Your National Council meets informally in a beautiful pastoral setting at the farm home of Mrs. Earl F. Peterson. National President. Another Council meeting to 'discuss the problems and progress of our sorority is planned lor May in Columbus, Ohio.
;t.. " A coll ege sorority* is not just a rooming house, a boarding club, or a con veni ent soci al hangout. If it is not much more than these things, it has no reason for b':ing. A sorority is an experience for a young woman of high character ; an experience a lmost spiritual. It offers the opportunity to learn and exercise res ponsi bility. It offers the pride that lies in group achievement. I t offers the warm friendships that last a lifetime. The sorority is the young woman's home away from home. The sorority, by its very ideals expressed in ritual and the bond of sisterhood, teaches honesty, cou rage, sympathy for the righ ts of others; all the quali ties that you an d I as parents want the young woman to learn. The sorority, in short, builds gentlewomen."
*Borrowed from "What is a Fraternity?" by W. Hubert Beal of Drlt K, pp, Epsilon in his lrtter to parents of new mt>mbers of that fraternit •.
llHIE ANCJHIOR. o/ .A~ha Sitjma Jau VOL. XXXII, NO. 3
SPRING, 1957
In This Issu e ... ANCHOR is published in October. January, April, and July by Leland Publishen, Inc ., The :Praternity Press, official sorority publishers, at 2642 Unive,;ity Avenue, St. Paul 14, Minnesota. Subscription price; $3 .00 per year. Bound ANCHORS available at Central Office. THE
Background of the Coming Crisis in Hi g her Educa tion ....
Margare t M artin- Interpreter for th e Hungaria ns ............
Dr. Ada J a ne Writes from Australia .. ....
Announcing District M ee tings .. ...
Flora Overs ted t, Th eta, T eaches th e H and ica pped
Your Courtesy is Showing .................. ........... .... ...... ... .. ..... .
... ....... .... .... 10
The Future H omema ke rs of Amer ica ..... Send all editorial material and pictures to National Editor, Mrs. Francis Grallage , 10310 Capitol Drive, t. Louis 21. Missouri.
* Send change of address, vi tal statistics, in memoriam not1ces, and all sorority
C ity P a nh ell eni cs Su rvey
........... ........ ...... ........................... 14
Miss America P agea nt ..
Congratulations, Roge r Staehl e
The Edith E. Gl atfelter Award ......
R eport of the Schola rship Awa rd s Committee
Top Ta us ............................. .. .. .. ..... ................ .. ...... . ..
Coll egiate News
AJpha Sigma Tau Central Office, 564la South Kingshigbway, St. Louis 9, Missouri.
* Entered as second s lass material November 25, 1937 1 at the post office at St. Paul, Monnesota, under the act of Augwt 24, 191 2. "Aeceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage provided for in Section 344(), P.L . and R. , 1948 edition, parag'!'aPh d Act of February 28, 1925 · 39 U . S. Code 283, was authorized October 10, 1949."
A Sorority is Highly Perso na l
ews .... .. .. ........ .
. n Invi tation to Mi chigan D ay
.... ... ............ +8
........ ................... 60
COVER I-Miss Kitty Grant. Chi, is crowned Homecoming Queen at Shepherd College by the presfdent of the 1946 graduating class. Mr. Lewis. COVER IV-Thetas, dressed as cowgirls, won top place for their Western Booth at Wayne University's Holiday Carnival. They were ably assisted by The Kappa Chi Fraternity.
Incoming freshmen take tests at Iowa State College. Typical of American colleges everywhere, a record number of students were enrolled.
Background of the Coming Crisis 1n Higher Education· ~ THE speca lists in higher education can foretell the future with a good deal of certainty. What they see ahead is indeed an overwhelming increase in co llege and univer ity enrollment. In 1900 on ly four out of a group of 100 young people of college-age were in co llege. At present, more than 30 per cent enroll in institutions of higher learning. The birthrate was low during the depresion and therefore school enroll ments were relatively low. Then came the end of World War II . Th e men returned and saw good prospects of stability with the well -known G.I. Bill ncouraging higher education . It may even b sugaested that there wa a pentup demand for marri age and children just a th r wa for refrig rators, cars, and hou ing. Time were good, so there was no n d to postp ne th decision to havr hi!-
•Fa ts wer
obtained from th e N.E.A.
dren. The birthrate went up, sharply. The resulting tidal wave of children has hit the elementary and junior high chool and will next year inundate the high school. Colleges will be next. The Bureau of the Census in F ebruary, 1956, reported that " the number of person of college age is now at it lowest point in 25 years. . . . The co llege-age group i now made up entirely of persons born during the depression years, wh en birth rates wer at the lowest point in our hi tory." But, a the report on " Population Estimate ," although there is con iderable uncerta int about the proportion of college-age youth that will a tually enroll in college-, ' the trend ha been sharp! up' ard in the pa t. .. ." In fa t although th oil ge-agr gt up is clown, oll g enrollments re up . L
Th e Imp ending T idal TVa t•r Th men an
Registrars and Admissions Officers has prepared a report which deals with these various statistics. It has done an expert job of it under the title "The Impending Tidal Wave of Students." This report shows that- at current rates of 31 per cent- the enrollments in higher education w ill double between 1952 and 1971 , from 2.1 million stu dents to 4.2 million. The report then shows what will happen if retention rates continue to go up. With a rate of 40 per cent the 1971 enrollment will be almost 5.5 million students. With a rate of 50 per cent- and this is entirely reasonable in the framework of American tradition a nd experience-t he enrollm e路1bt will treble to reach a peak of more than 6.6 million fr eshmen in 1971 . This is the crisis in higher education: The student body will double within twenty-five years, and it is quite possible that it may treble. Colleges an d universities currently are operating near their capacities, as measured in buildings a nd faculty. Conservatively, the need is for a doubling of all fa cilities-twice the num ber of trained teachers, double the building capacity, and double the financial expenditures. What is the Solution?
Fortunately, the crisis is not insolubl e. The function of the expert is to spot a trend before the layman does, and the experts in education have been spotting, thinking, and working on ideas which offer some promise. This involves experiments in education al TV sponsored by grants by th e big foundations, statistical studies by the National Education Association, reports and compilations by the American Council on Education, spadework by the U. S. Office of Education, and experimental resea rch by the
Association for Higher Education. The findings have been breaking into print. The public's interest is being a roused, its knowledge extended. Th ere are increasing signs of public awareness, of pub lic concern, and finally public cooperation. This is demonstrated by greater legislative support of public coll eges and universities ; increased provision for scholarships; greater encouragement of teaching as a career; strengthening of endowment fund s, of libraries, and of the economic status of the faculty. Th e Most H opeful Sign
Some states have launched thorough surveys to determine their needs, to decide whether they want to provide additional junior colleges as a way of meeting the coming tidal wave. Other states propose to increase the number of sta te colleges to provide more teachers. All of them are alarmed at the inroads being made by industry into the pool of teachers. They fear that industry may be eating up the seedcorn. Probably the most hopeful sign is the general agreement that America needs skilled and educa ted man power and woman power, that there is little danger of producing too. many educated young people who won't be able to find jobs. On the contrary, in the light of the Soviet threat, in the light of America's growth, there is a uni ted resolution that the crisis in higher education must be solved for our individual and national benefit . And united resolution will bring with it the kind of action-private and public, spiritual and material- that will break the bottleneck- MARY HASTINGS H . PAGE. Chairman, Education C ommittee, National Panhellenic Conference
--- Welcome ... Harrisonburg Alumnae! t THE Alumnae Chapter at Harrisonburg, Virgini a, was installed O ctober 11 , 1956. by Mrs. Richard Snidow, Southern District President, with Chi a nd Shepherdstown Chapters assisting. Mrs.
Atlee Cline is the president.
Margaret Martin
Acts as a Link between Refugees and People of Roanoke
Margaret Martin. Omicron, acts as interpreter lor the Hungarian refugees in Roanoke . Virginia.
;\". Mis s ::YiARGARET MARTIN, Omicron Cha pter ( 1941 ), has been one of the helping hands which have gone out to and still are aiding Hungarian refugees. Th e e refu gees who began 路 flowing into this country from revolt-torn Hungary at Christrna time h ave been scattered throughout thi country. Th e particular group that ::Yfiss M artin has been aiding are tho e who have immigrated to Roanoke, Virginia, wh re he i a m ember of th R oa noke lumn a hapter of lph a Sigma Tau. lth ugh the Roanok Ministers' Confer<路n e I a ta ken care of th e financial a i ta n e a nd housing of th se r fu gce , ther rrm ined a gr at barri e r b tween th r fu'C<路s and those who wou ld aid them- tha t ban ier ' as lang uage . The Hunrraria n
spoke no English and the mm1sters poke no Hungarian, but through the work of Miss Martin and h er associates the barrier has become surmountable. Although born in this country, Mi s Martin's mother immigrated here from Hungary a nd Miss Martin and her two isters were taught to speak Hungarian in their home.
.H R
Interpreter for the Hungarians
as interpreter an d will continue to do this work as new refugees move into the area. Those '~ho are in Roanoke now are all employed, housed, and are taking English lessons at night. Mis l\'f a rti n attended Concord Coll ege in Athens, W est Vi rginia, and was graduated in June, 1941, with an A.B. degree majoring in biology and phy sica l education. She did grad uate work at W e t Virg mJa ni ve rsity and Marsha ll Coll ege. In A ugu t, 1950, he r eceived a Master of A rt in ed ucati onal guidance. Miss Martin taught in the public schools of W est V irginia in McDowell County un til 1953. inc the fa ll of 1953, she has been on the faculty of vVilliam Fleming High School, R oa noke, V irginia.-MARTHA DONALDSO
"Refuge es and the Lan guage Problem " t THE reception being given th e group of tw enty-fiv e Hungarian refugee who anived here recently is heartwarmin g. Roanoke has taken th ese unfortunate casualtie of th e s uppress ion of th e heroic revolt in Hungary to its bosom. Cloth in g, food, fund s and employm ent have been offered a lm ost to excess. It would seem that Roanokers, like most Americans, a re trying in this hour to do for th ese refugees what we feel should have been done for all the refugees who have roamed Europe since 1939. No small measure of credit for the a!-
together happy circum sta nce whi ch brought th e twenty-fiv e new lives and gave Roanoke a group of new citizen who will prove to be a va luab le add iti on is du e the R oa noke fli[ini ters Conference. That group of clergymen conceived th e id ea of welcoming th e g roup here and ha since seen to th e day-to-day need of th refugees . Individual mini ster have labored ;-troun d th e clock to find th e necess iti es of life for th e rrroup. / Rut in th e fi eld s whe re something mo1~ than the pure des ire to help is required, th e mini sters find th emselv es in deep water. Th e chief obstacle keeping members of th e group from taking jobs, providing for th emelves and becoming members of th e community in th eir own ri ght is language. Not one of th e refugees speak English. ot one of th e mini ste rs spea ks Hun garian. It has proved imposs ibl e 111 ome ca ses for th e men to hold job. obta in ed for th em, due to thi s ba rri er. So far th e onl y link between th e re fu gee and the E ngli sh- peaking worl d have been Tom Grossman and Miss Marga ret A. Ma rtin . Grossman's employers mad e him ava ibbl e at full pay as an interpreter wh en th e re fu gees arrived. Mi ss Martin took adva ntage of th e school holiday just end ed to offer her services as an interpreter. Without Mr. Gross man. who himself esca ped Hungary in 1947 a nd now is an industrial engin ee r here, and Mi ss 'lartin. a teacher at vVilliam Fl eming High School who e moth er immigrated here from Hungary, much of what ha s been done toward surmounting th e language barri er would have been imposs ibl e. FROll·r
Th e R oan oke World-
e1: •s.
Dr. Ada Jane Harvey is Alpha Sigma Tau's National Program Director. Having retired from teaching at ArkanSas S tate Teachers College, Conway, Arkansas, she writes to her beloved girls while on her trip around the world. At this point she was in Narrabeen, New South Wales. Australia.
Dr. Ad路a Jane Writes from Austra I ia N ew S outh Wales, Austmlia D E AR
I never cease to be intrigued by the diffe rences in la nguage a nd pronuncia tion he re. I have fri ends who work in " labor' atories" a nd who sit for exami nations. A politi cia n stands for a n offi ce. After a ll one mig ht as well "stand" as " run ," I gues . Yo u fo llow a " track in the bu h" when you go " dee r sta ll ing. " A " hotel" m ay not have a sing le room to rent it can be just a pub. \\'h at we a ll a sid wa lk is the pa vement a nd what we ca ll pavement is the roadway. mew here in th e leal is a " foo tpa th ." \Vhcn I was a mong the gey e r the guide ca ll ed th m "gu 'C- rs" som etime a nd T'd l k round f r a shabby, old ma n. Would y u lik t hea r a b u t my trip 'O far? W ell! H re g cs:
I ai led from San Francisco on the Lurline, a beautifu l ship with a cuisine out of this world. Five days later we a rrived early one morning in Honolulu. Charles a nd T ommie, my nephew and niece, cam e out on a tug to m ee t m e with leis and a kiss with each one. On the dock we re the children istet'S, all with more lei . a nd Tommie' I wa so thri lled and surprised over so m an bea utiful leis- even two orchid one among them . T he isla nd is mor bea utiful th a n I exp cted . Th ban a n, the monke pod, and n befo re. the breadfruit trees I had n eve r Wha t a love! ' hade th
a n unfor 路 Tt > as b
mad e a pattern on the star-lit sky a nd th e Mary K. San ds) wrote to Christchurch and moon played hide and seek. The floor show they wrote to Dun edin to tell th m I was was typically Hawaiian a nd very lovely. coming. The res ult was that I was rece ived After three weeks, along came the Orcades most cordi a lly in both citi es a nd in vited to their hom es eve ry night I was in eith er one. a nd I h ad to go . It is a great, big ship and It was most enj oyab le and the venings was loaded with British and Australia ns. W e stopped a day at the Fiji Island , a nd a round a little gra te fire was ve ry delightI learned a bout "savori es" and I saw t-h e sights including a n ative vill age . ful. "sponges" (ca ke) from th em. Wh en we reached Auckland, N ew ZeaI toured around South Isla nd from snowy la nd, I left the ship and started a tour of Mt. Cook to a launch trip on Lake Wa ikiNorth I sla nd . It is true that ew Zea la nd is a tourist's para dise. It h as bea utiful bu sh . pitu a nd then fl ew to Sydn ey, Au stra li a . And green sh eep p addocks, snow-covered moun - here I am now in a subu rb with my cou in tains from which dash huge rivers, roads J ea nie a nd her hu bane!. They have a m <; L adorab le cottage on a h illsid e overlooking that wind through mountai n go rges , a nd la kes where fi sh frolic in spite of the fish e r- the oc an . Th e place is surround ed with trees, fl owers, a nd birds- a most lovely spot m en. You even see deer and mounta in goa t<; a nd most lovely people. on the hillsides. N ext week I go to th e Olympi c games. Th e first stop was at Waitomo Cave . The torch is now being carried down th e Have you ever h eard of th e glow-worm cave? You rid e sil ently into this dark grotto east coast a nd will reach Sydney tonight. I am having a wonde rful time a nd I in a boat, turn a corne r a nd th ere you a re 路 have met such interesting people everywhe re. in a cave shining with millions of tiny lights made by the glow-worms. The on ly such one If a ll those whom I have in vited to visit us arrive, Constance and I wi ll have a continuin the world, they say. Then I went to th e geyser region and saw ous house party for a year. And so I think it would be a good idea for you to com e, mud pools and cl ear pools boiling madly and too, m eet th em , a nd help us e nte rt a i:~ them geyse rs spouting all over the place. The America n sty le. native Indians don't h ave cook stoves, they C heerio , cook in the steam a nd hot water. AnA JAN E HARY EY After a stop at Chateau where I saw sonie fin e skiing I went on the W ellington. H ere I stayed a week with m y cousins, Mary and Nan Lambie. Mary is a retired nurse a nd Announcing ... has been d ecorated three times for he r contributions to public welfare. We a re proud of her. One nigh t sh e took m e to a m ee ting of the F ed eration of University Women. It S' ou th ern District ... ..... .............. ...... .. ....... . was a supper m eeting in a big, cold room O ctober + 1, 12, 13, 1957 with one li ttle electric hea ter. Omicron, Concord College I was hove ring near it when a wom a n Athens, West Virginia sa id, " Oh, how hot it is in he re," a nd turned C entral D istrict .. .. .. .. ... .. ....... ... ... .. .. ......... . off the stove. Pretty soon a nothe r woman November 2, 1957 opened a couple of windows!!! We Ame riAt Ypsilanti, Michigan cans will never understand their feeling Nor / hwestern District ... ...... ........ .... ... ..... . about cold. Only their wa rm friendship F all , 1957 kept m e comfortable that evening. And as At St. Louis, Missouri it turned out one of the greatest pleasures I had in New Zea land was th e fri endship of Others to be announced in Summer ANCHOR the University Women. The president of that branch (a fri end o f
District Meetings
Teaches the Handicapped t ONE evening th e phone rang. A total stranger wanted to come and talk to m e. She had found that her daughter had cerebral palsy and she was broken h earted a nd unwilling to accept the situation. The county welfare worker, a friend of mine, h ad sent her to me. The outcome of this was the attempt to form a council to aid cerebral palsy. However, clue to the faCt that many cerebral palsy victims are mentally retarded a nd there were many other retarded children that needed help,路 a name was decid ed on. It becam e the Kosciusko County Council for R etarded Children . After a few m eetings and the hard work of a few parents (I was not one as our Mary Ruth, aged 12, goes to public school ) someone aid, " vVell, all we need to get tarted is a teacher and a child." So I
Flora Overs tedt, Theta Alumna, teaches the handicapped and cerebral palsied children of Kosciu'sko County, Indiana. Shown with her are hus band, Robert, and daughters. Elizabeth and Mary Ruth.
vo luntee red my service for one month without charge. W e had ten children each day. We played gam es and some were a ble to have lessons. The school is still operating with a teacher and assistant and the h elp of most everyone in the county. This may in time become part of the public school program. T eaching has becom e an avocation for me. During the time we have lived in Milford, when I was not a regula r teacher, I h ave gone into the homes of children too ill to go to school, and with their doctor's permission and the cooperation of the school system, brought these students up w ith their fellow students in school. In this way they were able to return to their regular classes when well again. Rheumatic fever is the biggest reason for this service being offered, although I've taught children with cholera a nd muscula r dystrophy. I have h ad many wonderful experiences in teaching the grades a nd biology in high school. After World W ar II we moved from D etroit, Michigan, to Milford , Indiana. (Milford is a small town of 1,000 population.) A new experien ce opened up for me when I wa asked to teach in a on e-room rural school in Elkhart Coun ty. There were a great number of the Old-Order Amish children in the school. It was a mo t enlio-hten- 路 ing three yea rs I p ent with them. M y d au o路hter, Elizabeth, a 路ed b is in the eventh grade and i on the Honor R oll.
r 'i:rept
in her spec h. THE A
Your Courtesy Is Showing BY GENEVIEVE REPETA,
National Courtesy Chairman
AN American ns1tor to Europe can tell, J efferson , a nd uph eld by popular favor and by the manner and the mode of speech, aspiration. W e cannot expect, nor do we the social gra de and education of almost wish, to give to the busy workers of our land every man, woman, and child he m eets. the fine, formal, elaborate m anners of royal The European visitor to America has no courts; but, on the other hand , we are not such guides in dealing with p ersons whom willing that any of our people shall have h e m eets on the streets or in railway trains other m anners than those whi ch result from and h otels. In Europe for centuries past the what was known of old as "good breeding." differences in educa tion and association have Th e importance of edu cation in manners been so great as to m ake and mark a wide is due to the fact that a knowledge of social and d eep distinction between the courtly customs and social usages is almost as necesmanners of the gentleman and those of the sary to civilized man as a knowl edge of how shopkeeper, the m echanic, and the boor ; to ea rn a living. If men and women did not and the effects of that training are every- know and observe the rule of the "turn to th e right" their movements along any street where evident. In ou r country the opposite or highway would be a continuous disturbcourse has been taken, and wherever manance of traffic, not only annoying, but li abl e ners are taugh t at all they are taught as to become dangerous a t an unexpected parts of a universal democracy. Th e aim at an equality of manners began moment. So, it is with every other social with the found ers of the R epub lic. They custom. The young man or woman who does not know the rules of bu siness or of social showed this aim as markedly in social intercourse a in their political campaigns. A life is frequen tly ill at ease, awkward, confused. and unable rightfully to exert powforeio-n minister once observed Thoma J efferson lift his hat in response to an old ers of speech or action when opportunities Negro who had bowed to him as he passed . offer for making friends that m ay be of " I am urprised, Mr. President," sa id th e greater importance than will come again for yea rs. minister, " that you take off your hat to a It is true tha t righ t m anners resul ting from slave ." " Why," replied J efferson, " I should good breeding tend toward health ana good not li ke to have a slave more polite than I condu ct and obedience, but they ha~'e aiso am ." a virtu of their own. They deman d for An American sailor landing in England their attainment: first, control of petty irrishortly a fter the close of the W a r of the R evolution, took a first class seat in a stage tations , capricious likes or di likes, careles coach, but was told to get out, as such seats ness of speech, rudeness of acti on, and all form s of selfishness ; and, second . considerawere reserved for gentlemen. "I is a gentletion for others, kindliness or will, gentlen es man," said the sailor. " Who made gentleof word and sentiment. The daily exercise m en out of m en like you?" asked the coach of this control and this consideration for guard . " G eorge Washington," said the sailâ&#x20AC;˘ others reacts upon the impulses or proces e or ; and he kept hi seat. W e have, th en, a democracy of m ann ers, of the mind and tends to produ ce excellenr established by Washington , illustrated by of character. ;'t
The Future
Ardythe Machesney Browning, Alpha Epsilon. advisor to the national president of the Futu re Homemakers of America, teaches home economics in the Alton Publi c School system.
advi sor to an organization of youth. Youth who arc th e Futu re Homemakers of America; youth who wi ll be in the homes of America in th e futur e. vVhat a challenge this creed has been to me as it undoubtedly should to advisor. all over th e nation when we rea lize that \\"e are sharing in building those future homes through our training of today' youth. I pray that we adults are giving th e proper training and guidance o that t ruth , love. security and faith will be in rea lity. Being vitally interested in the development a nd progress of th e merican family - especially the teenager-was the imp tu which prompted me to major in home economic ed ucation at W e tern Illinoi - tat Co ll ege. I knew that the teachino· of homemaking would kee p me in clos ontact with the teenager on a teacher-pupil ba i. and as an aclvi r-pupil ba i . for n of • my res [ onsibiliti a a vo a tiona I h me.\:. T111' a.b v w rds of the " FH reed" making t h r '> oull be t act as have a grea t de 1 f m aning t m a an visor f r a chapter in th Futttre FHA CREED 1-f"c arc the Fut ure Homemak ers of America. W c fa.ce the future with warm .::o urage .-l ni high hope. F or we have the clear couscioumcss of seeking Old and precious values. For we are the builders of ho111 cs. ll o111 es for Am.erica:s .. /l am es where living will be th e express ion of evc1·ything That is good and Hom es w h ere truth and love and securitv amd faith lf' i/1 be real-ities , not dreams. IVc are the Futur e H om emakers of A merica. ll 'r face th e f uture 7Vith war m co urage . lnd high hope.
