1978 Spring ANCHOR

Page 1



Until We Meet at Natural Bridge~ June 21-25

"The heritage of the past is the seed that brings forth the harvest of the future." Inscription on Archives Building, Washington, D. C.

The Twenty-second Alpha Sigma Tau National Convention-and the bridge of sisterhood-beckon you to Natural bridge, Virginia, June 21-25. The convention is many things for an Alpha Sigma Tau-a time to reflect on the past, and a time to build our present stronger while preparing and planning for a fruitful and bright future. This meeting is a time for all members to contribute and participate in the business of the sorority . . . grow in knowledge through workshops and conferences ... re-experience the inspiration of ceremonies . . . enjoy the companionship of sisters from many places and all ages ... to work, to play, to be tired, and yet, to be fulfilled with a sense of accomplishment knowing she is contributing and sharing the vitality and growth of the values, ideals and standards held so dear as an Alpha Sigma Tau. Don't procrastinate. REGISTER NOW! Encourage your sisters to do the same. Let it be an individual challenge for each of us to perpetuate the love and worthiness of Alpha Sigma Tau by being present to contribute our loyalty, enthusiasm, views, devotion, and capability for a better today with an even brighter future. Until we meet at Natural Bridge, Sybil King National President

Volume Llll

Number 2


22nd National Convention......................................................


National Panhellenic Conference ......................................


Top Taus ....................................................................................


Alums Working Together ......................................................


AST Honors 50-Year Members ..........................................


The Tie That Binds ................................................................


Chapter News ..........................................................................


Directory ....................................................................................


Spring '78

National Editor Mrs. Terry Dudley 3624 Hunters Hill Drive Birmingham, AL 35210

Collegiate Editor Mrs. Barbara Koscierzynski 5008 Commor Detroit, M I 48212

Alumnae Chapter Editor Miss Rose Marie Schmidt 5106 Harvard Road Detroit, M I 48224

Copy On the Cover: Who wouldn't be proud of this lovely delegation from Alpha Sigma Tau to the National Panhellenic Conference held in Tulsa, Oklahoma this past October? From left: Mrs. Phil Haggard, director of fraternity programs; Mrs. Thomas J. King, Jr., national president; Mrs. Charles R. McCrory, 2nd alternate; Mrs. Donald H. Rhodes, NPC delegate; and Mrs. Sue Henson Brown, 3rd alternate.

Deadline for Fall '78

Is May 1, 1978

THE ANCHOR is published in the Fall and Spring. Third class postage is paid at Birmingham, Ala. Send all editorial material to the Central Office, 6200 Hoffman Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63139. Copy should arrive not later than May 1 and December 1. Send change of address, vital statistics, in memiam notices, and all sorority business correspondence to Alpha Sigma Tau Central Office, 6200 Hoffman Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63139.



Alpha Sigma Tau .. Historical Virginia

Natural Bridge

Virginia is majestic mountains, freshwater fishing, a land of battlefield parks, beautiful beaches, and many historical sites such as the Capitol at Richmond, Colonial Williamsburg, Arlington, Mount Vernon, Jamestown, and Shenandoah. Virginia is whatever you love. It is a land of Blue Ridge Mountains and the Shenandoah Valley. Near both, you'll find one of the valley's most majestic wonders, Natural Bridge, one of the seven natural wonders of the world. The Indians called the 215-foot-high arch the "Bridge of God." George Washington surveyed it, and Thomas J ff rson, who consider d it the "most 2

sublime of Nature's works," bought it from King George III for 30 shillings. Only a few miles from Natural Bridge, in Lexington, Robert E. Lee's Washington and Lee University Office is exactly the way he left it the day he died. The only home Stonewall Jackson ever owned is in Lexington. Facing VMI is the George C. Marshall Library and Museum. Shenandoah is indeed a land of giants. Make plans now to attend the 22nd National Convention of Alpha Sigma Tau in Natural Bridg Virginia. Bring our families and see th ight that m k Virginia a very unique tat .



Bridge to Sisterhood Hotel Information Your hotel reservation blank, which is featured in the fall issue of The Anchor and the March-April issue of the Central Office Bulletin, is due in the Central Office no later than May 10. Single --------------------------------------$19 Double ------------------------------------$23 Triple ----------------------------------------$26 Quads ----------------------------------$29

per per per per

room room room room

Sales tax is to be added to prices at Convention.

Registration Information Registration fee-$35.00 by June 1, to accompany Convention Registration Blank which is available in the fall issue of The Anchor, or the March-April issue of the Central Office Bulletin. Make check or money order payable to Alpha Sigma Tau and send payment with your completed registration blank to: Alpha Sigma Tau, Central Office, 6200 Hoffman, St. Louis, MO 63139. No refunds after June 1.

Meal Tickets Tickets for the Queen's Luncheon and Banquet will be available for those who must pay for their meals only at registration, so be prepared to pay for these events at that time. All visitors are welcome to attend these events. Please see the MayJune issue of the Central Office Bulletin for the final prices for these meals.



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Tuesday, June 20 3:00p.m. District President with Director of Collegiate Chapters 8:30 p.m. District Presidents with National Council Wednesday, June 21 7:30-9 a.m. Advisors with District Presidents-Breakfast Meeting 7:30-9 a.m. Committee Chairmen Breakfast with Director of Fraternity Programs 7:30-9 a.m. Alumnae Presidents' Breakfast Meeting 10 a.m.-noon National Staff Meeting 2:00p.m. Ceremonial Rehearsal 2-4 p.m. REGISTRATION 6:30p.m. Opening Session 7:30p.m. Ceremonials 9:30p.m. Officers' Reception 10:30 p.m. Collegiate Buzz and GetAcquainted Session Alumnae Fun Time

Thursday, June 22 7:30a.m. Regional Day Planning Session 9:00a.m. General Session 10 a.m.-noon Leadership Session Noon Alumnae and Staff Luncheon 2-4:_30 p.m. Leadership Training 4:30-5 p.m. Collegiate Workshop 7-8 p.m. Constitution Changes 7-8 p.m. CAs, ACAs, CCs Meeting with DCC and DFP 7-8 p.m. AERs Meeting with Director of Expansion 7-9 p.m. Alumnae Session with Director of Alumnae Chapters 8-9 p.m. Collegiate Carousel 9 p.m. Panhellenic and Its Importance 9:30p.m. Bid Matching 10 p.m. Committee Meetings

Friday, June 23 8 a.m. Parliamentary Procedure 9-11 a.m. General Session 11 a.m. AARs with Director of Alumnae Chapters 11 a.m. Convention Committee Meetings 11 a.m. Queen Candidates' Preliminary Judging Noon-2 p.m. Queen's Luncheon 2:303:30p.m. General Session 3:304:30p.m. Mock Rush Party 4:305:30p.m. Rush and Pledge Workshop 4:305:30 p.m. Convention Committee Meetings 6:30 p.m. Tour of Natural Bridge-Box Supper 9-10 p.m. Natural Bridge Drama of Creation Saturday, June 24 8-9:20 a.m. District Meetings 9:30-11 a.m. General Session 2-4 p.m. General Session 6:30p.m. Banquet 7:30p.m. Awards Sunday, June 8 a.m. 9 a.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 1 p.m. 2 p.m. 3:30p.m. 4 p.m.

25 General Session Formal Closing District Presidents' Meeting Committee Chairmen Meeting Meeting with Convention Chairmen Conference with outgoing and incoming Officers and Chairmen ADJOURN Council Meeting

Monday, June 26 8 a.m. Council Meeting Noon ADJOURNMENT

What to Wear at Convention


Virginia will be the place to be this summer decked out in a wardrobe designed to keep you cool. Even in June it can be quite warm so bring comfortable but suitable attire for all those meetings, sport, and formal occasions. For meetings and sessions-light summer dresses, slacks, and pantsuits. For ceremonials and opening session-white dress, long or short is appropriate; no pantsuits. For Queen's Luncheon-Sunday dress except Queen Candidates. Queen Candidates should wear long, soft green, yellow or white gowns. For Formal Banquet-an after-five, long or short. Other activities-bring along a swimsuit and a coverup coat or jacket when going from the hotel to the pool area. Jeans, jerseys, shorts, and T-shirts for after hours. Don't forget a sweater for the air conditioning, and shoes which will provide the most comfort for those weary feet.


Convention Honor Roll Convention is a wonderful time to honor personal and chapter achievement. It is always a tradition to recognize those alumnae and collegiate chapters, advisors, and individuals who have done an extra fine job in making Alpha Sigma Tau a great sorority.

Natural Bridge Hotel

SCHOLARSHIP CUPS are awarded to the chapter who has maintained the highest grade point average. If a chapter should have the highest grades for three consecutive years, the cup becomes the permanent property for that chapter to proudly display. A miniature replica is awarded to each first, second, and third place winners for permanent possession. INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENT is recognized for those collegiates who have maintained a four-point average (on a fourpoint scale). SCRAPBOOKS are displayed at each convention and an award is presented to the chapters having the best scrapbooks.


SONGS bring joy and memory to all, and to those composers and lyricists, there is an award. The award is presented to the collegiate chapters and alumnae chapters presenting the best original song. The ADA A. NORTON ALUMNAE AWARD recognizes alumnae who have been of loyal service to Alpha Sigma Tau. The CARRIE W. STAEHLE ALUMNAE AWARD is presented to alumnae advisors for exceptional service to a collegiate chapter and the sorority. The HELEN R. GARMON AWARD recognizes faculty advisors who have given exceptional service and guidance to their chapters.


How many of the conventions have you attended? Count them up and come to Natural Bridge, Virginia to be a 1978 Convention Belle. If you see at least three conventions you have attended listed above, you are a Convention Belle.

Conventions of the Past

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Detroit, Michigan ---------------------------1925 Detroit, Michigan ---------------------------1927 Buffalo, New York --------------------------1929 Denver, Colorado ____________________________ 1931 Cleveland, Ohio ------------------------------1934 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ________________ 1936 St. Louis, Missouri --------------------------1939 Cincinnati, Ohio ------------------------------1946 Detroit, Michigan ----------------------------1949 Chicago, Illinois ______________________________ 1952 Roanoke, Virginia ____________________________ 1955

Buffalo, New York -------------------------1958 Washington, D. C. --------------------------1960 St. Louis, Missouri _________________________ 1962 Detroit, Michigan ____________________________ 1964 Cincinnati, Ohio _____________________________ 1966 New Orleans, Louisiana ________________ 1968 Toronto, Canada ---------------------------1970 Virginia Beach, Virginia _______________ 1972 Detroit, Michigan ________________________ 1974 Birmingham, Alabama ____________________ 1976 Natural Bridge, Virginia ________________ 1978

Notice for Queen Candidates Please complete the entry forms in the March-April COB (if you have not already done so) and mail them to Wanda Austin or Penn Chappell, 150 Clubhouse Drive, Apt. 11, Roanoke, VA 24109, by the deadline date-April 1. DO NOT SEND THEM TO CENTRAL OFFICE as originally stated in the fall ANCHOR.

Salt Peter Cave



National Elections at Convention The following positions in the NaFor a resume of duties and a form tiona! organization of Alpha Sigma for submitting nominations refer to Tau will be The Anchor fall 1977 issue.

ELECTED: National Secretary Director of Collegiate Chapters Director of Publications National Treasurer Beta District President Delta District President Zeta District President Theta District President Kappa District President

Send or request information to a member of the Nominations Committee: Mrs. Anne Gruber Mrs. Anne Creekmore Mrs. Maureen Kielpinski Mrs. Sue Henson Brown Mrs. Suzanne P. Jobb, Alternate Mrs. Ginny Becker, Alternate or to

APPOINTED: Chaplain Editor Pledge Chairman Scholarship Chairman Social Service Chairman Sorority Growth and Development Chairman

Mrs. Sharon Clarke, Chairman 7504 Clarewood Street, A-362 Houston, Texas 77036 Recommendation form on following page.

Be Involved




r----------------------------------------------------------------RECOMMENDATION FOR NATIONAL STAFF NOMINATION Name --------~~---------------------------------------Maiden Married Address Street




Phone Number ___________________________________________ College Chapter_ _______________ AI umnae Chapter______________ College/colleges attended _______ _ _ _ Degree _____________ Office for which recommended Alpha Sigma Tau experience __________________________________

Civic activities and service ___________________________________

Reasons recommendee is qualified to hold office specified ____________

Would this recommendee be available to travel if the specified office requires it? ----------------- - --------------------------- - -

Recommendation given by___________________________________ Married


Address Street



College Chapter_ _ _ _ _ __ _


Alumnae Chapter_ _ _ __ __

Recommendations for nominations should be sent to: Mrs. Robert Clarke 7504 Clarewood Street A-362 Houston, TX 77036



N ation.al Pan.hellen.ic Con.feren.ce 45th Session-Tulsa, Oklahoma Alpha Sigma Tau was represented by Sybil King, national president; Anna Margaret Rhodes, NPC delegate; Cynthia McCrory and Sue Brown, NPC alternate delegates; and Dana Haggard, director of fraternity programs. AST was represented at pre-session meetings which included the college panhellenics, alumnae panhellenics, and resolutions committee. Mrs. King attended the presidents' meeting while other members attended editors' and central office executive meeting. Alpha Taus were busy attending housing and campus meetings which involved colleges which have collegiate chapters. The sessions dealt with such things as standing committees, NPC and the IRS, campus concerns of today, and resolutions.

Many of the NPC groups entertained with receptions at various times during the session. We also attended a breakfast given by Alpha Phi to celebrate NPC's first seventy-five years. Pollacks Restaurant entertained the delegation with a picnic followed by a special showing of the movie "Fraternity Row." We also attended a luncheon sponsored by the Tulsa Alumnae Panhellenic. This included a fashion show with Indian design theme. By attending NPC we are able to solve common problems while at the same time, we are receiving ideas which help us in our internal organization procedures. When we have sufficient representation at these meetings, we will become a stronger, more efficient national organization. -Anna Margaret Rhodes

The Greek System Flourishes The biennial meeting of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) in October reflected a spirit of confidence and a feeling of well-being that comes from knowing that the Greek system is again flourishing and returning to a position of importance on the American college campus. The indicators of this success are like stock market statistics. For the fourth consecutive year, women's fraternities show a continued upward trend in membership. Whereas the 1973-75 biennium shows a 9.6 percent gain over the two previous years, the 1977 report indicates approximately a 9.5 percent increase over the last biennium. New members during the 197577 biennium total 100,228, an increase of 5.2 new members over the last accounting period. It should be noted that the new colony group is 42, compared to 37 two years ago which brings NPC closer to the all-time


high of 1967-69. Lost chapters are being replaced and the gain now outweighs the loss with 95 new chapters reported this biennium, compared to seven, two years ago. As encourging as the statistics are, NPC is not a group to become complacent with success. Mrs. McKeenman expressed a concern that area advisors are acutely aware of, the problem of too many women dropping out of rush. Rush registration has indeed increased. The number of girls pledged is everclimbing, but the size of the group that registers for rush and then drops out before pledging is a statistic which calls for a plan of action. Thorough orientation of rushees, a realistic rush schedule, and a sound system of counseling rushees are the key factors in reducing the dropout rate. A new booklet, "Rush Counseling . . . a Positive Program " ha joined the NPC line of publications and is available to all coil g Panh 11 ni .



Sybil, Cynthia, Sue, Anna Margaret, and Dana.

NPC delegates and alternates of eight of the 26 NPC sororities at the opening session of the 45th session of the conference.

