and your path will keep you motivated.


Fend for Your Finances: Careful Consideration Pays Off Reconsider before you pull out the plastic for a new outfit, home decor or a few extra margaritas. These tips will help evaluate and protect your personal finances. Establish goals. Identify your long-term goals. Where do you want to be and what do you want to have in your life in one year, five years, 10 and beyond? Do you want a house? Children? Do you


Editor’s Note: Refer to the Spring 2003 issue of the Alpha Phi Quarterly (available online at www.alphaphi.org) for more information about planning and protecting your financial future. Tracie Eisenman has weathered career changes and shares her experience with others in similar situations. Contact Tracie at tracie_eisenman@yahoo.com.

JOB SEEKERS BEWARE Believe it or not, there are companies out there that try to take advantage of job seekers, especially the unemployed, by taking advantage of their vulnerability. Here are a few tips from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC): • Be skeptical of work-at-home offers, especially when a company seems overly eager to hire you. • Be skeptical of employment firms that charge upfront money. • If you receive a cold call from an employment agency, question the motive. • Confirm that a company is legitimate by contacting the Better Business Bureau. U.S.: www.bbb.org or 703.276.0100 Canada: www.canadiancouncilbbb.ca or 613.789.5151 Contact the U.S. FTC (www.ftc.gov or 877.FTC.HELP) or Canada’s Competition Bureau (http://cb-bc.gc.ca or 800.348.5358) for more information about how to protect yourself.




Two Sisters Celebrate 100-Year Milestones

Dorothy Ross, front center, celebrates her 100th birthday with family and sisters from the Theta collegiate chapter and Detroit Suburban alumnae chapter.

Michigan ( ) collegians and Detroit Suburban alumnae were honored to help celebrate the 100th birthday of Dorothy McFarlen Ross ( -Michigan) on Nov. 17, 2003. Dorothy, who turned 100 on August 26, 2003, is the matriarch of a triple legacy. Her daughter is Suzanne Ross Reising ( -Michigan), and her granddaughter is Laurie Vogt Harris ( -Western Michigan). “The best memories I have of college are of my days with my Alpha Phi sisters at Delta Theta. Those are the friendships that truly last a lifetime,” says Laurie. “I’m so thankful to my grandmother for starting this legacy in our family, and I’m honored to be a triple legacy. I hope my daughter will carry on this legacy when she goes to college.” Dorothy was initiated in 1922 and served the chapter as president. To help celebrate her magnificent milestones, alumnae presented her with a 75-year pin, a celebratory cake, a picture of current collegians and many wonderful cards from alumnae throughout the Upper Midwest region. “What a wonderful afternoon we shared with a treasured member from our chapter!” says Detroit Suburban alumnae chapter President Denise Mika-Biga (Q-Ohio State). –Denise Mika-Biga (Q-Ohio State)

Miriam Thompson Freer (BJ-Denison) was born Jan. 11, 1904. She grew up in Newark, Ohio, and was raised by an aunt after both parents died of tuberculosis before she was a year old. The doctor thought she wouldn’t live beyond age 6. She attended nearby Denison University in Granville, Ohio, graduating in 1925. While at Denison, she became a member of Tri Phi, a local sorority, which later became Alpha Phi. She married Depew C. Freer on June 15, 1925, the day she graduated from Denison, and the couple lived in Cleveland from then on. She was active with the Cleveland East Side alumnae chapter. Miriam was thrilled when her daughter, Mary Miriam Freer celebrates a milestone. Alice [Freer Cannon] (BJ-Denison), pledged Alpha Phi at Denison in 1947 and was initiated in 1948. After graduation, Mary Alice and her husband also resided in Cleveland, where mother and daughter enjoyed many years of attending alumnae gatherings together. Miriam now resides at Judson Manor retirement community. She enjoyed birthday celebrations in her honor, including one at the Manor, one with 45 family members and a third with family and Alpha Phi friends. –Mary Alice Freer Cannon (BJ-Denison)





Mid-Atlantic Region GREATER PHILADELPHIA IVY CONNECTION, PA. The Greater Philadelphia ivy connection was established during the summer. The group includes sisters from the Philadelphia area, southwestern New Jersey and northern Delaware. Event highlights included a kick-off happy hour, potluck dinner and an afternoon tea in celebration of Founders’ Day. –Paige S. Olek (HΣ-Lafayette) GREATER PHILADELPHIA IVY CONNECTION CONTACT:

Alysa Suero (ZΣ-Franklin & Marshall) Phillyivyconnection@yahoo.com 610.525.8278 www.phillyivyconnection.com

North Central Midwest Region CHICAGO NORTHWEST SUBURBAN, ILL. Alumnae celebrating 25 or more years with Alpha Phi were honored during a Founders’ Day event in October. Kathy Bird Gerlach (∆M-Purdue) hosted the evening that included a pinning ceremony. Honorees were given the option to receive an 25year pin or have a donation made to the Alpha Phi Foundation in their name. –Jessica C. Loustaunau (ZΞ-Elmhurst) CHICAGO NORTHWEST SUBURBAN CONTACT:

Kathy Gerlach

kmgerla@aol.com 847.392.2517 DUPAGE VALLEY, ILL. DuPage Valley sisters celebrated the holiday season with an annual potluck dinner. The women presented personalized awards to more than 30 members who have been sisters for 30 or more years. Upcoming events include a make-your-own jewelry night, a chocolate tasting and an ivy circle happy hour. –Molly Statz Sabatino (O-Missouri)


Fairfield County, Conn., sisters enjoy an annual holiday brunch and pre-new year planning at a local restaurant.


Arlene Kuhn Bettin (E∆-Northern Illinois)

Members of the Greater Philadelphia ivy connection sign the chapter’s charter.

Bettin4@cs.com 630.681.0506 www.dupagealphaphi.org EVANSVILLE/TRI-STATE AREA, IND. Alumnae gathered in October for a luncheon to honor Joan Fritz Byers (BT-Indiana) for her 50-year membership. Also honored were 25-year members Louise Lambert Carter (BT-Indiana), Tracey Manis (EΠEvansville) and Jolee Dever Quates (EΠ-Evansville). –Stephanie Keilman Walsh (∆Π-Indiana State) EVANSVILLE/TRI-STATE AREA CONTACT:

Lorrie Hamrick Bilderback (∆P-Ball State)

lorrie@us.ibm.com 812.490.2547

Northeast Region BOSTON, MASS. Boston area alumnae held a wine tasting and apple picking field trip, gathered for happy hour and enjoyed a Founders’ Day brunch. –Laura McMahon Kovacs (I∆-Rhode Island) BOSTON CONTACT:

Laura Kovacs

lauralaylin@yahoo.com 617.718.0926 www.bostonphis.com METRO WEST, MASS. Officially established in October 2003, Metro West alumnae have enjoyed monthly meetings and social events, including a potluck dinner at Deb Travers Abbott’s (ΘB-Bryant) home. Upcoming events include volunteering at a home for disabled children. –Andrea Hankey (HA-New Hampshire)



Alumnae honor 25-year sisters during a Founders’ Day celebration.

FINGER LAKES, N.Y. Finger Lakes alumnae joined Syracuse (A) collegians for dinner at the chapter house to celebrate Founders’ Day. A rose ceremony honored Marcia Trantum Hannett (A-Syracuse) for 50 years of membership and Jacqueline Nagy Wright (EBButler) for 25 years. Sisters celebrated the holidays with a craftmaking party at Angie Hagan Peden’s (ΘI-James Madison) home. Baskets of presents were donated to the local Rescue Mission to help needy families during the holidays. –Melanie Takata Heaphy (EP-UC/Davis) FINGER LAKES CONTACT:

Melanie Heaphy

heaphy@earthlink.net 315.469.5973 NYC METRO, N.Y. NYC Phis held pottery painting events in Manhattan, hosted a successful second annual Heart-to-Heart fundraiser for the Alpha Phi Foundation and enjoyed a girls’ night out to an Off-Broadway show and dancing at a NYC nightclub. Upcoming events include a Cinco de Mayo happy hour, All-Greek events at the Met and the Boat Basin and election of new officers. –Danielle Altruda (ΘM-Hofstra) NYC METRO CONTACT:


Danielle Altruda

Andrea Hankey

dinkiesteach@hotmail.com 718.740.3292 www.angelfire.com/ny4/nycalphaphi

andreahankey@hotmail.com 508.405.4324





DuPage Valley alumnae honor members celebrating 30 or more years of sisterhood.

❷ METRO WEST, MASS. Alumnae gather for a potluck dinner.


Members display toys collected for children at a local domestic violence shelter.


Honored during a Founders’ Day celebration is Carolyn Hileman, center. Other 50-year members present are Mary Ellen Brucker and Jeanne Shepard.


Greater Tulsa alumnae celebrate Founders’ Day.


Tulsa alumnae enjoy a Founders’ Day dinner at the home of Dana Belden Penn (EΞ-Southern Illinois).

RHODE ISLAND More than 20 Rhode Island alumnae participated in the chapter’s third annual Move Your Phi’t 5K walk/run that raised $1,265 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters donated gently used items to the chapter’s Phlea Market yard sale, hosted by Kristin Nelson Oberg (ΘB-Bryant). They celebrated Founders’ Day with a promise ceremony at the Rhode Island (I∆) chapter house and brunch at the popular waterfront Coast Guard House. Kim Norton-O’Brien (ZP-Bentley) hosted an Open House Phi-esta where members learned about the chapter, indulged in Tex-Mex food and sangria and met Alpha Phi Foundation Executive Director Rebecca Andrew Zanatta (BPΛWashington State), who thanked the chapter for its philanthropic work. –Kim Norton-O’Brien


Pacific Northwest region team members take a break during a retreat to enjoy some wine tasting in the Napa Valley. Clockwise from top left are Carol Wilde Wahl (∆KWisconsin/LaCrosse), Michelle Wells (BPΛWashington State), Joanne Finamore Godfrey (H∆-CSU/Hayward), Jennifer Peabody (BΨ-San Jose State) and Kate Boyle Halfon (H∆-CSU/Hayward).


Kim Norton-O’Brien

president@rhodyphis.com 401.884.3971 www.rhodyphis.com

Pacific Northwest Region SILICON VALLEY/SOUTH BAY, CALIF. Alumnae enjoyed homemade cookie exchanges and collected new toys for children at a local domestic violence shelter. Upcoming events include a San Francisco Giants baseball game, wine tasting in Santa Cruz and a happy hour. –Kary Crumm (BΨ-San Jose State) SILICON VALLEY/SOUTH BAY CONTACT:

Claudia Panontin Gilbert (ZΓ-Santa Clara)

Claudialvscocoa@aol.com 408.374.3253

be held on April 24. For information, contact Rebecca Collins (Y-Washburn). –Rebecca Collins TOPEKA CONTACT:

Rebecca Collins

Aphigirl01@hotmail.com 785.267.7674 KANSAS CITY METROPOLITAN, MO. The chapter officially chartered on Oct. 15, 2003. Monthly meetings featured a Mexican Phi-esta, Be-a-Diva Night and a White Elephant gift exchange during the holidays. Alumnae hosted a Founders’ Day event and Homecoming brunch at the university with Central Missouri State (ΘΛ) collegians. Upcoming events include an Alpha Phi fashion show and fundraiser luncheon and a ceremony for local graduating seniors. –A.J. Nelson Pipes (ΘΛ-Central Missouri State)

South Central Region


GREATER KANSAS CITY, KAN. Alumnae held a jewelry making party to create personalized bracelets and necklaces and enjoyed an annual wine tasting event. In addition to monthly events, Kansas City alumnae continue to sell cheeseballs in a fundraising effort for local collegians. The group already surpassed last year’s sales. A Bunko group of 20 people gather the first Tuesday of each month. –Kari Taylor (O-Missouri)

ajeffries@jacksongov.org 816.795.7879


Gretchen McClure (ΘΓ-Northeast Missouri Sate)

gretchenmcclure@lycos.com 913.268.7468 www.kc-aphis.com TOPEKA, KAN. Topeka alumnae hosted a Homecoming Open House at the Washburn (Y) chapter house during the fall. The event featured brunch, house tours and the Washburn University Homecoming parade. A spring luncheon will

Angie Jeffries (ΘΛ-Central Missouri State)

ST. LOUIS GATEWAY, MO. St. Louis women celebrated Founders’ Day in October. Carol Kimker Derington (O-Missouri) won an American Girl Kaya™ doll and book gift set that was donated to the chapter by the Pleasant Company. Proceeds from the drawing benefited the St. Louis Children’s Hospital and the Alpha Phi Foundation in memory of Mary Lou Belz O’Neal (BT-Indiana). Carolyn Dudick Hileman (ΓΓ-Drury) was presented with a 50-year pin. Other 50-year members in attendance were Mary Ellen Shelton Brucker (KStanford) and Jeanne Foster Shepard (O-Missouri). –Jayne Gebauer Kasten (O-Missouri) ST. LOUIS GATEWAY CONTACT:

Sabrina Gumbinger Heiman (B-Northwestern)

sabrina.heiman@emrsn.com 636.300.9761



GREATER TULSA, OKLA. Thanks to the Tulsa Subway® Office and George Charlton, president of Charlton Investment, Inc., in Tulsa, the Greater Tulsa chapter obtained banners to promote Alpha Phi while participating in the Tulsa Heartwalk fundraiser in March. The women held a holiday party and a January getting-to-know-each-other event. –Cheri HInton Quillen (∆P-Ball State) GREATER TULSA CONTACT:

Lillian Born Norberg (Φ-Oklahoma) was inducted

into the Tulsa Hall of Fame by the Tulsa Historical Society; several Tulsa alumnae attended the dinner. During a Founders’ Day dinner, many alumnae celebrated significant anniversaries as sisters. –Connie Doverspike TULSA CONTACT:

Connie Doverspike

organizer to a fashion show and dinner at Canal Clothing. –Callie Gerald Burns (ΓI-Texas Tech) DALLAS AND SUBURBAN CONTACT: Kim Spadoni Criscuolo (ΓI-Texas Tech)

kimberly.criscuolo@canyoncreektravel.com 972.907.1027 www.geocities.com/sys113

cdover@tulsaconnect.com 918.492.1979

Cheri Quillen

thewoobiecat@cox.net 918.814.8339 OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. Alumnae kicked off the new year with a girls’ night out at a popular Mexican restaurant. They took advantage of Valentine’s Day falling on a Saturday and organized a babysitting service fundraiser. The chapter also sponsored a team of sisters in a local American Heart Association Heart Walk. Sandy Farris Martin (∆∆-Oklahoma City) was honored as a Woman of the Year at the Oklahoma City Panhellenic Woman of the Year luncheon. Sandy is a founding member of the Oklahoma City (∆∆) chapter, a long-time adviser and a professor at the university. The award recognizes Sandy’s contribution to Alpha Phi and the Greek system and her professional accomplishments. –Becky Morse (Φ-Oklahoma) OKLAHOMA CITY CONTACT:

Becky Morse

bmorse@centuryfitness.com 405.840.1709 TULSA, OKLA. Anne Booth Pfenning (Φ-Oklahoma) was named an

Oklahoma City Woman of the Year during a spring Panhellenic luncheon. President Connie Hamernik Doverspike (Φ-Oklahoma) attended South Central region leadership training. Panhellenic President SPRING 2004

AUSTIN AREA IVY CONNECTION, TEXAS Ivy connection alumnae participated in Texas (Ω) chapter’s Halloween Carnival, shopped at the Junior League of Austin’s annual holiday event in November, volunteered at the Junior League’s Coats for Kids Distribution Day and enjoyed happy hour events at local restaurants. –Wendy Worth (P-Ohio State)



Rona Mayer (Ω-Texas)

austinivyrocks@aol.com 512.699.6209 www.austinareaalphaphi.org DALLAS AND SUBURBAN, TEXAS In November, Dallas and Suburban alumnae enjoyed appetizers at Judy Clements’ (ΓH-North Texas) home. The group auctioned off packaged goodies to raise money for collegiate support. In December, the Dallas alumnae enjoyed festive food at the home of Lynn Clements Soutter (ZNTexas Christian). Thanks to Ashley Reaves (EΩΛTexas A&M) and Brandi Reaves (EΩΛ-Texas A&M), the group learned how to turn ordinary gifts into extraordinary presentations. Paula Johnson Clancy (B-Northwestern) hosted a mother-daughter dessert in January. Val Lawlor (OMissouri) and Amy Blake (∆B-Texas A&M/Commerce) served as event organizers. Also in January, Jennifer Stanton Hargrave (EP-UC/Davis) served as event

After meeting with WFAA-TV News Anchor Alexa Conomos (ZΓ-Santa Clara) and learning of a fabulous opportunity for local Alpha Phi alumnae to get involved, Betty Jo Ferraro Fuller (AΛ) organized participation in a well-known community service project. For the past 28 years, WFAATV Channel 8 Meteorologist Troy Dungan has helped local needy children by hosting a Santa’s Helpers campaign. Volunteers collect new unwrapped toys for drives held throughout the metroplex areas. More than 50 alumnae from four local alumnae chapters donned Santa’s Helpers shirts and hats to sort and organize toys in Fort Worth. Collegians from North Texas (ΓH) also helped. Alpha Phis were shown working during commercial breaks and were featured in a commercial thanking Santa’s Helpers. According to Betty Jo, “It truly was a joint effort between the alumnae chapters and the UNT women.”





