C ntents In This Issue Founders Clara Bradley Burdette (’76), died 1954 Florence Chidester Lukens (’75), died 1885 Martha Foote Crow (’76), died 1924 Ida Gilbert Houghton (’76), died 1916 Jane S. Higham (’76), died 1949 Kate Hogoboom Gilbert (’75), died 1900 Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults (’75), died 1895 Rena Michaels Atchison (’74), died 1933 Louise Shepard Hancock (’76), died 1932 Clara Sittser Williams (’75), died 1925
Message from the International President . . . . 1 Regional Conferences . . . . . 6 On Campus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
International Executive Board
Recruitment Addresses . . . 18
President: Laura Malley-Schmitt Jane Kirby Arkes Billie Coskey Battiato Deana Koonsman Gage Julie King Gomez Susan Brink Sherratt Amy Jordan Tvrdik Renee Smith Zimmerman Zainer Ex-officio: Sally McCall Grant, NPC Delegate
Potential Member Form . . . 20 Alumnae Pride . . . . . . . . . . 21 Meet the 2008-09 ELCs . . . 27 Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Foundation Directors
People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Message from the IEB . . . . 35 Announcements . . . . . . . . . 36 Bulletin Board. . . . . . . . . . . 37
FRANKLIN & MARSHALL REVITALIZATION Alpha Phi returns to Franklin & Marshall College.
HAVE YOU MOVED? Send your new address to: Alpha Phi Quarterly 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 Or update your address online at www.alphaphi.org.
Quarterly Deadlines Issue . . . . . . . . Copy Deadline
CONNECTICUT INSTALLATION Welcome to Alpha Phi’s new chapter at the University of Connecticut.
Winter 2009 . . . . . Oct. 15, 2008 Spring 2009 . . . . . Jan. 15, 2009 Summer 2009 . . . April 15, 2009 Fall 2009. . . . . . . . July 15, 2009
QUARTERLY, TRANSITIONS WIN AWARDS The Alpha Phi Quarterly is a winner in the 2008 College Fraternity Editors Association (CFEA) / North American Interfraternal Foundation (NIF) awards competition. The magazine received Honorable Mention for a News Feature Article entitled "Heart Disease: What Are You Doing to Prevent It?" It was written by Editor-in-Chief Christine Spiegel, featured Northwestern Memorial Hospital cardiologist Dr. Martha Gulati (Theta Eta-Western Ontario) and appeared in the Winter 2008 Quarterly. Read it online at www.alphaphi.org/news/heart_disease.html. Transitions: The Magazine for Alpha Phi's Newest Alumnae is a recipient of a 2008 Communicator Award in the prestigious Silver category. The Communicator Awards is the leading international awards program honoring creative excellence for communications professionals. Please visit www.communicatorawards.com for more information.
Chairman: Linda Gardner Massie Laura Jen Kin Berger Susan Bevan Judy Ethell Kim Norton-O'Brien Cathy Logan Stembridge Diane Spry Straker Sheri Allen Yengst National Panhellenic Conference Alpha Phi Delegate: Sally McCall Grant First Alternate Delegate: Deana Koonsman Gage Second Alternate Delegate: Tara Riemer Jones Third Alternate Delegate: Ruth Gallagher Nelson Editorial Advisory Board Sheila George Bright Ann Brinkman Jan Jones Owen Allison Cink Rickels Michelle Webb Alpha Phi Quarterly Staff Editor-in-Chief: Christine Spiegel Communications Coordinator: Arden Schuman E-mail: quarterly@alphaphi.org Alpha Phi Quarterly Design Mercury & Sun Marketing and Design mercuryandsun.com Alpha Phi Home Page www.alphaphi.org Executive Office Executive Director: Susan Zabriske Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Phone: 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 E-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org Foundation Office Executive Director: Emily Ellison Lamb Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Foundation Phone: 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 E-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org
Alpha Phi Quarterly Editorial Policy The purpose of the Alpha Phi Quarterly and its content is to provide information and services to the membership of the Alpha Phi Fraternity, in keeping with the Fraternity's status as a 501(c)(7) tax-exempt private membership club. The magazine is devoted to highlighting its members and matters of fraternal and college interest. The views expressed in the articles published in the Quarterly are those of the authors and their contributors, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Alpha Phi Fraternity, its officers or staff. All persons interested in submitting materials for publication in the Alpha Phi Quarterly are encouraged to send them to the editor at the Executive Office. The editor reserves the right to accept, deny or edit any materials submitted. Unless otherwise requested, all photos sent to the magazine will become the property of Alpha Phi International and will not be returned. Articles may be sent by mail, fax, e-mail or on a PC disk. Please send your information to the editor by the deadlines indicated on this page. Materials received after these deadlines will be considered for the following issue. Please direct any submission questions or inquiries regarding publication advertising to the editor at 847.316.8920, or quarterly@alphaphi.org. The Alpha Phi Quarterly is published winter, spring, summer and fall. Subscription price for non-members is $25 per year. Contact the Quarterly for information about pricing of individual issues. Send change of address or announcements to Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Periodical rate postage paid at Evanston, IL, and at additional mailing offices. (ISSN: USPS 014680) Postmaster: Please send address changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Printed in the USA.
Dear Sisters,
Laura Malley-Schmitt
As this biennium comes to a close, we pause to reflect on Alpha Phi’s progress over the past two years and on the great promise of the future. We have much to celebrate in our sisterhood as we continue to reach milestones in many areas. In keeping with the culinary theme of this issue, I am happy to share the ingredients that are part of Alpha Phi’s recipe for success:
•Sophisticated collegiate recruitment program. We have made important enhancements to our program over the past 10 years, and the investment has yielded great dividends. Thank you to all of our collegiate and alumnae members who work so hard to make Alpha Phi the sorority of first choice. Our new member class has never been so large, and our recruiting strength has never been so impressive. •Super-charged extension efforts. It has been nearly 20 years since extension was as hot as it is today, and Alpha Phi has responded admirably. Thank you to all members who made the extraordinary colonizations at Oklahoma (Phi), Dartmouth (Iota Kappa), Franklin & Marshall (Zeta Sigma) and Connecticut (Iota Lambda) and revitalizations at Dayton (Zeta Psi), DePaul (Iota Eta) and UNC/Wilmington (Eta Xi) a reality. We are also proud to report plans to colonize at Alabama and Georgia Tech this fall! •Top-flight leadership programming. Thank you to all Foundation donors and volunteers who have made Alpha Phi’s Leadership Initiative possible. Because of you, Alpha Phi is making tremendous strides in building the leadership skills of our collegiate members and fostering a values-based culture in our chapters. •Superb chapter stewardship. Thank you to all members who keep our collegiate and alumnae chapters healthy and strong. Because of you, Alpha Phi’s ideals thrive in chapters across North America, no less than 136 years after our founding. •Foundation excellence. The Alpha Phi Foundation is a true leader among her peers and brings much prestige to Alpha Phi. Thank you to all Foundation volunteers, staff members and donors for keeping the Foundation at the forefront. •Interfraternal leadership. Alpha Phis continue to make major contributions to the interfraternal world at the local, regional and inter/national levels. We can never thank you enough for representing Alpha Phi so well. It has been an incredible biennium, but this is no time for us to rest on our laurels. The International Executive Board and the Fraternity staff have wonderful plans in store for the next biennium. We look forward to reporting new initiatives in marketing, alumnae engagement, collegiate housing and volunteer programming in the near future. While the items listed above are the more obvious elements of our success, there is a secret ingredient at the heart of Alpha Phi excellence: you! When you, as a woman of excellence, identify yourself as an Alpha Phi and express pride in our sisterhood, you bring honor to Alpha Phi in immeasurable ways. Truly, your loyalty is the most important ingredient of all. Heart to heart,
Alpha Phis in Food and Wine Industries
Meet sisters who have chosen careers in the food and wine industries.
In the Next Issue ■
Member Anniversary Recognitions
Fraternity Directory
New at www.alphaphi.org New Login Process! The Members Only section of www.alphaphi.org no longer has a global user ID and login; members can now create individual login information! Setting up your Members Only login is as simple as having an e-mail address and knowing your member ID number. Visit www.alphaphi.org to begin!
See the World with Alpha Phi Traveler Explore the world with your Alpha Phi sisters through an innovative new travel program. Whether you want to plan a chapter reunion, get in touch with old friends or meet new ones, this is the place to make it happen! Visit www.alphaphitraveler.org for more information.
Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT) International President SUMMER 2008
Photo courtesy Lori Stokoe, Taste With The Eyes
Beta Psi Alumnae Collaborate on Food, Wine Pairings Carol Gilbaugh Moran (Beta Psi-San Jose State) and Angela McCarthy Brassinga (Beta Psi-San Jose State), who’ve been friends since going through recruitment more than 25 years ago, recently collaborated for the first time on a culinary project. Carol and her husband, Richard, are the owners of Moran Manor Vineyards in Calistoga, Calif., and Angela is a recipe expert for Sunset Magazine (Menlo Park, Calif.). The women spent an evening cooking and creating meals for pairing with Moran Manor wine. The recipes have been featured in the winery’s newsletters.
Sharing a family business Opened five years ago, Moran Manor has established a strong customer base as well as placement in several fine restaurants throughout the U.S. The small, family-owned vineyard is dedicated to a limited production of high-quality, blended red wines. Their venture into the wine industry began 15 years ago when Carol and Richard would take long drives to calm their youngest son’s colic. The drives didn't work, but 75 miles away they discovered and fell in love with a Second Empire Victorian house that was for sale. They purchased and restored it. “Planting a vineyard was a natural progression in the restoration of the house; we learned that vineyards had been planted on the property as early as 1900,” says Carol. Carol now works with the winery full-time, overseeing marketing, sales, distribution, compliance and finance. Richard is a venture capitalist in Silicon Valley and works part-time with their winemaker on vineyard management. Although the couple and two of their four children live in San Francisco during the school year, they spend most of the summer and other vacations at the winery. Carol travels there during the week for private tastings or special events. She and Richard expect to reverse this balance of time when their youngest child graduates from high school in a few years. She says although she had no culinary or wine background, 20 years as a public relations executive in Silicon Valley helped prepare her for the business. “Communicating your key messages PA G E T W O
Angela Brassinga, left, and Carol Moran
is a critical factor for success in every field,” she says. “Educating ourselves about a different industry has been both challenging and rewarding,” Carol continues. “Even with five years and several vintages under our belts, we still feel like we're learning something every day.” Carol has taken several cooking classes and loves to cook for family and friends, including many Alpha Phi sisters who’ve spent weekends at Moran Manor. She also likes experimenting with wine pairings at meals, as she did with Angela. “Our goal has been to make great wines that people want to drink with friends,” she says. “It is so rewarding to hear customers tell us about our wine being part of a special evening or occasion.” “Wine culture gets under your skin,” Carol says. “It was part of us before we realized we wanted to play an active part in it – the history, the terroir, the rituals, the passion, the aromas, the cycles of the planting and harvest. This region produces some of the most coveted California red wines. We foresaw that we could build a family business and share it for years to come.”
Photo courtesy Lori Stokoe, Taste With The Eyes
Sister's work combines passions “I have always loved cooking for family and friends and liked the idea of getting paid to cook, but restaurant work means nights, weekends and holidays. I knew this would not work for a single mother,” says Angela. “But my job with Sunset is a perfect fit. I can't believe I get paid to cook!” Angela began her career at Sunset Magazine in 1988 in the marketing department, but the food lover and avid home cook most enjoyed the aspects of her job that involved following what was happening in the food editorial section of the magazine. In 1994, tragedy struck her family when her husband was killed during a police training exercise. Shortly after, Angela decided to stop working full-time to spend more time with her 1-year-old son. In 1996, she returned to Sunset part-time, working in various areas, and eventually secured a spot in the editorial test kitchen as a retester. In the position, Angela makes sure readers will successfully and simply be able to prepare recipes in their own homes. “We keep track of timing, weights and measurements so they are clear and accurate,” she says. “We also do the shopping to be sure the ingredients are easy to find.” As with Angela, none of the many retesters at the magazine have culinary training because the goal is to replicate the home cooking experience for readers. Also like Angela, most came by way of personal references and then proved themselves in the kitchen. “It's all about networking and letting people know what you want, and doors are opened,” she says, crediting the personal
Richard and Carol Moran are owners of Moran Manor Vineyards.
connections made through her years at the magazine, participation in company events and not burning any bridges for her success. Angela says working on food and wine pairings as she did with Carol is another fun part of her job. “Wine and food is a perfect match, especially in the West where so many of our wonderful wines are made and available. Sometimes we start with the wine and find the best recipe to compliment it, and other Angela Brassinga times we do just the opposite,” she says. When she worked with the magazine’s wine editor, Sara Schneider, to find dishes that would work well for Carol and her husband’s wine, for example, they had five dishes in mind, but narrowed it down to two after trying the dishes and various wines together. Angela says she also keeps in touch with other Alpha Phi sisters, some of whom remain her dearest friends. “I remember with great fondness sitting down to dinner with sisters at the chapter house. I especially loved our formal Monday night dinners when we dressed up and sang grace,” says Angela. “I think bringing people together around the table is very important, and I do it as often as possible.” Not surprisingly, another part of Angela’s life relates to this. She is attending San Francisco State University part-time to pursue a master’s degree in English literature. “My thesis will likely be about the role of food or the family table in literature. I'd like to take a look at what food tells the reader about time, place, people and culture,” she says. “My son, now 15, and I sit at the table every night, no TV, cloth napkins, prayer and most nights, candles too,” Angela says. “Even though it's just the two of us, we're a family, and a calm family dinner is very important.” To view Angela’s work, visit www.sunset.com. For more information about Moran Manor, visit www.moranmanor.com. PA G E T H R E E
Sisters-in-law Make Dinner Time Easier
Diane Jacobson (Gamma Zeta-Puget Sound) and Nadine Reames Johnson (Beta Upsilon-Oregon State) launched San Carlos, Calif.,based Sous Kitchen, Inc. in March 2006 with the intention of making dinner time easier. Sous Kitchen is an easy meal planning and assembly commercial grade kitchen that helps busy families prepare fresh, delicious and affordable entrées – similar to having a personal sous chef. “Our goal is to offer great food in one’s own kitchen – the kind they would cook for themselves if they had all the time in the world,” says Diane. Customers have the option of coming into the kitchen to assemble up to 15 meals using Sous Kitchen’s recipes and all-natural ingredients or having Sous Kitchen staff do the work for them for pick-up or delivery. The idea evolved when Diane and Nadine were disappointed in a local meal assembly establishment they tried for the first time. The negative experience prompted Nadine to consider creating her own similar business, and she convinced Diane to be her partner. Today, the business consists of 15-20 employees and an additional business partner.
Diane Jacobson, left, and Nadine Johnson are owners of Sous Kitchen.
great personal e-mails,” says Nadine, noting one particular e-mail about a customer’s children who wouldn’t eat anything but fast food until they tried Sous Kitchen. “It’s wonderful to hear someone say ‘you changed my life.’”
Photo courtesy Lori Stokoe, Taste With The Eyes
Both women share a love of food and cooking. Nadine, who works full-time as the business’ CEO, has worked in finance and operations for more than 15 years and spent several years in the food service industry. Diane, who now works part-time as vice president, worked in marketing and marketing sciences in the pharmaceutical and high tech industries for more than 10 years. “I always wanted to open a restaurant or bar, but the hours are not always conducive to family life,” says Nadine. This venture allows them to spend time with their husbands and children; Diane has a five-year-old son, and Nadine has a five-year-old daughter and four-year-old son. “Three years of developing recipes has added a lot of commentary to our family dinners,” says Nadine. “Even our children offer their suggestions about recipes.” Since it began, Sous Kitchen added a corporate program, where an outside company delivers their food to employees at 25 local corporations. They hope for 100 by the end of the year. Although they’re doing much more pre-assembly of frozen food kits now, the women say they’ll always provide the kitchen setting for customers to prepare food on-site as well. “We will always keep the focus on the customer and great food. The best reward for me is positive customer feedback. We get some PA G E F O U R
They admit there has been much work involved. “The first three months we were both in the kitchen every day, doing everything from chopping food to taking out the garbage,” says Nadine. “The experience has provided a great understanding of the business. We are still very hands on.” “Nadine is the CEO, but she still mops floors sometimes,” adds Diane. “When it’s a crazy time, we all pitch in.” Sous Kitchen stands out among competitors because of its global menu. At the same time, they have family-friendly offerings that are made from scratch using unique, local ingredients that are fresh, quality and seasonal. The menu changes monthly, with 12 new entrees each month and four or five customer favorites, or repeat recipes. Diane and Nadine admit they have different tastes when it comes to the menu, which is advantageous to the customer because they offer a wide variety. “It has been much more rewarding then I ever expected,” says Diane, adding she gains satisfaction from “knowing people in our area are sitting down to dinner eating the food we created, and liking it!” For more information, visit www.souskitchen.com.
Food, Wine Connoisseur Creates Food Blog
After 29 years of experience in the food and wine industry, Lori Hirsch Stokoe (Beta Alpha-Illinois) launched her own food blog in June 2007. Today, the Taste With The Eyes blog has readership on six continents. “Taste With The Eyes is a visual food blog, meant to titillate and inspire the cook,” says Lori, who takes most of the photographs for the blog. “Cooking, food photography and food styling are my hobbies. The food preparation photos are an alternative to giving detailed recipes. When I read a cookbook, I usually cook by intuition from the picture.” Lori became interested in working in the culinary field when she was a waitress in college. She went on to work as a cook, then restaurant manager in everything from fast food to fine dining, and eventually began a wine sales and marketing company. Her 22 years of work in the food business and seven years in the wine industry provided an abundance of experience, as well as rewards. “I am fortunate to have the opportunity to dine at the country's best restaurants, so I also include restaurant reviews on the blog,” she says. “And with my background in the wine
Lori Stokoe
business, I occasionally include a wine review or recommendation.” In addition to her own food blog, Lori is also a featured publisher for the foodie Web site, Foodbuzz.com. “Food blogging is one of my passions,” says Lori. Her advice to those interested in beginning their own blog: “It is important to have a perspective, a point of view, something of value to share.” Lori currently serves Alpha Phi as finance adviser for the CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) chapter, as the chapter’s house corporation board president and as a regional housing specialist for the Southwest region. She served as chapter adviser to Gamma Kappa since 1997 before stepping down in June. She also was a member of the international housing standing committee for the 2006-08 biennium. Lori says she has enjoyed introducing her passion to her Alpha Phi sisters, “Over the years I have enjoyed inviting collegians and advisers to my home for many fabulous meals and sharing my recipes and cooking techniques.” To see Lori’s work, visit http://tastewiththeeyes.blogspot.com.
Dewi Rainey, center, with employees Nicole Pence, left, and Sarah Bong
Red Feet Wine Market and Spirit Provisions
Conscientious Food, Drink Choices Are Sister’s Lifestyle
“Good food and drink define my life in many ways,” says Dewi Bolhassan Rainey (Beta-Northwestern), owner of Red Feet Wine Market and Spirit Provisions, a retail wine store in Ithaca, N.Y. Opened in April 2007, it is Dewi’s first retail store, but she has always been interested in food, having spent part of her youth in Malaysia, where good, fresh food is valued and the norm. She was founder, owner and operator of Maxie's Supper Club and Oyster Bar (also in Ithaca) for more than seven years; one of her roles was to handle the wine buying and training for the restaurant. Food service and hospitality positions have been her focus since high school. She even spent time traveling and working in the Western U.S., honing her restaurant, service and wine knowledge. Her only prior experience with retail was with a clothing store during college. She says that negative experience now influences how she runs Red Feet – with helpful, well-trained staff who are not pushy. “If we do our jobs well, we'll bring back customers again because we've added value to their shopping experience,” says Dewi. “I'm much more interested in that than in a one-time sale.”
