Spring 2005 Alpha Phi Quarterly

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A Publication of Alpha Phi International Fraternity Since 1888 Vol. 117, No. 2 Spring 2005

Organizing Your Life Inside:

Regional Conferences

Early Recruitment Addresses

C ntents In This Issue President’s Message


Regional Conferences


Message from the IEB


Alumnae Pride


Potential Member Form


On Campus


Early Recruitment Dates




Career Development






Small World/Reunions




NPC Update


Bulletin Board/Classifieds


2 GETTING ORGANIZED Sorting It Out Organizing Services founder Christina Mayer Duggan (∆E-Iowa) offers spring cleaning tips.

Quarterly Deadlines Issue

Copy Deadline

Fall 2005 Winter 2006 Spring 2006 Summer 2006

July 15, 2005 Oct. 15, 2005 Jan. 15, 2006 April 15, 2006

HAVE YOU MOVED? Send your new address to Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 or update your address online at www.alphaphi.org.

8 REGIONAL CONFERENCES Alpha Phi International makes collegiate chapters a priority by hosting annual Regional Conferences.

THE 1872 GIFT SET Price: $59.00 (Retail value is $67.50) Great gift idea for the Alpha Phi on the go! This gift set includes a bordeaux-colored “Alpha Phi 1872” tote bag, a 50-page hard-cover journal book with pen and holder and an “Always Alpha Phi” paperclip magnet to help keep everything organized! As a special bonus to Alpha Phi Quarterly readers, take 15% off your total Alpha Phi Marketplace purchase by entering promotional code SpQ052 before proceeding to checkout! Visit Marketplace at www.alphaphi.org for this and other exquisite custom-made items. If you do not have access to the Internet, please call 847.316.8938 to request an order form by mail or fax.

Founders Clara Bradley Burdette (’76), died 1954 Florence Chidester Lukens (’75), died 1885 Martha Foote Crow (’76), died 1924 Ida Gilbert Houghton (’76), died 1916 Jane S. Higham (’76), died 1949 Kate Hogoboom Gilbert (’75), died 1900 Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults (’75), died 1895 Rena Michaels Atchison (’74), died 1933 Louise Shepard Hancock (’76), died 1932 Clara Sittser Williams (’75), died 1925 International Executive Board International President: Crista Cate Vasina Vice President: Peg Dechant Thornburg Secretary/Treasurer: Billie Coskey Battiato Stacey Grimes Boulmetis Deana Koonsman Gage Carole Salerno Susan Brink Sherratt Shana Goss Smith Lindsay Wiggins Ex-Officio: Sally McCall Grant, NPC Delegate Foundation Directors Chairman: Susan Weiskittle Barrick Vice Chairman: Gayle Goodman Secretary: Linda Gardner Massie Treasurer: Alin Hernandez Wall Susan Bevan Ann Brinkman Amy Jordan Tvrdik Crista Cate Vasina National Panhellenic Conference Alpha Phi Delegate: Sally McCall Grant First Alternate Delegate: Deana Koonsman Gage Second Alternate Delegate: Laura Malley-Schmitt Third Alternate Delegate: Mary Rekart Ulich Editorial Advisory Board Sheila George Bright Ann Brinkman Emily Ellison Lamb Jan Jones Owen Alpha Phi Quarterly Staff Editor-in-Chief: Christine Spiegel Program Coordinator-Marketing & Communications: Kayee Dooley Intern: Baylee Simon E-mail: quarterly@alphaphi.org Alpha Phi Quarterly Design Michelle Webb Design E-mail: mwdesign@intosh.net Alpha Phi Home Page www.alphaphi.org Executive Office Executive Director: Susan Zabriskie Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Phone: 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 E-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org Foundation Office Executive Director: Rebecca Andrew Zanatta Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Foundation Phone: 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 E-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org Alpha Phi Quarterly Editorial Policy The purpose of the Alpha Phi Quarterly and its content is to provide information and services to the membership of the Alpha Phi Fraternity, in keeping with the Fraternity's status as a 501(c)(7) tax-exempt private membership club. The magazine is devoted to highlighting its members and matters of fraternal and college interest. The views expressed in the articles published in the Quarterly are those of the authors and their contributors, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Alpha Phi Fraternity, its officers or staff. All persons interested in submitting materials for publication in the Alpha Phi Quarterly are encouraged to send them to the editor at the Executive Office. The editor reserves the right to accept, deny or edit any materials submitted. Unless otherwise requested, all photos sent to the magazine will become the property of Alpha Phi International and will not be returned. Articles may be sent by mail, fax, e-mail or on a PC disk. Please send your information to the editor by the deadlines indicated on this page. Materials received after these deadlines will be considered for the following issue. Please direct any submission questions or inquiries regarding publication advertising to the editor at 847.316.8920, or quarterly@alphaphi.org. The Alpha Phi Quarterly is published winter, spring, summer and fall. Subscription price for non-members is $25 per year. Contact the Quarterly for information about pricing of individual issues. Send change of address or announcements to Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Periodical rate postage paid at Evanston, IL, and at additional mailing offices. (ISSN: USPS 014680) Postmaster: Please send address changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Printed in the USA.





Dear Sisters,

Feat u re

As the weather gets warmer we tend to examine our daily

Crista Vasina

routine and feel the desire to simplify our lives. We focus on


spring cleaning and getting organized. We plan to clean off


our desks, tackle the “to be filed” pile and organize our appointment books.

It is not as easy as it sounds. As women, we are constantly pulled in several


CAREER DEVELOPMENT: Career Coach Cynthia Krainin (∆Y-Baldwin-Wallace) offers exercises to help put your work life into perspective.

29 35

FOUNDATION: Follow these suggestions for a less stressful life.

directions at once. The demands on our time are tremendous, and while we are skilled at multi-tasking, some days are just too much. As a wife, mother, community volunteer and Fraternity president, organization is a key to survival. I find that being organized allows me the freedom to take on

Spring is a good time to evaluate our lifestyles and determine whether we need to “clean-up.” This issue offers advice from sisters who are experts in the field of organizing.

HEALTH: Holistic Health Counselor Alisa Vitti (ZOΛ-Johns Hopkins) focuses on organizing from the inside out.

more responsibility and to remain calm under pressure. While it may take a few extra minutes initially, organization makes daily life run smoother and more efficiently. Thanks to several sisters who are experts in the field of organization, this issue of the Quarterly offers articles with suggestions for organizing your life. Read about a variety of topics including reducing stress, managing time, eliminating clutter and organizing memorabilia. Our members, whether alumnae or collegians, are

Thank you

to all Alpha Phis who shared “Organizing Your Life” stories and advice with the Quarterly. If your information was not inlcuded in this issue, please do not think we’ve forgotten you. We may contact you in the future.

busy women. I hope this issue helps simplify the organization process to lead to a happier and healthier lifestyle.

In the Next Issue Crista Cate Vasina (¢¡-Northern Colorado)

The Makeover Issue Recruitment Addresses and Dates Meet the 2005-06 ELCs Alpha Phi Alumnae Advantage Program

International President

New at www.alphaphi.org Alpha Phi Recommends Purchase merchandise from Alpha Phi sisters and other recommended talents at www.alphaphi.org/ marketplace. A portion of your online purchases benefit Alpha Phi Fraternity. Help Us Locate Lost Alumnae Do you have information on a missing alumna? Visit www.alphaphi.org/alumnae_info.html for an updated list of our “lost” alumnae. SPRING 2005


Organizing Your Life Spring Cleaning: How To Eliminate Clutter





By Christina Mayer Duggan (∆E-Iowa)

Women spend an average of 55 minutes a day trying to find things. Almost an hour sorting though clutter: that’s a workout, a soak in the tub, a pedicure! Real Simple Associate Editor Elizabeth Craig Wells wants readers to get that hour back. She writes the magazine’s “Solutions” section and helps to organize closets for her mother, Nancy Owen Craig (BXBucknell). Elizabeth and Real Simple magazine suggest five genius ideas for decluttering your home.

Real Simple Tip #1: Act like you’re moving Say you had to uproot and relocate. What would you take with you? Don’t pack anything – just set aside the few things that you love. Try it with your cookbooks: pull out the ones that are worn due to years of use. Look at the ones left on the shelf – the gifts or the impractical ones you bought when you felt ambitious. Sell them to a used-book store or donate them.

Getting organized is about asking yourself questions. If you have the courage to answer them honestly and take action, you’ll win the battle over clutter. Pinpoint the areas in your home or office that give you the biggest stomachache, and start there. If you’re late to work regularly because you can’t find the right clothes, start there. Do pans crash down when you open your kitchen cabinets? Start in the kitchen. Do you miss events or appointments regularly? Maybe piles of paperwork are your nemesis. Next, prepare yourself for organizing. It’s just like painting your bedroom: you buy the paint, prime the walls, protect the floor, tape windows, gather brushes, don your painting clothes – all before the painting begins. Prepare for organizing by wearing comfortable clothes (you’ll be moving around a lot). Then, clear a space: a corner of a room, the top of the bed, the top of a desk. If your entire bedroom floor is filled with clothes, take an armful and dump it into another room to clear some space. Some clients find this very cathartic. Just remember to retrieve that pile when you’re ready to tackle it. Assemble your tools: a garbage can, a bag for donations, a bag for relocating the item to another area of your home, a bag for returning borrowed items, a bag for items to keep. If you’re organizing your home office, you might need a shredder, a three-hole

Christina Duggan sorts through a client’s basement.


You know you’re disorganized when … You can’t find things in your house quickly You pay bills late and incur late fees You miss events and appointments You can’t see your desktop, counter, floor, dresser top

punch, file folders, a Sharpie®, a stapler, a staple remover and Post-it® notes. It’s also a good idea to sort like items into separate piles. If you’re organizing your clothes closet, pull out all your skirts, and put them in one place. Many are shocked to see they have 10 pairs of black pants (and only wear three!). If you’re working in your home office, assemble all your supplies, receipts, papers, magazines and computer-related items into separate piles. Get organized: the ASK technique Now question each item in your life. Do you love/need it? Is it an important document you need to file, like taxes or insurance? Can you recycle this junk mail? Is this shirt still stylish? Can you get this somewhere else if you really need it? What’s the worst that could happen if you get rid of it? After honestly answering these questions, you can do one of three things: act on it, send it out of your life, or keep it. That’s Sorting It Out’s ASK technique. The ASK technique Step 1: Act on it Think about how you live your life. In general, you pay bills, read, contact people with questions, wait for people to call you with information, file important papers, enter addresses in PDAs, databases or address books, buy things you need and attend meetings or appointments. Create file folders for each of these actions, and keep them in a place you see daily. Label the files, “To Read,” “To Contact,” “To Buy,” “To Pay” and so on. Review them several times a week, and take action. Tailor your action files to your life. One of my clients, Anne, is the mother of young triplets. By the



Sorting It Out’s ASK technique at a glance

To Read Repair it so you can To Sign up for use it To Pay Alter it To RSVP Fix it To Contact/Call Take it to the dry To E-mail cleaner, etc. To Enter in Calendar system/address book To Write a letter and send it Awaiting a call/e-mail, etc.

Christina Duggan creates labels for client files.

It’s time to throw something out when … It’s broken and cannot be fixed It doesn’t fit you or your lifestyle anymore You’re keeping it because you feel bad getting rid of it You look at it and feel bad because you spent a lot of money on it


Donate it Throw it out Return it to the store Return it to a friend/ coworker, etc.


that favorite shirt you got in 1982 that no longer fits. Donate clothes and shoes and household goods to the Salvation Army®. Remember to schedule a time in your calendar to either drop off donations or arrange a pick-up. You can be vigilant about packing up the items, but if they sit in your car or your basement, they’re still cluttering your life. Also, if you can use donations as a tax deduction, create a detailed list of all donated items and their approximate value. Get a letter or a signature from the organization you’ve donated items to. File these papers for tax time. Sending away also means returning items you’ve borrowed, returning unwanted items to a store and shredding important paperwork you no longer need. Step 3: Keep it After you’ve sent items out of your life, you should be left with the things you want – or need – to keep: tax records, insurance papers, clothes you love that fit and are in style, lamps and linens you use and love. But where do you store this stuff? A professional organizer’s rule of thumb is “put it where you use it.” One client complained of making her kids’ lunches each day. It took too long to get the bread from the pantry, the jelly from another cabinet, the lunch bags from another location. The solution? Store all these items together, in one place, so you can efficiently do the job. Better yet, make the lunches the night before and enjoy your morning coffee. Another rule of thumb is to keep handy the things you use often. Why store your holiday

Things Containerize it or store it (taxes), etc. Containerize it Put it on a shelf



Step 2: Send it away This is my favorite step: getting rid of things you don’t use, don’t need or don’t love. Pitch or recycle junk mail. Finally retire

Recycle it Pitch it Shred it, etc.


time her husband got home, they’d be so busy tending to the children that they did not take time to discuss bills, mail that arrived that day and whether they’d attend that upcoming out-of-town wedding. We created a “Talk to John” file for them to review together daily. Anne and John take five minutes each day to review the file, and their lives are more calm. Sometimes, one item requires several actions. For instance, if you need to pay an electric bill, but need clarification on the cost, first call the electric company. Once you’re satisfied, pay the bill. The same goes for material things. If you’re dealing with items you’ve borrowed from someone, you may need to clean the item and then return it. After you’re done acting on the item, you can choose to send it away or keep it.




Real Simple Tip #2: Assess your space Walk through your house with a pen and a notebook. Write down the activities that take place in each room and the items necessary for them. Think about what the room is really used for: remove anything that doesn’t fit. Try it: Use your bedroom only for sleeping and getting dressed? Relocate anything that doesn’t relate to that: mail on your dresser, a trade journal on your nightstand, the computer, sewing supplies or anything else that distracts you from sleeping or getting beautiful.






Organizing dos and don’ts

Real Simple Tip #3: Clean out for a worthy cause It’s easy to clean the clutter when you picture someone else using your things. Pick an organization that accepts clothing and household items. Some places – like the Salvation Army® – will even pick up your donations. Try it: Have an alumnae chapter sale – get members to declutter one room and bring the discards to sell. Donate proceeds to the Foundation.



Schedule blocks of time in your calendar to tackle organizing projects. Have all your tools with you before you tackle an organizing project – bags, boxes, markers, pens, pads of papers, rubber bands, etc. Prepare a snack and a drink so you can be focused. Clean or paint your space once it’s clutter-free. Add lighting to dark spaces. Start small: organize a small drawer just to get your feet wet. Be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself, or your space, after you’ve organized it. Install scented contact paper in a newly organized drawer. Buy new plastic swivel hangers for your newly organized closet. Set a timer, especially if you’re doing a task you despise. Do all you can in that time; when the timer goes off, take a break, grab a treat, and keep going. You may find you’re on a roll and keep going without a treat! You may also find that task was not so bad after all. Let your family know that you’re hoping to organize your space. Involve them when you can. Teach them where you store items so they don’t have to continue to ask you.

Buy containers or shelving until you know what you’ll be keeping and where it will be stored. Use the contractor’s rule: measure twice, cut once. Measure your space, inventory the number and size of items to be stored and then buy the appropriate containers or shelving. Allow yourself to be interrupted once you begin. Get the kids a babysitter, and don’t answer the phone or the door once you’ve begun. Do too much at once. If you plan to organize all the closets in your house in one day and you hardly get through one in that time, you’ll be setting yourself up for failure and disappointment. Throw away or donate items that belong to other family members. Ask for their input. Get worried if things look worse before they look better. If you’re organizing your closet, know you’ll have piles of clothes on the floor, the bed, the dresser. Once you decided what to keep, those piles will either be kept and stored or removed from the space. Be afraid to ask for help from an unbiased friend or a professional organizer if you need it.

decorations in the front of the closet when you only retrieve them once a year? Move them to the back. In terms of paper, do you have enough filing space? Do you have a place to store office supplies

ORGANIZE YOUR LIFE WITH THE HELP OF A COACH Chris Duggan has not always been this organized. She credits one person with helping her discover her calling, and thus her career – a life coach. Life coaching involves finding one’s calling, living one’s passion and creating a life worth celebrating. According to Chris’ coach, certified life coach and founder of Light of Day Coaching (Chicago) Susan Day, “You may have a life blueprint that’s 30 years old. It could be what your parents thought or what society thinks. Life coaching is leaving those voices behind – the voices of ‘you should be this; you should stay at your job.’ We find ourselves ‘shoulding’ all over ourselves. Once we stop ‘shoulding,’ we start creating.” The number one client requirement of this mind, body, and spirit journey is courage, says Susan: “Are you willing to dig deep? Are you willing to hear hard truths to get closer to living your truth? People get to know who they are … that’s courageous.” For more information about Susan Day and Light of Day Coaching, visit www.lightofdaycoaching.com. Contact Susan at sday@lightofdaycoaching.com or 312.464.1188.


and accounting boxes with tax paperwork and other important papers? Can you get your hands quickly on invoices you’ve paid and receipts you need? Stores like Organized Living®, Home Depot®, Container Store® and Target® have great ideas for storing, whether you use containers or shelving units. Always inventory what you have, and take detailed measurements of the size of your space and the size of the items you need to store. A professional organizer can help brainstorm ideas as well. Maintain your organized life You’ve spent hours, days, weeks and maybe months organizing your space. Maybe you’ve even hired a professional organizer to help. Don’t let all your hard work go to waste. Take time each day to maintain. If you let your mail pile up during the week, open it daily and act on it, send it away or keep it. If you pile up your clothes, hang them up daily, take them to the cleaners, alter them or donate them. You’ll be glad you did.

Christina Duggan is the founder of Sorting It Out Organizing Services. She’s a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO; www.napo.net) and a charter member of the NAPO-Ohio chapter. She lives with her family in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Reach Chris at sortingitout@adelphia.net.



Trading In “Time Management” for Purposeful Living

Begin with your priorities Some believe time management is setting goals and agendas, breaking tasks into manageable parts and keeping lots of lists. Organizing your day may indeed involve some or all of these strategies, but those who succeed in ordering their time in a meaningful way begin by making room for their priorities. Once they have identified the things that truly matter to them, they can begin to organize around those personal priorities. You may have hoped buying another fancy calendar would solve your time management problem only to see important events continue to fall through the cracks. You may have a spouse nagging you to manage your time better and accomplish more. You may have a boss who is unhappy with your sagging productivity. All of these circumstances might be the “point of pain” that triggers you to change. Pain certainly can

“We need to begin investing our time, energy and resources in priorities … the things that really matter to us.”