Amendments to College Panhellenic Agreement An amendment was made to the College Panhallenic Agreement which clarified disciplinary procedures for infraction of major and minor violation of rush rules. Suggestions for constructive penalties were outlined and guidelines set to delineate specifically what constitutes major and minor infractions in rush. 0 The amendment also reaffirms a chapter's right to continuous open bidding during the school year if the chapter has not reached its total allowable size. New wording in the College Panhellenic Agreement reemphasizes the signing of a preference card is binding to the extent that a rushee shall be considered ineligible for one calendar year to accept a bid from any fraternity on the same campus (other than the one from which she received the bid). Other resolutions dealt with the rights of chapters in other areas which needed clarification: THE TRANSFER MEMBER -if a chapter is at total and wishes to affiliate a transfer member, it may do so even though the addition of that member will put it over total. THE REPLEDGEa girl who is repledged to a chapter is not


included in the year's new quota, but is counted in the chapter's total. A strong stand was taken on alcohol abuse with NPC encouraging the sponsorship of education programs to emphasize the dangers involved in alcohol abuse. Another resolution supporting the previous recommendation by NPC to college panhellenics that the use of alcoholic beverages during rush be prohibited, was supported by a decision to again mail to all college panhellenics a reprint of the 1975 resolution. New NPC officers installed for the next biennium were: Chairman, Mrs. W. F. Williamson (Phi Mu), Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Secretary, Miss Minnie Mae Prescott (Kappa Delta), Springfield, Missouri; and Treasurer, Mrs. David Barbee, (Sigma Sigma Sigma), Aspen, Colorado. 0

lt is most important that each chapter of AST have an updated copy of this amendment before their next rush. To obtain a copy, write Mrs. Donald Rhodes, AST NPC Delegate, 621 Heron Point Circle, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452.


o'ltttmnae 9nvotved in 7'anltettenic

Sue Henson Brown Anna Margaret Rhodes

Cynthia McCrory

Anna Margaret Rhodes is serving as AST's NPC delegate and is first vice president of the Tidewater Alumnae Panhellenic Association. As NPC delegate, Anna Margaret is on the College Panhellenic Committee and through that committee is an area advisor to college panhellenics for the District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey. Sue Henson Brown is one of AST's alternates to NPC. She is Rho chapter's alumnae panhellenic advisor to Southeastern State College panhellenic. Sue says she '1oves working with the girls." Sue was Rho's president and on the college panhellenic during her college days claiming "that was a long time ago." Sue is still as lovely as when she was Convention Queen in Cincinnati, Ohio. Cynthia Peckhart McCrory, NPC alternate delegate, has been on the Fort Wayne Alumnae Panhellenic (FW AP) for nine years where she has chaired and served on the following committees: nominations, theater night, scholarship, orientation, bazaar, awards, spring luncheon, publicity, yearbook, and by-laws. Cynthia was also FWAP secretary, vice president, president, and advisor. During her presidency, Cynthia planned and carried out the FWAP fiftieth anniversary celebration honoring eighteen past presidents including the first from 1927. AST alums in Fort Wayne have participated in all panhellenic functions since joining nine years ago.

AST's booth at the Fort Wayne Women's City Panhellenic Bridge-Bazaar. From left: Mrs. Mary Ellen Klee, Mrs. Nancy Irvin, Mrs. Jeanette Waldrop, and Mrs. Mary Guiff.





The Birmingham Alumnae Panhellenic (BAP) began its new year in May 1977 with installation of officers. BAP was honored to have AST's own Sybil King perform the installation as Betti Shores, Birmingham alumnae past president was installed as 1977-78 president. Projects of BAP include a scholarship award, luncheon, and open house in May for graduating high school seniors. The scholarship goes to an upper-classman who is a resident of Jefferson County and attends a college in Birmingham. The money is used to help pay dues and other mandatory chapter expenses for a college girl having financial needs. This year's luncheon will be held in May at the Hyatt House. There will be a guest speaker and each group will have a display telling about their national philanthropies. High school seniors and their mothers will be able to talk with representatives. Last year was the first year for this luncheon and it was a big success and AST was the best represented with the most members attending.

eottepiateJ in 7Janltettenic

.. Tara Mahoney


Kenda Whitner

~- :,.

Peggy Maher

Viki Smith

Kris Frakes

Kathi Jo Burker


Tara Mahoney is AST's Panhellenic representative for the Zeta Chapter at Lockhaven State College (LSC). Through her involvement with Panhellenic, Tara became a member of the All-Campus Judicial Board which is concerned with enforcing the laws on campus. Kenda Whitner is also a member of LSC Panhellenic and is treasurer. Kenda is also chairman of Greek Weekend held in the spring of each year. Alpha Epsilon's Peggy Maher was Panhellenic publicity chairman at Western Illinois University. Peggy planned a mass advertising campaign to recruit new girls on campus for rush. She also constructed a rush booklet for incoming rushees which advertises "The Greek Way of Life." Viki Smith was special events chairman for fall and winter quarters. Viki helped coordinate Greek Week which included Greek olympics, variety night, faculty appreciation day, sorority-fraternity dinner exchange, Greek night at the bars, Greek day football game, and trick-or-treat for multiple sclerosis. Other members involved in Greek Week were Amy DePalma, Lisa Wildman, and Barb Siedler who was just elected as new AST Panhellenic representative. Panhellenic just elected officers, and Trudy Bolin was elected vice president Kristin Frakes was elected treasurer, and Viki Smith was elected treasurer.


This year, Alpha Epsilons won several Panhellenic awards including the scholarship award and two homecoming awards. Kathi Jo Burker, a sophomore at Clarion State College has been on the Panhellenic for a year. This year, Clarion Panhellenic had its annual dance marathon to benefit Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. Kathi is chairman for the marathon and fund-raising committee of Panhellenic. CSC Panhellenic is also getting ready for rush and committees are being set up for Greek Week. Taus hope to take overall first-place again as in the last two years. Tracy Massack is senior Panhellenic representative and chairman of the publicity and public relations of the Slippery Rock Panhellenic (SRP). Tracy is a junior at SR majoring in recreation and is active in many other organizations besides the sorority. Patty Barich is junior Panhellenic representative and active with the social committee. Patty is a sophomore majoring in math. Mter returning from the Christmas holidays, the SRP began the semester with rush-a first, since rush is usually later in the semester. In trying to promote the Greek system, members plan to make and hang banners and signs with their Greek letters at the basketball games and wrestling matches. Sororities also plan to wear their letters and eat together in the cafeteria on an assigned day. Last semester, SRP held a "Carnival of Information." Its purpose was to support the whole Greek system. Panhellenic set up booths, had refreshments, entertainment and was there to provide information for those inquiring about sororities. Denise Panyik, a sophomore, is Beta Eta's representative to the Fraternity-Sorority Conference (FSC). Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville does not have a Panhellenic on campus. The FSC is composed of eighteen fraternities and sororities. Seeking neither to govern nor regulate its members, FSC coordinates cohesiveness between Greek organizations as well as as-


Patty Barich

Tracy Massack

Denise Panyik

sists in planning functions - representing male and female, black and white. As a representative, Denise voices Beta Eta's opinions at the meeting which are held every first Tuesday. Jerrie Smith, Rho Chapter president; Donell Williamson, senior Panhellenic representative (and secretary and treasurer); Darlene Webb, chapter representative and Sue Brown, alum chapter representative help draw up the schedule for formal and informal rush. Southeastern State College (SSC) has a Panhellenic banquet each spring when awards are given out for each sorority, plus awards for the best overall sorority, and the group with the highest grade point average, and the sorority girl of the year. During formal rush, Rho has helped put together a rush booklet which helps rushees. It contains information about sororities and what they offer, explains the purpose of Panhellenic and what rush means, and gives information on each sorority and their dues. The booklet also lists Panhellenic rules for formal rush, definitions of words commonly used by the sororities, how to dress during rush, rush etiquette, examples of invitation



and a calendar. The booklet is only given to each rushee during formal rush. During the fall semester, Panhellenic serves refreshments to parents at Parents' Day. Fall semester, AST's Chi chapter joined with Panhellenic at Shepherd College (SC) to have a dinner in the basement of the cafeteria. All three NPC sororities were there. Members sang the new song written for Panhellenic. SC Greeks had T-shirts made with the slogan "It's Great to be Greek." This spring, SC Panhellenic is having a dessert party at the president's home. Certificates will be given to the "All around Sister," "Scholastic Sister," and "Most Active Sister" of each sorority. In December, the Panhellenic at Henderson State College held a Christmas party for fifty Clark County foster children. Alpha Gamma AST's helped buy the presents and serve punch and cookies. Santa was there and one girl played her guitar while members sang Christmas carols. A senior at Marietta College (MC), Wendy Binder has been involved with Panhellenic for three years. She served as president, vice president, and assistant treasurer. The objectives of the Marietta Panhellenic are to maintain a harmonious relationship between sororities on campus.

One Panhellenic project is a television show, "Quiz Bowl," of which Wendy is producer. The show is based upon the old "College Bowl" and pits sorority against fraternity-the purpose is to promote scholarship. The IFC with which Wendy is involved has a vote on the homecoming committee and helps plans homecoming for the school. Between rush, homecoming, "Quiz Bowl," and sorority sing, the MC Greeks are always busy. Radford College Panhellenic (RCP) consists of seven NPC sororities. RCP is always busy planning functions for each quarter including a bowl-a-thon for the March of Dimes, and Easter egg hunt for the faculty children. Social Functions include a Valentine gettogether with all Greeks. Greek Week plans for the spring are already underway. Activities such as flooding the campus with a "Go Greek" balloons, a Greek feast, and game day are just a few activities on the agenda for the week. Last year, AST was named most spirited at Greek Week and AST Mary Conniff was crowned Greek Queen. In most of the social functions, RCP works with the IFC organizing and planning which brings the sisters and brothers of Radford closer together. AST's plan to attend the Panhellenic seminar in the spring at Virginia Tech.

Greek Night at Western Illinois University. First row, from left: Liz McCiearance, Viki Smith, Jane Gittleman, Peggy Maher, and Marcia Atkins. Second row, from left: Jayne Miller, Diane Kelso, Mavis Kulinski, Kathy Edwards, Marianne Granger, and Lorri Murray.



KAREN PERKINS, Beta, Central Michigan University, child development, senior. Chapter Activities: Assistant Rush Chairman; Rush Chairman; Alumnae Chairman; Regional Day Chairman; Greek high-grade point average; Greek Appreciation Award; Panhellenic Rush Assistant. College/ Community: Coordinator of Chippewa Big Brother/ Sister Club; Preschool teacher on campus; bowling instructor for Senior Citizens League. Honors/ Awards: Outstanding Panhellen ic Rush Chairman; Outstanding Pledge. MICHELLE MARCUS, Delta, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, elementary education, senior, 3.01. Chapter Activities: Rush Chairman; Recording Secretary; Panhellenic Council Vice-President; Pledge class Treasurer. College/ Community: Operation Uplift; Intramural Sports; Elementary Education Club; Mathematics Tutor; University Concert Committee Screening Committee. Honors/ Awards: Dean's List; Who's Who; Kappa Delta Pi Honorary Education Society. SHERI A. LEYMEISTER, Zeta, Lock Haven State College, health, phys ed., and recreation, senior,

Laura Kimler

LAURA KIMLER, Iota, Emporia State University, business administration, senior, 3.24. Chapter Activities: President; Chaplain; VicePres ident. College/ Community: Spurs (sophomore Honor Group); Delta Sigma (Sigma Tau Gamma Little Sis); Phi Beta Lambda (Business Organization). Honors/ Awards: Kansas City Area Panhellen ic Scholarship. ELIZABETH JARRELL, Omicron, Concord College, business education, 3.3. Chapter Act ivit ies: Treasurer; Housing Director; Executive Counc il; Nominating Committee路 Advisory Board; Courtesy Committee; Fund Raising Comm ittee; Sorority Growth and Development Committee. College/ Commun ity: Vice-President of Kappa Delta Pi; Secretary and Vice-President of Phi Beta Lambda; Bylaws Committee of Gamma Beta Phi; Marching Band; Member of Whitesvi lie Presbyterian Church. Honors/ Awards: Dean's list two semesters; Who's Who.

2.65. Chapter Activities: President; Treasurer-Pledge Class; Pledge trainer; Panhellenic Constitution Revision Committee. College/ Community: Physical Education Majors Club; Intramural Sports; Volunteer Work Susque-View Nursing Home.

DIANE MARIE DeKANE, Theta, Wayne State University, nursing, junior, 3.2. Chapter Activities: Vice-President; Housing Director; Panhellenic Delegate; Co-Rush Chairman; Historian. College/Community: Vice-President of Panhellenic Councii-W.S.U.; Sigma Pi Sweetheart Court; Russian Folkdance Ensemble of Detroit路 Holy Trinity Orthodox Choir. '


Shirley Roberts



SHIRLEY ROBERTS, Rho, Southeastern Oklahoma State University, elementary education senior




Chapter Activities: Pledge Class President路 Junior Panhellenic Representative路 Hi sto'r ian. Chaplain; Float Chairman durin~ Homecoming' ' two years; Rush Chairman; lntramurals. College/Community: Listed in the 1976 edition of the College Registrar of Outstanding Students; SOSO Varsity Volleyball team; Volunteer at the Bryan County Youth Shelter; Women's Recreational Association; Member of Teacher Education. Honors/ Awards: Little Sister of Tau Kappa Epsilon {TKE) fraternity {Order of Diana) ; Outstanding Little Sister of the Year; President of the Little Sisters; Outstanding Pledge.

T~ds ii(j9'

AMY HUDSON, Phi, Southeastern Louisiana University, eng.-journalism education, senior, 2.75. Chapter Activities: President; Senior DelegatePanhellenic Cou n c i I; Secretary-Panhellenic Council. College / Community: Trea su rer-Roses of the Shield; President's Ladies-SLU Hostess Organization; Member of the "LeSouvenir" Staff {SLU yearbook). Honors/ Awards: Green S. Award.

CATHI LOUISE MORRIS, Chi, Shepherd College, math teaching, senior, 3.4. Chapter Activities: Treasurer; Pledge Trainer; Banquet Chairman; Panhellenic Representative; Fund Raising Chairman. College/Community: Student Education Association; Student Assistant Math Department; Bowling League. Honors/ Awards: Dean's List.

Cathy Lowe

CATHY LEE LOWE, Zeta Tau, Longwood College, health/ physical ed., senior, 2.78. Chapter Activities: Swing-a-then; Chaplain; President; Music Chairman. College/Community: Member of Legislative Bd.; Treasurer of class; Chairman of Orientation; Member of Appeals Bd .; Varsity Hockey team; Varsity Lacrosse team; Participated in Intramurals; Delta Psi Kappa Chaplain; Color class activities; Student Fees committee. . Honors/ Awards: Member of Delta Psi Kappa (Phys. Ed. Fraternity); Recipient of Olive T. ller Award; Who's Who; Recipient of a silver tray for "Distinguished Services to Longwood College" from the Board of Visitors for Chairman of Orientation.

SHARON ELSER, Upsilon, University of Central Arkansas, speech pathology, senior, 3.59. Chapter Activities: Treasurer; Music Chairman. College/Community: Gamma Beta Phi; Alpha Chi; Royal Rooters; Stepperettes; Stepperette Captain; Pi Kappa Alpha Little Sister; Dean's List; National Speech and Hearing Association. Honors/ Awards: Who's Who.