Dewi chooses high quality, handcrafted wines that express a sense of the place they came from and conveys their stories to customers. The store is part of a new breed of shops that provide one-on-one service with passion, knowledge and quality with a goal of educating customers and making wines approachable to everyone. Red Feet Wine Market places a strong emphasis on food and wine pairing, as well as finding a wine that fits the taste profile and price point that suits the customer. “One of my greatest rewards is seeing our customers grow when it comes to their taste in wine,” says Dewi. “From growing our own vegetables to eating organic, local, seasonal food as much as possible, to always trying out new restaurants, to enjoying the right bottle of wine with a full sit-down, homemade dinner with friends and family, I prioritize lifestyle experiences related to food,” Dewi says. “I look forward to a future where people become increasingly aware of the sources of their food and wine and the respect for high integrity products continues to grow.” For more information, visit www.redfeetwine.com.
Please visit www.alphaphi.org to read about other sisters in the food and wine industries and for heart-healthy recipes shared by those interviewed. Editor’s Note: Alpha Phi does not condone underage drinking. Please drink responsibly. SUMMER 2008
Leadership 2007-08
International President Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT), front, second from left, celebrates with West Chester (Epsilon Kappa) collegians who received a Silver and Bordeaux Award during the Mid-Atlantic conference.
2007-08 Regional Leadership Conferences Alpha Phi International hosts Regional Leadership Conferences annually to provide the tools and training necessary for collegiate officers and advisers to effectively lead our chapters. Since these conferences were introduced nine years ago, they have adjusted to meet the changing needs and interests of the participants. “During the planning process each year, we take into consideration current trends and hot topics relevant to today’s collegiate members as well as evaluations from previous conferences,” says Denise Jung Reens (Epsilon Delta-Northern Illinois), director of training, development and communications. “We strive to create an environment in which collegiate members and their advisers feel challenged and engaged while learning about Alpha Phi’s newest tools and programs. When they are excited about what they learn, they are much more likely to share the information with their chapter members and more likely to successfully implement this knowledge in their chapters.” More than 1,200 chapter advisers and collegiate officers from 145 collegiate chapters and two colonies across North America attended the weekend conferences in all of the Fraternity’s eight regions.
(From left) Laurel Johnson (Beta Alpha-Illinois), Brittany Rhett (Eta Mu-Marquette) and Ashley Hall (Gamma Epsilon deuteron-Lake Forest), all directors of new member education, discuss their positions during the North Central Midwest conference.
Educational Leadership Consultants Brianna Haag (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis) and Danielle Marganoff (Delta-Cornell) take a break between sessions at the Northeast conference. PA G E S I X
Sisters in the Upper Midwest region gather for an all-conference photo.
Thank You THANK YOU TO THE VOLUNTEERS WHO SERVED AS 2007-08 REGIONAL CONFERENCE COORDINATORS! Mid-Atlantic: June Collins Herron (Delta Phi-Indiana U. of Pennsylvania) North Central Midwest: Jane Russell Roberts (Epsilon Delta-Northern Illinois) Northeast: Alison Paige Begor (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Pacific Northwest: Lori Lyman Losee (Beta Rho-Washington State) South Central: Sherry Tobaben Wilcher (Gamma Gamma-Drury) Southeast: Sirena Davis (Theta Phi-Christopher Newport) Southwest: Jennifer Ward (Epsilon Chi-Cal Poly) Upper Midwest: Jan Brinker Schaeffer (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State)
From best practices to Greek panels and a whole lot more Best practices presentations in the Mid-Atlantic and Create Your Own Topic roundtable discussions in the South Central and North Central Midwest gave collegiate members and advisers a suitcase full of ideas. A panel of campus Greek advisors in the Southwest provided collegiate members and advisers information about the latest campus trends and ways to build positive relationships with their universities. Project Phi, loosely based on the hit television show “Project Runway,” gave collegiate members in the Upper Midwest an opportunity to “design” members that exemplify the qualities of Alpha Phi. Orientation and fundamentals sessions peppered the Northeast conference agenda. The Southeast’s own Emerging Leaders’ track provided a forum for young collegiate members to begin building the skills that will enable them to lead their chapters in the next few years. A special awards ceremony was a Pacific Northwest highlight. In addition, the North Central Midwest, South Central and Upper Midwest regions invited area alumnae to celebrate their significant membership anniversaries, thus demonstrating that sisterhood is for a lifetime. Leadership Initiative spotlight The Leadership Initiative, funded by the Alpha Phi Foundation, was introduced to collegiate chapters during fall 2006. The innovative program is based on our values and designed to help our collegiate members become leaders of tomorrow. The Initiative’s three main components are Chapter-based Instruction (CBI), Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI) and an opportunity for alumnae connection. Critical to the success of the Chapter-based Instruction is the volunteer facilitator. Special CBI facilitator training was held focusing on session content and facilitation skills. Local alumnae and chapter advisers were invited to participate in the skills portion of this training in the North Central Midwest and Southwest regions. Two Emerging Leaders Institutes were held at Butler University during the summer. The benefits and valuable teachings of the inaugural ELI were enthusiastically presented by ELI graduates who attended Regional Conferences as newly elected officers. For more information about Alpha Phi’s Leadership Initiative, visit www.alphaphi.org. SUMMER 2008
Alumnae enjoy the South Central Regional Conference. Pictured are (from left) Lisa Ross Borhaug (Beta Upsilon-Oregon State), North Texas (Gamma Eta) chapter adviser; Judy Kay Schmidt Mead (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado); and Rachel Erwin Garrett (Beta-Northwestern), Gamma Eta new member adviser.
Staff members pose at the Foundation table during the Southeast conference. Pictured (from left) are Megan Bouché (Epsilon-Minnesota), associate director of marketing and extension; Melissa Wagasy Moody (Beta Beta-Michigan State), Foundation program coordinator; and Lauren Vandeveer (Delta Rho-Ball State), GOLD development officer.
CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) collegians, right, share fire safety tips with the women of Cal Poly (Epsilon Chi) during the Southwest Regional Conference.
A San Francisco State (Eta Theta) collegian poses with her chapter’s display during the Pacific Northwest conference. PA G E S E V E N
Alpha Phis Celebrate Chapter Installation at the University of Connecticut By Lindsay Martin (Beta Psi-San Jose State)
On March 2, 2008, Alpha Phi proudly installed our chapter at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, Conn. It was a celebration after a school year full of hard work on behalf of local and regional Alpha Phi volunteers, staff, and most of all, our new members. It gives us great joy to see this prestigious university added to Alpha Phi’s roll as our 146th active chapter. The celebration began on the evening of Friday, Feb. 29, with the Court of Ivy ceremony led by Lindsay Martin (Beta PsiSan Jose State), associate director of collegiate membership. The festivities continued on Sunday, March 2, as International Executive Board President Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT) presided over the initiation of 79 colony members in the historic Wilbur Cross North Reading Room on campus. Adding to the celebration was the initiation of three mothers of colony members: Veronique Lestrade, mother of colony member Pia Lestrade; Donna Curran, mother of colony member Natalie Curran; and Debra Mahony, mother of colony member Jillene Mahony. We welcome Veronique, Donna and Debra to Alpha Phi! The Rome Commons Ballroom on campus was host to a reception for more than 250 family and friends of the initiates. Megan Bouché (Epsilon-Minnesota), associate director of marketing and extension, served as toastmistress. UConn’s director of fraternity and sorority life, Todd Sullivan, welcomed the new chapter on behalf of the university. Todd was presented with an
Alpha Phi Foundation Red Dress tie in honor of his support of the new chapter. Dean of Students Dr. Lee Williams also attended and represented the university. She delivered an inspirational message to the women, stating that this occasion was a good day for UConn, while urging them to “make this a great day for UConn” by proving their dedication to raising the bar at the university and Alpha Phi in the years to come. Susan Bevan (Sigma-Washington), Foundation Board director, presented the scholarship badge to the new chapter. She also presented the Foundation’s traditional $1,000 gift in celebration of the chapter’s installation. The chapter designated the gift to the American Heart Association’s® Heart Walk® in New Haven, Conn. The chapter looks forward to participating in this annual event in May. The chapter was pleased to have colony Educational Leadership Consultants Danielle Marganoff (Delta-Cornell) and Brianna Haag (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis), local alumnae Nina Dadlez (Gamma NuMiami University) and Kaitlyn Devries (Gamma Nu-Miami University), NYC Metro alumnae chapter representatives Melissa Friedman (Eta Theta-San Francisco State) and Allie Pignataro (Beta EpsilonArizona) and Lauren Lipnick (Beta EpsilonArizona), sister of colony member Alissa Lipnick, in attendance. The highlight of the installation was the presentation of the charter. During the initiation banquet, IEB President Laura Malley-Schmitt presented the charter to
International Executive Board President Laura MalleySchmitt, left, and Colony President Angela Cillo pose with the new chapter’s charter.
Angela Cillo, colony president. She was also presented with the president’s badge and gavel. Gifts to the chapter included the Loving Cup from the International Executive Board and welcome dollars from 43 collegiate and alumnae chapters. Thank you to all of the collegiate and alumnae chapters for their warm welcome! Special thanks are due to the collegiate members at Bentley (Zeta Rho), who attended the initiation, Rhode Island (Iota Delta) for assisting with the colonization, and to members of the Northeast regional team for consistent commitment and support to this effort throughout the colonization. It also would not have been possible without the support and guidance from local advisers: Barbara Painter Buzzelli (Zeta LambdaSouthern New Hampshire), Courtney Czekanski (Gamma Nu-Miami University), Betsy Gultanoff (Iota Iota-George Washington), Gretchen Sausville (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado), Jeannie Jones Mazzaferro (Beta Gamma-Colorado), Jenny Stitchman Starkey (Beta Psi-San Jose State), Kate Curran (Gamma Nu-Miami University), Katie Price (Theta TauRensselaer), Leah Loebach (Iota ZetaColorado School of Mines) and Maria Destefani (Iota Delta-Rhode Island). This special weekend was one that charter members, alumnae initiates and all involved will remember for years to come. Alpha Phi International Fraternity enthusiastically welcomes newly installed Iota Lambda chapter of Alpha Phi.
Alpha Phi welcomes its new chapter at the University of Connecticut.
Alpha Phi Returns to Franklin & Marshall College By Morgan Bradley (Gamma Epsilon deuteron-Lake Forest)
Alpha Phi International is pleased to announce the return of our Zeta Sigma chapter to Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Penn. The chapter was installed on April 6, 2008, concluding a weekend of celebration. The installation weekend commenced with the Court of Ivy ceremony on April 5, 2008. Nineteen alumnae joined the 80 colony members for a memorable evening, held on campus in the Booth Ferris room. Alumnae in attendance included International Executive Board Director Shana Goss Smith (Chi-Montana), Past International Executive Board President and Extension Committee Chair Crista Cate Vasina (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado), Executive Director Susan Zabriskie (Theta-Michigan), Colony Educational Leadership Consultant Tracy Briggs (Iota Theta-Wilfrid Laurier) and Mid-Atlantic Regional Team Members June Collins Herron (Delta Phi-Indiana U. of Pennsylvania), Janis CoughlinPiester (Theta Kappa-Rochester), Susan Carrochi Sherman (Epsilon Nu-Delaware) and Kim Larsen Watson (OmicronMissouri). Local alumnae attending included the colony’s Faculty Advisor Christie Larochelle (Zeta Omicron-Johns Hopkins), Nancy Cassidy McHenry (Delta Phi-Indiana U. of Pennsylvania), Anne Exline Starr (Epsilon Nu-Delaware) and alumnae Diane Dostich, Lara Lewis,
International Executive Board Director Shana Smith, left, and Colony President Adrienne Baksi pose with the new chapter’s charter. SUMMER 2008
Alpha Phi is pleased to announce its return to Franklin & Marshall.
Ana Masurekar, Susan Lunenfeld Raczynski, Lisa Christopher Stine, Alysa Suero and Emily Swonguer (all Zeta Sigma-Franklin & Marshall). Initiation was held the next morning at the Eden Resorts Hotel in Lancaster. Joining the colony for initiation were six alumnae initiates: Carolyn Alex, mother of colony member Krystin Alex; Marie Brill, mother of colony member Caren Brill; Gretchen Coviello, mother of colony member Meredith Coviello; Janice Kochevar, mother of colony member Mariel Kochevar; Catherine Morgese, mother of colony member Jaclyn Morgese; and Ann O’Neil, mother of colony member Sara O’Neil. Following initiation, the chapter joined 175 of their family and friends at a reception to honor their achievements. The installation celebration was held at Franklin & Marshall’s Catering Suite, with Crista Vasina serving as toastmistress. Kent Trachte, dean of the college at Franklin & Marshall, spoke on behalf of the college at the celebration, praising both the organization and the chapter for their values and accomplishments. Christie Larochelle spoke as the chapter’s faculty advisor and as an Alpha Phi, expressing her appreciation for the opportunities the
organization continues to present to her. Tracy Briggs, who served as the colony’s educational leadership consultant, introduced the newly initiated members of Zeta Sigma. Susan Zabriskie represented the Alpha Phi Foundation at the reception, presenting the chapter with a scholarship badge. The Foundation also presented its traditional grant of $1,000 in honor of the chapter’s installation to the Women’s Heart Health Fund of Lancaster General Hospital. Holly Shaffer, health educator for women’s heart health, accepted the grant on behalf of the hospital, announcing the beginning of a philanthropic partnership with the chapter. The celebration centered on the presentation of the charter. IEB Director Shana Smith presented the charter, president’s gavel and badge to Adrienne Baksi, colony president. The chapter also received the Loving Cup from the International Executive Board and welcome dollars from a number of collegiate and alumnae chapters. Thank you to all the Alpha Phis involved for their dedication and commitment. Alpha Phi International Fraternity is proud to welcome the newly installed Zeta Sigma chapter of Alpha Phi! PA G E N I N E
Alpha Phi Is Rolling and Buzzing in the Southeast During the 2008-09 academic year, Alpha Phi will recolonize at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Ala., and colonize at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Ga. These flagship opportunities ignite Alpha Phi’s efforts for a greater presence in the Southeast. Alpha Phi established the Beta Mu chapter at Alabama in 1932 and was a presence on campus until 1963. Alabama is one of the premier Greek campuses in the United States, with average chapter size over 200 and annual quotas above 70 for the existing 15 Panhellenic sororities. For more information on Alpha Phi’s efforts at Alabama, please visit www.AlphaPhiAlabama.com or contact Team Lead Deana Koonsman Gage (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) at dkay52@alumnae.alphaphi.org. Please send references to: Alpha Phi, P.O. Box 11045, Tuscaloosa AL 35486-0012. The Fraternity identified Georgia Educational leadership consultants and EO staff prepare to Tech as a leading extension opportunity introduce Alpha Phi to the University of Alabama. years ago, and we are thrilled to now join this dynamic, growing sorority community. Alpha Phi joins a thriving group of six sororities that average 150 members with quotas over 40. For additional information about Alpha Phi’s Georgia Tech plans, please visit www.gtalphaphi.org or e-mail Team Lead Crista Cate Vasina (Delta GammaNorthern Colorado) at crista.vasina@alumnae.alphaphi.org. Please send references to: Crista Vasina, 200 Sandridge Court, Alpharetta GA 30022. In addition to establishing colonies at Alabama and Georgia Tech, support continues for new chapters at Franklin & Marshall (Zeta Sigma), Connecticut (Iota Lambda), Oklahoma (Phi) and Dartmouth (Iota Kappa). If you are interested in getting involved with any of these chapters or would like to volunteer on the extension committee, please Alpha Phi welcomes new members during a ceremony at contact Associate Director of Marketing and Extension Megan Bouché (Epsilon-Minnesota) Georgia Tech. at mbouche@alphaphi.org.
Letter from Epsilon Delta Regarding the NIU Shootings As most of you know, on Feb. 14, 2008, our school experienced a tragedy. Five of our fellow Northern Illinois University students were murdered, countless others were injured and our lives were forever shattered. That Thursday afternoon was filled with a mix of confusion, sadness and fear. I was thankful that by 8:00 p.m. that evening, all members of Northern Illinois (Epsilon Delta) were accounted for and safe. Finding 65 members was not an easy task. Our cell phones were not working, some girls were in lock down on campus, and some had already left to go home. It is hard to sum up the impact that day had on all of us. We were given a week off of school to be with our families and grieve, but upon returning to the campus, we all knew it would never be the same. Crosses stood next to our student center, flowers and posters lined our streets, and our campus was a constant reminder of that dreadful day. Months have now gone by, but our lives have been forever changed. Through the support of our Alpha Phi sisters throughout the United States and Canada we have started to overcome the sadness of that Thursday. Smiles are reappearing on faces, and slowly we are trying to pick up the pieces and move on. This is not an easy thing to do, and we are reminded daily of the tragedy we endured. We could not have gotten through this without the hundreds of people who offered support and prayers. It was amazing that girls who did not even know us reached out, and we have come together to overcome this tragedy. On behalf of the ladies of the Epsilon Delta chapter at Northern Illinois University, I would like to thank everyone for their support, prayers and comfort. I have never been prouder to be an Alpha Phi. This tragedy will not define us. Sincerely, Michelle Rzepka, Epsilon Delta President Northern Illinois University PA G E T E N
During the Pacific Northwest Regional Conference, sisters show support for Epsilon Delta and NIU. ALPHA PHI
Thank You CBI Facilitators! Empowering the Leaders of Tomorrow Alpha Phi Leadership Initiative Has Successful Second Year In fall 2006, Alpha Phi Fraternity launched an innovative initiative for collegiate members called the Leadership Initiative. This exciting and new program is intended to help our collegians become the leaders of tomorrow. The Leadership Initiative is based upon our values, the cornerstone of our sisterhood. It provides a sense of accountability, responsibility and integrity among its participants and is meant to promote a feeling of loyalty and lifetime commitment to Alpha Phi. There are three main components of the Leadership Initiative: Chapter-based Instruction (CBI), the Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI) and an opportunity for alumnae connection. The Fraternity is most grateful to the Alpha Phi Foundation for their support in funding the Leadership Initiative. We are very proud to be on the forefront of the leadership movement for women. Alpha Phi has finished its second full year of its CBI programs. Every collegiate chapter has the opportunity to participate in interactive sessions based on the Alpha Phi values of character development, service and leadership, intellectual development, and sisterhood and loyalty. Sessions are facilitated by Alpha Phi alumnae, demonstrating a lifetime commitment to Alpha Phi. These sessions have received high marks from both collegians and alumnae facilitators. The thought-provoking discussions, the positive environment and the caring facilitators have all contributed to the CBI’s success. Read what our women said about this year’s sessions:
Character Development: Personal Accountability “It will help me become a better leader and sister in my chapter.” -Kaitlin Marsh (Upsilon-Washburn)
Intellectual Development: Beyond Brainstorming “I thought it was very helpful to brainstorm creative ideas for new things we can do in our chapter. We came up with some great ideas for improving recruitment, marketing, getting girls to come to meetings and our philanthropy event.” -Megan Baker (Zeta Beta-Loyola Marymount)
Sisterhood and Loyalty: Holding Others Accountable “I understand conflict is necessary for change and progression, and I have always tried to confront issues or evoke change in a mature, dispassionate manner in order to reduce hard feelings, but now I feel more trained and confident.” -Joleen Kleinbach (Iota Gamma-University of the Pacific)
Service and Leadership: The Untitled Leader “I realized that while creating a timeline of how I've served and helped others throughout my life, I can continue to do so in the future in my career.” -Jennifer Yang (Theta Alpha-Linfield)
Next year’s CBI sessions will tackle new topics under the Alpha Phi values umbrella: ethical decision making and motivation. For more information on these topics and CBI, visit http://www.alphaphi.org/Leadership_Initiative/CBI.html Read more about this summer’s Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI) sessions! Alpha Phi held ELI sessions in May and July, inviting 100 freshmen and sophomore collegiate members to participate. These leaders came together at the Alpha Phi facility on Butler University’s campus in Indianapolis, Ind., for a unique, five-day intensive training opportunity facilitated by trained Alpha Phi facilitators. This interactive learning experience included large and small group interaction, trust building and personal reflection. For more information on the Emerging Leaders Institute, visit http://www.alphaphi.org/Leadership_Initiative/ELI2008.html. Look for more information and pictures of this summer’s ELI in the Fall 2008 Quarterly!
