1981 Fall ANCHOR

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FALL 1981

Seventy-one young ladies choose Alpha Sigma Tau Beta Pi Colony organized at Eastern Illinois " That was wonderful. It only took three hours," National President Mrs. King said giving a sigh of satisfaction. Mrs. King, Mrs. Pyszka, director of expansion , Shelley Wascom , traveling counselor, and Amu DuPree, resident counselor had just finished pin pledging 71 of the most attractive girls at Eastern Illinois University (EIU). On September 20, 1981 , Alpha Sigma Tau joined seven other sororities at EIU in Charleston , Illinois, with the pledging of Beta Pi Colony. The pin pledging was a culmination of almost one year of work. In January of 1981 , ALT was invited to make an introductory presentation at EIU. By April the sorority was given permission to colonize this fall. Mrs. Pyszka visited the campus again during the summer to take AST posters, brochures and ads for the school newspaper. Wednesday , September 16 , 185 women attended an informational meeting and presentation . Mrs. King, Miss Wascom , and Miss DuPree, combined


forces with local alumnae Pat Flaugher and Debbie Fay to help interview 135 women. AST was ready to form a new colony. Bids were issued Saturday morning among the throngs of ecstatic young ladies who would be ribbon pledged later that afternoon . New members learned peppy songs, helped each other with name tags, then rushed from the Memorial Union to deplete the supply of emerald green and gold T-shirts. Not only is this colony typically wonderful as every Alpha Sigma Tau chapter, but it has some unique combinations. Teresa Robertson , is a legacy-her mother was an Alpha Epsilon from Western Illinois. Two charter members, Leslie and Lisa McElmury are natural sisters; and two

members, Laura Kolbe and Becky Russell , are step-sisters. If this isn 't amazing enough, charter member Cathy Walker, received a call from her sister at Western Illinois saying she had just pledged 2T's Alpha Epsilon chapter the night before Cathy pledged ! The colonizing of Beta Pi chapter was crowned by a luncheon at Fat Alberts, a restaurant in Mattoon. The management from the restaurant provided sisters with complimentary champagne cocktails , complete with lime sherbet. This kind gesture is another example of the wonderful things that happen when the sorority, College Pan hellenic Council , and community are ready for a great, new, chapter of a National fanhellenic C<?nference sorority.

Trudi Gilliam, Psi 1970, poses with her sculpture at Butler Bay, St. Croix, a uery rugged yet beautiful area on the island. The title of the sculpture is "Victorian Trap Ensemble." It is made of copper, and brass on cedar bases and was inspired by the won derful gingerbread designs found in Frederikstead created in the Victorian Era . (Photo by: Vin cent Paul Staley, Island Im ages.)

Regional Leadership Workshop Schedule


National Editor Terry Dudley 3624 Hunters Hill Drive Birmingham, AL 35210

Collegians take honors

Starring YOU at the , 1982 Convention



Talented Trudi Gilliam


Winner of raffle announced


Alumnae Chapter Editor Rose Marie Schmidt 5106 Harvard Road Detroit, MI 48224 Notice: Collegians and alumnae, if you haven't sent your chapter's copy for the Spring 1982 issue of THE ANCHOR, you may do so - without penalty - by January 10, 1981.

THE ANCHOR is published in the Fall and Spring. Third class postage is paid at Birming ham , Ala. Send all editorial material to Terry Dudley, Editor, 3624 Hunters Hill Dr., Birmingham, AL 35210. Copy should arrive not later than May 1 and December 15. Send change of address, vital statistics, in memoriam notices, and all sorority business correspondence to Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters, P.O. Box 5952, Birmingham , AL 35259.



Here's the Regional Leadership Workshop story REGIONAL LEADERSHIP WORKSHOPS (RLW) are exciting new programs for all collegians and alumnae. RLWs are most helpful to all Alpha Sigma Taus in sharing ideas, gaining knowledge about programs of the sorority, meeting trained staff who you can call on throughout the year and boostering enthusiasm within your collegiate and alumnae chapters. If you have not attended RLW for a few years, then you don't know what you are missing! Workshop facilitators are members of the National Staff. Included for this year's presentations are chapter programming, pledge , rush , expansion/alumnae and ritual. Chapters are required to bring rush skits to perform and songs to sing. This gives everyone a chance to share ideas and , consequently, strengthens the organization.

How to join us ... . . . . If you are an alumna or alumnae chapter, find the RLW that

is close to you. Collegiate chapters have been assigned RLWs to attend . . . . . Contact the RLW chairman and pay your registration fee , which is nonrefundable . . . . . If you need more information you may write: Mrs. Harold S. Scott, Jr. Rt. 7, Schumaker Lane Salisbury, Maryland 21801


REGIONALLEADERSHIP WORKSHOPS 1981-1982 I. Zeta Tau will be the hostess chapter for the chapters listed below. It will be held on November 13-15, 1981. Please contact the Chairman: Ms. Mary Slade

Box 831 Longwood College Farmville, VA 23901



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Zeta Tau Psi Chi Omicron Alpha Lambda Beta Mu


II. Beta Epsilon will be the hostess chapter for the chapters listed below. The RLWwill be held on October 9-11 , 1981. Please contact the Chainnan: Miss Karen Shell Apt No. 7 College Park Shippensburg, PA 17257

3. 4. 5. 6.

1. Beta Epsilon 2. Beta Mu

Alpha Phi Beta Iota Delta Beta Nu

7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Zeta Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha

Xi Omicron Pi Kappa

III. Alpha Nu will be the hostess chapter for the chapters listed below. The RLW will be held in the spring, but to get further infonnation please write to: 1. Alpha Nu National RLW Chainnan 2. Iota Miss Kim Olexa 3. Alpha Epsilon 17 Duke Lane 4. Upsilon Lincolnshire , IL 60015 5 . Alpha Sigma



V. Sigma Chapter will be the hostess chapter for the chapters listed below. It will be held April 2-4, 1982, and fu rther infonnation can be obtained by writing: Miss Marra Attell SUCB P. 0 . Box 118 Bidwell Station Buffalo, NY 14222



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Sigma Beta XI Beta Delta Alpha Xi Alpha Omicron Alpha Pi Alpha Tau Beta Delta


t IV. Rho Chapter will be the hostess chapter for the chapters listed below. It will be held in the spring and further infonnation can be obtained from : MASS.

Miss Anita Glasscock, Chainnan Brywood Apts. H-3 Durant, OK 74701 405-924-3841


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Rho Beta Lambda Beta Theta Phi Beta Zeta Alpha Gamma Alpha Mu




Campus Honors

Hey, look us over

• • •

Zeta Ta u Chapter members with chapter consultant, Judy Hart at the new officers' workshop.

Indiana Univers ity: Third-place, homecoming float ... First-place, Sigma Chi Derby Days spirit award ... Fourth-place, Theta Xi Broomball Tournament . . . Second-place, Panhellenic Christmas Door Contest ... First-place, women , and most money raised, Phi Sigma Kappa -Alpha Sigma Tau pancake-eating contest ... Susan Arco, president Scranton Hall Residence ... Diane Brown , Greeks Athletic club co-captain ... Kathy Jo Musitano, Systems Club Seminar and publicity committee ... Lynn Gourley, Board of Trustees Selection Committee ... Louise Cullen Nutrition Education Club Executive board and nominating committee ch~irman ... Straight A Averages, Nancy Konwick, Janet Wallace, Pam Michaels, and Kim Letso ... Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities, Lisa Smith ... Dean's List, Lynn Arubuckle, Kathy Bonetti, Jenny Bowers, Deb Coleman, Margie D' Amico, Julie Dingey, Dee Eshelman, Carol Fitzpatrick, Nancy Konwick , Sue Lilliquist, Andrea Lutz, Margie McCall, Pam Michaels, Jan Quinn, Jean Rabine, Lisa Smith, Loni Wagner, Janet Wallace, Tami Bush, Mary Beth Kelley, Kim Letso, and Beth Snell. Lock Haven: Third-place homecoming float ... Fifth-place, Dance marathon ... Kim Morris, secretary, All Greek Council .. . Julie Wrench, Kappa Delta Pi vice president ... Kelly McBride, treasurer, Student Co-op Council ... Deb Gerhart , assistant coordinator, Campus Activist Society , Bettye Schneider, captain, track team ... Cheryl Fluck, captain, Lacrosse Tearn ... Mandy Lessig, captain, basketball team. Concord: Susan Walls, recording secretary, Gamma Beta Phi ... Wh o's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities , Jeanne Davis ... Linda Martin, president, Panhellenic ... Tam Buffalo: The Outstanding Sorority on Campus . . . Arst-place, spring song competition ... Ann Marie Carroll, first runner-up, Outstanding Senior ... Michele Luppino, Outstanding Inter-Greek Association Member. Longwood: Winona Bayne, vice president, Intramural Activities Association ... Cindy Christensen , secretary, Delta Psi Kappa and treasurer, Therapeutic Recreation Association ... Julia Combs, Student Senator ... Karen Crespo, special projects chairman, Longwood College Company of Dancers ... Brenda Fettrow, chairman of orientation ... Suzanne Fraille. secretary,


Judicial Board and vice president, sophomore class ... Sharon Harrup, Student Government President, sergeant at arms, Delta Psi Kappa, and student representative to the College Board of Visitors ... Jan Jannings, senior class president ... Karen Kilmer, Student Senator ... Christi Lewis, chairman, Resident Life Committee, and corresponding secretary, Student Government Association ... Connie Murray, treasurer, Intramural Activities Association ... Linda Paschall, vice president, Senior Class ... Grace Ann Rogers, president, Longwood College Company of Dancers, president, Geist, and chaplain, Delta Psi Kappa ... Mary Slade, chairman, Constitution Review Committee, and vice president, junior class . . . Debra Spencer, representative, Health. Physical Education, and Recreation Department, and chairman, Muscular Dystrophy dance-a-then .. . Susan Towler, judicial board investigator, and historian, Therapeutic Recreation Organization ... Lori Wilson, vice president, Psychology Club ... AST ranks second, scholastically, on campus ... Straight A Average, Cindy Christensen ... Who 's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities , Brenda Fettrow and Linda Paschall. Central Arkansas: Panhellenic Scholarship ... First-place, Homecoming float . . . Second place, intramural football ... Kim Hillis, first vice president, Nursing Honor Society ... Marsha Crownover, secretary-treasurer, Biology Club, and social chairman, Campus Crusades for Christ ... Ranks # 1 scholastically on campus ... Straight A Averages, Christy Mobley, Gina Spinelli and Sandy Cotten ... Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities , Kim Hillis, Beth Martin and Gina Spinelli ... Dean's List, Sandy Wood, Sandra La ferney, Linda Turner, and Beth Martin . .. National Dean's List, Linda Turner ... Outstanding Student on Campus, Kim Hillis. Southern Louisiana: Freshman Leadership Award, Suzanne Krall, Barbara Talbot, and Lori Slattery ... Outstanding Female Student at SLU, Lorretta Luchuck.

Madison: First-place, Panhellenic Involvement ... Panhellenic Spirit Award ... Second-place, Greek sing ... Third-place fund raising and campus involvement . .. Kimberly Snider, secretary, Phi Beta Lambda .. Terese Mc.Daniel, secretary, Women's Rubgy Club ... Molly Grimes, president. Pht Omtcron Tau . . . Jennifer Morgan, secretary, senior class committee . . . Brenda Morgan, production manager, The Breeze . . . tephanie ~ackley, secretary, Sociology Club . . . traight A Averages, Jane rntmont and Sandra Cashwell ... Dean' List, Elizab th Chamberlain,


Jennifer Boult: Mary Nancy Turner, Karen Bankard, Janet Wernimo nt, T e~esa McDamel, Sarah Marshall, Sheri Williams, Co nstance Fianu, Molly Gn~es, Bren.da Morgan , Tammy Belfield, Nancy Laird, Cynthia Roper, Marilyn Feag~n , Sandra Cashwell, Lisa Peele, Debo rah Axtell, Tammy Cassell, Sande Snead, Jennifer Sammis, Laurie Brooks, Holly Fuller, Margaret Ranagan , Melanie Williams, Tammil Simonis, Patricia Keyes, Sarah Slayton , Melanie Stillwell, and Patricia Locke.

