Quarterly Alpha Phi
A Publication of Alpha Phi International Fraternity
Since 1888
Vol. 113, No. 1
Winter 2001
Volunteer Experiences Pay Off NPC: Preparing to Lead Foundation Awards Scholarships
Quarterly 2
A Heritage of Volunteers
33 Kettering Installation
Quarterly Deadlines!
Spring 2001 Summer 2001 Fall 2001 Winter 2002
COPY DEADLINE Jan. 15, 2001 April 15, 2001 July 15, 2001 Oct. 15, 2001
32 D E PA R T M E N T S
IEB Message
Career Development
On Campus
Reunions/Small World 14
Since 1888 Volume 113, Number 1
Winter 2001
16 Chapter Housing Projects
A Publication of Alpha Phi International Fraternity
NPC Update
Alpha Phi Foundation
Alumnae Pride
Bulletin Board
Founders Clara Bradley Burdette (’76), died 1954 Florence Chidester Lukens (’75), died 1885 Martha Foote Crow (’76), died 1924 Ida Gilbert Houghton (’76), died 1916 Jane S. Higham (’76), died 1949 Kate Hogoboom Gilbert (’75), died 1900 Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults (’75), died 1895 Rena Michaels Atchison (’74), died 1933 Louise Shepard Hancock (’76), died 1932 Clara Sittser Williams (’75), died 1925 International Executive Board International President: Jean Cameron Tindall Vice President: Carole Salerno Secretary/Treasurer: Amy Pfannenstiel Bunszel Felicia Hunt Valerie Lawlor Monica Kennedy Monczka Mary Rekart Ulich Crista Cate Vasina Judith Segerer Watson Ex-Officio: Sally McCall Grant, NPC Delegate Ex-Officio: Pamela Wilcox, Executive Director Editorial Advisory Board Chairman: Lisa Marlene Sawyer Susan Weiskittle Barrick Sheila George Bright Lesli Davis Nadolski Jan Jones Owen Heather Wallace Foundation Directors Chairman: Susan Brink Sherratt Vice Chairman: Kathleen Feeney Hiemstra Secretary: Michelle Marchant Treasurer: Susan Weiskittle Barrick Judith Knudsen Brown Gayle Goodman Jean Cameron Tindall Alpha Phi Quarterly Staff Editor: Christine Spiegel E-mail: quarterly@alphaphi.org Alpha Phi Quarterly Design Michelle Webb Design E-mail: mwdesign@vcnet.com Alpha Phi Home Page http://www.alphaphi.org Executive Office Executive Director: Pamela Wilcox Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Phone: 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 E-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org Foundation Office Executive Director: Nancy Owen Craig Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Foundation Phone: 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 E-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org National Panhellenic Conference Alpha Phi Delegate: Sally McCall Grant First Alternate Delegate: Deana Koonsman Gage Second Alternate Delegate: Linda Groves Root Third Alternate Delegate: Laura Malley-Schmitt Alpha Phi Quarterly Editorial Policy All persons interested in submitting materials for publication in the Alpha Phi Quarterly are encouraged to send them to the editor at the Executive Office. The editor reserves the right to accept, deny or edit any materials submitted. Unless otherwise requested, all photos sent to the magazine will become the property of Alpha Phi International and will not be returned. No digital photography will be accepted. Articles may be sent by mail, fax, e-mail or on a PC disk. Please send your information to the editor by the deadlines indicated on this page. Materials received after these deadlines will be considered for the following issue. Please direct any submission questions or inquiries regarding publication advertising to the editor at 847.475.0663,or quarterly@alphaphi.org. The Alpha Phi Quarterly is published winter, spring, summer and fall. Subscription price is $3 per year; single copies are $1. Send change of address or announcements to Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Second-class postage paid at Evanston, IL, and at additional mailing offices. (ISSN: USPS 014680) Postmaster: Please send address changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Printed in the USA.
Are you a volunteer? Do you lend your time to a cause that you feel passionate about: your children’s school, your church, an organization that makes a difference in your community? According to Webster’s Dictionary, a volunteer is a person who, of her own free will, offers herself for service or duty. Many organizations, such as Alpha Phi, rely on volunteer help Jean Cameron Tindall
In This Issue
to achieve their mission. From the International Executive Board
Tracy Rosenthal Drury (ΘE-SUNY/Buffalo)
and the Alpha Phi Foundation to regional teams, chapter advisers
interviews other Alpha Phis who voluntee r , page 2
and alumnae chapter presidents, these volunteers spend hours working with our members to help them have a high quality sorority experience. In fact, Alpha Phi could not operate and thrive without these women who give so generously of themselves. Volunteers are the lifeblood of many organizations. Indeed, without them we would not have many of the services that enhance our communities. I hope you enjoy this issue of the Quarterly that highlights our members who volunteer.
Jean Cameron Tindall ( M-Miami University) International President
Meet new Executive Director Pamela Wilcox and read about her reflections on volunteerism, page 6 Read how volunteering aids the job searc h by helping you get a foot in the door, page 8 Check out volunteer positions available with Alpha Phi, page 22
Become More Involved: Volunteer! By Holly Duckworth (ΘA-Linfield)
Do you find yourself saying “I’d love to volunteer, but I’m too busy. What’s in it for me?” In a world where work, family, friends, errands, technology and more pull us in thousands of directions simultaneously, if you find yourself saying “I can’t,” I challenge you to say “I must.” Every woman today more than ever needs a support group of other women to share life’s adventures. Alpha Phi is the perfect place — an organization of women from all ages, background and interests. Sharing in the continuous circle of Alpha Phi is simple, and there are many ways to participate in every year of your life. Here is some advice sister to sister: First, determine what you can give. One hour a year to once a month — it all makes a difference. Second, make it fun! Use your skills, talents and interests. Do you feel comfortable working with collegians? Help out during recruitment, participate in a philanthropy event or offer to lead a class or mentor a sister. WINTER 2001
Is alumnae life more your pace? Contact your local alumnae chapter or regional alumnae membership coordinator. Did you know there are 150 Alpha Phi alumnae chapters worldwide? If there’s no official group near you, call a few sisters in your zip code and meet for coffee. You will be amazed at how quickly your instant Alpha Phi bond will connect you. What’s in it for you? The same values that were in Alpha Phi 128 years ago: loyal friendships, personal growth, professional development and fun. If Alpha Phis around the globe want our sisterhood to remain the premier developer of women, it is time to remember the creed and bind ourselves together to improve our hearts and mind for the betterment of ourselves and sisters to come. Won’t you continue your commitment to Alpha Phi with me? Holly Duckworth is alumnae membership coordinator for the Pacific Northwest region, a volunteer position.
Volunteer Experiences Pay Off By Tracey Rosenthal Drury (ΘE-SUNY/Buffalo)
From the Author My husband and I recently argued about my plans to spend a weekend with sisters at SUNY/Buffalo’s ( E) 10th anniversary reunion. I spent hours helping plan the event. I’ve remained active with my collegiate chapter, serving as an adviser since 1995. Alpha Phi remains an important, time-consuming part of my life. My husband’s gripe was not with Alpha Phi. I work full-time, serve on several boards and planning committees, participate in various community events and fund-raisers, as well as mentor. My husband is not a bad guy; in fact he’s been involved with the Boy Scouts for 20 years and helps with many of my pet charities. But he sees my volunteer activities as taking too much of my already limited time with him and our 16-month-old son. We agreed when I was pregnant that I would cut back. I tried, but slowly got sucked back in. I explain to my husband the fulfillment I get from my volunteer work. His response: “How much fulfillment does one person need?” A friend of mine serves on six boards, and I asked him why. This is the community where he lives, plays and works, he says. If he doesn’t do it, who will? It takes people — people who may have one hour to give, or 40 hours each week. What do I get out of it? Social connections, business networking opportunities and most importantly, a reminder of how lucky I am to be healthy, employed and financially secure. A volunteer solicitation form I recently received included a quote from George Bernard Shaw: “I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the community, and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live.”
“Being involved in a sorority prepared us not only for our careers, but also to become very active volunteers.” Sharon Kobus Michael
Tracey Drury is a business reporter for Business First of Buffalo in New York. She received a 1998 Ursa Major, based in part on her devotion to volunteering and community involvement.
With three young children and a husband, Sharon Kobus Michael (BS-Indiana) has more than enough in her life to keep her busy. But Sharon, who worked in the advertising field before deciding to become an at-home mom, gives what little free time she has to help others. She’s PTO president, on church boards and in the local Junior League chapter. Plus she served on Butler’s (EB) advisory board. Why does she do it? “It’s a sense of giving back, something Alpha Phi taught all of us,” she says. Sharon is among thousands of Alpha Phis who donate time as volunteers, committee and board
members at an array of nonprofit organizations. For some, it begins as a community service requirement during high school or college. For others, a way to meet people in a new town or city. Still others have turned their volunteer experiences into careers. As collegians, Alpha Phis spend time volunteering at campus events or in the university community. SUNY/Buffalo ( E) collegians, for example, sponsor inner-city teenage girls for Take Our Daughters to Work Day and help at a campus fundraising memorial. Syracuse (A) members host a children’s Halloween party at a local after-school program. Washington ( )
participates in an AIDS Walk to raise funds for research and services. UC/Berkeley ( ) visits a local soup kitchen. Preparation for life Alpha Phi did a lot more than teach Sharon about volunteering. She graduated with a journalism degree and skills learned from Alpha Phi: valuable time management, social skills and how to get along with 80 women who share your living space. “The more people [I] get to know, [it seems] so many of those who get things done were in [the Greek system] or very involved in college,” she says. “That folds over into the rest of your life.” As a collegian, juggling classes and Alpha Phi, Sharon says, “I learned to balance as an adult in my personal life, to get along with a lot of different people. I’m able to talk in front of a group and get things done.” A career of giving back Jill Muchow Rode ( B-UC/Santa Barbara) recently completed a term as volunteer president of the Junior League of Santa Barbara, capping a nine-year involvement with the organization. Professionally, Jill is the Santa Barbara Symphony’s development director. She never planned to work in the nonprofit field, however. Jill majored in bio-psychology with plans to become a drug and alcohol counselor. Her involvement with Alpha Phi changed all that. She was philanthropy chairman, a position that worked closely with the American Heart Association’s local chapter director. “I got the women involved in Cardiac Arrest and we raised $10,000,” she says. “That gave me my first flavor for volunteering and nonprofit work.” After graduation in 1989, Jill worked for another nonprofit before joining the American Heart Association. She spent several years volunteering at the local animal shelter, working with children’s groups and was a Gamma Beta chapter adviser. She currently serves on the chapter’s House Corporation Board. “I didn’t know you could have a career in nonprofit,” Jill says. “The sorority exposed me to that. [If I hadn’t been] philanthropy chair, I would definitely not be in fundraising.”
Volunteering made Jill realize she gained many skills during her Alpha Phi experience. “Maybe it doesn’t seem critical — how to talk to someone during recruitment or speak at a meeting — but that’s what public speaking is about,” she says. Jill learned administrative and leadership skills as a chapter committee chair, event planning skills by organizing chapter events and essential conversation skills during recruitment. “How to get information across about yourself and another person — that’s a skill everyone needs,” Jill says. Matching volunteers with projects Sometimes people hesitate to volunteer because they’re not sure what type of organization would be right for them. Laine Price ( I-Texas Tech) makes her living solving that problem. A 1998 graduate, Laine is a corporate projects coordinator for Hands On Atlanta. The company, part of an umbrella organization called City Cares, partners with nonprofits by arranging volunteer service projects and teambuilding exercises for corporations. In October, the nonprofit agency connected 15,000 Atlantans with volunteer opportunities at more than 200 sites. “The United Way gives funds; we send volunteers,” she says. “Nonprofits let us know their needs, and we recruit people who would like to volunteer but don’t know where to channel their needs and talents.” The organization encourages volunteers to “test out” different nonprofits to find one with which they feel a connection. “The goal is to find one area they’re passionate about — maybe it’s women’s issues, conservation or [a specific] agency they enjoy — [and lead them to] become a regular part of it.” Laine’s volunteer and service positions as an undergraduate include philanthropy chair, scholarship chair and vice president of marketing. Rather than marketing or social work, Laine majored in French, though she couldn’t have predicted her interest in international languages and volunteering would take her around the world.
Jill Muchow Rode
“The goal is to find one area they’re passionate about.” Laine Price
Becky Cook Cain
After graduation, Laine worked in the Carter Center Foundation in Atlanta, as a democracy program intern, monitoring the political situation in Macedonia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. She provided logistical support for the election in Nigeria and traveled to Indonesia, preparing briefing materials during those elections. She also spent a year volunteering through Americorps, sponsored by Hands On Atlanta. She chose Hands On because of its focus on literacy, education and schools and spent most of her time tutoring at a school where one quarter of students were international, most refugees. Laine finds volunteer work and working at a nonprofit agency fulfilling and rewarding. “I don’t find it very satisfying to sit at a desk all day just working to make a living,” she says. “I like a lot of personal interaction with people. It’s very important to stay involved in our communities. We all need help at some time.” Volunteering has helped Laine meet people in a new city. It has other not-so-obvious benefits too. “It helps you keep a tremendous sense of perspective,” she says. “Once you get out and start interacting you see people living with nothing, and you realize how lucky you are.” Giving women a voice Becky Cook Cain (BI-West Virginia) combined an interest in politics with volunteer service and rose to lead one of the nation’s most visible women’s political action organizations.
The Alpha Phi Quarterly Editorial Advisory Board is made up entirely of volunteers. Editor Christine Spiegel and Designer Michelle Webb (B∆-UCLA) serve as staff liaisons. Thank you, Lisa Marlene Sawyer (HΛ-Boston), Susan Weiskittle Barrick (BO-Bowling Green State), Sheila George Bright (ΓI-Texas Tech), Lesli Davis Nadolski (B-Northwestern), Jan Jones Owen (BO-Bowling Green State) and Heather Wallace (BT-Indiana) for your dedication to the magazine and to the Fraternity!
A 1965 graduate in political science and international relations, Becky is president and CEO of the Greater Kanawha Valley Community Foundation and immediate past president of the League of Women Voters. She first heard of the League while an undergraduate when a group of women visited campus. Five years later, the same group of women were pictured in the newspaper at the State Legislature. “I thought that would be interesting to do and wondered how [to get involved],” she says. After a friend suggested she call the organization to find out more, Becky joined the League. “The first meeting was the annual meeting. I saw women run a meeting using parliamentary procedure, very businesslike,” she says. “The second part was a luncheon, and the president of the county commission spoke. These women were very knowledgeable about the county and had very educated opinions about all sorts of issues. The press was there, and I knew it was more than just a group of women. It had a broader community appeal.” Becky was elected president in 1992, a position she held for six years. Her position required the commitment of a full-time job. Though unpaid, Becky was expected to work full-time hours at times, remain professional and poised, arrive on time and put in as much effort, if not more, than if she were working at a Fortune 500 company. “I love the nonprofit sector. The community involvement, the collaborative nature,” Becky says. Learning to be a diplomat Claire Waters Ferguson (BB-Michigan State) turned her lifelong love of figure skating into a career as an international judge. She is a U.S. Figure Skating Association (USFSA) past president and serves on the International Skating Union Council — the first woman from the United States to do so. Claire, a 1957 graduate in communications skills and English, lives in Jamestown, R.I. She began skating at a young age and became a judge at age 16. She worked her way up to the national level, then to the Olympic level.
NATIONAL VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Alpha Phi International 847.475.0663 www.alphaphi.org American Red Cross provides relief to victims of disasters and helps people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies. 202.639.3520 www.redcross.org AmeriCorps, the domestic Peace Corps. Members tutor children, clean the environment, build homes for families and respond to natural disasters. 202.606.5000 www.americorps.org Big Brothers Big Sisters of America provides mentoring to youths, primarily from single-parent families. 215.567.7000 www.bbbsa.org CityCares organizes volunteer projects in partnership with community-based agencies, recruits and manages teams of volunteers to staff the projects. 404.875.7334 www.citycares.org Do Something founded by actor Andrew Shue, has helped community organizations take action to improve their communities. 212.523.1175 www.dosomething.org Literacy Volunteers of America assists people to acquire literacy skills. 315.472.0001 www.literacyvolunteers.org Make-A-Wish Foundation® of America grants wishes to children under the age of 18 with life-threatening illnesses. 800.722.WISH (9474) www.makeawish.org Meals on Wheels Association of America is a homedelivered meal program geared toward ensuring the nutritional well-being of the nation’s elderly. 703.548.5558 www.projectmeal.org Special Olympics, Inc. provides year-round sports training and athletic competition for more than one million children and adults with mental retardation. 202.628.3630 www.specialolympics.org United Way of America helps meet the health and human-care needs of millions of people daily. 703.836.7100 www.unitedway.org
Being a judge is not all fun and games on the ice. It involves some difficult decisions affecting the lives of many young skaters. During Claire’s tenure as a teen leader in the USFSA she saw a need to initiate changes in the system to help both skaters and their families. “There was a lot of pressure and problems in the skaters’ lives. I inserted myself into this group and pushed myself into the areas where I could make a difference for the skaters,” she says. Today, Claire continues to travel for the International Skating Union while working part-time at her husband’s veterinary hospital.
She says volunteering taught her many things, including how to be a diplomat and a professional. Continuous professional advancement For Joan Moonan Conrad ( Q-Ball State), nonprofit work became a career, mostly due to timing. A 1968 graduate in English and education, she began volunteering while working as a teacher. She stopped working to raise her children, but as they grew, she decided to start a catering business. Four years into it, Joan analyzed the business and decided she couldn’t make the financial commitment to help it grow. She created a new career for herself. “It was a different time for women to go from a non-working world into the business world,” she says. “I had to translate my volunteer and teaching experiences into business skills.” Joan soon found the skills she brought to the field – being a good facilitator, planner, leader and network-builder – would serve her well. “There was always a woman’s network I identified with,” she says. “That [network is] a really strong thing for Alpha Phi. That’s always been critical to my success.” Before long, Joan was executive director of Leadership Niagara, a leadership training program that educates professionals about community leadership opportunities. She spent six years heading Festival of Lights, a regional winter festival in Niagara Falls, N.Y. Last year, Joan became director of public relations and marketing at Niagara Hospice. “The motivation for a not-for-profit leader is the compassion, drive or vision you can bring to an organization,” she says. Volunteer opportunities are limitless. Alpha Phi hopes to instill the volunteer spirit at the collegiate level and continue that movement into alumnae life. For information on volunteering for Alpha Phi, contact the Executive Office at 847.475.0663 or fraternity@alphaphi.org. See the sidebar for other volunteer opportunities in your area.
“I had to translate my volunteer and teaching experiences into business skills.” Joan Moonan Conrad
A Heritage of Volunteers Alpha Phi Moves into the Future By Pamela Wilcox, Fraternity Executive Director
How exciting to become part of this rich Alpha Phi heritage, I thought, as I interviewed for the Fraternity executive director job. Here is a legacy of women working to help other women — very much in tune with my beliefs.