Our facilitators are the key to the success of this program. Thank you to our 100-plus CBI facilitators for sharing their time and talents with our collegiate women. Alison Nash (Xi-Toronto) Amanda Minchin (Gamma Nu-Miami University) Ami Fox (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst) Andi Tuttle (Eta Epsilon-Villanova) Andrea Calderon (Iota Iota-George Washington) Ann Brinkman (Zeta Delta-Iowa State) April Pudenz (Epsilon Theta-Northern Iowa) Arline Korbs Wolters (Delta Beta-Texas A&M/Commerce) Becky Carlino (Eta Gamma-Akron) Becky Coate (Gamma Nu-Miami University) Bethany Coleman (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Beverly Moody Camut (Gamma Nu-Miami University) Brooklyn Gainey Winters (Epsilon Phi-NC State) Bryna Dickson (Eta Chi-Bishop's) Carolyn LeBaugh-Gregg (Eta Psi-Eastern Washington) Carrie Rahm (Beta Zeta-Idaho) Cheyanne Cook (Epsilon Gamma-Sacramento State) Christiane Sentianin (Beta Delta-UCLA) Christina LiPuma (Theta Phi-Christopher Newport) Claire Knowlton (Iota Gamma-University of the Pacific) Conni Goldsmith Crittenden (Beta Beta-Michigan State) Corrine Richards Hammock (Beta Rho-Washington State) Courtney Czekanski (Gamma Nu-Miami University) Cynthia Post White (Delta Upsilon-Baldwin-Wallace) Cynthia Cariker Keltner (Epsilon Gamma-Sacramento State) Danielle Miller (Theta Psi-SUNY/Plattsburgh) Deana Koonsman Gage (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) Deanna Del Grande (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Diana Busch Hartley (Phi-Oklahoma) Dimitra Gountis (Delta Upsilon-Baldwin-Wallace) Eleissa Miller Buddress (Beta Upsilon-Oregon State) Elizabeth Lynch Byrd (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Emilee Snow (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate) Erin Shea (Eta Epsilon-Villanova) Ethel Cohen (Zeta Theta-Tufts) Heather Valentine (Eta Beta-CSU/San Bernardino)
Hope Gray (Eta Upsilon-Chapman) Jaime Alsup Ryberg (Theta Gamma-Truman State) Jane Kirby Arkes (Omicron-Missouri) Janet Harrod Webb (Omicron-Missouri) Janis Coughlin-Piester (Theta Kappa-Rochester) Jeanna Bonello (Epsilon-Minnesota) Jen Brett (Eta Xi-UNC/Wilmington) Jennifer Boos (Eta Rho-San Diego) Jennifer Gish Eshelman (Beta Zeta-Idaho) Jillian Brevorka (Delta-Cornell) Jo Burnidge Martin (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Johanna Meyers (Eta Kappa-UC/Irvine) Judy Genung Blanton (Delta Pi-Indiana State) Juliette Duke (Theta Omega-Barry) June Collins Herron (Delta Phi-Indiana U. of Pennsylvania) Kaitlin Maguire (Gamma Omicron-Drake) Karen Little Arland (Epsilon Beta-Butler) Karla Hardy Allford (Gamma Omega-Midwestern State) Kate Boyle Halfon (Eta Delta-CSU/East Bay) Kate Murphy O'Brien (Zeta Psi-Dayton) Katherine Bourquin (Iota Eta-DePaul) Kathleen Clifford Klaeser (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) Kathryn Green (Zeta Beta-Loyola Marymount) Katie May Beach (Nu-Nebraska) Katie Secor (Iota Eta-DePaul) Keli Wenz McQuiston (Chi-Montana) Keri Miller (Delta Rho-Ball State) Kim Linenberger (Theta Lambda-Central Missouri) Kim Cordoni LeGue (Eta Theta-San Francisco State) Kim Smith Mackowski (Delta Mu-Purdue) Kristin Lusby Juarovisech (Eta Gamma-Akron) Laura Bullington (Delta Mu-Purdue) Laura Confer (Iota Epsilon-Kettering) Laura Matyear Florence (Zeta Upsilon-Washington University) Laura Zieske (Gamma Omicron-Drake) Lauren Cherry Doherty (Eta Chi-Bishop's)
(continued on page 33) SUMMER 2008
Xi chapter celebrates the end of the year with graduate ceremonies. Pictured are graduates Lauren Zaklikowski and Amanda Prisciak.
The annual Red Dress Gala raises more than $58,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation.
Collegians Sarah Neis, left, and Ashley Paul hold up letters with pride on Bid Day.
celebrated a successful Greek Week. They sponsored a mother-daughter self-protection program, welcomed 46 new members and hosted the second annual Red Dress Gala.
-Kelly Feiweles
CANADA Wilfrid Laurier (Iota Theta) The chapter’s focus has been philanthropy and scholarship. The chapter’s Coyote Ugly philanthropy event raised money for the Alpha Phi Foundation and featured raffle prizes. Sisters won a sorority dance-off, and new graduates benefited from Grad Week speakers who provided tips for post-university success. -Allie Snider
Toronto (Xi) Sisters welcomed three new members through spring COB. The chapter hosted an annual Dessert Night and King of Hearts philanthropy tournament. Sisters participated in Greek Week, hosted a father-daughter dinner and a sisterhood weekend retreat. The chapter was named Sigma Chi Sweethearts 2008-09. Panhellenic President Elysia Bryan hosted a sorority banquet. Xi chapter celebrated the end of the year with a formal and graduate ceremonies. -Margaret Moore Alpha Phi welcomes back the Iota Eta chapter to DePaul University! The chapter had a successful recruitment blitz in April and revitalization celebration for new members in May. Thank you to all alumnae and collegians who supported the effort.
CALIFORNIA CSU/San Bernardino (Eta Beta) The chapter’s Cardiac Care Week and Red Dress Gala raised $4,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters promoted cardiac care awareness on campus for two weeks. Their Red Dress Gala featured a silent action, dinner and a speaker. -Stephanie Flanagan
San Jose State (Beta Psi) The annual Phi Ball volleyball tournament received great support from the Greek community. In 2008, the chapter celebrates its 60th anniversary at San Jose State. -Erin Spaulding
Santa Clara (Zeta Gamma) The chapter’s third annual Red Dress Gala, featuring a live and silent auction, dinner, a band and dancing, raised more than $58,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation and women’s cardiac care. A Parent’s Day brunch the morning after the gala thanked parents for their donations and support. The Star Search talent show, judged by mothers of Zeta Gammas, raised more than $6,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. The chapter was recognized during a Panhellenic Awards ceremony for Outstanding Philanthropy and Service and Outstanding Scholarship.
COLORADO Colorado (Beta Gamma) Thanks to a successful recruitment, 52 new members were initiated. Sisters hosted the annual Wai-Ki-Phi philanthropy event, enjoyed spring formal and participated in Greek Week with Sigma Phi Epsilon. -Michelle Liou
Northern Colorado (Delta Gamma) Three new members were welcomed during the spring. More than 100 people participated in the chapter’s first Move Your Phi’t 5k run that raised $2,500 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. -Margaret Queen
-Nicki Sewell
UC/Irvine (Eta Kappa) New officers attended a retreat. Sisters received first place in the Homecoming float competition, played in the winter sports season championship matches and
DELAWARE Delaware (Epsilon Nu) Twenty sisters traveled to New Orleans as part of a unique spring break program. They spent the week ALPHA PHI
Epsilon Xi hosts the annual King of Hearts philanthropy event. (From left) Lauren DeBello, Cassie Allison and Samantha Hansen welcome guests to the chapter’s Heart Healthy Phi’st.
BUTLER (EPSILON BETA) The chapter welcomes new members on Bid Day.
DePauw (Gamma) Gamma is proud to have received recognition for the highest collective GPA on campus: 3.49. The women hosted the King of Hearts philanthropy event that included relay races, T-shirt sales and a blood drive.
-Rebecca Hruska
Purdue (Delta Mu) Delta Mu members were involved in the university’s prestigious 10th annual Black Tie Dinner, hosted by hospitality and tourism management students and attended by several distinguished alumni. Lori Wonsilak, president of the Black Tie Society, welcomed guests and introduced the keynote speaker. Katie Lorenc was responsible for the event decorations. Hannah Fonczak was one of the servers. Adviser Ashley Hutchison (Delta Mu-Purdue) was in attendance. The event helped the chapter continue making a mark not only within the Greek (continued on next page)
ALUMNAE SALUTE LAKE FOREST COLLEGIANS UC/Irvine (Eta Kappa) members and their mothers benefit from a self-protection program.
volunteering with Operation Nehemiah in an effort to make a difference for those Hurricane Katrina affected. The annual Ricky Barbour Memorial Golf Tournament was co-hosted with Delta Tau Delta. More than 50 new members were initiated, and sisters hosted an annual alumnae brunch. -Katie Goldblatt
ILLINOIS Lake Forest (Gamma Epsilon deuteron) Formal recruitment added six new members. As part of Greek Week, the school’s cafeteria cooked a special heart healthy menu, designed by Lake Forest sisters to educate the campus about heart health; the chapter was commended by the Gates Center for Leadership and Development on the event’s success. Other events included the annual Silver Ball, an overnight sisterhood retreat and an annual date party. Gretchen Yehl was elected 2008 Panhellenic Council vice president of philanthropy, Allie Winkelman is 2008-09 general assembly secretary, and Whitney Hales is on the 2008-09 college life committee. -Cassie Allison
Northern Illinois (Epsilon Delta) Eleven new members were initiated. Sisters are proud to have received the highest grades on campus for the fourth semester in a row. The chapter’s first Red SUMMER 2008
Dress Gala raised more than $4,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters were excited to come in fourth place in the Go Green Challenge, sponsored by Paul Mitchell and SELF Magazine. -Hillary Mearida
Southern Illinois (Epsilon Xi) Eight sisters joined other Southern Illinois students on an alternate spring break trip to the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma Indian Tribe, near Kenwood and Tahlequah, Okla. They helped clean up a pavilion, playground, community center and ceremonial stomp grounds. Sisters proudly displayed their letters while on this trip of a lifetime. The annual King of Hearts philanthropy event raised more money for the Alpha Phi Foundation than ever before. -Lizz Overman
Jane Weaver-Sobel (Delta Epsilon-Iowa) is president of the North Carolina chapter of Operation Homefront, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to caring for soldiers and the families they leave behind. When she mentioned to her sister, Nancy Weaver Roach (Delta Epsilon-Iowa), that more letters of support were needed for troops serving in Iraq, Nancy approached the women of Lake Forest (Gamma Epsilon deuteron). The collegians took time out of a chapter meeting to address and write messages to men and women serving overseas. Jane was so pleased with the time and compassion expressed by the Gamma Epsilon members that she put the chapter name in a newsletter sent to those in North Carolina who support our military. “Once again, Alpha Phis think beyond themselves,” says Nancy.
INDIANA Butler (Epsilon Beta) Epsilon Beta welcomed 35 new members. New members took first place for the third consecutive year in Freshman Skits. The chapter participated in Spring Sports Spectacular, a campus-wide philanthropic event benefiting Special Olympics Indiana. -Anna Julow
Kaila Lief writes Valentine’s to soldiers in Iraq.
(From left) Kelsey Ransom, Alyshia Katz, Ashley Grove and Jessica Kelly pose during the chapter’s philanthropic volleyball tournament.
The chapter supports the Alpha Phi Foundation with a Red Dress Gala.
Sisters perform in the Greek Week variety show with Alpha Tau Omega by dressing as zombies and dancing to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.”
(Purdue continued)
community, but in Purdue University as well. -Sophia Pappan
IOWA Iowa (Delta Epsilon) The chapter’s annual spring philanthropy event, Data Match, raised more than $1,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Chapter members enjoyed the annual spring formal. They began a bi-monthly parent’s newsletter. At the annual Tagarista awards ceremony, the chapter earned Excellence in Academic Achievement, Fraternal and Community Relations, Philanthropy and Community Service, Leadership and Educational Development, and Self Governance and Judicial Affairs. Alpha Phi was the only Greek-letter chapter to achieve Excellence in Risk Reduction, Education and Management.
MASSACHUSSETTS Bentley (Zeta Rho) The chapter initiated eight new members. During Heart Disease Awareness month, sisters encouraged students to participate in a postcard drive sponsored by the American Heart Association®. Sales of red roses around Valentine’s Day raised $500 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. They participated in the American Cancer Society® Relay for Life®, raising more than $1,200. Danielle Lajoie, Stephanie Gagnon and Amanda Mongell were inducted into Order of Omega. -Lauren Westling COLLEGIANS, MOMS ENJOY TEA
Northern Iowa (Epsilon Theta) The third annual Spike Out Heart Disease with the A Phis philanthropic volleyball tournament raised money for the Alpha Phi Foundation and the American Heart Association®. More than 20 teams participated, and more than 150 students attended. -Jessica Kelly
Wichita State (Gamma Xi) The chapter raised money for the Alpha Phi Foundation by hosting its second annual Red Dress Gala. Food, music, fun and games were enjoyed by all who attended. Collegians paired with Wichita area alumnae to celebrate the chapter’s 50th anniversary. The celebration weekend included house tours, a banquet, awards presentations and a dance. -Kelsey Klaver
MARYLAND Maryland (Delta Zeta) The chapter welcomed 27 new members. They recruited strong and are proud of their excellent results. Eleven women studied abroad during spring semester in Spain, Italy, France, Australia and New Zealand. The chapter hosted its first Bounce 4 Beats philanthropy event, a four-square tournament benefiting the Alpha Phi Foundation. -Susan Grace PA G E F O U RT E E N
-Rachelle Aldridge
MISSOURI Central Missouri (Theta Lambda) The chapter held a sports social with Theta Chi, Tau Kappa Epsilon and Alpha Gamma Delta. The annual dodgeball tournament raised money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters enjoyed participating in Greek Week. The chapter was recognized by the university with four major awards, including the GAMMA Gold Star Award, Outstanding New Member Education, Outstanding Public Relations and Scholarship. Other events included Dad’s Day and formal. -Heather Short
Washington University (Zeta Upsilon) As a new endeavor, sisters delivered Sunkist soda cans from secret admirers with "You've been Kist" notes in honor of Valentine's Day. The proceeds of $153 were added to the chapter's annual donation for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters have participated in other Greek-letter groups’ philanthropy events as well as the American Cancer Society’s® Relay for Life®. They are proud of Tommie Schneider, who served on the Relay for Life steering committee and personally raised $2,265.
-Kristen Kubichan
Society’s® Relay for Life®.
Appalachian State (Theta Nu) collegians and their moms pose during a Mom’s Day tea party.
-Emily Oster
NEBRASKA MIT (Zeta Phi) Sisters sold candy grams for Valentine’s Day, raising nearly $700 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Several sisters participated in an event to spread awareness about cardiac care and the American Heart Association®. Other events included the annual Mister for Your Sister date event and a community service event co-hosted with Kappa Alpha Theta. In order to reach out to alumnae, the chapter developed a newsletter. -Ashlee Rigel
MICHIGAN Michigan State (Beta Beta) The Red Dress Ball raised more than $4,500 for the Alpha Phi Foundation and cardiac care. Sisters raised $4,400 by participation in the American Cancer
Nebraska/Kearney (Delta Xi) Another successful Red Dress philanthropy event raised more than $9,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. More than 250 people from Kearney and surrounding communities participated. Other events included new member initiation, formals and Greek Week. -Rachael Cochran
NEW JERSEY Seton Hall (Eta Eta) The women initiated 14 new members. During midterm week, sisters set up a table outside the cafeteria and passed out free stress balls made out of red balloons. The balloons included an informational sheet about cardiac care. The event was a hit and helped spread Alpha Phi’s philanthropic message. -Tess Korbesmeyer ALPHA PHI
Sisters host the fourth annual Rockin' Red Dress philanthropy event and silent auction that raises $15,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation.
The new member class participates in a philanthropy volleyball tournament.
Sisters enjoy a night of bowling.
NEW YORK Cornell (Delta) Sisters implemented a Go Green initiative within the chapter house. A committee established a list of goals and initiatives, beginning with reducing the amount of electricity wasted on a daily basis by leaving lights on and hair dryers and cell phone chargers plugged in. Reminders were placed by light switches and plugs. A dramatic decrease in energy waste has already been noticed. Future plans include beginning a compost pile and installing all energy efficient light bulbs. -Tory Hooker
Syracuse (Alpha) Jen Hawk was awarded a scholarship to attend UIFI during the summer. Sally Aisner and Katy Canning were chosen to attend Alpha Phi’s Emerging Leaders Institute. Sisters hosted the chapter’s first Red Dress Gala to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation and cosponsored Pride Union's AIDS benefit concert. They participated in the American Cancer Society® Relay for Life® and a Holocaust remembrance ceremony. Members also participated in the Mentors in Violence Prevention Program, and Maritza Chong-Qui was chosen to peer facilitate the seminar. Sisters took first place in Phi Kappa Psi's Field Day and Alpha Epsilon Pi's waffle ball tournament, two of the largest Greek philanthropic efforts on campus. - Alyssa Marderstein
NORTH CAROLINA Appalachian State (Theta Nu) The chapter sponsored its annual Heart Throb philanthropy event to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. On April 14, sisters hosted the annual Mom's Day event that included an afternoon tea party, a surprise performance by Higher Ground, a local acapella group, and a game of mother-daughter trivia. -Emily Mancil
UNC/Wilmington (Eta Xi) Sisters worked with the YWCA of the Lower Cape Fear in Wilmington, and alumna Barbara Exner Downing (Delta Mu-Purdue), class coordinator for the YWCA, to raise awareness about heart health. On Feb. 1, children from the YWCA Afterschool YWise Kids Program and Eta Xi sisters walked the Holly Tree Loop wearing red bandannas to bring attention to the American Heart Association’s® Go Red for Women® campaign. The children also brought home red flyers for their mothers with information about knowing SUMMER 2008
one’s numbers for heart health. -Barbara Downing
OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City (Delta Delta) Jana Wingo, Molly Colvard, Kelsey Cartwright and Sarah Jensen have all competed to win individual pageant titles in Oklahoma. They competed in the Miss Oklahoma pageant in June, and Kelsey Cartwright was crowned Miss Oklahoma! Delta Deltas participated in the university’s Relay for Life® to benefit the American Cancer Society®; Christine Soileau helped emcee the event, and Ann Michelle King led her team to raise more money than any other on campus. -Madeline Williams
Ohio State (Rho) The chapter hosted its first Red Dress Gala that raised $1,500 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. The event featured a silent auction, dinner and entertainment by local comedian Jay Hendren. -Emily Hiler and Christina Shoberg
OREGON Oregon State (Beta Upsilon) New members participated in Sing, an OSU song and dance competition tradition since 1936. This year, sisters performed songs from “Seussical the Musical” (continued on next page)
OHIO Akron (Eta Gamma) The second annual Red Dress Gala featured music, dinner, a 50/50 raffle and a silent auction that raised more than $2,500 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Members participated in other Greek groups’ philanthropic events. They welcomed 10 new members during the spring semester. -Azieta Amini
Ashland (Epsilon Alpha) Sisters hosted their annual Cardiac Arrest philanthropy event that raised more than $800 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. The Mr. University King of Hearts philanthropy event raised more than $3,100 for the Foundation. They helped Samaritan Hospital, their local philanthropy project, host two events: Heart of a Woman and the Howard Hannah House Hop. -Michelle Pioske
Miami University (Gamma Nu) The chapter welcomed 46 new members. Sisters won Kappa Alpha Order’s Bump-it Thump-it volleyball tournament and placed second in Delta Upsilon’s Pledge Puddle Pull tournament. They raised more than $1,900 for the American Cancer Society® Relay for Life®. Sisters co-hosted Punt, Pass and Kick, a new philanthropy event, with Theta Chi. Other events included formal and Mom’s Weekend. Kat Jenne was recognized by the university as Sorority Woman of the Month. -Taylor Conklin
Oregon (Tau), Oregon State (Beta Upsilon) and Linfield (Theta Alpha) collegians co-hosted a second annual Red Dress Gala. The event was held in the Portland area and featured dinner, raffle, a fashion show, silent auction, guest speakers and a live band. The fashion show profiled dresses created by students from the Oregon State fashion school. Sisters raised more than $8,500 for the Alpha Phi Foundation and cardiac care. Pictured are (from left) Jennifer Meyer, Beta Upsilon president; Allie Reynolds, Tau director of philanthropy; and Kate Lee, 2007 Theta Alpha president and lead coordinator of the event.