No quick fixes How-to books abound, offering an easy path to getting organized in your life and business. Fortunes have been made peddling tips and tricks that promise to bring order to your environment. People are grasping for a sound byte or shortcut they believe will simplify their lives in three easy steps. The unfor-




tunate truth is there is no one-size-fits-all plan that will solve all organizing issues for every individual. As a professional organizer, I’ve had the opportunity to observe disorganized people from all walks of life, both in business and personal environments, and to examine their reasons for change. I’ve concluded that people change for two reasons: either they have reached a “point of pain” with their chronically chaotic lifestyles, or they are inspired by what would be possible in their lives if they were to become more organized.


The Time Management Myth I don’t know who coined the phrase, “time management.” There is really no way to manage time. We each get exactly 24 hours in a day, and time keeps marching on, no matter how we choose to spend it or what we accomplish with our allotted seven days each week. But even though we can’t really manage time, we can manage ourselves, our environment, our responsibilities, our choices and our opportunities. Time is simply the context in which we act. It is not something we can stretch or compress or truly manage. The Time Management Myth gained such popularity in business schools and beyond because it is built on universally admired virtues such as productivity and efficiency. Who, in his or her personal or business life, doesn’t want to be thought of as productive and efficient? Certainly, productivity and efficiency have merit, and cookie-cutter approaches to achieving them have sold truckloads of business books. But when it comes down to making it through each day, productivity and efficiency don’t really count for much if you’re not living the life you really want. I propose we stop talking about time management and start promoting selfmanagement. We maximize our satisfaction and enjoyment in life when we put first things first. We need to begin investing our time, energy and resources in priorities … the things that really matter to us.


By Vicki Gillam Norris (ΓZ-Puget Sound)

Real Simple Tip #4: Team Up Use your friends to help. Try it: Take turns helping each other to declutter: one house one weekend, the other the next. If you can’t find a willing friend, consider teaming up with a professional organizer; it could be money well spent.







Real Simple Tip #5: Shop your closet Before you hit another dressing room, shop at home instead. Try it: Grab an armful of clothes that you haven’t worn in ages. Try them on in front of a full-length mirror. Put the ones that you would buy again back into circulation; donate the rest. Another idea: the closet hanger trick. At the beginning of the season, line up all your hangers to face the same way. Turn around a hanger after you wear the garment. At the end of the season, give to charity anything turned the wrong way.


be motivational, but I have found no more powerful and lasting motivator than identifying and embracing your own priorities. Organizing your time and environment will take energy and resources, so you need a reason to justify the effort to get organized. The payoff to getting organized is the ability to achieve your personal priorities. If the result of our organizing venture was, for example, having more quality time with loved ones, then perhaps we would be more willing to go through the effort. In other words, your priorities are a powerful catalyst for change.

the activities that support them on your calendar. For example, if being an engaged, consistent parent is a priority for you, then your calendar needs to show time set aside for each of your children. That may sound artificial, but your own experience probably tells you that quality parenting is not something you just “fit in” to your schedule when time allows; you must schedule that priority, and then stick to the schedule. If you are not dedicating any time or energy to a priority, then you have to question whether it is really that important to you. The real payoff to being organized is freedom – the freedom to invest in your priorities. Organizing your time is about making room in your personal and professional life for what is important to you. When you live your life in a state of order, you can live on purpose, and honor your priorities. Is it time for you to get inspired by what’s possible in your life? I invite you to begin discovering, scheduling, and honoring your priorities. You can live the life you want, starting now!

“Without priorities to guide your decisions, your calendar will be overrun with obligations that don’t fulfill your life.”

Discovering your priorities So, you can begin by asking; “What do I want my life to look like? How do I want to spend my time?” Some of us have made goals for the week or year but have never reflected on our personal and professional priorities. Even if we achieve our goals, we still may feel empty if we haven’t been living out the things that are important to us. Discovering our priorities requires introspection. A set of priorities is a necessary measure by which our goals may be chosen and our opportunities evaluated. If, for example, your priorities include a fulfilling spiritual life, an intimate marriage, and deep personal relationships, then self-management means choosing the activities that support those priorities. But if you never set your priorities in clear terms, then you will have no point of reference for selecting the commitments and opportunities that present themselves in abundance. Without priorities to guide your decisions, your calendar will be overrun with obligations that don’t fulfill your life. Once you know your priorities, you can schedule

Vicki Norris is founder and president of Restoring Order®, a professional organizing firm based in Portland, Ore., that serves a local and national clientele in corporate, home-based business and residential environments. Instead of simply showing clients how to organize their various spaces, the Restoring Order® approach helps them discover the causes of disorder that create clutter in the first place. Vicki appears as an on-air organizer for HGTV's nationally syndicated “Mission: Organization” and as a contributor to “AM-Northwest,” the morning show on ABC® affiliate KATU-Channel 2 in Portland. In 2004, Vicki launched the Reclaim Your Office™ collection, a line of high-end organizing products she designed. She just signed a two-book publishing deal for a “Restoring Order: Reclaim Your Life” series. Vicki is immediate past president of the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) Oregon chapter, serves on the national NAPO association's strategic chapter relations committee and on the Portland Rescue Mission board of trustees. Visit www.restoringorder.com or contact Vicki at info@RestoringOrder.com or 503.625.5774.



Organizing Your Memories: Scrapbooking By Vera Plazinic Spurlock (ΓN-Miami University)

2. Sort your pictures and memorabilia (ticket stubs, napkins, programs, matchbook covers and other paper souvenirs). Decide whether you want your album organized chronologically (month/year order) or by event (initiation, dances). Write a brief timeline for each year – highlights to guide you in sorting. File folders and special photo sort boxes are invaluable. Your photos can be safely stored until you are ready to begin your album. 3. Journal as you go. Cut paper into shapes and write your memories on them as soon as they come back to you. Recent event? Still do it because you will forget the details. Planning a reunion with your sisters? Ask everyone in attendance to write her


5. Assemble in quality albums. Albums may fall apart if you use inferior materials that don’t stand up to loving hands. Look for albums with reinforced page edges; they withstand frequent handling better than paper that can rip and fold. Lay out the page and enhance with stickers, lettering, etc. Use photo splits or tape runners (not rubber cement or school glue sticks) to adhere to the pages. Protect them with page protectors. Fingerprints, dust, abrasion, accidental spills and environmental contaminants can ruin your pictures. Ink jet prints, napkins and newspaper articles will not last as long as photos, but you can save them from rapid aging with protectors.


4. Crop your pictures to fit more photos on a page. Focus on people and places leaving just enough background to identify the setting. As much as you loved your college years, you will not want to lug umpteen albums with each move or to each reunion to share. This also applies to albums of your wedding, children and vacations. Organizing photos, then laying them out by page allows you to reach your goal of completed albums. Lay them out on the actual loose or guide pages.



1. Gather your photos, old albums and memorabilia in one place. Remove old pictures from magnetic albums using a tool to gently pry the picture off the backing. Blowing a hair dryer behind the photos will also loosen them. If you are a more recent graduate, professionally print your digital pictures. This is key to memory preservation. One encounter with a corrupted, unreadable computer file – or worse, a computer crash – could eliminate your photos forever. Decide which of the stored digital pictures you want to print. Professional printing is recommended for the longest photo life. If you print at home, use quality paper and dye-based ink printers. Color-copied pictures or those printed on inferior paper will not pass the test of time.

version of an event that took place during college. Use quality pens with pigmented ink. M

Do you find yourself in a Phi photo frenzy? Piles of party pics, digital prints, composites, ticket stubs? Yellowed, cracked pages, faded memorabilia, photos stuck in magnetic albums? No matter the scenario, you can get organized. Your pictures are priceless, and they become more precious as the years go by. Now is the time to preserve those college days, those Alpha Phi memories. If the word “scrapbooking” makes you break out in a cold sweat, let me guide you through the basic process of album-making. Keep your focus on your pictures and words … simple and meaningful. Spend time writing, not decorating, pages.

Real Simple Tip #6: Dress with style Own a dress you love. A dress that’s perfect. One that fits. That’s flattering. It’s an easy Monday morning solution: you don’t have to find a top to match, you don’t have to think; you just put it on. Every Monday. No one will notice: simply change your look with jewelry, shoes or a scarf. Now that’s real simple.

6. Store your albums properly. Do not store your precious albums in attics or basements! Stand them up on a shelf where the temperature is comfortable (around 75 degrees Fahrenheit or 25 degrees Celsius with a relative humidity between 20-50 percent. Albums and photos deteriorate (color changes, background staining, mildew at one extreme or brittle photos at the other). Keep your albums away from direct sunlight. By following these tips, your albums will withstand the ravages of time, and you can relive college and Alpha Phi memories for years to come. Vera Spurlock is a Creative Memories® consultant. Her mission is to help people preserve their photos, memories and the meaningful stories of their lives. Contact her at Spurlock8@integrity.com.


Making Collegiate Chapters a Priority 2005 Regional Leadership Conferences

1 CSU/San Bernardino (HB) collegians show off their philanthropy display during the Pacific Northwest/Southwest regions' Trade Show. 2 Alpha Phis from the North Central Midwest region pose on their way to a special Foundation "Rockin' Red Dress" dinner and alumnae reception. 3 Peg DeChant Thornburg (BΩKent State) presents San Jose State (BΨ) President Juliet Araujo with the Outstanding Collegiate Chapter award during the Pacific Northwest/Southwest combined conference. 4 Cornell (∆) collegiate chapter is presented a Formal Recruitment award during the Northeast Regional Conference.

Alpha Phi International makes it a priority to continuously provide training and expertise to collegiate officers and advisers so they can effectively lead our chapters and ensure the safety of our collegiate sisters. Regional Leadership Conferences, held every February, are a key vehicle to do this. “Based on feedback from our collegiate members and chapter advisers, conferences this year were designed to be more interactive than in years past,” says Denise Jung Reens (E¢-Northern Illinois), director of training & development/marketing & communications. “When surveyed about what they wanted from Regional Conferences, our collegiate members requested support, sisterhood and training. We created more opportunities for members to learn from each other, more one-on-one time with regional team members, EO staff and IEB directors and a new Trade Show component where chapters presented best practices and discussed them with other attendees.” More than 1,000 chapter advisers and collegiate officers from 143 collegiate chapters across North America attended the two- or three-day conferences in seven of the Fraternity’s eight regions; two

THANK YOU TO THE VOLUNTEERS WHO SERVED AS 2005 REGIONAL CONFERENCE COORDINATORS! MID-ATLANTIC: June Collins Herron (∆Φ-Indiana U. of Pennsylvania) NORTH CENTRAL MIDWEST: Christine Oksendahl (EMinnesota) NORTHEAST: Kelly Fitzgerald Mazza (ΘΩ-Barry) and Cora Bowman Walker (BPΛ-Washington State) PACIFIC NORTHWEST/SOUTHWEST: Ayme Reed McMillan (EΓ-CSU/Sacramento) SOUTH CENTRAL: Sherry Tobaben Wilcher (ΓΓ-Drury) SOUTHEAST: Kelly Benedetti (BO-Bowling Green State) UPPER MIDWEST: Jan Brinker Schaeffer (BO-Bowling Green State)

regions, Pacific Northwest and Southwest, held a combined conference this year. Conference theme Created by the regional conference program development team (RCPDT), the theme for all conferences this year was “Sister to Sister.” “Team members developed the theme by examining three areas: challenges for today’s college women, campus issues and collegiate trends,” says Denise. “The theme defines how we are responsible for and accountable to each other.”

INTERESTED IN BECOMING MORE ACTIVE IN YOUR REGION? Volunteers are needed to work and help plan 2006 Regional Conferences. For information, contact the Executive Office at 847.475.0663 or e-mail training@ alphaphi.org.

New programming The RCPDT also determined conference programming. This year special sessions covered the revised


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new member program, planning a philanthropy event – specifically a Red Dress event – and drug and alcohol abuse, utilizing the National Panhellenic Conference’s Sorority Action For Education (SAFE) educational video. A new Director of Alumnae Relations Manual was introduced. Many of the conferences incorporated wearing red in support of the Foundation’s cardiac care campaign. Red Dress pins were available at all conferences as another symbol of support. Foundation sponsors special raffle In lieu of the traditional raffle to win Limoges boxes, the Foundation incorporated something new in honor of its upcoming 50th anniversary in 2006. In an effort to begin meeting their aggressive goal of

THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO VOLUNTEERED THEIR TIME AND TALENTS ON THE RCPDT! Lisa Causarano (EP-UC/Davis) Elizabeth Feste (HM-Marquette) Lisa Gonzales-Vible (P-Ohio State) Susan Morris Haber (B∆-UCLA) Jenny Holsman (ΓΠ-Arizona State) Emily Porter Joern (Ψ-South Dakota) Celeste Loring Gleason (∆N-Maine) Alexis Mussi (ΓΠ-Arizona State) Jaime Alsup Ryberg (ΘΓ-Northeast Missouri State) Connie Coghill Scinto (HΛ-George Mason) Shana Goss Smith (X-Montana) Susan Stone (ZN-Texas Christian) Jane Tanner (∆-Cornell)

2005 TRAINING MATERIALS For more information about training materials used during 2005 Regional Conferences, visit www.alphaphi.org or contact Manager of Collegiate Programming Keri Miller (∆P-Ball State) at kmiller@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8927.

50 percent of Alpha Phis donating to the Foundation by 2006, the Foundation requested that everyone attending the conference donate “right here, right now.” The result was more than $1,000 raised at each conference. Regional Conferences offered educational sessions on risk management, anti-hazing, emergency procedures, marketing, finance, scholarship, licensing and governance. Receptions, luncheons or dinners were incorporated in some regions for area alumnae. Some also included awards presentations, ritual and ceremonies Q and As and a marketplace. Representatives from the International Executive Board, Alpha Phi Foundation, educational leadership consultants, alumnae volunteers and Executive Office staff assisted with presentations and round table discussions.

5 Chapter advisers support their collegiate women by attending the Upper Midwest Regional Conference. 6 East Carolina (∆A) new members (from left) Melissa Leonard, Kate Domoney and Chelsea Kimrey enjoy the Southeast Regional Conference. 7 The Mid-Atlantic regional team enjoys the Foundation's dessert reception. 8 It is a family affair at the South Central Regional Conference! Pictured are (from left) Keynote Speaker Tracy Lungrin, Nebraska/Kearney (∆Ξ) Chapter Adviser Carol Owens Lungrin and former Educational Leadership Consultant Molly Lungrin (all ∆Ξ-Nebraska/ Kearney). All three women are former collegiate chapter presidents for Delta Xi.


5 8 6



Join Us On the First-ever Interfraternal Cruise Along the Mediterranean History will be in the making this fall when Alpha Phi joins 25 other Greek organizations on the first-ever all-Greek Mediterranean voyage, which will combine rich history with scenic beauty along the coastlines of Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Sicily, Italy and Monte Carlo. Travelers will have the unique opportunity to visit places largely bypassed by the typical tourist, and the cruise will be made even more special because it will be in the company of Alpha Phi sisters and their families, as well as our interfraternal friends. An ideal opportunity to plan an Alpha Phi reunion, the trip will depart the U.S. on Oct. 13, 2005. Passengers will embark from Photo courtesy Holland America Line Venice, Italy, on Oct. 14 aboard Holland America’s luxurious cruise ship ms Rotterdam for a 10-night cruise that will explore the fascinating history and stunning scenery of southern Europe where it touches the Adriatic Sea and Mediterranean Ocean. Along the way, passengers will discover Venice by gondola and wonder at the opulence of the Ducal Palace. You and your sisters can walk in the footsteps of the caesars, spend time in the Eternal City, Rome, and experience the Colosseum, the Arch of Constantine and Palatine Hill. Across the Tiber River, Vatican City holds the key to the Sistine Chapel and Bernini's awesome colonnade. Other trip highlights include a visit to the tiny principality of Monte Carlo, larger than life due to its international limelight. Corsica is an island of rocky outcroppings and sandy beaches, with secret trails that lead inland over fields and through lazy villages. Travelers can visit Napoleon Bonaparte's house in Ajaccio, birthPhoto courtesy Holland America Line place of Corsica's famous son, and wander the cobbled streets of Dubrovnik’s hauntingly beautiful old town of Stari Grad in medieval Croatia, named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979. The explorations will be enhanced by the presence of an experienced and distinguished team of experts, who will lead excursions ashore and invite questions and conversation. Their enthusiasm and knowledge of this region will add to the enjoyment and experience of each destination. Special pricing for Alpha Phi will start at $1,927 per person and includes 10 nights aboard the ms Rotterdam, all meals during the cruise and a gala all-Greek cocktail party. Please visit www.alphaphi.org/marketplace/travel.html for a detailed itinerary and addiPhoto courtesy Holland America Line tional information.

Testimonial from Alpha Phi Traveler Jane Phillips (BB-Michigan State) was one of nine Alpha Phi sisters who traveled with an Alpha Phi-sponsored trip to the Dordogne region of France in October 2004 along with two other women's fraternal organizations. Read Jane’s testimonial below. Won’t you consider joining your Alpha Phi sisters, their friends and families, for an upcoming trip? Visit www.alphaphi.org/marketplace/travel.html for more information. “Our Village Life in the Dordogne experience was exceptional! Director Yvette Laurent, guide Angelika Simeon and host Denise Jung Reens (E¢-Northern Illinois) were wonderful. Our group of Alpha Phis, Delta Delta Deltas and Alpha Xi Deltas enjoyed each other, our leaders and the lovely and fascinating Dordogne. Yvette and Angelika's gracious enthusiasm set the tone, and their thoughtful explanations and clear enunciation enabled good interaction and understanding. The excursions were excellent. We are all grateful for a fabulous experience ... and hope that future travelers will have equally great experiences ...” –M. Jane Phillips, Detroit, Mich.








Collegians Called to Action

In the past

A series of conference calls, by region, were

year, Greek

held to provide this proactive learning opportunity.


The Alpha Phi Foundation supported this effort

across the

with an educational grant.

U.S. and

Calls included facilitated peer-to-peer discus-

Canada have

sions about safety, Watchcare and alcohol-related


issues. They also provided a forum to brainstorm

an alarming

creative and fun activities that are alcohol-free.

number of student deaths as a result of excessive

Additionally, this exchange gave Executive Office

consumption of alcohol. Concerned by these inci-

(EO) staff an opportunity to learn from our colle-

dents, Alpha Phi International felt compelled to

gians what types of education and resources they

provide additional education to our collegiate

view as most effective.