I joined Alpha Phi a few short months ago, months filled with meeting people and learning about Alpha Phi. In the midst of e-mails, phone messages, meetings and conference calls, my overwhelming impression is that volunteers who give so much to this Fraternity are its spirit and heart. I’d like to share my thoughts and impressions of Alpha Phi’s 128-year legacy: how that legacy is preserved in the present, and continues in the future.
tirelessly to preserve Alpha Phi’s history. Because of friendships, yes. But more than that — because of their devotion to preserving and nurturing the legacy of Alpha Phi. Preserving the legacy in the present… I see your International Executive Board at work: women with careers, families, community demands. They give time in weekend meetings and evening conference calls to insure Alpha Phi’s legacy is enhanced. Our volunteers lead busy, full lives. The will to volunteer remains strong, but time is short! Alpha Phi’s cutting-edge Strategic Plan recognized this trend and designed a board governance/staff management structure to accommodate decreasing volunteer time and increasing legal complexities of dealing with Fraternity issues. With a board/staff partnership, Alpha Phi can most effectively utilize volunteer talents and staff professionals to provide today’s woman with tools needed to grow and improve at any life stage. One challenge over the next 6–12 months is to fully enact the staff and office infrastructure envisioned by the Plan. Critical staff shortages are being addressed, and many openings should be filled by the time you read this Quarterly. EO facilities and technology are under review to be updated and expanded as funds allow. Targeted enhancements include an improved phone system, better database management and expansion of e-mail
“With a board/staff
The legacy… I came down the Executive Office (EO) stairs one evening to a group of accomplished Alpha Phis, past presidents and leaders, seated in the living room. They were relaxing, laughing and sharing memories over hors d’oeuvres served on Alpha Phi etched glass plates before eating a meal on Alpha Phi goldedged china. The dinnerware has its own memories: Two Alpha Phis were life-long friends. After one died, the other donated her friend’s china to the EO in her name. Life-long friendships: one legacy so important in Alpha Phi. Back to the women in the living room. They volunteered a week of time to sort through memorabilia and paperwork that accumulated at the EO. Dirty, tiring work — especially for women whose average age was mid-70s! But those sisters worked
partnership, Alpha Phi
can most effectively utilize
volunteer talents and staff professionals to provide
today’s woman with tools needed to grow and
improve at any life stage.”
Continuing to build the legacy in the future… Tradition and strength of values build a legacy, but it must be strengthened, renewed and expanded to remain vital in the future. As we work into the full staff model envisioned by the Strategic Plan, the EO staff commits to find ever better ways to answer your questions, provide new resources, deliver innovative programming, predict new trends and provide extensive support for all levels of our volunteer structure. Your dues dollars provide direct support for these efforts, and you deserve the most value for your dollar. We enjoy a tremendous opportunity to play a role in increasing worldwide interest in women’s heart disease, unite under our Foundation’s banner and encourage members across the country to join those efforts. The subject is rich in issues and marketing opportunities that can unite Alpha Phis across the country and expand our image beyond the Greek world. Growing into our board/staff partnership, developing women at every level, staying ahead of trends and capitalizing on opportunities — such efforts will continue to build our legacy into the future. One day 20 years from now, as I’m walking very slowly down those EO stairs, I’ll see some of our current collegians in the living room chairs, enjoying hors d’oeuvres served on Alpha Phi dinnerware, relaxing after working hard on volunteer activities, sharing good times and friendship. And, with that passing of the torch, the legacy of volunteerism and friendship ever continues! Pamela Wilcox is Alpha Phi Fraternity’s new executive director. An experienced professional, Pam spent more than 20 years in executive management, most recently as executive vice president of MindLeap, Incorporated.
and Web technologies to our regional and chapter network. These improvements will allow us to be more efficient and answer volunteer needs in everimproving ways. This increased service level allows volunteers to maximize the limited time they can devote to the Fraternity. A positive volunteer experience helps to preserve the legacy in the present.
Pamela Wilcox, Executive Director College(s) attended: Augustana College studying pre-med and biology; BA from Carthage College in biology and chemistry. MBA from Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management. Alpha Phi position description: Partner with the International Executive Board to determine important issues and Fraternity agenda, advance the Fraternity’s mission and foster its long-term welfare. Lead the Fraternity staff to create, provide and deliver the IEB approved services and products desired by volunteers. As executive director I am most looking forward to: understanding the Fraternity, meeting volunteers, completing the Strategic Plan implementation. Partnering with the IEB to plan innovative services and products for volunteers. The most rewarding part of my job (thus far) is: seeing a level of volunteer commitment that goes far beyond what I’ve seen in the not-for-profit world as a whole. If I didn’t work for Alpha Phi, I’d: be back in the private sector, leading a start-up venture or heading re-organization efforts for merged companies or organizations entering new markets. Favorite college memory: That was so long ago. In retrospect, as is always the case, the best memories relate to people: times spent with friends, most of whom I’ve lost track of through the years. Our sororities were local, not international. Alpha Phis are so lucky to be able to reconnect through their alumnae groups! No one knows that I secretly: read Martha Stewart’s magazine. No, I don’t have time to do the projects, but her recipes are really good. Besides, she is a very successful businesswoman! The three words that best describe me are: intelligent, growing and forever changing.
Volunteering as a Career Move: Get Your Foot in the Door By Heather Wallace (BT-Indiana)
Giving something precious — your time — to those who need help makes you feel really good. Maybe you discovered this in high school, or later during your collegiate Alpha Phi experience. Volunteering also sets a great example for others. You’re helping make your community a better place by donating your skills and knowledge. But volunteering isn’t just altruistic — it’s work! Volunteering can be a great way to gain valuable work-related skills, break into a new field or show outside interests and balance to an employer. Alpha Phi relies on volunteers from chapter officers and advisers to those serving at the international level. Partly in recognition of the skills gained through this work, titles for Alpha Phi volunteers were changed recently to reflect greater professionalism. These new titles help others understand the complex skills needed for Fraternity volunteering. Learn ways to structure your volunteer experiences, gain the most from them and present the experiences on your resume attractively. Why volunteer? Collegians might be trying out different career choices or choosing a degree plan. Alumnae members might be returning to work after time at home. Changing values and a greater need for work/life balance can lead to revisiting career choices for other women. Wherever a woman is in her life, volunteering offers a way to freshen skills, ease into the workplace and test different careers. Determine your goals. First, research the career fields that interest you to understand the knowledge and skills they require. Then determine some possible places where you might volunteer — places that can help you develop these skills. Once you’ve selected an organization, make your goals clear to them. Where do I go? For collegians, student groups offer a wealth of opportunities. Outside of college, many organizations seek volunteers, though non-profit and governmental organizations are usually more accepting. Often short of funding staff positions, these kinds of organizations offer many opportunities for volunteers. These groups perform many of the same functions as for-profit corporations, so finding the experience you seek is a reachable goal. For example, producing an anti-smoking campaign for a high school develops marketing techniques. Finding the balance. Articulate the tasks you think you can perform as well as the skills you hope to learn. Your volunteer
experience needs to be a balance between providing needed services and learning. As you begin to develop a skill and knowledge base, the services you provide can reflect these skills. Don’t be afraid to create a written plan of your expectations to ensure that you and your volunteer coordinator understand each other’s goals. This also gives you something to refer to if you are not given the chance to learn. Make sure there is someone at the organization taking responsibility for your volunteer experience. You are contributing your time and skills; in return you deserve the opportunity to learn and someone to oversee your work and progress. Create more opportunity. Take advantage of educational conferences your organization attends. Conferences and classes give you additional opportunities to learn and allow you to network at the same time. Take it seriously. Though you are not paid, you must make a good impression. Living up to your commitments is important. This means being on time, completing the work you agree to, proofreading your writing and getting along with co-workers. Your level of professionalism can lead to a job or great references. Show off. Employers care about your experience and skills far more than they care whether you were paid to acquire them. On a resume, using the more generic term “Experience” rather than “Employment” or “Work History” allows you to list your volunteer experience just as you would list other jobs. If your volunteer work is not directly related to your career goals, you may prefer to put it in the “Activities” section of your resume. Either way, elaborate on your accomplishments rather than just listing dates and organizations. Don’t assume that employers will ask about your volunteering. Stating accomplishments specifically on your resume is what will land you the interview. Last words. List volunteer work on your resume. Whatever you are doing, you show balance in your life and concern for others — an attractive trait to employers. Who wouldn’t want to hire a great volunteer?
“Volunteering isn’t just altruistic — it’s work!
Volunteering can be a
great way to gain valuable work-related skills, break into a new field or show outside interests and
balance to an employer.”
Heather Wallace is a career counselor with JobDirect.com. This is the second in her series of articles on career development.
➊ CALIFORNIA CSU/Long Beach (ΓK) Gamma Kappa sponsored an alumnae miniature golf tournament in the spring. Alumnae Penny Porter Armato and Kathy Tamasulo and collegiate member Allison Palmer arranged Soiree on the Green at the Newport Beach Putting Green. The tournament provided a unique opportunity for collegiate members to bond with alumnae. Throughout the 18-hole course, participants shared stories about their time as new members, sisterhood and philanthropy. Collegians gained new ideas and suggestions for stronger alumnae relations within the chapter. Gamma Kappa plans to broaden its alumnae involvement with more Soirees on the Green in the future. —Charissa Beard
San Francisco State (HΘ) Eta Theta volunteered in the annual Coastal Clean Up Day at Ocean Beach in San Francisco, picking up trash and recycling plastic and glass. Although they were only there for a day, members are now more aware of their environmental surroundings and how they treat them. They recommend that every chapter participate in an environmental clean up day to help preserve natural resources. —Madeline Houghton
COLORADO Northern Colorado (∆Γ) Delta Gamma celebrated its 40th anniversary in October with a ceremony in honor of founding sisters, who were Pi Kappa Sigma local sorority until 1960. Collegians met the successful women who struggled to build a chapter that well represents Alpha Phi.
➊ San Francisco State (HΘ)
Elmhurst (ZΞ)
San Francisco State (HΘ) chapter members volunteer their time to preserve the environment during Coastal Clean Up Day, Ocean Beach, San Francisco.
Zeta Xi collegians and alumnae gathered for a 20th anniversary party during Homecoming. Members celebrated with three alumnae from the charter chapter: Janet Pindak Bryant, Karen Adamowicz Olalde and Stephanie Symon. Old scrapbooks, pictures, composites and Quarterlys were displayed. In addition to their own photographs, alumnae brought old T-shirts to be used for an Alpha Phi quilt that will be displayed in the college union. They also brought teddy bears to donate to a local children’s hospital. Collegians and alumnae laughed, sang Alpha Phi songs and, best of all, learned from each other. Although much has changed in 20 years, all have a special place in their lives for Alpha Phi. Kudos to Vice President of Marketing Angela Gianforte and Director of Alumnae Melissa Cheek for organizing the event. —Hannah Fitzgerald
INDIANA Butler (EB) Butler sisters returned this fall to find the chapter house had undergone $190,000 in renovations. A large communal bathroom, 14 private and two public bathrooms were renovated with new faucets, bathtubs, cabinets and tiling as well as made wheelchair accessible. With the assistance of House Mother Marie Cameron, the Epsilon Beta House Corporation Board contracted for the work and sought suggestions from a collegiate committee. A dinner in the fall honored those who made the improvements possible. —Nicole Brouillard
❷ Elmhurst (ZΞ) Elmhurst (ZΞ) collegians and alumnae celebrate the chapter’s 20th anniversary.
IOWA Northern Iowa (EΘ) Epsilon Theta welcomed 21 new members. Recently the chapter hosted a Parents’ Banquet for family members, holding an auction at the same time and receiving $1,192 for chapter house improvements. The Bounce 4 Beats fall philanthropy event raised $800 for a sponsor child and her family through the Christian Children’s Fund. Epsilon Theta paired with Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Delta Chi fraternities for Homecoming. The chapter adopted a highway and cleaned up litter in October to help the community. Credit card sales and the A-Phiesta Bowl philanthropy event raised money for the American Heart Association’s Early Access program. Other events included trick or treating with children at Covenant Hospital in Waterloo, a special formal to honor alumnae and a father-daughter day in December. —Jamie Stadie
MICHIGAN Congratulations to Kettering (IE) for winning the Dean’s Cup, Greek Cup and nine other prestigious programming awards during the 1999—2000 school year.
NEBRASKA Creighton (Θ∆) Theta Delta started the fall semester with an informal recruitment blitz. A hayride and barn dance were the setting for an October date party. Alpha Phi Extraordinaire Founders’ Day was celebrated Oct. 11 with the Omaha alumnae chapter. Theta Delta’s annual fall philanthropy event, Have-A-Heart Bachelor/Bachelorette Auction, was Nov. 5. Proceeds from the event assisted with financing a heart transplant for a local 14-year-old girl. Creighton’s Homecoming and the chapter’s Family Weekend included a Faux Casino Night and Silent Auction and concluded with a Sunday brunch. The chapter placed first in Homecoming week activities in the Greek sorority tier. President Tara Hollenbeck represented Alpha Phi in the Miss Blue Jay competition, and Panhellenic Recruitment Chair Barb Smith represented the chapter to vie for Homecoming queen. Barb also was inducted into The National Order of Omega (see page 12). Director of Chapter Events Missy Hoffman represented the chapter as Greek of the Month for October. —Andrea Tomlinson
NEW YORK SUNY/Buffalo (ΘE) Theta Epsilon chapter accepted four new members, bringing the chapter’s total to 42 sisters. Theta Epsilon was very excited to celebrate its 10th anniversary this year. An Alumnae/Parent’s Weekend Oct. 20–22 marked the event. —Alison Mallouk
SUNY/Cortland (HT) Eta Tau held bake sales, sold lollipops and completed a credit card fundraiser during the fall semester. Nicole Hesse, Director of Philanthropy,
KANSAS Wichita State (ΓΞ) new members celebrate Founders’ Day with alumnae, holding a luncheon October 7 at the Holiday Inn, Wichita, Kan. —Patricia Spiegel
helped the chapter raise $1,900 in the first two months of the semester. The annual Teeter-Tooter event, held in October, raises close to $2,000 for heart projects every year. In September Eta Tau sisters joined members of the community and other Greek organizations in a 5-mile walk to raise money for Alzheimer’s research. Eta Taus walked for breast cancer research in October in Syracuse, N.Y. This issue is very important
➊ to the chapter because sister Nadia Greaney’s mother passed away from the disease. The chapter started an intramural flag football team — the first such Alpha Phi team at SUNY/Cortland. Captain Lisa Mills is joined by Keri Murphey, Kristen Ruckle, Kristen Hanna, Erin Harbison, Nadia Greaney and Juliet Henderson. Four sisters are studying abroad this semester: Chrissy Manca and Jen Picone are studying in Spain, Kelly Cronin in Australia and Suzanne Dobhan in Germany. —Michelle Cassaro
NORTH CAROLINA There is a wonderful trend among Pennsylvania (HI) chapter members. Each year, Penn seniors and graduate students can apply for a Thouron Award, a fellowship for a one to two-year program at a United Kingdom university for which all expenses are paid. An Eta Iota member has won for the past four years! In 1997, Katinka Domotorfy won a Thouron Award to study economics at the London School of Economics (LSE). Katherine Minarik won the award in 1998, studying social psychology at LSE. In 1999, Roshini Thayaparan won a Thouron Award to study social policy at LSE. And Sujata Gosalia became the fourth chapter member in a row to win the award in 2000! She also chose LSE. Thouron Award-winners are required to have strong academics, strong leadership and most of all, a passion for learning. To have four Eta Iotas in a row win the prestigious award is a wonderful tribute to the chapter. —Katherine Minarik (HI-Pennsylvania)
NC State (EΦΛ) Epsilon Phi deuteron won both Most Improved Sorority and Advisor of the Year during an Order of Omega awards ceremony. An awesome 1999–2000 class of 36 new members joined the chapter. The second annual Bowl-athon raised $1,100 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Members volunteered for the Senior Games during the fall semester. A celebration for alumnae is planned to honor the chapter’s 10th anniversary in February. —Tracy McLawhorn
PENNSYLVANIA Lafayette (HΣ) Eta Sigma welcomed 26 new sisters to the chapter. Highlights from autumn recruitment include three new items: a theme night, skit and philanthropy event. For theme-night, the chapter decorated its house Hawaiian-style, creating Wai-Ki-Phi. The new skit, entitled “Alpha Phi Through the Years,” featured costumes, dancing and music of each decade from the 1940s to the 1990s. Susan Donnelly and Kimberly Bassi played the main roles as two elderly women recalling fond memories of Alpha Phi.
Congratulations to Elena “Ellie” Thormahlen (IΓ-University of the Pacific), who was crowned Miss Waikiki during the summer.
For the philanthropy event, the chapter and potential new members made power-bead bracelets for a local home for the elderly, women’s shelter and Big Brothers Big Sisters. Members participated in “Trick-or-Treat on the Hill,” a Halloween activity with local children, in October. —Erin Wyble
Shippensburg (ΘΞ) Shippensburg (ΘΞ) collegians gather each semester
with alumnae to celebrate Alpha Phi. Alumnae Day was held in September during the fall semester and featured a barbecue, band, catching up on old times and meeting alumnae. The event is very special to Theta Xi and each year the turnout is better. The collegians enjoy meeting alumnae, who otherwise would not be part of their lives. Now the pictures on the wall are much more then just faces; they share a special bond and a new understanding for the history of the chapter. —Eleni Fotogiou
RHODE ISLAND Rhode Island (I∆) Iota Delta held the second annual Swing-athon event Oct. 2–5. Chapter members teamed with the men of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity to swing dance for 100 consecutive hours to raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation and the Johnny Cake Center, a local food and clothing pantry. An alumnae cookout on the chapter’s front lawn kicked off the event. —Beth Very
VIRGINIA James Madison (ΘI) Theta Iota gained 52 new members thanks to formal recruitment. The chapter implemented a new and exciting fall semester fundraiser, a Fall Fashion Exposition and Fraternity Date Raffle. Two women from
❷ each NPC group, one man from each IFC group and one representative from each NPHC group on campus participated in the show. Guests then placed their tickets in buckets displaying the names of the dates they wished to win. The winner received dinner at a local restaurant. In addition to these meal donations, Theta Iota received clothing and door prizes from Harrisonburg area merchants. All proceeds went to the Alpha Phi Foundation. Another fundraiser was planned for winter: making care packages to be delivered to Phis during finals week, with proceeds benefiting the Alpha Phi Foundation. Theta Iota hosted its first Dad’s Day Oct. 21. Fathers were treated to a barbecue lunch, an “Alpha Phi Dad” hat and tickets to a James Madison football game. —Alison Kline
WASHINGTON Washington (Σ) One of the biggest events during Washington’s (Σ) spring quarter was the third annual golf tournament. Nearly 200 golfers participated, raising $3,000 for Domestic Abuse Women’s Network (DAWN) and the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sigma welcomed 31 new members to the chapter during fall recruitment, bringing chapter total to 100. The new members already have led the way, representing Alpha Phi by placing first in the Sigma Chi lip sync benefiting Make-A-Wish Foundation. —Vanessa Pierce
Amber Shelkett Mallow (ΘP-Cameron) won the title of Sigma Tau Gamma White Rose Queen for a second year last spring. Presented by the Gamma Rho chapter of Sigma Tau Gamma, White Rose Queen is the highest honor given a young woman by the fraternity.
➊ James Madison (ΘI) James Madison (ΘI) collegians are dressed in black for preference night during formal recruitment. Pictured are (from left): Ali Kline, Julie Lamed, Emily Shoemaker and Emily Goodman.