New members participate in the Greek Weekend powderpuff football game.
New members wait to meet their Big Sisters.
Sisters celebrate their success during the university’s Fraternity and Sorority Life Excellence Awards.
Philadelphia, which specializes in creating opportunities for people with disabilities.
-Lynlee Warren
Villanova (Eta Epsilon) The chapter welcomed 26 new members. They sold 150 Red Dress pins and held the annual Jail-N-Bail philanthropy event to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. They helped Beta Theta Pi raise money for the Cerebral Palsy Foundation and showed their spirit by participating in the annual Greek Week competition. The chapter won the university’s award for Outstanding Achievement in Risk Management, and sisters were thrilled to be named Villanova Chapter of the Year. -Sara Hoffman
West Chester (Epsilon Kappa) Sisters hosted the second annual Red Dress Gala that raised more than $4,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. The annual Greek Night Live philanthropy event raised almost $1,000 for the Foundation. -Jackie McErlane
SOUTH DAKOTA St. Joseph's (Theta Theta) sisters are excited to have Chelsea Clinton, back row, center, attend their philanthropy event to help bring media attention to cardiac care.
(Oregon State continued)
with Lambda Chi. The chapter celebrated Mom’s Weekend with mother-daughter activities and a French theme, “Bonjour Paris.” -Caitlan Fetzer
PENNSYLVANIA Penn State (Gamma Rho) Sisters paired with Pi Lambda Phi for the first Munchkin Munch Off donut eating competition. The event included the competition, music and a visit from the Nittany Lion and raised more than $1,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation and the March of Dimes. They teamed with Delta Sigma Phi for the second annual Polar Bear 5k that raised more than $2,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation and the American Red Cross®. The second annual Eat Your Heart Out event was hosted at Fresh Harvest Kafe, with the café donating 10 percent of profits to Alpha Phi. -Kristen Gunnison
Pennsylvania (Eta Iota) Eta Iota welcomed 37 new members. Sisters celebrated the chapter’s 20th anniversary with a “Throwback to 1988” event in downtown Philadelphia. The chapter was recognized during the university’s Greek Awards ceremony for Outstanding House Manager, Outstanding House Corporation Officer, Outstanding Alumni Advisor, Outstanding Program for Alumnae Relations, Outstanding Program for Social and Community Program and the Helen Berkowitz Award for Overall Excellence in the Panhellenic Council. More than 80 members participated in Relay for Life®, raising more than $7,700 for the American Cancer Society®. -Jessica Dinh
St. Joseph's (Theta Theta) The fifth annual Jail 'n Bail raised more than $2,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters were excited to have Chelsea Clinton attend the event to help bring media attention to the cause. Members sponsored a luau dance at their new volunteer site, the Arc of
South Dakota (Psi) The chapter held its annual Alpha Phiesta taco feed to raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation and the Joe Viereck Scholarship Foundation. More than 300 people from campus and the community helped raise more than $2,000. -Sarah Word
TEXAS North Texas (Gamma Eta) Gamma Eta welcomed 34 new members. The Pancake Phi’st philanthropy event was held in the fall. The second annual Red Dress Gala brought in more than $6,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. The chapter was first runner up in Eagle Escapades during Greek Week. Order of Omega recognized the chapter for Most Improved Grades. Recognitions from the South Central region’s conference included Most Improved Chapter 2008, Chapter Adviser of the Year 2008 and Recruitment Adviser of the Year 2008. -Megan Hemesath
Texas (Omega) Sisters’ A Phi'd Your Heart BBQ raised more than
Sisters participate in a powderpuff football philanthropy event.
Sisters prepare for the chapter’s Red Dress Gala.
A weekend of sisterhood activities includes ice skating and making dinner together.
$1,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation, thanks to the support of local restaurants. Members enjoyed a sisterhood retreat at Dave & Buster’s. -Meagan McCowen
Old Dominion (Epsilon Eta) Sisters hosted the annual Cardiac Arrest philanthropy event to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. -Heather Monfasani
UTAH Southern Utah (Theta Sigma) The chapter hosted a Red Dress Gala. A Stupid Cupid dance raised money during Cardiac Care Week. Members supported Timian Yoshimoto as she competed for and won the Miss Southern Utah University title. She competed in the Miss Utah pageant this summer (results were not available at print time). -Kristy Denlein
WASHINGTON Puget Sound (Gamma Zeta) The chapter was named the university’s Sorority of the Year and a Chapter of Excellence. They were one of three chapters to win the SELF Magazine and Paul Mitchell-sponsored Go Green Challenge. They initiated 19 new members. Sisters raised close to $900 during Crush Week and enjoyed the chapter’s first Parent's Brunch. -Ela Haessler
VIRGINIA Christopher Newport (Theta Phi) Sisters initiated 20 new members. The King of Hearts philanthropy event raised more than $1,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Members enjoyed a spring sisterhood retreat at a waterfront beach house in Sandbridge, Va. Theta Phi collegians participated in the American Cancer Society® Relay for Life®. -Kaitlyn Morrell
George Mason (Eta Lambda) Eta Lambda initiated eight new members during the spring. Sisters hosted a Red Dress Gala. Congratulations to Morgan Harris, who was chosen to participate in Alpha Phi’s Emerging Leaders Institute, and Becca Rinker, who was hired as a 2008-09 educational leadership consultant. -Genevieve Rubrecht
James Madison (Theta Iota) Sisters hosted the annual Aphiasco philanthropy week of events, featuring the second annual Move Your Phi’t 5k run/walk, King of Hearts competition, proceeds nights at local restaurants and a Red Dress Gala. The week raised more than $15,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. During the university’s Fraternity and Sorority Life Excellence Awards, the chapter was recognized as a 4-Star Chapter, the highest level of achievement at JMU. Emily Bunch received the award for Sorority Woman of the Year, and Jamie McCloskey was recognized as Outstanding Executive Member in a Sorority. The chapter is excited to have Natalyn Arey attending the Emerging Leaders Institute this summer.
WASHINGTON, D.C. George Washington (Iota Iota) The annual Heart Week helped raise more than $2,500 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Highlights included a basketball tournament, barbeque, King of Hearts and the Dating Game. The women took part in many fraternity philanthropy events. Members were top fundraisers for the Hippothon, to benefit a local children’s hospital, and the American Cancer Society® Relay for Life®, earning more than $6,000 for the charity. Other events included a
sisterhood dinner, formal, a senior and alumnae dinner and senior send-off. -Kathleen Chu
WEST VIRGINIA West Virginia (Beta Iota) The chapter teamed with Monongahela General Hospital to host its first Red Dress Gala. Contributions benefited the hospital and the Alpha Phi Foundation. Attendees enjoyed a heart healthy dinner, silent auction and dancing courtesy of the Mon River Big Band. -Lauren Gutta
WISCONSIN Marquette (Eta Mu) Sisters hosted the third annual Red Dress Luncheon that raised $700 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Members were thrilled to participate in a fashion show for the second year, and the boutique even raffled off a red dress for a lucky sister. -Jessica Wright
Wisconsin/LaCrosse (Delta Kappa) The chapter initiated eight new members. Two sisters studied abroad spring semester: Molly Nelson in Spain and Cassie Holtz in Hong Kong. -Casey Witkowski
SISTER IS MISS SOUTHERN UTAH UNIVERSITY Southern Utah (Theta Sigma) members pose with Timian Yoshimoto, center, Miss Southern Utah University.
-Madison Melissa Woods SUMMER 2008
Recruitment Addresses and Dates Please refer to the following chapter addresses and recruitment dates when mailing Potential Member Reference Forms (found on page 20, at www.alphaphi.org or by calling the Executive Office at 847.475.0663).
Please Note: All forms should be mailed to the attention of vice president of recruitment, with a copy sent to the Executive Office, Attn: Reference Forms. Contact the chapter for specific due dates. CANADA
Bishop’s (Eta Chi) Eta Chi Chapter of Alpha Phi c/o 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 September 2008 British Columbia (Beta Theta) Beta Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi 102-2770 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 2B7 September 2008 Manitoba (Beta Eta) Beta Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi 703-99 Westlake Crescent Winnipeg, MB R3M 0A2 September 2008 Toronto (Xi) Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi 30 Lowther Ave. Toronto, ON M5R 1C6 September 2008 Western Ontario (Theta Eta) Theta Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi 232 Epworth Ave. London, ON N6A 2M1 September 2008 Wilfrid Laurier (Iota Theta) Iota Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi 367 Grand River Blvd. Kitchener, ON N2A 3H7 September 2008
CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) Gamma Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi 3017 E. 4th St. Long Beach, CA 90814-1426 September 2008
USC (Beta Pi) Beta Pi Chapter of Alpha Phi 643 W. 28th St. Los Angeles, CA 90007 August 2008
CSU/Northridge (Epsilon Upsilon) Epsilon Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 9756 Zelzah Ave. Northridge, CA 91325 September 2008
Lake Forest (Gamma Epsilon deuteron) Gamma Epsilon deuteron Chapter of Alpha Phi 555 N. Sheridan Rd Lake Forest, IL 60045 January 2009
Colorado (Beta Gamma) Beta Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi 1015 15th Street Boulder, CO 80302 September 2008
Northern Illinois (Epsilon Delta) Epsilon Delta Chapter of Alpha Phi 920 Hillcrest DeKalb, IL 60115 September 2008
Colorado School of Mines (Iota Zeta) Iota Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi 1550 Campus Drive Golden, CO 80134 August 2008
Northwestern (Beta) Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi 701 University Place Evanston, IL 60201 January 2009
CSU/Sacramento (Epsilon Gamma) Epsilon Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi 2223 K St. Sacramento, CA 95816 September 2008 CSU/San Bernardino (Eta Beta) Eta Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi P.O. Box 9867 San Bernardino, CA 92427 October 2008 Loyola Marymount (Zeta Beta) Zeta Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi One LMU Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90045 January 2009 Pepperdine (Iota Alpha) Iota Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi c/o Student Activities 24255 Pacific Coast Highway Malibu, CA 90263 October 2008 San Diego (Eta Rho) Eta Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi 5998 Alcala Park San Diego, CA 92110 January 2009 San Diego State (Gamma Alpha) Gamma Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi 6055 Montezuma Rd. San Diego, CA 92115 September 2008
Northern Colorado (Delta Gamma) Delta Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi 814 19th St. Greeley, CO 80631 September 2008 CONNECTICUT
Connecticut (Iota Lambda) Iota Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi c/o OFSL 2110 Hillside Road, Unit 3008F Storrs, CT 06269 September 2008 DELAWARE
Delaware (Epsilon Nu) Epsilon Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi 158 S. College Ave. Newark, DE 19711 February 2009 FLORIDA
Barry (Theta Omega) Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Phi Student Activities 11300 NE 2nd Ave. Miami Shores, FL 33161 September 2008
San Francisco State (Eta Theta) Eta Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi P.O. Box 259, 236 W. Portal Ave. San Francisco, CA 94127 September 2008
Alabama (Colony) Alpha Phi P.O. Box 11045 Tuscaloosa, AL 35486-0012 Colonizing September 2008
San Jose State (Beta Psi) Beta Psi Chapter of Alpha Phi 210 S. 10th St. San Jose, CA 95112 September 2008
Santa Clara (Zeta Gamma) Zeta Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi 616 Washington St. Santa Clara, CA 95050 September 2008
Georgia Tech (Colony) Crista Vasina 200 Sandridge Court Alpharetta, GA 30022 Colonizing August 2008
UC/Berkeley (Lambda) Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi 2830 Bancroft Steps Berkeley, CA 94704 September 2008
Arizona (Beta Epsilon) Beta Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 1339 E. 1st St. Tucson, AZ 85719 August 2008 Arizona State (Gamma Pi) Gamma Pi Chapter of Alpha Phi 739 E. Apache Blvd. #94 Tempe, AZ 85281 August 2008 CALIFORNIA
Cal Poly (Epsilon Chi) Epsilon Chi Chapter of Alpha Phi 1290 Foothill Blvd. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 September 2008 Chapman (Eta Upsilon) Eta Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi One University Dr. Orange, CA 92866 September 2008 CSU/Chico (Theta Upsilon) Theta Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 504 W. 3rd St. Chico, CA 95928 January 2009 CSU/East Bay (Eta Delta) Eta Delta Chapter of Alpha Phi P.O. Box 55253 Hayward, CA 94545 September 2008
UC/Davis (Epsilon Rho) Epsilon Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi 327 Russell Blvd. Davis, CA 95616 September 2008 UC/Irvine (Eta Kappa) Eta Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi 1080 Arroyo Dr. Irvine, CA 92697 September 2008 UCLA (Beta Delta) Beta Delta Chapter of Alpha Phi 714 Hilgard Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90024 September 2008 UC/Santa Barbara (Gamma Beta) Gamma Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi 840 Embarcadero del Norte Isla Vista, CA 93117 September 2008 University of the Pacific (Iota Gamma) Iota Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi 819 President’s Dr. Stockton, CA 95211 January 2009
Florida Tech (Theta Zeta) Theta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi 150 West University Blvd. Melbourne, FL 32901 August 2008 GEORGIA
Idaho (Beta Zeta) Beta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi P.O. Box 3078 Moscow, ID 83843 August 2008 ILLINOIS
DePaul (Colony) Attn: 1930 Sherman Ave Evanston, IL 60201 Returning January 2009 Eastern Illinois (Zeta Alpha) Zeta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi 1013 Greek Ct. Charleston, IL 61920 September 2008 Elmhurst (Zeta Xi) Zeta Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi 190 Prospect, Box 1151 Elmhurst, IL 60126 September 2008 Illinois (Beta Alpha) Beta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi 508 E. Armory Ave. Champaign, IL 61820 August 2008
Southern Illinois (Epsilon Xi) Epsilon Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi Box 1168, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, IL 62025 September 2008 INDIANA
Ball State (Delta Rho) Delta Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi Student Center Box 67 Muncie, IN 47306 September 2008 Butler (Epsilon Beta) Epsilon Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi 824 W. Hampton Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46208 January 2009
Maine (Delta Nu) Delta Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi Box A, Hancock Hall Orono, ME 04469-5731 September 2008 MARYLAND
Johns Hopkins (Zeta Omicron deuteron) Zeta Omicron deuteron Chapter of Alpha Phi Mattin Center, 3400 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21218 February 2009 Maryland (Delta Zeta) Delta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi 7402 Princeton Ave. College Park, MD 20740 January 2009 Towson (Eta Omega) Eta Omega Chapter of Alpha Phi 800 York Rd., Towson University, Box 4125 Towson, MD 21252 October 2008 MASSACHUSETTS
Bentley (Zeta Rho) Zeta Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi 175 Forest St. Waltham, MA 02452 February 2009
DePauw (Gamma) Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi 202 E. Hanna St. Greencastle, IN 46135 February 2009
Boston (Eta deuteron) Eta deuteron Chapter of Alpha Phi 775 Commonwealth Ave., SAO, 4th Floor Boston, MA 02215 January 2009
Indiana (Beta Tau) Beta Tau Chapter of Alpha Phi 908 E. 3rd St. Bloomington, IN 47401 December 2008/January 2009
MIT (Zeta Phi) Zeta Phi Chapter of Alpha Phi 479 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02215 September 2008
Indiana State (Delta Pi) Delta Pi Chapter of Alpha Phi Box 111 Lincoln Quad Terre Haute, IN 47809 September 2008
Tufts (Zeta Theta) Zeta Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi 14 Sawyer Ave. Medford, MA 02155 February 2009
Indiana U. Southeast (Zeta Epsilon) Zeta Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 4201 Grant Line Rd. New Albany, IN 47150 September 2008
Purdue (Delta Mu) Delta Mu Chapter of Alpha Phi 801 David Ross Rd. West Lafayette, IN 47906 September 2008 IOWA
Drake (Gamma Omicron) Gamma Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi 1240 34th St. Des Moines, IA 50311 September 2008 Iowa (Delta Epsilon) Delta Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 906 E. College St. Iowa City, IA 52240 August 2008 Northern Iowa (Epsilon Theta) Epsilon Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi 1215 W. 23rd St. Cedar Falls, IA 50613 August 2008 KANSAS
Washburn (Upsilon) Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 1839 Jewell Ave. Topeka, KS 66621 September 2008
Adrian (Delta Eta) Delta Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Phi, Lowry Hall Adrian, MI 49221 September 2008 Kettering (Iota Epsilon) Iota Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi Greek Life-Alpha Phi, 1700 W. 3rd Ave. Flint, MI 48504 August 2008 Michigan (Theta) Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi 1830 Hill St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 September 2008 Michigan State (Beta Beta) Beta Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi 616 MAC Ave. East Lansing, MI 48823 September 2008 Western Michigan (Delta Theta) Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi 1603 Fraternity Village Dr. Kalamazoo, MI 49006 September 2008 MINNESOTA
Minnesota (Epsilon) Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 323 10th Ave. SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 September 2008
Wichita State (Gamma Xi) Gamma Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi 3912 E. 21st St., #40 Omega Ct. Wichita, KS 67208 August 2008 ALPHA PHI
Central Missouri State (Theta Lambda) Theta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Phi - C100 Panhellenic Hall Warrensburg, MO 64093 September 2008 Missouri (Omicron) Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi 906 S. Providence Columbia, MO 65203 August 2008 Washington University (Zeta Upsilon) Zeta Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi #1 Brookings Dr. Box 1136 St. Louis, MO 63130 January 2009 William Woods (Delta Chi) Delta Chi Chapter of Alpha Phi 200 W. 12th St. Fulton, MO 65251 August 2008 MONTANA
Montana (Chi) Chi Chapter of Alpha Phi 1107 Gerald Ave. Missoula, MT 59801 September 2008 NEBRASKA
Nebraska (Nu) Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi 1531 “S” St. Lincoln, NE 68508 August 2008 Nebraska/Kearney (Delta Xi) Delta Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi 1700 University Dr. URS-A Kearney, NE 68845 September 2008 NEW HAMPSHIRE
