Heart Disease: What Are You Doing to Prevent It?
INSIDE Cardiac Care Award Winner Announced Join Us for Convention 2008
C ntents In This Issue Founders Clara Bradley Burdette (’76), died 1954 Florence Chidester Lukens (’75), died 1885 Martha Foote Crow (’76), died 1924 Ida Gilbert Houghton (’76), died 1916 Jane S. Higham (’76), died 1949 Kate Hogoboom Gilbert (’75), died 1900 Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults (’75), died 1895 Rena Michaels Atchison (’74), died 1933 Louise Shepard Hancock (’76), died 1932 Clara Sittser Williams (’75), died 1925
Message from the Foundation Chair and the International President . . . 1 Convention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Alumnae Pride . . . . . . . . . . . 8
International Executive Board President: Laura Malley-Schmitt Jane Kirby Arkes Bonnie K. Arthur Billie Coskey Battiato Linda Long Boland Deana Koonsman Gage Susan Brink Sherratt Shana Goss Smith Lindsay Wiggins Ex-Officio: Sally McCall Grant, NPC Delegate
Message from the IEB . . . . 16 Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 On Campus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Message from the COL . . . 30 Small World . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Reunions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Announcements . . . . . . . . . 34 Regional Conferences . . . . 35 Interfraternal News . . . . . . 36 Bulletin Board/Classifieds . 37
CONVENTION 2008: OUR SHARED PATH The majestic McDowell Mountains and magnificent Sonoran Desert surrounding the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess will provide an awe-inspiring backdrop for our 67th Biennial Convention, June 25-29, 2008, in Scottsdale, Ariz.
HAVE YOU MOVED? Send your new address to: Alpha Phi Quarterly 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 Or update your address online at www.alphaphi.org.
Foundation Directors Chairman: Susan Weiskittle Barrick Sheri Allen Susan Bevan Ann Brinkman Linda Gardner Massie Cathy Logan Stembridge Diane Spry Straker Amy Jordan Tvrdik Laura Malley-Schmitt National Panhellenic Conference Alpha Phi Delegate: Sally McCall Grant First Alternate Delegate: Deana Koonsman Gage Second Alternate Delegate: Tara Riemer Jones Third Alternate Delegate: Ruth Gallagher Nelson Editorial Advisory Board Sheila George Bright Ann Brinkman Jan Jones Owen Allison Cink Rickels Michelle Webb Alpha Phi Quarterly Staff Editor-in-Chief: Christine Spiegel Communications Coordinator: Arden Schuman E-mail: quarterly@alphaphi.org Alpha Phi Quarterly Design Lynne Koenigsberger Communication Design
Quarterly Deadlines Issue . . . . . . . . Copy Deadline
Congratulations to the Alpha Phi Foundation, 2007 THE Foundation Seminar award winner for Annual Campaign – Best Student Development Effort. The award recognized the Foundation’s Loyalty Circle campaign, introduced to inspire and educate undergraduates about service-based leadership and the importance of individual charitable giving. Collegians can join the Loyalty Circle with a gift of any amount. The program is a fun and easy way for collegians to connect with one another and make a difference in the lives of sisters. For more information about the Loyalty Circle, visit www.loyaltycircle.org.
Summer 2008 . . . April 15, 2008 Fall 2008. . . . . . . . July 15, 2008 Winter 2009 . . . . . Oct. 15, 2008 Spring 2009 . . . . . Jan. 15, 2009
Alpha Phi Home Page www.alphaphi.org Executive Office Executive Director: Susan Zabriske Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Phone: 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 E-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org Foundation Office Executive Director: Emily Ellison Lamb Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Foundation Phone: 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 E-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org Alpha Phi Quarterly Editorial Policy
CORRECTIONS The Quarterly regrets errors in its Fall 2007 issue. Please see page 36 for a complete list of corrections.
ON THE COVER Congratulations to Rea Dawson Wedekamm (Beta Iota-West Virginia), winner of the Alpha Phi Foundation 2008 "Get Your Red On" art contest. Rea is a member of the Cleveland East alumnae chapter. Her artwork is also featured on the Foundation's 2008 National Wear Red Day postcard and as computer wallpaper. Congratulations to first runner-up Johanna Meyers (Eta Kappa-UC/Irvine), whose artwork is featured as computer wallpaper. Visit www.alphaphi.org for more information.
The purpose of the Alpha Phi Quarterly and its content is to provide information and services to the membership of the Alpha Phi Fraternity, in keeping with the Fraternity's status as a 501(c)(7) tax-exempt private membership club. The magazine is devoted to highlighting its members and matters of fraternal and college interest. The views expressed in the articles published in the Quarterly are those of the authors and their contributors, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Alpha Phi Fraternity, its officers or staff. All persons interested in submitting materials for publication in the Alpha Phi Quarterly are encouraged to send them to the editor at the Executive Office. The editor reserves the right to accept, deny or edit any materials submitted. Unless otherwise requested, all photos sent to the magazine will become the property of Alpha Phi International and will not be returned. Articles may be sent by mail, fax, e-mail or on a PC disk. Please send your information to the editor by the deadlines indicated on this page. Materials received after these deadlines will be considered for the following issue. Please direct any submission questions or inquiries regarding publication advertising to the editor at 847.316.8920, or quarterly@alphaphi.org. The Alpha Phi Quarterly is published winter, spring, summer and fall. Subscription price for non-members is $25 per year. Contact the Quarterly for information about pricing of individual issues. Send change of address or announcements to Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Periodical rate postage paid at Evanston, IL, and at additional mailing offices. (ISSN: USPS 014680) Postmaster: Please send address changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Printed in the USA.
Dear Sisters, As the chair of the Alpha Phi Foundation and the International President for Alpha Phi Fraternity, we spend time every week talking about one of our shared concerns: your heart! So, how is your heart? This question is perhaps a little personal, but as Susan Weiskittle Barrick and Laura Malley-Schmitt concerned sisters, we want you to know we care about your heart, and we care in three different ways. The first way is the most literal of all. Really, how is the heart that is beating inside your chest right now? Heart disease is the no. 1 killer of women. We want to ensure that all women are educated about good heart health and are making every effort to prevent heart disease. Women’s heart health is the focus of this issue of the Alpha Phi Quarterly. Your philanthropic heart is also very important to us. Through your gifts, we create and fund heart research and disease prevention activities as well as educational leadership and scholarship programs that represent the core values of our Alpha Phi Founders. Your generous gifts demonstrate your commitment to adding value to the lives of women and touch many of your sisters. The Fraternity and Foundation are working together on cutting edge initiatives that will add even more value to the lives of our collegiate and alumnae members and keep Alpha Phi at the forefront of the Greek world. Your giving warms our hearts! Finally, we remember the love we felt in our hearts for our Alpha Phi sisterhood when we pinned on the new member badge. Is that feeling still strong in your heart today? Through our weekly conversations and the dedicated work of the board and staff members of both organizations we are generating new ideas to facilitate and strengthen your connection to Alpha Phi and your chapter sisters. Our wish for each of you is a healthy heart, a giving heart and a heart connected in sisterhood. Heart to heart,
Heart Disease: What Are You Doing to Prevent It?
Dr. Martha Gulati (Theta Eta-Western Ontario), Northwestern Memorial Hospital cardiologist and co-author of the newest guidelines on heart disease prevention in women published by the American Heart Association, discusses steps women can take to prevent heart disease. The Alpha Phi Foundation announces the winners of its Cardiac Care Award. In Her Shoes: Meet a sister affected by heart disease who was inspired by the Foundation. From the Archives: Alpha Phi celebrates 60 years of heart.
18 19 20
In the Next Issue ■
Fraternity Annual Report
Regional Conferences
Early Recruitment Addresses
New at www.alphaphi.org Susan Weiskittle Barrick (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Foundation Chair
Have you visited our online mall lately? Find exclusive coupon savings in an easy to use format. Each purchase generates revenue for our Fraternity. Just click “Shop” and the “Affiliate Programs” link to begin shopping!
Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT) International President
What are you doing to prevent it? By Christine Spiegel
From the American Heart Association 1. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one killer of women (one in three women will die from it) 2. 42.1 million women (36%) live with CVD 3. More than 50,000 more women than men die every year from heart disease. 4. “Nearly all women are at risk for CVD, underscoring the importance of a heart-healthy lifestyle in everyone.”
Risk Factors for Heart Disease 1. High Blood Pressure 2. High Cholesterol 3. Diabetes 4. Being Overweight or Obese 5. Physical Inactivity 6. Smoking Other factors, such as a family history of heart disease, can also affect your level of risk.
Resources The following online resources offer information specific to women and include everything from prevention – recommended heart-healthy recipes to ideas for getting motivated to exercise – to support after you’ve had a heart attack. American Heart Association: www.americanheart.org Women Heart: www.womenheart.org U.S. Food and Drug Administration: www.fda.gov (food pyramid, healthy food ideas)
Heart disease is the number one killer of women in North America. As Alpha Phis, we should know this. We promote cardiac care and spread the word about the importance of awareness in the prevention of heart disease. But are we doing enough for ourselves? According to Dr. Martha Gulati (Theta Eta-Western Ontario), Northwestern Memorial Hospital cardiologist and coauthor of the newest guidelines on heart disease prevention in women published by the American Heart Association (AHA), preventing heart disease in women of all ages involves knowing the risk factors and being proactive about one’s own health. “The new guidelines on heart disease prevention in women indicate nearly all women are at risk,” says Dr. Gulati. The six risk factors for heart disease are high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, being overweight or obese, physical inactivity and smoking. Other factors, such as a family history of heart disease or any of the risk factors of heart disease, also can affect your level of risk. In order to determine your own personal risk, Dr. Gulati recommends yearly screening, learning your numbers and being aware of changes in your numbers. (A summary of the numbers a woman should familiarize herself with are listed on page 5.) Screening: what to ask your doctor Beginning at age 20, every woman needs to be screened for heart disease, says Dr. Gulati. It should be part of your annual physical exam. Screenings include blood work (to check cholesterol and kidney function), blood pressure check, heart exam, weight measurement and possibly waist measurement and a discussion with your physician about symptoms that may be of concern (chest pain during activity or at rest, lack
of activity, etc.). Other tests such as a stress test or EKG may be recommended depending on symptoms. Ask your physician two questions: Am I at risk? What can I do to reduce my risk? Your physician should discuss options depending on where you fall on the risk scale (high, intermediate or low). Heart disease screenings should be considered routine under most insurance plans (check with your plan to confirm and learn details). If you have never been screened, make an appointment with your primary care physician to do so. Women should be screened at least once a year, but an individual’s risk factors determine the regularity and number of visits to your doctor. For those at higher risk, your physician may recommend additional tests and examinations. Know your numbers Based on the results of your screening, you will have a set of numbers that allow you to calculate your risk for heart disease. Once you learn what is normal and not normal for you, you will know when they are not controlled. “Watch your own trends so you can cite what’s happening and have a more rational discussion with your doctor about why you’re concerned,” says Dr. Gulati. She notes one time when numbers will change, for example, is during menopause. “This is why we see an increase of heart disease in women after menopause,” she says. Blood pressure: There are usually no symptoms of high blood pressure, so more than one-third of adults are unaware they have the condition. Normal blood pressure is 120/80 (systolic/diastolic) or lower. It is important to know where your numbers lie. If not normal, ask your doctor what you can do to keep your blood pressure under control. Suggestions to lower high blood pressure include decrease salt and fat ALPHA PHI
Calculate Your Risk for Heart Disease When you know your numbers, you can calculate your risk for heart disease. If you do not know them, schedule a screening with your physician. The National Institute of Health risk calculator assesses 10-year risk for heart disease based on age, cholesterol and blood pressure levels and whether you smoke. Just plug in your numbers and learn your 10-year risk, take it to your doctor and ask what you should be doing to lower your risk. Visit http://hp2010.nhlbihin.net/atpiii/calculator.asp?usertype=prof for the calculator.
intake, increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat, stop smoking and remain physically active. Menopause is a key time for women to discuss blood pressure and other numbers since it is an important time of change for their bodies, says Dr. Gulati. Cholesterol: High cholesterol builds up plaque in your blood vessels and can cause heart attacks and strokes. Know your HDL (good) cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides (bad) levels, and know what range is normal for you. As a general rule, a woman’s HDL should be greater than 50, LDL less than 100, and triglycerides should be less than 150. To keep cholesterol under control, it is recommended that you eat foods low in saturated fats and cholesterol, maintain a healthy weight and exercise. Diabetes: People with diabetes have at least twice the risk of heart disease. Women with diabetes are at a greater risk of developing heart disease compared to men with diabetes. Warning signs of diabetes include frequent urination, excessive thirst or unusual weight loss. A healthy diet and exercise can help prevent and manage diabetes. Heart-healthy habits According to Dr. Gulati, even if your numbers fall in the low risk category, it is important to live a heart-healthy lifestyle. “It is critical to maintain a healthy weight by eating wisely and getting daily exercise,” she says. “If you gain even two pounds per year, it adds up over several years. I am not recommending a diet or a drastic change in habits, but to start with small changes that become part of your life.” Weight: Adults with excess body fat are more likely to develop heart disease – even if they have no other risk factors. For women, a waist circumference greater than
35 inches puts you at higher risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. Your physician can recommend a sensible nutrition and exercise program to help you reach and maintain a healthy weight. Dr. Gulati says she reminds her patients, “Everything we put in our mouths, we should be thinking, am I going to burn off these calories?” There are 300 calories in an average chocolate bar. To burn 300 calories, one would have to walk or run three miles (one mile of exercise is equal to 100 calories burned). Read food and drink labels. Note contents and number of servings. Pay attention to saturated fat (cut back), trans fat (eliminate completely), eat fish at least twice a week or take fish oil supplement, and eat fruits and vegetables (antioxidants help maintain heart health). There have been many studies done on whether supplements work. The only supplement known for certain to be good for the heart, says Dr. Gulati, is fish oil. If you cannot get the recommended two servings of fish per week (best choices with Omega 3 are salmon, tuna and trout), then 500-900 mg of a fish oil supplement is recommended. For women of childbearing age and young children, supplements are recommended because of concerns over the mercury in fish. “Portions are much larger today, and that is why it’s important to know what serving size should be,” says Dr. Gulati. “The burgers people eat today are three times the size of those from the 1950s. If you look on the label of even a small bag of chips, you’ll see it indicates a serving size of two.” “There is an obesity epidemic and a diabetes epidemic today, and the worse it gets, the earlier we will see heart disease,” Dr. Gulati says. “We will start to see people having heart attacks in their 30s if we don’t stop this now.”
Feb. 1 is National Wear Red Day! Join the Alpha Phi Foundation and the American Heart Association® in the fight against the numer one killer of women in North America. See the back cover of this issue for details.
Sister Promotes Alpha Phi at Work I work in a hospital, so the red dress is a very familiar symbol. Since I’ve attached the Alpha Phi Foundation Red Dress pin to my ID badge and wear it every day, I’ve been able to explain why mine looks different and the good works my sorority (not “the sorority I was in when I was in college”) supports! It has led to many positive discussions about Greek life to mothers of teenagers. – Amy Jo Taylor Steinbruecker (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst) Central DuPage Hospital
(continued on next page) WINTER 2008
(Heart Disease, continued)
Exercise: Regular, moderate-tovigorous physical activity improves your cardiovascular fitness and helps reduce your risk of heart disease. Exercise can help control cholesterol, diabetes, blood pressure and obesity. Physically fit women have lower rates of death from cardiac causes and also, from any cause. The new guidelines recommend 60-90 minutes of exercise seven days per week. Dr. Gulati says the recommendation increased from 30 minutes daily because most women are trying to lose weight or achieve a more ideal weight. To maintain weight, 30 minutes of daily exercise is recommended. Walk. Take the stairs. Make time to exercise each day. If you’re currently sedentary, check with your physician before beginning an exercise program, begin slow and work up to the recommended amount of daily exercise. “It is important for parents to set an example for their children,” says Dr. Gulati. “If parents are sedentary, children will be too. Examine the example you are setting. Make healthy habits a family lifestyle.” Smoking: Smoking is the single most preventable cause of death in North America. It poses a greater risk to women than men. It is never too late to quit. Ask your physician for help and recommendations. Even Alpha Phis, who are aware of the importance of cardiac care, don’t recognize heart disease in themselves, says Dr. Gulati. She says it is critical that we all take a more proactive approach to ensure our heart health by getting screened and learning our personal risk.
artha Gulati, MD, MS, FACC, is associate director of the Center for Women’s Cardiovascular Health at the Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute of Northwestern Memorial Hospital. She is also an assistant professor of medicine and preventive medicine at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. Her exceptional commitment to the study of women and cardiac disease has won her numerous awards and distinctions, including being named by Crain’s Chicago Business as one of Chicago’s “Top 40 under 40.” Dr. Gulati is passionate about the study of women and heart disease with a specific interest in fitness and prevention. She is the primary investigator of the St. James Women Take Heart Project, a study examining cardiac risk factors in women, which set new standards for women’s fitness levels. She also is a co-investigator on the Women Ischemic Syndrome Evaluation (WISE) and previously served as a co-investigator on the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI). She is a member of numerous advisory boards and societies, including the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology. She has published articles in peer-reviewed publications, including The New England Journal of Medicine, Circulation and Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Her research has been featured in hundreds of newspapers across the world, including The New York Times and USA Today. She has also been featured on “Oprah” and in Oprah Magazine, Fitness Magazine and on CBS National News and NBC-5 Chicago. She recently was listed on the Marquis 2007 Who’s Who in America. Dr. Gulati completed medical school at the University of Toronto, Canada, in 1995, and her internship, residency, and cardiology fellowship at the University of Chicago. She received a master of science degree from the University of Chicago and is a fellow of the American College of Cardiology. She is board certified in both internal medicine and cardiovascular disease.
