1952 April ANCHOR

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APRIL, 1952



Build for T omorrow............. ..... ..... .... ......... ... ..... ... .... .............. ... ....... ... ........ .. M!'et th e Comm ittee C ha irm a n for our T enth N a ti onal Conve nti on...... .... Convention Specia l ... ..................... ... .. ................. .. ..... ..... .. .............. .... ....... .... . Con vention Progra m .......... ... ................... .. .... ............. .. ... ................................ Wha t Sha ll I Wea r a t the Convention ?....... ......... ... ....................................... NPC Editor ' Conferenct> .... ..................... .......... ... .. ........... .. ...... .. ..... .............. D emocracy by R a dio ... .... .. ................ .... .... .............. ...... ..... ..... ....................... .. Alp ha Gammas ......... ... .. ............... ............. .. ........... .. ....... ...... .. ... ............ .. .. ..... Europe T oday .......... ............... ... .. ............... .. ........ ...... .... .... ..... ..... ........ .. .. ....... Greek-L etter Women Pa rticipa te in Know You r Am erica Wee k...... ...... .... T op T a us ..................... ..... ............. .. .................. .. ....... .. ................. .. .......... ....... Swee th earts a nd Qu eens............................................................................... ... Muncie Entertains a t Di trict 'M eeting .. ...... ............ .. ... .. .. .. .... .. ...... .. .. .. ....... .. u Chapter ....... ...... .. ... ............. .................... ..... ........ .. ............... .. .. ..... ............ So M any Sisters!... ...................... ... .... .... ....................... .......... ..... ..... ....... ....... . Think on These Things ...... ... .......... .................. ....... ... .. ... .. ..... .. ............ ... ........ Our Queens .. ...... .................. .... ... ..... .......... ................. .. ...................................

3 4 6 7 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 24 25




::::::: :: :: :::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: :: ::::::::::::::::: ::::::::: Alu mnae C ha pters ............ ... ......... ......... ... ..... .. ............... ...... ....... .. ........ .. .. ..... 40 Persona ls ... .... ........ ........ ......... .... .... ... .... ..... ...... .. ..... .... ...... ... .. ......... ............. .... 48 Directory ..... .................... .... ..... ........ .......... ........ .................... ..... .... ................ . 52 Cover: Student loung e at the new Student Union Buildin g , Southwes tern Miss ou ri Stale College, Springfield, Mo.

Entered as second class matter November 25, 1937 , at the post office at St. Paul, M inn. under the Act of August 24, 1912. " Acceptance for ma il ing a t the special rate of postage provided for in Section 34.4{), P.L . and R. , 1948 edition , paragra ph d , Act of February 28h 1925 ; 39, . S. Code 283, was authorized October 10 1949. " THE ANCHOR of AlJ>ha Sigma T au is publis ed duri ng the months of 1ovember, J anuary, pril . a nd Jul.Y by L ela nd Publishers, Inc .. The. F~a te rnity Press , offi cial sororit Y. P';'blishers to the sorority at 264 2 U ni versity Ave., St. Pa ul 4, M rn n . Subscnp tr on pn cc, $3 .00 per year. Ed i10nal O ffice : Mr . Parry ch1pper>, 5300a Su t herland , St. Louis 9, M o.




CENTRAL DISTRICT MEETING was held in the Sculpture Hall of the Arts Building on the campus of Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana, Oct. 13-14, 1951. The " girls" in the front row are Alpha Alpha Collegiates, who gave a musical comedy skit take-off on the song, "The --------------~ Roving Ki nd. "



Hostesses for our tenth national convention at Chicago, Illinois, next Augu t will be the active chapters Alpha Alpha, Alpha D elta, Alpha Epsilon, and Pi ; and alumna chapters of Muncie, Indi ana; Springfield, Mis ouri; Morris, Ottawa Illinois; and St. Louis, Missouri .

~ DoN'T MISS out on the chance of a lifetime. Only once during the convention will you be allowed to see "The Thing." You can't miss the excitem ent of this mysterious unveiling- the revealing of-"The Thing"

at the Farewell Brunch. It will also be our last chance to say " I'll see you at the next convention," to your isters from all o er the United States.


meet the Committee Chairmen /or


Jenth 11/aliona/ Convention

ETHEL HI ME LICK, Al pha Alpha, Publicity Chairman, A sista nt Trea urer of Ball Sta te W ell T eacher 路 College, Muncie, Ind . equi pped with enthusiasm a nd literary bent, he has erved her chap ter as its fir t president a nd editor.


Ethel Himelick, Alpha Alpha

l- MRs .

CLEMENT 0RF, Pi, R egistration Chairma n. Trained in Child Supervision M a rgaret h eaded one of the Federal ChildCare Agencies duri ng World W ar II. R ecentl y she taught a t the Speech Clinic of St. Louis U niversity. Arti tic, too, M argaret alway lend a ha nd with the alum h andicraft project .

Mar11aret Orf, Pi


JoYCE CARTER, Alpha Epsilon, Chairma n of Ceremonies for the Convention . She is a graduate in Business Education from W estern Illinois State College. She has served her sorority well, both during and after coll ege days, first as president, now as National Housing Chairman. Joyce is now teaching in Bradley, Ill.



t WANDA SMITH, Alpha Epsilon, is in charge of the Farewell Brunch a t the Convention. A true champion of the healthful outdoor life, Wanda teaches physical edu cation at the Morris Community high school and plans to spen d next summer camping out in the W est. Wanda's plans for the Farewell Brunch incl ude the unveiling of the mysterious "Thing," a convention mystery well calcula ted to keep you in suspense.

Other Lommitlee Lhairmen Printing-Mrs . William Vit Panhellenic T ea- Mrs. H . E . Staehle Alpha Sig-Nal Editor- Mrs . Robert H emm Court esy-Mi ss June M cCarthy S ergeant-at-Arms-Miss Elizabeth Wilson Exhibits--'Mrs. Emmet C. Phipps Music- Mrs. E. C. Twork Chaplain- Miss Elinore De Cou


Convention Special Bv ETHEL HIMELICK m eetings, or the informal moments at a luncheon, that brunch, or this coffee hour. Then there's the time, when in a wild "inbetween-events" rush, you press your formal on the bottom of a dresser drawer, while the line forms to the right for like service; the time-out to do the city with a ticket to a radio show ; the trek through air-cooled fabulous tore .

路 t,. HAVE you m arked that utilitarian calendar

in the kitchen? The leatherbound one on your desk in the bedroom ? That fancy one in the living-dining area. Your husband's calendar? The one at the office? With what? Surely you know it's Alpha Sigma Tau national convention tirne--<:om e August of '52 (from the 20th to the 22nd) at the Conrad-Hilton, overlooking Michigan's Boulevard and Chicago's lake shoreline. SO --<:ircle now in red-and underline, too, please, those dates on one and all calendars you possess. R emember D etroit in '49? Cincinnati in '46? For you repeaters, I'm sure you know, without my prodding your happy memory bank, what wonderful times we have at na tional conventions. For you first-timers, just talk to any has-been, and your enthusiasm will triple and quadruple at a tremendous ra te. You see first of all , it's the meeting-s and the gree tings-th ~-<. fee ling of national consciousness-that you're a part of a big worthwhile program- and everything from the Alpha session to the Omega session contributes-whether it's the accomplishments of the hard-working delegates in serious

If you're a coed or a teacher. make this your last of the summer fling ; if you're an office girl with end-of-the-summer heat-frazzled nerves, relax on the roof top of the Conrad-Hilton, if you're a mother, what more perfect time to be away, to gain a new zip for mee ting the family fall problems. August will be just the time to splurge on a knock 'em dead costume (nothing so tame as a dress) for that opening fall day at college or behind teacher's desk--or for the first day you're back a t the office--or when you step out to the neighborhood club with your husband . All set? C alendars all marked? See you then in Chicago in August for wonderful Alpha Sigma Tau fellowship session!

Convention j{!efjijtration J orrn CONRAD-HILTON HOTEL, CHICAGO, n.LINOIS August 20-22. 1952 SEND TO :

MRs. FRANCIS GRAFLAGE, 103 10 Capitol Dr., St. Louis 21 , Mo.

NAME: CHAPTER: .... ... .......... ............. ... .. ..... .. .... .. ... .. .............. .... .... ........ ............. ....... ... .............. .. .. -~

ADDRESS: DATE OF ARRI VAL: TIME OF ARRIVAL: 0 As a delega te from: ........ ... .................. .... ...... .. ... ... ... .. ................ ... ..... ... ... .. ....... .......... . OR 0 As a visitor from: .. ........ ...... ............ ... ........ .. ..... ... ............. ... ....... ......... ........... .. ........ ... . 0

Preference for Roommate: ........ ........ .............. .......... ........... ... .... .. .... ...... ....... .. ............ . ( ROOMMATE







0 Enclose $3 .00 registration fee wit h this form. EARLY RESERVATIONS WILL BE GIVEN ROOM PREFERENCE. Deadline, ju ly ], /95 2.


ConYenlion P,.oflrafn Dat es- August 20-22, 1952 Place-Conrad-Hilton, Chicago, Illinois Chairman- Mrs. Francis Graflage, 10310 Capitol Dr., St. Louis 21 , Missouri Ho stess Chapters- All Chapters in Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri Th em e- Build for Tomorrow

W.dnejda~, _Augujl 20 9 :00- 12:00 12:00 2:30 8 :00

R egistration Opening Luncheon Panhellenic T ea Ceremonies- Memorial, model pledge and initia tion ervice White dresses worn by everyone.

Jhurjda~, _Aufjujl 21 8:00 9:30 12: 30 2 :00 7:30

Breakfast, District President entertains General Session Get-acquainted luncheon groups Song contest Collegiate chapter meeting Alumnae meeting Banquet, formal Alpha Alpha Entertains

Jrida~, _AUfjUjt 9:00 11:00- 1:30


General Session Farewell Buffet Lunch

GENERAL EXPENSES Registration ... ... ..... ..... ... ... ...... ... .....$ Luncheon .... ....... ... ...... ... ..... .. ..... .... . Banquet .... ..... ..... .......... .... .... ...... ... . Brunch ...... ..... ... .... .. .... ... .. .. .. ... ... .... . Alpha Sig-Nal ..... .. .... ...... ... .. .. ..... .. .

3.00 3.50 5.50 2.50 .50

HOTEL RATES (D aily ) Double Bedroom Average-$6 to $7 per person


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

FOR THE DIS.PLAY TABLE Scrapbook Alumnae Year Book Caps, jackets, etc., with the sorority e~blem Articles to sel.l.Jor money-making proJects Material on your philanthropy


What Shall J Wear at the Convention? Ideal for train or tour-a trim lightweight suit, not too hot for the August sun. not too cool for the breezes off the lake.

A hat adds the finishing touch to a smart ensemble. You'll need one for the swanky Panhellenic tea on Thursday.

For the gala formal banquet you'll want a full length or new short evening dress, replete with glittering trim -jewelry, evening bag, heels.

For the opening luncheon on Wednesday following registration-how about a smart dark wrinkle-resistant street dress (shantung is good. cool too).


Bring a white dress for the inspirational initiation service.

Just because it"s August, don't forget a light coat or shorty. You'll be right on the shores of Lake Michigan where the breezes are refreshingly cool.

If you like the beach. do bring a bathing suit. The water is really invigorating and you might snatch a minute of it.



of the 31 Panhellenic editors met for the 5-day National Panhellenic Conference held in Williamsburg, Va., from November 27 through D ecember 1. URder the chairmanship of Marian Wiley Keys, editor of the Alpha Phi Quarterly, the sorority journalists discussed and compared notes on the problems of Panhellenic magazines, from costs to chapter letters. At one of the business sessions it was agreed that any c'1ditor obtaining an a rticl e (from someone outside her organization ) that would be of general Panhellenic inter-路 est, should try to get permission for the use of said article, by the other Panhellenic magazines. The other editors路 would then be notified that such permission for reprinting had been secured. Plans were also made to coopera te with the Citizenship Committee of National Panh ellenic, in presenting material arranged by this committee to the combined fraternitywoman readership of more than half a million. At an "Editors' Hour," given at one of the general sessions of the Conference, the following speakers represented the editors : Frances Warreh Baker, Sigma Kappa Triangle. mistress of ceremonies; Kim Rose, Triangle of Sigma Sigma Sigma, who spoke on the "Purposes of Our M agazines" ; Julia Fuqua Ober, formerly editor of the Angelus of K appa D elta (and now K appa D elta's na tional president ), on "An Editor Looks a t H er Past" ; a nd Dorothy Hummel Marshall, director of publica tion , Alpha Phi, on "How Do Fraternity Magazines Further a Public R elations Program ?" The 195 1 session closed with the election of Ann Hall, editor of the L yre of Alpha Chi Omega, chairma n for the next biennium, and Kim Rose, Tri-Sigma T riangle, secreta ry-treasurer .

Present at the National Panhellenic Conference in Williamsburg, Va., were Mrs. Parry Schippers. Mrs. Haswell E. Staehle, and Mrs. Joseph Steen.

A first order of business a t N a tional Panhellenic Conference's busine s sessions was the election to regular m embership of 11 women's fra ternities. The e groups, some of which form erly comprised the A ocia tion of Educa tion Sororitie , becam e associate members of PC in 194 7 a nd thi year became eligible fo r full membership . Those welcomed included Alph a Epsilon Phi, Alpha Sigm a Alpha, Alpha Sigma T au, D elta Phi Epsilon, D elta Sigma Epsilon, Phi Sigm a Sigma, Pi K appa Sigma, Sigm a D elta T au, Sigm a Sigma Sigma, Theta Phi Alpha, and Theta Sigm a Up ilon. They bring the total of p articipa ting member fra ternitie in the Conference to 31.



This group of fraternity-sorority notables took part in NPC discussions at Williamsburg and were photographed at Williamsburg Lodge, seated. from left. Judge William R. Bayes, Phi Delta Theta; C. Robert Yeager, Pi Kappa Alpha; Mrs. E. Granville C r a btree, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Mrs. W. H. Hutchinson, Alpha Phi. Standing from left, Dr. Clyde Johnson. Phi Kappa Sigma; Dr. Marvis Mann. Delta Gamma; Charles E. P l e d g e r, Jr .. Theta Delta Chi; L. G. Balfour, Sigma Chi.


* * *

* First row: Ildra Larson, Phi Mu, assistant editor. Ann Hall. Alpha Chi Omega. new chairman; Marian Keyes, Alpha Phi. retiring chairman; Christelle Ferguson. Chi Omega; Ann Weaver, Pi Kappa Sigma. Second row: Ardis Marek, Gamma Phi Beta; Katherine Davis. Alpha Omicron Pi; Kay Larson, Delta Zeta; Flo Simon. Alpha Epsilon Phi. Third row: Isabel Simmons, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Lillian Schippers. Alpha Sigma Tau; Betty Breen. Theta Sigma Upsilon; Adele Alford. Pi Beta Phi. Fourth row: Frances Baker. Sigma Kappa; Kim Rose. Sigma Sigma Sigma, new secretary-treasurer; Tonie Eberhardt, Alpha Gamma Delta; Shirley Strout. Zeta Tau Alpha; Alice Deck. Delta Sigma Epsilon.


Bv VIRGINIA STUBBS EowARDS First Prize (Judged by Christian Science Monitor) Kansas Authors Club ~

GREAT radio networks help weave bright threads of democ racy in the tapestry of the United States of America fashion ed in 1949. The patterns of this rich radio tapestryNews R eports, Commentator's Comments, University Courses, Great Symphonies, Operas, and other educational and entertaining programs are sometimes breath-takingly beautiful. These comments are concentrated more specifically on democracy as exemplified in the weekly program, "Meet the Press." There is something spine-tingling about listening to the needling of our legislative officials by members of the press. Don't mistake me- l am not deriding it- I think it :s .a good thing, a heal thy sign of democracy in .action. For example, rather recently the Press were interviewing a certain senator, from the far W e t, who remained calm throughout the onslaught of their baited barbs. This broadcast delighted me because it brought to light an example of that almo5t ; extinct Genus Homo, who can stand on his hind legs and call his medulla oblongata his own, even when the resulting cogitations veer from the majority-trod pathway of his po-


litical party. H e expressed the opinion that his party should feel the obligation of standing for those measures that will protect the weak from exploitation by the politically strong. What person among you who takes active leadership locally or nationally does not know the full meaning of the "squeezeplay" or the "chopped-head" by his party or group if he dare go against the majoritytrod way or the habit-rutted road? Indeed even in church and club circles one feels, ometimes, as if between several devils and deep blue seas. It is startling to find a man who uses both hi heart and his head, motivated by his belief that we should place human values above material values. Since it is so easy to become big-headed when one is "on top of the heap," this certain senator i to be commended for his level-headedness. Our government, as its foun ders intended, should represent all of the people. Many times we hear from the lips of our brave men, who have been prisoners of war, pungent and prophetic words about the value of freedom, and our need for keeping it. In our democratic conception of giving freedom to other peoples we are finding the radio a powerful a nd colorful thread in that pattern of free men's democracy; for what stronger thread is there than knowledge woven with understanding into the pattern of fri endship and love?