Dartmouth (Iota Kappa) Iota Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi H.B. 5248 Hanover, NH 03755 October 2008 New Hampshire (Eta Alpha) Eta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi 8 Strafford Ave. Durham, NH 03824 September 2008 NEW JERSEY
Seton Hall (Eta Eta) Eta Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi 400 South Orange Ave. South Orange, NJ 07079 January 2009 NEW YORK
Cornell (Delta) Delta Chapter of Alpha Phi 411 Thurston Ave. Ithaca, NY 14850 January 2009 Hofstra (Theta Mu) Theta Mu Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Phi, 242 Student Activities Hempstead, NY 11549 January 2009 Rensselaer (Theta Tau) Theta Tau Chapter of Alpha Phi 104 Wiltsie House, RPI -1999 Burdette Ave. Troy, NY 12180 September 2008 Rochester (Theta Kappa) Theta Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Phi, CPU Box 277163 Rochester, NY 14627 January 2009 SUNY/Albany (Eta Nu) Eta Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi c/o Panhellenic Association, Campus Center 334, 1400 Washington Albany, NY 12222 January 2009 SUMMER 2008
SUNY/Binghamton (Eta Zeta) Eta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Phi, SUNY, P.O. Box 6000 Binghamton, NY 13902 January 2009
Kent State (Beta Omega) Beta Omega Chapter of Alpha Phi 1063 Fraternity Circle Kent, OH 44240 September 2008
St. Joseph’s (Theta Theta) Theta Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi St. Joseph’s University, 5600 City Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19131 January 2009
James Madison (Theta Iota) Theta Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi 800 S. Main St., MSC 3518 Harrisonburg, VA 22807 September 2008
SUNY/Buffalo (Theta Epsilon) Theta Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 303 Student Union Buffalo, NY 14261 January 2009
Miami University (Gamma Nu) Gamma Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi 146 Richard Hall Oxford, OH 45056 January 2009
Pennsylvania (Eta Iota) Eta Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi 4045 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19104 January 2009
Old Dominion (Epsilon Eta) Epsilon Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi 2122 Webb Center Norfolk, VA 23508 September 2008
SUNY/Cortland (Eta Tau) Eta Tau Chapter of Alpha Phi 59 Tompkins St. Cortland, NY 13045 January 2009
Ohio State (Rho) Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi 134 E. 15th Ave. Columbus, OH 43201 January 2009
Villanova (Eta Epsilon) Eta Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi Greek Life, 2nd Floor Connelly Center Villanova, PA 19085 January 2009
Virginia (Zeta Iota deuteron) Zeta Iota deuteron Chapter of Alpha Phi 518 17th St. NW Charlottesville, VA 22903 January 2009
SUNY/Plattsburgh (Theta Psi) Theta Psi Chapter of Alpha Phi College Center Desk, PSUC Plattsburgh, NY 12901 January 2009
West Chester (Epsilon Kappa) Epsilon Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi Box 2840 Sykes Union, West Chester Univ. West Chester, PA 19383 September 2008
Virginia Tech (Eta Omicron) Eta Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi Special Purpose F; 66 Oak Lane Dr. Blacksburg, VA 24060-0029 January 2009
Syracuse (Alpha) Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi 308 Walnut Place Syracuse, NY 13210 January 2009 NORTH CAROLINA
Appalachian State (Theta Nu) Theta Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi ASU Box 9054 Boone, NC 28608 January 2009 Duke (Beta Nu deuteron) Beta Nu deuteron Chapter of Alpha Phi 07 Bryan Center, P.O. Box 90823 Durham, NC 27708 January 2009 East Carolina (Delta Alpha) Delta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi 950 E. 10th St. Greenville, NC 27858 August 2008 UNC/Wilmington (Eta Xi) Eta Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi c/o Jessica Pinard 103 Widgeon Circle Hampstead, NC 28443 September 2008 NORTH DAKOTA North Dakota (Pi) Pi Chapter of Alpha Phi 2626 University Ave. Grand Forks, ND 58203 September 2008 OHIO Akron (Eta Gamma) Eta Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi 269 Spicer St. Akron, OH 44304 September 2008 Ashland (Epsilon Alpha) Epsilon Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi Box 1986 Ashland University Ashland, OH 44805 September 2008 Baldwin-Wallace (Delta Upsilon) Delta Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 213 Heritage East, 114 Tressel St. Berea, OH 44017 September 2008 Bowling Green State (Beta Omicron) Beta Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi 702 Ridge St. Bowling Green, OH 43403 September 2008 Case Western Reserve (Zeta Pi) Zeta Pi Chapter of Alpha Phi 11116 Magnolia Dr. Cleveland, OH 44106 January 2009 Dayton (Zeta Psi) Zeta Psi Chapter of Alpha Phi 1302 Brown St Dayton, OH 45406 January 2009
Cameron (Theta Rho) Theta Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi 2800 W. Gore Blvd. Student Activities Building Lawton, OK 73505 September 2008
Oklahoma (Phi) Phi Chapter of Alpha Phi P.O. Box 5719 Norman, OK 73070-5719 August 2008
Rhode Island (Iota Delta) Iota Delta Chapter of Alpha Phi 29 Lower College Rd. Kingston, RI 02881 October 2008
Oklahoma City (Delta Delta) Delta Delta Chapter of Alpha Phi 2501 N. Blackwelder, OCU Box 66A Oklahoma City, OK 73102 August 2008
OREGON Linfield (Theta Alpha) Theta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi 900 SE Baker #A614 McMinnville, OR 97128 September 2008 Oregon (Tau) Tau Chapter of Alpha Phi 1050 Hilyard SE Eugene, OR 97401 October 2008 Oregon State (Beta Upsilon) Beta Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi 357 NW 25th St. Corvallis, OR 97330 September 2008 PENNSYLVANIA Duquesne (Epsilon Iota) Epsilon Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi Duquesne University, Information Center, Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15282 February 2009 Franklin & Marshall (Zeta Sigma) Zeta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi c/o Adrienne Baksi Franklin & Marshall College, [Mail #99] PO Box 3220 Lancaster, PA 17604-3220 February 2009 Lafayette (Eta Sigma) Eta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi Farinon Center, Box 9481 Easton, PA 18042-1798 September 2008
South Dakota (Psi) Psi Chapter of Alpha Phi 707 E. Cedar St. Vermillion, SD 57069 September 2008 TEXAS Midwestern State (Gamma Omega) Gamma Omega Chapter of Alpha Phi 3410 Taft Blvd., Box 12763 Wichita Falls, TX 76308-2099 September 2008 North Texas (Gamma Eta) Gamma Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi P.O. Box 305692 Denton, TX 76203 August 2008 St. Mary’s (Iota Beta) Iota Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi 1 Camino Santa Maria, Student Life Box 83B San Antonio, TX 78228-8583 January 2009 Texas (Omega) Omega Chapter of Alpha Phi 2005 University Austin, TX 78705 August 2008
Eastern Washington (Eta Psi) Eta Psi Chapter of Alpha Phi 306 F St. Cheney, WA 99004 September 2008 Puget Sound (Gamma Zeta) Gamma Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi 3614 N. 14th Tacoma, WA 98416 January 2009 Washington (Sigma) Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi 4710 19th Ave. NE Seattle, WA 98105 September 2008 Washington State (Beta Rho) Beta Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi 840 NE California Pullman, WA 99163 August 2008 WASHINGTON, D.C. George Washington (Iota Iota) Iota Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi 800 21st St. NW, Suite 427 Washington, D.C. 20052 September 2008 WEST VIRGINIA West Virginia (Beta Iota) Beta Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi 261 Willey St. Morgantown, WV 26505 September 2008 WISCONSIN
Texas A&M/Commerce (Delta Beta) Delta Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi P.O. Box 4203 Commerce, TX 75428 August 2008
Marquette (Eta Mu) Eta Mu Chapter of Alpha Phi 1435 W. Kilbourn Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53233 January 2009
Texas Tech (Gamma Iota) Gamma Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi #1 Greek Circle Lubbock, TX 79416 August 2008
Wisconsin (Iota) Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi 28 Langdon St. Madison, WI 53703 September 2008
Wisconsin/La Crosse (Delta Kappa) Delta Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi 1725 State St., Cartwright Center La Crosse, WI 54601 September 2008
Lehigh (Epsilon Psi) Epsilon Psi Chapter of Alpha Phi Box G367, 39 University Dr. Bethlehem, PA 18015 January 2009
Southern Utah (Theta Sigma) Theta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi SUU Box 8003 Cedar City, UT 84720 September 2008
Penn State (Gamma Rho) Gamma Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi 1 Wolf Hall University Park, PA 16802 September 2008
Shippensburg (Theta Xi) Theta Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi McClean Hall LL Shippensburg University Shippensburg, PA 17257 February 2009
Christopher Newport (Theta Phi) Theta Phi Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Phi, One University Place Newport News, VA 23606 January 2009
Wisconsin/Stout (Gamma Sigma) Gamma Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi 920 8th St. Menomonie, WI 54751 September 2008
George Mason (Eta Lambda) Eta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Student Activities Officer MS 2D6 Fairfax, VA 22030 September 2008
College/University Attending When will she participate in formal recruitment? GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Street Address City/State/Zip
High School Attended Nearest Metropolitan City and Number of Miles ACADEMIC CLASS INFORMATION
Year of Freshman Admission
Academic Class (Please Check One): [ ] Freshman [ ] Sophomore SCHOLARSHIP / EDUCATION
[ ] Junior
[ ] Senior
High School GPA / GPA Grade Scale:
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The potential member would enjoy talking about these topics during recruitment:
Does GPA include AP courses? [ ] Yes [ ] No Class Size / Rank
ACT Score
College Attended
SAT Score City / State
Terms / Hours Completed FAMILY INFORMATION
Character / Personality Comments [ ] Loyal [ ] Dependable [ ] Respected [ ] Reserved/Shy Personal Development [ ] Poised [ ] Congenial [ ] Compatible in a Group Interests / Talents [ ] Musical [ ] Artistic [ ] Dance [ ] Athletics [ ] Other (Please List) Activities [ ] Leadership [ ] Volunteer [ ] Religious [ ] Other (Please List) Honors / Awards [ ] Honor Student [ ] National Honor Society [ ] Awards (Please List) [ ] Other (Please List)
College GPA
What kind of person (e.g., outgoing, reserved, relaxed) should the potential member be matched with during recruitment?
Names of Parents / Guardians Alpha Phi Legacy (e.g., Grandmother, Mother, Stepmother, Sister, Stepsister) Name, Relation, Chapter and Year of Initiation Non-Legacy Alpha Phi Relatives (e.g., Aunt, Niece, Cousin, Other) Name, Relation, Chapter and Year of Initiation Relatives or Acquaintances in Other Fraternal Organizations (Fraternity or Sorority) ALPHA PHI MEMBER STATEMENT [ ] I have personally known the potential member for ___ years. [ ] I have known the potential member’s family ___ years. [ ] Unknown but referred by reliable source. Completed by:
[ ] Alumna
[ ] Collegian
Maiden Name
Last Name
Street / City / Zip Phone: (Day)
Does this potential member understand the financial responsibility of joining a sorority? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Unknown
FOR COLLEGIATE CHAPTER USE Date Recommendation Form Received
Chapter of Initiation and Year First Name
I would describe the potential member in the following way (please check only one): [ ] Well qualified, admired by peers and will be an asset to the chapter. [ ] Highly qualified, will attract others into membership, and will be an active participant and/or chapter leader. [ ] Outstanding potential member who will be actively sought out by other sororities as a top-choice candidate.
E-mail Address
Date Acknowledged by the Chapter
Please Check One: [ ] She joined Alpha Phi. [ ] She joined ______________________ Sorority. [ ] She did not join a sorority. Date Alumna Notified of Potential Member Post-Recruitment Status
__ I endorse this potential member with the understanding she may become a member of Alpha Phi. __ I do not wish to endorse this potential member for membership and understand I may receive a call from an adviser.
Signature of Chapter Vice President Membership Recruitment
Please attach additional information if necessary. Send this form directly to the collegiate chapter and the Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201.
Please include a photo and resume of this potential member. ALPHA PHI
Alpha Phi is not something we were. The lifelong bond of sisterhood we share can’t be separated by years, time or distance. No matter where life has taken you, you are a part of the sisterhood of Alpha Phi. Each year, Alpha Phi depends on you to carry on the tradition of sisterhood by paying your International alumnae dues. This money directly supports the Fraternity’s programs and initiatives and allows Alpha Phi to deliver the support systems and services our members want. Some of these services include developing the Fraternity’s Web site to allow greater alumnae connectivity, improving services for local alumnae chapters’ leadership and partial funding for educational leadership consultants to visit collegiate chapters. This is just a small sampling of how your dues help Alpha Phi! Now is your opportunity to renew your bond as a woman, member and sister of Alpha Phi.
REMITTANCE SLIP $31.36 Annual Dues. I want to pay my dues through June 30, 2009. ($33.35 Canadian) $150 Five-Year Dues. I want to pay my dues through June 30, 2013. (160.50 Canadian) $300 Lifetime Dues. I want to pay my dues for the rest of my lifetime! ($321 Canadian)
It is something we are. Alpha Phi now offers alumnae three different payment options! • Select Annual Dues and pay $31.36. This payment includes your dues ($30) and your Founders’ Day pennies ($1.36). Your dues will be paid through June 30, 2009. • Select Five-Year Dues and pay $150. This payment includes your Founders’ Day pennies, and your dues will be paid through June 30, 2013. • Select Lifetime Dues and pay $300. This payment includes your Founders’ Day pennies and, your dues will be paid for the rest of your lifetime. All alumnae who pay their International Alumnae Dues will be afforded equal benefits and privileges regardless of
Check enclosed
payment option. Benefits include a personalized Alumnae Membership Card, subscription to the award-winning Quarterly magazine, unlimited access to the Online Community and a host of corporate discounts. How can I pay my International alumnae dues? • Pay online using our secure Internet connection at www.alphaphi.org. • Call 847.316.8940, and we’ll process your dues payment over the telephone. • Complete the alumnae dues form below and mail to: Alpha Phi Executive Office Attn: International Alumnae Dues, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL, 60201.
Please charge my credit card (please check one): Visa
American Express
MEMBER ID# (See back of Quarterly)
Alumnae enjoy a holiday potluck dinner.
Sisters and guests enjoy a pottery night.
Alumnae display the study snacks they created for area collegians.
Members attended the Philadelphia Area Alumnae Panhellenic scholarship luncheon, where Erin Sparnon (Beta Nu deuteron-Duke) was awarded a $1,500 graduate scholarship. The chapter hosted its spring meeting and attended the Villanova (Eta Epsilon) senior send-off ceremony. Alumnae hosted the annual Strike Out Against Heart Disease philanthropy bowling event to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation. Other events included attending a Phillies baseball game and the Biennial Convention in Scottsdale.
CHICAGO WESTERN VILLAGES CONTACT: Melissa Ferguson Wittenborn (Omicron-Missouri) queenmkbee@email.com 630.325.9488 www.geocities.com/chicagowesternvillages/index.html DUPAGE VALLEY, ILL.
Alumnae learned to knit and traveled to a local convalescent home for an evening of bingo with the residents. Sisters revisited Dinner by Design, where they made dinners for their families. A percentage of monies spent went to the Alpha Phi Foundation. Other events included a spring wine tasting and annual garden party.
-Valene Chance (Theta Theta-St. Joseph’s)
-Debbie Drake Rutter (Omicron-Missouri)
GREATER PHILADELPHIA IVY CONNECTION CONTACT: Shannon Dooley Pruce (Beta Nu deuteron-Duke) shannondooley@alumnae.alphaphi.org 215.307.0349 www.phillyivyconnection.com
DUPAGE VALLEY CONTACT: Molly Statz Sabatino (Omicron-Missouri) info@dupagealphaphi.org 630.208.4801 www.dupagealphaphi.org
CHICAGO WESTERN VILLAGES, ILL. Members met at Wendy Wisniewski Kaye’s (Epsilon
Delta-Northern Illinois) home to make no-sew fleece blankets as part of an annual philanthropy project. The blankets were donated to the Hinsdale Hospital pediatrics ward. -Denise Blankenship Joyce (Omicron-Missouri)
A 50-year pin is presented to Carol Kimker Derington, left, by her pledge mother, Joan Flieg Schlichter (both Omicron-Missouri), during a St. Louis Gateway, Mo., alumnae chapter annual holiday luncheon.
North Central Midwest Region
Members met for a pottery night at a local art studio. The group prepared study packs for the women at Eastern Illinois (Zeta Alpha) and participated in the local Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure®. -Jodee Norbutas (Beta Epsilon-Arizona)
Members held an ice cream social where they filled study sacks for area collegiate chapters during finals. The group enjoyed a Fiesta get together. -Ashley Halberstadt (Epsilon Beta-Butler)
INDIANAPOLIS CONTACT: Megan Miller Vondielingen (Delta Mu-Purdue)
jnorbutas@hotmail.com 309.868.9580
boilermeg@gmail.com 317.888.7811 www.indyalphaphi.org
Northeast Region LAKE COUNTY, ILL.
Alumnae continue to enjoy Lunch Bunch meetings. Suzanne Teeuws Laundry (Beta Alpha-Illinois) hosted a special informational meeting for potential members. Sonja Bark Stunard (Delta Mu-Purdue) hosted the Lake Forest (Gamma Epsilon) senior tea. Alumnae filled goody bags for the collegians during finals week. They also enjoyed a trip to the Evanston home of Frances E. Willard (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate), whose statue is in the U.S. Capital Rotunda. -Sonja Stunard
Sisters played detectives as they searched for clues throughout the Metropolitan Museum of Art in a Murder Mystery Scavenger Hunt. They took in a Broadway show, “In the Heights,” and enjoyed an afternoon of singing and dancing in Times Square. A red wine and dark chocolate event promoted heart health and raised money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Other events included a nutrition workshop, a trip to the Bronx Zoo and a night of salsa dancing lessons. -Diana Mulderig (Eta Iota-Pennsylvania)
Chicago Western Villages, Ill., alumnae make blankets for the Hinsdale Hospital pediatrics ward. Pictured are (front, from left): Denise Joyce, Deanna Girardi Tiedt (Epsilon Delta-Northern Illinois), (back, from left) Wendy Kaye, Melissa Wittenborn and Deb Gregorio Pelland (Gamma-DePauw). PA G E T W E N T Y- T W O
LAKE COUNTY CONTACT: Nancy Weaver Roach (Delta Epsilon-Iowa) roach@oldoak.net 847.247.1942
Silicon Valley alumnae enjoy a night of fun at their annual holiday ornament exchange.
Wichita alumnae and Gamma Xi house corporation board members enjoy a joint annual meeting.
Alumnae volunteer at the Start! Tulsa Heart Walk®.
NEW YORK CITY METRO CONTACT: Melissa Friedman (Eta Theta-San Francisco State) melissaf@alumnae.alphaphi.org 212.888.1601 www.nycalphaphi.org
Pacific Northwest Region
Jessica McKee-Parks Johnson (Eta Delta-CSU/East
Sisters attended an alumnae brunch hosted by British Columbia (Beta Theta) collegians. They enjoyed various
Bay) Alphaphiivy@yahoo.com 510.276.1205 www.eastbayalum.org SILICON VALLEY/SOUTH BAY, CALIF.