CINDY REID, Psi, James Madison University, emotional disturbances, senior, 3. Chapter Activities: President; Vice-President, Intramurals: Softball, Volleyball; Comm ittees: Founders Day, Sen ior-sendoff, furniture, Rush task force, Housing, Homecoming floats, Standards, Panhellenic, Regional and District day, Greek Sing and Greek Weeks. College/ Community: Council for Exceptional Children; Council for Children with Behavior Disorders; Kappa Delta Pi-Education Honor Sorority; Gamma Gamma Honorary Greek Fraternity; Student Handbook Committee; Panhellenic. Honors/ Awards: Dean's List; Gamma Gamma Honorary Greek Fraternity; Kappa Kelta PiEducation Honorary Sorority.

SHARON RENE' ELAM, Alpha Gamma, Henderson State University, accounting, senior, 3.2. Chapter Activities: President; Treasurer; Pa nhellenic Representative; Assistant Rush Cha irman; Convention Queen Delegate. College / Community: Heart & Key-President; past Treasurer, Purchasing Agent, Gamma Beta Phi; Chairman HSU Homecoming; Ph i Beta Lambda Business Fraternity; Vice-President Panhellenic Council ; past Redd ie Cheerleader. Honors/ Awards: Who's Who; Outsta nding Heart & Key Member; Best Member-Alpha Sigma Tau; Sweetheart of Phi Sigma Epsilon Fra ternity.


JUDITH LYNNE DENNISTON, Alpha Lambda, Redford College, special ed.--ece, senior, 3.4. Chapter Activities: Pledge Class Treasurer; Pledge Mistress; Rush Chairman; Friendship Candlelight mistress. College/Community: Student Education Association; Council of Exceptional Children. Honors/ Awards: Best Pledge (1976); Kappa Delta Pi (President); Phi Kappa Phi.

Christine Nugent

CHRISTINE NUGENT, Alpha Epsilon, Western Illinois University, mass communications, senior, 2.9. Chapter Activities: Jr. Panhellenic Representative of 1975 Pledge Class; Head Pledge Trainer 1975; Panhellenic Executive Board; AST Convention Delegate 1976; Panhellenic Women of the Year Nominee; Regional Day Co-ordinator for Pledge Trainers; Student Government Representative for Panhellenic; Mid Western Panhellenic Convention; lntramurals; Parents' Day Awards Committee. College/Community: Student Government VicePresident and Speaker for student body; Homecoming court 1976; Voter Registration Drive coordinator for Western Illinois University; City of Macomb Committee. University Committees: Council of Student Affairs; Council on Affirmative Action; Fiscal Management Committee; Housing Appeals Board; Talent Grant and Tuition Waivers Committee. Student Government Committee: Elections Committee; Finance Committee; Education Committee; Executive Board; Illinois Student Government Association Charter Member; Student Ambassador WIU; Student Orientation Board Leader. Honors/ Awards: Panhellenic Scholarship Award; Blue Key Service Award 1976 for WIU; Who's Who; Leadership Talent Grant Award 1976-78 for WIU. ANN SHEPPARD, Alpha Kappa, Marietta College, Spanish, senior, 3.70. Chapter Activities: Pledge class social service chairman; Vice-President; Editor. College/Community: Newspaper staff; varsity basketball; Omicron Delta Kappa; Phi Alpha Theta; Sigma Delta Pi; Vice-President of Omicron Delta Kappa; President, Secretary of International Students' Organization; section editor; Yearbook; College Representative to the Betsey Mills Club; Advisor to high school Betsey Mills Club. Honors/Awards: Highest cumulative average award; Dean's List every semester; highest cumulative award, junior chapter class.


Polly Gilbert

POLLY GILBERT, Alpha Mu, University of Arkansas at Monticello, business, senior, 3.8. Chapter Activities: Alpha Sigma Tau offices: PJ~dge Trainer; Treasurer; Historian; Chaplam; worked with: lntramurals; Special Olympics; Homecoming float; sign making; and other activities; presented activities report and helped organize .Founders Day program; Chairman of Alpha S1gma Tau Arts and Crafts Festival; money making projects; and collecting for heart fund. College/Community: Business Club路 School Audit Program for Student Business' Association路 Calvary Baptist Church. ' Honors/ Awards: Johnny Halsell Scholarshipthree years; Business Scholarship-one year路 Small Business Association Certificate of Merit:

LINDA LEGGET, Alpha Xi, Mansfield State College, home economics ed., senior 2.99. Chapt.er Activities: As~istant Ru~h Chairman; Assr~tant Pled~e C.harrman; Pledge Chairman; ~resrdent; Nomrnat1ng Committee; Participated rn Panorama. Col~ege/ Community: Laurel Manor Dorm Councrl; Women's Volleyball lntramurals; Co-ed Volleyball; Co-ed Softball; Omicron Gamma Pi (Ho~~ Ec.); Pennsylvania State Education Assocratron, Student Member. Honors/ Awards: Greek Woman of the Year.



Leslie Bruno

Diane DiMartin

LESLIE BRUNO, Alpha Omicron, Clarion State College, psychology, senior, 3.20. Chapter Activities: Sorority President; Panhellenic; Regional Day Committee; Vice-President of Pledge Class; Rush Committees; Alumnae Tea Committee; Sextet; Founders Day Committee; Greek Week Activities and Committees; Intramural Volleyball; Intramural Basketball; Pledge Revision Committee; Rush Fraternity Skit. College/Community: Psychology Club; President of Psi Chi Honorary Psychology Fraternity; Lower Board; Association of Women Students; Red Cross Bloodmobile; Clarion River Clean-up Project; Managed Booth for Student Activism Day; Alpha Sigma Tau Convention. Honors/ Awards: Dean's List; Administrative Intern for Counseling Center.

DIANE DiMARTIN, Alpha Phi, West Chester State College, elementary education, senior, 3.4. Chapter ActivitiBs: Vice-President; Music Chairman; Pledge Co-chairman and committee member; Co-chairman of Regional Day, 1976; Rush ; Fundraising; Service; and Publicity committee member; Alternate Panhellenic Representative. College/Community: Who's Who; Kappa Delta Pi -National Honor Society in Education ; Association of Childhood Education International; Pennsylvania State Education Association / National Education Association; Women's Glee Club; lntramurals; Summer Recreation Leader for Borough of Downingtown 1977. Honors/ Awards: Downingtown Area Education Association Scholarship; Philips Memorial Scholarship; Ronn Jenkins Greek Ach ievement Award; Who's Who.

LINDA M. FRY, Alpha Pi, Slippery Rock State College, special education, mentally retarded, senior, 2.76. Chapter Activities: Pledge Class Treasurer; Ways and Means Chairman; Senior Panhellenic Representative; Treasurer of Panhellenic Council; Recording Secretary. College/Community: Member of Council for Exceptional Children; Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens; Treasurer of Panhellenic Council; Crescent little sister organization. Honors/ Awards: Represented AST in Miss Photogenic; Represented AST in Greek Goddess during Greek Week.

PATRICIA J. COONEY, Beta Beta, Widener College, political science, 3.44. Chapter Activities: President, I FC Representative; Recording Secretary, sorority and development director. College/ Community: Pi Gamma Mu (Social Science Honor Society); Political Affairs Club; SGA Freshman Class Advisor, Pre-Law Society. Honors/ Awards: Alpha Chi Nominee; Who's Who; Dean's List, Academic honors, Nominee for Scott Paper Scholarship Award.

CINDY MUELLER, Alpha Sigma, Northeast Missouri State University, psychology, senior, 2.90. Chapter Activities: President; Pledge Trainer; Social Service Chairman; Panhellenic Member; Sorority Growth and Development Chairman; Vice-President. College/Community: Psychology Club. Honors/ Awards: NMSU Outstanding senior road show-high school visitation and recruitment; Best Active.


JOYCE MONROE, Beta Delta, Duquesne Un iversity, medical technology, senior, 3.75. Chapter Activities: Treasurer; Greek Sing; Derby Days; MS Carnival; Social Service Chairman. Honors/ Awards: Owens Honor Society.

T~tJs 19

BECKY FENNEWALD, Beta Eta, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsvi lie, biology/ secondary education, senior, 3.0. Chapter Activities: Vice-President; Pledge Class President; Cultural Program Chairman; Music Chairman; Recording Secretary; Service Chairman; Social Chairman; Swing-A-Than Chairman; Member of Rush Pledge; Fundraising Committees; District Day Chairman; Intramurals. College/ Community: Concert Chorale, FraternitySorority Conference Delegate; Secretary; Community Project Committee. Honors/ Awards: Dean's List; Honor's Day Participant. Deborah Wanchick

DEBORAH MARIE WANCHICK, Beta Epsilon, Shippensburg State College, accounting, senior. Chapter Activities: President; Served on Social Committee; Pledge Committee; Publicity Committee; Ways and Means; Spring Sing; Sorority Football; Baseball. College/ Community: Parade Marshal Homecoming; Chairman of Homecoming; Almost Anything Goes Chairperson for Shippensburg Community Pool Fund Restoration ; Treasurer of Intersorority Council; IFC-USC Greek Week Treasurer. Honors/ Awards: Represented SSC in Miss Cumberland Valley; Greater Pattsville Winter Carnival Princess. DEBBIE MATIHEWS, Beta Zeta, University of Alabama in Birmingham, elementary and special education, senior, 3.0. Chapter Activities: Corresponding Secretary; Recording Secretary; Treasurer; Fundraising Chairman; Rush Party Chairman; Social Service Committee; Banquet Committee; National Convention Hostess Committee; Regional Day Committee; Internal Affairs Committee's Nomination Committee. College/Community: Volunteer at local hospital, Nursing; Sunday School teacher; Special Olympics for mentally retarded; Brookwood Baptist Church; worked at accounting firm. Honors/ Awards: Chapter Friendliest Award.

LORI A. SOUSA, Beta Tau, Lowell University, human resource management, senior, 2.40. Chapter Activities: President; Intramural Volleyball; IFSC Representative; Pledge Mistress; Vice-President; Social Chairman; Social Service Chairman; IFSC Secretary. College/ Community: Sojourn Yearbook Staff; Photography Club; Society for Advancement of Management; Small Business Practicum; Freshman Registration and Orientation Guide. Honors/ Awards: Who's Who; Sisterhood Award. IRMA DOVALINA, Beta Theta, St. Mary's University, biology, junior, 3.6. Chapter Activities: President; Secretary. College/Community: National Chicano Health Organization; Honors Pre-med Club (AVO). Honors/ Awards: Dean's List.

Valerie Malecki

VALERIE MALECKI, Beta Iota, Millersville State College, elementary education-math, senior,


Becky Fennewald


Chapter Activities: President; Vice-President; Social Chairman; Ways and Means Chairman; lntramurals. College/ Community: Food Service Employee ; Host Farm Employee; Association of Childhood Education International. Honors/ Awards: Most Helpful Sister.


r---------------------------- -- - -- - ---------~

SEND IN NAMES OF DECEASED MEMBERS (Those deceased since the last National Convention, August 1976)

Maiden name_ _ _ __ _ _ __ Chapter____ Date initiated _ __ Married n a m e - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Data of special interes..__ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date and place of death _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Reported by_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ Chapter_ _ _ _ __ Address_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City_ _ __ __ State._ _ __ Mail to, Alpha Sigma Tau Central Office 6200 Hoffman Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63139


Enclosed is my contribution to the Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters Fund Checks payable to Mail to:

ALPHA SIGMA TAU MRS. ROY BROWN 1117 North Fifth Durant, OK 74701

NAME _ _~~----~~----~~----~~~---First


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Ma r r ied N ame

ADDRESS _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Number

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COLLEGIATE CHAPTER_ _ _ _ __ _ _ ALUMNAE (yr.) _ _ _ _ __ AMOUNT_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

CHECK NO._ _ _ __ _ _

If this is a memorial contribution, please indicate for whom it is sent and to whom you wish notice of the contribution sent.



Alums ... Working Together Birmingham Bakes for Fun The first meeting of the 1977-78 year for Birmingham Alumnae was in September when newly elected officers were installed. Officers installed included Ginny Becker, president; Susan Vogt, vice president; Norma Virgone, secretary; Terry Holladay, treasurer; Delores Falls, chaplain; Becky Ricks, historian, and Dianne Scucchi, social service chairman. Founders' Day was a special day for Birmingham Alumnae and Beta Zetas at UAB. For the second year, alums provided everything from coffee to cokes, from cheesestraws to streudel for a brunch for all ASTs in the area. This year's event brought even more members together than last year. Terry Dudley was named "Outstanding Alumna", a Founders' Day tradition begun three years ago. Susan Vogt's unique idea for a December get-together turned out to be a super one. Each alum brought six dozen cookies and enough copies of their favorite recipe to pass along. Members sipped cocoa and spiced tea, sampled cookies in front of a warming fire, and exchanged Christmas gifts at Dianne Scucchi's home. Special guest at the meeting was Susan McCarley, expansion coordinator.

Buffalo Alumnae Aid Zoo President Sally Wales welcomed everyone to the September meeting at the home of Nancy Noble. Lillian Gondree announced the exciting programs planned for the year. On October 17th, at the home of Dolores Schmidt, the Buffalo Zoo director told of the improvements at the zoo and the master plan for the zoo that is fast becoming a reality. Fern Phipps joined alums at the meetting when she came to Buffalo to explore


the possibilities of colonizing on the two state university campuses located in Buffalo. Buffalo has been without a local collegiate chapter since 1957. At that time, all national sororities and fraternities were ordered off all New York State campuses. Just this past year the state decided that national sororities and fraternities could return. November was really a busy month. Founders' Day chairman, Edie Eckert planned a delightful luncheon and invited the League of Women Voters to speak to us. Lillian Gondree was hostess of the November dessert meeting when members took "a walk through the art gallery" via a slide presentation. Ways and means chairman Helene Blackledge planned a '"bring a guest party." Members tasted tea and cheese and raised money for our treasury. During the Christmas holidays Buffalo alums had their monthly meeting and exchanged presents. A Christmas punch party was held at the home of Janet Bartlett. -Jean McNamara

Clarion Taus Celebrate First Anniversary As the northern population prepares for another change of season, likewise, the alumnae chapter of the Clarion State College Taus prepare to celebrate their first official anniversary with the onslaught of new ideas, projects and events. Since the day that the chapter was presented their charter at the Founders' Day dinner in 1976, members have reached a total of eight regular and eleven associate members. Meetings and activities of the past year have covered a variety of subjects ranging from flower designing to discussing the merits of entertaining with wine and cheese.




During homecoming weekend '77, alums gathered for their first meeting of the fall term and agreed that this was to be a year of emphasis on aiding the collegiate chapter during their rush and pledging activities. The collegiate members delivered a list of areas where special help was needed, and both they and the alums have developed various solutions to alleviate some of these difficulties. Money-making schemes and social service projects for the aged are also in the planning stages. The goal of the alums for the coming year leans toward membership growth, and a stronger bond of understanding and mutual development with the collegiate chapter. .If. the initial undertakings and optimrstrc outlook are any indications of success, Clarion alumnae will achieve their goal. -Michelle Morozek

Fundraisers And Fun Are Detroit I Aims The Detroit I Chapter is back in full swing after a short break during the summer months. September and October meetings were spent catching up on everything new and exciting that has happened to members. Taus also did some planning for the coming year. Among plans discussed was the Founders' Day luncheon. The prospect of having the luncheon at the brand new (and very exclusive) Fairlane Manor in Dearborn, Michigan November 5 was greeted with enthusiasm by the gals from Detroit I. Other plans discussed were the annual Christmas Party and fundraising projects. These included a stationary sale, garage sale, an A&P donation day and a candy sale as part of a project for the Detroit Panhellenic Association. Two Detroit I members, Sue Roman and Carol Harvilla, are busy members of the committee which plans the Detroit Panhellenic Association Annual Luncheon. With these and many other activities, it is easy to see that Detroit I is as busy as ever.