What to ask your doctor The best way to prevent heart disease is to know what is normal for your own body, and continue to monitor your own trends. Knowing the risk factors, your own family history and noting changes in what’s normal for you will allow you to have a more informed discussion with your physician regarding your concerns. Please cut out this form and take it with you to your next physician’s appointment. This form is also available online at www.alphaphi.org.
■ Blood Pressure:
Systolic / Diastolic = __________ / __________ (Normal is 120/80)
■ Cholesterol:
HDL (good) cholesterol = __________ (This should be greater than 40) LDL (bad) cholesterol = __________ (This should be less than 100) Triglycerides (bad) levels = __________ (This should be less than 150)
■ Test for Diabetes: __________ (Hemoglobin A1C should be less than 6 percent) ■ Smoker? Yes __________
No __________
■ Weight = __________ lbs. ■ Body Mass Index = __________ (Normal BMI is between 18-24.9; 25-29.9 is overweight; 30 or greater is obese) ■ Waist Circumference = __________ in. (Women’s waist circumference should be less than 35 inches) ■ Exercise: Am I getting regular, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity at least 30 minutes daily to maintain weight?: Yes __________
No __________
■ Family History: Have I had any family members with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, diabetes or obesity? Yes __________
No __________
List the relationship to you and what they have/had:
■ Concerns to Present to my Physician: (Examples are chest pain during activity or at rest, lack of activity, etc.):
■ Ask your Physician These Questions: 1. Am I at risk? Yes __________
No __________
2. What can I do to reduce my risk?
Convention 2008: Our Shared Path 67th Biennial Convention, June 25-29, 2008 Fairmont Scottsdale Princess Scottsdale, Ariz.
Join Us for Convention 2008 Dear Sisters, The majestic McDowell Mountains and magnificent Sonoran Desert surrounding the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess provides an awe-inspiring backdrop for a unique experience to meet new people, renew friendships, network with collegiate and alumnae members and help determine the future of our Fraternity. As one of the most popular resort destinations in the region, Scottsdale is home to some of the most stunning scenery in the American Southwest and offers many activities, including jeep tours, horseback riding, nature excursions, art galleries, shopping, dining, entertainment and nightlife. We encourage you to bring the family and extend your stay at the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess. Take advantage of the wonderful extras offered at this AAA fivediamond resort that boasts one of the best spas in North America, award-winning restaurants and two 18-hole championship golf courses. Arrive early or stay after to experience the luxury, enchantment and adventure only Scottsdale can offer. Loyally,
Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT) International President Frequently Asked Questions Q: Who may attend Convention? All members, their families and friends are invited! Those eligible to vote during Convention include collegiate chapter presidents (collegiate chapter delegates), chapter advisers, alumnae chapter presidents (alumnae chapter delegates), International Executive Board directors, Foundation Board directors, NPC delegate and two representatives from each of Alpha Phi’s eight regional teams. Q: What is the registration deadline? Registration materials and additional information are available at the Alpha Phi International Web site at www.alphaphi.org/events. The early bird registration deadline is March 15, 2008.
Registration Deadlines Completed registration materials and payments must be processed no later than the deadline dates in order to avoid incurring late registration penalties: Early Bird Rate - March 15, 2008 Standard Rate - May 15, 2008 Late Registration - June 8, 2008
Q: How much does it cost to attend? The all-inclusive Convention early bird package is $1,015. It includes attendee’s registration fee, four room nights, taxes and tariffs, housekeeping gratuities, roundtrip airport transfers, four continental breakfasts, three lunches, four dinners, meal taxes and gratuities (based on double occupancy). Package does not include airfare. A special weekend rate of $750 is also available. Please visit ww.alphaphi.org for details and a la carte pricing. Q: How do I make flight arrangements? Due to the heavy travel during the convention season, flight arrangements for delegates and other attendees traveling on Fraternity or Foundation business must be secured early and finalized by May 1, 2008. The resort is accessible from the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. Contact Canyon Creek Travel, Alpha Phi International’s official travel agent, at 800.952.1998 to make your flight arrangements. (Ground transportation instructions will be made available in Convention 2008 materials posted at www.alphaphi.org.)
Tentative Schedule • Wednesday, June 25, 2008: Registration Opens Welcome Dinner • Thursday, June 26, 2008: Collegiate and Alumnae Chapter Awards • Friday, June 27, 2008: Initiation Guest Speaker: Kim Anderson Kelleher (Iota-Wisconsin), Publisher of Self Magazine Service of Remembrance • Saturday, June 28, 2008: Individual Alumnae Awards Candlelight Banquet: Red Dress Gala Watch for additional Convention information in future issues of the Quarterly and on our Web site at www.alphaphi.org/events.
Q: Will there be any time to sightsee? Convention is always a busy time for delegates. Alpha Phi International recommends you travel early or extend your stay after Convention to take advantage of all there is to see and do nearby. If you book through Alpha Phi, you can secure our low room rates. Area attractions include the Grand Canyon, Phoenix Zoo, hot-air balloon and helicopter rides, desert Jeep and Hummer tours, horseback riding, mountain biking, hiking, golf, shopping, dining, theatrical and dance performances, and much more. PA G E S E V E N
u o y k n Tha
for your International alumnae dues payment and showing you are a part of the Alpha Phi sisterhood!
We appreciate your continuing support of the Fraternity and hope you are enjoying the benefits of being an International alumnae dues-paying member. Some of those benefits include… • This magazine! Enjoy your subscription to the award-winning Quarterly magazine and look for future improvements. • Unlimited access to the Online Community. Share your latest news and accomplishments with sisters in the biograPHI notes section, or register for a permanent e-mail address that allows you to never have to change your e-mail address again.
• Membership to Working Advantage, a premier savings portal for a variety of entertainment and shopping discounts. • Funding for important programs and services, such as the senior magazine, Transitions, a resource for recent graduates. The good old days wouldn’t be the good old days without you. You were a part of us then. You are a part of us now.
OnlineCommunity Be part of the Alpha Phi
From a recent survey of Online Community participants:
53.5% visited Alpha Phi’s Online Community in the past three months.
25% say biograPHI is their favorite aspect of the Online Community.
We know you have heard the news by now: Alpha Phi’s Online Community continues to be a smashing success! More than 12,000 alumnae have registered and become a part of the Online Community. These women are reconnecting with old friends, announcing their special moments and successes, keeping their addresses and other information current with the Executive Office and helping sisters with job searches. Now it’s your turn!
All alumnae have free access to their own records, and full access to the Online Community is a benefit of paying your International alumnae dues.
It’s secure. Only Alpha Phis will be able to join this community, so you can feel safe knowing your information remains private. Take some time to complete your profile, look for sisters, register for an e-mail address, and have fun. Bookmark this site and return regularly!
This Internet site offers you many tools, including: • Online Directory: update your information online and search for sisters. • biograPHI: announce all the latest happenings in your life – marriages, graduations, births and adoptions, promotions and more. • Permanent E-mail Address: you can have an e-mail address with the domain name of @alumnae.alphaphi.org and because it is permanent, you’ll never have to change your e-mail address again.
How can you help to make this Online Community reach its potential? Tell all your friends! The more alumnae registered in the Online Community, the better it will be. Alpha Phi International and the Alpha Phi Foundation hope you find this tool useful and enjoyable, and we welcome your feedback.
www.alphaphi.org/onlinecommunity Little Dippers: The Alpha Phi Legacy Program ✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶ Alpha Phi International is very pleased to announce its Little Dippers program. The program was created to provide education about Alpha Phi, sororities and Greek life in general. Alpha Phi International wants to hear about our legacies. Do you have a granddaughter, daughter, stepdaughter, sister or stepsister under 16 years of age? If so, we invite you to register your legacy in the Little Dippers program today. Once registered, they will receive information about Alpha Phi and sorority life as well as a special gift that allows them to show the world they are Little Dippers. Legacies are a valued part of Alpha Phi and bring a long tradition of pride and support to the Fraternity. Alpha Phi pledged her first legacy in 1902 when Founder Kate Hogoboom Gilbert’s daughter Ruth Gilbert Becher (both Alpha-Syracuse) joined. Throughout our history, legacies have served Alpha Phi as International Executive Board presidents, including mother and daughter team Genevra Gwynn Wiley (Alpha-Syracuse) from 1902-04 and Marian Wiley Keys (AlphaSyracuse) from 1954-58, and in countless volunteer positions. Children who grow up with Alpha Phi learn about the Fraternity’s unique sisterhood from an early age. Each year, more than 100 legacies join Alpha Phi chapters across North America, in addition to the many Alpha Phi legacies who join other sororities and strengthen the entire National Panhellenic Conference relationship. Now is the time to introduce your Little Dipper to the Alpha Phi tradition!
Visit www.alphaphi.org/alumnae_info/littledippers to register your legacy today!
Members enjoy a cake and champagne party.
Members gather for a monthly lunch.
Mid-Atlantic Region GREATER PHILADELPHIA, PA. In September, more than 100 alumnae participated in the American Heart Association® Heart Walk.® St. Joseph’s (Theta Theta), Pennsylvania (Eta Iota) and West Chester (Epsilon Kappa) collegiate chapters joined Philadelphia ivy connection and Greater Philadelphia alumnae. The team raised more than $2,200. They sported “Love the Phi-ling of a Healthy Heart” T-shirts.
STATE COLLEGE CONTACT: Iris Pumroy Flynn (Theta-Michigan) ipf1@psu.edu 814.238.4604
North Central Midwest Region CHICAGO NORTHWEST SUBURBAN, ILL. Alumnae changed monthly meetings to the 12th of each month. Those meetings falling on weekends now include family and friends.
-Kati Greff Leet (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve)
-Becky Knowles Greenbury (Delta Epsilon-Iowa)
GREATER PHILADELPHIA CONTACT: Peggy Inskeep Pastva (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) pastvaj@aol.com 610.489.1762 www.phillyphis.com
CHICAGO NORTHWEST SUBURBAN CONTACT: Amy Lewkovich (Zeta Tau-Illinois State) alewko@comcast.net 847.537.4878 www.alphaphichicagoalumnae.org
PHILADELPHIA, PA., IVY CONNECTION The ivy connection joined Greater Philadelphia alumnae and local collegiate chapters for an American Heart Association® Heart Walk.® Sisters hosted an open house for area alumnae at Bahama Breeze. They hosted Phi Friday happy hours every third Friday of the month. They enjoyed a shopping and networking night and attending the Bridesmaid’s Ball and a Red Dress Gala hosted by local collegians.
LAKE COUNTY, ILL. Alumnae met at Williams-Sonoma in Lake Forest for a program on table settings. A joint Founders’ Day event was planned with Lake Forest (Gamma Epsilon deuteron) collegians. -Nancy Weaver Roach (Delta Epsilon-Iowa)
LAKE COUNTY CONTACT: Barb Morgan Lichty (Delta Epsilon-Iowa) bslichty@sbcglobal.net 847.680.0284
Cynthia Smith Brutzman (Omega-Texas), seated front center, is honored by State College, Pa., alumnae during a Founders’ Day luncheon.
INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Alumnae welcomed new members and enjoyed a cookie exchange, holiday party and a hot night of salsa dancing. -Ashley Halberstadt (Epsilon Beta-Butler)
INDIANAPOLIS CONTACT: Megan Miller Vondielingen (Delta Mu-Purdue)
BoilerMeg@comcast.net 317.888.7811 www.indyalphaphi.org
-Valene Chance (Theta Theta-St. Joseph’s)
PHILADELPHIA IVY CONNECTION CONTACT: Shannon Dooley Pruce (Beta Nu deuteron-Duke) shannondooley@alumnae.alphaphi.org 215.307.0349 www.phillyivyconnection.com
STATE COLLEGE, PA. Alumnae hosted a Founders’ Day luncheon at the Nittany Lion Inn. During the celebration, Cynthia Smith Brutzman (Omega-Texas) was recognized for 65 years of membership and presented with a rose bouquet. -Linda Morford Neugebauer (Delta Phi-Indiana U. of Pennsylvania) Area collegians join Greater Philadelphia, Pa., alumnae to participate in an American Heart Association® Heart Walk.®
Sisters enjoy a Founders’ Day brunch.
Alumnae support British Columbia (Beta Theta) recruitment.
Northeast Region BOSTON, MASS. Alumnae gathered for a tasting of sparkling wines paired with cupcakes. They enjoyed a Founders’ Day cocktail party, apple picking and a holiday cookie swap. -Megan Moynihan Bourque (Zeta Iota deuteron-Virginia)
BOSTON CONTACT: Stacie Sullivan Swanson (Eta Alpha-New
Hampshire) stacieswanson@gmail.com 978.373.1687 www.bostonphis.org
RHODE ISLAND Rhody Phis held their seventh annual Move Your Phi’t walk/run that raised more than $2,300 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. A Founders’ Day ceremony and ocean view brunch was celebrated with Rhode Island (Iota Delta) collegians. The highlight of the holiday season was a visit to Blush Beauty Bar in New Bedford, Mass., owned by Larissa McLaughlin (Epsilon IotaDuquesne), where sisters got glam with new makeup and accessories. -Kim Norton-O’Brien (Zeta Rho-Bentley)
BUFFALO, N.Y. Fall activities included a cooking class, make-yourown-pottery event, wine tasting and happy hour. Spring activities will feature an annual Panhellenic fundraising event, formal recruitment at SUNY/Buffalo (Theta Epsilon) and the popular spa night. The chapter hosts monthly lunches.
Tracey Rosenthal Drury (Theta Epsilon-
SUNY/Buffalo) tbdrury2@aol.com 716.731.6420 www.alphaphi_buffaloalum.tripod.com NYC METRO, N.Y. Alumnae celebrated Founders’ Day with a brunch at One If By Land, Two If By Sea restaurant. Jessica Weinberg (Theta Pi-Emory) hosted a wine and cheese party in September. Other events included a book club, billiards night, a Teddy bear drive for the holidays and a night at the theater. -Melissa Friedman (Eta Theta-San Francisco State)
NYC METRO CONTACT: Melissa Friedman
melissaf@alumnae.alphaphi.org 212.888.1601 www.nycalphaphi.org
Cecily Walker
cecily@alumnae.alphaphi.org 604.516.9649 http://bcphis.ca
South Central Region WICHITA, KAN. Alumnae helped Wichita State (Gamma Xi) collegians prepare for formal recruitment by assisting the house corporation board with a housework weekend. The September meeting was an ice cream social at the Gamma Xi chapter house to welcome new members. Other activities included Bunko at Ellen Fiedler Estes’ (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) home and a visit to Mari Dunn DiMattia’s (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) restaurant. -Shirley Clegg Dieker (Gamma Xi-Wichita State)
WICHITA CONTACT: Marcia McKee Weddle (Gamma Xi-Wichita State)
mcweddle@cox.net 316.722.8001 www.wichita.edu/alphaphi
-Rayleen Tolejko (Epsilon Iota-Duquesne)
SUNY/Plattsburgh (Theta Psi) alumnae Stacey Saunders, Cassie Andrews and Lauren Colver meet at the 95th Anniversary Sing-Along for the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. in Washington, D.C.
RHODE ISLAND CONTACT: Gina Paolo Barrett (Theta Mu-Hofstra) president@rhodyphis.com 401.787.7781 www.rhodyphis.com
Pacific Northwest Region VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA Cecily Walker (Beta Theta-British Columbia) is the new Canadian Resource Coordinator. Alumnae assisted with British Columbia (Beta Theta) recruitment in September. -Jennifer Samson (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate)
KEARNEY, NEB. Alumnae gathered at a local concert in the park. They enjoyed a Bunko 101 night at Janelle Stadler’s (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney) home and a Founders’ Day celebration at the historical Frank House. -Jessica Goebel (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney)
Jessica.Goebel@astrazeneca.com 308.293.0573 OMAHA, NEB. Alumnae enjoyed hors d’oeuvres and drinks on the patio of a new restaurant. They played Bunco at Jill Zerzan Shefte’s (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney) house. November featured a favorite gathering - the holiday dinner and auction; Julie O’Meara Jernstrom (NuNebraska) hosted the event. Santa greeted families during a special December party hosted by Nicole (continued on next page)
Sisters try a new restaurant for their September gathering.