❷ Shippensburg (ΘΞ) Alumnae and current sisterhood of Theta Xi chapter pose for a chapter picture during a special Alumnae Day event in September.
winter. Last year Beta Rho deuteron almost doubled its goal by raising more than $1,700 for the Alpha Phi Foundation, thanks to Ivy Court and Alphatraz, its biggest philanthropy. Members also were involved in campus activities such as Panhellenic, Junior Panhellenic, Order of Omega, the Honors College, Cougar Connection, Student Alumni Connection, Pen Friends, theatrical productions, campus radio, tutoring and campus clubs. —Megan Shay
Washington State (BPΛ) Beta Rho deuteron welcomed 26 outstanding new members following a successful formal recruitment. Homecoming activities with the men of Theta Chi fraternity, a pledge dance and raft trip (despite rain) were all a huge success. The chapter is currently preparing for its Ivy Court philanthropy event this
Collegiate Chapter Reunions GAMMA BETA CELEBRATES 50 YEARS UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB) collegians and alumnae celebrated the 50th anniversary of the chapter in 2000. More than 400 Alpha Phis attended the two-day celebration that included receptions, a brunch at the chapter house and a banquet at Corwin Pavillion, UCSB. Honored during the event were charter members Juanita Gebb Acha, Marilyn Collins Denno, Elaine Strobel Linhoff, Donna Clark Pollard, Peggy Crooks Rose, Ruth Murphy McCurdy and the chapter’s first president, Patricia Cozzens Bowdey. Kudos to Gerry Gray Turner, who coordinated the celebration with committee members Stacy Madden Erskine, Gretchen Stoskopf Falvo, Gala Jung Visalli, Terry Spring Utterback, Patty Dillon Bliss, Liz Keats Hensgen, Evalyn Sciacca Kerman, and Santa Barbara area alumnae Phyllis Webster Dickson (T-Oregon and B∆-UCLA) and Ann Lungren Wunsch (ΓΘ-Colorado College). —Evalyn Sciacca Kerman (ΓB–UC/Santa Barbara)
hours. Program Committee Chair Joyce Walker kept business to a minimum while suggesting several ideas that took hold. The women shared feelings in response to a prompt from Joyce that read, “Let’s face the harsh reality: we are all a tiny bit older than when we first came to know each other. Things have happened to us in life. Perhaps these things are unknown to one’s old(ish) friends. But perhaps they cause so much joy or gratitude that they need to come out and be shared.” Saturday’s dinner included many toasts and a lovely piano accompaniment by Tom Butterweck, a former classmate and husband of Sue Butterweck. How often in life can one seemingly walk back in time? The next reunion (2003) is in Colorado. Alumnae in this class range are invited to attend. –Judy Gifford Lease (∆Γ-Northern Colorado)
MICHIGAN STATE ALUMNAE GATHER TO CELEBRATE Twelve sisters from the Michigan State (BB) class of 1963 reunited in June at the Shoshonie Lodge on Lake Charlevoix in Boyne, Mich. The five-day event was packed with fun, friendship, food and a celebration of how good everyone looks at 59 years young. The group has circulated a yearly newsletter since 1963 and plans a reunion every five years.
NORTHERN COLORADO ALUMNAE REUNITE IN TUCSON Northern Colorado (∆Γ) alumnae from the classes of 1958–1965 held a reunion at the Omni Tucson National Golf Resort in May. Ellie Arroyo Jewell, Doris Winter Blackaby, Chris Benner Romine, Lynne Holleuffer and Sue Priehs Butterweck planned the weekend. Ellie’s kitchen was the catering headquarters; all ate well! More than 20 sisters stayed in Hacienda Casitas apart from the rest of the resort to talk, laugh and enjoy until the wee
Michigan State (BB) class of 1963 reunites for a week at Shoshonie Lodge in Boyne, Mich. Pictured are (back, from left) Betsy Barkwell Mathiesen, Liz Hopkins Jackson, Connie Snider Horn, (middle) Marty Johnson Chapel, Joanne Sandow Draper, Marty Hagen Weber, Sue Stealy Hoffman, (front) Ann Sherwood Bryant, Barb Baldwin Fraboni, Carol Hutchins Cole, Karen Abel Kolschowsky and Marty Cole Lefever.
Northern Colorado (∆Γ) alumnae reunite in Tuscon.
Congratulations to the following Alpha Phis inducted since Fall 1999 into
The National Order of Omega is a national honor society that recognizes outstanding leadership among members of Greek organizations.
Andrea Augustin Jacqueline Mak
Paige Edwards Leigh Ann Hoenig
Texas A&M (EΩΛ)
Northwestern (B)
Megan England Amy Rasor
Adrian College (∆H)
Case Western Reserve (ZΠ) Hofstra (ΘM)
Kristine Zeabart
Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B)
Kristen Cook Jill Robinson
Amanda Dohar Kelly Hill
Old Dominion (EH)
Amy Blake
Michele Bowerman
Texas Tech (ΓI)
Oregon (T)
Melissa Green
Saori Clark
UC/Berkeley (Λ)
Oregon State (BY)
Melissa Luque Mandy Dowd
Appalachian State (ΘN)
Dana M. Drake Heather Hamilton Melissa Hershner Janie Parker Elise Rossmann
Janet Ciro Amanda Lugones Central Missouri State (ΘΛ) Mary Palmer Stephany Samuels Ashley Duncan Tara Harrison Beth Hilbish Jennifer Sneed
Idaho (BZ)
Chapman (HY)
Illinois (BA)
Arizona (BE)
Cynthia Donelson
Kirsten Siron
Ginny Anderson Sarah Buckner Lindsey Burger Carrie Chesler Jill Clark Sophie Clark Carol Dawson Maxine English Christine Eubanks Jenne Guerrero Melissa Mazzella Sue McCarthy Heather Murphy Melinda Seacrest Debby Shively
Creighton (Θ∆)
Indiana State (∆Π)
Allison Meisheid Barb Smith Jennifer Yao
Jennifer Butler Misty Hills
CSU/Chico (ΘY)
Carrie Strauss
Gina Bracco Emily Brink Jessica Cort Brigette Dunn-Leaf Laura Kijak Jen Lombard Natalie Norris
Loyola Marymount (ZB)
Hillary Maher
Jenifer Ball Melissa Diprima Kelly Eggen
CSU/San Bernardino (HB)
Michigan (Θ)
San Diego State (ΓA)
Sarah Camhi Elizabeth Nichols Avni Patel
Julie Patton Amanda Scott
Melissa Andrus Megan Arth Amanda Crews Kelly Crews Melissa Johnson
San Jose State (BΨ)
University of the Pacific (IΓ)
Michigan State (BB)
Allison Page
Lindsey Janz Allison Prudhomme
Santa Clara (ZΓ)
Deanna Midtaune Andrea Slaman
Arizona State (ΓΠ)
Elizabeth Dames Jessica M. Fini Ashland (EA)
Becca Fowler Baldwin Wallace (∆Y)
Kristin Ferron Windy Norris Michelle Swalla Amy Thorson DePauw (Γ)
Rachel Atterberry Rachel Forde Jennifer Noland
Andrea Glaspell Samantha Hovanic
Duquesne (EI)
Ball State (∆P)
East Carolina (∆A)
Maya Crevonis Stacie Harder Natalie Hopf
Libby Jenkins Michelle Leggett Kim M. Lewis Jamie L. McKeon Amy Moore Kathryn Pacella Michelle Ross Catherine Stephens
Bowling Green State (BO)
Kelly Cline Kelli Stevens Butler (EB)
Shanna Bohdan Becky Callahan Katie Eggleston Ellen Stelk Melissa Whicker Cal Poly (EX)
Jennifer Caine Kelly Crafton Carin Dickmeyer Beth Spooner
Texas (Ω)
Holly Coil North Texas (ΓH)
The National Order of Omega Editor’s Note:
Northern Colorado (∆Γ)
Lori Meredith
Crystal Major Elizabeth Tortorici
Lehigh (EΨ)
Amanda Gibson Kristina Juravich Ellen Scherberth Maine (∆N)
Midwestern State (ΓΩ)
Stephanie Cook Heather Justice Debbie Neely Amy Park Stephanie Williams Minnesota (E)
Megan Bouché Sara Crest Montana (X)
Angie LeDuc NC State (EΦΛ)
Erin LaMont Amy Mattsen Penn State (ΓP)
Jennifer Filosa Jenny Jansure Sarah Kenders Rensselaer (ΘT)
Lindsay Axelsson Tara Caljouw Lauren Healy Tiffany Pinard San Diego (HP)
UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB)
Delia Rau Melissa Rollins Shannon Syme Jennifer Zeligman UNC/Wilmington (HΞ)
Seton Hall (HH)
Virginia Tech (HO)
Melissa Chonka Mariela Comitini Jenell Curcio Tracy Eleasar Laura Gannon Randa Henein Michelle Kiernan Sandra Lyon Alison Rodriguez Lauren Salvatore Jill Surdyka Marie Westcott
Angela Gianforte Rebecca Gordon Shalagh O’Neill Emory (ΘΠ)
Nebraska/Kearney (∆Ξ)
Sarah Richards Angie Rosenberg
Sara Ocander
Bridget Clarke Nicole Fahey Annie Urbanski
New Hampshire (HA)
SUNY/Plattsburgh (ΘΨ)
George Mason (HΛ)
Heather Burr
Megan Ford
North Dakota (Π)
Gina A. Conrad Kristi Marie Troia Stefanie Walters
Lesley Splonskowski
Jocelyn Neudecker Gina Ingersoll Jenn Pate Andrea Medina Lindsey Lambourne
Victoria Burkheimer Sarah Hamilton Brianna Reynaud Courtney Pestarino
Lauren Griffin Mary Beth Johnson Sarah Kelso Alison Mercier Lori Wagoner
Elmhurst (ZΞ)
UC/Davis (EP)
St. Joseph’s (ΘΘ)
Melissa Rudolph Villanova (HE)
Ana V. Panganiban Emily Castillo Kelly Spencer Washburn (Y)
Shannon Hansen Tabitha Sharp Washington State (BPΛ)
Dara Depping Lori Lyman Washington University (ZY)
Jennifer Stredler Wisconsin (I)
Jennie Phon Wisconsin/LaCrosse (∆K)
Becky Ann Darr Jennifer Smith Elizabeth Tereba West Chester (EK)
Jackie Carter Stacy Mayberry
R E U N I O N S / S M A L L
Phis Invade the Workplace Three public relations professionals who work in the Sacramento, Calif., office of one of the nation’s largest independent public relations firms, NCG Porter Novelli, discovered that their workplace is not all they have in common. They are all Alpha Phis! Donna Lipper Lucas (B -USC) is chief executive officer and president of the Sacramento office. She is a widely recognized expert in media relations and political/ public affairs strategy. Under her leadership, NCG Porter Novelli emerged in 1999 as “California’s leading public affairs firm,� according to the authoritative publication Inside PR. Donna appears regularly as a media and political analyst on various television and radio programs. Gina Stassi-Vanacore (E -CSU/Sacramento) is a vice president in the Sacramento office, handling all aspects of media relations, coalition development and corporate communications. Gina has particular expertise in crisis communications and issues management. Ayme Reed (E -CSU/Sacramento) is an associate with the company and serves as chapter adviser to Alpha Phi’s UC/Davis (EQ) chapter. She knew Gina because Gina served on the CSU/Sacramento House Corporation Board when Ayme was a collegian. She was not aware that Gina worked for the company until after she was hired. —Gina Stassi-Vanacore (E -CSU/Sacramento)
Random Travel Encounters Iwona Luczkiewicz (GB-CSU/San Bernardino) went to Disneyland in Aneheim, Calif., last year and wore her Alpha Phi sweatshirt. She noticed another young woman walking by wearing a green jacket with Alpha Phi letters. The two hugged and talked like they were old friends. Iwona says, “I don’t know her name — just that she is from Kansas — but it was the nicest memory. You never know where you will meet another sister.� Iwona is on the left in the photo. —Iwona Luczkiewicz (GB-CSU/San Bernardino) Missy Bledsoe ( I-Texas Tech) was in Florence, Italy, in June and met Alpha Phis from Arizona. She says, “I was eating lunch with a friend and she spotted one of the girls with Alpha Phi letters on her shirt. We were so excited to meet that I wasn’t paying much attention [to which chapter they belonged]. I did get everyone’s first name though.� Pictured are (from left): Jessica, Elizabeth, Stacy, Missy, Allison and Jenny. —Missy Bledsoe ( I-Texas Tech)
The Start of a Fun Tradition Syracuse (A) alumnae run into each other while attending a Syracuse-sponsored pre-game dinner prior to a Syracuse-St. John’s men’s basketball game at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Pictured are Alpha members (from left) Barbara Cappabianca, Tara Steppacher, Lori Abrams and Corrine Cappabianca. —Lori Abrams (A-Syracuse)
C o n g ra t u l a t i o n s to Laura Malley-Schmitt (ZΦ-MIT), Alpha Phi’s new NPC Alternate Delegate. Thank you to former International President Linda Gardner Massie (∆A-East Carolina) for her past service on the NPC Delegation.
NPC International Badge Day is March 5 Wear your Alpha Phi badge or letters! This year’s theme is “Enduring values, eternal friendships — honor your Badge on International Badge Day!” For more information, contact the NPC Office at 317.872.3185 or visit its Web site at www.npcwomen.org. Alpha Phi’s pages for the National Panhellenic Conference interim session pose with NPC Executive Committee Secretary and Delegate Sally Grant. Pictured are (from left) Holly Coil, Beth Spooner, Sally Grant, Heather Burr and Alison Tibbits.
“Leading the Way, Sharing the Vision” National Panhellenic Conference’s Interim Session, “Leading the Way, Sharing the Vision,” was Oct. 20–22 in Grapevine, Texas. Representing Alpha Phi during the meeting were NPC Executive Committee Secretary and Delegate Sally McCall Grant ( DePauw), Alternate Delegates Deana Koonsman Gage ( I-Texas Tech), Linda Groves Root ( EIowa) and Laura Malley-Schmitt (FU-MIT), International President Jean Cameron Tindall ( M-Miami University), Executive Director Pamela Wilcox and Quarterly Editor Christine Spiegel. Serving as 2000 Interim Session Office Staff were Director of Training and Development Denise Jung Reens (E -Northern Illinois), Program CoordinatorTraining and Development Hillary Shumate ( O-Drake) and Program Coordinator-ELC and Recruitment Megan Bouché (E-Minnesota). Educational Leadership Consultants Heather Burr (GA-New Hampshire), Holly Coil ( -Northern Colorado), Beth Spooner (EV-Cal Poly) and Alison Tibbits (I -Rhode Island) served as pages. Following the Interim Session, Director of Member and Chapter Services Linda Long Boland ( J-CSU/Long Beach) attended the chapter adviser educator seminar and IEB member Val Lawlor (O-Missouri) attended the academic officer seminar.
Panhellenic Scholarships Offered The Cleveland (Ohio) Alumnae Panhellenic Association offers $1,000 unrestricted scholarships to Greek sorority women who graduated from a high school in, or whose parents presently reside in, the Greater Cleveland area. To qualify, the potential recipient must be in good standing with her chapter. For more information, contact Mary Chase at Cleveland Alumnae Panhellenic Association, 440.243.1922, mechase@msn.com or visit the Web site at www.clevelandpanhellenic.org. The deadline for applications is March 1; the scholarship reception is May 10.
CONGRATULATIONS TO THOSE SERVING AS 2000–2001 ALUMNAE PANHELLENIC PRESIDENTS Wendy Jenner Beck (I-Wisconsin) Ann Conkle Cohen (BT-Indiana) Kathy Kimball Dow (ZA-Eastern Illinois) Michelle Kennedy (Ξ-Toronto) Dalene Blanton Peavey (ΓΞ-Wichita State) Barbara Buckner Land (ΓH-North Texas) Shirleann Machain Lefranz (HB-CSU/San Bernardino) Brenda Stejskal Munch (∆-Cornell) Mary Fox Thomas (P-Ohio State) Jeanne Womaski Tondryk (∆Ψ-Wisconsin/Oshkosh)
Birmingham Area, Ala. Lafayette, Ind. Fort Collins, Colo. Toronto Area, Canada Wichita, Kan. Southwest Dallas, Texas San Bernardino, Calif. Rochester, N.Y. Mansfield Area, Ohio Wheaton-Glen Ellyn, Ill.
Chapter Housing Projects Highlighted By Corry Mack Doty (ΓO-Drake), Karen McChesney Howe (ΓΣ-Wisconsin/Stout), Phyllis Sims Selig (Γ∆-Kansas) and Diane Spry Straker (∆A-East Carolina)
Alpha Phi collegiate chapter residences and meeting rooms should be safe, quality and competitive. Those expectations are easy to state, but difficult to meet. The House Corporation Boards (HCB) and Chapter Property Committees (CPC) that own or lease and manage these facilities struggle to maintain them, facing challenges such as: • Depleted reserves from low membership periods • Aging structures with code violations and security and safety concerns • Need to support students with changing technology • Competition from special features offered in university dormitories and college houses • Visible “wear and tear” in high-use facilities • Increased sophistication in interior design In spite of seemingly insurmountable odds, every year dozens of HCBs and CPCs evaluate their properties, develop plans and make improvements. Their stories are a credit to all who serve faithfully on these boards. Minnesota (E) Early 1999, Epsilon Corporation of Minnesota determined a renovation of its circa 1911 English Tudor house was needed to remain competitive. This included code compliance for plumbing, heating and electrical, a new roof and decorating of first floor public areas. The chapter’s space needs were assessed, and a traffic flow study conducted. After renovation the house is functional, flexible, beautiful, and the local loan is within the chapter’s financial capability. The focal point of Epsilon’s formal living area has always been a 1938 Steinway baby grand piano. To restore the piano to its original state, the HCB’s fundraising effort, “Keys for Phis,” brought a tremendous response. Alumnae, parents, families and friends sent checks, but also letters recalling memories of the special piano and the importance of music in the house. Washington (Σ) Forty Seattle alumnae gathered for lunch in January 2000 and heard concerns about outdated wallpaper in the Sigma chapter house. These alumnae contacted the HCB president and Seattle alumnae chapter president to initiate a collaborative fundraising effort. They report a 26 percent rate of response and received funds needed to hire an interior designer and complete a wallpaper and painting project.
Nebraska (N) Nu’s HCB was named Outstanding House Corporation Board of the biennium during Convention 2000 for exceptional stewardship of its facility. The HCB includes advisers, collegians, staff, alumnae and local authorities in developing and executing a master plan for the property. A recent project focused on renovating the dining room and foyer. In addition to new flooring, window treatments, wallpaper, lighting and furniture, the project included asbestos removal, improved study lighting and a renovated bathroom. Washburn (Y) The Upsilon chapter at Washburn University, Topeka, Kan., was chartered in 1923, and a house was constructed in 1925. Although the house was repaired after tornado damage in 1966, it suffered from inadequate electrical capabilities, a steam heating system plagued with breakdowns and condemned air conditioning units — complicated by new municipal mandates concerning fire safety. A project executed during summer 2000 replaced HVAC systems, upgraded electrical service, installed full house sprinklers with directwired detectors in each room and replaced an exterior fire escape. Although the Upsilon HCB worked hard over the years to maintain an attractive residence, the aging infrastructure and local fire marshal mandated the project to ensure safety and building integrity. As in Seattle and Minneapolis, Topeka alumnae turned to Upsilon and Kansas area alumnae for donations to help underwrite the essential project. Their fundraising provided important financing and will continue as an annual giving program. These are recent examples from large Alpha Phi houses. However, all projects, no matter scope or cost, are equally critical. Join the efforts! Successful chapter residences and meeting facilities require regular attention. Those who serve on HCBs and CPCs deserve appreciation and assistance. Here are two ways everyone can help: Give your time, expertise and experience. HCBs and CPCs need alumnae to serve on their boards or committees and for special projects and fundraising. Donate to Alpha Phi housing. Donations are not deductible for income tax purposes, so they are gifts of the heart. Contributions of all sizes make a difference in keeping Alpha Phi homes safe, quality and competitive.
