1955 January ANCHOR

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;\; THE Fjfth Triennial Conference of the Eas tern Dis trict of Alpha Sigma T a u was held a t th e W a rwi ck Hotel Philadelphia ' ' ovember 13, 1954. The b usiness meeting was called to order by tihe D istrict President, Lucile H . Steen. D evotions were led by Elinore D eCou, N ational Chaplain. The address of welcome was given by Cha rl otte King, who in turn introduced Mrs. S. Ca rl R obinson, National President. She bro ught greetings from the Iat ional O rgani zation and sounded th e th eme for th e Conference : Fra ternity, Education, E thics a nd Ideals. R eports were given by Pa tr icia M aue o n a F ra terni ty Survey ; Sall y Sturm on F ra ter ni ty V alues; Consta nce Feduska on F ra ternity Ethics ; M able Schreiber on The Alumnae R epresen ta ti ve ; Anne V anZa nt on Collegia te-Alum nae R elationships; Florence M a rcotte on Alumnae. The group wa th en ta ken on a tour of cen ter city with the Phil adelp'h ia girls ac ting as hostesses. The aftern oo n schedul e was devoted to two discussion groups : one on Alumnae led by J ean Gi lbert and one on Coll egiates led by M a ri e Furia . A summ a ry mee ting was th en h eld, br inging together th e two groups. The climax of the Confe rence was th e banqu e t whi ch was held a t th e H o tel featuring a n addres by Mrs. H elen E. H eydrick, Pennsylva nia Sta te M oth er for 1954. H er subject was " The Art of Living Together." Betty Alli son, T oastmistress, introduced the gues ts : Miss Gertrud e Peabody, D ea n of Vl' omen, T empl e U niversity, a nd M rs. M ary P. Ross, Pa troness of La mbda Chapter. The N a tiona l Officers were introduced after w hich the !banqu e t was broug ht to a close with th e singing of th e Frate rnity H ymn.R u TH F. KNAPP , S ecretaTy.

t T HE genera l session of the fi ft h distri ct mee ting of the Cent ra l D istrict of A~ T was ca lled to ord er by Mrs. E . F . Peterson, Distri ct P resident, on O ctober 30, 1954, in th e Little Thea tre of the Trai ning School, Wes tern Ill inoi Sta te College, M acomb, Illinois. The theme a nn oun ced for the meeting was " Atta ining A ~T I dea ls." Follo wing this, th e group repeated the Creed . Group singing was led by Georgann a H ast; Mrs. R icha rd F rowein led devotio ns with the group pa rti cipa ti ng in the Sorori ty Prayer a nd th e Sorority H ymn . Mr. Allan L aflin, Director of Alu mn i Services, ,.Y. I. S.C., extend ed greetings from the College. Pa t Onn by, presiden t of Al pha Epsilon C ha pter, welcomed m embers to th e meeting ; Ca rol Arnd t, delegate from Beta Cha pter, responded to the welcome. All m embers attending the meeti ng introd uced themselves giving th eir nam es a nd c ha pte represented . M rs. H . T. M ei ter was asked to serve as treas urer fo r the meeting; J oyce Ca rter acted as recorder. M rs. R . B. C ro p resented th e topic, " Wha t a n Alu mna Expects of a Collegiate." Following this M ax in .Jame spoke co ncern ing " Wha t a Coll egiate Expects of a n Alu mna." Evelyn L uccking add ed to th is series with " An Ad viser Speaks." D ea n Ru th L. Zimmerm a n of Wes tern Ill inois Sta te College presented " F rom a D ea n's Vi ewpoint. " A d iscu ion peri od foll owed in which th e pre iden t tres ed the importa nce of cooperat ion between alumnae a nd eollegia tes a nd of each member doina her pa rt in mai n taining the ideal a nd ta nda rds of A}lT. Announcemen t for the a"'e nd a for th e day were given by the general cha irma n, H enrietta Berning. Stand ards Chairm a n, Mrs. E. F . Peterso n, di played new styles in offi cer and collegia te

