Fall 2010 Alpha Phi Quarterly

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A Publication of Alpha Phi International Fraternity Since 1888 Vol. 122, No. 4 Fall 2010

inside Convention 2010: Celebrate Alpha Phi

Celebrating Member Anniversaries

2010 Emerging Leaders Institute

International Directory

fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly


Message from the International President


International Executive Board President: Linda Laura Long Malley-Schmitt Boland Jane Kirby Arkes Billie Coskey Susan Weiskittle Battiato Barrick Deana Koonsman Valerie Lawlor Gage Julie King Susan McNeice Gomez Susan Smith Coree Brink Sherratt Amy JordanBark Sonja-Lou Tvrdik Stunard Renee Amy Jordan SmithTvrdik Zimmerman Zainer Ex-officio: Renee Smith Sally Zimmerman McCall Grant, Zainer NPC Delegate Ex-officio: Sally LindaMcCall Wells Kahangi, Grant, NPC Executive Delegate Director Ex-officio: Linda Wells Kahangi, Executive Director

Foundation Directors Foundation Directors Chairman: Linda Gardner Massie

Chairman: Laura Jen Kin Linda Berger Gardner Massie SusanJen Bevan Laura Kin Berger Judy Ethell Susan Bevan Kim Norton-O’Brien Linda Long Boland CathyEthell Judy Logan Stembridge DianeCreamer Jean Spry Straker Hodges Sheri Allen Yengst Jenny Holsman Karen McChesney Howe National Panhellenic Conference Diane Spry Straker Alpha Phi Delegate: Sally McCall Grant National Panhellenic Conference First Alternate Delegate: Deana Koonsman Gage SecondPhi Alternate Delegate: Tara Riemer Alpha Delegate: Sally McCall Grant Jones ThirdAlternate AlternateDelegate: Delegate:Laura Ruth Gallagher Nelson First Malley-Schmitt Second Alternate Delegate: Ruth Gallagher Nelson Editorial Advisory Board Third Alternate Delegate: Laura Lynn Davidson Sheila George Bright Editorial Stephanie Advisory Hernandez Board Kathy Feeney Sheila GeorgeHiemstra Bright DeniseFeeney Kathy Blankenship Hiemstra Joyce Jan Jones Denise Blankenship Owen Joyce Sara Peck Kristin Kirland Allison McNeice Cink Rickels Susan Allison Cink Rickels Alpha Phi Quarterly Staff Amy Jordan Tvrdik Editor-in-Chief: Christine Spiegel Alpha Phiand Quarterly Staff Program Manager: Arden Schuman Marketing Communications E-mail: quarterly@alphaphi.org Editor-in-Chief: Christine Spiegel Communications Intern: Kristin Kirland Alpha Phi Quarterly Design E-mail: quarterly@alphaphi.org NeigerDesignInc Alpha Phi Quarterly Design www.neigerdesign.com NeigerDesignInc Alpha Phi Home Page www.neigerdesign.com www.alphaphi.org

Alpha Phi Home Page Executive Office

www.alphaphi.org Executive Director: Linda Wells Kahangi Executive Office Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Phone: 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 Executive Director: Linda Wells Kahangi E-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Phone: 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 Foundation Office E-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org Executive Director: Emily Ellison Lamb Foundation Address: 1930Office Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 FoundationDirector: Executive Phone:Ann 847.475.4532 Fax: Brinkman Carstensen 847.475.9982 Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 E-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org Foundation Phone: 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 Alpha Phi Quarterly Editorial Policy E-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org The purpose of the Alpha Phi Quarterly and its content is to provide information Alpha Phi Quarterly EditorialofPolicy and services to the membership the Alpha Phi Fraternity, in keeping with the Fraternity’s The purposestatus of theasAlpha a 501(c)(7) Phi Quarterly tax-exempt and itsprivate content membership is to provideclub. information The magazine services and is devoted to to thehighlighting membership itsofmembers the Alphaand Phimatters Fraternity, of fraternal in keeping and with college the interest. Thestatus Fraternity’s viewsas expressed a 501(c)(7) in the tax-exempt articles published private membership in the Quarterly club.are Thethose magaof the authors zine is devoted andtotheir highlighting contributors, its members and do not and necessarily matters ofrepresent fraternal and the opinions college of Alpha PhiThe interest. Fraternity, views expressed its officersinorthe staff. articles published in the Quarterly are those of thepersons authors interested and their contributors, do not for necessarily represent the opinions of All in submittingand materials publication in the Alpha Phi QuarAlphaare Phiencouraged Fraternity, itstoofficers or staff. terly send them to the editor at the Executive Office. The editor

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Dear Sisters, It was a thrill to attend Alpha Phi’s 68th Biennial Convention in July. I joined hundreds of alumnae and collegians to celebrate Alpha Phi and our accomplishments over the past biennium. One of the highlights for me was the “Celebrate Alpha Phis” luncheon at which we heard from four Alpha Phis who received very prestigious awards from the Fraternity. You will have a chance to meet them in this edition of the Quarterly, and I’m sure that you too will be inspired. Another highlight for me was being installed as Alpha Phi’s International President during the Candlelight Banquet. I am honored to serve our Fraternity in this role, and I look forward with excitement to the coming biennium. Editor’s Note: Below is an excerpt from Linda Boland’s speech given at the Candlelight Banquet, July 10, 2010: More than 137 years ago 10 young women created something extraordinary and left it to us. We in Alpha Phi have been entrusted with a great legacy. Women like Mary Carr Boyd (OmicronMissouri) and Ruth Himmelman Wright (Sigma-Washington) understood this, and they took their responsibility seriously to care for our beloved Fraternity, to nurture it and watch it grow. Alpha Phi has chosen a very ambitious path for the near future. Years ago, leaders in our Fraternity began laying the groundwork so that one day we might have these opportunities. During the course of this biennium, we will take some carefully calculated risks, and if we hope to be successful it will require all hands on deck. It will take a fully committed International Executive Board and a solid partnership with my friends the regional managers, regional team members and extension team leads. It will require the support of the Fraternity’s best friend, the Alpha Phi Foundation and the hard work of our crack, second-to-none Executive Office staff. And, chapter advisors who are nodding but thinking to yourselves, “What could I possibly do to help Alpha Phi International?” You are Alpha Phi International, and I’ll tell you what you can do. You can continue to keep your chapters healthy and strong. The responsibility to leave a strong legacy doesn’t belong to alumnae alone. You, my collegiate sisters, share in this obligation. Ask yourselves, what will my legacy be? When I’m gone, what will chapter members say about my leadership? Did I leave my chapter strong and poised for success? Did I inspire committed new leaders to take the reins? Did I make sure that we filled our membership roster with the finest women available to us on campus? Do the members of my chapter live the values we all pledged ourselves to? And did I lead by example? My young friends - do these things and protect your legacy. Let us renew our vows that we will always remember and never forget our responsibility to preserve, protect and perpetuate the great legacy that is Alpha Phi.

Alpha Phi Toujours,

Linda Long Boland (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach) International President 2

Alpha Phi Quarterly


Contents We Are Ready Alpha Phi unveils new online technologies........... 2


Convention 2010 Sisters gather in Miami to “Celebrate Alpha Phi.”................................................................ 4 Distinguished Sister Series Meet sisters who’ve been honored with prestigious Fraternity awards.................................. 9 Alumnae Pride....................................................... 12 Foundation ........................................................... 18 Emerging Leaders Institute................................... 22 On Campus........................................................... 24 Extension Update.................................................. 29 2010 Potential Member Form................................ 30 Interfraternal News . .............................................. 31 Small World............................................................ 31



Reunions................................................................ 32 People.................................................................... 34 Member Anniversary Recognitions...................... 36 Silent Chapter . ..................................................... 42 Alpha Phi Directory................................................ 43 Bulletin Board / Classifieds................................... 45

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QUARTERLY CONTENT DEADLINES Winter 2011........Oct. 15, 2010 Spring 2011....... Jan. 15, 2011 Summer 2011.... April 15, 2011 Fall 2011............July 15, 2011

HAVE YOU MOVED? Send your new address to: Alpha Phi Quarterly 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 Or update your address online at www.alphaphi.org.

ATTENTION PARENTS Your daughter’s magazine is mailed to your home (her permanent address) while she is in college. If your daughter is an alumna and no longer at this address, please contact the Executive Office to update her address.

Fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly


By Arden Schuman (Iota Eta-DePaul)

Is Alpha Phi ready for the communication revolution? the answer is yes.

Fast Facts • The fastest growing segment on Facebook is 55-66 year old females.

During Alpha Phi’s 2010 Biennial Convention, Executive Director Linda Wells Kahangi (Zeta Delta-Iowa State) asked the question “Are we ready? Are we changing and adapting to keep up with the way our newest members communicate?”

• 1 in 8 married couples in the U.S. met online. • The mobile device will be the world’s primary Internet connection tool in 2020.

Her answer: a resounding yes.

• The average college student sends around 295 text messages per month. • 80% of companies use social media for recruiting. • 60 million status updates happen daily on Facebook. • There are more than 200,000,000


• It took radio 38 years to reach 58 million users. It took Facebook less than a year to reach 200 million users. • If Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest. • Barack Obama raised $55,000,000 in campaign funds in one month using online social networks. • Ashton Kutcher and Britney Spears have more Twitter followers than the entire populations of Sweden, Israel, Switzerland, Ireland and Norway. • The computer in your cell phone today is a million times cheaper, a thousand times more powerful and about a hundred thousand times smaller than one computer at MIT in 1965.


Alpha Phi Quarterly

fall 2010

Before 500 Convention participants, Linda unveiled Alpha Phi’s newest online developments, including a new website that allows you to set up a personal page and personalize your Alpha Phi experience, a mobile site that will let you access Alpha Phi documents on the go and locate a chapter house using your smart phone’s map function and a Facebook app that will enable you to easily connect with sisters from your chapter, city or even interest group. “But,” she continued “two challenges remain. First, the majority of our members are not collegians. We must remain thoughtful about not leaving our builders and baby boomers behind. If we move too quickly and completely, we will lose touch with some of our most valued members – who may not use technology to communicate at all, or who may just be trying e-mail or Facebook for the first time. “The second challenge is that technology is ever changing. Generation alpha, homelanders - or whatever the marketing world decides to name the generation just being born - may find Facebook and laptops to be passe’. Their world will be centered on their mobile device, which they will surely have by the time they are in grade school. Alpha Phi will truly have to come to them. And we will.”

Alphaphi.org Nearly two years in the making, AlphaPhi.org has been transformed into an innovative recruitment, resource and communication tool. Prominently featuring our logo and branding, the new site features profiles and accomplishments of our members and chapters and an interactive timeline. The member page allows you to personalize your Alpha Phi website experience in order to bring forward the information and features that are most important to you. Once you’re logged in, you’ll be able to do things like choose the chapters you would like to receive news updates from, search for sisters easily, customize your page by adding a photo, update your information and share personal updates with your sisters. The site even knows if you are a collegian or alumnae, and if you are an officer, so it can make sure the resources and tools that are important to you are easy to find. It helps you stay current with International alumnae dues and make donations to the Foundation.

Mobile Visit AlphaPhi.org on your mobile phone and you will automatically be sent to the mobile version. The mobile site gives you easy access to the latest Alpha Phi news along with a handy chapter locator that will work with your mobile device’s mapping capability to help you get to the chapter house of your choice. It also provides a more mobile-friendly view of the other main areas of the Alpha Phi website for those times on the road that you need to look up information quickly. Whether you are a potential new member running off to your first recruitment party, an officer needing access to a form on the go or a member looking to get the latest updates from the Executive Office and your chapter, the mobile site puts Alpha Phi at your fingertips!

Facebook App The Alpha Phi Facebook application is home for groups connected by collegiate chapter, alumnae chapter or common interests. Members are able to share personal announcements and upcoming events, post pictures and videos, join discussion groups and message boards, and search for sisters on Facebook.

fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly


More than 500 Alpha Phis and guests attended the Fraternity’s 68th Biennial Convention July 7-11 in Miami, Fla.The Doral Golf Resort and Spa was the backdrop for sisters from across the U.S. and Canada to conduct business, build leadership skills, renew friendships and celebrate the success of Alpha Phi. Led by Director of Training, Development and Communications Denise Jung Reens (Epsilon DeltaNorthern Illinois), the four-day event featured awards ceremonies, a special Foundation dinner celebration, Red Dress gala, initiation, dynamic speakers and educational sessions. Highlights Educational sessions provided chapter advisors, collegiate and alumnae delegates, regional teams and house corporation board members with practical knowledge that will be utilized by their chapters. House Corporation Board Seminar, Alumnae Chapter College and Regional Team Strategic Forum tracks were offered during Convention. Advisor Academy provided three levels of training prior to Convention. Convention participants learned about the launch of Alpha Phi International’s redesigned website, the new technology associated with it and plans for the future. The Alpha Phi Foundation celebrated a special milestone – exceeding the goal set two years before during Convention 2008 by raising more than $10.2 million in Alpha Phi’s “$10 million by 2010” Campaign for Leadership. The Foundation also hosted a Red Dress Gala (see page 18). 4

Alpha Phi Quarterly

fall 2010

Those attending had the opportunity to browse the Foundation information area, as well as learn about Alpha Phi’s founding in the Heritage Room. The room featured museum-like displays of Alpha Phi Founders, audio of letters written by the Original Ten and a historic badge display, all created by Foundation staff archivist Dr. Jenny Thompson (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate). Docents included members of the Foundation’s heritage committee. Convention attendees could also shop a variety of vendors during breaks at the Market Place. Past International President Phyllis Sims Selig (Gamma Delta-Kansas) led the Service of Remembrance and Initiation. The SOR included a special tribute to Mary Carr Boyd (OmicronMissouri) and Ruth Himmelman Wright (Sigma-Washington). Music Consultant Judy Kay Schmidt Mead (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) and Samantha Conter (Theta Xi-Shippensburg), who will take over for Judy as she retires, lifted their voices in song throughout Convention. The Candlelight Banquet was an inspiring conclusion to a memorable Convention.

Awards and Honors Toastmistress and IEB Director Deana Koonsman Gage (Gamma IotaTexas Tech) hosted Saturday’s “Celebrate Alpha Phi Leaders” luncheon and awards presentation. Director of Collegiate Operations J.D. Louk, Director of Collegiate Recruitment Linda Schnetzer (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State), Director of Alumnae Membership Alissa Meyer Milito (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst), Manager of Resources and Training Initiatives Stefania Rudd (Theta Rho-Cameron) and IEB Director Amy Jordan Tvrdik (Omicron-Missouri) hosted a joint collegiate and alumnae chapter awards presentation that played out like an awards program on E! Entertainment Television. Foundation Executive Director Emily Ellison Lamb (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) presented the Alpha Phi Foundation’s prestigious Martha Mast Awards as part of Friday’s Convention Assembled session. The Foundation also recognized top philanthropic collegiate and alumnae chapters during Friday evening’s dinner. Awards for the outstanding and most improved alumnae chapters and outstanding collegiate chapters and advisors were presented during Saturday evening’s Candlelight Banquet. Foundation Board Director Laura Jen Kin Berger (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach) served as toastmistress for the event.

C on v e n t i on 2 0 1 0 A wa r d W i nn e r s

Individual Awards Frances E. Willard Award The Frances E. Willard award honors Alpha Phi alumnae who have achieved outstanding success in their chosen fields and who have gained recognition on a national or international level. Mary-Christine “M.C.” Sungaila (Kappa-Stanford) Martha Foote Crow Award The Martha Foote Crow award recognizes a collegiate member who has brought honor to Alpha Phi by an outstanding achievement that has been recognized on a national or international scale. Ugwechi Amadi (Zeta Phi-MIT)

Abby Dorsa Sobrato (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) Silent Chapter - Abby passed away on May 27, 2010. We celebrate this amazing sister, her life and her battle with cancer. Wendy Deems Sugg (Beta Delta-UCLA) Tracy Watler (Omega-Texas) Michaelanean Award The Michaelanean award is given each biennium to those who have shown outstanding loyalty and continuous devotion to Alpha Phi at the local level.

Judy Kay Schmidt Mead (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado)

Stacey Thulin Daniel (Omega-Texas)

Kristen Bushouse Crandle (Delta Theta-Western Michigan) Shirley Clegg Dieker (Gamma Xi-Wichita State)

Pamela Farley (Epsilon Sigma-Dallas Baptist) Tricia Lee McNabb Lanzino (Beta Psi-San Jose State)

Ursa Major Award The Ursa Major award recognizes alumnae members of Alpha Phi who have achieved outstanding success in their chosen fields, either professional or volunteer, on a local, state, provincial or regional level.

Sue McCarthy (Beta Epsilon-Arizona)

Jennifer Grant (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate) Martha Gulati (Theta Eta-Western Ontario) Karen Abel Kolschowsky (Beta Beta-Michigan State) Allison Cink Rickels (Epsilon Theta-Northern Iowa) Cindy Simon Rosenthal (Beta-Northwestern) Jacqueline Schools (Eta Lambda-George Mason)

Allison Rickels, Jacqueline Schools and Wendy Sugg are recipients of the Ursa Major award. Other recipients were not able to attend Convention.

Angela Farley (Epsilon Sigma-Dallas Baptist)

Michelle Jones Thompson (Omega-Texas)

Ruth Saunders Gless (Nu-Nebraska)

Editor’s Note: Read more about the FEW, Martha Foote Crow, Ruth Himmelman Wright and Lily of the Valley award recipients on page 9. Read about Ursa Major, Michaelanean and Polaris award recipients at www.alphaphi.org.

Lisa Haning Blackburn (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) Carole Yerk Briggs (Nu-Nebraska)

Julie Weinberg Fishbein (Zeta Omicron-Johns Hopkins)

Elizabeth Lowe Oltman (Theta Tau-Rensselaer)

Katherine O’Hara Battagline (Gamma Nu-Miami University)

Ruth Himmelman Wright Award The Ruth Himmelman Wright award honors a volunteer who has given enduring and selfless service to Alpha Phi.

Lily of the Valley Award The Lily of the Valley Award honors generous and self-motivated contributions of time and talent resulting in a unique accomplishment that impacts the Fraternity in an extraordinary way.

June Collins Herron (Delta Phi-Indiana U. of Pennsylvania)

Kathleen Squires McDowell (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate) Kathleen Covert Maag (Upsilon-Washburn) Jennifer Mueller (Beta Tau-Indiana)

Michaelanean award recipients who attended Convention are Carole Briggs, Stacey Daniel, Lisa Blackburn, Angela Farley, Pamela Farley, Shirley Dieker and Kristen Crandle.

Caryl Frauenhoff Rohol (Gamma-DePauw) Lynn Clements Soutter (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian) Polaris Award The Polaris award is given each biennium to those who have shown outstanding loyalty and continuous devotion to Alpha Phi at the regional or international committee level. Jennifer Peabody Billingsley (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Andi Etwaroo (Zeta OmicronJohns Hopkins)

Polaris award recipients who attended Convention are (from left): Susan Haber, Jennifer Billingsley, June Herron, Andi Etwaroo and Elizabeth Oltman.

Susan Morris Haber (Beta DeltaUCLA) fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly


C on v e n t i on 2 0 1 0 A wa r d W i nn e r s

Congratulations to the following alumnae initiates who were initiated during Convention 2010! Pictured are (from left): Diane Conlon, new initiate; Robyn West Comeau (Delta Chi-William Woods), sponsor; Elizabeth Nardi, new initiate; Debra Nardi Myer (Eta Lambda-George Mason), sponsor; Karen Stawicki, new initiate; Samantha Stawicki (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis), sponsor; Lori Pannia, new initiate; Lilianna Pannia (Iota Theta-Wilfrid Laurier), sponsor; Donna Fertig, new initiate; Brittany Fertig (Delta Zeta-Maryland), sponsor.

Alumnae Chapter Awards Outstanding Alumnae Chapter Small: Greater Philadelphia (Pa.) ivy connection Large: Far North Dallas & Surrounding Counties (Texas) alumnae chapter Excellence in Chapter Activity Level Small: Charlotte (N.C.) alumnae chapter Large: Northern Virginia alumnae chapter Excellence in External Operations Small: Philadelphia (Pa.) ivy connection Large: Silicon Valley (Calif.) alumnae chapter Excellence in Community Relations Small: Greater Philadelphia (Pa.) ivy connection Large: Wichita (Kan.) alumnae chapter Excellence in Internal Operations Small: Tampa Bay (Fla.) alumnae chapter Large: Far North Dallas & Surrounding Counties (Texas) alumnae chapter Excellence in Membership Small: Dallas and Suburban (Texas) alumnae chapter Large: Far North Dallas & Surrounding Counties (Texas) alumnae chapter Alumnae Chapter Recognition Awards Alumnae Chapter Health Indicators (ACHI) assist alumnae chapters in realizing their current strengths and areas for advancement and provide focus for developing their chapters further.

Congratulations to the following chapters for their energy and dedication to improve their chapters via the ACHI throughout the last biennium. Diamond Level Alumnae Chapters (implementing 40 or more ACHI into their chapters) Ashland (Ohio) Charlotte (N.C.) Columbus (Ohio) Dallas and Suburban (Texas) Denver (Colo.) Far North Dallas & Surrounding Counties (Texas) Fort Worth (Texas) Greater Philadelphia (Pa.) ivy connection Greater Sacramento (Calif.) Inland Empire (Calif.) Northern Virginia NYC Metro (N.Y.) Silicon Valley (Calif.) Southeastern Louisiana Southwest Dallas (Texas) St. Louis Gateway (Mo.) Tampa Bay (Fla.) Wichita (Kan.) Platinum Level Alumnae Chapters (implementing 30-39 ACHI into their chapters) Birmingham/Tuscaloosa (Ala.) Greater Fort Lauderdale (Fla.) Lehigh Valley (Pa.) MetroWest MA (Mass.) Oklahoma City (Okla.) Silver Level Alumnae Chapters (implementing 10-19 ACHI into their chapters) Palm Beach and Treasure Coast (Fla.)


Alpha Phi Quarterly

fall 2010

Philadelphia (Pa.) ivy connection and Far North Dallas & Surrounding Counties (Texas) alumnae chapter receive awards for Outstanding Alumnae Chapter.

Maine (Delta Nu) and Idaho (Beta Zeta) are presented Outstanding Collegiate Chapter awards.

C on v e n t i on 2 0 1 0 A wa r d W i nn e r s

The Outstanding House Corporation Board award is presented to Wichita State (Gamma Xi).

Members of the 2010-12 International Executive Board, profiled in the Summer 2010 Quarterly, are installed during Convention 2010. Pictured are (front, from left): Amy Jordan Tvrdik (Omicron-Missouri), Susan Weiskittle Barrick (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State), Coree Smith (Epsilon Theta-Northern Iowa), Susan McNeice (Epsilon Nu-Delaware), (back) Val Lawlor (Omicron-Missouri), Jane Kirby Arkes (Omicron-Missouri), International President Linda Long Boland (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach), Renee Smith Zimmerman Zainer (Beta Epsilon-Arizona) and Sonja-Lou Bark Stunard (Delta Mu-Purdue).

Collegiate Chapter Awards Outstanding Collegiate Chapter Small: Maine (Delta Nu) Large: Idaho (Beta Zeta)

Excellence in Formal Recruitment Small: MIT (Zeta Phi) Large: Arizona (Beta Epsilon) and Maryland (Delta Zeta)

Outstanding House Corporation Board Wichita State (Gamma Xi)

Betty Mullins Jones Panhellenic Participation Award Small: Northern Colorado (Delta Gamma) Large: Northwestern (Beta)

Outstanding Advisory Board Small: Akron (Eta Gamma) Large: Appalachian State (Theta Nu)

Most Improved Chapter Small: Toronto (Xi) Large: Missouri (Omicron)

Outstanding Chapter Advisor Small: Katherine Tuesta (Delta GammaNorthern Colorado), Colorado School of Mines (Iota Zeta) Large: Stacey Thulin Daniel (OmegaTexas), Texas (Omega)

Excellence in Community Service Small: Franklin & Marshall (Zeta Sigma) Large: UC/Irvine (Eta Kappa)

Order of the Lamp Small: MIT (Zeta Phi), Chapman (Eta Upsilon), Marquette (Eta Mu), Southern Utah (Theta Sigma) and Santa Clara (Zeta Gamma) Large: Oregon (Tau), George Washington (Iota Iota), UC/Irvine (Eta Kappa) and UCLA (Beta Delta) Excellence in COB Small: Tufts (Zeta Theta) Large: UC/Berkeley (Lambda) Excellence in MAP Small: Drake (Gamma Omicron) Large: Oregon State (Beta Upsilon)

Most Improved Formal Recruitment Small: Drake (Gamma Omicron) Large: Duke (Beta Nu)

Appalachian State (Theta Nu) and Akron (Eta Gamma) receive Outstanding Advisory Board awards.

Excellence in Philanthropy Small: Rensselaer (Theta Tau) Large: USC (Beta Pi) Excellence in Scholarship Small: Butler (Epsilon Beta) Large: Nebraska (Nu) and Cornell (Delta) Excellence in Leadership Small: Santa Clara (Zeta Gamma) Large: Michigan (Theta) Excellence in New Member Education Small: Loyola Marymount (Zeta Beta) Large: Oklahoma (Phi)

Outstanding Chapter Advis0r awards are presented to Colorado School of Mines (Iota Zeta) CA Katherine Tuesta and Texas (Omega) CA Stacey Daniel. fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly


C on v e n t i on 2 0 1 0 A wa r d W i nn e r s

Members of the 2010-12 Foundation Board of Directors are (front, from left): Diane Spry Straker (Delta Alpha-East Carolina), Susan Bevan (Sigma-Washington), Linda Gardner Massie (Delta Alpha-East Carolina), Judy Ethell (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois), (back) Jenny Holsman (Gamma Pi-Arizona State), Karen McChesney Howe (Gamma Sigma-Wisconsin/ Stout), Jean Creamer Hodges (Rho-Ohio State), Linda Long Boland (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach) and Laura Jen Kin Berger (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach).

