Fall 2001 Alpha Phi Quarterly

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A Publication of Alpha Phi International Fraternity Since 1888 Vol. 113, No. 4 Fall 2001

Maile Misajon

Kimberly Williams

of Eden’s Crush and Popstars Fame

in New Fall Television Sitcom

Alpha Phi Salutes Our Distinguished Alumnae

C ntents Features 2

Salute to Distinguished Alumnae


Alumna Reflects on Alpha Phi


Hosting the World’s Celebrities


Nominate the 2002-2004 IEB


4 Look for Kimberly Williams (B-Northwestern) this fall on ABC®’s According to Jim.

Quarterly Deadlines ISSUE

Maile Misajon (B∆-UCLA), far right, is a member of pop group Eden’s Crush.

Winter 2002 Spring 2002 Summer 2002 Fall 2002

COPY DEADLINE Oct. 15, 2001 Jan. 15, 2002 April 15, 2002 July 15, 2002

Depar tments President’s Message




Alumnae Pride




Career Development




NPC Update


On Campus


Potential Member Form


Fraternity Directory






Founders Clara Bradley Burdette (’76), died 1954 Florence Chidester Lukens (’75), died 1885 Martha Foote Crow (’76), died 1924 Ida Gilbert Houghton (’76), died 1916 Jane S. Higham (’76), died 1949 Kate Hogoboom Gilbert (’75), died 1900 Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults (’75), died 1895 Rena Michaels Atchison (’74), died 1933 Louise Shepard Hancock (’76), died 1932 Clara Sittser Williams (’75), died 1925 International Executive Board International President: Jean Cameron Tindall Vice President: Carole Salerno Secretary/Treasurer: Amy Pfannenstiel Bunszel Felicia Hunt Valerie Lawlor Monica Kennedy Monczka Mary Rekart Ulich Crista Cate Vasina Judith Segerer Watson Ex-Officio: Sally McCall Grant, NPC Delegate Ex-Officio: Pamela Wilcox, Executive Director Editorial Advisory Board Chairman: Lisa Marlene Sawyer Susan Weiskittle Barrick Sheila George Bright Jan Jones Owen Heather Wallace Foundation Directors Chairman: Susan Brink Sherratt Vice Chairman: Kathleen Feeney Hiemstra Secretary: Michelle Marchant Treasurer: Susan Weiskittle Barrick Judith Knudsen Brown Gayle Goodman Jean Cameron Tindall Alpha Phi Quarterly Staff Director of Marketing & Communications: Maureen Lyons E-mail: mlyons@alphaphi.org Editor: Christine Spiegel E-mail: quarterly@alphaphi.org Alpha Phi Quarterly Design Michelle Webb Design E-mail: mwdesign@intosh.net Alpha Phi Home Page www.alphaphi.org Executive Office Executive Director: Pamela Wilcox Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Phone: 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 E-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org Foundation Office Executive Director: Nancy Owen Craig Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Foundation Phone: 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 E-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org National Panhellenic Conference Alpha Phi Delegate: Sally McCall Grant First Alternate Delegate: Deana Koonsman Gage Second Alternate Delegate: Linda Groves Root Third Alternate Delegate: Laura Malley-Schmitt Alpha Phi Quarterly Editorial Policy

Jeri Ryan (B-Northwestern) joins the cast of Fox®’s Boston Public this fall.

CORRECTION Molly Kate Sweetland Thompson’s chapter was listed incorrectly in the Summer 2001 Quarterly. She initiated at Idaho (BZ).The Quarterly regrets this error.

All persons interested in submitting materials for publication in the Alpha Phi Quarterly are encouraged to send them to the editor at the Executive Office. The editor reserves the right to accept, deny or edit any materials submitted. Unless otherwise requested, all photos sent to the magazine will become the property of Alpha Phi International and will not be returned. Articles may be sent by mail, fax, e-mail or on a PC disk. Please send your information to the editor by the deadlines indicated on this page. Materials received after these deadlines will be considered for the following issue. Please direct any submission questions or inquiries regarding publication advertising to the editor at 847.316.8920, or quarterly@alphaphi.org. The Alpha Phi Quarterly is published winter, spring, summer and fall. Subscription price is $3 per year; single copies are $1. Send change of address or announcements to Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Second-class postage paid at Evanston, IL, and at additional mailing offices. (ISSN: USPS 014680) Postmaster: Please send address changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Printed in the USA.





This issue features a variety of Alpha Phi standout alumnae and highlights the course each took to achieve success. As you read more about

Alpha Phi is Proud of our Distinguished Alumnae

these remarkable women, you’ll notice they share common qualities: healthy principles to guide them, a strong desire to succeed and an overwhelming pride in their Alpha Phi affiliation. When an Alpha Phi succeeds and is recognized for outstanding career or volunteer achievements, we are all proud. Camaraderie of this caliber is extraordinary, and I am certain you feel as fortunate as I to have gained and maintained it through our Fraternity. I witnessed that same group spirit and enthusiasm during the recent International Executive Board’s (IEB) planning sessions. For the past six months, the IEB has been busy working with and translating policy governance principles into an operating framework for Alpha Phi. The policy governance model is ideal for our organization because it clearly defines roles of the board and staff. This means each works toward well-defined goals – those closest to the vision of Jean Cameron Tindall Alpha Phi members. Ultimately, adopting policy governance means Alpha Phi members will realize a higher level of satisfaction from the Fraternity. You’ll recognize a new connection with the IEB as we strive to represent all sisters’ best interests. In short, your opinions count now more than ever. This is an exciting time for all Alpha Phis, as the future promises us many new successes. We are working today to make certain our goals will stand the test of time and carry on to the next group of leaders ... and the leaders who follow them. It is our future alumnae of distinction for whom we pave the way. We can’t wait to see who’s next in line to make us proud. With the unique support of our sisters, there are no limits to success. We only hope dedication to maintain Alpha Phi’s excellence makes their journeys a bit easier.


Actress Kimberly Williams (B-Northwestern) is featured in fall primetime television lineup.


Singer Maile Misajon (B∆-UCLA) breaks music chart records with female pop group Eden‘s Crush.

6 8

Alpha Phi salutes our distinguished alumnae. Television news anchor Catherine Anaya (BΠUSC) reflects on her collegiate Alpha Phi experience.


Featured Business Owner Jean Creamer Hodges (P-Ohio State) hosts the world’s elite.

In the Next Issue • Making History: Sally McCall Grant (Γ-DePauw) Leads NPC in 2001–2003 Biennium • Alpha Phi and the 2002 Olympic Winter Games • 2002–2004 IEB Candidates Announced

Jean Cameron Tindall ( M-Miami University) International President

FALL 2001


Alpha Phi Salutes Our Distinguished Alumnae The Spring 1992 Quarterly features Kim Williams’ big screen debut in the 1991 Father of the Bride.


From Disney Film to Provocative Play Kimberly Williams Has Come A Long Way Since her Debut in Father of the Bride By Christine Spiegel

Kimberly Williams (B-Northwestern) was catapulted into the spotlight almost a decade ago with her big screen role as Annie Banks in Father of the Bride, juggling her newfound stardom, college and Alpha Phi. This fall, she is featured in a less wholesome role in the ABC® pilot sitcom According to Jim co-starring Jim Belushi (Saturday Night Live) and Courtney Thorne-Smith (Ally McBeal). “I always wanted to act,” says Kim, as she introduced herself. “When I was at Northwestern, I was a very, very small fish. I didn’t get cast in any parts. I had done commercials, so I had some experience … I just figured I would go back to New York after college.” But that all changed when she landed the coveted role in the 1991 Father of the Bride, the remake of the 1950 Spencer Tracy classic. After 15-hour days filming, press junkets and all the hoopla that goes into starring in a movie, Kim returned to Northwestern for her junior year, living in Alpha Phi’s Beta chapter house. But she was no longer an anonymous Northwestern student. She recalls the first time her celebrity hit her: “My address was still listed. This stranger came upstairs with flowers and asked me to coffee. I was so shaken. I felt very vulnerable for the first time.” Alpha Phi still provides sense of home Despite that incident, she says her sisters and the chapter house made her feel safe, “I felt protected. Living in the house was a great experience – very homey.” Today, Alpha Phi continues to provide her that sense of home away from home. “It’s neat to visit schools where there are Alpha Phi chapters and know they are your sisters,” Kim says. She’s even crossed paths with other distinguished Alpha Phi alumnae through her work. She recently appeared on KCBS-TV Los Angeles’ Woman 2 Woman, co-hosted by Ann Martin ( -Washington) and Catherine Anaya (B -USC). “They were so sweet,” says Kim. “Whenever I meet Alpha Phis, they’re always so friendly and nice.” Actors serve as role models In addition, Kim says she’s been fortunate to work with many actors she admires. Diane Keaton, who

Kim Williams poses for the press during a recent Vanity Fair event.

played Kim’s mother in Father of the Bride and its sequel, was her mentor for some time and remains someone she respects. When asked whether the legendary Steve Martin, who acted as Kim’s father in the movie, offered her any “parental” advice when she started out in the business, she laughs, “Steve told me I’d need a good therapist.”

OFFERING HER SUPPORT Kim is proud of her involvement with the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. She got involved during Northwestern University’s Dance Marathon in September 2000 and became an official spokesperson in November, speaking on their behalf at Association of Fraternity Advisor’s (AFA) annual meeting. “They have a great program called Caring for Kids 101,” Kim says. “I also have a personal desire to fight for the cause. My dance teacher in college died of AIDS a year after I graduated. The more I learned about the foundation, the more I wanted to be a part of it.”



Meryl Streep, Kevin Spacey and Jodie Foster are among other actors she admires. And similarities between her and Foster are notable. Both actors put their careers on hold to complete their studies. Both realized their goals at an early age and resisted the temptations of celebrity. And Kim hopes to continue to follow in Foster’s footsteps. “I’d like to direct in the future,” Kim says, adding that she aspires to achieve Foster’s success as an actor/director. Sorority provides support Fans remember Kim’s role in 1996 romantic drama Relativity. In the ABC® television series, she says her character reflected a struggle most 20somethings face: discovering who they are and where they belong in life’s big picture. Kim says for her in particular, Alpha Phi and her sorority sisters provided a base of needed support: “My closest female friends today are from Alpha Phi. We were all going through something important together. It was a great place to build strong friendships.” Those friends also support the new direction Kim has taken with her character roles. She says her new role as Dana (sister of Courtney Thorne-Smith’s character and sister-in-law to Jim Belushi’s) appealed to her “because it was a different kind of role. I play a single, cynical sidekick – as opposed to the wholesome roles I’ve been known for. I’ve been trying to branch out. Comedy seemed like something different to try.”

women in both cities (Brett Butler and Tonya Pinkins at New York City’s Westside Theatre; Carol Kane and Phylicia Rashad at Beverly Hills’ Canon Theater). The script was so moving, so funny … totally rewarding.” Kim says her parents attended one performance, which she dedicated to them despite being unsure how they would react to the sometimes risqué subject matter. At the end of the show, she says, “They both swung their arms up in the air, cheering. My dad yelled out, ‘You go girl!’ It was a great moment.” Kim grew up near New York City, where most of her family still lives. “I go back as much as I can. It’s becoming more and more important to me,” she says. From the big screen to theater to television, Kim says she doesn’t prefer one medium. “I like being able to mix it up,” she says. “I would like to do another play, another film and come back to this. Each is different.”

Branching out to the extreme Kim’s desire to avoid “good girl” typecasting is the reason she accepted roles in both the New York and Los Angeles productions of the avant-garde threewoman stage show, Vagina Monologues. The world tour of the production launched Valentine’s Day 1998 as the global V-Day movement to stop violence against women and is still running today. Created from Eve Ensler’s best-selling book of the same name, the show mixes the incredibly intimate with amazingly universal views on women’s topics. Kim says being involved “was the most liberating experience. I was in it with two other wonderful

“I’m very lucky that I am where I am.” Kim says returning to finish her college education was critical: “I know ultimately, it will make me a better performer, writer and director.” She encourages young women to complete their studies but follow their dreams. “It’s important to have a whole life, to live a rich life,” Kim says. “Pursuing what interests you – everything you’re interested in – is important. Try everything. Don’t worry about what’s going to happen after school. It will work itself out. That experience at school is something you can never duplicate.” Good advice from a distinguished alumna, gifted actor and excellent role model.

(From left) Kim Williams chats with Alpha Phis and KCBS-TV Woman 2 Woman co-hosts Catherine Anaya and Ann Martin. Kim was a guest on the show this summer.

“My closest female friends today are from Alpha Phi. We were all going through something important together. It was a great place to build strong friendships.”

FALL 2001

According to Jim airs 8:30/7:30 CST Wednesdays on ABC®, premiering Sept. 26.


Alpha Phi Salutes Our Distinguished Alumnae PAGE FOUR

Music is in the Blood of this Popstar By Christine Spiegel

She was featured on a popular Warner Brothers® (WB) television show every Friday night last winter, her music plays on international radio, and she’s toured with popular singing sensations ’N Sync and Jessica Simpson. Pretty impressive for someone who was virtually unknown nine months ago. Maile Misajon (BD-UCLA) is a member of the smash female pop group Eden’s Crush, made famous by the group’s televised assembly during the weekly Popstars reality series. The series followed the creation of a made-for-television female singing group, starting with the audition process and culminating with Eden’s Crush’s first concert at the Palace Theater in Hollywood. Their debut album, Popstars, reached No. 6 on the Billboard® chart. The group’s first single, “Get Over Yourself,” climbed to the top of the music charts in March, making it the top-selling debut single ever for a new group. Maile, who was born into a family of musicians, says, “I’ve wanted to be a performer my whole life, and I always knew I was destined to sing. My parents put me on the stage when I was 2 or 3. I’ve loved it ever since.” A native of Long Beach, Calif., Maile began singing with her father’s rock ’n’ roll band, Elm Street Band, at 15 while attending a performing arts high school. She continued to join them when possible during college and after graduating, while balancing acting auditions and waitressing. It was through her acting agency that she heard about the Popstar auditions. Maile says she arrived half an hour late and was the last to audition, so she was relieved to receive a call back the next day. She says after being part of her father’s band for so long, Eden’s Crush is a total transformation for her: Eden’s Crush’s first single, “Get “I’m used to singing Over Yourself,” is the top-selling debut single ever for a new with a live band. I group. grew up singing Diana

Maile Misajon is part of pop group Eden’s Crush.

Ross, Pat Benatar, Madonna, Debbie Gibson. I’ve adjusted to Eden’s Crush, which is essentially a track act – singing, dancing and a button pushed for our background music.” Speaking of adjusting … The five women of Eden’s Crush lived and spent most of their time together since the group formed in October 2000. Their lives were videotaped and turned into a television series that drew a diverse viewing audience and resulted in a large fan base, especially among teenagers. Maile says although some of the other group members had to adjust to being in front of cameras, it didn’t bother her because she appeared as an extra in movies and in commercials such as McDonald’s® and Monistat®. Her first commercial was for Macy’s as a sophomore in college. “I’ve been in front of a camera before. I’m used to them,” she says. “Plus, the cameras were only there when they were supposed to be, not like [MTV’s] Real World, where cameras are more intrusive.”



SINGING FOR SISTERS During college, Maile was active in Alpha Phi and held offices at UCLA (B∆) until senior year. She says she always performed for the chapter and sang Alpha Phi’s version of “Lean on Me” as part of a trio during preference night of recruitment. Michelle Webb (B∆-UCLA), who attended the ceremony as an alumna, remembers, “It was incredible. I get chills just thinking about it. The whole room was filled with energy and awe.” Maile says she chose the song because “it was about friendship” and perfect for the preference ceremony: “Singing like that is second nature to me. I’ve been doing it since I was a kid.”

With her new celebrity comes responsibility. When asked how she feels about being a role model to young women, Maile says she believes that status results when fans witness firsthand the group’s members following their dreams, “I think it’s a huge compliment. A lot of kids come up to us overcome with joy and in tears. But this is our job. We’re playing the role of pop stars. We’re humbled that our fans feel that way.” She admits that as with any job, “There are definitely ups and downs.”

give the job your full attention.” Her busy schedule does allow some time to herself. Shortly before this telephone interview Maile had two free days to celebrate her father’s birthday. The Ups Maile says touring with ’N Sync during the summer was “awesome! They were very sweet, included us in their world and took care of us. We went from just doing radio shows and performing at venues of 5,000 to opening the first night to a crowd of 80,000 for ’N Sync.” When Eden’s Crush is compared to ’N Sync and other boy bands, Maile says, “We’re in the same genre, but different from them. It’s an honor to even be put in the same category because they’ve been at it for so long. We’re starting older; we’re all 22-24, while most pop groups start much younger and take a while to establish themselves.” Those who watched Popstars know the group’s name was chosen by the five women – “Eden’s” represents paradise and “Crush” means sweet but powerful. “It reflects our strong personalities. We’re all very independent women,” Maile says.

The women of Popstars are featured in several international magazines, including this spread in YM magazine.

“Singing . . . is second nature to me.”

The Downs One of the challenges of her position is attempting to balance personal life while on the road. “People in this position don’t lead normal lives,” Maile says. “There’s no time for a personal life. You have to

Maile Misajon signs autographs for fans during a Chicago television news appearance.

FALL 2001

What’s next for Maile? “[Eden’s Crush] is a chapter in my life,” says Maile. When this chapter is over, she says she will “continue what I was doing before: acting, television, film. I’d like to try Broadway; I grew up on musical theater. I’d like to write songs.” And the list goes on, “Eventually, I’d like to get married and have kids.” She adds, “I’d love to get back in touch with my friends from the chapter!” Wherever her talent takes her, Maile Misajon says she’ll remember the experiences that shaped her into the performer she is today. We are proud that Alpha Phi has been one of those positive experiences. For more information on Maile Misajon and Eden’s Crush, visit the group’s Web site at www.edenscrush.com.



distinguished alumnae. Following is only a sample of Alpha Phis who have distinguished themselves in their careers and state, provincial, national or international communities. If you know a distinguished alumna who should be listed, send her name, affiliation and contact information to quarterly@alphaphi.org or Alpha Phi

Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. The list will be posted on our Web site at www.alphaphi.org and updated regularly. ART/CULTURE Elizabeth Mackay Ratcliff (Λ-UC/Berkeley) Retired school teacher and originator of the idea for the National Peace Garden in Washington, D.C. Julee Rosso (BB-Michigan State) Founded Silver Palate gourmet food shop. Silver Palate Cookbook, The New Basics Cookbook co-author. Kelly Stribling Sutherland (ΓI-Texas Tech) Artist. Created four paintings for 1995 Holidays at the White House guide. Creator of 1987, 1995 Neiman Marcus catalog covers and Fall 1988 Quarterly cover. Named 1986 Southwest Illustrator of the Year by Adweek magazine. Beverly Willis (BY-Oregon State) Founder of Architect.org. Director of the Architecture Research Institute, Inc., New York. President of the American Institute of Architects, California Council (1980). Ms. magazine named her one of the top seven women architects in the nation (1976). Member of the 1976 U.S. delegation to Habitat, the United Nations conference on human settlements. BUSINESS/NONPROFIT Nancy Austin (B∆-UCLA) Business consultant, author, lecturer. Internationally recognized authority on cutting-edge management. Contributing editor and management columnist for Working Woman magazine. Co-author of 1989 best-seller Passion for Excellence: The Leadership Difference and author of The Assertive Woman: A New Look. Speakers Platform™ called her “the most sought after woman keynote speaker in American business.” Sheree Clark (AΛ) Founder and co-owner of Sayles Graphic Design in Des Moines, Iowa. Some of the firm’s awardwinning work is included in the permanent collections of the Smithsonian Institution’s CooperHewitt National Design Museum and the United States Library of Congress.

