A Publication of Alpha Phi International Fraternity Since 1888 Vol. 122, No. 3 Summer 2010
Alpha Phi Welcomes Chapters at Kentucky and Denver
inside Transfer Students Benefit from Alpha Phi
Foundation Board Selected, IEB Slate Announced
Distinguished Sister Series: Sister Overcomes Adversity, Helps Others
Meet the 2010-11 ELCs
summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Message from the International President
International Executive Board President: Laura Malley-Schmitt Jane Kirby Arkes Billie Coskey Battiato Deana Koonsman Gage Julie King Ashley Haugh Gomez Susan Brink Sherratt Amy Jordan Tvrdik Renee Smith Zimmerman Zainer Ex-officio: Sally McCall Grant, NPC Delegate Ex-officio: Linda Wells Kahangi, Executive Director
Foundation Directors Chairman: Linda Gardner Massie Laura Jen Kin Berger Susan Bevan Judy Ethell Kim Norton-O’Brien Jean Creamer Hodges Cathy Logan Jenny Holsman Stembridge Diane McChesney Karen Spry Straker Howe Sheri Allen Diane Spry Yengst Straker
National Panhellenic Conference Alpha Phi Delegate: Sally McCall Grant First Alternate Delegate: Deana Koonsman Gage Second Alternate Delegate: Tara Riemer Jones Third Alternate Delegate: Ruth Gallagher Nelson
Editorial Advisory Board Sheila George Bright Stephanie Hernandez Kathy Feeney Hiemstra Denise Blankenship Joyce Jan Jones Owen Sara Peck Allison Cink Rickels
Alpha Phi Quarterly Staff Editor-in-Chief: Christine Spiegel Marketing and Communications Program Manager: Arden Schuman E-mail: quarterly@alphaphi.org
Alpha Phi Quarterly Design NeigerDesignInc www.neigerdesign.com
• Alpha Phi’s chapter roll reached 150 chapters this spring!
Alpha Phi Home Page www.alphaphi.org
Executive Office Executive Director: Linda Wells Kahangi Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Phone: 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 E-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org
Foundation Office Executive Director: Emily Ellison Lamb Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Foundation Phone: 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 E-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org
Alpha Phi Quarterly Editorial Policy The purpose of the Alpha Phi Quarterly and its content is to provide information and services to the membership of the Alpha Phi Fraternity, in keeping with the Fraternity’s status as a 501(c)(7) tax-exempt private membership club. The magazine is devoted to highlighting its members and matters of fraternal and college interest. The views expressed in the articles published in the Quarterly are those of the authors and their contributors, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Alpha Phi Fraternity, its officers or staff. All persons interested in submitting materials for publication in the Alpha Phi Quarterly are encouraged to send them to the editor at the Executive Office. The editor reserves the right to accept, deny or edit any materials submitted. Unless otherwise requested, all photos sent to the magazine will become the property of Alpha Phi International and will not be returned. Articles may be sent by mail or e-mail. Please send your information to the editor by the deadlines indicated. Materials received after these deadlines will be considered for the following issue. Please direct submission questions or inquiries regarding advertising or reprint permission to the editor at 847.316.8920, or quarterly@alphaphi.org. The Alpha Phi Quarterly is published winter, spring, summer and fall. Subscription price for non-members is $25 per year. Contact the Quarterly for information about pricing of individual issues. Send change of address or announcements to Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Periodical rate postage paid at Evanston, IL, and at additional mailing offices. (ISSN: USPS 014680) Postmaster: Please send address changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Printed in the USA.
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Dear Sisters, It’s hard to believe this is my last President’s Message for the Quarterly. After 16 issues, it’s time for us to hear from someone else! Four years ago, I received word that I was slated to be the next international president of our great sisterhood. I remember the day like it was yesterday. My husband Scott and I were having breakfast together in a hotel restaurant when I received the phone call from our nominating committee. He and I held hands as I was told the news that would send me on an unforgettable journey. It’s an experience that I wish all Alpha Phis could have, and in all honesty, I feel guilty that I am one of only a few members who will have had the chance to serve our sisterhood in this way. Yes, the international president job tests one’s stamina often. However, the joys greatly overshadow the disappointments. In my experience, nothing is more inspiring than working together with our amazing sisters to accomplish dreams for Alpha Phi that seemed impossible just a short while ago. This summer, I will have the good fortune of presiding over our biennial business meeting, Convention Assembled, during which we will celebrate such extraordinary news as:
• Alpha Phi initiated over 5,000 new members in a school year for the first time ever! • Alpha Phi initiated more than 10,000 new members in a biennium for the first time ever! • Alpha Phi has added exciting new chapters over the past four years, including: Oklahoma, Dartmouth, Connecticut, Alabama, Georgia Tech, Kentucky, Denver, and now Florida State! I leave office with such tremendous respect and love for the thousands of women who have worked so hard to make the impossible come true for Alpha Phi. (You know who you are!) I also leave office with so much hope for Alpha Phi’s future, especially with the Fraternity’s leadership in the hands of incoming International President Linda Long Boland (Gamma Kappa-CSU/ Long Beach), Executive Director Linda Wells Kahangi (Zeta Delta-Iowa State) and another very talented board of directors. Finally, I leave office with much excitement for having more time for things like date night with Scott and Little League games with our five-year-old son, Scotty! Thank you, sisters, for the experience of a lifetime! Heart to heart,
Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT) International President
Contents Transfer Students Benefit from Alpha Phi Transferring schools can be less challenging if the new environment includes something familiar................................... 2
Distinguished Sister Series Sister Overcomes Adversity, Helps Others.............. 4 IEB Slate Announced............................................... 6 Alumnae Pride......................................................... 8 Regional Conferences.......................................... 14 2010-12 Foundation Board Selected.................... 16 Meet the 2010-11 ELCs.......................................... 19 Cover Photo Extension: Iota Nu Chapter Is Installed at Kentucky............................................................ 22 Extension: Iota Xi Is Alpha Phi’s Newest Chapter.................................................... 23 On Campus........................................................... 24
Recruitment Addresses and Dates....................... 30 2010 Potential Member Form................................ 32
Message from the IEB............................................ 33
Visit one of our social media connections listed below, or visit www.alphaphi.org/news to link directly to each.
People.................................................................... 34 Silent Chapter . ..................................................... 36 Bulletin Board / Classifieds................................... 37
Facebook alphaphi.org/about_us/ facebook.html LinkedIn www.linkedin.com Keywords: Alpha Phi International Fraternity Twitter twitter.com/AlphaPhiIntl RSS Feed alphaphi.org/news/rss.html On the Go Podcast alphaphi.org/podcast Fraternity Blog alphaphi.blogspot.com Travel Blog aphitravel.blogspot.com
QUARTERLY CONTENT DEADLINES Fall 2010............July 15, 2010 Winter 2011........Oct. 15, 2010 Spring 2011....... Jan. 15, 2011 Summer 2011.... April 15, 2011
HAVE YOU MOVED? Send your new address to: Alpha Phi Quarterly 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 Or update your address online at www.alphaphi.org.
ATTENTION PARENTS Your daughter’s magazine is mailed to your home (her permanent address) while she is in college. If your daughter is an alumna and no longer at this address, please contact the Executive Office to update her address.
Summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Transfer Students Benefit from Alpha Phi Transferring schools while in college can be challenging, but the process can be less painful if the new environment includes something familiar: Alpha Phi. Sisters’ stories Erin Brasch (Theta Iota-James Madison and Beta Mu-Alabama), a junior majoring in dietetics at the University of Alabama, transferred halfway through her sophomore year. Erin chose to transfer because she wanted to attend a larger school that also had a dietetics program. She affiliated with the Beta Mu chapter, joined the student dietetic association and Project Health (an organization that works with the student body to promote health and wellness of the student population) and was inducted into the Phi Upsilon Omicron honor society. She serves as Beta Mu chapter’s president. Kelly Ryan (Theta Iota-James Madison and Eta Alpha-New Hampshire) is a junior majoring in recreation management at the University of New Hampshire. She transferred after completing her freshman year because she wanted to be closer to home and to attend a smaller school. Kelly has been actively involved at both schools, currently serving as vice president of program development for Eta Alpha and is a member of the recreation society and the Catholic student organization. She also was director of scholarship for Eta Alpha and freshmen representative on the member development committee at Theta Iota. Alpha Phi influences decision Both women said having Alpha Phi chapters at the transfer schools helped with their decisions. “I had heard that Alpha Phi was colonizing at the University of Alabama, and after several visits to the campus, I knew it was where I wanted to be,” Erin says. She adds that she was sad to leave her Theta Iota sisters, but knowing there was a chapter at Alabama “was definitely part of the decision. I could not leave Alpha Phi behind.”
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Summer 2010
“Alpha Phi was a major part of my decision,” agrees Kelly. “I loved the sorority at JMU, and I wanted to continue to be part of [Alpha Phi].” Benefits to the student For a transfer student, affiliating with the chapter at the new school can provide the same opportunities she initially looked for when she went through recruitment — instant community, social activity, leadership opportunities, scholarship, and most importantly, a sense of comfort and belonging in a new and unfamiliar environment. Becoming a part of Alabama’s Alpha Phi chapter has helped tremendously with the transition to a new school, says Erin: “I do not know what I would have done without Alpha Phi at Alabama. It helped me meet so many wonderful women within Alpha Phi and the Greek community, as well as helped me to grow as a person and develop into a leader.” Kelly first met Eta Alpha collegians during polish week. “It was very intimidating to walk into a house and basically say ‘Hi, I’m here … accept me,’” she says. “But that is exactly what happened. Everyone in the chapter made me feel welcome.” “Transitioning from one school to another is never an easy task, but I truthfully believe Alpha Phi has made my college experience what it has been,” she adds. “Because of the chapter, I have made so many friends and feel 100 percent comfortable
“Transitioning from one school to another is never an easy task, but I truthfully believe Alpha Phi has made my college experience what it has been.” Kelly Ryan
at UNH. I truly think everything happens for a reason, and it was a sign when Alpha Phi was the only sorority that UNH and JMU had in common, and it happened to be the sorority I joined.” Advantages to the chapter Affiliating a transfer student can mean a potential great leader and/or resource for a chapter. She may bring experiences and best practices learned at her affiliating chapter to the new chapter. She may also provide a new and fresh perspective. Since the chapter at Beta Mu is relatively new, Erin says, “My experience as an Alpha Phi at James Madison provided me with the knowledge base of an established chapter that has been on a campus for a while. Having been an Alpha Phi at another school also helped me to see how important our values are and how Alpha Phis across North America are linked.” Kelly says experiencing the difference between two chapters has helped her as a leader within the Eta Alpha chapter. “I am able to see the bigger picture of Alpha Phi and how it is so much more than just a UNH campus organization.” “It’s also nice to be affiliated with two chapters,” Kelly adds, “because although I do not attend James Madison anymore, I know I still have a home there.”
“I had heard that Alpha Phi was colonizing at the University of Alabama, and after several visits to the campus, I knew it was where I wanted to be.”
The process When the Executive Office works with transfer students, staff urges both the student and the chapter to make sure they are a good fit for each other. It is recommended that the new chapter and the member take one semester to get to know each other — for the Erin Brasch chapter to make sure she meets the expected GPA and fits in the chapter, and for the fill the spot, and they also have to member to make sure the chapter is a continue to pay International dues for good fit for her. the woman on the roster even though “If the transfer student affiliates she is no longer at the school. right away and then decides it’s not Hope says about the chapters to going to work, her only option at which the student transfers: “Most that point is to resign,” says Hope of the time chapters just welcome Gray (Eta Upsilon-Chapman), the member in and don’t follow the coordinator of collegiate operations, official process. It actually benefits who works with the student and the chapter to fill out the necessary both chapters in a transfer situation, paperwork because it adds the transfer serving as a liaison and coordinator student to their chapter roster, between all parties. “That is why this providing benefits that come with a ‘getting to know each other’ period is growing membership. It also ensures so important.” the transfer student is included in Transferring from one Alpha Phi important communications about her chapter to another is a simple process. new chapter.” The initiating chapter fills out the Other scenarios two-page Membership Status Change Because of the differences in chapters Form. After a majority affirmative and campuses across North America, vote, the new chapter fills out the onetransferring from one Alpha Phi page Affiliation Form. Both forms are chapter to another may not always available via the online Officer Portal. “Chapters filling out the appropriate be the best fit for the collegian and the chapter. paperwork really benefits both the “If a collegian does not affiliate with chapter the student is leaving and the the chapter at her transfer school or one she could potentially join,” if she transfers to a school without says Hope. an Alpha Phi chapter, many times The Membership Status Change the woman believes her only option Form includes details such as whether is to resign,” says Hope. “But that is the member is in good standing definitely not necessary.” and whether the chapter would In either scenario, the member recommend her for membership can maintain collegiate status, and is (a favorable recommendation is considered an unaffiliated collegian required). Submitting this form until she graduates. Upon graduation, removes the member from the she has alumna status. initiating chapter’s roster and moves Unaffiliated collegians can still her to unaffiliated collegiate status. remain connected to Alpha Phi. It is a benefit to the chapter because Women who are not yet alumnae, it provides an accurate picture of but remain unaffiliated collegians, membership size and may allow them are encouraged to reach out to to COB to fill the open spot. If they don’t update her status, they can’t
local alumnae chapters or regional teams and seek opportunities and a community within those groups. Katherine Burkhard, an unaffiliated collegian who transferred from George Mason (Eta Lambda), served as a page at the National Panhellenic Conference annual meeting. Others have assisted with extension projects or regional team activities. “The important thing,” says Hope, “is these women can still be members of the Fraternity for life.” For Erin and Kelly, knowing an Alpha Phi chapter was at their transfer school helped make the decision to transfer and the adjustment to a new school much easier. Even if a collegian transfers to a school without an Alpha Phi chapter, she is always an Alpha Phi. For more information about Alpha Phi’s transfer policy or how to become more involved as an unaffiliated collegian or alumna, contact Hope Gray at hgray@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8927.
Where Do Grad Students Fit In? Upon her natural graduation date, a member is automatically coded with alumna status. As an alumna, there are many opportunities to continue to be active with Alpha Phi, including joining an alumnae chapter or serving as an advisor for a local collegiate chapter. However, if a full-time student who is a graduate or has completed four academic years at her initiating university wishes to remain affiliated with her collegiate chapter, the chapter can grant this privilege upon a vote. The chapter would then notify the Executive Office so her status can be updated, and the member would be allowed to continue to participate in chapter events.
summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Sister Overcomes Adversity,
Helps Others By Elle Eichinger (Iota Eta-DePaul)
Distinguished Sister Series Our Distinguished Sister Series recognizes alumnae and collegians who are distinguished in their careers, on campus and/or in their communities. Look for additional profiles in upcoming issues of the magazine. If you know a distinguished alumna or collegian who you think should be featured, send her name, affiliation, details and contact information to quarterly@alphaphi.org.
Alpha Phi Quarterly
summer 2010
While working as a lifeguard at a country club during college, Summer Shaw (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) broke her neck diving into a pool. She awoke from a coma almost a month later — despite doctors estimating she had a very small chance of survival — and found herself confined to a wheelchair. “The accident left me paralyzed, dependent and terrified,” says Summer, who was diagnosed as a tetraplegic. Just a few years earlier, Summer’s mother, who she describes as “an astonishing woman and my best friend,” died of cancer. It was a devastating loss for her and her family. Despite her circumstances, Summer evokes an infectious optimism, which she credits in large part to her experience with Alpha Phi. “My Alpha Phi sisters listened when I needed to talk, lent a shoulder to lean on when I needed to cry and gave me hope when I needed to smile. It’s priceless,” Summer says. Starting over In many ways, life after her injury was like starting over. While most women in college are just overcoming their body image qualms, Summer had a whole set of new ones: “The most challenging [part],” she says, “was the acceptance and understanding of my new body and the unique circumstances that come with a spinal cord injury.” More than a decade later, Summer is still not walking, but she says, “I have made huge progress towards recovery and have no plans to stop.” She is reminded of her injury daily when it comes to things like making sure buildings are wheelchair accessible, but she has long since overcome the body image issues that were toughest to cope with while in college — and she has embraced diversity in others as well. Citing herself as an example, she says: “Those with disabilities due to illness or injury are still people and can have an amazing story as long as we choose to listen and not judge. Without diversity,” she adds, “what a boring world this would be!”
Helping others At Texas Tech, Summer had majored in kinesiology, the science of sports and exercise, until her accident. “I had to reevaluate after my injury,” she says. “Contemplating my future, I knew I wanted to help others find joy and pleasure in life regardless of the circumstances.”