2001 POTENTIAL MEMBER INTRODUCTION FORM Introducing: (Please attach a photograph if available.)
Introduction to Alpha Phi
Legacy Information Alpha Phi relatives (Please list name, address and chapter affiliation).
Additional Information
How do you know this woman?
Have you spoken to her about Alpha Phi? If not, will you? List her school and community service honors:
What are her interests/goals?
Will she be participating in formal rush?
Personal Information
Mail Form Please attach additional information if necessary. Send this form directly to the collegiate chapter or the Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Please check the appropriate box below: Copy for EO records EO: Please forward to collegiate chapter
Foundation Applauds Excellence in Teaching
Congratulations to the professors nominated for this year’s Professor of the Year Award. Every professor wins, as the Foundation grants each chapter’s nominees $100. Finalists for the 2000 International Professor of the Year Award: Dr. Steven W. Keller, assistant professor of chemistry, University of Missouri. Nominated by Omicron chapter. Dr. David Luechauer, associate professor and leadership area coordinator, College of Business Administration, Butler University. Nominated by Epsilon Beta chapter. Dr. William C. St. John, Jr., clinical assistant professor, Lally School of Management and Technology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Nominated by Theta Tau chapter. Dr. Donald R. Rinehart, professor of religion, Ashland University. Nominated by Epsilon Alpha chapter. The Foundation extends heartfelt thanks to final round judges: Pamela Haunschild, associate professor, Stanford Graduate School of Business Charlene Smeltzer Lugar (BK-Denison), philanthropist John Lewis Ford, dean of students, Cornell University …And to the first-round judges: Dr. Kirby Barrick, associate dean, academic programs, University of Illinois Rebecca Carlton (ZE-Indiana U. Southeast), professor, Sullivan College, Ind. Dr. Joanne Chopak (BN-Delaware), assistant professor, Georgia Southern University Dr. Joan Hochschild (B-Northwestern), superintendent of schools, Wilmette, Ill. Katherine Tanis (ΘN-Appalachian State), Greek advisor, Vanderbilt University, Tenn. Dr. Robert West, assistant professor, Villanova University, Pa. Dr. Tasha Souza (BΨ-San Jose State), University of Wisconsin Sandra Simodi Metes (BO-Bowling Green State), dean of education, Notre Dame College, N.H.
The Foundation’s Annual Report of Donors was mailed in November. If you want a copy, please call 847.475.4532 or e-mail foundation@alphaphi.org.
Dr. Stanley Trent loves teaching. His dedication earned for him the Alpha Phi Foundation 2000 International Professor of the Year award and a $2,100 grant from the Foundation. “I am passionate about teaching. I gain much satisfaction from engaging in this enterprise, from mutually constructing knowledge and from building a learning community with individuals. I try to help my students feel what it means to be a good teacher,” says Dr. Trent. An associate professor in the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia, Dr. Trent taught Janna Glover and Melissa Neuner (both FI -Virginia) in a class entitled The Exceptional Child in Sociocultural Perspective. Janna and Melissa share the $250 award for nominating the winner. “He significantly influenced the way we think about teaching, and he has inspired us to become lifelong learners,” Janna and Melissa say. Inspirational describes Dr. Trent’s classroom Dr. Stanley Trent style, according to the collegians. Classes begin with “power jams,” where students use poetry or music to inspire the class. Each week students write via e-mail a “dialogue journal” to Dr. Trent. He then responds to each student and includes in lectures the concepts discussed. It is this individual attention that encouraged Janna and Melissa to nominate Dr. Trent. “Professor Trent made a conscious effort to help us apply knowledge to our own lives and our developing teaching styles. It’s evident that he sincerely cares about each one of us. He has an open door policy and is easily approachable,” Janna and Melissa say. Accepting the Professor of the Year award, Dr. Trent expresses his gratitude to these students. “I am most honored because I was nominated by my students, members of the Zeta Iota chapter at the University of Virginia,” he says. The Foundation makes two additional grants as part of its Professor of the Year program: one of $250 to Zeta Iota chapter for nominating the winner and another of $1,000 to the University of Virginia for its scholarship fund. Zeta Iota urges all Alpha Phi collegiate chapters to nominate a professor for the award. The deadline for the 2001 contest is April 15. Call Foundation Development Associate Marci Medwed (B-Northwestern) for a nomination form at 847.475.4532 or check with your chapter president for details. You also can download forms from the Web site: www.alphaphi.org.
The Alpha Phi Foundation wishes to: Educate women Help sisters in need Shatter the glass ceiling Shape future leaders Eradicate heart disease We can do all these things. But we need your help. Sign up for the Foundation’s electronic fund transfer (EFT) program. No checks to write. No stamps to mail your gift. You’ll barely notice, but you’ll give a tremendous gift each month to help your sisters’ wishes come true. To thank you, the Foundation will send the first 1,000 women enrolling special edition Starlight notecards. The cards feature a silver, foil stamped Ursa Major–an important symbol for Alpha Phi. Already, 100 percent of the Foundation staff joined the Anniversary Circle ($128–$249) through EFT. Use the envelope included in this issue, and check the box for electronic fund transfer. We’ll send to you the simple form. That’s it. You’ll be set. Or save the envelope. Use it any time to remember someone special, honor a sister or welcome a new star into the world with a gift to the Alpha Phi Foundation.
Starlight,starbright. You’rethestarwewishontonight.
W ish upon a star
Starlight,starbright. Firststarweseetonight. W ewishwemay, we wish we might. Have this wish we wish tonight…
Want to sign up for convenient electronic fund transfer now? Call Foundation Development Associate Marci Medwed (B-Northwestern) at 847.475.4532 or e-mail mmedwed@alphaphi.org.
Corey Karsch
Foundation Awards $100,300 in Academic Scholarships Congratulations to the 65 Alpha Phi Foundation scholarship recipients for the 2000–2001 school year. Winners were selected from among highly competitive applicant pools from graduate and undergraduate universities across the United States and Canada. In the days of the Fraternity’s beginning, the Original Ten banded together to support each other in a men’s scholastic world. The Foundation is proud to continue the high ideals of scholarship and the pioneering spirit that our Founders held close to their heart by awarding scholarship aid to young women. Scholarship recipients are selected by the Foundation’s Scholarship Committee on the basis of the applicant’s scholastic record, service to Alpha Phi and the community, campus involvement and recommendations. The deadline for submission of applications for 2001–2002 school year scholarships is March 15, 2001. Request an application from Foundation Development Associate Marci Medwed (B-Northwestern) at 847.475. 4532. Or download an application from the Web site at www.alphaphi.org. 2000–2001 UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Katherine Augustine
Jenny Carrier
(∆-Cornell) Psychology Foundation and Mary Miller Lyons Scholarships
(E-Minnesota) Political Science and Sociology Martha Jarvis Sutton and Toni Soreng Cobb Scholarships
Kelly Bathgate
Dana Cohen
(Λ-UC/Berkeley) Architecture Foundation Scholarship
(∆-Cornell) Human Biology and Health Foundation Scholarship
Robyn Biery
Abby Dean
(ZΠ-Case Western Reserve) Environmental Geology Foundation Scholarship
(EΘ-Northern Iowa) Management Information Systems Foundation Scholarship
Avital Binshtock (B∆-UCLA) Communication and Political Studies Beta Delta 75th Anniversary Scholarship
Jill Deshano
Candice Bocala (∆-Cornell) Government Mary Miller Lyons Scholarship
(BΨ-San Jose State) Occupational Therapy Jeani Short Memorial Scholarship
Katherine Brady
Amy English
(N-Nebraska) French Foundation Scholarship
(ΓΠ-Arizona State) Business Accounting Vicki Silverman Memorial Scholarship
Rebecca Callahan (EB-Butler) Biology and Secondary Education Toni Soreng Cobb Scholarship
Leslie Carey (BY-Oregon State) Pre-Medicine Foundation Scholarship
(BT-Indiana University) East Asian Studies Joan Merritt Holmes Scholarship
Kendra Dietiker
Meghan Exley (A-Syracuse) Public Relations Mabel Cowlishaw Siggins Scholarship
Natalie Florea
Heather Good
(ZΨ-Dayton) Political Science Toni Soreng Cobb Scholarship
(∆Y-Baldwin Wallace) Religion and Political Science Foundation Scholarship
Catherine Foo
Nicole Henning
(ZΦ-MIT) Computer Science Foundation Scholarship
(BA-Illinois) Print Journalism Kristy Burgener Memorial Scholarship
CONSTANCE PURKISS KELLEY SCHOLARSHIP WINNER Melissa Luque (Λ-UC/Berkeley) works with fruit flies, but she prefers people. As a molecular and environmental biology major, Melissa develops and executes her own research experiments in a genetics laboratory. When she’s not in the lab or classroom, Melissa works with a group offering free medical assistance to Berkeley’s homeless. Her dream is to implement health programs for the less fortunate in rural regions. “[Working with the homeless] made me realize that as human beings, we all share common needs that can’t be attained by many of our equals. My profession will enable me to combine science with my biggest strength — working with people. As interesting as I find fruit flies, I can’t imagine a life spent with minimal human interaction,” Melissa says. AND SHE SINGS, TOO! During her term as director of formal recruitment, Melissa Lugue teaches songs to UC/Berkeley (Λ) chapter members. Melissa is the recipient of the Foundation’s Constance Purkiss Kelley scholarship.
(A-Syracuse) Public Relations and Policy Studies Frances Wiig Scholarship
Jessica Kinder (Omicron-Missouri) Interdisciplinary Studies: Biology, History and Finance Anne Muhl Scholarship
Angie Klein (N-Nebraska) Marketing Ruth Boutwell Scholarship
Katie Longworth (BE-Arizona) Accounting Edwynne Cutler Rosenbaum Scholarship
Amy Lorentzen (EΩΛ-Texas A&M) Accounting Sharon and John Barnes Scholarship
Melissa Luque (Λ-UC/Berkeley) Molecular Environmental Biology Constance Purkiss Kelly Scholarship
Kerrie Lynch (BA-Illinois) Mathematics Mary Yearsley Scholarship
Jacqueline Mak (Ω-Texas) Finance Sally Mitchell Milam and Darcel Atwill Weller Scholarships
Divo Martin (B∆-UCLA) Psychology Margaret Doe Scholarship
Deanna Midtaune (IΓ-University of the Pacific) English Foundation and Carol Klink Claussen Scholarships
Heather Murphy (BE-Arizona) Veterinary Sciences Madge H. Lesher Scholarship
Erika Paul (E-Minnesota) Marketing Foundation Scholarship
Elisha Priebe (∆M-Purdue) Agricultural Education Mabel Cooper Lamb and Betty Mullins Jones Scholarships
Meade Prillaman (ZIΛ-Virginia) Accounting John and Cecile Richards Scholarship
Trish Seebohm
Allison Freedman
(∆-Cornell) Master of Education/Secondary Biology Boston College Foundation and Mary Miller Lyons Scholarships
(B-Northwestern) Master of Near Eastern Studies New York University Nancy Pitchforth Patton Scholarship
Stephanie Bayer
(ΘI-James Madison) Master of Education/Counseling University of North Carolina Foundation Scholarship
(∆Γ-Northern Colorado) Business Rachaell Fitt Scholarship
(∆Y-Baldwin Wallace) Juris Doctorate The Ohio State University Foundation Scholarship
Alison Siwek
Katherine Beeghly
(BA-Illinois) Applied Life Science Mary Yearsley Scholarship
Christina Southern (∆Γ-Northern Colorado) Communication Rachaell Fitt Scholarship
Shahara Timbrook (O-Missouri) Communication Disorders Ruth Woods Scholarship
Stephanie Timmerman (EΘ-Northern Iowa) Chemistry and Biochemistry Susan Hausman Brunner Scholarship
Amy Turner
Megan Hartzell
(Σ-Washington) Master of Business Administration University of South Carolina Jeannette Colton Killian Scholarship
Jeanette Brown (EΦ-NC State) Master of Animal Science North Carolina State University Foundation Scholarship
Nicole Clark (O-Missouri) Doctor of Medicine University of Missouri Helen Bradford Scholarship
Lori Creviston
State) Public Relations Foundation Scholarship
(BB-Michigan State) Master of Physical Therapy University of Michigan Beta Beta Scholarship
Amy Wheeler
Jennifer Eby
(ΓN-Miami University) Psychology Foundation Scholarship
(P-Ohio State) Master of Fine Arts Savannah College of Art and Design Foundation Scholarship
Kelli Wilson (N-Nebraska) International Business Foundation Scholarship
Kristina Groome
(Γ-DePauw) Doctor of Medicine Indiana University Octavia Born Brooks Memorial Scholarship
Jennifer Holsman
As a Peace Corp volunteer in Queismeh-Amman, Jordan, Allison Freedman works with students at the Al Amal School for the Deaf. Allison received the Foundation’s Nancy Pitchforth Patton scholarship.
(ΓΠ-Arizona State) Juris Doctorate Syracuse University Foundation Scholarship
Tracy Hostetler (EB-Butler) Master of Business Administration Cornell University Jeannette Colton Killian Scholarship
Sarah Lewis
Brandi Stelter
Hopkins) Master of International Studies Johns Hopkins University Doris Corbett Scholarship
(ZOΛ-Johns Hopkins) Juris Doctorate University of Pennsylvania Foundation Scholarship
Kelly Lack
Tracy Lundgrin
(ΓI-Texas Tech) Juris Doctorate California Western Law School Sally Mitchell Milam and Ruth Woods Scholarships
Veena Jayadeva
(B∆-UCLA) Juris Doctorate Santa Clara University Law School Beta Delta 75th Anniversary Scholarship
“I am continually surprised by the benefits and privileges granted to me as a member of Alpha Phi. Your generosity reminds me of the strength of our sisterhood and enforces the love and commitment I have for the Fraternity. Thank you for assisting me with my college finances by establishing a scholarship in your name.” —From a past scholarship winner
“Worldly” is an understatement to describe Allison Freedman (B-Northwestern). Raised in Atlanta, college in Evanston, Ill., teaching in Denver, leading youth organizations in Montana and volunteering for the Peace Corps in the Middle East–she’s done it all. Allison is now pursuing a PhD. in Near Eastern Studies at New York University, focusing her studies on IsraeliPalestinian-Arab issues. She plans to continue teaching in order to “break down barriers” for Jewish youth. “I’m a connection for the entire community of young people I work with. I am committed personally to these values and serving all communities of which I am a part. I am committed to leading others to do the same,” Allison says.
(∆Ξ-Nebraska/Kearney) Counseling and Student Affairs Howell Scholarship
Leia Morris (Ω-Texas) Doctor of Physical Therapy Duke University Foundation and Sally Mitchell Milam Scholarships
Rebecca Orlando (∆-Cornell) Master of Education Columbia Teachers College Foundation and Mary Miller Lyons Scholarships
Lisa Marlene Sawyer (HΛ-Boston) Master of Film and Video American University Mary Yearsley and Clara Bradley Burdette Scholarships
Ann Marie Walsh (ZY-Washington University) Doctor of Dental Surgery Marquette University Foundation Scholarship
Margaret Wickes (HO-Virginia Tech) Juris Doctorate Harvard Law School Foundation Scholarship
Susan Winterhalter (∆Y-Baldwin Wallace) Counseling and Student Development Eastern Illinois University Foundation Scholarship
Kristina Wismer (N-Nebraska) Doctor of Medicine (Pediatrics) Kansas School of Medicine Howell Scholarship
Regional Conferences
Take Advantage of the Regional Conference in Your Area What can you gain by attending a Regional Conference? In addition to meeting Alpha Phi sisters and learning more about the collegiate and alumnae chapters in your region, you have the opportunity for personal development. Each Regional Conference offers educational workshops, teambuilding exercises, networking sessions and informative and entertaining speakers. Come renew friendships, share ideas and reconnect with Alpha Phi. Check out the conference in your area! See conference details provided by regions throughout the Alumnae Pride section.
Valley Forge Hilton King of Prussia, Pa. Feb. 23–25, 2001 Contact: Susan Kale White (ΓP-Penn State), skwmarykay@yahoo.com or Kim Larsen Watson (O-Missouri), krwatson@erols.com Voice Mail: 847.475.4786 ext. 250 (Kim)
Kansas City Airport Marriott Kansas City, Mo. Feb. 23–25, 2001 Contact: Linda Boon DeFee (ΓI-Texas Tech), ldefee@aol.com or Debby Perkins Anderson (ΓΩ-Midwestern State), janderson@ix.netcom.com Voice Mail: 847.475.4786 ext. 235 (Linda) or ext. 345 (Debby)
NORTH CENTRAL MIDWEST Sheraton Gateway Suites O'Hare Chicago, Ill. Feb. 23–25, 2001 Contact: Gina Catalano Hoener (E∆-Northern Illinois), ghoener@aol.com or Nonie Barrett Lowry (ZA-Eastern Illinois), NonieLowry@att.net Voice Mail: 847.475.4786 ext. 205 (Gina)
NORTHEAST Providence Marriott Providence, R.I. Feb. 16–18, 2001 Contact: Tanya McGinn (Y-Washburn), tanya_d_mcginn@hotmail.com Voice Mail: 847.475.4786 ext. 291
PACIFIC NORTHWEST Double Tree Hotel Spokane, Wash. Feb. 16–19, 2001 Contact: Shana Goss Smith (X-Montana), gssmith@tscnet.com Voice Mail: 847.475.4786 ext. 244
SOUTHEAST Radisson Fort Magruder Hotel and Conference Center Williamsburg, Va. Feb. 23–25, 2001 Contact: Debra Nardi Myer (HΛ-George Mason), debra.a.myer@ac.com or Liz Lord-Hannum (HΠ-Richmond), lordhannum@aol.com Voice Mail: 847.475.4786 ext. 248 (Debra) or ext. 181 (Liz)
SOUTHWEST Warner Center Marriott Woodland Hills, Calif. Feb. 23–25, 2001 Contact: Lindsay Wiggins (BΠ-USC), wigginsla@mediaone.net Voice Mail: 847.475.4786 ext. 170
UPPER MIDWEST Sheraton Airport Hotel Cleveland, Ohio Feb. 9–11, 2001 Contact: Jan Brinker Schaeffer (BO-Bowling Green State), jds19@bright.net Voice Mail: 847.475.4786 ext. 321
Let Alpha Phi Plan Your Reunion Planning an Alpha Phi reunion can seem overwhelming! Alpha Phi International can help. A complete, easy-to-follow reunion planning kit is available at the Executive Office. Please contact Alumnae Services at 847.475.0663 or alumnae@alphaphi.org. Or visit our Web site at http://www.alphaphi.org/reunion.html for more information.