Sisters enjoy a meeting at Zea Woodfire Grill in Plano.
(Omaha continued)
Sup Deprez and Jenn Flemming Dannehl (both Delta
Xi-Nebraska/Kearney). -Julie O’Meara Jernstrom (Nu-Nebraska)
OMAHA CONTACT: Jenn Flemming Dannehl
jdannehl@paypal.com 402.880.4797 GREATER TULSA, OKLA. Sisters enjoyed shopping for charity and lunch in December. They look forward to a January white elephant gift exchange at Cheri Hinton Quillen’s (Delta Rho-Ball State) home and a February teddy bear collection for a local ambulance service at Monica Townsend Taylor’s (Phi-Oklahoma) home. -SarahJane Hopkins Mouttet (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian)
sarah@alumnae.alphaphi.org 918.282.1994 www.alphaphitulsa.com OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. The group met at Belle Isle Brewery in September for a girls’ night out. They celebrated Alpha Phi’s 135th birthday in October with the fifth annual Alpha Phi Night at the Racetrack. OKC sponsored a race in honor of Founders’ Day and had dinner at Silks restaurant at the track. Other events included learning how to make a T-shirt quilt, salsa dancing and the annual holiday party and ornament exchange. -Bethany Anderson Brown (Phi-Oklahoma)
banders@flash.net 405.364.0263 AUSTIN AREA, TEXAS, IVY CONNECTION The AAIC made cookies for Texas (Omega) collegians during recruitment and enjoyed happy hour at Kona Grill. A joint event with the traditional Austin alumnae
chapter celebrated Founders’ Day Texas-style with a fajita dinner. -Ellen McGuire (Beta Alpha-Illinois)
AUSTIN AREA IVY CONNECTION CONTACT: Jennifer Monk (Omega-Texas) jennifermonk@gmail.com 512.297.4916 www.austinareaalphaphi.org DALLAS AND SUBURBAN, TEXAS In August, sisters enjoyed cocktails at Central 214 at Hotel Palomar. Alumnae also celebrated the new school year at Michelle Quiroga Hurley’s (PhiOklahoma) home in September. -Jennifer MacDonald Cole (Gamma Eta-North Texas)
DALLAS AND SUBURBAN CONTACT: Heather Bastin Guild (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) heather@heatherguild.com 214.599.0392 www.alphaphidallas.org FAR NORTH DALLAS AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES, TEXAS Alumnae kicked off the fall season with a pirate party at Kim Neal Harlow’s (Omega-Texas) home. A Red Dress Founders’ Day luncheon was held at Patrizio’s. Diedre Robert Moser (Gamma Omega-Midwestern State) hosted the holiday party in December.
FORT WORTH CONTACT: Tammy Farris Gordon (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian) farrisandgordon@msn.com 817.735.1784 www.angelfire.com/tx4/aphi HOUSTON, TEXAS Founders’ Day was celebrated with a Phi-esta at Molina’s Restaurant. Sisters’ member anniversaries were recognized, including past chapter presidents Virginia Segrato Wood (Omega-Texas) and Jane Larke Lower (Iota-Wisconsin). A new satellite group was formed: the Bordeaux Babes. Its first meeting was hosted by Lyn Horne Flynt (Omega-Texas) at The Buckingham. They meet the first Friday of every other month. The ivy circle, organized by Maggie Wessel (Theta Xi-Shippensburg), continues to meet at Houston hot spots for monthly dinners and happy hours. -Amy Ciaccio (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech)
-Kim Neal Harlow (Omega-Texas)
FAR NORTH DALLAS CONTACT: Ilana Rossel Steele (Gamma Omega-Midwestern State) ilana@alumnae.alphaphi.org 214.636.3685 www.fndaphis.org FORT WORTH, TEXAS Members and their families attended a Fort Worth Cats minor-league baseball game. The ladies enjoyed manicures and pedicures at the Celeste Nail & Day Spa in Fort Worth for the September meeting. -Nadine Troll Parsons (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian)
Moms and sons enjoy playing in the fountains at Jenks RiverWalk Crossing following the Greater Tulsa, Okla., alumnae chapter’s July dinner event. Pictured are Ginnie Netherton Graham (Phi-Oklahoma) and her son, Louis, with Maryann Darby Allred (Phi-Oklahoma) and her son, Vincent.
Sisters enjoy a luau-themed meeting.
Alumnae celebrate Founders’ Day.
HOUSTON CONTACT: Sally Anne Schmidt Gutting (Zeta Omicron
deuteron-Johns Hopkins) sallya@rice.edu 713.723.2272 www.houston-alphaphi.org MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS The fall fundraiser earned money for the American Heart Association,® Alpha Phi Foundation and the alumnae chapter. To Market, To Market donated money, and alumnae helped sell the popular Mark Robert Fairies. Founders’ Day highlights included cooking demonstrations, recipes and appetizers/desserts presentation tips for holiday parties provided by Kathy Nelson Croom (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech). A November gathering had a 1970s theme and was hosted by Kellie Cole (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech). -Kathryn Woody Driskill (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech)
kldriskill@earthlink.net 281.362.7708 www.tx-mc-alphaphi.org AUSTIN IVY ALUMNAE ARE RECOGNIZED
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Barb Brinkman (Gamma Pi-Arizona State) hosted a football party open house in September that included great food and door prizes. In October, sisters gathered for Founders’ Day brunch at Oak Hills Country Club. A Make It, Bake It, Sew It event was held at Cammie Todd’s (Gamma Omega-Midwestern State) home in November. Other activities included a holiday social/ ornament exchange and Lollipop Madness. -Judith Norris Allan (Epsilon Tau-Louisiana State/Shreveport)
SAN ANTONIO CONTACT: Melanie Lopez (Iota Beta-St. Mary’s) melaphi@yahoo.com 210.687.9763 SOUTHWEST DALLAS, TEXAS The September meeting had a luau theme and included Hawaiian food, drink and summer stories. Judy Kay Schmidt Mead (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) helped the chapter sing its way through a special Founders’ Day luncheon. Five of the 10 founding members of the alumnae chapter led the ceremony. -Elaine Birtchet Holley (Delta Beta-Texas A&M/Commerce)
SOUTHWEST DALLAS CONTACT: Kim Webb Yzaguirre (Zeta Kappa-Texas State) kimyzag@alumnae.alphaphi.org 214.952.7720
Southeast Region
Sara Ross Rathgeber (Omega-Texas), center, is honored during an Austin Area Ivy Connection, Texas, Founders’ Day celebration for 50 years of sisterhood. Carrie Bonzey Weaver (Delta Nu-Maine), left, and Crystal Glass DuFrene (Omega-Texas), right, are recognized for 10-year anniversaries.
DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. Alumnae celebrated Founders’ Day at the Ormond Heritage with a candlelight ceremony and salad exchange luncheon. The turnout far exceeded prior years. Members enjoyed the Daytona Beach Panhellenic luncheon in November. -Linda Lampman (Pi-North Dakota)
lindaforeman@bellsouth.net 386.671.0446
JACKSONVILLE FIRST COAST, FLA. Alumnae enjoyed a family cookout and low country shrimp boil hosted by Melanie White Cabiness (Epsilon Phi deuteron-NC State). The chapter celebrated Founders’ Day with lunch and a ceremony at a local club. -Dawn Inglis Montgomery (Zeta Iota-Virginia)
JACKSONVILLE FIRST COAST CONTACT: Kathy Lechner (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate) epictt@aol.com 904.771.0224 www.geocities.com/jax_alphaphi TAMPA BAY, FLA. The chapter is proud to have Anne Scarboro-Stout McIntyre (Beta Nu-Duke) serving as co-president of St. Petersburg Panhellenic. Fourteen sisters enjoyed lunch at Panera Bread in Clearwater. Several families toured Lowery Park Zoo, guided by Linda Bunn Delapenha (Beta Delta-UCLA). Gifts were contributed to the new Florida Tech (Theta Zeta) chapter house. Barbara McPherren Whiteside (Phi-Oklahoma) and Jane Whiteside (Gamma Omicron-Drake) led the September meeting that discussed available area college-level courses. -Helen Ann Ellis Frobose (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State)
TAMPA BAY CONTACT: Caryl Frauenhoff Rohol (Gamma-DePauw)
crohol@hotmail.com 727.577.1214 ATLANTA, GA. Alumnae enjoyed the annual Phi-esta party at the home of Linda Koziara Frassrand (Beta Beta-Michigan State). Members celebrated Founders’ Day with a brunch at Ray’s Killer Creek in Alpharetta. Sisters were recognized for 10, 25, 50, 65 and 75 years of membership. Ivy circle members helped raise funds for two sisters who participated in the Atlanta 2-day Walk for Breast Cancer. Other events included lunch bunches, cooking with the Kitchen Diva, Shop for a Cause and the holiday party. A community service project at the (continued on next page)
Sisters enjoy a wine tasting.
Alumnae enjoy each other’s company.
GAMMA KAPPA ADVISERS GATHER The CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) advisory board enjoys dinner and a meeting at the home of Adviser Lori Hirsch Stokoe (Beta AlphaIllinois).
(Atlanta continued)
Atlanta Community Food Bank is scheduled for January, dinner at The Grape is in February and a girls’ night out at Aprons Cooking School in March. -Taunya Craig (Theta Chi-UNC/Asheville)
ATLANTA CONTACT: Jodie Bachey Morrow (Beta Omicron-Bowling
Green State) jodiemorrow@bellsouth.net 770.475.6542 www.alphaphionline.com/atlanta CHARLOTTE, N.C. Nancy Majcher Poffenbargers (Epsilon Delta-Northern Illinois) hosted an Alpha Phi-esta event. A wine and cheese night was held at Michelle Figueras' (Theta XiShippensburg) home. The Founders' Day and new member luncheon was held at Maggiano's in South Park. Sisters were honored for their member anniversaries: Beverly Moody Camut (Gamma Nu-Miami University), 25 years; Mary Ryan Evans (Gamma NuMiami University) and Judith Morgan Plough (AlphaSyracuse), both 50 years; and Jane Garver Sterrett (Beta Nu-Duke), 65 years. Ivy connection sisters enjoyed Wine Wednesday and Senoritas and Margaritas functions. Some members volunteered for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Light the Night Walk and participated in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.
CAPE FEAR, N.C. The chapter celebrated Founders’ Day with a luncheon at the home of Jen Brett (Eta Xi-UNC/Wilmington). -Jen Brett
CAPE FEAR CONTACT: Michele Scercy (Theta Chi-UNC/Asheville) mlscercy@gmail.com 910.520.2068 GREENVILLE AREA, N.C. Mary Weingarth Newton (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado), Susan Barber Terrell (Delta UpsilonBaldwin-Wallace) and Gail Burton Joyner (Delta AlphaEast Carolina) gathered in May to send support to the Virginia Tech (Eta Omicron) chapter following the tragic on-campus shootings. The September meeting was a wine tasting and philanthropy event that raised money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. A Founders’ Day luncheon was hosted by Betty Carawan Scoopmire (Delta Alpha-East Carolina). Alumnae hosted a holiday dinner for East Carolina (Delta Alpha) collegians in December. Projects include philanthropy, scholarship and leadership awards for Delta Alpha and recognition of alumnae who have reached anniversary milestones. Sisters participated in philanthropy Bunko and a Go Red for Women® luncheon. -Gail Joyner
-Stephanie Miller (Theta Xi-Shippensburg)
Gail Joyner
CHARLOTTE CONTACT: Allison Shelton (Beta Tau-Indiana) charlottealphaphi@yahoo.com 704.660.0760 http://charlottealphaphi.tripod.com/
earmom@yahoo.com 252.756.0501
HAMPTON ROADS, VA., IVY CONNECTION Sisters hosted a party at McFadden’s in Hampton to celebrate the birthdays of all members. In September,
they were joined by Virginia Peninsula alumnae and Christopher Newport (Theta Phi) collegians for an American Heart Association® Heart Walk.® Ivy connection members sported matching shirts in honor of the occasion. Christopher Newport and Old Dominion (Epsilon Eta) collegians joined the ivy connection and Virginia Peninsula alumnae to celebrate Founders’ Day at the Hilton Village Women’s Club in Newport News. Alumnae also enjoyed their holiday party in December. -Jeana Willis (Theta Phi-Christopher Newport)
HAMPTON ROADS IVY CONNECTION CONTACT: Heather Phaup Rowe (Theta Phi-Christopher Newport) ivy_connection@yahoo.com 757.876.2042 RICHMOND/CENTRAL VIRGINIA The chapter held its annual fall yard sale in September, raising money for the chapter and the Alpha Phi Foundation. The summer restaurant series continued, including a visit to Buz and Ned’s Real Barbeque. The chapter threw a surprise baby shower for Carrie Buckle Moore (Gamma Sigma-Wisconsin/Stout) at a local Italian restaurant. Anne Pyles Pryor (Eta PiRichmond) completed the Ford Ironman Triathlon in Wisconsin. Sisters celebrated Founders’ Day with a brunch hosted by Diana Cichewicz McKinney (Eta PiRichmond). -Krissie Gatti (Eta Pi-Richmond)
alumni@richmondalphaphi.com 804.706.1329 www.richmondalphaphi.com VIRGINIA PENINSULA, VA. Alumnae met at The Red Maple Inn in Newport News with philanthropy as a theme. A lovely basket, made and donated by Diane Bryan Short (Nu-Nebraska), was raffled with proceeds benefiting the American Heart Association.® Virginia Peninsula alumnae and the Hampton Roads ivy connection coordinated efforts to participate with Christopher Newport (Theta Phi) collegians in an American Heart Association® Heart Walk.®
VIRGINIA SISTERS WALK FOR HEART Hampton Roads, Va., ivy connection sisters are joined by Virginia Peninsula alumnae and Christopher Newport (Theta Phi) collegians for an American Heart Association® Heart Walk.®
Alumnae hosted an annual Founders’ Day event, chaired by Joyce Phillips Rayfield (ChiMontana) and Geri Davenport (OmicronMissouri), and included members of the Hampton Roads ivy connection and collegians from Christopher Newport and Old Dominion (Epsilon Eta). -Pat Gassman Scheiderer (Rho-Ohio State)
VIRGINIA PENINSULA CONTACT: Pam Gaston Camblin (Gamma DeltaKansas) gkcamblin@verizon.net 757.868.0317
Southwest Region LONG BEACH, CALIF. Alumnae enjoyed a sewing party where they made comfort pillows for Miller Children’s Hospital at the home of Norma Gill Kolb (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach). They invited CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) collegians to a beach party at Ellie Peterson Johnson’s (Beta Delta-UCLA) home to welcome new members. -Rachael Harrison Lingle (Theta-Michigan)
nkolb@earthlink.net 562.596.9866 LAS VEGAS, NEV. Sisters, friends and significant others enjoyed a Traveling Vineyard Party in September. They WINTER 2008
also participated in the Komen Race for the Cure in downtown Las Vegas; the group raised $250. -Audra Hernandez (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City)
LAS VEGAS CONTACT: Audra Hernandez
rugrat_dancer@yahoo.com 707.628.5492 NORTHERN NEVADA The newly-formed chapter hosted a variety of monthly events, including an August Phi-esta. In September, members gathered at the Northern Nevada Food Bank to help package 360 boxes of food that will be distributed throughout the community to those in need. -Janis Bryn Mitchell McCubbins (Delta GammaNorthern Colorado)
NORTHERN NEVADA CONTACT: Fabienne Hansen (Beta Psi-San Jose State) nevadaalphaphi@yahoo.com 775.972.0746
Upper Midwest Region CLEVELAND EAST SIDE, OHIO An annual salad potluck was held at the home of Marilyn Sanner (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve). In October, the group met Case Western Reserve (Zeta Pi) collegians at Lakeside Cemetery at the grave of Founder Elizabeth Grace Hubbel Schultz (Alpha-
new alumnae chapters
LAS VEGAS, NEV. Sisters, friends and significant others enjoy a Traveling Vineyard Party.
Congratulations to the following chapter for recently receiving its charter! Greater Peoria (Ill.) Alumnae Chapter Chartered: Sept. 14, 2007 Chapter President: Jodee Norbutas (Beta Epsilon-Arizona) E-mail: jnorbutas@hotmail.com
Alpha Phi International is excited to announce alumnae chapters and ivy connections are forming in the following areas: Alumnae Chapters (alumnae of all ages) California Napa Canada Ottawa-Gatineau Colorado Fort Collins Georgia Savannah Indiana Fort Wayne Iowa Cedar Rapids Michigan Detroit North Missouri Columbia, Jefferson City New York Nassau County, Suffolk County Oklahoma Edmond Pennsylvania Lehigh Texas El Paso Ivy Connections (alumnae 10 years out of college and younger) Michigan Saginaw
Alpha Phi International seeks alumnae who are interested in forming alumnae chapters and ivy connection in the following areas: Frederick, Md. Central New Jersey Please contact Alissa Meyer Milito (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst) at amilito@alphaphi.org if you are interested in getting involved with any of these chapters or starting a chapter in your area.