It is important that after we have cried our tears … we find how we can begin anew and create a unique path for ourselves — beginning with where we are now. Summer did not return to Texas Tech, but later received her undergraduate degree in interdisciplinary studies with a psychology emphasis from the University of Texas at Dallas. She then went on to earn a master’s degree in social work after realizing she wanted to be a counselor. Currently, Summer works at the Dallas Veterans Hospital of North Texas in the spinal cord injury center. She says she is inspired daily by the people she works with: “Reading, seeing and hearing others’ success stories inspires me to persevere.”
New outlook Although parts of Summer’s life immensely changed due to the injury, she says one of her biggest challenges may be conveying to people that, despite everything, she is still the same Summer Shaw. “I’m super happy with where I am in life. Although I use a wheelchair, I am still me,” she says. “I love my nieces. I enjoy painting. I love music, animals and football.” (She’s a Dallas Cowboys fan.) But one thing Summer will acknowledge has changed is her outlook on life. “There are a lot of things I think differently about now,” she says. “I really appreciate every single day, every morning I wake up, every amount of strength I have, every bit of movement I have now. I might have taken them for granted before, but now I am just so appreciative of all those little things.” Summer had the opportunity to let her challenges wear her down, but instead, she is thriving, basking in an optimism that genetically comes from her mother’s positive spirit and is heavily supplemented by the support she has had all along from family and friends, including Alpha Phis. “To this day, most of my best friends are my Alpha Phi sisters, and for them I am extremely thankful,” Summer says. “They have never stopped being my support, my joy and just amazing women.” Just as Summer is inspired by others’ success stories, we can be by hers. Her advice: “There were times when I felt like giving up; I would feel like all was lost. Everyone has times when they feel completely helpless. But it is important that after we have cried our tears, we evaluate our tears, we evaluate our situation, and we find how we can begin anew and create a unique path for ourselves — beginning with where we are now.”
summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Announcing the 2010-12 IEB Nominees
he Committee on Leadership (COL) would like to introduce you to the women slated to serve as directors on the 2010-12 International Executive Board (IEB). The COL is comprised of 10 women: four alumnae elected at Convention through a regional caucus, four alumnae appointed by the IEB, and two collegians selected by the COL. The COL received significant input and feedback from the membership. They solicited input from the current IEB regarding the unique skills necessary to lead our organization. The key areas identified were Fraternity knowledge, business, finance, organizational development and board experience. They also analyzed the projects and challenges that would be on the next IEB’s agenda. After a lengthy process with the participation of hundreds of Alpha Phis, the COL created a slate of women that complete the knowledge, skills and attributes sought by the current IEB. The slate is comprised of women with diverse experience — Fraternity, higher education, non-profit and for-profit business — who will guide our organization both as a sisterhood and a business. Many talented women were involved in the process this biennium, and COL members thank them all for participating. Please join us in supporting this dynamic group as they lead our Fraternity in the coming biennium. Visit www.alphaphi.org/COL/iebslate.html to view a detailed listing of each nominee’s Fraternity history and professional experience and to learn more about the nominations and elections process. If you do not have access to the Internet, please call 847.475.0663 to request a printout. PRESIDENT: Linda Long Boland
(Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach) Yucaipa, Calif.
Fraternity history: CSU/San
Bernardino (Eta Beta) chapter advisor (2009-present); finance and audit standing committee (2008-present); IEB (2006-08, 1996-00); vice president collegiate operations (1996-98); director of extension (1994-96).
Professional: San Bernardino and Riverside Counties Fire Equipment, co-owner.
Linda’s goals for the Fraternity include: I plan to continue to grow the
Fraternity, assure the health of our existing collegiate and alumnae chapters, find more people to volunteer and provide them with a meaningful experience, advance our housing strategy, build solid working relationships with the Foundation and the EO staff and do all of this in a way that is affordable.
DIRECTORS: Jane Kirby Arkes
(Omicron-Missouri) Portland, Ore.
Fraternity history: IEB (2006-present); housing strategy committee (2006-present, chair 2008-present); Oregon (Tau) house corporation board president (2000-present); Foundation Board (1984-88); National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) alternate delegate (1978-84). Professional: Literacy and educational consultant. Jane plays a vital role in Alpha Phi housing: Securing and
maintaining safe, well-managed and campus appropriate collegiate facilities plays an important role in successful recruitment and overall chapter success.
Susan Weiskittle Barrick
(Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Gainesville, Fla.
Fraternity history: Alumnae strategy team (vice chair, 2008-present); Alpha Phi Foundation (1998-08, chair 200408); initiated $10M Campaign For Leadership; North Central Midwest regional manager (1996-98). Professional: University assistant dean, development and alumni relations. Susan engages new volunteers: I feel it is invaluable to listen to women talk about what Alpha Phi means to them, their thoughts of what is — or should be — important for the organization, and their perception of where Alpha Phi is positioned in the Greek world. Valerie Lawlor
(Omicron-Missouri) Dallas, Texas
Fraternity history: Alumnae strategy team steering committee (2008-present); IEB housing committee (vice chair 2004-06); International Executive Board (1982-84, 1998-02); vice president-extension (1982-84); NPC alternate delegate (1982-84). Professional: Independent organizational development consultant. Val discusses a successful board: The board should operate from the
same platform as our collegiate chapters, seeking out women “better than us” so that future Alpha Phi leaders are (even) better decisionmakers with increased skills and knowledge.
Susan McNeice
(Epsilon Nu-Delaware) Fairfax Station, Va.
Fraternity history: Technology committee (1997); strategic plan, technology (1997); Leadership Initiative, Chapter-based Instruction (CBI) pilot team and CBI facilitator (2006-present). Professional: Global director, communications infrastructure
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Summer 2010
systems and software for market research and consulting firm; AT&T Business Services, turnaround and leadership of $100 million international program. Industry author and speaker on operations and market trends.
Susan on Alpha Phi values: Alpha Phi stands for character, showing that we can be sisters and friends while still holding the bar high for each other in matters of character and accountability. Respect and self-esteem must be constantly honed through our commitment to ourselves, each other and the Fraternity. Coree Smith
(Epsilon Theta-Northern Iowa) Chicago, Ill.
Fraternity history: Chapter advisor, Northwestern (Beta) (2004-present); Chicago Lake Shore alumnae chapter (president 2007-present); housing standing committee (2006-08); Executive Office long range planning committee (2006-07). Professional: Partner, law firm of Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Corporate
and Real Estate Practice Groups, specializing in real estate finance.
Coree on one of Alpha Phi’s key values: On reproof and correction,
sometimes we disagree, but we cannot try new things without the risk of criticism. Our ability to handle difficult situations requires that we receive with gratitude the mutual criticism our Founders envisioned.
Renee Smith Zimmerman Zainer
(Beta Epsilon-Arizona) Centennial, Colo.
Fraternity history: IEB (2008-present); national house corporation chair (2010); Oklahoma (Phi) Team Sooner (2004-present), lead (2006-present); Colorado (Beta Gamma) Team Boulder lead (2001-present); CMSC (200204), chair (2004-06); vice president of program development (1994); field consultant (1988-89). Professional: Sales recruiter, district sales manager and trainer for international pharmaceutical companies (1989-2001). Renee on decision-making: The steps toward a good decision are: know my values, engage others to understand theirs, and communicate with respect and candor. I have found this allows everyone to identify individual and common goals, reach consensus and communicate the results effectively.
Dr. Sonja-Lou Bark Stunard
(Delta Mu-Purdue) Lake Forest, Ill.
Fraternity history: Chapter advisor, Lake Forest (Gamma Epsilon) (2005-present); Lake County alumnae chapter (president 2009-10); Ursa Major Award (1976) and Michaelanean Award (2006). Professional: University associate dean and director of extension and outreach programs; Phi Delta Kappa, board of directors, international vice president. Published author. Sonja on a characteristic of a successful board: To be a successful board, each person must be both a leader and a follower, accepting and offering diverse suggestions to advance the goals of the organization. If everyone’s opinion is valued, only then will perceptions be altered by new information. Amy Jordan Tvrdik (Omicron-Missouri) St. Louis, Mo.
Fraternity history: IEB (2008-present); EO relocation chair (2008-present); Kentucky (Iota Nu) Team Wildcat (2007-present); Foundation Board (2004-08), vice chair (2006-08); Missouri (Omicron) International governor (2003-2009); extension committee (2003-present). Professional: Product development and marketing manager, Brown Shoe Company; Junior League of St. Louis - board of directors, vice president, fundraising, research and development. Amy’s goal for the Fraternity: We need to strengthen our volunteer
community and increase the number of active volunteers within our organization. We need to bring women together with unique skills to accomplish our shared vision.
The International Executive Board would like to express their thanks and appreciation to the 2008-10 Committee on Leadership members for their work. Pictured are: (back, from left) Kate Boyle Halfon (Epsilon Delta-CSU/East Bay); Carole Salerno, chair (Eta Gamma-Sacramento State); Eden Aherns (Zeta Omicron-Johns Hopkins); Kim Larsen Watson (Omicron-Missouri); Holly Malek Bryk (Gamma Xi-Wichita State and Epsilon Nu-Delaware); Megan Jones (Beta Epsilon-Arizona); (front, from left) Alison Nash (Xi-Toronto); Bonnie K. Arthur (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City); and Abby Ayers (Rho-Ohio State). Not pictured is Stacey Grimes Boulmetis (Theta Tau-Rensselaer).
Editor’s Note: IEB elections were held during Convention 2010. Final results were not available at print time.
summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
East Bay
British Columbia
Alumnae donated time and materials to create an Alpha Phi T-shirt quilt to be auctioned off at the CSU/East Bay (Eta Delta) Red Dress Gala. Proceeds benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. East Bay Contact: Jessica McKee-Parks Johnson (Eta Delta-CSU/ East Bay) alphaphiivy@yahoo.com www.eastbayalphaphis.org
Alumnae had an amazing time welcoming the world for the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic games. Members enjoyed seeing new and familiar faces at the annual alumnae tea and welcomed two new alumnae initiates. British Columbia Contact: Nav Sidhu (Beta Theta-British Columbia) navsidhu@gmail.com
ONTARIO Ontario South Ivy Connection Alumnae attended Toronto (Xi) chapter’s initiation banquet. A Greek alumnae networking exchange included an Easter food drive. Other events included a martini workshop, graduate luncheon and a Move Your Phi’t fundraiser. Ontario South Ivy Connection Contact: Alexandra Makos (Xi-Toronto) alexandra.makos@gmail.com Facebook: Ontario South Ivy Connection
San Diego Thanks to the revitalization efforts of Katie Burnett Silva (Gamma Alpha-San Diego State), the chapter is active once again. The first happy hour of the year was a success, and more events are under way for area alumnae to attend. San Diego Contact: Lisa Drury Hoeck (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis) Lisa.Hoeck@cbre.com http://sdalphaphi.tripod.com twitter.com/SDAlphaPhiAlums Facebook: San Diego Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter
Silicon Valley
A fundraiser event was held at a favorite local restaurant, Chevys. During an annual Easter event, sisters organized and decorated goodie bags for homeless youth. They also gathered for wine, games and chocolate. Silicon Valley Contact: Deanna Del Grande (Beta Psi-San Jose State) siliconvalleyphis@gmail.com www.siliconvalleyphis.org Facebook: Silicon Valley Phis - Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter
Birmingham/Tuscaloosa The chapter continues to grow. The installation of the Alabama (Beta Mu) chapter has helped make Alpha Phi known in Alabama. Brunch at The Egg & I restaurant brought out new members. Birmingham/Tuscaloosa Contact: Carla Turnley Hill (Delta Tau-Louisiana State) cthnbham@aol.com http://bhamalphaphi.tripod.com
Alumnae and collegians from Colorado (Beta Gamma), Northern Colorado (Delta Gamma), Colorado School of Mines (Iota Zeta) and Denver (Iota Xi) hosted the fourth annual Paint Denver Red event to raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Held at Breckenridge Brewery, the event featured cocktails, appetizers, a silent auction and a raffle. This year’s event raised more money than ever. Alumnae also put together study bags to help local collegians through finals. Denver Contact: Nancy Scoggin Kuhn (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) nancyk23@msn.com www.denverphis.com Facebook: Denver Alpha Phi Alumni
FLORIDA Daytona Beach Sisters met in October to remember the Founders and again in February with hearts in mind. The local Panhellenic group meets in November and May, and alumnae try to make a statement with many attendees. Alumnae presented a 50-year pin to Kate Roney Meik (Theta-Michigan) during lunch at the New Smyrna Beach Yacht Club. Daytona Beach Contact: Linda Lampman (Pi-North Dakota) lindalampman@att.net
Emerald Coast Alumnae held their first fundraiser at the Red Bar in Grayton and raised more than $1,000. The new chapter met for Founders’ Day and at various restaurants in Destin. Members include alumnae from Washington State to Texas to Virginia. Emerald Coast Contact: Terri Rolik Dalsky (Beta Omega-Kent State) TLJD@aol.com
Sisters welcome two new alumnae initiates at an annual tea.
Alumnae meet for brunch.
Sisters work on a quilt to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation.
Alpha Phi Quarterly
summer 2010
Southeast Florida/Greater Fort Lauderdale Alumnae participated in the annual Fort Lauderdale area Panhellenic luncheon and an American Heart Association Heart Walk. Several activities supported Barry (Theta Omega) collegians, including a luncheon and workshop to make centerpieces. Alumnae met at a Build-a-Bear workshop to make bears to donate to pediatric heart patients at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. Southeast Florida/Greater Fort Lauderdale Contact: Susie Ferrara Turmes (Beta Tau-Indiana) alphaphialumfl@yahoo.com Facebook: Alpha Phi Alumnae of Ft. Lauderdale
Sarasota/Manatee Alumnae met at Libby’s Cafe for an annual Founders’ Day luncheon and the first meeting of the year. They attended the Crosley Estate holiday tea and tree display. Other events included lunch and a visit to the Ringling museum and an informal get-together during the summer. Sarasota/Manatee Contact: Jean Sutherin West-Walker (Beta Chi-Bucknell) jkwestwalker@gmail.com
Jacksonville First Coast Alumnae enjoyed a potluck lunch and dinner with spouses and friends at a local restaurant. Sisters celebrated the Syracuse Triad with local Gamma Phi Beta and Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae. Jacksonville First Coast Contact: Kathy Rountree Lechner (Alpha LambdaAlumna Initiate) epictt@aol.com http://sites.google.com/site/alphaphijaxfl
GEORGIA Atlanta Members hosted an afternoon tea, a family picnic day and alumnae dinners. Sisters looked forward to welcoming new Georgia Tech (Iota Mu) graduates to the chapter.
Atlanta Contact: Mary Paige Edwards (Theta IotaJames Madison) alphaphiatlanta@gmail.com www.alphaphiatlanta.com
ILLINOIS DuPage Valley Alumnae attended a play at a local college, a heart healthy meal and a Pilates event. They visited a local wine shop for a tasting and had dessert and coffee at a coffeehouse. A new philanthropy program, Cards for Cardiac Care, has been quite successful. DuPage Valley Contact: Elaine Sikorski (Epsilon Delta-Northern Illinois) emsikorski@sbcglobal.net www.dupagealphaphi.org
Sisters Paint Denver Red to raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. SOUTHEAST FLORIDA/GREATER FORT LAUDERDALE
Lake County Members hosted a tea for Lake Forest (Gamma Epsilon) graduating seniors. Alumnae met at Williams-Sonoma for a cooking demonstration and lunch. The Lunch Bunch also met several times in various locations around the county. The chapter welcomes new members. Lake County Contact: Sonja Bark Stunard (Delta Mu-Purdue) SLS3095@comcast.net
KANSAS Greater Kansas City Talented sisters led a knitting program. Alumnae learned about heart health and the Change of Heart program from a cardiac nurse. Sisters and guests enjoyed an evening at the American Heartland Theatre for the fourth annual Red Dress Gala, which featured a live show and silent auction and benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. Greater Kansas City Contact: Kelli Wilson Daly (Nu-Nebraska) krwdaly@yahoo.com www.kc-aphis.com Facebook: Greater Kansas City Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter
Marie DelSonno Keenan (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) is a 62-year member and a treasured Fort Lauderdale alumna. She holds a “Going Green”-themed money tree that she won during a Panhellenic luncheon. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.
Alumnae enjoy wine and cheese at a cardiac care fundraiser.
Alumnae enjoy their first fundraiser together.
Sisters learn about heart health.
Alumnae and Wichita State (Gamma Xi) collegians attend the South Central Regional Conference.
Summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Wichita Four alumnae attended the South Central Regional Conference. Members enjoyed Wichita State’s (Gamma Xi) Viva La Red philanthropy event. Alumnae held a Chili Phi’st as a Foundation fundraiser. Other events included an evening of Bunko and the annual meeting and potato bar. Wichita Contact: Marcia McKee Weddle (Gamma XiWichita State) mcweddle@cox.net www.alphaphigammaxi.com Facebook: Alpha Phi-Wichita, KS Facebook: Ivy Circle of the Wichita Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Phi
LOUISIANA Southeastern Louisiana Members attended the Emerald Coast (Fla.) alumnae chapter’s Red Dress Gala. Hats off to the chapter for raising $1,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation after having their charter only two months. Southeastern Louisiana Contact: Erin Donahoe Druhan (Delta TauLouisiana State) edruhan@aol.com
MASSACHUSETTS MetroWest Dinner meetings were held at The Chateau and Scupperjack’s. Alumnae filled Valentine’s Day goodie bags for Connecticut (Iota Lambda) collegians. April featured an impromptu pizza and card night with moms and their children. MetroWest Contact: Deborah Travers Abbott (Theta Beta-Bryant) webabbott@hotmail.com
Kansas City Metro
Members supported the Central Missouri (Theta Lambda) chapter’s annual Red Dress Gala. Alumnae helped raise $4,885 and donated items for the silent auction. Kansas City Metro Contact: Jamie Kluesner (Theta LambdaCentral Missouri) jamielkluesner@hotmail.com Facebook: Kansas City MO Metro Alpha Phi Alum
Alumnae enjoyed the annual heart fundraiser and wine and cheese tasting party. About $480 was raised for cardiac care. Members continue to contribute casseroles to the local Ronald McDonald House; Sindy Scott Owens (Gamma Alpha-San Diego State) leads the project. Albuquerque Contact: Judy Giudice Tull (Omega-Texas) judytull@gmail.com
St. Louis Gateway Alumnae participated in an Ivy Date fundraiser that included a lunch buffet at a local winery and benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters enjoyed making goodie bags for area seniors and attending the annual Phi, family and friends picnic. The chapter meets every month on the 10th and welcomes alumnae to future events. Visit the chapter Web site for details. St. Louis Gateway Contact: Jamie Feighery Straka (Eta LambdaGeorge Mason) president@gatewayalphaphi.com www.gatewayalphaphi.com Facebook: St. Louis Gateway Alpha Phi
NEW YORK NYC Metro Sisters gathered for a holiday extravaganza where they exchanged cookies and goodies, including jewelry and other accessories. Alumnae visited the Lincoln Center to see the opera “Carmen.” A guest bartending event at a local bar raised money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Other events included a games night and laughs at a comedy club. NYC Metro Contact: Jennifer Broadbent (Eta Iota-Pennsylvania) nycalphaphi@gmail.com www.nycalphaphi.org Facebook: NY APhi
Las Vegas
Alumnae supported the Alpha Phi Foundation with a Pampered Chef party. Members held the annual Bunco fundraiser and served lunch at the Shade Tree Shelter. A new event this year was mailing Southern Utah (Theta Sigma) seniors letters of congratulations on graduation. Las Vegas Contact: Amity Dorman (Eta Beta-CSU/San Bernardino) alphaphilv@gmail.com www.sincityphis.net
As a sponsor of Carolina Medical Center’s Cupid Cup 5K, alumnae volunteered at a water station. Members enjoyed a dinner, and the ivy circle had pizza and attended a Checkers hockey game. The chapter’s first Wii Bit O’Bowling tournament raised $60 for the Alpha Phi Foundation, and Abby Basalyga (Omega-Texas) won the tournament. Charlotte Contact: Stephanie Miller (Theta Xi-Shippensburg) aphistephm@hotmail.com http://charlottealphaphi.tripod.com Facebook: Charlotte Alpha Phi Alumni
Sisters host a fundraiser for the Foundation.
Alumnae exchange goodies at their holiday extravaganza.
Sisters and collegians celebrate the East Carolina (Delta Alpha) chapter’s 50th anniversary.
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Summer 2010
Greenville Area
Members celebrated East Carolina (Delta Alpha) chapter’s 50th anniversary. With the alumnae chapter’s 50th anniversary celebration planned for Aug. 13-15, it was a wonderful way to begin the festivities. East Carolina alumnae are invited to contact alumnaephis@yahoo.com for details. Greenville Area Contact: Gail Burton Joyner (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) earmom@yahoo.com
The new year began with a night of Bunco and champagne. Alumnae and Ohio State (Rho) collegians volunteered at the annual Panhellenic-sponsored philanthropy event. A program featured a speaker from the Humane Society. Alumnae enjoyed a Tax Relief dinner paid for by the alumnae group. The Alpha PhiEsta lawn party and silent auction benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. Columbus Contact: Christine Novak Herrmann (Alpha LambdaAlumna Initiate) cmherrmann1@aol.com www.columbusalumnae-alphaphi.org
OHIO Ashland Area Alumnae celebrated Valentine’s Day with a guest night dinner held at Bag O’ Nails restaurant in Mansfield. They assembled goodie bags for Ashland (Epsilon Alpha) collegians as part of their annual fundraiser. Ashland Area Contact: Taryn Gallik Stover (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) tgallik@richnet.net
Cincinnati The chapter is looking for volunteers. Those interested should contact Erin Shaw at the e-mail address below. Cincinnati Contact: Erin Shaw (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) eshaw5@cinci.rr.com
Cleveland East Sisters attended a movie matinee followed by dinner out. They enjoyed dinner at the Bahama Breeze and a wine and chocolate event. Members enjoyed a presentation by Katherine Kohl (Eta Gamma-Akron) about Lakeview Cemetery, a garden cemetery and the final resting place of Founder Elizabeth Hubbell Shults (Alpha-Syracuse). Cleveland East Contact: Carina Samuelson Mauck (Eta Gamma-Akron) carinam@sbcglobal.net
GREATER TULSA, OKLA. Alumnae volunteer at an American Heart Association Heart Walk.
Sisters, friends and family participate in an American Heart Association Heart Walk.
SOUTH CAROLINA Upstate South Carolina New members are welcome to join in the revitalization of the chapter. A holiday ornament exchange was held at Soby’s New South Cuisine. Sisters, friends and family raised nearly $500 at the American Heart Association’s Upstate Start! Heart Walk. Visit the chapter’s Facebook page for upcoming events. Upstate South Carolina Contact: Jennifer Zahn Bartlett (Epsilon Phi-NC State) blondiencsu@yahoo.com Facebook: Alpha Phi Upstate SC Alumnae
Alumnae participate in a yoga event.
TEXAS Dallas and Suburban Alumnae learned basics and benefits of yoga. They raised money for collegiate support at their Texas Hold-Em fundraising event. An annual silent auction raised money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Dallas and Suburban Contact: Heather Bastin Guild (Delta DeltaOklahoma City) heather@heatherguild.com www.alphaphidallas.org Facebook: Dallas & Suburban Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter
FAR NORTH DALLAS AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES, TEXAS Members celebrating 50 years of sisterhood are recognized.
Sisters welcome Kerry Osborne, second from right, as a new alumna initiate during a ceremony at Virginia (Zeta Iota). Pictured with Kerry are (from left) Krissie Gatti (Eta Pi-Richmond), Diana Cichewicz McKinney (Eta Pi-Richmond) and Amy White Bradshaw (Theta Phi-Christopher Newport).
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Alumnae present fundraising proceeds to University Hospital staff.
Summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Far North Dallas and Surrounding Counties Alumnae enjoyed the annual brunch to celebrate sisters who have been Alpha Phis for 50 years or more. They went shopping in a store that is owned by an Alpha Phi’s granddaughter. Alumnae celebrated spring by learning how to decorate tables with elaborate and fun centerpieces for different occasions. Far North Dallas and Surrounding Counties Contact: Ilana Rossel Steele (Delta Beta-Texas A&M/Commerce) iasteele@aol.com www.fndaphis.org Facebook: Far North Dallas & Surrounding Counties Alpha Phi Alumnae Group
San Antonio Barbara Godfrey Bean (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate) organized the annual lollipop and teddy bear sale to benefit University Hospital. $1,600 was presented to the University Health System Foundation in support of the neo-natal intensive care unit. Jennifer Mora Bueno (Iota Beta-St. Mary’s) organized a reunion at La Hacienda de Los Barrios. Alumnae thank St. Mary’s (Iota Beta) collegians for hosting the annual alumnae tea. San Antonio Contact: Heather Canales-DeCamp (Iota BetaSt. Mary’s) lifeiszippy@yahoo.com www.sanantoniophis.com Facebook: Alpha Phi San Antonio Alum
Southwest Dallas Area Sisters braved a rare North Texas blizzard to deliver flowers for Valentine’s Day. The annual Make It, Bake It, Fake It auction had a St. Patrick’s Day theme and raised money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Other activities included a chocolate tasting, game night and a Phi-Esta celebration. Southwest Dallas Area Contact: Angela Farley (Epsilon Sigma-Dallas Baptist) angela.farley@alumnae.alphaphi.org www.swdallasaphi.org Facebook: Alpha Phi Fraternity - Southwest Dallas Area Alumnae
VIRGINIA Northern Virginia Alumnae dined out and attended a production of “Chicago.” They enjoyed the company of George Mason (Eta Lambda) collegians at a brunch and during the collegiate chapter’s Red Dress Gala. Alumnae also hosted their spring buffet. Northern Virginia Contact: Kim Brown Brannon (Gamma Rho-Penn State) kimbrown@alumnae.alphaphi.org www.alphaphi-va.org Facebook: Alpha Phi Alumnae of Northern Virginia To locate an alumnae chapter in your area, visit www.alphaphi.org/alumnae.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to update your contact information for Alpha Phi’s Alumnae Directory! Alpha Phi has launched a comprehensive alumnae data verification project and has partnered with Publishing Concepts, Inc. to create a complete alumnae directory to be published next spring. Visit www.alphaphi.org/alumnae/directory.html for additional information or contact the Executive Office at 847.475.0663 or alumnae@alphaphi.org.
NEW ALUMNAE CHAPTERS Congratulations to the following chapter for recently receiving its charter!
Lexington (Ky.) Alumnae Chapter Chartered: April. 23, 2010 Chapter President: Bridget Coffey (Theta Phi-Christopher Newport) E-mail: bridget.coffey@alumnae.alphaphi.org Alpha Phi International is excited to announce alumnae chapters and ivy connections are forming in the following areas:
Georgia Savannah Iowa Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Maryland Baltimore Missouri Columbia, Columbia Ivy Connection Oklahoma Edmond Texas League City/Bay Area Alpha Phi International is excited to announce alumnae chapters are revitalizing in the following areas:
New Jersey Central New Jersey Minnesota Minneapolis Utah Salt Lake City Please contact Paige Stallings (Gamma-DePauw) at pstallings@alphaphi.org if you are interested in getting involved with any of these chapters or starting a chapter in your area.
Missing alumnae
Do you have information about a missing alumna? Visit www.alphaphi.org/alumae/ missingalumnae to help us locate “lost” alumnae.
Sisters host a St. Patrick’s Day-themed fundraiser for the Alpha Phi Foundation.
The chapter holds dinners the first Monday of every month to reconnect with friends and welcome new alumnae.
Alumnae enjoy brunch with George Mason (Eta Lambda) collegians.
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Summer 2010
Today’s Mail From:
Subject: Shaping Alpha Phi’s Future
Jenny Holsman, 2008-10 Alumnae Strategy Team Chair
To: Alpha Phi Alumnae Alumnae members of Alpha Phi have been supporting and advancing our organization since 1872. As Betty Mullins Jones (Gamma-DePauw) said, “Whether Alpha Phi continues to be an honored and respected women’s Fraternity depends on how well you accept the responsibility for protecting and preserving what has been entrusted in you. More than this, you must improve and advance Alpha Phi. Someday you too will be the past. What will future Alpha Phis owe you?” This year, and every year, Alpha Phi depends on alumnae like you to carry on the tradition of sisterhood by supporting the Fraternity through payment of International alumnae dues. Staying current in your dues is a way to renew your bond as a lifelong member and sister of Alpha Phi. Whether you choose to pay $36.38 annually or $325 for a lifetime membership, your support helps to ensure that there will be new opportunities and enriching experiences for all members of Alpha Phi. Payment of your membership dues will also help you maintain a critical connection with the alumnae community. Whatever your reason, Alpha Phi thanks you for continuing the tradition that has spanned 137 years and counting. As an alumnae dues-paying member, you will join a community of thousands who have renewed their lifetime commitment to Alpha Phi. No matter where life has taken you, we thank you for renewing your bond with Alpha Phi by paying your alumnae dues today! aoe,
Jenny Holsman (Gamma Pi-Arizona State) P.S. Curious to know what alumnae dues support? • • • • • •
Brand new alphaphi.org Web site (launches this summer!) First ever official Alpha Phi application on Facebook Partial funding for ELC visits Your subscription to this award-winning Quarterly magazine New chapter efforts such as University of Kentucky and University of Denver Transitions, the resource for the Alpha Phi class of 2010
Pay online at www.alphaphi.org or mail form to:
Alpha Phi Executive Office 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201
________________________________________________________________________ Credit Card Number Expiration Date Signature
$36.38. Annual Dues. I want to pay my dues through June 30, 2011. ($39.65 Canadian)
Check enclosed
Please charge my credit card (please check one): Visa MasterCard American Express Discover
________________________________________________________________________ First Name Middle/Maiden Name Last Name
$325. Lifetime Dues. I want to pay my dues for the rest of my lifetime! ($354.25 Canadian)
________________________________________________________________________ Address City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country
All alumnae who pay their International alumnae dues will be afforded equal benefits and privileges regardless of payment option. Benefits include a subscription to the award-winning Quarterly magazine and a host of corporate discounts.
________________________________________________________________________ Member ID# School Chapter Graduation Year
(See back of Quarterly)
________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number E-mail
Summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Regional Conferences
2009-10 Regional Leadership Conferences Missouri (Omicron) collegians are welcomed to the North Central Midwest/South Central conference by Jayne Kasten (Omicron-Missouri), St. Louis Gateway alumnae chapter member who greeted attendees at the welcome table.
Members of the Oregon (Tau) chapter, Regional Manager Jennifer Peabody Billingsley (Beta Psi-San Jose State) and Advisor Geri Naumcheff (Tau-Oregon) celebrate their win as Outstanding Chapter during the Pacific Northwest conference.
Jessica Beishline (Theta Xi-Shippensburg) poses inside a bounce house the Mid-Atlantic region used as a Friday night ice breaker.
The Upper Midwest regional team shows off the Olympic mittens they received from Canadian sisters.
Alpha Phi International hosts Regional Leadership Conferences annually to provide the tools and training necessary for collegiate officers and advisors to effectively lead our chapters. Alpha Phi has provided regional leadership training to our collegiate officers and advisors for more than 10 years. The conferences are adjusted each year to meet the changing needs and interests of the participants. “During the planning process, we take into consideration current trends and hot topics relating to today’s collegiate members, as well as evaluations from previous conferences,” says Denise Jung Reens (Epsilon Delta-Northern Illinois), director of training, development and communications. “We strive to create an environment in which collegiate members and their advisors feel challenged and engaged while learning about Alpha Phi’s newest tools and programs. When they are excited about what they are learning, they are much more likely to share the information with their chapter members and more likely to successfully implement what they’ve learned in their chapters.” More than 1,200 chapter advisors and collegiate officers from 149 14
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summer 2010
collegiate chapters and two colonies across North America attended the weekend conferences within the Fraternity’s eight regions. Alpha Phi — Keeping It Real From the Pacific Northwest region creating a Facebook page to send reminders, updates and get their chapters excited about their conference, to the Mid-Atlantic region using an inflatable bounce house and Twister game to get to know one another better, our regional teams and collegiate chapters accepted the challenge to think outside the box and demonstrated their creativity and diversity with our Regional Conference theme: Alpha Phi — Keeping It Real. Taylor Swift, the Black Eyed Peas and even the cast of “Glee” made an appearance at the Northeast conference, albeit via iTunes; they added excitement to the region’s opening night that maintained momentum throughout the conference. Chapters showed their
creative sides in the Mid-Atlantic and the Southwest by creating threeminute presentations, tradeshow type exhibits or table centerpieces to best describe themselves and share their accomplishments. Upper Midwest chapters created displays to show the “real” Alpha Phi, and participants were given play money to use to vote for their favorite. In addition to joint educational and training sessions, chapter officers and advisors from the North Central Midwest and the South Central regions were able to double their sharing opportunities for best practices and ideas. Southeast officers and advisors benefited by sessions that were geared to chapter size and with expertise from local alumnae marketing professionals, chapter officers in the Southwest left their conference with a marketing plan for their individual chapters. Alumnae in the Southwest also left the conference with ideas and tips for setting career goals and work/life balance. Meals, too, provided opportunities for
Thank you to the volunteers who served as 2009-10 Regional Conference coordinators! Mid-Atlantic: June Collins Herron (Delta Phi-Indiana U. of Pennsylvania) Shannon Dooley Pruce (Beta Nu-Duke)
Members of the North Central Midwest and South Central regional teams enjoy their combined conference.