THE .\
Homemakers of America BY Al<DYTHE MACHES NEY BROW N I ~G
1lpha Epsilon
makers o f Am eri ca organization . FHA or th e F uture Homemakers of America, I might explain , is the national organization of pupils studying homemaking in junior and senior high schools of th e United State and Territories. As an integra l part of th e program of home economics in the schools of America it offers opportunity for the furth er development of pupi l initiative in planning and carryi ng out activities relate to homemaking. Th e Future Homemakers of Am erica brin o-s togeth er state groups interested in and working toward better home and fam ily living, provides opportuni ties to share in olving probl ems important to hom e life, and pon ors groups proj ects, local , state, and national in scope ; it increases opportuniti es for th e developm ent of lead er ship a nd intelligent participation o much needed in a democratic soci ety. Future Hom emakers of Am er ica is an incorporated, non-profit youth organization. It came into being through the coopera tive effort s of youth enroll ed in hom emaking in secondary schools in buil ding a national organization of th eir own in whi ch th ey may develop social quali ti es and promote better hom e li fe for th emselves and th eir fami li e . It is thi s desire to improve hom e and fami ly life that makes FHA unique among youth groups. After g raduating from WI C in 195 1, my hu band, who is an indu tria l art mtructor, and I accepted position in th e THE ANCHOR
A lton P ubli c School system whe1:e \\" e still remain . At pre ent we both are instructors in the O lin Vocationa l School which is a part of th e Alton Seni or High School. For the past four years I have taught one area of home economics- clothing- and hared th e responsibiliti es of being co-adv isor of our loca l FHA chapte r with M iss I rene Li ebig. Ours is an active chapter with a membership of eighty-two girls. Two me&tings for th e entire gr oup are held monthly ; one busin ess meeting and one eel uca tiona 1 or socia l meeti ng which i in keeping ,,-ith th e th eme chosen by th e ex ecutive council when th e program is planned. It
As part of the "Get-Acquainted" party, the incoming sophomores are shown the classrooms they will attend in September.
pnse you to know tha t th e chapter's program i plann ed durin g th e summ er month s pr c ding th e fa ll term. Activiti es range from correcting a per onal g rooming or posture problem to planning family fun ni o·hts to as isting with comm unity drives. Activitie are varied and interesting but far too numerou to elaborate upon furth er. Th e chapter is e pec ia lly proud this year beca use one of it member s, Mis s Ca rol Ann P ierson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Pi erson, wa s elected a tional FHA P res id ent last July 4 at the at ional F uture Homemaker s o f Ame rica Conven tion \\"hi ch wa s held at th e Conrad-H ilton H otel in Chi cago. Some two thousa nd g irl s and five hundred advisers attend ed th e meeting. In rega rd to th e electi on of office rs, each region o f th e country elects three national offi ce rs. Th is r otates each yea r so that each r egion has a chance sometim e to have a p1·esident. Thi yea r it wa s Central R egion's tim e to elect a pres iden t. Ca rol Ann beca me a candidate for Illinoi ' nom in ati on for national pres ident wh en she was nominated by her chapter. Th en she was chosen the ll lin ois cand idat e fr om th e twenty-three sections. At th e ationa l Convention she \\·as elected from a group of four ca ndi dates, each com in g fr om a different stat..: in th e Cent ra l R egion. As national pres ident Carol represent F HA at ya rious com ·entions, 'meeting and forums throughout the nation and pres ides at a ll National FHA mee tings. It wa my good fort une to be one of the five hundred ad vi so r who a ttend ed the con ven tion. . eeing an attractive seH·nt een-
Here a s mall group of local FHA entertains incoming s ophomores and transfer s tudents at a "g \-acquainted" coke party. I~
Ardythe Browning, advisor, and Carol Ann Pie rs on, national p reside nt of the Future Homemakers of Ame rica, attend the n a tion a l FHA con vention a t the Conrad-Hilton Hote l in Chicago.
yea r-o ld g irl who is from a n average Amerjcan home and fam ily elected to serve as pres ident of an organization that has a membership o f over 400,000 in th e United State , H awa ii , Guam, P uerto Rico, A laska, and th e V irgin I slands made me very conscious that I was living and teaching in a democrat ic oc iety. It was a n espec ially pl easant expe ri ence to be ap poin ted to serve a loca l advisor to the nationa l president. As her ach·i or some of my duties consists of: \\"Orking- \\"ith the loca l school admi ni trators and her parents in regard to speakin g engao·ement s, making travel a rrangement . keep ing the _tate and national FH adYi or informed on progress o f the offi er' activitie . h !ping to prepare speeches, helping the officer acq uire the ability t act \ ith p i-e in all o ial ituat ions, el ting uitable loth in"' to take on trip -a nd- t trawl with her to her \'a riou engageme nt.. T Ia t \\' C haYe tra eke! :1ppr ximat ly S,OOO miles. l uring· this t r. v 1 laro l ha~ haJ the
HE Ar .H R
"A sorority is highly persona I" ;\. A SORORITY is a highly personal, closely knit group whose primary purpose is to provide a good social, in the larger sense of the word, experience for its m embers. Its very manner of operating depends on a congeniality of background and interests and it is for this reason that membership selection has always placed emphasis on personal relationships. Contrary to what seems to be the thinking of some people, sororities were not designed to solve the problems of a mixed society, nor are they experimental cells for sociological study. They were designed to provide the security of association which allows an individual to develop with self-confidence those latent qualities of leadership, abili ty and responsibility which might not develop in a less appreciative atmosphere. Destroy this close association of mutual appreciation and you have taken the essence out of sorority. To ask a group of young students to solve one of the most vexing problems of our present day society is to place a burden upon that group which is not equipped to carry. It would seem far wiser, even from the sociological view, to allow for the formation of more of these closely knit groups as the need occurs than to force the existing groups to take in m embers to whom they are not yet ready or able to extend the complete association of sorority sisterhood. Because sorority membership is national, it is conservative. Taking into conside ration all the varieties of social structures in this country, an 路attempt is m ade to reach a "norm" for each group, so that a m ember may move freely (as all Americans seem to do) from one area to another and find acceptance with a new local group. Again we must accept the need for some degree of conformity as m embe rs of a group . This does not limit th e individua l, however, who is free to make friends outside h er sorority as she chooses. THE ANCHOR
Sorority membership does not deny an individual the right to m a ke friends regardless of race or religion, and the advantages of the wide contacts available on the campus of today are of great benefit to a ll its membe rs. Moreover, there are campus organizations better fitte8 to cope with the problems of a mixed society. It is here that the sorority girl, trained in leadership and responsible group techn iques, can make her contribution to the campus. It wou ld seem fitting th at the e groups should work at perfecting th eir own procedures rather than attempting to remake the socia l groups. W e all would question any regulation which would limit the right to be educated or to ea rn based on race or religion, but we also question the right of individuals outside our groups to insist that we allow them to dictate to us regarding the makeup of what is essentially a family group. I sn't this the other side of the coin when it comes to freedom of associat ion? These same people would resent our assumption of the right to dictate as to the people with whom they shou ld associate. There is no simple answer, but we can reach regimentation and infringem ent of personal liberties from one side or the other of a circle. In asking for greater rights for minority groups do we endanger the rights of all? Sorority m embership is not based on negation but on affirmation. They are not against anyone, but they do believe the United States Constitution gives them th e right to choose their membership as wisely as they know how and within the framework of the purposes of their organizations. Your National Panhellenic delegate asks that thoughtful consideration be given to this discussion and that every effort be made to understand fully the implications of some of the seemingly "easy" solu tions of this difficult probl em.- RosrTA HoPP S NoRDWALL, National Panhellenic D elegate, Alpha Chi Omega in "The L yren of AXO.
City Panhellenics Survey ;.\". THROUGH the official magazmes of the thirty-one sororities in the National Panhellenics Conference, the City Panhellenics Committee wishes to present a survey based on the biennial reports received this year. Because of the many facts we wish to present, this article is being co~densed as much as possible into outline rather than literary form. Each year the chairman sends three bu lletins to the president of each affiliated City Panhellenic. We are wondering to what extent the information in the bulletin reaches each sorority represented. Would it be more effective to print some of the materia l in th e magazines rather than in the bulletins? Of the 226 City Panhellenics to which we sent blanks for the biennial report only 152 returned them. These reports show that 81 ,03 7 members are represented in these 152 groups. This seems like a large number until we realize that at the 1955 Conference the report showed that there were 815,696 m embers in the NPC sororitie . W e hope .this year to increase th e number of City Pa nhellenics so that more than te n per cent of th e sorority m embers are represented. There are three main reasons for City Panhell enic , one being th a t they provide opportuniti es for increa ing a nd renewing fri endhips. This privilege is es pecially welcomed by sca ttered alumna e who a re too few in nttmbe r to ha ve orga nized ch a pters of their respective sororities . To a iel groups in contac ting a ll a lumnae thi yea r, we a re enclosing in th e Sep tember bull etin a list of the Ce ntra l Offi ce rs whi ch ca n supply lists of a lum na . On e soro ri ty ha sugge ted th a t each C ity Pa nh ll ni add it nam e to the Welcome · \'\ agon li. t. This would b a go d way for ro rity m mber · to establish a pa nlt elle ni c con ta t in a n w ity. Th e se ond r as n is se rvi e a nd thi ~ topic has many phases. F o r one thing Cit • Pa nl H' ll (' nics offe r a big s rvi c,· to ~o ro riti es
themselves through fraternity education and master files. In our survey we found that 128 groups have an annual program of fraternity education and 114 had master files . Every year one of the City Panhellenic bulletins presents new ideas on these topics. Then there is service to the colleges. The report showed that 84 groups granted schola rships, a total in 1955- 1956 of $36,991. Thirty-one groups have loan funds which total $29,071. Awards in the form of trays cups, money, etc., are given by thirty-four City Panhellenics. Service to the community was reported by ninety-two chapters. These inte resting projects will be presented in the January bulletin. Our philanthropy which seemed rather unique was to give the dean of women $100 annually for her discretiona ry fund. Going back to our main reasons now we feel that City Panhellenics h a ve wonderful qpportunities to establish good public relations. Much can be accomplished when 800,000 coll ege graduates work toge ther. W e have rea d a fin e address. entitled " At tacks on th e Fraternity World." given a t a recent nation al orority conwntion . Through publicity of its m an y civic a nd phila nthrop ic actiYi ties, Ci ty Panh ellenics can offe r good counter a ttack . Anothe r subj ec t di cu sed in the re port was how to ra ise money for chola r hips. loan fund , etc. This is the fir t time tha t we h a \·e asked for this informa tion, but ince m a ny groups have desired it, \ e included the qu e tion a nd found tha t 100 associa tion ra ise m on ey othe r tha n by due . The e metho d ~ will be li sc ussecl in the eptember bull tin. Holding work hop. i. a growina a tiYity. P rha ps th best on are tho e in T exa a nd Indi a na wh e re th er a r fi ne ta te or(\'a n int ions whi ch hold a nnua l m ee ting. . "'e, ttle also se nt an outline f a fin e work. h 1 . It was ra th e r intere ting t read th a t h a lf f the 152 Pa nhr llr ni . olle t du e. fr min-
,H R
di,·idual m embe rs while the other half favor dues from each orority represented. In the latte r case due varied according to the size of each orority chapter. Some kind of publication is issued a nnually by 120 groups. Some of th ese are programs, others directories; some contain constitutions, officers' n am es, a nd committee ch airmen's nam es. The City P a nhellenics Committee does not control the activities of the affili ated groups beyond the few requirements outlined in the NPC Constitution concerning dues, m embership, m ethods of affiliation, etc. We on ly make suggestions, and we a re sure that you must think we are pretty good in doino· that! To each a lumnae who is not in a City Panhellenic, we suggest that you do what you can in organizing one. If the name of the City Panhellenics chairman is not in your magazine's directory, you can obtain it from your NPC delegate. To each officer of a City Panhellenic we ask that you look for the September, J a nu ary a nd April bulletins sent a nnu a lly by this committee to each chapter on our roll. Th e bulletins are helpful because during the year each pha e of city pa nhellenic work is discussed. ·w e know that the ideas presented are workable beca use they a re taken from lette rs and reports sent by affiliated groups. We wish to conclude this article with a letter from the St. P a ul, Minneapolis City Panhellenic : " I h ave sent to you under separate cove r the Survey of City P a nhellenics. W e a re h appy to have an organized City Panhellenic group and beca use I am so enthusiastic about our g rowth and progress I h ave decid ed to write you a little more in deta il conce rnmg our group. " W e have twenty groups represented and have a trem endous potentia l strength. Two years ago we had the first City Panhellenic project . . . a Scholarship Benefit a nd it was a wonderful success. This spring we held th e second Annu a l Panh ellenic Scholarship Benefit . . . a Luncheon and Style Show. We sold nearl y 500 tickets a nd made nearly $275 for our fund . During recent years THE ANCHOR
we have given four $50 schol ars) ips and wi ll now be abl e to in crease th s ope of our proj ect. The publicity was v ry good a nd all of our groups participat d. "Because we have two a tiona l officers in the Twin City area we have complete r ports of th e NPC m eetings. This brings consid era bl e emph asis on our Pa nhell enic spi rit. Because we work ca refull y with the Colt giate Pa n hellen ic a nd the University we ha,· more interest in current problems than in so mr areas. " W e a re p lann ing to aid the Co llegia te Pa nh ellenic in organizing a nd givin" leas for prospective students in the R ochester a nd Duluth a reas. Th ere h as been some ta lk of organizing City P a nh ell enic groups in these two cities. Do you have a ny m atei·ia l that we might use to be of assistance? " Our rushing committee h as proven m ost successful and will continu e to function as in the p ast two years. We have found it h as been most h elpful in an educational field .. . as to current cha nges a nd policy. We have h eld three general m eetings for all rushing advisers. They have discussed mutual probl ems, held rush clinics a nd one meeting was for ac tive chairmen and advisers to clarify rules and policies. This committee investigated for Collegiate P anh ellenic a nd aided in obtaining the IBM card system for rushing. " W e have h ad severa l interes ting spea kers a nd use many peopl e from the Univer ity as a source for programs. "I am truly enthusiastic concern ing the progress a nd growth of our organ iza tion a nd have only the most optimistic th oughts for the com ing year. "Tha nk you for a ll the material. " Not all groups have as m a ny m ember a does th e one in th e Twin Cities; however. for each group there a re opportunities for frirndship a nd service. PANI-IELLENrcs CoM HTTEE Mrs. A1•thur Bergmann Mrs. S. ]. Groeneveld lvfrs. Landon Freear Miss Eleanore Dufour Mrs. Palm er D. Low ry lvlrs. H. E. Staehle. C!tair111an
Miss America Pageant BY H ELEN R ussELL BYAR S,
D elta Gamma
-;\". IT was a Cinderella story for the 19-yearold, blu e-eyed, blonde with the accent of the deep South when Miss South Carolina stood before a n a udience of thousa nds of h er new-found subjects to accept their royal welcome and to receive from her predecessor the jeweled crown designating h er as Miss America of 1957, twenty-sixth successor to th e fabulou s title. When th e directors of the Miss Am erica Pageant wrote last spring inviting m e to serve on the Panel of Judges to se lect Miss America for 195 7, I was h a ppy to accept for a number of reasons. M a ny of the contesta nts were college girls, a la rge numbe r we re m embers of ational Panhellenic Conference fra ternity groups, a nd the large m ajority of the girls had ente red the contest to compete for the scholarships. Since 1945. when th e Mi ss America Pageant Scholarship Foundation Fund was inaugurated, more th an $1,000,000 in educationa l schola rships ha,路e been awarded to beautiful a nd tal ented America n girls to aid in financing their educa tional a nd special training. During the week of the 1956 Pageant in Atla ntic City the judges awarded $30,000 in chola rships to the winners of the contest. \!Ii ss Am erica wa awa rded a $5,000 cholarship ; the First Runne r-up, $3,000; Second Runn er-up, $2,500 ; a nd the other two Finali ts $2,000 each . In addition five Semifinal ists were awa rd ed $1,000 scholarship each and Mis Congeniality $1 ,000. Thi year fo r the fir t time six additiona l schola rhips were awa rded, amoun ting to $ t,OOO ca h for : M o t T a lented D an cer, Mo t Talented Popul ar Singe r, Most T a lented Classica l or S mi-Classi a! mger, Mo t Ta lented Mu ician , M o t Ta l nted Actrc s, and \II t Ta lented in ALL other Field . II other contesta nts r cc ivcd $ 100 ea h. f c nsid red it a rea l 1 rivil gc a nd pleasll ll' to '>C I\'C on a pan I of judges c mposed
Helen Russell Byars, former Chairman of the National Panhellenic Conference, serves on the pane l of judg e s w h o s e le cte d "Miss America of
of such outstanding and congenial persons. The other panel m ember were: Mr. W endell H. F ord, President of the United States Junior Cham ber of Commerce; Mr . Mildred Miller Posvar, M etropolitan Opera tar 路 Mr. D ean Cornwell, world famous painter a nd illustra tor ; Mr. Dave Garroway, of NBC-TV' " Today" and " Wide Wide World" ; Mr. R aoul Wa l h. one of Hollywood's a ll time great directors; Dr. V al H . Wilson, Presiden t, Colorado Women' College; Mr. Ted M ack, spoke man -moderator for the traditional " Origina l Amateur H our"; Mrs. J acque M erce r Curra n, Miss merica 1949; and the Team of Hugh Martin and R alph Blane,. composer -director of Broadway mu icals. Serving a a judge of the Mi Americ::t Pageant is an unforgettable experience. It also provides omethina whi ch enlarge on e' o one c uld pride in being a n m erican. obs rve u h magnificent ou n a ' omen, brouaht toaether from a ll parts of thi gr at la nd ,. ithout fc ling a urae of prid in b longing to a na ti n whi h an produ ma n cxtrcmcl b , utiful and talented girL. Th e judging, it elf. i crtai nl 路 n t , .y- m
fact, it i extremely difficult- but being so close to th contest is thrilling and delightful. Many TV viewers who see on'ly the final hour or so of the program fail to realize that the girls ha,路e been in a contest which has run almost steadily for days. In the interest of time and variation the girls are assigned to one of three groups," each p erforming in a different category each night. One group will perform in evening gown, anoth er in swim suit, and the third in talent on W ednesday night. On Thursday night, and again on Friday night the judges rota te from one event to th e next so that at the end of Friday ni ght the j udges have appra ised a ll fifty girls for beauty, talent, poise and culture. On Thursday and Friday m ornings the judges meet the contestan ts at breakfast. T en tab les are a rranged with fi ve contestan ts at each. Judges rota te between the ta bles a t fixed in terva ls and have an excellent opportu nity to app ra ise mtelligence, poi e a nd persona lity. T he system of judging is effectiYe and interes ti ng. As each event unfolds, each judge se lects a nd ranks his choice of the fi ve best pe rformances. Each ba llot is a secret decision a nd is handed in to th e offi cial T ellers. Strange ly enough, the eleven judges know abso lutely nothing of the trend the voting is ta king. T he secrecy of the voting is such that the TV a udi ence on Satu rday night lea rns who Mi s America is to be, at the same insta nt the judges hear of it. At the beginning of the progra m on Sa turday nigh t, the offi cia ls announce the n ames of the ten semi- fi na list designa ted , by the accu mu lation of poin ts as semi-finalists. Each girl performs aga in in swim suit, evening dre s and talent ; the T ell ers a nnounce the names of the fi ve fin ali ts. A t thi s poi nt the m a rgin any one girl migh t hold is a thin one, and any one of the five fi na lists would certa inly be accepted generously as Miss America. Th e five fin alists retire from the stage a nd a re ca ll ed back one at a time to answer three q uestions prep ared b y th e judges' p a nel. After days of hard work, and sleepless nigh ts, th ese young ladies appear alone on this vas t stage; before a C onvention Hall audience of 24,000 and
a TV a udience es timated to be thi rty mi llion, and a re required to ta lk extemporaneously on the three questions p ropounded . It is indeed a trial by fire. Th e judges ra nk the first three, and suddenly the n ame of Miss America goes out over the nation. I came a\:Vay from the Miss America Pageant with many imp ressions. In the fi rst place, this is not a bath ing beauty show. R ather, it is a proud , dignified a nd refi n d display of young American woma nhood at its best. It is a summation o f beauty, poise, intelligence, personality, cou rage and ability. No girl would ever be the same again after having met the chal lenge of such a contest. I was impressed with the spi rit of sin cere friendliness which existed among . the girl s throughout the week, and by the wonderfu l sportsma nship of the girls who did n't win . Tha t in itself was a lesson in living. Accompanied by her chapero ne, M iss America will soon tou r Engla nd, I taly, France, and other European coun tries, as well as the Sta tes in the U nion. She will truly be an ambassador of ta lent, beauty, cha rm, and a fine exampl e of an ideal All American girl. It is in te resting to note that thi rty-eight of the fift y contesta nts a re prese ntly enro lled in colleges and unive rsities and nineteen of these girls a re members of Nationa l Panhellenic Co nference fraternities. Of the ten semi-fina li ts, seven a re college gi rls and fou r of these girls a re members of ational Panh ell enic Co nference groups. O f the five fin alists, fou r are. enroll ed in co lleges a nd three are m embers of N ational Pan hell enic Conference grou ps. In closing, I want to pay tribute to the Officers, the D irecto rs, a nd to the more than 2500 promin en t publ ic-spiri ted citizens who deYoted count less hours throughou t the year m aking t his wonderful attraction po ible. I think they a re to be congratu lated on the precision with which this massi,路e event ttn fo lded. The entire program reflected the highest degree of skilled management. I feel tha t the Directors a re exerting every effort to do a splendid thing in a splendid way and I am most happy tha t I was pe rmitted to pa rticipa te in a small way.