Detroit Ill ... Continuing Tradition September reunion provided an update of the past few months of activities and constituted a planning session for the coming year. Barbara Koscierzynski hosted the October meeting at which she took orders for greeting and note cards which will provide profits to be sent to Pine Mountain. Slides telling the story of the Pine Mountain Environmental Education Center were shown to stimulate sales. Founders Day was a chance for the chapters to come together at Fairlane Cente.r in Dearborn. The gathering of Detrort I, Detroit Ill, Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor, and Theta chapters was a regional reunion for many to renew acquaintances with sisters at this traditional event. Chairperson Sue Roman made the day an interesting one for all. Weather conditions deteriorated fast prior to the Christmas party at Ernita Sowell's home in December. A number of determined alumnae were able to drive t~rough the snow and enjoy the pot luck drnner. The chance to have husbands dates a~d friends gather for a pre-holiday celebratron was another traditional event on the calendar. Humorous gifts were exchanged which provided additional laughs and entertainment. Plans for the future include another interest tour and lunch at the Detroit Institute of Arts and a March social service project for the emotionally impaired children. -Rose Marie Schmidt

Edwardsville Makes Family Additions The May meeting for Edwardsville Illinois Alumnae was a busy one. Ne~ officers were elected and a calendar for coming events was planned. Gloria Durbin and Vickie Dean were also inducted at the meeting. Congratulations and welcome! In August a large group of alumnae gathered for a night out at the Goldenrod Showboat in St. Louis, Missouri. A special announcement was made at the September meeting-Kim Brunworth announced her engagement! Much hap-


piness to Kim and her new husband for the future. November 1, Edwardsville celebrated Founders' Day with the St. Louis Alumnae. The dinner was held at Schneithorst's Restaurant in St. Louis. Congratulations to the following couples and their new additions. Don and Jeanne Brunworth-a boy; Dana and Marcia Tennill-a boy and a girl-twins ; and Gary and Linda Forrester-a boy. We closed with the annual Christmas party. What better way to end a year and look forward to the next than with friends? -Sharon Eberlin

Houston Works With Pan hellenic

Miami Plans Ahead Now is the time for all good Miami sisters to come to the aid of their chapter. And Miami alums are! Having finished last year's meetings on a light note with a June pool party at Jan Granier's home, members have gotten down to " brass tacks" for this new year beginning with an organizational meeting at Kay Derr's. The evening was wellattended. Members selected officers for 1977-78, discussed possible social service projects, the June 1978 convention in Natural Bridge, and ways of increasing our membership. The girls had the Founders Day meeting at Betty Snidow's new home and the Christmas meeting at the home of president Sue Bossong. -Kay March Derr

The September meeting opened our new year with a covered dish supper at the home of Tana Wilkinson. The officers for the new year are: Pat Nayle, presi- N. 0. Alums: Money-Making = Success dent; Sharon Clarke, vice president; Bar- Social Service Christmas came early "way down yonbara Benham, recording and corresponding secretary; Tana Wilkinson, treasurer der in New Orleans" this year. Under the and chaplain; Sandra Noojin, editor; Shar- guidance of Marilyn Teel, bi-weekly workon Juntunen, historian and panhellenic shops in June, July, and August became representative; and Dortha Sims, panhel- craft socials. Each sister demonstrated lenic representative. During dinner, Tana a craft project in her home and assisted Wilkinson and Dortha Sims told of their others in completing finished products interesting summer vacations-Tan a went to adorn the "store shelves." These learnto Hawaii and Dortha went to Hong Kong. ing craft sessions complete with brown After dinner the discussion turned to the bag lunches and little preschool "elves" business of planning for the Houston filled lazy summer days. By September, Panhellenic Bazaar held in November. At alums had an abundant selection of novel the bazaar, each sorority sold items such and useful merchandise. Anita Gradwohl as handicrafts, baked goods, and plants graciously opened her home in early Noto profit the organization of their choice. vember and customers shopped where The Houston Alumnae Chapter was one "Frosty the Snowman does." Thanks to of fourteen sororities participating in this Debbie Coleman's husband Bob, Pier I year's bazaar. Imports provided a door prize to adorn The October meeting was held at the a lucky Santa's sleigh. Happily, through home of Sharon Clarke. During the meet- the strains of Jingle Bells came the jingle ing we discussed items being made for of change and the bells of our cash regthe bazaar and watched an interesting ister. Success was evident! demonstration by Sharon on ceramics. Proceeds from the boutique helped fiShe sold her ceramics at the bazaar. nance a social service project of holiday The November meeting was Houston's gift-giving. A food basket was presented Founders' Day celebration at Dortha Sims' to a needy family at Thanksgiving. AST home. Members brought a covered dish Santa Clauses visited New Orleans' seven, to celebrate the occasion. Bon Apptit! adopted boys at the Magnolia State - Sandra Guldin Noojin School for the Emotionally Disturbed.






Santa also kept a scheduled Christmas Eve stop at Metairie, leaving packages of cheer to a family of three adults and six children. In late December, Anita Gradwohl treated N. 0. girls to Christmas in her home again. Members relaxed and enjoyed the season with drinks, foods, games, songs, and a gift exchange. As the end of '77 approached, memories of well-spent days loomed. Money-making and social service projects turned into demonstrations of an alumnae group's purpose. Once again, sisters found the true meaning of Alpha Sigma Tau. -Kathleen Seeger

Norfolk Area Alumnae June found the Norfolk Area Alums enjoying a cookout with husbands and guests at the home of Betsy Russ. But, come September, it was back to work again, as members manned a booth at the annual Panhellenic Flea Market. Norfolk's new president, Robbie Cool, hosted the October meeting and led members in a brainstorming session to plan activities and programs for the coming year. Some new ideas included a ladies only social at a dinner theater, a family outing at the beach during the summer, as well as programs on cake decorating and other crafts. The girls decided, for the second year, to provide Christmas for a foster child in the Norfolk Welfare program. It is a pleasure to announce that Psi Chapter at James Madison University once again received Norfolk's $25 award for having the highest scholastic average among the state chapters. Congratulations, girls! November has traditionally meant a Founders Day luncheon and this year was no exception. A covered dish luncheon and recipe exchange was planned to be at the home of Betsy Russ. Alums look forward to continued success and fun together and invite all sisters in the Tidewater area to join. -Virginia Bendura


Norristown Works With Retarded Children The 1977-78 year got off to a good start at Norristown's first meeting in September. After catching up on all the summer news, and electing new officers, plans were made for a busy and fun-filled year. One of the first decisions was to make the meetings twofold by encouraging all members to bring a craft to work on during the meeting. The October meeting was for planning a second annual garage sale held November 5 which yielded a nice profit. Founders Day was celebrated at the November meeting with a candlelight ceremony, and initiation of new members. Members also worked on a social service project-making Christmas ornaments to donate to Rivercrest Center, a local home for retarded children. They used them for decoration of their units and were sold in their shop on grounds. Another social service project was to donate money to the Rivercrest Center to help buy a pony saddle for the children to use. The Christmas meeting was our third annual cookie exchange. It was another Christmas of good fun, good cooking and too many extra calories, but members loved every minute of it. -Helen Bomberger

Northern Virginia Helps Plan Charity Bazaar The Northern Virginia alums celebrated summer with an outing io August. All alumnae and their families in the area were invited to join in the fun. It was held in the rolling countryside of Virginia, not too far from the home of Mary Charles Ashby. Those who attended enjoyed a dip in the pool and food cooked on outdoor grills. The annual pot luck supper was held in September at the home of Diane Helbing in Vienna. After sampling favorite dishes, members settled down to make final plans for a booth at the charity bazaar to be held at Tysons Corner Shopping Center, October 20-21. This year,


seventy-five no-profit organizations participated. Members worked all year preparing for the two-day bazaar. After selling handmade holiday crafts, baked goods and plants, N. V. alums were pleased to report that they netted close to $600. AST social service projects, of course, will reap the benefits of the members' labor. Sisters celebrated Founders Day with a luncheon at the Olney Inn at Olney, Maryland. This year, Northern Virginia had the pleasure of having the Prince GeorgesMontgomery alums join them and renewing old friendships. -Debby Kahanowitz

Richmond-Petersburg Varies Programs A busy year came to an end in June with an evening out. Sisters and their mates and dates met at Carol Eubanks for hors d'oeuvres and cocktails before a delicious dinner at the Foxhead Inn. Sisters began the fall program with a planning and business meeting at Patti Bliley's. In October, everyone attended a plant party at the home of Ann Cook. Richmond-Petersburg Alumnae are looking forward to the remainder of the year as plans have been made for many interesting programs. -JoAnn Marshall

Roanoke Alumnae Chapter Works With Mental Health Services Members of the Roanoke Alumnae Chapter anxiously began the new year in August with an organizational meeting. New officers for the 1977-78 year are: president, Molly McKee Scanlan; vice president, Beth Daniels Fuquay; corresponding secretary, Ann Marie Griffin; treasurer, Judy Layman; recording secretary, Debra Grzanka; social service, Donna Yuhas; editor, Leslee Karen Wade; historian, Bittsy Reed Hall, and chaplain, Billie Dawn Miller Howell. During the summer months, as a part of the social service project, several sisters volunteered their time with Roanoke Mental Health Services. Once a week,


members worked directly with several emotionally disturbed young people. Individual attention was given to the young people to help with recreational activities, crafts, and development of persona I habits. Plans are being made concerning the possibility of a Christmas party for the children at the mental health center or possibly adopting a child needing cultural enrichment. In September, members gathered to welcome Ms. Karen Farris to a membership meeting. The evening was most enjoyable as sisters caught up on "old times" and got to know one another better. During October, Roanoke had a successful fund-raising project-selling stationery. They also plan to sell kitchen knives. A portion of the funds raised were donated to the emotionally disturbed programs in Roanoke schools. Ms. Francis Humphries, teacher of the emotionally disturbed, visited our October meeting. Founders Day was observed November 3, at the Charcoal Steak House. Alums celebrated with dinner followed by a rededication ceremony-renewing our bond of sisterhood. Sisters in the Roanoke area are invited to join our chapter. If interested, please call 563-1781. A happy and successful year to all. -Leslee Wade

Shepherdstown AlumsWomen In Today's Society After a summer of no meetings, the Shepherdstown Chapter opened the new year with new officers and new program ideas. September's meeting found members planning a social service project, Christmas Party, Founders Day Celebration, and several other exciting events. Most interesting was the October meeting. Two special guests entertained the group. Mrs. Janice Christopher of the Berkeley County Board of Education led a discussion concerning the "Role of Women in Today's Society." Following this, members were musically entertained by a local young vocalist Miss Paula Baker. Next on the agenda, was the annual Founders Day Dinner with Chi Chapter



gals. For a change of pace this year, Taus are moving our group to a local steak house for this event.

Tri-City-Seven Come Eleven Tri-City alumnae were very lucky to add four members increasing the average attendance from seven to eleven. Some of the girls are from Alpha Eta, a former chapter from Alma College. What a wonderful way to begin the year with new faces and ideas as well as a new president Kris Flora. Officers include Marilyn Halstead, vice president; Sandy Cappell, recording secretary; Fran Sie~s, corresponding sec ret a ry; Jean Ead1e, treasurer; Roni Bailey, historian; and Carla Young, editor. A delightful Chinese luncheon was the highlight of the first gathering in Midland to plan a rummage sale. The sale was in the garage of Pat Close in September with much success. An assortment of toys, games, and puzzles wa~ contrib.u~ed to the Saginaw County Child Rece1v1ng Home, a facility for children separated from their families in time of crisis. Eileen Hamilton, who recently returned from Ohio, hosted the September meeting. The year's calendar and plans were completed. An October workshop, headed by Sandy Cappell, brought all eleven members to Fran Siems' home. Members broke green glass bottles and transformed the pieces into cut glass wreath ornaments complete with red bows and berries. Several Beta alums attended Central Michigan University's October 29 Homecoming game. The traditional Founders Day pot-luck dinner was celebrated November 3 at Roni Bailey's home. . Christmas time is evident all year 1n Frankenmuth the decoration center of Michigan. A' tour of their new facilities and a luncheon topped off the Tau year in Tri-City territory. -Carla Young

Times to Remember-Youngstown Election of Youngstown officers was held in June at the home of Mary Ann THE ANCHOR

Koontz. There was a delicious supper served before electing new officers: President, Carol Ficeti; vice president, Mary Ann Koontz路 secretary, Dianne Bennett; treasurer, M~ry Ellen Willmitch; chaplain, Rosemarie Dahlia, and historian/editor, Sherri Remias. A beautiful candlelight installation of officers was held at Carol Ficeti's home in Warren. Youngstown is pleased to add a new member to the roster-Diane Thomas, an alum of Marietta College (Alpha Kappa). A Tupperware party was held at the home of Wendy Sammarone. Funds were raised to support the social service project. This year members are contributing money and talents to children with learning disabilities. Youngstown is now looking forward to Founders Day. This year, the girls are to bring memorabilia from college days as part of the program. Youngstown invites all sisters in the Youngstown-Warren area to join the chapter. Please contact Sherri Remias at 7929221 if interested. -Sherri Remias

"To-gather"-Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor September in Michigan seems to signal a time "to-gather." School supplies and clothing for students need to be gathered; the fallen leaves from summer's end need to be gathered; the garden hose, patio umbrella table, and lawnmower need to be gathered and placed in storage for winter's inevitable approach. Therefore, it seems only natural that September also signals the time for the sisters of Alpha Sigma Tau to gather to share their memories of summer's activities, place them in storage, and prepare to carry out fall's sorority program goals. Consequently, September 12 was a busy evening at the home of president Marilyn Christy. As the punch cups clattered, members chattered exuberantly about the approaching national convention and plans for the next successive months .. October's meeting was super! The g1rls sew a purse demonstration of handcrafted purses made of knit, leather, and 27

cloth fabrics. Carlotta Wilusz was hostess that evening. Talk about purses! They were everywhere. There must have been 200 scattered around from which to choose. Members must have looked a little strange leaving the meeting carrying, not one, but two, three, or more purses each. The pocketbooks might have been lighter, but the treasury was heavier. Proceeds from the profits enabled Yysilanti-Ann Arbor to send Christmas gifts to Yorkwood Center for social service.