Cornell (Delta) displays their centerpiece during the Northeast conference.
Barry Advisor Dimitra Gountis (Delta Upsilon-BaldwinWallace), bottom right, and collegians from Florida Tech (Theta Zeta) and Barry (Theta Omega) enjoy lunch and a guest speaker. UCLA (Beta Delta) women show off their centerpiece during the Southwest region’s Red Dress Gala. Each chapter was asked to create a centerpiece that represented their chapter, and everyone bid on which they liked best. The region raised $2,200 for the Alpha Phi Foundation with the activity.
learning. The Northeast used their Saturday lunch to create an emergency plan based on pre-planned scenarios, and the Upper Midwest created its own version of the popular TV show “Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?” for their luncheon learning. The Alpha Phi Foundation took center stage both giving and receiving. The Foundation hosted a donor reception at each conference and was the beneficiary of donations as a result of silent auctions, selecting favorite exhibits and calculating the number of years all participants have been involved in the Fraternity. Another twist to educate about the Foundation challenged five volunteer designers in the Pacific Northwest to design a red dress using materials earned by answering questions about the Alpha Phi Foundation in Project PHI. Chapter successes were celebrated during Red Dress banquets in the Southwest and Upper Midwest regions, a Mardi Gras gala in the Southeast, a joint award ceremony in the North Central Midwest/ South Central regions and chapter recognition in the Mid-Atlantic and the Pacific Northwest regions.
North Central Midwest/ South Central combined: Jane Russell Roberts (Epsilon Delta-Northern Illinois) Northeast: Amy Nickerson Goldstein (Theta Psi-SUNY/Plattsburgh) Pacific Northwest: Lori Lyman Losee (Beta Rho-Washington State) Southeast: Erin Flynn (Theta Nu-Appalachian State) Southwest: Alison Lauderbach (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Upper Midwest: Jan Brinker Schaeffer (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State)
Recruitment University spotlight For the first time, Recruitment University was held in conjunction with a regional conference. This training was unique as it brought together members of the international recruitment team to the Southwest region to do specific individualized recruitment training for each of the region’s chapters.
According to Linda Schnetzer (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State), director of collegiate recruitment, “It was great to have the opportunity to focus on the specific needs of our Southwest campuses.” Plans have begun for 2010-11 Regional Conferences. Visit www.alphaphi.org/events/ regionalconferences.html for more information.
On March 7, 2009, more than 50 women enjoyed a day of networking and workshops at the annual Canadian Conference in Kitchener, Ontario. The day ended with a Red Dress reception which raised more than $500 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Special thanks to Jan Brinker Schaeffer (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) and Denise Mika-Biga (Rho-Ohio State) who made the trip to Ontario to facilitate sessions.
summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Meet the Foundation Board The Board of Directors and the Alpha Phi Foundation Nominations Commission are pleased to announce the 2010-12 Alpha Phi Foundation Board of Directors. These women were installed at Alpha Phi’s 2010 Convention in Miami, Fla., in July.
Linda Gardner Massie (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Toano, Va. Chair, Past International President
Susan J. Bevan (Sigma-Washington) Greenwich, Conn. Vice Chair
Judy Ethell (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) St. Louis, Mo. Treasurer
On the Foundation’s work: “Alpha Phi shapes the lives of women. The Foundation provides the means to fulfill our pledge to lend a helping hand to one another, and provides a means to give back to Alpha Phi … thus ensuring that Alpha Phi is healthy and strong for future generations.” Linda begins her second term as Chair after more than 30 years of Alpha Phi experience, including two terms as International President (199498). She is currently vice president at Jack L. Massie Contractor, Inc., which specializes in site development, utility and road construction.
A former attorney on Wall Street, Susan now serves on the boards of several charitable organizations, where she lives her dream job of “giving away money to good causes.” In addition to the Foundation, she is the national co-chair of the Republican Majority for Choice, a director of The Breast Cancer Alliance of Greenwich and a trustee of the Greenwich Library. She also serves on the advisory boards of the University of Washington Foster School of Business, the Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich, the YWCA of Greenwich, the Greenwich Hospital Center for Integrative Medicine and the Greenwich Council of Boy Scouts. Susan believes the Foundation’s work is critical because “we are training and supporting the future leaders of the country and the world.”
Judy is owner of J Ethell Consulting, LLC. She is the past CFO/EVP of BearingPoint, Inc, a $3.5 billion global management consulting and technology company, and a former partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP. She has received many honors for her achievements in career and community work: Alpha Phi’s Ursa Major Award in 2004; Eastern Illinois University’s 2003 Alumni of the Year Service Award; YWCA of St. Louis 2004 Women’s Leader Award. Learn more about Judy’s thoughts on leadership, Alpha Phi and the importance of a good mentor at www.alphaphileadership.org.
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Summer 2010
Diane Spry Straker (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Reston, Va. Secretary
Laura Jen Kin Berger (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach) Simi Valley, Calif. Director
Jenny Holsman (Gamma Pi-Arizona State) Chandler, Ariz. Director, incoming
On her dream job: “Why would I want to work? I’m having too much fun being retired!” Prior to retiring, Diane had an impressive career as the senior vice president of Science Applications, Inc., and was the director of contracts at Standard Missile Corporation. She was also president of Findley & Associates. She holds a bachelor’s degree in history and political science from George Washington University. Diane’s Alpha Phi resume includes stints as chapter advisor, district governor, vice president-finance and housing on the International Executive Board, nominating chair, National Panhellenic Conference delegation and National Housing Corporation trustee. This will be her third term on the Foundation Board. Learn more about being a better woman leader with Diane’s “leadership lessons” at www.alphaphileadership.org.
Recruitment advisor … district governor … colony team lead … scholarship committee … Laura brings to the Foundation Board a wealth of Alpha Phi volunteer experience. She also has an extensive community service resume: she has served on the Wellness Community Board of Westlake, the Rotary of Simi Sunrise, the Simi Valley Education Foundation, the PTA and Sisterhood women’s group. Laura is a dentist; she and her husband Herschel run a successful dental practice. They also have three daughters: Sydney (17), Karli (13) and Daryn (11). During her second term on the Foundation Board, Laura hopes to “continue the momentum of our wonderful GOLD giving program, help achieve our vision to be the philanthropy of choice for all alumnae and expand our support of leadership training for women.”
Soon to become Doctor Jennifer Holsman (she anticipates receiving her doctoral degree in 2012), Jenny also holds a political science bachelor’s degree from Arizona State University, a master of science in political science and juris doctor from Syracuse University. She is currently the executive director and general counsel at the Arizona State University Alumni Association and owner of Yoga Bliss LLC. Jenny’s Alpha Phi experience belies her young alumnae status. She’s served as everything from regional manager to collegiate membership coordinator to chapter advisor. Four house corporation boards, two alumnae chapters and four Alpha Phi special teams have benefited from her work. She also is active in the community, bringing to the Foundation a varied and rich board roster.
Summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Karen McChesney Howe (Gamma Sigma-Wisconsin/Stout) Minnetonka, Minn. Director, incoming
Jean Creamer Hodges (Rho-Ohio State) Denver, Colo. Director, incoming
Karen is founder and owner of LuLu & Luigi, LLC, an award-winning pet boutique and grooming “pawlour” with two locations in Minneapolis. She is also owner of KHD, Inc., a Minneapolis-based consulting firm specializing in spatial interiors and organization. Karen’s Alpha Phi leadership roles span 36 years and include everything from alumnae chapters to house corporation boards to district governor to International roles such as the National House Corporation Board. On the critical mission of the Foundation: “Our current economic condition means Foundation funds are so important to provide strength for future needs of Alpha Phi …”
On her first term as a Foundation director: “I am looking forward to meeting many new sisters and spreading the word about the good works we do and offer. It is important to promote the necessity to give back to what we have been given as Alpha Phis.” Jean is owner and president of Town Hall of Denver, Inc., a successful lecture series featuring speakers from around the world addressing foreign affairs, current events, literature, history, health issues, humor and quality of life. She also is active on several boards at the local and national level, including P.E.O, D.A.R, Junior League of Denver, Denver Kids, Inc., the national board of Young Audiences, Inc. and its Colorado affiliate, Think 360 Arts Complete Education.
Editor’s Note: Alpha Phi’s International President also is a voting Director on the Foundation Board. The International President is elected at Convention, and was not installed at press time.
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Summer 2010
Alpha Phi Foundation Board How the Nominations Process Works The By-Laws of the Alpha Phi Foundation are in accordance with Illinois law and provide that a nominating commission will nominate directors and officers of the Foundation. The Board as a whole then votes on such nominations. Each biennium, the Board completes a skills analysis to determine areas of expertise needed to achieve its strategic goals, mission and vision. The 2010-12 Board directors possess specific expertise in one or more of the following areas: investment management, alumnae strategy, fundraising/ marketing and not-for-profit board experience. If you are interested in Foundation Board membership, please e-mail the Foundation executive director at foundation@alphaphi.org.
Being an ELC
Is the Best Career Decision I’ve Made By Brittany Fertig (Delta Zeta-Maryland), 2009-10 ELC
originally took the educational leadership consultant (ELC) position because I was uncertain of how to break into the sports broadcasting industry and unsure in what city I wanted to live … Well, that plus my overwhelming desire to give something back to the sorority that gave me so much! Since July 2009, I’ve traveled to 22 colleges, been on 50 flights, and have met more than 2,000 people. As far as traveling goes, I’ve learned to sleep in unfamiliar places, that a portable steamer is a girl’s best friend, and living out of a suitcase is completely possible. Packing was particularly hard for someone like me who loves shoes, clothes and jewelry, but I’m proud to say I became very resourceful in mixing and matching. I now possess a newfound resilience and courage to go after my dream of working in the sports broadcasting industry … and tackling whatever else life may throw my way. I didn’t work 9-5; I had to be available 24/7. So I learned to be extremely flexible and innovative in getting things accomplished. Thinking quick on my feet became second nature to me, and I’ve developed a professional level of confidence and experience that I never
thought could happen over just a nine-month time period. I also became extremely good at facilitating workshops and presentations at the drop of a hat. I learned to analyze situations, identify problems and quickly implement solutions — skills that are relevant to any job. ELCs share one common bond: Alpha Phi and our overwhelming passion to help it consistently improve and succeed internationally. We help to maintain Alpha Phi chapters and start new ones. At first I worked extensively with our Beta Mu chapter in its second year at the University of Alabama. The 200-something women who make up our Alabama chapter constantly kept me busy, but also helped me establish a better understanding of Southern culture and life. I’m so fortunate to have had this great opportunity. What Alpha Phi sister wouldn’t love living Alpha Phi all day, every day and getting paid to do it? So, if you ask me about my time as an ELC, I’d say it is the best career decision I’ve made!
want to know more? If you are interested in finding out more information about the ELC program, please contact Program Manager Gwendolyn Hill at ghill@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8934.
Dear 2009-10 Educational Leadership Consultants, Thank you for your dedication, professionalism, enthusiasm and love for Alpha Phi. Over the past months you have touched the lives of collegians and alumnae across North America. Because of you, our Fraternity is a better place. Because of your efforts and achievements, we will expect more from future consultants. Because of your experiences, you are prepared to make your mark in your next professional endeavor. AOE, The Collegiate Membership Department
Summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Meet the 2010-11
Educational Leadership Consultant Team
Hilary Bahn
Megan Cadow
Sarah Dariano
Hilary Bahn (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) Major: Elementary Education Hometown: Centennial, Colo.
As a first year ELC: I hope to inspire chapter members to reach their Alpha Phi goals and help them do so with the right work ethic. Favorite Alpha Phi memory: Living in my chapter house for three years gave me many priceless memories I will never forget. I also loved the opportunity to meet other Alpha Phis at Regional Conference. After I travel for Alpha Phi, I plan to: teach any grade in an elementary school and hopefully live some place warm. No one knows that I secretly: have a huge obsession with Michael Jackson. Three words to best describe me are: friendly, kind-hearted and organized.
Megan Cadow (Eta Lambda-George Mason)
Major: International Conflict Analysis and Resolution Hometown: Fredericksburg, Va.
As a first year ELC: I hope to be a role model to the women I meet and help them see their true potential as individuals and as a chapter. I would like to show them the opportunities that are available to them, to help them reach their goals. Favorite Alpha Phi memory: winning Greek Sing and Greek Week in 2009. My sisters and I worked extremely hard to keep our winning tradition alive, and it was so rewarding to see our work paid off. It really showed the power of teamwork and sisterhood! After I travel for Alpha Phi, I plan to: work for a non-profit or non-governmental organization and get involved with peace relations around the world. I want to travel and work with people to facilitate peacekeeping dialogues. I also plan to go to graduate school in the future. No one knows that I secretly: have a huge interest in criminal psychology. I constantly read literature and watch programs to better understand human nature and how the mind works. Three words to best describe me are: motivated, enthusiastic and intuitive.
Sarah Dariano (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Major: Biology and Pre-Medicine Hometown: Perrysburg, Ohio
Alpha Phi Involvement: historian and vice president of program development.
Alpha Phi Quarterly
summer 2010
Lauren Kelly Gall
Christi Gray
Christine Griffith
As a first year ELC: I hope to make life-long friends with the other ELCs as well as the women I meet at the chapters I visit. Favorite Alpha Phi memory: getting my big sister. She told me since she was on the Homecoming planning committee and it was Homecoming week she wasn’t allowed to take a little, and when I found out it was her I was so surprised! After I travel for Alpha Phi, I plan to: go to medical school and become an orthopedic surgeon. I would love to eventually work with an athletic team as their orthopedic surgeon. No one knows that I secretly: love to lounge in sweatpants eating pretzels dipped in Nutella. Three words to best describe me are: optimistic, rambunctious and organized.
Lauren Kelly Gall (Iota Lambda-Connecticut) Major: Human Development & Family Studies Hometown: Shelton, Conn.
As a first year ELC: I hope to travel to every region bringing best practices to each chapter I visit. Favorite Alpha Phi memory: receiving our bid list after our first formal recruitment. After I travel for Alpha Phi, I plan to: parlay the knowledge and experience I gained from the ELC position into my next career endeavor. No one knows that I secretly: love airports and enjoy delays because I have more time to read. Three words to best describe me are: outgoing, humorous and passionate.
Christi Gray (Beta Rho-Washington State) Major: Spanish Hometown: Renton, Wash.
As a first year ELC: I hope to leave each chapter having made a connection with sisters that will last long after my visit. Favorite Alpha Phi memory: Some of my favorite memories are the little moments that can’t be explained. The inside jokes between sisters, the laughing, and the support — that’s what I’ll always remember about Alpha Phi. If I have to pick a favorite, the moment I opened my bid card is a feeling that I’ll never forget. After I travel for Alpha Phi, I plan to: take a position in hospitality management in either event planning, consulting for a hotel or working on a cruise ship. No one knows that I secretly: love reality TV shows. Three words to best describe me are: outgoing, loyal and driven.
Cathy Josendale
Elizabeth Martin
Mackenzie Miller
Christine Griffith (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Major: Natural Resources and Environmental Science Hometown: Hudson, Ohio
Samantha Shulman
Kelly Yocca
Mackenzie Miller (Eta Rho-San Diego)
Major: Communication Studies and Marketing Hometown: Arcadia, Calif.
As a first year ELC: I hope to increase every chapter’s understanding about the Alpha Phi Foundation.
As a first year ELC: I’m excited to expand my interpersonal skills to build new relationships and make connections quickly.
Favorite Alpha Phi memory: My favorite Alpha Phi memory was during polish week my senior year. We were practicing our favorite preference song for the very first time, and I had goose bumps all over. When I looked up around the room, I saw my sisters felt just as moved by the song!
Favorite Alpha Phi memory: reading the bid list after serving as the vice president membership recruitment — never have I been so excited or proud!
After I travel for Alpha Phi, I plan to: take a position in the environmental field. I’m also looking forward to starting a life with my fiancé! No one knows that I secretly: love gas station coffee. Three words to best describe me are: energetic, thoughtful and passionate.
Cathy Josendale (Omicron-Missouri)
Major: Journalism with an emphasis in Strategic Communication Hometown: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
As a first year ELC: I hope to experience chapters in various areas of the country to see how every chapter is unique yet connected. Favorite Alpha Phi memory: dancing for our homecoming skit my junior year when we won best choreography. After I travel for Alpha Phi, I plan to: find a job within the adverting industry. No one knows that I secretly: wish I could get away with being a brunette! Three words to best describe me are: independent, passionate and composed.
