1948 January ANCHOR

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Page Detroit Alumnre I A.S .T. Is Now an Associate Member of The National Panhellenic Conference . Lida Davis Award and Queen of the Scroll . . . . ... .. ............... . . .. . A Tribute to Miss Edith Glatfelter .. .. ................... . ...... .... . The Hopwood Awards .... . ... . ... . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. ... ........ . .... . Philadelphia Alumnre Chapter .. .. ... . ....... .. ... ..... .. .... . ....... . A Tribute to Mabel Lee Walton .... ... .. . . . .... .. ...... .. ........ . .. . . Problems .. ...... ... .......... . ... .. . . .. . . .. .... . ................ . Journey Through the Bible .... . ........ . ....... . .... .. ............. . Looking for Hobby ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . It I s More Blessed to Give ................ . ........ .. . ...... . ..... . . Aid for Handicapped Youngsters ..... . ........ . ...... . ............ . . . Pine Mountain Settlement School ... . .... .... . . . .......... .. ........ . Letters of Appreciation ........ . .. . ......... .... ............. . ... . . . . Collegiate Chapters . .. . . ......... .. ... .. .. .. . . .. . .... .. .. ........ . . . Alumnre Chapters ..... . ... . ....... . .... . .. . . ..... ...... ... . .... . .. . Personals ... . ................... . ... .... . ... . .. .. ....... . . .... . . . . Directory .. . ....... ... ..... . ....... .. ........ .. ... .. . .. ........ .. .


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Cove-r: Dinner in honor of Miss Edith Glatfelter ( in striped dress) on retiring as active sponsor of Pi chapter

Entered as second class matter November 25, 1937 , at the post office at Menasha Wisconsin, under the Act of August 24, 1912. THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau is published during the months of November, January, April, and July. Subscription price, $2 .00 per year. Publication office, George Banta Publishing Co., 450-454 Abnaip St., Menasha , Wis. Editorial office: irs. Parry Schippers, 3605 N. Newstead, St. Louis, Mo.

DETROIT ALUMNJE I Top row acros.~-Ruth Derrick, Lois King, Sylvia Hill, Eunice Little, Dorothy Cope, Johanne Favaloro, Erma Scupholm, Mary Lou Gauthier, Bt>tte Utley, fJarb"rc' Miller Feeley, Carol Riedel, Je anne Steven Jenkins. Second row-Jrmet Roberts , Nancy Cameron , Evelyn Kitzul , Olga Echols, Jl'inelle Rice, Irene Petty, Barbara Jameso n. Bottom row-El.~a Gara11, lngritl Nflgy , Mae Kasiborski, GenevievP R e peta , Shirley R eed Holloman, Jani ce R eagan.

_A~ha Sigma Jau J:~ Y/ow an A:~ociale rf!ernber ou probably familiar with the fact Y that Education sororities have been established in colleges that were primarily for ARE

teacher training, and that similarly the National Panhellenic sororities have been installed in Liberal Arts colleges. When the Association of Education Sororities was organized in 1915, there were these two distinct types of colleges. "Gradually, however, many teachers colleges have added Liberal Arts departments so that they are now receiving A.A.U. or regional accrediting as well as A.A.T.C. accrediting. On October 1, 194 7, forty-eight of the sixty colleges wherein the Association of Education Sororities had chapters had received regional accrediting, making them therefore a field for National Panhellenic sororities. Of the remaining twelve colleges, all but four have accrediting pending with regional agencies. " Since, therefore, the fields have merged wherein N.P.C. and Association of Education Sororities have functioned separately for many years, the union of the two sorority associations became inevitable. Consequently on November 12 , 1947, the six sororities in Association of Education Sororities were accepted as members of the National Panhellenic Conference at its biennial meeting in Colorado Springs, provided that certain constitutional requirements were met by June 1, 1948. " The merger of the Association of Education Sororities and N.P.C. fields has been taking place gradually during the past twenty-five years. The status was so apparent in 1939, that there was a strong possibility then that the two associations would unite. Instead, however, field agreements continued to be made.

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When sororities join .P.C. they fir t have to be associate memb ers for four years. They have all the privileges of full members except that of voting at N.P.C. meetings. N.P.C. does not permit dual m embership anymore than Association of Education Sororities groups did ; e.g., on a campus if a girl was a member of Alpha igma Tau, she was not allowed to join Sigma Sigma igma. In the past, many girls have gone two years to a teachers college when they joined Alpha Sigma Tau, or some other Association of Education Sorm路ities group. It was perfectly in order when later they transferred to a University to join an N .P.C. sorority, such as Delta Gamma, Alpha Xi Delta, etc., because of the two distinct associations. Since there is no Association of Education Sororities anymore, but only N.P.C. , girls who join a sorority in a teachers colleae may not join a different social sorority in a Univer ity. They may of course join honorary and professional groups. Adhering to this policy in the future will not be difficult , but clearing up pa t dual memberships presents a problem . By June 1, 1948, all girls holding membership in lpha Sigma Tau and some other social aroup must drop affiliation with one group. letter with special fo rms will be sent soon to all alumnre. N.P.C. accepts sororities only in college that are accredited by the American ociation of Universiti es or by regional agencie such as the North Central Association. Colleges at Lock Haven, Pa. ; Buffalo ':\.Y.; Durant, Okla. ; Shepherd town , v .Va. , do not have proper accrediting but they are taki11g steps to get it, and will undoubted!) have it by June 1,- 1948 which is the deadline ai en by N.P.C.



The big advantage of tbis merger to alumnre is that they may now become members of City Panhellenic Associations. This privilege goes into effect after June 1, 1948. The whole sorority is benefited by the fact that now Alpha Sigma Tau may establish chapters in any college (that has the proper accrediting) and not just in Colleges of Education. N.P.C. does not regulate programs, finances, etc., of its member sororities, and so Alpha Sigma Tau chapters will continue to

function as they have in the past, with no changes in dues. It will be most advisable, however, fo r chapters to have larger memberships- at least twenty or twenty-five when college opens in the fall. It will al o be more important than ever that members live up to the highest standards of sorority conduct. Our rushing instructions have always stressed the fact that we pledge only girls who are capable of living according to our creed. THE NATJONAL CouNCIL Alpha igma Tau

ToMMIE GmsoN, Omicron, received the Lida Davis award for the most outstanding senior of 1946-4 7. It is an annual recognition of merit sponsored by Sigma Sigma Sigma orority and is announced at commencement in May. Tommie, last year, was editor of the Pine Tree and pre ident of the Panhellenic Council. he also worked as laboratory assistant in the biology department. Having received a B . . in biology, Tommie is now working on an A.M. at the Univer ity of West Virginia.

BETTYE ZoE EvATT, Upsilon, was elected Queen of the 1947-48 Scroll in an all student election. Bettye, a junior from Booneville, received 199 votes. Bettye Zoe is president of the Upsilon Chapter, a member of the Home Economics Club, the Y.W.C.A. and the W.A.A. As Queen of the Scroll, Bettye Zoe will reign over the yearbook for the 1947-1948 season and will have her picture featured in the book.

time the Pi girls of St. Louis wish to salute Miss Edith Glatfelter, better known as "Gladdie." To Gladdie-who has devoted so many untiring years to Pi chapter as its sponsor and who is respected and loved. To Gladdie-who has always been near when counselling and advice was needed. To Gladdie-an established and well known botanist and a very fine person. To Gladdie- who is very proud of her ancestry and has reason to be. Her father, Dr. N. M. Glatfelter, a Major Surgeon in the Civil War, came to St. Louis with his wife Mary, a young Irish woman from Londonderry and Philadelphia after tbe war was over and bought out the practice of Dr. Barret whose home and farm was opposite the farm of General Ulysses S. Grant, the old Dent Farm. This Dent or Grant Farm is now owned by the Busch family-famous brewery people of St. Louis. The Barret home was burned down but before that happened Miss Glatfelter was born there. Soon after that notable event, her family moved to St. Louis and in due course she entered the St. Louis public schools and graduated from the old Central High School. Then she went on to Washington University. Memories of Washington recall some wonderful and outstanding teachers. In Math, Dr. Edmund Engler, later President of Worcester School of Technology, and in Botany, Dr. Wm. Trelease, first Director of the Missouri Botanical Gardens. After receiving her A.B. at Washington, Gladdie went on to the University of Chicago and worked in Botany and Geology for her M.S. She is proud of the fact that most of the colleges throughout the United States have drawn their distinguished teachers from the Botany Department of Chicago. Then Gladdie began to teach; first in Whiting, Indiana, and after four years, in Prescott, Arizona, where she drank of the waters of the Hassyampa River. J'he legend being that after

doing this, one always longs to return to Arizona but can no longer tell the truth . Needless to say only half of thi s legend is true in regard to Gladdie. She then came to St. Louis to teach Botany and Physical Geography at oldan High School when it was built in 1911. While there she e tablished a Botany Club which became qui te famous. Chicago and the West kept calling her and she would go either way in the summer- either studying hard in Botany and Geology or goi ng West to climb mountains and look down on the world which lay below. Being a botanist and nature lover, Gladdie is constantly aware of the beauty and interest of the earth and continues to display a great love for the outdoors and maintains a remarkable zest for hiking and climbing. This is a favorite subject of hers as she claims that one of the mo t interesting parts of her life grew out of the association with the members of the Colorado Mountain Club. She has climbed with thi group several of the highest peaks in America- Mt. Evans, Mt. Wyndon and Long's Peak. In 1929 fortunately, Gladdie was asked to teach at Harris Teachers College. Luckily some A.S.T. prospects saw her, annexed her, and when Miss Mansell came to St. Loui to inaugurate a new chapter, Gladdie was installed as sponsor of the St. Louis Chapter in which capacity she has faithfully served through the years. Gladdie has always led a full and rich life and aside from her teaching career, she maintains membership in numerous well known organizations. Among them being the American Association of Science, Botanical Society of America, Society of Plant Physiologi t American Rock Garden Society, Boyce Thomp on Institute of Plant Research and Torrey Botanical Club. And now to quote Gladdie s own word "The old time Pi gi rls are still my best friend and long years have added to the original li. t






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money, for a hort tory and immediately took off for New York to do free lance writing. On the other hand, for too many, the honor has meant the climax of their careers. These awards have been given for fifteen years and have averaaed $8,500 a year or totaled 127,500. Avery Hopwood himself was a prominent dramatist, having written such a hit as " The Bat" on which he collaborated with Mary Roberts Rinehart. It is intere ting to observe, however, that the Michigan Repertory Players, for some enigmatic reason, have never produced a play by thi munificent alumnus. Under the terms of Mr. Hopwood 's will , one-fifth of his estate was set aside and given to the Regents of the University of Michigan for the encouraging of creative work in writing. According to the bequest the Regents are empowered: " To inve t and keep the same invested and to use the income therefrom in perpetuity, a prize to be known as 'The Avery Hopwood and Jule Hopwood Prizes,' to be awarded annually to students of the University of Michigan who perform the best creative work in the fields of dramatic writing, fiction , poetry, and the essay. The number and value of the prize shall be in the discretion of the Faculty or other governing body of the University, but the income shall be distributed annually or emi-annually, and shall not be allowed to accumulate from year to year. In this connection, it is especially desired that the students competing for the prizes shall not be confined to academic subjects, but shall be allowed the widest possible latitude, and that the路 new, the unusual , and the radical sha~l be especially encouraged. "

last summer, whenever I read of a U University of Michigan student receiving NTI L

a Hopwood Award, I thought of him a someone in a remote, literary Mount Olympu . Last summer, I enrolled in a creative writing seminar of fourteen students, three of whom received Hopwood Awards. It was a stimulating, enjoyable experience. One incident may illu trate to what extent some members of the class were thinkin a of these awards. I went into a book store where one, a veteran, was employed. Showin a me folders for terrl) papers, he remarked facetiously, " Here just the one to impre s the Hopwood judge ." I told him that the folder was for my husband- not for a H opwood entry. This veteran , I might add , entered in all four fi elds-ficti on, poetry, drama, and essay and won with two of them. eedless to say, the final week of the summer session was a nerve-straining one for the entrants. Anxiously, each awaited a special delivery letter that carried the news that he was to appear Thursday afternoon at four o'clock in the English Department office to receive his award in the presence of the Hopwood judges and other faculty members. When all the advantages of a Hopwood Award are considered, this anxiety is not surprising. Maritta Wolff won the novel award in 1941 , I believe, when she was a senior and twenty-two years old, for her W histle Stop. Later it was bought by Hollywood, which means for a writer that he has gotten into the big money . Recently, in a Metro-Goldwyn Mayer contest, this same author received $7 5,000. A Hopwood Award work is always salable. A young man at the University last spring made $1,500, including his prize and sale


