A Publication of Alpha Phi International Fraternity Since 1888 Vol. 126, No. 2 Spring 2014
Inside: Leadership Fellows Program Announced Delta Xi Celebrates 50th Anniversary Foundation Drucker Scholarship Endowed Fraternity Publishes 2013 Annual Report
Message from THE theINTERNATIONAL International PRESIDENT President MESSAGE FROM Dear Sisters,
International Executive Board President: Linda Long Boland Vice President: Amy Jordan Tvrdik Secretary/Treasurer: Susan McNeice Susan Weiskittle Barrick Valerie Lawlor Tobi Board Nieland Coree Smith Ex-officio: Sally McCall Grant, NPC Delegate Ex-officio: Linda Wells Kahangi, Executive Director Ex-officio: Diane Spry Straker, Foundation Chair
Foundation Directors Chair: Diane Spry Straker Vice Chair: Karen McChesney Howe Treasurer: Judy Ethell Secretary: Jean Creamer Hodges Jenny Holsman Tetreault Colleen Sirhal Mary Beth Cooleen Tully Darcel Atwill Weller Ex-officio: Linda Long Boland, International President Ex-officio: Ann Brinkman Carstensen, Executive Director
National Housing Corporation President: Wendy Deems Sugg Treasurer: Lisa Janes Ripley Secretary: Jane Kirby Arkes Christina Boyle
Coree Smith Ex-officio: Linda Wells Kahangi, Executive Director
National Panhellenic Conference Alpha Phi Delegate: Sally McCall Grant First Alternate Delegate: Laura Malley-Schmitt Second Alternate Delegate: Ruth Gallagher Nelson Third Alternate Delegate: Laura Lynn Davidson Ellett
Editorial Advisory Board Sheila George Bright Kathy Feeney Hiemstra Karen McChesney Howe Denise Blankenship Joyce Kristin Kirland Lindsey Delia Mayo Susan McNeice
Maggie Pence Piche Cayce Putnam Kendall Quisenberry Allison Cink Rickels Amy Jordan Tvrdik Alexandra Whittaker
Alpha Phi Quarterly Staff Editor-in-Chief: Christine Spiegel Email: quarterly@alphaphi.org
Alpha Phi Quarterly Design
There are days when I feel like the luckiest person in the world! I had one of those days recently when I traveled to Topeka, Kan., and had the great fortune to honor Phyllis Sims Selig (Gamma Delta-Kansas) by presenting her with the Ivy Vine Award for her distinguished, long-term service to our great Fraternity. Phyllis’s service to Alpha Phi spans more than 50 years. She has worked at the local level and International level with alumnae and collegians. She has worked in the areas of finance, extension and housing, and she has provided her expertise with ceremonies, ritual and on preserving our heritage. Phyllis was Alpha Phi’s 55th International President. Under her leadership, Alpha Phi added 13 new chapters — from Louisiana State/ Shreveport (Epsilon Tau) to Newberry (Zeta Eta). Phyllis has presided over initiation and the Service of Remembrance during every Convention for decades — sometimes while standing on an improvised box when her wooden soda crate went missing. The afternoon we spent honoring Phyllis was fabulous. It included speeches, champagne toasts, the presentation of a gold ivy necklace and lots of reminiscing. Phyllis is humble when it comes to speaking of her accomplishments. Rather, she prefers to speak of the many Alpha Phis who, over the years, mentored and inspired her. She tells fascinating stories about the challenges of sorority life in the 1970s. And, she is quick to offer support and encouragement to today’s Alpha Phi leaders. She loves to hear about extension and housing, and I am overjoyed to know that she is proud of our accomplishments. Her health may not permit her to attend this year’s Convention, and we will miss her. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote, “So long as we love, we serve; so long as we are loved by others, I would almost say that we are indispensable …” Phyllis Sims Selig is indispensable. Alpha Phi Toujours,
Tria Designs Inc. triadesigns.com
Alpha Phi Home Pages alphaphi.org alphaphifoundation.org
Executive Office
Executive Director: Linda Wells Kahangi Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Phone: 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 Email: fraternity@alphaphi.org
Foundation Office Executive Director: Ann Brinkman Carstensen Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Foundation Phone: 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 Email: foundation@alphaphi.org
Alpha Phi Quarterly Editorial Policy
Linda Long Boland (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach) International President Editor's Note: Past International President Phyllis Sims Selig (Gamma Delta-Kansas) entered the Silent Chapter on Feb. 5, 2014, after this Message was written. A tribute to Phyllis can be found on page 34.
The purpose of the Alpha Phi Quarterly and its content is to provide information and services to the membership of the Alpha Phi Fraternity, in keeping with the Fraternity’s status as a 501(c)(7) tax-exempt private membership club. The magazine is devoted to highlighting its members and matters of fraternal and college interest. The views expressed in the articles published in the Quarterly are those of the authors and their contributors, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Alpha Phi Fraternity, its officers or staff. All persons interested in submitting materials for publication in the Alpha Phi Quarterly are encouraged to send them to the editor at the Executive Office. The editor reserves the right to accept, deny or edit any materials submitted. Unless otherwise requested, all photos sent to the magazine will become the property of Alpha Phi International and will not be returned. Articles may be sent by email to quarterly@alphaphi.org or by mail to Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Please send your information to the editor by the deadlines indicated. Materials received after these deadlines will be considered for the following issue. Please direct any submission questions or inquiries regarding advertising or reprint permission to the editor at quarterly@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8920. Alpha Phi Quarterly (USPS Pub # 14680) is published quarterly by Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston IL 60201-3214. Periodical postage paid at Evanston, IL and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston IL 60201-3214.
Current and past Alpha Phi International representatives honor past International President Phyllis Selig with the Ivy Vine Award. Pictured are (from left) Val Lawlor (Omicron-Missouri), Laura MalleySchmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT), Phyllis Selig, Billie Coskey Battiato (Phi-Oklahoma), Linda Boland and Linda Gardner Massie (Delta Alpha-East Carolina).
Contents 2013 Fraternity Annual Report ................................... 2 Message from the COL: International Executive Board Slate Is Selected ...... 4 Small World................................................................. 5 Interfraternal News..................................................... 5 Milestone Anniversary: Delta Xi Celebrates 50 Years..................................... 5 REUNIONS............................................................... 6
PEOPLE.................................................................... 8 2014 Leadership Conferences................................. 10 Sisters And Leaders For Life: Alpha Phi Mentors Pave The Way......................... 12 Join Us for Convention 2014..................................... 16 ALUMNAE PRIDE..................................................... 18 Potential Member Form............................................ 22 HOUSING HIGHLIGHTS.......................................... 23 ON CAMPUS.......................................................... 24 EXTENSION UPDATE............................................... 29 Message from the IEB: Alpha Phi Announces Leadership Fellows Program... 30 Thank You, Alpha Phi Volunteers............................. 31 ALPHA PHI FOUNDATION ..................................... 32 Alison Drucker Memorial Scholarship Endowed...................................... 33 SILENT CHAPTER ................................................... 34 Bulletin Board............................................................ 37 Collegiate chapter recruitment addresses and dates usually included in this issue can be found online at alphaphi.org (keywords: recruitment addresses). If you do not have online access, please call the Executive Office at 847-475-0663 for a specific chapter’s information or to receive a listing by mail.
VISIT US ONLINE Visit one of our social media outlets listed below, or visit alphaphi.org and alphaphifoundation.org to link directly to each. Facebook facebook.com/AlphaPhi facebook.com/AlphaPhiFoundation Twitter twitter.com/AlphaPhiIntl twitter.com/APhiFoundation LinkedIn linkedin.com Keywords: Alpha Phi International Fraternity Fraternity Blog alphaphi.blogspot.com Instagram instagram.com/AlphaPhiIntl instagram.com/AlphaPhiFoundation Pinterest pinterest.com/AlphaPhi pinterest.com/APhiFoundation YouTube youtube.com/AlphaPhiIntl youtube.com/AlphaPhiFoundation
HAVE YOU MOVED? Send your new address to: Alpha Phi Quarterly 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 Or update your address online at alphaphi.org. ATTENTION PARENTS Your daughter’s magazine is mailed to your home (her permanent address) while she is in college. If your daughter is an alumna and no longer at this address, please contact the Executive Office to update her address: fraternity@alphaphi.org or 847.475.0663. QUARTERLY CONTENT DEADLINES Summer 2014.....April 15, 2014 Fall 2014..............July 15, 2014 Winter 2015.........Oct. 15, 2014 Spring 2015......... Jan. 15, 2015
RSS Feed alphaphi.org/member
Net Assets: $10.8 Million
$1.7 Million
in Support of Alpha Phi Foundation
Alumnae Paid Member Dues
Twitter Followers
Facebook “Likes”
LinkedIn Network Members
A Publication of Alpha Phi International Fraternity Since 1888 Vol. 125, No. 2 Spring 2013
A Publication of Alpha Phi International Fraternity Since 1888 Vol. 126, No. 1 Winter 2014
Leadership Conferences Motivate Participants to
Make Their Would You What’s Know in Home How to Save a Life? Décor?
A Publication of Alpha Phi International Fraternity Since 1888 Vol. 125, No. 4 Fall 2013
Mark! Hot
A Publication of Alpha Phi International Fraternity Since 1888 Vol. 125, No. 3 Summer 2013
Fraternity Activities
Management and General
Convention and Leadership Conferences
Publications and Communications
Property Management 3%
U ndergraduate Member Fees
Convention and Leadership Conferences
Rental Income
Interest on Loans
ALUMNAE MEMBERSHIP More than 7,400 alumnae were current in SPRING 2014
125 Alpha Phi Welcomes New Colony in Cambridge
Maryland (Delta Zeta) House Is Rebuilt
Alpha Phi Interior Designer Offers Her Advice
INSIDE A Past President Reminisces
Foundation Brings Publishes 2012 CPR Training to Annual Report Collegiate Chapters
Years of the Alpha Phi Quarterly New Houses, New Homes
Honoring Our Founders
Foundation Announces 20th Anniversary Heart to Heart Grant Recipients
Alumnae Member Fees
Mothers Who Lost Sons to Suicide Share Their Stories
Meet the 2013-14 Educational Leadership Consultants
Little Dippers
Products, Royalties and Other 8%
Alpha Phi continued to experience record breaking growth and improved strength in collegiate membership, 159 chapters strong at the end of the fiscal year. In the 2012-13 school year, we welcomed 6,849 new members into Alpha Phi. This represents an increase of more than 400 members. This breaks our record for the largest membership year in our history. Extension opportunities continued to support membership growth through colonization at Carnegie Mellon (Iota Sigma) in fall 2012 and Harvard (Iota Tau) in winter 2013. Throughout the year we also focused on marketing relating to the recolonization at Louisiana State (Delta Tau), which occurred in fall 2013. A significant number of our chapters and members were recognized on their own campuses for outstanding leadership, scholarship and service activities. The continued success of Red Dress philanthropy events had another record-breaking year, raising $1.7 million to support Alpha Phi Foundation and generate positive public relations for the Fraternity.
Alumnae Lifetime Members
Copies of Quartery Mailed
Visits to alphaphi.org
Leadership Conference Attendees
Emerging Leaders Institute Graduates
their International alumnae dues during the 2013 fiscal year. The lifetime program continued to flourish with approximately 3,150 women choosing to pay a one-time lifetime payment. We added three new alumnae chapters in Hartford, Conn., Stevens Point, Wis. and Central Iowa. The Fraternity was honored to initiate 61 women into our membership as alumnae – 40 of whom are mothers of Alpha Phis. We also enrolled more than 100 legacies into the Little Dipper program. The alumnae strategy team (AST), a collaborative effort between the Fraternity and Foundation, accomplished several milestones towards achieving their goal of building a strong culture of engagement among alumnae. The team included four subcommittees: alumnae events, alumnae organizational structure, alumnae affinity and alumnae strategic communications. Each subcommittee worked to strengthen relations among the greater alumnae base, Alpha Phi International Fraternity and Alpha Phi Foundation. In line with the AST’s strategic goal to maintain a volunteer structure fluid and responsive to the changing needs of the Fraternity, 27 alumnae structure volunteers were appointed to provide added support for alumnae chapters and connect
Fraternity Communications Association Awards
alumnae nationally and internationally. The alumnae affinity subcommittee worked on laying the groundwork for the affinity pilot program (launched July 2013), which will focus on 10 pilot chapters across North America. The alumnae events subcommittee planned to host four events to celebrate Founders’ Day in 2013 at the following cities: Atlanta, Ga.; Houston, Texas; Los Angeles, Calif.; and New York City, N.Y. Transitions: The Resource for Alpha Phi’s Newest Alumnae, was recognized with a Fraternity Communications Association award in the e-newsletter category for the third year in a row! This interactive e-newsletter series and website welcomed 2013 graduates to alumnae life, provided information on how to connect and contribute to the worldwide Alpha Phi network, and offered engaging articles on real-world topics beyond Alpha Phi.
FINANCE For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, the Fraternity experienced a $1,101,832 increase in net assets, $922,851 of which was a direct result of operations and the balance from a strong investment portfolio performance. We once again received a clean, unmodified opinion from the independent auditor
Emerging Leaders Institute
New Collegiate Chapters: Carnegie Mellon (Iota Sigma) Harvard (Iota Tau) New Alumnae Chapters: Hartford, Conn. Stevens Point, Wis. Central Iowa
Quadrants at a Glance
Collegiate Alumnae Alumnae* Collegians* Chapters Chapters
Chapter Leadership Development
New Collegiate Initiates
New Alumnae Initiates
*Results as of 1/15/2014
who reviewed the Fraternity’s financial statements. The Fraternity was able to extend new housing loans to support projects at Denver (Iota Xi), Northern Arizona (Iota Pi), Clemson (Iota Rho), Carnegie Mellon (Iota Sigma) and Harvard (Iota Tau). A loan was also extended to Alpha Phi’s National Housing Corporation to support projects at WPI (Iota Omicron) and Northern Colorado (Delta Gamma). The Fraternity continues to maintain ample financial strength and capacity to support the needs of current and new chapter facilities. The Fraternity’s net assets remain strong at more than $10.8 million, and the organization remains well poised to continue to take advantage of strategic extension opportunities.