Foundation Awards The Martha Mast Award of Excellence The Martha Mast Award is presented every two years in honor of long-time Foundation Chairman Martha Watkins Mast (Beta Nu-Duke) to a collegiate and alumnae chapter whose support of the Foundation by education, service and philanthropy is exemplary. Collegiate Chapter: James Madison (Theta Iota) Alumnae Chapter: Columbus (Ohio) Top Three Partner in Philanthropy Awards 1. Washington (Sigma) 2. UC/Irvine (Eta Kappa) 3. Santa Clara (Zeta Gamma)

Past Fraternity Presidents in attendance for Convention 2010 include (from left): Linda Gardner Massie (Delta Alpha-East Carolina), 1994-98; Jean Cameron Hahm (Gamma Nu-Miami University), 1998-2002; Phyllis Sims Selig (Gamma Delta-Kansas), 1974-78; Sally McCall Grant (Gamma-DePauw), 1986-90; and Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT), 2006-10.

Partners in Philanthropy Awards by Region Mid-Atlantic: West Virginia (Beta Iota) North Central Midwest: Illinois (Beta Alpha) Northeast: Cornell (Delta) Pacific Northwest: Santa Clara (Zeta Gamma) South Central: Texas (Omega) Southeast: Virginia Tech (Eta Omicron) Southwest: UC/Irvine (Eta Kappa) Upper Midwest: Michigan (Theta)

Visit www.alphaphi.org to view and order all photos taken during Convention 2010.

James Madison (Theta Iota) collegiate chapter and Columbus (Ohio) alumnae chapter are the recipients of the Foundation’s Martha Mast awards.


Alpha Phi Quarterly

fall 2010

Distinguished Sister Series Meet four sisters who were honored during Convention 2010 with Prestigious Fraternity Awards Frances E. Willard Award Top Lawyer, Women’s Rights Advocate Receives Fraternity’s Highest Honor A partner at Horvitz & Levy LLP, Mary-Christine “M.C.” Sungaila’s (Kappa-Stanford) appellate practice focuses on cases raising cutting-edge toxic tort issues. She has received multiple awards and recognition for her work, including listings in the Best Lawyers of America (2010), the Top 50 Southern California Female Super Lawyers (2008-2010) and California’s Top 75 women litigators by the Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals. M.C. has gained national prominence as a gender equality expert, as she has worked to secure important rights for women and girls throughout California, nationally and internationally. She has served as pro bono counsel of record or consulted on more than 17 women’s and civil rights cases before the United States Supreme Court, the Inter-American Commission, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and the California Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal. M.C. is also the board president for Break the Cycle, a non-profit organization that engages, educates and empowers young people to build lives and communities free from domestic and dating violence. In the speech delivered at Convention, M.C. said, “You may say: I am one person. I can do very little, especially to effect change around large-scale problems. But I am here to tell you it is possible – even necessary – for each of us as individuals to stand up for what we feel is right, just, fair and humane. Individual courage is integral to creating change.” She noted three cases in which she was involved, including that of UVA student Yeardley Love, killed earlier this year, allegedly by her boyfriend. “[The case] raised questions about legal protections for dating teens. Break the Cycle, a teen dating violence organization for whom I serve as board president, had recently released a ‘report card’ of protections for teens in dating relationships for each of the 50 states. We wanted to get the word out about these laws, and change some of them.” M.C. and the executive director wrote two opinion pieces about the state of domestic violence protections for young people that were picked up by media across the U.S. This led to discussions with the Virginia Attorney General’s office about improving the law’s reach for teens. M.C. concluded, “You can and should strive to make a difference too. In the words of Harriet Tubman: ‘You have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars and change the world.’”

fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly


Martha Foote Crow Award Rhodes Scholar Is Recognized for Excellence Ugwechi Amadi (Zeta Phi-MIT) was the inaugural recipient of the Martha Foote Crow Award, which recognizes individual excellence and commitment to the core principals of the Fraternity. Ugwechi was selected from more than 1,500 applicants as a 2010 Rhodes Scholar. A brain and cognitive sciences major, Ugwechi was chosen on the basis of high academic achievement, integrity of character, a spirit of unselfishness, respect for others and potential for leadership.

Ruth Himmelman Wright Award Music Chair, Long-time Volunteer Honored for Service Judy Kay Schmidt Mead (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) is the first recipient of the Ruth Himmelman Wright Award. This new award honors the memory of Ruth, a beloved lifetime volunteer who exemplified the essence of Fraternity service, and did so without fanfare. Judy Kay began her Alpha Phi involvement as a field secretary (now called educational leadership consultant) immediately after graduation and has continued to actively support the Fraternity throughout her adult life. Her name is synonymous with music in Alpha Phi; she has been the international music chair for more than 30 years and has led generations of Alpha Phis in song at Conventions. She has kept Alpha Phi’s songs relevant and preserved older songs, publishing five editions of the Alpha Phi Songbook. In addition, she has served on the International Executive Board, the Foundation Board of Directors, the Committee on Leadership, and as 10

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Upper Midwest regional manager, as well as several other positions. Many chapters have improved in recruitment as a result of her assistance. In her acceptance speech, Judy Kay said, “As you know, in Alpha Phi we are all recipients of countless gifts from the past - from those we never knew, and those who are with us no more. It is incumbent upon us to remember women like Ruth ... her sisterly caring, her many contributions of time, talent and treasure ... the essence of Fraternity service. Ruth was a mentor, friend and sister since we met in 1966, and she always took the ‘high road.’ I am grateful to her for believing in my spirit and abilities. “Ruth and I were alike in that we both believe Alpha Phi is a force for good in this world. We both felt we didn’t need to be thanked - our work and the joy of it were reward enough. That being said, however, it is a privilege and an honor to accept this award in her name.”

She has researched post-traumatic stress disorder and atherosclerotic restenosis at MIT. She has researched the effect of age on the atrophy of brain regions traditionally implicated in Alzheimer’s Disease at Massachusetts General Hospital. She is also active in mentoring middle school girls. As a Rhodes Scholar, Ugwechi began her studies at Oxford this fall and will pursue a master of science degree in psychological research.

Lily of the Valley Award Advisor Awarded for Red Dress Gala Concept As a first year advisor for Loyola Marymount (Zeta Beta), Michelle Jones Thompson (Omega-Texas) brought to the chapter the concept of establishing a signature fundraising event that would serve as a campuswide marketing tool. Under Michelle’s guidance, Zeta Beta conceived the idea of an Alpha Phi fundraiser featuring silent and live auctions. Word of Zeta Beta’s success quickly spread, and Michelle and the members of Zeta Beta were pleased to share their blueprint with other chapters. Over time, their efforts revolutionized the way that Alpha Phi’s collegiate chapters raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. In 1996, Zeta Beta hosted the first event of its kind in Alpha Phi. In 2010, more than 75 percent of our chapters across North America have hosted and continue to host Red Dress Galas in support of the Alpha Phi Foundation. Zeta Beta has since raised over $400,000 in total for the Foundation, and the chapter’s success inspired many others to set and reach extraordinary fundraising goals. Collegiate chapters have collectively raised millions of dollars for the Foundation using the blueprint originated by Michelle and the members of Zeta Beta. These funds support scholarships, educational leadership opportunities, helping sisters in need and creating a heart for giving back to local communities. The Alpha Phi Foundation is now recognized as the interfraternal leader in collegiate chapter fundraising. In the speech she delivered at Convention, Michelle said, “I am both thrilled and honored to represent the women of the Zeta

Beta chapter who had the vision for this event, the courage to wade into uncharted fundraising territory, and the dedication and determination required to build on its success. “This was by far the easiest group of women to inspire that I have ever had the pleasure of working alongside. I give all the kudos for planning and implementation to the amazing women in the chapter! “Events like this do not become a success without an impressive amount of support – from parents, advisors, fellow student groups and university faculty and administration – all of whom showed no hesitation in jumping in to buy tickets and open their wallets to support the efforts of these women. “The women of Zeta Beta had a dream of leaving their mark and making a lasting impact on the work of our beloved Fraternity. They never let go of that dream, and they continue today to be one of Alpha Phi’s collegiate leaders in Foundation fundraising. On behalf of these women, it is with heartfelt gratitude that I accept this award and encourage all collegiate chapter leaders to leave a legacy of excellence … and all collegiate chapter advisors to inspire the women they work with to achieve and exceed their goals so that Alpha Phi will continue to be the sorority of first choice!”

Our Distinguished Sister Series recognizes alumnae and collegians who are distinguished in their careers, on campus, in their communities and/or within the Fraternity. Look for additional profiles in upcoming issues of the magazine. If you know a distinguished alumna or collegian who you think should be featured, send her name, affiliation, details and contact information to quarterly@alphaphi.org.

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Editor’s Note: See page 4 for a listing of all alumnae chapter awards presented during Convention 2010.

CANADA BRITISH COLUMBIA British Columbia Alumnae welcomed recent graduates. They congratulate Frances Simpson (Beta ThetaBritish Columbia) on completing the Ride to Conquer Cancer, a two-day bike ride to raise money for the British Columbia Cancer Foundation. British Columbia Contact: Nav Sidhu (Beta Theta-British Columbia) navsidhu@gmail.com


Quebec Contact: Cindy Auger (Eta Chi-Bishop’s) Cindyauger@alumnae.alphaphi.org Facebook: Alpha Phi Quebec Alumnae Chapter

UNITED STATES ARKANSAS Arkansas Ann Wickenden Walters (Beta Kappa-Denison) hosted a luncheon at the Ponce de Leon Restaurant in Hot Springs Village. Red Dress Gala pins from Convention were presented and tales of past Conventions were shared. Alumnae are planning more road trips to meet sisters throughout the state. The August meeting celebrated the one-year anniversary of the signed charter and formation of the alumnae chapter. Arkansas Contact: Becky Othold Del Rio (Delta Tau-Louisiana State) bckydelr@sbcglobal.net

Toronto and Area Alumnae hosted a graduate luncheon for Toronto (Xi), Wilfrid Laurier (Iota Theta), Bishop’s (Eta Chi) and Western Ontario (Theta Eta) collegians. This was the first event of the recently re-combined Ontario South ivy connection and Toronto alumnae chapter. They look forward to a busy fall schedule. Toronto and Area Contact: Alexandra Makos (Xi-Toronto) alexandra.makos@gmail.com www.alphaphixi.com


CALIFORNIA San Diego Collegiate seniors were invited to participate in a happy hour to introduce them to the chapter and offer advice about entering the working world. San Diego Contact: Lisa Drury Hoeck (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis) lisa.hoeck@cbre.com Facebook: San Diego Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter


Quebec Members learned to cook a meal and held the annual meeting at Gillian Kumka’s (Beta Eta-Manitoba) home. They enjoyed a Founders’ Day ceremony and brunch. A holiday lunch and shopping are planned for Nov. 27. Visit Facebook for more information.

Members made study bags for Colorado collegians and participated in a progressive dinner. They participated in Denver’s (Iota Xi) initiation and attended a banquet at the collegiate chapter. Alumnae enjoyed a Summer in the Park event. They were proud to win an award for philanthropy during Convention.

Sisters also are proud of Audrey Dessauer (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve), who recently had a second opportunity to go through initiation. When Audrey was first initiated, she missed much of the ceremony because of a hearing loss. Audrey recently underwent cochlear implant surgery and asked Alpha Phi International for permission to go through the ceremony again - at Iota Xi. This time, she heard everything. Congratulations, Audrey! Denver Contact: Nancy Scoggins Kuhn (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) nancyk23@msn.com www.denverphis.com Facebook: Alpha Phi Denver Alumni

FLORIDA Daytona Beach Alumnae living in or visiting the Daytona Beach area are invited to join the chapter. A Founders’ Day luncheon was planned for October. Sisters will participate in a Foundation luncheon in February. They also plan to attend the local Panhellenic luncheons in November and April. Daytona Beach Contact: Linda Lampman (Pi-North Dakota) lindalampman@att.net

Fort Lauderdale/South Florida Alumnae joined Barry (Theta Omega) collegians to welcome Convention participants. The chapter is proud of Andi Etwaroo (Zeta OmicronJohns Hopkins), who received a Polaris Award. Andi’s mother, Leila, was very helpful during Convention, volunteering at the registration desk whenever needed. Fort Lauderdale/South Florida Contact: Susie Ferrara Turmes (Beta Tau-Indiana) susieturmes@yahoo.com

Jacksonville First Coast Members celebrated the chapter’s 20th anniversary with lunch at a local restaurant. Ruth Pfisterer Kling (Beta Alpha-Illinois) and Helen Mathews Harris (Phi-Oklahoma) received their 75-year pins. Lynne Palmquist McClurg (ThetaMichigan), Sally Widen Mier (Pi-North Dakota)




Alumnae participate in a Send Off Seniors ceremony.

Alumnae host a May luncheon.

Alumnae and graduating seniors enjoy a happy hour.


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and Carolyn Lucas Sutton (Theta-Michigan) received 50-year pins. Kathy Rountree Lechner (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate) was installed as president of the Jacksonville Alumnae Panhellenic Association. Jacksonville First Coast Contact: Kathy Rountree Lechner epictt@aol.com http://sites.google.com/site/alphaphijaxfl

Palm Beach and Treasure Coast Alumnae and friends enjoyed College Alumni Night at Roger Dean Stadium in Jupiter to see a Florida Hammerheads minor league baseball game. Members were excited about their Recognition Award during Convention as a silver level alumnae chapter. Palm Beach and Treasure Coast Contact: Nancy Stair Stainback (Gamma NuMiami University) nstainback@comcast.net

ILLINOIS Chicago Western Villages The kickoff meeting was a potluck dinner with spouses and friends. On the agenda for fall and early winter are a craft night, shopping fundraiser and white elephant gift exchange. Chicago Western Villages Contact: Chris Williams Barr (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) cwbarr@att.net Facebook: Chicago Western Villages

Lake County Alumnae hosted a senior tea for Lake Forest (Gamma Epsilon) collegians. They packed and distributed finals goody bags to collegians. During the collegiate chapter’s graduation festivities, alumnae served refreshments. Members enjoyed a demonstration of grilling techniques at a local Williams-Sonoma store. The Lunch Bunch group continues to enjoy conversation and laughs. Lake County Contact: Nancy Weaver Roach (Delta Epsilon-Iowa) roach@oldoak.net

Kansas Greater Kansas City Alumnae participated in a self-defense training class and collected items for a local halfway house. They enjoyed a Burgers and Bordeaux barbeque. Summer sisterhood events included an evening at Starlight Theatre to see “Beauty and the Beast,” a Kansas City Royals baseball game and A Divine Run 5K Run/Walk for SIDS Resources, Inc.


Greater Kansas City Contact: Kelli Wilson Daly (Nu-Nebraska) krwdaly@yahoo.com www.kc-aphis.com Facebook: Greater Kansas City Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter

Wichita Alumnae hosted a legacy bowling event for middle and high school girls to give them a peek into what Alpha Phi sisterhood is about. After bowling, Wichita State (Gamma Xi) collegians gave the legacies a tour of campus and served refreshments at the chapter house. Alumnae welcomed eight Gamma Xi graduating seniors into alumnae life with a senior ceremony. Wichita Contact: Marcia McKee Weddle (Gamma XiWichita State) mcweddle@cox.net www.alphaphigammaxi.com Facebook: Alpha Phi - Wichita KS

It is with great sadness that Denver alumnae note the passing of Nancy Tucker Arneson (Iota-Wisconsin). When Nancy joined Alpha Phi in 1954, it was the start of a lifetime love and commitment. She held various International offices including vice president of collegians, National Panhellenic Conference delegate and International Executive Board director. Nancy was also very involved with collegiate chapters in Nebraska, Wisconsin and Colorado. She was an active member of the Denver alumnae chapter. Nancy will be missed. This photo was taken during the Truman State (Iota Xi) initiation banquet. Nancy is in the first row, third from left.


MISSOURI St. Louis Gateway Members come together each month on the 10th for social and community events. New graduates, those new to the area and those who have been away for a while are all invited to join for some fun and friendship. One upcoming highlight is the annual holiday cookie exchange. For details, visit the chapter’s website. St. Louis Gateway Contact: Jamie Feighery Straka (Eta LambdaGeorge Mason) jamieastraka@earthlink.net www.gatewayalphaphi.com Facebook: St. Louis Gateway Alpha Phi

Catherine “Kate” Roney Meik (Theta-Michigan) is presented her 50-year pin by Linda Lampman (Pi-North Dakota).




Alumnae celebrate the chapter’s 20th anniversary.

Alumnae and friends enjoy a Florida Hammerheads minor league baseball game.

Alumnae make wedding favors for Krystal Rizzo’s (Delta Rho-Ball State) September wedding.They organized an assembly line, while singing songs that reminded them of their weddings. fall 2010

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mani-pedi event and enjoyed a walking tour of Greenwich Village.

NEBRASKA Omaha Alumnae played Bunco, enjoyed Asian cuisine at Kona Grill and visited Cold Stone Creamery for dessert. Omaha Contact: Jenn Fleming Dannehl (Delta XiNebraska/Kearney) jadannehl1012@yahoo.com

NEVADA Northern Nevada

Sisters enjoyed an evening of pampering pedicures at a local nail spa. They held a Foundation fundraiser dinner and participated in a wine night with other Reno City Alumnae Panhellenic Association Greek groups. Northern Nevada Contact: Fabienne Henry Hansen (Beta PsiSan Jose State) ms_fabienne@yahoo.com http://nnalphaphi.googlepages.com

NEW MEXICO Albuquerque Alumnae enjoyed the annual State Day lunch. Alice Maxine Chase Hickox (Omega-Texas) and Donna Douglas Price (Beta Nu-Duke) received their 50-year pins. Musical entertainment was provided by Jacqueline Zander-Wall, daughter of Emily Villars Zander (Beta-Northwestern), and her colleagues from the University of New Mexico Department of Music. Albuquerque Contact: Barbara Poore Throckmorton (Beta Kappa-Denison) bethrock@msn.com

NEW YORK NYC Metro Sisters got together for a game night and visited a comedy club. They volunteered during the AIDS Walk. Sisters pampered themselves during a


NYC Metro Contact: Jennifer Broadbent (Eta Iota-Pennsylvania) jennifer.broadbent@gmail.com www.nycalphaphi.org Facebook: NY APhi

NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Alumnae attended Cooking with Michael at Judy Bond Cooper’s (Beta Omega-Kent State) home. They enjoyed the second annual dinner and a show; this year they saw “Wicked.” The ivy circle spent a night downtown at the EpiCentre and bowled on ladies’ night. Bordeaux Buddies are meeting every month at the movies. Charlotte Contact: Stephanie Miller (Theta Xi-Shippensburg) aphistephm@hotmail.com http://charlottealphaphi.tripod.com Facebook: Charlotte Alpha Phi Alumni

Greenville Area Alumnae learned how to create heart notecards under the guidance of Nelle Lee Hayes (Delta Alpha-East Carolina); profits from the sale of the cards benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. They enjoyed painting pottery. Alumnae and East Carolina (Delta Alpha) collegians celebrated the collegiate chapter’s 50-year anniversary. Area alumnae are invited to join the Greenville group. Greenville Area Contact: Gail Burton Joyner (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) earmom@yahoo.com http://alphaphiecu.yolasite.com Facebook: Alpha Phi East Carolina


Ashland Area Contact: Ann Hathaway Schar (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) annie@anniesamishbaskets.com

Cincinnati Alumnae hosted a summer barbecue at Heather Wolff’s (Gamma Nu-Miami University) home. Members met for a planning dinner. Cincinnati Contact: Erin Johnson Shaw (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) eshaw5@cinci.rr.com

Cleveland East Nora Davis Kieser (Beta Omega-Kent State) hosted a meeting. Members enjoyed the annual summer picnic at Mary McKenzie Alley’s (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) home and a summer luncheon. Cleveland East Contact: Carina Samuelson Mauck (Eta Gamma-Akron) carinam@sbcglobal.net

Columbus Kimberly Spadoni Criscuolo (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) hosted an Alpha Phi-esta lawn party and silent auction. All proceeds benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. Ohio State (Rho) seniors and alumnae learned about different wines and then bottled and labeled their own. Members helped the local Alumnae Panhellenic raise money for the collegiate scholarship program. During Convention, the chapter received the Martha Mast Award and a Recognition Award as a diamond level alumnae chapter. Columbus Contact: Christine Novak Herrmann (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate) cmherrmann1@aol.com columbusalumnae-alphaphi.org

Ashland Area


Alumnae got ready for spring by shopping for flower and vegetable plants. They enjoyed a luncheon at Malabar Inn. Sisters enjoyed a summer get-together at Debby Bryden Gray’s home (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland), where President Ann Hathaway Schar (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) shared her Convention experience.

The chapter honored Oklahoma City (Delta Delta) seniors with a lunch and ceremony. Lisa Haning Blackburn (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) received a Michaelanean Award for outstanding service to the Fraternity. Fall events included Founders’ Day and Delta Delta’s 50th

Oklahoma City




Sisters enjoy a pedicure event.

Judy Giudice Tull (Omega-Texas), left, hands over the gavel to 2010-11 President Barbara Poore Throckmorton (Beta KappaDenison) during State Day.

Alumnae gather with East Carolina (Delta Alpha) collegians to celebrate 50 years of Alpha Phi at ECU.

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anniversary celebration. Members are proud of Jacque Leveridge Fiegel (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City), who co-chaired the Go Red For Women luncheon (see People, page 34). Oklahoma City Contact: Beth Anderson Brown (Phi-Oklahoma) banders@flash.net

Greater Tulsa Area Members volunteered for the Start! Tulsa Heart Walk and American Heart Association Go Red for Women. They attended Tulsa and Oklahoma City Panhellenic Women of the Year luncheons and the Oklahoma (Phi) chapter’s reunion weekend. Summer events included a family picnic and writing recommendations for recruitment. Members enjoy volunteering and reuniting and invite northeast Oklahoma alumnae to join them. Greater Tulsa Area Contact: Sonja Silva (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian) srsilva68@hotmail.com www.alphaphitulsa.com

OREGON Portland Alumnae gathered for a happy hour and a threemile walk for the American Heart Association. Sisters enjoyed a presentation of the Alpha Phi Foundation Heart to Heart Grant at Oregon Health Sciences University. Portland Contact: Joanne Finamore Godfrey (Eta DeltaCSU/East Bay) joannec@easystreet.net

PENNSYLVANIA Central Pennsylvania Members celebrated the chapter’s first anniversary with a luncheon and enjoyed a wine tasting event. Alumnae and Shippensburg (Theta Xi) collegians attended a meet-and-greet event to discuss Alpha Phi after graduation. Members visited Franklin & Marshall (Zeta Sigma) collegians for a cookie drop before finals week, followed by outlet shopping.

Central Pennsylvania Contact: Michele Lehman Carragan (Theta Xi-Shippensburg) miclele@aol.com www.aphicentralpa.com Facebook: Alpha Phi Alumnae Central PA Chapter


Greater Philadelphia Ivy Connection Members enjoyed happy hours, teaming with the traditional Philadelphia alumnae chapter for joint events, and the chapter’s annual open house. They plan to participate in the American Heart Association Heart Walk in November. Greater Philadelphia Ivy Connection Contact: Valene Chance (Theta Theta-St. Joseph’s) Valene.chance@gmail.com www.phillyivyconnection.org Facebook: Greater Philadelphia Ivy Connection

Members welcome Gamma Xi graduating seniors into alumnae life. PORTLAND, ORE.

TEXAS Dallas and Suburban During Convention, the chapter received the Excellence in Membership Award for small alumnae chapters, a Recognition Award as a diamond level alumnae chapter and an award for the most donated to the Foundation over the last biennium. Dallas and Suburban Contact: Leigh Ann Hoenig (Gamma Eta-North Texas) LHoenig@daisybrand.com www.alphaphidallas.org Facebook: Dallas & Suburban Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter

Members attended the presentation of the Alpha Phi Foundation Heart to Heart Grant to Oregon Health Sciences University. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS

Far North Dallas The chapter received three awards during Convention: Excellence in Membership, Excellence in Internal Operations and Most Outstanding Large Alumnae Chapter. This is the fourth biennium in a row that the chapter has won a Most Outstanding Alumnae Chapter award. Alumnae looked forward to the annual Party Barge boating trip that includes collegians and raises money for the Kim Neal Harlow (Omega-Texas) Shining Star Scholarship.

Alumnae enjoy a beach-themed bridal shower for Maria Garcia (Iota Beta-St. Mary’s). The July wedding had an all-Alpha Phi wedding party.

(continued on next page)




Alumnae enjoy a summer get-together.

Members celebrating 50 years of sisterhood are recognized.

Mothers and daughters enjoy the annual mother-daughter tea.

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Far North Dallas Contact: Ilana Rossel Steele (Delta BetaTexas A&M/Commerce) iasteele@aol.com www.fndaphis.org Facebook: Far North Dallas Alpha Phi

Fort Worth The annual mother-daughter tea included a silent auction and style show. Members attended an appetizer and dessert tasting at All In Good Taste Catering. Sara Callaway Williams (Omega-Texas), Susan Stone (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian) and Julie Krauss Goldstein (Beta Epsilon-Arizona) hosted a progressive dinner. The chapter supports the Alpha Phi-McFerrin Gold Stethoscope Award for nursing excellence at a local hospital. Fort Worth Contact: LeLynne Waltman-Knight (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian) lelynn@prodigy.net www.fortworthalphaphi.com Facebook: Fort Worth Alpha Phi

Lubbock Alumnae enjoyed the annual Spring Swirl Luncheon. They welcomed the newest members into the alumnae circle with a graduation celebration held at an area Symphony Tour Home owned by Natalie Day (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech). They helped Texas Tech (Gamma Iota) collegians during recruitment. Lubbock Contact: Kelly Plecker Shropshire (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) shrop@sbcglobal.net

San Antonio

North Tarrant County

New alumnae chapters

The chapter’s first meeting was held in September 2009. Events included installation, working for Santa’s Helpers in Southlake, a Founders’ Day ceremony, a cardiac awareness program and attending the Red Dress Gala at North Texas (Gamma Eta). Those in the area are invited to join.

Congratulations to the following chapters for recently receiving their charters!