Elizabeth Martin (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) Major: Finance Hometown: Denver, Colo.
After I travel for Alpha Phi, I plan to: spend the summer in Europe, and then move to San Francisco or New York to pursue a career in public relations. No one knows that I secretly: like to read fashion magazines cover to cover — backwards. Yes, from back cover to front cover. Three words to best describe me are: magnetic, dedicated and quirky.
Samantha Shulman (Delta Nu-Maine) Major: Political Science/Pre-Medical Studies Hometown: Bangor, Maine
As a first year ELC: I hope to contribute back to an organization that has provided me with so much. I want to empower Alpha Phi women across North America! Favorite Alpha Phi memory: my initiation. I can remember how excited I was to finally become double-sisters with my biological sister, Rachel! After I travel for Alpha Phi, I plan to: continue my education in graduate school. No one knows that I secretly: love and follow over 10 TV shows. Three words to best describe me are: motivated, organized and energetic.
Kelly Yocca (Eta Kappa-UC/Irvine) Major: Criminology, Law and Society/ Psychology and Social Behavior Hometown: Dana Point, Calif.
As a first year ELC: I aspire to maintain and improve the prestigious image and name of Alpha Phi Fraternity.
As a first year ELC: I want to help Alpha Phi chapters reach their full potential and to establish relationships with Alpha Phis across North America.
Favorite Alpha Phi memory: attending the Emerging Leaders Institute.
Favorite Alpha Phi memory: when my chapter raised more than $30,000 at our third annual Red Dress Gala philanthropy event.
After I travel for Alpha Phi, I plan to: enter the financial industry.
After I travel for Alpha Phi, I plan to: attend business or law school.
No one knows that I secretly: am a die-hard Colorado Avalanche hockey fan.
No one knows that I secretly: love to paint.
Three words to best describe me are: ambitious, persistent and positive.
Three words to best describe me are: enthusiastic, organized and dedicated. summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
International President Laura MalleySchmitt, left, and Chapter President Amanda Rupe pose with the new chapter’s charter.
Alpha Phi welcomes Iota Nu sisters.
Iota Nu Chapter Is Installed at Kentucky
n April 10, 2010, Alpha Phi welcomed the Iota Nu chapter at the University of Kentucky with more than 115 new sisters. The festive installation and banquet took place at the Griffin Gate Marriott in Lexington, Ky. More than 300 initiates, parents, alumnae and community members were present to commemorate the occasion. International President Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT) presided over the ceremony. IEB Director and Team Mentor Amy Jordan Tvrdik (Omicron-Missouri) and Executive Director Linda Wells Kahangi (Zeta Delta-Iowa State) also were present to help in the initiation. The Foundation presented the Lexington American Heart
Association with a $1,000 community contribution check and honored the chapter’s scholarship chair with a scholarship badge. Iota Nu’s colonization efforts began in August 2009 with participation in UK’s formal recruitment, followed by a colonization blitz. Throughout the school year, the colony was supported by an extraordinary team of Alpha Phi alumnae – Team Wildcat – as well as Educational Leadership Consultants Evan Guthrie (OmegaTexas), Caitlin Massie (Eta OmicronVirginia Tech), Courtney McCallum (Beta Gamma-Colorado), Ashley Welle (Gamma Omicron-Drake) and Megan Keim (Epsilon GammaSacramento State). This team led the colony’s participation in Dance Blue,
sisterhood retreats, social events and Greek Week. “It has been an honor to work with the women of Iota Nu as they have demonstrated their love for Alpha Phi through sisterhood, philanthropy, involvement at UK on various levels and preparation for recruitment,” said Megan Maloney (Theta Nu-Appalachian State), Team Wildcat lead. “It’s amazing to see how much they’ve grown over the last few months. They make a fabulous addition to our sisterhood.” Alpha Phi is honored to welcome the newly installed chapter as they join the other 12 National Panhellenic Conference groups at Kentucky.
Congratulations Honor Society Inductees! The following women were inducted into Rho Lambda honor society during the 2008-09 school year. Ashland (Epsilon Alpha)
Laine Arida Andrea Lohr
DePaul (Iota Eta)
Liz Nerad Kaitlyn Schaefer Allison Schroeder Katie VanKampen
Eastern Illinois (Zeta Alpha)
Amanda Adams Kyleigh Campbell Pamela Dettman Christina Doti Alicia Funes
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Alyssa Godzicki Brittany Kraft Carly McCoy Megan Patterson Meghan Ryan Malgorzata Sas Angela Schaefer Tricia Urbanowski Johns Hopkins (Zeta Omicron)
Eden Ahrens Kathryn Biggart Kristen Gendron Anna Johnston Tara Loboda Naomi Sell
summer 2010
Kettering (Iota Epsilon)
Lissett Garcia Kelly Howarth Mellissa Reese Erin Stemmer
Marquette (Eta Mu)
Michelle Blaschke Laura Ann Finley Katherine George Robin Hanke Elizabeth Hurth Jenna Kuchinka Maria Rose Mikel Elizabeth Morrissey Megan O’Malley
Alacia Pierce Brittany Roskom Anne Rowley Camille Rudolph Jessica Wright
SUNY/Plattsburgh (Theta Psi)
North Texas (Gamma Eta)
Rosanna Evangelista Kelsi Hinely Angie Jones Jamie Lloyd Baleigh McPherson Kristin Moore Christine Whitnel Annie Williams
Sarah Dernel Ashley Paul Gentry Watson
Northwestern (Beta)
Katherine Albertine Rebecca Cadoff Julie Karaba Elizabeth Kubik Kelly Stewart
Erin Martin
Texas Tech (Gamma Iota)
UC/Irvine (Eta Kappa)
Kelly Felweles Devyn Mills Ilana Zelener
UCLA (Beta Delta)
Caitlyn Chacon Laura Peirano
Chapter President Margaret Long, left, receives the new chapter’s charter from IEB Directors Renee Zainer and Billie Battiato.
Alpha Phi welcomes its newest chapter.
Iota Xi Is Alpha Phi’s Newest Chapter
lpha Phi is proud to celebrate our newest addition, the Iota Xi chapter at the University of Denver. On May 2, 2010, Alpha Phi welcomed more than 80 new sisters at this prestigious university. International Executive Board Directors and Team Pioneer Members Billie Coskey Battiato (Phi-Oklahoma) and Renee Smith Zimmerman Zainer (Beta EpsilonArizona) conducted the initiation ceremony and presented the charter. The Foundation presented the community contribution donation to Girls Fight Back, a women’s safety and self-defense organization founded by Erin Weed (Zeta AlphaEastern Illinois). The company sponsored a program held on campus for Panhellenic women in February.
Foundation Representatives Nancy Owen Craig (Beta Chi-Bucknell) and Susan Weiskittle Barrick (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) were in attendance for the Foundation presentation and gift of the scholarship badge. “This past year we have seen a bright and bold beginning for Alpha Phi at the University of Denver,” said Lisa Cabaniss Olson (Beta EpsilonArizona), Team Pioneer lead. “We cannot celebrate this accomplishment without recognizing the contribution of the university community and Team Pioneer to this project.” The new chapter was colonized in January through a series of recruitment events and personal interviews with local alumnae. Team Pioneer, a group of local alumnae,
supported the colony in the areas of recruitment, programming, marketing and chapter operations. In addition, Educational Leadership Consultants Courtney McCallum (Beta GammaColorado) and Megan Keim (Epsilon Gamma-Sacramento State) provided hands-on support for the officers and team throughout winter and spring quarters. ELCs Caitlin Massie (Eta Omicron-Virginia Tech) and Ashley Welle (Gamma Omicron-Drake) provided support during January’s colonization. Alpha Phi is honored to welcome such an impressive group of resident assistants, honors students, student government members, cheerleaders and other campus leaders to our membership.
Alpha Phi Returns to Florida State!
Megan Bouché (Epsilon-Minnesota), director of marketing and extension; Deana Koonsman Gage (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech), IEB director; Stephanie Nordstrom (Iota AlphaPepperdine), manager of new chapter development; and Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta PhiMIT), International president, pose at the FSU stadium during Alpha Phi’s presentation.
This fall, Alpha Phi plans to recolonize the Gamma Phi chapter at Florida State University. In mid-April, the FSU Panhellenic Association invited Alpha Phi to become the 16th sorority at the university. Additional information is available through Facebook’s FSU Alpha Phi fan page and www.fsualphaphi.com. If you are interested in volunteering on Team FSU, please contact Megan Bouché (EpsilonMinnesota) at mbouche@alphaphi.org. If you would like to submit a reference for the Florida State colony, please send it to Megan Bouché, ATTN: FSU Reference, 1930 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201.
summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa)
Wilfrid Laurier (Iota Theta)
BRITISH COLUMBIA British Columbia (Beta Theta) The chapter performed during the Order of Omega Songfest; Brittany Denunzio was named Best Singer. Three sisters were elected to Panhellenic Council. Members raised $533 for relief efforts in Haiti with a bake sale. The annual Dating Game and Heart Throb philanthropy events raised $1,750. The chapter was honored to receive an Outstanding Alumnae Relations award at the Pacific Northwest Regional Conference. They took second place in Greek Week. During the Panhellenic awards ceremony, Beta Theta won awards for Panhellenic Public Relations Incentive Program, Philanthropy and for being in the top three Best All-Around Sororities.
The chapter welcomed 14 new members during winter recruitment. The first Red Dress Gala and ninth annual Coyote Ugly events were very successful, raising $2,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation.
UNITED STATES CALIFORNIA Chapman (Eta Upsilon) The chapter was strong in recruitment and welcomed 53 new members. They raised more than $17,000 for cardiac care with the fall’s Red Dress Gala. The annual spring philanthropy event, Mr. University, raised more than $10,000 for cardiac care and the Make-a-Wish Foundation. The semi-formal was held at Angel Stadium. They also participated in a Greek-wide skit and dance production.
Chico State (Theta Upsilon)
Toronto (Xi) In February, the annual dessert night raised more than $1,000 for women’s cardiac care. During March, the women participated in a Famine Challenge, raising over $400.
Western Ontario (Theta Eta) Sisters welcomed new members as a result of a COB blitz. They placed in the top three in Sigma Chi Derby Days and took third in a Pi Kappa Alpha competition. Sisters volunteered at a local Boys & Girls Club, formed a team for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life, and hosted an Alpha Phi-esta fundraising event at a Mexican restaurant. Members ended the year with an “Alice in Wonderland”-themed formal.
The chapter welcomed 50 new members following formal recruitment. Members participated in a campus-wide bake sale to support Haitian relief efforts. They sponsored a Cinderella’s Closet, donating dresses to local high school women for prom. Members attended a baseball game and took a tour of the Sierra Nevada Brewery for Dad’s Day. Visit the chapter’s Web site at www.alphaphichico.com.
CSU/East Bay (Eta Delta) The chapter was proud to celebrate its 23rd anniversary on April 11. President Daisy Rodriguez read an inspirational poem to the chapter. Sisters hosted their first Red Dress Gala in May.
In February, students, parents and community members supported the Mr. Heartthrob philanthropy event to raise awareness of heart disease. Sisters looked forward to participating in Greek Week and the Red High Heel Walk.
CSU/Northridge (Epsilon Upsilon) The spring Phiesta philanthropy event showcased new members to the Greek community. More than 300 people enjoyed free horchata and tacos.
CSU/San Bernardino (Eta Beta) The annual Date A Phi event benefited women’s cardiac care. The chapter initiated two new members and held an overnight sisterhood event. They participated in a community service event planting trees at a park and modeled in a Red Dress Fashion Show sponsored by the university’s health department to promote cardiac care awareness. They also participated in other fraternity and sorority philanthropy events.
Loyola Marymount (Zeta Beta) The chapter held their annual APHIASCO philanthropy event in February that featured a live and silent auction, dinner and a dance. The event raised more than $47,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation, adding to the chapter’s claim as one of the top contributing chapters to the Foundation.
Pepperdine (Iota Alpha) Approximately 400 students, faculty and alumnae attended the annual Eat Your Heart Out event in February at the Waves Cafe. The event consisted of multiple dinner-date auctions, a healthy eating contest, and cardiac care-themed skits and raised $9,500 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. The chapter won Delta Tau Delta’s philanthropy event in April. They participated in a variety of sisterhood events. They also enjoyed formal and a senior sendoff party.
Members participate in Greek Week.
Sisters host the Phiesta philanthropy event.
Members host the annual Eat Your Heart Out philanthropy event.
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Summer 2010
Santa Clara (Zeta Gamma)
USC (Beta Pi)
Zeta Gamma hosted an annual Star Search talent show that raised $6,500 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Members enjoyed the ForgetMe-Not formal and sisterhood events. Sisters also participated in the Princess Project, helping provide prom dresses and accessories to high school women unable to afford them. The chapter ranked first among all sororities, with a 3.34 GPA.
The chapter hosted alumnae events, sponsored a successful Phi Ball Challenge event and received awards for their scholastic achievements. The fall Heart of Gold auction that raises funds for the American Heart Association will be held at the Walt Disney Concert Hall in downtown Los Angeles.
San Diego State (Gamma Alpha) The chapter hosted an annual taco fundraiser and a senior ceremony in May. Something new this semester was every sister having an opportunity to be in charge of a volunteer weekend in the community.
San Jose State (Beta Psi) A Hugs for Haiti event raised $500 for Haiti relief efforts, and a Charity Denim event raised $375 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. The chapter’s first King of Hearts philanthropy event also was a success.
CONNECTICUT Connecticut (Iota Lambda) The chapter hosted a successful King of Hearts event. They are preparing for formal recruitment, while anticipating fabulous results. Weekly sisterhood events included a skin care workshop, sundaes and fun crafts. Four members spent their spring break helping the city of New Orleans. The sisters worked at a local elementary school and helped replant more than 6,000 trees that died as a result of Hurricane Katrina.
Sisters take in the culture on Bourbon Street during an alternative spring break to New Orleans.
UCLA (Beta Delta)
George Washington (Iota Iota)
Sisters enjoyed a sisterhood retreat at a Malibu beach house. They participated in UCLA’s Greek Week and placed second for the most spirited team. Sisters placed first in Delta Sigma Phi’s flag football philanthropy tournament. The chapter also hosted a reunion for the 1950s graduating class. They looked forward to hosting their annual Red Dress Gala, participating in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life and bonding during the annual sisterhood trip to Disneyland.
Sisters participated in a Frances E. Willard service event with a production of “The Vagina Monologues.” Members participated by promoting, managing and acting in the production that was open to all members of the GW and D.C. community. Audience members were asked to sign a banner to help end violence against women.
University of the Pacific (Iota Gamma)
Georgia Tech (Iota Mu)
Bethany Nollette and Anya Radanovitch attended the Winter 2010 Olympics in Vancouver as spring semester interns. They spent three weeks experiencing the behind-the-scenes events of cross country skiing, ski jumping and biathlon. Anya and Bethany felt honored to be a part of such a prestigious global event. Iota Gamma chapter is very proud of them.
Sisters pose on their front lawn during Bid Day.
GEORGIA The chapter welcomed new members following spring recruitment. In April, sisters enjoyed formal at the Fox Theatre and showed Alpha Phi pride during Greek Week.
Alumnae enjoy the chapter’s first Red Dress Luncheon, including Mrs. Indiana International Remy Branstetter and WAVE 3 News Channel’s Angie Glotzbach, the luncheon’s hostess and speaker.
George Washington (Iota Iota)
Collegians venture to San Francisco to see “Wicked” as a sisterhood event.
Sisters celebrate Kelly Thwaits’ pinning.
Sisters participate in a production of “The Vagina Monologues.”
Summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
ILLINOIS DePaul (Iota Eta) The third annual A-Phiesta Bowl raised money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. The event featured an afternoon of fun carnival-themed activities, including a kickball tournament in the Quad. The second annual Red Dress Gala was held at the Hyatt Regency at the McCormick Place and included an auction, dinner and dancing. More than $3,800 was raised for the Alpha Phi Foundation. They also enjoyed a formal dance.
Lake Forest (Gamma Epsilon) Women’s Cardiac Care Awareness Month in February included an opportunity for students to meet with a school nurse to determine their risks of heart disease and a heart healthy meal in the school cafeteria. The chapter welcomed nine new members through formal recruitment. They are in the process of planning their first Move Your Phi’t philanthropy event.
INDIANA Indiana University Southeast (Zeta Epsilon) In March, the chapter held its first Red Dress Luncheon. With approximately 80 guests in attendance and a silent auction, the sisters raised $1,600 for the Alpha Phi Foundation.
