Winter 2006 Alpha Phi Quarterly

Page 1

Making a Difference: Philanthropy and Community Service

Inside: Fraternity Annual Report Foundation Scholarship Recipients

Attached Brochure: Join Us For Convention 2006! June 28-July 2 | Orlando, Fla.

C ntents In This Issue President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Alumnae Advantage Program . . . . . .6 Photo courtesy Photographer: Joshua Blake.

Alumnae Pride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Career Development . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Reunions/Small World . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Fraternity Annual Report . . . . . . . . .18 On Campus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Potential Member Form . . . . . . . . . .27 Announcements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Regional Conferences/ Interfraternal News . . . . . . . . . . .33 Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Bulletin Board/Classifieds . . . . . . . . .37

FOUNDATION RECEIVES AWARDS Congratulations to the Alpha Phi Foundation, winner of four awards at THE Foundation Seminar 2005. Categories included Annual Campaign – Best Alumnae Development Effort for the Angela Antonia Emergency Aid solicitation letter; Donor Education/Relations – Best Annual Report – Special Issue of the Fraternity Magazine for the Living and Giving Annual Report; Annual Campaign – Best E-mail Package for the Hand to Hand/Heart to Heart solicitation; and Planned Giving Campaign – Best Development Effort for the new planned giving section on foundation/plannedgiving.html.

CONVENTION 2006 Join us June 28-July 2 at the JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes in Orlando, Fla. Please see the attached brochure and visit for details.

Quarterly Deadlines Issue

Copy Deadline

Summer 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . .April 15, 2006 Fall 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .July 15, 2006 Winter 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oct. 15, 2006 Spring 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jan. 15, 2007

Founders Clara Bradley Burdette (’76), died 1954 Florence Chidester Lukens (’75), died 1885 Martha Foote Crow (’76), died 1924 Ida Gilbert Houghton (’76), died 1916 Jane S. Higham (’76), died 1949 Kate Hogoboom Gilbert (’75), died 1900 Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults (’75), died 1895 Rena Michaels Atchison (’74), died 1933 Louise Shepard Hancock (’76), died 1932 Clara Sittser Williams (’75), died 1925 International Executive Board International President: Crista Cate Vasina Vice President: Peg Dechant Thornburg Secretary/Treasurer: Billie Coskey Battiato Stacey Grimes Boulmetis Deana Koonsman Gage Carole Salerno Susan Brink Sherratt Shana Goss Smith Lindsay Wiggins Ex-Officio: Sally McCall Grant, NPC Delegate Foundation Directors Chairman: Susan Weiskittle Barrick Vice Chairman: Gayle Goodman Secretary: Linda Gardner Massie Treasurer: Alin Hernandez Wall Susan Bevan Ann Brinkman Amy Jordan Tvrdik Crista Cate Vasina National Panhellenic Conference Alpha Phi Delegate: Sally McCall Grant First Alternate Delegate: Deana Koonsman Gage Second Alternate Delegate: Laura Malley-Schmitt Third Alternate Delegate: Mary Rekart Ulich Editorial Advisory Board Sheila George Bright Ann Brinkman Emily Ellison Lamb Jan Jones Owen Alpha Phi Quarterly Staff Editor-in-Chief: Christine Spiegel Coordinator of Communications: Kayee Dooley E-mail: Alpha Phi Quarterly Design Lynne Koenigsberger Communication Design Alpha Phi Home Page

HAVE YOU MOVED? Send your new address to Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 or update your address online at

Executive Office Executive Director: Susan Zabriske Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Phone: 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 E-mail: Foundation Office Interim Executive Director: Emily Ellison Lamb Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Foundation Phone: 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 E-mail:

Alpha Phi Quarterly Editorial Policy

Vote for your 2006-08 International Executive Board between March 27-April 14. See page 17 for details.

For the latest information on the Foundation executive director search, visit

The purpose of the Alpha Phi Quarterly and its content is to provide information and services to the membership of the Alpha Phi Fraternity, in keeping with the Fraternity's status as a 501(c)(7) tax-exempt private membership club. The magazine is devoted to highlighting its members and matters of fraternal and college interest. The views expressed in the articles published in the Quarterly are those of the authors and their contributors, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Alpha Phi Fraternity, its officers or staff. All persons interested in submitting materials for publication in the Alpha Phi Quarterly are encouraged to send them to the editor at the Executive Office. The editor reserves the right to accept, deny or edit any materials submitted. Unless otherwise requested, all photos sent to the magazine will become the property of Alpha Phi International and will not be returned. Articles may be sent by mail, fax, e-mail or on a PC disk. Please send your information to the editor by the deadlines indicated on this page. Materials received after these deadlines will be considered for the following issue. Please direct any submission questions or inquiries regarding publication advertising to the editor at 847.316.8920, or The Alpha Phi Quarterly is published winter, spring, summer and fall. Subscription price for non-members is $25 per year. Contact the Quarterly for information about pricing of individual issues. Send change of address or announcements to Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Periodical rate postage paid at Evanston, IL, and at additional mailing offices. (ISSN: USPS 014680) Postmaster: Please send address changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Printed in the USA.


Dear Sisters, The natural disasters of 2005 brought people together and served as reminders that tragedy is felt, people are affected, around the world.


The earthquake in Indonesia, mudslides in countries throughout South America and Hurricane Katrina in the U.S. left devastating effects. We see the pictures on television and in newspapers, but


those pictures do not even begin to show the total destruction and Crista Vasina

the human suffering. Times of great sorrow are also times of great pride as we rally to support national and global efforts.

This issue of the Quarterly salutes those who make the world around them a better place through their philanthropic efforts and community service.


Career Development: Career Coach Cynthia Krainin (Delta Upsilon-Baldwin-Wallace) offers suggestions on how we can “pay it forward.”


Read about the successes and efforts of our own philanthropy, the Alpha Phi Foundation.

Several days after Katrina hit, there was a knock on my front door. When I opened the door, there stood two girls not more than 7 years old. They were holding rakes and buckets and explained that they were raking leaves in order to raise funds for the hurricane relief efforts. As I watched these young ladies work I felt a sense of pride in our community. Their commitment and desire to help once again proved to me what a great nation we have. As Alpha Phis we believe in living philanthropic lives. We value service and encourage each other to offer a helping hand. As collegians we provide service within our communities and participate in efforts to raise funds. As alumnae we continue those efforts, and we bring those values into our families’ lives. Our significant others and our children watch and learn. Some of my most meaningful memories involve times when my family has been involved in a philanthropic or community service effort. In this issue you will read about how our sisters are actively involved in philanthropic causes, including Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. You will see that no matter where you live you can make a difference in others’ lives. I encourage each of you to take a moment and ask yourself, how can I help? Not only

In the Next Issue

during times of great tragedy, but always. Alpha Phi and the Information Era Regional Conferences Early Recruitment Addresses

Crista Cate Vasina (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) International President

New at Convention 2006: Our site includes details to assist with all your Convention planning as well as a convenient online registration form. 2006-08 IEB Election Information: Learn how and when you can vote for the leaders of the next biennium.



Heart to Heart: Community Service and Philanthropy Alpha Phis are sisters for life. We support one another and help each other in times of need. We also expand that support outside of Alpha Phi by donating our time, talents and money to those in need. Both community service and philanthropy play an important role in Alpha Phi membership.

DEFINITION: Philanthropy is the voluntary promotion of human welfare by making a monetary donation to an organization.

DEFINITION: Community service is a donation of time volunteered by individuals or an organization to benefit a community or its institutions.

Philanthropy As new members, we learn that Alpha Phi’s philanthropy is the Alpha Phi Foundation. Our collegiate and alumnae chapters host philanthropy events that benefit the Foundation, and individuals donate their own money to support the Foundation’s work. Thanks to our members, the Foundation is an important funding source of education in women’s cardiac health, leadership development and philanthropy. The Foundation has supported cardiac care in some form for more than 50 years. Today, its focus has shifted to support women’s cardiac health. It also funds programs that provide leadership and educational opportunities, encourage and recognize superior scholarship, educate women about the value of philanthropy and assist members in need. “Whether a collegian attends a leadership conference funded by the Foundation, a graduate or undergraduate student receives a Foundation scholarship, or an alumna or collegian benefits from one of the Foundation’s crisis programs, the overarching goal of the Foundation is to create more opportunities for women – to create the leaders of tomorrow,” says former Foundation Executive Director Rebecca Andrew Zanatta (Beta Rho deuteron-Washington State). “Great women leaders are also great philanthropists,” she adds. “We hope the Alpha Phi Foundation is one of our members’ top three philanthropic priorities. Donating to the Alpha Phi Foundation is the perfect opportunity to make a difference.” Community Service During college, our members are encouraged to reach out to those in need of assistance and to contribute to other philanthropic causes. Being active in one’s community and seeking out projects that give back to one’s community, says Rebecca, ties into the Foundation’s mission of educating women about the value of philanthropy. “It is important to talk about being a sorority woman when volunteering,” adds Rebecca. “Wear Alpha Phi shirts, pins or lavalieres. It’s a great way to market Alpha Phi and a better way to show the community that Alpha Phis care.” Editor’s Note: Donations to the Alpha Phi Foundation are tax deductible. For ideas for community service and philanthropy events, visit




Sisters in Service Careers Whether they were exposed to and became involved in helping others through the Alpha Phi collegiate experience or because a cause is near to their hearts, Alpha Phis have chosen careers in service organizations – and some have even established the organizations! Meet some of these sisters. Alumna Is Activist for Autism Former attorney Jillian Zacks Duhl (Zeta UpsilonWashington University) left a high-paying power position to become a volunteer and community activist for a cause that is close to her heart. Jill is director of Jillian Duhl is pictured with her development for twins, Max and Paige. AutismLink, Inc., a non-profit organization that help parents and family members of individuals with autism spectrum disorders and autistic individuals by providing opportunities for support, inclusion and information, free of charge. She also volunteers as a board member of the Pennsylvania Action Coalition for Autism Services, keeping an eye on legislation as it affects individuals with autism. As a parent of twins diagnosed in the autistic spectrum, it is Jill’s goal to help other parents become educated about autism. There is no known cause or cure for the disorder. “It can be one of the most difficult things to hear when your child is first diagnosed, and now more than one in every 166 parents will hear those very words,” Jill says. Jill says she hopes her experiences will get more women to volunteer for causes dear to their hearts. She adds, “I also hope if there is another mom going through a similar experience with a child diagnosed in the autistic spectrum that I could offer understanding and guidance.” Contact Jill at 724.816.9196 or Sister Works to Save Babies In 2001, Tracy Heming-Littwin (Epsilon DeltaNorthern Illinois) and some friends began the Save Abandoned Babies Foundation, a not-for-profit volunteer group dedicated to saving babies from being abandoned in dumpsters and other unsafe places in Illinois. Grassroots efforts began in March 2000 when a co-founder read a newspaper article about a baby found in a Chicago dumpster. After learning that WINTER 2006

other states were addressing this horrible and growing problem with “safe haven laws,” volunteers drafted a law and lobbied for its passage. The foundation was instrumental in the passing of the Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act that was signed into Illinois law in August 2001. The law allows a newborn 72 hours old or less to be relinquished at a manned fire station, police station or hospital with no questions asked and without fear of prosecution. “We continue to do everything we can so these newborns are given a full chance at life,” says Tracy. “Since the law was passed, 18 newborns have been saved.” Working to improve the lives of others has come naturally to Tracy for several years. She has volunteered for the Make-A-Wish® Foundation of Illinois for more than 16 years as a wish granter, public speaker, chairman of golf outings, junior board member and a wish manager. She also owns and works with a dog trained for pet assisted therapy; they work with patients on both physical and emotional therapy at Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital in Wheaton, Ill. Contact Tracy at 630.476.0335 or For more information about the Save Abandoned Babies Foundation, visit For information on the Make-A-Wish® Foundation, visit Moms Supporting Moms Stephanie McConnell Hughes (Delta GammaNorthern Colorado) is co-founder of the Greeley Mothers’ Center, a service organization that supports mothers in Greeley, Colo. When she, her husband and their then 5-monthold daughter Tristan moved to Greeley in 2001, Stephanie was a new mom and out of the work force for the first time. The center was born thanks to Stephanie’s search for friendships for herself and her daughter, support as a new parent and a way to put her marketing skills to use. “Many new moms feel isolated and out of touch with their friends who might be at different stages of life. By attending the Mothers’ Center’s play groups, discussion groups and social activities, I connected with other women and made friends quickly and easily. My daughter became friends with the children she met at play groups,” says Stephanie.

Tracy Heming-Littwin

“I cannot think of a time since I graduated that I have not been involved in volunteer work. I guess it was the great philanthropic experiences in college as an Alpha Phi and Panhellenic president that started me on this path.” - Jillian Duhl


“I haven’t actually traveled like Amanda has, but it is her inspiration and her stories of how we can and are changing lives through the work we do, not only locally but globally, that keep me going.” -Jennifer Klenske, volunteer coordinator for the One Campaign, Orange County, Calif., about her friend, Amanda Zidek-Vanega

Stephanie Hughes is pictured with her daughter, Tristan, and son, Jack.

“When I was going through recruitment one of the main reasons I chose the Zeta Beta chapter was based on its incredible philanthropy and service. Zeta Beta not only donates the most volunteer hours of any Greek organization on campus; the chapter raises more money for the Alpha Phi Foundation than all of the Greek organization philanthropies combined.” -Erin Pattison (Zeta Beta-Loyola Marymount), collegian


The volunteer-run center depends on contributions of its members – a diverse demographic of women who follow different parenting styles and range from stay-at-home moms to those who work outside the home full-time. The one thing everyone at the center has in common is motherhood. Some take meals to those with new babies. Some organize play groups or fundraisers. Some participate in the decision-making body, the leadership committee. “It is a place where mothers share experiences in a nonjudgmental atmosphere and work together to raise the status of women as mothers,” says Stephanie. “I am really committed to establishing Mothers’ Centers in every community.” Today Stephanie serves on the board of trustees for the National Association of Mothers’ Centers. Those interested in learning more about Mothers’ Centers or beginning one in your community should contact the National Association of Mothers’ Centers at 1.800.645.3828 or Contact Stephanie at 970.330.3338 or Alumna Leads Virtual March Lindsay Guetschow (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis) is director of outreach for the Stop Global Warming Virtual March on Washington, a yearlong virtual march that winds across the U.S. via the Internet. The march, founded by Laurie David (wife of Larry David of “Curb Your Enthusiasm”), includes a list of Lindsay Guetschow more than 165,000 concerned people, including prominent virtual marchers such as former Vice President Al Gore, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. The goal of the march is to culminate in Washington, D.C., on Earth Day (April 22, 2006) millions strong and impossible to ignore. “I am ecstatic to be at the forefront of the civil rights issue of our generation: global warming,” says Lindsay. “It affects us all, and it is our moral duty to protect our planet for future generations.” Contact Lindsay at or 310.454.2561. For more information and to become a virtual marcher, visit

Sister Devotes Career to Global Service Amanda Zidek-Vanega (Beta Tau-Indiana) has dedicated her work to improving the environment and helping others to better their own lives since graduating. “It is not the money…,” she Amanda Zidek-Vanega jokes about why she has worked exclusively with not-for-profit organizations. “I have been drawn to this sector because it is mission-driven and helps people. I share similar convictions with others working in the sector. It never ceases to amaze me how many people are willing to help and support a cause!” Her career began with the Peace Corps, based in northwestern Nicaragua teaching and training teachers in environmental education. “My experience in Nicaragua solidified my interest in wanting to help people live better,” Amanda says. While in Nicaragua Amanda met and married her husband. They moved to the U.S., where she worked for the Center for Cultural Interchange (CCI), which promotes international understanding and a better world through cultural exchange, and the Youth Leadership Academy, a program that helps students strengthen their leadership abilities. She received a master’s degree in environmental management at Duke University and has taken this knowledge back to Nicaragua where she is helping to improve communities in poverty-stricken areas. She has done contract work with St. Louis Zoo’s Bosawas Biodiversity Project. Located in Central Nicaragua, the project involves conducting research toward an ultimate goal of sustainable fauna management and conservation. Amanda supports conservation education and communication efforts. She is also working with two other women – one is Alpha Phi alumna Jennifer Hillquist Klenske (Epsilon Theta-Northern Iowa) – to begin a microcredit project in the rural communities of northwestern Nicaragua. Microcredit provides loans too small for traditional banks – between $50 and $200 – to people who have identified an economic opportunity but do not have the money to capitalize on it. Currently in the diagnostic stage, Amanda says, “Our program will provide loans, but we also intend to train clients on managing money, budgeting and planning for the future. Environmental sustainability will also come into play.” Contact Amanda at For more information on the Biodiversity Project, visit ALPHA PHI


Hurricane Katrina: Alpha Phis Help Those Affected Hurricane Katrina has been called the largest natural disaster in modern American history. Alpha Phi sisters were among those affected by the devastation, and sisters have given their time, talent and money to help victims. Foundation Fund Benefits Sister In her second year of medical school at Tulane University, New Orleans resident Anjali Malik (Zeta Omicron deuteron-Johns Hopkins) was a victim of Hurricane Katrina. Her life and her studies were unexpectedly disrupted and possessions lost. When Tulane decided to move its medical school to Houston, she was forced to move to a strange city. Thanks to the Alpha Phi Foundation’s ForgetMe-Not Fund, Anjali has received some help putting her life back together in a new city. “Like so many people, we are all just starting over again,” she says. As a young alumna, Anjali is grateful for assistance from Alpha Phi sisters. “The Forget-Me-Not Fund is a great opportunity for alumnae in need. I never anticipated I would use it, especially so soon after college,” Anjali says. “Fortunately for me, I was aware of the fund. I hope no one else ever needs it, but in the event that they do, I wish more people knew about it.” (See sidebar for more information.)

Katrina victims. Almost $5,000 was raised for the American Red Cross.® DePauw (Gamma) collegians Sabrina Henry, Bailey Dively, Kara Kreikemeier and Megan Walton traveled with other students to Mississippi during the university’s fall break. They provided food and service to nearly 1,000 people. Several Texas Tech (Gamma Iota) women volunteered at evacuation sites in Lubbock, Texas.

Sisters Donate Time and Talents Our alumnae and collegiate chapter members collected money, clothing, school supplies, hygiene products and other relief supplies that were donated both to New Orleans and local shelters housing displaced evacuees. Efforts ranged from organizing drives and hosting benefits to boxing supplies and loading trucks. Arizona State (Gamma Pi) collegians and Phoenix, Ariz., alumnae made community service a team effort by hosting a donation drive among Greek groups and throughout the community. University of the Pacific conservatory of music student and Iota Gamma collegian Sabrina Sutherland took advantage of the school’s musical talents by co-organizing a benefit concert for Hurricane

Alumnae Provide Support After four years with the American Red Cross® Kathy Schimandle Wright (Lambda-UC/Berkeley) received her first disaster assignment. She worked with in-kind donations at the disaster headquarters in Baton Rouge, La. Kathy obtained and delivered everything from diapers to coloring books and baseball caps. “It was quite an experience, and the people of Baton Rouge have been most gracious,” Kathy says. Katie Adams Choe (Zeta Phi-MIT) was part of a team that helped re-settle Katrina evacuees at Otis Air Force Base on Cape Cod, Mass. The team met the evacuees as they exited the plane, ensured that their immediate needs were met, assisted with the registration process and housing assignments and ensured the transition into their new housing was smooth and that their personal needs were met with respect and dignity.

CHARITIES American Red Cross 1.800.HELP.NOW (435.7669) United Way 1.703.519.0092 Habitat for Humanity 1.229.924.6935 Salvation Army 1.703.684.5500


Sheltering Displaced Collegians Some of our collegiate chapters reached out to non-Alpha Phi students. Colorado (Beta Gamma deuteron) sisters showed their Panhellenic spirit by opening their doors to three Greek-affiliated women from Tulane University who were displaced by the hurricane. Members of Loyola Marymount (Zeta Beta) personally wrote and delivered letters to more than 150 displaced students to welcome them to campus and offer Alpha Phi as an organization to approach with questions and for support.

FOUNDATION EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS The Alpha Phi Foundation offers two emergency assistance programs: the Forget-Me-Not Fund for alumnae and the Emergency Aid program for collegiate women. The Forget-Me-Not Fund provides assistance to alumnae who are facing serious health problems, natural disasters or other crises. The Emergency Aid program offers aid to any undergraduate member facing an interruption of her education due to an unforeseen financial crisis. Assistance may be provided either on an emergency basis when a single grant is given or on a continuing basis in the form of a small monthly stipend for 12 consecutive months. For more information about Alpha Phi Foundation emergency assistance programs, visit foundation/MemberAssist Funds.html or call 847.316.8947.

Although publicity about Hurricane Katrina and its devastation are less prevalent now than immediately after the disaster, the need for assistance remains. The Alpha Phi Foundation continues to accept donations in support of Hurricane Katrina and other relief efforts. Or you can donate to one of several reputable charities providing assistance (see sidebar).


Tick Tock, Tick Tock… Each year, alumnae are asked to support the Fraternity by paying International alumnae dues ($25.00) and Founders’ Day pennies ($1.33). This money directly supports the Fraternity’s programs and initiatives and allows Alpha Phi to deliver the support systems and services our members want. Some of these services include developing the Fraternity’s Web site to allow greater alumnae communication, improving services for local alumnae chapters’ leadership and partially funding with the Alpha Phi Foundation educational leadership consultants to visit collegiate chapters. This is just a small sampling of how your dues help Alpha Phi! ■ CAN I STILL JOIN THE ADVANTAGE PROGRAM? If you are interested in gaining discounts at more than 100,000 U.S. and Canadian vendors or wish to have full access to the Online Community, you still have six months to participate in the Alumnae Advantage Program! For $50.00 (which includes your $26.33 dues payment) you can join the Advantage Program and enjoy the benefits through June 30, 2006. ■ THREE WAYS TO PAY • Pay online using our secure Internet connection at • Call 847.316.8940, and we will process your dues payment over the telephone. • Complete the alumnae dues form below and mail to: Alpha Phi Executive Office, Attn: International Alumnae Dues, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201.

Enclosed is $26.33 ($34.23 Canadian) for my 2005-2006 International Alumnae Dues ($25) and Founders’ Day Pennies ($1.33). Check enclosed

Please charge my:



Alpha Phi Alumnae 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Learn more about the Alumnae Advantage Program and International Alumnae Dues at







American Express














I WANT TO BE A CHARTER MEMBER OF THE ALPHA PHI ALUMNAE ADVANTAGE PROGRAM. My payment of $50.00 ($65.00 Canadian) includes my 2005-2006 International Alumnae Dues and Founders’ Day Pennies payment and my Alumnae Advantage Program Charter Membership.






Members enjoy a chapter meeting in September.

Alumnae celebrate Founders’ Day with Butler collegians.

Sisters enjoy Founders’ Day brunch.

Mid-Atlantic Region GREATER PHILADELPHIA, PENN. Alumnae raised $2,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation by creating Care Bear packages for Villanova (Eta Epsilon), St. Joseph’s (Theta Theta) and Pennsylvania (Eta Iota) collegians. They adopted a family for the holidays and enjoyed a tour of a Vassar Show House. Sisters also attended the Philadelphia Alumnae Panhellenic scholarship luncheon. –Frannie Hodnett Dunlavy (Beta Omega-Kent State)

Greater Philadelphia Contact: Peggy Inskeep Pastva (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) 610.489.1762 PHILADELPHIA IVY CONNECTION, PENN. Alumnae participated in the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation’s Race for Research 5K walk/run. Sisters attended a Pennsylvania (Eta Iota) chapter meeting, started a book club and celebrated Founders’ Day with Eta Iota collegians. –Camie O’Brian (Beta Omega-Kent State)

Philadelphia Ivy Connection Contact: Erin Lee Shea (Eta Epsilon-Villanova) 301.996.9538

North Central Midwest Region CHICAGO NORTHWEST SUBURBAN, ILL. Alumnae enjoyed a Salad Supper meeting and Brunch Bunch outing. They welcomed Fox News Chicago anchor Nancy Loo Jenkins (Tau-Oregon) to the chapter. –Barbara Brown Barber (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois)

Chicago Northwest Suburban Contact: Amy Lewkovich (Zeta Tau-Illinois State) 847.668.4878


DUPAGE VALLEY, ILL. Alumnae enjoyed a tapas dinner, a night of “Decadence with Champagne, Chocolate and Therapeutic Massage” and Founders’ Day brunch. Other events included a consumables exchange and the annual holiday potluck. –Ann Ellison-Bates (Chi-Montana)

Dupage Valley Contact: Molly Statz Sabatino (Omicron-Missouri) 630.208.4801 LAKE COUNTY, ILL. Sisters hosted a picnic for Lake Forest (Gamma Epsilon deuteron) collegians. They celebrated Founders’ Day, toured a local museum and enjoyed the annual holiday tea. –Beth Oakes (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst)

Lake County Contact: Laurel Green Rafferty (Zeta Psi-Dayton) 847.566.4004 EVANSVILLE/TRI-STATE, IND. Sisters celebrated Founders’ Day and recognized Dianna Cochenour’s (Delta Pi-Indiana State) 10-year anniversary of membership. –Stephanie Keilman Walsh –(Delta Pi-Indiana State)

Evansville/Tri-State Contact: Stephanie Walsh 812.547.2961

INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Sisters and Butler (Epsilon Beta) collegians celebrated Founders’ Day. Alumnae enjoyed a “Mama Mia, It’s Alpha Phia” Italian dinner. They also attended an Alpha Phi Foundation reception at the Epsilon Beta chapter house, one of 50 such receptions held in honor of the Foundation’s 50th anniversary. –Megan Miller Vondielingen (Delta Mu-Purdue)

Indianapolis Contact: Megan Vondielingen 317.945.7649

Northeast Region FAIRFIELD COUNTY, CONN. Alumnae hosted a tea party and welcomed four new members. They enjoyed a private tour of the New York City Metropolitan Museum of Art and enjoyed spectacular views of Manhattan. –Monique Salvail Elliott (Eta Delta-CSU/Hayward)

Fairfield County Contact: Autumn Ronald Flora (Beta Omega-Kent State) 203.855.1954 BOSTON, MASS. Sisters welcomed five new members. They enjoyed a Founders’ Day brunch at Nashoba Valley Winery, the American Cancer Society’s® Making Strides Against Breast Cancer ® walk, dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and a holiday party and cookie swap. –Stacie Sullivan (Eta Alpha-New Hampshire)

MISSING ALUMNAE Do you have information about a missing alumna? Visit alumnae_info/alumnaeinfo.html to help us locate “lost” alumnae.