robes and an altar cloth. The $47.50 satin altar oloth met with the approval of delegates ; some dissa-tisfaction was registered with the design of the proposed officer ro'be. Members expressed interest in the collegiate robe displayed providing it would be possibl e for chapters to make 路their own robes. Suggestions were made .for a different type crown. The meeting was adjourned at noon to reconvene at 1: 00 with an alumnae representatives meeting and with collegiate and alumnae group meetings at 2:00 o'clock. The group met for luncheon a t the college cafeteria. Dr. Frances Whitehead of the Busines Administration department of W.I.S.C. was the guest speaker. Representatives from the other sororities on the campus were guests. Group meetings included: Alumnae R epresentatives 路M eeting led by Mrs. R. B. Cross ; Alumnae M eeting led by Mrs. Floyd Phol; and Collegiate Meeting led by Rose M a rie Schmidt . Mrs. L. J. Maher discussed the need for expansion and suggested ways collegiates can help in the expansion program. The afternoon general session was called to order a t 3: 30. Reports were heard from the recorders of collegiate and alumnae g roup meetings held at 2:00. A discussion period following revolved about rushing procedures and was led by Rose M arie Schmidt, Pledge and Rushing Chairman. lt was announced that the next National Convention is to be held August 16, 17, and 18, 1955, in Roanoke, Virginia. The motion was made by Pat Long and seconded that the recorder send notes of thanks to the hostess chapter, the college administration, and other individuals helping to make the district m eeting a succes . The motion carried. Thanks were extended to the hostess chapter Alpha Epsilon, for their efforts in planning the district meeting. An announcement was made tha t the Macomb-Carthage Alumnae Chapter would be insta lled immediately following the Founders' Day banquet to be held in the even mg. The fifth m eeting of the Central District was adjourned at 4:15- JovcE CARTER, R ecorder.


r/orlhwe:dern ::lJijlricl rf!eeling SP.RINOFIELD, lLLINOIS, 13, 1954


<t ALPHA DELTA CHAPTER began the Northwestern District Meeting on November 13 by serving rolls and coffee, followed by regi tration in the Student Union Building on Southwest Missouri State College Campus, Springfield. M eredith Hinshaw, Pre ident of the Northwestern District, called the first session to order. The devotional was presented by June M cCarthy. Roll call was made by Binnie M. Williams, Alpha D elta Alumnae. Following roll ca ll two telegrams were read from the National Council and the N ational President extending best wishe for a successful meeting. N yda Sebring, Alpha D elta Alumnae, introduced S.M.S. Dean of Men, J. E. Bane who gave a short welcome to the assembly. A panel opened a discussion on rushing and expansion. The panel consisted of Lucille Anderson, Nu Alumnae; Shirley Za bel, Nu ; Elizabeth Wilon, Pi Alumnae; M ary Burris, Pi, a nd Lynn Schmidt, Iota. Following the panel's lead, an open discu sion was held during which the assembly asked ques tions and offered suggestion and ideas. One question, "Why is it important to develop na tional feeling?", brought out the necessity and need of this feeling to boeh rushing and expansion by showing its importa nce in all A~T activities. It was also brought out that all members of both groups should b e thoroughly advised of all National Office correspondence since some members of the assembly were unaware of all that is offered by the a tional Office in help to chapter . It was also decided that t~e collegiates write two letters yearly alumnae and outline the colle!riate to .their . . b activities and work during the year. The collegiates in the Nortihwestern District also plan to start a round-rabin letter !rivin<T ide路a s and suggestions to the other coll~"ia te cha pters. Nu Chapter starts the letter forwarding it to Iota . Iota then sends it on to A'l pha Delta, who forward it to Pi. Pi

then will send it on to Nu, etc. Summaries of the morning session were made by M eredith Hinshaw, pointing out the most important and vital factors in rushing and expan ion. 'Meeting was adjourned for lunch in the ca•fet eria af the Student Union Building. A talk was given by Mrs. Irwin C. Brown, Secretary-Treasurer of the AI ph a D elta Mothers' Club. Mrs. Brown gave a bri ef summary of the Club's work. At 1 :30 p .m. the afternoon session began with a collegiate group meeting and ·an alumna.e group meeting. At 2: 30 p.m. all gathered in the Ballroom for a showing of new robes and altar cloth. Two Alpha Delta collegiates, Donna F·ite and Tanya Annstrong, mod eled the robes for the assemlbly. The robes were approved, but it was questioned as to the durability of the material of the robes whidh was heavy satin. If a pattern could be obtained from National and more suitaJble m aterial than the satin shown the as embly decided th at more chapte~ could fin ance new robes. A tea given by the Alpha Delta Mothers' Club was held from 4:00 to 5: 30 p.m. at the Sorority H ouse. Hostesses for the tea were Mrs. M . L . D avis; Mrs. R. C . Thompson; Mrs. R. E . Fitzgera ld ; M rs. J. D . Armstrong, and Mrs. Irwin C. Brown. Activities came to a close a t the Colonial Hotel at 7:00 p.m . with a banquet in the Missouri Room. Toas tmistress K ay Hine, Alpha D elta, welcomed Meredith Hinshaw and introd uced special guest Bertha N. Wells, D ean of Women of S.M.S., who gave a hort talk. Other N a tiona] Officers present introduced lby M iss Hine were June M cCarthy, Life M embership Chairman, and Elizabeth Wilson, National Alumnae Secretary. Speaker .for the evening was Mis Jerry Burrough, a Springfield High Sohool student, who spent three months a:broad as a n exchange student in Germany. A film, "Hospitality Unlimited," from the Roanoke Hotel, Roanoke, Virginia, which is the next National Convention meeting place, was shown . The A~T H ymn was sung as the banquet was brought to a close.WINNIE MAE WILLIAMS, S ecretary.