The calls consisted of the following: • Sharing statistics that directly impact our members as women and as college students • Sharing the challenges that confront collegians and the types of messages they received regarding alcohol consumption • Sharing how they combatted alcohol-related issues and best practices • Highlighting the importance of partnering with Panhellenic sisters and speaking in one voice • Reviewing Alpha Phi’s policies relating to alcohol

members and their advisers about binge drinking

The key component of each was a “call to

and the high-risk behaviors often associated with

action.” Each chapter officer was asked to commit

it. Part of this effort involved a challenge to colle-

to do something to begin to affect positive change

gians to implement the knowledge they gained in

within her chapter and/or on her campus. The EO

Call results were recorded and shared with each

their chapters and/or communities.

Staff will follow up to determine their success.

chapter’s adviser and regional team.


• Committing to affect positive change by stating actions to be taken




ALPHA PHI ANNIVERSARY RECOGNITION PINS Alpha Phi recognizes the importance of lifetime membership. One special way that Alpha Phi honors the endurance of membership is with anniversary recognition pins. These pins celebrate your affiliation with Alpha Phi on milestone occasions – 10 years, 25 years, 50 years and 75 years. Today, any member of Alpha Phi who has celebrated one of these significant anniversaries may order a pin and/or certificate from the Executive Office. The 10-year pin (for those initiated in 1995 or earlier) features a bold Roman numeral ten in brushed silver, with a delicate ivy vine entwined around it. The Greek letters Alpha Phi, engraved on the front of the pin, proudly display your affiliation. The cost of a 10-year pin is $35, plus $5 for shipping & handling. The 25-year pin (for those initiated in 1980 or earlier) is a sterling silver badge in the shape of the Big Dipper. Fashioned with one sapphire at each of the seven joints of the Big Dipper, this piece of

jewelry handsomely recognizes your affiliation with Alpha Phi. The cost of a 25-year pin is $35, plus $5 for shipping & handling. The first 50-year pins were presented at the 42nd Convention in 1958 to several alumnae who had given significant service to the Fraternity for 50 years or more. These pins are replicas of the pins presented to the six living Founders at the Fraternity’s 50th Anniversary Convention in 1922 and celebrate your 50 years (for those initiated in 1955 or earlier) of membership in Alpha Phi. The pin is created in a manner that allows your original badge to be placed inside the silver circle for a dramatic jewelry display. The cost of a 50-year pin is $30, plus $5 for shipping & handling.

For our most revered members, the 75-year pin is a brilliant diamond-shaped, golden pin, with clear stones at each of the points. This breathtaking piece of jewelry is only available to those members who have been sisters for 75 years or more (initiated in 1930 or earlier). Like the 50-year pin, the diamond is sized large enough to allow you to place your original badge within the 75-year pin. The cost of a 75-year pin is $30, plus $5 for shipping & handling. To place an order, please visit http://www.alphaphi.org/ alumnae_info/pins.html or contact the Alumnae Department at 847.316.8940.

ALPHA PHI RETURN ADDRESS LABELS ARE NOW AVAILABLE Are you looking for a clever way to show the world your affiliation with Alpha Phi? Alpha Phi Return Address Labels are a subtle way to spread the Alpha Phi message and show your Alpha Phi loyalty with every piece of correspondence you send. Select from one of three designs – the crest, the letters or the ivy leaf! Alpha Phi Return Address Labels are now available for purchase at $5.00 per sheet, and each sheet contains 80 labels. Labels can also be used to identify personal belongings: books, luggage, CDs, videos. Be creative! To obtain your labels, please visit https://www.alpha phi.org/alumnae_info/returnlabels_secure.html or contact the Alumnae Department at 847.316.8940.

Mid-Atlantic Region GREATER PHILADELPHIA IVY CONNECTION, PA. Members gathered for a holiday potluck dinner at Christine Genovese’s (EΦΛ-NC State) home and collected canned goods for the Camp Out for Hunger program sponsored by WPLY-FM/Y100. Other chapter events included a happy hour and assisting Pennsylvania (HI) collegians with spring recruitment. –Paige S. Olek (HΣ-Lafayette College) GREATER PHILADELPHIA IVY CONNECTION CONTACT:

Alysa Suero (ZΣ-Franklin & Marshall)

PhillyIvyConnection@yahoo.com 610.525.7278 www.PhillyIvyConnection.com

North Central Midwest Region CHICAGO NORTHWEST SUBURBAN, ILL. Alumnae held a successful wine-tasting philanthropy event, raising more than $8,000 to benefit Arden Shore Child and Family Services (Vernon Hills, Ill.). Officers served a variety of tasty salads in September.


Other chapter events included an October campfire meeting, a room decorating workshop in November, a holiday party in December, book club meetings, dining out, crafts and Bunco®. –Barbara Brown Barber (ZA-Eastern Illinois) CHICAGO NORTHWEST SUBURBAN CONTACT:

Amy Lewkovich (ZT-Illinois State)

alewko@comcast.net 847.537.4878 MUNCIE, IND. Ball State (∆P) alumnae met at Jenny Moore Smith’s (∆M-Purdue) home for an annual holiday

cookie exchange and meeting. The group worked with the university’s foundation, alumnae, collegians and parents to raise more than $4,000 to help Delta Rho renovate the chapter suite and fund a scholarship. Sisters held a moment of silence in memory of Karen Hays-Ogle (∆M-Purdue) who lost her battle with cancer. A memorial scholarship fund was set up in her memory. To donate to the fund, contact Jane Pfenning Potee (∆P-Ball State). –Jane Potee


Jane Potee

Jpotee1007@aol.com 765.286.5654

Northeast Region FAIRFIELD COUNTY, CONN. Fairfield County alumnae met for a special Founders’ Day luncheon and ceremony at Monique Salvail’s (H∆/CSUHayward) home. The chapter’s third annual winter brunch kicked off the new year. Sisters contributed to the American Red Cross® International Response Fund to aid the victims of the tragic South Asia tsunami disaster. Upcoming events include game night, dining out with sisters, officer elections and a tag sale fundraiser. –Autumn Ronald Flora (BΩ-Kent State) FAIRFIELD COUNTY CONTACT:

Tracy Giordano Creatore (HE-Villanova)

tracyrn@hotmail.com 203.288.3424 CENTRAL NEW YORK STATE, N.Y. Alumnae joined Syracuse (A) collegians for an annual Founders’ Day dinner. The Honorable Nancy Harvey



Steorts (A-Syracuse), former U.S. Chairwoman of the Consumer Products Safety Commission under the Reagan administration, was a special guest. Nancy inspired attendees with words of wisdom and held a book signing for Safe Living in a Dangerous World: An Expert Answers Your Every Question from Homeland Security to Home Safety. In December, sisters joined Cornell (∆) collegians for a holiday brunch and a Pampered Chef® party. –Melanie Takata Heaphy (EP-UC/Davis) CENTRAL NEW YORK CONTACT:

Melanie Takata Heaphy

heaphy@earthlink.net 315.469.5973 HUDSON VALLEY, N.Y. Hudson Valley alumnae held their first chapter meeting at the Brotherhood Winery in July, celebrated Founders’ Day at Owen Murphy Inn and gathered at Meredith Long Florkey’s (BO-Bowling Green State) home for a potluck holiday celebration. Upcoming events include a ladies’ night at the movies, wine tasting and a Hudson River dinner cruise. –Alicia Voss (ΘΨ-SUNY/Plattsburgh) HUDSON VALLEY CONTACT:

Jillian Ramos (HΛ-George Mason and EH-Old Dominion) jillian@alumnae.alphaphi.org 845.497.7103

ATTENTION ALUMNAE Does your chapter have a great idea for a philanthropy event that you've hosted, or plan to host, this year? Or have you created a new and unique community service effort? Contact quarterly@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8920 with details.


RHODE ISLAND Alumnae kicked off the holiday season with a white elephant party at Alyssa Cardi Tillier’s (I∆-Rhode Island) in December. Sisters held an open house at Kim NortonO’Brien’s (ZP-Bentley) home in January and celebrated Cardiac Care month with a Red Dress cocktail party to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. Spring events included a dinner for sisters and significant others and an Italian potluck dinner at Gina Paolo’s (ΘM-Hofstra) home. –Jaclyn Ramirez (ΘT-Rensselaer)

❶ BALTIMORE, MD. Baltimore alumnae and spouses enjoy a wine tasting and private tour of Boordy Vineyards in Hydes, Md., during the fall.

❷ GREATER PHILADELPHIA IVY CONNECTION, PA. Greater Philadelphia ivy connection members celebrate the holidays at Christine Genovese’s home.


Chicago Northwest Suburban alumnae held a winetasting philanthropy event and raised more than $8,000 to benefit Arden Shore Child and Family Services.


Jaclyn Ramirez

Jaclyn@alumnae.alphaphi.org 508.324.9886 www.RhodyPhi.com

Pacific Northwest Region GREATER FRESNO, CALIF. Alumnae gathered to cheer on Eliza Orlins (A-Syracuse) as a contestant on CBS® television’s “Survivor: Vanuatu” reality program. Other chapter events included a holiday luncheon at the Fresno Metropolitan Museum, wine tastings and an Oscar® night out. –Nancy Theisen Bennett (∆T-Louisiana State) GREATER FRESNO CONTACT:

Susan McNary Weakley (EP-UC/Davis) sweakley55@comcast.net 559.434.0807

MONTEREY BAY, CALIF. Monterey Bay Phis held an annual cookie exchange at Annie Reynolds Jasper’s (EX-Cal Poly) home. Members brought canned goods for donation to the Thomas Carmen Food Pantry. Lindsay Axelsson O’Sullivan (ΘT-Rensselaer) hosted a new year tea and presentation by American Red Cross® worker

Kathy Schimandle Wright (Λ-UC/Berkeley) about tsunami relief efforts. –Diane Thoman Goldman (ΘΓ-Northeast Missouri State) MONTEREY BAY CONTACT:

Diane Goldman

GoldmanD@pebblebeach.com 831.625.8468

South Central Region GREATER KANSAS CITY, KAN. Sisters created study snack gift baskets to help Central Missouri State (ΘΛ), Washburn (Y) and Missouri (O) collegians survive finals week. Alumnae also enjoyed an annual wine tasting event, participated in a Texas Hold ‘em Poker tournament and relaxed during a chick flick movie night. –Kari Taylor (O-Missouri) GREATER KANSAS CITY CONTACT:

Gretchen McClure (ΘΓ-Northeast Missouri State) gretchenmcclure@lycos.com 913.268.7468 www.kc-aphis.com




❶ BOSTON, MASS. Alumnae enjoy an annual Founders’ Day brunch at a Nashoba Valley restaurant and winery.

❷ CENTRAL NEW YORK, N.Y. Nancy Harvey Steorts, seated, signs her latest book for alumnae and collegians during a Founders’ Day celebration.


Monterey Bay alumnae celebrate the new year with a tea hosted by Lindsay O’Sullivan.


Gamma Xi alumnae celebrate Founders’ Day.


St. Louis alumnae are strong supporters of the St. Louis Alumnae Panhellenic.

WICHITA, KAN. Seventy Wichita State (ΓΞ) alumnae and collegians celebrated Founders’ Day at the Petroleum Club in downtown Wichita. Kara Weddle Stewart and Sherii Schopf Farmer celebrated 10-years of sisterhood, Shirley Clegg Dieker celebrated 25-years, and Jeanne Cummin and Marcene Steffen Olson celebrated 50 years. The chapter also recognized Mari Dunn DiMattia as Alumna of the Year. –Jan-Maeve Jackson Saggerson (ΓΞ-Wichita State) WICHITA CONTACT:

KANSAS CITY METRO, MO. During the holidays, alumnae gathered for an ornament gift exchange, provided two “adopted” children with gifts and collected $1,000 in donations by greeting cars at Longview Lake’s Christmas in the Park. Members created fragrances at Bathmatics, held a happy hour during the South Central Regional Conference and hosted an Easter egg hunt. Upcoming events include a Mother’s Day brunch and a spring cleaning garage sale fundraiser. –A.J. Nelson-Pipes (ΘΛ-Central Missouri State) KANSAS CITY METRO CONTACT:

Angie Jeffries (ΘΛ-Central Missouri State)

jeffang@gw.co.jackson.mo.us 816.795.7879



Megan Tooley (∆Ξ-Nebraska/Kearney)

immags234@aol.com 314.791.5405 GREATER TULSA, OKLA. Alumnae participated in the annual Tulsa Heartwalk. Dues-paying chapter members received a Red Dress pin courtesy of Connie Hamernik Doverspike (ΦOklahoma). Upcoming chapter events include a session on the Alpha Phi Foundation and the annual pool party. –Cheri Hinton Quillen (∆P-Ball State)

Patricia Spiegel (ΓΞ-Wichita State)


patriciaspiegel@yahoo.com 316.461.3636 http://studentweb.friends.edu/lhenshall/alpha_phi 2/html/index.html

Cheri Quillen


Austin area sisters enjoy Founders’ Day dinner in October.

ST. LOUIS GATEWAY, MO. Sisters participated in the third annual St. Louis Alumnae Panhellenic Association Greek Antique Appraisal Luncheon in November. Jamie Feighery Straka (HΛ-George Mason) and Jayne Gebauer Kasten (O-Missouri) were once again the top ticket sellers for the event, bringing in 25 guests. –Jayne Kasten

thewoobiecat@cox.net 918.282.9754 TULSA, OKLA. Twenty-three Tulsa alumnae and husbands met at the home of Jon and Jackie Hamilton Brinlee (∆XWilliam Woods) for a December holiday buffet. Newest chapter member Billie Coskey Battiato (Φ-Oklahoma), International Executive Board director, was also in attendance. Joanna Hinchcliffe Chapman (ΦOklahoma) organized a March meeting. –Sally Cummins Leininger (BO-Bowling Green State)

TEXAS AREA ALUMNAE ARE SANTA’S HELPERS Dallas and North Texas area alumnae chapters and North Texas (ΓH) collegians collect toys for WFAA-TV’s annual Santa’s Helpers toy drive. It was the second year Alpha Phi was featured by the television station, thanks in part to the promotional efforts of WFAATV News 8 Daybreak reporter and Fort Worth alumna Alexa Conomos (ZΓ-Santa Clara). Approximately 100 Alpha Phis volunteered to step in for Texas National Guard members who were unable to volunteer during the 2004 drive due to training for the war overseas.




Connie Hamernik Doverspike (Φ-Oklahoma)

cdover@tulsaconnect.com 918.492.1979 AUSTIN, TEXAS Austin area ivy connection members joined the traditional group for a Founders’ Day dinner and ceremony. They attended the annual Halloween carnival hosted by Texas (Ω) collegians, participated in an American Heart Association® Heart Walk fundraiser, held a book club meeting, donated money to Omega chapter’s Hits for Hearts annual softball tournament fundraiser and enjoyed monthly happy hours. Sisters joined the traditional group at their A Phi Market, where alumnae had the opportunity to showcase their home businesses and products to holiday shoppers. –Wendy Worth (P-Ohio State) AUSTIN AREA CONTACT:

Rona Mayer (Ω-Texas) AustinIvyRocks@aol.com 512.699.6209 www.austinareaalphaphi.org

DALLAS AND SUBURBAN, TEXAS Michelle Hurley Quiroga (Φ-Oklahoma) and Amy Latham (ΓI-Texas Tech) hosted a wine auction to raise money for collegiate support efforts in November. Sisters met at Lynn Clements Soutter’s (ZN-Texas Christian) home and collected toys for the Scottish Rite Hospital in December. Sisters attended a mother-daughter dessert hosted by Hope Truckenmiller Cramm (∆E-Iowa) and Joell Skrdle (Φ-Oklahoma). –Callie Gerald Burns (ΓI-Texas Tech) DALLAS AND SUBURBAN CONTACT:

Regina Rice Haas (Ω-Texas)

regricehaas@alumnae.alphaphi.org 972.492.7710 www.alphaphidallas.org


FAR NORTH DALLAS AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES, TEXAS Sisters gathered at Karla Hardy-Allford’s (ΓΩMidwestern State) home for a bingo tournament fundraiser to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. Kim Neal Harlow (Ω-Texas) and Pamela Baires Ramirez (EΩ-Texas A&M) co-hosted a Panhellenic fundraiser. Kelley Kobe Thompson (Ω-Texas) and Kim Segel (HP-San Diego) co-hosted the chapter holiday party. Other chapter events included ivy circle gatherings coordinated by Leigh Ann Hoenig (ΓH-North Texas), happy hour, dinner and a wine tasting. Pamela treated sisters to full body massages at the home of Beth Ann Rogers Black (Ω-Texas). Carol Robnett McQueary (ΓH- North Texas) shared her Mary Kay® expertise. Members created a Valentine’s basket for Texas A&M/ Commerce (∆B) collegians. Upcoming events include a Foundation Fun Day, senior ceremony, potluck and pool party and a Move Your Phi’t 5K walk/run fundraiser to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. –Michelle Holguin York (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) FAR NORTH DALLAS AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES CONTACT:

Karla Hardy-Allford

karla@alumnaaae.alphaphi.org 972.624.0686 www.fndaphis.org FORT WORTH, TEXAS Founders’ Day festivities were held at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens. Barbara Baird Clinkscales (ΩTexas) and Mary Shannon Hoger (Π-North Dakota) were honored as fifty-year members. In November, the chapter met at WilliamsSonoma for a holiday entertaining cooking demonstration and enjoyed Southwestern cuisine at Blue Mesa Restaurant. –Nadine Troll Parsons (ZN-Texas Christian)


Cathy Brown (ZN-Texas Christian)

Cathy.Brown@wellsfargo.com 817.465.8696 www.angelfire.com/tx4/aphi


(From left) Jade McGaw, Shirley Johnston and Maria Johnston

Shortly after James and Jade Lusk McGaw (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) found out Jade was pregnant with the couple’s first child, they were notified that James was to be deployed in Iraq for about a year, missing the birth of their daughter, Emma, in August 2003. The couple resided in a Kansas duty station with no family nearby. When Shirley Johnston (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) and her mother, Maria LaHue Johnston (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) learned of Jade’s situation, they opened their Texas home to Jade during the entire course of her pregnancy. Shirley put her own life on hold and became Jade’s birthing coach, accompanying Jade to doctors’ appointments, throwing a baby shower, helping to put together a bassinet and even taking Jade out for pancakes at 11 p.m. during one of her cravings. Jade is thankful for these sisters in Alpha Phi and for the opportunity to have them in her life.




Have you registered yet for Alpha Phi’s ONLINE COMMUNITY? Visit www.alphaphi.org/ onlinecommunity today.