Syracuse). They conducted the Rose Ceremony, and lunch followed. -Nora Davis Kieser (Beta Omega-Kent State)
CLEVELAND EAST SIDE CONTACT: Jamie Krovontka (Epsilon Iota-Duquesne) eddie117@hotmail.com 440.823.4499 COLUMBUS, OHIO The chapter will collaborate with Ohio State (Rho) collegians to sell lollipops throughout the year. The Alpha Phi bear sale began in November. Other events included designing jewelry and candle making. -Judy Lossing Callander (Gamma Nu-Miami University)
COLUMBUS CONTACT: Judith Callander
judith.callander@sbcglobal.net 614.939.0438
Fraternity and Foundation: Together We Are Alpha Phi Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc., and the Alpha Phi Foundation are two separate legal entities. However, the two organizations have very similar priorities and goals, and often work hand in hand to accomplish these goals. In fact, some find it difficult to distinguish between the two organizations. The Foundation’s mission statement currently states the following:
In the spirit of mutual respect and life-long membership in Alpha Phi, the Foundation funds programs that: • provide leadership and educational opportunities • encourage and recognize superior scholarship • support women’s cardiac health • educate women about the value of philanthropy • assist members in need
Sound familiar? The purpose of the Alpha Phi International Fraternity, as described in its mission statement is:
Alpha Phi International Fraternity is a membership organization dedicated to promoting sisterhood, cultivating leadership, encouraging intellectual curiosity and advocating service. Alpha Phi develops character for a lifetime.
“We are two organizations, each with our own staffs, boards of directors and independent legal identities, but we work together more often than not,” says Foundation Executive Director Emily Ellison Lamb (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech). “I encourage all members to embrace the fact that we are one, big Alpha Phi!” The Fraternity and Foundation have worked in harmony since the Foundation’s creation in 1956. The Alpha Phi Foundation funds many programs supporting the Fraternity, including: • Educational leadership consultants • Regional Conferences • Leadership Initiative and other leadership training programs • New member education programming • Alcohol awareness education • Forget-Me-Not grants for Alpha Phis who face financial crisis
In 1946, Alpha Phi adopted cardiac aid as its international philanthropy; the Alpha Phi Foundation was incorporated 10 years later. Together, Alpha Phi Fraternity and the Alpha Phi Foundation have been committed to heart health for more than 60 years. This biennium, the partnership between the Fraternity and Foundation continues to strengthen. Twice during the past year, the two boards have met in joint sessions to address significant developments and challenges for the organizations. The staffs and volunteers of both organizations worked together to create Alpha Phi’s Leadership Initiative program and continue to work jointly on the project. This innovative program is funded by the Alpha Phi Foundation and is designed to foster Alpha Phi values-based leadership skills in our collegiate members as well as increase involvement opportunities for our alumnae members. Education is also a shared priority for Alpha Phi Fraternity and Foundation. Our members are expected to strive for the highest ideals of scholarship, and the Foundation is steadfast in supporting this priority. Fifty-seven Alpha Phis benefited this year from more than $150,000 in merit-based scholarship grants awarded by the Foundation. The Foundation’s new GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) program reaches out to young alumnae and provides this group an important way to support Alpha Phi’s programs and growth. As so much of the Foundation’s efforts go to support the work of the Fraternity, the relationship is mutually beneficial. Alpha Phi International Fraternity’s Executive Director Susan Zabriskie (Theta-Michigan) believes the partnership between the Fraternity and Foundation is one of the organization’s greatest strengths: “The possibilities are endless because of the strong partnership between the two. Such a strength should be a source of great pride for all of us.” The Fraternity and Foundation … together we are Alpha Phi!
Foundation Grants $100,000 in Cardiac Care Awards Supporting women’s heart health: it’s an important focus of the Alpha Phi Foundation’s mission. Thanks to generous donors, the Foundation funded $100,000 in Cardiac Care Award grants last year. Here’s how your gifts help women’s hearts and make an impact in communities. Go Red for Women For the second year in a row, the Alpha Phi Foundation selected the San Diego affiliate of the American Heart Association® (AHA) and its Go Red For Women® educational outreach program as a $50,000 grant recipient. Local Alpha Phi collegians and Foundation representatives participated in the AHA San Diego affiliate’s Go Red for Women luncheon last year. More than 700 women attended the all-day educational and fundraising event at the Hotel Del Coronado. The luncheon benefits AHA’s life-saving research and educational programs. Alpha Phi’s grant this year will support the event on Friday, Feb. 8, 2008, and several other AHA educational programs throughout the year. “We are excited for the opportunity to continue partnering with Alpha Phi for women’s heart health. Both organizations are moving in the same direction and trying to get the message across that heart disease is not just an old man’s disease. It’s encouraging to us that, before they know what they want to do with their lives, these young women are learning about heart health and the choices they can make every day to reduce their risk,” says Emily Harris, business development director for the San Diego AHA affiliate.
Local Alpha Phi Foundation representatives and collegians attend the American Heart Association® San Diego affiliate’s Go Red for Women luncheon. The San Diego affiliate of the AHA and its Go Red For Women® educational outreach program received a Foundation Cardiac Care Award grant.
This year’s event features breakout sessions, health screenings, a heart healthy expo and a live and silent auction. The AHA also continues to promote GoRedForWomen.org and the Go Red Heart Checkup. The goal: one million women complete the Heart Checkup, find out their numbers and understand their personal risk for heart disease. A woman’s heart is different The Foundation also awarded a $50,000 grant to the Cardiac & Vascular Center at the University of Colorado Hospital (UCH) to support the educational efforts of its women’s heart disease program.
The Cardiac & Vascular Center at the University of Colorado Hospital is acclaimed as one of the top heart programs in the country by U.S. News & World Report. Its $50,000 grant from the Alpha Phi Foundation will make possible two major events in the Denver/Aurora, Colo., area that will engage the community and increase awareness and identification of heart disease in women. The Women’s Cardiovascular Center at UCH is focused on identifying gender difference in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease. The center’s efforts to care for women’s hearts won Good Housekeeping magazine’s designation as a top women’s heart program. Dr. Judy Regensteiner formulated the vision for the women’s educational programs to be held in February and April 2008 at the new 1.7 million square foot campus. Health screenings and hospital program information will be provided, and heart health experts will teach about the difference in heart disease symptoms between women and men. “A woman’s symptoms are more difficult to recognize than a man’s,” says Dr. Regensteiner. “A woman might just feel bad, while a man would have distinct chest pain. Women are often seen by doctors later in the process and, therefore, die more frequently. We want to get the word out so that women leave our events knowing what to do next for their heart health.” “Our partnership with Alpha Phi is about more than just the grant,” says Dr. Regensteiner. “We hope the alumnae and collegians will share this information with their families and friends so we can multiply our reach with the educational programs and screenings we offer.”
The Cardiac & Vascular Center at the University of Colorado Hospital is a recipient of an Alpha Phi Foundation Cardiac Care Award grant.
Want to get involved in one of these projects? If you live in the San Diego or Denver area, contact Foundation Program Coordinator Melissa Wagasy Moody (Beta Beta-Michigan State) at 847.316.8947 or mmoody@alphaphi.org to learn more. Missy can also provide information about how to nominate a medical institution, research initiative or education program for the 2008 Alpha Phi Foundation Cardiac Care Award. The deadline is April 1, 2008.
In Her Shoes
Heart Health Inspires GOLD Donor to Make First Gift Tracy McArthur Soik (Zeta AlphaEastern Illinois) always thought she’d wait until she was older to become a donor. But when Foundation development officer Lauren Tracy Soik and her late Vandeveer (Delta husband, Paul Rho-Ball State) invited her to join Alpha Phi’s new Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) program last month, Tracy jumped at the opportunity. “This is the first donation I’ve ever made – to any organization,” Tracy says. “When I was working, my first thought would have been, ‘Are you kidding? I can’t give.’ At that time, it made more sense to wait until I was older or further along in my career,” she explains. As she was on her way to meet with Lauren, Tracy remembered a focus of Alpha Phi
Foundation’s mission is cardiac care, a cause that’s become extremely important to her. Tracy had been married a little over two years when her husband Paul passed away at the age of 36 from complications related to heart disease. They had two children; the youngest was four months old. “It was a complete shock. Now I’m doing everything I can to help others not have to go through what I went through,” says Tracy. “Raising awareness about cardiac care is vital. Heart disease can happen to anyone, and you might have no idea you are at risk. When I learned about the Foundation’s efforts, I signed up for GOLD right then and there,” she explains. Tracy has never seen herself as a philanthropist. Now she thinks differently. “Knowing what I know today, how could I walk away from the opportunity to be part of Alpha Phi’s efforts to support women’s heart health?” she says. Today, Tracy – a former high school teacher – is remarried and a stay-at-home mom with
four young children. And she now has a growing passion to educate others about the risks of heart disease. She stresses the importance of learning your family history and talking to your doctor about heart health. “It amazes me that people don’t know they need to ask their doctors to check their cholesterol and blood pressure on a regular basis. For a young, active person, it’s easy to miss the symptoms or attribute them to something else, like my husband did. Raising awareness about cardiac care is the first step,” says Tracy. Giving to the Foundation is another way she can help. “We have to get the word out, and every little bit helps,” she says. “The older I get, the more I realize how much time I’ve wasted not giving back to the things that matter. If you’ve got a car and job, you can afford to give something. Who knows, you might save the person next door.”
Meet Missy Moody Alpha Phi Foundation welcomes new program coordinator to staff
Melissa Wagasy Moody (Beta Beta-Michigan State) was busy crunching numbers as a search market analyst at a Detroit adver-
tising firm, working with Google, Yahoo and MSN, when a fundraising class sparked new career aspirations. With just one semester left in her public relations graduate program at Michigan State University, Missy jumped at the opportunity to join the Alpha Phi Foundation as its program coordinator. Now Missy combines her passion for Alpha Phi with her public relations and communications background to help Alpha Phi chapters and Foundation programs succeed. As program coordinator, Missy is responsible for Foundation
programs including scholarship awards, Forget-Me-Not grants and Cardiac Care Awards. She also helps collegiate and alumnae chapters plan outstanding philanthropy fundraising events like Red Dress Galas. Missy says her favorite part of the job is fostering relationships with collegians and educating chapters and individuals about philanthropy and fundraising. “Since the Foundation began its Loyalty Circle, we’ve really focused on educating collegiate women about the importance of giving back to Alpha Phi. I look for-
ward to building relationships with these young women and helping them carry their Alpha Phi philanthropy experience beyond college,” Missy says. Taking the position with the Foundation means Missy works full-time at the Executive Office while commuting to East Lansing as she completes her master’s degree coursework. She also serves as Michigan State’s (Beta Beta) chapter adviser, a position she’s held for the past two years. You can reach Missy at mmoody@alphaphi.org or via phone at 847.316.8947.
Making a Difference for Women: 60 Years of Heart Health
From the Archives
By Jenny Thompson
It was in a time of war that Alpha Phi first focused its spirit of generosity in an organized campaign. During World War I, Alpha Phi cancelled its 1918 Convention and used the money allocated for the event to support the YWCA in France and to launch an effort that would raise more than $6,000 by 1920. During World War II, Alpha Phi embarked on an even larger fundraising effort. Along with its war relief stamps campaign, the Fraternity mobilized support for numerous causes, including the Canadian and American Red Cross, the Chaplains Service Corps, the Blood Donor Service and the National Nursing Council. With the success of its wartime efforts, the need for Alpha Phi to adopt a “peacetime philanthropy” became clear. President Marion Murphy Strader (BetaNorthwestern) issued a call for ideas from members, and in 1946, at its first postwar Convention in Quebec, Alpha Phi approved the adoption of “cardiac aid” as its official charitable cause. Collegiate and alumnae chapters were encouraged to raise money to support research, treatment and care for cardiac patients, with a particular focus on aiding children.
In 1947, Alpha Phi members host a Los Angeles Fiesta, raising $2,000 in a single day for cardiac aid. Pictured (from left) are Beta Delta members preparing for the event: Barbara Helter, Mary Elizabeth Campbell Westcott, Marilyn Westcott and Nancy Blair.
Adopting the slogan “Little Hearts Need Big Hearts,” Alpha Phi raised more than $5,000 in the first eight months, dividing the funds among three institutions: the Children’s Memorial Hospital of Los Angeles, the Herrick House in Bartlett, Ill., and the Heart Hospital of the University of Minnesota. WINTER 2008
Alpha Phi raises This early fundraising success quickly $156,000 in 1981 for led to the creation of the Alpha Phi cardiac aid projects. Cardiac Aid Foundation and the formaRamiro Ramirez, age 5, tion of an advisory board. Through both underwent heart surgery local chapter projects and International at the Children’s Hospital of Santa Rosa Medical Fraternity-sponsored efforts, this Center in San Antonio Foundation blossomed, and it soon and was able to start became affiliated with 18 institutions kindergarten with a in the field of cardiac aid. “heart as good as new.” By 1958, Margaret Ingwersen Carr Ramirez, the poster child (Iota-Wisconsin), Alpha Phi’s International for the 1981 San Antonio Alpha Phi lollipop campaign, is pictured with Nancy Balser Pirtle (Omega-Texas). chair of philanthropy, observed that in the 10 years since the project was started, received funds. In 1976, the word “heart” Alpha Phi had served as a “force … in replaced the term “cardiac aid,” and in furthering the cause of cardiac research 1984, the Alpha Phi Foundation took and doing so much to alleviate the sufferresponsibility of the grant program. ing of cardiovascular patients.” Recognizing the lead role a women’s The force of Alpha Phi’s official philanorganization could play in supporting thropy was soon widely recognized. In research and education about the no. 1 1964, the American Heart Association killer of women in North America, the honored Alpha Phi as the single largest Foundation turned its focus to making contributor to its Heart Fund of any grants to women’s heart health projects. fraternal organization. “Your public Today, women’s heart health is spirited approach is in the finest a vital part of the Foundation’s American tradition,” stated mission. At Convention 2004, the Dr. John J. Sampson, president of Foundation unveiled Alpha Phi’s the American Heart Association, own Red Dress Pin as an outward “generating warmth and goodwill symbol for Alpha Phis everywhere that benefits the individual family to show their support of the moveand the community as a whole.” ment. And in April 2006, Alpha Such a major impact stemmed Phi Foundation celebrated is 50th from surprisingly small projects. At Convention 2004, anniversary. Alpha Phi’s creative and everthe Foundation Red Dress Galas have now evolving fundraising efforts unveils Alpha Phi’s lollipop sales, and replaced included car washes, dances, own Red Dress Pin collegiate and alumnae chapters lunches, “cardiac arrests” and of as an outward symalike are raising thousands of bol for Alpha Phis course the sale of the famous everywhere to show dollars annually to support the heart lollipops. With each of their support for efforts. Foundation’s these efforts the numbers grew, women’s heart Like Alpha Phi itself, this philand by 1970, Alpha Phi reported health. effort is strongest due to anthropic that since 1946, it had raised the pooling of the individual strengths of $1,125,000 and logged more than 500,000 its members. Together, Alpha Phi members hours in volunteer time. difference in made a tremendous have Over the last 30 years, Alpha Phi’s countless lives. support of heart health has continued to evolve. In 1969, the first of Alpha Phi’s Editor's Note: Jenny Thompson, PhD, is the Alpha Phi cardiac care grants (now the Alpha Phi Foundation staff archivist. She has more than 10 years Foundation Cardiac Care Award) was of experience, including work at Sigma Alpha Epsilon's awarded, and since then, more than 173 archives and museum, the University of Maryland and institutions, including Johns Hopkins, the Smithsonian Institution. She is currently curator of New Children’s Hospital of British education at the Evanston Historical Society, and her Columbia and the Cleveland Clinic, have work has been published in the New York Times.
Alpha Phi Foundation Annual Financial Report Alpha Phi Foundation is dedicated to accomplishing its mission to provide leadership and educational opportunities, encourage and recognize superior scholarship, support women’s cardiac health, educate women about the value of philanthropy and assist
members in need. Generous donors made it possible for the Foundation to accomplish these goals in fiscal year 2007. Here’s how your gifts made an impact in 2007:
Statements of Financial Position June 30, 2007, and 2006 ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Receivables Bequest receivable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contribution receivable from remainder trusts . . . . . . . . . . . Due from related party. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accrued interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prepaid Expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Property and Equipment (net of accumulated depreciation) . . . . Total assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2007 $686,047
2006 $846,367
— 110,577 — 8,036 1,498 758 4,214,071 663,877 $ 5,684,864
1,000,000 102,131 1,520 10,231 2,346 8,453 2,325,856 652,396 4,949,300
LIABILITIES Accounts payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accrued expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scholarships payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Related party payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$1,600 10,185 251,000 7,090 269,875
$3,131 13,763 202,000 89,842 308,736
NET ASSETS Unrestricted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Temporarily restricted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Permanently restricted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total net assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total liabilities and net assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
he Better Business Bureau’s Wise Giving Alliance produces annually its Standards for Charity Accountability
as a tool to assist donors in making “wise giving” choices. The Foundation is proud to meet and exceed these voluntary standards for fiscal year 2007: • Fundraising Expenses (Total Fundraising Expenses/Total Related Contributions): 16%. Wise Giving Standard is 35% or less. • Total Programs Expenses (Total Program Expenses/Total Expenses): 66%.
