SUMMER, 1959
News of the National Staff Mrs. Joseph Steen is attending a Leadership School for Religious Education Workers at Wells College, Aurora, New York. Mrs. R . B. Cross and her husband recently had as their house guests two foreign students traveling in the United States und er the auspices of th e R otary Club. M r. and Mrs. Waldo Hinshaw are !>pending two weeks in N ew York City where they wi ll hear a concert by the Dartmouth Glee Club, of which their son, Mark, is a member. M a rk has been on tour with the Glee C lub ince this summer and wi.!l accompany his p aren ts hom e. M rs. Pa rry Schippers and her husband are spend ing a month in Puerto R k o visiting M rs. Schippers' brother. M r . H . E . Staehle is attending the summ er session a t Ohio State Univerity. She is taking Frenc h, Classical Literature, and Ancient Writing, and thoroughly enjoying l H,r courses . Miss Margare t Macdonald is spending the sum mer a t t!he " chez le chat," her summer isla nd h ome near Britt, Ontario, Ca:nada. Mr . Francis GraB-age is taking a course in Educa tion at Harris T eache rs College in St. Louis and struggling with materi al for the Fall ANCHOR. Mr~. S. Carl Robinson is busy at th e central office getting out the a~nual report and other ma terials, and she is also busy getting her da ughter Susie rea.dy for h er junior yea r abroad. Susie sails the last of August for Fra nce, wher:e she will study at the Sorbonne and live with a French family. Miss Elizabeth Wilson, Miss June MeTHE ANCHOR
C ar~hy,
and Miss Ethel Himelick met a t Ash Acres, the farm home of Mrs. Earl F. Peterson, July 10 tJo July 12, as a committee to study and evaluate the results of the qu estiona.ires on alumn ae recommendations. The committee formulated some suggested procedures which will be made available to cha pters in September. July 13 to July 19 Miss Wilson, Miss McCarthy, and Mrs. Peterson vacationed in C anada. They attended the Shakespearean festival at Stratfo rd for three days ·and saw Oth ello and As You Like It and also the light opera Orpheus and Eurydic e. They also visited Godericlh, London, Toronto, a nd H amilton, and all the china shops in every town and city nearby. Miss Genevieve R epeta sai.!ed for Europe June 29 for a summer tour. Miss Emily R eedy, her mother, sister, ·a nd eleven year old cousin left June 30 for a month in England and the Scandinavian countries. Mrss Rose Marie Schmidt is attending summer school in D etroit. Dr. Ada Jane Harvey is ·spending the summer near Sal.em, Virginia, where she and h er ·k iend, Miss Mitchell, have a summer cottage. Mrs. J. E. Gaughan, her husband, and two •dhildren are enjoying their new hom e in Cali·fornia and are spending their free time exploring the many places of interest in the state. They have visited Yosemite National Park and the redwood forests and also Ca rmel and Monterey among other places. M.rs. EaJ"l F . Peterson spent two busy, stren uous, but int.e resting and enjoyable
weeks from May 9 to May 25 inspecting, visiting and installing sorority chapters. On May 9 she attended the Indiana-Illinois State Day at Muncie, Indi;;ma. On May 10 she flew to Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, where she spent three pleasant days with Beta Chapter. On May 12 she installed Alpha Eta Chapter at Alma, Michigan, with the aid of Flint alumnae and Beta coUegiates. Mrs. Peterson reports that Alma College is an outstanding school with high academic and ethical standards, a most gracious faculty, and a beautiful campus rich in tradition and atmosphere. She is also pleased with the new chapter. One of the girls, a strajght "A" student has been accepted to take her junior year abroad and will sai.l for Geneva in August. Anot!her girl is touring Europe this summer with the Alma College Chorus. Still another new A~T was elected president of the W.S.A. this Spring. From Alma, MTS. Peterson went to D etroit. H ere she inspected Theta Chapter, attended Michigan State Day, a nd installed Alpha Theta Chapter at the University of D etroit with the efficient help of the D etroi t alumnae and Mrs. Schippers, expansion director. Mrs. Pe terson was also favorably im pressed with the Alpha Theta girls and feels they will be an asset to A ~T. The University of Detroit is a fin e school with an enrollment of over 10,000 students.