Congratulations! t
SIGMA C1-n' s highest undergraduate honor, the Balfour Award, was presented on August 25 at DePauw University to Roger W. Staehle, of Columbus, Ohio, an engineering student at Ohio State. Roger is the son of our beloved Carrie Staehle, who served as National President of Alpha Sigma Tau for fifteen years. R oger was just six months old when Mrs. Staehle became president, so Roger's fraternity background started early. Created in 1929, the Award is given annually to the outstanding member of the fraternity's 127 collegiate chapters. One candida te is nominated by each chapter, and the winner is se lected on the basis of scholarship, personality, fraternity service, and studen t activity.
The Edith E. Glatfelter Avvard t A SILVER ANNIVERSARY is a recognized sign of achievement in most fields of endeavor. So it was with Pi Chap ter of Alpha Sigma Tau. The St. Louis Alumnae felt that Pi Chapter's twenty-five yea rs of growth shou ld be acknowledged in some s'pecial way and so the idea of a scholarship wa evolved . A comm ittee was formed to contact the entire membership. The idea of a scholarhip to be established at H arris T eachers College in St. Louis, where Pi Cha pter was founded , was well received. Contributions from the member hip cha nged the scholarship idea into a reality. It seemed fitt ina to name the chola r hip aft r th e cha pt r's fir t facult y advi. or, Mis Edith E. latf It r, who had au ided it through its f rmativc y a rs . Mi Glatf Iter pt mb r 1930, s rv d as p n r from until th e time f h r rctir m ent in 1948. 18
The Award of twenty-five dollars, to signify the twenty-five years of growth, is given once each year to a junior student in the field of biological sCience. This department was selected as it was Mis Glatfelter's academic field. At a special celebration of Founders' Day in 1955, the Edith E . Glatfelter Scholarship Award was officia lly presented to Dr. Charle A. Naylor, president of the college. It wa most satisfying to lea rn that the first schola rship award was won b a Pi girl. W e of Pi Chapter both her acti e members a nd alumnae take pride in the e tablishme nt of thi A' ard. Though it m b small in moneta1 value it r pr ent a big ur st p forward to u on th pathw, ' t olden nmver a1 . - H RL TTE B EH l AND MARY L u THE
Report of the Scholarship Awards Committee for the Year 1955-1956 Bv MARY E. GAUGHAN, Na.tional Awards Chairman STANDARD No. IN CHAPTER AVERAGE CHAPTER PHI Incomplete report THETA 2.050 24 UPSILON 1.710 21 Nu 1,948 34 BETA 1.656 33 Psi 1.911 38 ALPHA DELTA Incomplete report ZETA TAu 1.762 29 ALPHA EPsiLON 1.923 56
1.727 23 1.248 3 1.749 39 Incomplete report 1.741 40 1.871 20 2.010 II 2.188 II 1.942 35 Incomplete report 2 .232 32 1.745 37 Incomplete report
RANK BASED RANK ON PERCENTILE NATIONAL ON S.A. CAMPUS ScoRE YEAR RANK I of 3 84 1 3 4 of 12 71 2 15 2 of 5 70 3 3 of 7 5 64 4 16 4 of 9 61 5 8 3 of 6 59 6 3 of 6 59 6 10 4of 8 56 7 7 3 of 5 50 8 4 of 5 2 of 5 14 7 of 10 35 9 17 7 of 10 35 9 11 4 of 5 30 10 7 of 9 28 11 13 10 of 13 27 12 9 2 of 2 25 13 4 No R eport 2 Required information not given 6 No R eport No Report 1 No Report 12 No R eport No Report
How the Scholarship Awards Are Computed ;\; PHI CHAPTER wins the National Scholarship Cup for the year 1955-56. Delores Benzel, N u, wins the Scholarship Ring. The Scholarship Award report for the year 1955-56 may look unfamiliar to some of you who have been accustomed to the old form. It has been increasingly apparent to me in my reading of scholarship articles which have appeared in various publications that our way of selecting the chapter who would receive the scholarship cup was fine, but not complete or fair. We did not take into consideration any relative means by which we could make a comparison. In the percentile method of relation is established by first determining the percentile score year for each chapter based on the rank of each chapter on its own particular campus and then comparing the percentile scores. The old way of submitting grades was still necessary to g1ve us the necessary inTHE ANCHOR
formation on the individual scholarship of each member and also helped us determine the ring winner. As is the usual situation we had partial reports from five chapters this year. The new information was received from fifteen chapters, one did not submit complete information and six failed to send in anything at all. In explaining the new report orne definitions are required : S.A. or Standard Average-Average based on grades sent in by individual chapters following the previous ly used plan. Percentile Score year- This was determined by the fo llowing equation: 100 X ( N - R ) PR= - - -- - N where: PR = pe_rcentile rank N = number of chapters R =rank of Alpha Sigma Tau Chapter .19
Top SALLY CHARLOTTE DAVIS, Alpha. Goddard Hall Homecoming Float chairman, Women's League delegate to State Convention, Homecoming Committee, election chairman and treasurer Women's League, Recretation Club, Sorority Basketball, corresponding 'Secretary of Alpha Chapter. ~
FRANCES FEDUSKA, Delta. Delta Sigma Phi Sweetheart. Judicial Board member. Science Club, secretary sophomore class. sorority intramural volleyball, basketball. and softball. vice president of Delta Chapter.
DONNA MESSERMAN, Zeta. secretary of 'Senior class, co-editor of "The Compass," College Players, A.C.E.I., Alpha Psi Omega, Student Cooperative Council. Dorm Council. intramural soccer. and hockey. Student Council Convention at New York University.
ELEANORE KLOPE. Theta, Dean's List for five semesters. Wesley Foundation Scholarship Award, Rose Saffir Award, University Scholarship Honors. Phi Epsilon Omicron Scholarship, treasurer of Phi Epsilon Omicron, d elegate to Michigan Home Economics Convention, Michigan Intercollegiate Debate Convention, Debate Team, presid nt of Theta Chapter. Panhellenic representative.
Taus NANCY HOST, Iota, can'd idate for Miss Emporia Slate. National Junior College Women's Debate Champion, Pi Delta Theta (speech fraternity}, Pi Rho Phi (honorary debate}, 'Senior representative on Student Council. "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities," Beta Beta Beta, Pi Kappa Delta, Xi Phi (honorary leadership}, Kappa Delta Pi. Pep Club, Band president, annual staff, Future Teachers of America, scholarship bracelet.
BARBARA BOEKER. Alpha Epsilon. Homecoming Queen attendant, class leader, Honor Roll, serenaded by Delta Sigma Phi, Social 'Life Committee of College, president of Caroline Grote Hall, House Council. Home Economics Club, Yearbook. "Sequel" Staff, Student Council. "Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges," delegate to l.A.W.S. National Convention held in Lawrence. Kansas, delegate to l.H.E.A. Convention.
NANCY LEA HARRIS. Zeta Tau, May Court, Maid of Honor, Cotillion Dance Club, "Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges.'' class treasurer and vice president, vice president of Canterbury Club, Student Standards, Alpha Kappa Gamma (national leader'ship society} , swimming, delegate to English Speaking Union Association, Student Government Convention in Mississippi 1957 and Fredericksburg, Virginia. in 1956. Delegate to Alpha Kappa Gamma Convention in Columbia, South Carolina, president of Panhellenic Association.
VERA JORDAN, Pi. president Pi Chapter. Panhellenic representative. co-rush chairman, representative to Panhellenic Workshop at Springfield, Missouri, lnterfraternal Sing, helped write skit for Jabberwock. repres-entative at Freshman Tea. W .A.A.
Top SANDRA ANN MOBLEY. Rho. Blue Key Sweetheart. assistant editor and editor of school paper. Pi Omega Pi. Cardinal Key. Kappa Delta Pi, Presidents' Club. Tennis. "Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges.'' Boule for three years. president of Rho Chapter.
CAROL LYNN McCORMICK. Psi. Dean's List, vice president of Future Business Leaders of ,America, Y.W.C.A .• German Dance Club. Sigma Phi Lambda. Pi Omega president, Fact-Finding Committee. Secretary of S.G.A .• president of Dormitory, "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities." Psi Chapter treasurer. JANIS PURTLE. Upsilon. Homecoming Queen. "Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges.'' president of Choir. treasurer of Royal Rooters. secretary and majorette of the A.S.T.C. Band. vice president of Music Club. W.R.A .• B.S.U. secretary of junior class, Alpha Chi. Alpha Psi Omega. Student Government. Collegium Musicum. representative to regional affairs of Women's Recreational Association. president of Upsilon Chapter.
BONNIE MciNNIS. Phi. Sweetheart of Sigma Tau Gamma. Maid in Homecoming Court. Mai'd in Miss Southeastern Court. Maid in Sigma Tau Gamma White Rose Ball. Maid in Intramural Mock Homecoming. Green "S" Award. alternate Senator, W estminster Fellowship. secretary of Panhellenic. head cheer leader. participation in intramurals.
Taus MIXELL NIGH, Chi, Outstanding Freshman Woman in English, business administration, physical education; "Who's Who in American Universities and C.olleges," treasurer of senior class, secretary of Junior Class, official at college swimming meets, taught Freshman swimming three years, delegate to Leadership Conference, Student Affairs Committee, treasurer of Student Senate; Student Court.
ELIZABETH ANN HIGHT, Omicron, Dean's List two semesters, James Lewis Howe Chemistry Award, German Club, secretary-treasurer of Wesley Foundation, president of Omicron Chapter, Panhellenic Council secretary.
PHYLLIS SEDLAK, Alpha Alpha, physical education department Scholastic Award, Pi Gamma Mu (social science honorary), Kappa Delta Pi (education honorary), Lucina Hall Cabinet an'd Senate, Women's Recreation Association, vice president, Physical Education Majors Club, Aquaticus Committee, intramural volleyball. basketball. tennis, soccer, field hockey, archery sporthead, Psi Chapter historian (Scrapbook won national award). Bike-athon Team.
LYNDA OVERTON, Alpha Gamma, candidate for R.O.T.C. Military sponsor, "Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges.'' candidate for Outstanding Senior of the year, Student Christian Association, secretary of Future Teachers of America, Alpha Chi (national scholastic fraternity), Heart and Key, secretary of Student Senate and sophomore class, treasurer of Alpha Gamma Chapter.
Top CAROLYN SUE SHEPPARD, Alpha Delta, Sigma Pi Fra· ternity Princess, candidate for National Golden Horse Show Queen, candidate for Springfield's Miss Merrie Christmas, Panhellenic Council, All Club Council Judi· ciary Committee, president of Association for Childhood Education, A.C.E. delegate to State Meeting, Future Teacher's of America, Commercial Club, Orchestra, direc· tor of Alpha Sigma Tau Fashion Show, president of Alpha Delta Chapter.*
CAROLYN CUSAC, Alpha Delta, Springfield Christmas Queen. "Miss Merrie Christmas," Sigma Pi Fzaternity Orchid Queen, President of Kappa Mu Epsilon, Pi Beta Chi. All Club Council representative, delegate to;~ Kappa Mu Epsilon National Convention in Wayne, ~ebraska , delegate to Regional Convention in Liberty, Missouri. and to National Convention in Pittsburg, Kansas, "Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges," vice president of Alpha Delta Chapter.*
BARBARA HELVEY, .Alpha Lambda. Glee Club. Choral Club. Band. German Dance Club. All-Stat e College Choir Clinic, president and vice-president of Alpha Lambda Chapter, voted Outstanding Senior.
CATHY CAMERLO. Nu. cand idate for Homecoming Queen, Colvin Club. Newman Club, Spur (national hon· orary for sophomore's), Women's Residence Hall Council. Delegate to N.S.A. Leadership Conference. president of Tobey Kendel, editor of "Hall. " A.W.S., W.A.A. •ried score .
THE .-\.' .H
Scholarship Ring Winner
RUTH ANN HARRIS. Beta. " Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges," Junior Panhellenic representative. president of Beta Chapter. Boosters Club. Outstanding Senior Award. delegate to Mock U.N. Convention. delegate to dis.trict A.W.S. Convention, delegate to TwoState and National A.W.S. Conventions. freshman repre sentative to A.W.S., president of A.W.S .â&#x20AC;˘ Sophomore Senator, Chairman Student Government Constitution Revision.
DELORES BENZEL. Nu, vice president of Nu Chapter, one of ten outstanding sophomores, president of Pi Lambda Theta. Kappa Delta Pi. Panhellenic Council, Outstan.ding Pledge in 1954.
Congratulations! ;.\. F oR the past few years we have selected
The National Council is proud to announce that
PHI CHAPTER is the winner of the National Scholarship Cup for the year 1955-56 !
Top Taus, outstanding Alpha Sigma Taus in their own chapter. ever has a decision been harder to make than these. Each chapter selec ts three girls they consider worthy of this honor, list her contributions to her chool in the way of activi ti es, honors, honorary organizations, stud ent gove rnment, athletics, and as a delegate to region al affairs ; service to her sorority chapter and to the national organization, a nd her schola rship . T h ese a re sent to the National Awards Chairman for selection . This is based on a numerical scoring system. All three are worthy of the title but only one is chosen. The National Council of Alpha Sigma Tau i proud and happ to present to you the Top Taus for 1956-5 7:
News Alpha 's Mexican Fiesta ~
FALL RUSHING began two weeks. after school began, causing some scurrymg on our part. But as a reward for our efforts, we received twelve terrific pledges. W e had a good turnout for our coke parties as well as for our tea and informal party. M exico was the theme of our party this year, which we called the Alpha Sigma Tau Fiesta. The highlight of the gathering was a pinata fille? with candy. The object was to break 1t while you were blindfolded. The chile- hot dogs were also received with much pleasure. With the onset of the Christmas season Alpha was not slow to get into the spirit. Our pledges made place cards for the hospital as their group project. We sent a box to Pine Mountain and also packed a box
Four Betas play bridge in their chapter room. Background wall is papered in sorority green with traditional yellow roses.
of food for a needy family in town. W e further extended cheer by caroling for patients at Beyer Hospital and d ecorating the Eastern Michigan College Library Christmas tree. Founders' Day was observed by a luncheon. Donna Renwick acted as toastmistres and Mrs. George M ennzie (Carol Floyd- an 路 AlT alum from our chapter ) was the gue t speake~ . The initiation ceremony ended pledgmg. To begin the festivities of the day, our alum group served a delicious luncheon to honor our new m embers. -MARY ANN MovNES .
Betas Are in Their New Home ~
THIS year has brought much excitem ent to the Beta C hapte r. Many dreams finally were realized as we moved into our n ew house. We h ad a chan ce to see everybody a little before the fall sem ester started as we a rrived for " work week" anned with dust cloths, polish, and elbow grease to m a ke our house bright and shiny. Our fraternity neighbors h elped us move all our trunks a nd furniture in, a nd b efore long we were settled. Our housem other, Mr . Julia Bloomer has certainly h elped u under ta nd the courtesies n eces ary when living togethe r. Adding to our home-like a tmo phere Mrs. Cora Sla ter, our cook, keeps our " tumrnie ' fill d beyond capacity. It wasn' t all work, thouo路h w tim to do som a rd pia ing a nd and tumble in ur li ina r m . ' li our living r m. ne ' a ll i m THE .
green with yellow roses and it certainly has a place in our hearts. It seemed like no time at all and we were busy with Homecoming. Tweety Bird and Sylvester took their place on our floatTweety getting the best of Sylvester (the opposing team) with the theme, "I taught I Tau Normal." Bobbie Thompson, our president, graced the queen's float as a member of the court. We certainly were proud as she took her place among the queens of our campus. The alums sponsored our annual alumni breakfast and it was good to
Bobbie Thompson, president of Beta Chapter, is a member of the Homecoming Court.
The phone in Beta's new house is always ringing. Here Julia Kelly answers it.
see everybody again. Our house was really bustling and we were so happy that they had â&#x20AC;˘ a "home" to come home to. After Homecoming we found ourselves racing again. This time for our bicycle relay for all sorority women. Julia Kelly organized it, and it was such a success that we are making it an annual event. A blue Christmas tree and a jolly Santa over the fireplace set the scene for our annual Christmas benefit dance. Large quantities of food (our admission) went to a very deserving family which made our Christmas all the happier. Our quota for this fall's rushing allowed us only one pledge, and we couldn't have been any happier when we initiated Jane Ewing, a Mayville sophomore, into our sisterhood. We have a newly formed trio among our sisters. Mona Davenport, Liz Fox, and Carla Smith represented Taus in the college annual Band Bender. Now we have them singing for us all the time. Seniors who were recently elected to Who's Who are Marlo Davison, Cindy Edgerle, Ruth Harris, Carol Bloomer, and Sue Young. Finals and graduation soon brought the first semester to a close. It was a sad time
The lived-in living room with Beta s Carla Smith and Carol Bloomer demons trating their tumbling act.
for us, for Mary Lommen; our one graduating senior, and Mona Davenport, who is going to nursing school, left at the end of the semester. We all miss them, and yet we 路 know that Homecoming, 1957, will find them once again home, 906 South Main Street.- BEVERLY NocH.
Delta Gives Tea !. WE a t Delta started the fall semester with our annual float and tea for the Homecoming celebration. Having chosen " The Birds and the Bees" as our title, in keeping with the general theme of movie titles , we had a la rge yellow bird perched in a tree and a bee resting on a fluffy daisy. Su ch fun we had with chicken feathers and g lue trying to make a rea listic bird. The tea wa held in th e newly decorated sorority room with M a rie Broda k, ocial chairman, in cha rge. In Tovembe r we had our- Founder ' D ay ba nquet with the a lumni cha pter a t a local n inspiring ta lk was given by tea roo m. Mr . M a rga ret Be k, a m ember of the faculty a t India na. ~ o ia l ,,. nt of Dec rnb r wa a n open h use held 1with K a ppa D Ita Rho Fraterni ty t lh ir hous . 路 \-\'1' re quite pr ud ur prcsid nt wh
was chosen a member of the queen's court for the ROTC Ball. January featured a Snow Party at the College Lodge with our dates. There was more slush than snow but a good time was still had by all. Formal rushing began February 4 and lasted until F ebruary 13. Invitations were sent for breakfast, parties in the orority room, basketball games, and socializing at the College Union . Such m emorable parties as a Fiesta Party, Ivy League Party, Comic Strip Party, and a Sleepy Tau Heaven Party were held . The final formal rush party wa held February 21. As our theme we chose " A Garden of Roses." In the center of the room was a garden with a wishing well from which each girl drew a wish for each rushee . C leverly designed dolls were given to each rushee as party favors. It has not been made known to us the exact number of pledges we will have but we are hoping for a terrific cla s of Taus. -SUE STUCK .
Zeta 's Athleti c Prowess !. THE Zeta girls have had a full and prosperous year thus far. W e have h eld numerous sales which have all proven a general success. Because we are handicapped by having no sorority room we haYe held informal coffee parties in the recreation room of our dormitory. These ge t-togethers have added mu ch to our sorority life and have given us many memories which will linge r long after we have graduated . Our sorority was the only Greek organization on campus enterino路 a flo a t in the Homecomina pa rade. This project proYided m a ny delightful moment for u a nd, although a lot of work, wa well worth ou r effort . C a rol weeney, a sophom re, ha tablish he rself on the
wim h w .
