Maxine Graflage, Anchor Editor, Retires froll1 Office ~
MAXINE GRAFLAGE (Mrs. Francis B.), St. Louis alumna, editor of the ANCH OR for the past seven years, is relinquishing her job as chief spelling corrector and deleter of dangling participles to give more of her time to her full-time teaching position a nd the preparation of more apple pies for her famil y of four- a change which her husband and chi ld ren await with the eagerness of true gourmets. Maxine returned to teaching four years ago and has been sandwiching in the compilation of the ANCH OR with sandwiches for supper ever since, she says. This coincided with the advent of a college educa tion for child number one. She really loves the work of being an editor, tribulations and all. The Alpha Sigma Tau ANCHOR has become almost a third child in the family. "I'm going to miss it all, especially that bridge table that is covered with what appears to be litter for three months at a time," she declares. "And nobody dares straighten it up. Preparing the ANCHOR is something like making pancakes for breakfast- you can't stop flipping till you're finished , and then you can flop down yourself. On the ANCHOR work table there are piles of ingredients that would most certainly cause literary indigestion were they confused. Readers have a definite craving to see their names under the right picture, and that is that! One doesn' t put away the hundreds of photos and millions of words until the 'baby is put to bed', meaning that the book is sadd le stitched and handed over to Uncle Sam's couriers." Our recent editor says she has enjoyed working on the ANCHOR so much, because in our organization there is less use of the word "No" than of "Yes." Whenever she asked for contributions she was pretty sure to get them . She has become quite proud of the many
love ly girls whose pictures she pasted up as queens and campus leaders. M axin e Graflage has had a divided career. After gradua ting from Harris T eachers College in St. Louis Missouri, she taught for fi ve years one of which was in a boarding school for high school girls at the Ursuline Academ y. At the Academy he taught a conglomera tion of subj ects, including shorthand, physica l edu ca tion a nd Eng lish . And she directed two operettas. But she h ad a hankering to enter the adYertising fi eld, so she learned the necessary mechanics of this profession and landed feet first in a department store as a n advertising copy writer. H ere she churned up copy for severa l years. M eanwhile she met and married her wonderful husband, Fra ncis B., who is an engineer for the T elephone Company. Their two children K aren and Steve, are the basic cause of all their sweat, tears and loving labor. Karen is a junior at Indiana University, majoring in music. (Karen played for the St. Louis convention and proved to be a delightful and promlSlng young artist. ) Steve, at nine, is embarked on music and is making progress in his breathless struggle with a tenor sax. Maxine has a deep interest in music, too, and has been a soloist at Central Presbyterian Church for 12 years. Among her other hobbies are swimming, tennis (which is getting to be a puffy sport ), golf (nine holes ), and cub scout leadership (a nice quie ting, after-school experience ). She a nd her husband have recently joined a ballroom dancing class to check up on what has happened to the fox trot. She will miss typing and pasting up your activities, but will read all about it in the next ANCHOR which is going to be in good hands- those of our lovable Sue McBee.
Receives Alumna Award at National Convention
THIE ANCIHIOIR_ o/ _A~ha Siffma Jau FALL, 1962
In This Issu e . .. THE ANCHOR is published in Fall and Spring by L eland Publishers, Inc., The Fraternjty Press, officia l sorori ty pub-
lish ers, at 2642 University Avenue, St. Paul 14, Minnesota . Subscription price, $1.50 per year. Bound ANCHORS available a t Central Office .
* Send all editorial material and pictures to National Editor, Mrs. B. L . McBee, 1183 Avon St. , Ahon 10, Ohio.
AET Philanthropy
About the Pine Mountain Settlement School... ...
What I s a Pledge ....................... ................ .. .........
Around the World in Forty D ays.. .
Diary of a Professional Moth er ....
Daniel Harold Bee, New M edi cal Society President .. .......... .. ... ........ ......... . ...............
Dr. Ruth Griffith Publ ishes Book
Insta llation of Alpha Mu Cha pter ........... ... ...... 11 Akron-C anton 's Installation .................... ...... .
Alpha Nu I nstallation .... ....... ........ .............. .. .....
Ca mpus Honors
Collegiate News ········ ·········· ······ ·· .................... ... 28
Fourteenth National Convention ............... .. ..... .. 42 As We Pledge Anew, by Mrs. Earl F. Peterson
I R emember- , by Harriet M arx Pfeiffer ........ 55 Send change o r address, vital statistics, in memoriam notices, and all sorority business correspondence to Alpha Sigma Tau Central Office, 6200 Hoffman , St. Louis 39, Missouri .
A Tribute to the Late Edith Mansell .... ........ .... 70 The Late M ary King Guard ..................... ......... 72 Alumnae
ews .... .... ................ .. ......................... 74
.. ............. ..... ........... ........ ..... .. ... 80
Cover I Crowned a t the conven tion was J an et G assaway, C hi, and sh e did make a lovely queen .
T h ird class postage paid at St. Paul , Minnesota.
Alpha Sigma .Tau Philanthropy We are still helping Anna, Our Little Adoptee in India
Anna sends this picture of her school. the Bethel Asram Community School. India. The children are sh own cutting coconuts to be made into salad oil. s ome of which will go to America.
;\, TH E F O LLO WIN G is an excerpt from a letter from Mr. ]. Ca lvitt C larke, director of the Christian C hildren's Fund through which we send owr money to Anna: Thank you greatly for your gift. A short trip overseas, just completed, confirms again how much gifts like yours are apprecia ted overseas and how mu ch good they accomplish. Mrs. C larke and I could only spare three weeks from the office and our itinera ry included J apan, H ong K ong, K orea and T aiwan . Perha ps our experiences in T aiwan wil l emphasize the appreciation shown for what gifts as yours m ake possible. As you probably know, when a plane arrives in a foreign co untry the passengers remain sea ted until government m en enter a nd pass through the plane. Arriving a t Taiwa n, Mrs. C larke and m y name were called and we knew wha t to xpect. A red carpet had bee n pread befo re
the plane, a band was playing, hundreds of CCF children were waving C hinese flags, there were banners with words of greeting and the children chanted "welcome" to us. It was a typica l welcome, an enthusiastic and sincere tribute to u as re presenta tives of our CCF givers. T he welcome, the smiling faces of children, the band, the cameras clickinga ll this was thanks to America- to the CCF you r gif ts made po sible. T heta chapter and the Ann Arbor-Ypsila nti a lumnae chapter have each sent a gift of ten dollars for Anna. If any of you wish to do likewise, send your checks to: C hristian C hildren' s Fund, Mr. ]. Calvitt C larke, C hina Building, Richmond 4 Virginia. and de igna te it for Anna of outh K era l India, the Alpha wma T au ado pte
About the Pine Mountain Settlelllent School (An Alpha Sigma Tau National Social Service Project) Dear Friends of Pine Mountain Settlement School: My husband and I were privileged to visit the children of the Pine Mountain Settlement School in their classes, to share their lunch daily, to speak to groups of them, to play games with them on the playground. Before our stay ended, we had earned their confidence and their affection. In their games they chose us to be It ; they argued over who should stand beside us ; they urged us to come back. In some ways the children of Pine Mountain are like other children. They are bright. They are eager to learn. (Fourth and fifth graders, when I talked to them in the library about writing, asked me penetrating, keen questions.) They are beautifully courteous. They love singing, and playing games, and having fun. In one way, however, they are unlike any other group of children I have ever seen, and it is this difference that makes the memory of them haunting. Most of them are on a dead end street. Their mountains are impoverished. Farming, except for subsistence farming on bits and pieces of land pinched between high mountains, is gone. Sheep raising is gone. Most of the coal mining is gone. The big trees have all been lumbered. The creeks are many, but industry has found no way to harness them productively. A few roads are being built, but roads cannot solve the problem of a people without the means of livelihood. THE ANCHOR
Meanwhile, what of the bright, eager, appreciative children? Pine Mountain Settlement School offers them the best that they know. Because the school is operated cooperatively by the Pine Mountain Corporation and Harlan County, all children in th e area share in the unusual advantages that th e school, through the contributions of money that you have been making, has to offer: the services of an able, dedicated director; a faculty recruited by the director and his staff and in love with teaching the Pine Mountain children; the finest library in the area, voluntarily staffed by Mrs. Rogers and assistants (the children read an average of 52 books a year ) ; hot lunches of nutritious food, attractively served (and none of it wasted, as I saw with my own eyes ) ; and enough room to run, skip, to play, and, most of all, to learn. My husband and I have thought much of these children and of their future. Many persons and many agencies are working on their aggravating problems of existence, of education, of becoming the fine men and women they are capable of becoming. Meanwhile, they need help to get the sort of education that on ly Pine Mountain Settlement School offers. Perhaps because they are in a peculiar sense my own people, I feel especially anxiou about them. But is it not true that they belong to all of us? Surely they belong to all people everywhere who love children, who recognize these particu lar children as the greatest natural resource of the mountain , .3
and who want them to have a fighting chance in the world. A fighting chance is all they need. As you plan for Christmas, please think of th ese Pin e Mountain children. "I was hungry," I seem to hear them saying- hungry for the good education, for the good life
which Pine Mountain Settlement School strives so hard to give them. You can do much to satisfy their hunger by mailing a check today. Please make it as generous as you can. Sincerely yours, REBECCA CAUDILL AYARS
What is a Pledfe By Carol Buzolits, Alpha Alpha t So MEWHERE between the period of being an independent and that of becoming an active comes the fun-loving, hopeless stage of a pledge. Being a pledge can be one of the most valu able experiences that a co llege coed could possibly have . She is blessed with this honor the night she excitedly enters the suite and feels th e arms of her new sisters fold around her and has a pledge hat plopped on her head. She keeps her sorority close to her heart for the rest of her life. Pledges are a motley bunch coming in all sizes, shapes, temperaments and creeds. For m a ny months a pledge dreams of sorority life and crea tes mental images of wha t it would be like. But after twelve weeks of pledging, she feels she has learned the values of this sacred sisterhood . All her dreams have come tru e and she rea lizes that all are striving for the same objectives- fri endship, loyalty, sisterhood . A pledge can be one of the greatest nuisances in the world . Just when an active thinks sh e's set her in her place, she turns aro und a nd deserves two more dem erits. Or perhaps the day an active has four tests, a pledge runs up and asks her for a coke date. Actives ca n't get rid of pledges once they have taken them . They can blot them out of their sight, but not out of their mind . They can lock them out of the suite, but not out of their hearts. A pi dg is obedience with a p ledge book tn her hand, beau ty with a go ld hat on her
head, power with a pledge padd le in her h a nd, formalit y with a "Good morning, Miss Active" and innocence with a page of dem erits. A pledge likes walk-outs, record hops, pledge songs, trade parties, coke dates, the pledge dance, dessert smorgasbord, study table, ru h parties, turn-about day, the sweetheart song and fun night. A pl edge dislikes the pledge test, a pledge book, effici ency points, cleaning the suite, goldfish, raw eggs and actives who give demerits. W' ho else can cause an active more irrita,tion, frustration, torment, happiness, misery and la ughter? Who else will clean the suite without pay, volunteer to help on a committee, attend the pledge dance, compose a pledge song, flunk a pledge test, act up at study tab le or present a ceremony to honor her sorority mother? But who else is always ready and willing to help her sorority in any way she can? Who else, but a sorority sister, will stand by you when your dreams have ¡ been shattered? Who else can you call on at a ny hour of the d ay or night to nurse a hurt, a nose bleed, a wounded pride or a broken heart ? Who el e can you depend on at an time, anywhere, for anything? A sorority ju t houldn' t be a ororit with out it wonderful, nai: e, alwa s lo a! dedicated, patient pledges who can melt our heart when they open the door and a •, "When can " e go acti e?"
N .H R
Around the World Ln Forty Days -1. Los AN GELES to H a waii, H a waii to J a pan,
J a pa n to C hina, C hina to the Philippines, the Philippines to Thaila nd, T haila nd to Burma, Bu rm a to India, India to Pakistan, Pa kista n to I ra n, I ran to Leba non, Leba non to Egypt, Egypt to J ordan, J orda n to Syria, Syria to Greece, then to ew York via Sha nnon, I rela nd, a nd L ondon, Engla nd, a ll by air- this was the thrill ing itinera ry of four Alph a Sigm a T aus last summer . T hese fortun a te peop le were Na tiona l Presid ent
In Egypt-Janet Gassoway. Mary Alice Peters on. Dr. Ruth Scarborough. Mary Charles Adams. Mary Lou Burkholder.
return to the U nited Sta tes for the N a tion a l Conven tion a t St. Lou is. I ncidenta lly, J a net was chosen queen by the convention . Mary Lou con tinu ed with the tour to I taly, Switzerla nd, Spain, Portugal, and Engla nd . The tour was arranged by Study Abroad, sponsored by Shepherd C ollege a nd conducted by Dr. Ruth Scarborough, p rofessor of history a t Shepherd Co llege and a pa tro ness of C hi C hapter. The thirty-four members of the tour were teachers, students, secreta ries a nd housewives. A number of these travelers received college credit for
At the pyramids-Egypt.
M rs. Earl F . Peterso n, M ary C harles Ad a ms, M a ry L ou Burkh older a nd J a net Gassaway, a ll of C hi C ha pter. M a ry C harles grad uated from She pherd Co llege in 1961 , a nd while teaching in Anna polis, M a ryla nd, last year, saved h er m oney for her trip a broa d . M ary Lou a nd J a net gradu a ted from the same co ll ege in J962 a nd received the trip as a gradua tion gift from their pa ren ts. Mrs. Peterson, M a ry Char les a nd J a net left th e tour a t Ath ens to THE ANC HOR
In the Garden of Gethsemane.
completing certain study requirements connected with the tour. Dr. O liver Ikenberry, president of Shepherd College, and Mrs. Ikenberry were m embers of the tour. Representatives of the U nited States embassy and of the local governments met the tour in many countries and discussed the political, social and cu ltura l situation of the countries visited. The tour members also enjoyed such special features, arranged by Study Abroad and Shepherd Co llege, as a special dinner of native foods and delicacies in Thailand. The dinner was followed by a social evening of conversation and native Thai dancing in the home of a member of the Asia Foundation. Other features included a Kabuki performance at the Mikado Theatre in Tokyo and an exhibition of native Greek folk dances in Ath ens.
At the entrance to the Church of the Nativity. Bethlehem.
Diary of a Professional Mother By Mary Ann Wendt Black, Nu t June 13: MIKE is doing we ll. He is three
weeks old today. This is our eighth wedding anniversary. We aren' t going out to celebrate because an evening "on the town" is coming later this month. Eric, our energetic boy, and the twin girls are sleeping after a happy bedtime with Daddy. It doesn't seem possible that our tenth baby is under our roof. Robby came to us last April. He was a darling redhead who won the hearts of all the neighbors. Chris joined us ten days before Robby's adoption. We watched him grow from his fourth day until he was abo ut two months old. H e was beautiful when he left for adoption . That summer we attended opera, went camping and rested . Lori was such a bea utifu l gir l, I was surprised when she moved. She looked so much like a doll. She was with us just nine days m August. Karen arrived when she wa six
days old. I had planned a party for that night and relatives came just ha lf an hou r after she did . What a day! In her medical check-ups there was an indication that she might have a thyroid deficiency. This could result in mental retardation, physical deformity or other undesirable things. We kept her four months-waiting and worrying, and loving her. She was finally given her medica l approval, and left just before Christmas: What a present for some famil y! J ack was our stocking filler. H e came three days before Christmas. I had asked the welfare department to let us have another baby right away if Karen left before Christmas. J ack was one of those babies who eat e ery two hours, and can't relax in a noi hou ehold such as ours. We humored him and loved him, and in abou t two week h h d nother redhead who captured adjusted. THE A
hearts at a glance. Those smiles a baby parcels out at around five weeks are worth the two-hour feedings and sleepy gropings of a mother in the wee hours. We had Jack about four months, too. The welfare people are so careful about placing babies in families with the right physical, temperamental, and educational setting. They tell me they try to match the adoptive parents to the natural parents as much as possible. After quite a search, the right parents for Jack were found in Utah. We take turns naming our babies if a name isn't a lready on record . The next boy was to be Andrew. When I got a phone call about the next baby, it seemed significant that his name was Andy (Baby Boy Anderson ) . H e was two months old, had already been in two foster homes and had emotional problems. H e was extremely tense and easily frightened . When he left at four months, he was a happy, handsome baby. I felt we had really accomplished something with him- not just had the fun of a sweet baby. The day after he left, my two daughters (five-year-old twins ) and I attended a Mother-Daughter banquet at our church. They were as thrilled as Mommy when I was given a corsage in recognition of my work with these babies. The speaker quoted that Bible passage, "W hatsoever ye shall do unto the least of these, ye have done it unto Me." I'm sure we a ll felt a genuine response as we looked around at the little ones given into our care by one means or another. Mike came the following Monday. H e was like all six-day-old boys, but with a probl em that might require surgery if it doesn't take care of itself. This may mean he wi ll be diffi cult to place for adoption. I hope not. Almost every day a I do things with him I say, "Your new mommy will like that smile. Your new daddy will be so proud of you." Of course these remarks are more for m y benefit. Just the sound of my voice is for the baby. I have to be constantly aware that I am just "baby sitting." The love a mother feels for her child has to be something simi lar to this. If the child is a possession the mother can't give up, her love is not the right kind. I like to think that a mother's main job is THE ANCHOR
to prepare her children to do without herto leave her. I prepare babies to leave sooner. June 14: The welfare office calls. They have a baby boy they would like to place with me . He was born June 13. He is part Japanese. Can I take him in a day or two? I consider it. They must be desperate if they ask me to take a second baby now. I have told them I think one is all I can handle and not fe el too pressed. During the summer many foster families are on trips, or simpl y take a vacation from babies. A day or two would mean tomorrow (Friday- Eric's birthday party ) or Monday. I agree to take the baby Monday. Sorority meeting is Saturday, too. George will be at an archery tournament, so I'd better not leave two baqies with the sitter. Born June 13! That was yester-
Mrs. George Black. Nu. with Jerry (left) and Mike.
day! Am I g lad I didn't agree to initiate a three-day-old baby into the fami ly and try to supervise a birthday party too! Choir practice. George directs, I sing alto. The four children go to the nursery where a kind lady takes care of them. This i a high spot in the week. They love the " nur ery lady" and have fun with the children of the other choir mothers. June 15: Eric's seventh birthday. Eight classmates and our three have sandwiches, games, birthday cake and ice cream. At twothirty when the last child leaves, Mike get a (Continued on Page 57)
DANIEL HAROLD BEE New Medical Society President Husband of Gladys Overholt Bee, Delta
Gladys Overholt Bee. Delta. and her husband, Dr. Daniel Bee. stand in the receiving line as daughter, Mary Sus an, comes through. The occasion is the President's Reception immediately following Dr. Bee's installation a s the president of the Pennsylvania Medical Society.
t DANIEL HAROLD BEE, the one hundred
and twelfth president of the Pennsy lvania M edical Society, was born in Summit Station, Ohio, the son of the late Dr. and Mrs. Charles H . Bee. His father was a genera l practitioner in Ipdiana County for 37 years, having moved from Ohio to western Pennsylvania in 1918. Dr. Daniel H. Bee is a graduate of Indiana High School, Staunton Military Academy, Un iversity of Pittsburgh and Temple University School of Medicine. H e interned at Windber Hospital, Windber, and Co lumbia Hospital, Wilkinsburg. In 1938 he returned to Indiana, Pennsylvania, and established a general practice of medicine which has since been continuous in his home community. Currently a member of the Board of Trustees of the Indiana Hospital, Dr. Bee has a lso served as past president of the Ho pita! Staff and has been chief of the Ho pita !' Med ica l Department since 1955. Hi pub lic
hea lth positions include: Indi ana County Medical Di ector, State Department of Health, since 1948; Clinician, Tuberculosis C linic, Indiana County, since 1948; Chief M edical Examiner, Indiana Public Schools, since 1946; and physician in charge, Indiana County Institutiona l District, since 1942. For five years Dr. Bee erved on the Advisory H ea lth Board, Commonwea lth of Pennsylvama. The new president of the State Society steps into the office with an e;xten ive background of experience in the affairs of organized medicine. H e served a 10-year term of office as inth District Trustee and Councilor ( 1950-1960 ) , as Chairman of the Society's Board of Tru tees for two year 路 as a member of the Cancer Commi ion路 and as a member of the House of Delegate for fi ve years. A dedicated member of th Indiana County Medical ociety he ha fill d the office of ditor ecretar ' and pr sid nt . THE
In the American M edical Association, Dr. Bee has been a delegate from Pennsylvania since 1956, h as been a member of severa l reference committees a nd h as served for three yea r as Pennsylvania's Legisla tive K ey M a n. Other professiona l activities include memberships in the World M edica l Associa tion, Pennsylvania and American Academies of Genera l Practice, American T herapeutic Society, Pennsylvania Trudeau Society and Pennsylvania Public H ea lth Associa tion . H e a former vice-president and member of the execu tive committee of the Pennsylvania H eart Associa tion ; a nd at present is a m em ber of the Board of Directors of the Indiana
County U n it, American Cancer Society, I ndiana Coun ty H eart Associa tion a nd I ndia na County Tuberculosis a nd H ea lth Society. In O ctober, 1960, he was a ppoin ted to the Governor's C itizens Ad visory Committee to the Public H ealth Survey, Subcommittee on Nursing. D r. Bee is ma rried to the former G ladys O verholt of E aston, Pennsylvania . They have a daughter, M ary Susan, 20, a Senior a t Ohio W esleyan U niversity. In community affairs Dr. Bee is a member of the First M ethodist C h urch a nd India na C ham ber of Commerce. H e is a lso a 32nd degree M ason, member of F & M Lodge No. 313, Ind ia na; Pi ttsburgh Consistory; and J affa Shrine, Altoona .
-Dr. Ruth Griffith publishes book.
DR. R uTH E. G RIFF ITH, associa te professor of biology at H ood Co llege, has begu n a nother research project on pla nk ton in loca l wa ters. Dr. Griffith has been a ward ed a research gra nt by th e N atura l R esources Institute of the U ni versity of M aryland for a study of hea ted entrained p lankton of the Potom ac Ri ver. She will study the effect of going through the condenser of a hydroe lectric p la n t on the river on pla nt and a nim a l life. This follows her recen tly comp leted project on " Phytopla nkton of C hesapea ke Bay,' the res ults of which he put in to a n illu trated guide of that title vvhich was published 9
jointly by Hood College and the Maryland Department of Research and Education. Dr. Griffith has previously published studies of plankton in Lake Michigan and in the Monocacy River. Preliminary investigation on the Potomac project was begun in October. With her research assistant, H ood Senior M yrna Steinkamp, Dr. Griffith wi ll be making observations at about two week intervals. They will compare samples collected from water just before it enters the power plant and just before it returns to the main strean1 of the Potomac, and will record the temperature with each sample. The specimens will be compared to detect physiological differences, ability to reproduce, and photosynthetic and respiratory activity. The research grant covers the cost of the necessary equipment, including a boat for collection of the samples. Laboratory analysis of the specimens wi ll be conducted in Hood's H odson Science building. Dr. Griffith sees the project as "an opportunity to determine the effects of heating on the basic productivity of waters. Plankton are one of the beginning links in the food chain for fish and other high forms of life," she explained. "They are a lso often perported to be the likely savior of our human nutritiona l demands," she said, referring to recent studies of algae as a source of human food. Her interest in aquatic life is centered around this "urgent need for increased investigation of the biology of plankton in our productive coastal and estuarine waters." She said that because of the dependence of higher forms of life on these microscopic plants and anima ls, man must understand more full y the demands he can place upon them . "It is imperative that we explore this important area and share our find ings," she said. Her publication of "Phytoplankton of Chesapeake Bay," which she describes as an illustrated guide to the genera, was designed to enable the accurate identification of plankton, a factor basic to an understanding of them. It is the only guide wh ich includes a number of different phyla of phytoplankton 10
in the same publication. Written with a minimum of technical terminology, it is m demand by biology teachers and students as well as research scientists. Dr. Griffith came to Hood in 1954. She is a graduate of K ansas State Teachers College with the M.S. degree from the State College of Washington and the Ph.D. from Torthwestern niversity. In addition to her full-time teaching schedule at Hood, she has been a research associate at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory at Solomons, Md., since 1956 where he has conducted a number of research projects. She taught at Wells College and at the niversity of ew H ampshire, and was a teaching assistant at State College of Washington and Northwestern before joining the Hood faculty. Dr. Griffith has participated in the N ationa! Science Foundation Institute for College Teachers of Biology and was elected secretary of the Atlantic Estuarine R esearch Society in April, the first woman to hold an office in that Society. She is also currently president of the local chapter of the American Association of University Professor . She has held this posit ion for two years. She is listed in "American M en of Science" and "Leaders in American Science," and Ia t summer was selected to attend the ational Science Foundation Institute for College Teachers of Animal Ecology at the University of Colorado. In July, 1962, Dr. Griffith received a ATO fe llowship to an international institute at the University of Louisvi lle.
Great minds talk about ideas , new concepts, or inventions; average minds talk about the events and happenings of the day while little minds talk about people.
Thus it might be assumed that as a man
speaketh, so he expresses his interest and
level .
Installation of Alpha Mu Chapter
Installation team for Alpha Mu Chapte r. They are seate d. (le ft to right): Dr. Ada Jane Harvey. Mrs. Earl F. Peterson. National President and Mrs. Darrell Kilman. Standing. left to right a re : Mrs. Albert Van Pelt. Mrs. Robe rt Burnside and Mrs. Kenneth Snow.
IT wa organized two years ago, the Sigm a Alph a T a u Sorority- the youngest Arka nsa A & M soro rity- ha worked towa rd mem bership in the Alpha Sigm a T au Na tiona l Soro rity.