EDUCATION Connie Goldsmith Crittenden (BB-Michigan State) Elementary teacher. Received Science Teacher of the Year award (1994), McAuliffe Fellow Award (1995), Impressions 5 Science Educator of the Year (1995) and Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (1998). Jayne Gebauer Kasten (O-Missouri) Director of school/business partnerships for community, career and technical education. Recipient of Dr. Myra Sadker Educational Equity Award (1998), Missouri Outstanding Business Educator Award (1997), Outstanding Community Educator of Missouri Award (1997) and Delta Pi Epsilon Distinguished Service Award (1989). Carolynne Bond Kent (ΓΛ-Houston) Elementary teacher. Birmingham Outstanding Panhellenic Woman of the Year (1982). Listed in Who’s Who in American Education and The World of Who’s Who of Women. Jean Schober Morrell (BO-Bowling Green State) University of Northern Colorado dean of students and vice president of student affairs. Received UNC Outstanding Professional Administrative Staff Person of the Year Award, Susan B. Anthony Award, “9 Who Care” KBTV Outstanding Volunteer Award and UNC Outstanding Service Award. Catherine Crutchfield Schifter (ΓI-Texas Tech) Associate professor in the College of Education and director of academic technology at Temple University, Philadelphia. Carnegie Teaching Scholar (2000-01). PUBLIC SERVICE Elaine Bland Baxter (BAIllinois) Iowa secretary of state (1987-94). Former member of the Iowa House of Representatives for three terms. Appointed to Humanities Iowa board of directors by Iowa Gov. Thomas Vilsack. Nancy Osborn Brataas (EMinnesota) Retired Minnesota state senator (1975-92), the first

woman senator in Minnesota history to be elected in her own right. Minority chairperson of the senate employment committee (1978-92). Marjorie “Bunny” Lawrence Clement (BΓ-Colorado) Jefferson County, Colo., commissioner (1981-93). Appointed to succeed her late husband and reelected for three terms. Anne Marie Conroy (Λ-UC/Berkeley) Youngest member to sit on San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors (1992). Current executive director of Treasure Island Development Authority, San Francisco. Mary Prior Dambman (ΓΘ-Colorado College) Former Colorado state representative. Georgia Neese Gray (Y-Washburn) First woman Treasurer of the United States (1949-53), appointed by President Harry Truman. Charlene Prince Lawrence (BB-Michigan State) Retired police chief. First female captain of the Indianapolis Police Department (1985-97). Shirley Pugh McLoughlin (Ξ-Toronto and BΘ-British Columbia) Councillor for the Town of Comox, British Columbia. Leader of the Liberal

Party in British Columbia (1981), the first woman leader in Canada. Polly Cutler Rosenbaum (BΓ-Colorado) Arizona state representative continuously for 46 years (1949-94). Bonnie McCulloch Scott (∆M-Purdue) Lt. commander in the U.S. Navy, one of only 25 women out of more than 5,000 commanding officers in the Navy. Diane Steed (Γ∆-Kansas) President, Coalition for Vehicle Choice (since 1991). Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) (1983-89). Nancy Harvey Steorts (A-Syracuse) President of Nancy Harvey Steorts International consulting firm. Former chairman of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission under President Ronald Reagan. Consultant to the director of the U.S. Office on Consumer Affairs at the White House and as special assistant for consumer affairs to the Secretary of Agriculture during the Nixon and Ford administrations. Eileen Hurney Stevens (AΛ) Founded CHUCK (Committee to Halt Useless College Killings) to bring about awareness of hazing practices. One of 10 Women of the Year, New York Daily News (1993). Adis Vila (BΛ-Rollins) Assistant Secretary of Agriculture (1989). One of 14 White House Fellows (1982-83). Named “One of the 100 Most Influential Hispanics in

WHAT’S AN ACCOUNTANT DOING AT THE OSCARS ® ? Lisa Pierozzi (B∆-UCLA) made her third trip to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ Academy Awards®, held at Shrine Civic Auditorium, Hollywood, in March. She and PricewaterhouseCoopers, Inc. coballoting partner Greg Garrison oversaw the highly guarded Academy Awards tabulation process and hand-delivered the sealed envelopes containing the winners to ceremony presenters. Lisa has more than 17 years experience in the entertainment sector for PricewaterhouseCoopers, including 15 as a business advisor Lisa Pierrozzi and coto the Academy. She joined the balloting partner Greg Garrison ballot team as a partner in 1998.

© A.M.P.A.S.®

Alpha Phi Salutes Our Distinguished Alumnae Lynn Woolsey (top) and Jodi Brooks

Alpha Phi is proud of Kimberly Williams (B-Northwestern), Maile Misajon (B∆-UCLA) and all of our



(From left) Liz Carpenter with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, Michele Fulcher, Jennifer Gilbert, Ann Martin and Quincalee Brown

the United States.” Among Good Housekeeping magazine’s “100 Women of Promise” (1985). Lynn Robinson Woolsey (Σ-Washington) Elected to her fifth term as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for the Sixth Congressional District in California (since 1992). HEALTH/MEDICINE Dr. Joann Boughman (BT-Indiana) Geneticist.

University of Maryland, Baltimore, vice president for academic affairs and graduate school dean (since 1995). Named among “Maryland’s Top 100 Women” (1997, 1999, 2001). Secretary’s advisory committee on genetic testing, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (1999). Edris Rice-Wray Carson, M.D. (∆-Cornell) Long career as a public health doctor, primarily in Central America and Mexico. Founded Mexico’s first family planning clinic, Mexico City. Received Planned Parenthood® Federation of America Margaret Sanger Award (1978). Dr. Patricia Kolowich (Θ-Michigan) Orthopedic surgeon and a team doctor for the Detroit Red Wings hockey team. Brigid Gray Leventhal, M.D. (B∆-UCLA) Former director of the Clinical Research Administration, Johns Hopkins Oncology Center; Associate professor of oncology and pediatrics, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Ann Sigby McFarren (BB-Michigan State) Lobbyist and public advocate for programs in reproductive health. Developed Alpha Phi’s AIDS Peer Education Program. LAWYERS/JUDGES Marilyn Aboussie (ΓΩMidwestern State) Chief Justice, Third Court of Appeals, Texas

FALL 2001

(since 1998), the state’s first woman justice (1986). First woman district judge in Tom Green County, Texas (1983-86). Jane H. Barrett (ΓK-CSU/Long Beach) Los Angeles attorney and president of the American Bar Endowment. First woman to serve as chairperson of the American Bar Association, Young Lawyers Division (1980-81). First woman in 104 years to be elected to the Association’s board of governors (1982). Carol Manhood Huddart (Ξ-Toronto) Appointed to the British Columbia Court of Appeal, the highest court in the province (1996). Appointed to County Court (1981) and Supreme Court (1987). Veronica “Ronni” Mathein (BA-Illinois) Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County, Ill., the world’s largest unified court system. Domestic Relations Division (since 1996). Dorothy Wright Nelson (B∆-UCLA) Senior judge in the U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, appointed in 1979 by President Jimmy Carter (senior judge since 1995). Former dean of the University of Southern California Law Center. Mildred Davis Ramynke (Ψ-South Dakota) Retired judge serving for 27 years. First and only woman to serve as a South Dakota circuit judge. Louise Grant Smith (OMissouri) First woman assistant attorney general of Missouri (1944). Past president of Kappa Beta Pi international law fraternity. Delegate from Missouri to the National Women’s Conference in Houston (1977). Susan Pierson Sonderby (BA-Illinois) First woman appointed to Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Illinois. Elevated to chief judge (1998).

JOURNALISTS/WRITERS Catherine Anaya (BΠ-USC) Emmy Award®-winning television news anchor for KCBS-TV in Los Angeles (see page 9 and Spring 2001 Quarterly). Barbara Blakemore (ΓDePauw) Former fiction editor of Redbook; Former executive editor of McCall’s. Past president of Women’s Media Group. Jodi Brooks (I-Wisconsin) Reporter and co-anchor for WPMI-TV in Mobile, Ala. Founder of A Secret Safe Place for Newborns, a national program that assures the safety of unwanted babies (see Spring 2001 Quarterly). Christy Bulkeley (O-Missouri) Daily newspaper reporter, editor and publisher for Gannett Co., Inc. for two decades. Program and grants administrator for the Gannett Foundation (now the Freedom Forum) for seven years. One of the first women publishers for Gannett Co. As a newspaper executive, she was the first woman Gannett named chief executive of a daily newspaper (1974). National president of Women in Communications, Inc. (1975-76). Elizabeth “Liz” Sutherland Carpenter (Ω-Texas) Writer, feminist. Former reporter and public relations expert. Press secretary and staff director to Lady Bird Johnson (1963-69) and author of Start with a Laugh, Ruffles & Flourishes, Getting Better All the Time and Unplanned Parenthood: Confessions of a Seventy Something Surrogate Mother. A founder of the National Women’s Political Caucus and of ERAmerica. Lisa Colagrossi (BI-West Virginia) Emmy®-winning television anchor, currently with WKMG in Orlando, Fla. Michelle Fulcher (BΓColorado) National editor of The Denver Post. Part of the Post

news team that won the 2000 Pulitzer Prize for breaking news reporting for their coverage of the Columbine High School massacre of 1999 (see Fall 2000 Quarterly). Jennifer Gilbert (∆Y-Baldwin Wallace) Emmy Award®-winning television news anchor for WBFF-TV in Baltimore (since 1993). Donna Lipper Lucas (BΠ-USC) Chief executive officer/president of NCG Porter Novelli. Widely recognized expert in media relations and political/public affairs strategy. Press secretary to former Gov. George Deukmejian (California) and California press secretary for President George Bush’s successful 1988 campaign. California media director for 1992, 1996 Republican National Conventions. Ann Martin (Σ-Washington) Prime time news anchor and co-host of Woman 2 Woman, KCBS-TV, Los Angeles. Winner of three Emmy Awards®, two Golden Mike Awards and an award for best 30-minute news cast. Early in her career, first female to anchor the weekend news solo in Seattle, Wash. (see Spring 2001 Quarterly). Nan Robertson (BNorthwestern) Pulitzer Prize-

winning (1983) reporter and feature writer for the New York Times (1955-96). Author of Getting Better, Inside Alcoholics Anonymous (1988) and The Girls in the Balcony: Women, Men, and the New York Times (1992). STATE/NATIONAL LEADERS Dr. Quincalee Brown (ΓΞ-Wichita State) Executive director of the Water Environment Federation and the Water Environment Research Foundation (since 1986). Former chair of the American Society of Association Executives (ASEA) (1992-93). Former executive director of the American Association of University Women (1980-86). Recipient of ASEA’s highest, the Key Award (1995). Named Association Executive of the Year by Association Trends Newsletter (1999). Margaret Craig McNamara (Λ-UC/Berkeley) Founder of Reading is Fundamental®. Jane Wells Schooley (ΓP-Penn State) Public speaker, trainer and author of newspaper column. Civil and women’s rights advocate. Executive director, Pennsylvania Political Party. Former national vice president for National Organization for Women (NOW). Co-founder Crime Victims Council. Athena

ALUMNA IS FEATURED SPEAKER AT WOMEN’S CONFERENCE Becky Cook Cain (BI-West Virginia) was a featured speaker at the Pan-American Women’s Leadership Conference, Buffalo, N.Y., in May. The three-day conference focusing on women’s human rights drew attendees from around the world. Becky, who recently completed three terms as national president of the League of Women Voters (1992–98), spoke about “Making a Difference: Women in the Nonprofit Sector.” Becky Cook Cain


Alpha Phi Salutes Our Distinguished Alumnae

Award winner and Allentown Lehigh County Chamber of Commerce Business Woman of the Year. PERFORMING ARTS Jane Huckle Campbell (BP-Washington State) Producing director of the Honolulu Theater for Youth, Hawai’i’s only professional nonprofit theatre. Laura Leigh Hughes (B∆UCLA) Founder and executive of The Unusual Suspects Theatre Company, helping at-risk teens create original theatre drawn from their lives. The company received the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention 2000 National Juvenile Justice Award for its work. Laura received the Agape Season of Non-Violence Hero of the Week Award (2000). Martie Ramm Engle (B∆-UCLA) Broadway producer, choreographer, singer, dancer, director. Part of Walt Disney Theatrical Productions, supervising worldwide productions of Beauty and the Beast. Member of the Broadway touring companies of A Chorus Line, Sweet Charity, Evita and Annie. Pamela Klinger (EI-Duquesne) Singer, dancer, cast member in Broadway production and movie, A Chorus Line. Margaret Pease Harper (BE-Arizona) Founder, publicrelations director (1961-1985) of outdoor musical drama Texas. Founding member, first president of the nationally recognized Lone Star Ballet. Named to Texas Hall of Fame for Women. Received Distinguished Service Award from the American Association of University Women, Texas Division. Author of Meet Some Musical Terms: A First Dictionary (1959). Jeannette Butts Paulson Hereniko (T-Oregon) Director of the Asia-Pacific Media Center, Los Angeles (since 1996). Established the Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema (NETPAC/USA) (1994). Founding director, Palms Springs International Film Festival (1990). Founder of the Hawaii International Film Festival (1980), serving as its director until 1996.

(From top) Jeri Ryan, Randy Mayem Singer and Claire Waters Ferguson PAGE EIGHT

Kat Parsons (B-Northwestern) Chicago-based singer, songwriter. Made her recording debut with Framing Caroline (1999).

Hazel Raymundo Siegel (B-Northwestern) Singer, actress, journalist. Played Kim in Chicago and Boston production of Miss Saigon. Performed first staged reading of Disney’s Aida. Jeri Ryan (B-Northwestern) Actress. Played Seven of Nine on Star Trek: Voyager. She joins the cast of Fox’s Boston Public this fall. Other television credits include Melrose Place, Matlock and Dark Skies. Films include Men Cry Bullets, The Last Man, Wes Craven Presents: Dracula 2000 and a cameo in Disney’s The Kid. Randy Mayem Singer (Λ-UC/Berkeley) Writer and producer. Wrote screenplay for Mrs. Doubtfire (1993). Television credits: writer and producer of Hudson Street (1995) and creator and executive producer of Jack & Jill (1999-2000). lnga Swenson (Harris) (B-Northwestern) Broadway and television actress. Played Gretchen Kraus on ABC®’s Benson. SPORTS/FITNESS Lyn Atteberry (HΠ-Richmond) Education/collegiate coordinator for United States Synchronized Swimming, the national governing body for the Olympic sport. Courtney Barfield (∆∆Oklahoma City) Cheerleader for Dallas Cowboys NFL football team. Susie Maxwell Berning (∆∆-Oklahoma City) Golfer. Three time winner of the Women’s U.S. Open. Claire Waters Ferguson (BB-Michigan State) First woman president of the U.S. Figure Skating Association. President during the 1994 Olympics and the Nancy Kerrigan/Tonya Harding incident. First woman elected to the International Federation for Figure Skaters. Serves on the International Skating Union Council, the first U.S. woman to do so. Laura Gilpin (T-Oregon) Created and heads Tri-Valley Sports Commission in San Francisco, one of only 11 sports commissions in California. Stacia Hookom (BΓΛColorado) National Snowboarding Team member since 1993. Winter 2002 Olympics hopeful in parallel giant slalom.

IN MEMORY OF BUSTER Lena “Buster” Quist Homburg (Ω-Texas) was active in Alpha Phi most of her life, serving several years on Texas A&M (EΩ) and Texas (Ω) House Corporation Boards (HCB), the Austin Alpha Phi Mothers’ Club and the membership committee. She was president of the Houston alumnae chapter Buster Homburg and a Convention speaker. The Executive Office foyer is named in her honor because of her strong support of the Alpha Phi Foundation. Her love of writing inspired her to create an Author’s Bookshelf to recognize works published by Omega sisters. Its popularity compelled her to include works by all Alpha Phis, and she proudly announced the latest additions at HCB meetings. A former high school English teacher, she encouraged lifelong learning. Most recently she presented a study skills seminar to Omega to rave reviews. She is credited with rallying her Omega sisters from the 1930s and 1940s to raise more than $7,000, making the collegiate chapter the first sorority on campus to have Ethernet network technology. We regret to report she passed away May 14, 2001. “Buster brought vitality, leadership, vision an dedication,” says Omega HCB Secretary Ingrid Moore Gillespie (Ω-Texas). “She is a role model for all Alpha Phis.”

Edean Anderson Ihlanfeldt (BY-Oregon State) Golfer. Won 1982 Women’s National Senior Championship. Wanda LaBounty Means (BE-Arizona) Kicker, punter for Austin Rangers, Women’s Professional Football League (since 1999). Marian Dale Roper (B∆UCLA) Bronze metal winner in platform diving, 1932 U.S. Olympic Team. Karen Regan Toole (BAIllinois) Assistant director of compliance for the Big Ten Conference. Carolyn Burkett Muegge Vaughan (ΓH-North Texas) Co-leader of the Mount Vaughn Antarctic Expedition (1993-94). Participant in three Alaskan Iditarod dogsled races. Second degree black belt in Judo.

MISC. Julie Clark (ΓB-UC/Santa Barbara) Awarding-winning veteran pilot and North America’s only solo T-34 acrobatic performer. Captain for Northwest Airlines (since 1984). Inducted into the International Women’s Air and Space Museum. Ruth Stafford Peale (ASyracuse) Religious leader, public speaker and author. Co-founder, publisher and chairman of the board of Guideposts, Inc. Author of Secrets of Staying in Love and The Adventure of Being a Wife. Bishop Catherine Maples Waynick (EZ-Central Michigan) Ordained priest. One of only eight women bishops in the U.S. Episcopal Church.

Patty Vallese Viverito (E∆-Northern Illinois) Senior associate commissioner, Missouri Valley Conference. Commissioner, Gateway Football Conference, Missouri. Served as tournament director for the 2001 NCAA Women’s Final Four basketball tournament in St. Louis. ALPHA PHI


Alpha Phi is the House for Me Distinguished Alumna Reflects on Fraternity By Catherine Anaya (BΠ-USC)

Becoming an Alpha Phi changed my life and helped shape who I am today. Let me take you back to the mid-1980s, when I first set foot at USC. I didn’t know a soul. My mother gave me a tour of campus, and we drove down “the row” – the name we lovingly call the street lined with fraternity and sorority houses. I was awestruck by the beautiful homes, by the fun students seemed to have as they mingled on corners or in front of houses. I didn’t know a thing about the Greek system, but what I saw intrigued me. I decided to rush … completely unprepared for the experience. The fancy dresses, anxiety of talking to perfect strangers, feeling nervous. But when I walked into Alpha Phi those feelings disappeared. I knew immediately I had found a home. I recently dug up a letter I wrote to myself in 1986, the night I initiated. The letter of each new member was sealed for three years, then opened and read aloud during our last night in the chapter house as seniors: “After the second day meeting the sisters of Alpha Phi, I knew it was for me. Everyone was so friendly and energetic. Most of all, they were genuine. Receiving my bid was one of the happiest days of my life. I love this house and my new member sisters.” I came a long way in four years. When I pledged, I was a shy, insecure freshman. Alpha Phi helped me come out of my shell and gain confidence. I learned how to work with a number of different personalities to accomplish a goal. I participated in everything: every exchange, meeting and sisterhood event. Almost every piece of clothing I wore promoted Alpha Phi. My car was plastered with Alpha Phi stickers. I was proud! During the next three years, that introverted 17-yearold freshman became assistant new member trainer, assistant recruitment chairman, Alpha Phi Quarterly correspondent, Alpha Phi “big sister,” active of the week (two consecutive years) and

Panhellenic recruitment counselor. I lived in the chapter house for a year, in a room with four other sisters. Two were bridesmaids in my wedding. Through Alpha Phi, I learned to love myself for who and what I am on the inside. As a freshman, I was the quietest student in the room. By senior year, I had become a leader. I learned about working as a team, about loyalty and about friendship. My Alpha Phi experience carried me through some difficult times. I doubt I would have had the courage to leave Los Angeles at 22 for my first television job in a small border town in Texas – where I knew no one – without the confidence and determination Alpha Phi helped me develop. Being an Alpha Phi means being a sister for life. Just the other day I ran into a woman who’d been in the new member class I helped train. I hadn’t seen her in 12 years, but we hugged and laughed like it had only been a few months. Alpha Phi is about sharing something special. As I dug through college momentos, I came across a note from my “little sister,” written after her initiation: “Thanks for helping me love Alpha Phi. You were the main reason I pledged. I figured if the rest of the women were at all like you, then this is the house for me.” Alpha Phi was, and will always be, the house for me!

“Becoming an Alpha Phi changed my life and helped shape who I am today.”

FALL 2001

Catherine Anaya is a television news anchor for KCBS-TV in Los Angeles (see Spring 2001 Quarterly).

(From left) Lauri Konishi (BΠUSC) welcomes Catherine Anaya as a new member in 1985. Catherine poses with “little sister” Zoe Pittokopitis (BΠUSC).





Denver Alumna Hosts Prestigious Lecture Series By Ann Freeman Emrich (BΓ-Colorado)

She’s schmoozed with royalty, interrogated journalists and discussed politics with U.S. presidential candidates. Jean Creamer Hodges (Q-Ohio State) is owner of the prestigious Town Hall of Denver Lectures, a lecture series that brings the world’s elite to Denver, Colo., five times a year. Jean has hosted celebrities such as news commentator Edwin Newman, opera star and arts administrator Beverly Sills, two-time Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader and humanitarian Princess Elizabeth of the former Yugoslavia. At least 700 of the 800 Denver area members attend each lecture. The audience includes both women and men, ages 36 to 75, so Jean must find speakJean Creamer Hodges, middle, owns Town Hall of Denver Lectures. She is pictured with assistant Mary Sykes Starr (B-Northwestern), ers who satisfy a broad right, and February 2001 speaker Rikki Klieman, host of Court TV and range of interests. on the law faculty at Columbia University. “They come to learn and want to go home with something,” says Jean, who regularly invites a select group of 10 or 12 members to lunch with the speaker following the lecture to continue discussion. Subjects range from culture to foreign politics to current hot topics. One of Jean’s most popular and requested speakers is Dr. Elliott Engel, a University of North Carolina classics professor, who discusses literary figures such as William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens and Edgar Allan Poe. Another audience favorite is editor, writer and political thinker William F. Buckley Jr. Before his scheduled appearance, Jean hinted that those planning to attend might want to bring a dictionary to keep up with his advanced vocabulary. Aware of this during his lecture, Buckley asked how many brought one. He was very amused when about 100 attendees held up dictionaries. Jean always meets her speakers’ flights, and the 30-minute drive from Denver’s airport provides an opportunity to get acquainted. She recalls the time PAGE TEN

television news personality John Stossel lay down in the back seat of her car to nurse his strained back. There are occasional headaches and mishaps, but working with the company 20 years before purchasing it in 1991 prepared her, she says. Occasionally a speaker cancels, and Jean must quickly recruit a substitute. Once a woman spoke only 20 minutes and sat down. But Jean managed to lead questioning to fill the 50 minutes the crowd expected. One speaker charged $45 worth of dry-cleaning to the hotel bill, assuming it would be covered. And another refused to be in a hotel room where no windows opened and declined to speak until she was moved. Jean says most speakers are not so demanding, and some have even become friends. Longtime White House journalist Helen Thomas, for example, invited Jean to visit the White House three times. Thomas was scheduled to speak but had to cancel when President Ronald Reagan was shot in 1982; she covered the story for United Press International (UPI). Despite Jean’s high society connections, she still makes time for Alpha Phi and has been active in the Denver alumnae chapter for many years. Playing host to the world’s influential keeps Jean on her toes, but allows her to provide series members a unique learning opportunity. Jean says her “finest speaker” to date is Doris Kearns Goodwin, author, historian, political analyst: “She is the most dynamic, brilliant and extremely knowledgeable speaker one could ever ask for.” Perhaps one day a distinguished Alpha Phi alumna will succeed in that coveted title?