COMMUNICATIONS Alpha Phi has continued to remain in the forefront of social media, communicating with members using alphaphi.org, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn professional groups, blogs, Pinterest and Instagram. Members continue to submit personal announcements on our website through Member News, with topics ranging from education and professional achievements to recruitment and philanthropy recaps.
Educational Leadership Consultant Program
Leadership Conference Speaker Undergraduate Interfraternity $17,238 Institute $6,750 HazingPrevention.Org
Alpha Phi redesigned the Members Only section of alphaphi.org to streamline resources for alumnae, collegians and new members, and added a calendar feature for members to submit and view collegiate and alumnae chapter events. The Quarterly received two Fraternity Communications Association (FCA) awards this year, second place in the single page design category and third in news feature writing. The winning articles were both in the Winter 2013 Quarterly: “Alpha Phi Foundation Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Heart to Heart Grant” and “Would You Recognize If You Were Having a Heart Attack?,” written by Editor Christine Spiegel. For a 10th year in a row, the Quarterly was a winner in the APEX Awards for Publication Excellence competition, receiving an Award of Excellence for the Spring 2012 Quarterly that featured “The Accidental Activist: Alumna Urges Sisters to Take a Stand.”
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Training and development of members continued to be a primary focus. Leadership Conferences provided training for 1,526 collegiate officers and volunteers, a 10.7 percent increase over last year. Advisors, housing volunteers, alumnae chapter
presidents, collegiate chapter managers and administrators were provided training at academies during the summer. Supporting the Fraternity’s mission of cultivating leadership, five new chapter leadership development sessions were added to the online library (alphaphi.org, keywords: CLD online library). These sessions can be accessed and used at any time by collegiate chapter officers or by individual members – both collegiate and alumnae. Collegiate chapters have the freedom to select the sessions they complete based on the topics that are relevant and of interest to their chapters. 199 members with leadership potential experienced four Emerging Leaders Institutes held in Indianapolis, Ind., in the summer of 2013. This is an increase of one institute over last year. Of those participants, 76 are currently serving as officers of their collegiate chapters or in campus organizations. This is a 33.3 percent increase over last year. Funded by Alpha Phi Foundation, 87.4 percent of the participants felt that they were a stronger, more confident and competent leader as a result of their participation in this program.
Message from the Committee on Leadership
International Executive Board Slate Is Selected The committee on leadership (COL) is pleased to report its progress to date as it works toward the election of Alpha Phi’s next International President and International Executive Board (IEB). The COL received and reviewed 22 applications, contacted references, received feedback from the membership and interviewed each candidate. They then met in March in Evanston to determine the 2014-16 IEB slate, and it was announced to the membership shortly thereafter. (Please visit alphaphi.org for results. They were not available at print time.) In an effort to communicate openly with the membership throughout the process, the COL shared updates via the website and social media and asked sisters to participate in providing feedback about candidates by completing online surveys. More than 120 chapters were represented in the responses.
The final piece of the election process is voting during Convention 2014 in Rancho Mirage, Calif., in June. All voting delegates must be current dues-paying members, and dues must be paid at least 10 days prior to the start of Convention. As the biennium comes to a close, the COL would like to thank those who participated in this process – current IEB members, applicants, references and members who shared candidate feedback. Alpha Phi is fortunate to have so many talented and committed sisters interested in serving the Fraternity in this capacity. If you have questions or concerns about the process, please contact COL@alphaphi.org. If you are interested in serving on the 2014-16 COL, please complete an application at alphaphi.org. Four alumnae members will be elected at Convention, and the remaining four alumnae members will be appointed soon after by the IEB.
Committee On Leadership ALUMNAE MEMBERS
Linda Gardner Massie (Delta Alpha-East Carolina), chair Billie Coskey Battiato (Phi-Oklahoma) Kim Brown Brannon (Gamma RhoPenn State) Ashley Haugh (Xi-Toronto) Samantha Lott Hale (Delta Nu-Maine) Ruth Gallagher Nelson (Delta Epsilon-Iowa) Jan Brinker Schaeffer (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Carol Wilde Wahl (Delta Kappa-Wisconsin/ La Crosse) Collegiate Members Ayjan Arik (Iota Lambda-Connecticut) Elyse Ausenbaugh (Beta-Northwestern)
Delta Xi Celebrates 50 Years Nearly 300 alumnae and collegians gathered for a weekend in Kearney, Neb., in October to celebrate the Nebraska/Kearney (Delta Xi) chapter being on campus for a milestone 50 years. Special guests included 12 charter members, the chapter’s first advisors – Barbara Hershberger Bush (Nu-Nebraska) and Jane Munro Smith (Delta Xi-Nebraska/ Kearney) – and International President Linda Long Boland (Gamma Kappa-CSU/ Long Beach). Highlights of the celebration included a reception at Kearney Country Club where sisters were welcomed by Dean of Student Affairs Joe Oravecz, a campus tour, a visit to the chapter house, a tailgate party and football game and a banquet at Younes Conference Center. In 50 years, the chapter has initiated 1,444 sisters.
Interfraternal News Alumna Honored with Professional Award
TOP: An early composite photo for Delta Xi chapter, founded in 1963. ABOVE: Twelve charter members of Delta Xi celebrate the chapter’s 50th anniversary.
Allison Cink Rickels (Epsilon ThetaNorthern Iowa), executive director of FarmHouse Foundation, was recognized with the North-American Interfraternity Conference Foundation William D. Jenkins Outstanding Professional Award. The award honors an outstanding fundraising professional of a fraternity or sorority foundation who practices his/her profession in an exemplary manner. When Allison was named executive director of the FarmHouse Foundation in 2007, she became the first woman to hold such an executive position with a men’s fraternal organization. The FarmHouse Foundation realized a record-breaking 2012-13 fiscal year, when for the first time, it crossed the $2 million-mark in donations and more than $8.1 million in assets.
Alpha Phis Attend NPC Biennial Session
SISTERS MEET AT WORK Eight Alpha Phis work together at Haworth Marketing and Media in Minneapolis, Minn. They are pictured together during the office’s holiday party. TEACHERS DISCOVER SHARED AFFILIATION Three New Caney 6th Grade Campus (New Caney, Texas) educators were excited to discover their common Alpha Phi bond. (From left) Rebecca Merka Fiore (Delta Beta-Texas A&M/Commerce) is an English language arts teacher, Michelle Marable (Phi-Oklahoma) is the school’s principal, and Margaret McGowan Fowler (OmegaTexas) is a diagnostician.
In attendance at the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) biennial meeting in October were (front from left) Delegate Sally McCall Grant (Gamma-DePauw), International President Linda Long Boland (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach), (back from left) Second Alternate Delegate Ruth Gallagher Nelson (Delta Epsilon-Iowa), First Alternate Delegate Laura MalleySchmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT), Third Alternate Delegate Laura Lynn Davidson Ellett (Beta Delta-UCLA) and Fraternity Executive Director Linda Wells Kahangi (Zeta Delta-Iowa State).
ALUMNAE MEET FOR HIKING WEEKEND Kaitlin Zucco, left, and her Big Sister, Samantha Fogleman (both Eta Xi-UNC/Wilmington), reunited in Asheville, N.C., for a weekend. They hiked some of the trail on Mount Mitchell in the Appalachian Mountains, the highest peak in the eastern U.S.
BETA EPSILON 10-YEAR REUNION Beta Epsilons from the graduating class of 2003 return for the University of Arizona’s homecoming to celebrate their 10-year reunion. The group reunites annually, changing the destination every year.
GAMMA ETAS CELEBRATE 20-YEAR REUNION Sisters gather every year to celebrate their friendship. This year they returned to the University of North Texas for homecoming to celebrate their 20-year reunion.
ETA BETA SISTERS RUN 5K Several CSU/San Bernardino (Eta Beta) alumnae join together to participate in the Diva Dash 5K run in Ontario, Calif.
BETAS CELEBRATE 50-YEAR REUNION Northwestern (Beta) sisters from the class of 1963 returned to their alma mater to celebrate their 50-year reunion. A highlight of the active weekend was meeting current collegians during a lunch at the chapter house. GAMMA BETAS ATTEND ALMA MATER REUNION More than 75 UC/Santa Barbara (Gamma Beta) collegians and 100 alumnae gathered in April to celebrate “friendships formed in the springtime of [their] youth” during the All Gaucho Reunion on the UC/Santa Barbara campus. Collegians welcomed and entertained alumnae during a visit to the chapter house. Some sisters had not seen each other for decades. Several generations were represented.
Alumna on “Family Feud” Lindsay Cohen (Beta Epsilon-Arizona) and her family appeared on an episode of “Family Feud” that aired in November.
Chef Hosts Television Program Sheree Clark (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate) hosted “Fork in the Road with Sheree Clark,” a television program that ran on KCCI (Des Moines, Iowa) for 13 weeks. She interviewed guests, took “field trips,” gave advice and profiled healthy recipes. Sheree is a raw vegan chef, a holistic health and nutrition counselor and author. Her company, Fork in the Road (www.fork-road.com), helps empower individuals, families and corporate groups to get the most out of life by improving their health.
Hollywood Phi Stephanie Herman (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis) is vice president of casting for 20th Century Fox TV. She has been responsible for casting actors on numerous television programs, including “Modern Family” and “How I Met Your Mother.”
Sister Recognized for Holiday Spirit Virginia Patton Moss (Beta Pi-USC) was honored by the St. Nicholas Institute (Livonia, Mich.) with the Spirit of Christmases Past, Present, Future Award. The award recognizes those in the community who embody the holiday spirit. Virginia played Ruth Dakin Bailey, the sister-in-law of George Bailey, portrayed by Jimmy Stewart, in Frank Capra’s classic holiday film “It’s a Wonderful Life.”
Sister Named Top PR Pro Erika Daggett (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) was recognized by the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) as one of its 35 Under 35. The award honors excellence and leadership in school public relations. Erika is chief information officer for Sycamore Community Schools (Cincinnati, Ohio). She also was honored by the Ohio chapter of NSPRA (OHSPRA) with a 2012 Achievement Award. Erika currently serves as OHSPRA president.
Collegian Wins Miss Italia of Ohio Pageant Collegian Sofia Pileggi (Delta Upsilon-Baldwin Wallace) was crowned Miss Italia of Ohio. The award was presented by the Casa Italia Foundation, a nonprofit Ohio organization created to preserve and perpetuate Italian heritage.
Sister Named to Board of Directors Theresa Valade (Delta MuPurdue), CEO of Success Trek, Inc. (Valparaiso, Ind.), joined the Chicago Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) board of directors. Theresa has been a member since 2010. Her professional background includes more than 20 years working with Fortune 500 companies. She received the 2013 Up and Coming Influential Women of Northwest Indiana award, and her company was recognized by the Northwest Indiana Small Business Development Center as the Woman Owned Business of the Year in 2011.
Alumna Leads Communications Chapter Dana Van Nest (SigmaWashington) has been elected president of the Association for Women in Communications, Seattle Professional Chapter. She previously served on the board as vice president of programs and events. Dana is associate director of marketing, communications and public relations at Henry Art Gallery (Seattle, Wash.) and a freelance writer/script consultant.
Alumna Featured in Real Simple Dr. Lucie Thole Hemmen (Beta Psi-San Jose State) was featured in the January issue of Real Simple magazine. Lucie is a licensed clinical psychologist and the mother of two teen daughters. She is author of Parenting a Teen Girl: A Crash Course on Conflict, Communication, and Connection with Your Teen Daughter (New Harbinger Publications, 2012. ISBN: 1608822133). Lucie has also appeared on the “Steve Harvey Show” and several other media outlets.
BUSINESS Alumna Becomes Law Firm Partner Rachel M. Reight (RhoOhio State) became a partner with the law firm of Baasten, McKinley and Co., L.P.A. (Canton, Ohio). Rachel focuses her practice on labor and employment law, with an emphasis on education and workers’ compensation law. She serves on the labor law and disputed fee committees for the Stark County Bar Association for the 2013-14 term.
Featuring Alpha Phi Browse books, music and movies featuring Alpha Phis at alphaphi.org/shop.
PUBLIC SERVICE Collegian Receives Soccer Accolades
Junior Hannah Kronick (Zeta Omicron-Johns Hopkins) received several accolades following an outstanding 2013 season on Johns Hopkins women’s soccer team. She became the all-time leader in school history in career goals (65) and points (159). She was named to the NSCAA First Team All-America, First Team All-Mid-Atlantic Region and Scholar All-America First Team and was a three-time National Soccer Coaches Association of America Division III Player of the Week, among several other recognitions. Hannah was also recognized by national media, including being one of seven athletes from around the world featured in the Sep. 30 installment of Sports Illustrated’s “Faces in the Crowd.” The long-running feature spotlights unknown or amateur athletes.
Alumna Advances Political Career
Collegian Is Champion Figure Skater Figure Skater Rachael Flatt (Kappa-Stanford) is a collegian at Stanford. She also is a former Olympian and national figure skating champion. Most recently, Rachael competed in the 2013 International Cup of Nice (France) and finished 9th and in the 2014 U.S. Figure Skating Championships in Boston (Mass.) and placed 18th. Rachael represented the United States at the 2010 Winter Olympics and placed seventh. She is a former national champion, national silver medalist and world junior champion.
State Rep. Kim Kamuf Fawcett (Eta OmegaTowson) is serving her eighth year as a member of the Connecticut General Assembly and has represented the cities of Fairfield and Westport. She has filed papers with the State Elections Enforcement Commission declaring her intent to explore a run for Connecticut State Senate in 2014. She says,“It’s inspiring to spend my days working on policy changes to improve the lives of women, children and our families, and I am excited about the opportunity to continue that work with greater outreach.”