November 5, Area Alpha Sigma Taus celebrated Founders Day at the Fairlane Manor in Dearborn on November 5. Also, the chapter held its business meeting, Christmas card sale and small bazaar at Suzanne Slick's home. The cards were presented by Martha Belknap, national social service chairman. Elaine Habel will host the traditional December Christmas dessert meeting. Y-A sisters wish all a happy New Year. -Joyce Berg

Buffalo alums and guest, Fern Phipps

Please return this form to: ALPHA SIGMA TAU CENTRAL OFFICE 6200 HOFFMAN AVENUE ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63139 IF you do not wish to receive further copies of THE ANCHOR. NAM~~--~--------~~----------------------------~d



Husband 's

Chapter_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Year of Initiation _ _ __ Present Address---:-:-.-----------:-:-:-------------street



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ALPHA CHAPTER Margaret Taylor Craddock Marguerite Schwied Herron Kathryn Hagle Laskey Catherine Childers Meredith Ruth Washburne Ingle Zelia Green Slogget

DELTA CHAPTER Eleanor Wylie Halas

ZETA CHAPTER Margaret Beeson Sara Wilson Waterbury

THETA CHAPTER Ruth Kniseley Brundel Lenore Bowersox Gibs Lillian Stander Grieshammer Lucile Schulz Elsie Leberg Wa Ish

ETA CHAPTER Eileen Huelsman Jandt Marion Heyer Jones


IOTA CHAPTER Dorothy Hanson Downard Nora Franz Fauley Harriet Puseler Langer M. Louise McConnaughey Meierhoff Bernice Grubbs Schwartz Ann Whitaker Smethers Katherine Staadt Helen Campbell Scotts Ida Schimpff Wolfe Jessie Amole Zajic EHzabeth Ziegenbusch

LAMBDA CHAPTER Alice Carlson Mosteller Gertrude Parker Lewis Mabel Schreiber Alice Fleming Affolter Ruth Hershey

NU CHAPTER Ruth Magnuson Ewer Bertha Magnuson Gardner Nora Moulton Gustafson

SIGMA CHAPTER Helen Bruce Campbell Eleanor Hird Mason


Mrs. Charles R. McCrory, National Chaplain

The band that joins all members of Alpha Siga Tau is the Sorority Ritual. The commitment each of us made does proclaim our belief in, loyalty to and perpetuation of our sisterhood of love and understanding for one another. Alpha Sigma Tau grows and lives depending on how seriously the vows are taken. Our sorority does not exist outside its ritual or without an appreciation of it. It is our Sorority Ritual that makes it possible for a chapter or a member to be known as such. Our ritual is a system of high values not only to make us better sorority women, but to be more worthwhile human beings. The dream of our eight founders and three advisors is an enduring one. Few changes have been made in the wording of our rituals written by our earliest members. It is the one we avow today and which keeps before us the essential qualities of fine womanhood and constructive activity. We have a commitment to Alpha Sigma Tau and the bonds of love and sisterhood we share; we being the National officers and National chairwomen, the the chapter advisors, the alumnae, 30

the collegiates and pledged sisters. As National officers and National chairwomen, we should renew our alliance to the aims and purposes of Alpha Sigma Tau. As chapter advisors, we should carry our aims and ideals from one group of Sisters to the next. As alumnae, we should perpetuate our ideals through alumnae activities. Finally, as collegiates and pledged sisters, we should accept the privileges and responsibilities which are passed on to us. Every member of Alpha Sigma Tau should take the time to recall and review the vows she took on her initiation day. If she does, she will be able to fulfill the words of our National President, Mrs. Thomas J. King, Jr., who recently said, "We can be proud of the past of Alpha Sigma Tau, live the present to the best of our ability and prepare by building for an ever bright future. Alpha Sigma Tau is an experience which shows us ways to enjoy life, use our talents, and enrich the meaning of our lives as we grow and develop, by incorporating our standards and ideals into daily living." Alpha Sigma Tau Ritual IS the tie that binds. Let us remembe'r and reaffirm O'ztr ow . THE


THIS IS TODAY TODAY is here. I will start with a smile, and resolve to be agreeable. I will not criticize. I refuse to waste my valuable time. TODAY has one thing in which I know I am equal with others-time. TODAY, I will not waste my time, because the minutes I wasted yesterday are as lost as a vanished thought. TODAY, I refuse to spend time worrying about what might happen. I am going to spend my time making things happen. TODAY, I am determined to do things I should do. I firmly determine to stop doing the things I should not do. TODAY, I begin by doing, and not wasting my time. In one week, I will be miles beyond .the person I am today. TODAY, I will not imagine what I would do if things were different. They are not different. I will make success with what material I have. TODAY, I will stop saying, "If I had time" for I never will "find time" for anything. If I want it I must take it. TODAY, I will act toward other people as though this might be my last day on earth. I will not wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes.



Chapter News Actives at Thetas Dinner Dance

Casino Night With The Betas The Beta Chapter of Central Michigan University returned to Mt. Pleasant anxious to start fall rush. Under direction of Hope Pearse, the rush chairman, formal rush started September 11. Three enjoyable rush parties followed-a fun fashion show, "Casino Night At The AST House," and our last party, a variety of heartwarming songs, poems, and slide show. Rush yielded 13 new pledges. Betas introduced their new pledges to Greek men at the traditional Big Brother presentation with Tau Kappa Epsilon. Homecoming found Betas busy with float building. Sigma Phi Epsilon sha red in the efforts to produce a fantastic float with the theme, "The Way We Were, The Way We Are." Evening activities included an informal dinner with alumnae and various fraternity dances. October included our annual date hayride. The evening began with a pre-party at the house and then some good old fashion fun at Farmer O'Brian's. Halloween brought all of us out in costume


to share the eerie night dancing with the men of Sigma Phi Eps ilon. Christmas dance was held at the Oyster Cove in Midland. Dining and dancing made the evening a romantic and memorable one. Congratulations go to Brenda Pudney, Karen Perkins, and Kathy Peters for receiving scholarship awards. Congratulations to members who helped Beta Taus win the National Scholarsh ip Trophy. A surprised Karen Perkins received the Top Tau Award and was also nominated for Greek woman of the month. Parents' Day, November 5, was held at the Valleyview Country Club. A buffet dinner, solo singing by Kathy Hobson, skit by Kathy Peters, a touching poem by Karen Perkins, slide show, and a grand finale by all the Taus provided a Parents' Day to remember. A suggestion from Jean Dichting about adopting a child overseas proved to be a most rewa rding experience f or Betas.




So, Mt. Pleasant AST's now have an addition to their family! She is a 9-year-old from Kenya, Africa. Betas wish all sisters the very best in the new year and a successful spring semester! -Julie Stevenson

Thetas Have New Advisor The Thetas at Wayne State University have had a romantic and busy summer! Nadia Sawka, Theta president, and Michael Maddens recently became engaged. Their wedding date has not yet been decided. Also, Jean Bury, a recent alumna, and Bob Pollard were married November 12. They moved to Ohio after their wedding. The Thetas extend a warm welcome to their new chapter advisor, Kathy Pulice. There was lots of fun, sun, and good food at the annual Big Brother picnic to make it a big success. One of the more memorable experiences for Alpha Taus was a dinner-dance on September 18. Not only did all active members attend, but there was one hundred percent attendance of the Big Brothers. Some alumnae members, and their husbands and dates shared the evening with the Thetas as well. The chapter presented awards to Debbie Ziegler, best pledge; Kathy Pulice, best active; and Donna Tocarchick, best alum. A special award was given to assistant advisor, Juanita Bouffard for all the help she gave the chapter throughout the years. An award (last but not least) was given to Karen Hurley for highest scholastic average. -Karen M. Jerzowski

Omicron Chapter Into Everything The Omicron Chapter returned to Concord College in Athens, West Virginia, full of ideas, liveliness, and excitement. To start the fall semester off, we had a pre-rush party and were proud to gain three new pledges. They are Jane Graham Damron, Sandra Lee Jones, and Cela Sawyers. We had a car wash, hot dog sale, and white elephant sale to raise money to


remodel our formal lounge. Succeeding in making the money needed, we paid for the carpet and the paint. We are very proud of our new lounge. Homecoming added to the excitement of our activities. The candidate for Alpha Sigma Tau sorority and Pi Kappa Alph a Fraternity was Cheryl Shumate who won the 1977 Homecoming Queen election . This year the queen won a new AMC Concord luxury compact car for one year. Also, our campaign booth took third pla ce for the best booth on campus. Before the homecoming game, we invited our alumnae to come and join us for the annual Alumnae Tea in our newly-remodeled lounge. Our sisters and their guests celebrated Halloween with a party, October 31. All dressed in costumes and enjoyed them selves playing games, going through the "Haunted House" and getting to know one another. The month of November was highlighted with two big events. In the first week, Omicron celebrated Founders Day with a banquet in the Stateroom of Con cord College with alumnae. Next on the agenda was the yearly Sadie Hawkins Dance which we shared with Alpha Sigma Pi Fraternity and their Little Siste r Chapter. Sadie Hawkins is Omicron 's bid dance, and the attire is very formal-bib overalls are a must! The Alpha Taus actively participated in intramural sports-placing third in soccer, first, second, and third in badminton (try to top that!) and third in bowling. Coming up later in the semester are water polo, volleyball, basketball and other sports. The best for all other chapters. -Ivory Pauley and Barbara Thomas

24 New Members for Phi The Phi Chapter at Southeastern Lou isiana University in Hammond, Louisiana , began the fall semester with a very successful rush- picking up twenty-four new pledges. The 1977 Fall Pledge Class members are: Laurie Arceneau x, Pam Aubert, Cyndi Bittle, Judy Courtney, Wilma Cresson, Diana Dubuisson, Ch ristie Godorov,


Soon formal rush was upon us and we Karen Hudson, Suzan Jung, Micha Latuso, Leslie Lipps, Loretta Luchuck, Trudy busied ourselves in anticipation of getting Marchland, Heidi Mills, Rene Moran, Lizz new pledges. The coke party was "Join Roberts, Michel Scholl, Terri Smith, Kristi the good guys-AST." We dressed as cowSoileau, Linda Standford, Paula Thomas, boys and entertained the rushees with Debbie Veazey, Jody Wait, and Shelley games dealing with the "Old West." After two more rush parties, we welcomed our Wascom. Phi initiated many new programs this new pledge-Marie Bush. Homecoming was the next big event on semester. First of all Phi has adopted the Peanuts gang as mascots which the calendar. Chi Chapter, in keeping with the theme "Wild, Wonderful West Virprovided a great theme for rush. Phis highlighted the pledge program by ginia," sold doughnuts and apple cider at electing a pledge "Tau of the Week." our booth before the game. Other activiEach week a new pledge is honored with ties included a car rally, selling programs this award and she carries a stuffed at the football game, and a coffee hour Snoopy around throughout the week. First for alumns. AST alumnae and the advisor were presented with yellow mums dec"Tau of the Week" was Leslie Lipps. Homecoming was very exciting and re- orated with green AST letters. True to tradition, our annual "Pledge warding for the Phis this year. Vicepresident, Rita Anne Bertolino, was elect- Banquet" took place. Marie Bush, was, ed to the 1977 court. Alpha Sigma Tau to say the least, surprised as we led her was asked to undertake the stadium dec- into McDonald's in her nicest dress while orating and coordinating for this year's we wore our worst clothes. Homecoming which adopted the theme Parents' Weekend was October 29. Taus worked the registration table during the "The Spirit of Louisiana." Tau appreciation was celebrated with morning hours and then attended the a week full of fun activities climaxing game that afternoon. After a Ram's footwith a "Tau Follies" slumber party which ball victory, we had a tea for the visiting helped to bring all sisters of the Phi parents. This gave the parents a chance to meet the girls and see what enthusiasm Chapter even closer. and sharp wit we possessed as a group. A very successful year ended with Martha Barnes and Marie Bush enterelections and installation of officers. tained that same evening in the pub by -Pam Watson playing guitars and singing. Sisters are sporting an outstanding Chis Host Parents' Weekend record in the campus spotlight. Gail KidSummer usually means a time of va- well was nominated for "best personality" cation and rest, but to Chi Chapter it in the Elavoko Esanju contest. Sissy was the beginning of a busy schedule of Groves received the Ella Mae Turner events. First, was the annual summer Scholarship for academic excellence. Elmeeting and swimming party at the home len Church, Joni Kline, and Gail Kidwell of advisor, Mrs. Howard Carper. Our sec- are all top members of IVCF. ond meeting was spent preparing plans Other activities for this semester for the fall semester that would soon have included selling programs at the arrive. football games and selling popcorn at the Summer farewells soon turned into fall movies to raise money. The chapter calwelcomings as we returned to Shepherd endar for November included the AlumCollege for more work during the fall nae-Collegiate Founders Day Banquet and semester. The first three days of school, initiation. we helped Theta Xi distribute textbooks It has been an eventful semester for in the college bookstore and worked hard Chi Chapter, and spring semester should helping the new freshmen get adjusted. bring bigger and better things. - Sissy Groves 34



Psi Gains Seventeen Pledges The Psi Chapter at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia returned this fall and wow did we rush, rush, rush! Thanks to Peg Honecker's expertise as rush chairman we found ourselves with seventeen outstanding pledges: Katie Cantrel , Becca Cowan, Paulette Crawford, . Ouida Ferguson, Jean Gray, Kathy Hams, Diane Hoffman, Nancy Jones, N ~ ncy Laird, Mary Mabie, Nancy Marts,. Terri McDaniel, Jackie Mollenauer, Julie Patterson, Tami Snyder, Kathy Way, and Debbie Williamson. A highlight of rush was the second round party in which we had a fashion show for the rushees. Historian, Sandy Steiner, served as commentator. She inserted, "The AST'ers have got it together everywhere from classes to cocktail parties and from football games to formals." . Congratulations have gone out th1s semester to so many sisters. Cindy Reid, our president, had her Engagement Candlelight in September. Karen Carnes received the chapter scholarship award for attaining the highest grade point average last semester. AST's representative, Laura Howard, was chosen as a finalist in the Ms. Madison Homecoming Pageant. Keven Sandy and Ann VanWyck became little sisters for Alpha Chi Rho fraternity. This semester the main fund raiser was our yearly desk blotter project. ~~rls distributed blotters with local advert1smg to all of the dorms on campus. A disco dance and record raffle also proved to be successful fund raisers for Psi. Now who could ever forget the fraternity parties we've attended this seme~ter? We've partied with Sigma Nu and. S1g~a Pi. Delta Sigma Phi, from the Un1vers1ty of Virginia, came to JMU and partied with us. Taus and another sorority on campus took part in a theme party with Theta Chi and Kappa Sigma fraternities. October 29th was Homecoming at JMU. We welcomed back many alums at our annual Homecoming Cocktail Party. On Halloween all of the Psis dressed in costumes and joined each other for dinner in the dining hall. Later that night we kidnapped pledges. The evening eli-


maxed with our Secret Buddy Party. Eac h girl received a Halloween treat from her Secret Buddy. We then shared a late night snack of cider and doughnuts. We sure had a good ol' time! Many of our sisters and pledges are highly talented in the area of arts and crafts. For one of our Sorority Growth and Development Programs we demonstrated various crafts to each other. Psi has been participating in voll eyball intramurals throughout the semester. We've played several dormitories and campus organizations. Psis have been winning most of the games in flying colors of Green and Gold!!! November 4, we will be holding our Founders Day Banquet at Lloyd 's Steak House. Psi is getting psyched for our Fall Dance to be held November 12th. Gail Scott,. our district president, will be paying us a visit that weekend and we are pleased that she and her husband will be joining us the evening of the dance. Social Service projects we've taken part in include a Bike-a-Thon and a canned food drive. November 28, we will be having a fashion show and inviting all members of the campus and community to attend. Psi now resides on one floor of a dormitory which houses six other sororities. The university has now built a complex to accommodate campus organizations, namely sororities and fraternities. We will be moving into the sorority house come fall. -C. Patricia Kenney

Successful Year For Alpha Epsilons For the Alpha Taus of the Alpha Epsilon chapter at Western Illinois University, this fall quarter has been filled with good times, hard work, and successful accompl ishments. This year we have new house parents, Kristi and Dan Smith. They are extremely warm and helpful. The quarter started with fall rush. We worked hard and really psyched ourse lves up for rush and we are very proud and happy to have fourteen fantastic pledges. We congratulate rush chairman Peggy