Boston Contact: Stacie Sullivan 978.373.1687







Sisters enjoy Founders’ Day brunch.

Alumnae, family and friends participate in an annual holiday light display.

Audrey Krueger (Omega-Texas) (left) and Crystal Glass-DuFrene (Omega-Texas) participate in an American Heart Association® Heart Walk.

NYC METRO, N.Y. Phis enjoyed a Founders’ Day brunch. They look forward to a February Dance-a-Thon fundraiser to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. –Danielle Altruda (Theta Mu-Hofstra)

NYC Metro Contact: Amy Nickerson (Theta Psi-SUNY/Plattsburgh) 212.354.6401 RHODE ISLAND Alumnae celebrated Founders’ Day with Rhode Island (Iota Delta) collegians, enjoyed a private wine tasting and toured beautifully decorated private homes as part of a holiday house tour.

SILICON VALLEY/SOUTH BAY, CALIF. Monthly events included a wine etiquette party, poker night, family pool party and a French Provencal linen party. The chapter’s membership is now more than 100. –Kary Crumm (Beta Psi-San Jose State)

Silicon Valley/South Bay Contact: Kary Crumm 510.673.5442

Rhode Island Contact: Alyssa Rae Cardi Tillier (Iota Delta-Rhode Island) 401.437.6878

Vancouver Contact: Deirdre Fitz-Gibbons (Beta Theta-British Columbia) 604.261.7455


Greater Seattle Contact: Brenda Boyce 206.547.5424

GREATER KANSAS CITY, KAN. Katey Foster Chamblin (Delta Xi-Nebraska/ Kearney) was presented with the Sara Ann Wheeler Hatton (Omicron-Missouri) award for outstanding active membership during the chapter’s Founders’ Day celebration. Fifty-year members were also recognized. –Erin Heffernan (Upsilon-Washburn)

Greater Kansas City Contact: Terri Powell Seyl (Omicron-Missouri) 913.851.8950

Pacific Northwest Region

–Jennifer Samson (Beta Theta-British Columbia)

–Brenda Boyce (Sigma-Washington)


–Kim Norton-O’Brien (Zeta Rho-Bentley)

VANCOUVER, CANADA Alumnae enjoyed a Vancouver Canadians baseball game. They assisted British Columbia (Beta Theta) collegians with recruitment, helping the chapter meet quota. Cecily Walker Kidd (Beta Theta-British Columbia) helped launch the chapter’s new Web site. An ongoing spare change drive benefits the Alpha Phi Foundation.

GREATER SEATTLE, WASH. Alumnae and Washington (Sigma) collegians held a Red Dress Gala and Cardiac Care Auction to benefit the Virginia Mason Foundation Heart Program and the Alpha Phi Foundation. Twenty-five-, 50- and 75year members were recognized.

Washington (Sigma) alumnae Julie Mastro, Amanda McDevitt Peterson, Emrie Hagerman Hollander, Jen Martin and Christy Roop Pack form Team Madre to walk more than 60 miles for the Susan G. Komen Foundation Breast Cancer 3-Day® in Seattle, Wash. The team walked in memory of Jen’s mother, who lost her battle with breast cancer in January 2005.

WICHITA, KAN. Alumnae celebrated Founders’ Day with Wichita State (Gamma Xi) collegians. Outgoing President Patricia Spiegel (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) received the Alumnae of the Year award for her service to the chapter, and the Ethel McAnulty Brown (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) Memorial Pin was presented to collegian Danielle Wellemeyer (Gamma Xi-Wichita State). –Shirley Clegg Dieker (Gamma Xi-Wichita State)

Wichita Contact: Marcia McKee Weddle (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) 316.722.8001






Chapter President DJ Johnson, right, honors Virginia Sanders for 75 years of membership.

Alumnae enjoy a Founders’ Day luncheon.

(From left) Lynne Crnkovich, Judy Hatch, Treva Adams and Jayne Korbs are recognized during a Founders’ Day celebration.

KANSAS CITY MISSOURI METRO Sisters enjoyed a Founders’ Day brunch with Central Missouri State (Theta Lambda) collegians during Homecoming. The chapter was one of 69 organizations chosen to participate in Jackson County’s Christmas In The Park, a free light display for the holidays. –Jennifer Toth Voyles –(Theta Lambda-Central Missouri State)

Kansas City Missouri Metro Contact: Angie Jeffries (Theta Lambda-Central Missouri State) 816.878.3630 KEARNEY, NEB. Alumnae and collegians gathered for an ice cream social. Other events included an initiation banquet and a pumpkin patch outing. –Jessica Goebel (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney)

Kearney Contact: Julie Johnson Gappa (Nu-Nebraska) 308.236.0759 OMAHA, NEB. Alumnae enjoyed dinner at a fondue restaurant, celebrated Founders’ Day, gathered for the annual Holiday Auction and Hors d’oeuvres event and hosted a Cookies with Santa party. –Betty Lurvey Sup (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney)

Omaha Contact: Nicole Sup Deprez (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney) 402.431.0854 GREATER TULSA, OKLA. Alumnae enjoyed a Founders’ Day luncheon. Rather than hosting the annual holiday party, sisters chose to volunteer their time to a charity. –Cheri Hinton-Quillen (Delta Rho-Ball State)

Greater Tulsa Contact: Cheri Hinton-Quillen 918.282.9754

OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. Alumnae enjoyed a girls’ night out and a holiday ornament exchange party. Sisters celebrated Founders’ Day by sponsoring the third annual Founders’ Horse Race at Remington Park. They enjoyed dinner at the clubhouse with South Central Region Alumnae Membership Coordinator Betty Jo Ferraro Fuller (Alpha Lambda). –Beth Anderson Brown (Phi-Oklahoma)

Oklahoma City Contact: Beth Brown 405.364.0263 AUSTIN, TEXAS Alumnae prepared snack baskets for Texas (Omega) collegians. Sisters celebrated Founders’ Day with brunch. –Heather Ramsey Byrd (Omega-Texas)

Austin Contact: Diane Flower Waggoner (Epsilon Omega deuteron-Texas A&M and Zeta Mu-Colorado State) 512.763.1570 AUSTIN IVY CONNECTION, TEXAS Members volunteered during Texas (Omega) chapter’s recruitment. Sisters participated in an American Heart Association® Heart Walk and enjoyed monthly happy hours.

Far North Dallas and Surrounding Counties Contact: Jessica Warchol (Gamma Omega-Midwestern State) 817.917.5377 FORT WORTH, TEXAS President Denise Collins Stooksberry (OmegaTexas) represented the chapter at the annual Alpha Phi/McFerrin Golden Stethoscope Awards for nursing excellence at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth. Sisters participated in an American Heart Association® Heart Walk. Joan Morgan Hahnfeld (Gamma Eta-North Texas) was presented with a 50-year anniversary pin during a Founders’ Day celebration. –Nadine Troll Parsons (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian)

Fort Worth Contact: Denise Stooksberry 817.731.1771 HOUSTON, TEXAS Sisters held a fundraising dinner for the chapter’s Spring Break Houston program and a Celebrate Earth Day family picnic. Ivy circle members hosted a tour of Saint Arnold Brewing Company. Alumnae volunteered on an individual basis to aid Hurricane Katrina relief efforts at the Houston Astrodome and the George R. Brown Convention Center.

–Jennifer Monk (Omega-Texas)

–Ginger Dillard Cleveland (Omega-Texas)

Austin Ivy Connection Contact: Carey Kirkpatrick (Omega-Texas) 512.740.9504

Houston Contact: Ginger Cleveland 713.664.7393

FAR NORTH DALLAS AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES, TEXAS The second annual Texas Hold ‘Em and Bingo Tournament benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters enjoyed an A-Phi Who Dunnit Murder Mystery party and a holiday cookie exchange. The ivy circle met for cocktails, enjoyed dinner at the Dallas Galleria and went shopping and ice-skating.

SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Alumnae enjoyed a Founders’ Day luncheon and recognized Virginia Dicken Sanders (PhiOklahoma) and Shirley Taylor Brueggerhoff (Omega-Texas) for 75 and 50 years of membership, respectively. Sisters presented bears to new (continued on next page)

–Kim Neal Harlow (Omega-Texas) WINTER 2006







Angela Karalekas, left, and Cathy Baker are recognized for 50 years of membership.

Sisters enjoy a summer barbecue.

Alumnae and collegians enjoy a summer picnic.

(San Antonio continued)

St. Mary’s (Iota Beta) initiates in November and held their annual ornament exchange party in December. –Judy Norris Allan –(Epsilon Tau-Louisiana State/Shreveport)

San Antonio Contact: Dora Johnson (Omega-Texas) 210.495.3782 SOUTHWEST DALLAS, TEXAS Alumnae celebrated Founders’ Day at Jessica’s Tea Room. The chapter recognized Lynne Beal Crnkovich (Omicron-Missouri and Delta Chi-William Woods) for 30 years of membership and Judy Dandridge Hatch and Treva Strickland Adams (both Delta Beta-Texas A&M/Commerce) for 40 years. Jayne Duncan Korbs (Delta Beta-Texas A&M/Commerce) was presented the first Always Alpha Phi award for her dedication and loyalty in the true spirit of the Fraternity. –Pamela Farley (Epsilon Sigma-Dallas Baptist State)

Southwest Dallas Contact: Kim Webb Yzaguirre (Zeta Kappa-Southwest Texas State) 214.952.7720

Southeast Region BIRMINGHAM/TUSCALOOSA, ALA. Alumnae enjoyed lunch and a tour of the Renaissance Art Gallery, owned by Kathy Hills Groshong (Beta Chi-Bucknell). –Carolynne Bond Kent (Gamma Lambda-Houston)

Birmingham/Tuscaloosa Contact: Laura Tucker Gallitz (Theta Pi-Emory) 205.592.2380 DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. Sisters paid tribute to the Founders with a celebration at the Ormond Heritage Condominium. Mary Jane Fetzer Bryant (Beta-Northwestern) recalled having had met one of the founding members as a collegian. PAGE TEN

Members recognized Jacqueline Swank’s (Theta Lambda-Central Missouri State) 10-year membership anniversary and supported Sarah Wood Ballew (Phi-Oklahoma and Delta ChiWilliam Woods) in an American Heart Association® Heart Walk. –Linda Lampman Foreman (Pi- North Dakota)

Daytona Beach Contact: Linda Foreman 386.671.0446 JACKSONVILLE FIRST COAST, FLA. Alumnae donated children’s books to First Steps, an agency that provides speech, occupational or physical therapy services to disabled young children. Sisters raised $700 by participating in an American Heart Association® Heart Walk. Laurie Chobanian (Alpha Lambda) hosted a Founders’ Day celebration. –Dawn Inglis Montgomery (Zeta Iota-Virginia)

Jacksonville First Coast Contact: Kathy Rountree Lechner (Alpha Lambda) 904.771.0224 ATLANTA, GA. In addition to monthly get-togethers, sisters enjoyed Moms and Tots groups, lunch bunches and ivy circle events. Other events included a PhiEsta, Founders’ Day celebration, participating in the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Festival of Trees and a celebratory holiday tea. –Julie Barkin Carlyle (Theta-Michigan)

Atlanta Contact: June Ash Moore (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) 678.838.0060 CHARLOTTE, N.C. Karen Joyner Jones (Epsilon Phi deuteronNC State) presented a check for $1,366 to the Carolinas Medical Center’s Heart of a Woman program on behalf of the chapter during a Founders’ Day lunch. The chapter will be recognized by the

center as a bronze level sponsor at the Cupid’s Cup 5K in February. –Mona Abdel Baset (Eta Kappa-UC/Irvine)

Charlotte Contact: Tracy Weaver Hickman (Epsilon Phi deuteron-NC State) 704.843.7578 NORTH CAROLINA TRIAD Alumnae enjoyed a Founders’ Day event, volunteered at the Walk to D’Feet ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), created holiday care packages for U.S. soldiers and made contributions to Hurricane Katrina victims and the Red Cross.® –Katryna Jacober (Theta Nu-Appalachian State)

North Carolina Triad Contact: Melissa Jacober (Theta Nu-Appalachian State) 336.993.9166 NORTHERN VIRGINIA, VA. Sisters commemorated Founders’ Day and the chapter’s 50th anniversary with a luncheon. Charter Members Lorraine Grant Morton (Psi-South Dakota) and Juanita Gebb Acha (Gamma BetaUC/Santa Barbara) were recognized. Catherine Casbeer Baker (Omega-Texas) and Angela Brown Karalekas (Gamma Eta-North Texas) were also recognized for 50 years of membership. Other events included a Sundae Sunday with George Mason (Eta Lambda) collegians and a Wine and Cheese Soiree. –Margaret J. Dawson (Alpha Lambda)

Northern Virginia Contact: Elizabeth Barber LeDoux (Sigma-Washington) 703.971.7434 RICHMOND/CENTRAL VIRGINIA Alumnae and the local Panhellenic Alumnae Association gathered for a spring tour of the historic Virginia House and Gardens. Sisters enjoyed a successful Party-Lite‘ fundraiser, a monthly summer restaurant series, a road trip to Charlottesville, N.C.,






Former International Executive Board Member Judy Segerer Watson (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) is guest speaker at a Founders’ Day celebration in Medina, Ohio; five alumnae chapters were represented.

Alumnae and Case Western Reserve (Zeta Pi) collegians participate in the Cleveland American Heart Association® Heart Walk.

Sisters enjoy an outing to Wolf Vineyards.

lunch with Virgina (Zeta Iota deuteron) collegians and a Founders’ Day celebration. An annual yard sale benefited the chapter and the Alpha Phi Foundation. –Diana Cichewicz McKinney (Eta Pi-Richmond)

Richmond/Central Virginia Contact: Diana McKinney 804.763.0272

Southwest Region CALIFORNIA CENTRAL COAST Sisters enjoyed a formal Founders’ Day celebration and a gathering at Wolf Vineyards in San Luis Obispo, Calif. –Megan Maloney (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado)

Central Coast Contact: Monique Auyong Speake (Epsilon Upsilon-CSU/Northridge) 805.431.1308 LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Alumnae enjoyed the Southwest Region Founders’ Day celebration. They celebrated the holidays by attending a rendition of Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas.” Upcoming events include a spa day, afternoon high tea, happy hour, charity garden tour, wine tasting and bowling. –Yvette Monus McFerson (Beta Delta-UCLA)

Los Angeles Contact: Yvette McFerson 310.398.8580 ORANGE COUNTY IVY CONNECTION, CALIF. Nicole Sloane (Eta Upsilon-Chapman), Laini Fluger (Eta Upsilon-Chapman), Stefanie Rizo (Eta UpsilonChapman) and Stephanie Jamorabo (Epsilon RhoUC/Davis) raised more than $500 by participating in the Susan G. Komen Foundation Race for the Cure.® –Nicole Sloane

Orange County Ivy Connection Contact: Nicole Sloane 949.642.4675


DENVER, COLO. Alumnae enjoyed a potluck dinner, a fundraiser benefiting the Alpha Phi Foundation, a Founders’ Day celebration with Colorado (Beta Gamma deuteron) collegians, the chapter’s annual charity auction, a holiday party and a fondue tasting. The chapter’s Bunko® club is currently in its sixth year. Phi Moms club events include a fall craft adult-child play date, a pumpkin patch outing, a visit to an indoor gym and meeting at a play area in a local mall. Ivy circle events include a picnic outing, serving food to homeless teens, pottery painting, touring a local candy factory and a White Elephant happy hour. –Audrey Dessauer (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve)

Denver Contact: Renee Verspoor (Zeta Iota-Virginia) 303.623.3786 ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. Sisters enjoyed a summer picnic with local collegians. Stephanie Kaminski Stapera (Delta GammaNorthern Colorado) organizes monthly ivy circle dinner outings. –Judy Giudice Tull (Omega-Texas)

Albuquerque Contact: Barb Harland Trythall (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) 505.821.1319

Upper Midwest Region ONTARIO SOUTH IVY CONNECTION, CANADA Members helped with Toronto (Xi), Wilfrid Laurier (Iota Theta) and Western Ontario (Theta Eta) recruitment. Sisters participated in two Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada® mother/daughter walks and raised more than $1,700.

CLEVELAND EAST, OHIO Members gathered for a luncheon in Chagrin Falls, participated in an American Heart Association® Heart Walk, met for a potluck and enjoyed a Founders’ Day brunch. –Nora Davis Kieser (Beta Omega-Kent State)

Cleveland East Contact: Jamie Krovontka (Epsilon Iota-Duquesne) 440.823.4499 COLUMBUS, OHIO Alumnae invited Columbus ivy circle members to a salad supper and celebrated Founders’ Day with Ohio State (Rho) collegians. –Bonnie Kurth Buesching (Beta Kappa-Denison)

Columbus Contact: Carol Bohn Thune (Gamma Nu-Miami University) 614.823.6974 SISTER CELEBRATES 100TH BIRTHDAY Happy birthday to Phyllis Carr Bruce (Pi-North Dakota), who turned 100 on Aug. 23, 2005. Phyllis was born in McVille, N.D., in 1905. She has been a resident of Maui, PHYLLIS BRUCE Hawaii, since 1928 when she moved there to work as a teacher. Phyllis has been a strong supporter of Alpha Phi since she was initiated at Pi chapter.

–Alison Nash (Xi-Toronto)

Ontario South Ivy Connection Contact: Ashley Haugh (Xi-Toronto) 416.232.9595




COLUMBUS, OHIO Columbus alumnae celebrate Founders’ Day.

DAYTON, OHIO Author and historian Sue Toops Studebaker (Rho-Ohio) was recognized with an Ohioana Award in honor of her contributions to the Historic Preservation of Decorative Arts in Ohio. Alumnae participated in a Greek Revival to help restore the Montgomery County Courthouse. Sisters enjoyed a tour conducted by Travis Price Architects, a Founders’ Day walk and the annual holiday gathering with friends and spouses. –Ann Lucas Bale (Delta Pi-Indiana State)

Dayton Contact: Sandra Reed Mitchell (Beta Iota-West Virginia) 937.293.9703


Southwest Regional Manager Jennifer Holsman (Gamma Pi-Arizona State), center, is surrounded by “Founders” during the Southern California Founders’ Day celebration.

More than 450 alumnae and collegians attended the Long Beach alumnae-sponsored Southern California Founders’ Day event at The Reef Restaurant in Long Beach. Dorothea “Dottie” Nelson Heitz (Chi-Montana) was honored for 70 years of membership. Highlights of the afternoon included chants and songs from each chapter and a Founders’ Day ceremony that included 10 sisters dressed in costume as the original Founders.


new alumnae chapters

Congratulations to the following chapters for recently receiving their charters! Akron-Canton (Ohio) Alumnae Chapter Chartered: October 12, 2005 Chapter President: Kristin Lusby Juarovisech (Eta Gamma-Akron) E-mail: Golden Gate (Calif.) Alumnae Chapter Chartered: September 21, 2005 Chapter President: Jennifer Lusk Mir (Epsilon Omega-Texas A&M) E-mail: NC Triad (North Carolina) Alumnae Chapter Chartered: September 21, 2005 Chapter President: Melissa Jacober (Theta Nu-Appalachian State) E-mail:

Calfornia Central Coast Alumnae Chapter Chartered: October 29, 2005 Chapter President: Monique Auyong Speake (Epsilon Upsilon-CSU/ Northridge) E-mail: Greenville (North Carolina) Alumnae Chapter Chartered: October 29, 2005 Chapter President: Gail Burton Joyner (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) E-mail:

Alpha Phi International is excited to announce alumnae chapters and ivy connections are forming in the following areas: Alumnae Chapters (alumnae of all ages) California Napa, San Luis Obispo Georgia Savannah Iowa Des Moines Louisiana Baton Rouge Maryland Frederick Michigan Detroit North Missouri Columbia, Jefferson City Nevada Reno New York Nassau County, Suffolk County North Carolina Greenville, Wilmington Ohio Findlay Oregon Salem South Carolina Greenville Tennessee Memphis Texas Corpus Christi Ivy Connections (alumnae 10 years out of college and younger) Michigan Saginaw Virginia Virginia Peninsula Alpha Phi International seeks alumnae who are interested in forming alumnae chapters and ivy connections in the following areas: Las Vegas, Nev. Please contact Alissa Meyer Milito (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst) at if you are interested in getting involved with any of these chapters or starting a chapter in your area.


■ Buffalo, N.Y.

■ Greater Tulsa, Okla.

Editor’s Note: The above chapters have historical information dating back to 1931.

This information is based on files housed at the Executive Office. If you have alumnae chapter historical information to share with the EO, please e-mail or call 847.316.8940.





Alumnae Advantage The following women joined Alpha Phi’s Alumnae Advantage Program between July 14 and Oct. 25, 2005. These women are taking advantage of discounts at more than 100,000 vendors! If you would like to learn more about the Advantage Program or would like to join, please visit Alpha LambdaAlumna Initiate Bridget Cotter Greaney Margaret Dawson Elizabeth Ferraro Fuller Marie Mulcahy Catherine Rizzo Koessl Carol Schar Karen Soltero Patricia Spry Cheryl Danielsen Alpha-Syracuse Leyla El Bouhali Elisabeth Clark Littlehales Sephera Dandurand Rebecca DeRollo Sheryl Glassman Judith Morgan Plough Kathryn Regan Eskew Tara Rooney Terry Tammy Skuraton Linda Thompson Rudd Beta-Northwestern Paula Alexander Wright Susan Anderson Joan Baird Debra Bauer Susanne Bruns Hintz Michelle Edgar Karen Goff Katherine Green Sharon Krueger Polcyn Janet Linthicum Mizener Mary-Ann Novinsky Robinson Barbara Querfurth McMahon Victoria Taylor Broadie Kristen Theobald Braig Susan Tinnish Susan Vargo Howe Gamma-DePauw Patricia Freeman Rang Jean Hartsock Peters Jennifer Lindamood Darnall Sally McCall Grant Gail McFaddin Renae Rogers Delta-Cornell Elizabeth Burnham Julia Dawson LoVece Lisa Gangarosa Bonnie Lestz Marcia Okeefe Gerhart Katy Pan Jane Tanner Epsilon-Minnesota Helga Bjornson Visscher Megan Bouché Marilyn Finch Cecil Evelyn Forcey Gosko Nina Guertin Marklund Lindsey Hornickel Nancy Illg Driver Anna Mae Koopmeiners Lambert Jennifer Obrzut Laible Susan Smiley Campbell Eta and Eta deuteronBoston Linda Anderson Mercier Muriel Gebler Sweeney Rosemary Staskiewicz Adler Eleanor Wright Hughes Lisa Butterfield Fiori Jennifer Counter Alexandra Dougherty Amy Rosen Elizabeth Smiley Theta-Michigan Stefanie Brown Kelley Kelly Martin-Crawford Emily Jewell Hodgman Amy Labriola Neff Kristin Wagner Sloan Iota-Wisconsin Mary Collins Freeman Natalie Hoag Thorndal James Jennifer Mikulina Helen Savage Hammes Mary Alice Seemeyer Kappa and Kappa deuteron-Stanford Marylou McClure Taylor Mary Mahler Raitt Lambda-UC/Berkeley Barbara Brand Mackey Laura Crowe Diane Hsiung Chang Angelica Peulicke Simmons Elizabeth Salmon Sippl


Nu-Nebraska Marcy Bauer McNeill Mikaela Borecky Gladys Grothe Wilkins Jennifer Safford David Michelle Starr Xi-Toronto Monica Kennedy Monczka Alison Nash Omicron-Missouri Denise Blankenship Joyce Mary Carr Boyd Heather Fridley Gould Suzanne Gallais Skelly Rhonda Jackson Searcy Patricia Jones Stevens Kimberly Larsen Watson Elizabeth Lineback Janet Papageorge Marilynn Schellert Gafke Jill Waldrop Nicole Wilson Patricia Zolotor Hacker Pi-North Dakota Jennifer Fridlund Lee Catherine Hostetter McDonald Erin Thompson Gigstad Rho-Ohio State Tonya Castor Fulwider Joyce Chaplen Gorman Marian Cox Jones Dale Deubler Sheppard Patricia Gassman Scheiderer Jodine Hiser Beggrow Christina Lake Denise Mika-Biga Kristin Watt Sigma-Washington Elizabeth Barber LeDoux Jamie Campbell Grifan Cayce Cynthia Faulkner Marriott Jeannine Graf Karen Heywood Stevenson Pamela Lawler Reek Janice McClarty Byrd Amy Mitchell Kathryn Niwa Terrell Tiffany Reek Katherine Rieder Lynn Robinson Woolsey Olivia Thomsen Burley Tau-Oregon Sharron Johnson Lindsey Linda Murphy Taggart Karla VanLoan Boyd Upsilon-Washburn Marilyn Berg Heyward Lesley Brown DeAnn Duffek Gange Jennifer Grondahl Virginia Kepple Suttle Kelly Mulvany Rebecca Reiling Rachel Smith Hudson Phi-Oklahoma Diana Busch Hartley Linda Coltrane Lankister Billie Coskey Battiato Shannon Dean Wilda Elliott Haider Tammy Garner Toll Sherry Hart Janis Hervey Kelly Beth Hess Graves Kamala Jolly Stewart Lorraine McCullough Keim Roseann Miller Cash Christina Morgan Cardoza Lynda Mosley Krivanek Kristie Noe Jennifer Robison Swain Darla Stockton Roden Alesia Taylor Stringer Ellyn Wedemeyer Phillips Carla Williamson Hustead Sarah Wood Ballew Chi-Montana Cari Cast Katherine Harstad Nygaard Hawlee Larson Rhiannon Leeper Sandra Revell Spears Ruth Wenholz West Psi-South Dakota Melonie Bohnet Mulligan Lisa Bostic Miller Sara Danforth Wills Susan Hansen Shade Kathryn Hexamer