Young Alumna Elected Mayor Maile Wilson (Theta Sigma-Southern Utah) was elected as the first female mayor of Cedar City, Utah. At 27, Maile is also the youngest mayor to be elected in Cedar City and in the state of Utah.
Alumna Is First Female Athletic Director Mary Ellen Gillespie (Eta Alpha-New Hampshire) is the University of Wisconsin/Green Bay’s director of intercollegiate athletics – the first woman in the school’s history to hold the position. Mary Ellen previously served as associate athletics director for external relations at Bowling Green State University (Bowling Green, Ohio).
Sister Competes in Tevis Cup Kim Manning Zvik (Zeta Theta-Tufts) completed in the Tevis Cup in California in July. The Tevis Cup is a 100-mile endurance ride completed on horseback. It’s the oldest modern day ride of its kind, having begun in 1955. Kim and her horse rode from Lake Tahoe to Auburn, tackling swinging bridges, cliffs, streams and dangerous terrain. The Tevis Cup is among the top ten toughest endurance events according to Time Magazine.
Alumna Is Ironman Laura Slipski Backus (Epsilon Iota-Duquesne) completed a prestigious Ironman race in Florida in November. She describes herself as an:“unlikely Ironman. I have a genetic disorder: Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. It can be a debilitating disorder where joints consistently fall out of place, and many ligaments are useless,” she says. Laura said the chronic pain and not knowing what part of her body wouldn’t cooperate at any given time made for an interesting training year. She finished 2.4 miles of swimming, 112 miles of cycling and a marathon (26.2 miles of running) with 14 seconds to spare (there’s a 17-hour limit). Read more about Laura at fatgirlironmanjourney.com. SPRING 2014
Western Leadership Conference Salt Lake City, Utah
Photos courtesy of universitycomposites.com
More than 1,500 collegiate officers and advisors from 159 chapters and two colonies across North America were encouraged to embrace the theme “Leading the Way” at this year’s Leadership Conferences. Leadership Conferences were designed to provide the training necessary for collegiate officers and advisors to effectively lead their chapters. Educational sessions were written to meet the changing needs and interests of the participants and to create an environment in which they were engaged and excited about learning. In addition to the educational programming, the conferences featured awards presentations, Foundation "Women Leading the Way" luncheons, Forget Me Not fields, T-shirt swaps, vendor booths and alumnae receptions. Local alumnae were invited to hear keynote speaker Dr. Lois Frankel discuss women’s leadership. The weekend concluded with the announcement of Alpha Phi’s newest leadership program, the Alpha Phi International Leadership Fellows Program, funded by Alpha Phi Foundation and launching in August 2014. The women left the conferences motivated to lead their chapters, campuses and communities and filled with ideas and strategies to strengthen and promote the Alpha Phi brand.
Northern Leadership Conference
Eastern Leadership Conference
Southern Leadership Conference
Photos courtesy of dpcpix.com
Photos courtesy of universitycomposites.com
Photos courtesy of eyeonthestonephotography.com
Chicago, Ill.
Stamford, Conn.
Atlanta, Ga.
Ashley Green Chesson (Epsilon Phi-NC State)
Somer Beauvois Wright (Epsilon Phi-NC State)
Liz Nerad (Iota Eta-DePaul)
Alexis Boettler Lux (Beta Omega-Kent State)
Diana Busch Hartley (Phi-Oklahoma)
Katie VanKampen Kyker (Iota Eta-DePaul)
Lisa Palacios (Zeta Tau-Illinois State) Diana Neimanis (Zeta Tau-Illinois State)
By Elizabeth Conner (Gamma-DePauw)
When Alexis Boettler Lux (Beta OmegaKent State) and her husband relocated from Ohio to Oklahoma, she couldn’t help but be nervous about leaving family, friends and familiarity behind. Looking for an instant connection in her new city, she reached out to the local Alpha Phi alumnae chapter to attend an upcoming event. “Making the move was hard, but I tapped into my Alpha Phi network first,” says Alexis. “I was completely new to the area and wanted to pursue professional opportunities. More importantly, I wanted to find the sense of comfort that Alpha Phi always provided me.” At that first Oklahoma City alumnae chapter event, Alexis connected with Diana Busch Hartley (Phi-Oklahoma), an instant friend who would eventually become a vital mentor and advisor in Alexis’ new career in the Oklahoma City and Alpha Phi communities. Diana, who had an active career in the nonprofit sector, quickly took Alexis under her wing. She provided Alexis important professional introductions in the nonprofit community, invited her to serve on different projects and committees, and even inspired her to pursue an Alpha Phi volunteer role as treasurer of the Oklahoma City (Delta Delta) house corporation board. “It was so helpful to have Diana introduce me to both Alpha Phis and professional contacts in the city,” says Alexis. “Her mentality was, ‘we’ve all been in this spot – why would I not want to
help you?’ Now, I go to Diana to consult on any difficult question in my personal or professional life.” Alexis and Diana’s story, like so many within Alpha Phi, highlights the monumental impact of the instant sisterhood connection. As members of Alpha Phi, we share a commonality and have all been inspired, influenced and changed by sisters. It is this influence and trust that often leads to the most longstanding and mutually beneficial mentoring relationships. A mentor, defined as someone who helps a mentee achieve personal or professional clarity through encouragement or guidance, is often pivotal to a young woman’s long-term personal and professional development. According to a study by Levo League (levo.com), 95 percent of Generation Y women have never directly asked for a mentor. However, a vast majority of women – especially those within the Greek community – have people in their lives who fulfill this definition. To explore the astounding impact of mentorship within Alpha Phi, we interviewed several alumnae to hear their stories about gaining a mentor – and how they paid it forward. These inspiring relationships stand as proof that behind every great woman is the sisterhood that supported her.
MENTOR: defined as someone who helps a mentee achieve personal or professional clarity through encouragement or guidance, is often pivotal to a young woman’s long-term personal and professional development.
Sisters and Leaders for Lif e FROM LETTERS TO LEADERS: Career Connections Down the Road
When Lisa Palacios and Diana Neimanis (both Zeta Tau-Illinois State) were pledge sisters at the newly colonized Zeta Tau chapter at Illinois State in 1984, the two became fast friends. Both music majors and heavily involved with Greek life on campus, they worked closely during the young chapter’s first ever formal recruitment. With Lisa serving as director of music and Diana as pledge trainer, Diana was able to provide added guidance to Lisa, who was in a new and unfamiliar role – all in the midst of an enormous pool of women going through recruitment. “Diana was a mentor to me throughout recruitment that year – and largely throughout college as a fellow music major,” says Lisa. “Not only did she serve her own role during recruitment that year, but she allotted extra time to help me succeed in an overwhelming situation.” Lisa never forgot the impact that Diana’s mentorship had on her. It was not until 20 years later when the two women reconnected via the Zeta Tau Facebook group that Lisa would have the chance to make a resounding impact on Diana’s life as well. At that point in her career, Lisa was working as a senior consultant at the American Institutes for Research and had gained renown in the information technology industry. Diana had been working as a music teacher for several years, even being named a Golden Apple finalist – a prestigious recognition among educators – in the state of Illinois. “Diana reached out to me, simply saying that she was looking for a career change,” says Lisa. “I thought of a spot within my company almost immediately. More than any immediate qualifications, it was because I respected her so much from our Alpha Phi experience.” Diana quickly obtained an interview thanks to Lisa’s input, and the two women remain closely intertwined professionally to this day. “To me, a mentor is someone who stands as your champion no matter what,” says Lisa. “She pays special attention to your 14
Words of Wisdom from our
International President Linda Long Boland (Gamma KappaCSU/Long Beach) currently serves as Alpha Phi's International President. Beyond a long repertoire of volunteer roles, she was elected to the International Executive Board in 1996-2000 and 2006-08 and has served as International President since 2010. She has mentored countless women in our organization. “The wonderful thing about finding a mentor within Alpha Phi was that it was not hard. I simply had to figure out the right questions to ask. My Alpha Phi mentors were always willing to invest in me, enabling me to be a better leader. I took the best traits of others to build my own leadership style. In a mentor/mentee relationship, I think it’s most important that a mentor listen and truly understand the mentee's interests. You shouldn’t have a preconceived notion of the path one should take; you should truly listen to her wants and needs, then help her proceed. It really comes down to understanding the person you’re trying to help. What makes us different in Alpha Phi is that we have a common love for something. It’s more than just moving from point A to point B; it is truly believing in the organization. When you mentor someone within Alpha Phi, you promise that you’ll be there for her and then truly live out that promise. I invest in other Alpha Phi sisters because I know that investment will come back to the organization I love.”
career and fights for you. She may or may not be in upper level management, but she will be sure the work you are doing gets noticed. That’s what Diana did for me years ago – and that’s what I wanted to do for her.” MENTORSHIP: Lifting Peers Higher
Another form of mentorship is peers guiding one another through important life milestones. For Katie VanKampen Kyker and Liz Nerad (both Iota EtaDePaul), sisters from the Iota Eta chapter at DePaul, mentorship simply entailed inspiring one another to follow longstanding dreams. As an undergraduate, Liz had always been interested in healthcare, particularly in the disparities of care existing around the world. While in college, she traveled with a student group to Honduras to run a mobile medical clinic and focused on direct patient care. However, she eventually came to a realization that she wanted to change her career path completely to pursue a career in public health. Katie, who was equally passionate about helping underserved populations, was fully supportive of Liz’s career-altering decision. She was in graduate school herself at the time, pursuing a master’s in social work. Her path and encouragement inspired Liz to pursue a master’s degree as well. “Besides her unconditional encouragement, Katie’s desire to pursue a degree in social work for her dream career inspired me,” says Liz. “She has always encouraged me to follow my passions, no matter how different they may be from the norm. It was obvious how passionate I had become, and therefore she did everything possible to support me.” Liz truly believes that Katie’s desire to help local communities inspired her to match the good being done, but on a global scale. “Mentoring relationships should be reciprocal,” says Katie. “There’s not just a one-way exchange of advice or support, but rather advice that flows both ways. I strongly believe that we can learn from everyone, no matter how much experience, expertise or education we have in a certain area.”
“Mentoring is about opening up to learn from one another,” Liz agrees. “It’s about keeping an open mind and accepting trusted input from someone else.” Perhaps most importantly, a mentor should help the mentee believe in herself and move forward with a new-found confidence. If not for Katie’s influence and support, Liz might not have taken the leap into graduate school and followed her dream of traveling abroad for global health initiatives. PAYING IT FORWARD
For Somer Beauvois Wright (Epsilon PhiNC State), being mentored by her longtime friend and chapter sister Ashley Green Chesson (Epsilon Phi-NC State) was the reason she remained involved with Alpha Phi after the Epsilon Phi chapter closed. After living away from North Carolina for several years following graduation, Somer returned and immediately hoped to reconnect with Alpha Phi sisters. Ashley quickly urged Somer to get involved with the local alumnae chapter upon moving back – a piece of advice that Somer values to this day. “When I moved back to North Carolina, I knew more than anything that I wanted to get involved with Alpha Phi again,” says Somer. “I was just unsure how to do so in light of the collegiate chapter closing. Ashley was the friend, mentor and teacher I needed to really dive into the local alumnae chapter.” Ashley not only provided a proper invitation for Somer; she provided a shining example of promoting Alpha Phi’s core message that membership is for a lifetime. “Even though we came from a closed chapter, Ashley promoted Alpha Phi’s mission and lifetime membership at all times,” Somer says. “I quickly learned to follow her lead with proper guidance. I admired how often she would post on Facebook or reach out to any Alpha Phi who was new to the area. She put the overall organization first, and this endlessly inspired me to take on new and exciting volunteer roles that I might never have considered otherwise.” It was through Ashley’s advice and
As members of Alpha Phi, we share a commonality and have all been inspired, influenced and changed by sisters. It is this influence and trust that often leads to the most longstanding and mutually beneficial mentoring relationships. Words of Wisdom from an
Alpha Phi Executive Office Staff Member Renee Smith Zimmerman Zainer (Beta EpsilonArizona) currently serves as Alpha Phi International’s director of recruitment. Her longstanding path within the Alpha Phi volunteer world and transition into a Fraternity staff role has served as an example for Alpha Phi members for years. “The reason you mentor people is because you want them to achieve their dreams. I mentor because I care about the person. I also accept that her vision for her life is different than mine was at 18. Being a mentor continues to remind me that Alpha Phi touches and changes people. What I was lucky enough to experience out of Alpha Phi as a volunteer is now what women I work with are experiencing – they’re building the same skill set. I’ve come to learn that recognition is absolutely integral to a mentee’s success. I will go to great lengths to expose young women to different opportunities, then provide meaningful feedback and show how much I appreciate them as well. When I set goals high, I don’t want to have to push; I want the women to want to achieve success themselves. I’m always proud, and constantly reminded how lucky I am, to have had the same experience.”
guidance that Somer would eventually go on to become president of the Charlotte alumnae chapter. Although the two had remained close friends since college, it was Somer’s relocation to North Carolina that ignited Ashley to became a mentor and shape Somer’s avid involvement in the Alpha Phi world. “Although I can’t thank Ashley enough for inspiring me to remain engaged with Alpha Phi as a volunteer, it is her mentorship style that led to my ultimate success,” says Somer. “Perhaps most importantly, I was never afraid to ask questions or receive feedback with Ashley – she always had my very best interests at heart. I am grateful for Ashley’s guidance and encouragement every day when I can pay it forward myself as alumnae chapter president.” MOVING FORWARD WITH WISDOM FROM THE PAST
In serving as mentors, women challenge themselves to foster the needs of others, become better teammates and provide meaningful feedback. These skills, while natural to some, are not necessarily inherent in most. Women who go on to become great mentors were often positively mentored themselves in the early stages of their careers, education or volunteer experiences. Members of Alpha Phi have been acting as mentors to one another since the organization’s founding. In accomplishing great things themselves, mentors have paved the way for other sisters’ careers, personal development and overall quality of life. In Alpha Phi sisters, we can certainly trust.