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Top: Philadelphia Alumrrre at the October mee ting. Bott.um , left , : Polly Hedrick uuder mrd lr er rlaughtn Susarr. Bottom, right: Ruth Fabeck Knapp amllr er clau{!.lrters, }o Anrr e ami Marj o ri e 1. e .

that some space in THE ANI TCHORmostbe fitting devoted occasionally to news about IS

our sister sororities; to think only of ourselves develops a narrow minded philosophy. When an organization compares its activities arid achievements to those of other groups, it always finds ways of improving itself and is led on to higher goals. In this edition of T HE ANCHOR Alpha Sigma Tau wishes to pay tribute to an outstanding


sorority leader, Mabel Lee Walton of Sigma Sigma Sigma. She began her sorority career when she joined the Gamma Chapter of Tri Sigma in 1904, at Randolph-Macon College. As soon as she became an alumna, she began to help with the work of the national organization. Her efficiency was soon apparent to her sorority for in 1913 she was elected national president, holding that office until she retired in 1947 at the sorority's fi ftieth anniversary convention. To be national president of a sorority for thirty-four years is a rare achievement, and one cannot help but admire a person who had the

energy and enthusiasm to work so tirelessly for so many years. Miss Walton worked as energetically for the Association of Education ororities as she did for her own sorority. he helped organize Association of Education ororities in 1915 and was Tri igma' representative from 192 5 until Association of Education Sororities was dissolved in November 1947 . She was chairman of the Interfraternity Committee of Association of Education Sororities for many years and through correspondence and travel kept the Association of Education Sororities informed concerning developments in the changing sorority field. The May issue of Tri igma's magazine, The Triangle, was dedicated to Miss Waltona story of her work, and letters of appreciation from her sorority sisters. It was rather awe inspiring to read the many expressions of love and admiration which the Sigmas felt for their president. As Miss Walton resigned in July as national president of Sigma igma Sigma, so likewise in November she resigned as Tri Sigma's intersorority repre entative. be said that she wa planning to keep busy with variou igma and other activities now that her interfraternity work was fini shed. How like Miss Waltonnot to retire and take life easy but to enter just as enthusiastically into some other activity! Miss Walton's spirit will live on in the sorority field even though she no longer takes an active part, for she represented things eternal - devotion to duty, an interest in others, courage, vision, and the determination to progress and to succeed. Our best wishes to you, Mabel Lee路 may you have the best of everything in the years ahead. CARRIE W. TAEHLE, National President, A.S.T .


since the United States had its birth

of wealth ; and national security, our relationship with other nations. At one time or another each of these problems has occupied the larger portion of the thought of each generation. Constitutionalism was the major problem during the Critical Period in the middle 1780's. The basic question was related to how much power should be delegated in a constitution to the Federal Government. Today we are striving to preserve a constitutional government against communism and sociali m. When the amendments were made, they were brought about through agitation for the preservation of the democratic ideal. As the constitution began to be interpreted, the government's relation to the people was al o involved. Today, when President Truman ask for powers to regulate the American people he is questioning the problem of the relationship of the government to the people. The capitalistic problem was paramount during the period of big business and during the depression. The westward movement brought up the question of national resources. Today the conservation problem comes undet the theme of natural resources.

E on September 17, 1787, when the Con-

stitution was signed, this nation has been confronted with problems. The first settlers faced the problem of the wilderness and coped with the new, uncultivated land. Their problems were those of the necessities of life such as food, shelter, warmth, and personal security. As this country grew, the problems grew with it until today its problems are those of the world. ational security is the main question the United States has to solve at the present time. The problems today are the same as in 1787. The seven major ones are Constitutionalism, Democracy, the relation between the government and the people, capitalism, natural resources, national security and American culture. The problem of constitutionalism deals with the theory of government ; the problem of democracy with the ideals behind the government ; the problem of government and the people, with a more realistic relationship between the people and the government; the problem of capitalism with the economic aspect; the problem of natural resources, with the sources

( Continued next page )


GENEVIEVE REPETA Preside nt, De tro it Alumnre I

_A-nnouncement/ FIRST DISTRICT WINNER I SABELLE STIRTON CLARKE, Theta, '46 for her editorial, " A Tip to 1 ew Members," p. 7 in the November 194 7 ANCHOR. Both she and Theta chapter will receive an award of five dollars.

need only be concerned with the development and betterment of the American people? RuTH WEBSTER, Sigma '49

( Continu ed from page 9)

In the field of national security, some of the big questions are : can the United ations succeed, can we prevent a third world war, should the United Nations' veto power be modified, will the Marshall plan assist in recovery of western Europe, and how dan.gerous is Communism to us? There are forces which have been set up and adopted to cope with these problems. Some of these forces are the government in general, social agencies, educational facilities, the church, and public opinion. Our national security is at stake, now, more than it has ever been before. The major question is, can our nation solve its problems and maintain its integrity against the opposing forces throughout the world? Will there never come a time when the United States

( Continued from p . 5)

so that though I have gotten too old' to teach . at Harris I know I will never be too old for P i chapter. My love fo r them , my appreciation of their love and friendliness has been of infinite value and encouragement to me. Now I am, I suppose 'an alum ' and it is really true that I know them better than ' the actives. ' It is restful to think 'a place fo r me ' has been prepared among those dear friends." Yes dear Gladdie there bas been, and always will be, a place for you in the h eart of every Pi girl. D ELPHI E TRA B E Pi 45 10

with surprise and pleasant anticipation that I noticed in a religious magazine the advertisement of a book by one of our favorite professors at Temple UniversityDr. Walter Ferguson. At one time a student in the ministry, he is now one of the finest English teachers I have ever known. Even the routine freshman course in composition was interesting as he taught it, and to be a member of one of his classes in literature was a privilege. His love of his work, his unfailing faith in people, his keen understanding and sympathy are unforgettable. Surely a book written by such a man would be a treat- and it was, indeed. Dr. Ferguson 's knowledge of the Bible and of related history, literature and commentaries, is equaled only by his enjoyment of it. His book is full of this contagious enthusiasm, and he describes Biblical characters and events with deep interest and understanding. He treats these people not as unattractive paragons of virtue, but as very human men and women- not so very different from us. There is a gentle humor, a down-to-earth naturalness and simplicity in his comments, that endow these people of the Bible with more reality than is often felt. Always, however, is the author reverent and sympathetic, . and makes the reader feel at all times the presence and wisdom of God, and the gradual maturing of His plan for 'the world. How the characters in the Bible step from its pages, alive and vital, under the vivid pen of this author: Nehemiah, "more like an American than anyone else in the Bible-you could almost imagine him the charter member of a Rotary club"; Ruth and Esther, " as different as a buttercup and an orchid"; Jonah who, when ordered by God to go to Nineveh, "slipped off quietly to an obscure seaport and in a low voice ordered a ticket to Spain. He seemed to think that God lived in Palestine and had no jurisdiction or interest elsewhere."




The fa cinating portrayal of Biblica l characters and events is but one attraction of Dr. Ferguson 's book. He appreciates not only the human and religious qualities of the Bible but also its unusual literary value. Hi s chapters on the Psalms, the ong of olamon and the book of Job are outstanding for hi s penetrating interpretations. The literary quality of Dr. Ferguson 's own writing is exceptionally fine, called by one reviewer "picturesque prose," and by another critic, "some of it as fine prose as you will ever read." His imaginati ve, vivid and often beautiful descriptions of the Nazareth that Jesus knew, the nearby mountain , the ~ ::ene of the crucifixion are proof enough that here is an author who is indeed a master in weaving speels with the magic of his word . This is apparent in the opening paragraph of the chapter on Genesis, in which he de cribes the creation of the world : "Then from some afe vantage point in space we peer breathle ly through the darknes a a spark i kindled God hangs lanterns in the sky, and the kaleidoscope of the heavens. begins to turn. ' There has, of course, been much critici m and questioning of the Bible in variou fi eld - archaeology, literature, geology, biology psychology and philosophy- of which the author is well aware. These criticisms are eli cussed and answered as fu lly as pos ible, for Dr. Ferguson realizes that one cannot 'di miss all these attack with a \Yave of the hand." But, he states with conviction apparently the Book is still weathering the storm," and concludes with enthu ia m : " There is no book like it. For one critic or even one whole generation to condemn it would be an impertinence. It is the tandard of comparison and it mea ures u . If we find it dull and unsatisfactory, our ta te i jaded or perverted. It has triumphed too lona to be on trial any more. With regret the reader clo e Journe


THE ANCHOR " the hope that new readers may be attracted to the Book of Books, and that veterans may catch a new zest in the old enterprise." CHARLOTTE E. KING, Lambda, '42

through the Bible," feeling it has been a fascinating and worthwhile journey indeed, with a guide who knows and loves every step of his route. The author seems to :qave justified what is expressed in his first chapter- namely,

VIRGINIA GRIFFITH, Iota, daughter of Mrs. Fred R. Griffith, National Life Membership Chairman, who wa married recently to Dr. T . Reed Maxon, of Warrensburg, Missouri.



times have you exclaimed, " Oh !

H What a beautiful vase." or " Where did you get those beautiful ear-rings? They're exquisitely designed. I'd love to have a pair. " Well, why don't you? It's very simple. All you need is the desire to create with your hands, a few simple materials, and lots of patience. With these three things you are now ready to begin. As you work you will find an increasing interest and skill in handling and designing

the exquisite creations which can be produced in ceramics. You will discover to your surprise how easy it is to solve your problem of gift giving when the necessity arises. Drawing from the vast store of ideas which everyone possesses begin your work, have fun and you will proudly say, " I made thi ." Try ceramic work now. It makes a deiightful hobby. VERA BowsER, Williamsport Alumnce (Zeta '38)

BUFFINGTON WHITMAN formMRSer. HELEN Caldwell Junior High School t~acher, and wife of Lawrence Whitman of 31 Ferndale Road, North Caldwell, died Sunday, Septem-


. OMETIMES in the great hustle of livingS when being needs a meaning and getting here and rushing there take up all the energy a girl and her vitamins can muster . .. we pause long enough to ask, "whither, and wherefore?" Then it is time to slow down and take stock ,of this dizzy, spell-binding business of living. Where are we going? Why do we rush around like a lot of wound-up mechanical toys? Are we doing any good? Are all the clubs, the choirs, the sororities, the endless organizations to which we scurry, going anywhere? And are we making the most out of this precious gift of life? I believe a glimmer of the meaning of this 1.)

ber 28, 1947, in Moun tainside Hospital after a week's illness. Mrs. Whitman was born in Conemaugh, Pennsylvania, but had resided in the Caldwell for nineteen years. She was a graduate of Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, Teachers College and Rutgers University. Mrs. Whitman was a member of the teaching staff of Caldwell Junior High School from 1928 until her retirement five years ago. In addition to her husband, she is survived by a son, Mark, and a stepdaughter, Marie!, of Ferndale Road address; her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Buffington of Pillow, Pennsylvania, a sister, Mrs. Walter Shade of W. Carr~llton, Ohio, and a brother, Arville Buffington of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Funeral services were held a t the Caldwell Pr,e~.byterian Church, Monday night at 8 o'clock, with the Rev. George Le Roy Willets, pastor, officiating. Burial was in Maple Grove Cemetery, Elizabethville, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday.- Reprinted from The Caldwell Progress-Verona News, Oct. 3, 1947.