Nanci Johnson Bond Vanessa Schoon Smith Kristy Sherman Van Meeteren Joann Smith Omega-Texas Kristen Bauer Suzan Benbow Taff Catherine Blaisdell Taylor Michelle Bottoms Laura Bowers Brumfield Amanda Brooks Kristine Clauson Danley Denise Collins Stooksberry Dianne DeLeon Lynne Douglass Nelson Jennifer Fielder Thetis Foust Hilliard Kristen Frost Lounsbury Tamara Glickman Dina Goldstein Sarah Gunby Kinne Linda Jackson Bryan Susan Johanson Johnson Jennifer Kuhn Kinman Gabrielle Landreneau Mary Love Gaither Marilyn McQueen Jones Jennifer Monk Emily Moore Seay Allison Neville Fiorillo Nancy Nugent Beaty Coty Pacek Angela Pence Elizabeth Riggs Black Kim Riley Sauer Dorothy Ritchie Waldron Angela Rudisill Hicks Sonja Smith Alexandra Sugarman Janet Thompson Randolph Beta Alpha-Illinois Lauren Anderson Stewart Virginia Arrigo Landrum Alison Begor Greta Erickson Janssen Beverly Heida Fellows Tara Majeed Lindsey Marshall Boudeman Mary Patras Day Mary Poyser Veneziale Joann Simon Thar Megan Stevenson Lauren Strahanoski Amy Vance Stephens Nicole Vittore Lehmann Virginia Zucks Uhlenhop Beta Beta-Michigan State Sarah Adams Sherree Arnold Schell Nancy Boehringer McLouth Susan Brink Sherratt Sheryl Cook Williams Constance Goldsmith Crittenden Julie Kay Mitchell Gwen Kimball Cartwright Susan Kurth Monterosso Rachel Luberacki Karyn Patterson Bloch Ann Warren MacDonald Beta Gamma and Beta Gamma deuteron-Colorado Martha Fox Bones Teresa Gillian Gray Kathleen Kennelly Brock Jean Mills Loeffler Sheila Cole Totorp Jennifer Judson Beta Delta-UCLA Joan Covert Doupe Laura Davidson Cristen Dismuke Casey Eznekier Sandy Hatanaka Charbonneau Alin Hernandez Wall Nancy Lange Burnett Virginia Levy Joan Maki Green Margie Markson Johnson Yvette Monus McFerson Sharon Pruter Sanders Maita Schuster Rosemary Wooldridge Plue Beta Epsilon-Arizona Betty Brewer Kidwell Pamela Corbin Bell Helen Gooch Armstrong Emily Grimm Glaccum Dorothy Houston Bowers Margaret Kurtz Swanson Maureen McNamee Kathleen O’Donnell Tealdi

Susan Oleson Mary Osebold Anderson-Camp Lisa Patberg Anderson Nancy Pranke Heydorn Kerin Schultz Montgomery Sara Stewart-Gerla Christi Wann Hamblen Kristin Weisser Gourley Sally Wilson Mimms Beta Zeta-Idaho Randa Allen Patrick Marie Bailey Dabney Dorothy Baldridge Lindsey Jennifer Gish Eshelman Mikleane Goodman Chouinard Jillian Jansen Monica Johnson Addington Laura Masteller Connie Nelson McGee Beta Eta-Manitoba Ashley Dubesky Beta ThetaBritish Columbia Deirdre Fitz Gibbons Beta Iota-West Virginia Donna Bosley Lane Erin Cook Judith Fisher Mountjoy Sandra Helle Kemp Nancy McDonald Street Dina Morrison Hitch Ramona Starcher Holliday Martha Street Spiker Amy Tuckwiller Wolf Ashley West Toni Wilson Olivier Beta Kappa-Denison Susan Gowing Saiter Frances Hardman Goodwin Marga Klammt Denatale Bonnie Kurth Buesching Natalie Youel Kenny Beta Lambda-Rollins Alison Breslav Salomon Beta Mu-Alabama Katherine Ewing Hara Margret Pyle Templeton Ida Wiggins Florey Beta Nu and Beta Nu deuteron-Duke Jonnie Adams Smith Sylvia Arey Susan Frost Rao Jane Garver Sterrett Patricia Page Leslie Avanti Baruah Shannon Dooley Pruce Lynne Perry Zervas Stephanie Spalding Natalie Zervas Beta OmicronBowling Green State Danielle Bint Catherine Bockhorst Leesman Janet Brinker Schaeffer Kathleen Bromley Bouman Kori Brown Angela Dickman Vogus Ryan Donley Helen Ellis Frobose Dianne Hovanec Remington Sara Layne Meredith Long Florkey Kristin Nelson Lisa Potter Melissa Recher Fitzgerald Linda Schnetzer Judith Segerer Watson Beth Ullery Susan Weiskittle Barrick Beta Pi-USC Julie Conkin Sportelli Laurie Corniea Rita Donatic Evans Donna Grissinger Dunbar Kathleen Hale Martella Joan Hansen Catharine Karl Millikan Jean Maxwell Kelly Joyce McFerren Johnson Sheri Semon Lietzow Alison Sherman Virginia Sweney Stoddard Lindsay Wiggins Beta Rho and Beta Rho deuteronWashington State Roberta Faithfull Gilley Kathryn Franks Semmler Karlen Gieche Pitz

Kirsten Isaksen Simons Glenice Lyon Jones Margo Anderson Tonjia Brendle Bier Jennifer Calvin Otis Heather Chandler Tina Kohli McGrew Corrine Richards Hammock Diana Ruecker Thomé Abbie Seehafer Naumec Stephanie Sharpe Rimmer Michelle Wells Beta Sigma-Utah Sandra Peck Hayes Lynda Raymond Fletcher Beta Tau-Indiana Susan Bray Staab Beverly Carmichael Heid Angela Eby Payton Susan Ferrara Turmes Tara Fuda Georgia Fulp Floren Vera Jean Jones Leamon Karis Kessler Colnitis Mary Keyes Adams Louise Lambert Carter Laura Meyer Gwynn Motley Christie Susan Nelligan Breen Brieanna Quinn Kirsten Rhoades Steiner Claudia Wall Trefz Beta Upsilon-Oregon State Bertha Barry Houk Amy Kaufman Dew Ellen Marsh Merriman Amy Rosato Heather Sutton Scott Jennifer Williams Sinnard Beta Phi-Whitman Esther Hook Milnes Beta Psi-San Jose State Barbara Arthur Niemann Barbara Billing Hunt Kimberly Carson Newman Melissa Carvalho Mary Csermelyi Kelly Fisher Julie Ann Gillespie Erica Jacobs Lana Lawson Nelson Michelle Narain Kimberly Olson Oldham Jennifer Peabody Billingsley Erica Salas Stephanie Sutton Monica Van Dyke Cluin Beta Omega-Kent State Amy Bates Michelle Bates Dallman Susan Burd Ross Nora Davis Kieser Maria Epifanio Smith Frances Hodnett Dunlavy Karen Loncher Hauzie Jessica Lusetti Walters Patricia Miller Stephanie Mills Smith Joan Thatch Archer Gamma AlphaSan Diego State Kelly Broadhag Trujillo Heidi Crowley Kathleen Howard Thompson Kathrine Martin Cole-Leathers Ann Peterson Baker Gamma BetaUC/Santa Barbara Alison Amsden Barenchi Mary Congdon Atmore Kathryn Cordell Joyce Mary Drab Bradley Ashley Ferguson Debbi Freeman Bock Holly Gold Jennifer Hawley Austin Jennifer Holleman Gifford Catherine Jacobson Palermo Brandi Koerner Heather Moran Sturtevant Nancy Reamer Shaver Eloisa Richmond Fox Mary Riordan Colgate Nicole Sprenger Gangloff Linda Steele Edgington Peggy Ward Fredericksen Catherine Whitted Beeny Gamma Gamma-Drury D’Arcy Butzer Blosser Priscilla Flint

Julia Staples Lawson Sherry Tobaben Wilcher Gamma Delta-Kansas Barbara Cukjati Decker Ellen Jacobson Arney Freda Sahm Russell Gamma EpsilonLake Forest Jo-Anne Freeman Penttinen Gamma Zeta-Puget Sound Gina Covey Jay Whitney Evans Karon Fountain Davis Teresa Jackson Rapozo Mary McKenzie Andre Roberta Mitchell Olson Lindsay Smith Bridget Whelan Carrie Whisler Gamma Eta-North Texas Laura Bartlett Moore Beverly Blair Johnson Lauren Bumstead Darr Amy Cage Robin Ferguson Georganne Ficklin Tiffany Garrett Gerri Goodspeed Catherin Hughes Barbara Kerford Mackenzie Krannig Stephanie Laney Jennifer McIntosh Larsen Allison Roquemore Ernst Jennifer Womack Anderson Gamma Iota-Texas Tech Heather Albright Dunn Darcel Atwill Weller Virginia Bell Smith Keri Bilbo Emily Ellison Lamb Louise Florey Reid AraNicole Forbes Oberg Barbara Griffin Tullis Paige Hagler Paul Cindy Havenhill Denise Hinrichs Nauman Kim Kerr Gerrish Ashley Kirker Amy McCord Hudspeth Leslie McDaniel Moore Ashley Ready Anita Sloan Kittridge Natalie Taylor Gamma KappaCSU/Long Beach Arline Burns Coward Michelle Crisa Dufva Christa Davidson Erin Kleiter Kahlert Georganne Knott Beers Christina Lim Moreno Dawn Thompson Burke Gamma Mu-Georgia State Page Chatfield Fletcher Gamma NuMiami University Julie Atkins Amy Black Thomas Jean Cameron Rosalie Cesare Ippoliti Natalie Cunningham Kathryn Curran Kathrin Dastillung Amy Franks Kricena-Fenn Kelly Green Laura Hackett Rebecca Howell Jennifer Jackson Susan Kanehl Young Katie Knaupe Barbara Kornman Paulson Amanda Minchin Jennifer Morton DeSilva Juli Sandman Huber Lauren Saul Courtney Teel Jump Laura Weilbacher Laura Wolfe Martha Yaw Kliebert Gamma Xi-Wichita State Karen Armstrong Naylor Elizabeth Barwick Ball Catherine Bull Kreitler Shirley Clegg Dieker Jamee Compton Katherine DeMoss Jacque Garrison Sharpe Jenny Gerdes Robberson Tina Hagar Tomas Julene King Gomez

Jennifer Losie Michelle Meier Smith Della O’Hara Lickteig Patricia Owens Gamma Omicron-Drake Cathy Callahan Rierson Julie Cerio DeHaan Patricia Griggs Sally Hahn Jameson Amy Johnson Hamer Kelly Johnson Burton Andrea Reavley Annau Allison Tower Batt Adrianne Traxinger Michele Gamma Pi-Arizona State Jessica Baird Jessica Koessler Fisher Christina Lowery Mary Sara Pipia Angela Tangalakis Claudia Weidman Furlow Gamma Rho-Penn State Janet Auck VanHorne Kimberly Brown Brannon Kimberly Christianson Leva Jenny Hibbard Kramer JoAnn Jorgensen Ladden Kelly Polinsky Goldwait Karen Tiernan Erika Wagner Walker-Bright Gamma SigmaWisconsin/Stout Joslynn Billington Nicole Smith Call Gamma Tau-Willamette Phyllis Brinkerhoff Theresa Ostlund Brooks Michele Patterson Carol Roberts Dinges Gamma Phi-Florida State Deborah Allen Moon Minge Bishop Elizabeth Lackey George Patsy Little McCord Gamma Chi-Portland State Patricia Baker Davis Gamma OmegaMidwestern State Marilyn Aboussie Sandra Duckworth Allison Karla Hardy Allford Michelle Holguin York Kristin Kloske Berend Delta Alpha-East Carolina Missie Beason Vacek Gail Burton Joyner Marsha Crowder Mindy Graham Fisher Julie Guilmain Faye Hall Dempsey Tristan Lee La Donna McKeel Smith Cynthia Moyer MacLeod Lynn Neese Elizabeth Smith Hasson Erin Warfield Penelope Wood Joseph Delta BetaTexas A&M/Commerce Monica Baxavanis Elaine Birtchet Holley Jamie Bryant Annette Bunch Horne Rochelle Carmichael Paulet Suzanne Garner Karen Hammonds Abernathy Brandy Hill Susan Jeffords Dorsey Ruth Nix Norton Felicia Pryby Paula Ready Monroe Ilana Rossel Steele Patti Schimpf Delta GammaNorthern Colorado Susan Davidson Laura Franks Smith Sara Gill Nicole Prefer Lita Putnam Schaffer Mary Rekart Ulich Clarka Romine Dagilus Judith Schmidt Mead Jennifer Thuener

(continued on next page)



Delta Delta-Oklahoma City Lisa Haning Blackburn Amanda Heaps Pama Helzer Mullikin Stacey Jackson Kristen Mullikin Peyton Stroud Karen White Engle Anne Williams Koeller Delta Epsilon-Iowa Kristine Alexander Bush Brittney Doran Karen Fitch Ruth Gallagher Amy Grenwis Coon Paula Marvin Leverenz Jillian Meyers Molly Murray Pamela Nolin Nelson Delta Zeta-Maryland Jennifer Katz Sharon Kreps Marie LaPorte Tuthill Alanna Pearl Charlotte Peede Schwartzel Karen Scheffling Avore Delta Eta-Adrian Melissa Berard Harrison Nola Bunton Shafer Stephanie Hutton Martha Jenkins Rochelle Neumeyer Patricia Rogan Moran Jennifer Schaeffer Crawford Abby Walter Delta ThetaWestern Michigan Kathleen Feeney Hiemstra Rochelle Gores Kristen Jacobsen Prunkard Meghan Neenan Gunnerson Carolyn Steeb Nuber Karen Trudell Retter Delta KappaWisconsin/LaCrosse Megan Anderson Lynn Facteau Bohlmann Carol Lenz Hoffman Susanna Ritacca Renee Schaefer Becki Wheeler Phillips Delta Mu-Purdue Janet Allen Power Patricia Awe Welch Laura Bullington Vanessa Coffey Martin Barbara Exner Downing April Hutt Heather Martin Meliski Elizabeth McCabe Fox Megan Miller Vondielingen Vickie Onila Lottie Judith Pounds Sindlinger Judith Thompson Williams Christine Witzel Tolk Delta Nu-Maine Annemarie Bartlett Kristi Cota Cournoyer Erin Desrochers Wildes Andrea Hayes Lott Mary Colleen Johnson Ward Carolyn Korth Samantha Lott Ethel Paradis Sawyer Meredith Strang Burgess Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney Abby Carr Lacey Miller Carolee Page Tilson Megan Tooley Delta OmicronSt. Cloud State Jeanine Kretchmer Delta Pi-Indiana State Karen Boggs Tanya Brandenburg Kirby Lesley Burnell Rowe Emily Clevenger Joni Embry Scioldo Andrea Grayless Nikki Harris Stephanie Keilman Walsh Pamela Killman Jamie Miller Brenda Patterson Haybarker Carol Welles Glotfelter Delta Rho-Ball State Kelly Boyles Steuer Krista Brown Collings Rebecca Hodler Holderman Karen Klumpp Maxwell Laurie Reeves Muzzillo Kimberly Reisinger LeCount Jacquelyn Siefert Hirt Jo Sudroff Wilden Cynthia Taber Sacchini


Delta Tau-Louisiana State Rebecca Black O’Neal Sammye Crawford Shawn De Pierri Miller Becky Othold Del Rio Peggy Scarborough Main Delta UpsilonBaldwin-Wallace Rachel Dobney Gail Garcia Ostrowski Jennifer Kadlowec Lynn McLaughlin Murray Cynthia Post White Stephanie Stultz Panteck Jaclyn Thuener Michelle Tremaglio Delta Phi-Indiana U. of Pennsylvania Brenda Belcher Fellner June Collins Herron Linda Morford Neugebauer Kathleen Shrosk Hollows Delta Chi-William Woods Stacey Batterton Leanne Canterbury Neumann Linda Lich Daniels Elizabeth Lukens Stephanie Pilkington Stella Traylor Delta PsiWisconsin/Oshkosh Gloria Schremp Diercks Delta OmegaMoorhead State Carol Bunge Holm Dawn Goetz Sharon Lawyer Epsilon Alpha-Ashland Rebecca Bennett Gina Bradley Feller Susan Eberling DeShetler Elizabeth Eberly Brown Lise Edwards Ricketts Ann Hathaway Schar Angela Orphanides Melissa Smith Joanna Starrick Cavey Lauren Tesar Matty Epsilon Beta-Butler Victoria Dufendach Urbanik Lisa Farrer Valadez Susan Flory Ruch Vanessa Ford Cleary Kathryn Jensen Peterson Karen Little Arland Carol Oakley Jackson Deborah O’Shea Kristin Roberts Jennifer Rosen Herrmann Lisa Sanders Pesaresi Robin Sanderson Karen Schweller Pierson Dawn Toth Epsilon GammaCSU/Sacramento Terra Callonea Donlon Natalie Dolce Alizadeh Angelica Fernandez Maurer Michelle Gumbs Ayme Reed McMillan Carole Salerno Alison Stickler Turner Epsilon DeltaNorthern Illinois Denise Biel Sweeney Gina Catalano Hoener Julianne Davis Novich Maureen Flaherty Ernandez Deborah Hanson Smith Vicky Puglise Gibson Monica Ratcliffe Carole Solomon Vrshek Elizabeth Swanson Verdun Wendy Wisniewski Kaye Epsilon Epsilon-Longwood Madeline Pollard Taylor Marjorie Snead Pugh Katherine Toney Robertson Epsilon ZetaCentral Michigan Catherine Maples Waynick Epsilon Eta-Old Dominion Christine Carduck Underwood Elizabeth Lippy Braswell Shannon MacNamee Whitlock Jennifer Wassum Hemingway Epsilon ThetaNorthern Iowa Allison Cink Rickels Sara Frank Elizabeth Jackson Jamie Johnson Krumm Mary Olson Walton Patsy Pugh Taylor Beth Tangeman Swain Epsilon Iota-Duquesne Jessica Haran Valerie Musgrave Rieder Jacqueline Siebert Minich


Epsilon KappaWest Chester Claire Eisenbeil Ribas Jacqueline Haas Inforzato Shaun Mentzer Kathryn Rossman Green Nicole Santucci Christensen Lynn Van Ost Epsilon LambdaTexas/Arlington Collette Starkey Minter Epsilon Mu-Lander Irene Griesbach Epsilon Nu-Delaware Joanne Chopak Foss Holly Malek Bryk Epsilon Xi-Southern Illinois Tiffany Conover Kelli Gallagher Viehl Catharine Richard Habermehl Epsilon OmicronAustin Peay State Melissa Webb Earnest Epsilon Pi-Evansville Kim Pazuk Butcher Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis Lindsey Cole Satre Ashlee Johnson Jennifer Kelly Susan McNary Weakley Claudia Svorinic Franklin Epsilon SigmaDallas Baptist State Pamela Farley Epsilon Tau-Louisiana State/Shreveport Judith Norris Allan Epsilon UpsilonCSU/Northridge Katharine Brenner Winn Wendy Ellen Corcos Michele Feigelson Jennifer Morris Donahue Wendy Spellings Gubman Lori Tognozzi Lofstrom Epsilon Phi deuteronNC State Somer Beauvois Michelle Connell Sarah Devereaux Kelso Jenny Eyster Halasz Martha Horrell Prosser Josephine Jarrett Karen Joyner Jones Alison Lewis Hege Aimee Troxler Henderson Tracy Weaver Hickman Epsilon Chi-Cal Poly Susan Agronick Roth Kate Brewer Bello Sarah Care Jessica Grover Julie Hemingway McMullin Molly Johnson Lindsey Michele Paris Spotswood Donielle Severa-Lee Epsilon Omega and Epsilon Omega deuteronTexas A&M Kathy Anderson Brink Tammy Dossey Schreiber Cathy Handy Davis Jean Howard Mayne Wendiann Sethi Sally Berrisford Wendy Champion McMurtrey Gina Garner Winter Amy Lorentzen Jennifer Newberry Moats Lara Ogrizovich Cline Shannon Scott Judith Swanson Rice Melissa Willmarth Hawley Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois Anastasia Dorsey Gayle Giza Ryan Patricia Hendrickson Goetz Katherine Kimball Dow Barbara Marks Ringenberg Kimberly Miller Knezovich Alice Ryno Eastman Amy Wick Balding Zeta BetaLoyola Marymount Risa Blewitt Bastien Danielle Daboub Tara Dooley Carey Green Emily Jackson-Tooby Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara Stephanie Barnes Ghinn Rosanne Cortese Compitello Sacha Durham Basho Annie Hagan Anne Lewis Naragon Natalia Natalia Nicholson Leslie Orta Deidre Verzic

Zeta Delta-Iowa State April Nickerson Leopold JoAnne Oxley Draper Emily Sheetz Schinckel Patti Steelman Linda Yager Richards

Iwona Luczkiewicz Contreras Janice Makasiar Laurie Marscher Michelle Padilla Shanyn Smith Tiffanie Wherry

Theta Alpha-Linfield Rebecca Anderson Owens Jacqueline Duvoisin Amber Gaskey Aja Hicks Denise Maurer Stevens

Zeta EpsilonIndiana U. Southeast Mariann Basham Melanie Miller Mouser

Eta Gamma-Akron Amanda Giorgio Lindsay Jerkovitz Kristin Lusby Juarovisech Sharon Maceyak Julie May Carina Samuelson Mauck Heather Schmidt

Theta Beta-Bryant Korinne Fontaine Hadad Kristin Nelson Osberg Deborah Travers Abbott

Zeta Zeta-Murray State Melissa Marshall McKee Zeta Iota and Zeta Iota deuteron-Virginia Renee Verspoor Shauna Berman Peters Michelle Burrus Erin Swarbrick Ashleigh Wright Zeta Mu-Colorado State Karen Gentry Rothers Adrienne Leins Jennifer McLain Collet Rodda Daubenspeck Kamala Schofield Schuster Zeta Nu-Texas Christian Susan Dennis Burton Rebecca Noble Jones Susan Stone Zeta Xi-Elmhurst Brittany Ashcroft Erica Doolittle-Meyer Victoria Fallon Alison Gannon Kristen Kastner Sara Lane Kristin Lindahl Alissa Meyer Milito Christina Pavlow DeeDella Rey Nicole Ruscheinski Kimberley Schmidt Jamie Sevenz Marshall Kristin Tomala Susan Watson Eckhart Zeta Omicron and Zeta Omicron deuteronJohns Hopkins Cheryl Houlik Schaefer Loryn Keating-Just Tara Riemer Jones Susan McDougall Yost Nadia Mouzykina Lauren Rosenblatt Alexandrea Shybut Zeta PiCase Western Reserve Janice Anderson Natalie Bolt Scheidler Audrey Dessauer Amy Nemeth Gerborg Casandra Solis Zeta Rho-Bentley Kenin Anzalone Sheryl Falcioni Parrella Kimberley Norton O’Brien Zeta SigmaFranklin & Marshall Heather Belaga McLean Melissa Brach Virginia Coogle Erin Lesko Tara Markley Drummond Zeta Tau-Illinois State Michelle Foucre’ Coleman Joanne Ohler Zeta UpsilonWashington University Kristen Temple Zeta Phi-MIT Katie Adams Choe Laura Malley-Schmitt Kelly Martens Catherine Nyarady Zeta Chi-Columbia Gwinneth Clarkson Berexa Zeta Psi-Dayton Christina Peloquin Erin Reinhardt Suzanne Saggio Zeta Omega-Northwood Dawn Hearns Cary Eldene Osborne Hearns Eta Alpha-New Hampshire Andrea Hankey Griffin Kristin Hastings Meredith Huxtable MacNeill Karen Siegel Stacie Sullivan Amy Sullivan Amy Wilkins Fedor Toni Zagami Cabral Eta BetaCSU/San Bernardino Marcella Balderas Angela Iannone Curran Jaclyn Kiefer