William F. Buckley Jr. is an audience favorite for the Town Hall of Denver Lectures, hosted by Jean Hodges.




Sister Awarded Professional Honor

Strike up the Band

Patricia E. Doyle ( -Washington) is one of

Deirdre Bainbridge Nalven (I-Wisconsin) is a board member for the Association of Concert Bands (ACB), a national organization that supports hundreds of community bands. An avid clarinet player, she also is a 23-year member of The Denver Concert Band (DCB), Denver, Colo.

two recipients of the 2001 American Dental Hygienists’ Association Warner Lambert Award for Excellence in Dental Hygiene. Patricia developed a dental program for mental health clients without access to oral health care and has successfully run it for 20 years. In Patricia E. Doyle addition, she’s contributed to published research, pilot studies and educational projects related to oral and mental health. Patricia is a fellow of the Academy of Dentistry for Persons with Disabilities (ADPD) and successfully lobbied for legislation supporting Medicaid’s dental program. Her 17-year participation in the American Lung Association of Washington’s annual Tri-island Bike Trek has raised more than $40,000.

Alumna Establishes Teacher Scholarship M. Margaret Foster (BO-Bowling Green State) created a Bowling Green State scholarship to encourage and reward students who plan to teach. The M. Margaret Foster Scholarship in Teacher Education provides a $2,500 minimum award to a full-time teacher education major. BGSU’s professional bulletin reports, “Her affiliation with the Seven Sisters Sorority (now Alpha Phi) was so strong that she has remained in touch with many of her sisters for 65 years … It was through her membership in Seven Sisters, a group of predominately education majors, that she learned ‘self-reliance.’” Margaret taught English, Latin and French during her career, adding math during World War II when teachers were scarce. It took two teachers to replace her when she retired.

FALL 2001

Grad Student Receives Honors Holly Himmelfarb Logan (A-Syracuse) is listed in Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities and is a member of honor societies for the International Association for Management Education and the American Marketing Association. She founded, launched and was editor in chief of Fordham Business Magazine. She graduated with honors from Fordham University, New York City, with a dual master’s degree in international marketing and information and communications systems. Holly received the Alpha Phi Foundation’s Nancy Pitchforth Patton Scholarship during gradutae school.

Tops in News Jane E. Sutter (O-Missouri) is managing editor of the Rochester, N.Y., Democrat and Chronicle newspaper, the paper’s number two news position. She formerly was executive editor of the Star-Gazette, Elmira, N.Y. Both newspapers are owned by Gannett Co., Inc. As managing editor she oversees all newsroom departments and the news portion of the company’s Web site. Before joining the Star-Gazette, Jane worked more than 10 years for KnightRidder Inc. media company in San Jose, Calif., Columbia, S.C., and Bradenton, Fla. The Iowa native graduated from the University of Missouri School of Journalism and started her career as a reporter for The Hawk Eye in Burlington, Iowa.

Alumna Recognized for Real Estate Law Beverly J. Quail (B -USC) is listed in The Best Lawyers in America for real estate law and An International Who’s Who of Real Estate Lawyers. She received the 2000 University of Denver College of Law Alumni Law Stars Professionalism Award. Beverly heads the Denver real estate Beverly J. Quail department of Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP, Denver, Colo. She serves as chair of the American Bar Association’s Real Property, Probate and Trust section. Beverly works with Commercial Real Estate Women and on boards of several other civic organizations. She authored two real estate law books.

Alpha Phi Author Myra Glenn Makelim’s (E CSU/Sacramento) first published book, Colorblind (iUniverse.com $11.95, ISBN: 0595175333), is a sensitive yet humorous story of teenage romance and the realization that love isn’t black and white; it’s colorblind. The book is available at bookstores and online.

KNOW SOMEONE WHO SHOULD BE FEATURED HERE? Send names and contact information to quarterly@alphaphi.org, 847.475.6820 (fax) or Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201.


A Time to Serve Nominate Your 2002-2004 International Executive Board Candidates

IMPORTANT DATES Dec. 31, 2001: Voting privileges granted to members whose 2001-2002 dues are received at the Executive Office. Jan. 31, 2002: COL announces a slate of 20022004 IEB candidates, including a president and eight directors. March 15, 2002: Ballots distributed to all members in good standing as of Dec. 31, 2001. April 15, 2002: Completed ballots must be received for independent tabulation. May 1, 2002: Announcement of 20022004 IEB election results.

IMPORTANT TERMS IEB: International Executive Board; consists of a president and eight to 12 directors elected each biennium to serve as the governing arm of Alpha Phi. COL: Committee on Leadership; responsible for nominating IEB candidates slate, as well as ongoing leadership development, performance assessment and feedback to the IEB. Policy governance: Precise discipline for achieving the best use of board and staff. The board focuses on where the Fraternity needs to be in the future, and the staff designs the best path to get there. Voting privilege: The Constitution gives every dues-paying member the privilege to vote for IEB directors.


Where will we find the women to follow in the footsteps of leaders like Martha Foote Crow (ASyracuse), Betty Mullins Jones ( -DePauw) and Mary Carr Boyd ( -DePauw and O-Missouri)? Is this your time to serve Alpha Phi? Who will lead? All members in good standing are eligible to serve on Alpha Phi’s International Executive Board (IEB). Do you have the strategic perspective, gift of communication, patience, passion and pragmatism to create policy that keeps faith with our Founders’ vision and keeps current with member needs in today’s world? IEB directors are elected by dues-paying members each biennium to represent our entire sisterhood, keep us true to our ideals, lead our path today and focus our resources for tomorrow. These representatives come from throughout our membership to create a multigenerational leadership team – traditional, transitional, contemporary and futuristic. Together, the IEB is responsible for • Connecting systematically with members to understand their current and future needs and translating those needs into resultsfocused policy. • Creating policies that guide EO staff to satisfy member needs and reflect the principles defined in the Strategic Plan. • Monitoring organizational performance, based on results it defines as necessary to achieve success for all areas of the Fraternity. The IEB guides Alpha Phi’s vision. This process depends on discovering the talents of dynamic sisters capable of steering our Fraternity in the future. We seek those who can embrace and follow the concept of policy governance and are able to: • Speak on behalf of the more than 100,000 members, rather than from her own or a small group perspective. • Think conceptually and with a long-term perspective. • Understand the IEB’s tasks of assuring performance at arms’ length by checking progress against IEB-written policies.

• Welcome a variety of opinions but stand by group decisions. • Position organizational accountability above personal gratification. • Focus on results and not the actions taken to achieve them. • Delegate and monitor efficiently. • Draw from prior board and/or professional experience. • Share a passion for the Fraternity and • Take and record “the pulse” of members to help communicate their vision. In addition to eight IEB directors, a new president also is elected. An effective president is key to creating positive partnerships with our executive director, National Panhellenic Conference and others, and to building effective group decision-making within the IEB team. COL nominates IEB slate The Committee on Leadership (COL) is charged with finding the women to lead us as the governing arm of Alpha Phi. Its 14 members are elected representatives from each region, award-winning collegiate and alumnae chapter representatives, two IEB-appointees and the executive director as ex-officio member. This summer and early fall, the COL solicited IEB candidate referrals from members. Each individual referred was contacted and provided an application packet if she wished to apply. Candidates will be interviewed this fall, and their references and applications reviewed. Each will be evaluated against a set of criteria the COL developed to describe the current state of our Fraternity, the environment and influences affecting our members and chapters and the attributes needed for an effective governing board. Later this year, a slate of IEB candidates will be selected. You have the opportunity to elect the 2002–2004 IEB. When you pay your annual dues, you become eligible to vote. Ballots will be mailed in early 2002 to members in good standing as of Dec. 31, 2001. Please vote and return your ballot before the April 15, 2002 deadline.





Pay It Forward Ti



o Re conn



Alpha Phi is part of you. Membership gives you incredible friendships, amazing leadership skills and lifetime support. These opportunities are available to you and to a continuous stream of new members because alumnae support the Fraternity by paying their International Alumnae Dues.



h Alpha P


Support Today Provides for Many Alpha Phis Tomorrow

Paying your 2001–2002 International Alumnae Dues is one way to thank Alpha Phi for all she’s given you. It’s also a way to positively affect the future of other Alpha Phis and ensure that meaningful experiences and opportunities continue. When the Fraternity receives your Annual International Alumnae Dues payment, you’ll automatically receive a newly designed membership card you can proudly display.

• Call 847.316.8940 and we’ll process your dues payment over the telephone or • Pay online at www.alphaphi.org/dues.html. Please remember to pay your local alumnae chapter dues separately.

In addition, dues payment entitles you to vote during the 2002–2004 International Executive

Don’t delay. Reconnect with your sisters

Board elections and have a voice in Alpha

and ensure the future of

Phi’s future.

Alpha Phi! Pay your 2001–2002

Paying your dues supports an organization that provides wonderful lifelong

International Alumnae Dues today!

memories. Please note the standard dues cycle runs July 1 - June 30. Your HOW DO I PAY?

dues are current if you’ve paid after July 1, 2001. Your new

Paying your dues has never been easier. Select from

membership card will be sent within three to four weeks of

four methods:

receipt of payment. This is not a tax-

• Use the self-addressed envelope provided in the

deductible contribution.

Summer 2001 Quarterly. Send it with a check for $21.29 U.S. ($20.00 dues plus $1.29 for Founders’ Day pennies) or $32.62 Canadian, payable to Alpha Phi International. • Send the check directly to Alumnae Services, Alpha Phi International, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201.

FALL 2001

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HELP FROM A LEGACY Greek life is already second nature to Kati Fisher, shown here helping her mother, Kimi Smith Fisher (∆P-Ball State), stuff finals week baskets for collegians at Butler (EB). Kati especially enjoyed helping deliver the baskets, and a few collegians treated her to ice cream. Kati’s aunt, Valerie Smith Miklozek (∆P-Ball State), coordinated the fundraiser for the Indianapolis alumnae chapter. –Valerie Smith Miklozek (∆P-Ball State)

❶ ❶ DUPAGE DuPage Valley alumnae donate baby and personal items from a “shower” to a local family shelter.

❷ TOPEKA Nichole Tavares (Y-Washburn), right, is the recipient of the Topeka Alumnae Chapter Ivy Incentive Scholarship. She is pictured with Marthel Oldham Longabach (YWashburn), who donated her diamond Alpha Phi badge for the traveling collegiate award.

❸ FAR NORTH DALLAS These sisters founded the new Far North Dallas and Surrounding Counties alumnae chapter.

Missouri) and made delicious salads during a cooking meeting. A March “shower,” where members collected baby and personal items, benefited a local family shelter. In April, three members were presented 50-year pins: Diane Krohn Dowel (Γ-DePauw), Marilyn Musick Laning (B-Northwestern) and Rogerta Dickinson Slauf (B-Northwestern). –Jennifer Lindamood (Γ-DePauw) DUPAGE VALLEY CONTACT:

Jan Infantino Kaskovich (B-Northwestern) Jankasko@aol.com 630.462.7150


Angela Farley, left, and Pam Farley help Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B) collegians prepare for fall recruitment.

Northeast Region BOSTON, MASS.


Bernelle Capitan, left, displays a Navajo basket while Pecola Chase speaks to Albuquerque alumnae about various Navajo traditions.

North Central Midwest Region DUPAGE VALLEY, ILL. DuPage Valley President Jean Fiore Behlman (∆ΨWisconsin/Oshkosh) brought a third place fundraising award and eight other awards home from Convention 2000. The chapter continued its Care Bear fundraiser: finals packages for Northwestern (B), Elmhurst (ZΞ) and Northern Illinois (E∆) collegians. The new Web site (www.dupagealphaphi.org), designed by Molly Statz (O-Missouri), was unveiled during the first meeting of the year. Members painted pottery, celebrated the holidays with a gift exchange and annual potluck dinner, traveled to exotic places compliments of travel agent Debbie Drake Rutter (OPAGE FOURTEEN

Boston alumnae thank past President Kimberly Small (ΘΦ-Christopher Newport) and the 2000–2001 board for a successful year. Congratulations to 2001–2002 President Raina Huebner and her newly elected board. Summer events included a whale watch on a Boston Harbor cruise ship, river tubing on the Farmington River, monthly happy hours and an annual open house. A Founders’ Day brunch and Pampered Chef® party are scheduled for fall. The chapter’s fall newsletter highlights more upcoming events. Alumnae are encouraged to get involved by joining a committee or supporting an area collegiate chapter such as Tufts (ZΘ), Boston (HΛ), MIT (ZΦ) or Bentley (ZP). Mom and Tot events also are available for Alpha Phi moms interested in meeting others. –Joyce Brady Bean (ZP-Bentley) BOSTON CONTACTS:

Raina Huebner (I∆–Rhode Island) rainah911@yahoo.com 617.629.7891

BUFFALO AREA, N.Y. Buffalo area alumnae began revitalization efforts last spring with an open house hosted by Kathy Gaglio Tzetzo (Θ–Michigan) that drew more than 40 interested sisters. Alumnae can get updated event information or contact the chapter via the newly launched Web site (www.geocities.com/alphaphibuffalum), created by Rayleen Tolejko (EI-Duquesne). A printed newsletter written by President Tracey Rosenthal Drury (ΘE-SUNY/Buffalo) also is available. Several members supported Becky Cook Cain (BI-West Virginia), the featured speaker at the American Women’s Leadership Conference in May, part of Buffalo’s Pan-American celebration (see page 7). –Rayleen Tolejko (EI-Duquesne) BUFFALO CONTACT:

Tracey Rosenthal Drury (ΘE-SUNY/Buffalo) tbdrury2@aol.com 716.731.6420

FINGERLAKES, N.Y. Fingerlakes alumnae events such as a Founders’ Day luncheon, open house at Syracuse (A), senior tea, alumnae ceremonies, happy hours and brunch contributed to an amazing revitalization year. A Founders’ Day luncheon and weekend celebration commemorating the first sorority house are scheduled for October. December will bring a formal holiday dinner and philanthropy event. Members look forward to volunteering in the community and supporting Syracuse, Cornell (∆), SUNY/Cortland (HT) and SUNY/Binghamton (HZ) collegiate chapters again this year. The chapter’s dedication to alumnae and collegiate sisters is reflected in its supportive and enthusiastic executive board: President Jenny Holsman (ΓΠ-Arizona State), Vice President of Programming Diane Irwin (∆-Cornell) and Vice President of Marketing Taylor Atseff (A-Syracuse).



❷ To receive timely information about chapter activities, e-mail APhi_Fingerlakes-subscribe@ yahoogroups.com. –Jenny Holsman (ΓΠ-Arizona State) FINGERLAKES CONTACT:

Jenny Holsman (ΓΠ-Arizona State) jholsman@hotmail.com 315.345.5463

❸ information, visit the chapter’s Web site at www.nycalphaphi.org. –Bonnie M. Lestz (∆-Cornell) NYC METRO CONTACT:

Tammy Skuraton (A-Syracuse) Tammy@lkinc.com 973.379.9669

RHODE ISLAND NEW YORK CITY IVY CONNECTION, N.Y. Two New York City Ivy Connection officers attended the Northeast Regional Conference in February. The chapter received its charter in May. A happy hour in June was attended by 25 Phis, including prospective chapter members. In July, alumnae gathered for Movie Night Under the Stars and watched Alfred Hitchcock’s thriller, Rear Window. The women joined a local Sigma Chi alumni chapter in August for a night of Baseball and Brewskies, watching the world champion New York Yankees take on Tampa Bay at Yankee Stadium. A Founders’ Day brunch/luncheon is planned for October. Check out the chapter’s Web site at http:// groups.yahoo.com/group/APhi_NYCIvyCoordinating for the latest information and upcoming events. –Dana Ahrens (ΘΓ-Truman State)

Rhode Island alumnae continue to grow in membership with exciting activities every month. In addition to a game night the first Wednesday of each month, Rhody Phis enjoyed a wine and cheese cruise on the Narragansett Bay, summer barbecues, a 5K walk/run to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation and wine tasting at a local winery. Thanks to Vice President of Technology Laura Slipski Backus (EI-Duquesne) for creating the chapter’s Web site. Want to reconnect with Alpha Phi? Can’t make it to an event? Stay connected online at www.RhodyPhis.com. –Amanda Cunningham Cote (EΩ-Texas A&M) RHODE ISLAND CONTACT:

Kim Norton-O’Brien (ZP-Bentley) Knorton_obrien@hotmail.com 401.884.3971


Deanna Frizalone Cunnane (HH-Seton Hall) Dmcunnane@yahoo.com 212.662.3628

NEW YORK CITY METROPOLITAN, N.Y. NYC Metropolitan alumnae events ranging from ice skating to bowling to happy hours at popular NYC bars have attracted a diverse group of sisters from collegiate affiliations across the country. Upcoming activities include a joint event with the NYC Ivy Connection, a charity event and Founders’ Day and holiday celebrations. For more

FALL 2001

Pacific Northwest Region SAN MATEO COUNTY, CALIF Seven San Mateo County members attended a Founders’ Day celebration hosted by East Bay alumnae last October. Three 50-year members were recognized: Phyllis Kerstetter Shrank (BO-Bowling Green State), Betty Matson Raithel (B-Northwestern) and Lorraine Stewart Morris (BZ-Idaho). A holiday silent auction hosted by Margee Babcock Brizzolara (BB-Michigan State) and Lorraine Morris raised more than $100 for the Alpha

Phi Foundation. A Skinny Salads and Fat Desserts meeting featured a book review at the home of Martha Knox Knochenhauer (P-Ohio State); Phyllis Shrank was co-hostess. Nancy Schumacher Kehl (Π-North Dakota) organized a well-attended Panhellenic luncheon in February that included a program about Bay Area history. March featured a tour of the famous Filoli estate, organized by Pat Hanson Duvall (BΓ-Colorado and E-Minnesota). Twenty-three baskets were filled and decorated for children with AIDS during an April meeting at Nancy Kehl’s home, co-hosted by Pat Duvall. May’s meeting was a rubber stamp affair and election of officers at Lynn Meadows Gaillard’s (AΛ) home, with Chantale Gaillard (H∆-CSU/Hayward) co-hosting. After 30 years, Lorraine Morris stepped down as the chapter’s publicity chairman and Quarterly reporter. The position will be filled by Laura Mihld Lawrence (HB-CSU/San Bernardino). –Lorraine Stewart Morris (BZ-Idaho) SAN MATEO COUNTY CONTACT:

Lisa Mackin Ainsworth (T-Oregon) Ainsworth_l@msn.com 650.340.7105

South Central Region TOPEKA, KAN. Topeka alumnae hosted a picnic at the historic Ward Meade Park in April to honor Washburn (Y) graduating seniors. They also donated to the Alpha Phi Foundation in honor of Upsilon’s class of 2001: Jill Kirk Doyle, Shannon Hansen, Kelli Herman, Poung Herr, Faith Thompson, Sarah Wilson and Stacy Volts. The chapter paid tribute to 50-year members with flowers and a certificate: Leola Stewart Claussen (Γ∆-Kansas), Virginia Golightly Cofran (YWashburn), Kay Nelson Corn (Y-Washburn), Barbara Degnan Hinton (Y-Washburn), Nancy Pressley (ΦOklahoma), Barbara Kramer Kingman (Y-Washburn),




❶ ❶ COLUMBUS Columbus alumnae learn more about women’s heart health issues from an American Heart Association speaker.

❷ CLEVELAND EAST Cleveland East alumnae play a hat game during their annual garden party in May.

(TOPEKA, KAN., continued from page 15)

Jean Puffer Scott (Y-Washburn), Betty Weaver Rice (Y-Washburn), Martha Newcomb Smith (YWashburn), Barbara Biba Watkins (N-Nebraska) and Nancy Birt Winn (Y-Washburn).

–Amy Meeker (Y-Washburn) TOPEKA CONTACT:

Amy Meeker (Y-Washburn) Amy@treasurer.state.ks.us 785.218.3799

FORT WORTH, TEXAS Fort Worth alumnae planned meetings and events for the year during an officers’ retreat at the home of Billie Dolenz, mother of Brenda Dolenz Helmer (ΩTexas). Activities include a road trip to North Texas (ΓH) for polish week, an alumnae recruitment party, Founders’ Day, a mother-daughter dessert and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation’s Race for the Cure®. Members gathered auction items, assisted with costumes for a UNT recruitment skit and worked on Alpha Phi references during the summer. View the chapter’s Web site at www.angelfire.com/tx4/aphi. –Louise Florey Reid (ΓI-Texas Tech) FORT WORTH CONTACT:

Susan Stone (ZN-Texas Christian) Apeyrefitt@aol.com 817.921.9822



Alumnae made annual Finals Fun Packs for Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B) collegians at Jayne Korbs’

Far North Dallas and Surrounding Counties alumnae received their charter in June. Members gathered teddy bears at the home of Holly Friebele (ΓH-North Texas) for a donation to the Scottish Rite Hospital in Dallas. A casino night will raise funds for children at the hospital this fall. A game day was held at Robyn McCormacGreen’s (∆B-Texas A&M/Commerce) home and a wine and cheese meeting at Rachel Wright’s (∆BTexas A&M Commerce) home. Vice President of Membership Cindy McCormac (∆B-Texas A&M/Commerce) planned some fabulous functions for potential alumnae initiates. Thanks to an idea from Ilana Rossel (∆B–Texas A&M/Commerce), the chapter hosted a multi-school recruitment retreat in July for collegians from Cameron (ΘP), Midwestern State (ΓΩ), Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B) and North Texas (ΓH). Money for the event came from delivering Mother’s Day flowers, hosting a multi-family garage sale, selling candles and passing out scratch-off donation kits. Fort Worth and Southwest Dallas Area alumnae groups also donated. More than $2,200 was raised in four months. Thanks to all who helped with this grand adventure. –Karla Hardy-Allford (ΓΩ-Midwestern State)

(AΛ) home. They also attended preference night and fall initiation at Delta Beta. Simple pleasures included massages at Kathryn Krall-Slack’s home, and Jennifer Talkington (AΛ) taught floral arranging at Beverly Winn-Harkness’ (∆B-Texas A&M/Commerce) home. A Phamily Phun swimming party at Karla HardyAllford’s home concluded the year. Significant others and children, including a few legacies, joined in the fun afternoon. The chapter awarded four scholarships to local high school women and collegians. Congratulations to collegiate recipients Amy Brandt (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) and Emily Pope (∆B-Texas A&M/Commerce). Arline Korbs-Wolters (∆B-Texas A&M/Commerce), Angela Farley (EΣ-Dallas Baptist), Pam Farley (EΣ-Dallas Baptist), Hallie Farley (AΛ), Karla Hardy-Allford, Elaine BirtchetHolley (∆B-Texas A&M/Commerce), and legacies Jordan Allford, 5, and Rachel Holley, 2, appeared in a local July 4 parade. Special thanks to significant others who helped decorate the truck, drive and act as photographers. Members also helped conduct the Far North Dallas and Surrounding Counties alumnae chapter’s multi-school recruitment retreat. –Karla Hardy-Allford (ΓΩ-Midwestern State)


Karla Hardy-Allford (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) kallford@swbell.net 972.624.0686

SOUTHWEST DALLAS AREA, TEXAS Southwest Dallas Area alumnae celebrated the chapter’s 10th anniversary and Alpha Phi’s 128 years of sisterhood last October. Ten-year members Karla Hardy-Allford (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) and Kathryn Krall-Slack (ΩTexas), and 60-year member Doherty BresnahanMatetich (Π-North Dakota) were recognized.