Maher and her assistant, Mary Jo Niestrom, for a job well done. Homecoming week was a busy week for us. We were represented in the "Yell Like Hell" pep rally and brought home a first place trophy. Much thanks to song chairman Kris Frakes. Also that week we won first place for our homecoming float which we worked long hours on with the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity. Congratulations to Debbie Stockley, float chairman. We had a big brother rush in September and now have 33 new and ambitious big brothers. Great job Lisa Wildman and Mary Koomar! To add to the excitement, the Greeks organized Greek Week. It highlighted "Greek olympics" and a variety night in which we placed first in both events. Our act was a medley of Shirley Temple's old songs. Thanks once again to song chairman Kris Frakes and her assistant Chris Viviano. Sisters celebrated Founders Day at a formal dinner with guests including advisor Moe Kielpinski, alumna Mary Moon, financial advisor Jan Frowien, faculty advisor Mrs. Christoffersen, and W.I.U. President Malpass and his wife. We are also proud to announce that Chris Nugent was just elected as Alpha Epsilon's Top Tau. The sisters are looking forward to a Winter Party in Peoria, Illinois. -Jane Zeivel

Alpha Kappas Star In "Grease" This fall, the Alpha Kappa Chapter at Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio, jumped into what always proves to be an eventful first semester. Once again, we chose to perform the broadway hit "Grease" during formal rush. Alpha Kappa was proud to welcome eight fine pledges into the chapter: freshmen Kristy Anderson, Jann Calendine, Diane Dyar, Becky Farmer, Kim Hupp, Alice Robinson, Beth Simpson, and sophomore Lynn Vroom. Our success with "Grease" was further highlighted as we won second place during Homecoming for the skit in which we presented our queen candidate, Karol Ballantine. Homecoming weekend also


found us welcoming back alumnae to an informal open house. The weekend of October 15 a Iso proved to be an exciting time for Alpha Kappa as district president, Mrs. Gail Scott was able to visit us. During her stay Mrs. Scott announced the official appointment of Miss Vicki Via as our new chapter advisor. This year we were pleased to have a large number of speakers present at a Founders Day Tea. Alpha Kappa was honored to have National Publications' Director, Mrs. Emmett Phipps speak about her AST experiences after college. Lynn Sachse, culture chairman, conducted the ceremony as Mrs. Barb Hartong, area alumnae president, senior Ann Dorfman, and newly initiated active Karol Ballantine spoke about what AST means to them. In addition, sisters enjoyed a potluck Thanksgiving dinner sponsored by the alums. Nancy Dickens, Dean of Students, was guest of honor at the occasion. The chapter rounded out its November activities with its ann u a I pIed ge dessert. Pledges and big sisters exchanged creative "homemade" gifts. By the semester's end, Alpha Kappa concluded a candy sale which turned out to be a profitable fund-raising activity. Also, a social service project aimed at collecting clothes for the needy in the community was undertaken. Before breaking for Christmas, Alpha Kappa celebrated the yuletide with a party which included refreshments and gifts for all. -Ann Sheppard

Alpha Xi-Happy Days Are Here Again The Alpha Xi Chapter at Mansfield State College has just ended a busy and exciting fall semester. We started the semester off with our fall rush party called "Happy Days with AST." After six exciting weeks of pledging we gained four new sisters: Cindy Edwards, Mary Fickinger, Sue Jones, and Terry Price. They were initiated November 13 ending their six weeks of pledging with an annual banquet held in their honor.



The sisters have also been active in many social service projects. First, we collected for UNICEF on Halloween. Also, a few sisters gave blood that is always needed. Alpha Xis donated clothes to a rummage sale and planned to make Christmas stockings for the emotionally disturbed class at the elementary school in downtown Mansfield. AST's homecoming queen candidate was Angie Lally. Not only was our candidate great but so was our float. We won first prize. The theme of the parade was "Under the Big Top" and the title of our float was "Three Ring Circus." It consisted of three rings built on top of the float. The rings were occupied by a lion tamer, a lion and a trapeze artist. The sisters who weren't on the float walked alongside of the float dressed as vendors, bums, fat ladies, and other comical characters. We also participated in Mansfield State's Christmas Panorama where all the campus organizations perform in skit competitions. Our skit was entitled "'Twas The Night Before Christmas." It was a comedy with sisters dressed as the characters in the story. There was also a traditional song at the end with a dance created by the sisters. We recently received a first place efficiency award for the 1976-77 year. We received a plaque and a twenty-five-dollar bond. November 4, sisters celebrated National Founders Day with re-dedication ceremony the night before. Congratulations to Linda Leggett, Alpha Xi's Top Tau. -Marianne Hodrick

Alpha Omicron Wins Greek Olympics This fall semester has been a very active and rewarding one for the Alpha Omicron Chapter at Clarion State College, Clarion, Pennsylvania. Our semester began with receiving a tied first place trophy cup for the overall best sorority in the 1977 Greek Olympics. We were also honored to receive the sec-


ond place scholarship cup from National. Homecoming festivities were celebrated in October. Preparations were made for our float and we placed third in the Autumn Leaf Festival for our efforts. Sister Robyn Feura was elected freshman attendant in the homecoming court. Rush proved to be an exciting and full two weeks. We are very proud to have as pledges: Mary Carson, Linda Jacobs, Mary Jo Malizia, and Gina Villella . We have been busy with community service works-including our semi-annual bloodmobile and working with the aged at old folks' homes. Founders Day was celebrated at the Sheraton Inn in Clarion and brought together sisters, families, and alumnae for an enjoyable time. Socially, we've been very active. A bonfire date party was held in October and the sisters are presently looking forward to our annual Christmas party to be held on December 10. AST love to everyone. -Patricia Carlin

Alpha Sigma Welcomes fourteen Pledges Beginning of school is a busy time for the Alpha Sigmas at Kirksville. We f irst initiated two sisters from the spring semester, Deb Medley and Peggy Smith. Next was fall rush and of course that meant a lot of hard work and lots of energy. Our rush parties were entitled Sleepy Time Tau, AST Gold Rush, and Yellow Roses Become You. All the hard work paid off-we received fourteen new sisters of whom we are very proud. Alas, homecoming was upon us. Debbie Kurth represented AST and did a great job. We were all very proud of Deb. Deb was also chosen as an NMSU cheerleader for this year. We were busy with many money-making projects for our formal. Our car washes, bake sales, and candy sales proved very successful. Sue Flecther honored us wi t h a visit in October. October 28, we had our Halloween pa rty at Thousand Hills State Park. November 3, we had a mixer with the Phi La mb-


Busy Seta Betas Since Widener College opened its doors two short months ago, Beta Beta Chapter has been very busy. Much of their energy has been expended on rushing, with such functions as a formal tea, a coffee and doughnuts sessions, and a "corn boil." These proved very successfulAlpha Phis At W. C. seven pledges were the result. At this moThe Alpha Phi Chapter at West Chester ment, energetic pledges are "greeting," State were happy to return to campus selling baked goods, and building floats. after a good summer which included a Never a dull moment. get-together at Hershey Park. The sisters Other activities for the sisters centered were ready to go with many new ideas. around homecoming weekend and ParRush began with parties on September ents' Weekend. The first of the big 19, 21 and 26. Parties included an ice events, homecoming, reunited the sisters cream social. Alpha Phis were proud to and alumnae at the annual alumnae cockpin-pledge thirteen great girls October 5. tail party which followed the football All the sisters were very pleased with the game. Karen Mitchell was AST's delegate results and thanks goes to rush chairman, for homecoming queen. Susan Pfeifer. Parents' Weekend found the girls busy This was only the beginning of a great building a float with the theme " Defeat semester which was full of many activi- the Diplomats." At the football game, ties. October 27 the Panhellenic Council Taus were awarded a trophy for building featured a Halloween party which in- the most original float. (It was also the volved all sororities on campus. Pledges only exploding one!) from each sorority performed a skit. The Before ending this summary of events, party brought a lot of Greeks together. Laura Ayres and Anne McHorney Dell Other activities of the semester were a should be congratulated for graduating hayride on October 4 and another Hal- magna cum laude. loween party October 31-both were part -Joanne Quatrani of a fund-raising project. Annual Parents' Day was October 29. J3 Lucky Pledges for After a night football game against AmerSeta Epsilon ican International College, sisters and parBeta Epsilon started off the fall semesents joined together for a casual meeting. ter enthusiastically this year with plans Founders Day was held on November 5. for a busy rush program , social service Alumnae performed a re-initiating cereprograms, and fund-raising projects. mony. The sisters had another opporRushing began the very f irst day back tunity to reminisce. S.S.C. when we helped the freshmen at Service projects for the year included working at a haunted house on West girls unpack. We continued our program Chester Pike. This project included other with many rush parties and our formal fraternities and sororities and benefits and informal rush parties. Our informal went to the March of Dimes. As a sorority rush party, Sports Night with the Taus, project, Alpha Phis visited The Mary was fun and rewarding for both the rushees and ourselves. Our sisters came Campbell Home. dressed as coaches of sport events and To end the year, sisters had a Christmas of course the rushees looked great in party December 10 and a farewell party their sport costumes. We were aston ished to seniors. see " Olga Korbut" and " Bruce Jenner" to - Mary A. Italiano attending our party! The formal rush party. Everything's Coming Up Roses was held on September 27. Here the sisters da Chis. November 6, we had our Parents' Day banquet in Kirksville. Each sister exchanged gifts at Christmas in our chapter room. It was a good way to end the fall semester. -Pam Imboden




were formally introduced to the rushees and a meaningful ceremony was performed by Nancy Casey, chaplain, and our sisters. At the end of an exciting rush season we were very proud to have gained thirteen pledges. They are: Cindi Battinieri, Cindy Bickel, Lisa Brown, Dawn Dietrich, Pat Dipalantanio, Kim Golden, Janet Hanson, Sharon Manderbach, Marilee McGeary, Lynn Redles, Maggie Rogers, Gwen Scott, and Gina Woll. Our thanks go to Deb Filmore, rush chairman, and her committee who worked diligently to make our rush program such a fine success. Our next big events were our homecoming activities. Beta Epsi Ion's chapter president, Deb Wanchick, was the competent chairman of all the homecoming events. She was assisted by Leslie Shook, parade marshal, and Diane Schmidt, float committee chairman. We're proud that once more Alpha Sigma Tau took first place for our float which was a giant replica of Snoopy in his usual place-on top of his doghouse. After the excitement of our victory, we entertained our alumnae to an informal party. Our vice president, Jane Garrow, did a fine job organizing the occasion. It was a great opportunity for all of us to get together again and share old times. Social service chairman, Anne Gray, and nine other sisters visited the Scotland School for Veterans' Orphans as one of our community projects. We had a Halloween party for the children. We entertained them with songs, games, and plays. The children enjoyed their party but I'm sure that we enjoyed giving it more. We also sponsored a clothing drive for the needy people of the area. Congratulations are extended to Patti Roche who was named Theta Chi Sweetheart; and to Rick Skae who was named as our Sweetheart. Bev Knox, our ways and means chairman organized a plant sale and a clean-up project which is keeping us "in the money" for the remainder of the semester. Patti Roche, pledge trainer, has been busy teaching and assisting our pledges so that they will become super sisters when they have completed their pledge


period. We're looking forward to adding them to our Alpha Sigma Tau family. - Katie Gray

New Advisors For Beta Zetas Beta Zeta sisters returned to the University of Alabama in Birmingham full of excitement and new ideas, and ready to begin working for the fall quarter. Fall quarter found us a very busy chapter. Mrs. Dianne Scucchi and Mrs. Margaret Roseberry are our new chapter advisors. Mrs. Scucchi was a member of the Alpha Mu Chapter at the University of Arkansas in Monticello. Mrs. Roseberry was a member of the Beta Zeta Chapter at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. We also elected new officers. Fall rush produced three great new girls and we wish these girls best wishes and congratulations. The Beta Zeta Chapter participated in a fierce competition for the footba II trophy in intramurals. The team, led by Lynn Perrine and Jenny Brown, played marvelously, with enthusiasm, and with a good time in mind. The sorority growth and development committee put on a program entitled "Fulfillment of Self" and did a good job. (The chapter met at the president's apartment after a rousing game of football), speeches were given by different sisters on the aspects of citizenship, leadership, scholarships, and sisterhood and how they affected the sorority and the girls. After the speeches everyone cut pictures out of magazines expressing how sorority had helped them and what it meant to them . These were all pasted on a piece of poster board and will be kept in the chapter file. The meeting was topped off by the delivery of an eight-foot sandwich, planned by the social committee and furnished by Tony's Pizza. We had a great time eating and being able to visit with each other. It was an enriching program and all the sisters enjoyed it immensely. November 5, the Birmingham Alumns gave the chapter a brunch for Founders Day. It was a good chance for the newer members to meet the alumns. Awards and gifts were presented including the Scholastic Award given to the girl with the


Some of the Beta Zetas display their creative talent on "Fullfillment of Self." Pictured from left to right are: Kathy Fagan, Lee Ozley, Mary Glasscock, Melissa Martin, Elaine Bishop, and Jenny Brown.

highest grade point average for 1976-77. A disco party was given that night by the sisters themselves. The fraternities, alumnae, and advisors were invited. It was a fantastic evening with plenty of good food and music. Awards were presented to Jenny Brown for Outstanding Pledge; to Lynn Perrine for Outstanding Active; and to Lynn Perrine for Most AST Spirit. Congratulations are extended to these girls. A meeting with our district president, Ms. Marsh, is planned for November 12. The sorority is looking forward to Ms. Marsh's visit and her suggestions. Plans are now being made for winter rush. Our new rush chairman has had some great ideas and we are looking forward to a successful rush. Congratulations to our sisters, Margaret Breland and Cheryl Shugarts who were both married during the summer. -Melissa Martin

A Time For Beta Taus To everything there is a reason and a time for every purpose under heaven. Good times, busy times, solemn times, 40

together times, and friendship times-the Beta Tau Chapter at the University of Lowell had them all. We started the semester off with a Mug Party. Sisters and their guests brought their own mug, and we filled it with a bright and bubbly beverage from Azuza, California. Sisters kept in the best of spirits until our Wine and Cheese Party at the end of the semester. Help Week brought in one pledge, Linda Larson. Two sisters offered to go through the Help Week with her, but after 20 minutes, they were asked to act like sisters again. The Beta Tau Chapter also has its first patroness, Wendy Cogswell. The girls are a welcome addition and their enthusiasm is highly contagious. An enthusiastic group of sisters and friends went to a Halloween party. We dressed up as cards and shuffled in. It was also our good fortune to go out for Chinese foods with our advisors and alumnae. The IFSC of the University sponsored a Dance-A-Thon to benefit Muscular Dystrophy. The Beta Tau Chapter took an active part with three sisters and their partners dancing under the AST name. The twelve-hour marathon raised over 600 dollars for the charity. We could have danced all night (and we did). We also danced at our Christmas Ban-



quet, which was held at the Branding Iron. It was a pleasure to see all the AST ladies, and their dates, dressed in splendor. We shared our Christmas spirit with th.ose who are less fortunate. Together w1th the TKE fraternity, we held a Christmas Party for the Headstart children. Santa paid a short visit and we played games, and sang songs. The children received sma II presents. Yes, there is a time for every purpose under heaven. Beta Tau has them all. -Fran Caruso