Eta Delta-CSU/Hayward Jeanne Alves Wildman Kathleen Boyle Halfon Joanne Finamore Godfrey Kimberly Katz Windham Brandie Mayhew Grossman Amy Nobriga Silvia Paniagua Loney Angela Petersen Tarver Katie Schweizer Thieman Gloria Torrano Boyle Madeleine Wisniewski Holt Eta Epsilon-Villanova Amanda Aitkin Michele Malcher Connellan Eta Eta-Seton Hall Jennifer Dohn Daus Kirsten Doorley Shana Hurley Judith Murtha Millar Eta ThetaSan Francisco State Kimberly Cordoni LeGue Britney Elyse Kirsten Giglione Meredith Harris Corinne Mullen Phipps Tonia Tabucchi Herrera Eta Iota-Pennsylvania Nicole Gilmore Gina Potenza Jennifer Sandoz Haley Shimizu Eta Kappa-UC/Irvine Holly Barajas Cynthia Ewing Nicole Ford Michelle Lou Michelle Pierce Lisa Samson Galbraith Eta Lambda-George Mason Erin Berry Constance Coghill Scinto Jamie Feighery Straka Eta Mu-Marquette Maura Benson Schaefer Alisabeth Coats Beecher Orla Miniter Violet Trivunovic Tauber Eta Nu-SUNY/Albany Ilene Jarolem Mara Monaco Eta Xi-UNC/Wilmington Angela Robbins Anderson Eta Pi-Richmond Nikki Allen Dyer Amy Bloomfield Diana Cichewicz Kristina Gatti Nicole Meomartino Tara Miller Carol Papenhausen Warren Erin Wynocker Wieder Eta Rho-San Diego Kelly Barron Kain Nancy Palo Jennifer Wright Maravillas Eta Sigma-Lafayette Christina Croft Jessica Hronich Nicole Piccione Bigg Lauren Sefcik Eta Tau-SUNY/Cortland Arlene VanAlstyne Widrick Eta Upsion-Chapman Amanda Brown Holly Fisher Niccole Purdy Stefanie Rizo Eta Chi-Bishop’s Bryna Dickson Eta Psi-Eastern Washington Brandi Aubrey Jamie Langton Alisha Wright Eta Omega-Towson Jeannine DiSilvestre Jill Franklin Rebecca Stahl Myers Suzanne Woods Wieland

Theta Tau-Rensselaer Lindsay Axelsson O’Sullivan Maggie Becker Christina Binder Stacey Grimes Boulmetis Lisa Katcher Westrick Erica Kurdt Rottenkolber Jennifer Low Colleen Shugrue Jeanell Trotter Amy Wong

Theta GammaNortheast Missouri State/Truman State Wendy Scott Conway Diane Thoman Goldman Lora Tuley Amy Verkuilen Tinsley Melanie Yuracko McKean

Theta Upsilon-CSU/Chico Cassandra Bayna Kathryn Ferguson Stacy Green Button Tracey Hamblin Kirsten Haws Davis Crystal Nash Tiffany Pullman Madeline Schwartz

Theta Delta-Creighton Serena Ake Melissa Frost Heather Placke Church Ammie Rabicke Jennifer Thurmond Lisa Vining

Theta PhiChristopher Newport Jennifer Amit Macalino Emily Anderson Amanda Braun Donnamarie Duffy Mandara Kathryn Joca Heather Phaup Molly Reed Shaina Silver

Theta Zeta-Florida Tech Diana Dingfelder Campos Jennifer Gladski Kimberly Musselman Julia Pawloski Laura Popovich Dues Jennifer Urbauer-Parsons Theta Eta-Western Ontario Robyn Ewert Sherry Hong Catherine Jobson Adams Dawne Scarr Theta Theta-St. Joseph’s Denise Boyle Timmerman Casey Carr Kathleen Haberin Johnson Kristin Johnson Valerie Jones Theta Iota-James Madison Jessica Barger Jennifer Essa Angela Goodus Katona Danielle Graaf Gina Manke Meredith Phillips Katherine Pius Patricia Reader Phelps Leigh Robertson Catherine Schafer McKay Rachel Seidenburg Amy Senger Heather Shell Cooper Julia Simmons Tricia Simmons Eagle Erin Walker Diane Wetzel Jeanne Zaptin Theta Kappa-Rochester Janis Coughlin-Piester Lauren Prusnofsky Brieanne Turchetti McLaughlin Theta LambdaCentral Missouri State Julie Bailey Carter Lea Hawthorne Angie Jeffries Connie Madrid Christine Osterwisch Jewell Gloria Perotti Esparza Victoria White Theta Mu-Hofstra Danielle Altruda Theta NuAppalachian State Heidi Anthony Deborah Gray Knotts Amy Greer Melissa Jacober Katryna Jacober Tammy Phillips Bowles Katherine Tanis Theta Xi-Shippensburg Christy Akehurst Orwig Amanda Baker Colleen Keeney Misty Milburn Wilson Kristina Reho Karen Rizer Davidock Claudia Rocca Theta Pi-Emory Sherry Sandstrom Jessica Weinberg

Theta ChiUNC/Asheville Mary Bullman Bade Rebecca Pfau Yanacsek Mary Price Peterson Carla Wallin Schneider Theta PsiSUNY/Plattsburgh Christy Bortle Crystal Lytle Amy Nickerson Theta Omega-Barry Kelly Fitzgerald Mazza Amanda Godio Becker Cheryl Minick Vanessa Paneca Jennifer Zigmont Matalon Iota Alpha-Pepperdine Kristina Buchholz April Feary Schley Melissa Ingraham Linda Merritt Virginia Simpson Knapp Kathy Yi Iota Beta-St. Mary’s Anita Carrillo Acosta Christa Gaither Rosas Stephanie Gargiulo Jennifer Ryan Christina Tevington Iota GammaUniversity of the Pacific Ellen Bodisco Miller Maria Chavez Tanya DeMichele Jennifer Fillon Stephanie Griffing Briana Hinchliffe Megan Jackson Barr Yvonne Jette-Flores Kristin McQuillan Deanna Midtaune Tammy Nietschke Drescher Kortley Norris Jaime Pacheco Colby Valentine Brianne Walterhouse Iota Delta-Rhode Island Kristen Allenson Rebecca Calev Alyssa Rae Cardi Tillier Laura Gould Laura McMahon Kovacs Jennifer Savastano Iota ZetaColorado School of Mines Emily Bostwick White Barbara Godfrey Bean Amanda Kelly Sarah Nolan Kelly Ella Schmidt Cooke Iota Eta-DePaul Katherine Secor Christina Xydis Iota Theta-Wilfrid Laurier Andreea Brezeanu Krista Leveck

Theta Rho-Cameron Amy Beauchamp Clarissa Donnell Pyeatt Renee Dunham Zmijski Laci Mace Jillian McCall Bradshaw Theta SigmaSouthern Utah Kimberly Currier Bateman Megan Flowers Keri Mecham Deanna Thomas Allen





Make a Difference: Pay It Forward By Cynthia Krainin (Delta Upsilon-Baldwin-Wallace)

There is a moral dilemma brewing for many of us who want to Create Opportunities to Make a Difference take an active role in changing our world. The question is: how Be innovative. Look within your workplace for opportunities to do we do it? “pay it forward.” My favorite holiday gift is to give a co-worker A seventh grader was asked that question in a social studies a fabulous letter of recommendation, help with the workload of class in the movie “Pay It Forward.” He came up with an idea. someone in your group having serious family issues, start a supIf he does a favor that really helps someone and tells him or her port group that meets for lunch once a week (cancer survivors, not to pay it back, but to pay it forward to three other people, those with low self-esteem), organize a day care center for children who in turn, each pay it forward to three more, and on and on or elderly adults, establish a partnership with a local school to – it morphs into a global outpouring of kindness and decency. provide volunteers and funding, mentor a co-worker, or start a Each time I see this movie it reminds me that recycling program (paper, furniture, office supplies). each one of us can make a difference, and we have Making a difference does not have to look like “We can all the capacity to do so immediately. helping others or helping society. It could be: refusbenefit physically, ing to be part of gossip, not “sharing” your anger, A common theme I hear in career counseling sessions is: “I want to help and get involved in com- emotionally and planting a flower garden, decorating for the holimunity service. Can I do it as my vocation, or do days, picking up garbage as you walk down the spiritually by I relegate it to after work only?” and “Can I support street or being kind and gentle to yourself. being kind and myself if I choose to perform service as my job?” Then there are the little ways we can make a Each person needs to consider the many creative difference by performing random acts of kindness. helping others.” choices available before making a decision. Ask to sit with someone who is eating alone in the Contributing to the “world” looks different for each of us. cafeteria or sitting alone at a meeting, compliment co-workers In terms of a job, we typically think of non-profit organizations on positive changes they have made, don’t interrupt when somefirst. If this is your preference, choose an organization based on one else is talking, or write a note of appreciation and tape it to the service it provides, the constituency it serves or the cause it someone’s desk. supports. Most importantly, select a group that you have a perScientifically, your serotonin levels rise when you perform an sonal or heart connection to (e.g., Alpha Phi International, act of kindness. It also rises for those who observe an act of kindOxfam, Make-A-Wish Foundation,® American Cancer Society® ). ness. We can all benefit physically, emotionally and spiritually by Then, find a niche within the organization that will benefit from being kind and helping others. As the seventh grader did in “Pay your talents and skills. It Forward,” we can start training ourselves to look for people who Alternatively, there are jobs where you contribute by performwe can be kind to or help. Make a difference in the lives of others, ing a specific service (e.g., consumer product tester, victim adand increase your own well-being by helping someone else. vocate, creative arts therapist, ombudsman, relocation specialist, Cynthia Krainin is a certified professional résumé writer, job and career transition fundraiser, grant writer, food bank manager, social/healthcare services coordinator, consumer credit/debt counselor, shelter program coach and employment interview coach, teacher, lecturer and co-author of the book Thriving at Work: A Guidebook for Survivors of Childhood Abuse. director or non-profit organizational development consultant). As president of Career Resources in Brookline, Ma., she has made the process Another “type” of job set that is service-related and of changing jobs easier, more effective and less stressful for clients a part of many corporations as well as non-profits around the globe since 1982. Contact Cynthia at or 617.732.1200. includes: external affairs director, partnership developer, community development officer, corporate sponsorship manager, constituent relations specialist, medical and legal translator, just to name a few.




Musician’s CD Is In Memory Of Brother

Seetha Shivashankar Aiyar (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve) released her first vocal album in memory of her brother, Ram, who passed away in 2001. All proceeds will be donated to Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital in Cleveland, Seetha Aiyar Ohio. Pirate Queen Inspires Phi Sister To Write Book

Christina Wehle Bauer (Alpha-Syracuse) is author of The Pirate Queen – A Timewalker Journey (Windstorm Creative, 2005. ISBN: 1590922247). The book, a tale of a young girl haunted by dreams of a Christina Bauer mysterious, charismatic and powerful pirate queen, is a work of historical fantasy for young adults inspired by the life of Grace O’Malley. Ethell Is Executive Vice President of Consulting Firm

Judy Ethell (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) has been named executive vice president, finance and chief accounting officer of BearingPoint, Inc., one of the world’s largest business consulting and systems integration firms. She is responsible Judy Ethell for the corporate finance and accounting teams as well as the strategic direction of the company. Judy has more than 25 years experience working with Fortune 500 companies on global tax and accounting strategies.


Chef Releases Third Book

Chef Barbara Pool Fenzl (Iota-Wisconsin) has authored her third book, Seasonal Southwest Cooking (Northland Barbara Fenzl Publishing, 2005. ISBN: 0873588827). The owner of Les Gourmettes Cooking School in Phoenix, Ariz., is a renowned cooking teacher in the United States and the Périgord region of France. Barbara is a frequent contributor to Bon Appétit magazine and other national publications. She is past president of the International Association of Culinary Professionals and benefactor and past board member of the American Institute of Wine and Food. She was an inductee in the Arizona Culinary Hall of Fame and recipient of the Greater Phoenix Chef ’s Association Humanitarian of the Year. Barbara hosted the 13-week PBS television series “Savor the Southwest” and is a regular guest on “Your Life,” a local morning television show. Sister’s Project of Passion Comes to Silver Screen

Franklin & Marshall (Zeta Sigma) alumna Annie Young Frisbie wrote and produced Annie Frisbie a Lifetime® and Showtime® original tevision program titled “Speak,” based on the award-winning young adult novel by Laurie Halse Anderson. Annie invested six years to help bring to fruition the powerful message about the devastation of date rape. The movie premiered in September 2005 on both television networks and is available for purchase on DVD.

Alumna’s Volunteer Work Honored By University

Kristi Nelson (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) was named 2005 Outstanding Young Kristi Nelson Alumni by Bowling Green State University during Homecoming weekend. Kristi serves as the university’s Dayton alumni chapter leader and is a member of the chapter’s scholarship committee. She is a member of Alpha Phi’s Upper Midwest regional team. Parsons Rocks On

Beta (Northwestern) alumna Kat Parsons was a featured performer on Ted Airlines® “Hear it First” in-flight programming in the months of Kat Parsons November and December. She participated in a songwriting challenge on MTV’s “Score” and performed at The Avalon in Hollywood, Calif. For Kat’s tour information, visit Sister Launches Shopping Guide

Christina Kerford Welch (Omega-Texas) is creator of Wear To Shop (TwoGew Publishing, 2005), a guide to fashionable shopping Christina Welch in and around San Antonio, Texas. Visit for more information. Editor’s Note: For a listing of books, music and movies by these and other Alpha Phis, please visit



R E U N I O N S / S M A L L


Alumnae Enjoy Pebble Beach Reunion Ashland Sisters Reunite

Omegas Gather for Founders’ Day

Beta Beta sisters reunite in Pebble Beach, Calif. Epsilon Alpha (Ashland) sisters enjoy a 30-year reunion in Port Clinton, Ohio.

Sisters from Michigan State’s (Beta Beta) class of 1961 met at the home of Joni Kelber McKee in Pebble Beach, Calif. For information on tentative plans to meet in Denver, Colo., in June 2006, please contact Sally Harris Hannert at

Washington State Alumnae Celebrate Sisterhood

Theta Mus Enjoy Labor Day Gathering Hofstra (Theta Mu) sisters from the class of 2002 gathered for a reunion at Neptunes Beach Club in Hampton Bays, N.Y., during Labor Day weekend.

SMALL WORLD: SISTERS MEET IN ITALY While studying abroad in France last semester, senior Katie Goeke (Epsilon Beta-Butler) and some friends took a weekend trip to Cinque Terre, Italy. Two women approached them to ask about the path ahead. Come to find out, one of the women, Mary Ryan Evans, is a sister from Miami University (Gamma Nu). The two groups ran into each other again in the next village, and Mary and her party bought Mary Evans, left, and Katie lunch for Goeke discover each other Katie and in Italy. her friends.


Approximately 80 Washington State (Beta Rho deuteron) sisters gather for a reunion in Seattle, Wash.

Texas (Omega) sisters from the mid-1940s reunite during the San Antonio alumnae chapter’s Founders’ Day luncheon. Pictured are (from left) Shirley Taylor Brueggerhoff, Helen Darnett Green, Charlotte Wigzell and Margaret Pickering Dyer. Margaret was visiting all the way from England.

Your opportunity is coming… ■

Candidates for the International Executive Board will be slated the weekend of March 3-5, 2006.

Look for the postcard with voting information and ID numbers to be mailed to all dues-paying members in March 2006.

Review the candidates’ biographies and cast your vote online, or contact the Executive Office to request a written ballot.

Polls open March 27 and close April 14, 2006.

Voting results will be announced by May 1, 2006.




ear Sisters,

Alpha Phi International Fraternity is a membership organization dedicated to promoting sisterhood, cultivating leadership, encouraging intellectual curiosity and advocating service. Alpha Phi develops character for a lifetime. Alpha Phi International Fraternity Mission

In order to achieve our mission, the International Executive Board (IEB) and Executive Office (EO) staff developed a rolling five-year plan to allocate both human and financial resources. This plan addresses collegiate and alumnae membership, community engagement, operational effectiveness and growth. Our success is dependent on the prudent investment of resources and the support of all members of our organization. Through oversight, sound management and committed volunteers we have strengthened the Fraternity’s finances, membership and programming and are positioning the organization for growth. The IEB, together with the EO, is pleased to publish this report for fiscal year 2005 (FY05). The purpose of the Annual Report is to provide a concise annual record of achievements during the last year. If you have questions regarding the Annual Report, or if you would like to e-mail the IEB on any issue, please contact us at The IEB and I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at Convention in June. Loyally, Crista Cate Vasina, International President


Finances FY05 was very positive from a financial standpoint. The Fraternity experienced an increase in net assets from operations and investments. Again this year the Fraternity received an unqualified audit report from our independent auditors. We were also able to grant loans to two house corporation boards for housing projects this year. Collegiate Membership Alpha Phi enjoyed continuing growth and improved strength in collegiate membership. The Fraternity is 143 chapters strong. For the 2004-05 school year, 78 percent of reporting chapters rushed in the top half of their campus, and we initiated nearly 4,000 collegiate women. Seven educational leadership consultants and eight volunteer regional teams supported our collegiate chapters. All of our chapters benefited from the support of advisory boards, while 70 percent reported having three or more advisers. We are pleased that a significant number of our chapters and members were recognized on their campuses for outstanding leadership, scholarship and service contributions. Marketing and Extension The Fraternity was invited to recolonize our 21st chapter at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Okla. The chapter closed during the summer of 1998, and Alpha Phi is pleased to have been extended the honor of returning. Spring semester kicked off the early planning stages of this return and included a Panhellenic welcoming reception in honor of the IEB. A team has been established to support the colonization efforts, which included the planning of a summer reunion at the chapter house. Training and Development The Fraternity offered five specialized training sessions during the summer and fall. Alumnae Chapter College, Rush University Midwest, Rush University West, Regional Team Training (VIPhi) and Chapter Adviser Academy provided volun-

teers the opportunity to expand their Alpha Phi knowledge and skills and enjoy some affiliate time together too. As a result, our volunteers are better able to implement strategies to strengthen and improve our collegiate and alumnae chapters. Regional Conferences provided training to more than 1,000 collegians and volunteers. Nineteen audio conferences provided training to new chapter advisers, and 15 roundtable audio conferences provided opportunities for discussion and questions to chapter advisers and collegians. In keeping with the Fraternity’s mission of cultivating leadership, Alpha Phi is creating a Fraternity-wide Leadership Initiative based on our values. The Alpha Phi Foundation-funded project will provide a sense of accountability, responsibility and integrity in its participants and is meant to promote a feeling of loyalty and lifetime commitment to Alpha Phi. The Initiative consists of two concurrent programs facilitated by specially trained alumnae. To capture Alpha Phi’s rich history through the words of those who led the organization, the Fraternity, with a grant from the Alpha Phi Foundation, interviewed three of the Fraternity’s seven living past presidents as part of a heritage video project. The remaining four will be interviewed in the future. Communications The Alpha Phi Web site received a new look in August. In addition to being more interactive for users, redesign highlights include new sections for potential members and parents. Look for continued improvements in the future. The Alpha Phi Quarterly implemented a new subscription policy with its summer issue. In addition to benefiting crucial programs for alumnae and the Alpha Phi Foundation, the change will mean savings in years to come that will lead to noticeable improvements in the quality of the magazine – including a redesign. For ALPHA PHI


details about the policy, visit subscription.html. The Quarterly is an Award of Distinction winner in The Communicator Awards Print Media competition for the fourth year in a row. For a second year in a row, the Quarterly received an APEX (Awards for Publication Excellence) Award of Excellence. Both competitions recognize outstanding work in the communication field. An internship program was created to provide students with the opportunity to gain professional hands-on experience in the areas of magazine publication and public relations. Current Staffing Alpha Phi continues to benefit from a wellstaffed, high functioning EO comprised of a team of experts in all areas of fraternity life. Linda Schnetzer (Beta OmicronBowling Green State) returned from a year in China to resume her role leading the collegiate membership department. Karen Goff (Beta-Northwestern) left her role as program coordinator of consultants and recruitment to pursue graduate studies, and Rebecca “Rebbie” Howell (Gamma Nu-Miami University) took over Karen’s position. Lindsay Martin (Beta Psi-San Jose State) was promoted to manager of collegiate operations, and Laura Garraway Caulfield (Delta Epsilon-Iowa) assumed the new position of manager of collegiate development, which focuses on proactive measures to advance our chapter functions. Megan Bouché (Epsilon-Minnesota) moved to the new marketing and extension department as its associate director. Andrea Law (Iota Eta-DePaul) joined the communications, training and development department as the coordinator of education and leadership programs; this new position is funded by a Foundation grant. The EO staff bid farewell to Keri Miller (Delta Rho-Ball State); after six years on staff Keri has begun a new career with a destination management firm. WINTER 2006

Baylee Simon (Beta-Northwestern) was the first to take advantage of the communications internship during the 2005 winter and spring academic terms. Nora Gardner (Beta-Northwestern) was the summer intern, and Stephanie Nordstrom (Iota Alpha-Pepperdine) participated in late summer and early fall. The EO also introduced two parttime positions to support the office’s efforts. During the 2004-05 school year Gwendolyn Hill (Gamma Epsilon deuteron-Lake Forest) assisted the collegiate membership department, and Susan DuMont (Gamma Epsilon deuteron-Lake Forest) assumed the same role during the summer. Gemma Mangione (Beta-Northwestern) assists the communications, training and development and alumnae departments.

purchase: return address labels. The department created a new magazine for graduating seniors, Transitions. This 16-page magazine was sent to more than 3,500 new alumnae and included articles on savings and investing, managing credit cards and the importance of good credit, the mysteries of insurance, workplace etiquette, navigating office politics and how to stay connected to Alpha Phi after graduation. The alumnae department also updated membership data in the main database at the EO. With a goal of populating individual records with training and event attendance, Convention award winners and historical knowledge, the database is on its way to becoming the singular source for historical knowledge of Fraternity members.

Alumnae In FY05, 8,097 alumnae paid International alumnae dues. Monies received funded a variety of Fraternity support, including the colonization of nine new alumnae chapters. The alumnae department added a new product for

Closing As we embark upon another year, we will continue our ongoing communication and interaction with the sisterhood, remain a fiscally responsible organization and provide services that will meet the needs and enhance the experiences of our members.

2005 Expense Analysis Fraternity Activities Publications and Communications National Convention and Regional Conferences 7% Property Management Management and General 7%


6% 69%

2005 Revenue Analysis Undergraduate Member Fees Rental Income National Convention and Regional Conferences 5% Interest on Loans 5% Grants Alumnae Member Fees 7% Other 8%







Collegiate Chapters Receive University Recognition During the 2004-05 academic year, many of our chapters were celebrated by their universities for their hard work and dedication. Awards were presented for philanthropy, community service, campus involvement, scholarship, marketing, programming, recruitment, new member education, risk management, chapter of the year and president of the year. We are very proud to recognize these chapters and their achievements.*

Appalachian State (Theta Nu) Most Improved Chapter Arizona State (Gamma Pi) Maroon and Gold Award Ashland (Epsilon Alpha) Most Outstanding Philanthropic Project Most Outstanding New Member Education Most Outstanding Risk Management Bowling Green State (Beta Omicron) Academic Award Leadership Award Cal Poly (Epsilon Chi) Outstanding Philanthropy Central Missouri State (Theta Lambda) Most Money Raised for St. Jude Children’s Hospital Outstanding Philanthropy Outstanding Campus Involvement Outstanding New Member/Member Education Chapman (Eta Upsilon) Outstanding Philanthropy Event Outstanding Community Service Outstanding Contribution Outstanding New Member Development Program Outstanding Executive Board Sorority of the Year

Johns Hopkins (Zeta Omicron deuteron) Outstanding Community Serivice and Philanthropy Kettering (Iota Epsilon) Five-Star Award Academic Success Lafayette (Eta Sigma) Excellent Rating with Compass Program Highest GPA Outstanding Chapter of the Year Linfield (Theta Alpha) Most Improved Chapter GPA Most Outstanding Scholarship Program Loyola Marymount (Zeta Beta) Order of Omega Community Service and Philanthropy Award The Crimson and Blue ASLMU Award (Best Philanthropy, Outstanding Public Relations, Outstanding Philanthropy and Community Service, Outstanding AlumnaeRelations) Maine (Delta Nu) Community Service Award President of the Year Sorority of the Year

Colorado School of Mines (Iota Zeta) Highest Grade Point Average

Miami University (Gamma Nu) Outstanding Community Relations Most Improved Chapter GPA Outstanding Alumni/Advising Outstanding Recruitment Outstanding New Member Education Outstanding Risk Management

Cornell (Delta) Outstanding Formal Recruitment Outstanding New Member Education

MIT (Zeta Phi) Campus Involvement Award Chapter Education Award

CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) Most Money Raised and Donated for a Philanthropy Best Neighbor Relations

New Hampshire (Eta Alpha) Best Community Involvement Best Alumni/Parent Relationships

Colorado (Beta Gamma deuteron) Best Risk Management Progam

CSU/San Bernardino (Eta Beta) Most Spirited Chapter Best Scholarship Dayton (Zeta Psi) Greensweep Award for Most Participation Panhellenic Library Award Duquesne (Epsilon Iota) Best Continuous Open Bidding Best New Member Program

North Dakota (Pi) President’s Commendation Chapter Excellence in Member Development Northern Colorado (Delta Gamma) Highest New Member GPA Northern Iowa (Epsilon Theta) Best In-House GPA North Texas (Gamma Eta) 2004 Outstanding Organization

Eastern Illinois (Zeta Alpha) President’s Four-Star Award for Fraternal Excellence (Outstanding Marketing Program, Outstanding Recruitment, Outstanding Educational Program, Outstanding Chapter Operations)

Ohio State (Rho) Star for Continued All-Around Excellence Outstanding Diversity Program Chapter Advocate of the Year

Elmhurst (Zeta Xi) Outstanding Public Relations Throughout Campus

Oregon (Tau) Outstanding Philanthropy

George Washington (Iota Iota) Silver Award of Achievement Iowa (Delta Epsilon) Excellence in Leadership and Educational Development Excellence in Membership Recruitment Excellence in Risk Reduction


Oklahoma City (Delta Delta) Outstanding Campus Organization

Pepperdine (Iota Alpha) Best Recruitment Rhode Island (Iota Delta) Most Improved Sorority of the Year

Shippensburg (Theta Xi) Citizenship Award Organization of the Year Highest GPA Member Development and Personal Growth Award Ritual Development and Values Based Award Sisterhood Award South Dakota (Psi) Outstanding Greek Leadership

USC (Beta Pi) Excellence in Community Relations and Philanthropy Excellence in Campus Involvement Top GPA Fall 2004 Most Improved GPA Fall 2004 Excellence in Vision Eileen Stevens Award for Outstanding New Member Programming Most Improved Chapter

Southern Illinois (Epsilon Xi) Highest Accreditation Score (Programs, Scholarship, Volunteerism, On-campus Involvement, Sisterhood, Alumni, Philanthropy)

Villanova (Eta Epsilon) Outstanding Sisterhood Award

Southern Utah (Theta Sigma) Organization of the Year Most Improved Recruitment

Virginia Tech (Eta Omicron) Outstanding Community Service Outstanding Involvement in Co-Curricular Activities Outstanding Scholarship Highest GPA Outstanding Risk Management

St. Joseph’s (Theta Theta) Best Philanthropy Event Most Money Raised in the Greek Community Most Improved Organization at St. Joseph’s University Highest GPA Sorority Achievement Award St. Mary’s (Iota Beta) Philanthropy and Community Service Award University/Campus Relations Award Greek Relations Award Alumnae Relations Award Member Development Award

Virginia (Zeta Iota deuteron) Outstanding Chapter of the Year

West Chester (Epsilon Kappa) Sisterhood Award Living Your Values Award New Member Development Award Chapter of the Year Western Michigan (Delta Theta) Golden Bronco Award Student Organization of the Year Service Learning Award

SUNY/Buffalo (Theta Epsilon) Highest GPA

West Virginia (Beta Iota) Most Improved Chapter

SUNY/Plattsburgh (Theta Psi) Five-Star Award Most Outstanding Chapter Award Community Service Award Chapter Accreditation Scholarship Award

Wichita State (Gamma Xi) Outstanding Community Service

Texas (Omega) Good Standing Toronto (Xi) Panhellenic Spirit Award Towson (Eta Omega) President Cup Award Tufts (Zeta Theta) Excellence in Panhellenic Philanthropy and Service Participation Highest GPA Highest New Member GPA UC/Berkley (Lambda) Certificate of Merit for Campus Activity and Greekwide Events UC/Davis (Epsilon Rho) Outstanding Member Education Outstanding New Member Program

Wilfrid Laurier (Iota Theta) Excellence in Marketing Award William Woods (Delta Chi) Outstanding Recruitment Wisconsin (Iota) Four Pillars of Excellence Award (Citizenship, Fellowship, Scholarship and Leadership) Wisconsin/Stout (Gamma Sigma) Best Philanthropy Best Sorority House Highest Fall Sorority GPA Most Involved President *This information was provided to the Executive Office via e-mail and through executive committee reports. Individual awards for positions other than president were not recognized at this time. If your chapter received an award that was not noted above, please contact

UC/Santa Barbara (Gamma Beta) Most Improved Chapter Operations University of the Pacific (Iota Gamma) Outstanding Chapter of the Year

Santa Clara (Zeta Gamma) Outstanding Public Relations Program






Eta Thetas Caitlin James, Sheena Corrado, Krystal Waite and Jennifer Conforti teeter-totter in support of the Alpha Phi Foundation.

