Fall 2007 Alpha Phi Quarterly

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Alpha Phi Salutes Distinguished Alumnae Meet twins who have distinguished themselves in their careers and their communities

Alumna creates partnership between SELF Magazine and Alpha Phi


Emerging Leaders Institute | Member Anniversary Recognitions | Fraternity Directory

C ntents In This Issue Founders Clara Bradley Burdette (’76), died 1954 Florence Chidester Lukens (’75), died 1885 Martha Foote Crow (’76), died 1924 Ida Gilbert Houghton (’76), died 1916 Jane S. Higham (’76), died 1949 Kate Hogoboom Gilbert (’75), died 1900 Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults (’75), died 1895 Rena Michaels Atchison (’74), died 1933 Louise Shepard Hancock (’76), died 1932 Clara Sittser Williams (’75), died 1925 International Executive Board President: Laura Malley-Schmitt Jane Kirby Arkes Bonnie K. Arthur Billie Coskey Battiato Linda Long Boland Deana Koonsman Gage Susan Brink Sherratt Shana Goss Smith Lindsay Wiggins Ex-Officio: Sally McCall Grant, NPC Delegate Foundation Directors Chairman: Susan Weiskittle Barrick Sheri Allen Susan Bevan Ann Brinkman Linda Gardner Massie Cathy Logan Stembridge Diane Spry Straker Amy Jordan Tvrdik Laura Malley-Schmitt


Fifty collegiate women are selected to attend Alpha Phi International’s inaugural Emerging Leaders Institute.

President’s Message . . . . . . . . 1 Alumnae Pride . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Reunions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Member Anniversaries . . . . . 15 Message from the COL . . . . . 21 Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 On Campus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Potential Member Form . . . . 37 People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Interfraternal News . . . . . . . . 40

QUARTERLY, TRANSITIONS WIN AWARDS The Alpha Phi Quarterly and Transitions: The Magazine for Alpha Phi’s Newest Alumnae are winners in the Spring 2007 Millennium Awards competition. The Quarterly received a silver level award, and Transitions received a bronze award. For a fourth year in a row, the Alpha Phi Quarterly also is a winner in the 2007 APEX Awards for Publication Excellence competition. For more information, visit www.alphaphi.org.

Message from the IEB . . . . . . 41

National Panhellenic Conference Alpha Phi Delegate: Sally McCall Grant First Alternate Delegate: Deana Koonsman Gage Second Alternate Delegate: Tara Riemer Jones Third Alternate Delegate: Ruth Gallagher Nelson Editorial Advisory Board Sheila George Bright Ann Brinkman Jan Jones Owen Allison Cink Rickels Michelle Webb Alpha Phi Quarterly Staff Editor-in-Chief: Christine Spiegel Communications Coordinator: Kalen Tubbs Intern: Meredith Laitos E-mail: quarterly@alphaphi.org Alpha Phi Quarterly Design Lynne Koenigsberger Communication Design Alpha Phi Home Page www.alphaphi.org Executive Office Executive Director: Susan Zabriske Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Phone: 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 E-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org Foundation Office Executive Director: Emily Ellison Lamb Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Foundation Phone: 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 E-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org Alpha Phi Quarterly Editorial Policy

Silent Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Quarterly Deadlines Fraternity Directory . . . . . . . . 43

Issue . . . . . . Copy Deadline

Bulletin Board . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Spring 2008 . . . . Jan. 15, 2008

Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Summer 2008 . . April 15, 2008 Fall 2008 . . . . . . July 15, 2008 Winter 2009 . . . . Oct. 15, 2008

Cover photos courtesy Earl Richardson and SELF.

HAVE YOU MOVED? Send your new address to Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 or update your address online at www.alphaphi.org.

The purpose of the Alpha Phi Quarterly and its content is to provide information and services to the membership of the Alpha Phi Fraternity, in keeping with the Fraternity's status as a 501(c)(7) tax-exempt private membership club. The magazine is devoted to highlighting its members and matters of fraternal and college interest. The views expressed in the articles published in the Quarterly are those of the authors and their contributors, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Alpha Phi Fraternity, its officers or staff. All persons interested in submitting materials for publication in the Alpha Phi Quarterly are encouraged to send them to the editor at the Executive Office. The editor reserves the right to accept, deny or edit any materials submitted. Unless otherwise requested, all photos sent to the magazine will become the property of Alpha Phi International and will not be returned. Articles may be sent by mail, fax, e-mail or on a PC disk. Please send your information to the editor by the deadlines indicated on this page. Materials received after these deadlines will be considered for the following issue. Please direct any submission questions or inquiries regarding publication advertising to the editor at 847.316.8920, or quarterly@alphaphi.org. The Alpha Phi Quarterly is published winter, spring, summer and fall. Subscription price for non-members is $25 per year. Contact the Quarterly for information about pricing of individual issues. Send change of address or announcements to Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Periodical rate postage paid at Evanston, IL, and at additional mailing offices. (ISSN: USPS 014680) Postmaster: Please send address changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Printed in the USA.





Dear Alpha Phi Sisters, As Alpha Phis we are I am so pleased to report quite diverse in our noble that Alpha Phi’s collegiate aims, or the goals we set out membership numbers are to accomplish. However, we stronger than ever. We certainly share in common welcomed the largest class a desire to stretch ourselves of new members in our and realize our fullest Fraternity’s history in the potential. Most importantly, Laura Malley-Schmitt 2006-07 school year! We we take a great interest in fully anticipate this upward trend will one another’s success. We provide continue, as National Panhellenic moral support and often offer other Conference (NPC) statistics suggest kinds of assistance when a sister sets that sorority membership is entering out to achieve an objective. And, an a new growth phase. Alpha Phi’s achievement, no matter This fall our 145 collegiate how large or small, is a point of chapters and two colonies will once celebration for us! again begin the recruitment process, In this issue, we feature four which will bring approximately 4,500 alumnae of distinction: Kimberly Anderson Kelleher (Iota-Wisconsin), new members to our sisterhood by year’s end. Many new members will be Janet and Mary Murguia (both Gamma Delta-Kansas) and Allison attracted to the international strength Cink Rickels (Epsilon Thetaof Alpha Phi. Quite a few will be Northern Iowa). All pursued different drawn to the excellent programming dreams, yet they share in common the found within our collegiate chapters. Alpha Phi spirit to reach for the stars. However, most will choose Alpha Phi Our culture for inspiring excellence because of the remarkable women in one another never goes out of style. they befriend during recruitment. We continue to flourish as we have In fact, the privilege of Alpha Phi for 135 years because of our success in membership is more sought after than ever. As we introduce 4,500 affiliating outstanding members and extraordinary new women to Alpha because of their commitment to Phi this year, let us renew our bringing out the best in one another. commitment to our sisters and to the This special quality of Alpha Phi overall success of Alpha Phi! shines through in the recruitment process and beyond. Our chapter members are called upon perennially to recruit women who are committed to our high ideals in the areas of Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT) scholarship, leadership and service. International President They are also called upon to recruit women who will bring honor to our sisterhood through the “pursuit of noble aims,” in the words of our Founders.

FALL 2007

Feature Alumnae of Distinction

Meet sisters who have distinguished themselves in their careers by the “firsts” they’ve accomplished. Foundation: The Foundation profiles an original alumna of distinction: Clara Bradley Burdette (Alpha-Syracuse). Alpha Phi International’s inaugural Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI) trained 50 distinguished collegians who are our future leaders.

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In the Next Issue ■

Alpha Phi’s Philanthropy: Cardiac Care

Foundation Cardiac Care Award Winner Announced

Fraternity Annual Report

New at www.alphaphi.org Attention Collegiate Chapter Officers and Advisers Be sure to submit your chapter reports using our online reporting system at https://alphaphireports.stream16.com. Have you visited our online mall lately? Find exclusive coupon savings in an easy to use format. Each purchase generates revenue for our Fraternity. Just click “Shop” and the “Affiliate Programs” link to begin shopping!


Alpha Phi Salutes This issue of the Quarterly features alumnae who have distinguished themselves in their careers because of the “firsts” they’ve accomplished. It only seemed appropriate as we introduce another first, Alpha Phi International’s Emerging Leaders Institute first held in June to train 50 distinguished collegians (read more on page 28). In highly competitive professions, the alumnae profiled share common traits that have helped them become leaders in their fields. They are passionate, ambitious and driven.

“Alpha Phi is definitely a priority for us,” says Kim. “We love our partnership, and we’re enthusiastic to keep it going.” For Kim, creating this connection with her sorority seemed only natural. “So much of what I learned in college came from Alpha Phi,” says Kim. “So now I am always brainstorming ways to keep Alpha Phi intact.” Another way Kim found to give back to Alpha Phi was by agreeing to serve as keynote speaker during the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference in Newark, Del., in February. Kim had the opportunity to speak with several collegiate women in attendance. “They were so smart and articulate,” she says. “I am so impressed with the next generation of women.” The college years For Kim’s own college experience, she says she participated in recruitment at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in order to avoid getting lost in the sea of people. By Meredith Laitos (Beta-Northwestern) Coming from a rural hometown of about 700, Kim was craving adventure, but also SELF, Alpha Phi form partnerships Kimberly Anderson Kelleher (Iotawanted to feel at home. Wisconsin) is living proof of her own In fall 2006, Kim created the Alpha Phi She found this balance instantly in Alpha conviction. “If you’re passionate about what SELF Challenge, broadening the longPhi. “I knew I wanted to be an Alpha Phi you’re doing, you will make it,” she says. running SELF Challenge exercise and eating from the first recruitment party I attended,” She is passionate about her career, propelling plan to include a competition between her way to the top of a Alpha Phi collegiate chapters. she says. Kim was thrilled to find a melting pot of sisters from different backgrounds – highly competitive market The chapter with the most something she had never experienced before. before the age of 30. She is When Kimberly Anderson Kelleher women who participated in (Iota-Wisconsin) became Kim’s enthusiasm for Alpha Phi came passionate about her roots the Challenge received vice president, publisher of initially from this social aspect. She loved the in Alpha Phi and values Golf for Women magazine in 2001, special recognition. camaraderie and was grateful for the friends sisterhood and giving she became one of the youngest Kim was so pleased she found. “I made my friends for life in publishers in the Condé Nast family. back to the community. with the enthusiasm of Alpha Phi,” says Kim. “Almost 15 years later, As publisher and vice the responses that the I still consider those women to be some of president of SELF magazine, Kim is finding competition will become a tradition, and my closest friends.” ways to weave together these two passions SELF and Alpha Phi will team on future Beyond sisterhood, Alpha Phi was Kim’s in what she calls, “a special relationship with projects, beginning this fall (see sidebar). first introduction to philanthropy, something a special organization.” Kim Kelleher

SELF Magazine Lead Gives Back to Alpha Phi




Distinguished Alumnae They have strong personal belief systems. They also exemplify the values learned during their college days in Alpha Phi, all demonstrating a strong sense of service, respect for education and loyalty to those close to them, including their Alpha Phi sisters. And important to note is that each has chosen to give back – to the people, organizations, communities that played such an important role in forming who they are today. We are proud to introduce you to these distinguished alumnae.

Alpha Phi is proud of all of our collegians and alumnae. To read about more Alpha Phis who have distinguished themselves in their careers and communities, visit www.alphaphi.org/about_us/ famousphis.html. If you know a distinguished alumna or collegian, send her name, affiliation, brief explanation of why she should be recognized and her contact information to quarterly@alphaphi.org or Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201.

she was instantly drawn to. Giving back to the community became an essential element that Kim includes in every job she holds. “Once I was exposed to giving back, I began to incorporate it into everything I did,” says Kim. “I credit Alpha Phi for that.”

inducted into the American Advertising Federation’s Advertising Hall of Achievement. Since Kim became publisher of SELF, the magazine has seen an increase in advertising sales and revenue every year. While she works hard to continue this trend, Kim is equally focused on philanthropy. One hundred percent of the proceeds from SELF’s annual Workout in the Park and fall Breast Cancer Fundraiser go to the magazine’s philanthropic partners. “I feel very lucky to work for an organization that allows me to do this,” says Kim.

Kim’s quick climb After graduating, Kim’s itch to experience the unknown led her to New York City, where she hoped to find adventure. “For me, it was a quest for excitement, energy and just seeing what was out there,” she says. Not knowing exactly what she wanted to do, Kim embraced every opportunity with passion and began her rapid ascent to success. Her first job was as a sales assistant at ELLE Décor. She proceeded to work her way through TEEN, Mirabella, ELLE, Sports Illustrated for Women and Mademoiselle magazines. In 2001 at the age of 29, Kim was named vice president, publisher of Golf for Women, making her one of the youngest people in the history of the Condé Nast family to earn this title. Kim believes she was able to achieve success quickly because she always took advantage of opportunity. “Too often, people have opportunity right in front of them, and they just don’t grab it,” she says. “I have always been a grabber.” In 2004, she grabbed another opportunity when she became vice president, publisher of SELF magazine, another publication in the Condé Nast family. In this position, Kim has already set herself above the rest. In her short career, she has received several honors, including Advertising Age’s “40 Under 40” in 2007 and Media Industry Newsletter “Sales Team Leader of the Year Award” in 2006. In November, Kim will be FALL 2007

Small town girl at heart In less than a decade, Kim has gone from resident of a 700-person town to publisher of a magazine that reaches millions of people. Her achievements came about “the old-fashioned way, through hard work and tenacity,” she says. Throughout her adventures, Kim says she has never forgotten her roots. “The truth is I’m still the same person I was 20 years ago. I can still look in the mirror at night, knowing I have retained my sense of self,” says Kim. “That’s the most important thing you can do.” While she has earned her place in a top position at a flourishing company, she continues to exemplify the values she learned from Alpha Phi. Furthermore, she chooses to use her success to give back to the sorority that means so much to her. As Alpha Phis across the nation pursue their own dreams and follow their ambitions, this inspiring woman bestows her advice: “Embrace what you’re doing. It may be entry-level, but take the job, give it your all, and do it with a smile,” she suggests. “You’ll make it!”

Alpha Phi Teams with SELF Magazine SELF Challenge: The Results Are In! The SELF Challenge is a three-month exercise and eating plan that has helped one million readers slim down and shape up for summer. Alpha Phi was invited to participate in this year’s SELF Challenge. The collegiate chapter with the most women signing up for the program at www.Self.com won a catered event for 100 of their closest friends to kick off the fall semester. Alpha Phi chapters from nearly 150 schools competed and registered 4,940 Challengers. Congratulations to the winning Alpha Phi chapter with a total of 168 SELF Challengers: West Virginia (Beta Iota)!

Continued Partnership In light of the success of the SELF Challenge, Alpha Phi looks forward to continuing its partnership with SELF through the following programs: • Bid Day Gift Baskets: In September 2007, SELF magazine distributed more than 12,000 Bid Day baskets to Alpha Phi collegians. The baskets included gifts from SELF and SELF sponsors, including Paul Mitchell® hair care products and Curve® fragrance. Each chapter will also receive various Paul Mitchell® and Redken® products to welcome members back to campus. • National Go Green Challenge: From September through December 2007, SELF will team with Paul Mitchell® and American Forest® to challenge Alpha Phi chapters to go green and take small steps toward leading a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Each chapter will provide information about the ways they change their lifestyles using a custom Web page at www.SELFConnected.com. The five chapters that make the biggest impact will win a Paul Mitchell® day of beauty. • Every collegiate dues-paying member of Alpha Phi will be provided with a one-year subscription to SELF magazine.


Alpha Phi Salutes Distinguished Alumnae Mary Murguia (Gamma Delta-Kansas) is a federal judge, the first Latina to sit on the U.S. District Court in Arizona.

From Humble Roots: Twin Sisters Follow Paths of Service By Meredith Laitos (Beta-Northwestern)

Janet and Mary Murguia (both Gamma Delta-Kansas) were born just six minutes apart. They attended the University of Kansas, joined Alpha Phi, earned double majors in journalism and Spanish and attended law school together. Today, their high power careers have taken them to separate ends of the U.S. – Mary is a federal judge in Phoenix, Ariz., and Janet is president and CEO of the National Council for La Raza (NCLR) in Washington, D.C. But both women hold true to the values and beliefs learned from an early age – family, faith, education, community and service – and incorporate them in their careers. The importance of family “Janet likes to remind everyone she’s the big sister,” jokes Mary. The identical twins were raised in Kansas City by hardworking parents who immigrated from Mexico. They are the youngest in a family of nine and grew up in a small house with no washer or dryer, only one bathroom and no phone until the twins were in seventh grade. “We didn’t realize what we didn’t have,” says Mary, “because there was so much my parents provided in terms of love and support.”


Though the twins came from humble roots, their community and parents provided them the tools they needed to succeed. Mary expresses her gratitude to the scholarships (including one from Alpha Phi Foundation), neighborhood support, public schools and public libraries that assisted her through college and beyond. “It would have been impossible to do what we did in any other country,” says Mary, “and we don’t take that lightly.” Janet agrees and further credits their parents. “I feel blessed by the example they set of hard work and a solid living environment. Our values have endured as we’ve gone on into our careers.” Both sisters feel their parents’ faith in God, hard work ethic and value of family and neighborhood were the elements that enabled their children to succeed. When the twins left for college in 1978 they remained close. After graduating from law school, they found themselves with careers that sent them in separate directions for the first time in their lives. Janet’s career sent her from Washington, D.C., to the University of Kansas and back again. Mary went west to Arizona. But the two stayed in close touch. Today, they often meet halfway, at their childhood home in

Kansas City. “J and I talk almost every day,” says Mary, using her nickname for Janet. “We have a really good relationship.” A career in giving back Navigating a career path came relatively easy to Mary Murguia. All her life she received support from her community, and she embraced an opportunity to give back. “Growing up, I saw law as a noble way to serve the community,” says Mary. After law school, Mary became assistant district attorney in Wyandotte County, Kan. She worked there five years before moving to Phoenix, Ariz., to serve as assistant U.S. attorney and criminal deputy chief in charge of the Violent Crime Section. In 1999, Attorney General Janet Reno requested that Mary join her in Washington, D.C., to serve as director of the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys in the Department of Justice. In this position, Mary was in charge of 270 employees and a billion dollar budget. She acted as a liaison between 5,000 assistant U.S. attorneys and the attorney general. “It was quite an amazing position,” she recalls. “I felt a lot of responsibility, and I wanted to represent myself well.”



Janet Murguia (Gamma Delta-Kansas) is the first female president and CEO of the largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the U.S.

Mary was then called to be a federal judge on the U.S. District Court in Phoenix, Ariz., a lifetime appointment. “I was chosen by President Clinton and approved by the United States Senate,” she says. “That was one of the most significant moments in my career.” This appointment was especially unique because Mary was the first Latina to become a federal judge in the district of Arizona. The implications of the nomination meant big shifts for the nation, and Mary was glad to see it happen. “I think it’s important that the bench reflects the people it serves,” she says. “There is a diverse population, so we should have a diverse bench.” Though she entered the position during a time when it was a predominately maledominated profession, Mary does not feel her gender has been an obstacle for her. “It’s a challenging position regardless of your gender,” she says. Mary has been a trailblazer for women and Latinas, illustrating how simple roots and hard work can produce an extraordinary person. Yet, when asked to pinpoint the most memorable part of her career, Mary credits, “the relationships and friendships I have made along the way. I have been very fortunate in my life.” FALL 2007

Passion for public service Janet Murguia shares Mary’s humble nature and passion for public service. “I am passionate about helping others,” says Janet, “and that’s been a common theme in all my work.” After law school, Janet received her first taste of public service as a legislative counsel to Kansas Congressman Jim Slattery. In 1994, Janet became deputy assistant to President Clinton, acting as an advisor to the president and liaison between the White House and Congress. When Clinton left office, Janet became the deputy campaign manager for the GoreLieberman 2000 presidential campaign. In 2001, Janet’s career path led her back home to Kansas. She became the executive vice chancellor for university relations at the University of Kansas, a position that allowed her to share her passion for higher education. “I have loved every job I’ve had,” says Janet. “Between Capitol Hill, the White House and the Gore campaign, I learned a lot that I was able to take back to my alma mater.” Her initiatives at KU included supporting the university’s diversity recruitment and retention rates and managing governmental interactions to

best increase funding. After four years, another opportunity arose for Janet in Washington, D.C. On Jan. 1, 2005, she was sworn in as the first female president and CEO of the largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the U.S., the National Council for La Raza. According to Janet, “NCLR exists to increase opportunities for Hispanics in the U.S. and give everyone a chance at realizing the American dream.” This is a point of passion for Janet because her family was able to realize that same dream. NCLR has more than 307 affiliates in 40 states. The organization advocates home ownership, health care accessibility and education for Hispanics who make up 15 percent of the American population. Janet says, “It’s an honor to be at the helm of an organization that has a record of service on behalf of Hispanic families.” As a woman and as a Latina, it would seem inevitable that Janet met adversity during her climb. But like Mary, Janet feels neither her gender nor ethnicity have gotten in the way of her persistent determination. “I have been fortunate to work with respectful, strong men who wanted to be around strong women,” Janet says. “Former Congressman Jim Slattery, PA G E F I V E

Janet Murguia, left, and Mary Murguia, right

Janet and Mary were reminded of the quality of these bonds during the summer when their mother fell ill while visiting Dallas and was in the intensive care unit for several days. An Alpha Phi sister living in Dallas, Debi Denninton (Gamma Delta-Kansas), learned of the situation and invited them and their family into her home until their mother was well again. “To know these friendships remain after so many years is something very special,” says Janet. “I hope everyone who is an Alpha Phi can relate.” Career advice

President Clinton, Vice President Gore and KU Chancellor Robert Hemenway all gave me great opportunities.” Roots in Alpha Phi The Murguias have a lot to be proud of in their careers. Still, both insist it has been the people who have made their journeys worthwhile. They say some of their fondest memories of their time at the University of Kansas are the friendships they made in Alpha Phi. “The relationships established with sisters in the sorority are still very rewarding even though distance and years have gone by,” says Janet.


Mary agrees, adding being in Alpha Phi was an opportunity to experience diversity. She appreciated that, “women came with different life experiences and were able to share and learn from each other’s commonalities and differences.” In addition, the Greek community provided opportunities for the sisters to serve in leadership roles in the chapter, on Panhellenic, student senate, student government and on various university task forces. To this day, the twins stay in close touch with several of their Alpha Phi sisters. Recently, they hosted a reunion in Arizona of old friends, many of whom are Alpha Phis.

Mary offers her advice to Alpha Phis, saying, “whatever profession you enter, you should do it because you think you might have fun with it – not because it’s going to be a way to make money.” She elaborates, “After that, whatever you do, do it with integrity. That’s going to be the key to your happiness.” Janet advocates education as the secret to success, agreeing with Mary, “The key is to get as much education as you can, then dream big dreams and go after them. Find work that is your passion, and pursue it.” With inspiring stories, exceptional careers, an abundance of close friends and family, and an appreciation for it all, Mary and Janet Murguia are two women we are proud to call sisters.



Alpha Phi Salutes Distinguished Alumnae Allison Cink Rickels (Epsilon Theta-Northern Iowa) is executive director/CEO of the FarmHouse Foundation, the first woman ED of a men’s fraternity educational foundation.

Alumna Makes History in Men’s Organization Allison Cink Rickels (Epsilon ThetaNorthern Iowa) is executive director/CEO of the FarmHouse Foundation (Kansas City, Mo.), serving as the first woman ED of a men’s fraternity educational foundation. She began the role in June 2007. In the FarmHouse Foundation’s 41-year history, Allison is only the second person to fill the position on a full-time basis. The FarmHouse Foundation is a 501(c)3 public educational foundation supporting the educational and leadership programs of the fraternity as well as providing scholarships to individual members for academic achievement. FarmHouse International Fraternity is a men’s international agriculturally-related fraternity founded in 1905 that seeks to build men intellectually, spiritually, socially, morally and physically. FarmHouse is located on 30 campuses throughout the United States and Canada, with 1,300 undergraduates and 20,000 living alumni. Allison has been part of the FarmHouse Foundation staff since July 2001, starting as the director of annual fund and communications, and more recently serving as the senior director of the annual fund and assistant secretary to the board of trustees. She also is the design editor for Pearls & Rubies, the fraternity’s quarterly FALL 2007

membership magazine. She played an integral role in the success of the foundation’s first-ever capital campaign, which raised $750,000 over their $4 million goal. “I am thrilled and honored to be chosen for this position,” says Allison. “It’s very exciting and progressive of our foundation trustees to choose me. I deeply care about and believe in FarmHouse, the foundation and its success. FarmHouse has amazing and dedicated alumni and undergraduates who I have the chance to work with, and I am extremely grateful for this unique opportunity.” “I believe in the fraternity and sorority experience,” says Allison. “Nowhere else during your college career can you have the opportunity to live, learn and lead with 30-100 of your peers and closest friends. My Alpha Phi experience shaped who I am today, and I continue to find value and relevance with it in my life on a daily basis. I continue to work for FarmHouse and volunteer with Alpha Phi because I want other students to have the same opportunities and be able to enhance not only their college experiences, but also their lives.” A native of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Allison graduated with honors in 2001 with a public relations major and marketing and

journalism minors. She earned the designation of Certified Fund Raising Executive in the fall of 2006 and is one of only 4,600 professionals to hold this international credential. Allison is a member and leader of the MidAmerica chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, currently serving on the chapter’s board of directors. She is secretary of the College Fraternity Editors Association (CFEA), the professional organization for those men and women who produce and edit magazines and other media for social and professional fraternities. She recently received CFEA’s Marilyn Simpson Ford Award for outstanding service to the association. Allison has served as an adviser to the Washburn (Upsilon) collegiate chapter and is active in the Greater Kansas City, Kan., alumnae chapter. She serves on the alumnae membership strategy committee and on the Quarterly’s editorial advisory board. She and her husband Nick live in Kansas City. Their first child was born in September. For more information about the FarmHouse Foundation, visit www.FarmHouse.org/foundation.htm. PA G E S E V E N

Alpha Phi is not something we were. It is something we are. The lifelong bond of sisterhood we share can’t be separated by years, time or distance. No matter where life has taken you, you are a part of the sisterhood of Alpha Phi. Each year, Alpha Phi depends on you to carry on the tradition of sisterhood by paying your International alumnae dues. This money directly supports the Fraternity’s programs and initiatives and allows Alpha Phi to deliver the support systems and services our members want. Some of these services include developing the Fraternity’s Web site to allow greater alumnae connectivity, improving services for local alumnae chapters’ leadership and partial funding for educational leadership consultants to visit collegiate chapters. This is just a small sampling of how your dues help Alpha Phi! Now is your opportunity to renew your bond as a woman, member and sister of Alpha Phi.

REMITTANCE SLIP ■ $26.35 Annual Dues. I want to pay my dues through June 30, 2008. ($29.78 Canadian) ■ $125 Five-Year Dues. I want to pay my dues through June 30, 2012. (141.25 Canadian) ■ $300 Lifetime Dues. I want to pay my dues for the rest of my lifetime! ($339 Canadian) PA G E E I G H T

Alpha Phi now offers alumnae three different payment options! • Select Annual Dues and pay $26.35. This payment includes your dues ($25) and your Founders’ Day pennies ($1.35). Your dues will be paid through June 30, 2008.

fits and privileges regardless of payment option. Benefits include a personalized Alumnae Membership Card, subscription to the award-winning Quarterly magazine, unlimited access to the Online Community and a host of corporate discounts.

• Select Five-Year Dues and pay $125. This payment includes your Founders’ Day pennies, and your dues will be paid through June 30, 2012.

How can I pay my International Alumnae Dues?

• Select Lifetime Dues and pay $300. This payment includes your Founders’ Day pennies and, your dues will be paid for the rest of your lifetime.

• Call 847.316.8940, and we’ll process your dues payment over the telephone.

All alumnae who pay their International Alumnae Dues will be afforded equal bene-

• Pay online using our secure Internet connection at www.alphaphi.org.

• Complete the alumnae dues form below and mail to: Alpha Phi Executive Office, Attn: International Alumnae Dues, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL, 60201.

■ Check enclosed ■ Please charge my credit card (please check one): ■ Visa ■ MasterCard ■ American Express ■ Discover










MEMBER ID# (See back of Quarterly)













Alumnae enjoy a Philadelphia Panhellenic luncheon.

Gamma Epsilon charter member Virginia Swanton, front row, left, stands with Lake Forest (Gamma Epsilon deuteron) graduating seniors during a senior tea in April.

