Fall 2009 Alpha Phi Quarterly

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A Publication of Alpha Phi International Fraternity Since 1888 Vol. 121, No. 4 Fall 2009

International Executive Board President: Laura Malley-Schmitt Jane Kirby Arkes Billie Coskey Battiato Deana Koonsman Gage Julie King Gomez Susan Brink Sherratt Amy Jordan Tvrdik Renee Smith Zimmerman Zainer Ex-officio: Sally McCall Grant, NPC Delegate Ex-officio: Linda Kahangi, Executive Director Foundation Directors Chairman: Linda Gardner Massie Laura Jen Kin Berger Susan Bevan Judy Ethell Kim Norton-O'Brien Cathy Logan Stembridge Diane Spry Straker Sheri Allen Yengst National Panhellenic Conference Alpha Phi Delegate: Sally McCall Grant First Alternate Delegate: Deana Koonsman Gage Second Alternate Delegate: Tara Riemer Jones Third Alternate Delegate: Ruth Gallagher Nelson Editorial Advisory Board Sheila George Bright Stephanie Hernandez Kathy Feeney Hiemstra Denise Blankenship Joyce Jan Jones Owen Sara Peck Allison Cink Rickels Alpha Phi Quarterly Staff Editor-in-Chief: Christine Spiegel Marketing and Communications Program Manager: Arden Schuman Communications Interns: Kacey Albertine, Elle Eichinger, Krisanne Ryther E-mail: quarterly@alphaphi.org Alpha Phi Quarterly Design Mercury & Sun Marketing and Design mercuryandsun.com Alpha Phi Home Page www.alphaphi.org Executive Office Executive Director: Linda Wells Kahangi Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Phone: 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 E-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org Foundation Office Executive Director: Emily Ellison Lamb Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Foundation Phone: 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 E-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org

Message from the International President Dear Sisters, Fall is here! For me and so many other sisters, fall is the most exciting season in Alpha Phi. The start of the academic year represents new beginnings. Friendships are renewed, new members are welcomed, new leaders are born, and sisterhood flourishes in chapters across North America. Our fall issue of the Quarterly is our most significant because of our outreach to our entire membership. All sisters for whom we have a Laura Malley-Schmitt valid mailing address receive this issue.* We hope this outreach energizes members who we don’t hear from as much to rediscover Alpha Phi. In this issue, we’re introducing a new Distinguished Sister Series to recognize alumnae and collegians who have achieved significant success in their careers, on campus and/or in their communities. You will also find interesting and helpful information from our alumnae department. All of this is a reminder that Alpha Phi remains a relevant part of our experience beyond college. Our alumnae continue to benefit from the life lessons learned as collegiate members. Our alumnae continue to bring honor to our sisterhood in so many different ways. I continue to draw so much inspiration from our alumnae who support Alpha Phi in whatever way they can. So many choose to give back through volunteer or financial support. Many others choose to pay it forward as mentors and friends to other sisters. As long as memory remains to us, may we remember Alpha Phi!

Alpha Phi Quarterly Editorial Policy The purpose of the Alpha Phi Quarterly and its content is to provide information and services to the membership of the Alpha Phi Fraternity, in keeping with the Fraternity's status as a 501(c)(7) tax-exempt private membership club. The magazine is devoted to highlighting its members and matters of fraternal and college interest. The views expressed in the articles published in the Quarterly are those of the authors and their contributors, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Alpha Phi Fraternity, its officers or staff. All persons interested in submitting materials for publication in the Alpha Phi Quarterly are encouraged to send them to the editor at the Executive Office. The editor reserves the right to accept, deny or edit any materials submitted. Unless otherwise requested, all photos sent to the magazine will become the property of Alpha Phi International and will not be returned. Articles may be sent by mail or e-mail. Please send your information to the editor by the deadlines indicated. Materials received after these deadlines will be considered for the following issue. Please direct submission questions or inquiries regarding advertising or reprint permission to the editor at 847.316.8920, or quarterly@alphaphi.org. The Alpha Phi Quarterly is published winter, spring, summer and fall. Subscription price for non-members is $25 per year. Contact the Quarterly for information about pricing of individual issues. Send change of address or announcements to Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Periodical rate postage paid at Evanston, IL, and at additional mailing offices. (ISSN: USPS 014680) Postmaster: Please send address changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Printed in the USA.

Heart to heart,

Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT) International President *Editor’s Note: All Alpha Phis with updated mailing addresses receive the fall issue of the magazine each year. In order to receive all four issues, a member must fit under one of the following categories: collegians; alumnae who have paid International dues in the current or previous fiscal year; or those who made a minimum donation of $50 to the Alpha Phi Foundation in the current or previous fiscal year. All four issues are available online at www.alphaphi.org.

Correction The Summer 2009 Quarterly feature, “Hit the Road with Alpha Phi,” incorrectly listed the location of Founder Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults’ gravesite. It is located in Lake View Cemetery, Cleveland, Ohio, rather than Bay Village, Ohio. Also, Annie May Swift’s (BetaMember Fraternity Communications Association

Northwestern) last name was misspelled. The Quarterly regrets these errors.

Contents 2

Distinguished Sister Series Meet the Sister Behind the Top Women’s Networks


Contest: Name Alpha Phi’s New Nail Color


Alumnae Pride



What Is An Alumnae Panhellenic?


Celebrating Member Anniversaries




Message from the COL


2009 Emerging Leaders Institute Scrapbook

The 2008 U.S. federal, state and local elections are just around the corner. The goal of this article is not to tell you about the candidates, nor for whom to vote; we simply hope to remind you that as women, we have the right to make our voices heard – a right our Founders did not have when they were in college or for most of their lives. Since deadlines to register to vote begin as early as Oct. 4, Alpha Phi has been encouraging sisters to register since June, at Convention and on our Web site. For specific registration deadlines in your state, to learn how to register and vote, to research candidates and find other voting resources, visit www.alphaphi.org. Next step: vote! If you are a U.S. citizen and 18 years of age or older, it is your right to vote. (See page 7.)


It hasn’t always been this When our Founders established Alpha Phi in 1872, the world was much different. Men dominated America's culture and power structure. Society viewed women only as daughters, wives and mothers.


Alpha Phi Implements New Measures to Protect Members


Declaration of Independence signed. Right to vote restricted to property owners – most of whom are white male Protestants over the age of 21.


U.S. Constitution signed. Right to vote decision was up to the states, which restricted voting to white males based on religious, property and taxpaying qualifications.

★ U.S. VOTING RIGHTS TIMELINE ★ Information provided by the U.S. Department of State and League of Women Voters PA G E F O U R

Women were beginning to have more educational opportunities than ever before. However, the majority of colleges and universities were for men only (59 percent), and coeducation was a new endeavor that often met with resistance. In 1870, only 0.7 percent of the female population went to college. When our 10 Founders attended Syracuse University, they represented half of the school’s female student population. The 1870 U.S. Census reported that females made up 15 percent of the total U.S. workforce, but the majority worked in occupations considered more “gentle” such as teaching, dressmaking, millinery and tailoring. Women were not allowed equal opportunities in education or the workplace. If married, they could not divorce an abusive husband or gain custody of their children. Women were not allowed to vote or hold public office. Women were struggling to secure these basic rights during this time, and their fight often met much resistance.



Women gain the right to vote. The 19th Amendment declares that the right to vote cannot be denied “on account of sex.”


Historical perspective of women’s right to The U.S. women’s suffrage movement, or the right of women to vote, evolved from the first organized women’s rights convention, held in 1848 in Seneca Falls, N.Y. More than 300 women and men discussed the subjugation of women in the U.S. and the rights they were entitled to as American citizens. The 68 female and 32 male delegates signed a Declaration of Sentiments, patterned after the U.S. Declaration of Independence, that stated “all men and women are created equal.” More conventions followed, organized by the prominent women leaders of the time. The National Woman Suffrage Association and American Woman Suffrage Association were formed in 1869, merging in 1890 to become the National American Woman Suffrage Association. It was the most well-known pro-suffrage organization of the time. Its members lobbied for women’s right to vote on a state-by-state basis in an effort to influence the federal government. In 1869, Wyoming became the first state to allow women to vote


The Indian Citizenship Act grants Native Americans U.S. citizenship, and thus the right to vote. However, the right to vote is still governed by state law, and Native Americans are not allowed to vote in Arizona and New Mexico until 1948.

Following the Civil War and the end of slavery, the 15th Amendment states the right to vote cannot be denied “on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude”; although African American men won the right to vote, some states implemented property requirements, poll taxes or literacy tests that prevented them from doing so. This persisted into the 1960s. ALPHA PHI



FALL 2008


in state and local elections. By 1912, nine states had granted women voting rights in state and local elections. Suffragists used visible tactics to make their voices heard, including writing newspaper editorials and creating their own publications, participating in suffrage parades, signing petitions and demonstrating. Susan B. Anthony, a prominent civil rights, women’s rights and women’s suffrage leader of the time who encouraged women to register and vote in 1872, was arrested with other women who attempted to vote in that year’s presidential election. The “Anthony Amendment,” which would allow women to vote in federal elections, was introduced to U.S. Congress in 1878, and the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate voted on the amendment in 1887, 1918 and 1919 to no avail. The women’s suffrage movement received national attention by the 1900s as suffragists employed more high-profile and radical measures: storming state legislatures, protests, arrests and hunger strikes.

The Voting Rights Act bans literacy tests as a voting requirement and bars all racist voting practices in all states.

The 24th Amendment declares that the states cannot require citizens to pay a poll tax in order to vote in federal elections.



Additions to the Voting Rights Act require translations of all election materials to be made available for non-English speaking citizens.

In response to the Vietnam War and the outcry, “Old enough to fight, old enough to vote,” the 26th Amendment lowers the voting age from 21 to 18.

FOR OUR CANADIAN SISTERS: We found this great site about Canada and the right to vote:www.civilization.ca/hist/elections/el_000_e.html

QUARTERLY WINS INDUSTRY AWARD For a sixth year in a row, the Alpha Phi Quarterly is a winner in the APEX Awards for Publication Excellence competition! The magazine received an Award of Excellence for the Fall 2008 Quarterly that featured "Women and Voting." For more information, visit www.apexawards.com.


On Campus


2009 Potential Member Form


Celebrating One Year of Alpha Phi’s New Look




Silent Chapter


Alpha Phi International Directory


Bulletin Board / Classifieds

Interactive Corner Visit one of our social media connections listed below, or visit www.alphaphi.org/news to link directly to each. Online Community www.alphaphi.org/onlinecommunity Facebook www.alphaphi.org/about_us/facebook.html LinkedIn www.linkedin.com Keywords: Alpha Phi International Fraternity Twitter http://twitter.com/AlphaPhiIntl

Have you moved?

Quarterly Deadlines

Attention Parents

Send your new address to:

Winter 2010 . . . . . Oct. 15, 2009 Spring 2010 . . . . . Jan. 15, 2010 Summer 2010 . . . April 15, 2010 Fall 2010 . . . . . . . July 15, 2010

Your daughter’s magazine is mailed to your home (her permanent address) while she is in college. If your daughter is an alumna and no longer at this address, please contact the Executive Office to update her address.

Alpha Phi Quarterly 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 Or update your address online at www.alphaphi.org.

RSS Feed http://alphaphi.org/news/rss.html On the Go Podcast www.alphaphi.org/podcast Fraternity Blog http://alphaphi.blogspot.com Travel Blog http://aphitravel.blogspot.com

FALL 2009



This article is the first in a series to recognize alumnae and collegians who are distinguished in their careers, on campus and/or in their communities. Look for additional Distinguished Sister Series profiles in upcoming issues of the magazine. If you know a distinguished alumna or collegian who you think should be featured, send her name, affiliation and contact information to quarterly@alphaphi.org.

Leads Top Women’s Networks

"Part of being in entertainment is living life like your audience and experiencing different things." PA G E T W O

As you look through the television lineup any given week, you're likely to run across a program that Andrea Wong (Zeta Phi-MIT) has had a hand in creating. As chief executive officer and president of Lifetime Entertainment Services, Inc., Andrea has been instrumental in the success of "Army Wives," the launch of new drama "Drop Dead Diva," and in a rare move - bringing "Project Runway" to Lifetime from another network. Andrea came to Lifetime in April 2007 from ABC where she was executive vice president of alternative programming, specials and late night. In her tenure at ABC, she oversaw the development of "The Bachelor" as well as the U.S. versions of "Dancing With the Stars" and "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition." Andrea first came to ABC in 1993 as a researcher for "ABC News PrimeTime Live." Within a year, she became an executive assistant at the network. In 1997, Andrea was named vice president and executive assistant to the president of ABC. The following year, she was promoted to vice president, alternative series and specials.

Why did you join Alpha Phi? I joined because it offered the opportunity to meet women and make friends at a university that was only 25-30 percent female.

What was the best lesson you learned as a collegian? The ability to remain undaunted and attack each problem with discipline and lack of fear is an important skill I had gained at MIT. I always tell people there are no harder problems than the ones we were challenged to solve at MIT. I have never worked harder in my life. I truly developed the belief that I could solve any problem. I face difficult business problems every day. It is always about breaking down a problem and attacking one part at a time. ALPHA PHI


What are some of your favorite Alpha Phi memories? I loved playing hockey for Alpha Phi. My other favorite memories include all the formals and social activities.

You graduated in 1988 with a degree in electrical engineering and received an MBA from Stanford University. What was your career path?

"Have the courage to do what you're passionate about."

During my junior year, I got a summer job doing options trading at O’Connor Associates. This was the first time I realized someone would hire me to do things other than engineering, which was quite liberating. I realized I didn't have to be an electrical engineer. People valued my skills outside of that. So after graduation, I went into investment banking in New York at CS First Boston, followed by strategic planning at PepsiCo and then business school. After exploring and talking to people, I figured out what I was passionate about, which included television and news. I started after business school at ABC News as a production assistant and worked my way up.

What is your advice for sisters interested in your field? Have the courage to do what you're passionate about. You have the tools to be successful. Don’t be afraid of starting over again.

When did you know you wanted to be part of the entertainment industry? At Stanford Business School, I had two years to learn and to figure out my career path. I asked myself: “What do I like doing every day?” Three things came to mind: travel, entertainment and restaurants. So I wrote letters to alumnae, and I explored and read about various industries. I asked myself,“What might somebody with my skills be able to do?” I got a summer job at NBC. It was on the business side, which was a role I didn’t enjoy as much as I thought I would. Fortunately, I met someone in the news division: the executive producer of “The Today Show.” I asked if I could sit in the control room of the show and I was blown away, loved it and spent the next four weeks there.

what's going on across the country, not just Los Angeles or New York. I spend a lot of time with my family. I have two sisters, two brothers and eleven nieces and nephews.

How did you come up with the ideas for “The Bachelor” and “Dancing With The Stars?”

Someone pitched me this idea: “There’s one guy and 25 women. They go on dates each week, and at the end of each week, he gives out roses to all but one woman. Eventually one person will get asked to marry him.” I helped him develop the idea further. I asked myself what are the important things in a relationship and then I put it in the show. There is the point in time when you meet their friends, meet their parents, go to their home. Then, you organically throw all these elements into the show ... I can talk about this forever. “Dancing with the Stars” was bought from the UK. I just loved it! It was my biggest risk. Nobody believed it would work.

What are your goals as CEO of Lifetime? Build Lifetime, build its profitability and grow the company. When I got here, there was a tremendous amount that needed to be fixed. During the first year, it was important to put the right team in place. We also brought “Project Runway” to Lifetime from another network, which is unheard of, and would not have been possible without a relationship with Harvey Weinstein.

How excited were you for “Project Runway” to come to Lifetime this summer? I am extremely excited about it! This is one prong out of a three-pronged programming strategy. In addition, we are focusing on a huge drama called “Army Wives” as well as making about 40 movies, which is a huge initiative for us.

In 2008, Alpha Phi International named Andrea as this biennium's recipient of the Frances E. Willard (FEW) award, the organization's highest honor. The FEW is awarded to alumnae who have achieved outstanding success in their chosen fields and who have gained recognition on a

What obstacles have you encountered in your career, and how did you overcome them? The biggest one was because I am an engineer and have an MBA, people didn't think I was creative. They never doubted that I was smart. It was hard to move to the creative side of business. While for some people, one hit would have been enough; for me, I needed to develop three or four to prove to people that I was creative.

national or international level.

Led by Andrea Wong, Lifetime Networks received five 2009 Primetime Emmy Award nominations. Winners were not available at print time.

Adapted from an interview conducted by Wendy Wen (Zeta Phi-MIT) that was printed in the Fall 2008 Zeta Phi Alumnae Newsletter.

How do you balance work and life? You can't be good at your job if you work 24 hours a day. Part of being in entertainment is living life like your audience and experiencing different things. It is important to be in touch with FALL 2009


Elegant Bordeaux nail polish with a light silver sheen Created for Alpha Phi by Michelle Olson (Beta Pi-USC), founder and president of ’Tini Beauty and its Nailtini and Liptini divisions The rest is up to you …

Visit www.alphaphi.org/bepolished and name Alpha Phi’s new signature nail polish.

The winning name will be used on the bottle label and the carton label and will be available for purchase at www.nailtini.com. Winner will receive a bottle of the Alpha Phi nail polish! PA G E F O U R



FALL 2009


A lumnae Pride For the first time, Facebook group information is included under contact information. To find a Facebook group, search the name as listed on Facebook.com.

Bernardino) at iwonam2000@yahoo.com.

Silicon Valley Contact:

Inland Empire Contact:

Deanna Del Grande (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara)

Virginia Torricelli Clarke (Eta Beta-CSU/


San Bernardino) ieaphialum@verizon.net www.ieaphialum.com

www.siliconvalleyphis.org Facebook: Silicon Valley Phis – Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter

ARIZONA San Diego Phoenix

The chapter hosted their annual Phi Tea during the

Alumnae enjoyed seeing everyone at their Founders’

summer. Members in attendance ranged from new

Day celebration. They look forward to volunteering at

graduates to those celebrating their 60th anniversaries

St. Vincent de Paul in November, a cookie exchange

this year.

Denver Alumnae teamed with collegiate members of Colorado School of Mines (Iota Zeta), Northern

and making care bags for Arizona State (Gamma Pi)

San Diego Contact:

collegians. They also look forward to partnering with

Katie Silva (Gamma Alpha-San Diego State)

the Gamma Pi chapter for some events. Check


your mailbox for the fall newsletter.


Phoenix Contact:


Facebook: San Diego Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter

Dana Gragnano Wayne (Gamma Pi-Arizona State)

Colorado (Delta Gamma) and Colorado (Beta Gamma) to host the well-attended Paint Denver Red event in February that benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. The chapter enjoyed a movie outing and stuffed goodie bags for collegians to enjoy during finals.


Silicon Valley

The year wound down in May with a progressive


The chapter supported local collegiate chapters

dinner. Alumnae look forward to another exciting

Facebook: Phoenix Alpha Phi Alumnae

with a gift basket raffle and volunteered at the

year of fun-filled events in 2009-10.

CALIFORNIA Inland Empire The chapter’s first Founders’ Day event will be held on Nov. 7 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. It will include a

annual Athena luncheon. Summer fun included an

Denver Contact:

evening for Phis and families at a San Jose Giants

Nancy Scoggin Kuhn (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech)

baseball game. They plan an active fall season,


including a Founders’ Day luncheon on Oct. 18.


The ivy circle enjoyed summer with a beach day in July and a spa night in August.

ceremony and lunch, and vendors will be on hand selling Alpha Phi items. For more information, contact Iwona Luczkiewicz Contreras (Eta Beta-CSU/San




Quebec alumnae enjoy their annual meeting.

San Diego alumnae don fabulous hats as they enjoy their annual Phi Tea.

Butler (Epsilon) alumnae celebrate the wedding of a sister.







Daytona Beach

Chicago Western Villages

Local alumnae meet four times per year, including for

Members will enjoy a fall and winter calendar that

an annual Founders’ Day celebration. On Nov. 14 they

includes a how-to on glamming up a holiday wardrobe

will gather with the Daytona Panhellenic group for a

and a hands-on cooking demonstration of special

meeting at Oceanside Country Club. All Alpha Phis are

recipes for holiday entertaining. Other upcoming events

invited to join this friendly core group. Contact Linda

include creating special cards for charity, swapping

Lampman (Pi-North Dakota) for details.

books and taking a trip to Chicago's Garfield Park Conservatory.

Daytona Beach Contact:

Linda Lampman (Pi-North Dakota)

Chicago Western Villages Contact:


Melissa Ferguson Wittenborn (Omicron-Missouri)

Southeast Florida / Greater Fort Lauderdale Alumnae and Barry (Theta Omega) collegians gathered




in April to install alumnae chapter officers and build 21

Lake County

teddy bears for Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital

Alumnae hosted a senior tea for Lake Forest (Gamma

(Hollywood, Fla.). The next joint project for alumnae will

Epsilon) graduating seniors. Members met at a

be to paint murals illustrating the Alpha Phi ideals in

Williams-Sonoma kitchen store to learn about grilling

the new Barry chapter house.

techniques and recipes and enjoy samples. They

Southeast Florida Contact:

request the help of new members for their fall

Susie Ferrara Turmes (Beta Tau-Indiana)

fundraiser. Contact the chapter for details.


Detroit East Suburban, Mich., President Geneva Halliday (Theta-Michigan) hosts a picnic in honor of past Foundation Chair Martha Watkins Mast (Beta Nu-Duke), who was visiting from her home in Guatemala.

Laura Lynn Davidson (Beta Delta-UCLA) is the recipient of the Los Angeles Alumnae Panhellenic Women of the Year Award. It was presented during the annual LAAPA luncheon. Laura, a member of the Los Angeles, Calif., alumnae chapter, is pictured with UCLA (Beta Delta) collegians and Panhellenic Advisor Troy R. Bartels.

Lake County Contact:

Nancy Weaver Roach (Delta Epsilon-Iowa)

Tampa Bay


The chapter presented Caryl Frauenhoff Rohol (Gamma-DePauw) with a Woman of the Year award for outstanding service of time, effort and talent. Spring activities included bowling, a potluck luncheon and floral demonstration, and seafood by the seaside at Colannade Restaurant. Tampa Bay Contact:

Sandy Willis Donelan (Delta Zeta-Maryland) donelas@aol.com



Indianapolis Alumnae have planned their fall events and look forward to reuniting with alumnae and recent graduates. Dinners, cookie exchanges, bowling and other activities are all scheduled. Indianapolis Contact:

Shelli Smith Anderson (Delta Eta-Adrian) fancyphi@aol.com www.indyalphaphi.org (continued on next page)

Southeast Florida / Greater Fort Lauderdale alumnae and Barry (Theta Omega) collegians participate in an American Heart Association Heart Walk.




Barbara Decker is installed as president of the Greater Kansas City Alumnae Panhellenic.

Las Vegas sisters get pampered at their Pampered Phi-t event.

Nevada alumnae toast to spring at a wine tasting event.

FALL 2009


Alumnae Pride (continued from previous page)

Las Vegas Contact:



Greater Kansas City



Alumnae toasted a great year with a wine tasting

The chapter invites sisters to join them for the annual


hosted by Kelli Wilson Daly (Nu-Nebraska). Outgoing

Founders’ Day brunch on Oct. 18. Members also are

president Terri Powell Seyl (Omicron-Missouri) was

looking for sisters to fill open executive board positions.

Northern Nevada

honored for eight years of service. Alumnae enjoyed a

Contact them for more information.

Alumnae enjoyed wine tasting events, a card-making

Audra Hernandez Geving (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City)

Thin Salads, Fat Desserts party and Bunko at Janelle

Boston Contact:

party, a social mixer and a chapter fundraising event.

Fornshell Burge’s (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) home.

Sarah Knight (Delta Nu-Maine)

Those looking to reconnect with Alpha Phi and make

Several members attended the Greater Kansas City


new friends are invited to join the chapter.

Alumnae Panhellenic brunch at which Barbara Cukjati


Northern Nevada Contact:

Decker (Gamma Delta-Kansas) was recognized as the

Facebook: Boston Alpha Phi Alumnae

Fabienne Henry Hansen (Beta Psi-San Jose State) nevadaalphaphi@yahoo.com

incoming president. Greater Kansas City Contact:

Kelli Wilson Daly (Nu-Nebraska)






The chapter gathered at Jill Zerzan Shefte’s (Delta Xi-

Facebook: Greater Kansas City Alpha Phi

Nebraska/Kearney) home to learn how to decorate


glasses and serving utensils using beads and wire.

Alumnae enjoyed the annual State Day luncheon in

Sisters gathered at Haley Cronin Fahnholz's (Delta Xi-

April at the Tanoan Country Club. Sisters contribute

Nebraska/Kearney) home for a fun evening of Bunco.

homemade casseroles to the Albuquerque Ronald

Alumnae Chapter Wichita During the chapter’s annual teddy bear legacy tea, alumnae and collegians were invited to bring their sisters, daughters, granddaughters and nieces to give them a peak at Alpha Phi life. Everyone enjoyed teddy


Omaha Contact:

McDonald House.

Jenn Flemming Dannehl (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney)

Albuquerque Contact:


Judy Giudice Tull (Omega-Texas) judytull@gmail.com

bear-shaped sandwiches, and teddy bears were presented to drawing winners. The last chapter



meeting of the year was a welcoming ceremony for Wichita State (Gamma Xi) graduating seniors. Wichita Contact:

Marcia McKee Weddle (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) mcweddle@cox.net www.alphaphigammaxi.com

Las Vegas Sin City Phis participated in the Susan G. Komen Race

New York City Metro

for the Cure and raised more than $500. Their most

Sisters listened to an insightful lecture on estate

popular event of the year was Pampered Phi-t, held at

planning presented by Jessica Weinberg (Theta Pi-

Aloha Nails and Tropical Smoothie Cafe. Alumnae

Emory). In addition, members gathered for a night

enjoyed pedicures, a flip flop exchange and smoothies

of beauty with a manicure-pedicure event. Alumnae

in honor of the start of summer. Members are excited

also enjoyed margaritas and a movie in July.

about a new year of events and an improved newsletter.