.H R
Thetas put the finis hing touche s on th e ir kangaroo. Their s logan re ad, " It's in the Bag for
her class in Student Cooperative Council. At the present time we are d eep in plans for our forthcoming rush party. We have some good ideas and it promises to be as much of a success this year as it has been in the past. Plans are in the air to entertain the entire college a t a Mardi Gras Festival but these ideas will not take shape until after rushing is over.- MARCIA ANN "McHENRY.
Theta 's Cop Top Honors (SEE BAcK CovER) ;'t LAST fa ll was busy for the Thetas.
Our float for the Homecoming parade brought third place honors. A revolving bowling ba ll and our ga ls attired as bowling pins really "Bowled 'Em Over." At our annual Holid ay C arnival weekend which had as a m a in attraction a starstudded jazz concert, we won top pl ace for our western booth . With the assistance of Kappa Chi fraternity, we girls, dressed as cowgirls, hustled the crowd in to take a chance at hooping our legs while on swings. Our first rush party of t,he season tied
in with elec tion time so the rus hees had great fun in electing a candidate of their own choice. Fortunate ly the contender wanting the yellow back in Pepsoden t did not win. At the end of the semester we held our informal initiation weekend at a motel in Port Sanilac. As usual the pledges had more fun than th e actives. They had a scavan"er hunt at night along the beach of Lake Huron. The following weekend th ey were formally initia ted into the sorority. We a re proud to welcome Penelope Orr, Maria n Doss, Alice Ingham, L ynne Vollmer, Juanita Burrough, and G!ly K eller as our new sisters. We all enjoyed a lovely dinner at the D evon Gables T ea Room in Bloomfield Hills following the ceremony at the home of Theta's president, Eleanor Klope. Some of our social service proj ects for the semester included m aking dolls for Children's Hospital and collecting Christmas cards for many hospitalized children. This busy semester was topped off by some wonderfu l fraternity parties, date parties, and some " just for the girls" gettoge thers. All in all we are proud of the achievements we have made in the last semester and are looking forward to attaining mo re in 1957. -Juov THOMAS. Hardworking The ta s escort their d issembled kanga roo to the campus in Mary De Massa's Dad's pickup tru ck.
Iota Goes "Down on the Levy" ;\; "DowN on the Levy" was the theme for the Fall Rush Week. The Iota Chapter pledged twenty-five girls, making our membership sixty-three. The girls who pledged are: Connie Abbott, Carol Allen, Karen Becker, Kay Belfield, Rae Ellen Burdick, Judy Butler, H elen Cox, Nel Epperly, Shirley Epperly Mary Etling, Susie Fey, Kathy Galloway Jill Hylton, Shari Johnson , Priscilla Manges, Carol Miser, Bonnie Romine, Connie Sawyers, Patsy Schlottler, Roberta Spurgeon, Pat Smith, Barbara Ulses, Sally Winans, Peggy Waller, and Janice Zug. Homecoming soon was here, and the Alpha Taus came up with top honors in house decorations. "Corky's cravin' for a whipped R aven" was chosen as the theme for the decorations . Camille Dolsky was chosen as an attendant to the Homecoming Queen . Since the rush of Homecoming was upon us, the Iota Chapter observed Founders' Day on November 7, 1956. June Anderson, Nancy Rost, Sally Irving, and Connie Diller were selected to become listed in Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. The "Fire-Bug Party," which was held on November 16, was a bigger success than ever this year. The Christmas party was held at the house on December 18, after the girls went caroling. A candl e was lit by each girl as she read a little saying which represented a philosophy of life. Second semester rush week began January 31, 195 7. The annual "Singing Bee" was h eld in March.- FRANCES MoRRIS.
Lambda's "Man Party" ;\; LAMBDA's rush party thi year centered ar und m n, but ther wer no m n pr s nt. Th th m was " How to Get Your
Iota girls working on their prize-winning Homecoming decorations. Front row, left to right: Pat Gleason. Mary Lou Dettmer, Frankie Morris, Carol Miser. Sandy Perry, and Barbara Ulses. Second row, left to right: Joyce Brown, Sandy Riggs, Eileen Wasinger, Karen Palmer, Suzie Schmidt, Shari Johnson, and Mary Etling.
:\fan!" Our only decorations were pictures of famous men hung up on the walls. As the rushees came in, we pinned names of famous men on their backs and told them to ask questions to find out who they were. This game proved to be a good ice breaker. We then tried to show the girls how to get close to their man. This was done by playing the livesaver game in which lifesaver are passed from one person to another by means of toothpicks . . One of the other games we played was "Blind Man's Bluff" with one girl dressing another in men's clothing. Both girls were blindfolded. Th e results were hilarious. For refreshments we served apple pie cheese, and coffee or tea. The favors were sample cookbooks with big green hearts on the covers on which wa written "Here' one way to a man' heart. Alpha Sigma Tau is another." The part wa a big uces . A of last October ' e haY a new adyj or- Mi Mari Grall, Tempi ph I education instt-u tor. Two w rei expres our idea of Mi rail imply gr< nd!"-
Rita Allard and Annita Smith aren't getting too close to that horse at Nu's party. are they?
Nu's Rush Party Ideas ;\:. FALL quarter '56 started out with a big bang when we had informal rush and nine wonderful, enthusiastic girls pledged our sorority. Our new pledges were: Sandy Seto, Norma Campbell, Anita Lloyd, Betty Wyatt, Charlene Smith, Dolores H esterwerth, Lillie Willis, Joan Horn, and Dottie Waymire. Shortly following fall rush was Homecoming. The theme was Far Away Places. We followed the theme, "Even In England They Dunk Them," making a hugh teapot and a giant doughnut with a football player sitting in the middle of the doughnut being dunked into a cup of tea. We were very thrilled with the wonderful comments we received from our alums this year on our table that we had fixed for Founders' Day. It was very attractively arranged with our scrapboog, trophies, and the history of our chapter. We felt that combining Founders' Day and our alum tea worked out very successfully, and we are eagerly looking forward to having another successful Founders' and Alumnae Day next year. THE ANCHOR
Winter quarter started in full swing with three rush parties. The first party had no theme. It wa a get acquainted party. The second party fo llowed a western theme. The house was ve ry attractively decorated with different western animals hanging from the walls, pine trees were scattered throughout the room and bales of hay and straw were used to si t on. The main attraction was the chuck wagon which we used for serving refreshments. The wearing a pparel was western and the girls really enjoyed themselves. The third party was " Pink Ecstasy." The house was very beautifully decorated in pink and black. The main feature of the evening was the introduction of each sorority sister as she came through a picture frame. We pledged thirteen girls. They were: Glenda C lyde, Winona Brown, Beth Raber, Monnie Harris, Patricia Tisdel, Judith Wilson , Kay Kriegsmann, Mary Ann H eimke, Irene Kuchera, Maurita Martin, Kathleen Kirby, Barbara Demico, and Cherie PaH erson. With D ecember came the traditional Christmas party. There was the singing of carols and opening of the presents. Names were drawn and each a ir! bought a toy. After we played with our toy for part of Dottie Waymire and Anita Lloyd wear western garb at Nu's second rush party.
the evening we wrapped them up agam 'and gave them to an orphans home, to 'make their Christmas a happier one.CATHY CAMERLO.
Omicron Places Second In Intramural Program ;t. OMICRON CHAPTER of Alpha Sigma Tau
celebrated its Founders' Day with a banquet given a t the Pinnacl e R estaurant in Bluefield on November 2 . . Alumnae chapter patronesses, sponsors, and m embers were present. Pl edges Dot Montgomery and Sue Green were special guests. E veryone enjoyed a fried chicken dinner which was fol lowed with a speech by the president, Arden Langden. The history of Omicron Chapter was the theme of the president's sp eech. The first cultural m eeting of the Omicron Chapter was held at the home of Mrs. Smith Bradley of Athens. Maudetta Mounts, progra m chairma n of that organization, led the group in a discussion on " Finding High and Worthy Obj ectives to Live For." Following the program Mrs. Bradley, a ided by Mrs. H. A. M cNeer, patroness, treated the Alpha Taus to a buffet snack. Mrs . Klingensmith, patroness, was the ho tess for the Alpha T au's second cultural program. H er home, brightly decorated with evergreens a nd other C hristmas trimmings, put a ll of the gi rls in the Christmas spirit. Betty Payne led the sorority in the discussion of " A Bea utiful Life," and wh at it m ea nt to them. F ollowing the discussion the girls at aro und a warm fireplace drinking Christmas wassail a nd eating weet prepared by the hostes . The highlight of the program certa inly came when Mr . Klingensmith compl eted the Chri tmas picture by playing upon the harp whil e th e Alph a Tau ang the w 11-beloved Christmas carol . Th lpha Sigma Tau orority concluded th Chri tma s a on with it an nua l hri tmas Party. Th party was held in the oncorcl h m manag mcnt bui l ling of ' II gc under th su 1 rvi ion of our p nsors, Miss Dransfield and Mi Hunt r.
Looking through the picture frame at Nu's "Pink Ecstasy" party aPe Mary Lou Pickering, Joan Horn. Louise Roberts, and Rita Allard.
Jan Brisco, Nu. makes music at the W este rn Rush Party.
H R guests were patronesses, Mrs. Klingensrruth and Mrs. Cunningham. Following the exchange of gifts, games were played and the party was concluded with refreshments. Our intramural manager Gloria Adair ' girls now hold' is proud to announce that our second place in the intramural program. Keep up the good work, girls! We are also proud of Ellen Faley, of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, who has successfully completed her practice teaching, and we wish the best of luck to Arden Langden, Bluefield , Nancy Bratton, Gilliam, Shirley R eed, Beckley, who will all begin their practice teaching this semester.- THELMA RicHMOND.
Pi Surprised by Pledges ~
LAST semester was one Pi Chapter will long remember! \Ve've indeed had a prosperous new yea r and a very enjoyable one. W e have eight new m embers: Nancy Cook, Joyce Konopka, Sandra Graves, Donna J ean Beck, M elba Mosberger, Dorris Niedenberg, Nancy Speed and Jo Etta N elson. Our rush parti es were both very smooth ly executed and successful. Our sincere tha nks to Mrs. Francis Graflage, who was yery brave and loaned Pi Chapter her beautiful home for the inform al rush party. H er enormous back yard was deco rated with a western style background . A makeshift chuck wagon, which looked as authentic as a II get out, was there to add to the scenery . The rushees ate ba rbequed ham and candied apples with a ll the trimmings, and enjoyed th e informal singing arou nd the bonfire, the quare and circle dancing, and the exhibition dance the a lums and actives performed. Pi Chap te r has a very coopera tive and dependable alum organization of which we are very proud. They m ay get a thanks here and th ere from one of our girls, and our chapter as a whole, but at this time I would lik e to extend a very, very, warm and hea rtfelt thanks for all you've done, alums- beli eve me we really
appreciate your interest and advice. The alums did a bang up job at our formal party held at the Blossom Hou se. All we actives had to do was to be a bunch of socialities and circulate enough to get to know the rushee . The menu complete ly prepared by the alums was very delicious and appetizing. The alums also have a cultu ral program planned for us. They've engaaed a professional model from Patricia Stevens Modeling school to give us a few cu ltural tips-tips that no girl shou ld be without. Founders' Day, November 1, was celebrated at M edarts with a bea utiful C andlelight service conducted by Mrs. Hinshaw. All was exotically breathtaking. Miss Murray's traditional annual offering- "a day at the farm ," afforded quite a turnout. Parents, actives, and pledges went for an enjoyable horseback ride after inhaling that good old country fresh air. The delicious outdoor menu of ham, flapj acks ( yum! ), and potato salad, slaw, soda. milk, etc .. was surely a menu fit for a king. We really are a well-fed sorority and you'd bet ter believe that, too. Why our traditional Christmas party given by our co-sponsor, Miss Kohl, at her home, had a menu of spaghetti, meatloaf, two types of jello salads, cashews, potato chips, oli ve , and a ll the t rimmings with a delicious and mouth watering choco late pudding topped with heaps of whipped cream- ummmummm good that' Miss Kohl's cooking! T en Alphas and their da tes supported our candidate for queen, J ackie Hudson, at Masked Night Ball thi year. Pi girls and their dates had a "splash" of wimming pa rty J anu a ry 3. This was the second January swiming party we've had at th e YWCA
Miss Murray, Pi co-sponsor, treats Pi girls to a day at her farm.
Rho's Honor Filled Year ;'t THis year is a very successful one for
Pi's pledges surprised the actives with a Spanish styled party at the Student Union Building.
Traditional party is given to the Pi Chapter by their co-sponsor, Miss Julia Kohl.
and it has worked out so well we feel it is fast becoming a must and perhaps a traditional event!!! The pledges surprised the actives with a Spanish styled party at the Student Union Building January 19. Hot tamales and Coney I lands helped with the warm reception we actives received from the (at that time ) pledges. D ecember 5 Alpha Taus entered the Interfraternal Sing, an annual singing contest open to all fraternities and sororities on campu . 'Behold that Star" and " In the Candlelight" were the two songs we sang. Fou r of our girls m ade the Dean' honor roll thi s m ester in spite of all our ocial life: Barba ra Cordes, Donna J ea n Beck, andra Grave , a nd J ackie Hud on. We're proud of our girls and w 're glad that we can har ur prosp rity with you through this m dium , Our NCHOR .- MARI E W NP.NB I~ RC .
Rho Chapter. Our meetings have all been very successful and very well conducted by our new president, Sandra Mobley. Our pride and joy this year is our "favorite" girls. Four Alpha Taus have been chosen as favorites of various organizations. Sandra Mobley, president, is Blue Key favorite; June Davis, vice-president, is Tau Kappa Epsilon Dream Girl; Kay Miller, corresponding secretary, is Football and Homecoming Queen ; and Betty Ahboah. pledge mistress, is Phi Sigma Epsilon Sweetheart. Two Alpha Taus, Betty Ahboah and Kay Miller, are being initiated into the Cardinal Key National Honor Sorority. Sandra Mobley, Betty Jo Ahboah, and Shirley Stenhouse were chosen for membership in Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and U niversities. Southeastern's Twenty Pretty Girls included five Alpha Tau's. They were Betty Ahboah, June Davis, Jo Ann Hutton, Kay Miller, and Shirley Stenhouse. This is a campus-wide election conducted by Cardinal K ey. The final election is held in the Montgomery Auditorium. The twenty girls model party dresses and the students vote by secret ballot for the Top Ten Pretty Girls. Jo Ann Hutton was chosen to be one of the top ten. We are trying to accomplish many goal this year. We would like to rai e our standards, efficiency ratings, and chapter number. All of the girls are working hard this year and are more intere ted than they have been in a long time. W e are all working hard to do our jobs well and to do them right.-KAY MILLER .
Zeta Tau Helps Needy Children ;'t THE
Zeta Tau girls from oil g have be n ,路et ' bu with num r u a tivitie . THE
Our first big social event was in October when we celebrated our Founders' Day with a banquet held in the college Tea Room. Linda Garrison was chairman for the event and did an excellent job with the arrangements. Alumnae friends from Farmville were our guests along with the Dean and Assistant Dean of Women. Also in October we received three wonderful pledges from the sophomore class: Elaine Chaffin, Dottie Cothern, and Peggy Harris. With a round of parties, a good time was had by all. As the Christmas spirit came over us, Santa Claus visited three needy children in our chapter room. There were many shining eyes as the presents were revealed. This made Christmas perfect for us all. In the spring, the Zeta Taus will have their annua l cabin party at Longwood Estate. We are now anxiously anticipating spring
Zeta Tau's Fall pledges Dorothy Cothern, Elaine Chaffin. and Peggy Harris.
rushing and hope that we will be as fortunate as we have been in previous years. This year a new form of preferential bidding will be put into use, and we are hoping it will be a success on our campus. The future holds great things for us all.J u ov EcKSTROM .
Upsilon's Float Wins ~
THESE past few months have been hectic ones for Upsilon Chapter. In September we had a dinner party with the Sigma Taus to honor our new patroness, Mrs. Fay Bonds, and their new sponsor, Mr. H. B. Hardy. Homecoming was our first project _in October: Our float in the parade was a huge southern belle in pink and wine with the slogan, " We' ll Charm the Reddies," and we were thrilled to learn that it had won first prize for beauty. This made the third year straight that Alpha Tau has held this honor. Three days later, our booth was ready 路 for the Hallowe'en carnival. It was entitled "Green Door" and consisted of sevCarolyn Kelly is president of Zeta Tau Chapter. THE ANCHOR
Upsilon members at their "Martian Dance" a t informal rush party.
era! novelty acts. Miki Robinson represented Upsilon well in the "Hallowe'en Queen" contest. "It's Out of This World" was the theme for our "Outer Space" informal rush party November 30. All the members wore black toreador pants and black sweaters with aqua lightning bolts across the front, and the rushees wore toreador pants or bermudas. Our program consisted of a skit, our own version of Martian dancing, a number of pantomimes, and a song, " I'm Sitting on Top of the World," by the Alpha Tau Trio Carolyn Maus, Jani Nelson, and Barbara Anderson. Th e theme for our forma l party was "R):lapsody in White." It was held at the Country C lub, and the decorations centered a round an immense white Christmas tree, snowflakes, and miniature go ld pianos a place ca rds. The sorority ang " You'll ever Walk Alone," th e Trio Sa no· and "'' we were serenaded by the Sigma Taus. Th end re ult of our rush sea on were magnificent! It was worth every ounce of n rgy put into it. We pledged ninete n wond rful girl on D e emb r 15. Th y re B nn tt, Bobbi Cra fton , Judy M a ri ann Bryant, gg ic D avi , M rga r t D vi , K a H nkin , all y H a rtz J an t M n ill Julia w1•n, Edn a Ruth Purtl la r II R ck'i
ley, Chris Scholle, Martha Shelby, Martha Smith, Jo Ann Swain, Katherine Tidwell, Mary Kay Van Patten, and Jessie Lea Wood. They elected these officers soon after pledging: Marianne Bennett, president; Janet Manville, vice-president ; Clara Nell Rackley, secretary; and Sally Hartz, treasurer. _Upsi lon is well represented on the campus this year. Nanalou Mcinturff is secretary ?f ~oyal Rooters, campus leadership organIzatiOn, and Barbara Anderson is reporter. Janis Nelson and Miki Robinson are cheerleaders. Betty Sue Smith serves on the Student Council as Representative of Women on the Campus, and Barbara Anderson i Senior College Representative. Mary Kay Van Patten, a pledge, was freshman maid on the Homecoming royalty. Sue Hudson an.d Janis Purtle are members of Alpha Psi Omega, honorary dramatics fraternity Nanalou Mcinturff is editor of Th e E cho, campus newspaper, and Barba ra Anderson is society editor. Janis Purtle and Tommye Gray a~e members of Alpha Chi, honorary scholastic fraternity; Dot Cooper is a member of Pi O mega Pi, honorary business fraternity. Jerri Carter is vocalist for " The Tophatters," campus dance band. Six Alpha Taus were among the fifteen students on the ASTC campus elected to Who's Who Among Students in American
" And a good ~ime was had b y a ll," a t Up silon's m formal rush party.
Colleges and Universitie . They are Wauhilla Adkins, Dot Cooper, Sue Hudson, Nanalou Mcinturff, Janis Purtle, and Betty Sue Smith.- BARBARA ANDERSON .
Phi's Many Honors t EvEN though the fall semester has just ended, we of Phi Chapter are already planning many exciting activities for the coming spring. The fall semester was highlighted with rush week, which included a formal tea and an informal coke party. We then welcomed twenty-two new pledges into our chapter. Around a cand lelit table, we found Phi Chapter having its Founders' Day Banquet. The delicious shrimp and chicken dinners were enjoyed by a ll, and an impressive program was presented afterwards by the members. Our lucky star followed us for the second time as we were awarded the first place plaque for beauty on our float in the Homecoming parade. Phi Chapter is very proud of its girls who received campus honors during the fall semester: Bobbi Frietag, Miss Southeastern 1956-57.; Nancy Cowan, Secretary of Student Government ; May Dean Brown, Sweetheart of Alpha Omega; Joann Brauner, Sweetheart of Green Jackets; Rose Ann Caron, Swee theart of Sigma Tau Gamma ; Mary Alice Strickland, Hom ecoming Court 1956.
Happy Birthday to you both! Dr. Cree, Chi advisor, and Mr. Moore, guest speaker. blow out their candles at a surprise birthday party.
Chis put together the float that eventually won second place at the Homecoming.
A grand time was had by a ll at our skating party, which was attended by members and pledges. And, believe it or not, no broken bones! Christmas time found Phi Cha pter arou nd a tree singing carols and listening to the Christmas Story. W e enjoyed watching our little sisters as they unwrapped their little white Alpha Sig stuffed puppies. Drizzling rain did not dampen the spirits of the girls as they made their way to a wiener roast given by the pledges. It was at this time that we discussed plans for our spring formaL-GLoRIA ANN PICHON AND LYNN \VooDARD.