Join Us in Southern California for
Convention 2014: 70th Biennial Convention
June 25-29, 2014
It's not too late to plan a chapter reunion! Visit alphaphi.org (keyword: reunion) or contact alumnae@alphaphi.org 16
The luxurious Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa is the perfect venue for Alpha Phi International’s 70th Biennial Convention June 25-29, 2014. This desert resort in the heart of Southern California features snow-capped Mount Jacinto as a backdrop and captivating Spanish-style architecture. Active pursuits include a 27-hole championship golf course, the Palm Desert’s largest resort tennis center and hiking and jogging trails with views of the spectacular
Photos courtesy of Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa, rancholaspalmas.com
desert landscape. A Splashtopia family swimming and recreation area features thrilling 100-foot waterslides. Relax at the peaceful Spa Las Palmas oasis, or take a dip in the adults-only pool. Visit rancholaspalmas.com to learn more. Registration Deadlines Completed registration materials and payments must be processed no later than the deadline dates in order to avoid incurring late registration penalties: Standard Rate ($1,125): May 7, 2014
Frequently Asked Questions
Tentative Schedule
Q: Who may attend Convention? A: All members, their families and friends are invited! Those eligible to vote during Convention include collegiate chapter presidents, chapter advisors, alumnae chapter presidents, International Executive Board directors, Foundation Board directors, NPC delegate, collegiate chapter managers and alumnae engagement managers.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014:
Q: What is the registration deadline? A: Registration materials and additional information are available at the Alpha Phi International website at alphaphi.org (keywords: convention 2014). The standard registration deadline is May 7, 2014. Q: How much does it cost to attend? A: The all-inclusive Convention standard package is $1,125. It includes attendee’s registration fee, four room nights, taxes and tariffs, housekeeping gratuities, roundtrip airport transfers, four continental breakfasts, three lunches, four dinners, meal taxes and gratuities (based on double-occupancy). Package does not include airfare. A special weekend rate of $775 is also available. Visit alphaphi.org (keywords: convention 2014) for details and a la carte pricing. Q: How do I make flight arrangements? A: Due to the heavy summer travel during the convention season, flight arrangements must be secured early and finalized by May 7, 2014. The Rancho Las Palmas is accessible from Palm Springs International Airport. Contact Canyon Creek Travel, Alpha Phi International’s official travel agent, at 800-952-1998 to make your flight arrangements. Flying into another airport will require authorization from Alpha Phi International. Ground transportation instructions will be made available in Convention 2014 materials posted at alphaphi.org (keywords: convention 2014). Q: Will there be any time to sightsee? A: Convention is always a busy time for delegates. Alpha Phi International recommends you travel early or extend your stay after Convention to take advantage of all there is to see and do nearby. If you book through Alpha Phi, you can secure our low room rates. Read on for things to do in Rancho Mirage and Palm Springs.
yy Registration Opens yy Welcome Dinner yy Movie Night Thursday, June 26, 2014:
yy C ollegiate and Alumnae Programming Awards yy Keynote Speaker yy Court of Ivy yy Initiation yy Alpha Phi Fest Friday, June 27, 2014:
yy Collegiate Recruitment Awards yy Foundation Red Dress Dinner Saturday, June 28, 2014:
yy Move Your Phi’t Run/Walk yy Service of Remembrance yy Individual Alumnae Awards yy Candlelight Banquet Watch for additional Convention information at alphaphi.org (keywords: convention 2014) and on our social media outlets.
Visit the Palm Springs Area: The Ultimate Desert Playground Rancho Mirage is one of nine cities that make up the Coachella Valley, or Palm Springs area. Travel early or stay late to take advantage of this oasis for outdoor adventure, arts and culture, gaming and entertainment. The city’s storied Hollywood legacy, Native American heritage and stunning collection of mid-century modern architecture reflect why Palm Springs is truly like no place else. Ride to the top of the breathtaking San Jacinto Mountains in the famous Palm Springs Aerial Tramway. Hike the ancient palm groves of the Indian Canyons and along stunning scenic trails. Indulge in the unique shops, art galleries, restaurants, clubs and entertainment venues along the world-famous Palm Canyon Drive. Try your luck at the Agua Caliente Casino. Visit the popular Children’s Discovery Museum of the Desert and the Living Desert Zoo and Botanical Gardens. Tour celebrity and mid-century homes. There is something for everyone.
Late Registration ($1,500): June 4, 2014
Alumnae Pride CANADA BRITISH COLUMBIA British Columbia Alumnae enjoyed helping British Columbia (Beta Theta) collegians with a successful recruitment and Bid Day celebration. Contact: Amy Trebelco (Beta Theta-British Columbia), amy.trebelco@gmail.com
QUEBEC Quebec Sisters celebrated Founders’ Day with an afternoon tea at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel. The chapter is planning a theater night in the spring. Contact: Cindy Auger (Eta Chi-Bishop’s), cindyauger@alumnae.alphaphi.org
BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA Alumnae assist British Columbia (Beta Theta) collegians with Bid Day.
Long Beach The chapter gathered with CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) collegians for a beach picnic. Alumnae shared stories of what Alpha Phi means to them and how Alpha Phi doesn’t end after college. International President Linda Long Boland (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach) joined alumnae at their annual holiday party and spoke about the many successes from her time as International President. Contact: Samantha Cardenas (Beta Pi-USC), ksamanthacardenas@gmail.com Facebook: Alpha Phi Alumnae - Long Beach Chapter
Palm Springs/Coachella Valley Five alumnae joined the chapter during the fall thanks to a Phinding Phis project initiated to recruit new members. Sisters will volunteer at Convention in Rancho Mirage in June. Contact the chapter to join or help volunteer. Contact: Ann Huglin Dew (Gamma Omicron-Drake), revdrdew@msn.com
Silicon Valley Sisters participated in an American Heart Association Heart Walk and were the third largest donating group. QUEBEC, CANADA Sisters celebrate Founders’ Day with an afternoon tea.
Thi Ly (Lambda-UC/Berkeley) organized the team. The annual holiday event was hosted by Anne Lewis Naragon (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) and supported a single mother who's returning to school. Upcoming events include the Diva Run and a San Jose Giants baseball game with sisters, families and friends. Contact: Karen Siegel Fitting (Eta Alpha-New Hampshire), karen@fittinginn.com Web: siliconvalleyphis.org Facebook: Silicon Valley Phis Twitter: SV_APhis
FLORIDA Daytona Beach Sisters meet twice a year, once in the fall to honor Founders and early in the year to support philanthropic endeavors. The chapter is well represented at local Panhellenic luncheons held twice during the year. Those in the area are invited to join. Contact: Linda Lampman (Pi-North Dakota), lindalampman@att.net
ILLINOIS Chicago Western Villages Volunteering at a food bank, a soup sharing night and an olive-oil tasting are part of upcoming meetings. Members will hold the annual planning meeting while enjoying an Italian meal in May. Contact: Chris Williams Barr (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech), chrisbarrw@att.net
DuPage Valley Members enjoyed a healthy cooking class, a play and an annual book club meeting. Upcoming events include
a hooping class taught by Lori Colburn Smerz (Theta Gamma-Truman State) in May and the annual garden party in June. Sisters in the area are invited to join. Contact: Susan Ritter Cozart (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst), secozart49@aol.com Web: dupagealphaphi.org Facebook: DuPage Valley Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter
Lake County Alumnae enjoyed a holiday cookie exchange and baking event. The chapter will work on annual fundraisers in the spring. Contact: Nancy Weaver Roach (Delta Epsilon-Iowa), roach2@oldoak.net
INDIANA Indianapolis The chapter continues to grow in membership and attendance to events. Members enjoyed visiting at social events, making cookies for local collegiate chapters and attending the Ball State (Delta Rho) Red Dress Gala. Members look forward to creating artwork during the Mimosa and a Masterpiece event. Contact: Ashley Cummins (Omicron-Missouri), ashley.m.cummins@gmail.com Facebook: Indy Alpha Phi Twitter: IndyAlphAPhi
IOWA Central Iowa Alumnae met at Social Canvas to paint a heart design and raise funds for Alpha Phi Foundation. Monthly sisterhood socials have been held at many Greater Des Moines locations. Congratulations to Bridgette Huntley Uhlemann (Gamma Omicron-Drake) and Heather Morey Saville
(Epsilon Theta-Northern Iowa) on their recent marriages. Area alumnae are invited to join upcoming events. Contact: Barbara Morrison Cannon (Beta Kappa-Denison), cannonb2004@yahoo.com Facebook: Alpha Phi Central Iowa
KANSAS Greater Kansas City The chapter celebrated Founders’ Day at a downtown restaurant, where Lorie Snyder (Theta Lambda-Central Missouri) received the Sara Ann Hatton Award for outstanding service to the chapter. Alumnae met at a bookstore to hear from two Random House publishers about current bestselling books and holiday gift ideas. A portion of proceeds for books purchased during the event was donated to Alpha Phi Foundation. The annual holiday party featured an ornament exchange and a chocolate bar. The Red Dress Event was held at Pinot’s Palette studio and featured painting, a silent auction and raffle. Contact: Allison Cink Rickels (Epsilon Theta-Northern Iowa), president@kc-aphis.com Web: kc-aphis.com Facebook: Greater Kansas City Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter
Topeka The chapter adopted a family for the holidays through the Topeka Christmas Bureau and wrapped their gifts during the holiday party. They assisted the Washburn
(Upsilon) collegiate chapter during their Cardiac Care Week. Alumnae look forward to hosting the annual spring luncheon to welcome new chapter members. Contact: Laura Wywadis (Upsilon-Washburn), laurawywadis@yahoo.com Facebook: Topeka Alpha Phi Alumnae
Wichita Alumnae and Wichita State (Gamma Xi) collegians enjoyed a Founders’ Day celebration with more than 120 in attendance. Sisters donated to Early Head Start’s Points of Light program as part of the event. They plan to make service a tradition at future Founders’ Day events. Mari Dunn DiMattia (Gamma Xi-Wichita State), a local chef, hosted a cooking demonstration. Alumnae enjoyed a holiday gathering and were joined by their children for a gingerbread house decorating event that included a visit from Santa. Contact: Marcia McKee Weddle (Gamma Xi-Wichita State), mcweddle@cox.net Facebook: Wichita APhi Alum Twitter: WichitaAPhiAlum
NEBRASKA Omaha Alumnae gathered for their annual holiday auction and soup dinner, hosted by Jill Zerzan Shefte (Delta XiNebraska/Kearney). They held an ornament exchange and diaper drive, hosted by Judy Lysaught Gist (Nu-Nebraska).
Chris Williams Barr (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) and Nancy Zinns Johnson (Beta-Northwestern) enjoy an afternoon tea and special Founders’ Day celebration.
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS The chapter honors those who celebrate 10 years of sisterhood.
Members also attended a recruitment practice at the Creighton (Theta Delta) collegiate chapter. Contact: Julie O'Meara Jernstrom (Nu-Nebraska), julie.jernstrom@cox.net Facebook: Omaha Alpha Phi Alumnae
NEVADA Las Vegas Sisters celebrated the holidays with an annual ornament and dessert exchange. Contact: Kary Crumm Huffman (Beta Psi-San Jose State), karycrumm@yahoo.com Web: sincityphis.net Facebook: Las Vegas Alpha Phi Alumnae
Reno Alumnae celebrated the holidays with an evening of cocktails, cookies and an ornament exchange at the home of President Breanna Borries (Eta UpsilonChapman). 2014 features Best of the Best events that will include the most popular activities from years past. New members and those who have not participated in a while are encouraged to join in the fun. Contact: Breanna Borries (Eta Upsilon-Chapman), nnalphaphi@gmail.com Web: renoalphaphi.com Facebook: Reno Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter
NEW MEXICO Albuquerque Alumnae celebrated Founders’ Day with a luncheon and program at Barbara Poore Throckmorton’s (Beta KappaDenison) home. Sisters raised $700 to make the holidays brighter for a local family. The annual holiday gathering for alumnae and spouses featured a cocktail party and ornament exchange. Contact: Judy Giudice Tull (Omega-Texas), judytull@gmail.com
NEW YORK New York City Metro Sisters enjoyed happy hours and a karaoke event. Contact: Jennifer Broadbent (Eta Iota-Pennsylvania), jennifer.broadbent@gmail.com Web: nycalphaphi.org Facebook: NY_APhi
Sisters enjoyed a holiday cookie exchange and party. They hosted the fourth annual Hearts and Pucks philanthropy event, partnering with the Charlotte Checkers hockey team. Alumnae are proud of the eight members who serve as collegiate chapter advisors. The chapter has more than 60 dues-paying members.
The chapter has successfully undergone a revitalization effort. Sisters enjoyed an ice skating event with families at an outdoor rink in Akron. They look forward to several events partnered with the Akron (Eta Gamma) collegiate chapter, sisterhoods, philanthropy events and family-friendly picnics.
Contact: Somer Beauvois Wright (Epsilon Phi-NC State), somer.wright@gmail.com Web: queencityphis.org Facebook: Charlotte Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter Twitter: CharlotteAPhi
Contact: Jessica Replogle (Eta Gamma-Akron), jesrep109@gmail.com
Greenville Area Alumnae enjoyed a bunco event that benefited Alpha Phi Foundation. Area alumnae are invited to an April luncheon that will celebrate those who have been sisters 50 or more years. Contact the chapter for more information about this and other spring activities. Contact: Gail Burton Joyner (Delta Alpha-East Carolina), gail.joyner2010@yahoo.com Facebook: Alpha Phi Greenville
NORTH DAKOTA Grand Forks The North Dakota (Pi) house corporation board made improvements to the chapter house during the summer, including the installation of an up-to-code fire system sprinkler, remodeling of the formal living room and paving the parking lot. Additional improvements are still needed. To contribute, mail donations to Gate City Bank c/o Alpha Phi House Association, 3205 South Washington St., Grand Forks, ND 58201. Contact: Meghan Warbis (Pi-North Dakota), kelsie.l.grenier@my.und.edu
OMAHA, NEB. Sisters enjoy an annual holiday auction and dinner.