On M ar 5, 1962, M rs. E a rl F . Peterson, a tion al A~T President, forma lly initia ted and installed 18 Arka nsas A & M coeds as m em bers of the Alpha Mu C ha pter. Dr. Ad a J a ne H arvey, professo r emeritus of th e foreign la nguage department of Arka nsas Sta te T eacher College a nd na tional program ch airman, assisted M rs. Peterson in the insta lla tion . Also assisting were Mrs. Robert Burnside. president of th e Little R ock, Arkan as, a lumnae chapter, a nd Mrs. K enne th Snow a nd Mrs. Albert Van Pelt, a lso of the Little Rock Alumnae C hapter. After the cha pter was officia lly proclaimed the Alpha Mu chapter and the new officers installed. a banquet wa held a t the Ridgeway H otel in Monticello in honor of the new chap ter. THE ANC H O R
Dr. J ack M ears, president of Arka nsas A & M Co llege, spoke to the chapter a nd their
guests about the college and the roles the Greek organ izations play on campus. The history a nd purposes of Alpha Sigm a T au were given by Mrs. K en Snow, a n a lumna from Arka nsas Sta te T eachers College, a nd Harriette Buzbee, the newly installed presiden t, spoke on the A & M Cha pter. After the speeches, Mrs. Peterson presented the cha rter to Ann T erry who was the first president and one of the original camp aigners for th e new A & M sorority. Also presented to M iss T erry was the charter fee which was paid for by the Sigma T au G am m a Fra ternity, the brother fraternity to the A & M Alpha T a us. Fra nces Ethridge, retmng president accepted a silver serving tray fo r the Alpha Mu Chapter. Excerpts from some of the numerou letters a nd telegrams were read by the newly installed corresponding secreta ry M a rtha Gogga ns.
............ Kennel~
Wolfe. representing Upsilon Chapter of Sigma Tau Gamma, presents Ann Terry with a check from the fraternity for Alpha Mu''s national charter fee .
C losing th e banquet, Mrs. Albert V an Pelt conducted the traditional cand lelighting service. O n Sunday the chapter and their guests attended the F irst Ba ptist Church in Monticello. T hat afternoon the Alpha Mu Chapter was presen ted to the A & M facul ty a nd the student body a t a tea. Members of the Alpha Mu Chapter are H arriette Buzbee, president ; Jacqu eline Bass, vice-president ; J udy H obbs, treasurer ; Ju dy K emp, recording secretary ; Martha Goggans, corresponding secretary; C arolyn Bailey, h is-
Dr. Jack W. Mears, president of Arkansas A&M College. speaks during a banquet given for the new chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau. With him at the table are. from left to right: Mrs. Albert Van Pelt, of the Little Rock Alumna chapter. Dr. Ada Jane Harvey, Profess or emeritus of the foreign language's department of Arkansas State Teachers C.ollege. Harriette Buzbee, new president of Alpha Mu, Mrs. Earl Peters on, national presdent and Mrs. Kenneth Snow, of the Little Rock Alumna chapter.
torian ; Gwen Kilcrease, ch a plain ; C a rol Buergey, editor ; Bobbie F aye Gammel, rush chairma n ; Bettye Gu !let, pledge ch airma n ; Caro l Ba ttenfield, Ann T erry, Bernita M organ, Adrienne Woodruff, J oye C arson, Sue Cra in, Ann Connell, and Frances Ethridge, retiring president of th e local ch a pter.
Members of the newly installed Alpha Mu chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau at a banquet during installation activities. They are. seated }eft to right: Carol Battenfield, Carolyn Bailey, Bettye Gullet, Martha Goggans, Frances Ethridge, Judy Kemp. Judy Hobbs and Gwen Kilcrease: standing left to right are Mrs. Monteene McCoy, patroness, Harriette Buzbee, Adrienne Woodruff. Joye Carson, Bernita Morgan, Sue Crain. Bobbie Faye, Gammel. Jacqueline Bass, Carol Buergy, Ann Terry and Mrs, Earl Willis, faculty sponsor. Ann Connell, also a newly installed member, is not pictured.
Alpha Nu Installation
Alpha Nu Ins tallation. Active members: Jennie Green, Sue Ste rn. Darlene Heimsoth. Marla McCrary, Mary Ann Bauman. Rose le e Kokens tad. Helen Carole Smith, Mary Ruth Hutchison. Madge Cra ig . Middle row: Pat Tebbenkamp, Delores Lamb, Patricia Cook. Dr. Hattie Ewald, faculty adviser, Lorna Dyche. Mrs. Doris Brookshier. faculty adviser, Gay Miller, Bette Ikeda, Ann Nakamura. Front row: Janet Vocate. Mary Gilbert, Marlys Perkin s, Jean Barnes, Carolyn Schmidt, Ruth Burris, Virginia Hilton. Iris Cannon. Victory Keeler.
;\. THE ALPHA Nu Co lony of Alpha Sigma Tau was installed as Alpha Nu chapter, Saturday, May 12, 1962 at Central Missouri State College, Warrensburg, Missouri. The service was conducted by Nationa l President Mrs. Earl F. Peterson, of Crawfordsville, Indiana, at the residence of Mrs. T. Reed Maxson . Assisting Mrs. Peterson were: Mrs. John Simpson, president of the fourth district, and Mrs. William Vit, both of St. Louis, Mrs. Frank Louk, president of the Kansas City Alumnae Chapter, Mrs. Haro ld Beemer, Mrs. Andrew Robertson, Mrs. Donald Massey, Mrs. Rice Brown and Mrs. Jane Sourbon, a ll of Kansas City Alumnae Chapter, Mrs. F red Griffith and Mrs. T. Reed Maxson of Warrensburg. In the morning six girls were pledged : T HE ANCHOR
Sondra Bickell, J ane Campbe ll, Kay Cou lter and J ean Graham, of K ansas City; Barbara H ouchen of Houstonia and J anice Lemmons of Lamonte. Mrs. C lyde Brookshier and Mrs. Mark Ewald were initiated into the sorority as faculty advisors. After an informa l lunch on the patio, twenty-five girls were initiated: Mary Ann Bauman, Lorna Dyche, Jennie Green, Victory Keeler, Sue Stern, all of K ansas City. From Excelsior Springs were Rose lee Hokenstad, Delores Lamb and Helen Carole Smith, and from Sedalia were Iris Cannon, Mary Virginia H il ton and Marlys Perkins. Others were Jean Barnes, Lees Summit; Ruth Burris, Grandview; Patricia Cook, Grain Valley; Madge Craig, Smithton; Mary Gi lbert, Levasy ; Darlene Heim-
soth, Co le Camp; Mary Ruth Hutchison, Webster Groves; Marla McCrary, Weatherby; Gay Miller, St. Ann ; Carolyn Ann Schmidt, Kearney ; Patricia Tebbencamp, Concordia; J anet Vocate, Lexington; Bette I keda and Ann Nakamura, both of Wailuka, Maui, Hawaii. Mrs. Peterson installed as chapter officers the following: Ruth Burris, president ; Mary Virginia Hilton, vice-president ; Carolyn Schmidt, recording secretary ; Iris Cannon, treasurer; J ean Barnes, corresponding secretary ; Mar lys Perkins, historian ; J anet Vocate custodia n ; Mary Gilbert, chaplain; and Victory K ee ler, editor. The comm ittee chairmen installed were: Marla McCrary, Senior Panh ellenic ; Pat Tebbencamp, Junior Panhellenic ; M ary Ruth Hutchison, courtesy ; Delores Lamb, music ; Gay Miller, pledge; Madge Craig, program ; Pat Cook, rush ; and Lorna Dyche, socia l service.
was presented by Mrs. Earl Peterson to Ruth Burris. Ruth then read the many congratulatory me age . Gifts were presented to the chapter. The banquet program wa concluded with the candle lighting service led by Mrs . T. Reed Maxson. Guests at the banquet included Mrs. E arl Peterson Mr. and Mr . John Simpson, Dean and Mrs. W. 0. Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ewald, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Folkner Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffith, Dr. and Mrs. T. Reed Max on, Dr. Christine Foster, Mrs. C lyde Brookshier, Mrs. William Vit, Mrs. Harold Beemer, Mrs. Andrew Robertson and the thirty-one Alpha Nu members. Sunday morning the entire chapter accompanied by Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Vit an d Mrs. Maxson attended the Presbyterian Church workship. A reception on the campus in the afternoon concluded the activities. The patronesses, Mrs. William Peck and Mrs. A. L. Folkner, presided at the tea table . Mrs. Peterson, Dr. F o ter, Mrs. Simpson, Ruth Burris and Mary Virginia Hilton received the guests. Ruth Burris was elected a delegate to th e Alpha Sigma Tau National Convention, and Pat Tebbencamp as candidate for Convention Queen. Plans are made to hold a R etreat in July in Warrensburg for a reunion , water sports and to get rushing events ready fo r th e fa ll action.
Presentation of charter: Mrs. Vit, Ruth Burris, Mrs. Earl F. Peterson.
A banquet, Saturday evening, was held in Todd Pri vate Dining Room at the col lege. Mrs. Wi lliam Vit was toastmistress. Mrs. Haro ld Beemer led the sorority grace. The theme was Standards and Idea ls. Dr. C hristine Foster, dean of women's affa irs, represented the college, Mrs. Fred Griffith the sorority, and J ennie Green, president of A lpha Nu Colony, spoke for the chapter. Special sorority songs by Mrs. J ohn Simpson were de lightful. The officia l charter for Alpha u C hapter 14
Two Alpha Gamma beauties reign in Miss Henderson <C ontest. In center is Alpha Gamma Lynn Livingston, Miss Henderson on the left is Delores Heindl. AXD , as second runnerup; on the right is Judy Stephenson who is first runner-up.
.H R
c A
M\ IP Ul
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0 R.
.s <
Mary Ishikawa. Iota. is a cheerleader and candidate for Miss Candy Cane.
路 Jeannine McKensie, Z e t a T a u . reigned as Queen of the May at Longwood College .
Betty Jean Russell, Zeta Tau, was chosen Zeta Tau's Rose , and Provence Rose of Kappa Alpha.
.H R
Beverly Davis. Alpha Delta, Sig Pi Orchid Queen, member SCC. ROTC Queen candidate. Dean's List and Panhellenic representative.
Nancy Ruble. Chi. is Homecoming Queen.
Linda White. Alpha Eta. is Sweetheart of Delta Sigma Phi.
Pam Van Dyne, Beta. is Senior class treasurer, Sigma Tau Gamma White Rose Queen.
Lydia Waguespack, Phi, Sweetheart of the "S" 'Club, S :mator of the Student Government. Dean's List.
Hope Gambino of Beta Chapter is Senior class treasurer and Sigma Tau Gamma White Rose Queen.
Mary Ann Lutz, Iota, is in Xi Phi, is Senior class vice-president. Alpha Kappa Lambda Sweetheart and in "Who's Who."
Betty Porhamer. Alpha Gamma. is the Sweetheart of Kappa Sigma Kappa.
Judy Gardner. Alpha Gamma. is Sweetheart of <I>~E and a member of Who's Who in American Colleges.
Pat Helmker. Phi, Sweetheart and Corresponding Secretary of Westminster Foundation, Treasurer of the Home Economics Club.
Bev Maechtlen, Iota, accompanist. AK Iota, Sweetheart. Xi Phi. President Phi Beta Lambda, Treasurer of AST .
Brenda Pipicelli, Psi, is Sigma Delta Rho Sweetheart.
Joyce Gilbert, Iota, is a candidate for Miss Peggy Pedagog and Greek Week Queen candidate.
Connie Peery, Omicron, is candidate for Miss Pine Tree, KSK Sweetheart.
Pam Belfield, Nu, is a candidate for Miss '\Cache La Poudre," treasurer of SNEA.
Dian McNeal. Nu, is an AWS model. a candidate for Homecoming Queen and Miss Sorority.
Marilyn Hoecher, Iota, a cheerleader, is Miss Sunflower candidate.
M\ORJE • • •
Barbara Livingston, Iota, is a candidate for Miss Peggy Pedagog.
Carolyn Joyner, Iota. is a Miss Emporia State candidate and Miss Sunflower candidate and is Student Council Representative.
Beth Hurtig. Pledge president of !AI-..·•. ··' pha Omega, is an Angel Flight, r~n- ' : " ner-up in Freshman ...Q!leen contest.
Nancy Newkirk, Upsilon, was Junior Homecoming Maid and received cheerleader's award. .~ 21
Betty Nucci. Alpha Eta. is a member of the Homecoming Queen's float.
Mary Mead. Beta. is a member of Homecoming Queen's Court and Student Body Secretary.
Charlotte Sponseller. Beta, is on the ROTC 'C adet Court.
Pretty Darlys Moore, Pi. served em Maid in the Basketball Court at Harris.
Ginny Lindamood, Alpha Lambda, is Ir. class representative to Student Government.
Margaret Divers, Alpha Lambda, is chairman of Cotillion Club.
Bonna Burrows, Alpha Delta's new Pep Commissioner and member of Student Senate.
• • •
Joyce Reusser, Iota, pledge mother, Xi Phi, Major offices in Home Ec and Young Repu.b licans clubs.
+-E Jo Minnis, Iota, is president of WRA and in "Who's Who."
Penny Ohlman. Alpha Delta, float chairman. and delegate to sec convention.
• • •
Lynn Richardson, Alpha Lambda, is president of Student Government.
Nancy Alexander, Alpha Delta, is president of Senior class.
Mary Petroskey, Be ta. is Senior class secretary. · · •T
Mary Lou Cox, Omicron, is a member of "Who's Who."
Chris Knuth, Omicron, is in "Who's Who," Cardinal Key and Kappa Delta Pi.
M\ORJE C.a rol Ann Keel. Upsilon, is in "Who's Who in American Colleges."
Meta Walton Bumgardner, Upsilon, is in "Who's Who in American Colleges."
Faith Doss, Alpha Gamma, is in "Who's Who in American Colleges."
Jean Baum, Psi, is Outstanding Student, and in "Who's Who."
Mary Jo Stone. Alpha Gamma, is in "Who's Who in American Colleges."
Faye Wyatt, Alpha Lambda, has been named Outstanding Senior.
Dianne Suits, Iota, is a member of Kappa Delta Pi.
Betty Horne, Alpha Lambda, is in Kappa Delta Pi with a 2.5 average.
Sharon Hahn, Phi, Hi Phi Award, Dean's list for three year'S.
Zoey Marson, Phi, received the Congeniality Award given by the New Orleans Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau.
Barbara Jacobs, Alpha Lambda, is in Kappa Delta Pi with a 2.9 average.
Debbie Davenport. Nu, is a Pi Lambda Theta, a Kappa Delta Pi and on the A WS Council.
Collegiate News Alpha Receives Centerpiece ~
SECOND semester activities for Alph a chapter began with the opening of form a l rush. W e chose the theme of "Sleepy T au H aven" a nd carried this idea through a ll of our rush parties. The girls of Alpha worked hard on new and unusual name tags and displays to help represent our sorority. Our efforts yielded us eleven wonderful new pledges: Cookie Collins, Ruth D e M eulenaere, Pa t Eberhardt, P a u I e n e Fucinari, Joyce Go lding, Kay Kundrick, Sue Mitroka, Pat Nichols, Judith Paslaski, Gail Phillips and Joanne Weed . The pledge class was very proud to present a permanent centerpiece to Alpha chapter to be used for rush parties and for forma l teas. Following initiation on M ay 12, the pledges were honored with a beach party held at the home of Mike W arner. After initiation the best pledge award of a traveling lava liere was presented to J oyce Golding. Our C andlelight Dinner Dance, which was another big event of the semester for the girls of Alpha, was held at the Elmwood Casino in Windsor, Ontario. Alpha is especially proud of Sister Sue Barker, former chapter pledge master, who won the sorority scholarship. Sue is also a member of Kappa D elta Pi a na tiona l honorary education fraternity. With the ending of the semester, the T a us h ave many happy and wonderful memories to look back on. W e are sorry to be losing o man y of our sisters through gradua tion,
but we are looking forward to a new emester with many new sisters to carry on the trad.ition of Alpha Sigma T au .- K AREN ERIK SEN
Beta's Sweet Shoppe ~
THE BETAS began the pring erne ter by focusing full attention on a uccessful rush p rogram headed by Carolyn M oore. At our first par ty, "T au Sweet Shoppe," we greeted rushees with tasty ice cream cones and lively sorority songs led by our advisor, Miss D enman. M ary Lou V oge l was general ch airman of the party. The second rush party filled our house with actives and rushees decked out in slumber apparel. J o R umminger supervised the effective decorations, refreshments (donuts and cocoa ) , and en tertainment in which rushees and T aus divided into groups which presented bed-time skits. " Emerald R oom," the title of our third par ty, fo llowed a night club theme. Our guests were treated to "Kiddie Cocktai ls," snacks and top talent. The party, directed by M olly Eng lish, came to a clima;x when we serenaded and pre ented each rushee with a yellow rose. Our efforts proved extremely worthwhile fo r we gained seventeen wonderful pledges: Karen Amejka, Sally Benedict Dorothy Carruthers, Diane D avidson, M arilyn F ranci JoAnn H ack, Ann H aTkin Carol L aMotte Bonnie M yers, M ary Lu Peter Peagy Potharlotte vin, Judy Samson Pegai hine, ponseller Pat qui re herrie tafford and
Pam V anDyne. During open ru sh, Joni LaMourie and Peggy Bailey joined th e pledge class to make a grand tota l of nineteen. JoAnn Heck received the Be t Pledge Award. Peggy Potvin was president of the spring pledge class. '1\fe held our annual " Mom's Weekend" in the midst of pledging activities. The mothers enjoyed a brief coffee hour before heading toward the bowling alleys and bridge tables. After a taste of sports, we returned to the house and indulged in a delicious buffet dinner. Evening activities included "twisting" by the moms, a water ballet presentation, skits, group singing and nightly tours of the campus. As the curfew hou rs approached, we serenated our mothers and gave them CMU mugs as favors. The weekend came to a close the next morning (a fter the moth ers had struggled in our bunk beds!) with breakfast and church. Stan K enton became the ta lk of the campus as Greek Week came into view. Mr. K enton provided the best in jazz and dancing music for the annual Greek W eek J am Session and dance. The festive week began with the Panhellenic-I.F.C . Sing, Betas placing second with our southern spiritu a ls. We placed in every event we entered, winning firsts in the Walk-a-thon, pie-ea ting contest, and jump-rope competition and third place in the Swim M eet! In M ay, we held a steak fry at Sue Breidenstein's cottage on Crystal Lake in place of our usua l house party. The weather didn't fu lly cooperate, but new actives still followed the traditiona l ceremony of th e lake ! It wa a day of fun , skits, songs and pl enty of food delicately prepa red by our host "Bi?; Joe." We were deeply grieved upon the recent death of our beloved patroness, Mrs. Fred Bush, a woman who had given so much of her time and life to the Alpha Sigma T a u Sorority. W e presented an art book to the Panh ellenic library in her memory. H er husband gave us both a painting and her sorority pin as a bond of deep friendship. W e decided to honor a worthy girl each semester by giving her the privilege of wearing Mrs. Bush's pin on formal occasions. Because of THE ANCHOR
the endless hours of effort and time J o R umminger has contributed to our group, we chose her to begin this new tradition of the Beta Chapter . M any honors earned by Betas brightened the spring semester. Gail Weckesser won both the scholarship improvement paddle and high scholastic cup! Sue Breidenstein and M arilyn J akad were two of the nine girls on campus tapped for Senior W omen's Honor Board, M a ri lyn being elected Vice-President. Th e two girls are a lso members of K appa D elta Pi. M ary Petoskey was elected to the offi ce of Senior C lass Secretary, while H ope Gambino won the Treasurer's position. Pam VanD yne will be th e Vice-President of her sophomore class in the fa ll. M ary M ead becam e the new secretary of the entire Student Body. Girls with 3.00 averages in the fall were Sue Breiden tein, Lind a H aven, M arilyn Jakad, Peggy Sadler, Fran Steiner, Cathie Palo and Bonnie W a lker. Peggy T wining and C harlotte Sponseller both won the honor of ROTC Cadet Court for the annual Military Ball. A beauty award was al o presented to H ope Gambino, Sigma T au Gamma White R ose Queen. L ynette Lucas had the singing and acting lead in the campus presentation of " Kiss M e K ate." M ary Lou Vogel was voted Sigma Phi Epsilon's Friend ly N eighbor. It has certainly been a successful year. The Betas were as busy as usua l and will be an ticipa ting another wonderful semester in the fa ll. W e extend our best wishes fo r a hap py fa ll to a ll the other A~T Chapters!- MARILY N JAK AD
Delta Pledges Twenty-Five t THE SISTERS of D elta chapter have in-
deed had a busy and prosperous spring semester. It opened with an extremely hectic rush week which was climaxed by two formal rush parties traditionally called " Roses Become You." However, our effo rts were not in vain, for we gained twenty-five new, wonder-
ful pledges. They are Sandi Bogdewic, Di- national honorary bu ~ine~s fraternit y. Rose anna Brown, Connie Eichenlaub, Donna Mary Plowchin and Georgi Skiba had an Freeman, Mary Ann Gevaudan, Geri Geiger, enjoyable time in Indianapolis as delegates to the Association for Childhood Education Patty Gritzer, Linda Harrison, Marlene Jackson, Joan Kaufman, Judy Kaylor, Pat Conference, and Sylvia Kattouf enjoyed her Kopcak, Carol Korch, ancy Lackey, Joy stay in ew York as a delegate to the drama Lomicka, Pat Miller, Marcia Plyler, Jan convention . Sister Dennie Miller did a fine Rankin, Elaine Reich ert, Rosi Ramsey, Sandy job in h er role in the Swing-Out production, Reeves, Eileen Skarbek, Karen Shu ter, "Calamity Jane." With the ending of the em ester, the Taus Carol Stager, and Judy Yaeckel. The pledge class was very anxious to con- had many h ap py m emories to look back on. tribute its share to A~T, and each one began We were sorry to lo e our SLX gradua ted si ters but, with the addition of our twenty-five n ew by choosing a different chapter and writing sisters, are lookinrr forward to an even better a letter telling it about India na State College. new year.- GEORGI KIBA The letters we received in reply were very interesting and brought us a little closer to our sisters from other chapters. These pledges then had our sorority room repainted a pale yellow, and two new lamps, two pillows, and a n ew cover for our chest were then added t THE MAIN event of the second seme ter to the room . The new co lor scheme certain ly was our big Sprinrr Rush Party. We Zetas makes the room seem larger! chose a western theme. The ru hees were To add to our yearly Pine Mountain kidnapped, bound and gagged, and brought Settlement contribution we saved Pepsi-Cola to the camp site on a hay wagon. Charcoalbottle caps. For each cap turned in we re- grilled hot dogs were served by the ch efs from ceived Y2c towards our favorite charity. This the chuck wagon. W e "rounded-up" twelve was an enjoyab le proj ect and gave us an ex- new pledges : V a lerie Cancilla, Dia ne Carter, cuse for drinking Pepsis! Julianne Dickson, Carol H ockenbury, Susan The following months brought us our Kaiser, Donna Kratowell, Virginia Logan, a nnual pledge party, which was entitled Rita M arino, Shirley Olt, Eleanor Pe terson, " Pagoda Paradise" this year. This was a Mary J ane V erbiar and Ann Hunter Young. very successful event. Evie Blose, our decorations chairman, did an excellent job, and the pledges were creative in their humorous skit, "Ling Ting T a u. " As a conclusion to their pledge period, each pledge made a decorative paddle a nd presented it to h er big sister at our "Big-Li ttle Sister Party" which was held the day before initiation. Dressed in Tau colors, we again helped collect for the heart fund on "Heart Sunday" and added a new community service- collecting funds for the Cancer Dri e. Zetas gave a South Sea Island Party. Honors were also bestowed upon some of our sisters. Vve were all proud of Sister Evoe Our annual informa l initiation was h eld at Blose who was in the court and runner-up Rocky Point on the weekend of April 12. for the Sigma Phi Epsilon Sweetheart. Rose This weekend holds many memorie that will Mary Plowchin was initia ted into the na- a lway be cheri hed by the Zeta : th tional honorary fraternity- Kappa D elta Pi, pledge ' talent show the g lue pa hetti th and Patricia Yacisin wa initiated into the branding of the pled rre the hard flo r
Zeta's Round-Up
"bed," the snow and the closeness of working and singing together as a group of sisters. The following weekend was quite a contrast from the sloppy clothes worn during informa l initiation. On Sunday, April 29, all dressed in white, we initiated our twelve pledges. After the ceremony, a banquet was held at the Dutch Inn, Mill Hall, Pennsylvania. The first big party the new actives attended was our "South Sea I sland" party. The girls wore sarongs and our dates dressed like sailors. The favors for our dates were sailor hats, bearing the words "Strand ed with an A~T." At the entrance to our island, each sister put a lei around her date's neck. Following the Polynesian custom, we ate on the floor. Fruit cocktail served in grapefruit halves was the main dish. A "Spring Garden Party" was <Tiven for th e sisters by the new actives. Everyone dressed to represent some aspect of spring. "Butterfli es" mingled with "spring housecleaners." Bonnie Bitzer and L ee Todd were initiated into Kappa D elta Pi, the nation al honorary fraternity. Cynthia Walters, Theresa H owberg and Pa tricia Pringle are also members of K~II. Alpha Sigma Tau will be well represented in Lock H aven campus activities nex t year. Loraine Albrecht has been elected vice-president of the Women' s Athletic Association . Other newly elected officers of W.A .A . are Shirley Olt, treasurer, and R enee Scott, parliamentarian. Gail Williams will serve as the secretarytreasurer of the Student Co-operative Council. R epresentatives to the council will be Ann Young and Donna Kratowill. Gwen Grant was elected president of the synchronized swim club, the Aquafins. The new vice-president is Joy N eilson, and th e new S.C.C . representative for th e Aqua fin s is Loraine Albrecht. Other offices to be held next year by the Zetas are secretary-treasurer of the Biology Club, Gail Williams ; president of the Art Club, Ann Young ; treasurer of the class of '65 and co-associate editor of the Praeco, Diane Carter ; secretary of P.S.E.A., Gwen Grant; and captain of the Girls' Gymnastic Team, Joy Neilson.