Gina Garner Winter (EΩΛ-Texas A&M)

Dora J. Johnson (Ω-Texas)

Far North Dallas and Surrounding Counties alumnae pose for a fun photo at their Phi Esta meeting in September.

gkgdds@hotmail.com 281.296.0766

djj1224@aol.com 210.495.3782

❷ SOUTHEAST FLORIDA/FT. LAUDERDALE, FLA. Alumnae gather for a Ft. Lauderdale Alumnae Panhellenic meeting at the Ft. Lauderdale Country Club in December. Pictured are (from left) Ft. Lauderdale Alumnae Panhellenic President Jackie Bray Webb (∆K-Wisconsin/La Crosse), NPC Treasurer June Cain Burkhard and Marie DelSonno Keenan (BO-Bowling Green State).


Atlanta area and visiting alumnae donned in red boas volunteer to walk an Alpha Phi Foundation-sponsored hot air balloon during the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta holiday parade.


Greater Fresno alumnae watch Eliza Orlins (A-Syracuse) compete in CBS’® “Survivor: Vanuatu.”

SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS San Antonio alumnae met at Betty Attwood Collins’ (B-Northwestern) home for a fall meeting and dinner. Sisters attended a Founders’ Day luncheon hosted by the University Health System Foundation and toured the Alpha Phi Baby Safe Place and neonatal intensive care wing of the hospital. Rose Ann Felty (AΛ), University Hospital Foundation executive director, was initiated as an alumna in November. The chapter’s annual holiday ornament exchange party was hosted by Suzan Benbow Taff (Ω-Texas). Sisters met at Cammie Arnold Todd’s (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) home in preparation for the annual lollipop sale in January. Alumnae supported St. Mary’s (IB) collegians with a recruitment workshop and pizza. –Jane Sanders Martin (Ω-Texas)

Southeast Region JACKSONVILLE FIRST COAST, FLA. Alumnae co-hosted the Jacksonville Alumnae Panhellenic Association’s monthly meeting, celebrated the holidays at the home of Dawn Inglis Montgomery (ZI-Virginia), and collected toys for the Toys for Tots program. –Dawn Montgomery JACKSONVILLE FIRST COAST CONTACT:

Deborah Bridge (Z∆-Iowa State and ΓO-Drake)

mgoblue_3@yahoo.com 904.565.9362 www.geocities.com/jax_alphaphi


Greater Tulsa area Phis and their children participate in the Tulsa Heartwalk.


NORTHWEST HOUSTON, TEXAS Northwest Houston alumnae kicked off the holiday season with a tailgate party and made Care Bear packages for local collegiate chapters at Cara Schurwon O’Leary’s (ΓI-Texas Tech) home. The Moms and Tots group enjoyed a movie in November. Kayla Griffith Towle (ΓI-Texas Tech) initiated a successful happy hour. Nicole Roberts (EΩΛ-Texas A&M) hosted an evening of fabulous food and wine at which members chose presents for an “adopted” family. Upcoming chapter events include celebrating the rodeo with a Go Texans night and luau. –Nicole Roberts


During the holidays, San Fernando Valley alumnae surround someone special to them, Dottie "Granny" Heitz. In November, the CSU/Northridge (EY) collegiate chapter's first Red Dress Ball was held in Dottie's honor, with proceeds benefiting the Alpha Phi Foundation.



ATLANTA, GA. The chapter promoted the Women’s Heart Healthy campaign by joining with the American Heart Association® in the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta holiday parade. Sisters from Florida, North Carolina and South Carolina volunteered as handlers of a Betty Boop hot air balloon in honor of the Foundation’s Red Dress campaign. Thousands of parade goers were in attendance and millions watched the event on WSB-TV Channel 2. The chapter thanks Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Festival of Trees Chairman Mary Rekart Ulich (∆Γ-Northern Colorado), who was instrumental in making the opportunity happen. Special guests at a Founders’ Day dinner included International Executive Board President Crista Cate Vasina (∆Γ-Northern Colorado) and guest speaker IEB Vice President Peg DeChant Thornburg (BΩKent State). Alumnae also held the annual Buy a Pound, Sell a Pound fundraiser to benefit the Foundation. –June Ash Moore (ΓΞ-Wichita State) ATLANTA CONTACT:

June Moore

junebug@alumnae.alphaphi.org 678.838.0060 www.alphaphionline.com/atlanta RICHMOND/CENTRAL VIRGINIA Alumnae got a head start on holiday gifts during a pottery painting outing at a local art studio. Carrie Buckle (ΓΣ-Wisconsin/Stout) created a teacupshaped ornament for the Alpha Phi Executive Office holiday tree. Judy Boyd Cogburn (∆N-Maine) hosted the chapter’s annual holiday party, and members brought homemade items for a gift exchange. Care Bear treat baskets were assembled and delivered to Virginia (ZIΛ) collegians prior to recruitment. –Diana Cichewicz (HΠ-Richmond)



Diana Cichewicz

richmondaphi@mail.com 804.512.0113 www.angelfire.com/va/richmondaphialum

Southwest Region LONG BEACH, CALIF. Approximately 30 collegians and alumnae celebrated the holidays at Kathy Kingston Tomasulo’s (ΓA-San Diego State) home by bringing gifts for the residents of the Phoenix House, a non-profit drug treatment center. Kristen Pankratz Strurim (ZY-Washington University) orchestrated the project. –Sharen Metz Kokaska (B∆-UCLA) LONG BEACH CONTACT:

Norma Gill Kolb (ΓK-CSU/Long Beach)

nkolb@earthlink.net 562.596.9866 SAN FERNANDO VALLEY, CALIF. Alumnae supported CSU/Northridge (EY) collegians with the chapter’s first Dorothea “Granny” Nelson Heitz (X-Montana) Red Dress Ball in November. The event raised nearly $8,000 for the Foundation. Collegians serenaded Granny with “Sister Mine.” Sisters also participated in the annual holiday potluck, collected toys for the Los Angeles City Fire Department Spark of Love toy drive and attended the annual San Fernando Valley Panellenic Bunko® night fundraising event. All proceeds benefited scholarship awards at local universities. Upcoming events include a wine tasting and yoga classes. –Ingrid Gluck (ZB-Loyola Marymount) SAN FERNANDO VALLEY CONTACT:

Berkenda Cantlo (EY-CSU/Northridge) bdc2x@aol.com 818.581.7592 www.SFVAlphaPhi.com

WEB VOLUNTEER NEEDED The Phoenix alumnae chapter is in need of a fabulous Phi, family member or friend to assist with its Web site updates once a month. Visit www.phoenixalphaphis.com and contact saraee@alumnae.alphaphi.org for details.

Upper Midwest Region ONTARIO SOUTH IVY CONNECTION, CANADA Members celebrated Founders’ Day with Toronto (Ξ) collegians. Sisters held a holiday mixer and toy drive for a local women’s shelter and an annual wine tasting ice outing at Niagara-on-the-Lake. Spring events include attending Toronto, Wilfrid Laurier (IΘ) and Western Ontario (ΘH) chapters’ senior ceremonies and movie nights. –Alison Nash (Ξ-Toronto) ONTARIO SOUTH IVY CONNECTION CONTACT:

Ashley Haugh (Ξ-Toronto)

ashley.haugh@alumnae.alphaphi.org 416.253.7772 ASHLAND AREA, OHIO Beth Skelton Peebles (∆Y-Baldwin-Wallace) hosted a November meeting. Sisters participated in Stampin’ Up and Creative Memories® fundraisers to benefit the chapter. Despite a major December snowstorm, members enjoyed a silent auction at Debby Bryden Gray’s (EA-Ashland) home. –Debby Gray ASHLAND AREA CONTACT:

Taryn Gallik (EA-Ashland)

tgallik@richnet.net 419.756.4133 PAGE SEVENTEEN


new alumnae chapters


Congratulations to the following chapter for recently receiving its charter!


Cleveland East and Ashland alumnae hold a special Founders’ Day celebration at the gravesite of a Founder.

CINCINNATI, OHIO Alumnae, collegians and friends are crazy for the chapter’s Red Dress bracelets, successfully raising $660 for the Alpha Phi Foundation! Miami University (ΓN) collegians even incorporated the bracelets in the philanthropy round of recruitment. Alumnae raised $200 at the annual holiday ornament auction to benefit the Foundation. –Acacia Hillard (ΓN-Miami University) CINCINNATI CONTACT:

Natalie Baird Barlett (ΓN-Miami University) natalieaphi@hotmail.com 513.520.9261 www.cincy-aphi.20m.com

CLEVELAND EAST, OHIO Cleveland East and Ashland area alumnae gathered for a Founders’ Day rose-laying ceremony at the gravesite of Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults (A-Syracuse) in Lakeview Cemetery. After the ceremony, the women enjoyed lunch in Little Italy. The chapter also held their annual fundraising auction in November and the annual holiday ornament exchange in December. –Jamie Krovontka (EI-Duquesne) CLEVELAND EAST CONTACT:

Jamie Krovontka

Denton County, Texas Chartered: January 12, 2005 Chapter President: Jayne Phillips Howell (ΓH-North Texas) E-mail: jayneh@att.net

Alpha Phi International is excited to announce alumnae chapters and ivy connections are forming in the following areas: Alumnae Chapters (alumnae of all ages) California Napa, San Francisco, San Luis Obispo Florida Gulf Coast, Melbourne, Miami Georgia Savannah Indiana Northwest Indiana Louisiana Baton Rouge Maryland Frederick Michigan Detroit North Missouri Columbia, Jefferson City New York Suffolk County, Westchester County Ohio Akron Oklahoma Lawton Oregon Salem Overseas Shanghai, China Tennessee Memphis Ivy Connections (alumnae 10 years out of college and younger) California North Orange County Michigan Saginaw Virginia Virginia Peninsula Alpha Phi International seeks alumnae who are interested in forming alumnae chapters and ivy connections in the following areas: Des Moines, Iowa Greenville, S.C.

Nassau County, N.Y. Tacoma, Wash.

Please contact Alissa Meyer Milito (ZΞ-Elmhurst) at amilito@alphaphi.org if you are interested in getting involved with any of these chapters or starting a chapter in your area.

Eddie117@hotmail.com 330.467.9568

Do you have information about a missing alumna? Visit www.alphaphi.org/ alumnae_info/alumnaeinfo.html to help us locate “lost” alumnae.





Introducing: (Please attach a photograph if available.)

Introduction to Alpha Phi


















Legacy Information Alpha Phi relatives (Please list name, address and chapter affiliation). YEAR










Additional Information

How do you know this woman?

Have you spoken to her about Alpha Phi? If not, will you? List her school and community service honors:

What are her interests/goals?

Will she be participating in formal recruitment?

Personal Information



Mail Form Please attach additional information if necessary. Send this form directly to the collegiate chapter and the Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Please check the appropriate box below: Copy for EO records EO: Please forward to collegiate chapter







This form also is available on our Web site at www.alphaphi.org SPRING 2005




Outstanding Collegiate Women in the Campus Community We proudly recognize collegiate members who were inducted into two prestigious Greek honor societies. GAMMA SIGMA ALPHA The following collegians were inducted into Gamma Sigma Alpha, a national honor society that recognizes Greek scholars who excel in academics, during the 2003-04 academic year. Arizona (BE)

Sarah Leaf Teri Schramm Jayme Tauber Bowling Green State (BO)

Natalie Hamlin

Case Western Reserve (ZΠ)

Meridith Blevins Elizabeth Russo Gretchen Zsebik CSU/Northridge (EY)

Nicole Barbiera Elizabeth Himes

Elmhurst (ZΞ)

Brittany Ashcroft Breanne Briskey Colleen Cummings Corinne Danforth Erin Drogos Jensine Fitzgibbons Jessica Gardiner Kristin Lindahl

ORDER OF OMEGA Order of Omega is a Greek honorary that recognizes outstanding fraternity men and women for their service to the fraternity system and the university. Its purpose is to bring together members of the faculty, alumni and student body of the institution’s fraternities and sororities on a basis of mutual interest, understanding and helpfulness. Order of Omega helps to create an atmosphere where ideas and issues can be discussed openly across Greek lines. The following collegians were inducted into Order of Omega during the 2003-04 academic year. Arizona (BE)

Chrissy Coolidge Beth Wischer Katya Yanayaco

Colorado School of Mines (IZ)

Ella Schmidt Cooke Cornell (∆)

Alicia Wroblewski Elmhurst (ZΞ)

Brittany Ashcroft Colleen Cummings Jensine Fitzgibbons Kristin Lindahl Jennifer Moninger Monica Milton Nicole Ruschelinski

Alicia Spencer

Kristen Hamilton Melanie Pope

Ball State (∆P)

CSU/Northridge (EY)

Haley DeWees Mary Horn Lori Jacquemin Jen Sanders

Elizabeth Himes Bouvier Rous

Bowling Green State (BO)

Andrea Kratzke

Deborah Hood Stephanie Rafferty

Dayton (ZΨ)

Indiana (BT)

Baldwin-Wallace (∆Y)

Stacey Sternard British Columbia (BΘ)

Michelle Davies Michelle Drissler Charlotte Haan Butler (EB)

Angie Bong Cal Poly (EX)

Erika Ann Penner Lauren Borelli Case Western Reserve (ZΠ)

CSU/San Bernardino (HB)

Florida Tech (ΘZ)

Christina Peloquin Claudia Reeder Erin Reinhardt

Lauren Claytor Sarah Hampel

Delaware (EN)

Erika Davis Jennifer Essa Rachel Hager Stacey Johnson Melissa Peters Robin Quesenberry Carla Schwartz

Deanna Forgione DePauw (Γ)

Kelly Patterson Katherine Wright Drake (ΓO)

Laura Muchlinski

Johns Hopkins (ZOΛ)

Elizabeth Russo

Alissa Krom Leigh Brosious

Anna Hutchinson Katia MacNeill Jessica Parsons

Central Missouri State (ΘΛ)

East Carolina (∆A)

Kent State (BΩ)

Amanda Houser Megan Ryan

Patricia Williams Eastern Illinois (ZA)

Carly Fox Alexis Mosgo Carrie Young



Abbie Hill Jessica Munday


Duquesne (EI)

James Madison (ΘI)

Jill Blackburn Lenee Moseley Kelly Piel

Monica Milton Francesca Mirobali Jennifer Moninger Katrina Mueller Karol Prieto Karlen Qualkenbush Nicole Ruscheinski Anna Zordan

San Diego State (ΓA)

Vanessa Charfen SUNY/Plattsburgh (ΘΨ)

Carrie Baldwin

Sara Carlson Alexa Gordon Melanie MorencyDuncan Elizabeth Ryder Vanessa Seeley Jennifer Snyder

Purdue (∆M)


Jessica Bailey Gina Bassetto

Michigan (Θ)

Mary Laverty Tiffany Lewis Erin Lieber Kimberly Muroff Naomi Remis Paula Shapiro Zara Stevens Jaina Wald

Alison Sherman Tessie Shih Jessica Thompson Washburn (Y)

Megan Bedwell Beth Strathman Washington University (ZY)

West Chester (EK)

Samantha Chan Emily Sardegna

Nicole Canter Laura Gluck Amy Goldstein Alison Kleaver Marissa Knopman

Lafayette (HΣ)

Nebraska (N)

Rochester (ΘK)

Kelley Anthes Christine Bender Johanna Garschina Jessica Hronich Kathryn Sayles Shannon Sullivan Julie Xanthopoulous

Kristen Otterson

Elizabeth Loveless Lauren Prusnofsky Elizbeth Wenzel

Hanna Tuller Stephanie Uchima

Linfield (ΘA)

North Texas (ΓH)

Santa Clara (ZΓ)

Rachel Housewright

Megan Barnett Chandra Campbell Colleen Coghlan Jessica Frank

Marisa Mannari Tiffany Zinter Maine (∆N)

Jennifer Avery Kaylee Cooper Cindy Dionne Christine Gagnon Mary Gatchell-Fenderson Diana McElwain Rania Nazmy Jessica Stoddard Marquette (HM)

New Hampshire (HA)

Christina Brigati Kelsey Iovino Jessica Pittinger Shanna Miller

Northern Illinois (E∆)

Erin Kennedy Northern Iowa (EΘ)

Rachel Erwin Leslie Kersey Getta Malhotra Alexis Rutz Molly Skjei

Lindsey Agens Stephanie Allen Carrie Baldwin Jennifer Breckheimer Elizabeth Chase Jane Friend Heather Jones Marie Keating Sarah Ziering

Afton Austin Candace Cade Jessica Creech Rebcca Echipare Laurel Scott Denicia Versoza

Michigan State (BB)

Elizabeth Arnone Kelly Baas Angela Epolito Sara Maters

Tara Bjorklund Jenna Borys Andrea Clark Jennifer Davis Minna Friedlander

Minnesota (E)

Rensselaer (ΘT)

Christie Wood

Jaime Danielle LeBlanc Kelly Hunley

University of the Pacific (IΓ)

Alicia McNamara Krystine Ongbongan USC (BΠ)

Samantha Chan Ashley Pritchett

SUNY/Plattsburgh (ΘΨ)

Old Dominion (EH)

Michelle Ross

Brittany Irvine Marcile Vadell-Strickland

Northwestern (B)

Michigan (Θ)


San Diego State (ΓA)

St. Mary’s (IB)

Ohio State (P)

Kettering (IE)

UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB)

Emily Candee Katherine Rathje

Nicole Brink Colleen Furey Stacey Jensen Kristen Kaminski Johannah Torkelson

Haley Kurtz

Julie Bennet

Kristen Callaway Brittany Eshbaugh Jessica Horowitz Julie Martin

Oregon (T)

Allison Warner Puget Sound (ΓZ)

Karen Gollins Julie Mannette-Wright

Villanova (HE)

Vanessa Garza Sara Carlson Jill Katz Melissa Myers Syracuse (A)

Eliza Orlins Elizabeth Smoose Erin Westerman Texas (Ω)

Abigail Basalyga Shannon Duffy Jennifer Monk Texas Tech (ΓI)

Bethany Mcbride Towson (HΩ)

Elyssa Wellen UC/Davis (EP)

Andera Chalupa UC/Irvine (HK)

Nicole Chorney UCLA (B∆)

Clarisse Casanova Lauren Clapperton Kelly Dorsey Erin Marsh Colleen Popken Lisa Russell Nicole Shum Brenna Talkin

Amy Kirchheimer Michele May Mairaed McCarthy Colleen Mulhern Virginia (ZIΛ)

Meghan Fitzgibbons Virginia Tech (HO)

Lauren Silvestri Washington State (BPΛ)

Denise Junell West Chester (EK)

Jaclyn Schmehl Western Michigan (∆Θ)

Christine Bosco Laura Henry Kelly Morgan William Woods (∆X)

Megan Klein Wisconsin (I)

Ellen Breeden Sharon Bronstein Wisconsin/LaCrosse (∆K)

Nicole Adrian Amanda Bloedel Jennifer Draeger Jamie Stietz



CANADA Bishop’s (HX) Thanks to all chapters that donated items for Eta Chi’s auction, nearly $175 was raised to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. Collegians and alumnae celebrated the chapter’s 15th anniversary and initiation of two new members during the fall. Alumnae were invited to the chapter’s spring initiation festivities. –Heather Cosgrave Wilfrid Laurier (IΘ) Eighteen women were initiated during the fall semester. Rebecca Yanyk planned a successful surprise retreat to teach sisters self-defense moves and stress relief activities. Tracy Briggs planned a Phi-nomenal winter recruitment. Kristen Goddard, one of the Iota Theta’s founding members, said goodbye to sisters as she enters teacher’s college in Australia. –Janinne Strain

Foundation Board Director Alin Hernandez Wall (B∆-UCLA) was the evening’s guest speaker. –Jennifer Szewczynski

USC (BΠ) Beta Pi sisters raised more than $14,000 through the chapter’s annual Heart of Gold fall philanthropy event during Parent’s Weekend. The event included a silent auction, dinner and a fashion show featuring Beta Pi seniors modeling several new clothing lines. –Sally Handmaker

An Iota Theta sisterhood retreat includes lessons in selfdefense. The women are pictured with their Army instructors.