Mid-Atlantic Region GREATER PHILADELPHIA, PA. Alumnae held their first book club meeting in March. They met at Mary Martell Mason’s (Beta Beta-Michigan State) home for tea, coffee, desserts and a discussion of The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. They combined treasures and gifts to build a gift basket for donation to the annual Panhellenic auction luncheon in April. Wine and a sunny summer day blended together for a wonderful excursion to a local winery in Chadds Ford, Pa. -Kati Greff (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve) and Peggy Inskeep Pastva (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State)


pastvaj@aol.com 610.489.1762 www.phillyphis.com PHILADELPHIA IVY CONNECTION, PA. Sisters attended a Philadelphia Panhellenic luncheon in April that included theme baskets, a silent auction and a raffle to benefit local community organizations. Other chapter highlights included happy hours, a fall executive board retreat, a quarterly chapter meeting and participation in a charity walk. -Camie O’Brian (Beta Omega-Kent State)

PHILADELPHIA IVY CONNECTION CONTACT: Shannon Dooley Pruce (Beta Nu deuteron-Duke) shannondooley@alumnae.alphaphi.org 215.307.0349 www.phillyivyconnection.com

North Central Midwest Region CHICAGO NORTHWEST SUBURBAN, ILL. Alumnae enjoyed a Casino Night and wine tasting events. The book club chose books for the coming year, and sisters celebrated summer with a family picnic. -Amy Lewkovich (Zeta Tau-Illinois State)


alewko@comcast.net 847.537.4878 www.alphaphichicagoalumnae.org FALL 2007


DUPAGE VALLEY, ILL. The highlight of spring was a 50th anniversary celebration luncheon in April at Arrowhead Golf Club in Wheaton, Ill. The theme was “Renew … Rejoice … Remember.” One of the chapter’s founders, Nancy Zinns Johnson (Beta-Northwestern), attended. Jan Infantino Kaskovich (Beta-Northwestern) and Shelley Bowers Schweitzer (Beta Delta-UCLA) coordinated the milestone event that included, among several other activities, the Promise Ceremony. -Debbie Drake Rutter (Omicron-Missouri)

DUPAGE VALLEY CONTACT: Molly Statz Sabatino (Omicron-Missouri) info@dupagealphaphi.org 630.208.4801 www.dupagealphaphi.org LAKE COUNTY, ILL. Alumnae began a lunch bunch social gathering that will be offered several times a year. The first was conducted in conjunction with a visit to a holiday bazaar at a local hospital. The annual holiday tea was held at the Seasons in Long Grove, Ill. Founders’ Day and an annual senior tea were enjoyed with Lake Forest (Gamma Epsilon deuteron) collegians. Alumnae supported several philanthropic events for collegians and other area alumnae chapters. -Sonja Bark Stunard (Delta Mu-Purdue)

LAKE COUNTY CONTACT: Barb Morgan Lichty (Delta Epsilon-Iowa) bslichty@sbcglobal.net 847.680.0284

Northeast Region METROWEST, MASS. Sisters completed a successful goodie bag fundraiser, led by Philanthropy Chair Karyn Brown (IotaWisconsin). Parents of New Hampshire (Eta Alpha) collegians purchased the bags that contained numerous items to help relax and prepare for exams. Proceeds benefited a scholarship fund. -Anne Mihalyfi Ristau (Theta-Michigan)

METROWEST CONTACT: Deborah Travers Abbott (Theta Beta-Bryant) webabbott@hotmail.com 508.881.0862 NYC METRO, N.Y. Alumnae painted pottery and enjoyed happy hour with Sigma Chi alumni. Together with the Fairfield County, Conn., alumnae chapter, they took a “Sex and the City” tour, which visited the New York spots where the television program was filmed. Some sisters participated in an American Heart Association® Heart Walk.® -Melissa Friedman (Eta Theta-San Francisco State)

NYC METRO CONTACT: Melissa Friedman

melissaf@alumnae.alphaphi.org 212.888.1601 RHODE ISLAND Rhody Phis began the year with an open house complete with a chocolate fountain. Heartfelt thanks to outgoing President Alyssa Cardi Tillier (Iota DeltaRhode Island) for her many years of dedicated service. Other events included an executive board retreat on Cape Cod and a relaxing evening of cocktails and chair massages at the home of President Gina Paolo Barrett (Theta Mu-Hofstra). -Kim Norton-O’Brien (Zeta Rho-Bentley)


president@rhodyphis.com 401.787.7781 www.rhodyphis.com

Pacific Northwest Region SILICON VALLEY/SOUTH BAY, CALIF. This year, Silicon Valley Phis became the largest Alpha Phi alumnae chapter in the U.S.! Sisters enjoyed bowling, building Easter baskets for a local shelter and the annual spring open house. A rummage sale in June raised $400. -Kim Cordoni LeGue (Eta Theta-San Francisco State) (continued on next page) PA G E N I N E






Melissa Friedman, Vivi Nguyen (Delta-Cornell) and Marsha Kwong (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) walk for the American Heart Association.®

Della Lickteig, left, poses with graduating senior Jen Daebler (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) during the senior recognition ceremony and legacy tea.

Alumnae gather at Geo Spencer’s Vineyard for an evening of desserts, wine and conversation.

(Silicon Valley/South Bay continued)

SILICON VALLEY/SOUTH BAY CONTACT: Anne Lewis Naragon (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) siliconvalleyphis@yahoo.com 408.866.7726 www.siliconvalleyphis.org

South Central Region WICHITA, KAN. The chapter hosted an annual Legacy Tea for legacies of all ages and recognition of Wichita State (Gamma Xi) graduating seniors. Hostesses for the event were Marcia McKee Weddle (Gamma XiWichita State), Shirley Clegg Dieker (Gamma XiWichita State), Barbara Buntemeyer Basinger (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney), Michelle Meier Smith (Gamma Xi-Wichita State), Dalene Blanton Peavey (Gamma Xi-Wichita State), Della O’Hara Lickteig (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) and Gretchen Brant Hoobler (Gamma Xi-Wichita State). Sisters attended the annual Wichita Alumnae Panhellenic scholarship tea. Dalene Blanton Peavey (Gamma XiWichita State) worked hard behind the scenes for this event. A Sloppy Joe fundraiser hosted with the Gamma Xi house corporation board raised $500. Alumnae helped collegians prepare for formal recruitment with a mock recruitment day. -Shirley Dieker


mcweddle@cox.net 316.722.8001 www.wichita.edu/alphaphi KANSAS CITY, MO., METROPOLITAN Sisters enjoyed a girls’ day out at Bathmatics and Beads, where they made their own fragrances and put them into shampoos, lotions and perfumes. They enjoyed a wine tasting hosted by Spring Time Wines. Alumnae and spouses drank martinis, ate great food and participated in a silent auction that benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. Other events included a summer


garage sale and annual kick-off barbecue in August.

-Bethany Brown (Phi-Oklahoma)

-Jennifer Toth Voyles (Theta Lambda-Central Missouri)


KANSAS CITY, MO., METROPOLITAN CONTACT: Angie Jeffries (Theta Lambda-Central Missouri) ajeffries@alumnae.alphaphi.org 816.878.3630

Beth Brown

KEARNEY, NEB. Alumnae hosted an Italian-themed senior send off dinner and a Phi family picnic. Jessica Goebel (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney) attended Alpha Phi International’s Alumnae Chapter College (ACC) in June. Sisters enjoyed a local concert in the park in August.

banders@flash.net 405.364.0263 AUSTIN, TEXAS The chapter enjoyed dinner and shopping at the Domain, Austin’s newest shopping venue. A family outing to a Round Rock Express baseball game was in April. -Jen Kuhn Kinman (Omega-Texas)


-Jessica Goebel

Rosalie Smith Galliver (Omega-Texas)


alphaphi-rg@galliver.cx 512.263.9180

Jessica Goebel

Jessica.Goebel@astrazeneca.com 308.293.0573 GREATER TULSA, OKLA. June was the annual pool party and an officer retreat. Members were honored to have South Central Region Alumnae Membership Coordinator Betty Jo Ferraro Fuller (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate) attend the event. GTAA now has its own Web site. -Cheri Hinton Quillen (Delta Rho-Ball State)

DALLAS AND SUBURBAN, TEXAS The annual auction and lawn party fundraiser, held at Brandi Reaves’ (Epsilon Omega deuteron-Texas A&M) home, raised more than $3,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. In May, sisters gathered at Sarah O’Leary Lynch’s (Gamma Sigma-Wisconsin/Stout) home for a Bunco night to raise funds for local collegiate support. In June, sisters relaxed and blended custom bath products at Bath Junkie in Plano, Texas.


-Jennifer MacDonald Cole (Gamma Eta-North Texas)

Sarah Jane Hopkins Mouttet (Zeta Nu-Texas

DALLAS AND SUBURBAN CONTACT: Heather Bastin Guild (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) heather@heatherguild.com 214.599.0392

Christian) mouttet@sbcglobal.net 918.494.5968 www.alphaphitulsa.com

FORT WORTH, TEXAS OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. Alumnae participated in the American Heart Association® Heart Walk® and raised $1,100. This year’s Oklahoma City Panhellenic Woman of the Year was Oklahoma City (Delta Delta) chapter adviser and OKC treasurer Randa Ogletree (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City); she was honored for her service to the Fraternity. A family picnic was held with the Norman alumnae chapter at President Beth Anderson Brown’s (PhiOklahoma) home. Alumnae helped Oklahoma (Phi) and Delta Delta chapters with recruitment.

Brenda Dolenz Helmer (Omega-Texas) hosted the May meeting. Also in May, Tammy Dossey Schreiber (Epsilon Omega-Texas A&M), Pat Thurmond VanMeter (Gamma Eta-North Texas), Cassie Gordon (Gamma Eta-North Texas) and Susan Stone (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian) represented the chapter at the JPS Hospital ceremony presenting the Alpha Phi-McFerrin Gold Stethoscope Award for nursing excellence. Forty nurses





Alumnae raise more than $1,000 for the American Heart Association.®

Sisters attend a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game in Roger Dean Stadium.

were recognized this year. The new executive board held a planning session in July. -Nadine Troll Parsons (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian)

FORT WORTH CONTACT: Tammy Farris Gordon (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian) farrisandgordon@msn.com 817.735.1784 www.angelfire.com/tx4/aphi HOUSTON, TEXAS Sisters attended the annual Houston Alumnae Panhellenic Association’s luncheon and style show to raise money for Houston collegiate scholarships. Linda Shraub Ray (Omega-Texas) was one of the models. Mothers, daughters and sisters enjoyed a lovely garden party in May. Younger alumnae have been actively joining the ivy circle and meeting for happy hours and

dinners every month. The new board spent the summer planning a great 2008 calendar. Visit the chapter’s recently redesigned Web site for details. -Amy Ciaccio (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech)

Nov. 10, alumnae hope to be the best represented sorority at the Panhellenic luncheon at Oceanside Country Club. A Heart Month luncheon is scheduled for Feb. 2, 2008, at the Halifax River Yacht Club.


-Linda Lampman Foreman (Pi-North Dakota)

Sally Anne Schmidt Gutting (Zeta Omicron


deuteron-Johns Hopkins) sallya@rice.edu 713.723.2272 www.houston-alphaphi.org

Linda Foreman

Southeast Region DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. The executive board planned the calendar for 2007-08. A traditional Founders’ Day ceremony will be held at the Ormond Heritage on Oct. 13 at 11:30 a.m. On


lindaforeman@bellsouth.net 386.671.0446 GREATER FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. Alumnae ended the 2006-07 season with a box lunch auction in May. Members were excited to see much higher attendance of Barry (Theta Omega) collegians and recent graduates at recent alumnae events. -Michelle Rand Morse (Alpha-Syracuse)

GREATER FORT LAUDERDALE CONTACT: Susie Ferrara Turmes (Beta Tau-Indiana) susieturmes@yahoo.com 954.723.0682 JACKSONVILLE FIRST COAST, FLA. In May, the chapter planned their fall calendar at a gathering at a local restaurant. -Dawn Inglis Montgomery (Zeta Iota-Virginia)

JACKSONVILLE FIRST COAST CONTACT: Kathy Lechner (Alpha Lambda-Alumnae Initiate) epictt@aol.com 904.771.0224 www.geocities.com/jax_alphaphi PALM BEACH AND TREASURE COAST, FLA. The chapter enjoyed lunch at Brio’s Tuscan Grille, a wine tasting at Wine Styles and a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game at Roger Dean Stadium in Jupiter, Fla. Plans for the fall include a Founders’ Day event at a local art gallery, participation in the American Heart Association® Heart Walk® and attending the Flamingo Park holiday home tour. -Nancy Smythe (Beta-Northwestern) When the Alpha Phi Foundation turned 50 last year, East Carolina (Delta Alpha) alumnae decided to follow suit and hosted a 50th birthday celebration for their sisters who graduated between 1978-80. The group met at Ann Thompson Ritter’s home at Atlantic Beach, N.C., for a fun-filled beach and spa weekend.

FALL 2007

(continued on next page)






Alumnae enjoy a spring buffet.

Alumnae and Gamma Kappa graduating seniors enjoy brunch at the Long Beach Yacht Club.

(Palm Beach and Treasure Coast continued)

PALM BEACH AND TREASURE COAST CONTACT: Nancy Stair Stainback (Gamma Nu-Miami University) nstainback@comcast.net 561.744.8210 GREENVILLE AREA, N.C. Alumnae have plans to alternate luncheon and dinner meeting dates to allow more alumnae to participate. A welcome back luncheon for East Carolina (Delta Alpha) collegians was held in August. Plans are in the making for Founders’ Day and casual gatherings around Greenville.

alumni magazine in an article celebrating alumni weddings in the UR chapel. Four members participated in the Monument Avenue 10K run: Kathy Molnar Medwid (Delta Alpha-East Carolina), Sandra Yens (Eta Iota-Pennsylvania), Judith Boyd Cogburn (Delta NuMaine) and Anne Pyles Pryor (Eta Pi-Richmond). Patricia Dann Loyde (Eta Pi-Richmond) was named president of the University of Richmond Alumni Association.


-Krissie Gatti (Eta Pi-Richmond)


alumni@richmondalphaphi.com 804.706.1329 www.richmondalphaphi.com

-Gail Burton Joyner (Delta Alpha-East Carolina)


earmom@yahoo.com 252.756.0501 NORTHERN VIRGINIA The chapter continued to work with American Legion Auxiliary Unit 270 to provide support for its Angels of Mercy, No Soldier Left in Need and Angels in Iraq programs. The lunch bunch and book club groups met throughout the year. They enjoyed many successful events including dining out with families, a wine tasting, joint brunch with the ivy connection and spring buffet. -Elizabeth Barber LeDoux (Sigma-Washington)


eledoux@alumnae.alphaphi.org 703.971.7434 www.alphaphi-va.org RICHMOND/CENTRAL VIRGINIA The chapter met with the Virginia Peninsula alumnae chapter to enjoy lunch and a tour of the Chrysler Art Museum in Norfolk, Va. The annual summer restaurant series visited restaurants in various parts of the city. Amy Smithwick Boyle (Eta Pi-Richmond) and her husband were featured in the University of Richmond


Southwest Region LONG BEACH, CALIF. Alumnae and CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) collegians participated in Valentine’s Day philanthropy projects at a local children’s hospital, including decorating the recreation room and making arts and crafts with patients. The chapter continues to donate needed items and to raise money for additional projects. Alumnae surprised Gamma Kappa graduating seniors by inviting them to a pizza party. The event kicked off the chapter’s Phi Friends program, in which a graduating senior is paired with an alumna. Alumnae also invited graduating seniors to brunch at the Long Beach Yacht Club in April. Each senior was presented with gifts and praises and encouraged to join their local alumnae chapter. -Rachael Harrison Lingle (Theta-Michigan)

LONG BEACH CONTACT: Norma Gill Kolb (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach) nkolb@earthlink.net 562.596.9866 NORTHERN NEVADA Alumnae announce the opening of their new chapter and extend an invitation to Northern Nevada region alumnae to join the fun. The first meeting was May 17. Upcoming events include a wine tasting, family picnic

Alpha Phi International once again hosted 12 alumnae chapter presidents at the Executive Office June 8-10 for a weekend of training just for women in leadership roles in their local alumnae chapters. The historical Executive Office (EO) provided an inspiring backdrop to develop new skills, gain ideas, meet new people, renew friendships, network with other alumnae and determine the future of their alumnae chapters. This training opportunity was first presented at Alpha Phi’s 2004 Convention, and we are proud and pleased to offer it every year – both at Convention and at the EO during off-Convention years. Facilitators for this training weekend included Director of Alumnae Membership Cindy Day Erwin and Program Manager of Alumnae Membership Alissa Meyer Milito (Zeta XiElmhurst) and Alumnae Membership Coordinators Betty Jo Ferraro Fuller (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate) and Molly Statz Sabatino (OmicronMissouri).

at beautiful Lake Tahoe and an ornament exchange in December. -Janis Bryn Mitchell McCubbins (Delta GammaNorthern Colorado)





Alumnae collect toiletries and assemble toiletry kits for a local women’s shelter.

Alumnae enjoy a coffee break during their June meeting.

NORTHERN NEVADA CONTACT: Fabienne Henry Hansen (Beta Psi-San Jose State) nevadaalphaphi@yahoo.com 775.972.0746 ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. Alumnae collected $250 in contributions during their Heart luncheon in February; the money benefited the local American Heart Association® affiliate. Members participated in the Albuquerque Metropolitan Panhellenic Spring Fling in March that benefited scholarship funding. Sisters enjoyed an annual State Day luncheon at the Albuquerque Country Club during the spring. -Phyllis Swartz Wilson (Delta Upsilon-Baldwin-Wallace)

CLEVELAND EAST SIDE, OHIO The May meeting at Barbara Tamer Toman’s (Beta Omega-Kent State) home was the annual ice cream social. The year-end picnic was held in June at Rea Dawson Wedekamm’s (Beta Iota-West Virginia) home.

COLUMBUS, OHIO Alumnae enjoyed a tour of the Ohio State (Rho) chapter house in September. They looked forward to celebrating Founders’ Day in October with Rho collegians and jewelry making in November.

-Nora Davis Kieser (Beta OmegaKent State)

-Judith Lossing Callander (Gamma Nu-Miami University)

CLEVELAND EAST SIDE CONTACT: Jamie Krovontka (Epsilon Iota-Duquesne) eddie117@hotmail.com 440.823.4499

COLUMBUS CONTACT: Judith Callander

judith.callander@sbcglobal.net 614.939.0438


ALBUQUERQUE CONTACT: Jo Fox Pendery (Rho-Ohio State) mpendery01@msn.com 505.256.1837

Upper Midwest Region ASHLAND AREA, OHIO Sisters met and assembled goodie bags for Ashland (Epsilon Alpha) collegians; this fundraising event sold 40 bags that were delivered during a chapter meeting prior to final exams. The chapter’s May meeting was held at Willo’dell Garden and Nursery. -Debby Bryden Gray (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland)

ASHLAND AREA CONTACT: Taryn Gallik Stover (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) tgallik@richnet.net 419.756.4133 CINCINNATI, OHIO Alumnae wrapped up another great year of programming. They hosted a third annual manicure and pedicure night. A family picnic in the park included a visit to Cincinnati’s Krohn Conservatory. They also enjoyed an end-of-the-year dinner. -Chandra Yungbluth (Gamma Nu-Miami University)


Singer/songwriter Kat Parsons (Beta-Northwestern), seated center, performs for alumnae sisters during a house concert in San Francisco, Calif. Pictured with Kat are (from left): Jill Flewitt (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate), Jennifer Lessner Dandin (Iota Gamma-University of the Pacific), Madeleine Wisniewski Holt (Eta Delta-CSU/ East Bay), Annie Celada Kwong (Eta Delta-CSU/East Bay) and Kate Boyle Halfon (Eta Delta-CSU/East Bay).

cyungbluth@fuse.net 513.659.8711 FALL 2007



DAYTON, OHIO The Move Your Phi’t walk for the Alpha Phi Foundation was a success. Shelley Tarleton (Gamma Nu-Miami University) led the pack around the Home Run Hike throughout downtown Dayton. Walkers and their families braved the impending rain. The walk raised $120 for the Alpha Phi Foundation.

Sisters Reunite with Housemates

-Ann Bale (Delta Pi-Indiana U. of Pennsylvania)

DAYTON CONTACT: Meredith Long Florkey (Beta Omicron-Bowling

Green State) mlflorkey@woh.rr.com 937.902.3808

alumnae chapters

MISSING ALUMNAE Do you have information about a missing alumna? Visit www. alphaphi.org/alumnae_info/ alumnaeinfo.html to help us locate “lost” alumnae.

Alpha Phi International is excited to announce alumnae chapters and ivy connections are forming in the following areas:

Ten sisters who lived together in the Sacramento State (Epsilon Gamma) chapter house in the 1990s continue to reunite once a year. Most recently, they met in February in Clearlake, Calif.

Sisters Enjoy Fun in the Sun

1976 Iowa (Delta Epsilon) members meet in Florida to soak up the sun.

Eta Lambdas Plan Special Dinners

Alumnae Chapters (alumnae of all ages) California Napa Canada Ottawa-Gatineau Colorado Fort Collins Illinois Peoria Indiana Fort Wayne Iowa Cedar Rapids Maryland Frederick Michigan Detroit North Missouri Columbia, Jefferson City New Jersey Central New Jersey New York Nassau County, Suffolk County Pennsylvnia Lehigh Texas El Paso Ivy Connections (alumnae 10 years out of college and younger) Michigan Saginaw

Alpha Phi International seeks alumnae who are interested in forming alumnae chapters and ivy connection in the following areas: Lexington, Ky. Edmond, Okla. Knoxville, Tenn. Columbia, S.C.

Mississippi Portland, Ore. Memphis, Tenn.

Please contact Alissa Meyer Milito (Zeta XiElmhurst) at amilito@alphaphi.org if you are interested in getting involved with any of these chapters or starting a chapter in your area.


Sisters from George Mason (Eta Lambda) enjoy a semi-annual dinner date.

Omicrons Celebrate Birthdays



“As a sorority girl at Mizzou, I met some of my closest friends in the house,” says Jill Waldrop (Omicron-Missouri). “We were roommates, we were bridesmaids for each other, we were there for each other when babies were born and now, 20 years later, we’re still the best of friends. Although we are separated by 2000 miles, we’re only a phone call or an e-mail away.” These women most recently celebrated this connection – and their 40th birthdays – with a vacation to Rocky Point, Mexico. They spent four days in the sun, on the beach and in the ocean laughing and reminiscing about college days. The group had so Pictured are (from left) Stacey VanDyke Kammerer, much fun they plan a girls trip Amy Jordan Tvrdik, Sara Keltner Ellis, Jill Waldrop and to Las Vegas in 2008. They hope Angela Weyerich Lieb. more sisters can join the next trip.



Congratulations 25-, 50-, 65- and 75-year Sisters! Alpha Phi salutes the following women who celebrate a significant anniversary of sisterhood during 2007. We recognize these members of Alpha Phi for 25 (initiated in 1982), 50 (initiated in 1957), 65 (initiated in 1942) and 75 years (initiated in 1932) of membership. Congratulations also goes to 10-year sisters (initiated in 1997).

25-YEAR MEMBERS Looking for a way to celebrate your 25-year anniversary of sisterhood? Would you like to honor an alumna’s 25-year anniversary with a recognition pin and/or certificate? To order, visit www.alphaphi.org, e-mail alumnae@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8940. Editor’s Note: Chapters may not be listed because they did not exist at the time (e.g., chapters were closed or not yet established).

Alpha LambdaAlumnae Initiates Roseann Cleary Clifford Susan Shumway Mortimer Alpha-Syracuse Elizabeth Cooper Fuselier Jacquelyn French Janet MacPherson Sweeney Murta Mulligan Jeanne Polcaro Dion Mary Ravasio Minard Colleen Sheehy Glynn Susan Stanik Ellen Zitis Beta-Northwestern Leslie Aldendifer Delany Tanees Bhatti Kimbra De Feo Walter Amanda Emmet Vincich Jeanne Goldberg Ann Judge Domeck Jennifer Miller Eileen Novins Masciale Anne Pharo Gassel Elizabeth Pongracic Lisa Sopata Brogan J. Torres Janice Trelogan

Wendy Miller Goh Susan Montgomery Basiti Christine Nitzsche Go Marjorie Olt Mertz Helene Plotka Anne Roberge Patricia Rougeux George Linda Ryan Lois Sachleben Groth Susan Schaefer Kliman Margaret Smith Catherine Stockinger Tammy Tobin-Janzen Cynthia Wilcox Linda Yetter Brothers Janice Ziegler Epsilon-Minnesota Amy Asta Cathi Coleman Theodore Carol Grabowski Roxanne Hellman Wojan Michelle Hutchiso Georgia Kent Kerns Michele Maesaka Dorenkamp Mary Mattison Barbara McCarthy Plunkett Susan McNamara Pamela Salovich Smith Barbara Sieve Hansen Elizabeth Taddey Peters

Gamma-DePauw Terri Ambach Todt Kalen Carty Kemker Emily Cline Michelle Crowley Wendelin Dutton Kyle Ericson Wilson Debra Gall Roberts Leslie Haney Steskal Mary Hunter Wedding Jenny Izenstark Mary Kennedy McGriff Katherine Koman Evans Patricia Lilly Kenter Jennifer Lindamood Darnall Susan Sampson Riefe Angeline Shaneff Protogere Elizabeth Stiles Calder Sally Utterback Abarr Leslie White

Theta-Michigan Beth Ambs Clark Elaine Battel Kamradt Patricia Broderick Cook Patrice Czapski Molly Devine Bachrodt Maureen Finley Kaplan Sandra Gibson Tindall Suzanne Heinlen Green Jacqueline Landin Anderson Diane Larson-Robillard Diana Lowry Andrea Rasnick Susan Savage Andreae Taylor Waanders Sandra Valentine Henderson Kelly Wentworth Roberts Kimberly Zisholz Greenwald

Delta-Cornell Elizabeth Alvarez del Castillo Sharon August Eileen Bartol Patricia Bogen Janine Bouchar Deborah Cluff Carolyn D’Ambrosio Marcy Dubroff Michele Goldberg Dorothy Hong Peggy Kelly Toili Kong Amy Kovar Resnik Heidi Lane Elise Lincoln Meyer

Iota-Wisconsin Lori Andrews Sharpe Emily Bergsland Sheryl Borgeson Mellin Caroline Carver Schmidt Jennifer Christiaansen Wabers Debra Dombrow Chernak Kim Lietzke Linehan Sheila Lindell Krpan Kimberly Matthews Young Caroline McConnell Robin Meister Karen Moore Susan Neville Schmitz Heather O’Meara Kathryn Pierce

FALL 2007

Cathy Schwenn Wahlgren Susan Spiegelberg Schuldes Margaret Wojcik Wartman Kappa deuteronStanford Anne Bruner Nash Nancy Goldfarb Mary Keshishian Boesiger Margaret Moore Lynn Rothman Lisa Stern Casey Barbara Yates Sonner Lambda-UC/Berkeley Melissa Arlen Brady Stephanie Bell Ilana Brotman Amy Burns Caryn Cade Moir Elise Collins Elizabeth Cronin Molly Dinneen Joyce Gardiner Filatreau Melissa Hippard Adrienne Hubbs Leslie Kardos Maureen Loty Maria Martinez Jodi Parsons Dufrane Elizabeth Riley Lynne Rutter Tara Ryan Rochlin Christine Smith Bush Laura Walker Dunlop Michelle Zabor Nu-Nebraska Rebecca Barlow Givens Roxanne Bushey Manning Susan Busskohl Karen Clifford Freche Lisa Clinch Lori Cronk Davidsaver Mary Donley Davis Christine Donnelly Haase Lisa Falconer Anne Focht Brown Lisa Gass Parramore Genenne Gibson Didier Karen Harm Kuster Sandra Haschke Magnuson Susan Hayes Kathryn Hergenrader Folts Karen Johnson Rathke Connie Johnson Morrow JoAnne Leimbeck Davis Sarah Mead Elizabeth Moore Hulett Laura Morgan Wood Valerie Moser Bergo Amy Nelson Hruska Shari Olsen Fortson Elizabeth Prinz Gier Sherry Robinson Reinert Anne Rothfuss Kutilek Susan Ruder Abbott Laura Snyder Weber Janet Yates Helgoth

Xi-Toronto Heather Auld Elizabeth Bean Catherine Carmichael Adolphe Tracy Dalglish Omicron-Missouri Terri Burton Thompson Catherine Cole Johnson Jeanne Connolly Kohlberg Renee Dowd Guirguis Julie Green O’ReillyChapman Cathryn Heyman Christine Hoemann Striker Marie Hofmeister Parisot Kay Kniep Kaempfe Debora Miller Jo Moore Berger Carol Musgrave Schwent Karen Offerjost Dickey Peggy Orenick Clarkson Amy Post Linda Salfrank Lisa Swenson Stanton Nancy Theissen Peters Melissa Waugh Carla Zimmerschied Hunter Pi-North Dakota Cendee Arnold Palmer Nancy Barnhardt Christensen Tracy Braund Green Sharon Brossart Grassel Diane Dunlap Thiem Cathy Hennes Parish Lesley Johnson Erickson Patricia Langlie Joan LeClerc Vartanian Leanne Ringgenberg Montgomery Paula Rohde Stuart Becky Roth Kinglsey Kari Standke Dehn Jean Whitman Rho-Ohio State Cynthia Belcher Lisa Belkin Christine Cimoroni Nancy DeLapa Keny Christine Drake Bichsel Jacqueline Englehart Rosenberger Nancy Evans Nancy Ford Darnell Carol Hartranft Kastory Joanne Kreinbrink Menard Deborah Lewis Kathleen Oberliesen Feegel Carla Polko Hull Kathy Rosen Trattner Kathryn Sharrock Maureen Sweeney Janelle Wachinger Obergfell Kristin Watt Jean Wiltberger Drake

Sigma-Washington Kristi Giles Mary Impett Susan Judkins Stamnes Susan Mahoney Anne Patterson Curcio Pamela Pruss Moffat Deborah Robinso Heidi Schmakeit Mara Carol Schmidt Laura Stocker Blanchard Lauren Terk Heidi Ulbricht Nancy White Tau-Oregon Julie Bergheer Jamie Brunk Buffington Caroline Hoogewerff Hart Kathy Keppinger Stephanie Monso Pamela Notos Scanlan Dawn Nussmeier Lanier Suzanne Payne Slauson Laurie Sisco Fair Elizabeth Thompson MacPherson Dorothy Vaught Upsilon-Washburn Rebecca Burroughs Nash Elizabeth Castaneda Algiene Katherine Fechter Corwin Debra Johannes Trautman Kelly Wondra Phi-Oklahoma Deanna Allred Howard Debra Birnie Caywood Julie Blake Strauss Eve Boeke Donaven S. Bohon Lanoue RaLayna Brady Hurley Suzanne Butler McMaster Shelley Canada Jennings Juliann Cataldi Bednar Tanya Cress Washburn Mechell Dugan Prince Kimberlee Edwards Williams Susan Engles Tammy Griffin Higginbotham Penny Hall Cooper Maureen Hughes Te-Ruki Michele Hurley Quiroga Kari Kerby Swan Kynda Knoblock Houara Marla Milner Wear Elaine Mooney Jackson Laura Morse Cathleen Moss Jones Terrie Neal Hanson Glenna Pafford Stockard Marla Rains Drake Kris Sampson Abell Shannon Scott Flego Mary Shanks Spitz Pamela Williams Elizabeth Woodward Hughes