Chi Has a Queen (SEE FRoNT CoVER) ;\; CHI CHAPTER of Alpha Sigma Tau started its school year at Shepherd Coll ege with a reception for new women students. This was held during the week of nation al inspection by Mrs. Richard I. Snidow. Mrs. Snidow, Southern District President. presided over a business meeting a fter inspecting the chapter, at which time she di cussed the rating of the sorority and made various other comments. On O ctobe r 19 the Alph as h eld a lumber party at the home of Barbara H arris. An evening of games and stunt was planned . interrupted on ly by a surprise birthd ay party for one of the girls. Later that evening the girls retired to the basement to begin the construction of a part of their Homecoming float. Th e biggest event of the fall semester for
the school and sorority is Homecoming. After weeks of work and planning the chapter finished their second prize winning float. The float, entered in the beauty section, was constructed in shades of green, with a light house as the main object. On the front of the float two lovely Alphas dressed in white dresses added a final touch of beauty to the float. Although the float only took second place, the Alphas were very proud to have one of their members made Homecoming Queen for 1956. She was Miss Kitty Grant, Martinsburg, West Virginia, a junior. The annual Homecoming banquet was held during the morning of October 29 with both sorority and alumnae members attend ing. After the banquet the sorority held an open house for its past members. Chi Chapter had its fall rush party on November 8. A Spanish theme was carried out in the decorations, refreshments, and entertainment. The results of the rush party was the initiation of five girls on
January 28. The Aiphas presented their annual Christmas assembly to the school and public during the week of December 11. The assembly consisted of tableaus and the college choir singing background music. After the assembly program, Dr. Sarah Helen Cree, sorority advisor, presented the girls with a Christmas party at her home. Shortly after the Christmas vacation, four Alphas received notice that they had been chosen to be members of Who, s Who in American Colleges and Universities. These girls are Ann Simons, Dorothy Leatherman, Mikell Nigh, and Lynne Scafati. The annual Alpha dance was held on February 15. This is the only dance where the girls may ask the boys. A surprise birthday party was given Dr. Cree, sorority advisor, recently. Dr. Cree and guest speaker, Mr. Moore whose birthday was on the same day, blew out the candles on the lovely three tier cake, baked by one of the Alphas.-BETTY HARLEY.
Alphas of Chi Chapter served at a reception given for new women students at Shepherd College. Shepherdstown. West Virginia.
Alpha Alpha's New Suite ;\; THE Alpha Alphas are in the middle of another busy year at the Ball State campus. After the Homecoming event we looked toward the rush parties. After participating in Panhellenic teas and two successful parties, we eagerly awaited the mom ent to welcome twenty-two wonderful pledges into our sisterhood . These girls are: Barbara Alsop, Beverly Becker, Carol Bourret, Barbara Bowman, L eah Brandyberry, Marilyn Brisco, Peggy Duffey, Dixie H aynes, Barbara H eater, Barbara H erman, Janice Hutson, Carolyn Jones, Becky Lyons, Barbara Martin, Julia M elvin, Joy Moody, Mary Murray, Ruth Ann Paschen, Anita Swinford, Beverly White, Pat Witwer, and Carol Wylon. Of course, we were ha ppy to return to a new suite this year. Our suite is located in the bea utiful new dormitory collectively named Woodworth Halls, bu t separately th e four ha lls are named after the maiden names of the Ball Brothers' wives. Ea rlier in the year we had a shower for our "sweet suite" which our mothers were invited to attend. We received many nice gifts which adds to the beauty and comfort of our suite. Other events wh ich have taken place were a pledge dance which was presented in honor of our new pledges, topsy-turvy skit, and a rummage sa le- one of our money making projects. Other events to pop up on our ca lendar included participating in the K appa Sigma Variety Show, a chili supper, and the Interfraternity and Sorority Sing. -D oNNA Fm-
Alpha Alphas prepare for their suite s hower.
What a beautiful place to relax new Alpha Alpha suite at the Ball State campus.
Psi's Carnival Rush Party ;\; THis year has been a busy one for the Psi girls. The year started off with a bang a nd everyone has been in the air ever since. All the girls are really busy with classes and extracurricular activities. Psi claims three of the student government officers-Joan Ails, Vice-president ; Carol McCormick, SecTHE ANCHOR
Alpha Alphas make like Indians at their informal rush party entitled "Tau Tee Pee."
retary, and J oa n Harvey, Treasurer. As school go t under way thoughts turned to rushing and th e traditional carnival. Everyone waited with anticipation until the big day. Th e ca rnival was a huge success and everyone h ad loads of fun . After the carniva l seriousness settled over Zirkle House as we waited to see who would "walk" to join our sisterhood. Finally the big d ay arrived and thirteen girls walked to Zirkl e House. Psi is proud to have a new Alumn ae Chapter in H a rrisonburg. The chapter was insta lled by Mrs. Betty Snidow in November. After installation all the alumnae m embers came to Zirk le House for a social hour. Founders' Day was celebrated with a ba nquet at the Gables Hotel. Everyone had an enjoyable evening and one that will long be remembered. The candle lighting ceremony was a very impressive ending for the day. D ecember was a busy month for the Psis. Initiation was one of the highlights with the new m embers receiving their pins. The Christmas party was a gay time. E veryone had the Christmas spirit with the exch anging
of gifts and the singing of carols. To carry out the true spirit of Christmas we invited a grandmother and her three grandsons to sqare in our Christmas joy. Each girl brought a small gift and Santa Claus gave them to the boys. This helped to make our Christmas a more enjoyable time knowing we had sh ared with someone less fortunate than we. As January rolled around everyone turned to the books in preparation for exams. Exams were over on January 31 and everyone went home for a few days of rest. Rushing was scheduled for M arch . Next on the calendar is May D ay and gradu ation. W e look forward to graduation with joy and also with sorrow for we know we will have to leave our friends and "sisters."
Alpha Gamma 's Ho no rs ;t. ALPHA GAMMA CHAPTER of Alpha Sigma
Tau gave a debut dance honoring their eleven pledges in J anuary . A beautiful green and gold a nchor hung from the cei ling while soro rity pins and pledge pins decorated the
Alph a Gammas g ive a d e but dance honoring their ele v e n n e w p ledg es.
walls. T he pledges were p resen ted as they walked through an arch of p ine boughs and ye llow roses. Alpha Gamma C hapter boasts one new weetheart, Carleen H arris, who was selected at the annual Kappa Sigma Kappa Ch ristmas formal. Four girls were named to Who's Who in American Colleges and Uni versities: Jo Ann Browning, Lynda Overton, Sandra Dishongh, and Sara Meehan. Out of eight girls selected as candidates for M ilita1y Sponsor, five were Taus. Jo Ann Browning, Lynda Overton, Pat Brown, Paula Raley, and Sandra Dishongh were candidates. In a recent election seven Taus were named class favorites by the entire student body Sandra Dallas, freshman ; Gai l R eveley and Pat Greenwood, sophomores; Sue Winston and Martha Johnson, juniors ; and Jo Ann Browning and Pat Brown, seniors. The Association of Women Students sponsored an election to choose the outstanding senior girl on the basis of her leadership, service to the schoo l, persona lity, scholarship, and character. Lynda Overton, Pat Brown, Jo Ann Browning, Sandra Dishongh, Sara M eehan, Paul a R a ley, a nd Sa rah Russell were the girls honored.- NANCY PATTERSON.
fourteen girls chose to wear the ribbon of emerald and gold. No sooner had we settled down from our whirl of rush until Homecoming was here. All the work of building and planning was forgotte n when our float won second place in the annual Homecoming parade. A huge red a nd gold crown turning around and around and enhanced by two girls in white formals holding gold scepters told the watching crowd that we wou ld " R eign O ver Cape." We had the honor of having two of our girls, Kay Hine and Caro lyn Cusac, nominated to Who's Wh o in American Colleges and Universities. Our new p ledges were eager to路 do their best and showed their enthusiasm for helping the community when they joined with the actives in the local March of Dimes toll gates placed about the city. Combined with the usual activities of bunking parties, greeting card sales, song fests, candy sales, and all the other aspects of campus life we Alpha D eltas displ ay a n enthusiasm and sincere desire to work for Alpha Sigma Tau .- T ONYA ARM STRONG.
Alph a Delta 's "Magical Moments"
;t, THIS has been a busy and a profitable winter for the Alpha Epsilons. W e started off by taking in our econd pledge -class of five: Alice Ann Bauer, W est Point ; M a rcine H ea ton, T ou lon ; Sally Humphreys, Gi lson ; Faye J effers, Springfield ; and Carole Turney, Savanna . Initiation for our first pledge clas wa. held on F ebru a1y 17. All the p ledges had fun at the pa rty the D elta Sigma Phi pledge gave them and in returning the favor by having a party for th em . Our chapter felt very honored by having th e following members listed in Who's Who in American Colleges and Univnsities: Barb Boeker, Betty Collins, M arilee Benedict, Eva K eil, Betty Ross. Ruth Ann Powell is our candid ate for Greek Queen this yea r. Each ca ndid ate will send a photograph to Steve Allen a nd thr
;t, As th e 1956-5 7 school year speedil y approached, Alph a D eltas bega n p la nning for their tradition al "Hawaiian" and " Magical Mom en ts" pa rti es. All the girl s were captivated by the whirl and excitement of the 路fall ru h and a ll worked hard to make each pa rty a success. Our most impress ive pa rty was th e " Magical Moments" party. All acti ves were dressed in black and gathered around th e pi ano to bring the story of "magica l moments with Alpha Sigma T au" to life jn song and story. All phase of sorority life were woven into a sketch read by the president, P a t Zirkle, and ah Alpha Sigma Tau song was used to enlighten each ph ase. W e were justifiably rewarded when THE ANCHOR
Alpha Epsilon 's Campu s Leaders
of us, so we were very glad to meet our district president, Mrs. Maher, and our alumnae representative, Mrs. Koomar. It was a busy week which was climaxed by a luncheon and also a social hour under the direction of our pledges. We found Mrs. Maher and Mrs. Koomar's vi its to be very enjoyable. We are now looking forward to Sigma Sing and our annual dinner dance, the Cinderella Ball, which will be held on May 18. W e're anxious to hear about all of you so if you're ever near Macomb, come to visit the Alph a Epsilons.- BETTY jEAN RIEGEL.
Alpha Lambda 's "Davy Jones" Party ;t THE
Ruth Ann Powell was Alpha Epsilon's candidate for Greek Queen, sponsored by the Kappa Sigma Kappa Fraternity.
one he picks will be crowned at the a nnual Greek Ball. Ruth Ann is sponsored by the Kappa Sigma Kappa Fraternity. More honors were cast upon us by the election of th e following girls as campus leaders : Betty Collin , Barb Boeker, Sharon Riley, and Sharon White. Gloria Ca rpenter was chosen as a class personality. We tried our hand at selling luggao·e tag as one of money making proj ects. Santa Claus paid us a visit at our annual Christmas party this year. After Santa passed out our crifts we played charade , ang Christm a carols and, of course, ate lot of okies. W stern's op retta wa " Oklahoma." The following lpha Taus helped to ma ke it a u e s: B tty Collins, Marlene atzinger and Ev K il. \ c I in p tion Januar 25 and 2 n w cxp ricn for mo t
theme of Alpha Lambda's rush party which was held in the fall was "Davy Jones' Locker." The prospective rushees, dressed as pirates, and the members, dressed as sailors, were entertained in a room bedecked with fish, driftwood, candles, seaweed, sand, and all the trimmings. The effect given caused us to forget we were merely in the recreation room of one of our dorms ; and instead caused us to feel as if we were in the very depth of the sea. SeYeral of our members participated in the entertainment, and to put the finishing touch on our show, three of our alumnae added their talents. We gave our guests a chance to join in when we had our "fish" tale. Thi is beginning to be a tradition with us. Every one sat in a circle ; and, as the story went around the circle, everyone added her part. Then to all food lovers came the be t parta delicious meal. After the last ip of coffee and the last bite of cake, we all aathered around our sponsor, Mommy Daniels while sh e told Alpha Lambda's histm and of what orority life consisted. Thi i the m . t eriou and most impre i e part of our ru h pa rty and I caught a glimp of man a tea r falling . To clo , all th old m mbcrs form d a circl around our gu ts nd sa ng our or rity ong. E one enjo •ed he . elf. and we an fe I pr ud t o th, t ur p. rtY
Alpha Betas In Perpetual Motion
"Davy Jane's Locker" was the setting for Alpha 路 Lambda's most successful rush party.
Alpha Lambda celebrated Founders' Day with a banquet at Christiansburg.
influenced our twelve new members to be with us as sisters in A~T. Th e final touch came J anu ary 16 when our new sisters were formally initiated . rever had a better group of girl been taken into A~T . Also in the fall the Alpha Lambda Chapter celebrated Founders' Day with a banquet at Grant's Tavern in Christiansburg. We reserved a room there, so we had all the privacy needed. The food was delicious, and a good time was had by a ll. Our annual dance, Sweetie Pie, in honor of our new members, was held .March 2, at the Armory with the Goldtones playing. Important to our chapter is the fact that two of Radford College's Outstanding seniors are members of A~T . They are Cynthia Hinkson and Barbara Helvey. To these two girls we offer our heartiest congratulations.DEE ToLsoN. THE ANCHOR
;\', "HURRY, HURRY, must keep busy . " like the incessant whisper of revolving train wheels- this seems to be Alpha B ta's motto for the year. Our fall rushing season netted us eleven cnthusia tic pledges. We were so happy to have Mrs. Peterson, National Presi dent, and Mrs. Snidow, District Presiden t, with us for our rush parties a nd also for Founders' Day, wh ich was celebra ted November 3 with the traditional banqu et a t the Hotel Frederick. Miss Winifred Newman, past president of Pilot International and member of the Charleston Alumnae, was our guest speaker for the evening. H er talk was both interesting and entertaining. After rushing, we gave a pa rty a nd a slumber party for our new pledges at a camp out of town. We had loads of fun getting to know each other better-also we have some new pictures for our scrapbook . In November we again won the Women's Division of th e Red Cross Blood Dri ve. This being our third consecutive win, we retired the rotating trophy. D ecember brought the holiday season and in keeping with tradition we had our an nual Christmas party and exchanged gifts. We also took part in the Christmas Sing ( under the capable guidance of our Song Leader, 路 Shirley Harma n ). Th e Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity loa ned us their house for our fall rush parties. In return we serenaded them in December and presented them with a plaque in appreciation of their courtesy. Evon Mickel, one of our pledges, wrote new lyrics to the song, " Green Door," and entitled it " R ed Door" (a Sig Ep Symbol ) and we presented this to the Sig Eps at the time of the serenade. They intend to adopt it as a standard Sig Ep song, with credit to A~T! N ext came our rummage sales which were very profitable. Also we sold candy both on and off campus and cleared $50.00. Our pledge class took charge of decorations for our formal, January 12. It was
called the Alpha Sigma Tau Snow Ball and the decora tions consisted of snowballs, snowmen, and emerald and gold streamers combined' most effectively. We all had a wonderful time. Also in January it was announced that we won the CARE trophy for donating the largest amount per capita to the Hungarian Relief Fund (sponsored by the Student Christian Association) . February brought lots of snow, semester break and then rushing. We have a new little sister as a result of second semester rushing. We hope to acquire a few more pledges in informal rush between now and May. March 10 initiation services were held at Johnson Memorial Chapel for seven new actives and also for our new faculty advisor, Miss Watrous. The scholarship award was presented to Sandra Anderson and the model pledge award to Jewell Roark. Plans are under way to sell another shipment of candy, plus holding a candy sale to sell home-made candy. Too, we are looking forward to participating in Greek Week and the All Greek Mother's Day Sing. The Sing will take patience and practice, but we hope to bring home a new trophy! Preparation for our annual Yellow Rose Formal are also in progress. It is to be held on Friday, April 26, at one of the local hotels. :May brinas not only May flow ers, but also our spri ng picnic, and the alway dreaded semester tests. We will lose two of our actives, Barbara Dawson and Mari lyn Kincaid, through grad uation thi year. Beside being i ters and close fri ends, the e two have been inva lua bl e in our group a nd we'll surely hat to lo e them , but our loss will be the Alumnae's gam . And so goc another ycar- \\'c fee l it ha b n su cc. sf ul a nd we're looking forw a rd to bigg r a nd b tter things for lph a B ta in th e future. - BARBARA E . DAw ON.
Beta 's Bicyc le Re lay ;t, AT Central Michigan College, the frater-
nity men have an annual push cart derby relay. We sorority women can't be left out in the cold so this year Alpha Sigma Tau, Beta Chapter, sponsored a bicycle relay. Julia Kelly was our chairman and organizer. All sororities were invited, and eight participated. The relay consisted of a mile and a half with four stations for the girls to change riders. Volunteers from the fraternities helped block off the treets and a sisted at the stations. The Delta Zetas won first place, with the Betas placing third. A trophy was awarded to the D elta Zetas at the Panhellenic m ee tmg. The trophy is gold with a cyclist on top. It was such a huge success that we are making it an annual event a nd the trophy will be a traveling one. We used English bikes a nd we' ve decided that the girls should haYe a warm-up period to get acquainted with the bikes they will ride. We had one casualty. :Meredith White fell off her bike and recei,路ed black and blu e marks. Next year we hope to ha,路e as much fun and no accidents.
Help Your Sorority's Magazine Sales
Nancy Fleming races for Beta Chapter in Alpha Sigma Tau sponsored bicycle relay at Central Michigan College .
THE .\ ,
Alumnae News Akron-Canton Donates Clothes for Teenagers ;\; THE Akron -Ca n to n Alumnae Ch apter has h ad a very bu sy holiday season. In November we celebrated our Founders' Day in Canton . I t was a ve ry beautiful occasion. The tables we re decorated in the traditional em erald and gold. Barba ra Gorden acted as hostess. Because we have four birthdays in November, they were celebra ted a t our路 Founde rs' D ay banqu et. Eleanor Ha las, our local P a nhellenic representa tive. is a grandm oth er again. (As Elea nor put it. we have another precious baby girl in our li ttle fa mily.) On D ecembe r 8, our a nnu al C hristmas p a rty was h eld in Su e M cBee's home. L a Grace F oote acted as co-hostess. W e had our gift exch a nge, a nd each girl was thrill ed with her p a rticu la r gift. Ca th erin e M eredith, wh o is an interior decora tor in h er own right a nd a n a rtist in fl owe r a rra nging, brought boxes upon boxes of suppl ies and taught us how to m a ke differen t a rrangem ents for the fire place, as we ll as table and lunch eon decora tions, fa ncy candles, a nd door h angings. I think the thing that impressed us m ost was the M adonna a rrangem ent. It was really brea thtaking. This year as our charity proj ec t, we h elped the Akron P a nh ell eni c Associ a ti on collect clothing for teenage girls living in the Summit County Children's Home. Su ch things as pocketbooks, n ecklaces, earrings, and, of course, regular clothing were collected. The emphasis of the collections were THE ANCHOR
pu t on the coll ection of things teenagers Eleanor H alas was ch airma n of the city-wide Pa nhell enic collection, Pa nsey .Croye a nd F rancis Miller were on her committee. On J a nu a ry 13, m any of the m embers of the Akron-C a nton Alumnae Chapter h ad the privilege of seeing Mrs. Lillian Schippers, Ba rba ra H emm, and M ary Alice Peterson in Akron . The red corduroy overstuffed ch air which Miriam Gruna u, Fra nces Miller, a nd oth ers had recovered und er Su e's direction was sold. F ebru a ry brought a luncheon a t Knigh t's Pl aza R es ta ura nt in Ca n ton with J a net Gross a nd Yfiri am Gruna u as hostes es.LILLIA N Ac KERM AN AND Su siE M cBEE. w ish for, ra ther than necessities.
Beckley Plans Rummage Sale t T HE Beckley alums a re very busy with th eir teaching. All the girls in our rrroup teach or work, with the excep tion of a few who a re kept busy with their fa milies. T wo of our m embers had additions to their families. D orcie Shuma te Covey is the proud moth e r of a da urrhter born July 10, 1956 ; M ary Agnes F a rmer Sm ith i the proud mother of a boy born in September ; we were \'ery sorry to h a ve the Smith fa mily m ove to D elawa re. Our group has been very fortuna te to h ave the p leasure of initiating three girls, Ellen Maples, Georgia n a Daniel, and R ena Pitotti. W e were very p leased when N a ncy Boyd i-5
joined our group. She is the County Demonstration Agent for Raleigh County. Our December meeting was "hi-lighted" with a surprise shower for Ellen Maples. She became the bride of David Knight during the Christmas vacation. We are very proud of Helen Moses Fleshman. She received her degree from Concord last semester. Helen has worked continuously for the last two years, even driving to Concord one night a week to get her residence. We feel she has truly "earned" her degree. We held a Valentine party in February. Th e March meeting was held in the evening because several of the girls were unable to attend our afternoon meetings. The Apri l meeting is to be our annual meeting, and w~ are planning our rummage 路 sale for the Saturday before Easter. In May we hope to meet with all the alums of this area.