North Tarrant County Contact: Donna Garrett Marshall (Delta BetaTexas A&M/Commerce) donnamarshall3@verizon.net

UTAH Salt Lake City Alumnae are proud that the chapter is active again. Sisters enjoyed getting together at various social events and service opportunities. They look forward to seeing the chapter grow. Salt Lake City Contact: Natalie Challier (Gamma Zeta-Puget Sound) natalie.challier@gmail.com http://saltlakealumnae.blogspot.com Facebook: Alpha Phi - Salt Lake Alumnae Chapter

VIRGINIA Virginia Peninsula Alumnae teamed with the Hampton Roads ivy connection to honor graduating seniors from Christopher Newport (Theta Phi) and welcomed them to the chapter. Virginia Peninsula Contact: Debra Parock Clotfelter (Chi-Montana) clotman@cox.net

To locate an alumnae chapter in your area, visit www.alphaphi.org.

Alumnae enjoyed the end of year Summer Splash event and the first in a series of game nights.

Lexington (Ky.) Alumnae Chapter Chartered: April 23, 2010 Chapter President: Bridget Eileen Coffey (Theta Phi-Christopher Newport) E-mail: bridget.coffey@alumnae.alphaphi.org Cleveland West (Ohio) Alumnae Chapter Chartered: July 7, 2010 Chapter President: Mitzi Wilson Gitlin (Beta Omega-Kent State) E-mail: Mitzi815@yahoo.com Alpha Phi International is excited to announce alumnae chapters and ivy connections are forming in the following areas:

Canada Ottawa-Gatineau Georgia Savannah Iowa Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Michigan Detroit Ivy Connection Missouri Columbia, Columbia Ivy Connection North Carolina Asheville Oklahoma Edmond Texas League City/Bay Area Alpha Phi International is excited to announce alumnae chapters are revitalizing in the following areas:

Florida Naples Indiana Indianapolis New Jersey Central New Jersey Tennessee Nashville Please contact Paige Stallings (Gamma-DePauw) at pstallings@alphaphi.org if you are interested in getting involved with any of these chapters or starting a chapter in your area.

San Antonio Contact: Heather Canales DeCamp (Iota Beta-St. Mary’s) sanantoniophis@yahoo.com www.sanantoniophis.com Facebook: San Antonio Alpha Phi Alum




Alumnae host a graduation celebration for their newest members.

Members hold the chapter’s first meeting.

Sisters enjoy a local AAA baseball game as an ivy circle activity.


Alpha Phi Quarterly

fall 2010

Good Reasons

to Spend $3 a Month #1: Your youngest sisters are depending on you. Your collegiate sisters make up only 9% of Alpha Phi’s membership, but are paying 90% of the dues collected … that’s a lot of responsibility on a few very young shoulders.

#2: Your dues are put to good use. Your $3 a month launches new social media applications and a complete redesign of www.alphaphi.org. You also keep more than 100,000 women connected through our magazine.

#3: You’re still enjoying the gifts that Alpha Phi has brought into your life.


Lifelong friends, valuable skills and incredible memories. Alpha Phi is a part of who you are, and who you will always be. a lu m n a e members


pay 90%

To thank you for doing your part, you’ll receive the following great benefits for as long as your alumnae dues are current:

of dues ColleCted

Full subscription to the Alpha Phi Quarterly magazine A one-year subscription to SELF magazine ($12 value!) A host of corporate discounts through Working Advantage

Yes, you can count on me to do my part!

Pay online at www.alphaphidues.com or mail this form to: Alpha Phi Executive Office 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201

I would like to make my …  Annual International dues payment at $36.38 (dues paid through June 30, 2011)  Lifetime International alumnae dues payment at $325 (dues paid for the rest of your life!) SPecIAL Offer: Pay your lifetime alumnae dues today and receive a limited-edition Alpha Phi gift, in addition to the great benefits listed above! Please note this dues payment is not considered a contribution to the Alpha Phi Foundation and therefore is not tax-deductible.

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Member ID# (See back of Quarterly)



Grad Year




Thank you for joining the thousands of alumnae just like you, who have stepped up and helped out! fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly


Star-Studded Event Raises $16,000 for Alpha


early 1,000 silver stars twinkled overhead on Friday night of Convention, each representing a five dollar honor donation to the Foundation. Suddenly, music filled the room, the bass causing everyone’s pulses to race just a little … it made you want to DANCE. And dance we did … In a “Dancing with the Stars”-style event, five “celebriPhi” dancers partnered with professional Miami dancers and choreographers to showcase their skills and the charitable programs of the Foundation. Each performance inspired votes – with dollars – by the audience members. The Foundation also celebrated its collegiate and alumnae Partners in Philanthropy winners, who raised collectively nearly $2 million during the past two years, and every sister who gave a special gift to the Foundation’s Campaign for Leadership.


Alpha Phi Quarterly

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The Foundation announced it surpassed its $10 Million by 2010

Campaign for Leadership goal – the largest fundraising campaign in NPC history! It took an entire sisterhood to accomplish this feat.

Thank you for investing in our tomorrow!

Phi Foundation Programs Martha Watkins Mast (Beta Nu-Duke) Past Foundation Chair Dance: The Merengue Program: Forget Me Not

Stefania Rudd (Theta Rho-Cameron) Fraternity Staff, Manager of Resources and Training Initiatives Dance: Country Program: Leadership Training “After all these years in New York, D.C. and Chicago – it’s good to know I’ve still got my Oklahoma roots! And it is great that the money I raised can help more women get leadership training, like at Alpha Phi’s Emerging Leaders Institute.”

“Oh, what a night to remember! I am sooo out of my comfort zone, but it’s worth it to help the Forget Me Not Fund. Our original tag line: ‘To help a sister you may never meet - that is the spirit of Alpha Phi.’ It was true then, and it’s true now!”

Linda Gardner Massie (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Alpha Phi Foundation Chair, Past International President Dance: Ballroom Program: Heritage “Another Alpha Phi first: the Foundation Chair dancing in front of 500 of her closest sisters! I think it is clear just how much I believe in Alpha Phi … and in seeing our glorious past as an important part of our future.” Susan Haber (Beta Delta-UCLA) Southwest Regional Manager Dance: Hip Hop Program: Women’s Heart Health

Kary Crumm Huffman (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Pacific Northwest Regional Housing Coordinator Dance: Disco Program: Scholarships “I once received a scholarship from the Foundation. It’s important to me to pay it forward for the next generation. Even if that means ripping off a graduation robe to reveal my red dress and dancing disco!”

“I’m a serious, conservative attorney. I can’t believe I’m doing this! Here’s why: I love my sisters, and Kary was crowned the Dancing I care about the work Queen of the evening, raising more the Foundation does than $5,000 for scholarships. See her for women’s hearts.” “backstage” video footage on YouTube (www.youtube.com) by searching “Kary Huffman dance.” fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly


Alpha Phi Toujours Heartfelt Gift Makes History, Ensures Future An illness … a fire … an accident … Alpha Phis in crisis.

Feb. 18, 1876: Our Founders voted that upon graduation, all members would make a gift, of whatever amount they could afford, to be used “exclusively [to] assist needy lady students.” We’re still helping Alpha Phis today … through the Foundation. “Our Forget Me Not Fund depends on annual contributions right now,” says Foundation Chair Linda Gardner Massie (Delta Alpha-East Carolina). She adds, “Our Forget Me Not Endowment – which provides continuing income specifically to help sisters and grows throughout the years – is very small.” During these precarious economic times, an increasing number of Alpha Phis need aid. Helping these women – all of whom have distressing stories – is a priority, Linda says.

A donor speaks

A chance meeting with an alumna (who prefers to remain anonymous) convinced the Foundation Board to make its Forget Me Not Endowment Fund a focus of major gift fundraising for this biennium. Here is the heart-warming story of how a major bequest will aid the Foundation in helping sisters in need. When Suzanne (not her real name) was 23 years old, she made her first will. She says, “Alpha Phi Foundation and my university were beneficiaries even then. The Fraternity was an important part of my college life that I remembered fondly then and still do today. The friends I made are still part of my life.” 20

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fall 2010

She told the Foundation of her bequest intent and became a member of the Clara Bradley Burdette planned giving society. For the next 30 years, Suzanne had a successful career, lived conservatively and watched her assets grow. Inheritance from her family, as well as her strong work ethic, soon made her realize that she had a significant estate and no family to share it. “I talked with my university development office and said I thought I’d like to set up a scholarship fund. However, the university staff convinced me that they had other needs that would be even more important to them, and that fit beautifully with my interests,” she says. “Suddenly I realized that my bequests to my university and to Alpha Phi Foundation shouldn’t just drop into these organizations with no planning. I needed to be more specific with what I wanted done with the money I was leaving to my favorite non-profits.”

There is a project in Alpha Phi that appeals to each of us. We need to find it and make it happen. We need to assure the future of our beloved Fraternity. Suzanne read the Quarterly faithfully and became convinced that the Foundation had a great need: endowing the Forget Me Not Fund to make it a major funding source for the Foundation. “I read that the maximum size of Forget Me Not grants had stayed the same for decades,” she says. “Even though the cost of living had quadrupled, the Foundation was able only to grant the same amount of aid to our sisters who were having difficulties

in their lives. Some of the stories I read about were tragic, and the recipients deeply appreciated receiving grants. I felt that Alpha Phi needed to consider inflation and increase its assistance to these women, so I wanted to do something specific.” During a meeting with Foundation staff members, Suzanne stated that she would like to make a major bequest – the largest the Foundation has ever received – to be directed to an endowment for the Forget Me Not Fund. This would ensure that her gift would work forever to help Alpha Phi sisters in crisis. Foundation staff welcomed the idea, agreed on the need, and told Suzanne that no sisters had ever established an endowment for this wonderful purpose. The Foundation’s Board, hearing of Suzanne’s generosity, realized that this biennium would be the time to focus on this fund. Suzanne’s generous bequest kicks off a special major gift fundraising effort for the next two years: building the Forget Me Not Fund to help sisters. What better time to focus on helping needy members than during a time when so much heartache has come to our society? Suzanne is delighted to know that her bequest is leading to this special fundraising effort. “Women need to know how important their wills can be to an organization like Alpha Phi,” she says. “I feel so good knowing that my research into the Foundation’s mission caused me to propose this endowment and also was an impetus to the Foundation Board to focus on Forget Me Not fundraising.” Suzanne encourages members to remember the Foundation in their wills as soon as they make them. “I never would have thought it possible that my hard work would help the organization I love so much help other sisters in such a major way,” she says. She also suggests that members read carefully information from the Foundation about their mission and that they talk with Foundation staff members about the Foundation’s ‘wish list.’

“There is a project in Alpha Phi that appeals to each of us. We need to find it and make it happen. We need to assure the future of our beloved Fraternity,” she says. Please contact Executive Director Ann Brinkman Carstensen at 847.316.8950 or acarstensen@alphaphi.org about making a sustaining gift to the Alpha Phi Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization. Consult your tax advisor about your estate and tax deductibility.

From the Heart … Forget Me Not Grant Recipients Say Thank You “Right now I am without words. I feel so grateful and blessed to be a part of an organization like this. This assistance from the Alpha Phi Foundation will allow me to get closer to being back on my feet and moving forward with my life. I feel like a huge weight has just been lifted off my shoulders. I cannot wait until the day that I can give back to the Foundation to help others, just as it has helped me. Thank you so much. I am so grateful.”

-Elyce “In 2008, I was lucky enough to have been given a Forget Me Not Emergency Grant during a time when I thought I might lose everything I had. That emergency grant ultimately kept me from bankruptcy and foreclosing on my condo. Today, I have a permanent job, my medical and credit card bills are paid, and I was able to keep my home. I am so grateful and humbled to have all of this during such tragic economic times for many. When I pledged Alpha Phi, I never imagined that I would ever be in such need, and moreover, that my sorority’s foundation would be there for me in such an awesome way. Tears well up in my eyes to think of how far I have come since that time, and how I could not have done it without the gracious help of the Foundation. Thank you so much for believing in me and helping me in such a great time of need. Alpha Phi continues to mean so much to me, and I cannot think of enough ways to thank you from the bottom of my heart.”


fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly


2010 Emerging Leaders Institute Participants for Session 1 Amy Armenta (Eta Theta-San Francisco State) Cayla Berry (Nu-Nebraska) Rebecca Catton (Delta Theta-Western Michigan) Leigha Chaize (Eta Xi-UNC/Wilmington) Alexandra “Alex” Colello (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) Brittany Covert (Epsilon Theta-Northern Iowa) Kate Crook (Pi-North Dakota) Taryn Cummings (Beta Zeta-Idaho)


wo Emerging Leaders Institutes (ELI) were held this summer at Butler University (Indianapolis, Ind.). This interactive learning experience included large and small group discussions, trust building activities and personal reflection. Topics ranged from values clarification to communication skills to stewardship.

A total of 100 emerging leaders attended the Institutes thanks to a full scholarship funded by the Alpha Phi Foundation that included all travel, lodging and meals. These sophomore and junior women show great potential as leaders!

Maureen Dady (Beta Gamma-Colorado) Nicole Dannehower (Delta Zeta-Maryland)

“I now have the confidence that I lacked before coming to ELI.

Chelsea Denissen (Epsilon-Minnesota) Erica Dreher (Eta Omega-Towson) Taylor Duhe (Beta Nu-Duke)

I realize what my own values are and how I can utilize them in being a leader. I learned how

Caitlin Farrell (Eta Tau-SUNY/Cortland) Elise Fornaca (Zeta Beta-Loyola Marymount) Theresa Gallego (Beta Epsilon-Arizona) Chinna Gangadharan (Theta-Michigan) Sappho Gilbert (Zeta Phi-MIT)

important values and leading with integrity are.”

Kaitlin Hanas (Delta Rho-Ball State) Taylor Harrell (Eta Rho San Diego) Caitlin “Cait” Harris (Theta PhiChristopher Newport)

Brittany Covert (Epsilon Theta-Northern Iowa)

Brittany Hartman (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) Katherine Hoit (Epsilon Delta-Northern Illinois) Erika Hooker (Delta-Cornell) Sarah Howard (Delta Nu-Maine) Caitlin Jacobs (Beta Pi-USC) Alivia Jelinski (Beta Theta-British Columbia) Teresa Johnson (Psi-South Dakota)

“I completely feel ready to assume an executive position in my chapter now. I know I can serve as a steward, including and involving

Alissa LaMotte (Eta Eta-Seton Hall)

all of the leadership skills that I learned at ELI.”

Laura Lanier (Iota Mu-Georgia Tech)

Maureen Dady (Beta Gamma-Colorado)

Samantha Lewis (Epsilon Eta-Old Dominion) Lauren Locke (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) Sarah Machat (Eta Kappa-UC/Irvine) Amanda Metternich (Gamma-DePauw) Kathryn “Kaylee” Mosher (Eta Delta-CSU/East Bay) Brionne Mousseau (Theta Sigma-Southern Utah) Katherine “Katie” Niedt (Iota Kappa-Dartmouth) Elizabeth Palumbo (Gamma Rho-Penn State) Dana Schroeder (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) Kyle Sellers (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst) Andrea Serena (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green) Lauren Shepherd (Eta Beta-CSU/San Bernardino) Lauren Stewart (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Anneke Suyderhoud (Epsilon GammaSacramento State) Anette Szulc (Xi-Toronto) Schyler Turrin (Iota Iota-George Washington) Kaitlin Van Scooter (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) Courtney Woodworth (Beta Mu-Alabama) Kari Zuvela (Gamma Alpha-San Diego State)

Silver Circle Facilitators for Session 1 Lisa Cooley (Delta Mu-Purdue) Sara Mayer (Delta Chi-William Woods) Alison Nash (Xi-Toronto) Jennifer Rabas (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate) Misty Wilson (Theta Xi-Shippensburg)


Alpha Phi Quarterly

fall 2010

“It was one of the

most uplifting and empowering weeks of my life.”

Kathryn “Kaylee” Mosher (Eta Delta-CSU/East Bay)

Participants for Session 2

“I have learned to believe in myself and that I am capable of things I did not even know. I feel I have grown as a person and a leader. I have a greater appreciation for all things Alpha Phi, and my passion for our sisterhood and values have never been stronger.”

Jennifer Anderson (Tau-Oregon)

Sarah Fedy (Theta Eta-Western Ontario)

Kristen Cheng (Eta Chi-Bishop’s)

Alison “Ali” Barnes (Delta Rho-Ball State) Emily Basham (Beta-Northwestern) Hilke Brandon (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney) Shannon Cannizzaro (Eta Sigma-Lafayette) Kenzie Carden (Iota Nu-Kentucky) Mara Casky (Iota-Wisconsin) Elizabeth Charlton (Theta Iota-James Madison) Grace Czechowski (Theta Kappa-Rochester) Carrie Eberhard (Iota ZetaColorado School of Mines) Lisa Falk (Epsilon Iota-Duquesne) Sarah Fedy (Theta Eta-Western Ontario) Desiree Flores (Gamma Beta-UC/Santa Barbara) Caitlyn Goldschmidt (Rho-Ohio State) Maria Grady (Chi-Montana) Christen Heinsohn (Omicron-Missouri) Megan Helsel (Zeta Sigma-Franklin & Marshall) Veronica Hill (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) Alexia Hincks (Beta Upsilon-Oregon State) Sarah Katherine Johnson (Delta DeltaOklahoma City) Kayla Jowdy (Iota Lambda-Connecticut) Brianna Juhrend (Iota GammaUniversity of the Pacific) Molly Kalamarides (Eta Psi-Eastern Washington) Samantha Kauser (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis) Shannon Kelly (Delta Epsilon-Iowa) Ji Su “Jenny” Kim (Eta Iota-Pennsylvania) Lauren Klaus (Theta Lambda-Central Missouri) Courtney Lindgren (Gamma KappaCSU/Long Beach) Kaitlin “Katie” Lundy (Epsilon Xi-Southern Illinois) Lyndsey Lustig (Eta Lambda-George Mason)

“ELI helped me realize that by being a leader, you don’t always need to be in charge.

It is more about working together and through strong healthy relationships that leadership is achieved.”

Maria Sandvig (EtaBoston)

Megan Miller (Iota Eta-DePaul) Alexandra Myers (Lambda-UC/Berkeley) Morgan Myers (Beta Delta-UCLA) Stephanie Nielsen (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Krystal Nungaray (Eta Upsilon-Chapman) Alexandra “Alex” Palmer (Beta BetaMichigan State) Jennifer Pickering (Beta Tau-Indiana) Caitlyn Pritchard (Sigma-Washington) Megan Randle (Gamma Eta-North Texas) Elia Robertson (Theta Theta-St. Joseph’s) Catherine Rose (Zeta Omicron-Johns Hopkins) Maria Sandvig (Eta-Boston) Sara Siciliano (Epsilon Upsilon-CSU/Northridge) Laura Suárez (Alpha-Syracuse) Brittany Svirbely (Eta Gamma-Akron) Kerry Sweeney (Theta Upsilon-CSU/Chico) Ashlee Thomas (Gamma Pi-Arizona State) Victoria Walker (Eta Omicron-Virginia Tech) Jane Weir (Phi-Oklahoma) Christine Wolfl (Iota Theta-Wilfrid Laurier)

Lead Facilitators for Sessions 1 and 2

Staff Support for Sessions 1 and 2

Karyn Nishimura Sneath, NPower

Denise Jung Reens (Epsilon DeltaNorthern Illinois)

Genevieve Evans Taylor (Psi-South Dakota) Cathy McKay (Theta Iota-James Madison)

Stefania Rudd (Theta Rho-Cameron)

Silver Circle Facilitators for Session 2 Evelyn Cheng (Eta Kappa-UC/Irvine) Jillian Kachel (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Tracy Lungrin (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney) Melissa “Missy” Moody (Beta BetaMichigan State) Patricia “Patti” Shears (Beta OmicronBowling Green State) fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly


disease survivor. The event featured dinner, guest speakers, a silent auction and live entertainment.

CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) Editor’s Note: See page 4 for a listing of all collegiate chapter awards presented during Convention 2010.


CANADA BRITISH COLUMBIA British Columbia (Beta Theta) The chapter kept fit during summer by participating in the Alpha Phi SELF Challenge 2010. Sisters hit the gym, swam, hiked, attended spinning classes and did yoga together. Several members studied abroad during the summer. Three sisters served as Pi Gammas during fall formal recruitment.

Beta Mus enjoyed a crawfish boil with Pi Kappa Alphas to raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation and American Cancer Society. Sisters took second place in Sigma Chi Derby Days. Graduates celebrated with Senior Week and a senior ceremony that was attended by Birmingham and Tuscaloosa area alumnae. Fall highlights included Homecoming week, swaps, Greek Fest and philanthropy events. Family Weekend was Oct. 1-3 and featured attending a football game and brunch. Beta Mu Online: www.alphaphialabama.com

Beta Theta Online: www.alphaphiubc.com



Toronto (Xi)

Arizona State (Gamma Pi)

Members were thrilled to be awarded Most Improved Chapter (Silver Level) during Convention. They enjoyed sisterhood retreats and informal trips and activities to keep members connected during the summer. They are excited about the chapter’s first Red Dress Gala in November and annual Jump-a-Thon philanthropy event.

The chapter’s first Bounce for Beats cardiac care awareness event raised more than $700 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Gamma Pi was one of 14 chapters to participate in the Frances E. Willard Day of Service. One hundred members were in attendance and took part in five hours of community service. Members participated in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Sisters performed the new senior ceremony to transition graduating seniors to alumnae life.

Xi Online: www.alphaphixi.com

Wilfrid Laurier (Iota Theta) Iota Theta is working with the university to develop a scholarship for high school students. They hosted the second annual Red Dress Gala in the fall. Members participated in community events to raise awareness for different causes, as well as to promote the chapter. Iota Theta Online: www.laurieralphaphi.com

Gamma Pi Online: www.asualphaphi.com

CALIFORNIA CSU/East Bay (Eta Delta) Eta Delta’s first Red Dress Gala in May raised more than $9,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. More than 100 attendees included alumnae and the father of a collegian who is a heart

The chapter enjoyed sisterhood events such as karaoke night, ice skating, scrapbooking and shirt tie-dyeing. Members hosted Phi’d the Hungry, a clothing and food drive, and took part in several beach clean-ups. They took first place in an on campus tug-of-war competition and participated in Greek Week and Greek Sing. Elise Severson serves as Panhellenic president, and Amanda Haney is on her second term as Order of Omega president. Annie Williams was awarded the Greater Long Beach Area Panhellenic Alumnae Scholarship. Members look forward to continuing to raise the chapter GPA this fall. Gamma Kappa Online: www.alphaphicsulb.com www.myspace.com/csulbalphaphi

CSU/Northridge (Epsilon Upsilon) The sixth annual Red Dress Ball benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. It was attended by more alumnae and other Greek groups than ever before. Epsilon Upsilon Online: Facebook: Alpha Phi-Epsilon Upsilon Chapter

San Diego State (Gamma Alpha) Members worked hard all summer in preparation for fall recruitment. They look forward to the annual Ivy Splash philanthropy event during the fall and the Red Dress Gala in the spring.

Santa Clara (Zeta Gamma) Zeta Gammas were proud to be recognized as a top philanthropic collegiate chapter during Convention for their 2008-10 donations to the Alpha Phi Foundation. The chapter was also recognized for Outstanding Philanthropy by the Santa Clara Panhellenic Council after a successful Red Dress Gala, which raised more than $40,000 for the Foundation. Zeta Gamma Online: www.scaphi.com




Gamma Pis welcome graduating seniors to alumnae life with a senior ceremony.

Sisters host the sixth annual Red Dress Gala.

Members participate in a walk to benefit lupus research.


Alpha Phi Quarterly

fall 2010



Colorado School of Mines (Iota Zeta)

Georgia Tech (Iota Mu)

The chapter enjoyed a successful formal recruitment with the theme “Alpha Phi: Where the Stars Are.” The new member class was initiated in October. Sisters will celebrate Halloween with the annual Nightmare on Greek Street event where local children visit haunted houses set up by the fraternities and sororities on campus. The chapter celebrates its 10th anniversary by hosting an alumnae event on Nov. 7. Iota Zeta Online: www.freewebs.com/alphaphiiotazeta

Northern Colorado (Delta Gamma) Sisters were proud to receive the Betty Mullins Jones Panhellenic Participation award during Convention for making a significant impact on the Panhellenic system on their campus. The chapter celebrates its 50th anniversary this fall. They invited Delta Gamma alumnae to celebrate the milestone with various activities in October.

Members spent time together during the summer. Laura Lanier attended the Emerging Leaders Institute in June. The chapter celebrated its second successful year of formal recruitment on campus and welcomed fabulous new members. Sisters looked forward to their second annual Red Dress Gala. Iota Mu Online: www.gtalphaphi.org

ILLINOIS Eastern Illinois (Zeta Alpha) Zeta Alpha celebrated a first place win in both Greek Week and intramurals. The chapter was proud to co-host the Shannon McNamera (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) Run and to attend a Girls Fight Back lecture led by Erin Weed (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois). Members looked forward to fall formal recruitment and Homecoming with Sigma Pi.

Ball State (Delta Rho)

Delaware (Epsilon Nu)

Delta Rho received three awards during the university’s Grand Chapter recognition event during the spring: Excellence in Philanthropy, Excellence in Community Service Involvement and Excellence in Scholarship.

Epsilon Nu Online: www.udalphaphi.com

Butler (Epsilon Beta)

George Washington (Iota Iota)

Epsilon Beta received an Excellence in Scholarship award during Convention. The chapter continues to have the highest GPA of the women’s groups on campus.

Iota Iota Online: http://gwalphaphi.weebly.com


Collegians celebrate a successful formal recruitment. NEW HAMPSHIRE (ETA ALPHA)

Delta Rho Online: http://alphaphi.iweb.bsu.edu

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA During the university’s 2010 Greek Excellence Awards, Iota Iota received the highest award of Gold Standard, and Libby Marsh was named New Member of the Year. Sisters participated in a walk to benefit lupus research after discovering a member’s mother suffers from the disease; they were named Top Greek Team.

Sisters are excited to participate in the Alpha Phi SELF Challenge.


DELAWARE The chapter hosted the second annual Red Dress Gala on Oct. 15. Alumnae and family were invited to attend.


Epsilon Beta Online: www.ebalphaphi.com

DePauw (Gamma) Gamma hosted the King of Hearts event to benefit cardiac care. They enjoyed the APhi PD informal and All That Glitters formal event.

Members pose before participating in tug-of-war and powderpuff competitions during Greek Week.

(continued on next page)




Members celebrate a successful Red Dress Gala that raised $3,000.

Collegians participate in and support runners at the Lincoln National Guard Marathon and Half-Marathon.