Tamara Becker Stern Nancy Bierschbach Block Karen Dains Barbara Eggers Pries Kim Endres Francis Kim Feldhaus Theresa Hanson Grosvenor Jodie Herrold Rebecca Jorgenson Leslie Kayser Rubbelke Rita Kujawa Endres Jane Lewis Lori Marso Michelle Peterson Gholl Lisa Richmond Tracy Weiner Omega-Texas Elizabeth Boles Sanders Amy Bruno Vickie Clark Karen Compton Whitsell Zelda Cook Julie Cox Jacobs Jami Culver Lynn Dittert Jean Flanagan Joest Sheryl Grass Susan Hartley Zellmer Kimberly Horstmann Obennosksy Bernadette Huff Johnson Misty Johnson Fisher Karol Keils-Harrison Tina Kelley Farmer Karen Kimbell Jones Stacey McWilliams Kubiak Susan Million Kathy Nemir Smith Allison Nester Drury Jennifer Ogden Anglin Karen Ostrom Meister Nancy Park Graham Christine Quatro Ott Janet Roach Rod Perla Sarabia Johnson Allison Sliva Victoria VanDuzee Interrante Beta Alpha-Illinois Stacey Abeles Sweetman Alice Aubel Marcy Barrett Barbara Brewer Ceruti Cathy Carr Kathleen Chrystal Myroslava Dziuk Susan Hutchinson Carson Heidi Krautwurst Tennant Annette Parro Carter Mary Pusateri Debby Roberts Correnti Eileen Sexton Forrest Susan Sweeney Guilmette Melissa Tjelta Childs Carrie Worley

Mary Maddox Currie Susan McElroy Smith Valerie McGlone Mary Osip Robin Papranec Seniura Lynn Pekkala Root Kathryn Purcell Schultz Gina Rongaus Berchtold Virginia Scott Wilson Kim Van Cleave Mulligan Julie Walker Cameron Melissa Watson Margaret Wendland Nixon Monique Zonca Doidge Beta Delta-UCLA Abby Alleman Sheryl Baker Bergeson Lenette Ball Lori Bardwil Shackel Rhonda Basham Andrews Linda Brown Joanna Burstein Besser Jennifer Coyle Megan Dobrott Wong Kelly Ellis Faith Esterson Erin Ferguson Mayall Denise Gelfand Lisa George Hukari Ann Good Janet Henriksen Hershey Laurie Holmes Dunn Pamela Hosegood Sally Hugh Van Ingen Rena Kashmere Kerstin Kemper Lodman Kathy Kostyzak Coyle Nancy Lange Burnett Andrea Lefitz Gootnick Jeanne Magoffin Barbara Merrill Moore Deborah Morgan Elizabeth Moussouros Lisa Ohtomo Rosalind Scholey Murray Julie Schwarz Reisz Susan Selecky Armstrong Danna Sigal Leslie Simon Diane Song Amy Thompson Christine Wenzel Fults Diana Wilson Leary Sharon Woo Beta Epsilon-Arizona Karen Bowles Arnold Charla Brisby Berens Paula Brisby Hann Pamela Eaton Margaret Fallon Catherine Faulkner Lindsey Florez Virginia Gillilland Katherine Haug Marcia Landman Blazer Gina Livermore Susan McDaniel Lisa Neutrelle Connacher Judy Newell Schultz Christye Oden Giselle OGrady Marie Olsen Cobb Amy Phillips Kirsten Richmond Fulkerson Stacy Talper Amy Tinkelman Connolly Margaret Wimmer

Tina Egeland Metivier Martha Ellis Gwin Amy Gerhard Sheila Rees Brown Mary Savage Laver Terry Schurter Medley Benita Weimer Nelson Beta Eta-Manitoba Elizabeth Bjornson MacIver Wendy Forrest Ratel Jacqueline Ryz Melnyk Lorinda Wakin Lacey Susan Waters Lynn Williams Beta ThetaBritish Columbia Fiona Horgan Naomi Roddick Megan Ryan Carley Beta Iota-West Virginia Jeanette Albrecht Flowers Janet Blackwell Tedrick Paula Codo Julie Conners Randolph Cynthia Hall Culley Carol Hont Pasquariello Sharon Kalo Tzavaras Susan Keatley DeValdes Diane Kichty Byerly Elizabeth Lewis Kitty Long Kiser Kimberly Rishel Tetrick Rebecca Schell Strothers Kathy Staddon Blass Martha Sydnor Pechauer Lisa Tucker Overbey Elizabeth Weinstein Beta Lambda-Rollins Louise Anselmo Jennifer Feltel Voss Jennifer Lowe Melanie Moody Grey Squires Binford Beta OmicronBowling Green State Mary Bennett Flynn Rebecca Bertsch McDevitt Annette Conrad Dombrosky Kathy Durig Sullivan Carlene Feltner Cathy Fiedman Strmac Stacey Forsch Lane Beverly Guthery Kready Mary Howe Davis Kimberly James Dent Jean Kaloz Voorhis Lisa Mecca Davis Julie Miller Konzen Jamie Nathanson Nunnelly Kimberly Neutzling Rothgery Susan Oleff Pohle Renee Palmer Courey Susan Schmidt Christian Suzanne Sedor Mary Stevens Bunsey Judith Topp Meier Elizabeth Treece Hoover Johnna Walter

25 Chi-Montana Maura Cooney Dawn Craven Lochridge Christen Crimmel Shannon Finney Denison Rebecca Good Agamenoni Kim Hagen Gwendolyn Werre Psi-South Dakota Paula Allmendinger Scicluna

Beta BetaMichigan State Meg Brady Kathy Broock Ballard Brenda Brunwasser Southworth Elizabeth Carey Sleutel Lauri Cook Prescott Lynn Cooney Michelsen Julie Dinger Richland Ruth Feldman Margaret Good Colosimo Tammy Gruner Durbin Susan Herrmann Brewster Patricia Hixon Campbell

Beta Zeta-Idaho Debra Carnes May Amy Combs Sabens Deanna Cook Warner Lisa Dyson

Beta Pi-USC Pamela Anderson Rhodes Gina Arico Smith Lisa Braman Lesinski Stacey Brault Elizabeth Bugbee Wolfer Colleen Coates Israel


CONGRATULATIONS 10-YEAR SISTERS! You are now eligible to purchase a special anniversary pin from the Executive Office to celebrate this milestone. The 10-year pin features a bold Roman numeral X in brushed silver with a delicate ivy vine entwined around it. The Greek letters ΑΦ are engraved on the front of the pin. The cost is $35, plus $5 for shipping and handling. A 10-year member certificate is free with each pin order. However, certificates may be ordered individually for $10 each, plus $5 for shipping and handling. To order, visit www.alphaphi.org, e-mail alumnae@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8940.

Kacee Colter Sharon Detwiller Gartland Beverly Fong Devon Gibson Lori Giovenco Abernathy Lisa Goodwin Michael Colleen Jordan Hallinan Kathleen Kristof Tamara Lewis Lisa Liese Lissa Lund Holmes Denise Manuel McGee Jana Norris Aloma Park Avery Elizabeth Rusnak Ann Shinnick Melissa Spralding Lee Suzanne Surtee Audrey Tepper Aronsohn Beta RhoWashington State Cynthia Elsener Kristin Falk Roberts Lois Fowler Mears LuJeana Giangrasso Murphy Karlen Gieche Pitz Saralyn Hanford Henderson Carrie Kenyon Jo Longway Reinhardt Elizabeth Rollings Schrotenboer Sherry Smith Chapman Michele Westin Sharon Whittier Beta Tau-Indiana Patricia Aldridge Sapp Diane Boone Meakem Diana Clark Brown Catherine Crump VonderHaar Lynn Fettig Malson Brenda Glock Tamara Harding Sreniawski Dawn Haye Tracy Kaufman Luke Laurie Lambert Swift Michelle Lang Patton


Catherine Lazic Schuler Babbie Melchert Easter Jill Nikirk Goodmon Laura Parry Lisa Pugh Pogue Susan Schnackel Cross Judith Schneider Mulcahy Sherry Snyder Monesmith Susan Wenzler O’Regan Beta UpsilonOregon State Suzanne Allore Amanda Bakke Cristin Carey Ricker Kathleen Darling Arntson Cynda Hagan Weaver Karen Lokting Montgomery Susan McGregor Marci Mick Trahern Anne Moller McCallister Kathleen Nippolt Ruth Schmidt Watkins Kim Simpson McCord Jennifer Tantau Humcke Elizabeth Tindle Maura White Cioeta Deanna Zarosinski Shields Kathryn True Beta PsiSan Jose State Diana Borella Mary Bostic Malysz Lynn Bowles Barbara Carusa Debra Dehn Hunt Christine Harmon Spanier Colette Kirkes Haro Jane Millslagle Katherine Norseen Polvorosa Erin ODoherty Julia Sheehan Anya Triola Meissner Ann Weaver Barros Mary Wickersham Theresa Zaballos

Beta Omega-Kent State Beth Elffers Gilmore Kelly Jones Atherton Patricia Kostensky Shipman Beth Kovacs Weenink Aime Schlaudecker Beebe Doreen Smith Andrea Snyder Stiner Babs Soranno Troy Summers Kucera Kathleen Swinehart Barrick Mitzi Wilson Rhonda Wilson Kathy Yoder Gamma AlphaSan Diego State Tricia Barron Anderson Kay Cartney Pamela Cherpas Lydia Funk Nordvik Dena Geiger Weiner Patricia Granfield Connors Laurel Mauk Donna Miller Carolyn Murphy Kaiser Laura Patte Olsen Amy Prather Sheri Shepard Nerland Kathleen Sooy McCarthy Ellie Thomas Stacey Werner Gamma BetaUC/Santa Barbara Alison Amsden Barenchi Denise Boyd Noeleen Brewer Spies Barbara Brock Anna Burke Melissa Chagnovich Griese Kimberly Chesher Gurley Jill Comsky Julie Dreibelbis Petritsch Juliana Dwyer Thornton Nancy Eklund Lauren Ekman Lisa Hattermann Pighetti Gwyneth Hughan Sauceda

Kimberly Jewett Thoman Kimberly Kellogg Pruitt Cassandra Mattson McPike Mary Quiggin Hunter Laura Ruiz Heather Sciacca Tracey Taylor Philpot Tamara Tighe Ringler Ruth Trimble Peterson Sheri Valler Gamma Gamma-Drury Margaret Regan Gamma Delta-Kansas Lynn Bechtel Kelley Buchanan Butler Deborah Carle Stephanie Chaffin Terrie Cooper Carter Felicia Drury Wright Kim Hahlen Peak Susan Heck Holcomb Alma Hird Angela Hoisington Ibrahim Terri Hooker Hamilton Jane Hoyland Robyn Johnson Elder Ginger Lowery Spratt Beth Merrill Dena Molos McClure Lisa Neibarger Hatfield April Palmer Konni Roach McMurray Ann Stephens Tara Swall Jill Taticek Strong Linda Voysey Sizemore Ann Welch Gamma ZetaPuget Sound Rebecca Bracken Johnson Stella Cabana Yvonne Colo Amy De Aguero Jill Fisher Mounsey Lisa Grewe May Jennifer Jennings Cynthia Kreitzberg Josephine Matthews Adair Kathryn McCall Karine McDaniel Mickelson Kamla Primlani Huck Teresa Seltenreich Boyes Marla Sinkovich Teri Skeels Hughes Michelanne Valentine Adams Lisa Wellington Darcy Writer Jorgenson Gamma EtaNorth Texas Carrie Beckham Patton Belinda Bratcher Galvanin Mary Crisford Hollis Diana Hill Hoekstra Krissa Jones Winningham Carol Oney Riemer Lori Peer Collier Sandra Reames Wilhelm Sandra Ruffeno Pevey Susan Staggs Gamma IotaTexas Tech Nancy Adamson Marcus April Aston Rhonda Augesen Lockwood Jennifer Barron Heal

Michele Blasingame Garlington Melani Brandon Carsey Julie Brunson Sydney Bumpass Robin Darr Taylor Karen Elias Ray Sheri Evans Dann Tammy Forrester Walker Lori Garth Carreker Julie Gibson Vicky Gregory Thompson Cindy Havenhill Sherri Kennedy Marche Lane Milam Cynthia Lawson Friedman Kathleen Mackey Adams Julie McCasland Maureen McCormick Hoofard Kelly Miller Wimberly Wendy Morrow Glover Judy Nelson Barrett Talynda Peters McLaren Tracy Regelsky Royal Karen Revious McNeely Diane Steele Andrea Stidham Depwe Cynthia Stillwell Belt Lucy Tanner Denise Welch Mattson Gamma KappaCSU/Long Beach Lisa Arras Stephanie Felix Zankich Maria Flood Sheila Guarderas Karen Keeler Dumm Monica Lichter Campbell Katherine Loomis Sophia Marinos Riley Kelly Marshall Kuster Nancy Owen Kari Penso Mimi Rose Maija Ruona Waschke Laura Stampfl Dorothy Strand Gorman Gamma NuMiami University Mary Applegate Christine Bahnsen Karen Bottoms Barreto Joan Canavan Roettenberger Jennifer Droz Switch Carolyn Fogarty Diane Giese Saunders Laura Grolemund Weigel Mary Homburg Willard Melita Jensen Keim Sarah Kroeschell Julcher Amy McHugh Beverly Moody Camut Kathleen Patton Tegeder Mary Peppard Colleen Pyne Bowman Patricia Roe Jensen Suzanne Spaeth Roy Mindy Spurlock Gross Lori Willis Meade Gamma XiWichita State Lyneille Aday Meza Joan Billingsley Blencoe Claire Fibus Dodson Amanda Frickey Rohr Denise Herbert Lostlen Nancy Hursh Carla Kelly Gonzales Julene King Gomez Kimberly Kuhlman Wilkerson

Janice Nance Jacob Lori Patton Dotson Patricia Salber Banwart Elizabeth Wright

Lisa Head McGraw Carol Matthews Christa Riggs Martin Angela Thompson Ritchey

Gamma OmicronDrake Bonnie Goldsen Cynthia Jacobs Kimberly Johnson Rankin Linda Kersten Swimmer Lynn Langford Hillring Lindsay Laughlin Amadeo Lisa Mantelman Rosann Nadle Maher Carol Noyce Molino Ellen Rantis Pridmore Anne Raskin Anne Schwartz Pearlstein Sue Woods McGraugh

Delta GammaNorthern Colorado Laura Bess Ehlers Jill Burlington Venuto Vicki Canetti Gloriane Crater Jill Herdman Trotter Debbie Hillman Julie King Molly Kinney McGinn Jean Limbacher Lisabeth Perez Stacey Sonnenburg Collins Julie Stuck

Gamma PiArizona State Sara Hayden Lisa Heller Teresa Jimenez Annette Morales Corvin Lori Nerland Hennessy Jamie Phillips Linda Recker Michele Sapper Elaine Thurman Amy Welling Baker

Delta DeltaOklahoma City Rebecca Downing Bartsch Barbara Gibson Sarah Halley Myers Angela Innis Jurko Susan Moomau Wallace Karen Musgrave McGraw Celia Oshita Solomon Patricia Patton Martin Lorena Randall Bradway Gail Simms Gonsher Julie Smedlund

Gamma RhoPenn State Lisa Abell Krell Cynthia Albright Janine Bennett Lori Benson Michelin Karen Bononi Marianne Burdick Christine Dolfi Patricia Evans Best Nancy Hammond Ellen Lowry Fitzgerald Roberta Lynch Imbesi Sandra Mason Terri Myers Christine Naida Anita Nucci Leslie Olsakovsky Karyn Spertzel Diane Tronolone Huntley Jennifer White Lersch Gamma SigmaWisconsin/Stout Kris Peschel Gamma OmegaMidwestern State Darla Brookins Silva Kathleen Geary Delta AlphaEast Carolina Amy Breza Plummer Virginia Edwards Elizabeth Elam Hartsell Karen Haddock Vogel Tamara Lyon Nancy Morris Frederick Lisa Priestley Andrea Pugh Elizabeth Reynolds Young Kimberly Sandlin Short Frances Smith Mary Smith Cloninger Cynthia Thompson Blackwell Delta BetaTexas A&M/Commerce Melanie Curry Phyllis Dunmon

Delta Epsilon-Iowa Laurie Bottoni Lorenz Sheila Cardia Darling Sandra Diehl Turnipseed Anne Ellingson Marcotte Frances Graziano Parrott Barbara Heard Stephens Kristi Holmstrom Montague Wendy Hughes Brenda Jones Palmatier Kelly Jordan Mary Kelleher Sally Kirsch Blitt Jayne McQuillen Thomsen Margaret Nielsen Jane Rehan Marci Saupe Stephens Brenda Sidles Lauri Smith Kelly Stopps Foote Martha Tully Summerville Delta Zeta-Maryland Robin Meizlish Delta Eta-Adrian Judith Carr Parshall Lisa Hamilton Treppa Mary Judge Bruhjell Patricia LaPlante Haske Mona Riashi Delta ThetaWestern Michigan Jill Arabian Traub Helen Coke Royal Daphne Dockett Melanie Jacka Russell Jean McPhillips Delta KappaWisconsin/Lacrosse Kristen Bailleaux Iwan Sharon Dahlke Reichenbach Keely Kocian Marks Nancy Nave Laura Paprocki

Delta Mu-Purdue Christine Arias Beverly Coniglio Mackintosh Suzanne Davis Vertesch Teresa Derheimer Kathleen Gloyeske Halsmer Elizabeth Groves Eckert Susan Higley Kordas Nora Hubbard Julie Hummel Reimers Kelley Johnson Faler Colleen Kuhn-Campbell Carolyn Lezon Cheryl Lonson Meyer Bettina Lyst Nolan Catherine Mazan Murata Rokson Maze Drics Mary Nelson Gustafson Mary Olson Deborah Wheeler Jones Delta Nu-Maine Nancy Harrison Sonja Integlia Boyland Donna Lambert Savage Christine St. Laurent Allwarden Yvette Sublett Delta XiNebraska/Kearney Sheri Allen Beth Bartlett Adelson Stacy Blaase Jablonski Gretchen Boroff Kinne Cynthia Brothers Winkelman Sally Burr Sadlo Lina Camperos Dawnita Kramer Buck Lori Maisch Tina Mausbach Luke Martha McCormick Flinn Brenda McDonald Pedersen Melissa Rafter Bailey Cynthia Rosenthal Colony Rhonda Sohler Brenda Walter Christensen Delta Pi-Indiana State Lori Berner Maureen Flynn Guttosch Elizabeth Frisz Theobald Veneita Jines Taylor Michele King Karen Kosinski Knutson Laura Polizzi Knoblauch Sarah Wood Delta Rho-Ball State Deborah Baldwin Miller Leigh Berline Kellette Bick Lease Theresa Burget O’Brien Julia Byerly Cheslyn Johnna Daniely Gholston Janna Duckwall Hazelbaker Beth Engledow Angela Grimm Mason Kathleen Hunt Smith Kathleen Lomont McDonald Brenda Martin Williams Nancy Moeller Ernstes Parien Mohandes Maze Donna Ogle Macy Renee Pion Wyss Linda Prevosto Weiper Pamela Pryor Cummins Amy Rentschler Stehlik



Valerie Smith Miklozek Barbara Smith Alley Kelly Springer Gilligan Darlene Wojda Delta SigmaWisconsin/ Stevens Point Elizabeth Claus Delta UpsilonBaldwin-Wallace Mary Artl Scott Mary Artl Kerr Cecilia Brown Tina Buoncore Penton Heidi Corso Elizabeth Nemeth Toth Jennifer Smith Keller Tamara Teague Delta PhiIndiana U. of Pennsylvania Margaret Di Nardo Rebecca Faltermayer Kimberly Kurpiewski Maria Marano Denise Wilson Delta ChiWilliam Woods Queen Armstrong Ann Auchincloss Deborah Bartkowiak Butler Sarah Elliott Ann Graney Hoffmann Frances Guthrie Muench Zola Hickey Finch Marcella Holcomb Barbara Irwin Christina Patterson Schulte Ashley Pool Cynthia Schradle Stearns Suzy Storey Armstrong Beth Turner Baysinger Susan Venz O’Neill Anne Weihe Byer Dianne Zane Lorento Delta OmegaMoorhead State Peggi Cornelius Monico Susan Ishaug Janet Laymon Terri Lien Pynchon Diane Overby Epsilon Alpha-Ashland Deborah Balcom Hatfield Susan Blosser Tucker Abby Cooper Elizabeth Dussault Beck Shelley Geiss Curtan Lisa Gillum Ellen Goldberg Debra Guido Wright Elaine Hudak Susan Meyers Albers Patricia Pauley Fuller Michelle Radio Rebecca Shipman Balko Melissa Vitello Bowhers Lisa Woodman Epsilon Beta-Butler Elizabeth Anders Mary Brideweser Deloe Robin Cox Vukovits Lynn Edwards Brazell

Sheryl Gerner Miller Lisa Gregoline Sharon Grothhouse Andrea Iovannisci Maleki Christina Karaffa Graham Teresa MacKay Kay Manger Yoder Michele Pitts Dawn Slinkard

Epsilon KappaWest Chester Lisa Gerard Abigail Gonzalez Stephanie Johnson Cheryl King Else Marisa Mingone Mary Rutter Hammer Linda Vaughn Thornton

Epsilon GammaCSU/Sacramento Kristin Allen Christi Drake Nancy Edwards Williams Ann Erickson Agro Mary Froehlich Hastings Denise Giles Joann Harmon Karen Howe McManus Leslee Johnson Gilmour Donna Kehrli Freed Susan Landuk Julie Lipe Lafferty Brenda Stone Daigle Michelle Villalta

Epsilon LambdaTexas/Arlington Kathryn Kassel Whipple Marianne Lippert Debra Mortimer Barbara Ocone

Epsilon DeltaNorthern Illinois Mary Annino Susan Baitman Platt Suzanne Collins Hogan Allison Collins McCarthy Leigh Dehlinger Ruth Durkee Gina Figliola Koepke Laurel Johnson Cynthia Kalamaras Farrar Kathleen Kozol Telfer Wendy Maxwell Scupin Lisa Meyers Dick Colleen Morris Leahy Diane Phillips Doreen Pugliese Lora Ventura Falato Perrie Veremis Hayes Terry Ward Lori Weber Grier Epsilon EtaOld Dominion Linda Brown Lori Detri-Novak Pamela Free Karen Garm Gallegos Tamra Overton Messing Laura Pahno Epsilon ThetaNorthern Iowa Anne Cahill Deborah Harris Giarusso Susan Manion Manley Susan Mullen Kirch Kristine Pratt McIntyre Amber Reed Crosser Jane Rhea Axt Kathy Sommers Marx Kathleen Stastny McGarry Epsilon Iota-Duquesne Sharon Donovan Kathleen Hall Loretta Kennedy Frances Mattei Barbara Metzger Lynn O’Sullivan Stoia Teresa Pavelko Grey Peggy Shaner Grumski Annette Sorna Testa Barbara Valcheff Dick

Epsilon Mu-Lander Kaye Cummings Griffin Robin Henry Christian Henry Pizirembol Cheryl Treadwell Vanadore Epsilon Nu-Delaware Veronica Attanasio Marone Stephanie Basil Eileen Becker Gatti Wendy Citren Wilson Amy Cornell Hammond Lauren DeAngelis Cheryl DiStefano Nicholas Barbara Dooney Sharon Fischer Domaleski Donna Fogle Christina Harrison Perrotta Mylen Houghton Greenwood Donna Howley Carolyn Leonard Krichman Lynda Mann Bos Mary Moomau Wells Lynn Morongell Susan Mullen Ruth Rogolsky Weissel Roberta Smith Erica Smith Cover Susan Tondi Mischler Epsilon XiSouthern Illinois Julia Goers Leigh Lammert Parker Catherine Ortiz Lisa Schwab Cherryl Wallace Peuterbaugh Epsilon Pi-Evansville Kimberly Byers Melissa Dunn Rhonda Gassert Ricketts Christi Hart Dori Huff Kockwood Diana Kapnas Jillene Moore Newby Mary Nord Sandra Prikkel Vicky Pylipow Haury Barbara Rennie Carolyn Schlamp Winkler Kathy Standifird Baumgart Beth Sullivan Haines Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis Monique Anderson Laurel Blackerby Slater Susan Bland Magie Barbara Campbell

Jennifer Jackson Whalen Allison Leopold Tilley Sheryl Musicant Stewart Susan Plomgren Candell Kimberly Ratto Kelley Ryan Warner Michele Serpilio Susan Wineman Wehba Epsilon UpsilonCSU/Northridge Mitzi Ariue Michelle Cadorette Blais Sally Cordova Jill Fink Kathy Gelbard Gold Sheryl Hurwitz Nadler Kathy Johnson Arman Pamela Maxwell Risa Munitz Fania Pinsker Lori Rutta Banton Phyllis Weinstein Epsilon Chi-Cal Poly Laurie Caddell Lodolo Nina Cardoza Dinsdale Diane Connely Zwarg Dianna Fenocchio Mary Fournier Mayben Allison Francis Lori Hertel Holst Jill Horne Metzer Julie Johnson Malerba Lisa Nobile Callahan Susan Osborn Smith Gigi Riker McClaskey Deborah Satterthwaite Deck Kristin Thorpe Thomas Valerie Whitlock Jenson Laurel Woiwod Epsilon Psi-Lehigh Linda Barrett Gassert Deborah Fleischer Jennifer Kay Sheehan Nancy Schilling Sharon Simoni Bodner Mary Swatek Epsilon OmegaTexas A&M Kimberley Bergman Jeannie Buzard Williamson Carolyn Curry Patricia Green Harris Debora Henr Judi Joyner Belleville Katherine Kawamura Bailie Christy Langford Alicia Lopezguerra Marci Moore Rodgers Carol Nicoud Mohn Jeannie Peacock Searcy Zeta AlphaEastern Illinois Andrea Domas Heffernan Lisa Gift Sheryl Gruen Wolf Janet Hahn Payne Shari Hartwell Cook Stacy Hill Fox Tracy Hoffman Troiano Amy Hutchison Kelly Jarrett Shoffeitt Lynne Johnson Quinlivan Jacqueline McBlain Krewson Debra Paravonian

Anniversaries Mary Powers Brady Susan Ritson Bruer Gail Robinson Lawrence Lesa Schloss Ross Tracy Siesennop Wetherton Holly Sorem Bertoia Maeve Spicer VanHoorde Debra Tymczuk Zeta BetaLoyola Marymount Tracy Callahan Erickson Erin Duffy Schooley Jacqueline Felix Toppin Joyce Galligan Annette Galosic Di Scala Julie Hatfield Anna Longo Merritt Carla Rojo Sonja Rose Nancy Sarecky Tish Sarecky Jamie Scuderi Lisa Stoeckinger Tracey Wagner Mary Weldon Lisa Wogelsang Zeta GammaSanta Clara Cathrine Girolami Westover Elizabeth Gong Suzette McCoy Hubbard Susan McGuire Bernal Leslie McRay Michelle Meisenbach Mary Rogers Mary Wray Deauville Tammy Zink Pianetta Zeta Delta-Iowa State Kimberly Benson High Aimee Carmer Higgins Jennifer Chubick Harm Janette Frieberg Fiedler Rhonda Fulcher Dawn Johnson Sharna Robinson Clark Katherine Rock Wiggins Joyce Rudolph Clause Michelle Shannon Jody Snedden Jane Tews Weed Wendy Whitcomb Robin Yard Zeta EpsilonIndiana U. Southeast Brenda Davis Viling Lori Langford Rice Gwendolyn Sample Barbara Sparks Angela Toney Martin Cassy Vest

Maryann Marcoux Marcia Nadel Catherine Palmerino Levitan Jill Perrone

Zeta KappaSouthwest Texas State Rima Azzam King Wanda Bailey LaGrave Christine Bufano Brown Belinda Chapa Bohm Bridget Clifford Sharp Johnna Corcoran Melinda Deliganis Julie Glotfelty Hodges Laura Hankins Leigh Kittredge Robinson Kelli Lancaster Patti Messersmith Boni Neal Noftsger Regina Patterson Scarsella Cynthia Sprauge Kennedy Jenny Timmons Stephenson Karen Valentine Kellogg Patti Volmert Hall Zeta LambdaNew Hampshire College Darlene Boucher Freedman Elizabeth Case Toth Mimi Kaye Mary Kress Nutt Elizabeth Lessard Mary McNamee Alice Morgan Teryn Moy Marilyn Munden Lori Reed Schrepfer Zeta MuColorado State Viviana Bard Shain Denise Booras Ankerholz Margaret Canny Walker Toni Gleason Kelly Gowans Mather Carisa Highman Roth Debra Hinman Prange Dana Jackson Cochran Roxana Kazerooni Overn Rebecca Krichevsky Adrienne Leins Theresa Montano Carol Muir Throm Janet Myers Blankenship Kathryn Neumayer Schmieden Julie Niedan Ann OFallon Clark Betty Phillips Patterson Laura Priddy Danna Richards Kamala Schofield Schuster Wanda Tadych Yrastorza Kimberly Voss Subrahmanyan Cindy Walton Montgomery Pamela Yost Hyman

Linda Flood Melanie Hartshorn Stevenson Jennefer Hickman Snider Gretchen Koop Purnell Melissa McLemore Bramhall Carol Morris Lisa Northrip Lunden Lora Parker Hoke Melissa Perkins Salmon Betty Pybus Clements Ann Smith Catherine Spinazzola Zeta Xi-Elmhurst Julie Africk Mary Bruha Mueller Donna Dumelle Large Laura Durante Bennett Laura Haraburda Allison Ritter Stawczyk Halyna Stadnyk Lena Zullo Zeta OmicronJohns Hopkins Sharon Ashley Lewis Kathleen Duke Tracy Hilary Freer E. Gliick Rottersman Carolyn Grimes Susan Owens Rima Sa’d Addiego Sharon Sirota Rubin Elizabeth Squires Nemsick Catherine Thompson Katherine Weisman Desvallees Deborah Yancey Murphy