Sisters relax and catch up during a manicure-pedicure event.

Advisors and house corporation board members celebrate.

Ashland area sisters tour a carousel factory.




New York City Metro Contact:



Melissa Friedman (Eta Theta-San Francisco State) melissaf@alumnae.alphaphi.org

Ashland Area


Alumnae gathered at the home of Renee Marshall

Facebook: NYC Metro Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Phi

Rogers (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) for a collegiate chapter goodie bag project. They toured Carousel Magic and saw


carousels being made and enjoyed a luncheon at Eatmor Bundt Co. Twisted Fig Tea Room in Mansfield.


Ashland Area Contact:

Alumnae enjoyed a Broadway night with dinner and a

Taryn Gallik Stover (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland)

show, “Legally Blonde: The Musical.” The Family Fun


Picnic was hosted by Amy Salvatore Reiss (Gamma Nu-

Facebook: Ashland Ohio Area Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter

Miami University), and Mona Baset (Eta Kappa-UC/Irvine)


organized a rock climbing event. Sisters will continue

Erin Johnson Shaw (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) attended

their Change of Heart campaign during all events and

Alumnae Chapter College in June. In July, the chapter

hope to top the amount raised last year.

held a planning dinner at P.F.Chang’s. They look forward

Charlotte Contact:

to a great year ahead beginning with the annual

Stephanie Miller (Theta Xi-Shippensburg)

Founders' Day luncheon. Those interested in getting


involved with the chapter should contact Erin Shaw.

http://charlottealphaphi.tripod.com Facebook: Charlotte Alpha Phi Alumni

Tampa Bay, Fla., alumnae chapter member Sandy Willis Donelon (Delta Zeta-Maryland) is the recipient of the 2009 Clearwater Alumnae Panhellenic Achievement Award for service benefiting Greek organizations and embodying the Panhellenic creed. Sandy is pictured with Pat Page Leslie (Beta Nu-Duke), the alumnae chapter’s representative on the Alumnae Panhellenic.


Cincinnati Contact:

Erin Shaw (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) eshaw5@cinci.rr.com


Cleveland East Side

Grand Forks

A year-end picnic was held at the home of Rea

Alumnae are celebrating many improvements made at

Dawson Wedekamm (West Virginia-Beta Iota). A

the North Dakota (Pi) chapter house that help make

summer luncheon was enjoyed at Gamekeepers

Alpha Phi a leader on campus. Fundraising for the past

in Chagrin Falls.

three years has raised more than $33,000. For

Cleveland East Side Contact:

information on how to participate in the chapter,

Carina Samuelson Mauck (Eta Gamma-Akron)

contact Kathy Lynch Ashe (Pi-North Dakota).


Grand Forks Contact:

Kathy Ashe (Pi-North Dakota) ashekathy@hotmail.com

Wichita, Kan., alumnae and Wichita State (Gamma Xi) collegians host an annual teddy bear legacy tea.


Columbus The chapter ended the year with the annual Alpha Phi-esta at a local Mexican restaurant. Alumnae and Ohio State (Rho) seniors learned about different wines and then bottled and labeled their own. (continued on next page)

Albuquerque, N.M., alumnae chapter member Barbara Poore Throckmorton (Beta Kappa-Denison), right, receives a 50-year pin from outgoing president Judy Zink Nay (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) during the State Day luncheon.




Dayton alumnae, family and friends participate in the annual Move Your Phi’t walk.

Alumnae attend the Tulsa Area Alumnae Panhellenic Women of the Year luncheon to honor Connie Doverspike, pictured third from left.

Miss Oklahoma Kelsey Cartwright, left, poses with Woman of the Year Tiffany Warford.

FALL 2009


Alumnae Pride (continued from previous page)

new alumnae chapters

Members helped the local Alumnae Panhellenic group raise money for the collegiate scholarship

Alpha Phi International is excited to announce alumnae chapters are forming in the following areas:

program during the Columbus Arts Festival. Columbus Contact:

Christine Novak Herrmann (Alpha Lambda-Alumna

Arkansas Little Rock


Canada Ottawa-Gatineau


Colorado Fort Collins


Georgia Savannah


Iowa Cedar Rapids

The annual Move Your Phi’t walk was held in downtown

Missouri Columbia

Dayton. Alumnae, family and friends attended and then enjoyed lunch together. Proceeds from the walk

North Carolina Asheville

benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation.

Oklahoma Edmond

Dayton Contact:

Oregon Eugene

Sarah Ward Anderson (Beta Omicron-Bowling

Pennsylvania Harrisburg

Green State) andersonsarahj@yahoo.com

South Carolina Charleston

daytonalphaphi.blogspot.com Facebook: Dayton Alpha Phi Alumni Chapter

Alpha Phi International is excited to announce alumnae chapters are revitalizing in the following areas:

OKLAHOMA California South Coast Orange County, San Diego, Inland Empire, Orange County Ivy Connection

Greater Tulsa Connie Hamernik Doverspike (Phi-Oklahoma) was

New Jersey Central New Jersey

honored at the annual Tulsa Area Alumnae Panhellenic

Pennsylvania Pittsburgh

Women of the Year luncheon in April. Connie was chosen for her dedicated volunteer service to Alpha

Please contact Paige Stallings (Gamma-DePauw) at pstallings@alphaphi.org if you are interested in getting involved with any of these chapters or starting a chapter in your area.

Phi, the Tulsa Area Alumnae Panhellenic and many nonprofits and schools. Connie served as the Tulsa alumnae chapter president in 1988-89 and 2002-07 and received the Michaelanean Award in 2004. She has been a delegate for the local Panhellenic since

MISSING ALUMNAE Do you have information about a missing alumna? Visit www.alphaphi.org/alumnae_info/alumnaeinfo.html to help us locate “lost” alumnae.

1975 and its president in 1999-2000. In addition, Connie has been honored as a volunteer of the year by the Junior League of Tulsa and by the Oklahoma Center




The ivy connection enjoys a happy hour event with current and prospective members.

Alumnae and their families enjoy an IronPigs baseball game.

Fort Worth alumnae enjoy a Bunco game night.




for Nonprofits. Visit the chapter’s Web site to stay

Lehigh Valley

updated and get involved.

The chapter hosted a family event at the IronPigs

Greater Tulsa Contact:

baseball game in May. They plan to make this an

SarahJane Mouttet (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian)

annual outing.


Lehigh Valley Contact:


Terri Powell (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach)

Oklahoma City In the spring, the chapter honored Tiffany Meuwissen

tpowell@ptd.net Facebook: Leigh Valley Alpha Phi Alumnae Group Far North Dallas, Texas, alumnae raise money for their scholarship fund during the Party Barge event.

Warford (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) as Alpha Phi Woman of the Year during the Oklahoma City Panhellenic Women of the Year recognition event. Miss Oklahoma Kelsey Cartwright (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) was a guest speaker at the event, attended by more than 400 women. Approximately $25,000 was raised for local scholarships and the promotion of the Greek community in Oklahoma. Oklahoma City Contact:

Beth Anderson Brown (Phi-Oklahoma) banders@flash.net Facebook: Oklahoma City Alpha Phi Alumnae Association


Far North Dallas and Surrounding Counties Alumnae gathered for a Cinco de Mayo Phi-Esta and Phi-amily Picnic and Chili Cook Off in May. They participated in a Susan G. Komen 5K, wrote more than 50 recommendations for high school women and were represented by Karla Hardy Allford (Gamma OmegaMidwestern State) at Alumnae Chapter College. The chapter hosted a Party Barge event on Lake Lewisville that raised more than $100 towards their 2009-10 collegiate scholarship. Far North Dallas Contact:

Ilana Rossel Steele (Delta Beta-Texas A&M/Commerce)

PENNSYLVANIA Central Pennsylvania


iasteele@aol.com www.fndaphis.org

The chapter formed in January 2009 and received

Fort Worth

its charter in March. Events included two chapter

Tammy Farris Gordon (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian) hosted

meetings, brunch, outlet shopping in Hershey and a

Bunco game night. Susan Stone (Zeta Nu-Texas

trip to the Hollywood Casino in Grantville. Membership is

Christian) and Tammy Schreiber (Epsilon Omega-Texas

growing, and group members hope to reconnect

A&M) represented the chapter at the annual Alpha Phi-

with other alumnae in the area. Contact the

McFerrin Gold Stethoscope Awards for nursing

chapter to learn more.

excellence at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth.

Central Pennsylvania Contact:

Fort Worth Contact:

Michele Lehman Carragan (Theta Xi-Shippensburg)

Lelynne Waltman-Knight (Zeta Nu-Texas Christian)





Cleveland East Side, Ohio, alumnae attend the 95th annual Cleveland Alumnae Panhellenic Association luncheon in May to honor Cleveland Alumnae Panhellenic President Rea Dawson Wedekamm (West Virginia-Beta Iota). Rea served as 2008-09 president, an opportunity that comes arounional member groups rotate leadership. Rea is the former president of Alpha Phi’s Cleveland East Side alumnae chapter.


British Columbia (Beta Theta) alumnae welcome new graduates. Sisters had a wonderful summer filled with vacations, beach days and brunch get-togethers. They enjoyed helping with the collegiate chapter’s fall recruitment and meeting new collegians.

Greater Philadelphia Ivy Connection

Southwest Dallas Area

Plans and new ideas for the upcoming year were

Sisters celebrated Cinco de Mayo with a fiesta and

discussed during the spring meeting. Alumnae

attended the Far North Dallas alumnae chapter’s Party

enjoyed an evening with good friends and conversation

Barge event on Lake Lewisville. They wrote


at a local restaurant in King of Prussia to toast another

recommendations for potential members during the

successful year and welcome potential ivy connection

spring. President Angela Farley (Epsilon Sigma-Dallas


Baptist) attended Alumnae Chapter College, where she

Diane Bryan Short (Nu-Nebraska) was installed as the treasurer of the Tidewater Area Alumnae Panhellenic Association (TAPA) during their spring fashion show and luncheon. As treasurer, Diane is in the rotation to become TAPA president in a few years. Diane is a long-time member of the Virginia Peninsula alumnae chapter and assisted the Christopher Newport (Theta Phi) collegiate chapter during their colonization period.

Greater Philadelphia Ivy Connection Contact:

was inspired with ideas for the coming year.

Valene Chance (Theta Theta- St. Joseph's)

Southwest Dallas Area Contact:


Angela Farley (Epsilon Sigma-Dallas Baptist)



Facebook: Greater Philadelphia Ivy Connection

FALL 2009


What Is an Alumnae Panhellenic? An Alumnae Panhellenic Association (APH) is a community-based organization, affiliated with National Panhellenic Conference (NPC), whose membership is composed of representative alumnae from NPC member groups.

The purpose of Alumnae Panhellenics is to: • • • •

Inform fraternity women of current trends Promote the fraternity system Improve the Panhellenic image Stimulate a continuing interest in Panhellenic affairs

APHs enhance the fraternity system through scholarship awards, annual educational and informational functions for prospective college freshmen, philanthropic projects, community participation and civic leadership. Last year, more than $435,000 was raised and granted in scholarships by APHs to more than 580 women. If located in a college community, an APH can give valuable support to a College Panhellenic.

Benefits of joining an Alumnae Panhellenic: • • • • •

Expand your network and meet new people Maintain a connection with Greek life Promote and foster the Greek experience Assist collegiate chapters with recruitment Increase recognition of Alpha Phi

How to join: At this time, there are more than 200 APHs in the U.S., Canada and the United Kingdom. Visit www.npcwomen.org for a directory of locations.

Representing Alpha Phi in the Greater Little Rock Panhellenic has allowed me the opportunity to introduce Alpha Phi to other NPC groups, giving a face and voice to our Fraternity. This Alumnae Panhellenic is representative of the ideals and leadership skills that are promoted through each sorority, and I am proud to be affiliated with this group.”

-Becky Del Rio (Delta Tau-Louisiana State)

Locations where an Alpha Phi representative is needed:

Alabama Montgomery • Huntsville Etowah County

District of Columbia Washington D.C.

Florida Lakeland • Pensacola

Kansas Lawrence

Indiana Hammond

Iowa Ames

Mississippi Hattiesburg • Jackson Pike County

Nevada Reno City

Ohio Toledo

Oklahoma Stillwater

South Carolina Columbia

Please contact Paige Stallings (Gamma-DePauw) at pstallings@alphaphi.org if you are interested in getting involved with an Alumnae Panhellenic.

Tennessee Memphis

Texas Beaumont

Utah Northern Utah PA G E T W E LV E



Alumnae Anniversaries Help us recognize the following women as they celebrate an anniversary of sisterhood.


In 1984 • • • •

The first Apple Macintosh was introduced. Sony and Philips introduced the first commercial CD players. The Soviet Union announced it would boycott the Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, Calif. Alpha Phi founded a new chapter at MIT (Zeta Phi), and Boston (Eta) was reinstated.

Year Sisters

Alpha Lambda-Alumnae Initiates

Becki Jones Adair Sylvia Camarillo Adams Jane Ayers Barnett Sheree Clark Barbara Nelson Clinch Kristy Coffman Carmel Libonati Dimond Linda Duckworth Draper Arlynn Massat Grimm Mary Harp Haning Teresa Lemon Harden Patience Hotton Bettye Mardis Kincheloe Martha Predmore MacAdam Mary Morrisey Phyllis Hollers Orr Janice Jones Pace Dorothy Foster Powell Esther Richart Jenny Freeburg Rosendahl Dorothy Lamb Ruffeno Jo Nye Rumsey Barbara Stanton Tarro Deanna Thomas Mary DeVoe Tuemler Alpha-Syracuse

Laura Marchisio Blumin Mary Vuocolo Cavaliere Lauren Day Jodi Giardina Margery Feibus Gleason Tracy McMahon Koudijs Maria Argiro Miller Holly Himmelfarb O'Brein Dawn Perry Donna Rothballer Beta-Northwestern

Shari Bruning Anderson Donna Patterman Blatchford Dorianne Feeley Brown Kristine Barton Fishman Yoon Kim Greene Marita Jao Deborah Kashul Kathleen McGrath Christine Smith Papa Karen Prince Kathleen Ruppel June Durkee Sigman Kristin Stehouwer Gamma-DePauw

Gay Lippincott Bennett Beth Gilnor Cumberland Debra Hale Eppen Melinda Henbest Feinberg Mary Fisher Susan Mann Furgeson Kimberly Robinson Geving Melissa Bates Green Denise Knight Julie Pickett Petr Heather Henry Reade Sarah Reiff Beth Cody Rieck Delta-Cornell

Kerrin Moriarty Antonsson Delphina Govia Bisha Lois Fischer Black Ellen Butler Carrie Ciganek

Karen Cone Coombe Lisa Gangarosa Amy Graziano Zoe Hale Jacquelyn Baron Hasson Mary Hohenhaus Francesmary Modugno Elizabeth Palermo Regina Ficchi Pangone Karen Rauch Jerilyn Cohen Schweitzer Marijke Smith Robin Turco Chrissy Walker Alison Weir Claire Wiseman Laura Witkowski Epsilon-Minnesota

Claire Nelson Bergstrom Elizabeth Berholcs Julia Burns Sarah Burgwald Cobian Michele Malone Dobin Mary Frisk Patricia Post Garten Gretchen Kregness Hoar Paula Hoisve Melinda Olson Jenson Elizabeth Lamon Jorgenson Andrea Lichten Karen Zeff Margolis Kimberly Poey Miller Diana Stockton Motlong Nancy Rost Christine Kalin Rowland Jaqueline Marschall Shroder Sandra Arthur Younger Eta-Boston

Denise Fontaine Baker Laurie Berlent Julie Wallace Brooks Jodi Buerger Mary Che Debra Bayer Cohen Jennifer Barreca Culpepper Sandra Deden Pamela Novak deVeer Gabrielle Garland Ingrid Bernstein Hershman Martha Levine Jepsky Anastasia Konstantopoulos Debbie Madden Suzanne Minatti Donna Orlandi Kathleen Reilley Karen DeMoine Smith Lynn Sutherland Corrine Boni Vendola Jeanine Viani Kristine Zalucki

Karen Sledz Miller Susan Gallagher O'Neill Susan Picking Lisa Kleinstiver Sheahan Kristin Adams Sullivan Faye Holtz Voorman Susan Wolf Iota-Wisconsin

Tracy Anetsberger Maria Banuchi Kathryn Rutigliano Begley Colleen Donohue Belknapp Sara Thorpe Cullen Amy Bachman Fagan Heidi Hiller Hanson Katy Kobussen Karcher Ann Peterson Lagorio Julie Petroff Lawrence Christine Ludwig Barbara Morgen Elizabeth Neuman Margaret Peterson Lisa Boecher Reiff Pamela Sergenian Ruppert Stacy Shunk Karen Sprecher Jodi Schneider VanBlarcom Brigid Ahern Vaughn Kappa-Stanford

Michael Arenas Kelly Short Becker Dana Ratliff Bowman Kera Staten Burdick Deanna Flores Monica Reimers Morris Barbara Nieto Susan Vaughan Portland Nancy Toy Lambda-UC/Berkeley


Mary Shield Barton Amy Price Beck Joslyn Ginn Bleick Christina Brown Ellyn Daskal Tamara Detloff Kalliope Baldwin Duncan Julie Olk Ehrlich Karen Emde Goulet Kristin Bradenburg Hecht Susan Hedblad Gretchen Jacoby Kimberly Vavro Kearns Stacy Twilley Kong

Jessica Bell Dagmar Beyerlein Elizabeth Busby Andylyne Canada Deborah Cook Toni Edelstein Marianne Emblad Catherine Flinn Anne Funsten Monica Gross Pamela Plamondon Hoffman Nina Henderson Jennings Gretchen Scheel Jimenez Hope Knepell Kelley McCormick Mary McKeegan Marie Melodia Sarah Morgan Lydiette Pesquera Elena Pidgeon Lisa Klotchman Rauch Patricia Roemer Kimberly Shamp Sandra Farness Slater Susan Young Sutherland Kelly Brennan Weinberg Nu-Nebraska

Ann McWilliams Ellis Kathleen Burkhard Flynn Jill Hegstrom Shelley Hendriksen Homa Debra Mart Maringer

Janet Nabity Ann Perkins Margery Morgan Pfankuch Karen Lawson Rarden Susan Domling Reichenberger Jane Jeffries Richardson Michele Moravec Sehnert Maria Trysla Katherine Johnson Wilcox Lori Doane Willis Xi-Toronto

Melanie Aitken Helen Campin Nadia Karpoff Chapin Katherine Hall Sylvia Tierney Jacqueline White Susan Woodward Janice Yundt Omicron-Missouri

Jillian Andrew Joan Pierzynski Baer Sally Howe Bayless Kathleen Grady Beeler Laura Erickson Boyd Helen Juniewicz Brungard Heidi Rentsch Burns Nancy Hepp Butler Gina Cigno Davi Boner Claxton Maria Dill Carey Reuling Doetzel Alice Donaldson Theresa Frangel Shari Hoffman Frank Angela Frisella Marcia Gafke Maria Galey Cheryl Schroer Goldberg Tobie Grover Suzanne Hart Martha Neville Hereford Beth Hrdlicka Pamela Kenney Alicia Peabody Kessler Christina Laidlaw Kimmel Cynthia Saifer King Melissa Fenner Kirkpatrick Jennifer Russell Klein Wendy Kanes Lindsay Ritchey Lowe Laurie Hallemeyer McDonald Kimberly McDonough Pamela Loman Meister Joi Morris Catherine O'Haire Munson Kaye Newport Mia Bacon O'Neill Terri Otto Parker Susan Diamond Pendleton Terri Turner Plassmeyer Kristen Norton Powell Lori Stineburg Rae Melanie Reeder Virginia Robertson Tamara Bopp Robinson Denise Healy Ross Lori Falk Ruskin Cindy Wilson Scheier Michelle Eschmann Scheipeter

Cheryl Steinkamp Schnurbusch Sara Sandring Sandra Scherer Elizabeth Owens Schwab Barbara Shaffer Joan Reinhardt Smith Pamela Akers Spillman Gina McDonald Steinman Sharon Stubblefield Stepanek Tanya Philpot Stewart Karen Fijan Tatro Anne Joseph Walsh Kimberly Larsen Watson Jody Hardcastle Weis Allyson Chambers Werner Pi-North Dakota

Carla Hinnenkamp Allen Barbara Bina Kristi Kratochvil Christenson Renee Robideaux Fabian Laura Hicks Stephanie DeLisle Johnson Kristy Peterson Kelley Sandra Hvidsten Schultz Lorinda Leonhardt Semanko Robin Shapiro Kathleen Wahlin Slaga Deborah Vieregg Kelley Hamblet Switzer Kelly Weigel Kimberly Kysar Witthauer Rho-Ohio State

Ann Marchese Adams Susan Lewis Bourquin Chris Demos Julie Latchney Gassler Renee Schooley Grafton Maureen Mosure Grider Susan Swartz Hinton Kimberly Kroh Jane Schnackel Mayers Karen Bockhorst McHale Susan Weiss Mckinley Ellen Pritchett Moore Katie Coughlin Ray Jill Samaritoni Cheryl Borton Silcott Susan Stealey Tomaro Sigma-Washington

Stella Chow Kelli Gaasland Conrads Sheila Cameron Cooper Lisa Purcell Cunningham Christy Dotson Paige Tuttle Hunt Mira Hwang Meredith Ranzenbach Patra Robinson Rowena Saturay Paige Sloan Catherine Snover Elisabeth Ulrich Marianne Motteler Vincent Amy Woodruff Mary Zanatta


Colleen Chapman Kelly Mattson Halper Terri Holmes Lisa Hubler Shawn Janesky Shannon Gaither Johnson Patricia Peterson Karmen Diane Kurtti Joanne Miller Lilian Muff Kathi O'Neil Tracy Palmer Susan Schaubel Jayne Ulman Kimberly Wilson Whittaker Upsilon-Washburn

Teri Lisenby Butts Lisa Euler Heather Kocher Nancy Larson Cindy Noble Martha Payne Teresa Pruitt Barbara Pinegar Schnellbacher Robin Mulanax Thorstenson Vicki Koehler Wyatt Phi-Oklahoma

Cynthia Groner Bartkoski Pamela Nelson Bowie Donna Paulson Clark Debbie Danielson Corwin Sherri Gates Croak Amberly Fenley Rosemary Hakimipour Julie Kirby Halcomb Kimberly Tennant Hansen Shelley Brady Ivy Shella Brown Jensen Melissa Smith LaMar Leslie Glass Maxwell Duffy Daugherty Musgrove Robin Perini Elizabeth Sandstrom Peters Patty Lewis Phillips Laura Lee Walsingham Rice Jaynette Cookman Rittman Michelle Mitchell Robertson Deanne Dowdy Sanders Kristin Sandini Jeannine Freeman Shafer Cheryl Higbe Tallyn Chi-Montana

Lisa Amen Susan Butkay Laura Engler Cathleen Colberg Frazier Susan Tiefenbach Hughes Debra Kambo Jody Wilson Lafko Robyn Lamoreaux Shannon Swanz Lori Supola Tipp Darlene Cooper Westhoff Psi-South Dakota

Autumn Liedel Anderson Ann Begeman Tracy Blanchard

Debra Dolan Molly Heppner Heisler Veronica Voss Inverson Connie Himrich Keintz Kelly Steinhaus Koenig Lisa Mick Ladenburger Mary Hayes Liebfried Colleen Taplett Lunstra Lisa Bostic Miller Chari Monrad Porter Cindy Clark Pratt Diana Carr Reynen Susan Hansen Shade Kristine Thompson Elizabeth Foley Zorn

Beta Beta-Michigan State

Melaine Bales Heather Dalgleish Lisa Federhart Amy Barger Fullerton Jennifer Nikolas Hall Kay Spears Keller Laurie Mahon Stacey Patton Marsh Colleen McGovern Melissa Jones Neal Eileen Brunwasser Sherman Gretchen Southwell Jacqueline Teipel


Erin Ahearn Tara Carter Ambrose Melissa Arms Stacey Baker Melissa Ferrell Baker Judith Beauford Lynn McLean Bien Heather Linder Blackmar Kathie Brown Amy McClure Edwards Colleen Cates Gold Mallory Hay Lorrie Orton Heath Sandra Konop Legieza Laura Flores Macom Jill Maki Lisa Daniel Malesky Tyna Thompson Marshall Renae Manning Matthews Debra Kohnke McGalin Julianne Meharg Ginger Braswell Miller Heather Wilson Moore Adrienne DeForest Morano Patricia Mueller Napp Suzanne Owen Fairlie Robertson Amy Bither Sanderson Elizabeth Haralson Saroni Sandra Spaid Shomber Robinelle Kane Smithers Deborah Strube Julie Sueta Shawn Sullivan Kimberly Walsh Christine Mance Waugh Pamela Morille Wellen Alisa Monclure Williams Beta Alpha-Illinois

Michele Boehmer Kristin DePeder Cortes Yolanda DeWeger Esposito Meegan Niemczyk Filosa Linda Richardson Folts Elizabeth Spakowski Gomorczak Celina Udarbe Gronau Bess Birnbaum Kaufman Denise LaForte Sheila Doyle McDowell Leslie Oberlatz McGinnis Barbara Kolzow Norway Elizabeth Sokolowski Popovich Anne Reo Karen Rieger Kimberly Russell Susan Wohlfeil Small Kathi Woodward

Beta Delta-UCLA

Lindy Tate Angel Julie Stein Bolanos Tammra Shelly Borrall Kynthia Cloyvas Jan Rashoff Crane Naila Dada Elfarra Jane Schneider Ellis Susan Genard Stacia Salis Green Sandra Greenberg Alice Grillo Susan Dameron Grojean Joan Hazelwood Joyner Melissa Hammond Jennifer Harris Kendra Kling Venetia Creighton Knuedler Bridget Kosinski Kristen Jester Lee Lee Matzner Nancy McGreevy Laura Montgomery Molly Moriarty Andrea Olsen Lisa Busenhart Riordan Cheri Clew Ryan Hilke Granata Sanchez Elizabeth Sennett Lisa Friedman Smith Judith Sullivan Michelle Muir Swofford Lynda Vasquez Vazquez Beta Epsilon-Arizona

Marissa Amado Ballesteros Dawn DiPasquale Balzarano Lisa DeLuca Patricia Novascone Eells Jennifer Pancner Ennis Lisa Ivans Enright Laura Romolo Fingleton Lynn Frazin Julie Krauss Goldstein Jean Hansen Ikeda Jane Katz Katherine Carr Levine Kimberly Sweeting McArthur Kristin Smith McMahon Christine Williams Nibbelink Heidi Deines O'Grady Lisa Schlossberg Perlmutter Elizabeth Peterson Margaret Raihl Deanna Reed Cassandra Rice Traci Sallinger Stacy Mougey Seago Sarahjane Steinbeck Stacia Thompson

(continued on next page) FALL 2009

Chapters may not be listed because they did not exist at the time (e.g., chapters were closed or not yet established).