COLORADO Colorado (BΓΛ) Beta Gamma deuteron was recognized during the University of Colorado at Boulder Greek Awards ceremony in December with the 2004 Risk Management

CALIFORNIA Chapman (HY) A revamped annual Phiesta philanthropy event raised more than $5,400 to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation and the Make-A-Wish Foundation®. Themed “Wear Red” to raise awareness of women’s cardiac care, the event included a Mexican buffet, live auction, faculty recognition reception and presentation of the “Heart Healthy” educational video. Sisters wore a Red Dress pin with formal red dresses. More than 200 guests attended and more than 15 faculty members were honored for their contributions to the chapter women’s educational development. –Hope Gray CSU/Long Beach (ΓK) Gamma Kappa held a Heart to Heart luncheon in October that raised $2,200 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Collegians, alumnae and mothers from around the United States joined to support the cause and participate in a silent auction. Alpha Phi


Have a couple hours a month you can donate to Alpha Phi? A new house corporation board (HCB) is being formed at the University of New Hampshire to serve as loving and caring landlord while supporting and following the policies of Alpha Phi. The HCB will oversee the property manager who handles financial transactions, maintenance and employees. Want more information? Contact Brandi Baumgartner Peterson (∆ΘWestern Michigan) at 847.316.8939 or bpeterson@alphaphi.org.


Sisters participate in Court of Ivy in November.



Amber Douglas, Jessica McNamara, Jamie Bye and Laura Jones spend time with children at the Santa Barbara Boys and Girls Club® after school program. Gamma Beta sisters donated Magic Mountain® tickets to the Boys and Girls Club®.

Award for an outstanding and improved risk management program. –Leanne Cassella Northern Colorado (∆Γ) Delta Gamma was awarded Highest Panhellenic Chapter GPA during Greek matriculation awards. Sisters hosted a fall philanthropy brunch that raised $1,520 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters welcomed 17 new members during fall recruitment and initiated them with two alumnae initiate candidates. They enjoyed a fall Phi Esta! formal and Homecoming activities. –Claire Schmalstieg ILLINOIS Illinois (BA) Beta Alpha sisters enjoyed an annual holiday party and a Bring Your Own Bucket Night all-you-can-eat popcorn sisterhood event at a local movie theater. –Nicole Casey IOWA Northern Iowa (EΘ) Epsilon Theta women held a successful fall formal recruitment and welcomed 18 new members. The (continued on next page)






Katie Bowman, Sara Filliman, Megan Shahnazarian and Kim Kelton gather at the chapter’s annual Heart of Gold philanthropy event.

❷ TORONTO (Ξ) The fall new member class hosted Xi chapter’s third annual Jump-A-Thon philanthropy event in October to raise funds for the Alpha Phi Foundation.


Delta sisters take a break during Phi Kappa Tau fraternity’s Phi Tug event.


Representatives from the Durham Fire Department collect toys for Toys for Tots® donated by Eta Alpha sisters.


Sisters celebrate the crowning of Tina Shaerban as Baldwin-Wallace Homecoming queen.

MICHIGAN Adrian (∆H) The chapter welcomed 14 new members into the sisterhood during fall recruitment. Sisters hosted a Butterball® Turkey Bowl fundraiser that brought in $250 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Three to four member teams competed in a bowling tournament using turkeys as the ball in an effort to win prizes donated by local businesses. –Hillary Gurtowski MISSOURI Missouri (O) Omicron women and Phi Kappa Theta fraternity men garnered third place overall in Mizzou’s Homecoming and placed first in the skit and dance competition. Sisters hosted the chapter’s first Sibling’s Weekend, participated in Greek Week with members of Alpha Gamma Sigma and Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternities and hosted their first Rockin’ Red Dress Texas Hold’ Em poker tournament to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. –Angie Trae NEW HAMPSHIRE

(Northern Iowa continued)

ladies partnered with Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity for Homecoming festivities including the annual Panther Pride Cry, window painting and an annual alumnae barbeque. Sisters held their first date auction philanthropy event that raised $1,500 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Other events included a Parent’s Weekend, Sibling’s Weekend, an annual crush party and raking leaves for members of the community. –Cassie Schulz


New Hampshire (HA) Chrissy Stuart worked with the Durham Fire Department to organize the chapter’s annual holiday party and toy drive benefiting Toys For Tots®. Family, friends, university faculty and town officials were invited to join the celebration that included tasty treats and an appearance by a male a capella group. More than 450 toys were collected. –Chrissy Stuart NEW YORK Cornell (∆) Delta took first place during Greek Week and placed first, second and fourth in Phi Kappa Tau’s Phi Tug philanthropy event. The chapter raised more than

$800 with the annual Alphatraz fundraiser in support of cardiac care. –Jennifer Marie Traina-Dorge OHIO Baldwin-Wallace (∆Y) Tina Shaerban was crowned Homecoming queen in October. A Delta Upsilon sister has been named queen for three consecutive years. Sophomores Beth Lawson and Andrea Issac helped coordinate the entire Homecoming event along with Kathy McKenna Barber (∆Y-Baldwin Wallace). –Stacey Hrvatin Miami University (ΓN) Educational Leadership Consultant Brooke Harrison (HΞ-UNC/Wilmington) assisted in the success of the chapter’s recruitment process. Heart Awareness Week included a speaker from the American Heart Association©, a cardiovascular exercise class for the Greek community and a Red Dress Pin Day. –Jacqueline Lucas Ohio State (P) A new tradition of friendly competition between Ohio State (P) and Michigan (Θ) chapters was established to build inter-chapter bonds and raise money for the

ATTENTION COLLEGIANS Does your chapter have a great idea for a philanthropy event that you've hosted, or plan to host, this academic year? Or have you created a new and unique community service effort? Contact quarterly@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8920 with details.



Alpha Phi Foundation during college football season. Led by Kim Young, Rho sisters collected pennies with Penny Wars, hosted a Buy a Brat to Beat the Blue fundraiser and auctioned off babysitting, painting and leaf raking services. Alumnae also donated to the chapter. Sisters are pleased to have topped Theta chapter’s $1507 with $1538 to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. –Katie McGoron

PENNSYLVANIA Penn State (ΓP) Sisters and more than 700 dancers and thousands of supporters participated in Penn State’s THON, the university’s 48-hour dance marathon. The event raised millions of dollars in support of the Four

Diamonds Fund and the fight against pediatric cancer for the Hershey Medical Center. A special part of the event for the chapter was sponsoring Mara, a child who was diagnosed with a brain tumor at age four. Last year, Gamma Rho in partnership with (continued on next page)

OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City (∆∆) In January, Oklahoma City student body president Ashlea Brack represented the university during a service of prayer that remembered those affected by the Southeast Asia tsunami and honored volunteers who contributed time and aid to the relief efforts. Hillary Morris provided music during the service. Andrea Brack is president of the Oklahoma City University Student Senate for the 2004-05 academic year. Several sisters were named Homecoming champions during the university’s centennial celebration; the chapter took first place in the majority of campuswide competitions against university faculty and students. Carri Perrier was chosen as the Centennial Homecoming queen, and sisters joined her in center court to celebrate victory with the chapter’s favorite “Slap Bang” chant. –Ashlea Brack OREGON Oregon State (BY) Beta Upsilon teamed with Sigma Pi fraternity to win Homecoming. Sisters participated in Sigma Chi fraternity’s Derby Days philanthropy event by attending football games, donating monies to their auction and helping decorate the Sigma Chi chapter house. –Alison Losch






The women of Rho chapter sell bratwursts to raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation.

❷ OKLAHOMA CITY (∆∆) Sisters celebrate with newly crowned Miss Oklahoma City University 2005 Morgan Long, third from right. Also pictured are (from left) Danielle Estes (first runner up), Andrea Brack, Ashlea Brack (third runner up), Melisa Manning and Jennifer Chiesa.


Lacy Morris and Christine Donnelly pose with the chapter’s THON child, Mara.


Omega members enjoy the chapter’s third annual Hits for Hearts softball tournament benefiting the Alpha Phi Foundation and the Austin American Heart Association®.


Sisters participate in a walk to benefit multiple sclerosis in support of the Phi Sigma Pi honors fraternity.

TEXAS Midwestern State (ΓΩ) Gamma Omegas raised $1,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation through an annual Teeter Totter-athon. Six new sisters were initiated in November. Other chapter events included a sisterhood retreat, mixers including an ‘80s Prom and Las Vegas Casino themes and the annual Silver Elegance Ball. Leeann Neugin, Jennifer Turner and Marta Gorecka were named to Midwestern State’s Homecoming court and President Rebecca Geiger was crowned Homecoming queen. –Chassidy South and Jennifer Turner Texas (Ω) Omega hosted a Dad’s Day and family barbeque in celebration of Parent’s Weekend in October. The chapter raised more than $3,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation and the Austin American Heart Association® with its third annual Hits for Hearts softball tournament. Special thanks goes to Geneen Pipher-Boyd (EΩΛ-Texas A&M) for her hard work launching www.texasalphaphi.org. Abby Basalyga was elected to the Order of Omega Greek honor society. Spring recruitment included Winter

Wonderland and Phiesta-themed parties planned by Shelby Ball. –Clarissa Lampertz Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B) Rooms sparkled with bleach and personality for the chapter’s Hotel Alpha Phi philanthropy event that raised $300 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Delta Betas worked hard to win second place in Kappa Delta Sing Song. Sisters welcomed three new members and shared holiday spirit by showering the children of Boles Home with gifts and spending a morning with them. –Ashley Wright WASHINGTON Eastern Washington (HΨ) Twenty-one new members were initiated during the fall and four additional new members joined the chapter through continuous open bidding, helping the chapter reach quota. –Katherine Ryan Washington (Σ) The chapter held its second annual Beau of Bordeaux competition week in November organized by

(Penn State continued)

Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity raised more than $103,000 as the university’s sixth highest fundraiser. –Lori Wittig Saint Joseph’s (ΘΘ) Theta Thetas welcomed five new members and upheld tradition by initiating mothers of senior members into the sisterhood during the fall. The chapter’s Powderpuff football tournament philanthropy event raised $1,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Other fall activities included a new Wai Ki Phi recruitment event, a sisterhood retreat, chartered buses for a trip to New York City, Ivy activities for newly initiated sisters, date party, mixers and a winter formal. –Kate Buehler PA G E T W E N T Y- F O U R

CANADIAN CHAPTERS HOLD SPECIAL RETREAT Collegiate chapters from Eastern Canada come together in January to focus on training, specifically in the areas of officer transitioning and continuous open bidding. Educational leadership consultant Katrina Wolf (ΓH-North Texas) represented Alpha Phi International during the event. The women who attended were excited to make connections with other chapters in Eastern Canada and to share the ideas learned with their own chapters. Two tracks were offered: one for collegians, one for advisers. Special thanks to the planning team led by Joanne Alexopoulos (Ξ-Toronto) and staffed with chapter advisers and members from each chapter.



Sabrina Ross and Kirsten Hawkins. Two men from each fraternity competed in a picture contest, weightlifting competition, ping-pong tournament, wing feed and skit night. Two men from Pi Kappa Phi were crowned Beau of Bordeaux and took home the grand prize of Timberland© boots. More than $2,600 was raised for the Alpha Phi Foundation. –Mallory Berschauer Washington State (BPΛ) Sisters enjoyed an annual fall rafting trip and a Dad’s Weekend. Sisters were elected to the Panhellenic executive council. The chapter worked hard to achieve a 3.02 GPA and enjoyed an exclusive shopping trip to the J. Crew® store in Seattle, Wash., during winter break. Brea Thompson is Associated Students president. –Katie Seastrom-Probandt WISCONSIN Marquette (HM) Every Monday night sisters were privileged to help a group of individuals with disabilities prepare for a dance show. In October, the chapter hosted its annual Alpha Phiesta all-you-can-eat taco dinner and raised more than $2,200 to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters enjoyed a semiformal, brunch in celebration of Founders’ Day, coordinating events for Cardiac Care week in February and preparations for formal recruitment. –Emily Markowski Wisconsin/LaCrosse (∆K) Delta Kappa initiated two new members into sisterhood and welcomed Melisa Beach (∆KWisconsin/LaCrosse) as new chapter adviser. –Kimberly Kokott

EARLY RECRUITMENT ADDRESSES Please refer to the following chapter addresses when mailing Potential Member Introduction Forms (found on page 19, at www.alphaphi.org or by calling the Executive Office at 847.475.0663). All chapters listed below have recruitment in August 2005.

Please Note: All forms should be mailed to the attention of Vice President of Recruitment. Contact the chapter for due dates.

ARIZONA Arizona (BE) Beta Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 1339 E. 1st St. Tucson, AZ 85719

CALIFORNIA UC/Berkeley (Λ) Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi 2830 Bancroft Steps Berkeley, CA 94704

COLORADO Colorado School of Mines (IZ) Iota Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi 1112 18th St. Golden, CO 80401

IDAHO Idaho (BZ) Beta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi P.O. Box 3078 Moscow, ID 83843

IOWA Iowa (∆E) Delta Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 906 E. College St. Iowa City, IA 52240



Central Missouri State (ΘΛ) Theta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi C100 Panhellenic Hall Warrensburg, MO 64093

Midwestern State (ΓΩ) Gamma Omega Chapter of Alpha Phi 3410 Taft Blvd. Box 12763 Wichita Falls, TX 76308-2099

Missouri (O) Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi 906 S. Providence Columbia, MO 65203

North Texas (ΓH) Gamma Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi NTSU -Alpha Phi, UNT Station P.O. Box 305692 Denton, TX 76203-0692

William Woods (∆X) Delta Chi Chapter of Alpha Phi 200 W. 12th St. Fulton, MO 65251

NEBRASKA Nebraska/Kearney (∆Ξ) Delta Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi 1700 University Dr. URS-A Kearney, NE 68845 Nebraska/Lincoln (N) Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi 1531 “S” St. Lincoln, NE 68508

NORTH CAROLINA East Carolina (∆A) Delta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi 950 E. 10th St. Greenville, NC 27858

Texas (Ω) Omega Chapter of Alpha Phi 2005 University Austin, TX 78705 Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B) Delta Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi Box 4203 Commerce, TX 75428 Texas Tech (ΓI) Gamma Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi #1 Greek Circle Lubbock, TX 79416

WASHINGTON Washington State (BPΛ) Beta Rho deuteron Chapter of Alpha Phi 840 NE California Pullman, WA 99163

Editor’s Note: A complete chapter recruitment address and date list will be printed in the Summer 2005 Quarterly.




Chappell Honored by Alumni Association Jodi Chappell (BO-Bowling Green State) was one of four alumni honored by Bowling Green State University’s Alumni Association during a special dinner in Jodi Chappell October; she was recognized with the Recent Graduate Award. The 1995 graduate earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and currently serves as director of health care policy for the American Academy of Audiology in Reston, Va. Her work affects health care policy legislation and advocates on Capitol Hill. Jodi is a member of the Women in Government Relations board of directors, an active member of the Bowling Green State Alumni Association, travels to Haiti for mission work and helps organize Washingtonarea charity events.

Sister Receives Prestigious University Award Debby Bryden Gray (EAAshland) was honored with the Ashland University Alumnae Distinguished Service Award Debby Gray during the university’s Homecoming weekend. She and husband David rode in the Homecoming parade and were recognized during the football game.


Alumna Featured As Young Entrepreneur Lauresa Neale Lopez (B¡¤Colorado) was featured as a young entrepreneur in the November/ December 2004 issue of Colorado Company. Lauresa Lauresa Lopez founded WedSteps in 2002 after receiving unprofessional service from vendors at her own wedding, despite months of meticulous planning. WedSteps is a comprehensive online wedding consultation solution that includes a consultation with a professional planner; it is the only company to guarantee the reliability of each partnering vendor’s workmanship. The company began selling WedSteps software in late 2003. For more information, visit www.wedsteps.com.

Women’s Center Named in Sister’s Honor Respected businesswoman, philanthropist and lawyer

Merle Catherine Chambers (¤UC/Berkeley) was honored in September with the opening of the Merle Merle Chambers Catherine Chambers Center for the Advancement of Women in Denver, Colo. The three-story, 32,000 square-foot facility houses three women’s betterment groups: The Women’s College of the University of Denver, The Women’s Foundation of Colorado and Higher Education Resource Services (HERS) Mid-America. Merle is president of the Chambers Family Fund, a privately funded charitable foundation providing philanthropic support for the early care and education of children, girls’ futures and women’s economic self-sufficiency. She serves as president and CEO of Leith Ventures, LLC, a privately held investment company. Merle is also a member of the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame.

Sister Hosts Penn State Alumni Cori Hesselbach Donaghy (¡QPenn State) was featured in the September/ October 2004 issue of The Penn Stater Cori Donaghy alumni magazine. As Penn State Alumni Association’s associate director of program development and enrichment, Cori and staff are responsible for 140 or more yearly events hosted by the association, coordinating events at the Hintz Family Alumni Center on campus and traveling abroad to assist in planning and development of alumni group events.

Alumna Releases New Book Sheila Quinn Simpson (BBMichigan State) provides vignettes of triumph, understanding and revelations on the power of apologies in Apology: The Importance and Sheila Simpson Power of Saying “I’m Sorry” (Balcony Publications, 2004. ISBN: 0975549707), released in October. Sheila is a speaker on issues related to wellbeing. She received the 2004 Athena Award for community leadership and service.