Zeta PiCase Western Reserve Jill Archer Lana Atassi Kuseybi Carolyn Barber Pamela Cortner Gardner Christine de Mayo Wagner Audrey Dessauer Vera Fosnot Marilyn Garabedian Therese Harryhill Kathleen Huther Burchiel Holly Izant Jonetta Kapusta Derogi Alison Kean Campbell Catherine Kilbane Elizabeth Kiraly Janice Levine Sitzes Gail Levine Murphy Colleen Lewis Julie Lopez Sakowski Julie Lund Stasia Majidzadeh Vavruska Ann Michailenko Wilson Gwendolyn Niebler Harris Kathryn Rodean Diana Safos Susan Schwalb Gerson Kirstin Scott Linda Streeter Palmieri Nellita Torres Joanne Velky Rogers Lynn Washburn Hanigan

Debra Boczulak Patricia Bove Joyce Brady Bean Kathleen Connor Edith Coulter Beth D’Amato Deborah Finnegan Wendy Halsey Karen Hood Waterman Janet Kunce Percevic Elizabeth Letendre Deborah MacLeod Michelle Martineau Marianne Masters Lynn McClure Devarney Patricia McGuiness Sullivan Carolyn McKenna Nancy Morrison Penny Pigeon Standley Stacy Poulterer Thompson Leslie Sarmanian Nancy Skillinger Motherway Jo-Ann Sosnicki Babin Cynthia Taylor Sloan Michelle Tousignant Howard Diane Tremblay Reynolds Eve Voegeli Mary Walsh Sheila Walsh McMahon Robin Whitford Virginia Williams Kris Youngren Masse Terri Zitrick Dennehy Zeta SigmaFranklin & Marshall Brenda Barber Hoffman Patricia Barry Altomare Lori Blair Mary Bonina Killian Lynda Chuchko Adams Beth Cohen Memolo Virginia Coogle Janet Crouse Hartzell Martha Freeman Riccio Marianne Heltai Shine Laura Hervey Elizabeth Kemmere Amy Keys Naegle Lori Kostick Pittinger Justine Metheny Fenker Rebecca Miller Andrea Paino Eisold Lou Plumhoff Wellford Laura Price Robertson Loreli Stochaj Jennifer Till Mary Waggener Kerri Werner Jean Young

25 Zeta Zeta-Murray State Marissa Byrd Gardner Karen Kincheloe Patton Jennifer Pace Hejduk Rebecca Stanley Boeck Dannelle Thomas Rogers Melanie Travers Zeta Theta-Tufts Maria Asis Bessie Beikoussis Wendy Carlson Carolyn Gomatos Eileen Grivers Horbury Lisann Keverian Dillon

Zeta NuTexas Christian Renee Bacci Manworren Whitney Baker Beach Jeanne Byshenk Klansek Marcia Cox Faulkner Leslie Dorn White

Zeta Rho-Bentley Melissa Archacki Roback Marisela Arends Debora Backstrom Lusnia Kelli Barton

Think a sister is missing from this list? The Executive Office may not have current contact information for her. E-mail alumnae@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8940. FALL 2007


50-YEAR MEMBERS Looking for a way to celebrate your 50-year anniversary of sisterhood? Would you like to honor an alumna’s 50-year anniversary with a recognition pin and/or certificate? To order, visit www.alphaphi.org, e-mail alumnae@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8940. Editor’s Note: Chapters may not be listed because they did not exist at the time (e.g., chapters were closed or not yet established). Alpha-Syracuse Sandra Felio Campbell Carol Ganci Cann Erica Gordon Janet Jones Allyn Barbara Lurie Tirola Carol Maxeiner Reinhardt Judith Morgan Plough Martha Phyfe Mook Joyce Raicht DeBack Leonore Wullen Kutz Beta-Northwestern M. Andreae Liegl Elizabeth Attwood Collins Judith Barnes Betsy Barnett McGrew Elizabeth Browning Hinshaw Margaret Burket Boyce Mary Coleman Stiritz Barbara Davis Hinkle Constance Fox Rose Margaret Gallagher Bennett Catherine Hamilton Briggs Gwenith Heuss Severance Julia Higley Brown Mary Kimbark Morrison Sharon Krueger Polcyn Evelyn Nagel Slater Louise Pike Short Martha Stickney Sayles Pamela Thompson Vimond Sara Torrison Ewald Helen Wolfe Porter Gamma-DePauw Jean Folck Lane Jean Killebrew Carhart Barbara Littiken Margaret McElwain Kemper Christine Nehf Chesley Patricia Neighbours Sendra Marilyn Phelps Rowen Nancy Rice Storer Patricia Risk Champlin Monnet Smith Bathrick Sandra Whitaker Miriam Whitnell Tallman Sandra Wilson Wall Delta-Cornell Patricia Allen Brown Dora Apted Grover Diane Bishop Hanson Gail Carney Parker Judith Crouch Hughes Diane Hotopp Holden Sally Maguire Tobin Susan Norris Rose Cheryl Sarstedt Zanzot Susan Seccomb Colton Mary Sigler Tennant


Brenda Truran Luck Janice West Rasmussen Epsilon-Minnesota Elizabeth Cunningham Prest Virginia Doyle Vizard Nannette Elmquist Dow Katherine Hatfield McCrea Kay Johnson Ronngren Ramona Kramin VanBuren Joellen Langguth Hurr Emly Mcdiarmid Marilyn Reed Merino Sybil Sanders Woutat Cynthia Turner Eta-Boston Linda Anderson Mercier Sylvia Marlett Soderberg Margaret Sallinger Quarantello Valerie Wesson Coldwell Everdene Westray Salustro Theta-Michigan Margaret Blaurock Dufault Lucinda Buell McMahon Nancy Clark Gillis Elizabeth Davis Bolton Suzanne Davis Sugar Margaret Effinger Hayes Judy Eldean Sue Hodge Wuerflein Sara Kellerman Follett Mary Luth Dalton Nancy Moore Genger Georgia Rylander Locker Lynn Schoonmaker Wagner Patricia Webb Small Mary Wellman Luginsland Iota-Wisconsion Joan Bailey Tomson Sarah Crownhart Hegley Constance Davis Chambers Ann Feldhauson Nelson Nora Graves Zanarini Carolyn Hull Woodward Jane Larke Lower Susanna Linke Morenoy Frances Myers Colescott June Pandolfi Rector Geraldine Raddatz Foster Bonnie Rasmussen Featherly Susan Rouse Schuck Joan Schmitt DeMerell Sara Seiter Barclay Dana Spicer McCown

Lambda-UC/Berkeley Linda Blower Dempsay Suzanne Brochard Meredith Bruck Marilyn Cathcart Joan Eagan Nolan Sonja Erickson Church Sally Griffith Towle Mimi Hawkins Hartford Susan Hurff Field Susan Lankenau McCreary Sandra Miller Ross Margaret Nock Robarts Linda Wagner Kelly Nu-Nebraska Marcia Burbridge Hoel Mary Christensen Crippen Sandra Ellis Falconer Marlene Ficke Ford Jo Haas Newconer Sara Hausermann Laureyns Barbara Hyland Hagan Lynn Lueders Lightner Susan McGrath Briggs Shirley Reinek Schafer Ida Ryan Wellsman Gweneth Sahn Madison Judith Truell Kroos Carole Yerk Briggs Xi-Toronto Judith Durance Claire Jephcott cDerment Helen Keith Taylor Louise MacDonald Ellis Judith Marshall Meade Dorothy McCrea DesRoches Ingrid Raminsh Tannis Omicron-Missouri Elaine Boettcher McFadden Barbara Canning McLeane Annabella Clark Gafke Patricia Groff Eddy Carol Kimker Derington Penny Lamb Schnay Polly Mays Stahlhuth Sandra Reynolds Yon Nancy Rogers Renshaw Mary Slusher Austell Elizabeth Smallfelt Judith Sohns Runk Alvina Walker Warner Joyce Watkins Lane Mary Wilhelm Waltrip Bernice Williams Steinmeyer

Pi-North Dakota Carol Braund Skjerven Denise Brundage Meyer Sonje Christensen Zeitler Kathryn Dahl LeClerk Mary Ertresvaag Torgerson Margaret Hanson Barbara Janssen Knipe Janice Johner Mary Johnson Bovee Marcy Johnson Radakovich Vicki Larson Peterson Marlene Morkert Freudenwald Doris Nelson Celarier Janice Nygaard Nelson Janice Porter Wolf Joan Smith Jacoby Mary Sowka Camille Thiele Strandberg Rho-Ohio State Lynn Burrell Stallings Joyce Chaplen Gorman Barbara Eltzroth Russell Linda Gideon Brophy Betty Jones Steel Kaye Kasdorf Daly Mary Kraft Meyer Patricia Kusko Applegate Joyce MacDonald Walters Nancee Mack Visintainer Barbara Marcum Plaisted Diane Mason Cartnal Shelia McConnell Kimble Janice McCune Bertram Anne McLellan Rutzen Mary Ellen Merritt Boggins Janet Miller Jean O’Connor-Mischler Sue Query Tepe Millie Serafini Watkins Katherine Spohn Graham Sally Valentine Davis Carol Weber Deshler Grace Weisheimer Bromfield Barbara Young Bennett Sigma-Washington Erin Daly Dow Barbara Danielson Dengel Glenda Farrell Schuh Judy Gillis Hengesteg Barbara Hale Hallawell Marilyn Hedburg Call Laverne Johnson Meekhof Catherine McCall Shepherd Karen McGarrigle Reed Janeil Ray Matzdorf Mary Reid Wolfe Judy Rogers Bale

Marla Ruoff Drinnon Ingri Stang Johnson Sally Stewart Alex Layne Stramler Powell Helen Tange Carol Vining Wolfe Tau-Oregon Aneta Apostal Englund Connie Ayotte Butler Sandra Broadbent Henig Nancy Clark Linda Clausen Keller Elizabeth Davis Verdin Barbara Green Barnum Judith Hendrix Hawkins Julia Littlehales Reid Sandra Lovett Walp Mary Luhrs Jayne Sandra Misko Bennett Mary Nichols Noble Kathy Pogue VanRheenen Dorothy Rhymes Gallagher Verdell Schwedler Coleman Sally Shaw Josephine Williamson Hatfield Upsilon-Washburn Judy DeCicco Brehm Kay Duncan Fechter Patricia Dunlap Beaver Miriam Guzman Perry Karen Ordelheide Johnson Patricia Patterson Mahoney Martha Perry Haines Judith Rogers Fitch Deanna Schaeffer Rogg Louise Thomas Todd Phi-Oklahoma Judy Allen Ashbaugh Lorene Black McConnell Connie Evans Miles Peggy Harrison Bristol Lou Kippenberger Batey Ann LeFlore Bernardy Kay Lockwood Doerr Lois Matter Vostral Chi-Montana Maureen Cheney Curnow Judith Ferguson Kabica Kathleen Gary Robichaud Kathleen Graff Worcester Georgianna Hall Taylor Bonnie Pitsch Karen Schirm Irwin Margaret Simpson Jeri Whitten Walling Psi-South Dakota Ruth Bartlett Tobin Sara Danforth Wills Kathryn Elvin Kelley Sondra Haight Snook Sharon Hinsey Menzel Mary Lietzke Flynn Leona Marshall VanWhy Audrae Potter Tisher Mary Rueb Connor Karen Runge Molstad Karen Schempp Harmelink Janice Simpson Stephens Lola Smith Hobbs

Jeaneane Szczurek Buckmeier Vernida Wiese Grant Omega-Texas Gwendolyn Andrews Ford Patricia Blachly Meadows Carol Bradfield Worley Betsy Coleman Kopecky Ann Donaghey Askew Barbara Donalson Althaus Mary Fenwick Nancy French Relyea Mary Guarin Summers Sue Howard Sandlin Shannon Howard Gurbaxani Linda Jackson Bryan Mary Jacobs Krieg Sandra Kardell Calpakis Mary Kittle Todd Sylvia Lacey Meredith Patricia Laird Schenkel Ann Lotspeich McCain Patricia Meyer Houston Jane Mooney Travis Mary Lynn Mullendore O’Day Josephine Nockolds Roberts Bette Pringle Magee Frances Riemann Caponecchi Sara Ross Rathgeber Constance Scott McDonald Virginia Segrato Wood Mary Wilkinson Jones Janice Woods Windle Beta Alpha-Illinois Steffani Cole Woll Carolyn Collins Strohm Valerie Downes Pricilla Fisher Wolz Christine Kurth Kibler Marcia Landgren Karraker Janet Lindner Kasbeer Mary Love Brown Kay Whitelaw Renfro Beta BetaMichigan State Suzanne Allen Fowler Mary Jane Boyles Schopf Sue Clark Moore Vicky Duncan Tiefenbach Joan Fairgrieve Logue Janice Gieseke Johnson Kathryn Higgin Shanks Joanne Krebs Spence Jo Lotz Ogden Janet Park Lewis Diane Payne Donna Peterson Smiar Betty Vosnos Pappas Carolyn Wood Matthes Beta Gamma-Colorado Sandra Abernethy Gustefson Patsy Autenreith Johnson Karla Baldwin Jensen Patricia Brown Blattman Margie Dreith Vignoul Anne Duffield Whitelaw Sally Ellinger Timm Luann Giertz Lamp Cynthia Glasgow Cheever Marilyn Hallam Forney

Laurie Holtz Hatton Roberta Jacobs Shaver Barbara Keim Sturtz Julianne Mattingly Steinhauer Tanya Richard Cleaver Bonnie Willoughby Hughes Diane Wilson Wolf Beta Delta-UCLA Molly Abrams Millican Sally Bagby May Abigail Barton Matthews Janet Crampton Lake Antonie Gavian Seaman Barbara Hearn Carlsberg Judith Hendrix Vorreyer Betty McCoy Bendix Margo Miller Kirk Joanna Morrison Liston Judy Obrien Cash Melinda Sherry Duerr Carolyn Tausch Johnson Carolyn Wynne MacMilln Beta Epsilon-Arizona Frances Andersen Rosenfeld Carol Heiniger Bishop Virginia Manker Pierce Elinor Slagle Wood Nancy Voorhees Traficanti Sally Wilson Mimms Beta Zeta-Idaho Kaye Angerbauer Bishop Joan Brands Thompson Judith Evans Hindman Harriet Gittins Carbon Betsy Hisgen Nelson Sharon Isaksen Evans Anne Lyons Presta Ida Miranda Eardley Carol Pederson Ogle Patricia Scofield Kennedy Wilma Wright Titmus Beta ThetaBritish Columbia Jeannie Armstrong Yates Betty Bryden Smith Wendy Farrell Sotvedt Judith Flack Jephson Patricia Killy Tarling Miriam Litch McGowan Ruth Patrick Barbara Salsman McCreadie Beta Iota-West Virginia Barbara Bush Clifford Jane Byrnside Anderson Catherine Crow Porter Kay Curry Chico Suzanne Goodall Fisher Patty Hughes Rierson Helen Isley Judy Jane Mahoney Bowling Shirley McLucas Simmons Judith Simpkins Compton Sandra Stollings Anderson Sally Sypult Pinnell Beta Kappa-Denison Julia Air Maloney Inta Bulderis Miller Joan Chapin Luck

Lillia Crippen Leibig Anis Duncan Stenger Marjorie Haag Henderson Sandra Hawkey Scatterday Marilyn Hicks Moyle Rita Jester Josephine Kelley Wilson Karen Kimen Ruth Knight Decker Fiona MacKinnon Laura Paull Miller Judith Steinbrenner Kamm Beta Lambda-Rollins Jeanne Donahoo Clap Valerie Greene Lundy Elizabeth Keller Sue Manion London Penelope Mensing Kennedy Susan Obolger Hill Sandra Whittington Beta Mu-Alabama Barbara Garrison Coe Mary Jones Dunkin Margret Pyle Templeton Nanette Wolgast Lippert Beta Nu-Duke Louise Ellis Burnett Jane Florence Cook Camilla Grady Levin Nancy Jones Homeyer Wilma Maki Yvonne Nasser Waters Thelma Schmitt Stevens Beta OmicronBowling Green State Kay Buckey White Gayle Chanady Myers Raymona Cooper Anderson Dianne Dick Domer MaryAnn Gallaher Stibbe Roberta Hause Reiter Jane Kemp Sullivan Beverly Kindred Spieldenner Gloria Kinsley Hoffman Carolyn Klein Scalzo Joan Linderman Cark Leah Lovell Stegar Maryjo Osborne Mitchell Dorothy Reho Chapman Carol Saylor Wharff Beth Taylor Fisher Barbara Topolski Jender Dona Whittaker Vogel Phyllis Wiles Fowler-Reed Sara Winans Beta Pi-USC Marion Alofs Carr Margo Bishop Kluth Dorothy Boggs McCarthy Barbara Brady Wilson Marilyn Busch Ratigan Zandra Campbell Johnson Susan Erstrom Thomas Joanne Hagen Pauli Christina Hughes Deaton Margo Jackson Wheelis Jacqueline Johnson Kehle Marjorie Knox Gilchrist Judith Murdock Rankin Paula Shoemaker McCoy



Anniversaries Enid Simons Perren Cheryl Southwell Soos Kay Thompson Colldeweih Jane Tunberg Winnaman Suzanne Wedberg Cardiff Beta RhoWashington State Janine Fike Summers Margaret Garvin Buckner Autumn Gibbs Oberhansli Edith Olds Jones Marcia Travis Tank Dorothy Wehe Mech Beta Sigma-Utah Ann Bruton Darlene Church Louise Facer Francis Patricia Hall Kalicki Lucy Harrington Griffiths Sophie Makris Wondolowski Juliet Moll Donelson Sarah Seibel Yates Amy Theodore Jeannette Ware Ehrlich Carol Wilcomb Vega Beta Tau-Indiana Donna Bartels Holl Sylvia Bill Allen Beverly Carmichael Heid Annette Carto Larson Carol Gainey Davis Sara Gerhart Wieland Dorothy Johantgen Morris Doreen Koval Bill Louise Lerch Linnemeier Ann Marshall Knobloch Mary Martin Ward

Susan McMillan Walterhouse Donna Miller Armstrong Sherrill Mills Hockemeyer Sarah Pyle Bratton Carol Robinson Kirkland Sally Swope Flint Marianne Wise Norton Jerrajean Wolfe Conkle Beta UpsilonOregon State Barbara Ascher Teague Alice Breeding Rundle Lois Breese Kilburg Gail Brown Burks Helen Griswold Beitia Joan Hall Eastman Shirley Holt Bette Kollas Andrew Sylvia Martin Henry Gail North Simpson Janice Roberts Bevens Karen Schoen Thompson Sheila Spence Brewington Beta Phi-Whitman Marion Arnstad Chenaur Gretchen Briegleb Williams Diane Minkler Edison Mary Samuel Ricks Sally Walker Bruce Beta Chi-Bucknell Susan Beisheim Cynthia Blunt Kendall Judith Bradford McClintock Glenda Dornsife Noyes Kathleen Wrightstone Bergmann

Beta PsiSan Jose State Donna Acuff Mazzucchi Sandra Barr Robin Gloria Bartolomie Patricia Clabaugh Christy Joan Ellingson Bowen Patti Fischle Warren Heather Galloway Marilyn Goodell Johnson Jackie Guise Weber Babette Jacobs Vaught Jennie Lund Disney Phyllis McDonald Elliott Pat Moriarty McKinney Cynthia Noble Vesecky Linda Steacy Lacey Patricia Swim Stolz Kathryn Thorne Elfen Sheila Tordt Silcox Joan Virgne McPherson Brenda Willson Klehn Beta Omega-Kent State MaryAnn Allen Sanders Leslie Ashoff Kiske Sally Bennett Sears Regina Cicci Claudia Crowell Kalis Arlene Cwynar Semanco Mary Doran Mary Finley Nancy German Grecni Janet Ingram Busson Kathleen Kaupinen Kane Deanna Schreiner Harpham Deanna Schrock Thompson Joan Thatch Archer Patricia Whitmore Dean

Gamma AlphaSan Diego State Carol Carpenter Stubblefield Anne Chaney Jaqua Margaret DeHass Whitson Alice Frazier Staninger Carol Goodwin Foerster Mary Jeanes Reed Patricia Loustalet Rohlf Mary Riehle Novak Mary Robin Allan Marie Rose Sitton Barbara Sable Smith Gamma BetaUC/Santa Barbara Karen Bohm Guthrie Kathryn Grant McKee Donna Hammore Tucker Catherine Jacobson Palermo Kathryn Joyce Gayla Jung Visalli Roberta Miles Dunham Constance Mohler Metzger Cynthia Soth Harris Gretchen Ulrich Capuano Gamma Gamma-Drury Margaret Brown Marianne Carr Petri Mary Jelinek Moss Romalee Pem Meinsen Janet Schneider Drawbridge Gamma Delta-Kansas Ellen Bartley Janice Croker Charter Delynne Humburg Dean

Charlyne McCluggage Michnick Nancy Robb King Gamma EpsilonLake Forest Emogene Below Bland Elizabeth Bloemendaal Walters Barbara Brinkman Philbrick Gamma ZetaPuget Sound Janet Broussard Haskin Carolyn Fletcher Mitchell Elaine Johnson Michel Barbara Keevil Parker Terry McGowan Kinnaman Janis Parten Lapasin Gean Rosenbarger Smith Jo Sartz Porter Marsha Smith Finley

Bobbie Wood Roberts Virginia Young Anderson Gamma ThetaColorado State Anne Curtis Flanigan Ann Finsterbusch Latimer Carol Grasmick Bering Janice Johnson Fowler Anne Lungren Wunsch Barbara McKinley Rasor Linda Watson Dunham Gamma IotaTexas Tech Jeanette Burrell Moore Nancy Burton Toliver Helene Edwards Rush Jan Farris Michie Lenore Howell Mekeal Carolyn Miller Marilyn Moore Heavey Gwen Nix Calhoun Kay Smith Mildred Thompson Kirkwood

Gamma LambdaHouston Ann Barkley Macaluso Jo Barrow Smith Carolyn Christenson Jones Doris Creager Baker Carolyn Ivy Shimek Roslyn Luprete Billie Manning Kasper Abby Murphy Glenda Scott Fults Mayla Tuggle Dean Laverne Tuma Aldrich Gamma MuGeorgia State Bertha Benning Buffington Louise Benning Hall Marthalyn Bruce Jillson Mary Carpenter Kellogg Jane Cheves Thrailkill Lenore Cottongim Tuggle Dorothy Estes Bobo Evelyn Jones Pullen Elizabeth Jones Eubanks Jean Lefevre Johnson Elizabeth Lumpkin Rouse Freda Stevenson Freeman Catherine Woodman Cade Joyce Woodward Lancaster Melba Youngblood Adamson

Rosalie Cesare Ippoliti Gwyneth Davies Dubois Florence Fleming Sadler Linda Golliher Burner Dody Henderson Parsons Mary Sue Johnson Margaret Jones Gustafson Judith Kerns Pence Carol Lasco Sellers Suzanne Meinert Broyhill Sue Metzcar Schaefer Julie Probasco Mark Marilyn Rettinger Kelly Mary Ryan Evans Carleen Sharer Blackburn Suzanne Smith Brannon Evalou Stauffer Middaugh Jeanne Tribolet Smith Karen Wanninger Stansbrey Marjorie Young Rohrer

50 Gamma EtaNorth Texas Ann Andrews Springer Sue Attebery Cook Connie Boswell Hawes Mary Doan Wood Diane Dolfi Olson Patricia Donaldson DeCap Paula Galloway Karnopp Mary Heartfield Dade Jean Hiett Russell Lucinda Hutchinson Hamilton Amyana Kaker Trigg Janis Payne Simmons Mary West Boston Carol Willis Smith

Gamma KappaCSU/Long Beach Nellie Bell Marti Bradley Kufchak Le Chittick Norvell Dianne DeLavergn Jones Nancy Goodman Sands Judith Mittrick Wood Linda Moisey St. Clair Thelma Radun Uskovich Suzanne Rhodes O’Hara Carol Seares Burrow Barbara Sistrunk Hunt

Gamma OmicronDrake Barbara Warner Hopton Gamma PiArizona State Joan Augustin Pereira

Gamma NuMiami University Jean Alexander Montooth Carol Bardon Jacobsson Shirley Bloom Cowden Judy Brown

Think a sister is missing from this list? The Executive Office may not have current contact information for her. E-mail alumnae@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8940.

Anniversary Recognition Pins Alpha Phi recognizes the importance of lifetime membership. One special way that Alpha Phi honors the endurance of membership is with anniversary recognition pins. These pins celebrate your affiliation with Alpha Phi on milestone occasions: 10 years, 25 years, 50 years, 65 years and 75 years.

FALL 2007

To order, please e-mail alumnae@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8940. Please add $5 shipping and handling fees to each pin order. 10-, 25-, 50-, 65-and 75-year member certificates are free with each pin order. Certificates may be ordered individually for $10 each, plus $5 shipping and handling.

The sterling silver 25-year pin in the shape of the Big Dipper is fashioned with one sapphire at each of the seven joints. Cost: $45.

The 50-year pin, a silver circle with four red stones, is created so your original badge can be placed inside the circle. Cost: $45.

The newest addition to our jewelry collection, the golden 65-year pin is an elegant interpretation of one of our most cherished symbols, the lily of the valley. Cost: $35.

The 75-year pin, a brilliant diamondshaped golden pin with clear stones at each of the points, also allows you to place your original badge inside the pin. Cost: $35.


Anniversaries 65-YEAR MEMBERS Looking for a way to celebrate your 65-year anniversary of sisterhood? Would you like to honor an alumna’s 65-year anniversary with a recognition pin and/or certificate? To order, visit www.alphaphi.org, e-mail alumnae@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8940. Editor’s Note: Chapters may not be listed because they did not exist at the time (e.g., chapters were closed or not yet established).

Alpha-Syracuse Nancy Armitage Troxell Mary Carter VanZanten Vera Gere Courtney Betty Lane Blaich Jean McClure Morrison Elizabeth Morin Auser June Rusterholtz Lindemer Ann Swartz Wiswall Beta-Northwestern Julia Bissell Baillet Frances Bourland Sugden Betty Doyle McNulty Barbara Engle Gent Jane Enkema Buffmire Helen Hanson Maximoff Sybil Resek McAtee Emily Villars Zander Dorothy Welles Wiese Lila Wiggin Collett Gamma-DePauw Jean Anderson Phillips Elizabeth Cave Vaneff Idella Fields Peterson Marjorie Matson Pike Peggy Matthews Haried Joanna Motsinger Hollis Mary Neal Pickel Doris Olson Brodie Patricia Porterfield Hackett Peggy Rodger Roberts Shirley Roper Gradle Ellen Schlabach Wright June Smyth Gordon Betty Torrence Layman Kay Webster Kellam

Delta-Cornell Jean Hall Dinsmore Barbara Smith Hart Mary Stroud Laird Agnes Williams Epsilon-Minnesota Frances Cole Owen Dorothy Dolliff Lang Prudence Hall Ahrens Suzanne Heinrich Ryan Mary Holen Wright Barbara Juel Buchanan Lillian Mosher Griffith Shirley Power Ivy Janet Thomas Barnum Zeta-Goucher Elaine Pulakos Adam Lola Schmidt Merrill Eta-Boston Elizabeth Bray Guin Pauline Proctor Colan Laura Rosebrooks Havener Theta-Michigan Catherine Bronson Goodsell Mary Brown Watts Jean Burden Murray Suzanne Lovett Holt Barbara Mason Hamric Nancy Northrup Jarnis Jo Peterson Jones June Sandenburgh Sanders Jean Stenhouse Robinson Virginia Warren Pugh

Iota-Wisconsin Margaret Due Nancy Gittens Schwinn Mary Hoeveler Meyers Gwendolyn Kessler John Mayburn Koss Willa Monson Debish Eudare Schocke Shuey Mary Slack Hough Ellen Smith Graves Betty Smith Arms Jean Vogt Michler Mary VonRohr Whritenour Kappa-Stanford Constance Maguire Wilson Frances McInnis Jackson Joan Penberthy Lamontagne Catherine Quinn Ganahl Lambda-UC/Berkeley Dorothy Broy Brown Ann Bruck Cunningham Barbara Cunningham Lion Roberta Dillman Skidmore Patricia Donald Edwards Virginia Hall Phyllis Lindley Marjorie Maybury Kellogg Helen McDonald McGee Nancy Oliver Gordon Sheila Sim Maze Elizabeth Udall Wilson Nu-Nebraska Lorene Barker Benning Josephine Beckley Billie Bryan Heller

Rebecca Ely Meckling Patricia Gilligan Partington Betty Jerner Dowe Marjorie Martin Rist Pollyann Petty Mason Maurine Reese Drummond Marylee Stauf Hays Marilyn Stribling Russell Betty Winn Xi-Toronto Katherine Blackstock Brown Cicely Blackstock Nancy Forgie Moore Dorothy Hewetson Leonard Shirley Wells Allen Jeanne Wormith Parkin


Editor’s Note: Chapters may not be listed because they did not exist at the time (e.g., chapters were closed or not yet established).

Beta-Northwestern Emilie Banning Jones Nancy Barry Bender Elizabeth Henigbaum Miles Katherine Kittleman Wood Jean Whitaker Pierron

Gamma-DePauw Virginia Shoultz Pepple Melissa Wyrick Sandor Delta-Cornell Christine Davis Snowdon Marian Ganzenmuller Goulard Epsilon-Minnesota Margaret Atkins Walker Barbara Dow Keene

Tau-Oregon Dorothy Bruhn Roberts Betty Edward Fahr Dorothy Engel Powers Carolyn Loud Hannifin Catherine Ross Giffin Lorraine Sampson McCreery Jean Taylor Stinebaugh

Upsilon-Washburn Joanne Couch Deyton Arvella Embry Whitmore Betty Jones Hobbs

Barbara Rector Seaver Sevilla Shuey Shinn

Looking for a way to celebrate your 75-year anniversary of sisterhood? Would you like to honor an alumna’s 75-year anniversary with a recognition pin and/or certificate? To order, visit www.alphaphi.org, e-mail alumnae@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8940.