Alumnae Anniversaries (continued from previous page) Krista Winkelbrandt Renee Smith Zimmerman Zainer Harrie Zeitzer Beta Zeta-Idaho

Cherri Sabala Boles Kathleen Presta Bowerman Mikleane Goodman Chouinard Anna Eaton DeAnn Morgan Johnson Jennifer King Stephanie Esser Knudson Deena Brown Rauen Kimberly Henggeler Shansby Beta Eta-Manitoba

Colleen Baker Karen Beggs Sherri Cairns Patricia Ham Hamm Sandra Rudnicki Beta Iota-West Virginia

Cathlene Campbell Sang Chung Lisa Colagrossi Karin Schober Flinton Holly Hoshall Genell Jones Julie Stonecipher Kayser Debrethann Cagley Orsak Cynthia Patt Heidi Pride Darcy Infante Reckart Molly Banks Wilsbacher

Michelle Pfister Ferguson Tamara Gaukroger Hooper Monica Rollings Kirk Sherri Mikkelsen Betsy Payn Gina Sandri Tedeschi Valerie Thomson Beta Tau-Indiana

Catherine West Allen Diane Polihronis Bernstein Peggy Britton Beuoy Rebecca Peterson Boyle Lori Bridwell Karen Greene Cavagnini Beth Bush Dettmer Jennifer Dunfee Michelle Mager Gardner Anne Walley Hawley Deborah Deters Manning Julie Randolph Laura Rittmaster Cynthia Earls Stover Karen Foersterling Tardrew Jeanette Venderly Beta Upsilon-Oregon State

Kayann Kenny Askey Ann Cobb Elizabeth Fish Damon Jennifer Crabb Hoffstetter Karen Pranger Johnson Cheryl Crispe Kluempke Annette Rask Miller Tamara Rohlfing Prater Beta Psi-San Jose State

Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State

Becki Anderson Maureen O'Leary Atkins Leslie Brown Denise Comella Susan Edwards Wendy Ingram Ellis Lori Hummel Fick Diane Youssef Forrester Marci Goebel Galbraith Shelley Staley Grosjean Mary Hall Sally Bagge Huston Roberta Kopyar McAdam Lisa Brown Meany Mary Golla Newrones Jill Herschberger Nolan Carolyn Repcheck Valerie Sedivy Jackie Booth Somerson Priscilla Goyer Starahs Beta Pi-USC

Christina Arapostathis Jennifer Baum Ruth Graham Black Laura Bogdanovich Mary Lee Adelizzi Brendsel Angela Marchione Brown Andrea Ross Bryman Janet Withers Butler Robin Kelly Chandler Lisa Kirschner Elkin Jennifer Eredia Fedde Julie Flores Sylvia Gonzalez Cynthia Hamaguchi Janette Krause Bonnie Manhan Melinda Morrison Andrea Sarkisian O'Neil Kyra Roghair Hillary Singer Anne Bator Southwick Christine Stull Tracey Tatum Michelle Moya Ullman Lisa Gaede Verniero Arline White Janet Yamamoto Beta Rho-Washington State

Julie Chapralis Heidi Harper Regina Murphy Maurantonio Kristy Rogers Christine Beasley Vanderpool Janet Yano Beta Omega-Kent State

Tracey Benetto Katherine Calich Andrea Zuckett Capuano Carrie Daws Angela Didomenico Kimberly Selais Di Lalla Barbara Fleming Gizzo Deborah Grady Cathleen Chambers Graham Kimberly Partain Horvath Rosalynd Enyings Hoso Rebecca Kaufman Cynthia Krenz Kemsuzian Joan Serafini Kostiuk Renee Travis Laskey Kimberly Peterre Lesch Susan List Lila Hicks Lynch Holly Ritchie Karen McHenry Ruppe Melanie Lockwood Wakser Cathleen Zebrasky Gamma Alpha-San Diego State

Lisa Ahrens Elizabeth Campbell Albertson Mary Alteri Ellen Baker Linda Brady Leigh Alcantar Duenas Cythia Crisman Hernandez Sydell Cooper Hersh Lynn Jacobsen Nicole Cefalu Kier Erin Lavelle Laura Barnes Oscher Sindy Scott Owens Tracy Ribant Stacey Swain Russell Robyn Alexander Schram

Cassandra Martin Batt

10-Year Pin PA G E F O U RT E E N

Michelle Liddle Stojanovich Andrea Wurster Gamma Beta-UC/Santa Barbara

Gia Borelli Andrea Nielson Bouton Kathleen Brennan Sharon Christensen Elisabeth Leathers D'Angelo Victoria Deans Julie Diller Dana Ellsworth Tracy Andrews Ferrante Laura Ghormley Flood Laura Sagmeister Flynn Leslie Margetich Franchi Karen Hayashi Donna Mulfinger Hofius Robyn Zaiser Hubbard Tamar Klaif Sheri Nickerson Landgraf Susan Blomgren Mattheis Ellen McCurdy Patricia Nasey Leslie Van Orden Mary Kearsley Saab Janet Thomas Sanders Claudia Carter Sherry Cinda Tarr Stoddard Gamma Delta-Kansas

Elizabeth Morr Baxter Robin Bratton Bias Rochelle Collier Brown Shyla Case Melanie Bohanon Daniel Jill Dyck Kathy Hagen Kirsten Hammit Linda Goehner Harvey Annette Hunter Kathleen Kelly Diane Berger Kress Elizabeth Lukens Cecilia Mariani LeeAnne Mark Sarah Smith McGowan Alicia Lippert McMahon Michelle McDuff Reed Tiffany Platis Starbuck Luann Turner Deborah Franz Watson Gamma Zeta-Puget Sound

Dana Berger Megan Lunstrum Carter Kimberley Collins Jennifer Fisher Marcella Leckrone Kelly Ritz Michelle Honeysett Schilter Angela Dahl Sisney Nancy Coates Smith Linda Richter Unrue Camille Schwartz Vaska Kimberly Virant Naomi Yospe Gamma Eta-North Texas

Tamara Constantine Bennett Lizabeth Brundage Athena Dean Kaye Paula Orlandi Knight Lori Kramer Kruzich Sherry Rose Macurak Elizabeth Price McPherson Marci Clanton Meyer Susan Odum Janelle Bolton Rogers Kristina Reemtsma Simpson Laura Smythe Terri Taylor Thomson Joni Voyles

Dana Thompson Bowien Kathryn Garner Bragg Laura Bray Mindy Kennedy Brennan Carol Charette Ann Lawrence Chowning Mary Stuart Colvett Dawn Fraiser Cotter Kimberly Spadoni Criscuolo Karisa Blum Davis Louise Davis Dermody Mitzi Miller Douglass Charlene Rowland Echols Shannon Foster Kayla Sanders Fuller Colleen Garrison Harris Daren Murphey Hayes Carrie Skeen Heinrich Patricia Noack Herrington Angela Noblitt Hietbrink Dawndra White Higgins Kimberly Eschle Holt Mary Parnell Hughes Susan Shores Jackman Leslie Jackson Mary Jones Kern Lisa Kirby Kimberly McGinnis Laird Leslie Light Sharra Tinsley Lovelady Brenda MacDonald Charla Newton McDonald Angela Scioli McGuire Karen Murdoch McMillian Kimberly Wilcoxson Migliaccio Valerie Nail Miller Anne Mullen Denise Hinrichs Nauman Charlotte Wedding Pryor Stacy Rouser Sharon Robards Sheppard Julie Fulton Speckels Renee Rundle Stoneham Julie Reid Tally Holly Warnick Kathryn Dunson Wicker Adella Gailey Williams Roxie Wolf Saundra Stephens Woodmanse Gamma KappaCSU/Long Beach

Kristine Arnold Gretchen Biswell Eileen Borgogna Burkholder Rosanne Weston Cardozo Kathleen Arnold Clancy Laurie Crutcher Joy Herndon Cohan Susan Hassett Curran Lisa Davis Karen Bernhard Day Kari Hoffman Garcia Astrid Gotuzzo Leslie Stead Harrison Ann Fisher Johnston Erin Kleiter Kahlert Karen Ela Kostrencich Shirley Laredo Sheri Laughlin Theresa Supple Laughlin Eleni Marinos Lisa McCollom Karen McCracken McCraken Tina Ealy McKiernan Andrea Migas Keli Sage Panarisi Terri Powell Carol Huson Reid Heidi Lund Rettela Carrie Mitchell Seigenthaler Rosann Semonza Sharon Van Dorn Linda Chumchal Vujnov

Susan Marshall Bleser Carol Cropp Bonnie Weiss Frank Kelly Mothersole Gill Michele Lange Hughes Diane Struglinski Hughes Kathryn Galantowicz Juriga Melissa Koon Shelly Boring Loegemann Laura Addis Maletic Kelly Conard Smales Nancy Coleman Stranczek Bianca Hall Thomas Kelly Brennan Thorsen Dana Herrold Ward Lori Ferguson Watson Gamma Xi-Wichita State

Kristina Fortney Arteaga Karen Kater Black Jeanette Blide Sheila Pitzer Boutwell Crystal Schrag Burnett Gina Starkey Butler Sharon Salber Cerre Kimberly McLeland Chism Janna Trout Cusick Mary Morgan Durbin Sheri Coombes Grissom Lori Herrman Susan Hammock Hollon Gretchen Gragg Johnson Brenda Gile Laflin Patricia Maguire Vicki Cammarn McAtee Denise Milsap Tammy Owings Nolan Gail Dunn Poe Tiffanie Brookhouser Reich Lori Schmitt Cindy Sipes Shannan Staats Nancy Downing Tuuling Sandra Hastings Willetts Liane Shaffer Youngwirth Kara Haas Zonnefeld Gamma Omicron-Drake

Cathy Niebergall Bellis Corey Carlson Kristine Choconas Ann Bates Glassow Lisa Harris Teresa Lee Heinen Laura Kriv Dian Kusher Jill Rasof Nancy Spigelman Michelle Fournier Weber Sharon Yalowitz

Gamma Nu-Miami University

Amy Alexander Susan Hein Auzenbergs

Gamma UpsilonWisconsin/Milwaukee

Mary Kerkman Van Haute Kim Hege Watkins Gamma OmegaMidwestern State

Sandra Hayden Prowant Delta Alpha-East Carolina

Sallie Glaner Braden Nena Burchfield Jill Pugh Davies Tammy Groswick Goswick Lisa Gove Erin Malone Teresa Moore McGee Donna Pratt Pritchard Carol Wurst Rabian Cyndie Hamilton Zaleski Delta Beta-Texas A&M/Commerce

Glynda Holmes Brown Rebeka Smith Ecker Amy Floyd-Garrett Jennifer Hanlon Tina Lewis Ivey Joy Knubowitz Debbie Marable Mina Martin Brenda Rearden O'Neil Arlene Sequeira Ramirez Elsa Moreno Shaw Robin Talasek Watson Melissa Westmoreland Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado

Kim McAllister Adair Yvette Arceneaux Mary Hancock Block Wendy Willhite Buick Jennifer Wilson Dahman Aimee Green Fisher Kelly Foster Kara Tooley Holle Shawn Pippitt Hollis Nancy Donelan McCall Portia McKone Cheryl Robison Delta Delta-Oklahoma City

Karen Young Frier Mary Gordon Patricia Hagerman Kerri Spahn Jones Elizabeth Cason Lewis Holly O'Neill Debra Goss Sidman Denise Miller Soderholm

Dixie Reding Beadles Diane Graham Bell Jennifer Patton Dau Linda Birbilis Gillum Kerie Jones Michele Chissoe Lott Jo Moad Lisa Yeager Riggle Shelli McVey Wasson Kim Merritt Williams Virginia Weingand

Gamma Rho-Penn State

Delta Epsilon-Iowa

Gamma Pi-Arizona State

Karen Beyrent Brassel Elizabeth Presbuch Braun Maureen Doughty Jacqueline Selway Dowski Heather Duncan Michelle Ferrante Maria Fiordaliso Peterson Barbara Durbin Sanders Traci Steele Sargent Catherine Shutt Cynthia Steen Susan Bush Vanasse Linda Miller Wright

Gamma Iota-Texas Tech

Bridgitte Abbott Barkley Shauna Reed Barnard Sherri Bessire Ivy Billingsley

Nancy Gockel Bonnie Schoessow Gorlewski Christina Peterson Henjen Holly Maas Mercier Jaci Johnston Quigley Kristine Wensole

Gamma SigmaWisconsin/Stout

Trisha Aiken Karyn Heuer Davis

Kristen Engstrom Brayfield Roblyn Anderson Brigham Theresa Swain Brown Dolores Weng Cassano Mary Gillman Cross Janine Cunningham Mandy Cussworth Cusworth M. O'Connell Doak Erin Donahue Ann Dillenburg Dougherty Rebecca Glen Everett Michelle Feiden Liz Randell Feirstein Brenda Stirm Feller Amy Raspberry Fitzgerald Karen Kenney Gerontes

Michelle Frick Hermiston Meagan Fortune Jarecki Holly Macht Teresa Hustoft May Kelli McArdle Susan Rice Miller Ruth Gallagher Nelson Shelly Palmer Ann Hamann Payne Michelle Pivetti Deborah Curtis Porchivina Lia Kees Potratz Tracy Odle Rake Mary Giordano Satterfield Meg Kelleher Shearer Katherine Ross Simard Debbie Said Thomas Andrea Ullrich Joan Van Why Verieze Valerie Goodman Weaver Rosalyn Hellman Weis Jill Fisher Zook Delta Zeta-Maryland

Patricia Bender Sheila Brusgard Bishoff Kendra Kempf Brindge Nancy Parsons Bubanich Rebecca Chapman Robin Stelson Deegan Susan Olason Garner Lisa Zalkin Glenn Adele Meizlish Hamel Theresa Heifman Loretta Jitner Andrea Kasun Johnson Sandra Corvari Kelly Pauline Kenneke Shari King Ja Korolevich Danielle Menard Madeleine Krys Menashe Diana Norman Muscarella Jill Schlosberg Nappi Leslie Roesser OConnell Heather Cooper Ohara Ann Shaffer Petersen Andrea Schotz Jill Reynolds Seidman Tanya Shiskin Christine Stanford Caryl Teaney Shannon Watkins Tammy Weitzbuch Weintraub Natalie Small West Wendy Williamson Juliann Workman Delta Eta-Adrian

Pamela Brown Andrea Burleigh Geraldine Chmiel Amy Emerson Cote Leeanna Capen Deniston Angela Nawrocki Failla Anita Harding Carol Morisy Krakowski Lisabeth Evans Mackall Christine Painter Mayer Carolyn Yakubesan Wood Delta Theta-Western Michigan

Georgeanne Sandling Anderson Jane Granzoto Braun Carley Cagle Katie Callahan Bari Overway DeWitt Donna Izzi-Cook Kathryn Gaines Jeannine Rosendall Lanning Catharyn Cornelius Murphy Julie Apple Plotnik Susan Quello Lori Arabian Rosa Debra Rogers Shegich Delta KappaWisconsin/LaCrosse

Lisa Rozek Degnitz Kathryn Derauf Deann Jones Hegi Janet Johnson Diann Lanke Monika Luebke

Lisa Luxton Anne Wolf Michalski Kathy Fuhrmann Schifano Kimberlee Berthe Suppes Jodean Thronson Lynn Gresham Virata Delta Mu-Purdue

Cheryl Zahn Axelrod Laura Bassett Lynn Miller Belgen Beth Tholke Brandon Karmin Colenbrander Cynthia Rule Gutierrez Ashlyn Heide Karen Johnson Elizabeth Geller Kenney Anne Krieger Michelle Crowder Lathrop Heather Roehl Lethander Mary Ryan Ludt Jill Martin Jonna Wood Miller Linda Bauermeister Rekeweg Terri Bacca Roggenkamp Gail Winship Santora Darla Snell Schild Pam Warnock Smith Kathryn Read Thomas Jane Wurster Rose Doyle Yarling Delta Nu-Maine

Ellen Archibald Lisa Miles Bullard Eileen Crowley Tara Daniels Molly Ronco Katherine Russell Leslie Gelder Seay Delta XiNebraska/Kearney

Kimber Hall Booth Shannon Bickley Cannon Luann Castro Sharon Deter Andrea Ochsner Hehnke Stacy Anderson Jelkin Susan Svoboda McBride Stephanie Ward McFadden Deborah Minrup Karen Hayes Pionk Lynn Powers Kimberly Smidt Ridder Kimberly Schmidt Sherri Watson Stonacek Penny West Delta Pi-Indiana State

Cammie Sypult Baker Julie Bonness Bollman Debbie Beckman BonDurant Susan Devillez Karen Beauchamp Fettinger Brenda Gogel Kimberly Brentlinger Goy Robin Hackenbrach Shelia Wilder Houchins Gail Jessell Susan Mueller LaFrance Patty Nobbe Mauer Stacy Grace O'Leary Terri Killion Patterson Anne Kaub Rausch Lori Krawczenia Seberger Stacey Zubeck Sevald Linda Moss Stephens Delta Rho-Ball State

Lisa Huston Adams Jennifer Sims Adams Lynn Gilbride Ault Elizabeth Fulk Boulais Diana Mahan Burger Kelly Swing Carswell Lynda Johnson Chapman Anne Dezelan DeCocq Kimberly Miller DeSantis Jennifer Strome Diltz Jennifer Merritt Fairfield Lisa Burger Gillota Margo Shepler Graf-Dye

Congratulations to our 10-year members! You are now eligible for a special anniversary pin to celebrate this milestone. The 10-year pin features a bold Roman numeral X in brushed silver with a delicate ivy vine entwined around it. Think a sister is missing from this list? We may not have current contact information for her. E-mail alumnae@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8940.



25-Year Pin Deborah Gargis Gurtner Carolyn Frey Heymann Mary Briggs Kaiser Carol Adamson LaReau Karen Ohmart McAvoy Kelly Carr McCormick Lori Thomas Miller Tracey Boyles Muehring Debra Nobles Teresa O'Connor Linda Wolf Paddock Shannon Wilkerson Preda Lisa Janes Ripley Cara Elbert Roetken Julia Lomont Rouches Cynthia Saliek Leslie Towne Susan Shepler Tucker Marjorie Huseland Turrel Cindy Egan Ware Joyce Morrison White MelanieVillines Valerie Robinson Ziegler Delta UpsilonBaldwin-Wallace

Cheryl Wanko Adam Sarah Bower Catherine Cato Breskvar Tamie Calich Karen McCollum Campfield Betsy Clark Erin McDonnell Ebihara Barbara Horn Horsey Lorna Lontoc Kay Althouse Low Holly Eleck Michalke Leanne Trost Mooney Kim Nixon Janet Pierce Kelly Conaway Ricketts Sarah Tabern Schlegel Lorraine Marrie Schumacher Rita Monsour Scott Deanna Brobst Wilson Delta Chi-William Woods

Jennifer Aiken Tina Ehlert Bauer Lisa Brown Beckemeier Laura Boice Susan Kirchhoefer Feldt Judy Martin Finch Shelia Pollei Flucke Jennifer Daggs Furkin Leslie Hacker Kelley Henry Jennifer Allen Hindes Marsha Huntsman Hornbostel Megan Horseman Rebecca Hostetler Gisela Keltner Jenkins Lea Judy Anne Hoefert Kane Zsuzsa Fulop Larson Annette Mills Lowe Amy Markwardt Maureen Moffatt Kelly Moor Anne Hughes Mullins Janey Reed Leigh Robertson Melinda Sautter Lee Scott Stacy Oliver Shafer Debbie Shone Shelly Simpson Melinda Smith Stewart Sandra Susag Terry Tongate Ward Sarah McCoy Williams Delta Omega-Minnesota State/Moorhead

Ardyce Boren Ann Duffy Marya Glur Dawn Goetz Christine Kolstad Elizabeth Sawyer Larson Robin Mjoen Reitmeier JoEllen Evernham Shendy Epsilon Alpha-Ashland

Erin McGreal Austria

FALL 2009

The sterling silver 25-year pin in the shape of the Big Dipper is fashioned with one sapphire at each of the seven joints.

Marykay Sumser Baad Sherrie Beane Pati Driscoll Chittock Cathy Scibilia Durosko Linda Faieta Samantha Muskopf Galovski Shelli Tietjen Jenkins Annette Lipovec Joanne Sweetwater McCarthy Maureen Roche Miller Regina Bovenzi Opheim Lindsey Webb Saffle Sheila Caskins Sagerer Kathleen O'Neill Schwaner Jamie Romweber Tusick Epsilon Beta-Butler

Allison Erickson Ciota Lynda McKinney Coffing Sheryl Messaglia Dye Ginger Bott Hendrick Robin Little Kelley Kathryn Starnes Kiely Jody Sibbitt Petts Jami Egolf Rodriguez Janice Crouse Wilson Epsilon GammaSacramento State

Epsilon Delta-Northern Illinois

Marybeth Morris Boyd Lisa Kalamaras Byers Lisa Jablonski Delaney Cindi Verrier Dutton Christine Formentini Mary Hatcher Margaret Bashem Hudson Beth King Lori Krautwurst Susan Brescia Kukanza Betsy Kamp Luka Carol Majcher Patricia Fanning Martin Rochelle Michalek Karen Skie Rice Maribeth O'Hara Sharkey Deborah Tomaino Simpson Gail Smith Toni Warbyla Epsilon Eta-Old Dominion

Kathleen Houlihan Angulo Holly Asher Beverridge Maureen McCudden Capps April Butler Chaney Lisa Balcom Collins Laura Mathers Dewey Stephanie Lori Dillon Laura Donovan Pamela Haley Cynthia Hayden Jennifer Wassum Hemingway Jennifer Huntley McCarthy Stacy Anderson Reeves Maria Skyrm Deborah Webb Terri White Epsilon Theta-Northern Iowa

Meredith Haefele Oram Courtney Loper Otenasek Megan Reilly Janet Reilly Kim Lander Rollins Kristin Stone Elizabeth Bell Warren Aimee Johnson Westbrook Tamson Schwebel Zucker Epsilon Xi-Southern Illinois

Holly Heflin Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis

Epsilon Iota-Duquesne

Liz Acevedo Lisa Moretti Allison Marlene Persico Craze Hattie McLynden Curry Eilleen Lacey Maria Longo Mancabelli Lisa Mangello Brydie McDowell Amy McKeever Kirsten Monihan Angela Patete Monita Reimel Carmen Rivera Mary Burke Torbic Geri Willet Dianne Wydila Wrobel Epsilon Kappa-West Chester

Lisa Catalano Jackie Childers Lisa Fitch Shelbi Flahive Kelly Kliman Follett Geri George Suzie Rosmarin Smith Michelle Spensley Karen Bonner Wood

Emily Balfe Christy McGoldrick Bierma Mary Briggs

Holly Miller Charles Lisa Chiodo Julie Lubkeman Gustafson Lisa Bachman Heffelfinger Laurie Tagesen Jilek Julie McAreavy Kisner Karma Seuferer Nielsen Lori Bos Pfannenstiel Pauline Schoeller Scholler Debra Birkness Shapiro Teresa Spowart Mary Nichols Walker Mary Weiler

Helen Boomer Lisa Brodman Kathleen Brown Linda Evans Brown Lisa Diantonio JoAnn Dixon Debra Fernandez Joelle Guiles Jennifer Hauson Hanson Amanda Birchard Kimball Andrea Phillips Misner Gerri Orlean Cheryl Owings Valerie Moran Pentony Jami Richter Leslie Smith Francine Cantwell Stanley Lorie Myers Tavella Tracy Wilson Epsilon Mu-Lander

Emily Cash Sheryl Nichols Crook Suzanne Glasscock Lisa Morris Lynn Jenkins Young

Catherine Olmstead Anderson Katherine Kaspar Brown Catherine Capriola Constance Carlson Margaret Cairney Cooper Jayme Fattarelli Julie Bockserman Garcia Carol MacDonald Hofland Elizabeth Sutherland Hubert Stacey Leong Deborah Levine Amy Malkin Michele Wilson McManus Sonya Nichols Heather Boyer Pedersen Susan Maerklen Pierson Sandra Preto Kira Pyatt Mimi Sato-Re Cynthia Vidak Laurie Walker Kristen Johnson Zarlengo Epsilon UpsilonCSU/Northridge

Deanne Meena Abraham Wendy Ellen Corcos Laraine Cornwell Dara Gelbman Goldsmith Lorie Rosenberg Helman Kimberly Hodgert Karianne Roth Holguin Robin Kipnis Kaufman Barbara Krevitz Debra Krishel Jennifer Chapkis McLaughlin Cheryl Monteleone Mary McLoughlin Rodriquez Epsilon Chi-Cal Poly