Son') Conle:slJahe _}jome an

W e' re looking for a new convention song. W e want a good one. It may be any type-idealistic, dreamy or humorous, with original music, if possible. Your song will be judged on the basis of its

3. Originality of music 4. Use of the convention theme "Build for Tomorrow"

Send all entries by July 1 to: MRs. E. C. TwoRK

1. Singability

Route 2, Box 157 Mason, Mich.

2. Originality of words


Frances Moore Carol Enger

.t. T HREE Alpha T aus were selected to a ppear in the beauty section of the year book, Th e S tar at H enderson State T eachers College. They are Frances Moore, M ena; Carol Enger, Pine Bluff ; and J anette Barnes Fordyce. Janette Barnes ~

Liz Whitten, freshman from El Dorado, was selected as Assistant Editor of the College yearbook. "The Star."

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"" LINDA F 0 s T E R ' H ope, Arkansas, sophomore, majoring in Elementary Education, was n a m e d 195 1 Swee theart of P h i L ambda Chi F ratern ity, a t the annual H a rvest D ance held November 17 a t H endersons' H a y g o o d Gym. R alph Thompson, president of the p resented fra ternity, Linda with one dozen red roses. ~



BEVERLY Jo R EID, freshman from Gurdon, Ark., has recent'ly been elected H enderson Sta te T eachers College Best Dressed Girl of 1951.


Bv JANET LuTHER, Sigma ;\. I HAD always wondered what it would be like to visit Europe, to see all those exciting places which I had read about. This past summer my dreams came true, for I did visit Europe with the Friendship Tour, sponsored by Buffalo State T eachers College, under the leadership of Dr. Benjamin F. Gronewold, Professor 路 of Engl,ish at the college. W e sailed July 6 on the S.S. V eendam of the Holland American Line. ThiSI was our first introduction to European people and I made many friends on the voyage. On July 16 we docked at Le Havre and took the express train to Paris. H ere we saw the lights of the city at night, the sidewalk cafes, the parks, the artists, the beautiful Notre Dame Cathedral, the cobblestone streets, the Palace of V ersailles with all its secrets, the Opera, and we even went to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Our next stop was Geneva, Switzerland, and our journey through the snow-covered Alps. We sat in on a session of the United Nations at the Palace in Geneva. From Geneva we traveled south to Florence, Italy, which is famous for its art. We visited the little leather and silver shops along the Ponte V eccio and had dinner with several young Florentine artists. Rome was our next stop, and I think it was the most interesting place we visited. We saw the ruins of ancient Rome, the Colosseum, The Forum, the Pantheon, the Vatican Citv, the Sistine Chapel, and the open-air Opera, which was held in the ruins of the Caraculla Bath . W e also had an audience with the Pope during our stay in Rome.

From Rome we visited Venice, and I had a gondola ride down the Grand Canal. In Milan we saw the original painting of "The L ast Supper." r - - - - - ABOUT THE AUTHOR

Janet Luther is a Top Tau this year. In addition to all her campus activities she enjoys music very much and teaches piano in her home.

Amsterdam was interesting, too. I think Holla nd was the most friendly country we visited. I met so many amiable people and am now corresponding with several of them. Volendam, where the people dress in the We visited the Hague, the flower auction at Alsmeer, a nd saw the quaint old town of traditional costume, with the wooden shoes. London was our last stop. Our group spent one day at Stratford-on-Avon, Shakespeare's birthplace. We saw :Buckingham Palace, the crown jewels, Westminster Abbey, Piccadilly Circus, the Houses of Parliament, and we also spent a day at Oxford University. If anything, this trip made me appreciate more than ever m y home and m y country. After seeing the ruins and de truction in Italy, France, Holland, and England, I can better realize now what those poor people had to face. I saw tiny Italian children with deformed arms and twisted legs, caused by malnutrition during the war. I even saw children who h ad lost their arms or legs, begging in the treets. W e, in America, too often take too much for granted. I have learned to be more thankful for our great country and I now treasure more the liberty and freedom which America gives u s.

t THERE are so many occasions fo r which you need gifts-birthday, weddin!!S,

anniver a rie , gradua tion, a nd Chri tmas . Lovely h and-woven cotton or linen luncheon sets, cocktail na pkin , guest towels, finge r tip towel apron , children' un suits, pinafore, etc., can be obtained from the Penland W eavers and Potte1 Why not write your N a tional Social Service Chairma n for a price lit of the a rticl e ? If your h a pter hould b planning a bazaar or imil ar proje t ' rite our ch airma n for informa tion a bout elling Penla nd H andicraft a rticle . 14

Women Participate _America Week " FROM THE NPC CITIZENSHIP COMMITTEE, Mrs. Joseph Grigsby, Chairman, Mrs. Cicero F. Hogan and Mrs. Beverl ey Robinson ~

How WELL do you know your America ? Do you know what the American freedoms are and why we treasure them? In hundreds of cities and towns throughout the nation on May 14 to 20, 1952, fraternity women will participate in Kno w Your America W eek. The b enefits and opportunities of the free way of life are increasing in importance to more and more people in every American community. Citizens will rededicate themselves to the preservation of the basic American principles which will be exemplified and dramatized through numerous and va ried programs planned in the respective communities during Kno w Your America W eek. What can you do? Fraternity women can plan programs within their Chapters and Panhellenics as well as volunteer their services to the local organizers, or if no organizers, 路can volunteer such leadership them~elves to the civic authorities or broadcasting studios in 路t heir communities. In observin~r Kno w Your America W eek, fraternity women can volunteer to present or take part in historical pageants ; college chapter houses can display the flag throughout the week (do our chapter houses own such emblems ? They should!) Fra ternity women can contribute choral groups ; they can offer to staff booths for the dissemina tion of information; they can speak on radio a nd community programs; and they can offer organiza tional experience or the "know how" to get thing done. Fra ternity m embers are among the most ~xperi颅 enced and devoted group of volunteer workers in the United States. Put the leadership training and organizational experience your fraternity h elped to develop in you at work during Kno w Your America Week. All programs throughout the United Sta te wil l highlight the story of our nation; its laws and liberties, its faiths and national origins ; its schools and churches ; its clubs and free associations ; its rights and responsibilities.


W e cellcge worn n have responsibility as citizens because we enjoy the fre da ms our forefath ers won for us. In recognition of this responsibility, the National Panhell enic Conference joins with 54 other na tional organiza tions representing approxima tel y 800,000 citizens all associa ted in the All-American Conferen ce in urging their memberships to observe and p articipate in Kno w Your America W eek. At a call ed meeting of delegates of the Nation al Panhell enic Conference on M arch 29, 1951; in Chicago, Illinois, the follo wing resolution was un animously adopted: "The National Panhellenic Conference becomes a member of the All-American Conference to Combat Communism, as a demonstration by the College Greek Letter soc1e'tie for women of their opposition to the philsophy and techniques of communism, and as evidence of their devotion to Am erica n freedom ." The All-American Conference who e pre ent headquarters are located a t Room 406, 1624 I Stree t N.W ., Washington, D. C. is an informational, educational and advisory body. Each participating organiza tion speaks for itself on matters of policy. It does not speak for the conference. The conference does not speak for it. Dr. Daniel A. Poling who serves a ch ai rman of the All-American Conference in a n address on world peace on June 27 195 1, before the Supreme Council Se sion of the United Commercial Travelers of America said among other things : "The price of freedom fir t of all is knowledge. W e need to know these United Sta tes of America .. .. W e need to know wh a t i going on in America. " Freedom is not free. Alwa s freedom ha its price. And tha t price has been paid . F reedom is both an inheritance and a n achie' ement. ... W e have it from tho e who ' ent before u , who in their time p aid the price. . .. Theirs is a fini hed work. But in orne sense, a t least, this freedom mu t be re-born in me, it mu t become al ive in me. I mu t m ake my contribution here and no' ." Fraternity women h ave their opportu nity to contribute here a nd now in K now Your America W eek, Ma 14-20 1952.

MARION STEPHENS RUSSELL-Delta. Art major. Kappa Delta Pi, Delta Phi Delta, Student Council. Panhellenic Council. " personality on campus," dramatics. Dean's list.

;t JOAN STARBUCK-Alpha, Special Education major. Women's League, Student Council, bowling and swimming teams.


JEANNE GLEASON CLARK-Beta. Vocational Home Economics major, Homecoming Court. Booster Club, represented school in educational strip film to be sent to foreign students, square dance team. tuJllbling award. Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. ;t


WOOLCOTT-Iota. Speech major. Future Teachers of America, College Debating ~eam, Radio Club, Emporia State Players, Nahonal Collegiate Players. Phi Kappa Delta, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.


-!. SHIRLEY DE PORTER-Nu. Music major. award of honor for outstanding service to school. Little Theater of the Rockies. Delta Omicron. Alpha Psi Omega, Student Council. Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. delegate to the U. S. National Student Association Congress.

-!,JOAN BARGER-Omicron, Education major, Sweetheart of Kappa Sigma Kappa fraternity, Chi Beta Phi, Student Government Secretary, sports, Secretary of West Virginia Academy of Science, Panhellenic CounciL

-t PAT SEIB-Pi. Education major. Newman Club. Ass istant Editor of Collegian. Sigma Tau Delta, Future Teachers of Ame rica, Student Council. Panhellenic, Women's Athletic Associati on, Glee Club.

-t JANET LUTHER-Sigma. General Elementary major, Chess Club secretary. co-composer of junior class son g.


-t PATRICIA ELLEN TAYLOR-Zeta Tau. French major, Kappa Delta Pi. Pi Delta Epsilon. Panhellenic, delegate to District Meeting, Spanish Club. French circle, Wesley Foundation, Managing Editor and Assistant Poetry Editor of College magazine.

"t DOLLY GENE ST. GERMAIN-Phi, Sociology major, maid in Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity carnival ball, Rose of Sigma Tau Gamma's homecoming float, Sweetheart of A.S.T.. intramural sports, delegate to District Meeting, Canterbury Club. Panhellenic Council.


-t HELEN GREER-Upsilon, Elementary Education major, All Around American Girl. Alpha Chi. Alpha Psi Omega, Phi Alpha Theta, Royal Rooter. All Star Intramural Team.

;t, MARGARET GRACEY-Chi. Secondary Education with Commerce and English majors. Best Citizen Woman of Shepherd College. secretary of Student Council.


;\". LUCY LEE cation major, est scholastic tive to

GROVE-Psi. Home Economics EduKappa Delta Pi. award for highrating in Psi chapter. representaLutheran regional meeting. ~ HELEN

CAROL DAVIS-Alpha Delta. Home Economics major. Kappa Omicron Pi. Student Senate Delegate to Kappa Omicron Pi Nation a l Convention. Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universitie s.

~ EVELYN FULBRIGHT-Alpha, Beta. Biological and General Science major, Panhellenic Council. College year-book staff. Future Teachers of America. Student Publications Board. Dean's List, Greenhouse Association.


~ MARY LOIS BIRCH-Alpha Epsilon . Sig ma Zeta. Junior Marshall. Stude n t Council. Deleg ate to W.A.W.S. to United Nations Convention in Chicago, Home Economics Convention, Pa nhellenic Coun cil.


HAUGEN-Omega, Speech major, society editor for school paper, Campus Players, band, orchestra. Alpha Psi Omega, Beaver Boosters. wrote and directed Kampus Kapers for 1951.


~ JO

ANN CARRIGAN-Alpha Gamma, Heart and Key, Future Teachers of America, Junior Class Vice President, Student Christian Association, Intramural Representative, Best Pledge '49. National Scholarship Ring, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.

J.nlernaliona/ l:ducalion o/ _American Studenl:J HroHER EDUCATION, a publication of the Federal Security Agency, devoted much of its March 15 issue to an article entitled " The World Student Congress and International Education of American Students," written by Eugene G. Schwartz and Robert L. West, past vice presidents of NSA and m embers of the NSA group of "observer-delegates" who a ttended the World Student Congress held in Prague, last August. A copy of this bulletin may be obtained for ten cents from Office of Education, F ederal Security Agency, Washington 25, D . C. Among other interesting statements is the one which says that United States (NSA ) participation in the conference was limited because "too few students have been prepared to cope with the complex and diverse issues which arise on the international level," because its delegation was much smaller than that of the Soviet groups, and because its members " were not equipped to compete with the cultural and sports teams and exhibitions brought from the East." The authors say that "greater numbers of American students must become familiar with the foreign languages in wide use today, with the important contemporary political issues and with the character of the several non-western geographical areas of great political importance to Americans." They also ay that their xperience at Prague showed American tudents as " ill-equipped to meet trained C mmuni t in rough and tumbl d ebate."

"The People Act" is the name given to a radio series of 26 weeks duration, beginning in November, broadcast nationally by the Columbia Broadcasting System. Each week's program will be a tape-recorded story wherein the people involved will tell in their own words just how they solved a pressing local problem. This series of broadcasts will have the distinction of being the first such enterprise to • be undertaken in the TelevisionRadio Workshop created by the Ford Foundation as part of its gigantic program on behalf of world peace, democracy, economic welfare, education and scientific study. "The People Act" falls specifically into the category for adult education, financed by Ford Foundation money. Supervision of "The People Act" programs will be done by a national committee, mainly composed of educators and public relations experts, the chairman of which is Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Its educa tion office will be located in State College, Pa., in charge of Ray H. Smith, Kappa Sigma, formerly deputy secretary of the department of commerce of the Commonwealth of P nmylvania.


-t MARGARET ANN STEELE. Zeta Tau, was recently chosen Sweetheart of Sigma Chi at Roanoke College, Salem. Va. The party was in the form of a dinner dance held at the Hotel Roanoke. Margaret received a swee thart p in a n d a wreath of white roses in the shape of the Sigma Chi cross.

;\; . NU chapter's candidate for Colorado State College of Education Homecoming Queen was Janet Lee Yarbrough of Kit Carson, Colorado. Jane, an elementary major, is active in the Elementary Club on campus, and she recently became engaged to Master Sgt. Warren Nipps of New Jersey.


Janet Lee Yarbrough

Pat Kinsella. Omega, Homecoming Queen




Picture on Page 2 ~ Convention R eminiscences. October's bright blue weather brought a special honor to Alpha Alpha and Muncie Alumnae Chapters, with the Central District holding its fourth triennial district meeting on the campus of Ball Sta te T eachers College on O ctober 13 and 14, 195 1. Although Lucina Hall, one of the women's residence halls, turned a cold cheek and a deaf ear to those convention arrivals in the wee morning hours, the campus policeman tried to assure a warm welcome to our out-of-state visitor , by personally conducting some of the "after-curfew" arrivals to alumnae homes.. . . Convention: what is it? What makes it? Let's reminisce . . . the ahead of time plans . . . the welcoming of sisters from here and there . . . old sisters .. . new sisters ... the excitement on "overflows," as we tried to find a pillow for everyone and catch a few winks before the big convention day on Saturday . . . the charming and sincere manner of our president, Mrs. L. J. M a her, in greeting everyone and setting the tone of the convention .. . the exchange of ideas- serious moments - relaxing moments . . . the campus tour . . . the noon luncheon, line fashion, at the college cafeteria . . . the afternoon session with its discussions of mutual problems .. . the formal banquet with traditional emerald and gold decora tions .. . the sorority rose .... the woman's viewpoint on travel abroad as reflected by Miss Laura Schroeder, the guest speaker . . . the candlelighting service with the circle of light being formed ('member the yellow rose ceramic candle holders? ) and the feeling of all sisters together as we sang " In the candlelight we all stand together" . .. the special alt a nd pepper favors-typical of Muncie's industry . . . the informal p arty following . .. the farewell breakfast Sunday morning-how close we all felt ... the good byes. Convention ? It' the master welder. Monthly M eetings M eander On. With the campus home oming scheduled on the school calenda r the week following sorority convention, our usual orority homecoming was pa s d over on e lightly.. .. In November, wha t with illnes , a nd this a nd tha t, the


crowd wa slim a t the Cha t and Chew dessert bridge h eld by the president. Mrs. Ca rl Humphrey, but those who were there really enjoyed the cha tting and Thelma's chewy date pudding . . . . In D ecember came an extra nice occasion with the Christmas p arty held at the home of Mrs. Norman Gilbert. M adonna's lovely suburban home was beautiful to behold with the traditional Chri tmas symbols. A special a ttraction was a minia ture cathedral on the fi replace mantel, setting our mood with its " Silent Night" theme. Following an exch ange of gifts, the hoste s's husband entertained us with movies, taken by him and hi wife's brother, on a venturesome vaca tion trip to the Arctic Circle. . . . In J anuary the usu al social service m eeting was held at the hospital, as the girls wrapped and sewed to the hum of m achines and tongues, and the sorority p a tronesses rewarded our effort with cookies a nd coffee. . . . In February our group participa ted in a bridge party held by the Muncie Panhellenic Association ... . With the M a rch-April-May spring series, we will oon conclude seven years as Alpha Sigma T au s. Yes, we have passed the stage of infancy, and h ope we a re now full-fledged members with a n a tional insight a nd point of view, a t the same time retaiaing our interest in the individual. Honors: To Ralph D enni , husband of Virginia H arter D ennis '48, who is now serving a City Judge of Muncie .. . . To M arjorie Steed 'M cFadden '48, in the success of a recently e tablished business enterprise, called "Public Office Services." M arjorie h as路 equipped a very attractive 路 downtown office where she will write tha t letter for you, duplicate those minutes, h elp prep are a brief, or perform efficiently almost anything you might desire in the way of ecretarial service. She is most enthusiastic a bout the variety of the busines coming h er way, and is adding more help to meet the demands of the publi . A L ivina M em orial to their on, Philip N ash Nelson, killed in an auto ac ident h a been pre ented the Muncie Bo Club b Mr. and M1 . Loui N el on (H arri t e1 on (CONTI


p ,\ QE


Grace Kister Shirley Marcus Hudson

Virginia Dean

Pat Whittaker Brown

Irene Jesser


Shirley D~ Porter

(Right) Martha Sweaney

After four years of studies, campus activities. and sorority, twelve girls are graduating from Nu chapter. including Virginia Dean, Shirley DePorter. Shirley Rae Horton, Barbara Hanson, Shirley Marcus Hudson, Irene Jesser. Grace Kister, Erdeena Stolz, Martha Sweaney, Audrey Woodbury. Frances Wasinger. Patricia Whittaker Brown. Pledged when Nu was reactivated on campus, these twelve have been the backbone and important factors in building up Alpha Sigma Tau on the Colorado State College of Education campus. They leave an admirable record and truly big ideals which we undergraduates will strive to live up to. It is with heartfelt nostalgia and best wishes that we look up to those entering the ranks of alumnae.