W e always hate to say good-bye to sisters, but we know that no matter what they do or where they go, Alpha Sigma Tau will always be in their hearts.- Jov NEILSON
Theta Dreams Come True ~
SPRING semester, 1962, has passed as quickly as a dream. For Thetas, it started out as a " dream." Rush was number one on our list of activities. The theme for our first party was "Sleepy T au H eaven ." Th anks to the ingenuity of M argaret Aboud, our rush cha irman, and K ay Kuttner, her assistant, rushees were quickl y put at ease in the drea my atmosphere of a room sprinkled with smiling, paper angels and scattered with paj ama-clad A~T's. While the girls enjoyed angel-food cake and ice cream, we entertained them with a skit in keeping with the mood. There are four things, we said, that every coed dreams of: good grades, boyfriends ga lore, world travel, and becoming a member of Alpha Sigma Tau. E ach of these four dreams was drama tized by a Theta. Some of th e stardust of the evening helped to bring our three, lovely pledges to us. They are : Sa lly Baker, an education sophomore; Diane Edwards, a speech-education junior; and Andrea Muhl, an art-education sophomore. We welcomed our pledges by treating them to a pizza party. Stardust and dreams come true will make this past semester especially memorable in the hearts of four Th etas. Diane K ajkowski and Shirlee M arsha ll were beautiful brides. (Diane is now Mrs. Howard H ardy and Shirlee is Mrs. Romie Shaw. ) Cynthia Grochol ki and Marsha Bachenko were both engaged to be married. The highlight of all social events at Wayne State was the Pan H e! Ball, which was held a t D etroit's most modern convention area, Cobo H a ll. For weeks before the Ba ll, the entire campus was decorated with colorful posters - a ll designed and constructed by Thetas. For us A~T's, the Ba ll was preceded by a cockta il party at Margaret Aboud's home and followed by an oriental dinner party at Victor Lim's restaurant in downtown D etroit.
In May, Wayne State's organizations joined forces to raise money for the n ew Student Center that the University is pla nning to build. The result was the "Fun F estival" which took place a t the largest amusem ent park in D etroit. W e were granted p ermission to " take over the pa rk" for one weekend. Groups were on the runway drumming up business for rides a nd contests, selling pennants, supervising contests and having loads of fun! Theta cha pter was m charge of a Minia ture Golf Contest. At the close of the contest, we awarded a trophy to th e best "minia ture golfer. " On June 12, we were dinner guests a t the home of our advisor, Mrs. H arrington. W e took that opportunity to show our a pprecia tion of h er consta nt thoughtfu lness a nd helpfulness by presenting Mrs. H arrington with a n Anchor pin, ma king her a n honorary member of A~'T. We also noted tha t two of our girls would soon be reaping the rewards of their four- year stay a t the U niversity. Barbara Bestrom will be a m edica l technician and Ernita Schachingger, our past president, will be joining the ra nks of grade school teach ers. We presented Barba ra a nd Ernita with lavaliere necklaces.- Yvo NNE CAPONE
Iota Entertains Foreign Students t ARRIVIN G two days early after sem ester
break, Iota commenced with its over-a ll general house cleaning a nd final rush preparation . Our m a in them e, " Perfume R efl ections," was ca rried out by our black and white costumes for the "F # " party, the " Sha nghai" Sa turday brunch and the "H ere Is M y H eart" preferential dinner on Sunday evenmg. The 16 pledges we took a re M a rilyn Ames, Elin Ba rker, Sherry Bonine, Dianne Clugston, Sa lly C lerico, Judy Grove, Judy Green, Judi H eckendorn, Judie Fall, M ary I shikawa, K aren Kuhns, Beth Mohr, Vicki M cAdoo, M a rcia Miller, K ay Pruitt a nd Sha ron K . Smith.
This sem ester we inaugurated a program in keeping with the promotion of good-will by inviting foreign women students as gu ests to our house for dinner . A~T' s informal on F ebruary 17 was' called " Peppermint Lounge" and h eld in Emporia's Little Theater. The invitation were m ade of black construction pap er resembling a 45speed record with shiny gold la bel on which "A::ST T wist" was printed in glue a nd highlighted with red glitter . Huge "records" h ung on the walls around the da nce fl oor and all sisters wore red and white sweater and skirt outfits. R efreshments included peppermint ice cream sodas and to top off our entertainment, a twist contest among the sponsors was featured . A three-foot candy cane was the prize. On F ebruary 27, I ota com peted in the Greek Singing Bee h eld a t the a uditorium . Wearing black dresses and yellow roses we took the second place trophy. M arie Burns was director a nd Bev M aechtlen accompanied us in our selections, " Yellow Bird" and " H e's Gone Away." Our tha nks to M rs. Wiegand who helped us during m any practice sessions. N ext cam e M a rch, in like a lion, but h onors our way weren' t scared a way. J an Bush was elected to represent A::ST a t the Sigm a T au Gamma White R ose F orma l. Freshma n pledge Elin Barker starred in the play, " Ah, Wilderness," by Eugene O 'N eill. The Miss Emporia Sta te candida tes were on T opeka, K a nsas, television. Among them were four Iotas : Elin Ba rker, sponsored by T a u Phi D elta; Sherry F eltner, representing Sigm a Phi Epsilon ; Carolyn Joyner, our A ~T candidate ; and 1st runner-up June M cC lure for Phi Sigm a Epsilon fra ternity. She is a h ome economics m a jor and did a n act fea tu ring clothing fas hions for the well-dressed m oon wom an . M arie Burns was given the Sigma Alpha Iota ( honorary women' s music ) leadership a wa rd . Carolyn Joyner won the title of " Miss Press Photogra pher. " She repre ented K ansas and will compete in the interna tiona l conte t in California. Outsta nding among her prizes i a $1 ,000 mink coa t! Insta lla tion of officer fell on M arch 1 and Dona M cK anna p a sed the a vel on t
L ittle Sis, C. Sue Goodin . New at the sorority is the Major Mom Report. An active in the major field of a p ledge is selected to help and report on h er pledge's progress. W e think it is working out fin e since it gives both girls a n added incentive to keep up their grades. Next came April and its showers, but they didn't dampen the spirits of Emporia Sta te's AT's. With Si gma T au G amma fra ternity we had a picnic at Peter Pa n Park. Ba rba ra Murray and M yrna Seidel surprised those fraternity boys. The girls can rea lly play softba ll! The following Sa turday the sorority split up into shifts to work on the Rumm age Sa le and th e morning decora ting fo r the form al tha t evening at the Broadview H otel Ballroom. Our formal th eme was " Aqu a tic F a ntasia" a nd the ' ballroom was turned into a marine wonderland with the a id of sea shells, fi sh nets, colored lights, two boats, brightly p ainted pa per fish, b lue ce llophane " water" a nd m a ny, m a ny other decora tions. Bridge sets wra pped in b lue tissue pa per bearing a n A~T sea l on top were given to our da tes from the sunken " Treasure Chest." M ay brought the end of school, but it didn't slow AT activity one litt le bit. All the Big Sisters were given presents of beach hats decora ted by their own Little Sister a t a picnic a t L a ke K a hola. Among the h a t co llection were such fashion devices as pingpong ba lls, net, bridge ca rds, sun g lasses and shells, to m ention on ly a few items used by our li ttle experts. Nearly the entire cha pter a ttended the WRA (Women' s R ecreation Assn. ) ba nquet on May 10 a t th e Ranch Hou se Motel wh ere AT J o M inn is turned over the Pres ident's off.ce. M a ny other AT's were a nnoun ced as managers of the various sports. Alph a Sigm a Tau won first p lace in the sorority division of I ntramura ls, and many of our sisters won excellence awards. In add ition, AT Nancy Green is the n ew State President! O n M a y 12 our sister Bev Maecht len was a n nounced AKA Sweetheart a t their Spring F orm a l. She succeeds several other AT's. N ext, June M cC lure and part of the sorority traveled to W ichita, K a nsas, where J une competed in t he Miss K akela nd beau ty pageant . THE ANC HOR
T ears came on M ay J 6 when th e cha pter held a picnic honoring th e seniors. E veryone got misty as we once again realized how mu ch a pa rt of each oth er we really are. H a lf- awake, but hungry, the Big Sisters trea ted the Little Sisters to 6 :30 a. m. breakfast a t Blay locks on M ay 18. Th e same day Xi Phi ( honora ry leadersh ip fraterni ty ) a nnounced its p ledges. M embership is li m ited to 24 tudents at a ny one time. Congratul ations to J oyce Re usser a nd Bev M aechtlen, past p ledge moth er a nd treasurer, res pective ly. M ay 21 -25 comprised fi na l week, a nd 1006 Constitution again stood qu iet a nd empty after gradu a tion on M ay 29 until J uly 14-15, I ota's summer re union.- VrRGINIA CORREA
Nu Helps Senior Citizens ;\, T HE u C HAPTER a t Colorado Sta te College in Greeley rounded ou t winter qua rter with m a ny activities. Our a nnua l mountain pa rty was held on e weekend a t t he Aspen Lodge in Estes Park a nd included toboggan ing, singing and just plain fun . T he theme of Greek F ollies was "T ouche TV." We did a com ical ta ke-off on th e T ed M ack Amateur Hour, incl ud ing severa l da nces and so ngs on our own " T ed Slack Professiona l H our. "
Nus. Nancy Numoto, Charmaine Bader, Denise Garriques, Judy King, Bev Sims, Bonnie Overton, Gwen Gardiner, Bonnie Lieubray and Dian McNeal pause during a rehearsal for Greek Follies.
Active ceremonies were held for seven new actives: D enise Garriques, Carolyn Jones, Kathy K atsumoto, Judy King, Nancy Lawler, Donna Rypkema, and Carol Seals. Social activities included an all-pledge sneak to Boulder, a pledge sneak with Theta Xi and a coffee hour with TKE. Spring quarter got off to an early start with seven A.M. practices every day for the annual All-Greek Songfest held late in the quarter. W e sang "Charlie Is M y D arling," a Scottish fi ght ballad, and wore green dresses with plaid sashes. Ruth Ann Bower was our director. During informal rush we held a buffet dinner and a surprise coke party. Pledge ceremonies for Carolyn Hyslop and Carol Moritzen were held on a Friday morning and included a surprise birthday cake for Carol. The annual dinner dance was held at the Woolhurst Country Club to the theme of Springtime Serenade. Actives, alums, sponsors and escorts all had a fabu lous time. Announcement was m ade at the d ance that Ruth Ann Bower had been chosen by the chapter as outstanding active; Alice Kline, outstanding pledge; and D ebbie Davenport, best scholarship. Our annua l Yellow Rose Breakfast was a huge success with all the fraternities and sororities coming to our house (through a springtime snowstorm ) for coffee, rolls and fe llowship. We honored our parents at a Parents' Day Brunch at the Farmfair. Several members attended T au State D ays in Denver. The Nus presented a program of several songs and poems for the Senior Citizens of Greeley. We plan to help with this group next fall as one of our service proj ects. We also gave a V alentine's Party for under-privileged children in Gree ley. A joint shower was given for Judy H elms and Ruth Ann Bower who were married in June to Pete Durant and Chuck Quimby, respectively. We were certa inly pleased to be presented with the plaque for the best sorority grade improvement by C ity Panhellenic at the A WS Honor Night. U nderclassmen held a surprise kangaroo court a t six one morning for graduating se nior . They were tried for 4
ridiculous crimes and sentenced to lowly tasks. A farewell breakfast followed. The senior gift of several beautiful initia ting robes for offi cers will be greatly appreciated. Nancy Numoto will be acting president for fall quarter while Dian McNeal is student teaching. Our official delegate to the national convention is Dian Me eal and her alternate is J eannine Parsons. Sally Baer is our convention queen candidate. ancy L awler was queen candidate for our annual Cache Ia Poudre. Bev Sims received the scholar hip award for winter quarter. Nus were a lso active across campus. Our ad visor, Dr. Lewis, received an honorary tapping into Gold K ey, the senior women's honorary ; and Judy H elms was initiated into Phi Lambda Theta, education honorary. Donna R ypkema was a m ember of Spurs, the sophomore women's honorary service organization. Nancy Numoto was elected president of the Home Ec C lub and Pam Belfield, vice president. L ea Ann Will is president of the Fine Arts C lub. The us leave the A~T house for the summer with many memories of a full year of fun and work well done and with plans and hopes running high for next year.-CARoL PRULL
Omicron Wins Intramural Trophy ;\:. TH E OMICRON chapter of Alpha Sigma T au was really busy du ring the second semester. The semester began with rushing. Omicron welcomed five new girls to their chapter. They were Frances Thompson, Lynda Miller, Betty Ingles, Pat Stickler, and Dana Day, who was our second semester be t pledge. Our most exciting even t wa the annual spring formal. It wa held at the Greenbri r H otel at White Sulphur Spring West Virainia. Pat Trail was voted K appa igma K appa sweetheart and J ohn mith was voted Alpha Sigma Tau wee theart for the dane . Omicron wa sorry to lo e our nior and we gave them a enior part . For ea h air! graduating, an und rcla sman imitat d h r
most outstanding characteristic or something unusual that had happened to her during her life at Concord and in Omicron. The patronesses of Omicron gave the girls a wonderful dinner at the home of Mrs. Hawley Wells in Athens. The meal was delicious and the girls enjoyed talking about Alpha Sigma Tau, past and present. Alpha Sigma Tau held its annual alumnae dinner at the Town ' n Country Restaurant in Princeton. Members of the Bluefield, Beckley and Princeton-Athens chapters attended. Discussed were the various methods of raising money for a sorority house for Omicron. Some projects for this were White Elephant sales, rummage sales and candy sales. Also, the chapters gave Miss Mae R. Hunter, our retiring sponsor, a farewell gift. Miss Hunter presented the group with a speech of thanks and of her life with Omicron of Alpha Sigma Tau. However, the most expensive gift could never express the thanks a nd gratitude to Miss Hunter for the kindness, patience and understanding given Omicron in her many years of guidance. In our sports, Omicron was the best. We won the annual Intramural trophy for the fourth year straight in a row. Also, we are proud to announce that Cathy Patterson was chosen varsity cheerleader for Concord. To wind up one of the best years Omicron has had, it was announced that our own Cathy Ramsey was Valedictorian for the 1962 graduating class of Concord College. We are very proud of Cathy, who maintained a 4.00 average throughout her four years at Concord. All the girls contributed towards the great success of Omicron for this past second semester. With hard work, enthusiasm and togetherness the girls have had a wonderful year they will never forget.- CAROLYN WALTHALL
The Pi's in Action THE ACTIVES of Pi Chapter, the largest sorority on the campus of Harris Teachers College in St. Louis, Missouri, began a very busy and most exciting spring semester by being entertained at a cute Disneyland party
given by the pledge class. Being true "Alphas," many of the girls were found very busily working and helping with the registration of Freshmen. On February 18, we had a very full day as we had initiation of our pledges, installation of nine officers, and pin pledging in our Student Union building on the campus. We are thrilled to announce our eight new active members- Mary Ann Fields, Barbara Frey, Janet Huffendick, Marilyn Lesh, Wilma Lovan, Pat Poehling, Pat Schockley, and Faye Schaedlick. W e were very happy to receive our new pin pledge, Sharon Hoppe. At class elections on campus, Faye Schaedlick served as secretary of the Freshman II Class, Barbara Frey served as president of the Sophomore I Class, Joyce Fuller served as president of the Sophomore II Class, JoAnn Ebersohl served as secretary of the Sophomore II C lass, and Louise Meserve served as treasurer of the Sophomore II Class. Lucy Binder, Beverly Coibion and Darlys Moore served as class representatives to our Student Congress. On February 18, we were all very proud of our cand id ate, Carol Seib, who represented Alpha at a "Sweetheart Prom" held by another sorority on campus. The biggest event of the term was our dance titled "Emerald Evening," held on March 17, St. Patrick's Day, at the American Legion Post 154. We decorated in a "S t. Pat's" theme, with shamrocks of all sizes placed in every imaginable spot. The ceiling was decorated with approximately three thousand feet of green and white crepe paper streamers, which we wove in and out. Our tab les were so arranged around the room in a horseshoe shape, that access to the dance floor was very easy from any particular spot in the room. The backdrop for our band was a huge shamrock, seven feet by nine feet. This a lone took hours to construct and we then had the problem of getting it to our dance. It was really quite a sight to just ee us struggling with it. The framework was made of chicken wire. To form the shamrock we used thousands of white paper napkins which we put through the chicken wire and then
fluffed up. The outline was made using this same method but using green crepe paper. We put a huge green Alpha Sigma Tau on the white shamrock. Our shamrock made a very appropriate background for the crowning of a King and Queen. To the King we presented a nice trophy and to the Queen we presented a precious charm bracelet engraved with the date of this memorable occaswn. March 28, the Panhellenic Organization sponsored a Scholarship Tea, at which time Alpha received third place. March 31, all the Alphas enjoyed a joint party with Lambda Beta L ambda Fraternity. April 16 began our spring vacation and every moment was once again filled. One of the events was a theatre party to see "West Side Story." We managed to have an interesting cultural m ee ting under the leadership of our cultural chairman, Patsy Gi lcrease, in addition to our business meeting. We were also very busy practicing for "Jabberwock," a biennial production sponsored by another sorority. It is similar to "Skit Night" which we sponsor on the alternate years. The main theme was "Around the World." The theme we chose was Hawaii. Our skit was titled "Hawaiian Honeymoon." It concerned a very "school-minded" professor named Harry, played by Patsy Gilcrease, and his bride n amed Harriet, played by Sharon Gulli, spending their honeymoon in our new state of Hawaii. H e was more concerned with such things as " the state flower of Hawaii is the hibiscus." To him, love was strictly for love-sick adolescents. Harry refused to hula even after being greeted by a lovely Hawaiian girl, played by JoAnn Ebersohl, and a H awaiian boy, played by Mary Ann Fields. Upon being invited to hula, he sang "I'm Just a Guy Who Can't Hula." This was a song of our own version which he sang to the melody of " I Can't Say No ." The young couple then watched a chorus of Alphas dressed as girls a nd boys as they danced a nd sang "Hawaiian War Chant" in the native version. H arry was "moved" and, too, began doing the hula, much to everyone's amazement. The final song was another original. Our scenery wa
very effective with palm trees, a grass shack, flowers, costumes and lighting. We also decided on our new spring outfits. This was quite a decision. Our new outfit is a dark forest green, shirtwaist dress. On April 27, we were proud of our Alpha, Mary Ann Fields, who represented us at a "Blue Hawaii Dance" sponsored by another sorority on our campus. May 6, we enjoyed our Parent's Banquet h eld at Lemmon's R estaurant. We honored our parents by treating them to a Sunday dinner, followed by a nice program conducted by Shirley Hillebrand. We were a lso happy to welcome back Tamiko ozawa a repledge. On M ay 18, Darlys Moore represented Alpha as a maid at White Rose Dance sponsored by our brother fraternity, Sigma Tau Gamma. On May 26, J oAnn Ebersohl was a maid at one of the dances held by one of the other fraternities on campus. Again on the eveni ng of June 8, the Ia t day of finals, Alpha was represented by Faye Schaedlick, as a maid at a "Splash" given by one of the sororities on campus. June 10, finals were completed and we honored our "alums" at an "alum party" h eld at our Student Union Building. At this time we bid farewell to our alum representative, Mrs. James Alexander, and welcomed our new alum representative, J ackie Hudson. We presented each with a small gift and an orchid to show our appreciation for a ll their help. The favors consisted of sma ll sachets which we made in the form of tiny green and yellow h ats. June 12, we ended our semester with a pajama party. We bid farewell to our travelers, such as Rosemarie Vassalo who went to Florida, Louise Meserve who went to Kansas Ci ty, K ansas, and Marilyn Lesh and JoAnn Ebersoh l who went to the World's Fair in Seattle, V\ ashington. Summer plans include rush meeting directed by our rush chairman, Be erly Coibion. We plan to meet once a week in the homes of different o-irls. Other e ent include a rummage sa le and a "watermelon slurp" for Alpha and their date . V\ e anxiously await the convention, her in ur own
city and wish the best of luck to our Qu een candidate, Jeanne Trautwein. Alpha has been well represented thi term on our campus. Lucy Binder was a m ember of the "P.E. Minors Club," as well a the club's treasurer. Sharon Gulli enjoyed singing and traveling with the Spanish Singing Group. Shirley Hillebrand was pledged to Beta Beta Beta, the Honorary Biologica l Fraternity. Janet Huffendick was a member of the Girl's Glee Club and J oyce Fuller was a m ember of the Vocal Ensem ble. We were very ha ppy and proud to have Wilma Lovan on the Honor Roll. JoAnn Litto, J oAnn Ebersohl, Marilyn Lesh and Sue Gerlt were members of our band . W e wish good luck to our three apprentices- Lucy Binder, Pat Gi lcrea e and Sharon Gulli. W e regret losing Pat Shockley who is leaving school, but a re happy to welcome back Ju a nita Tunnell. M a ny of the Alphas are in sum mer school. Though some of us m ay be separated we will continue to represent Alpha Sigma Tau to the best of our a bility, each in her own way. -
The party was held in the circle ballroom of the beau tiful Lake Texoma Lodge n ar Dura nt. The sma ll tables were arranged in a semi-circle around the stage which was th e foca l point of the evening. To the tables we added bouquets of ye llow roses whi ch served as center pieces. For favors we gave the traditional A~T garters, sachet umbrellas made of our colors and brandy sniffers which were etched with our greek letters.
Rho HasT hirtiethA nniversary t 1962
MARK ED the 30th Anniversa ry of Rho cha pter on the campus of Southeastern State College, Dura nt, Okla homa . This was possibly the most successful year in ou r 30year history. M a ny things made this year such a su ccess. Rho had their share of favorites with Sally Murray being Rose of Sigma Tau, J ane ew, Tau K a ppa Epsi lon Dream girl, J a ne G alloway, Blue K ey Favorite, Sa ndra Bailey, Homecoming queen attendant. And four of the ten candidates for yearbook queen were Alpha Taus. Alpha Taus were active in a lmost all of the organizations on camp us. M embers consider being ab le to work together as a group and achieve the things we did as the largest success of a ll. The most important underta king of Rho was the second semester rush . For the formal r ush party we presented " A Portrait of Woman hood" from Greek culture to the 20th century.
Sandra Miller, Rho, rec e ived th e Outsta n ding Female Pe rform e r Award a t the Be aux Arts Ball. She h a 's had many dancing role s a n d was cho reographe r for the '62 Scandals at Southe a stern.
To complete the evening the center of attraction was moved to the stage where members portrayed great women. A large ()'old p1cture fram e was the only decoration on the stage. As the great ladies who wa lked through the frame, Willene C lifton did a modern dance to portray a modern u ie Wong. Time then moved back to the roar ing twenties with Georgann Winn portraying
Sue Dyson, Rho, presents the lmponna Award to outstanding sophomore, Caro'l yn McVay, also a Rho. Later in the program Sue wa'S p resen ted with the Eugene S. Briggs Award a s the outstanding junior.
a flapper. Carolyn Me Vay did a song and dance to portray the wild west and Calamity Jane. Sally Murray took everyone back to the time of the Civi l War by doing Scarlet O'Hara. To comp lete the portraits of great women, Sandra Miller did a modern interpretive dance of Ven us. We concluded the evening by forming a friendship circle and giving each of the girls a yellow rose and a forget-us-not ribbon of yellow velvet to remember us the next day at bid house. Thirteen of the nineteen rushees which were invited to the formal party picked up the Alpha Tau Colors. It was a very successfu l rush period . Sandra Miller did the choreography for the '62 Southeastern Scand als. Sandra was a lso one of the featured dancers at the performance . Other Alpha Taus appearing in the Scandals were R omana Beason and Lind a Fellows. The most important competitive event on campus is the Beaux Arts Ball sponsored by the art club. A cen tra l theme is chosen and each organization enters four different divisions of competition: a kin rr and queen candidate, a mura l, booth and a kit. The la tter two must use the theme chosen by the artist of the mural. Jim Grant was elect-
ed to do our mural and he chose for this theme "Ulysses and the Cyclops." A 'scene of Penelope weaving the golden rug in her home was used for the booth. In the skit, Sandra Miller, backed by Willene Clifton and Sandra Bailey, did an interpretive dance portraying Penelope entertaining the suitors vi iting her home whi le Ulysses was away. A sweep takes award is given to the organ ization having the highest total points in a ll four of the competitive events. Our mural won first, the skit won second and Sandra Miller received the outstanding female performer award . All of this gave u the highest total of points and the sweepstakes award. Sandra Bailey and Dale Wood, A~T Beau, represented the sorority in the king and queen conte t. Sally Murray represented Sigma T au Gamma and J ane ew, Tau Kap:. pa Epsi lon. Alpha Taus h elping on the 63 Savage yearbook will be Anne Semple, Greek editor, Sandra H older, organizations and J ane ew will be editor of the spotlight section. Jane will also be business manager of Th e Southeast ern, th e school paper. This year at the annual award s assembly many of the Rho members were recognized. Carolyn McVay received the â&#x20AC;˘ImponnG~~Award as the outstanding sophomore; Sue Dyson received the Eugene S. Briggs award as the
Sue Pe mbe rton, Rho, le ft. re ceives th e Outs tan ding Busin ess Award from Dr. Lin nie Ruth Hall, head of the d e partment and a lso a n Alp ha Sigma Tau.
,H R
outstanding junior. Sue Pemberton was hon ored as the outstanding business student. Carolyn McVay and Jo Ann Cavener received letters in Cheerleading .
Willene Clifton, Rho, portrays "Susie Wong" at the spring rush party.