enigma may be found in those golden word that grow more meaningful with the years, ' It is more blessed to give than to receive." Every one of us has felt the glow of ati faction that follows the giving of a gift- no self-righteous smugness, but a heart-warmina glow that no measure of self-indulgence ever fostered. When we give of ourselves we ourselves are the greatest benefiters. And what has all that to do with sororitie and such? Simply that many of us cannot function alone--it is not given to all to be benefactors of mankind. Only a few areat one can touch this halo. There are only a few areat (Con.tintted on page 2-l )

!://en .J/. Smilh, Zta Jau 28, PkpiolherapM al lhe _American cfegion Gipp/eJ Chifdren ~ Aome, St. feterjhurg, Jlortda 1

ABO U T as jolly a group of youngsters as .fl. you 'll ever see now are swimming, sun-

privileged convalescent children . During the war and after her death , her philanthropic ning and playing at the Gulf Beaches. program was di continued. Recently, the They are children from the American Le- two-story building was leased from the Kathgion Home for Crippled Children ensconced erine Payne e tate by the crippled children' hospital. So uccess ful has the project proved that several youngster already have been discharged and sent home. Eleven children, two nurses and a cook now are living at the beach. In order to make room for more children, the hospital , with the aid of American Legion volunteers, is converting an old army barracks into a boys' dormitory. This should provide pace for a total of 1 7 children. The beach house i not equipped to take children under surgery or special medical treatment. Physio-therapy treatments, such as received in the hospital proper, are continued daily at the beach by Miss Ellen Smith, physiotherapist, who has been at the hospital for about three months. These treatments are taken under big umbrellas on the beach or on mats on the shady porch. Paul Marzullo, assistant therapist, is in charge of water exercises conducted mostly on tubes. Action of the water alone on the ELLEN H. SMITH AND NIECE children is beneficial. The water also supports until school time at the Katherine Payne affected parts of the body so that exercises Beach Home for Convalescent Children, Sun- may be taken without the pull of gravity against muscles. These swims take place twice shine Beach. These youngsters, perhaps more than any or more daily. When not undergoing treatment, the others at the islands, consider themselves fortunate. First, their sojourn at the beach means youngsters play games, do handcraft, dig in they are well on the road to physical improve- the sand, go crabbing, look for shells, attend ment. Second, it's a distinct and delightful Sunday school, walk at sunset, enjoy movie or play with their 11 puppie . Incidentally change from hospital routine. The beach home originally was established play equipment is donated. ince it is conby the late Katherine Payne for under- stantly used, there generally i need for toy .


PINE MOUNTAIN /Jine 'ff!ounlain 路 fia,./an CounliJ 路 fenluck'l A HEART AND CRA VI


VIRGI IA P . MATTHIAS (Mrs. Matthias who has served on the faculty of Mount Holyoke, her alma mater, is now a teacher of English at Berea College, Berea, Kentucky. She has visited Pine Mountain often and erved one summer as a volunteer worker. We reprint with permission an abridged form of her article which appeared in Survey Graphic for June, 1947. )

HE VISITOR in the mountain regions of eastern Kentucky may, if he wanders far T enough from Harlan County's main highways, chance upon the hidden valley behind Pine Mountain. Along the floor of this valley a rocky little road follows along a creek. Between the creek and the road stand occasional low-hung cabins. Corn grows in small cleared patches in the midst of the forest, clinging unbelievably to the sharp hillsides. Here and there a great black kettle simmers over a small wood fire, and a woman stirs the family wash with路 a smooth stick. " Howdy," she says solemnly as the traveler goes by. He lifts his hand in salute. " Howdy," he answers. He moves warily, not to disturb the three belled cows idling tentatively along before him, nor the flock of serious geese around the next corner, nor the fat black and white sow feeding her ten little pigs exactly in the middle of the dusty road. But at length, just where Greasy Creek is joined by Isaac's Run, he steps over a log bridge and opens a wooden gate. " Entrance to Pine Mountain School" the sign at the entrance reads. Pine Mountain School is an oasis of culture and well-being but it is not shut off from the folk who live in the hills and valleys of the southern mountains. When in 1913 Uncle William brought in two school teachers and gave more than a hundred of his best acres for the founding of the school, it was his hope that here the boys


and girls of the mountains would come to learn the art and the craft of living. " I have a heart and cravin' that our people may grow better, " he said. And today the influence of Pine Mountain chool reache out for many miles along the roads and creeks and paths of the outhern Appalachians, and beyond the mountains too. A boarding school on the high school level fo r boys and girl from hill farms and coal camps, Pine Mountain offers education at so low a cost that it is within the reach of any child, from however poor a family. Be ides the registration fee of ten dollars, tuition is ten dollars a month. Board is paid, not in dollars, but in labor, two and a half hour a day; and if a student has no money for tuition he may work that out too, during the summer months and Christma holiday . Most of the boys and air! who attend Pine Mountain could otherwi e have no fo rmal education beyond what they receive in little one- room district schools, for they are cho en from among the children whose home are remote from a high school. The high chao! nearest to the Pine Mountain community, for instance, is eighteen miles distance ; and no means of transpo rtation connects it with any of the nearby ettlements. A large number of students live as much as twenty or thirty mile from a public high school. To satisfy Uncle William 's ' cravin ' the school offers its boys and girls many opportunities to learn, from the time the ri ing bell rings at a quarter after six in the mornina until " lights out" at nine in the e enina. Many a student has been taught quite a much outside the clas room a in it. The reader takes fo r aranted much that i an



entirely new experience to him; bath tubs and flush toilets, electric lights, single beds with clean sheets and blankets- this last especially phenomenal to children who have slept four in a bed, covered only with a worn quilt. Just to stay at Pine Mountain is part of his education. The boys and girls under direction run the school farm and dairy, make furniture, keep the buildings clean and in good repair, do the printing, and mimeographing, act as nurses' a'ides in the school infirmary, prepare and serve excellent meals, and can vegetables for winter use. Daily life in a place where differences of opinion resolved without force and without rancor is of especial value in a section of the country noted for hot tempers and lasting enmities. While these boys and girls are working to understand and to better their own mountain communities, the greatest change is wrought upon themselves. Pine Mountain students have better manners, more maturity, and a deeper sense of responsibility than students of the same age in many of the best preparatory schools in the East. Part of the savior jaire is ingrained by centuries of mountain living. A mountain boy or girl talks with a visitor on terms of equality without embarrassment. A mountain man would not hesitate to invite the President of the United States to his cabin. Iative courtesy and independence are fostered at the school: no elbows rest on the table at mealtime. When a pitcher of milk is emptied, someone asks, " May I fill it? " and when the main course has been finished, " May I clear the table?" To this graciousness of speech is added graciousness of appearance. Cleanliness must be learned by some whose homes have been so far from the water supply that washing bodies or clothing was a luxury. In the home economics classes the girls learn to sew, and presently they make their own dresses. A natural grace of carriage is increased by evenings of folk dancing- English and Danish country dances, and the square dances of their great-great-grandparents here in the mountains. Students who are naturally intelligent but who have been retarded by poor schooling make rapid strides in their classes. The fact that many of them work

eight hours a day throughout the summer to earn their tuition indicates uncommon eagerness to learn. A visitor at Pine Mountain School has the impression of a group of boys and girls unu ually attractive, unusually wellbred, unusually mature.

/J;ne 'ff!ounlain. :Settlement School DEAR MRS.


It is quite impossible to tell you how happy we are to have the gift from the lpha igma Tau Sorority. This kind of genera ity gives us much courage and enables us to路 carry this work along even in the face of mounting prices. Whenever we can spare the time we like to walk back into the hollows from which so many of our pupils come. It helps us to realize why it is still impossible for o many youngsters in this ection to have educational opportunities. It also gives tragic meaning to the statistics which report that fewer than 30 in 100 school children in some of these counties are enrolled in .school. I am sure you can appreciate what this figure means in wasted human resources and why we feel the work of such schools as this is still needed desperately. We must apologize for our tardy thanks. Vacations have cut our office staff so that it is impossible to be as prompt a~ we like to be. Sincerely, H. R. s. BE J AMIN

Jhe Penland Scftool o/ 路flandicra/t:~ DEAR MR S. STEEN:

I am very much thrilled to have your letter inciosing your check for use in the Alpha Sigma Tau room. We are having a copper plate made for this room, and when you come to see us I hope it will not be occupied so that you can have it for your living quarters while here. We are all most grateful for this help. I am glad you have had a chance to visit with Miss Kerr and to get personal news of Penland. We are having a great summer but are sorry to have to turn away a many people as we are acceptina due to lack of ufficient


THE ANCHOR buildings and equipment. It is encouraging, however, to have people in general as conscious as they are of the value of handicrafts, when the world is so confused. I am going to look forward to a meeting of the Executive Board sometime before too long at Penland! My Jove to you. Sincerely,

babe in one of the neediest areas today in the whole wide world. Your gift will help give a future citizen of Greece a right start in life. The baby may never know of it, but you may be sure the mother will never forget. Many thanks. Sincerely yours, jOHN Q. TIL SON, Treasurer


I am still enjoying memories of my Cincinnati experience!

Save !he Ch_i/Jren Jederalion DEAR CONTRIBUTING FRIEND:

Grateful acknowledgement is made of your generous gift to aid our Greek layette project in behalf of babies in devastated Greece. Our official receipt enclosed will give you greater satisfaction if you think of it not just as official recognition of your gift but as bearing the thanks of a mother with a new-born

Jhe leader; ';})igedl DEAR MRS. STEEN:

Your contribution to The R eader's Digest Fund for the Blind on behalf of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority is gratefully received. Our Braille and Talking Book editions bring pleasure and inspiration to blind readers ; your gift will be greatly appreciated. Please extend our thanks "to the members of your organization for their support of our work for the blind. Sincerely, HAROLD A. LYNCH , Associate Editor

Betaj on a fia'Jride What is better than an old fashioned hayride in the fall? This is the way the Beta started off their social activities for the year. The fun began when we jumped on the wagons of hay and drove off down the dusty roads singing. After about an hour of riding the gals and their路 dates gathered in " thecabin-in-the-woods" for dancing and refresh-

vote on these co-ed candidate from which one is elected Queen and four on her royal court. The Beta' were truly proud to have Marjorie Lynch elected as a member of her maje ty ' court. Fall rushing was between November 2, and ovember 5. The two new members taken in were Noreen Dickenson and Jean Ann Shulz. Tovember 4 we commemorated Founders' Day by wearing white the entire day. The orority had its coffee hour and candle-light ervice m a small dining room at Keeler Union. l ETTIE JANE PETERSON

Early this year we met and discussed plan for the year. We decided to meet in the Y.M.C.A. rooms. Officers for thi year were installed and the ophomore representative for the Panhellenic Council was appointed. We also elected a new treasurer to replace the officer who had resigned . Members agreed to adopt a school in Europe to send supplie . Later this was taken on as a Panhellenic project so that more could be accomplished. Our social activities included a luncheon in the Y.M.C.A. rooms with June troble as chairman and a " doggie roast" at Price Park. Each sorority girl invited a guest. On October 21 we held a "Come As You re" party in the Y.M.C.A. hirley 路weiss was in charge. For a week preceding the party invitations were aiven at odd moments to the girls. We had to attend the party dressed a we were when the invitations were given. This year our chapter took on a new project. Each member contributed two

"BETSY JANE" Some gals from Beta on their fall Houseparty. They are Kay, Flossie, Scotty, Polly, Joan, Buckets, Jackie and the mascots Nancy and David. By the way the car is "Betsy Jane."

ments. The cabin was artistically decorated with colored leaves. Homecoming, being one of the biggest events of the fall semester, began with preparing for the Alpha Sigma Tau float. This year ''The Old Fashioned Girl" was the theme of our float and it was carried out in our Homecoming breakfast held at the home of Tionna Gover, our president. This year, as in past years, the tudents of Central nominate their Homecoming Queen through petitions. Then the student body