Gamma Kappa alumnae enjoy a California Angels baseball game against the New York Yankees in Anaheim, Calif. Pictured at the Diamond Club at Edison Field are (from left) Cathy Barnett, Patty Bowles Figueroa and Joanie Webb.


Sisters gather for a holiday party.


Alumnae celebrate Founders’ Day while honoring a special sister, 75-year member Mary Elizabeth Laney Gillfillan (Ω-Texas), pictured front, center.


Pictured at Slide Rock in Sedona during a day trip are (back, from left) Sara Graf (ΓN-Miami University), Sara Ellis, (front, from left) Kimberly Zeiser Rygielski (ΓNMiami University) and Dana Gragnano (ΓΠ-Arizona State).


Alumnae enjoy a December trip to a local mansion to view holiday displays.

FAR NORTH DALLAS AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES, TEXAS Kim Nixon (∆B-Texas A&M/Commerce) hosted a Far North Dallas and Surrounding Counties meeting, and members enjoyed a design-your-own pottery class in November. In December, Carol Robnett McQueary (ΓHNorth Texas) hosted the annual holiday ornament exchange, and the chapter sold hand-painted Alpha Phi ornaments for a fundraiser. The third annual spring garage sale was held in March. Upcoming events include the second annual Fashion for Foundation fundraiser, a “picnic in the park” monthly meeting at The Arboretum, an afternoon at Lone Star Park for horse racing and a senior ceremony and luncheon for graduating North Texas (ΓH) seniors. –Jessica Johnson (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) FAR NORTH DALLAS AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES CONTACT:

Karla Hardy-Allford (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) karla@alumnae.alphaphi.org 972.624.0686 www.fndaphis.org


FORT WORTH, TEXAS The chapter held a couples’ event in November at Big Buck’s Brewery and Steakhouse in Grapevine. January brought the annual Mother-Daughter Dessert and Silent Auction at the Mira Vista Country Club. Proceeds benefit Texas collegiate chapter support and a nursing excellence award the chapter sponsors at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth. Collegiate Chapter President Haley Horton (ΓH-North Texas) was the recipient of this year’s Elizabeth Thompson Smith (Ω-Texas) Award for service to the collegiate chapter. Thank you to Jennifer Hoffman (EA-Ashland) and her committee for their hard work planning the event. –Nadine Troll Parsons (ZN-Texas Christian) FORT WORTH CONTACT:

Cathy Brown (ZN-Texas Christian) cbrowntcu@sbcglobal.net 817.465.8696 www.angelfire.com/tx4/aphi

HOUSTON, TEXAS Social events included outings to a dinner/movie theater and comedy club, a picnic, antiquing trip and a Houston Astros baseball game. The ivy circle is in full force with dinners, happy hours and a spring shopping spree. The lunch bunch continues to meet at local eateries on the first Wednesday of the month, while the supper club explores new restaurants bimonthly. The women look forward to the spring Move Your Phi’t fundraiser, cocktail reception and fun run. The chapter welcomed the collegiate sisters from Duquesne (EI), Nebraska (N), Michigan (Θ), Cornell (∆) and Arizona (BE) who were selected to participate in Spring Break Houston, a program that pairs pre-med Alpha Phis with doctors at Texas Children’s Hospital for a week-long internship. –Ginger Dillard Cleveland (Ω-Texas) HOUSTON CONTACT:

Ginger Cleveland

ginger@rfbdtexas.org 713.664.7393 www.houston-alphaphi.org

NORTHWEST HOUSTON, TEXAS Northwest Houston alumnae gathered at Karla Richardson Griffith’s (ΓI-Texas Tech) home for an annual holiday potluck dinner. Clothing and other gifts were purchased for three adopted families. An “unwanted” gift silent auction was held in January, with proceeds donated to Texas collegiate chapters. Susan Kimbrough Danbom (ΓI-Texas Tech) hosted a Skinny Salads and Fat Desserts-themed dinner. A Mama Mia Italian dinner and Hawaiian Phi-ver Luau were held during the spring. –Susan Danbom NORTHWEST HOUSTON CONTACT:

Gina Garner Winter (EΩΛ-Texas A&M) gkgdds@hotmail.com 281.296.0766

Southeast Region FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. Jo-Anne Freeman Penttinen (ΓE-Lake Forest) hosted the greater Fort Lauderdale chapter’s boutique benefit. Members enjoyed lunch and an Intracoastal Waterway view while they raised several hundred dollars for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Alumnae welcomed collegians during a holiday celebration at Susie Ferrara Turmes’s (BT-Indiana) home. Marie DelSonno Keenan (BO-Bowling Green State), a founding member of Bowling Green State (BO), was presented with a 50-year pin. –Michelle Rand Morse (A-Syracuse) FORT LAUDERDALE CONTACT:

Jo-Anne Penttinen

jopenttinen@comcast.net 954.943.0559 CHARLOTTE, N.C. In anticipation of the holiday season, Charlotte area alumnae gathered at an arts and crafts store in November for a jewelry making party, hosted by Tracy Weaver Hickman (EΦΛ-NC State). Sisters, family and




Miami University (ΓN) alumnae gather Dec. 26, 2003, in Hudson, Ohio, at a fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Susan Peterson, center, ran a marathon in honor of sister Elizabeth Ainslie's five-year anniversary of a cure from Hodgkins. She was joined at the event by Cheryl Floyd, left, and Amanda Minchin.

friends celebrated the holiday season at Alice Schmitt LeFebvre’s (Λ-UC/Berkeley) home. Upcoming events include a Souper Salad Supper hosted by Stephanie D’Alessandro Hoffman (ΘN-Appalachian State) and an Easter lollipop fundraiser that will benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. To receive e-mail updates, contact charlottealphaphi@yahoo.com. –Janeen Golomb Moore (EB-Butler) CHARLOTTE CONTACT:

Tracy Hickman

Tracy_Hickman@alumnae.alphaphi.org 704.843.7578 NORTHERN VIRGINIA March brought Ethan Allan® home decorating tips. Lorraine Grant Morton (Ψ-South Dakota) taught members to make wine charms using beads and accessories in April. A May Pampered Chef® party and annual June buffet concluded the year. September included a wine and dine event and a buffet. –Connie Coghill Scinto (HΛ-George Mason) NORTHERN VIRGINIA CONTACT:

Elizabeth Barber LeDoux (Σ-Washington)

eledoux@cov.com 703.971.7434 www.alphaphi-va.org

Southwest Region PHOENIX, ARIZ. The women enjoyed a day trip to Sedona, a jewelry making night at a bead store and an annual cookie exchange/Care Bear packaging event for Arizona State (ΓΠ) collegians. Upcoming events include a home casino night, soup kitchen volunteer days at St. Vincent de Paul, a family and friends bowling blitz night and the chapter’s annual meeting. –Sara Keltner Ellis (O-Missouri) PHOENIX CONTACT:

Sara Ellis

saraee@alumnae.alphaphi.org 480.540.2339


SAN MATEO COUNTY, CALIF. During the holidays, alumnae handmade holiday stockings and stuffed them with gifts for children of families registered with the San Mateo County AIDS program. Several alumnae attended a Panhellenic luncheon in February. The chapter prepared a large birthdaythemed gift basket that was auctioned at the luncheon. The auction raised more than $995 that benefited the chapter’s scholarship fund. –Lorraine Stewart Morris (BZ-Idaho)

that helps underprivileged families provide holiday gifts for their children. Alumnae were excited to organize a track team for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life®. –Stacy Michael (ΘA-Linfield) PIKES PEAK CONTACT:

Kim Miller Kedra (BA-Illinois) kim@usateamhandball.org 719.648.7718 www.pikespeakalphaphi.freewebsitehosting.com


Joan Hollingsworth (ΓB-UC/Santa Barbara)

Upper Midwest Region

jehtcg@aol.com 650.358.0462


DENVER, COLO. Founders’ Day was celebrated with Northern Colorado (∆Γ) collegians in October. A regional recipe celebration, happy hour and an annual charity auction were other fall highlights. An annual holiday party was enjoyed in December, soup and chili cookoff in January and book exchange at the Denver Public Library in February. Members discussed interior decorating ideas in March and created study sacks for collegians in April. The year will conclude with a program about hats and history. Satellite groups include a monthly Bunko club, Phi moms for those with children kindergarten age or younger and ivy circle for those out of college 10 years or less. –Audrey Dessauer (ZΠ-Case Western Reserve) DENVER CONTACT:

Kris Smith Ekeren (Φ-Oklahoma)

kris_smith13@hotmail.com 303.932.0807 www.denverphis.org PIKES PEAK, COLO. The Pikes Peak chapter joined Denver alumnae to kick off fall with a Founders’ Day celebration and luncheon that honored 50-year members. Some sisters volunteered for a local non-profit organization

Debby Bryden Gray (EA-Ashland) hosted a Red, White and Blue themed meeting in September. All enjoyed a potluck dinner and shared summer photos while celebrating Ohio’s bicentennial. October’s meeting was also a Founders’ Day celebration, held in the Ashland (EA) chapter suite with collegians. A ceremony was conducted and ice cream sundaes provided. A guest speaker educated members on aroma/massage therapy and stress management, and alumnae enjoyed a trip to Kingwood Center mansion to view holiday displays. –Debby Gray ASHLAND CONTACT:

Beth Skelton Peebles (∆Y-Baldwin-Wallace)

beth@skeltonsinc.com 419.884.1466 BEREA, OHIO Kathy McKenna Barber (∆Y-Baldwin-Wallace) hosted a December meeting that included desserts and warm cider. Members exchanged teddy bear ornaments and turned it into a game by allowing each other to “steal” ornaments if they liked those sisters received instead. The members will plan a reunion for October 2004 to celebrate Baldwin-Wallace’s (∆Y) 40th (continued on next page) PAGE THIRTEEN



Congratulations to the following chapters for recently receiving their charters!

❶ ❶


Baldwin-Wallace (∆Y) alumnae in the Berea, Ohio, area exchange and “steal” teddy bear ornaments from each other during a December meeting.

(Berea continued)

anniversary. To join the chapter’s e-mail list, contact Rachel Rainier Schoonmaker (∆Y-Baldwin-Wallace) at rrainier22@yahoo.com. –Stephanie Stultz (∆Y-Baldwin-Wallace) BEREA CONTACT:

Stephanie Stultz

sstultz@hy-tekmail.net 330.273.5520 CLEVELAND WEST SHORE, OHIO Alumnae held a dinner party and rose ceremony in celebration of Founders’ Day. The event reunited six sisters who had been out of touch for nearly 18 years. Chapter members will miss a beloved sister, Donna Vassos Fisher (BΩ-Kent State), who lost her valiant struggle with cancer. –Lia Noukas Staaf (BO-Bowling Green State) CLEVELAND WEST SHORE CONTACT:

Lia N. Staaf

liabud@aol.com 440.895.0694 WESTERN RESERVE, OHIO Sisters held a luncheon meeting in January. Chapter dues were collected and a vote was taken to make a donation to the Alpha Phi Foundation honoring Kent State (BΩ). A tentative wine tasting social is planned for the summer. –Gini Case Kucmanic (BΩ-Kent State)

new alumnae chapters

Greater Philadelphia Ivy Connection, Pa. Chartered: Dec. 10, 2003 Chapter President: Alysa Suero (ZΣ-Franklin & Marshall) E-mail: PhillyIvyConnection@ yahoo.com

Alpha Phi International is excited to announce alumnae chapters and ivy connections are forming in the following areas: Alumnae Chapters (alumnae of all ages) California Palm Springs, San Luis Obispo Canada Calgary, Quebec Florida Daytona Beach, Gulf Coast, Palm Beach Illinois Northeast Cook County Indiana South Bend, Northwest Indiana Iowa Des Moines Michigan Holland New Hampshire Manchester New York Hudson Valley, Westchester County Ohio Akron, Toledo Oregon Salem Overseas Shanghai, China London, England Tokyo, Japan Tennessee Nashville Texas College Station, Montgomery County Washington Tacoma Ivy Connections (alumnae 10 years out of college and younger) California Victorville Michigan Saginaw Ohio Columbus Wisconsin Milwaukee Alpha Phi International seeks alumnae who are interested in forming alumnae chapters and ivy connections in the following areas: Murrieta, Calif. Miami, Fla. New Orleans, La. Please contact Alissa Meyer (ZΞ-Elmhurst) at ameyer@alphaphi.org if you are interested in getting involved with any of these chapters or starting a chapter in your area.

YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO The Youngstown chapter met for a pre-holiday dinner with its new alumna initiate, Jeannie Ray (AΛ). After the holiday season, the group made initiation corsages for Akron (HΓ) collegians. –Patti Ward Shears (BO-Bowling Green State)


Terri Justofin-Dalsky (BΩ-Kent State)


tljd@aol.com 330.655.0572

Patti W. Shears


Champaign County, Ill. Chartered: Feb. 1, 2004 Chapter President: Marcy Jones Joncich (Γ-DePauw) E-mail: joncich@uiuc.edu

ALUMNAE CHAPTER WEB SITES For a complete list of Alpha Phi’s alumnae chapter Web sites, visit www.alphaphi.org.


pshears@aol.com 330.726.1943





Promoting Excellence, Partnerships and Panhellenic Spirit Excerpts by Marilyn Fordham, Delta Gamma Fraternity

Delegates and representatives of the National Panhellenic Conference’s (NPC) 26 member groups convened in Rancho Mirage, Calif., in October for NPC’s 58th biennial session. Held at the Rancho Las Palmas Marriott Resort and Spa, the weekend included campus/housing meetings, committee meetings and separate sessions for inter/national presidents, executive directors and editors. 2001-03 Chairman Sally McCall Grant ( -DePauw) turned the reigns over to Martha Brown (Delta Gamma sorority) during the session. Alpha Phi thanks Sally for her dedicated service to NPC and the Fraternity. Sally will continue to serve as Alpha Phi’s delegate to NPC.

• A commitment from the member groups of the Conference to work with stakeholders in addressing the university presidents’ document “A Call for Values Congruence.” NPC representatives will provide strategic input and collaborative leadership as they set standards and implementation processes to address the document at the “National Summit to Implement Higher Values and Standards in the Greek Letter Community – Changing the Culture of High Risk Drinking Environments.” • Adoption of three classes of membership within college Panhellenics: regular, provisional and associate. • Acceptance that Panhellenic officers be completely “disassociated” from their respective NPC chapters for the period immediately preceding formal recruitment and during structured recruitment.


Significant recruitment resolutions were adopted: • Utilization of a quota range with quota set after the final round of formal recruitment. • Phasing out of quota setting methods I and II over a period of up to three years. • Acceptance of four recruitment styles for college Panhellenics; if results of the recruitment assessment for a college Panhellenic indicate a change in style is warranted, the college Panhellenic may vote to adopt the appropriate recruitment style for its campus. • Acceptance of four options for determining total with the provision that college Panhellenics review total annually and consult with the NPC area advisor before revising total. • Development of a separate Recruitment Handbook for college Panhellenic associations. • Establishment of a committee for recruitment to monitor trends and develop strategies. • Allowance for the limited application of bid matching to partially structured recruitment, minimally structured recruitment and continuous open recruitment. • Adoption of a marketing plan based on the recruitment processes committee report. Other important resolutions included: • Establishment of a government relations committee to monitor congressional and federal activities related to fraternal organizations. • Establishment of a committee to review university assessment documents. • Unanimous Agreement VII was replaced with the new Judicial Procedures to take effect no later than August 2004.