Alpha-Syracuse Marion Bastable Burns Mary Kaltenback Edwards Edith Wiles Bradford Elaine Wilson Amidon

Sigma-Washington Barbara Baxley Stone Marjorie Brazier Olson Jean Busby Howell Helen Codington Kersten Helen Craver Bysom Nancy Ehrlichman Sobek Alice Harford Walton Elinor Laudan Billings Helen Laughlin King Florence Malmo Schlichting Margaret Morrison Geraldine Murphy Tuttle Louise North Florence Porter Smith Virginia Reid Barrick Ann Schuchart Soli Mary Stender Skilling Jo Tyrell Morse June Walker Banfe Louise Wilbur Fletcher

Mary Hunter Pewters Helen Wagner Burgott

Iota-Wisconsin Katherine Geiger Mills

Zeta-Groucher Louise Keyser Cockey Margaret Nicrosi

Kappa-Stanford Evalyn Johnston Rose Kathleen Rapp Bacon Margaret Taylor Johnston

Theta-Michigan Winifred Pike Polk Katherine Schmelzer O’Brien

Peggy McComas Woodard Jeanne Moore Wales Marjorie Titus Cofran Polly Weaver Jefferson Doris Williamson Perry Edna Zielinski Martin Phi-Oklahoma Marian McCormick Turner Constance Stippich Riddle Chi-Montana Betty Bailey Pokorny Martha Clark Dickman Dorothy Ficke Deschamps Evelyne LaChapelle Lawlor Virginia Lambkin Horner Ruth Selle Dyer Frances Vranish Stovall Psi-South Dakota Mary Jo Cahill Wachtler Shirley Cale Griffith Joan Fribourgh Cole Sally Matlock Kimmel Lorna Mullen Steckler Gloria Tammen Rafanelli Patricia Tammen Coolidge Florence Winkler Bailey

Betty Richards Champion Katie Thompson Bradley Dorothee Weaver Aves Portia Wells Jones Beta BetaMichigan State Patricia Craig Hopson Anne Earle Lungerhausen Anne Eldridge Longman Dorothy Horn Barr Helen McAfee Andrews Beta Gamma-Colorado Ellie Brickham Margaret Comegys Prechtel Beverly Frisbie Carruth Emily Hurich Doot Doris Willson Patterson Beta Delta-UCLA Elizabeth Corriga Svenson Reese Frederickson Keiser Marcia Hunt Falconer Helen Kunkel Koepke Shirley Merrill Butterworth Doreen Poliquin Crossland Frances Thurman McKown Jeanne Tieck Hitchcock Jacqueline White Anderson

Beta Eta-Manitoba Joy Ashton Paterson Laura Spauling Gardner Beta Iota-West Virginia Dorothy Collett Vande Linde Allison Mann Nottingham Kathleen Scott Everly Beta Kappa-Denison Priscilla Alexander Mary Anthony Price Janice Bright Thiele Barbara Coen Howe Mary Dagger Miller Nancy Martin Owens Beverly Masch Roach Phyllis Orwig Boardman Marjorie Robertson Woodbury Alice Rolph Face Beta Lambda-Rollins Nathalie Fowler Alberts Gloria Hansen Squiers Betty Hull Tobin Jean Woodfill Hough

65 75

Omicron-Missouri Phyllis Lathrop Liston Beverly McPherson Barnard Rosalie Nieft Castleberry Jane Scarbrough Peterson Pi-North Dakota Lois Bina Houkom Mary Dryden Ruth Hewitt Bustin June Mattson Tekell Betty Norby Jacobi Genevieve O’Keefe Johnson Elaine Ornes Mack Ruth Paulson Erickson

Rho-Ohio State Adrienne Ailes Prior Fredda Alexander Calbeck Nonnie Beach Booher Eleanor Floyd Brunner Isabelle Forsythe Gammon Betty Hook Rienstra Pauline Hurm Zink Patricia Kirk Caston Marylee Lane Storves Katherine Lester Decker Virginia Rohr Gehlaar Maxine Sumner Fisher Dixie Westbrook Grubb

Lambda-UC/Berkeley Jane Bryan Hanlon Molly Fay Pedley Elizabeth Lindsley Ballard Diane Pickering Gibbs

Nu-Nebraska Jeannette Arensberg Myers Marylouise Clark Hobson Margaret Edgerton Robinson Elaine Fontein Saba Helen Jolliffe Reynard Dorothy Kenner Swedburg Xi-Toronto Mildred Barton Reid Mary McDonald Hume Omicron-Missouri Helen Gibler Jenkins

Pi-North Dakota Marguerite Benson Olson Helen Robertson Birdzell Deborah Sudro Schranz Rho-Ohio State Louisa Gardner Dillard

Omega-Texas Helen Bullard Young Betty Carney Morrison Betty Currie Pauline Gardere Ahrens Elizabeth Gribble Cook Marilyn Holle Williams Katherine Kellogg Morton Jean Lawson Stone Jean Sheffield Hainline Cynthia Smith Brutzman Ellen Townsend Grim Dorothy White Gray

Beta Alpha-Illinois Dorothy Freeman Spencer Georgia French Clemens Virginia Heidinger Clare Lett Gorder Priscilla Lyon Gloria McLean Stanley Helen O’Conner Brown

Beta Epsilon-Arizona Sarah Moles Keil Anna Spain Jongeward Pat Weaver Whiton

Beta Mu-Alabama Marion Callahan Deuel Jane Miller Trombly Margaret Murchison Calof Rosemary Powe Saxton Beta Nu-Duke Phyllis Andrews Rivers June Foster VanEffen Barbara Fries Harrison Mary Froass Magoon Jane Garver Sterrett

Beta Zeta-Idaho Nadine Comnick Kambitsch Margaret Guthmann Gardner Margaret Hamilton Giese Betty Hoffman Thoren Jean MacRae Gibson Mary Shewnack Knox Maxine Slatter Watkins Virginia Weisbrod Anderson

Sigma-Washington Beatrice Burke Hislop Mary Meloy King Rachel Young Maas

Omega-Texas Irene Childress Francis Pfaefflin Harris Xina York Speeg

Tau-Oregon June Enke Nelson Katharine Gilbert Campbell Jean MacDonald Jockisch

Beta Alpha-Illinois Ruth Lyddon Engstrom Mary Reisner King Anne Sherwin Czerwonky Evelyn Wendt Imming

Upsilon-Washburn Elizabeth Brink Hoover Mildred Floersch

Beta BetaMichigan State Mary Postal Lilly

Phi-Oklahoma Daisybelle Dunn Elkins Nancy Saunders Shepard Nola Severin Wilson

Beta Gamma-Colorado Katherine Frye Walker Mary Moore Marjorie Morgan Lincoln

Chi-Montana June Hartley Howe

Beta Delta-UCLA Martha Godfrey Mekjian

Psi-South Dakota Edna Clark Evans Marit Danforth Taylor

Beta Zeta-Idaho Frances Redmond Fredstrom

Beta Eta-Manitoba Dorothy Ross Mackie Beta ThetaBritish Columbia Phyllis Leckie Davis Mildred Patten McIntyre Beta Iota-West Virginia Gladys Wasmuth Knapp Beta Kappa-Denison Ruth Armitage Butts Gladys Cook Lomas Muriel Detweiler Cudmore Eva Fitch Montgomery Lela Thuma Shoemaker Beta Lambda-Rollins Carol Smith Galbraith Elfreda Winant Ramsey Beta Mu-Alabama Margaret Boutwell Evers Ethel Jackson Andrews Myrtie Park

Think a sister is missing from this list? The Executive Office may not have current contact information for her. E-mail alumnae@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8940.








COL Announces Evaluation Tool in 2008-10 IEB Slating Process The Committee on Leadership (COL), consisting of eight alumnae members and two collegiate members, has been working to engage with the membership in order to prepare a slate of nominees for Alpha Phi’s International Executive Board (IEB). The process is in full swing with the nominations complete, and the COL is now beginning to interview candidates and contact references as the next step in the slating process. A list of candidates for consideration can be found at www.alphaphi.org/col. As this important process gets underway, the COL would like to share the list of Knowledge, Skills and Attributes that will be used as one tool in the evaluation of candidates for the IEB. The Knowledge, Skills and Attributes list reflects the desired areas of expertise, positive attributes and qualities that contribute to successful board dynamics. A key quality will always be: a love for Alpha Phi as an organization and the desire to see the Fraternity continue into the future as a strong leadership organization for women. Alpha Phi Knowledge, Skills and Attributes Needed for 2008-10 IEB Knowledge and Experience (Ideal candidates will possess skills in at least two areas, comprising a board representing strength in all areas): Fraternity Knowledge Chapter, regional and/or international experience in the following areas: • Collegiate membership experience – especially in the areas of programming and recruitment • Alumnae membership experience • Extension experience • Foundation experience • Volunteer supervision • Housing/facilities management experience ■

Finance and/or Legal • Demonstrated ability to understand, analyze and reasonably assess financial statements and the competency of the auditing, insurance and investment firms; ability to reasonably read, assess and comprehend legal documents ■

FALL 2007

Organizational Development • Strategic planning experience • Human resource knowledge • People management skills ■

Marketing and Communication • Strategic marketing development • Branding/promotional experience • Large organizational communication experience: Web, print ■

Other High Level Board Involvement • Familiarity with Alpha Phi’s evolving governance model and willingness to thoroughly understand the roles, responsibilities and relationship between the IEB, volunteers and staff • Willingness to navigate tactical changes needed to assure success of the strategic plan • Training and development knowledge • Board development experience ■

Higher Education/Greek Life • Knowledge of trends/models and the impact on membership • Familiarity with higher education organizational structure

• Ability to accept and effectively offer constructive criticism • Ability to fulfill time commitment • Integrity • Awareness of multi-generations of our members and their varying need IEB Dynamics (As a whole the IEB should display a balance of all these): • Critical thinkers • Visionaries • Creative minds • Realists • Idealists • Motivators • Communicators • Willingness to delegate • Representation of all Alpha Phi members • Innovators • Developers

Attributes (Candidates will display these while representing Alpha Phi): • Enthusiastic interest in and financial commitment to Alpha Phi Fraternity and the Alpha Phi Foundation • Strategic mindset • Confidentiality • Professionalism • Strong decision-making skills • Willingness to listen and learn • Self confidence and capacity to influence public opinion • Respect for and ability to work in concert with others • Effective time management skills; ability to balance Fraternity schedule and tasks within one’s personal schedule • Ability to multitask and meet aggressive deadlines • Serve as a leader and a follower • Perpetuator of Alpha Phi values • Capacity for growth as a leader of an evolving organization

2007-08 TIMELINE July 17, 2007 Candidate referral and self-submission opens • Interested candidates are encouraged to self-nominate; individuals may refer others for the IEB • E-mail name and contact information to COL@alphaphi.org Oct. 5, 2007 Referral and self-submission deadline Oct. 9, 2007 Deadline for COL to distribute applications to all referrals and self-nominations Oct. 28, 2007 Applications and references deadline Nov. 5, 2007 Pool of candidates announced Nov. 5- Dec. 14, 2007 Candidate evaluation; references contacted January-February 2008 Candidate interviews March 7-9, 2008 COL slating weekend March 12, 2008 Slate announced





Clara Bradley Burdette: Her Answer

From the Archives

By Jenny Thompson

Burdette age 15 (top) and age 96


When Clara Bradley Burdette (Alpha-Syracuse), the last living founder of Alpha Phi and its honorary president, entered the Silent Chapter at the age of 98 on Jan. 6, 1954, Alpha Phis wore black ribbons beneath their pins for five days. This symbolic gesture was intended to honor an original alumna of distinction: a woman whose life and work made a profound impact on generations of women. With Clara’s passing, the very living foundations of the Fraternity seemed severed from the present. But the black ribbons lying underneath the Fraternity’s symbol also suggested that the foundations from which Alpha Phi had flourished were still strong. Even now, more than 50 years since Clara’s death, her influence is undeniable. This influence was not the result of luck or coincidence; it was the result of Clara’s life choices. Clara blazed trails first in academia when she entered Syracuse University at the age of 17. Alpha Phis everywhere know what happened next: she played an integral role as a Fraternity Founder. After college she devoted her life to philanthropy, education, reform, women’s rights, conservation and a host of other issues that revealed her unshakeable dedication to living a life in service to others. “As the twig is bent the tree inclines,” Clara once said, revealing her belief that a young life needs to be shaped by positive influences. Clara’s practical views and life direction began while she was in high school. The business manager of Syracuse University asked a simple question: “Why don’t you come to college?” Her answer in the affirmative led to another question, this one posed by Frances Willard (Alpha-Syracuse) to a 19-year-old Clara: “What are you going to do with your life?” Clara remembered: “Too astonished to answer at once, I hesitatingly replied, ‘I do not know. I hadn’t thought about it.’” But she was inspired to come up with an answer. And after reading Frances’ account of her sister’s death at the age of 19, titled Nineteen Beautiful Years, Clara had her answer. She was determined “that from that hour on I could give my life to service, and I would do everything that came to me to do the very best I knew how.” The recipient of three honorary doctorate degrees, Clara served as the first female trustee of

Syracuse University and as a trustee of Mills College, Cal Tech, California College in China, the Pasadena Hospital and the Southwest Museum. She was an early organizer and first president of the California Federation of Women’s Clubs and was widely known as an inspiring civic leader, philanthropist and champion of education and child welfare. Through her efforts and generosity, scholarship funds have been made available to many Alpha Phis over the years. In 1951, Clara found time to sit down and take account of her life. Her autobiography, aptly titled The Answer, is the story of how she responded to Frances Willard’s question. “Chart your life,” Clara Burdette in 1917 instructed in a 1938 address at Alpha Phi’s Convention at Pasadena, Calif. “We cannot hope to use time to our credit unless we plan to do it and are thoughtful about it.” To Clara, life was a precious gift, each day providing a chance to make a difference. Throughout her life, she remained true to her pledge to be of service. And in doing so, she made it possible for other young Alpha Phis to chart their own lives and formulate their own answers. Many of Burdette’s papers, photographs and other memorabilia are housed in the Alpha Phi archives in Evanston, Ill. Her importance extends far beyond the thriving Fraternity she helped found and nurture. Her papers, numbering 50,000 documents, are preserved at the Huntington Library in San Marino, Calif. Editor’s Note: Jenny Thompson, PhD, is the Alpha Phi Foundation staff archivist. She has more than 10 years of experience, including work at Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s archives and museum, the University of Maryland and the Smithsonian Institution. She is currently curator of education at the Evanston Historical Society, and her work has been published in the New York Times.



Foundation’s New Effort Strikes GOLD with Young Alumnae I really want to stay connected to Alpha Phi … but how do I do that after graduation?

I want to know what’s going on in the Fraternity and ways I can help the next generation of Phis.

I’d like to be involved … but my work schedule won’t allow me to devote a lot of time.

Young alumnae: we hear you!

Erin brings a wealth of Alpha Phi Traditionally, charitable organizations knowledge to her new role: she has worked dedicate more resources to connect with “During the first 10 years after on staff at the Foundation already-established major graduation, women face an abundance since 2005, and she traveled donors. But the Alpha Phi of rapid life changes: building a career, as an educational leadership Foundation takes a totally grad school, marriage, children, relocating. consultant in 2003-04. different view of their But we’ve also heard from our collegians “There’s only so much young alumnae. that they want to stay connected to Alpha I can do from my desk – I “The Foundation’s Phi after graduation,” says Foundation need to get out there!” says GOLD initiative is an Executive Director Emily Ellison Lamb Erin. “I love meeting face to exciting investment,” says (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech). “We’re not face with our most successful Emily. “It’s a long-term alone – my colleagues at universities are young alumnae. It’s imporeffort that we believe will asking the same question: how do you tant they know that Alpha inspire alumnae. When our find that balance for your alumnae?” Phi is serious about making members learn about the The Foundation’s answer: a new a difference.” great things we’re doing to Lauren Vandeveer initiative called GOLD (Graduates of Lauren Vandeveer (Delta support Alpha Phi, develop the Last Decade). Rho-Ball State) joins Erin on the road; the best and brightest leaders, champion “Our goal with GOLD is to give young she was hired by the Foundation in July women’s heart health … it naturally ignites alumnae a unique opportunity to stay after working at a Bloomington, Ind., philanthropic passion. Who wouldn’t want connected to Alpha Phi in a marketing firm and at the to be a part of GOLD?” meaningful way,” says Emily. non-profit Downtown Two young alumnae Indianapolis, Inc. from the Foundation staff “I’m so excited to join launched the effort recently. the Foundation,” Lauren These two women travel to says. “And I look forward metropolitan areas and meet to satisfying my travel itch with sisters to show how while meeting my sisters Foundation programs make throughout North an impact on Alpha Phi America.” campuses. Alpha Phi is only the “It’s really exciting for second women’s Greek alumnae to see Foundation Foundation to implement Erin Leahy programs at work. I’m able this type of program. The to show them real programs first group, Sigma Sigma Sigma, realized that change women’s lives,” says tremendous results in participation and Erin Leahey (Omicron-Missouri), one contributions from young alumnae. of the new GOLD officers.

“It’s really exciting for alumnae to see Foundation programs at work. I’m able to show them real programs that change women’s lives.”

Lauren and Erin began their cross-country adventure to connect with young alumnae this August. Want to know when they’ll visit a city near you? E-mail Erin at eleahey@alphaphi.org or Lauren at lvandeveer@alphaphi.org.

FALL 2007





Alpha Phi Foundation: Making an Impact Alpha Phi is dedicated to helping young women emerge as the best and brightest leaders … on campus … in the community … at work … at home. And gifts to the Alpha Phi Foundation make it possible!

Thanks to generous donors, the Foundation funded more than $250,000 in leadership and education grants in 2007. Here’s how your gifts made an impact on Alpha Phi women this year:




Character Development




ng CBI Training Chapters Receivi



Sisterhood and Loyalty


me help our collegians beco i to 06 20 ll fa in ed ch ative, laun Alpha Ph COMMENTS ational Leadership Initirticipate in interactive sessions, facilitated by d sis terhood rn te In i Ph a ph Al e th ment, an apters pa A component of of the CBI, collegiate ch t, service and leadership , intellectual develop e program . rt pa As w. ro or m to of rs th en of m leade eas of character develop d in the inaugural year alumnae, on the topic arsed to report 82 percent of chapters participate and loyalty. We are plea OMMENTS C

.. g ELI . . . . . . . . . Women Attendin


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25). See “In Her Shoes” (page ly great! Thank you to These messages are real whomever makes them” ma Omicron -Drake) -Katie Petersen (Gam ed me the opportunity to “The ELC program allowto explore their leadership empower young women the high ideals of Alpha Phi.” potential and live up tomega-Texas), 2006-07 ELC -Jennifer McCook (O e les insightful, infor mativ tic ar e th of y an m nd “I fou were very impressed that and useful. My parents ng like this to me. The ar ticles Alpha Phi sent somethi ught in any classroom – it has addressed things not ta owledge’ covered.” the very necessary ‘life kn swer -Anony mous survey an




In Her Shoes

D.C. Attorney, IEB Leader Paves the Way for Sisters Bonnie Arthur (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) is a confident woman. It’s

the inaugural Institute this summer at Butler University in Indianapolis, Ind.

a must for her leadership roles at work (at Hunton & Williams LLP in

(Read more about the ELI on page 28.)

Washington, D.C.) and with Alpha Phi (as a member of the International Executive Board and a chapter adviser at

ELI! It was a remarkable group of women –

George Mason (Eta Lambda)).

both the facilitators and the attendees,”

But it hasn’t always been that way.

says Stephanie Tan (Theta Iota-James

“I remember my early 20s vividly,”

Madison), who was able to attend thanks

Bonnie says. “I had so much to learn: how to stand up for myself, how to ask for what

to Bonnie’s gift. “We became instant friends and to-

I needed, how to be a confident leader,

gether learned so much about how to

a good person, a productive citizen.”

become productive and successful leaders.”

So how did she graduate from Bonnie Arthur

“I take great pride in being an Alpha Phi, especially after attending the

“This is the reason we exist as an

Georgetown Law and “find her way?”

organization and the reason I stay so

Bonnie credits Alpha Phi.

involved in Alpha Phi,” Bonnie says.

Stephanie Tan attends ELI thanks to Bonnie Arthur’s gift to the Foundation.

“I truly believe that sororities are a

“As women, we must do all we can to

great training ground to give young women the leadership skills they

help young women become even more

need to compete in the professional world.”

successful in college, on campus, in Alpha Phi, in life,”

Remembering all that she learned as a young chapter president and

You can join Bonnie to share career and life experiences that

during those early years of her career, Bonnie found inspiration to help

strengthen the Alpha Phi leaders who will one day be in your shoes. Visit

young Alpha Phis make it in the world today. Her gift to the Alpha Phi

www.alphaphi.org/Leadership_Initiative to learn more about Alpha Phi’s

Foundation provided grants that sent three collegians to Alpha Phi’s

innovative Leadership Initiative. Or call the Alpha Phi Foundation at

Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI), the four-day immersion course designed

847.465.4532 to make a gift that supports this program.

especially for up-and-coming Alpha Phi leaders. Fifty collegians attended

Call for Nominations: Alpha Phi Foundation Board of Directors The Alpha Phi Foundation Nominations Commission is currently calling for nominations for the Alpha Phi Foundation Board of Directors. As outlined by the Foundation by-laws, the Nominations Commission nominates directors and officers of the Foundation. The Board as a whole then votes on such nominations. Deadline for nomination applications is Jan. 15, 2008. To learn more about nominating yourself or another qualified Alpha Phi for the Foundation Board, contact Commission Chair Catherine Logan Stembridge (Omicron-Missouri) at c-stembridge@northwestern.edu.

FALL 2007




Congratulations to all 2007 Alpha Phi graduates. The Alpha Phi Foundation is proud of you and your accomplishments. Many thanks to the family members and friends who sent gifts to the Alpha Phi Foundation in honor of these graduates:



Congratulations, Class of 2007! Bridget Acox (Theta Theta-St. Joseph’s) from Kathy and Bill Acox Emily Adamson (Beta Delta-UCLA) from Tom and Ellen Adamson Marissa Andrew (Iota Beta-St. Mary’s) from Melinda Andrew Rachel Arnsdorf (Theta-Michigan) from Linda and David Arnsdorf Katie Bahr (Theta Phi-Christopher Newport) from Al and Ginny Bahr Shelby Ann Ball (Omega-Texas) from Mark and Lori Ball Carrie Basta (Epsilon Iota-Duquesne) from Rick and Linda Basta Anna Leah Beck (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) from John and Laura Beck Devora Berger (Eta Zeta-Binghamton) from Mom, Dad, and Sara Berger Melanie Billow (Beta Pi-USC) from Debbie and Bob Billow (Mom and Dad) Elise Joy Blaha (Beta Pi-USC) from Frank and Gail Graff Blaha Carrie Bodner (Delta-Cornell) from Candy and Gerry Bodner Julianne Bohl (Theta-Michigan) from Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bohl Kate Bonanno (Gamma Beta-UC/Santa Barbara) from Joe and Helen Bonanno Alexis Caldwell (Gamma Beta-UC/Santa Barbara) from Helen Berger and Craig Caldwell LaRissa Campitelli (Rho-Ohio State) from Anthony and Sharen Campitelli Veronica Canto-Ponce (Eta Sigma-Lafayette) from Victor and Ana Canto Christina Casinover (Epsilon Delta-Northern Illinois) from Mom and Dad Valene Chance (Theta Theta-St. Joseph’s) from Richard and Deborah Chance Jenny Chirchirillo (Beta Tau-Indiana) from Tony and Mary Lou Chirchirillo Erin Clark (Iota Iota-George Washington) from Donna and Jim Clark (Mom and Dad) Marcelle Clavette (Theta Phi-Christopher Newport) from Parents Larry and Patty Clavette Ethel Cohen (Zeta Theta-Tufts) from Mrs. Ricky and Mr. Peter Cohen Kristen Coleman (Gamma Eta-North Texas) from David Coleman Margaret David (Beta Gamma-Colorado) from Stephen and Jennifer David Nathalie Defrenne (Iota Gamma-University of the Pacific) from Laura and Joe Bixby Diana Dolph (Gamma Beta-UC/Santa Barbara) from Terry and Cyndy Dolph Lindsey Anne Draeger (Eta Mu-Marquette) from Mom and Dad Laura Duerr (Eta Gamma-Akron) from Gary and Judith Duerr Susan DuMont (Gamma Epsilon deuteron-Lake Forest) from JoAnne DuMont Lynda Nora Durand (Theta Omega-Barry) from Nell Durand Krista Eccleston (Epsilon Psi-Lehigh) from Joan Albanese Chelsea Elstob (Theta Upsilon-CSU/Chico) from Mark and Erin Elstob Amy Ephraim (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis) from Jacob and Ronni Ephraim Rachel Faulkner (Gamma Nu-Miami University) from Lynne and Scott Faulkner Lauren Fisher (Eta deuteron-Boston) from Kevin and Marie Fisher Skye Fraser (Lambda-UC/Berkeley) from Reneé and Scott Fraser Breanna Frazier (Zeta Beta-Loyola Marymount) from Cynthia, Patricia and Christina Alexandra Fuchsman (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis) Love, Guardian Angel Daddy, Mommy and Ron-Ron Andrea Gage (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) from Deana Gage Gwendolyn Gatz (Beta Alpha-Illinois) from Mr. and Mrs. James Gatz Kaja Gjessing-Newman (Alpha-Syracuse) from Robert L. Newman Foundation Nan Grace (Gamma Rho-Penn State) from Paul and Laura Grace Jordan Gravely (Zeta Iota deuteron-Virginia) from Will and Gale Gravely Erin Gullickson (Theta Zeta-Florida Tech) from Sue Bliese Brianna Haag (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis) from Alexi and Russ Haag Madeleine Hammar (Lambda-UC/Berkeley) from Mr. and Mrs. Bengt Hammar Mackenzie Hawkins (Gamma Beta-UC/Santa Barbara) from William Hawkins Jee Hong (Gamma Beta-UC/Santa Barbara) from Andy S. Hong Kristen Igo (Gamma Alpha-San Diego State) from Mark and Anjie Igo (Dad and Mom) Lara Imai (Delta Mu-Purdue) from Gerald and Roberta Imai Katharine Jensen (Beta Delta-UCLA) from Mark and Diane Jensen Cynthia Joseph (Gamma Alpha-San Diego State) from Wayne and Geri Joseph Meredith Kane (Theta Iota-James Madison) from Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kane Samantha Keys (Epsilon Kappa-West Chester) from Dennis and Donna Keys Whitney Kirk (Beta Delta-UCLA) from Lorri Herlihy, UCLA, Beta Delta Lisa Kjerulf (Theta Alpha-Linfield) from Robert and Linda Kjerulf Kelly Kloosterman (Iota Zeta-Colorado School of Mines) from Bonnie and Harry Kloosterman Keli Kohler (Epsilon Kappa-West Chester) from Mom and Kyle Diana Kohn (Rho-Ohio State) from Joy S. Kohn Stacey Kruger (Beta Psi-San Jose State) from Julie and Keith Kruger Nicole Kruse (Eta Upsilon-Chapman) from Wesley and Louise Kruse (Dad and Mom) Tina Kuhr (Beta Pi-USC) from Len and Barb Kuhr Amy Lassiter (Theta Nu-Appalachian State) from David and Shelley Lassiter Barbara Legnitto (Eta deuteron-Boston) from John and Irene Legnitto Katherine Lenz (Epsilon-Minnesota) from Paul and Sherree Lenz Andrea Levine (Eta Zeta-Binghamton) from Beth and Michael Levine Cheryl Lin (Beta Nu deuteron-Duke) from Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Lim Ashley Long (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) from Michael and Christina Long Victoria Love (Epsilon Chi-Cal Poly) from Richard and Ann Love Olivia Lustro (Lambda-UC/Berkeley) from Steve and Sharon Lustro

Suzanne MacMaster (Eta Eta-Seton Hall) from Margaret Kenny Danielle Marganoff (Delta-Cornell) from Dr. Phyllis Perry Marganoff Megan Marsilii (Epsilon Nu-Delaware) from Peggy and Joe Marsilii Sarah Mazzone (Beta-Northwestern) from Dr. and Mrs. Frank Mazzone Kathleen McCann (Chi-Montana) from Paul and Michele McCann Sara McLinden (Zeta Iota deuteron-Virginia) from John and Betsy McLinden Deborah McMahon (Eta Mu-Marquette) from Bill and Helene McMahon Tara McNulty (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) from Pamela McNulty Jacqueline Merzer (Eta Iota-Pennsylvania) from Richard and Cynthia Merzer Debra Miller (Iota Gamma-University of the Pacific) from Bonnie Jenks Miller Anna Louise Mills-Bria (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) from Barbara Mills-Bria and Carmen Bria Alaina Muldrow (Theta Kappa-Rochester) from Michael and Ann Muldrow Ashley Nelson (Eta deuteron-Boston) from Mom and Dad Nelson Danae Netto (Epsilon Chi-Cal Poly) from James and Delia Netto Danielle Newman (Eta deuteron-Boston) from Brad and Sue Newman Lauren Noga (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) from Larry and Cathy Noga Whitney Olge (Gamma Zeta-Puget Sound) from Mom and Dad (AOE) Kristen Okrzesik (Iota Eta-DePaul) from Diane M. Okrzesik and Gary Woods Shaina Olds (Eta Psi-Eastern Washington) from Colleen Olds Kelly O’Malley (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) from Katie and Joe O’Malley Jennifer Otott (Eta Upsilon-Chapman) from George and Denise Otott Jill Otte (Zeta Beta-Loyola Marymount) from Drew and Rose Otte Michelle Parks (Beta Epsilon-Arizona) from Bill and Kathy Parks Sarah Pasyk (Gamma-DePauw) from Mark and Karen Pasyk (Mom and Dad) Shannon Patterson (Theta Theta-St. Joseph’s) from Ralph and Kim Patterson Danielle Perez (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis) from Ruben and Victoria Perez Jennifer Pohl (Gamma Pi-Arizona State) from William Pohl Carey Polis (Zeta Omicron deuteron-Johns Hopkins) from Michael Polis and Rhoda Barish Danielle Potter (Delta Mu-Purdue) from Terri Potter Heather Pressler (Zeta Phi-MIT) from Tom and Greta Pressler Amy Regalado (Eta Omega-Towson) from Jeovannie and Mercedes Regalado Alyssa Reilly (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) from Lawrence and Michelle Reilly (Mom and Dad) Jessica Ritsick (Theta Theta-St. Joseph’s) from Bob and Marie Ritsick Julia Marie Robinson (Theta Iota-James Madison) from Peter and Kristin Robinson Rebecca Robinson (Delta-Cornell) from Rich Robinson and Catheryn Obern-Robinson Jessie Rosenberg (Delta-Cornell) from Dr. and Mrs. Steven Rosenberg Robyn Saidi (Zeta Rho-Bentley) from Mimi and Bob Saidi Chloe Salzmann (Gamma Epsilon deuteron-Lake Forest) from Richard and Pam Salzmann Sarah Grace Sanders (Zeta Iota deuteron-Virginia) from Jane and Scott Sanders Elizabeth Schlarb (Rho-Ohio State) from James and Deborah Schlarb Abigail Sissors (Eta Omicron-Virginia Tech) from Mary Ann Finlon Catherine Smedile (Eta Mu-Marquette) from Pam Smedile (Omega) Erin Smith (Zeta Upsilon-Washington University) from Juith and James Bagby Deidre Snively (Eta Xi-UNC/Wilmington) from Bonnie and Doug Snively Tammy Spellman (Epsilon Iota-Duquesne) from Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Spellman Ashley Blair Stalzer (Eta Nu-SUNY/Albany) from George and Joanne Stalzer Megan Steck (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) from Harry and Nancy Steck Jaclyn Stephens (Rho-Ohio State) from Jim and Laura Stephens Amanda Stewart (Gamma Eta-North Texas) from Chuck and Donna Stark Brooke Strange (Zeta Omicron deuteron-Johns Hopkins) from Kevin and Deanna Strange (Mom and Dad) Katie Svatos (Beta Pi-USC) from Ellen and Bob Svatos Elena Tanski (Eta Tau-SUNY/Cortland) from Eva Tanski Brittany Taylor (Omega-Texas) from Claudia and Gary Taylor Caitlyn Tindale (Iota Theta-Wilfrid Laurier) from Chris and Kathy Tindale Elizabeth Toohey (Eta Mu-Marquette) from Michael and Linda Toohey Jane Marie Townsend (Beta Tau-Indiana) from Debbie Farrar Townsend Jennifer Tritz Sumner (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) from John D and Arlene (Conner) Sumner, Alumnae Initiate Alpha Lambda Chapter Bailey Turner (Eta Lambda-George Mason) from Mom and Dad; Whitney and Anna Turner Frances Valencia (Iota Beta-St. Mary’s) from Jose Valencia and Diana Valencia Christina Vicencia (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) Love, Dad and Mom Wendy Waldeck (Theta Iota-James Madison) from Bill Waldeck and Judy Waldeck Kara Weaver (Nu-Nebraska) from Joe and Stephanie Weaver Ashley Nicole Wells (Delta Epsilon-Iowa) from Parents: Joe and Teri Wells Zoe Wilson (Omega-Texas) from Mary Wilson Rachel Wirkus (Epsilon Nu-Delaware) from Dana Torti Talia Wright (Beta Epsilon-Arizona) from The Wright/Valdez Family Melissa Zermeno (Iota Gamma-University of the Pacific) from Juan and Lea Ann Zermeno ALPHA PHI



B. I.


A. Diamond Burst Necklace, 18”, #SL8360D SS ..................................$25 B. Diamond Burst Ring, #R8360D (Whole sizes 6–8) SS ..................................$25



D. E.

G. F.

Forget-Me-Not Ring, #864 (Whole sizes 5–8) SS ..................................$30

D. Forget-Me-Not Necklace, 18”, #6698-1P SS ..................................$23 E.

Sincere Ring (Whole sizes 5–9) SS ..................................$35


Athena Pavé Bracelet with engraved tag, 7.5”, #B297-8 SS ..................................$161

G. Aphrodite’s Heart Necklace, 18”, #SL7125 SS ..................................$42 H. Aphrodite’s Heart Link Bracelet, 7.5”, #806 SS ..................................$70 I.