THE \N HOR articles to the Needlework Guild . The contributions are distributed to the poor. On November 12 we held our annual Founders' Day Banquet. The theme wa "Being Gracious. " Mrs. Furst, our patrone s, gave a talk on the subject. On November 18, Marybell Snyder, Jean Berne, Pat Louth, Lois Keller, Alice Yoxthiemer were pin pledged.

the appropriate poem and song. We felt our show wa a big success, for we gave v n performances, each to a full house. Engagements and marriages rank high in the Theta news thi s semester. Elinor astl e and Betty Champaux have become engaged and on 1 ovember 2 7, Marion Davidson was married to Bob Harrison . J AN I CE R EAGAN, '48


Jota Parlicipalej October at Wayne marked another annual " Homecoming Parade" in which we Thetas participated. We entered a float in the parade and took first prize among the sorority competitions. Our float was a huge Buffalo nickel, with Wayne represented on one side and the opposing team, Buffalo University, on the other. Pledging ceremonies were held on November 2, at the home of Helen Shaffer. Our two


new pledges are Melvina Bickle and Joyce Popp. Another of Wayne's annual affairs, " Wintermart" (a carnival) put Theta in the midst of much activity. On the big night, November 22, we gave our show, entitled, " Behind the Frame, with AST." The show consisted of a sequence of twelve of our girls, each one representing a different mQnth complete with

We are amazed to find how many thing we have accomplished and how many activities we are participating in. (Checking to see which organizations we had representation in , we found at least one of us belonged to : Home Economics Club ; Women's Recreational Physical Education Club ; Association ; Science Club ; Commerce Club ; Future Teachers of America ; Elementary Club ; the Sphinx, and Alice Freeman Palmer, Literary Societies; Spliish Club, Y.W.C.A.; igma Pi Sigma Pep Club ; Lambda Delta Lambda, national honorary physical science fraternity; Pi Omega Pi , national honorary commerce fraternity ; and Kappa Delta Pi, honorary education fraternity- not only do we have members in all these organization bu t Valeria Phillips is president of Alice Freeman Palmer, Lois Anderson is vice-president of Splash Club, Ruth Griffith, vice-president of the W.R.A., and Dorothy Overholt is pre ident of Pi Omega Pi , and vice-president of Kappa Delta Pi. She also won the sociation of Education Sororities scholarship for the second semester. Valetta Moeckel i president of the Panhellenic Council this year. Oh yes- we are politically minded to Pat Carrothers is secretary-treasurer of the sophomore class. But the Iota chapter isn 't all work and no play ; Lois nderson and Valetta Moeckel both announced engagements and Marion Fiek was married this semester. And speaking of playing- the Alpha Tau are doing quite well in the women ' intramural program- they secured the first place in tennis singles and third place in the vollevball tournament. Another honor wa th~t Marjory Stead, Darleen Reed and Ruth



Griffith were selected to play on the All-Star volley-ball team. One of our most successful parties was one in which we asked our best boyfriend of the moment, donned our jeans and plaid shirts, attacked three hayracks and were off on a wonderful time. We were served huge plates of spaghetti with chunks of french bread and cups filled with steaming hot coffee. When the bonfire had died down to embers, we rode back to the house and changed to skirts and sweaters; then we were off to the Sunset Inn- a college hangout- for an evening of dancing. Our grand event, which was so lovely we wish that all the chapters could enjoy it with us, was the pledge formal. "By the Wi bing Well" was their theme and they constructed a well in the center of the ballroom. During the favor dance from the interior of the well, the guests received glass bucket ashtrays for their gifts. The pledges did a beautiful job. RUTH GRIFFITH , '48

Temple's Alpha Taus swung into action for the fall season with scrubbrushes and paintbrushes. Mrs. Barnes, newest Lambda patroness, turned her basement over to us to be used as a clubroom, The Cloisters. After the walls were scrubbed down under the able direction of Dr. Barnes, they were painted a soft, pale yellow, and the furniture enameled dark green. More work parties are planned to complete The Cloisters. Although handicapped with more than half of the girls away student teaching, Alpha Sigma Tau gave one of the most talked about rush parties on campus. The "Anti-Sour Puss" m~tif was introduced on yellow invitations spatter printed in green ink by our helpful alum, Betty Scheerbaum. The main course served at App's Alley by Sara Jane App and Carolyn Potser consisted of Peppercatkins (stuffed peppers), Cat Eyes (peas), Carrotaus (carrots), and Kitten Kernels (corn souffle). Green blotter cats with names gilded on were used as place cards. "The Cat's Miaow," special booklet of sorority data and some songs, aided the sing-

ing of original anti-sour puss songs by Mrs. Barnes. Informal stationery featuring different kitten poses were the favors the girls received at the end of this course. Next lap--Woodring's Woods where Peggy Woodring and Ruth Trauger were cohostesses. Salads of peaches, cottage cheese, and pineapple were disguised with capers and toothpicks to resemble a eat's face. The cats prowled on to Shaggy Twacres, where Mrs. Barnes and Peggy Miller provided the last course of Creme de Cat (ice cream with chocolate fluff) , cat mints and later, cat cafe (milk) served in the living room. Green silk book marks with gilded names and an Alpha igma Tau kitty of felt at the top indicated each person's place at the table. After we played a cat game similar to charades, Marge Hofmeister spoke on the serious side of sorority life, and thanked our guests of honor Mrs. Lawrence H. Gipson, wife of Professor Gipson of Lehigh University, and Mrs. Betty Maisch of Alpha Sigma Tau's National Awards Committee for being with us. PEGGY MILLER , '50

The girls of Pi chapter were elated at the close of rush week to receive ten new pledges. Our newest group of little " Pi-Faces" are: Ruth Bentrup, Mary Lou Fundren, Clara Fricke, Helen Kelley, Dorothy Fugger, Viola King, Marilyn Meyer, Phyllis Parks, Agnes Popovchak, and Rosalie Wones. We immediately plunged into hurried plans for a rummage sale, always a very entertaining and profitable event for us. Our annual Halloween party was, as usual , . a "rip-roaring" success. Several amusing adventures were reported after an exhilarating scavenger hunt. Everyone had a good laugh in the " leg-guessing" game, in which shapely, unidentified limbs were flaunted behind a hung sheet. The annual Founders' Day Banquet at the Mark Twain Hotel was. inspiring to all of us, as well as highly enjoyable. The Alumnre Chapter presented us with a beautiful handmade white, satin cushion for our altar. We're

THE ANCHOR all every grateful to our wonderful " alums" for this lovely gift. Harris is now buzzing with detailed plans for a large Homecoming festival to be held December 13 and 14. It will consist of a competitive sorority songfest in the school auditorium, a pep rally, tea, and finally , a dance Saturday evening, at which a basketball queen will be crowned. Clementine Weiner of Pi chapter is one of the three candidates, and are we crossing our fingers for her.


Our annual school Circus event was an exciting occasion. Since the members of the Circus Court were kepf secret, everyone wa delighted to see our own Betty Tilson make


Sigma 'Parlie6 " The first social event this fall was a party given in our honor by the Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity at their fraternity house. A splendid time was had. The informal rush party was held October 21 at the North Street " Y." The theme was a rodeo and the favors were miniature cowboy hats with huge feathers . Buffalo Alumnre and Sigma Collegiate Chapters celebrated the 48th anniversary of Founders' Day with a dinner at the Town Club. Mrs. Hertha S. Ganey, English instructor at the local college, was guest speaker with her topic, " Trends in Modern Literature. " Dean Catherine E. Reed was a guest. Mrs. Harold F. Peterson was general chairman. On November 9, Sigma Chapter held its annual formal rush party at the Hotel Stuyvesant. Miss Freda Frost, chapter president, headed the receiving line which included Miss Grace Caber, chairman; Mrs. James E. Brodie, alumnre president; Miss Beverly Bollard, national vice-president; Miss Margaret Macdonald, national treasurer ; Mrs. Joseph S. Steen, national social service chairman ; and Miss Ruth Ochs and Mrs. W. J. McGlynn, national alumnre representative. The tea table was decorated with sorority colors. Guests received corsages. On November 14 in the S.T.C. gym, Alpha Sigma Tau presented "Tau Dreamtime," a dance during which the sorority took pleasure in awarding the title of Emperor and Empress to the best waltzing couple, Jim Peck and Betty Keely. RUTH WEBSTER, '49

These two Zeta Taus , Dot Bradley and K. T. Rainey, prove that an appetite is a n ecessary item for a good time on a picnic.

her entrance as the Junior Class representative on the Circus Court. Be Be Geyer, head of senior circus stunt, once again led the Senior Class to first prize honors in our original circus stunt. Other Alpha igma Tau also starred in their respective class tunt . As October ended, we looked forward to our annual banquet which was held on Xovember 8 in our College Tea Room. Honored guests and alumnre were present. Girls returning for the occasion were 'Ducky' nder on , "Cheese" Andrews, Betty Bibb Anna Headley, Lucie McKenry, Jean Pritchett, Dori Rose Ramsey, and Jerry Titmus.



Janie Hanks and Charlotte Hutt e r soal• up the sun on Zeta Tau b e ach party at Virginia Beach.

An informal supper was given on Novem ber 4 for Jean Arrington Jessee, our district representative. Although her visit was not entirely social in nature, we enjoyed having her immensely. At the Panhellenic Tea, we enjoyed with the performances of Jean Watts and June Banks. Jean sang " Kiss in the Dark," and June was at the keyboard throughout the tea. BETTY ]. MI N TON , '48

Chi m "Who j Who" Chi Chapter has been exceedingly active on the campus so far this year. In intramural volley-ball, we defeated Beta Delta Chapter of Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority in a two-game series, winning 21-9 and 21-11. Our te;Jm was captained by our president Eileen Bergdoll , who was ably assisted by Gladys Lewis, Aida Hays, Edra Riley, Dorothy Brandenburg, Lucille Schultz, Nancy Manuel, Cora Roulette, and Shirla Line. Rush Week was the first week in November and on November 4 the local active and alumme chapter gave a skating party. The party was held at the Berryville Skating Rink, Berryville, Virginia, and a chartered bus took the girls to and from the rink. The alumnre chapter served refre:;hments. The following Thursday, November 6, we gave a movie party for rushees. The girls attended the movie " Moss Rose" at the local

theatre. F ollowing the movie irs. Nancy Manuel was hostess to the group at her apartment in Shepherd town . Refreshments were served buffet style on a table decorated with candles and yellow ro es. We have rece ived one new pledge this semester of whom we a re ve ry proud . he is Rose nna Ko ttler, a sophomore. Bobbie was Outstanding F reshman Woman at hepherd last year and we a re sure he will make an excellent addition to our group. he was ribbon-pledged at a meeting held on Friday, ~ove mbe r 14. Members of Chi Chapter have been honored in various ways this year. We are particularly pleased and proud to report that three of our chapter members have been selected as hepherd representatives in the 194 7-48 edition of W ho's W ho in American Univers¡ities and Colleges . The girls, all seniors, are Eileen Bergdoll , Dorothy Brandenburg and Agnes Hull. Another one of our member , Virginia Higgs, was elected secretary of the West Virginia Intercollegiate Press Association at its annual meeting in Elkins in November. Members of Chi Chapter are also leaders of other college group - Cora Roulette is president of the H ome Economics Club, Shirla Line is president of the hepherd College chapter of the F uture T eachers of America, and Agnes Hull is president of the chapter of K appa D elta P i chapter here. VIRGI NIA H IGGS, 'SO