Mid-Atlantic Region Volunteer Opportunities Available Additional chapter advisers needed for: West Virginia (BI), Shippensburg (ΘΞ), Duquesne (EI), Lehigh (EΨ) and Pennsylvania (HI) Recruitment advisers: Maryland (∆Z) and Villanova (HE)
HCB volunteers: Delaware (EN) Alumnae group assistance: Northern New Jersey, Greater Philadelphia, DC/Maryland and Delaware
Contact Leadership Recruitment Coordinator Mendy Blair Chura (ΘN-Appalachian State) at 410.480.9531 or lchura@erac.com. —Kim Watson
The CLS chapter’s 44 dues-paying members began the year with a successful kick-off event at a local restaurant. They continued their support of the community with the 4th annual Halloween party at Children’s Memorial Hospital. Members also sponsored a holiday book wrapping at a local bookstore in exchange for donations to be given to the Alpha Phi Foundation. The chapter recognizes members’ accomplishments by giving out two awards each year. Belia Gonzalez (EΩΛ-Texas A&M) was recognized with the Silver Service Award for her tireless efforts, creativity and dedicated service as a member of the CLS Executive Board. New Co-Vice President of Programming Janeen Moore (EB-Butler) received the Phenomenal Phi Award for her spirit and commitment to CLS. —Julie Sears Moon (∆E-Iowa) CHICAGO LAKE SHORE CONTACT:
Jenifer Fox Romps (ΓN-Miami University) clsalphaphi@yahoo.com 773.528.6696
Northeast Region North Central Midwest Region Chicago Lake Shore, Ill. Chicago Lake Shore (CLS) alumnae and four other Chicagoland alumnae chapters (Northwest Suburban, DuPage Valley, Western Villages and Rockford)
sponsored this year’s Founders’ Day event, a boat cruise luncheon. CLS President Jenifer Fox Romps (ΓN-Miami University), Sue Tinnish (B-Northwestern) and Cindy Meyers Plate (Γ-DePauw) organized the festivities. Alumnae from the five groups as well as local alumnae and collegians were invited. It was a great opportunity to exchange ideas about alumnae chapters, meet new sisters and celebrate Alpha Phi.
Greater Hartford, Conn.
➊ ➊ Seattle Seattle, Wash. alumnae host a special senior dinner in May for those graduating from Washington (Σ). Pictured (from left) are graduate Tynesha Gant, alumna Betty Stevenson Eberharter (Σ-Washington) and graduate Kristen Kennedy.
Mary Elva and Betty Gilroy Anderson (Y-
Washburn) were presented with 50-year pins. Helaine Rogoff Bertsch (HZ-SUNY/Binghamton) is
now leadership development coordinator for the Northeast region. —Penelope Gray Finch (ΓP-Penn State) GREATER HARTFORD CONTACT:
Elizabeth Pinner (BX-Bucknell) DRLU@home.com 860.673.5772
Boston, Mass. Boston alumnae continue to offer exciting activities to attract new members, including the chapter’s first golf tournament, “Swing for the Alpha Phi Foundation,” held in June to benefit the Foundation.
Greater Hartford alumnae met at the home of Jo Anne Bena Pierce (Π-North Dakota) in October to
celebrate Founders’ Day. Members purchased gift wrap to benefit Panhellenic Association of Greater Hartford. A 50-year pin was presented to Lu Pinner (BX-Bucknell). A $100 donation was given to the Alpha Phi Foundation in honor of Marion Young Frank (H-Boston) for her outstanding contribution to the chapter since 1953 and her work for Panhellenic. The chapter went on a tour of Eastern Sports Network TV, led by ESPN employee and chapter member Meg Celmer Murphy (BO-Bowling Green State). The year ended with a potluck dinner at the home of Mary Elva Congleton Erf (BK-Denison).
➊ ➊ Central Oklahoma Central Oklahoma alumnae prepare to run/walk in the Race for the Cure, Oklahoma City.
❷ Omaha The May Omaha alumnae meeting, which invites Creighton’s (Θ∆) graduates, includes a surprise reunion between Theta Delta graduate Mary Beth McAlvey and her kindergarten teacher, Julie O’Meara Jernstrom (N-Nebraska). Mary Beth continues her education at UNMC medical school.
❸ Denver (From left) Mary Lynn Winfrey, Carolyn Carder and Dayne Penny are honored as 50-year members during a luncheon of the Denver Mile High alumnae.
❷ inaugural event exceeded expectations, with alumnae from the classes of 1955–2000 attending. All had a wonderful time at True Lounge in New York City. The future looks even brighter for the diverse, enthusiastic group. Thanks to the efforts and expertise of Jennifer Milstein Colbert (∆-Cornell), the chapter’s new Web site is up at www.nycalphaphi.org. There are even pictures from the first party on the site. The upcoming months’ schedule is being finalized, and area alumnae are welcome at all events. Some planned activities include ice skating at Chelsea Piers, a cocktail party, an event focussing on philanthropy goals and an evening at Saks Fifth Avenue for makeovers, courtesy of Chanel. —Tammy Skuraton (A-Syracuse)
Opportunity Wanted!!!! Seeking women of all ages who can make a difference in the lives of vibrant young women to fill advisory roles at all levels. Duties include but not limited to providing leadership, guidance and support to collegiate women. Chapters of particular need include: Idaho (BZ), Oregon (T), Oregon State (BY), CSU/Hayward (H∆), San Jose State (BΨ), UC/Davis (EP), UC/Berkeley (Λ) and CSU/Chico (ΘY). For
more information, contact Interim Leadership Recruitment Coordinator Shana Goss Smith (XMontana) at 360.297.8167 (hm), 360.297.8074 (wk) or e-mail gssmith@tscnet.com. PNW Regional Conference
Happy hours were held on the first Thursday of each month, either in Boston proper or the suburbs to accommodate the members’ various geographic locations. Other social activities included a duck tour of downtown Boston and a financial planning seminar. The hot Boston housing market prompted the chapter to hold a first-time homebuyer seminar. Great tips were offered to those who attended. In August, members hosted another successful open house to recruit new members and get in touch with former members. Those in the Boston area are invited to join. —Kim Norton-O’Brien (ZP-Bentley) BOSTON CONTACT:
Kimberly Small (ΘΠ-Christopher Newport) alum_ma_boston@alphaphi.org 617.923.2302
NYC Metro, N.Y. NYC Metro alumnae are thrilled to be the newest members of the Alpha Phi family. The chapter’s
Jennifer Long Brady (A-Syracuse) nyc-alphaphi@juno.com 212.548.1762
Pacific Northwest Region Portland, Ore. Nearly 150 Portland area alumnae and collegians from Oregon (Tau), Oregon State (Beta Upsilon), Linfield (Theta Alpha) participated in the first area Founders’ Day luncheon in years. Nancy Lange Burnett (B∆-UCLA) and the Founders’ Day 2000 committee hosted the October event. Keynote speaker Nancy Morris Bosworth (EΓCSU/Sacramento) moved many with personal stories. Collegians entertained with songs and skits and reported on recruitment and philanthropic efforts. A beautiful, unique version of grace was sung by Tau chapter. A “Years in Alpha Phi” ritual honored 50year members, who were presented pins and given standing ovations. A collegiate chapter officer retreat
and training session followed, led by Shana Goss Smith (X-Montana). —Joanne Finamore Godfrey (H∆-CSU/Hayward) PORTLAND CONTACT:
Mara Eddis Cowan (ZΓ-Santa Clara) mara_cowan@yahoo.com 503.625.9084
South Central Region Greater Kansas City, Kan. The year kicked off in September with a fabulous Italian dinner hosted by Debby Perkins Anderson (ΓΩ-Midwestern State). A Founders’ Day brunch Oct. 21 also honored 50-year members. Of the 13 honored, those present were Mary Ketchum Davis (Γ∆-Kansas), Dottie Dolson Lee (Γ∆-Kansas), Connie Schweiger Rode
Your continued support allows Alpha Phi to address the changing needs of collegiate and alumnae members. To pay your annual International alumnae dues and Founders' Day pennies, return this form with $21.28 to the address below or visit our Web site at www.alphaphi.org/dues. Checks can be made payable to Alpha Phi International.
Support Our Legacy Once upon a time.
Ten women talked and laughed on a college campus.
Street Address__________________________________________
Ten women among a hundred men.
City_______________________________ State/Province______
Ten women who were forward thinking, who bought a house, wrote by-
Zip Code_____________ Home Phone________________________
laws, set dues, invited members, created ceremonies, supported each
Business Phone______________________
other, and began a network across the world.
Today, the legacy continues.
Chapter___________________________ _ Year of Initiation__________ Mail to: Alpha Phi International Fraternity 1930 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201
(O-Missouri), Pat Fawcett Short (ΓΓ-Drury), Marian Mills Godfrey (Γ∆-Kansas) and Mary Brown Cain (Γ∆-Kansas). The women were presented 50-year pins, purchased by the Alpha Phi Society of Lawrence, Kan. Chapter members were honored to have former International President Phyllis Sims Selig (Γ∆Kansas) as guest speaker. During the summer, Lisa Cooke Harrison (Γ∆Kansas) participated in the Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk in Chicago, raising $10,000 to help fight and find a cure for breast cancer. The event is near to Lisa’s heart because her mother died from the disease. Joining Lisa was Melissa Stern (Γ∆Kansas). —Vickie Wilford Byrd (∆H-Adrian) GREATER KANSAS CITY CONTACT:
Kathie Behrel Warner (∆X-William Woods) monet4mom@aol.com 913.451.6215
Topeka, Kan. Topeka alumnae and collegians from Northeast Kansas gathered to celebrate Founders’ Day Oct. 9 at the Woodward, a historic Gothic-Tudor inn in Topeka. Alumnae designed, created and presented a pin pillow to each Washburn (Y) new member. The collegians were recognized with special awards, named in honor of Upsilon alumnae. Winners receive a piece of “traveling” Alpha Phi jewelry that once belonged to the alumna for which the award is named. Honors included outstanding rusher and outstanding freshman, sophomore, junior and senior members. A Loving Cup Ceremony was conducted by Upsilon chapter in honor of the Founders; alumnae observed from the inn’s library balcony. Twenty-five alumnae and 43 collegians attended. —Amy Meeker (Y-Washburn) TOPEKA CONTACT:
Amy Meeker (Y-Washburn) amy@treasurer.state.ks.us 785.235.9181
Central Oklahoma After electing new officers, Central Oklahoma alumnae planned several events for the fall. An end of summer pool party was held in August. In September, the group hosted a day at the Omniplex, an Oklahoma City science museum, for Alpha Phis and their families. Alumnae even met at 8:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning to participate in a 5K walk, Race for the Cure, to support breast cancer research. Other events planned by the group included a wine tasting, State Day and an ornament exchanged during the holidays. —Bethany Anderson (Φ-Oklahoma) CENTRAL OKLAHOMA CONTACT:
Randa Ogletree (∆∆-Oklahoma City) randarenea@webtv.net 405.879.1099
Omaha, Neb. Omaha alumnae work with Creighton (Θ∆) in addition to many fun activities on their calendar. Activities started in September with a pool party and an Alpha Phi Extraordinaire game in October. The holiday auction is always a highlight in November, and this year a Date Night and a Night Out were added to give alumnae a much-needed break. A pottery night, which has been “creatively interesting” in the past, and a Phi-esta to honor Theta Delta seniors concluded 2000’s activities. Thanks and congratulations to Nicole Sup Deprez (∆Ξ-Nebraska/Kearney) for taking on the job of South Central region leadership recruitment coordinator. Members always enjoy sharing sisterhood and invite all area alumnae to attend meetings. —Sharon Coufal Hansen (N-Nebraska) OMAHA CONTACT:
Sharon Coufal Hansen (Nu-Nebraska) SharonHansen1@home.com 402.289.5448
Southeast Region Jacksonville First Coast, Fla. Jacksonville First Coast alumnae continue to focus on philanthropy projects. Under the leadership of Philanthropy Chairperson Laura Chobanian (AΛ) the chapter completed three projects this year. “Hug-Me” heart-shaped pillows were made and donated to the pediatric cardiac care unit of Wolfson Children’s Hospital, where they are enthusiastically welcomed. Members adopted a single mother and her children during the holidays and gave them presents, clothing and much-needed furniture. The chapter also donated 144 stuffed bears to the children and other goodies for the hard-working staff at the Early Intervention Center for Newborns and Infants in Jacksonville. The chapter earns money for these projects through Belk’s Great Benefit Sale, garage sales and donations to the chapter’s account at the Nearly New Store. —Eleanor Wright Hughes (H-Boston) JACKSONVILLE FIRST COAST CONTACT:
Lucy Kazarovich (∆Y-Baldwin Wallace) lkazarovich@carolinacas.com 904.220.2437
Tampa Bay, Fla. International President Jean Cameron Tindall (ΓNMiami University) was the perfect Founders’ Day speaker for the Tampa Bay alumnae chapter Oct. 7. Florida Tech (ΘZ) Chapter President Jill Fosness (ΘZ-Florida Tech) and nine other collegians joined the celebration. Fifty-year members Sarah Kelley Cubbon (BI-West Virginia), Ann Greene (BO-Bowling Green State), Hope Skipwith (BI-West Virginia), Margaret Horcher Penny (Ω-Texas) and Joan Anderson Porter (BA-Illinois and BM-Alabama) were honored. The Rose Ceremony was conducted by collegians and alumnae in honor of the Founders.
Alpha Phi Memories
During college, you bought a T-shirt to remember every Alpha Phi date party, formal, homecoming and Founder’s Day. Now you’ve graduated. You have a job. Your boss wants you to wear a suit, not a T-shirt. What do you do with the drawers full of shirts? Marilyn Mason Thomas (BK-Denison) can turn your old T-shirts into a one-of-a-kind keepsake! She quilted the one pictured here, commemorating Alpha Phi’s Convention in Puerto Rico last summer. E-mail Marilyn at Floralsbymmt@aol.com for more information on creating your own quilt.
➊ ➊ Ashland
Denver, Colo.
Ashland Area, Ohio, alumnae host a Make It-Bake ItFake It fundraiser.
After an open house in August to welcome new members, Denver alumnae celebrated fall with a “Mama Mia it’s Alpha Phi-a” Italian style party in September. A Founders’ Day fondue party was the theme for October, and members from Colorado School of Mines (IZ) were invited to join the celebration. November was marked by the annual charity auction and the installation of Colorado School of Mines in Golden (see Spring 2001 Quarterly for story). December included the annual holiday party, and a game of Bunko rolled in the new year. Chapter members plan to get in shape in February by learning new fitness techniques. Home fix-it is the topic for March, and care bear baskets will be prepared for collegians in April. The year will end with a Phi-esta potluck. Brandi Smith (ZM-Colorado State) participated in the Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk in Santa Barbara, Calif. in October. She walked 60 miles to raise money for breast cancer research. —Audrey Dessauer (ZΠ-Case Western Reserve)
Beth Tangeman (EΘ-Northern Iowa) is the chapter’s Woman of the Year. She also was an international Michaelanean winner for the Southeast region. Chapter members enjoyed heart-healthy Pampered Chef dishes for the holidays at Marcia Kuster Starke’s (∆Θ-Western Michigan) home in November. Goodie bags were stuffed during the meeting to support Theta Zeta members during exam week. Alumnae planned to once again sell red, white and pink poinsettias as the chapter’s primary fundraiser in December. The new year will launch with Sarasota alumnae joining Tampa Bay members for lunch. —Jo Flower (ΓΘ-Colorado College) TAMPA BAY CONTACT:
Jo Flower (ΓΘ-Colorado College) 1815 Cypress Trace Drive, Safety Harbor, FL 34695
Tammy Miller-Davison (ZM-Colorado State) tmiller-davison@slginc.com 303.841.1505
Southwest Region Denver Mile High, Colo. Thirty-two Mile High alumnae met in July at the home of Jerry Briscoe Millie (E-Minnesota) for a summer potluck luncheon. Fifty-year pins were presented to three Colorado (BΓ) alumnae: Carolyn Metzger Carder, Mary Lynn “M.L.” Buchholz Winfrey and Dayne Tatge Penny. It truly was an afternoon of celebration and sisterhood. —Judie Tillett Stromberg (Π–North Dakota) MILE HIGH CONTACT:
Judie Tillett Stromberg (Pi-North Dakota) 303.758.4213
with guest speaker Kathy Feeney Hiemstra (∆ΘWestern Michigan), Alpha Phi Foundation Board member, who spoke about the Foundation, the latest news and ways to contribute to the Foundation. Alumnae immediately decided to support the local collegiate chapter, Ashland (EA), with a monetary gift toward a Teeter Totter-athon which raises money for the Foundation. —Debby Bryden Gray (EA-Ashland) ASHLAND AREA CONTACT:
Ann Hathaway Schar (EA-Ashland) abassoc@richnet.net 419.281.2525
Youngstown Area, Ohio Youngstown Area alumnae set a goal this year to put Youngstown back on the Alpha Phi map. Chapter President Patti Ward Shears (BO-Bowling Green State) attended Convention 2000 and has new ideas and enthusiasm. Members met in November for a Weekenders’ Party with proceeds going to the Alpha Phi Foundation. —Patti Shears (BO-Bowling Green State) YOUNGSTOWN AREA CONTACT:
Patti Ward Shears (BO-Bowling Green State) PShears@aol.com 330.726.1943
Upper Midwest Region Ashland Area, Ohio Ashland Area alumnae are off to a great start this year. A newsletter arrived in the fall announcing awards from Convention and an exciting schedule of events. The chapter’s first meeting was Oct. 9 at Panache, a new restaurant in Ashland. Eleven members were present, including two new members, Jenell Fox (EA-Ashland) and Heather Hemminger (EA-Ashland). The evening was even more special
to these special Alpha Phis who have been part of our sisterhood for 75 years!