Beta Theta sisters enjoy Preference Night.

Chapter officers and advisers join Fraternity Executive Director Susan Zabriskie (Theta-Michigan), front center, at the National Panhellenic Conference-sponsored Something of Value program.

Congratulations, National Order of Omega Inductees Appalachian State (Theta Nu) Jaclyn Benzine Sarah Marie Daugherty Erin Flynn Arizona (Beta Epsilon) Kim Chamberlain Chrissy Coolidge Ball State (Delta Rho) Katelyn Balach Bowling Green State (Beta Omicron) Stacey Sternad British Columbia (Beta Theta) Nicole Barnett Michelle Davies

CSU/San Bernardino (Eta Beta) Michelle Padilla Rachel Smith DePauw (Gamma) Alison Ket Katherine Field Brooks Weilbacher Alison Grogan

James Madison (Theta Iota) Jennifer Ash Katherine Casterline Kari Deputy Briana Mills Melanie Tan

Drake (Gamma Omicron) Brenna Gannon Jenny Tran

Johns Hopkins (Zeta Omicron deuteron) Jennifer Heckman

Duke (Beta Nu deuteron) Larissa West

Kent State (Beta Omega) Lisa Mowery

Duquesne (Epsilon Iota) Amy Frances Brocato Dene M. Coyle

Kettering (Iota Epsilon) Stacy Gardner

Butler (Epsilon Beta) Danielle Myers Amanda Miller

East Carolina (Delta Alpha) Dena Mazie

Central Missouri State (Theta Lambda) Katherine Gould

Eastern Illinois (Zeta Alpha) Nichole Wroblewshi

Chapman (Eta Upsilon) Nicole Provansal Elizabeth Hilgreen

Elmhurst (Zeta Xi) Katrina Mueller Corinne Beth Danforth Katie Lynn Symmonds

Christopher Newport (Theta Phi) Tiffany Campbell Meggan Ford Jessica Hinz Dana House Christina LiPuma Emily Anderson Colorado School of Mines (Iota Zeta) Leah Loebach Andrea Shaffer CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) Camille Ahuero Natalie Barr Jessica Bechtold Abigail Broome Shabnam Elmi Sydni Scheidel Laura Lackner


Iowa (Delta Epsilon) Kat Hurd

Florida Tech (Theta Zeta) Brenna Ferguson Stephanie Hanses Kimberly Musselman Heather Robinson Kathryn Shontz Brenda Switzer Lauren Tinsman Diana Campos George Washington (Iota Iota) Lindsay Benjamin Emily Carr Aine Farrell Megan Lind Camille Ramos Leslie Vaeth Idaho (Beta Zeta) Stevie Heath Jillian Jansen Erika Visser

Lafayette (Eta Sigma) Caryn Donohue Colleen Walsh Jennifer Ziznewski Erin Kenning Jessica Linder Linfield (Theta Alpha) Laura Kate Eddy Loyola Marymount (Zeta Beta) Jennifer Bailey Kelly Ellis Jennifer Macauley Debra Reynoso Nikke Wetzel Maine (Delta Nu) Valerie Dahlgren Caroline Seastrom Sarah Peterson Katelin Urgese Lindsay Whalen Ann Marie Bartlett Stephanie Fletcher Marquette (Eta Mu) Elissa Flynn Kristina Patrick Krista Zaharias Maryland (Delta Zeta) Lauren Angelo Laura Boggs-True Nicole Cohen Hannah Lowe

Miami University (Gamma Nu) Lindsey Sacher

Yvette Schulta Shannon Binger Chelsea Tripp

Villanova (Eta Epsilon) Rebecca Judkins Theresa Murray

Michigan (Theta) Marlo Salaita Caroline Friend

SUNY/Plattsburgh (Theta Psi) Sheri A. Beckwith-Tromble Stacy A. Carter Charmion I. E. Crucikshank Sherie M. Davis

Washburn (Upsilon) Carley Cost Kelsi Wilken

Minnesota (Epsilon) Brit Terry Jamie Carlton Rebecca Graham MIT (Zeta Phi) Caroline Jordan Katherine Weng Stephanie Yeh Elizabeth Zellner Nebraska (Nu) Abbie Cimino Shaundra Eichstadt Northern Illinois (Epsilon Delta) Audrey Kennedy Old Dominion (Epsilon Eta) Michele Lyn Haley Anne E. Hoffert Oregon (Tau) Laura Kessler Katharine Stringer Jenn Tushner Purdue (Delta Mu) Jodi Stephens Rensselaer (Theta Tau) Joni Anderson Maggie Becker Rochester (Theta Kappa) Laura Weaver San Diego (Eta Rho) JoAnn Bellafiore San Diego State (Gamma Alpha) Amanda Lohse Megan Partch South Dakota (Psi) Patty Crowley Chelsea Krull Andrea Sather

Syracuse (Alpha) Sarah King Katelyn Morris Texas (Omega) Clarissa Jayne Lampertz Jennifer Michelle Larson Jennifer Dyan McCook Christine Elise Peters Tracey Rene Watler Texas A&M/Commerce (Delta Beta) Amy Gonzales UC/Berkeley (Lambda) Ashley Smith UC/Davis (Epsilon Rho) Ellen Brooks UC/Irvine (Eta Kappa) Mary Ann Bailey Lindsey Goldstein Ornanong Maneeratlang Julia Perkovich Joni Wu

Washington State (Beta Rho deuteron) Elysia Brown Washington University (Zeta Upsilon) Katie Lombardi Courtenay Brightman Maria Corral Jessica Schaffner Karin Stowe Nicole Sugar Western Michigan (Delta Theta) Caroline Gaines Leah Panici LeeAnn Roberts Amanda Smith Stephanie Szudarek Wisconsin (Iota) Jennifer Hess Jessica Binder Maxine Glass Jamie Schneider Sari Toberman Sydney Wiggins

UC/Santa Barbara (Gamma Beta) Sabrina Deltoro University of the Pacific (Iota Gamma) Lauren Lloyd USC (Beta Pi) Abigail Arnold-Ochs Kristina Baise Kathleen Benton Michelle Mufich Melanie Billow Megan Grant Erin Blair Jackson Erin Stamper







Epsilon sisters prepare for the annual Phi Feed philanthropy event.

Kolby Schneider carries a heavy load while caddying for the annual philanthropy golf tournament.

Collegians join local alumnae for a dinner in celebration of Founders’ Day.

CANADA Bishop’s (Eta Chi) Sisters enjoyed formal recruitment, Greek formal, Cardiac Care Week, an event to support the Lennoxville Youth Centre and a dodge ball tournament that benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. Visit for more information. –Jeanette Manrique-Reyes

British Columbia (Beta Theta) The chapter proudly met quota and welcomed 14 new members. Members and their mothers participated in a mother/daughter walk in support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.® They placed second in a longboat rowing competition and third in a “Fear Factor”-like competition. –Sarah Wong

Manitoba (Beta Eta) The women welcomed new members during the fall,

retaining their title as the largest chapter on campus. Greek Council members Heather Carroll and Erin Scott helped plan the first Mini Greek Week; Beta Eta won the majority of the events and was named Greek Games Champion. –Heather Carroll

ARIZONA Arizona State (Gamma Pi) The second annual Cardiac Care Gala raised more than $11,000. Representatives from the Phoenix Children’s Hospital, the chapter’s adopted local charity, and the Alpha Phi Foundation were present. –Kristen Amsler and Andrea Vatenapeteep


CSU/San Bernardino (Eta Beta) The chapter welcomed 28 women during fall recruitment, one of the largest classes in many years. Collegians thank their advisers and alumnae for their support. –Kimberly Clarke

Lake Forest (Gamma Epsilon deuteron) chapter presents a check to Waukegan Victory Memorial Hospital’s Cardiac Care Center.

Loyola Marymount (Zeta Beta) The A-Phiasco live and silent auctions raised $54,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation and the Los Angeles-based Good Shepherd shelter for abused women and children. Members volunteer at the shelter on a weekly basis; they lead the campus with volunteer hours. –Erin Pattison

San Diego (Eta Rho) Members enjoyed the Southwest Region’s Founders’ Day ceremony. They participated in campus philan-


–Elaine Richards

San Francisco State (Eta Theta) The annual Teeter-Totter A-thon benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. During the summer, family, friends and alumnae enjoyed a Red Dress gala and silent auction. The chapter raised $2,000 for the Foundation. –Kristin D. Neimeyer

San Jose State (Beta Psi) Beta Psi met quota plus one and welcomed 24 new members. The annual Pasta Phi’d supported the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters enjoyed a successful Greek Week. –Juliet Araujo

CSU/Chico (Theta Upsilon) Theta Upsilon and other campus Greek groups raised $20,000 to help support Red Cross® Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. –Brittany Spencer


thropy events, held their first scholarship banquet to recognize members with a 3.65 or higher GPA and hosted a Mom’s Weekend.

UC/Berkeley (Lambda) The annual Berkeley Bear run/walk and concert raised $2,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Members helped high school students polish their college applications. They safely led Bay Area children around campus Greek houses for the annual Greek Trick-orTreat. Sisters also welcomed 25 new members. –Lisa Altieri

DELAWARE Delaware (Epsilon Nu) More than 45 sisters participated in the American Heart Association’s® Wilmington Heart Walk. The chapter raised $475 in two hours by sponsoring a “Dunk-A-Phi” dunk tank that coincided with university-wide Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. Sisters sponsored a car wash to benefit a local animal shelter. Fall events included a chapter-sponsored blood drive, Hoedown fundraiser and an annual volleyball tournament. –Elisa Hepp and Amanda Burnett






Eta Gamma sisters co-sponsor a campus event that features guest speaker Dr. Will Keim, author of “Keys to Success.”

Sisters host the first Jump Rope for Heart philanthropy event.

Beta Upsilon seniors participate in the Susan G. Komen Foundation Race for the Cure® in Portland.




George Washington (Iota Iota) Sisters participated in the university’s weeklong series of events to raise money in support of Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. One of the events was a kickball tournament co-sponsored by the women.

Wichita State (Gamma Xi) Gamma Xi welcomed six new members. Crista Hutton won the “best toga” category during the university’s Greek Week competition. Sisters welcomed new Chapter Adviser Kara Weddle Stewart (Gamma Xi-Wichita State).

–Zarine Patel

–Liz Abitz

FLORIDA Florida Tech (Theta Zeta) Sisters participated in a Panhellenic philanthropy event to raise money in support of breast cancer awareness and helped the brothers of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity with their annual canned food drive. Several women volunteered for Big Brothers Big Sisters and built homes for Habitat for Humanity.® –Ashley Saxon

Western Michigan (Delta Theta) Chapter Adviser Kristen Bushouse Crandle (Delta Theta-Western Michigan) was awarded the Student Organization Advisor of the Year Award during Western Michigan University’s Golden Bronco Awards Ceremony. This prestigious award is presented to the most deserving advisor from a pool of more than 300 student organization’s advisors. Kristen was nominated by the women in her chapter for her unending dedication, expertise and support. She has served in every capacity to better her chapter for more than 14 years, and sisters are indebted to Kristen for her wisdom, assistance and countless volunteer hours.

Bentley (Zeta Rho) Sisters teamed with Boston alumnae to participate in the American Cancer Society’s® Making Strides Against Cancer® walk in Boston. They raised $1,000 for the cause. An Alpha Traz philanthropy event benefited a local food shelter. Sisters also sponsored an annual Parent’s Brunch. –Bernadette Trenholm

ILLINOIS Illinois (Beta Alpha) The women marched in the Homecoming parade and took up collections for the Kristy Burgener Memorial Scholarship and Kidney Cancer Research Fund in honor of Kristy Burgener (Beta Alpha-Illinois), who entered the Silent Chapter in 1999. Sisters hosted a spring King of Hearts philanthropy event to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation, sponsored a heart healthy dinner and participated in the American Heart Association’s® Champaign County Area Heart Walk. –Nicole Casey

Lake Forest (Gamma Epsilon deuteron) Sisters celebrated the chapter’s one-year anniversary and enjoyed sisterhood retreats. They sponsored blood drives that benefited LifeSource Blood Services and Hurricane Katrina victims. The chapter also organized a fall Rockin’ Red Dress Gala in support of the Alpha Phi Foundation.



MICHIGAN Western Michigan (Delta Theta) Delta Theta welcomed 31 new members. Sisters enjoyed an annual Parent’s Weekend brunch and silent auction, followed by participating in the Susan G. Komen Foundation Race for the Cure.® –Brittany Capaldi

MINNESOTA Minnesota (Epsilon) Members hosted the annual fall Phi Feed philanthropy event that benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters and the Panhellenic Council raised money in support of Hurricane Katrina victims during formal recruitment. –Lauren McFarlane







Sisters sponsor the second annual powder puff football philanthropy event.

Iota Delta sisters enjoy spending time together before fall classes begin.

Omega women host an annual softball tournament.

MISSOURI Washington University (Zeta Upsilon) This year Zeta Upsilon created an entire week of philanthropy events in recognition of cardiac care and in support of the Alpha Phi Foundation. Activities included an annual Phi Ball kickball tournament, car wash, raffle, fundraiser at a local restaurant and a new Move Your Phi’t with Alpha Phi 5K walk. The chapter also organized Heart Healthy Baskets that were distributed to 25 women professors and deans. More than $4,200 was raised in support of the Alpha Phi Foundation.

THETA SIGMA CELEBRATES 10 YEARS AT SOUTHERN UTAH On September 24, 2005, more than 100 sisters gathered at Southern Utah (Theta Sigma) for the chapter’s 10th anniversary celebration. Many charter members were in attendance. Jennifer Morley (Theta Sigma-Southern Utah) directed the weekend’s events. Highlights included a dinner, an alumnae tea luncheon with guest speakers Circe Chamberlain LeNoble (Theta SigmaSouthern Utah) and Heather Cope Teerlink (Theta Sigma-Southern Utah) and participation in the university’s Homecoming activities. Sisters worked tirelessly to make the weekend a success; they even created a magnificent float for the Homecoming parade. Alumnae donated $200 to the Alpha Phi Foundation in honor of the chapter’s anniversary. –Stacee Yardley McIff (Theta Sigma-Southern Utah)

–Amy Carmell

NEBRASKA Nebraska (Nu) Sisters welcomed 25 new members and held their annual fall open golf tournament philanthropy event that raised more than $2,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Amanda Buell studied abroad in Japan, Kristin Gokie studied in London, and Nicole Gillespie studied in Spain. Shaundra Eichstadt and Emily Raveil were selected as 2005 Homecoming Queen candidates. –Kallie Schneider

NEW YORK SUNY/Cortland (Eta Tau) Sisters held their annual 24-hour Teeter-Totter A-thon fundraiser event that raised $1,028 to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. –Helene Dougherty

Syracuse (Alpha) Collegians and alumnae enjoyed a Founders’ Day dinner at the chapter house. Memorabilia from 1872 were on display. Sisters teamed with Phi Beta Sigma fraternity to raise more than $800 in support of American Red Cross® Hurricane Katrina relief efforts.

Theta Sigma collegians cheer during Southern Utah’s Homecoming parade.

–Sara Epstein and Katie Morris






Sisters enjoy a successful second round of recruitment.

Sisters unite in red to support Gamma Pi’s second annual Cardiac Care Gala.



Akron (Eta Gamma) Eta Gammas volunteered at the American Heart Association’s® Heart Walk. The chapter co-sponsored a successful campus event featuring guest speaker Dr. Will Keim, author of “Keys to Success.”

Duquesne (Epsilon Iota) Epsilon Iota welcomed two new members. They donated non-perishable items and money to help the victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Sisters raffled a beautiful hand-made quilt during a fall fundraiser to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. Members also sponsored a six-year-old girl from Ecuador through Children International, a nonprofit humanitarian organization that helps children around the world overcome the burdens of poverty through sponsorship.

–Candace Kellackey

Ashland (Epsilon Alpha) Thanks to the lead of Jennifer Valko and Jessica Hausfeld, sisters welcomed 22 new members. The annual Teeter-Totter A-thon raised $1,239 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. –Elizabeth Young

Miami University (Gamma Nu) The chapter supported women’s cardiac care with a King of Hearts philanthropy event in October. Members enjoyed participating in the university’s Greek Week activities and other groups’ philanthropy events. –Jacqueline Lucas

–Amanda Koman

St. Joseph’s (Theta Theta) Theta Theta pinned seven new members. Members held the second annual powder puff football tournament that raised $1,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters participated in the American Heart Association’s® Philadelphia Heart Walk. They also started a volunteer program at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Night to raise money for house improvements. Eta Gamma also held a 3-on-3 basketball tournament to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. –Mattie Rushing

Texas (Omega) Omega welcomed 51 new members; they thank the alumnae who supported their recruitment efforts. Sisters raised more than $3,000 with the annual Hits for Hearts softball tournament. The chapter is proud of Melissa Miller, who was crowned Miss San Antonio and will be eligible to compete in the 2006 Miss Texas pageant. –Clarissa Lampertz

Texas A&M/Commerce (Delta Beta) Sisters enjoyed their sixth annual Ivy Classic golf tournament that raised more than $3,300 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. The chapter also collected clothing and food to donate to aid Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. –Ashley Wright

–Kate Buehler

OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City (Delta Delta) The chapter welcomed 31 new members. Ashley Hobbs was crowned Miss Tulsa at the State Fair pageant, qualifying her for the Miss Oklahoma 2006 competition. Ashlea Brack, Danielle Estes, Allison Sundstrom and Jana Wingo competed for the Miss Oklahoma City University title. –Elizabeth Housh

OREGON Oregon State (Beta Upsilon) Sisters participated in the Susan G. Komen Foundation Race for the Cure® in memory of their house mom who lost her battle with breast cancer. Beta Upsilon hosted a miniature golf philanthropy event; for every hole in one made, the chapter donated a dollar to the Alpha Phi Foundation. –Alison Losch WINTER 2006

RHODE ISLAND Rhode Island (Iota Delta) Collegians and Rhode Island alumnae participated in a Move Your Phi’t walkathon. A bi-annual SwingA-Thon with Zeta Beta Tau fraternity raised $815 for the Alpha Phi Foundation and Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. Other events included selling Halloween candy grams and paper pumpkins for the March of Dimes.® Sisters welcomed Chapter Adviser Renee Raposo (Eta deuteron-Boston). –Megan Struckel

TEXAS North Texas (Gamma Eta) Eta Gamma welcomed 27 new members and enjoyed a sisterhood retreat. Families visited during Parent’s Weekend. Sisters hosted their second annual Casino

2006 EXTENSION NEWS: OKLAHOMA! Alpha Phi is proud to announce the return of Phi chapter to the University of Oklahoma! Alpha Phi has accepted an invitation to colonize in fall 2006. The next semester will be filled with events and excitement leading up to the first new member class in nearly a decade! To learn more about the efforts in Norman and to get involved, please visit wwww.alphaphi To join the Sooner Society listserv and receive regular e-mails about the return, please send a blank e-mail to: aphi_soonersociety-subscribe@ What’s Alpha without PHI? PA G E T W E N T Y- F I V E






Becky Howard is named 2005 Homecoming Queen.

Gamma Kappa’s recruitment team poses for a group photo.

Delta Kappa sisters sponsor an annual trampoline-a-thon.

VIRGINIA Christopher Newport (Theta Phi) Sisters raised more than $800 toward Hurricane Katrina relief efforts and started a campus-wide program to procure more than $10,000 to aid victims. The dean of students publicly thanked the women for their efforts. –Kim Griffin and Ruth Anne McMain Reed –(Theta Phi-Christopher Newport), chapter adviser

Virginia Tech (Eta Omicron) The chapter house was renovated during the summer. Sisters hosted a fall Just For Kicks philanthropy soccer tournament. The chapter took second place in Pi Beta Phi’s Hoopfest basketball event. Becky Howard was named Homecoming Queen; she is the fifth Alpha Phi to be crowned the title in the last seven years.

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS THAT CELEBRATE MILESTONE ANNIVERSARIES DURING 2005-06. 125 Years Northwestern (Beta) 115 Years Minnesota (Epsilon) 110 Years Wisconsin (Iota) 105 Years UC/Berkeley (Lambda) 80 Years Arizona (Beta Epsilon)

–Beth Firebaugh

WISCONSIN Marquette (Eta Mu) The involvement of parents and alumnae helped make the fall Rockin’ Red Dress gala and silent auction a success; the philanthropy event benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. Other chapter highlights include a date party, sisterhood event, adopting a deployed Army soldier, attending an all-Greek service event and a semi-formal. –Emily Markowski

Wisconsin/LaCrosse (Delta Kappa) Delta Kappas hosted the annual 12-hour Bounce for Beats trampoline-a-thon that raised more than $800 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters participated in the Hurricane Katrina Stay-in Night on campus; all proceeds from the event support American Red Cross® efforts to aid hurricane victims.

60 Years Texas A&M/Commerce (Delta Beta) 50 Years CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) 45 Years Oklahoma City (Delta Delta) Midwestern State (Gamma Omega) Northern Colorado (Delta Gamma)

20 Years CSU/San Bernardino (Eta Beta) Akron (Eta Gamma) 15 Years Appalachian State (Theta Nu) James Madison (Theta Iota) Hofstra (Theta Mu) Rochester (Theta Kappa) St. Joseph’s (Theta Theta) Florida Tech (Theta Zeta) Central Missouri State (Theta Lambda) Western Ontario (Theta Eta) 10 Years SUNY/Plattsburgh (Theta Psi) New Hampshire (Eta Alpha) Barry (Theta Omega) Southern Utah (Theta Sigma) 5 Years Kettering (Iota Epsilon) Colorado School of Mines (Iota Zeta)

40 Years William Woods (Delta Chi) 35 Years West Chester (Epsilon Kappa) 30 Years Lehigh (Epsilon Psi) Loyola Marymount (Zeta Beta) Eastern Illinois (Zeta Alpha)

–Kimberly Kokott









College/University Attending When will she participate in formal recruitment? GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Street Address City/State/Zip


High School Attended Nearest Metropolitan City and Number of Miles ACADEMIC CLASS INFORMATION Age

Year of Freshman Admission

Academic Class (Please Check One): [ ] Freshman [ ] Sophomore

[ ] Junior

[ ] Senior


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The potential member would enjoy talking about these topics during recruitment:

Does GPA includes AP courses? [ ] Yes [ ] No Class Size / Rank

ACT Score

College Attended

Character / Personality Comments [ ] Loyal [ ] Dependable [ ] Respected [ ] Reserved/Shy Personal Development [ ] Poised [ ] Congenial [ ] Compatible in a Group Interests / Talents [ ] Musical [ ] Artistic [ ] Dance [ ] Athletics [ ] Other (Please List) Activities [ ] Leadership [ ] Volunteer [ ] Religious [ ] Other (Please List) Honors / Awards [ ] Honor Student [ ] National Honor Society [ ] Awards (Please List) [ ] Other (Please List)

SAT Score City / State

What kind of person (E.g., outgoing, reserved, relaxed) should the potential member be matched with during recruitment?