The August issue of Th e Magazin e of Sigma Chi contained a timely article made up from the text of a speech delivered in the U. S. Senate on March 27, 1951 by Senator J. William Fulbright, Sigma Chi, on the subject of moral ·deterioration as ··a- threat to our democracy. One quotation : " I wonder · whether in recent years we have unwittingly come to accept the totalitarian concept that


the end justifies the mean , a concept which is fundamentally and completely antagonistic to a true domestic ociety. Democrac is I believe, more likely to be destroyed by the ·perversion of, or abandonment of, its true moral principles than by armed a ttack from Russia. The evil and in idiou materiali m of the Communists i a greater danger to u than their guns." ·


Bv DoRTE ScHWERDT, Pi Student from Germany ;\; " I WANT you to get acquainted with the the podium, looking over to the candles, American way of life and therefore you which were dimly lighting the room; and a better join a sorority" was the suggestion of burning thankfulne s was in their eyes while my aunt, when I started college a half year they sang "In the candleglow we all stand ago. together." Yes, they stand together, and Sorority- again one of those words which suddenly I realized the world which was a re-well, which are just words. How is it gathered in that one word sorority-sisterpossible to be a sister to so many girls? hood. And when the Alphas joined hands Nevertheless, it won't hurt to go to the rush with us, it seemed to me as if a band were parties. Those were my thoughts before I tied around the hands of sisters in all went to the rush parties and also as I was countries, a band of understanding and ¡sitting between the other freshmen in the sincerity which united the whole world. Alpha Sigma Tau Showboat. Then, after Th en, when I was alone under the dark the laughter and the fun , it became silent harvest sky, I knew that I was not really when the Alpha president called the girls alone. that I would never be alone again, together to sing some of their songs. a nd I thanked God with all my heart-! There they were, sitting on the steps to had found my home in Alpha Sigma Tau.


on Bv

J. J.

Alpha sential if, in our own SIOrority life, we are to work as a group, not as separate individuals. If each of us was to think back, perhaps just to last rushing season, we could all find occasions when the anger, spoken of by Mr. Jones, broke forth . When one of your sorority sisters disagreed with you on the merits of someone you were advocating as a rushee, how did you react? Now think a minute. Webster defines anger as a strong passion of emotion or displeasure, and usually antagonism, excited by a sense of injury or insult. If, when angered, we do experience extreme antagonism, let's think back to the Bible passage read during the Formal Pledge Cere~ony, and remember the quiet, unassummg woman described. Affection sin. and truth is our pass word not anger ' centy, dissension and falsehood. ' ,


";\; E. STANLEY JoNES states in his book, Abundant Living, "Anger is righteous, if it has in it grief on account of what is happening to others, and not a grudge on account of what is happening to one's self." How often have you felt sudden anger at someone and have not been able to put your finger on the cause of your anger? In your mind you attempt to rationalize it as something of great importance, when, in reality, it is romething petty and insignificant, such as peculiar mannerism or behavior habit. The ideals and creeds of Alpha Sigma Tau stress above all else, tolerance in our own everyday lives. To be tolerant of those about us, whose material possessions tend to differ from ours, whose actions and attitudes do not coincide with ours, whose ideas do not agree with the ones we hold as truths, is es-

;\; YouR attention is called to the reprint of an article which appeared recently in Look, "A Challenge to Americans." This is an excerpt from "This American People" by Ger-

ald Johnson to be published by Harpers in Octdber. "This book is one of three which the Am~rican Library Association is helping to pubh h this year to stimulate th ught about our American heritage."


;t HENDERSON State Tea hers Coli ge Reddie Football team a t Arkad lphia hos the Alpha Sigma T au presid nt, Bern ie D ani Is, as Homecoming queen. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. N . D a niels of Pres ott and majoring in Home Economics. She is a member of H eart a nd K ey, presid nt of the Panhellenic council, and wa~ recently chos ' n as one of the top "T aus" of the chapter. Nancy Dawley, sophomore from T xarkana, and J anette Ba rnes, freshman from Fordyce, were also chosen as Maids.

Bernice Daniels, Alpha Gamma ~

CHI CHAPTER- Chi Chapter supplied most of the queens for Shepherd College this year. Barbara Hughes, Chi) was chosen Homecoming Queen II to reign at the annual Homecoming day events. Barbara is from Charles Town, W est Virginia. She is majoring in Elementary Education. Barbara is pledge chairman of Chi Chapter and was selected the best pledge to the sorority in 1951.

Mary Grant. Chi Queen Shepherd XIII


Barbara Hughes being crowned Homecoming Queen II by Mr. Herb Baer at the half-time of the Homecoming football game.


CHI CHAPTER- Mary Grant was elected by the student body of Shepherd College to reign as Queen Shepherd XXIII. Mary i the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grant of Martinsburg, Wes t Virginia. She i majoring in elementary education and is a member of the June graduating class. Mary is an active member of Alpha Sigma Tau and the Future T eachers of America. The queen was officially crowned at the Queen's Ball on March 28. Mary will represent Shepherd College at the Apple Blossom Festival held in Winchester Virginia May 1 and 2.



ALPHA SIGMA TAU OFFICIAL JEWELRY REGULATION BADGE No. 1-Plain-1flK . . . . ... . . .. . . .. $ 5.00 14K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.50 No. 3-Crown Set Pearl . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 ADVISER'S PIN No. 4-Crown Set Pearl. Four Imitation Emer.a lds . . . . . . . . 20.00 Crown Set Pearl, Four Genuine Emeralds . . . . . . . . . 25.00 No. S-Mother's Pin. Plain . . . . . . . 5.50 N路o. 6-Pledge Pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 Recognition PinNo. 7-10 Karat Gold. Green Enamel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.50 No. 8-Miniature Coat-of-arms. Gold filled . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 Miniature Coat-of-arms, Silver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 All badges must be ordered on special official order blanks supplied to each Chapter. the blanks to be signed by the Chapter Treasurer and Chapter Adviser. GUARD PINS Single Double Medium Letter Letter Plain .... . . . . . ...... . . .. $2.25 $ 3.50 Crown Set Pearl . . . . . . . . 6.50 11.50 COAT-OF-ARMS GUARD PIN Miniature. Yellow Gold .. 2.75 20% Feder.a l Excise Tax must be added to all prices quoted above-plus State Sales or Use Taxes wherever they are in effect. Send for your free copy of The GIFT PARADE Illustrating Rings. Novelties. and Favors









BURR, PATTERSON & AULD CO. 2301 Sixteenth Street - Detroit 16. Mich.

rf!uncie Cntertainj ( CON TI NUED FROM P AGE


charter member of Muncie Alumnae Cha pter ) in the way of equipment for the woodworking room- benches, vis:es, and tools. A plaque in memory of Philip was unveiled at a meeting of the Directors of the Boys Club. M other Alpha T au Greets Daughter Alpha T au a t Christmastime in Arizona when Mrs. W. E. Wagoner, patroness of Alpha Alpha and Muncie Alumnae Chapters, journeyed from Muncie, Indiana, to Tucson, Arizona, to visit her daughter, Mrs. L avonne Baker, her husband and three children, in their spacious house t;ailer. It was a perfect Christmas, both report. M rs. W agoner also has an Alpha T au daughter-in-law, M rs. George

Wagoner, whose you ng ten-year-old daughter, Linda, should make a talented Alpha T au a bout 1959 or 1960. Linda last year compo ed a m elody, which was orchestrated and played at a concert by the Knoxville O rchestra. Linda was introduced a t the concert and also received a cash award of $10. This year Linda competed in a county-wide piano contest, winning the first prize of $25 in music lessons. Collector's I tem. An Alpha Sigma Tau sister at H agerstown, Edith H ogue, write that she is interested in hearing from an one who might possess toys and doll which would have been m ade and used b our grandparents. She is not intere ted in acquiring the toy or doll but on! in photoaraphing it.

to many social activities schedul d m the near future.- JoAN R EDMOND.

Vivian Voorhorst. Donna Schwartz, Beverly Hadsell, and Ruth Schultz (left to right).


IN the pledge group of 1951, the Alpha chapter gained six new members: Jonelle Anderson, Mary Brown, Janice Jensen, Ann Krupa, Lois Nutting, and Judy Shaw. These girls became full members of Alpha Sigma Tau at the formal initiation ceremony, held in McKenney . Hall on J anuary 12, and the chapter extends its sincerest welcome to them, and thanks for the many lovely pillows and unique paddles. The 3rd of D ecember, Gloria Wedge took over the office of president of the Alpha chapter. The former president, Harriet Robertson, resigned in order to join her husband who is serving with the armed forces. In the contest for the best float in the Homecoming Parade at Michigan State Normal College this year, Alpha's float received, and certainly deserved, second place. A large argyle sock was constructed from chicken wire and crepe paper, under the able guidance of Bunny D eLauder, and the slogan "Argyles'll Sock 'Em," helped put the idea across. With a new semester just getting under way, the Alpha chapter is looking forward


~ PAT PLAUMAN, junior, well represented the Taus on the Homecoming Court. O f course, we are prejudiced, but we thought she was the prettiest one on the float. She wore a burnt gold strapless form al, with a velvet bodice and full net skirt. The Friday before Christmas vacation, the Beta Chapter and Sigma T au Gamma, our brother fraternity, had a Christmas Benefit dance at St. John's Parish House, Mt. Pleasant. The admission to the dance was one article of food . This food was placed in a bushel basket and given to a needy family in Mt. Pleasant. This was the first time we ever had such a project, and since it turned out o well, it is going to be an annual project. ( CONTINUED ON


Pat Plauman

30 )

Eastern District One Day

"l. THE Southwestern District meeting of Al-

pha Sigma Tau was held in Arkadelphia, Ark., at H ender on State T eachers College, O ctober 20, 1951. Among those attending were the hostess chapter, Alpha Gamma; seven members and two advisers from Phi Chapter at Southeastern Louisiana College, Hammond ; one representative from Rho Chapter at Southeastern State College, Durant, Okla. ; and five members and one alumnae representative from Upsilon Chapter at Conway, Arkansas. R egistration was held in Caddo Center, Saturday morning at 10 : 00 o'clock, followed by the first session in Evans H all. The national president, Mrs. S. Carl Ribinson, addressed the assembly, presenting ~some of the problems that were to be discussed. Mrs. H . B. W nzel, District President, was unable

to a ttend. A short devotional was led by M abel Gordon a nd a welcome was given by Bobbie Nel on, president of the local chap ter. Dr. D . D . M cBrien. president of H enderson and past national president of Sigma T au Gamma fraternity, spoke on " A College President Looks at Sororities." At the second general ession in the afternoon, Miss M argaret Lowe, H ammond, L a., entertained the group with a talk about her studies and travels in France this summer. Dolly St. Germain, PHI, spoke on R ushing and Pledging; Betty Murph , U PSILON, discu ed Public R elations; and ita Flo K ennedy, RHO, Community S ervice. A Panhellenic tea wa held in the H ome Management House for the visiting del gat . An " Italian" banquet follm ed in Pr cter H all ; and Mis Am J ean Greene LPH


1lion Buffalo. N. Y.. Oct. 27. 1951

GAMMA sponsor, spoke on "The True Purpose of Sororities." Delegates then attended the football game, the college dance, and a cocoa party in the

dormitory, which was mo t delightful. Final reports and recommendations were made at the meeting Sunday mo rning. The meeti ng adjourned at 10:00 a.m.

t THE Southern District M eeting was held

on H ousing and R ushing. Dr. M ary Latimer, profe sor of speech and dramatics at M adison, was guest peaker at the luncheon. Group meetings were held in the afternoon. Di cussion was on the following topic : ru hing, cultural programs, standard alumnae chapter membership, new alumnae chapters. The Candlelight Service was directed b Miss Ali ce Ferrell at the evening banquet after which there was an informal party at Lincoln House.

at Madison College. H arrisonburg, Va., October 13-14, 1951. Miss J anet Calfee, president, directed the meeting. Devotions were led by Miss Anne Eaton ; Hila Arrington was treasurer and Bobbie Obenshain, secretary. National officers present were Miss Margaret MacDonald, treasurer, and Mrs. Meade M cNeill, endowment chairman. Miss Emily Scott, PSI, welcomed the visitors and extended an invitation to visit Lincoln House at any time. Discussion at the first general session was




Beta j Benefit ::Dance (CoNT I NUED PROM PAGE


A great honor was bestowed on four T aus when they were elected to the "Who's Who _ In American Colleges and Universities." They are J eanne Gleason Clark, juni0r; Joan May, junior; Phyl Gordon, junior; and Barbara R einking, junior. Central Michigan College has been chosen as the site for a film on teacher training, since Central is the most outstanding of teachers' colleges. J eanne Gleason Clarke has been chosen as one of the four students to star in the film . It is spring rushing time, and we are well on our way. Saturday. February 22, we had our first rushing tea. The theme of our tea was a circus. "Astie," our clown mascot, propped on a small ladder with balloons, was our center piece. We served cookies with clown faces and pink lemonade. Several stuffed animals and animal crackers were placed on each table. For name tags, we used clown faces made out of construction paper. Lollypops with green and yellow ribbons were given as favors. We were hostesses to fifty rushees. Wednesday, March 4, we have another rush party, which we call " Sleepy Tau Haven." The party is to take place at the home of Alice Wilcox, junior. The actives wear long nighties, and the rushees wear pajamas, and each one b rings a stuffed animal. A week later we have another party, and then voting takes place. At that time we will know who our new T aus will be. We are looking forward to many more events: Spring formal with our brother fraternity, Parent's Day tea, Senior Farewell, and parties with other sororities and fraternities.-BARBARA REINKIN G.

Jheta j Prize Wnninfj Board ~ O uR fi rst big event of this semester was the initiation of our four pledges : Marisue H antell, Billie Jo H errell, 'Mildred Kopcha, and Peggy Lomer, along with our new advisor, Mrs. Lenore Srni th. The ceremony took place after a lunch in the home of the editor. At present all our attention is focused on rushing. Opportunities for rushees to meet sorority girls have been expounded, by our Panhellenic Council's Sorority Week. Each

Theta's Prize-winning Board

sorority was given a huge board to decorate with news about its purposes, m embers, contributions, and activities. Alpha Sigma Tau won one of the three top awards. An evening affair along with an afternoon tea at which two members modeled, was arranged. We are going to have an informal rush party on campus and a formal dinner off campus. On March 26, Alpha Sigma Tau will again enter Wayne University's Annual Panhellenic Sing. We plan to sing " To Our Fraternity" as our sorority feature and "Big Rock Candy Mountain" as our popular song choice. This year we tried omething new in the line of local service. Used Christmas cards were collected by our m embers, and sent to a cerebral palsy hospital. There, the e cards can be used by afllicted children, in a variety of art projects. Next month, plans will be begun for our annual vacation at a cottage in Iri h Hill , Michigan. Alpha Sigma Tau have rented this same cottage for everal years, and everyone looks forward to pending ten days there, before the summer ession of cia es. Our members are preparing for the National Convention also. Our Panhellenic Council has adopt d a war orphan. The money was obtain d from proceed from our annual Panhell ni Ball. Each ororit i a ign d a month and dur-


THE ANC HOR ing this month m embers are to write letters and send a little package if possible. Something new has been added in the form of a Panhellenic Workshop to be held on campus. This will give all sororiti es a chance to air problems, to offer suggestions. and cement relations between sororities and campus.- -MARLOWE FRANKo.