Marietta: First-place, Heart Fund Dance Marathon, Intramural Basketball , Doo Dah Day. Tug-of War (Women's), and Mille r Cann Collecting Contest ... J ulie FmiJ, treasurer, Panhellenic ... Ivy Peterson , vice preside nt, International Students Organization ... Roxana Spea r, program director, Internationa l Studen~s Organization . . . Ivy Peterson, vice president, American Chemical ~oc1ety (Stude nt Affi liate ) ... Ranks # 1 Scholastically on Campus ... Stra1ght A Average, Teresa Wein er . .. Wh o's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities , Roxan na Spear and Ivy Peterson. Radford: Beth Knaus, president, Madison House Council, and treasurer, InterResidence Hall Council . . . Patsy Wright, president, Panhellenic . .. Ranks #1 Scholastically. Monticello: Intramural basketball and volleyball winners . : . Ove rall winners of Greek Day . . . Diana Lipford, vice president, Pan hellenic ... Ka ren Kuethe, vice pre~ident, Student Government Association ... Donna Powell, president, Agr1culture Club ... Ranks # 1 Scholastically on Campus ... Straight A Averages, Beth Tippin Suzy Von Tungeen, Nita Beth Hall, Pam Young, and Kathy Newton ... Who 's Wh o Among Students in American Colleges and Universities, Beth Tippin. Mansfield State: First-place, Homecoming float . . . Highset cumulative grade awardpledges ... Bonnie Moyer, vice president, dorm council. Kim Weatherill, vice president, Oral Interpretation ... Judy Kromko , co-captain of cheerleaders ... Sue Cooper, vice president, Lambda Sigma ... Gail Lenker, treasurer, Oral Interpretation Society . . . Shelly Taynton, treasurer, Lambda Sigma. Clarion State: First-place, overall Greek Week olympics ... Second-place, homecoming float ... Sue Snyder, president, CSC Percussion Ensemble ... Sherry Ward, treasurer, Given Hall Council .. . Patricia Wojcik, treasurer, Business and Management Association ... Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities ... Dean's List, Kathi Jo Burker, Jan Harrison , Kandace Krach , Mary Jo Malizia, ValaTie Novack, Wendy P utnam , Janet Schminke, Gina Villella, Sue Snyder, Beth Klinger, Jannifer Hartman, Carol Hazlett, and Sherry Ward.

St. Mary's: Second-place, Greek Week and Intramural Basketball ... Nanette Whitworth, student senator ... Diane Ramire, student senator ... Linda Herzik, publicity chairman, Alpha Lambda Omega ... Tina Garcia, secretary , Marketing Club ... , Lucy Rodriguez, secretary, Drama Club . . Carmen Olivares, ways and means committee chairman, Marketing Club . . . Cynthia Finger, information chairman, Admission Committee ... Amy S hulz, secretary, University Choir ... Jane Tierney, president, Alpha Psi Omega ... Ranks # 1 Scholastically on Campus ... Straight A Averages, An ny Campo and Cynthia Finger ... Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities, Ann Campo .. . Dean's List, Linda Sparmo, Ann Camp, Lucia Rodriguez, Cynthia Finger, Mary Margaret Rohmer, Laura Fischer, Sue Hoch , Nannette Whitworth, Didane Ramirez, Roas Briones, Maryann Knopik, Carmen Olivares, Meg Weisbruch, Celest Johnson , Barbara Wold, and Leslie Gorman. Millersville State : First-place, homecoming float , Terry Rill , secretary, ABA ... Cindy Stump, president, Dorm Council, recording secretary, American Student Organization , and resident student association ... Mary T. Versprille, editor, Snapper (school paper) .. . Who 's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities , Lori Wallace and Judy Smith ... Dean's List, Debbie Sunday and Mary Versprille. Salisbury State: Third-place, homecoming float ... Connie Boswell, secretary, Student National Education Association ... Tracey Pimental, advertisi ng manager, Fryer (school paper) ... Tammy Brumwell, dorm treasurer and vice president, Panhellenic ... Who 's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities , Debi Raig and Donna Bytella ... Dean's List, Connie Boswell , Anne Kelly , Panny Foster, and Lee Akers. Bloomsbwg: Cheryl Murray, secretary-treasurer, Pi Kappa Delta and corresponding secretary, Student Speech, Language, and Hearing Association ... Ellen Ramsay , secretary, Kappa Mu Epsilon . .. Straight A Average , Che ryl Murray ... Dean' s List, Ellen Ramsay and Cheryl Murray. Michigan Tech: First-place, Intramural Basketball . .. Jackie Wilcox social chairman Campus Crusade ... Dean's List, Beth Appelt, Tina P~tri, J ackie Wilcox.'

"We've got the friendship, we've got the fun,"

Edinboro: Second-place, Greek Sing ... Jenny Naylor, Treasurer, Panhellenic .. . Dean's List, Sue Garbart, Anne Marie McHenry, Patricia Seymour, and BevBules. West Chester: Lisa Steffy, president, Ski Club . . . Debbi Panko, vice president, Ski Club ... Dean's List, Trisha Moran. Shippensburg State: Donna Taylor, vice president, Class of 1982 .. . Ann Schoenstein, historian , Class of 1982, Helen Petillo, co-chairman, Concert Committee ... Denise Deon, co-chairman, concert committee .. . Judy Clayton, Librarian Cumbelaires/ Women 's Choir ... Janet Purtell, treasurer, intersorority Council ... Andrea Neff, secretary, Women's Intramural Board . . . Tina Eccarius, Student Senator .. . Ranks #2 Scholastically on Campus with a 2 .68 (first-place was 2 .678) ... Dean's List, Donna Taylor, Judy Clayton , Doreen Statzfus, Ann Achoenstein, Jilly Henry, Marilee McGeary, Andrea Neff, Gina Lutz, Kathy Fabley, Lois Bixler, and Diane Javitt. Alabama In Birmingham: Ranks #1 , Scholastically ... Mary Yeatman, Miss UAB finalist . .. Diane Dameron, secretary-treasurer, Panhellenic ... Renee Philpot accepted to chiropractic school ... Brenda Monroe accepted to law school. Southern Illinois: Winners in volleyball ... Sandra Wentler, president, SlUE Panhellenic ... AST Ranks# 1 Scholastically on campus ... Who 's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities, Sandra Wentler . .. Dean's List, Theresa Grace, Sonya Gares, Sandy Wentler, Denise Panyik-Dale . Th e newest nine Alpha Omicrons at the end of their pledgeship.




go for the glamour,"

Delta's Cindy Wolfe was homecoming candidate; Mary Musiol was Sigma Chi Derby Days Queen; and the chapter had the highest attendance and best rush skit at Regional Leadership Workshop (RLW). Gamma was honored by Kim Morris who was a homecoming candidate; Kelly McBride was a contestant in the Clinton County Pageant; Becky Clarke was first runner-up in the homecoming court; and Cheryl Ruck received honorable mention for the national squad of USWI.A Lacrosse. Omicron is proud of Tammy Neely, recipient of the Ella Holroyd Award for outstanding music achievments; Tammy McGraw winner of the Concord College talent scholarship. Sigmas added another crowning star when Anne Santini was named White Rose Queen; and Cindi Hill was crowned Snowball Queen during Winter Weekend. Upsilon has a bounty of beauties: Teresa Bryant was homecoming maid ; Deidra Stewart won the talent award, Miss Arkansas USA '80, 2nd runner-up, Pi Kappa Alpha talent show, and 2nd place, Pledge Queen Contest; Terri Utley was 1st alternate, Miss Body Beautiful, a finalist , Miss Arkansas USA '81 ; Lynnanne Derryberry, Miss Arkansas, USA '81; Leanne Derryberry, Miss Morrilton '81 ; Kim Norwood , Miss Congeniality in the Miss Morrilton pageant, Myra Matthews, Pi Kappa Alpha Dream Girl; Karen Wadley, Sigma Tau Gamma Toilet Bowl Maid; Mona Flowers was 1st runner-up, Best Dressed Co-ed; Kathy Terry, Phi Lambda Chi Sweetheart and Miss Daisy Mae; Suzy Sanders, 1st runner up Miss U.C.A.; Karen Wadley and Kathy Terry were on the Sigma Tau Gamma Calendar; and Cheryl Thompson was a cheerleader. Zeta Tau's Melanie Moss was named Miss Congeniality in the Miss Longwood Pageant; Julie Dayton was a member of the U.S. Lacrosse team ; Sharon Pillow was a national gymnastregional and state all around ; and Debra Spencer won 2 bronze medals in the National Wheelchair Athletics Association wheelchair games and a silver medal in the swimming competition. Psi was honored by Sandra Cashwell who was a Miss Madison contestant and, also, held the highest Panhellenic grade



Becky Richardson , Alpha Epsilon, was elected by 31 Western lllinois campus organizations to the fiue member homecoming court. She was also rush chairman for campus pan hellenic which is an honored elected position.

average; Patricia Power who placed third in the Azalea Festival 1OK Run; and Lisa Peele who won the Pan hellenic Spirit Award. Alpha Lambda is proud of Sharon Stanley, Sweetheart Queen; and Rene Zecca, Sweetheart Princess. Alpha Mu added another crowning star when Karen Kuethe, Beth Tippin and Terri Seifried were chosen class favorites; Karen was selected Valentine Queen; and Pam Young was named Greek of the year. Alpha Xi was blessed with beauties: Brenda Bowmaster, first runner-up, homecoming Queen; Marion Garrett , Wayne County Dairy Princess; and Donna Kukura, Female -Athlete of the Year and Most Valuable Player-women's basketball. Alpha Omicron's Laurie Leslie was named Miss Clarion State College and Golden Girl (head majorette ); Jody Aaron, Phi Sigma Kappa Moonlight Girl; Janice Defalco, Theta Chi Dream Girl; Pam Chilson, Sigma Chi Sweetheart; Sherry Ward , majorette; Lisa Burker, wrestling cheerleader; Sue Myers, football cheerleader; Jenny Hartman, and varsity basketball team. Alpha Taus at Edinboro State College were ecstatic when Maria Thomas was chosen Homecoming Queen. Alpha Phi is proud of Missie Parziale named to the All Eastern Region Winter Tract Team of 1981. Beta Epsilon's Barb Orr was first runner-up to homecoming queen at Shippensburg State College. Beta Eta was honored when Sandra Wentler (1980 Convention Queen ) placed in the Miss Glenfest Contest. Beta Thetas took second place in the San Antonio Rodeo goat-milking contest; Rosa Briones received the Volunteers in Probation Award; Della Casas was named Outstanding Intern for Summer '80 at the San Antonio Light (Newspaper); and Nora Olvera was chosen for the Texas Academy of Science Collegiate Academy. ' Beta Iota was pleased to announce, Terry Rill was crowned Miss Lineboro. Beta Xi's Jennifer Venia was a member of homecoming queen s court; and Debbie Moore was selected for the winter carnival queen's court. THE AN H R

Honor Societies

" .. go for the class. " Delta Psi Kappa Cindy Christensen-Zeta Tau Grace Rogers--Zeta Tau Jo Jacobs--Zeta Tau Chris Ruppei-Zeta Tau Sharron Harrup----Zeta Tau Teri Davis--Zeta Tau Julie Dayton-Zeta Tau Kim Barber-Zeta Tau Barb Greer-Zeta Tau Jan Jennings--Zeta Tau Sharon Payne-Zeta Tau Julie Petefish-Zeta Tau Linda Pullen-Zeta Tau Debra Spencer-Zeta Tau Mary Milne-Zeta Tau Sharon Pillow-Zeta Tau Gamma Rho Tau (Accounting) Phyllis Sedlacek-Delta Tammy Belfield-Psi Deborah Axtell-Psi Margaret Flanagan PI Gamma Mu (Social Science) Lisa Smith-Delta Janet Wallace-Delta Jennifer Morgan-Psi Sarah Slayton-Psi Kappa Delta PI (Education) Lisa Smith-Delta Theresa Ely-Zeta Julie Wrench-Zeta Mary Nancy Turner-Psi Janet Wernimont-Psi Sandra Cashweii-Psi Marily Feagin-Psi Wendy Putnam-Alpha Omicron Pat Seymour-Alpha Tau Trisha Moran-Alpha Phi Donna Taylor-Beta Epsilon Judy Clayton-Beta Epsilon Ann Schoenstein-Beta Epsilon Jill Henry--Beta Epsilon Marilee McGeary-Beta Epsilon Andrea Neff-Beta Epsilon Gina Lutz-Beta Epsilon Kathy Fabley-Beta Epsilon Lois Bixler- Beta Epsilon Diane Javitt-Beta Epsilon Sigma Delta Chi (Journalism) Lynn Gourley-Delta Gamma Beta Phi Susan Walls--Omicron Cindy Jones--Omicron Karen Sexton--Omicron Jeanne Davis--Omicron Terry Arnold Lisa Boyd Sandy Cotten Marsha Crownover, V Vicki Grecco Kim Hillis Karen Wadley Sandra Laferney Julie Long Susan McKnight Christy Mobley Gina Spinelli Joanne Patterson