Aphrodite’s Heart Ring, #RP2231 (Whole sizes 5–8) SS ..................................$30


Coil Bracelet with mini tag, 7.5”, #903 SS ..................................$68




Training Young Leaders to Become Women of Distinction Participants Jackie Aliotta (Epsilon Kappa-West Chester) Marie Arcidiacono (Eta Delta-CSU/East Bay) Lauren Axt (Delta Theta-Western Michigan) Cassie Baird (Theta Eta-Western Ontario) Rebecca Blank (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) Ashley Boyer (Zeta Psi-Dayton) Leah Bueso (Beta Nu deuteron-Duke) Becca Cadoff (Beta-Northwestern) Megan Carter (Eta Lambda-George Mason) Nicole Christensen (Theta Omega-Barry) Hallie Cohn (Theta Kappa-Rochester) Leigh Cousins (Zeta Beta-Loyola Marymount) Jessica Crane (Omicron-Missouri) Julie Flowers (Omega-Texas) Alyssa Floyd (Psi-South Dakota) Jillian France (Gamma Eta-North Texas) Genevieve Fugere (Theta Theta-St. Joseph’s) Lauren Gage (Theta-Michigan) Kaitlin Gallup (Iota Kappa-Dartmouth) McKenzie Gayfield (Beta Zeta-Idaho) Christi Gray (Beta Rho deuteron-Washington State) Kirsten Grohs (Iota Theta-Wilfrid Laurier) Stephanie Hernandez (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) Micaela Hinojosa (Eta Beta-CSU/San Bernardino) Julia Holmes (Phi-Oklahoma) Amanda Jones (Delta Epsilon-Iowa) Valerie Katz (Gamma Nu-Miami University) Carissa Kephart (Delta Nu-Maine) Danielle Lajoie (Zeta Rho-Bentley) Tiffany Leschke (Epsilon Xi-Southern Illinois) Veronica Lucido (Epsilon GammaSacramento State) Eleni Makos (Xi-Toronto) Lacey McAfoose (Eta Omicron-Virginia Tech)

The first Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI) was held June 20-24, 2007. The four-day intensive training opportunity, hosted at Butler University (Indianapolis, Ind.), was facilitated by trained Alpha Phi facilitators. This interactive learning experience included large and small group discussions, trust building activities and personal reflection. Fifty emerging leaders were selected to attend the Institute and received a full scholarship funded by the Alpha Phi Foundation that included all travel, lodging and meals at the Institute. These freshman and sophomore women showed great potential as leaders! For more information and photos, visit www.alphaphi.org/Leadership_Initiative/ ELI.html.

Kristen Morris (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Caroline Morrissey (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) Katie Muenks (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) Charelle O’Dunn-Orto (Beta Eta-Manitoba) Elaina Olson (Sigma-Washington) Laura Peirano (Beta Delta-UCLA) Jasper Pierson (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Morgan Pillen (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney) Emilie Pryor (Iota Gamma- University of the Pacific) Kaitlin Ripple (Delta Upsilon-Baldwin-Wallace) Chelsea Rivera (Nu-Nebraska) Lauren Schneider (Zeta Iota deuteron-Virginia) Katherine Smiley (Beta OmicronBowling Green State) Amanda Spring (Delta Nu-Maine) Stephanie Tan (Theta Iota-James Madison) Amy Trebelco (Beta Theta-British Columbia) Sara Williams (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst) Lead Facilitators Karyn Nishimura Sneath, NPower Genevieve Evans Taylor (Psi-South Dakota) Silver Circle Facilitators Kary Crumm Huffman (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Cathy Schafer McKay (Theta IotaJames Madison) Breanne Linsner Scogin (Eta Upsilon-Chapman) Kirsten Siron (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Susan Zabriskie (Theta-Michigan) Staff Support Denise Jung Reens (Epsilon DeltaNorthern Illinois) Stefania Rudd (Theta Rho-Cameron)

“I was able to validate how important it is to recognize when it is appropriate to be a leader and when it’s more important to step back and be a follower.”

“I have definitely realized I am more of a leader now than I was four days ago, and I have much more confidence now.”

“I feel like I am more prepared to be a leader in my chapter, but also later in life in my community. I also liked being challenged intellectually.”

“I have become more open and like to take more risks, unlike before I came.”

“My drive to be a great chapter president has increased.”

“I have a greater awareness of Alpha Phi as a whole.” “My dedication to Alpha Phi and my belief in myself to lead has grown.”




Collegian Reflects on Virginia Tech Shootings By Meredyth Kenney (Eta Omicron-Virginia Tech)

me, to spend time with loved ones and try to come I remember the first time I heard about the Columbine shooting. As a 12-year-old, I naively to terms with what had happened. thought, “Thank God that will never happen to me After the events of 9/11, Virginia Tech’s Student at my school.” Eight years later, my college faced Government Association (SGA) founded Hokies a similar catastrophic event, although United, a student-driven volunteer it surpassed Columbine as the deadgroup organized to respond to local, liest school shooting in U.S. history. national and international disasters. I first heard about the incident the Immediately following the events of morning of April 16, 2007, at 9:00 April 16, Hokies United worked to aid a.m. In my e-mail was a brief memo the victims’ families and give support from the university, alarming students to the grieving community. Several that there was a shooter on campus, events, including a picnic, allowed to “be cautious.” I first dismissed the everyone to temporarily take their message as spam, but was skeptical minds off the tragedy. and rushed to wake one of my roomMeredyth Kenney shows her As a member of the SGA and mates. We tried to make phone calls, support for Virginia Tech by Hokies United Team, I am proud of the but the lines were tied up. We decided wearing a “Hokies United” efforts made to support the campus to skip classes, stay in our apartment T-shirt. in the wake of this tragedy. However, and wait for more information. This turned out I am confident even without the aid of Hokies to be an extremely wise decision. United, the Virginia Tech community would be My roommates and I were glued to news stations while friends and family called to check on us. I was thankful to be safe in my apartment

stronger than ever. As a member of the Greek community, I also

Phis share a resilient spirit and strength of mind, which makes our women exceptional and rare. I cannot put into words how thankful I am for what they did for our chapter. It has been a reminder of why I am so privileged to be a member of such a phenomenal Greek organization, and why I proudly wear Alpha Phi letters day after day. When young people go to college, they search for a family away from home. I am fortunate to have more than 100 sisters in my chapter who are members of my family. Without them, and without the faith we have in each other, it would have been impossible for me to overcome the catastrophe. People ask what the Virginia Tech SGA plans to do to move forward this school year. First, the candlelight vigil and community picnic will be made annual events, to remember our friends. The shooting will be addressed at orientations. While the end of the school year was a time to reflect, this fall is about healing and rebuilding. The memorials will be preserved, the victims will never be forgotten, and Virginia Tech will only become stronger in the years to come.

a mile from the academic buildings, but feared for

witnessed Alpha Phis come together in incredible

my friends on campus. I was relieved when my

ways. After April 16, the love and support our chap-

friends responded to calls and told me they were

ter received from sisters across the nation was

consider transferring to another university because

okay and terrified when calls went unanswered.

unsurpassed. We received countless cards, flowers,

of what happened. I confidently replied there was

food and care packages. We received numerous

never a moment that thought crossed my mind.

in a French class that was raided that morning, and

phone calls from Alpha Phi International and other

Virginia Tech is and will always be my home.

she died. She was a freshman – one of the kindest,

chapters. Alpha Phi International was especially

Although the university suffered a tragedy most

most beautiful girls I had ever met. At that moment

compassionate in generously donating to the Hokie

people will never bear, I truly believe we can call

I was struck by the enormity of what had hap-

Spirit Memorial Fund. I always knew our organiza-

ourselves a genuine family, as no other university

pened. After a heart wrenching convocation and

tion could depend on our remarkable sisters, and

can. I am prouder than ever to call myself a Hokie,

candlelight vigil the next day, the campus seemed

these gestures reinforced the strong bond we

and as Professor Nikki Giovanni reminded us,

frozen. Many students returned home, including

share. I now believe more than ever that Alpha

“We will prevail.”

Later, I learned a good friend’s sister had been

After April 16, someone asked me if I would

Thank You from Eta Omicron The events of April 16 are something we will always remember, but the immense outpouring of love and support from our sisters throughout the world is something we will never forget. In the days following the tragedy, our chapter received flowers, baked goods, sympathy cards and “Hand to Hand. Heart to Heart.” notes of support. Alumnae, including the Alpha Phi Fraternity and Foundation, made contributions to the Hokie Spirit Fund. Baskets arrived

FALL 2007

full of movies and candy. T-shirts were made with love from our sisters. Tammy Heft Neeble (Theta Iota-James Madison) brought a car full of food, meeting me at the edge of campus, for the women in lockdown in the chapter house. There were hundreds of calls and e-mails asking what people could do for us. I wish I could name every gift we received, but there are too many. I wish I could write every sister a thank you note so each knows

her kindness did not go unnoticed. On behalf of the Eta Omicron chapter, I would like to thank every sister for her prayers, support, gifts and love. You helped us through a terrible time. Our chapter remains strong because of the wonderful sisterhood the bonds of Alpha Phi bring us. We will prevail! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Caitlin Massie Eta Omicron President




Fall 2007 Extension Update Please look for more information about both chapters in upcoming issues of the Quarterly!

Alpha Phi Returns to Lancaster, Pa. This fall, Alpha Phi recolonized the Zeta Sigma Chapter at Franklin & Marshall College. The colonization took place in late September 2007. There are several ways to continue to support these efforts! If you live in the area, we would love for you to get involved as a volunteer or to start an alumnae chapter in Lancaster. Please contact Megan Bouché (Epsilon-Minnesota) at mbouche@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8926 for additional information. If you are a Zeta Sigma chapter member, please update your contact information so we can keep you informed of the chapter’s progress. If you would like to recommend a potential new member, please contact Alpha Phi’s Educational Leadership Consultant Tracy Briggs (Iota Theta-Wilfrid Laurier) at tbriggs@alphaphi.org. Watch for updates on this exciting return to a familiar campus!

Inaugural Year at UConn Commences Alpha Phi is thrilled to establish a new chapter at the top ranked public university in New England. Our University of Connecticut chapter was colonized in mid-September, with recruitment dates Sept. 16-20. If you live in the area, we are currently building our advisory board and would love for you to get involved. If you are interested in supporting the UConn colony or getting involved with the local alumnae chapters, please contact Megan Bouché at mbouche@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8926 for additional information. If you would like to recommend a potential new member at UConn, please contact Alpha Phi’s Educational Leadership Consultant Brianna Haag (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis) at bhaag@alphaphi.org. Thanks for your support of Alpha Phi’s growth!




Congratulations Honor Society Inductees The following women were inducted into Order of Omega, Gamma Sigma Alpha and Rho Lambda honor societies during the 2006-07 school year.

Order of Omega Liz Abitz (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) Bethany Allen (Delta Nu-Maine) Jennifer Anderson (Psi-South Dakota) Melissa Andritz (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) Kristina Aufiero (Zeta Rho-Bentley) Jennifer Bailey (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) Paulina Ballesteros (Delta Pi-Indiana State) Christina Basinger (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) Carrie Basta (Epsilon Iota-Duquesne) Jill Beaudry (Theta Alpha-Linfield) Jennifer Berger (Zeta Omicron deuteronJohns Hopkins) Nicole Bernardo (Eta Rho-San Diego) Daniea Beery (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) Morgan Bickford (Delta Nu-Maine) March Bishop (Theta Kappa-Rochester) Blair Bjellos (Zeta Iota deuteron-Virginia) Ashley Blackburn (Rho-Ohio State) Kirstin Blanchard (Theta Nu-Appalachian State) Jessica Bleifer (Beta Delta-UCLA) Janelle Bludorn (Psi-South Dakota) Jemere Bohnert (Gamma Epsilon deuteronLake Forest) Janelle Boisvert (Theta Zeta-Florida Tech) Megan Brady (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve) Courtney Breen (Delta Zeta-Maryland) Lindsay Breissinger (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Stefanie Bryan (Eta Rho-San Diego) Margaret Bucher (Theta Alpha-Linfield) Emily Bunch (Theta Iota-James Madison) Marissa Burson (Iota Zeta-Colorado School of Mines) Amy Carmell (Zeta Upsilon-Washington University) Christine Caruso (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) Carla Chee (Zeta Omicron deuteron-Johns Hopkins) Anne Chesney (Beta-Northwestern) Carey Ciochina (Epsilon Beta-Butler) Ziva Cizman (Eta deuteron-Boston) Kelsey Collins (Theta-Michigan) Nathalie Cortes (Eta deuteron-Boston) Leigh Cousins (Zeta Beta-Loyola Marymount) Megan Cullen (Eta Omicron-Virginia Tech) Molly Danziger (Gamma Zeta-Puget Sound) Marissa Dastice (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst) Alexandra David (Gamma Epsilon deuteronLake Forest) Jen Deabler (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) Laura Dekker (Gamma Beta-UC/Santa Barbara) Jessica DeLay (Nu-Nebraska) Katelyn D’Eramo (Zeta Rho-Bentley) Jacqueline Donnelly (Theta Upsilon-CSU/Chico) Cassandra Duwe (Beta Delta-UCLA) Mandy Epler (Beta Delta-UCLA) Jennifer Feild (Eta Omicron-Virginia Tech) Kristina Fetterman (Eta Upsilon-Chapman) Melissa Figel (Zeta Beta-Loyola Marymount) Sara Filliman (Beta Pi-USC) Shelley Folk (Delta Kappa-Wisconsin/La Crosse) Michelle Forintos (Zeta Beta-Loyola Marymount) Kathryn Frost (Beta Delta-UCLA) Kristen Guinan (Psi- South Dakota) Laura Gulk (Psi-South Dakota) Alexandra Hales (Gamma Epsilon deuteron-

FALL 2007

Lake Forest) Catherine Hall (Eta Upsilon-Chapman) Lisa Hanscom (Beta Pi-USC) Heather Hansen (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney) Brittany Harrison (Beta Delta-UCLA) Siobahn Hartigan (Iota Iota-George Washington) Tamara Harvey (Beta Theta-British Columbia) Melissa Hausfeld (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) Kimberly Hausmann (Theta Kappa- Rochester) Brittany Farren Hayes (Rho-Ohio State) Adena Hefets (Delta-Cornell) Eleanor Heidingsfelder (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) Katie Hercik (Eta Omicron-Virginia Tech) Kimberly Holihan (Zeta Iota deuteron-Virginia) Amanda Hong (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve) Laura Houghton (Theta-Michigan) Jamie Huffman (Theta Zeta-Florida Tech) Pamela Hutmacher (Eta Mu-Marquette) Meg Inomata (Iota Iota-George Washington) Allison Jacobs (Theta-Michigan) Claire Jaffe (Eta deuteron-Boston) Heidi Johnson (Theta Alpha-Linfield) Rachel Jones (Theta Zeta-Florida Tech) Rachel Jordan (Rho-Ohio State) Kristen Kaage (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst) Natalie Kaplan (Iota Iota-George Washington) Erin Kelly (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) Meredyth Kenney (Eta Omicron-Virginia Tech) Alyssa Knudsen (Tau-Oregon) Jennifer Kobus (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Michelle Koenig (Beta Delta-UCLA) Kim Kokott (Delta Kappa-Wisconsin/LaCrosse) Diana Kolettis (Delta Mu-Purdue) Heather Korte (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney) Nicole Kruse (Eta Upsilon-Chapman) Brittany Kuthmann (Beta Theta-British Columbia) Jacqueline Lagerlof (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Julie Land (Iota Gamma-University of the Pacific) Lindsay Laughlin (Theta Upsilon-CSU/Chico) Natalie Layhee (Theta Upsilon-CSU/Chico) Jessica Lee (Eta Kappa-UC/ Irvine) Kathryn Lee (Eta Kappa-UC/ Irvine) Nicole Litsis (Eta deuteron-Boston) I-Ting Liu (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Rebecca Loesch (Delta Chi-William Woods) Brigette Lofholm (Eta Rho-San Diego) Marie Lord (Beta Pi-USC) Lisa Lustig (Eta Lambda-George Mason) Sarah Macfarlane (Eta Upsilon-Chapman) Julia Mackay (Beta Theta-British Columbia) Megan Maguire (Zeta Omicron deuteronJohns Hopkins) Amanda Maher (Eta deuteron-Boston) Lauren Mandac (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) Nicole Mangiere (Delta-Cornell) Michaela Masching (Nu-Nebraska) Christina Matsuda (Beta Pi-USC) Rachel Matthews (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Kylie McGonigal (Gamma Epsilon deuteronLake Forest) Kathy Millar (Iota Alpha-Pepperdine) Whitney Miller (Delta Chi-William Woods) Kelly Miller (Beta Delta-UCLA)

Shannon Minarik (Delta Nu-Maine) Sara Minor (Epsilon Beta-Butler) Maura Miraglia (Theta-Michigan) Jacquelyn Mohar (Beta Delta-UCLA) Katherine Monus (Delta BetaTexas A&M/Commerce) Lindsay Morigerato (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Cheyenne Bailey Morris (Delta Chi-William Woods) Kelly Morris (Gamma Beta-UC/Santa Barbara) Kristin Morton (Tau-Oregon) Andrea Mott (Chi-Montana) Jodi Nagelberg (Beta Pi-USC) Dieu Nguyen (Eta Kappa-UC/Irvine) Shannon O’Connell (Zeta Phi-MIT) Kerry O’Keefe (Zeta Iota deuteron-Virginia) Kelly O’Malley (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) Amanda O’Neill (Psi-South Dakota) Sabrina Nicole Pavri (Zeta Omicron deuteronJohns Hopkins) Laura Penneys (Epsilon Nu-Delaware) Amy Pharis (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) Karen Philabaun (Nu-Nebraska) Jenny Pohlman (Psi-South Dakota) Lindsay Potter (Eta Xi-UNC/Wilmington) Heather Pressler (Zeta Phi-MIT) Michelle Pressley (Theta Nu-Appalachian State) Michelle Racer (Theta Mu-Hofstra) Lisa Ralph (Gamma Epsilon deuteron-Lake Forest) Kristen Ray (Psi-South Dakota) Laurie Reiprich (Psi-South Dakota) Sara Roedner (Theta-Michigan) Carolyn Rossi (Eta deuteron-Boston) Jessica Rudder (Gamma Zeta- Puget Sound) Robyn Saidi (Zeta Rho-Bentley) Alyssa Saiz (Gamma Alpha-San Diego State) Chloe Salzmann (Gamma Epsilon deuteronLake Forest) Elizabeth Sampson (Tau-Oregon) Ashley Saunders (Epsilon Psi-Lehigh) Ashley Saxon (Theta Zeta-Florida Tech) Cassie Scales (Delta Rho-Ball State) Molly Schieck (Delta-Cornell) Leah Schnall (Chi-Montana) Lea Schneider (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney) Jennifer Schnizler (Eta Lambda-George Mason) Aimee Schulte (Gamma Zeta-Puget Sound) Jacqueline Scott (Eta deuteron-Boston) Stephanie Scovil (Epsilon Xi-Southern Illinois) Mona Shahabian (Eta Kappa-UC/Irvine) Rebecca Shasha (Eta Upsilon-Chapman) Cambria Shimmon (Eta Upsilon-Chapman University) Lindsay Shinbaum (Epsilon Psi-Lehigh) Samantha Simon (Beta-Northwestern) Carlina Simons (Theta Alpha-Linfield) Barbara Smith Badman (Zeta Omicron deuteronJohns Hopkins) Maggie Smoak (Eta Xi-UNC/Wilmington) Jessica Soltani (Eta Beta-CSU/San Bernardino) Bonnie Spafford (Theta Psi-SUNY/Plattsburgh) Brittany Spano (Eta Omicron-Virginia Tech) Emily Stark (Eta Mu-Marquette) Natanya Steelman (Beta Delta-UCLA) Jaclyn Stenberg (Beta Upsilon-Oregon State)

Jessica Stohr (Beta Upsilon-Oregon State) Angelina Sulaka (Theta- Michigan) Elizabeth Sulick (Epsilon Nu-Delaware) Catie Sullivan (Gamma Zeta-Puget Sound) Megan Sullivan (Beta Delta-UCLA) Kathleen Sullivan (Beta Pi-USC) Nicole Surico (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Mae Swisher (Theta Alpha-Linfield) Dina Tenerelli (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst) Erin Thomas (Theta Xi-Shippensburg) Katherine Thomas (Beta Delta-UCLA) Tiffanie Trask (Delta Upsilon-Baldwin-Wallace) Bernadette Trenholm (Zeta Rho-Bentley) Elizabeth Turner (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Elizabeth Tysse (Zeta Iota deuteron-Virginia) Lisa Valenzuela (Eta Beta-CSU/San Bernardino) Jennifer Valko (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) Pamela VanDeventer (Psi-South Dakota) Brielle Veselsky (Delta Zeta-Maryland) Alexandra Vuxton (Zeta Iota deuteron-Virginia) Sadie Wachter (Zeta Phi-MIT) Whitney Welch (Iota Iota-George Washington) Jenna Wilkerson (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Jennifer Williams (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Charlotte Williamson (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) Holly Witte (Delta Pi-Indiana State) Jessica Wong (Beta Delta-UCLA) Cassandra Wood (Beta Delta-UCLA) Lindsey Woodhull (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) Donna Woodworth (Delta KappaWisconsin/LaCrosse) Amanda Worthy (Gamma Pi-Arizona State) Irina Yegutkin (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) Margot Zaccardi (Theta Zeta-Florida Tech) Theresa Zielonko (Theta Psi-SUNY/Plattsburgh)

Gamma Sigma Alpha Lauren Albin (Upsilon-Washburn) Abigail Arnold-Ochs (Beta Pi-USC) Kathryn Berg (Zeta Upsilon-Washington University) Jennifer Bernstein (Beta Beta-Michigan State) Melanie Billow (Beta Pi-USC) Jessica Brick (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve) Kara Brockman (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst) Brittany M. Brubaker (Beta Beta-Michigan State) Shannon Cahill (Upsilon-Washburn) Jenessa Cesarz (Delta Theta-Western Michigan) Sara Chappell (Upsilon-Washburn) Tanya Charumilind (Zeta UpsilonWashington University) Kelly Clarson (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Crystal Crawford (Eta Beta-CSU/San Bernardino) Karla Cuellar (Beta Theta-British Columbia) Nina MireilleDadlez (Gamma Nu-Miami University) Marissa Dastile (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst) Meghan DiAntonio (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve) Elizabeth Dodd (Upsilon-Washburn) Clare Donaldson (Beta Theta-British Columbia) Ana Dragovic (Beta Beta-Michigan State) Liesl Dye (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Lauren Englehardt (Gamma Alpha-San Diego State) Kimia Ferdowsi (Zeta Upsilon-Washington University) Sara Filliman (Beta Pi-USC)

(continued on page 36)








Holly Schinnerer, left, and Karis Wilson are Eta Kappa chapter’s recruitment team.

The chapter gathers for a quick photo during their Phi Ball philanthropy event.

New initiates (from left) Laura Fogler, Cassie Baird, Lizzie Howard, Marnee Birnbaum and Vicky Kahn enjoy the spring post-initiation celebration.

Sisters enjoy the year-end formal.

ARIZONA Arizona State (Gamma Pi) The enthusiastic promotion of sisterhood is what the Gamma Pi chapter has been all about, handing out special needs bags to the runners at the Ironman Triathlon® and offering bright smiles and necklaces to survivors at the American Cancer Society® Relay For Life® event. Sisters wore their letters to all Greek Week events and made their presence known at an ASU baseball game. -Caroline Koch

CALIFORNIA CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) The ladies of Gamma Kappa enjoyed a relaxing sisterhood retreat at a day spa that included manicures, facials and massages. Sisters participated in the American Cancer Society® Relay for Life® and Greek Week. They also enjoyed spring formal at the Huntington Beach Hilton. -Rachelle Wiegand

CSU/San Bernardino (Eta Beta) The chapter’s formal took place on a luxurious yacht which cruised Newport Beach Harbor. The fun-filled evening included dinner, dancing and final memories with seniors. Congratulations to S. Stefanie Graham, who got engaged during formal. -Ashley Thompson

San Diego State (Gamma Alpha) Members participated in San Diego State University’s annual Explore SDSU, an event where incoming

students have the opportunity to experience what SDSU has to offer. The Red Dress Gala was planned for October. -Nicole Duplessie

Santa Clara (Zeta Gamma) The chapter held its second annual Red Dress Gala to raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. More than 500 collegians, alumnae, families and friends attended the event at Villa Regusa in Campbell, Calif. A silent and live auction successfully raised $65,000. The event was organized by the committee of Megan Brown, Carly Syke, Jenny Adams, Stefanie Metzge and adviser Kelley Milligan (Beta Upsilon-Oregon State). Combined with the money raised at the February Star Search philanthropy event, Zeta Gamma raised more than $70,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. -Tera Linsley

UC/Irvine (Eta Kappa) In preparation for fall formal recruitment, the recruitment team held spring and summer workshops to discuss rules, details for each recruitment day and dos and don’ts for recruiting. Sisters made an effort during the school year to market Alpha Phi with “MAP” days that encouraged sisters to wear Alpha Phi clothing. -Kelly Yocca

USC (Beta Pi) Sisters celebrated record attendance for the annual Phi Ball spring philanthropy 3-on-3 basketball tournament. More than 15 sisters traveled abroad during the spring semester. Members looked forward to fall recruitment

DISTINGUISHED COLLEGIAN SERVES INTERNSHIP AT THE WHITE HOUSE Riva Litman (Lambda-UC/Berkeley) spent her summer serving as a White House intern with the Office of Presidential Speechwriting in Washington, D.C. As part of her internship, she researched and edited speeches for the President. Riva is a history and political science double major. She also volunteered time during the summer at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. “I had the time of my life! In all honesty, serving as president of my Riva Litman poses with President chapter prepared me,” says Riva. “I can say with certainty that being an Bush during a Congressional pic- Alpha Phi has truly changed my life; it has given me the confidence, poise nic at the White House in June. and drive that led me here. Thank you!”


and the sixth annual Heart of Gold philanthropy event to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. The event, held in the Millennium Biltmore Hotel – home of the Oscars® – raised more than $37,000 last year. -Katie Trainor

CANADA British Columbia (Beta Theta) The women said goodbye to seniors with a special sendoff event. They enjoyed summer vacations at different corners of the globe and excitedly returned for an August polish retreat and an Ivy League-themed September recruitment. -Marisa Woodham

Western Ontario (Theta Eta) The chapter moved to a bigger house at 200 Sherwood Ave. as of May 1, 2007. Theta Eta welcomed nine new members. The sisters enjoyed a recruitment training weekend in August with alumnae Alison Nash (XiToronto) and Lauren Cherry Doherty (Eta ChiBishop’s). -Sabrina Nemis

Wilfrid Laurier (Iota Theta) Sisters enjoyed a year-end formal, a glamorous evening of dinner, dancing and awards. Kirsten Grohs was selected to attend the inaugural Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI) in Indianapolis in June and returned with great ideas and valuable lessons (see page 28 for more information about ELI). The chapter looked forward to fall recruitment and the fall philanthropy event. -Lizzie Chow

COLORADO Northern Colorado (Delta Gamma) The women participated in many philanthropic events, including their own Red Dress Gala, held in downtown Denver. Tara Sutton was named Panhellenic Woman of the Year. Kari Mello spent two years serving as University Program Council president. KellyRose Olson served as university student body president. -Alison Markovchick



NORTHERN COLORADO (DELTA GAMMA) Tara Sutton is named Panhellenic Woman of the Year.