Arizona (BE)
Minnesota (E)
Oregon (T)
Washington (Σ)
Lillian Osborne Derby Eloise Samuels Messinger Nelle Barton Williams
Emma Joslin Babcock Pauline Moorhead Christie Muriel Nicholson Heine Grace Gardner Kasper
Editha Barthel Brock Geraldine Spence Eberhardt Barbara Blythe King Doris Young Leth Clare Whitten McDonald Elizabeth Nash Peek South Dakota (Ψ)
Kathryn Garden Ruth Hubbard Gravelle Alice Whalley Holcomb Loretta McBarron Molzahn Virginia Dicke Munro Laura McLean Pembroke Helen Stangeland Smith
Boston (H)
Elizabeth Parker Andrews Isabell Bragdon Herbert Colorado (BΓ)
Missouri (O)
Helen Hilton Buckley Mary Woodhouse Carr Emilie Holekamp Johannes
Sara Mosher Andrews
Wisconsin (I)
Montana (X)
Stanford (K)
Dorothy VanWormer Coyle Dorothy Earl Foss Clara Brown Gans
Elizabeth Bradshaw Magee Hope Williams Randolph Edna Johnson Sperry
Cornell (∆)
Nebraska (N)
Syracuse (A)
Louise Platt Lane Dorothy Wing Maxwell Kathryn Hannon Oldberg
Doris Segur Bason Fern Pringle Bass Rachel Parham Carveth Catherine Stocks Cortright Margaret Daly Easter Ruth Woods Gardner Dorothy Heldt Lyon Helen Anderson Moore Lyndall Fisher Newens Maybelle Staats Ruth Carlile Topp
Phyllis Leonard Budd Carolyn Sutphin Cullings Harriet Gramlich Dworshak Helen Young Gray Helen Honsinger Halstead Ruth Stafford Peale Amy Woodmancy Tidd
Mary Eschweiler Laura Linden Barbara Bacon McConnell Eleanor Bradford McDonald Mildred Pritzlaff Rediske Grace Wagner Roughton Jean Bartholemy Walgreen
Marian Gilbert Cross Edwynne “Polly” CutlerRosenbaum Barbara Mulnix Schaefer Eleanor Brown Vernon
DePauw (Γ)
Kathryn Frank Adams Irene M. Bear Betty Shrock Beck Mora Prosser Morris Madge Chadwick Rice Elizabeth Cook Ross Dorothy Hack Wilson Evalyn Oberreich Wright
North Dakota (Π)
Louisa Britt Barr Frances Nicholson Finly Dorothy Sheppard Missbach Martha Jones Moore
Phyllis Carr Bruce Mildred Elmslie Kelly Madrienne Florance McLaughlin Marie Smith Miller Emily Squires Wabeke
Michigan (Θ)
Northwestern (B)
Goucher (Z)
Dorothy McGonigal Buffington Margaret Oconnell Hotop Adeline Wing Kershaw Phyllis Richards Kyle Margaret Hawkins McCarraher Mildred Rudell Palmer Helen Rutherford Caroline Inglis Spicer Amelia Behrhorst Stone
Jane Howell Hall Jane Whitlock Mason Katherine Reynolds Merrigold Edna Schofield Mullin Jane Gloor Scambler Janet Seely Swan
Michigan State (BB)
Oklahoma (Φ)
Marguerite Sprague Becker Ethel Egan Boertman Josephine Flinn Clark Margaret Moinet Hathaway Norma Schmitt Munro Margaret Marshall Murdock Dorothy Robinson Ross
Dorothy Gilbert Julia Reck Lamberton Mary A. Leach Kathleen Moore Lauraleen Farnham Walker
Ohio State (P)
Mary Disher Mills Barry “Jean” Gilbert Savage
Texas (Ω)
Ruth Mantor Toronto (Ξ)
Edith Scott Banfill Anne Harris Blatz Dr. Miriam A. Brick Mann UC/Berkeley (Λ)
Frances Behrend Burch Elizabeth Jenks Early Kathleen Horton Kaiser Barbara Walton Laventure Gordon Leupp Paul Avice Saint Jessamine Ball Schwaner UCLA (B∆)
Marguerite Hummel Roberta Dozier Matschke Marion Bass Nelson Eleanor Leonard ODell Harriet Moreland Patton Lenore MacBeth Smith Jane Rowell Stewart Margaret Titus Alice Earley Walsh Washburn (Y)
Frances Beck Frieda Dickey Butcher Dorothy Reynolds Crosby Ella Torluemke Shields
New Arrivals Alumnae Initiates (AΛ) To Mike and Lynn Webb-David, a daughter, Emma Claire, Nov. 9, 2000. Akron (HΓ) To Rick and Lisa Nichols Temsey, a daughter, Alexis Paulette, May 18, 2000. Appalachian State (ΘN) To Harry “Ty” and Stephanie Whitaker Reid, a daughter, Jessica Taylor, July 31, 2000. Arizona State (ΓΠ) To Carl and Annette Morales Corvin, a son, Anthony Raphael, Feb. 3, 2000. To Kevin and Stephanie Hall Wool, a daughter, Madison Ashley, July 7, 2000. Baldwin Wallace (∆Y) To William and Kelly O’Hara Boyle, a son, James Aaron, May 12, 2000. To William G. and Suzanne Hadley McBrayer, a son, William G. V, July 10, 2000. Ball State (∆P) To J.R. and Sarah Cagle Dobbins, a son, Connor Alexander, Oct. 20, 1999. To Sean and Cheri Hinton Quillen, a son, Tristen Cole, June 22, 2000. To Beau and Cindy Pappas Swenson, a daughter, Lauren Elizabeth, March 1, 2000. Bentley (ZP) To Marc and Lorna Briganti DeWalle, a son, Alexander Christoffer, May 17, 2000. Bishop’s (HX) To J. Christopher “Frosty” Frost and Kelly Legge, a daughter, Kennedy Alexander, June 2, 2000. Boston (HΛ) To Theodore F. and Leslie Zimmerman Breck, a daughter, Eleanor Winifred, April 14, 2000. Bowling Green State (BO) To J. Mark and Maureen O’Leary Atkins, a daughter, Elizabeth Brynn, Dec. 17, 1999. Bryant (ΘB) To David and Deborah Travers Abbott, a son, Richard David Arthur, April 18, 2000. Butler (EB) To L. Jonathan and Jennifer Smathers Cleaver, a son, Jonathan Maxwell, May 31, 2000. To David and Kathryn Stevens Jessup, a daughter, Faye Catherine, Aug. 2, 2000. To Joseph A. and Paige Weirich Koos, a daughter, Makennah Ashton, Jan. 1, 2000. To Matt and Heather Ball Littlefield, a son, Andrew Blake, Jan. 16, 2000.
To Brian and Christy Jordan Minrath, M.D., a daughter, Samantha Marie, July 18, 2000. To Jorge and Jami Egolf Rodriguez, twin daughters, Jaryn Rylee and Jenna Nicole, June 27, 2000. Cal Poly (EX) To Bruce and Denise Stark Armstrong, a daughter, Makena Paige, Aug. 15, 2000. To Shane and Tami Anderson Reniker, a daughter, Lauren Delaney, Aug. 21, 2000. Case Western Reserve (ZΠ) To Bill and Lynette Rice Loesel, a son, Keegan Graeme, Oct. 3, 1999. Columbia (ZX) To Tobias Ruf and Shreosee Roy, a son, Byron Alexander, Aug. 3, 2000. Cornell (∆) To Michael Gammons and Rosemarie Aurigemma, a daughter, Kaleigh Ruth, June 22, 2000. To Mark and Patricia Cater Clegg, a daughter, Morgan Anne, July 27, 2000. To Marshall and Jana Chaiet Lew, a son, Bryan Matthew, May 17, 2000. To Theodore P. Enders and Deborah Skolnik, a daughter, Clara May, July 22, 2000. CSU/Hayward (H∆) To Tim Kelly and Kymberly Heisey, a daughter, Bryce Ashton, July 27, 2000. To Jon and Marcy Rother Hudson, a daughter, Carly Lyn, Nov. 21, 1999. To Stan and Annie Celada Kwong, a son, Ryan Robert, July 24, 2000. To John and Erica Larsen Pike, a daughter, Emma Jayne, July 4, 2000. CSU/San Bernardino (HB) To Jason and Tracy Draper-Plowy, a daughter, Lauren Margaret, June 27, 2000. Dayton (ZΨ) To Kevin and Catherine Kane McGarvey, a son, Kyle Patrick, May 8, 2000. To Jeffrey and Kristen Norvell Tell, a daughter, Kathryn Leigh, April 16, 2000. Delaware (EN) To John and Elizabeth Gropp Moore, a daughter, Charlotte Meriwether, Nov. 22, 1999. To Andy and Ruth Rogolsky Weissel, a daughter, Sara Jo, July 17, 2000. Drake (ΓO) To Jeff and Heather Roebken Reimann, twins, Blake William and Brooke Emile, July 23, 2000. Duke (BNΛ) To Michael and Carley McClure Davignon, a son, Robert Alan, Nov. 29, 1999. Duquesne (EI) To Rick and Renee Weber McGinn, a daughter, Amanda Elizabeth, June 4, 2000.
Eastern Illinois (ZA) To David and Caryl Gorski Anderson, a son, Riley David, May 10, 2000 To Myron and Sheryl Gruen Wolf, a son, Jacob Cole, April 7, 2000. Elmhurst (ZΞ) To Daniel and Georgia Chipain Veith, a daughter, Trinity Marie, Aug. 18, 2000. Emory (ΘΠ) To William and Jill Justis Magill, a son, Jack William, Aug. 31, 2000. Idaho (BZ) To Bradley J. and Alicia Larson Warr, a son, Jackson Edward, June 13, 2000. Illinois (BA) To Ron and Anna Metropoulos Amen, a daughter, Nicole, May 17, 2000. To Steve and Amy Reedy Brink, a son, James Reedy, April 7, 2000. To Douglas and Amy Stapleton Conderman, a daughter, Alyssa Lauren, Nov. 27, 1999. To John and Amy Hume Dwyer, a daughter, Grace Olivia, July 22, 2000. To Paul and Julie Hunsaker Seiler, a daughter, Natalie Karen, March 26, 2000. Illinois State (ZT) To Peter and Heather Mills Nash, a son, Conor Mills, June 16, 2000. Indiana (BT) To Daniel Ray and Annelisa Rhoades Bellack, a daughter, Hallie Anne, March 3, 2000. To Gregory and Laura BlackerbySmith, a son, Zachary Wilson, July 21, 2000. To Jeff and Jaci Allen Novak, triplets, Ian, John, and Katya, July 12, 2000. To Peter Henrik and Kirsten Lynn Rhoades Steiner, a daughter, Annika Lynn, Nov. 19, 1999. Indiana State (∆Π) To Mike and Pam Donaldson Chesher, a son, Reese Michael, Aug. 27, 2000. To Gerrit and Julie Parent Thompson, a son, Tyler Dean, May 13, 2000. Indiana U. Southeast (ZE) To Eric and Kristie Dooley Clark, a daughter, Hanna Lea, May 13, 2000. Iowa (∆E) To Alex and Heather Saunders Fox, a daughter, Makenzie Nicole, May 12, 2000. To Owen and Susan Lacher Schlaug, a son, Michael Owen, Oct. 15, 1999. To Steven and Kerstin Rajtora Smith, a daughter, Emerson Michaela “Emi”, Aug. 7, 2000. To Bruce and Martha TullySummerville, a daughter, Maeve Tully, Feb. 1, 2000. James Madison (ΘI) To Paul and Karen Saliter Bachrach, a daughter, Kayla Lauren, April 20, 2000.
Kansas (Γ∆) To Joseph and Kelly Fredrichs Proctor, twins, Jacob Michael and Lindsey Jo, Jan. 21, 2000. Kent State (BΩ) To Chris and Jennifer Jones Vassalotti, a son, Tyler Christopher, July 23, 2000. Linfield (ΘA) To Henrry and Tami Tyler Cabezas, a daughter, Alexis Helen, July 2, 2000. To Bryan and Joy Thomas Tayler, a daughter, Ella Kate, March 15, 2000. Loyola Marymount (ZB) To Kevin and Diana Kalty Swanson, a son, Ryan Charles, March 31, 2000. Marquette (Eta Mu) To Jeffrey and Amy Adamson Bresch, a daughter, Chloe Elizabeth, May 13, 2000. Miami University (Gamma Nu) To John and Rebecca BrewsterTaylor, a son, Spencer Amory, June 27, 2000. To John and Lisa Smith Dutra, a daughter, Lindsay Suzanne, Aug. 2, 2000. To Todd and Lisa Lewis Fenley, a daughter, Nicole Catherine, June 28, 2000. Michigan (Θ) To Sean and Krysten Prokopenko Baligian, a son, Jack Anthony, Aug. 31, 1999. To Chad and LeighAnn Hudkins Costley, a son, Ryan Benjamin, May 15, 2000. To Richard and Elizabeth Bryant Duffy, a son, Andrew Bryant, April 11, 2000. To David and Jeanne Consolo Eyde, a son, Anthony David, June 18, 2000. To Ken and Lisa Lutz Fenchel, a daughter, Laine Elizabeth, July 25, 2000. To Bill and Marci Powers Harris, a son, Matthew William, July 14, 2000. To David and Jennifer Hirl Taylor, a son, Andrew David, Jan. 17, 2000. Michigan State (BB) To Thomas and Anne Dreher Ault, a son, Patrick Dreher, May 4, 2000. To Curt and Gina Rongaus Berchtold, a daughter, Sarah Jean Louise, Aug. 31, 2000. To John and Joan Fox Turrentine, a son, Thomas Fox, March 21, 2000. Missouri (O) To Chad and Christina York Caldwell, twin daughters, Chloe Mary-Margaret and Clarisa EdaMarie, Oct. 8, 1999. To Brad and Karen Seibold Evans, a daughter, Amanda Nicole, Feb. 5, 2000. To Clark and Marilynn Schellert Gafke, a daughter, Lauren Theresa, Sept. 21, 2000.
To Michael and Laurie Douthit Ledonne, a daughter, Isabella Grace, Jan. 26, 2000. To Douglas and Tina Owen Neff, a daughter, Paige Marie, July 31, 2000. To Marc and Catherine McCandless Spane, a son, Devin Christopher, May 15, 2000. Moorhead State (∆Ω) To George and Diane Suedel Johnson, a daughter, Callie Joyce, Oct. 15, 1999. NC State (EΦΛ) To Dave and Wendy Pearson Wallace, a son, David Allen, Feb. 24, 2000. Nebraska (N) To Rusty and Penny Gregg Ford, a daughter, Joslyn Victoria, Dec. 7, 1999. To Tom and Mellissa Stubben Helligso, a son, Brody Thomas, May 28, 2000. Nebraska/Kearney (∆Ξ) To Eric and Aimee Basye Sanders, a daughter, Savanna Marybeth, June 17, 2000. New Hampshire (HA) To Paul and Leslie Frolich Alden, a son, Aaron Jacob, Aug. 11, 2000. North Dakota (Π) To Cory and Nicole Mack Chupka, a daughter, Tyra D., March 25, 2000. To Matthew and Renee Robideaux Fabian, a son, Matthew G. Jr., Feb. 20, 2000. To Alexander and Catherine Hostetter McDonald, a son, Patrick Alexander, Sept. 11, 2000. Northeast Missouri State (ΘΓ) To Rob and Cassie Payne Kampen, a daughter, Emily Ann, June 20, 2000. To Brett and Allison Crim Kleitz, a son, Alexander Rand, Aug. 1, 2000. To Tim and LeAnn Crim Maiers, a daughter, Megan Kimberly, Jan. 20, 2000. Northern Colorado (∆Γ) To Charles and Kirsten Eitel Herring, a daughter, Katherine Porter Stevens, Nov. 9, 1999. Northern Illinois (E∆) To John and Julie Magasas Agenlian, a son, Jonathon Steven, March 9, 2000. To Adam and Kim Cusack VanderWoude, a son, Jacob Adam, July 2, 2000. To Matthew and Paula Gorski Zondor, a son, Tyler Matthew, July 30, 2000. Northern Iowa (EΘ) To Hal and Betsy Houchins Lunsford, a son, Christian Houchins, Feb. 18, 2000. To Wade and Allyson Burr Stewart, a daughter, Devyn Claire, Aug. 5, 2000.
North Texas (ΓH) To David and Laurie Taylor Davis, a son, Joseph William, May 9, 2000. Ohio State (P) To Joe and Calli Selzer Kohmann, a son, Jack Fredric, June 23, 2000. To Chuck and Julianne Kauscher Swayne, a daughter, Alexandra Nicole, April 27, 2000. To Louie and Susan Stealey Tomaro, a daughter, Micaela Stealey, April 19, 2000. Oklahoma (Φ) To Daryl J. and Nicole Possett Aeschliman, a son, Braden Charles, June 9, 2000. To Kelley and Lynn Bizzarri McNeal, a daughter, Courtney Brice, April 10, 2000. Oklahoma City (∆∆) To Chris and Liz Nelson Reiter, a son, Charles John, May 24, 2000. To Steven and Holly Auston Schmidt, a daughter, Sydney Elizabeth, Aug. 13, 2000. Oregon State (BY) To Jack and Debora Campbell Childress, twin daughters, Jacey McKenzie and Natalie Morgan, Oct. 18, 1999. To Ryan and Carey Corliss Headlee, a daughter, Peyton Ryan, July 21, 2000. Penn State (ΓP) To Keith and Stefanie Jones Knopp, a son, Levi Allen, Sept. 21, 1999. Pennsylvania (HI) To Xavier and Christina Lauchlan Sarabia, a son, Roberto Rolando, July 5, 2000. Purdue (∆M) To Brett and Sydney Goldberg Isley, a daughter, Makenna Maree, Oct. 22, 1999. Richmond (HΠ) To Zeke and Michelle Mrvica Mather, a son, Luke Edward, June 22, 2000. To Brian and Jennifer Grieveson Searls, a son, Justin Michael, Dec. 24, 1999. San Diego State (ΓA) To Jeff and Chrystal Hartford Farrow, a son, Matthew Dean, June 29, 2000. To John and Melissa Maher Fosdick, a daughter, Amanda Michelle, Dec. 7, 1999. To Javier and Nicole Fylpaa Hernan, a son, Andrés Mathias, March 3, 2000. To Bob and Heather Shelton-Rich, a daughter, Samantha Roberta, April 18, 2000. To Brandon and Leslie Gegna Rowe, a son, Noah Michael, July 26, 2000. San Francisco State (HΘ) To Robert and Rebecca Hesselroth Russell, a son, Jonathan Richard, May 19, 2000. San Jose State (BΨ) To Andy Garcia and Dianne Avelar, a son, Alexandre Roberto, July 24, 2000. To Brendan and Renee Giacomini Brewer, a son, Bennett Giacomini, June 23, 2000. To Mike and Stacy Tsuboi Proost, a daughter, Marissa Hideko, March 16, 2000.
Shippensburg (ΘΞ) To James A. Jr. and Jill Swerk Hulse, a son, Tyler James, June 24, 2000. To Richard and Whitney Kaufman Jinks, a daughter, Mary Allyn, April 28, 2000. South Dakota (Ψ) To Sean and Jami Johnson Casey, a son, Grant Dennis, Jan. 12, 2000. Southern Illinois (EΞ) To Larry and Holli Kirk Martin, a son, Connor Jonathan, May 23, 2000. Stanford (KΛ) To Don and Dara Denels Hogue, a daughter, Meghan Victoria, April 30, 2000. Texas (Ω) To Mike and Celina Cate Hemmeter, a son, Brayden Riley, March 11, 2000. To Kelly and Star Rowlett Pedron, a son, Trevor James, Aug. 30, 2000. To Michael and Stacey Boardman Purcell, a son, Cade Patrick, July 15, 2000. To Michael and Kristine “Kristi” Esteppe Westphal, a daughter, Reagan Elizabeth, July 19, 2000. Texas A&M (EΩ) To Britt and Andrea Cozad Brooks, a daughter, Alexis Taylor, March 29, 2000. Texas A&M (EΩΛ) To John and Ida Nash Ashley, a son, Garrett Townsend, July 5, 2000. To Joseph and Lara Joyce Henderson, a son, John David, July 6, 2000. To Lance and Susan Cohen Mandell, a son, Nathan Alexander, May 5, 2000. To Brandon Jennings and Anitra Wood, a son, Devin Isaiah, Sept. 20, 2000. Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B) To Brooks and Amanda Blair Britton, a son, Zachary Hunter, Sept. 4, 2000. To Keith and Regina Upchurch Stanley, a daughter, Haley Brooke, June 25, 2000. Texas Christian (ZN) To Russell and Susan Dennis Burton, a daughter, Elizabeth Blaire, April 26, 2000. Texas Tech (ΓI) To Joseph and Ellen Mackey Chuoke, a daughter, Annie Catherine, Feb. 15, 2000. To David and Robin Cassingham Mattair, a son, Nicholas, Nov. 19, 1999. To James and Julie Haygood Murff, a daugher, Jamie Lynn, Sept. 24, 1999. To Jeff and Kelly Plecker Shropshire, a daughter, Alexandra Noel, March 15, 2000. Toronto (Ξ) To Edward and Jana H. Chu Wong, a daughter, Catherine Mary, Oct. 17, 1999. Towson (HΩ) To Jason and Rose Costa Heilemann, a son, Jared Matthew, July 11, 2000. Tufts (ZΘ) To Thomas W. and Karen Stewart Rice, a daughter, Danielle Andersen, Aug. 7, 2000.