Sisters take a break from walking during the American Cancer Society Relay for Life.

fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly


Sisters continue to make strides on campus as organization leaders, athletes and scholars. They were proud to achieve the second highest GPA on campus.

IOWA Drake (Gamma Omicron) The Fast Phi’t philanthropy week was a success, thanks to support from parents and the Greek community. Sisters were proud to receive two awards during Convention: Excellence in Marketing and Excellence in Recruitment. Fall highlights included formal recruitment and the fifth annual Red Dress Gala. Gamma Omicron Online: www.drakealphaphi.org Twitter: DrakeAlphaPhi

Iowa (Delta Epsilon) Seven members studied abroad during the spring semester. House Mother Gloria Parsons, who worked with the chapter for 12 years, retired, and the chapter welcomed new House Mother Faye Algers in the fall. The annual Pancake Breakfast philanthropy event was held Oct. 9 at a new venue – the chapter house. Members received the university’s award for Best Sorority Formal Recruitment and Retention. Delta Epsilon Online: www.uiowa.edu/~aphi

KANSAS Wichita State (Gamma Xi) During the university’s Rhatigan Awards, which recognize outstanding achievement and excellence in the Greek community, the chapter received an award for Membership Recruitment, Intake and Retention. Lauren Hoch also received the Outstanding New Member award. Gamma Xi Online: www.alphaphigammaxi.com



Maine (Delta Nu)

Minnesota (Epsilon)

The chapter is proud to have been awarded Most Outstanding Collegiate Chapter during Convention. Delta Nu also was recognized by the university as Sorority of the Year, and Chapter Advisor Samantha Lott-Hale (Delta Nu-Maine) was named Outstanding Sorority Advisor. Fall events included formal recruitment and the third annual Red Dress Gala. Sarah Howard represented the chapter at the 2010 Emerging Leaders Institute.

Sisters were pleased to welcome new members after another successful fall formal recruitment. They celebrated Founders’ Day with a weekend of festivities. To raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation, they hosted the first Phiesta Bowl flag football tournament on Oct. 16. Sisters look forward to their fall formal on Nov. 13.

Delta Nu Online: www.umaine.edu/alphaphi

MARYLAND Maryland (Delta Zeta) Members hosted the second annual Mr. Greek pageant with Tau Kappa Epsilon that benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation and The Ronald Reagan Alzheimers Association. They welcomed 32 new members. The chapter received university awards for Outstanding Individual Member Involvement and Outstanding Faculty Outreach. They looked forward to the Oct. 1 Red Dress Gala. Delta Zeta Online: www.marylandalphaphi.com

MICHIGAN Western Michigan (Delta Theta) Delta Theta will reach a special milestone in 2012 – its 50-year anniversary. The chapter history committee, made up of both alumnae and collegians, is currently collecting information, photos and stories to organize and archive in preparation of the anniversary. Those who have photos or information to share for the project should e-mail alumnae@deltathetaalphaphi.org. A special celebration is planned for October 2012; more information will follow. Delta Theta Online: www.deltatheta-alphaphi.org

MISSOURI Washington University (Zeta Upsilon) Sisters spent the summer traveling, studying and exploring careers. Several members studied abroad. Fall highlights included a sisterhood retreat and the third Red Dress Gala. Zeta Upsilon Online: http://alphaphi.wustl.edu/index-new.htm

NEBRASKA Nebraska (Nu) The chapter hosted a successful Phiva Las Vegas casino night philanthropy event in the spring. Sisters raised money for the Alpha Phi Foundation and the BryanLGH Heart Institute. Several sisters participated in the Lincoln National Guard Marathon and Half-Marathon. Nu Online: www.unl.edu/aphi

NEW HAMPSHIRE Dartmouth (Iota Kappa) Iota Kappas reestablished their relationship with Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth and fostered one with David’s House (Lebanon, N.H.). The chapter’s first Carnival for a Cause raised $2,200 for the National Down Syndrome Society. Members supported the American Cancer Society through Relay for Life and the Susan G. Komen Foundation by participation in the second annual Think Pink Barbeque. The chapter’s Red Dress Gala is scheduled for Nov. 5. Iota Kappa Online: www.wix.com/dartmouthaphi/Alpha-Phi




Members pose before a Greek Week event.

Sisters welcome new members during Bid Day.

Collegians bike 180 miles in three days to support the Children’s Miracle Network.


Alpha Phi Quarterly

fall 2010

New Hampshire (Eta Alpha)


Sisters celebrated their second consecutive Greek Week victory, highlighted by a win in the first Air Bands competition. Collegians co-sponsored a 24-hour Teeter Totter-athon event with Lambda Chi Alpha to raise money for the Brian Hanafin Memorial Scholarship. The chapter welcomed two new sisters during the fall: Heather Kofoed, who transferred from Alabama (Beta Mu), and Lyndsay Handell, who transferred from Bowling Green State (Beta Omicron).

Duke (Beta Nu)

Eta Alpha Online: www.alphaphi-unh.com

NEW YORK Rensselaer (Theta Tau) The chapter welcomed back 15 years of Theta Tau sisters for an alumnae weekend that included the second annual Red Dress Gala. Sisters, alumnae, friends and families enjoyed dinner and a silent auction, and $5,000 was raised for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Members were proud to receive an Excellence in Philanthropy award during Convention. Theta Tau Online: http://alphaphi.union.rpi.edu Twitter: aphithetatau

Rochester (Theta Kappa) Sisters welcomed 23 new members during formal recruitment, the largest class of all sororities. The chapter received the university’s Strategic Planning Award, the highest award designated by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs. They celebrated with a spring formal and said goodbye to graduates with a senior sendoff.

SUNY/Buffalo (Theta Epsilon) Collegians and alumnae celebrated the chapter’s 20th anniversary. The Red Dress Gala was a success and the founders of the chapter were a wonderful addition to the event. They shared old cheers and laughs. The new members were able to see how much fun raising money for a good cause and meeting up with old friends can be.

The chapter won the university’s Greek award for Best Philanthropy and received a Most Improved Formal Recruitment award during Convention. Spring highlights included mixers, an Easter egg hunt and a group belly dancing class. Mother and Father Days were held in August. Sisters will host the second annual Red Dress Gala on Oct. 23.


Beta Nu Online: www.duke.edu/web/aphi/Welcome.html

OHIO Ashland (Epsilon Alpha) Members celebrated graduates during a Seniors Week that included presents and a Phi family dinner.

New members win first place in a dance philanthropy event. OHIO STATE (RHO)

Epsilon Alpha Online: http://alphaphiepsilonalpha.webs.com

Baldwin-Wallace (Delta Upsilon) The fall Cardiac Arrest philanthropy event raised money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. During the summer, sisters attended the Miss Ohio Pageant to support Ashley Warholic. Ashley won five of the seven awards presented as well as the non-finalist interview award. Delta Upsilon Online: www.alphaphibwc.com http://twitter.com/AlphaPhiBWC

Collegians pose before spring formal. CAMERON (THETA RHO)

Miami University (Gamma Nu) New members won Delta Zeta’s Puttin’ on the Hits dance philanthropy event. Alumnae enjoyed brunch and looking through scrapbooks during an Alumnae Weekend. Members raised more than $2,200 for the Alpha Phi Foundation during a Mom’s Weekend silent auction. Other events included Cardiac Care Awareness Week and the annual King of Hearts philanthropy event. Gamma Nu Online: www.alphaphimuohio.com

Sisters host a dunking booth during the university’s carnival.




Heather Snyder, Katelyn Sparks and Sam Callender study abroad in Mexico during spring semester.

Sisters bond during formal.

Members enjoy Greek Day.

fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly


Ohio State (Rho) The chapter held a risk management event about the dangers of tanning. During Greek Week, members won first place in the annual Greek Olympics, and the dance team won fourth place in the variety show. They also enjoyed a spring formal. Rho Online: http://alphaphi.org.ohio-state.edu

OKLAHOMA Cameron (Theta Rho) Sisters joined Sigma Tau Gammas to host a dunking booth during the university’s end of the year carnival. Members look forward to implementing what they learned during Convention into the chapter.

OREGON Linfield (Theta Alpha) Four sisters studied abroad during the spring, and several participated in internships and study abroad programs during the summer.

Oregon (Tau) The chapter received the Order of the Lamp Award during Convention. Fall events included formal recruitment and an alumnae event.

PENNSYLVANIA Duquesne (Epsilon Iota) Fourteen new members were initiated following a successful formal recruitment. They enjoyed a formal dance and celebrated Cardiac Care Week with various events, including a heart-healthy bake sale and a hip-hop class. The annual Eat Your Heart Out wing-eating contest raised money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. During summer, sisters spent time together and prepared for the fall Red Dress Gala. Epsilon Iota Online: www.duqalphaphi.com

West Chester (Epsilon Kappa)

Old Dominion (Epsilon Eta)

Members were proud to receive the university’s Service to the Campus award and received the highest GPA among Greek groups for the spring semester. Fall events included formal recruitment and the 48-Hour Teeter-Totter event.

Sisters initiated nine new members and celebrated the chapter’s 40th anniversary. They held a Service of Remembrance in honor of young alumna Whitney Hulce (Epsilon Eta-Old Dominion) that was attended by Whitney’s friends and family, alumnae and members of other Greek groups.

Epsilon Kappa Online: http://wcuaphi.tripod.com/index.html

SOUTH DAKOTA South Dakota (Psi) The chapter awarded 40 scholarships to its members that totaled $27,700 – the highest dollar amount presented by any student organization. Sisters hosted an alumnae sleepover in May to celebrate the chapter’s 90th anniversary. They are very proud of the chapter’s long history. Psi Online: http://aphisouthdakota.moonfruit.com

UTAH Southern Utah (Theta Sigma)

During Convention, the chapter received the Order of the Lamp Award, and Advisor Kathleen Squires McDowell (Theta Sigma-Southern Utah) received the Michaelanean Award. Two members were honored with university awards: Timian Yoshimoto received the Female Contributor of the Year Award, and Raquel Roldan received the Sterling R. Church Involvement Award. In the past academic semester, 25 percent of the chapter was on the dean’s list, and their GPA increased. Theta Sigma Online: www.alphaphisuu.com

VIRGINIA George Mason (Eta Lambda) Two philanthropy events raised $14,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters were Greek Week champions and received eight excellence and four individual awards during the university’s Greek Standards of Excellence ceremony. Megan Cadow is a 2010-11 educational leadership consultant.

Epsilon Eta Online: www.alphaphi-odu.com

WEST VIRGINIA West Virginia (Beta Iota) Beta Iota was recognized with the awards of Outstanding Recruitment and Outstanding Philanthropy during the university’s Greek Awards Banquet. Fall events included formal recruitment, a 5k/10k Race for Your Heart and the PHIFA soccer tournament.

WISCONSIN Marquette (Eta Mu) The chapter’s Red Dress Affair and Cardiac Arrest philanthropy events raised $6,200 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Members participated in the university’s Hunger Clean-up and the Milwaukee Breast Cancer Walk. Sisters also volunteered at a local homeless shelter and made Valentine’s Day cards for the elderly. Eta Mu Online: http://alphaphimu.org http://twitter.com/alphaphietamu

Wisconsin/Stout (Gamma Sigma) The chapter received the university’s Event of the Year award for its Red Dress Gala. Members took first place in Greek Week. They enjoyed a night cruise for their spring formal. A 5K walk/run philanthropy event was held on Oct. 2. Gamma Sigma Online: www.aphistout.com

Eta Lambda Online: www.gmu.edu/org/AlphaPhi/index.html




Members celebrate winning Alpha Tau Omega’s World Cup tournament.

Sisters congratulate recent graduates.

Collegians host the Cardiac Arrest philanthropy event.


Alpha Phi Quarterly

fall 2010

Extension Update


Florida State Alpha Phi Now

Fall 2010 marks Alpha Phi’s return to Florida State University in Tallahassee, Fla. The installation of Alpha Phi’s Gamma Phi chapter originally took place in 1959, and the Fraternity is thrilled to return to this prestigious sorority community. On Aug. 16-17, Alpha Phi collegians from Alabama (Beta Mu), Virginia (Zeta Iota) and Virginia Tech (Eta Omicron) participated in the first round of formal recruitment and introduced FSU to Alpha Phi. Visit www.fsualphaphi.com for more information regarding the colonization. Go Noles!

Iota Mu

—G ero

Iota Nu —Kentu ck

gia T ech


This fall, Alpha Phi will be making formal extension presentations at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Mass., and Whitman College in Walla Walla, Wash. If you live near these campuses, please contact Megan Bouché at mbouche@alphaphi.org.

Alabama Beta Mu—

The extension and marketing department welcomes Cassidy Rosenthal (Beta Gamma-Colorado) to the role of manager of new chapter development. All the best to Stephanie Nordstrom (Iota Alpha-Pepperdine) as she pursues new opportunities in public relations!

fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly




Alpha Phi Quarterly

fall 2010

Alpha Phis Lobby in D.C.


wo Alpha Phis were among the members of NorthAmerican Interfraternity Conference (NIC) and National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) Greek organizations who participated in congressional visits in April in Washington, D.C. Aliza Fishbein (Zeta OmicronJohns Hopkins) participated as Alpha Phi International’s collegiate representative for a second consecutive year, and Lory Fraraccio Kenney (Eta Gamma-Akron) attended as an alumna representative. Over the last several years, the Capital Fraternal Caucus has scheduled these visits to lobby to pass the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act (H.R. 1547/S. 781). The bill is critical for Greeks and other not-for-profit student organizations because there is currently a disparity in the way the tax law is written for not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organizations. If one were to donate money to a university or college, the institution could use those dollars for any purpose, including building dormitories. That same donation to a not-for-profit student housing organization like a fraternity or sorority could not be used for building infrastructure. The ability to provide safe housing to students is a top priority to Greek

Aliza Fishbein is pictured with Congresswoman Lynn Robinson Woolsey and Lory Fraraccio Kenney during the NIC/NPC lobbying conference in Washington, D.C. organizations; however, they are unable to raise the funds needed to upgrade their houses. Currently only 39 percent of Greek houses have fire sprinkler systems, and the average cost to retrofit a house with fire suppression equipment is $48,000 and can be up to $250,000. Fire-related deaths are the leading cause of death for college and university students. There has never been a student fatality from fire in a house with a sprinkler system installed. Participants discussed the bill and its importance and were trained in

lobbying technique. They met with staff and Congressional members, including Rep. Lynn Robinson Woolsey (Sigma-Washington). The congresswoman credited the visit for her endorsement of the bill in a speech she made at the political action committee dinner. As a result of this year’s visits, the bill gained an additional 28 representatives for a total of 213 co-sponsors in the House and an additional senator for a total of 29 co-sponsors in the Senate.

Promoting Alpha Phi in Spain

Small World


ntonia Taylor Christianson (Theta Phi-Christopher Newport) is owner of Antonia Christianson Events, a full service event planning and design firm in Virginia Beach, Va. Her company has worked on Alpha Phis’ weddings, and she has Alpha Phis working for her. Four of her interns are collegians from Christopher Newport (Theta Phi), and staff member Melanie Pence Spears is a Theta Phi alumna. Antonia says it is her duty and pleasure to help sisters grow in a professional realm.

Antonia Christianson, middle, poses with client and Theta Phi alumna Ryan Smith (second from left) and interns Melanie Bahr (left), Shannon Perangelo (second from right) and Stephanie Spence (right).

Sisters Jessica Safir (Iota Gamma-University of the Pacific) and Sarah Safir (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) show off their Alpha Phi pride during the 2010 festival of San Fermín in Pamplona, Spain.

fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly


Reunions Beta Mus Meet After 50 Years The return of the Alabama (Beta Mu) collegiate chapter helped jump-start some old friendships, and several alumnae from the mid-1950s began to reconnect. For some, a get-together in Scottsboro, Ala., was the first time they’d seen each other in 50 years.

Theta Iota Sisters Reunite Eleven women from the same James Madison (Theta Iota) Big/Little Sis family gather in Washington, D.C., during the spring. Class years range from 2005 to 2011.

Epsilon Omegas Reunite Texas A&M (Epsilon Omega) alumnae who graduated between 1982-85 enjoy a mini-reunion at Tiki Island in Galveston.

Alumnae Gather at Red Dress Gala Several Ball State (Delta Rho) alumnae attend the collegiate chapter’s first Red Dress Gala. They were impressed by the collegians’ welcoming attitude and genuine graciousness.

Golden Graduates Gather CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) alumnae of 50 years renew friendships during a celebration honoring golden graduates from the university’s first decade, 1949 to 1959.

Beta Rho Celebrates 20th Anniversary More than 30 alumnae from Washington State (Beta Rho) celebrate the 20th anniversary of the chapter’s recolonization.


Alpha Phi Quarterly

fall 2010

Omicrons Celebrate 100 Years Alumnae and collegians celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Missouri (Omicron) chapter. Events included an alumnae dinner, dessert, speakers from throughout the decades and a special visit from International President Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT).

San Antonio Alumnae Come Together San Antonio alumnae come together for a reunion lunch organized by Jennifer Mora-Bueno (Iota Beta-St. Mary’s).

Delta Epsilon Alumnae Meet in Florida

Alumnae Celebrate 50 Years Michigan State (Beta Beta) alumnae celebrate their 50th anniversary with a cruise to Key West and Cozumel.

Iowa (Delta Epsilon) alumnae celebrate many years of friendship as they gather in Florida.

Gamma Iota Alumnae Reunite The Texas Tech (Gamma Iota) classes of 1973-76 meet at Possum Kingdom Lake for their second annual reunion.

Beta Nus Reunite Duke (Beta Nu) sisters reunite to cheer on the university’s men’s basketball team at the Final Four in Indianapolis, Ind. Pictured are Debbie Glisson Messner, Jennifer Whitehair Conrad, Jill Ellis and Emily Sparvero.

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Alpha Phi Quarterly


People Alumna Recognized by Junior League Jill Eckert Avis (Gamma OmegaMidwestern Sate) received the 2010 Sustainer of Merit award from the Junior League of Wichita Falls (Texas) for her contributions to the League and the community. Jill has lent her leadership to several community organizations.

Author Publishes Ninth Novel Candlesticks (Five Star, 2010. ISBN 1594148767) is the ninth published novel written by Sharon Ervin (Gamma-DePauw). The book is the third in a three-book series featuring disheveled newspaper reporter Jancy Dewhurst and natty cop Jim Wills. In Candlesticks, Jim marries Jancy after successfully wooing her through the two previous novels. The honeymooners try to ignore the distractions of a determined criminal and police in hot pursuit until the killer turns his focus on them.


Alpha Phi Quarterly

fall 2010

Alumna Chairs AHA Luncheon

Sisters Launch Non-Profit

Jacque Leveridge Fiegel (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) was co-chair of the Oklahoma City, Okla., American Heart Association’s 2010 Go Red For Women Luncheon. Jacque is senior executive vice president and COO of Coppermark Bank (Oklahoma City, Okla.). She was recently named one of US Banker’s 25 Women to Watch. In 2008, she was one of US Banker’s 25 most powerful women. She serves on the Oklahoma City University alumni board and on the Alpha Phi Foundation investment committee.

Ashley Herrin and Karianne Kelley (both Eta Alpha-New Hampshire) have launched Journeys Through America (www.journeysthroughamerica. org), a non-profit educational endeavor with a goal of teaching children in classrooms about America’s national parks while promoting a healthy lifestyle, teaching sustainability and increasing awareness of environmental preservation. Ashley and Karianne began a trip across the U.S. to visit national parks and create and post mini-episodes for middle school classes.

Sister Launches Unique Nonprofit Liz Guthrie (Eta Beta-CSU/ San Bernardino) is the founder of Wish Upon a Wedding (wishuponawedding. org), the world’s first nonprofit wedding wish granting organization, providing weddings for terminally ill individuals at destinations across the U.S. Since the organization’s launch in January 2010, 15 chapters have been created across the country to serve applicants.

Alumna Receives Award from Alma Mater Donnie Haye (Beta Beta-Michigan State) was one of nine individuals recognized by Michigan State University’s College of Engineering during its seventh annual Alumni Awards Banquet. Donnie received the Applied Engineering Sciences Distinguished Alumni Award. She has had a long and successful career with IBM, currently serving as vice president, Client and Channel Enablement, Integrated Supply Chain. She has received multiple IBM awards and has a patent pending.

Alumna Promotes Clothing Line Sheila Corbett Kihne’s (Epsilon-Minnesota) company, www. coolconservativegear. com, was featured on “Fox and Friends.”The company sells gifts and apparel with a simple message on stylish products that “It’s Cool to Be Conservative.” Sheila also currently serves as a vice chair for Minnesota’s Third Congressional District Republican party.

Sister Wins Teach for America Award Julia King (Iota IotaGeorge Washington) was honored by Teach for America with the Sue Lehmann Award for Excellence in Teaching. The annual award honors second-year corps members who embody Teach for America’s core values. Four teachers received the award this year; Julia won in the elementary education category.The award recognized Julia’s teaching during her term at West Gary Lighthouse Charter School (Gary, Ind.). She now teaches fifth grade at D.C. Prep (Washington, D.C.).

Alumna Elected Authors’ Liaison to Writers’ Organization

Sister Receives Industry Recognition

Terry Davis McLaughlin (Tau-Oregon) was elected to the Romance Writers of America (RWA) board of directors for a two-year term as its Published Authors Network liaison. Her duties include author advocacy, contributing to the Romance Writers Report and planning presentations for RWA’s annual national conferences.Terry is a former RITA finalist and an award-winning author of eight novels for Harlequin.

Antoinette “Manette” Powers Richardson (Delta Tau-Louisiana State) was recognized by the Pennsylvania Dietetic Association (PADA) as the 2010 Outstanding Dietitian of Pennsylvania - the highest honor the association bestows upon a member. Manette is a certified diabetes educator and provides diabetes self-management training. She developed and implemented a healthy eating education program for diabetics.

Sister Wins Recording Deal Kat Parsons (BetaNorthwestern) won the Get Your Song Produced by Mike Flynn contest on OurStage.com. Out of 1,408 entries, Kat won the opportunity to record with Mike Flynn, the head of A&R at Epic Records and the producer behind acts such as The Fray and Sara Bareilles.The internationally touring artist recently released her debut album,“No Will Power,” that includes her winning song “Go Find Her.”

Teacher Receives Presidential Honor Stacey Metcalf Plummer (Theta Kappa-Rochester) is a recipient of the prestigious Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.The annual award is the highest recognition a kindergarten through grade 12 mathematics or science teacher may receive for outstanding teaching in the United States. In addition to the award, Stacy received a trip for two to Washington, D.C., and a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation. Stacy teaches math at Hollis Brookline High School in Hollis, N.H. She has taught high school mathematics for 16 years and serves as advisor to the state championship math team.

Alumna Receives Prestigious Award Judy Anderson Stiles (Omicron-Missouri) is one of 15 named to the Most Influential Women of 2010 by the Joplin Tri-State Business Journal. Judy has served as general manager of KGCS-TV at Missouri Southern State University (MSSU) since 1993. She also works as a part-time instructor at MSSU. She is involved with several community organizations.

Alumna Receives Industry Honors Women for Winesense (womenforwinesense. org) named Lindsay Woodard (Theta AlphaLinfield) as one of four Rising Stars with 10 or fewer years in the wine business. Lindsay owns and operates Retour Wine Co., based in Carlton, Ore. In addition to Retour, Lindsay owns Lindsay Woodard Communications, a full-service development, marketing and design firm which boasts an ongoing client roster of more than 55 renowned wineries and acclaimed restaurants around the world.

Featuring Alpha Phi Browse books, music and movies featuring Alpha Phis at www.alphaphi.org/shop.

Sister Recognized by CSU/Channel Islands Dr. Genevieve Evans Taylor (Psi-South Dakota) was presented with the Core Values Award from California State University/Channel Islands.This award recognizes an individual in the Division of Student Affairs who demonstrates the Division’s core values of diversity, excellence, integrity, collaboration and commitment in addition to providing exemplary service to the university community. Dr.Taylor is executive director of Associated Students Inc. at CSU/Channel Islands.

fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly


Alumnae Anniversaries

Help us recognize the following women as they celebrate an anniversary of sisterhood.

25 -

year Sisters

Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate Renzell Barnes Beth Bica Kelly Breazeale Kathleen Brzoska Becker Andrea Coulter Smolensky Nancy Duby Ager Pamela Jenks Jacqueline Jess Powell Cindy Kalkowski McHargue Jayne Kassman Tegge Beverly Kosik Judy Longbotham Meier Diana McFarland Molchan Mary Morrissey Parden Eldene Osborne Hearns Carolyn Payne Jean Rathbun Czajkowski Diane Reinmuth Weber Janice Ruder Wilson Francine Salerno Albala Linda Schroder Clevenger Sylvia Tulley Juanita VanDyke Karen Weaver Joseph Sharon Wilson Soyster Alpha-Syracuse Laurie Bloom Carolyn Ferrari Zalewski Amy Giangardella Betsey Glasgow Pashayan Hilary Janel Kelly Karen Lane Jeanne Lombardi Crociata Peg Rusconi Suzanne Ryan Driver Beta-Northwestern Margaret Bull Kovera Mary Capriles Mac David Sara Cheek Cheryl Chin Nancy Cruikshank Frese Leslianne Davis Clarke Anita Day Bayler Lisa Federle Tosh Wendi Gedzun Salvaggio Dawn Handwerker Leonardi

In 1985 • Alpha Phi installs new chapters at Northwood (Zeta Omega) and Dayton (Zeta Psi). • “Back to the Future” opens in American theatres and ends up being the highest grossing film of 1985 and the first film in the successful franchise. • The computer game Tetris is released.