The Fall Anchor will feature COLLEGIATE HONORS and ALUMNAE CAREERS. Send in pictures of 1959 Who's Who members in groups, queens, sweethearts, honorary members, Dean's List in groups, and any other campus honors.
An alumnae chapter is being organized jn Little Rock, Arkansas. This is your sorority. Support it and join an alumnae group. If you live close to Little Rock and could attend meetings, contact Mrs. Albert V an Pelt, 8101 Ascension, Little Rock.
NOTE TO ANCHOR READERS A new stencil addressing system for the ANcHOR mailings prompts us to urge you to keep us informed about you r correct address. Corrections can now be made a little closer to mailing dates, but plenty of time should be allowed. Please include your postal zone number.
Scholarships Available A number of ~lpha Sigma Tau scholarships are available for members who expect to transfer to another college in September. These scholarships may be used for either graduate or undergraduate work if you are a fulltime day student. Mail applications to Mrs. Parry F. Schippers, 5300 Sutherland, St. Louis 9, Mo. Name ..... ...... ..... .... ....... ...... .... .... .. ... ... .... .. ....... .. .... .... ... ..... .... ........ ... .. ......... .. .... ....... ........ .. ..... ............ . Address ..... ...... ... ..... .. ... ..... .... .... .. .............. ....... ...... ...... ....... ... ..... .... ... ...... ... .. ............ ....... ................... . Chapter .. .......... .... .. .. ... ........... ... .. ................ .......... ...... .... ..... ..... .........路.. ..... .. ... ... ...... .. ......... ... .. .... .... .. . College Now Attending ..... ....... .... ..... ..... .... ....... ..... .... ... .. ... ... ........ .... ...... .... .... ......... .. ... .. ........... .. ... .. . College You Expect to Enter ..... .... .. ................. .. ... ..... ....... .... ..... .... ........ .. ... ................... .. ... .... ..... ... .
New World Youth Festival Planned /or 1959
Are you listed in
Reprinted from IRAC Bulletin
Who's Who
t "Moscow Communists expect thousands
of American Wom en
of young people from all over the world to pour into Vienna, Austria, in July and August, 1959. The event is the seventh World Youth and Student Festival. "Like the Youth Festival held in Moscow in 1957, the Vienna Festival will be Communist from start to finish. There will be speeches, demonstrations, parades for :peace, cultural events, and propaganda for closer ties between youth of a:ll countries and the Soviet Union. In coming months, American Youth organizations can expect the same bombardment of literature urging participation in the Vienna Youth Festival which they received, and rejected, in connection with the Moscow Youth Festival. The Vienna Youth Festival will be the same procedure all over again .. .. " As the August, 1959 date approaches, Am erican youth organizations, women's clubs, fraternal, veterans', and church organizations will again be called on to explain th e nature and purpose of this Yourh Festival to American youth who might be tempted to a ttend . American youth who do attend should be made completely aware of the kind of propagandi zing event they wi.Jl be walking into in Vienna. "
If you have been so honored, please send your name, a brief account, and a picture of yourself to your national ANCHOR editor: Mrs. Francis Graftage, 10310 Capitol Dr., St. Louis 36, Mo.
Mistake! The editor wishes to apologize to the alumna in Who's Who who sent in her picture and story for the Spring ANcHOR and ,d idn't see it in print. This piece of copy was lost somewhere along the line and there is no clue as to the identity of the sender. If she will please try again, the editor promises to exercise utmost care in guiding it to the publisher.
The Installation of ALPHA ETA CHAPTER of Alpha Sigma Tau
Send to: ALPHA SIGMA TAu CENTRAL OFFICE 5641 S . Kingshighway, St. Louis 9, Mo.