Terms / Hours Completed College GPA FAMILY INFORMATION Names of Parents / Guardians Alpha Phi Legacy (E.g., Grandmother, Mother, Stepmother, Sister, Stepsister) Name, Relation, Chapter and Year of Initiation Non-Legacy Alpha Phi Relatives (E.g., Aunt, Niece, Cousin, Other) Name, Relation, Chapter and Year of Initiation Relatives or Acquaintances in Other Fraternal Organizations (Fraternity or Sorority) ALPHA PHI MEMBER STATEMENT [ ] I have personally known the potential member for ___ years. [ ] I have known the potential member’s family ___ years. [ ] Unknown but referred by reliable source. Completed by:

[ ] Alumna

[ ] Collegian

Maiden Name

Last Name


E-mail Address

Street / City / Zip Phone: (Day)

Does this potential member understand the financial responsibility of joining a sorority? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Unknown

FOR COLLEGIATE CHAPTER USE ONLY Date Recommendation Form Received Date Acknowledged by the Chapter

Chapter of Initiation and Year First Name

I would describe the potential member in the following way (please check only one): [ ] Well qualified, admired by peers and will be an asset to the chapter. [ ] Highly qualified, will attract others into membership, and will be an active participant and/or chapter leader. [ ] Outstanding potential member who will be actively sought out by other sororities as a top-choice candidate.

__ I endorse this potential member with the understanding she may

become a member of Alpha Phi.

Please Check One: [ ] She joined Alpha Phi. [ ] She joined ______________________ Sorority. [ ] She did not join a sorority. Date Alumna Notified of Potential Member Post-Recruitment Status Signature of Chapter Vice President Membership Recruitment


Please attach additional information if necessary. Send this form directly to the collegiate chapter and the Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201.

__ I do not wish to endorse this potential member for membership

and understand I may receive a call from an adviser. WINTER 2006

Please include a photo and resume of this potential member. PA G E T W E N T Y- S E V E N


New Arrivals Adrian (Delta Eta) To Trent and Shelli Smith Anderson, a son, Samuel Mark, Sept. 29, 2005. To Matthew R. and Caroline S. Baran-Fleming, a daughter, Catrina Jean, April 29, 2005. Akron (Eta Gamma) To Christopher and Alison Smith Altland, a daughter, Olivia Grace, April 29, 2005. Appalachian State (Theta Nu) To Roman and Robin Wawak Pemberton, a son, Ryder Cruze, May 5, 2005. Arizona (Beta Epsilon) To Jim and Heather Kritzer Toth, a son, Gregory “Greg” James, Aug. 4, 2005. Arizona State (Gamma Pi) To Craig and Lisa Chmiel Brommers, a daughter, Camille Leigh, Aug. 29, 2005. To Jesse and Jennifer Holly Smith, a daughter, Ava Elise, Aug. 3, 2005. To Franc and Jennifer Samuels Brodar, a daughter, Anna Elizabeth, Aug. 27, 2005. To Michael and Danielle Van Alstine Mueller, a daughter, Clair Madison, Aug. 30, 2005. Ashland (Epsilon Alpha) To Michael and Kendra Hamel Nasvadi, a son, Lucas Joseph, Sept. 1, 2005. Baldwin-Wallace (Delta Upsilon) To Brandon and Kristen Dauch McKenzie, a son, Carson Charles, June 10, 2005. To David B. Hipp and Tiffany R. Townsend, a son, Avery Daniel, Sept. 14, 2005. Ball State (Delta Rho) To Jon and Stephanie Buzan Walton, a son, Beres Edward Mills, July 17, 2005. To Mark and Lisa Linnemeier Quinn, a son, Jay Joseph, June 22, 2005. To Brian and Sarah Warfield Souders, a son, Nolan Timothy, Aug. 14, 2005.

Boston (Eta deuteron) To Joshua Peter and Lesley Mentzer Findlay, a son, Nathaniel Walker, Jan. 24, 2005. Bowling Green State (Beta Omicron) To Dean and Kerri Branham Hudson, a daughter, Erin Rose, Sept. 6, 2005. To Matt and Angie Dickman Vogus, a daughter, Allison Nicole, June 2, 2005. To Dennis and Shannon Schraegle Sessanna, a daughter, Taylor Ann, Sept. 4, 2005.

Colorado (Beta Gamma deuteron) To Kevin O’Donnell and Jennifer Alsever, a son, Brendan James, Aug. 16, 2005. To K. John and Marcy Steinmetz Wood, a son, Ethan St. John, June 6, 2005.

British Columbia (Beta Theta) To Greg Dyck and Rita Chue, a daughter, Makena Rae, July 21, 2005.

Columbia (Zeta Chi) To Michael and Anne-Marie Markowski Martinkat, twins, Bridget Anneliese and Ryan Michael, March 21, 2005.

Bryant (Theta Beta) To Christopher and Lisa Kelvey Carrott, a son, Robert Thomas, May 25, 2005.

Creighton (Theta Delta) To Josh and Heidi Hartzell Leach, a son, Preston Lee, June 12, 2005.

Butler (Epsilon Beta) To Rocco and Lisa Farrer Valadez, a daughter, Lillian Marie, March 8, 2005.

CSU/Chico (Theta Upsilon) To Sergio and Julie Jester Alonso, a daughter, Olivia Grace, July 15, 2005.

To Steve and Brittney Gardner Paterson, a daughter, Ruby Lauren, July 11, 2005.

To Ken and Brooke Ventriglia Bradley, a daughter, Ava Joan, Feb. 24, 2005.

To Barrett G. and Janeen Golomb Moore, a son, Bryce Golomb, Sept. 15, 2005.

CSU/Hayward (Eta Delta) To John and Erica Larsen Pike, a son, Noah Ronan, Jan. 27, 2005.

To Jared and Kristen Hummer Dhaemers, a son, Matthew John, July 26, 2005.

To Trey Jarman and Della Rochelle, a son, Connor Lee, June 1, 2005.

To Justin and Michelle Isaacs White, a son, Lance Harrison, Sept. 15 2005.

CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) To Mark and Sarah Markley Regier, a son, Gavin Craig, June 10, 2005.

To Rodney and Jennie Schiemann Lie, a son, Ryan Matthew, May 15, 2005. To Darren and Theresa Okimoto Wells, a daughter, Ava Kiyoko, Sept. 8, 2005. To Don and Kristen Weis Heffelmire, a son, Logan Xander, Aug. 30, 2005. Cal Poly (Epsilon Chi) To Steve and Jessica Ault Shughrou, a son, Colin Patrick, Sept. 20, 2005. Central Missouri State (Theta Lambda) To Cameron and Kelly Kowalczyk McDaniel, a son, Gavin Alexander, April 23, 2005. To David Ray II and Dana Sutherland Cheese, a son, Carson Ray, July 29, 2005.


Christopher Newport (Theta Phi) To Leo Kevin and Jeannette Dodson O’Connell, a daughter, McKenzie “Kenzie” Elizabeth, Jan. 10, 2005.

To Charlie and Janet Ramirez Feigle, a daughter, Emily Jane, July 30, 2005. To David III and Tobi Steinberg Spellerberg, a daughter, Brooke Avery, Feb. 9, 2005. CSU/Northridge (Epsilon Upsilon) To Christopher and Shirin Shenassafar Dorne, a daughter, Samantha Hayden, Aug. 31, 2005. CSU/Sacramento (Epsilon Gamma) To Bill and Emelie Herbas Bedgood, a son, Bryce Anthony, June 30, 2005.


H q

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To Jeffery and Naomi McCormack-Goldthorpe, a daughter, Shelby Elizabeth, Feb. 25, 2005.

Eastern Illinois (Zeta Alpha) To Jason and Jennifer Crean Roney, twins, Tyler Grant and Megan Kate, May 6, 2005.

To Ken Jr. and Stephanie van Staveren Ketsdever, a daughter, Sarah Christine, July 25, 2005.

To Andre and Bridget Solon Steiner, a son, Michael Bartholomew, Sept. 16, 2005.

CSU/San Bernardino (Eta Beta) To Marc and Erin Harris Spittler, a son, Connor Montgomery, March 23, 2005.

To William and Jennifer Stuecheli Caison, a daughter, Katherine Elizabeth, June 2, 2005.

Delaware (Epsilon Nu) To Rudi and Courtney Brown Peksens, a son, Jake, April 26, 2005. To Ben and Margie McBryan Auslander, a son, Andrew Morris, Aug. 14, 2005.

Elmhurst (Zeta Xi) To Joe and Monica Farina Jansen, a daughter, Giuliana Rose, July 14, 2005. Emory (Theta Pi) To Paul and Janis Newton Keegan, a son, Rory Joseph, June 6, 2005.

DePauw (Gamma) To Chris and Cathy Force Koczaja, a daughter, Abigail Marie, July 29, 2005.

Franklin & Marshall (Zeta Sigma) To Christopher and Jennifer Bergman Webb, a son, Alexander Christian, June 28, 2005.

Drake (Gamma Omicron) To Andy Gugel and Jennifer Donnelly, a daughter, Caroline Ann, Aug. 14, 2005.

George Mason (Eta Lambda) To Jonathan and Kelly Merrill Coy, a son, Cruz Merrill, May 18, 2005.

To Michael and Rebecca Eise Kappel, a daughter, Clara Stephanie, July 29, 2005.

Idaho (Beta Zeta) To Scott and Holly McShannon Nusom, a daughter, Ella Hewitt, July 7, 2005.

To James and Bethany Hornblad Wright, a son, Oscar William, Aug. 19, 2005. To Kevin and Jill Meyland-Smith O’Connell, a son, Zachary Daniel, Sept. 18, 2005. Duquesne (Epsilon Iota) To David and Kristen Martell Powell, a son, Nathan James, Sept. 11, 2005. East Carolina (Delta Alpha) To Scott and Terri Sawyer Fowler, a daughter, Delani Paige, July 12, 2005. To Stephen Jr. and Jennifer Snyder Hruska, a daughter, Madison Ann, July 1, 2005.

To Evan and Nicole Strand Wyke, a son, Sullivan Leo, July 19, 2005. Illinois (Beta Alpha) To Gary and Amy Vance Stephens, a daughter, Olivia Violet, Aug. 25, 2005. Indiana (Beta Tau) To Ryan and Stephanie Cason Loiselle, a son, Jack Stephen, Sept. 27, 2005. To Mark and Alison Fapp Kos, a daughter, Delaney Elizabeth, Sept. 12, 2005. To Chris and Kris Karrmann Wu, a son, Nicholas Michael, May 3, 2005.



Indiana State (Delta Pi) To John and Patti Sloma Lorsung, a daughter, Rachel Elizabeth, May 4, 2005.

Michigan (Theta) To Scott McManus and Patrice Czapski, a son, Joseph Edward, Sept. 14, 2005.

Nebraska (Nu) To Adam and Amy Morris Christensen, a daughter, Avery Jean, June 20, 2005.

San Diego (Eta Rho) To Patrick Crema and Rhonda Nourse, a daughter, Ellie Capri, June 29, 2005.

Indiana U. Southeast (Zeta Epsilon) To David and Patricia Link Fulkerson, a daughter, London Elisabeth, May 27, 2005.

To Nenad and Sandy Postell Stojkovski, a son, David Andrew, May 17, 2005.

New Hampshire (Eta Alpha) To Steven and Samantha Shimer Clark, a daughter, Caroline Rose, Oct. 6, 2005.

To Michael and Sara Tangeman Adams, a daughter, Kendall Anne, July 15, 2005.

Texas (Omega) To Kyle and Jennifer Kuhn Kinman, a son, Peyton James, April 5, 2005.

To Mark and Kassandra “Sandy” Lips Fisher, a son, Ethan Frank, March 30, 2005.

To Lynn and Elizabeth “Bethi” Lee Young, a daughter, Sarah Elizabeth, Aug. 5, 2005.

San Francisco State (Eta Theta) To Jeff and Kim Cordoni LeGue, a son, Jack William, July 21, 2005.

Texas A&M (Epsilon Omega deuteron) To Kevin and Bonnie Oubre Noonan, a daughter, Darcy Claire, July 20, 2005 (also Theta DeltaCreighton).

James Madison (Theta Iota) To Samuel and Charis Graeser Uzabel, a son, Joseph Henry, May 11, 2005. Kent State (Beta Omega) To Kevin and Melanie Kidder Irvine, a son, Kyle Victor-Thomas, Sept. 21, 2005. To Juan Carlos and Megan O’Neill Gonzalez, a son, Declan Peter, May 15, 2005. To Christopher and Autumn Ronald Flora, a daughter, Emyrson Rae, Aug. 7, 2005. Lafayette (Eta Sigma) To Chris and Marianne Turner Rooney, a son, Sean William, July 2, 2005. Linfield (Theta Alpha) To Christopher and Jacquelyn Nagy Mawdsley, a daughter, Sarah Rose, June 26, 2005. Loyola Marymount (Zeta Beta) To Sandor and Stephanie Kanzler Demosthenes, a daughter, Paige Elise, April 13, 2005. To James and Michele Sandoval Miksche, a son, Logan James, July 10, 2005. Maine (Delta Nu) To Tim and Cynthia Cox Furber, a son, Hayden George, June 30, 2005.

To Sean and Krysten Prokopenko Baligian, a daughter, Lauren Rae, Feb. 4, 2005. To Eric and Amy Schmick Seger, a daughter, Ella Marie, Aug. 14, 2005. Midwestern State (Gamma Omega) To John A. Green and Jane Aldridge, a son, James Andrew, July 27, 2005. Minnesota (Epsilon) To Craig Osberg and Sara-Lynn Nash, a son, Grayson Michael Alan, Sept. 7, 2005. To Scott and Angela Rinaldi Armstrong, a son, Ethan Scott, Aug. 30, 2005. To Tim and Tia Short Scott, a daughter, Brenna Evangeline, Sept. 10, 2005. To Blane and Renee Tourtillotte Iffert, a son, Max Frederick, July 28, 2005. Missouri (Omicron) To Mark and Stacey Corbett Tiggard, a son, Harrison Christopher, July 30, 2005. To Jim and Tina Hsueh Brefeld, a daughter, Peyton Rose, June 14, 2005. To Doug and Shay Schellman Patterson, a son, Reese Aaron, Aug. 22, 2005. To Mike and Felicia Siragusa Bondi, a son, Michael Charles, Jan. 24, 2005.

Miami University (Gamma Nu) To Chris and Amy Black Thomas, a son, Carter William, April 28, 2005.

MIT (Zeta Phi) To Will and Adele Boone Noon, a son, William Maddox, May 25, 2005.

To Yaniv and Ellen Waldgeir Goury, twin daughters, Danielle Sarah and Rachel Meyer, Feb. 3, 2005.

Moorhead State (Delta Omega) To Christopher Schroeder and Susan Ishaug, a daughter, Gracie Rae, March 25, 2005.

To Brian and Julie White Lewis, a son, William Joseph, Aug. 9, 2005. To Chris and Kimberly Zeiser Rygielski, a son, Jacob David, July 31, 2005.


NC State (Epsilon Phi deuteron) To Chris and Whitnee Yarbrough Steele, a son, Christopher Todd Jr., June 16, 2005.

To Eric and Toni Marie Zagami Cabral, a daughter, Isabella Elena, Jan. 7, 2005. Northern Illinois (Epsilon Delta) To Frank and Denise Biel Sweeney, a son, Ryan Jacob, July 2, 2005. To Chris and Julianne Davis Novich, a daughter, Jocelynn, Aug. 31, 2005. Northern Iowa (Epsilon Theta) To Kurt and Diane Breen Christoph, a daughter, Geneva Ann, Aug. 4, 2005. To Brian and Michelle Pexa Vaughan, a daughter, Sydney Kaye, June 20, 2005. North Texas (Gamma Eta) To Scott and Nicole Sims Kutchins, a son, Spencer Cole, June 10, 2005. To Jeff and Sharon Willis Dietz, a daughter, Katelyn Adrey, May 25, 2005. Oklahoma (Phi) To Gregory Townsend Miller and Mary Beth Horrall, a son, Robert Townsend, Jan. 24, 2005.

San Jose State (Beta Psi) To Patrick and Amanda Aichele Anderson, a daughter, Julia Isabella, July 27, 2005. To Mike and Holly Lambert Carlson, a daughter, Emma McKenzie, Sept. 15, 2005. To Paul and Tasha Souza, a daughter, Avery Jade, June 12, 2005. Seton Hall (Eta Eta) To Raffaele and Ioana Alb Acquaviva, a daughter, Alexa Paige, July 6, 2005. Shippensburg (Theta Xi) To Christopher and Amanda Cooper Wright, a daughter, Madison Elizabeth, June 30, 2005. To Phillip and Becki Richwine Fassl, a son, Logan Daniel, July 19, 2005.

To Ian and Tara Warner Stuart, a daughter, Aine Catherine Levi, July 15, 2005.

Texas A&M Commerce (Delta Beta) To William Jr. and Brandi St. John Raines, a son, Jacob Tanner, July 23, 2005. Texas Tech (Gamma Iota) To David and Desiree Martin Thoreson, a daughter, Caroline Abigail, July 24, 2005. Towson (Eta Omega) To John and Jamie Morin Steinberg, a daughter, Emery Isabelle, May 3, 2005. UC/Davis (Epsilon Rho) To Alan and Nicole Murrisky Rich, a son, Aidan Christopher, Aug. 4, 2005. UC/Irvine (Eta Kappa) To Armond and Jennifer Brunelli Balaian, a daughter, Siena Lucine, Sept. 8, 2005.

To Steve and Lauren Lukaszek Ivy, a son, Gavin Michael, Aug. 30, 2005.

South Dakota (Psi) To Gary and Sonja Stores Lundeen, a daughter, Madelyn Ainsley, March 23, 2005.

To Doug and Marcy Showalter Harrifeld, a daughter, Addison Grace, Aug. 27, 2005.

To Michael and Sara Tangeman Adams, a daughter, Kendall Anne, July 15, 2005.

To Fred and Jennifer Garfinkle Whatley, a daughter, Eliana Vienne, July 31, 2005.

Pennsylvania (Eta Iota) To Gary and Jodi Lynne Bayrd Steiner, a daughter, Sara Rebecca, Aug. 31, 2005.

To Peter and Jennifer VanDeventer Maroni, a daughter, Ariella Leigh, Sept. 17, 2005.

To Andy and Michele Lau Fujimoto, a son, Dean Lau, July 2, 2005.

Purdue (Delta Mu) To Michael and Gina Cappas Marasco, a daughter, Alexis Maria, Feb. 21, 2005.

Stanford (Kappa deuteron) To Glenn Beltz and Danielle Swiontek, a daughter, Ella Katherine, born May 6, 2005, and adopted May 9, 2005.

UCLA (Beta Delta) To Steve and Linda Martin Williams, a son, Luke Alexander, Aug. 15, 2005.

Rochester (Theta Kappa) To Jay Haas and Alissa Quinn, a son, Samuel Joseph, May 24, 2005.

SUNY/Binghamton (Eta Zeta) To David and Janine Coppola Kniola, a daughter, Evan Lily, Aug. 6, 2005.

To Dan and Louise Aibel Litt, twins, Ari Brett and Zoe Hannah, July 4, 2005.

Syracuse (Alpha) To Anthony and Jennifer Clatur Cinelli, a daughter, Allison Dianne, June 10, 2005.

To Andrew and Winnie Cho Te, a daughter, Ashley Kali, Aug. 13, 2005.

To Jason and Maggie Swartz Browning, a son, Nate William, Aug. 14, 2005. UC/Santa Barbara (Gamma Beta) To John and Nancy Calhoun Vye, a son, Nicholas James, May 29, 2005.



UNC/Asheville (Theta Chi) To Anthony Louis II and Lesa Trey Wendeln, a daughter, Emily Lauren, Sept. 8, 2005. Villanova (Eta Epsilon) To Jeff and Heather Williams Walker, a son, Carson Kolstad, March 30, 2005. To Keith and Kathleen Sullivan Powell, a son, Liam Sullivan, July 23, 2005. Virginia (Zeta Iota) To John and Jessica Doner Vanda, a daughter, Keila Elaine, Sept. 29, 2005. Virginia Tech (Eta Omicron) To Alexander and Krista Briggs Calfee, a daughter, Leighton Kathryn, Sept. 30, 2005. Washburn (Upsilon) To Rick and Shelley Bauman Smith, a daughter, Harper Ann, Sept. 25, 2005. To Fred and Stephanie Taylor Mullholland, a daughter, Ruby Katherine, June 2, 2005.

Wisconsin/LaCrosse (Delta Kappa) To Chris and Rachel Larson Kozar, a son, Maxwell Larson, June 5, 2005. Wisconsin/Stout (Gamma Sigma) To Brian and Melissa Fenrich Weible, a daughter, Lydia Marie, Aug. 6, 2005.

Marriages Adrian (Delta Eta) Marlayna McClellan to Gabriel Keelan, June 10, 2005. Akron (Eta Gamma) Meghan Markovich to Kirk Olmstead, May 14, 2005. Appalachian State (Theta Nu) Jodie Elizabeth Burton to James Adam Russell III, July 16, 2005. April Canter to Charles Greenwood, June 11, 2005. Heather Coggins to Brad Aust, Sept. 25, 2005.

Bryant (Theta Beta) Jennifer Wadsworth to Phillip LaFleur, April 10, 2005. Butler (Epsilon Beta) Allison Lightner to Kyle Carone, Sept. 10, 2005. Cal Poly (Epsilon Chi) Kara Faulk to Jeff Hornbuckle, Aug. 13, 2005. Central Missouri State (Theta Lambda) Susan Wilson to Craig Walters, July 23, 2005. Christopher Newport (Theta Phi) Antonia “Missy” Taylor to James Christianson, Sept. 24, 2005. Colorado (Beta Gamma deuteron) Kathy Kenney to Ted Zeiger, June 26, 2005.

Florida Tech (Theta Zeta) Jennifer Urbauer to Jeremy Parsons, Aug. 20, 2005.

Arizona (Beta Epsilon) Shannon Miller to Michael Nichols, June 25, 2005.

Jennifer Steager to Matthew Harman, Aug. 13, 2005.

Washington State (Beta Rho deuteron) To Stephen and Keri Leyda Manfred, a son, Lucas Robert, July 6, 2005.

Wendy Petty to Scott Lajoie, Sept. 17, 2005.

To Erik and Jennifer Warnke Village, a daughter, Emily Marissa, Feb. 15, 2005. Wichita State (Gamma Xi) To Jeff and Rebecca Brincefield Curry, a son, Dylan Jeffrey, Sept. 1, 2005.

Bishop’s (Eta Chi) Jeanette Manrique to Riosmonde Reyes, Aug. 27, 2005. Bowling Green State (Beta Omicron) Kim Beiting to Chris Doherty, Sept. 10, 2005. Julie Chmelik to Kevin Hites, Aug. 27, 2005. Megan Humphrey to Brian Kilbane, July 30, 2005. Nicole “Nici” Martin to Don Crislip, Sept. 24, 2005. Jaquelyn Schlegel to Russell Nutt, July 9, 2005.


Jennifer Thurman to Michael Sebestyen, May 21, 2005.

Emory (Theta Pi) Joelle Labrosse to Justin Jordan, April, 30, 2005.

To Derek and Lynn Lucking Sitzmann, a son, Ryan Anthony, April 11, 2005.

Western Michigan (Delta Theta) To Joshua and Brandi Baumgartner Peterson, a son, Max Joshua, Aug. 23, 2005.

Michelle Stone to Mark Siadal, Nov. 12, 2005.

James Madison (Theta Iota) Korinne Graeb to Kurtis Panchura, July 9, 2005.

Monique Salvail to Michael Elliott, June 25, 2005.

Sarah Picone to Jeffrey Hall, July 16, 2005.

Jamie Rempp to Martin Johnson, Sept. 3, 2005.

Iowa (Delta Epsilon) Farrah Lickton to Adam Silverberg, Aug. 7, 2005.

Elmhurst (Zeta Xi) Jennifer Moninger to Thomas DuFore III, Aug. 13, 2005.

Lisa Potocki to Brian Hollifield, Aug. 27, 2005.

West Chester (Epsilon Kappa) To Dan and Lauren Pille Metz, a daughter, Brynne Marie, June 4, 2005.

Eastern Washington (Eta Psi) Michelle McBride to P.J. Barthelmes, Aug. 27, 2005.

Emily Shaker to David Wilson, Oct. 8, 2005.

CSU/Chico (Theta Upsilon) Jennifer Weiss to Michael Watts, Sept. 4, 2005.

Yasmiin Owen to Richard Tarlton, Sept. 10, 2005.

Baldwin-Wallace (Delta Upsilon) Tara Krabill to Rob Wittensoldner, May 21, 2005.

Laura Wauer to Patrick Browne, Nov. 13, 2005.

Indiana State (Delta Pi) Nicole Remesnik to Andrew Kaczorek, Aug. 18, 2005.

Danelle Wozniak to Gary Oilschlager, Aug. 13, 2005 (also Psi-South Dakota).

Washington (Sigma) To Chris and Gretchen Gould Jackson, a daughter, Chloe Lauren, July 30, 2005.

To Aaron and Erin Tabor Hopper, a son, Daryl Brennen, Sept. 23, 2005.

Amy Nevius to Mark Selbee, June 25, 2005.

Brianna Burgess to Jason Oberg, July 23, 2005.

CSU/Hayward (Eta Delta) Brandie Mayhew to Joseph Grossman, May 15, 2005.

Arizona State (Gamma Pi) Melissa “Missy” Hernandez to Kyle Steinbush, April 29, 2005.

ALPHA PHI RETURN LABELS Would you like to purchase Alpha Phi return address labels? Visit the “Alumnae” section of to find out how.

CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) Kristina Simmons to Dale Dollins, Aug. 20, 2005. CSU/Sacramento (Epsilon Gamma) Michelle Whaley to Brian Holz, June 29, 2005. CSU/San Bernardino (Eta Beta) Devyn Grable to David Salmon, July 9, 2005.

Franklin & Marshall (Zeta Sigma) Nicole Heisman to Elliott Rifkin, Sept. 25, 2005. George Mason (Eta Lambda) Crystal Naomi Sharp to David W. Crosby, July 9, 2005. Idaho (Beta Zeta) Mary “Melanie” Savage to Andrei Laver, June 25, 2005. Illinois (Beta Alpha) Jennifer Brewer to Michael Zbylut, July 30, 2005.

Mandy Wilgers to Robert Morales, June 18, 2005.

Christina Hitt to Eric Schlipf, Aug. 13, 2005.

DePauw (Gamma) Charee Campbell to Kevin Condict, Aug. 20, 2005.

Jyll LaMar to Matthew Green, March 5, 2005.

Duke (Beta Nu deuteron) Sarah Beasley to Eric Binder, July 16, 2005. Duquesne (Epsilon Iota) Lori Meredith to Justin Ashby, May 28, 2005. Eastern Illinois (Zeta Alpha) Debrah L. Gagliardo to Brian Hill, Sept. 10, 2005.

Jessica Shott to Chad Megginson, Jan. 1, 2005. Indiana (Beta Tau) Lourie Boike to Samuel Clay Hurley IV, Sept. 24, 2005. Anne Drolet to Michael Petruzzi, April 16, 2005. Meghan Wood to Matt Trees, July 9, 2005.

Jacklyn “Jackie” M. Jackson to Brian J. Donnell, Aug. 13, 2005. Johns Hopkins (Zeta Omicron deuteron) Lydia Hoover to Paul Sciukas, Sept. 3, 2005. Johanna Seasonwein to Davis Ozdogan, June 19, 2005. Kent State (Beta Omega) Jill Rankin to Matt Bellenir, Sept. 24, 2005. Linfield (Theta Alpha) Denise Maurer to Michael Charles Stevens, Jan. 22, 2005. Loyola Marymount (Zeta Beta) Leslie Rivera to Jeremy Lelliott, July 23, 2005. Maryland (Delta Zeta) Nicole Davis to Craig Dinatali, Sept. 16, 2005. Michigan (Theta) Jayme Love to Jonathan Hommer, July 2, 2005. Michigan State (Beta Beta) Stacey B. Davis to Barry L. Levy, Aug. 21, 2005. Molly C. Flynn to Jon Scoggin, Aug. 27, 2005. Merideth Foster to Olaf “Cory” Kroneman, July 16, 2005. Betsy Gray to Rob Hall, Nov. 12, 2005.



It is the responsibility of every initiated Alpha Phi to see that the badge she wears is protected and is never worn by, or in the possession of, a non-member. When an Alpha Phi enters the Silent Chapter, her badge may be buried with her or returned to the Executive Office, where it will be preserved in the memorabilia collection.

UC/Santa Barbara (Gamma Beta) Erin Alworth to Evan Mediuch, July 23, 2005.

Laura Ketko to Scott Kwapis, Aug. 20, 2005.

Dana Quirk to Justin Pieraldi, Sept. 3, 2005.

Kristan Walker to Daniel Cerqua, July 16, 2005.

Joy Seibert to Andrew Moore, Oct. 15, 2005. Jill Marling to Kevin Stress, May 7, 2005.

Katie Krebs to Ryan Kachelries, July 30, 2005.

Midwestern State (Gamma Omega) Cristina Tolleson to Cary Vanarsdall III, Nov. 5, 2005.

Ohio State (Rho) Lauren Majewski to Grant Watson, July 23, 2005.

Minnesota (Epsilon) Sara Crest to Andrew Sawyer, June 24, 2005. Missouri (Omicron) Leslie Dickerson to Bobby Dykstra, June 17, 2005. Brittani Hoeber to Justin Backsmeyer, Aug. 6, 2005. Andrea Rupp to John Gulick, June 4, 2005. MIT (Zeta Phi) Vicki Wei Lin to Klint Rose, July 2, 2005. Nebraska/Kearney (Delta Xi) Katey Foster to Brian Chamblin, Aug. 20, 2005.

Karen Speer to Matthew Willmitch, Aug. 17, 2005. Oklahoma (Phi) Cristina Harris to Travis Wishon, April 17, 2005. Oregon State (Beta Upsilon) Amy Mattsen to Jed Wilson, Aug. 13, 2005. Penn State (Gamma Rho) Elissa Okoniewski to Jason Tomanda, Sept. 17, 2005. Kaitlin Streapy to Christopher Simmer, July 30, 2005. Pennsylvania (Eta Iota) Paige Donaldson to Anthony E. Zappile, Jan. 5, 2005.

Jill Jakob to Andy Bonczynski, May 7, 2005.

Pepperdine (Iota Alpha) Marie Simpson to Josh Knapp, May 28, 2005.

North Dakota (Pi) Angie Anderson to Matt Tebbe, June 4, 2005.

Puget Sound (Gamma Zeta) Mandy Michael to Andrew Peterson, Aug. 27, 2005.

Marcie Fjeldheim to Pierson Hodgens, Sept. 17, 2005. Sarah Norman to Paul Daly, Sept. 23, 2005. Erin Stevenson to George Riesdorf, Oct. 15, 2005. Jill Torkelson to Sean Todd, Dec. 17, 2005. Northeast Missouri State (Theta Gamma) Angie Priefert to Cory Jensen, June 3, 2005.

Purdue (Delta Mu) Laurel Mehler to James Degnan, Aug. 6, 2005. Anne Macleod to Dominic Siewko, April 23, 2005. Rochester (Theta Kappa) Jamie LaPierre to Mark Rowland, April 23, 2005. San Diego (Eta Rho) Allyl Ng to Joshua McClure, March 11, 2005 (also Gamma Alpha-San Diego State).

Northern Colorado (Delta Gamma) Katie Corder to Lance Beilstein, Aug. 6, 2005.

HAVE YOU MOVED? Send your new address to Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 or update your address online at


San Diego State (Gamma Alpha) Christina Lynne Hartmann to Andrew Christian Nielsen, July 30, 2005.

UNC/Wilmington (Eta Xi) Ashley Knox to Clay Brown, June 4, 2005.

San Jose State (Beta Psi) Kristi Slusher to Brian LaRoche, Oct. 1, 2005.

University of the Pacific (Iota Gamma) Yvonne Jette to Nico T. Flores, Aug. 6, 2005.

South Dakota (Psi) Sara Kuhle to Andrew Steffensen, Aug. 13, 2005.

USC (Beta Pi) Barbara Chappell Kenady to Jack Tingley, May 29, 2005.

Vanessa Schoon to Brian Smith, Oct. 8, 2005.

Pokey Son to Michael Thompson, May 29, 2005.

Yvette Schultz to Nicholas Hluchy, Sept. 17, 2005.

Villanova (Eta Epsilon) Jennifer Szaroleta to John Romano, July 30, 2005.

Southern Illinois (Epsilon Xi) Leah Bennett to Cory Whitaker, June 25, 2005. Missy Cissell to Doug Hall, Aug. 13, 2005. Southern Utah (Theta Sigma) Brianne Peña to Deryck Copley, June 18, 2005. SUNY/Plattsburgh (Theta Psi) Shelly Yetto to Adam Peck, July 23, 2005. Texas (Omega) Sarah Kohn to Jose Escamilla, Oct. 22, 2005. Meredith Todd to Steven Denzler, May 7, 2005. Texas A&M/Commerce (Delta Beta) Lisa Troncoso to Antonio Castillo, June 18, 2005. Texas Tech (Gamma Iota) Stephanie Gordon to Bryan Hedrick, Sept. 27, 2005. Stephanie Minium to David Fitzgibbons, Oct. 22, 2005. Kristin Reasoner to Kevin Alderman, Oct. 8, 2005. UC/Davis (Epsilon Rho) Melissa Grimm to Timothy Angelo, June 18, 2005. Christine Peterson to Kevin Rhinehart, Aug. 20, 2005. UC/Irvine (Eta Kappa) Lily Chen to Matthew Pahl, Sept. 18, 2005.

Virginia (Zeta Iota deuteron) Christina Ng to Robert Di Marco, April 16, 2005. Karen Poole to Zachary C. Schmidt, April 30, 2005. Washburn (Upsilon) Amy Berry to Ryan Garton, June 6, 2005. Sarah Briggs to Jason Meyer, April 29, 2005. DeAnn Duffek to Brian Gange, April 30, 2005. Amy Hischke to Chris Birch, April 30, 2005. Washington (Sigma) Kirsten Klein to Cory Buenning, Aug. 28, 2005. Washington State (Beta Rho deuteron) Tonjia Brendle to Karl Bier, July 30, 2005. Washington University (Zeta Upsilon) Ana Maria Walsh to Paul Alexander, Sept. 10, 2005. West Virginia (Beta Iota) Julie Patterson to Nicholas Thompson, June 18, 2005 (also Theta Kappa-Rochester). Western Michigan (Delta Theta) Kristen Jacobsen to Don Prunkard, April 30, 2005.

Christine Schmidt to Gregory Mellinger, June 17, 2005.

Western Ontario (Theta Eta) Sue Ann Lowe-Ching to Gus Dedes, Oct. 9, 2005. William Woods (Delta Chi) Gwen Holt Gaffney to Neil Vasant, Dec. 20, 2005. Wisconsin/Stout (Gamma Sigma) Corrie Nolander to Ben Backus, Sept. 24, 2005.

Silent Chapter Boston (Eta) Katherine Ela Jackson (’48), Jan. 3, 2005. Bowling Green State (Beta Omicron) Anita L. Colussi Giovagnoli (’46), Aug. 1, 2005. Colorado (Beta Gamma) Kay Hickman McKenna (’36), Sept. 16, 2005. Jeannette Kiley Buchholz (’24), Aug. 18, 2005. Cornell (Delta) Dorothy “Dock” Curtis, M.D. (’24), Aug. 23, 2005. DePauw (Gamma) Barbara “Cornelia” Carter (’29), Aug. 6, 2005. Marilyn Erickson Palm (’48), Sept. 5, 2005. Mary Lager Healy Blackburn (’42), June 5, 2005. Drake (Gamma Omicron) Janet Graham Peterson (’61), March 5, 2005. Florida Tech (Theta Zeta) Kimberly Caba Adams (’99), May 27, 2005. Idaho (Beta Zeta) Marjorie Vandergrift Campbell (’31), April 6, 2005. Michigan State (Beta Beta) Margaret Farley Haeske (‘33), May 19, 2005. Corrine Goulet Harrison (’30), Aug. 29, 2005.



Minnesota (Epsilon) Mary Shifflet Wilkinson (’37), April 24, 2005. Montana (Chi) Margaret Beecher Roberts (’52), June 22, 2005. Martha Jeffrey Sanders (’29), Sept. 14, 2005. North Dakota (Pi) Lois Chance Blaine (’30), March 8, 2005. Carol Page Middleton (’51), May 18, 2005. Northwestern (Beta) Jean Hibbard Teevan (’42), Aug. 12, 2005.

If you would like a record of a birth, adoption, marriage or death included in the Quarterly, please clip out and submit this form to Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201. Or you may e-mail the information to Please be sure to include all the requested information. PLEASE NOTE: Announcements may only be printed if they have occurred within a year of publication. Announcements with missing information, such as specific date, will not be printed. If announcements are received after the copy deadline (see inside front cover for specific dates), they will be considered for the following issue.


Dorothy McKenzie Kraebber (’33), April 9, 2005.

Oregon State (Beta Upsilon) Nancy Nash Gillilan (’47), July 22, 2005.

UC/Berkeley (Lambda) Heather Lynch (’94), July 23, 2005.

South Dakota (Psi) Tansy Pitcher Forbes (’91), Aug. 9, 2005.

UCLA (Beta Delta) Barbara Tissot Arnold (’47), Aug. 31, 2005.

Jean Ellen Wagner Fisher (’52), Aug. 16, 2005.

Stanford (Kappa) Bernice Woodard Behrens (’29), April 20, 2005.

USC (Beta Pi) Jane Sangster Allen (’50), May 19, 2005.

Oklahoma (Phi) Clara Ann Lively Hangen (’41), July 18, 2005.

Syracuse (Alpha) Sidney Allen Peets (’45), July 26, 2005.

Utah (Beta Sigma) Virginia Olpin Adams (’52), Sept. 18, 2005.

Oregon (Tau) Josephine Williamson Cooke (’31), July 11, 2005.

Nana Elliott Clute (’55), June 13, 2005.

Washington University (Zeta Upsilon) Maj Britt Kaal (’83), Sept. 10, 2005.

Kari Sharpe Jansen (’77), July 6, 2005. Ohio State (Rho) Helen Janet Beam Sands (’45), March 19, 2005.

Susan White Hoyt (’62), June 3, 2005.

Wisconsin/LaCrosse (Delta Kappa) Carol Mae Feig Camps (’69), June 11, 2005. Wisconsin/Milwaukee (Gamma Upsilon) Greta Christine Stenersen Maren (’59), Feb. 13, 2005.

New Arrival/Marriage/Silent Chapter Form Death

Birth/Adoption FATHER’S NAME

















Submitted by FIRST

































NPC BADGE DAY IS MARCH 6, 2006. Wear Your Badge With Pride!

SISTERS NOMINATED FOR AFA BOARD Congratulations to Genevieve Evans Taylor (Psi-South Dakota), Greek advisor at the University of South Dakota, and Sara Mayer (Delta Chi-William Woods), Greek Advisor at Florida Institute of Technology. The two were candidates to serve on the Association of Fraternity Advisors (AFA) 2006 board of directors.

NIF SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE Applications for North American Interfraternal Foundation annual scholarship and fellowship awards to undergraduate and graduates are due May 15, 2006. For details, visit





2006 Regional Conferences Regional Conferences are held in your area every February or March to train new collegiate officers and chapter advisers. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity! Details about the conference in your area are listed below. For more information and to register, visit regionalconferences.html. MID ATLANTIC Feb. 24-26 Hilton® Wilmington/Christiana Newark, Del. Contact: June Collins Herron (Delta Phi-Indiana U. of Pennsylvania), or 301.540.7188 NORTH CENTRAL MIDWEST Feb. 10-12 Doubletree® O’Hare Airport Rosemont, Ill. Contact: Liisa Schnipper (Gamma Eta-North Texas),

NORTHEAST Feb. 24-26 Marriott® Albany Albany, N.Y. Contact: Kelly Fitzgerald Mazza (Theta Omega-Barry), KellyMazza@ or 203.879.4055 PACIFIC NORTHWEST March 3-5 Doubletree® Seattle Airport Seattle, Wash. Contact: Ayme Reed McMillan (Epsilon GammaCSU/Sacramento), or 916.390.5349 SOUTH CENTRAL Feb. 3-5 Doubletree® Downtown Tulsa Tulsa, Okla. Contact: Sherry Tobaben Wilcher (Gamma GammaDrury), mogoofyfun@ or 816.650.6538

SOUTHEAST Feb. 24-26 Sheraton® Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, N.C. Contact: Sirena Davis or 757.630.4449 SOUTHWEST Feb. 17-19 Sheraton® Gateway LAX Los Angeles, Calif. Contact: Jenny Holsman (Gamma Pi-Arizona State), or 480.855.0089. UPPER MIDWEST Feb. 10-12 Holiday Inn® French Quarter Perrysburg, Ohio Contact: Jan Brinker Schaeffer (Beta OmicronBowling Green State), janschaeffer@ or 419.684.5003

Congratulations to the following Alpha Phis who serve as College and Alumnae Panhellenic Presidents. Alumnae Panhellenic Presidents

Collegiate Panhellenic Presidents

Betty Jo Ferraro Fuller (Alpha Lambda) Southern Dallas and Ellis Counties, Texas

Tara Bjorklund (Gamma Zeta-Puget Sound), Puget Sound

Mimi Gordon Hagedorn (Nu-Nebraska) Houston, Texas

Alyson Fried (Eta Theta-San Francisco State), San Francisco State

Carol Lindberg (Beta Pi-USC) Ventura Area, Calif. Carol Peterson Moore (Beta-Northwestern) Salt River, Ariz.

Andi Elmore (Gamma Xi-Wichita State), Wichita State Karen Gollins (Theta Tau-Rensselaer), Rensselaer Kristen Guinan (Psi-South Dakota), South Dakota Erin Gullickson (Theta Zeta-Florida Tech), Florida Tech

Sarah Smaardyk (Omega-Texas), Plano-Richardson, Texas

Stacey Hrvatin (Delta Upsilon-Baldwin-Wallace), Baldwin-Wallace

Cindy Shelton Snell (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech, Lubbock, Texas

Danielle Myers (Epsilon Beta-Butler), Butler

Carol Duncan Young (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach), Southern Orange County, Calif.

Nicole Provansal (Eta Upsilon-Chapman), Chapman

Meghan Mullegan (Iota Epsilon-Kettering), Kettering Julia Perkovich (Eta Kappa-UC/Irvine), UC/Irvine Gretchen Schultz (Epsilon Chi-Cal Poly), Cal Poly Katelin Urgese (Delta Nu-Maine), Maine Tami Wright (Zeta Epsilon-Indiana U. Southeast), Indiana U. Southeast

For more information about Alumnae or Collegiate Panhellenic Associations or the National Panhellenic Conference, visit






Hearts of Gold Weekend A special group of Foundation donors enjoyed a weekend in their honor at the Executive Office (EO) in Evanston in September. Those donors who commit to giving $5,000 during the 2004-06 biennium are designated as members of Hearts of Gold, a new giving society created in honor of the Foundation’s 50th anniversary in 2006. Twelve of the 37 Hearts of Gold members attended the weekend festivities that included special updates on the state of the Fraternity and Foundation and activities in downtown Chicago. A Friday evening reception with Fraternity and Foundation staff kicked off the weekend. International Executive Board President Crista Cate Vasina (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) and Fraternity Executive Director Susan Zabriskie (Theta-Michigan) presented updates on such topics as recruitment, leadership, programming and finances. On Saturday morning participants heard from Foundation Chairman Susan Weiskittle Barrick (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) and Executive Director Rebecca Andrew Zanatta (Beta Rho deuteron-Washington State), who provided updates on Foundation programs, successes and future projects. The group then visited downtown Chicago to shop on Michigan Avenue and take the famous architectural boat tour around the city before returning to Evanston for dinner. The weekend closed with Sunday brunch. It was a fun-filled Alpha Phi weekend for our Hearts of Gold donors. We are grateful for their support and look forward to welcoming them back for the next Hearts of Gold weekend, scheduled for Sept. 7-9, 2007. For more information about how to join Hearts of Gold, please contact Susan Barrick at

Members of the Foundation’s Hearts of Gold giving society enjoy a special weekend in the Chicago area.


FAMILIES AND FRIENDS HONOR THE CLASS OF 2005 Parents and loved ones honored the following Alpha Phi graduates with special gifts to the Foundation. Jennifer Abrams (Gamma Rho-Penn State) from Mr. and Mrs. Abrams Rachel Abrams (Gamma Rho-Penn State) from Mr. and Mrs. Abrams Amanda Aitkin (Eta Epsilon-Villanova) from Peter and Lynda Aitkin Chelsey Alexander (Gamma Pi-Arizona State) from Mr. and Mrs. Chermack Lauren Alstot (Tau-Oregon) from Mr. Alstot and Ms. Mountain Margo Anderson (Beta Rho deuteron-Washington State) from Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Emily Andre (Delta Mu-Purdue) from Dr. and Mrs. Andre Amy Argetsinger (Gamma-DePauw) from Mr. and Mrs. Argetsinger Hillary Armstrong (Gamma Rho-Penn State) from Ms. Susan Armstrong Michelle Arnerich (Beta Psi-San Jose State) from Evan and Lynn Arnerich Katie Astrauskas (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) from Mike and Donna Astrauskas Diane Atwood (Epsilon Gamma-CSU/Sacramento) from Mr. James Atwood Kathryn Auw (Zeta Phi-MIT) from Edmund and Teresa Auw Natasha Axelrod (Alpha-Syracuse) from Jerry and Trish Axelrod Lyncel Bajas (Delta Rho-Ball State) from Allyn and Celia Bajas Lindsey Baldwin (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) from Kevin and Paula Baldwin Joke Balogun (Eta Eta-Seton Hall) from Mr. and Mrs. Balogun Stephanie Barendrick (Tau-Oregon) from Mr. and Mrs. Barendrick Megan Barnett (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) from Thomas and Kathleen Barnett Megan Bedell (Gamma Nu-Miami University) from Mrs. Alan and Nancy Bedell Missy Bell (Delta Epsilon-Iowa) from Gordon and Alison Bell Elizabeth Berger (Eta Lambda-George Mason) from David and Diane Berger Ashley Beriault (Epsilon Chi-Cal Poly) from Robert and Pamela Beriaul Heather Bermingham (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) from Roger and Shelley Bermingham Danielle Beyer (Theta Kappa-Rochester) from Lizzie Padro and Russell Beyer Anne Bibby (Eta Epsilon-Villanova) from Ray and Mary Bibby Suzanne Bibby (Eta deuteron-Boston) from Ray and Mary Bibby Jennifer Bobson (Gamma Nu-Miami University) from Mr. and Mrs. Bobson Kristen Bohannon (Eta Tau-SUNY/Cortland) from John and Linda Bohannon Lauren Briglia (Delta-Cornell) from Frank and Lorraine Briglia Joan Brilley (Gamma Zeta-Puget Sound) from Mike and Ann Brilley Ellen Brooks (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis) from Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Melody Brown (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) from Charlie and Karen Brown Laura Bullington (Delta Mu-Purdue) from Ms. Debora Bullington and Family Kelly Butler (Gamma Omicron-Drake) from Bill and Diane Butler Michelle Canak (Gamma-DePauw) from Mr. and Mrs. Canak Amanda Carroll (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) from Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Sheena Cline (Epsilon Psi-Lehigh) from Ms. Sheena Cline Carolyn Cobb (Lambda-UC/Berkeley) from Larry and Linda Biondini Shantelle Cochran (Theta Sigma-Southern Utah) from Bill and Shirley Cochran Jennifer Cortez (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis) from Steve and Joanne Allen Kristen Couch (Sigma-Washington) from Gregg and Debbie Couch Megan Cryan (Eta Eta-Seton Hall) from Mr. Joseph Cryan Danielle Dahle (Zeta Phi-MIT) from Ms. Nga Dahle Lauren Danford (Gamma Pi-Arizona State) from Mr. and Mrs. Danford Michelle Dawson (Beta Pi-USC) from Ken and Susan Dawson Amanda DenHeyer (Eta Kappa-UC/Irvine) from Art and Kelly DenHeyer Ankita Deshpande (Eta Iota-Pennsylvania) from Sanjay and Smita Deshpande Elaina DiBiasi (Theta Mu-Hofstra) from Mr. and Mrs. DiBiasi Crystal Dollins (Eta Alpha-New Hampshire) from Loyd and Lisa Dollins Kallie Donahoe (Sigma-Washington) from B.K. and Alexa Donahoe Jennifer Draeger (Delta Kappa-Wisconsin/LaCrosse) from Gary and Kimberly Draeger Caitlin Duffy (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) from Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Shelby Eakin (Omega-Texas) from Gary and Lyn Eakin Amanda Easter (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst) from Gary and Mary Easter Karalee Eich (Gamma Nu-Miami University) from Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eich Leyla El Bouhali (Alpha-Syracuse) from Ms. Nancy El Bouhali Julie Endicott (Theta Lambda-Central Missouri State) from Mr. Bud Endicott Rachel Erwin (Beta-Northwestern) from Duane and Margaret Erwin Debra Evian (Alpha-Syracuse) from Mr. Andy Evian Cynthia Ewing (Eta Kappa-UC/Irvine) from Gail and Rita Ewing Monica Ferro (Beta Tau-Indiana) from John and Rebecca Ferro Aria Finger (Zeta Upsilon-Washington University) from Ms. Alice Finger Chelsea Fish (Epsilon Psi-Lehigh) from Dr. and Mrs. Fish Katherine Fisher (Theta Iota-James Madison) from Rand and Cathy Fisher Julia Fisher (Iota Eta-DePaul) from James and Ellen Fisher Vanessa Fisher (Eta Theta-San Francisco State) from Mr. Abe L. Fisher Megan Flowers (Theta Sigma-Southern Utah) from Ms. Sherrie Flowers Erin Flynn (Theta Nu-Appalachian State) from Dick and Barbara Flynn Meggan Ford (Theta Phi-Christopher Newport) from Mr. and Mrs. Ford Regan Forester (Beta Delta-UCLA) from Bill and Carol Forester Deanne Forgione (Epsilon Nu-Delaware) from Mr. and Mrs. Forgione Lindsey Fosse (Beta Epsilon-Arizona) from Mr. and Mrs. Fosse Kelly Fruendt (Omega-Texas) from Col. and Mrs. Fruendt Tara Fuda (Beta Tau-Indiana) from Joe and Melinda Fuda Stephanie Gardner (Theta Mu-Hofstra) from Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Regan Garrett (Beta-Northwestern) from Mr. and Mrs. Garrett II ALPHA PHI