Organizing is Prioritizing: Putting Your Work Life in Perspective By Cynthia Krainin (∆Y-Baldwin-Wallace)

In all the interviews Elizabeth Kubler-Ross (On Death and Dying, 1969) conducted of people on their death beds, very few said “I wish I had spent more time at the office.” This tells us our jobs are usually not the most important things in our lives, despite the fact that we spend so much time doing them. Many clients have said, “But it’s a job. I’m there to get a paycheck, not to be happy.” Studies back this sentiment. It varies yearly, but statistics show anywhere between 60 percent and 82 percent of Americans are unhappy at work. It does not have to be that way. My mission is to help as many people as I can get out of bed each day and look forward to going to work. There is choice in what you do for work and how you feel on the job. You can control both by improving the quality of the minutes and hours of each workday. This necessitates being willing to look at your whole self (not just the work self ) and continually take stock of what you need, what you enjoy, what is important to you and what you want. To provide perspective, following are questions to ask yourself and exercises to begin the process.

Others, Help Society, Inner Harmony, Integrity, Intellectual Status, Knowledge, Leadership, Leisure, Location, Loyalty, Pleasure, Power, Precision, Responsibility, Recognition, Stability, Spirituality, Time Freedom, Wealth, Wisdom. Exercise 3 What do you like to do? Can you do what you like at work as well as outside the job? This exercise will help you gain perspective on what you like to do and are drawn to do.

“. . . statistics show anywhere between 60 percent and 82 percent of Americans are unhappy at work.”

Exercise 1 We all want to be happy and feel successful. Do you need a job to achieve this? • Define success for yourself: What does it look like? What does it feel like? How do you feel when you are successful? What do you need to feel success? • Define happy for yourself: Is it a feeling or a state of being for you? What feelings do you experience when you are happy? When are you the happiest?

Exercise 2 What is most important to you? What do you need in your daily life? What do you value? Values clarification exercise: On a separate sheet of paper write down and number this sampling of values in order of priority or importance to you. Achievement, Advancement, Adventure, Aesthetics, Autonomy, Caring, Challenge, Change and Variety, Competition, Cooperation, Creativity, Economic Security, Excitement, Family Happiness, Friendship, Health, Help


1. Write down 20 activities you love to do (work and non-work). 2. Write beside each activity what makes it special for you (e.g., I love singing harmony to songs. It is special to me because it allows me to feel connected with the singers and the music. I love to challenge myself to sing more interesting harmony with each song.) 3. Write all the skills used in doing each activity. 4. Identify and write patterns from the “What makes it special” list (question 2). Are there aspects that are similar (e.g., do you find community, team work under several activities)? 5. Identify and list patterns from the “Skills” list (question 3) (e.g., does “challenge” come up several times?). The information gleaned from these similarities will start painting a picture of who you are, what motivates you and what makes you happy.

Work can be nourishing, satisfying, challenging and energizing. By knowing yourself, prioritizing what is important to you and looking for ways to incorporate what matters to you into each day, you will begin to feel more alive, content and excited about your life while at work. Cynthia Krainin is a certified professional resume writer, job and a career transition coach and employment interview coach, teacher, lecturer and co-author of the book Thriving at Work: A Guidebook for Survivors of Childhood Abuse. As director of Career Resources in Brookline, Ma., she has made the process of changing jobs easier, more effective and less stressful for clients around the globe since 1982. Contact Cynthia at career_resources@verizon.net or 617.732.1200.





Fighting Stress Like It’s Your Job For Megan O’Connell (HΞ-UNC/ Wilmington) stress is a part of her career – and it’s not always her own. Megan is the branch manager at the Chatham County (N.C.) American Red Cross®, where stressful situations and natural disasters are a way of life. A typical day for Megan involves anything from frantic calls relating to military personnel, family fires or catastrophes such as the December tsunami that devastated Sri Lanka. Megan shares with us how she deals with stressful situations on a daily basis.

How do you deal with stress on a personal level? “I try to focus on one issue at a time and identify the stressor in the situation so I can eliminate it. If you focus on one thing at a time, the whole seems less overwhelming, and you can keep your stress levels in check.” How does the American Red Cross® help families and victims deal with the stress these life changing events can cause? “The American Red Cross® provides immediate help to victims; this could be financially or emotionally. We work very closely with a number of other organizations such as the Salvation Army® and United Way® that also help families get back on their feet. The most important part is to calm them down and reassure them they will get through this, taking it one step at a time.”

So you deal with all of these natural disasters and family crisis eight to 10 hours a day – how do you deal with your own life? “It’s about balancing life and work. I really try to leave my work at the office. However, when you are on call 24/7 that can be tough. So I try to take time for myself whenever I can to relax or exercise – I like to sew, that really relaxes me.” Are there any courses the American Red Cross® offers on stress management? “Work Place Training: Managing Stress is a great one hour module that can benefit anyone. It focuses not only on work place stress, but teaches you how to deal with everyday life stressors. The course is very interactive and focuses on topics such as stress signals, myths about stress and how to identify

and bust stress in your life. There are also quizzes to help you identify the stressors in your life and where your stress level is.” As someone who works with people dealing with stressful situations everyday, what would you say is the number one stress-related problem people have? “Disorganization and time management! Probably three-fourths of the stress in people’s lives could be avoided if they were simply more organized. Prioritize and organize your life so you are not trying to juggle a million things at once – hence stressing yourself out.” For more information about Work Place Training: Managing Stress or the American Red Cross visit www.americanredcross.org.

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Organizing Yourself for a Stress-free Life One leading cause of heart disease is stress, and each one of us will experience some form of stress in our lifetime. Stress is the way we react physically, mentally and emotionally to the various changes and demands of our everyday life. Stress can be classified into two categories: Acute stress: (short term) such as an argument with a friend, life transition or being stuck in traffic. Chronic stress: (long-term) caused by a continuing string of stressful events such as job dissatisfaction, family illness or an unhealthy relationship. Regardless of what types of stressors we experience in life – stress plays a major role on health, including on our hearts. Today up to 90 percent of all doctor visits are for stress-related illnesses, with women at the head of the pack juggling careers, family and personal lives. Those with higher education also tend to have higher stress levels as job responsibilities are more demanding. Stress leads to clogged arteries and heart disease, as well as depression, asthma, anxiety and moodiness. While we all encounter some sort of stress on a daily basis, how our bodies handle that stress is on an individual basis. When our bodies encounter a stressful situation it responds comparable to that of a life-threatening situation. We release hormones that cause our hearts to beat faster, blood pressure to increase and breathing to become shallow. Over time these responses can be very damaging on our bodies and hearts, so it is very important to learn coping mechanisms to deal with everyday stressors. Whether it’s job stress, family problems, money problems, a move, marriage, new job or emotional stress – there are ways to handle these situations. When faced with a stressor, the most important thing to remember is BREATHE! Try to identify the source of stressors; realize that some events are not in our control, but we can learn to control the ones that are.

TIPS FOR STRESS MANAGEMENT Organize Your Life. Planning your day, simplifying your schedule and organizing your space will make you feel more calm and less rushed. Take Breaks. Take mini-breaks throughout the day to stretch, walk and/or step out of your environment. Exercise. Physical activity relaxes your mood and releases tension; aim for 30 minutes a day most days of the week. Sleep More. This will give you the energy you need to face each day; a rested body is less susceptible to stress. Manage Your Time. Managing your time will leave you feeling less rushed and will allow you more time in the day to deal with unexpected stressors. Laugh More. Laughter reduces stress, promotes communication, causes muscle relaxation, releases feel-good endorphins and lowers blood pressure. Live Healthy. Don’t smoke, eat a balanced diet, and avoid large consumptions of alcohol. When your body is running on full it is better equipped to deal with what life throws at you!




Butler (EB) To Chris and Rebecca Callahan Coffman, a daughter, Caitlin Elizabeth, Oct. 25, 2004.

Eastern Illinois (ZA) To Scott and Gina Marshall Larkin, a daughter, Claire Marie, Sept. 27, 2004.

To Pat and Megan Duffner Haggerty, a son, Conor Patrick, Sept. 10, 2004.

To Brian and Sarah Cascio Leatherman, a daughter, Gia Anne, Oct. 11, 2004.

Akron (HΓ) To John and Amy Rizzo Marzich, a son, Ethan James, Sept. 24, 2004.

To John and Annika Gustafson Russo, a son, John Brian Benjamin, Oct. 10, 2004.

Arizona (BE) To Kenneth L. III and Valerie Day Barrett, a son, Kenneth Linn IV, Sept. 10, 2004.

Cal Poly (EX) To Mike and Kristen Alling Bruce, a son, Nicholas Riley, Oct. 21, 2004.

Eastern Washington (HΨ) To Mark and Lisa Thomas Julson, a daughter, Kylee Ann, June 2, 2004.

New Arrivals Adrian (∆H) To Jason and Lorri Johnson Melynchek, a son, Zackary Jay, Nov. 1, 2004.

To Tony and Catherine Pier Bianchi, a son, Andrew Thomas, June 10, 2004. To Robert and Brooke Guertner Bolinske, a son, Del Robert, Aug. 4, 2004. To Shad and Megan Caskey LeFevre, a daughter, Mya Christine, Nov. 13, 2004. Arizona State (ΓΠ) To Karl and Margo Fekas Roessler, a daughter, Brooke Anne, Aug. 30, 2004. To Rolly and Kristin Gentile White, twins, Gabriella Sophia and Anthony Dominic, Aug. 25, 2004. Ashland (EA) To Bill and Susan Osborne Bernhard, a son, Liam Brice, Oct. 5, 2004. To Marc and Torre Sant Summers, a daughter, Marin Carol, Aug. 23, 2004. Ball State (∆P) To Dennis and Elizabeth Cunningham Watson, a son, Bayden Gray, Aug. 30, 2004. Bentley College (ZP) To Gus and Johnna Panagiotakis Angelikas, a daughter, Milena Grace, May 14, 2004. Bowling Green State (BO) To Mitch and Lorri Mullen Henman, a daughter, Claire Noelle, April 9, 2004. To Adam and Julie Hach Vavroch, a daughter, Mary Grace, Oct. 20, 2004. Bryant (ΘB) To Walter IV and Leslie Wallace Cook, a son, Timothy Ryan, May 20, 2004.


Case Western Reserve (ZΠ) To John and Clarissa Flippo Cannavino, a son, Jack, Oct. 9, 2004. To Don Bullock and Cathy Kilbane, a daughter, Celia Catherine, March 3, 2004. Central Missouri State (ΘΛ) To Dunstan and Chaney Wallace Disselhorst, a son, Barrett Oliver, Nov. 14, 2004.

To Paul and Andrea Morris Weymiller, twins, Hannah Winter and Theodore Thomas, April 16, 2004. Elmhurst (ZΞ) To Andrew and Susan Watson Eckhart, a daughter, Andrea Eileen, Sept. 28, 2004. To Daniel and Emily Scholer Hernandez, a daughter, Marina Carmada, July 1, 2004.

To Brent Richard and Melyssa Jane Chasteen McCoy, a son, Gavin Richard, Sept. 1, 2004. To Michael and Erica Gilchrist Piazzisi, a daughter, Sofia Rose, Sept. 19, 2004. To Todd and Crissy Tharp VanArsdale, a daughter, Ella Grace, Nov. 19, 2004. Indiana U. Southeast (ZE) To Andy and Avis Ewry Jolly, a daughter, Allyson Eileen, Sept. 23, 2004. Iowa (∆E) To Cedric and Catherine Streib Hayen, a son, Matthew Streib, June 10, 2004. Kansas (Γ∆) To Joe and Kelly Fredrichs Proctor, a daughter, Macy Paige, Sept. 23, 2004.

To David and Karen DeChene Paulaskas, a son, Joseph David, March 8, 2004.

Kent State (BΩ) To Bert and Molly Monaghan Bernhardt, a son, Gerald Michael, Sept. 7, 2004.

Colorado State (ZM) To Chris and Betsy Pray Nachand, twins, Abigail Margaret and William Christopher, June 2, 2004.

George Mason (HΛ) To Sean and Melinda Mosocco Shingler, a daughter, Savannah Nicole, Aug. 30, 2004.

To Greg and Amy Untch Ferrell, a daughter, Madison Anne, July 26, 2004.

CSU/Chico (ΘY) To Brice and Michelle Mueller Venables, a daughter, Kylie Brooke, June 25, 2004.

Idaho (BZ) To Sean and Raini Reid Cherry, a daughter, Reagan Sarah, May 17, 2004.

CSU/Northridge (EY) To James and Michelle LeColst Johnston, a son, Trent Arthur, July 7, 2004. Delaware (EN) To Thomas and Kimberly Jones Lindia, twin daughters, Isabella and Ava, Aug. 10, 2004.

To Robert and Crystal Major Crossler, a son, Aidan John, April 30, 2004. To Dave and Jennifer Gish Eshelman, a son, Nathan David, April 11, 2004. To Spencer and Megan Reed Shaw, a son, Samuel Spencer, May 5, 2004.

To Kris Stone, a daughter, Zarina Eugenia, born Feb. 25, 2004, and adopted Nov. 4, 2004.

To Jayson and Joy Gordon Ulrich, a daughter, Evelyn Abigail, May 26, 2004.

DePauw (Γ) To Byron and Amanda Martin Hittle, a son, Harrison Martin, Aug. 30, 2004.

Illinois (BA) To Kirk and Julie Brodrueck Oliver, a daughter, Jessica Rae, Aug. 6, 2004.

To Timothy and Ellen Shideler Wheeler, a son, Maxwell Jude, Feb. 2, 2004. Drake (ΓO) To J. Eric and Darci Bates Boehlert, a daughter, Lydia Jaimes, Oct. 17, 2004. To Timothy and Alissa Johnson Tripas, a daughter, Cameron Shuman, Sept. 17, 2004.

To Joseph and Jessica Antognoli Leibin, a daughter, Katelin Riley, Dec. 11, 2004. Marquette (HM) To Champ and Michelle Frisch Evans, a son, Dylan Champ, March 10, 2004. Miami University (ΓN) To John and Julie Vollmar Naunas, a son, Samuel David, Sept. 10, 2004. To Todd Kenreich and Amy Wei, a son, Casey Wen-Wei, Aug. 18, 2004. Michigan State (BB) To Edward M. and Tammy Gruner Durbin, a son, Spencer Gruner, Jan. 6, 2004. To Rick and Lisa Nelson Kelley, a son, Nicholas Martin, Dec. 10, 2004.

Indiana (BT) To Christian and Amy Grose Brown, a daughter, Abagail Lyman, Oct. 22, 2004.

Midwestern State (ΓΩ) To Lee Ann Williford, a son, Keith Ryan, Aug. 27, 2004.

Indiana State (∆Π) To Duane and Amy Lovell Lorey, a daughter, Haley Ryann, Aug. 6, 2004.

Minnesota (E) To Darin and Wendy Hansen Stotz, a son, Andrew David, May 1, 2004.

Missouri (O) To Jeff and Heidi Nelson Colench, a son, Zachary Nelson, Aug. 1, 2004. To Dr. Jeff and Karen Fijan Tatro, twin sons, Parker Chase and Preston Chance, July 10, 2004. NC State (EΦΛ) To Jeff and Tricia Hannon Hornbeck, a daughter, Kathryn Taylor, July 15, 2004. To Pete and Kristy Spencer Lagenor, a son, Collin Stewart, June 8, 2004. Nebraska (N) To Scott and Marney Monson Duckworth, a son, Owen Scott, Aug. 10, 2004. Nebraska/Kearney (∆Ξ) To Tom and Amy Anderson Trenolone, a son, John “Jack” Edward, April 15, 2004. North Dakota (Π) To Bryan and Rhonda Muller Battina, a daughter, Alexandra Rae, Dec. 31, 2004. Northeast Missouri State (ΘΓ) To Todd and Julie Roche Krater, a son, Liam James, Aug. 16, 2004. Northern Colorado (∆Γ) To Joseph Eugene and Gleneen Overholt Brienza, a son, Joseph Eugene II, Sept. 9, 2004. To Michael and Katharine King Williams, a son, Aidan Michael, March 25, 2004. Northern Illinois (E∆) To Domenic and Maureen Flaherty Ernandez, a daughter, Liliana Rose, Aug. 30, 2004. To Dane and Lori Flagg Van Hulzen, a daughter, Anna Grace, July 3, 2004. Ohio State (P) To Mike and Elisa Stamp Dailey, a daughter, Anna Marie, July 16, 2004. To Chris and Angie Belmont Jenkins, a son, William James, April 29, 2004. To Andrew and Tamara Markovich Weis, a son, Chad Andrew, Oct. 29, 2004.

To Matthew and Jennifer Roskoph Younker, a son, Nathan Coen, Apr. 29, 2004. For more information visit our Web site at www.alphaphi.org



x Old Dominion (EH) To Douglas and Dulcie Hooper Chaler, a son, Logan Joseph, Feb. 14, 2004.

Santa Clara (ZΓ) To Stuart and Meredith Streetman Gannon, a son, Gavin John, Nov. 1, 2004.

To Robert and Heather Powell Marshall, a daughter, Macy Veigh, Aug. 16, 2004.

To Tim and Emalie Heinrich McGinnis, a son, Peter Gregg, Oct. 3, 2004.

Oklahoma (Φ) To Richard and Rikki Benken Dodson, a son, Richard Stanton III, Nov. 24, 2004.

To Arik and Kimberly Smoker Michelson, a son, Sean Philip, Oct. 12, 2004.

Penn State (ΓP) To Craig and Jennifer Susan Perry Stoltz, a son, Reed Perry, Aug. 16, 2004. Pennsylvania (HI) To Christopher and Leslie Mag Poland, a son, Benjamin James, Sept. 22, 2004. Puget Sound (ΓZ) To Tom and Meegan Biggs Mittelstaedt, a daughter, Rachel Erin, March 23, 2004. Purdue (∆M) To Robert and Cherie Martinez Busenbark, twins, Hannah Renee and Zachary Dean, May 7, 2004. To Jason and Shannon McIntyre Middleton, a daughter, Aubryn Leeana, July 25, 2004. To Jim and Suzie Gallagher Willard, a daughter, Annabelle Rosemary, July 20, 2004. Rochester (ΘK) To Shane and Christy Hefflon Yeager, a son, Sean Lachlan, Oct. 10, 2004. San Diego (HP) To Chris and Lori Shackelford Schimenti, a daughter, Jenna Anne, Dec. 20, 2004. San Francisco State (HΘ) To Vince and Carmela Calindas Nubla, a daughter, Lauren Lyric Nicole, July 23, 2004. San Jose State (BΨ) To Bill and Joy Hampton Foster, a son, Sam Christopher, June 10, 2004. To Abel and Janet Armstrong Jaramillo, a daughter, Cecelia Eleanor, Nov. 10, 2004. To Brian and Rosemary Papp Santor, a daughter, Ava Rose, Aug. 18, 2004.