OuR annual Christm as party was held this year at the home of pledge Nancy Palmer in J enkintown. W e h ad loads of fun, exchanging " Pollyannas" a nd playing "Cootie." Next event on the social calendar was our Val entine's pa rty. This "da ted" affair was held at the "Cloisters" and though it was a misera ble night outside, it was quite dry and comfortable inside. Pledges Gwynne K elley a nd M ary Polk deserve a great deal of credit for the beautiful decora tions. M arch 4 was a big day for <;mr pledges. They were initiated at the " Cloisters," with full ceremony. On M arch 11 , we h ad our informal rush par ty a t the " Cl oisters. The "Fashion Show" was extremely well a ttended, and the rushees h ad lots of fun dressing u p paper dolls and each other! L ambie Pye, our mascot h eld court w ith more tha n a dozen ladies-in-waiting ; cute crepe paper and pipe cleaner dolls with perfume in each arm, the brainstorm of Gwynne a nd M ary . At the end of the evening, each rushee received a member of the court, so "you won' t forget us." Now, during silence period, we've got our fingers crossed . H ere's hoping for some terrific pledges ! M arch 18, we enjoyed 路dinner a t the home of our advisor, Mrs. Tames A. Barnes, a nd also h ad installa tion of new officers. The week end of M arch 21-22 was a big one for all Greeks. Greek week end was superb. Elliot L awrence was maestro at the Greek Ball, Saturday night, and the dinner on Friday night was delicious.. Next big day ahe<l:d is June 12 .. Ftve of Lambda's actives w1ll be gradua tmg and certainly will be missed. H owever, the Alumnae Chapter will grab them up.JEANETIE R. ZoRzi.

11/u j Cand'J J ane ;t WINTER ru sh parties incl uded a D avy J ones Undersea Locker supper and a walk down Candy Lane, wh ich was a dessert party, complete with a huge pink and ho ola te gingerbread house, pink a ndy tr es, a nd a sweet shop, r plete with all kinds of goodies from which to choose. ~nfor~ al rushing was well organized and nme gtrls pledged Alpha Sigm a T a u. O u r annua l Yellow R ose Breakfas t was a ttended by over 200 p rsons, incl uding President and Mrs. Will iam R oss of CSCE, J o Elgin, alumnae president, and p a tronesses, M esdames Knott, Hinds, a nd J ack on. I n the last ANCHOR, we told of our desire for a ma tching b londe wood modern, spinet piano, for our living room. At this d.ate we h ave that piano, an Acrasonic Baldwm . For Forensic Foll ies, ou r Skit Night, we pu t on a flicker fl ashback entitled, "The Tragic Loves of Casmania." Costumes a nd scenery (also make-up ) were in bl ack a nd white, to give the effect of the o ld~ t~e movies now being revived on televlSlon. Panto~imed , with background rinky-tink piano m usic, p laced the mood, and the climax came when the fi lm was rewound and the girls went through the m ovie backwards. Shirley D ePorter was the ha rd -working general ch airman of the skit and Pledge M ary Wendt assisted. Alumnae J uanita Emerick and P aul~.e Allen Wills p aid a Sunday afternoon v1 1t February 10, a very pleasant urpri e. There are a number of girls from Greeley going down to the Alum L u ncheon in D en ver, M arch 17.- J ONI L AN CE.

THE Pi's were off to a fine sta rt last fall , by attending the 路 D istrict M eeting a t Emporia, K ansa . T he I ota girls certain) showed the Pi's a wonderful time. I n November we celebra ted Founders' D ay with a formal banquet at M eda rt' . The ca ndlelight service certainly impres ed a new u pon everyone th e meaning of A. S. T. The alums presen ted the chapter with a new notebook for the vice president, " hich wa


_A,.e lJou _A Convention




greatly appreciated. Also, in November, we gave a party for our parents. We invited them to the S.S. Alpha Showboat, where there were comedy, tragedy, and "mellerdrammer." All the parents had a very good time, and it gave them a chance to get acquainted. A date wiener roast was a! o on the agenda for November. In November, Harriet Russell was a candidate for Mask Nite Queen. In December, a North Pole路party was given for the new pledges by the alums. Also in D ecember, the Pi's had a wonderful time at their traditional Christmas party at the home of Miss Kohl, one of the co-sponsors. This is one of the most eagerly awaited events of the year. December 30, we had initiation of our four pledges, Naomi Ossenschmidt, Dorte Schwerdt, Peggy Steward, and Carol Willman. Also, the Pi's gave a Christmas party for the alums. In January there was a "dee-licious" chili supper with the alums. The former pledges gave a graduation party for the January graduates. We hated to say goodbye to such wonderful actives. The graduates gave a pajama party for the actives. The new term saw Pat Seib elected assistant editor of the Collegian. Myra Schneider is the new president of the Shakespeare Club. In February the Pi's pin pledged Evelyn Buenemann. February saw the Pi's iceskating and ooh-those falls, but it was loads of fun . On March 28, Skit Nite will be presented by Pi. Skit Nite is an annual event, presented by Alpha at Harris for the entire campus to attend. It is one of the most popular events of the year. In April we are planning a bowling party and a picnic supper in the park. Also, we are practicing our scales for the Interfraternal Sing. In May the Pi's are going on a trip to the farm of the sister of Miss Murray, our cosponsor. We are anticipating a great deal of fun. Plans are being made for the summer also. The Pi's hope to have several swimming parties this summer. Also, we hope to spend a weekend at Pere Marquette State Park. The National Convention is in Chicago this year, and many of the Pi's are planning to attend. Here's hoping we see many of you there.- PEGGY STEWARD.

Zta Jau j ''Jhere j a rl1an tn 1}our

ofl/e "

Madam Castros ~

BEGINNING on February 25, the first in a series of rush parties was held on the Longwood College campus. With the theme of "A Carnival," the Zeta Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau got off to an excellent start. The door of the chapter room was gaily decorated in green and yellow crepe paper, green and yellow hoops with the words " A.S.T . Carnival" written on them. With each and every knock on the door by one of the seventeen rushees, Nancy Purdum who was portraying the part of a clown, bounded to answer the knock. Nancy took the guests' shoes, as soon as they were inside. (These had to be won before they could leave.) I<' rom there on, . our president, who was the barker, conducted them around to the big attractions. Beforehand, the rushees had been given pennies, with which to buy refreshments, and take part in the various games. In one corner was "Madam Castros" who told their fortunes, either by the use of a crystal ball or tea leaves. In another corner was a device constructed so that the rushees could pitch pennies and win their shoes back. Meanwhile, the Alpha Sigma Tau actives were thoroughly enjoying themselves, too. Many of them were attired in short, little-girl dresses, skirts, etc. They wandered about the room and called the ru hee attention to the cage of ferociou animal .




Jau ..,LJream "' t t,me 路 "

N. Zinni. M. Lynd, R. Black. M. Glor, F. Smith. N. Willinqdon, N. Cruse, A. Gazzo. B. Chambos, S. Sturm. Mrs. McKenneth. P. Maue, J, Bamburg, B. Leqqet. J. Luther, B. Thomas, M. A. Jordon, E. Strobeck. J. Flynn, J, Lynch, A. Szlecki. D. Merz. R. Schlenker. P. Wood, P. Donovan, E. Black. G. Brunner, E. Schillinger. J. Ryckman. P. Wild, and A. Mislin.

The area where the food was sold was attractively and artistically arranged, to represent the typical carnival booth. A curtain of green and yellow crepe paper streamers hung from the draperies. The girls, who were selling (supposedly), wore dainty little waitress h a ts and aprons, also in green and yellow. The food consisted of cups of pink lemonade, can.died apples on sticks, and cookies in the shape of circus animals. We had a few extra specials, too. Kitty Hamlet gave a little song and dance number, " College Rhythm"; Lou 'Beavers and Pat Dannally, a version of "Merry-Go-Round" ; and Lou also sang a cute little song, " I've Lost My Dog." The second day of rushing, the Alpha Sigma Taus demonstrated what was almost the opposite side. This time they were the sophisticated girls to go with their next theme, "A Night Club." Again the food and decorations went with this theme. The third rush party was a regular tea

and was quite restful, after the strenuous attempts of the fi rst two. All these efforts, however, brought grand resul ts. The Alpha Sigma Taus got fo urteen of the very finest girls.- NANCY LEE Wooo.

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'"Jau Jjreamlime "

t T HE highlight of Alpha Sigma Tau's ' Tau D reamtime" was the crowning of a royal couple on Friday, February 15, at the Buffalo State T eachers College Union. At midnight a couple was selected in a competitive waltz contest and was crowned king and queen of waltz time. A corsage of yellow roses was presented to the queen. The general chairman of "Tau Dreamtime" was Fran Smith. H er assistant was Gussie Brunner. The other committee heads were : Nicki Zinni, J ean R yckman, Rosemary Black, M ary Lynd, Elaine Strobeck, Betty Stewman, Pat Wooley, Pat Musgrave, Sall Sturm, and Alice Szlecki.- MARv LYND.



Upjifon j Gfebriliej Tms has been a busy year for Upsilon. After two successful rush parties, we pledged ten girls. Two of these pledges, Elaine T eeter and Joan Blackman, were elected homecoming maids. Elaine was also chosen as a cheerleader. Our chapter this year, in tead of exc.hanging names and giving each other Chnstmas presents, spent our money on gifts for a needy family near here. Martha King, H elen Greer, Sarah J~n.e Bell, and J errene M cCurdy, have been mlt.Iated into Alpha Chi, an honorary scholastic fraternity. H elen Greer was also listed in "Who's Who In American Colleges and Universi ties." We have won the girls' Intramural Volleyball Tournament and swimming meet. W e are now tied for the intramural cup. We have elected two new officers this semester. Patsy Murray is now social chairman and Bobbye M asters, historian. We are making plan for our annual Mother's Weekend, March 22-23, which includes a tea, banquet, and a breakfa t. W e got one pledge in secon.d semester rushing, Janice Smith, from D e W1tt.- BETTY MURPHY. ;t

Chi j J oyal 5e//owj o/ lhe Road THE Grand Order of Loyal Fellows of the Road or briefly, the Hoboes, held their annual convention in the recrea tion room of Miller Hall, Tuesday, November 13, 1951. The hosts for this convention were the m embers of Chi Chapter ; the honored hobo guests were rushees. The room was decora ted to resemble the retrea t for all hoboes, the forest. Logs were conveniently placed for seating, ivy entwined the posts, trees grew profusely around the walls, and a small campfire was the center of the activities. King of the hoboes, Phyllis Stuckey, presided over the convention. In order to become a member of the Grand Order each girl had to promise never to work, never buy food , take no more than two bath a year and n ver shave. In order to prove that they were all good ;t

hoboes, the girls had to go ~n a hobo hunt. Some of the articles for which they had to beg were: a left-handed monk.ey wrench, a cross-eyed darning needle, a ch1cken feather, an empty gun shell. All girls pr~ved to be fine hoboes, by bringing in everything on the list. The next thing to be begged for was food. The hoboes did a great job of begging for thi a nd came up with hot dogs and cocoa. While the group was sitting around the campfire eating, Hobo Marian Evans told a bout the greedy old woman who swallowed a fly. Hobo Ora Tabler gave a good example of fate awaiting hoboes who marry, when she told of Socrates Snooks. The en tire group participated in a dres ing relay and concluded the evening by singing some typical hobo song . Three members of Chi Chapter have been cho en to be listed in " ho' s Who in American College and Universities." The honored girl are: Eleanor J ack on, a member of the Home Economic Club, the Girls' Chorus, and an officer of Alpha Sigma Tau. She i majoring in Home Economic and Secondary Education. Upon graduation in June she plan to teach . M ary Short i a member of the Future T eachers of America, pre ident of K appa Delta Pi honorary fraternity, and an active mem ber of Alpha Sigma T au . Goldie J ean Smith is majoring in Commerce and Secondary Education. She is a member of the College Choir, active in sorority work, and secretary to the president of the college. Chi Chapter pledged and initiated two girls during the first emester of the year. The new member are Julia Hovermale, Berkeley Springs, West Virginia; and Charlene Flick, M artinsburg, W est Virginia. Chi Chapter sent three representatives to the fourth regional convention, which was h eld O ctober 12-14 at Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia. The representative were M argaret Horner, Miriam Wie t, and Susan Barrick, all of M artin burg, W e t Virginia.-MARIAN EvANS.

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r/ew Jook

;t. WHAT a lot of fun we have had, and are

having, giving our Lincoln Hou e the "ne' look." W e started in the living room with new curtain , then our amateur am tre e went to work and did a profe ional j b n orne dark gre n alance to go with th m.


THE ANCHOR At the same time, new curtains of green and white checked gingham were made for the kitchen. In the kitchen our AST girls were busy with paint brushes and yellow paint. The finished kitchen is really our pride, and plans are under way for buying new living room furniture. Just one week after we finished all this, we were hostesses for the regional convention of Alpha Sigma T au. Again a lot of work was required from everyone; however, once the convention started, everyone forgot how tired she might have been, and immediately caught the spirit of the inspiring m eetings. Saturday night, after a wonderful banquet, we had an informal get-together a t Lincoln H ouse. Honestly, the house nearly rocked on its foundations. With our rush party just five days after the convention, our 21 m embers had to really fly around, to get ready for it. When the big night arrived, one could hardly recognize the house. Carnival decora tions inside and out left no doubt as to the theme of our party. The game rooms, fortune telling booth, and refreshment stand would have been a credit to any carnival, to say nothing of the prize concessions h>ooth, where the sock dolls, which we had so much fun making, were among the most popular prizes. Certainly no one was without a tear when, in the candlelight, we closed our party, by singing our Sweetheart Song to the rushees, and by tying green and yellow ribbons around their fingers, so that they wouldn't forget Alpha Sigma Tau. Then that final day of rushing came, with lots of alumnae present to h elp us ch eer as we took in our twenty-seven wonderful new pledges. Founders' day, a week la ter, found members at the annual banquet, which was a huge success. Our pledges immedia tely caught the spirit of our "House Beautiful" movement and showed their talent by redoing our ba throom upstairs. Dorothy Shepard, one of our sop~omores, represented 路M adison College as a prmcess at the Engineer's Ball at Virginia Polytechnic Institute in November. December found the Alpha Sigma T aus busy on decorations for the Panhelleni.c Christmas dance. Our own Fran Moseley IS chairman of Panhellenic this year, and were we proud of h er as she led the figure. For our Christmas project we sent a

The Audience of the Big Show

basket through the welfare department to a family in town. Psi Chapter h ad its own special Christmas party just before the holid ays. It was a pajama party after the Saturday night movie. Quite a few of us slept on the living room floor that night- if indeed anyone slept! E xams slowed us down almost as soon as we got back from Christmas, but the new semester found us with new spirit and new resolutions, although we were missing two of our beloved sisters. W e were proud to find ten of our members among those of the dean's list for first semester. Also three of our juniors were tapped for Kappa Delta Pi honora ry educational society. Incidentally, Catherine Cover, a Psi Chapter senior, is pres ident of K a ppa D elta Pi thi year. Catherine is also featured in this year' Who' Who. Plans are under way for spring ru hing, March 8, and homecoming, April 25 . We are also planning to send delegates to the National Convention next urnmer. Ma day plans are in the air and si.x P i Chapter girls are candid a tes for the M ay Court. Virginia Barnes, a P i Chapter enior, i featured in Strafford Dramatic Club' pring play. This year, we are spending the weeken d of M ay 17 (Our local F ounder' D ay ) at College camp. Without our wonderful pre ident Emil Scott, much of our succe s might h a e been unknown. Emily, a senior from Salem irginia, is active in many chool oraanizations including K appa D elta Pi, German Club



and Westminister Foundation. She was our Top Tau last year and won the Alumnae Award for the highest scholarship. Credit for our high spirit is also due to this year's new Yankee housemother, Eleanor Matthews, whose hot coffee and moral support have kept us going. -Lucv LEE GROVE.

Omefja j fiomecoming Queen

Numerous actives dressed as "Hill Billies." The highlight of the evening was the crowning of L'l Abner. H e won this coveted honor, by having the largest shoe size. New "capsule pals" have been drawn for the remainder of the year. Pat Muscha, one of our pledges, is entered in the " Miss 1952" contest, sponsored by the Beaver staff. Bing Crosby is selec ting 路 the winner, who will be announced at the end of the spring quarter. The Alph a T aus served punch at the annual Panhellenic form al Saturday, February 16. H elen Anderson was general chairman and did a splendid job. For " Snow King" we are sponsoring K enny J ohnson. The winner will be announced soon. The schedule for the remainder of the year contains a Campus K appers skit, numerous candy ales and informal parties.-CLEO WELCH.