IOWA Drake (Gamma Omicron) In March, the chapter launched its social media marketing plan. Follow Gamma Omicron on Twitter: DrakeAlphaPhi; Facebook: Drake University Alpha Phi; Blog: drakealphaphi. wordpress.com. Along with the new social media push, Gamma Omicron reinstalled its alumnae newsletter. Alex Hendzel and Amanda Laurent are senator-at-large representatives for the Student Senate. Four members were elected to the executive board of the Student Activities
Board. Four sisters were recognized and awarded at the College of Business and Public Administration’s Awards Ceremony. Also, the chapter was nominated as the top organization on campus for the Leaders and Luminaries Ceremony. The alumnae lunch, formal and senior week were May highlights.
Iowa (Delta Epsilon) Sisters raised $2,000 with the Data Match spring philanthropy event, thanks to 400 participants. Members enjoyed a spring formal at the Iowa City Sheraton Hotel. In scholarship news, the chapter improved to the fourth highest active members GPA of sororities on campus. In scholarship news, the chapter improved their GPA to rank fourth among active sororities on campus.
KANSAS Wichita State (Gamma Xi) The chapter hosted the Viva la Red philanthropy event in February in conjunction with Cardiac Health Awareness Month. The event grew tremendously this year, selling three times as many tickets as in past years. The evening was complete with red dresses, casino games, music and raffles.
MAINE Maine (Delta Nu) Jennifer Vincent was accepted into the All Maine Women senior women’s honor society, and Emily Lavoie was accepted into the Sophomore Eagles second year women’s honor society. The chapter took first place for sororities in Winter Carnival Greek Week activities and achieved the honor of highest sorority GPA for the fall 2009 semester.
MICHIGAN Western Michigan (Delta Theta) The second annual Red Dress Gala raised more than $6,200 for the Alpha Phi Foundation in February. The chapter was recognized as a five-star chapter through Order of Omega’s Standards of Excellence Awards, and a sister was elected vice president of Order of Omega. The chapter said goodbye to graduates with a senior ceremony.
MINNESOTA Minnesota (Epsilon) In February, the Red Dress Gala raised more than $7,300 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. The evening was held at the new TCF Bank Stadium in the DQ Clubroom. Stadium tours, a silent auction, a keynote speaker from the American Heart Association and red dress highlighted the evening. Sisters hosted the annual Alpha PhiEsta during Heartthrob Week, raising another $3,100 for the Foundation. The event featured walking tacos and a DJ.
MISSOURI Washington University (Zeta Upsilon) Sisters initiated 37 new members who are already holding leadership positions in the chapter and Panhellenic Association. The chapter began the tradition of Alpha Phi Week, which facilitates sisterhood through daily spirit and social activities. They enjoyed participating in philanthropy events and the Thurtene Carnival. The chapter won six Greek Awards: Excellence in Alumni Relations, Excellence in Philanthropy, Outstanding Leader of the Year, Arete Woman of the Year, Fraternal Excellence Award (Gold Level) and Chapter of the Year.
Boston (Eta) The annual Ivy Man event raised $3,000 for the American Heart Association, helping to fund and raise awareness for the Go Red for Women movement.
Members pose after the initiation of new members.
Sisters host the Viva la Red philanthropy event.
The chapter celebrates receiving six awards during the Greek Awards Ceremony.
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Summer 2010
NEBRASKA Nebraska (Nu) Sisters participated in a spring community cleanup project and Dance Marathon, which supports Omaha’s Children’s Hospital. They hosted the Phiva Las Vegas philanthropy event to benefit the Bryan L.G.H. Heart Institute. The chapter won a trophy for having the most participation during Greek Week.
NEW HAMPSHIRE New Hampshire (Eta Alpha) The chapter held its annual Eat Your Heart Out healthy eating contest in March, raising more than $2,500 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. During spring break, eight members traveled to New Orleans with the Katrina Relief Urban Plunge program to work with Habitat for Humanity and tutor high school students. At the annual Greek Awards Banquet, Rachel Cail was nominated for Greek of the Year, and Jessica Gulla and Jamie Sullivan received the Pillars of Athena Award. In April, the chapter co-hosted a Turn Beauty Inside Out pilot program with the Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains for the Frances E. Willard Day of Service.
NEW JERSEY Seton Hall (Eta Eta) Sisters welcomed 12 new members during spring recruitment and continued to be the largest Greek organization at the university. The chapter co-sponsored an American Red Cross Blood Drive with Alpha Gamma Delta sorority and raised money for the Helping Haiti Heal Foundation. Members look forward to fall recruitment.
NEW YORK Rensselaer (Theta Tau) Theta Tau welcomed four new members. The chapter raised money for the Alpha Phi Foundation with the annual Queen of Hearts
philanthropy event. They are planning the second annual Red Dress Gala in conjunction with Alumnae Weekend to celebrate the chapter’s 15-year anniversary. Sisters teamed with Phi Gamma Delta to raise money for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life.
SUNY/Cortland (Eta Tau) Members participated in a community festival for local children to play games, get their faces painted and enjoy refreshments. A Zumba-thon class raised money for cardiac care. Chapter Advisor Maria Denato was one of the class instructors. During the event, they raffled off baskets that contained items relating to good health. All proceeds benefited cardiac care. An ice cream social was held for potential new sisters during recruitment week, and 20 new members were initiated. Collegians sold daffodils to benefit the American Cancer Society. Other events included Alumnae Weekend, Greek Picnic and participation in a Take Back The Night March.
Sisters host the Fast Phi’t philanthropy event.
NORTH CAROLINA Duke (Beta Nu) The chapter’s first Red Dress Gala raised $17,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. In January, sisters enjoyed a successful formal recruitment and welcomed 35 new members. The chapter hosted an Easter Egg Hunt on campus and has organized numerous social and sisterhood events. They also hosted their first Cardiac Arrest philanthropy event during Heart Week.
Collegians host an annual homecoming barbecue for alumnae.
OHIO Ashland (Epsilon Alpha) Sisters hosted their first Red Dress Gala in January and raised $2,800 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. The evening included an elegant dinner, silent auction and a live band. Guests included alumnae and other prominent figures from Ashland University. Members also hosted the sixth annual Mr. University and Cardiac Arrest
Collegians work with Habitat for Humanity during an alternative spring break.
Sisters host their first Red Dress Gala.
Executive officers and advisors attend Regional Conference.
Collegians enjoy the chapter’s Red Dress Gala.
Summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
philanthropy events to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. Eight sisters participated in a Habitat for Humanity alternative spring break trip.
Baldwin-Wallace (Delta Upsilon) Sisters partnered with a nearby Applebee’s for the second annual Eat Your Heart Out philanthropy event to raise money for The Alpha Phi Foundation. They enjoyed the Destination Unknown sisterhood event, where they traveled to a sister’s house to relax for the day. Members also participated in Alpha Sigma Phi’s Bike n’ Hike philanthropy event.
Phi Foundation. Other activities included the American Cancer Society Relay for Life and the annual formal.
and families who have been affected by the disease. The chapter had four dancers who stayed awake and on their feet for 48 hours while the rest of the chapter danced with them throughout the weekend for support.
Linfield (Theta Alpha)
St. Joseph’s (Theta Theta)
The chapter co-hosted an annual Red Dress Gala philanthropy event with Oregon (Tau) and Oregon State (Beta Upsilon) collegiate chapters to support the Alpha Phi Foundation. Members also held the annual Star Search talent show and fundraiser which always helps market Alpha Phi positively on campus.
Oregon State (Beta Upsilon)
In April, Theta Thetas teamed with Lambda Chi Alpha to host the annual Jail ‘N Bail philanthropy event. Sisters raised $1,500 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Highlights included a moon bounce, sumo wrestling suits and a dunk tank.
West Chester (Epsilon Kappa) The annual Red Dress Gala included dinner, raffle sales, a live and silent auction, a slide show of the chapter’s philanthropy events and community service work, and “The Fabulous Life of an Alpha Phi” video. The event raised $4,800 for the Alpha Phi Foundation and cardiac care.
The chapter received the Spirit of Service Award from their participation in Greek Community Service Awareness Week. The fifth annual Red Dress Gala raised $11,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters welcomed 12 new members following informal spring recruitment, reaching the maximum capacity for their chapter. Other activities included Greek Week and Relay for Life.
The chapter collaborated with Linfield (Theta Alpha) and Oregon (Tau) collegians to host a Red Dress Gala that featured musical performances from student groups, a live auction and a red dress fashion show. Beta Upsilons placed third in Kappa Delta’s Mock Rock philanthropy event and first in Alpha Gamma Delta’s Deeds for Diabetes weeklong event. Sisters enjoyed a weekend of bonding and fun at the annual beach retreat in April.
Members hosted the annual Alpha-Phiesta spring taco feed that benefits a different local charity each year. This year, proceeds went to the Vermillion Backpack Program.
Cameron (Theta Rho)
Franklin & Marshall (Zeta Sigma)
Kent State (Beta Omega)
Theta Rhos attended Regional Conference, welcomed new COB sisters and hosted Educational Leadership Consultant Ashley Welle (Gamma Omicron-Drake). The chapter hosted local Girl Scouts for the Frances E. Willard Day of Service, conducting sessions in self-defense, etiquette, communication and self-esteem. The Red Dress Gala and 15-year anniversary celebration reunited the chapters founding sisters and raised more than $600 for the Alpha Phi Foundation.
Oklahoma City (Delta Delta) Sisters welcomed five new members during a spring mom’s initiation. They hosted a King of Hearts philanthropy event during Cardiac Care Week that raised $1,000 for the Alpha
The annual Red Dress Gala raised more than $6,300. The chapter’s first Eat Your Heart Out event will benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. Zeta Sigmas raised more than $4,000 for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life and hosted Alex’s Lemonade Stand to raise money for childhood cancer research. The chapter was honored as Best Outstanding Greek Organization and recognized as having the highest fall Greek GPA. They initiated 43 new members during the spring. Three sisters were inducted into Order of Omega.
SOUTH DAKOTA South Dakota (Psi)
St. Mary’s (Iota Beta) Sisters won the annual Lambda Chi Alpha Watermelon Bash. They recruited the largest class during spring formal recruitment, with 14 new members.
Texas Tech (Gamma Iota) The first Alpha Chili Fest was a huge success and benefited cardiac care. Two local bands provided entertainment. Judges included two Texas Tech football players, a cardiologist, a local business owner and a local musician.
Penn State (Gamma Rho) Gamma Rhos partnered with Delta Sigma Phi to raise $68,000 for Penn State’s Dance Marathon, THON, which supports pediatric cancer research
New members enjoy the Red Dress Gala.
Collegians host the annual alumnae tea.
Alumnae return for a reunion weekend to celebrate the chapter’s 10th anniversary.
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Summer 2010
UTAH Southern Utah (Theta Sigma) Theta Sigma welcomed six new members during spring recruitment. They participated in Greek Week and received awards during the Greek awards banquet for Most Improved GPA, Best Overall GPA and Most Service Hours. Eight sisters were also recognized for being in the top 10 for individual Greek GPA. Twelve sisters were inducted into Gamma Sigma Alpha academic honor society. Other events included an annual sisterhood retreat and alumnae initiation.
VIRGINIA Christopher Newport (Theta Phi) The chapter held its annual Family Day event during spring. Sisters enjoyed a weekend beach retreat in Sandbridge, Va. Planning has begun for the chapter’s first Red Dress Gala this fall.
George Mason (Eta Lambda) The chapter received several awards during the Greek Community Standards of Excellence Awards presentation, including Excellence in Academics and Scholarship, Excellence in Community Service, Excellence in Leadership, Excellence in Organization Growth and Retention, Excellence in Commitment to Values, and Spring 2009 Second Highest Panhellenic GPA. Eta Lambda was one of only three organizations receiving the highest honor of Chapter Excellence, based on receiving award recognition in six of the community standard categories. Individual recognitions went to: Megan Cadow, Best of Best; Nicole Grim, Outstanding New Member; Alex Jackson, Outstanding Panhellenic Community Member; Jackee Schools (Eta Lambda-George Mason), Outstanding Advisor; and Meredith Kaufman, Greek Woman of the Year.
Old Dominion (Epsilon Eta) The chapter celebrated its 40th anniversary by hosting its first Red Dress Gala. Several alumnae and parents were in attendance. Since the
chapter does not have a house for precious memorabilia to be displayed, many sisters enjoyed viewing some articles for the first time. The event also included a raffle to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation.
Virginia (Zeta Iota) The chapter welcomed 38 new members during the spring. Sisters celebrated the chapter’s 10year anniversary by hosting an alumnae reunion weekend. Highlights included house tours and a brunch. In April, collegians participated in American Cancer Society Relay for Life and Cavaliers Care. Sisters also hosted a silent auction during the Parent’s Formal and a Red Dress Brunch to benefit cardiac care.
Virginia Tech (Eta Omicron) Collegians placed third in Delta Sigma Phi’s Egyptian Expedition and first for the second year in a row in Sigma Chi Derby Days. The chapter initiated 52 new members. In the second annual Keep The Beat Week, sisters hosted a Move Your Phi’t dance-off and the fan favorite, Say What?! Karaoke.
Four Alpha Phis are among the dancers chosen to participate in THON, the largest student-run philanthropy in the world.
WEST VIRGINIA West Virginia (Beta Iota) The chapter welcomed seven new members during spring recruitment. Sisters hosted the annual Red Dress Gala and the Bounce for Beats basketball tournament.
Sisters enjoy the chapter’s first Chili Fest.
WISCONSIN Wisconsin/Stout (Gamma Sigma) The chapter hosted some successful COB events during the spring, one of them being Yoga and Yogurt. The women welcomed four new members. The third annual Rockin’ Red Dress Gala raised $3,575 for women’s cardiac health. A silent auction featured donations from local businesses.
Theta Phis enjoy a sisterhood event.
Sisters pose during presentation.
New members gather for a special Bid Day.
Sisters host the annual Rockin’ Red Dress Gala.
Summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Recruitment Addresses and Dates Please refer to the following chapter addresses and recruitment dates when mailing Potential Member Reference Forms (found on page 32). A new and improved recommendation form is now online at www.alphaphi.org/recommend.html. Please Note: All forms should be mailed to the attention of the vice president of recruitment as early as possible to give chapters ample time to prepare for recruitment. CANADA BRITISH COLUMBIA British Columbia (Beta Theta) Beta Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi 102-2770 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 2B7 September 2010 MANITOBA Manitoba (Beta Eta) Beta Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi 703-99 Westlake Crescent Winnipeg, MB R3M 0A2 September 2010 ONTARIO Toronto (Xi) Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi 30 Lowther Ave. Toronto, ON M5R 1C6 September 2010 Western Ontario (Theta Eta) Theta Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi 232 Epworth Ave. London, ON N6A 2M1 September 2010 Wilfrid Laurier (Iota Theta) Iota Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi 367 Grand River Blvd. Kitchener, ON N2A 3H7 September 2010 QUEBEC Bishop’s (Eta Chi) Eta Chi Chapter of Alpha Phi 1950 Riverview Lennoxville, QC J1M 2A2 September 2010
UNITED STATES ALABAMA Alabama (Beta Mu) Beta Mu Chapter of Alpha Phi P.O. Box 11045 Tuscaloosa, AL 35486-0012 August 2010 ARIZONA Arizona (Beta Epsilon) Beta Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 1339 E. 1st St. Tucson, AZ 85719 August 2010 Arizona State (Gamma Pi) Gamma Pi Chapter of Alpha Phi 739 E. Apache Blvd. #94 Tempe, AZ 85281 August 2010 CALIFORNIA Cal Poly (Epsilon Chi) Epsilon Chi Chapter of Alpha Phi 1290 Foothill Blvd. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 September 2010 Chapman (Eta Upsilon) Eta Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi One University Dr. Orange, CA 92866 September 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
CSU/Chico (Theta Upsilon) Theta Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 504 W. 3rd St. Chico, CA 95928 January 2011 CSU/East Bay (Eta Delta) Eta Delta Chapter of Alpha Phi P.O. Box 55253 Hayward, CA 94545 September 2010 CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) Gamma Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi 3017 E. 4th St. Long Beach, CA 90814-1426 September 2010 CSU/Northridge (Epsilon Upsilon) Epsilon Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 9756 Zelzah Ave. Northridge, CA 91325 September 2010 CSU/Sacramento (Epsilon Gamma) Epsilon Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi 2223 K St. Sacramento, CA 95816 September 2010 CSU/San Bernardino (Eta Beta) Eta Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi P.O. Box 9867 San Bernardino, CA 92427 October 2010 Loyola Marymount (Zeta Beta) Zeta Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi One LMU Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90045 January 2011 Pepperdine (Iota Alpha) Iota Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi c/o Student Activities 24255 Pacific Coast Highway Malibu, CA 90263 October 2010 San Diego (Eta Rho) Eta Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi 5998 Alcala Park San Diego, CA 92110 January 2011 San Diego State (Gamma Alpha) Gamma Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi 6055 Montezuma Rd. San Diego, CA 92115 September 2010 San Francisco State (Eta Theta) Eta Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi P.O. Box 259, 236 W. Portal Ave. San Francisco, CA 94127 September 2010
Summer 2010
San Jose State (Beta Psi) Beta Psi Chapter of Alpha Phi 210 S. 10th St. San Jose, CA 95112 September 2010
DELAWARE Delaware (Epsilon Nu) Epsilon Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi 158 S. College Ave. Newark, DE 19711 February 2011
INDIANA Ball State (Delta Rho) Delta Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi Student Center Box 67 Muncie, IN 47306 September 2010
Santa Clara (Zeta Gamma) Zeta Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi 616 Washington St. Santa Clara, CA 95050 September 2010
FLORIDA Barry (Theta Omega) Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Phi Student Activities 11300 NE 2nd Ave. Miami Shores, FL 33161 September 2010
Butler (Epsilon Beta) Epsilon Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi 824 W. Hampton Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46208 January 2011
UC/Berkeley (Lambda) Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi 2830 Bancroft Steps Berkeley, CA 94704 September 2010 UC/Davis (Epsilon Rho) Epsilon Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi 327 Russell Blvd. Davis, CA 95616 September 2010 UC/Irvine (Eta Kappa) Eta Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi 1080 Arroyo Dr. Irvine, CA 92697 September 2010 UCLA (Beta Delta) Beta Delta Chapter of Alpha Phi 714 Hilgard Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90024 September 2010 UC/Santa Barbara (Gamma Beta) Gamma Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi 840 Embarcadero del Norte Isla Vista, CA 93117 September 2010 University of the Pacific (Iota Gamma) Iota Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi 819 President’s Dr. Stockton, CA 95211 January 2011 USC (Beta Pi) Beta Pi Chapter of Alpha Phi 643 W. 28th St. Los Angeles, CA 90007 August 2010 COLORADO Colorado (Beta Gamma) Beta Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue Boulder, CO 80302 September 2010 Colorado School of Mines (Iota Zeta) Iota Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi 1550 Campus Drive Golden, CO 80134 August 2010 Northern Colorado (Delta Gamma) Delta Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi 814 19th St. Greeley, CO 80631 September 2010 University of Denver (Iota Xi) Holly Markley 9318 Las Rambles CT, Unit B Parker, CO 80134 September 2010 CONNECTICUT Connecticut (Iota Lambda) Iota Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi c/o OFSL 2110 Hillside Road, Unit 3008F Storrs, CT 06269 September 2010
Florida State (Colony) Megan Bouche Attn: FSU Reference 1930 Sherman Avenue Evanston, IL 60201 September 2010 Colonization Florida Tech (Theta Zeta) Theta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi 150 West University Blvd. Melbourne, FL 32901 August 2010 GEORGIA Georgia Tech (Iota Mu) Iota Mu Chapter of Alpha Phi 171 5th Street Atlanta, GA 30313 August 2010
DePauw (Gamma) Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi 202 E. Hanna St. Greencastle, IN 46135 February 2011 Indiana (Beta Tau) Beta Tau Chapter of Alpha Phi 908 E. 3rd St. Bloomington, IN 47401 December 2010/January 2011 Indiana State (Delta Pi) Delta Pi Chapter of Alpha Phi Box 111 Lincoln Quad Terre Haute, IN 47809 September 2010 Indiana U. Southeast (Zeta Epsilon) Zeta Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 4201 Grant Line Rd. New Albany, IN 47150 September 2010
IDAHO Idaho (Beta Zeta) Beta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi P.O. Box 3078 Moscow, ID 83843 August 2010
Purdue (Delta Mu) Delta Mu Chapter of Alpha Phi 801 David Ross Rd. West Lafayette, IN 47906 September 2010
ILLINOIS DePaul (Iota Eta) Student Center, Suite 201 Iota Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi 2250 North Sheffield Avenue Chicago, IL 60614 January 2011
IOWA Drake (Gamma Omicron) Gamma Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi 1240 34th St. Des Moines, IA 50311 September 2010
Eastern Illinois (Zeta Alpha) Zeta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi 1013 Greek Ct. Charleston, IL 61920 September 2010 Elmhurst (Zeta Xi) Zeta Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi 190 Prospect, Box 1151 Elmhurst, IL 60126 September 2010 Illinois (Beta Alpha) Beta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi 508 E. Armory Ave. Champaign, IL 61820 August 2010 Lake Forest (Gamma Epsilon) Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 555 N. Sheridan Rd Lake Forest, IL 60045 January 2011 Northern Illinois (Epsilon Delta) Epsilon Delta Chapter of Alpha Phi 920 Hillcrest DeKalb, IL 60115 September 2010 Northwestern (Beta) Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi 701 University Place Evanston, IL 60201 January 2011 Southern Illinois (Epsilon Xi) Epsilon Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi Box 1168, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, IL 62025 September 2010
Iowa (Delta Epsilon) Delta Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 906 E. College St. Iowa City, IA 52240 August 2010 Northern Iowa (Epsilon Theta) Epsilon Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi 1215 W. 23rd St. Cedar Falls, IA 50613 August 2010 KANSAS Washburn (Upsilon) Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 1839 Jewell Ave. Topeka, KS 66621 September 2010 Wichita State (Gamma Xi) Gamma Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi 3912 E. 21st St., #40 Omega Ct. Wichita, KS 67208 August 2010 KENTUCKY Kentucky (Iota Nu) Iota Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi 575 Patterson Office Tower Lexington, KY 40506 August 2010 MAINE Maine (Delta Nu) Delta Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi Box A, Hancock Hall Orono, ME 04469-5731 September 2010
MARYLAND Johns Hopkins (Zeta Omicron) Zeta Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi Mattin Center, 3400 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21218 February 2011 Maryland (Delta Zeta) Delta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi 7402 Princeton Ave. College Park, MD 20740 January 2011 Towson (Eta Omega) Eta Omega Chapter of Alpha Phi 800 York Rd., Towson University, Box 4125 Towson, MD 21252 October 2010 MASSACHUSETTS Bentley (Zeta Rho) Zeta Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi 175 Forest St. Waltham, MA 02452 February 2011 Boston (Eta) Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi 775 Commonwealth Ave., SAO, 4th Floor Boston, MA 02215 January 2011 MIT (Zeta Phi) Zeta Phi Chapter of Alpha Phi 479 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02215 September 2010 Tufts (Zeta Theta) Zeta Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi 14 Sawyer Ave. Medford, MA 02155 February 2011 MICHIGAN Adrian (Delta Eta) Delta Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Phi, Lowry Hall Adrian, MI 49221 September 2010 Kettering (Iota Epsilon) Iota Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi Greek Life-Alpha Phi, 1700 W. 3rd Ave. Flint, MI 48504 August 2010 Michigan (Theta) Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi 1830 Hill St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 September 2010 Michigan State (Beta Beta) Beta Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi 616 MAC Ave. East Lansing, MI 48823 September 2010 Western Michigan (Delta Theta) Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi 1603 Fraternity Village Dr. Kalamazoo, MI 49006 September 2010 MINNESOTA Minnesota (Epsilon) Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 323 10th Ave. SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 September 2010 MISSOURI Central Missouri State (Theta Lambda) Theta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Phi - C100 Panhellenic Hall Warrensburg, MO 64093 September 2010
Missouri (Omicron) Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi 906 S. Providence Columbia, MO 65203 August 2010 Washington University (Zeta Upsilon) Zeta Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi #1 Brookings Dr. Box 1136 St. Louis, MO 63130 January 2011 William Woods (Delta Chi) Delta Chi Chapter of Alpha Phi 200 W. 12th St. Fulton, MO 65251 August 2010 MONTANA Montana (Chi) Chi Chapter of Alpha Phi 1107 Gerald Ave. Missoula, MT 59801 September 2010 NEBRASKA Nebraska (Nu) Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi 1531 “S” St. Lincoln, NE 68508 August 2010 Nebraska/Kearney (Delta Xi) Delta Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi 1700 University Dr. URS-A Kearney, NE 68845 September 2010 NEW HAMPSHIRE Dartmouth (Iota Kappa) Iota Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi H.B. 5248 Hanover, NH 03755 September 2010
New Hampshire (Eta Alpha)
Eta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi 8 Strafford Ave. Durham, NH 03824 September 2010 NEW JERSEY Seton Hall (Eta Eta) Eta Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi 400 South Orange Ave. South Orange, NJ 07079 January 2011 NEW YORK Cornell (Delta) Delta Chapter of Alpha Phi 411 Thurston Ave. Ithaca, NY 14850 January 2011
Hofstra (Theta Mu)
Theta Mu Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Phi, 242 Student Activities Hempstead, NY 11549 January 2011
Rensselaer (Theta Tau) Theta Tau Chapter of Alpha Phi 104 Wiltsie House, RPI - 1999 Burdette Ave. Troy, NY 12180 September 2010
Rochester (Theta Kappa)
Theta Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Phi, CPU Box 277163 Rochester, NY 14627 January 2011
SUNY/Binghamton (Eta Zeta)
Eta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Phi, SUNY, P.O. Box 6000 Binghamton, NY 13902 January 2011
SUNY/Buffalo (Theta Epsilon) Theta Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 303 Student Union Buffalo, NY 14261 January 2011
SUNY/Cortland (Eta Tau)
Eta Tau Chapter of Alpha Phi 59 Tompkins St. Cortland, NY 13045 January 2011
SUNY/Plattsburgh (Theta Psi)
Theta Psi Chapter of Alpha Phi College Center Desk, PSUC Plattsburgh, NY 12901 January 2011
Syracuse (Alpha)
Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi 308 Walnut Place Syracuse, NY 13210 January 2011 NORTH CAROLINA Appalachian State
(Theta Nu)
Theta Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi ASU Box 9054 Boone, NC 28608 January 2011
Duke (Beta Nu)
Beta Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi 07 Bryan Center, P.O. Box 90840 Durham, NC 27708 January 2011
East Carolina (Delta Alpha)
Delta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi 950 E. 10th St. Greenville, NC 27858 August 2010
UNC/Wilmington (Eta Xi)
Eta Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi 803-G Bryce Court Wilmington, NC 28405 September 2010
Case Western Reserve (Zeta Pi) Zeta Pi Chapter of Alpha Phi 11116 Magnolia Dr. Cleveland, OH 44106 January 2011
Dayton (Zeta Psi)
Zeta Psi Chapter of Alpha Phi 1302 Brown St Dayton, OH 45406 January 2011
Kent State (Beta Omega)
Beta Omega Chapter of Alpha Phi 1063 Fraternity Circle Kent, OH 44240 September 2010
Miami University (Gamma Nu)
Gamma Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi 146 Richard Hall Oxford, OH 45056 January 2011
Ohio State (Rho)
Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi 134 E. 15th Ave. Columbus, OH 43201 January 2011 OKLAHOMA
Cameron (Theta Rho) Theta Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi 2800 W. Gore Blvd. Student Activities Building Lawton, OK 73505 September 2010
Oklahoma (Phi)
Phi Chapter of Alpha Phi 1401 S College Norman, OK 73072 August 2010
Oklahoma City (Delta Delta)
Delta Delta Chapter of Alpha Phi 2501 N. Blackwelder, OCU Box 66A Oklahoma City, OK 73102 August 2010 OREGON
NORTH DAKOTA North Dakota (Pi) Pi Chapter of Alpha Phi 2626 University Ave. Grand Forks, ND 58203 September 2010
Linfield (Theta Alpha)
Tau Chapter of Alpha Phi 1050 Hilyard SE Eugene, OR 97401 October 2010
Akron (Eta Gamma)
Eta Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi 269 Spicer St. Akron, OH 44304 September 2010
Ashland (Epsilon Alpha)
Epsilon Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi Box 1986 Ashland University Ashland, OH 44805 September 2010
Baldwin-Wallace (Delta Upsilon)
Delta Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 213 Heritage East, 114 Tressel St. Berea, OH 44017 September 2010
Bowling Green State (Beta Omicron) Beta Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi 702 Ridge St. Bowling Green, OH 43403 September 2010
Theta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi 900 SE Baker #A614 McMinnville, OR 97128 September 2010
Oregon (Tau)
Oregon State (Beta Upsilon)
Beta Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 357 NW 25th St. Corvallis, OR 97330 September 2010 PENNSYLVANIA
Duquesne (Epsilon Iota)
Epsilon Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi Duquesne University, Information Center, Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15282 February 2011
Franklin & Marshall (Zeta Sigma)
Zeta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi Office of Student Activities P.O. Box 3003 Lancaster, PA 17604
Lafayette (Eta Sigma)
Eta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi Farinon Center, Box 9481 Easton, PA 18042-1798 September 2010
Lehigh (Epsilon Psi)
Epsilon Psi Chapter of Alpha Phi Box G367, 39 University Dr. Bethlehem, PA 18015 January 2011
Penn State (Gamma Rho)
Gamma Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi 1 Wolf Hall University Park, PA 16802 September 2010
Shippensburg (Theta Xi)
Theta Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi McClean Hall LL Shippensburg University Shippensburg, PA 17257 February 2011
St. Joseph’s (Theta Theta)
Theta Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi St. Joseph’s University, 5600 City Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19131 January 2011
Pennsylvania (Eta Iota) Eta Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi 4045 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19104 January 2011
Villanova (Eta Epsilon) Eta Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi Greek Life, 2nd Floor Connelly Center Villanova, PA 19085 January 2011
West Chester (Epsilon Kappa)
Texas A&M/Commerce (Delta Beta) Delta Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi P.O. Box 4203 Commerce, TX 75428 August 2010
Texas Tech (Gamma Iota)
Gamma Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi #1 Greek Circle Lubbock, TX 79416 August 2010 UTAH
Southern Utah (Theta Sigma)
Theta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi SUU Box 8003 Cedar City, UT 84720 September 2010 VIRGINIA
Christopher Newport (Theta Phi)
Theta Phi Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Phi, One University Place Newport News, VA 23606 January 2011
George Mason (Eta Lambda)
Eta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Student Activities Officer MS 2D6 Fairfax, VA 22030 September 2010
James Madison (Theta Iota)
Theta Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi 800 S. Main St., MSC 3518 Harrisonburg, VA 22807 September 2010
Epsilon Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi Box 2840 Sykes Union, West Chester Univ. West Chester, PA 19383 September 2010
Old Dominion (Epsilon Eta)
Virginia (Zeta Iota)
Rhode Island (Iota Delta)
Iota Delta Chapter of Alpha Phi 29 Lower College Rd. Kingston, RI 02881 October 2010 SOUTH DAKOTA
South Dakota (Psi) Psi Chapter of Alpha Phi 707 E. Cedar St. Vermillion, SD 57069 September 2010 TEXAS
Midwestern State (Gamma Omega)
Gamma Omega Chapter of Alpha Phi 3410 Taft Blvd., Box 12763 Wichita Falls, TX 76308-2099 September 2010
North Texas (Gamma Eta)
Gamma Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi P.O. Box 305692 Denton, TX 76203 August 2010
St. Mary’s (Iota Beta)
Iota Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi 1 Camino Santa Maria, Student Life Box 83B San Antonio, TX 78228-8583 January 2011
Texas (Omega)
Omega Chapter of Alpha Phi 2005 University Austin, TX 78705 August 2010
George Washington (Iota Iota)
Iota Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi 800 21st St. NW, Suite 427 Washington, DC 20052 September 2010 WEST VIRGINIA
West Virginia (Beta Iota)
Beta Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi 261 Willey St. Morgantown, WV 26505 September 2010 WISCONSIN
Marquette (Eta Mu)
Eta Mu Chapter of Alpha Phi 1435 W. Kilbourn Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53233 January 2011
Wisconsin (Iota)
Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi 28 Langdon St. Madison, WI 53703 September 2010
Wisconsin/La Crosse (Delta Kappa)
Delta Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi 1725 State St., Cartwright Center La Crosse, WI 54601 September 2010
Wisconsin/Stout (Gamma Sigma)
Gamma Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi 920 8th St. Menomonie, WI 54751 September 2010
Epsilon Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi 2122 Webb Center Norfolk, VA 23508 September 2010 Zeta Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi 518 17th St. NW Charlottesville, VA 22903 January 2011
Virginia Tech (Eta Omicron)
Eta Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi Special Purpose F; 66 Oak Lane Dr. Blacksburg, VA 24060-0029 January 2011 WASHINGTON
Eastern Washington (Eta Psi) Eta Psi Chapter of Alpha Phi 306 F St. Cheney, WA 99004 September 2010
Puget Sound (Gamma Zeta)
Gamma Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi 3614 N. 14th Tacoma, WA 98416 January 2011
Washington (Sigma) Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi 4710 19th Ave. NE Seattle, WA 98105 September 2010
Washington State (Beta Rho)
Beta Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi 840 NE California Pullman, WA 99163 August 2010
Summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Alpha Phi Quarterly
summer 2010
Message from the IEB
Thank You, Volunteers
lpha Phi depends on more than 1,000 volunteers across North America to assist in the successful management of the operations of our Fraternity. For this reason, volunteer recruitment, training and management are areas that require significant investment. Issues involving volunteer satisfaction are not unique to Alpha Phi, but affect most organizations that depend on volunteer support to operate. Alpha Phi values our volunteers, and we value a strong professional staff. Most importantly, we recognize that only when there is a strong staff-volunteer partnership can we truly make forward progress. Ever since Founder Clara Sittser’s (Alpha-Syracuse) mother provided the refreshments for the organizational meeting of Alpha Phi in September 1872, volunteers have been the sustaining force in the Fraternity. Think of every collegiate and alumnae chapter … there are
thousands of volunteers who have supported them throughout our 137year history. In our early years, the president’s main task was to plan the Convention for the following year. Obviously as Alpha Phi grew and the world grew around us, the roles for our president, volunteers, and eventually our staff, changed drastically. Alpha Phi not only depends on volunteers, but we are our volunteers. Volunteers are our most active alumnae, creating the sisterhood and lifetime commitment that makes Alpha Phi so strong. Betty Mullins Jones (GammaDePauw), a much-loved former International President and National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) delegate, in her final NPC report to the Fraternity, stated: “We sometimes forget to take into consideration what it has cost our members in terms of time and energy to advise a chapter, to sit on a
house corporation board, to serve on a committee. We have been trained in the business world to look at the bottom line, forgetting sometimes that the bottom line ignores the human spirit, the human touch and the human heart, which is so fragile and so easily broken.” She summed it up so well. We are in the people business. There are so many demands on our time: work, school, family, friends, other volunteer activities, and usually at the bottom of that list our own health and well-being. So why do you volunteer? There are so many sacrifices our volunteers make, and the IEB thanks each and every one of you. Whatever the reason you do it, we thank you for the support you give our chapters. Thank you for the difference you have made in so many women’s lives. Volunteering for Alpha Phi is the epitome of lifetime commitment. And we thank you for all that you do!
summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
People Author Shares Family History Suzy Maynard Barile (Eta Xi-UNC/Wilmington) is the author of Undaunted Heart: The True Story of a Southern Belle & a Yankee General (Eno Publishers, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9820771-1-5). The book retells the true story of the famous post-Civil War courtship and marriage of Smith Atkins, a general in the Union Army, and Ella Swain, daughter of a slave-owning family. Suzy, a great-greatgranddaughter of Ella Swain and Smith Atkins, separates facts from embellishment and includes never-before-published letters from Ella, revealing the difficult challenges of post-war life and a loving marriage that transcended outrage and scandal.
Collegian Founds Clothing Line Collegian Erin Bleakley (Iota Xi-Denver) is the founder of the Erin Kathleen Couture fashion line. A marketing major with no formal training in clothing design, Erin began creating clothes as a way to outfit herself and saw a demand as she fielded clothing requests. The 21-year-old’s company has been featured in magazines, on Web sites and in newspapers. This year, Erin put her sales on hold to use her brand for a charity fashion fundraiser. Visit her Web site at www.erinkathleencouture.com.
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Summer 2010
Professor Receives Multiple Honors
Alumna Awarded for Humanitarian Work
Dr. Stacey Lowery Bretz (Delta-Cornell), professor of chemistry and biochemistry at Miami University, is recipient of the E. Philips Knox Award, which recognizes creative, innovative and engaging teaching methods at the undergraduate level. Stacey also was elected as a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science for her “distinguished contributions to chemistry education research.” She is believed to be the first woman at Miami and the first faculty member in the department of chemistry and biochemistry to receive this honor.
Emer OBroin Gunter (Beta Iota-West Virginia), vice president of environmental safety health and human rights for Monsanto (St. Louis, Mo.), was one of 100 people who received the 2010 Global Citizenship Award for Leadership in Helping Humanity. The award was given by Orphans International (New York, N.Y.), a non-profit group committed to finding homes for orphaned children around the world. Emer has dedicated herself to global humanitarianism, from securing the habitats of sea turtles in Costa Rica to developing a seed donation program for farmers in Malwali, Africa, to feed over a million people per year.
Collegian Crowned Miss Kansas In March, Erica Enstrom (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) was crowned Miss Kansas at the Miss Kansas International 2010 Pageant. As Miss Kansas, Erica will compete in for the title of Miss International in July.
Novelist Releases Newest Book His Border Bride (Harlequin, 2010. ISBN 978-0373295944) is the fifth romance novel written by Wendy Blythe Gifford (Gamma-DePauw). The story, set in 14th century Scotland, features a hero born on the wrong side of the royal blanket. Booklist declares it “expertly crafted” with “fascinating historical details” and The Chicago Tribune calls her work “the perfect balance between history and romance.”
Sister Named to Forty Under 40 Brandi Smith Hunt (Zeta Mu-Colorado State) was named to the Phoenix Business Journal 2010 Forty Under 40. In its 10th year, Forty Under 40 is the premier program honoring the best young leaders emerging in the Phoenix metro market. Brandi is co-founder of Gauge Construction Inc., which specializes in residential and commercial projects in the Phoenix area.
Alumna Co-Authors Book Mary Ellen Evrigenis Kassotakis (LambdaUC/Berkeley) is a co-author of Social Media at Work (JosseyBass, 2009. ISBN 978-0470405437). Drawing on research and experiences in the corporate world, the book is a definitive guide for using social media to build more effective organizations.
Sister Is PAC President
Sister Receives Industry Honor
Beverly Fitch Roberts (Omicron-Missouri) is president of Village Republican Women (Houston, Texas), a political action committee organization that supports Republican candidates and principles. Beverly, left, is pictured with Texas National Republican Committeewoman Borah Van Dormolen.
Barbara Hancock Snyder (Rho-Ohio State) was awarded the Scott Goodnight Award for Outstanding Performance as a Dean during the 2010 National Association of Student Personnel Administrators annual conference. Barbara is vice president of student affairs at the University of Utah.
First Female Mayor Re-elected Cindy Simon Rosenthal (Beta-Northwestern) was re-elected as mayor of Norman, Okla. This is Cindy’s second three-year term as mayor. She is the first and only popularly elected female mayor to lead the city.
Alumna Publishes First Novel The Language of Trees: A Novel (Avon A, 2010. ISBN 9780061898648) is the debut novel by Ilie Ruby (Delta Zeta-Maryland). In the book, Ilie brings to life the sleepy town of Canandaigua Lake. Haunted by restless spirits, both living and not, all is not what it seems, and the past refuses to stay where it belongs.
Alumna Represents U.S. at Biosafety Meeting Christina Zeigner Thompson (PhiOklahoma) was selected to represent the American Biological Safety Association (ABSA), one of the world’s foremost resources on biological safety practices, during a meeting in Brussels, Belgium, about implementing good biosafety practices in laboratories worldwide. Chris has served on the ABSA council since 2003, including as president-elect and president. She currently leads a task force to establish an accreditation program for high containment laboratories.
Alumna Named 2010 Mover and Shaker Hay House Inc., an international leader in self-help and transformational publishing, selected Alisa Vitti (Zeta Omicron-Johns Hopkins) as its 2010 Mover and Shaker. Alisa was selected out of thousands of nationwide applicants. As the winner, she will speak at a Hay House conference in November alongside numerous New York Times best selling authors. Alisa is founder of Laughing Sage Wellness Center (New York, N.Y.), specializing in reproductive and hormonal health and helping women connect to and express their feminine energy. Visit www.laughingsagewellness.com for more information.
Collegians Participate in Semester at Sea Ivy Forester and Jill Horning (both ThetaMichigan) participated in Semester at Sea, the world’s premier study abroad program, during the spring semester. More than 600 participants, representing 11 countries, traveled for five months to nine countries aboard a state-of-the-art passenger ship outfitted as a traveling university.
Sister Recognized for Anti-Hazing Efforts Katie VanKampen (Iota Eta-DePaul) is a recipient of a HazingPrevention.org Hank Nuwer Anti-Hazing Award. Recipients are individuals who have stood up to hazing in their organizations and helped educate others about its dangers. As a collegian, Katie co-founded Circle of Trust, a student organization that promotes the work of The Gordie Foundation, whose mission is to provide today’s young people with the skills to navigate the dangers of alcohol, binge drinking, peer pressure and hazing.
Featuring Alpha Phi Browse books, music and movies featuring Alpha Phis at www.alphaphi.org/shop.
Summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Silent Chapter Please note: class year listed in parentheses is year of initiation. Baldwin-Wallace (Delta Upsilon)
Drury (Gamma Gamma)
British Columbia (Beta Theta)
Illinois (Beta Alpha)
Helen Torrance (‘70), March 15, 2010.
Mary Clohosey (‘49), Dec. 26, 2009. Colorado (Beta Gamma)
Jean Dudgeon Naylor (‘38), Dec. 16, 2009. Cornell (Delta)
Marjorie Dale Hemingway (‘37), Feb. 1, 2010. Susan Norris Rose (‘57), April 1, 2009. Rhoda Dunham Webster (‘38), May 14, 2009. Lillian Sturges Woolford (‘40), Oct. 28, 2009. CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa)
Violet Bielicke Dziatlik (‘50), March 23, 2010. Nancy Thorp Flynn (‘62), Feb. 7, 2010. Laura Wright Fruin (‘35), April 6, 2010. Priscilla Lyon (‘42), Sept. 7, 2009. Indiana (Beta Tau)
Jean Schulte Haynes (‘48), March 26, 2010. Kansas (Gamma Delta)
Puget Sound (Gamma Zeta)
Sarah Bane Dennis (‘41), Jan. 2, 2010. Joan Carveth McKee (‘48), March 21, 2010. Nebraska/Kearney (Delta Xi)
Betty Bishop Krubeck (‘65), March 14, 2010. North Dakota (Pi)
Phyllis Auman Worsley (‘31), March 11, 2010. Northern Colorado (Delta Gamma)
Jane Tharp Kerstien (‘67), March 8, 2010.
Michigan (Theta)
Laura Arbuckle Bailey (‘69), March 31, 2010. Alice Hohenstine Childers (‘33), Oct. 26, 2009.
DePauw (Gamma)
Minnesota (Epsilon)
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Nebraska (Nu)
Northwestern (Beta)
Sharron Dach Farris (‘62), July 2, 2009.
Oregon (Tau)
Jane Scarbrough Peterson (‘42), March 6, 2010.
Martha Combs Austin (‘53), March 18, 2010. Joann Boswell Lumpkin (‘54), Feb. 22, 2010. Margaret Harrigan Cole (‘50), March 23, 2010. Nancy MacDonald Delaney (‘54), Sept. 18, 2009.
Jeanne Klusmeier Frank (‘43), April 1, 2010.
Missouri (Omicron)
Nancy Northrop Loth (‘41), Jan. 18, 2010. Maxine Gilles Wood (‘41), Dec. 23, 2009.
Summer 2010
Marsden Wright Whitney (’45), Sept. 27, 2009. Ohio State (Rho)
Oklahoma (Phi)
Roseann Miller Cash (‘47), Jan. 25, 2010. Mary Johnston Smith (‘31), April 2, 2010.
Alice Wedemeyer Sedgwick (‘31), Feb. 14, 2010.
Lita Johnson Chiarovano (‘53), Feb. 15, 2010. San Diego State (Gamma Alpha)
Patricia Scidmore Granfield (‘50), Feb. 16, 2010. South Dakota (Psi)
Janice Mickelson Carmody (‘48), April 3, 2010. Doris Lathrop Swisher (‘35), Feb. 9, 2010. Syracuse (Alpha)
Phila Putnam Hall (‘46), Jan. 9, 2010. Texas (Omega)
Elizabeth Sutherland Carpenter (‘40), March 20, 2010. Elizabeth Gribble Cook (‘42), March 12, 2010. Ruth Stuart Meador (‘36), Feb. 7, 2010. Marjorie Johnson Moore (‘47), March 20, 2010. Marjorie Swartz Richards (‘43), Jan. 15, 2010.
Texas Tech (Gamma Iota)
Wichita State (Gamma Xi)
UC/Berkeley (Lambda)
Wisconsin (Iota)
Patricia Ginn Turner (‘62), Jan. 24, 2010. Gladys Eustis Daniels (‘43), Feb. 20, 2010. Jean Brown Wolfe (‘30), Feb. 16, 2010. UCLA (Beta Delta)
Ruth Atkinson Garstone (‘33), Nov. 3, 2009. Helen Hay Gepfert (‘38), Feb. 2, 2010. USC (Beta Pi)
Lois Ebner Buchanan (‘46), Feb. 22, 2010. Washburn (Upsilon)
Betty Burnett (‘51), Jan. 31, 2010. Ruth Kluge Griffith (‘47), March 16, 2010. Elizabeth Brink Hoover (‘32), Jan. 12, 2010. Paula Levens Hotujac (‘78), March 17, 2010. Washington (Sigma)
Mary Reid Wolfe (‘57), Jan. 16, 2010. West Virginia (Beta Iota)
Joan Ashworth (‘58), March 15, 2010. Carol Ellison Kittle (‘51), Jan. 25, 2010.
Betty Cox Friend (‘58), March 20, 2010. Dawn Michel Bosold (‘70), Jan. 15, 2010. Sally Kennard Hammond (‘47), March 18, 2010. Marjorie Quermann Nixon (‘46), Dec. 25, 2009. Constance Gallinger Svensson (‘40), March 20, 2010.
Bulletin Board DELTA ZETA CELEBRATES 50 YEARS Maryland’s (Delta Zeta) chapter will host a 50-year celebration in spring 2011. The chapter house will be fully renovated soon after the celebration, so don’t miss your chance to stop by one last time before construction begins. For more information or to volunteer on a planning committee, e-mail deltazeta50years@gmail.com. ATTENTION OHIO STATE ALUMNAE A reunion for Ohio State (Rho) new member classes from 1975-90 is scheduled for Sept. 10-12, 2010. Contact Jenifer Spreitzer Dravillas at jendravillas@yahoo.com for details. Save the Date: Rho’s centennial will be celebrated April 27, 2012. Contact Dale Deubler at dale.deubler@osumc.edu for details. DELTA GAMMA 50-YEAR ANNIVERSARY Northern Colorado’s (Delta Gamma) chapter will host a 50-year celebration during UNC’s homecoming weekend. Please save the dates: Oct. 1-3, 2010. For more information, contact Jill Herdman Trotter at JillAnn723@aol.com. OMICRON CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION All Missouri (Omicron) sisters are invited to attend the chapter’s centennial celebration Oct. 1-3, 2010. A weekend full of love, laughter, memories, traditions, ceremony and silliness is planned. Visit www.omicron2010.com for more information and to register. EPSILON IOTA 40th ANNIVERSARY Duquesne (Epsilon Iota) celebrates its 40th anniversary on Oct. 9, 2010, at the Power Center in Pittsburgh, Pa. The dinner and dance is open to collegians, alumnae and guests. For more information, contact Cindy Marinelli Alden at cindyalden215@gmail.com or visit alphaphireunion.com.
CLASSIFIEDS Want to set your own schedule?
Work part-time or full-time selling Silpada Designs’ Sterling Silver Jewelry. Earn 30 percent on your sales with opportunities for trips and FREE jewelry! Call 406.591.8060 or visit www.mysilpada.com/jody.lafko. Promote Your Business in the Alpha Phi Classifieds
The charge for the Fall 2010 Quarterly is $100 for up to 35 words (text only). The Quarterly also continues to accept advertising in the form of display ads, which begin at $450 for a 1/6-page ad. If you are interested in either advertising opportunity, please contact quarterly@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8920 before Friday, July 30, 2010, to reserve space.
Help Prevent Hazing National Hazing Prevention Week is Sept. 20-24, 2010. Alpha Phi International does not condone hazing. Visit www.hazingprevention.org to learn how you can get involved.
Summer 2010
Alpha Phi Quarterly
Save this portion of your Quarterly! You will need your membership number (first seven numbers found at the right) to identify yourself if you contact the Executive Office and to access various online resources.
POSTMASTER: Please send changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201
Cap & Gown Photo Contest Winner:
Christina Inciong (Eta Rho-San Diego)
Congratulations Graduates! We are extremely proud of you and your accomplishments! As you transition into your alumnae experience, we hope you discover an extended, deeper meaning to our lifelong bond of sisterhood. Remember, no matter where life takes you, you are always a part of the sisterhood of Alpha Phi.