Pam Farley (EΣ-Dallas Baptist State) pdf5540@dcccd.edu 972.780.8708

Southwest Region ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. Albuquerque alumnae enjoyed an amazing and informative journey through Navajo traditions by



President Pecola Miller Chase (AΛ) and her cousin, Bernelle Capitan, during the annual State Day luncheon in April. The theme was “Hazhon Na Sha Do,” Walk in Beauty. Founders’ Day brunch in October, December’s holiday party and ornament exchange, bunco game night in January and a music night out in March were well-attended gatherings. The children of Sheila Wynn Ramirez (AΛ) entranced members with a colorful Ballet Folklorico during a heart luncheon in February. After 25 years, the chapter retired its annual holiday crafts show, which raised thousands of dollars for local heart charities. A No Bake-Bake Sale is this year’s fundraiser. –Liz Wall Greene (X-Montana) ALBUQUERQUE CONTACT:

Pecola Miller Chase (AΛ) Talawepi@att.net 505.232.7133

Upper Midwest Region

COLUMBUS, OHIO Columbus alumnae viewed new house decorations and enjoyed seeing old friends and making new ones during a September open house at Ohio State (P). The chapter also celebrated Founders’ Day with Rho collegians, and a new tradition began as members revisited the past with a program about founding sisters. Collegians enjoyed hearing stories from alumnae members’ college days. November brought a girls’ night out to a new local restaurant. December’s highlight was an annual ornament and cookie exchange where alumnae made care packages for organizations in need. In March, members gathered at Jodine Hiser Beggrow’s (P-Ohio State) home for an American Heart Association speaker who discussed women’s heart health issues. The traditional Silver and Bordeaux Spring Brunch in April closed the year. Collegians, alumnae, mothers and daughters enjoyed a style show, raffle and awards presentation. –Jodine Hiser Beggrow (P-Ohio State)


Debbie Higbee Owens (BO-Bowling Green State) rdowens95@aol.com 614.451.3990

DETROIT WEST SUBURBAN, MICH. Detroit West Suburban alumnae held an annual senior ceremony for Michigan (Θ) collegians in March. A May trip to beautiful Kensington Park included families, bikes, food and even some wedding pictures. Members had so much fun they plan to do it again next year. Alumnae look forward to an annual happy hour in Livonia. Potential members and anyone interested in helping the Michigan collegiate chapter are encouraged to contact the chapter. DETROIT WEST SUBURBAN CONTACT:

Denise Mika-Biga (P-Ohio State) mikabiga@ameritech.net 248.442.7266

ASHLAND AREA, OHIO Ashland area alumnae ended the year with a meeting and behind-the-scenes tour of a local grocery store prior to its grand opening. In July, members helped with an Ashland (EA) chapter reunion, which included a family picnic at a local park. –Debby Bryden Gray (EA-Ashland) ASHLAND CONTACT:

Ann Hathaway Beckert Schar (EA-Ashland) Abassoc@richnet.net 419.281.2525

CLEVELAND EAST, OHIO Cleveland East alumnae enjoyed a box dinner night in February where members brought decorated boxes with dinners inside to trade. The March event was dinner and a play. A speaker enlightened the group about Victorian teas in April, and members sampled the flavors. A social fellowship night and annual garden party highlighted May. Alumnae wore garden hats, toured gardens and played a hat game. Joining in the festivities were Debby Bryden Gray (EA-Ashland) and Ann Hathaway Beckert Schar (EA-Ashland) from the Ashland alumnae chapter. –Rea Dawson Wedekamm (BI-West Virginia) CLEVELAND EAST CONTACT:

Rea Dawson Wedekamm (BI-West Virginia) Dawneedee@aol.com 440.729.9001

FALL 2001



Houston (ΓΛ)

UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB) What began in 1989 as a gathering of graduating UC/Santa Barbara ( B) seniors became a President’s Day weekend tradition of women celebrating motherhood, relationships and careers. This year, the group met in Aptos, Calif., and discovered two members were pregnant and due at the same time. Contact Jill Muchow Rode ( B-UC/Santa Barbara) at rnamuck@home.com for information on next year’s reunion. –Jill Muchow Rode Houston (ΓΛ) alumnae gather at the home of Emily Fraser Hippen in Katy, Texas, to visit with Martha Goodrich Dixon of Hot Springs Village, Ark., and Carolynne Bond Kent of Birmingham, Ala. Pictured are (from left): Mary Beth Blasdel Moon, Martha Goodrich Dixon, Emily Fraser Hippen, Carolynne Bond Kent, Martha Gilliam Gebhardt and Sue Higginbotham Davis. The group plans another Gamma Lambda reunion in 2002 in the Houston area. For information, contact Carolynne at 205.824.6424 or e-mail CarolynneKent@usa.net.

UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB) alumnae celebrate a 12-year reunion oceanside in Aptos, Calif. Pictured are (from left): Jill Muchow Rode, Jill Norman, Julie Davis Wagner, Susan Daly Sisson, Haleh Banisadr Hughes and Kristy Morris Hengler.


William Woods (∆X) William Woods ( V) has been hit hard by breast cancer; several alumnae are struggling with the disease. During a 20-year reunion in April, a donation was made to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation’s Race for the Cure® in honor of Cindy St. Onge Mullen, class of 1979. Sadly, Cindy died May 20, 2001. –Gwen Holt Gaffney ( V-William Woods)

SANTA CLARA ALUMNAE Join us in celebrating the 25th



anniversary of Zeta Gamma chapter Oct. 19–21, 2001. The weekend will include a dinner, dance and brunch at the house. Contact Laura Vizzusi at zetagamma_25th@hotmail.com or 408.248.1761.


William Woods (∆X) class of 1981 members gather around a plaque commemorating the chapter’s gift to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation’s Race for the Cure® in honor of Cindy St. Onge Mullen. Pictured are (from left): Jan Ferry Benbrook, Karen Peterson Haggerty, Linda Nelson Haralson, Sandi Clark Hively, Debbie Bush Davis, Suzanne Wilkerson Callahan, Gwen Holt Gaffney, Pam Martin, Carolyn Ault Michell, Shari Satterfield Kross, Marla Fischer Reynolds and Kathy Zbinden Rickey. ALPHA PHI




Alpha Phi: Put it on Your Résumé By Heather Wallace (BT-Indiana)

Your Alpha Phi affiliation provides you with valuable experience and skills that directly transfer to the workplace. Reveal to employers the benefits from such membership by including it on your résumé. Get the Interviewer’s Attention Maybe the interviewer has Greek roots. Or she could even be an Alpha Phi! Even if there’s no instant connection, listing Alpha Phi and other organization memberships makes you appear more active and organized. Employers assume you are capable of handling a variety of tasks and possess a good work/life balance. When determining how to present Alpha Phi or any organization during the job hunting process, consider the following: Collegians who held active leadership roles: Résumé Especially if your role in the organization is related to your career goals (e.g. treasurer seeking employment in accounting), list responsibilities and accomplishments as you would a job. Use “Experience” rather than “Work Experience” as a heading. You also may indicate organizational memberships under “Activities,” listing offices and accomplishments. Interview How do your Alpha Phi-related responsibilities and accomplishments relate to the workplace? Link your Alpha Phi successes to those you can provide a future employer. Eliminate jargon; say “our international governing organization” rather than “International.” Do not assume any knowledge of the Greek system or of the internal workings of other organizations. Quantify as much as possible. Be aware of significant dollar amounts if you were responsible for a budget. If you supervised other officers, know how many, what they did and the nature of your supervisory role. If you conducted a fundraiser, be prepared to quote how much was raised and how that total compared to previous years.

Not-so-active collegians: Résumé List membership in an “Activities” section. Interview Communicate how your Alpha Phi membership positively shaped you. Explain how, in return, you impacted and contributed to the organization. Did you participate in fundraisers? Did your GPA bring up the house average? Were you a team player in intramural sports? Those returning to the workforce: Résumé If you have been out of the workforce for some time, your organizational activities may be the primary way to showcase your skills. List activities/offices as if they are jobs under “Experience.” Use language related to your intended career when appropriate. Interview How can you apply similar skills learned through your volunteer work to those needed for this job? Speak of your contributions with conviction, knowing that your work is valuable, regardless of monetary compensation. Active members currently in the workforce: Résumé Retitle your “Activities” section if you’ve been out of college for some time. “Community Involvement” or “Professional and Community Involvement” are more appropriate titles. List organizational memberships here, along with offices held or honors received.

TIP List according to the information you want to emphasize. Be consistent by following that format throughout. Example To emphasize office: Treasurer, September 2000June 2001, Beta Tau Chapter of Alpha Phi To emphasize the organization: Alpha Phi, Beta Tau Chapter, September 1996-June 2000

Author’s Note In 10 years helping students with résumés, the only extracurricular activity I thought was best left off was “active involvement in Alcoholics Anonymous.” Although groups like this help shape and better oneself, health and selfimprovement information is confidential.

Interview Show the positive impact your memberships have on your work productivity. Do they increase business contacts? Are you able to connect and settle in more quickly after relocation? The experience gained through organization membership is invaluable. Show how you’ve benefited. Put Alpha Phi on your résumé!

Heather Wallace is a career services professional with 10 years of experience. This is the fifth in a series of articles on career development. FALL 2001



New Additions Adrian (∆H) To Patrick and Valerie Burgess Prosser, a son, Jared Russell, Dec. 20, 2000. Akron (HΓ) To Ben and Cindy Kwas Weaver, a son, Kevin Matthew, July 14, 2000. To Chris Juarovisech and Kristin Lusby, a son, Colton Michael, Feb. 3, 2001. Appalachian State (ΘN) To Mark Hayes and Jennifer Rimmer Bateman, a daughter, Meredith Hayes, April 6, 2001. Arizona (BE) To Rudy and Toni Thomas Ohrt, a daughter, Catherine Elizabeth, July 15, 2000. To Jeff and Kyndra Nelson Worley, a daughter, Kelsey Ann, May 25, 2001. Arizona State (ΓΠ) To Jeremy and Lori Cox Carver, a son, Garrett Hakuin, May 10, 2001. Ashland (EA) To Jason and Erika McGill Rich, a son, Kaleb Rich, Dec. 16, 2000. To Scott and Karen Wojcik Morse, a daughter, Madalyn Marie, May 3, 2001. To Joel and Kristen Trinter Mesaros, a son, Jack Thomas, June 7, 2001. Ball State (∆P) To J.R. and Sarah Cagle Dobbins, a son, Quinn Robert, June 20, 2001. Bentley (ZP) To Jeff and Cassie Rehbein Clark, a son, Jackson Laurence, March 24, 2001. Bowling Green State (BO) To Phil and Brigitte Beaudoin Hiett, a son, Matthew Philip, March 13, 2001. To Matthew and Margaret “Meg” Celmer Murphy, a daughter, Elizabeth Grace, June 27, 2001. Butler (EB) To Shane and Danielle RinguetteVinup, a son, Chase Michael, April 22, 2001. Cal Poly (EX) To Steven and Heather Howard Metz, a son, Alexander John, Nov. 15, 2001. Colorado (BΓΛ) To Jason and Eryn Hohs Ivey, a son, Carson William, March 4, 2001. Colorado State (ZM) To Parker and Joelle Etzel Scott, a daughter, Alina Claire, Feb. 7, 2001. To Kenny and Trina Bauer McDaniel, a daughter, Abigayle Elizabeth, May 12, 2001. Columbia (ZX) To Arun and Anita Chhabra Kapoor, a daughter, Aanika Priya, Jan. 26, 2001. Cornell (∆) To Mark J. and Carolyn Cassin Blair, a son, Declan Cassin, March 26, 2001. PAGE TWENTY

To Todd and Ruth Herzog Pack, a daughter, Caroline Clarissa, April 22, 2001. CSU/Hayward (H∆) To Tom and Carol Ahern Burns, a son, Kevin William, Oct. 15, 2000. CSU/San Bernardino (HB) To David and Holly Colombo Lally, a son, Carson Michael, Oct. 3, 2000. Dayton (ZΨ) To John Spencer and Susan Marie Bricher Bradley, a daughter, Grace Elizabeth, Nov. 10, 2000. Drake (ΓO) To Eric and Kristyn Schneider Cornish, a daughter, Sophia Louise, March 24, 2001. To Kevin and Jill Meyland-Smith O’Connell, a daughter, Abigail Lynn, April 20, 2001. To Ted and Nancy Johnson Bleck, a daughter, Chloe Elizabeth, June 26, 2001. Duquesne (EI) To Thomas and Sharon Schuchert Perry, a son, Spencer DeVere, Aug. 30, 2000. East Carolina (∆A) To Ken and Angela Paige Whitehurst, a daughter, Ashley Paige, April 29, 2001. To Sam and Tamara Abbott Matheny, a son, William Lane, May 22, 2001. To Scott and Julie Trepal West, a daughter, Rachel Hannah, May 16, 2001. Eastern Illinois (ZA) To Daniel and Geralyn Schauderna Eckert, a daughter, Melissa Anne, April 27, 2001 [also Northern Illinois (E∆)]. To Jason and Jennifer Ashby Uhlmann, a son, Jacob Dean, June 15, 2001. East Texas State (∆B) To Brian and Danna Evans Lewis, a son, Evan Ray, Oct. 8, 2000. Florida Tech (ΘZ) To Shannon and Sarah Gruber Poulin, a daughter, Abagail Anne, Jan. 29, 2001. George Mason (HΛ) To John and Jennifer Jackson Zwirschitz, a daughter, Abby Michelle, June 20, 2001. Idaho (BZ) To Brent Charles and Heidi Williams Skaggs, a son, Charles Gage, March 20, 2001. To Darick and Jeralee Nicholson Pope, a daughter, Ashlynn Taylor, March 23, 2001. Illinois (BA) To Jeff and Julie Colen Bloom, a daughter, Madelyn Alyssa, March 13, 2001. To Bruce and Tammy Hart Fales, a daughter, Kyra Collins, May 16, 2001.

To Bruce and Susan Buhrfeind Metzner, a son, Zachary William, April 3, 2001. Illinois State (ZT) To Christopher and Judy Schatz Burke, a son, Samuel Jude, May 5, 2001. Indiana (BT) To Peter and Kirsi Rhoades Steiner, a son, Quinn Rhoades, May 22, 2001. Indiana U. of Pennsylvania (∆Φ) To Barry and Alison Menner Flesik, a daughter, Mallory Lee, April 12, 2001. Indiana U. Southeast (ZE) To Troy and Stephanie Johnson Watson, a son, Jacob Keith, Oct. 22, 2000. Iowa (∆E) To Marcel Washington and Jane Cadwell, a daughter, Kayla Ayanna Mae, Feb. 23, 2001. Johns Hopkins (ZO) To Scott and Athena Soussa Abbott, a daughter, Gemma Chrysanthe, Feb. 26, 2001. To Seth and Sarah Greenberg Kovensky, a son, Alexander Jay, June 15, 2001. Kent State (BΩ) To Darrin and Gwen Locke Bright, a daughter, Molly Jo, April 1, 2001. To Kenneth and Meri Lu Cutri Hill, a daughter, Saylor Elizabeth, April 10. 2001. To Brian and Jana Jones Weinreich, a daughter, Macy Lee, March 29, 2001. Linfield (ΘA) To Todd and Julie Workman Crist, a son, Carson Thomas, May 21, 2001. Loyola Marymount (ZB) To Greg and Laurie Kunipo Tablan, a daughter, Isabela ‘Aulani, Dec. 27, 2000. To Michael and Susan Waller Poland, a son, Shaun Michael, May 9, 2001. Miami University (ΓN) To John and Rebecca BrewsterTaylor, a son, Spencer Amory, June 27, 2000. To Jim and Elaine Szczesny Kerr, a daughter, Michelle Lauren, May 20, 2001. Michigan (Θ) To Michael and Juliet Jones Gray, a daughter, Anna Muriel, Dec. 6, 2000. Michigan State (BB) To Randy and Eileen Brunwasser Sherman, a daughter, Marissa Claire, Feb. 15, 2001. To Perry and Mary Jo Vernon Paquette, a daughter, Sydney Paige, May 23, 2001. To Robert and Michelle Horne Tiderington, a daughter, Gwyneth Annabelle, June 5, 2001. Minnesota (E) To Rick and Elizabeth Clark Gregoire, a daughter, Paige Eleanor, Nov. 10, 2000.

Missouri (O) To Joshua and Cheryl Beeler Summers, a daughter, Annika Noel, Dec. 29, 2000. To John and Sandi Finkes Straetker, a daughter, Jillian Elizabeth, June 25, 2001. Montana (X) To Robert and Rhiannon Leeper Stanley, a son, Hunter MacKenzie, May 17, 2001. NC State (EΦ) To Mikele and Brooklyn Gainey Winters, a son, Barrett Edward, March 23, 2001. To Blake and Julie Atkinson Frazier, a son, Bradley Coleman “Cole,” April 18, 2001. To Dustin and Stephanie Nicholson Wagner, a daughter, Emma Katelyn, June 3, 2001. To Scott and Tracy Weaver Hickman, a son, Benjamin Cole, June 23, 2001. Nebraska/Kearney (∆Ξ) To David and Mary Derr Shuger, a son, Jason Monroe, May 11, 2001. New Hampshire (HA) To Craig and Lisa Riley Hoffses, a daughter, Meghan Riley, Oct. 5, 2000. To Paul Koziell and Denise Morrison, a daughter, Sophia Dianne Elizabeth, April 11, 2001. North Dakota (Π) To Keith and Tanya Wrigley-Lingle, twins, Jack Julius and Gracie Rose, May 24, 2001. Northeast Missouri State (ΘΓ) To Ralph R. III and Rebecca Bjerke Farnsworth, a son, Darren Ethan, Feb. 18, 2001. To James and Jessica Curran Looney, twin sons, Justin Alexander and Joshua Hunter, Feb. 19, 2001. To Ron and Tamara Holmes Cole, a son, Spencer Richard, April 7, 2001. To John and Candice Carwile Marshall, a daughter, Grace Elizabeth, April 11, 2001. Northern Colorado (∆Γ) To Jason and Eryn Hohs Ivey, a son, Carson William, March 2, 2001. To Christopher and Stephanie McConnell Hughes, a daughter, Tristan Elizabeth, April 9, 2001. Northern Illinois (E∆) To Daniel and Geralyn Schauderna Eckert, a daughter, Melissa Anne, April 27, 2001. To Michael and Roxanne McFarlane Semersky, a daughter, Zoë Lee, June 9, 2001. To Frank and Denise Biel Sweeney, a daughter, Alexia Jordan, June 23, 2001. North Texas (ΓH) To David and Rebekah Williams Calabuig, a son, Simon Pierre William, March 26, 2001.

Ohio State (P) To Timothy and Ellen Pritchett Moore, a daughter, Margaret Catherine, May 18, 2001. Oklahoma (Φ) To Steve and Lauren Lukaszek Ivy, a daughter, Anna Marie, Dec. 11, 2000. To Michael and Christina Morgan Cardoza, a daughter, Abby Marie, March 7, 2001. To Jeffrey and Kristine Covais Alexander, a son, Spencer James, April 16, 2001. To Mark and Susan Freese DeMoss, a daughter, Hannah Elizabeth, June 10, 2001. To Brian and Katherine Schwenk Runels, a daughter, Kendal Elise, June 11, 2001. Oregon State (BY) To Shane and Mindi Hill Morris, a daughter, Laine Elizabeth, April 4, 2000. To Patrick and Kelly Brown Mollahan, a daughter, Shea Clancy, May 30, 2001. Purdue (∆M) To Thomas and Karolyn Kinder Cummings, a son, Thomas J. III, Feb. 7, 2001. To Randy and Krista Duncan Truitt, a son, Harrison Randolph, June 17, 2001. San Jose State (BΨ) To Brian and Lisa Cordoni Matherly, a daughter, Kaitlyn Marie Doris, May 24, 2001. Shippensburg (ΘΞ) To Adam and Lori Moore Anneski, a son, Noah James, April 30, 2001. St. Joseph’s (ΘΘ) To John and Kristen Shope Sims, a daughter, Anna Jean, Feb. 11, 2001. To Ed and Crista A. Del Vescovo Ford, a son, Sam, May 16, 2001. SUNY/Cortland (HT) To John and Denise O’Brien Goodliffe, a son, Ryan George, April 19, 2001. Syracuse (A) To James and Karen Capuano Lawrence, a son, Brenden James, Nov. 2, 2000. Texas (Ω) To Jeremy and Jeanna Parks Welch, a son, Carter Andrew, Nov. 15, 2000. To Rob and Suzy Bever Gerdetz, a son, Kyle Robley, March 20, 2001. To Allen and Tyna Thompson Marshall, a son, Dylan Thompson, April 23, 2001. To Jym and Stacey Thulin Daniel, a daughter, Allyson Lee, July 8, 2001. Texas A&M (EΩΛ) To Leo M. III and Regina Outterside Venegas, a daughter, Caroline Margaret, Oct. 16, 2000. To Robert and Leandra Costilla Ortiz, a daughter, Risa Linda, Feb. 8, 2001.



Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B) To Paul and Natalie Scott Swider, a daughter, Ashley Alexis, May 15, 2001. Texas Christian (ZN) To Mike and Kirsten Archer Davy, a son, Ryan James, March 26, 2001. Texas Tech (ΓI) To John Arensmeyer and Kathleen Berry, a son, William B., Feb. 7, 2001. To Michael and Kathy Mackey Adams, a daughter, Mary Catherine, May 7, 2001. To Brett and Melody Owen Jurick, a daughter, Faith Elizabeth, May 24, 2001. To Joseph and Ellen Mackey Chuoke, a son, Mackey Noel, June 8, 2001. To Jason and Kimberly Hageman Smith, a daughter, Rylee Brooke, June 26, 2001. Tufts (ZΘ) To Richard and Jennifer DeStefano Yebba, a son, Anthony Nicholas, Sept. 1, 2000. UC/Davis (EP) To Joe and Kathy Sullivan Ming, a daughter, Gretchen Katherine, Aug. 6, 2000. To Charles and Adrienne Tesoriero Krolikowski, a son, Nicholas Charles, March 25, 2001. UC/Irvine (HK) To Harold and Beth Whitlow Shaver, a son, Zackary Marshall, Feb. 12, 2001. UCLA (B∆) To Yves and Libby Spearman Galea, a daughter, Claire Elizabeth, Jan. 7, 2001. To Doug and Julie Brotherton Gehr, a daughter, Emerson Violet, Jan. 12, 2001. UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB) To Scott E. and Jill Muchow Rode, a daughter, Jenna Catherine, May 27, 2001. To Kevin and Kristin Hall O’Neill, a son, Brody Anthony, June 15, 2001. UNC/Wilmington (HΞ) To Douglas and Michelle Davis Bonney, a son, Dean Arthur, Aug. 4, 2000. Villanova (HE) To Keith and Kathleen Sullivan Powell, a son, Killian Marc, April 25, 2001. Washington (Σ) To Dennis and Karen Heywood Stevenson, a daughter, Tressa Eileen, Feb. 21, 2001. To Jeff and Marty Taylor Collins, a son, Christian Jeffery, March 13, 2001. To Bruce and Christina Monohan Carr, a son, Andrew James, April 10, 2001. Western Michigan (∆Θ) To Joseph and Robin Boettcher LeMahieu, a daughter, Rebecca Terese, Nov. 7, 2000. Wichita State (ΓΞ) To James and Melissa Fortney Troub, a daughter, Sarah Lauren, March 6, 2001. To Keith and Sarah Stangohr Cranford, a daughter, Gabrielle Anne, May 1, 2001.

FALL 2001

William Woods (∆X) To Jason D. and Meredith Varnell Leslie, a son, Andrew Douglas, April 12, 2001.

Marriages Ashland (EA) Renee Marshall Gisclon to Fred Rogers, April 28, 2001. Boston (HΛ) Betsy Brill to Adam Steckelman, May 27, 2001. Bowling Green State (BO) Melinda Fisher to Randy Blackmer, June 16, 2001. Butler (EB) Polly Martin to Andrew Jones, July 7, 2001. Katie Eggleston to John Field, July 14, 2001. Cal Poly (EX) Jessica Waas to Chad Stein, June 17, 2000. Case Western Reserve (ZΠ) Margie Kan to Scott Kasner, May 27, 2001. Central Missouri State (ΘΛ) Sheri O’Dell to Shawn Songer, July 8, 2000. Karla Heinz to Robert Powelson, July 15, 2000. Heidi Krausch to Matthew Lencz, Nov. 18, 2000. Mary Kamper to Curtis Fennewald, June 30, 2001. Jennifer Toth to Cory Voyles, July 7, 2001. Bethany Twitchell to Joshua Reed, July 14, 2001. Jennifer Coonts to Michael Moor, Aug. 4, 2001. Chapman (HY) Megan Clark to Thom Dickson Jr., Aug. 5, 2000. Colorado State (ZM) Suzanne Gold to Timothy Detwiler, March 25, 2001. Cornell (∆) Judy Keisler to Albert Concepcion, April 14, 2001. CSU/Chico (ΘY) Erica Tennille Torre to Jeffery Adam Van Rees, May 20, 2000. CSU/Northridge (EY) Vera Belacic to Christopher Quinlan, June 9, 2001. CSU/San Bernardino (HB) Erin Michele Zubieta to Roy Logan Williams Jr., July 15, 2000. Mandy Delynn to Robert James Donovan III, April 7, 2001. Iwona-Maria Luczkiewicz to Leobardo O. Contreras, July 28, 2001. Rachel Fuchs to Peter Loiko, Aug. 5, 2000. Dayton (ZΨ) Meghan Wilburger to Carl Tinkham, July 21, 2001. Drake (ΓO) Wendy Naugle to Shawn “Tex” Holmes, May 27, 2001. Duquesne (EI) Kathryn Youstic to John Chase, Dec. 16, 2000.

Melinda Roeder to Michael Erickson, April 21, 2001. East Carolina (∆A) Kim Lewis to Arthur Tipton, May 27, 2001. Heather Tilley to Tommy Miller, July 14, 2001. Ashley Phillips to David Philyaw, July 28, 2001. East Texas State (∆B) Rachel Murray to Brett Bird, July 29, 2000. Emory (ΘΠ) Julie Rosenbloom to David Milliken, May 27, 2001. Samantha Terris to James Parks, June 10, 2001. George Mason (HΛ) Constance Coghill to Lawrence Scinto, May 19, 2001. Idaho (BZ) Carissa Decker to Jarod Blades, June 24, 2001. Illinois (BA) Lynne Peck to Ron Theis, Dec. 30, 2000. Nicole Bryant to David Dorsey, May 5, 2001. Ashley Cloyd to Steve Wooden, May 18, 2001. Kristin Moore to Dan Howe, July 28, 2001. Indiana (BT) Janine Hollenbeck to Kenneth Rogers, May 19, 2001. Indiana State (∆Π) Melyssa Chasteen to Brent McCoy, June 30, 2001. Stephanie Keilman to Kristopher Walsh, July 14, 2001. Indiana U. Southeast (ZE) Christina Wright to John Hampton, Oct. 6, 2000. Angela Hooker to Michael Martin, Jan. 20, 2001. Kiera Daugherty to Michael Phillips, Feb. 17, 2001. Cynthia “Cindy” Sisco to Scott Breidenbach, March 24, 2001. Iowa (∆E) Kay Weyburg to Peter Krhin, Aug. 26, 2000. Krista Haegele to Michael Fuller, Nov. 18, 2000. Iowa State (Z∆) Tracy Bucher to Lucas Jones, May 13, 2001. James Madison (ΘI) Kim Ellis to Michael Perry, May 5, 2001.

Kent State (BΩ) Shannon Zorn to Len Hyde, Sept. 22, 2001. Lafayette (HΣ) Elisa Bussemer to Sebastian Crapanzano, June 30, 2001. Linfield (ΘA) Shari Spence to Anthony Fox, Sept. 2, 2000. Amy Guthrie to Patrick Miller, July 8, 2001. Jessica Oakes to Brandon Maskew, July 20, 2001. Krista Olsen to Jeremy Geffre, July 21, 2001. Loyola Marymount (ZB) Stephanie Kanzler to Sandor Demosthenes, July 15, 2000. Ruth Witte to Jeff Poole, March 10, 2001. Julia Gardner to Tom Plotts, Sept. 15, 2001. Manitoba (BH) Helen Hillius to Archie Pronger, June 23, 2001. Miami University (ΓN) Angela Hall to Geoff Staufer, Oct. 7, 2000. Heather Swillinger to Eric Buck, June 16, 2001. Midwestern State (ΓΩ) Kristin Kloske to Shane Berend, July 14, 2001. Minnesota (E) Valerie Meyer to Mark Halvorson, Sept. 16, 2000. Wendy Hansen to Darin Stotz, June 24, 2000. Linda Nelson to Ted Phenix, May 13, 2001. Montana (X) Laura Stephens to Braxton Norwood, July 14, 2001. Nebraska (N) Tara Adams to Mark Shields, May 12, 2001. Danielle Brester to Brian Buda, June 16, 2001. Sherry Loostrom to Ryan Sanner, Aug. 4, 2001. Nebraska/Kearney (∆Ξ) Allison Pagan to Scott Siepmann, July 8, 2000. North Dakota (Π) Angie Passa to Jeff Panzer, June 29, 2001. Northern Colorado (∆Γ) Heather Potter to Philip Laskowski, May 5, 2001.

Northern Iowa (EΘ) Andrea Lane to Jason Schoenbeck, July 21, 2001.` North Texas (ΓH) Allison Roquemore to Michael Ernst, April 28, 2001. Northwestern (B) Christina Conway to Jonathan Shaver, June 2, 2001. Old Dominion (EH) Kristy Turpak to Chris Gibson, Nov. 18, 2000. Oklahoma City (∆∆) Erin Michaelis to Joseph Sauceda, May 5, 2001. Lauri Hukill to Mike Stucki, Sept. 7, 2001. Penn State (ΓP) Carolyn Yurkovich to Michael Clark, April 28, 2001. Pepperdine (IA) April Feary to Ryan Schley, Nov. 25, 2000. Puget Sound (ΓZ) Karen Okerman to Matthew Abbott, Sept. 2, 2001. Rensselaer (ΘT) Ambre Ouellette to Joseph Templin, Oct. 15, 2000. Rhode Island (I∆) Laura McMahon to Peter Kovacs, June 9, 2001. Rochester (ΘK) Janis Coughlin to Matthew Piester, May 26, 2001. Seton Hall (HH) Danielle DeHaven to Carlos Ferreira, Sept. 29, 2000. Shippensburg (ΘΞ) Anita Deck Merson to Benjamin J. Reilly, July 14, 2001. St. Joseph’s (ΘΘ) Jennifer Nese to Greg Lombardi, June 22, 2001. St. Mary’s (IB) Katherine Jones to Mitchell Deshazer, June 9, 2001. Barbara Halas to Derek Acosta, June 16, 2001. SUNY/Cortland (HT) Arlene VanAlstyne to Matt Woodrick, July 14, 2001. Texas (Ω) Kris Clauson to Carl Danley, Oct. 7, 2000. Christine Keene to Derrick Farrell, Jan. 7, 2001. Marcy Berg to Bruce Albert Maul Jr., April 14, 2001.



Texas A&M (EΩΛ) April Harris to Chris Tobola, July 7, 2001. Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B) Brooke Martin to Tom Sarratt, March 24, 2001. Texas Christian (ZN) Sarah Hopkins to Daniel R. Mouttet, May 27, 2001. Texas Tech (ΓI) Melissa Bloxom to Kevin Vaughn, June 9, 2001. Samantha Lusk to Brett Henderson, June 17, 2001. UC/Irvine (HK) Kimberly Little to Paul Falsone, Jan. 5, 2001. Alyssa Weissbach to Jeffrey Skolnick, June 3, 2001. UCLA (B∆) Candice Atherton to Stephen McGarvey, April 28, 2001. UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB) Kerry McCarthy to Sean Tully, July 8, 2000. Carri Swanson to Mark McGuire, March 30, 2001. Stephanie Coppinger to Nicholas Bartich, Aug. 25, 2001. UNC/Wilmington (HΞ) Stephanie Day to Richard Banton, Sept. 30, 2000.

If you would like a record of a birth, marriage or death included in the Quarterly, please clip out and submit this form to Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201. Or you may e-mail the information to quarterly@ alphaphi.org. Please be sure to include all the requested information. P L E A S E N OT E : Announcements may only be printed if they have occurred within a year of publication. Announcements with missing information, such as specific date, will not be printed. If annoucements are received after the copy deadline (see inside front cover for specific dates), they will be considered for the following issue.


University of the Pacific (IΓ) Amy Crawford to Jason Pepper, June 16, 2001. Villanova (HE) Kristin E. Mazenko to Jerrold S. Jakubowski, June 30, 2001. Virginia (ZIΛ) Erin Kitchen to Brian Jaskot, May 27, 2001. Western Michigan (∆Θ) Joy Blauwkamp to Tom Koops, July 7, 2000. Western Ontario (ΘH) Anna Sidiropoulos to Chris Maclellan, July 1, 2001. Heather Brunet to Ken VanderWal, July 14, 2001. West Virginia (BI) Elysha Dempsey to L. David King, May 26, 2001. Wisconsin/Stout (ΓΣ) Maren Brown to Jason Geyen, Oct. 28, 2000.

Silent Chapter Arizona (BE) Cathryn Crane Cella (’50), Oct. 10, 2000. Beverly Loomis Richter (’46), May 31, 2001.

Mary Jane Thorne Ellis (’42), June 26, 2001. British Columbia (BΘ) Joyce Rolston (’49), June 14, 2001. Butler (EB) Sheryl L. Jett Reading (’81), May 20, 2001. DePauw (Γ) Sara S. “Sally” Stanton Bernsdorff (’61), June 29, 2001. Duke (BN) Janice Bishop Rudd (’54), June 13, 2001. Eastern Illinois (ZA) Shannon McNamara (’99), June 12, 2001. Georgia State (ΓM) Beverly “Elaine” Smith Rogers (’70), April 3, 2001. Illinois (BA) Lucetta Burr Charles (’42), June 1, 2001. Indiana State (∆Π) Kelley Beckes Huebner (’69), June 19, 2001. Johns Hopkins (ZO) Rebecca Eddy (’95), March 9, 2001. Michigan (Θ) Pauline Thompson Sebastian (’48), March 3, 2001. Susan A. Lunden Topliff (’45), April 25, 2001.

Michigan State (BB) Lindsey Shapiro (’98), Nov. 21, 2000. Helen Louise Lott Woodruff (’27), June 4, 2001. Minnesota (E) Charlotte Hemberson O’Brien (’45), June 23, 2001. MIT (ZΦ) Lizette Arcé-Doshi (‘91), Sept. 10, 2000. Montana (X) Dorothy Benson Lawson (’57), April 27, 2001. Nebraska (N) Jean Hughes Stryson (’37), Dec. 11, 2000. Dorothy Heldt Lyon (’25), Jan. 23, 2001. Donna Lou Peterson Leik (’44), June 7, 2001. Northwestern (B) Harriet Sanders Burgess (’29), Oct. 15, 2000. Syracuse (A) Ruth Steinhilber Moore (’54), Dec. 22, 2000. Texas (Ω) Mary Perry Taylor (’59), Dec. 21, 2000. Lena M. “Buster” Quist Homburg (’35), May 14, 2001.

UC/Berkeley (Λ) Barbara Spedick Hall (’67), April 11, 2001. Kathryn Prost MacLeod (’28), May 28, 2001. UCLA (B∆) Carol Ferguson Nelson (’33), Feb. 18, 2001. UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB) Nadine Woodrow Eshelman (’50), Feb. 28, 2001. USC (BΠ) Virginia Linwood Van Vliet (’52), Nov. 24, 2000. Washburn (Y) Donna Lee Bledsoe (’50), Aug. 16, 2000. Washington (Σ) Emmy Lou Watt Mowat (’32), May 5, 2001. Wisconsin (I) Lois Anderson Brunsell (’54), April 12, 2001.

Birth/Marriage/ Silent Chapter Form Birth FATHER’S NAME





















Submitted by NAME






























Installation of AΦ’s NPC Chair Coincides with Centennial Celebration Kick-Off Join Alpha Phis in Tucson to Witness Alpha Phi and NPC History Alpha Phis from across North America are invited to a reception honoring incoming National Panhellenic Conference Chairman Sally McCall Grant (Γ-DePauw) following her installation at the Westin La Paloma in Tucson, Ariz. The closing banquet of this Biennial Session marks the beginning of a year-long centennial celebration by all NPC member groups. The occasion holds special meaning for Alpha Phi, since in 1902 Alpha Phi’s National President Margaret Mason Whitney (Θ-Michigan) called the meeting in Chicago that resulted in the formation of NPC. Sally and the rest of the 2001–2003 NPC executive committee will be installed during the Saturday evening awards banquet on Oct. 6, 2001. Alpha Phi will host a private reception following the Panhellenic festivities at 10:30 p.m. in the hotel’s Cottonwood Room. Alpha Phi photographs will be taken prior to the 7:30 p.m. dinner. For more information, contact the Executive Office at 847.316.8921. NPC is an umbrella association for its 26 women’s fraternities. The Conference meets once a year to discuss issues facing collegiate and alumnae Panhellenic women on campus and in the community and to reach consensus on the ways to assist Panhellenics in resolving current issues.

NPC joins NIC in Second D.C. Reception NPC Delegate Sally McCall Grant ( -DePauw), International President Jean Cameron Tindall ( M-Miami University) and former Board member Diane Spry Straker ( A-East Carolina) represented Alpha Phi May 15 in Washington, D.C. at a series of events that culminated in a reception for Greek-affiliated senators, representatives and senior staff members. This event was a second attempt by the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC), and the first time that NPC, National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations (NALFO) and National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) members joined in the reception in the Cannon Office Building near the Capitol.

encouraged to reward academic achievements of chapters and individuals. Ideas for celebrating academic excellence were sent to each member Panhellenic in August. If your Panhellenic did not receive the information, please contact the NPC Office at npccentral@npcwomen.org. St. Louis Alumnae Panhellenic

to past NPC Chairman Lissa

Bradford (Kappa Alpha Theta), who received the Fraternity Executives Association (FEA) Distinguished Service Award in July. Lissa is only the second woman to receive the prestigious award in the past 35 years.

FALL 2001

October 2001: Month of the Scholar Oct. 14–20, 2001: National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week March 4, 2002: International Badge Day Oct. 10–12, 2002: NPC Interim Session, Chicago Marriott Oakbrook, marks the completion of the year-long centennial celebration

How will Your Panhellenic Celebrate the Month of the Scholar? NPC’s Academic Excellence Committee has designated October as the Month of the Scholar. College and alumnae Panhellenics across North America are



St. Louis Gateway Alumnae Chapter President Karen Frick (OMissouri), St. Louis Alumnae Panhellenic Delegate Jayne Gebauer Kasten (O-Missouri) and 2001-2003 Panhellenic President Diane Steinkamp (BA-Illinois) represent Alpha Phi during the St. Louis Alumnae Panhellenic Scholarship Luncheon in June. –Jayne Kasten (O-Missouri)

Calling all Panhellenic Officers Do you serve as an alumnae or collegiate Panhellenic officer? Please send your name and contact information to quarterly@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8920. NPC Office 3905 Vincennes Road, Suite 105 Indianapolis, IN 46268 317.872.3185 318.872.3192 (fax) npccentral@npcwomen.org www.npcwomen.org




❶ ❶ DePauw (Γ) Gamma sisters celebrate during DePauw’s bid night in February. ❷ New Hampshire (HA) Eta Alphas proudly display awards received during the Greek Awards Banquet.

❸ North Dakota (Π) Pi sisters support Sigma Chi Derby Darling Kristi Alverson by wearing buttons in her honor. Kristi received the title during the Derby Days philanthropy event in April.

The women were proud to support Hats Off for Cancer, Inc., an international organization, founded by sister Tara Lawrence, that collects hats for children who lost their hair due to cancer-related chemotherapy treatments. Iota Alpha ended the year on a high note, nominated for eight Pepperdine Greek awards. The chapter won for inter-sorority spirit and best recruitment, and Jill Huebschman was named Greek Woman of the Year. –Jill Huebschman


CALIFORNIA UC/Davis (EP) Epsilon Rho owes Jocelyn Nuedecker a round of applause for making the first Ivy Bowl flag football tournament a grand success during spring. The chapter plans to host the event again this fall. Epsilon Rho played a large part in the spring Special Olympics held at Sacramento State, including the set up process. Erin Telles sang the national anthem at the opening ceremony, and Director of Community Service Jennifer Paddock rallied Phi support at the ceremony and throughout the games. Members even walked around the field carrying Alpha Phi banners. The chapter was ranked third among UC/Davis’ sororities for highest GPA. Randie Zeiter and Susan Oroz worked diligently over the summer toward a successful recruitment. Epsilon Rho welcomes its new members. –Kourtney Gamble

Pepperdine (IA) Iota Alpha members co-sponsored the Clothesline Project, a program that raises awareness of violence toward women. The chapter celebrated the success of the project at their spring formal.