Pat Kinsella. Homecoming Queen ~ " SHoWBOAT" was the theme for the Minot State T eachers College Homecoming. Pat Kinsella, the Alpha Sigma Tau candidate, was chosen by the student body to reign as Homecoming Queen. Pat is 5 feet 2 inches tall, has blue eyes, and is a brownette. Pat is known for her friendly smile and congenial personality. Pat, who is majoring in Physical Education, is a m ember of the Concert Choir and is one of our Panhellenic representatives for this year. Our winter rush tea was held at the home of Miss Louise R eish us. W e were happy to pledge twelve girls this quarter. Pledge captain is H elen Anderson. For pin pledging, the actives served a potluck supper for the pledges. Each "little sister" received a gift from her " big sister." President J anice Lorenzen gave a welcoming address. Previous to our rush tea, our sorority sponsored an all-school Sadie H awkins Party.

Left to right: Arlene Summers. captain; Corky Bradfield. Rosie Wandell, Jo Sharbak. Katie Poi. and Connie Thompson. Nancy Schesky, Mary Ellen Voisard. Ann Uhlir, Jeanne Hilkert, and Nellie Bass.

;\; O u R fall rushing was very succes ful. Alpha Sigma T au's pre~ident pinned the emerald and gold ribbons on seventeen new pledge . On February 4, the officers enter tained the active and pledge at a prettil appointed

THE ANCHOR party, the theme of which centered around St. Valentine's Day. A hand-made Valentine was the only means of entrance to the party. Games and contests were played and refreshments served. Many honors have been bestowed upon us, both as a chapter and as individuals. W e were very happy to learn of our full membership into N .P.C. and are justly proud to be a part of such a wonderful organization. Our sponsor, Miss. Evelyn Luecking, an active member of P1 Chapter, has recently been elected as our new district president. Although it is a big position for her to fill , we are confident she will do all in her power to carry on the work of h er predecessor. Congratulations Miss Luecking! We wish Mrs. Maher all the luck and success in the future ! Our active president, Joanne Tuerffs, was recently elected editor of the Ball State News, our weekly campus publication. Also we were honored to have two of our m embers, Betty Jo Dirks and Joanne Tuerffs, listed in Who's Who Among Students in Colleges and Universities. One of our new pledges, Marilyn Rust, was chosen for the cast of Mrs. Moonlight, a dramatic produc-


tion, given by Spotlight Theater. Mary Ann Fueur and Wanda Stephens were recently pledged to Sigma Alpha Iota, honorary music fraternity. Also Shirley H emphill and Gerry Mongeon pledged K appa Delta Pi, an educa tion honorary. On January 24, we participated in the K appa Sigma K appa V ariety show. We presented a skit entitled "Tau Toyland," and won first prize. To help swell our treasu ry, we again took on the tasks of a chili upper and record dance. Both were well attended and proved to be profitable proj ects. During the month of February we were entertained at a party given by the pledge class. The invita tions took on the form of question ma rks, and everyone came dressed as her "suppressed desire." This year, as in previous years, we entered a volleyball team in the Inter-Sorority tourn ey. W e were the second sorority to olace, which isn't too bad-all things considered. Plans a re well under way for our closed dinner-dance, to be held at the Delaware Country Club on April 26. " Pink Champaign" is the theme and the decorations and

Tau Toyland. Phyllis Manring. clown: Jeanne Hilkert and Corky Bradfield. tin soldiers; Estella Johnson. baby doll: Rosie Wandell. little boy; Mary Lou Cheny and Jo Cyr. Raggedy Andy and Ann: Ann Uhlir. Cowboy: Arlene Summers and Ilene Iler. tin Soldiers. (This skit won first prize in the annual Kappa Alpha Variety Show.



favors will be carried out accordingly. We are also working on the song, "I'll Never Walk Alone," for the Inter-Sorority Sing, and our annual Mother's Day Breakfast.MARY ELLEN VOISARD.

_A~ha (/amma j "f?owinglo Uctor~" ;\; ALPHA GAMMA's formal rush party wa held October 31, 1951 at the home of one of the patronesses, Mrs. Tom Clark. There were fifty-two girls attending; the sorority girls wore white formals and the rushees wore tea dresses. We used the theme, "Dreamland," and a skit was presented with the members dressed to act out songs, showing what a freshman girl would have happen to h er, while in her first year at school. The program closed with singing, "Will You Remember Us" with original words. Favors were little green taffeta pillows, trimmed with yellow lace, and bearing the initials AST. Refreshments were served and speeche were made by the sponsors and Dean of Women. The members of Alpha Gamma Chapter were entertained by the pledges at a Christmas Party, at the home of one of the patronesses, Mrs. P. G. Horton. Liz Whitten acted as Mistress of Ceremonies. Stelle Billingsly gave a version of "The Night Before Christmas," and Suzanne Howell told the story of "Why the Chimes Rang."

Alpha Gamma's float. "Rowing to Victory," in the homecoming parade. inspired the team to win 54-0. L. to R.: Ida Hamilton, Jo Ann Carrigan, Linda Foster, Carol Enger. Pat Larsen, Frances Moore.

All the pledges received gold bracelets bearing the Sorority Crest. . Bernice Daniels was elected as cand1date for sponsor of the R.O.T.C. unit. Alpha Gamma Chapter announc_es that three of their members, as maJorettes, marched with the 1951 R eddie Band. They are Patsy Parrot, Pat Harper, and Liz Whitten. Two members who are cheerleaders, are Stelle Billingsly and Janette Barnes. - EMMA SuE SMITH .

_A~ha :lJefta j Communi!~

Service ;\; EARLY in February, the actives a nd Mother's Club met a t the new home of our patroness, Mr . E. C . Schwartz. After the formal meeting was adjourned, refreshments were served, and a yellow rosebush, representing the sorority colors, was presented to Mrs. Schwartz. The evening was closed with the singing of sorority songs. The winter term rush party was a Valentine party at the home of Nancy Wells. The new pledges are Mary June Bassett, Doris Cloud, Phyliss Magers, Joan McLaughlin, and Glenda Owens. During the week of the March of Dimes collection, members of our active chapter took up the collections in two local theaters. Preparations are being made for a " Leap Year" party, with Treda Richardson, Sally Ryan. and Ann O'Quinn taking charge of the arra n gem en ts. The Mother's Club, the Alumnae Chapter, and our active chapter h ave been working together, for a succes ful rummage ale,

THE ANCHOR which was held March 1. Barbara Wilson was chairman of this sale. Our College Panhellenic Workshop is to be he!~ in the early part of the spring term. A Natwnal officer has been invited to attend this affair. Plans for the near future include the annual style show and the spring formal dance. -JOAN PURSLEY.


us this year. Joan Luckenbill, our president, was first attendant to the queen. The theme for our float, "Argyles'll Sock 'Em," was carried out by four girls knitting two huge argyle socks. We became almost fond of the skunk we made, to carry out the idea of "Skunk Michigan" for our house decoration. We have had two very interesting program meetings this year. Miss Whitehead, an instructor on campus, showed us some of her

excellent slides, taken while sh was traveling through Europe. Our advisor, Dr. Harriet Stull, spoke to us one vening on our "Culture Quotient." On January 20, we initiated thirtc n girls. They were Mary J ane Albro, Lois Cox, Marilyn Dierker, Donna Hanson, Velma Haring, Beverly Kreps, Imogene N well, Shirley Nicols, Patricia Ormsby, J ean Roberson, Doris Swedell, J anet Wigrnan, and Barbara Yard. Betty Zang, Louise Hargadine, Annette Baxter, H enrietta Berning, and Dorothy D eSplinter are pledges, who will be initiated soon. Alpha Epsilon was in charge of arrangements for the orchestra for the annual Panh ellenic formal dance. The dance was March 15. W e will be busy in April electing our officers. Installation of officers will be the last week of April. The big date in our future is May 10. Yes, that is the date of our second annual Cinderella Ball. W e are all hoping to find those wonderful Prince Cha rmings.-J ANE PrucE.

t Two full tuition fellowships of $650 each and the Edith Gratia Stedman Fellowship of $300 will be awarded to young women by the Radcliffe College Management Training Program, a one-year graduate course in personnel and business administration, for the academic year 1952-1953. The Program offers six months of class instruction, taught largely by the faculty of the Harvard Business School. The curriculum includes courses in human relations, personnel administration, managem ent problems and objectives, wage policies and procedures, marketing, retailing, accounting, labor prob-

lems, and others. Ten weeb of full time field work, arranged in two period of four and six weeks, in busines , government, and other organizations enables the student to see the practica l application of her academic work. Graduates of the program now hold administrative positions in business, industry, in fOvernmen t office , the armed force , and in educational institution . For further information, apply to Mr. T. North Whitehead, Management Training Program, R adcliffe College, Cambridge 38, Mas ::tchu etts.


/:pji/on j


Ouofienf" t HoMECOMING was really a grand day for

Send to: ALPHA SIGMA TAU CENTRAL OFFICE 5641 S. Kingshighway, St. Louis 9, Mo. Chapter - - - - - - - - - - - - Date of Marriage - - - - - - - - - - Husband's full name Address Maiden name 路 - ---

S end to: ALPHA SIGMA TAU CENTRAL OFFICE 5641 S. Kingshighway, St . L ouis 9, \lfo. Name Chapter - - - - - - - - - - - - - Addres Former addres - 路 - - - - - - - - - - - -

_A-lumnae t MRs. Harry Cooke (Ina Ring) was hostess

at the November meeting, and Mrs. Harold Lo.oney (Clarabelle Honaker) was co-hostess. Miss Janet Calfee, president of the sorority's fourth district, announced that Mrs. Preston Ham!lton (Henrietta M ahood) had been appomted National Social Service chairman. The re~ignation of Mrs. Frank K ersey (Kathenne Hofsteter) as recording secretary was accepted with regret. Miss Thelma Wilson was elected to the office, after resigning as chapter chaplain, and Mrs. James Warden was elected as new chaplain. Our treasurer Miss Virginia Bailey, reported that the recent rumm~ge sale, held by tlie group, was a financial success. Mrs. William Richardson (Eileen Godsey) told of the Founders' Day banquet held in Athens on November 3. She said tha t several members of our alumnae chapter were present for the occasion. The Bluefield group presented a monetary gift to the Omicron Chapter, hostess for the banquet, to be put in a "house fund." A sc~olarship award was also given to Miss A.hce Ferrell of Athens, for maintaining the highest scholastic average in the active chapter last year. A bridge and canasta party followed the meeting, with prizes being awarded to Miss Calfee, high bridge; and Miss Nancy Ruddell, high canasta. At the D ecember meeting, members of the chapter brought gifts for a needy child, selected by the social service committee, instead of exchanging gifts among themselves. Christma colors of red and green were combined in the color scheme, and the refreshments also carried out the Christmas motif. Mrs. Preston Hamilton won first prize for th.e most attractively wrapped package. 'Mrs. Richardson was hostess to the group with Thelma Wilson as co-hostess. ' The group enjoyed a "pot-lu k" supper in January. Gue ts were the members' hus-

bands. Among the out-of-town guests were Dr. and Mrs. Meade McNeill, Athens, W. Va. The supper was held at the home of Miss Virginia Bailey. Mi Alice Chri topher was hostess to the group in February, and Mr . Robert Dalton (Gladys U dy) was co-hostess. At this meeting it was decided to present a scholarship award to a senior student at Concord College, at the annual luncheon in May, which honors graduating Seniors of the collegiate chapter. The award will go to the girl with the highest academic average in the Omicron Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau, and will be the Anchor pin. H eretofore, the Bluefield chapter has presented an award to the collegiate girl having the highest average for the past year, at the Founders' D ay banquet in November. A report on the National Council meeting of Alpha Sigma Tau was given by Miss Calfee. She said that the National Council complimented the Bluefield chapter for its 100 per cent efficiency rating with the national office for the past year. She said that only two other chapters, Richmond, Va., and Philadelphia, Pa., attained this rating. The March meeting will be held at the home of Miss Calfee, with Mrs. Frank Kersey as co-hostess.-ALICE CHRJSTOPHER.

t FALL was a busy time for Buffalo Alumnae.

Our enthusiasm was arou ed by a very uccessful o~e day Di trict meeting at the Student Umon of B.S.I.C., climaxed by a lovely Founders' D ay Banquet at Hotel We tbrook in the evening. Saturday, Nov. 17 found u enjo ing a bridge luncheon with' friend at Helen Neville's Tea Room . Stormy weather limited th attendan at our D cember de rt meeting but th who came were well repaid for their effort. Elea40

THE ANCHOR nor Mason's home, tastefully decorated for the ~olidays, and delicious food, put us in the nght mood for a pleasant evening. We all had more holiday fun at our annual Christmas breakfast, under the capable leadership of Margery Milius. Eunice Pundt entertained in January, when we also enjoyed Catherine Smith's review of "A Woman in the Window." Lucille Steen, our district president, opened her home for our February dessert meeting. Records added to the pleasure of the evening following the business session.-MRs. E. boNALo ADAMS.

;\; DESPITE losing some fine members this year and gaining none, we have still had some very interesting programs and activities. Two of our programs were informative as well as interesting, when Jeannette Hale told us of new methods of teaching, and Doris Will explained the set-up of her Church library, of which she is librarian. Emma 'Mae Matthews is now living at 404 Kelsall Ave., St. Simons Island, Ga., and her mailing address is c/ o Eastern Air Lines, Brunswick, Ga. We'll miss her. Then Winifred Newman, one of the busiest career women in this area, has asked to be put on the inactive list, due to her inability to attend meetings. She was an enthusiastic booster nevertheless, and we would refuse her wish, if we could. We tried our first bake sale in February. Having only about eight girls participating, we still did amazingly well. We want to try it again this year, as it certainly swelled our bank account. Doris Will was the spark behind this one. Instead of a Christmas party with our husbands, we had a Valentine party at Jean and Marion Bailey's. With our love for gab, games, music, and a generous amount of refreshments, we all had lots of fun . We brought baby clothes and good used clothes, for a box for Pine Mountain, to our February meeting. Jeannette Hale is also going to help us make favors for a school room of underprivileged children for Easter. We haven't decided just what it will be yet, but something that will delight each child. A group of us hope to drive down to


Huntington, to visit the new house in M arch, to give a personal invitation to our April luncheon at Wren's Nest, and to see what they need that we might supply. Chit Chat: Mary Inez Miller is making her husband do a bit more baby-sitting with their two youngsters, so she can go to Morris H arvey College in Charleston twice a week. Libby Pendleton has taken to the hills. She moved to 810-A M arianna Street in Charleston . D anny is , becoming a big boy and needs plenty of room. Polly Barton, who has n't been affiliated with our chapter, but still is an Alpha Sig, has moved to Charlotte, N. C. 'Mat-y Sid Beane Sawyer' s hu sband is running for sheriff now in Kanawha County. - PEGGY WALLACE.