Name _____________________________
took place on May 13, 1959, at Alma College, Alma, Michigan
Chapter ___________________________ The date was not known at the time the Address _________________________
Spring ANcHOR went to press.
Former address--------------------THE ANCHOR
Collegiate Chapter Presidents 1959-1960~. summer addresses
c c
sw s
s sw
c c
Sally Latimer, 419 (Summer ) 1254 Marcia Rosenberg, (Summer ) 1017
Goddard Hall, E. MC., Ypsilanti, Mich. E . Lake Dr., Walled Lake, Mich. 906 S. Main, Mt. Pleasant, Mich . N . Mason, Saginaw, Mich .
Carolyn Abernatha, Box 5, S.T.C., Lock Haven, Pa . (S ummer) 1914 Memorial Ave. , Williamsport, Pa. Caroly Kopetko, 19968 Hartwell, D etroit 35, Mich. (Summer ) Same Karen Becker, 1006 Constitution, Emporia, Kans. (Summer ) 220 W. Was hington, Arkansas City, Kans. Laura! Scott, 1715 lOth Ave. , Greeley, Colo. (Summer ) 20 20 Benton, Edgewa ter, Colo. Sue Crabtree, Box 276, Athens, W. Va. (Summer) Same Marlene Gulli, 4100 Flora Place, St. Louis, Mo. (Summer) Same Nancy Donaldson, Box 54, Longwood College, Farmvill e, V a. (Summer ) Route 10, Box 27 6, R oanoke, Va. J ehree Aday , Box 355, ASTG, Conway, Ark. (Summ er) Apt. B, 1304 S. George Mason Dr., Arlington, Va . Jo yce Dickinson, College Station, Hammond L a. (Summer ) 2703 Mara is Street, New Orleans, La . Ann Harris, Shepherdstown, W . Va. (Summer) Same Marilyn Miller, Box 642, M a dison College, H arrisonbu rg, Va. (Summer ) 16 Albemarle St., Portsmouth, V a. M a r y Murray, Wood Hall , B.S.T.C., Muncie, Ind . (Summer) 126 Michigan Avenue, Hobart, Ind . Frances Smith, Box H- 220, H .S.T .C., Arkadelphia , Ark . (Summer ) Same Mary June D al路rymple, 1036 Cherry, Springfield, Mo. {Summer ) Sa me M arlene Williams, 1009 Adams, M acomb, IlL (Summer ) 308 W. Adams, Macomb, IlL Joa n Baxter, R adford College, R adford, Va . (Summ er ) 1021 Great Bridge Blvd ., Norfolk , Va. J ean Leavy, 10 Pinewood Lane, New H yde Park, N. Y. (Summer ) Same Nancy Fashbaugh, 137 Gelston H a ll, Alma College, Alma, Mich . (Summer ) 506 Giles Avenue, Blissfield, M ich .
*Term Chapters underscored.
Chapter _ ______________ Date of Marriage _________ Send to: ALPHA SIG MA TAU CENTRAL OFFICE
5641 S. Kingshighwa')', St. Louis 9, Mo .
Husband's full name _________ Address _ __ __ ~aiden
name ____________
Entered as second class matter Nov. 25, 1937 , at the post office a t St. Paul , Minn ., under the Act of Aug. 24, 1912. "Accepta nce for ma iling at the special rate of postage provided for in Section 34.40, P .L. and R ., 1948 edition , paragraph d , Act of Feb. 28, 1925; 39, U. S. Code 283 , was authorized Oct. 10, 1949." THE ANCHOR of Alpha igma Tau is published during the months of ovember, J anuary , April , and July by Lela nd Publishers, Inc. The Frat ernit Press , official sorority publishers to the sorority a t 2642 University Ave ., St. Paul 14, Minn . Subscr iption price, $3.00 per ear. Editorial Office : Mrs. Fran is Graftage, 103 10 Capitol Dr., St. Louis 36, Mo.