Who cou ld ask for a more successful year to celebrate their 30th Anniversary? A ll the m embers hope to m ake every year to come just as successful and exciting as the 196162 school year.-SuE DvsoN
Upsilon Pledges Try Something New ;\", THE UPSILON Chapter treated the rushees to a trip "Around the World with Alpha Sigma Tau" at their informa l rush party. At each plane stop in the different coun tries m embers entertained the guests. The highlight of the evening was th e gra nd lua u in H a waii where they were served fruit kabobs, sandwiches and punch. We h eld our form al ru sh p arty at the Town House R esta ura nt. The theme for this party was "A lph a T a us in Pa radise." Each rushee received the traditiona l favor, a charm bracelet engraved with h er initia ls. T HE AN C H O R
We were rewarded for our efforts by ta king in eighteen new p ledges. They were initiated May 13. Peggi Bolls received "Best Pl edge" award. H er gift was a charm for her bracelet. Our pledges tried something this year tha t was a great success. They gave a "pledge p arty" for a ll of the pledges of the other sororities. E ach pledge class was asked to take p art on the program. All of the sororities were we ll represented at the party a nd everybody had a good time. The members have been ac live in a ll phases of ca mpus life this year. Mary Alice Moseley a nd L inda Foshee Shock were feature twirlers in the ASTC band. Judy Luhlemier was White Rose Sweetheart. Sue Con ner was a cheerleader. Sue H a ke was chosen as a Founders' D ay m aid . We had other girls in the T-Steppers, Roya l Rooter , student sena te, WRA and many of the other organizations. We sponsored a booth at the SC A Campus Carniva l called "Campus Cuties." Two girls in ba thing suits held lighted ca ndles in each h a nd . The object was to put out the fl am e with a wa ter gun ; those succeeding won a kiss (candy). The profit tha t was made went toward the new chapel tha t will be built on campus. The White Rose Forma l given with our brother fraternity, Sigma T a u Gamma, was a great success. The ba llroom was m ad e into a garden of white ro es, complete with a gazebo. a ncy Newkirk received the leadership a wa rd from the a lums at State D ay in Little Rock. Some of our m em bers h a ve received nice honors this summer. Sandra Hunnicutt was crowned Miss Dumas. Paula Tousinau was first ru nner-up in the Miss Pin e Bluff P agea nt. She was a lso n amed M i s H ospita lity and wi ll represent Pine Bluff in the Arkan as Mis Hospita lity contest. Susie Hu ett was chosen Daisy M aid.- Susm MrNTO
Through Phi's Eyes ;\", IN a solem n cand lelight ceremony six new m ember were accepted by Phi this spring . . 39
The new sisters were Claire Agaisse, Judy Brandt, Diane Dupuy, Judy Martin, BarBara Phillips and Cheryl Young. The first activity on Phi's spring calendar was a " Wacky T acky" rush party. A prize was given for the craziest costume which Ann Bond so proudly received. We welcomed the new p ledges at an informal coke party where they received their pledge rib bons and chose their "big sisters." Later Susie Sivula, D elores Alfano and Carolyn H enderson received their pledge pins at a formal pin pledging ceremony in the South Lounge of the War M emoria l Student Union. "Orienta l G ardens" was the theme for our Spring Forma l D ance. Vivid d ecorations turned the Student Union into a mystical oriental garden. A ca lm volcano, a state ly buddh a, and a fiery dragon decorated the walls ; in the center of the dance floor a small garden added to the a tmosphere of the orienta l theme. The entra nce was highlighted by a "Geisha girl" kneeling beside a sparkling pond. Chopsticks decora ted the packages containing the favors which were padd les engraved with the sorority's letters. Everyone enjoyed the oriental da nces so gracefull y perform ed by our pledges and new members. After the entertainment our President and form er sweetheart J ean La husen
Gle aming e yes and smiling fac es show th e Phis sporting their new sweatshirts .
proudly a nnounced our new sweetheart, Miss Billie D ale ugier. Then Mr. George Kutz was presented as our favorite for the coming year. The highlight of the entertainment was our little "Fortune Cookie" girls Laura and Adele who gave fortun e cookie to a ll who
attended our very successful and enjoyable formal. For social service at E aster our girls made E aster baskets for the "old folks" home in Hammond. As our annual school project we again decorated the cafeteria for the Alumni Banquet which was h eld May 5. Miss Margaret Lowe and Mrs. Kathryn M oore, our sponsors, gave our Senior T ea on M ay 10, a t Miss Lowe's home. W e wish the best to our seniors who are Mary Lou M agro, M ary Crapansano, Sharon H a hn, Zoey M arson, Doris Otiller, Ann Bond Gayle F algoust, Pa tsy Spiers, Mary Stewart, Margaret White, M ary Ann L oftin, Mary France Nesom, J errye Brady, Pa tsy Co llins, Betty Sue Edwards, Camille Gennaro a nd J o ep hine F errante. Our P aren t's Tea was held in the new H ome M an agement Building on April 15. Two culture programs were given during this semester. C itizenship was discussed with different views given by several of the members. The pledge in their program expressed their philosophies of life. Once again Phi girls were honored being in the court of Sigma Tau Gamma's White R ose Ball. P atsy Trahan of Phi, former White Rose, crowned the new White Rose while Barbara Phillips and Judy Worley stood as m aids in the court. Phi gained many scholastic honors again. Eighteen of our members were listed on the Dean's List for having a "B" average or better. Five of these girls, P a tsy Spiers, M ary Fra nces Nesom, T eeter Hallum, Judy Worley a nd J ean Lahusen were on th e President' List for achieving a straight " A" average for the spring semester. Mary Lou M agro, M ary C rapansano, M a ry Frances lesom, and M argaret White were elected to Phi K appa Phi. Patsy Spiers, Judy Worley, M argaret White Teeter H a llum, J ean L ahu en and M ary Fran ces esom were elected to K appa D elta Phi. Mary Lou Magro, M ary Crapansano and Mary Fra nce esom were elected to the " 13 C lub" which is a loca l cholastic fraternity of Southeastern College. On Awards' Day Zoey M ar on received the Congeniality Award aiven each ear b , the N ew Orlean Alumna hapter of A.... T. Mary Frances "Butch" N e om Ga ' I F a!THE
goust and Mary Crapansano were awarded for being listed in Wh o's Wh o in American Colleges and Universities. Iris Brann received the William Hodding C a rter Award for the junior having the highest scholastic average. Sharon Hahn received the " Hi Phi" Awa rd given by the sorority on the basis of character, scho larship, service and loyalty to A~T.
Ev e ryone at this party looks fairly good lor being "Ship Wrecked! "
This yea r Phi h as started a new a ward which is given to the sorority obtaining th e highest scholastic average on a yearly basis. Phi h aving achieved the sta tus was the valia nt recipient of the award which is a wa lnut plaqu e engraved with the n ame of the sorority and the da te.- SAN DRA D ERM ODY
Successful Year /or Chi -t CH I CHAPTER received six girls into the sisterhood a t a forma l candlelight initiation on J a nu ary 9. Dressed in white satin robes were initia tes C onnie R ectenwa ld Barr, Sand y Carson, June H am pstead, Arlene Kauer a nd Virginia Mieninger. After the ceremony refreshments were served to honor the new sisters a nd a lso ou r advisor, Dr. Cree. It being h er birthday, she was p rese nted with a crysta l goblet which m a tches t he set the group h as been building for h er. In F ebruary Alphas coopera ted with Pa nh ellenic to sponsor a tea for all co llege women . F ebru a ry was the busy month in which we h ad our a nnual Greek rush party from which we gained eight pledges : Judy Auvil, Marsha Clark, J ackie Hughes, Pa tty Ka ve, THE ANCHOR
Sher ry Ann Shirley, C arol Weeks, Di a ne Woods and Anna M ae Zim merman. T his past year Sherry Ann Shi rley was winner of the Nationa l C herry Pie Ba king Con test. Alphas began th e m onth of M a rch with a slumber pa rty a t the home of El ain e Gutekunst. Elaine was chosen as the C herry Blossom Princes for West Virginia. She participated in the C herry Blossom F estival in Washington, D . C., during the week of April 1. On M arch 29, Alphas and their dates enjoyed the a tmosphere of gay Pa ree at the a nnu a l A ~T da nce, one of the most succesful co llege da nces of the school year. Alphas were a lso asked to condu ct the cancer drive a t Shepherd this year. Alphas participa ted in the W .U.S. Ca rnival by having a contest for " The gliest Professor on Campus." The students voted by putting pennies in the box for the professor they wa nted to win. Chi chapter also sent their annua l E aster basket to the Pine M ountain Settlement School. C hi's eight pledges became members M ay 1. Form a l initia tion was held in the sorority room after the regu la r business m eeting a t which Chi's new officers were elected. Bonnie Hockman will serve as our president fo r 1963. The C hi qu artet entertained m em bers and g uests a t our annua l spring ba nquet at which our new offi cers were fo rma lly insta lled . Libby D avis was chosen as Outstanding Senior. Durincr M ay Alph as were guests at a party given at the hom e of a pa troness, Mrs. C h a rles Atherton . F our m embers of A ~T who pledged K a ppa D elta Pi were Millie Ash, Ronn y Bolton, Carrollyn Orndorff and Irma Speg. We were pro ud of sister Sandra Carson who was chosen by the tudent body to represent Shepherd College as Apple Blossom Princess a t the Apple Blossom F estival in Winchester, V a . Among the four other fi na lists were Alphas Libby D avis, Presiden t J a ne R enn a nd Peggy U sak. Three Alphas D elores D ay, J ane R enn, 1962 president, and Bonnie H ockma n, 1963 (C.ontinued on Page 53)
AlllPlHIA Sl!GM\A llAUitS FC
)UII~liiEIENliiHI ~.
The Alpha Sigma Tau convention group assembles for the fourteenth National .Convention at the Chase-Park Plaza Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri. Augus.t 20 to 23.
AS WE is theme of National
The Convention Chorus sang beautifully und er the direction of Eleanor Halas, Nation al Music Dire ctor from Akron , Ohio. ~
THE Fou RTEENTH Nationa l Convention of Alpha Sigma Tau was formally opened Tuesday morning, August 21 , 1962, in the beautifu l Starlight Room of the Chase Park Plaza Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri, when ationa! P re ident Mrs. E. F . Peterson lifted her gavel and ca lled the assemb ly to order. The Nationa l Counci l and Committee Chairmen, seated at long, green-draped tables, faced the a lumnae and co llegiate delegates who were seated a t tab les arranged in a doub le "V". M iss Ethel Himelick, secretary, called the roll ; each collegiate president responded by extending a personal greeting and hung h er chapter's wooden shield in p lace befo re she took her seat. This ceremony, planned at the 1958 convention, has becom e part of the AlT trad ition. Greetings and m essages to the convention were read by the President and an nouncements were made by Mrs. J ames F . Alexand er, convention chairman . "As \'Ve P ledge Anew," th e convention them e, was a lso the theme of Mrs. Peterson's keynote address.
We Went to the Opera ~
THREE bus loads of Alpha Sigm a Taus, grateful to the weather m a n for producing nice weather, left the Hotel at six o'clock for Forest Park, where they were ta ken on an interesting conducted tour of the Muny
Opera, and were erved a most adequate box lun cheon eaten in the out-of-doors. T oge ther with relatives and fri nds, 240 of us enjoyed a delightful performance of " The Music M an" under the tars, in this huge outdoor thea ter which accommoda tes a n audience of 12,000.
A Queen Was Chosen ~
Po rsE, voice, diction, personality, spontaneity, a well as beauty, were the qualities considered in electing the Queen to reian over this 14th Convention of Alpha Sigma Tau. Chosen from among the 22 charmina candidates was Miss J a net Gassaway, from Chi Chapter, Shepherdstown, We t Virginia, d a ua hter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Gassaway, of R ahway, Tew J ersey. J anet, a 1962 gradua te of Shepherd College with a major in Biology, is planning to do laboratory work in a hospital. She served C hi Chapter as corre ponding secretary, recording secretary and social chairma n. On campus sh e was a Cheerleader, active in the Student Christian Association, ecretary of Student Senate Homecom ing Queen for 1959-60, Prince s of Queen' Ba ll in the year 1960-61. Ou r Queen left on July 7 for a trip around the world, and returned h ome just in time to attend the Convention. She attended the Convention m \ a hin a ton two year ago and h ope to continue her affili a tion with lpha igma T au in the future, even if she find it nece ar to oraanize an a lumnae ch a pter in the , .i inity in which he lo at . THE
r H
PLEDGE ANEW Fourteenth Convention The difficult task of choosing the queen was assigned to Miss Susa n Dasch e, Director of Model Training a t the Pa tricia Stevens Career College; Mr. H erbert Loeb, president of the St. Louis Junior Chamber of Comm erce ; and Mr. Steve Rowans, Personnel Director of R adio Sta tion KMOX. Miss Dasche a nnounced the winner, Mr. Loeb placed the crown on her head, and Mr. Rowa n presented the beautiful arm bouqu et
Shown are the new National Officers of Alpha Sigma Tau. Left to right are Mrs. James Alexander. Executive Secretary; .Miss Ethel Himelick. Secretary; Mrs. R. B. Cross. Vice President; Mrs. Justin Doyle, Vice President and Chaplain; Mrs. Earl Peterson, President; Miss Margaret Macdonald, Treasurer; Mrs. John Simpson, Vice-President; Mrs. Parry Schippers, Expansion Director; and Mrs. Bernard McBee. new Editor.
of yellow roses to the h a ppy, smiling, ye t teary-eyed queen.
Oh,ThoseEarlyBreal~fasts! :!. FouR district breakfasts were h eld Wednes-
day morning in charge of Mrs. Joseph Steen, Area Supervisor, and District Presidents, Mrs. R . B. Cross, Mrs. Justin G . Doyle and Mrs. John Simpson. Introductions, presenta tion of cha pter problem s, com p arisons of situations encountered a nd m ethods of handling them and excha nging of ideas were considered in all groups. There was agreem ent tha t one of the greatest problem s is keeping a lumnae actively in terested. Emphasis was m ade of the
American philosophy and confusion caused by trying to mix American and British ideas of revolution with those of the French Revolution, which Dr. Glaser says causes intellectual indigestion. His suggestion for correcting the situation is to make people realize the inconsistencie and untruths contained in our textbooks and the need for making individual tudies of the American tradition to protect young people from a continuation of these errors. Only in thi way wi ll the future leaders be able to make correct analyses and decisions. Candidates for the Queen Contest a t the convention line up before doing their bit. Not all are shown.
responsibility to duties in both Col legiate and Alumnae Chapters.
The Formal Was Lovely t LovELY LADIES, beau tifu l gowns, some galla n t escorts, an impressive cand lelighting ceremony led by Mrs. E. C. Phipps, and a fine program with Mrs. Waldo H inshaw as Toastmistress, including music by the Convention C horus, a ll combined to make the F orma l Banquet a memorab le one. The speaker was Dr. K urt Glaser, curren tly associate professor of government at Southern Illinois University Alton Illinois who has an enviable backgro~ nd both in edu~ cation and experience in his fie ld. Dr. G laser analyzed the troub le experienced by the United States in its dea lings with other countries as being caused by the too idealistic attitude of our leaders. This is a res ul t of lack of u nderstanding of our
Mrs. Harry Ke upe r, St. Louis Alumna. preside s at the Quee n 's Lun ch e on.
Sally Murray, Rho. and the Rho de legation, a re shown receiving the Efficiency Award for their chapter from Mrs. John Simps on, vice president.
Many Were the Awards t Miss MARGARET MacDonald presented the Efficiency Awards to the following Collegiate Chapters: Rho Chapter, Durant, Oklahoma ; Alpha Theta Chapter, Detroit ; Alpha Epsilon Chapter, Macomb, Illinois; and Grea test Improvement in Efficiency to Alpha Ze ta Chapter, Queens' College, ew York. There was a six-way tie for first place so identical awards were made to: YpsilantiAnn Arbor, Michigan ; St. Louis, Missouri 路 Flint, Michiga n ; D enver Colorado; Bluefield, W est Virginia; and Buffalo, Tew York. Th e S cholarship Cup A ward, pre ented b Lucile Steen to u Chapter, olorado tate College, Greeley, Colorado. This i the econd year that u ha won the cup. If it i won for the third time, they will keep the cup permanently.
Th e H elen R. Garman Advisor AL ard wa
pre nted b
Elizabeth " il on to Dr. THE
Harriet Stull, Alpha Epsilon, Julia Murray and Julia Kohl, co-advisors of Pi Chapter. The three advisors will receive beautiful silver trays. Presentation of S crap-Book A wards) were made to the following Collegiate Chapters by Mrs. George Black : Third Place- Beta Chapter ; Second Place- Pi C ha pter; F irstIota Chapter ; and to Alum nae Chapters by Mrs. J ean Carpenter : Third Place-Buffalo, N ew York ; Second Place- W ashingew O r leans, Louiton, D. C .; First PlaceSiana. Mu sic A w ards) awards for origina l songs submitted as judged by a team of fo ur professionals, were m ade by the ationa l Music Chairman, Mrs. George H a las. First Prize : Mrs. George Black, u Alumna; Second Prize : C arol U nderwood and Kay Sigmund
Receiving the Efficiency Award for the St. Louis Alumnae is Jackie Hudson. Pi. Handing her the award is Miss Margaret Macdonald, National Treasurer.
Ada A. Norton Awards t T HE FINAL awards, to outstanding alum-
nae, the Ada A. Norton Awards, were a lso presented by M rs. Peterson. These recipients were R uth M aher, Pi and former St. Louis Alumna, past District President and organizer, representative to Nationa l Pa nhellenic, now living a Califo rnia and was not p resent- to Mrs. Francis Grafl age, retiring Editor of th e ANCHOR and to M rs. Sue M cBee, Standards C hairman and newly elected Edi tor of t he ANCHOR.
Diane McNeal. Nu, right. accepts the Scholarship Cup for her chapter from Mrs. Joseph Steen. Area Supervisor. Nu is a second time winner.
oi Zeta C hapter. R ho, Zeta, Psi and Chi received honorable mention for original words. Mrs. E arl Peterson, National Presiden t, m ad e the presen tation of gifts to the on ly two C hapter Advisors who a ttended the convention- M rs. M amie D owning of Alpha D elta Chapter and Dr. H arriet E wa ld of A lpha Nu Chapter. She also presented a gift to the Convention Queen, J anet Gassaway. THE ANCHOR
Sharon Culli and JoAnn Litto, Pi girls, ham it up at the Hawaiian party at the National Convention.
AS WE PLEDGE ANEW by Mrs . Earl F. Peterson, National President ~
Mrs. Bernard McBee receives the Ada A. Norton Alumna Award for past services. Sue is the new e ditor of the "Anchor."
M rs. Francis B. G raflage , St. Louis Alumna, rece iv es the Ada A. Norton Alumna Award for h er pas t se rvices, which include seve n years as editor of the " Anchor."
MANY YEARS ago I discovered a delightful book written by an American colored woman Juanita Harri on, and entitled My Great Wide Beautiful World. Juanita, born in poverty in a crowded cabin in Mis i i ppi, had a few months of chooling before he was ten. Then began an endless round of cooking, wa hing and ironing in an overburdened household-labour that might have daunted a grown person. But the child, clothed in a woman's ca toff apparel, stiff basque bodice, long skirt, and laced bicycle boots, lived with a bright vision of templed cities in foreign lands, which she had een pictured in the tray pages of a magazine, and dreamed of the day when he her elf would see these far away places. J uanita began her travels when she was sixteen, working as a maid in well-to-do home , and moving from place to p lace as she found employment until her journeying extended to Canada and Cuba. Whenever it was possible, she attended clas e at the Y.W.C.A. at night school, and when she became an accomplished lady's maid, she ambitiously took up the study of Spanish and French. Because of her yearning to see more of the world, Juanita never remained long in one place, though her employers invariably became her friend and raised her salary in the vain hope of keeping so excellent a servant. By carefully saving nearly all of her weekly wage , she finally accumulated eight hundred dollar , only to lose all her avina in a bank failure. Nothing daunted, he aaain began to ave, earning a kind employer invested for her until he had an income of two hundred dollar a year. \ ith thi lender ecurity in re erve, Juanita tarted out to work her wa around th world, and m
the next eight years she lived in twenty-two different countries. Then she settled down to easy, leisurely living in a tent home at Waikiki in Hawaii. Juanita had a true appreciation of the great beauty of our world and of the real worth of the people who inhabit it. Everywhere she found joy and delight in the natural loveliness of the country and in the friendliness of the inhabitants. She loved all mankind and in turn was loved by everyone. This past year I have been privil eged to visit a part of Juanita's great wide beau tiful world. I , too, have found bea uty, charm and inspiration in the cities and countries I visited, and friendly, gracious, hospitable people. Part of my travels gave me a deeper appreciation of our own United States. As I inspected and installed chapters of Alpha Sigma Tau, I enjoyed Pennsylva nia, Missouri, Ohio and ew York in the glorious colors of a utumn, and Michigan, Arkansas, K a nsas, Missouri again, and my own Indiana in the green freshness of Spring. Then, as you know, last winter I spent three wonderful months in lovely Hawaii, the Paradise of the Pacific, with its green clad mountains, deep blue ocean, fragrant flowers, balmy breezes, warm sunshine, brilliant sunsets, romantic moonlight, sweet, haunting music and graceful hula girls. or must I omit California with its many beautiful and interesting ights, especially Forest Lawn M emorial Park, resp lendent with towering tree , sweeping la wns, splashing fountains, singing birds, white m arble statuary, small, picturesque churches, th e magnificent " L ast Supper" stained glass window, and the awe-inspiring "C rucifixion," America's largest religious painting. And for sheer enjoyment there are Disney Land a nd Knott's Berry Farm, gay a nd colorfu l a nd bustling with crowds of cheerful, carefree people. And then, just recently- very recently in fact, I was in Athens, Greece- a neverto-be-forgotten Around the World Tour, in the company of interesting, congenial companions including three members of Chi chapter, under the capab le leadership of Dr. Ruth Scarborough, patroness of THE ANCHOR
Chi chapter, and the banquet speaker at the W ashington convention, an experience providing me with a storehouse of rich mem ories for a ll th e years to come. Highlights of the trip were a 5-hour ride on a cool, clean J apanese expres tra in from K yoto to Tokyo, with lofty mountains graced with shrines and old cast les in the background a nd in the foreground Japanese famili es diligently cultivating their mal l, nea t rice paddies, tea gardens, and vegetable plots with hand too ls and water buffalo ; flying a t night into brilliantly lighted Hong Kong, fabulous city of dramatic contrasts, shopping center of the world; Bangkok, Thailand, beautiful city of wide avenues, spacious parks, sparkling fountains, friendly, graciou s people, the scene of Anna and the King of Siam and th e more recent " Th e King and 1"; a 3-day excursion by private car through the countryside a nd villages of India, where 85 % of the people of India live a nd toil under conditions so primitive tha t one could easily imagine he had been tra nsported back centuries in time to the early Bible days; the breathlessly beautiful Taj Mahal at Agra, exquisite tribute of a man's love and devo tion to a lovely woman ; the famous Nile River with its green, fertile delta, a life-giving oasis in the great ex panse of the desert sands; the world-renowned pyramids a nd Sphinx, well remembered pictures in our grade schoo l geography books, now made a reality; the Holy Land- J erusalem, Bethlehem, Bethany, J ericho, D amascu - th e sacred privilege of wa lking where J esu once walked ; the silent, quietly beautiful Dead Sea, th e lowest pot on ea rth ; Istanb ul on the deep blue Bo poru s, the only city in the world astrid e two continents, Europe a nd Asia, with its famous Blue Mosqu e, a nd renowned St. Sophia; and finally, Greece with its lovely hills covered with fragrant pines a nd graceful cyprus, its valleys dotted with shepherds tending their flocks of goats and sheep, with vineyards and olive groves and cotton fields, land tha t has been cu ltivated for centuries by industrious peasants and their patient little donkeys; and spacious Athens, with beautiful modern buildings and wide, clean boulevards, surrounded by hill on top of which st ill stand the stately m arble
AS WE PLEDGE ANEW . .. ruins of the magnificent Acropolis and Parthenon, silent witnesses of the ancient glory of the greatest culture and civilization the world has ever known.
"Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful World, " With the wonderful water round you curled, And the wonderful grass upon your breast, World, you are beautifully dressed. " You friendly Earth, how far do you go, With the wheat fi elds that nod and the rivers that fiow. With cities and gardens and cliffs and isles, And the people upon you for thousands of miles?" w. B. RANDS Not all the sights we saw were beautiful sights by any means. There was ugliness also-the ugliness of poverty and need, of ignorance and want, of filth and disease, of tragedy and despair, of hopelessness and lack of opportunity for a better life. In Calcutta, for instance, the unsanitary conditions of hundreds of poor people are apalling; our hogs and cattle live better than they. The hard, manual labor performed by the men, and even by women, reminds one of the days of Roman slavery. In nearly all the countries there were beggars, usually children, no doubt taught by their parents to ask for "bakshish." Seeing all this deprivation made one feel humb le and gratefu l to be an American, and most selfish to possess so much when so many others have so little. Today we are assembled here in the fourational Convention of the Alpha teenth Sigma Tau sorority to renew our vows of loyalty and allegiance, to plan for the future, and to pledge ourselves anew to those principles and beliefs fundam ental to the abundant life we all desire. First, then, let us pledge anew our faith in God, who has created this majestic world in all its beauty and grandeur for us to use and enjoy. Let us be especially grateful for
our own United States, "one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Compare our spaciousness with Japan's crowded conditions; the population of Japan is over 93 millions, well over half that of the United States and on less than onetwentieth of the soil. Contrast our fertile fields to Jordan's stony plains and Syria's desert land ; our surplus food supply to India's deficiency, where almost every decade there is a famine and thousands of people die of starvation; our free, compulsory educational system to that of many Asiatic countries where hundreds of children have no schooling; our highly mechanized labor to the primitive methods of Asia; our government required and protected sanitation to the deplorab le, unhealthy conditions of the Asiatic countries. In the light of these existing conditions I have just mentioned, let us pledge anew ourselves, our talents and our resources to the service of mankind so that we may, at lea t in a sma ll way, help to better the lives of those less fortunate than we. ext, let us pledge anew our faith in our fellow men. People the world over have the same needs, the same desires, the same instincts, the same dreams and visions. Everywhere Juan ita H arrison went she found friendly, helpful people. One of the pleasures of my travels and of my work as your National President is meeting people and making friends. God has given us understanding that we may see others in the light of their own background which has made them what they are. If we use this gift of understanding, we can look upon others with compa sion and work toward harmony with our fellow human beings. If we tru t one another, if we expect the be t of every one~ people will rise to our expectations. Thus we sha ll achieve the true brotherhood of man. A we pledge anew our faith in God and in our fellow men, we al o pledge ane\ our faith in the future. If we tru t God and believe in our fellow men, then we mu t believe in spite of the many confu ion and conflicts, the numerou problem and difficulties that confront u in the pre ent, that
truth ~nd r~ght will prevail and some day we may smg w1th Browning's Pippa the refrain: <<Th e years ' at the spring, And day's at the morn; Morning's at seven; The hillside's dew-pearled; Th e lark's on the wing, Th e snail's on the thorn路 God's in His heaven- ' All's rioht with the world!" Our faith in the future includes our faith in_ the fraternity system, which is being assruled today on every side by those who fail to recognize the value and the purpose of Greek organizations. Our very survival is being threatened. Stanley T. Walbank, president of Phi Gamma Delta, in an article in IRAC v1vidly expresses the situation: ' "In a very real sense a crucial hour has arrived in college fraternity life. We find the searchlight of unfavorable criticism turned upon fraternities by various college and university authorities and by public opinion as never before. "Thus the open and powerful challenge confronts us. We are asked the true place and function of fraternities in th e evaluation of sociological change. We are queried: Are fraternities democratic, intellectual, essential, or effective in the educational process? Are fraternities making commensurate contributions to that process? Under what protection and restrictions should fraternities in all fairness be fostered by our sheltering institutions, whether public or private? What is the order of our fealty?" In spite of unsupported statements of uninformed critics the fraternity system is not a dying cause, as the following statistics prove: In the last biennium between PC meetings, November 1959-November, 1961, 112 new sorority chapters were installed and 40 additiona l groups either pledged or colonized. There were 344 new alumnae groups organized during this period. I do not have the figures for fraternities, but I'm sure they prove the same point: Greek organizations are not dying out on college campuses. Mr. Walbank oontinues: "This challenge THE ANCHOR
to our existence is real and urgent. We have the plain duty of speaking the truth and of supporting it by our actions. "Our fraternity is dedicated to democratic principles, to creative effort, to high attainments of leadership and to everything exemp lary associated with the processes of higher education. We are reminded that education is a two-way street. It is the process of opening the mind not only to opportunity, but also to corresponding responsibility. "It follows that fraternities as integral components of the educational fabric are in honor obligated to bear their just responsibilities while sharing the unlimited opportunities that higher education makes available. "Thus our fraternity is pledged, co ll ectively and individually, to incite others to noblest efforts in worthy causes, to widen and deepen life's purposes, to make the fullest possible contribution to the elevated shaping of human lives, and so to the upward march of mankind. Th ese fundamentals are among the major purposes for which we exist. They are of the essence of our founding." How can we meet this challenge? How can we insure the continuance of Alpha Sigma Tau and of our sister and brother fraternities? In a vitally pertinent article called "Survival in the Sixties," Mr. Richard R. Fletcher, Executive Secretary of Sigma Nu, states that if fraternities are to survive they must be useful, purpo eful, and a lert. I quote: "We'll survive if we're useful, we'll flourish if we're purposeful , and we'll insure our future if we are alert . Our future in the sixties, as at any other time, will depend on whether or not we are in fact what we say we are."