2:Jenuer fiaj Jtahan 2:Jehcaciej ;\; OuR annual Christmas party this year was held at the new home of Edith and Ralph Parsons in Arvada. Dorothy Atschell's husband, Rudy, furnished the entertainment, with his sprig of mistletoe. The January meeting was held at M a ri e Cosimi's home a t Welby. She served dinner instead of a luncheon. We enjoyed several Italian Christmas delicacies that were wonderful! Dora Moscon, the guest of honor, told ug that she will be in town for a few months. It was so nice to have her with us again. Our hostess for Febru ary wa Ruth Ewer . She and Bruce flew out to California for their Christmas vacation. Ruth had such a good time that she stayed for seven week . She served a lovely luncheon. The pre ident, Marianne Lamberty, amu ed us with some anecdotes about her position in the complaint department of the telephone company. Margaret Cudmore, Panhellenic delegate, reported that the Annual Book R eview will be held at the D.U. Student Union Building this year on April 19 ; reviewer, Molly Beresford ; the book, " Bell, Book and Candle." Juanita Emerick and I had the pleasure of visiting the sorority hou e recent! . They have a fine house in Greeley, and ' e agreed that they have a choice selection of pledge



and actives and a channing housemother, Mrs. Lippitt. We are so happy that they are doing so well in every way. Congratulations from the alumnae ! Elsa Fallberg Johnson, one of our most gracious alumnae, has just passed away. She has spent h er life loving and giving to others. She was never happier than when she was planning a shower or party for one of h er many fri ends. We shall miss her very much. Our heart goes o.ut to her hu band, Arthur, and her little daughter, Karen, aged nine, whom she loved so much.- PA ULINE WILLS.

t. SoME of Flint's members have been pretty social-minded this past year. In addition to working on Red Cross favors for children's hospitals as a sorority project, Gretchen Gaffney has been elected president of the Holly Monday Club, a National Federated Women's organization, for the coming year ; and is acting as a co-chairman on a committee to make a survey on the need for a community center in Holly. Shirley Green is fine arts chairman for AAUW. Eloise Howes is still educational director of Flint Community Presbyterian church. Lucille MaWhinney has been recording secretary and president-elect of Flint Classroom Teachers ; a member of the junior high school curriculum committee; adviser for textbook committees ; and has edged out the time to write an article for the English Journal, national publication for English teachers in secondary schools, which appeared this spring. The group has been glad to welcome J ean Frankini and Diane Hatlestad. J ean received her M.A. a t the University of Michigan last summer. Pauline D empsey did not wait for summer, the traditional time for trip reports. She and her family visited in Louisville, Ky., during the holidays, her young son, Dee, wa thrilled with his first train ride. Hostes es this year have been Hazel Schultz, Florence Doyle, Louise L eroy, Eloise Howes, Luella Clapp, Lucille MaWhinney, Gretchen Gaffney, Crystal H earn, Ali e Rabin, and Pauline D empsey.- LuCILLE MAWHINNEY.

fiunlintjlon j



(}rimm t. THE Collegiates will be guests of the Alumnae a t the February meeting, and Mrs. Vinton Doddrodge, an alumna, will tell about her trip out west this last summer. Miss Betty J ane Grimm, contralto, will be presented in a recital here at the Woman's Club, March 25. Miss Grimm's appearance will be ponsored by the Huntington Alumnae Chapter, of which she is a member. Madge Smith Skeens heads the committee in charge of arrangements for the event. Miss Grimm is a member of the Music faculty at Florida State University, Tallahassie, Fla., and i on leave of absence this year for further study in N ew York City. She made her Times Hall debut in 1950. In addition to appearing as soloist with symphony orchestras, she also has been heard as soloist with the famed Robert Shaw Collegiate Choir and with the Vinovar Chorus in Town Hall. She has recorded for Columbia and Victor and has appeared on several NBC broadcasts. She has recently recorded four operatic roles in television films for spring showing of operalogues.-MRs J. E. RicKETTs.

t. FLORENCE ScHMID BAKER will be granted a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Michigan State Normal College in June. Mary L amport Walton and Irene Hamp of Ha~hville, Michigan, have been initiate路d as charter members in Barry County Chapter of D elta Kappa Gamma honorary educational sorority. Willow Wood Cameron is now teaching at North School near Lan ing. Allura Exelby Cu ter has recently joined the Visiting T eachino- Staff for the Lan ing Board of Education doing ocial work with


THE ANCHOR elementary and junior high school students in the city schools. Ellen Brandel Myers and her family expect to be occupying their new Dutch Colonial home soon. Dorothy Martin Brodhead was featured in "Women of the Week" in Lansing State Journal, leading city newspaper, recently. She and her husband expect to move into their new home soon, where she will have ample room to house and work at her hobby of ceramics. Margaret Taylor Craddock has moved back to East Lansing from Birmingham, Mich. She is now teaching at Pleasant Grove School near Lansing. Lansing "Alums" scheduled a very successful rummage sale in the early spring. Flint alumnae and alumnae from nearby towns enjoyed a spring luncheon at the Union at Michigan State College as guests of Lansing Chapter. A large number attended. Visiting and a program were featured.

ing marriage, we began to r aliz how v ry mu h we would miss her when she I ft th group to live the life of an Army Offic y)s wife in the midwest. Our 0 tober m ting was enjoyed in Vivian Scott's new home. At Christmas time w felt th a t we w re having a sorority reunion! So many of the older girls and younger memb rs, who wer home for the holidays, gath ered a t the Pine Tree Inn, near Virginia Beach, not only to partake of the delicious fa re spread before us, but to feast our souls on the delightful Christmas Story that was given on the program. Yes, Mary L ee Maibon Cardwell is truly a wonderful story teller! Margaret Sangster's story, "The Birthday," was beautifully and touchingly told. Now that the holidays are past, we shall gather monthly in the members' homes to plan our spring work ; mainly, how to keep the young girls interested, not only in sorority life in college- but after they leave.-ALFREDA L. CALLINGS.

Pkifade~hia j Jeclure on

JamoutJ r/1/adonnatJ


OuR chapter is headed by Maybelle German, our capable president for thi!> year. Candle-lighting services and a dinner were held in observance of Founders' Day at Riverside Lodge. The Christmas party was held at the home of Esther Rose Knutson, with the usual exchange of gifts. Asi a method of raising money for our chapter, a Stanly party was held, which proved to be successful. We are looking forward to having our April meeting with one of our out-of-town members, Montez Nett of Foxholm. Plans are being made for the Eleanore Bryson Award, which is given each year to the outstanding graduate of the local active chapter.-LILLIAN EIDSNESS.

IJ101路/ofk-PorftJmoufh j Jrauefof!Ue ~

THE Norfolk-Portsmouth group has had several interesting m eetings this fall and winter. At the first meeting, we were eager to hear of the various members' summer experiences, especially Alfreda Collings' 3month trip to Europe and North Africa. But with news of Barbara Kellam's approach-


THE Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter held its Christmas party at Claire J enkin ' home. Ethel Weimar, the president gave an interesting and informative lecture on the famous madonnas, using slides to illu trate. W e were ha ppy to h ave K a thryn M errill from D elta Chapter a ttend this meeting. In J anuary the group lunched a t K enny' R estaurant in Camden, N. J. We were pleased to welcome Jane M essimer H owe, who h as returned to this area, and H elen Sour from the Zeta T au Cha pter. A George W ashington p arty com plete with cherry pi , wa h eld a t Charlotte King's hom e in Februa ry. Final plans were made for the ca rd pa rty and fas hion hO\ , to be held in M arch. The alumnae will entertain the La mbda girl a t their April m eeting. Plan are under way for the annual M others' Day luncheon in M ay, alway a delightful occasion. In June, the girl will picnic a t D ot Fahy's home in Roxborough before tarting on their various vacation ja un ts. v\ e



understand that two of the members, Charlotte King and Jean Gilbert, expect to tour Europe and visit Eleanor H eydrick M cK eeman and family in Austria.-EMILY L . REEDY.

Jechmond-Peterjburg on the Radio ~

Princeton-__Athenj -.JJ.e~j fiouje Jund ~

THE Princeton-Athens Alumnae Chapter has had a very successful first year. Enthusiasm has run high, and we feel that this is only the beginning of better years to come. A joint meeting with the Bluefield Alumnae was held in O ctober at the home of Mrs. Wand a Bradley. The two main topics for discussion were the District m eeting in Harrisonburg and the gift for the Omicron girls at the Founders' Day Banquet. After the business meeting, the girls of the two chapters had a pleasant time renewing old and valu ed friendships. The annual Founders' Day Banquet was held at the Athens Baptist Church. As these banquets are always a source of inspiration, this one was no exception. The alumnae groups of this area took great pride in being able to start a Home Fund for the Omicron Collegiate Chapter. Our November meeting was held at the beautiful new home of Mrs. Lucille W athall. This was strictly a business meeting, at which our plans were made for our Christmas project. Each year, instead of exchanging gifts among ourselves at Christmas, we find that we get a greater joy out of helping some needy family. At our Christmas party. held at the very festively decorated home of J ean Richards, we all broug-ht our gifts and had a gay time of wrapping them . Among the confusion of paper, seals, . and ribbon, Polly Mash came up with a beautifully wrapped present, which won her first prize. After our business meeting in January, Lucille Wathall very ably demonstrated the art of raffia m aking. She explained the many and various uses of raffia, which proved to be of wide interest to all. F ebruary was our month for a strictly social meeting. The home of Mrs. Hazel Mingo was filled with the laughing and chatting of a canasta-playing crowd.- SARAH Jo BROO KS.

WE, of the Richmond-Petersburg Alumnae Cha pter, celebrated Founder's Day with a wonderful banquet at Hotel Rueger, noted for its southern cooking. Afterwards an interesting program was held in the horne of Sally V aughan. The "Streetman Street Man" from a local radio station interviewed and questioned several members. Our hostess, Sally V aughan, won the orchid for giving the correct answers. The program was recorded and broadcasted at a later date. At Christmas we sent gifts to the Children's ward of a local hospital. Later we also sent much needed diapers to the hospital to be used in the Charity Children's W ard . We recently received an invitation to join the City Panhellenic which is being formed in Richmond. At our F ebruary meeting we were glad to have as our guest, Ann R obinson Berry, who has returned to Virginia to live with her parents while her husband is serving overseas. We' re looking forward to a steak dinner which will precede our M arch meeting. Also on our spring calendar will be a " fish fry" which our dates and husbands may attend. Jucl y K ing is now completing plans for th is, which will be our final get- together unt1l next Fall.

St. Jouij' Open fiouje at Centra/ ~


M ANY of the St. Louis Alumnae girls attended the District M eeting at Emporia. Our Founders' D ay Banquet, held at M edart's in St. L ouis, was a lovely occasion. We were, as always, inspired by the beautiful candle-lighting ceremony. Thanks to the girls who worked so hard to make it a huge success. The Christmas holiday season started off with a grand party, given b our acti e chapter . This was followed by an open house a t our central offi e and a card par ty a t H emplem an's rathskellar. Our h liwith h ili day events arne to a clo

THE ANCHOR supper at the home of Alice Vit. W e were all glad to see our out-of-town girls home for the holidays. We have had two supper meetings so far this winter; given to raise money for the Expansion Fund. We were delighted to welcome four n ew members to our alumnae group: Phyllis Blankenship, Clara Fricke, Mary Lou Fondren and Rosalie W ones. Our annual Washington's Birthday luncheon was held at the new Montclair Apartments. The luncheon, followed by an afternoon of cards, was thoroughly enjoyed by all. A reception will be held on March 11 to welcome Miss Dorothy Nace, who will show us slides of our own Pine Mountain Settlement SchooL- CHARLOTTE BoEHM.

;\. THE Shepherdstown Alumnae Chapter celebrated Founders' Day with a covered dish meal at the home of Mrs. Joseph Cepelka. Charles Town, W. Va., with m embers and their husbands and patronesses present. The menu consisted of roast chic~颅 en, gravy, mashed potatoes, peas, macarom, slaw, pickles, salads, home made rolls, coffee ice cream and a large decorated cake, baked by Mi~s Mabel Chapman, chapter president. The evening was spent in a n old-fashioned get-together. The annual Christmas party was at the home of Mrs. Roscoe Payne, Charles Town, at which time members and patronesses spent the evening in singing the carols. In .January we .met with Miss Sarah Cree, Shepherdstown, W. Va. We are planning to go to the home of Miss Eileen Whisner, Sharpsburg, Md., for our next meeting, February 28. In March we are planning to have a silk party which we all are looking forward to with great enthusiasm.-GENEVIEVE PITZER.

SprinCJfie/d j /lrthda~ ;\. SPRINGFIELD, Missouri, Alumnae shared honors with Mr. Lincoln on February 12, because it was our birthday, too. After many


years as an enthu siastic and activ Alumna Club, w were harter d on F bruary 12, 1951. Our tip to oth r clubs is, " Go N ationa!" ; the exp ri nee is most gratifying. The February meeting at Georgia nna Barnaby's was increasingly significant, because Rosemary Ford, presid nt, conduct d initiation services for three girls: Maureta Darr, Alpha D elta '51; Margaret Millspaugh, Aloha Delta '51; and Ann Diem Kivett, Alpha D elta '51. The good year 1951-52 began for us when we bought, prepared, and served, the food for the "Tau Ranch Party," the coli giate's first rush event of the season. (They got 11 priceless pledges!) The 50 girls who came to the Alum Homecoming luncheon at the K entwood Arms Hotel on November 3, "remembered when" all through lunch, th e football game, and while dancing to "Neighbor's" ba nd at the Homecoming dance. In O ctober, three alums attended the District Meeting at Emporia, K a n., along with four collegiates. W e (Donna Klein, Ju anita Parker and Nyda Sebring) found the meeting inspirational ... and good fun . Iota's hospitality was something to remember long . . . and with pleasure. The Christmas buffet supper at Ju anita Parker's country place wa traditionally gorgeous ... and gorge-us! The SMS College Panhellenic Workshop on Mar. 14 and 15, which many of us attended, brought us close to collegiates, alums, sponsors, and na tion al offi ers of all the Springfield sororities. From thi association we gained much new " na tional awareness." H aopy summer vacation to you all and let' s keep close to our collegiate next year . . . they'll be alums one day.- NYDA SEBRING.

:\. THis fall we started our work with the same officers as we bad last year, name! : President, Edith Elliott Canebrake路 Vice Presid ent, Maryalyce (Mrs. Guy ) Cox Coalwood ; Secretary-Trea urer, Lil (Mrs. Joe) Buckberry, War ; Corresponding Secretary Margaret Martin, Berwind ; Chaplain, Mellie (Mrs. Barnes ) Musta rd, Bishop路 Editor,



Mary Jane (Mrs. S. L.) Howard, War; Historian, Edith (Mrs. Amoth) Monk, Tazewell, Va. The September meeting, a regular business meeting, was held at the home of Lil Buckberry, War. The final plans for the year were completed. A "Dutch Luncheon" was enjoyed by the group at the Tazewell Hotel, in October, with Edith Monk and M ellie Mustard as hostesses. In November, Margaret 'M artin entertained the group with a canasta party at her home in Berwind. Lallah Waite and children , Carol and Jimmy, entertained the group and the "Alpha Sigma Children" at the Caretta Library for the Annual Christmas Party. Everyone enjoyed having the children honored this year. Gifts were exchanged by both m embers and children. A "Get-Together" was the fea ture of our January meeting, at the home of Ruth (Mrs. Robert) Dotson, War. The February meeting was a business session held in the Teacher's Lounge of Big Creek high school, War, W. Va. We are all looking forward to our coming Mother's Day T ea.-MARY JANE How-

dria, with our Founder's Day ceremony which followed a delicious meal? Jane Fox, soon followed by .Marie Garber, came into the classification of "newlyweds." W e are fortunate indeed that both couples are living in nearby Alexandria. Full of the spirit of sharing and giving at Christmas time we packed a box of crayons and coloring books for the children at Pine Mountain. In J anuary we sent a huge box of clothing to the settlement. Our White Elephant sale recently was a great su ccess, as Margaret Bowers, our lively auctioneer, spurred us on to dig deeply into our pocketbook . The Wa hington, D . C., Panhellenic, of which we are a member, has provided many activities in which we participate. In F ebruary. Dorothy Ga tes and M ed a Ray Sewell a ttended a tea given by the D elta Zetas. In March, one Saturday h as been set aside for a fashion show, followed by an afternoon of bridge. Yes, we are lending a helping h a nd, bidding farewells to some old acquaintances and a cheery " hello" to n ew ones, and strengthening the friendships in our group, as we work a nd play together.- Jo ANNE CRITZER.


Wajhinfjlon) ::b. C j J arewefg & fief/oj ~ O u R Washington, D. C., Alpha Sigma Tau Alumnae really have been active these past few months, a nd we anticipate many wonderful activities in the months to come. No ooner had our meetings re umed in the fall than M eda Ray Sewell, M adeline J enkins, Dorothy Ga tes, Betty Lipp , and K a thleen K elechner were journeying to H arrisonburgh, V a ., for the District M eeting on the Madison College campus. They reported on the varied a nd numerous activities other chapters. were undertaking and how cha rming and fri endly our officers and s.i ters are. Then we bade far well to M adeline J enkins, who was tra n ferred to San Antonio, T x., to continue her career with the U . S. Government. How could anyone forget our Founder's D ay banqu et at The Old Club in Alexan-


As a na tive St. Louisan, I find m yself switching allegiance to my adopted home - W ichita, which h as grown from a "cow town" to a thriving metropolis within a compara tively short time. M o t of Wichita' major development have occurred during the past six years, and this growth h as brought about a swift ch ange in its "facial" appearan ce. F or example, its changing face includes an increase of one-third in quare-mile area during tha t period. The downtown area ha undergone orne $15,000,000 in face lifting including the addition of a number of modern building . Eighteen thou a nd hou inu unit have been added . Thi i roughly a fourth of all the hou ing unit in the city. The estimated population of Wichita in 1951 wa 201,000 and it i till zoominu. The cit ' population ha grown 88 p r nt the pa t 20 ears, and all but thr per ent of thi incr a e ha o urred sin 19-l-0.

THE ANCHOR With this rapid expansion comes of course numerous problems- traffic incre~se crim~ . ' govmcrease, and so on, but an efficient city ernment has taken these problems in it stride. . Eve~ th~ugh. Wichita is experiencing growmg pams, 1t stii~ has its small-town, friendly a~mosphere, wh1ch we, coming from a big c1ty, find delightful. One of its biggest selling points for me is that all heating is done with na tural gas; it's so clean!- MADOLYN NoLLER.

UA/hamjporl Cnterlainj mrj. Steen ;\, WE enjoyed pictures of Mrs. Robert Smink's trip through the west. The pictures were in color and very realistic. In D ecember we held a Christmas Party at the home of Mrs. Woodrow Wolfe. Each member took a gift, to be given to the children at the Lycoming Nur ery. Greetings were read from Alpha Sigma Tau Collegiate Alumnae Chapters . A film strip, games, and carols completed the picture. Our chapter had a very pleasant visit from Mrs. Joseph Steen, Eastern District President, and Mrs. Franklyn M cilvaine, of Zeta Chapter a t Lock H aven Sta te T eachers College. Mrs. Steen reviewed the work of the sorority in the light of national affiliation and told of the present trends. She also gave an interesting account of her recent trip to the National Panhellenic Conference at Williamsburg, V a . A disc ussion of philanthropic proj ects, supported by Alpha Sigma T au's social service program, was h eld and a preview of the National Convention to be h eld in Chicago in Augu t was given. A very successful benefit card party was held in February a t the home of Mrs. F. John Tietbohl, II. Everyone h ad a wonderful time. W e are now looking forward to our Spring Music Appreciation in April. In May there will be a dinner party, followed by the installation of officers.- CHARLENE SoLT BLANCHARD.