Rolling With Seta Thetas Things are rolling here at St. Mary's University. The fall semester for the Beta Theta Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau got off to a good start. To raise money this semester we sponsored a "Quarter Dance." This event went over really well, we had a large crowd and people seemed to enjoy themselves. Our chapter is also helping some girls at the University of Texas in San Antonio to start an Alpha Sigma Tau on their campus. We sponsored two organizational informational socials. Sharon Clark at~ tended these functions at which she showed films and talked on the history of the sorority, while members shared their experiences about sorority life. They seem to be getting off to a good start. Our fall pledge class has five girls. We are extremely pleased with them and are confident they will be good members. We plan to have a Founders Day mass with a rededication ceremony and a brunch following on November 6. We wish our sisters prosperity and luck on all their activities. -Lillian Salazar

Seta Iotas Aid Mentally Retarded Children The Beta Iota Chapter at Millersville State College began the fall semester with high spirits and a great deal of enthusiasm. The semester began with rush parties during which Beta Iota enthusiastically accepted two pledges-Gretchen Bruder and Teri Connor. October 25 the girls participated in pledge skits, the theme being "Commercials" and won third place. Homecoming festivities were October 15 and 16. The chapter took part in the parade by designing and building a float. Later, a cocktail party was held at the residence of a sister. The Beta Iota's service project was held December 3 and involved as they participated with emotionally disturbed and mentally retarded children. The sisters will be acting as aids at the pool located on campus. December 3, 1977 is the annual semiformal, an event when all alumnae and collegiates are invited to participate. The evening included a sorority growth and development program with a special ceremony honoring alumnae by presenting them special corsages which some of the sisters made. Beta Iotas are participating in intramural volleyball. So far, the girls have ~ot done a terrific job, but enjoyed playmg. The semester has proved meaningful and the Beta Iotas have learned much through working together during the good, and the more discouraging times. -Brenda Moose



announces the pledging of Beta Mu Colony, Salisbury State College Salisbury, Maryland February 1, 1978 THE ANCHOR


Directory: Collegiate Chapters 1978 DISTRICT Alpha

BETA (1889) President CA ACA

Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Ml Janet Englebrecht, 2975 S. Winn Apts., Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858 Mrs. Shaw Christensen, 1119 E. Gaylord, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858 Ms. Sue Zagelmeier, 1032짜2 Fancher, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858

DELTA (1916) President CA ACA

Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA Ellen Winter, 906 Gompers Avenue, Indiana, PA 15701 Mrs. Judy Arrow Ill, 290 Olive Street, Indiana, PA 15701 Mrs. Mary Stella Wolfe, 212 Pratt, I.U.P., Indiana, PA 15701 Miss Donna Wetzel, 48 West Elm, Homer City, PA 15748

ZETA (1921-48; 1949) President CA ACA

Lock Haven State College, Lock Haven, PA Gamma Cindy Loring, Box 442 McEntire Hall, LHSC, Lock Haven, PA 17745 Mrs. George Mottet, 1201 N. Hillview, Plemington, Lock Haven, PA 17748 Miss Mildred K. Saxe, Main Street, Woolrich, PA 17779 Mrs. Barbara Lucas, 97짜2 Susquehana, Lock Haven, PA 17745

THETA (1923-64; 1968) President CA ACA

Wayne State University, Detroit, Ml Nadia Sawka, 12036 Mitchell, Hamtramck, Ml 48212 Ms. Kathy Pulice, 31430 John R., Madison Heights, Ml 48071 Mrs. Juanita Bouffard, 15504 Eastburn Dr., Detroit, M I 48205 Beverly Gryczko, 3175 Kenwood, Royal Oak, Ml 48067

IOTA (1923) President CA ACA

Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, KS Vicki Vaitl, 1621 Merchant, Emporia, KS 66801 Mrs. Connie B. Viebrock, 1007 East Street, Apt. 1, Emporia, KS 66801 Mrs. Cheryl Stinson, Reading, KS 66868 Mrs. Cheryl P. Grosdidir, 811 Whilden, Emporia, KS 66801

OMICRON (1930) President CA ACA

Concord College, Athens, WV Karen Clark, 6110 Women's Tower, CC, Athens, WV 24712 Miss Mildred Dransfield, Box 307, Athens, WV 24712 Ms. Anita Carden, Rt. 7, Tanglewood, Apt. 7-B, Princeton, WV 24740 Miss Betty Sue Hedrick, R. 4, Box 222, Princeton, WV 24740

RHO (1932-48; 1949) President CA ACA

Southeastern State College, Athens, WV Jerrie Smith, Box 269, Bokchito, OK 74726 Miss Linda Lee, 1623 W. Beech, Durant, OK 74701 Mrs. Doris Andrews, 1121 Oak Ridge, Durant, OK 74701 Mrs. Eloise Sills, Chuckwa Drive, N.W. of City, Drant, OK 74701

ZETA TAU (1935) President CA ACA

Longwood College, Farmville, VA Myra Guyer, Box 337, LC, Farmville, VA 23901 Mrs. Carolyn Price, 518 Winston St., Farmville, VA 23901 Ms. Beverly Turner, 518 Winston St., Farmville, VA 23901 Ms. Cynthia Cain, 2219 Ginter Street, Richmond, VA 23228

UPSILON (1935) President CA Co-CA ACA

University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR Sandra Crick, 2133-A, Caldwell, Conway, AR 72032 Mrs. Betty Young, 814 Watkins, Conway, AR 72032 Mrs. Elaine McNiece, 7 Redbud Dr., Conway, AR 72032 Mrs. Walter Allison, Rt. 1, Box 465, Conway, AR 72032 Mrs. Peggy Owens, 326 Locust St., Conway, AR 72032


PHI (1940) President CA ACA

Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA Ruth Bertolina, Box 2417, SLU, Hammond, LA 70402 Mrs. Doris Thomas, Box 783, SLU, Hammond, LA 70402 Mrs. Katherine Rae, #2, Ford Dr., Hammond, LA 70401 Ms. Vickie Reynolds, Box 1178, SLU, Hammond, LA 70401











cc 42









DISTRICT CHI (1940-48; 1950) President CA ACA

Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, WV Epsilon Gail Kidwell, 101 Meadow Lane, Martinsburg, WV 25401 Mrs. Jean Carper, Box 116, Rt. 1, Shepherdstown, WV 25443 Miss Anna Mary Willingham, Heatherfield, Shepherdstown, WV 25443 Mrs. Susie Zigler, P. 0. Box 746, Shepherdstown, WV 25443

PSI (1944) President CA ACA

Madison College, Harrisonburg, WV Peg Honecker, Box 3339, JMU, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Mrs. Eileen Nelson, 2017 Windsor Rd., Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Mrs. Gail Berrall, 2008 Windsor Rd., Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Mrs. Susan Mcintosh, P. 0. Box 1125, Front Royal, VA 22630

ALPHA GAMMA (1946) President CA ACA

Henderson State University, Arkadelphia, AR Machelle McCallie, Box 840, HSU, Arkadelphia, AR 71923 Mrs. Beverly Gilbert, 819 N. 26th St., Arkadelphia, AR 71923 Dr. Ramona Ward, 1304 Wilson, Arkadelphia, AR 71923 Mrs. Marcy Smith, 1749 Sylvia St., Arkadelphia, AR 71923




ALPHA EPSILON (1948) Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL President Kathy Edwards, 1 Pollock Dr. Macomb, IL 61455 CA Mrs. David Kielpinski, 15 Cedar Dr., Macomb, IL 61455 ACA Mrs. Jan Frowein, 506 E. Carroll, Macomb, IL 61455 Mrs. Dean Cada, 9122 Lincoln, Brookfield, IL 60513 FA Mrs. Connie Horacek, 925-E, Jackson, Macomb, IL 61455





ALPHA KAPPA (1961) President CA ACA

Marietta College, Marietta, OH Ruth Ramonis, 219 4th St., Marietta, OH 45750 Vickie Via, 203 Maple Shade Dr., Marietta, OH 45750 Mrs. Phyllis Hill, 202 Chamberlain Dr., Marietta, OH 45750 Miss Bobbie Kuenz, 203 Sherry Dr., Marietta, OH 45750


ALPHA LAMBDA (1953) President CA ACA

Radford College, Radford, VA Mary Coniff, Box 5091, RC, Radford, VA 24142 Ms. Martee Buchanan, 1022 Downey St., Radford, VA 24141 Ms. Marcy Henderson, Box 5897, RC, Radford, VA 24141 Ms. Anne Waldkirch, 230 Dora Highway, Pulaski, VA 24301


ALPHA MU (1962) President CA ACA

University of Arkansas at Monticello, AR Karen Hill, Box 2445, Monticello, AR 71655 Dr. Jim Edson, UAM, Box 2451, Monticello, AR 71655 Ms. Carol Hunter, 310 W. Gaines, Monticello, AR 71655 Ms. Arlene Rogers, 508 W. Speedway, Dermott, AR 71638

ALPHA XI (1965) President CA ACA

Mansfield State College, Mansfield, PA Gamma Barbara Cooper, Box 121, Laurel B, MSC, Mansfield, PA 16933 Mrs. King C. Rose, RD #2, Box 239, Smoke Rise, Mansfield, PA 16933 Mrs. David Straub, RD 2, Box 236-B, Mansfield, PA 16933 Mrs. Peter Keller, 35 N. Main St., Mansfield, PA 16933 Miss Kathy Doyle, 303 High St., Westfield, PA 16950





ALPHA OMICRON (1966) Clarion State College, Clarion, PA President Lisa Framiglio, 106 Ralston Hall, CSC, Clarion, PA 16214 CA Mrs. Suzanne P-Jobb, 41 Wilson Ave., Clarion, PA 16214 ACA Mrs. Barbara Parker, 956 Corbett St., Clarion, PA 16214 CC Ms. Sherry Anderson, 1466 N. Keelridge Rd., Sharon, PA 16146



ALPHA PI (1966) President CA ACA CC

Slj,ppery State College, Slippery Rock, PA Beta Robin Reich, 154 Keiser Rd., Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Miss Mary Louise Isabella, 1604 Wilson Ave., Newcastle, PA 16101 Miss Victoria Gomez, RD #3, Box 6, Cemetery Rd., Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Mrs. Mary H. Fox, Box 214, Slippery Rock, PA 16057

ALPHA SIGMA (1968) President CA ACA

Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville, MO Zeta Cindy Mueller, 322 Brewer, Kirksville, MO 63501 Mrs. Cathy Wombwell, Rt. 1, Box 48, Bucklin, MO 64631 Miss Peggy Fussell, 516짜2 S. High, Kirksville, MO 63501 Mrs. Sue Fletcher, 2014 Vine St., Davenport, lA 52804 Miss Maureen Hart, 802 South Osteopathy, Apt. 1, Kirksville, MO 63501

cc FA



Edinboro State College, Edinboro, PA Miss Cynthia Ferree, Box 4, Lawrence, Edinboro, PA 16412 Mrs. Elaine Bercik, Rt. #1, Irish Rd., Edinboro, PA 16412



ALPHA PHI (1969) President CA ACA


BETA BETA (1970) President CA ACA


BETA DELTA (1970) President CA ACA




BETA ZETA (1970) President CA ACA


BETA ETA (1972) President CA ACA


BETA TAU (1975) President



BETA THETA (1976) President CA ACA


BETA IOTA (1976)

West Chester State College, West Chester, PA Susan Pfiefer, 248 Goshen Hall, WCSC, West Chester, PA 19380 Mrs. Susan Burda, 1053 Niels Ln., West Chester, PA 19380 Ms. Theresa Burik, 2A Franklin Ct. Apts., West Chester, PA 19380 Miss Pam Rinda, 644 Parkview Dr., Phoenixville, PA 19460


Widner College, Chester, PA Joanne Quatiani, 2212 E. County Line Rd., Ardmore, PA 19003 Mrs. Grace Locke, 813 Ridge Ln., Media, PA 19063 Ms. Terry McKissick, 1429 Sharon Pk. Dr., Sharon Hill, PA 19079 Ms. Kathleen Paulson, 12 Mile Rd., Claymont, DE 19703


Beta Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA Erin Keegan, SMC 710, 1345 Vickroy St., Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Mrs. Georgia Zeedick, Scheduling Office, Duquesne Union, DU, Pittsburgh PA 15219 Mrs. Debra Sue Calabrese, 2609짜2 Herron Ln., Glenshaw, PA 15116 Mrs. Cindy lsenbart, 104-A Glen Inverness Dr., Glenshaw, PA 15116 Shippensburg State College, Shippensburg, PA Delta Anne Gray, Apt. 8 College Park Apts., Shippensburg, PA 17257 Dr. Mary Jane Urbanowicz, 400 E. King St., #2, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Ms. Sandra Hart, Rt. 3, Lot 117, SME, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Mrs. Judy Hocker, Rt. 5, Lot 27, SME, Shippensburg, PA 17257 University of Alabama in Birmingham, Birmingham, AL Faye Kane, 943-A, Beacon Parkway E., Birmingham, AL 35209 Mrs. Thad Schucchi, 2024 Old Rocky Ridge Rd., Birmingham, AL 35216 Mrs. Robert Roseberry, 529 Seminole Dr., Fairfield, AL 35064 Mrs. Virginia Becker, 3041 Dolly Ridge Dr., Birmingham, AL 35243


Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, IL Zeta Jenny Grieve, Tower Lake Apt. Bldg., 531, Apt. lD, Edwardsville, IL 62025 Ms. Jeanne Brunworth, 1439 Eberhart, Edwardsville, IL 62025 Ms. Donna Seis, 809 West Courtois, Apt. 9, St. Louis, MO 63111 Mrs. Nancy R. LaFiore, 6612 Foot Hills, St. Louis, MO 63033 University of Lowell, Lowell, MA Kappa Lori Sousa, Box 674, U. of Lowell, Lowell, MA 01854 Miss Ellen Duggan, c/o Dean of Student Affairs Office, UL, Lowell, MA 01854 Carolyn Callaway Miss Janet Simpson, 230 Cambridge Rd., Walburn, MA 01821 St. Mary's University, San Antonio, TX Iota Irma Dovalina, Box 35, Dougherty Hall, St. Mary's U., San Antonio, TX 78284 Sister Ann Semel, 3301 W. Woodlawn #310, San Antonio, TX 78228 Miss Debra Ort, 5414 Timber Trail, San Antonio, TX 78228 Miss Brenda Lane G_arza, 106 Westminster, San Antonio, TX 78228


Millersville State College, Millersville, PA Delta Catherine Greenfield, Box 2576, Gardiner Hall, MSC, Millersville, PA 17551 Mrs. Bonita J. Nausedat, Lenhardt Hall, MSC, Millersville, PA 17551 Miss Jill Shober, 135 Martin Ave., Ephrata, PA 17522 Mrs. Marilyn Guyer, 1618 Second Ave., York, PA 17402



President CA ACA

ALPHA SIGMA TAU founded November 4, 1899--E.M.U. (formerly Michigan State Normal College), Ypsilanti, Michigan CHIEF PATRONESS


*Ada A. Norton-Aipha ................................ 1925-1928 NATIONAL PRESIDENTS *Grace Erb Ritchie-Alpha ....................... .1925-1928 *Luella Chapman-Sigma ......................... .1928-1934 Carrie Washburne Staehle-Aipha ....... .1934-1949 *Dorothy Bennett Robinson-Pi ..............1949-1955 Mary Alice Seller Peterson- Iota .......... 1955-1964 Elizabeth Wilson-Pi ................................. .1964-1972 PRESIDENT EMERITA MRS. HASWELL E. STAEHLE (Alpha)