Lisa Harrison Judy Krizmanic Marcelle LeCompte Charlene Massey Jundt Katherine Mattson Anita Misra Paula Mohs Melpomeni Nickolas Kathleen O’Nan Davis Delanie Pope Rachel Rooney Bernice Russell Mirrilees Jill Schroeder Mary Scott Patronik Karen Stevens Betsy Tegler Larson Beth Zeiter Gamma-DePauw Susan Adams Steffy Brenda Beesley Hurst Carley Brunner Alves Anna Cahill Leonard Jane Durkee Amy Dutton Murphy Amy Felling Laswell Donna Giesler Lesley Gray Bailey Sarah Holty Colleen Konicek Hannigan Mary Lee Flock Rebecca Leedy Nichols Shannon Lynch Burgess Melissa McElderry Costanzo Natalie Meyers Munn Margaret Naumer Elizabeth Reller Moragne Lorrie Rogers Karen Rowe Randolph Nora Sneberger Nicole Walston Delta-Cornell Virginia Bell Lael Bellamy Pamela Bentley Pezzullo Jennifer Betit Manley Susan Brish Dara Brodsky

Ordering Anniversary Pins One special way that Alpha Phi honors the endurance of membership is with anniversary recognition pins. These pins celebrate your affiliation with Alpha Phi on milestone occasions: 10 years, 25 years, 50 years, 65 years and 75 years. Certificates may be ordered individually. To order, e-mail alumnae@alphaphi.org, call 847.316.8940 or go to www.alphaphi.org/alumnae/ anniversarypins.


Alpha Phi Quarterly

fall 2010

Jennifer Brosky Beth Campbell Fine Elizabeth Chamberlin Vignaux Kimberly Claypoole Farrell Karen Davis Hecker Julia Dawson LoVece Peddy Ganchi Jama Gibbs Jackson Julianna Gonen Elizabeth Griffen Sandison Natalie Holmes Elizabeth Hsiao Wendy Huang Marsh Margaret King Mayer Lisa Kissinger Sweeney Ellen Lieman Barbara Manning DelCogliano Deborah Mathews Lynch Lisa Molloy Korte Eileen Napolitano Alexandra Newman Chris Olsen Kathryn O’Neill Debbie Perch Lisa Reisacher Astor Helaine Rosenblum Prity Shah Ivy Simms Batos Cheryl Tantimonico Burn Ellen Townsend Lizabeth Tretter VerKamp Jodi Tuck Perry Ivelise Velazquez Amy Wong Epsilon-Minnesota Tara Balke Cindy Ebel Edstrom Jennifer Horn Ommen Tracy Hosp Effertz Lizabeth Lacey Gotz Dawn Lindgren Christina Marschall Barbara Meier Martinson Linda Stukel Lautenberg Stephanie Volpe Stone Alice Winsor Gruber Eta-Boston Amy Bogan Cohn Roberta DeBiasi Karen Ettie Fream Debra Klein Janice Kozinski Wurz Susan Lemieux Wood Jyll Maxwell Curran Kristin McCarthy Michelle Munden Kaip Stacy Norris Phyllis Pari Suzanne Peachin Michelle Richmond Kalajian Stacey Stolman Carol Waldenburg Theta-Michigan Dana Anderson Ward Amanda Applegate Kristin Baker Cannistraro Debbie Binder Miller Debra Facktor Lepore Maria Fomin Simonte Rebecca Foote Meloan Barbara Franek Helen Howard Morgan Kathryn Keleher Ferrando

Pam Melvin Lisa Newton Klucevek Laura Ogden Devens Amy Risk Vanosdol Anne Rood Kelly Ryan Ann Stauffer Binzer Tami Traynor Wible Cynthia Tsangalias Portwood Nicole Wayne Mary Werner Iota-Wisconsin Sarah Allison Hammond Susan Barrett Maren Berge Ellen Bergschneider Tracy Conn Fink Janet DeCaster Perrin Lynn Fitschen Margaret Godfrey Douglas Margaret Huber Hackworthy Martha Huiskamp Hanifi Elizabeth Kennedy Geurts Jill Kraemer Hubley Jane Mettelman Stoneman Kari Miller Spallone Maribeth Murphy Millett Jalaine Neher-Peterson Jamee Phifer Tuttle Elizabeth Pinkerton Jill Postlewaite Catherine Rauscher Cynthia Reinerio Joers Christine Schwartzkopf Stacy Stanford Barnes Colleen Sullivan Konyn Kappa-Stanford Laura Blankley Pantano Elizabeth Faye Loretta Lamar Lambda-UC/Berkeley Elizabeth Abad Margaret Anderson Valerie Brown Maureen Coyne Kirsten Crook Munoz Tamara Finocchiaro Melissa Gilliland Frank Staci Glovsky Sydney Green Ruth Hilleary Erin Holt Cook Karen Jensen Petrulakis Leslie Jurick Torrance Mary Kimura Kieran King Mary Leahy Sarah Lewis Jennifer Mohle Michelle Peterson Tracy Rabold Jennifer Rose Hana Ruzicka Alice Schmitt LeFebvre Dana Simi Kruger Leah Slyder Vass Amy Smoll Michelle Takamoto McCauley Dawn Taketa Riordan Shelley Tantau Stephanie Toia Lytle Suzanne Williams Burkhart Anne Witmer

Nu-Nebraska Shellie Allen Church Carrie Blazek Stephanie Briggs Taylor Jami Carlson Kathleen Graham Poole Cynthia Hannibal Lewis Robyn Jones Bohan Kathryn Martin Kimberly Nabity Meister Julie Schneider Becker Amy Schock Brewer Kendra Tisdale Jennifer Widga Kirby Xi-Toronto Jana Chu Wong Christine Gudz Yerrill Elizabeth Hahn Kathryn Houston Reid Michelle Kennedy Michelle Koerner Katherine Larkin Linda Low Lorena Murialdo Helen Routh Alison Tasker Monique VanRemortel Alex Warley Omicron-Missouri Robyn Batcheller Walter Maureen Mizerany Wielansky Kathryn Schaefer Morris Stacey VanDyke Kammerer Pi-North Dakota Monica Donnelly Linda Fanfulik Gill Lori Fanfulik Grueneich Janet Froelich Sheehan Denise Gustafson Geritz Shari Johnson Elgin Nancy Lewis Courtney McDonald Koebele Paige Mitchell Strom Ellen Monteith Jackie Muellenbach Jagodzinski Jami Nordmark Larson Rebecca Page Regina Rillo Carlson Mary Simmons Fletcher Mary Stennes Barbot Karen Traeder Linscott Robbi Wang Jacobsen Rho-Ohio State Jennica Cheney Susan Conrad Kinnison Robin Craig Jill Dickey Protos Michelle Foust Connie Kaiser Melissa Kinsey Andrioff Michelle Lange Lisa Lombardo Dannemiller Amy Matthews Malone Kathleen McGonagle Misiuk Kimberly Meier Gary Jacqueline Mongenas Handorf Susan Morehead Stacy Pfahler Adams Karen Stein Gina Wachinger Kathy Willke Tracey Woodward Salemi

Sigma-Washington Elizabeth Barber LeDoux Barrie Berger Cohen Catherine Bixler Beth Brown Laufer Susan Crowley Cheryl Curran Joanne Dixon Joyce Dolliver Hammer Gail Dorf Byrne Stephanie Doyle Tracie Gallaher Denkers Elizabeth Hager Spiller Tami Imhoff Stephens Kelley Kirkwood Nancy Koller Dodson Kayla Korpi Habryle Julie Lozier Holmberg Cindy Mandel Kirsten Moe Steiert Valerie Olsen Abbott Tina Rollins Stacey Stanford Lorene Stewart Kim Sullivan Tonya Vincent Kristi Walter Jones Sharon Wiley Barry Rhonda Williams Moorhead Tau-Oregon Liisa Aarnio Debbie Anderson Gail Gast Coleman Malv Helton Stephanie Howe Lisa Mackin Ainsworth Geri Naumcheff Diane Senkel Fischels Lori Shelly Stacy Turlay Shauna Wide Kennedy Phi-Oklahoma Lori Askins Walker Debbie Brown McGuire Sabrina Brown Scarry Myra Courtney Kristen Cox Gonders Amy Day Julie DeGroot Orr Kimberly Dwyer Kim Gant Lacie Harris Troxell Stacey Hays Hirsekorn Melissa Heape Mollo Kary Jones Janet Keller Brownd Lisa Lawson Rachel Lee Ponder Teresa Lupe Michelle Marable Reiss Michal Miller Key Shay Moege Markle Machel Monenerkit Gina Pizzolato Milton Chris Putnam Vicky Shroyer Terry Holly Smith Belknap Kristine Smith Ekeren Jennifer Sowards Jones Sandy Van Dyke Jurchisin Deborah Wallace Psi-South Dakota Sue Bell Smith Pegeen Donlin

Susan Flevares Duffek Cindy Hedeen Kinzley Lisa Hogg Southwick Lisa Isaacson Sneed Susan Kimmel Yurchuk Kari Kruse Portice Connie Kueter Kathy Opbroek Haivala Emily Porter Joern Gina Schuh Turner Gina Smith Jensen Rebecca Tam Hochstein Andrea Thompson Sarah Van Lent Carda Anne Wick Nelson Amy Yonkovich Freese Omega-Texas Felicia Adams Suzanne Atkins Militzer Catherine Blaisdell Taylor Danielle Brochner Jacqueline Burgen Chase Lou Davis Heidi Eberhart Kuchta Vicki Hahn Julie Johnson Laura Main Graham Tina Mangogna Pattie Manry Katherine Mosley Brown Ruth Rathgeber Scribner Joni Robson Phillips Robyn Schafroth Sonja Smith Debra Vetters Kirchner Beta Alpha-Illinois Liesl Banks Frances Berman Diamond Catherine Buhrfeind Clinton Dina Cale Leigh Carter Elizabeth Cunningham Elisabeth Davis Case Brigitte Doherty Domenica Drungil Osterberger Linda Faynor Boddy Abigail Galich Brennan Jill Garvey Catherine Hansen Bross Kristin Hausler Carrington Jennifer Herman Stephanie Hopper Karen Kelley Laura Knauer Rouse Stephanie Martin Patricia Moyer Huebschman Pamela Pizzo Russell Eirene Shipkowitz Natalie Swanson Kathryn Uher Lisa Zordani Beta Beta-Michigan State Lauri Amann Catherine Ball Jill Brayton Brown Kelly Conroy Kenney Christine Daly Flynn Kristen Ericksen Schurtz Susan Giancarlo Ames Rebecca Hildebrandt Susan Humbel Humble Donna Iller Mancuso Karyn Konsoer Laurel Marod Pellegrom

Marla McDonald Cynthia Phillips Kristin Simpson Christine Sur Dalton Jana Western Kerr Kathy Wright Coosaia Beta Delta-UCLA Allison Arieff Sheryl Axline Kathleen Brennan Travarez Marnie Carlin Mary Chaux Chiprin Jessica Cieply Royer Stacy Faierman Marks Laura Farber Amy Hepburn Meckfessel Carolyn Jaynes Mary Klopp Richmond Maria La Franchi Coreen Larson Nickerson Kerry Lindell Biczek Michelle Marlin Boydston Kathrin Mayer Melissa McComb Appleyard Janet Mehlhop Mansinne Julie Montali Rebecca Montoya Cadman Mona Moussouros Horton Mary Napier Schlarmann Lydia Nevarez Boultinghouse Erin Parnell Jodi Rooke Powers Alise Shatoff Robin Silpa Cantz Venetia Smith Greenhaugh Diann Sokoloff Margaret Spencer Jill Spivak Schleifer Sheryl Sutherland Vandercook Angele Trouillier Kathryn Walker Montano Michelle Webb Beta Epsilon-Arizona Nancy Huenefeld Gese Carla Kujawa Diedre Lamb Rapp Beta Zeta-Idaho Tawnya Denny Feldman Joelle Goodman Croson Pamela Gwin Julie Paller Linn Saindon Ames Larinda Welch Spencer Chandra Zenner Ford Beta Eta-Manitoba Sheila Drysdale Carol Ferries Nikkel Rhonda Hart Moroz Louise Osborn Fiona Scurrah Beta Theta-British Columbia Anne Biehl Susanne Finlay Susan Lawrence Janice Novakowski Beta Iota-West Virginia Lori Agliardo Heinrichs Melanie Campbell Jamee Cyphert Panger Karen Falcione Lykins Leslie Fiedorczyk McFall

Think a sister is missing from this list? The Executive Office may not have current contact information for her. E-mail alumnae@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8940.

Frances Filsinger Hixon Linda Jakubec Pamela Kady Gurtis Barbara Lemley Paula Martin Paula McCabe Jeanine McGovern Ferguson Susan Palmer Jamee Pfeiffer Whitten Stephanie Phillips Franckewitz Michelle Roman Lisa Westfall Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State Jodie Bachey Morrow Patricia Barnes Walcher Jacklyn Bilas Merry Eileen Clegg McKeon Stacey Cox Bertleff Melody Dodge Kathryn Edwards Fiedler Stephanie Grim Thomas Tina Grosjean Jackse Louann Hastings Deisher Christine Hawn Wood Elizabeth Holdreith Mary Hull Tatay Heidi Middleton Cynthia Puthoff Goodridge Julie Takacs Cain Beta Pi-USC Cheryl Arico Kristin Bergquist Zinn Heidi Binford Alicia Booth Jennifer Carson Tracy Cunningham Filler Suzanne Daley Potter Karen Davis Cashen Ana Deranja Jacqueline Dubin Bobbie Gale Laurie Gebhart Michelle Grubb Todoroff Shawn Hayward Peck Laurie Hill Kate Kardos Jill Kelly Brindley Stephanie Kluft Lauri Konishi Lynda Levine Lisa Miller Ferguson Rochelle Noday Sandy Parelman Warburton Lisa Riches Jennifer Steiner Carrie Sugarman Haines Diane Teibel Stella Zogopoulos Demis Beta Rho-Washington State Stacy Rhode Burton Beta Tau-Indiana Kathryn Baltz Schmelig Michele Corthier Beard Cynthia DeHaven Susan Devetski Katherine Ellis Jill Glaze DelPriore Susan Grunin Pronesti Jill Hetrick Hartnett Kathryn Hillebrand Burroughs Connie Jeffers Zack Beth Lamping Babette Metzger Amanda Nichols Sonja Niva Lancioni Jennifer O’Donnell Petrovich Amanda Smucker Marks Sally Spangler Pankratz Teresa Striegal Susan Thornton Cook Jennifer Trenk Salvino Lurena Zane Engel

Beta Upsilon-Oregon State Sarah Bowers Anna Bremmer Susan Brewster Williams Kelly Brown Mollahan Maria Chan McClean Kelly Enright Monica Jarnport Joni Lovelace Janet Maring Alison McCoy Bellais Andrea McHone Catharine Merrill Shawn Moore Beard Patricia Nishimoto Cara Rennie Kimberly Schirm Tabatha Somerville Taylor Melissa Stevens Alleman Wendi Wagner Vicki Zolnikov Olson Beta Psi-San Jose State Paula Bryant Kristen Coles Robin Cyr Hann Dawn Donegan Janet Ethier Shelly Henry Demko Kathi Jarman Yvonne Meissner Kroiss Barbara Perna Chhabra Elia Ramirez Surran Leticia Rentillo Virginia Reynolds Rowe Kelly Spring Shannon Sullivan Siegfried Lauren Sweeney DeTaboada Betty Thompson Audrey Toriani Laura Vecchione Beta Omega-Kent State Stacy Brown Watson Dana Carpenter Ernst Lynne Miller Beth Muchoney Gamma Alpha-San Diego State Laura Anderson Jill Angerbauer Gorder Lynda Brown Bryndley Burton Schafer Andrea Cavanagh Karen Chase Laura Colonelli Walsh Kasie Connors Sandra Davis Leslie Gegna Rowe Christine Giugliano Schuchart Laurel Ivy Stephanie McCully Melissa Meyer Lisa Mott Julie Paino Moeller Jill Perwin Fudge Lisa Peterson Brotherton Stacey Schachter Joanne Schulle Stacy Snow Vincent Bonnie Stoll DiBacco Kirsta Tierney Elizabeth Wright Norberg Gamma Beta-UC/Santa Barbara Daphne Baum Small Susan Braun Christina Burchett Petersen Laura Dym Cohen Juliann Ehret Chui Robin Fox Julie Francisco McBride Cindy Henderson Cynthia Horton Reichner Wendy Kahn Gilliam Jennifer Klaif Bridget Martinez Cara McAllister

10-year pin

Cristin McAllister Daveylyn Minton Berkenkotter Korrin Murphy Lageson Victoria Paul Melissa Rabun Tami Ratzan Tiffany Riise Leijten Stephanie Schoenberg Savrnoch Mja Shandera Thiesmeyer Heather Shute Hubanks Shannon Spellacy Champion Christine Stathem Riegler Cynthia Stevenson Michele Thiltgen

Ellen Guggenheim Michele Harrison Sears Jane Jackson Moog Jamie McDermott Alvord Sabrina Migyanko Tirpak Eleanor Milton Bradford Elizabeth Newcomb Baxter Karen Privitera Amy Raub Raeann Saliola Guiley Susan Sheets Carey Bethanie Sollie Okray Elaine Szczesny Kerr Barbara Todd Brown Beth Wilson

Gamma Delta-Kansas Andrea Broomfield Connie Crawford Dawn Glassy Glassey Michelle Groth Jennifer Hall Vaccaro Janet Holliday Mary Horn Wilson Laura Jefferies Marugg Susan Jordan Winkelman Carla Lochner Molly Ludlow Wendland Catherine Mariani Bettis Melanie Marotte Gunter Rochelle Mueller Jill Murphy Bettis Evelyn Piehler Bates Tara Radmall Fitzpatrik Michele Riley Suppes Susie Riling Brooks Susan Schaub Brinker Susan Shannon Suzanne Voysey Rucker Jessica Wornall Stark

Gamma Xi-Wichita State Dena Benton Nolte Pamela Esslinger Sharla Vogt

Gamma Zeta-Puget Sound Reinelle Apodaca Angela Bloch Robin Brooks Robin Carlisle Amy Chenoweth Julia Lewis Hilbun Alisa Lidzbarski Lahti Jane Maurer Susan Silver Malone Beth Turnbull Joan Wood Gamma Eta-North Texas Sara Brown Stephanie Cunningham Garland Constance Dye Anastasiou Carla Hardeman Kirsten Heinze Caldwell Pamela Henningsen Shelly Hoger Parks Monica Juricek Wineteer Catherine Kapp Miller Mary McDougal Lisa Pitcock Casey Mary Schwartz Cooper Amy Taylor Valerie Voges Gamma Iota-Texas Tech Ramona Conard Ann Heck Crooks Kena Whiteley Ausland Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach Gina Lynch Kulik Jill Windsor Gamma Nu-Miami University Pamela Blank Preston Mary Boehm Boyd Amy Brann Brenda Burns Tracy Clutterbuck Blossey Beth Emery Sinclair Mary Farrell Erin Fogarty

Gamma Omicron-Drake Melanie Alper Esko Pamela Gilbert Leib Kimberly Goldberg Jennifer Greene Saf Dierdre Kenny Dee McAtee Wagley April Norland McElwee Melinda Olson Carol Scatterday Wenzel Julie Shanahan Armentrout Gamma Pi-Arizona State Eileen Alm Himes Kara Fankhauser McLaughlin Nadine Galaz Traci Langston Gamma Rho-Penn State Mona Abaza Kimberly Allen Canfield Joan Baker Avolio Elizabeth Blake Ament Mary Clifford Bailey Lisa Dooley Catherine Durbin Ashton Bernadette Ewastation Martin Elizabeth Ficcardi Sharp Paula Gish Alecia Higginbotham Ford Susan Houseman Christine Kale Corcoran Denise Kassebaum Woolwich Maria Koklanaris Bonaquist Jennifer Mather Marie Miklos Jennifer Moore Hillegas Cynthia Mundis Bilbie Amy Pignetti Pugliano Laura Prah Joyce Reid DeVol Mary Riker Kornick Susan Samuel Gill Lisa Schumann Ponti Jennifer Stoll Johnson Lauren Stratman Allen Pamela VanCara Pamela Violi Gillin Gwen Weaver Harring Jamie Wedge Lisa Weller Beth Williams Boguski Deborah Williams Staron Sheila Woods Miller Gamma Sigma-Wisconsin/ Stout Margie Casey Anderson Tammy Edwards Darla Getschel Traynor Jean Hale Kimberlee Hartung Simones Margaret Klasen Peterson Louise Nelson Ingman Gamma Omega-Midwestern State Gena Bailey Deborah Jones

Monika Lamphier Gregg Paula Land Cookson Deana Lyons Jacoby Christina Matthews Delta Alpha-East Carolina Diane Abramson Walters Angela Benjamin Staker Deborah Canada Debra Craig Beckman Linda Glackin Senich Laura Jenkins Jacqueline Kartchner Benet Sharon Keen Karen Klinedinst Berry Amanda Manning Garris Jan Sitton Wayne Susan Van Arnam Haritos Melanie Williams Delta Beta-Texas A&M/ Commerce Melissa Burns Brenda Fernandez Dana Harrison Hayley Harrison Jordan Michelle Hawes Sarah Reynolds Wendy Silvia Smith Tonya Slaughter Woods Maria Villarreal Gutierrez Beverly Winn Harkness Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado Cassi Egan Dawn Elmore Hockenbury Stacey Fuhrman Phillips Carrie Hinton Kirkutis Sheryl Lucas Lisa Mauro Hartert Janis Mitchell McCubbins Daryl Weiner Elaine Zeller Hoefer Delta Delta-Oklahoma City Kathy Bellamy Malherbe Lorenda Eastep Stefanie Graves Kelly Shannon Hayes Jill Howard Boetell Tammy Jones Kelli Kitch Cynthia Kitch Reid Lisa Long Lynda Marcantel Swanner Linda Moody McGraw Angela Oathout Keneda Julie Pufpaff Reising Heidi Smith Towle Lilly Trahan Shannon Watts Newton Stephanie Workman Abrahamson Delta Epsilon-Iowa Ann Bradley Tripp Delta Eta-Adrian Kristen Blascak Ann Grebeck Maccani Christine Halloran Trimpe Diana Herd Keefe Lauri Hopton Michelle Hutchison Yvonne Kelley Jane McClellan Crane Diane Miller Jill Yaroch Delta Theta-Western Michigan Michelle Accuso Stevens Sabrina Basile Zakolski Julianne Bethke Ferrell Christine DeMaria DiMaria Cynthia Diroff Jennifer Englemann Moody Amy Featheringham Macfarlane Marta Gagie

Jill Kutinsky Grasfield Lisa Malone Susan Reid Wood Linda Richter Clutter Julie Shroyer Tracy Ticknor Virta

Delta Omega-Minnesota State/Moorhead Michelle Anderson Kathy Glur Kristin Horner Seidel Kathryn Litch

Delta Kappa-Wisconsin/ LaCrosse Alisa Borshoff Stephens Karen Brye McGarvey Jeannie Dennis Skemp Amy Dwyer JoAnn Flynn Theresa Gentz Robin LeMoine Klipp Sally Miller Schumann Dawn Paton Julie Skaff Dixie Sommer

Epsilon Alpha-Ashland Stephanie Bostos Maribeth Burns Badertscher S. Fingulin Kristin Headley Melinda Hoffman Tobolewski Kimberly Homick Smith Mary Lonsway Cannone Renee Marshall Rogers Kerry Meyers Mowry Elisabeth Moore Molander Amy Morris Felicegty Michelle Morse Stevens Cathrine Richmond Melissa Rohr Biltz Joyce Towner Perrico Nancy Williamson Schwarm Susan Wohlfarth Eberhard Diane Woolley

Delta Mu-Purdue Kelly Baron Penny Gilbert Adams Heather Goist Karolyn Kinder Cummings Ingrid Stengal Delta Nu-Maine Michelle Cross Lisa Downer Karen Gardella Robinson Kay Hoffman Elizabeth Kurth Shawna Michael Haskins Susan Murgo Hall Susan Murray Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney Julie Beckman Jeanne Carlson Deborah Engel Castinado Barbara Hasse Shelly Heinz Kulhanek Heidi Hiemer Straka Tiffany Leavell Jina Lund Joan Robb Kristine Tynan Gerber Marsha Walter Kubica Jodie Witt Desordi Delta Pi-Indiana State Deborah Eisenhut Lloyd Susan Gogel Kimberly Gray Dulaney Andrea Payne Melissa Strobehn Delta Rho-Ball State Julie Adams Shake Stephanie Bender Harte Raeann Brown Blue Lisa Capella McDonald Natalie Coyle Lucas Julie Diekhoff Lyday Laura Funder Carleton Pamela Harding Shuck Christina Huffman Prather Katherine Kantra Connor Sherri Lawrence Baker Michelle Lay Kara Peterson Vestal Susan Rhinebarger Nickel Michele Ruhl Forth Pamela Shay Kimberly Smith Fisher Pamela Tomlinson Chaney Catherine Williams Huebler Delta Upsilon-BaldwinWallace Marlene Mentel Moses Sara Roblee Regan Kim Thayer Connie Yoder King Cynthia Zabowski Doherty Delta Chi-William Woods Lee Moats

Epsilon Beta-Butler Julie Alexander Amling Tracy Barron Phillips Katherine Berdovich O’Connell Valerie Bunting Brennan Elana Engleman Jacqueline Feurer Fennell Kimberly Frost Julia Graver Allison Hegarty Marlow Julia James Melynda Jones Ludwick Tamara Jordan Shelley Martin Herod Lisa Sanders Pesaresi Andrea Smith Koritala Gwen Volpe Lynnette Watts Epsilon Gamma-Sacramento State Ann Agnello Lemak Patricia Arrington Kasey Broderick Teri Goodykoontz Bowbeer Karen Hooy Janean Lamb Kellie Morin Lisa Morinini Lesley Nash Dina Paulo Paulos Erin Spangler Wilson Renee VanderBeek Patricia Weber Joan Zirkle Epsilon Delta-Northern Illinois Renee Baskys Laura Boltz Broucek Michelle Compton Mistretta Lynne Craig Laura DeSalvo Traci Gates Thorson Susan Grzeszkiewicz Nancy Holas Sharon Ide Julianne Jachim Kathleen Keating Donato Susan Lacek Susan Larson Oberlander Marcy Loewy Rubic Ava Munstermann Alka Patel Laura Pinchot Swanick Rochelle Reyes Karen Rospond Caroline Schultz Karyn Verdak Katherine Zobel Tidey Epsilon Eta-Old Dominion Kristen Holland Webb

Tracie Lewis O’Connell Corie May Tammy Sansone Anslow Doris Vroustouris Epsilon Theta-Northern Iowa Kelly Cline Lacy Susan Cook Michelle Engen Roeder Julie Fillman Dillon Sheryl Greenig Kristin Hahn Lisa Johnson Duffy Julianne Klesel Heidi Langenberg Tucker Jennifer Schaffner Steenblock Julie Schmitz Epsilon Iota-Duquesne Terri Carpino Celeste Donatelli Marianne Edwards Wewer Kelley Gray Owen Leigh Lovette Amy Miller Gina Molinero Catharine Moritz Presper Janice Richard Holz Sandra Schiller Jacqueline Siebert Minich Kelly Smith Saines Diane Spakauskas Hart Renee Weber McGinn Epsilon Kappa-West Chester Kathryn Troisi Charlton Epsilon Mu-Lander Stephanie Aull Johnson Paula Campbell Rhoda Driggers Margo McMicken Mizell Angela Satterwhite Kathryn Summers Karen Taylor Elrod Teresa Tucker Upshall Glynnis Way Clamp Paula Wilson Epsilon Xi-Southern Illinois Belinda Beckman Bahn Teri Benelli Heidi Edinger Suzanne Greuel Amy Hendricks Bamper Suzanne Hillabrandt Gina Hodge Ashby Karen Howell Nancy Laster Spurlock Lori Modrusic Dena O’Neal Frolichstein Nancy Owens Steck Lori Rusteberg Julie Sullivan Penn Vita Tocco Kristi Wright Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis Allyson Angus Stewart Janet Beales Serena Billy Lisa Gardner Pattenaude Andrea Griswold Kimberly Hanks Marcella Harb Anne Harrington VanWinkle Sandra Harris Rosalind Hill Garrow Jennifer Hirschfield Leslie Hom Dawn Kellenbarger Vollmar Cara Mattia Laurie Meadowcroft Carmel Reynoso Haskin Suzanne Ryder Fogarty Julie Savant Miller Leslie Weiss Kelly Williams

Congratulations to our 10-year members! You are now eligible for a special anniversary pin to celebrate this milestone. The 10-year pin features a bold Roman numeral X in brushed silver with a delicate ivy vine entwined around it.