Yrji/anli-_Ann _Arbor Orfjanizej ;\, IN the winter of 1950, Mrs. Rolland Bat s and the Alpha hapter of Alpha Sigma T au planned a Sunday afternoon tea, a nd invited all of the known alumn a . At the tea the alumnae were small in number, but the few of us there planned a future meeting. At our next meeting, in a hom , we added some new faces. The girls that were a t tha t meeting, along with the ones tha t have graduated from college since th a t time, started getting together once a month. Our p urpose a t that time was to get better acquainted with each other. W e had picnic with the seniors, went to a play, and had social evenings in each other's homes. Then this last fall , Mrs. Joyce Riehl and Mrs. Arlene Johnson came from the Port Huron alumnae chapter and gave us many ideas about reinstating our ch apter. F irst of all, we got a list of all the al um nae in this part of the state. W e mimeographed a list for each girl whom we were contacting, so th at she would know who was in this area. Along with this list, a letter was ent to each person telling her the purpo e of the ch apter. We also enclo ed a card, which she wa to return tating her interest or noninterest in the chapter. At our J a nuary meeting, we h ad a good group in attendance and it really seemed good to see all tho e new face. We elected officers, too. They are: M iss Sheil a Stefanac, president; Mr . Virginia Sheets, secretary; and Mi Pauline Bentley trea urer. At our February meeting we added more new girls a nd concentrated on getting better acquainted . On M arch 19, at Mrs. Alice Spencer's, we are hoping Mis Luecking, Pi chapter, and now ad i er for Alpha Alpha a t Ball Sta te, Muncie, Ind. wi ll be with u for initiation. Our plan for future meetings include a pot luck ocial service, and entertainment for the gradu ating seniors. W e are h oping tha t we can attend the convention in Chicago in August. - ALVIRA CRAWFORD SEVERT.

Shirley Benson to Donald Uhrich, September, 1951 Beta Margie Klaus to Dana Potts, December 29, 1951 Barbara Luecke to Dan M cConnell, February 2, 1952 <_eta Caroline Diack to William R. Eisemann, January 21 , 1950 Ruth V . Beckenbaugh to Donald C. Rippey, August 27, 1949 Patricia Fleming to Dean Bartges, December 20, 1950 Eileen Marshall to Guy Bierly, March 22, 1951 Betty Marie Baird to Klye Bressler, January 21 , 1950 Geraldine Petrucci to James Gann, November, 1951 Mary L. Fought to Charles Pfeffer, June, 1951 Gloria Rowles to William Rowles. July, 1950 Jane M. Stover to Ray G. Wolfe, August 22, 1951 Iota Helen H ett to William Gerald Higgins, September 30, 1951 Doris H effner to William Pratt, November 4, 1950 Margie Hall to Ernest J. Chaney, August 26, 1951 Joan Kloxin to Darrol Wilson Carolyn Miller to John Cundith Marilyn Cook to Frank Bretches Sally Jo Pyle to Thomas Curry Lenore McCracken to David Weatherly Martha M cConn to Harold Sauder Helen Wails to Conrad Bowen H elen Kleile to Robert Volck

Nu Pat Whittaker to John Brown, J anuary 5, 1952 Shirley Marcus to Bob Hudson, December 23, 1951 Doris Amston to John Farmer, December 7, 1951 48

Pi J ean Burian to Robert Schuman, 1951 Sigma Grace Gaber to Bruce Smallman, September, 195 1 J eannette M. F addoul to H arry D e Ban, June 16, 1951 Frances Piwowarczyk to Edwin Plachta, August 20, 195 1 J ean Wa tt to Richard V. Booth, September 8, 1951 Chi

Elise Scott to Thomas Comisso, September 8, 1951 Maxine Snyder to Gaver Taylor, September 27, 1951 J eanne Dahlin to Guy Tucker, D ecember 28, 1951

Psi Greta Arney to James Becknor, 1951 Rita ~unton J arvis to John Rice Rippey III, Apnl 21 , 1951 Jean Ann Snedegar to William Lee Gunter, June 16, 1951 Caroline Elizabeth Matthews to James Cooper Wilkins, July 1, 1951 Charlotte Virginia Burford to Alfred Hundley Griffith, Jr., August 8, 1951 Buelah Hunter Owens to Larry Lee Simmons, April 28, 1951 Mildred Ramona Cooter to Carle Graham Hodnett, June 17, 1951 Ann McKenzie to Wall ace Alves, September, 1951 Barbara Ann Croon to Andrew Jackson Beck, Jr., November 17, 1951 Marie Virginia Garber to H . Warden Foley, December 15, 1951 Sylvia Lenore Seibel to Thomas Jeremiah King, Jr., F ebruary 2, 1952 M elba R eid to William H. Seal, January 25, 1951 M ary Franklin Curtis to Donald Roger Thoma , February 2, 1952

THE ANCHOR Shirley Ann Quinn to Bruce King, Jr., February 23, 1952 Omega Lorraine Nelson to Robert Charlesworth Carol Reideselto to M. Helm, July 29, 1951. Helen Odland to Lyle Samson, Aug. 27, '51. Ruth Gehring to Cameron Johnson Meridith Olson to Ernest Dornfield Colleen Posey to James Fisher, June 10, 1951 Alpha Alpha Martha Sue M cFadden to William E. Butler, December 29, 1951 Jane Patrick to Paul C. Wargon, M ay 6, 1951 Barbara R eidy to Charles E. Breisch, September 2, 1950 Nancy Sue Stiffler to K enneth Neff, December 26, 1951 Alpha Gamma Patsy M cPherson to John Gray, December 30, 1951 Emily Jo Wilson to John W. Bissel, November 6, 1951 Janette Barnes to Don Hillman, D ecember 27, 1951 Bobby Nelson to Clinton Graves, February 1, 1952 Alpha Delta Barbara Eagleburger to Bruce Emberton, D ecember 22, 1951 Louise Condrey to Jack Matthews, February 5, 1952

Beta To Mr. and Mrs. John Orcutt (Margie Hanniman ) a son, John, Jr., December 6, 1951 To Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Goddeyne (Marie B. McElroy '49) a son, Leo Pa trick, September 21, 1951 To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wahl (Jean Ann Schulz '50) a son, Robert To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson (Donna Ingersoll '48) a daughter. Lee Anne. September 25, 1951 To Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Topham (M arion Pendeii '46) a son, Robert, Jr. , .July 4, 1949 To Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliam J. Robertson (Margaret Kaufmann '46) a son, Wiiiiam, Jr., April 10, 1950 .(eta To Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Bressler (Betty Marie


Baird ) a daughter, Cynthia Kay, February 27, 1952 . To Mr. and Mrs. William Rowles (Giona Rowles '51) a daughter. Maureen Kay, November 19, 1951 Th eta To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Skar (Martha Carter '46) a son, J erry To Mr. and Mrs. Frank J erger (Sue Kamn) a daughter, Nancy Sue, November 26, 1951 To Mr. and Mrs. Kotula (Henri etta Gontarski ) a daughter, Patricia, D ecember 3, 1951 Iota To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Armstrong (Vivian H erman ) a daughter, Bettina Susan, .January 2, 1952 To Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Kurtenbach (Agnes Haslouer '40) a son, Randall Charles, June 1, 195 1 To Mr. and Mrs. R alph Kurtenbach (Rosemary Haslouer '42) a daughter, C arolyn R ae, April 7, 1951 To Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hargreaves (Lydia H aslouer '44) a son, Gregory, October, 1951 To Mr. and Mrs. Leon Findley (Esther Stevens) a son, Paul Laurence, October 16, 1951 To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crouch (Althea Baer) , a daughter, Sharon Lynn , J anuary 10, 1952 To Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rose (Betty Geist) a son Walter Earl , May 6, 195 1 To Mr. 'and Mrs. J ohn Swayge (Willadea ne Gould ) a son, Gary Lee, December 21, 1951 To Mr. and Mr . L . .J. Paddison (Delores H oner '38 ) a daughter, Barbara .Jean, August 2 7, 1950 To Mr. and Mrs. Wharton Hoch (Nadine Noll) a daughter, Beverly J ean, August 26, 1951 To Mr. and Mr. Robert McQuin (Beverly Harden ) a on, R andall Lee, .Jul 31, 195 1 To Mr. and Mrs. D ean Braden (.Jeanette Auld) a son, by adoption, Dana Allan April 10, 1950 To Mr. and Mrs. M erle Brehm (D arlene R eed ) a son, D ale Merle, September 19 195 1 To Mr. and Mrs. .John Noii (Irene Ste enson '42) a daughter, Nancy Ann, .July 1, 1951



To Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bitler (Dorothy Latimer ) a son, .James Bruce, .June 28, 1951 To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shepherd (Augusta Dickson '44) a son, James, August, 1951 Lambda To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Neff (Betty Hood '42) a daughter, Cheryl Lynn, January 17, 1952 To Mr. and Mrs. James M cK eeman (Eleanor H eydrick '43) a daughter, Louise Kay, January 29, 1952 H elen Nardin, Faculty Adviser, a daughter Chirta Ludwig Lebsack, a daughter Marion Hackley Popham, a daughter Omicron To Mr. and Mrs. E. D . Willis (Freda) a daughter, Grace Gail, February 3, 1952 Pi To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Maleic (Marie Sprenger '44) a son, Gregory Alan, October 30, 1951 To Mr. and Mrs. Philip Everett (.Janice Wrausmann '36 ) a daughter, Pamela Jean, July 26, 1951 Sigma To Mr. and Mrs. Paul G . Burgwalt (Norma VanCamp '50 ) a daughter, Joan Louise, December 6, 1951 To Mr. and Mrs. Augustus B. Chidester (Joan Bauer '49 ) a daughter, Susan Bauer, December 22, 1951 To Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Houck (Freda Frost '48) a son, Melvin, .July, 1949 To Mr. and Mrs. James Parker (Ida Gonseth '35) a daughter, Ida Gail, November 5, 1950 To Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Proy (Mary Kerwin '39 ) a daughter, Janet Mary, November 23, 195 1 To Mr. and Mrs. R evellen Ramaley (Edith Otto '30) a son, R evellen Charles, August 14, 1951 Phi To Mr. and Mrs. Robert D enman, a son, Robert, Jr., November 25, 1951

\Omega To Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson (Betty Carlson ) a daughter, Penny Gail Alpha Alpha To M r. and Mr . .Jame Murray (Dorothy

Ayres) a son, James William, October 4, 1951 To Mr. and Mrs. Notting-ham (Margaret M cGarrell ) a daughter, Mary Emily, September 27, 1951 To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith (H elen H enning '50) a daughter, Karyn J ane, D ecember 1, 1951 To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walters (Elizabeth L arson) a son, Thomas Edward, September 1, 1951 To Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Breisch (Barbara R eidy) a son, Mikie, October 21 , 195 1 To Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bronnenburg (Beth Hamia ) a daughter, Jane Ellen, D ecember 12, 1949 T o Mr. and Mrs. John L aValle (Eleanor Evans) a son, Michael John, O ctober, 1950 To Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cooper (June .Jackson ) a son, Timothy .John, M ay 17, 1951 To Mr. and Mrs. H enry Morris (Martha Willman) a daughter, Sally Alpha Gamma To Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Williamson (M ary .Jane H earne '46) a son, Clayton Lamar, February 7, 1952 Alpha D elta To Mr. and Mrs. William Bodanske (Jonette Schafer '50) a son, William Stevens, .January 2, 1952 To Mr. and Mrs. Art Thomas (Wilma Wise '50) a son, Arthur Edward, Jr. , O ctober 7' 1951 To Mr. and Mrs. Tames Ball (Rowena Kirkham '44) a son, David Lee, November 28, 1951 To Mr. and Mrs. John Stone (Ann Brandon '49 ) a son, John Brandon, August 13, 195 1 To Mr. and Mrs. Earl Viets (Judy Webb '49) a son, Paul David, December, 1951

D enver OuR SYMPATHY. To Arthur Johnson and daughter Karen on the loss of Elsa Fallberg .John on, D enver Alumnae, wif and mother路 to Iota Chapter on the lo of Eve! n Johnson Cade and to her husband Dudle '路 to Sigma Chapter on th lo of Arline ull H ag! and to her hu band, Leonard.


~ireclor'J Housing - Miss Joyce Carter ( Alpha Epsilon), 922 !/2 W. Bdwy, Bradley, Ill.

NATIONAL COUNCIL President-Mrs. S. Carl Robinson (Pi), 9437 Talbot Dr., St. Louis 23, Mo. Vice Presidents in Charge of Organit;ing :-Mrs. Joseph Steen (Sigma), 136 Doncaster Rd ., Kenmore, N. Y.; Mrs. L. J. Maher ( Pi) , 2512 Hamilton Pl., Peoria, Ill. ; Mrs. J. Waldo Hinshaw ( Iota ), 27 Hardith Hill Ct., St. Louis, Mo. ; Miss .Janet R. Calfee (Omicron ) , 87 Princeton Rd ., Bluefield, W. Va.; Mrs. Harold Wenzel ( Upsilon ) , 2216 Northwest 34th St. , Oklahoma City. N.P.C. Representative-Mrs. Haswell E . Staehle (Al pha), 481 Torrence Road, Columbus 2, Ohio

Life Membership-Mrs . Leo J . Gaffney (Beta), R.F.D. 3, Holly, Mich. Memorial L oan Fund-Mrs. Emmet C. Phipps (Omicron ) , Box 331, Mt. Hope, W.Va. Mu sic- Mrs . E. C. Twork (Alpha) , Route 2, Box 157, M ason, Mich . News Agency-Miss Genevieve Repeta (Theta) , 2634 Medbury, Detroit 11, Mich. Pledge- Miss Natalie Haglund (Beta ) , 624 So. First, Alpena, Mich.

Secretary-Mrs. Haswell E. Staehle

Program- Mrs . Lee J. Wright (D elta ), 1530 Williamsburg Pl., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Treasurer-Miss Margaret Macdonald (Sigma), 673 Richmond Ave.,. Buffalo 22, N. Y.

Rush-Miss Rose Marie Schmidt (Theta ) , 5106 Harvard Rd., Detroit 24, Mich.

Editor-Mrs. Parry F. Schippers (Pi), 5300 Sutherland Ave., St. Louis 9, Mo.

Social Service-Mrs . Preston Hamilton ( Omicron ) , Box 84, Dott, W. V a.

Chaplain and Historian- Miss Elinore De Cou (Lambda), Apt. 111 B, Park view Apt., Collingwood, N.J.


CENTRAL OFFICE 5641a S. Kingshighway St. Louis 9, Mo.



CENTRAL OFFICE ASSIST ANTS Personnel-M arga ret OrÂŁ Printing-Betty Alles Collegiate Records-Janis Marshall Alumnae Records- Jun e McCarthy Stenographer- Dolo res Albrecht NATIONAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Alumnae- Miss Elizabeth Wilson (Pi), 1008 Kuhs Pl., St. Louis 17, Mo. Awards-Mrs. J. E. Gaughan (Psi), 6815 Eleven Mile Rd ., Centerline, Mich. Convention- Mrs. Francis Graflage (Pi ) , 10310 Capitol Dr., St. Louis 21 , Mo. Courtesy--Miss June McCarthy (Pi ), 4602 W. W. Florissant, St. Louis 15, Mo. Endowment- Mrs . Meade McNeill Box 171, Athens, W. Va.


Examinations- Mrs. R . V. Fox (Alpha Alpha), 610 West Centennial Ave., Muncie, Ind .

NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE Chairman- Mrs . Willia m H . Hutchinson, 5545 Penrith Rd., Seattle 5, Wash. Secre tary--Mrs. Robt. C. Byars (D elta Gamma ) , 7327 Stafford shire, Houston, Tex. Treasurer- Mrs. George M. Simonson (Gamma Phi Beta ) , 20 Lorita Ave., Piedmont, Calif. College Panhellenics Committee-Mrs . Harry H . Power (Alpha Chi Omega), 2600 Woolridge Dr., Austin 21, Tex. COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS Alpha (1899)-Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Mich. President - Gloria Wedge, 32T' King Hall, M.S. .C ., Ypsilanti, Mich . Adviser-Mrs. R . B. Bates, 20 S. Normal, Ypsilanti, Mi r h . Alumnae R epresentatives-Mrs. John Riehl, 1678 McBrady St., Port Huron, Mich. ; Mrs. H . E. Staehle, 481 Torrence Rd., Columbus, Ohio. Beta (1905-1917; 1940 )-Central Michigan College of Education, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. President- J eann e Gleason Clark, 1010 S. Main, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Adviser- Mrs. Mary Garvin, 501 So. College, Mt. Pleasant, Mich . Alumnae Representatives- Mis Florence lade, 11 3 So. 5th St ., Saginaw, Mich.; irs. R. D . Fra er, 14591 Ardmore, D etroit 27, Mi h .