Soulheajlern :lJijlricl f!l!leeling RAiDFOR D, VIRGINM, NOVEMBER 20, 1954 1

t THE triennia l meeting of the Fourth District of A::ST was held at R adford College, R adford, West Virgini a, November 20, 1954, with the Alpha Lambda Chapter acting as hostess. The business meeting was called to order by the District Pres id ent, Miss J anet Calfee, at lO : 30 a. m. ·in the McGuffey School. Ann Ea ton conducted the devotional. Evelyn Fulbright, Huntington Alumnae, was asked to serve as secretary and Jean Shelton, Alpha Lambda, a; treasurer. The N ational President, Mrs. S. Ca rl Robinson, was introduced first, followed by representatives, delegates, a nd m embers of collegiate chapters. The Alpha La mbda Chapter entertained with A::ST o ngs. Bl anche D aniel, Alpha Lambda Fac ul ty Advi er, was introduced and extended greetings for the hostess group. Mrs. Robinson spoke briefly stressing that we must build carefull y and well over a long period of time to build a strong sorority. J anet Calfee an nounced that the Fourth District will be the hostess group for the a tional Convention in August, 1955, in R oanoke, Virginia. All chapters in the district will be call ed upon for various duties in preparation for the convention. An in itiation robe was displayed which will be considered for adop tion as our official robe in August, 1955. J oan Pease, Psi, gave an interesting discu sion of Dr. Nola-Stark Rogers' article, "Why Sororitie Survive." Workshops were held in the aft ernoon session fo r collegia te and alumnae groups. Alpha Lambda Chapter entertained faculty m embers, guest from other campus sororiti es, and the delega tes a t a tea in Ingles H a ll. In the evening a formal banquet was held and the candlelight ceremony was observed. The meeting was concluded after breakfast a t the hotel on Sunday morning. 3

group; (B) Tie philosophy and religion into one program.


III. H uman R elations: This topic cowld be stressed during rush season . The meeting adjourned for luncheon at which the speaker wa M rs. L etha Hendricks. The aft ernoon meeting wa called to order by Miss M cCarthy. Topics cliscussed were rushing, recommendations, and alumnae chapters. Life membershi p fees were discussed and several problems were brought forth - such as, wha t ha ppens when a member drops out of school whose fees are not paid ? We wen t on to the topic of where we hold our meetings, when, and the typeformal or informal. A problem with most of the cha pters was how to make money and the following are a few suggestions: ( 1) Sell food in the dormitories; ( 2) Sell cookies, candies, etc., to the high schools ; (3) Sell coat hangers to th e clea ners ; (4) Rummage sales ; (5) Sell magazine subscriptions; (6 ) Sell sta tionery; ( 7) Sell Christmas cards. The meeting was adj ourned by M iss M cCarth y a fter Mrs. Whitley reminded us of the dinner.

t THE meeting on O ctober 30, 1954, was called to order by the acting pres ident, June M cCarthy. The prayer was given by H arolyn Pierce, Rho. Miss M cCarthy announced the appointments of secretary and treasurer for the district : Marylyn Geiser of Phi and Upsilon Alumnae representative, Norma J ennings, respectively. Greetings were read by the secretary from: Dorothy R obinson, The National Council, and Elizabeth Wilson. A discus~ion on the robes followed and they were well accepted b y the group except for one thing- the material. Suggestions were made to change from the sa tin to a washa.ble faJbric, i.e.; polished cotton or cotton jersey. Dr. H arvey lead a discussion on the programs for the coming year and h elpful hints were given. I. Fin e Arts: (A ) Combine all fo rms of fin e a11ts into one program ; (B ) H z.ve a program to stimulate interest in fin e a rts instead of one particular phase. II. R eligion:

(A ) Go


church as a

I Note Change in Convention Dates I August 16, 17, 18 Roanoke, Virginia

Entered as second class matter November 25, 1937, at the post office at St. Paul, Minn ., under the Act of August 24, 191 2. "Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage provided for in Section 34.40, P.L. and R., 1948 edition, paragrap h d, Act of February 28, 1925; 39, U. S. Code 283, was au thorized O ctober 10, 1949. , THE A NC HOR of Alpha Sigma Tau is published during the mon ths of November, January, April , and Jul y by Leland Publishers, I nc. , The Fraternity Press, official sorority publishers to the sorority at 2642 University Ave., St. Paul 14, Minn . Subscript ion price, $3 .00 per year. Editorial Office: ~~I rs. Parry Schippers , 5300a Sutherland, St. Louis 9, Mo.


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