The formal session concluded with an awards banquet and installation of the 2003-05 executive committee. Representing Alpha Phi throughout the conference were Outgoing Chair and NPC Delegate Sally Grant, First Alternate Delegate Deana Koonsman Gage ( I-Texas Tech), Second Alternate Delegate Laura Malley-Schmitt (F -MIT), Third Alternate Delegate Mary Rekart Ulich ( -Northern Colorado), International President Crista Cate Vasina ( -Northern Colorado), Executive Director Susan Zabriskie ( -Michigan), Editor Christine Spiegel and Director of Training and Development Denise Jung Reens (E -Northern Illinois). Approximately 30 sisters attended the final banquet as well in support of Sally Grant’s outstanding work as NPC chair. Visit www.npcwomen.org for a list of award recipients and more session information.

NPC SISTERS HONORED WITH ALPHA PHI FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS The Alpha Phi Foundation announced two newly endowed scholarships to be given in honor of two remarkable Alpha Phis who have contributed so much to the success of Alpha Phi and NPC. This school year, the Betty Mullins Jones and Sally McCall Grant (both Γ-DePauw) scholarships will be awarded. For details, contact the Foundation at 847.475.4532.



ANNOUNCING THE 2004-06 IEB NOMINEES The Committee on Leadership (COL) is proud to present the 2004-06 International Executive Board (IEB) nominees. In March, all dues-paying members as of Dec. 31, 2003, were mailed postcards explaining the voting process, which included the opportunity to request a paper ballot or to vote electronically. Alpha Phi’s approach to leadership selection is in its third biennium. The COL solicited referrals from the membership, conducted candidate interviews, contacted references and selected nominees. Results of the IEB election will be announced by May 1, and the Board will be installed during Convention 2004 in June. PRESIDENT CRISTA CATE VASINA (∆Γ-Northern Colorado), Alpharetta, Ga. Alumnae chapter: Atlanta, Ga. Fraternity history: IEB President (2002-present); IEB (2000-02); extension committee chair (2000-02); membership standing committee (1998present); director of membership (1998-2000); collegiate membership coordinator (1996-98); nominations/elections task force (1996-98); district governor (1995-96); Emory (ΘΠ) chapter adviser (1992-95); UC/Berkeley (Λ) standards adviser (1991); Colorado (BΓΛ) colony rush adviser (1989-90); Northern Colorado (∆Γ) rush adviser (1988-89). Professional/volunteer: Pinecrest Academy. Crista on the Alpha Phi vision: Alpha Phi is where we are today because of the vision of our members through the development of the Strategic Plan and the hard work and determination of our network of volunteers. Keeping that vision alive while assuring it is current will be the responsibility of the 2004-06 Board. I’d like to continue to be a part of furthering that vision.

B OA R D D I R E C TO R S BILLIE COSKEY BATTIATO (Φ-Oklahoma), Littleton, Colo. Alumnae chapter: Denver, Colo. Fraternity history: finance standing committee (2002present); Colorado State (ZM) house corporation board treasurer (1980-84); Colorado (BΓΛ) house corporaPAGE SIXTEEN

tion board (2003-present), finance adviser (2003-present); collegiate extension committee (2000-03); constitution committee (2000-02); district alumnae chairman (198894); Denver alumnae chapter president (1983-85), vice president of programming (1985-86); Denver Area Panhellenic executive board (1995-2000), president (199899); DAP Woman of the Year (2003). Professional/volunteer: divisional vice president, branch administrative manager, UBS Financial Services. Billie on goals for the Fraternity: My vision and hope for Alpha Phi is to have a positive marriage between volunteers and staff, implement premier programming for collegians and alumnae, create the ability to track and support chapter housing and the women who serve these needs in the field and a continued focus on a responsible fiscal policy for the Fraternity. STACEY GRIMES BOULMETIS (ΘT-Rensselaer), Charlestown, R.I. Alumnae chapter: Rhode Island Fraternity history: IEB (2002-present); membership strategy committee (2002-present); collegiate recruitment resources committee chair (2000-02); Northeast region collegiate membership coordinator (1999-2002); Miami University (ΓN) team lead (2001-02) and recruitment adviser (1995-96); human resource coordinator (1997-99); district governor (1996-97); SUNY/Albany (HN) recruitment adviser (1994-95). Professional/volunteer: special events program manager, American Power Conversion. Stacey on the Fraternity’s future: Serving on the IEB is always a steep learning curve, no matter how many years of volunteer experience one has had with Alpha Phi. During this time, we figured out how to repair relationships, listen with fresh ears to issues, reach out to

the membership and achieve a balanced budget. I still see great challenge and excitement in the journey that lies before the next IEB. The thought of serving immediately after the Strategic Plan has been evaluated presents a new challenge and call to action. Couple this with the unknown challenges that lie ahead, and I would be honored and privileged to serve on the next IEB. DEANA KOONSMAN GAGE (ΓI-Texas Tech), Stephenville, Texas Alumnae chapter: Dallas and Suburban, Texas Fraternity history: NPC delegations (1996-present), college Panhellenics committee (2002-04), alumnae Panhellenics committee (1996-2002), centennial committee (200203), alumnae Panhellenic delegate (1978-80); special governor (2001-present); Alpha Phi Foundation director of finance (1994-98); district governor (1988-94); Texas/Arlington (EΛ) chapter adviser (1975-76); Southwest Texas State (ZK) chapter adviser (198788), recruitment adviser (1987); district reference chair (1984-86); Convention committee chair (1984); Arlington Mid-Cities alumnae chapter president (1982-83). Professional/volunteer: instructor, Tarleton State University. Deana on Alpha Phi sisterhood: Friendship and sisterhood are the lifeblood of Alpha Phi. Only with membership do we clearly realize the wealth of collegiate and life-long opportunities and friendships that Alpha Phi has to offer. To strengthen and extend our sisterhood, Alpha Phi needs to continue the quest for excellence in recruitment and competitiveness on every campus where we have a chapter. Quality programming needs to be further developed to enable our collegiate chapters to meet the needs of young women who are on the threshold of their adult lives. Our ability to support and enhance the quality of life for our members will make the Fraternity relevant throughout the life cycle. CAROLE SALERNO (EΓCSU/Sacramento), Pleasanton, Calif. Alumnae chapter: Sacramento, Calif. Fraternity history: board development workgroup chair (2003); Foundation Board nominations committee (2003); IEB (19982002); UC/Davis (EP), UC/Berkeley (Λ), CSU/Hayward (H∆) and CSU/Sacramento (EΓ) district governor; CSU/Chico (ΘY) co-colony adviser;



CSU/Hayward (H∆) chapter adviser and colony adviser; UC/Davis (EP) chapter adviser. Professional/volunteer: strategic commodity management, human resources; Philips Electronics North America Corp. Carole’s top three focuses for Fraternity leadership: We need to continue our efforts to change how members feel about lifelong membership, from members thinking Alpha Phi was a group they joined during college to believing in a lifetime of sisterhood activities and experiences. We must continue to review, measure and make the necessary adjustments to the existing Strategic Plan. With a solid infrastructure in place, we can also begin working the blue print for the next generation of Alpha Phi. We also must continue to create new and expand existing revenue sources to fund quality programs and services that members find interesting, valuable and necessary. SUSAN BRINK SHERRATT (BB-Michigan State), Alameda, Calif. Alumnae chapter: East Bay (San Francisco), Calif. Fraternity history: Alpha Phi Foundation Board chair (2000-present), vice chair (19982000), director (1995-98); assistant to the vice president of program development (1994-95); collegiate department administrator of MAP and rush (1990-94); district governor (1986-91); field representative (1980-81). Professional/volunteer: self-employed. Susan on transitioning from the Foundation Board to the Fraternity’s: I would welcome the opportunity to utilize the skills I have acquired over the years to further the Fraternity’s principles of sisterhood, scholarship and service and continue to fortify the relationship between the Fraternity and the Foundation. I will draw on my years as a Fraternity and Foundation volunteer to enrich both groups. A strong, working partnership between the two Boards will enable Alpha Phi to excel at meeting the needs of our membership. Alpha Phi has given me a wealth of gifts – friendships, opportunity for personal growth and service – and I am anxious to serve on the IEB as a way of perpetuating these opportunities for current and future generations of Alpha Phis. SHANA GOSS SMITH (XMontana), Port Gamble, Wash. Alumnae chapter: Greater Seattle, Wash. Fraternity history: International finance/housing expert (2003-present); Puget Sound (ΓZ) house corporation board president (2003-present); Pacific Northwest regional manager (1999-2003), leadership recruitment coordinator (2000), rush specialist (1998SPRING 2004

2001), collegiate membership coordinator (1998-99), alumnae membership coordinator (1998); Oregon (T) interim chapter adviser (2000); Montana (X) interim chapter adviser (1998-99); committee on leadership (1998); finance task force (1997-98); district governor (1995-98); Washington (Σ) membership recruitment adviser (1992-95). Professional/volunteer: Port Gamble manager, Olympic Property Group. Shana on her volunteer career with Alpha Phi: It has been almost 20 years since I graduated from college, and I have been an Alpha Phi volunteer for more than half that period of time. I am one of many women who are examples of the lifetime commitment and want to share that. Having been at the regional level during the regional startup was a challenge, but we laid the foundation of a great region with tremendous possibilities. It would be a great time to be on the Board, adding to the tremendous strides already made by the IEB since the last Convention. PEG DECHANT THORNBURG (BΩ-Kent State), Shelby, N.C. Alumnae chapter: Charlotte, N.C. Fraternity history: IEB (2002-present), vice presidentextension (1990-93); financial standing committee (2002-present); alumnae membership strategy committee (2003-present); strategic plan evaluation committee (2003-present); Southeast alumnae membership coordinator (19982002); extension committee (1998-2002); alumnae task force (1998-2000); district governor (1988-90); district alumnae chair (1987-88); Raleigh/Durham Triangle alumnae chapter president (1985-87). Professional/volunteer: education coordinator II, Cleveland Regional Medical Center. Peg on charting the course for Alpha Phi: If I were steering the course for Alpha Phi, I would point her toward the constellation Ursa Major. Our 10 Founders are the stars we look upon to guide us through our journey to seek the highest ideal of womanhood. As we steer toward our future as a Fraternity, we need to be reminded that we are foremost a membership organization. It is through our members that we can accomplish our goals and only grow stronger as a Fraternity. The implementation of the changes resulting from the evaluation of the Strategic Plan and the continued enhancement of the Board’s role in Alpha Phi governance will be the map that the IEB will use to meet the needs of our members.

LINDSAY WIGGINS (BΠ-USC), Los Angeles, Calif. Fraternity history: IEB (2002-present); Cal Poly (EX) house corporation board treasurer (2000-present); USC (BΠ) house corporation board president (2001-present), chapter adviser (1988), finance adviser (1982-88), pledge adviser (197882); finance standing committee (2002-present); Southwest regional manager (1997-2002); regional district governor (pilot program) (1996-97); district alumnae coordinator (1988-91); International alumnae department (1988-92); alumnae task force (1999); Convention volunteer coordinator (1994); Greater Los Angeles alumnae chapter president (1978-82); district XIII south council president/Founders’ Day chair (1979); UC/Irvine (HK) and Chapman (HY) installation coordinator. Professional/volunteer: principal, Phoenix Consulting Group. Lindsay on the role of the IEB: We are in the relationships business. My favorite part of being an Alpha Phi is being part of the network – the almost unlimited opportunities I have to connect with my sisters. As a member of the IEB, I believe my role is to ensure that we have the systems, personnel, financial resources and organizational policies to guarantee we are able to remain in the relationships business and deliver our vision to our members. I would like to serve on the IEB this biennium to continue to fine-tune our oversight of these areas. I want to continue to apply my professional knowledge and my volunteer experience to strengthen our organization.

The International Executive Board would like to express their thanks and appreciation to the COL members for all their work. 2002-04 COMMITTEE ON LEADERSHIP Sheila George Bright (ΓI-Texas Tech) Holly Malek Bryk (ΓΞ-Wichita State and EN-Delaware) Jean Cameron (ΓN-Miami University) Melissa Deere (ΘN-Appalachian State) Mary Ellen Gillespie (HA-New Hampshire) Valerie Lawlor (O-Missouri) Linda Gardner Massie (∆A-East Carolina) Renee Smith Zainer (BE-Arizona) Zara Dang (II-George Washington), collegiate member Dorota Mac (Ξ-Toronto), collegiate member


Protecting the Leaders of Tomorrow 2004 Regional Leadership Conferences

INTERESTED IN BECOMING MORE ACTIVE IN YOUR REGION? Volunteers are needed to work and help plan 2005 Regional Conferences. For information, contact the Executive Office at 847.475.0663 or e-mail training@alphaphi.org.

1. Maine (∆N) chapter is presented an Outstanding Yearround Recruitment award during a Northeast conference. 2. Alumnae visit the Frances E. Willard (AΛ) statue at the U.S. Capitol before the combined Mid-Atlantic/Southeast conference. 3. Anne Leary, with the Center for Non-profit Management, speaks during a luncheon at the South Central conference. 4. CSU/San Bernardino collegians and their adviser attend the Southwest conference.

Alpha Phi International is committed to protecting her members while they are in college and beyond. One way is through Regional Leadership Conferences, held every February to offer collegiate officers and advisers the training and expertise necessary to lead their chapters and ensure the safety of their sisters. “Regional Conferences provide educational sessions on topics that collegians and their advisers can apply in the leadership of their chapters, but also to their personal lives,” says Director of Training and Development Denise Jung Reens (E -Northern Illinois). “We cover a range of issues, from risk management, anti-hazing and emergency procedures to new member programming, finance, scholarship and governance.” More than 1,000 chapter advisers and collegiate officers from 144 collegiate chapters across North America attended the two- or three-day conferences in seven of the Fraternity’s eight regions; two regions, Mid-Atlantic and Southeast, held a combined conference. The northeast region took a new approach to its conference this year, hosting two conferences on different weekends. According to Denise, “Feedback from last year’s northeast region participants indicated a need for conference times that were more accommodative regarding the distance participants travel and time it takes to do so. Splitting into two separate strategic locations, held two different weekends so the regional team could participate in both, and shortening the length of the conferences (beginning with lunch Saturday and ending Sunday morning) is the route the regional team decided would work best.”

Thank you to the volunteers who served as 2004 Regional Conference planners! MID-ATLANTIC: Susan Kale White (ΓP-Penn State) and June Collins Herron (∆Φ-Indiana U. of Pennsylvania) NORTH CENTRAL MIDWEST: Jennifer Obrzut Laible (EMinnesota) NORTHEAST: Cora Bowman Walker (BPΛ-Washington State) and Jillian Ramos (HΛ-George Mason and EH-Old Dominion) PACIFIC NORTHWEST: Kate Boyle Halfon (H∆-CSU/Hayward) SOUTH CENTRAL: Susan Stone and Lynn Clements Soutter (both ZN-Texas Christian) SOUTHEAST: Kelly Benedetti (BO-Bowling Green State) SOUTHWEST: Laura Lynn Davidson (B∆-UCLA) UPPER MIDWEST: Jan Brinker Schaeffer (BO-Bowling Green State) Thank you to those who volunteered their talents on the Regional Conference Program Development Team! Jan Brinker Schaeffer (BO-Bowling Green State) Kristi Nelson (BO-Bowling Green State) Alison Nash (Ξ-Toronto) Connie Coghill Scinto (HΛ-George Mason) Susan Morris Haber (B∆-UCLA) Michelle Wells (BPΛ-Washington State) Linda Boon DeFee (ΓI-Texas Tech)

I Believe in Alpha Phi The Alpha Phi creed was chosen as the theme to unite the conferences. “We wanted the focus for this year’s conferences to be a return to the basics, including more values-related topics and material. What better place to start than by looking at Alpha Phi’s values as stated in its creed,” says Director of Collegiate Membership Linda Schnetzer (BOBowling Green State).