NATIONAL COUNCIL National President National Secretary National Treasurer Director of Collegiate Chapters Director of Alumnae Chapters Director of Central Office Director of Expansion Director of Fraternity Programs Director of Publications NPC Delegate

Mrs. Thomas J. King, Jr., 1845 Lakeridge Rd., Birmingham, AL 35216 Mrs. Julian J. Floyd, 3800 N. Fairfax Dr., V-1304, Arlington, VA 22203 Mrs. Gary Forrester, 3565 Grand, Abilene, TX 79605 Mrs. C. J. Ashby, Box 12, The Plains, VA 22171 Mrs. Robert O'Dell, 222 W. Tabor Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19120 Miss Elizabeth Wilson, 124 Elm Ave., St. Louis, MO 63122 Ms. Bobbie Nichols, 1420 Cantrell Rd., Apt. 304, Little Rock, AR 72201 Mrs. Phil Haggard, Box 421, Durant, OK 74701 Mrs. Emmett C. Phipps, 2611 Harrison, Parkersburg, WV 26101 Mrs. Donald Rhodes, 621 Heron Point Circle, Va. Beach, VA 23452



Mrs. James Gruber, 511 Adaway Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, Ml 49506 (Alpha, Beta, Theta) Miss Joni Silipigni, 1501 3rd St., Beaver, PA 15009 (Delta, Alpha Pi, Alpha Tau, Beta Delta) Miss Mary K. Rura, RD #3, Box 747, Homer City, PA 15748 (Zeta, Alpha Xi, Alpha Omicron) Miss Diane McGaha, 515 Pine St., Philadelphia, PA 19106 (Alpha Phi, Beta Beta, Beta Epsilon, Beta Iota) Mrs. Harold Scott, 710D Beauchamp St., Salisbury, MD 21801 (Chi, Psi, Alpha Kappa) Mrs. T. Reed Maxson, Arilen Acres, Warrensburg, MO 64093 Miss Patricia Marsh, 401 Whitehall Rd. # 8, Pine Bluff, AR 71602 (Upsilon, Alpha Gamma, Alpha Mu, Beta Zeta) Mrs. Robert Alexander, 1112 E. Maple, Sterling, VA 22170 (Omicron, Zeta Tau, Alpha Lambda) Mrs. Robert Clarke, 7504 Clarewood St., A-362, Houston, TX 77036 (Rho, Phi, Beta Theta) Mrs. Eugene Hendriks, 133 Main St., Westford, MA 01886 (Alpha Chi, Beta Tau)




Mrs. Charles R. McCrory, P.O. Box 5218, Ft. Wayne, IN 46805 Mrs. Anthony Crapet, 710 Mohave Dr., Forestdale, Birmingham, AL 35214 Mrs. Richard Falls, 3404 Tal Meadow, Birmingham, AL 35216 Mrs. Thomas Dudley, 3624 Hunters Hill Dr., Birmingham, AL 35210 Mrs. Walter G. Meyer, 6200 Hoffman, St. Louis, MO 63139 Miss June McCarthy, 6200 Hoffman, St. Louis, MO 63139 Miss Patricia L. Nayle, 4601 Sherwood Lane #191, Houston, TX 77092 Mrs. Edward Marshall, 5935 Bishops Place, St. Louis, MO 63109 Miss Lois Waninger, 5221 S. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63111 Mrs. Sue H. Brown, 1117 North 5th, Durant, OK 74701 Mrs. Robert Clarke, 7504 Clarewood St., A-362, Houston, TX 77036 Mrs. James Alexander, 6328 Potomac, St. Louis, MO 63109 Mrs. John Ward, 5120 North 7th Ave., Apt. 10, Phoenix, AZ 85013 Miss Ann C. Roemerman, P.O. Box 8735, St. Louis, MO 63102 Miss Linda Hollingshead, 216 E. Orange St., Lancaster, PA 17602 Ms. Cheri Moran, Penn. State U., Altoona , PA 16603 Ms. Martha Belknap, 3466 Gettysburg Rd., Ann Arbor, Ml 48105 Mrs. Douglas J. Bolton, 60 Briarhurst Rd., Wi lliamsville, NY 14221 Miss Jan Keen, 87 W. Main St., Hancock, NY 13783

Area Alumnae Representatives Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee Mrs. Rhea Patrick 1114 Greendale Court Macon, GA 31210

Florida, North and South Carolina Ms. Kay M. Derr 3408 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Coral Gables, FL 33134 Indiana Mrs. Charles McCrory (Cynthia) P.O. Box 5218 Ft. Wayne, IN 46805

Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming Mrs. Harold Gosselink (Marijo) 1719 Bonny Brae Pueblo, CO 81001

Michigan Mrs. Leon Sowell (Ern ita) 33830 King Richard Drive Sterling Heights, Ml 48077

Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas Mrs. William T. McDonald (Sherri) 1715 Walnut Arkadelphia, AR 71923

Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, North and South Dakota Ms. Marti Meek 722 E. Ohio Clinton, MO

California Mrs. Michaeline Lowright 4901 Royal Villa Drive, No. 251 Sacramento, CA 95841 Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont Miss Katherine Keith 70 Bindloss Road Mystic, CN 06355 Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia Mrs. Samuel W. Powell, Jr., (Esther) 101 Wileys Lane Pasadena, MD 21122


New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania Miss Mary Anne Tracy One Mansfield Road Lansdowne, PA 19050 Ohio and Western Pennsylvania Miss Barbella Kuenz 203 Sherry Drive Marietta, Ohio 45750 Virginia Miss Madonna Echols 1105 Downey Street Radford, VA 24141



Area Expansion Representative KANSAS Mrs. Robert Richard (Alpha Nu), 6101 Catalina, Fairway, KS 66205

MISSOURI Mrs. James Alexander (Pi), 6328 Potomac St., St. louis, MO 63109 TEXAS Mrs. Robert Clarke (Beta Tau), 7504 Clarewood St. #362, Houston, TX 77036

VIRGINIA Miss Debbie Fadely (Alpha lambda), Virginia Baptist Children's Home, Box 849, Salem, VA 24153

Alumnae Groups *Chartered *Akron-Canton, Ohio Mrs. Geneva Wood, 974 S. lincoln, Kent, Ohio 44240

*Edwardsville, Illinois Debbie Welborn, 5246 Robert Ave., St. louis, MO 63109

Appalachia Area Mrs. George Cowatch, 1132 School St., Indiana, PA 15701

*Emporia, Kansas Mrs. Cheryl Grosdidier, 811 Whildin, Emporia, KS 66801

*Arkadelphia, Arkansas Mrs. Paul Williams, 1218 Haddock, Arkadelphia, AR 71923

Orlando, Florida Mrs. Henry C. Brosius, 2113 Mohawk Trail, Maitland, FL 32751

*Birmingham, Alabama Mrs. Morris Becker, 3041 Dolly Ridge Rd., Birmingham, Al 35243

*Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Mrs. James Brown, 1981 Corinthian Ave., Abington, PA 19001

*Bluefield, Virginia Mrs. Glenn Buchanan, 1903 Tazewell Ave., Bluefield, VA 24605

*Prince Georges-Montgomery Mrs. Jerry Dingess, 1304 Caddington Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20901

*Buffalo, New York Mrs. R. A. Wales, 85 Bassett Rd., Williamsville, NY 14221

*Princeton-Athens, West Virginia Mrs. Meade McNeill, Box 171, Athens, WV 24712

Calumet, Indiana Miss Sarah G. Munier, 6546 Nebraska #20, Hammond, IN 46323

*Radford-Pulaski, Virginia Miss Anne Waldkirch, 230 Dora Highway, Pulaski, VA 24301

Charlotte-Rock Hill, North Carolina Mrs. Carl Brown, P.O. Box 233, Monroe, NC 28110

*Richmond-Petersburg, Virginia Mrs. E. L. McConaghy, 6404 Monument Ave., Richmond, VA 23226

Chicago, Illinois Mrs. John Steeves, 400 Hudson, Clarendon Hills, ll 60514

*Roanoke, Virginia Mrs. Allan Scanlan, 6500 Carefree Lane, B117, Roanoke, VA 24019

*Clarion, Pennsylvania Ms. Bonnie O'Neill, 414112 Wood St., Clarion, PA 16214

*Shepherdstown, West Virginia Mrs. Mary Staley, Route 1, Scrabble, Shepherdstown, WV 25443

Dayton, Cincinnati, Ohio Mrs. Alva Martin, 1144 leaftree, Vandalia, OH 45377

Fort Wayne, Indiana Mrs. Donna LaMaster, 7617 Knights Wood Dr., Ft. Wayne, IN 46819

*Denver, Colorado Mrs. Del Englen, 7145 Kipling, Arvada, CO 80002

*Hammond, Louisiana Mrs. Laura Carter, 135 le Blanc St., Ponchatoula, LA 70454

*Detroit I, Michigan Mrs. David Roman, 7298 S. Ward Eagle, W. Bloomfield, Ml 48033

*Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Kathy Heckman, 108 Sunrise Ave., New Cumberland, PA 17070

*Detroit Ill, Michigan Mrs. Juanita Bouffard, 15504 Eastburn, Detroit, MI 48205

*Houston, Texas Ms. Patricia Nayle, 4601 Sherwood lane, # 191 Houston, TX 77092

*Durant, Oklahoma Mrs. Paula Buckles Sullivan, RR 2, Box 57A, Durant, OK 74701

Indiana, Pennsylvania Mrs. Robert G. Sloaf, RD 2, Hidden Springs Farm, Box 151, Punxsutawney, PA 15767



Indianapolis, Indiana Miss Kathy Orrison, 1436-B Weber Dr., lndial'lapolis, IN 46227

*Norristown, Pennsylvania Mrs. Helen Bomberger, College Court Apts. #4B 525 School St., Collegeville, PA 19426

*Kansas City, Missouri Mrs. Dale Mellon, 10804 E. 58th, Raytown, MO 64133

*Northern Virginia (D.C.) Debby Kahanowitz, 6492 King Louis Dr., #303, Alexandria, VA 22312

*Kirksville, Missouri Ms. Cynthia Coffey, 304 W. Hempstead, Fairfield, lA 52556

*Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania Mrs. Diane Leary, R.D. #2, Portersvi lie, PA 16051

Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Mrs. Joyce Wroble, 482 Haverhill Rd., Lancaster, PA 17601

Springfield, Illinois Mrs. Bruce Johansen, Rt. 1, Box 221, llliopolos, IL 62539

*Lansing, Michigan Mrs. E. C. Twork, 247 S. lves Rd., Mason, Ml 48854

*St. Louis, Missouri Mrs. Wm. Scott, 1625 Marshall Ct., Florissant, MO 63031

Little Rock, Arkansas Ms. Bobbie Nichols, 220 N. Taylor #3 Little Rock, AR 72205

St. Petersburg, Florida Eileen Jandt, 10611 66th St., #237, Park Royale, Pinellas Park, FL 33565

*Los Angeles, California Miss Frances Higgins, 1162 S. Bronson Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90019

*Tri-City Mrs. David Flora, 1710 Sycamore, Saginaw, Ml 48602

*Marietta/ Parkersburg, Ohio Mrs. Ernest Hartong, 111 Bel-Aire Dr., Marietta, OH 45750

*West Chester, Pennsylvania Ms. Catherine C. Angelo, Glenmore Apts. K-1, Clifton Heights, PA 19018

*Miami, Florida Suzanne Bossong, 12315 SW. 43 St., Miami, FL 33175

*Wichita, Kansas Mrs. Barbara Foreman, RR 2, Box 201, Valley Center, KS 67147

*Muncie, Indiana Mrs. Steven L. Younce, Route 1, Box 260, Gaston, IN 47342

*Wilmington, Delaware Ms. Ann W- Chalmers, 81 W. Delaware Ave., Newark, DE 19711

*New Orleans, Louisiana Mrs. Fred Greene, 2400 N. Bengal Rd., Metairie, LA 70003

*Youngstown, Ohio Miss Carol Ficeti, 1717 E. Market #B, Warren, OH 44483

*Norfolk, Virginia Mrs. F. W. Cool Ill, 4016 Rampart St., Virginia Beach, VA 23455

*Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor, Michigan Mrs. Douglas Christy, 15052 Piedmont, Detroit, M I 48223

Sl11rl 11n 11lumn11e p11nhellenit in your tommunily. It's e11sy • • • worthwhile ••• rew11rding! An alumnae panhellenic may be composed of either delegates, alternates, and interested alums from organized alumnae groups or individual alumnae groups. For information, contact: Mrs. Arthur Markowitz 160 Oak Ridge Drive York, Pennsylvania 17402



IT'S IMPORTANT! We Need Your Correct Address! Have You Married? Or Moved? College Chapter_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Year of Initiation _ _ __ Maiden N a m e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Married Name - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - Former Address: StreeL...__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip.____ State_ _ _ _ __ New Address:

Stree,____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

City_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip.____ State._ _ _ _ __ Remark

Date Returned _ _ _ __

Send all Changes of Name and/or Address to: Alpha Sigma Tau Central Office 6200 Hoffman Ave. St. Louis, Mo. 63139

If you are planning a change of name or address in the near future, please use the above form to notify the Central Office. Please don't get lost!


to INCREASE ALUMNAE CHAPTERS Name - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First



(Husband's Name)

Address Number



State and Zip Code

Collegiate Chapter_ _ _ _ Year of Graduation __ Year of Initiation __ Do you belong to an Alpha Sigma Tau Alumnae Chapter? _ _ __ If not, would you be interested in joining an alumnae chapter in your city? Would you be willing to help organize an alumnae chapter? _ _ __ Would you come to a meeting if contacted?

Tele. No .._ _ _ _ __

If unable to attend meetings, would you be willing to support a chapter by paying dues? _ _ _ _ __

Return this form to: MRS. ROBERT O'DELL 222 W. Tabor Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19120


NPC Delegates were, first row, from left: Mrs. George K. Roller, Alpha Omicron Pi; Mrs. Karl B. Mrs. Berne Jacobson, Alpha Delta Pi; Mrs. L. D. Foxworthy, Alpha Gamma Delta; Miss Minnie Mae Delta; Mrs. W. F. Williamson, Jr., Phi Mu; and Mrs. Robert L McKeeman, Delta Zeta. Second row, from left: Mrs. George D. Linton, Alpha Sigma Alpha; Mrs. Joseph Schultz, Delta Donald H. Rhodes, Alpha Sigma Tau; Mrs. 0. E. Pollock, Pi Beta Phi; Mrs. Foss A. Nielsen, Alpha Ruth Thompson, Theta Phi Alpha, and Mrs. Arthur Markowitz, Phi Sigma Sigma. Third row, from left: Mrs. J. Allen Nye, Jr., Delta Delta Delta; Mrs. John W. Slaupblr, Jr., Delta Gllmwllt' Cocke, Chi Omega; Mrs. James Hofstead, Kappa Alpha Theta; Mrs. Geol'le Brown, Alpha Xi Den.; Katz, Sigma Tau. Fourth row, from left: Mrs. David Barbee, Sigma Sigma Sigma; Mrs. Wilbur M. Pryor, Jr., Mrs. Arthur L. Bel'lmann, Alpha Epsilon Phi; Mrs. Daniel H. Lundin, Gamma Phi Beta; Mrs. J'IM Alpha, and Mrs. Alexander E. Jones, Alpha Phi.

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