2,228,496 401,129 2,785,364 5,414,989 $.5,684,864
1,913,812 466,984 2,259,768 4,640,564 $ 4,949,300
Net assets released from restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total revenue, gains and other support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$742,200 249,001 3,250 8,830 26,100 468,422 — 33,393 1,531,196 382,267 1,913,463
Temporarily Restricted $39,422 — 183,682 — — 46,735 16,907 29,666 316,412 (382,267) (65,855)
Permanently Restricted $137,623 — 396,434 — — — (8,461) — 525,596 — 525,596
Total $919,245 249,001 583,366 8,830 26,100 515,157 8,446 63,059 2,373,204 — 2,373,204
EXPENSES Scholarships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardiac Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Community Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Forget-Me-Not . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philanthropic and educational . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Program Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Management and general . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
154,310 128,928 108,023 7,350 660,536 1,059,147 198,270 341,362 1,598,779
— — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — —
154,310 128,928 108,023 7,350 660,536 1,059,147 198,270 341,362 1,598,779
1,913,812 2,228,496
466,984 401,129
2,259,768 2,785,364
4,640,564 5,414,989
Wise Giving Standard is 65% or more.
Statements of Activities Year Ended June 30, 2007 REVENUE, GAINS AND OTHER SUPPORT Contributions Appeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bequests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sale of Alpha Phi merchandise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rental Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Investment income – net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Change in the value of split-interest agreements . . . . . . . . . . . . Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CHANGE IN NET ASSETS NET ASSETS Beginning of year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . End of year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alpha Phi Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors 2006-08
Alpha Phi Foundation, Inc. Staff (effective July 1, 2007)
mutual respect and life-long membership
Susan Weiskittle Barrick
Foundation is well known and respected
in Alpha Phi, the Foundation funds
internationally as a prominent leader for
programs that:
(Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State)
Emily Ellison Lamb (Gamma Iota- Texas Tech) Executive Director Chicago, IL
the Greek community and as an important
• provide leadership and educational
Alpha Phi Foundation generously supports
Alpha Phi Foundation is a financially
programs that perpetuate life-long pride
successful organization that operates with
and loyalty among Alpha Phis and posi-
the highest ethical values. In the spirit of
tively impact the lives of all women. The
funding source of education in women’s cardiac health, leadership development and philanthropy. Alpha Phi members and friends worldwide generously donate their time and money to ensure the continuing success of the Alpha Phi Foundation.
opportunities • encourage and recognize superior scholarship • support women’s cardiac health • educate women about the value of philanthropy • assist members in need
How donations accomplished our mission in fiscal year 2007 Provide leadership and educational opportunities • Funds programs of Alpha Phi Fraternity, including the Leadership Initiative. • FY 2007 funding totaled $250,000.
Educate women about the value of philanthropy • Collegiate chapters embrace service and philanthropy, raising more than $500,000 in FY 2007.
Encourage and recognize superior scholarship • Funds merit-based scholarships to undergraduate Alpha Phis and alumnae in graduate programs.
• New Foundation staff member dedicated to helping chapters plan successful fundraisers and providing educational materials to help train young philanthropists.
• FY 2007 awards totaled $150,000.
• Foundation Community Contribution program assists chapters to make an impact in communities – up to 75% of funds raised can be granted to a local project.
Support women’s cardiac health • Cardiac Care Award granted annually. • Programs/projects may be nominated by an Alpha Phi individual or chapter or applied for directly. • FY 2007 grants: - $50,000 to University of Colorado Hospital for Denver-area heart health screenings and prevention outreach programs. - $50,000 to American Heart Association in La Jolla, CA for its Southern California education and outreach programs; Alpha Phi and Macy’s are the two major supporters for project.
Chairman Gainesville, FL
• FY 2007 Community Contribution grants totaled more than $100,000. Assist members in need • Foundation’s Forget-Me-Not program provides grants to Alpha Phi collegians and alumnae who face medical, financial or personal crisis situations. Though the assistance grants are not typically large amounts, these grants serve as a sisterly gesture of sincere concern.
Susan J. Bevan (SigmaWashington) Director Greenwich, CT Ann Brinkman (Zeta DeltaIowa State) Secretary Chicago, IL Catherine Logan Stembridge (OmicronMissouri) Director Evanston, IL Linda Gardner Massie (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Treasurer Toano, VA Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT) International President, Alpha Phi Fraternity Bedminster, NJ Diane Spry Straker (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Director Reston, VA
Lisa Arnsdorf (ThetaMichigan) Major Gifts Officer Carlsbad, CA Nancy Owen Craig (Beta Chi-Bucknell) Director of Philanthropic Campaigns Northumberland, PA Erin E. Leahey (OmicronMissouri) GOLD Development Officer Chicago, IL Jane Baxter Miller Development Associate Chicago, IL Melissa Wagasy Moody (Beta Beta-Michigan State) Program Coordinator Evanston, IL Susan Sandvick Director of Annual Giving Chicago, IL Lauren Vandeveer (Delta Rho-Ball State) GOLD Development Officer Indianapolis, IN
Amy Jordan Tvrdik (Omicron-Missouri) Vice Chairman Ellisville, MO Sheri J. Allen (Delta DeltaOklahoma City) Director Rolling Hills Estates, CA
• FY 2007 funding totaled $10,750.
- $28,000 to fund CPR training days for more than 900 women.
Extension Update Alpha Phi’s extension program had a busy fall term, with two colonizations and the first formal recruitment at Oklahoma (Phi). Below you will find highlights from these efforts. University of Connecticut Alpha Phi held its initial recruitment period at Connecticut (Colony) Sept. 16-21. More than 100 women participated in the process, allowing the colony to establish a competitive foundation of membership. Special thanks to the area alumnae who attended the recruitment events and to the women of Rhode Island (Iota Delta) for their participation throughout the week. During fall term, the women of the colony were able to participate in Homecoming, sorority and fraternity philanthropy events, a new member education retreat and many other activities. They are also getting to know the established sororities on campus by inviting members of each sorority to colony meetings and participating in events with each sorority. The colony is supported by a local advisory board, led by Chapter Adviser Courtney Czekanski (Gamma Nu-Miami University) and the following alumnae: Betsy Gultanoff (Iota Iota-George Washington), Gretchen Sausville (Delta GammaNorthern Colorado), Jeannie Jones Mazzaferro (Beta GammaColorado), Katie Price (Theta Tau- Rensselaer), Leah Loebach (Iota Zeta-Colorado School of Mines) and Maria Destefani (Iota Delta-Rhode Island). Franklin & Marshall College Alpha Phi returned to Franklin & Marshall (Colony) in late September. Recruitment events were held Sept. 19-27. The interest in joining a new sorority was greater than anticipated, and the colony is off to a great start! After their initial recruitment period, they immediately integrated themselves into the community through participation in philanthropic events, socials and Homecoming.
Alpha Phi returns to Franklin & Marshall.
The colony looks forward to participating in their first formal recruitment in February. In preparation for this milestone event, the colony women participated in the Mid-Atlantic’s mock recruitment event in November. At this event, they were able to learn and practice skills vital to formal recruitment with women from nearby chapters. The recolonization at F&M would not have been possible without the support of collegians from St. Joseph’s (Theta Theta) and Lafayette (Eta Tau) and the involvement of local alumnae Christie Larochelle (Zeta Omicron-Johns Hopkins), Kati Greff Leet (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve), Kim Larsen Watson (Omicron-Missouri) and Lara Lewis (Zeta Sigma-Franklin & Marshall). University of Oklahoma Oklahoma (Phi) chapter celebrated two monumental occasions this fall. In late July, chapter members moved into their facility for the first time. Following a year of renovations, the updated facility provides our new members with wireless Internet, spa-like bathrooms, custom bedroom furniture, a study lounge, a soundproofed exercise room and conference room. Members participated in their first formal recruitment Aug. 10-14, 2007. The chapter matched quota plus five additions in this inaugural effort. Thank you to Alpha Phis from Colorado (Beta Gamma) and Oklahoma City (Delta Delta) for their participation, and much gratitude to the many alumnae who spent recruitment week at the chapter house! Alpha Phi is always looking for additional volunteers to support our extension efforts! There are opportunities to work with colonies at UConn and F&M and our new chapter at Oklahoma. There are also other exciting extension volunteer roles to consider. If you are interested in learning more about any of these, please contact Megan Bouché (Epsilon-Minnesota) at mbouche@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8926.
Alpha Phi welcomes new members at Connecticut.
New Legacy Policy Alpha Phi’s Legacy Policy has changed. Our current policy has been in place for many years, and current cultural changes in recruitment made it necessary to review and revise it. The policy now reads:
Legacies Definition A legacy is any granddaughter, daughter, stepdaughter, sister or stepsister of an initiated Alpha Phi member.
Preference Any Alpha Phi legacy who accepts Alpha Phi’s invitation to a preference party must be placed on the chapter’s first bid list.
Invitation All legacies will receive an invitation to the first invitational round of recruitment on campuses with more than one invitational event.
Releasing a Legacy A chapter must have the approval of the chapter adviser or her designee to release a legacy.
This new policy represents two changes. The first change affects campuses with modified recruitments only. Chapters with modified recruitments often have only one invitational round of recruitment, typically preference. These chapters need the ability to release legacies who do not meet the chapter’s membership criteria. This only affects modified recruitment style campuses. If you are not sure if your legacy will be attending a campus with modified recruitment, please contact Program Manager of Consultants and Recruitment Support Gwendolyn Hill (Gamma Epsilon deuteron-Lake Forest) at ghill@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8934. The second change affects all members with legacies. Collegiate chapters are no longer required to call members to let them know if a legacy has been released during the recruitment process. This means that you should not expect to hear from the chapter regarding your legacy’s progress during recruitment. Technology and advanced computer programs make the Panhellenic invitation process more efficient, leaving little time between membership selection and a potential member’s receipt of her schedule for the next day. In many instances, a legacy knows about her invitations before a chapter can realistically contact her mother, grandmother or sister. Alpha Phi believes in our tradition of legacies, and we encourage all chapters to affiliate legacies who meet membership criteria whenever possible. However, the number of legacies grows each year, and many chapters can no longer accommodate every legacy; sometimes a chapter will even have more legacies than quota. Alpha Phi members with legacies participating in recruitment are reminded to submit paperwork prior to recruitment. Please contact the Executive Office if you need a legacy form or the address of any collegiate chapter.
HCB Volunteers Needed Volunteers are needed to work with the following chapters’ house corporation boards: Arizona (Beta Epsilon) Bowling Green State (Beta Omicron) Butler (Epsilon Beta) Colorado/Boulder (Beta Gamma) Colorado School of Mines (Iota Zeta) CSU/Chico (Theta Upsilon) CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) CSU/Sacramento (Epsilon Gamma) Dayton (Zeta Psi) Delaware (Epsilon Nu) DePauw (Gamma) Drake (Gamma Omicron) East Carolina (Delta Alpha) Eastern Illinois (Zeta Alpha) Eastern Washington (Eta Psi) Idaho (Beta Zeta) Illinois (Beta Alpha) Indiana (Beta Tau) Iowa (Delta Epsilon) Marquette (Eta Mu) Maryland (Delta Zeta) Michigan State (Beta Beta) Minnesota (Epsilon) Missouri (Omicron) MIT (Zeta Phi) Montanta (Chi) New Hampshire (Eta Alpha) North Dakota (Pi) North Texas (Gamma Eta) Northern Illinois (Epsilon Delta) Northwestern (Beta) Ohio State (Rho) Oklahoma (Phi) Oregon (Tau) Oregon State (Beta Upsilon) Puget Sound (Gamma Zeta) Purdue (Delta Mu) San Jose State (Beta Psi) Santa Clara (Zeta Gamma) South Dakota (Psi) Syracuse (Alpha) Texas A&M/Commerce (Delta Beta) Toronto (Xi) University of the Pacific (Iota Gamma) UC/Berkeley (Lambda) UC/Davis (Epsilon Rho) UCLA (Beta Delta) Virginia Tech (Eta Omicron) Washburn (Upsilon) Washington State (Beta Rho deuteron) Western Michigan (Delta Theta) Wichita State (Gamma Xi) Wisconsin (Iota) Those interested who live in these areas should contact Dawn Toth (Epsilon BetaButler) at dtoth@alphaphi.org for details or call 847.316.8939. Also contact Dawn if you’re interested in a house director position. PA G E T W E N T Y- T H R E E
Eta Betas welcome new members.
New members enjoy a retreat at Disneyland®.
CALIFORNIA CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) Members welcomed 32 new sisters and celebrated with a post-recruitment event at the beach. Sisters enjoyed an etiquette dinner. They also held their Phi Ball philanthropy kick ball tournament in October and third annual Red Dress Ball in November. -Rachelle Wiegand
CSU/ San Bernardino (Eta Beta) The women welcomed 26 new members. Eta Betas participated in community service projects such as donating school supplies to local children. Their Rock-n-Jock philanthropy football tournament was held in December. -Ashley Thompson
Loyola Marymount (Zeta Beta) Sisters enjoyed a holiday-themed date night where everyone dressed as different holidays. They participated in the Delta Gamma Anchor Splash. The women were proud of their second place finish in football and first place in lip sync during Greek Week. Zeta Beta’s A Phi-asco November philanthropy event included live and silent auctions. Members are preparing for spring formal recruitment.
UC/Irvine (Eta Kappa) Sisters are proud to have the top grades of all Panhellenic sororities on campus and to have received an award from the university for Best Philanthropic Event. Eta Kappa was also honored to receive an Outstanding Community Contribution award from the American Heart Association® for their Red Dress Gala that raised $20,000. The chapter’s 43 new members enjoyed a retreat at Disneyland.® They participated in a campus-wide barbeque in October and an Invite Party in November. -Kelly Yocca and Cat Moore
USC (Beta Pi) Beta Pi welcomed 63 new members. The chapter participated in the university’s first Greek Week. Sisters look forward to their sixth annual Heart of Gold philanthropy event. -Katie Trainor
CANADA British Columbia (Beta Theta) The annual polish retreat was held at Sun Peaks Resort in British Columbia. Sisters dazzled with their Ivy League-themed fall recruitment and welcomed a new member class of 20. They celebrated with a Bid Day bowling evening and a Vancouver dessert tasting. Members looked forward to upcoming sisterhood events and the debut of new members at Pride of Panhellenic. -Marisa Woodham
Wilfred Laurier (Iota Theta) A “Timeless” themed fall recruitment included events such as an 1800s tea party, ’50s diner and an ’80s block party barbeque. Nine women were welcomed on Bid Day, and more new members were sought during COB. -Lizzie Chow
-Arianne Cortes
San Jose State (Beta Psi) Beta Psi chapter matched quota plus two during fall recruitment. The new member class is now at 27. Members served Mexican food to family and friends during a Phi-jita Night fall philanthropy event. The event raised more than $1,100. The women are proud that San Jose State University is celebrating its 150th anniversary and has chosen to honor Alpha Phi as the oldest student organization on campus. -Megan Hill First Lady of Indiana Cheri Daniels, front right center, poses with the chapter during the Red Dress reception.
New members celebrate on Bid Day.
The chapter welcomes new members.
Colorado (Beta Gamma) Sisters raised money for the Alpha Phi Foundation with their annual philanthropy Phi-B-Q and volleyball tournament. They participated in sisterhood events such as pumpkin carving, field days and movie nights. During Homecoming, the chapter took third place among Panhellenic sororities for their parade float. Dad’s Weekend included attending a home football game and brunch at the chapter house. Sisters danced the night away at winter formal in December. They welcomed 11 new members through informal recruitment.
Illinois (Beta Alpha) Sisters held their seventh annual Operation Ivy Leaf fall philanthropy kickball tournament that raised $2,186.63 for the Alpha Phi Foundation and kidney cancer research. The tournament is held in honor of Kristy Bergner, a sister who passed away from kidney cancer eight years ago while a collegian. -Lauren Randazzo
-Lauren Lamb
Colorado School of Mines (Iota Zeta) The chapter had an outstanding recruitment, welcoming 12 new members. Members hosted an Ultimate Phisbee tournament to raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. -Julia Albertson
Northern Colorado (Delta Gamma) The chapter rushed strong, continuing a tradition of outstanding recruitment. They are not only setting standards in recruitment, but also in philanthropic events. In September, they raised more than $1,000 for women’s cardiac care with the annual Alpha Traz event. Other events include Phiesta, a mocktail party and community service projects. -Kindal Konechne
Morgan Bickford is named University of Maine Homecoming queen. Morgan is a member of numerous honor societies, captain of the lacrosse team, a student senator and a member of the concert band.