Ashland Area An annual Meet and Greet was held for 40 Ashland (Epsilon Alpha) new collegiate members. Alumnae shared introductions, desserts and memories. Several alumnae attended the collegiate chapter’s Red Dress Gala and provided silent auction items. Alumnae enjoyed an early holiday luncheon at Angel Welcome Bed and Breakfast, a shopping trip and a cooking class. Contact: Jan Brinker Schaeffer (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State), janschaeffer@alumnae.alphaphi.org
Cleveland East Members celebrating milestone anniversaries of sisterhood were honored with a luncheon at the Cleveland Racquet Club. Kay Davies Kohl (Eta Gamma-Akron) spoke to the chapter about the history of Cleveland Cultural Gardens. The annual holiday party was held at the home of Rea Dawson Wedekamm (Beta Iota-West Virginia). It included sisters wearing fun holiday hats, dinner, an ornament and cookie exchange. Contact: Carina Samuelson Mauck (Eta Gamma-Akron), cmauck1@hotmail.com
Columbus Alumnae enjoyed a monthly happy hour at the Wine Bistro. Contact: Jenna Perrotto Johnson (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State), jlperrotto@gmail.com Web: columbusalumnae-alphaphi.org Facebook: Alpha Phi Columbus Alumnae
HOUSTON, TEXAS Kathryn Mafrige Kent (Omega-Texas), left, and Jessica Jeang (Zeta Omicron-Johns Hopkins) enjoy the annual holiday party.
OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City Alumnae enjoyed the annual holiday potluck dinner and ornament exchange at the home of Lisa Haning Blackburn (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City). The chapter joined the newly formed ivy connection for a Paint N' Cheers class. Dawn Wellington Tartaglione (Theta Gamma-Truman State) hosted a wine tasting for alumnae and their dates. The chapter made study baskets for Oklahoma (Phi) and Oklahoma City (Delta Delta) collegians. Contact: Bethany Anderson Brown (Phi-Oklahoma), banders@flash.net Web: okcaphialum.org Facebook: OKC APhi Alumnae
Tulsa Members gathered at the home of Suzy Storey Armstrong (Delta Chi-William Woods) for their annual holiday party. Contact: Debbie Brown McGuire (Phi-Oklahoma), debmcguire@cox.net Web: alphaphitulsa.org
TEXAS Austin Several alumnae joined Texas (Omega) collegians for their Red Dress Gala and enjoyed dancing and fundraising for women’s heart health. The chapter also gathered for a holiday brunch and a late-winter poker tournament and Foundation fundraiser. The chapter hosts regular lunches and happy hours. Contact: Carolyn Venable Kahler (Delta Beta-Texas A&M/ Commerce), carolyn@cskahler.com Web: alphaphiofaustin.org Facebook: Alpha Phi of Austin Twitter: AustinAlphaPhi
Fort Worth Sisters celebrated Founders' Day at the famous Joe T. Garcia's restaurant. The annual mother-daughter tea was held at the home of Susan Stone (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian). At the event, the chapter presented the
NEW ALUMNAE CHAPTERS, MEMBERS SOUGHT Whether looking for instant friends in a new city, networking opportunities or a leadership role, local alumnae chapters hold benefits for Alpha Phis in every stage of life. The primary focus of alumnae chapters is fun and friendship. Attend an event near you to meet and reconnect with local sisters! New alumnae chapters forming in your area: WICHITA, KAN. Anniversaries of sisterhood are recognized during a Founders' Day celebration.
Elizabeth Thompson Smith Award and scholarship to Collegian Sarah Sweeney (Gamma Eta-North Texas). Contact: LeLynne Waltman Knight (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian), lelynnewk@gmail.com Web: fortworthalphaphi.com Facebook: Fort Worth Alpha Phi Twitter: FtWorthAlphaPhi
Houston Debra Jordan Chernosky (Epsilon Omega-Texas A&M) hosted the chapter’s annual holiday party. Sisters also enjoyed a Heart-to-Heart luncheon at the Junior League Tea Room. Contact: Anita Sloan Kittridge (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech), sloan@sbcglobal.net Web: houston-alphaphi.org Facebook: Houston Alpha Phi Alumnae
San Antonio Alumnae gathered with St. Mary’s (Iota Beta) collegians for a Founders’ Day celebration at the Oak Hills Country Club. Seven sisters were honored with 10-year pins. Members gathered for a happy hour at Fox and Hound. A Kendra Scott Jewelry event raised money for Alpha Phi Foundation. Suzan Benbow Taff (Omega-Texas) hosted the annual holiday potluck and ornament exchange. Visit the chapter’s Facebook page for upcoming events. Contact: Barbara Derrick Brinkmann (Gamma Pi-Arizona State), babsbrink@aol.com Web: wix.com/sanantoniophis/sanantoniophis Facebook: Alpha Phi San Antonio Alum
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. Sisters celebrate Founders’ Day.
VIRGINIA Northern Virginia Sisters enjoyed the annual holiday ornament exchange. They donated toys to an organization that helps women and children escape domestic violence. Contact: Carol Davis Snider (Beta Tau-Indiana), carolanne.snider@alumnae.alphaphi.org Web: alphaphi-va.org Facebook: Alpha Phi Alumnae of Northern Virginia
Richmond and Central Virginia The chapter celebrated Founders’ Day at Panache Beads, where they learned to make bracelets. They hosted an annual cookie tin sale to raise money for Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters also enjoyed a holiday party and met monthly to “craft and chat.” Contact: Ann Mauger Jerome (Epsilon Phi-NC State), annmj@aol.com Web: richmondalphaphi.com Facebook: Richmond/Central VA Alpha Phi Alumnae
WASHINGTON DC Metro Ivy Connection Members gathered with Beta Theta Pi Fraternity alumni for a joint happy hour at Bobby Vans. Follow the chapter on Twitter or Facebook to stay updated on chapter events. Contact: Nicole Fratianne (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State), nicole.fratianne@gmail.com Facebook: DC Area Alpha Phi Ivy Connection Twitter: DCIvyConnection
❧ Aspen, Colo. ❧ Connecticut Shoreline ❧ Tallahassee, Fla. ❧ Grand Rapids, Mich. ❧ Northern Minnesota ❧ Central Missouri ❧ Great Falls, Mont. ❧ Poughkeepsie, N.Y. ❧ Marietta, Ohio ❧ Toledo, Ohio ❧ Memphis, Tenn. ❧ El Paso, Texas ❧ Spokane, Wash. ❧ Charleston, W.V. ❧ Stevens Point, Wis. Existing alumnae chapters are seeking new members!
❧ Orange County, Calif. ❧ San Francisco, Calif. ❧ Atlanta, Ga. ❧ Greater Peoria, Ill. ❧ Topeka, Kan. ❧ Boston, Mass. ❧ Minneapolis, Minn. ❧ Missoula, Mont. ❧ Cape Fear, N.C. ❧ Sandhills, N.C. ❧ Akron-Canton, Ohio ❧ Morgontown, W.V. Please email Emma Titus Donatille (Gamma Omicron-Drake) at edonatille@alphaphi.org if you are interested in getting involved with any of these chapters or starting a chapter in your area. For a complete list of Alpha Phi alumnae chapters, visit alphaphi.org/chapter.
WEB EXTRA If your chapter submitted a photo for this issue and you do not see it in the Alumnae Pride section, it may be in our special Quarterly Web Extra. Visit alphaphi.org/quarterly/viewrecentissues.
Housing Highlights
A beautiful shot of a sunrise over the new chapter house, taken by Nikita Machak (Gamma Phi-Florida State).
The beautiful grand staircase.
Homeward Bound Gamma Phi Chapter Builds New Home Alpha Phi was the first sorority to have its own chapter house – built at Syracuse (Alpha) in 1886. Since then, sisters have created many treasured memories and traditions in their Alpha Phi homes. For new chapters, and chapters without homes of their own, the journey to plan, build or buy a chapter house is a challenging effort. It takes a team of dedicated and visionary chapter members, alumnae, advisors, other volunteers and Executive Office staff. For new extension chapters, the dream and goal of having a chapter house on a campus where big, beautiful houses are the norm becomes an integral part of the successful growth of the chapter. For most new chapters, their first years are spent holding chapter meetings and initiations in rented spaces, recruiting in borrowed or off-campus facilities and looking forward to the day when their chapter can have a beautiful home to call their own. For our Gamma Phi chapter at Florida State University, the chapter’s journey began with a rented meeting space off campus and a concerted effort by Team
FSU and Alpha Phi’s Executive Director Linda Wells Kahangi (Zeta Delta-Iowa State). Through a bit of luck, perseverance and clever networking, a lot was secured (on auction on the courthouse steps no less). Team FSU, led at the time by Extension Team Lead Deana Koonsman Gage (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech), and the Gamma Phi chapter wanted a space that would feel like home, but reflect the beautiful southern charm exhibited by the other sorority houses on campus. The architecture firm of Cunningham and Associates, who specialize exclusively in Greek housing, was hired to design the house. The Executive Office’s Director of Collegiate Housing Tonya Sharp Ryan (Phi-Oklahoma) led the design and construction efforts. Approvals with the City of Tallahassee proved difficult and pushed construction back several months. The chapter waited patiently, but with excitement, as their new home began to be built at 123 North Copeland in Tallahassee. Finally, on Jan. 4, 2014, the new house was opened and chapter members moved in.
View from the formal room of the spacious entry, grand staircase and study.
A special ribbon cutting and house dedication celebration was held on Jan. 25, officiated by International President Linda Long Boland (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach) and attended by about 400 guests — including excited collegians, alumnae from the original Gamma Phi chapter, parents, supporters and community guests. Thank you to the many dedicated volunteers and professionals who brought the house to completion. And wishing a vibrant beginning for Gamma Phi collegians as they make lasting memories in their new home.
Upcoming Projects The new year marked the beginning of two exciting new housing projects for Alpha Phi – a new chapter house which will be constructed for the Iota Mu chapter at Georgia Tech and the purchase of a new home that will be renovated for Theta Upsilon chapter at CSU/Chico. Look for more exciting housing updates in future issues of the Quarterly.
On Campus CANADA BRITISH COLUMBIA British Columbia (Beta Theta) Collegians were proud to initiate 30 new members. They joined Kappa Sigma Fraternity and raised more than $2,000 for the Vancouver Children’s Hospital as part of the university’s Lace Up For Kids event. Sisters enjoyed a semi-formal that featured a photo booth, appetizers and great music. They hosted their signature philanthropy event, Dating Game. Web: ubcalphaphi.com Facebook: Alpha Phi UBC Twitter: AlphaPhiUBC NEBRASKA (NU) A record six sisters were selected as princesses as part of the 117th annual Ak-Sar-Ben Coronation and Scholarship Ball.
MANITOBA Manitoba (Beta Eta) The chapter welcomed new members and was excited to exceed quota. Facebook: Alpha Phi BH Twitter: AlphaPhi_BH
UNITED STATES ARIZONA Northern Arizona (Iota Pi)
ONTARIO Toronto (Xi) The chapter hosted its annual Red Dress Gala that raised more than $3,800 for Alpha Phi Foundation and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. Sisters hosted a dessert night philanthropy event with a theme of "A Night on Broadway." Web: alphaphi-xi.com Facebook: Alpha Phi - Xi Chapter at Toronto Twitter: AlphaPhiUofT
Wilfrid Laurier (Iota Theta) The chapter hosted its fifth annual Red Dress Gala that raised $11,100 for Alpha Phi Foundation and the Cardiac Care Unit at St. Mary’s Hospital. The event featured dinner, music, a silent auction and keynote speakers. Special thanks to the Red Dress Gala team, local businesses and volunteers who helped make this event a success. Web: laurieralphaphi.com Facebook: WLU Alpha Phi Twitter: WLUAlphaPhi
The chapter hosted its first Red Dress Luncheon with families, alumnae and community members. 2014 will include another new philanthropy event, sisterhood and community service events and socials with other chapters. Facebook: NAU Alpha Phi Twitter: NAUAlphaPhi
CALIFORNIA Cal Poly (Epsilon Chi) Sisters participated in the San Luis Obispo American Heart Association Heart Walk. Collegians wore the chapter's Red Dress Gala shirts to show their support for heart health. The chapter hosted the annual Alpha Fifa fall philanthropy soccer tournament and Hoops for Hearts winter philanthropy event to benefit Alpha Phi Foundation.
Bishop's (Eta Chi) Sisters held a Candy Land-themed recruitment, planned their second Red Dress Gala and prepared for the chapter’s 25th anniversary celebration. Web: etachi.wix.com/alphaphietachi Facebook: The Eta Chi Chapter of Alpha Phi Twitter: BUAlphaPhi
Web: csunalphaphi.com Facebook: CSUN Alpha Phi Twitter: CSUNAlphaPhi
Pepperdine (Iota Alpha) The chapter traveled to Big Bear for an annual sisterhood retreat. One of the highlights of the wilderness weekend was the Big and Little Sister Reveal. Web: malibuphis.com Facebook: Alpha Phi Pepp Twitter: PepperdineAPhi
San Diego State (Gamma Alpha) The annual Red Dress Gala raised more than $12,000 for Alpha Phi Foundation. Web: ilovealphaphi.com Facebook: Alpha Phi San Diego State University Twitter: AlphaPhiSDSU
Chapman (Eta Upsilon)
Stanford (Kappa)
Web: chapmanalphaphi.com Facebook: Chapman Alpha Phi Twitter: ChapmanAPhi
CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) Members won several awards at the university’s annual Greek Awards ceremony. The ninth annual Red Dress Ball featured dinner, a photo booth, raffle and silent auction. Family, friends and alumnae helped raise more than $10,000 for Alpha Phi Foundation. Collegians also hosted Party Hearty and Mr. Heartthrob philanthropy events. Web: csulbalphaphi.com Facebook: Alpha Phi CSULB Twitter: AlphaPhiCSULB
The chapter held its annual Red Dress Ball with more than 400 guests, sisters and alumnae in attendance. They also held the second annual Thanksgiving potluck sisterhood event.