Chapters may not be listed because they did not exist at the time (e.g., chapters were closed or not yet established).

fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly


The sterling silver 25-year pin in the shape of the Big Dipper is fashioned with one sapphire at each of the seven joints.

25-year pin Epsilon Upsilon-CSU/ Northridge Deborah Alter Cherry Elaine Berman Golledge Elizabeth Bullock Irene Cange Lopez Virginia Catan Seannah Dunagan Suzanne Granof Faith Hymes Deena Kaplan JoAnne Leinwand Tuell Melissa Manning Wilmot Patti Mintz Cheryl Parks Debi Pechter Tenenbaum Gina Roberson Farinich Jill Rubin Myers Elizabeth Silverman Debra Smith Cannold Nancy Soloman Tammy Tolchinsky Lisa Tverson Iverson Ellyn Wasserman Schneider Melinda Weber Epsilon Chi-Cal Poly Ann-Marie Davidow Stephanie Eline Julie Etcheverry Katherine Fanoe Lisa Filutze Yawn Lisa Gelhaar Phelan Gina Giacomazzi Maureen Hanson Lodato Erin Kennedy Karyn Kjeldsen Gallo Jill Livingston Chiesa Dana Mascali Ann McLeod Claire Nickelson Debra Penland Kristen Rasmussen Clark Mary Schuler Hare Wendee Walker Theresa Wilhoit Frappia Robyn Woods Bleakley Epsilon Psi-Lehigh Stacie Caplan Elizabeth Carr Sharon Hendren Amy Hocart Goldy Caroline Kelly Lisa Kouveliotes Rita Mascolo Stacilyn Rosen Patricia Steadman

Epsilon Omega-Texas A&M Juanita Beltz Gandara Susan Durr Evelyn Moriarty Okrinsky Sharon Osborne Lear Tracey Quigley Carla Sanders Forres Susan Sikorski Coult Zeta Beta-Loyola Marymount Inez Adolphson Theresa Avila Kathleen Brennan Carolyn Brilla Daniels Peggy Callahan Lisa Glass Koval Julie Joyce Gina LaCommare Terri Law Lisa Lenihan Hench Michele Marasca Ziperovich Susan Marchx Marckx Cassi Schofield Kelly Van Dyke Nannette Yanover Onest Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara Marla Antonini Richmond Ann Borgia Camp Dianne Bush Zimmerman Cindy Cuevas Lemma Melissa Friess Sims Georgeanne Fulhorst Matarangas Maria Koch Pribyl Kathy McGuire Vicky Meraza Santos Leslie Moore Chamberlain Kim Perham Sunday Stathis Balalis Cindy Wall Keene Zeta Delta-Iowa State Julie Chubick Williams Mary Coon Callison Julie Cornelius Jacobi Melinda DeGroot Michelle Douglas Jamie Lucas Stensland Kyra Lynch Ewer Rebecca Nelson Phelps Elizabeth Onnen Baumann Julie Schwalbe Holly Scott Blomberg Laura Smith Homick Cheryl Sparks Judith Sump LeeAnn Takes O’Keefe Pamela Wallin Roose

Zeta Epsilon-Indiana U. Southeast Mary Bauman Young Mary Brown Rebecca Carlton Elizabeth Dooley Lieber Lisa Jones Pamela Pierson Grieb Michelle Popp Paschal Janet Schultz Shultz Zeta Zeta-Murray State Carla Aker McCormick Mitzi Baumann Shields Deanna Dixon Laura Dugger Felker Susan Dupree Medley Sharon Grogan Harper Rita McNabb Audra Orr Audra Pryor Craft Amy Read Shawn Renaud Lowe Kathleen Wysong Lucy Zeta Theta-Tufts Audrey Anthony Penni Berns Sherry Breslow Steinfink Kristin Cihak Deborah Freedman Marilyn Goshko Charlotte Kerrigan Andrea Moskal Jennifer Radding Gardner Amy Schwartz Stefani Shapiro Mindy Trachtenberg Berger Jamie Zalkin Zeta Iota-Virginia Tiffany Adams Bartholf Amy Barnes Kristina Barron Patricia Baughan Mickus Anita Buldock Joette Crane Crone Stacey Garnett Brahmey Kendra Goode Carroll Jamie Hensley Norris Alison Jahrsdoerfer Patricia Koman Patricia Nevins Kime Kathryn Reyburn Laura Rhame Betsy Rogers Owens Lisa Settle Kathleen Walton Schreiber Susan Wright Anthony

Zeta Kappa-Texas State Sabrina Blackshear Connie Cornelius Heather Gee Wood Heather Huhn Monica Macy Weinman Paige Peters Self Kathleen Price Hopkins Elisa Suehs Raquel Tellez Marie Tomkewitz Brookii Wootton Zeta Lambda-Southern New Hampshire Debbie Celano Ferretti Denise Cormier Donna Dustin Morais Daphne McCloskey McManus Tina Peterson Sheila Spellman Tupper Zeta Mu-Colorado State Randi Adamczyk Mitchum Marilyn Asay Fitzgerald Julie Bailey Pinkston Lynette Barna Sheryl Cook Williams Andrea Federman Laura Frisinger Huntley Regina Hamm Tierney Monica Hull McKune Laura Irsfeld Tracy Jaap Brewer Suzanne Keel Diana Kudar Sarah Novicki Jeannine Ohlrich Ritter Jill Peterson Collet Rodda Crabill Robyn Rue Brady Tina Saurini Lonardo Julianne Scott Heather Smart Brevick Kelli Smith Susan Tom Kristin Zentgraft Lemons Zeta Nu-Texas Christian Kirsten Archer Davy Melinda Baumann Velvet Brown Oberg Lisa Coleman Anita Daniels Oliver Debra Fenters Barbin Mary Garcia Estimbo Mary Ipser Walker Lisa Nash Wendy Overton Jodawn Parkes Hetzel Amanda Pentecost

Teresa Ramirez Wagner Dina Rosen Hains Elissa Shier Jada Stancil Shannon Stanphill Julia Stimson Zeta Xi-Elmhurst Lisa Frenzel Samantha Jenkot Ream Kimberly Maher Prosser Deanna Martens Regina Milkowski Pohlschmidt Sally Misiora Joanne Noga Lisa Shields Knight Janet Van Kampen Ellison Karyn Wajda Romano Judith Wilczewski Mulvihill Zeta Omicron-Johns Hopkins Cynthia Baker Sarah Donnem Ashe Kathleen Faust Lee Renee Fee Gottermeyer Irene Haralabatos Lorraine Hopkins Joan Karr Tycko Elisabeth Lang Heather Lowenkamp Cockley Deborah Lue Jamie Morris Dwek Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve Janine Kapusta Pape Courtenay Konet Kimberly Kroenke Janette Ledenican Stephenson Laura Paquelet Susan Patterson Swiger Mia Serafin Ko Sarah Wallace Clark Kathryn Zettl Wat Zeta Rho-Bentley Susan Barbaro Siegel Lorna Briganti DeWalle Elizabeth Daly Evans Tawn Dreystadt Graham Joyce Glionna Ripianzi JoAnn Groppuso Dreher Carrie Hoffman Alexandra Kirby Schack Kathleen Ladin LaVallee LaVallee Christine Kira Lukasevich Meholick Tracey Mackey Gerrie Mahoney

Karin Rooney Benguigui Karen Sakowich Magno Heidi Smith Michelle Tocco Shelly Woody Mokas Zeta Sigma-Franklin & Marshall Theresa Catino Karen Christman Janine Guida Poutre Kristen Horgen Campoin Elizabeth Kandiew Adrienne Kwiatek Jennifer Lamb Brown Carla Markim Susan Parker Deann Reck Tigges Linda Schorr Nyman Lisa Werner Andrea Yoder Zeta Tau-Illinois State Kimberly Bimler Logsdon Cheryl Cavan Evans Kimberely Grant Judith Grischow Reiner Lori Jones Eydie Koshgarian Adrienne Marek Donna Miner Dodson Mary Beth Palmer Nehrkorn Betsy Perkins Schreyer Elizabeth Schutt Strittmater Zeta Upsilon-Washington University Nancy Aries Koff Laurel Bernstein Cynthia Bloom Michelle Buszkiewicz Haney Maria Castro Cristina Difalco Perron Diana Fink Dickey Pearl Fisher Serota Beth Goss Laura Hartman Reilly Karen Hirschmann Jennifer Homer Anne-Lise Hultsch Elizabeth Kutschke Armstrong Rebecca Rains Joanne Resnic Lippman Lisa Ross Julie Segal Elizabeth Shrauner Caspari Loriann Zielinski Flynn

Zeta Phi-MIT Anita Beck Krista Beed Pastrone Laura Carter Peggy Chang Anne Dillon Stacey Dogan Kimber Lynn Drake Jennifer Felch Beth Fellingham Beninato Nikoletta Fouska Stromback Karen Gold Wendy Haller Verlander Lily Huang Geeta Khare Aggarwal Nancy Kim Maria Kojic Wendy Leigh Ezernack Laura Malley-Schmitt Mary Minn Kong Alison Miyamoto Michelle Park Tuveson Randi Rubin Protter Elizabeth Russell Kennedy Julie Safirstein Michele Sequeira Jennifer Sokoloski Eugenie Uhlmann Jeffries Sophia Wang Traweek Andrea Wong Zeta Chi-Columbia Jean Brody Laura Del Valle Ellen Geskin Nina Gross Mary-Ann Matyas Bernadette Palumbo Pandolfo Ann Parkany Marianne Sampogna Beth Senturia Orie Wittek Zeta Psi-Dayton Julie Bertolini Murtaugh Renee Bilodeau Patricia Brennan Julie Busse Gerri Cassidy Rice Margaret Deegan Sarah Dixon Jacqueline Doherty Nicole Drumm Bulman Donna Fournier Nock Annette Fries Royce Margaret Fullenkamp Overly Megan Gallagher Laurel Green Susan Haugh Sheila Hickey

Tracy Irvine Janess Debra Ivone Kelly Eileen Jacob Catherine Kane McGarvey Kathleen Kearn Parrish Mary Kelly Brunsman Christine Kenna Doring Jodi Langdon Nancy Lechleiter Kelly Lee Marker Christine Loeffler Napoleon Liz Maginn JoAnn Mazanec Farwell Maura McCarthy Catherine McKee Reardon Renee Moulin Stein Karen Murphy Flanders Carolyn Nealon Frances Patrick Mollye Pugh Hollis Suzanne Richardson Doyle Joan Sajovec Bradburn Kathleen Saxton Elizabeth Scheidler Diane Schertler Rohlman Margaret Schmidt Stone Cynthia Sherman Vergauwan Nefeli Stamatiades Stamatis Tina Stopar Patricia Storen Laura Stramaglia Musuras Kathleen Sullivan DiSanto Julia Sunkes Zeta Omega-Northwood Kimberly Ball Cari Bowersox Simons Karen Bratton Farrish Kimberly Eadie Buzyniski Suzanne Halt Angela Havercamp Michele Hazinski Stone Dawn Hearns Cary Jennifer Higgins Jeanne Marie Joseph Sheri Kenyon Susan Kepes Sandra Klockow Sandra Lambert Heather McCray Germain Carol Medrick Carol O’Rilley Gargaro Connie Pacific Kim Rowley Pamela Sichler Lisa Sloan Marissa Switalski Christine Thomas Fogoros Nances Tuckey Jane Vandyke

How to Wear Your Pin Anniversary pins can be worn on all occasions with or without your badge. Show your Alpha Phi pride whenever you can!

50 -

year Sisters

Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate Virginia Armstrong Cook Mary Beiler Chalmers Mildred Benton Walek Audrey Caton Willie Jill Cooley Johnson Jane Dickson Cox Dorothy Dunn Ingram Sally Elliott Koehler


In 1960 Alpha Phi founds new chapters at East Carolina (Delta Alpha), Texas A&M/Commerce (Delta Beta) and Northern Colorado (Delta Gamma). • John F. Kennedy is elected the 35th president of the United States. • To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, is first published.

Virginia Jackson Tucker Betty Leadley Yates Dorothy Quier Thomas Marjorie Ross Poulter Ruth Sooter Phillips Elaine Swedlund Frost Peggy Tromble Mitchell Frances Willett Hewins Betty Wisdom Buchanan

Alpha Phi Quarterly

fall 2010

Alpha-Syracuse Jane Baker Blanchard Bebe Boltinoff Davoli Jean Briggs Saucke Elizabeth Cooper Leonard Caroline Croucher Shipley Helen Howard Harmon Marion Jewell Kray Rae Kesner Maltby

Nancy Moshier Rogers Carolyn Whittaker Bray Julia Williams Boggs Nancy Wyckoff Beta-Northwestern Patricia Bart Herman Jane Bogardus Seaton Sarah Bolles Zitz Carole Broomall Thorn

Pamela Culp LaFond Louise Dingledy Rose Penelope Edwards Pipkin Karen Ehlert Kortum Katherine Fisher Heeren Nancy Goff Sochat Suzanne Johnson Sorom Susan Kornhaber Gay MacDonell Williams

Jane Rueger Willis Ann Sherwood Bryant Carol Siegfried Nayden Ellen Templeton Bauder Mary Vanderhoof Henson Dorothy Wyrens Thew Gamma-DePauw Bette Bunting Heger

Julia Caldwell Boltz Dorothy Cox Sweet Nancy Coyle Kemmler Catherine Crimmel Diehr Gloria Cushman Beranek Martha Davis Marjorie Eller Replogle Gail Gamble Wiltse Elizabeth Graham

Belden Jackie Heppes Glashagel Carol Smith Witherell Judith Staebler Bushouse Jean Sullivan Fischer Nancy Thieme Mast

Think a sister is missing from this list? The Executive Office may not have current contact information for her. E-mail alumnae@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8940.

Delta-Cornell Elizabeth Eaton Gesler Jeanne Hart Wisner Pamela Jeffcock Allister Ellen Kheel Jacobs Margaret Pitkin Karen Randlev Smith Martha Sackett Reynolds Victoria Scoble Oldberg Margery Smoley Hodgkin Ann Suderley Judith Watson Atkins Epsilon-Minnesota Susan Ahl Alyce Allerson Pollick Elizabeth Bevan Eykyn Chloe Brand Lynn Craig Coates Penny Heberling Slaggie Clare Johnson Jewell Judith Lading Curtis Joanne Lykken Stockwell Carolyn Rude Ann Stevens Eta-Boston Diane Afes Jewel Bland Knowles Pamela Dineen Floyd Nancy Gooding Moorehead Gail Griggs Bassett Brighid Hamel Williams Carol Hoover Keller Patricia Laurans Kathleen Ruskey Cole Bonnie Wade Theta-Michigan Carol Anderson Lipp Carol Bain Wilson Susan Brauer Greiling Harriet Comstock Eilber Linda Grove Thomas Myra Hancock Hykes Helen Harris Baker Kathryn Hering Sherburne Sandra Hersee Olson Judith Johnson Rangel Ann Leavengood Guthrie Sharon Levine Ross Wendy Mayhew Steudle Patricia Rinaldi Catherine Steffek Arcure Susan Watts Du Coeur Jane Williams Neuser Jill Wilson Brennan Iota-Wisconsin Marcia Amacher Barthel Mary Brandt Scherbert Linda Elliott Dombrow Martha Fleuck Rice Leslie Flint Henningsen Sharon Koehn Holzman Shirley Koehn Mueller Margaret Krug Douma Judith Lawson Vehse Ingrid Leach Kelly Judith Mason Stella Rochelle Mathieu Martha Murray McDonald Mary Otis Mollica Sharon Putzer Galligan Kathryn Rudat Rademacher Caroline Weiss Dawson Bonnie Whyte Free

Lambda-UC/Berkeley Jane Barrett Calder Susan Dinkelspiel Cerny Sally Fleury Huffman Pamela Gartshore Olivier Diane Giannone Grialou Farrell Hagerty McKeag Louise Lyman Margaret Sheets Duckhorn Blythe Shelley Carver Ann Sullivan Hamilton Kathleen Thompson Hill Isabel Travis Pulvers Kathleen Wall Claussen Nu-Nebraska Mary Bayer Novak Jessie Bradford McCoy Nancy Brown Shugrue Sandra Carlson Toogood Sandra Clark Scholz Mary Donahoo Seina Susan Edmundson Winkfield Jayne Erickson Finnestead Janis Fletcher Lindsay Linda Joyce Sundberg Phyllis Kent Tinglehoff Gloria Kindler Truell June Kramer Andersen Joan Mudgett Simmons Connie Odden Braun Helen Pohlman Sosin Charlene Whitney Tirro Xi-Toronto Elizabeth Boyd Fear Susan Eddy Rudy Mary Holden Koehler Betty Hughes Cullingworth Penelope Richardson Ghartey Laurie-beth Rutledge Davidson Ruth Sellers Gray Omicron-Missouri Kay Billingsley Simon Nancy Burgess Tartar Joan Caulfield Sara Cook Detchon Susan Denning Hinton Sally Dobson Dorothy Ehlert Atwell Pamela Ewing Jones Catherine Fuhri Bindbeutel Linda Grover Horton Helen Harrold Moody Mary Keller Ball Bonnie Lamb Cronin Ver Pedigo Mary Ramsey England Barbara Taylor Riepl Arlene Wood Padilla Pi-North Dakota Barbara Benner Olson Barbara Dougherty Bergeron Mary Dunn Jerome Mari Hanson Duke Susan Hanson Sands Patricia Hefte Johnston Jeanne Herman Erikson Betty Hurtt Nelson Jacqueline Lindsay Groeneveld Cynthia Morris Erickson

50-year pin

Judith Rupp Quam Nancy Sowka Caruso Nancy Thelander Weiser Sharon Tollerud Sims Elaine Tritschler Ruble Diane Webster Kaiser Ann Wentz Donicht Rho-Ohio State Carol Ballantyne Hamid Nancy Daugherty Klinger Diane Detwiler Zapp Edna Hamilton Williams Marsha Hartzler Nickel Sharon Hedges Martin Diane Hostetter Kumnick Jane Howard Hipley Mary Hybert Silver Therese Lindsay Green Lynnette Lynn Lynnfraser Judith Mockabee Parken Marlene Stihler Gast Dina Triest Cozart Clare Truesdell Anderson Susan Wells Suter Carol Youmans Hodges Sigma-Washington Nancy Andrews Wanda Carlson Winecoff Sally Danner Stephins Marilyn Dillard Meredith Emry Young Sandra Gormley Turrill Marion Hailey HaileyMoss Barbara Hedburg Salenjus Patricia McNelly Nedoluha Janet Olson Carrell Jean Rabe Margaret Raichle Jo Rogers Siler Karen Stegeman Sara Stevenson Lippert Susan Wickland Schott Tau-Oregon Sally Christiansen Christine Conaway Farmer Denise Cypcar Ward Lora Lynn Digman Davis Mary Donnelly Meyers Patricia Heinkel Pintarich Camilla Kleeb Foreman Carolyn Laizure Ballin Carol Lewis Sayers Janet Lindstrom Starr Karen McClaskey Bakken Mary Miller Pollack Gail Morris Longtin Margot Noall Pearson Kathy Page Bassett Linda Powers Manning Janet Stinson Schemm Connie Wilson Bennion Sally Windust Iadarola Upsilon-Washburn Arlys Allen Tarwater Shirley Eldien Johnson Cindy Ewing Karen Griffee Rokala Nancy Kistler Hoffman Jan Scott Locke Connie Stockert Goldwater

Phi-Oklahoma Linda Adams Linda Burks Gunning Lynn Christian Hefley Audrey Cowan Sims Kathryn Crandall Barger Sandra Lain Raftis Martha McDannald Rains Judith McMannis Kelly Elizabeth Reimers Pannell Mary Renegar Jordan Mary Sherman Allred Lynda Stout Tice Betty Stubbs Prickett Sharon Thetford Ervin Jerry Whistler Snow Chi-Montana Linda Fritsch Fasching Marcia Holmes Yury Sharon Labar Haarr Betty Leuthold Waddell Janet MacKenzie Klepper Donna Manley Boam Carlo Rimer Sheppard Derry Schultz Ruth Myra Shults E. Snortland van Eeden Jane Thomas Murray Raejean Thompson Gillespie Karen Upshaw Ekegren Psi-South Dakota Gloria Berge Simpson Mary Clare Theiss Mary Coddington Severson Karen Helgerson Chaussee Kay La Plante Rose Judith Morrow Diehl Kathryn Prey Robertson Virginia Prey Berlin Janet Price Johnson Jeanine Schooler Jane Stull Prenger Carol Tisher Flynn Omega-Texas Bette Azadian Leonard Karen Bergquist Uhr Marcia Burkhart Baertl Julia Chapman Calhoun Alice Chase Hickox Ann Cleland Atkins Peggy Clements Hodges Myrlan Cox Coleman Betty Gill Couch Carolyn Glass Latham Martha Glass Ogden Constance Herbert Camp Karol Kirk Mobley Marjorie Leaverton Randerson Joan Peavy Godfrey Doris Pittinger Thompson Jo Powell Exley Suzanne Prince Newzell Emily Stall Hughes Sandra Thomas Joyce VonBoeckmann Skweres Beta Alpha-Illinois Louise Babb Fredrickson Floride Barnes Kidder Carol Benson

Barbara Danley Hall Cora Eldridge Taylor Phyllis Gilmore Dukes Carol Grote Jacobsen Patricia Heiniger Miller Penelope Johnson Gendry Wilma Marshall Granzin Barbara McLaren Williams Carol Petersen Margot Ridgway Martino Donna Sager Hickey Judith Spikre Semradek Beta Beta-Michigan State Karen Abel Kolschowsky Marcia Brink Erb Carol Carr Morris Nancy Donaldson Scott Joan Foster Wright Martha Hagen Weber Elizabeth Hopkins Jackson Carol Hutchins Cole Joan Hutchinson Mary Martell Mason Bonnie Martin McManus Jane Phillips Sharon Ries Brungard Joanne Sandow Draper Connie Snider Horn Susan Stealy Hoffman Joan Stover Gourdie Beta Gamma-Colorado Linda Abbe Lennihan Barbara Brown Madsen Valerie Flick Friesen Phoebe Galgiani Ellen Lowe Harkins Anne Marsh Wolff Lynne Meyer Gay Winnie Pringle Pannell Robin Rieckhoff Hamilton Mary Rose Jacoby Jan Williams Heck Mary Winter Looney Beta Delta-UCLA Kathleen Barrett Duly Mary Brick Hewitt Mary Burtle Hohmeyer Barbara Hegardt Swenson Susan Jolly Compoy Karen Kerr Eddy Barbara Neare Marshall Jean Ptaszek Ray Caren Way Garmus Beta Epsilon-Arizona Donna Cameron Reynolds Sandra Hale McGuern Susanne Hoffman Popp Gloria Kalil Zlaket Nancy Lewis Shipley Carol McClellan Dawson Margaret Sanger Lampe Jeanne Schult Casey Linda Sierk Mueller Dorothy Sproule Seward Gwen Todd Blair Mary Treadwell Smith Beta Zeta-Idaho Donna Albin Sligar Judy Aldape Lemmon

Dana Andrews Cunningham Barbara Bainbridge Chattin Deanna Duffy Schmidt Mary Irving Kane Sue King Crowell Barbara Kroll Lyons Karen Leichner Barbezat Patricia Nelson Riggs Jane Radsliff Geho Katherine Seely Wright Nancy Snook Frankovic Jude Tracy Cassada Judi Tuttle Fredericksen Jeanne Walker Cline Linda Waterman Wallace Beta Eta-Manitoba Margaret Gushe Ciekiewicz Beta Theta-British Columbia Phyllis England Morris Marilyn Leslie Bruschetta Helen Vukasovich Cvitanovich Beta Iota-West Virginia Ava Calloway Stout Nana Deep Winter Mary Giboney Haden Karen Goss Novak Lee Hall Drowne Marianne McMahon Zetler Carolyn Mentzer Byham Sally Peters Rogus Beverly Starcher Prince Beta Kappa-Denison Carol Anderson Swartz Marjorie Brintnall Shorrock Beverly Brown Nicholson Susan Ensminger Martha Erickson Susan Hessel Helen Hopkins Barbara Howie Campbell Barbara Huestis Jones Susan McEnroe Win Janet Old Cochran Sue Schutte Rogers Beta Lambda-Rollins Betsy Barkwell Mathiesen Kristin Bracewell Deming Judith Klein Neff Sherry McMath Vajda Joan Murray Jaggers Elizabeth Pfanner Catherine Pollock Saalman Ruth Shallenberger White Virginia Vennel Grainger Beta Mu-Alabama Carolyn Allen Knutsen Sylvia Hollingsworth Adcock Margaret Webb Reed Beta Nu-Duke Donna Douglas Price Jane Wingfield Curtis Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State Nancy Bannigan Ricketts