Epsilon Nu-Delaware

Margaret McBryan Auslander Karen Manzo Auwaerter Sally Caywood Berg Holly Clague Bull Audrey Denner Burke Cindy Campbell Lesley Reid Corydon Dallas Crites Jennifer Crosby Jeanne Drinane Susan Poersch Fey Jennifer Sprouls Fletcher Mary Geanopulos Angela Geanopulos Beth Shaplin Gosciminski Tara Talmadge Harrington Sheila Hart Dorothy Zeiders Hoopes Jennifer Amos Jacuzzi Stacy Jenkins Elizabeth Kimball Barri Kluft Lisa Kobernick Leslie Ziemer Marci Teresa Marino Nancy Sibley McCrudden Meghan Molloy Deryn Morgan Marianne Isaac Morrison Kristin Murphy

Denise Stark Armstrong Susan Schultz Artime Suzanne Callender Karen Shallahammer Cowden Tyra Herr Anne Reynolds Jasper Heather Chapman Kramer Catherine Rathbone Leonard Brooke Lonney Looney Mary DeVoy Martin Karen Schott Porfiri Carrie Reeve Anne Green Slocum Julie Batterson Ward Molly Griffin Wilson Epsilon Psi-Lehigh

Lisa Eisenberg Katina Georgopulo Kristin Irish Elizabeth Kaveny Marcie Moskow Deena Pegler Karen Wayne Epsilon Omega-Texas A&M

Karen Bloch Bavender Karen Halbrook Bayne Marea Blanchard Kerry Brown Boran

Sheri Chapp Sara Pate Cranford Siobhan Davy Terri Rector Fann Doreen Schmelter Fisher Amy Gavigan Charelle Goulas Carolyn Greig Julie Haskins Leesa Hitt Lisa Johnson Jacobson Lori Key Susan Cohen Mandell Andrea Pendery Jana Houseman Tate Beverly Dolenz Walsh Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois

Valerie Aguirre Jill Baker Brynn Hamel Beauchamp Tisha Murphy Biederer Jennine Buishas Patricia Caveny Crowe Alice Ryno Eastman Suzanne Rodgers Farnsworth Shelly Stephens Freeman Lynnette Frigo Patricia Hendrickson Goetz Patricia Fix Greene Kelly Fitzgerald Hansen Katherine Sullivan Jablonowski Cherie Suessen Johnson Kristine Young Kucera Wendy Fetting Langley Kathryn Young Lavery Mary Lewis Holly Ashburn Lukasik Lisa Marth Diane Radmacher Martinez Marcia Brehm McIntyre Sharon Miller Karla Nalley Modelski Cherie Lankford Moorhead Megan O'Connor Sally Van Osten Peterson Dyana Korkosz Pisani Debra Bohannon Pohlmann Beth Reiske Heather Purcell Richter Carolyn Opolka Rothman Laura Rubidge MaryBeth Russo Cathleen Rutter Helen Simon Rebecca Siesennop Small Michelle Gates Thorton Libby Towle Miriam Russo Urban Nancy Weber Barbara Lane Willis Stephanie Wolfanger Natalie Callahan Worthington Zeta Beta-Loyola Marymount

Marta Avila Kristin Charlton Lynn Creagon Gina Galluzzo Kimberly Hoffman Lucette Landry Maryanne Mastandrea Rita Nigg Melanie Piech Lisa Rago Lisa Renzo Karen Sefton Safrit Suzanne Stearns Wallace Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara

Elizabeth Reynoso Bland Tanya Monsef Bunger Ingrid Lenhardt Estrada Heather Johnson Farrow Hilary Foy Michele Dolan Gunther Theresa Verlihy Herlihy Michelle Jordan

Anne Lewis Naragon Jennifer Duris Norton Melinda Rupp Puglise Terri Salsman Rodriquez Stacy Sack Caprice Simein Holly Owczarak Tiche Maryanne Panontin Toy Deidre Verzic Julie Fink White Zeta Delta-Iowa State

Nancy Heig Ball Kim Goodwin Banat Andrea Hall Blanchard Margaret Bergmann Cogswell Janna Figg Edrington Ann Hurley Kelly Burrell Multach Lynette Richmann Charlotte Yore Sasek Nancy Oostenbrug Varley Cynthia Whitney Zeta Epsilon-Indiana U. Southeast

Maria Johnson Jina Patterson Lawrence Teresa Johnson McKay Jill Campbell Rhoades Deanna Scheuler Schueler Zeta Zeta-Murray State

Karen Barnett Becher Christie Alford Curtis Lynn Kelley Cheryl Merimee Amy Sileven

Karen Bush Suzanne Vacik Curran Cheryl Scarbrough Darling Kelly O'Conner Glaessner Cindy Knapp Sandra Ball Lobato Julie Martinez Susan Masterson Teri Schafer Mary Entin Senechal Kelli Smith Pricilla Barnett Straughn Kimberly Shipley Teel Lisa Loibl Wall

Julia Appleton Shoshana Davids Dweck Caroline Fitzgerald Julie Goodman Nadine Sarajian Koobatain Bridget Means Lynn Engels Roth Sarah Webber Zeta Iota-Virginia

Kari Diehl Blanco Scott Robinson Carr Michele Brown Cunningham Allyson Nemec Dahlen Jennifer Sheldon Doucet Margaret Edwards Anne Allen Kennedy Elizabeth Bowers Pleasant Leslie Sorenson Stephanie Tuttle Mary Winn Ann Black Yadlowsky

Robin Ahlgren Sherri Bryant Robin Rehrig Daou Patricia Berg Duncan Kathryn Smith Hamilton Kimberly Lively Jameson Rebecca Noble Jones Vondel Zimmerman Kremeier Claire Noack Kroger Kelly Olney Livingston Victoria McKee Love Sallye Ingram Mohn Penelope Eckelbarger Petersen Kathleen Doherty Powers Jo Price Janet Riffe Valerie Senter Annette Klemow Smith Roberta Femali Susan Frick Foster Lisa Collis Herbold Carolene Kmiecik Kent Julie Johnsen Malone Lisa Healy McGee Virginia Dalbis Murray Kimberly Myrmel Pamela Prosek Lourdes Vizcaino Patricia Vogts Zeta Omicron-Johns Hopkins

Rebecca Bjornson Benesh Lisa Harris Eng Louise Ferretti Tracey Thomas Jacobson Catherine Speiser Kimbrough Ursula Kneissl Joyce Little Helen Lynch Wadda Rios-Font Aileen Taylor Beth Wallen Elaine Weidenhammer Cara Whitehead

Zeta Kappa-Texas State

Stephanie Bazik Leslie Davis Toni Talkington Hughes Paula Altgelt Neil Kelly O'Connor Deeann Perales Heather Piersol Amy Seward Roberts Rebecca Rogers Amy Reistle Sidaras Karen Skora Stewart Julie Court Talty Anne Wallace Lisa Denny Wright

Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve

Zeta Lambda-Southern New Hampshire

Zeta Rho-Bentley

Ramona Deeb Penny Adamsky DiBiasio Deborah Kavanagh Michele MacKenzie McCoole Suzanne Ramos Kathy Morin Simpson Zeta Mu-Colorado State

Lynn Boning Aksamit Tara Drake Bazata Anne Gitchell Bobkowski Cheryl Bork Robin Burge

Chapters may not be listed because they did not exist at the time (e.g., chapters were closed or not yet established).

Susan Calhoun Inger Ostergaard Manchester Kelly McDonnell Amy Roth McDuffie Janet Amarillo Moffett Sara Pike Karla Schnase Lisa Silverman Christie Fisher Tennies Hilary Waxman Suzanne Cosentino Woodington Zeta Tau-Illinois State

Zeta Nu-Texas Christian

Zeta Xi-Elmhurst Zeta Theta-Tufts

Zeta Sigma-Franklin & Marshall

Christine Beattie Cynthia Debevec Cavanaugh Kelley Troha Cerroni Jayne Fabian Christina Gitto Theresa Harpster Vicki Robbins Medley Michelle Devine Reese Mitzy Guiher Taggart Deirdre Tukel Linda Freeman Yarosh Sharon Aylward Paula Barysauskas Jodi Swindell Brekke Jayne Cary Letitia Clementi Caroline Perry Flaherty Mary Fredheim Beth Gorelick Linda Glasheen Grela Marynel Wahl Halatsis Lisa Howden Faith Lindenthal Hunt Cindy McCarthy Renee Dugas Romanowski

Angela Gallagher Ard Ann Cleary Michelle Foucre' Coleman Karen Clark Donohoo Lindia Gordon Friedman Elisa Greenberg Sharon Cwik Kelly Wendy Wolf Monroe Lisa Romano Palacios Gail Wasserman Deborah Weatherly Zeta UpsilonWashington University

Laura Kohlman Glass Felice Heller Zeta Phi-MIT

Viia Valge Archer Debra Bontempo Arenare Kathryn Geary Balles Vivienne Lee Bechtold Kimberlyann Chasteen Bowmer Diane Hess Brush Robin Barker Chambers Lillian Chiang Joyce Chung Erika Dorsey Felicia Duran Margaret Eda Carmen Fernandez Christine Novak Florio Pamela Gannon Lianne Cleland Gantt Beatriz Garcia Sarah Gavit Deborah Goldfarb Heather Irving Alysa-Ann Kodisch Miriam Lachman Michele Lee Sooji Lee Pauline Liu Ruth Nicastri Elizabeth Patterson Diane Peterson Mary Bayaliss Prettyman Jennifer Buchner Siegel Emillie Ing Slaughter Sara Sprung Julie Tiao Evelyn Vance Caroline Wang Kristin Dinsmore Whitney Zeta Chi-Columbia

Jody Abramowitz Rayna Alexander Kim Bennett Lisa Di Certo Maria Effimiades Torri Jones Ethelyn Katz Akiko Kimura Tamar Koschitzky Robin Michnick Cassandra Morabito Liehar Moy Pearl Peller Renee Reznik Dale Rimland Judy Acs Seidman Le-wei Sun Ellen Winer Jocelyn Yap

(continued on next page)


Alumnae Anniversaries


In 1959 • • • •

Alaska and Hawaii were admitted into the United States as the 49th and 50th states. Mattel produced the first Barbie doll. The Explorer 6 transmitted the first pictures of earth taken while in orbit. The first U.S. Grammy Music Awards were held.

Year Sisters

Alpha Lambda-Alumnae Initiates

Mary Ray Agnew Janelle Vollmer Alderfer Glenna Diltz Bagley Sarah Williams Cates Mary Holgate Dohmen Betty Fraley Eggebraaten Marjory Gloe Robbie Streit Jeter Gladys Lundgren Madsen Ernestine Dribben Pixley Kaye Thompson Spinner Jean Myers Tucker Alpha-Syracuse

Ruth Stevens Appelhof Carol Stretton Beldon Mary Gelder Nancy Upson Hodgkins Susan Bailey Miller Anne Chatfield Menning Ann Quinn Stampf Nancy Nimmo Winthrop Beta-Northwestern

Marilyn Thomas Adams Suzanne Knoepfle Balk Eleanor Royer Bruce Marilyn Gariepy Butler Sara Barr Caldwell Patricia Carroll Linda Lucas Cook Susan Cullen Johnson Suzanne Cuthbert Valerie Fisher Dowell Merilee Brooks Ferrie Marcia Pearson Hall Margaret Adams Hendry Judith Wharton King Mary Ross Lynn Zumwalt Ruck Carol French Shohet Nancy Ellerman Simpson Mary Sykes Starr Frances Stone Nelia Garcia Yurcisin

Sharon Westlund Robinson Hildreth Lindlof Simmons Eileen Anderson Truman Dorothy Kaup Wittenberg Eta-Boston

Ellie Cohen Gruber Catherine Isherwood Kinkade Gay Palmer Doreen Phillips Sharabati Theta-Michigan

Barbara Parker Alexander Ann Schroeder Anderson Elizabeth Seibold Bazany Lois Bernitt Cardell Carol Harris Epkins Jane Litzenberg Havemeyer Gail Boardman Kallock Patricia Henny Mayo Mary Thompson Mufford Joan Sachs Neubrecht Kay Kiger PetruskaGoslin Laura Pinkerton Mary Turner Pollard Shirley Miller Ragsdale Mary Brandt Zubkus Iota-Wisconsin

Karen Schubert Anderson Norene Jensen Caliva Janet Lewnau Christian Laetitia Cadigan Dame Judith Dornfeld Danca Beverly Vaughn Hock Gertrude Horman Jacobson Joyce Pandolfi Johnsen Christie Schneider Kienast Susan Brott Lawson Nancy Newlin Neumann Mary Monroe Nichols


Susan Bondurant Arnold Joan McBain Bennett Ann Obenchain Blackmond Joyce Suess Cailor Patricia Murphy De Armond Joan Pabst Dubanoski Jane Scambler Gable Norma Garlinger Godshall Janet Friedl Heap Sarah Carroll Neeb Maurine Kelber Kelly Mary McElwain Owen Bevely Richards Barbara Smith Musette Ryan Winton Carol Herriott Woloson Georgette Zirbes Delta-Cornell

Carolyn Jones Anderson Alison Young Bauer Judith Whittaker Brown Elizabeth Oldham Byrns Rebecca Cook Corner Nancy Werner Craig Jeannette Butler Miller Marcia Case Field Betty Lefkowitz Moore Maureen McGuire Myers Janis Pellegrino Plaue Jennifer Truran Rothwell Heather Fowler Salamini Lois Mayer Tukman Marilyn Slutsky Zucker Epsilon-Minnesota

Marvis Sweet Dahlin Mary Akin Hoeppner Mary Storr Maguire PA G E S I X T E E N


Sandra Caselli Ashby Anne Martin Campbell Juli Smock Cook Kathryn Allegrini DeGroot Leilani Seneker Frisch Ann Boradori Goldsworthy Frances DeRoos Lyons Barbara Fortini Medwadowski Loretta Tuck Monaco Sue Robinson Nye Mary Scott Thomas Marjorie Myers Totten Nancy Zitlau Wilkman Nu-Nebraska

Janet Hawley Bate Susan Stump Blackman Sadie Yeager Borland Mary Erickson Burbridge Elizabeth Tullis Hansen Marilyn Huddleston Lukens Antionette Tucker McCoy Carolyn Frey Overgaard Fran Thompson Pohrer Julie Scott Reiner Lee Kitto Rust Nancy Stefanisin Spurrier Xi-Toronto

Diane Standish Harris Sally Evans Martin Sally Bambridge Ravindra Elizabeth Jacob Redrupp Joy Mahood Rishor Mary Rose Seanna Vaughn Ross


Kay Callison Bonetti Sara Clark Carter Carol Heggarty Ferguson Zella Burgreen Forsythe Hazel Foster Sara Cleaver Green Linda Jones Gruenewald June Groth Hortin Jayne Gebauer Kasten Robin Clark Kennedy Margery Mohler Lindsey Judith Bailey Miller Myra Rottman Nitschke Alice Jones Philpott JoAnn Bogdanor Reynolds Pi-North Dakota

Deanna Nelson Bonneville Sandra Bartholmaus Davis Audrey Garden Glick Marlys Mosolf Harmon Claire Christianson Hirshfield Nancy Schumacher Kehl Beverly Rychart Larsen Janet Seltvedt Lervick Marilyn Gorter Lundberg Sandra Nelson McCabe Sheila Daly McKay Carol Thacker Menzies Joann Bethke Muus Arleen Mehus Nelson Marnita Cushman Oliver Diane Young Paddack Charyl Gress Palmer Sharon Tomlin Powers Sandra Burke Williams Barbara Wood Williams Rho-Ohio State

Janice Wichterman Arlen Nancy Holcomb Baldwin Joyce Elsasser Cochran Sue Vickers Crawfis Kay Kochensparger Egeland Patricia Donnelly Ellis Nancy Rupp Evans Kathleen Gideon Rebecca Fox Jorgenson Ursula Schnetzer Kleinhans Nancy Blanchard Miller Donna Ables Moore Isabella McAllister Nymo Barbara Bailey Porco Jo Dill Reigel Patricia Kana Richards Eleanor Pugh Schooley Sigma-Washington

Joann Rennie Cahan Karen Danielsen Coil Jan Hellman Gomes Kathryn Minnihan Lea Toni Bourdeau Mondschein Sandra Guernsey Rowan Wendy Bowman Terral Julie Renhard Tharp

Linda Hatfield Packham Marianne Foster Parker Mary Duncan Scheps Patricia Curry Weigel Kathlyn Porter Williams Upsilon-Washburn

Connie Light Barngrover Lezlie Rollin Brillhart Donita Garland Joyce Spillner Jones Judy Shields Morrison Janice Handke Peil Janis Wittmer VanderLaan Sharon Eldien Wohlfarth Nancy Friberg York Phi-Oklahoma

Gurney Wilkes Bartlett Judith Hamlin Bates Mary Conley Gralla Betty Mehornay Hardy Jean Sorrell Hurley Jan Puckett Jacobs Carole Brown Jones Barbara Levitt Nancy Coody Morales Sandra Poindexter Nancy Devilliers Scheirer Linda Smith Schritter

Sandra Johnson Bright Jeanne Tyack Collis Donna Lawrence Dorsey Carol McPherson Gilbert Susan Wilhelm Grayson Maureen Sullivan Helm Helen Dyer Hemingway Jeannette Paulson Hereniko Karen Kreuder Hoff Sue Jochimsen Kline Sharron Johnson Lindsey Judith Baldridge Mackey Sandra Hemmingsen Martin Sharon Taylor McKim

Beta Alpha-Illinois

Iris Clark Blasdell Marilyn Markus Cooper Nancy Voorhies Dawson Patricia Bishop Doebele Netsi Jacob Herrman Linda Hibbott Hutchison June Magliochetti Kriviskey Doris Pogue Larson Nancy Heselbarth Mattick Sharon Tietz Paine Rosemary Anderson Plamondon Ann Jones Wilkerson Marian Vreeland Wrinkle Beta Beta-Michigan State

Carol Raunig Beddes Elizabeth Darko Buck Jennine Funk Budge Sandra Knudsen Etchingham Janet Hanson Ewings Janet Fredrickson Grant Gail Gray Sally Thompson Harksen Suzan Howard Rosenthal Lola Garberg Schnittker Patricia Thomas Sletten Gloria Eudaily Volland Barbara Williams Wanvig Catherine Goudie Wilson

Joanne Peters Boardman Paula Skarsted Campbell Kathleen Janssens Dougherty Martha Werme Fullerton Kathleen Bellaw Gest Myrna McClelland Holland Nancy Simmons Juneby Barbara Allen Kelley Priscilla Miriani Kennedy Carol Higgins Mcneal Julie Kay Mitchell Drew Kunath Moore Marcia LaMoreaux Osterink Marylou Chappell Schnegelberger Sally Schrader Stoll Paulette Gancia Width

Psi-South Dakota

Beta Gamma-Colorado

Carol Richter Braunwarth Phyllis Anderson Collier Marlene Heyd Evans Marcia Herreid Flanery Jeanne Spilde Gonzenbach Karen Logsdon Lee Edith Austin Lien Sharon Kirch Linder Barbara Lumb Lovett Karen Thompson McDowell Marilyn Wenzel Nef Carol Samson Panerio Sherma Hampshire Seitzinger Muriel Duncan Thompson Cora Nicholson Webb Lois Moshier Wendt Margaret Wishard Wunder Vonda Nelson Zirbes

Sarah Stickney Bowers Diane Lund Charowhas Millicent Murphy Clair Mary Watkins Crane Virginia Lee DeLuca Laurie McMillan Dodson Karen Kemp Dunn Wendy Locke Field Susan Wolter Foerster Karen Brennan Good Leslie Keck Herzog Catherine Klick Kessler Linda Dawson Light Bonnie Blackman McClure Victoria Hall Montgomery Judy Wittmer Montano Patricia Todd Rhinesmith Judy Beckner Rimple Gayle Thorpe Sennett


Omega-Texas Tau-Oregon

Sandra Reddrick Shields Frances Darling Smith Joanne McQuaide Tompkins Penny McNabb Turner Lynette Taylor Warren Sara Callaway Williams

Gretchen Becker Denny Martha Robison Green Patricia Ellerkamp Hodgdon Kay White Jensen Kathryn Mafrige Kent Judith Landers Patricia Spiars Luedecke Linda Bieker McCormack Marion Adams Mohun Pamela Dexter Neuhaus Carol Patterson Niemann Margo Whitt Olson Janet Gillfillan Ragsdale Willa Ramsey Ross Judy Boland Vaughn Anna Taylor Schwab

Beta Delta-UCLA

Gayle Parmenter Diaz Mary Lawrence Dukes Gloria Hull Hatton Marilyn Yule Kimbrell Martha Mohlenhuff Lincoln Colleen Flammia Lombino Sharon Ford Shepherd Sandra McLain Smith Sally Doyle Wolf Beta Epsilon-Arizona

Catherine Findley Bandy Jane Hannah Barnekoff Constance Graham Dillman Volney Walsworth Dunavan

Karen Reynolds Goemmer Glee Clark Hamilton Ann Geoffrey Jaeger Aase Mikkelsen Justesen Julia King Roberta Rife Mower Lucille Chewning Palmer Carole Kunzer Perkins Suzanne Pomainville Angela Halley Satterlee Gail Scripps Stackler Susan Winslow Tellez Elaine Wright Waters Ruth Freitag Woods Beta Zeta-Idaho

Jeannie Rau Anderson Dianne Davis Braithwaite Anita Wilcomb Cruthers Mary Evans Freer Barbara Fowler Shaunna Gygli Arlene Kerbs Jones Lois Manweiler Blanche Blecha Norell Mary Parsell Pankey Suzanna Shern Trail Winifred Unzicker Terrill Cheryl VanSlate Vaughan Lyndall Williams Beta Eta-Manitoba

Maureen Robertson MacDonald Beta Theta-British Columbia

Elizabeth Boyd Durdan Frances Caswell Farquhar Sandra Dunmore Tyson Loraine Rook Wellman

Barbara Holladay Wofford

Beta Tau-Indiana

Beta Nu-Duke

Patricia Crouch Baker Martha Cook Beattie Kathryn Garlock Croft Gretchen Gimbel Durham Martha Cardwell Sparrow Elsa Ely Woods Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State

Maryellen Jarvi Antar Janet Hunter Augenstein Ruth Crossman Bakus Lois Simon Bates Sara Bollenbacher Beggs Sara Wills Bowen Karen Cremean Cooper Shirley Pimlott DiMatteoShelly Mary Cumming Elsea Patricia Shaw Farley Helen Ellis Frobose Kathleen Limoges Gilmore Nancy Rhodes Harman Joanne Sawmiller Helmig Barbara Burrows Holman Linda Mauntler Imhoff Carol Robinson Kiplinger Karen Riehl Kraushaar Rosalie Mackey Smith Elizabeth Hylton Miller Mary Winter Minthorn Jean Tuggle Press Patricia James Smith Barbara Downey Sterchi Ann Peeler Wedge Beta Pi-USC

Beta Iota-West Virginia

Diana Swarez Conti Helen Brown Dotson Elinor Hamill Fries Diane Valentine Gutman Sandra Reed Mitchell Judith Fisher Mountjoy Linda Phillips Ann Wallace Strader Sue Slaven Thomas Nancy White Beta Kappa-Denison

Eunice Nicholson Askov Mary Ellison Davis Penelope Gray Finch June Johnson Fullerton Kristine Ottesen Garrigan Susan Owen Hill Elizabeth Kieffer Kidwell Susan Johnston Mabry Diane Boehmen Maleskis Sara Curtis Marquart Barbara Crowell Mossner Karen Anderson Sterbenz Mary McAllister Teal Barbara Poore Throckmorton E. Parrott Tokar

Diane Bolstad Baumgardner Rebecca Fine Berge Martha Wulfestieg Breckheimer Kathleen Yunker Burg Linda Rinaudo Cole Michele McMains Leopold Susan Scherer Quinlan Judith Talbot Rostron Kathleen Chaffey Thompson Cara Boelter Volkmor Carol Spencer Whipple Carol Sampson York Beta Rho-Washington State

Anna Brasel Briscoe Maureen Guyer Campbell Nancy Oldenburg Cordry Barbara Lawson Jonelyn Johnson Smith Marjie Diluzio Roark Doris Steinmetz Rogers Betty Wilson Ross Judy Morlan VanHersett

Beta Lambda-Rollins

Beta Sigma-Utah

Patricia Parrish Everhart Susan Morganthaler Kern Nancy Nystrom Railton Marilyn Koepke Richardson

Saundra Nelson Aker Linda Manning Cameron Lynda Raymond Fletcher Connie Abegglen Kohler Susan Hibbard Laman Sharon Thomas Martin Kathleen Monroe Janice Holbrook Peters Mary Gardner Putman Yolanda Rossi Ann McKee Skartvedt Elizabeth Waters Linda Westerberg Carter Karen Woodbury Judith Worthington

Beta Mu-Alabama

Lora Long Hammond Joanne McDuffie Ivey Rebekah Blackmon McInerny Elizabeth Duerson Poston Helen Lusk Puckett Elizabeth Cowley Williams

Think a sister is missing from this list? We may not have current contact information for her. E-mail alumnae@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8940.