Facebook: Cal Poly SLO Alpha Phi Twitter: CalPolyAlphaPhi Members hosted the Mr. University event and danced in the opening number with their contestants. They raised $26,236 for Alpha Phi Foundation and the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
CSU/Northridge (Epsilon Upsilon)
The chapter hosted its third annual Mr. Alpha Phi competition to promote women's heart health. Web: alphaphi.stanford.edu Facebook: Stanford Alpha Phi
UC/Berkeley (Lambda) The chapter hosted an alumnae brunch. Members participated in multiple sisterhood events, including yoga, pumpkin carving and ice skating. They raised money for Alpha Phi Foundation through the annual Heart Health Week. Web: calalphaphi.com Facebook: UC Berkeley Alpha Phi Twitter: CalAlphaPhi
UC/Davis (Epsilon Rho) Collegians participated in the annual Nike Women's Marathon. The chapter welcomed 43 new members during fall formal recruitment. Sisters also hosted the annual Red Dress Gala. Web: davisalphaphi.org Facebook: UC Davis Alpha Phi
UC/Irvine (Eta Kappa) The chapter welcomed 40 new members following a successful recruitment. Sisters enjoyed a retreat in San Diego. Their Mr. Heartthrob philanthropy event raised more than $7,000. They also hosted a Red Dress Gala. Web: ucialphaphi.com Facebook: UCI Alpha Phi
University of the Pacific (Iota Gamma) Sisters welcomed new members during formal recruitment. They enjoyed a semi-formal, participated in the university’s annual lip sync competition and hosted a Red Dress Gala. Web: pacificalphaphi.com Facebook: Alpha Phi - University of the Pacific Twitter: PacificAlphaPhi
COLORADO Colorado School of Mines (Iota Zeta) Collegians welcomed 20 new members following formal recruitment and celebrated on Bid Day by attending a Colorado Rockies baseball game. They hosted a Dad’s Day event that featured a trip to Coors Brewery and exploring the city of Golden. The chapter also hosted Family Day during the university’s Family Weekend. The day featured lunch at the chapter house and attending a football game. The chapter’s new fall Move Your Phi’t philanthropy event raised nearly $2,000. The annual spring Alpha Traz philanthropy event also benefited Alpha Phi Foundation. Facebook: Boulder Alpha Phi Twitter: CUAPhi
Northern Colorado (Delta Gamma) Collegians took first place on campus in grades and recruited number one in the fall. They hosted a Red Dress Gala, several sisterhood events and an alumnae event. Facebook: Alpha Phi at UNC
CONNECTICUT Connecticut (Iota Lambda) The chapter had a successful fall recruitment and welcomed new members. They raised more than $3,000 for Alpha Phi Foundation through the King of Hearts philanthropy event. Collegians participated in the university’s HuskyTHON dance marathon. Mia Sinatro was selected as an educational leadership consultant for 2014-15. Members will continue to support the Foundation with their Red Dress Gala. Web: alphaphiuconn.com Facebook: Alpha Phi UConn Twitter: AlphaPhiUConn
WISCONSIN/STOUT (GAMMA SIGMA) The chapter is proud of sisters who serve.
Florida State (Gamma Phi)
Ball State (Delta Rho)
Sisters were excited to come home to a new chapter house in January. The house features loft and study style bedrooms, high ceilings, multiple study rooms and a balcony overlooking campus. A ribbon cutting ceremony was held Jan. 25.
Collegians hosted their fifth annual Red Dress Gala at the Murat Shrine Temple. More than 400 guests attended, including 50 alumnae who began the evening with a special reception. Alpha Phi Foundation Special Events and Program Manager Leesa Havel Sadtler (Delta MuPurdue) spoke during the event. More than $10,000 was raised for women’s heart health.
Web: fsualphaphi.com Facebook: FSU Alpha Phi
Florida Tech (Theta Zeta) Members were excited to hold their chapter room dedication in January that welcomed them into their new home in the university’s Greek Village. Web: alphaphithetazeta.com Facebook: Alpha Phi at Florida Tech Twitter: APhiThetaZeta
ILLINOIS Lake Forest (Gamma Epsilon) Sisters welcomed new members following fall recruitment. Philanthropy events raised awareness and funds for women’s heart health. They hosted a blood drive on campus and a Casino Royal event with parents and alumnae.
Web: alphaphibsu.com Facebook: Alpha Phi Delta Rho Twitter: AlphaPhiBSU
DePauw (Gamma) The chapter welcomed new members and celebrated Bid Day with a “Sweet Home Alpha Phi” theme. Sisters raised money for Alpha Phi Foundation during their King of Hearts Week and their first Move Your Phi’t 5K. Suzanne Spencer was selected as the university's Old Gold Queen. Web: gamma-alphaphidepauw.org Facebook: Alpha Phi Gamma Chapter Twitter: AlphaPhiDePauw
RENSSELAER (THETA TAU) Sisters volunteer with local first grade students.
Web: alphaphilfc.weebly.com Facebook: Alpha Phi LFC Twitter: AlphaPhiLFC
Southern Illinois (Epsilon Xi) Members supported a nonprofit organization founded by sister Alexis Nolan by decorating teddy bears. Bears That Care was started a decade ago by Alexis to provide children in local hospitals with something to hold during treatment. Twitter: AlphaPhiSIUE
On Campus MASSACUSSETTS Tufts (Zeta Theta) Sisters hosted the fourth annual Bid Your Heart Out silent and live auction. They also held a shopping event at Saks Fifth Avenue in Boston. Facebook: Alpha Phi Tufts Twitter: AlphaPhiTufts Instagram: AlphaPhiTufts
MICHIGAN Adrian (Delta Eta) After the chapter was displaced for more than a year because of a fire in the chapter room, the renovation was completed! Members of the executive council and chapter advisors helped with assembling, painting and redecorating. A collegiate member’s father graciously custom built some of the furniture. During homecoming, the chapter unveiled the new chapter room to alumnae. The fire was devastating to sisters, but they are grateful for the renovation.
Michigan (Theta)
UNIVERSITY OF THE PACIFIC (IOTA GAMMA) Sisters enjoy semi-formal.
Indiana U. Southeast (Zeta Epsilon)
The chapter welcomed 19 new members during fall formal recruitment.
Louisiana State (Delta Tau)
Facebook: Alpha Phi - Zeta Epsilon Twitter: AlphaPhi_IUS
IOWA Drake (Gamma Omicron) Sisters participated in and won multiple philanthropy events, intramural sports and an all-Greek singing competition for the second year in a row. The chapter raised $11,274 with their Red Dress Gala. Collegians also hosted a Founders’ Day event with the Central Iowa alumnae chapter at the Gamma Omicron chapter house. Web: drakealphaphi.com Facebook: Drake University Alpha Phi Twitter: DrakeAlphaPhi
Iowa (Delta Epsilon) The chapter hosted its annual pancake breakfast to support Alpha Phi Foundation. Parents, community members and other Greek members attended, and the event raised more than $10,000. Sisters look forward to a Red Dress Gala in April. Web: alphaphiuiowa.org Facebook: University of Iowa Alpha Phi Twitter: IowaAlphaPhi
Delta Tau was reinstalled as a chapter in March and is the only Alpha Phi collegiate chapter in the state of Louisiana. Members were excited to hold their first elections, with Junior Abby Cramer leading the chapter as president. Web: lsualphaphi.airset.com Facebook: LSU Alpha Phi Twitter: LSUAlphaPhi
MAINE Maine (Delta Nu) Spring semester will include several sisterhood and community service events, as well as two philanthropy events in April. Members hosted their annual Move Your Phi't 5k race and a new event, Alpha PHIFA, the chapter’s first soccer tournament. Web: umainealphaphi.com Facebook: UMaine Alpha Phi Twitter: AlphaPhiDeltaNu
MARYLAND Maryland (Delta Zeta)
The chapter hosted its first Red Dress Gala and raised more than $1,600. Members participated in Songfest and mud events and cheered on the Shockers at basketball games.
Casino Night featured two events – one for parents and alumnae, and a student night. The chapter raised more than $14,000 with their annual Red Dress Gala. They hosted their first Patient 9 Cover Up For the Cure philanthropy event. Collegians also hosted an open house for alumnae to show off their newly-renovated chapter house. Sisters celebrated a homecoming win, including first place overall. A sisterhood event included teambuilding activities and zip lining. The chapter looks forward to hosting the Mr. Greek philanthropy event in April.
Web: wichitastatealphaphi.com Facebook: Wichita State Alpha Phi Twitter: WSUAlphaPhi
Web: umdalphaphi.com Facebook: Alpha Phi UMD Twitter: UMDAlphaPhi
KANSAS Wichita State (Gamma Xi)
The chapter held their seventh successful Red Dress Gala, which included Alpha Phi’s Got Talent. A sisterhood event included decorating cookies and watching holiday movies together. Sisters were excited to co-sponsor a speaker with the university’s Panhellenic Council as part of a Women Leading Women Conference. Web: alphaphitheta.com Facebook: Alpha Phi at the University of Michigan Twitter: AlphaPhiUMich
MINNESOTA Minnesota (Epsilon) The chapter hosted its seventh annual Red Dress Gala and hoped to top the previous year’s proceeds of more than $16,700 to benefit women’s heart health. Web: alphaphiumn.org Facebook: Alpha Phi UMN Twitter: AlphaPhiUMN DEPAUW (GAMMA) Old Gold Queen Suzanne Spencer poses with her Old Gold King.
NORTH CAROLINA Appalachian State (Theta Nu) The chapter raised $14,514 by hosting its second Red Dress Gala and inaugural Alpha Fiesta philanthropy events. For the second consecutive semester, the chapter had the highest GPA of all Greek organizations on campus. During the university’s Greek Awards Banquet, Madeline Lipe was named President of the Year. Members were recognized with the You Make A Difference, Panhellenic Scholarship and Scholar of the Semester awards. For the first time, the chapter received Sorority of the Year and Four Pillars for Standards of Excellence awards. Web: asuaphi.wix.com/alpha-phi-thetanu Facebook: Alpha Phi at Appalachian State University Twitter: APhi_AppState
OHIO Ashland (Epsilon Alpha)
WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY (ZETA UPSILON) Sisters celebrate a successful spring recruitment.
Washington University (Zeta Upsilon)
New Hampshire (Eta Alpha)
Facebook: Alpha Phi Wash U
At the chapter's annual holiday party, sisters raised and donated more than $1,000 worth of toys to Toys for Tots. They also participated in the Foundation’s Take Heart Take Part program.
Facebook: UNH Alpha Phi Twitter: AlphaPhi_UNH
The chapter hosted the annual Phi Ball kickball tournament. They celebrated a successful recruitment.
Montana (Chi) The chapter’s Red Dress Gala raised $8,683, and 270 guests attended. It was the chapter’s most successful event to date. A large portion of the money raised benefited local women. Web: umalphaphi.com Facebook: Chi Chapter Alpha Phi
NEBRASKA Nebraska (Nu) A record six sisters were selected as princesses as part of the 117th annual Ak-Sar-Ben Coronation and Scholarship Ball, an event that recognizes volunteerism and provides scholarships to deserving students in Nebraska and Western Iowa. Princesses were Julia Otte, Alexa Moyer, Emily Ibach, Chelsea Ermer, Libby Lemke and Laura Bergen. Web: unlalphaphi.com Facebook: Alpha Phi Nu Chapter
Nebraska/Kearney (Delta Xi) Sisters hosted their first King of Hearts philanthropy event and raised $2,444 to benefit the Women’s Safe Center in Kearney and $2,444 to support Alpha Phi Foundation. Web: alphaphiunk.com Facebook: Alpha Phi at UNK - Delta Xi Chapter Twitter: AlphaPhiUNK
NEW YORK Rensselaer (Theta Tau) The chapter hosted a blood drive on campus and maintained the highest Panhellenic GPA. Sisters spent time volunteering at a local shelter for the homeless and with elementary school students. Their Queen of Hearts poker tournament and Red Dress Gala raised money for Alpha Phi Foundation. Web: rpialphaphi.weebly.com Facebook: RPI Alpha Phi
Rochester (Theta Kappa) Sisters hosted their annual study break before finals that included performances from a cappella groups, karaoke, games, raffles and food. They sold ugly sweaters and holiday items to raise money for Alpha Phi Foundation. They hope to make this an annual event. Web: rochesteralphaphi.wix.com/thetakappa Facebook: Rochester Alpha Phi
Alex Polasky created a fitness incentive program called the Fittest Phi to promote fitness and heart health within the chapter. The first Fittest Phi award went to Madison Davis for her hard work and dedication during the fall semester. Twitter: AlphaPhi_EA
Dayton (Zeta Psi) Sisters reintroduced a past chapter tradition by bringing back the Phiesta Bowl flag football tournament and raised $1,000 for Alpha Phi Foundation. Collegians enjoyed serving as cheerleaders and plan to continue the tradition. The chapter also won Greek Week for the third year in a row with the theme of "Pirates of the Caribbean." Web: alphaphidayton.wix.com/Dayton-alpha-phi Facebook: Alpha Phi University of Dayton Twitter: UD_AlphaPhi
Kent State (Beta Omega) Junior Kristy Diesner is Panhellenic Council president, and Allie Grandjean is the Council’s vice president of finance. Stephanie Trippi will serve as a 2014-15 educational leadership consultant for Alpha Phi International. Facebook: Alpha Phi KSU Twitter: AlphaPhi_KSU
Miami University (Gamma Nu) Sisters purchased and delivered holiday gifts for cardiac care unit patients at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Members are excited to continue this partnership. They also worked with community members during Cardiac Awareness Month. Twitter: AlphaPhiMiami
Seton Hall (Eta Eta)
Members held their first Hazing Prevention Week that included events to discourage all campus organizations from hazing new members. Sisters plan to make this an annual event. Alumnae, family and friends joined collegians for the chapter’s annual Red Dress Gala and raised more than $13,000 for Alpha Phi Foundation – a new high.