Collegians from Barry and Florida Tech and alumnae from the Fort Lauderdale area participate in Theta Omega chapter’s Heart Walk.

Sisters enjoy the chapter’s Phiesta philanthropy event.

UCLA (Beta Delta) sisters display the awards received during the university’s scholarship and awards reception in May. Pictured are (from left) Chenin Harbison, Panhellenic scholarship chair; Nicole Paizis, Panhellenic scholarship recipient; Christina Kinane, Order of Omega’s Greek Woman of the Year; Christiane Sentianin (Beta Delta-UCLA), Panhellenic Alumnae Volunteer of the Year; President Jackie Pimentel, receiving a top chapter GPA award for the spring quarter on behalf of the chapter; Mandy Epler, Panhellenic scholarship recipient; and Katie Frost, Panhellenic New Member of the Year.

Delaware (Epsilon Nu) The chapter continued its Adopt a Street program and participated in a March of Dimes® walk. Sisters paired with Sigma Chi fraternity for Greek Week, winning several events and strengthening their bond through teamwork. The biggest accomplishment of the semester was hosting the annual Ricky Barbour Memorial golf tournament. -Laura Corbett

Sisters participate in the three-legged wheelbarrow race during Greek Week.





chapter as a whole achieved the highest cumulative GPA of all Greek organizations on campus. -Samantha Yozze

INDIANA Butler (Epsilon Beta)


Epsilon Beta chapter celebrates its 40th anniversary in November with a gala for alumnae. President Laryssa Becker and her planning committee have scheduled a sit-down dinner, silent auction, fashion show and guest speakers. -Liz Goerlitz

Florida Tech (Theta Zeta)

Indiana State (Delta Pi)

Sisters participated in Barry’s (Theta Omega) Heart Walk philanthropy event in March to help raise money for cardiac care. Theta Zetas won Greek Week for the second year in a row. They received the Recruitment and Retention Award and the Educational Programming Award from the university. The chapter also achieved a semester GPA above the all-sorority and all-female undergraduate GPA. -Michelle Congdon

Paired with a local fraternity, the women placed second in the Spring Week Sweepstakes. They welcomed eight new members from COB, and they look forward to a strong formal recruitment in the fall. During the university’s annual Greek Awards, Allison Myers was named Outstanding Freshman Woman, and Laura James was named Greek Woman of the Year. -Laura James

Wichita State (Gamma Xi ) The ladies hosted car washes in August, raising more than $500. Recruitment retreats have served as great sisterhood events. -Mallory Williams

MASSACHUSETTS Bentley (Zeta Rho) The chapter excelled during Greek Week Olympics. Katelyn D’Eramo was named Greek Woman of the Year, and Lee Anne Hagel was recognized as Outstanding New Member. Catherine Porfert took second place in “Bentley Idol.” A fundraiser with Papa Gino’s restaurant benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. The women also participated in a university service project making goody bags for children in domestic violence shelters. -Jacqueline Sorano

MIT (Zeta Phi) Vice President of Recruitment Christina Ottomeyer and Vice President of Marketing Julia Saxonov attended Dartmouth’s (Iota Kappa) initiation to show support and help with ritual. The 39 new members worked together to showcase their talents and creativity in a campus-wide lip sync competition. Katie Rowe was a part of the Biodiesel@MIT team, a student-led initiative to turn used vegetable oil from campus dining facilities into biodiesel fuel; the initiative won a national contest. Members celebrated the end of the school year with spring formal. -Kathryn McNickle



Missouri (Omicron)


Iowa (Delta Epsilon)

Lake Forest (Gamma Epsilon)

The chapter completed the CBI portion of Alpha Phi International’s Leadership Initiative during the spring. The chapter received the university’s Tagarista Standard of Excellence award. During the summer, collegians helped alumnae raise money for breast cancer and attended the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Chicago to support alumnae as they walked. -Laura Krinke

The Claddaugh Formal was held in April at the Tiger Hotel in Columbia. During Greek Week, sisters paired with the men of Alpha Epsilon Pi and Alpha Kappa Lambda and took third place in kickball, soccer, royalty and programming. Mom’s Weekend included a comedy show, dancing, brunch at the chapter house and a Parent’s Club meeting. Abby Schneider and Caroline Vastyan were chosen as leaders of the university’s New Greek Education seminars. -Halli Levy

The chapter is excited to have a lovely new lounge that was decorated by alumnae. It served as the perfect place to host the annual holiday celebration and gift exchange. Susan DuMont, former chapter president, is a 2007-08 educational leadership consultant. Alexandra Hales, student body president, was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa honor society. The

FALL 2007







Sisters share their Alpha Phi spirit during Greek Week.

Members display their work from a “Got These Sacks”- themed meeting in April to help relieve end-of-semester stress.

Eta Etas celebrate winning the talent show during Greek Week.

NEBRASKA Nebraska/Kearney (Delta Xi) After months of planning the second annual Red Dress event, the women raised $9,600 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Members volunteered on campus and in the Kearney community. The chapter was recognized with the highest sorority GPA on campus: 3.39. They also received an award from the university for Highest New Member GPA. -Lindsey Wendt

NEW HAMPSHIRE New Hampshire (Eta Alpha) The chapter’s first Eat Your Heart Out healthy eating contest in April raised almost $2,000 to support women’s cardiac care. -Shannon Carroll

NEW JERSEY Seton Hall (Eta Eta) The ladies are proud winners of Greek Week 2007, taking first place in the talent show, Gong Show and Greek Trivia events and second in game night, Greek Goddess and crest drawing. A senior dinner honored graduates and their accomplishments. -Jennifer Almeida

NEW YORK Syracuse (Alpha) Sisters participated in multiple philanthropy events, including the American Cancer Society’s® Relay for Life® and a monthly community litter pick-up in Syracuse. The chapter’s own philanthropy event in April hosted comedian Steve Hofstetter and raised $1,120 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Spring recruitment welcomed 42 new members. -Lindsay Silberman

NORTH CAROLINA East Carolina (Delta Alpha) Delta Alphas co-sponsored a car wash with a fraternity to raise money for a local church that was a victim of arson. An alumnae luncheon was a huge success. Heart Throb continues to be the major philanthropy


event and grows each year. Sisters were busy preparing for a return to campus and recruitment. Alumnae are encouraged to update their contact information with the chapter at alumnaephis@yahoo.com. Homecoming is Oct. 26-28, and a philanthropy event is tentatively planned for Nov. 10. -Gail Burton Joyner (Delta Alpha-East Carolina)

OHIO Ashland (Epsilon Alpha) The chapter was busy during summer planning for fall recruitment. They enjoyed a recruitment retreat in August, followed by the annual Phi Fiesta event. -Nichelle Shuck

Baldwin Wallace (Delta Upsilon) Members are proud to have ranked first in GPA above other sorority chapters for spring semester. They looked forward to another successful recruitment during the fall. -Lauren Salupo

Dayton (Zeta Psi) Zeta Psis hosted Parent’s Weekend in April that included a Red Dress luncheon at the Mandalay Banquet Center, a family evening at the Funny Bone Comedy Club and an open house reception at the chapter house. The women were presented with scholarship awards at the Red Dress luncheon. The silent auction raised $3,600 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. In attendance were Dayton Alumnae Chapter President Meredith Long Florkey (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) and Zeta Psi alumnae Sarah Jett and Audra Bloom. Thank you to collegians and advisory board members who helped create a successful event. -Erica Kaiser

OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City (Delta Delta) Margaret Mathas, Kaitlin Lory, and Hannah Brown headed an Oklahoma City University Greek community service project. The women worked with OKC Beautiful, The Oklahoma City Food Bank, Loves Links Ministry and the Oklahoma City Zoo. Recent graduates Melissa Manning and Lanae Rhodes will be pursuing their dreams as performers, Melissa as Ariel at Tokyo Disney,® and Lanae in the tour of “42nd Street.” Three new members were welcomed during the spring Mom’s Initiation: Kathryn Ellen Linn Allen, Jann Harrell and Patricia Ann Spostato. Jana Wingo and Virginia Fox represented Alpha Phi in the Miss Oklahoma and Miss Mississippi pageants during the summer. -Kaila St. George

OREGON Linfield (Theta Alpha) The senior class was recognized during the chapter’s senior and end of year barbeque. Sisters participated in a highway clean-up community service project. -Meagan Rosson

Oregon State (Beta Upsilon) Several sisters attended a luncheon hosted by Bertha Barry Houk, Beta Upsilon’s first chapter president. They were involved in philanthropic events, earning first place in a competition to raise money for orphans in Uganda and Delta Upsilon’s 3-on-3 basketball tournament and second place in Sigma Kappa’s volleyball tournament. They took pride in helping restore a local community park. The campus-wide Capture the Flag Spring Phi-lanthropy was a great success. Mom’s Weekend included a designer purse and

DELTA NU SISTER NAMED TOP GRADUATE Ashley Dzioba (Delta Nu-Maine), a 2007 graduate, was selected as the top graduating senior in the University of Maine College of Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture. She carried the college’s banner during the May 12 commencement ceremony. Ashley, who received a microbiology and biochemistry degree, plans to apply to medical school and aspires to become a pathologist. Ashley was a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Phi Beta Kappa honor society and Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. She also volunteered with Alternative Spring Break and Habitat for Humanity. Ashley Dzioba



CORNELL (DELTA) The first Alpha Phi Day of Service in April includes volunteering at the Ithaca Children’s Garden and The Tompkins County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Sisters are pictured helping restore the children’s garden.

jeans party, a barbecue with Theta Chi fraternity and a brunch and basket auction that raised nearly $3,000 for the Parent’s Club fund to beautify the chapter house. Julie Estes was honored with the chapter’s Martha Foote Crow Woman of the Year Award for her continued display of character, leadership and dedication to Alpha Phi. -Jennifer Meyer

PENNSYLVANIA Duquesne (Epsilon Iota) The chapter was presented with Outstanding Sorority New Member Program, Panhellenic Continuous Open Bidding, Outstanding Chapter Risk Management Program, Most Improved Chapter of the Year and James O’Day Carnival Show of the Year awards during the university’s Greek Awards. Amanda Thompson was named Sorority Chapter Officer of the Year, and Lauren Alfano was recognized for Outstanding Merit. The chapter hosted its annual spring flower sale in May. -Rose Ravasio

St. Joseph’s (Theta Theta) During Greek Week, Julie Wester was named Greek Goddess, and the chapter took first place among sororities for a third year in a row. Sisters hosted two philanthropy events: Pot o’ Gold and Jail and Bail. The chapter was excited to receive the Silver and Bordeaux Award during the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. Sisters continue to plan for upcoming philanthropy events, including a joint Red Dress Gala hosted with Pennsylvania (Eta Iota) and Villanova (Eta Epsilon) collegiate chapters on Nov. 10 at the Philadelphia Marriot. -Brenna Pancza

OKLAHOMA CITY (DELTA DELTA) Gina Spostato poses with her mom and new alumna initiate Patricia Ann Sposato.

SISTER IS TKE INTERNATIONAL SWEETHEART Helene Thoen (Rho-Ohio State) is winner of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity’s 2007 International Sweetheart contest. Helene was one of five finalists and was featured in the summer 2007 issue of Helene Thoen THE TEKE magazine. She was crowned Sweetheart during a special ceremony at the organization’s International Conclave in Las Vegas in August.

TEXAS Texas (Omega) Members celebrated sisterhood, hard work and the culmination of another year during the annual Bordeaux Ball formal. Numerous awards were presented to celebrate sisters’ achievements, including in recognition of scholarship and service. -Michelle Ketsler

Texas A&M/Commerce (Delta Beta) The ladies of Delta Beta hosted the chapter’s first Phi Fall Fest family philanthropy event. Activities for children included face painting, safe trick-or-treating, games and a pageant for young girls in which every participant received a gift basket. Proceeds came from sales of activity tickets and food and beverages. -Tiffany Smith

VIRGINIA SOUTH DAKOTA South Dakota (Psi) The annual Alpha Phiesta raised more than $1,500, with proceeds benefiting a former USD student who has a rare form of cancer and the Alpha Phi Foundation. -Alyssa Floyd

FALL 2007

George Mason (Eta Lambda) The chapter welcomed five new members through spring COB. The Cardiac Arrest spring philanthropy event raised $3,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters reached out to the community by participating in events such as the American Cancer Society’s ® Relay for Life.® The chapter received numerous awards from the university, including a Community Service Award for Fraternity and Sorority Life, Community Service Award among all student organizations

LINFIELD (THETA ALPHA) Emcees Laura Strahan and Erika Rosenfield, with a local fraternity, host the chapter’s Star Search philanthropy event that raised more than $6,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation.

on campus, Most Innovative Philanthropy Event, Highest New Member GPA and having 29 women on the dean’s list - the most of any Greek organization. Jen Schnizler was named President of the Year from among the six Panhellenic organizations on campus. Another highlight was winning Greek Week for the 14th time in the past 16 years. Sisters were excited about the addition of an Alpha Phi floor in the dorms which they occupied as of fall 2007. -Meghan Knowles and Shelli Calzadilla

James Madison University (Theta Iota) The chapter kicked off the spring semester with the annual Aphiasco philanthropy week in February that raised more than $8,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation and Rockingham Memorial Hospital. Theta Iota welcomed three new sisters through spring COB. During the university’s Greek Awards banquet, the chapter proudly received recognition as a four-star sorority. They also took second place in Greek Week. -Sara Gwinn

WASHINGTON, D.C. George Washington (Iota Iota) The chapter held its annual Healthy Heart Week. Sponsored in part by Trader Joes and Juice Zone, a barbeque for the GW community included free food and festivities. Other highlights of the week included a King of Hearts crush party and The Dating Game. The chapter raised more than $2,200 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. -Stephanie Gresalfi

WEST VIRGINIA West Virginia (Beta Iota) Sisters worked hard throughout the spring to promote the Alpha Phi 2007 SELF Challenge around campus and to family and friends. The work paid off when members received news that they registered the most people and won the Challenge (read more about the SELF Challenge on page 3). Sisters used the opportunity to market Alpha Phi and demonstrate the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle and have a positive body image. -Jessica Lynn Nowak






Sisters celebrate during the chapter’s Bordeaux Ball.

President Emily Bunch (far right) congratulates new sisters (from left) Colleen McCarron, Cat Smith and Christina Napoli during initiation in April.


(Honor Society Inductees continued)

Marquette (Eta Mu)

Sarina Gamez (Iota Beta-St. Mary’s) Vanessa Gentile (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst) Jennifer Gilbert (Upsilon-Washburn) Nicole Godzicki (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) Aimee Golub (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Amanda Grant (Beta Beta-Michigan State) Amy Gubman (Epsilon Upsilon-CSU/Northridge) Shipra Gupta (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve) Ashley Hartman (Gamma Alpha-San Diego State) Kristy Herbert (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst) Amanda Hong (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve) Holli Hughes (Eta Xi-UNC/Wilmington) Jenna Hurwitz (Theta-Michigan) Sarah Rose Jacquart (Zeta UpsilonWashington University) Katherine Jenne (Gamma Nu-Miami University) Paige Jerlow (Pi-North Dakota) Kristen Kaage (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst) Caitlin Kaletsch (Beta Pi-USC) Jenna Kasik (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) Rachel Kruer (Theta-Michigan) Rebecca Lee (Iota Epsilon-Kettering) Ashley Marie Lindsey (Iota Beta-St. Mary’s) Julia Mackay (Beta Theta-British Columbia) Amanda McConkey (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve) Ashley McNicholas (Theta-Michigan) Sarah Begley Moore (Zeta UpsilonWashington University) Molly Moriarty (Beta Theta-British Columbia) Dieu Nguyen (Eta Kappa-UC/Irvine) Kelly O’Malley (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) Erica Ott (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Christina Prevot (Gamma Alpha-San Diego State) Jennifer Ramirez (Epsilon Upsilon-CSU/Northridge) Katrina Reyes (Gamma Alpha-San Diego State) LeeAnn M. Roberts (Delta Theta-Western Michigan) Marisa Rockett (Gamma Alpha-San Diego State) Katie Ross (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve) Kristen Russler (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) Hayley Sapieka (Gamma Alpha-San Diego State) Jessica Leigh Schaffner (Zeta UpsilonWashington University) Mallory Seide (Theta-Michigan) Ashley Shea Wright (Gamma Nu-Miami University) Amy Shorter (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Frances Simpson (Beta Theta-British Columbia) Eve Smith (Eta Xi-UNC/Wilmington) Melanie Stipp (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve)

The women celebrated summer with the Milwaukee alumnae chapter by attending a local barbecue. Alumnae shared memories from their college days, while collegians discussed the chapter’s philanthropy and social events. Sisters made a huge move in August – literally – as they relocated into a new 23-person chapter house. They celebrated with a picnic for collegians and alumnae at the end of August. -Maggie Kelly

Wisconsin/LaCrosse (Delta Kappa) Members welcomed nine new sisters. Tiffany Hock and Samantha Lubich spent the semester abroad in Europe. The chapter hosted a successful ForgetMe-Not alumnae ball and silent auction that benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. Emily Ware won the Greek Goddess competition during Greek Week. Kerri Kabela and DJ Woodworth tied for the chapter’s highest GPA. Keri Fay was recognized for the most improved GPA. Tracy Machtan and Laura Runchey were awarded the highest big sister/little sister average GPA. Tracy Machtan also received a College Fraternity Editor’s Association scholarship (see page 40). Three sisters attended UIFI during the summer: Erika George, Maggie Kogler and Carol Poggemann. -Amanda Gawinski

Wisconsin/Stout (Gamma Sigma) The chapter’s annual Alpha Phiesta philanthropy event raised money for cardiac care. Students, teachers, parents and residents supported the February event. Sisters also served the community by participating in highway cleanup. -Kristin Putrah

COLLEGIAN RECEIVES LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP Lisa Lustig (Eta Lambda-George Mason) is the winner of the Peter C. Forame Student Leadership Scholarship, recognized by the George Mason Alumni Association for demonstrating a successful balance of classroom achievement with student leadership. Lisa serves as a senior peer advisor at George Mason’s Freshman Center. She is Eta Lambda president and helped the chapter raise more than $10,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation in two years - the chapter’s largest totals ever. Lisa Lustig Lisa has been on the dean’s list every semester, with a 3.75 GPA.


WISCONSIN/LACROSSE (DELTA KAPPA) Delta Kappa celebrates its spring new member class.

Dina Tenerelli (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst) Frances Valencia (Iota Beta-St. Mary’s) Barbara Volk (Upsilon-Washburn) Elizabeth Volk (Upsilon-Washburn) Jacqueline Wilsey (Upsilon-Washburn)

Rho Lambda Elizabeth Baker (Delta Rho-Ball State) Claire Bieker (Eta Mu-Marquette) Jessica Bleifer (Beta Delta-UCLA) Krista Celentano (Beta Delta-UCLA) Kaela Chiu (Beta Delta-UCLA) Brittany Dankworth (Beta Delta-UCLA) Lindsey Draeger (Eta Mu-Marquette) Kristi Drennan (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) Karrah Duvall (Delta Rho-Ball State) Cassandra Duwe (Beta Delta-UCLA) Mandy Epler (Beta Delta-UCLA) Amy Felt (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) Emily Fitter (Beta-Northwestern) Ashley Foy (Eta Mu-Marquette) Ashley Groth (Beta Delta-UCLA) Brittany Harrison (Beta Delta-UCLA) April Hinrichsen (Beta Delta-UCLA) Lindsey Huster (Eta Mu-Marquette) Katharine Jensen (Beta Delta-UCLA) Jenna Kasik (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) Michelle Koenig (Beta Delta-UCLA) Natalie Larson (Eta Mu-Marquette) Rebecca Lee (Iota Epsilon-Kettering) Sarah Lieber (Iota Epsilon-Kettering) Debbie McMahon (Eta Mu-Marquette) Kristen Molloy (Beta-Northwestern) Lindsay O’Connor (Beta Delta-UCLA) Kathryn O’Hern (Beta Delta-UCLA) Kelly O’Malley (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) Jodi Palmer (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) Lindsay Ramos (Beta Delta-UCLA) Elizabeth Ranft (Eta Mu-Marquette) Sara Scotti (Beta Delta-UCLA) Sarah Smiley (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) Emily Stark (Eta Mu-Marquette) Samantha Stilp (Eta Mu-Marquette) Casey Strier (Beta Delta-UCLA) Megan Sullivan (Beta Delta-UCLA) Lindsay Vanik (Beta Delta-UCLA) Birttany Vannoy (Beta Delta-UCLA) Cassandra Wood (Beta Delta-UCLA)








College/University Attending When will she participate in formal recruitment? GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Street Address Phone

City/State/Zip High School Attended

Nearest Metropolitan City and Number of Miles ACADEMIC CLASS INFORMATION


Year of Freshman Admission

Academic Class (Please Check One): [ ] Freshman [ ] Sophomore SCHOLARSHIP / EDUCATION

[ ] Junior

[ ] Senior

High School GPA / GPA Grade Scale:

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The potential member would enjoy talking about these topics during recruitment:

Does GPA includes AP courses? [ ] Yes [ ] No Class Size / Rank

ACT Score

College Attended

Character / Personality Comments [ ] Loyal [ ] Dependable [ ] Respected [ ] Reserved/Shy Personal Development [ ] Poised [ ] Congenial [ ] Compatible in a Group Interests / Talents [ ] Musical [ ] Artistic [ ] Dance [ ] Athletics [ ] Other (Please List) Activities [ ] Leadership [ ] Volunteer [ ] Religious [ ] Other (Please List) Honors / Awards [ ] Honor Student [ ] National Honor Society [ ] Awards (Please List) [ ] Other (Please List)

SAT Score City / State

Terms / Hours Completed College GPA FAMILY INFORMATION

What kind of person (E.g., outgoing, reserved, relaxed) should the potential member be matched with during recruitment?

Names of Parents / Guardians Alpha Phi Legacy (E.g., Grandmother, Mother, Stepmother, Sister, Stepsister) Name, Relation, Chapter and Year of Initiation Non-Legacy Alpha Phi Relatives (E.g., Aunt, Niece, Cousin, Other) Name, Relation, Chapter and Year of Initiation Relatives or Acquaintances in Other Fraternal Organizations (Fraternity or Sorority) ALPHA PHI MEMBER STATEMENT [ ] I have personally known the potential member for ___ years. [ ] I have known the potential member’s family ___ years. [ ] Unknown but referred by reliable source. Completed by:

[ ] Alumna

[ ] Collegian

Maiden Name

Last Name

Street / City / Zip Phone: (Day)


Does this potential member understand the financial responsibility of joining a sorority? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Unknown

FOR COLLEGIATE CHAPTER USE Date Recommendation Form Received

Chapter of Initiation and Year First Name

I would describe the potential member in the following way (please check only one): [ ] Well qualified, admired by peers and will be an asset to the chapter. [ ] Highly qualified, will attract others into membership, and will be an active participant and/or chapter leader. [ ] Outstanding potential member who will be actively sought out by other sororities as a top-choice candidate.

E-mail Address

Date Acknowledged by the Chapter

Please Check One: [ ] She joined Alpha Phi. [ ] She joined ______________________ Sorority. [ ] She did not join a sorority. Date Alumna Notified of Potential Member Post-Recruitment Status

__ I endorse this potential member with the understanding she may become a member of Alpha Phi. __ I do not wish to endorse this potential member for membership and understand I may receive a call from an adviser.

FALL 2007

Signature of Chapter Vice President Membership Recruitment


Please attach additional information if necessary. Send this form directly to the collegiate chapter and the Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201.

Please include a photo and resume of this potential member.


FALL 2007



Sister Wins Crown

Junior League Honors Sister

Jessica Barrett (Gamma Nu-Miami University) was crowned Miss West Central Ohio 2006-07. The scholarship program is associated with the Miss America Program. Jessica was crowned by another Alpha Phi, 2005-06 Miss West Central Ohio Kyrsten Chambers (Gamma Nu-Miami University).

Debbie Bush Davis (Delta Chi-William Woods) is the recipient of the Junior League of St. Louis’s (JLSL) Drue Webster award, the highest recognition one can receive from fellow JLSL members. Debbie Missouri (Omicron) sisters celebrate Debbie Davis’ serves in many leader- Junior League award and Claire Devoto’s presidency. ship positions within Pictured are (from left) Lisa Lineback, Debbie Davis, the organization. Amy Jordan Tvrdik and Claire Devoto.

Information Professional Honored by SLA

Jessica Barrett

The Special Libraries Association (SLA) honored Terri Ostlund Brooks (Gamma Tau-Willamette) in June with a Fellow of SLA award. The award is bestowed on mid-career professionals in recognition of service to the SLA and their profession. Terri is director of library services at the Terri Brooks Investment Company Institute in Washington, D.C. She has been a member of SLA for 28 years and has held several leadership positions for the Washington, D.C., chapter. Terri is currently on the executive board of the business and finance division. Sisters Are Modern Bride Finalists

Jennifer Buckley (Eta OmicronVirginia Tech) and Cara Ellis (Zeta UpsilonWashington University) were two of the five finalists in Modern Cara Ellis Jennifer Buckley Bride magazine’s Modern Bride of the Year competition. The pair joined other finalists on an all-expense-paid trip to New York City in May that included attending the Broadway show “Chicago” and going backstage to meet the cast, an appearance on CBS television’s “The Insider” and other promotional events. Look for Jennifer and Cara in Modern Bride’s December/January issue. Writer’s First Novel Is Published

Suzanne Carlisle Crowley (Omega-Texas) published her first novel, The Very Ordered Life of Merilee Marvelous (Greenwillow Books, 2007. ISBN: 9780061231971), in September. The book follows Merilee, who has Asberger’s Syndrome, a neurological disorder similar to autism, and the disruption which Suzanne Crowley occurs when a new family moves into her small town. The book is geared toward 9- to 12-year-olds. FALL 2007

President Works to Create Change

Claire Rittendale Devoto (Omicron-Missouri) was elected president of the Junior League of St. Louis. As such, she is working to change the public perception of the group as “ladies wearing white gloves.” She says the Junior League is full of women who are trained volunteers who work hard to help improve the surrounding community. Claire has been director of Nurses for Newborns Foundation for eight years. Sister Named President of AMA-Richmond

Amy Gerhart Favreau (Alpha-Syracuse) was elected president of the Richmond chapter of the American Marketing Association (AMA). She has served in various roles in AMA-Richmond. Amy is the marketing director for Dominion Auto Group (Richmond, Va.), overseeing marketing, advertising and public relations functions for the nine-franchise dealer group.

Amy Favreau

Aspiring Actress Makes Debut

Gabrielle Ruiz (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) made her television acting debut on ABC’s “One Life to Live” in June. The 2007 graduate was featured during two different acts. Gabrielle recently signed with Kazarian/Spencer and Associates agency. Alumna Named in Top 40 Under 40

Jandy Thompson (Delta Beta-Texas A&M/Commerce) was selected by the Gabrielle Ruiz Dallas Business Journal (Dallas, Texas) as one of its Top 40 under 40 in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex. Jandy is a vice president of John Bowles Company, a commercial real estate company in Dallas. Jandy is an active member of the Building Owners and Managers Association. She is Texas A&M/Commerce alumni board of directors vice president and head of the university’s building committee. She volunteers for Alpha Phi as the South Central region’s Jandy Thompson human resources coordinator.




Delta Kappa Collegian Receives CFEA Scholarship Tracy Machtan (Delta Kappa-

Congratulations to the Following Collegians Who

Wisconsin-LaCrosse) is the recipient of

Received 2007 UIFI Scholarships!

an inaugural College Fraternity Editors Association (CFEA) scholarship. The CFEA scholarship program was established in May 2005 to provide financial support to undergraduate members of Greek organizations who are pursuing Tracy Machtan

degrees in communications-related

For the 2006-07 academic year, Alpha Phi provided scholarships for our developing leaders to attend the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI). UIFI is a nationally recognized leadership institute that offers unique and powerful programming to better develop the leaders of the Greek community. It is sponsored by the North American Interfraternity Conference. Through the generosity

fields. In the inaugural year, 116

of the Alpha Phi Foundation, a select group of women

applications were received, and six undergraduate recipients

was chosen to represent Alpha Phi. We are proud to

received scholarships of $500 each.

announce the 2007 UIFI scholarship recipients: these

Tracy is a senior, majoring in communications studies

are five fantastic women who we feel already make a

with an emphasis in public relations. She has served her

“It was possibly the most eye-opening and touching experience of my life thus far. I have to admit I was skeptical at first, but I’m amazed at how incredible the last five days have been. Thank you to Alpha Phi for giving me the scholarship to attend.

has also been president and vice president of recruitment

UIFI Scholarship Recipients

of Panhellenic Council and president of the Order of Omega.