Chi Beta Phi (Science) Pam Michaels--Delta Geist Grace Rogers--Zeta Tau Debra Spencer-Zeta Tau Christi Lewis--Zeta Tau Sharon Harrup----Zeta Tau Chi Cindy Dropeski-Zeta Tau Barb Greer-Zeta Tau Brenda Fettrow-Zeta Tau Linda Paschaii- Zeta Tau GreenS Mary Kay Kahn-Phi Loretta Luchuck-Phi Phi Omega Tau (Home Economics) Molly Grimes--Psi Rebecca Hurt-Psi Gamma Gamma (Greek Honor) Mary Nancy Turner- Psi Lisa Peele-Psi Phi Beta Lambda (Business) Kimberly Snider-Psi Sue Snyder-Alpha Omicron Heide Marie Bliss-Alpha Omicron Phi Alpha Theta (History) Jennifer Morgan-Psi Pat Seymour-Alpha Tau Linda Sparrno--Beta Theta Ann Campo-Beta Theta Omicron Delta Kappa (Leadership) Betsy Schenck-Lamda Beth Appelt-Beta:<i Trl Beta (Biology) Teresa Weiner- Lambda Christie Long- Beta Mu PI Kappa Delta (Forensics) Marti Glaser-Lambda Karen Kuethe-Aipha Mu Cheryl Murray- Beta Nu Kappa Mu Epsilon (Math) Nancy Brucken-Lambda Ellen Ramsay-Beta Nu Alpha Chi Beth Tippin-Aipha Mu Suzy Tungeln-Aipha Mu Beth Martin Sandra Lafemey Nursing Honor Society Kim Hillis Vickey Grecco Royal Rooters Christy Mobley Carie Stoner Cheryl Thompson Linda Turner Beth Martin American Home Economics Association Myra Matthews Cardinal Key Jeanne Davis--Omicron Alpha Lambda Delta Mary Slade-Zeta Tau Jean Mayo-Zeta Tau

Tina Garcia and Jan Harper, Beta Thetas, help raise money during Las Vegas night.

Lambda Sigma (Li brary Science) Cathy Cressman- Aipha Xi Shelly Taynton-Aipha Xi Sue Cooper-Alpha Xi Annette Tacconelli-Aipha Xi Heide Marie Bliss--Alpha Omicron Phi Sigma PI Debe Keen-Alpha Xi Kay Pierce-Alpha Xi Annette Tacconelli-Aipha Xi Lambda Alpha Epsilon (C.J.A.) Ivy Hontz- Aipha Xi Omicron Gamma PI Dee Gallahue-Aipha Xi Bernie Chellino--Aipha Xi Alpha Mu Gamma (Language) Heide Marie Bliss--Alpha Omicron Phi Eta Sigma (Freshman ) Sue Garbart-AT Rho Lambda Dawn Boeri-Aipha Tau Gemma Janessa-Aipha Tau Pat Seymour-Alpha Tau Student Activities Denise Panyik-Dale-Beta Eta Sandy Wentler-Beta Eta Alpha Psi Omega Jane Tierney-Beta Theta Lucia Rodriguez-Beta Theta Delta Epsilon Sigma Lucia Rodriguez-Beta Theta Linda Sparrno--Beta Theta Delfina Perez-Beta Theta Ann Campo-Beta Theta Nannette Whitworth-Beta Theta Donna Wauters-Beta Theta Alpha Lambda Omega Delfina Perez-Beta Theta Linda Herzik-Beta Theta Delta Phi Eta Phyllis Anastasio--Beta Iota Phi Sigma Jackie Wilcox-Beta Xi



9t!A(!/ 23-25: /9o.? Nashville is Music City U.S.A. to the world. Once only a stopping place on the way to somewhere else, the city, spurred by its tremendous recording industry, is now the destination of over 11 million visitors each year. Nashville is a unique city in Middle Tennessee where a vacationer is offered a wide variety of choices. The Grand Ole Opry thrills thousands of fans each weekend as world-renowned country music stars present an exciting extravaganza. The Opry is the longest running continuous radio show on the air. Music means more than the Opry, however. Printers Alley is perhaps the biggest showcase, featuring country western music, pop, jazz, and easy listening. It is the center of Nashville's night life. Music Row, where most of the city's 235 music publishers and recording studios are located, is also the home of the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum , honoring the greats of the industry. The Country Music Wax Museum enshrines 50 stars with life-size figures in country music settings. Opryland itself is not just the home of country music. The 217-acre theme park is dedicated to all kinds of music in addition to featuring exciting rides, crafts, food , and a museum. You'll need a day at Opryland. Tours o fh omes o fh un d re dso f coun try mus1c s ars are offered by many agencies. You can see the homes of Johnny Cash , Loretta Lynn , Tammy Wynette , Porter Waggoner, Minnie Pearl, and Waylon Jennings, just to mention a few. Nashville also offers theater, museums, art galleries and the famous Upper Room Chapel with a wood carving of Da Vinci's famous "The Last Supper. " You can visit the Hermitage, home of Andrew Jackson , antebellums homes,

the State Capitol, or even take a cruise on the Belle Carol on the Cumberland River. Nashville is both a metropolitan center and a warm-hearted home town where visitors are not only welcomed but also treated as special guests. Nashville offers something for everyone's interests and hobbies. Begin to make your 1982 summer vacation plans to revolve around the convention dates and come see for yourself. Nashville is Southern hospitality at its finest. Room Rates - subject to a 10% increase and do not include sales tax. Rates are extended to families of convention registrants. Single $26 Double $32 Triple $34 Quad $36 Registration Fee - $50.00 Deadline May 1, 1982 $75.00 After May 1 Fee is to be made by each registrant. Members of registrant's families do not have to pay registration fee . Special Events - Prices to be announced in Spring Alumnae Luncheon Wednesday, July 23 Queen's Luncheon Thursday, July 24 Formal Banquet Friday, June 25 Airport transportation - available free of charge Hotel - The Executive Inn Located 6 miles from the airport in a heavily commercial area on Murphreesboro Road. There are many convenient eating establishments within walking distance. The hotel has a restaurant and cafeteria, gift shop, and 3 swimming pools. It has 300 high-rise and garden-style rooms. Located on 10 acres.

(J I


..,_ iJ




National Officers, National Staff, Collegiate and Alumnae Chapter Delegates will receive registration information through the Alpha SigNal. All others are urged to pre-register by sending your check for registration , the hotel reservation form, and this form to the National Convention Chairman.

Convention Registration Form REGISTRATION FEE $50.00 After May 1, 1982 $75.00 Deadline, May 1, 1982 Date - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - Please print or type: FullName

------------------~-~---~----------------颅 (Husband' s Name, if Married)

Maiden Name:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Collegiate Chapter _________ Home Address City - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - State _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip Code _ _ _ _ _ __ Summer Address, if different from above

Continued - Please see back


路-------------------------------------------------------Hotel Reservation Form

DEADLINE: May 1, 1982

Date-_ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Name ________________________________________________________________________________ Add~ss


City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.State _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___.L.ip Code _____________ Please enter my reservation as indicated below for the 24th National Convention of Alpha Sigma Tau, June 22-26, 1982, The Executive Inn , Nashville, Tennessee. Preference of roommate or roommates: Name _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Add~ss


City ________________________________________ State:___________ Zip


Name ___________________________________________________________________________________ Add~ss


City ________________________________________ State _____________ Zip Code_____________

Continued - Please see back




Convention Registration CHECK ONE:

Collegian - - - - Alumn,a__ _

I am NOW a member o

umnae Chapter.

I am NOW a member o

Collegiate Chapter.

I have attende

previous conventions.

Will you sing in the Convention Chorus? Soprano Alto•- - 1 plan to attend convention planned meals on: Alumnae Luncheon, _ _ _ _ __ Wednesday, June 23 Thursday, June 24 Queen's Luncheon, _ _ _ _ __ Friday, June 25 Formal Banquec___ _ _ __ REGISTRATION FEE- MUST ACCOMPANY THIS FORM RETURN TO: Miss Donna Richardson 2239 Dunkirk NE Roanoke, Virginia 24012 Make check payable to ALPHA SIGMA TAU.

---------------------------------------------------------Hotel Reservation Name________________________________________________________________________________ Addmss ______________________________________________________________________________ City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip Cod"'-- - - - - - -

ROOMMATES MUST INCLUDE RESERVATIONS IN SAME ENVELOPES. Arriving: Date ------------------------------------------- Tim'~-----------------------Depamng:

Da~ ------------------------------------------Time: ________________________

Please list names and relationships of friends or family attending convention with you on a separate sheet. Attach this information to your Hotel Reservation Form and return to Alpha Sigma Tau's National Convention Chairman. Room Requests: Single


Double $32 _ _ _ _ _ __


$34 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


$36 _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Unconfirmed rates subject to 10% increase and does not include tax. Send this form along with your convention registration form and registration fee to: Miss Donna Richardson 2239 Dunkirk NE Roanoke , Virginia 24012




THE HERMIT AGE The Hermitage is the restored home of Andrew Jackson , the 7th president of the United States.

THE PARTHENON The Parthenon is an exact replica of the shrine in Athens, Greece. This landmark reinforces Nashville's reputation as "The Athens of the South ."

CAPTAIN ANN RIVERBOAT The Captain Ann, 250 passenger, twin wheeler combines yesterday's riverboat charm with today's excursion vessel comfort.

THE GRAND OLE OPRY The longest running continuous radio show. On the air every Friday and Saturday night.


National Elections

1982 Convention All members who have attended a National Convention are aware one of most important events of a National Convention is the election of the National Officers. Every two years at convention , one half of the National Council, District Presidents and National Committee Chairmen are elected or appointed to a four year term. The elected or appointed officers who are serving their first term may be nominated and elected to a second four year term. All of those presently serving in a elected position are eligible to be nominated for a second term . In June 1982 at the 24th National Convention, the following officers in the National organization will be elected or appointed: Elected


Secretary Treasurer Director of Collegiate Chapters Director of Publications Beta District President Delta District President Zeta District President Theta District President Kappa District President

Awards Chairman Chaplain Co-Convention Chairman Editor Housing Director Pledge Director Scholarship Chairman Social Service Chairman

The national officers to be nominated for election this year are responsible to the Sorority for: National Secretary-the keeping of accurate and the complete records. National Treasurer--aU matters dealing with finances. Director of Collegiate Chapters directing the activities of the District Presidents, supervision on the chapters and the Chapter Advisers and Consultants and the directing planning of Regional Leadership Workshop. Director of Publications directing and coordinating the content and format of all publications. District Presidents supervising and guiding the chapters in the district. Appointed Staff are responsible to the sorority for: Chaplain-inspirational and Ritual materials. Co-Convention Chairman planning and implementing activities of the National Convention. Editor-publication of The Anchor Housing Director-directing collegiate chapter housing. Pledge Director-supervising all areas related to the training of pledges. Scholarship Chairman-supervises the academic activities of members and chapters. Social Service Chairman-directing the philanthropic endeavors of the national organization and the chapters. Further information pertaining to the duties of the positions to be elected or appointed at the 1982 Convention may be obtained from the National Nominations Chairman. She is Miss Martee Buchanan 1022 Downey Street Radford, VA 24141

路------------------------------------------------路 Join Alpha Sigma Tau at the Grand Ole Opry

We have been very fortunate to obtain 250 reserved seats for the Grand Ole Opry on Friday, June 25, for the 3:00 performance. Tickets are already sold out for the Friday and Saturday evening performances, so the sorority is very lucky to reserve matinee tickets. To order your tickets, please fill out the form below. You will receive your tickets at registration on June 22. We will attend the performance as a group on chartered buses. A fee for transportation will be charged per person. The cost is not known at this time. Money will be collected at registration. As stated by the Grand Ole Opry: " We CANNOT GUARANTEE any specific section, row, or seat number. Seats are assigned according to earliest postmark. " Orders must be placed by April 15, 1982. No orders will be accepted after this date. No refunds after this date. Tickets will be sold as orders received.