Very unique plans were made for Psi's rush party on October 17, during rush week. A Mexican nightclub was the scene of music, . eating, and dancing for the rushees. A little Mexican orchestra, created by Dibby Starko, prov1ded the music (the vic helped ) for the evening. The nightclubbers watched spellbound as matador Britton fought and finally subdued the bull in a daring battle. Gay senoritas served drinks and food to the guests. After the gay party, 33 girls accepted Alpha Sigma Tau as their sorority. \ irginia Britton pledge chairman, did an e..xcellent job of molding the pledges into efficient, loyal acti e member . The girl taken into the bonds of



garet Ann tone, Mary arlton W li s, and Nancy Wi lson. Mi. s Mary Latimer was initiated into Alpha igma Tau a spon r of Psi hapt r on September 22 . Miss Latimer is h ad f th e Speech Department at Madi son oil gc. S vera! weeks following, th e chapter gave a r ception for her. Mrs. Lo kard , ho 路tess at Linco ln House, poured , while serving in the receiving line were J ean Holbrook, president, Ann W illi am s, vice-president, Mi 路s Latimer and Miss Helen Frank, sponsors. Mi ss Helen Marbut, who retired from the college faculty and a sponsor of P i chapter last year, preceded Miss Latimer. The chapter is confident that in securing Miss Latimer they have gained a true friend and loyal worker in Alpha Sigma Tau. RUTI-I THOMP SO '48

''The snow had And busily all Heaping fields With a silence

Top. At Psi Chapter's rush party on October 17. Center: At the Psi Chapte r's rece ption for Miss Latime r on September 22. Left to right, Mrs. Lockard, h ostess at Lincoln Hous e, Miss Mar y Latimer and Miss H elen Frank, sp o n sors of t/, e chapter. Bottom: Snap of the bull fight at P si's rush party:

friend ship and service are: Barbara Banish , Faye Bell, Charlotte Boice, Louise Clark , Catherine Cover, Betty Davis, Pat Daugherty, Elizabeth DuPre, Charlotte Evans, Dorothy Elliott, Jean Gaither, Mary Marshall Gilmore, Virginia Grant, Norma Hoke, Elizabeth Jamerson , Mattie Jett, Beulah Markham , Jane Mohler, Carrie White Moore, Beulah Owen, Antoinette Pierce, Shirley Quinn , Margaret Reeder, Anna Preston Shephard, Retha Shirkey, Shirley Shorter, Lenore Seibel, Jean Snedegar, Pat Sours, Anne Speight, Mar-

begun in the gloaming, the night, and highway , deep and white."

T he Alpha Sigma Tau have already had their fir t toboggan party of the year. I mi quoted because we didn 't have a toboggan but card board boxes are a lot of fun . If you don 't believe us try it ! After tobogganing '''e adjourned to Ardis Chri tenson ' home for lunch and games. The lunch was particularly good. We made it! The Alpha Taus had a record breaking attendance at their homecoming breakfa t this year. nited Nation was the theme. Mrs. Don Carlson, patroness made favors ef flag for each plate and a globe of the world was our center piece. The alums really outdid themselve in giving u a Halloween Party thi year. It wa a costume party and you should have een J ean Toyama come hopping in a a rabbit. say nothing about the other co tume of witches, cat , etc. Moving picture were taken and we're all anxiou ly awa1tma another get together for the howincr of the e pictures. A Halloween program wa gi en and a delicious lunch was er ed. It wa an outstanding party in every respect.



We were happy to have such a large attendJanet Kelly attended a Journalism Conference in St. Paul as a representative from our ance at our recent rush party. Angels, harps, Red and Green Staff. Jan has done a great and other decorations carried out the theme, deal of work in connection with publicity for 路 " Tau Heaven." We had it on a Sunday afterthe Sorority and also in contributions to our noon in the lounge of the rts Building of former ANCHORS. Jeanne Erickson was se- Ball State. The Treasury has been helped considerably lected as one of the few to represent our college on the Inter-State Student Action Com- by our Rummage Sale, which we had in joint mittee. with the a! umnre. We are planning on many group getDuring the Lutheran Student Association Convention, officers were elected for this dis- togethers and going as a group to college trict and Clarice Leite again on top was activities. We hope that other chapters are .elected vice-president for this district. having a succe sful year. Three cheers for Jean Toyama. J ean 's picNELL You NG, '48 ture made the front page for our school paper, The R ed and Green today. Jean was chosen as one of the twelve students to represent the school in Who's Who Among College Students. These students were selected on the H omecoming once again brought the Tau's basis of leadership, scholarship, character, out in full force . We made a colorful group in extracurricular activities, and the probability our yellow and green hats at the football game. of future success and service. We're proud of The cheerleader's squad boasts several Taus, Jean and we know she well deserved the including ancy Beard , Barbara Bell and nomination. " Liz" Hitchcock. Last year Loi Tanner, anBEVERLy CARLSON other Tau, was head of the cheerleaders. She is kept busy this year with student teaching over in the Sub School. The mascot of the Indiana Indians, Ellen J epson, is also a Tau. Homecoming night, preceding the big dance The Alpha Alphas have just returned from at school, the sorority entertained their aluma four-day Thanksgiving vacation . We had nre at a banquet held in town . We were proud our finals for the fall quarter just before we to have with us again many familiar faces, left for our vacation, and now we are on the and it seemed as if everyone enjoyed herself second day of a new term. talking over old tim es. E LLEN J EPSE

( Conti nued f rom page 13}

biologists per hundred thousand persons . . . one or two gifted composers . .. one Einstein . . . one Bacon . . . but- many of us. Banded together, we find opportunities for service-in inspiring organizations like Alpha Sigma Tau. We .find the reason for beingfor joining in- for taking our way of life seriously. We can see that at least one rural schoolhouse has adequate warmth and necessary supplies. We can see that at least a few blind people

have Braille magazines to let them live a little more broadly . We can alleviate the distress of at least a few war-ravaged European families by sending our boxes of food, clothing and layettes. These are the gifts we would not have the courage to give alone. These are the ways in which a sorority girl finds a way to serve ... and in doing so finds herself. MAxi E GRAFLAGE, t. L ouis Alumnre

Beetle~ m~kej rf!one~ At the November 15 meeting at Ida Pitotti's home, the co-hostess, Lois Knapp made very clever placards. They are handpainted figures of a little boy wearing a platter heaped wi-th turkey. At this meeting, Lois and Ida made extra money for the chapter by charging each member present one cent for each inch on her waist measurement. At the October meeting, a penny was paid for each number of the shoe size. We decided to send a Christmas Box to the Pine Mountain Settlement SchooL Each member is to bring a package to the luncheon at the El Chico Cafe on December 13. The chapter also donated five dollars to " Mac's Toy Fund," a local project that sees t~at underprivileged children of the commumty have a merry Christmas. Ruth Shumate Martin has moved back to this recrion from California. Nancy Brigaglio remain~ in Florida due to ill health and is certainly missed by us alL MARTHA GENZ

inspiring devotional. The Yearbook Com mittee, consisting of Imogene Miller, Janet Calfee and Rebecca Perry, distributed very attractive yearbooks to each member. Congratulations were in order for the Princeton girls who served so faithfully to make the rummage sale a huge success. Hazel Mingo, chairman, was assisted by Kennie Bell, Eloise Morgan, Lucille Walthall, Josephine Rorrer , and Alice Wallingford. The proceeds from the sale will be sent to the ational Social Service Committee. Mrs. C. W. Jackson entertained us with a review of Wh en the Mountain Fell, by C. F . Ramuz. She is making her book review a yearly custom and we all look for ward to her visit very much. The Founders' Day Banquet in Athens, November 8, was impressive in its dignity. Mary Ann Lilly, president of the Collegiate chapter, presided. The Bluefield Alumnre gifts were presented by Henrietta Mahood to the Omicron president路 one to be given to the girl who had the highest scholastic average for the previous year, and the other gift for the active chapter. HELE N GATHERUM, O路m icron '3 7

tfffuefie/Jj Rummage Sale


In October the Bluefield Alumnre met at the home of Bula McNeill in Athens. Detailed plans were made for the ~ummage .sale. which was sponsored by the Pnnceton g1rls m November. We were glad to have Josephine Rorrer back with us again. She donated a Bible to the chapter. Helen Gunnoe and Elizabeth Bowling assisted Bula Mac in

The fall season with its resulting activitie has been a very busy one for members of the Buffalo chapter. The big event, of course, was our Founder Day banquet. It was held at the Town Club with forty-seven members attendincr. Dean Catherine E. Reed of Buffalo tate Teacher College brought us greeting from the collecre. Margaret MacDonald presented a challen cring view of our sorority a a national organi zation. Very interesting to new alumnre members and collegiates alike was Eleanor Erick-

serving. Imogene Miller was hostess ~or the November meeting with Thelma Ba1ley and Helen Bryant as joint hostesses. Lucille Walthall presided and Alice Wallingford presented a most 7-



T H E .-\ :\THOR

Ckar/ejtonj lju/e Spirit Charleston Alumme Chapter greet you in this Yule ea on. We are enjoyina lpha igma Tau and are tryina to become stronger and more able to make \ lpha igma T au proud of u . At our Ia t meetina we voted a contribution to a worthy charity, feeling that we would be cloina a part in bettering our community. Our president, Mr . Lee Hamilton, is giving very capable guidance to our co mparatively new chapter. J EAN MORRI

Top: D ean Cathe rin e E . R eed , Freda Frost , Fred e rica Brodie, and M rs. H e rtha C an ey. Ce nte r: Mrs. H e rtha C an ey, Fred e r ica Brod ie, Lrtcille Pet e rson. Bottom: At the Founde rs' Day Banque t.

son's accoun t of the fo unding and history of Sigma chapter. F reda Frost, president of the collegiate group, described the accompl ishments and future plans of the collegiates. Collegiate members added to the impressive program with a group of sorority song . M rs. H ertha Ganey, instructor in E ngli h at Buffalo State Teachers College, discu sed the selec tion of children 's books fo r school and as gifts. M rs. Ganey's reading of J ames T hurber's Many Moons wa very effective. J EANNE CouLTous, Editor


A new year ba begun . May it have many line thi ng in tore for all of us. Our fall program started at the home of our pre ident, Katherine Bozarth at which time we had two new " alums"- Jean Lewis and Irma chram . We 're always o glad to add new girl to our small group. The program of the afternoon was a book review, Th e Miracle of the B ells, given by E il een J andt. In October we joined with other .\ s 路ociation of Education ororities for a Panhellenic ilver Grille. lun cheon at Higbee' On atu rday, Kovember 8 at a luncheon at wed en Manor we aaain renewed our tie with lpha iama Tau in the ob ervance of Founders' Day. December found u at the home of M argaret Oetting fo r a bake sale and Christmas party. Our winter program will probably be luncheon meetings held downtown since our group i o widely scattered over the city and suburbs. EILEE JA DT, Eta

7Jenver-(}ree/e'j J.j Proud Twelve girl of the Denver-Greeley Alumme group met during the annual tate T eachers' Convention held in D enver in October. T hey all enjoyed having lunch toaether and


participated in the Founders' Day candl e service. Our president, Marian Lamberty, and our alumnre representative, Ruth Ewer, were fortunate enough to get to Greeley on November 10 and attend the meeting there with the


The latter part of October, Barbara Baoty and her family stopped in Detroit for a few clays. Her husband is in the Air 'orps and was transferred from T exas to Main . A few of us managed to get together to ee her. W met at Jane Bradley 's home. November meeting fo r the group wa our traditional Fou nders' Day. Rosemary chmidt wa in charge of the affair which was held at the Detroit Women's City lub. ur speaker was Mrs. Clara chumann who enlivened and enli ghtened our evening. he told us all about the beginnings of Theta Chapter and the very wonderful times they had . On ovember 16, Euni ce Little wa hostess at a bower for Hel en Philli ps. he al o held the December meeting. Our Christma party is alway wonderful as we wrap gifts


girl s and M rs. Staehle and Mrs. Robinson . We, in Denver, were anxious to hear all about the new chapter from the girls who coul d go, and were disappointed we could not see M rs. Staehle in Denver. Marian Lamberty held the November meeting at her lovely new apartment. P lans were made to renew our annual Christmas party (dropped during the war ) for the men . Enthusiasm is high in our group this year with two new members from out state. We are especially proud of one of our members, Mrs. Marguerite Ju chim. She is Supervisor of Secondary Education of the State Department of Education. She has been selected by the faculty of Colorado State College of Education as the Alumna who most exemplifies the qualities of a great teacher. She was the honored guest of the Homecoming Committee at the college Homecoming Weekend and was given a special award of merit at the Homecoming game. Eo A PAR o s