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SPECIAL CELEBRATION WELCOMES FOUNDER’S LEGACIES INTO SISTERHOOD An initiation ceremony during the MidAtlantic/Southeast Regional Conference on Feb. 28 held special meaning to all in attendance. Five descendants of Founder Louise Shepard Hancock (A-Syracuse) were welcomed into sisterhood. Elizabeth “Betty Lou” Armstrong Reckmeyer (A-Syracuse), Louise’s granddaughter, arranged the special Congratulations to our newest alumnae initiates: event for her daughters. The evening (from left) Elizabeth Rinehart, Margaret Dawson, began with the Court of Ivy ceremony Bettsy Reckmeyer Crawford, Kaaren Reckmeyer and dinner. A Promise Ceremony, tradiDunn, Mary Beth Reckmeyer, Kristen Reckmeyer tionally performed during Founders’ Swensen and Debby Reckmeyer Gardner. Not Day celebrations, also was conducted pictured is Pam Cooper. with Betty Lou reading the part her grandmother originally recited. Betty Lou then shared wonderful memories of her grandmother and another Founder, “Aunt Janie” (Jane Higham). “As I looked around the room, I saw many faces shedding a tear,” says Connie Coghill Scinto (HΛ-George Mason), Mid-Atlantic region alumnae membership coordinator. “The evening had special meaning, and it will not be one any of us will ever forget.” In all, eight women were initiated into sisterhood. Certainly, our Founders are looking down on us and are proud that Alpha Phi has grown into such a wonderful organization that continues to promote their high ideals of womanhood and helps sisters achieve success, whether on a professional or personal level. Louise Shepard Hancock –Connie Coghill Scinto (HΛ-George Mason)

Conference sessions were named to tie into the theme. For example, “I believe in the Friendships formed in the springtime of my youth” covered session topics such as new member programming, recruitment and Panhellenic. New Programming A new program introduced in all conferences this year focused on changes to National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) resolutions regarding recruitment which were adopted during the NPC biennial session in October. A new conflict/resolution programming session also was incorporated into the conferences. The sessions served to accompany the conflict/resolution segment of the Alpha Phi International’s awardwinning “Reel Connections,” a multi-media educational CD-ROM that helps collegiate chapters make a “real” connection with members. Behind the program selection process was the regional conference program development team. This team included representatives from our volunteer ranks and the Executive Office, including chapter advisers, regional teams and the International Executive Board. “Regional teams were given a variety of program topics to choose from this year. This allowed more flexibility for them to select programming appropriate to their specific region and conference,” says Denise. Receptions, luncheons or dinners were incorporated in some regions for area alumnae. Some also included awards presentations, initiation ceremonies and a marketplace.

Representatives from the International Executive Board, Alpha Phi Foundation, educational leadership consultants, alumnae volunteers and Executive Office staff assisted with presentations and answered questions. “Regional Conferences are an excellent way to spotlight the numerous training tools Alpha Phi has created for collegiate chapters,” says Denise. “Today’s collegians are our future leaders. We want to do all we can to ensure the well-being and security of our college women while upholding the values of our organization.”

For more information about training materials used during 2004 Regional Conferences, visit www.alphaphi.org or contact Manager of Collegiate Programming Keri Miller (∆P-Ball State) at kmiller@ alphaphi.org or 847.316.8927.

5. Executive Office staff members Marci Medwed Barnett (B-Northwestern), Kristin Tomala (ZΞ-Elmhurst) and Alissa Meyer (ZΞElmhurst) attend the North Central Midwest conference.





6. Pacific Northwest regional team members pose during their conference. 7. Miami University (ΓN) collegians enjoy the Upper Midwest Regional conference.



Brightening the Holidays

Susie Borowicz, second from left

Susie Williams Borowicz (BF-Idaho) was a co-coordinator of the 2003 Capitol Holiday Tree project. The retired principal and teacher from Elk City, Idaho, traveled with the tree from Boise to Washington, D.C., stopping in 60 communities along the way and recording her thoughts and impressions of the celebrations held in honor of the tree. The custom of placing the nation’s holiday tree on the front lawn of the U.S. Capitol dates back to 1964. Since 1970, the tree has come from a national forest. The 2003 tree was the first from Idaho. Susie was part of the special lighting ceremony in early December that was watched by thousands of people nationwide. Reporter Is Finalist for Award Tracey Rosenthal Drury ( E-SUNY/ Buffalo) was one of ten finalists vying for the PARADE Magazine/ Buffalo Bills Community Quarterback Award. The national volunteer recognition program acknowledged Tracey’s Tracey Drury efforts with nonprofit organizations in the Buffalo area by donating a $1,000 grant to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Erie County Inc. Tracey has been a Big Sister with the agency for eight years and has served on its board of directors since 1999. Tracey, a reporter for Business First of Buffalo newspaper, is a 1992 graduate of the University at Buffalo, founder of Alpha Phi’s SUNY/Buffalo ( E) chapter and president of the Buffalo alumnae chapter.


Breast Cancer Survivor Writes Book Wanda Easter Burch ( -Memphis State)

Military Phi Spotlighted in Glamour Navy Lieutenant Bibianna Danko ( -

is the author of She Who Dreams, A Journey into Healing through Dreamwork (New World Library, 2003. ISBN: 157731-426-3). A breast cancer survivor of 14 years, Wanda says, “The Wanda Burch book is my personal story of surviving … and using dreams, in conjunction with medical treatment, for healing visualization.” Wanda works with Robert Moss, author of Conscious Dreaming. She conducts seminars and workshops on dreams and teaches women about healing practices. Her other work involves historical preservation.

Cornell) was quoted in the December 2003 issue of Glamour magazine in an article titled “Holiday reality check!” that featured women in the U.S. military serving in Iraq during the holidays. Since the article was released, Bibianna returned to the United States and is stationed at Corpus Christi conducting night carrier landings in the Gulf of Mexico.

Cheerleader Honored by Peers Tina Lauritzen (F Elmhurst), a former Adrenaline Rush cheerleader and dancer for the Chicago Rush arena football team, was named to the 2003 Arena Football League (AFL) All-Star Dance Tina Lauritzen Team. Each All-Star was selected by fellow regular season dance team members. Tina spent three seasons with the Adrenaline Rush.

Hats Off to Alumna What began as a 14year-old’s letter and telephone campaign after losing a grandfather to prostate cancer turned into Hats Off For Cancer, Inc. Tara Lawrence (IAPepperdine), now a senior at Pepperdine University, created the Tara Lawrence international nonprofit program that collects and donates hats for children who have lost their hair from cancer treatments. Tara has been featured in national magazines, on talk shows, radio, television and in newspapers. Most recently, the organization held its first benefit concert, at Pepperdine University. Visit www.hatsoffforcancer.org for more information.



Entrepreneur Receives Press

Emily Lamb, left, and Lisa Santos

Emily Ellison Lamb ( I-Texas Tech) is chef at a Chicago cafe and fine food grocery that has received much press from local media, including ABC news, Chicago magazine, Chicago Tribune and Chicago Reader. Bon AppĂŠtit magazine named Southport Grocery and Cafe as “most child-friendlyâ€? restaurant in Chicago in its “Best of the Yearâ€? issue. Emily and owner Lisa Santos joined forces in August 2003 to open the grocery and cafe, offering modern, fun and simple food experiences. Visit the Web site at www.southportgrocery.com.

Alumna Honored By Alma Mater Cortney Mahoney (I -Rhode Island) is the recipient of the 2004 University of Rhode Island Recent Alumna Award, presented to a recent graduate who exhibits loyalty and commitment to the university. A $1,000 Cortney Mahoney scholarship in Cortney’s name will be awarded to a student on the basis of merit and need. A former Rhody The Ram, Cortney’s efforts led to a $10,000 endowment for student scholarships for those who serve as Rhody. She chairs the Alumni Association’s young alumni weekend committee. Cortney is a charter member for the Rhode Island (I ) chapter and served as its chapter adviser. She is a regional finance specialist and a member of the Rhode Island alumnae chapter.


Sister Receives Honorary Award Virginia Patton Moss (B -USC) received an Honorary Alumni Award from Ohio University during its Homecoming in October. The awards are presented to individuals who provide exemplary service to the university Virginia Moss through careers or contact with students, faculty and/or staff. The Ann Arbor, Mich., resident is president and director of the Patton Corp., an investment and real estate holding company. She is involved in numerous community organizations. She and husband Dr. Cruse Moss endow a prestigious four-year undergraduate scholarship to Ohio University that provides an annual stipend to cover undergraduate tuition, room and board and four summers of enrichment experiences, including study/work abroad.

Recent Grad Is College Golf Coach Shortly after graduating in May 2003, Stacy Smith ( Nebraska/Kearney) became Nebraska Wesleyan University head women’s golf coach. In college, Stacy was named to the 2003 National Golf Coaches Stacy Smith Association AllAmerican Scholar team for three consecutive years. In her career, she had 19 top 15 finishes, including two first place efforts.

Artist Is Recognized Internationally

Florida Governor Jeb Bush is pictured in front of Michelle Morse’s latest mural at Dillard Elementary School in Fort Lauderdale.

Illustrator and mural artist Michelle Rand Morse’s (A-Syracuse) murals can be seen throughout the Broward County (Florida) school system and in area model homes. She has painted everything from watercolors to giant murals covering walls as large as 2,000 square feet. Her extensive portfolio spans 30 years, with work on display throughout the United States and overseas. Visit Michelle’s Web site at www.mmorse.com.

Sister Writes First Book Cecile Davis Richards ( -Oklahoma and -Texas) is author of

Wherever You Go: The Life of Jane Heard Clinton: Indian Territory Bride (iUniverse, 2003. ISBN: 059566069X), a book about the early history of Tulsa and the Cecile Richards role Cecile’s ancestors played in it. Cecile is a member of the Tulsa alumnae chapter and a former district alumnae coordinator. An Alpha Phi Foundation scholarship was created in her and her husband’s names: the John R. and Cecil D. Richards Scholarship Fund.




Protecting Each Other: Keeping Sisters Safe By Linda Schnetzer (BO-Bowling Green State), Director of Collegiate Membership

I have four sisters. I think about my sisters a lot and always want to make sure they are safe and happy. In Alpha Phi, we have 120,000 sisters – it’s a bit more difficult to keep everyone safe. In your collegiate chapters, you may have up to 200 sisters to keep safe every time you plan an activity. Our college campuses range from urban to rural, and everything in between. Each campus presents its own challenges in relation to safety. Often when we talk about safety on our campuses, we first think of personal safety – things like escort services, cab cards and safe-rides come to mind. Helping our members stay safe on a daily basis is important, and keeping oneself safe should be foremost in the mind of every member. If keeping ourselves safe is so important, how much more important is it to keep each other safe? In our changing society, safety also means developing a plan for how the chapter and its leaders will act in an emergency. How will every member be notified? How will every member be notified if our list-serve is not working? Where will we go? What will we do first? How can we make sure our members are protected? Keeping each other safe is more than the personal safety ideas listed above. It means planning safe events, anticipating problems at events and being prepared with solutions in advance. Alpha Phi’s Standing Rules are specifically designed to keep our members safe. Nearly all chapter accidents happen during the violation of one or more standing rules, especially in relation to alcohol. Next time you plan an event, think of safety first. Think about your sisters who will attend the activity with you. When the event is safe, you can relax and have fun. Being a part of Alpha Phi should make university life safer – not more dangerous. Alpha Phi is about sisterhood, and sisterhood is about protecting each other.

CANADA Bishop’s (HX) Eta Chis traveled to Montreal, celebrated the holidays with a potluck party and participated in campus activities such as a pajama bowling night, paint ball night and a Greek formal. Bridget Whipple planned a welcome party for alumnae. –Cindy Auger British Columbia (BΘ) Beta Thetas and their mothers joined the British Columbia alumnae chapter for a Founders’ Day tea, hosted by Deirdre Fitz-Gibbons (BΘ-British Columbia). The chapter welcomed alumna initiate Jill Flewitt into sisterhood. Congratulations to Deirdre and Cathy Ross Barford (BΘ-British Columbia) for receiving 25-year pins during the event. Collegians and alumnae enjoyed a weekend road trip to Molly Moriarty’s (BΘ-British Columbia) Oregon home in October. During the trip, the women visited Oregon State (BY) collegians and toured the chapter house. Thanks to Educational Leadership Consultant Lisa Snyder (HI-Pennsylvania) for meeting with


sisters, for her ideas and support and braving the unusual weather. Congratulations to recent graduate Kimberly Tremblay for graduating from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police training program. –Molly Moriarty Wilfrid Laurier (IΘ) Wilfrid Laurier’s Foot Patrols, Amanda Barnard and Angela Crewe, volunteered time to walk and provide rides to campus students to ensure the students’ security and safe arrival home each night. Amanda, Eva

Zieba, Amanda Chiu, Rebecca Yanyk and Andreea Brezeanu, members of Boosting Alcohol Consciousness

Concerning Healthy University Students (BACCHUS), helped create a healthy and informed student body by promoting safe behaviors on campus. Kristen Goddard and Angela Eo, members of Wilfrid Laurier’s Emergency Response Team, were trained in First Aid so that they are better able to handle campus health and safety emergencies. Thanks to Natasha Olesen and Janette Kelly for presenting a healthy eating and exercise seminar

PROTECTING ALPHA PHI: THE IMPORTANCE OF LICENSING Alpha Phi works with Affinity Marketing Consultants (AMC) to license only approved vendors — the intent of this lengthy process is to protect the integrity of our women and the Alpha Phi namesake. If a vendor is selling products bearing Alpha Phi insignia (e.g., the Greek letters AΦ, logo, crest, badge and name “Alpha Phi”) and cannot show proof that the company is one of our licensed

vendors, contact the Executive Office with as much information as possible about the vendor, and we will contact the vendor on your chapter’s behalf regarding their unauthorized and illegal use/infringement of Alpha Phi’s trademark rights. A current list of Alpha Phi licensed vendors is available under Marketplace at www.alphaphi.org.



during a sisterhood retreat, and to Janette, the chapter’s director of philanthropy, for helping organize a teddy bear drive. –Ashley Kendall CALIFORNIA CSU/Hayward (H∆) Eta Delta sisters welcomed new members to their sisterhood with a December initiation ceremony. The women enjoyed participating in several philanthropy events during the winter quarter. –Kasey Light CSU/Long Beach (ΓK) The chapter was awarded CSU/Long Beach’s President’s Cup Trophy for the second consecutive year, presented annually to the best overall sorority on campus. Gamma Kappa also was recognized for excellence in community service, member education and social responsibility. –Jessica Zifer San Jose State (BΨ) The chapter welcomed 19 new members following fall recruitment; they were presented to family and friends in a special ceremony. During the university’s Greek Awards, the chapter was recognized as the sorority with the highest GPA; Michelle Arnerich was honored as the only Greek member on campus to receive a 4.0 GPA. Chapter recognition went to Monique Cuellar, Sister of the Semester, and Melissa Harrington, Officer of the Semester. Beta Psis joined the festivities of the holiday season by decorating a community tree with ornaments made by chapter sisters. –Kary Crumm Santa Clara (ZΓ) Following spring 2003 initiation, Zeta Gamma members helped plan an initiation ball, volunteered for the San Jose family center and began fundraising for the chapter’s Star Search philanthropy event. More than $14,000 has already been raised for the Alpha Phi Foundation.

Zeta Gammas supported women’s cardiac care by painting children’s faces during an American Heart Association Heart Walk®. In September, the women hosted a pre-recruitment Phi-esta event. The first social event of the year, Phi-Biscuit, was enjoyed in October at a horse racing track. Parent’s weekend included jewelry making for mothers and a golfing and comedy club night for fathers. –Christel Allen and Tara Heitman

University of the Pacific (IΓ) Sisters took first place in Greek Week for the second year in a row. Senior Jennifer Joines was featured in Sports Illustrated® for breaking Pacific’s volleyball record for most kills (1,869) in a career. Jennifer competed with the national team at the Pan American Games in the Dominican Republic during the summer. –Cindy Cook

Beta Psi chapter’s spring semester Golden Key International Honor Society inductees are Ilbret Bakuniance, left, and Monique Cuellar.

COLORADO Northern Colorado (∆Γ) Delta Gamma received the award for Highest Panhellenic GPA. Sisters enjoyed a visit from International Executive Board President Crista Cate Vasina (∆Γ-Northern Colorado) in March. Not only will the women study hard this semester, they will also play hard by attending a Colorado Crush arena football game. The chapter looked forward to their Alphatraz philanthropy event; last year’s raised $2,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. –Kate Phillips DELAWARE Delaware (EN) Epsilon Nus hosted the chapter’s 11th annual beach volleyball tournament philanthropy event in November. The proceeds benefitted the Alpha Phi Foundation. The event included a live music performance by local band Kenin, food donations from the Pita Pit and a raffle for prizes donated by local community businesses.