Grand Ole Opry Tickets Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________ Stat.e.__________________ Zip Code_____________ Ticket- $6.00 per person I have enclosed payment o~__ _ _ _ _ _ for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grand Ole Opry tickets for the 3:00 performance on Friday, June 25, 1982. PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER FORM OR NO RESERVATIONS WILL BE MADE. Make checks payable to ALPHA SIGMA TAU.

Return payment and form to: Mrs. Anthony Crapet 6501 Quail Run Drive Helena, Alabama 35080

~ I II

'f..,"' iJ



.----------------- ---------------------------------, I I I I I

Reconunendationfor National Staff Nomination Name_________________________________~~------------------------u=~--------------Malden


Addre~ ---------c~~--------------------------~~------------~------------~~---Street




Phone Number---------------------------------------------------------------------------------College Chapter ----------------------------------- Alumnae Chapter_________________________________ College/ colleges attended ----------------------------------------------------- Degree __________ Office for which recommended -------------------------------------------------------------------------I Alpha Sigma Tau experience ________________________________________________________________________

Civic activities and service - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Reasons recommendee is qualfied to hold office specified - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Would this recommendee be available to travel if the specified office requires it? _____ _______________



by ____________ ___________ _____________________

I Address _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ College Chapter ___________________________________ Alumnae Chapter_________________________________

Recommendations for nominations should be sent to: Mi~ Martee Buchanan 1022 Downey Street Radford, VA 24141

--------------------------------------------------THE ANCHOR


Dr. Lillian Schippers heads sorority archives

Dr. Lillian Schippers who was recently appointed Archives Chairperson Lillian Vogt Schipp ers is another charter member of Pi and the St. Louis alumnae chapters. S he received her A.B. degree from Harris Teachers College, her M.A. Degree from Washington University, and a Ph . D. from St. Louis University. Her name has been included in Who' s Who of American Women , Who' s Who in the Midwest, and The Dictionary of International Biography. Lillian's career as a national officer began in

1948 when she became National Editor. After serving eight years in this capacity she became National Vice President of the Southwestern Distrid until1956 when she was elected National Expansion Director, an office which she held for seven years. Under her successful direction, eleven chapters were added to the Alpha Sigma Tau Collegiate Roll from 1958 until her retirement. Lillian received the Ada A. Norton Award in 1966.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jane Kucera Gibbs graduated from Colo rado College in 1976 with a bachelor's degree in history. She received a double degree master's from Case Westem Reserve University in 1978, completing the archives program with a master's degree in library science and in history. In the fall of 1979, she completed a records management course given by the Cleveland Chapter of the Association of Records Managers and Administrators at John Carroll University. She was assistant archivist at Case Westem Reserve University, 1978-79, and has been employed as a full time archivist for Delta Gamma Fraternity since 1979.


Did you know that your fraternity is a corporation? That its Greek letters are a registered trademark? Do you know who designed its crest? Which of its presidents have been the most influential? Most of us would agree that a knowledge of our fraternity's history enhances the value of our membership. This knowledge can lead us to increased pride, closer adherence to the fraternity's ideals, and more active involvement in fraternity affairs. But how do we learn our fraternity's history? As pledge members, we may learn a brief, superficial version . We must be able to recite the names of the founders, when and where the founding took place, and a few other facts. Somewhere on our bookshelves, we may even have a copy of the fraternity history. Getting around to reading it, however, is another matter. What is an archives? What kind of documents are we referring to? A formal definition would emphasize that the archives are the " non-current records of an institution; anything which will reveal the character and day-to-day operations of the institution can be archival." To clarify this, let us engage in some imaginative thinking. Let's create a fraternity archives. First, we need a bony skeleton on which to build. We use the minutes of our governing bodies for this; they' re dry, but everything else is based on them . Then, because this is going to be a living, growing thing, we must give it a brain to govern its actions. Our fraternity constitution serves this purpose nicely. Every being, of course, has to have vital organs to live, so we give ours the financial audits, journals, and ledgers, along with our officers' annual reports. These digest a wide range of information and return it in simplified form . Correspondence and photographs serve as the muscles, shaping our creature and giving it definition . For a skin which the outside world may examine, we use our fraternity magazines and other publications. We' ll discover quickly that our creature has hundreds of limbs! These are the records of our collegiate and alumnae chapters, made up mostly of bone and muscle. The appearance of our creature can be improved by giving it a finely-featured face made of oral histories and members' scrapbooks, photo albums, and diaries. Speeches by our officers can be its voice. Finally, since it is a living thing, it must have a heart and soul. What could better fill this need than our fraternity ritual?

Our archives may be quite comfortable and complete in its bare skin. However, if we wish to dress it up a little, we may collect such items as period clothing, convention favors, founders' china, and other artifacts. Once attired in these superficial adornments, the archives may begin to attract much more attention; it may even be called a museum . It is not enough for us simply to collect these different kinds of records. A huge mass of material, while it can be molded and made into an archives, may turn out to be unmanageable . It can exhibit unchecked growth, eventually claiming lots of space that could be better used for something else. Important papers may be lost in the clutter, while the enormity and disorganization of it all may encourage the indiscriminate saving of worthless material. We may spend much misdirected energy trying, against the odds, to " do something" with it. Worst of all, because nobody can ever find what she wants, the collection may be rendered useless. Well-organized collections also facilitate the tasks of planning chapter anniversaries and writing the current history of the fraternity. Given adequate space, our archivist can arrange a museum-like display of important documents, artifacts, and clothing. Such archival activity can serve only to increase the pride, devotion , and historical awareness of individual fraternity members. And this could be the most important benefit of all. What can the individual do to help in the creation of her fraternity' s archives? First of all, officers must act to allocate enough space and enough funding for an archivist's salary and supplies. Then , it is each member's tum to take an active part. A great many of the materials needed for the archives can be found stored away in our basements, attics, closets, and drawers. Is there a dress or suit which was worn to six conventions? A diary which records member reactions to rush? A collection of photographs of the men who visited a chapter house in a particular era? A piece of furniture from a lodge that was not used in a subsequent remodeling? Is there an old fraternity pin or some unusual jewelry lying around in a dresser drawer? What do we have to show what life was like in the chapter 50 or 75 years ago? Numerous members may own items that would be valuable to the fraternity archives and not know it. " But these things aren't that old," orne may protest. "and no one would care about it anyway." ot so. Today, we find


Th e directory has been put in the center of Th e Anchor so that you may pull It out and save it for reference.

Alpha Sigma Tau Directory ALPHA SIGMA TAU foun ded November 4, 1899-Eastem Michigan University (formerly Michigan State Normal College), Ypsilanti, Mic~lgan

THE FOUNDERS Mrs. E. A. U,man * Helene M. Rice* May Gephard* Mayene Tracy* Mable Chase*

Adriance Rice* Ruth Dutcher* Eva O' Keefe* Harriet Marx* (Mrs. C. F. Pfeiffer) *deceased

CHIEF PATRONESS *Ada A. Norton-Alpha ............ . ............... 1925-1928

National Council President-Mrs. Thomas J. King, Jr., 1845 Lakeridge Rd., Birmingham, AL 35216 Secretary- Mrs. Robert Richard, 4609 W. 62nd Terr., Fairway, KS 66205 Treasurer-Mrs. Gary Forrester, 3424 Chimney Rock, Abilene, TX 79606 Director of Collegiate Chapt ers-Mrs. Harold S. Scott , #7 Schumacher Lane, Salisbury, MD 21801 Director of Alumnae Chapters-Mrs. Robert O' Dell, 222 W. Tabor Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19120 Director of Expansion-Mrs. Robert Pyszka, 2301 Paris Dr., Blue Springs, MO 64015 Directory of Fraternity Programs-Miss Mary Ellen Willmitch, 4353 Westchester Dr., #307B, Youngstown , OH 44515 National Panhellenlc Conference Delegate-Mrs . Charles McCrory, P.O. Box 5218, Ft. Wayne, IN 46895

District Presidents Alpha : Beta, Theta and Sigma Chapters-Miss Kathy Hobson, 328 W. Genesee, # B-5, Frankenmuth, Ml 48734 Beta: Alpha Pi, Delta and Alpha Omicron Chapters-Miss Fannie Pirollo, 5570 McCandless Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15201 Gamma : Zeta, Alpha Xi, Beta Nu, and Beta Epsilon Chapters-Miss Mary Sinibaldi, 455 Spruce St. , St. Mary's PA 15857 Delta: Alpha Phi, Beta Tau, and Beta Iota Chapters-Mrs. William Loucks, 315 Valley Rd., Haventown , PA 19083 Epsilon : Chi, Psi, and Beta Mu Chapters-Mrs. John Gentile, 15926 Edgewood Drive, Dumfries, VA 22026 Zeta: Iota, Alpha Epsilon , and Alpha Sigma Chapters-Miss Karen Olinger, 64 Hickory Dr. , Morton, IL 61550 Eta : Rho, Upsilon, Alpha Gamma, and Alpha Mu ChaptersTheta: Omicron, Zeta Tau, and Alpha Lambda Chapters-Miss Wanda Austin 807 Whitney Ave., Apt. A-202, Roanoke, VA 24012 Iota: Ph,i, Beta Zeta, Beta Yheta, and Beta Lambda Chapters-Miss Patricia Nayle, 2121 Tannehill #2022 , Houston, TX 77008 Kappa: Al pha Nu and Beta Eta Chapters-Mrs. Larry Sparks, 4105 S. 9th, Blue Springs, MO 64015 Lambda: Alpha Kappa, Alpha Tau, and Beta Delta Chapters-Mrs. James Marsico, 46 Lafayette, Niles, OH 44446

National Headquarters P.O. Box 5952, Birmingham, AL 35259 Executive Secretary - Mrs. Charles McWhorter Assistant - Mrs. Thad Scucchi

Committee Chairman Awards- Miss S usan Rogers, 939 Park Street, St. Albans, WV 25177 Chaplain- Mrs. C. J . Ashby, Box 12, The Plains, VA 22171 Colony Advisor- Miss Ann Marie Carroll, 28 Roosevelt Ave., Dumont, NJ 07626 Convention-Mrs. Anthony Crape!, 6501 Quail Run Dr., Helena, AL


NATIONAL PRESIDENTS *Grace Erb Ritchie-Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Luella Chapman-Sigma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carrie Washburne Staehle-Aipha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Dorothy Bennett Robinson-Pi ........... ...... . Mary Alice Seller Peterson-Iota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elizabeth Wilson-Pi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1925-1928 1928-1934 1934-1949 1949-1955 1955-1964 1964-1972

PRESIDENT EMERITA Mrs. Haswell E. Staehle (Alpha) 35080; and Miss Donna Richardson , 2239 Dunkirk Ave., NE, Roanoke, VA 24012 Edit or-Mrs. Thomas P. Dudley, 3624 Hunters Hill Dr., Birmingham , AL35210; Alumnae Editor-Miss Rose Marie Schmidt, 5106 Harvard Rd., Detroit, Ml 48224 Headquarters-Mrs. Robert G. Willover, 168 Center St. , East Aurora, NY 14052 Historian- Mrs. Thad Scucchi, 301 West College, Columbiana, AL 35051 Housing-Mrs. William D. Scott, 1625 Marshall Ct. , Rorissant, MO 63031 Membership Development-Mrs. June Reynolds, 9202 Grandhaven Ave., Upper Marlboro, MD 20870 Music Chairman-Miss Faith Harlan, 8916A Evergreen Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46240 Nominations-Miss Martee Buchanan , 1022 Downey St. , Radford, VA 24141 Par liamentarian-Mrs . Harold Gossilink, 1124 South 8th St. , Richmond, IN 47374 Pledge-Miss U,nn Sullivan , 152-B, Pinewood Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23451 Regional Leadership Workshop-Miss Kim Olexa, 17 Duke Lane, Lincohshire, IL 60015 Rush-Mrs. James Noctor, 502 Sturwood Way, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Scholarship-Miss Cheri Moran , 111 Madison Pl. , Stauton, VA 24401 Social Service-Mrs. Randall Wilson , 99 E. Silvercreek, Gilbert, AZ 85234 St udent Loan Secret ary-Miss June McCarthy, 8891 Watson Woods, St. Louis, MO 63126 Archives-Mrs. Parry Schippers, 5300-A, Sutherland, St. Louis, MO 63109 Nationa l Panhellenlc Conference Alternate Delegates-Miss Bobbie Nicholls, 1420 Cantrell Rd., Apt 304, Little Rock, AR 72201 ; Mrs. E. C. Phipps, 2611 Harrison, Parkersburg WV 26101