Buffalo Increases Attendance ;\; To start off the new year, we made plans for increasing attendance at meetings. At each month's meeting members of three different classes are honored- the hostess' class and the class preceding and succeeding hers. These plans and the committees for the year were formulated at the September board meeting at Eunice Bundt's home in the country which she and her husband are building. To prove that the above system can be successful in renewing the interest of members whom we haven't seen for a while, the first meeting in September at Joan Fynn's had an attendance of forty. October was a busy month with our regular meeting at Ronnie Wilkin's and a lunchon and card party headed by Patricia Nichols at a local resta urant. One of our m mb rs, Eunice Pundt, went to Philadelphia again to assist Lambda Chapt r with their rush cason. f our , in Novcmb r we eel brat d Found rs' 1 ay with a banqu t and candlelight The month! m ting was 4)
held at Dorothea Porter's. We had two parties at Christmastime. A punch party for Sigmas and their families and friends was held at Edith Ramaley's on December 16. Dorothea Porter was her co-hostess. The day after Christmas we had a breakfast headed by Nancy Sumbler and Janet Luther. The sparkle of new diamonds was clearly evident. The Sigmas were surely in a holiday spirit. For 1957 we decided to do more social service work, so we are organizing groups to visit the Old Folks Home at least once a month. Our first meeting of the new year was a huge success. Hostess Lucille McGlynn took us through her beautiful home which has been photographed for a national magazine. W e also enjoyed a demonstration of how we women dep end on oil in our daily living given by two representatives of the Standard Oil Company. Sigma alumnae attended the February dinner and fashion show. Our plans for the res t of the year include an Easter luncheon and a picnic in .June.JoAN M. FvNN.
C leve land' s Family Picnic ;\; EAsT, west, north, and south, the Clevelanders of Alpha Sigma Tau meet downtown for their many activities. Founders' Day was celebrated at the Cleveland Athletic C lub where most of our meetings are held in the luxurious lounge. We intend to contact Lucy Morgan and learn more about Pine Mountain. Ha e you ever used their beautiful sturdy linens ? We have, and are delighted with them. I visited there two years ago and saw the blue and yellow Alpha Sigma Tau room. The etting and atmosphere were beautiful and just thirty-five miles of mo t cenic drivinO' from Asheville. W e held an evening m eting in 1arch with our hu bands and fri nd . Our family final e i in Jun and is u uall 路 a family picni in ' hi h ' e start out , t one hom and nd up , t n ther. nfusing, but fun. - DOROTHY KE TRU K. THE,
Denver Aids Pine Mountain
Flint Plans Big Event
;\.. THE Denver Alumnae Chapter of the Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority held their annual Founders' Day luncheon during the Colorado Education Convention h eld in Denver in O ctober. The president, Elaine Gefroh, presided and Elizabeth Osborne conducted the candlelight service. There were twenty present. The a nnual Christmas party for the men folks was held at the home of Elaine Gefroh. The J anuary meeting was h eld at the new home of Beverly Zehrung. June Sanders, our Needlework Guild Chairman, remin d the girls of our coming proj ect of the collection of fifty garments for the next two meetings. The group voted to send $10.00 to Pine Mountain Settlement after Ruth Ewer, Social Service Chairman, told us of the fin e work being done there.- EDNA PARSONS.
;\.. OuR November meeting was a cooperative dinner held at Shirley Green's home, at which our District President, Mrs. Ruth Maher, was our honored guest and brought us an inspiring m essage. As a money-raising proj ec t we had a rummage sale November 1 with quite satisfactory results. Anoth er project was a visit to an appliance exhibition in February. Then comes our big event in April- Michigan Day at the YWCA.- CRYSTAL HEARN.
Emporia Meets at Homes ;\.. THE Emporia alums m et with Bernice Ace the evening of Janu ary 28. The evening was spent playing games, but to most of the m embers seeing Bernice's three lovely girls and the new addition to her house were the highlight of the evening. Louise Gardner, who works for the Psychometrist Bureau of Measurements, told of her two daughters. Patricia will graduate from K U in June, m ajoring in home economics. This year she has been invited to join two honorary fraternities- Pi L ambda Theta, education, a nd Omi cron Nu , Home Economics. Mary will graduate from the Roosevelt High School. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fitzgerald (Harriet Anderson) now in Hawaii will return with daughter, Debbie, to Emporia State in August. Al will work on his M.A. We have had two recent weddings in Emporia- Twila Anderson to Lloyd Stone and June Anderson to Jack Hovorka.ETHEL PARTRIDGE. Meet your friends this Fall at your District Meeting!
J nvilalion lo
michifjan ::balj ;\.. FLINT alum s have planned a "Michigan Alpha Sigma Tau Day" which will be held at the YWCA in Flint on April 13, 1957. We are hoping for a big turn out from both Alumnae and Collegiate Chapters. The day will begin at 10:00 a.m . with a coffee hour, so come early to sip and chat with all your sisters. A luncheon wi ll fo llow at 12:30 p.m., and its cost will be $1. 75. R eservations should be in by Apri l 1. We are hoping to be guested by several national officers. Please plan on visiting us and making this a successful affair for Alpha Sigma T au.- JEANNE CLARK, C oChairman.
Greeley Proud of Province President ;\.. O u R first meeting of the yea r wa held at the home of our president, Shirley Uhrich. The entire meeting was devoted to fo1mu lating plans for the remainder of the year. Once again the Greeley alumnae and the Denver alumnae met in D enver on October
M. college. There are two alumnae chapters, Zeta Zeta in Denver and Greeley. Shirley teaches music and English in the Pierce, Colorado, schools. Last year she served as president of the Greeley Alumnae Chapter.
Harrisonburg, Newest Alumnae Chapter
Shirley DePorter Batman, Greeley alumna, has been elected president of Gamma Province of Delta Omicron, a national p rofessional music fraternity.
25 for the a nnua l Founders' Day celebra tion. The group ~njoyed a luncheon at D a niels and Fish ers Tearoom. In ovembe r, the g roup met at the Lucille Anderson hom e. At this time alumnae expressed a ppreciation to the active chapter for the delightful Hom ecoming tea which was held at th e sorority house. Mrs. Howard E lgin was hostes to the D ecember m ee ting. M embers exchanged gifts a nd h ad a most enjoyabl e time visiting . \Ve a re Yery proud of one of our alums. Shirley D ePorter Ba tman. Shirley has been elec ted to th e office of pres id ent of Gamm a Province of D elta Omic ron . D elta Omi cron is a n a tiona l profess ion a l music fra te rn ity whi h was found ed to c rea te fellowship a mong ' omen musicia n. during their tu den t d ay with th e id a of a ttaining the high st d eo r e musicia nship indi idually. Ga mma prov ince consi ts of three collcgia t olorado ta te h a pt 路rs: Delt a G a mma, 'oll ege of Edu a tion ; mi ron, W stern , ta t<' c !lege ; a nd psilon, o lorado . & I !I
;\:. HARRISONBURG Alumnae Chapter is proud to take its place among our sisters as one of the tWganizations dedicated to the ideals of Alpha Sigma Tau within the ranks of the alumnae. In October Mrs. Betty Snidow, District President, presented our charter in an impressive ceremony held at the Evangelical United Brethren Church. Following the instailation, Dorothy Rowe, assisted by Psi girls, entertained at a reception at Zirkle House. For all of us present it was the renewing of old ties of siste rhood that was the climax of the evening. Although we are a small group, we hope to make up in accomplishments what we lack in numbers. Our programs h ave already included a program on reading rea diness for the pre-school child ( a boon to some of the mothers! ) and a social. W e are planning to meet with the collegiate chapter for one m ee ting this spring and a famil y picnic in the summer. Our p ersonal news includes a bride-as of last June- when Betty Jo Thompson ma rried Bill Bowman. Loi Suter h as given up teaching in favor of a bu ines career. W e hope tha t our next rep ort will find mu ch more news to report.
Huntingto n Ho no rs New Advisor ;\:. THE Huntina ton lumn ae and Alpha. B ta Ch apte rs lpha. iom a T u had the honor of ent rt inina ~fr . Earl F . P eter. n ,
.H R
ard Snidow, Di trict President, at the a nnua l Founders' Day dinner in Novemb r at the Hotel Fred erick. The peaker for the occasion was Miss Winifred H. Newman, of Charleston, a distinguished alumna of the sorority. Miss Newman, assistant superintendent of schools in K anawha County, West Virginia, received the honorary degree of Doctor of Ped agogy from both Marshall Coll ege, Huntington , and Morris Harvey College, Ch arlesto n. She is a past president of Pilot International , classified service club for busin ess and professional women. I t was a real pleasure to have Mrs . Snidow a nd M r . Peterson with us on this occasion and to have them participate in th e traditional candl elighting service. In December the alumnae h eld their annual Christmas party at the home of Dorothy Buzek. Hostesses included Miss Irene Perry. Yliss Margaret K err, Mrs . L eon Oxley, Mrs. J ohn Pratt, and Miss Buzek. The J a nu ary meeting was a luncheon at the Hotel Frederick with Miss Yvonne Foscato, president, presiding. The February meeting was held at the home of Mis Roe Ann Workman and was a joint gathering of the alumnae and actives of Marshall Coll ege. A panel discussion was held, with two representatives of the Alpha Beta Chapter and two representative o[ the Alumn ae Chapter tak ing part. Mrs. Madge Smith Skeen was moderator for the discussion of the aims and purposes of the ch apters a nd means whereby th e work of the two groups may be better coordinated . A special event on the ca lend ar of the winter a nd a most enjoyabl e one was a tea on February 10 at the hom e of Mrs. Spencer A. Gi llette, an alumnae representative. Both active and alumnae attended this delightful affair which honored Miss Mary Belle Watrous, n ew faculty advisor of the Alph a Beta C h apter.- DoROTHY M. BuzEK
Lansing's Profitable Project ;t OuR first meeting in September was held at th e home of our president, Emily K a ne. THE ANCHOR
At this tim we a ll h elped w make our programs. Our big proj ct of th year was our llllll mage sale held in 0 tober. This enabled us to send Christmas gifts to Pin e Mountain, P enland , Alpha, and Beta. W e all enjoy cl our dinner meeting with Mrs . Ruth Maher, District President. Her visits are a lways an inspiration to us. Our next affair was our annual Christmas party for which Gera ldine Peterman was the hostte s. We then had an interesting meeting at Dorothy Brodhead's home. She teaches ceramics at the YWCA, so we all tried our h and at p laying with clay. Installation of officers and a picnic at the home of Gertrude Kimmich, in June, brings our year to a clo. e.- GERTRUDE LIPPERT KI MM ICH .
Los Angeles Can't Stop Traveling ;t OuR Los Angeles girls a re a trave l-mi nded group. We have to be ju t to get to our meetings. Madeline Chapman lives in Lancaster, forty mil es north of LA, Mary J a ne Glassgow live in W estminster, almost the same distance south. Merle Stocks lives in C laremont, Colleen Baxter in Ontario, both at least forty miles east. Mary Ell en H artman is a Santa Monican , far to the northwest, a nd Trecy H oward McGuire resides in Long Beach. Oth er towns represented are La Canada, 路w hittier, Torra nce, Gardena , an d North Hollywood. Our F ebruary meeting was h eld at Mary J ane Glassgow's. We get so used to trave ling we can't top. Gertrude Flint spent severa l months on a tour. Sh e visited h er daughter in Wisconsin . stopped in Flint and Lansing, Michigan, and came hom e by way of Florida, where she spen t T ha nksgiving w ith a sister. Madeline Chapman pent the last half of D ecember in Washington, D. C., vis iting h er famil y. She is planning a trip to La V ega and San Francisco in the nea r future. Mary Ellen H artman vi ited in Virginia th i pa r summer.
We ob er\'ed Founders' Day with a lunchcon at the Los Angeles Athletic Club. Mary Ellen Hartman, our president, was unable to be with us. She was just home from the hospital, recovering from an operation. Dawn Pell has recently moved into her new home in North Hollywood. We are sorry to report that Pauline Wills' father passed away in September. Pauline, her two children, and her mother have a lovely new home in Torrance. Your writer had a unique experience in 1956. She became a grandmother to two darling boys in the same household and they are not twins! - MRS. vV. VERNON BARRETT.
Mt. Pleasant Bakes for Open House 'l', THE Mt. Pleasant alums have had a mar-
velou sorority year to date. Our Homecoming Breakfast in late October was held in the lovely recreation room of the new Beta Sorority House. We had a wonderful crowd and it was awfully nice to see so many of our isters again. Founders' Day observance was held in the house also with the a lumnae group furnishing the refreshments. Mrs. Julia Bloomer was gi,路en her Housemother's Pin during the ce remony. We a! o furnished baked goods for an open house the girls had for the co llege faculty members. At our Chri tmas meeting we bought gifts for the Childrens' Ward at the local hospita l. Thi has become one of our annu al projects. This year we also sold Chri tmas cards in order to ea rn some extra money with which to buy a special gift for the orori ty house. Our main proj ect for the coming pring wi ll be making th traditional green and gold garte r to b presented in May when we tmttat the graduating eniors into the chapt r.
moving in April. This about sums up our year's activities. We feel we have had a very successful year so far and are especially happy about our part in working with the collegiate chapter in their n ew hou e.- DELORES DRATH AND LILLIAN KASPER.
Muncie Contributes to New Room 'l', A COLD Homecoming Day in October
made th e new collegiate room in Woodworth Halls even more warm and exciting than we had anticipated. The room was finish ed just before the day and all the alums who had o generously contributed were anxious to see it at the annual "Get-together" between the game and dance. Needle s to say we were not disappointed . Founders' Day at Carpenter's farm was an impressive evening enjoyed by many of the alumnae chapter with the collegiate group. Christmas at the home of Thelma Humphrey was a heartwarming meeting with Harriet N elson presenting the " Christmas Spirit." As I mentioned Ia t spring the chapter had chosen th e School for R etarded Children in Muncie for our Social Service project. Twelve of th e alumnae group made favor and planned for the Valentine party at the schooL-MARY McCARRELL.
Philadelphia Learns About Hats 'l', EDITH GRALL, a phy ical education in-
structor at T emple Uni e1 it i the ne' sponsor of the active chapter (Lambda ) on th T emple ni er ity campu . L ambda h a pter celebrat d Founders' Da with a banqu t a t th ld n P . rk M a nor R taurant ov mb r 2. Highliahting th \'enino路' entert. inment w rL , t. lk and demonstr. tion n h w to make h. t_
.H R
given by Mrs. Stern . The talk was entitled The Bluefi eld Alumnae Chapter in vit ed " Hats Around the Clock." th e Princeton-Athens Chapter to meet with D ecember 8 was the date of a Christmas them for their November meeting. We met Party given at Betty Maisch's home with at the home of Eileen Richardson. Miss Betty L ee, Emily R eedy, and Doris Wetter Ella Holroyd presented an interesting proserving as hostesses. During the meeting gram showing slides, with narration, conschool and art supplies were readied and cerning her recent world tour. sent to the Pine Mountain Settlement. C laire We had a Christmas party at J o White's. J enkins entertained the group by showing A Christmas read ing was given by one of slides and giving a talk on her trip through the guests. The members enjoyed singing Europe which she had made during the Christmas carols. summer. More definite plans for projects and other M eeting in Philadelphia for a J anuary 12 activities will be mad e at our next meeting. parley, the L ambda Chapter celebrated their , - GERTR UDE SwrM. birthday with a party. Betty Allison baked a bea utifully decorated birthday cake to observe the occasion wh ile she and Inez Confer, Elinore DeCou, a nd Florence Wiegner acted as hostesses. The highlight for F ebrua ry was a thea ter party sponsored by the a lumnae in down;t O uR Founders' Day Banquet has been town Philadelphia. Cla ire J enkins, Doris th e highlight of our year so far. Fran Boes, Dorothy Mierzwa, and Beckie Rooks Purdum, our chairman for the evening, had acted as hostesses. After enjoyino· lun ch to- printed programs, candles, singing, and a O"ether, the group saw a stage play. most impressive service. June Simmons told M aryann Wytko Donlin was welcomed as what Alpha Sigma Tau meant to her in a new m ember of the alum group recently. school (Past ), Sally Vaughan what the SoMaryann was graduated from Temple last rority means to her now (Present) , and June and became a bride in August. She is Fran Purdum what it wi ll mean to her in li ving in '"'oodbury, ew J ersey.- ALMA E. the days to come (Future). H ELBIG. October found us busy getting ready for th e Christmas Bazaar which was ponsored by the Richmond Panhellenic Association. Vl/e were among the twenty-one sororities that participated. Ou r group made earrings, match boxes, a nd children's hair bands, and we were very pleased with the resu lts. By th e way, while we're ta lking about Pan;t ANNA LEE MASON is the new presiden t hellenic, I would like to say how proud we of the Princeton-Ath ens Alumnae Chap- a rc of our ow n J ean H a ll, who is recording ter of Alpha Sigma Tau. Other offi cers are: secretary for the Richmond Panhellenic AsMarga ret Weatherford, vice-p residen t; Sarah sociation. Spring will find us busy again with our Jo White, treasurer ; J o White, secretary; J eny Huffman, historian ; Berlye Crockett, social ervice project which will be in Peterschap lain; and Gertrude Swim, edito r. burg this year. "'' e' re con idering having Our first meeting this fall was held at another rummage a le to boost our trea ury. Margaret Weatherford's, where our new of- All of us old C hristmas R eynolds wrap again th is year and were very happy over ficers were installed. We have also added two n ew members to the amount we made. V•/c will a lso be hearing wedding bells our chapter this year. They are Ann W ard before long- for ou r pre ident, J ean Pritand Gertrude Swim.
Richmond-Petersburg ·Joins in Panhellenic Bazaar
Princeton-Athens Visit Bluefield Alums
chett i being married in June. We have welcomed three new members this year, Doris Antener, June Simmons, and Shirley Reynolds, and are glad to have Ann Cooke and Lois Fie lds back with us .- MARY ELLEN
Roanoke's Panhellenic President t
THE Roanoke Alumnae Chapter celebrated Founders' D ay on November 3, 1956, by having a lunch eon at the Oasis R estaurant. We enjoyed renewing the ties of sisterhood. Arrangements for the lunch eon were made by Charlotte Greeley and Margaret Martin. In D ecember the members played bridge at a lovely party held at the home of Betty Snidow. At this time the alums voted to give money to a local high school girl at Christma . Anna Margaret Young served on the committee to decide the rotation of officers of the Panhellenic Council, and see if members of the different sororities wou ld serve as the officer for which their group was responsib le. The other two sororities represented on the committee were Phi Mu and Gamma Phi Beta . We were quite honored to have our Panh ell enic representative, Marlene Lu cas. selected to serve as the first permanen t pres ident of the Roanoke City Panhel leni c Council. It wa decided by the chapter that the president would serve as the alterna t delega te to the Council. In J a nua ry the group a<Ya in held a luncheon. It wa h eld at Archie' Lobster House with the arra ngements being m ade by Anna M a rgaret Young. n th e am day of the luncheon, January I 9, M a rl ne Lu ca wa. ma rried to Willi am GC'ne Willis in th hri t Luth eran burch. Martha Dona lds n, cha pl a in of th e ch a pte r, ~c·n ·ccl as h r m a id -o f-honor. M arge ret M a rtin deserves a <Yreat d a] of prai. <' . \Ve rc ntly r c i ed into th cit a l.{tOup of I lung ri a n refuge'S sponsored b • the Roa noke Ministers .onkrr n r. far-
garet, who speaks Hungarian, volunteered to act as an interpreter for the group. She has given a great deal of h er time to helping these new people in our city.-ANNA MARGARET Yo NG.
Shepherdstown Likes to Eat ;t THE Sh epherdstown Alumnae Chapter of
Alpha Sigma Tau has really been active so far this year and I think eYe ryone has had an enjoyabl e time. An old-fashioned picnic tarted the year off with a bang; hot dogs rolls, and "the works" were eaten around a fireplace at our first m eeting, where plans for the yea r were completed. This picnic was at the War M emorial Park in Martinsburg, West Virginia. In October we were privileged to have with us th e Southern District President, Mrs. Betty Snidow. At this time the group gathered at different homes for a progre sive dinner. Food, food, you have never een so much food. Yearbooks were distributed during the business meeting. Founders' Day wa a big time for us . too. We celebrated with a Dutch Treat dinner at Big Springs Dining Room in Martinsburg with alumnae and collegiate member and two patronesses, Mr. J es e Riggleman and Mrs. Inez Riggs, present. At this dinner we enjoyed fried chicken or count!)' ham . I t eem the Shepherdstown Alumnae rea lly like to eat. The Founders' Day candlelighting service was conducted b Mr . Phoebe Payne. In D ecember we had a delightful Chri tmas party at the home of Mi Paulin e Hill in Sh eph erdstown, W e t Virgini a. The progra m led b W anda N1a on included the lighting of a candle and a r ading by ea h member tellin<Y the tor of .hri tmas in the hope ea h hinin<Y li<Yht would beam throu,h the holida M embe rs n pa k g wrapping, hristmas tree rna m ent. , , nd .hri tma- d ra ti n in <Ye nrral. .ongratulation. , re in rder to ur Pre ~i-
THE .\
dent Marian Boyd and her husband on the birth of a fine baby boy born the day after our Christmas party, December 12, 1956. He was 5 lbs. 12 oz. and has been named James Scott. In January we were to have had a demonstration at the Martin burg Potomac Light and Power Company but that night Martinsburg had four inches of snow and we had to cancel the demonstration . We hope we can have it at a later date. We are looking forward to a talk on an European Tour, a spring music recital and election of officers. All members m issing our meetings are missing a good time. Come, we need you and we do have fun .- ANN DowNEY SrMP-oN.
Everyone left fee ling th a t M argaret Orf had been a gracious hostess and that the Christmas Committe had don a sp lendid job. The ew Year found the alums with plans for two more social affairs, a theater party early in the year a nd a progressive dinn r a little later. Although the a lums enjoyed many socia l affairs, they were also quite busy with business meetings and with helping the active chapter. So, now another year with the St. Louis a lums has come to a close, and a busy new year has begun.- CAROL E. WrLLMAN.