Yourself Pretty event. September featured the chapter’s first SweetHEART Walk, and an October car wash benefited the Cecil County Animal Shelter. Members enjoyed a regional recruitment workshop at St. Joseph’s University. The women are proud of their chapter’s movement to “Go Green” by bringing recyclables to a local treatment center. -Katie Goldblatt
DELAWARE Delaware (Epsilon Nu) Members enjoyed a retreat at Dewey Beach and participation in an American Heart Association® Heart Walk.® They sponsored a speaker for the university community who focused on self-defense for women. Members teamed with Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority to host a second annual Pamper
FLORIDA Florida Tech (Theta Zeta) Theta Zeta welcomed 11 new members. Their annual faculty tea was held on the Florida Tech campus in September to acknowledge the hard work of the faculty and introduce them to the chapter. Members also prepared for their Duck Dash philanthropy event. -Michelle Congdon
Lake Forest (Gamma Epsilon deuteron) The women welcomed eight new members during fall COB. A Phi Fest raised more than $1,200 for the Alpha Phi Foundation; a highlight of the event was a Steven Kellogg and the Sixers concert. Katie Rice was crowned Homecoming queen as part of the university’s sesquicentennial celebration. -Kelly Allen
INDIANA DePauw (Gamma) The chapter’s Red Dress Gala in September raised $7,000 for the American Heart Association.® Andrew Broker, former AHA national chairman, was an inspirational speaker, and guests enjoyed dinner and Italian sodas. Sisters joined Phi Psi fraternity for a campus barbeque that raised $400 for the Putnam County Community Fund. They also teamed with Delta Upsilon fraternity for a second annual Haunted House to benefit the local Boys & Girls Club. -Danielle Shover
Purdue (Delta Mu) A September Red Dress event featured First Lady of Indiana Cheri Daniels and representatives from the Heart to Heart Foundation. Sisters sponsored a booth before the event, handing out pamphlets and Red Dress pins. They also hosted a reception following the event for members of the Panhellenic (continued on next page)
The annual kickball tournament benefits the Alpha Phi Foundation and kidney cancer research.
Sisters pose with members of Steven Kellogg and the Sixers, the band that played during A Phi Fest.
DELTA XI CELEBRATES AWARDS The chapter receives special recognitions from the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
(Purdue continued)
Association, campus faculty and other prominent community figures.
Bentley (Zeta Rho) The chapter participated in a walk to benefit breast cancer research and support a student who lost a parent to cancer. A Parent’s Brunch in October was combined with a silent auction to raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. The chapter looks forward to hosting a 25th anniversary celebration dinner with alumnae, including some charter members.
-Andrea Hofsess
IOWA Iowa (Delta Epsilon) The women welcomed 26 new members. They are proud to lead the university Greek community in volunteer hours. Members volunteer at local hospitals, shelters and for a new organization named Greek Reach. The new program, held at a local elementary school, joins members of the Greek community with children after school to play games and offer one-on-one attention. -Laura Krinke
MIT (Zeta Phi) Sisters welcomed 39 new members. Parent’s Weekend featured a reception and slideshow. Sisters hosted their fall philanthropy event and enjoyed a Homecoming tailgate barbeque and the football game. -Kathryn McNickle
Maryland (Delta Zeta) The chapter welcomed four new members through COB during the fall. Delta Zetas collaborated with George Washington (Iota Iota) to host their third annual Red Dress Gala in October.
Kettering (Iota Epsilon) Iota Epsilon welcomed seven new members. Cardiac Care Week is planned for winter and will include a raffle, poker tournament and other fun activities.
-Joni Saby
-Samantha Slattery
Western Michigan (Delta Theta) Formal recruitment brought 20 new members to the chapter. Through COB, they welcomed another 11 new sisters. -Jenna Gerlach
MISSOURI Central Missouri (Theta Lambda) The chapter welcomed 15 new members during formal recruitment and another five through COB. Sisters enjoyed a barbeque with Alpha Tau Omega in September and a Classic Hollywood date party in October. They also hosted Alphatraz, one of two annual events to raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. -Cassie Thomas
Missouri (Omicron) The chapter matched quota during formal recruitment. Highlights included a skit based on “Sex and the City” with the characters discussing their memories of joining Alpha Phi and presentations about the Alpha Phi Foundation and the chapter’s Rockin’ Red Dress tournament and silent auction. The ladies competed in skit, float, blood drive, spirit and campus decorations during Homecoming. -Halli Levy
NEBRASKA Nebraska/Kearney (Delta Xi) Delta Xi welcomed 23 new members. The ladies were recognized by the university with a Panhellenic scholarship plaque to honor their 3.402 cumulative chapter GPA, and Aubrie Hill was named Panhellenic Outstanding Sophomore. In October, President Lea Schneider was crowned Homecoming queen. -Lindsey Wendt and Chapter Adviser Molly Lungrin (Delta Xi-Kearney/Nebraska)
(From left) Rebecca Sernick, Danielle Harrington, Kathy Drew and Katie Hudgins pose with Michigan State mascot Sparty, center, during the Homecoming parade.
The annual Phi Ball philanthropy event raises more than $2,600 for the Alpha Phi Foundation.
Sisters team with Phi Kappa Psi fraternity to raise money for the A-T Children’s Project.®
NEW JERSEY Seton Hall (Eta Eta) The women welcomed six new members. They hosted their first Red Dress Gala in December, coinciding with the chapter’s 20th anniversary. In September, sisters participated in a campus-wide community service day. They went to a monastery to help do yard work. In October, sisters raised money for philanthropy by selling Red Dress pins and handing out red ribbons. They also ran a stand tie-dying T-shirts, a hit with the families visiting during the weekend. Sisters also volunteered at the New Jersey Food Bank. -Teresa Korbesmeyer
NEW YORK Hofstra (Theta Mu) Theta Mu claimed the title of Homecoming champions for the third year in a row. The chapter also is the reigning Greek Week champion. Their Eat Your Heart Out annual philanthropy event raised $1,700 for cardiac care. The event featured an all-you-caneat barbeque, live DJ and an Ivy Man pageant. -Erica Levy
SUNY/Cortland (Eta Tau) Eta Tau participated in another successful Teeter Totter-a-Thon that raised money for cardiac care. Sisters created an annual newsletter for alumnae. -Desirae Stropoli and Jen Hirsch
SUNY/Plattsburgh (Theta Psi) Sisters celebrated Homecoming in October. Alumna Mary Ellen Gillespie (Eta Alpha-New Hampshire) was honored by the university’s Center for Fraternity and Sorority Life with its inaugural Fraternal Commitment Award. Mary Ellen once served as the coordinator of Greek affairs at SUNY/Plattsburgh and continues to volunteer for Alpha Phi and Beta Theta Pi fraternity. -Cassie Andrews
Syracuse (Alpha) The chapter opened its doors to Alpha Phi alumnae, family and friends for a pre-football game brunch and tour of the chapter house. Sisters ran two blood drives sponsored by the American Red Cross.® Carrie Werbler won Alpha Tau Omega’s inaugural hot dog eating contest, Dogs Against Disease, which raised money for the ALS Foundation for Life. Sisters own fall philanthropy event featured the work of Emilie Shapiro, a jewelry designer. -Lindsay Silberman
Totter-A-Thon. They partnered with Phi Kappa Psi to raise $1,570 for the A-T Children’s Project ® and an area girl who sufferers from ataxia-telangiectasia, a genetic disease that attacks children. -Nichelle Shuck
Baldwin-Wallace (Delta Upsilon) The chapter welcomed new members. In October, the women participated in the annual Pumpkin Festival to benefit the Hiram House Camp for children. -Lauren Salupo
NORTH CAROLINA UNC/Wilmington (Eta Xi) This fall, Eta Xi enjoyed their first formal recruitment since recolonizing in fall 2006, and the women are back and better than ever. Sisters participated in the 2007 Start! Cape Fear Area Heart Walk in October and volunteered for the American Heart Association.®
-Katie Schendt
OHIO Akron (Eta Gamma) Sisters welcomed 20 new members. They participated in Greek Week, an American Diabetes Association walk and campus philanthropy events. The women hosted the second annual King of Hearts pageant. Their Red Dress Gala included a silent auction, cash bar, dinner, informational video on women’s cardiac care, dancing and a Phi of the Year presentation. -Meghan McSherry
Ashland (Epsilon Alpha) Epsilon Alphas were strong recruiters and welcomed 23 new members. Sisters celebrated the chapter’s 40th anniversary. They enjoyed their first Phi Family Reunion, a picnic for parents, and the annual Teeter
The chapter surprised International Executive Board Director Jane Kirby Arkes (OmicronMissouri) with a 50-year pin and celebration in honor of her membership anniversary. Jane currently serves on the Fraternity’s International Executive Board and is a former director of the Alpha Phi Foundation. Her volunteer involvement spans five decades, and she previously represented the organization as a member of the National Panhellenic Conference Delegation.
Prepping before the King of Hearts philanthropy event are (from left) Whitney Honold, Regina Knapczyk, Elizabeth Schechtman, Jessica Barrett and Christina Otey.
Sisters welcome new members.
Dayton (Zeta Psi) Zeta Psi welcomed 19 new members and enjoyed a sisterhood retreat. In November, the chapter held its annual Mr. Alpha Phi pageant to raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. -Erica Kaiser
Kent State (Beta Omega) The chapter hosted its second annual Alpha Phi Grand Slam philanthropy event in September. During the event’s Homerun Derby, sisters held activities such as Pie a Phi and Longest Throw to raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation.
OREGON Oregon State (Beta Upsilon) Ashley Pelham and Camille Barta accompanied Recruitment Adviser Megan Riegler (Beta UpsilonOregon State) to Rush U., honing new recruitment techniques for recruitment. President Jaclyn Stenberg spent three months in Denmark attending the Copenhagen Business School. The chapter exceeded quota and welcomed 26 new members during fall recruitment and added three during COB. -Natalie Swartzendruber
-Kaylee Hills
Miami University (Gamma Nu) The chapter hosted its fourth annual King of Hearts philanthropy event in October. The event raised more than $3,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. -Taylor Conklin
Ohio State (Rho) The Mud Tug philanthropy event raised $1,200 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters welcomed new members through informal recruitment. -Erin Whitis
OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City (Delta Delta) Delta Deltas welcomed 28 new members. They were excited to have 100 percent returns at every recruitment party. The ladies attended the Greek Ball and volunteered at many locations during Greek Week. The chapter’s annual picnic basket auction raised more than $1,200 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. -Kaila St. George
Miss America Jennifer Berry speaks with the Delta Kappa chapter about MADD.
PENNSYLVANIA Lehigh (Epsilon Psi) Sisters assisted incoming freshmen by participating in Bagel Brunch, where they answered questions about recruitment and the university in general. They also helped during move-in day. Members held their second annual Red Dress Gala and participated in a local walk for breast cancer research.
Epsilon Kappa also welcomed 16 new members. They participated in the local American Heart Association® Heart Walk,® the Philly AIDS Walk, the local Zeta Tau Alpha Breast Cancer Walk and volunteered at West Chester’s Parent’s Weekend. -Lauren Jumper
-Devra Noren
St. Joseph’s (Theta Theta) Theta Theta welcomed eight new members. The chapter raised money for cardiac care with a second annual Red Dress Gala, a powder puff football tournament and participation in the local American Heart Association® Heart Walk.®
SOUTH DAKOTA South Dakota (Psi) The chapter exceeded quota and welcomed 27 new members. They held their first Red Dress Gala during the fall semester. -Karla Ramaekers
-Brenna Pancza
West Chester (Epsilon Kappa) The annual Teeter-Totter-A-Thon in September raised more than $700 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. To help promote the event, Wired 96.5’s morning radio hosts from Chio in the Morning attended for a live radio spot. With their help, sisters raised twice as much as in years past.
VIRGINIA George Mason (Eta Lambda) The 25 sisters living on the new floor have enjoyed the bonding opportunity. The chapter met quota and welcomed 25 new members. In October, sisters held the annual King of Hearts pageant to raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters enjoyed mixers, sisterhood events and volunteer opportunities. -Meghan Knowles
Congratulations to the following collegiate chapters that celebrate milestone anniversaries in 2008! 90 Years Montana (Chi) 80 Years Idaho (Beta Zeta) Manitoba (Beta Eta) JAMES MADISON (THETA IOTA) Sisters take a break to pose during polish week.
65 Years Bowling Green State (Beta Omicron) 60 Years Kent State (Beta Omega) San Jose State (Beta Psi)
Christopher Newport (Theta Phi) Sisters helped with freshmen move-in. They participated in an American Heart Association® Heart Walk® and a Leukemia & Lymphoma Society® Light the Night Walk.® Members held their first Cardiac Arrest philanthropy event that raised more than $3,000. Entertainment was provided by campus radio, Newport Pearls singing group and Altered Expressions break dancers. -Yasmeen Fletcher
James Madison (Theta Iota) Sisters welcomed 44 new members. They enjoyed a Parent’s Weekend brunch and the university’s centennial Homecoming celebration. -Emily Bunch
WASHINGTON Washington State (Beta Rho) The chapter hosted its annual Ivy Court philanthropy event to support women’s cardiac care. The event included skits and serenades, a Mr. Bordeaux competition and a basketball tournament. The Mr. Bordeaux competition was a new addition this year and showcased the male participant who could answer the most questions about Alpha Phi correctly, including details about Alpha Phi history and philanthropy. -Chelsea Steed
WEST VIRGINIA West Virginia (Beta Iota) To celebrate their accomplishment of winning the Fraternity-wide SELF Challenge, SELF magazine hosted a Bid Day party in Beta Iota’s honor for all initiated sisters and their 23 new members. They worked hard to promote the second annual Alpha Phi Race for Your Heart philanthropy event, held in October. The chapter looks forward to hosting its first Red Dress Gala in February. -Jessica Lynn Nowak
WISCONSIN Marquette (Eta Mu) Sisters hosted their third annual Red Dress Gala and Silent Auction. More than 100 parents and friends were in attendance. The event raised $3,560 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Members were thrilled to announce the gala exceeded last year’s donation by more than $1,000. -Maggie Kelly
Wisconsin/LaCrosse (Delta Kappa) Delta Kappa hosted its Bounce for Beats philanthropy event that raised close to $2,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Miss America 2006 Jennifer Berry was a special guest speaker who discussed Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). The chapter welcomed 15 new members. -Amanda Gawinski
WASHINGTON, D.C. George Washington (Iota Iota) The ladies welcomed Judy Kay Schmidt Mead (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) during polish week in September. Judy Kay helped sisters with recruitment songs and provided added cheer to recruitment. The chapter joined Maryland (Delta Zeta) collegians to host their first Red Dress Gala in October.
55 Years Puget Sound (Gamma Zeta) 50 Years Arizona State (Gamma Pi) Drake (Gamma Omicron) Penn State (Gamma Rho) Wichita State (Gamma Xi) Wisconsin/Stout (Gamma Sigma) 45 Years Maine (Delta Nu) Nebraska/Kearney (Delta Xi) Purdue (Delta Mu) 40 Years Sacramento State (Epsilon Gamma) 30 Years Indiana U. Southeast (Zeta Epsilon) Tufts (Zeta Theta) Virginia (Zeta Iota deuteron) 25 Years Washington University (Zeta Upsilon) 20 Years George Mason (Eta Lambda) Pennsylvania (Eta Iota) San Francisco State (Eta Theta) Seton Hall (Eta Eta) UC/Irvine (Eta Kappa) 15 Years McMaster (Theta Omicron)
10 Years University of the Pacific (Iota Gamma)
Encourage her to register for recruitment. For more information, including how to obtain a reference form, visit www.alphaphi.org.
-Stephanie Gresalfi
COL Refines and Expands Process of Slating Next IEB Many are aware of the primary duty the Committee on Leadership (COL) is charged with each biennium – slating the next International Executive Board (IEB) for the Fraternity. The COL puts forth great effort to recruit and encourage the application of our most experienced and talented women to serve on the board. Many of you may not be aware of some of the behindthe-scenes work the committee does to ensure our process is fair, complete and inclusive. This biennium the COL has been focused on providing a fair and equitable process for evaluating IEB candidates. Expanding upon and fine-tuning the process of previous COLs, this group has spent a great deal of time working on how we will evaluate candidates fairly and thoroughly. There are many evaluation tools from which information, comments, thoughts and opinions are gathered including the candidate application, candidate interview, the new 360 degree evaluation (to be completed by volunteers who have worked with the candidates), external feedback from the general membership and candidate references. As you know, the COL also worked hard to develop the Skills, Attributes and Knowledge document that we will use to help guide the evaluation of candidates. This document, which was developed with input from current and past IEB members and other International committee members, will continue to guide the COL. In fact, every question asked in all of the above evaluation tools was formed in the hopes of understanding the skills, attributes and knowledge that each candidate will bring to the board table. The COL will use this information to slate a board balanced in its skill set and ability to work as a cohesive group. Understanding the governance model and what it means for Alpha Phi has also been an activity the COL has engaged in this biennium. Committee members have joined IEB calls and inperson meetings and spoken with International President Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT) to better understand the current model of governance. Of course, getting the word out about the COL’s process is also a charge of the committee. The group has made efforts to attend major volunteer events, such as VIPhi, Rush U. and Foundation donor events, with a goal of more than just informing the membership of the nominations and slating process. The committee has also been available to listen to the needs and desires of the current volunteer membership. Your opinions on what you’re looking for in an IEB and/or what you’d like the Fraternity to continue to work on has been invaluable to our process! The COL thanks you for your input. The COL has also made efforts to keep the membership updated on our process and progress by posting timely updates on Alpha Phi’s Web site. Please visit www.alphaphi.org/col to view the latest.