Oklahoma City (Delta Delta)
Web: alphaphietaeta.weebly.com Facebook: Alpha Phi SHU Twitter: AlphaPhiSHU
The chapter hosted its annual Women's Heart Health Week with a theme of “You Can’t Stop the Beat” from “Hairspray.” They were excited to provide CPR classes for the entire campus as part of the week, thanks to Alpha Phi Foundation support. Web: ocualphaphi.com Twitter: AlphaPhiOKCU
On Campus VIRGINIA TECH (ETA OMICRON) Collegians host another successful Red Dress Gala.
Washington State (Beta Rho)
North Texas (Gamma Eta)
Sisters partnered with a local nonprofit to host a workshop about breast health that featured a breast cancer survivor as a speaker and information provided by a breast health educator.
Sisters welcomed 40 new members during fall formal recruitment. Alumnae, parents and friends helped to make this year’s Red Dress Gala the most successful to date, raising more than $8,000 for Alpha Phi Foundation. They also held the annual Pancake Phi’st to benefit the Foundation. Web: untalphaphi.com Facebook: Alpha Phi at UNT Twitter: AlphaPhiatUNT
WEST VIRGINIA West Virginia (Beta Iota)
Texas Tech (Gamma Iota)
OREGON Linfield (Theta Alpha) The chapter enjoyed sisterhoods, visiting a pumpkin patch and community service events, including the local food bank. Sisters welcomed 29 new members during fall recruitment and hope to continue their growth through spring COB. The chapter hosted its annual Star Search philanthropy event and Red Dress Gala. They look forward to special activities that will spotlight graduating seniors. Web: aphithetaalpha.wix.com/aphi Facebook: Alpha Phi-Linfield College
PENNSYLVANIA Carnegie Mellon (Iota Sigma) Sisters picked up trash at Schenley Park as a community service activity. They collected more than 10 bags of trash to help the environment and community. Web: cmualphaphi.airset.com Facebook: Carnegie Mellon Alpha Phi Twitter: CMUAlphaPhi
Lehigh (Epsilon Psi) Sisters welcomed 27 new members to the chapter. Web: lehighalphaphi.webs.com Facebook: Lehigh Alpha Phi Twitter: LehighAlphaPhi
South Dakota (Psi) The chapter's annual Red Dress Gala raised more than $20,000 with the help of 600 collegians, parents and alumnae in attendance. Sisters welcomed 35 new members. They won Greek Week. The annual Alpha Phiesta taco feed was held in early April and benefited the Vermillion Backpack Program. Web: usdalphaphi.wix.com/website Facebook: USD Alpha Phi Twitter: USDAlphaPhi
WEB EXTRA If your chapter submitted a photo for this issue and you do not see it in the On Campus section, it may be in our special Quarterly Web Extra. Visit alphaphi.org/quarterly/viewrecentissues.
The chapter welcomed more than 65 new members. Alumnae and parents joined collegians at the annual Red Dress Gala that raised money for Alpha Phi Foundation. Jill Berger was named homecoming queen. Members hosted their annual Chilifest philanthropy event to benefit Alpha Phi Foundation.
Members had the best GPA on campus, placed in the top three for all Greek Week and homecoming events and recruited first among sororities. Sisters hosted the annual Bounce for Beats philanthropy basketball tournament and Red Dress Gala that welcomed alumnae, family and friends and featured live and silent auctions and a heart healthy meal.
Web: techaphi.com Facebook: TTU Alpha Phi Twitter: TTUAlphaPhi
Facebook: Alpha Phi WVU Twitter: WVUAlphaPhi
Wisconsin (Iota)
George Mason (Eta Lambda) Thirty sisters traveled to the Virginia (Zeta Iota) collegiate chapter to support its Thankful 5K run in memory of Casey Schulman (Zeta Iota-Virginia). Collegians hosted their most successful King of Hearts philanthropy event to date with 15 contestants, more than 200 guests and more than $3,000 raised for Alpha Phi Foundation. Web: gmualphaphi.com Facebook: GMU Alpha Phi Twitter: GMUAlphaPhi
Virginia Tech (Eta Omicron) The Red Dress Gala and Keep the Beat philanthropy events raised a combined total of $24,787 for heart health. Collegians hosted an alumnae event and were happy to become acquainted with some of the chapter’s founding sisters. The chapter celebrates its 25th anniversary this spring. Facebook: VT Alpha Phi Twitter: VTAlphaPhi
Web: alphaphiwsu.com Facebook: WSU Alpha Phi Twitter: AlphaPhi_WSU
The chapter’s Red Dress Gala included live entertainment, dinner, a speaker and photo station and raised $30,000. Sisters welcomed 65 new members following a fall recruitment that featured a "Sweet Home Alpha Phi" theme. Collegians participated in the university’s traditional Humorology competition and once again made it to the final showcase. Members took second place in homecoming and logged the most community service hours. Web: alphaphiwisconsin.com Facebook: Alpha Phi Wisconsin Twitter: AlphaPhiIota
Wisconsin/Stout (Gamma Sigma) The chapter hosted its first Cardiac Arrest philanthropy event and raised $450 in one hour. Sisters volunteered to help a local Girl Scout troop earn badges. They also supported Wisconsin/La Crosse (Delta Kappa) collegians by attending their Red Dress Gala. Web: alphaphiuwstout.blogspot.com Facebook: Alpha Phi UW-Stout
WASHINGTON Washington (Sigma) The chapter welcomed 33 new members through formal and informal recruitment. They participated in pumpkin patch and ice skating sisterhood events and enjoyed visiting a haunted house and local theme park. They also hosted the annual Red Dress Gala and Auction. Two sisters were elected to the Panhellenic Council. Web: uwalphaphi.com Facebook: UW Alpha Phi
CSU/LONG BEACH (GAMMA KAPPA) Sisters thank everyone for supporting Alpha Phi Foundation.
Alpha Phi celebrates the new members of the Ottawa chapter on Bid Day.
Alpha Phi Colonizes at Ottawa Alpha Phi added a seventh active Canadian collegiate chapter to our roll in January 2014 at the University of Ottawa (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada). We join Delta Delta Delta and a number of local sororities in the campus’ Greek Council. In fall 2013, Alpha Phi was invited to affiliate the members of Kappa Zeta Psi, one of the university’s local sororities. Kappa Zeta Psi was established in October 2010. These outstanding women sought affiliation with a National Panhellenic Conference organization in order to offer a membership experience with more structure and a greater alumnae network. Kappa Zeta Psi members participated in our new member ceremony on Dec. 1, 2013. Alpha Phi participated in the Greek Council’s January recruitment period,
holding a series of informational sessions, themed events and personal meetings with potential new members. The events concluded with a preference ceremony on Jan. 22, and the Bid Day celebration took place on Jan. 26. The colony planned a busy winter semester, with sisterhood events, philanthropy activities, socials, Phi Family reveal and officer elections. Collegians Brooke Sanche and Daria Sanchez and Advisor Jesse Kahat (Delta GammaNorthern Colorado) attended the Eastern Leadership Conference. Installation took place on March 29. Thank you to our educational leadership consultants, local alumnae and team who have contributed to the success of our establishment at Ottawa!
New members are welcomed to the Ottawa chapter during preference.
Message from the International Executive Board
Leadership Fellows Program Readies Upper Class Collegians for Career Launch
Since her earliest days, the Fraternity’s Founders and early members have stressed the importance of a commitment to one’s personal growth and development. This pillar of Alpha Phi’s values has served as an underpinning of the many leadership programs offered over the years. In an Alpha Phi “first,” young graduates began traveling in 1894 to new chapters to render assistance, which in turn provided developmental experiences for these women. Now these traveling chapter counselors are known as educational leadership consultants, and more than a dozen Alpha Phis assist chapters across North America in recruitment, operations and all facets of chapter life. Today, Alpha Phi offers many programs for collegians to develop their inner leader. These include the Chapter Leadership Development programs online, the annual Leadership Conferences for chapter officers and the four-day Emerging Leaders Institute for 200 high-potential underclass women. These Foundationfunded programs offer unique learning opportunities for Alpha Phis to pursue leadership development according to their preferences. As leadership development evolved in the Fraternity, Alpha Phi aspired to fulfill the many leadership programming donors’ dreams of a developmental initiative designed expressly for upper-class women. Initial research began last year, and after many inspiring discussions with interested 30
Alpha Phi is proud to announce the Alpha Phi International Leadership Fellows Program. The program’s mission is to: • Inspire the Fraternity’s most promising upperclassmen to take on leadership roles within their careers and communities. • Develop their leadership potential through classroom and real-life training opportunities. • Provide opportunities for networking and professional development to position them for success as the next generation of business leaders. • Strengthen their relationship with Alpha Phi long after their collegiate experience. The International Leadership Fellows Program will be funded by Alpha Phi Foundation.
alumnae and a representative from McKinsey & Company consulting firm, the program was declared ready for its debut. The program includes four components: formal learning, professional networking, experiential application and career preparation. Members of the selected
cohort will be called “fellows” in keeping with other prestigious leadership institutes in business and academia. Selected fellows will undergo a set of preparatory exercises to establish their goals, resumes and networking techniques. They will gather anonymous peer feedback, identify leaders they admire and connect with alumnae they aspire to meet. Cohort selection will take place each spring and will be followed by a four-day summer training session. Fellows will learn to develop a leadership vision, a personal brand identity, and a professional resume and interview techniques. They will receive intensive education in managing setbacks, addressing conflict, and giving and receiving feedback. Fellows will leave the formal session having identified a challenge project to undertake during the school year. This capstone endeavor immerses the collegian in a specific, self-identified leadership opportunity in the chapter, campus or community, and it lasts throughout the school year. At the same time, they will take on a specific task in concert with the Fraternity’s other leadership programs such as leading a CLD session, conducting officer training or providing support to a chapter department in need. They will receive coaching and mentoring each month, and they will have the opportunity to provide peer support as well. Toward the end of the program year, fellows will return for two additional days of advanced leadership training. At this session they will present their project results, polish their networking and communication skills, and network with Alpha Phi alumnae who have achieved success in their chosen fields. Executive Office staff and volunteers will evaluate the program for updates and improvements for the following school year. Had our Founders known what their personal development aspirations would yield some 140 years later, surely they would have been amazed at the Next Generation of Alpha Phi leaders. The International Leadership Fellows Program launches August 2014. Applications are now available online at alphaphi.org (keywords: leadership fellows program).
Thank You, Alpha Phi
Volunteers! Top 10 Reasons Women Volunteer for Alpha Phi: 10. Access to training and development. 9. Appreciation from Alpha Phi for your service. 8. Traveling to exciting Alpha Phi events. 7. Developing new skills. 6. Networking with other Alpha Phi sisters.
5. Guiding Alpha Phi by voting on leadership and policies. 4. Mentoring collegians and alumnae. 3. Opportunity to impact an Alpha Phi chapter. 2. Creating a better Alpha Phi for future generations.
1. It’s fun! Want to share in the fun? Donate your time and talents to Alpha Phi today by completing your PHI (Personal History and Interests) Form. Scan the QR code at left, or visit alphaphi.org/Volunteer/PHIForm. SPRING 2014
Diane Spry Straker and Linda Boland pose with the restored portrait of Founder Clara Bradley Burdette.
Clara Comes Home
Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 11 Celebrate your mother,
Jan. 6, 2014, marked the 60th anniversary of the passing of Founder Clara
chapter sisters and all the
Bradley Burdette. Executive Office staff and Foundation and International
inspirational women in
Executive Board directors commemorated this milestone by unveiling Clara’s
your life by making a gift
restored portrait. Her great-godson, Mike Walsh, presented the portrait as a
in their honor to Alpha Phi
gift to Alpha Phi Foundation during Convention 2010. Clara’s legacy inspires us to “be zestful and carry our torches high.” The next time you are in Evanston, we hope you’ll stop by to see this beautiful addition to our collection!
Foundation. When you do, you’re investing in the promise, potential and advancement of women. With a donation of $20 or more, we will send a specially designed, handwritten card announcing
number of years Alpha Phi Foundation has been committed to women’s heart health
your thoughtful gift. To make your donation, visit alphaphifoundation.org. Check the box next to “My gift is an honor/memorial gift” and type in “Mother’s Day” in the special comments box. Donations must be received by May 5 to ensure delivery of your card by May 11.
Alison Drucker Memorial Scholarship Endowed
Alison Drucker
Alpha Phi Foundation is proud to announce the Alison Drucker Memorial Scholarship has reached endowment and will be awarded for the first time for the 2014-15 academic year. Alison Drucker (Beta Nu-Duke), who was killed in an accident in 2011, was profound beyond her years. At the age of 20, she wrote an article documenting her decision to “spread myself thick – to give myself fully to the things that are worth my time, and to define success in my own terms.” This is how Alison lived her life. She devoted herself entirely to her friendships and to the things she cherished most. She made a career for herself in sustainability, doing everything she could to protect and preserve the environment.
This scholarship was started in Alison’s memory by several of her chapter sisters with the support of her family and will be awarded each year to an Alpha Phi from Alison’s Beta Nu chapter. Alison’s family describes the scholarship: “Keeping Alison’s memory alive helps sustain us, and this scholarship is yet another way we can honor and remember her vibrancy and dedication.” Alpha Phi Foundation would like to thank all the donors who have made this scholarship possible: Alison’s family, chapter sisters, friends and employers. With their support, we are creating better students, better sisters and better citizens.