Summer 2001 found Beta Pis working across the globe. Chapter President Jenny Concepcion interned for the Fox Wants to Know segment at Fox News, Los Angeles. She spent time with alumnae Ann Martin (Σ-Washington) and Catherine Anaya (BΠ-USC) in May, visiting the set of their CBS television show Woman 2 Woman in Los Angeles (see Spring 2001 Quarterly). Michelle Mountain, Jocelyn Liu and Jessica Lowe were among 23 students awarded USC Freeman Fellow Internships, from the more than 100 applicants. In addition to a two-month internship aimed at increasing relations with Asia, Freeman Fellows receive a $5,000 stipend. Jessica and Jocelyn both served their internships in Hong Kong, and Michelle worked in Tokyo. Junior Katie Clause coached sailing during summer. Recent graduate Lindsey Smith-Sands was cast as the understudy to Nanette in No No Nanette for the Musical Theatre Company, Portland, Ore. She also was cast as a tap dancer and ensemble member in the production. Beta Pis welcomed a new house director this fall and are enjoying technical renovations to the house, including high speed Internet access. Rush Chair Katie Bazz worked diligently to create an amazing recruitment program for fall 2001. –Cara Davidson

❷ INDIANA Butler (EB) Epsilon Beta sisters earned two major awards from Butler’s Panhellenic Greek Life Council during the spring semester. The Five-Star Chapter Award was for excellence in all areas of Greek life, including public relations, scholarship, programming, member education, philanthropy and leadership. A second award was for Outstanding Chapter Programming. Highlighted 2000–2001 programs covered topics such as the definition and importance of sisterhood, women’s health and the importance of annual checkups, finances and using one’s communication style to direct leadership skills. –Lori Roark

DePauw (Γ) Gamma participated in philanthropic events, campus intramurals and varsity athletics. The women began spring semester welcoming 36 new members, including two legacies, who bring athleticism, musical talent, academic excellence and wonderful personalities. Gamma is proud of its athletic success, including winning the campus intramural soccer championship and both singles and doubles competitions of table tennis. One softball player and five track athletes from the chapter helped DePauw win the Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference President’s Trophy. During Gamma’s annual Putt-n-Tee philanthropy event, members caddied at a local golf course for the Make-A-Wish Foundation® in Indianapolis. Incorporating the chapter’s Moms’ Weekend, 50 members and their mothers also participated in the American Cancer Society’s® Relay for Life, a 24-hour walk/run for cancer. –Kiley McQuinn



GOT MILK? Brooke Bailey (Γ-DePauw) has entered the “Mad about Milk” photo contest for the past two years. Persistence paid off. She was one of 10 first prize winners, receiving $100 and a T-shirt. To enter, she sent in a milk mustache photo of herself with a brief essay explaining why she drinks milk. The Milk® national competition’s grand prize is a trip to New York, a photo shoot for a full-page advertisement in Seventeen magazine and $1,000. Brooke says she’ll send another entry next year, aiming for the grand prize.



Northern Iowa (EΘ)

Missouri (O)

Epsilon Theta rallied during Greek Week festivities to place second in the all-sorority powder puff flag football tournament and first in the variety show. In addition, Jessie Weaver was crowned Greek Goddess. Four members were finalists for Grace Ann Hovet Student Leadership Awards: Jennifer Slocum, Outstanding Officer in a Student Organization; Dacia O’Connor, Outstanding Student Organization Advisor; Sarah Giesler, Outstanding New Member in a Student Organization; and Lindsey Lawerence, Outstanding Organization Member. Seniors Abby Dean and Allison Cink were nominated by the university’s alumni association and foundation for the 2001 Lux Service Award. The chapter was a finalist for Outstanding Student Organization of the Year. Epsilon Thetas nominated six professors for the Alpha Phi Foundation Professor of the Year Award. The chapter-level winner was Dr. Steven Corbin, nominated by Amy Terlouw. They also nominated Allen Hospital in Waterloo, Iowa, for the Foundation’s Cardiac Care Award. –Kate Krummel

Omicron women hosted the second annual A-Phifa Challenge weeklong philanthropy soccer tournament. This year’s tournament was open to campus organizations and individual groups as well as fraternities, and 14 groups participated. Nearly $5,000 was raised for the Alpha Phi Foundation. The chapter wowed potential members with a fresh and innovative recruitment week and welcomed more than 60 new members. These women attended a Greek-wide new member program in addition to the chapter’s. Katie Andrews, Mary Schultz and Liz Underwood facilitated part of the program, which teaches new Greek students about such topics as hazing, sorority and fraternity values, alcohol, drugs and sexual harassment. The women of Omicron began the 2001–2002 year with the men of Kappa Alpha Order as their Homecoming partner. –Liz Underwood

Washburn (Y) Upsilon received awards for most improved grades and academic achievement during Washburn University’s Greek Awards Banquet in April. Becky Collins was nominated Greek Woman of the Year, and 10 sisters were inducted into Gamma Sigma Alpha Greek national honor society. In February, Tiffany Yearout won the Miss Washburn University Pageant. She competed in the Miss Kansas Pageant in June with vocal performance as her talent. –Becky Collins

FALL 2001

NEW YORK Syracuse (A) Alpha’s hard work and leadership last year resulted in recognition as the university’s Outstanding Greek Chapter in April. The chapter also won the Excellence in Public Relations and Outstanding Future Leader in Panhellenic awards. Sara Korf was named Alpha Omega Woman of the Year.

NORTH CAROLINA East Carolina (∆A)

NEW HAMPSHIRE New Hampshire (HA)


Education, Campus Involvement and Chapter of the Year. Senior Tara Hajjar was recognized as a 20002001 undergraduate intern for Greek Affairs. Senior Elizabeth Braun received Order of Omega’s Most Ambitious award. –Janine Coppola Kniola (HZ-SUNY/Binghamton), Chapter Adviser to Eta Alpha

Eta Alpha won more awards than any organization at the UNH Greek Awards Banquet in April, including Community Service and Philanthropy, New Member

Alpha Phi is colonizing at The George Washington University this fall. Do you know anyone attending George Washington, DePaul, Duke or Wilfrid Laurier? Contact the Executive Office at 847.475.0663 for more information.

To enrich sisterhood, Delta Alpha conducted gavel talks at various meetings and events throughout the year, where sisters had the opportunity to reinforce positive feelings and express concerns. Sisterhood events included a senior and new member ice cream social, pizza and movie night and a relaxing dinner away from the house. The chapter pushed for community service by volunteering with organizations such as March of Dimes® and Special Olympics. Thirty-six Delta Alphas vacationed together during spring break in Panama City Beach, Fla. Most memorable was when sisters teamed with Dr. Pepper® to plant sea oats at the Panama Beach Community Center. Their involvement made a Panama City Beach newspaper. Thanks to the suggestion of former Foundation Traveling Consultant Amy Latham (ΓI-Texas Tech), a



TRIBUTE TO A SISTER On June 12, Alpha Phi learned of the tragic murder of 21-year-old Shannon E. McNamara (ZA-Eastern Illinois). Eastern Illinois student Anthony Mertz was charged with the crime. In a statement to the press, her parents, Bob and Cindy McNamara of Rolling Meadows, Ill., expressed what Alpha Phi meant to her, “Shannon considered her sorority sisters to be her sisters for life. She most recently participated in Greek Week activities, includShannon McNamara, third from left, with Eastern ing the air band competition, and really enjoyed Illinois (ZA) sisters. that. Eastern was a very special place to her…” At her parents’ request, Shannon was buried in her Alpha Phi sweatshirt. Representatives from Alpha Phi International supported Zeta Alpha sisters following the traumatic news, and wore badges and silver ribbons in Shannon’s memory at the funeral. Shannon transferred to Eastern, Charleston, Ill., in the fall of 1999 from Harper College, Palatine, Ill., where she was a National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) All-American two years in a row. As a sophomore, she was named women’s track and field’s most valuable athlete. She would have graduated next spring with a teaching certificate and degree in physical education. An all-campus memorial is scheduled for fall. On behalf of Alpha Phi International, our hearts go out to Shannon’s family, friends and the Zeta Alpha chapter.

Erin Weed (ZA-Eastern Illinois) created a self defense program for women in Shannon’s memory. Visit www.girlsfightback.com for more information.

new Heart Throb philanthropy event will be held during Greek Week to support the Alpha Phi Foundation. A car wash and book buy-back also are in the works. –Elizabeth “Libby” Jenkins

OHIO Case Western Reserve (ZΠ) Thanks to a phenomenal spring COB, Zeta Pi women welcomed 11 new members, from athletes to dean’s list scholars. Alpha Phi’s Bid For Your Heart date auction raised $1,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. The chapter hopes to cosponsor the event with a fraternity or non-Greek organization next year. Zeta Pis held their heads high during the university’s Student and Greek Leadership Awards, winning the categories of rush, alumni programming and philanthropy and receiving honorable mention in all other categories. The women are excited to introduce even more programming within the chapter and on campus beginning this fall. They also won Best Philanthropic Endeavor for their work with the Girl Scouts of the USA®, sponsoring a Brownie troop of 14 using a grant from the city of Cleveland. –Clarissa Flippo


VIRGINIA Old Dominion (EH) On March 24 Epsilon Eta initiated five new members: Christina Ammens, Ana Bobber, Roxanne Enix, Maggie Kauneckas and Kira McCausland. The chapter participated in the American Cancer Society’s® Relay for Life, logging in more than 16 hours. Each sister took a turn walking for 30 minutes. –Denise Shrader



Brooke Cesare (EX-Cal Poly) is the newest member of the 2001-2002 educational leadership consultant team (see Summer Quarterly, page 26). Because she joined the staff after the Summer Quarterly went to print, her profile was not included in that issue.

Brooke Cesare (EX-Cal Poly) My goal as an ELC is: to expand my experiences personally and professionally, and show chapters the best way to achieve positive lifelong memories of Alpha Phi. If I wasn’t an ELC, I’d: be pursuing a career in pharmaceutical sales. As an ELC, I’m looking forward to: traveling and meeting Alpha Phis from across North America. Favorite Alpha Phi memory: Greek Week festivities every year. Three words that best describe me are: dedicated, outgoing and enthusiastic.

WASHINGTON Washington State (BPΛ) Beta Rho deuteron said goodbye to 16 graduating seniors in May with a senior dessert. Members shared memories about the seniors, and seniors reflected on their favorite Alpha Phi moment. This sisterhood event is a favorite every year. Four seniors joined the Spokane, Wash., alumnae chapter, traveling to Spokane May 6 for a ceremony and tea. Washington State’s commencement ceremony was held May 12, and sisters received degrees ranging from pre-law to leisure studies. –Jessie Kane

The Quarterly salutes UCLA (B∆) Chapter Adviser Christiane Sentianin (B∆-UCLA)! Look for her profile in the Winter 2002

Quarterly (see Spring and Summer 2001 Quarterlies for additional profiles).




Introducing: (Please attach a photograph if available.)

Introduction to Alpha Phi


















Legacy Information Alpha Phi relatives (Please list name, address and chapter affiliation). NAME









Additional Information

How do you know this woman?

Have you spoken to her about Alpha Phi? If not, will you? List her school and community service honors:

What are her interests/goals?

Will she be participating in formal rush?

Personal Information



Mail Form Please attach additional information if necessary. Send this form directly to the collegiate chapter or the Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Please check the appropriate box below: Copy for EO records EO: Please forward to collegiate chapter







FALL 2001



Fraternity Directory FOUNDERS Clara Bradley Burdette (’76) Silent Chapter 1954 Florence Chidester Lukens (’75) Silent Chapter 1885 Martha Foote Crow (’76) Silent Chapter 1924 Ida Gilbert Houghton (’76) Silent Chapter 1916 Jane S. Higham (’76) Silent Chapter 1949 Kate Hogoboom Gilbert (’75) Silent Chapter 1900 Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults (’75) Silent Chapter 1895 Rena Michaels Atchison (’74) Silent Chapter 1933 Louise Shepard Hancock (’76) Silent Chapter 1932 Clara Sittser Williams (’75) Silent Chapter 1925 PA S T P R E S I D E N T S Phyllis Sims Selig, 1974–78 Mary Carr Boyd, 1978–82 Nancy Wittgen Burks DeVoe, 1982–86 Sally McCall Grant, 1986–90 Virginia Burson Struble, 1990–94 Linda Gardner Massie, 1994–98 INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD International President Jean Cameron Tindall (ΓN-Miami University) 13181 Pondapple Drive E. Naples, FL 34119 jctaphi@aol.com EO line: 847.316.8970 Vice President Carole Salerno (EΓ-CSU/Sacramento) Pleasanton, CA clsalerno@aol.com Secretary/Treasurer Amy Pfannenstiel Bunszel (∆-Cornell) Brighton, MA bunszel@ix.netcom.com Monica Kennedy Monczka (Ξ-Toronto) Toronto, Ontario Canada pmmonczka@on.aibn.com Valerie Lawlor (O-Missouri) Dallas, TX vallaw@aol.com Mary Rekart Ulich (∆Γ-Northern Colorado) Alpharetta, GA marulich@aol.com Judith Segerer Watson (BO-Bowling Green State) Columbus, OH jwatson@cas.org


Crista Cate Vasina (BO-Northern Colorado) Alpharetta, GA crista.vasina@prodigy.net Felicia Hunt (HP-San Diego) Hermosa Beach, CA fahaphi@hotmail.com F O U N DAT I O N B OA R D O F D I R E C TO R S Chairman Susan Brink Sherratt (BB-Michigan State) 23 Sea Bridge Way Alameda, CA 94502 sherratt@ix.netcom.com EO line: 847.316.8971 Vice Chairman Kathleen Feeney Hiemstra (∆Θ-Western Michigan) Chagrin Falls, OH khiemstra@jcu.edu Secretary Michelle Marchant (Λ-UC/Berkeley) Seattle, WA michelle_marchant@hp.com Treasurer Susan Weiskittle Barrick (BO-Bowling Green State) Champaign, IL sbarrick@alexia.lis.uiuc.edu Gayle Goodman (B∆-UCLA) New York, NY GOODMAN7NY@aol.com Judith Knudsen Brown (E-Minnesota) Hilton Head Island, NC Jajay@aol.com Jean Cameron Tindall (ΓN-Miami University) Naples, FL jctaphi@aol.com

E X E C U T I V E O F F I C E S TA F F Telephone numbers listed under Fraternity and Foundation staff are direct lines. Fraternity 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 Phone 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 e-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org Direct voice mail line: 847.475.4786 Executive Director Pamela Wilcox pwilcox@alphaphi.org 847.316.8922 Manager of Administrative Services Carol Schar cschar@alphaphi.org 847.316.8945 Director of Alumnae Services Cindy Day Erwin cerwin@alphaphi.org 847.316.8925 Program Manager Alumnae Services Alison Tibbits (I∆-Rhode Island) atibbits@alphaphi.org 847.316.8941 Program Coordinator Alumnae Services Melanie Keller mkeller@alphaphi.org 847.316.8940

Housing Manager Olimpia Olguin olimpia@alphaphi.org 847.316.8939 Director of Collegiate Membership Linda Long Boland (ΓK-CSU/Long Beach) llboland@worldnet.att.net EO line: 847.316.8944 Associate Director of Collegiate Membership Megan Bouché (E-Minnesota) mbouche@alphaphi.org 847.316.8926 Program Manager Collegiate Operations Laura Garraway Caulfield (∆E-Iowa) lcaulfield@alphaphi.org 847.316.8923 Program Manager Consultants & Recruitment Keri Miller (∆P-Ball State) kmiller@alphaphi.org 847.316.8927 Program Coordinator Collegiate Membership Development Samantha Lineberger (EB-Butler) slineberger@alphaphi.org 847.316.8943

EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONSULTANTS 2001-2002 All ELCs can receive mail at the Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Extensions below are voice mail only and may be accessed by dialing 847.475.4786. Jill Allison (Σ-Washington and HIPennsylvania) Edmonds, WA jallison@alphaphi.org Ext. 160 Sarah Berg (N-Nebraska) Omaha, NE sberg@alphaphi.org Ext. 161 Brooke Cesare (EX-Cal Poly) Bakersfield, CA bcesare@alphaphi.org Ext. 162 Sarah Duncan (∆Θ-Western Michigan) Kalamazoo, MI sduncan@alphaphi.org Ext. 163 Heidi Fleck (N-Nebraska) Omaha, NE hfleck@alphaphi.org Ext. 164 Shawna Menosky (BΩ-Kent State) Burton, OH smenosky@alphaphi.org Ext. 165

Director of Training & Development Denise Jung Reens (E∆-Northern Illinois) dreens@alphaphi.org 847.316.8921

Alpha Phi Foundation 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 Phone 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 e-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org Direct voice mail line: 847.475.4786

Program Manager Training & Development Sandra Burbridge sburbridge@alphaphi.org 847.316.8929

Executive Director Nancy Owen Craig (BX-Bucknell) ncraig@alphaphi.org 847.316.8933

Director of Marketing & Communications Maureen Lyons mlyons@alphaphi.org 847.316.8942

Associate Executive Director Rebecca Andrew (BPΛ-Washington State) randrew@alphaphi.org 847.316.8950

Program Manager Marketing & Communications Christine Spiegel cspiegel@alphaphi.org 847.316.8920

Manager of Public Relations Emily Ellison (ΓI-Texas Tech) eellison@alphaphi.org 847.316.8948

2nd Delegate Linda Groves Root (∆E-Iowa) Newton Square, PA lindagroot@juno.com

Program Coordinator Marketing & Communications/ Training & Development Kirsten Siron (BA-Illinois) ksiron@alphaphi.org 847.316.8938

Coordinator of Programs & Financial Development Marci Medwed (B-Northwestern) mmedwed@alphaphi.org 847.316.8947

Mid-Atlantic Region Regional Manager Kim Larsen Watson (O-Missouri) Bowie, MD krwatson@erols.com

3rd Alternate Delegate Laura Malley-Schmitt (ZΦ-MIT) Bedminster, NJ malley@alum.mit.edu

Director of Finance Cathy Koessl (AΛ) ckoessl@alphaphi.org 847.316.8928

Foundation Consultant Kristin Tomala (ZΞ-Elmhurst) ktomala22@hotmail.com Voice mail: 847.475.4786 Ext. 149

Alumnae Membership Coordinator June Collins Herron (∆Φ-Indiana U. of Pennsylvania) Germantown, MD herron@covad.net

N AT I O N A L PA N H E L L E N I C C O N F E R E N C E D E L E G AT I O N Delegate/NPC Chair Sally McCall Grant (Γ-DePauw) 1030 Homestead Ave. Walnut Creek, CA 94598 sgrnt@aol.com EO line: 847.316.8972 1st Alternate Delegate Deana Koonsman Gage (ΓI-Texas Tech) Stephenville, TX dkay@our-town.com

Angelica Orta (∆A-East Carolina) Mufresboro, NC aorta@alphaphi.org Ext. 166 Jennifer Peabody (BΨ-San Jose State) San Jose, CA jpeabody@alphaphi.org Ext. 167 Margaret Phillips (ΓA-San Diego State) San Diego, CA mphillips@alphaphi.org Ext. 168 REGIONAL TEAM DIRECTORY



Collegiate Membership Coordinator Dina Stevens (EN-Delaware) Wayne, PA dina.stevens@sap.com

Human Resources Coordinator Jen Koschalk Stevens (ΘZ-Florida Tech) Queensbury, NY jkstevens16@hotmail.com

Human Resources Coordinator Nicole Sup Deprez (∆Ξ-Nebraska/Kearney) Omaha, NE suppyduppy@aol.com

Foundation Liaison Barbara Chappell Kenady (BΠ-USC) Irvine, CA bkenady@earthlink.net

Operations & Programming Coordinator Heather Potter Laskowski (∆Γ-Northern Colorado) Shelton, CT heatherdanielle@excite.com

Operations & Programming Coordinator Rosalie Cesare Ippoliti (ΓN-Miami University) Missouri City, TX roippoliti@aol.com

Upper Midwest Region

Foundation Liaison Lynne Paradis Sawyer (∆N-Maine) Ellsworth, ME els@acadia.net

Foundation Liaison Sheila George Bright (ΓI-Texas Tech) Dallas, TX shgb@excite.com

Pacific Northwest Region

Southeast Region

Regional Manager Shana Goss Smith (X-Montana) Port Gamble, WA slsmith_aphi@worldnet.att.net

Regional Manager Debra Nardi Myer (HΛ-George Mason) Odessa, FL damyer@earthlink.net

Regional Manager Colleen Sirhal (Θ-Michigan) Chicago, IL csirhal@yahoo.com

Alumnae Membership Coordinator Holly Duckworth (ΘA-Linfield) Wilsonville, OR hollyd@pova.com

Alumnae Membership Coordinator Peg DeChant Thornburg (BΩ-Kent State) Shelby, NC pthornburg@carolina.rr.com

Alumnae Membership Coordinator Caryn Schultz (ZA-Eastern Illinois) Evanston, IL cas2526@aol.com

Collegiate Membership Coordinator Joni Hansen (BΠ-USC) San Jose, CA joni_hansen@yahoo.com

Collegiate Membership Coordinator Melissa Deere (ΘN-Appalachian State) Arlington, VA mldeere@yahoo.com

Human Resources Coordinator Katie Jones Cavanagh (BT-Indiana and B-Northwestern) Lewisburg, PA cavanagh@susqu.edu Operations & Programming Coordinator Liz Lowe Oltman (ΘT-Rensselaer) Red Bank, NJ eoltman@schoordepalma.com Foundation Liaison Linda Groves Root (∆E-Iowa) Newton Square, PA lindagroot@juno.com North Central Midwest Region

Collegiate Membership Coordinator Linda Schnetzer (BO-Bowling Green State) Chicago, IL Linda.Schnetzer@worldnet.att.net

Human Resources Coordinator Joanne Finamore Godfrey (H∆-CSU/Hayward) Portland, OR jgodfrey@pps.k12.or.us

Human Resources Coordinator Carmen Cox Ledford (ΘN-Appalacian State) Raleigh, NC alphaphi@theledfords.com

Human Resources Coordinator Dana Edwards Karraker (ZT-Illinois State) Normal, IL dmkarraker@aol.com

Operations & Programming Coordinator Nancy Lange Burnett (B∆-UCLA) Portland, OR NancB@UCLAlumni.net

Foundation Liaison Sandy Willis Donelan (∆Z-Maryland) St. Petersburg, FL sandydonelan@aol.com