In the coming weeks and months, the COL will be engaged in our most tedious and challenging of tasks – evaluating candidates and creating the slate for IEB elections. More specifically, the committee will be reading and reviewing candidate applications, calling references, conducting candidate phone interviews and gathering feedback from the membership in order to select the highest quality of women to serve the Fraternity. Those outstanding women who are being considered for the 2008-10 International Executive Board are: Jane Kirby Arkes (Omicron-Missouri) Bonnie Arthur (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) Billie Coskey Battiato (Phi-Oklahoma) Deana Koonsman Gage (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) Julie King Gomez (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) Kathleen Feeney Hiemstra (Delta Theta-Western Michigan) Jenny Holsman (Gamma Pi-Arizona State) Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT) Sara Mayer (Delta Chi-William Woods) Tonya Sharp Ryan (Phi-Oklahoma) Jan Brinker Schaeffer (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Susan Brink Sherratt (Beta Beta-Michigan State) Amy Jordan Tvrdik (Omicron- Missouri) Renee Smith Zimmerman Zainer (Beta Epsilon-Arizona) The COL will meet in Evanston at the Executive Office March 7-9 to determine the slate, which will be announced on March 12. Elections of the board will take place at Convention 2008. Please let the COL know about any questions you may have regarding the process or any other concerns you may have. Finally, the COL would like to thank the many of you who participated in the nominations process. We have many wonderful candidates to consider! Loyally, Liz Underwood Drouin (Omicron-Missouri) On behalf of the 2006-08 COL
Emily Voigt (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) and Barbara Reeve Schmiett (Beta Zeta-Idaho) had been friends and business associates for years, working for competing public relations agencies on the same account. It wasn’t until Emily noticed a picture of Barbara a couple years ago in the Quarterly that she discovered their shared affiliation. Recently, at a business conference in Las Vegas, the two were having a conversation about Alpha Phi and their discovery when another conference attendee at their table overheard them. Nina Rosenshein Kesten (Theta EpsilonSUNY/Buffalo) announced that she was a charter member of the SUNY/Buffalo (Theta Epsilon) chapter. Although the three live in different states, they look forward to future reunions during business meetings.
Florida Tech (Theta Zeta) alumnae enjoy a cruise on the Royal Caribbean Sovereign of the Seas. They celebrated Founders’ Day and had a fabulous time reconnecting with each other. Sisters are pictured during a formal event with the ship’s captain.
ALUMNAE DISCOVER SHARED AFFILIATION Laura Gersh (IotaWisconsin) and Julee White (Delta Pi-Indiana State) both live in Beverly Hills and have worked together. But the pair made a special discovery while hosting a Super Bowl event in Miami. They are both Alpha Phis!
In the mid-1970s, the Greek System and the CSU/Sacramento (Epsilon Gamma) chapter were struggling. Those brave enough to join enjoyed a strong knowledge of, and connection to, each other. This photo memorializes the strength of these ties. These Epsilon Gamma sisters have been gathering to celebrate the holidays for nearly 30 years.
Alumna Named in 35 Under 35 List
Allison Bell (Delta Rho-Ball State) was recognized by bizAZ magazine in its May/June 2007 issue as one of its “35 Entrepreneurs 35 and Under.” Allison Bell Allison is founder of Embrace Today Concepts, Inc. (www.EmbraceTodayConcepts.com), providing motivational speaking services to schools, faith-based and non-profit organizations. She also teaches workshops on entrepreneurship. Sister’s Company Receives Prestigious Award
Maria FisherColeman (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) is vice president of Bobby Fisher Distributing, a family-owned beer wholesaler in Maria Fisher-Coleman Springfield, Ohio. She and her company are recipients of the 2007 Miller High Life Achievement Award, a prestigious award that is only presented to the top five percent of distributors. Standings are based on several detailed criteria, including sales volume over previous year and physical distribution. Maria’s company has been honored with the award the past four out of five years. Downing Named Distinguished Alumna
Barbara Exner Downing (Delta MuPurdue) was one of four alumni honored by Purdue University’s College of Education as a Distinguished Education Alumni. Barbara was honored with the Career Achievement Award. She is founder of Tot Spot, LLC, a team of 21 caregivers located in Wilmington, N.C., and serves as its director and teacher. Before founding Tot Spot, she served as a child-care advisory board member for Cape Fear Community College in Wilmington, was PA G E T H I R T Y- T W O
in Morris County (N.J.) and serves as New Jersey’s state representative for the National Association of Elementary School Principals. She has served on the university’s Alumni Association board of directors and is currently the vice president of Seton Hall’s Annual Fund. Angelina was a charter member of the Seton Hall (Eta Eta) collegiate chapter. Alumna Writes Second Book Wendy Blythe Gifford Barbara Downing, center
founder and director of Christ United Methodist Preschool in Shreveport, La., and was classroom teacher at Miami Elementary School in Lafayette, Ind. Sister Publishes First Novel
Beth Gannon (Eta Eta-Seton Hall) is author of Crazy Fortunes (iUniverse, Inc., 2007. ISBN 0595423094), a romance novel about a woman named Lila who is engaged, and Beth Gannon despite her difficult past, finally feels happy. But when Lila returns to Boston to celebrate the wedding of her longtime friends, she is reunited with a former love, and suddenly nothing is as it seems anymore. This is Beth’s first book. She dedicates it to her Alpha Phi sisters. Beth has taught eighth grade, been a district curriculum coordinator and is now in her second principalship. Principal Recognized by Alma Mater
Angelina Martino Finnegan (Eta EtaSeton Hall) was honored with Seton Hall University’s 2007 Alumni Association Board of Directors Service Award. The award recognizes dedication to the university and success in the field of education. Angelina is an elementary school principal
Wendy Blythe Gifford
(Gamma-DePauw), writing as Blythe Gifford, has published her second historical romance, The Harlot’s Daughter (Harlequin Historical, 2007. ISBN 978-0-373-
29470-1). The book was inspired by a real person, the illegitimate daughter of King Edward III of England and his notorious mistress. Determined to reclaim her place at court after the king dies, she is forced into a betrothal to a powerful lord she must betray. Sister Honored by National Magazine
Sandy Neville Haggart (BetaNorthwestern) was one of five women honored by Traditional Home magazine with a Classic Woman Award. Sandy Haggart, left The award recognizes exemplary acts of volunteerism and outstanding contributions that are making a difference in the world. Sandy is founder of Feed the Dream (www.feedthedream.org), a non-profit organization that helps provide solutions
to problems in Guatemala caused by malnutrition through food, vitamins and educational programs. She was honored during a luncheon in New York City in October and featured in the magazine’s November 2007 “Classic Woman” issue. In addition, Feed the Dream received a contribution from Traditional Home. Alumna Named “Mover & Shaker”
BIZlife Magazine has named Ginny Bowen Olson (Zeta Iota-Virginia) a “Mover & Shaker” for the central Triad region of North Carolina. The magazine annually selects Ginny Olson 36 “Movers & Shakers” from the Greensboro-Winston-Salem-High Point (Triad) area based on personal and professional character and talents, current position, professional potential and volunteer and community activities. Ginny, retail marketing director for Starmount Company in Greensboro, is responsible for marketing two lifestyle shopping centers which together boast more than 1.3 million square feet in retail space. Sister Is Elected Mayor
Cindy Simon Rosenthal (BetaNorthwestern) was recently elected mayor of Norman, Okla. Cindy has served as a City of Norman councilmember since 2004. She is director of the Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center at the University of Oklahoma. She is an associate professor of political science, public administration and women’s studies. She also directs N.E.W. (National Education for Women’s) Leadership. Her professional background is as a consultant on public management and a policy analyst with expertise in economic development
and intergovernmental relations. She has served on several boards, committees and task forces, including the League of Women Voters board. She was named volunteer of the year by the Norman Arts and Humanities Council in 1987. Sister Fights Human Trafficking
Beverly Fitch Roberts (OmicronMissouri) works with Concerned Women for America to educate people about the tragedy of human trafficking. A billboard that will be placed along Texas highways was recently unveiled, giving the hotline number where suspected activity can be reported.
Scholarships Created to Honor Alumna
The University of Oregon Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils presented the UO Foundation with a $150,000 gift in honor of former Director of Greek Life Shelley Sutherland (Phi-Oklahoma). Shelley served as director for 16 years before retiring in 2005. The gift honors her commitment to traditional Greek values of scholarship, leadership and service, tenets that will serve to guide selection of scholarship recipients. Six $1,000 scholarships will be awarded annually to Greek men and women students entering their sophomore, junior and senior years. Sister Writes First Book of its Kind
Beverly Roberts, right, works with Concerned Women for America.
Author Publishes Second Book
Julie Stonebraker Stone (Delta Epsilon-Iowa) has published her second book, Deja Who? (Avalon, 2007. ISBN: 0803498446). The romance Julie Stone follows Caroline Summers, who is prepared for her life to drastically change when she goes home to take care of her father, but she isn’t quite ready to step directly into her past. She is about to discover there’s no escaping the girl she used to be.
Ronda Erdman Wojcicki (Theta Iota-James Madison) is author of Speech Class Rules – An Introduction to Speech Therapy for Children (The Speech Place Publishing, 2007. ISBN: Ronda Wojcicki 978-0-9794102-08). Ronda wrote the book because she was frustrated there were no children’s books about speech therapy. She wants to spread awareness about speech and language disorders and the availability of this new tool for parents, educators and therapists. Ronda has worked as a speechlanguage pathologist for nine years.
Silent Chapter Alumnae Initiates (Alpha Lambda) Rhoda Smith Cox (’89), Dec. 13, 2006. Dorothy Stirwalt Gharst (’64), Dec. 14, 2006. Bernice Stover Hawkins (’59), Oct. 15, 2006. Charlotte Treiber Hoff (’67), June 17, 2007. Marvis Riegler Mayhew (’61), Aug. 17, 2007. Barbara Gibson Perry (’58), Dec. 8, 2006. Martha Rossman Richter (’01), April 9, 2007. Velma Crawford Rostberg (’58), June 20, 2007. Pauline Evinger Snow (’64), June 4, 2007. Mary Stevenson Wassink (’61), Jan. 20, 2007. Esther Thwaite Wells (’64), Jan. 3, 2007. Alabama (Beta Mu) Margaret Frost Hammacher (’48), May 8, 2007. Arizona (Beta Epsilon) Virginia Lounsbury Gibson (’33), Dec. 30, 2006. Joan Smillie McGurren (’63), Nov. 13, 2006.
Baldwin-Wallace (Delta Upsilon) Rebecca Fosnaugh Budd (’72), July 29, 2007.
Colorado College (Gamma Theta) Nancy Chapman Reichard (’56), March 7, 2007.
Ball State (Delta Rho) Cynthia Taber Sacchini (’68), Sept. 21, 2007.
Cornell (Delta) Ludmila Koshkin Beve (’34), Jan. 28, 2007.
Boston (Eta) Fanny Rhoades Delisle (’46), Nov. 15, 2006. Mildred Knowles Obrey (’28), June 11, 2007.
Denison (Beta Kappa) Mary Laughlin McHenry (’51), Dec. 19, 2006. Virginia Wilson Wallace (’49), Oct. 22, 2006.
Bowling Green State (Beta Omicron) Signe A. Larson (’65), Aug. 26, 2007. Joann Schroeder Miles (’53), April 10, 2007.
DePauw (Gamma) Shirley Clancy Bock (’41), July 9, 2007. Eileen “Pat” Ward Bortner (’75), Aug. 11, 2007. Shirley Burdick Hamilton (’48), July 15, 2007. Margaret Thomas Strandjord (’48), June 15, 2007.
British Columbia (Beta Theta) Marion Griffiths Tilmont (’38), Aug 8, 2007. Audrey Depencier Young (’43), Nov. 20, 2006. Colorado (Beta Gamma) Annie Marshall Benster (’37), July 14, 2007. Juliet Clark Faber (’38), Aug. 18, 2007. Nancy Strader Gielow (’45), Dec. 31, 2006. Anna Poppen Weirsma (’45), Dec. 9, 2006.
Enclosed is an Alpha Phi pin that was given to me by Louise Trissler Cruikshank (Beta Iota-West Virginia). She was already active for many years at the International level when I first met her as a collegian in the early 1970s. Coincidentally, our paths crossed several years later when I landed my first job in West Virginia and began attending the local First United Methodist Church where I met Louise and her husband, Dwight. We gradually pieced together our history of meeting. Louise and Dwight were surrogate parents for my husband and me as we started our own family, and we remained in touch until they were too ill to communicate regularly. Louise gave me her pin when I was working as an adviser with collegiate chapters in West Virginia and Pennsylvania. Since her death a few years ago, I’ve been meaning to make sure it was returned safely to Alpha Phi International. I feel better knowing a pin worn by one of the most enthusiastic fraternity leaders I have ever met is now “home.” Louise was an advocate for women even before it was fashionable to do so, but she carried the cause with dignity. She saw the link between Alpha Phi goals and objectives and how our collegians could apply lifelong learnings from their experiences on campus to their lives after school. Thanks for receiving the pin with care and Alpha Phi love. -Sarah Robinson Coffin (Gamma-DePauw) PA G E T H I R T Y- F O U R
Drury (Gamma Gamma) Sharon L. O’Brien (’56), Aug. 12, 2007. Duke (Beta Nu) Mary Sargent Temple (’52), Feb. 19, 2006. Annale Rabel Wells (’41), Nov. 30, 2006. Idaho (Beta Zeta) Margaret Hulser Bacheller (’31), Feb. 9, 2007. Zelma McCarroll Gray (’37), Aug. 26, 2007. Ruth Davis Hansen (’40), Nov. 15, 2006. Marjorie Rogers Jensen (’66), April 19, 2007. Dorothy Boeck Korte (’37), Jan. 1, 2007. Patricia Keepings Lacroix (’38), May 23, 2007. Deanna White Moldenhauer (’59), May 25, 2007. Betty Bakes O’Rouark (’41), April 28, 2007. Mary Short Parry (’34), June 21, 2007. Illinois (Beta Alpha) Jean Long Harford (’46), Sept. 28, 2007. Indiana State (Delta Pi) Carol Huber Briody (’66), July 13, 2007. Mirohim Saft Gayre (’88), July 20, 2007. Kansas (Gamma Delta) Joan Blackmon Kirwan (’51), June 27, 2007. Louisiana State (Delta Tau) Margaret Rodgers Wilkes (’65), April 21, 2007. Maine (Delta Nu) Carolyn Dolan Campbell (’90), April 10, 2007.
DID YOU KNOW? You can make a gift to the Alpha Phi Foundation in honor of a new arrival, to celebrate a marriage or in memory of a sister who hasentered the Silent Chapter. Call 847.475.4532 or visit www.alphaphi.org/foundation for details. Michigan (Theta) Katherine Wakeman Lipski (’51), Aug. 16, 2007. Beatrice Newberry Mueller (’45), May 31, 2007. Linda Underhill (’62), Feb. 25, 2007. Michigan State (Beta Beta) Mary Leach Cloetingh (’48), June 22, 2007. Georganne Browder Dygert (’43), Sept. 1, 2007. Minnesota (Epsilon) Janet Miller Andberg (’38), March 18, 2007. Helen Wagner Burgott (’32), Sept. 29, 2007. Elizabeth Hedback Lampland (’36), Dec. 15, 2006. Virginia Riley Lycan (’40), April 15, 2006. Marjorie Dorr Richards (’41), Dec. 9, 2006. Missouri (Omicron) Jean Watkins Ladd (’59), Dec. 7, 2006. Joan Tilley Street (’49), Dec. 30, 2006. Montana (Chi) Leona Swanson Carmell (’41), Jan. 27, 2007. Leta Dickinson Erickson (’51), March 19, 2007. Dorothea “Granny” Nelson Heitz (’35), Aug. 11, 2007. Nebraska (Nu) Mildred Chappell Hand (’27), Oct. 1, 2007. Marion Morgan Keene (’35), Nov. 1, 2006. Joan Martz Rees (’42), Nov. 12, 2006. Northern Iowa (Epsilon Theta) Pamela Strong Nylander (’76), Oct. 5, 2007. Northwestern (Beta) Deborah Davis Hutchinson (’56), July 23, 2007. Elizabeth Matson Raithel (’38), June 25, 2007. Ohio State (Rho) Laurel Secrist Bowen (’42), Dec. 30, 2006. Pauline Wheeler Holcomb (’47), May 31, 2007. Patricia Vercellino Ison (’48), June 1, 2007. Margaret Wolfe Naddy (’42), June 27, 2007.