Courtney Gault (Omega-Texas) from Allen and Elaine Gault Ruthie Gelber (Eta Sigma-Lafayette) from Jim and Vicky Gelber Sheryl Glassman (Alpha-Syracuse) from Herman and Susan Glassman Heather P. Glick (Beta Pi-USC) from Marshall and Donna Glick Laura Gluck (Zeta Upsilon-Washington University) from Mike and Susan Gluck Courtney Gordon (Alpha-Syracuse) from Mrs. Sharon Gordon Stephanie Green (Eta Eta-Seton Hall) from William and Katia Green Jessica Grover (Epsilon Chi-Cal Poly) from Ms. Glenda Grover Kristin Gruhl (Gamma Beta-UC/Santa Barbara) from Don and Anna Gruhl Katie Hafensteiner (Theta Psi-SUNY/Plattsburgh) Mr. and Mrs. Hafensteiner Audrey Hall (Beta Alpha-Illinois) from Mr. and Mrs. Hall Natalie Hamlin (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) from Mark and Carolyn Hamlin Jessica Hammers (Iota Iota-George Washington) from Mrs. Eydie Hammers Jessica Haran (Epsilon Iota-Duquesne) from Terry and Linda Haran Katherine Harrington (Beta Nu deuteron-Duke) from Roy and Virginia Harrington Heather Hedemann (Eta Upsilon-Chapman) from Chris and Linda Hedemann Jenna Henson (Eta Chi-Bishop’s) from Stephen and Louise Henson Raissa Hickman (Gamma Eta-North Texas) from Dennis and Pam Hickman Amanda Hill (Gamma Eta-North Texas) from Mr. and Mrs. Hill Sarah Hodges (Gamma Pi-Arizona State) from Ms. Lisa Hodges Caroline Hollis (Beta-Northwestern) from Graham and Cathy Hollis Stephanie Ihnow (Eta Iota-Pennsylvania) from Stephen and Joyce Ihnow Lorinn Inserra (Eta Epsilon-Villanova) from Richard and Margaret Inserra Chelsea Irwin (Theta Upsilon-CSU/Chico) from Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Pamela Jackson (Delta-Cornell) from Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Michelle Jacobs (Beta Delta-UCLA) from Ms. Janet Jacobs Lori Jacquemin (Delta Rho-Ball State) from Jack and Linda Jacquemin Lauren Jaramillo (Eta Rho-San Diego) from Ron and Jan Jaramillo Emily Johannes (Eta Mu-Marquette) from Steven and Lana Johannes Kristin Johnson (Theta Theta-St. Joseph’s) from Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Laura Jones (Gamma Beta-UC/Santa Barbara) from Mr. and Mrs. Jones Valerie Jones (Theta Theta-St. Joseph’s) from Mr. and Mrs. Jones Jennifer Jones (Epsilon Chi-Cal Poly) from Mike and Carolyn Jones Natalie Kamphaus (Eta Sigma-Lafayette) from R.W. and Norma Kamphaus Amanda Karr (Gamma Zeta-Puget Sound) from Dr. and Mrs. Karr Kay Katangian (Zeta Beta-Loyola Marymount) from Mr. and Mrs. Katangian Elizabeth Katcher (Zeta Theta-Tufts) from The Katcher Family Ashley Keating (Theta-Michigan) from Lyle and Carolyn Keating Colleen Keeney (Theta Xi-Shippensburg) from Mr. and Mrs. Keeney Laura Kegley (Eta Omicron-Virginia Tech) from Tom and Rita Kegley Staci Kissinger (Gamma Rho-Penn State) from Scott and Cindy Kissinger Amanda Klinger (Zeta Upsilon-Washington University) from Joel and Nancy Klinger Claire Knowlton (Iota Gamma-University of the Pacific) from Gary and Angela Knowlton Ashley Kreidler (Rho-Ohio State) from Alan and Mary Kreidler Blair Kreisner (Alpha-Syracuse) from Robert and Nina Kreisner Laura Lamkay (Delta-Cornell) from Hal and Jackie Lamkay Jody Lancia (Epsilon Beta-Butler) from Jim and Barbie Lancia Sara Landon (Eta Upsilon-Chapman) from Sherrie Zeitlin and Ron Landon Kristina Laurenzo (Theta Theta-St. Joseph’s) from Ms. Laurenzo Haley Lawrence (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) from Lawrence Kari Lawrence (Eta deuteron-Boston) from Bruce and Sally Lawrence Kathryn Leary (Eta Alpha-New Hampshire) from Michael and Carol Leary Kirstin Leih (Iota-Wisconsin) from Gerald and Andrea Leih Laura Levenhagen (Beta Tau-Indiana) from Ms. Arleen Rice Christina LiPuma (Theta Phi-Christopher Newport) from Mr. and Mrs. LiPuma Lindsay Logan (Theta Upsilon-CSU/Chico) from Kirk and Diane Logan Natasha Losada (Zeta Rho-Bentley) from Jorge and Tania Losada Jennifer M. Low (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) from Mr. and Mrs. Low Hannah Lowe (Delta Zeta-Maryland) from Mr. and Mrs. Lowe Christina Lowery (Gamma Pi-Arizona State and Beta Epsilon-Arizona) from Robert and Diana Lowery Kolleen Lozar (Chi-Montana) from Mr. and Mrs. Lozar Lauren Magboo (Zeta Beta-Loyola Marymount) from Dr. and Mrs. Magboo Shauna Manibusan (Beta Psi-San Jose State) from Duane and Margaret Manibusan Shanna Marcus (Epsilon Psi-Lehigh) from Matityahu and Aileen Marcus Jennifer Marks (Epsilon Eta-Old Dominion) from Ms. Rita Slayton Dana Martorano (Epsilon Delta-Northern Illinois) from Mr. and Mrs. Martorano Jennifer Martschenko (Eta Omicron-Virginia Tech) from Mr. and Mrs. Kobliska Jessica Masternick (Rho-Ohio State) from Joseph, Diane, and Leah Masternick Jennifer Mathiason (Delta-Cornell) from David and Sharon Mathiason Lynne Matsuoka (Sigma-Washington) from Dale and Darlene Matsuoka Kristina Mavers (Omicron-Missouri) from Ms. Peggy Mavers Heather McGowan (Gamma Alpha-San Diego State) from John and Sharon Wiltz Kelly McIntosh (Eta Delta-CSU/Hayward) from Mr. Willard McIntosh Caylynn McMaster (Iota Iota-George Washington) from Elizabeth and David McMaster Maureen McNamee (Beta Epsilon-Arizona) from Stephen and Elizabeth McNamee Mallory McQuail (Epsilon Nu-Delaware) from Matthew and Patty McQuail Colleen McSherry (Beta Tau-Indiana) from Donald and Maureen McSherry Megan McWethy (Beta Rho deuteron-Washington State) from Ben and Nancy Hampson Stacie Merken (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach) from Mr. and Mrs. Merken Laura Meyer (Beta Tau-Indiana) from Rob and Judy Meyer

The 2005 recipient of the Alpha Phi Foundation’s Cardiac Care Award is The Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Cleveland, Ohio. The Cleveland Clinic was recently named the top heart surgery hospital for the 11th year in a row by U.S. News & World Report. The clinic also ranked fourth in the country in the annual “America’s Best Hospitals” survey. The $50,000 Foundation grant will support the development of a comprehensive educational outreach program for women’s cardiovascular health, including a Web site with features including cardiac disease risk assessment tools and recommendations, education on risk categories for women, heart-healthy recipes, local/national cardiovascular resources and medical updates for health care professionals. The grant will also support a Cleveland Clinic-sponsored women’s cardiovascular symposium that offers continuing education for health care providers. To learn more about the Cleveland Clinic, visit Any chapter or member of Alpha Phi may nominate a medical institution that specializes in women and heart disease research and/or education. Nomination forms for the 2006 Cardiac Care Award are available at foundation. The deadline is April 1, 2006.

Carissa Meyer (Epsilon Gamma-CSU/Sacramento) from Tom and Lani Meyer Jessica Miles (Beta-Northwestern) from Mr. and Mrs. Miles Angela Miracle (Beta Tau-Indiana) from Mark and Donna Jo Miracle Molly Monahan (Delta Epsilon-Iowa) from John and Colleen Monahan Kayla Mudge (Gamma Omicron-Drake) from Ms. Angelia Mudge Colleen Mulhern (Eta Epsilon-Villanova) from Mr. and Mrs. Mulhern Melissa Myers (Theta Psi-SUNY/Plattsburgh) from Mr. Kenneth Myers Suzanne Natbony (Beta Pi-USC) from Michael and Joyce Natbony Heather Nemeroff (Eta Omicron-Virginia Tech) from Jerry and Terri Nemeroff Jamie Newman (Epsilon Theta-Northern Iowa) from Ms. Sandy Angaran Nahall Nikoo (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis) from Mr. and Mrs. Nikoo Anne Palm (Iota Iota-George Washington) from Mr. and Mrs. Palm Laurie Park (Eta Epsilon-Villanova) from Mr. and Mrs. Park Brigitte Petrine (Eta Omicron-Virginia Tech) from Ms. Kathy Girone Mary Pollard (Epsilon Eta-Old Dominion) from Ms. Sherrye Pollard Gina Marie Potenza (Eta Iota-Pennsylvania) from Vito and Ann Potenza Jessica Potts (Beta Alpha-Illinois) from Bob and Gayla Potts Casey Powers (Beta Pi-USC) from Mr. and Mrs. Powers Lauren Prusnofsky (Theta Kappa-Rochester) from Mr. And Mrs. Prusnofsky Michelle Ravettina (Theta Mu-Hofstra) from Steve and Cathy Ravettina Claudia Reeder (Zeta Psi-Dayton) from Ms. Lisa Reeder Toni Regan (Eta Sigma-Lafayette) from Dick and Joann Regan Meredith Richards (Eta Xi-UNC/Wilmington) from Ron and Terri Richards Megan Riegler (Beta Upsilon-Oregon State) from Christine and Liz Riegler Betsy Rivenbark (Eta Omicron-Virginia Tech) from Mr. and Mrs. Rivenbark Kristi Rosso (Nu-Nebraska) from John and Gail Rosso Kelly Roy (Delta Nu-Maine) from Bernie and Denise Roy Christina Salvo (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) from Albert and Michelene Salvo Kirsten Schmidt (Lambda-UC/Berkeley) from Ms. Schmidt Rachel Seymour (Beta-Northwestern) from Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Erin Shaw (Delta Chi-William Woods) from David and Ricki Shaw Cyrille Jean Sicard (Zeta Theta-Tufts) from Ms. Margareth Jean Jennifer Silva (Eta Rho-San Diego) from Mr. and Mrs. Silva Alyson Silver (Iota-Wisconsin) from Tom and Anita Silver Stephanie Sims (Beta Tau-Indiana) from Raymond and Victoria Sims Bonnie Siu (Xi-Toronto) Tamara Skaggs (Eta Rho-San Diego) from Mr. and Mrs. Skaggs Holly Smith (Eta Beta-CSU/San Bernardino) from John and Jeryl Smith Heather Smith (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) from Stinson and Salena Smith Jennifer Smith (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach) from Mr. and Mrs. Smith Rebecca Solie (Iota Gamma-University of the Pacific) from Mr. John Solie and Ms. Judy Solie Capaul Melissa Spiel (Delta-Cornell) from Robert and Barbara Spiel Lindsay Stanga (Beta Nu deuteron-Duke) from Mark and Jane Stanga Chelsea Stein (Iota Iota-George Washington) from Martin and Nancy Stein Diana Steinmeyer (Gamma Eta-North Texas) from Dick and Judy Thompson Laura Stephenson (Eta Iota-Pennsylvania) from Kent and Trish Stephenson Kyle Stergas (Alpha-Syracuse) from Bunny and David Stergas Patricia Stevenson (Eta Epsilon-Villanova) from Mark and Nancy Stevenson Christine Stoelting (Theta Kappa-Rochester) from Ms. Claire Knowles Kelly Stone (Theta Psi-SUNY/Plattsburgh) from Mr. and Mrs. Stone Alexia Storckman (Epsilon Xi-Southern Illinois) from Jeff and Cindy Small Lauren Strahanoski (Beta Alpha-Illinois) from Bill and Debbie Strahanoski Erin Swarbrick (Zeta Iota deuteron-Virginia) from Mr. Ed Swarbrick and Ms. Iris Parham Carrie Tannenbaum (Beta Pi-USC) from Mr. and Mrs. Tannenbaum Megan Tannenbaum (Beta Pi-USC) from Mr. and Mrs. Tannenbaum Kelly Tealdi (Beta Epsilon-Arizona) from Mr. and Mrs. Tealdi (continued on next page)







Alpha Phi Foundation is proud to award scholarship aid to 58 young women for the 2005-06 school year. Scholarship recipients were selected from among highly competitive applicant pools from graduate and undergraduate universities across North America. For additional information, including applications for 2006-07, visit or contact the Foundation at 847.475.4532. Undergraduate Recipients Melissa Andritz (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) Doris Corbett Scholarship Angela Antonia (Theta Upsilon-CSU/Chico) Betty Mullins Jones Scholarship Mallory Berschauer (Sigma-Washington) Ruth Allingham Soriano/Foundation Scholarship Carrie Bodner (Delta-Cornell) Mary Miller Lyons Scholarship Laura Bowers (Beta Nu deuteron-Duke) Doris Corbett Scholarship Ashlea Brack (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) John R. and Cecile D. Richards/Foundation Scholarship Hilary Christian (Zeta Omicron deuteron-Johns Hopkins) Susan Hausman Brunner/Foundation Scholarship Tamara Crane (Omega-Texas) Buster Homburg Scholarship

Elizabeth Damsel (Epsilon Iota-Duquesne) Frances Cameron Wiig/Foundation Scholarship

Hope Gray (Eta Upsilon-Chapman) Tori Soreng Cobb/Foundation Scholarship

Kathleen Hastings (Sigma-Washington) Sigma/Foundation Scholarship

Sara Dina (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Sally McCall Grant Scholarship

Allison Heckman (Eta deuteron-Boston) Marion L. Frank Memorial Scholarship

Meagan Hastings (Sigma-Washington) Sigma/Foundation Scholarship

Jennifer Drouin (Delta Nu-Maine) Doris Corbett Scholarship

Alexis Hilfer (Pi-North Dakota) Ruth Crellin Boutwell Scholarship

Sarah Heacock (Nu-Nebraska) Eloise Howell Scholarship

Allison Evans (Epsilon-Minnesota) Martha Jarvis Sutton/Foundation Scholarship

Laura Johnson (Pi-North Dakota) Constance Purkiss Kelly/Foundation Scholarship

Jennifer Herrman (Beta Gamma deuteron-Colorado) Edwynne C. Rosenbaum Scholarship

Kallise Fiorillo (Omega-Texas) Darcel Atwill Weller/Foundation Scholarship

Katherine Kirkwood (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Mabel Cooper Lamb/Foundation Scholarship

Jennifer Katz (Delta Zeta-Maryland) Betty Mullins Jones Scholarship

Caroline Gaines (Delta Theta-Western Michigan) Mabel Cooper Lamb/Foundation Scholarship

Jennifer Larson (Omega-Texas) Sally Mitchell Milam/Anne Williams Muhl/Foundation Scholarship

Lisa Kledzik (Sigma-Washington) Jeanette Colton Killian Scholarship

Brenna Gannon (Gamma Omicron-Drake) Mabel Cowlishaw Siggins/Foundation Scholarship Amanda Gordon (Delta-Cornell) Mary Miller Lyons Scholarship Rebecca Graham (Epsilon-Minnesota) Marian K. Kidder Scholarship

Emily Thielen (Beta Upsilon-Oregon State) from Dave and Katy Thielen Jennifer Thuener (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) from Hank and Debbie Thuener Johannah Torkelson (Eta Mu-Marquette) from Mr. and Mrs. Torkelson Charuma Udemphonkul (Gamma Alpha-San Diego State) from Dr. and Mrs. Udemphonkul Marcile Vadell-Strickland (Gamma Beta-UC/Santa Barbara) from Marlene Vadell and Cecile Strickland Myraida Vega-Gonzalez (Zeta Phi-MIT) from Mr. and Mrs. Vega-Gonzalez Katharine Vengraitis (Delta-Cornell) from Joseph and Cynthia Vengraitis Jessica Vigneault (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) from Mr. and Mrs. Vigneault Molly Wadsworth (Epsilon-Minnesota) from Ms. Mary Ann Wadsworth Krystal Waite (Eta Theta-San Francisco State) from Mr. Paul Waite Erin Walker (Theta Iota-James Madison) from Mr. and Mrs. Walker Jessica Wallin (Nu-Nebraska) from Gene and Mary Lou Wallin Kathleen A. Webber (Zeta Rho-Bentley) from Ms. Cynthia Webber Katherine Weber (Delta-Cornell) from Fred and Susan Weber Rachel Weidner (Epsilon Gamma-CSU/Sacramento) from Candace and Rick Weidner Nikki Wetzel (Zeta Beta-Loyola Marymount) from Dick and Ginny Wetzel Cassie Wheat (Zeta Upsilon-Washington University) from Doug and Laura Wheat Rachel White (Epsilon Upsilon-CSU/Northridge) from Mr. and Mrs. White Erin Whitecotton (Theta Lambda-Central Missouri State) from Mike and Tammy Whitecotton Stacey Wilson (Iota Zeta-Colorado School of Mines) from Rick and Diane Wilson Christina Wish (Eta Xi-UNC/Wilmington) from Anthony and Laim Wish Elizabeth Wobschall (Gamma Omicron-Drake) from Gerald and Georgeann Wobschall Janice Ying (Iota Alpha-Pepperdine) from The Ying Family Emily Zanovich (Eta Rho-San Diego) from Dr. and Mrs. Zanovich Alison Zisser (Zeta Upsilon-Washington University) from Carolyn and Elliot Zisser How to Honor the Class of 2006 Parents of 2006 graduates receive a letter from the Foundation in the spring. They return the completed reply form to the Foundation. In return, the Foundation sends a card to each honoree at graduation time, lists their names in the Foundation Annual Report and guarantees each contribution will be used wisely and faithfully. Others wishing to honor a 2006 graduate can send a note with the graduate’s name and chapter to the Foundation (1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201) or use the giving form on the Alpha Phi Web site: Click on the Foundation section and “Make a Gift” to go to our secure giving form.

Gina Merlone (Lambda-UC/Berkeley) Lambda 100th Year Anniversary/Foundation Scholarship Rania Nazmy (Delta Nu-Maine) Mabel Cowlishaw Siggins/Foundation Scholarship Lindsey Neumann (Gamma Sigma-Wisconsin/Stout) Ruth Crellin Boutwell Scholarship Colleen Popken (Beta Delta-UCLA) Beta Delta/Foundation Scholarship Callie Rademacher (Pi-North Dakota) Ruth Crellin Boutwell Scholarship Megan Schmidt (Beta Delta-UCLA) Beta Delta Scholarship

Maggie Kramer (Omicron-Missouri) Helen Bradford Graduate/Foundation Scholarship Amy Latham (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) Sally Mitchell Milam/Diane Keenum Hite Scholarship Kaitlin Maguire (Gamma Omicron-Drake) Betty Mullins Jones Scholarship Jessica Megginson (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Mary Yearsley Scholarship Julie Miles (Rho-Ohio State) Eloise Howell Scholarship Stefania Rudd (Theta Rho-Cameron) Margaret Beery Doe/Foundation Scholarship

Katherine Thompson (Beta Tau-Indiana) Joan Merritt Holmes Scholarship

Elizabeth Russo (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve) Octavia Born Brooks Memorial/Foundation Scholarship

Nicole Tripoli (Omega-Texas) Edie L. Schrager Memorial/Foundation Scholarship

Jaime Ryberg (Theta Gamma-Truman State) Betty Mullins Jones Scholarship

Andrea Vadakin (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) Marjorie V. Dove Scholarship

Rebecca Schneider (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney) Tori Soreng Cobb/Delta Xi Amber Weitzel Memorial/Foundation Scholarship

Whitney Wright (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Kristy Burgener/Foundation Scholarship Graduate Recipients

Emily Scott (Theta Iota-James Madison) Eloise Howell Scholarship

Katherine Brown (Nu-Nebraska) Eloise Howell Scholarship

Jeri Seidman (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve) Marilyn Bracken Ruckman/Foundation Scholarship

Jensine Fitzgibbons (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst) Clara Bradley Burdette/Foundation Scholarship

Rebecca Solie (Iota Gamma-University of the Pacific) Carol Klink Claussen Scholarship

Kari Frye (Delta Theta-Western Michigan) Betty Mullins Jones Scholarship

Shannon Sullivan (Eta Sigma-Lafayette) Betty Mullins Jones Scholarship

Sally Anne Gutting (Zeta Omicron deuteron-Johns Hopkins) John and Sharon Spraker Barnes/Foundation Scholarship

Stephanie Walsh (Delta Pi-Indiana State) Nancy Pitchforth Patton/Foundation Scholarship

Jennifer Harvel (Omicron-Missouri) Ruth Woods Memorial Scholarship

Checks (minimum of $50) should be made payable to the Alpha Phi Foundation. Credit cards are also accepted. All contributions are tax-deductible in the United States as allowed by law.




B U L L E T I N BARRY CELEBRATES 10-YEAR ANNIVERSARY Barry (Theta Omega) and all Alpha Phi alumnae in the Miami Shores, Fla., area are invited to join the celebration. May 5-7, 2006 Barry University For details, please contact Maureen Halligan at or 978.235.2083. COUNTDOWN TO 100 YEARS IN CANADA A celebration of 100 years of Alpha Phi in Canada and the centennial of Toronto (Xi) chapter began Dec. 4, 2005, in Toronto and continues across the country during 2006. The celebrations conclude with a gala in Toronto in November 2006. For details, contact Ashley Haugh (Xi-Toronto) at or 416.232.9595.

CLASSIFIEDS YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL WITH DISCOVERY TOYS! Share educational toys, books and games. Excellent income! Flexibility! Trips! $25 deposit gets you started. Contact Cindy Reynolds Connors (Beta BetaMichigan State) at 703.978.8697, or shop our catalog WANT TO SET YOUR OWN SCHEDULE? Work part-time or full-time selling Silpada Designs’ Sterling Silver Jewelry. Earn 30% on your sales with opportunities for trips & FREE jewelry! Call 406.651.8060 or visit ESTATE STAFFING BY HEARTLAND We Take You Beyond the Résumé Estate and Ranch Teams – House Managers – Nannies – Elder Companions – Chefs – Personal Assistants – Housekeepers – Groundskeepers 800.866.6266 BASIC RETAIL SERVICES We sell to gift, stationery and craft stores. Join us as a sales representative in the Eastern United States. P.O. Box 559, Red Oak, N.C. 252.443.9523 e-mail:


ATTENTION QUARTERLY REPORTERS! If you are responsible for gathering your collegiate or alumnae chapter’s report for publication in the Quarterly, please note the following deadlines. Materials received after these deadlines will be considered for the following issue. For more information, visit Issue Summer 2006 Fall 2006 Winter 2007 Spring 2007

Copy Deadline April 15, 2006 July 15, 2006 Oct. 15, 2006 Jan. 15, 2007

NEBRASKA PLANS CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION Planning has begun for Nebraska (Nu) chapter’s centennial celebration, to be held in the fall of 2006. Those interested in serving on a committee should contact Annie Olson at or 402.510.0283. For more information, visit SISTERS WANTED TO SHARE THEIR STORIES WITH THE QUARTERLY Upcoming issues of the Quarterly will focus on the following themes: • A Woman’s Need to Connect • What It Means to Be an Alpha Phi • Top Health Concerns for Women • College Today Visit info.html for details of what is desired for each topic.

Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation 1. Publication Title: Alpha Phi Quarterly 2. Publication No.: Vol. 117, No. 4 3. Filing Date: 9/15/05 4. Issue Frequency: Quarterly 5. No. of Issues Published Annually: 4 6. Annual Subscription Price: $25.00 7. Mailing Address of Publication: Alpha Phi Fraternity, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, Cook County, IL 60201-3214 8. Mailing Address of Headquarters: Alpha Phi Fraternity, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201-3214 9. Publisher: Alpha Phi Fraternity, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201-3214 Editor: Christine Spiegel, Editor, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201-3214 Managing Editor: Christine Spiegel, Editor, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201-3214 10. Owner: Alpha Phi Fraternity, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201-3214 11. Known bondholders, mortgages, and other security holders owning or holding one percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: None 12. The purpose, function and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes: Has Not Changed During Preceding 12 Months. 13. Publication Title: Alpha Phi Quarterly 14. Issue Date of Circulation Data Below: Fall 2005 15. Extent/Nature of Circulation Avg. No. Copies No. Copies of Each Issue During Single Issue Published Preceding 12 Mos. Nearest to Filing Date a. Total No. Copies (Net press run) b. Paid and/or Requested Circulation 1) Paid/Requested Outside-County Mail Subscriptions Stated on Form 3541 2) Paid In-County Subscriptions Stated on Form 3541 3) Sales Through Dealers and Carriers, Street Vendors, Counter Sales, and Other Non-USPS Paid Distribution 4) Other Classes Mailed Through the USPS c. Total Paid and/or Requested Circulation d. Free Distribution by Mail 1) Outside-County as Stated on Form 3541 2) In-County as Stated on Form 3541 3) Other Classes Mailed through the USPS e. Free Distribution Outside the Mail f. Total Free Distribution g. Total Distribution h. Copies Not Distributed i. Total j. Percent Paid and/or Requested Circulation



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0 0 41,174

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0 0 0 0 0 108,314 686 109,000 100%

Interested in Promoting Your Business in the Alpha Phi Classifieds? The charge for the spring issue is $50 for up to 35 words (text only). The Quarterly also continues to accept advertising in the form of display ads, which begin at $200 for a 1/6-page ad. If you are interested in either advertising opportunity, please contact or call 847.316.8920 by Friday, Jan. 13, 2006, to reserve space.



66th Biennial Convention

Join us June 28-July 2, 2006, in Orlando, Fla.

Bring your friends. Make it a family vacation. Plan a reunion.

POSTMASTER: Please send changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201

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Photo courtesy JW Marriott 速 Orlando.

The JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes

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