Operations & Programming Coordinator Ann Brinkman (Z∆-Iowa State) Chicago, IL abrinkman@y_me.org

Canadian Resources Coordinator Penny Parris Bartel (BΘ-British Columbia) Surrey, BC Canada kpbartel@home.com

Foundation Liaison Sue Tinnish (B-Northwestern) Arlington Heights, IL suetinc@aol.com

Foundation Liaison Nancy Morris Bosworth (EΓ-CSU/Sacramento) Chattaroy, WA

Northeast Region Regional Manager Tanya McGinn (Y-Washburn) Providence, RI tanya_d_mcginn@hotmail.com Alumnae Membership Coordinator Barbara Koontz Alevras (HA-New Hampshire) Wilmington, MA BarbaraAPhi@aol.com Collegiate Membership Coordinator Stacey Grimes Boulmetis (ΘT-Rensselaer) Charleston, RI aphigal@hotmail.com

FALL 2001

South Central Region Regional Manager Linda Boon DeFee (ΓI-Texas Tech) Dallas, TX ldefee@aol.com Alumnae Membership Coordinator Betty Jo Ferraro Fuller (AΛ) Duncanville, TX bfuller@flow-products.com Collegiate Membership Coordinator Amy Jordan Tvrdik (O-Missouri) Ellisville, MO ameel6@aol.com

Southwest Region Regional Manager Lindsay Wiggins (BΠ-USC) Los Angeles, CA wigginsla@mediaone.net Alumnae Membership Coordinator Kamala Schofield Schuster (ZM-Colorado State) Denver, CO Kamala_Schuster@ceo.cudenver.edu Collegiate Membership Coordinator Laura Davidson (B∆-UCLA) Los Angeles, CA Lauradavidson@earthlink.net Human Resources Coordinator Jo Burnidge Martin (BA-Illinois) Mesa, AZ joalphaphi@home.com Operations & Programming Coordinator Mary Hancock Block (∆Γ-Northern Colorado) Golden, CO jablock@ix.netcom.com

Southeast Elected Representative Carolynne Bond Kent (ΓΛ-Houston) Birmingham, AL 35243 CarolynneKent@usa.net

Regional Manager Jan Brinker Schaeffer (BO-Bowling Green State) Fredricktown, OH jdsl9@bright.net

Upper Midwest Elected Representative Lynn McLaughlin Murray (∆Y-Baldwin Wallace) Cleveland, OH mclaughlynn@aol.com

Alumnae Membership Coordinator Debby Bryden Gray (EA-Ashland) Ashland, OH dbgray@bright.net

IEB Appointee Janelle Del Carlo (B∆-UCLA) Los Angeles, CA janelle.delcarlo@cal.nmss.org

Collegiate Membership Coordinator Michelle Lucak (ZΨ-Dayton) Lakewood, OH ghettotchr@excite.com Canadian Resource Coordinator Joanne Alexopoulos (Ξ-Toronto) Toronto, Ontario joalexopoulos@hotmail.com Foundation Liaison Candi Mitchell Robinson (Ω-Texas) Hudson, OH cmrobinson@worldnet.att.net COMMITTEE ON LEADERSHIP Committee Chair Marshall Coker Miller (∆A-East Carolina) Cary, NC mcmaphi@mindspring.com Mid-Atlantic Elected Representative Holly Malek Bryk (ΓΞ-Wichita State) Newark, DE casabryk@aol.com Northeast Elected Representative Nagin Kormi (HI-Pennsylvania and ∆M-Purdue) Worcester, MA naginkormi@hotmail.com

Representative from the Outstanding Large Alumnae Chapter Boston Alumnae Chapter Victoria “Tori” Evans (∆M-Purdue) Boston, MA vlevans@hotmail.com Representative from the Outstanding Small Alumnae Chapter Ashland Alumnae Chapter Ann Beckert Schar (EA-Ashland) Ashland, OH abassoc@richnet.net Representative from the Outstanding Collegiate Chapter on a Large Greek Campus Ball State University Maya Crevonis (∆P-Ball State) Muncie, IN mayacrev@yahoo.com Representative from the Outstanding Collegiate Chapter on a Small Greek Campus Butler University Becky Callahan Indianapolis, IN rcallaha@butler.edu

South Central Elected Representative Debby Perkins Anderson (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) Overland Park, KS janderso8@kc.rr.com Southwest Elected Representative Jo Burnidge Martin (BA-Illinois) Mesa, AZ Joalphaphi@home.com North Central Midwest Elected Representative Colleen Sirhal (Θ-Michigan) Chicago, IL csirhal@appliedsystems.com Pacific Northwest Elected Representative Dorothy Strand Gorman (ΓK-CSU/Long Beach) Bellevue, WA 98006 rjgdsg@msn.com





Heart Felt Letters

Heart Felt Letters

Heart Felt Letters

POWER TRIP: Introducing the Foundation’s Power of One Hundred OH, WHAT 100 WOMEN CAN DO! This year the Alpha Phi Foundation asked nearly 800 past donors to join the Power of 100, a pioneering group of women giving at a high level. Just like the men. We wanted 100 women to give $1,000 … one to give $10,000, three to give $5,000 and five, $2,500. One hundred women (and two men) responded at these levels: one gave $10,000, seven gave $5,000, seven gave $2,500, seven gave $1,872 and 80 gave $1,000 – twice the number and amount of gifts from the year before! Why did these women support the Foundation with these major gifts? Linda Schnetzer (BO-Bowling Green State) says, “Historically men support their fraternities with dollars and women support with time. Frankly, this is because the men had jobs, and the women had time. Now as a working woman, I feel it’s important to show my support to Alpha Phi with my dollars. I hope more and more women will agree.” Thank you, Power of 100 members… HAND-TO-HAND CIRCLE ($10,000+)

REKINDLING CIRCLE ($1,000-$1,871)

Marthel Oldham Longabach (Y-Washburn)

Bernice Ottenheimer Adams (BZ-Idaho) Margaret Kilpatrick Allen (EB-Butler) Nancy Anne Melton Alsup (Φ-Oklahoma) Nancy Bronson Anderly (E-Minnesota) Patricia Ward Atkinson (BΠ-USC) Maria Lorena Banuchi (I-Wisconsin) Jane Barrett (ΓK-CSU/Longbeach) Laura Brockman Beall (EΩ-Texas A&M) Diane Rusling Becket (BΠ-USC) Judy Milne Benson (B∆-UCLA) Constance Howe Bevis (Σ-Washington) Linda Long Boland (ΓK-CSU/Longbeach) JoAnn Elliott Bond (ΓH-North Texas) Dorothy Houston Bowers (BE-Arizona) Carol Dean Brenna (Π-North Dakota) Suzette Scheib Brown (∆P-Ball State) Linda Golliher Burner (ΓN-Miami University) Merle Chambers (Λ-UC/Berkeley) Julia Meyer Charles (BΓ-Colorado) Mary Ann David (T-Oregon) Nancy Wittgen Burks DeVoe (Γ-DePauw) Shirley Clegg Dieker (ΓΞ-Wichita State) Betty Stevenson Eberharter (Σ-Washington) Carol Kenny Elliott (B∆-UCLA) Kathleen Wilie Elliott (Ω-Texas) Susan Ruwitch Elliott (BΓ-Colorado) Deana Koonsman Gage (ΓI-Texas Tech) Ruth Gallagher (∆E-Iowa) Jeanne Splide Gonzenbach (Ψ-South Dakota) Sally McCall Grant (Γ-DePauw) Craig Hester Lena Quist Homburg (Ω-Texas) Barbara Billing Hunt (BΨ-San Jose State) Felicia Hunt (HP-San Diego) Marcia Marchese Hunt (BT-Indiana) Elizabeth Tucker Hurley (BΩ-Kent State) Marlu Rogers Jensen (BZ-Idaho) Margie Markson Johnson (B∆-UCLA) Kathleen Rhoads Kelly (P-Ohio State) Barbara Ryan Kenyon (ΓN-Miami University)

LILY OF THE VALLEY CIRCLE ($5,000-$9999) Nancy Owen Craig (BX-Bucknell) Dorothy Bush Fox (P-Ohio State) Gayle Goodman (B∆-UCLA) Kathleen Feeney Hiemstra (∆Θ-Western Michigan) Joan Merritt Holmes (BT-Indiana) Jean Sheridan (B-Northwestern) Kelly Green Stuckey (N-Nebraska)

BENEFACTORS’ CIRCLE ($2,500-$4,999) Beth Heuring Christensen (Γ-DePauw) Frances Tuttle Drew (Γ-DePauw) Dorothy Baldridge Lindsey (BZ-Idaho) Michelle Marchant (Λ-UC/Berkeley) Marshall Coker Miller (∆A-East Carolina) Edwynne Cutler Rosenbaum (BΓ-Colorado) Margaret Riecker Thompson (B-Northwestern)

FOUNDERS’ CIRCLE ($1,872-$2,499) Susan Weiskittle Barrick (BO-Bowling Green State) Susan Bevan (Σ-Washington) Judith Knudsen Brown (E-Minnesota) Kathleen Horton Keiser (Λ-UC/Berkeley) Valerie Lawlor (O-Missouri) Susan Brink Sherratt (BB-Michigan State) Elizabeth Armstrong Reckmeyer (A-Syracuse)


Patricia Kolowich (Θ-Michigan) Karen Abel Kolschowsky (BB-Michigan State) Marilyn Graham Lawson (BE-Arizona) Elisabeth Clark Littlehales (A-Syracuse) Jean Meyer Martin (BΓ-Colorado) Linda Gardner Massie (∆A-East Carolina) Veronica Beutler Mathein (BA-Illinois) Marilyn Westcott McIntyre (B∆-UCLA) Monica Kennedy Monczka (Ξ-Toronto) Suzanne Stauff Pieper (ΓY-Wisconsin/Milwaukee) Louise Trimble Ramey (B-Northwestern) Cecile Davis Richards (Ω-Texas and Φ-Oklahoma) Tara Riemer Jones (ZO-Johns Hopkins) Helen Glindeman Rogers (BZ-Idaho) Carole Salerno (EΓ-CSU/Sacramento) Linda Schnetzer (BO-Bowling Green State) Cristie Isaacson Sheffield (B∆-UCLA) Christina Conway Shaver (B-Northwestern) Elizabeth Salmon Sippl (Λ-UC/Berkeley) Colleen Sirhal (Θ-Michigan) Beverly Dalstone Smith (BP-Washington State) Susanne Soloman (∆-Cornell) Max Soriano Diane Spry Straker (∆A-East Carolina) Alice Dodge Thomas (P-Ohio State) Jean Cameron Tindall (ΓN-Miami University) Kathryn Hall Tobinson (B-Northwestern) Janice Stegeman Tompkins (Σ-Washington) Nancy Salisbury Trillo (B∆-UCLA) Emily Anne Mayer Tuttle (E-Minnesota) Amy Jordan Tvrdik (O-Missouri) Alin Hernandez Wall (B∆-UCLA) Barbara Williams Wanvig (X-Montana) Judith Segerer Watson (BO-Bowling Green State) Michelle Webb (B∆-UCLA) Marian Putnam Wentworth (∆-Cornell) Lindsay Wiggins (BΠ-USC) Pamela Wilcox, Executive Director, Alpha Phi Fraternity Betty Butler Wilson (Λ-UC/Berkeley) Susan Zabriskie (Θ-Michigan) Renee Smith Zimmerman (BE-Arizona)



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Heart Felt Letters

Heart Felt Letters

Heart Felt Letters

It’s Thursday evening when you receive the call.

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Your Alpha Phi sister and best friend just had her

You’ve always been able to honor the special


to work Friday, but you’re caught without a gift …

Foundation Nears 7,000 Donors

baby. You want to stop at the hospital on your way

people in your life with a gift to the Foundation. By sending your donation directly to the Foundation in

In addition to the Power of 100 donors, 85 women made gifts to the Foundation’s Ivy Circle ($500-$999), and 138 donated to the Directors’ Circle ($250-$499). More than 6,500 additional gifts were made to the Foundation between July 1, 2000 and June 30, 2001. The Foundation’s Annual Report of Donors, available in November, contains a complete listing of donors at all levels.

memory of a special person or in honor of a new arrival or good friend, you’re assured of a tax-deductible contribution, proper notification to the person you indicate, and a special card sent to the honoree. Your name and her name appear in the Foundation’s Annual Report of Donors. The Foundation still offers this option, but a new way also is available. Now you can send cards at your convenience. Simply make a donation to the Foundation

TOP CHAPTER DONORS Congratulations to the top five chapter donors (gifts between 7/1/00-6/30/01): Collegiate: Loyola Marymount (ZB) Santa Clara (ZΓ) Nebraska/Kearney (∆Ξ) Oregon (T) Villanova (HE) Alumnae: Dallas and Suburban Northern Virginia Charlotte Chicago Northwest Greater Philadelphia

specified for “Remembrance.” For $75 you’ll receive a pack of five newly-designed cards: your choice of memorials, new arrivals or general honor. You can request all the same cards or a combination. Keep these on hand and when a special occasion turns up, simply mail a card to the recipient. She’ll know your gift benefited the Foundation. We’ll still acknowledge your gift in our Annual Report of Donors if you send in the detachable postcard enclosed with each card. Honor someone you love. Send congratulations. Remember a lost friend. It’s never been easier to send a meaningful gift. To view the cards in detail, check www.alphaphi.org. For more details call 847.475.4532.


The refund checks are in the mail. What will you do with your extra cash? Get more for your money by giving your refund as a gift to the Alpha Phi Foundation. It’s like getting two refunds in one! Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law, and you help support the Foundation’s mission.

FALL 2001





Our dea rest

Congratulations, Class of 2001. Alpha Phi Foundation is Proud of You! Parents of the following Alpha Phis honored their daughters’ graduations with a gift to the Foundation. Lara Abbachian (ZΦ-MIT) from Janette Johnson and Reza Abbachian Rhonda Aboulafia (HΣ-Lafayette) from Mom and Dad Lisa Adamis (ΓO-Drake) from Mr. and Mrs. Donald Adamis Marin Anderson (ΓZ-Puget Sound) from Mom and Dad Sara Ashley (ΓN-Miami University) from Mom and Dad Lisa Ault (ΓB-UC/Santa Barbara) from Joe and Randi Ault Katharine Baker (E∆-Northern Illinois) from Claude, Ken and Mary Baker Jessi Balsis (HP-San Diego) from Jan Balsis Laura Barbosa (Λ-UC/Berkeley) from Gonzalo C. Barbosa Sue Shirley Bartlett (HΞ-UNC/Wilmington) from Dr. and Mrs. Ed Bartlett Stacey Birkby (ΓΠ-Arizona State) from Leo and Kathy Birkby Carmen Boas (BB-Michigan State) from Jack and Barbara Boas Candice Bocala (∆-Cornell) from Estrella Escuerra-Bocala Laurie Leigh Buckman (H∆-CSU/Hayward) from Mark Buckman Stacy Bulan (EB-Butler) from Mr. and Mrs. Bulan Elizabeth Burdzinski (ZA-Eastern Illinois) from Ann and Dan Burdzinski Julie Bushau (BT-Indiana) from Garry and Pam Bushau Brandi Butler (∆B-Texas A&M/Commerce) from Cynthia Butler Jamie Cava (HΞ-UNC/Wilmington) from Mom, Dad, Zoey and Phoebe Ashley Cloyd (BA-Illinois) from her parents Dana Cohen (∆-Cornell) from Maxine and Lawrence Cohen Anna Contreras (EA-Ashland) from Sandra H. Contreras Abbie Cooper (B-Northwestern) from Debbie Cooper Rachel Cooper (IΓ-University of the Pacific) from Michele and Chet Cole Christina Cosman (ZΦ-MIT) from Prof. and Mrs. Cosman Christina Counselman (B-Northwestern) from Mr. and Mrs. Counselman Leanna Crocker (BΨ-San Jose State) from Lena Jones Michelle Dandrea (ZΦ-MIT) from Lynne Dandrea Dara Depping (BPΛ-Washington State) from C. Duane Depping Briana DeShane (HP-San Diego) from Mom and Dad Alessia DiCecco (Ξ-Toronto) from Lorenzo and Raffaella DiCecco Amy Donahue (ΓN-Miami University) from Bill and Patti Donahue Anne Doty (HI-Pennsylvania) from Mom and Dad Jennifer Edwards (ΓH-North Texas) from Chris and Faye Edwards Kristin Ferron (HB-CSU/San Bernadino) from Mom, Dad and Sean Lisa Freiburger (∆P-Ball State) from Larry and Donna Freiburger


daughte r,

Congratu lations, you’ve m Four yea ade it! rs of stud over fina ying har ls. d and st ressing o We know ut h o w importa your life nt Alpha . That’s P why we’r graduati e honorin hi is in on with g your a special Foundati gift to th on. e Alpha Phi It is our pleasure plishmen to ackno ts with a w donation ledge your accom cause, an to d one so a very w close to y orthy our hear t. All our lo ve, Mom an d Dad

Rochelle Gelfius (∆M-Purdue) from Bill and Norma Gelfius Maria Elizabeth Gunnell (ΘN-Appalachian State) from Larry and Juanita Gunnell Sarah Hamlin (BO-Bowling Green State) from Mark and Carolyn Hamlin Stephanie Haytayan (ΓB-UC/Santa Barbara) from Harout and Silva Haytayan Amy Hellman (ZB-Loyola Marymount) from Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hellman Leigh Hoenig (ΓH-North Texas) from David and Sandra Hoenig Janelle Honstad (ΓΣ-Wisconsin/Stout) from Les and Sonja Honstad Lindsay Howell-Forehand (ZIΛ-Virginia) from Papa Pete Rochelle Israel (ZΘ-Tufts) from her mother Mitra Javandel (Λ-UC/Berkeley) from Barbara and Iraj Javandel LeAnne Johnson (ΓB-UC/Santa Barbara) from Don and Leeda Johnson Kristina Juravich (ZB-Loyola Marymount) from Mario and Vesna Juravich Christine Kalafut (BA-Illinois) from Karen and Phil Kalafut Lauren Kanter (B-Northwestern) from Harriet and Alan Kanter Cherise Kay (B-Northwestern) from Leonard and Camille Kay Crystal Klatter (Ω-Texas) from Joan and Buford Dreyer Meghann Klock (HE-Villanova) from Mom and Dad Courtney Knittel (ZB-Loyola Marymount) from Mr. and Mrs. Knittel Barbara Krabill (ZIΛ-Virginia) from Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Krabill Erica Kruse (Γ-DePauw) from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kruse Quinn Laging (N-Nebraska) from Mr. and Mrs. Laging Dianna Lamb (HE-Villanova) from Jack and Jan Lamb Lindsey Lambourne (EP-UC/Davis) from Linda and Steve Lambourne Brooke Elizabeth Lazar-Sinnes (∆-Cornell) from Kathryn Lazar and Cort Sinnes

Jennifer Lee (HP-San Diego) from Katherine B. Lee Katie Longworth (BE-Arizona) from Tom and Susan Longworth Jacqueline Mak (Ω-Texas) from her parents Stefanie Anne McMullen (∆B-Texas A&M /Commerce) from David and Valarie Prather Lauren Merrill (Θ-Michigan) from Ann and Bob Merrill Alissa Meyer (ZΞ-Elmhurst) from Patricia and James Meyer Joanna Michalczuk (IE-Kettering) from her parents Stephanie Mihalas (B-Northwestern) from Larry and Sharon Mihalas Amber Miller (Ψ-South Dakota) from Dad, Mom and Marla Mary Mulloy (ΓI-Texas Tech) from Rebecca Mulloy Corrie Nolander (ΓΣ-Wisconsin/Stout) from Richard and Jan Nolander Sarah Olsen (HK-UC/Irvine) from Ray and Jill Olsen Kristina Olsen (EP-UC/Davis) from Steve and Louise Olsen Allison Marie-Yvonne Page (BΨ-San Jose State) from Mother and Daddy Natalie Paulsen (ΓB-UC/Santa Barbara) from her mother Danielle Peauroi (BΠ-USC) from Henry and Leslie Peauroi Sarah Personette (B-Northwestern) from Gary and Lauree Personette Lindsay Pike (EΓ-CSU/Sacramento) from Joan Laird Megan Pittenger (HI-Pennsylvania) from Jeffrey and Cynthia Pittenger Megan Repik (ΘΘ-St. Joseph’s) from Robert and Patricia Repik Anjali Rishi (B-Northwestern) from Alka and Shirleant Rishi Heather Roberts (EP-UC/Davis) from Dr. and Mrs. Philip Roberts Becky Rohtbart (B-Northwestern) from Meyer and Judy Rohtbart Renee Rosenau (BB-Michigan State) from Mr. and Mrs. John Rosenau Laura-Lee Rosenberg (BE-Arizona) from Mom and Dad, Kyle and Grant



Karaoke for the Foundation

How to Honor the Class of 2002 Parents of 2002 graduates receive a letter from the Foundation in the spring. They return a completed reply form to the Foundation. In return, the Foundation staff sends a card to each honoree at graduation time, lists their names in the fall issue of the Quarterly and guarantees your contribution will be used wisely and faithfully. Others wishing to honor a 2002 graduate can send a note with the graduate’s name and chapter to the Foundation (1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201) or use the giving form on the Alpha Phi Web site: www.alphaphi.org. Click on “Foundation Information” and then “Voluntary Contributions.” Checks (minimum of $50) should be made payable to the Alpha Phi Foundation. Credit cards also are accepted. All contributions are tax-deductible in the United States as allowed by law.

Northern Iowa (EΘ) members sing their hearts out during the first annual Say What Karaoke contest. The event raised about $700 for the Foundation. The chapter also made a gift to the Foundation honoring their senior members at graduation.