Gamma (1900-1913)-Wisconsin State College Milwaukee, Wis. ' Alumnae Representative-Mrs. Gra nt Hinkamp, 4031 N. Downer A_ve., Milwaukee, Wis. Delta (1916)-State Teachers College, Indiana, Pa. President- Ali ce Jon es, S.T.C ., Indi a na , P a . S.T.C ., Indi an a, Pa. Adviser-Mrs. Alma Gasslander, S.T.C., Indiana, Pa.; Miss Arvella T errell, 52 South 9th St., Indiana, Pa. Alumnae Representative-Mrs. Frances Clark, 221 Gilliland PI., Pittsburgh 2, Pa . . Epsilon ( 1919-1923; reorganized as Lambda, 1926)-Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. Alumnae Represen tative- See Lambda Chapter. Zeta

(1921-194'8; 1949)-Lock Haven State Teachers College, Lock Haven, Pa. Presid ent-Mrs. D oris M arasa, S.T .C., Lock Haven, Pa. Adviser-Miss L ydia Gross, 20 So. Fairview, Lock Haven. Pa., Dr. Edna Bottorf, 215 E. Walnut, Lock H aven, Pa. Alumnae R eprese ntative-Mrs . Franklin McIlvaine, R.F .D. 1, Dunnstown, Lock Haven, Pa., Mrs. R alph W olfe, 2 18 W. Ba ld Eagle St. , Lock Haven, P a.

Eta (1927-1939)-Kent State University, Kent, Ohio Alumnae R epresen tative-Mrs. Albert Wick, 13820 Shaw Ave., E ast Cleveland, Ohio. Theta (1923 )-Wayne University, Detroit, Mich. President- K athl ee n R aleigh, 689 St. C lair, D etroit 14. Mich. Advis~r-Mrs. L. L. Smith , 80 W. W arren, D etroit 12, Mi ch . Alumnae R epr~sentatives-Mrs. H. T. M ei ter, 17344 Evans ton, D etroit 24, Mich .; Miss Helen Traskos, 6470 Appoline, D earborn . Mich. Iota

( 1923 )-Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kan. Presiden t- Carol yn H eghin, 1006 Cons tituti on , Emporia, K a ns. Adviser-Mrs. Roy Durham, 1005 Constitution, Emporia, Kan . Alumnae R epresenta tives-Mrs. Bett y R ose, 62路1 W est 6th, Emporia , Kan .; Mrs . R alph Kurtenbach , R . R . 1, H erington, K an.

Kappa (1924-1929)-Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Alumnae Representative-Mrs. R. M . R einert, 136 Mavern Ave., Hamilton, Ohio Lambda ( 1926)-Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. President- Gwyn e K ell y, 2045 Bleigh St. , Philadelphia, Pa. Adviser-Mrs. James Barnes, 8121 Cedar Rd ., Elkins Park, Philadelphia, Pa. Alumnae R epresentatives- Mrs. D onald Young, 266 E. M eehan, Philadelphia , Pa ., Miss M abel Schreiber, 511 Ches tnut St., L ebanon, Pa.


Nu (1928-1940; 1948)-Colorado State Colleg of Education, Greeley, Colo. P resident- Irene J sser, 17 15 l Oth Ave., reel y, Colo. Advise rs-Mrs. Arn o Lu k r, 1721 21st Ave. ; Mrs. J ames N ardi n, 1937 Ninth Av ., Gree ley, Colo. Alumnae R pr s ntativcs- Mrs. Howard Elgin, 1224 12th Ave., Greeley; Miss .Juan ita Em erick, 3033 W . Hi ghl and Park Pl., D nvcr. Xi

( 1929-1933 )-Western State Teachers College, Gunnison, Colo. Alumnae R eprese ntative-Miss Grace Quinb y, 129 Eleventh Ave., H avre, Mont.

Omicron (1930)-Concord College, Athens, W . Va. Presid ent- M ary Edna Becke tt, Athens, W . Va. Advise rs- Miss M ae Hunter, Athens, W . V a. ; Miss Mildred Dransfi ld , Concord College, Ath ens, W . V a . Alumnae R eprese ntatives-Mrs. H aro ld Browning, 559 Stratton St., L ogan, W . V a .; Mrs. P res ton H amilton, Box 84, D ott, W. V a. Pi ( 1930)-Harris Teachers College, St. Louis, Mo. Presi d ent- Pat Seib, 1227a Geyer, St. Lo uis 4 Mo. Advisers- Miss .Julia K ohl , 5816 J amieson, St. Louis 9, M o.; Miss Juli a K. Murray, 3506 H awthorne, St. Louis, Mo. Alumn ae R epresentatives-Miss Jun e McCarthy, 4602 W . W . Florrissant, St. L ouis 15, Mo. ; Mrs. Wm . Vit, 39 14 M cDonal d, St . L ouis 16, Mo. Rho (1932-1948; 1949 )-Southeastem State College, Durant, Okla. P resident- Nita Flo K enn ed y, 924 W . Elm St., Dura nt, Okla . Advisers- Miss I rene Scrivener, 1525 W . Elm ; Miss Mild red Rilin g, 904 W. Elm ; M i s R uth H a ll, 324 W . Plu m, D urant, Okla. Alumnae R epresenta tive-Mrs. William Swafford , 13 11 . 6th , Du rant, O kla., Mis Mary Mcintosh, Box 236, Caddo, Okla. Sigma (1925)-State Teachers College, Buffalo N.Y. Pres ident- Patricia M aue, 1979 H ertel, Buffalo, N. Y. Adviser-Mrs. Lillian M cK enn eth, 1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo 22, . Y . Alumnae R ep resenta tives-Ruth O chs, 319 P arkside Ave., Buffalo, N. Y .; Mrs. H arold Peterson, 230 K nowlton Ave., K enmore, . Y. Zeta Tau (1935)-Longwood College, Farmville, Va. P res ident- D orothy Boswick, Box 81, Lon gwood College, F armville, Va. Advis er-Miss Virgima Bedford , L.C ., F a rmville, Va. Alumnae R eprese ntatives-M rs. R . W. Baile 路, Box 4155, Richm ond , V a. ; Mr . A . . V aughan, J r ., 2407 W ed gewood ve., R ichmond, V a. Upsilon (1935)-Arkansas State Teachers College, Conway, Ark. President- M a rth a Ki ng, .T.C., Conwa , . rk.

Alumnae R epresenta tive-Mrs. Earl Williamson, Box 55 1, V ivian, L a.

Adviser -Or. Ada Jane Harvey, 730 D onaghey, Conway, Ark. Alumnae R epresenta tives-M iss Judy F errell, 1716 Battery St., Little Rock, Ark.; Mrs. E . P. Whitley, J r. , 3401 W. Capitol Ave., Little Rock, Ark. Phi ( 1940) -Southeastern Louisiana College, Hammond, La. President- Dolly St. Germai,ne, Box 537, College Sta ., H ammond, La. Advisers-Miss M a rgaret Lowe, 310 W . C harles, Hammond, La.; Miss M a rj orie Miller, 612 W . Charles St ., H ammond, La. Alumnae R eprese ntative- Miss M arilyn M itchell, 209 N . C herry St., H ammond, La.

Alpha Delta ( 1948 ) -Southwestern Missouri State College, Springfield, Mo. President-R oseanne Crooks, 1919 N. Grant, Springfield, M o. Adviser-M rs. Don Sebring, 1234 E. Minota, Springfield, Mo. Alumnae R epresen tative-M rs. J uanita Phillips, 2133 Cinderella D r., Springfield, Mo. Alpha Epsilon (1948)-Western Illinois State College, M acomb, Ill. Pre iden t- Colleen Bax ter, 308 W . Adams, M acomb, Ill. Adviser-O r. H arrie t C. Stull, 316 Dudley, M acomb, Ill. Alumnae R epresen ta tive-Mrs. Opal Pr uitt, Tiskilwa, Ill.

Chi ( 1940-1948; 1950) -Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, W. Va. President- Ph yllis Stuckey, 342 Boyd, M ar ti nsburg, W.Va. Adviser-Miss Sara H elen Cree, Shepherdstown, W. Va. Alumnae Representative-Mrs. Roscoe Pay ne, P.O. Box 546, Cha rles Town, W . V a.

ALUMNAE GROUPS *Chart ered Albuquerque, N ew M exico Mrs. R ob't D ahnert, 1920 Campus Blvd ., Apt . 17. Baltimore, Maryland M rs. W . J . D eane, 4042 Ed gewood Rd . ( 15)

Psi (1944)-Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. President- Lucy Grove, M adiso n College, H a rrisonburg, V a. Advisers-Miss H elen M. F rank, M adison College, Harrisonburg, Va.; Dr . Mary Latimer, 477 E. Market, H arrisonburg, V a. Alumnae R eprese nta ti ves- M r . T . ]. Ki ng, .Tr., Eng. Office, Ordn ance D epot, Anni ston, Ala.; Miss Ruth Thompson, Box 106, Rt. 1, Broa dway, Va.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana M rs . Gilbert Langsdorf, 949 orth Blvd . *Beckley, West Virginia M rs. Emme tt Phipps, Box 331, M t. H ope, W. Va.

Omega (1945}-Minot State Teachers College, Minot, N.D. President- J a nice Lorenze n, M.S.T .C., D akota H all, Minot, N . D . Advisers-Miss L ouise R eishus, 515 8th St. W., Minot, N . D. ; Miss Virginia Williams, 104 2nd St. S.E . Alumnae Representa tive-Mrs. W. Skowronek, 402 4th Ave. S.E., Minot, N. D .

*Bluefield , West Virginia Thelma Wilso n, 329 R ogers St. *Buffalo, N ew York M rs. L . W . Porter, 33 M apleridge Ave. ( 15 ) *Charleston, West Virginia M rs. J . M . Bailey, 5 143 K en t ucky S.W., So. Charles ton, W . Va. Chicago, Illinois M rs. L . J . Cashman, 2631 Estes Ave. (23)

Alpha Alpha (1945)-Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Ind. President- J oan Sharb ak, S.T .C., Muncie, Ind . Adviser- Miss Evelyn Luecking, 203 Winga te Apt., 4 10 N. M cKinley, Muncie, Ind. Alumnae R epresenta tive-Mrs. R . B. Cross, 206 N . Martin, Muncie, Ind.

*Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. Alfre d J an d t, 841 H elms dale Ave., Clevelan d H eights, Ohio Columbus, Ohio M rs . H . E. Staehle, 48 1 T orrence Rd. (2} Dallas, T exas M rs. W . D . White, 4224 H awthorne Ave. Dayton, Ohio M rs. R obert H emm, 5 17 L akeshore Rd ., C ryst al Lake, M ed way, 0 .

Alpha Beta ( 1946) -Marshall College, Huntington, W.Va. President- Miss Evelyn Fulbright, 528 16th St., Huntington, W . V a. Adviser-Mrs. Xavier Burdette, H odges Hall, Marshall College, Huntington, W. V a. Alumnae Represe nta tives-M iss Dorothy Buzek, 57 20 P ea Ridge, Rd ., Huntington, W . V a. ; Mrs. Spencer A. Gillette, 396 Fores t Rd., Huntington, W . V a.

*D enver, Colorado M i s M arianne L ambert y, 12 80 Albion *D etroit I , Michigan M rs. Floyd Pohl, 5810 Bishop (24 ) *Detroit II, Michigan Mr. K. H . ye, 188 E. Buena i ta, Highlan d Park 3, Mich. Durant, Oklahoma M rs. W m. Swafford, 1311 . 6th t. Elkhart, Indiana Miss Betty el on, 625 1aple R o,

Alpha Gamma (1946) - H enderson State T eachen College, Arkadelphia, Ark. President- E mma Sue Smith, H .S.T .C., Box 123, Arkadelphia, Ark. Advisers-Miss Amy J ean Greene, H .S.T.C ., Arkad lphia, Ark.; M rs. Sa ra h Von Horn, Arkadelphia, Ark.


*Emporia, Kansas Mrs. Melvin Proethe, 822 Merchant *Flint, Michigan Miss Crystal H earn, 4 13 E. Fifth St. ( 3) Fort Worth, Texas Mrs . C. V . Thornton , 3827 Bellaire Circl *Greeley, Colorado Mrs. Bert Gardner, 1624 15th Ave. Greenville, Michigan Miss Florence M . Slade, 11 3 S. 5th, Saginaw, Mich. Highland Park, Michigan Miss Edith Mansell, 161 Highland ·*Huntington, West Virginia Miss Clara Closterman, 1025 9th Ave. Hutchinson, Kansas Mrs. J. H . Corsaut, 520 W. 9th Ave. "·Indiana. Pennsylvania Mrs. Claire Specht, 207 S. lOth St. Kansas City, Missouri Mrs. Gerald Gutzman, 43 26 Roanoke Pkwy., Apt . 403 *Lansing, Michigan Mrs . Robert Kimmich, 110 W. Gra nd Rive r Ave. Little Rock, Arkansas Mrs. K enneth Francis, 11 2 S. M artin Los Angeles, California Mrs. T. J . Pritchette, 226 W . V ernon (3 7) Memphis, Tennessee Mrs. R . J. Coltharp, 3450 Spottswood Miami, Florida Mrs. C. D . Williams, 733 5 S.W. 18th St. Rd. *Minot, North Dakota Miss M aybelle German, 105 Thompson Apt. Morris-Ottawa, Illinois Mrs. Joe Koom a r, 1014 Liberty, Morris. I ll.

DISTRICTS AND PRESIDENT S Central District: Mich., Ill., Ind., Ohio, Wis. President- Mrs. L. J. M aher, 251 2 H ami lton Pl., Peoria, Ill . Eastern District: N. Y., Penn., N. J ., M e., N. H., Vt., Mass., Conn., and R. I. President-Mrs. J osep h Steen, 136 Doncaster Rd ., K enmore, N . Y. Northwestern District: Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, N evada, and all other states north of these and west of the Mississippi River. President- M rs. J. Waldo H inshaw, 27 H ardith Hill Ct., St. Louis, Mo. Southern District: Va., W. V a. , K y., Md., D ela. Tenn., N . C., Miss., Ala., Ga., Fla., and S. C . President- Miss J anet Calfee, 87 Princeton Rd., Bluefield, W. V a . Southwestern District: Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Texas, N ew M e....Uco, Arizona, and California. Presiden t- M rs. H arold B. Wenzel, 22 16 orthwest 34th St., O klahoma City, O kla.

Mt. Clemens, Michigan Mrs. M arybelle Baker, 665 Huntin gton D r. Mt. Pleasant, Michigan Mrs. C . R . Owens, 1019 S. Franklin -~Muncie,

Mrs. St.

*Pittsburgh, Pennsyl va nia Miss M argaret Be son, 19 E . M ain St., Carnegie, Pa. '"Port Huron, Michigan Mrs. Arlene S. J ohnson, 1607 nion *Princeton-Ath ens, West V irginia M iss Ann Ea ton, 70 3 Harri son St., Prin ton Pueblo, Colorado M rs. Ro y Smith, 801 M innequa "'Richmond-Petersburg, Virginia Miss Pa tsy Sours, 2708 Monum nt, R ichmond *Roanoke, V irginia M rs. T . J. K ing, J r., Eng. Offi ce. Ordnance D epot, Anni stOn, Ala. Seattle, Washington M rs. Stewart H ockom, 12 53 S. !56th ~-sh eph e rd stown , West Virginia Miss Mabel C hapman, Sh arpsbu rg, Md . ·"·Springfield, Missouri M rs. Juanita Parker, R t. 10, Box 171 ·X·St. Louis, Missouri M iss Ag nes Popovchek, 2127a Ann Topeka, Kansas Mrs. Tom M cH enr y, J r., 808 Mu lvane ~k War, West Virginia Miss Edi th E lliott, Canebrake, W. Va. *Washington, District of Columbia M rs. M eda R ay Sewell , 654 1 Will iamsbu rg Blvd., Arli ngton 13, Va . Welch, West Virginia M rs. Lena Caporo si, Box 607 ·*Wichita, Kansas M rs. Wayne R ussell, 22 63 Greenwood ·X·Wi!liamsport, Pennsylvania Mrs. D ent Bowser, 631 Beeber St. Youngstown , Ohio M rs . K eith M cGowen, 2368 Midlothian Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor Sheila Stefanac. 706 E. niversi ty, Ann Arbor. Mich .


J. Carl Humphrey, 1001 W. Washington

New York, N. Y. Miss Anita Barr, H enr y Hudson H otel ( 19 ) Norfolk, Virginia Mrs. R eggie Scott, 204 Granby Park, ( 5 ) Peoria, Illinois Mrs. John V an Cleve, 111 Clifton Court, W . P eoria *Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Miss Ethel W eimar, 200 Loney St. (II ) Pine Bluff, Arkansas Mrs. Wm . A. McEntire, Rt. 3, Box 106


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