Alpha Phi International Fraternity: The First Fifty Years (1872-1922), Union Hand in Hand This past fall, Alpha Phi Foundation published Alpha Phi International Fraternity: The First Fifty Years (18721922), Union Hand in Hand, the first in a three-volume series documenting Alpha Phi’s rich history authored by Foundation Archivist Jenny Thompson (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate). The stories of Alpha Phi’s Founders and other early members beautifully come to life through the words of Thompson. She tells of their hard work, commitment to education and desire to connect with and support women that has shaped a sisterhood that continues to thrive today on campuses, in chapters and in communities across North America. Volume one was made possible in large part due to the generosity of alumna Kathleen Feeney Hiemstra
(Delta Theta-Western Michigan), whose lead gift inspired others to invest in this project. “Kathy’s generosity and belief that Alpha Phi’s history is one of the Fraternity’s greatest assets made this project possible,” said Foundation Executive Director Ann Brinkman Carstensen (Zeta Delta-Iowa State). The book makes a perfect gift for the Alpha Phi graduate in your life who is about to make her own history! A special name plate can be included to make your gift even more meaningful. The book is available for sale ($50 per copy) online at AlphaPhiFirst50Years.org. All proceeds from book sales will benefit the heritage programs of Alpha Phi International Fraternity, which are funded and managed by Alpha Phi Foundation. SPRING 2014
Silent Chapter
Alpha Phi was Phyllis’s lifetime passion. In college, she served as president of Kansas (Gamma Delta) chapter. In 1956 as a new alumna, she led a Kansas delegation to the Fraternity’s 41st Convention on Mackinaw Island. Twelve years later, in 1968, she was elected to the Fraternity’s International Executive Board (IEB) as director of finance, a post she held for six years.
Phyllis is credited with helping guide the Fraternity safely through a turbulent era for Greeks. “She could be tough when it was needed, and she never gave up when she felt strongly about an issue.”
Tribute to a Beloved Sister
The Fraternity lost one of its most steadfast, able and versatile leaders with the passing of former International President Phyllis Sims Selig (Gamma Delta-Kansas), 1951, on Feb. 5 in Topeka, Kan. She was 82. 34
She was next elected to two terms as International President (1974-78). Says Nancy Wittgen Burks DeVoe (GammaDePauw), International President 198286, “Phyllis helped put us on the path to success by making us take a good look at ourselves,” a reference to the Fraternity’s long tradition of “stand pat” conservatism. During her period of leadership, the Fraternity added 13 new chapters and initiated more than 9,200 new members. Phyllis is credited with helping guide the Fraternity safely through a turbulent era for Greeks. “She could be tough when it was needed, and she never gave up when she felt strongly about an issue,” says Nancy. Phyllis became a member of Alpha Phi Foundation Board in 1976 and then served on the Alpha Phi Board of Trustees from 1978-80. Phyllis held a bachelor of science in architecture from the University of Kansas, and her skills were of vast utility as she worked with chapter housing and facilities for collegiate members throughout the U.S. and Canada. Former IEB member and close friend Corry Mack Doty (Gamma Omicron-
Drake) knew Phyllis best as she worked with her on architectural projects, including the Executive Office building committee and the National Housing Corporation. “Phyllis deserves great credit for her creative problem solving,” says Corry. “I think of her concept, now long years ago, for the chapter house at Drake University. Those were lean years for sororities [rife with anti-fraternity feeling on campuses]. There were struggles to keep houses full, but Phyllis designed a house with modular apartments. If the house was full of Alpha Phis, great. If not, the individual apartments could be rented to other girls.” Corry describes Phyllis as always willing to consider new ideas and often coming up “with the missing piece that made everything gel.” She had a glorious sense of humor, finding joy and amusement in situations which made others cranky. She told Corry shortly before her death that once she gets there, the Silent Chapter might not be silent anymore. Another member of the Board during Phyllis’s tenure as President and who maintained a special connection with Phyllis from the outset is Judy Kay Schmidt Mead (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado). Judy Kay recalls happy times and the laughter Phyllis always had over her short stature. Phyllis, who was only 5’1”, had a Coke box she stood on at the podium when presiding at Convention in order to reach the microphone. Former Board Director Billie Coskey Battiato (Phi-Oklahoma) has memories of Phyllis which go back 30 years. The two first met when Phyllis, as an IEB director, visited Oklahoma (Phi) chapter while Billie was a collegian. The pair developed a special friendship over the years. As an alumna, Billie visited Phyllis in her retirement home in Bella Vista, Ark., many times. She describes the Alpha Phi office Phyllis maintained there and how she continuously kept up with Fraternity affairs. Phyllis’s Fraternity interests were multifaceted. She had memorized the initiation ritual while president of her collegiate
Phyllis’s final service to the Fraternity was as an exacting member of the Heritage Committee, responsible for overseeing the production of Union Hand in Hand, the Fraternity’s just-published history of its first 50 years.
chapter. Around 1972, then-International President Betty Mullins Jones (GammaDePauw), distressed that the ritual was being distorted in the chapters, asked Phyllis if she could present initiation at Convention to give the correct example. Phyllis said yes, and thus became an icon at Convention, conducting initiation for the ensuing decades with just a few short breaks. She last conducted initiation at Convention 2012. Linda Schnetzer (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State), who as an Executive Office staff member became ceremonies liaison to Phyllis, worked with her on initiation for the last five Conventions. Says Linda, “It was Phyllis’s belief that initiation should never be hurried, but something we took time to think about. She always kept her ritual book close at hand in case she needed it, but she never did.” Phyllis’s final service to the Fraternity was as an exacting member of the Heritage Committee, responsible for overseeing the production of Union Hand in Hand, the Fraternity’s just-published history of its first 50 years. In her personal life, Phyllis worked as an architect and at one point designed more than 100 upscale residences in the Lawrence, Kan., area. She and husband, Jim, were the parents of three Alpha Phi daughters: Lin Selig Shipley and Susan Selig Bullington (both Nu-Nebraska) and Sarah Selig (Zeta Delta-Iowa State). Two honors came to Phyllis of which she is most proud. In 1979, she was elected to the board of directors of the FraternitySorority Hall of Fame in Evanston, Ill. On Dec. 28, 2013, she was presented the Alpha Phi Ivy Vine Award, the Fraternity’s premier service award, by a special delegation which traveled to her final home in Topeka, Kan. She was the 10th member to receive this award since its establishment in 1986. Memorial gifts can be made to Alpha Phi Foundation at alphaphifoundation.org or 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Memorial gifts will be used to endow a scholarship in Phyllis's memory.
Silent Chapter Silent Chapter announcements may be submitted at alphaphi.org (keywords: silent chapter) or to quarterly@alphaphi.org. Please note: class year listed in parentheses is year of initiation.
Baldwin Wallace (Delta Upsilon) Vickie Cocolin Evans (’68), Oct. 4, 2013. Boston (Eta) Priscilla Smith Sanborn (’39), March 29, 2013. Bowling Green State (Beta Omicron) Leila Brock Nickloy (’43), May 27, 2013. Colorado (Beta Gamma) Margaret Saul Andrews (’40), May 8, 2013. Dorothy Hess Kirkpatrick (‘44), Aug. 2, 2013. CSU/Chico (Theta Upsilon) Mary E. Ries (‘95), Nov. 23, 2013. Denison (Beta Kappa) Pamela Ferris Furnas (‘66), Nov. 22, 2013. Jean McIntosh Hungerford (‘44), Aug. 12, 2013. Nancy Mugford (‘74), Aug. 7, 2013. Susan Shira Nilsen (’55), July 15, 2013. Virginia Wachter Olsen (’50), March 7, 2013.
DePauw (Gamma) Anne Stromberg Luedeking (‘80), Jan. 1, 2014. Helen Gans Rains (‘46), Oct. 20, 2013.
Michigan State (Beta Beta) Marian Shepherd Martin (‘38), Oct. 1, 2013. MaryJane Kleaver Smith (‘41), Nov. 27, 2013.
Duke (Beta Nu) Geraldine Jarrett Hollabaugh (’55), April 8, 2013.
Minnesota (Epsilon) Evelyn Forcey Gosko (‘46), Oct. 24, 2013.
East Carolina (Delta Alpha) Claudine Nicholson Campbell (‘89), Nov. 9, 2013.
Missouri (Omicron) Katherine Van Amburg (’63), Aug. 1, 2013.
Georgia State (Gamma Mu) Sharon Hames McChesney (’68), May 13, 2013.
Montana (Chi) Louise Replogle Galt (‘42), Nov. 21, 2013. Beatrice Ruffcorn McLaughlin (‘37), Oct. 27, 2013. Janet Ferguson Monsos (‘48), Nov. 24, 2013. Susan Parkes Mullins (‘73), Nov. 17, 2013. Norma Burke Whitson (’45), Jan. 3, 2013. Mary Hanson Wuerthner (‘48), Jan. 8, 2013.
Idaho (Beta Zeta) Michelle Barnes Infanger (‘72), Oct. 15, 2013. Catherine Bartlett Rice (‘62), Oct. 9, 2013. Indiana (Beta Tau) Catherine Newell Bradley (‘82), Dec. 15, 2013. Indiana State (Delta Pi) Garnett Ridgway Evola (‘64), Nov. 20, 2013. Kansas (Gamma Delta) Phyllis Sims Selig (‘51), Feb. 5, 2014. Michigan (Theta) Ronda Crossett Provost (‘63), Aug. 13, 2013.
Nebraska (Nu) Babette Stenger Pribbeno (‘45), Nov. 16, 2013. North Dakota (Pi) Joan Bessel Fernandez (‘49), Sept. 18, 2013. Colleen Dougherty Goodson (‘51), Dec. 6, 2013.
Northern Colorado (Delta Gamma) Gretchen Brooks Larson (‘61), Sept. 22, 2013.
San Diego State (Gamma Alpha) Gayla Chilcote Stormer (‘71), Oct. 10, 2013.
Northwestern (Beta) Pat Hanson Maximoff (‘42), Dec. 4, 2013.
South Dakota (Psi) Dora Delzell Throckmorton (‘52), Jan. 18, 2013.
Ohio State (Rho) Margaret Budai Abel (‘52), Nov. 21, 2013. Marianne French Weiss (‘44), Jan. 10, 2014.
Stanford (Kappa) Kathleen Rapp Bacon (‘32), Nov. 2, 2013.
Oklahoma (Phi) Linda Smith Schritter (‘59), Jan. 7, 2014. Oregon (Tau) Maureen Hallmark (‘61), Sept. 26, 2013.
Texas (Omega) Kathryn Spooner Hammons (‘52), Nov. 12, 2013. Toronto (Xi) Ruth Gibson Waaler (’41), April 8, 2013.
Puget Sound (Gamma Zeta) Elverna Larson Maurmann (‘53), Oct. 30, 2013.
UC/Berkeley (Lambda) Marilyn Biehl Cook (‘43), Oct. 31, 2013. Robin Gede Jenkins (‘70), Dec. 20, 2013.
Purdue (Delta Mu) Margaret Stichweh Nunning (‘65), Dec. 25, 2013. Deborah Morehead Porter (‘80), Nov. 23, 2013.
UCLA (Beta Delta) Joan Loye Harbaugh (‘47), Feb. 7, 2013. Kimberly J. Mounts (‘86), Oct. 25, 2013.
Roanoke (Delta Iota) Diane Dickerson Wayman (‘63), Nov. 27, 2013.
USC (Beta Pi) Marjorie Svendsen Bourne (‘55), Nov. 25, 2013.
Washburn (Upsilon) Patricia Moore Chappell (‘43), Nov. 3, 2013. Corrine Fleming Childs (‘43), Dec. 17, 2013. Joan Lee Gooch (‘46), Nov. 15, 2013. Jo Macht Lauffer (‘53), Dec. 18, 2013. Washington (Sigma) Betty Lou Berg Anderson (‘48), Dec. 8, 2013. Marjorie Campbell Butler (‘36), Sept. 28, 2013. Janet Browne Eshelman (‘44), Nov. 12, 2013. Harriet Foster Horton (‘37), Dec. 18, 2013. West Virginia (Beta Iota) Carol French Odor (‘58), Dec. 26, 2013. Wisconsin (Iota) June Schaub Huebner (‘40), Oct. 4, 2013. Ann Peterson Lane (‘54), Nov. 13, 2013. Bettie Pfefferkorn Schindler (‘44), Oct. 7, 2013.
BULLETIN BOARD Gamma Beta Reunion Planned Come back home to UC/Santa Barbara (Gamma Beta) during GreekFest at All Gaucho Reunion and rediscover “friendships formed in the springtime of [your] youth�: April 24-27, 2014. Saturday, April 26, will feature a gathering at the chapter house. Please contact Leslie Solomon Klonoff, GreekFest chairperson, for more information: lesliesolomon.klonoff@ucsbalum.com.
Epsilon Iota Anniversary Celebration Duquesne (Epsilon Iota) will celebrate 45 years on campus on Saturday, Oct. 10, 2015. For more information, view alphaphireunion.com or contact Cindy Alden at cindyalden215@gmail.com.
Convention Reunion Planned Reunite with your CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) sisters at Convention 2014 in Rancho Mirage, Calif., June 28-29. Contact Jessica Bechtold at jess.bechtold@gmail.com for information.
CLASSIFIEDS Promote Your Business at an Affordable Rate The charge for the Summer 2014 Quarterly is $50 for up to 35 words (text only). The Quarterly also continues to accept advertising in the form of display ads, which begin at $275 for a 1/6-page ad. If you are interested in either advertising opportunity, please contact quarterly@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8920 before April 15, 2014, to reserve space.
Save this portion of your Quarterly! You will need your membership number (first seven numbers found at right) to help identify yourself if you contact the Executive Office.
POSTMASTER: Please send changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201
Convention 2014:
70th Biennial Convention
June 25-29, 2014
It's not too late to plan a chapter reunion! Visit alphaphi.org (keyword: reunion) or contact alumnae@alphaphi.org
See page 16 of this issue and watch for additional Convention information at alphaphi.org (keywords: convention 2014) and on our social media outlets.
Photos courtesy of Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa, rancholaspalmas.com
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