Marie D. Uhlenbrock (’73), May 17, 2007. Oklahoma (Phi) Martha Mount Alletag (’46), Sept. 11, 2007. Dorothy Primeau Bokamper (’51), Aug. 18, 2007. Nanita Bunte Burkett (’48), July 27, 2007. Jackie Wilson Coles (’48), July 22, 2007. Marcine Hamilton Goad (’45), Oct. 18, 2006. Sarah Willsie Rutland (’59), Feb. 23, 2007. Oregon (Tau) Jean Brice Jackson (’43), July 12, 2007. Kristine Brooke Kendall (’63), Aug. 18, 2007. Mary Hansen Wolfe (’45), April 8, 2007. Patty Newton Yost (’46), June 6, 2007. Oregon State (Beta Upsilon) Ann Bluhm Mattson (’76), Aug. 17, 2007. Penn State (Gamma Rho) Patricia Kelly Foster (’63), March 7, 2007. Purdue (Delta Mu) Jamilia M. Lewis (’02), Dec. 27, 2006. Lyndsey Whittingham (’03), Oct. 29, 2006. San Diego State (Gamma Alpha) Barbara Sawers Beckstrand (’55), Aug. 4, 2007. San Jose State (Beta Psi) Thelma Curran Fracolli (’48), May 16, 2007. South Dakota (Psi) Elizabeth Hoy Hendrickson (’37), March 12, 2007. Marit Danforth Taylor (’32), Aug. 14, 2007. Evelyn Bailey Vickers (’49), Jan. 31, 2007. Stanford (Kappa) Dorothy Dey Sanford (’30), Nov. 9, 2006. Syracuse (Alpha) Kimberly Feitelson Cohen (’88), March 9, 2007. Mary Mullin Connor (’46), Nov. 24, 2006.
Elizabeth Decker Corwin (’31), Sept. 11, 2007. Constance Roye Earle (’56), Jan. 30, 2007. Mary Kaltenback Edwards (’32), Aug. 14, 2007. Anne Wentworth Kehoe (’36), April 9, 2007. Barbara DeLima Miller (’38), Aug. 21, 2007. Texas (Omega) Frances Simmons Ellis (’43), April 11, 2007. Marylea Buchanan Huff (’44), June 16, 2007. Marianna Smith Humphreys (’39), Dec. 25, 2006. Patricia Cox Shaw (’50), Feb. 1, 2007.Elizabeth Reid Webster (’46), Aug. 30, 2007. Texas A&M/Commerce (Delta Beta) Geraldine White Fortner (’63), Oct. 3, 2007. Beverly Sharyer Presley (’66), Dec. 6, 2006. Texas/Arlington (Epsilon Lambda) Kathryn Kassel Whipple (’82), Aug. 14, 2007. Texas Tech (Gamma Iota) Melanie Israel Austin (’91), Aug. 8, 2007. Nancy Wilson Bullard (’60), July 1, 2007. Toronto (Xi) Mary Norton Galley (’30), March 14, 2007. UC/Berkeley (Lambda) Jane Thornton Daiss (’47), Oct. 22, 2006. Janet Scott Grant (’54), Nov. 1, 2006. Grace Dickson Kleiser (’35), Dec. 10, 2006. Phoebe Searles True (’38), May 15, 2007. UC/Santa Barbara (Gamma Beta) Wanda Hill Juday (’50), Sept. 15, 2007. UCLA (Beta Delta) Elizabeth Sirdevan Bryant (’35), Aug. 19, 2007. Jane Pope Ellsworth (’34), June 14, 2007. Barbara Hull Harris (’40), July 26, 2007. Karolyn Kruse Hayes (’36), April 16, 2007. Mabel Ross Hixson (’26), April 13, 2007. Alice Hall Lebel (’49), Dec. 1, 2006. Jacqueline Schutzenberger Cooper (’49), April 27, 2007. WINTER 2008
It is the responsibility of every initiated Alpha Phi to see that the badge she wears is protected and is never worn by, or in the possession of, a nonmember. When an Alpha Phi enters the Silent Chapter, her badge may be buried with her or returned to the Executive Office, where it will be preserved in the memorabilia collection.
Joan Falconer Simons (’42), June 26, 2007. Carolyn Bowker Vickers (’30), March 21, 2007. Gloria Cowan Wilkins (’44), Oct. 27, 2006. Utah (Beta Sigma) Carolyn Heath Marler (’47), Sept. 14, 2007. Washburn (Upsilon) Beverly Billingsley Hornsby (’44), Sept. 22, 2007. Washington (Sigma) Patricia Shannon Davison (’44), May 25, 2007. Nancy Bryant Meyer (’51), July 20, 2007. Kathleen Butler Thayer (’37), Oct. 18, 2006. Dorothy Reynolds Westlund (’43), Aug. 29, 2007. West Virginia (Beta Iota) Jane Staubly Davis (’40), May 13, 2007. Jean Ballenger Divers (’49), Dec. 15, 2006. Cynthia Stewart Dunlap (’61), Nov. 7, 2006. Nelle Shepherd Ferry (’30), Sept. 3, 2007. Ruth Scholz Franklin (’30), July 28, 2007. Elizabeth Byrd Price (’31), Sept. 14, 2007. June Roby West (’51), March 9, 2007.
Regional Conferences 2007-08 Regional Conferences are a great way to develop your leadership skills and enhance your relationships with Alpha Phis in your area. Held each year, collegiate chapter officers and their advisers are encouraged to attend these grassroots meetings which allow for networking, sharing ideas and learning from others. Regional Conferences are held in your area every winter to train new collegiate officers and chapter advisers. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity! Details about the conference in your area are listed below. MID-ATLANTIC Feb. 22-24, 2008 Hilton® Wilmington/Christiana Newark, Del. Contact: June Collins Herron (Delta Phi-Indiana U. of Pennsylvania), ironbutterfly@covad.net or 301.540.7188 NORTH CENTRAL MIDWEST Feb. 1-3, 2008 Doubletree® O’Hare Airport Rosemont, Ill. Contact: Jane Roberts Russell (Epsilon Delta-Northern Illinois), jaruss2@aol.com or 847.577.5415 NORTHEAST* Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 2007 Marriott® Hartford Windsor Airport Hotel Windsor, Conn. Contact: Alison Begor (Beta Alpha-Illinois), abegor@hotmail.com or 518.438.9862
SOUTH CENTRAL Feb. 1-3, 2008 Marriott® Houston West Loop by the Galleria Houston, Texas. Contact: Sherry Tobaben Wilcher (Gamma Gamma-Drury), mogoofyfun@earthlink.net or 816.650.6538 SOUTHEAST Feb. 8-10, 2008 Virginia Beach Resort Virginia Beach, Va. Contact: Sirena Davis (Theta Phi-Christopher Newport), rena415@aol.com or 757.229.2140 SOUTHWEST Feb. 29-March 2, 2008 Marriott® Warner Center Woodland Hills Woodland Hills, Calif. Contact: Jennifer Ward (Eta Beta-CSU/San Bernardino), jward@esri.com or 951.536.0590 UPPER MIDWEST Feb. 1-3, 2008 Park Inn Hotel Toledo Toledo, Ohio Contact: Jan Brinker Schaeffer (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State), janschaeffer@alumnae.alphaphi.org or 419.684.5003 *The Northeast region hosted their Regional Conference Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 2007. Look for a report about this and all Regional Conferences in the Spring 2008 Quarterly.
PACIFIC NORTHWEST Feb. 22-24, 2008 Sheraton® Portland Airport Hotel Portland, Ore. Contact: Lori Lyman Losee (Beta Rho deuteron-Washington State), lorilosee@comcast.net or 253.846.1208
Willamette (Gamma Tau) Barbara M. Itel (’75), March 3, 2007. Wisconsin (Iota) Jeanne Kerr Kurtz (’45), May 12, 2007. Catherine Carhart Newhall (’55), June 3, 2007. Susan Batiste Quanbeck (’51), March 2, 2007. Margaret Kelly Sceales (’33), Jan. 30, 2007. Marion Gross VanDeven (’40), March 31, 2007.
Interested in volunteering to help develop Regional Conference programming? Want additional information on 2007-08 Regional Conferences? Contact Denise Jung Reens (Epsilon Delta-Northern Illinois) at 847.316.8921 or dreens@alphaphi.org.
New Hazing Hotline Is Created Alpha Phi has joined more than 20 other National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) and North-American Interfraternity Conference (IFC) inter/national organizations to support the creation of a Hazing Hotline. We encourage anyone with information about hazing activities in an Alpha Phi chapter to call the toll free number at 1.888.NOT.HAZE (1.888.668.4293). Callers can remain anonymous, and all allegations will be investigated to the fullest extent. We hope our new and initiated members, parents and Greek Life professionals find this to be a helpful tool to eliminate hazing on our campuses. If you have any questions about the Hazing Hotline, please contact Lindsay Martin (Beta Psi- San Jose State) at lmartin@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8943.
1.888.668.4293 Congratulations to the following Alpha Phis who served as College and Alumnae Panhellenic Presidents in 2007. Alumnae Panhellenic Presidents Anne McIntyre (Delta Kappa-Wisconsin/LaCrosse), St. Petersburg, Fla. Katie Smigelski (Zeta Psi-Dayton), Greater Buffalo Area, N.Y. Jo Beth Hillman Noble (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech), Amarillo, Texas Cindy Shelton Snell (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech), Lubbock, Texas Donna Garrett Marshall (Delta Beta-Texas A&M/Commerce), Mid-Cities, Texas BeaLea Somerville (Omega-Texas), Midland, Texas Susan Talbot Neely (Epsilon Omega-Texas A&M), San Antonio, Texas Betty Jo Ferraro Fuller (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate), Southern Dallas and Ellis Counties, Texas Natalie Reber (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado), Seattle, Wash.
Collegiate Panhellenic Presidents Lindsay Laughlin (Theta Upsilon-CSU/Chico) Amanda Thompson (Epsilon Iota-Duquesne) Whitney Welch (Iota Iota-George Washington) Danielle Spengler (Zeta Omicron deuteron-Johns Hopkins) Annika Larsson (Zeta Phi-MIT) Gabriela Hill (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Kristy Guzman (Eta Tau-SUNY/Cortland) Ashley Cakounes (Eta Alpha-New Hampshire) Erica Corns (Tau-Oregon) Alex Tryon (Eta Iota-Pennsylvania) Rachel Fitz (Zeta Upsilon-Washington University)
The Alpha Phi Quarterly staff makes every effort to ensure accurate information is published in every issue. We apologize for the following omissions and errors. A graduating senior was omitted from the Foundation’s “Congratulations, Class of 2007!” article on page 26 of the Fall 2007 Quarterly. The Alpha Phi Foundation regrets this error and thanks those who submitted a gift to the Foundation in honor of this graduate: Congratulations Diana Kolettis (Delta MuPurdue) from Patti and Bill Kolettis On page 23 of the Fall 2007 Quarterly, Erin Leahey’s (Omicron-Missouri) name was spelled incorrectly in her photo caption. On page 19, Gamma Theta is incorrectly listed as Colorado State; it is Colorado College. The Quarterly regrets these errors.
B U L L E T I N PROMOTE THE FOUNDATION DURING YOUR NEXT EVENT Do you need a snazzy Foundation publication to hand out at your next philanthropy event or during your philanthropy round of recruitment? If so, contact the Alpha Phi Foundation at 847.475.4532 or foundation@ alphaphi.org and request some copies of our award-winning Annual Report. We’ll send you as many of these fabulous magazines as you want, and all you have to do is pay for shipping and handling.
SEND US YOUR PHOTOS! Send photos of your collegiate and alumnae chapter members participating in philanthropy events, sisterhood or leadership activities, sports or studying. They may be used on our Web site and in other Alpha Phi International communications! Quality photos including two-three women that are not the typical “posed” shots are more likely to be used. Please send e-mail digital images to quarterly@alphaphi.org. Or mail original hard copy photos to Christine Spiegel, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. INTERESTED IN BECOMING A QUARTERLY CONTRIBUTOR? The Quarterly seeks Alpha Phi professionals to write articles based on their areas of expertise. Please contact quarterly@alphaphi.org.
Check out Erin Weed (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois), speaker, author and founder of Girls Fight Back! Learn more at www.girlsfightback.org or www.erinweed.com.
Interested in Promoting Your Business in the Alpha Phi Classifieds? The charge for the Spring 2008 Quarterly is $50 for up to 35 words (text only). The Quarterly also continues to accept advertising in the form of display ads, which begin at $200 for a 1/6-page ad. If you are interested in either advertising opportunity, please contact quarterly@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8920 before Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008, to reserve space.
JOIN BARRY (THETA OMEGA) ALUMNAE ON A REUNION CRUISE Carnival Imagination sailing out of Miami Sept. 18-22, 2008 Visiting Key West, Fla., and Calica, Mexico For details, contact: Lynn Fowler Webb (Theta Omega-Barry) lynnwebb@alumnae.alphaphi.org 727.393.6007 WISCONSIN/STOUT (GAMMA SIGMA) CELEBRATES 50 YEARS The celebration is April 19. Please contact Sarah Calkins at sarah_calkins@hotmail.com or 651.402.0388 if you would like to help plan the celebration and/or to update your contact information.
ATTENTION EPSILON NU ALUMNAE Catch up with old friends. Update sisters about your life. Find out what is happening with the chapter. Network. Join the Epsilon Nu Web group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ ENChapterofAlphaPhi/ or contact Holly Malek Bryk at casabryk@aol.com for more information. ATTENTION ALPHA PHI AUTHORS Oklahoma (Phi) chapter seeks autographed copies of books written by sisters for the renovated chapter house’s new library. If you aren’t able to send a book, please provide title and author’s name. What better way to introduce the tradition and talent of Alpha Phi to this new colony! Please send books and information to Anne Pfenning, 3604 Bob White Ave, Norman, OK 73072 or e-mail apfenning@aol.com.
Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Publication Title: Alpha Phi Quarterly Publication No.: Vol. 119, No. 4 Filing Date: 9/26/07 Issue Frequency: Quarterly No. of Issues Published Annually: 4 Annual Subscription Price: $25.00 Mailing Address of Publication: Alpha Phi Fraternity, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, Cook County, IL 60201-3214 Mailing Address of Headquarters: Alpha Phi Fraternity, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201-3214 Publisher: Alpha Phi Fraternity, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201-3214 Editor: Christine Spiegel, Editor-in-Chief, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201-3214 Managing Editor: Christine Spiegel, Editor-in-Chief, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201-3214 10. Owner: Alpha Phi Fraternity, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201-3214 11. Known bondholders, mortgages, and other security holders owning or holding one percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: None 12. The purpose, function and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes: Has Not Changed During Preceding 12 Months. 13. Publication Title: Alpha Phi Quarterly 14. Issue Date of Circulation Data Below: Fall 2007 15. Extent/Nature of Circulation Avg. No. Copies No. Copies of Each Issue During Single Issue Published Nearest to Filing Date Preceding 12 Mos. a. Total Number of Copies (Net press run) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,942 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113,886 b. Paid Circulation 1) Mailed Outside-County Paid Subscriptions Stated on Form 3541 . . . . . . . . . . . 43,980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113,563 2) Mailed In-County Paid Subscriptions Stated on PS Form 3541 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 3) Paid Distribution Outside the Mails Including Sales Trhough Dealers and Carriers, Street Vendors, Counter Sales, and Other Paid Distribution Outside USPS Counter Sales, and Other Non-USPS Paid Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 4) Paid Distribution by Other Classes Mailed Through the USPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 c. Total Paid Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113,563 d. Free or Nominal Rate Distribution 1) Free or Nominal Rate Outside-County Copies Included on PS Form 3541 . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 2) Free or Nominal Rate In-County Copies on PS Form 3541 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 3) Free or Nominal Rate Copies Mailed at Other Classes Mailed through the USPS. 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 4) Free or Nominal Rate Distribution Outside the Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 e. Total Free or Nominal Rate Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 f. Total Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113,563 g. Copies Not Distributed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 962 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 h. Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,942 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113,886 i. Percent Paid and/or Requested Circulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100%
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POSTMASTER: Please send changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201
What are you wearing this winter?
We suggest something
One day a year, what you wear is a matter of life and death. February 1 is National Wear Red Day. Join the Alpha Phi Foundation and the American Heart Association in the fight against the No. 1 killer of women in North America. Visit www.alphaphi.org to learn how you can wear red in your own fashion.