Left to rig ht: Carol Riedel , Gen evieve H. e p e la Det roit A lnmn ce I , }a11ice H.t>agP II Theta.

fo r the servicemen ho pitalized at Dearborn during the holidays. In addition to our reaular gifts for the veteran this year we each bought a small crift for the grab-baa. \\'e picked a present from the bag as a prize. :\II of us managed to get at least one pre ent. ] OHA 1\'E






Cmporia j Xmaj Spirit Our Christmas party was held in the chapter house. We all brought gifts for Pine Mountain School. Of course we all had to play with the toys a little while. We are all just " kids" at heart. We played two Christmas games and prizes were won by Beverly McQuin and Bernice Ace. The prizes were beautiful poinsettias. The ho tesses: Helen Garman , Melva Lee Engers, Ethel Jason and Eleanor Stout served the Collegiate Chapter and us. We gave the Collegiate Chapter flowers to brighten their chapter room during rush week. On Founders' Day we gave the chapter a string of Christmas lights. Since the Collegiate Chapter has an addition of two bath rooms, we gave them bath mats for Christmas. BEVERLY McQUI

Probably the foremost Flint alumnre news for this issue is the announcement of Marion Wilt's (Beta) marriage to Charles Farber. All the meetings, so far, this school year have been well attended and well planned. In October, Myrl McKeller entertained, a business meeting being the focal point of the evening. The November meeting was at Marion Farber's when she arranged for the members to view some magnificent Rocky Mountain films and hear a travel talk. The spirit of Christmas was cherished by packing boxes for the Pine Mountain School at Luella Clapp's. The occasion was a potluck dinner. Shirley Green will be the January hostes路s. LUCILLE MAWHINNEY

fiunlinglon j 'PerjonaAt'J" We met at the Plantation, near Proctorville, Ohio, for a dinner meeting in October. A large number of the girls attended and enjoyed a delicious dinner. A formal banquet in the Crystal Room of the Hotel Frederick on November 17 was the

feature attraction of the Founders' Day observance. The collegiate (Alpha Beta) and alumnre groups heard Mis Virginia Foulk, associate professor of education at Marshall College, give an interesting talk on "Personality," in which she stressed the value of consideration for others as an es entia! part of gracious and succe sful living. Miss Nellie Maude Smith, alumnre repre entative, spoke on " The Aims and Ideals of the Sorority. ' Mrs. Mildred Villani was in charge of an impres ive candlelighting ceremony. Miss Montella Bates, president of Alpha Beta Chapter, was toastmi tress, and Miss Mary Jessie Turley was chairman in charge of arrangements. The alumnre chapter contributed one case of milk to the Friendship Train, which pa eel through Huntington on November 25. Huntington and the surrounding area contributed two carloads of milk. The Christmas meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Brown on December 18, with Miss Mary Louise Washington, Mrs. Clara Harrison, and Mrs. Iva Taylor as cohostesses. Instead of the usual gift exchangemembers will contribute 50 cents each to be sent to the Pine Mountain Settlement School, Harlan County, Kentucky. MARY



clanjing P.rjona~ Other cities are claiming a few of our members-Margaret Craddock will move near Detroit when a home is found. Myrtle Gates has moved to Charlotte, Michigan, and is now in St. Petersburg, Florida for the winter . Ruth Foust is not moving away but is going to go to Florida for a vacation later on. Hazel Eaegle has been very ill, and we hope that she is at last on the road to recovery. Congratulations to Ruth Boa! Foust, who married Dr. Earl H. Foust on October 1, 1947 and they have a very nice home at 911 Durant. Gertrude Kimmich gave us a very interesting travelogue on her travels in Mexico thi summer and showed many of her lovely piece of jewelry and other things at the October meeting. ALLURA Cu TER


The two chapters here in Muncie held a rummage sale recently in which they netted around eighty dollars ($80.00). We are very proud of the fact that Miss Frances Botsford, one of our sponsors, has been elected president of "Career Women" in Muncie. Miss Botsford is head of the commerce department of the college. We are filling a Christmas basket at our Christmas party at the home of Mary Wallace on December 13 to be given to a needy family in Muncie. Mrs. Ralph Cross, Miss Ethel Himelick and Mrs. Leon Scott are planning initiation for a number of Delta Sigma Athleta memb:;rs into Alpha Sigma Tau. These girls were members of our sorority before we were organized nationally into our present sorority. It is indeed gratifying to find such a great number of girls still interested in becoming affiliated with the national organization. We are looking forward to a visit to our college campus by Mrs. Staehle in the near future. A number of social events have been planned in her honor. MARY WALLACE, Alpha Alpha '45

flew Jjorh Jearnj The New York alumnre chapter was entertained in October by Helen Brophy at her home in North Bergen, New Jersey. At that time,路 a report was given by one of the members on the Human Engineering Laboratory, a non-profit, educational organization affiliated with Stevens Institute of Technology in New York and with Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. The aim of the Laboratory is to give to a person (through a series of tests) a conscious inventory of his natural aptitudes and potential capabilities, thereby helping him locate some field best suited to him so that he might be a "square peg in a square hole." Several cases were cited which showed the importance of knowing one's inherent abilities, and a few tests were administered for the purpose of illustrating the type of- tests that are prepared by the Laboratory.


From a small beginning about twenty-five years ago, the work has now widened to such an extent that more than 18,000 persons are tested yearly. Founders' Day was celebrated by the alumme on November 8, at the Hotel Woodstock. The speaker was Mrs. Sophie Deremer whose topic was, "Precious Stones." Mrs. Deremer's interest in nature began when she and her husband took walks together, noting stones, birds, and nature in general. She then started collecting and studying various items of nature. She was sent upstate to a camp maintained by New York University and it was not long before she became known as " Mother ature. " Mrs. Deremer, who has been givi ng lecture on nature for many years, is at the present time giving a series in the public schools of ew York. She was kind enough to bring part of her gem collection with her to the hotel and the members of the group were greatly interested in examining the various stones. Mrs. Deremer was deluged with questions such as, "Why are gems prettier when worn frequently?" and "Why should a turquoise not be wet?" It wa also interesting to learn that natural pearl could be distinguished from cultured pearls by the salty taste of the former. Did you know that in ancient times gems were sometimes ground and put into food as a poison? Of course, each of us wanted to learn all she could about her own birthstone. This fall, there were a few surprise in tore for us-we discovered Annette Kennedy had become Mrs. W. Priggee in July- Lucille Mirus had left us to open a shop in Florida ; and Marjorie George, who also moved from the vicinity, has had a " blessed event. " By making it a point to look over the Geographical Directory in the July 1947 issue of THE ANcHOR, we discovered another alumna, Dorothy Gelston of Hudson Height New Jersey. RUTH E. HERSHEY, Lambda '30

Halloween filled the air when we met in October at the home of Charlotte King where Polly Souder, Betty Cooling and Charlotte acted as co-hostesses. Following the refre h-




ments and our regular business meeting, we were pleasantly entertained by the bowing of some very good " home movies. ' Peg Reed brought her projector for the occasion and we went (vicariously ) to an Alpha Sigma Tau picnic held everal year ago, traveled through Yellowstone Park and the We t with Claire Jenkins and visi ted Niagara Falls with Betty Cooling. In November we held no bu ine s meeting, but concentrated our efforts on our Founders' Day Banquet. This dinner- one of the year' highlights- was held at McCallister' on N ovember 21 , and was attended by thirty actives and al umnre . In additi on we were delighted to have two special gues ts- Mrs. Ethel Kirby, former advi er of Lambda chapter, and M r . James Barne , Lambda ' dynami c patroness. Betty Maisch, our capable toastmistress ; Marjorie Hofmeister, with her vivid account of Lambda's recent and unusual ru h party ; our famous vocal trio- Mildred Day, Peg Reed and Eleanor Heydrick ; our piani t Betty Cooling, Mild red Day and Peg Reed ; the Lambda girls, with their " Catcall and Ki tten Capers" ; Peg Reed our social chairman, who planned the banquet- all helped in no small mea ure to make this Founders' Day Banquet, as always, a memorable occasion. CHARLOTTE E. KIN G, L ambda, '42

Betty Jane Ridenour was hoste s to our alumnre chapter at her home in Hager town , Maryland, on October 4. On November 4, we entertained Chi Chapter, from Shepherd College and all of the rushees with a skating party, at Berryville, Vi rginia. We are so grateful to Elizabeth Fritts Carlisle, one of our alumnre, and her husband for letting us use their rink for the entire evening. We gave the girls all the Mexi cans, potato chi ps, pickles, and cokes that they could eat. We are going to have our Christmas meeting, December 6, at the home of Phoebe Wilson Payne, Charles Town, West Virginia. Each girl at the meeting will take a pre ent in exchange for another one. R UTH S E IBERT , C!ti '42

The fir t monthly meeting of the year wa held at the home of Margaret Martin in Berwind. Edith Elliott, the new president presided. A alad plate carryin <> out the orority color wa erved . In October Marialvce Cox was hostess to ' her home - in Coalwood. After the sorority at the business e sion, Mary Jane Howard preen ted a very interestin a program . We are happy to have Irene ~ mith of Coalwood a our new member thi year. The N ovember meeting was held at the home of Edith Monk in Tazewell with Mary Jane Howard a co-hos te . n inspmng program pertaining to Thank giving wa given. We enj oyed having Virginia oates and Mrs. Elliott as vi itors. Refre hment carrying out the Thank giving theme were erved by the ho te es. The annual Christmas party will be held at the home of Lall ah Waite in War on December 6. Eon H H. MoNK

Accepting the gracious in vitation of one of our members to take a tri p through woodland beauty to a ram bling lodge on the banks of a small winding stream , our chapter had an unusuall y delightful Guest N ight. We were ushered into a spacious living room where a cheery fire crackled merrily in the huge路 tone fi replace at one end of the rocm. The girls of our chapter most enthusiastically responded to the invitation to once again <>ather around the banquet table to celebrate Founders ' Day. Two huge bouquets of gold pompons with matching taper graced the fe tive beard . Exclam ation of delight greeted 路 the di cove ry of beautiful cor ages of matching pompons aracefully arranged with emerald grosgrain. After the impres ive candlelight service each member wa given a calendar cleverly de igned with the orority emblem and colors. The highlight of the evening \Ya a olo '' v\ e Senior ' pre ented by ~Ir . Frederick


THE i\ 1 CHOR Barrett who wrote the number which was published in the Alpha Sigma Tau ong book . VERA BowsER, Zeta '38

Jounderj '




Joui j

The Steamboat Room of the Mark Twain Hotel with its atmosphere of "the ol' steamboat days" was this year 's setting fo r the annual celebration of Founders' Day for St. Louis' Pi Chapter. Our colors were cleverl y carried out in the goroeous centerpiece of mums ; and a replica of our pin in black and gold served as place cards. At this time our actives were presented with a beautifully made satin kneeling pillow to be used in the initiation ceremonie . Elizabeth Wilson, National News Agency and Business

rf/arriagej Alpha Virginia Campbell, '44, to Cha rles Fairchild, Tovember 29, 1947 Theta Kathryn Stabile, '47, to Warren E llicott, November 27, 1947 Betty Reck, '45, to Ca rl Lofstrom, August 3, 1945 Dorothy Cope, to J ack Hu tchinso n, September 2, 1947 Mary Pitynski to Cha rles Carpenter, September 2, 1947 J eanne Steven , '46 to Hobart Jenkins, February 21, 1947 Pi Mary Lane Bowe, 'H , to Vernon Huitt, May 11 , 1946 Barbara Bell, '43, to Edwin No rvell, December 1946. Helen Epstein to Leo n N . Maniloff, J anuary 22 , 1947 Opal Lang to Philip R. _ aum an, March 22, 194 7 Ethel Dannenmeier, '44, to J ohn W. Van Cleve, February 1947