UC/Berkeley (Λ) To Jason and Kristin Gronsky Hannon, a son, Sean Joseph, July 28, 2000.
Arizona (BE) Valerie Day to Kenneth “Trip” Barrett, July 29, 2000.
UCLA (B∆) To Jim and Diane Nicholson Donovan, a son, Robert Nicholson “Nicholas”, Aug. 14, 2000. To Mel and Cari Tubb Fair, a daughter, Taylor Brooke, Aug. 21, 1999.
Ashland (EA) Maria Fisher to Christopher Coleman, Aug. 19, 2000. Kelly Shanafelt to Tim Gilcrest, July 22, 2000. Abbie Grenert to Christopher Stanley, Sept. 9, 2000.
UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB) To Morgan and Kristine Jensen Davey, a daughter, Kathryn Elizabeth, Aug. 22, 2000. To Mark and Staci Madden Erskine, a son, Grayson Olaf, July 18, 2000. USC (BΠ) To Mark and Kathleen Hale Martella, a daughter, Haley Kathleen, Aug. 18, 2000. Villanova (HE) To Robert and Marina Theodorous Marsh, a son, John Hunter, June 20, 2000. Virginia (ZI) To Brian and Shannon Kelso Sixbey, a son, Caedmon Miles, April 23, 2000. To Nathan and Heather Harris Yates, a son, Justin James, Sept. 23, 2000. Virginia Tech (HO) To Greg and Kelly Dillon Briers, a daughter, Kameron Delaney, March 24, 2000. To Michael and Tara Perkinson Hasenstab, a daughter, Evan White, Feb. 12, 2000. To Mark and Laura Gooding Schweitzer, a son, Benjamin Thomas, May 13, 2000. Washburn (Y) To Todd and Michele Vickers Love, a daughter, Alair Reid, Aug. 15, 2000. Washington State (BPΛ) To Bill and Cora Bowman Walker, a son, Matthew, Dec. 4, 1999. West Chester (EK) To Robert and Sherron Harmyk Quinn, a son, John Francis, March 19, 2000. Western Michigan (∆Θ) To Michael and Cindy Dyson Lohay, a daughter, Bianca Ann, July 26, 2000. To Sean and Kristin Ticknor Walters, a daughter, Olivia Mae, Sept. 17, 2000. Wisconsin (I) To Mark and Anne Royse Ginther, twin daughters, Katherine Anne and Mary Alice, May 1, 2000. To Thomas and Angela Tanner Mazanetz, a son, Tanner Anthony, March 22, 2000. Wisconsin/LaCrosse (∆K) To Chuck and Karen Nelson Cranford, a son, Garrett Richard, Dec. 21, 1999. To Kurt and Laurie Smith Holmberg, a daughter, Paulina Valerie, May 27, 2000.
Baldwin Wallace (∆Y) Cheryl L. Wanko to Matthew J. Adam, May 13, 2000. Ball State (∆P) Natalie Klump to Shawn Clements, July 15, 2000. Kathleen M. Lomont to Layne McDonald, Aug. 12, 2000. Boston (HΛ) Courtenay Duplex to Kevin Brown, Oct. 23, 1999. Michelle Clarke to Brian Butler, July 1, 2000. Erica Tunnicliffe to David Cohen, June 18, 2000. Bowling Green State (BO) Leslie Tew to Troy Brooks, Oct. 7, 2000. Jennifer Pijor to Timothy Burger, Oct. 14, 2000. Leslie Green to John E. Franklin, July 22, 2000. Kerri Branham to H. Dean Hudson, Sept. 2, 2000. Melissa Tamburrino to Stephen Karagiozis, July 8, 2000. Julie Hach to Adam Vavroch, Oct. 14, 2000.
Sara Hamilton Miller to Theodore Robert Hobbs, Aug. 14, 1999. Jennifer Swanson to Chad Parson, Sept. 9, 2000. Michelle Davis to Tim Rusch, July 22, 2000. CSU/Chico (ΘY) Linda Cashin to Scott Walter Frolich, June 17, 2000. Melanie Courtney to Steven Prchal, July 8, 2000. CSU/Hayward (H∆) Charleen Ivanov to Tom Silva, July 29, 2000. CSU/Northridge (EY) Juli Bellante to Bryan Maloney, July 24, 1999. Amy DiGiacomo to Roger Metz, April 29, 2000. CSU/Sacramento (EΓ) Jennifer Rappeport to Anthony Gouvaia, July 8, 2000. Cindy McClure to Rod Scaccalosi, Sept. 5, 1999. CSU/San Bernardino (HB) Liza Mae Kucera to John Paul Wilson, Aug. 5, 2000. Dayton (ZΨ) Julie Sutherland to Tony Krabill, June 24, 2000. DePauw (Γ) Rachael Royster to Dirk Patrick Melton, June 17, 2000. Holly Swift to Sean Rotermund, Aug. 5, 2000. Drake (ΓO) Elizabeth Johnson to Lucas Baumgartner, May 20, 2000. Amy Meyland-Smith to Gregory Jones, Sept. 25, 1999. Megan Walker to Keith Ptak, June 10, 2000. Kris Ann Pinekenstein to Christopher Schultz, June 24, 2000.
Butler (EB) Catherine Smith to Michael Cassidy, June 3, 2000. Kristine Masur to Brian Healey, Aug. 19, 2000. Sara Belzowski to John Horvath, Aug. 12, 2000. Heidi Keller to Burdette Phillips, Sept. 9, 2000. Sonda Meyer to Jeff Sorg, July 8, 2000.
Duquesne (EI) Barbie Minnich to James Weamer, June 17, 2000. Jennifer Schuck to Jeffrey Whittaker, June 10, 2000.
Cal Poly (EX) Darcie Poston to Eric Garcia, June 17, 2000.
East Carolina (∆A) Jennifer Cole to Rick Smith, June 24, 2000.
Cameron (ΘP) Amber Shelkett to Joshua Mallow, Aug. 5, 2000.
Eastern Illinois (ZA) Sherry Miller to V.J. Bellafiore, July 22, 2000. Lisa Fragassi to Michael Judy, Sept. 25, 1999. Laura Rankin to Philip Martinek, Sept. 1, 2000. Kathy Kooy to Ryan Shone, Sept. 9, 2000.
Case Western Reserve (ZΠ) Crystal Witkowski to Robert Flynn, M.D., June 10, 2000. Central Missouri State (ΘΛ) Dawn Michelle Snow to Charles Henry “Hank” Grabowski II, Jan. 29, 2000. Heidi C. Krausch to Matthew S. Lencz, Nov. 18, 2000. Michelle Ballard to Brandon Walters, Oct. 7, 2000. Chapman (HY) Catherine Giaimo to Michael-Ryan Fletchall, March 11, 2000.
Adrian (∆H) Amy Jo Newland to Dave Krawczyk, Oct. 28, 2000.
Christopher Newport (ΘΦ) Carrie Beth Meekins to Donald Dilworth, Oct. 4, 2000.
Appalachian State (ΘN) Teresa Armstrong to Todd Cich, June 24, 2000.
Colorado (BΓΛ) Jennifer Bullock to T.J. Guccini, July 15, 2000.
George Mason (HΛ) Elizabeth Schweitzer to Tom Hoban, Sept. 9, 2000. Beth Hutton to Rudi Williams, Aug. 12, 2000. Hofstra (ΘM) Maria Bellia to Michael Abbate, July 23, 2000. Illinois (BA) Kathy Axe to Bob Benson, Sept. 23, 2000. Amy Stolpa to Alfonso Flores, Sept. 2, 2000.
Leanna Gray to Brett Giltmier, April 1, 2000. Alison Ton to Ward Hand, Oct. 7, 2000. llinois State (ZT) Rashel Rokita to Michael Campbell, June 24, 2000. Leigh Anne Girard to Rick Rosich, Sept. 11, 1999.
Marquette (HM) Elizabeth Schmitt to Jeffrey Mark, July 15, 2000. Maryland (∆Z) Whitney A. Maltese to Mark Callahan, Sept. 2, 2000. Miami University (ΓN) Christy Bucher to Eric Fouts, Aug. 19, 2000.
Indiana (BT) Melanie Kwasniewski to Michael Atwood, Aug. 12, 2000. Amy Kentner to Kyle Lynam, July 1, 2000. Jayne Kisner to Steven MacLaughlin, March 15, 2000.
Michigan (Θ) Jennifer Hartline to Dr. Daniel Edwards, Aug. 11, 2000. Julie Was to Chris Heineman, July 8, 2000. Allison Davis to David Paul, Sept. 2, 2000.
Indiana State (∆Π) Alisha Travis to Mark Bernhardt, June 10, 2000. Jennifer Hilburn to Jim Black, June 10, 2000. Laura Skelton to Brandon David, July 22, 2000. Missy Hanson to Mark Haley, Nov. 27, 1999. Missy Capps to Andy McComb, March 25, 2000. Tammy Bartley to Kevin Patrick, Aug. 6, 2000. Mandy Capps to Branch Schrader, May 27, 2000. Leah Berndt to Corey Simon, July 22, 2000. Nicole Remesnik to Mike Sumner, Oct. 2, 1999.
Midwestern State (ΓΩ) Michelle Davis to Richard Davis, Nov. 20, 1999. Christine Clark to Gregg Fields, June 8, 2000. Jana Moore to Tracy Gandy, July 14, 2000. Amy Park to Robert Propp, June 17, 2000.
Indiana U. Southeast (ZE) Jennifer Partenheimer to Michael Berrong, June 10, 2000. Iowa (∆E) Elizabeth Falbo to Brian Barrow, Dec. 30, 1999. Iowa State (Z∆) Nancy Albright to John Campbell, Oct. 7, 2000. Kent State (BΩ) Nikole Skinner to Brian Ambriola, July 15, 2000. Laura Gladd to Aaron Barber, Sept. 16, 2000. Rachel Downend to Jeremy Pemble, Sept. 4, 1999. Lafayette (HΣ) Marianne Turner to Chris Rooney, May 26, 2000. Genine Darrough to David Schwartz, May 25, 2000. Linfield (ΘA) Alicia Boekhoff to James Atherton, July 22, 2000. Loyola Marymount (ZB) Amy Bolduc to Scott Altenberg, April 15, 2000. Marianne Hill to Glen LaBarber, Sept. 10, 2000.
Minnesota (E) Kristin Holmgren to Jason O’Shea, July 10, 2000. Heather Gibbons to Thomas Remes, Sept. 30, 2000. Missouri (O) Kathleen Hadd to Todd Bonifant, July 17, 1999. Michelle Hamilton to Brian Parks, May 20, 2000. Kathryn Ferguson to Jason Wittmer, Dec. 4, 1999. Angela Gagliano to Jason Yamnitz, June 6, 2000. Nebraska (N) Eva Booth to David Ebert, Oct. 1, 1999. Jane Konopik to Dr. Gene Giles, June 23, 2000. Tara Gestring to Scott Keetle, July 7, 2000. Nebraska/Kearney (∆Ξ) Jenny Hill to Rob Bentley, June 24, 2000. Jaime Rother to Jason Hatcliff, June 17, 2000. Sarah Whitney to Matt Kaminski, May 27, 2000. Jill S. Wehner to Rob M. Thomas, Sept. 2, 2000. Northeast Missouri State (ΘΓ) Kristen Cook to Paul Dickinson, Aug. 18, 2000. AnneMarie Heinrich to Sean Kirby, Sept. 2, 2000. Amy McFarland to Chris O’Keefe, Sept. 2, 2000. Carolyn Money to Jeff Valade, Sept. 15, 2000. Jennifer Strobl to Eric Vehige, Oct. 7, 2000.
Northern Colorado (∆Γ) Denise M. Dietz to James C. Desmond, Sept. 2, 2000. Michele McClinton to Bradley J. Osborn, Sept. 16, 2000. Julie Hebenstreit to Doug Schneider, July 29, 2000. Northern Iowa (EΘ) Angela Anderzhon to Jason Atterberry, March 18, 2000. North Texas (ΓH) Cristin Seitz to John Gus Boaz, Sept. 3, 2000. Northwestern (B) Stacey Kanofsky to Loren S. Cohen, July 22, 2000. Kathryn Peterson to Jeff Haydon, July 15, 2000. Ohio State (P) Kristy Black to Gary Young, July 15, 2000. Jennifer Roskoph to Matthew Younker, Oct. 14, 2000. Oklahoma (Φ) Kristine Covais to Jeffrey Alexander, May 27, 2000. Old Dominion (EH) Tanya Phillips to James Area, Dec. 22, 2000. Kristy Turpak to Christopher Gibson, Nov. 18, 2000. Denise Shrader to Samuel Douglas Harmon, Aug. 15, 2000. Elizabeth Bren Hanson to Scott Howell, Dec. 16, 2000. Mary Anderson to Michael Zwicker, Aug. 14, 1999. Oregon State (BY) Heather Marie Adams to Todd Michael Mohr, Aug. 12, 2000. Jamie Woodcock to John Wyland, Jan. 15, 2000. Puget Sound (ΓZ) Mary Kathleen Sabin to Kerry Person, July 22, 2000. Purdue (∆M) Missy Roll to Doug Burnham, May 27, 2000. Carrie Hilb to Vincent Zito, May 27, 2000. Rensselaer (ΘT) Sally Valdez to Eric Schubert, June 3, 2000. Theresa A. Rajczi to Gary W. Wittkopf, July 8, 2000. Rochester (ΘK) Jodi Fontes to Daniel Grundig, July 8, 2000. San Diego (HP) Ashley A. Adolph to Travis Farrell, Sept. 2, 2000. Kassandra Lips to Mark Fisher, Sept. 27, 2000. Tamara Harris to Steve Malik, Sept. 23, 2000.
Samantha Sennett to Stewart Reid, May 19, 2000. San Francisco State (HΘ) Sandra Pritchett to Richard Marcel, Feb. 26, 2000. San Jose State (BΨ) Kathleen McDonald to Michael Clarke, June 10, 2000. Shelly Henry to Michael Demko, July 29, 2000. Donna Kim-Miyamura to Ryan Fredrick, May 20, 2000. Tasha Souza to Paul Hoerl, July 8, 2000. Santa Clara (ZΓ) Kirsten Ashton to Keith Mello, May 20, 2000. Seton Hall (HH) Theresa Fitzpatrick to Adam Diglio, Nov. 4, 2000. Southern Illinois (EΞ) Teneil Kellerman to Billy Hall, July 22, 2000. Megan Mitchell to John Maroney, June 24, 2000. Carrie Buchanan to Todd Williams, April 8, 2000. Southern Utah (ΘΣ) Katherine Kamachi to Gregory Adolpho Jr., July 3, 2000. Neeley Wilson to Ryan Kay, Aug. 12, 2000. SUNY/Binghamton (HZ) Janine Coppola to David Kniola, July 22, 2000. SUNY/Cortland (HT) Melissa Klotz to Kenneth Kneisel, March 18, 2000. Kara Jamin to Michael Naus, June 16, 2000. Syracuse (A) Jennifer Nycz to Christopher Connor, Oct. 7, 2000. Jill A. Carpenter to Martin J. Dolan, Jan. 28, 2000. Paige Moses to David Lewin, April 29, 2000. Amber Quist to Craig Moody, June 11, 2000. Texas (Ω) Kelly Simons to Shane Alexander, July 15, 2000. Laura M. Rooney to William David Floyd, July 1, 2000. Texas A&M (EΩΛ) Karen L. Rice to Joshua Le Blanc, Dec. 16, 2000. Erin Joyce to David Pacione, Oct. 16, 1999. Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B) Amanda Blair to Brooks Britton, Nov. 27, 1999. Texas Tech (ΓI) Kelley Morrow to Micah Bodine, May 27, 2000.
Jennifer Liles to Nathan Brinkley, July 8, 2000. Tiffany Huckabay to Audie Wright, Jan. 8, 2000. Towson (HΩ) Kimberly Oxenberg to Bradley Blanken, Nov. 18, 2000. Glori Goldstein to Mark Engel, May 27, 2000. Jennifer Berent to Alexander Polychronakos, Sept. 10, 2000. Amy Stimweis to Joseph Schumer, PhD, May 6, 2000. Truman State (ΘΓ) Nicole Harman to Greg Marshall, Sept. 2, 2000. UC/Berkeley (Λ) Melissa Arlen to Dan Brady, May 27, 2000. UC/Davis (EP) Nancy Kehrli to Kenneth Ahnemann, August 5, 2000. Celeste Flosi to David Deggeller, May 27, 2000. UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB) Leslie Margetich to Elio Franchi, Sept. 25, 1999. Jennifer Romano to Michael Zalle, Aug. 5, 2000. Carrie Jacobs to Eric Tuomi, July 2, 2000. UNC/Asheville (ΘX) Leah Payne to Brad Noel, May 21, 2000. UNC/Wilmington (HΞ) Jennifer Baughan to David Mertus, July 29, 2000. USC (BΠ) Heidi Johnson to Dane Elliott, July 22, 2000. Villanova (HE) Stacey Walczak to Timothy Locascio, Oct. 9, 1999. Jennifer Cieslinski to Steve Tufillaro, July 28, 2000. Virginia (ZI) Dina Alvarez to Timothy O’Hanlon, July 31, 1999. Virginia Tech (HO) Krista Briggs to Alexander Calfee, Sept. 9, 2000. Brooke Budreau to Robert Kyle, June 3, 2000. Carrie Cayton to William McAteer, April 15, 2000. Robyn Williams to Chris Oskuie, April 29, 2000. Washington State (BPΛ) Jennifer Brazas to Mark Davies, Sept. 11, 1999. Robin Smith to Greg Garrison, June 17, 2000. Darice Johnson to Scott Hermann, Dec. 4, 1999. Carolyn Holt to Matthew Kochevar, June 24, 2000.
Elizabeth Demory to Mike Shanaman, Sept. 17, 1999. Washington University (ZY) Laura Levine to Jordan Frank, May 28, 2000. West Chester (EK) Jennifer L. Kaba to Robert B. Joiner, July 15, 2000. Western Michigan (∆Θ) Heather Nagel to Robert Lathers, Feb. 19, 2000. Jennifer Wiklund to Jerry Lawson, Sept. 30, 2000. Carrie Sherman to Jon Pryor, July 22, 2000. Michelle Romano to Matt Rockwood, Sept. 16, 2000 (initiated HB-CSU/San Bernardino).
Silent Chapter American University (BΞ) Wilva Hankinson Connelly (’38), May 28, 2000.
Manitoba (BH) Edith Mitchell McIntosh (’29), March 29, 2000.
Ashland (EA) Cathleen VanOsdall Donges (’67), Feb. 25, 2000.
Marquette (HM) Amanda C. Runke (’97), October 7, 2000.
Baldwin Wallace (∆Y) Pauline Roehm (’65), July 9, 2000.
Maryland (∆Z) Patricia Murphy Scott Perryman (’63), April 27, 2000.
Bowling Green State (BO) Barbara Stein Swinehart (’53), Sept. 13, 2000. Martha Ann Winkle (’83), July 8, 2000. British Columbia (BΘ) Geraldine McDonnell McAtee (’49), Aug. 4, 2000.
Wichita State (ΓΞ) Jennifer Briley to Jason Cox, Aug. 28, 1999.