St. Louis attends the convention banquet en masse.
路'AS WE PLEDGE ANEW . . . In other words, we must return to our altars. We must p ledge anew our faith in the purpose and ideals of Alpha Sigma Tau. Mr. F letcher continues : "Ideals are the basis of true fraternity. They are constant ligh tho uses in seas of change. It is to them that we return when we are lost or confused a nd it is to them that we must return now' before it is too late. The operation is sur~ viva!, a nd the road to survival is marked by idea ls, fraterna lism. It's a long, upward climb, but the view on the upper slopes is reward ing beyond belief, a nd th e feet of the resolu te today wi ll wear the path in to a broad highway to be trave led by constant thousands in the years to come." Our constitution for collegiate chapters states that the "o bject of the chapter shall be to promote the ethical, cultural, and social development of its m emb ers/' Our constitution for a lumnae ch apters states th at "t he object of the chapter shall be to preserve the ideals of Alpha Sigma Tau, to encourage close relationship between collegiat e and alumnae chapters, to kee p in touch with all graduates, to perpetuate friendships established in college days, and to contribute to the growth of the National organization." What is your ch apter, collegiate or a lumnae, actually doing to fu lfill its purpose? What are ) IOU as an individ ua l member actually doing to furt her th is purpose? As we recite ou r creed, we say we believe in the permanence a nd loveliness of our ideals, the values of frie ndship, fi delity to purpose, fu lfi llment of se lf, contributing to the progress of mankind, cultivating beauty of spirit a nd graciousness of living . It is not enough to believe; we must practice these idea ls in our da ily lives. At the in itia tion a ltar each of yo u pledged yourself to the support of Alpha Sigma Tau idea ls and standards. H ave you kept these promises? Have yo u he lped others to keep them? That we are not born for ourselves alone is the heart of fraternity philosophy. We enjoy li fe through the help and society of others. It is when we leave the fraterni ty with a s nse of feel ing of duty toward our
fellow man that fraternities have succeeded. Remember that actions speak louder than words. The world judges us by what we do; our enemies are quick to criticize the entire fraternity world for one improper or indiscreet action on the part of an individual chapter or even of an individual member. Remember the raw liver episode in a fraternity in California and the Fort Lauderdale situation. So think before you act and ask yourself if your action will reflect credit or discredit upon yourself, your chapter, your sorority, a nd the general fraternity world. So let us pledge anew our belief in the ideals of Alpha Sigma Tau and let us resolve to reflect the e idea ls in our lives from this day forth. Then there will be no doubt that our beloved sorority will not only survive but flourish, and that we, the members, wi ll live joyously and valiantly, contributing our share to the service of mankind.
R ededication to a cause In which we p lay a part, D emands the work of mind and h and, A prayer within the heart: And with the power of these three W e can arise and sing Of wonders and accomplishments A future day will bring. As trees we p lanted yesterday Need care and nurture now That they may grow in strength and add Tew leaves upon each bough ; R ededication to a cause I n which we play a part Demands the work of mind and hand A prayer within the heart. ' JoHN V o WHAT IS EXPECTED OF EVERY
I. Ab ility to respond to persons addressino- us, with dignity, poise and proper salutation~.
2. Abilit.Y to speak with proper respect to one's supenors, eld ers, associates fri ends parents a nd relatives. ' ' 3. ~~ow l edge of, and willingness to abi de by, th e v1s1ons of t~e local, state, and na tion a l requirements re latmg to persona l and so ia l behavior.
(Continued from Page 41)
president, served as princesses on the court of Queen Shepherd at Shepherd's Annual Queen's Ball in May. Eight Alphas were among 15 seniors who ~ere ele:ted to Wh o's Who Among S tudents m Amerzcan Universities and Co lleges. They were E llen Bender, Libby D avis M arie H endricks, Bunny H ylton, Carroll~n Orndorff, Sandra Osbourn, Roberta R enn a nd Judy Szymialis. A~T reigned on Shepherd College Honor Day with Janet Gassaway and R oberta R enn receiving Student Senate Awards. Outstanding Seniors were Roberta R enn, Libby D avis, Sandra Osbourn and Kitty Bennett. History major Sandra O sbourn received an assistantship from the University of F lorida and English major Roberta R enn received one from the University of West Virginia. Chi girls presented verba l orchids to sister Sandra who, this past year, was one of three students to receive the M cMurra n Scholarship Award, the highest award Shepherd College can bestow. At the last m eeting in M ay the program was a brief resume of th e citizenship theme which had dominated our programs for the past year. Th e sisters left school eagerly anticipating the summer convention a nd reports from sisters Janet Gassaway a nd Mary Lou Burkholder who are going on Shepherd College's Around the World Trip with patroness, Dr. Ruth Sca rborough. To begin the fall semester A~T has a scho larship which is to be given to an outstanding freshman wom a n to help her in a ttending Shepherd College.- PEoov UsAK
Psi's Come-as-you-are Party -t HELLO AGAIN from the Psi girls! D id summer come as quickly for you as it did for us ? Just as usua l the first thing on our second semester agenda was Spring Rush. W e are excited and happy to have pledged all fiv e of th e girls we rushed . Our n ew sisters are M ary Margaret (Margo ) H a ll, P eggy Jo M oore, Jill M yers, Shirley Thackston and Betsy Thomas. Peggy J o not on ly came through r ush excitemen t and busy days, but
she was also th e director for the Sophomore C lass ight show about that time. The night of Spring Walk ing, A~T took its new p ledges a nd spent th e night m a real hunting lodge in th mountains. The lodge was complete with a self-p laying pi a no, a living room fire place, a n a ntique radio, hand-made bunks a nd four deer heads. N eedless to say, a little sleep, but a great deal of fun was had by a ll. The time soon came to bid bon voyage to our beloved Miss H elen F rank. She has been our advisor for severa l years a nd is now traveling a broad. Th e winter snowba ll fights and the notorious A~T Come-as-you-a re p a rties kept Zirk le House bu sy and in need of some cleaning. So, we had a house cleaning party one Saturday. The hou se was then clean for the reception given there for Tae Smith after her voice concert, and for the reception given for the May Queen and her court. Again this year the M ay Court was fu ll of A~T'ers. Brenda Pipice lli was the M ay Queen. J ea n Baum was the Sen ior Princes . Caro l Knight and Beth Quatse were Senior attend ants. Ann Lee Dickson was a junior attendant a nd D ia ne Penniwell was a sophomore attendant. J un e Hill received the one hundred dollar H elen M . Frank scholarship for which one requirement is a 3.50 (3.00 is a "B" ) average. She a lso rece ived the Dr. Samuel Page Duke m emoria l schola rship of one hundred dollars for the highest average in the junior class for the first fi ve semesters. On May 7, Pa nhellenic picn ic was held. T he site was the foot of the large hill on the back campus which overlooks M assanutten Peak . Each sorority or fraternity had two booths. All profits went toward the Pa n hellenic Scholarship Fund. After the picnic AT~ h eld its F ounders' Day ce lebra tion. We sang, imita ted enior , had refreshments and lots of just plain fun. Dorothy Davis who is n ext year's Pre ident, and Bev Sykes are looking forwa rd to m ee ting all of you at the Nationa l Convention. Carol Brockway will represent P i in t he beauty contest there. All three are excited about having the opportunity to be 53
with you, and they're anxious to get started. When school ended this year we didn' t exactly "go our separate ways." Instead we all headed for Virginia Beach where we had a cottage and an apartment for a week. We enjoyed visiting with the girls from other sororities a t Madison who were there, too. Everyone seemed to have had quite an exciting time and somehow we did get a little sun tan. Psi is looking forward to the 1962-63 school year very much. We're anxious to see Evie Jenkins again after her year in Spain at the University of Madrid as M adison's exchange student. Evie has kept in touch through letters to individuals and to the school paper, but it'll be great to have her back on campus again. The new slate of officers i a lready working on Fall Rush and the event of first semester. So long for now, and we hope the coming year is your best!-MARTHA J EAN HARDIN
Zeta Tau Highest on Campus t " . .. BUT THE best for m e are my sisters
in A~T" were the sentiments expressed in song by Zeta Tau's seventeen pledges at the Hawaiian party in honor of their active sisters. Leis, coconuts, ukes, grass skirts, and shishkabob sticks for our Big Sister were prominent decorations for our first event of the pring semester. The gift of $25 for room improvements was presented as the pledges sang " . .. farewell to our sisters to be." And new sisters they did become-Connie Birch, D ella Bruin, M eredith Ga te, Beverly Dowdy, W anda Old, Betty Sheph erd, T errie Swann, Zee Tapp and Marjorie Twilley. After the fun of the party and the inspira tion of initia tion, collecting old clothes for a Rummage Sa le was our next project. Thi endeavor was so successful that now our room is bulging with old clothes for anoth r and bigger sale soon after school opens. The Greek Banquet brought the pre entation of th e scholarship cup to A~T for the high st a ademic average for the year among 54
the nine sororities at Longwood . After winning such a coveted award, it was easy to get in tune for our Greek Sing, the theme of which was " Around the Seas with the A~Ts." Congratulations are in line for the A~Ts who have won collegiate honors. Among those selected for Wh o's Wh o Among Students in A m erican Un iversities and Colleges were N ancy Pretty and Jo Savage. Alpha K appa Gamma, an Honorary Leadership Fraternity, tapped our sisters Loi Peters, Nancy Pre.tty and Elaine L ohr. Elaine L ohr wa a lso elected president of the Young Women's C hri tian A sociation, and erving a ecretary and treasurer will be Betty J ea n Ru sell and M ary Ann Lipford, respectively. M ary Lou Plunkett was elected as vice-pre ident of the legisla tive board of the Student Government As ocia tion. The treasurer of this boa rd is T errie Swann and sophomore representa tive i Millie Woodward . On the Judicia l Board is junior representa tive, Peggy Whittaker. Serving as pre ident of the j unior clas will be M arjorie T willey; president of a junior dorm will be Judy M elchor. Longwood's M ay D ay activities centered around our pretty Queen, J eanine M cK en zie and on her court were ancy Pretty, Zee T app and Sandy Little. To celebrate our C hapter Founder's D ay, and at the same time honor our Senior Sisters, we held a banquet which meant good food, our Longwood facu lty a lumnae, beautiful flowers, songs from the soph and small silver picture frames as gifts for the Seniors. The happy ending to our exciting year came with the informal picnic a t the home of our advisor, Mrs. Richard Brooks. H ere we were among the m erriment, and as always each one truly realized that " . . . the best for m e are m y sisters in A~T ."-MARJ ORI E A TwiLLE Y
Colleg iate News (Continued on Page 58)
I Remember-Sixty-f!Jree fears Afo ... By HARRIET MARX PFEIFFER, Alpha Our Only Living Founder
Harriet Marx Pfeiffe r, Alpha Sigma Tau's only living founder, has written her story of the founding of our sorority.
"t THE
b路y ELOISE HOWES Flint Alumnae are proud to claim as a former member one of th e eight Alpha Sigma Tau found ers. H arriet Marx Pfeiffer nostalgically reminisce here about Mrs. E. A. Lym an, wife of a mathematics professor at Eastern Michigan University, and her vision to direct a group of girl who organized a sorority in 1899; Harriet recalls her college associates and her later a lumn ae friends. She now lives with her daughter, Betty, who teaches in the Social Service department of U.C .L.A. in Berkeley. Their home, overlooking the Bay, is at 239 Co lumbia Avenue, Berkeley 8, Ca lifornia. THE ANCHOR
FALL of 1899 in Ypsi lanti, Michigan, was a lovely one. Indian summer was followed by crisp, clear days. The maples were sudden ly, and for a few brief weeks, alive with reds, orange , and yellows, and then it was winter. The first snow came before th e last leaves left th e branches. This was the yea r of the founding of Alph a Sigma Tau. If an ancient a lmanac belies my description of the sea on please attribute any distortion to a trick of memory because days that were happy, stimu lating, and shared with young friends, are sometimes remembered as beautifu l beyond rea li ty.
E va O 'K eefe and I were roommates in a suite of rooms on Cross Street where we mad e fudge and welsh rabbit in our chafingdish, and saw a great deal of our close friends - May Gephart, Ruth Dutcher, Mable C hase, Mayene Tracy, and the two Rice sisters, Adriance and H elene. In those days we entertained young men in the living room of our suite, and they brought us flower and
boxes of Lowney's chocolates. Most of us wore our hair pompadour fashion, and on dress occasions added a flower. There were formal dances in the gymnasium of the college, and less form al ones in the Ladies' Library downtown. I rem ember as if it were hanging in my closet today, a long, white organdy gown with tiers of ruffles and a geranium red flower that m a tched my beavercloth cape. Alph a Sigma Tau was found ed in a ha ppy, re la tively secure world before World Wa r I. College students in those days were free to give themselves up to the n atura l a nd proper concerns of you th on a co llege
Harriet Marx Pfeiffer, one of the fir s t eight girls who .began Alpha Sigma Tau, a s s he "looked as a college coed.
campus- to prepa ration for their careers to roma nce and friendship. There were still horse drawn vehicles on the street , a nd the telephone was a gadet on the wa ll tha t you cra nked briskly. A trip to the moon was not more tha n a Jules V erne fantasy, a nd a utoma tion was Mrs. Sh elly' s prophetic novel. Although our sorority had it beginnings in
the resolve of eight young women to bind themselves together in friendship, it was Mrs. Elmer L yman's dedication and devoted service over many, many year s tha t brought .a bout its eventu al nationa lization. At the time that he becam e Alpha Sigma Tau's first adviser, her hu sband was acting president of the co llege, and a profes or of m a them a tics. Their lar ge home became the setting of m an y of our activities. A year la ter Mi s Ada orton in the m athem a tics departmen t and Miss Abigail P earce in the Eng lish dep artment also becam e official adviser . Other dear friends joined us-Zoe W aldron, L ou a nd Bess ie Nims Edith, N ell, a nd Florence Silk, etc. Co llege yea rs were over, and I returned to m y family home in Port Huron, Michigan, and accepted a teaching position there. M y sa lar y wa $30 a m onth- two dollars more tha n those teach ers without a college education! Bu t tho e were days wh en you could have dinner in a good hotel for fi fty cents, a n ice cream soda for a nickel, and a pair of shoe for $3.50. The next year I joined H elene Rice in Calumet, Michigan, where I ta ught second grader . Those were again gay, happy times in a thoroughly socia ble town a live with young p rofessiona l a nd busine s people, and students from the College of Mines. Zoe was teaching in H oughton, le s than twelve miles away. The winters were co ld, long, a nd the snow very dee p, but the dances were wonderful and the sleigh bells tinkled m errily. I suppose that teach ers always rem ember their early cia sroom be t - mine th a t year was full of serious, we llscrubbed little faces- many of them Italia n. T each ers m oved about a great deal early in the century, and the spirit of adventure was a live in m e. From Calumet I p a used briefl y in Wisconsin, and then m oved on to Adriance and H elen e H elena, M onta na . were there. Ad ria nce la ter becam e Mrs. C ha rle Settles, a nd h er sister, M r . Ole Hollinaby. These two very dear friend both died while they were still relatively ouna . It was during my stay in H elena that I visited a friend in Seattle who an 路a na d th m eeting with the m a n I married in 1908. H e wa a young Ena!i h minina na in r who THE
.H R
had come to this country by way of the west coast of Africa, Mesopotamia and western <?ana~a. After our marriage we lived for a time m Seattle, and then in Tacoma where my daughter, Betty, was born. There followed a period of real adventure. We lived in the Cascades, and later in the Rockies where we broke trail early one spring through Yellowstone National Park. Europe was at war by then, and presently we were in it, too. Sometime during its final months we moved to Detroit and it became much more real to us. Perhaps it was because of the concentration of industry, and because of the silent groups of wounded, convalescent m en in wheel chairs on the grounds of Ford Hospital. In St. Clair Heights, then a suburb of Detroit, I resumed my teaching career. It was 1918 and teachers were urgently needed -even married ones. For me it was to have been a year at most . . . a kind of patriotic pinch-hitting until times became norma l again . I did not retire until 1942. Our years in D etroit gave me m embership in our very active alumnae chapter there, and reunion with some very old friends. In time we left Detroit and moved to Flint. It was there in the library of Cody Elementary School that I met Eloise Howes, and she was wearing an Alpha Sigma Tau pin. A few weeks later we held our first Flint alumnae meeting in her apartment, and it is good to know that once again I shared in an important Alpha Sigma Tau beginning. Although my home has been in Berkeley, California, during the past fifteen years I continue to have a feeling of affiliation with this lively, dedicated group of Alpha Sigma Taus. It was Eloise who wrote and asked that I write something about these many yearstheir importance attaches itself to our Alpha Sigma Tau. I am naturally humbly grateful to have been one of those eight college girls at Ypsilanti State Normal College in 1899.
(Continued from Page 7)
bottle, the Blacks play with the new birthday presents and Mommy has a nap. My parents phone that they will be in D enver for supper and then spend the night before returning to their home in Brush. They have been in Los Angeles for the Rotary International convention. We barbecue ribs outside. Eric shows off his new bow and arrows. June 16: The sitter is here. Two A~T's come to the house and we go in my car on the long drive across D enver to the luncheon meeting. Good lunch. Good meeting. See you all in September when I'll report on the convention! June 17: Early church service. We go out to the archery range and watch part of the second day of the tournament. New babies attract attention everywhere. Mike gets his share. The three Blacks are so excited to see Daddy shoot at the targets. So many people are archery fans now. We go back home. Father's Day is spent without Father. We work in the yard catching up on work we've left undone. We eat a late supper. Still no Father. He calls. He had picked up some cherries (that's a ll I need-cherries to pit! ) and had taken a man to a ho pita! where his wife and child had been taken after an auto accident. All are fine now. H e gets home to his steak which is not as rare as h e likes it ' but he seems to enjoy it. June 18: The welfare department ca lls. The baby will come here at about 1 : 30. I get the clothes and bottles ready. We furnish them, using the allowance from the d epartment. I'm borrowing another bassinet. I pit two quarts of cherries for the freezer. My seven-year-old boy helps m e in the afternoon. It is finished so much faster and now we have many potential cherry pies. The baby comes. The case worker says children with oriental backgrounds are not difficult to place in the Denver area . The problem right now seems to be boys. Everyone wants a pretty little girl to dress up . I had thought both these boys would be gone before convention time in August. We will just have to wait to see. The baby remains on the couch nameless until George gets home. I've been
telling him to get a name ready for days now. Still no name. In the evening I attend a small household party across the street. When I come home, the bassinet has come and both babies are cosily asleep. J erry is the new name. June 19. We are doing well. I t's ea y to keep the two sets of formula separate in the refrigerator. If two bottles get mixed up outside- Mike's have a ring around at five ounces. J erry's at 3. I was up only eight times last night! Thi is usual at first and ge ts better quickly. J erry squeals like a stepped-on puppy until he warms up to a loud yell. Mike is sleepinrr through the night like a doll. George's parents arrive for his mother's family reunion in D enver. Five brothers and sisters and their families will be together aga in after many years. It's nice to have extra hands at " holding time" and to do those things that are left when a skinned knee needs attention. J une 20: Jerry is one week old, a nd his head shape is changing considerably. H e is getting quite pretty. His squealing isn't so nerve-jangling, or maybe it is less frequent. Mike is thriving. W e leave them both with a sitter wh ile the Clan gathers to show off younguns at the family reunion. I wouldn't have enjoyed it so much with the teenies a long.
(Continued from Page 54)
Alpha Alpha Has Parents' Day i- BEES COULDN'T have been busier than the
Alpha Taus at Ball State Teachers College. The Alpha Alpha chapter sponsored and took part in quite a few activities in the spri ng of 1962. Open rush began in February and we held a rush party in the suite with the theme of "The C upid C lub." The party wa quite a success and severa l days later we proudly pi dg d twelve girls. Also durinrr thi month
June 21: That wonderful sitter we have is just a young girl, but what a jewel! She stays with a ll five children through the supper hour and on, while we go to a wedding in Colorado Springs. Margaret Troisi and La Vonne Lippitt ride along. The bride was Liz J ensen, an A:ST roommate from college days. June 23: Three couples come for pot luck supper and bridge. One couple brings their daughter of four weeks. So nice to have a baby girl in the hou e again! June 24: The relatives are gone and we can settle into a routine again. Jerry gets a nice reception at church. Projects for this week are sewing for myself, catching up on ironing and entertaining some of the sorority girls at bridge and a medical checkup for Mike (it takes a whole morning ) . Lest anyone think I keep a diary a a matter of course, let me tell you how this article has been written. A calendar is before me to remind me of happenings. I average twenty words between interruptions. A sandbox full of neighbor children, meals, formula to prepare, and all the chore that are so "daily" for a homemaker and mother- even on Sunday-can make a writing endeavor a lmost impossible. We are all busy- and who is happier than a woman busy at things she enjoys.
the school yearbook, the Orient, sponsored its annua l queen pageant. Peggy Riggs wa our candidate for the title of Orient Queen and Miss Ball State. On a co ld F ebruary 23, comp lete with a Muncie blizzard, we took part in the annual K appa Sigma K appa Variety Show. We combined our effort with Pi Beta Phi Alpha Sigma Alpha and Sigma Tau Gamma to produce the "All-American." Our kit concerned the reaction of teenagers ' hen their favorite inger Conrad visit their town before joininrr the army. The first big event for pril wa our pledge dance on pril 7. The th me of th dance wa "Kingdom of Ro ' and it wa
.H R
held in the Practical Arts Demonstration Room at the college. Part of the decorations for the evening including a display of formal pictures of the p ledges. During this month we also held a party for spring rushees. "The Bunny Club" was our theme for the party, and after Easter vacation we p ledged Karen Keller, Billie Basset, Marilyn Brown and Linda Shawley into our sisterhood .
Alpha Alpha active s pose with n ew initiates after initia tion.
On April 28 we visited the home of Mrs . Harriet Nelson for our annual dessert smorgasbord with our alumnae chapter in Muncie. We truly enjoyed spending a wonderful afternoon with the members. The Top Hat, a re taurant located near Muncie, was again the scene of our Parent ' Day Breakfast on April 29. We sponsored the breakfast to coincide with the college's annual Parents' Day. Our program included the presentation of the 1962 pledge song. Our seniors also sang a song which they had composed for the event. May was definitely our busiest month. On May 4 we held our fun night for the pledges. The evening of watching the pledges go through their fina l "duties" of pledgeship was ended with a party in the suite. Just before they left the suite, the pledges received their active padd les and were told they wou ld be initiated on Sunday. O n the afternoon of May 6, the Alpha Alp ha chapter in itiated thirteen girls. They were Donna Behr, Marijo Barnett, Caro l THE AN C HOR
Buzo lits, Peggy Cunningham, Cindy Deane, Sue Denison, Helen Goodrich , Pat McCollough, Kathy McCool, Barb M etca lf, Janenne N icho ls, Janet Owen s and ind y Peckhart. Two weeks later we were busily having a wonderful time at our closed dance. This year we d ecided to have a Spanish fiesta theme and carry out the theme by dressing as Spaniards. The dance was held in the YWCA Community Room in Muncie. The decorations committee did a wonderful job in decorating the room to look like a Spanish cafe. A picnic at Mounds State Park on the next clay concluded the weekend festivities. On May 25 we drove out to Camp Muncie for our ca mp out. On Friday night we went on a midnight hike and had a song fest and ceremony around the cam pfire. Saturday morning we div ided into mall groups for "buzz" sessions about sorority and campus activities for next year. The outin()" drew us closer together as sisters and helped us to focus our thoughts on our sorority program. On Sunday, May 27, our a nnu a l Senior picnic was held at the home of our patroness, Mrs. Maynor. She and h er husband saw that all of u had a wonderful time. As the school year drew to a close, many campus organizations were elect ing their officers for the coming year. Thi year we were proud that one of our sisters Kay Klein, was elected president of the Panhe llenic Council at Ball State. We of Alpha Alpha chapter are eagerly looking forward to th e fa ll of 1962.- MARIJO BARNETT
Alpha Gammas Enjoy Year of Honors t DECKED
IN bright yellow wrap-around skirts, matching crop tops, and yellow and white checked blouses, Alpha Gammas greeted the Spring Semester. It proved to be a very busy and exciting time, and was fill ed with many campus, state and nat ional honors.
Military sponsors at Henderson are the Alpha Gammas pictured above.