Eta Chis get cozy during fall initiation.


Beta Theta sisters enjoy star treatment as they dine at a local Japanese restaurant with Jonathan Taylor Thomas of television sitcom Home Improvement and learn how to make sushi.



From left, Maggie Hansotte, Rachel Allen and Laura Slovey man the fundraising table during Theta Zeta’s annual Teddy Bear Tree event.

FLORIDA Florida Tech (ΘZ) Thanks to Nikki Circle Lane, Christina Pelzer and Cheryl Fossani’s lead, fall recruitment welcomed 17 new members. The chapter’s annual Teddy Bear Tree event raised more than $300 in November. Maggie Hansotte, Rachel Allen and Laura Slovey manned the fundraising table as students and local community members adopted teddy bears to be donated to the Palm Bay Police Department. –Kathryn Manley and Stephanie Hanses ILLINOIS Illinois (BA) The chapter welcomed 54 new members during fall recruitment, thanks to the hard work of Megan Christiansen, Val Vuolo and Ginny Hill. The Operation Ivy Leaf fall philanthropy event raised money for kidney cancer research in honor of sister Kristy Burgener, who lost her fight to the disease in 1999. The women marched in the (continued on next page)






Epsilon Delta women compete in an extreme tug of war event.


Philadelphia Distance Runners (from left) are Candice Harris, Christina Muscarnera and Amanda Glah.


Theta Lambdas celebrate a successful Alpha Traz philanthropy event.


Eta Xis are all smiles about their successful fundraising efforts for Operation Smile.

(Illinois continued)

Homecoming parade and organized a challenging and muddy obstacle course to gather donations. The women of Beta Alpha participated in a holiday program collecting gifts for less fortunate children who attend Chicago’s inner city schools. –Lindsey Wincek Northern Illinois (E∆) Sisters participated in Pi Kappa Alpha’s “Tugs,” an extreme tug of war event, during the fall. The women trained for a month to get in shape and placed sixth. –Stephanie Moy Northwestern (B) Betas welcomed 39 new sisters following recruitment. During the spring, the chapter sent 10 members to Northwestern’s largest student-run philanthropy event, Dance Marathon. The proceeds benefit Have Dreams, an organization dedicated to improving the lives of children diagnosed with autism. –Jennifer Hochstadt KANSAS Wichita State (ΓΞ) This fall, Gamma Xi broke every chapter philanthropy record by raising $2,835 with the annual Phi-esta PA G E T W E N T Y- F O U R

event. Alpha Phi Parent’s Club held a Date with Dads event that included a Wichita State University basketball game and a Moments with Mom to view holiday lights via trolley. Representatives from the Wichita Fire Department spoke to the ladies about fire safety. –Breea McCorkle

and Warrensburg community were “jailed” and donations were requested to “post bail,” raising more than $1,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Amanda Houser was crowned 2003 Homecoming queen, the second year in a row a sister received the honor. –Meg Ryan

MASSACHUSETTS Boston (HΛ) The women of Eta deuteron “arrested” student leaders on campus for the chapter’s annual Jail-N-Bail philanthropy event held in November. Thanks to the hard work of Vice President of Marketing Chandra Willard and Director of Philanthropy Jenny Cheng, sisters raised $5,300 for the Alpha Phi Foundation and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation®. The sisters held the first annual Boston areachapter luncheon at Marche’s restaurant with the sisters of MIT (ZΦ) and Tufts (ZΘ). –Teresa Foy MISSOURI Central Missouri State (ΘΛ) Sisters sponsored the sixth annual Alpha Traz philanthropy project in October. Members of the Central

NEW YORK SUNY/Plattsburgh (ΘΨ) The women of Theta Psi raised AIDS awareness for a week prior to National AIDS Day. Students participated by decorating squares of fabric for a quilt that was donated to the local AIDS Council. Sisters handed out ribbons and worked at an information table that displayed the finished quilt. –Ashley Balcum NORTH CAROLINA Appalachian State (ΘN) Sisters competed against other Greeks and campus organizations in several Homecoming events. The women received first place in the lip-sync division and placed third overall. Anna Ruth Burgess was crowned Homecoming queen. The chapter welcomed

PROTECT YOURSELF: CLUB DRUGS The SAFE project is a complete interactive program that educates sorority women about the dangers of club drug use. Released in 2003 by the Panhellenic Drug Education Consortium, it is a collaborative effort between representatives from the 26 National Panhellenic Conference member groups. For more information, contact your college Panhellenic or visit www.npcwomen.org.

OTHER CLUB DRUG RESOURCES: Club Drugs.org www.clubdrugs.org Drug Enforcement Administration www.usdoj.gove/dea National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information www.health.org National Institute on Drug Abuse www.nida.nih.gov



12 new sisters during informal recruitment. Members look forward to a 5K Move Your Phi’t fundraiser to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation in April. –Meghan Martin Duke (BNΛ) Beta Nu deuteron sisters held formal recruitment for the third year in January and are looking forward to welcoming some fabulous new women. Everyone is excited about how fast the chapter is growing. Alpha Phis from George Washington (II),George Mason (HΛ) and UNC/Wilmington (HΞ) visited the chapter this year to lend their recruitment wisdom. Beta Nu deuterons saw first-hand how the Alpha Phi bond extends beyond one’s own chapter and would like to thank their Eta Lambda and Eta Xi sisters for coming! –Alison Drucker East Carolina (∆A) Delta Alpha sisters continue to take on leadership roles on campus. Jackie Lambertsen was elected Panhellenic president, and Candace Drake is student government association vice president. Congratulations to the new Miss Kinston-Lenior County, Kate Marston, who will compete in the Miss North Carolina pageant this summer. –Jackie Lambertsen UNC/Wilmington (HΞ) Each year, the women of Eta Xi present a gift to the outgoing chapter president to show gratitude for a job well done. This year, the chapter raised an additional $750 of their own money to donate in the name of Brooke Harrison to Operation Smile, a notfor-profit volunteer medical services organization providing reconstructive surgery and related health care to children and young adults in developing countries and the United States. The charity is close to Brooke’s heart. The chapter’s annual golf tournament to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation is April 17. –Kym Foster

OHIO Miami University (ΓN) Under the leadership of Vice President of Recruitment Britton Bauer, Director of Formal Recruitment Becca Curtis and Assistant Director of Recruitment Megan Bedell, Gamma Nu welcomed an outstanding new member class. This year’s recruitment skit, “A Phi and the City,” illustrated how four very different women can become sisters and friends. Special thanks to Alpha Phi International Program Coordinator for Collegiate Operations Lindsay Martin (BΨ-San Jose State) and Educational Leadership Consultant Liz Underwood (O-Missouri) for their guidance and energy during recruitment. –Lindsay Mongenas Ohio State (P) Rho sisters organized Spreading Joy with Toys, a toy drive that donated gifts to a local children’s hospital during the holiday season. The chapter received more than 200 board games, stuffed animals, infant toys and crafts from the university’s Greek groups. Thanks to Jamie Berlin, Kari Jones and Julie Miles for their hard work on the event. –Cynthia E. Kohn

Alpha Phi Memories

During college, you bought a T-shirt to remember every Alpha Phi date party, formal, Homecoming and Founders’ Day.

PENNSYLVANIA Saint Joseph’s (ΘΘ) Theta Theta’s annual volleyball tournament in October raised $1,500 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. The women hoped to lift the spirits of troops stationed in Iraq by sending a large care package and notes of appreciation. Congratulations to Amanda Glah, Christina Muscarnera and Candice Harris for completing the 13.1-mile Philadelphia Distance Run in September and raising $312 for the Foundation. –Kimberly Reif

Now you’ve graduated. You have a job. Your boss wants you to wear a suit, not a T-shirt. What do you do with the drawer full of shirts? Marilyn Mason Thomas (BK-Denison) can turn your old T-shirts into a one-of-a-kind keepsake. The quilt shown here is owned by Erin Bucholz (ZΓ-Santa Clara). E-mail


Marilyn at ClassicQuilts@aol.com for more

Midwestern State (ΓΩ) Thanks to Vice President of Member Recruitment Carly Flaherty and alumna Karla Hardy Alford

information on creating your own quilt.

(continued on next page)





Early Recruitment Addresses Please refer to the following chapter addresses when mailing Potential Member Introduction Forms (found on page 27, at www.alphaphi.org or by calling the Executive Office at 847.475.0663). All chapters listed below have recruitment in August 2004. Please Note: All forms should be mailed to the attention of vice president of recruitment, with a copy sent to the Executive Office, attn: Karen Goff. Contact the chapter for due dates.


Gamma Nu sisters gather to welcome their new member class.

❷ LINFIELD (ΘA) Theta Alphas celebrate during a fall informal.

(Midwestern State continued)

(ΓΩ-Midwestern State), the women welcomed 13 new sisters during recruitment. They also raised awareness and money with a golf-themed philanthropy night. The chapter’s Teeter Totter-athon raised more than $2,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Three Gamma Omegas were featured in the university’s production of “The Cover of Life.” Devon Wiest was named Senior Duchess on the Homecoming court. The new member class was awarded highest new member GPA by Panhellenic. –Valerie McCubbins

Alpha Phi Foundation. Robin Francis and Kristin Wohl worked for many months to spice up fundrais-

Arizona (BE) Beta Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 1339 E. 1st St. Tucson, AZ 85719

Nebraska/Kearney (∆Ξ) Delta Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi 1700 University Dr. URS-A Kearney, NE 68845

CALIFORNIA UC/Berkeley (Λ) Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi 2830 Bancroft Steps Berkeley, CA 94704



Wisconsin/LaCrosse (∆K) Delta Kappa sisters held a retreat at the Great Wolf Lodge in Wisconsin Dells, featuring a program on sisterhood, standing rules and respect. A candle pass followed Court of Ivy, and nine new members were initiated. Thanks to alumnae who donated money to help make the trip possible. –Jamie Stietz

Colorado School of Mines (IZ) Iota Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi 1112 18th St. Golden, CO 80401

IDAHO Idaho (BZ) Beta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi P.O. Box 3078 Moscow, ID 83843

IOWA COLLEGIATE CHAPTER WEB SITES For a complete list of Alpha Phi’s collegiate chapter Web sites, visit www.alphaphi.org.


Puget Sound (ΓZ) Gamma Zeta was featured by several local media for a new Mud Olympics fundraiser that benefited the




ing efforts and planned and executed the event. –Kimberly M. Anderson


One in four female college students suffer from an eating disorder. Eating disorders are serious and complex problems. They arise from a variety of physical, emotional, social and familial issues, all of which need to be addressed for effective prevention and treatment. “Disordered Eating: Facilitating conversations and caring for friends with an eating disorder” was created by Alpha Phi Fraternity and Foundation to educate college women about the dangers of eating disorders. For information, contact the Executive Office at 847.316.8929 or training@alphaphi.org.


Iowa (∆E) Delta Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 906 E. College St. Iowa City, IA 52240

MISSOURI Central Missouri State (ΘΛ) Theta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi C100 Panhellenic Hall Warrensburg, MO 64093

OTHER EATING DISORDER RESOURCES: American Dietetic Association www.eatright.org

Missouri (O) Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi 906 S. Providence Columbia, MO 65203

National Eating Disorder Association www.nationaleatingdisorders.org

William Woods (∆X) Delta Chi Chapter of Alpha Phi 200 W. 12th St. Fulton, MO 65251

The National Eating Disorder Information Centre (Canada) www.nedic.ca

Nebraska/Lincoln (N) Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi 1531 “S” St. Lincoln, NE 68508

NORTH CAROLINA East Carolina (∆A) Delta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi 950 E. 10th St. Greenville, NC 27858

TEXAS Midwestern State (ΓΩ) Gamma Omega Chapter of Alpha Phi 3410 Taft Blvd. Box 12763 Wichita Falls, TX 76308-2099 North Texas (ΓH) Gamma Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi NTSU -Alpha Phi, UNT Station P.O. Box 305692 Denton, TX 76203-0692 Texas (Ω) Omega Chapter of Alpha Phi 2005 University Austin, TX 78705 Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B) Delta Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi Box 4203 Commerce, TX 75428 Texas Tech (ΓI) Gamma Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi #1 Greek Circle Lubbock, TX 79416

WASHINGTON Washington State (BPΛ) Beta Rho deuteron Chapter of Alpha Phi 840 NE California Pullman, WA 99163

Editor’s Note: A complete chapter recruitment addresses and dates list will be printed in the Summer 2004 Quarterly.




Introducing: (Please attach a photograph if available.)

Introduction to Alpha Phi


















Legacy Information Alpha Phi relatives (Please list name, address and chapter affiliation). NAME









Additional Information

How do you know this woman?

Have you spoken to her about Alpha Phi? If not, will you? List her school and community service honors:

What are her interests/goals?

Will she be participating in formal recruitment?

Personal Information



Mail Form Please attach additional information if necessary. Send this form directly to the collegiate chapter and the Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Please check the appropriate box below: Copy for EO records EO: Please forward to collegiate chapter








For more information visit our Web site at www.alphaphi.org



Alpha Phis Celebrate Chapter Installation at Duke University By Linda Schnetzer (BO-Bowling Green State)

On Oct. 25, 2003, Alpha Phi proudly installed our revitalized chapter at Duke University. It was a celebration for Alpha Phi after three years of hard work on behalf of local and regional Alpha Phi volunteers, staff and especially our new members. The Beta Nu deuteron chapter has always had a special place in the heart of the Fraternity, and it gives us great joy to see this chapter returned to Alpha Phi’s roll. The Court of Ivy ceremony was conducted Oct. 23. Initiation was held at the Millennium Hotel in Durham, N.C. Adding to the celebration was the initiation of two mothers of colony members, Barb Douglas, mother of President Allison Douglas, and Lynne Zervas, mother of Natalie Zervas. We welcome Lynne and Barb to Alpha Phi. The Millennium was also host to a reception for initiates and their families. Panhellenic Advisor Nicole Manley welcomed the new chapter on behalf of the university. Sara Kite (Q-Ohio State), coordinator of major gifts for the Alpha Phi Foundation, presented a scholarship pin and the Foundation’s traditional $1,000 gift in celebration of the chapter’s installation. Beta Nu deuteron designated the gift to the Duke University Heart Center, a long-time partner to the chapter. The highlight of the installation was the presentation of the new charter from International President Crista Cate Vasina ( -

Thank you to our volunteers who assisted with the installation!


Jane Bellet (BNΛ-Duke), adviser Kelly Benedetti (BO-Bowling Green State), regional manager Jillian Brevorka (∆-Cornell), adviser Tina Covington (BNΛ-Duke) Melissa Deere (ΘN-Appalachian State), collegiate membership coordinator Ashley Green (EΦΛ-NC State), adviser Jennie Wassum Hemingway (EH-Old Dominion) Jennifer McIlmail (EΦΛ-NC State) Lynn Headley Pearce (BI-West Virginia) Wendy Salmon (HΠ-Richmond) Whitnee Yarbrough Steele (EΦΛ-NC State) Patricia Wilhelm Swander (BO-Bowling Green State) Sandra Thomas (Ω-Texas) Peg DeChant Thornburg (BΩ-Kent State), IEB director Crista Cate Vasina (∆Γ-Northern Colorado), IEB president Kellie Wingfield (EΦΛ-NC State) Jennifer Zahn (EΦΛ-NC State)


Thank you to the volunteers who assisted with the installation of Alpha Phi’s revitalized chapter, Beta Nu deuteron.

Northern Colorado). Allison Douglas also was presented with the president’s badge by Alison Andrews Mills (BM -Duke). The Raleigh Durham Triangle and Charlotte alumnae chapters presented additional gifts. Thirty-six collegiate chapters donated welcoming dollars totaling $530. Thank you to all the collegiate and alumnae chapters for their warm welcome, especially to Raleigh Durham Triangle President Whitnee Yarbrough Steele (E -NC State), who participated throughout the weekend installation. Special thanks are due to the collegiate members at East Carolina ( A), George Mason (G ), George Washington (II), UNC/Wilmington (G ) and Virginia (FI ) and to members of the Southeast regional team for consistent commitment and support throughout the revitalization. This special weekend was one that charter members, alumnae initiates and all who were involved will remember for years to come. Alpha Phi International Fraternity enthusiastically welcomes the newly installed Beta Nu deuteron chapter and thanks members and volunteers for their commitment.