Area Alumnae Representatives Al abama , Flo ri da , Georgi a , Nort h a n d South Carolin a, Tennessee-Mrs. Kay M. Adorno, 1340 S.W. 65 Avenue, West Miami, FL 33144 Arizona, Colorado , New Mexico, Utah, Wyomin g-Mrs. William H. Riester, Jr. , 1306 Alexander Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80909 California-Mrs. Michaeline J. Lowright, 3828 Kinglet Way, North Highlands, CA 95660 Connectic ut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont-Mrs. David Ekeren, 599 Mohegan Avenue, Quaker Hill, CT 06375 Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia-Mrs. Samuel W. Powell, Jr., 101 Wileys Lane, Pasadena, MD 21122 Illinois , Indiana-Mrs. Harold Gosselink, 1124 S. 8th Street, Richmond, IN 47374 Michigan, Wisconsin-Mrs. Douglas Christy, 15052 Piedmont, Detroit, Ml 48223 Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, North and South


Dakota-Miss Marti Meek, 722 E. Ohio, Clinton , MO 64735 New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania-Miss Carol Dahms, Mark Twain East, Adams #1 , Harleysville, PA 19438 Ohio, Western Pennsylvania-Mrs. William Bennett, 13708 South Avenue Extension, Columbiana, Ohio 44408 Oklahoma, Texas--Mrs. Thomas Marconi, Apt. 1301 Stone Haven Apts., 3249 W. Northgate, Irving, TX 75062 Virginia-Mrs. Britt Hart, 1553 Skirmish Run Drive, Richmond, VA 23228

Area Expansion Representatives Mrs. Sharon Richard, 4609 W 62nd Terrace, Fairway, KS Mrs. Sharon Clarke, 18103 Autumn Trails Lane, Katy, TX 77450 Ms. Jacquelen Smith, 104 Delaware, Dayton , OH 45405 Miss Brooks Ann Benschoter, 615 N. Kennedy Dr., #2, Grand Island, NE 68801

Collegiate Chapters Beta-Central Michigan President, Christine Carpentar, 1809 Deming #7, Mt. Pleasant, Ml48895; CA, Mrs. Patrick Doyle, 413 S. Univ., Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858; CC, Mrs. K. T. Schueller, 212 South Arnold Ave., Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858. Delta-Indiana University President, Jeanne Wittig, 10 N. lOth St., Indiana, PA 15701 ; CA, Mrs. Michael Mundis, 395 S. Third St. , Indiana, PA 15701 ; ACA, Mrs. Mary Stella Wolfe, 621 Willow Ave., Indiana PA 15701 ; ACA, Mrs. William B. Simmons Ill, 291 Locust St. , Indiana , PA 15701 ; CC, Miss Donna Wetzel, 48 West Elm St. , Homer City, PA 15748. Zeta-Lock Haven President, Robin Rutter, R414 W. Church St. , Lock Haven, PA 17745; CA, Mrs. Nancy Parcher, 115 Allison, Flemington , Lock Haven , PA 17745; ACA, Mrs. Jay Shively, 1449 N. Allen St., St. College, PA 16801 ; CC, Miss Robin Butter, R414 W. Church St., Lock Haven, PA 17745. Theta-Wayne State President, Joyce Bury, 3249 Belmont, Hamtramck, Ml 48212; CA, Miss Kathy Pulice, 8571 Hampshire Dr., Sterling Hts. , Ml 48078; ACA, Miss Debbie Kanigowski, 34575 Mulvey Rd., Apt. 166, Fraser, Ml 48026; CC, Miss Donna Schrander, 4002 Courville, Detroit, Ml 48824. Iota-Emporia State President, Cathy Castleberry, 1621 Merchant, Emporia, KS 66801 ; CA, Mrs. Leonard Crowl, 526 S. Congress, Emporia, KS 66801 ; ACA, Mrs. Cheryl Steinson, Reading, KS 66868; CC, Mrs. Kaye Abbott, 3501 Randolph Ave., Topeka, KS 66611. Omicron-Concord College President, Sherry R. Dotson, C-648, Concord College, Athens, WV 24712; CA, Miss Mildred Dransfield, Box 307, Athens, WV 24712; ACA, Mrs. Richard Larkin, Box 785, 17 Pinehill Park, Athens, WV 24712; CC, Miss Betti Sue Hedrick, 600 Island St. , Princeton, WV 24740. Rho-Southeastern Oklahoma State President, Regina Scott, Rt. #2, Box 222, Durant, OK 74701 ; CA, Mrs. Leslie Webster, 520 N. Ninth St., Durant, OK 74701 ; ACA, Mrs. Doris Andrews, 1121 Oak Ridge Dr., Durant, OK 74701 ; CC, Mrs. Paula Grimes, 1119 Oak Ridge Dr., Durant, OK 74701. Sigma-State College at Buffalo President Michele Luopino 70 Peter St. , Buffalo, NY 14207; CA, Mrs. Sally, Wales, 85 B~sset Rd., Williamsville, NY 14221 ; ACA, Mrs. Jean McNamara 189 Cresthill Ave., Tonawanda, NY 14150; CC, Mrs. Janet Bartl~tt, 120 Brook Dale Dr. , Williamsville, NY 14221. Zeta Tau-Longwood President , Kimberlie Garber, Bo x 449, Longwood College, Farmville, VA 23901 ; CA, Mrs. Carolyn Calloway, HPER Dept. , Longwood College, Farmville, VA 23901 ; ACA, Ms. Ruth Budd, HPER Dept. , Longwood College, Farmville, VA 23901 ; CC, Mrs. Britt Hart, 1553 Skirmish Run Dr. Richmond VA 23228. ' ' Upsilon-Central Arkansas President, Beth Steinman, 508 Bruce, Conway, AR 72032; CA, Mrs. Betty Young, 814 Watkins, Conway, AR 72032; ACA, Mrs. Randy Hogan, 622 Faulkner St. , Conway, AR 72032; CC, Mrs. Rick Harrell, Route 1, Box 15-D Mayflower AR 72106. ' ' Phi-Setltheastern Louisiana President, Karen Hudson, SLU, P.O. Box 2380, Hammond, LA 70402; CA, Mrs. Tho masJ. Hufstetler 518 Susan Drive, Hammond, LA 70402; ACA, Mrs. Doris Thomas ' Box 783, SLU, Hammond, LA 70402; CC, Mrs. Steven Worth SLU' Box ' ' 1186, Hammond, LA 70402. Chi-Shepherd President, Antonia Palumbo, Turner Hall, Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, WV 25443; CA, Miss Carol Munson, Route


#3, Box 324, Raithsburg, MD 21763; ACA, Miss Anna Willingham, Box 2A, Kearneysville, WV 25430; CC, Mrs. B. Crim, Rt. 1, Box 114, Gerandstown, WV 25420. Psi-.James Madison President, Lisa Joy Peele, P.0 . Box 2261 , JMU, Harrisonburg, VA 22807; CA, Mrs. Gail Berell, 117 N. High St. , Harrisonburg, VA 22801 ; CO-CA, Dr. Eileen Nelson, 2017 Windsor Rd., Harrisonburg, VA 22807; ACA, Miss Diane L. Fontana, 953 Mt. Clinton Pike, Apt. #20, Harrisonburg, VA 22807; CC, Mrs. Perry Garber, 210-A, Todd Ave., Charlottesville, VA 22903. Alpha Gamma-Henderson State President, Terri Harris, Box H-2025, HSU, Arkadelphia, AR 71923; CA, Mrs. Beverly Gilbert, 819 N. 26th, Arkadelphia, AR 71923; ACA, Mrs. Marcia Smith , 923 S. 27th, Arkadelphia, AR 71923; CC, Mrs. Chuck Turley, 19 Applegate Ct. , Little Rock, AR 72209. Alpha Epsilon-Western Illinois President, Vicki Parsons, # 1 Pollock Drive, Macomb, IL 61455; CA, Mrs. Dorothy Seils, Apt. 325, E. Village, Macomb, IL 61455; ACA, Mrs. Jan Frowein , 506 E. Carroll St. , Macomb, IL61455; CC, Miss Diane Vesely, 307 61stSt. , Downers Grove, IL 60516. Alpha Kappa-Marietta President, Betsy Shenck, 219 Fourth St. , Marietta, OH 45750; CA. Miss Vicki Via, 203 Maple Shade Dr., Marietta, OH 45750; ACA, Mrs. Richard L. Hill, 202 Chamberlain Dr., Marietta, OH 45750; CC, Mrs. Richard Heller, Watertown Rd., Marietta, OH 45750. Alpha Lambda-Radford President, Emily Ashby, P.O. Box 6408, RU, Radford, VA 24142; CA, Miss Martee Buchanan , 1022 Downey St. , Radford, VA 24141 ; ACA, Mr. Bernd Kuennecke, 603 Clement St. , Radford, VA 24141 ; Ass' t. ACA, Dr. Noel Eggleston, 46 E. Brandon Rd., Christian burg, VA 24073; CC, Ms. Jean Gray, P.O. Box 413, Vinton, VA 24179. Alpha Mu-Arkansas at Monticello President, Edie Swainn, Box 2451 , UAM, Monticello, AR 71655; CA, Mr. Jim Edson , Box 2451 , UAM, Monticello, AR 71655; ACA, Mrs. Jim Tadel, P.O. Box 2200, UAM, Monticello, AR 71655; CC, Miss Lynette Terrell, 509 Midlord, Little Rock, AR 72205. Alpha Nu-Central Missouri President, Susan Kipping, A-210 Panhellenic, Warrensburg, MO 64093; CA, Mrs. Jean Bamford, 701 Meadowbrook Dr. , Warrensburg, MO 64093; ACA, Mrs. Kolyn Cochran, 1607 Lee Lane, Pleasant Hill, MO 64080; Mrs. Robert Richards, 4609 W. 62nd Terrace, Fairway, KS 66205. Alpha Xi-Mansfield State President, Bernadette Chellino, La ural B, Box 148, MSC, Mansfield, PA 16933; CA, Miss Deb Hayn, Box 54, Cedarcrest, Mansfield, PA 16933; ACA, Mrs. Charlene Plowcha, 161 St. James St. Biscayne Ave., Absecon, NJ 08201 ; CC, Miss Barbara Cooper, 312 Allison St. , Sayre, PA 18540. Alpha Omicron-Clarion President, Andrea Vozel, 107 Ralston Hall, CSC, Clarion, PA 16214; CA, Mrs. Suzanne P-Jobb, 41 Wilson Ave. , Clarion, PA 16214; ACA, Mrs. Michael Sardi, 40 Pine St. , Clarion, PA 16214; CC, Miss Janet Schminke, 818 E., Alpha PI-Slippery Rock President, Geralyn Berkery, 208 North Hall, SRSC, Slippery Rock, PA 16057; CA, Miss Elaine Cook, 2879 Talley Covery Rd., Allison Park, PA 15101; ACA, Miss Tracy Massack, R.D. #1 , Box 77R, Slippery Rock, PA 16057. Alpha Sigma-Northeast Missouri President, Robin Marcantonio, 515 W. Pierce, Kirksville, MO 63501 ; CA, Mrs. Steve Phelps, Box 25, Eastern Village, Kirksville, MO 63501; ACA, Miss Ruth Shelby, 401 S. Fourth, Apt. 4, Kirksville, MO 63501 ; CC, Mrs. Alan Fletcher 2014 Vine St. , Davenport, lA 52804. ' Alpha Tau-Edinboro President, CA, Mrs. Leonard Fumi, 2522 E. 32nd St. , Erie, PA 16510; ACA, Miss NormaJ. Black, 206 Hickory St. , Edtnboro, PA 16412; CC, Miss Mary Ellen Willmitch, 4811 Westchester Ave., #217, Youngstown, OH 44515. Alpha Phi-West Chester State President, Christine de Marco, 201 S. Walnut St. , Third Floor, West Chester, PA 19380; CA, Dr. Charlotte King, 726 Hillside Dr., West Chester, PA 19380; ACA, Miss Diane Schettone, 518-C W. Marshell St. , Town's Edge Apts., West Chester PA 19380; CC, Cathy Angelo, Glenmore Apts. K-1 Clifton Heights' PA 19018. . ' Beta Delta-Duquesne President, Mary Alice Doyle, SMC 1026, 1345 Vtckory St. , Pittsburgh, PA 15219; CA, Dr. Robert Roach Duquesne Univ., Pittsburgh, PA 15219; ACA, Miss Ruth Clark 700 Forbes Ave., #1702, Pittsburgh, PA 15219; CC, Mrs. John Bittner 1501 Tamarock Dr., Allison Park, PA 15101. ' Beta Epsilon-Shippensburg President, Losi Bixler, 61 College Park Apts., Shippensburg, PA 17257; CA, Dr. Mary Jane Urbanowicz 400 East King St., Shippensburg, PA 17257; ACA, Mrs. andy McCo~nell,