Alumnae have worked to increase membership numbers by holding quarterly events. They hosted a gift card exchange and brunch and a Have a Heart Red Dress Gala. Both events benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation and the Gala also raised funds to support the Courtney Andreas-Gray (Eta Delta-CSU/East Bay) Scholarship Fund in honor of a sister who entered the Silent Chapter in 2006. The scholarship will help finance the education of an Alpha Phi woman from one of the five Bay Area collegiate chapters who is law student. -Amy Nobriga (Eta Delta-CSU/East Bay)
Events included salsa dancing at a local club, a selfdefense workshop at Tina Silva Blease’s (Beta Psi-San Jose State) home, the annual holiday ornament exchange at Abby Dorsa Sobrato’s (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) home, a hair and makeup night at an exclusive salon and Easter basket building at a shelter for homeless teens. Alumnae hosted a Founders’ Day luncheon, chaired by Deanna Del Grande (Beta Psi-San Jose State). -Kim Cordoni LeGue (Eta Theta-San Francisco State)
SILICON VALLEY/SOUTH BAY CONTACT: Anne Lewis Naragon (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) siliconvalleyphis@yahoo.com 408.866.7726 www.siliconvalleyphis.org
SISTERS HONORED AS PANHELLENIC WOMEN OF THE YEAR Three Alpha Phi sisters were among those honored as Panhellenic Women of the Year. Alumnae chapters chose their honorees based on community service, professional accomplishments and involvement in sorority on the local, state and international level. Cecile Davis Richards (Omega-Texas and Phi-Oklahoma) was nominated by the Greater Tulsa area alumnae chapter as a Tulsa Area Alumnae Panhellenic Woman of the Year. Cecile is a past Foundation Board director, alumnae president and district governor. She established the Foundation’s John R. and Cecile D. Richards scholarship. Tonya Sharp Ryan (Phi-Oklahoma) was nominated by the Oklahoma City alumnae chapter as an Oklahoma City Panhellenic Woman of the Year. Tonya serves as Oklahoma (Phi) house corporation board president and is a Team Sooner member. Crista Cate Vasina (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) was nominated by the Atlanta alumnae chapter as an Atlanta Alumnae Panhellenic Woman of the Year. Crista is a past International president and currently serves as extension chair and Georgia Tech team lead.
Greater Tulsa sisters celebrate with Cecil Richards, front, second from left, and her family.
Tonya Ryan, center, poses with her daughters, Rebecca and Megan.
Crista Vasina
get-togethers, including a dessert crawl for young alumnae and a spa day. Sisters are encouraged to join the chapter’s Yahoo group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vancouveraphi for information on events. -Jennifer Samson (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate)
VANCOUVER CONTACT: Cecily Walker (Beta Theta-British Columbia) cecily@alumnae.alphaphi.org 604.516.9649
South Central Region GREATER KANSAS CITY, KAN.
The chapter enjoyed an “Explore Your Personality and Business Effectiveness” workshop presented by Peggy Peterson (Gamma Omicron-Drake) at the home of Katey Foster Chamblin (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney). Julie Lair Line (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) led the chapter in a sing-along. They celebrated St. Patrick’s Day at Anne VanBruaene Ingersoll’s (Epsilon Beta-Butler) home with green punch and Irish treats. A local garden professional conducted a gardening workshop. Terri Powell Seyl (Omicron-Missouri) hosted the last meeting of the year, featuring salads, desserts and Bunko. -Sara Taylor VanDeCreek (Gamma Xi-Wichita State)
terri4mu@embarqmail.com 913.592.3583 www.kc-aphis.com WICHITA, KAN.
The first two months of the year were dedicated to philanthropy. Alumnae met for lunch at a local book store/café with a guest speaker from the American Heart Association®. The speaker was a high school girl who has battled heart problems all of her life. Sisters spent two days helping the American Heart Association® set up their annual Crystal Gala. Several alumnae attended Wichita State (Gamma Xi) collegiate chapter’s Red Dress Gala. Alumnae enjoyed a potato bar during the Spring Spuds-themed combined annual meeting of the alumnae chapter and the Gamma Xi house corporation board. The big project for both groups was the celebration of the (continued on next page)
Sisters learn to make professional looking flower arrangements during a March meeting.
Alumnae meet at the Halifax River Yacht Club to hear financial tips from Linda Hampton (Pi-North Dakota).
Sisters participate in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure®.
ALUMNAE AND COLLEGIANS WALK FOR HEART Southeast Florida/Fort Lauderdale alumnae chapter, ivy connection and Barry (Theta Omega) collegiate sisters walk in the American Heart Association® Heart Walk®.
health trivia and education. Sisters learned to make professional looking flower arrangements at Sarah O’Leary Lynch’s (Gamma Sigma-Wisconsin/Stout) home. Members, their spouses and family members met at the American Heart Association® National Center for an infant and adult CPR class. Participants learned life saving techniques and earned their CPR certifications. -Jennifer MacDonald Cole (Gamma Eta-North Texas)
DALLAS AND SUBURBAN P.M. CONTACT: Heather Bastin Guild (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) heather@heatherguild.com 214.599.0392 www.alphaphidallas.org (Wichita continued)
50th anniversary of Gamma Xi chapter. Both groups worked with Gamma Xi collegians and advisers for several months to prepare for the June celebration. Some highlights included a memorabilia display at the chapter house and banquet. -Shirley Clegg Dieker (Gamma Xi-Wichita State)
WICHITA CONTACT: Marcia McKee Weddle (Gamma Xi-Wichita State)
mcweddle@cox.net 316.722.8001 www.wichita.edu/alphaphi KEARNEY, NEB.
Alumnae hosted their first Red Dress brunch. Members enjoyed food, drinks and designing their own jewelry creations during a Beads and Toggles night at a local bead shop. Alumnae honored local collegiate chapter seniors with a brunch. -Jessica Goebel (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney)
goebelj@frontiernet.net 308.237.4487 GREATER TULSA, OKLA.
Alumnae enjoyed a Wear Red Day lunch event and dinner at Monica Townsend Taylor's (Phi-Oklahoma) home. The group collected teddy bears for paramedics to comfort children in crisis situations. The chapter welcomed Hayley Ward (Phi-Oklahoma) as an alumna initiate. Sonja Silva (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian) arranged for the group to
volunteer as greeters and work at water stations during the Start! Tulsa Heart Walk®. Members attended the Tulsa Area Alumnae Panhellenic Women of the Year luncheon honoring Cecile Davis Richards (PhiOklahoma). Officers sold study baskets to the parents of Oklahoma (Phi) collegians during finals week. Other events included a mixer with the Syracuse Triad, a pool party at Cheri Hinton Quillen’s (Delta Rho-Ball State) home and a dinner out. -SarahJane Hopkins Mouttet (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian)
sarah@alumnae.alphaphi.org 918.494.5968 www.alphaphitulsa.com
The chapter mourns a sister who passed on to the Silent Chapter, Kim Neal Harlow (Omega-Texas). Chapter President Ilana Rossel Steele (Delta Beta-Texas A&M/Commerce) writes, “Kim played a different role in all our lives, as a mother, a wife, a daughter, a friend, but most of all a sister. She brought us joy, strength and love. Kim held all of us together and will more now then ever. We feel her near … what Kim has given to us no one can ever replace.” -Ilana Rossel Steele (Delta Beta-Texas A&M/Commerce)
liana@alumnae.alphaphi.org 214.636.3685 FORT WORTH, TEXAS
Alumnae held their inaugural Red Dress cocktail philanthropy event. The ivy connection has monthly happy hours. The traditional group held a moms and kids playdate and volunteered at the American Heart Association® Heart Ball®.
The chapter held a couples' night at a local movie tavern. A progressive dinner was hosted by Betsy Kleiman Darling (Delta Beta-Texas A&M/Commerce), Annette Klemow Smith (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian) and Ione Thorstenson Podgore (Psi-South Dakota). -Nadine Troll Parsons (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian)
-Ellen McGuire (Beta Alpha-Illinois)
AUSTIN AREA CONTACT: Rosalie Smith Galliver (Omega-Texas) alphaphi-rg@galliver.cx 512.263.9180 www.austinareaalphaphi.org
FORT WORTH CONTACT: Tammy Farris Gordon (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian) farrisandgordon@msn.com 817.735.1784 www.angelfire.com/tx4/aphi HOUSTON, TEXAS
DALLAS AND SUBURBAN P.M., TEXAS Alumnae gathered at the home of Cortney Mahoney Nicolato (Iota Delta-Rhode Island) for an evening of heart
Houston sisters enjoyed a wine tasting, organized by Linda Schraub Ray (Omega-Texas). They attended the annual Houston Alumnae Panhellenic luncheon; the event
Alumnae enjoy a senior ceremony. Pictured are (from left) Estelle Bozeman, Rhea Weber and Jeana Willis (all Theta Phi-Christopher Newport).
(From left) McKenzie Phillips-Perez, Kimberly Knaak and Jenn Ward (all Eta Beta-CSU/San Bernardino) participate in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure®.
Sisters celebrate the January birthdays of Stacy Ryan Ayers (Eta Kappa-UC/Irvine) and Audra Hernandez.
featured a fashion show with an Alpha Phi model and raised money for scholarships for Houston collegians. Members enjoyed the Alpha Phi Garden Party luncheon, hosted by Shelley Canada Jennings (Phi-Oklahoma), that brought together alumnae, their mothers, daughters and sisters. -Amy Ciaccio (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech)
sisters have been personally impacted by breast cancer, chapter members chose the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® as a spring philanthropy event. They raised $425. -Erin Donahoe Druhan (Delta Tau-Louisiana State) and Carol Butler Freeman (Zeta Mu-Colorado State)
HOUSTON CONTACT: Sally Anne Schmidt Gutting (Zeta Omicron deuteron-
Johns Hopkins) sallya@rice.edu 713.723.2272 www.houston-alphaphi.org
Southeast Region DAYTONA BEACH, FLA.
Daytona alumnae organize two meetings per year, to celebrate Founders’ Day in October and promote cardiac care awareness in February. They also attend the two annual local Panhellenic meetings held in November and May. The May Panhellenic event awarded collegiate scholarships, including one for $1,500 to Melanie Upchurch (Epsilon Beta-Butler). -Linda Lampman (Pi-North Dakota)
lindaforeman@bellsouth.net 386.671.0446 ATLANTA, GA.
edruhan@aol.com 504.466.4026 CHARLOTTE, N.C.
Ivy connection alumnae enjoyed a night out at a Charlotte Checkers hockey game and a Cocktails, “Cashmere Mafia” and “Lipstick Jungle” night at the home of Evelyn Wagner Hagood (Gamma Nu-Miami University). The chapter hosted a Texas Hold ’em tournament and lollipop sale to raise money for Carolina Medical Center’s Heart of a Woman program through the Alpha Phi Foundation’s Community Contribution Policy. Carla Bennet Hudgins (Eta Theta-San Francisco State) hosted a Souper Salad Supper and jewelry making. A tea was held at Mendy Blair Chura’s (Theta Nu-Appalachian State) home for members and legacies. They were excited to receive the Excellence in Chapter Activity award at the Southeast Regional Conference. The chapter mourns founding sister Jane Carolyn Garver Sterrett (Beta Nu-Duke). They write, “Jane was a wonderful lady and active Alpha Phi her entire adult life. She will be greatly missed by all current and former Charlotte alumnae sisters.” -Stephanie Miller (Theta Xi-Shippensburg)
With new chapters colonizing on the campuses of the University of Alabama and the Georgia Institute of Technology (see p. 10), Atlanta alumnae will be “Rolling and Buzzing in the Southeast!” Alumnae events included ivy circle dinners at local restaurants, Screen on the Green movie night and the annual Phi-Esta Kick Off party.
Alumnae celebrated the new alumnae chapter’s charter with breakfast in downtown New Orleans. Because many
participate in a senior ceremony for local collegians. Alumnae also attended Christopher Newport’s (Theta Phi) initiation. Visit http://groups.yahoo.com/ivy_connection for the latest chapter information. -Jeana Willis (Theta Phi-Christopher Newport)
Jeana.L.Willis@gmail.com 757.876.9957
Southwest Region INLAND EMPIRE, CALIF.
Several alumnae participated in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® and raised $650 for cancer research, more than double their estimated goal. -Jennifer Ward (Eta Beta-CSU/Santa Barbara)
INLAND EMPIRE CONTACT: McKenzie Phillips-Perez (Eta Beta-CSU/Santa Barbara) mckenzie@aphiiealumni.com 951.378.3708 www.ieaphialum.com
Thanks to different fundraising efforts throughout the year, alumnae donated a Nintendo® Wii™ and various games to Miller Children's Hospital in Long Beach. The chapter continues to sew comfort pillows and donate bubbles and pinwheels to help with breathing exercises for the patients at the children's hospital.
HAMPTON ROADS, VA., IVY CONNECTION Hampton Roads ivy connection and Virginia Peninsula alumnae chapter members gathered at Stephanie Spalding Cook’s (Beta Nu deuteron-Duke) home to
-Ashley Green Chesson (Epsilon Phi deuteron-NC State)
Mary Paige Edwards (Theta Iota-James Madison) marypaige11@gmail.com 404.917.5943 www.alphaphiatlanta.com
CHARLOTTE CONTACT: Allison Shelton (Beta Tau-Indiana) charlottealphaphi@yahoo.com 704.660.0760 http://charlottealphaphi.tripod.com
Columbus, Ohio, alumnae enjoy the Ohio State (Rho) chapter Red Dress Gala. Pictured are collegian Christa Deckard (Rho-Ohio State), center, and alumnae Judy Lossing Callander (Gamma Nu-Miami University) and Christine Novak Herrmann (Rho-Ohio State).
-Rachael Harrison Lingle (Theta-Michigan)
LONG BEACH CONTACT: Norma Gill Kolb (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach) nkolb@earthlink.net 562.596.9866
Hostess Judy Nay, right, and Liz Wall Greene (Chi-Montana) Sisters enjoy the theatre. Pictured are Gillian Kumka, Isabelle enjoy a wine and cheese party that benefits a local American Leduc (Eta Chi-Bishop’s), Bryna Dickson (Eta Chi-Bishop’s) and Cindy Auger. Heart Association® affiliate.
Alumnae, friends and families enjoyed a Party Lite event that raised more than $200 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters also attended a pub crawl in downtown Las Vegas. -Audra Hernandez (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City)
LAS VEGAS CONTACT: Amity Dorman (Eta Beta-CSU/San Bernardino) alphaphilv@gmail.com 702.649.4580 www.sincityphis.net NORTHERN NEVADA
The chapter hosted a candle making event. A philanthropy night raised money for cardiac care. Other events included a Bunco evening and a fun night of painting at a local pottery studio. -Janis Bryn Mitchell McCubbins (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado)
NORTHERN NEVADA CONTACT: Fabienne Henry Hansen (Beta Psi-San Jose State) ms_fabienne@yahoo.com 775.972.0746 http://nnalphaphi.googlepages.com ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.
Contributions during a wine and cheese party at Judy Zink Nay’s (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) home helped alumnae donate more than $400 to a local American Heart Association® affiliate. Members participated in the Albuquerque Metropolitan Area Panhellenic’s Spring Fling to benefit scholarship funding. -Phyllis Swartz Wilson (Delta Upsilon-Baldwin-Wallace)
ALBUQUERQUE CONTACT: Jo Fox Pendery (Rho-Ohio State) Mpendery01@msn.com 505.256.1837
Upper Midwest Region QUEBEC, CANADA Thanks to Gillian Kumka (Beta Eta-Manitoba), members
had a wonderful time at the theatre seeing the play “Houdini.” The chapter held its annual meeting and brunch to plan activities for the upcoming year. -Claire Mysak (Eta Chi-Bishop’s)
QUEBEC CONTACT: Cindy Auger (Eta Chi-Bishop’s) cindyauger@alumnae.alphaphi.org 418.887.6346
WESTERN RESERVE CONTACT: Terri Justofin-Dalsky (Beta Omega-Kent State) tljd@aol.com 330.655.0572
Alumnae gathered at Holly Hursh Christie’s (Beta Omega-Kent State) home to craft tie blankets for a local charity, Associated Charities. They hosted an annual guest night dinner on Valentine’s Day. Alumnae and Ashland (Epsilon Alpha) collegians enjoyed a Banana Split Extravaganza senior celebration and ceremony welcoming the new alumnae members. -Debby Bryden Gray (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland)
ASHLAND CONTACT: Taryn Gallik Stover (Epsilon AlphaAshland) tgallik@richnet.net 419.756.4133 CLEVELAND EAST SIDE, OHIO Chris Mog Munoz (Beta Omicron-Bowling
Green State) hosted an Irish dinner that featured a bagpipe demonstration. The April meeting was held at Esther Frazier Samuelson’s (Eta Gamma-Akron) home and included dinner and programming planning for next year. -Nora Davis Kieser (Beta Omega-Kent State)
CLEVELAND EAST SIDE CONTACT: Jamie Krovontka (Epsilon Iota-Duquesne) eddie117@hotmail.com 440.823.4499 WESTERN RESERVE, OHIO Members attended the Kent State (Beta Omega) collegians’ Red Dress Gala and silent
auction. They donated a restaurant gift cards basket and a Little Sis package. There were 125 attendees and 75 auction items that raised more than $2,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. -Gini Case Kucmanic (Beta Omega-Kent State)
alumnae chapters
Ashland alumnae make and donate tie blankets to a local charity.
Congratulations to the following chapter for recently receiving its charter! Lehigh Valley (Pa.) Alumnae Chapter Chartered: April 8, 2008 Chapter President: Laney Secula Osika (Theta Xi-Shippensburg) E-mail: rumtum@ptd.net
Alpha Phi International is excited to announce alumnae chapters and ivy connections are forming in the following areas: Alumnae Chapters (alumnae of all ages) California Napa Canada Ottawa-Gatineau Colorado Fort Collins Iowa Cedar Rapids Missouri Columbia, Jefferson City New York Nassau County, Suffolk County Oklahoma Edmond Texas El Paso, Tyler Please contact Alissa Meyer Milito (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst) at amilito@alphaphi.org if you are interested in getting involved with any of these chapters or starting a chapter in your area.
MISSING ALUMNAE Do you have information about a missing alumna? Visit www.alphaphi.org/alumnae_info/alumnaeinfo.html to help us locate “lost” alumnae.
Who Will Be Alpha Phi’s Next ELCs? Some want to give back. Some want to the travel. Some were inspired by past consultants. Whatever the reason, in the next nine months, all of them will be making a difference in Alpha Phi while gaining professional experience that lasts a lifetime. The 2008-09 educational leadership consultant (ELC) team is excited and enthusiastic to get on the road and begin meeting the women of Alpha Phi. The ELC experience is unique to each individual, just as our chapters are each unique. Personal coaching and assistance is provided to ELCs as they progress in their positions. “One day we will be working on communication skills and creative problem solving, and the next day I’m coaching them on interview skills!” explains Gwendolyn Hill (Gamma Epsilon deuteron-Lake Forest), program manager of the ELC program. Before hitting the road, the ELCs attend an extensive three week training program at the Executive Office to learn more about Alpha Phi and start building the skills they will need to succeed on the road. Aside from day-to-day assistance, additional training and professional development takes place at the office in December and March during comprehensive debriefing sessions. This year, the ELC team will develop in the areas of résumé building, networking and job searching at
three junctures: during summer training to identify each consultant’s needs and abilities; mid-year debriefing to evaluate and expand upon the progress they have made; and end-of-the-year debriefing to learn how to apply their acquired skills to future positions. Ashley Ellis (Beta Epsilon-Arizona), 2007-08 ELC, says the most valuable part of her ELC experience was, “the incredible amount of transferable skills to any job industry,” such as project management, strategic analysis and communication skills. In June, the 2008-09 ELC team attended Convention in Scottsdale, Ariz., to receive training, learn about the Fraternity and meet some of the volunteers and collegians with whom they will work during their visits. “Attending Convention as an ELC not only allowed me the opportunity to meet Alpha Phis from across the U.S. and Canada, but turned strangers into familiar faces as I traveled to their respective chapters,” remembers Heather Pollock (Theta Nu-Appalachian State), 2006-07 ELC. No matter the reason, the ELC position is an unforgettable experience that will directly affect hundreds of Alpha Phis across the United States and Canada. Who will be Alpha Phi’s next ELCs? It could be you!