Seton Hall (HH) To John and Denise Galanaugh Bonczek, a daughter, Lucy Marie, May 25, 2004. To Ed and Camille Petrizzo Mercado, a daughter, Gabriela Maria, June 1, 2004. Shippensburg (ΘΞ) To Jason and Kendra Fiorentino Wiley, a daughter, Francesca Fiorentino, Oct. 21, 2004.

To James and Karen Capuano Lawrence, a daughter, Lindsay Michelle, April 3, 2004. To Ari and Tracy Cerimeli Liberman, a daughter, Meira Nicole, Aug. 19, 2004. Texas (Ω) To David and Beth McCorkle Barron, a daughter, Alexa Katherine, March 24, 2004. To Stephen and Rosalie Smith Galliver, a daughter, Grace Elisabeth, Aug. 14, 2004. To Wesley and Karen Johnson Hill, a daughter, Madison Lee, Aug. 26, 2004. To Jennifer Jordan, a daughter, Sara Elizabeth, March 13, 2004. To Michael and Kristine “Kristi” Esteppe Westphal, a daughter, Molly McCrea, March 24, 2004.

South Dakota (Ψ) To Ryan Beck and Kellie Englehart, a daughter, Kyanne Blake, April 6, 2004.

Texas A&M (EΩΛ) To Ben and Melissa Hangen Dustman, a daughter, Rebecca Grace, Nov. 4, 2004.

Southern Illinois (EΞ) To Robert and Catharine Richard Habermehl, a son, Noah Robert, July 27, 2004.

Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B) To Randy and Marcey Tillett Bench, a daughter, Meredith Ann, Sept. 19, 2004.

St. Joseph’s (ΘΘ) To Dennis and Kelly Lohr Dougherty, a daughter, Katherine Mary, April 15, 2004.

To Kenneth Gary and Heather Dickey Hartsell, a son, Dayton Maccoy, Sept. 22, 2004.

To Ed and Crista DelVescovo Ford, a daughter, Emily Elizabeth, April 30, 2004.

Texas Tech (ΓI) To Adam and Melissa Sherrod Marchand, a son, Peyton Adam, Sept. 20, 2004.

To Timmy and Maggie Buckley Romaine, a son, Jesse James, Sept. 20, 2004.

To Rusty and Larisa Abernathy Weldon, a daughter, Megan Isabella, Sept. 14, 2004.

St. Mary’s (IB) To Christopher and Jessica Garay Rodriquez, a daughter, Alyssa, June 4, 2004.

Towson (HΩ) To Mark and Glori Goldstein Engel, a son, Miles Asher, Aug. 1, 2004.

To Don and Joanna Kelley Varenhorst, a daughter, Lyndsay Madison, July 15, 2004.

UC/Berkeley (Λ) To Jon and Alice Schmitt LeFebvre, a son, Bryce August, Sept. 23, 2004.

SUNY/Cortland (HT) To Kevin and Cara Hirsh Schorr, a daughter, Lauren Elise, May 14, 2004. SUNY/Plattsburgh (ΘΨ) To Robert W. Jr. and Christina Santerre Wright, a daughter, Evelyn Rose, Aug. 26, 2004. Syracuse (A) To Patrick and Hilary Janel Kelly, a daughter, Janie Elizabeth, Feb. 13, 2004.

UC/Davis (EP) To Blake and Brenda Murphy Carmichael, a daughter, Anne Marie, Sept 14, 2004. To Michael and Carrie DeFries Marquez, a son, Jackson Collins, Oct. 20 2004. UCLA (B∆) To Aaron and Kari Winsel Frazier, a son, Aidan Sheffield, May 25, 2004.

H q

DID YOU KNOW? You can make a gift to the Alpha Phi Foundation in honor of a new arrival, to celebrate a marriage or in memory of a sister who has entered the Silent Chapter. Call 847.475.4532 or visit https://www.alphaphi.org/ about_alpha_phi/donor_secure.html for details.

To Scott and Melissa Appleby Holcomb, a son, Alexander Cole, Oct. 1, 2004.

To Sean and Kristin Ticknor Walters, a daughter, Tess Elizabeth, Nov. 22, 2004.

To Stephen P. and Karin Hall Riches, a daughter, Charlotte Sheila, Oct. 12, 2004.

Wichita State (ΓΞ) To Chris and Amanda Harris Eden, a daughter, Maria Shae, June 21, 2004.

UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB) To Morgan and Kristine Jensen Davey, a daughter, Sarah Genevieve, March 10, 2004.

To Martin and Julia Church Shetlar, a son, Elijah Thomas, Oct. 7, 2004.

To Sean and Kerry McCarthy Tully, a daughter, Keeley Shea, July 11, 2004.

To Barry and Michelle Meier Smith, a son, Blake Stephen, Nov. 2, 2004.

Villanova (HE) To Michael and Laura Townsend Zubey, a daughter, Katelyn Taylor, Sept. 29, 2004.

To James and Melissa Fortney Troub, a son, Ryan Cooper, March 18, 2004.

Virginia (ZI) To Timothy and Dina Alvarez O’Hanlon, a son, Daniel Timothy, Nov. 7, 2004. Virginia Tech (HO) To Michael and Susan English Leber, a daughter, Annette Katherine, Oct. 24, 2004. Washington (Σ) To Bruce Jr. and Christina Monohan Carr, a daughter, Katherine “Katie” May, Dec. 29, 2004. (BPΛ)

Washington State To Everett and Jennifer Fenich Burger, a daughter, Ashleigh Marie, Oct. 29, 2004. To Ronald and Carrie Jenkins Nunley, a daughter, Charley Grace, Feb. 6, 2004. West Chester (EK) To Sebastian and Claire Eisenbeil Ribas, a son, Felipe William, June 17, 2004. West Virginia (BI) To William James Jr. and Krista Shriver Harman, a son, Hayden James, Oct. 18, 2004. Western Michigan (∆Θ) To Tucker and Victoria Newman Bunch, a daughter, Elizabeth Wales, Oct. 4, 2004.

William Woods (∆X) To Thomas and Leslie Mills Bassani, a son, Thomas Richard, July 31, 2004.

Marriages Adrian (∆H) Heidi Ewald to Scott Leigh, Oct. 9, 2004. Sarah Laser to Jason Wilkins, Sept. 18, 2004. Akron (HΓ) Paula Sanford to Frederic Cotton, Oct. 23, 2004. Appalachian State (ΘN) Heather Hamilton to Jeremy Lundgren, July 31, 2004. Dana Gheen to Brad Walser, March 13, 2004. Arizona (BE) Judith Russler Connolly to Robert Robertson, Sept. 12, 2004. Arizona State (ΓΠ) Tara Teichgraeber to Thomas “Teddy” La Bouff, Oct. 23, 2004. Ball State (∆P) Jill Toussaint to Tom Burks, Oct. 22, 2004. Lisa Ellis to John Dransfield, Aug. 14, 2004.

Amber Morrow to Todd To Thomas and Colleen Cooper Kindberg, Sept. 25, 2004. Kish, a son, Sándor Jozsef, Oct. Julianne Tarr to Christopher 12, 2004. Pavey, 25, 2004. For more information visit our Web siteSept. at www.alphaphi.org



It is the responsibility of every initiated Alpha Phi to see that the badge she wears is protected and is never worn by, or in the possession of, a non-member. When an Alpha Phi enters the Silent Chapter, her badge may be buried with her or returned to the Executive Office, where it will be preserved in the memorabilia collection.

Boston (HΛ) Jennifer Chianese to Timothy Rifenburg, Aug. 22, 2004. Bowling Green State (BO) Jennifer Ziegler to Jason Magreevy, Sept. 25, 2004. British Columbia (BΘ) Renée Jackson to Adam Niiranen, Aug. 14, 2004. Butler (EB) Rachael Zahrbock to Todd Friesen, May 30, 2004. Julie Dryden to Marc Griffith, Sept. 11, 2004. Shannon Risinger to Michael Janulis, May 15, 2004. Katherine Sloan to Todd Labinsky, Oct. 23, 2004. Beth Butler to David Price, June 12, 2004. Cal Poly (EX) Chantal Porter to Matthew LeFevre, May 29, 2004. Case Western Reserve (ZΠ) Melissa Somers to John Aycock, Aug. 14, 2004. Central Missouri State (ΘΛ) Christina Repperger to Adam Hartz, July 31, 2004. Chapman (HY) Alyse Benvenuti to Jonathan Leibel, Sept. 28, 2004. Carrie Pike to Timothy Nash, March 20, 2004. Colorado School of Mines (IZ) Jennifer Hawes to Eric Christner, July 2, 2004. CSU/Chico (ΘY) Katrina Buck to Robert Bivin, July 17, 2004. Anna Nelson to Brian Hogan, Oct. 9, 2004. CSU/Hayward (H∆) Andi Rogers to Kevin O’Toole, Aug. 21, 2004. CSU/Long Beach (ΓK) Bridget O’Leary to Gary McIntyre, Aug. 15, 2004.


Joanna Parisella to Josh Strong, July 31, 2004. CSU/Northridge (EY) Betsy Villalobos to Tony Sánchez, Oct. 23, 2004. Dayton (ZΨ) Lindsay Moeller to Gregg Matthews, Oct. 9, 2004. DePauw (Γ) Elizabeth Elliott to Gregory Cook, July 31, 2004. Molly Carrell to Brad Pierce, Aug. 7, 2004. East Carolina (∆A) Kathy Pacella to Chris Petrak, Jan. 15, 2005. Eastern Illinois (ZA) Stacey Sutter to Mike Esposito, July 24, 2004. Elmhurst (ZΞ) Carol Gibson to Cary Green, Oct. 16, 2004. Hannah Fitzgerald to Matthew Sutton, Nov. 12, 2004. Emory (ΘΠ) Allison Goldberg to Tanah Barchichat, Dec. 25, 2004. Stefanie Zirin to Mark McCans, Nov. 6, 2004. Andrea Coffey to David Stewart, Oct. 9, 2004. Illinois (BA) Christa Drake to Chad Jenkins, Jan. 15, 2005. Samantha Niesen to Joe McShane, Sept. 25, 2004. Indiana (BT) Julie Bushau to Josh Beatty, June 12, 2004. Megan Key to Adam Dykhuizen, Oct. 9, 2004. Alayna Alvis to Jack Zimmerman, Jan. 14, 2005. Indiana State (∆Π) Alison Clerkin to Timothy Laitas, Dec. 18, 2004.

Iowa (∆E) Courtney Lester to Mark Sedgwick, June 26, 2004. James Madison (ΘI) Jennifer Chidley to Robert Prunty, April 17, 2004. Johns Hopkins (ZO) Helen Broder to Glenn Fuller, Sept. 11, 2004. Cheryl Houlik to Robert Schaefer, Nov. 26, 2004. Kansas (Γ∆) Debra Howland to John Burgess, Oct. 23, 2004. Kent State (BΩ) Lisa Wilson to James Adair, May 22, 2004. Kettering (IE) Jessica Kucharek to Rod Thomas, Sept. 11, 2004. Lafayette (HΣ) Kimberly Ann Person to Michael Joseph Carson, Oct. 16, 2004. Linfield (ΘA) Beverley Greene to Robert Menillo, Sept. 3, 2004. Maine (∆N) Nancy Douglass to Kevin Hill, July 24, 2004.

Michigan (Θ) Kari Holt to Mike Mellina, Oct. 2, 2004.

Penn State (ΓP) Angela Hamaday to Jake Naggy, Oct. 16, 2004.

Michigan State (BB)

Puget Sound (ΓZ) Shianne Saylor to Thomas Trentman, June 26, 2004.

Nancy Donaldson Scott to Than Butterfield, June 14, 2004. Melissa Wagasy to Douglas Moody, Sept. 18, 2004. Midwestern State (ΓΩ) Sandra Golleher to Ryan Andonian, July 24, 2004. Sarah McBride to Joel Fermaglich, Oct. 23, 2004. Missouri (O) Beverly Fitch Uhlmer to Charles Roberts, Oct. 16, 2004. MIT (ZΦ) Sarah Masiulewicz to James Marren Jr., Oct. 16, 2004.

Alyssa Maciejczyk to Ryan LaBelle, July 31, 2004.

Michele Panzica to Jacob Owen, July 17, 2004.

Anne Ricci to Michael Opal, July 10, 2004.

Santa Clara (ZΓ) April Velk to Dr. Kambiz Ghandehari, Sept. 4, 2004.

North Dakota (Π) Kim Kenville to Kevin Buettner, Aug. 17, 2004. North Texas (ΓH) Vanessa Hauptmann to Zack Davis, Dec. 31, 2004. Northern Colorado (∆Γ) Leah Anne Smith to Adrian Esteban Herrera, Oct. 16, 2004.

Maryland (∆Z) Karen Scheffling to Chris Avore, Aug. 14, 2004.

Christina Wiech to Jason Newsom, June 19, 2004.

Kristen Bruce to Andy Miedler, July 10, 2004.

Nicole Sturm to Michael Brewer, Nov. 13, 2004.

Christina Castillo to Gene Mirra, Sept. 25, 2004.

Northern Illinois (E∆) Deana Greco to Dante Morreale, June 5, 2004.

Susie Burick to Rick Leonhard, Sept.11, 2004.

San Diego (HP) Tiffany Flaherty to David Baughman, Feb. 7, 2004.

Betsey Mulvey to Michael T. Howard, Sept. 26, 2004.

Nicole Dolezalek to Michael Joseph Fasano, Aug. 14, 2004.

Katey Nichols to Chris Evans, Oct. 30, 2004.

Rhode Island (I∆) Alyssa Rae Cardi to Keith J. Tillier, Nov. 6, 2004.

San Jose State (BΨ) Jennifer Peabody to Tyson Billingsley, Oct. 9, 2004.

Laura Franks to Stephen Smith, June 12, 2004.

Shana Gerber to Matthew Eiselstein, Oct. 15, 2004.

Gina Cappas to Michael Marasco, April 24, 2004.

New Hampshire (HA) Kirsten Chapman to Douglas Harrison, Sept. 25, 2004.

Marquette (HM) Alisabeth Coats to David Beecher, Oct. 16, 2004.

Miami University (ΓN) Hallie McNabb to Jason Addington, July 31, 2004.

Purdue (∆M) Kathleen Kinder to David Campbell, Sept. 25, 2004.

Claudine Agcaoili to John Shank, Oct. 21, 2004. Northwestern (B) Shanna Wagner to Charles Wendt, Aug. 7, 2004. Oklahoma City (∆∆) Amanda Herrman to G. Andrew Marino, Sept. 25, 2004.

Katie D’Amico to Michael Irvine, Aug. 28, 2004. Amy Hirst to Ron Kodl, Sept. 11, 2004. Alexis Marie Wetoska to Ryan Patrick Malayter, Nov. 6, 2004. Amanda Curry to Timothy Shim, June 26, 2004. Seton Hall (HH) Jennifer Nuse to Robert Persson, Oct. 16, 2004. Shippensburg (ΘΞ) Misty Milburn to Eric Wilson, Sept. 25, 2004. South Dakota (Ψ) Kimberly Jo Van Deventer to Anthony Paul Lanham, Sept. 25, 2004. St. Joseph’s (ΘΘ) Christine Lipski to Michael Mackintosh, July 10, 2004. St. Mary’s (IB) Olga Martinez to Charles Hickman, Sept. 3, 2004.

Old Dominion (EH) Elisabeth Frankie to Nathan Syracuse (A) Buzzard,ForJune 5, 2004. Erica Johnson to Steven more information visit our Web site at www.alphaphi.org Cullmann, June 5, 2004.



Stacey D’Aquila to Trevor Hatfield, Oct. 9, 2004. Texas (Ω) Melissa Valdez to Charles Aguayo, Aug. 28, 2004. Debbie Land to Greg Cannella, Aug. 7, 2004. Julie Kimball to Kevin Graham, April 17, 2004. Angela Rudisill to Jason Hicks, Oct. 23, 2004. Texas A & M (EΩΛ) Jennifer Newberry to John Moats, Nov. 6, 2004. Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B) Felicia Pryby to Eddie Acosta, Oct. 9, 2004. Texas Christian (ZN) Velma Beall to John Gibson, Nov. 27, 2004. Texas Tech (ΓI) Summer Winn to Ronald Bradshaw, May 22, 2004. Towson (HΩ) Kat Flannery to James Cook, Sept. 5, 2004.

UC/Berkeley (Λ) Lindsey Davis to Jesse Antin, July 17, 2004.

Kerri Hoxsey to Larry Weyer, May 1, 2004.

Melinda VanderReis to Richard Yurich, Oct. 23, 2004.

Villanova (HE) Jennifer L. Durfee to Doug Bottamiller, Oct. 30, 2004.

UC/Davis (EP) Sarah Schroeder to Casey Dillon, Aug. 14, 2004.

Virginia (ZI) Melissa Corey to Michael Scott Carey Jr., Nov. 20, 2004.

Hallie Ambriz to Noah Martin, July 31, 2004. UC/Irvine (HK) Angie Teng to Steven David Ruiz, Oct. 30, 2004. UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB) Jennifer Houlgate to Steve Kennedy, June 26, 2004. Michelle Friederichs to Jeff Starkel, April 25, 2004. University of the Pacific (IΓ) Antonette Pertierra to Matthew Davis, Oct. 23, 2004.

Washington (Σ) Lisa Nicholson to Joel Ogden, July 31, 2004. Kathryn Niwa to Steve Terrell, July 17, 2004. Washington State (BPΛ) Amanda May Zatkovich to Kristopher Dean Kimmell, July 17, 2004. Lyn Miller to Bradyn Leyde, July 16, 2004. Diana Reul to Jimmy Shapiro, July 4, 2004.

USC (BΠ) Angie Carter to Ted Donovan, July 18, 2004.

Wichita State (ΓΞ) Cassandra M. Haws to Shawn J. Hornbaker, Oct. 16, 2004.

Tiffany Anne Fiddes to J.B. Dowd, Aug. 27, 2004.

Shawna Elizabeth Gaddy to Chad Steven Sylvester, Sept. 25, 2004.