Route 3, Lot 117, SME, Shippensburg, PA 17257; CC, Miss Lisa Brown, 261 S. Prospect, Hagerstown, MD 21740 Beta Zeta-Alabama In Birmingham President Susan Waintraub 214 Richmar Dr., Birmingham, AL 35213; CA, Miss Carol Matthews: 4131 Appomattox Lane, Birmingham, AL 35213; ACA, Mrs. William McDonald, 3508 Fox Hollow Lane, Birmingham , AL 35226; CC, Miss Melissa Martin, 2333 Woodcreek Dr. , Birmingham, AL 35226. Beta Eta-Southern Illinois President, Sandra Wentler 10-B Hickory Hills, Glen Carbon, IL 62034; CA, Mrs. Jeanne Brun~orth 1439 Eberhart, Edwardsville, IL 62025; ACA, Miss Cheryl Meye~. 750 Oakwood Ave., East Alton, IL 62024; CC, Mrs. Nancy LaFiore 6612 Foothills Ct. , Rorrisant, MO 63033. ' Beta Tau-Lowell President, Lena Michaelidou, Box #108, UL, Lowell, MA 01854; CA, Miss Ellen Duggan, c/ o Dean of Student Affairs Cumnock Hall, UL, Lowell, MA 01854; ACA, Miss Barbara MacCa~ ron , Three Anthony St. , Methuen, MA 01844; CC, Miss Alison Molloy, 10 Whalen Rd. , Hopkinton, MA 01748. Beta Theta-St. Mary's President, Donna Wauters, 210 Notre Dame, San Antonio, TX 78228; CA, Sister Ann Semel, 3301 W. Woodlawn, Apt. 310, San Antonio, TX 78228; ACA, Miss Carol Wagner, Charles Francis #121 , SMU, San Antonio, TX 78284. Beta Iota-Millersville President, Judy Smith, #3806 Hordinier, MSC, Millersville, PA 17551 ; CA, Miss Tracy Mellor, Landes Hall, MSC, Millersville, PA 17551 ; ACA, Miss Cathy Ann Shaffer, 2 S. Duke St. , Millersville, PA 17551; CC, Miss Brenda Moose, RD #1 , Box 126, Littlestown, PA 17340. Beta Mu--Sallsbury State President, Debi Aaig, R. A. Nanticoke Hall, SSC, Salisbury, MD 21801 ; CA, Mrs. Steve Homurg, 16 Kirknewton Dr. , Salisbury, MD 21801 ; ACA, Miss Wendy Lipkey, 1001 Riverside Dr. , Salisbury, MD 21801 ; Special ACA, Mr. Walter Drake, 305 N. Main St. , Berlin, MD 21811 ; CC, Miss Vickie Scott, 324 South Haven Ave., Salisbury, MD 21801. Beta Nu-Bioomsburg President, Leslie Ritter, 1001 Sesame St. , Apt. 54, Bloomsburg, PA 17815; CA, Mrs. Carl Bomberger, RD #4, Bloomsburg, PA 17815; ACA, Miss Diane Rudawski, 127 W. Fifth St., Apt. #1 , Bloomsburg, PA 17815; CC, Mrs. Sandra Slavik, Box 51 , Third St. , Benton, PA 17814. Beta Xl-Mlchlgan Tech President, Christy Cutbill, P.O. Box 314, Houghton, Ml49931 ; CA, Miss Charan Bender, E. Wadsworth Hall, Apt. A, Houghton , Ml 49931 ; ACA, Mr. Daniel McCormick, 106 Houghton Ave., Houghton, Ml 49931. Beta PI President, Linda Dellamaria, 316 Univ. Union, Eastern Illinois Univ., Charleston , IL 61920.

+ Edwardsville, Illinois Mrs. Jeanne S. Laythe, 3926 Berview Lane, St. Louis, MO 63125

+ Emporia, Kansas Mrs. JoEIIen D'Ambro, 915 Congress, Emporia, KS 66801

+ Erie, Pennsylvania Mrs. David Carter, 2531 W. 34th Street, Erie, PA 16506

Fort Wayne, Indiana Mrs. Ronald Richter, 3811 Hedwig Drive, Ft. Wayne, IN 46815

+ Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Mrs. Pat Hughes, 129 Old Ford Drive, Camp Hill, PA 17011

+ Houston, Texas Mrs. Sharon H. Juntunen , 643 Eastlake, Houston, TX 77034

+ Indianapolis, Indiana Mrs. Rebecca Scharbrough, 9625 East 42nd, Indianapolis, IN 46236

+ Kansas City, Missouri Mrs. Sandra Stonerock, 10249 Canean Lake, Lenexa, KS 66215

+ Kirksville, Missouri Mrs. J. Michael Miller, R.R. 3, Chillicothe, MO 64601

Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Miss Linda Hollingshead, 216 E. Orange Street, Lancaster, PA 17602

+ Lansing, Michigan Mrs. E. C. Twork, 137 S. lves Road, Mason, Ml 48854

+ Los Angeles, California Miss Frances Higgins, 1162 South Bronson , Los Angeles, CA 90019

Lowell, Massachusetts Miss Karen Lebedzinski, 127 Groton Rd., N. Chelmsford, MA 01863

+ Marietta, Ohio-Parkersburg, West Vlrglnla Mrs. E. C. Phipps, 2601 Harrison, Parkersburg, WV 26104

+ Mlaml, Florida Mrs. Susan Bossong, 12315 S.W. 43 Street, Miami, FL 33175

+ Muncie, Indiana Mrs. Steven L. Younce, Route 1, Box 260, Muncie, IN, Gaston, IN 47342

+ New Orleans, Louisiana Mrs. Kathy Seeger, 2504 N. Bengal, Kenner, LA 70003

+ Norfolk, VIrginia Mrs. G. B. Johnson , 624 Pelham Place, Virginia Beach, VA 23452

+ Northern Vlrglnla (D.C.) Mrs. George Robertson, 11001 Blue Roan Road, Oakton , VA 22124

Orlando, Florida

Alumnae Groups + Chartered

+ Akron-Canton, Ohio Mrs. Geneva Wood, 447 Park Avenue, Kent, Ohio 44240

+ Arkadelphia, Arkansas Miss Brenda Jo Wells, 819 N. 26th Arkadelphia, AR 71923

+ Beckley, West VIrginia Miss Donna Tipane, 107 Roberts St. , Beckley, WV 25801

+ Birmingham, Alabama Mrs. Thad Scucchi, 301 West College, Columbiana, AL 35051

+ Bluefield, Vlrglnla Mrs. Glen Buchanan, 1903 Tazewell Avenue, Bluefield, VA 24605

+ Bucks-Montgomery County, Pennsylvania Mrs. Barbara Y. Begley, 1914 Carriage Way, Warrington, PA 18976

+ Buffalo, New York

Mrs. Henry Brosius, 2113 Mohawk Trail, Maitland, FL 32751

+ Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Mrs. Arthur Schopp, 145 Spruce Drive, Shrewsbury, NJ 07701

+ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Mrs. Suzanne Schultz, 1604 Barbadoes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15226

+ Princeton-Athens, West Vlrglnla Mrs. Fred Bell, 1109 Harrison St. , Princeton, WV 24740

+ Richmond-Petersburg, VIrginia Mrs. W. F. Kastelberg IV, 7671 Hill Drive, Richmond, VA 23225

+ Roanoke, Vlrglnla Mrs. Bitsy Hall, Rt. 11 Rachel Dr., Roanoke, VA 240 19

+ St. Louts, Missouri Miss Nancy Cook, 1320 Willingham Dr. , St. Louis, MO 63121

+ Salisbury, Maryland Miss Joyce Lauder, R.D. 1 Box 35A, Newark , MD 21841

+ San Antonio, Texas

Mrs. William G. Helmrath, 86 Joanie Lane, N. Towanda, NY 14120

Miss Linda Herzik, 4015 Callaghan Apt. , San Antonio, TX 78201

Clnclnnatl-Dayton, Ohio

St. Petersburg, Florida

Miss Linda Shapona, 1128 Mohawk Place, Lebanon, MO 45036

Mrs. Eileen Jandt, 10611 66 짜2 Street # 237, Park Royale, Pinellas Park, Pinellas Park, FL 33365

+ Conway, Arkansas Miss Becca Brown , 1325-Apt. 4 Robin St. , Conway, AR 72032

+ Delaware County, Pennsylvania Miss Alycia Mallon , 601 Crum Creek Park, Media, PA 19063

+ Denver, Colorado Mrs. Anne B. Tod9, 1021 Carr #18, Lakewood, CO 80215

+ Detroit, Michigan Miss Rose Marie Schmidt, 5106 Harvard Road, Detroit, Ml 48224

+ Durant, Oklahoma Mrs. Sharon Dunham, Star Rt. Box 338, Durant, OK 74701


+ Shepherdstown, West Vlrglnla Miss Mary Hodges, Rt. #2, Box 259, Martinsburg, WV 25401

+ Southern Colorado Mrs. Barbara F. Smith, P.O. Box 1919, Woodland Park, CO 80863

Springfield, Illinois Miss Patricia Tompkins, 204 S. Eighth St. , P.O. Box 826, Riverton, IL 62561

+ Trl-Clty, Michigan Mrs. James A. Fogus, 151 Camelot L-10, Saginaw, Ml 48603 Next page


Aid the needy Serve the community Take time to care Does your chapter need some new ideas for Social Service Programs? Try different ideas this year and bring out those hidden talents and personal qualities in your sisters that often go unnoticed. Here is a list of some ways to contribute to your community and become closer as sisters: • Parties-Thanksgiving , Christmas, Easter for handicapped, orphans, veteran children, emotionally disturbed, elderly • Jump rope-a-thon • Ham Sandwich sale, Beta Epsilon sold ham sandwiches for " Women in Need", an organization to aid abused women. • Campus tours • Babysitting Service • Turkey Bowl, this is another Beta Epsilon effort-touch football was played

with different sororities. Each sorority sponsored a 'Turkey of the Day' who was the girls' sweethearts. The sexiest turkey was chosen and money was donated to the local Muscular Dystrophy chapter. • Ushering Service • Canned Food Drive • Leaf raking · • Special Olympics • Bazaar with handmade articles • Become certified CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) instructors and demonstrate to local groups • Donate time to a local hospital, child abuse center, school WANTED-Questions, comments or additions to the above ideas-send to the National Social Service Chairman

From page 17 + West Chester, Pennsylvania Mrs. Kathy R. McDonald, 1368 St. Charles Place, Roslyn , PA 19001 + Wichita, Kansas Mrs. Darrell Niemann, 331 S. West Street Court, Valley Center, KS 67147 + Youngstown, Ohio Mrs. Mary Ann Koontz, 7446 W. Blvd. Apt. 4, Youngstown, OH 44512 + Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor, Michigan Ms. Carlotta Mace, 32986 Truman, Rockwood, Ml 48173

From page 14 diaries, letters, and photographs from 1930 to be endlessly fascinating, and our contributions from the modem age will be just as fascinating to someone 50 years in the future . In addition to the kinds of materials every member can contribute, others can make special donations to the collections because of their unique fraternity experiences. Written histories and oral reminiscences of charter members of chapters have tremendous value. Similarly, if a chapter becomes inactive, we can serve the fraternity well if we make sure that the roll book, minute books, scrapbooks, and other important materials are sent to the archives. Is there a member with 17 relatives from the same chapter? Such members are excellent sources for oral histories, telling the story of " how it was in my day."