Manager or THE ANC!:OR, and H rniec Pac made the pillow. Miss Gladfelter introduced to the Actives and Alum s Mi ss Julia Kohl, her uccesso r as sponsor of Pi hapter. The program con isted of the impressiv candle lighting ceremony, the singing of the Lord '· Prayer by Maxi ne Graftage, our Found ers' Day Song by Carolyn Alexander and H ele• Gumm ershei mer, and everyone joining in on Gold and Emerald . On November 15, the Alu ms with their husbands and dates spent on en tertaining evening at the Carondalet " Y " . What with the square dancing, followed by delicious food , the Alum s went on thei r homeward way feelin g pretty accomplished in the art of square dancing and with the thoughts of " wi sh we'd do thi more often. " DELPHINE STRA BE Pi '45

Marie Wolfslau, '44, to Robert Dick on, June 16, 1947 Marie Mcintyre, '42 , to Donald S. Bickell , June 2 , 1947 S ig m a Annette Kennedy, '38, to William Priggee, July 194 7

Alpha To Mr. and Mrs. J oseph Bartalocci ( Mary Hemingway '41) a daugh ter, Ann Christine, 1947 To Mr. and M rs. Orvil Schmidt (Jane Groh '12) a son, Justin Orvel, March 23, 1947

Theta To Mr. and Mr-. Hobart Jenkins (Jeanne teven "46) a so n, Gerald J enkins, November -, 194 7 S ig ma

To M r. and Mrs. Joseph Enos ( 'larian Borst · 3). a daughter, Katherine, October 26, 1047 (Continued on page :'6)

::bireclory NATIO AL COUNCIL President ....... . .. Mrs. Haswell Staehle (Alpha) 481 Torrence Rd., Columbus 2, Obio Vice-Presidents in Charge of Organizing: Miss Beverly Bollard, 323 Bird Ave., Buffalo 13, N.Y. . ...... .. ...... .. . ............. (Sigma) Mrs. Carl Robinson, 9437 Talbot Dr., Afton 23 , Mo. . ......... . .......... .. ............ (Pi) Mrs. E. C. Phipps, 803 Broad St., Mount Hope, W.Va. . .......... . ... ..... . . .... .. (Omicron) Mrs. L. J . Maher, R. 2, Box 96, Chillicothe , Ill. ... .. .... .. ..... .. .... ..... .. . . .. ... (Pi) A.E.S. R epresentative .......... ...... .. ... . . .... . ... ...... .. .. . .. Mrs. Haswell E. Staehle {Alpha) 481 Torrence Rd., Columbus 2, Ohio Secretary . ........... Miss Dorothy Stadler (Eta) 642 E. 115th St., Cleveland, Ohio Treasurer ...... Miss Margaret Macdonald (Sigma) 673 Richmond Ave., Buffalo 13, .Y. Editor .. .. . . . . . .. .. . Mrs. Justin G. Doyle (Theta) Tokyo, Japan Acting Editor ............ Mrs. Parry Schippers (Pi ) 3605 N. Newstead, St. Lou:s 15, Mo. Business Manager of the Anchor ...... .. ...... . .. . .. . . .............. . . Miss Elizabeth Wilson (Pi) 1008 Kuhs Pl., St. Louis 17, Mo. Chaplain and Historian . .... ..... . ........ . . . .. . ....... .. .. . ... . Miss Elinore De Cou (Lambda ) 219 7th Ave., Haddon Heights, .J. STANDING COMMITTEES Awards . ... ... ...... . Mrs. John Maisch (Lambda) 2 Stanley Ave., Glenside, Pa. Examinations ........ . ... . ..... .. .. Mrs. F. P. Ace 814 State St., Emporia, Kan. M emorial Loan Fund ............... . ... . . .. .. . . . ; . . ....... . .... Mrs. J. Waldo Hinshaw (Iota ) 27 Hardith Hill Ct., St. Louis, Mo. Life Membership . ..... Mrs. Fred R. Griffith (Iota) 1520 Market St., Emporia, Kan. Music . . ... . .. .. .... Mrs. Austin Perrine (Alpha) 807 N. El Dorado, Stockton, Calif. Program .... .. . . . . .... Mrs. E. F . Peterson (Iota) R.F.D . 1, Crawfordsville, Ind. Social Service .. .. .. .. Mrs. Joseph Steen (Sigma) 83 Woodcrest Blvd., Kenmore, N.Y. Endowment ..... ... Mrs. Meade McNeill (Omicron) Athens, W.Va. News Agency . ... . .. .. . Miss Elizabeth Wilson (Pi) 1008 Kuhs Pl., St. Louis 17, Mo. Courtesy .... ... ... .. .... Mrs. Alfred Jandt (Eta) 841 Helmsdale Ave. , Cleveland Hgts., Ohio Rush . . ... ... ... . Miss Rose Marie Schmidt (Theta) 5106 Harvard Rd., Detroit 24, Mich. Sorority Study ....... . Miss Charlotte Greeley (Zeta Tau) 104 Arbutus, Roanoke, Va. Conv ention ...... Miss Henrietta Mahood (Omicron) 116 Cedar St. Bluefield, W.Va.


ATIONAL PA HELLENIC C01 FERE CE Chairman-Miss L. Pearle Green, Kappa Alpha Theta, 302 Fall Creek Dr., Ithaca, N.Y. Secretary-Mrs. E. Granville Crabtree, Kappa Kappa Gamma, 85 Dean Rd., Brookline, Mass. AFFILIATED PANHELLENICS Professional Panhellenic Association Council Members Chairman ........... .. . . .. . ............. .. Mabel Lee Walton, Association of Educational Sororities Secretary . . ........... . ................ . Gertrude Evans, Professional Panhellenic Association Chairman of Pt4blicity Committee .. . . ...... Mrs. E. Granville Crabtree, National Panhellenic Congress

COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS (1947-1948 OFFICERS) ALPHA (1899)-Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Mich. President-Miss Esther Riemenschneider. Goodison Hall, Ypsilanti, Mich. Corresponding Secretary-Miss Alvira Crawford Willow Run Village, Willow Run, Ypsilanti: Mich. Editor-Miss Donna Campbell, Goodison Hall Ypsilanti, Mich. ' Adviser- Mrs. R. B. Bates, 20 S. Normal, Ypsilanti M~


Alumna: Representative-Mrs. John Riehl, 1678 McBrady St., Port Huron, Mich. BETA (1905-1917; 19-10)-Central Michigan College of Education, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. President-Miss Donna Gober, 1099 S. College, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Corresponding Secretary-Miss Ann Ensign, Sloan Hall, Mt. Pleasant, Mich . Editor-Miss Nettie Jane Petersen, C.M.C.E., Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Adviser-Mrs. Catherine Ux, 119 S. Mission St., Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Alumna: Representative- -Mrs. Leo J. Gaffney, R.F.D. 3, Holly, Mich. GAMMA (1900-1913)-State Normal School, Milwaukee, Wis. Alumna: Representative-Mrs. Grant Hinkamp, 2327 . 17th St., Milwaukee, Wis. DELTA (1916)-State Teachers College, Indiana, Pa. President-Miss Patricia Moorhead, 420 Locust St., Indiana, Pa. Corresponding Secretary-Miss Jane Sawhill 44 Clark Hall, Indiana, Pa. ' Editor-Annette Shirey, 4 Clark Hall, Indiana, Pa. Adviser-Mrs. Alma Gasslander, S.T.C., Indiana, Pa. Alumna: Representative-Miss Betty Weaver, 1235 4th Ave., Ford City, Pa., Mrs. Daniel H. Bee, 133 North 6th St., Indiana, Pa.

THE ANCHOR EPSILON (1919-1923; reorganized as Lambda 1926)Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. Alumnre Representative-See Lambda Chapter ZETA (1921)-Lock Haven Stale Teachers College, Lock Haven, Pa. President-Mrs. Jane Gray, 164 Susquehanna Ave., Lock Haven, Pa. Corresponding Secretary-Miss Sara Kline, S.T.C., Lock Haven, Pa. Editor-Miss Jane Bower, S.T.C., Lock Haven, Pa. Adviser-Or. Bottorf, S.T.C., Lock Haven, Pa. Alumnre Representative-Mrs. William Plankenhorn, 1222 Sherman St., Williamsport, Pa. ETA (1927-1930)-Kent Stale University, Kent, Ohio Alumnre Representative-Mrs. Albert Wick, 13820 Shaw Ave., East Cleveland, Ohio THETA (1923)-Wayne University, Detroit, Mich. President-Miss Kirsti Bucht, 285 Pasadena, Detroit 6, Mich. Corresponding Secretary- Miss Helen Shaffer, 21494 Karl, Detroit 19, Mich. Editor-Miss Janice Reagan, 13816 Hamilton, Detroit 3, Mich. Adviser-Mrs. Elizabeth H. Gottesleben, 4762 2nd Ave., Detroit 2, Mich.; Miss Carolyn Clayton, 5402 Hecla, Detroit 8, Mich. Alumnre Representatives--Miss Lillian Schmidt, 5106 Harvard Rd., Detroit 24, Mich. ; Miss Genevieve Repeta 2634 Medbury, Detroit 11, Mich. IoTA (1923 )-Kansas State Teachers' College, Emporia, Kansas President-Miss Betty Geist, 1006 Constitution, Emporia, Kan. Corresponding Secretary-Miss Alberta Nicholas, 711 West Fifth, Emporia, Kan. Editor-Miss Ruth Griffith, 1520 Market, Emporia, Kan. Adviser-Miss Helen R. Garman, 105 W. 12th St., Emporia, Kan. Alumnre Representative-Mrs. Magdalena Baker, c/ o Board of Education, Emporia, Kan. KAPPA (1924-1929)-Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Alumnre Representative-Isabel Finkbine, R.R. 3, Oxford, Ohio LAMBDA (1926)-Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. President-Miss Marjorie Hofmeister, 1742 Scattergood St., Philadelphia, Pa. Corresponding Secretary-Carolyn Potser, Quakertown, Pa. Editor-Peggy Miller, Mill Road, Marlton, N.J . 1\dviser-Elinore De Cou, 219 7th Ave., Haddon Heights, N.J. Alumnre Representative-Emily Ready, 7 Elm Ave., Cheltenham, Pa. Mabel Schreiber, 511 Chestnut St., Lebanon, Pa. Nu (1928-1933)-Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colo. Alumnre Representative-Mrs. Bruce Ewer, 1145 Clayton, Denver, Colo. XI (1929-1933)-Western State Teachers College, Gunnison, Colo. Alumnre Representative-Grace Quinby, 1301 Monroe St., Commerce, Tex. OMICRON (1930)-Concord College, Athens, W.Va. President-Miss Mary Anne Lilly, Athens, W.Va. Corresponding Secretary-Miss Velma Johnson, Athens, W.Va.