“There is no other project, travel opportunity, job or program that will teach you life skills, determination and the ability to laugh at any situation.” -Susan Dumont (Gamma Epsilon deuteron-Lake Forest), 2007-08 ELC
Dear 2007-08 Educational Leadership Consultants, Thank you for your dedication, professionalism, enthusiasm and love for Alpha Phi. Over the past months you have touched the lives of collegians and alumnae across North America. Because of you, our Fraternity is a better place. Because of your efforts and achievements, we will expect more from future consultants. Because of your experiences, you are prepared to make your mark in your next professional endeavor.
The Collegiate Membership Department 2007-08 ELC team SUMMER 2008
Meet the 2008-09
Educational Leadership Consultant
Team T eam
Sarah-Beth Anders (Iota Theta-Wilfrid Laurier) Major: Public Relations Hometown: Newmarket, Ontario, Canada As an ELC, I am looking forward to: visiting different chapters and using my knowledge
to help them grow. I am also excited to spend time with my amazing new ELC friends. If I weren’t an ELC, I’d be: working at a public relations agency. Favorite Alpha Phi memory: Alpha Phi has been one of the most significant parts of my
life. The night I was introduced to my Big Sister was my favorite memory because of the relationship I now share with her as one of my dearest friends. No one knows that I secretly: still have sleepovers with my mom. Three words that best describe me are: bubbly, structured and reliable.
the country and help them grow as sisters and women. Spending time with the amazing women I will be traveling with. If I weren’t an ELC, I'd be: at home in Northern Virginia trying to find a job with a design firm or in event planning. Favorite Alpha Phi memory: my introduction to my Big Sister. My family has become my support system not only in Alpha Phi, but in life, and if it weren’t for that magical night I wouldn’t have them in my life. No one knows that I secretly: love to read. Every night before I go to bed I have to make time to read something for pleasure to forget about the chaos of life. Three words that best describe me are: passionate, creative and outgoing.
Kat Jenne (Gamma Nu-Miami University) Megan Aus (Epsilon-Minnesota) Major: Psychology and Spanish Studies Hometown: Madison, Wis. As an ELC, I am looking forward to: getting to see first-hand how diverse Alpha Phi truly
is while learning how our Fraternity operates on a larger scale. Also, getting to work with sisters I have never met. If I weren’t an ELC, I'd be: hopefully volunteering or working abroad in a Spanish speaking country while trying to figure out how I wanted to use my psychology degree. Favorite Alpha Phi memory: when my older sister Mandie Aus (Pi-North Dakota) surprised me and came to my initiation. I didn’t know she was there until the very end when I was pinned and she came up to hug me. It was a very special moment that I’ll always remember! No one knows that I secretly: love the band Hanson and have seen them in concert three times. Three words that best describe me are: determined, loyal and outgoing.
Emily Bunch (Theta Iota-James Madison) Major: Graphic Design Hometown: Stafford, Va. As an ELC, I am looking forward to: having the chance to meet Alpha Phis from across
Major: Social Studies Education Hometown: Shaker Heights, Ohio As an ELC, I am looking forward to: traveling and meeting new people. It is going to be
an adventure, and I can’t wait! If I weren’t an ELC, I'd be: teaching middle school or high school history. Favorite Alpha Phi memory: The last night of recruitment when my whole chapter
surprised me with flowers and a “thank you” card. I felt so honored that everyone appreciated my hard work, and I realized how much I will miss them and love them. No one knows that I secretly: love to dance. Three words that best describe me are: energetic, organized and dedicated.
Courtney McCallum (Beta Gamma-Colorado) Major: Communication Hometown: Glenwood Springs, Colo. As an ELC, I am looking forward to: meeting wonderful Alpha Phis. If I weren’t an ELC, I'd be: applying to law school. Favorite Alpha Phi memory: my mom is an Alpha Phi, and she surprised me by
attending my initiation. No one knows that I secretly: am really afraid of the dark. Three words that best describe me are: passionate, charismatic and fun.
ELC: Resident Specialist The ELC position is a nine month program, but some consultants have the option of continuing for a second year. Building upon their positive experiences and continuing their contributions, second-term ELCs specialize in their assignments for the greatest impact to our Fraternity’s needs. 2007-08 ELC Tracy Briggs (Iota Theta-Wilfrid Laurier) accepted the position as an educational leadership consultant: resident specialist and will work with our new colony at Georgia Tech through the fall semester.
Tracy Briggs (Iota Theta-Wilfrid Laurier)
Proudest moment from the 2007-08 year: I had the honor of working on an extension project at Franklin & Marshall (Zeta Sigma) where 80 new members were recruited. It
Major: Honors Communication Studies, Fine Arts Hometown: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Favorite memory from the 2007-08 year: getting to
was my privilege to play a role in the initiation and installation of these members. I was proud to be part of the experience and feel fortunate for the opportunity to see it come full circle. As an ELC: resident specialist: I am looking forward to getting to know another group of amazing women through establishing a new chapter for Alpha Phi. It is going to be a great experience to be onsite and hands on to develop a successful and strong chapter at Georgia Tech. After my ELC term I plan to: continue traveling to see the world.
travel with the other ELCs to Las Vegas and Vail. We developed amazing friendships that will last a lifetime. We're already planning to attend each others’ weddings!
2008-09 ELC TEAM
Monica L. McComb (Beta Alpha-Illinois)
Samantha “Sam” Stawicki (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis)
Major: Elementary Education Hometown: Peoria, Ill. As an ELC, I am looking forward to: traveling all over the United States and Canada to
Major: Communications/ Sociology Hometown: Rancho Murieta, Calif. As an ELC, I am looking forward to: everything! I love to travel. I cannot wait to meet
meet talented, ambitious, future leaders who are all Alpha Phis. I also look forward to seeing all the various recruitments and new member classes. If I weren’t an ELC, I'd be: teaching kindergarten or first grade. Favorite Alpha Phi memory: Bid Day in fall 2006 when I was the VPMR and saw the names of our new member class on our bid list. No one knows that I secretly: love to watch “Hannah Montana” on the Disney Channel. Three words that best describe me are: enthusiastic, ambitious and loyal.
Ashley Nutter (Beta Iota-West Virginia) Major: Psychology Hometown: Newark, Del. As an ELC, I am looking forward to: the traveling and new relationships I will make with
people and share this experience with the other ELCs. If I weren’t an ELC, I'd be: working for New York Life. Favorite Alpha Phi memory: When I was presented to my family freshman year, my mom
brought one of her closest friends who is an Alpha Phi. She does not have children, but thinks of me as a daughter. She gave me her pin and asked me to one day pass it to my daughter or a woman I admire. No one knows that I secretly: love peanut butter, have more than 100 pairs of shoes (and I want more), and I really wanted to play football when I was a kid. Three words that best describe me are: energetic, passionate and committed. Editor’s Note: Ashley Baker (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara), also a member of the 2008-09 ELC team, will be featured in the Fall 2008 Quarterly.
other Alpha Phis across the United States and Canada. If I weren’t an ELC, I'd be: in graduate school. Favorite Alpha Phi memory: meeting my best friend, sister and roommate when we went
through recruitment in 2004. We lived 15 minutes from each other at home and never knew it. No one knows that I secretly: have to watch Nick at Nite when I go to bed. Three words that best describe me are: friendly, talkative and sensitive.
Rebecca Rinker (Eta Lambda-George Mason) Major: Communication, concentration Public Relations Hometown: Harrisonburg, Va. As an ELC, I am looking forward to: traveling to a variety of schools and meeting sisters
across North America. If I weren’t an ELC, I'd be: working for a public relations firm. Favorite Alpha Phi memory: Meeting my Big Sister, because for once I was completely
surprised. No one knows that I secretly: would like to live in Spain. Three words that best describe me are: reliable, understanding and adventurous.
Who Will Be Alpha Phi’s Next ELC? It Could Be You! Applications are available at www.alphaphi.org. For more information, contact Gwendolyn Hill, program manager of ELCs and recruitment at ghill@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8934.
ELC Fun Facts On average, the 2007-08 ELC … • Collected 19 shirts from chapter events and thank you gifts. • Visited 17 different chapters. • Traveled to 16 different states and/or provinces. • Made 11 recruitment visits. • Packed seven pairs of shoes. • Spent time in six of the eight regions. • Talked to other ELCs three times a week. PA G E T W E N T Y- N I N E
Photo courtesy Greeley Tribune
A Sister Shares Her Strength
On her best days, Kimberly Corban (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) seems very much the same happy, bubbly college student she was when she joined Alpha Phi in 2005. But in the days following her attack in 2006, she hardly recognized herself. Thanks to the faithful care of her family and her Alpha Phi sisters – and support from the Alpha Phi Foundation’s Forget Me Not Fund – Kimberly is not only recovering, she’s doing everything she can to be a source of strength and education for other victims of sexual assault. It was just after finals, in the early morning hours of May 12, 2006. Kimberly slept soundly in her apartment off campus. Suddenly she was awakened in her bed, held down by a stranger. He had covered her head and told her not to make a sound. The rape lasted for over an hour. During that time, she remembered reading about a rape victim who had befriended her attacker so he wouldn’t harm her further. Somehow she stayed calm and did the same, talking with him for almost an hour afterward. As the sun rose that morning, her attacker slipped out of her apartment. Preserving every bit of evidence she could, she got out of bed and immediately called the police. Her composure during the attack paid off, and her ability to recall the details she had recorded in her mind, including the sound of his voice, eventually led to his PA G E T H I RT Y
“I can’t imagine what my life would have been like if my 65 sisters hadn’t been there for me. Their love and the support from the Foundation means I can wake up in the morning and do what’s important to me.”
arrest. Kimberly quit her job and moved home that summer to live with her parents, but was plagued with months of sleepless nights, fear of being alone and seizures, which doctors -Kimberly Corban attributed to post(Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) traumatic stress disorder. She had to leave school twice. But through it all, her Alpha Phi sisters were by her side, frequently driving more than an hour to be with her when she needed them. “My parents weren’t [members of Greek-letter organizations] and were a little hesitant when I joined. After experiencing the love and support from people they didn’t even know, they now understand that I’m a part of something special. It was a big deal for them to witness how truly amazing Alpha Phi really is,” she shares. Things got difficult financially when Kimberly’s mom stopped ALPHA PHI
Photo courtesy Greeley Tribune
In Her Shoes
working to help care for her. The bills for hospital visits, therapy and medication began to pile up. A long-time friend and chapter adviser Jill Herdman Trotter (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) suggested the Foundation’s Forget Me Not Fund, which made a “world of difference” to Kimberly and her family. “There are no words to express how thankful we are. It’s not just about the money; it’s about support from people I don’t even know who were willing to reach out to me and my family in our time of need. The encouragement we felt through this grant was amazing,” shares Kimberly. When it was time to go to court, 65 Alpha Phis filled the courtroom. Their presence gave her the strength to tell the story that put her attacker in prison for 24 years to life. After discussing it with her parents and the district attorney, she released her name to the media on the same day the guilty verdict was rendered. “At first I didn’t want anyone to know what had happened. But once I began reading and learning more about sexual assault, I decided it was worth it if I could help just one other person through this,” she explained. The first newspaper article ran with Kimberly’s name on Saturday. By Monday morning, a 73-year-old woman with a pending rape case had contacted the district attorney. After reading the article, the woman said, “If Kimberly could do it, so could I.” The woman agreed to testify against her attacker, and in September he was put away for life. The events of May 2006 changed Kimberly’s life, but they also changed her perspective. “When something difficult comes up, I know I can handle it because of what I’ve been through. I take more time to notice the good things in life – big and small. I can’t always sleep alone, and sometimes I’m scared between the hours of 5:00-7:00 a.m., but I’m not taking my life for granted. I’m ready to take on the world. I feel like I have a purpose now,” she says. When she returned to school, Kimberly changed her major to psychology so she could pursue a career as a therapist, helping SUMMER 2008
educate and assist other survivors of assault. She’s already started down that road, speaking at campus events like “Take Back the Night” last October, as well as numerous high school and college classes, advocate groups and survivor support groups. She was also invited to share her story at the State of Colorado’s Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement annual conference in May. The “Oprah Winfrey Show” staff has contacted her, and she is hopeful about an opportunity to appear. “I’ve had people come up to me after I speak and share stories they’ve never shared with anyone. I’m humbled by that experience – that something I’ve said would give someone else a little bit of extra strength to come forward,” Kimberly says. “I feel like this is my calling. You know you’ve found your career path when it doesn’t matter how much money you’re going to make. Today I’m not a rape victim; I’m a survivor. I can’t imagine what my life would have been like if my 65 sisters hadn’t been there for me. Their love and the support from the Foundation means I can wake up in the morning and do what’s important to me. It seems strange to say, but I’m really happy with how things have turned out,” she says.
Forget Me Not: Foundation Program Results “When I think of the faces of Alpha Phi women, I feel sure that Alpha Phi is big enough and noble enough to reach out and help others where there is the greatest need.” -Jane Sara Higham, Alpha Phi Founder The Forget Me Not Fund is a member assistance fund for Alpha Phis. Though the assistance grants are not typically large amounts, these grants do serve as a sisterly gesture of sincere concern for undergraduate or alumnae members who find themselves facing a crisis situation. Forget Me Not grants help fulfill Alpha Phi Foundation’s mission to fund programs that: • • • • •
provide leadership and educational opportunities encourage and recognize superior scholarship support women’s cardiac health educate women about the value of philanthropy assist members in need
Results: Thanks to generous donors, the Foundation funded nearly $20,000 in Forget Me Not grants to four collegians and six alumnae (results as of April 30, 2008).
If you know an Alpha Phi in crisis, please contact Foundation Program Coordinator Melissa Wagasy Moody (Beta Beta-Michigan State) at mmoody@alphaphi.org to learn more about the Forget Me Not program and to receive an application for assistance.
Early Alpha Phi Physicians Serve and Inspire Women By Jenny Thompson
Service. It is a core value of Alpha Phi. And it is particularly evident in the lives of a group of pioneering young sisters who devoted their lives to serving others through medicine. It is well known that studying to become a physician is not easy. But imagine what it was like for a 19th century woman: not only was the road rigorous, but often the road was not even open! Despite the odds, numerous Alpha Phi members earned their medical degrees in the 19th and early 20th centuries and went on to serve as physicians in clinics, hospitals and private practices. Their achievements are astonishing given the difficulties they faced. America’s first female physician, Elizabeth Blackwell (18211910), was rejected by 16 medical schools before being accepted at Geneva Medical College in New York. (Her application was thought to be a practical joke.) After graduating with her M.D. in 1849, she founded the New York Infirmary for Indigent Women and Children, a hospital run by women doctors. Blackwell later returned to her birthplace, England, and, along with Florence Nightingale, founded the Women’s Medical College. Although Blackwell was not a member of Alpha Phi, her pioneering work paved the road for many DR. ELECTA B. WHIPPLE (ALPHA-SYRACUSE) Dr. Electa B. Whipple would have been counted as a charter mem- women who ber of Alpha chapter had she not been forced to leave school for a followed her. brief period. Upon her return, she was initiated into Alpha Phi and And, as it turns later served as national president in 1876. She taught school for out, that road several years, before entering medical school in 1882. After earnintersected ing her M.D., she studied in Vienna and London and then opened a more than once private practice in Buffalo, N.Y. with Alpha Phi. Blackwell’s alma mater, Geneva Medical College, was founded in 1834 as part of Geneva College (now Hobart College). In 1871, the college was disbanded and its assets donated to the
recently founded Syracuse University, which subsequently founded its own medical college. It was here that the first member of Alpha Phi to study medicine, Dr. Electa B. Whipple (AlphaSyracuse), would earn an M.D. in 1884, finishing the three-year DR. ANNA D. GLOSS (BETA-NORTHWESTERN) course in just Dr. Anna D. Gloss earned her M.D. in 1885 from the Chicago two years. Woman’s Medical College (later known as the Woman’s Medical School of Northwestern.) As a member of the Northwestern At the time, Branch of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Whipple was Methodist Church, she traveled to Tientsin, China, to head up the among an Isabelle Fisher Hospital for Women and Children. She worked in estimated four China for five years, returning to the U.S. after a bout with percent of malaria. She earned a postgraduate degree before returning to physicians who China where she oversaw the establishment of a new modern were female – a hospital. percentage that would remain relatively unchanged into the 1960s. (The last medical school in the United States to open its doors to women did so in 1960.) The fact that so few women practiced medicine was all too obvious to Whipple. Writing in a 1901 issue of the Alpha Phi Quarterly, Whipple noted that the number of women in both college and medical schools was “deplorably small.” And she urged her sisters to look to the field of medicine for a career, especially compared to the usual route, teaching. “The woman physician of today,” Whipple observed, “holds her place in response to the public demand, and she is sought on the basis of skill, not sex, while she receives the same compensation for services rendered that does her brother in the profession.” At the time Whipple wrote, Alpha Phi had added more female physicians to its ranks, despite the fact that many medical colleges remained closed to women. (By 1904, only 97 of a total of 160 medical schools admitted women.)
Editor’s Note: Jenny Thompson, PhD, is the Alpha Phi Foundation staff archivist. She has more than 10 years of experience, including work at Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s archives and museum, the University of Maryland and the Smithsonian Institution. She is currently curator of education at the Evanston History Center, and her work has been published in the New York Times.
Thank You CBI Facilitators! From the Archives Among these pioneers:
Gamma chapter charter member, Dr. Florence Hays Ditto (Gamma-DePauw). After graduating in 1888, Ditto entered the Indiana College of Physicians and Surgeons – the only woman in her class. In 1891, she graduated as class valedictorian and opened a private practice in Indianapolis with a focus on treating women and children. Dr. Anne M. Tremaine (Delta-Cornell) earned her M.D. in 1899 from the Women’s Medical College of the New York Infirmary. Tremaine served as house physician and surgeon at Memorial Hospital in Worcester, Mass., and later ran the Craig Colony of Epilepsy in Sonyea, N.Y. Once again Alpha Phi and Blackwell intersected, for, in 1868, Blackwell had founded the Women’s Medical College from which Tremaine graduated. (Blackwell’s college eventually graduated 364 female physicians before closing in 1899 after Cornell University became co-educational.) In their dauntless courage in pushing forward in the face of adversity, these and many other early Alpha Phi physicians devoted their careers to helping others. They also continued to pave a road that would be extended to many future Alpha Phi members who would also choose to enter what Dr. Electa Whipple called the “noblest of professions.”
DR. ELIZABETH B. NEWMAN (ALPHA-SYRACUSE) Another early physician from Alpha chapter, Newman earned her M.D. from the Medical College of Boston University in 1898. Newman ran a general practice in Belmont, Mass. She also operated a children’s clinic in Boston. “I enjoy the profession immensely,” Dr. Newman said of her work, “and although it is hard and full of responsibilities which are harder still, I have never been sorry for my choice.”