St. Louis Has Busy Year t ON NO\路ember 1, 1956, the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter gathered with the members of Pi Ch apter to celebrate Founders' Day. The guest speaker was Mrs. Schuyler Smith, Panh ellenic Editor for Th e St. Louis Post-Dispat ch. She chose as her ubj ect, Panhellenic Expansion, and her ta lk was mo t interesting, timely, and thought provoking. Of course, there was the traditional cand lelighting ceremony in which all Alphas rededicated themselve to the ideal of their orority. Mrs. J. Waldo Hinshaw, President of the orthwestern District, conducted the ceremony. It was very inspiring to see the lighted candle of all the Alphas and to hear them join in inging the Fraternity Hymn. As the st rains of carols heralded in the Christmas season, p lans were laid for the annual Christmas Party. On December 28 the a lums and actives m et again for an evening of fun. Games such as Snowshoe Relay, Put and Take, and I've Got a Secret helped foster the holiday spirit. Th is year, however, instead of having a gift grab bag for themselves, each a lum brought a gift to be sent to Pine Mountain School. Delicious refreshments topped off a wonderfu l evening. T H E ANCHOR
St. Louis alums at a party trying to see who is the windiest. lisa Simpson won the prize.
Washington Gives to Hungarian Relief t
THE Washington, D. C., alumnae end greetings. Nine new members ful l of ideas have sparked our group .. . ideas such a leading a song fest at our Founders' D ay Ba nquet h eld in the lovely Emera ld Room of the Burlington Hotel. Twenty- four braved the rain to a ttend. We are plea eel as punch to have in our m idst these new girl : J ack ie Flanagan and Helen Sou rs of Zeta Tau , and Beverly Barden, Fran ce Brickey, H elen Diffee, J anet Dybvad, M ary Anna Hollomon, H elen Johnson, and M a ty Sue Missimer, a ll of Psi. Early in th e fa ll fiy e of our group attended
Kitchen help enjoy themselves at Washington alum meeting-Jean Shelton, Kathleen Kelchner, Lucie Baldi, and Jean Seleno.
the Rush Tea held by the Northern Virginia Panhellenic Association. Other Panhellenic activities included attending a benefit bridge party given to raise funds to begin an educational scholarship for needy college students. Two lucky Alpha Sigma Taus, Dorothy Gates and Mary Anna H ollomon, won door prizes. Two more brides are busy experimenting with their new cookbooks which they received as wedding gifts from the sorority. Ann Maxey, Psi was married to Leslie Griffin on J uly 21 , and Nancy Myers, Chi and Anthony D ePasquale were married on September 8. Catherine Ann Shepherd arrived on August 31 to brighten the days of Elizabeth, Psi, and Dave Shepherd who a re now livina in Craddock, Virginia. We have evera l service proj ects up our sleeve ... donations have already been sent to Pine Mountain and to Care, Inc., for the Hungarian R elief Fund. Under Charlotte' able leadership we hope to increase our social en路ice activities.- AN M. GRIFFI
Convention 's Com ing!----. WHERE ? Buffalo, New York. WHEN? August, 7958. Be thinking about it-will yo u?
Folding cha irs came to th e re scue at thi s ty pical overflowing g roup a t a Washington alumnae m eeting.
D.C.'s latest additions are, left to right: Mary S u e Mis'simer, Jackie Flanagan. Janet Dybvad, Helen Sours. Helen Johnson, Mary A nna Holloman. He! n Diffee. Bev rly Barden, and Frances Brick y .
Was hington, D. C .. alums have a s on g fe st at the ir annual Founde rs' Day Ban quet. Knee ling : Mary Sue Mis s >m er, Hildre d Klinzer, Carol Kaz m ierczak, Jo Solomon, and Mary E arly. Seate d : Lucille Burkhart, Bar bara G rubbs, Lucie Baldi, Martha Jones, An n Dey, Dorothy Gates, and Jo e y Graves. Standin g: Betty Chew, Ann M. G riffi n , Jane l Dybv ad, Jean H end erson, Me da Ra y Se w e ll. Helen Johns on, a n d Charl e ne Flick.
Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor Anticipates "Michigan Day" t THE Ypsila nti-Ann Arbor Alumnae Chap-
Wichita Alumnae Chapter has eight new member's. Partial view shows TaNeane Willschleger, Billie Atkinson, Mary Leroux, Helen White, Dorothy Walker, Rosemary Coad, Cathie Clark. Aline Russell. Seated, are: Madalyn Ensy. Janet An derson, and Madelyn Noller.
Wichita Adds Eight New Members t
T HE Wi chita Alumnae Cha pter is very happy to be " reactiva ted ." At our last meeting we had eight new m ember a nd are looking forwa rd to additional girls in the coming m on ths. Some of our plans for the future include a m eeting at Rosema ry Goad's new home, a nd, come nice weathe r, a picni c a t Ca thie C la rk's fa rm in R ose Hill , K a nsas, a few miles from Wichi ta. M adalyn Enzy has som e slides she and her husba nd took while on a trip to Europe last sum mer a nd naturally, we're most a nxious to see them. We old m embers were so enthusiastic a bout the new blood being added to the chap ter tha t we forgot to take a picture earlier in the evening. So the accompa nying picture does not show everyone. We're sor ry we were so ca rried away th a t we became forgetful. With these fin e new girls coming to m ee ting , we' re exp ecting a lot of "zip" to be added to this chapter! - MAOOLYN K EHL NoLLER. Write for the ANCHOR CoNTEST! (SEE INSIDE BACK CovER) THE ANCHOR
ter is p ro ud to a nnou n e its membership into the Ann Arbor C ity Pa nh ellenic with Mrs. C urtis Wonn aco tt a nd Mrs. Will ard M axey, J r., both of Ann Arbor as rep resen tatives. With our m a ny new members we have had a busy h appy year. Ou r toy demonstra tion p a rty in O ctober added to our treasury as well as helping us individ ually with ou r Christmas shopping. M a ny alumnae returned to join the Alpha Cha pter for Founders' D ay in November, which we felt was especially well pl a nned by the Alphas. Mrs. Charles Sheets, M rs. Lewis Profi t, a nd Mrs. L emu al N ewton were co-hostesses for our annu al Christmas pa rty at which time Alph a C ha pter and new pledges were our guests. Starkweather H all on Eastern Michigan College campus (Michigan Sta te N ormal) was the p lace of the Alpha's Initi a tion Lunch eon . Mrs. R obert Court a nd Mrs. Maxey we re co-hostesses with alumnae furnishing the luncheon. W e we re thrilled to take part in the initia tion of Alpha' twe lve new pledges. Th e n ew Grecia n robes adding mu ch dignity and grace to the ceremony. In F ebruary we were busy m aking tray favors for the loca l hospital a nd a ttending the play " Gigi" in Ann Arbor. We a rc anticipating a wonderful time for Alpha Sigma T a u's Michiga n D ay, April 13, sponsored by the Flint Alumnae Chap ter. Also our own Alumnae Founders' D ay Dinner with Mrs. Don Folsom and :M rs. G eorge Mitchell as co-chairmen. W e are h appy to have had at our m eetings this year these n ew active alumnae: Mrs. Rich a rd N esbit, Beta; Mrs. John iem an, Alph a; Mrs. Lawrence Buch alz, Alpha; Mrs. Edwin Dreima n, Alpha; Mrs. F ra nk H ager, Alph a; Mrs. R ex Hollom an, Theta; Gwynn Johnson, Alpha; Doris Anderson, Alpha; Mrs. Burke, Alpha; M rs. Gilbert Pea rson, Alpha.- WrLM A GRI FFITH CouRT. jj
Beta ~ary Cloe Fox to John Kurtz Mary Lommen to Robert Stafford Lynn Oberlieson to Richard H ensen, F ebruary 2, 1957 Barbara Zimmerman to K en Kraning, February 2, 1957 Barbara Fisk to Dan M cBride, April, 1956 Sally Battin to J erry Moore Claudette Kirkby to V ern Hawe, Jr. Betty Willman to Donald R. Golden Margaret Sanford to Richard Marquardt, June 16, 1956 Joyce Mayer to Bertram W arner, July 28, 1956 Barbara Baker to Bob Van Dette Roseanna Podolan to . Richard Church, ovember 3, 1956 Joan Force to Mr. Cruse Theta T en )' Thompson to Clarence D. Abrams, February 11, 1956 Dori Commons to John 0. Wilson, D ecember 23, 1955 Iota Twi la Anderson to Lloyd Stone, D ecember 22, 1956 R osie Gibbens to Paul W alker, December 22, 1956 a rolyn Tolbert to Paul Eubank , D ecember 9, 1956 Jun nderson to J ohn H ovorka, F ebrua J)' 9, 1957 M ari Loga n to T rry Ch amberlain J a nua l)' 26, 1957 J o Liss to Cl ar Hutchin on June 3, 1956 M a rg â&#x20AC;˘ Roge rs to J en chnied cr, ugust 15, 1956
Lambda Jane Clifford to Patrick J a me :Murphy, Jr., February 9, 1957 Nu Marilyn :McElwain to R obert Ellis, D ecember 16, 1956 Ardi Christensen to Phillip Williams, June 17, 1956 Carol Acosta to Apolinario C . Aliva, D ecember 1956 Roberta R obin on to Ca rol Lowe, Augu t. 1956 Ann Dilla rd to Thomas Phelps. September, 1956 Ann N elon to Phillip Rich ard on, August, 1956 Mary Ann Dooli ttle to D elbert Bott, D ecember, 1956 Betty Pittm an to D el Englen . ugu t, 1956 Dolores Benzel to H arold William June, 1956 Gloria Cayetano to C a s Ca tenad a, August, 1956 Omicron Ellen M aple to D avid Knicrht, D ecember 22, 1956 Patricia Ann W ard to K arl H oll and, August 2, 1956 N ancy Loui e L ewe to Ronald Bruce Bratton, September 7, 1956
Pi Bett J ea n Kickel to Elmer R ay F annon. June 25, 1955 M a l)' Burri to Carrol R ow n. J anu ary 2 1, 1 9~ 6 :Merline Briggs to K enneth K empe r, :\L y 5, 19 6 :\1arga ret Brig;. t Rus, 1\ ieselm nnn .
THE .-\ t
August 25, 1956 Evelyn Ruenemann to Norma n Clements, August 24, 1956 Dorte Schwerdt to C. Myland Schulter, June 22, 1956 Patricia Huffman to John Paul Jone , February 28, 1956 Zeta Tau Stephani e Bauder to Sid Seattle, 1955 Betty Cory to Charles Coppedge, 1955 Betty Mann to Thomas Gates, 1955 Dinny Coates to Eddie Sersma, 1955 Mary Alice Ellington, 1955 Mary Kay Donnley to Tom E. H awks, 1956 Muriel Boswell to Michael Flynn, August 11, 1956 Sally O'Mally to Robert Walker, 1956 Roberta H am lett to Tommy Whitten , 1956 Myra Jean Drummond to Frank Dore, 1956 Ann Wright to James Arthur Deyerle, Jr., 1956 Marlene Lu cas to Gene Willis, January 19, 1956 Alpha Alpha Joan Peeples to K enneth Heaps, June, 1955 Coralyn Bradfield to Robert M. Carl, August 25, 1956 Shirley Drews to James E. Tucker, August 21 , 1955 Carolyn Wiegel to John Palko Maybelle Crumrine to Art Grimm. Jun e 2, 1956 Marilyn Ru t to Maurice Imhoff, 1956 Delores DeMetz to Ray Ward Estella Laux to James Burns, July 4, 1955 Correction: The Norma Jean Buck who married Richard Kline i not a member of Alpha Sigma Tau. Alpha Epsilon Marjorie Lippincott to James Hardiek, October 1, 1955 Patsy Wells to Russell Voights, December 26, 1955 Janet Roselle to William Eiker, J anuary 1, 1956 Janet Wiegman to Patrick Murphy June 16, 1956 THE ANCHOR
.Juanita Johnson to Jim Sandgcralh , .June 27, 1956 M ary Lois Birch to Dr. Robert A. Purdy, July 28, 1956 Donn a Gerdes to Chuck Ki tch II , August 19, 1956 Joyce Carter to Fred Pinks Eleanor Lybeck to K en Schloemer Sandra Wilson to Bob Ri o August 18, 1956 Carolyne D ee Rogers to George Pensinger, Jr., August 26, 1956 Sue Marilyn Brown to Sid Drain, August 12, 1956 Shirley Becktell to Bryon K ee, August 18, 1956 Pauline Yarrington to Lloyd . Holmes, Jun e 26, 1956 H elen Sandstrom to William Stumphy, June 1, 1956 Ruth Rose to Robert Lohr, September 8, 1956 Janet Sue Paxson to K eith De Blieck, September 16, 1956 Alpha Lambda Thelma Louise Dooley to R obert Lester H elwig, January 5, 1957
Alpha To Dr. and Mr . Thomas Anderson (Doris Sultz ), a daughter, Karen M arie, September 15, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Dona ld Folsom (Lois Phillips ), a daughter, Diane, J anuary, 195 3; a son, Donald, February, 1955 ; a son, Dick, May, 1956 Beta To Mr. and Mrs. Pat Wallace (Sandra Vanderstein ), a son, David Patrick To Mr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Brieden (Mary Kane), a daughter, Betsy, January 23, 1957 To Mr. and Mrs. R. Kirk Driver (Shirley Town ) , a daughter, Kathy L ee, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rood (Rose oGiguere), a daughter, Lorraine, vember 7, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Becker (Jean Young ) , a son Thomas, June. 1956 57
Delta To Mr. and Mr. H aack ( Marilyn Weaver ) , a da ughter, Beverly Lynn, October
6 1956 Zeta T o Mr. a nd Mrs. Cha rles Pfeffer (M a ry Fought ), a son, Douglas Fra nk, M a rch
23, 1955 To Mr. a nd M rs. D ean Ba rtges ( Patricia Fleming ) , a son, F ebru a ry, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith (E velyn Long ), a daughter, June 1956 Theta To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Soltesz (Ellenjane Gohlke ), a daughter, Laurel Joa n, August 6, 1956 To Mr. and Mr . Fra nk Favaloro (Johanna Russell ), a son, Stephan Stuart, Jun e 24, 1956 Iota .To Mr. and Mrs. Cl ifford Vickery (Patsy Cha pman ), a son, Clifford Allen, September 9, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Alla n Schul (Dorothy Ca rson ) , a son, J effery Lynn, May 25, 1954, and a da ughter, Jill Diane, May 3,
1956 To Mr. and Mr . Phil Anderson, III, (Janet Gray ), a son, Mi lton Phillip, July 18, 1956 To Mr. a nd Mrs. Joe Stine (Marge Henson ), a daughter, Jan. May 28, 1956 To Mr. a nd Mrs. Allen (Pat Belfield) a daughter, R ene, July 15, 1956 To Mr. and Mr . John D. Ensz a daughter Lori L ynn, October 1, 1956 To Mr. a nd Mr . Jas. Brandt (Shirley Farmer ) , a daughter, Kimberly Kay, November I, 1956 To Mr. a nd Mrs. Alvin Rusk (Jo Ann Elliott ), d a ughter, K a thryn Ruth , Janua J
3, 1957
Lambda To M r. a nd ~1 r . onfer (Inez Plumley) , a on T M r. and Mr . ta r n ee O g le (C a rolyn Wu ht r ), a da ughter, Linda M ari , ugust I ' 195
Nu T o Mr. and Mrs. Zehring, a da ugh ter, ovember 3 1956 T o Mr. and Mrs. Brown. a d aughter, January 11, 1957 To Mr. and Mrs. Stackhouse, tw in sons, J anu a ry 9, 1957 Omicron To M r. a nd Mr . Gene W a rd (Pa tricia Ann H aney ), a daughter, D eborah J ean, O ctober 20, 1956 To Mr. a nd Mr . P. L. Will (D ori J ohnson ), a on, J erry Will, June 15, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon C ovey (Dorcie Shuma te ), a daughter. Eileen Frederica, July 10, 1956 Pi To Mr. and Mrs. E . R ay F annon (Betty Kickel ), a son , Mich ael R ay, M a rch .
1956 Zeta Tau To Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Sersma (Dinny Coates), a d aughter, Laura L ee, July
17, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gates (Be tty Mann ) , a son, Thomas Mann, July 17.
1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coppedge (Betty Cory ) a son, Stephen Allen, D ecember 19, 1956 Alpha Alpha To Mr. and Mrs. Robert H elm (Ja ne Spillar ) a daughter, Janice Lee, June 2.
1956 To Mr. and Mr . Fred La wton ( Eleanor Pieinski ) , a son, Ned To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Straight (Jean McCracken ), daughters Cheryl in 1950. Diane in 1952, and Barba ra in 1954. To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Creek (Bett ' Shroyer ), a daughter, Sa ndra Ka , August 4, 1956 To Mr. a nd Mrs. R. ' . D en;ck on (Joa nne Courtney ) a on, Michael ' illiam Augu t 2, 1956 To Mr. and M rs. R a F ewell (Cath ' Quackenbush ) , a on, K e\"in, to her
30 1955 To Mr. and Mr . R b rt M F dden (Marj rie teed ), a dau h ter, Elaine Di n , M, 3, 1956 THE .
To Mr. and Mrs. Grover Smith (Irene Marszalek), sons, Terry L ee, October 11, 1954, and Mark Anthony April 14, 1956
Alpha Epsilon To Mr. and Mrs. Fenno Dewey (Pat . Heller) a son, Fenno Charles, January 25, 1955 To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robbins (Ginny Eastland) , a son, Scotty, October 25, 1955 To Mr. and Mrs. Phil Pobanz (Mary Cramm) , a son, Jeff, November 25, 1955 To Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johnson (Elna Nordstrom ), a daughter, Marla Louise, November 13, 1955 To Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Richard (Glenna Howard) , a daughter, Gina Marie, January 4, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. George Hull (Adana L'Hommedieu) , a son, Steven Glen, January 25, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Warren Moe (Caroline Anderson) , a daughter, Pamela Ann, February 9, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sparrow (Louise Bunch ), a daughter, Marcia Jo, February 23, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Carlisle (Lina Vaughn ), a son, Steven Kent, March 19, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Joe Koomar (Bernie Brown ), a son, John Bernard, April 2, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coopman (Teresa Stohl ), a daughter, Teresa, April 12, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Battin (Doris Swedell) , a daughter, Susan Elaine, June 18, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Haney (Carol Ross ) , a son, Scott Kenneth, July 15, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Onion (Barbara Yard) , a daughter, Carolyn Jane, August 8, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Danner (Norma Penington) , a son, Kevin Lee, September 2, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. James Dark (Lila RingTHE ANCHOR
house), a daughter, Debra Sue, September 26, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cox (Barbara Brown), a son, Kenn eth Steward, October 21, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bergman (Norma Lanier) , a son, Derf Edward, October 21, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frowein (Janice Sohrbeck ), a son, Ricky, October 23, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. K eith Elliott (Shirley Nichols ), a daughter, T eresa J ean, October 28, 1956 To Mr. and Mrs. James Hardiek (Marjorie Lippincott ), a daughter, Elizabeth Ann, June 28, 1956
To Charlene Schul, whose father passed away May 2, 1956. To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eberly (Barbara Gayer) , whose infant daughter, Susan, passed away in September.
The Future Homemakers of America ( CONTIN U ED FR O >< PAGE
opportunity to meet and work with her national officers and staff, vi sit pla ces of in ter est in our nation's capitol, in form ten thou sand Future F a rmers of Am eri ca about th e organization of the Future Hom emakers of Ameri ca, act as hostess for th e Home Bui lders A ssociation of Illinois, appea r on television shows, meet Senator Kefauver, chat and be photograph ed with Mr. Bennett Cerf. It has been most enjoyable and rewarding to me to participate as an advisor and chaperone, but best of all, is the opportunity to watch the outstanding progress of one of my students- an American high school girl - during these six years. How often I marvel at the opportunities this year has brought to Carol Ann as National FHA President and to me as her advisor, but, then this is America! 59
1956-57 Alpha (1'8 99)-Eastem Michigan College, Ypsilanti, Mich. President- Imogene Williamson, Goddard Hall, E.M .C., Ypsilanti, Mich. Adviser-Mrs. R . B. Bates, 20 S. Normal, Ypsilanti, Mich.; Mrs. Wilbur Williams, 1210 Shores Ave., Ypsilan ti . Alumnae Representatives-Betty Ann Gustafson, 16503 Tuller St., D etroit, Mich. ; Mrs. H. E. Staehle, 481 Torrence Rd., Columbus, Ohio Beta (1905-1917; 1940)-Central Michigan College of Education, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. President-Roberta Thompson , 906 Main St., Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Adviser-Miss Charlotte D enman, 105 E. High St., Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Alumnae Representative-Mrs. L. J. Gaffney, 873 Milford Rd ., Holly, Mich. Gamma (1900-1913)-Wisconsin State College, Milwaukee, Wis. Alumnae R epresentative- Mrs. Grant Hinkamp, 659 Lark Street, Marion, Ohio Delta ( 1916) -State Teachers College, Indiana, Pa. President-Ca rol H ess, 2.47 John Sutton H all , S.T.C ., Indiana, Pa. Adviser-Miss Mary Washington, 644 Wayne Ave., Indiana, Pa. Alumnae R epresentatives- Mr . Russell Guard, 12 Park Pl.. Indiana , Pa .: J ane Dunlap, 203 Cherry Ave., Houston, Pa. Epsilon {1919-1923; reorganized as Lambda, 1926)-:-Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. Alumnae Representative-See Lambda Chapter. Zeta (1921-1948; 1949)-Lock Haven State Teachers College, Lock Haven, Pa. President- Marcia M cH enr y, Box 424, Lock Haven, Pa. Adviser- Mrs. I. 0. Fleming, I 08 Riverside T er., Lock Haven, Pa. Alumnae Representatives-Mrs. Franklin McIlvaine, R.F.D. 1, Dunnstown, Lock Haven, Pa.; Mrs. Ray Wolfe, Prospect Ave., Avis, Pa. Eta (1927-1939)-Kent State University, Kent, Ohio Alumnae R epresentative-Mrs. Bernard M cBee, 1183 Avon St., Akron, 0 . Theta (1923)-Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich. President- El ea nor Klop e, 1920 1 Greeley, D etroit 3, Mich. dviser- Mrs. Betty Chmaj, Wayne State niversity, D etroit, Mich. Alumnae R epresentative-Mrs. H . T . Meister, 23236 Raven, E. Detroit, Mich.