• Sarah Carey (Theta Theta-St. Joseph’s)

Tracy hopes to attend graduate school and pursue a career

• Jackie Dickey (Beta Nu deuteron-Duke)

My mindset is changed for the better, and I really feel my chapter will be positively impacted from my experience.”

in student affairs.

• Evan Guthrie (Omega-Texas)

-Jackie Dickey

difference in their chapters. We know they will continue

chapter as historian, vice president of programming, vice

to represent Alpha Phi well.

president of membership recruitment and president. She

Established in 1923, the CFEA is composed of fraternities

• Natalie Layhee (Theta Upsilon-CSU/Chico)

and sororities committed to communicating the highest ideals

• Abigail Smith (Delta Zeta-Maryland)

of the fraternity system and its achievements. For more information about CFEA and the scholarship program, visit www.cfea.org.

For more information about UIFI, visit www.nicindy.org. Applications for 2008 scholarships will be available in January 2008. Contact Stefania Rudd (Theta Rho-Cameron) at srudd@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8933 for details.


Sisters Meet Annually for Three Decades My mother, Debby Moore Manning (Gamma

these women are queens for an evening with

as Alpha Phi royalty! They’ve created traditions

Alpha-San Diego State), joined Gamma Alpha

ball gowns and tiaras.

of their own, while honoring Alpha Phi traditions

chapter at San Diego State in 1972. She and

When it’s 8 a.m. and I hear my mom on the

they learned at San Diego State about 40 years

nine sisters have been meeting annually for the

phone squealing with laughter, I know she’s

ago. They are: Debby Manning, Nancy Demers

holidays for 33 years. Being part of a sorority

talking to a sister. Some of the annual women

Nimmo, Carol Cleator Arnett, Carmen

myself, I think it is so special that these women

I consider second mothers. My younger sister,

Lonergan McHugh, Margraret Lonergan

find time to meet every year; the only time my

Lindsey, is a freshman at the University of

Worthing, Kathy Janecek Deering, Sharon

mom missed was when she was giving birth to

Oregon, and she just pledged Alpha Phi. My

McMahon DiCarlo, Patrice Campbell Binkley,

yours truly! They meet for a slumber party on

mom almost died of delight. I’m a Kappa Kappa

Debbie Duesler Thompson and Chris Boyer

the first weekend in December, traveling from

Gamma at USC, but nothing inspires me more

Boyle (all Gamma Alpha-San Diego State).

all over the world, and alternating who hosts

than the dedication, friendship and support

each year. They dress up, eat, laugh, talk, share

these women continue to share with one

and give gifts. There are years when the annual

another so long after their college days. All

event is humble and some years when I swear

10 of these ladies deserve to be recognized

FALL 2007

-Alli Manning






Salute to Volunteers, Our Alumnae of Distinction Volunteer: (noun) A person who performs a service willingly and without pay. In addition to our dedicated salaried staff headquartered in Evanston, Ill., Alpha Phi is guided and supported by a devoted team of volunteers who live throughout the United States and Canada. These women, who give freely of their time and talents to Alpha Phi, certainly qualify as alumnae of distinction! Without them, our chapters would be on their own, there would be no mentors for collegiate or alumnae members, chapter houses would suffer from disrepair, there would be no organized alumnae chapters … you get the picture. Without these women, Alpha Phi as we know it would cease to exist. These women (and a few men!) work to ensure that Alpha Phis – both collegiate and alumnae members – have a positive experience that lasts a lifetime. These volunteers range in age from recent college graduates to women who would rather not state their ages! Some alumnae volunteer for a year or two, while others have served for nearly 30 years. Some stay in the same role, and others take on new roles. Some work at the local level, others work at the regional level, and still others work at the international level. But, regardless of where or how they serve, these volunteers are invaluable to the success of our organization. Their contributions make a difference in the lives of countless collegians and alumnae, and Alpha Phi is very grateful to them.

FALL 2007

An advisory board supports each of Alpha Phi’s 145 collegiate chapters. The local volunteers work with our collegiate chapters on a daily basis. Within those advisory boards are: • 145 chapter advisers (CA) • 600 advisory board members (including advisers for recruitment, finance, programming and operations) The alumnae who oversee and maintain the physical structures of our collegiate chapters, whether they are houses, lodges, dorm rooms or suites, are the house corporation boards (HCB) or chapter property committees (CPC). There are 275 volunteers serving on HCBs or CPCs. Also working on the local level are the 151 alumnae chapter presidents (ACP) who serve our alumnae chapters. There are eight regional teams to support our local collegiate and alumnae chapters and volunteers made up of: • 8 regional managers (RM) • 9 alumnae membership coordinators (AMC) • 11 operational and programming coordinators (OPC) • 8 collegiate membership coordinators (CMC) • 2 Canadian resource coordinators (CRC) • 8 human resource coordinators (HRC)

These numbers don’t include Alpha Phis who serve on other Fraternity committees. From extension to recruitment and leadership to finance, an additional 200 alumnae serve on committees and workgroups. These women form a strong network of specialists who lend their personal and professional expertise for the benefit of our members. We offer our heartfelt thanks to all of the volunteers who work tirelessly to ensure that Alpha Phi continues to be a premier, relevant and strategic women’s organization. For more information about Alpha Phi International’s organizational structure, or to learn about opportunities to volunteer, visit www.alphaphi.org/about_us/about.html.

• Advising collegians … $0 • Helping with recruitment … $0 • Overseeing a 100-year-old house (that isn’t yours) … $0 • Planning a Red Dress Gala to support women’s cardiac care … $0 Making a difference in the lives of your sisters … priceless!

At the International level, there are: • 10 committee on leadership members (COL) • 4 National Panhellenic Conference delegates (NPC) • 10 Foundation directors, including the International President • 10 International Executive Board (IEB) directors, including the NPC delegate • 6 Finance and Audit Committee members (FSC) • 7 Housing Strategy Committee members (HSC) • 11 Collegiate Membership Strategy Committee members (CMSC) • 9 Alumnae Membership Strategy Committee members (AMSC) PA G E F O R T Y- O N E



Alumnae Initiates (Alpha Lambda) Hallie Mae Hodges Farley (’92), June 5, 2007.

Michigan (Theta) Dorothy McFarlen Ross (’22), June 11, 2007.

Della Keller Mack (’78), March 12, 2007.

Missouri (Omicron) Charlotte Coble Nelson (’71), April 22, 2007.

Arizona State (Gamma Pi) Julie Marie Caudron (’87), May 14, 2007.

Nebraska (Nu) Frances Mitchell Groves (’30), Dec. 16, 2006.

British Columbia (Beta Theta) Evelyn Pratt Stevenson (’36), June 9, 2007.

Ohio State (Rho) Dorothy Lewis Howard (’43), June 6, 2007.

Colorado (Beta Gamma) Alicia MacCarthy Trumbull (’27), May 23, 2007.

Oregon (Tau) Jana Haroun Bakke (’68), June 12, 2007.

Duke (Beta Nu) Barbara Burrous Smith (’51), April 26, 2007.

San Diego State (Gamma Alpha) Jenny Poliakoff (’06), May 6, 2007. South Dakota (Psi) Mary “Mame” Sanger Junkermier (’44), Jan. 7, 2007. Texas (Omega) Melinda Burkhart Dunne (’58), June 2, 2007. Wichita State (Gamma Xi) Gina Suzanne Bauer (’92), May 12, 2007. Wisconsin/Oshkosh (Delta Psi) Gloria Jean Siech (’66), April 6, 2007.

eginning with the Fall 2007 Alpha Phi Quarterly, new arrivals and marriages will no longer be published in the Announcements section. Only Silent Chapter announcements will be published. We encourage you to submit your birth, adoption and marriage news to the BiograPHI section of the Online Community at www.alphaphi.org/ onlinecommunity.


It is the responsibility of every initiated Alpha Phi to see that the badge she wears is protected and is never worn by, or in the possession of, a non-member. When an Alpha Phi enters the Silent Chapter, her badge may be buried with her or returned to the Executive Office, where it will be preserved in the memorabilia collection.

OnlineCommunity Be part of the Alpha Phi

From a recent survey of Online Community participants:

53.5% visited Alpha Phi’s Online Community

We know you have heard the news by now: Alpha Phi’s Online Community continues to be a smashing success! More than 12,000 alumnae have registered and become a part of the Online Community. These women are reconnecting with old friends, announcing their special moments and successes, keeping their addresses and other information current with the Executive Office and helping sisters with job searches. Now it’s your turn! This Internet site offers you many tools, including: • Online Directory: update your information online and search for sisters.

in the past three months.

25% say biograPHI is their favorite aspect of the Online Community.

• biograPHI: announce all the latest happenings in your life – marriages, graduations, births and adoptions, promotions and more. • Permanent E-mail Address: you can have an e-mail address with the domain name of @alumnae.alphaphi.org and because it is permanent, you’ll never have to change your e-mail address again.

All alumnae have free access to their own records, and full access to the Online Community is a benefit of paying your International alumnae dues.

It’s secure. Only Alpha Phis will be able to join this community, so you can feel safe knowing your information remains private. Take some time to complete your profile, look for sisters, register for an e-mail address, and have fun. Bookmark this site and return regularly! How can you help to make this Online Community reach its potential? Tell all your friends! The more alumnae registered in the Online Community, the better it will be. Alpha Phi International and the Alpha Phi Foundation hope you find this tool useful and enjoyable, and we welcome your feedback.

• Career Center: post your résumé, post a job position, and be a career mentor for other sisters.

www.alphaphi.org/onlinecommunity PA G E F O R T Y- T W O





FOUNDERS Clara Bradley Burdette (’76) Silent Chapter 1954 Florence Chidester Lukens (’75) Silent Chapter 1885 Martha Foote Crow (’76) Silent Chapter 1924 Ida Gilbert Houghton (’76) Silent Chapter 1916 Jane S. Higham (’76) Silent Chapter 1949 Kate Hogoboom Gilbert (’75) Silent Chapter 1900 Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults (’75) Silent Chapter 1895 Rena Michaels Atchison (’74) Silent Chapter 1933 Louise Shepard Hancock (’76) Silent Chapter 1932 Clara Sittser Williams (’75) Silent Chapter 1925 PAST PRESIDENTS

Phyllis Sims Selig (Gamma Delta-Kansas), 1974-78 Mary Carr Boyd (Gamma-DePauw and Omicron-Missouri), 1978-82 Nancy Wittgen Burks DeVoe (Gamma-DePauw), 1982-86 Sally McCall Grant (Gamma-DePauw), 1986-90 Virginia Burson Struble (Beta Kappa-Denison), 1990-94 Linda Gardner Massie (Delta Alpha-East Carolina), 1994-98 Jean Cameron Hahm (Gamma Nu-Miami University), 1998-2002 Crista Cate Vasina (Delta GammaNorthern Colorado), 2002-06 INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD International President Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT) Bedminster, NJ lms@alumnae.alphaphi.org Vice President Susan Brink Sherratt (Beta Beta-Michigan State) Alameda, CA susan@alumnae.alphaphi.org Secretary/Treasurer Billie Coskey Battiato (Phi-Oklahoma) Tulsa, OK oudoll@ix.netcom.com Jane Kirby Arkes (Omicron-Missouri) Portland, OR RJArkes@aol.com Bonnie K. Arthur (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) Arlington, VA bkarthur@alumnae.alphaphi.org Linda Long Boland (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach) Yucaipa, CA linda.boland2@verizon.net Deana Koonsman Gage (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) Stephenville, TX dkay52@alumnae.alphaphi.org Shana Goss Smith (Chi-Montana) Port Gamble, WA slsmith_aphi@comcast.net Lindsay Wiggins (Beta Pi-USC) Los Angeles, CA Lindsay.Wiggins@alumnae.alphaphi.org

FALL 2007

Ex-Officio Member/NPC Delegate Sally McCall Grant (Gamma-DePauw) Walnut Creek, CA sallymgrant@gmail.com FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman Susan Weiskittle Barrick (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Gainesville, FL sbarrick@alumnae.alphaphi.org Vice Chairman Amy Jordan Tvrdik (Omicron-Missouri) Ellisville, MO amee16@aol.com Secretary Ann Brinkman (Zeta Delta-Iowa State) Chicago, IL annmariebrinkman@yahoo.com Treasurer Linda Gardner Massie (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Toano, VA linda@jackmassie.com Sheri Allen Yengst (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) Rolling Hills Estates, CA sherija@mac.com Susan Bevan (Sigma-Washington) Greenwich, CT sjb41690@aol.com Catherine Logan Stembridge (Omicron-Missouri) Evanston, IL c-stembridge@northwestern.edu Diane Spry Straker (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Reston, VA dssaphi@att.net Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT) Bedminster, NJ lms@alumnae.alphaphi.org NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE DELEGATION Delegate Sally McCall Grant (Gamma-DePauw) Walnut Creek, CA sallymgrant@gmail.com First Alternate Delegate Deana Koonsman Gage (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) Stephenville, TX dkay52@alumnae.alphaphi.org Second Alternate Delegate Tara Riemer Jones (Zeta Omicron-Johns Hopkins) Seward, AK triemer@jhu.edu Third Alternate Delegate Ruth Gallagher Nelson (Delta Epsilon-Iowa) Chicago, IL rgnelson@alumnae.alphaphi.org Historian Margaret Knights Hultsch (Beta Nu-Duke, Rho-Ohio State, Beta-Northwestern and Omicron-Missouri) Columbia, MO hultsch4@aol.com

EXECUTIVE OFFICE STAFF Telephone numbers listed under Fraternity and Foundation staff are direct lines. Fraternity 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 Phone 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 e-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org Direct voice mail line: 847.475.4786 Executive Director Susan Zabriskie szabriskie@alphaphi.org 847.316.8922 Manager of Administrative Services Carol Schar cschar@alphaphi.org 847.316.8945 Associate Director of Marketing and Extension Megan Bouché mbouche@alphaphi.org 847.316.8926 Director of Alumnae Membership Cindy Day Erwin cerwin@alphaphi.org 847.316.8925 Program Manager of Alumnae Membership Alissa Meyer Milito amilito@alphaphi.org 847.316.8941 Program Coordinator of Alumnae Membership Dana Dardai ddardai@alphaphi.org 847.316.8940 Director of Collegiate Membership TBA Associate Director of Collegiate Membership Lindsay Martin lmartin@alphaphi.org 847.316.8943 Manager of Chapter Development Laura Garraway Caulfield lcaulfield@alphaphi.org Program Coordinator Consultants and Recruitment Support Gwendolyn Hill ghill@alphaphi.org 847.316.8934 Program Manager Chapter Development and Extension TBA Manager of Recruitment Linda Schnetzer lschnetzer@alphaphi.org 847.316.8924 Director of Finance Cathy Koessl ckoessl@alphaphi.org 847.316.8928 Manager of Housing Dawn Toth dtoth@alphaphi.org 847.316.8939 Director of Training, Development and Communications Denise Jung Reens dreens@alphaphi.org 847.316.8921 Manager of Resources and Training Initiatives Stefania Rudd srudd@alphaphi.org 847.316.8933 Manager of Communications Quarterly Editor-in-Chief Christine Spiegel cspiegel@alphaphi.org 847.316.8920 Coordinator of Communications Kalen Tubbs ktubbs@alphaphi.org 847.316.8938

Foundation 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 Phone 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 e-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org Direct voice mail line: 847.475.4786 Executive Director Emily Ellison Lamb elamb@alphaphi.org 847.316.8950 Director of Annual Giving Sue Sandvick ssandvick@alphaphi.org 847.316.8949 Development Associate Jane Miller jmiller@alphaphi.org 847.316.8948 Major Gifts Officer Lisa Arnsdorf larnsdorf@alphaphi.org 760.730.9102 Development Officer Erin Leahey eleahey@alphaphi.org 847.316.8951 Development Officer Lauren Vandeveer lvandeveer@alphaphi.org 847.475.4786 x 172 Program Coordinator Missy Moody mmoody@alphaphi.org 847.316.8947 EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONSULTANTS 2007-08 All ELCs can receive mail at the Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Extensions below are voice mail only and may be accessed by dialing 847.475.4786. Tracy Briggs (Iota Theta-Wilfrid Laurier) Mississauga, Ontario, CAN tbriggs@alphaphi.org Extension: 160 Susan Dumont (Gamma Epsilon deuteron-Lake Forest) Florissant, MO sdumont@alphaphi.org Extension: 161 Ashley Ellis (Beta Epsilon-Arizona) Scottsdale, AZ aellis@alphaphi.org Extension: 162 Andrea Gage (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) Stephenville, TX agage@alphaphi.org Extension: 163 Brianna Haag (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis) San Diego, CA bhaag@alphaphi.org Extension: 164 Katherine Hurd (Delta Epsilon-Iowa) Iowa City, IA khurd@alphaphi.org Extension: 165 Katelyn Kormann (Delta Mu-Purdue) Prospect Heights, IL kkormann@alphaphi.org Extension: 166 Danielle Marganoff (Delta-Cornell) Millstone, NJ dmarganoff@alphaphi.org Extension: 167 Cassidy Rosenthal (Beta Gamma-Colorado) Vail, CO crosenthal@alphaphi.org Extension: 168




MID-ATLANTIC REGION Regional Manager Susan Carrochi Sherman (Epsilon Nu-Delaware) Fort Washington, PA carrochisherman@alumnae.alphaphi.org Alumnae Membership Coordinator Jessica Strugibenetti (Eta Sigma-Lafayette) Manalapan, NJ jstrugibenetti@alumnae.alphaphi.org Collegiate Membership Coordinator Kim Larsen Watson (Omicron-Missouri) Bowie, MD mydearwatsons@comcast.net Human Resources Coordinator Frannie Hodnett Dunlavy (Beta Omega-Kent State) Havertown, PA fradunlavy@yahoo.com Operations & Programming Coordinator Janis Coughlin-Piester (Theta Kappa-Rochester) Arlington, VA janis.coughlin@alumnae.alphaphi.org NORTH CENTRAL MIDWEST REGION Regional Manager Jaime Alsup Ryberg (Theta Gamma-Truman State) Lake St. Louis, MO jaime.ryberg@alumnae.alphaphi.org Alumnae Membership Coordinator Molly Statz Sabatino (Omicron-Missouri) Geneva, IL masabatino@yahoo.com Collegiate Membership Coordinator Michelle Connell (Epsilon Phi deuteron-NC State) St. Louis, MO mkconnell@sbcglobal.net Human Resources Coordinator Sandee Revell Spears (Chi-Montana) Seattle, WA srspears3@aol.com Operations & Programming Coordinator Jessica Seymour (Eta deuteron-Boston) Chicago, IL jessica.m.seymour@alumnae.alphaphi.org Operations & Programming Coordinator Laura Wolfe (Gamma Nu-Miami University) Schaumburg, IL wolfeLB@aol.com NORTHEAST REGION

Regional Manager Alison Begor (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Albany, NY abegor@hotmail.com Alumnae Membership Coordinator Kelly Fitzgerald Mazza (Theta Omega-Barry) Milton, VT kellyaphi1@netzero.com Collegiate Membership Coordinator Liz Lowe Oltman (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) Tinton Falls, NJ emoltman@yahoo.com Human Resources Coordinator K. Deneen Bennett (Zeta Chi-Columbia) Parsipanny, NJ kdb_intj@excite.com Operations & Programming Coordinator Celeste Loring Gleason (Deta Mu-Maine) Winslow, ME cesaphi@hotmail.com PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGION Regional Manager Jennifer Peabody Billingsley (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Fairfield, CA jetta1872@yahoo.com

Alumnae Membership Coordinator Anne Lewis Naragon (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) Campbell, CA anne@enhire.com Canadian Resource Coordinator Cecily Walker (Beta Theta-British Columbia) Vancouver, British Columbia, CAN cecily@alumnae.alphaphi.org Collegiate Membership Coordinator Margo Anderson Newman (Beta Rho deuteron-Washington State) University Place, WA newman.margo@gmail.com Human Resources Coordinator Cindy Popich Maki (Beta Zeta-Idaho) Seattle, WA cin_maki@yahoo.com Operations & Programming Coordinator Saori Clark (Tau-Oregon) Portland, OR saoriclark@gmail.com Operations & Programming Coordinator Carol Wilde Wahl (Delta Kappa-Wisconsin/LaCrosse) Cameron Park, CA clw88@alumnae.alphaphi.org SOUTH CENTRAL REGION Regional Manager Susan Stone (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian) Fort Worth, TX tcustoner@sbcglobal.net Alumnae Membership Coordinator Betty Jo Ferraro Fuller (Alpha LambdaAlumna Initiate) Duncanville, TX bettyjofuller@alumnae.alphaphi.org Collegiate Membership Coordinator-Texas Melissa Mikalajunas Maloney (Omega-Texas) Austin, TX melissa_maloney@marykay.com Human Resources Coordinator Jandy Thompson (Delta Beta-Texas A&M/Commerce) Dallas, TX jandythompson@alumnae.alphaphi.org Operations & Programming Coordinator Jennifer McCook (Omega-Texas) Dallas, TX jennifermccook@gmail.com SOUTHEAST REGION

Regional Manager Sara Mayer (Delta Chi-William Woods) Melbourne, FL smayer@alumnae.alphaphi.org Alumnae Membership Coordinator Teresa Gillian Gray (Beta Gamma-Colorado) Alpharetta, GA teresagray@alumnae.alphaphi.org Human Resources Coordinator Tracy Weaver Hickman (Epsilon Phi deuteron-NC State) Waxhaw, NC tracy.hickman@alumnae.alphaphi.org Collegiate Membership Coordinator Megan Laraway (Theta Nu-Appalachian State) Charlotte, NC megan.laraway@avon.com Operations & Programming Coordinator Robin Dumoulin Rice (Theta Phi-Christopher Newport) Gloucester, VA robin.m.rice@gmail.com SOUTHWEST REGION

Regional Manager Susan Morris Haber (Beta Delta-UCLA and Eta Kappa-UC/Irvine) Encino, CA susanmhaber@earthlink.net PA G E F O R T Y- F O U R

Alumnae Membership Coordinator Sara Keltner Ellis (Omicron-Missouri) Phoenix, AZ saraee@alumnae.alphaphi.org Collegiate Membership Coordinator Jenny Holsman (Gamma Pi-Arizona State) Chandler, AZ jholsman@cox.net Human Resources Coordinator Brandi Smith Hunt (Zeta Mu-Colorado State) Phoenix, AZ smithunt@msn.com Operations & Programming Coordinator Annita Avila Sharpe (Gamma Beta-UC/Santa Barbara) Irvine, CA annita@alumnae.alphaphi.org Operations & Programming Coordinator Lyndsay Wagoner (Eta Psi-Eastern Washington) Gilbert, AZ lyndspaige@yahoo.com UPPER MIDWEST REGION Regional Manager Jan Brinker Schaeffer (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Castalia, OH janschaeffer@alumnae.alphaphi.org Alumnae Membership Coordinator Carina Samuelson Mauck (Eta Gamma-Akron) Euclid, OH carinam@sbcglobal.net Alumnae Membership Coordinator Assistant Judith Lossing Callander (Gamma Nu-Miami University) New Albany, OH Judith.callander@sbcglobal.net Canadian Resource Coordinator TBA Collegiate Membership Coordinator Michelle Davis Boerger (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Hamilton, OH michelle.aphi@earthlink.net Human Resources Coordinator Ashley Haugh (Xi-Toronto) Orleans, Ontario, CAN ashley.haugh@alumnae.alphaphi.org Operations & Programming Coordinator Gina Bradley Feller (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) Miamisburg, OH fellerg@mcohio.org COMMITTEE ON LEADERSHIP Committee Chair Elected Representative Michelle Wells McIlvoy (Beta Rho deuteron-Washington State) Beaverton, OR aoe1872@hotmail.com Committee Vice Chair IEB Appointee Carole Salerno (Epsilon Gamma-Sacramento State) Pleasanton, CA Carole_Salerno@alumnae.alphaphi.org Elected Representative Alison Nash (Xi-Toronto) Toronto, Ontario CAN alisonnash@alumnae.alphaphi.org Elected Representative Judy Kay Schmidt Mead (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) Bedford, TX judyk.mead@madd.org Elected Representative Liz Underwood Drouin (Omicron-Missouri) Forest Park, IL lizu1872@aol.com IEB Appointee Stacey Grimes Boulmetis (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) Charlestown, RI rhodygal@gmail.com

IEB Appointee Kate Boyle Halfon (Eta Delta-CSU/East Bay) Martinez, CA khalfon@alumnae.alphaphi.org IEB Appointee Barbara Thomas (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) Euless, TX barthomas@tt.rr.com Collegiate Appointee Amanda Grant (Beta Beta-Michigan State) Warren, MI grantama@msu.edu Collegiate Appointee Ashley Nutter (Beta Iota-West Virginia) Newark, DE Anutter1@mix.wvu.edu FINANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE Committee Chair Lindsay Wiggins (Beta Pi-USC) Los Angeles, CA Lindsay.Wiggins@alumnae.alphaphi.org Billie Coskey Battiato (Phi-Oklahoma) Tulsa, OK oudoll@ix.netcom.com Alison Begor (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Albany, NY abegor@hotmail.com Amanda Friel (Eta Sigma-Lafayette) Washington, D.C. mander3117@yahoo.com Nicole Meomartino MacLennan (Eta Pi-Richmond) Natick, MA nicole.maclennan@mathworks.com Lisa Bostic Miller (Epsilon-Minnesota) Lakeville, MN Lisa.b.miller@alumnae.alphaphi.org Staff Partner Cathy Koessl ckoessl@alphaphi.org 847.316.8928 HOUSING STRATEGY COMMITTEE Committee Co-Chair Jane Kirby Arkes (Omicron-Missouri) Portland, OR RJArkes@aol.com Committee Co-Chair Shana Goss Smith (Chi-Montana) Port Gamble, WA slsmith_aphi@comcast.net Jim Biga Livonia, MI jbiga@ameritech.net Linda Long Boland (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach) Yucaipa, CA linda.boland2@verizon.net Ginny Levy (Beta Delta-UCLA) Los Angeles, CA virginialevy@hotmail.com Coree Smith (Epsilon Theta-Northern Iowa) Chicago, IL ccs72075@msn.com Lori Hirsch Stokoe (Beta Alpha-Illinois) San Pedro, CA sweetbay@cox.net Staff Partners Cathy Koessl ckoessl@alphaphi.org 847.316.8928 Linda Schnetzer lschnetzer@alphaphi.org 847.316.8924





B U L L E T I N NEW HAZING HOTLINE IS CREATED Alpha Phi has joined more than 20 other National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) and North-American Interfraternity Conference (IFC) inter/national organizations to create a Hazing Hotline. We encourage anyone with information about hazing activities in an Alpha Phi chapter to call the tollfree number at 1.888.NOT.HAZE (1.888.668.4293). Callers can remain anonymous, and all allegations will be investigated to the fullest extent. We hope our new and initiated members, parents and Greek Life professionals find this to be a helpful tool to eliminate hazing on our campuses. If you have any questions about the Hazing Hotline, please contact Lindsay Martin (Beta Psi-San Jose State) at lmartin@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8943. WANTED: ARTISTS, PHOTOGRAPHERS, GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Artists, photographers and graphic artists are sought to design our February Heart Health Month public relations piece. This artwork will be used in a Foundation postcard sent to hundreds of Alpha Phis, as computer wallpaper that all Alpha Phis can display on their computers and as the cover of the Winter 2008 Quarterly. Please send artwork to the Alpha Phi Foundation, Attn: Art Contest, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 no later than Oct. 30, 2007. This year’s theme: GET YOUR RED ON! Accompanying text: Mark your calendars for National Wear Red Day on Feb. 2, 2008, and GET YOUR RED ON! Everyone can support the fight against heart disease in women by wearing red. Wear your favorite red clothes and/or your Red Dress pin and GET YOUR RED ON to show your support for women and the fight against heart disease. PROMOTE THE FOUNDATION DURING YOUR NEXT EVENT Do you need a snazzy Foundation publication to hand out at your next philanthropy event or during your philanthropy round of recruitment? If so, contact the Alpha Phi Foundation at 847.475.4532 or foundation@alphaphi.org and request some copies of our award-winning Annual Report. We’ll send you as many of these fabulous magazines as you want, and all you have to do is pay for shipping and handling.


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JOIN BARRY (THETA OMEGA) ALUMNAE ON A REUNION CRUISE Carnival Imagination sailing out of Miami Sept. 18-22, 2008 Visiting Key West, Fla., and Calica, Mexico $263 - $313 Price Includes: four-night cruise, port taxes, government fees, private Alpha Phi cocktail party, $50 per cabin ship board credit and additional goodies For more information, contact: Lynn Fowler Webb (Theta Omega-Barry) lynnwebb@alumnae.alphaphi.org 727.393.6007

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CONSTITUTION AMENDMENTS CONSIDERED DURING CONVENTION 2008 Proposed amendments to the Constitution will be considered during Convention 2008 in Scottsdale, Ariz. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to: Ashley Haugh (XiToronto), c/o Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201 or e-mail to ashleyhaugh@alumnae.alphaphi.org. Please submit amendments by Dec. 1, 2007.

Interested in Promoting Your Business in the Alpha Phi Classifieds? The charge for the Winter 2008 Quarterly is $50 for up to 35 words (text only). The Quarterly also continues to accept advertising in the form of display ads, which begin at $200 for a 1/6-page ad. If you are interested in either advertising opportunity, please contact quarterly@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8920 before Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2007, to reserve space.


convention 67th Biennial Convention June 25-29, 2008

Fairmont Scottsdale Princess Scottsdale, Ariz.

Watch for Convention information in future issues of the Quarterly and on our Web site at www.alphaphi.org/events.


Join Us for Convention 2008

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