Anne Belknap Lukens Sandra Berry Brading Mary Doyle Sauter Peggy Elliot Hulit Georgene Farley Calvano Nancy Harris Milkint Sue Jones Berry Diane Miarer Roush Janet Shepard Reiter Gwen Ward Franklin Beta Pi-USC Patricia Delmar Parsons Lynn Etter McNairy Susan Field Franzen Valerie Fredericks McCabe Sandra Hoffman Malouf Diane Hoyle Lyons Annette LeBow Couch Terry Lipe Jordan Norinne McKinney Hall Polly Pollard Allen Stephanie Telford Kuster Catherine Waters Bernier Beta Rho-Washington State Gwendolyn Eslick Boero Judith Ferguson Brown Teddi Finholm Hester Sandra Hagedorn Rens Linda Jensen Wells Joan Lazor Mansfield Linda Lingbloom Esping Karen Miller Kuhta Susan Seyster Hempler Joyce Stockdale Palelek Barbara Taylor Catania Nancy Weiss Blythe Wright Bartlett Judith Young Baars Linda Young Balsamo Beta Sigma-Utah Carolyn Banks Robertson Betsy Brewer Jenkins Elizabeth Heimann Swiler Kathryn Koplin McClellan Janice London Birkin Judith McDevitt Watt Mary Roller Bradbury Joan Shaughnessy McMillen Barbara Urquhart June Linda Williams Ekberg Beta Tau-Indiana Pamela Armstrong Langhoff Bonnie Boyle Every Gina Buckleh Riggle Sally Burtzner Sally Ca Jacob Skidmore Joanna Hall Martin Rita Harder Jerger Mary Parks Woods Jeanie Piper Love Linda Romine Carroll Constance Ross Davis Bertha Schafer Jurgens Gerry Schwestka Hardanon Sue Sieber Cornell Jeraldine Spurgeon Hewitt Diana Walters Almy Sue Whaley

Beta Upsilon-Oregon State Judith Barnhart Turner Linda Bumgarner Krahenbuhl Karen Culbertson Rhinard Sallie Elliott Bishop Gail Everest Duncan Connie Gregory Liddle Rebecca Mack Stinson Judith McClarty Sobba Merna Schmeidt Lattimer Nancy Shadley Hart Tonie Vergeer Tollen Gail Wilburn Jepsen Phyllis Wolcott Schulz Beta Phi-Whitman Joanne Allen Branch Barbara Branstad Cynthia Heinicke Isabel McPhee Berney Nancy Simon Beta Chi-Bucknell Barbara Bruns Smith Pauline Curley Sternberger Joyce Fogel Olson Susan Robertson Cunnold Lina Roth Keith Beta Psi-San Jose State Jackie Amis Wheeler Bonnie Bowing Patricia Cahill Williams Mary Cantu Rathbun Katherine Canzano Ghormley Carol Delauder Lillian Derby Enos Judy Gallus Courtney Anne Gilbreath Stagi Joan Matteson Prudence Myers Arlene Nielsen Edminster Linda Paolini Deruiter Carol Pasquali Gayle Sheehan Regan Beta Omega-Kent State Georgia Beier Young Judith Bond Cooper Marcia Brown Wingert Cathleen Daugherty Dill Elaine Esber Nancy Guentzler OBrien Kay Houser Bohren Maria Martini Panozzo Mary McLaughlin Zevchik Cheryl Petraitis Wendell Peggy Phillips Jane Revell Sanko Barbara Ruttan AveryReeve Patricia Tipton Korner Sally Trask Fowler Jane VanAlmen Laurel Webster Patricia Werling Wahl Gamma Alpha-San Diego State Nanci Bennett Shelton Mary Livingston Kinney Lynn Loughrey Moon Sheila Prendergast

The 50-year pin, a silver circle with four red stones, is created so your original badge can be placed inside the circle.

Chapters may not be listed because they did not exist at the time (e.g., chapters were closed or not yet established).

fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly


Carol Smith Underwood Carol Wheatcraft Peterson Barbara White Doren Gamma Beta-UC/Santa Barbara Honor Bourquin Schneider Patty Gibson Allaback Linda Hale Franklin Sue McKellar Kolb Mardi Mohr McKeever Carol Newton Marilyn Soenke Daughters Barbara Testut Weaver Patricia Turner Hennings Mary Tuttle Gomes Norma West Hyde Gamma Gamma-Drury Wilma Hayslip Hudson Lucretia Houston Hadel Judith Standard Scott Gamma Delta-Kansas Margaret Cathcart Clark Judy Church Marshall Patricia Euhus Junod Nina Gillig Eberhart Marcia Hahn Anderson Jean Jarrell Eyre Paula Mausolf Lallier Sylvia Schwarz Adams Sharon Scoville Ellis Sue Shatzell Farmer Chris Smith Sargent Nancy Stout Lindsay Gamma Epsilon-Lake Forest Evelyn Dye Gill Yukiko Hayakawa Llewellyn Mary Hedges Phillips Margaret Lueth Lovaas Lynn Meirose Cole Patricia Rouille Kay Stumpf Powell Patricia Varveris Apostolakis

Gamma Zeta-Puget Sound Karla Anderson Timmerman Bonnie Austin Wood Susan Bosshart Docken Linda Bowman Warren Vicki Cummins Baker Linda Eyerly Beecher Polly Gibbon Downer Linda Hall Smith Susan Hartley Wilcox Christine Heerema Piete Carol Vargo Lundquist Gamma Eta-North Texas Suzyanne Beverly London Jane Derryberry Ross Sue DeWees Henry Martha Fuller Turner Carol Griffin St. John Betty Jones Williams Charlcey Mooring Brabec Sandra Sathre Berman Glenda Scudder Cartwright Barbara Tonick Echols Gamma Theta-Colorado College Ann Hoover Furman Sydney Lammers Boston Joan Seelig Silver Gamma Iota-Texas Tech Jaclyn Faglie Low Sheila George Bright Betty Gray Hill Mary Jo Henderson Sawyer Susan Jones Peterson Anna McCue Caudry Judith McKinnon Garrard Sharon Wilkerson Carraway Billye Wirt Runnels Gamma Kappa-CSU/ Long Beach Lynette Budnick Twiss Barbara Challes Ashley Veon Frye Filak

65 -

year Sisters

Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate Rosemary Henry Strong Dolores Yawberg Feller Alpha-Syracuse Barbara Allen Blank Kittie Blanchard Riker Laurel Clark Mowbray Patricia Derr Cooper Mary Kunkel Wright Mary Stewart OBrien Beta-Northwestern Frances Becker Veris Mary Carlton Liem Donna Davis Arbuckle Dorothy Fineron Neumann Suzanne Ford Guyot Esther Hayes Barrett


Gamma Mu-Georgia State Janice Bain Cox Joyce Coppedge Spivey Renee Gunter Schlingloff Barbara Kirk Bellinger Katie Mahone Lindquist Marcia Speer Stephenson Mary Stauffacher Glover Susan Watson Gamma Nu-Miami University Ariane Barnes Ringler Susan Baumann Hanscel Bette Beerman Overmier Sue Dollison Schmidt Janice Ewart Monks Lynn Ewing Brown Shirley Franz Price Suella Hoerner Mary McShane Sharon Mills Buehl Pamela Mobley Black Marilyn Muench Greider Jane Neu Sininger Janice Roof Revelos Susan Salmon Minogue Marilyn Wagner Strause Marsha Wood Bartlett Linda Zellar Brougher Gamma Xi-Wichita State Alice Castle Coon Kennie Clayton Geiger Meridith Davis Kathy Higley Price Joyce Michel Ubert Karen Morris Karen Nelson Williams

Stephanie Reardon Salter Linnea Swanson Drowatzky Linda Trovillo Lehman Gamma OmicronDrake Tonie Aderhold Gatch Sally Austin Buch Jody Beck Hanna Barbara Dahl Canady Betsy Finke Pezzetti Judith Funke Schutt Leigh Helgesen Mollenhoff June Hurd Dallaire Carolyn Lindberg Manson Sophie Pargas Vlassis Judy Row Linda Sallemi Selden Paulette Salo Johnson Mary Shelly Fuscaldo Sondra Strawn Faber Gamma Pi-Arizona State Carole Barnes Williams Elizabeth Boyer DeYulia Judith Breech Pemberton Barbara Bulla Nash Susan Caldwell Wilbur Kay Campbell Barbee Paula Ivanovich Corrado Marjorie Minsch Schafer Janet Mitchell Labarbera Marsha Smith Henkel Karen Sorgatz Saunders Vicki Thrlkeld Barnes Joanne Welling Pedersen Gamma Rho-Penn State Mary Cimmons Hickey Nancy Cooper Austin Mary Crozier Hutchison Phyllis Davison Raabe Carole Greenert Kovacs Cynthia Hawkins Shogren Julianne Horton Murray Jean Keiser Kipple Shirley Manspeaker Kuntz

Brenda Rambo Piombino Diane Richard Reinert Ruth Rulon Dalton Nancy Slease Sharp Emilie Smith Sundie Donna Sutin Queeney Victoria Wentz Wood Gamma SigmaWisconsin/Stout Joyce Christianson Nelson Jacqueline Freeman Gamble Joanne Gosser Seiler Cynthia Gregg Liddle Marlys Hamilton Garman Susan Hefty Johnson Grace Hinde Howaniec Ruth Hopfensperger Jennerjahn Carol Machovec Subera Nan Ness Banks Elva Paulsen Wiles Karen Santarius Soerens Judy Staley Hawkinson Judy Weiss Jax Mary Wyatt Hallquist Gamma Tau-Willamette Patricia Clark Howard Susannah Duchesne Braff Judie Hoelschen Graham Sharon Keller Powers Victoria Pond Boyd Ann Roesch Nyser Kathryn Schultze Liedtke Patricia Skidmore Ebaugh Sally Walker Gamma Upsilon-Wisconsin/Milwaukee Alice Detjen Miller Judith Fruek Miller Sandra Gehle Giovetti Eleanor Kowske Knight Susan Mollwitz Rebholz Virginia Murphy Maher Annemarie Sladky Fredricks Suzanne Stauff Pieper

Cynthia Stiewe Penny Beverly Umaske Keller

Sally Sherfesee Maxwell Jerry Volberding

Gamma Phi-Florida State Linda Buhl Turner Sheila Carney Meredith Ann Dart Beryle Hooper Slayden Helen King Miller Elizabeth Lackey George Lila Oslin Sullivan Garnett Overcash Halstead Mary Pearson Peterson Dorothy Stephens Gardner Shirley Tomlinson Myers Sandra Welch Noyes

Delta Alpha-East Carolina Kay Barefoot Henley Mary Bazemore Phelps Bobbie Bethune Roberts Carol Butler Daskal Norma Catlett Blackwell Nancy Clifton Buchanan Ida Coley Keller Kathryn Crumpler Jackson Barbara Eidson Long Dorothy Flynn Kennedy Sylvia Gardner Lewis Jo Hooks Barnes Charlotte Humphries Stigall Marian Jackson Chandler Nancy Kinsey Hatcher Janice Langston Newsome Rebecca Lanier Eaddy Mary Lawrence Flowers Betty Matheny Henderson Jo Pope Smith Kay Rodriguez Faucette Patsy Royal Hill Dorothy Smith Knowlton Mary Stewart Shough Elle Sullivan Jorgensen Nancy Wright DeNoia

Gamma Chi-Portland State Kathleen Doran Isom Donna Johnson Amoth Mary Pendergrass VanNess Arlene Strader Orr Carol Swenson Hundeby Lexalynn Taylor Hooper Gaynell Trotter Michele Venne Nelson Janet Wilson Gamma Psi-Ripon Mary Backus Miller Margaret Bisson Wheatley Jean Dring Velelewak Karen Goepfert Johnson Marcia MacLeish Higgins Maureen Madigan Kroeger Karen Wohlford Staege Gamma OmegaMidwestern State Sammie Bishop DeVillier Jean Burney McNabb Linda Holmes Millhollon Iva Jeter Thomas Sue Lawrence Doolen Linda McShan LeBlanc Carol Moncrief Chase Susan Robb Matthews

Delta Beta-Texas A&M/ Commerce Sharon Barber Jocelyn Baumgardner Pyle Carolyn Bohanan Hunt Patricia Charpiot Conard Carolyn Cross Slye Carole Grohmann Copeland Alice Hebel Klobukowski Gail Johnson Palmer Linda Johnson Cooper Mary King Arterbury Rose-Mary Magrill Juanita Martin Darby Lou May Rutherford Glinda Mayes Felty Connie Mitchell

Lemaster Virginia Parsley Bishop Scherry Perkins Gail Perkins Richardson Connie Russell Holley Macon Sanders Evans Elizabeth Shaffer Watson Mary Steed Hahn Carolyn Stocks McCuine Loretta Stone Warnick Barbara Wallace Moses Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado Judith Anderson Girard Eleanor Arroyo Jewell Sandra Banwell Miller Judith Barnard Card Janet Behn Hruska Clarissa Benner Romine Judith Christensen Alexander Judith Cunningham Phillips Judy Gifford Lease Lucille Halligan Cadwell Karen Hamilton Dewitt Helen Henson Arntson Sally Hill Meredith Lynne Holleuffer Kathryn Lathrop McCleary Linda Meyer Kempf Marian Miura Jeananne Olsen Wright Karen Pratt Kramer Sandra Priehs Butterweck Janet Ray Hartman Renee Riesberg Warren Gretchen Schaefer Knutson Marilyn Test Spear Mary Weingarth Newton Ann Wheeler Dickey Sharon Widdifield Baldwin Doris Winter Blackaby Jane Woodham Heggie Susan Zirkel Stanec

In 1945 • Alpha Phi installs a new chapter at Washington State (Beta Rho). • Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated to an unprecedented fourth term as president of the United States. No president before, or since, has ever reached a third term in office.

Sally Hobart Eichman Suzanne Marx Bower Lorraine Shipley Shaffer Katherine Tedrow Lary Marjorie Vieth Kimmel Susan Waters Gamma-DePauw Betty Bierk Westenhiser Barbara Bogan Van Ornum Patricia Clithero Sneed Eleanor Creed Murphy Patricia Crothers Lindquist Kathryn Erickson Palm Marilyn Haegg Osborne Barbara Kreger Jordan Jane Osborn Hoffmann Frances Pirkle Welch

Alpha Phi Quarterly

Nancy Gosch Janet Lassick McDuffie Barbara Melton Swedell Susan Miller Khalsa Denise Nevin Kathleen Powell Graesser Janice Reynolds Kerr Oskana Romaniuk Sharon Ross Hill Margo Rulla Howes

fall 2010

Doris Rogers Bain Nancy Scism Marble Sue Shafer Farmer Delta-Cornell Joan Auchter Kraft Nancy Barrett Lanning Sarah Bowen Charnley Clarine Capuzzi Hall Elizabeth Donnelly Dilaura Mary Grammer Byers Barbara Matlack Hughes Barbara Stryker Pratt Lucy Woodruff Groh Epsilon-Minnesota Janette Ahrens Buckbee Karen Amundson Griffith Jean Atmore Mars

Mary Canby McGee Nancy Olds Fitts Marguerite Olsen Atmore Elizabeth Reynolds Hazen Sally Schroeder Warner Cynthia Way Pile Zeta-Goucher Barbara Bottom Forst Cornelia Williams Baldwin Eta-Boston Margaret Bolton Moore Katherine Breslin Carlson Janet Coffin Paxton Mary Mendum Milligan

Theta-Michigan Betty Abbott Calambokidis Margot Breitmeyer Reynolds Alice Carlson Flick Janice Goodsell Oeming Janice Green Pemberthy Joyce Hall Brown Mary Krupka Anderson Helen Masson Vorys Alice Miller Orr Virginia Olberding Kiefer Marilynn Schaefer Campbell Iota-Wisconsin Jean Bailey McFarland Marjorie Black Carroll Elizabeth Frankland Dahlstrom

Margaret Meanwell Oglesby Peggy Peck Galloway Ann Senger Lee Sally Tillotson Washburn Constance Weber Yost

Adrienne Orchison Edmonston Jean Percival Weeks Anne Rowe Ennis Nancy Stevens Barton Julia Wood Kramer

Lambda-UC/Berkeley Mary Berry Pierce Barbara Button Ryan Eugenie Fullen Gravem Mollie Howell Eschen Carolyn Johnson Gertrude Jones Langer Jeannette Jones Ogburn Beverly Jones Kennedy Phyllis Macgavin Crandall Patricia Manners Everett Louisa Nevins Miller

Nu-Nebraska Joan Bauer Calvert Carolyn Christensen VanHorne Priscilla Flagg Visek Myrlee Holler Potosnak Jacqueline Lambarty Knight Pauline Martz Buck Marjorie Olson Eaton Virginia Purdham Hanisch Marjorie Sauer Spradling Mary Schmale Cobb

Babette Stenger Pribbeno Lucille Stryson Lipps Gwendolyn Taylor Galbraith Xi-Toronto Betty Anderson Ellis Margery McLeod Campbell Omicron-Missouri Iris Core Kephart Betty Hickman Hughes Patricia Johnstone Jacoby Elizabeth Lloyd Rule Norma Smith Kaywell Velma Snodgrass Carol Swank Miller Rosemary Wiseman Sparks

Think a sister is missing from this list? The Executive Office may not have current contact information for her. E-mail alumnae@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8940.

Pi-North Dakota Betty Grorud Jacobson Jean Harkison Knutson Mary Johnson Freeburg Donna Knauf Bach Lorraine Larson Sundquist Marilyn Mattson Bostrom Rho-Ohio State Norma Bird Miller Naomi Hill Schuning Rosemary Owsley Joyce Mary Pringle Elder Kathryn Steinhilber Westlake Joanne Trout McCammon Sigma-Washington Mar Andrews Fairbrook Jean Baird Anderson Elizabeth Clifford Collinson Jacqueline Driscoll Eathorne Ann Greene Hunter Elizabeth Heg Brannstrom Patricia Hughmanick Crafts Barbara Owen Brink Helen Potter Hennessy Doris Stobie Coman Diana White Adams

Tau-Oregon Jacqueline Findlater Farris Ann Jernstedt Brucken Charlotte Plummer Medlock Suzanne Schoenfeldt Fields Phyllis Webster Dickson Upsilon-Washburn Ellen Doyle Cunningham Nadine Heckathorn Cordts Barbara Heyl Hoyle Helen McCarthy Murphy Marjorie Murphy Parsons Beth Nelson Rider Mary Richardson Titus Phi-Oklahoma Lynn Albertson Cohenour Frances Capps Thompson Marjorie Marrow Wilma Patchett Doty Mila Trent Hill Chi-Montana Ardis Allen Ridgeway Susan Brenner Erickson Norma Burke Whitson Paula Griffin Hanna Ellen Mouat Langston Betty Noblitt Lowthian Helen Packer Hamilton

Mary Schmit Garrity Nina Tange Marth Psi-South Dakota Evelyn Halgerson Sternberg Phyllis Hatch Frankenfeld Donna Hodges Williams Audrey Kofmehl Willging Sallianne Nissen Davis Verna Peterson Ehrenfelt Iris Smith Slack Omega-Texas Kathryn Agnew Doolittle Jean Black McDowell Marilynn Brand Gould Nancy Carroll Wilshusen Betsy Dudley Ervin Marion Gauldin Shaw Joy Goff Miller Dorothy Layne Hendrick Lois Lefkowsky Wells Ruth McFarland Gardner Anita Montgomery Higginbotham Emily Moore Seay Margaret Plummer Seiders Renata Strassmann Lauden Shirley Taylor Brueggerhoff Lois Whitesell Black Beta Alpha-Illinois Annice Buckner

65-year pin

75 -

year Sisters

Eta-Boston Constance Darrow Helen Goring Elizabeth Yukevitz Duncan Theta-Michigan Janet Pike Schoo Ella Wade Fox Betty Walsh Graham Iota-Wisconsin Marie Pullar Jackson Elizabeth Rhodes Engle Helen Savage Hammes

75-year pin

Beta Epsilon-Arizona Florence Baum Hurst Marianne Cooke Johnsen Mary George Campbell Martha Herget Straus Jacqueline Hinz Parker Miriam Jones Morgan Joan Lettie Ash Mary Smith Lange Beta Zeta-Idaho Bernice Bakes Felt Bonnie Burnside Hubbard

Madelyn Lockhart Marjorie Madden Lathan Polly Perkins Ross Ruth Ann Roltwheeler Skidmore Thea Wise Childs

Beta Eta-Manitoba Yvonne Craddock Tomplin Jeanne Walker Myers

Beta Lambda-Rollins Kaye Haenichen Benson Margy Mitchell Patterson Nancy Tusler Redfearn Dulcie Whitley Clark

Beta Theta-British Columbia Frances Turnbull Phillips Beta Iota-West Virginia Jean Anderson Benson Mary Divich Willadene Gallagher Najimian Mary Huffman Orlidge Jane Spangler Wade Madeline Winter Thornton Dorothy Wotring Simon Beta Kappa-Denison Norma Ackley Gill Thora Clark Saran Marjorie Donley Mary Dyer Stange Shelley Good Charlotte Heffron Broughton Wilma Herbert Root Jean Hunter Frances Kirk Marsh

Beta Mu-Alabama Alice Ford Schaffer Betty Spinks Laird Peggy Wunderlich Coburn Beta Nu-Duke Gloria Bowen McCoy Joyce Godwin Moore Pauline Kittrell Christian Marian Pecot Lowry Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State Lois Branin Saladik Marilyn Brown Nyce Joyce Cotner McClain Ann Cutler France Helen Dombrady Inman Phyllis Folts Veazey Mary Koeppe Wayne Jean Kuebler Adams Marjorie Lichty Culbertson

Mary MacEwen Margaret Manhart Denzer D. Miller Warren Mary Miller Rudolph Kathleen Niemeyer Watson Rosemary Romaker Mathews Jane Russell Johnson Beta Pi-USC Grace Baker Hansen Wanda Germain Voorhies Sally Hatteroth Jones Betty Jay Mann Betty Konig Hayter Virginia Patton Moss Colleen Phipps Kirst Jeanne Pilling Morger Ina Robbins Robinson Barbara Scott Cox Beta Rho-Washington State Ruth Barnier Powell Betty Bickford Trice Eileen Busek Weller Charlotte Cowan Pierce Virginia Dirks Boettcher Jean Edwards Whitaker Janice Jordan Popp Sally McVean Johnson Patricia Merman Bristow

• Alpha Phi founds a new chapter at Duke (Beta Nu). • Amelia Earhart becomes the first person to fly solo from Hawaii to California. • Parker Brothers releases the board game Monopoly.

Beta-Northwestern Maxine Berger Wright Janet Powers McGurn

Epsilon-Minnesota Elizabeth Boyd Biorn Wendy Clayton White

Beta Gamma-Colorado Jean Alexander Freeman Mary Bunting Mounger Mary Chambers Place Phyllis Currier Hobson Dorothy Grimm Johnson Margaret Hall Sensel Priscilla Keyes Newell Wanda Koch Wilson Jane Ladegard Fowler Shirley Riggenbach Quasenberry Rosemary Russell Bischoff Carolyn Smith Coons Bertha Thompson Nott Mary Warner Hughes

Cynthia Jesness Lothrop Betty Rustay Henricus Shirley Solterbeck Wayman Eloise Soule Burnett Margaret Spring Singer

In 1935

Lucille Galvin Stevenson Ann Haroldson Leitch Betty Jones Jewett

Delta-Cornell Mary Chaney Carson Ruth Rogers Wilcox

Beta Beta-Michigan State Mary Loring Dorothy Reddy Otto Barbara Reid Brown Margaret Schaefer Lambert Mary Wrenn Krall

Beta Delta-UCLA Sue Bennett Missimer Catherine Burger Owens Nancy Charlton Sedgwick Betty Conklin Slaven Jo Dennis Cloninger Jacqueline Gold Blake Jane Higbey Jeanne Kirk Moore Jane Maxfield Nora McNerney Lehman Geraldine Morgan Williams Beulah Poliquin Clitheroe Evelyn Scott Godber Gloria Uhl Hovey Colleen Weber Gekler Pat Woodill McCarthy Sally Work Franks

The golden 65-year pin is an elegant interpretation of one of our most cherished symbols, the lily of the valley.

Alpha-Syracuse Katharine Ford Stafford Jean Jewell DeYoung Joy Pelot Mason

Gamma-DePauw Mary Gibson

Chadwick Doris Dietz Anthonisen Margot Flock Kramer Annette Goersmeyer Mahler Sally McCaughey Getty Barbara Nicklaus Wiebmer Jane Schoonmaker

Ruth Shibe Tompkins Kappa-Stanford Josephine Player Pelmear Mary Valentine Lambda-UC/Berkeley Virginia Bowman Wachob Jean Corse Tickle Betty Hutchison Shelley Jane Parker King Mary Thatcher Lewis Janet Walter Pringle Nu-Nebraska Meredith Overpeck Duncan Edna Reeder Emerson

Margaret Smith Stotz Desta Ward Garner Alice Weller Taylor Xi-Toronto Frances Scott Somerville Agnes Thompson Omicron-Missouri Blanche Boyd Wolpers Sue Heines Devine Hazel VanDyke Moffitt Pi-North Dakota Helen Alfonte Lind Gladys Risem Waldorf Sigma-Washington Carolyn Erskine Andrews

Virginia Lowther Hartmann Evelyn Ober Kelleran Margery Robinson Phillips Mary Spinner Bloxom Verna Thomas Carter Charlotte Wright Boyle Tau-Oregon Carmen Curry Goodfellow Lucille Moore Barnhart Ruthalbert Wolfenden Holt Upsilon-Washburn Frances Cooper Roskam Phi-Oklahoma Helen Arnold Boxell

Chi-Montana Montana Nimbar Saldin

Beta Beta-Michigan State Jeanette Loree Hunt

Psi-South Dakota Florence Herther VanderBoom Margaret Knox Miller

Beta Gamma-Colorado Virginia Clark LaFlare

Omega-Texas Martha Broderson Sirgo Helen Goolsby Christenson Marguerite Winn Currie Beta Alpha-Illinois Caroline Calloway Gallagher Jean Grable Ruth Pfisterer Kling

Beta Delta-UCLA Mary Millspaugh Salisbury Isabel Phister Soule Beta Zeta-Idaho Neva Eisinger Gill Beta Theta-British Columbia Pauline Patterson Legg

Beta Kappa-Denison Martha Hering Tillotson Ruth Porter Woodburn Rosemary Spieler Albietz Martha White Banks Beta Mu-Alabama Avis Boykin Reid Molly Mercer Lynch Beta Nu-Duke Sara Duckett Pickard Mary Lou Kincheloe Bradley Margaret Taylor Linton Harriet Way Shealy

Beta Iota-West Virginia Shirrel Wilson Schley

The 75-year pin, a brilliant diamond-shaped golden pin with clear stones at each of the points, also allows you to place your original badge inside the pin.