Protecting Yourself: Health Screening Guidelines for Women The National Women’s Health and Information Center, a project of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Women’s Health, recommends the following screenings for women at various ages. These are guidelines only. Consult your physician to personalize the timing of these and other tests based on your personal health history. For more information, call 800.994.WOMAN or visit www.4woman.gov. Ages 18-39 • Blood pressure test at age 21, then once every 1-2 years if normal • Dental exam one to two times every year • Pap test and pelvic exam every 1-3 years if you have been sexually active or are older than 21 • Breast self-exam monthly • Hearing test starting at age 18, then every 10 years • Monthly mole self-exam; by a health care provider every 3 years, starting at age 20 • Vision exam with eye care provider once initially between age 20 and 39 • Thyroid test at age 35, then every 5 years Ages 40-49 • Blood pressure test every 1-2 years • Cholesterol test at age 45, then every 5 years • Blood sugar test at age 45, then every 3 years • Dental exam one to two times every year • Pap test and pelvic exam every 1-3 years • Breast self-exam monthly • Mammogram every 1-2 years • Hearing test every 10 years • Monthly mole self-exam; by a health care provider every year • Vision exam with eye care provider every 2-4 years • Thyroid test every 5 years


Ages 50-64 • Blood pressure test every 1-2 years • Cholesterol test every 5 years • Blood sugar test every 3 years • Dental exam one to two times every year • Pap test and pelvic exam every 1-3 years • Breast self-exam monthly • Mammogram every 1-2 years • Fecal occult blood test yearly • Flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years • Double contrast barium enema every 5-10 years or colonoscopy every 10 years • Rectal exam every 5-10 years with each colorectal screening • Monthly mole self-exam; by a health care provider every year • Vision exam with eye care provider every 2-4 years • Thyroid test every 5 years Ages 65+ • Blood pressure test every 1-2 years • Cholesterol test every 5 years • Bone mineral density test • Blood sugar test every 3 years • Dental exam one to two times every year • Breast self-exam monthly • Mammogram every 1-2 years • Fecal occult blood test yearly • Flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years • Double contrast barium enema every 5-10 years or colonoscopy every 10 years • Rectal exam every 5-10 years with each colorectal screening • Monthly mole self-exam; by a health care provider every year • Vision exam with eye care provider every 2-4 years • Thyroid test every 5 years





History in the Making IT’S A MYSTERY!

Recognize anyone? Help us identify the Alpha Phis in this 1974 Convention photograph. Contact Sara Nau at saranau@mac.com with your information.

Alpha Phi takes its heritage seriously and recognizes how far it has come since 1872. So the Executive Office enlisted the help of a professional. Sara Nau, who is currently pursuing her masters in public history at Loyola University in Chicago, works part-time to collect and preserve Alpha Phi’s archives. These archives include a rich collection of photographs, pins, newspaper clippings and many more pieces of memorabilia. Individual chapters and Conventions have helped to keep our heritage well documented. Documents and pictures trace the history not only of Alpha Phi, but of the women’s movement and the last hundred years. They show the evolution from universities to the co-ed schools of today. They show groups of Alpha Phis once limited in their choice of degrees as they become women emerging as leaders in every field. The archives of Alpha Phi also uncover a rich tradition of activism and sisterhood. Sara is working hard to organize and maintain these archives. Creating a reference system and preserving documents, letters and photographs is the first step, but Sara won’t stop there. She plans to create a traveling trunk of Alpha Phi history for use at Fraternity and Foundation events – so every member can experience the thrill of experiencing our history. Gifts of memorabilia enhance and enrich Alpha Phi’s collections by providing items difficult or impossible to obtain by other means. Do you have pieces of history from your collegiate chapter for the Executive Office archives? Not sure what to send? Here are some ideas: • Newspaper clippings about your chapter focusing on: community service events, members recognized by the community or other individual or chapter awards or recognitions. • Photographs of: your chapter house, composites or pictures from philanthropy projects. • Memorabilia items similar to: badges, jewelry, Convention favors, scrapbooks or event programs. Keep in Mind: An archivists’ work can be daunting. Many pictures and gifts of memorabilia are submitted to Alpha Phi International without identification. Write all information on a separate piece of paper to include with your package. Send items to the Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201, attn: Sara Nau. Questions? Contact Sara at saranau@mac.com.




Limoges Boxes: A Keepsake Any Alpha Phi Will Treasure

Introducing the Foundation’s newest Limoges box: “The Forget-Me-Not.”

Show an Alpha Phi sister how much you care with the gift of the Alpha Phi Foundation’s fifth porcelain Limoges box, “The Forget-Me-Not.” Our collector’s Limoges boxes are hand-painted in Limoges, France, and designed by Betsy Joyce Kinney ( -Texas). “The Forget-Me-Not” is a delicate shell-shaped box featuring Alpha Phi symbols –

forget-me-nots, lily of the valley and ivy – on the lid. The box is painted bordeaux, with the badge and “1872” in gold on the inside. Price: $125, plus $5 shipping. To order one of the Foundation’s Limoges boxes, call 847.475.4532. All major credit cards are accepted. Also available: The 2000 design – “Ivy Vine of Friendship” ($125) The 1996 design – “Alpha Phi Trunk” ($145)

I SAW RED … Foundation staff members recently visited Mercy Medical Center (twotime Cardiac Care Award winner) in Mason City, Iowa, for a special heart healthy luncheon. More than 200 red clad women enjoyed a complimentary lunch and educational presentation on women and heart disease by Mercy’s own Dr. Sandi Birchem. Pictured are Alpha Phi Foundation Manager of Marketing Kristy Tomala (ZΞElmhurst) and Coordinator of Major Gifts Sara Kite (P-Ohio State) with Maxine Brinkman, center, director of women’s services for Mercy Medical Center-North Iowa.

ASKING QUESTIONS TO PROTECT YOUR HEART … 10 CARDIAC QUESTIONS A WOMAN SHOULD ASK HER PHYSICIAN __ What are my risk factors for heart disease? __ Am I at risk for stroke? __ What are the warning signs or symptoms of heart disease? __ What should I know about the effects of menopause on my health? __ Do I need to lose or gain weight for my health? __ What is a healthful eating plan for me? __ What kind of physical activity is right for me? __ What is my blood pressure? Is that healthy for my age?


__ What is my cholesterol level? Is that a healthy

Alpha Phi Foundation Executive Director Rebecca Andrew Zanatta (BPΛ-Washington State) was invited in February by President and Mrs. Bush to attend a special women's heart health event at the White House. Keynote speaker Laura Bush highlighted elements of a Presidential Proclamation, signed by The Executive Office staff supports Heart Month and President Bush during the event, National Wear Red Day on Feb. 6. declaring February as American Heart Month and Friday, Feb. 6, 2004, as the first annual National Wear Red Day in support of women's heart disease awareness. She also promoted ways to take charge of heart health.

__ Based on my personal history and risk factors,



what can I do to lower my risk of heart disease and stroke?

t PA G E T H I RT Y- O N E


New Arrivals Alumna Initate (AΛ) To Andy and Jennifer Grant Stack, a son, Zachary Robert, Jan. 15, 2004. Adrian (∆H) To Janet Creque, a daughter, Chloe Morgan, Sept. 7, 2003. To Joshua and Tara Richason Fisher, a daughter, Elaney Lynn, Sept. 2, 2003. To Jerry and Kimberly Lewis Lindeen, a daughter, Elizabeth Ann, Sept. 23, 2003. Akron (HΓ) To Vincent and Roseann Jagla Halliday, a son, Jaden Vincent, Nov. 6, 2003. Appalachian State (ΘN) To Stuart and Kerri Roberts Poe, a son, William Braxton, March 22, 2003. Arizona (BE) To John and Beverly Burkland Carey, a son, Mitchell John, Dec. 20, 2003. To Richard and Sharon Wallace MacQueen, a daughter, Sarah Catherine Ju, born Nov. 4, 2002, and adopted Dec. 8, 2003. Arizona State (ΓΠ) To Jeremy and Lori Cox Carver, a daughter, Claire Augusta, Oct. 6, 2003. To Chad and Erin Muldowney Geisler, a son, Nye Henry, Oct. 8, 2003. To Michael and Holly Brown Gibney, a daughter, Hannah Emma, Sept. 10, 2003. To Rich and Tami Hall Hoey, a son, Camden Michael, Nov. 2, 2003. To Dustin and Christie Kozak Parker, a son, Jensen Scott, Nov. 21, 2003. Ashland (EA) To Steve and Wendi Halter Rankin, a daughter, Riley Therese, Nov. 11, 2003. Baldwin-Wallace (∆Y) To Glenn and Lynn McLaughlin Murray, a son, Andrew James, Aug. 5, 2003. Barry (ΘΩ) To Greg and Michelle Halligan Belleza, a daughter, Molly T., Sept. 20, 2003.


Boston (HΛ) To Adam and Betsy BrillSteckelman, a son, Samuel Alan, Jan. 10, 2004. Bowling Green State (BO) To Dean and Kerri Branham Hudson, a daughter, Audrey Michelle, Oct. 17, 2003.

To Dave and Gina Garrett Muscatel, a daughter, Quinlyn Sidney, June 18, 2002. CSU/Northridge (EY) To Benjamin and Dena Lookholder Yosfan, a daughter, Leah Sarai, Dec. 14, 2003.

To Brian and Roberta Kopyar McAdam, a son, Noah James, July 23, 2003.

CSU/Sacramento (EΓ) To Steven and Tonya Allen Campbell, a son, Casey Allen, June 21, 2002.

Butler (EB) To Don and Kristen Weis Heffelmire, a daughter, Kayleigh Dawn, July 5, 2002.

Dayton (ZΨ) To Craig and Leslie James Vaughn, a son, Clayton Ronald, May 14, 2003.

To Brian and Amy Mathew Kopack, a daughter, Catherine Anne, Oct. 30, 2003.

Delaware (EN) To Terry and Joanne Chopak Foss, a son, Jordan Richard, Oct. 31, 2003.

Cal Poly (EX) To Charles “C.J.” and Jan-Paula “J.P.” Doyle Wehlage, a son, Carson Doyle, Nov. 15, 2003. Central Missouri State (ΘΛ) To Scott and Shannon Swallow Adams, a daughter, Kennedy Dianna, Sept. 30, 2003.

DePauw (Γ) To Thomas and Nancy Orn Grobengieser, a daughter, Anna Katherine, Sept. 4, 2003. To Jeffrey and Megan Hamilton Hartzell, a son, Joseph Hamilton, Oct. 15, 2003.

Colorado (BΓΛ) To Jeff and Lisa Towell Frost, a son, Aaron John, Oct. 3, 2003.

To Rob and Claire Stockmeyer Shaughnessy, a son, Martin Rafer, July 14, 2003.

To Dan and Michelle Turner McClellan, a son, Matthew Charles, Aug. 12, 2003.

Drake (ΓO) To Ted and Nancy Johnson Bleck, a daughter, Paige Ellen, Nov. 4, 2003.

Colorado State (ZM) To Terry and Angela Plaster Knight, a son, Joe Elias, Oct. 25, 2003. Columbia (ZX) To Paul and Kristin Michaels Marston, twin daughters, Samantha Shael and Juliana Margaux, Feb. 15, 2003. Cornell (∆) To Michael Alex and Dineen Pashoukos Wasylik, a son, Alexander Michael, June 11, 2003. Creighton (Θ∆) To Wade and Heather Placke Church, a son, Blake Alan, Aug. 1, 2003. CSU/Chico (ΘY) To Ken and Brooke Ventriglia Bradley, a son, Tate Joseph, Nov. 10, 2003. CSU/Long Beach (ΓK) To Steve and Joy Herndon Cohan, a son, Aidan Scott, Sept. 19, 2003. To Christopher and Christina Boonmag Gardiner, a son, Alexander David, Oct. 6, 2003.

To Neal and Ann Cali Bradsher, a daughter, Lauren Victoria, Aug. 7, 2003. To Gregory and Amy MeylandSmith Jones, a son, Connor Gregory, Nov. 1, 2003.

Elmhurst (ZΞ) To William and Michele Fillichio Lech, a daughter, Olivia Nicole, July 17, 2003.

Johns Hopkins (ZOΛ) To Jordan and Stacey Lynn Maltzman Feldman, a daughter, Reese Audrey, May 1, 2003.

Florida Tech (ΘZ) To Stephen and Cynthia Sabath Razik, a son, Brandon Christopher, Sept. 22, 2003.

Kent State (BΩ) To Ron and Beth Allar Bolena, a son, Trevor, Aug. 19, 2003.

George Mason (HΛ) To Shannon and Tania Vargo Erman, a son, Caden Thomas, Aug. 20, 2003. To Tom and Beth Schweitzer Hoban, a son, Connor Mark, Aug. 7, 2003. To Lawrence and Constance Coghill Scinto, a son, Connor Joseph, Nov. 9, 2003. Idaho (BZ) To Robert Walker and Katie Heffelfinger, a son, Trenton William, Sept. 25, 2003. To Matt and Jessie Hillman Larson, a son, Garrett Alexander, June 21, 2003. Illinois (BA) To Jeff and Julie Colen Bloom, a son, Cameron Phillip, March 28, 2003. To Michael and Mary Patras Day, a son, Jack Louis, Oct. 7, 2003. To Ryan and Julie Rymsza Gribbens, a daughter, Emma Lynn, Oct. 11, 2003. To Robert and Michelle Mullins Gura, a son, Andrew Harley, Dec. 3, 2003. To Matt and Karen Regan Toole, a son, Padraig John, June 17, 2003.

Duquesne (EI) To David and Kristen Martell Powell, a son, Christopher Robert, Sept. 22, 2002.

Indiana (BT) To Pete and Kirsi Rhoades Steiner, a son, Charlie Rhoades, Aug. 11, 2003.

East Carolina (∆A) To Jennifer L. Hulsey, a son, Hunter Gage, April 24, 2003.

Indiana U. Southeast (ZE) To Christopher and Jennifer JonesJones, a daughter, Gracie LinDell, June 2, 2003.

Eastern Illinois (ZA) To Chad and Michelle Kunkle Ashby, a daughter, Ellie Rose, Nov. 23, 2003.

Iowa (∆E) To Edward and Megan Ess Bauer, a son, Emmett Ess, Sept. 4, 2003.

To Jake and Amy Duncan Jorgenson, a son, Joseph Allan, Aug. 5, 2003.

James Madison (ΘI) To Michael J. and Kim Ellis Perry, a son, Jonathan Peter, Sept. 7, 2003.

Eastern Washington (HΨ) To Ross and Sherry Hotchkiss Niblock, a son, Aidan Patrick, July 21, 2003.

To Bryan and Jennifer Kallas Worth, a daughter, Madeline Greer, April 20, 2003.

To Lance and Jennifer Raderchak Brothers, a son, Carter Joseph, Oct. 13, 2003. To Eric and Marci Maretsky Caplan, a daughter, Carly Lane, Aug. 24, 2003. To Norbert and Heather Marr O’Brien, a son, Norbert George IV, April 23, 2003. To Todd and Victoria Basom Valore, a son, Ryan A., Aug. 24, 2003. To Brian and Jana Jones Weinreich, a daughter, Dylan Kathleen, June 11, 2003. Linfield (ΘA) To Michael and Nicole Reents Ploederer, a son, Caleb Michael, Aug. 11, 2003. To Matt and Jill Davison Scales, twins, Peyton Rose and Dylan Charles, July 30, 2003. Manitoba (BH) To Bradley Ford and Marisa Hunt, a son, Ayden Burke, Aug. 25, 2002. Maryland (∆Z) To Jonathan and Pamela Zimlin Baker, twins, Samuel Evan and Emma Jane, Sept. 15, 2003. Miami University (ΓN) To Torsten and Rachel Phipps Hopp, a daughter, Sarah Rachel, Aug. 4, 2003. Michigan (Θ) To Sundhar and Kala Karu Ramasamy, a son, Sanjay Karu, June 25, 2003. Michigan State (BB) To Bill and Dana Kevelighan Fleming, a daughter, Mia Katherine, Sept. 26, 2003. To Brian and Jennifer Taylor Horton, a daughter, Lily Claire, Feb. 11, 2003. To Todd and Kim Woodrow Mrozinski, a son, Matthew Todd, Nov. 9, 2003.