Offspring of founders of the fraternity probably have artifacts which would be invaluable to a museum display. How about Great-grandfather George's pocket watch , or Great-aunt Elizabeth's favorite shawl? Some hand-painted china or a favored cigar box would be nice, too. Every archives has hundreds of stories to tell as it reflects its institution in microcosm. And far from being useful only to the scholar, this material is for everyone to use and enjoy. Just think: Each of us may have some archival treasure hidden in a drawer somehwere. Why not search it out? Let us encourage our fraternity to put together its own archives, if one does not already exist, for once it has brought the interesting and entertaining archival creature under its roof, it will wonder how it ever managed without one for so long.


Sharon Eaton Richard National Secretary Sharon graduated from Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg, Missouri with a bachelor of science degree with a major in English and a minor in business administration. She is presently employed by Hallmark Cards, Inc. of Kansas City, Missouri where she is secretary to the General Manager of the Trim-A-Home Business Unit. Sharon' s husband is Robert. They have two children, Christopher and Katy Marie. In her spare time she likes to sew, read and do handcrafts. She is active with her church and has just completed a term as secretary to the General Board and Administrative Council. During her collegiate years with Alpha Nu Chapter, Sharon served as recording secretary, panhellenic delegate and president. Upon graduation she was alumnae newsletter editor for several years. She served on the national staff as National Headquarters Chairman, and National Panhellenic Conference Alternate Delegate. As assistant to the staff she was area expansion representative and chapter consultant to Alpha Nu . An active member of the Kansas City Alumnae Chapter, Sharon has been recording secretary, alumnae panhellenic delegate and is presently historian. Sharon also had the pleasure of helping organize and installing Kansas City Alumnae Chapter.

DON'T FORGET The extended deadline for the next Anchor is January 10.


Frotn tnetal to life, with love Sculptress Trudi Gilliam (PSI '70) , works and architecture at the University of Maine. magic as she puts life into metal and wood. Brass The sculptress worked on St. Croix since 1970 rods become seafoam and after much arduous where she was a full-time school teacher. Before labor, a bare piece of mahogany sets the warm leaving the island, she became a full -time artist background for the metals used. holding major shows at the Customs House at Trudi professes her work comes from loving the National Historic Site; at The Rainbow Tree, St. Croix. She has displayed her creations for and at the Good Hope School. She was also over ten years on the island. St. Thomians also seen in most of the outdoor shows which island had a turn to see her one-man show at Lee artist frequently held in Christiansted on SaturPihlkrantz' s Harbour Arts. days. With an oxyacetylene torch, the artist takes Trudi and two fellow artists opened their own art gallery-The Upstairs Gallery. The idea was brass, copper, and steel-some new, some scrap-and both shapes the ,......----------__,...,..~ conceived by Trudi, Judith metals and creates their King, and Paul Youngblood to provide a permanent place richly textured surfaces . Then the pieces must of exhibition for their work and other artists on the isundergo shaping on an anvil which her husband , Gail, land. made from a massive tooth " I like to know how people of an earth-moving machine. react to my work . .. a creaGail, a retired Navy officer tive person needs to receive who ran a landscape service, inspiration from his audibuilt Trudi' s workshop at ence. " their LaGrange valley home " Returning to Virginia north of Frederikstead. after living in St. Croix for ten Trudi says she took to years was a major decision in metalsculptureincollegebemy life ," Trudi explains . cause a piece can be exe" But it was necessary to help promote my career. I want to cuted quickly, by com parison to other media, and the try and place my artwork in路 technique lends itself to fairly large scale designs. the Washington, D.C. and Richmond area galAnimals and plants dominate Trudi's work: a leries. St. Croix has been wonderful for me creacopper lizard catching a brass moth, an arrogant tively but, has some major drawbacks being so goat, ferns , and reef life. But she also works in far away from a cultural center." abstract forms and finds frequent inspiration in Without a doubt, the people of St. Croix will the gingerbread architecture of Frederikstead miss Trudi' s sculpture and paintings which like the ones on the cover of this issue. Curlicues showed her sense of humor and the love she appear in her favorite "choir" theme--a free feels for the island. ~ standing, informal row of face-like shapes. ~ Trudi hails from Manasquan , New Jersey, and The uersatility of Trudi Gilliam is obuious in the selection shown here. Paintings in uery bold lines lend powerful uisua/ images. The sculptures in holds a B. S. in art and education from J ames metal are enhanced by woodsselectedtocomplimentthesculpture itself. Madison University. She later studied sculpture (Photo by: C hristene Hed man.)



Alumnae Share Time, talents and togetherness Beckley Beckley Alumnae combined the last meeting of the year with a baby and bridal shower. Marian Treadway, was given a car seat for her bundle of joy arriving in August; and Lucinda Spangler, received a place setting of china for her recent marriage . After a pleasant evening around the pool, alums bid farewell to Ann Ackroyd who moved to Rorida. -Regina Doss

Birmingham For Birmingham alumnae the March meeting featured a representative from Alabama Power who gave a program of tips on cutting down on usage of power and those ever-climbing electric bills. The officers slate was presented and unanimously approved: Diane Scucchi, president; Sandi Whitney, vice president; Terry Dudley , recording secretary ; Cathy Crapet, treasurer; Delores Falls, program chairman ; Nancy Martin , editor; and Sandi Whitney Panhellenic representative. New officers were later installed at the home of Dr. Roberta Long. Afterwards, members examined swatches of upholstery material and listened to decorating tips from a local interior designer. Cathy Crapet's home was the scene of the May meeting which featured a program on self-defense . Tom Seals, Chiefof-Police at the University of Alabama in Birmingham talked to us about attacks made on women and the best way to protect oneself in each kind of attack. Special guest was Whitney Shores, daughter of Betty. -Nancy Martin

Buffalo Buffalo highlights included a slide show of Catherine Smith and Lucille Peterson's recent trips to Ireland; and a demonstration by Dolores Schmidt on how to make wallhangings. The finished products were given to The Gateway Home for Children, in Williamsville. More than twenty Buffalo alumnae attended the panhellenic luncheon and fashion show held in March at the Brookfield Country Club.


Members helped Beverly Bollard answer telephones during a fund -raising campaign at the educational television station. Following the spring luncheon , President Janet Bartlett installed the new officers: President Marilyn Helmrath ; Vice President Janet Bartlett; Recording Secretary Dolores Schmidt; Corresponding Secretary Augusta Schultz; Treasurer Frances Plachta; Chaplain Evelyn Grampp; Editor Catherine Smith; Historian Beverly Bollard ; Panhellenic representatives Dorothea Porter and Lucille Peterson; and collegiate advisors Sally Wales and Jean McNamara. Buffalo Alumnae welcomes Anne Marie Carroll and Anne Santini, recently initiated Sigmas. -Marilyn Helmrath

Detroit ll1 members prepare breast prothesis for cancer uictims-{L-R) Juanita Bouffard, Sue Roman and Barbara Davis.

Detroit III Social service ... Cynthia Manardo directed the making of breast prosthesis for cancer victims. Materials were supplied by and returned to the Michigan Cancer Foundation. After slide show about Pine Mountain's activities and programs, a donation was sent to the school. Detroit III made green and gold pompom key rings and flower pot candles for rush party favors . Alums sponsored the collegiate-alumnae ice cream social, presented the scholarship award to the col-

legiate with the highest grade point average, and subsidized the cost of the collegiates' attendance at the Detroit III Mother-Daughter Luncheon. Contacts with the Detroit Alumnae Panhellenic Association were continued by membership and representation by Sue Roman and Carol Harvilla. Both women have been effective and continuing representatives. A contribution to the National Headquarters Fund was made in the name of members honored for their service to the chapter. Proceeds from the raffle of a shawl made by Juanita Bouffard bolstered the contribution. -Rose Marie Schmidt

Erie The Erie Alumnae chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau was installed into the national organization on May 16, 1981. Charlene Fumi hosted the event at her home in Erie, Pennsylvania. The chapter was honored to have national officers Mary Ellen Willmitch and Diane Bennett. Mary Ellen performed the ceremony. The nine charter members are Norma Black, historian; Pat Brown, program director; Diane Bunce, treasurer; Debbie Carter, president; Charlene Fumi, vice president; Chris Hawes, social service director; Cindi Hawes, editor; Judy Hines, recording secretary; and Connie Young, corresponding secretary. Each member received a lovely yellow rose during the installation. Members attended a Founders Day ceremony at Edinboro State; assisted at the Erie Special Olympics; held a 50-50 raffle; attended the collegiates' spring dance; and sent a gift to Pine Mountain Settlement School. -Cindi Hawes

Harrisburg Harrisburg alums enjoyed a trip to Penn State for a fun time week-end and to the home of former alumna Kathy Heckman and husband Jerry. Founders Day was celebrated with a dinner and program at the Sunnyside Restaurant in Carlisle. Lana McCaulley travelled to hippensburg to speak to the Beta Epsilon


The new members of the Erie Pennsylvania Alumnae Chapter.

about the alumnae organization. Social service activities included buying a Hear Aide Kit for the Tri-County Easter Seal Society; and making Easter baskets for the mentally handicapped class at the Ross Mayne School in Camp Hill. -Sheila A. Heflybower

Houston Alum nae on the Azalea Traii-(L -R) Sharon Juntunen, Pat Nayle, Sharon Clarke, and (seated) Tana Wilkinson.

Houston The new year brought three new members to the Houston Alumnae Chapter: Donna Best, Lydia Purash and Debbie Calabrese. Pay Nayle presented a program on self-hypnosis. Alumnae visited gardens along the Azalea Trail; and on the more serious side, elected new officers: Sharon Clarke, president; Candy Horsley, secretary/ editor; Tana Wilkinson, treasurer; Dorotha Sims, Panhellenic delegate; Sharon Juntunen, Panhellenic Board member and social service chairman; and Muriel Ivy, rush chairman. Lynn Murray of the Mental Health Association of Houston and Harris County spoke about the role the Mental Health Association plays in the community, and how Houston Alumnae could contribute. Work was begun on items for the sorority sampler bazaar sponsored by Panhellenic in November. Aprons of quilted green and gold gingham, will be worn by members working the booth. -Candy Horsley

graduating sen iors of Kappa District. Games such as " Uno " and " Crazy Bridge" to broke the ice followed by Hors d'oeuvres and punch. " New" and "old" members attended a picnic at Pink Hill Park in Blue Springs, Missouri this year. The men do the cooking at this affair so the women have more time to catch up on the latest news. -Kolyn Cochran

Kansas City

Lancaster County

Sandra Stonerock was elected president of the Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter. Alums collect and make items for Alpha Nu's Fall Rush . April3rd, Sharon Richard, Debi Pyszka, Judy Sparks, Jeane Bamford, and Nancy Cochran, piled into a van and two cars with twelve collegiates to attend the RLW at Macomb, Illinois. Sharon and Debi presented an alumnae workshop. May 7th , sisters held a party for

Members have enjoyed " Man of La Mancha," a Founders Day dinner at the Olde Greenfield Inn, and a shopping trip to Harborplace on the wharf in Baltimore. We also enjoyed a baklavah demonstration by Viv Lioon Criner in March. We gathered for a picnic (an " International Feast" ) held at Joyce Banta Wroble's home. Fondest wishes to Barbara Day Weiss and Janet Peters Friel who were rece ntly


Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter at Macomb for Regional Leadership Workshop. From left (back row) Lynn McCafferty, Denise Boland, Lisa Portwood, Angie Miller, and Jeann Schleer; (front row) Sharon Richard, Ro DeMoss, Karen Cline, Lynne Kintz, Mickie Cleaver, Mary Montag, Theresa Corum, Jeane Bamford, Judy Sparks, and (kneeling) Nan cy Cochran.

married, and to Chris Oleksa Paules, our路 "new mom."

We proudly salute our sisters in business and education: Patricia Doman Adamire, Mary Wilson Novak, Kathem Maine, Marty Lynch Henry and Barbara Brunner Boyer. ---Janet Wilson

Muncie Lucy Younce reported on the 1980 convention and members discussed constitutional and dues changes at the first Muncie Alumnae meeting of the year. Nine members lunched at the Robert's Hotel in Muncie on November 8 , our Founders Day observance. The big news is that the chapter agreed to work on a reunion for all A S Ts, especially Alpha Alphas. The get together will be held at Ball State University's 1981 Homecoming. Some of the Muncie alums will be Next page


celebrating the 50th year of their graduation from Ball State, so it will be a very special time for them . The traditional candlelighting ceremony was a fine conclusion to a lovely afternoon. Seven of us traveled to Indianapolis for lunch with the new Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter. The St. James Tavern on the city's northeast side fed 16 Alpha Sigma Taus. -Marijo Gosselink

New Orleans Familiar faces and "pot luck" creations calmed the winter chill as New Orleans alumnae came together at the home of Marcia Barr for dinner. At traditional Mardi Gras, members were loyal to the krewe of AST as they met at Laura Moran's home for a king cake party. March marked our social service trip to deliver donations to the Methodist home Hospital for abused children. A " night out of the kitchen" found members at the A&G Cafeteria ... May brought yellow roses of initiation ... and Swimming parties, luncheons , and a "night on the town" were planned to beat the summer heat. -Kathy Seeger

Norfolk Dr. Dwane Lumpkin of the Com prehensive Mental Health Center enlightened Norfolk alumnae about the center. At the close of the meeting Bonnie Manley, social service chairman, presented Dr. Lampkin with a check for $75.00.