Chapters may not be listed because they did not exist at the time (e.g., chapters were closed or not yet established).

fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly


Silent Chapter Please note: class year listed in parentheses is year of initiation. Baldwin-Wallace (Delta Upsilon)

Helen Torrance (‘70), March 15, 2010. British Columbia (Beta Theta)

Mary Clohosey (‘49), Dec. 26, 2009. Colorado (Beta Gamma)

Jean Dudgeon Naylor (‘38), Dec. 16, 2009. Cornell (Delta)

Marjorie Dale Hemingway (‘37), Feb. 1, 2010. Susan Norris Rose (‘57), April 1, 2009. Rhoda Dunham Webster (‘38), May 14, 2009. Lillian Sturges Woolford (‘40), Oct. 28, 2009. CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa)

Sharron Dach Farris (‘62), July 2, 2009. DePauw (Gamma)

Jeanne Klusmeier Frank (‘43), April 1, 2010. Drury (Gamma Gamma)

Illinois (Beta Alpha)

Nancy Thorp Flynn (‘62), Feb. 7, 2010. Laura Wright Fruin (‘35), April 6, 2010. Priscilla Lyon (‘42), Sept. 7, 2009. Indiana (Beta Tau)

Jean Schulte Haynes (‘48), March 26, 2010. Kansas (Gamma Delta)

Martha Combs Austin (‘53), March 18, 2010. Joann Boswell Lumpkin (‘54), Feb. 22, 2010. Michigan (Theta)

Margaret Harrigan Cole (‘50), March 23, 2010. Nancy MacDonald Delaney (‘54), Sept. 18, 2009. Minnesota (Epsilon)

Nancy Northrop Loth (‘41), Jan. 18, 2010. Maxine Gilles Wood (‘41), Dec. 23, 2009. Missouri (Omicron)

Jane Scarbrough Peterson (‘42), March 6, 2010.

Violet Bielicke Dziatlik (‘50), March 23, 2010.


Alpha Phi Quarterly

fall 2010

Nebraska (Nu)

Sarah Bane Dennis (‘41), Jan. 2, 2010. Joan Carveth McKee (‘48), March 21, 2010. Nebraska/Kearney (Delta Xi)

Betty Bishop Krubeck (‘65), March 14, 2010. North Dakota (Pi)

Phyllis Auman Worsley (‘31), March 11, 2010.

Oregon (Tau)

Alice Wedemeyer Sedgwick (‘31), Feb. 14, 2010. Puget Sound (Gamma Zeta)

Lita Johnson Chiarovano (‘53), Feb. 15, 2010. San Diego State (Gamma Alpha)

Patricia Scidmore Granfield (‘50), Feb. 16, 2010. South Dakota (Psi)

Jane Tharp Kerstien (‘67), March 8, 2010.

Janice Mickelson Carmody (‘48), April 3, 2010. Doris Lathrop Swisher (‘35), Feb. 9, 2010.

Northwestern (Beta)

Syracuse (Alpha)

Northern Colorado (Delta Gamma)

Marsden Wright Whitney (’45), Sept. 27, 2009. Ohio State (Rho)

Laura Arbuckle Bailey (‘69), March 31, 2010. Alice Hohenstine Childers (‘33), Oct. 26, 2009. Oklahoma (Phi)

Roseann Miller Cash (‘47), Jan. 25, 2010. Mary Johnston Smith (‘31), April 2, 2010.

Phila Putnam Hall (‘46), Jan. 9, 2010. Texas (Omega)

Elizabeth Sutherland Carpenter (‘40), March 20, 2010. Elizabeth Gribble Cook (‘42), March 12, 2010. Ruth Stuart Meador (‘36), Feb. 7, 2010. Marjorie Johnson Moore (‘47), March 20, 2010. Marjorie Swartz Richards (‘43), Jan. 15, 2010.

Texas Tech (Gamma Iota)

Patricia Ginn Turner (‘62), Jan. 24, 2010. UC/Berkeley (Lambda)

Gladys Eustis Daniels (‘43), Feb. 20, 2010. Jean Brown Wolfe (‘30), Feb. 16, 2010. UCLA (Beta Delta)

Ruth Atkinson Garstone (‘33), Nov. 3, 2009. Helen Hay Gepfert (‘38), Feb. 2, 2010. USC (Beta Pi)

Lois Ebner Buchanan (‘46), Feb. 22, 2010. Washburn (Upsilon)

Betty Burnett (‘51), Jan. 31, 2010. Ruth Kluge Griffith (‘47), March 16, 2010. Elizabeth Brink Hoover (‘32), Jan. 12, 2010. Paula Levens Hotujac (‘78), March 17, 2010. Washington (Sigma)

Mary Reid Wolfe(‘57), Jan. 16, 2010.

West Virginia (Beta Iota)

Joan Ashworth (‘58), March 15, 2010. Carol Ellison Kittle (‘51), Jan. 25, 2010. Wichita State (Gamma Xi)

Betty Cox Friend (‘58), March 20, 2010. Wisconsin (Iota)

Dawn Michel Bosold (‘70), Jan. 15, 2010. Sally Kennard Hammond (‘47), March 18, 2010. Marjorie Quermann Nixon (‘46), Dec. 25, 2009. Constance Gallinger Svensson (‘40), March 20, 2010.

Alpha Phi International Directory FOUNDERS


Clara Bradley Burdette (’76) Silent Chapter 1954

Chairman Linda Gardner Massie (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Toano, VA linda@jackmassie.com

Florence Chidester Lukens (’75) Silent Chapter 1885 Martha Foote Crow (’76) Silent Chapter 1924 Ida Gilbert Houghton (’76) Silent Chapter 1916 Jane S. Higham (’76) Silent Chapter 1949 Kate Hogoboom Gilbert (’75) Silent Chapter 1900 Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults (’75) Silent Chapter 1895 Rena Michaels Atchison (’74) Silent Chapter 1933 Louise Shepard Hancock (’76) Silent Chapter 1932 Clara Sittser Williams (’75) Silent Chapter 1925 PAST PRESIDENTS Phyllis Sims Selig (Gamma Delta-Kansas),1974-78 Nancy Wittgen Burks DeVoe (Gamma-DePauw), 1982-86 Sally McCall Grant (Gamma-DePauw), 1986-90 Virginia Burson Struble (Beta Kappa-Denison), 1990-94 Linda Gardner Massie (Delta Alpha-East Carolina), 1994-98 Jean Cameron Hahm (Gamma Nu-Miami University), 1998-2002 Crista Cate Vasina (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado), 2002-06 Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT), 2006-10 INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD International President Linda L. Boland (Gamma KappaCSU/Long Beach) Yucaipa, CA linda.boland2@verizon.net Vice President Valerie Lawlor (Omicron-Missouri) Dallas, TX vallaw@aol.com Secretary/Treasurer Jane Kirby Arkes (Omicron-Missouri) Portland, OR RJArkes@aol.com Directors Susan Weiskittle Barrick (Beta OmicronBowling Green State) Gainesville, FL sbarrick@alumnae.alphaphi.org Susan McNeice (Epsilon Nu-Delaware) Fairfax Station, VA smcneice@alumnae.alphaphi.org Coree Smith (Epsilon Theta-Northern Iowa) Chicago, IL coree.smith@kirkland.com Sonja-Lou Bark Stunard (Delta Mu-Purdue) Lake Forest, IL SLS3095@comcast.net Amy Jordan Tvrdik (Omicron-Missouri) St. Louis, MO amee16@aol.com Renee Smith Zimmerman Zainer (Beta EpsilonArizona) Centennial, CO rzainer@aol.com Ex-Officio Member/NPC Delegate Sally McCall Grant (Gamma-DePauw) Walnut Creek, CA sallymgrant@gmail.com Ex-Officio Member/Executive Director Linda Wells Kahangi lkahangi@alphaphi.org

Vice Chairman Susan J. Bevan (Sigma-Washington) Greenwich, CT sjb41690@aol.com Secretary Diane Spry Straker (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Reston, VA desstraker@comcast.net Treasurer Judy Ethell (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) St. Louis, MO ethellja@aol.com Directors Laura Jen Kin Berger (Gamma KappaCSU/Long Beach) Simi Valley, CA syd2karli@aol.com Linda L. Boland (Gamma KappaCSU/Long Beach) Yucaipa, CA linda.boland2@verizon.net

Director of Alumnae Membership Alissa Meyer Milito amilito@alphaphi.org 847.316.8941

Director of Donor and Alumnae Engagement Jane Baxter Miller jmiller@alphaphi.org 847.316.8948

Program Manager of Alumnae Membership Paige Stallings pstallings@alphaphi.org 847.316.8925

Director of Educational Campaigns Melissa Wagasy Moody mmoody@alphaphi.org 248.439.0157

Coordinator of Alumnae Membership Melanie Keller mkeller@alphaphi.org 847.316.8940

GOLD Development Officer Carolyn LeBaugh Gregg cgregg@alphaphi.org 714.580.2005

Director of Collegiate Operations J.D. Louk jdlouk@alphaphi.org 847.316.8943

GOLD Development Officer Brittany Fertig bfertig@alphaphi.org 443.857.4426

Program Manager of Collegiate Chapter Services Heather Scheuer hscheuer@alphaphi.org 847.316.8944

Program Manager Laura Keene lkeene@alphaphi.org 847.316.8951

Director of Collegiate Recruitment Linda Schnetzer lschnetzer@alphaphi.org 847.316.8924

Development Coordinator Sheatarra Ervin servin@alphaphi.org 847.316.8947

Jenny Holsman (Gamma Pi-Arizona State) Chandler, AZ jholsman@asu.edu

Program Manager of Consultants / Recruitment Support Gwendolyn Hill ghill@alphaphi.org 847.316.8934

Karen McChesney Howe (Gamma SigmaWisconsin/Stout) Minnetonka, MN khowe2006@gmail.com

Coordinator of Collegiate Operations Hope Gray hgray@alphaphi.org 847.316.8927

Hilary Bahn (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) Centennial, CO hbahn@alphaphi.org 720.261.0574

Director of Finance Cathy Koessl ckoessl@alphaphi.org 847.316.8928

Megan Cadow (Eta Lambda-George Mason) Burke, VA mcadow@alphaphi.org 540.903.8888

Jean Creamer Hodges (Rho-Ohio State) Denver, CO jghodges@aol.com NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE DELEGATION Delegate Sally McCall Grant (Gamma-DePauw) Walnut Creek, CA sallymgrant@gmail.com First Alternate Delegate Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT) Bedminster, NJ lms@alumnae.alphaphi.org Second Alternate Delegate Ruth Gallager Nelson (Delta Epsilon-Iowa) Chicago, IL rgnelson@alumnae.alphaphi.org Third Alternate Delegate Laura Lynn Davidson (Belta Delta-UCLA) Los Angeles, CA ldavidson@alumnae.alphaphi.org HISTORIAN Margaret Knights Hultsch (Beta Nu-Duke, Rho-Ohio State, Beta-Northwestern and Omicron-Missouri) Columbia, MO hultsch4@aol.com EXECUTIVE OFFICE STAFF Telephone numbers listed under Fraternity and Foundation staff are direct lines. Fraternity 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 Phone 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 e-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org

EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONSULTANTS 2010-2011 All ELCs can receive mail at the Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201.

Manager of Housing Dawn Toth dtoth@alphaphi.org 317.402.6881

Sarah Dariano (Beta OmicronBowling Green State) Perrysburg, OH sdariano@alphaphi.org 419.699.0361

Director of Marketing and Extension Megan Bouché mbouche@alphaphi.org 847.316.8926

Lauren Kelly Gall (Iota Lambda-Connecticut) Shelton, CT lgall@alphaphi.org 203.218.1149

Manager of New Chapter Development Cassidy Rosenthal crosenthal@alphaphi.org 847.316.8939

Christi Gray (Beta Rho-Washington State) Renton, WA cgray@alphaphi.org 425.442.9389

Director of Training, Development and Communications Denise Jung Reens dreens@alphaphi.org 847.316.8921 Communications Manager and Quarterly Editor-in-Chief Christine Spiegel cspiegel@alphaphi.org 847.316.8920 Manager of Resources and Training Initiatives Stefania Rudd srudd@alphaphi.org 847.316.8933 Program Manager of Marketing and Communications TBD Foundation 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 Phone 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 e-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org

Executive Director Linda Wells Kahangi lkahangi@alphaphi.org 847.316.8922

Executive Director Ann Brinkman Carstensen acarstensen@alphaphi.org 847.316.8950

Manager of Administrative Services Carol Schar Sellards cschar@alphaphi.org 847.316.8945

Director of Philanthropic Campaigns Nancy Owen Craig ncraig@ptd.net 570.473.3609

Christine Griffith (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Hudson, OH cgriffith@alphaphi.org 330.472.0722 Cathy Josendale (Omicron-Missouri) Cedar Rapids, IA cjosendale@alphaphi.org 319.329.5823 Elizabeth Martin (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) Denver, CO emartin@alphaphi.org 303.726.6423 Mackenzie Miller (Eta Rho-San Diego) Arcadia, CA mmiller@alphaphi.org 626.340.1545 Samantha Rose Shulman (Delta Nu-Maine) Bangor, ME sshulman@alphaphi.org 207.487.7737 Kelly Yocca (Eta Kappa-UC/Irvine) Dana Point, CA kyocca@alphaphi.org 949.677.7450 REGIONAL TEAM DIRECTORY Mid-Atlantic Region Regional Manager Susan Carrochi Sherman (Epsilon Nu-Delaware) Fort Washington, PA carrochisherman@verizon.net

Coordinator of Events and Administrative Services Liz Snider lsnider@alphaphi.org 847.316.8929

fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly


Alpha Phi International Directory Alumnae Membership Coordinator Shannon Dooley Pruce (Beta Nu-Duke) Yardley, PA shannondooley@alumnae.alphaphi.org

Alumnae Membership Coordinator Lori Lyman Losee (Beta Rho-Washington State) Puyallup, WA lorilosee@comcast.net

Human Resources Coordinator Kimberly Musselman (Theta Zeta-Florida Tech) Melbourne, FL Ivytwined@aol.com

Elected Representative Jan Brinker Schaeffer (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Castalia, OH janschaeffer@alumnae.alphaphi.org

Collegiate Membership Coordinator TBD

Collegiate Membership Coordinator Margo Anderson Newman (Beta Rho-Washington State) University Place, WA newman.margo@gmail.com

Operations and Programming Coordinator Jackee Schools (Eta Lambda-George Mason) Alexandria, VA jackeeschools@yahoo.com

Elected Representative Carol Wilde Wahl (Delta Kappa-Wisconsin/LaCrosse) Cameron Park, CA clw88@alumnae.alphaphi.org

Regional Housing Coordinator Andrea Coffey Stewart (Theta Pi-Emory) Smyrna, GA andreastewart0215@gmail.com

Elected Representative Kim Larsen Watson Bowie, MD mydearwatsons@comcast.net

Southwest Region


Regional Manager Susan Morris Haber (Beta Delta-UCLA) Encino, CA susanmhaber@earthlink.net

Chair Billie Coskey Battiato (Phi-Oklahoma) Tulsa, OK oudoll@ix.netcom.com

Alumnae Membership Coordinator Sara Mayer (Delta Chi-William Woods) Phoenix, AZ smayer@alumnae.alphaphi.org

Tobi Board Nieland (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate) Yucaipa, CA tobinieland@msn.com

Operations and Programming Coordinator Lisa Snyder Frerichs (Eta Iota-Pennsylvania) Alexandria, VA bikibin@aol.com Regional Housing Coordinator Jane Tanner (Delta-Cornell) Parish, NY tannerj@sunyocc.edu North Central Midwest Region Regional Manager Jaime Alsup Ryberg (Theta Gamma-Truman State)Lake St. Louis, MO jaime.ryberg@alumnae.alphaphi.org Alumnae Membership Coordinator Molly Statz Sabatino (Omicron-Missouri) Geneva, IL masabatino@yahoo.com

Operations and Programming Coordinator Carol Wilde Wahl (Delta Kappa-Wisconsin/LaCrosse) Cameron Park, CA clw88@alumnae.alphaphi.org Regional Housing Coordinator Kary Crumm Huffman (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Las Vegas, NV karycrumm@yahoo.com

Regional Manager Jandy Thompson (Delta BetaTexas A&M/Commerce) Dallas, TX JandyThompson@alumnae.alphaphi.org Alumnae Membership Coordinator Laura Matyear Florence (Zeta Upsilon-Washington) Littleton, CO lauraflorence09@gmail.com

Human Resources Coordinator Leslie Ferguson (Delta Chi-William Woods) Overland, MO leslie.ferguson@alumnae.alphaphi.org Operations and Programming Coordinator Laura Wolfe (Gamma Nu-Miami University) Schaumburg, IL WolfeLB@aol.com Operations and Programming Coordinator Jennifer Hutchinson Frobish (Epsilon Delta-Northern Illinois) Bloomington, IL mamafro@gmail.com Regional Housing Coordinator Marj Freese (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Washington, IL freesedmeb@comcast.net Northeast Region Regional Manager Cathy Schafer McKay (Theta Iota-James Madison) New York, NY cathymckay@alumnae.alphaphi.org Alumnae Membership Coordinator Robin Foster (Epsilon Kappa-West Chester) Troy, NY robinfoster@yahoo.com

Collegiate Membership Coordinator Evan Guthrie (Omega-Texas) Austin, TX guthrie.evan@gmail.com Collegiate Membership Coordinator Courtney McCallum (Beta Gamma-Colorado) Glenwood Springs, CO Courtney.mccallum@colorado.edu Collegiate Membership Coordinator Susan DuMont (Gamma Epsilon-Lake Forest) Newark, DE dumonsl@gmail.com Human Resources Coordinator Leslie Lee Sans (Omega-Texas) Austin, TX eilseleel@aol.com Operations and Programming Coordinator Stacey Thulin Daniel Austin, TX Jym.stacey@earthlink.net Regional Housing Coordinator Tonya Sharp Ryan (Phi-Oklahoma) Edmond, OK ryans4ou@cox.net

Collegiate Membership Coordinator Liz Lowe Oltman (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) Tinton Falls, NJ emoltman@yahoo.com Human Resources Coordinator Jennifer Koschalk Stevens (Theta Zeta-Florida Tech) Palmyra, PA biotigger16@verizon.net Operations and Programming Coordinator Ashley Nutter (Beta Iota-West Virginia) Newark, DE ashleyenutter@gmail.com Regional Housing Coordinator Lora Tuley Brys (Theta Gamma-Truman State) Wichita, KS Lora@alumnae.alphaphi.org Pacific Northwest Region Regional Manager Jennifer Peabody Billingsley (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Fairfield, CA jetta1872@yahoo.com

Alpha Phi Quarterly

Operations and Programming Coordinator Saori Clark (Tau-Oregon) Portland, OR saoriclark@gmail.com

South Central Region

Collegiate Membership Coordinator Michelle Connell (Epsilon Phi-NC State) St. Louis, MO mkconnell@sbcglobal.net


Human Resources Coordinator Cindy Popich Maki (Beta Zeta-Idaho) Kent, WA Cin_maki@yahoo.com

fall 2010

Collegiate Membership Coordinator Lindsay Martin Poss (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Sacramento, CA kansaslindz@yahoo.com Human Resources Coordinator Brandi Stelter Wallace (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) San Diego, CA brandi.wallace@hotmail.com Operations and Programming Coordinator Laura Lynn Davidson (Beta Delta-UCLA) Los Angeles, CA lauradavidson@uclalumni.net Regional Housing Coordinator Wendy Deems Sugg (Beta Delta-UCLA) Dana Point, CA a_phi_advisor@hotmail.com Upper Midwest Region Regional Manager Jan Brinker Schaeffer (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Castalia, OH janschaeffer@alumnae.alphaphi.org Alumnae Membership Coordinator Patti Ward Shears (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Boardman, OH PShears@aol.com Canadian Resource Coordinator Lauren Cherry Doherty (Eta Chi-Bishop’s) Kitchener, ON Canada lauren.doherty@alumnae.alphaphi.org Canadian Resource Coordinator Alison Nash (Xi-Toronto) Toronto, ON Canada alisonnash@alumnae.alphaphi.org

Southeast Region

Collegiate Membership Coordinator Michelle Davis Boerger (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Hamilton, OH michelle.aphi@earthlink.net

Regional Manager Andi Etwaroo (Zeta Omicron-Johns Hopkins) Henderson, NV andi@alumnae.alphaphi.org

Human Resources Coordinator Judy Lossing Callander (Gamma Nu-Miami University) New Albany, OH Judith.callander@sbcglobal.net

Alumnae Membership Coordinator Kim Brown Brannon (Gamma Rho-Penn State) Vienna, VA brown1769@yahoo.com

Operations and Programming Coordinator Gina Bradley Feller (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) Miamisburg, OH fellerg@mcohio.org

Alumnae Membership Coordinator Assistant Erin Donahoe Druhan (Delta Tau-Louisiana State) Kiln, MS edruhan@aol.com

Regional Housing Coordinator Candi Mitchell Robinson (Omega-Texas) Fair Oaks Ranch, TX cmrobinson75@gmail.com

Collegiate Membership Coordinator Becky King Fleitz (Eta Omicron-Virginia Tech) Roanoke, VA beckyfleitz@alumnae.alphaphi.org

COMMITTEE ON LEADERSHIP Elected Representative Billie Coskey Battiato (Phi-Oklahoma) Tulsa, OK bjbattiato@gmail.com

Jaime Alsup Ryberg (Theta Gamma-Truman State) Lake St. Louis, MO jaime.ryberg@alumnae.alphaphi.org Alin Hernandez Wall (Beta Delta-UCLA) Santa Monica, CA awall@rbz.com IEB Representatives Susan McNeice (Epsilon Nu-Delaware) Fairfax Station, VA smcneice@alumnae.alphaphi.org Coree Smith (Epsilon Theta-Northern Iowa) Chicago, IL coree.smith@kirkland.com Sonja-Lou Bark Stunard (Delta Mu-Purdue) Lake Forest, IL SLS3095@comcast.net Staff Partner Cathy Koessl ckoessl@alphaphi.org HOUSING STRATEGY COMMITTEE Co-Chair and IEB Representative Jane Kirby Arkes (Omicron-Missouri) Portland, OR RJArkes@aol.com Co-Chair and IEB Representative Coree Smith (Epsilon Theta-Northern Iowa) Chicago, IL coree.smith@kirkland.com Marcia Jones Lane (Omicron-Missouri) Kansas City, MO alphaphi2010@aol.com Alison Nash (Xi-Toronto) Toronto, ON Canada alisonnash@alumnae.alphaphi.org Tonya Sharp Ryan (Phi-Oklahoma) Edmond, OK ryans4ou@cox.net Sarah Samuels (Delta-Cornell) Chicago, IL sarah.samuels@gmail.com IEB Representative Valerie Lawlor (Omicron-Missouri) Dallas, TX vallaw@aol.com Staff Partners Cathy Koessl (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate) ckoessl@alphaphi.org Dawn Toth (Epsilon Beta-Butler) dtoth@alphaphi.org


Human Resources Coordinator Nancy DeMarco DeLaura (Eta Epsilon-Villanova) Haddonfield, NJ delaurafamily@hotmail.com

Bulletin Board

Protecting Our Values. Supporting Our Programming. Providing Quality Products.

DELTA DELTA PLANS 50th ANNVERSARY CELEBRATION Oklahoma City (Delta Delta) will celebrate its 50th anniversary Feb. 18-20, 2011. Join the chapter on Facebook at Alpha Phi - Delta Delta Chapter: Alumnae & Current and visit www.ocualphaphi.com for details. For more information, e-mail deltadeltaphialum@yahoo. com or Randa Ogletree at randa@alumnae.alphaphi.org. DELTA ZETA CELEBRATES 50 YEARS Maryland’s (Delta Zeta) chapter will host a 50-year celebration on April 9, 2011. The chapter house will be fully renovated soon after the celebration, so don’t miss your chance to stop by one last time before construction begins. For more information or to volunteer on a planning committee, e-mail Karen Scheffling Avore or Wendy Gordon at deltazeta50years@gmail.com. Follow us on Facebook at Delta Zeta 50th Reunion 2011.

When you purchase from a licensed vendor, you are supporting efforts in protecting the values and identity of Alpha Phi.

CLASSIFIEDS Promote Your Business in the Alpha Phi Classifieds

The charge for the Winter 2011 Quarterly is $50 for up to 35 words (text only). The Quarterly also continues to accept advertising in the form of display ads, which begin at $275 for a 1/6-page ad. If you are interested in either advertising opportunity, please contact quarterly@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8920 before Friday, Oct. 29, 2010, to reserve space.

Licensed vendors assure a quality product at a competitive price — with a portion of the proceeds directly benefitting the programming and guidance offered by Alpha Phi. Look for the Official Licensed Product Logo and feel confident that your chapter, sister, and legacy will be receiving the best of the best. Visit GreekLicensing.com to find Greek Licensed Vendors.

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client: Alpha Phi ad size: 3.6875" x 4.9375" date: Aug. 03, 2010

fall 2010

Alpha Phi Quarterly


Save this portion of your Quarterly! You will need your membership number (first seven numbers found at the right) to identify yourself if you contact the Executive Office and to access various online resources.

POSTMASTER: Please send changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201

convention 2012

69th Biennial Convention June 27-July 1, 2012 Arizona Biltmore Resort and Spa Phoenix, Ariz.

Watch for Convention information in future issues of the Quarterly and on our website at www.alphaphi.org.

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