Midwestern State (ΓΩ) To Randy and Camilla Arnold Todd, a daughter, Carolyn Ann, For more information visit our Web at 8, www.alphaphi.org bornsite Aug. 2001, and adopted Jan. 21, 2003. ALPHA PHI


DID YOU KNOW? You can make a gift to the Alpha Phi Foundation in honor of a new arrival, to celebrate a marriage or in memory of a sister who has entered the Silent Chapter. Call 847.475.4532 or visit www.alphaphi.org/about_alpha_phi/donor_secure.html for details.

Minnesota (E) To Rick and Elizabeth Clark Gregoire, a daughter, Eleanor Lynn, Oct. 1, 2003.

Northern Colorado (∆Γ) To Bryan and Michelle Yadgar Kazin, a daughter, Hannah Jordan, March 14, 2003.

Oregon State (BY) To Hans and Linda Anderson Haglund, a son, Cole Robert, April 10, 2003.

To Blane and Renee Tourtillotte Iffert, a son, Nicholas Vaughn, July 18, 2003.

To Benjamin and Stephenie Kaminski Stapera, a son, Joshua William, Jan. 25, 2003.

To Scott and Randi Steele Hamby, a daughter, Eloise Jane, Oct. 16, 2003.

Missouri (O) To Ernesto and Tamara Newsom Gapasin, a daughter, Emmanuelle Rose, July 29, 2003.

To Wallace and Heather Vogel Carroll, a son, William Wallace, July 20, 2003.

To Tomas and Maureen Doherty Jaimes, a daughter, Mackenzie Grace, Dec. 20, 2002.

Northern Illinois (E∆) To Michael and Roxanne McFarlane Semersky, a daughter, Sophia Grayce, Aug. 12, 2003.

Penn State (ΓP) To Keith and Stefanie Jones Knopp, twins, Callie Marie and Carson Carl, born Oct. 30, 2001, and adopted Oct. 30, 2003.

To Jonathan and Kelli Foster Lynn, a daughter, Ashton Hope, Jan. 29, 2003. To Gil and Ashley Munsell Sanders, a son, Nathan Colby, Sept. 28, 2003. Nebraska (N) To Brent and Karen Campbell Burmood, a son, Campbell Ronald, March 21, 2003. To John and Michelle “Shell” Cooper Day, a son, Noah John, Sept. 25, 2003. To Chad D. and Abbie Arneson Titze, a daughter, Caroline Clara, June 11, 2003. Nebraska/Kearney (∆Ξ) To Roan and Kristin Wittmann Howard, a daughter, Anna Katherine, July 27, 2003. To Mark and Kellie Davis Wesslund, a son, Cooper Daniel, Oct. 2, 2003. New Hampshire (HA) To Paul and Leslie Frolich Alden, a daughter, Delaney Rose, June 30, 2003. To Samuel P. Carey and Heather Burr, a son, Colby Lewis, Oct. 28, 2003. To Chip and Kellie Raczka Steward, a son, Dylan Joseph, March 19, 2003. North Dakota (Π) To Greg and Kathy Haines Ulmer, a daughter, Natalie Ann, Oct. 23, 2003.

North Texas (ΓH) To William and Rhonda Lopez Abraham, a son, William Jacob “Jake,” July 28, 2003. Northwestern (B) To Michael and Loralisa Winter Gainsborough, a daughter, Natalie Marie, Oct. 10, 2003.

Puget Sound (ΓZ) To Clay and Melissa Benzel Fleener, a daughter, Madeline Jane, Oct. 1, 2003.

To Andy and Kari Merritt Leon, a daughter, Claudia Josephine, July 22, 2003.

Purdue (∆M) To Keith and Angela Hamilton Carlson, a daughter, Rachel Elizabeth, Oct. 17, 2003.

To Earle and Belynda Dawson Newman, a son, Jason Earle, Oct. 11, 2002. To Robert and Carolyn Marshall Wright, a daughter, Stephanie Palmer, May 20, 2003. Ohio State (P) To Tim and Cheryl Bouic Redfern, a daughter, Katy Ann, March 5, 2003. Oklahoma (Φ) To Jeff and Wendy King Fugate, a son, Jarod Tyler, Sept. 4, 2003. Oklahoma City (∆∆) To Bo and Misty Rice Bentley, a son, Charles “Charlie” Robert, Oct. 3, 2003. To Donnie and Jenna Parsells Eastman, a son, Stone Evan, Sept. 19, 2003. To Jamie and Amy Kovarik Gentile, twin daughters, Addison Rose and Campbell Ann, Aug. 19, 2003.

To Darrin and Laura Pederson Vatnsdal, a son, Adam Lee, Oct. 5, 2003.

To Andrew and Jenni Rhodes Morgan, a son, Maxwell Rhodes, Oct. 15, 2003.

To Corey and Carolyn “C.J.” Hall Wagner, a son, Grayson Wayne, April 8, 2003.

To John and Lisa Coulson Riggs, a son, Coulson “Cole” Edward, Oct. 3, 2003.

Northeast Missouri State (ΘΓ) To Jim and Denise Mankell Morrow, a son, Luke Xavier, Aug. 21, 2003.

Old Dominion (EH) To Steven and Cynthia Moore Bonniville, a son, Steven Thomas, July 7, 2003.


To James Jr. and Victoria Lynn Stelter, a daughter, Elke Rose, Jan. 4, 2003.

Rensselaer (ΘT) To John and Stacey Grimes Boulmetis, a son, John Thomas, Dec. 8, 2003. Richmond (HΠ) To Todd and Heather Briggs Mackey, a son, Dillon Patrick, Jan. 10, 2003. To Charles and Carol Papenhausen Warren, a son, Jackson Houghton, Sept. 27, 2003. Rochester (ΘK) To Jay and Jamie Golding Vecsey, a daughter, Hannah Marie, Oct. 15, 2003. San Diego State (ΓA) To John and Kaysie Wyman Williams, a daughter, Taylor Rae, Sept. 24, 2003. San Francisco State (HΘ) To Kevin Kenny and Elizabeth Falkner, a daughter, Quinn Isabel, June 6, 2003. Shippensburg (ΘΞ) To Dr. Benjamin and Anita Deck Reilly, a son, Will Edward, Dec. 13, 2003. South Dakota (Ψ) To Jason and Tracy Evans Stamper, a daughter, Charli Cameon, Dec. 20, 2003.

Southern Illinois (EΞ) To Larry and Holli Kirk Martin, a son, Patrick Jonathan, Aug. 15, 2003. Southwest Texas State (ZK) To Jack and Kristi Lu Bretzke Stanley, a daughter, Korinne Leanna, Feb. 6, 2003.

To David and Kathy Salo Ritchey, a son, Jason, Sept. 10, 2003. To Nathan and Alison Dietrich Taylor, a daughter, Katherine, Aug. 5, 2003. To Andrew Yee and Shirley Lynn Wu, a daughter, Ella Lynn, Dec. 8, 2003.

SUNY/Cortland (HT) To Kyle and Lori Eisman Miller, a daughter, Jessica Marie, April 3, 2003.

UC/Davis (EP) To Scott and Diane Friedenbach Wayland, a daughter, Sydney Michaela, Oct. 27, 2003.

To John Patrick and Nicole Garnett O’Connor, a daughter, Casey Nicole, June 22, 2003.

UCLA (B∆) To Addison and Karin Freeman Adams, a son, Cole Philip, Oct. 15, 2003.

To Anthony and Stephanie Frye Parrinello, a daughter, Brooke Olivia, Oct. 19, 2003. SUNY/Plattsburgh (ΘΨ) To Marc and Jennifer Mousseau Duffy, a son, Samuel Cooper, Nov. 24, 2003.

UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB) To Jeremy and Heather Hansen Collins, a son, Gavin Jeremy, Dec. 7, 2003. To John and Christy Peirce Evans, a son, Colin Michael, July 16, 2003.

Syracuse (A) To Craig and Amber Quist Moody, a son, Andrew John, Oct. 22, 2003.

UNC/Wilmington (HΞ) To David and Jennifer Baughan Mertus, a daughter, Kayley Brynn, Oct. 14, 2003.

Texas A&M (EΩΛ) To Mark and Jennifer Girotto Hill, a daughter, Avery Lynn, Oct. 24, 2003.

Villanova (HE) To Edward Jr. and Christy Foster Sfida, a son, Jack Terrence, May 13, 2003.

To Keith and Shannon Marsteller Rash, a son, Kyle Aidan, July 15, 2003. Texas Christian (ZN) To Mike and Kirsten Archer Davy, a son, John Thomas, July 7, 2003.

Virginia (ZI) To G. Christopher and Michele Mixner DeWitt, a son, Anderson Ayres, July 5, 2003. To Dave and Heather Harris Yates, a son, Ryan William, Nov. 11, 2003.

Texas Tech (ΓI) To Chris and Fahyssury Otero Atkinson, a son, Gavin Pierce, July 28, 2003.

Virginia Tech (HO) To Robert and Hayley DiSpirito Grimes, a daughter, Chloe Leighann, Oct. 13, 2003.

Toronto (Ξ) To Daniel and Jocelyn Tanchoco Kim, a daughter, Jordyn Macaila, Nov. 23, 2003.

Washington (Σ) To Loren and Amanda McDevitt Peterson, a daughter, Mia Sistine, Aug. 19, 2003.

To Eric Maerov and Renie MacLennan, a daughter, Noa Shoshana, Dec. 20, 2003.

To Mark and Julie Swanson Ulvin, a daughter, Emma Kate, Aug. 27, 2003.

Towson (HΩ) To Andrew and Tracey Segal Nachamie, a daughter, Jessica Rachel, Jan. 12, 2003.

Washington State (BPΛ) To Tim and Kerri Mencke McBride, a son, Tyler James, born Dec. 17, 2001, and adopted Oct. 2, 2003.

UC/Berkeley (Λ) To Gary and Melissa Gilliland Frank, a son, Brendan Maxwell, Oct. 6, 2003.

To Bill and Cora Bowman Walker, a daughter, Allison, Nov. 29, 2003.

To David and Grace Tandoc Martin, a daughter, Taylor, Sept. 7, 2003. To Craig and Christi Schirmer Pepper, twins, Allie and Max, Aug. 10, 2003.

Western Michigan (∆Θ) To Tom and Joy Blauwkamp Koops, a son, Jacob Gregory, Jan. 8, 2003.



To David Shaw and Julie Ellen Shroyer, a daughter, Emily Margaret, Oct. 28, 2003.

Boston (HΛ) Kristina Esham to Scott Clement, July 5, 2003.

Western Ontario (ΘH) To Greg and Rita Tannouri Ortbach, a son, James Rainer, Aug. 7, 2003.

Bowling Green State (BO) Sharon Turco to Alexander Coolidge, Aug. 2, 2003.

Wichita State (ΓΞ) To Clint and Christy Phelps Knisal, a son, Marshall Scott, Oct. 20, 2003.

Jenny Grace to Jake Fishman, Sept. 20, 2003 (also BΩ-Kent State).

To Durand Henriques and Linda Lang, a son, Timothy Lang, April 3, 2003.

Elizabeth Printki to Steve Koproski, May 3, 2003.

William Woods (∆X) To Jerry and Debbie Schlup Rosslan, a son, Luke Jacob, April 17, 2003. Wisconsin (I) To Martin and Molly Awe Halliday, a daughter, Clare Wessel, Aug. 15, 2003. Wisconsin/LaCrosse (∆K) To Jason and Jessica Josephson Reader, a daughter, Maryn Grace, Feb. 21, 2003. Wisconsin/Stout (ΓΣ) To Joshua and Stacy Farrar Jacobs, a daughter, Paige Evelynn, Oct. 13, 2003.


Beth Tigue to Ed Matos, June 14, 2003. Butler (EB) Megan Duffner to Patrick Haggerty, July 26, 2003. Melanie Gensert to Peter Kuester, June 14, 2003. Lisa Farrer to Rocky Valadez, June 14, 2003.

Erin Harris to Marc Spittler, Nov. 8, 2003.

Skye Smith to Roger Sultan, July 5, 2003.

Penn State (ΓP) Laurie Kristufek to Brian Rohrbach, Oct. 18, 2003.

Duquesne (EI) Sarah Moen to Matthew Kerchensky, Oct. 4, 2003.

Maryland (∆Z) Reema Soudah to Brian Martel, Nov. 8, 2003.

Purdue (∆M) Kelly Broda to Scott Barkman, Oct. 11, 2003.

Eastern Illinois (ZA) Brooke White to Jeff Paluch, Nov. 22, 2003.

Miami University (ΓN) Lisa Hatfield to Jeff Stankunas, June 14, 2003.

Amy Borgmann to Scott Davis, Oct. 18, 2003.

Tracey Weller to Andrew Pisarski, May 10, 2003.

Michigan (Θ) Laura Shroyer to Larry Liss, May 25, 2003.

Eastern Washington (HΨ) Carolyn LeBaugh to Andrew Gregg, Oct. 18, 2003. Sherry Hotchkiss to Ross Niblock, May 4, 2002.

Florida Tech (ΘZ) Tracey Aiken to Jeremy Ruel, Nov. 29, 2003.

Stephanie Thomas to Stephen Kemler, Sept. 20, 2003. Central Missouri State (ΘΛ) Alisha Munsterman to Scott Henderson, Aug. 30, 2003.

Cornell (∆) Kimberly Law to Benjamin Paige, Oct. 4, 2003.

Jessica Locke to Brian Schleicher, Oct. 18, 2003.

Creighton (Θ∆) Darcy Tworek to Peter Jones, Oct. 25, 2003. Heidi Hartzell to Joshua Leach, Oct. 25, 2003. Andrea Schiemann to Blaine Ross, Aug. 30, 2003. Megan Lang to Christopher Ward, Sept. 20, 2003.

Susan Barber to Robert Terrell, April 5, 2003.

CSU/Hayward (H∆) Jamie Gale to Warren Tauber, Sept. 13, 2003.

Ball State (∆P) Sarah Warfield to Brian Souders, Nov. 8, 2003.

CSU/Northridge (EY) Karianne Roth to Oscar Holguin, May 3, 2003.

Erin Chomer to Andrew Spencer, Jan. 2, 2004. Bishop’s (HX) Lauren Cherry to Mark Doherty, Oct. 4, 2003.


Christie Messina to Rob Petrone, Oct. 4, 2003.

Case Western Reserve (ZΠ) Deanna Cassell to T.J. Donovan, May 16, 2003.

Appalachian State (ΘN) Corey Robinson to John Maser, May 17, 2003.

Jennifer Scott to Phil Lopez, Sept. 22, 2003.

Jill Westrom to Mark Ostrom, May 9, 2002.

Emory (ΘΠ) Stephanie Olson to Joshua Lombard, Oct. 4, 2003.

Colorado (BΓΛ) Jennifer Zaremba to Christopher Herrman, Sept. 6, 2003.

Baldwin-Wallace (∆Y) Andrea Glaspell to Paul Cseplo, Sept. 13, 2003.

Kelly Hynes to Mark O’Neill, Nov. 15, 2003.

Nicole Brouillard to Jeff Wiltrout, Oct. 18, 2003.

Akron (HΓ) Melanie L. Carman to J. Michael Warner, Oct. 25, 2003.

Arizona State (ΓΠ) Traci Jolly to Cory Simon, Oct. 11, 2003.

Paula Estrada to Thomas J. Martin, Nov. 8, 2003.

Idaho (BZ) Lori Whitney to James Bopp, Aug. 1,2003. Illinois (BA) Betsy Hubbard to Kenneth Dittelman, Oct. 12, 2003. Linda Swanson to Paul Jansyn, Oct. 4, 2003. Jennifer Williams to Thomas Korte, Nov. 1, 2003. Laura McGrath to Jaylen Yoo, June 28, 2003.

Michigan State (BB) Lori Creviston to Jeffery Boright, May 9, 2003. Missouri (O) Molly Statz to Mark Sabatino, Oct. 18, 2003. Minnesota (E) Tia Short to Tim Scott, Sept. 20, 2003. Nebraska (N) Linsey Venhaus to Seth Harms, April 26, 2003. New Hampshire (HA) Christina Hogan to Michael Cicolini, Oct. 4, 2003. North Dakota (Π) Marybeth Uhas to Todd Blaska, April 26, 2003. North Texas (ΓH) Tina Taylor to Calvin Jansen, Oct. 25, 2003.