Linda Ri()"gan, junior from Leola, was recently selected the new Arkansas Poultry Princess, and will represent not only Arkansas, but a lso Alpha Tau , in the Miss USA Pageant to be held in Miami, Florida. L ynn Livingston, freshman from Arkadelphia, was crowned 1962 Miss H enderson State, and will represent the co llege in the Mi s Arkansas Pageant this July. This is the third annua l Miss H enderson Pageant, and the coveted title has been won each year by an Alpha Gamma. J udy Stevenson was the first runner-up in this year' s Pageant. Lynn was also selected 1962 National Phi
Lambda Chi Sweetheart, and is the second Alpha Gamma to receive this national honor. Other sisters selected as campus sweethearts were Bettie Porhamer, Kappa Sigma Kappa Sweetheart, and Judy Gardner, Phi Sigma Epsi lon Sweetheart. Joan Allen wa selected Phi Sig M aid. Five of the SL"X military sponsors chosen by the R ender on ROTC in its 1962 election were Alpha Gammas. Joan Allen, sophomore from Pine Bluff, rece ived the honor of being chosen Battle Group Sponsor, while H onorary Cadet Captains included Linda RiO"gan, Judy H amm Vicki McDona ld, Annette Powell and M arilyn Render on. Leading the ol' R eddie Spirit this year were R eddie Cheerleaders Peggy Yielding, M arilyn H enderson, Linda Riggan, Judy H arnm and J ane M easel. Linda, M arilyn and J ane were recently re-elected to serve on the 1963 squad . R ed die M ajorettes included Judy Steven on and Sharon Dunca n. In the selection of Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges, six of the honors were given to Alpha Gammas. Those receiving the recognition were F aith Doss, Judy Gardner, Laverne
All s miles is this pledge class of Alpha Gammas at H.S.T.C.
Miller, Annette Powell, Peggy Yielding and Mary Jo Stone. Reddie Day here at H enderson was held on May 3, and the annual visit of high school Seniors to our campus was enjoyed by all. Judy Stevenson was our candidate for R eddie Day Queen. Judy was also tapped for Heart and Key, which is an organization whose members are chosen on the basis of their participation in campus activities. During Awards Assembly, Judy H amm and Judy
Among Reddi e Cheerleaders are Alpha Gammas Peggy Yielding, Marilyn Henderson, Jane Measel. a n d Judy Hamm.
Gardner, co-editors of the 1962 S tar, issued the long-awaited annual of which we were all so very proud. Several Alpha Gammas attended th e Alpha Sigma Tau State Day Banquet which was held in Little Rock, on April 14. Our week-end party was held on M ay 18, 19 and 20, on Lake Hamilton at Hot Springs. It helped to end our school year with a good time, and a closer feeling of "Sisterhood."LYNN LIVINGSTON
Alpha Delta's Scholarship Rating t. SPRING TERM started with a bang for Al-
pha Delta. Due to two informal rush parties we were lucky enough to get six wonderful new pledges. Our first informal rush party was based on a H awaiian theme. V iolet Izuno, a native Hawaiian, demonstrated the hu la for us. Decorations consisted of fish nets, sea shells, a little grass shack and the "ocean," made from blue paper. Punch was served in hollowed h alf-coconuts which still contained the meat. T HE ANCHOR
The theme of the second rush party, g iven in our basement, was hillbi lly. M ainly the decorations consisted of hay, hay and more hay. Everyone came dressed in hillbilly fashion. Favors were corn cob pipes. Our informal rush program was very successful. Our new pledges are Patricia Bindbeutel, Catherine Boes, Sue H enry, Virginia K arr, Janet Perkins and Marilyn Quell. V'Ve are very proud of them, for each has a lready proven to be a "top" Tau. In itiation was held for Charlotte Michaels on April 1. Pin pledging for our new pledges was held the same day. Penny Ohlman attended a Panhellenic Workshop at Pittsburg, Kansas. Penny, who traveled to Pittsburg with Jesse Burrell, Dean of Women, brought back many good ideas which will be of use to us in our relations with other sororities. During spring term the actives held a card party with the alums. The party offered a chance for the actives to become better acquainted with the alums, and gave th e alums an opportunity to meet the new pledges. Everyone had fun and we are looking forward to many such parties in the future. Alpha D elta placed third in the Volleyball Tournament and in the swim meet. Pat Edmondson, Wilma Carter and Catherine Swineford were elected to represent the sorority in the Miss Springfield Contest. Donna Vansandt and Barbara Crandall were candidates for Basketball Queen. Beverly Davis was ROTC queen candidate, member of SCC and Sig Pi Orchard Queen. Penny Ohlman served on the execu tive committee of SCC. Becky Hubbel was O zarks Queen candidate. Kim Bowman was elected president of Delta Psi Kappa, honorary P.E. fraternity, and secretary-treasurer of the junior class. She is a lso historian of PEM, a club for P.E. majors. .Judy Barke was elected treasurer of Kappa Omicron Phi, honorary home economics fraternity. Bonna Burrows was appointed as new Pep Commissioner, a position which makes her a member of Student Senate. We are very proud of Tonni Van H ook -61
who ha been selected by Dean Duane Meyer, professor of history and dean of instruction and admi sions, as a research assistant and assistant author of hi new book. The Yellow Rose Forma l was highly successful this year. It was held at Sherm Lollar's. The dance committee did a wonderful job planning and decorati ng for the dance. Diane Roop was chosen Yellow Ro e Queen, and all of u were very happy for her.
"smarties" are Tonni Van Hook (our 4.00 gal ), Beverly Davis Kim Bowman and Donna Vansandt. Our school year was rounded out with a retreat at Rockaway Beach where school days were finally fowotten amid the pleasures of swimming, boatin<Y and just plain relaxing. Ye , it was the end of a full and happy year for Alpha Delta, and we are now looking forward to the convention where our pledges will be initiated. We hope to see you all at the convention.-CATHERINE SwiNEFORD
ALpha Epsilon Wins Sigma Sing ~
Janet Perkins, Alpha Delta, accepfu bid from Bonna Burrows after Hillbilly Rush Party.
Our money-making project for the term consisted of selling ceramic knicknacks. They were very popu lar, especia lly with the other social organizations on campus. Alpha D elta helped with th e Cancer Dri\路e this year. The Mother's Club <Yave a tea in honor of the graduating seniors and presented each senior with a si lver bracelet bearing the sorority crest. The pledges presented the active chapter with a plaque bearing an inscription bordered by a beautifu l handpain ted yellow rose. It has a place of honor over our mantel. Our scho larship chairman is literally bursting with pride at our scholastic record this term. Out of twenty-eight girls we had nine who averaged a 3.00 or above. Four of these nine were on the Dean's List. This was more than any other sorority on campus. The
THE SPRING quarter was a busy and happy one for the Alpha Epsilons. Many campus honors and social activities took up most of the spare time left from classes. We were very thrilled to win first place igma Sing this year. The numbers in used were "Cranberry Corners" and a medley from "The Sound of Music." Janet Hast wa our director and Carol Morrisey wa pianist. Next year we will host this event with Phi Sigma Epsilon fraternity. Joyce Peterson, Be t Dressed Girl on our campus, represented us at the Greek Ball this spring. Queen of the K appa Sigma Kappa spring dinner dance was A~T Christie Olson. <I>~E weetheart was Barb Dugan. Our own A~T annual spring dinner was in the American room of the Pere Marquette, Peoria, Illinois, May 5. Crowned A~T Queen was Linda Peterson with senior attendant Marvella Lyford and Sandie Huffman. In the annual Miss Macomb contest our pledges of the spring class came through with flying colors. Jane Julian was cho en one of the five finalists and Trudie Ambler was elected Miss Congeniality. The end of the school year brought many honors in which A~T's hared. Elected campus per analities were Sandie Huffman, Mary Fran Cush ing and Judy Corso. Pat Ream was selected to serve on the Courier, the tudent newspaper editorial board, while Juanita Pollitt wa named a ociat editor of the Sequel, the campus yearbook.
The student government selected eight men and eight women a campus leaders on th e basis of academic achievement and contributions to the university through campus organization, student publications, varsity athletics, fine arts or other a reas. Of the eight women se lected, four were A~T's . They were Marvella L yford, Pat R eam, Carolyn Barnes and Judy Corso. Pat Ream was also one of four fema le members of the junior class selected to serve as a Junior Marsha ll at graduation this year. Marilu Weisner was elec ted to represent the Alpha Epsilon's in the Convention Qu een contest this summer, and M ary Fran Cushing was chosen as delegate with Julie H eitsch as alternate. The highlight of the pri ng came when Linda Peterson, who served us to the greatest of her abi lity as pledge trainer, as president of the chapter and as an ideal Alpha Sigma Tau, was elected to the Top Taus. Our summer meeting was h eld in the chapter house in Macomb th e weekend of July 22. Plans were made for the convention and for next fall. They include hopes of somehow acquiring ou r own hou se, either by buying one presently sta nding or by building a house in the new pa rt of our growing campus. We are look ing forward to next fa ll and hope to make next year the best yet.- J u ANITA POLLITT
Alpha Eta Has a Circus ;\:. R us H PARTIES started off the n ew semester. The tea was the first event, with perfumed soap as favors. Following the tea was the Spread with an underwater theme. A treasure chest in one corner, fish suspended from the ceiling, blue and green lighting, all added to the effect. F avors were yarn octopii situated in the old treasure chest. Sorority m embers came as different sea fish, mammals and myths. W e were pleased to receive as pledges: Ann Jefferys, Katherine Johnson, Carolyn Lewis, Jody Flegle and Mary Ellen Cheney. Made from brown paper in the shape of a circus tent were the invitations we received THE ANCHOR
inviting us to the pledge party, which was a circus. Jody Flegle was ringleader and the other pledges came as clowns a nd hobos. Sorority m embers were instructed to come as Most of the circus a nimals and actors. members did a short act in accordan ce with their costume. Favors from pledges were small clowns made of d ifferent material and stuffed with old nylons. Initia tion dinner was given a few days later a t the Chiefton restaurant in Mt. Pleasant. Both the spring and fa ll pledge classes were given a serenade by our brothers, shortly after the initi ation of the spring class. The g irls received yellow long stemmed roses. The nationa l president, Mrs. M ary Alice Sellers Peterson, a lso a ttended the serenade. She was visiting our cha pter for na tional inspection. A tea was given in her honor by the cha pter. Three members of the Alpha Eta chapter a ttended a n a lumn ae dinner in Flint with her. Peggy Emmert was chosen as one of the two outstanding Senior girls. As a money-making proj ect, we gave our second dime dance of the year. We a lso sold straw be lts. The belts were in such dema nd that we have been encouraged to sell them aga in next year. The sorority formal was held a t the Embers in Mt. Pleasant. Favors were two glasses with the Alpha Sigma Tau insignia. This sp ring we went to M arica McWethy's cottage for sorority weekend . It was a nice ch ange to be a ble to cook our own m eals, and just be out in the sun a nd swim. We were delighted that Linda White was on the court of the Campus D ay Q ueen . W e are also proud of our sister J oan Bird who is the new President of T yler Broad, head of social activities. Gail Daines was chosen as editor of the yearbook and Judy Gabel as assistant editor. The chapter under the leadership of Monica M cWethy won the women's intramural trophies in volleyball a nd bowling. The sorority also won the scholarship cup for the highest grade point average on campus of women's organizations. In honors convocation, honors were given to Leah Voice who was nominated for the
Women's Honorary Society, to Alice H arper who made Who's W ho in American Universities and Colleges, and K ath erine J ohnson who was given the freshman award for scholarship. Peggy Emmert was awarded the biggest honor a graduating senior can get from Alma College. She received the Barlow Trophy. The trophy is given once a year to the senior who is outstanding not only in scholarship, but in leadership . Fourteen of our girls graduated in June. The Sunday before graduation, after a candleligh t service in the sorority room, a Senior Breakfast was given for them at the home of our advisor, Miss Vander Hart. The seniors were given recognition pins and yarn gradua tion dolls. In the hands of each doll was a copy of the song composed for them by Jody Flegle and sung by the sorority a t the service.- CHERYL HAMN ER
After Easter we began work on our booth for the University of Detroit's Spring Carnival. Ours was a Michigan "Winter Wonderland" booth in accordance with the theme, "A Tribute to the U.S.A." Contestants threw balls into the mouth of a revolving snowman to win a prize. Yvonne Sajan was our candidate for Carnival Queen. She ran with Mike Cavanaugh of Delta Sigma Phi, our King candidate.
Alpha Theta Wins Trophy ALPHA THETA's spring semester was highlighted by our winning first place trophy in the campus Easter Basket Contest. Our entry, an easter-egg tree designed by the spring pledge class, won the prize for both originality and content. The baskets were la ter given to needy families. We were especially thrilled as this was the first trophy for our three-year-old chapter. In F ebruary we held our annual scholarship affair. The $200 tuition money was given to Ed Moloney, a Spanish major and Irish citizen. Our first rush tea this semester was held with the other sororities at the downtown YWCA, sponsored by the Panhellenic Council. Ea ch group had its own room but the same refreshments were served by all. A Peppermint Twist rush party at Judy McCarthy's was decorated in red and white, with twist murals painted by Mary Beth M cCarthy (now a member ) . The members dressed in red and white, and peppermint favors were given to the rushees. At our final tea we had a champagne fountain and served hors d'oeuvres at J ean Wersching's home. ;t,
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Alp h a The ta Marle ne Pie! practices her a im for th e Unive rsity of Detroit Spring Carnival Games .
Honors went to Cynthia Szymanski who was elected to Phi Alpha Theta, a national history honorary society. Chris ovak was chosen for Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities for her activities as Student Council Christmas Week Chairman, editor of the "League Lites," the Women's League newspaper, past recording secretary for Alpha Sigma Tau, and member of "Le Circle Francais." Judy McCarthy repre ented A~T in Tau K appa Epsilon's Miss Keep Detroit Beautiful Contest. Mary Studer became co-editor for the 1962-63 Student Directory which i published by the Student Council. Pat Matuska is secretary for the Directory and li e
Reekstin IS distribution editor. Carolyn Wenta, Cynthia Szymanski, Judy and Mary Beth McCarthy are staff m ember . We initiated eight new m embers on M ay 27 at the Whittier Hotel. Evelyn Adams, K athy Ca ll ahan, Dotty Dowd, Marie Gray, Camille Gut, Caro l Harris, Mari lyn Johnson and Mary Beth McCarthy comp leted the p ledge period and were responsible for winning our first trophy. Kathy Callahan received the Best Pledge Awa rd, her n ame inscribed on the pledge paddle. We closed the sem ester with our dinnerdance held at Fox and Hounds R estaurant on Memorial Day. Mrs. William Monticello, our a lumnae representative, and Mrs. Jo e Espinosa, our moderator, attended with their husbands. With the end of official activities we bid goodbye to five graduating members and officers who have given us so much in friendship and service-Pat M cCormick,
Kay Kehoe, Alpha Theta p re sident, dres ses the snowman in the " Winte r Wond e rland" booth at the Univ e rsity of Detroit Spring Carnival.
president ; Yvonne Sajan, vice-president; Cami lla Kockx, treasurer ; Peggy Seymour, chap lain; and Rosalie Lukezich, etiquette chairman- a n d began to p lan for vacations a nd summer school, the A::ST convention and fa ll activities.--MARY STUDER T HE ANC H O R
ALpha Iota First in Scholarship ;\:. THE SPRING semester of 1962 has been a lively and exciting one for Alpha Sigs at Syracuse. Our social events included a number of coffees with various fratern ities on campus. In M arch, a wonderful time was had by a ll as we danced a t th e Twist Party at Skytop . Highlighting the socia l ca lendar was our Spring form al wh ich was held a t the Airways Inn. A delicious buffet dinner was followed by a lovely evening of d a ncing. Other high lights of th e Spring term included a pajama party, with much hi larity an d litt le sleep. In addition to providing a fun-fi lled evening, the annua l White Elepha nt sale was held to raise money fo r Tavern y, a French orphanage which we support as part of our social service work. Frosh Weekend was a time of enthusiastic participation from our pledges. At the Frosh Weekend carnival, we had a booth of " penny-pitching" wh ich contributed to the enjoyment of the weekend as well as to th e coffers of our campus charity organization. Spring Weekend provided an opportunity for us to exercise our artistic talents in the floa t parade. The over-all theme of th e parade was borrowed from Charles Addams, the well-known cartoonist of the N ew York er magazine. Our floa t, entitled "Spring Through Charles Addam s' E yes" featured his famous Ghoul family and a profusion of bats a nd spiders. It proved a nove l a nd interesting way to welcome the new season. An event of which we at Alph a Iota a re particularly proud th is year took p lace at the a nnua l Pa nhellenic Luncheon held at the Hotel Syracuse. For our 1.86 over-all average, we were awa rded the Scholarship C up, acknowledging our rank as first in cholarship a mong all the sororities on campus. A most enjoyable occasion was the visit of Mrs. Steen, our D istrict R epresentative. All of us deep ly appreciate her interest and concern for the sorority. Our annual Moth er-Daughter Luncheon was held this year at ~h e Hackney Hou e.
After a wonderful meal, awards were presented for scholarship, activities and best p ledge. R ecipients of the various awards were Joyce Cohen, Roz Koff, Linda Lippman, Joanna Cohan, Rach el Black, Janet Glunts a nd Nancy Achber. Culminating the year's social events was our Senior Farewell. A lovely buffet dinner was followed by the presentation of gifts and a serenade to the Seniors. Formal rush in F ebruary, punctuated by parties, skits, cokes and formals, gave us The ensuing twenty bright new pledges. formal rush brought two additional girls. Initiation took place on May 4. We are proud to add the names of these girls to our ever-increasing roster. Campus activities were a n important part of Alpha Sig life this semester. Janet Glunts and Nancy Achber became members of Freshman Women's Honorary. Pi L ambda Theta, education honorary, welcom ed Phoebe Blinder, Mari lyn Weinma n, Elaine Freed and Linda Lippma n. Linda was a lso tapped for Phi Kappa Phi, all-University honorary. W e heartily congratula te Sue Silber for having been elected Senior class treasurer. Aiding her on Senior executive council next year will be Arlene Rabin. Arlene, a busy gal, has also been elected treasurer of Women's Athle tic Association . Jane M etzger and Nancy Achber are two n ew m embers of Syracuse's Goon Squad . Carol Stein will be business m anager of the Onondagon, our college yearbook, n ext year, and will be assisted by Lesley Greenfield. Speech Advisory Council's n ew president is Harriet Jarcho. N ext year's frosh will be ably advised by Campus Gu ides L esley Greenfield, G ylda Brander, Harriet J archo and Edie Lieberman. This past sem ester has been a tru ly memorable one. With its close, we wish our gradua ting Seniors the best of luck for the future, a nd we look forward to returning to campus and Alpha Sigma T a u in the fall with renewed vigor for a nother wonderful year.- Lors FINKELSTEIN
ALpha Kappa Initiates Twenty-Two REFRESHED after a semester break, members of Alpha K appa returned eager to resume sorority activities. In F ebruary, we were proud to increase our membership with the pledging of M arcia Thayer and Alice Ahern . L a uretta Sine was formally initiated into the sorority. Despite cold M arch weather, both pledges and actives thoroughly enjoyed the Pledge Banquet held at the Wakefield H otel on the 12th. Our faculty advisor, Miss F rances Geller, spoke on the t6pic, "Your Purpo e in Seeking an Edu ca tion," and poems dedicated to little sisters were read by their big sisters. The A ~T pledge class gave a uccessful Planet Party to entertain 45 pledges of other sororities. A skit featuring a n a tronaut took guests to the moon where five A~Ts, each representing a different sorority, wa ited to sing a song in its honor. Donut sputniks a nd crater punch were th e unique refreshments. Sports-wise, our volleyball team placed a close secon d, while the bowling team also came in second in the tournament. Pledges were kept busy with their two-fold project of painting the sorority crest which hangs .in the Student U nion, and finishing a bookcase for our ever-growing library. April was a time of song practices in prepara tion for Greek Sing. Under the killful direction of Margie Hudon, we put on a good p erformance singing, "How Sad Flow the Streams," and " Sleep K entucky Babe." The fifth of the month, many actives were puzzled to receive invitations to be "kidn apped wearing Sunday best to an unknow~ ;t
Alpha Kappa S eniors pose for a farewell picture.
destination." Twenty-two eager p ledges surprised the actives with a banquet at Murphy's R estauran t. This brought actives and p ledges even closer together. These same twenty-two girls atta ined full sisterhood with initia tion April 8, fo llowed by a buffet supper graciously prepared by our a lumnae a nd patronesses. Vve welcomed Ba rbara Berma n as our newest pledge during open rush . "Memories of You," our Spring form a l was h eld at the La wnsda le Hotel in honor of our gradu a ting seniors. A charm brace let motif was used as a theme for decorations. The best p ledge award was presented to La ura J ean Andrews.
Members of the first Alpha Kappa pledge class stand up and are counted.
M ay was a month of social activities a nd closing of orority business. We cleaned windows a t th e TEP fraternity house in fulfi llm ent of the Pi D elta Epsi lon au ction. In excha nge fo r this service, the TEPs kind ly gave us a pi cnic for our efforts. The D elta Upsilon fraternity served us a deliciou s spagh etti di nner. However, many of the Alpha K appas had sore muscles from a twist p a rty which followed the m eal. A sorority da te picnic on May 12 was h eld at Indian Rock Park . May 13, we honored m others and proxy mothers with a tea a t which each guest received a yellow rose corsage. Sorority songs led by Margie H udon were the featured entertainment. Senior night, our last socia l fun ction, was a bittersweet occasion . W e are losing ten seniors a n d ou r wonderfu l facu lty ad visor, Miss F ra nces Geller, who has do ne so much T HE ANCHOR
to help us in the past two years. We will miss her! Many of the seniors have wa tched th sorority grow from 13 to 53 members and have seen their loca l group affi lia te with A~T . They have worked h ard to accomplish this and have a right to be p roud of their efforts. On campus, Alpha T aus are active T a us in various clubs and honoraries. M embers of Alph a K a ppa in Alpha Psi Omega include : M argie Hudon, Betsy Poulson, ancy Stevens, secreta ry, a nd J a n Feightner, president. J udy P lummer is secretary of Pi K a ppa D elta. The Junior C hemistry Achievemen t Awa rd went to R eine R eele who is secretary of K appa Mu Epsilon a nd th e M a th C lu b. Ruth Sebolt is a m ember of Pi Delta Epsilon of which M a rth a Funt is president. Intaglio, the wom en's leadership honorary, ta pped Ruth Sebolt. J ill Graves is secreta ry of Pi Gamma Mu a nd was initi a ted into Phi Alpha Theta . This was a most successful year for the Alpha K a ppa chapter. W e a re looking forwa rd wi th a nticipa tion to F a ll and the ac tivities it will bring.- JILL GRAVES
Alpha Lambda's Surprise As TH E 1961 -62 schoo l year drew to a close, Alph a Lambdas looked back ove r m a ny happy events. During the winter qu arter our 19 pledges becam e fu ll-fl edged m embers of A~T . Th ey are : Bertie Altizer, Vicki Ca tron, Lu D owney, M a ry H obgood, H elen Hurley, Bobi K onnerth, Dia ne L etherbury, M ary Sue
Alpha Lambdas have hearty appetites afte r swimming and boating at Claytor Lake on Cabin Party weekend.
Six of Alpha Lambda's nineteen jazzy flapper'S pose after doing the Charleston-part of their informal initiation.
Lowe, H elen Martin, Sarah Massie, Linda Nance, Dove Parnell, Charlotte Quesenberry, Verlyne Simmons, J errie Snow, Becky Walton, Suzanne Webster, Arlene \Veeks and Joanne Wharton. The ceremony was very moving for both old and new members. After refreshments were served, the new members presented the following gifts to the sorority: new venetian blinds for our sorority room and a fifty-cup coffee maker. Following thi presentation our previous advisor, "Mommie" -Miss Daniels, and our present advisor, Miss Pat, gave us a thrilling urprise. Each new member received a mounted colored picture of her pledge class in the new green and gold beanies, which was taken fall quarter after our pledging ceremony. Also, each of the other members received a similar picture of her g roup wh ich was taken at the same time . Everyone appreciated the thoughtfulness of our wonderfu l advisors. On April 18 we held a Legacy Party. Clever entertainment, including pantomimes and dancing, was provided for our guests by Mary Sue Lowe, Verlyne Simmon and Margaret Moye. On April 28 we harl our annua l Sweet-
heart Banquet at the Hotel Tyler. The new members entertained those attending and their dates with comical skit . Honored at the banquet was the new Alpha Sigma Tau Sweetheart, Charlotte Quesenberry, and her Court, J oanne Wharton and Mary Sue Lowe. May 16 marked the initiation of four ophomores who were pledged at the berrinning of spring quarter. They are Diane Bolen, Diane Hazelwood, Emma Overstreet and Linda Pendleton. They are all wonderful gir ls and we are proud to have them. We were very glad to ee four of our a lumnae, Shirley Carroll Lampkin, Peggy Hendrickson, Patty Bacon and ancy Clark vi it us on May Day this year. We were al o happy to have Mr . Rutherford, our Alumnae Representative, with us on May 23 when she inspected our Chapter. Every year all Alpha Lambdas look eagerly forward to Cabin Parties at Claytor Lake. This year boating and swimm ing were among the many activitie enjoyed by all A~T sisters. Saturday night marked a rather hectic experience for all new members- informal initiation was held!
Alpha Lambda's talents are varied.