( 1923 )-Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kan. President- Ju ne Anderson, 1006 Cons titution, Emporia, Kans. Adviser-Mrs. H. 0 . Wood, 1736 E. W ilmer, Emporia, Kans. ; Mrs. Alice Gist. 1411 Washington . Emporia, K ans. Alumnae R epresentatives-Mrs. Thos. E. Curry, Box 75 3, Pratt, K an.; Mrs. Mark Rose, 621 West 6th , Emporia, K an . Kappa (1924-1929)-Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Alumnae R epresen tative-Mrs. R . M. R einert, 136 Mavern Ave., Hamilton, Ohio Lambda (1926)-Temple University, Philadelphia President- Myrna Giardina, 307 Haverford Rd ., Wynnewood , Pa. Adviser- Mi s Mari e Grall, Gree nwood Terrace Apt ., J enkintown, Pa. Alumnae R epresentative-Mabel Schreiber, 511 Chestnut. Lebanon, Pa.; Marie Furia, 1407 Ell worth St., Phil adelphia, Pa. Nu (1928-1940; 1948)-Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colo. President- Tane t Br iscoe, 1715 1Oth ve. , Greeley, 路colo. Advisers-Mrs . Julius Korman, 1918-14th St.; Mrs. Carl Melan der, 1807 Fairacre Dr., Greele y, Colo. Alumnae R epresentatives-Mrs. Clarence Anderson, Rte. 2, Box 16, Eaton, Colo.; Miss Juanita Emerick, 3033 W . Highland Park Pl., D enver. Xi (1929-1933 ) -Westem State Teachers College, Gunnison, Colo. Alumnae R epresentative-Miss Grace Quinby, Box 1026, Alice, Texas. Omicron (1930)-Concord College, Athens, W. Va. President-Arden Langdon, Box 325, Athens, W . V a. Advisers-Miss Mae Hunter, Athens, W . Va.; M iss Mildred Dransfield, Concord College,路 Athens, W . Va. Alumnae R epresentatives-Miss Nancy Ruddell, 1412 Franklin St., Bluefield, W . Va.; Miss Hila Arrington, 1331 Mercer St., Princeton, W.Va. Pi (1930)-Harris Teachers College, St. Louis. Pre id ~nt-V era Jordan, 3506 H enrietta, St . LoUis, Mo. Advisers-Miss Julia Kohl, 5816 Jamieson, St. Louis 9, Mo.; Miss Julia K. Murray, 3506 Hawthorne, St. Louis, Mo. Alumnae Representatives- Mr . Eugene Bruns 7022 Ethel, St. Louis 17, Mo.; Mrs. Wm. Vit: 3914 McDonald, St. Louis 16, Mo.
Rho ( 1932-1948; 1949) outheastern tate College, Durant, Okla. Pr sikd nt- nndra Mob! y, ta te oil. , Dura nt, Ia. ta t , oil · Advis rs- Miss Mary Slaws n Miss Mildred Riling, 904 W. Elm ; Dr. Linni~ Ruth Hall, 324 W . Plum, Dura nt, kl a. Alumna R epres nta tives- Mrs. William Swaffor? , Alturas, Calif. ; Mrs. Eug n D erich sweJ!er, 401 E . Morton, D enison, T x. Sigma ( 1925 )-State University College for Teachers, Buffalo, N. Y. Advisei'-Mrs. Lillian MoKenneth, 1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo 22, N. Y. Alumnae R epresenta tives- Miss Florence ·M arcotte, 212 Congress St., Buffalo, N . Y.; Mrs. Harold Peterson, 2·30 Knowlton Ave., K enmore, N. Y. Zeta Tau (1935)-Longwood College, Farmville, Va. President- Carolyn K elly Box 246 L ongwood College, Farmville, V~. ' Ad':iser- Miss Virginia Bedford, L .C., FarmV1lle, Va. Alumnae Representative-Mrs. Boice Ware, Keyesville, Va. Upsilon (1935)-Arkansas State Teachers College Conway, Ark. ' President- J a nis Purtle, A.S.T .C. , Conw ay, Ark . Advisers- Miss Dorothy Allen, 240 Donaghey, Conway, Ark .; Mrs. Sue Phelps, 1818 Simms, C onwa y, Ark . Phi
Om ga (1945- 1954 ) -Minot log , Minot, N. D.
Alpha Alpha ( l 945 ) - Ball tate Teach era College, Mun i , Ind . Pr sid nt- D Ion· D ill on W od H all, Munci Ind . · ' Ad vis rell Young, 100 a ll y, Mun ie, Ind . Alumnae R pres nta tiv - M rs. R . B. Cross, 207 Winthrop Rd., Mu ncie, Ind. Alpha Beta ( 1946) -Marshall Coli ge, Huntington, W.Va. Presid nt- Ph yll is Brcwer Laid! y H all, H unting ton, W . Va. ' Ad vis r- Mrs. Ronald Hulb rt. Alumna R p resen ta tive&--M iss Clara Clos terma n, 1025 9th Ave., H un tington, W . Va.; Mrs. Spen er A. Gill tt , 396 Forest Rd., Huntington, W. V a. Advisory Bd .- Miss D oro thy Buzek 5720 P a Rid ge Rd ., H untington, W . Va. ' Advi se rs- M iss M ary B. W atrous. M a rshall College, Hu ntington, W. Va.; M rs. R onald Hulbert, 190 1 nderwood , Huntington. W. Va. Alpha Gamma ( 1946 ) -H enderson tate Teachers College, 1Arkadelphia, Ark. Presid ent- an d ra D ishongh , H ..T .C., Arkadelphi a, Ark. Advisers-Miss Amy J ean Gree ne, H . .T.C ., Arkadelphia, Ark.; M iss M ae W hipple, Box 644, H .S.T .C . Alumnae R epresentat ive-M rs. J ohn M aguire, 5334 K eesport, Pitt burgh 36, Pa.
( 1940)-Southeastem Louisiana College, Hammond, La. President- Mary Ali ce Stri ckl a nd , C ollege Sta ., Hammond , L a . Advisers- Miss M a rgar et Lowe, College Sta., Hammond, La .; Mrs. 0 . Moore, Coli. ta., Hammond, L a. Alumnae R epresentative - Maril yn Cla rk, Rte. 3, Box 3, H ammond, La .
Alpha Delta ( 1948 )-Southwestem Missouri State College, Springfield, Mo. P re id ent- Pat Zirkle, 807 . Pa rk, pringfield , M o. Adviser- Mrs. Betty J o Petefi h 71 W biteside. Spri ngfield, M o. Alumn ae R epresentative-M aureta D a rr, 1143 M aryla nd , pringfield, M o.
Chi (1940-1948; 1950)-Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, W. Va. Presiden~-Lynn Scafa ti, Sheph erd Coll ege, Sh eph erdstown , W. Va . Advisei'-Miss Sara Helen Cree, Shepherdstown, W. Va. Alumnae R epresentative-Mrs. Ros coe Payne, 710 S. Church St., Charles Town, W . Va .
Alpha Epsilon ( 1948 )-Western Illinois ta t C ollege, Macomb Ill. P resi dent- Betty Collin , 308 \\'. .\ dam . M acomb, Ill. d vi er- D r. H a rriet tull, 31 ); . Dudley, M acomb, Ill . A·l um nae R ep re entative - M rs. Floyd Prui tt, Box 359, Ti ki lwa. Ill. : M r . J oe Koom ar 81 T oni t. , Bourbonnai . Ill .
Psi ( 1944) -Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. Presid ent- Suza nn e Bowdle, Box 323, M adison College, H a rrisonburg, V a. Adviser-Miss Helen M. Frank, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. Alumnae Representatives- Mrs. T . J. King, Jr., 4736 Ave. W ., C .P., Birmingham 8, Ala. ; Miss Dorothy Rowe, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va.
Alpha Lambda ( 1953 ) -Radford College, Radford Va. Pre id ent- Barba ra H elvev. R adford olle e, R ad for d, a. · Adviser- Mi Bla nch e D aniel , 1405 Grove Ave ., Radford, V a. Alumnae R epresentati e-M rs. Sue Plunkett Hill , R adfo rd College R adford, V a .
_A./umnae *CHARTERED
*Akron-Canton, Ohio Mrs. Bernard McBee, 1183 Avon St., Akron, 0 . Albuquerque, New Mexico Mrs. L. ]. Paddison, 911 Parkland Circle Baltimore, Maryland Mrs. W. ] . Deane, 4042 Edgewood Rd. ( 15)
*Huntington, West Virginia Yvonne Foscato, 1344 Spring Valle y D r.
*Beckley, West Virginia Mrs. Harold Hedrick, 206 Railroad Ave.
Kansas City, Missouri Mrs. Victor P. Wolf, 6721 Charlotte
*Bluefield, West Virginia Miss Nancy Ruddell, 1412 Franklin St. *Buffalo, New York M iss Catherine Croc uston, 353 Nassau Pl. , K enmore, N. Y. *Charleston, West Virginia Mrs. Ma uri ce Miller, 4 17 Charles ton
Chieago, Illinois Mrs. L. J . Cashman, 2448 Estes Ave. (45 ) *Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. S. E . Strunk, 2 124 R eyb urn Rd. ( 12 ) Columbus, Ohio Mrs. H . E. Staehle, 481 Torrence Rd. ( 14 ) Dallas, Texas Mrs. W. D . White, 4224 H awthorne :Ave. Dayton, Ohio Mrs. Robert H emm, 517 Lakeshore Rd., Crystal Lake, M edway, 0 . â&#x20AC;˘Denver, Colorado Mrs. I. J . Gefroh, 415 Cody Dr ., L a kewood *Detroit I , Michigan Mrs. Mary J ean Bristol, 6l.J.2 Bishop Rd. (2.J. ) Durant, Oklahoma Elkhart, Indiana *Emporia, Kansas Mrs. J ohn M . Ri chards, 914 M arket *Flint, Michigan Mrs. Chas. Newman, 8189 wartz Cree k, Mich.
. Moorish Rd .,
Fort Worth, Teus Mn. Clifford Jagger , 3959 Angus Dr.
*Greeley, Colorado Mrs . Donald Uhrich, R te. 1, Box 198 â&#x20AC;˘ Harrisonburg, Virginia Mrs. .f. Atlee Cline, 383 Mon ti cello Ave. Highland Park, Michigan Miss Edith Mansell, 161 H ighland
*Lansing, Michigan Mrs. H. A. Kan e, 1221 Pershjng D r. Lock Haven, Pa. Mrs. Evelyn Smith, 3 11
. Fairview
*Los Angeles, California M rs. R . D . H artman, 2520 25th St., Santa Monica *Macomb-Carthage, Illinois Mr . Beverly Scott, Wataga Memphis, Tennessee Mrs. R . ]. Coltharp, 3450 Spottswood Miami, Florida *Minot, North Dakota Mrs . Lillian Eidsness, 8 15 4th Ave. S.E. Morris-Ottawa, Illinois Mr . Pat Voight, R . R ., R a nsom, Ill. Mt. Clemens, Michigan Mrs. M arybelle Baker, 665 Huntington Dr. *Mt. Pleasant, Michigan Miss T od Fugate, R .F.D . No. 3 *Muncie, Indiana Miss Ethel Himelick, 324 N . Martin New York, N . Y. Mrs. Terrance O 'R eilly, Box 54, Kingshighway, Sparkill, N . Y. Norfolk, Virginia Mrs. R ichard L. Lowe, 406 Warren
Oak Hill, W.Va. Nancy Jo Canterbury, 224 Oak Hill Ave. Peoria, Illinois Mrs. Wm. w. lstedt, 129 Edn,
.H R
*Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Miss Emily Reedy, 7 Elm Ave. , Cheltenham Pine Bluff, Arkansas Port Huron, Michigan Mrs. D. N. Bantien, 1626 Pennsylvania, M arysville, Mich. *Princeton-Athens, West Virginia Miss Anna L ee Mason, 101 N. 2nd , Princeton Pueblo, Colorado Mrs. Roy Smith, 801 Minnequa *Richmond-Petersburg, Virginia Miss J ean Pritchett, 1725 Fairfax, Petersburg *Roanoke, Virginia Miss Ama M a rgaret Young, 3424 Bunker Hill Dr.
*Springfield, Missouri Mrs. Wm . Bodanske, 1306 Marylan d *St. Louis, Missouri Miss Charlotte Boehm , 963 Ri verview ( 15) St. Petersburg, Florida Miss Ellen H . Smith, 2327 Second Ave., North, St. Petersburg War, West Virginia Mrs. M ary J ane Howard, Box 27 *Washington, District of Columbia Mrs. Benj amin Douglas, 132 Rich ard Ave., Fairfax, Va. Welch, West Virginia Mrs. Lena Caporossi, Box 607 *Wichita, Kansas Mrs. Emmett Atkinson, 1921 S. Elizabeth *Williamsport, Pennsylvania Mrs. Ri chard Crossley, 760 Pine St., M ontoursville, Pa .
San Diego, Calif. Mrs. Lester Julian, 4996 Porter Hill Rd., La M esa Seattle, Washington Mrs. Stewart Hockom, 1253 S. 156th (88 )
Youngstown, Ohio Mrs. K eith M cGowen, 23 68 Midlothian
*Shepherdstown, West Virginia Mrs. James Boyd, Gerrardstown , W . Va .
*Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor, Michigan Mrs . ]. B. Carpenter, I 032 Evelyn, Ypsil anti
Central District: Mich., Ill., Ind., Ohio, Wis. President- Mrs. L. J, Maher, 2 102 Hamilton Pl., Peoria, Ill. Eastern District: N. Y., Penn., N . ]., Me., N. H ., Vt., Mass., Conn., and R. I. President- Mrs. Joseph Steen, 147 N . Union Rd ., Williamsville, N . Y. Northwestern District: Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and all other states north of these and west of the Mississippi River.
Send to:
President- Mrs. ]. Waldo Hinshaw, 27 H ardith Hill Ct., St. Louis, Mo. Southern District: Va., W. Va., Ky., Md., DeJa., Tenn., N. C., Miss., Ala., Ga., Fla., and S. C. President-Mrs. Richard F . Snidow, 2306 Lincoln Ave., Roanoke, Va. Southwestern District: Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. President-Mrs. P. F. Sc h~pp ers, 5300 Sutherland Ave., St. Louis 9, Mo.
Send to :
5641 S. Kingshighw ay, St. Louis 9, Mo.
5641 S. Kin gshighway, St. Lou is 9, M o.
Chapter _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ Date of Marriage.___________
Na me _ ___________ ___ _
Husband's full name ________ _
Chapter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __
Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __
Address _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
Maiden name____________
Former address - - -- -- - -- - - -
Y/ational Council President-Mrs. Earl F . Peterson (Iota), Route Crawfordsville, Ind. Vice Presidents-Mrs. Joseph Steen (Sigma), 147 N. Union Rd., Williamsville, N. Y.; Mrs. L. J. M aher (Pi), 2 10 2 H ami lton Pl., Peoria, Ill. : Mrs. J. Waldo Hinshaw (Iota). 27 Hardith Hill Ct., St. Louis, Mo.; Mrs. R. F. Snidow (Omicron), 2306 Lincoln, Roanoke, Va.; Mrs. Parry Schippers (Pi) , 5300 Sutherland, St. Louis 9, Mo. NPC Representative and Secretary-Mrs. Haswell E. Staehle (Alpha ) , 481 T orrence Road , Columbus 14, 0. Treasurer-Miss 1Margaret Macdonald (Sigma), 673 Richmond Ave., Buffalo 22, N. Y. Editor-Mrs. Francis Graflage ( Pi) . 10310 Capitol Dr., St. Louis 21 , Mo. Chaplain- Mrs . Joseph Steen, 147 N. Un ion. Williamsville, . Y. Executive Secretary- Mrs. S. Carl Robinson ( Pi ), 146 S. Maple Ave., W ebs ter Groves 19 , Mo.
Gntral Office 564la S. Kingshighway St. Louis 9, Mo.
Central Office A ssistant- Mr s. E . E. Marsh all, 5935 Bishops Pl. , St. Louis 9. Mo.
Y/ational Committee Chairmen Alumnae-Miss Elizabeth Wilson (Pi ) , 1008 Kuhs Pl., St. Louis 17, Mo. Awards-Mrs. ]. E . Gaughan (Psi), 5363 Mansfield, Warren, Mich. Con vention---W!rs. Francis Graflage (Pi), 1031'() Capitol Dr., St. Louis 21, Mo. Courtesy--Miss Genevieve Repeta (Theta), 2919 Richton, D etroit fi, Mich. Endowment-Miss Dorothy D obos ( Theta ) , 18689 Rogge, D etroit 34, Mich . Jfxaminations-Miss Charlotte Kin g (Lambda ), ~ 10 910 N. Marvine St., Philadelphia 41, Pa.
Housing-Mrs. E. C. Phipps (Omicron), 2711 25th St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Life M embership-Miss June McCarthy (Pi), 4602W. West Florissant, St. Louis 15, Mo. Memorial L oan Fund-Miss K athleen Kelchner (Rho ), 3665 38th St. N.W., Washington 16, D . C. Music-Mrs. D . E. Nichols, 147 Princeton, Eggertsville 14, N. Y. News Agency---<Mrs. Meda Ray Sewell (Omicron), 6541 Williamsburg, Arlington 13, Va, Parliamentarian-Mrs. Harold Peterson {Sigma), 230 Knowlton Ave., Kenmore 17, N. Y. Pledge-Miss Rose Marie Schmidt (Theta). 5106 Harvard Rd. , D etroit 24, Mich. Program-De. Ada Jane Harvey (Upsilon ), cjo Arkansas S.T.C., Conway, Ark. Rush-Miss Ethel Himelick (Alpha Alpha), 324 N. 1Martin, Muncie, Ind. Social S ewice-M rs. A. Bruce Ewer ( Nu ), 1145 Clayton, Denver, Colo. Standards-Mrs. Franklin Ace ( Iota) , 631 Walnut St., Emporia, Kan. Histo rian-Miss Viol a King ( Pi ) , 4241 Schillel/ Pl., St. Louis, Mo .
State Chairmen Mrs. Robert Hemm, 517 Lakeshore Rd ., Crystal Lake. Medway, Ohio Mrs. John Simpson, 6535 D evonshire, St. Louis 9, Mo.
Y/ational Panhel/enic Con/erence Chairman-Mrs. Cicero F . Hogan (Gamma Phi Beta), 9219 Mintwood, Silver Spring, Md. Secretary-Mrs. Darrel R. Nordwall (Alpha Chi Omega ) , 60 Sutton Place South, . Y. 22, . Y. Treasurer-Mrs . Joseph D . Grigsby {Delta Delta D elta), Grigsby Sta., Landover, Md. College Panh ellenics Committee~Mrs. William R. Greig ( Sigma Kappa), 6 217 Acacia Ave., Oakland 18, Calif. City Panhellenics Committee-Mrs. H. E . Staehle (Alpha Sigma Tau), 481 Torrence Rd., Columbus 14, 0.
s 6.50
The complete list of official jewelry with
5.00 15.00 22.00
illustrations will appear in the Fall ANCHOR.
2301 Sixteenth Street. Detroit 16. Michigan
THE . . H R
. . .
The Winner of THE ANC HOR Contest ;\; ELLENJ ANE GoHLKE SoLTESZ, Theta, is the winning contributor of 1956 for her ar ticle entitled "What Kind of Alumna Are You ?" She an d the Detroit Alumnae Chap ter each will receive an award of five dollars. A new winner will be chosen in 1957. Wh y don't vou send in a literary con tribution for the Fall ANCHOR.
• Editorial Material D eadlines August 1-for Fall (October ) issue. February 15-for Spring (April ) issue. Send feature stories and pictures to ANCHOR Editor as early as possible. You n eed not wait for deadline. • Chapter News Letter Deadlines February 15-deadline for Spring issue. August 1- deadline for Fall issue. Chapters are urged to send in chapter news for the Fall issue before school ends. Both collegiate and alum nae chapter letters should be typed double space. Good action pictures of your chapter are needed. Be sure to identify all pictures on back, and enclose typed cutlines. Pictures will not be returned unless requested . • C ollege H onors The Fall issue will feature campus leaders, queens, sweethearts, and honored students. Send in pictures and hon ors as they are announ ced during you r college year. D on't wait until the deadline. • Vital Statistics and Ch anges of Address go to the Central Office, 564 1a South Kingshighway, St. Louis 9, Missouri, not to the N ational Editor, as these must be recorded in the Alpha Sigma Tau file.