Indiana (BT) Sarah Hochstetler to Jeff Gibbs, Dec. 6, 2003.

Northeast Missouri State / Truman State (ΘΓ) Skylar Martin to Neil Brown, Oct. 11, 2003.

Jennifer Murphy to Kurt Hunter, May 10, 2003.

Michelle Goodwin to Arthur Young, Sept. 13, 2003.

Elizabeth Reynolds to Jim Pickett, Sept. 13, 2003.

Northern Illinois (E∆) Kristi Kroeger to Michael Demstrom, Oct. 4, 2003.

Indiana State (∆Π) Katie McConnell to Matthew Shanahan, July 19, 2003.

Oregon State (BY) Alicia Cox to Jason Thompson, Sept. 6, 2003.

Heidi Stout to Joel Peterson, Aug. 30, 2003. Megan Miller to Jason Vondielingen, Aug. 9, 2003. Sara Hensel to Simon Walls, Oct. 18, 2003. Rhode Island (I∆) Lori Genova to Gary A. Goeschel II, Aug. 16, 2003. Rochester (ΘK) Lindsay Greene to Dr. Karl Marc Koenig, April 26, 2003. San Francisco State (HΘ) Sherilene Oelschlager to Brian Catanach, Oct. 12, 2002. San Jose State (BΨ) Holly Lambert to Mike Carlson, Sept. 17, 2003. South Dakota (Ψ) Sara Danforth Aasland to Gary Michael Wills, June 16, 2002. Southern Illinois (EΞ) Stephanie Whitten to Kent Andrews, Oct. 11, 2003. St. Mary’s (IB) Jessica Adan to David Weier, June 7, 2003. Texas (Ω) Laura Burton to Benjamin Bates, Oct. 18, 2003. Jennifer Copeland to Preben Kristensen, Oct. 4, 2003. Cheryl Calvillo to Kevin Lear, Aug. 3, 2003.

Laura Danko to Bradley Belter, June 21, 2003.

Amy Glach to Corey Turner, Oct. 4, 2003.

Iowa (∆E) Kristine McCulloh to Jason Dreckman, Aug. 2, 2003.

Northwestern (B) Monica Patel to Brett Grimaud, Aug. 31, 2003.

Texas A&M (EΩΛ) Gina Garner to Charles Winter, Sept. 21, 2002.

Irene Cange to Julius Lopez, Oct. 25, 2003.

Kent State (BΩ) Kelly Gabler to Jeff Bania, May 31, 2003.

Oklahoma City (∆∆) Leslie Hinds to Forrest Brian Pelton, Sept. 27, 2003.

Elizabeth Andreasik to Todd Rast, Sept. 27, 2003.

CSU/San Bernardino (HB) Melissa Gordon to Patrick Graven, Aug. 16, 2003.

James Madison (ΘI) Holly Carter to Thomas Biller, Nov. 29, 2003.

Ohio State (P) Amy Bray to Justin Truex, Nov. 29, 2003. For more information visit our Web site at www.alphaphi.org

Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B) Theresa Hubbard to Brett Thompson, Dec. 27, 2003.



Texas Tech (ΓI) Callie Gerald to Michael Burns, Oct. 25, 2003.

Washington State (BPΛ) Sarah Pfeiffer to Joseph Burnell, June 28, 2003.

Darcy Rae Crichton to Joshua David Wexelbaum, Nov. 1, 2003.

Nancy Temples Loss (‘63), Sept. 15, 2003.

Leslie Cunningham to Damon Cook, Sept. 14, 2003.

Christina Maciaszek to Todd Lust, July 15, 2003.

Silent Chapter

Indiana (BT) Nancy Bockstege Marlowe (‘51), Sept. 2, 2003.

Laine Price to Sheldon Gen, June 21, 2003.

West Chester (EK) Amanda Pike to Christopher McCrum, Nov. 1, 2003.

Baldwin-Wallace (∆Y) Peggy Clary Wanner (‘65), June 12, 2003.

West Virginia (BI) Johnna Guzzi to Darin Watson, July 11, 2003.

Butler (EB) Sue Ellen Campbell (‘71), Oct. 13, 2003.

April Arena to Andrew Carney, Sept. 27, 2003.

Colorado (BΓ) Edwynne “Polly” Cutler Pendergrast Rosenbaum (‘22), Dec. 28, 2003.

Sarah Wolter to Matthew Jones, Oct. 25, 2003. Christie Allen to Tim Wright, Sept. 20, 2003. UCLA (B∆) Jennifer Thompson to Eric Berg, Aug. 24, 2003. Jennifer Harriger to Gavin Jones, Nov. 22, 2003.

Western Michigan (∆Θ) Michelle Faurot to Jason Koerth, Oct. 25, 2003.

University of the Pacific (IΓ) Becky Bryan to Seth Hayden, July 27, 2003.

Western Ontario (ΘH) Dawn Ladds to Bradley Bond, Oct. 18, 2003.

Ellen Bodisco to Dana Miller, June 14, 2003.

Wichita State (ΓΞ) Shelley Burford to Matthew J. Davis, Nov. 8, 2003.

Villanova (HE) Jennifer DeLucia to Michael McDonald, Nov. 22, 2003. Virginia Tech (HO) Lori Rowe to Jason Birmingham, Aug. 29, 2003.

If you would like a record of a birth, adoption, marriage or death included in the Quarterly, please clip out and submit this form to Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201. Or you may e-mail the information to quarterly@alphaphi.org. Please be sure to include all the requested information. P L E A S E N OT E : Announcements may only be printed if they have occurred within a year of publication. Announcements with missing information, such as specific date, will not be printed. If announcements are received after the copy deadline (see inside front cover for specific dates), they will be considered for the following issue.


Wisconsin/LaCrosse (∆K) Shawna Lusk to Denton Brown, Oct. 18, 2003. Wisconsin/Stout (ΓΣ) Wendy Gillotti to Michael Buckman, Oct. 31, 2003.

Marion Blake Walker Willson (‘30), Sept. 16, 2003. DePauw (Γ) Frances Pickett Boyd (‘39), Oct. 8, 2003. East Carolina (∆A) Georgia Sugg Parker (‘65), June 24, 2003. Idaho (BZ) Virginia Harris Winter (‘35), Sept. 14, 2003. Illinois (BA) Kathryn Raby Bennett (‘36), Nov. 15, 2003.

Stanford (K) Carol Klink Claussen (‘25), Dec. 31, 2003. Syracuse (A) Anne Raleigh Bousquet (‘45), Oct. 15, 2003.

Kent State (BΩ) Donna Vassos Fisher (‘61), Oct. 18, 2003.

Harriet Huey Hartson (‘40), Oct. 10, 2003.

Loyola Marymount (ZB) Lisa May Williams (‘79), Jan. 18, 2003.

Texas (Ω) Jo Jones Bates (‘40), Oct. 30, 2003.

Michigan (Θ) Jean Christian Heyboer (‘45), Oct. 5, 2003.

UCLA (B∆) Betty Sue Biggs Churton (‘46), Dec. 7, 2003.

Phyllis Ludtke Torbet (‘39), Oct. 26, 2003.

Washburn (Y) Elinor F. Welch Brink (‘39), Sept. 1, 2003.

Michigan State (BB) Patricia Malloy Goodwin (‘50), Jan. 19, 2003.

Joanne “Jody” Chalmers Kelyman (‘70), Dec. 10, 2003.

Nebraska (N) Bobbe DeJarnette Kenner (‘49), April 16, 2003.

Washington (Σ) Carol Gray Brooks (‘67), Dec. 19, 2003.

Ohio State (P) Ruth Ann Everage Geiger (‘60), Aug. 2, 2003.

West Virginia (BI) Muriel Murchison Ball (‘38), Sept. 3, 2003.

Oklahoma (Φ) Della Keith Foree (‘28), Aug. 16, 2003.

Wisconsin (I) Marian Carroll Bohn (‘51), April 23, 2003.

New Arrival/Marriage/Silent Chapter Form Death

Birth/Adoption FATHER’S NAME


















Submitted by FIRST





























For more information visit our Web site at www.alphaphi.org


R E U N I O N S / S M A L L


Reunions Delta Rho Sisters Reunite

Delta Rho sisters from new member classes of 1980-86 enjoy a Homecoming weekend reunion.

Sixty-five alumnae from Ball State ( Q)’s new member classes of 1980-86 returned to the university for an Alpha Phi Get Away Weekend during Homecoming in October. Saturday was packed with a breakfast at the chapter suite, lunch at the Ball State Alumni Center and a football game. A banquet at the historic Hotel Roberts in downtown Muncie, Ind., concluded the day. Attendees participated in give-always, received a memory book and viewed a 20-minute slide show about Alpha Phi past and present. The group plans to reunite every five years. Visit www.orgsites.com/tx/alphaphi for more information. –Debbie Nobles


Although Bucknell (BX) chapter closed in 1978, these charter members continue to meet twice a year. Pictured are (from left) Lee Luke Schmauch, Nancy Roe Crowell, Janice Heiderich Ernst and Glenna Godley Nolle.


Zeta Upsilons Celebrate 20 Years Washington University (FT) alumnae celebrated their 20-year reunion weekend with a Zeta Upsilon alumnae attend a brunch hosted Saturday brunch hosted by colleby collegians, gians during a reunion weekend. dinner in Umrath lounge, a Loving Cup ceremony and forgotten Alpha Phi songs. Collegians found old composites, awards and photo albums so alumnae could reminisce. On Saturday, several alumnae showed their philanthropic support by attending the chapter’s annual Phi-Ball philanthropy event. Alumnae are halfway toward their goal of raising $20,000 for an endowed scholarship, in collaboration with the Alpha Phi Foundation, for Zeta Upsilon collegians or alumnae. Anyone who has not contributed yet may still do so by visiting www.zyreunion.us. –Maj Britt Kaal

Small World Fitness Connects Industry Phis Although Bodybuilder Laurie Wallace ( JWisconsin/LaCrosse) and Fitness and Dance Choreographer Christel Guerra Croce ( LHofstra ) attended the Christel Croce same fitness program during the fall, it was not until Laurie saw Christel’s fitness profile in the Fall 2003 Alpha Phi Quarterly that the pair were officially introduced. Laurie was one of the performers Laurie Wallace that Christel had cheered on. Although they live in separate states, the

women plan to connect whenever they have the opportunity. –Christel Guerra Croce

Phis Meet Cruising South America

(From left) Gloria Welch, Peggy Raven and Sally Kinne meet while sailing along the coast of South America. They are pictured in front of Iguaza Falls, Argentina.

While eating dinner one night during a cruise vacation along the coast of South America, a seat at Sarah “Sally” Gunby Kinne’s ( -Texas) table opened and a woman asked to join the group. Sally soon learned she had much in common with the woman: both lived in Texas, both had gone to the University of Texas and both are Alpha Phis. Gloria Busey Welch ( Texas), who joined the chapter three years after Sally, also introduced her to another sister who was on the cruise with her, Peggy Buffington Raven ( -Texas). –Sarah “Sally” Gunby Kinne ( -Texas)


Collegians and alumnae from Idaho (BZ) celebrate the chapter’s 75th anniversary.



] B U L L E T I N Barry (ΘΩ) Reunion


Bishop’s to Celebrate 15th Anniversary

Weekend of Oct. 8, 2004 Walt Disney World - Orlando, Fla. Contact Lynn Fowler-Webb for information at 727.344.2873 ext. 12 or lynnwebb@alumnae.alphaphi.org.

Pacific Northwest Volunteers Needed

A reunion is planned for all Bishop’s (HX) alumnae on Nov. 6, 2004, during the chapter’s initiation weekend. For more information, contact Cindy at etachialumnae@yahoo.com.

Missouri (O) Graduates: Save the Date

The Pacific Northwest regional team is looking for a few good volunteers. Chapter advisers are needed at Oregon (T) and Eastern Washington (HΨ). Sacramento State (EΓ) is looking to fill other advisory positions to compliment its new chapter adviser. The ideal candidate will have the desire to work with collegiate women and other advisers. She will have the opportunity to have fun, be challenged, learn, mentor and inspire. Forward names of those in these areas who may be interested to lmartin@alphaphi.org.

Did you graduate from Mizzou between 1975-84? Mark your calendar to attend “Bed and Breakfast at the Alpha Phi House – Act II.” July 16-18, 2004 Omicron chapter house Saturday will feature a day trip to a local winery and a catered chef’s dinner at the house. Visit the reunion Web site at www.omicronreunion.com or contact Janice Silberstein Rifkin at 636.256.8333 or jrgolfer@aol.com for details. Those who can’t attend should e-mail contact information and describe their lives since graduation.

CALLING ALL DALLAS YOUNG ALUMNAE! An ivy circle has formed in the Far North Dallas area. Anyone who graduated (or obtained alumnae status) in the last 10 years is invited to join. For more information, contact Leigh Ann Hoenig (ΓH-North Texas) at 972.735.9914 or lahoenig@hotmail.com.

Alpha Phi Friendships The theme of the Fall 2004 Quarterly is Alpha Phi Friendships. Do you have a special story about a friendship with an Alpha Phi sister? Has your friendship spanned several decades? Is yours a friendship that has carried you through good and bad times? Send details to quarterly@alphaphi.org or Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Please include your e-mail address and/or telephone number.

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AVON CALLING Rebecca Miller Boyer Independent Avon Representative Denver, Colorado Rep # 3032521619 www.youravon.com/rmiller1619 I do fundraisers! 10% off for all A Phis. Will ship worldwide. maxsonsmommy@aol.com

Interested in Promoting Your Business in the Alpha Phi Classifieds? The charge for the summer issue is $50 for up to 35 words (text only). Circulation for this issue is 45,000. The Quarterly also continues to accept advertising in the form of display ads, which begin at $200 for a 1/6-page ad. If you are interested in either advertising opportunity, please contact quarterly@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8920 by Monday, May 3, 2004, to reserve space.



You may have missed the early bird deadline, but it’s not too late to register!

ALPHA PHI INTERNATIONAL’S 65TH BIENNIAL CONVENTION IS JUNE 23-27, 2004, IN RANCHO MIRAGE, CALIF. JOIN US IN A DESERT PARADISE Wonderful extras abound at the Rancho Las Palmas. Recreational activities include an outdoor pool with a whirlpool and waterslide, tennis, 27-hole golf course, bicycle rentals, jogging paths and health club. Enjoy an array of dining experiences, or relax at the resort’s own sanctuary, a 20,000 square foot European health spa. Bring the family and take advantage of a playground, children’s programs and child care services (must be pre-arranged with the resort).

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something for everyone. We hope you join us for this wonderful opportunity. Special rates apply three days prior and three days after Convention. Visit our Web site at www.alphaphi.org/conv2004.html for a Convention 2004 registration form, additional details, including a special candlelight Wear Red gala and links to The Marriott Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa and the Palm Springs Desert Resorts Convention and Visitors Authority.

FOR THE MORE ADVENTUROUS The world-famous Palm Springs Aerial Tramway ascends 8,500 feet up the side of Mt. San Jacinto. Horse lovers, beach cruisers, mountain bikers or Harley-Davidson motorcyclists can take a guided ride on desert trails.

Attention California Alumnae

BRING THE FAMILY Boomers! Family Fun Center provides families with hours of fun, including three 18-hole miniature golf courses, bumper boats, go-carts, batting cages, a 10,000-squarefoot games pavilion and 200 video and sports games.

A special reunion is scheduled during Convention 2004 for Alpha Phis who attended collegiate chapters in California. Please contact the Alumnae Department at alumnae@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8925 if you have not received information.

Whether your interests are history, natural wonders, family entertainment, world-class shopping or worldrenowned golf, Rancho Mirage and Palm Springs offer

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EXPERIENCE THE CULTURE The Living Desert Zoo & Gardens is one of the most unique tourist attractions in Palm Springs. The Palm Springs Desert Museum, Children’s Discovery Museum, Palm Springs Air Museum, Agua Caliente Cultural Museum, Cabot’s Indian Pueblo Museum and Ruddy’s 1930s General Store Museum all offer fascinating insight into the desert’s past, present and future.

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Inside: Recruitment Addresses Wilfrid Laurier Installation

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