Diana Brown Barksdale Janet Huddleston Dorn Kay Stewart Farmer Ann Hall Foley Phyllis Allen Gillespie Marcia Marchese Hunt Phyllis Riedell Kixmiller Judy Heron Patterson Carol Cramer Pelfrey Florence Wondrack Perk Marianne Buckleh Reynolds Sarah Sweet Roland Polly Palmer Sippy Pat Buckleh Shipley Mary Michaels White Beta Upsilon-Oregon State

Donna Fierce Barnes Vicki Schneider Dahl Judith Pittam Hunt Laura Felbick Kalina Judith Anderson Kershaw Andrea Neubauer Kinart Barbara Kniesteadt Johnson Sandra Cottrell Rosenberg Patricia Rynerson Saxton Mary Stafford Tucker Beta Phi-Whitman

Adele Moore Bingham Judith Rizzuti Hare Virginia Colcock Steffy Barbara Tatum Margaret Wilkman Beta Chi-Bucknell

Brenda Abbott Hattie Wright Loeffler Helen Beisel Newell Beta Psi-San Jose State

Jill Reichard Adkins Mary Brinton Sandra Ashabraner Cook Sally Ellis Gessford Merle Osborn Hayes Adele Rossie Long Kathleen Ritland Montoya Joan Bagley Perrone Kathleen Armstrong Putman Susan Schwartz Schulps Elaine Fosket Shaw Jacquelyn McKim Whitlock Beta Omega-Kent State

Carol Murphy Daniels Muriel Weiss French Judith Kaiser Sandra Rubin Kenney Marla Webster Major Janet Snyder Matthews Judith Munro Morgan Renee Roche Pimsner Nancy DePodesta Sabath Lynn Schroeder Sauer Wanda Nye Shelton Gamma Alpha-San Diego State

Susan Hadreas Acker Sue Chapin Decotiis Gretchen Raddatz Duff Jo Scanda Lowrey Diane Rider Peterson Dee Flaming Rogers Sandra Hayes Shelver Loretta Rodgers Thompson Sandra Justice Vickers



Gamma Beta-UC/Santa Barbara

Patricia Strickler Aitchison Susan Burke Carol Nevard Jacobs Melinda Sheetz Jones Lynn Whitnell OveroyeSmith Nanette Gardner Pyle Susanne Ramsdell Richards Helene Schmidt Siebert Dona Briano Strickland Kathleen Squires Wilhoit Gamma Gamma-Drury

Penelope Callaway Athon Mary Wells Beck Sandra Shaw Bernardi Elizabeth Beyer Buchhold Carole Campbell Collins Patricia Feldmiller Owen Beverly Balthasar Parkhurst Betty Gilbert Thomas

Susan Nelson Morris Margaret Pettit Kay Prelogar Roberts Carolyn White Salmon Laurie Ferman Seinera Sandra Hopkins Shofner Charla Hood Wheeler Gamma Epsilon-Lake Forest

Jean Alexander Goehlen Dorothy Endriz Kurtz Lynn Trendel Petralito Susan Millar Wood Anita Schultes Woodbury Gamma Zeta-Puget Sound

Adele Lucchesi Beck Janet Hinton Bower Elleyne Brown Jolly Elizabeth Gourlay Lang Diane Plee Langton Rena Bott Merithew Donavie Perkins McCue Elaine Perdue Ramsey Lorna Moen Scheyer Donna Burnett Wallace

Gamma Delta-Kansas

Suzanne Delaney Courtney Peggy Houston Crocker Sonia Ott Crouch Dorothy Trickett Danna Carole Pattison Drummond Linda Fettig Fahy F. Anne Gile Gadd Miriam Jenkins Galligan Ann Isbell Geisert Dorothy Boller Hall Ann Kelley Havenhill Lorinda Neville Holladay Darlene Trueblood Hunter Barbara Linn Lindstrom Marilyn Burdorff Meek Elizabeth Gray Mickey

Gamma Eta-North Texas

JoAnn Elliott Bond Molly Denley Cameron Lurline Krider Dallas Jayne Huntsinger Dawson Sandra Richards Dear Linda Tillman Dietrich Doris Minhinnette Harvey Ruth Hyndman Hickman Carol Turner Howsley Jeannie Jordan Georgia Asimos Kelley Linda Attebery Lynch Marilyn Rice Mary Brantley Robinson Linda Truelove Stanford Mary McClintock Throneberry

Beverly Bryson Walker Dorothea Cowart Wilson Gamma Theta-Colorado College

Sandra Sharp Petersen Marcia Vedel Pine Betty Hill Pryor Andrea Shibley Raber

Karen Tovatt Dalby Carol Hammond Marshall Gail McGuire Elizabeth Kendall O'Connor Lynda Madera Jacobsen Elizabeth McManus Schell Tamra Barnett Schultz Barbara Chilberg Zink

Gamma LambdaHouston

Gamma Iota-Texas Tech

Charlotte Williams Brayton Frances Farrar Jane Force Linda Hartz Kragh Annette Pinyan Lanier Barbara Blevins Martin Anne Dendy McLean Linda McDonald Sward Mary Riha VanWyhe Julia Carter Westbrook Judith Veit Zubka

Phyllis Kuhn Boneau Delores Smith Brooks Carole Kutner Carnes Suzanne Halbrook Cook Gloria Wakefield Dunson Judy Lott Grant Linda Anderson Harting Nancy Morgan Przada Mary Welch Rose Ouida Daugherty Smith Marilyn Warner Ward Virginia McBride Wheaton Judy Donham Wilde Connie Anderson Williams Gamma KappaCSU/Long Beach

Mary Nevin Davis Carmen Bell Fullbright Sharon Covington Gibson Ann Bigaouette Gary Mary Huss Halweg Carol Howison Johnson Norma Gill Kolb Carolyn Panero LeCrone Nancy Callan Mauger Audrey Melvin Deborah Andrews Otterson

Joan Christofferson Allison Alice Gilbreath Avery Kathryn Carlile Forrester Eleanor Bales Murray Janet Holbert Nelson Carol Schutze Reid Gamma Mu-Georgia State

Gamma Nu-Miami University

Elaine Lodder Brokamp Karen Kish Butzback Ann Trexel Corby Judith Holman Lewis Sara Fiekers Oldham Patricia Toman Schutt Rebecca Smith Stebelton Linda Sager Watts Jacqueline Woods Gamma Xi-Wichita State

Anita Roberts Blasky Kathleen Watson Brazil Myrna Stith Campbell Phyllis Thurman Cory

50-Year Pin



Year Sisters

Alpha Lambda-Alumnae Initiates

Laura Ebersole Clymer Alpha-Syracuse

Constance Whalen Abbott Muriel Fox Dallen Beverly Putnam Day Elizabeth Grimm DeMong Ann Conant Friedman Louise Patrick Johnson Anita Silfies Johnson Joyce Somers Mundell Gloria Horstmann Pietsch Polly Butler Price Betty Humbert Smith Charmian Dixon Strode Beta-Northwestern

Gene O'Brien Chadsey Jean Putnam Daily Suzanne Weese Frank Nancy Clayton Gridley Natalie Gregg Heil Mary Widrig John Roberta Seager MacFarland

FALL 2009

Connie Duncan Dillon Alice Peterson Francis Lena Hartshorn Saundra Welch Hobby Susan White LaForge Margaret Francis Nelson Bonna Roberts Marilee Long Saxe Madolyn Townsend Shields Judith Atherton White Phyllis Baum Williams

Louise Nardi Hesen Kathryn Wesner Jones Patricia Mancuso Lane Lonna Myers Malmsheimer Martha McMillan Judith Peterson Ruch Gayle Ritchie Sicchitano Sandra Binder Stanton Marika Fartuch Symons Mary Hassall Tripoli Patricia Packer Zemenak Muriel Liney Zerbe

Gamma Omicron-Drake

Doris Kidd Bullock Sharon Wickham Erbst Rosalie Oliver Gimeno Elaine Askelson Groves Sally Andersen Hebeisen Jeryl Goettsch Mawe Mary Mead Diane Fisher McGarry Jeanne Mosier Niebel Janice Mosier Stone Janice Crain Stueckrath Jill Hartill Sturonas Barbara Whiteside Gamma Pi-Arizona State

Gail Arnold Adams Sally McDaniel Baird Mary Landkamer DePoe Jeanne Dewar Janet Jarrett Garthofner Dorothy Lanning Vicki Graham Macpherson Suzanne Hall O'Neill Deena Crim Patrick Gail Peterson Phyllis Pickard Rhyan Rella Croy Snetsinger Gamma Rho-Penn State

Margaret Powell Alexander Doris Meyer Deisher

Gamma SigmaWisconsin/Stout

Kathryn Wigdahl Anderson Janet Linse Bethke Marilyn Dahlem French Carol Peterson Jez Karen Johnson Marlene Hoegger Lien Karen Johnson Maahs Harriet Henrichs Meier Margaret Mortimer Stoddard Sandra Staffon Sveiven Avalene Drake Swanson Helen Sjolander Westness Gamma Tau-Willamette

Lenore Elliott Cagle Andrea Hunnell DuPree Beverly Peterson Gross Janet Donnell LaPlant Brenda Gustafson Olsen Gamma UpsilonWisconsin/Milwaukee

Bonnie Edelman Delaney Barbara Born Donohue Judith Bureta Eilers Patricia Henry Finlayson Mary Ranner Grisham Donna Bubolz Hahn Charlotte Schubbe Imse

Charlotte Promersberger Johnston Judith Kalt Loose Sandy Pfeil Neill Marge Muecke Orten Trudy Peterson Rose Gamma Phi-Florida State

Peggy Whittier Berggren Diane Northrup Cameron Jane Mims Easterling Mary Field Jacquelyn Stuart Giovanniello Marian Hensley Gomez Loretta Chastain Gotsch Allison Cann Guy Martha Greenleaf Halling Beryl Miller Hess Patricia Greisen Higinbotham Sylvia Reagan Hurlbut Ellen Shaw Lloyd Carol Sewell Mason Joanne Cheeseman McCarthy Vernice Slater Munroe Elizabeth Parmalee Marjorie Fraser Prickett Elizabeth Ridge Annette Thames Schopke Marcia Stich Gloria Hemby Stroud June Rogers Wood Gamma Chi-Portland State

Sharon Lofgren Adams Jody North Arendt Janis Smith Bones Anne Michaelson Braun Susan Mitchell Emery Margaret Davidson Frey Judith Hargreaves Judith Bayley Hogue

Janis Gascoigne Hoisington Lynn Swanson Holbrook Constance Miller Lenzen Loretta Dearing Lessman Edith McPherson Murray Carolyn Price Sharon Keith Rosing Joanne Hardt Rudo Janet Schmunk Bonna Mattson Smith Kay Swanson Jane McNeff Taylor Myrna Kasparek Wahlquist Nina McAlpine Westerdahl Carol Winchell Glory Becker Yankauskas Gamma Psi-Ripon

Evann Maltby Balmes Mary Meehan Breen Karen Schneider Center Lynne Scherbarth Penicnak Claudette Beall Roseland Mara Latsons Warren Gamma OmegaMidwestern State

Sandra Duckworth Allison Mona Arwood Bailey Deanna Fergeson Lynch Janis Boedeker Patzig Marilynn Franklin Reder Sandra May Smith Mary Slack Webb Betty Powell Williams Barbara Jones Woods

The 50-year pin, a silver circle with four red stones, was created in recognition of the Fraternity’s 50th anniversary. It was presented to the living Founders at the time.

In 1944 • Much of the news was focused on World War II, including the Battle of Normandy (code named D-Day) and the Battle of the Bulge. • The United States Forest Service and the Wartime Advertising Council release posters featuring Smokey Bear for the first time. • With his victory during the election of 1944, Franklin D. Roosevelt became the only president to be elected to a fourth term.

Marion Booz McGee Ann Johnson Page Barbara Bray Robertson Helen Foster Schaper Barbara Mills Tuite JoAnn Jenkins Ziegler Gamma-DePauw

Dorothy Jones Agronick Dorothy Larsen Aldworth Barbara Blakemore Barbara Mayne Gasser Mary Dillavou Gibson Marillyn Knuepfer Hudson Marcia Dittgen Jones Katherine Pleune Lash F. Abbie Mason Penwell Marian Osborn Porter Nancy McClure Russell Betty Miller Stoltz Nancy Wilder Tinkler Delta-Cornell

Jeannette Menides Curuby Nancy Crandall Johnson Sheila dePasquale McKibbin

Joan Dall Patton Lillian Gorton Spiece Mary Willets Washburne Audrey Smith Wilson Epsilon-Minnesota

Carolyn Comers Anderes Marjorie Boberg Aurelius Elizabeth Wyman Chandler Eleanor Mayne Donovan Joan Mulally McNamara Janet Cousineau Neilson Margaret Skinner Ruliffson Joanne Knebel Swanson Dorothy Hatfield Webster Eta-Boston

Marica Hanson Harrison Dorothy Hamilton Humphrey Doris Hilts Lavely Jean MacCorison Rowena Hilton Robinson


Louise Kefgen Cheffy Rosa Lowry Claringbould Louise Prangley Dougherty Elizabeth Hutchins Draper Jane Kudner Fowler Bonnie Rinck Gallup Ruth Tanblyn Hoffman Priscilla Hodges Johnson Barbara Glenn Paster Jean Wright Reinhart Ann Matheny Zemer Iota-Wisconsin

Polly Leeds Brandes Barbara Spies Cook Marjean Sharpe Hettinger Mary Scheffler Hirsch Manetta Focke Merrill Jane Sharpe Monson Elizabeth Leonard Skalaban Jane Hoeveler Stolper Patricia Cristy Sullivan Carolyn Achen Sumner

Muriel Dixon Unwin Maryan Zeratsky Weifenbach Kappa-Stanford

Mary Ellen Shelton Brucker Merle Beuttel Connolly Margaret Huston Crary Avey Quinn Gibbs Eleanor Lamb McLain Barbara Kelly Merritt Helen Dietz Pickering Ann Stuart Lambda-UC/Berkeley

Georgene Williams Bowker Jane McAndrews Brown Marjorie Tyler Childress Norma McDonald Draper Faith Buckingham Duhring Phoebe Barkan Gilpin Martha Martin Hafer Nancy Turner Kibbey Barbara House Knox Jane Baker Lotter Cecily Rideout McNeil

Carla Bradbury Miles Elizabeth Sams Mitchum Janice Noonan Putnam Lois Robinson Somers Janice McCallum Wosser Nu-Nebraska

Amy Brown Adams Grace Swanson Emmett Mary Ashton Emmons Nancy Sutton Gilmore Virginia VanHorne Hasek Betty Baldwin Hawkins Betty Horton Miller Myrtle Johnson Olauson Virginia Demel Tyler

Martha Sydenstricker Bunch Mary Koppenbrink Clement Lela Arnett Hall Jacqueline Wollenman Hearne Maryanna Hoefel Holm Dulcie Witt Lawrence Jane Carr Lucia Dorothy Allen Newcomb Dorothy Caldwell Pope Sylvia Coughlin Porter Martha Remley Rouse Joann Witten Sealock Mary Pollock Snowden Pi-North Dakota


Joan Sieveright Abra Elizabeth Falconer Brooke Anne Gardiner Conlin Joan Ellis Curren Dorothea Claridge Murray Dana Duthie Snyder Omicron-Missouri

Gabriele Kurth Barrett

Chapters may not be listed because they did not exist at the time (e.g., chapters were closed or not yet established).

Mary McPhail Conmy Helen Sayler Fillmore Carolyn Carley Hennessey Virginia Mason Lynch Betty Jackson Mathews Joan Knauf Ryan Rho-Ohio State

Eleanor Meyer Clemm Corinne Coble Fairweather

Joan Welbourn Kabler Harriet Shriver Martin Melva VanderHoven McCuddy Miriam Webster Porterfield Kennetha Friday Richards Patricia Shively Saunders Marianne French Weiss Reva Hoskinson Wiltberger Sigma-Washington

Elia Leibold Bubenik Norma McKee Degge Jean Goss Dunlap Janet Browne Eshelman Roberta Finley Jones Bettye Wilbur McGovern Laurienne Stewart Minnich Grace Demmery Reynolds Patricia North Stamets Maryanne Hansen Watkins

(continued on next page)


Alumnae Anniversaries 65-Year Pin

The golden 65-year pin is an elegant interpretation of one of our most cherished symbols, the lily of the valley.

(continued from previous page) Tau-Oregon

Jean Walters Gayle Beverly Carroll Helmer Carolyn Wells MacKenzie Nancy Gloor Magrath Mary McClelland Robert Mary Landry Wassman Upsilon-Washburn

Elizabeth Gilroy Anderson Helen Crampton Derryberry Althea Hooper Lang Maxine Walters McEnroe Jean Jessop Neil Kathleen Coleman Phillips Dorothy Engel Rettig Virginia Nelson Riedesel Viola Nelson Shirer Ruth Morris Soelter Jane Foltz Tharp Jeannette Hass Wells Phi-Oklahoma

Marjorie Morphew Cocanower Marjorie Dodds Farwell

Alice Nash Gassett Emily Saunders Strong Lucia Coles Terry Chi-Montana

Joan Engelking Christensen Ruth Dye Colbert Ann Kern Gentry Pauline Frederick Jones Jean Smith McCrea Charlotte Grawe McKeown Dorothy Campbell Neils Lillian Wedum Snyder Psi-South Dakota

Darlene Freidel Cimpl Dorothy Smith Gurney Marie Sinkler Nuss Norma Johnson Wischhusen Omega-Texas

Mary Thomason Clegg Mary Gunter Domask Aloma Monk Elmer

Ann Raborn Graves Anne Boyd Grimes Betty Wilhite Hawkins Alma Street Luedecke Mary Beatty Pierson Margaret Westbrook Smith Joan Connolly Wilson Claire Craddock Younkin

Mary Roesch Kerns Jean Mobley Kushmar Gunvor Bergishagen Lynch Lillian Radke Mason Margaret Wallace Moon Mary Hanson Moran Phyllis Dawson Parsons Janice Sullins Shubert Janet Cauffiel Streicher

Beta Alpha-Illinois

Barbara Chamberlain Abegg Dorothy Yakley Bauer Dorothy Dolan Bliss Martha Swain Carlson Barbara Gilbreath Montgomery Jean Monroe Purvis Virginia Holl Rudolph Elizabeth Woodman Schultz Jane Lauchner Whitlock

Beta Gamma-Colorado

Jean Jarvis Bowen Ann Freeman Emrich Phyllis Verploeg Hutchins Ruth Fulton Jeffries Dorothy Hess Kirkpatrick Jean Thompson Laughlin Margaret Cushman Ledbetter Patricia Pearce McCarty Lois Swan Nay Mary Cushing Neafus Suzanne Gasser Shaler Ruth Jacobson Stevens Shirley Scarbach Sutphen

Beta Beta-Michigan State

Marilyn Seward Coppel Mary Kay Joseph Hach

Edith Dee Tobin Maribeth Killey Tolbert Beta Delta-UCLA

Patricia Rieff Anawalt Elizabeth Ohare Cormier Ruth Mchaffie Eastman Phyllis Henderson Grant Barbara Bardin Gresham Ruta Bielskis Hagmann Patricia Neill Rimer Sally Heath Rives Sally Fox Taylor

Beta Zeta-Idaho

Evelyn Fisher Ferguson Eldoris Erickson Hunter Maizie McClaran Mills Adalain Taft Weir Beta Eta-Manitoba

Lorna Olson Thorlakson Beta Theta-British Columbia

Olive Blair McLean

Beta Epsilon-Arizona

Beta Iota-West Virginia

Bettie Timmons Baker Martha Miller Barrett Joan Naftel Bergman Avonelle Johnson Hawke Elizabeth Anderson Kelley Virginia Crosby McCarthy Lucille Connor Oliver Phyllis Kuniholm Sherwood Joan Schleimer Zink

Patricia Bender Humphreville Catherine Hamric Kalo Nancy Shriver Ridgeway Elma Woofter Beta Kappa-Denison

Geraldine Kimball Abernethy Margaret Chuck Blessed Barbara Stein Boeckling Joan Peet Brethen Kay Eldredge Closen

Alice Orwig Dupler Geraldine Twyford Ferguson Jeanne LeMonnier Gardner Jean McIntosh Hungerford Margaret Nielson Lyons Jane McCormick Janet Caudell Morgan Marie Grubb Parham Jane DeGroat Skinner Jean McLaughlin Thierwechter Barbara Baker Vliet Beta Lambda-Rollins

Josephine Farnham Merritt Nancy MacFarland Wismer

Beta Nu-Duke

Rebecca Watson Bronson Aetna Womble Dowst Susan Meighen Gillett Margaret Jones Theis Barbara Taeusch Tufty Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State

Virginia Bryan Beck Kathryn Cook Crider Margaret Baker Haas Katherine Crowley Holmboe Aurelia Krugliak Analie Lind Moellman Geraldine Dunmyer Olson

Beta Mu-Alabama

Marion Gorrie Dorothy Lasseter Liddell Barbara Cooper Rhodes

How to Wear Your Pin Anniversary pins can be worn on all occasions with or without your badge. Show your Alpha Phi pride whenever you can!

In 1934



• A gallon of gasoline was 10 cents. • The FBI successfully ended the careers of infamous criminals John Dillinger, Bonnie Parker, Clyde Barrow, Pretty Boy Floyd and Baby Face Nelson. • Donald Duck appeared for the first time in the cartoon “The Wise Little Hen.”

Year Sisters


Miriam Decker Alsever Jane Beeler Chur Helen Hitch Fisher Ruth Weir Horton

Margaret Hedgcock Church Margaret Cross English Violet Hamilton Iversen Epsilon-Minnesota


Athelie Caesar Ballard Virginia Hesler Firth Elizabeth Fisher McMillen Janet Weber Williams Gamma-DePauw

Mary Beckner Benson Ruth Moritz Best

Mary Pierson Carlsen Josephine Hall Carney Edith Rizer Paffard Frances Godwin Williams

Eleanor Raynor Burns


Dorothy Dick Bell Pamela Smith Campbell Emily Dodge Jane Gracey Plunkett Mary Haggart Waterman Kappa-Stanford


Irene Neal Elliott Florence Cover Smith Jane Alton Walker Theta-Michigan


Barbara Coventry Norton Mary Castle Schram

Barbara Smith Book Jane Reed Groner Doris Everett Hutson

75-Year Pin

Nancy Pettigrew Moser


Rho-Ohio State

Bonnie Bishop Campbell Marian Rolland Eager Sarah Meyer Lahr Dorothy Bumstead McCullum

Jeannette Gardner Haag Mary Lay Lambert Emmagene Nisonger Madden Jean Park Taylor



Helen Lancaster Falkner Wendy Mainjohnson Low Elizabeth Guest Osler Margaret Wilson Rowanlegg

Betty Steiner Christensen Ruth Vanarsdale Davis


Catherine Gray Best Margaret Baker Catheron Mary Cobb Fite Betty Cadman Stephens


Isabelle Napier Clark


Helen Henderson Culpepper Mary McCracken Lathram Dorothy Peets Walker

Pi-North Dakota

Carol Dean Brenna Jane Monteith Henning


Frances Cross McArthur

Charlotte Kelly Root Dorothea Kyle Smyth

Beta Gamma-Colorado

Edna Roberts Herzberg Helen Petteys Watrous

Beta Theta-British Columbia

Ruth Lundy Williamson

Psi-South Dakota

Verna Holst Lake Shirley Baughman O'Leary Irma Howard Stolt

Beta Delta-UCLA

Beta Kappa-Denison

Mary Crowley Connelly Jean Angier MacDonald Dorothy Meyer McKenna


Beta Epsilon-Arizona

Phyllis Beck Boehnke Maxine Delfs Margaret Walker Kernohan Elizabeth Lamont Powell

Lucille Watson Cunningham Marie Osborne Perrin Mary McLaurin Standifer

Martha Geffs Dederich Margaret Bates Platt

Beta Mu-Alabama

Beta Zeta-Idaho

Catherine Dunsmore Wesner

Beta Beta-Michigan State

Helen Markley Fisher Louise Soloman Hyatt Martha Obrien Seaman

Catherine Bjornstad Chace Gertrude Gehrke Lyons Edith Slatter McAtee Myrna Creswell Newell

The 75-year pin, a brilliant diamond-shaped golden pin with clear stones at each of the points, allows you to place your original badge inside the pin.

Ordering Anniversary Pins One special way that Alpha Phi honors the endurance of membership is with anniversary recognition pins. These pins celebrate your affiliation with Alpha Phi on milestone occasions: 10 years, 25 years, 50 years, 65 years and 75 years. Certificates may be ordered individually. To order, e-mail alumnae@alphaphi.org, call 847.316.8940 or go to www.alphaphi.org/alumnae/pins.html. PA G E E I G H T E E N

Think a sister is missing from this list? We may not have current contact information for her. E-mail alumnae@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8940.



FALL 2009



helping leaders

T H E C A M PA I G N F O R L E A D E R S H I P : $ 1 0 M I L L I O N B Y 2 0 1 0 Alpha Phi Foundation launched the largest campaign in Alpha Phi's history just last year. Despite the stormy economic climate, Alpha Phis have responded as only sisters can—with love, loyalty and amazing generosity. It's not too late to join us! Just say “yes” when we call, mail or e-mail this year. Add your name to the list of campaign supporters: help us change the world, one Alpha Phi leader at a time.

Thank you to the following individuals who pledged special gifts of $1,000 or more during the “quiet phase” of the campaign, July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2009. LEADERSHIP CIRCLE ($500,000 and above)

HAND-TO-HAND CIRCLE ($10,000-$24,999)

Diane Spry Straker (Delta Alpha-East Carolina)

Lisa Arnsdorf (Theta-Michigan)

Alpha Phi International Fraternity

Laura Jen Kin Berger (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach)

BORDEAUX CIRCLE ($250,000-$499,000) Alin Hernandez Wall (Beta Delta-UCLA)

Kimberly Brown Brannon (Gamma Rho-Penn State) Suzette Scheib Brown (Delta Rho-Ball State) Kimberly Spadoni Criscuolo (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech)

TOUJOURS CIRCLE ($100,000-$249,000)

Ruth-Ellen Sullivan Elliott (Sigma-Washington)

Susan Weiskittle Barrick (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State)

Mardette DeGarmo Flodin (Sigma-Washington)

Susan Bevan (Sigma-Washington)

Deana Koonsman Gage (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech)

Gayle Goodman (Beta Delta-UCLA)

Karen McChesney Howe (Gamma Sigma-Wisconsin/Stout)

Kathleen Feeney Hiemstra (Delta Theta-Western Michigan)

Valerie Lawlor (Omicron-Missouri)

Estate and family of Sally Morrill Hepler (Sigma-Washington)

Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT)

Mary Mahler Raitt (Kappa-Stanford)

Linda Schnetzer (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Susan Carrochi Sherman (Epsilon Nu-Delaware)

CONSTELLATION CIRCLE ($50,000-$99,999) Linda Long Boland (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach) Karen Abel Kolschowsky (Beta Beta-Michigan State)* *Challenge Gift, see page 23 for donors thru June 30

HEART-TO-HEART CIRCLE ($25,000-$49,999) Bonnie Arthur (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) Billie Coskey Battiato (Phi-Oklahoma)

Susan Brink Sherratt (Beta Beta-Michigan State) Emily Mayer Tuttle (Epsilon-Minnesota) Amy Jordan Tvrdik (Omicron-Missouri) Lindsay Wiggins (Beta Pi-USC) Susan Zabriski (Theta-Michigan) (continued on page 23)

10 million

Nancy Owen Craig (Beta Chi-Bucknell) Julie King Gomez (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) Emily Ellison Lamb (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) Susan L. McNeice (Epsilon Nu-Delaware) Linda Gardner Massie (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Sheri Allen Yengst (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City)

7.5 million

$7 MILLION 5 million

2.5 million

The Campaign for Leadership PA G E T W E N T Y




FALL 2009


A L P H A P H I F O U N DAT I O N . . . making an I M PAC T Alpha Phi is dedicated to helping young women emerge as the best and brightest leaders…on campus…in the community…at work…at home. And gifts to the Alpha Phi Foundation make it possible!