(Thank You CBI Facilitators, continued from page 11) Lauren Sefcik (Eta Sigma-Lafayette) Leanna Garlinger Nelson (Epsilon-Minnesota) Leslie Ferguson (Delta Chi-William Woods) Lindsey Bare (Iota Alpha-Pepperdine) Lisa Cordoni Matherly (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Lisa Cabaniss Olson (Beta Epsilon-Arizona) Lois Duffy Castellano (Delta-Cornell) Lora Tuley Brys (Theta Gamma-Truman State) Mandy Baker (Gamma-DePauw) Maria Rosa Donado (Eta Tau-SUNY/Cortland) Megan Bedell (Gamma Nu-Miami University) Megan Carroll (Omicron-Missouri) Megan Radich (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) Melissa Frank (Alpha Lambda) Melissa Watson Norris (Gamma Eta-North Texas) Meredith Morgan (Zeta Beta-Loyola Marymount) Misty Milburn Wilson (Theta Xi-Shippensburg) Monica Jolly Duke (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) Monica Kennedy Monczka (Xi-Toronto) Nancy DeMarco DeLaura (Eta Epsilon-Villanova) Nicole DeChirico (Epsilon Eta-Old Dominion) Nicole Harrison (Theta Phi-Christopher Newport) Ola Samuels Bateman (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Pam Courtright Johansen (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis) Pat Dougherty (Eta Eta-Seton Hall) Patti Ward Shears (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Patty Crowley (Psi-South Dakota) Patty Hendrickson (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) Peg DeChant Thornburg (Beta Omega-Kent State) Perri Crawley Catey (Gamma Pi-Arizona State) Rachel Klein (Delta Zeta-Maryland) Rebecca Andrew Zanatta (Beta Rho-Washington State) Rita Schick Metcalfe (Beta Tau-Indiana) Robyn Quick (Beta Theta-British Columbia) Sabrina Ryan (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) Samantha Lott (Delta Nu-Maine) Sara Carlson (Theta Psi -SUNY/Plattsburgh)
Sarah Calkins (Gamma Sigma-Wisconsin/Stout) Sarah Lamoreaux (Beta Beta-Michigan State) Shaina Silver (Theta Phi-Christopher Newport) Shannon Dooley Pruce (Beta Nu-Duke) Shawna Menosky (Beta Omega-Kent State) Shirley Johnston (Gamma Omega-Midwestern State) Stacie Sullivan Swanson (Eta Alpha-New Hampshire) Stephanie Kukic Baldwin (Theta Sigma-Southern Utah) Stephanie Hanses (Theta Zeta-Florida Tech) Stephanie White Land (Delta Beta-Texas A&M/Commerce) Stephanie Johnson Watson (Zeta Epsilon-Indiana U. Southeast) Susan Luff Chritton (Epsilon Chi-Cal Poly) Susan McNeice (Epsilon Nu-Delaware) Suzy Storey Armstrong (Delta Chi-William Woods) Tammy Heft Neeble (Theta Iota-James Madison) Tanya McGinn Paolo (Upsilon-Washburn) Tara Majeed (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Tawnya Denny Feldman (Beta Zeta-Idaho) Terri Rolik Justofin-Dalsky (Beta Omega-Kent State) Theresa Joyce Lee (Delta Nu-Maine) Tracey Rosenthal Drury (Theta Epsilon-SUNY/Buffalo) Traci Knoblauch Nordberg (Delta Rho-Ball State) Tracy Lungrin (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney) Trish Vecchione (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) Valene Chance (Theta Theta-St. Joseph's) Zara Dang (Iota Iota-George Washington)
Children's Book Encourages Healthy Eating Actress, writer and director Kimberly Williams-Paisley (Beta-Northwestern) has added children's author to her list of talents. Kim teamed with her father, author Gurney Williams III, to write Henry and the Hidden Veggie Garden (Silverback Books, 2008. ISBN: 978-1-59637-257-3), a book that encourages children to eat their vegetables. The book was also written in support of the Love Your Veggies™ Nationwide School Lunch Campaign, a program that this year offered $10,000 nutrition education grants to one elementary school in each state. Henry and the Hidden Veggie Garden will be sold exclusively online for $5.00, and 10,000 copies of the book will be donated to Books from the Heart, a national nonprofit program that provides books for children living in poverty. Visit www.LoveYourVeggiesGrants.org for more information and to purchase the book. Kimberly Williams-Paisley reads from her book.
Sister Publishes Second Murder Mystery Author Sharon Thetford Ervin (PhiOklahoma) released her second hardcover murder mystery, Murder Aboard the Choctaw Gambler (Five Star Publishing, 2007. ISBN: 978-59414-698-5), in May. Praised as “quickpaced, exquisite fiction,” Sharon’s seventh published novel follows agent Jim Wills and Sharon Ervin reporter Jancy Dewhurst as they investigate a murder onboard a riverboat casino, but quickly find themselves sinking into some dangerous situations.
Author Publishes Third Book Under the pen name of Blythe Gifford, Wendy Blythe Gifford (Gamma-DePauw) has released her third historical romance novel, Innocence Unveiled (Harlequin Historical, 2008. ISBN: 13# 978-0-373-29502-9, ISBN 10# 0-373Wendy Blythe Gifford PA G E T H I R T Y- F O U R
Alumna Honored by Alma Mater The department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at East Carolina University and its Advancement Council recognized Kara Ginter (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) as one of the 100 Centennial Honorees of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Kara, a Spanish teacher at Ashley High School (Wilmington, N.C.), was recognized during a university ceremony in March.
Copyright Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.
Volunteer Featured on the Weather Channel Mary Gatchell Gauvin (Delta Nu-Maine) was featured on the Weather Channel in March as a volunteer for the 2008 World Ice Art Championships, held in Fairbanks, Alaska. Mary was the publicity manager for the championship and Mary Gauvin worked with local and national media to promote the 18th annual event. Held every year since 1990, the event brings more than 45,000 visitors and is run by more than 400 volunteers. The Weather Channel traveled to Fairbanks to cover the event.
29502-2). The first in a new three-book contract, Innocence Unveiled is set at the onset of the Hundred Years War and tells the story of a man of secrets, spying for his king, and a woman of lies, a noble disguised as a weaver, sleeping under the same roof as war threatens.
Kara Ginter Sister Competes on “The Bachelor” Carri Perrier (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) appeared on the ABC television program “The Bachelor: London Calling,” which premiered on March 17. Carri, a church marketing representative from Oklahoma City, Okla., competed against 24 other women for the heart of British “Bachelor,” Matt. Though she serenaded him with a beautiful rendition of “Summertime,” Carri did not receive a rose after the second round of eliminations and was sent home. Learn more Carri Perrier about Carri at http://abc.go.com/primetime/bachelor.
Alumna Recruited for Select Position Betsy Lindemer Powers (Alpha-Syracuse) was chosen in March as one of 60 financial planners to join the Select Planner Group of Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp./Sagemark Consulting (Syracuse, N.Y.). Betsy will be part of the firm’s private wealth services group program which focuses on clients in the “very high net worth” market. The criteria for this Betsy Powers position included a demonstrated commitment to client service, current success and a rigorous internal evaluation. ALPHA PHI
Susan Quinlan
Sister Founds Museum Susan Scherer Quinlan (Beta Pi-USC) is the founder of the Susan Quinlan Doll & Teddy Bear Museum & Library in Santa Barbara, Calif. The museum opened in 2005 and boasts one of the largest displays of dolls and teddy bears in the U.S. Susan, who first began collecting dolls in the late 1970s, plans to expand the museum by displaying more of her collection in the next few years. Read more about the museum at www.quinlanmuseum.com.
Alumna Writes Memoir The memoir of Mary Mustard Reed (Epsilon Upsilon-CSU/Northridge), entitled Oceans Apart: A Voyage of International Adoption (JKD ENTERPRISE, 2008. ISBN: 0-9799327-0-X), was published in March. In her book, Mary shares the story of her immigration from Vietnam to America in 1964 at age 7, her adoption by an American family, her struggles and eventually the re-uniting of her birth family in 1993. Mary devoted chapter 8 in her book to Alpha Phi, talking about what it represents to her and the love and devotion her sisters have shown over the past 30 years. Mary Reed Mary works in the pharmaceutical industry and volunteers with a medical team in her home country through Project Vietnam (www.projectvietnam.org).
Author Publishes Fourth Novel Jennifer Samson (Beta Theta-British Columbia) is the author of Brookline University: Freshman Year (Ariesrising Media, 2008. ISBN: 978-09809-6283-3). The book follows the adventures of Joy and Libby Morrison and their best friend Angel Sheridan as they leave foster care in Seattle and move to Boston to begin college. They deal with a very different world from foster care, one that sees them going through sorority recruitment, Jennifer Samson juggling classes and dorm living and forging new relationships. Jennifer has published three previous novels. Brookline University: Freshman Year is the first in a four-book series. The books are available through her online store at http://stores.lulu.com/jsamson. Alumna Named Director of APEX Sue Tinnish (Beta-Northwestern), a professional meeting planner, trainer, facilitator and an active volunteer member of the educational advisory council of APEX, the Accepted Practices Exchange initiative, was named director of APEX in March. APEX aims to bring together all stakeholders in the development and implementation of industry wide accepted documents and forms to create and enhance efficiencies throughout the meetings, convention and exhibition industry. Tinnish has 25 years of experience in business, having worked in the financial services industry before forming her own company, SEAL Inc. She is a former president of Meeting Professionals International’s Chicago chapter and is an adjunct professor in Roosevelt University’s Manfred Steinfeld School of Hospitality and Tourism Management. Sue Tinnish
Food for Thought Food sustains us, brings us together, and sometimes is the temptation we cannot resist! Alpha Phi has been a strong sisterhood since 1872, and what has sustained her are her members. Ever faithful, they volunteer beyond their collegiate experience in order to keep Alpha Phi’s sisterhood strong and vibrant. Food brings people together. Friends and family gather around the dinner table to spend time sharing news of today and dreams of tomorrow. Alpha Phi is the common thread that brings women together across North America. No matter what your level of involvement with Alpha Phi – a loyal Quarterly reader, a dedicated alumnae chapter member, an enthusiastic collegiate chapter adviser, an Alpha Phi Foundation donor, or a friend to other Alpha Phis – you are what sustains the organization. Alpha Phi continues to foster new programs and create new opportunities for both collegiate and alumnae women. Thanks to our 864 volunteers, we are in our second year of an exciting leadership program for our collegiate chapters, we have been able SUMMER 2008
to cultivate collegiate chapters on dynamic campuses like Oklahoma (Phi), Dartmouth (Iota Kappa), Franklin & Marshall (Zeta Sigma), Connecticut (Iota Lambda), Alabama (colonizing this fall) and Georgia Tech (colonizing this fall), our collegiate chapters are strong and healthy, and our alumnae chapters continue to grow. Thanks to generous contributions to the Alpha Phi Foundation, more than $400,000 has been donated to support our collegiate and alumnae members and chapters through scholarship and leadership grants. Those of us who have served on the 2006-08 International Executive Board are grateful for the dedication of our volunteers and for the countless hours they donate to Alpha Phi. The organization simply could not continue its mission without their support. If you are interested in volunteering or just getting reconnected with a collegiate or alumnae chapter, contact the Executive Office: 847.475.0663. Volunteers are essential ingredients to our success.
Silent Chapter Adrian (Delta Eta) Beverly Barrett Sloggett (’80), Feb. 5, 2008. American University (Beta Xi) Elaine Davenport Stoner (’40), Aug. 3, 2007. Arizona (Beta Epsilon) Martha Thomas Coutchie (’41), March 12, 2008. Pat Weaver Whiton (’42), March 12, 2008. Boston (Eta) Marjorie Dow Heard (’43), March 10, 2008. Butler (Epsilon Beta) Jennifer Ash (’99), March 24, 2008. Cal Poly (Epsilon Chi) Barbara Langford Schroeder (’76), March 21, 2008. Cornell (Delta) Barbara Babcock Payne (’37), Jan. 19, 2008. Janet Raleigh O’Connor (’49), March 30, 2008. Nancy Taylor Brown (’49), March 12, 2008. Denison (Beta Kappa) Janice Bright Thiele (’42), Feb. 23, 2008. DePauw (Gamma) Anne Carter Mills (’59), Feb. 13, 2008. Duke (Beta Nu) Jane Garver Sterrett (’42), March 7, 2008. East Carolina (Delta Alpha) Mary Goodman Sorensen (’60), March 18, 2008. Houston (Gamma Lambda) Carolyn Lang Gillespie (’56), Jan. 6, 2008.
Idaho (Beta Zeta) Maxine Bailey Tobin (’89), March 7, 2008.
North Dakota (Pi) Eleanor Sarles Crandall (’41), Dec. 3, 2007.
Indiana (Beta Tau) Anna Clemans Lorey (’50), Jan. 1, 2008.
Northwestern (Beta) Elizabeth Uhl Busch (’33), Feb. 16, 2008.
Kansas (Gamma Delta) Madeline Frogue Long (’51), March 3, 2008.
Inez Bouvea Paget (’31), Feb. 16, 2008.
Mary Williams Snyder (’52), March 11, 2008.
Mary Holser Gilcrest (’44), Feb. 11, 2008.
Elizabeth Attwood Collins (’57), Dec. 26, 2007.
South Dakota (Psi) Jeannette Lynch Josey (’29), March 7, 2008.
USC (Beta Pi) Barbara Lindbury Froloff (’46), Feb. 15, 2008.
Jodi Beringer Larabee (’95), March 16, 2008.
Utah (Beta Sigma) Kathryn Parish Bryan (’48), Jan. 19, 2008.
Louisiana State (Delta Tau) Elizabeth Williams (’64), March 18, 2008. Michigan (Theta) Ellen Vandevusse Henderson (’53), Feb. 23, 2008. Kristin Kendall Harrison (’68), Dec. 23, 2007. Michigan State (Beta Beta) Jane Musselman Adams (’37), Jan. 27, 2008. Mary Burriss Libbert (’40), March 26, 2008. Midwestern State (Gamma Omega) Betty Bird McClellan (’62), March 17, 2008. Minnesota (Epsilon) Barbara Tucker (’41), Nov. 7, 2007. Missouri (Omicron) Mary Badger Bridewell (’38), March 11, 2008. Mary Fulkerson McCague (’31), April 2, 2008. Bettye Bruton Whitney (’41), March 22, 2008. Montana (Chi) Cornelia Clack Graham (’33), Feb. 1, 2008. Norma Besinque Johnson (’47), March 7, 2008. Nebraska (Nu) Eleanor Bessie Herzman (’29), April 6, 2008.
Constance Fuller Brasmer (’43), Feb. 3, 2008 Ohio State (Rho) Jane Robinson Marshall (’61), Feb. 29, 2008. Sue Toops Studebaker (’52), Jan. 22, 2008. Oklahoma (Phi) Charlotte Leach (’37), March 25, 2008. Mildred Jackson Lisle (’45), Jan. 16, 2008. Lisa Petty Tharp (’83), Jan. 23, 2008. Old Dominion (Epsilon Eta) Margaret Riley (’70), Jan. 30, 2008. Oregon (Tau) Alberta Roberts Tobey (’34), Feb. 20, 2008. Jeanne Aronson Wilhelm (’36), Feb. 13, 2008. Janet Carter (’61), Feb. 2, 2008. Purdue (Delta Mu) Amy C. Drew (’80), March 11, 2008. Rollins (Beta Lambda) Marilyn Hall Leu (’56), Feb. 2, 2008. San Diego State (Gamma Alpha) Mary-Virginia Lovelly Gault (’49), Sept. 29, 2007.
DID YOU KNOW? You can make a gift to the Alpha Phi Foundation in honor of a new arrival, to celebrate a marriage or in memory of a sister who has entered the Silent Chapter. Call 847.475.4532 or visit www.alphaphi.org/foundation for details.
Stanford (Kappa) Ann Hodge Reese (’38), Jan. 27, 2008.
Washburn (Upsilon) Dorothy Haynes Corkhill (’39), Jan. 31, 2008.
Syracuse (Alpha) Ruth Stafford Peale (’26), Jan. 6, 2008.
Jeanne McFarland (’41), Feb. 18, 2008.
Dorothy Campbell VanLeuven (’54), Sept. 20, 2007.
Washington (Sigma) Jacqueline Wanamaker Riddell (’46), Feb. 13, 2008.
Texas (Omega) Morna Jones Seiders (’39), Jan. 25, 2008.
Helen Eicher Childers (’33), March 25, 2008.
Betty Brewster McLelland (’56), Oct. 26, 2007.
June Anderson Gruber (’47), Jan. 31, 2008.
Kimberly Neal Harlow (’90), April 3, 2008.
Washington State (Beta Rho) Lowella Young Jones (’61), April 4, 2008.
Texas Tech (Gamma Iota) Merium Jackson Malik (’58), March 3, 2008. UC/Berkeley (Lambda) Jane Bryan Hanlon (’32), Jan. 27, 2008. Katherine Wittschen Eshleman (’33), March 17, 2008. Virginia Claudius Trowbridge (’51), Jan. 30, 2008. UC/Santa Barbara (Gamma Beta) Patricia Cozzens Bowdey (’50), March 7, 2008.
West Virginia (Beta Iota) Norma Mansberger Carmack (’49), Jan. 1, 2008. Helen Britton Dedow (’50), Feb. 26, 2008. Wichita State (Gamma Xi) Carole Bratcher Passerello (’58), Jan. 30, 2008. Wisconsin (Iota) Suzanne Walton Coffey (’76), Feb. 3, 2008. Wisconsin/Oshkosh (Delta Psi) Judi Trudeau Diedrich (’66), Feb. 21, 2008
UCLA (Beta Delta) Ann Scott Visscher (’41), March 18, 2008.
BULLETIN BOARD NEW REGIONAL TEAM POSITION A new position has been created to assist each regional team: the regional housing coordinator (RHC). The RHC is responsible for providing support to house corporation boards, collegiate chapters, regional teams and Executive Office staff. Expertise in housing is required to help provide safe, quality living environments for the Fraternity’s collegiate chapters. If you would like more information about this position, contact Dawn Toth (Epsilon Beta-Butler), manager of housing, at dtoth@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8939.
QUARTERLY INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY Gain first-hand experience in magazine publication! Ideal candidates should be majoring in communications, journalism or a related discipline. Internships are based in Evanston, Ill. and are unpaid. Candidates must be able to receive academic credit. Visit http://www.alphaphi.org/job_opps/internshipopps.html for details and application information.
CLASSIFIEDS SALES PEOPLE NEEDED More time to run your business, reduce stress, increase profits, decrease risk, improve benefits, decrease turnover, increase retention. We consult with companies to help them resolve their most critical business issues. HROAssociates.com Terri Powell (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach) tpowell@ptd.net 610.262.7715.
INTERESTED IN PROMOTING YOUR BUSINESS IN THE ALPHA PHI CLASSIFIEDS? The charge for the Fall 2008 Quarterly is $100 for up to 35 words (text only). The Quarterly also continues to accept advertising in the form of display ads, which begin at $450 for a 1/6-page ad. If you are interested in either advertising opportunity, please contact quarterly@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8920 before Thursday, July 31, 2008, to reserve space.
Save this portion of your Quarterly! You will need your membership number (first seven numbers found at right) to identify yourself if you contact the Executive Office and to access various online resources.
POSTMASTER: Please send changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Congratulations Graduates! Welcome to Alumnae Membership Alpha Phi is not only a collegiate experience. Active involvement with Alpha Phi continues past the collegiate years and extends throughout a lifetime. Please visit www.alphaphi.org to learn about free access to Alpha Phi International’s Online Community, participating in or starting an alumnae chapter in your area or getting involved in numerous activities and benefits exclusively for alumnae. Don’t lose touch! When you know your new address, please visit www.alphaphi.org to update your contact information.