Senior Confes ion night-which is the annual event of our Ia t meeting of the year -brought laughter a well a to all Alpha L ambda . After deepest and clarke t ecrets to their i t r the graduatinrr enior pre ented the or THE
a beautiful, engraved sterling silver tray. Among the m any Alpha Lambdas deserving congratulations for honors they received are: Millie Brannan, Barba ra W est and Sarah M assie who were elected by their classes as May Court R epresenta tives; Bobbie J ean Womack, who graced our M ay D ay Pageant as M aid of Honor ; K a thy Alford, Ginny L a rkin, P a t Mills, H elen M a rtin and Mary Sue Lowe who were elected to a nd served on M ay Comm ission ; Becky Willoughby, who was recently elected R eporter of Cotillion Club ; J oanne Wha rton, elected Co-property M a nager of Cotillion C lub ; Ba rbara Jacobs, elected secretary of K appa D elta Pi ; Betsy H orne, elected R eporter of Tri-M Club ; Emma O verstreet, elected secretary of the C lass of 1964; J erri Snow was presented with a letter while J erri Quillen, Barba ra Curra n a nd Becky W alto n received stars from the Athletic Associa tion for outsta nding achievements.- SuzA NNE W EBSTER
ALpha Nu Wears Its Colors ;\, THE ALPHA Nu Cha pter was glad to see our insta llation come for then we became true sisters of Alpha Sigm a T a u. As a new sorority on campus we chose ye llow shirtwaist dresses with da rk yellow monogram s resembling that of our pledge pins as our sorority dress. On the C entral Missouri Sta te campus all Greeks have group outfits to wear every Tuesday. This p ermits others to know us as m embers of different sororities. During the time Alpha Nu C ha pter formed as a sorority we h ave become quite active a nd we ll-known on campus. On the Saturday tha t climaxed Greek Week all fra ternities a nd sororities participated in competitive games at Pertle Springs, our campus picnic a rea. Cheerfully we won the barrel-roll a nd the sack race but were d efeated in the tug-ofwar. Fortunately our competitors could not pull all of us through the mud tha t lay between us. Earlier tha t morning was a Greek Work D ay; we joined together for community clean-up proj ects, such as painting curbs a nd buildings, planting flowers a nd clea ring the THE ANCHOR
picnic a reas. After this we were ready to enjoy the huge lunch at the Pertle Spri ngs Lodge. Soon after this our pa tronesses a nd their husbands, M r. a nd M rs. A. L. Folkner an d Mr. and Mrs. William Peck, gave a n inform a l party- the T a u Twist- for the Alpha N us. Beginning n a turally with the twist we ended the party with th e limbo . Pa t T ebbenkamp was the last to sq uirm under the broomstick and win . The school yea r was ended with a Su nday patio breakfast in honor of the grad uating Seniors a t the house of M rs. T. R eed M axson, our n a tiona l a lumn ae represen tative. The Seniors, J ennie G reen a nd M ary Ann Bauma n, were presented with gifts from th e chapter. Other honors of this past term go to Pa t Cook, candida te for Sigma Pi Sweetheart ; Sue Stern, elected as one of the ten bestdressed girls on campus; M ary Ann Baum an, who received the second a wa rd honor of outstanding Senior student in the chemistry department ; Virginia Hilton, who was on the D ean's list two term s in a row a nd a lso elected to the Hall of R ecognition ; L orna D yche, voted m ost outsta nding junior in the physical education depa rtmen t; a nd Ann N a kamura, tennis cha mpion over five sta tes in the Misso uri V alley Conference. This summer we h ave decided to have a retreat in order to m a ke pla ns for next fa ll a nd, of course, to a ttend the na tiona l convention in St. Louis. We hope to becom e acqu ainted with our new sisters then .- VrcTORY K EELER
Kay W e d el. Iota. Miss Can dy Cane Can didate. is a Sigma Alpha Iota and in "Who's Who."
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Edith Mansell in her college days.
A Tribute to the Late Edith Mansell t ALPHA SrGMA T A hearts are saddened by
the death of our beloved sorority sister, EDITH MANSELL. So devoted was she to Alpha Sigma Tau th a t words are in adequa te to describe her sin ce re efforts in its behalf. Edith began sorority life as a m ember of Beta chapter, just four years after the chapter was install ed. From that d ay on h er loya lty was outstanding. She served h er own cha pter well while in college a nd went on to become one of our orority's be t lead ers. She was chosen by our found ers to help with the final na tionalization of Alpha Sigma T a u. \tVith members of D etroit Alumnae Ch apter she pla nned our first a tiona l Convention a t D e troit, Michigan, in 1925. At this convention she was elected Vice-President and Organizer, a position she h eld until 1934. he a lso assisted in dra wing up the first ationa! Constitution of the orority. Seven collegiate cha pters were oraanized by Edith . Eta, L ambd a and Pi were insta lled by her . Sh e a lso h elped to organize Theta C ha pter in 1 e troit in 1923, before our orority b ca me n a tional. In 1934 to 1946 he
served as Alph a Sigm a Tau's represe nta ti,路e in the "Associa tion of Education ororitie ." In a pprecia tion of her ervice to Alpha 1gm a T a u, Edith was presented with the d a A. Norton awa rd a t th e 1946 Com路e ntion. Edith was born in C a lifornia, the eldc t of three da ughters, on J an uary 27, 1890. At the age of 12. becau e of the death of h er mother, she ca me to Mount Pleasant, Michigan, to Jiye with her uncle and a un t, Profe sor a nd Mrs. C la ude La rza lere. H er uncle was President of Centra l Michigan T eachers Co llege (now a ni,路er ity) in Mount Pleasant . Edith grew to love this family a her own, the La rza lere a nd their two adopted sons, R ona ld a nd K eith. he often remarked when sh e was going to visit tha t she was fortuna te to have two fa milies, the L arza leres a nd her si ters in Ca lifornia, Be s and H elen. She usually pent her umm ers with h er si ters and while there she did gradu a te work a t the U niversity of C alifornia. After receiving her certifica te in teaching from Centra l Michigan C ollege, she ta ught in a country chool near her home. Later she received h er A.B. degree fro m the University of Michigan a nd began teaching in high chool. She then began work on a M aster's degree, attending ummer school a t Ann Arbor. he taught in three m a ll towns before goina to Highla nd Park in 19 19. Besides being a wonderful teach er, he was an outsta nding co un elor and advisor. H er pa tience, understanding and guida nce won tudents. h er m any fri ends am ong the Through the yea r he would tell m e of tho e who h ad written or ca lled on h er. The e were the thing tha t m eant so much to her. It was not long after high chool that I re newed my fri end hip with Edith, this time a a m ember of Alpha igma T a u. \\ e had invited a friend to one of our orority da nce a t Ypsilanti a nd he was o impres eel tha t she wanted to have a ch a pter a t D etroit T eachers Co llege, n ow ' ayne ta te mver ity. Mr . L ym a n ent u to D etroit to m eet with, a he p ut it the m o t capabl person to h elp u to organiz . H o\\' plea ed I was to know tha t it wa Edith! ' ith h r a uida nce and th h elp of M a raaret \\ k r famil , a cha pt r wa in tall d within th
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year of 1924. The following year our sorority became nationa l and Theta chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau was the first national sorority on the W ayne State University Campus. I could not write about Edith 's friendships in Alpha Sigma T au, without telling you of our social bridge group, Detroit Alumnae Chapter II . She and Carrie Staehle started it over thirty yea rs ago. We were originally a group of nine, each being hostess once a year. Edith was so much a part of this, being our chairman, she kept us together for the past thirty years by having the plans for the following m eeting arranged well in advance. We were of different age groups; our interests were som etimes not the same; we represented four different chapters of the sorority, but with our Alpha Sigma Tau ties, we h ave had lasting friendships. Edith was the only unmarried one in the group and when we talked of our families she would tell of h er n ephews' children and grandchildren . She was so proud of h er family!
did not have to give up her home. Ju st two weeks after she enterta in ed our bridge group she was taken to the hospital and th end came within a week, on March 7, 1962. All who knew Edith personally wou ld be pleased to write a tribute to her memory but that i not possible, o I have chosen three people who were closely associated with her during different periods of her life.
Dr. Gorton R eithmiller President of Olivet Co llege Olivet, Michigan "Each of us in our chooling has had one teacher who h as stood out above a ll others. Similarly, those of us in the profession over a p eriod of years are able to single out one or two teachers who represented the ideal in what we expect from the very best. Edith M anse ll was such a teacher. It was my privilege to serve with her for more than twenty years in my seve ral capacities as a fellow teacher and administra tor. Miss Mansell was a classic example of the finest attributes of the teaching profession . She was a gracious lady, a top technician in the classroom, thorough in her preparation, comp lete ly ethica l in her professional relation hips and a major asset to the High land Park school system she served so well for so long." GoRTON R E rTHM lLLER
Edith and the Larzale re family.
Edith's apartment was located across the street from the college where she taught. It was furnished with beautiful antiques, china and si lver from her home in Mount Pleasant. After the death of her Aunt she cared for Professor Larza lere here, the last five years of his life. She spoke some in the last year of the tim e when she wou ld no longer be ab le to live a lon e. We could see a change in h er physica lly and wondered how soon that time wou ld come. We were a ll than kful that she T HE ANCH OR
Edith and h e r family the day Larzalere Hall was dedicated at Mount Ple asant in 1958.
Mrs. Justin G. Doyle A vice-president of Alpha Sigma Tau M ember of National Council, and Alpha Sigma Tau's Chaplain
Mrs. Haswell Staehle M ember of ational Council of Alpha Sigma Tau, and National Pan hellenic R epresentative
"As one reflects over his school years, chances are his memories will linger here and there along the way, on some of the teachers he had. I cannot think back without fondly remembering a teacher I had in Junior High- the first instructor I ever had who awakened in me a realization that a 'teacher' could also be a friend- an everyday, personal friend! It was a wonderful discovery for me! "A few years later, when I became an Alpha Sigma Tau, no one had to 'sell' me sorority! Miss Mansell was an Alpha Sigma Tau and advisor of Theta Chapter, that was all I needed to know! It was Edith who introduced me to the National Council and it was her devotion to sorority that served as an inspiration for me over the years. I know of no Sister who better exem plifies the 'Idea l Alpha Sigma Tau Woman.' Edith lived her beliefs and to have known her is to have respected her ; to have been her friend was a privilege. I shall miss her."
"Edith' aim was alway to give and in doing so she received the love, admiration and gratitude of many people. She was alway aware of the fine enduring qualities in Alpha Sigma Tau and worked to make those qualities more outstanding." CARRIE w. STAEHLE
What a remarkable woman Edith was! Her sweetness of spirit and her desire to always support the best for Alpha Sigma Tau will long be remembered.
" H old high the torchYou did not light its glow; ' T was given you from other hands, you kno w. 'Tis only yours to kee p it burning bright. Yours to pass on, when you do not need the light. For there are feet that you must guide And other forms go passing by your side." Edith Mansell has passed on to others the torch of Alpha Sigma Tau, which she carried high for more than fifty years. Reverently, we pay homage to her memory. EMILY B. FITZGERALD (MRs. GERALD FITZGERALD )
The Late Enthusiastic Mary King Guard Was Devoted to Alpha Sigma Tau ;\. THE ALPHA SIGMA TAUS who attended the Fifth ational Convention in Cleveland in 1934 will remember that Mary St. Clair King, Delta Charter adviser, was the most enthu iastic and dynamic person there. ational Pre ident nor Since neither the the vice president was able to attend the convention, the meetinas started " ith a depre sed feeling . However, ,. hen di u ions began Mar wa read to ad ise nd inubje t. he e p i, II spire u on ever
Mary King Guard shopping in Houston, 1961.
Mary King Gu ard.
helped the collegiate girls with suggestions for rushing. At the close of the convention she was elected vice president and organizer. When D elta Chapter was organized at Indiana, Pen nsylvania, May 27, 1916, Mary was one of its advisers. The chapter grew rapidly but was disbanded by the college along with all the other sororities in 1919. Mary kept the girls together in a local club called Delta Tau, and when sororities were again permitted on the campus in 1928, there was a chapter ready for Alpha Sigma Tau. Mary continued as adviser until the summer of 1937 when she resigned as instructor in the music department of the Indiana State Teachers College to marry Mr. Russell
Guard , a widower with three children. She maintained the same efficiency and enthusiasm with her new family that he had had as sorority adviser. She a lso continued to be interested in D elta Chapter's collegiate and alumnae members, until her death in August 1962. It is very appropriate for all of us to honor the memory of Mary King Guard. During the early years of our national history when disasters frequently occurred, Mary's courage never faltered. She was always certain that "Where there is a will, there is a way." Her work and her loyalty helped lay the strong foundation of Alpha Sigma Tau on which we have built our beloved sorority.- CARRIE W. STAEHLE
Alumnae News Buffalo Makes Puppets /or Hospital J EAN M cNAMARA, Catherine Crocuston, Eleanor Mason and Pat Nichols represented Alpha Sigma Tau in the Panhellenic sale of postcards for the Van Gogh ex hibit at the Albright Art Ga llery in F ebruary. J eanette Adams welcomed us into her newly redecorated home in February. W e had a light snowfall that night, so we were particularly happy to see pictures of Puerto Rico presented by Pan American Air Lines. It was good to see Beverly Bollard, Marjorie George, M ary Mandel Smith and Ronnie Wilkins. Pat Nichols opened her home for the " potluck" supper in March . As usua l, we had a marvelous array of salads and casseroles, plu s cakes and ice cream. We ate in the playroom, and later made duck-puppets for the hospital as our social service project. In April, Catherine C rocuston was our hostess when we h ad the panel from the Buffa lo C ity Pa nhellenic Council to ex plain the workings of Pa nhellenic. Alice Baskey en tertained at a board meeting later in April. J anet M cCarron's home was the place chosen for the election of officers in May. A guest from the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra Society gave a behind-the-scenes view of our orchestra. vVe were h a ppy to see M arjorie Pa intner a nd J ean Watt Booth. a ll y W a les en tertain ed the board in M ay. J a n M cNamara opened her summer h ome
at Si lver Bay in Canada for a picnic supper in June. The girls brought salads, hot dishe and delicious desserts. It was nice to ee Mary Lynd H ealy and Evangeline Schunke Rusinski. Some of the girls are planning to attend the National Convention in St. Louis this August.- NORMA WrLLINGDON MARTIN
Denver Invites New Alums ATTENTION, Denver area Alpha Sigma Taus! If you are looking for fun and friends, you should join our alum group . Please contact M ary Ann Black for details, as we would love to have you join us, even if you can only make it on ce-in-a-while. An afternoon luncheon meeting is held on the third Saturday of each month . We celebrated St. Patrick's Day with a party filled with a ppropriate games, Irish Sweepstakes prizes, shamrock decorations and good food galore. Shirley Bales was hostess to the Taus in her new home. Shirley had the ab le assistance of R oberta Lowe and Dottie M eeh an for a succe sfu l party. The Townhouse in Aurora, Colorado wa the site of All State Day Alumnae from throughout the state. Active members from Greeley gathered to ren ew friendship and make new acquaintances. An outstanding program was cleverly given by Mrs. R obert H a rrison, the mad hatter, who de cribed her hat collection . Also on the program wa a group of teenagers who di played their talent for our enj oyment. Edna McCormick was re-elected to Jefferson County R ecr ation Board for a four-year
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term. We are quite proud of Edna and know she will continue to do an outstanding job. Liz J ensen married Roy J acobs in Colorado Springs, June 21, 1962. Officers for 1962-1963 are M ary Ann Black, president ; Janice Black, vice-president and chaplain; LaVonne Lippitt, secretarytreasurer ; Roberta Lowe, historian ; Margaret Troisi, editor. The officers were installed at the June meeting. Also on t he agenda at th at time was a surprise baby shower for Dottie Meehan. Founders' D ay Luncheon will be held October 25 at the Quorum in D enver. See you then.-MARGARET TRorsr
Detroit's Career Program
Evelyn Kitzul was the hostess for the May meeting. The meeting was devoted to clearing up all the loose ends and choosing the new hostesses and chairmen for next yea r. Everyone was very co-operative. Our year ended with a lovely luncheon at the Detroit Boat C lub where Emil y Fitzgerald did the honors of acting as hostess. We enjoyed discussing the various trips the members will be taking this summer an d we wished everyone good health and luck until we meet again in September.- GLORIA H EINO (MRs. ARLEN )
Kansas City Helps Install Alpha Nu
t THE F EBRUARY meeting started off with a
flou rish at the Wayne State Alumnae House. A short business meeting was held followed by a program entitled "Careers." Our two speakers were sorority sisters who have had quite a few co lorful events in their life. Justine Orris is a practicing lawyer and she related on th e many cases she has encountered. J oan Farabaugh spoke on her adven tures in Spain and also about her exciting life as Property Mistress at Northland Playhouse. J oa n is a lso a teacher at the Ellis School in Detroit. The March meeting was held at the home of Mae K asiborski at which time plans were formulated for our annual card party and 路luncheon . This was held at the Grosse Pointe War M emorial on M arch 24. Door prizes were given and about 90 women attended. It was a great success. The April m eeting was held at the home of the president, Gloria H eino. The main part of the m eeting was the election of officers for 1962-1963. Those elected were: Gloria Heino, president; K atherine Smith, vice-president; Marlene J ennett, recording secretary; Mildred Cislo, corresponding secretary; Hila Collins, treasurer ; Kathleen Monticello, chaplain ; Emily Fitzgerald, editor; and L enore Briggs, Panhellenic representative. After the election and business meeting, the girls were entertained with a few games of bingo.
t THE KANSAS City Alumnae have been on
the go since my last writing. In M arch we had a speaker from a local gift and garden shop to steer us in our spring plantings. At our annual election of officers we find Glenda Sherban as our new president ; K athy Cross, vice-president ; Sherry D enning, secretary; and Marie C hamberlain, treasu rer. We wish these girls great success for the year 1962-63. In May, six of our girls went to Centra l Missouri State College to help with the installation of Alpha Nu C hapter of Alpha Sigma T au. We enjoyed our clay with these new sisters. At our regular meeting in M ay we made cancer bandages as our philanthropic project. A family picnic in June was held at Shawnee Mission Park with the usual picnic fare. M yra Bouck, a past president, came to say "adieu" as she and her husband will be leaving the area. We wish her the best and will miss her regular attendance.- L oursE R oBERTSON
Flint Observes Twenty-fifth t THE climactic event for Flint Alumnae this past year was the April luncheon observing the chapter's twenty-fifth anniversary. Among the guests were M ary Alice Peterson, National President, and Emily Fitzgerald
who installed the Chapter. Alpha Eta, Alma College, was pleasantly represented by Margaret VanderHart, advisor, and m embers, Joanne Bird, Glenda McDaniel, and Judith G abel. Numerous other out-of-town guests added to the chatter around the punch bow l before the luncheon. Among Alpha a lumnae were Dorothy Wood, Virginia Cooper, Peggy Ann Brown, Katharine Woodward, Margaret Twork, M ary Walton, Isabe l Welch, Alura Custer, Margaret Craddock, Gwen Mahoney and Grace Greenan. Out-oftown Beta alumnae who came were M erle Pike, a form er member- now of K enmore, N ew York- Mrs. John Andrews and Mrs. John H . Young.
of the death of Gretchen Gaffney's husband. Leo was practically an associate member. In a brighter light, Dia ne Walsh has a baby girl, Cheryl, her third girl within two years. Planning at the time of this writing to attend the Convention are Eloise Howes, retiring president: Barbara VanDette, president ; H azel Schultz, Alpha Eta representative; and J eanne C lark, Beta representative and local P anhellenic representative. Coming from Empire, Michigan, to accompany our members is Grace Greenan. M arilyn Bazley, Delta, is now a ttending our meetings. Caro l Wohlfeil h as moved to Seattle, Washington, leaving us both sad and happy.- L uCJLLE MAWHINNEY
Lansing Helps Flint Celebrate t WITH THE help of some new, interested
Planning for the Flint Al umnae Chapter's twenty-fifth anniversary luncheon. are: Lucille MaWhinney, Alpha, Hazel Schultz and Barbara VanDette, president of Beta Chapter.
H azel Schu ltz, chairman of the luncheon committee, was responsib le, in h er usual effi cient and artistic way, for much of the success of this twenty-fifth anniversary. W e a lso contrived to get into th e loca l newspaper the information that the sorority, the third to be insta lled in a college of education, was founded in 1899 at Eastern Michigan University. A week before the luncheon, however, all the lo a l member were g rief-stricken to learn
members the chapter h as taken on n ew life. At our year ly rummage sale in April proceeds were enough to send our n ew president, M axi ne Springer, to her third official convention. She a lso went to another, but had to return home because of a death in her family. In M ay, six members attended the Flint a nniversary luncheon. The highlight of the program was the very interesting talk by our National President, Mrs. Peterson. Another enjoyab le evening occurred when D oroth y Hughes, Alpha, showed picture of her European trave ls. vVe closed our year with a picnic at Gertrude Kimmick' s. Of course it rained, but we a te and ta lked just as freely indoors. Offi cers for n ext year were insta lled.-M ARY WALTON
Muncie Sent Delegate t CuRRENTLY we are thinking of the con-
vention . W e wish we all could go. Mr . W . E. Wagoner very graciou ly offered her garage as the location for a rummage sale and we were h app to accept. The proceed are to h elp end one d elega t to th convention. T HE ,
Our June meeting was highlighted with a visit from Miss Frances Bo tford, California.
Our greetings to sister chapters in Alpha Sigma Tau.-NELL YouNG
Philadelphia's Annual Spring Luncheon ;t THE PHILADELPHIA Alumnae Chapter had
some fin e get-togethers this sprina. In place of the March meeting a group attended Marie Furia's wedding at St. Rita's Church, and then visited over lunch a t th e Bellevue Stratford. In April we travelled to L ois O'De ll's for a deliciou s luncheon and a planning session. Our Annua l Spring Luncheon for mothers and guests was h eld May 11 , at the home of our president, Betty Allison. Betty had delicious cold turkey and th e members outdid themselves with tasty sa lads a nd beautiful d esserts. Luncheon was foll owed by a lovely musical program. The gues t so loist rendered selections from cu rrent Broadway musicals. Betty's husband accompan ied her on the piano. In June we wended our way to Shrewsbury, N ew J ersey, to enjoy a luncheon at the lovely new home of Emily R eedy Schopp. It was quite a trip but we a ll agreed it was well worth it. It seems all our last meetings invo lved eating. Perhaps more of our members will be joining us come fall. We hope so.- PHYLLIS F . CLARK
Roanoke Works for Panhellenic ;t THE RoAN OKE Alumnae chapter has ex-
perienced a busy and rewa rding year. We were especially pleased with our Christmas Project. E ach of our members brought a present for a twelve-year-old boy. At our Christmas party we had a delightful time wrapping the gifts which later brought such pleased expressions from the boys.
We a re o very enthusiastic about our part in the R oanoke C ity Panhellenic Association fashion show a nd tea. T his event is held each year for a ll R oanoke city and county girls who are prospective sorority members. Our own Pa nh ellenic representative, M artha C rute, will be cha irma n, and we know the fashio n show and tea will be highly successful under her leadershi p. Our president, Sarah H odges, has been a faithfu l and conscientious leader. She has worked hard to make our meetings interesting a nd timulating. Sarah will preside at our fa ll organizationa l meeting when we wil l elect our new officers. VVe then plan to install the officers at our Founder's Day Banquet. - SuzANNE GLA s, M ARTHA Goon WIN
St. Louis Pancake Breakfast ;t OFFICERS FOR the coming year were elect-
ed and installed fol lowing the an nu a l supper meeting in M ay at the home of Lilli an Schippers. The new officers are Vio la Miller, president ; M argaret Gieselmann, vice-pre ident ; Arlene C lark, corresponding secreta ry; Elizabeth Wilson, recording secretary; a ncy Speed, treasurer; Dot Schul, chap lain ; Mary Lou Scott, editor and Viriginia Beare, historian. A business meet ing was h eld at Carole Gambino's home on Jun e 29. Announcement was made of Me lba M osberger's wedding on June 30. A tour of Crestwood Shopping Center will be h eld Ju ly 10. Proceeds wi ll be used toward convention expenses. The tour sounds very nice, starting with coffee a nd dough nuts at 9:30 a.m . a nd end ing with a luncheon. All for on ly a dollar- a real bargain! E va M ay Koenig h as a summer luncheon , p lanned for July 25. Looks li ke July will be a very socia l month. Two convention meetings have been held in June. One was held a t the home of Elizabeth W ilson, with a ll committee cha irm en in a ttendance. Alice Vit had a luncheon meeting with a n a ll-clay work session . There are plans for other m eetings a nd work sesswns.