Thanks to generous donors, the Foundation funded more than $300,000 in leadership and education grants in 2009. And it's committed to raising $10 million by 2010, primarily to fund more leadership training for Alpha Phis.

is year: a Phi women th impact on Alph an e ad m fts Your gi

A L P H A P H I F O U N D A T I O N | 1930 Sherman Avenue | Evanston, I L p: 847.475.4532 | f: 847.475.9982 | e: foundation@alphaphi.org | www.alphaphi.org/foundation PA G E T W E N T Y- T W O




(continued from page 20)

LILY OF THE VALLEY CIRCLE ($5,000-$9,999) Jane Kirby Arkes (Omicron-Missouri)


Linda Arnsdorf (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate)

Thank you to the following Beta Beta members who responded to Karen’s matching gift challenge prior to June 30, 2009:

Theresa Ostland Brooks (Gamma Tau-Willamette) Judy Meyer Charles (Beta Gamma-Colorado) Judy Ethell (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) Sally McCall Grant (Gamma-DePauw)

Ivy Circle ($250-$999)

Anniversary Circle ($137-$249)

Karen Jensen Halualani (Gamma Beta-UC/Santa Barbara)

Jane Branston Bopp

Lovina Danforth Peddie

June Collins Herron (Delta Phi-Indiana U of Pennsylvania)

Pamela Rex Corden

Kimberly Norton-O'Brien (Zeta Rho-Bentley)

Joanne Sandow Draper

Catherine Logan Stembridge (Omicron-Missouri)

Carla Rice Garbin

Jane D. Tanner (Delta-Cornell)

Connie Snider Horn

Ruth Himmelman Wright (Sigma-Washington)

Susan Gove Merten

Renee Smith Zainer (Beta Epsilon-Arizona)

Darcy Doebler Milliken Jane Phillips

BENEFACTORS' CIRCLE ($2,500-$4,999) Jean Cameron Hahm (Gamma Nu-Miami University) Shana Goss Smith (Chi-Montana)

Kathryn Maentz Prior Carol Evans Risk Nancy Donaldson Scott

FOUNDER'S CIRCLE ($1,872-$2,499)

Susan Brink Sherratt

Judy Kay Schmidt Mead (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado)

Judith Johnston Van Meter

Janet Brinker Schaeffer (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) REKINDLING CIRCLE ($1,000-$1,871) Ann Brinkman (Zeta Delta-Iowa State) Barbara Thomas (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech)

Donors' Circle (up to $137) Joyce Jorae Bain Lori Creviston Boright Virginia Sayed Dery Martha Werme Fullerton Cheryll Bollinger Israel Elizabeth Peabody Johnson Bonnie Borgeson Larson Barbara Weller McLennan Leslie Cleaver Moran Patricia M. Petrowski Eileen Brunwasser Sherman Julie Cromley Thornton

Beta Betas: You can answer Karen's challenge by sending a donation to Alpha Phi Foundation, 1930 Sherman Ave; Evanston, IL 60201 and noting “BB Challenge” in the memo line.

Lisa Butterfield Fiori (Eta-Boston) Janis Coughlin Piester (Theta Kappa-Rochester)

Dear Alpha Phi Sister...

Thank you

for making my experience at ELI so wonderful! You not only made it possible for me to experience such a vital leadership workshop, but you gave your own time as a Silver Circle Facilitator to truly see how ELI encourages young Alpha Phi women to continue as leaders. Your dedication to make sure Alpha Phi women receive qualified training has inspired and motivated me. I want to bring back the most I possibly can...and keep the value of stewardship everlasting.

With heartfelt thanks, Brittany Rusin (Gamma Alpha-San Diego State) Emerging Leaders Institute graduate 2009

FALL 2009


Message from the COL Call for 2010-12 IEB Nominations The committee on leadership (COL) takes seriously the responsibility of ensuring the future of Alpha Phi Fraternity by working to fulfill its charge of: promoting awareness of and participation in the nominations and elections process of the International Executive Board (IEB); generating and presenting a slate of qualified candidates; and compiling the slate objectively and fairly in order for the needs and goals of the Fraternity to be met. The next biennium looks to be a dynamic time for Alpha Phi, and the COL is looking for dedicated leaders who not only possess the following skills, knowledge and attributes (determined by member feedback), but also share a love for Alpha Phi and a commitment to ensure the successful future of the Fraternity as a leadership team. Knowledge and Experience, Priority Competencies Ideal candidates will possess skills and experiences in at least one of the following areas, comprising a board representing strength in all areas. •

Fraternity: chapter, regional and international experience in collegiate and alumnae membership, volunteer cultivation and housing. Finance and Business: experience with planning and analysis, as well as business operations. Organizational Development:

strategic planning and human resources experience. •

High Level Board Involvement:

familiarity with Alpha Phi’s governance, other board experience (ideally non-profits, associations, corporations or educational institutions) and ability to navigate tactical changes to assure success of the strategic plan. Knowledge and Experience, Desired Competencies In addition, an ideal IEB will have at least one member who has skills in the following areas. •

Legal Knowledge: ability to

interpret potential legal issues; understanding of governance issues and facilitation of dispute resolution. Marketing and Communication:

strategic marketing experience, including multi-media, social networking and organizational communication. •

Higher Education/Greek Life:

knowledge of trends and potential impact on membership, National PA G E T W E N T Y- F O U R

Panhellenic Conference, experience with university dynamics.

2009-10 TIMELINE

Attributes Candidates will display these while representing Alpha Phi. • Professionalism. • Integrity. • Strategic thinking skills. • Strong decision-making skills. • Self-confidence. • A respectful and collaborative demeanor. • Ability to listen and learn. • Ability to multi-task. • Ability to meet deadlines. • Able to manage information in a confidential manner. • Leader and follower. • Perpetuator of Alpha Phi’s values. • Awareness of the range of experiences of membership. • Able to accept and offer constructive criticism. • As stated in the Constitution, IEB members must be members in good standing and support the Alpha Phi Foundation privately.

Applicant referral and self-submission opens

The COL invites all Alpha Phis to participate in the slating process by referring outstanding leaders or by selfsubmitting as candidates for the IEB and International President. Alpha Phi Fraternity’s strength and future as an outstanding and dynamic membership organization depends on a robust and healthy leadership selection process. Although the skills, knowledge and attributes identified may seem lofty, the COL seeks Alpha Phi’s best and brightest to serve as IEB directors and International President. To nominate yourself or another alumna, complete a referral form at www.alphaphi.org/col/referrals.html.


• •


Interested applicants are encouraged to self-nominate, or Refer others to apply for a position as an IEB director and/or the International President Complete a referral form at www.alphaphi.org/col/referrals.html.

OCT. 15, 2009

Deadline for referral and self-submission

OCT. 31, 2009

Deadline for applications and references

NOVEMBERDECEMBER Solicit feedback and recommendations 2009 from membership on the complete list of candidates Applicant evaluation; references contacted

BY JAN. 7, 2010

Pool of candidates announced


Candidate interviews

MAR. 19-21, 2010

COL slating weekend


Carole Salerno (Epsilon Gamma-Sacramento State), chair Holly Malek Bryk (Epsilon Nu-Delaware) Kim Larsen Watson (Omicron-Missouri)

Slate announced to the membership

BY APR. 7, 2010


Bonnie K. Arthur (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) Stacey Grimes Boulmetis (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) Kate Boyle Halfon (Eta Delta-CSU/East Bay) Alison Nash (Xi-Toronto)

JULY 2010

Elections at Convention


Eden Ahrens (Zeta Omicron-Johns Hopkins) Samantha Shulman (Delta Nu-Maine)

All voting delegates must be current dues-paying members; dues can be paid in advance or at Convention.



As the facilitators of the Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI), we did not know what to fully expect. Eagerly we awaited the arrival of collegiate women who would partake in a life-changing, self discovering experience over the span of five days. We completed our training, created our flip charts and organized our supplies. We were ready. As the shuttle buses arrived, we hoped too that we would have meaningful experiences as we guided our collegiate women on their leadership journeys. These are a couple of our stories:

Scrapbook designs Provided by The Shabby Shoppe.com Fonts provided by Kevinandamanda.com FALL 2009


Two Emerging Leaders Institutes were held this summer at Butler

University (Indianapolis, Ind.). This interactive learning experience included large and small group discussions, trust building activities and personal reflection. Topics covered ranged from values clarification to communication skills to stewardship.

“Attending ELI made me realize that my input and opinions do have value and can make an impact on both Alpha Phi and on individual sisters.”— Tiffany Ziegler (Gamma Pi-Arizona State)

“I have learned to appreciate others differences. I now feel much more connected to Alpha Phi and have a strong appreciation for its values” Lindsey Thomas (Theta Alpha-Linfield)

Participants for Session 1

Jenna Babione (Iota Gamma-University of the Pacific) • Jessica Bargman (Beta Zeta-Idaho) • Julia Barr (Iota Alpha-Pepperdine) Angelica Bautista (Eta Epsilon-Villanova) • Julianne Burke (Beta Mu-Alabama) • Emily Campbell (Theta Eta-Western Ontario) Gina Davis (Delta Chi-William Woods) • Kristin DeStefano (Epsilon Psi-Lehigh) • Samantha Dougherty (Theta Xi-Shippensburg) Caroline Geraci (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) • Milana Grozdanich (Beta Pi-USC) • Samantha Haraszti (Gamma Beta-UC/Santa Barbara) Kayla Harris (Eta Theta-San Francisco State) • Rebecca Harvey (Xi-Toronto) • Alissa Horn (Psi-South Dakota) Lauren Hughes (Beta Nu-Duke) • Alexandra Jackson (Eta Lambda-George Mason) • Laura Jansen (Epsilon Iota-Duquesne) Ginny Johnson (Delta-Cornell) • Lauren Johnson (Zeta Sigma-Franklin & Marshall) • Kerri Kello (Epsilon Beta-Butler) Faith Kim (Sigma-Washington) • Sarah Kohart (Eta Omicron-Virginia Tech) • Taylor Lanfried (Eta Upsilon-Chapman) Audie Maki (Gamma Omega-Midwestern State) • Anna McCloskey (Gamma Epsilon-Lake Forest) Nicole Miller (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) • Colleen Mita (Iota Kappa-Dartmouth) • Samantha Montague (Epsilon Upsilon-CSU/Northridge) Alexandria Moore (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) • Kayla Murray (Iota Mu-Georgia Tech) • Ashley Nance (Epsilon Gamma-Sacramento State) Samantha O'Neill (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve) • Stephanie Paturzo (Gamma Rho-Penn State) Rebecca Phelan (Theta Epsilon-SUNY/Buffalo) • Amanda Quesnelle (Iota Theta-Wilfrid Laurier) • Ashley Ricker (Beta Upsilon-Oregon State) Megan Roberson (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis) • Elizabeth Rodriguez (Epsilon Delta-Northern Illinois) Brittany Rusin (Gamma Alpha-San Diego State) • Jennifer Ryans (Delta Upsilon-Baldwin-Wallace) • Hannah Sparkman (Zeta Phi-MIT) Candace Spies (Eta Psi-Eastern Washington) • Lindsey Thomas (Theta Alpha-Linfield) • Brianna Valenti (Iota Delta-Rhode Island) Jennifer Wayboer (Delta Nu-Maine) • AnnMarie Williams (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach) Shannon Wright (Beta Rho-Washington State) • Tiffany Ziegler (Gamma Pi-Arizona State)

Silver Circle Facilitators for Session 1

Lisa Arnsdorf (Theta-Michigan) • Lora Tuley Brys (Theta Gamma-Truman State) • Christine Erickson (Eta Beta-CSU/San Bernardino) Jan Schaeffer (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) • Kristal Statler (Iota Beta-St. Mary's) Lead Facilitators for Sessions 1 and 2: Karyn Nishimura Sneath, NPower * Genevieve Evans Taylor (Psi-South Dakota) Cathy McKay (Theta Iota-James Madison) Session 2 only PA G E T W E N T Y- S I X



A total of 98

emerging leaders attended the institutes and received a full scholarship funded by the Alpha Phi Foundation that included all travel, lodging and meals. These Freshman and sophomore women showed great potential as leaders! For more information and photos: www.alphaphi.org/Leadership_Initiative/ELI.html.

in idence of conf was defid in k a t the hi tha eated “ELI cr nd in Alpha P t ignited by a bu myself here before, ram.” t g nitely s in the pro ie ) it iv t ac DePauw mmaa G ( e r y Moo -Kelse

“ELI motivated me to better myself and lead by example, in the hopes of bettering my chapter and doing right by the Alpha Phi community as a whole.”

-Kelly Stewart (Beta-Northwestern)

Participants for Session 2 Amanda Adams (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) • Brittany Barnes (Omega-Texas) • Allison Bartoszewicz (Theta-Michigan) Elisabeth Bonifield (Beta Psi-San Jose State) • Lauren Bradley (Omicron-Missouri) • Abigail Davis (Tau-Oregon) Susan Donner (Zeta Xi-Elmhurst) • Laura Enriquez (Delta Kappa-Wisconsin/LaCrosse) • Aliza Fishbein (Zeta Omicron-Johns Hopkins) Lisa Green (Zeta Beta-Loyola Marymount) • Samantha Gresham (Delta Mu-Purdue) • Kelsey Griswold (Theta Kappa-Rochester) Jessica Hordeman (Iota Lambda-Connecticut) • Lauren Huckstadt (Iota-Wisconsin) • Courtney Johnson (Eta Mu-Marquette) MacKenzie Jones (Beta Mu-Alabama) • Rebecca King (Gamma Alpha-San Diego State) • Margot Kollerer (Beta Delta-UCLA) Samantha Kramer (Theta Phi-Christopher Newport) • Whitney Lavaux (Iota Eta-DePaul) • Carina Lee (Delta Zeta-Maryland) Jocelyne Mak (Beta Theta-British Columbia) • Elizabeth Martin (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) Jessica Matthews (Delta Theta-Western Michigan) • Whitney McCall (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Melissa McIlhenny (Epsilon Kappa-West Chester) • Kayla Mikula (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado) Noel Miller (Theta Sigma-Southern Utah) • Devyn Mills (Eta Kappa-UC/Irvine) • Stephanie Miner (Beta Epsilon-Arizona) Kelsey Moore (Gamma-DePauw) • Shannon Nelson (Theta Iota-James Madison) • Brigitte Neumayr (Beta Beta-Michigan State) Sarah Nordhues (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney) • Casey Roberts (Theta Nu-Appalachian State) Lindsay Schaeffer (Delta Upsilon-Baldwin-Wallace) • Caitlin Shera (Delta Rho-Ball State) • Kaleigh Schermer (Gamma Eta-North Texas) Mallory Sofastaii (Eta-Boston) • Kelly Stewart (Beta-Northwestern) • Amy Tiffany (Delta Epsilon-Iowa) • Grace Torguson (Pi-North Dakota) Alexis Waldin (Gamma Sigma-Wisconsin/Stout) • Laura Wareham (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) • Claire Wietig (Alpha-Syracuse) Megan Williams (Epsilon Eta-Old Dominion) • Allie Winkleman (Gamma Epsilon-Lake Forest) • Christine Zakaluk (Beta Eta-Manitoba)

Silver Circle Facilitators for Session 2

Angie Bong (Epsilon Beta-Butler) • Janis Coughlin Piester (Theta Kappa-Rochester) • Susan DuMont (Gamma Epsilon-Lake Forest) Alison Nash (Xi-Toronto) • Misty Wilson (Theta Xi-Shippensburg)

FALL 2009

Staff Support for Sessions 1 and 2 Denise Reens (Epsilon Delta-Northern Illinois) * Stefania Rudd (Theta Rho-Cameron)


Alpha Phi Implements New Measures To Protect Members Chances are your own fire safety education started and ended with one message: “Stop, drop and roll” – a message geared towards young children. Unfortunately the fire safety message did not mature as you did, and now it is an antiquated and incorrect approach for adults. Though this message did not evolve, the reasoning behind it remains a matter of life and death. Since 2000, there have been 135 campus-related fatalities, and of this number there were eight Greek members who perished. In a sorority or fraternity chapter house, the exposure to fire is substantial because of the residential living feature, young adults residing on the property and the amount of guest traffic. MYTH: If one sprinkler head starts, the entire system goes, and the house is ruined.

REALITY: Each fire sprinkler head operates independently and engages when temperatures reach 155-165 degrees Fahrenheit.

Alpha Phi initiative Alpha Phi Fraternity leaders are always concerned about the safety of its members, and as a result, the Fraternity is taking a bold step to significantly reduce the risks related to fires in chapter houses. The International Executive Board has passed a new Fraternity policy to help ensure the safety of members and their guests. Effective Sept. 1, 2014, all chapter facilities owned by house corporations must have a fire suppression system which sprinkles 100 percent of the facility. For those properties owned by a university or landlord, the house corporation or chapter property committee will meet with the landlord to ensure the facility is in compliance with local fire district requirement by Sept. 1, CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) installed 2010. The a fire sprinkler system during the compliance summer. Here you can see how a items include, sprinkler head is installed.


but are not limited to, installation, maintenance and inspection of smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, emergency exit signs and quick release door locks throughout the facility. Chapter house corporations are Completed project. already making The flat disc is barely visible. preparations to implement this new policy. Alpha Phi’s insurance agent, MJ Insurance, Inc. (Indianapolis, Ind.), has provided us with a tool to help the house corporations plan for this property investment called “Automatic Sprinkler Toolbox: The ways, whens and hows of installing an automatic sprinkler system.” This can be found at www.mjsorority.com/resources/library/firesafety or in the housing section of www.alphaphi.org. The Fraternity will be proactively providing information on the Web site and will be using all training venues to offer fire safety education to all house corporations, chapter property committees, advisors and collegians. All involved will be needed to help accomplish the goal of every Alpha Phi facility being protected.

MYTH: Sprinkler systems sometimes start for no reason.

REALITY: Research shows the probability of a sprinkler discharging accidentally is one in 16,000,000.

Why? As a landlord, Alpha Phi has the obligation and duty to maintain safe properties. Statistics on sprinkler systems speak for themselves. A sprinkler system reduces the ultimate property damage of a fire by 85 percent. But most profoundly, there has never been a multiple loss of life (three or more people) in a fully sprinklered building due to fire or smoke.



Alpha Phi leaders reviewed all the options available to dramatically decrease the risks of fire. Mandating sprinkler systems in chapter houses was the most cost-effective and conclusive choice.

MYTH: All you need are smoke detectors.

REALITY: Smoke detectors alert you, but they do not control, slow or stop flames, lethal smoke or toxic gases.

Why now? During the past 17 years (at the insistence of the nation’s fire service community), technology has helped develop an affordable residential sprinkler system. This development finally allows Greek housing leaders to consider this vital risk management tool. Meanwhile colleges, A newly installed fire alarm is municipalities and even now protecting the chapter house. some states have stepped up their efforts to significantly increase the number of residential facilities with sprinkler systems. The Princeton Review now includes sprinkler systems presence in their evaluation of campuses. Alpha Phi leaders, as landlords, have a responsibility to provide safe properties for their members. No one takes this responsibility lightly. The entire organization is committed to this effort. MYTH: Sprinklers are too expensive.

Delta Alpha HCB Takes Action This past spring, East Carolina University experienced the loss of one of its fraternity houses to fire. Fortunately, only one injury occurred, but it could have been much worse. North Carolina has had the misfortune of a number of deaths due to Greek houses burning. We don't want any Alpha Phi to be on that list. Several weeks prior to the fraternity fire, we had a small fire in our kitchen. The women acted appropriately, and the fire was out in minutes. This experience and then the fraternity house burning have made the danger very real to our members. North Carolina has required fire sprinkler system installation be completed by 2012. In spite of the deadline being several years off, the East Carolina (Delta Alpha) house corporation board installed a fire sprinkler system this summer. I am more comfortable knowing the women in our house will be given time to escape, should we experience a fire. We hope parents will be more confident of their daughters’ safety with this installation, the fire alarm system and security system. Each sister is a valued member of our family, and we want to protect them. We gladly complied with this North Carolina law in hopes of giving our members the extra time needed to reach safety if ever necessary. –Susan Wilson Ellis (Delta Alpha-East Carolina), Delta Alpha house corporation board president

REALITY: Sprinklers are much more affordable now thanks to technological advancements and building code changes. On average, property owners can expect to pay $2.50-3.60 per square foot for a complete sprinkler system installation.


A special thanks goes to MJ Insurance for providing resources and ongoing support for the Alpha Phi sprinkler systems. Thank you also to Lori Hirsch Stokoe (Beta Alpha-Illinois) for providing photos of the new sprinkler system at the CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) collegiate chapter. FALL 2009


Alpha Phi International joined legislators, universities and other pertinent organizations to support National Campus Fire Safety Month in September. The information provided on their site continues to be relevant: www.campusfiresafetymonth.org.


O n Campus attended the event that raised more than $15,000



Manitoba (Beta Eta)

Alabama (Beta Mu)

Beta Eta had the largest turnout of all sororities and

The chapter hosted its second philanthropy event: a

fraternities on campus during a Greek Night contest

teddy bear drive for the Children’s Hospital in

CSU/San Bernardino (Eta Beta)

and won $500, which was donated to the Alpha Phi

Birmingham, Ala. The newly installed chapter was

Eta Betas hosted the annual Date-a-Phi philanthropy

Foundation. Collegians and alumnae enjoyed the

excited to win Greek Week and the Zeta Tau Alpha /

event that raised more than $2,000. Members worked

eagerly anticipated 80th annual Alpha Phi Formal,

Zeta Beta Tau philanthropy volleyball tournament. They

with the city of San Bernardino on a project to paint

which was followed the next day with a tea ceremony

took second place in Sigma Chi Derby Days. Their love

over graffiti at a local church. The spring formal was

to honor graduating seniors.

for philanthropy and passion for women’s cardiac care

held at Newport Dunes. Members also participated in

for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Special thanks to Kathi

Toronto (Xi) Congratulations to Alyssa James, who received the 2009 Toronto Area Alumnae Panhellenic Scholarship for outstanding academic and extracurricular achievement. Rebecca Harvey attended the Emerging Leaders Institute; sisters look forward to hearing about her experiences and learning fresh ideas for the chapter. The executive committee held a successful retreat weekend to plan for the school year. Wilfrid Laurier (Iota Theta) Sisters welcomed 25 new initiates. The annual Coyote Ugly philanthropy event was a huge success, raising more than $1,500 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. An annual formal included creative awards and celebrated sisters and the end of the year.

Perrella for organizing.

drove members to win the 2009 SELF Challenge.

community service projects and sisterhood events

Members also received individual achievements: Nicole

during the summer.

Blum was invited into the XXXI honor society, Katie

Pepperdine (Iota Alpha)

Schieffer was inducted into Blue Key, the Anderson

The chapter hosted its Eat Your Heart Out all-you-can-

Society and Mortar Board, and Sarah Minkel was

eat buffet and dinner auction. Tickets, cupcakes and

inducted into the Omicron Delta Kappa honor society.

other goodies were sold in advance to promote the


dinner and Alpha Phi’s heart health initiatives. Greek groups competed in the skit competition for the title of

Arizona (Beta Epsilon)

King or Queen of Hearts. In only its second year, event

Sisters worked hard to prepare for fall recruitment. Beta

attendance doubled and revenue increased by 300

Epsilon has been actively working with the university’s

percent, raising $3,500 for the Alpha Phi Foundation.

administration to support a plan for Greek Life that will

San Diego State (Gamma Alpha)

ensure its high level of standards for years to come.


The chapter is proud to have two Panhellenic executive board officers (vice president and associated students liaison), three Rho Chis and two members selected to

CSU/Northridge (Epsilon Upsilon)

attend the Emerging Leaders Institute. Also, Brittany

Sisters hosted the fifth annual Dorothea Heitz Red

Johnson was named Greek New Member of the Year.

Dress Ball. More than 320 alumnae, family and friends




Sisters host the second annual Eat Your Heart Out philanthropy event.

(From left) Letizia Ferreira, Alana Vieira and Christine Heath pose during the annual Coyote Ugly philanthropy event.

Collegians host a successful Red Dress Gala.




Santa Clara (Zeta Gamma)



After a successful school year, Zeta Gammas spent the summer relaxing, working and preparing for

George Washington (Iota Iota)

recruitment. Formal recruitment began with an Oct. 6

Sisters were proud to be one of four Greek

open house and ended with Bid Day on Oct. 13. The

organizations on campus that achieved Gold Standard,

chapter welcomes the new member class of 2009.

the highest university recognition for outstanding accomplishments in community service, leadership,

UC/Irvine (Eta Kappa)

new member development, philanthropic efforts and

Eta Kappas participated in the university’s Songfest

risk management. Members enjoyed the spring formal,

competition with a performance of "A Chorus Line"

held at Union Station. Toronto (Xi) sisters support Alyssa James as she is presented the Toronto Area Alumnae Panhellenic Scholarship.

with the gentlemen of Sigma Phi Epsilon. Senior Dessert Night and Bordeaux Ball highlighted Senior


Week. The chapter was recognized with university


Anteater Awards for Best Web site and Best Fundraiser

Barry (Theta Omega)

for their Red Dress Gala.