Cornell (∆) Katherine Long Bobbitt (’30), May 15, 2000.
William Woods (∆X) Tangelia Hinson to Matthew Ketcherside, June 24, 2000. Dr. Judith Brooks to Michael Moore, July 16, 2000.
Denison (BK) Elise Bonnet Bevers (’38), March 13, 2000.
Wisconsin/Stout (ΓΣ) Jennifer Skinner to Jason DeShaw, June 24, 2000.
Loyola Marymount (ZB) Nicole Simas (’98), July 4, 2000.
Arizona State (ΓΠ) Vicki Halbert Silverman (’67), March 29, 2000.
West Virginia (BI) Kim Rishel to Dave Tetrick, Aug. 19, 2000.
Wisconsin/LaCrosse (∆K) Dana Prusko to Matt Schumacher, Dec. 10, 1999.
Indiana University/ Pennsylvania (∆Φ) Florence Fitzhonts Simpson (’65), April 26, 2000.
DePauw (Γ) Margaret Jones Wiles (’32), July 6, 2000. Goucher (Z) Shirley Johnson MacKenzie (’41), Sept. 20, 1999. Idaho (BZ) Freda White Terry (’28), Aug. 28, 1999.
Miami University (ΓN) Nancy Friedman Fingerhut (’80), Nov. 22, 1999. Michigan State (BB) Carol Cohagen (’61), June 25, 2000. Ruth “Scottie” McNeal Wonch (’42), April 11, 2000. Missouri (O) Hazel Cloughley Kepler (’22), July 19, 2000. Montana (X) Mary Emily Elliott Farrell (’28), May 18, 2000. Nebraska (N) Sandra Ledingham Carnesecca (’53), Aug. 5, 2000. North Dakota (Π) Elvira Bitzan Limburg (’30), Jan. 6, 2000.
UC/Berkeley (Λ) Nancy Merritt Crippen (’43), Sept. 9, 1999. Charlotte Gunn Kruger (’29), May 4, 2000. Dorothy MacGavin Wilkins (’31), Feb. 28, 2000.
Northwestern (B) Hazel Kahle Williams (’32), Aug. 27, 2000. Oklahoma (Φ) Elise Breeding Miller (’66), March 11, 2000. Carol Jean Swank (’69), March 21, 2000. Frances Wozencroft Neal (’37), Aug. 16, 2000.
UC/Davis (EP) Lorrie Tarlton DeLoach (’79), Jan. 6, 2000. UCLA (B∆) Jane Carter Fast (’36), June 21, 2000. Harriett Burdette Gage (’33), July 12, 2000. Dorothy Louise Secrest Spaeth (’29), May 3, 2000. Helen Moir Southworth (’37), June 3, 2000. Elizabeth Campbell Westcott (’24), May 7, 2000.
Oklahoma City (∆∆) Linda Krivy Crump (’82), April 13, 2000. Oregon (T) Marilyn Morris Austin (’43), June 12, 2000. Purdue (∆M) Jane Justice Miller (’63), March 8, 2000. Susan Riley Snider (’65), March 19, 2000.
Washburn (Y) Dorothy Ann Gordon Broadhurst (’42), Aug. 5, 2000.
San Diego State (ΓA) Christina Black Clapperton (’69), June 19, 2000.
Washington (Σ) Nyla Barnes Crane (’61), March 21, 2000.
Stanford (K) Martha Burnett Motheral (’25), Oct. 2, 1999.
Washington State (BP) Norma Hutchison Waitman (’50), June 8, 2000.
Syracuse (A) Suzanne Nelson Hearty (’55), Aug. 2, 2000.
Wisconsin (I) Dorothy Hastings Street (’22), Dec. 27, 1999.
Texas (Ω) Doris Wilde Henley (’42), July 16, 2000. Linda S. Tixier (’59), Aug. 13, 1999.
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P L E A S E N OT E : Announcements will only be printed if they have occurred within a year of publication. Announcements with missing information, such as specific date, will not be printed. If annoucements are received after the copy deadline (see inside front cover for specific dates), they will be considered for the following issue.
Gallery Named to Honor Alumna The Birmingham Museum of Art honored Eivor Holst Callahan ( -UC/Berkeley) and her husband, Dr. Alston Callahan, with the dedication of the Eivor and Alston Callahan Gallery of Indian and Southeast Asian Sculpture. The gallery displays the Callahans’ most recent museum gift, a 12th Century Khmer sculpture. Eivor is a long-time devoted member of the Birmingham/Tuscaloosa alumnae chapter. Her husband is founder of the Callahan Eye Foundation Hospital in Birmingham, Ala.
Eivor Callahan (center) is pictured at a Callahan Gallery reception and dedication with Birmingham/Tuscaloosa Chapter President Carolynne Bond Kent (ΓΛ-Houston), left, and Treasurer Mary King Jones Dunkin (BMAlabama).
Roxanne Westphal is Wisconsin’s Ambassador to the World
Elizabeth Davis Named to Susan G. Komen Foundation Board The Missouri Regional Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation named Elizabeth Tenorio Davis (O-Missouri) to its board of directors. The international Komen Foundation hopes to eradicate breast cancer as a life-threatening disease through research, education, screening and treatment. This is Elizabeth’s second term on the board and she serves as an executive officer. Prior to graduation from Missouri School of Law in May 1998, Elizabeth held an internship with the Missouri Attorney General’s Office and served as editor-in-chief of the University’s Journal of Dispute Resolution, a legal publication written by students in the top quarter of their law school class.
Tricia Goeke is New Senior Manager of Cincinnati Arthur Andersen Spotlight on Professional Phi Sheree Clark (A ) was featured in the Des Moines (Iowa) Business Record’s “60 Seconds” profile. Sheree is principal of Sayles Graphic Design, specializing in print and visual communications and dimensional design. Her third book, Get Noticed: Self Promotion for Creative Professionals (North Light Books, $29.99; ISBN: 0891349855), was released this year. According to the profile, her biggest career break was “cold-calling MCA Records in Los Angeles and selling a project on the spot: the cover design for Lynyrd Skynyrd’s greatest hits album, one of the last 33 rpm records produced. The visibility really helped put Sayles Graphic Design on the map.”
Tricia M. Goeke ( M-Miami University) is senior manager in the tax practice of the Cincinnati Arthur Andersen office. Tricia joined Arthur Andersen, a business unit of Andersen Tricia Goeke Worldwide, after graduating in 1992 with a bachelor’s degree in accountancy. A member of several professional and service organizations, Tricia lives in Kenwood with husband Christopher and children, Gabby and Anna.
Roxanne Marie Westphal (GLMarquette) is Wisconsin’s 53rd Alice in Dairyland. The Alice position, a full time marketing and public relations job with the Wisconsin Department of Roxanne Westphal Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, allows her to travel throughout the world for a year, working as Wisconsin’s “agriculture ambassador.” Before her selection as Alice, the 27-yearold was morning and noon news anchor at top-rated WEAU television station in western Wisconsin. She holds a degree in broadcast journalism.
We Knew You Could Do It What started as taking classes “for fun” turned into a Ph.D. for Gayle Whitesell (E-Minnesota). The 65-year-old was the oldest woman graduate at the University of Minnesota’s spring 2000 ceremony. Gayle Gayle Whitesell received a doctorate in community education. A citizen activist in Community Education (C.E.) for 30 years, she earned state and national awards in her field. She is a founding member of NAC-NCE, the National Advisory Council Network for Community Education and holds a master’s degree in library science. Gayle surveyed hundreds of Community Education directors and advisory council members as part of her dissertation, focusing on an emerging model of Community Education and the impact of citizen involvement.
Iota Epsilon Ranks Among Our Stars
By Samantha Lineberger (EB-Butler)
A higher percentage of Kettering graduates go onto graduate school at Harvard than any other university, a fact Kettering students point to with pride. The school’s academic reputation is outstanding. Alpha Phi proudly initiated 27 women Sept. 24 to become charter members of Kettering (IE), the Fraternity’s 142nd active chapter. Upper Midwest Region Collegiate Membership Coordinator Conni Goldsmith Crittenden (BBMichigan State) led a Court of Ivy ceremony on the Kettering campus the day before initiation. The initiation ceremony followed the next morning at the Marriott Courtyard hotel in Flint, Mich. Team Kettering members who conducted the ceremony were: Team Lead Michelle Lucak (FTUniversity of Dayton), Lori Creviston (BBMichigan State), Conni Crittenden, Upper Midwest Regional Manager Jan Brinker Schaeffer (BO-Bowling Green State), Educational Leadership Consultant Carissa Waida ( I-Texas Tech), Program Coordinator of Extension Megan Ford (GKGeorge Mason) and Administrative Associate of Membership Samantha Lineberger (EB-Butler). Iota Epsilon Chapter Adviser Lisa Phillips (A ) and Karen Wilkinson of Kettering University also contributed greatly to the success of the weekend. In addition to charter members, five women were initiated as alumnae. A reception was held for the initiates and their families at the University Club in Flint following initiation. Michelle Lucak was Mistress of Ceremonies. Jan Schaeffer gave the regional
Marjorie Bassham Ava Billimoria Leah Birchmeier Emily Curtin Nicole Dominowski Trisha Hill Ruth Hojnacki Heather Hughes-Smith Jennifer Humenny Kelly Jones Kristin Koscinski
Jessica Kucharek Christine Kummer Katherine Kummer Christine McClellan Teresa McClellan Joanna Michalczuk Jessica Miller Denise Miner Marilyn Miner Cathy Nguyen Kimberly Pennycoff
Lisa Phillips Deana Rainwater Kelley Shabro Carrie Suhr Laura Sullivan Kristen Ulseth Erika Vaughn Kate Wilkes Megan Wirtz Aimee Wiseman
Congratulations Iota Epsilon!
welcome and expressed her pride in the women of the newly installed chapter. Laura Lindahl Sullivan (A ), associate dean for student affairs at Kettering University, spoke on behalf of the university and welcomed the new chapter to campus. Conni Crittenden presented a scholarship pin to Scholarship Chair Jessica Miller on behalf of the Alpha Phi Foundation. Thanks to the Foundation, charter members presented a $1,000 donation to the McLaren Regional Medical Center’s Women’s Center. Dr. Patricia Grodecki of the center accepted the contribution and said it will be instrumental in establishing a women’s cardiac screening program. Michelle Lucak presented the President’s pin to Christine McClellan. Former Iota Epsilon President Nicole Dominowski spoke on behalf of the chapter about the accomplishments of members and all that they shared over the past months in becoming a chapter of Alpha Phi. The presentation of the Iota Epsilon charter to the past and current president was the crowning moment of the day. Nicole Dominowski and Christine McClellan gratefully accepted the charter, which was presented by Megan Ford. Welcome, Iota Epsilon, to Alpha Phi sisterhood! This truly is a chapter that ranks among our stars.
Bring on the Quarterly! I am especially glad to be receiving my Quarterly again; I’m 10 hours away from home and college and I need to feel connected in some way — the Quarterly does that for me. I think it is absolutely wonderful — I love reading it! Keep up the great work and please keep them coming. Thank you! —Jennie Gregory Reiniesch ( B-Texas A&M/Commerce) Random Acts of Kindness As a college student, I am frequently short on money. Being a member of the Greek system, I am always short on money. Tuition, date parties, books, chapter dues, T-shirts. . . where does the spending end? I know that many people can relate to my situation, which is why I am writing this article. I am proud to say that despite our individual financial troubles, many [Ohio State (Q) sisters] dug a little deeper into their pockets for a good cause. During chapter meeting one night, one of our members came forward with a problem. One of her friends had been diagnosed with cervical cancer and could not afford to pay for the surgery that was essential to her recovery. The immediate response from our sisters was wonderful to see. Our chapter took up a collection for her within the Greek
Survey Results According to the results of our Summer 2000 Quarterly Reader Survey, you want more: Women’s Health Issues Alumnae News Profiles of Sisters Quality Photos Collegiate and Chapter News Fraternity History and Heritage
community and raised more than $1,100, enabling her to have the surgery. I believe that it is things like this that make Alpha Phi special; it shows generosity of spirit and concern for others. After all, what is more important — helping a friend in need or getting another T-shirt? —Suzanne Brennan (Q-Ohio State)
PHIS SHARE UNFORGETTABLE TRIPS WITH SISTERS Cross-country Trip Renews Alpha Phi Bond This past June I decided to take [my big sis who had moved to New York] up on the invitation [to visit]. I convinced another sister to join me and we flew out to see her for two weeks. We had a blast and were able to go everywhere from Washington D.C. to Boston. My favorite part of the trip was our drive to Syracuse (A). I had always wanted to visit our founding house, but since I live in California I thought that looking at pictures of it was as close as I would get. The four-hour drive was worth it, and we were excited. To our surprise no one was there but a few painters who were getting the house ready for the fall. We said we came all the way from California, showed our Alpha Phi letters and asked if we could take a peek inside. I will never forget the way my heart pounded when we stumbled across some old photos of our Founders. I am so thankful I joined Alpha Phi. Even though my big sister is still thousands of miles away, she will always be in my thoughts and heart. When I returned home I was able to share this experience with other Eta Beta sisters. It turns out that we were the only women in our chapter to see the house. My Alpha Phi experience is something I’ll treasure for many years. [As a new] alumna, I hope to continue to help my sisters flourish. —Windy Norris (GB-CSU/San Bernardino)
A new Alumnae Regional News section was already incorporated in the Fall 2000 issue. We hope you enjoy it! Please send your ideas for future improvements to Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 or quarterly@alphaphi.org. Thank you to those who responded to our survey.
Andrea Reyes, left, and Windy Norris visit the Syracuse (A) chapter house. Windy traveled across the country to reunite with Big Sis Andrea in July.
Alpha Phitaly This past semester I had the opportunity to study abroad in Rome, Italy through Michigan State University. The experience has changed me as a person as well as given me a chance to learn more about three Alpha Phi sisters. I want to share this experience with other sisters to prove the importance of sticking together through thick and thin and realizing the power and bonds that we all share. It all started on Jan. 17, 2000 when four Alpha Phis from Michigan State (BB) ventured to the land of pizza and pasta. When we arrived in Rome, Italy, the adrenaline started pumping throughout our bodies. We all knew that this would be a time of unforgettable memories [and travels] to places that, up until this point, we had only read about in books. Our weekends consisted of long hours spent on uncomfortable trains that routed us to beautiful destinations: Paris, Munich, Prague, Amsterdam, Interlaken, Milan, Florence, Capri, Venice, London and Barcelona. Our weekdays were spent with new friends exploring the historical monuments that make up the city of Rome. We learned a lot about the culture, the environment and the life that we would soon adapt to. Reflecting, I could not imagine any other way to spend my time. This was the best experience of my life and I am so happy that I got to share it with my Alpha Phi sisters. Michigan State (BB) sisters (from left) Renee Rosenau, Jenica Pastalaniec, —Elizabeth Gray Betsy Gray and Nina Buscemi are (BB-Michigan State) pictured in front of the Leaning
Europe Trip is Experience of a Lifetime June 1999 was easily the most exciting and memorable month of my life. It was the culmination of years of daydreaming and nearly a year and a half of planning. June was my month in Europe — 28 days of adventure and memories to last a lifetime, and I shared it all with Alpha Phi sisters. I had always dreamed of a trip to Europe; the only problem was that I was lacking a travel companion. As a new member at William Woods ( V), I found my answer. Megan Harbison, one of my new sisters, was interested and although I barely knew her, her quiet demeanor matched mine and I was happy to have a travel companion. We devoured travel magazines and made all Pictured on the Nottingham University campus, Nottingham, England, are (from left) Delta Chis Megan Harbison, Michelle Stephens and our arrangements Whitney Mitchell. together. Late night planning became our great pastime. [Part of the plan included] visiting another sorority sister, Whitney Mitchell, who would be studying abroad during the semester in Nottingham, England. Following graduation, the adventure began— first to England to visit Whitney (the time was too short). We dealt with the repercussions of the ATM in Germany that wouldn’t give Megan her card back. We embarked on countless adventures with our travel group, including an 11-mile bike ride and an evening walk through Amsterdam’s red light district. We got lost at night in Rome, went white water rafting in freezing Austrian water and sunbathed by the pool on a Greek island. We saw the most amazing historical monuments and we ate strawberries by the Seine River. The memories overwhelm me at times. I am so glad that I was able to share the most exciting month of my life with two Alpha Phi sisters who also became my dearest friends. —Michelle Stephens ( V-William Woods)
Tower of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
s! rter o p e R
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Calling Alpha Phis
Calling All Alter nate Sp Are you ring Bre planning akers! a n alterna the 2000 te Spri –200
in Sports
Are you an Olym pic, professional or college-level athl ete? Do you wor k in a sports-related fie ld? Send details to quarterly@alphap hi.org or Alpha Ph i Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Ave., Ev an ston, IL 60201. Please in clude your e-mai l address and/or phone nu mber.
to ited e Inv a n m lu ons son A brati Madi sary Cele s sary e nniver Jam nniver 10th a n A s it h t s e o 10 lebrat rmed
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Remember the year… |
ed? You were initiat installed? as w r Your chapte nvention? You went to Co e. Buy bound events and mor e es th of und in l al r Remembe st. Issues are bo terly from the pa ar $10. Qu ly e on th r of fo s issue eight issues es and include m lu vo ar ye otw st a lifetime. The memories la cy ive Director Nan undation Execut Fo i Ph or a ph 32 Al 45 ll Ca 7.475. X-Bucknell) at 84 Owen Craig (B rve your copy. se re to rg .o alphaphi e-mail ncraig@
Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation (Required by 39 U.S.C. 3685) 1. Publication Title: Alpha Phi Quarterly 2. Publication No.: Vol. 112, No. 4 3. Filing Date: 9/20/00 4. Issue Frequency: Quarterly 5. No. of Issues Published Annually: 4 6. Annual Subscruption Price: $3.00 7. Mailing Address of Publication: Alpha Phi Fraternity, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, Cook County, IL 60201 8. Mailing Address of Headquarters: Alpha Phi Fraternity, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, Cook County, IL 60201 9. Publisher: Alpha Phi Fraternity, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Editor: Christine Spiegel, Editor, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Managing Editor: Christine Spiegel, Editor, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 10. Owner: Alpha Phi Fraternity, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 11. Known bondholders, mortgages, and other security holders owning or holding one percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: None 12. The purpose, function and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes: Has Not Changed During Preceding 12 Months 13. Publication Name: Alpha Phi Quarterly 14. Issue Date of Circulation Data Below: Summer 2000
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Book Corner
Alpha Phi’s Answer to Amazon.com Smashing the Glass Ceiling,
Every Woman’s Essential Job
Pat Heim, Ph.D., and Susan K. Golant
Hunting and Resume Book,
(The Heim Group; ISBN: 0671500090)
Laura Morin (Adams Media
$12.95 (includes shipping)
Corporation; ISBN: 155850382X) $9.75 (includes shipping)
Hardball for Women: Winning at
Alpha Phi’s own Premier
the Game of Business,
Programming Career Development
Pat Heim, Ph.D., and Susan K.
resource notebook
Golant (Plume; ISBN: 0452270804)
$15.00 (includes shipping)
Special price for limited hardcover copies: $15.00 (includes shipping)
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Etiquette, Mary Mitchell with John Corr (MacMillan Distribution; ISBN: 0028610946) $15.25 (includes shipping)
Contact the Executive Office at 847.475.0663 or fraternity@alphaphi.org to purchase these fabulous books at discounted prices.
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