Hope you will all be at the Convention in St. Louis in August to see the results of our planning. We are changing our annual fall breakfast, in Forest Park, to a pancake meal held at the Pancake House. The date is always the first Saturday after Labor D ay. The first fall meeting will be held at the home of Elizabeth Wilson. As customary, it will be a pot luck supper. These meetings always seem to be well attended. A convention report will be of additional intere t. The collegiate rush parties are in October and the alums offer their assi tance, usually in the kitchen. We celebrate Founder ' Day in November. A program meeting is a lso p lanned for later in the month. The St. Louis alumnae hope many fri endships are renewed and new acquaintances made during the Convention here in August.-MARY Lou ScoTT
Shepherdstown Has Parcel Post Sale :t ] N FEBRUARY we met with Miss Ruth Seibert for a Parcel Post Sale. Items for the sa le were sent by mail or brought to the meeting, and then were auctioned off. A poem concerning the sale was composed by some of our group and sent to each member reminding them of the sa le. It proved to be something different and an idea for another alumnae group to use. I n March we had a most enjoyable evening when we met with Mrs. Phoebe Payne at Charles Town. A friend of Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Dorothy Furr, showed u slides she and her husband had taken when vacationing in the West. Some of the scenes were of Disneyland, the Grand Canyon, Pike's Peak, San Francisco, Los Angeles and other incidental places. We were al o happy to see Mrs. Payne's newly built home. We have many historica l landmarks in our town, and we were very pleased to have a guided tour of one of them before our April busines. meeting. We were the guests of
Mrs. Roderick Cheeseman, resident of "Boydville." It is a lovely home with surrounding gardens. Mrs. Cheeseman told u many hi torical facts about the home. We then returned to the home of Mrs. Stephen Sinnitt for our meeting. It was at this time that we gave a gift of $50.00 to the colleaiate chapter to start a housing fund. We are looking forward to a aood year beginning in the fall. We have many intere ting things planned for our meeting .- DoRoTHY MASO LEFEVRE
Washington, D. C. Has Novel Dinner :t WE ALWAYS have fun at our Christmas meeting when we prepare a basket of food and toys for a Multiple Sclera i family. It was held at the home of Margaret Bower . Addre sing Chri tmas card and singing carols wa another highlight of an evening that really put u in the Christmas spirit. At our January meeting at the home of Barbara Live ay, a report was made on how successful our Christma basket was and we received a letter from the family expres ing happines and appreciation for the gift . A lot of fun was had playing the game. "Th Price I Right," for mall prizes. February found us meeting at the home of Ann Dey. It was decided at thi meeting that one of our project for making money would be to give a door prize at each meeting. We were all invited to a tea held at the home of M ary Louie Doyle on February 3, and had a delightful tim e. Our ho te s for the March meeting was Hildred Wood. The nominating committee reported on a new sla te of officer . Charlotte Dougla won the door prize and we a l o enjoyed playing "Pa word." At our April meeting at Joan John on , plans were made for our card part , to be held at P. ]. Tee's Auditorium on Ma 12. Ticket were pa sed out at thi meetina. Charlotte Dougla wa our ho te for the May meeting at which haste were cho en for the coming year. \1 e had ur in tallati n of officer ,. hi h i alwa ' very
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We presented our outgoing president Margaret Bowers, with a gift. Margaret has certainly presided with capable leadership during the year. Our final get-together was at a dinner given by Margaret at her home. As we entered the house each one was handed a card telling us in what room each course of the meal was served. It was more fun scrambling around to have our appetizer in the den, dinner in the living or dining room or dessert on the porch.-jEAN SELENO
Ypsilanti-f'.nn Arbor Cheers Senior Citizens t FAY
(Mrs. George ) Mitchell's blazing fireplace lent a cozy atmosphere to her lovely family room as the members of the Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor Alums heard a book review by Joan Carpenter abo ut Taylor Caldwell's inspirational novel, Th e Listener. The aroma of home baked goodies filled Wilma Court's home in March as the group embarked on another money making project that followed the business meeting. The baked goods were bid on secretly and went to the highest bidder. We are constantly amazed at how much money can be raised with so little effort. The April showers didn ' t dampen our spirits one bit as we celebrated our Alumnae Founder's Day with a smorgasbord dinner. I wonder if anyone ever found out what wa at the other end of the table. On the 15th of April the membership volunteered once again to say "Happy Birthday"
to a group of senior c1t1zens at the Washtenaw County Infirmary. Mitzie (Mrs. W. J. ) Maxey was the chairman. Cake, ice cream, favors and gifts were presented to approximately seventy-five patients. It's very difficu It to determine which group profits the most from this worthwhile undertaking. Our annual Mother's Day Luncheon was held at the lovely Rotunda Inn on Pine Lake in May. Because a ll of the mothers had some type of charm bracelet, each was presented with a silver disk with the inscription, "An A::ST's Mother," and the date. This was the third year we have held this luncheon, and each year the mothers and members seem to enjoy it more. Joan Carpenter acted as chairman and gave a brief summary of the history, purpose and ideals of Alpha Sigma Tau. The lovely home of Sally (Mrs. Gilbert ) Pearson was the setting for the Senior initiation. Each alumnae member brought an unusual dessert. Such a sight to behold. The Senior girls greatly approved the refreshments, and one was heard to remark, "This certainly beats that Floating Island at the donn." Once again our windup meeting was held at Donna (Mrs. James ) Steven's cottage. Following a swim and pot luck supper a business meeting was held to tentatively plan next year's agenda. This has been a wonderful year for us all. We are looking forward with happy anticipation to the year to come under the fine leadership of Donna Stevens, our president, and her officers.- JOAN CARPENTER
1962-1963 Alpha (1899)-Eastem Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Mich. Presiden t- J udith L ehr, 111 Ki ng H all Advisers- M rs. R . B. Bates, 20 S. N ormal, Ypsilanti, Mich .; Miss M ary J ane Stoneburg, E.M .U ., Ypsi lan ti, M ich. Alumnae R epresentatives-Mrs. John Howe, 42248 H ammil Lane, Pl ymouth, Mich. ; Mrs. J . B. Ca rpen te r, 1032 Evelyn, Yps ila nt i, M ich.
Beta ( 1905-1917; 1940)-Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. President- Sue Breidenstein, 928 South F ancher, Mt. Pleasant, M ich. Adviser-Miss Charlotte D enman, 3562 S. Franklin, Mt. Pleasant, Mich . Alumnae R epresentative--Mrs. Russell Clark , 5039 S. Ooldwater Rd., Flint, Mich.
Kappa (1924-1929 ) -Miami U., Oxford, Ohio Alumn ae R epresen tative-Mrs. R . M. R einer t, 136 Mavern Ave., H amilton, Ohio
Gamma (1900-1913)-Wisconsin State College, Milwaukee, Wis. Alumnae R epresenta tive--Mrs. Grant Hinkamp, 659 Lark Street, Marion, Ohio Delta (1916) - lndiana State College, Indiana, Pa. Presiden t-Carol G lover, Box 203 T Adviser-Mrs. Donald B. Shank, 197 Philad elphia St., Indiana, Pa. Alumnae R epresenta tive-Miss Sylvia K a ttouf, 190 1 16th St., Altoona, Pa. Epsilon (1919-1923; reorganized as Lambda, 1926)-Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. Alumnae Representative-See Lambda Chapter. Zeta ( 1921 -1948; 1949) - Lock Haven State College, Lock Haven, Pa. President- Carol A. U nd erwood, 736 W. Thi rd St. , Lock H ave n, Pa. Adviser-Mrs. I. 0 . Fleming, 108 Riverside Ter., Lock Haven, Pa. Alumnae R ep resentative-Miss Theresa H owberg, 66 1 W . 3rd St., Lock H av en, Pa. Eta (1927-1939)-Kent State University, Kent, Ohio Alumnae R epresentative- M rs. Bern ard McBee, 1183 Avon St., Akron, 0 . Theta (1923)-Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich. Presiden t- R osemarie J erLylo. 33 68 Fred erick, Det roit II , M ich. Adviser---.Mrs. D an H arrington, 1007 2 Balfour Rd. ( 24) . Alu mnae R epresenta tives - M iss Genevi eve R epeta, 28820 Mi lton Ave. , War ren, Mich. ; Dr. M a rlowe Franko, I 05 17 West Ou ter Dr., D etroit 23, M ich.
( 1923 )-Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kans. P resi dent-C . Sue Goodin, 1006 Cons titu tion, Emporia, K ans. Advise r- Miss M ary Cravens, 138 W . 12th St., Emporia, K ans. Alumnae R epresentatives-M rs. Thos . E. Curry Box 67 4, Pratt, K ans. ; Mrs. R ichard Stauffer, 20 18 Lincoln, Emporia, Kans.
Lambda (1926-1961 )-Temple University, Philadelphia Alumnae R epresentative-Mabel Schreiber, 5 11 Chestnu t, Lebanon, Pa. Nu (1928-1940; 1948 )-Colorado State College, Greeley, Colo. Presid ent- Nan cy Numoto, 1715 lOth Ave., Greeley, Colo. Ad visers- D r. J uanita Lewis, 1632 -27th St .. Greeley, Colo. ; M rs. J ack L a Bonde, 1821 Glenm ere Court, Greeley, Colo. Al umnae R epresentatives- Mrs. G e or ~e Blac k. 1793 S. Alcott . D enve r 19, Colo. ; Mrs . Norman Page, 803 So. Flamingo Ct., D enver, Colo. Xi
(1929-1933)-Westem State Teachers College, Gunnison, Colo. Alumnae R epresenta tive-M iss Grace Quinby, Box 10 26, Alice, T exas
Omicron ( 1930 )-Concord College, Athens, W. Va. President- Cathie Patterson , Box 10 1 Adviser -Miss M ildred D ransfi eld , Concord College Alumna e R epresenta tives- M iss Mona Craghead, Box 55 3, Athens, W . Va.; Miss Mary Ca th erin e Bones, Dott, W . Va. Pi (1930 )-Harris Teachers College, St. Louis Presiden t- Suza nn e Gerl t, 361 5 J uani ta Ave., St. Louis 16, M o. Advise rs- Miss Julia K ohl, 5816 Jamieson, St. Louis 9, M o.; M iss Julia K. Murray, 3506 H awthorne, St. Louis, Mo. Alumnae R ep resentatives- Miss Elizabeth Alles, 669 Bellsworth, L emay 25 . M o. ; Miss J acqu eline Hudson. 1546 W ells ton Ave., St. St. Louis 33, M o. Rho (1932-1948; 1949 )--Southeastern State College, Durant, Okla. P resident- Sa lly Murray, Box 16 7, Sta. A Adviser- Mrs . H er el H a rris, 12+8 ,. a o, Durant, Okla.
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Sigma (1925-1954)--State University College for Teachers, Buffalo, N. Y. Alumnae Representative-Mrs. Douglas Bolton, 60 Briarhurst, Williamsville 21, N. Y. Zeta Tau (1935)-Longwood College, Farmville,
President-Carol Nye, S.C. Rm. 316 Adviser-Mrs. Richard Brooks, 303 Pine St., Farmville, Va. Alumnae Representative-Mrs. Boice Ware, Keysville, Va. Upsilon (1935)-Arkansas State Teachers College, Conway, Ark. President- Peggi L. Bolls, Box 129 Advisers-Miss Mildred James, A.S.T.C., Conway, Ark. ; Mrs. Betty Young, 81 4 Watkins, Conway, Ark. Alumnae R epresentatives-Mrs. Kenneth Snow, 216 N. Taylor, Little R ock, Ark.; Mrs. Carl Emerick, 210 St. Madelene Lane, Florissant, Mo. Phi
( 1940) -Southeastern Louisiana College, Hammond, La. President-J ean Lahusen, Box 566, College Sta., Hammond, La. Advisers-Miss Margaret Lowe, College Sta., Hammond, La.; Mrs. 0. Moore, Coli. Sta., H ammond, La. Alumnae R epresentatives-Miss Joann Brauner, 10 29 Lowerline St., New Orlea ns, La. ; Mrs. H. J. Froeba, P.O . Box 955 , Hammond, La.
Chi (1940-1948; 1950)--Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, W. Va. President-Bonnie Hockman, Turner Hall Adviser-Dr. Sara Helen Cree, Shepherdstown, W.Va. Alumnae Representative-Mrs. Stephen Sinnett, 1004 W. J ohn St. Martinsburg, W. Va. Psi (1944}-Madison College. Harrisonburg, Va. President-Dorothy Davis, Box 295 . Adviser-Dr. Marily n Crawford, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. Alu~nae R epresen tatives- Mrs. T . .T. King, Jr., 1845 Lakeridge Rd., Birmingham 9, Ala.; Mrs. Robert Ritchi e, 231 Dixie Ave., Harrisonburg, Va. Omega (1945-1954)-Minot State Teachers College, Minot, N. D. Alpha Alpha (1945)-Ball State College, Muncie, Ind. President-Helen J ean Hite, Beeman Hall B.S.C., Muncie, Ind . .\dvisers-Miss R etha Lozier, 222 0 South Dill, Muncie, Ind .; Miss Peggy Lou Holman, 1725 W. Washington, Muncie, Ind. Alumnae R epresentative- Mrs. Robert E. Smith, 1504 Royale River, Muncie, Ind. Alpha Beta ( 1946-59) -Marshall College, Huntington, W. Va. Alumnae Representative-Mrs. Spencer A. Gillette, 396 Forest Rd., Huntington 5, W. Va.
Alpha Gamma (1946)-Henderson State Teachers College, Arkadelphia, Ark. Presid ent- Judy Stephenson , Box 109, H.S.T.C., Arkadelphia, Ark. Adviser-Miss Mae Whipple, Box 644, H.S.T.C. Alumnae Represen tative-Miss Peggy Yi elding, 1711 Poplar, North Little Rock, Ark. Alpha Delta (1948)-Southwestern Missouri State College, Springfield, Mo. President-Penny Ohlman, 307 South National, Springfield , Mo. Adviser-Mrs. Glenn Downing, 436 Belcrest, Rt. 9, Springfield, Mo. Alumnae R eprese ntative-Miss Doris Sheppard, 1059 S. Campbell, Apt. 9, Springfi eld, Mo. Alpha Epsilon ( 1948)-Western Illinois University, Macomb, Ill. President- Patri cia M. Ream, 308 W. Adams, Macom b, Ill. Advisers-Miss H elen Buckley, 505 E. J ackson; Dr. H arriet Stull, 635 N . McArthur Alumnae Represen tatives-Mrs. W. D. Baughman, 1734 Stevens Dr., Glenvie.w, Ill. ; Mrs. Vernon F. Bremer, 2336 R am water Dr. , D ecatur, Ill. Alpha Zeta ( 1958) -Queens College, Flushing, N.Y. President- Ingrid Nowa tius, 84-43 57 Rd . Elmhurst 72, N. Y. Adviser- Mrs . Selma Schwartz, 2365 E. 13th St. , Brooklyn 29, N . Y. Alumnae Representative- Miss Elaine Backe, 249 Kennedy Ave .. H empstead, L. I. , N. Y. Alpha Eta (1959)-Alma College, Alma, Michigan President-Leah Vorce, Newberry Hall Adviser-Miss Margaret Vander Hart, 111 Philadelphia, Alma, Mich. Alumnae R epresentative-Mrs. Wm. Schultz, 200 1 Iroquois St., Flint 4, Mich. Alpha Theta (1959)-University of Detroit, Detroit, Michigan President- Kathleen Kehoe, 14647 Hazelridge, Detroit 5, Michiga n Adviser-Mrs. Jose Espinosa, 18660 Washburn, D etroit, Mich. Alumnae R epresentative-Mrs. William A. Monticello, 19546 Dalby, Detroit 40, Mich. Alpha Iota ( 1960)--Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. President-Susan Grimley, 760 Comstock Ave. , 10 Adviser-Mrs. Jacob Benderson, 301 Hurlbert Rd., Syracuse, N. Y . Alumnae R epresentative-Mrs. Philip Fixler, 380 Hartford Rd ., Egger tsville, N. Y. Alpha Kappa (1961)-Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio President-Elaine Pastor, 2 15 4th St . Adviser- Mrs. Paul J. Hutt. 527 Seco nd St. , Marietta, Ohio Alumnae R epresentative-Mrs. Matt Villani, 201 Brentwood St., Marietta, Ohio
Alpha Lambda (1953)-Radford College, Radford, Va. President- Patricia Mills, Box 819, Radford College Adviser-Miss Evelyn Fitzpatrick, 1030 Calhoun St., Radford, Va. . Alumnae Representative-Mrs. .John Rutherford, 1000 Robertson St. , Radford, Va. Alpha Mu {1962)-Arkansas A&M College, College Heights, Ark. President- Harriette Buzbee, Box 450, College Hts. , Ark . Adviser-Mrs. Earl Willis, Rt. 4, Monticello, Ark. Alumnae R epresentative-Mrs. Ferris Womack, 1204 Beech, Crossett, Ark.
Alpha Nu (1962)-Central Missouri State College, Warrensburg, Mo. President- Ruth Burris, P.O. Box 3, Warrensburg, Mo. Advisers-Dr. H attie Ewald, 401 S. Mitchell, Warrensburg, M o.; Mrs. Doris Brookshier, R .R . No. 2, Warrensburg. Mo. Alumnae R epresentatives-Mrs. T . R eed M axson, Arilen Acres, Warrensburg, Mo. ; Mrs. Fred Griffith, 406 E . Market, Warrensburg, Mo. Alpha Omega {1960)-Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, N.Y. Presiden t- Ina Gelfman, 1640 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, N . Y. Adviser-Mrs. Linda Borack, 345 W ebster Ave., Brooklyn, . Y.
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.H R
*Akron-Canton, Ohio Mrs. George H alas, 1219 Garman Rd ., Akron 13, Ohio Albuquerque, New Mexico Mrs. L. J. Paddison, 911 Parkland Circle Baton Rouge, Louisiana Beckley, West Virginia Mrs. H aro ld H ed rick , 206 R a ilroad Ave. *Bluefield, West Virginia Mrs. Glenn W . Bucha nan, 103 D oak St. , Bluefi e!::!, W. Va. *Buffalo, New York Mrs. John M cNama ra, 189 Cresthill, Tonawanda, N. Y. Charleston, West Virginia Chicago, Suburbia, Illinois Mrs. R obert F as ick, 303 S. Willi am. Mt. Prospect, Ill. Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. Andrew C. Soeder, 335 E . 2 15 St. ( 23 ) Columbus, Ohio Mrs. H . E. Staehl e, 48 1 Torrence Rd. ( 14 ) DalJas, Texas Mrs. W . D. White, 4224 Hawthorne Ave. *Denver, Colorado Mrs. George Black, 1793 S. Alcott, D enver 19, Colo. *Detroit I , Michigan Mrs. Arlen H eino, 16902 Surrey Drive, Livonia, Mich . De troit II, Michigan Mrs. Gerald Fitzgera ld, 135 Moran Rd ., Grosse Pointe 30, M ich. Durant, Oklahoma *Emporia, Kansas Mrs . Roger Gree n, 1301 Garfield
Huntington, West Virginia Miss Cla ra Closterman, 10 25 9th Ave. 路*Kansas City, Missouri Mrs. J am es Sherban , 7845 Ella, K a nsas Cit y 12, K ans. Kewanee, Illinois Mrs. Charl es Schw erbrock, 803 S. Eas t St. 路~Lansing, Michigan Mrs. Ceci l H . Springer, 33 19 Was hing ton *Little RDck, Arkansas Mrs. George H ays , No. 5 Lorna D r. Lock Haven, Pa. *Los Angeles, California M rs. W. Vernon Barrett, 1230 A West !68th St., Gardeni a, Calif. 路"Macomb-Carthage, Illinois Mrs . J ohn Christofferson. 208 J ana R d ., Ma co mb, Ill. MariettJa, Ohio Mrs. Sidney Z. Kl eiman, 105 R athbone Miami, Florida Mt. Clemens, Michigan Mrs. Donald Sorensen, 76 Ahrens St. Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 路*Muncie, Indiana Mrs. Robert E. Blake, 1712 R iley Rd . *New Orleans, Louisiana Mrs. Diann e W. Howell, 347 Y2 W . R obt. E. L ee Blvd. New York, N. Y. Miss Ela ine Bache, 249 K ennedy, H empstead, L. I., N. Y. Norfolk, Virginia
*Flint, Michigan Mrs. Robert Va n D ette, 273 1 Sloan, Flint 4, Mich. Grand Rapids, Michigan *Greeley, Colorado Mrs. Fred Trimmer, Box 85, K ersey, Colo. Harrisonburg, Virginia Mrs. Wm . .J. Bowman, Route 1, Box 10 A
Oak Hill, W. Va. Peoria, Illinois Mrs. Elmo H aney, 3 17 Brookview Rd ., E. Peoria, Ill. *Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Mrs. Charles Allison, 421 College Ave., Haverfor d, Pa.
Indianapolis, Indiana Miss Grace Hood, 3 102 E agledale Rd .
Phoenix, Arizona Miss Joan Schipper, 4238 N . 17th St.
Joliet, Illinois Mrs. William Horton , 19061 Country Club Hills, Ill .
Port Huron, Michigan Mrs. D . N . Bantien, 16 26 P ennsylvania , M arysville, Mich.
Loretto Lane,
*Princeton-Athens, West Virginia Miss Betti Sue H edrick. Box 355, Athens Star Route, Princeton, W. Va.
St. Petersburg, Florida Miss Ellen H. Smith, 2327 Second Ave., North, St. Petersburg
Pueblo, Colorado
*Tri-City Mrs. Lee R obi nson, 402 8 Sta te St.
*Richmond-Petersburg, Virginia Mrs. ]. L. H all, 351 1 H azelhurst Ave., Richmond, Va.
War, West Virginia
*Roanoke, Virginia Mrs. R a ndolph H odges, 2224 Pelham D r.
*Washington, District of Columbia Mrs. G. B. K azmierczak, 2332 Holmes Run D r., Falls Ch urch, Va.
San Diego, Calif. *Shepherdstown, West Virginia Mrs. Gregory Shipley, 920 S. R aleigh St., Martinsburg, W. Va. Springfield, Illinois Mrs. Rich ard Doedtman, P .O. Box 1526, 1918 Lee St.
Welch, West Virginia Mrs. Lena Caporossi, Box 607
*Springfield, Missouri Mr . Robert K eller, 230 W. Whi teside
Youngstown, Ohio Mrs. Keith McGowen, 5 Apache Lane, Poland, Ohio
*St. Louis, Missouri Mrs. I. cwton Miller, 11 31 R alph T errace, St. Louis 17, Mo.
District !-Mich., Ill., Ind., Ohio, Wis. President- Mrs. R . B. Cross, 207 Winthrop Rd. , Muncie, Ind.
District li-N. Y., Penn, N. ]., Me., N. H., Vt., Mass., Conn, R. I. Area Supervisor for New York-Mrs. Joseph Steen, 147 N. Union Rd ., Williamsville, N.Y.
*Wichita, Kansas M rs. M erle Le R oux, 1338 S. Min nesota *Williamsport, Pennsylvania Mrs. Edward Szybist, 312 Sherman St.
*Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor, Michigan Mrs. J. Stevens, 998 Church, Plymouth, Mich.
District III-D. C., Va., W. Va., Ky., Md., Dela., Tenn., N.C., Miss., Ala., Ga., Fla., and S.C. President-Mrs. Justin G. Doyle, 408 Patrick H enry Dr. , Falls Church, Va. District IV-Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and all other states north of these and west of the Mississippi River President-Mrs. John Simpson, 6535 D evonshire, St. Louis 9, Mo.
_A-ttention _A.fumnae If you are interested in forming an alumnae chapter or club, please write to Miss Elizabeth Wilson, Na tional Alumnae Chairman, 6200 Hoffman Avenue, St. Louis 39, Missouri, for particulars. Central Office has available a limited num ber of state directories for organizing purposes. These will be sent upon request.
.H R
Mn. E. A. Lyman* Helene M. Rice* May Gephart* Mayene Tracy* Mable Chase* Adriance Rice* Ruth Dutcher*
Eva O'Keefe* Harriet Marx (Mrs. C. F. Pfeiffer) 239 Columbia, Berkeley 8, Calif. *deceased.
Y/alionaf Louncif President-Mrs. Earl F. Peterson (Iota), Route 1, Crawfordsville, Ind. Vice Presidents-Mrs. R. B. Cross (Alpha Alpha), 207 Winthrop Rd., Muncie, Ind.; Mrs. Justin G. Doyle (Theta), 408 Patrick Henry Dr., Falls Church, Va. ; Mrs. John Simpson (Pi), 6535 Devonshire, St. Louis 9, Mo. National Expansion Director-Mrs. Parry Schippers (Pi), 5300 Sutherland, St. Louis 9, Mo. NPC Representative-Mrs. Earl F. Peterson ( Iota ), Route 1, Crawfordsville, Ind. National Secretary-Miss Ethel Hirnelick (Alpha Alpha), 2300 White River Blvd., Apt. 20, Muncie, Ind. Treasurer-Miss Margaret Macdonald (Sigma), 673 Richmond Ave., Buffalo 22 , N. Y. Editor- Mrs. Bernard McBee ( Eta ), 1183 Avon Street, Akron, Ohio Chaplain-Mrs. Justin G. Doyle (Theta), 408 Patrick Henry Dr., Falls Church, Va. Executive Secretary-Mrs. James Alexander (Pi), 6328 Potomac, St. Louis 9, Mo.
6200 Hoffman Avenue
St. Louis 39, Missouri Mrs. James Alexander, Exec. Sec'y
Central Office Assistant-Miss Jacqueline Hudson (Pi).
_A.rea Supervijor New York State-Mrs. Joseph Steen, 147 N. Union Rd. , Williamsville, N.Y.
Y/alionaf Lommitlee Lhairmen Alumnae-Miss Elizabeth Wilson (Pi) , 124 Elm Ave., Glendale 22, Mo. Collegiate Records Secretary-Mrs. E. E . Marshall (Pi), 5935 Bishops Pl., St. Louis 9, Mo.
Constitution and Public Relations- Mrs. Haawell E. Staehle (Alpha), 481 Torrence Rd., Columbus 14, Ohio Con vention- Miss Rose Marie Schmidt (Theta ) , 5106 Harvard Rd ., D etroit 24, Mich. Endowment- Miss June McCarthy (Pi), Central Office Examinations- Mrs. Arthur V . Schopp, Jr. (Lambda ) , 145 Spruce Drive, Shrewsbury, New Jersey Historian- Mrs . I. Newton Miller (Pi), 11 !H Ralph Terr., St. Louis 17, Mo. Housing-Mrs. E. C. Phipps (Omicron), 2611 Harrison Ave., Parkersburg, W. Va. Life Membership- Miss June McCarthy (Pi), 4602 W. Florissant, St. Louis 15, Mo. Memorial Loan Fund-Miss Kathleen Kelchner (Rho ), 3685 38th St. N.W., Washington 16, D. C. Music- Mrs. George Halas (Delta) , 1219 Garman Rd., Akron 13, Ohio Nomination s-Miss Kathleen Kelchner (Rho), 3685 38th St. , N. W., Washington 16, D. C. Parliamentarian- Mrs . Arthur V . Schopp, Jr. (Lambda ), 145 Spruce Drive, Shrewsbury, New J ersey Pledge- Miss Rose Marie Schmidt (Theta), 5106 Harvard Rd ., Detroit 24, Mich. Program-Dr. Ada Jane Harvey (Upsilon), 703 Donaghey, Conway, Ark. Rush- Mrs . T . Reed Maxson ( Iota ) , Arilen Acres, Warrensburg, Mo. Scholarship Awards-Mrs. J. E. Gaughan (Psi), 1378 Wylie Way, San Jose, Calif. Social Service- Mrs . A. Bruce Ewer (Nu ) , 620 So. Harrison, Denver, Colo. Standards-Mrs . Vernon Fox (Alpha Alpha) , 61 0 W. Centennial, Muncie, Ind.
Y/alionaf Panhef/enic Lon/erence Chairman-Mrs. Wm. Nash, 410 Fairfax (Alpha Xi Delta), Little Rock, Ark. Secretary-Miss Elizabeth Dyer (Chi Omega), 2245 Grandin Rd. , Cincinnati 8, Ohio Treasurer- Mrs . Karl Miller (Sigma Kappa) , 6311 Leonardo, Coral Gables, Fla. College Panhellenics Committee-Mrs. James W. Hofstead (Kappa Alpha Theta), Deer Park Circle, Nashville 5, Tenn. City Panhellenics Committee-Mrs. Russell T. Costello (Delta Zeta), R.F.D. 2, 2850 Pine Lake Dr., Orchard Lake, Mich. Alpha Sigma Tau Alternate - Mrs. Haswell E. Staehle ( Alpha ) , 481 Torrence Rd. Columbus, Ohio.
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to Alpha Siqma Tau, 6200 Hoffman Ave .. St. Louis 39, Mo.