The chapter’s inaugural Red Dress Gala raised $3,000. They enjoyed a successful fall recruitment and

USC (Beta Pi)

participated with Fort Lauderdale alumnae in the

The chapter’s spring Phi Ball philanthropy event raised

annual American Heart Association Broward County

a record amount for the American Heart Association

Heart Walk.

and the Alpha Phi Foundation. Members enjoyed several sisterhood events. The annual alumnae tea

Florida Tech (Theta Zeta)

welcomed more than 40 alumnae. The event was such

The annual Alumnae Weekend featured a beach

a success that collegians decided to begin an alumnae

barbeque, brunch and candle pass. The chapter

mentoring program; alumnae interested in volunteering

honored graduating seniors and celebrated semester

should contact the chapter.

accomplishments, including winning Greek Week and earning the highest GPA of all fraternities and sororities


on campus. Upcoming events include hosting a tea

UCLA (Beta Delta) members are recognized during the university’s annual Panhellenic Awards Night. Pictured are (from left) Chapter Advisor Christiane Sentianin (Beta Delta-UCLA), who received a Distinguished Service Award; Troy R. Bartels, Panhellenic advisor; and Panhellenic President Katie Frost, who received the Greek Woman of the Year Award.

party in honor of faculty, participating in the American Connecticut (Iota Lambda)

Heart Association Brevard County Heart Walk and

The chapter raised more than $2,000 for the Alpha

preparing for the chapter’s Duck Dash philanthropy

Phi Foundation through the second annual King of

event to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation.

Hearts and Karaoke Phiver philanthropy events. They


(continued on next page)

look forward to another great philanthropic year in 2009-10.

USC (Beta Pi) sisters enjoy an alumnae tea.




Members cheer on the chapter’s Derby Days volleyball team as they win third place.

Sisters participate in Greek Week.

Sisters celebrate during the chapter’s Red Dress Ball.

FALL 2009


On Campus (continued from previous page)


Williams was named Greek Woman of the Year.

Idaho (Beta Zeta)


Marrow Donor Registry.

spring semester with a 3.38 GPA. The recruitment

Butler (Epsilon Beta) Sisters were proud to be designated a five-star chapter


committee executed two successful retreats to practice and review Panhellenic rules. The chapter house had

during the university’s Greek Excellence Award

Maryland (Delta Zeta)

some renovations during the summer, including the

Ceremony. Alpha Phi was the only sorority on campus

The chapter co-sponsored its first Mr. Greek

installation of a state-of-the-art fire sprinkler system.

to merit the honor! The chapter was also recognized for

philanthropy event with the brothers of Tau Kappa

its new member programming. In addition, sisters

Epsilon; the event raised approximately $2,000.

earned the highest average GPA among fraternities and

Members also hosted the fifth annual Red Dress Gala.

largest in the school’s history; Alpha Phi had the largest percentage of members sign up for the National

The chapter ranked third among sororities during the


sororities for a second consecutive semester. DePaul (Iota Eta)


The second annual APhiesta Bowl benefited the Alpha

DePauw (Gamma)

Phi Foundation. Katie VanKampen and Joanna Gilkeson

The chapter earned the highest sorority GPA on

Boston (Eta)

were honored with university awards for involvement

campus for the spring semester. Members offered the

Sisters participated in the American Heart Association

and achievement during Fraternity/Sorority Week.

highest bid during a fraternity philanthropy auction and

Heart Walk and the Making Strides Against Breast

Members look forward to a ropes course retreat and

won a party at the university president's residence.

Cancer walk. The annual Jail N' Bail philanthropy event

planning the second annual Red Dress Gala.

Collegians look forward to the Red Dress Gala

benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation and City On a Hill, a

in the fall.

Boston high school.


MIT (Zeta Phi)

Week and reclaimed the intramural trophy in the

Iowa (Delta Epsilon)

chapter's 25th reunion. The weekend of festivities

sorority division. Other accomplishments included

The chapter house underwent some upgrades during

included a banquet dinner with special guest

having a sister as sweetheart for seven out the 12

the summer to improve the look of its historical

International President Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-

fraternities on campus, having more than 25 percent of

structure. New carpet was laid on the front stair case

MIT). The chapter received the 2009 Campus

members in honors organizations, having two members

where potential new members are greeted during fall

Involvement Award from the MIT Panhellenic

on the award-winning Panhellenic Council, winning

recruitment. The women look forward to celebrating

Association. Members hosted the King of Hearts

philanthropy events hosted by other sororities and

House Director Gloria Parsons’ 15th year as a house

philanthropy event. The chapter house now has new

fraternities, and having two members on Greek Court

director at the University of Iowa.

computers, printers and desks in study areas.

honor of Shannon McNamara and participated in Take



Back the Night and Girls Fight Back events.

Maine (Delta Nu)

Michigan State (Beta Beta)

Elmhurst (Zeta Xi)

Sisters hosted their second annual Red Dress Gala in

Members enjoyed the summer traveling, relaxing,

Members were proud to receive the university’s

October. Congratulations to Chiara Amendola for

working and studying. Sisters studied abroad in Hong

prestigious 2009 Chapter of Excellence Award. Sara

planning a successful bone marrow drive, one of the

Kong, Paris and Rome.

Eastern Illinois (Zeta Alpha) Members ranked second in grades among other

Sarina Siddhanti and Claire Mazumdar organized the

sororities and fraternities. They took first place in Greek

Council. Members hosted the annual Shannon Run in




Sisters enjoy a successful formal recruitment.

Sisters participate in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life.

Sisters promote Alpha Phi during spring break.





focused on planning the second annual Red Dress


Gala, including a fashion show and silent auction. Minnesota (Epsilon) Members were busy during the summer organizing


fall events, including formal recruitment, Homecoming, Parent’s Day, formal and philanthropic activities. Four

Nebraska (Nu)

sisters were selected to represent Greek Life as

The chapter hosted the first Phiva Las Vegas casino

recruitment counselors. The Red Dress Gala

night philanthropy event in the spring. The event,

philanthropy event is planned for January; for

organized by Emily Ives, Emily Nesbitt and Lindsey

more information contact Ashley Kastenholz at

Shannon, raised more than $4,000 for the Alpha Phi


Foundation and the Bryan LGH Heart Institute.



Central Missouri (Theta Lambda)

Dartmouth (Iota Kappa)

The chapter welcomed 21 new initiates during the

Sisters raised approximately $3,000 for the American

fall and four during spring, reaching campus total.

Cancer Society with fundraising events and

Sisters won 13 awards during the university’s Greek

participation in a Relay for Life; each sister volunteered

Week; Kelly Marshall was named Greek Goddess.

two hours. Sisters participated in the Panhellenic

The chapter was also recognized by the university

Council’s annual flag football tournament, benefiting

with five All Greek Awards.

the International Rescue Committee. They also enjoyed

Missouri (Omicron) members reunite during the summer to prepare for the school year.


summer activities, including Cully’s Run. Missouri (Omicron) The chapter house saw renovations with new

New Hampshire (Eta Alpha)

bathrooms. Six sisters were selected as counselors for

Sisters hosted the first Women’s Cardiac Care Week

fall recruitment. Upcoming activities include

philanthropy event. They set up a table in the MUB to

Homecoming with the men of Kappa Alpha Order

promote the importance of heart health, passed out

fraternity, Dad’s Weekend and a sisterhood retreat.

stress balls and held a bake sale. They welcomed eight

Members are excited to celebrate their centennial

new initiates during the spring. Despite being held

anniversary this school year as well.

during one of the worst snow storms of the year, the annual Eat Your Heart Out philanthropy event had its

Washington University (Zeta Upsilon)

best showing ever.

Members were proud to receive a Best Production Award for their play performed in the university’s


ThurtenE Carnival. Money raised from the production benefited Crisis Nursery, a safe place for parents to

Seton Hall (Eta Eta)

drop off their children during the day in times of crisis.

By welcoming 16 new members, the chapter remains

Sisters volunteer at the nursery every Friday. Members

the largest sorority on campus. Members participated

Daniela Gomez and Sarah Feinmark (both Zeta OmicronJohns Hopkins) are recipients of Homewood Arts Certificates, presented during the annual Johns Hopkins University Leadership Recognition Awards Program. The Homewood Arts Certificate is given to graduating seniors who have made a significant contribution to the nonacademic arts at Johns Hopkins University. Only 16 undergraduates earned Homewood Arts Certificates.

(continued on next page)




Sisters host the annual Phiesta soccer tournament and taco bar.

Sisters Alex Stuart, left, and Jennifer Kupiec pose with Paris, France, as a backdrop while studying in Europe.

Members are recognized with the 2009 Chapter of Excellence Award.

FALL 2009


On Campus (continued from previous page)

in campus ministry events, including working at food


again had the highest GPA on campus during the spring semester.

banks, cleaning dance studios and reading to children at a local library. Sisters took second place in the

North Dakota (Pi)

university’s Greek Week competition. Members were

The chapter’s annual 5K Walk/Run philanthropy event

proud of ToniAnne Giunta, who was named

was rescheduled for the fall semester. They enjoyed

valedictorian of the university’s education program.

visiting with alumnae during Homecoming festivities,

Linfield (Theta Alpha)

including an open house luncheon. Other activities

This year, the chapter is focusing on sisterhood and


included recruitment and sisterhood events.

continuing with outstanding philanthropy. Members also

Cornell (Delta)



approximately $3,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation.

Kent State (Beta Omega)


Members look forward to fall semester events,

Members participated in Greek Week events and the

including Ivy Man, local service work, sisterhood events

American Cancer Society Relay For Life. They enjoyed a

Franklin & Marshall (Zeta Sigma)

and social events.

formal and fall recruitment training.

Members focused spring term on raising money and

Rensselaer (Theta Tau)

Ohio State (Rho)

Relay for Life. The women formed six teams, with more

The chapter enjoyed a successful fall formal

During the Ohio State Greek Recognition Night, Rho

than 80 sisters participating. Kaitlin McIntyre tied for

recruitment, thanks to Vice President of Member

received the Challenging the Process Award, President

first place in total funds raised with $1,025, and Ashley

Recruitment Laura Wareham. Collegians hosted the

Courtney Banks received an Outstanding University

Meischeid was the fourth highest earner at $795. The

biannual Alumnae Weekend. Sisters look forward to the

Involvement Award, and alumna Dale Deubler Sheppard

chapter raised $8,270 out of a school-wide $36,421

chapter’s annual 3-on-3 basketball tournament that

(Rho-Ohio State) was named Chapter Advocate of the

total, making them the top fundraisers for the event.

benefits the Alpha Phi Foundation. The annual

Year. Greek Week victories included winning the co-ed

Professor Mixer will be held Oct. 20.

dodgeball tournament and push-up contest, receiving

West Chester (Epsilon Kappa)

the Most Spirited award and the dance team placing

Sisters hosted the third annual Red Dress Gala that

fifth at the variety show. Kelsy Boyd was a Greek

raised $3,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. The annual

Goddess finalist with her solo guitar act. In addition,

Greek Night Live philanthropy event raised another

Rho was invited to help colonize the new chapter at the

$900. In addition, the women achieved the highest GPA

University of Kentucky.

out of the 16 Greek organizations on campus with a


enjoyed a new tradition - an alumnae Homecoming

The second annual Red Dress Gala raised


awareness for the university’s American Cancer Society

3.4 average. Their greatest accomplishment was being


named Chapter of the Year by West Chester University.

Cameron (Theta Rho)


Theta Rhos initiated the spring new member class and

Wisconsin/LaCrosse (Delta Kappa) members celebrate during graduation.

said good-bye to graduating sisters with a senior

South Dakota (Psi)

ceremony. A Texas Hold 'Em philanthropy event raised

The chapter held the annual Teeter-Totter-athon

money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Spring formal

with the men and Beta Theta Pi, which supported the

included great food, dancing and awards. Sisters once

family of a Psi alumna. The third annual Red Dress




Sisters host the annual Eat Your Heart Out philanthropy event.

Members travel to Emerald Isle for a sisterhood retreat.

Sisters host an annual Red Dress Gala.




Gala will be held on Nov. 6 at the Valiant Vineyards



Winery and will include live and silent auctions, music, food and fun.

Wisconsin (Iota) The women hosted the third annual Red Dress Gala; more than 200 family and friends attended a


delicious dinner, musical performances and silent Southern Utah (Theta Sigma)

auction. On Valentine’s Day, sisters honored National

The chapter received the prestigious honor of

Heart Disease Awareness Month by baking heart

Organization of the Year at Southern Utah University’s

cookies for students, attaching cards with heart-

annual Thunderbird Awards. Noel Miller attended the

healthy lifestyle tips. The Phi-va Las Vegas philanthropy

Emerging Leaders Institute during the summer.

event included a night of music, dancing, food and


Syracuse (Alpha) sister Pamela Galbato is president of the university’s Panhellenic Council.

a poker tournament to benefit women’s cardiac IOTA BETAS REIGN AS QUEENS


George Mason (Eta Lambda)

Wisconsin/LaCrosse (Delta Kappa)

The chapter won Greek Sing and Greek Week during

During the summer, sisters studied abroad in Italy,

the spring, continuing the dynasty of being Greek Week

France and England. Delta Kappas kept their

champions for the past 16 out of 19 years. Eta Lambda

sisterhood strong by getting together for birthdays,

also won the prestigious All Sports Award for their

concerts, baseball games and dinners.

domination of intramural sports and for exemplifying Panhellenic sportsmanship. The second annual Red

Wisconsin/Stout (Gamma Sigma)

Dress Gala raised $10,000 for the Alpha Phi

The chapter hosted a successful walk/run

Foundation thanks to the generous support of the

philanthropy event during the spring. They raised

Fairfax community, parents and local alumnae. The

$3,000, and 150 runners and walkers attended

chapter also hosted a successful Cardiac Arrest

the event. They held the annual 48-hour teeter-totter

philanthropy event.

event to raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Leadership and recruitment retreats were held


The women of St. Mary’s (Iota Beta) have won homecoming queen titles five years in a row. Pictured (from left) are four of the five: Jennifer Fuentes, 2005; Misa Andrew, 2006; Kristian Padron, 2008; and Erika Lopez, 2009.


during the summer.

West Virginia (Beta Iota) Graduating seniors were recognized during the chapter’s annual awards banquet, and many received awards for their countless accomplishments in Alpha Phi. Members participated in a number of fraternity philanthropy events, completed more than 500 hours of community service and held the annual spring formal. Abby Sobonya was elected to the university’s student

George Mason (Eta Lambda) members win Greek Week for a 16th year.





Sisters participate in an annual flag football tournament.

Collegians host a year-end philanthropy event.

Sisters host the annual Red Dress Gala.

FALL 2009





FALL 2009


P eople Sister Selected as Broncos Cheerleader Tara Battiato (Omega-Texas) was selected as a member of the Denver Broncos Cheerleaders. Out of more than 300 who auditioned, 28 made the squad. As a Broncos cheerleader, Tara will participate in 10 home football Tara Battiato games in addition to serving as an ambassador through appearances and community service. Tara has also been chosen to be an instructor for the Junior Denver Broncos Cheerleaders, a program designed to promote self-esteem, pride, commitment and discipline among young women ages 6 to 14. Alumna Appointed Information Security Officer Garda Cash Logistics, America’s second largest cash logistics provider, appointed Barbara Jeffery Danzi (Delta-Cornell) to the newly created position of chief information security officer. Barbara has complete operational responsibility for the Barbara Danzi company’s information security program and the procedures for its information technology processes and systems. Volunteer Presented Prestigious Award Church Women United (CWU), a national volunteer Christian ecumenical women’s movement, presented Molly Loop Dean (Delta Mu-Purdue) with the prestigious Leadership Meritorious Award in April. The award recognizes volunteers Molly Dean PA G E T H I R T Y- E I G H T

who have served as president of the organization for three years. Molly has volunteered with CWU for more than a decade and also received the Valiant Woman Award from her local unit in 2004 for her involvement in the community and service in the organization. Sister Creates Successful Non-Profit Programs Laney Whitcanack Deane (Beta Delta-UCLA) is the co-founder of The Princess Project (www.princessproject.org), a volunteerpowered non-profit organization that promotes self-confidence by providing free prom dresses and accessories to high school women who cannot otherwise afford them. Unable to find affordable and easy-to-use software to support the Princess Project, Laney also founded BigTent (www.bigtent.com), a technology company that provides free, Web-based software to community groups. In just three years, Big Tent has become a success and has been hailed by reviewers such as Real Simple and Laney Deane Cool Mom Picks. Alumna Earns Elite Status Alice Ryno Eastman (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois), Bolingbrook, Ill., Park District’s superintendent of natural resources, has earned the leadership in energy and environmental design accredited professional (LEED Alice Eastman AP) status. Alice is one of a select few outside the design and construction field to have earned this certification, which shows that she has demonstrated a thorough understanding of green building techniques, the LEED Green Building Rating System and the building certification process.

Sister Named to 40 Under 40 Jennifer Grant (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate) was a recipient of a Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal 40 Under 40 Award. Jennifer heads marketing at Box.net, which provides Web services for accessing and sharing content to Jennifer Grant more than two million people and businesses. Outside work, she enjoys advising new startups and volunteering time with entrepreneurs on marketing strategies. Alumna Recognized for Career Success Emer OBroin Gunter (Beta Iota-West Virginia), vice president of environmental safety health and human rights for Monsanto, was recently inducted into the Academy of Chemical Engineers at West Virginia University. The Emer Gunter academy was founded in 1986 to recognize those graduates who have had distinguished professional careers or who have been of outstanding service to West Virginia University. Sister Honored as Champion of Children The Franklin County (Ohio) Board of Commissioners and Columbus Montessori Education Center honored Ann Sutton Pizzuti (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) with the Champion of Children Award in Ann Pizzuti February. The award is presented once a year to a local child advocate who has made a substantial impact on children. ALPHA PHI


Ann currently serves as chair of the board of the United Way of Central Ohio, recently completed an eight-year term as chairman of the National Hospice Foundation and was a founding member of the Women’s Fund of Central Ohio.


Collegian Launches Online Internship Network In July, Chelsea Prince (AlphaSyracuse) launched InternCircle.com, a virtual internship hub for interns and intern employers. InternCircle offers internship employment listings, information about safe and affordable Chelsea Prince housing, relevant internship information in the media, advice from distinguished guests, social listings, weekly social events and MyCircle space that allows interns and intern employers to network.

Megan O'Neill (Epsilon Nu-Delaware) was featured in the April 14, 2009, UD Review (University of Delaware) in an article titled “Freshman debuts in D.C. as Cherry Blossom Princess.” Megan traveled to Washington, D.C., during spring break to represent the state of Delaware as its Cherry Blossom Princess during the National Cherry Blossom Festival. The festival celebrates spring and also honors the friendship between the U.S. and Japan. Princesses represented almost every U.S. state plus six international locations. The week consisted of touring D.C., visiting embassies, dinners, community service at local schools and a food bank, participating in a parade and attending a ball.

Author Publishes First Book Under the pen name Brooks Sigler, Veronica Brooks Sigler (DeltaCornell) published her first book in February. Five

Finger Fiction (PublishingWorks, Inc., 2009. ISBN 978-1-933002-83-5) tells the story of Lila Veronica Sigler O’Farrell, who struggles to find her voice in her large Irish Catholic family and finds comfort in kleptomania. But breaking the law and being cast aside is nothing compared to standing up to the authority of her powerful mother. For more information, visit www.brookssigler.com.

FALL 2009

Cherry Blossom Princess

Leading By Example The San Diego State (Gamma Alpha) chapter was featured in a May 2009 @ State (San Diego State University Student Affairs) article titled “Sorority and Girl Scouts Work Together to Beautify Campus.” Led by Lauren Sparacino, the chapter began a campus beautification project called Garden Day. In April, 60 Gamma Alphas teamed with Girl Scouts from three local troops to plant flowers at two locations on campus. Scouts also were invited to the chapter house after the project. Regarding Gamma Alphas’ influence on the Girl Scouts, the article said: “[the children] were left a lasting impression about the importance of giving back.”

Preserving Baltimore History Julia Pilcer (Zeta Omicron-Johns Hopkins) was featured in the Spring 2009 Arts and Sciences Magazine (Johns Hopkins University) in an article titled “Saving History.” The political science major participated in an undergraduate research seminar, The Power of Place: Race and Community in East Baltimore, as part of the university’s East Baltimore Oral History Project. The goal of the project is to help residents – and the city – remember the history of a neighborhood that will no longer exist in a few years. PA G E T H I R T Y- N I N E

Alpha Phi Welcomes New Fraternity Executive Director Linda Wells Kahangi (Zeta Delta-Iowa State) joined the Fraternity as its new executive director in June. She brings to her new role more than 20 years of professional management experience, most recently as division president and executive vice president of operations for EarthLink. She also has more than 10 years of experience as an Alpha Phi volunteer, supporting four collegiate chapters on the East and West coasts. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in computer science and psychology from Iowa State University and earned a master’s in business administration from St. Mary’s


College of California.


What made you decide to transition from EarthLink to Alpha Phi International Fraternity?

My career plan was always to move from a full-time high-tech management position to a number of board of director roles as I got nearer to retirement. I hoped that would allow me the opportunity to spend more time on things I loved, including Alpha Phi. When I saw the executive director job posted, to me it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and it allowed me to jump earlier to work on something I love. And, coincidentally, the board of directors position I hold is with a company in the Chicago area (Tellabs, Inc., Naperville, Ill.).


What are you most looking forward to about taking on the ED position?

Everything! The position is a great combination of the things I have enjoyed the most in the working world and the things I have found to be most fun and rewarding about my collegiate and alumnae experiences in Alpha Phi. The best part is there is so much opportunity for innovation and creativity; I get to spend my day thinking about how to make Alpha Phi an even better and more meaningful collegiate and alumnae experience.



You've been in the ED position just over three months. Is there anything that stands out?

I knew Alpha Phi was an organization of strong, smart women, but the people I meet every day in this position – on the International Executive Board, in the Executive Office, on the Foundation Board and staff, on the regional teams and committees and in our member base – continually impress me with their talent, intellect and sincere desire to make Alpha Phi the best it can be. Everyone’s hearts and motivations are in the right place, which is a refreshing change from the business world’s focus on creating shareholder wealth.

The position is a great combination of the things I have enjoyed the most in the working world and the things I have found to be most fun and rewarding about my collegiate and alumnae experiences in Alpha Phi." ALPHA PHI



What are some goals you have for the Fraternity?

My primary goals are to keep the Fraternity healthy, strong, growing and adaptable to change. This will provide a foundation upon which our International Executive Board, together with the strong volunteer leadership structure across the U.S. and Canada, can continue to evolve Alpha Phi to be more and more meaningful for our collegians and alumnae. That being said, I do have areas of special interest I hope to contribute to personally. The first is using technology to strengthen our relationships and communication with each other. Alpha Phi is a leader in this space already, and I intend to ensure we stay a leader and innovate in this area in ways that delight our members. The second area is housing. I want to strengthen the support we give our house corporation board (HCB) volunteers and find ways to make the HCB volunteer roles less daunting and more rewarding and fun. Finally, the third area is mentorship of women in business – and especially in technology careers. I would like to help grow Alpha Phi’s network and support structure in the business world for the benefit of our members.


What does being an Alpha Phi mean to you?

Being an Alpha Phi is something I am very proud of. I think the leadership of Alpha Phi over time has done a great job balancing its high integrity foundation and timeless traditions with a sense of flexibility and desire to keep the Fraternity relevant and meaningful in today’s world. At the core, it will always be a group of smart, talented women who I really enjoy knowing and counting as my friends. Being associated with such a high caliber of women also raises my expectations of myself.


How did Alpha Phi influence your college years? Your life today?

During college, Alpha Phi was really a home away from home to me, and its membership and programs provided a wonderful support system and group of close friends. It also provided many opportunities to develop future business and leadership skills that were invaluable as I began my career. Leading recruitment at a large university definitely teaches you good project management skills! Today, Alpha Phi serves both as a network of dear friends and also an opportunity to make a difference by helping make the Alpha Phi experience the best it can be for young women. FALL 2009

“ Q

My primary goals are to keep the Fraternity healthy, strong, growing and adaptable to change."

Do you have a favorite story/memory from your college days? As an alumna?

One of my favorite memories from college is connected to a beautiful song our chapter at Iowa State adapted and sang together at the end of preference night. It was called “I Will Remember You,” and it was written by a good friend of a woman in our chapter. I have a tattered copy of the song, which was later sung at my wedding and my son’s graduation, and I will always love it. Some of my favorite memories as an alumna are of my son essentially growing up in the Beta Psi chapter house at San Jose State. I was chapter operations advisor and then house corporation board president and spent quite a bit of time at the house. He often accompanied me to meetings and got lots of attention from the collegians. I never had any trouble finding babysitters, and our wonderful after school nanny was - of course - also a San Jose State collegian.


You have been active as an Alpha Phi volunteer for more than 10 years. Why do you recommend being involved as an alumna? What did you like most about working with collegiate Alpha Phis?

As a young alumna new to the working world, Alpha Phi is a wonderful support network. I moved from Iowa to Maryland when I graduated from college and immediately found a wonderful group of friends and mentors in the D.C. area alumnae group. This was the case later when I moved to California as well. Alpha Phi also provides great opportunities for young alumnae to broaden their business skills. A great example is San Jose State’s house corporation board; they have created roles specifically for new graduates on their board where the young alumnae can learn how a board operates and then grow into more significant roles either on the board or the advisory board. Later, I think the benefits to being involved as an alumna change, and it becomes more about how very rewarding it is to help grow and mentor the collegians and young alumnae. The best thing about having the opportunity to work with our Alpha Phi collegians is watching them grow and develop into confident leaders. You feel an immense sense of pride knowing they are on a path to success in the adult world and with their future careers, and that you played a small role in it.