Editor- Miss June Montgomery, Athens, W.Va. Adviser- Miss Mae Hunter, Athens, W.Va. Alumnre Representatives-Mrs. Garth Gunnoe, Athens, W.Va., Miss J anet Calfee, 87 Princeton Rd., Bluefield, W.Va. Pr (1930) - Harris Teachers College, St. Louis, Mo. President- Miss Clara Ann Muenz, 1510 J ohn, St. Louis 7, Mo. Corresponding Secretary- Miss Dean McGrath, 4435a Red Bud, St. Louis, Mo. Editor- Miss Jeannine Doyle, 3433 Minnesota, St. Louis, Mo . Advisers-Miss Edith Glatfelter, 4720 N. 20th St., St. Louis, Mo., Miss Julia Kohl, 5238 Murdoch, St. Louis, Mo. Alumnre Representati ves-Miss Lois Wamhoff, 5705 Neosho, St. Louis 9, Mo., Miss J une McCarthy, 4602 W. W. Florissant, St. Louis 15, Mo. RHo (1932 )- Southeaslern Teachers College, Durant, Okla. President-Miss Joyce Choate, 1301 . 4th St., Durant, Okla. Corresponding SecretaryEditor-Miss Pat Baldwin , 516 W. Poplar, Durant, Okla. Adviser-Miss Mild red Riling, 912 W. Elm, Durant, Okla. Alumnre Representative-Mrs. N. E. Wright, 406 Clayton Ave., Poteau, Okla. SrcMA (1925)-State Teachers College, Buffalo, .Y. President- Miss Freda D. Frost, 627 Kenmore Ave., Kenmore 17, N.Y. Corresponding Sec retary-M iss Mildred Baker, 245 North St., Buffalo, N.Y. Editor- Miss Ruth Webster, 460 T welfth St., Niagara Falls, .Y. Advisers--Or. Margaret S. Quayle, 805 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N.Y., Mrs. Harold Peterson, 230 Knowlton Ave., Kenmore, N.Y. Alumnre Representatives--Mrs. W. J . McGlynn, 243 Fayette Ave., Kenmore, .Y., Ruth Ochs, 319 Parkside Ave., Buffa lo, .Y. ZETA TAu (1935)-State Teachers College, Farmville, Va . President-Miss Peggy Moore. Box 384, S.T .C., Farmville, Va. Corresponding Secretary- Miss Katherine Rainey, S.T.C., Farmville, Va. Editor- Miss Betty J . Minton, S.T .C., Box 69, Farm ville, Va. Ad viser- Miss Virginia Bedford, S.T. C., Farmville, Va. Alumnre Representative- Mrs. E. F. J esse, J r., 314 Cabell St. , Lynchburg, Va. UPSILON (1935)-State Teachers College, Conway, Ark. President-Betty Zoe Evatt, A.S.T.C., Conway, Ark. Corresponding Secretary- Miss Anne Williams, A.S.T .C., Conway, Ark. Editor- Miss Dotty Yancey, A.S.T .C., Conway, Ark. Adviser- Or. Ada J ane Harvey, 730 Donaghey, Conway, Ark. Alumnre Representative-Miss H elen Stephenson St. Charles, Ark. Pm (1940)-Southeastern Louisiana College, Hammond, La.




Alumnre Representatives-Miss Nellie Maude President-Miss Bronis Magee, S.L.C., Hammond, Smith, Glencrest, Whitaker Hill, Huntington, La. W.Va., Mrs. C. L. Crabtree, 529 21 t St., Corresponding Secretary-Miss Emmy Ramsy, Huntington, W.Va. S.L.C., Hammond, La. Editor-Miss Mary Allen Shultz, S.L.C., Ham- ALPHA GAMMA (1946 )-Henderson State Teachers College, Arkadelphia, Ark. mond, La. President-Maxine McCauley, H.S.T.C., ArkadelAdvisers-Miss Margaret Lowe, S.L .C., Hammond, phia, Ark. La., Miss Margaret Waldrep, S.L.C., HamCorresponding Secretary- 'liss Bonnie Wood, mond, La. H .S.T .C., Arkadelphia, Ark . Alumnre Representative-Miss Sarah Dosher, Editor- Irma Hamby, H .S.T .C., Arkadelphia, Ark. S.L.C., Hammond, La. Advisers-Miss Amy Jean Green, S.T .C., ArkadelCHI (1940) - Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, phia, Ark., Miss Eleanor Gilliam, S.T.C., W.Va. Arkadelphia, Ark. President-Miss Eileen Bergdoll, Shepherdstown, Alumnre Representativ Miss Rose Marie Byrd, W.Va. 202 S. 3rd St., McGehee, Ark. Corresponding Secretary- Miss Lucille Lyons, Shepherdstown, W.Va. Editor-Miss Virginia Higgs, Box 515, ShepherdsALUMN.IE CHAPTERS town, W.Va. Adviser-Miss Sara H elen Cree, S.T .C., ShepherdsBECKLEY, WEST VIRGINIA President-Miss Janet Koch, 222 Crawford St., town, W.Va. Alumnre Representative- Elizabeth Millard, 604 W. Beckley, W.Va. King St., Martinsburg, W.Va. Editor-Miss Dalean Green, Beaver, W.Va. BLUEFIELD, WEST VIRGINIA Psx (1944 )-Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. President-Mrs. Robert Walthall, College Ave., President-Miss Joan Holbrook, Box 418, Madison Princeton, W.Va. College, Harrisonburg, Va. Editor-Mrs. Robert Gatherum, Highland Ave., Corresponding Secretary-Miss Johanna Shallcross, Bluefield, W.Va. Box 462, Harrisonburg, Va. Editor-Miss Ruth Thompson, Box 454, HarrisonBuFFALO, NEw YoRK burg, Va. President- Mr . J ames E . Brodie, 51 Rock ne Rd ., Advisers-Helen M. Frank, Madison College, HarriKenmore 17, .Y . sonburg, Va., Dr. Mary Latimer, Madison Editor- Mi s Jeanne Co ultous, 269 Lemon St., College, Harrisonburg, Va. Buffalo 4, N.Y. Alumnre Representative-Miss Mary Budge, 526 N. CLEVELAND, OHIO Oakland St., Arlington, Va. President- Mrs. Abe Bozarth, 4903 Albertly Ave., OMEGA (1945)-Minot State Teachers College, Minot, Parma, Ohio Editor-Mrs. Alfred J andt, 841 Helmsdale Dr., N.D. President- Ardis Christenson, 720 5th St. N.E., Cleveland Height , Ohio Minot, N.D . CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA Corresponding Secretary-Miss Elaine Svingen, President- Mr . Jeannette Hamilton, Route 6, Box S.T .C., Minot, .D. 92, Charleston, W.Va. Editor-Miss Janet Sillers, S.T.C., Minot, N.D. Editor-Mrs. J . Marion Bailey, 5143 Kentucky St., Adviser-Miss Louise Reishus, 807 2nd St., N.E., S.W., Charleston, W.Va. Minot, N.D. DENVER, COLORADO Alumnre Representative-Miss Henrietta Anderson. President-Miss Marianne Lamberty, 1280 Albion, 805 11th Ave., N.E., Minot, N.D. Apt. 2, Denver, Colo. Editor-Mrs. Edna Parsons, Arvada, Colo. ALPHA ALPHA (1945)-Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Ind. 路 DETROIT I, MJCHIGAN President-Miss Betty Polen, Lucina Hall, Muncie, President-Miss Genevieve Repeta, 2634 Medbury, Ind. Detroit 11 , Mich. Corresponding Secretary-Eleanor Piwinski, Lucina Editor- Miss Johanne Favaloro, 5050 Lemay, DeHall, Muncie, Ind. troit 13, Mich. Editor-Nell Young, Lucina Hall, B.S.T.C., Muncie, DETROIT II, MICHIGAN Ind. President-Miss Beverly Preston, SOl W. Third St., Adviser-Miss Bonnie Meers, 304 N. Talley, Muncie, Rochester, Mich. Ind. Editor-Mrs. James Malony Gay, 19860 Brighton, Alumnre Representative-Mrs. R. B. Cross, 206 N. Detroit 3, Mich. Martin, Muncie, Ind. EMPORIA, KANSAS President-Miss Elva Lee Wayman, 1101 Congress, ALPHA BETA (1946)-Marshall College, Huntington, Emporia, Kan. W.Va. Editor-Miss Beverly Harnden, Medicine Lodge, President-Miss Montella Bates, 1820 18th St., Kan. Huntington, W.Va. Corresponding Secretary-Miss Hilda Oxley, 85 FLINT, MICHIGAN Oney Ave., Huntington, W.Va. President-Miss Myrl McKellar, 315 Sheffield Ave., EditorFlint, Mich. Editor-Mrs. Burton McWhinney, 904 E. 7th St., Adviser-Mrs. Clayton Page, 1845 11th Ave., Huntington, W.Va. Flint, Mich.


President- Mrs. Spencer Gillette, 140 Norway Ave., Huntington, W.Va. Editor- Miss Mary L. Washington, 2666 4th Ave., Huntington, W.Va. LANSING, MICHIGAN

President-Mrs. Cecil Springer, 3319 S. Washington Ave., Lansing, Mich. Editor- Mrs. Richard N. Custer, 400 S. Holmes, Lansing 12, Mich. President-Marie Atwater, 13 18 W. lOth, Little Rock, Ark. Editor-



President- Mrs. Raymond Shaheen, 324 Howard St. S., Williamsport, Pa. Editor- Mrs. Dent Bowser, Beebe St., Williamsport, Pa. ALUMN.tE CLUBS

President-Mrs. Eileen Brandon, 833 Ninth Ave., N.W., Minot, N.D. Editor- Mrs. Ruth Bonness, 703 8th Ave., N.E., Minot, N.D. MuNciE, INDIANA

President-Mrs. R. Vernon Fox, 610 West Centennial Ave., Muncie, Ind. Editor-Mrs. Robert Wallace, R.R. # 2, Dunkirk, Ind. NEw YoRK, NEw YoRK

Presiden t-Miss Muriel Lee Porter, 38 Gesner Avenue, Nyack, N.Y. Editor- Miss Ruth E. Hershey, 551 Bloomfield Ave., West Caldwell, N.J. PHILADELPHIA, P ENN SYLVANIA

President-Claire Jenkins, 5029 Morris St., Philadelphia 44, Pa. Editor-Charlotte King, 5941 N. Camac St., Philadelphia 41, Pa. SHEPHERDSTOWN, WEST VIRGINIA

President-Mrs. Roscoe Payne, 109 E. Congress St., Charles Town, W.Va. Editor- Ruth Ellen Seibert, 446 Winchester Ave., Martinsburg, W.Va. ST. Lours, Missou RI President- Mrs. James Alexander, 4100 Louisiana, St. Louis 18, Mo. Editor-Miss Delphine Straube, 4453 Holly, St. Louis, Mo. _, WAR, WEST VIRGINIA

President- Edith Elliott, Canebrake, W.Va. Editor-Mrs. Amoth Monk, North Tazewell, Va. WiciDTA, KANSAS

104 Beechwood

President-Mary Claude Park, 724 N. 4th St., Durant, Okla. MT. PLEASANT, MICIDGAN



Editor-Caroline Dawson, 1001 Riverside, Wichita, Kan.



President-Mary Wichita, Kan.



President-Mrs. George Wheeler, R.R. 6, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. NoRFOLK- PoRTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA

President-Mrs. Linwood Roberts, 1100 Ann St., Portsmouth, Va. W ELCH, WEST VIRGINIA

President-Mrs. Lena Caporossi, Welch, W.Va. Editor-Mrs. Helen B. Decker, Welch, W.Va. YOU NGSTOWN, O H IO

President-Mrs. Keith .McGowan, 2368 Midlothian, Youngstown, Ohio. DISTRICTS AND PRESIDENTS First District: (central) Michigan, TI!inois, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin. President-Mrs. L. J. Maher, Rt. 2, Box 96, Chillicothe, Ill. Second District: (eastern) New York, Pennsylvania, New J ersey, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. President- Beverly Bollard, 323 Bird Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. Third District: (western) All states west of the Mississippi River. President-Mrs. Carl Robinson, 9437 Talbot Dr., Afton 23, Mo. Fourth District: (southern) Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, Tennessee, North Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina. President-Mrs. E. C. Phipps, 803 Broad St., Mt. H ope, W.Va. CE TRAL OFFICE 481 Torrence Rd., Columbus 2, Ohio




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P.rjona~ (Continued from page 31)

Pi To Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Olsen (Helen Klupe, '41 ), a son J ohn Raymond, October 22 , 1946 To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith (Alva McGee) , a son, Robert Holt, December 5, 19~ 6 To Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Beeson (Carol Humphreys), a. daughter, Cheryl Susan, Feb. 5, 1947. To Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stand (Cathryn Matthews, '36), a daughter, Marilyn Louise, Feb. 22, 1947

To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thomas (Virginia Morrissey · ' '32), a son, Ed ward Stanley, March 13, 194 7 To Mr. and M rs. J ohn Brawley (Joanna Barnes, '42 ), a son, Glen, 1 ovember 19~ 6 To Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Colpitts (Matella Link '3 6) ' ' a daughter, Suzanne, June 28, 1947 To Mr. and M rs. L . J . Maher (Ruth Priel.Je '41 ) a ' daughter, Linda J ane, November 11, 1 9~7·

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