Jessica Helfrich to Cameron Etezady, Sept. 18, 2004.

William Woods (∆X) Nicole Landolfo to Devon Bass, April 8, 2004.

Gertrude Stringer Gustafsson (’28), Nov. 8, 2004. Ethel Gehrke Pitcher (’35), Oct. 26, 2004.

Wisconsin/LaCrosse (∆K) Laura Stanczyk to Channing Mills, June 12, 2004.

Betty Callihan Williams (‘45), Nov. 15, 2004. Illinois (BA) Mary Eloise Fisher Slaughter (’38), Dec. 10, 2004.

Silent Chapter Arizona (BE) Charlotte Bahke Escoube (’44), July 17, 2004.

Kansas (Γ∆) Sally Kiddoo Liester (’53), Nov. 4, 2004.

Colorado (BΓΛ) Marjorie Bowyer McIlhenny (’45), Sept. 2, 2004. Barbara Minckler Waterman (’48), May 10, 2004. Denison (BK) Valeria Wells Burriss (’35), Jan. 1, 2005. Elizabeth Abrams Wilson (’43), May 28, 2004.

Kent State (BΩ) Marlyn Streble Redd (’53), Sept. 26, 2004. Michigan (Θ) Katherine Turner Melvin Ransel (’29), June 21, 2004. Judy Wolgast (‘54), Apr. 13, 2004. Michigan State (BB) Carol Buttolph Bissinger (’51), Aug. 22, 2004.

East Carolina (∆A) Nancy Jo Dickens Brown (’65), Feb. 18, 2004. Idaho (BZ) Helen Lothrop Forsyth (’41), July 29, 2004.

Minnesota (E) Arnetta Becker Brown (’32), May 21, 2004 (also Nu-Nebraska). Judith Jones Devins (’46), Oct. 29, 2004. (continued on next page)

If you would like a record of a birth, adoption, marriage or death included in the Quarterly, please clip out and submit this form to Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201. Or you may e-mail the information to quarterly@alphaphi.org. Please be sure to include all the requested information. P L E A S E N OT E : Announcements may only be printed if they have occurred within a year of publication. Announcements with missing information, such as specific date, will not be printed. If announcements are received after the copy deadline (see inside front cover for specific dates), they will be considered for the following issue.


New Arrival/Marriage/Silent Chapter Form Death

Birth/Adoption FATHER’S NAME
















Submitted by NAME































For more information visit our Web site at www.alphaphi.org



Missouri (O) Mary Woodhouse Carr (’26), Nov. 23, 2004.

Nebraska (N) Annabel Abbott Wilson (‘34), July 18, 2004.

Oklahoma (Φ) Judy L. Sherman Cathey (’58), May 29, 2004.

Texas (Ω) Virginia Niblo Browder Baldwin (’42), Oct. 20, 2004.

Washington (Σ) Vera Humphreys Kilgore (’28), Nov. 19, 2004.

Rose Davidson Fore (’29), Sept. 3, 2004.

Northwestern (B) Ruth Cullis Lynn (’39), Nov. 8, 2004 (also Gamma-DePauw).

Oregon (T) JoAnn Lewis (’62), Oct. 3, 2004.

Mary Jo Fitzgerald Short (’27), July 15, 2004.

Barbara Jean Hardman Ryan (’50), Dec. 30, 2004.

Oregon State (BY) Merrie Ellen Boe Davies (’62), Aug. 28, 2004.

UC/Berkeley (Λ) Sibyl “Miki” Forte (’62), Nov. 27, 2004.

West Virginia (BI) Ruth Watts Flintom (’42), May 14, 2004.

South Dakota (Ψ) Caroline Jackus Richardson (‘46), April 4, 2004.

UCLA (B∆) Mary Alice Madden Reynolds (’37), May 1, 2004.

Virginia Reed Walkup Wilkins (‘38), Apr. 1, 2004.

Montana (X) Margaret “Beth” Manis Gannon (’29), Nov. 28, 2004. Edith Derry Kelly (’44), July 11, 2004. Marion Cline Ruth (’28), March 3, 2004.

Ohio State (P) Carol Pratt Caroll (’60), Oct. 13, 2004. Dorothy Carroll Bush Fox (’31), Nov. 4. 2004. Manja Lee Moore (’56), July 20, 2004.

Small World


Editor’s Note: Trisha Tynan (¢¥-Nebraska/Kearney) was vacationing in Sri Lanka when the deadly tsunami hit the Southeast Asia resort island in December. Trish has since returned to the Middle Eastern country of Oman, where she is a first grade teacher at the American International School of Muscat. (She was featured in the Summer 2004 Quarterly’s “Cool Careers” section.) Trish shares her experience with Alpha Phi sisters. (From left) Beth Brenner (II-George Washington), Tammy Savin (Z£-Tufts) and Lindzey Chadd-Bailey (¡FZ-Puget Sound) meet on a cruise along the Thames River in London.


Former field consultants (1981-82) visit the Executive Office during a reunion in Chicago in January. It was the first time the group was together since their traveling days. Pictured are (back, from left) Tracy Hodgins Gobis (I-Wisconsin), Kathleen Clifford Klaeser (FA-Eastern Illinois), Barbara Reeve Schmiett (BF-Idaho), (front left) Cathleen Tobin Naas (¾-South Dakota) and Kelley Young Harrington (BT-Oregon State).


I was in a resort town on the southwestern part of the island when the waves came. My hotel was right on the beach. Luckily I had just gotten out of bed and was reading on the balcony of my third floor room. I saw the surges of water come and everything get carried away - people, cars, furniture, boats. I can still hear the sounds of windows breaking. I watched many people lose everything they had Trish Tynan pictured here with and some being carried away as they lost their lives. students. It was a chaotic scene. We really didn’t know what was happening because we were at a loss for everything - water, power, GSM service and phone lines. We raided the hotel kitchen (what wasn’t washed away) and helped move those who had rooms on the ground floor to higher ground. The management and clerks at the hotel had run off to the owner’s house and left us on our own. Meanwhile, down the street a local group of boys had armed themselves with sticks, set up a roadblock and started looting. I am so thankful to be safe and to have all of you send good thoughts my way. Luckily my driver’s van was one of the few vehicles not badly damaged. After the third set of surges, we filled the van with as many as it could hold, prayed for the water to recede and set out on inland roads for the airport. A normally three to four-hour drive took more than eight hours. I witnessed a lot of destruction, but also the good in the human spirit. Everything still seems like a movie to me. –Trisha Tynan




Organization from the Inside Out By Alisa Vitti (ZOΛ-Johns Hopkins)

We’ve read the magazines, watched news reports, and heard it from our doctors and mothers: “Your health is important!” But many of us still don’t make time for the gym or yoga class. We work late, sleep little, forget to take our vitamins and eat too much take-out. Why is it so hard to make personal wellness a priority in our busy lives? If your self-care is disorganized and deprioritized, you may fall under one of the following personality profiles. Does one sound like you? Last in Line Before you go to the gym, cook healthy food or sign up for a fun class, you make sure your friends, family and co-workers are eating well and feeling good. When everyone else is okay, you know you’ve done your job for the day. So maybe you’ll get to the gym next week … Bad Girl You’re very, very good. You get to work on time, pay your taxes and are nice to your in-laws. But you secretly long to buy some leather pants, light up a cigarette and blow out of town. Instead you find quieter ways to rebel – like blowing off the gym, bingeing on sugar and coffee and skipping annual check-ups. Dazed and Confused You are overwhelmed by conflicting health information. Low carb or low fat? Yoga or Pilates? Meat or vegetarian? Your desk is cluttered with health magazines, your cabinets are full of supplements you never take, your gym card is around here somewhere ... Trying to get healthy is making you sick with stress! Why bother? Cultural messages about how we should be healthy and organized are loud and confusing. Organizing our personal wellness plans based on other people’s agendas doesn’t give us adequate motivation or inspiration. True inspiration to take care of our health can only come from inside us. Fortunately, we as women have special gifts for listening to our bodies and our intuition. When we quiet the voices in our heads, we can each clarify our own definitions of health and success. Getting organized to take care of our health then becomes a tool to help us each accomplish our personal agenda and enjoy our lives. The first step to prioritizing your health is to spend time alone. Brew up a cup of “Me Tea” (see recipe), take a journal and day planner into a quiet room, and complete the following exercises. Journal Write for five minutes on each question. Select your questions based on the profile that best suits you.


“ME TEA” RECIPE • Combine in small teapot 2 cups of boiling water and 1 bag of roasted barley tea or 1 bag of kukicha twig tea. • Add 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract and 1/2 cinnamon stick. • Brew 5-6 minutes.

Last in Line: Whose voices are telling you to take care of yourself last? What people or things do you fear losing control of if you focus on yourself? What would you gain by putting more energy into yourself and less into others? Bad Girl: Whose approval are you trying to win by being “good?” Whose attention are you trying to attract by being “bad” to yourself? What are some inspiring ways you could rebel instead of neglecting your health? Dazed and Confused: Whose expectations are you trying to meet by doing what you’re told? What are you afraid will happen if you make your own choices? What would be better in your life if you totally trusted yourself? Meditate Pretend you are listening on the radio to all the voices telling you what to do. Now imagine you are turning the volume down. Take a few deep breaths, and enjoy the quiet. Now ask your body what you can do to make it happy (bubble bath, vegetables, a long run). Listen for the quiet voice inside you, and write down every idea that comes to you. Organize Pick three activities off your list that excite you and authentically express your body’s needs right now. In your day planner, schedule time to do each activity at least once in the next seven days. Alisa Vitti is a holistic health counselor and nutrition and lifestyle coach certified by the American Association of Drugless Practicioners. She, with two other women, created Laughing Sage Wellness Group (www.laughingsagewellness.com) to support women to live healthy and fulfilling lives. To learn more, visit Alisa’s Web site at www.alisavitti.com or contact Alisa at alisaholistic@yahoo.com or 917.862.8426. Alisa encourages you to write her with ideas for upcoming articles. Editor’s Note: As always, consult your physician before starting any new diet or exercise regimen.




National Panhellenic Interim Session By Mary M. Williams, Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority

Under the theme “Women of Vision, Women of Action,” the delegates and representatives of the 26 member groups of the National Panhellenic Conference met Oct. 6-8 at the DFW Lakes Hilton Executive Conference Center in Grapevine, Texas, for the 2004 interim session. The schedule for delegates included business sessions, orientation and training sessions, campus and housing meetings, NPC standing committee meetings and training for Alumnae and College Panhellenic area advisors. Separate sessions were also held for inter/national presidents, executive directors and editors. During the business sessions, several resolutions were discussed and adopted. Among other amendments, the NPC bylaws were amended to permit NPC member groups to establish chapters at schools accredited through regional university accreditation processes used in Canada and other countries. This amendment also results in the addition of clarifying language to UNANIMOUS AGREEMENT V, Agreement on Extension. Two resolutions amending UNANIMOUS AGREEMENT VI, College Panhellenic Association Agreement, were adopted: Section 2 was amended by adding a new clause that requires potential new members to sign a binding agreement of membership regardless of the style of recruitment used. Section 3 was amended to clarify the use of the signed membership acceptance when a preferential bidding system is used. Three other resolutions were adopted as well: The recruitment style formerly referred to as “continuous open recruitment” will now be called “continuous recruitment.” PA G E T H I RT Y- S I X

NPC member groups agreed to advise their collegiate chapters to plan events with men’s fraternities recognized by their national organizations and the college/university or with local fraternities recognized by the college/university. The NPC Executive Committee will pilot a focus group with several undergraduate Panhellenic women from across North America during 2005. Three new committees were established to assist in the programs of the Conference. The Government Relations Committee will monitor U.S. congressional and federal activities related to fraternal organizations and inform NPC of these activities. This committee will serve as the liaison to the Capitol Fraternal Caucus and the North-American Interfraternity Conference Committee on Government Relations to organize and participate in events related to the annual congressional reception in Washington, D.C. The other two new committees are the Recruitment Committee and the University Assessment Documents Review Committee. Other important items to note: During April 2004, the Executive Committee attended the inaugural National Panhellenic Conference Distinguished Lecturer Program held at George Washington University. An NPC Foundation grant supported, in part, the presentation by the distinguished lecturer, Judy Woodruff, prime anchor at CNN and one of the nation’s most highly respected broadcast journalists. NPC saw outstanding participation in the various Greek leadership conferences with 21 programs presented, 17 “Something of Value” presentations and participation in numerous other college

student and Greek-affiliated programs and conferences. The 14th edition of the NPC Manual of Information was released early in 2005. It is available in paper copy and on compact disc. Two members of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority made special presentations to the Conference. Past international president and past NPC Delegate Ginger Banks conducted a survey within NPC delegations to gather their perceptions about sorority life in relation to the points presented in Pledged: The Secret Life of Sororities, by Alexandra Robbins. Included in the results were agreements that more emphasis needs to be placed on ritual; building positive relationships with other student groups, faculty, university administrators and nonmember students; and bridging gaps between groups (cliques) within the chapters. Dr. Marsha Guenzler-Stevens, director of activities and associate director of the Stamp Student Union at the University of Maryland, College Park, and recipient of NPC’s Women in Higher Education Achievement Award in 2003, was keynote speaker. Her remarks centered on the lives of today’s college students and what they face on campus today, from technology to community service to over-programming to “nesting” desires. She also relayed the viewpoint of college administrators regarding students, ranging from risk management issues to apathy, from increased instances of mental health disorders to credit card debt. Editor’s Note: For a detailed report on the interim session, visit www.npcwomen.org.



] B U L L E T I N WEST VIRGINIA TO CELEBRATE 75TH ANNIVERSARY West Virginia (BI) will celebrate its 75th anniversary in Morgantown, W.V., on June 24-26, 2005. Members are asked to reserve the date. For more information, contact Meredith Kiger at MEKiger@aol.com.

CHRISTOPHER NEWPORT ALUMNAE TO HOLD 10-YEAR REUNION Calling all Christopher Newport (ΘΦ) alums! It’s time for our big 10-year reunion this year. Mark your calendars for July 30th, 2005. For more information, visit http://www.cnu.edu/clubs/alphaphi/ or email alphaphi@cnu.edu.

ATTENTION PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS AND PHOTO STUDENTS! Let Alpha Phi help build your portfolio! The Quarterly seeks volunteer photographers from all regions for small photo assignments. Contribute your talent! Contact the Quarterly staff at 847.316.8920 or quarterly@alphaphi.org for information.


WANTED: SISTERS EXPERIENCED IN PHILANTHROPY, COMMUNITY SERVICE An upcoming issue of the Quarterly will focus on philanthropy and community service. Do you know an Alpha Phi who has started or significantly influenced a service organization? Do you know a sister who is a “true philanthropist” and/or has been involved with community service for decades? Contact quarterly@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8920 with details.

ATTENTION QUARTERLY REPORTERS! If you are responsible for gathering your collegiate or alumnae chapter’s report for publication in the Quarterly, please note the following deadlines. Materials received after these deadlines will be considered for the following issue.


Copy Deadline

Fall 2005 Winter 2006 Spring 2006 Summer 2006

July 15, 2005 Oct. 15, 2005 Jan. 15, 2006 April 15, 2006

ATTENTION COLLEGIANS: MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS INTERN WANTED Interested in gaining first-hand experience in one or more of the following areas? * Magazine publication * Web site content development * Marketing/public relations Internships are unpaid. Candidates must be able to receive academic credit. Requirements: Ideal candidate should be majoring in communications, journalism, public relations, marketing or a related discipline. Must be a self-starter, have excellent written and oral communications skills, the ability to manage multiple projects and work in a team environment. Knowledge of Associated Press style highly desirable. Send a cover letter, resume and writing sample to: Kayee Dooley, Coordinator of Marketing & Communications, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. You may also e-mail the information to kdooley@alphaphi.org or fax to 847.475.6820.

Alpha Phi Memories

CLASSIFIEDS Do women on your campus need self-defense and personal safety skills? Bring Erin Weed, an Alpha Phi and founder of Girls Fight Back, to your college to teach female students how to live safer and stronger. Visit www.girlsfightback.com

SWISS SKIN CARE Herbal and Botanical based Health and Wellness, Anti-aging, Aromatherapy, Cosmetics, and Skin Care products for all ages! Lynn McNeal Independant consultant lynn.mcneal@us.army.mil 931.338.2414 Get products you purchase monthly, at wholesale prices!

ADOPTION Loving, childless couple wishing to adopt an infant. Willing to pay legal and medical expenses. Call Collect. Bob and Dianne 410.848.8915.

COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS & ALUMNAE GROUPS: Need assistance to draw your alumnae back? We can help … and we’re AFFORDABLE! Call COURAGE COMMUNICATIONS for newsletters, event promotion and more! Phone 847.571.8517 or visit www.couragecommunications.com for more information.

Interested in Promoting Your Business in the Alpha Phi Classifieds? The charge for the summer issue is $50 for up to 35 words (text only). The Quarterly also continues to accept advertising in the form of display ads, which begin at $200 for a 1/6-page ad. If you are interested in either advertising opportunity, please contact quarterly@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8920 by Friday, May 6, 2005 to reserve space.


During college, you bought a T-shirt to remember every Alpha Phi date party, formal, Homecoming and Founders’ Day. Now you’ve graduated. You have a job. Your boss wants you to wear a suit, not a T-shirt. What do you do with the drawers full of shirts? Marilyn Mason Thomas (BK-Denison) can turn your old T-shirts into a one-of-a-kind keepsake. The quilt shown here was used by the Alpha Phi Foundation as a fundraiser during Convention 2004. E-mail Marilyn at ClassicQuilts@aol.com for more information on creating your own quilt.


Quarterly Subscription Changes Planned We currently spend more than $175,000 annually to publish and mail the Quarterly. Beginning with the Summer 2005 Quarterly, we will implement a change in our subscription policy. In addition to benefiting crucial programs for alumnae and the Alpha Phi Foundation, the change in policy will mean savings in years to come that will lead to noticeable improvements in the quality of the magazine. All members will continue to receive one issue of the magazine in the fall. However, only those members in one of the following categories will receive all four issues of the magazine per year: • collegians; • those who have paid International alumnae dues in the current or previous fiscal year; or • those who made a minimum donation of $50 to the Alpha Phi Foundation in the current or previous fiscal year. Watch future Quarterlies and visit www.alphaphi.org for additional information about these changes to your Quarterly subscription.

POSTMASTER: Please send changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201

Save this portion of your Quarterly! You will need your membership number (found at right) to identify yourself if you contact the Executive Office and to access various online resources.

Inside: Recruitment Addresses Wilfrid Laurier Installation

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