Elise Rossman (ΘN-Appalachian State) from her parents Stacy Ann Ryan (HK-UC/Irvine) from Mom and Scott Megan Schrader (ZA-Eastern Illinois) from Dennis, Marcia and Derek Schrader Mary Secord (ZΠ-Case Western Reserve) from Mr. and Mrs. Secord Nicole Marie Senigaglia (ΓA-San Diego State) from Mr. and Mrs. Sam Senigaglia Elizabeth Shaver (ΓO-Drake) from Harley and Bonnie Shaver Tania Simoes (ΓB-UC/Santa Barbara) from John and Edie Simoes Stacie Spencer (HP-San Diego) from Hap and Roxanne Taylor Lesley Splonskowski (Π-North Dakota) from John and Carol Splonskowski Jennifer Steinberg (ΓΠ-Arizona State) from Mom and Dad Emily Stephenson (HM-Marquette) from Rollie and Sue Stephenson Vanessa Stowers (EB-Butler) from Bennie and Gisela Stowers Stephanie Stultz (∆Y-Baldwin Wallace) from Greg and Anne Stultz Alison Tempest (HE-Villanova) from Alan and Julia Tempest Molly Thorburn (ZΓ-Santa Clara) from David Thorburn Deanna Torres (EΓ-CSU/Sacramento) from Mom and Dad Allison Trueman (ΓN-Miami University) from Mom, Dad and Emily Emily Ann Vellanoweth (ZB-Loyola Marymount) from Fernando and Peggy Vellanoweth Melissa Wilhite (BΨ-San Jose State) from Dad and Mom Andrea Yaffe (ZIΛ-Johns Hopkins) from her parents Ana Zampino (ZIΛ-Johns Hopkins) from Mary and Tom Zampino Jennifer Zanoni (ΘY-CSU/Chico) from her parents

FALL 2001

Love and Honor: Wedding Favors Guests Cherish A donation to the Foundation makes a meaningful wedding favor, Kim LewisTipton ( A-East Carolina) found. The Foundation provided special cards for the reception, informing each guest of the donation. Consider a donation card at , your wedding. It couldn’t be on ti a Phi Found Dear Alpha easier. Or more heartfelt. Want e beautiful. er w g in d ed to know more? Call the yw of the u sent for m ad a token h The cards yo t Foundation at 847.475.4532. es gu ch e that ea dation. n It was so nic ou F e th e made to t wonderful donation w uly the mos tr s a w y a d g My weddin ivens ( e Smith G li t Ju . fe li y na), my bes day of m -East Caroli A or. d on n h a of tron Washington was my ma ,” er st si ra u ig a “b L friend and A) sisters, Carolina ( st a by me. E d er oo h st Two ot ie, also sp li il G a ndre s North Ruge and A s far away a a om fr ed s travel y. Seven sister amazing da lebrate this ce to way for me l a n fu li er ro d Ca e a won er w s rd ca Alpha The honor allegiance to y m e n yo er that h ev to share wit organization e th to ck a give b Phi and to e so much. has given m Carolina) Loyally, n ( A-East to ip -T is Kim Lew





Foundation Awards $110,000 in Scholarship Aid

Nicole Brouillard

The Foundation is proud to continue the high ideals of scholarship and the pioneering spirit our Founders held close to their hearts by this year awarding scholarship aid to 87 young women. Recipients received a total of more than $110,000 for the 2001-2002 school year. Winners were selected from among highly competitive applicant pools from graduate and undergraduate universities across the United States and Canada.

Megan Burnham

(EB-Butler) Foundation Scholarship (IΓ-University of the Pacific) Ruth Crellin Boutwell Scholarship

Jennifer Carrier (E-Minnesota) Martha Jarvis Sutton and Foundation Scholarships


Adriene DeMarco

Jennifer Holsman

Julie O’Leary

Oana Chirila

Rachel Atterberry

(HM-Marquette) Eloise Howell Scholarship

(ΓΠ-Arizona State) Foundation Scholarship

(∆-Cornell) Mary Miller Lyons Scholarship

(BΘ-British Columbia) Foundation Scholarship

Amity Dorman

Beth Felker Jones

Laine Price

Rebecca Collins

(HM-CSU/San Bernardino) Foundation Scholarship

(Γ-DePauw) Betty Mullins Jones Scholarship

Amy Drake

Teresa Linares

(ΓI-Texas Tech) John and Sharon Spraker Barnes Scholarship

(Y-Washburn) Marthel Oldham Longabach Scholarship

(ZΘ-Tufts) Clara Bradley Burdette Scholarship

(ZΠ-Case Western Reserve) Foundation Scholarship

Amanda Raine

Jill Costello (ΓA-San Diego State) Foundation Scholarship

Jessica Fini

(HI-Pennsylvania) Foundation Scholarship

(∆H-Adrian) Mary Yearsley Memorial Scholarship

Diana Ruecker (BPΛ-Washington State) Foundation Scholarship

(BΨ-San Jose State) Jeani Short Memorial Scholarship

AnneMarie Schoepfer

Whitney Downing

(A-Syracuse) Eloise Howell Scholarship

(Θ-Michigan) Foundation Scholarship

Jennifer Perlove Siegel

Michelle Drissler

(Θ-Michigan) Nancy Pitchforth Patton Scholarship

(BΘ-British Columbia) Foundation Scholarship

Amanda Smothers (A-Syracuse) Foundation Scholarship

(I∆-Rhode Island) Madge H. Lesher Memorial Scholarship

Shahara Fowler Timbrook

Lindsay Jo Efting

(O-Missouri) Ruth Woods Scholarship

(∆Γ-Northern Colorado) Edwynne Cutler Rosenbaum Scholarship

(Γ-DePauw) Jeannette Colton Killian Scholarship

Cara Bailey (∆M-Purdue) Foundation Scholarship

Lauren Bercarich (HE-Villanova) Foundation Scholarship

Kathleen Caputo Brockway (AΛ) Foundation Scholarship

Ann-Marie Chacko (HX-Bishop’s) Helen G. Bradford and Foundation Scholarships

Joy Daggs (∆X-William Woods) Susan Hausman Brunner Scholarship

(ΓΠ-Arizona State) Foundation Scholarship

Brooke Foucault (∆-Cornell) Mary Miller Lyons Scholarship

Allison Freedman (B-Northwestern) Doris Ross Corbett Scholarship

Kristina Groome (ΘI-James Madison) Foundation Scholarship

Dear Alp ha

Phi Fou ndation ,

Anjali Mehta

Deanna Midtaune (IΓ-University of the Pacific) Carol Klink Claussen Scholarship

Kristina Montemayor (IB-St. Mary’s) Foundation Scholarship

Lauren Murrah (ΘΠ-Emory) Eloise Howell Scholarship

Once ag ain my si sters sho care for w their me. The suppo F oundati made up on schola rt and of mone rship is y given b might n not y strange ever mee r s whom t, but ra know m I th e r any of th gifts from ese wom sisters. I them sin e n ; I’ve wo ce becom rked ing to contin ue to com an Alpha Phi. N with ow I hop mit time resources e , talent to Alpha and fina Phi to h achieve ncial elp other their dre women ams. My hear tfelt tha voluntee nks and rs, staff apprecia member tion to Alpha P s and do hi Foun nors of th the dation. e Sincerely , Lisa Ma rlene Sa wyer (G 2000 gr aduate sc -Boston) holarship recipient


Lora Tuley (ΘΓ-Northeast Missouri State) Foundation Scholarship

Kimberly Van Deventer (Ψ-South Dakota) Foundation Scholarship

Carissa Waida (ΓI-Texas Tech) Sally Mitchell Milam Scholarship

Dorie Weiss (HΛ-Boston) Foundation Scholarship

Candice Davis

Nicole Duguay

Katie Engdahl (N-Nebraska) Foundation Scholarship

Amy English (ΓΠ-Arizona State) Vicki Silverman Memorial Scholarship

Laura Farrell (Γ-DePauw) Octavia Born Brooks Memorial Scholarship

Rebecca Fowler


(EA-Ashland) Frances Cameron Wiig Scholarship

Grace Applefeld

Heather Galioto

(B-Northwestern) Toni Soreng Cobb Scholarship

(ZΨ-Dayton) Foundation Scholarship

Andrea Augustin

Katherine Gallagher

(Ω-Texas) Sally Mitchell Milam Scholarship

(Ω-Texas) Darcel Atwill Weller Scholarship



Inside Info: How to Get an Alpha Phi Foundation Scholarship Erin Gilbert

Carrie Reilly

(BO-Bowling Green State) Foundation Scholarship

(HI-Pennsylvania) Mabel Cooper Lamb Scholarship

Jennifer Hathaway

Nicole Ringgold

(BZ-Idaho) Foundation Scholarship

(∆A-East Carolina) Foundation Scholarship

Aja Hicks

Christine Rossetti

(ΘA-Linfield) Margaret Beery Doe Scholarship

(ΓN-Miami University) Foundation Scholarship

Katherine Imborek

Gretchen Sausville

(Γ-DePauw) Toni Soreng Cobb Scholarship

(∆Γ-Northern Colorado) Edwynne Cutler Rosenbaum Scholarship

Jill Isaacs (∆Z-Maryland) Foundation Scholarship

Crystal Jenkins (HK-UC/Irvine) Foundation Scholarship

Abby Jordan (ΘN-Appalachian State) Meredith McCallister Scholarship

Amanda Joyce (O-Missouri) Anne Williams Muhl Scholarship

Victoria Judkins (Σ-Washington) Foundation Scholarship

Danielle Lewis (EΦΛ-NC State) Foundation Scholarship

Christina Lindgren (Σ-Washington) Sigma Fund Scholarship

Molly Listenberger (BA-Illinois) Kristy Burgener Memorial Scholarship

Nicki Maag (BA-Illinois) Foundation Scholarship

Divo Martin

Jacqueline Scoular (N-Nebraska) Kelly Green Stuckey Scholarship

Jennifer Slocum (EΘ-Northern Iowa) Foundation Scholarship

Rachel Slomski (HY-Chapman) Foundation Scholarship

Amy Turner (BPΛ-Washington State) Foundation Scholarship

Elizabeth Underwood (O-Missouri) Anne Williams Muhl Scholarship

Jennifer Urbauer (ΘZ-Florida Tech) Foundation Scholarship

Helen Vik (BΠ-USC) John and Cecile Davis Richards Scholarship

Melissa Wagasy (BB-Michigan State) Beta Beta Fund Scholarship

Melissa Williamson (Σ-Washington) Sigma Fund Scholarship

(B∆-UCLA) Beta Delta and Ruth Woods Scholarships

Kelli Wilson

Michele Nakahara

Adrianne Wolf

(IA-Pepperdine) Constance Purkiss Kelly Scholarship

(ZΠ-Case Western Reserve) Foundation Scholarship

Rachel Ninness (ZA-Eastern Illinois) Foundation Scholarship

(B∆-UCLA) Beta Delta Anniversary Fund Scholarship

Jill Peterson

Tiffany Worthey

(X-Montana) Mabel Cowlishaw Siggins Scholarship

(∆Γ-Northern Colorado) Rachaell Fitt Memorial Scholarship

Julie Powers

Carrie Zboch

(∆E-Iowa) Foundation Scholarship

(BT-Indiana) Joan Merritt Holmes Scholarship

Kristin Reasoner (ΓI-Texas Tech) Sally Mitchell Milam Scholarship FALL 2001

(N-Nebraska) Foundation Scholarship

Kasey Wooden

How does it work? The Foundation receives donor gifts – some designated for specific scholarship funds, some unrestricted – and awards grants earmarked for both undergraduate and graduate study. All Alpha Phi Foundation scholarships are based on merit, not need. Who decides? The Foundation scholarship committee reads the hundreds of applications received and evaluates them primarily on scholastic achievement, plus campus involvement, community/Alpha Phi service and essay answers. One alumna recommendation is required. The Foundation Board of Directors approves the final recipients.

Mail your application to the Foundation office by March 15, 2002; late applications are not accepted. What are ways to make my application stand out? Check your application for spelling and grammatical errors. The committee reads hundreds of applications – make it easy for them. (They like a little humor, too.) Excel scholastically. Your good grades show you are dedicated in the classroom. Tell the committee about your campus and Alpha Phi activities. Extracurricular activities and involvement in Alpha Phi are important. Explain how you are involved in community activities and/or service. Maybe you helped with a Foundation fundraiser. Maybe you volunteer in your community. Take pride in your service. Good Luck!

How can I apply for a scholarship? The Foundation sends applications to all collegiate chapters in early fall. Ask your director of scholarship for a copy, or call the Foundation at 847.475.4532 to request one. You also can download and print a copy from our Web site at www.alphaphi.org/scholarships.html. Click on Dear Alpha Phi Foundation, “Foundation Information” and then The Foundation scholarship I rece “Scholarships.” ived combines two aspects of m y life: my school ed Be sure to complete ucation and my education in Alpha Phi. My all sections, ask an university is responsible for sh arpening my min Alpha Phi alumna to d, and Alpha Phi is largely in fluential in shap recommend you, in g my spirit. It’s nice to know that others belie complete the requested ve in your future. It’s even nicer when thos essays and send in a e people are your sisters. Winning this Foundation transcript (allow extra scholarship reminds me that I am an Alpha time for your school Phi for life. to process your tranLoyally, script request.) Deanna K. Mid taune (I -Unive Graduate students rsity of the Pacific) 2000-2001 unde rgraduate scholar fill out an extra ship recipient and 2001-2002 graduate recipien portion of the applit cation.





Searching for the perfect gift? Waiting for the perfect gift?

Help Hearts Buy an exclusive HEART PURSE Heart disease is the number one killer of women in North America. But a recent survey by the American Heart Association says only 8% of women in the U.S. believe heart disease is a threat. Believe it. And help … tell the women in your life the statistics (go to our Web site at www.alphaphi.org or check out our health partner’s: www.nhlbi.gov). And do something positive … Buy our HEART PURSE for yourself To purchase your HEART PURSE, visit DERBY Designs at www.derby-designs.com. Click on “Swatches” and watch the purse pop up!

or your heartfelt loved ones. An exclusive from DERBY Designs, this bright red purse … • helps save women’s lives. Sales directly benefit the cardiac care fund of the Alpha Phi Foundation. The Foundation receives 20% of the proceeds from each purse. • goes anywhere … and with everything. You can fit in all your

An Alpha Phi Foundation collector’s Limoges box is the answer … Classic and elegant, Limoges boxes are hand-painted in Limoges, France, and designed by Betsy Joyce Neel Kinney ( -Texas). They make a perfect gift to please your favorite Alpha Phi. Heart-to-Heart This beautiful box is green and white with gold trim. Painted on the heart-shaped top is a red heart, bordered with ivy. The Lazy Phi design is inside in gold. $115 Alpha Phi Trunk A small white trunk, painted with blue and gold, carries the Alpha Phi crest on top with delicate ivy leaves edging the gold trim. Inside, the Big Dipper and “Alpha Phi” are in gold. $145

essentials – cell phone, wallet, glasses case, make-up and keys. • reminds you and everyone around you that heart disease is a threat to women.

T-Shirt Quilts A One-of-a-Kind Memory Looking for a way to use those T-shirts that mean a lot, but don’t fit anymore? Consider a special T-shirt quilt!

Proceeds from a Marilyn Thomas original quilt donated during Convention 2000 benefitted the Alpha Phi Foundation.


Made by professional quilter Marilyn Mason Thomas (BKDenison), each AΦ T-shirt quilt is an original.

Your “Marilyn’s Classic Quilt” is hand-made using T-shirts and beautiful coordinating color cotton fabrics that you specify. For the memory of a lifetime, call 360.582.3033 or e-mail classicquilts@aol.com.

Ivy Vine of Friendship This round, 1 1/4” diameter box with gold clasp features a burgundy fishnet design surrounding three intertwined green ivy leaves. Inside, “Alpha Phi 2000” honors the millenium. $125 To order, call the Foundation, 847.475.4532. A shipping fee of $5 per box is charged. All major credit cards accepted.




s! orter p e R e ly lumna arter te or a ote the u ia Q g e ll n tio ase n our co l ering y Quarterly, ple eadlines wil Atten d or gath in the ible f these espons publication ceived after r e r a If you ort for Materials re ue. e r’s rep s chapte g deadlines. following is py Deadlin o e in C h 1 t w o 0 r ll 0 o f o 2 f , sidered e Oct. 15 2002 be con , 5 Issu 1 . 2 n 0 Ja 2 20 5, 200 Winter 002 1 April 2 2 0 g 0 in 2 r , Sp 15 02 ly 0 u 2 J r e Summ 2 0 Fall 20 UC/




Do you w ork in th e travel you vaca industry tioned o ? Have n Alpha Ph trips? Ha i-sponso ve you v red o lunteere and tale d your ti nts durin m e g spring than part break ra icipate in th e r tradition Contact al festivit quarterly ie s? @ a lphaphi. with deta org or 8 ils. 47.316.8 920

Davis Alumna e E-Newslette r UC/Davis (EP )

alumnae are inv ited to be part of a quar terly e-newslette r. E-mail Ann Schimbor Vase liades (EP-UC/ Davis) at annschimbor@ho tmail.com for m ore information .

IL A B LE N S H IP S AVA R TE IN LY R Q U A R TE or Jacqueline Christie Hefner


Date!of the e h t ave ersary

d with nniv porate a r o h c t 5 in e 11 d will 001, eeken ting th -14, 2 a 2 w r 1 b e . h t le T c ce yO of use. Join in Societ s tour rity ho nean ampu t soro la c s e r, ir a apter’s f u h h o e c Mic use t of th f the o e o h to s ) e a h A ( rc es and the tim use the pu s’ hom od at yrac r o e or t S f s d a n t il e Fou r ma gs tha includ of our ch you uildin e t b a m A ( o ic W s . m Ginn its to etings acade th Mc nd vis st me e 1 a ir 0 f w g 0 o ’s r in 89.2 apte Chyn found r 315.6 the ch anne o z f u o m S o e t c l. the sit ontac N@ao s or c MCGIN detail M T S t se) a n. Syracu rmatio re info o for m


next a Want to be the ing with the Alph ? Start by intern sis in g in or Kennedy Onas ed or maj llegians interest e Phi Quarterly. Co or marketing ar tio communica ns , ish gl En , m lis journa negotiable. ber 13. apply. Schedule encouraged to g is Octo fice in in Of e m iv o ut c ec e Ex m ded last out of (ZΞ) Ho Position works ho atten t aphi.org s w ph r al e u @ a rly h te n ar m Elm ntact qu e all alu more. Evanston, Ill. Co pe to se d many ore information. o n m h r a fo , e y 20 t 89 W r 6. a or call 847.31 ersary p with

minder e R g n i m Homeco Elmhurs t

Alpha P hi: Not Just Wh ile You’r N e

niv il.com year’s an @hotma x iz h p a lph E-mail a s. n questio

ew to th in Colle e Mid-A ge! tlantic re ing with gion? In Alpha P te re h i? Wond sted in re near you er if the connect? re are a ny Phis Interest who live has bee n shown groups in in estab your are lishing a a. E-mail contact lumnae MAALPH June Co APHI@y llins He Pennsylv ahoo.co rr on (∆Φ ania) at m or -Indiana 301.540 of the fo U. of .7188 if llowing: you’re in terested in any Alumna e Chapte r Ivy Conn Virtual A ection lumnae Chapter Moms a Forget-M nd Tots e -Not Ch G roup Lu Regiona apter nch/Din l Support ner Grou p Collegia te Chap ter Supp ort

AT P H OTO T E N T I O N P R O GRAPH ERS AN FESSIONAL D PHO Let Alph TO S T U aP DENTS ! seeks vo hi help build yo lunteer ur portfo photogr li o ! T h e Quarte aphers fr rly om small ph all regions for oto assig nments. Contribu te your talent! Contact the Qua rte at 847.3 16.8920 rly staff or quarterly @ more in alphaphi.org fo formatio r n.

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ON THE OLD WEST Tucson is the oldest continually inhabited settlement in the U.S., dating back to 800 B.C. Tombstone, site of the infamous gunfight at the OK Corral, is close by.

Unique excursions abound to satisfy everyone from the single traveler to the entire family.


IN THE SCENIC MOUNTAINS AND SPECTACULAR DESERT Kartchner Caverns State Park is the world’s only living cavern open to the public. The Sonoran Desert is the only place in the world where the giant saguaro cactus grows.


WITH SOUTHWESTERN CULTURE Tucson was voted “friendliest city” and one of the “top 10 U.S. cities to visit” by the readers of Conde Nast Traveler magazine. Tucson’s unique blend of Spanish, Mexican and Native American heritages is reflected in its diverse cuisine, art and shopping, and influences range from contemporary to historic.

Get ready for an adventure.


Alpha Phi International’s 64th Biennial Convention is June 26-30, 2002, in Tucson, Ariz.

From its history and natural wonders, to its diverse shopping, dining and art, Tucson offers something for everyone. Reunite with sisters and meet Alpha Phis from across North America as Alpha Phi Convention 2002 shines on Tucson!

“Shine on Tucson” Join Us for Convention 2002

Get connected with your sisters.

Visit our Web site at www.alphaphi.org/conv2002.html for updated Convention 2002 details and links to The Westin La Paloma and the Metropolitan Tucson Convention and Visitors Bureau.

Tucson is consistently rated one of the best golfing destinations in the West.

Saguaro National Park has the world’s largest concentration of saguaro cactuses.

Columbia University’s internationally known Biosphere 2 Center is a short drive away.

POSTMASTER: Please send changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201

Alpha Phi International is deeply saddened by the tragic events affecting our nation Sept. 11, 2001. Because this issue of the Quarterly was at press prior to that horrific day, please refer to our Web site at www.alphaphi.org for information on a fund established by Alpha Phi to aid victims. Our thoughts and prayers are with sisters, families and friends during this very difficult time.

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