Silent Chapter Please note: class year listed in parentheses is year of initiation. Alabama (Beta Mu) Elizabeth McAlister (’50), July 8, 2009. Exine Addison Roeder (’39), June 24, 2009. Arizona (Beta Epsilon) Marion Gaisser Taylor (’36), April 23, 2009. Colorado (Beta Gamma) Joyce Wilger Magnuson (’53), April 10, 2009. Louise Burnard Taylor (’44), April 25, 2009. Cornell (Delta) Jean Chase Emerson (‘32), May 26, 2008. Mira Graves (‘40), Oct. 28, 2008. Margaret Scheer Harper (‘28), Dec. 24, 2008. Barbara Smith Hart (‘42), Aug. 30, 2008. Elinore Sweeney Young (‘58), June 16, 2009. CSU/East Bay (Eta Delta) Stephanie Stahler Pierce (‘87), June 13, 2009. CSU/Long Beach (Gamma Kappa) June Lassick Kinney (‘59), April 9, 2009. DePauw (Gamma) Diana Evans Parfitt (‘53), May 12, 2009.

Duke (Beta Nu) Ida Applewhite Barber (‘35), June 21, 2009. Prudence Morey Palmer (‘50), June 17, 2008. Idaho (Beta Zeta) Jean Luedke Magee (‘53), June 23, 2009. Janell Wood Conner (‘73), May 16, 2009. Illinois (Beta Alpha) Wilma Whetzel Shapland (‘44), May 9, 2009. Indiana (Beta Tau) Kathleen M. Hooton (‘47), June 3, 2009. Nancy Thompson Kizer (‘50), June 27, 2009. Patricia Ellis Stauffer (’52), June 28, 2009. Kent State (Beta Omega) Dianne Delpozzo Huskisson (‘69), June 1, 2009. Miami University (Gamma Nu) Linda Golliher Burner (‘57), April 5, 2009. Michigan (Theta) Kern McKay Winfield (‘49), May 30, 2009. Michigan State (Beta Beta) Elizabeth Lilley Stealy (‘35), Feb. 11, 2009. Jean Lewless Easton (’53), May 1, 2008.

Minnesota (Epsilon) Nancy Chatfield Larson (‘48), June 8, 2009. Margaret Atkins Walker (‘32), June 12, 2009. Katherine Joyce Gibson (‘33), June 7, 2009. Jannie Simons Stephens (‘39), June 16, 2009. Virginia Alden White (‘45), July 3, 2009. Missouri (Omicron) Helen Pihlblad Andrews (‘46), March 4, 2009. Ortrude Schnaedelbach Busse (‘37), April 18, 2009. Montana (Chi) Gladys Ferguson Bloom (‘49), April 29, 2009. Northwestern (Beta) Nancy Barry Bender (‘32), June 18, 2009. Betty Hower Champlin (‘44), April 4, 2009. Ohio State (Rho) Emily Everhart Christmas (‘36), Jan. 16, 2009. Carol Creps Gleason Hield (‘46), March 31, 2009. Oklahoma (Phi) Wera Christian Henry (‘34), May 7, 2009. Oregon (Tau) Patricia Maloney Stratton (‘44), Jan. 18, 2009.

Oregon State (Beta Upsilon) Jill Scott Campbell (‘60), April 17, 2009. Linda L. Chan (‘83), April 28, 2009.

UC/Berkeley (Lambda) Barbara Cunningham Lion (‘42), June 3, 2009. Carlisle Wolfe Rowley (‘28), April 14, 2009.

Puget Sound (Gamma Zeta) Terry McGowan Kinnaman (‘57), June 27, 2009.

UC/Santa Barbara (Gamma Beta) Sara C. Tahmassebi (’07), May 10, 2009.

San Diego State (Gamma Alpha) Marilyn McColl McGaffey (‘49), April 15, 2009.

Washburn (Upsilon) Jo Munson Anderson (‘49), April 10, 2009. Marthel Oldham Longabach (‘33), May 27, 2009.

San Jose State (Beta Psi) Christie M. Williams (’04), March 3, 2009. South Dakota (Psi) Glory Knapp Mahl (‘40), April 17, 2009. Lorraine Grant Morton (‘35), May 5, 2009. Stanford (Kappa) Collier Carter Kimball (‘39), June 4, 2009. Syracuse (Alpha) Frances Henson Anderson (‘41), April 24, 2009. Stephanie Harding Finkbeiner (‘51), May 17, 2009. Mary Raper Graves (‘27), June 11, 2009. Texas (Omega) Frances Whall Vordenbaum (‘56), June 1, 2009.

Washington (Sigma) Marjorie Schwalen Nelson (‘38), April 20, 2009. Myra Heuston Lenington (‘44), May 28, 2009. West Virginia (Beta Iota) Carolyn S. Sauerwein (‘88), June 29, 2009. Hope E. Skipwith (‘45), April 26, 2009. Wichita State (Gamma Xi) Susan Steffen Morrison (‘70), April 15, 2009. Wisconsin (Iota) Patricia Prielipp Hawkins (’71), March 16, 2008. Judith Cobabe Stephenson (‘59), June 7, 2009. Wisconsin/Oshkosh (Delta Psi) Kathleen Young Nagurski (‘71), June 28, 2009.


International Executive Board directors invited regional managers to meet with them at the Executive Office to exchange ideas regarding the pros and cons of the current organizational structure.




Alpha Phi International DIRECTORY

FOUNDERS Clara Bradley Burdette (’76) Silent Chapter 1954 Florence Chidester Lukens (’75) Silent Chapter 1885 Martha Foote Crow (’76) Silent Chapter 1924 Ida Gilbert Houghton (’76) Silent Chapter 1916 Jane S. Higham (’76) Silent Chapter 1949 Kate Hogoboom Gilbert (’75) Silent Chapter 1900 Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults (’75) Silent Chapter 1895 Rena Michaels Atchison (’74) Silent Chapter 1933 Louise Shepard Hancock (’76) Silent Chapter 1932 Clara Sittser Williams (’75) Silent Chapter 1925 PAST PRESIDENTS Phyllis Sims Selig (Gamma Delta-Kansas), 1974-78 Nancy Wittgen Burks DeVoe (Gamma-DePauw), 1982-86 Sally McCall Grant (Gamma-DePauw), 1986-90 Virginia Burson Struble (Beta Kappa-Denison), 1990-94 Linda Gardner Massie (Delta Alpha-East Carolina), 1994-98 Jean Cameron Hahm (Gamma Nu-Miami University), 1998-2002 Crista Cate Vasina (Delta GammaNorthern Colorado), 2002-06

INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD International President Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT) Bedminster, NJ lms@alumnae.alphaphi.org Vice President Susan Brink Sherratt (Beta Beta-Michigan State) Alameda, CA susan@alumnae.alphaphi.org Secretary/Treasurer Billie Coskey Battiato (Phi-Oklahoma) Tulsa, OK oudoll@ix.netcom.com Jane Kirby Arkes (Omicron-Missouri) Portland, OR RJArkes@aol.com Deana Koonsman Gage (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) Southlake, TX dkay52@alumnae.alphaphi.org Julie King Gomez (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) Saratoga, CA gogoaphi@comcast.net Amy Jordan Tvrdik (Omicron-Missouri) Chesterfield, MO amyt@alumnae.alphaphi.org Renee Smith Zimmerman Zainer (Beta Epsilon-Arizona) Centennial, CO rzainer@aol.com Ex-Officio Member/NPC Delegate Sally McCall Grant (Gamma-DePauw) Walnut Creek, CA sallymgrant@gmail.com Ex-Officio Member/Executive Director Linda Kahangi lkahangi@alphaphi.org

FALL 2009

FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman Linda Gardner Massie (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Toano, VA linda@jackmassie.com Vice Chairman Susan Bevan (Sigma-Washington) Greenwich, CT sjb41690@aol.com Secretary Diane Spry Straker (Delta Alpha-East Carolina) Reston, VA dssaphi@att.net Treasurer Sheri Allen Yengst (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) Rolling Hills Estates, CA syengst@gmail.com Laura Jen Kin Berger (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach) Simi Valley, CA syd2karli@aol.com Judy Ethell (Zeta Alpha-Eastern Illinois) Chesterfield, MO ethellja@aol.com Laura Malley-Schmitt (Zeta Phi-MIT) Bedminster, NJ lms@alumnae.alphaphi.org Kim Norton-O’Brien (Zeta Rho-Bentley) Wickford, RI knorton_obrien@hotmail.com Cathy Logan Stembridge (Omicron-Missouri) Evanston, IL c-stembridge@northwestern.edu NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE DELEGATION Delegate Sally McCall Grant (Gamma-DePauw) Walnut Creek, CA sallymgrant@gmail.com First Alternate Delegate Deana Koonsman Gage (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) Southlake, TX dkay52@alumnae.alphaphi.org Second Alternate Delegate Tara Riemer Jones (Zeta Omicron-Johns Hopkins) Seward, AK triemer@jhu.edu Third Alternate Delegate Ruth Gallagher Nelson (Delta Epsilon-Iowa) Chicago, IL rgnelson@alumnae.alphaphi.org HISTORIAN Margaret Knights Hultsch (Beta Nu-Duke, Rho-Ohio State, Beta-Northwestern and Omicron-Missouri) Columbia, MO hultsch4@aol.com EXECUTIVE OFFICE STAFF Telephone numbers listed under Fraternity and Foundation staff are direct lines. Fraternity 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 Phone 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 e-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org Direct voice mail line: 847.475.4786

Executive Director Linda Kahangi lkahangi@alphaphi.org 847.316.8922 Manager of Administrative Services Carol Schar cschar@alphaphi.org 847.316.8945 Administrative Services Coordinator Melanie Keller mkeller@alphaphi.org 847.316.8929 Director of Alumnae Membership Alissa Meyer Milito amilito@alphaphi.org 847.316.8941 Program Manager, Alumnae Membership Paige Stallings pstallings@alphaphi.org 847.316.8925 Program Coordinator, Alumnae Membership Stephanie Shaw sshaw@alphaphi.org 847.316.8940 Director of Collegiate Operations J.D. Louk jdlouk@alphaphi.org 847.316.8943 Director of Membership Recruitment Linda Schnetzer lschnetzer@alphaphi.org 847.316.8924 Manager of Chapter Development Laura Garraway Caulfield lcaulfield@alphaphi.org 312.399.2133 Program Manager of Consultants/Recruitment Support Gwendolyn Hill ghill@alphaphi.org 847.316.8934 Coordinator of Collegiate Operations Hope Gray hgray@alphaphi.org 847.316.8927 Director of Finance Cathy Koessl ckoessl@alphaphi.org 847.316.8928 Housing Manager Dawn Toth dtoth@alphaphi.org 317.402.6881 Director of Marketing and Extension Megan Bouché mbouche@alphaphi.org 847.316.8926 Manager of New Chapter Development Stephanie Nordstrom snordstrom@alphaphi.org 626.378.0922 Director of Training, Development and Communications Denise Jung Reens dreens@alphaphi.org 847.316.8921 Communications Manager and Quarterly Editor-in-Chief Christine Spiegel cspiegel@alphaphi.org 847.316.8920 Manager of Resources and Training Initiatives Stefania Rudd srudd@alphaphi.org 847.316.8933 Program Manager, Marketing and Communications Arden Schuman aschuman@alphaphi.org 847.316.8938

Foundation 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 Phone 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 e-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org Direct voice mail line: 847.475.4786 Executive Director Emily Ellison Lamb elamb@alphaphi.org 847.316.8950 Major Gifts Officer Lisa Arnsdorf larnsdorf@alphaphi.org 760.730.9102 Development Officer Erin Leahey eleahey@alphaphi.org 847.316.8951 Development Officer Lauren Vandeveer lvandeveer@alphaphi.org 847.475.4786 x172 Development Manager Jane Baxter Miller jmiller@alphaphi.org 847.316.8948 Program Manager Missy Wagasy Moody mmoody@alphaphi.org 847.316.8947 Director of Philanthropic Campaigns Nancy Owen Craig ncraig@alumnae.alphaphi.org 570.473.3609 EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONSULTANTS 2009-10 All ELCs can receive mail at the Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Ashley Deal (Theta Upsilon-CSU/Chico) Carmichael, CA adeal@alphaphi.org 916.628.3485 Brittany Fertig (Delta Zeta-Maryland) Joppa, MD bfertig@alphaphi.org 443.857.4426 Evan Guthrie (Omega-Texas) Cypress, TX eguthrie@alphaphi.org 512.971.1013 Megan Keim (Epsilon Gamma-Sacramento State) Sacramento, CA mkeim@alphaphi.org 916.215.8154 Caitlin Massie (Eta Omicron-Virginia Tech) Toano, VA cmassie@alphaphi.org 757.880.4461 Anne McMurray (Beta-Northwestern) Indianapolis, IN amcmurray@alphaphi.org 317.418.6681 Ashley Welle (Gamma Omicron-Drake) Sauk Centre, MN awelle@alphaphi.org 320.248.4439 Development Specialist Emily Bunch (Theta Iota-James Madison) Stafford, VA ebunch@alphaphi.org 540.760.4036 Development Specialist Courtney McCallum (Beta Gamma-Colorado) Glenwood Springs, CO cmccallum@alphaphi.org 970.379.8544 Resident Specialist Samantha Stawicki (Epsilon Rho-UC/Davis) Rancho Murieta, CA sstawicki@alphaphi.org 916.616.2928


Alpha Phi International DIRECTORY

Regional Manager Susan Carrochi Sherman (Epsilon Nu-Delaware) Fort Washington, PA carrochisherman@verizon.net Alumnae Membership Coordinator June Collins Herron (Delta Phi-Indiana U. of Pennsylvania)) Germantown, MD herron@covad.net Alumnae Membership Coordinator Assistant Shannon Dooley Pruce (Beta Nu-Duke) Yardley, PA shannondooley@alumnae.alphaphi.org Collegiate Membership Coordinator Kim Larsen Watson (Omicron-Missouri) Bowie, MD mydearwatsons@comcast.net Human Resources Coordinator TBD Operations and Programming Coordinator Lisa Snyder Frerichs (Eta Iota-Pennsylvania) Alexandria, VA bikibin@aol.com Regional Housing Coordinator Lisa Gonzales Vible (Rho-Ohio State) Elkton, MD lisavible@alumnae.alphaphi.org


Regional Manager Jaime Alsup Ryberg (Theta Gamma-Truman State) Lake St. Louis, MO jaime.ryberg@alumnae.alphaphi.org Alumnae Membership Coordinator Molly Statz Sabatino (Omicron-Missouri) Geneva, IL masabatino@yahoo.com Collegiate Membership Coordinator Michelle Connell (Epsilon Phi-NC State) St. Louis, MO mkconnell@sbcglobal.net Human Resources Coordinator Leslie Ferguson (Delta Chi-William Woods) Overland, MO leslie.ferguson@alumnae.alphaphi.org Operations and Programming Coordinator Laura Wolfe (Gamma Nu-Miami University) Schaumburg, IL wolfeLB@aol.com Operations and Programming Coordinator Jennifer Hutchinson Frobish (Epsilon DeltaNorthern Illinois) Bloomington, IL mamafro@gmail.com Regional Housing Coordinator Joanne Espenschade Engel (Gamma Rho-Penn State) Laporte, PA jengel7@frontiernet.net


Regional Manager Cathy Schafer McKay (Theta Iota-James Madison) New York, NY rcgmckay02@yahoo.com Alumnae Membership Coordinator Amy Nickerson Goldstein (Theta PsiSUNY/Plattsburgh) Jersey City, NJ amynickerson@alumnae.alphaphi.org Collegiate Membership Coordinator Liz Lowe Oltman (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) Tinton Falls, NJ emoltman@yahoo.com Human Resources Coordinator Jen Stevens (Theta Zeta-Florida Tech) Palmyra, PA biotigger16@verizon.net Operations and Programming Coordinator Ashley Nutter (Beta Iota-West Virginia) Newark, DE ashleyenutter@gmail.com Regional Housing Coordinator Jane Tanner (Delta-Cornell) Parish, NY tannerj@sunyocc.edu PA G E F O R T Y- F O U R


Regional Manager Jennifer Peabody Billingsley (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Fairfield, CA jetta1872@yahoo.com Alumnae Membership Coordinator Anne Lewis Naragon (Zeta Gamma-Santa Clara) Campbell, CA anne@enhire.com Collegiate Membership Coordinator Margo Anderson Newman (Beta Rho-Washington State) University Place, WA newman.margo@gmail.com Human Resources Coordinator Cindy Popich Maki (Beta Zeta-Idaho) Kent, WA cin_maki@yahoo.com Operations and Programming Coordinator Saori Clark (Tau-Oregon) Portland, OR saoriclark@gmail.com Operations and Programming Coordinator Carol Wilde Wahl (Delta KappaWisconsin/LaCrosse) Cameron Park, CA clw88@alumnae.alphaphi.org Regional Housing Coordinator Kary Crumm Huffman (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Las Vegas, NV karycrumm@yahoo.com

Operations and Programming Coordinator Becca Rinker (Eta Lambda-George Mason) Vienna, VA RL.Rinker@gmail.com Regional Housing Coordinator Tonya Sharp Ryan (Phi-Oklahoma) Edmond, OK ryans4ou@cox.net


Regional Manager Susan Morris Haber (Beta Delta-UCLA) Encino, CA susanmhaber@earthlink.net Alumnae Membership Coordinator Sara Keltner Ellis (Omicron-Missouri) Phoenix, AZ aphisaraee@gmail.com Collegiate Membership Coordinator Lindsay Martin Poss (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Sacramento, CA kansaslindz@yahoo.com Human Resources Coordinator Laura Davidson (Beta Delta-UCLA) Los Angeles, CA lauradavidson@uclalumni.net Operations and Programming Coordinator Carolyn Gregg (Eta Psi-Eastern Washington) Huntington Beach, CA carolyngregg@alumnae.alphaphi.org Regional Housing Coordinator Wendy Deems Sugg (Beta Delta-UCLA) Dana Point, CA a_phi_advisor@hotmail.com


Regional Manager Jandy Thompson (Delta Beta-Texas A&M/Commerce) Dallas, TX JandyThompson@alumnae.alphaphi.org Alumnae Membership Coordinator Betty Jo Ferraro Fuller (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate) Duncanville, TX bettyjofuller@alumnae.alphaphi.org Alumnae Membership Coordinator Assistant Jessica Goebel (Delta Xi-Nebraska/Kearney) Omaha, NE goebelj@cox.net Collegiate Membership Coordinator Andrea Gage (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech) Dallas, TX anngage37@hotmail.com Collegiate Membership Coordinator Susan DuMont (Gamma Epsilon-Lake Forest) Newark, DE dumonsl@gmail.com Human Resources Coordinator Leslie Sans (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate) Austin, TX eilseleel@aol.com Operations and Programming Coordinator Lora Tuley Brys (Theta Gamma-Truman State)) Wichita, KS Lora@alumnae.alphaphi.org Regional Housing Coordinator TBD


Regional Manager Andi Etwaroo (Zeta Omicron-Johns Hopkins) Miami, FL andi@alumnae.alphaphi.org Alumnae Membership Coordinator Tracy Weaver Hickman (Epsilon Phi-NC State) Charlotte, NC Tracy_Hickman@alumnae.alphaphi.org Collegiate Membership Coordinator Becky Fleitz (Eta Omicron-Virginia Tech) Roanoke, VA beckyfleitz@alumnae.alphaphi.org Human Resources Coordinator Kimberly Musselman (Theta Zeta-Florida Tech) Melbourne, FL Ivytwined@aol.com


Regional Manager Jan Brinker Schaeffer (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Castalia, OH janschaeffer@alumnae.alphaphi.org Alumnae Membership Coordinator Debby Bryden Gray (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) Ashland, OH debbygray@zoominternet.net Collegiate Membership Coordinator Michelle Davis Boerger (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) Hamilton, OH michelle.aphi@earthlink.net Human Resources Coordinator Judy Lossing Callander (Gamma Nu-Miami University) New Albany, OH Judith.callander@sbcglobal.net Operations and Programming Coordinator Gina Bradley Feller (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland) Miamisburg, OH fellerg@mcohio.org Regional Housing Coordinator Candi M. Robinson (Omega-Texas) Fair Oaks Ranch, TX cmrobinson@windstream.net Canadian Resource Coordinator Lauren Doherty (Eta Chi-Bishop’s) Kitchener, ON Canada Lauren.doherty@alumnae.alphaphi.org Canadian Resource Coordinator Alison Nash (Xi-Toronto) Toronto, ON Canada alisonnash@alumnae.alphaphi.org COMMITTEE ON LEADERSHIP Chair, IEB Appointee Carole Salerno (Epsilon Gamma-Sacramento State) Pleasanton, CA CLsalerno@aol.com IEB Appointee Carol Welles Glotfelter (Delta Pi-Indiana State) Milford, OH glotfelter@fuse.net IEB Appointee Holly Malek Bryk (Epsilon Nu-Delaware) Wilmington, DE casabryk@aol.com

IEB Appointee Kim Larsen Watson (Omicron-Missouri) Bowie, MD mydearwatsons@comcast.net Elected Representative Bonnie Arthur (Delta Delta-Oklahoma City) Potomac Falls, VA bkarthur@alumnae.alphaphi.org Elected Representative Alison Nash (Xi-Toronto) Toronto, ON Canada alisonnash@alumnae.alphaphi.org Elected Representative Stacey Grimes Boulmetis (Theta Tau-Rensselaer) Charlestown, RI rhodygal@gmail.com Elected Representative Kate Boyle Halfon (Eta Delta-CSU/East Bay) Martinez, CA khalfon@alumnae.alphaphi.org Collegiate Appointee Eden Ahrens (Zeta Omicron-Johns Hopkins) Baltimore, MD edenahrens@gmail.com Collegiate Appointee Samantha Shulman (Delta Nu-Maine) Bangor, ME Samantha.Shulman@umit.maine.edu FINANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE

Chair Billie Coskey Battiato (Phi-Oklahoma) Tulsa, OK oudoll@ix.netcom.com Alison Begor (Beta Alpha-Illinois) Albany, NY abegor@hotmail.com Linda Long Boland (Gamma Kappa-CSU/Long Beach) Yucaipa, CA linda.boland2@verizon.net Amanda Friel (Eta Sigma-Lafayette) Del Haven, NJ mander3117@yahoo.com Julie King Gomez (Gamma Xi-Wichita State) Saratoga, CA gogoaphi@comcast.net Tobi Board Nieland (Alpha Lambda-Alumna Initiate) Yucaipa, CA tobinieland@msn.com Staff Partner Cathy Koessl ckoessl@alphaphi.org HOUSING STRATEGY COMMITTEE

Chair Jane Kirby Arkes (Omicron-Missouri) Portland, OR RJArkes@aol.com Marni Broom (Gamma Zeta-Puget Sound) Snohomish, WA Marnijwood26@hotmail.com Caroline Dollemore (Sigma-Washington) Chino, CA cdollemore@wpinc.com Julie Ann Gillespie Hedrick (Beta Psi-San Jose State) Milpitas, CA julieh@calwestern.com Lisa Proskin (Zeta Omicron-Johns Hopkins) Menands, NY lproskin@nycap.rr.com Penne Thacher (Gamma Beta-UC/Santa Barbara) El Cajon, CA thachep1725f@yahoo.com Renee Smith Zimmerman Zainer (Beta EpsilonArizona) Centennial, CO rzainer@aol.com Staff Partner Cathy Koessl ckoessl@alphaphi.org Staff Partner Dawn Toth dtoth@alphaphi.org





BULLETIN BOARD CONSTITUTION AMENDMENTS CONSIDERED DURING CONVENTION 2010 Proposed amendments to the Constitution will be considered during Convention 2010 in Miami, Fla. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to: Laura Lynn Davidson (Beta Delta-UCLA), c/o Law Offices of Jeffrey L. Davidson, 11755 Wilshire Boulevard, 15th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90025, or e-mail them to lauradavidson@UCLAlumni.net. While amendments must be received by Feb. 15, 2010, the committee requests that submissions be made no later than Dec, 1, 2009, to allow time for revision and information gathering. FREE FBR OPEN PGA GOLF PASS If you have plans to be in the Phoenix area Feb. 22-28, 2010, you can receive a free week's pass to the FBR Open PGA Golf Tournament by volunteering at least one six-hour shift with Phoenix Panhellenic. Contact Paula Messer (Gamma Pi-Arizona State), Alpha Phi delegate, at jshackleford1@cox.net for more information. CALLING ALL SNOW BIRDS! Meet Alpha Phi alumnae where you winter. If you spend the cold months in Arizona, Florida or Palm Springs, Calif., let us know. Simply e-mail Susan Weiskittle Barrick (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green State) at sbarrick@alumnae.alphaphi.org, and she'll let you know about Alpha Phi Foundation get-togethers. Hope to see you this winter! SAVE THE DATE Duquesne (Epsilon Iota) celebrates its 40th anniversary on Oct. 9-10, 2010, at the Power Center in Pittsburgh, Pa. A dinner and dance is Oct. 9; breakfast buffet is Oct. 10. The event is open to collegians, alumnae and guests. For more information, contact Cindy Marinelli Alden at cindyalden215@gmail.com or visit alphaphireunion.com.

CLASSIFIEDS WANT TO SET YOUR OWN SCHEDULE? Work part-time or full-time selling Silpada Designs' Sterling Silver Jewelry. Earn 30 percent on your sales with opportunities for trips and FREE jewelry! Call 406.651.8060 or visit www.mysilpada.com/jody.lafko INTERESTED IN PROMOTING YOUR BUSINESS IN THE ALPHA PHI CLASSIFIEDS? The charge for the Winter 2010 Quarterly is $50 for up to 35 words (text only). The Quarterly also continues to accept advertising in the form of display ads, which begin at $200 for a 1/6-page ad. If you are interested in either advertising opportunity, please contact quarterly@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8920 before Friday, Oct. 30, 2009, to reserve space.

FALL 2009



Save this portion of your Quarterly! You will need your membership number (first seven numbers found at right) to identify yourself if you contact the Executive Office and to access various online resources.

POSTMASTER: Please send changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201

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