ASTs, once again , had the largest group in attendance at the Pan hellenic luncheon and we will fill the office of historian for the '81-'82 year. Profits made from a Tupperware party will go to support Pine Mountain and the Comprehensive Mental Health Center. Installation of officers in May (with Bonnie Harris as president) and a hay ride in June is planned. -Elaine Eason

Northern Virginia Featured speaker at the January meeting was Mr. Felix Celli, director of Cam Tapawingo, a summer camp for mentally retarded children. Approximately 25 people braved the cold of February to eat, drink and be merry at a pot-luck dinner. Other highlights of the year included a program on CPR by Gerry Ewing, a colleague of Beth James; and a garage sale in May.


Members of Beta Mu Chapter joined Northern Virginia Alumnae for a dinner celebration on Founder's Day.

Sisters accepting the mantle of leadership for 1981 -82: Peggy Robertson , president; Debby Weinstein , vice president; Carol Vicking , recording secretary ; Jeanne Wylie, corresponding secretary; Cathy Schriner, treasurer; Vicki Hoffman , historian; Meda Ray Sewell, chaplain; and Betty Gail Elliott, editor. An AST banner was presented to the Beta Nu Chapter; contributions were given to Children's Hospital, Washington , D.C. and Camp Tapawingo; Needlepoint name tags were made for members to wear at meetings; and Beth James made yellow silk roses to be presented to members on memorable occasions. -Betty Gail Elliott

Philadelphians Philadelphia alumnae gathered for hors d' oeuvres and cocktails at the new home of Peggy Brown. Before dinner Taus and husbands listened to Mildred and Fred Day sing a duet of love songs. Senoras Betty Allison and Helen Lombardi, recent travel partners to Bermuda, Guatemala, Mexico, and San Francisco, showed slides of their trip and served a Mexican-style brunch. Members assembled in April for a demonstration of making crepes at the Magic Pan in Jenkinton. At the business meeting, sisters agreed to contribute to the RoyerGreaves School for the Blind in Paoli. Finally , Taus visited the Barnes Museum in Merion which houses a wide collection of French Impressionist paintings. -Carolyn Potser

Roanoke The Roanoke Alumnae celebrated Christmas again this year with the emotionally disturbed children from the Children's Center. Following this, sisters enjoyed a meal at the Catawba Emporium.

We enjoyed refreshments Taus brought to the January tasting party; and they learned how to save energy in the home from a guest speaker from Appalachian Power. President Debra Grzanka is expecting her first baby in July which gave us a wonderful reason to tum the March meeting into a surprise baby shower. Plans include a party for Radfotd seniors in April and the installation of our next year's officers. -Cindy Howard

St. Louis The highlight of our year was the 50th anniversary, of the installation of Pi Chapter. The well-attended buffet supper was held at the home of alumna, Lillian Schippers, a 50 year member, and included spouses. The other 50 year member was Maxine Mirus Auld, an attorney from San Juan , Puerto Rico. Founder's Day was shared with Beta Etas at Southern Illinois University . Christmas was celebrated with a Luncheon at the home of lisa Simpson and a party for members and spouses was held at the home of Alice Vit. Jefferson Memorial's new gallery was the scene of our Washington's Birthday Luncheon . A tour was conducted by specialists in historical costumes. The June Luncheon at the home of Alice Dunlop marked the end of our season's activities. -Dr. Lillian Vogt Schippers

Shepherdstown Shepherdstown gals learned the history of needlework at a " Creative Expressions" party. A demonstration on stitchery followed . For our Founder's Day Banquet, Chi Chapter joined us for a fanciful meal in a traditional Victorian setting, at th ton -


Dr. Schippers was present to help S t. Louis celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Pi Chapter.

S t. Louis Alumnae honored former Central Office executives. (L -R) Dorothy Meyer, Betty Wilson , June McCarthy, and Elizabeth Wilson, past National President.

gate Restaurant in CharlesTown. With no formal program for the event the sisters spent a relaxed evening, concluding with the traditional candlelighting service. Members celebrated Christmas at the Washington County Planetarium in Hagerstown , Maryland as they were treated to an historical program relating the Christmas Story as evidenced through the stars and planet formations of the original Christmas night. The group then gathered at a restaurant for dessert and a gift exchange. "Solar Energy" warmed the thoughts of those attending the January meeting--Carl Hess who constructed his solar dependent home, entertained the group with slides and discussion of the principles of solar energy. Alums learned the goals, purposes, and needs of the Pikeside Special Education Center. They then voted to establish an ice cream fund to purchase ice cream on special occasions for the children. Mr. Hollis Turnbow of Shepherdstown shared his knowledge of quilting. He has achieved nationwide recognition for many of his creations which he displayed. -Mary Staley

West Cheste r March was the month for theatregoing--as alumnae enjoyed the Tony Award winner Children of a Lesser God at the Shubert Theatre in Philadelphia. May Day was a grand time for a spring fling. After meeting at the Rusty Scupper for dinner, the girls had a delightful shopping spree through Philadelphia's quaint and interesting New Market. They also enjoyed browsing through historic Head House Square. This year's family picnic was at the home of Donna and Jack Snyder. We get to watch the children grow from year to year. The newest offspring is Ryan , son of Lorraine and Kerry Kilpatrick. Members have been busy raising money for a donation to Philadelphia Children's Hospital Mental Health Clinic


which is in desparate need of funds . --Carolyn Mee

Youngstown The Youngstown Alumnae Chapter held a dinner and candlelighting in celebration of Founders Day . Maureen Johnson, a case worker for Mahoning County Children Services Board, spoke about battered children and how the community can help. Mary Ann Napolitan Koontz hosted a lasagne dinner and gift exchange at her apartment. Youngstown sister, Louise Einstein, received the Anchor Award. She was the chapter adviser when Alpha Rho was first founded at Youngstown State University. --Carol Marsico

Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor What a thrill it was for Martha Belknap, president of Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor Chapter, to be present at the installation of our neighboring collegiates at Houghton , Michigan this past December. Martha presented Christy Cutbill, Beta Xi's president with an engraved gavel from our chapter and had a lovely visit with our sisters to the north. Sue Slick and Carlotta Mace got the fund raiser underway by arranging a Stanley product demonstration in February. Hats off to Kathy Scherf who brought in $200 worth of orders. Kathy also hosted Mary Kay cosmetic party in her home to help add to the fund raising offers. We sent these funds to our Pine Mountain Settlement School and Yorkwood Center. It was a pleasure to see sisters we've missed for awhile at the Founder's Day celebration at the Plymouth Landing in Plymouth, Michigan. Mothers, daughters, and sisters shared an afternoon of friendship at the Mother's Day Luncheon at Haab's Restaurant in Ypsilanti. Newly elected officers will be installed in

Maxine Mirus Madden, was one of the 50-year members at the S t. Louis annive rsary party.

May at the home of Sharon Bolduc. Congratulations to our leaders: President Carlotta Mace, Vice President Sharon Bold uc, Recording Secretary Kathy Scherf, Corresponding Secretary S uzanne Slick, Treasurer Elaine Habel, Historian Joyce Berg, Chaplain Beverly Rusnock, Editor Mary Lorenz, Social Service Chairman Marilyn Christy, and Program Chairman Joan Meaker. Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor gals are cleaning basements and attics in preparation for the year-end garage sale, the final fund raising activity for the year. -Joyce Berg

Does Your Name Belo ng Here, Too?!? Please send THE ANCHOR news about yourself, your leisure activities, your work ... or that of your fellow alumnae. P. unique occurrence at an alumnae meeting, a small item in your local newspaper-any and all of these lead to lively and informative fea lures about you for Alpha Sigma Tau . Reme mber-you are Alpha Sigma Tau. Start wi th the blanks below, add extra sheets as needed, and mail to:

Send to: Mrs. Thomas P. Dudley 3624 Hunters Hill Drive Birmingham , AL 3521 0



Undergraduates are leaders on and off campus Indiana University

The quilt was made by Beta Chapter members

Delta won their third , consecutive victory in Derby Days, a competition between the sororities on camr,us, with the proceeds going to a camp for retarded children. In addition, we won first-place for spirit and fund raising. Special congratulations to Mary Musial for taking Derby Day Queen. New officers elected this year are: President, Janet Wallace; Vice President, Carol Fitzpatrick; Recording Secretary, Lisa Depp; and Corresponding Secretary, Dot Kantor. Louise Cullen is the new Panhellenic Treasurer. Delta participated in the Regional Leadership Days at Lock Haven walking away with two awards--Best Attendance and Best Skit. Nine girls were pledged this semester: Sue Arco , Barb Delapp, Sandy Cary, Sally Mack, Kathy Mallozzi, Nancy Platzer, Bev Singe!, Rhonda Shaulis and Kathy Walton. The highlight of the semester was the formal in May ... congratulations to Outstanding Pledge, Sue Arco, and Top Tau, Lynn Gourley. -Terri Delhunty

in appreciation of aduisor, Glee Doyle.

Central Michigan

Lock Haven

What a great way for Beta to start the winter semester-with 13 super pledges! Thanks to rush chairman Rhonda Bums and pledge trainer Barb Hawkins. Our Philantropic program: collecting campbell soup labels for schools to buy audio-visual equipment; the campus dance marathon for Muscular Dystrophy; and participating in the annual campus dial-a-thon. We had two social events this semester. Parents Day was held on February 15 and was a success thanks to our hardworking committee: Susan Starrett, Jenni Rice, Colleen Oliver and Barb Fletcher. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of a quilt to advisor Glee Doyle. Each sister had embroidered a square with something unique about themselves. Our Yellow Rose formal took place in Grand Rapids, Michigan on April 11 . The night started out with a pre-party given by our president's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter. After dinner the Presidential Award went to Jenifer Swanson and Dee Claffey, and, the Top Tau Award went to Dee Claffey. -Jenni Rice

Zeta of Lock Haven had a roaring rush-the theme, the " Roaring Twenties. " Rushees dressed like gangsters and brought bananas for sundaes. The result, fifteen super new women: Yanina Carter, Becky Clarke, Leigh Dinkier, Marie Harnett, Vicki Heyser, Margie House, Debbi Kammerer, Terry Lippay, Kelly McBride , Kim Michner, Karla Moschella, Michelle Porasky, Carol Sheehan, Joan Spitz, and Kimm Zellars. AST's annual spring formal and RLW kept members busy. This RLW was outstanding thanks to the chairman, Karen Geary. Following Easter break Greeks on campus celebrated " Greek Weekend" and competing in the Greek Olympic games. Zeta Chapter proudly took an overall second-place victory. Prior to finals , sisters hosted a parent/alumnae tea to celebrate the end of pledge period. -Lynn Monahan


Concord Omicron Chapter began the new semester with a " Fifties" rush party complete with ice cream parlor glasses filled with M & Ms, and little pillows made to

Omicrons Lorreta Shrewbury and Debbie Gage at the Big Sis-Little Sis-Roarin ' 20's style.

look like rainbows. Omicron gained 10 pledges--more than any other sorority on campus. Special events: a spaghetti dinner hosted by Princeton-Athens Alumnae; a family-daughter banquet. Pledges collected aluminum cans, washed cars, and sold baked goods to raise money for their Big Sis-Little Sis Party. Social service projects: Members took Easter baskets to the Princeton Hospital; helped Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity in a survey of the commuters on campus and arranged carpools. An officers' workshop was presented by district president Wanda Austin. -Susan Walls

Sigma alum, Roni Wilkins, celebrates the initiation of a new pledge class with collegians Cindy Carl and Lisa Pelkey.

State College at Buffalo Initiation of Sigma's Spring pledge class was held on March 2 . The reception at Romanello's in Williamsville was the highlight of the semester. The chapt r w 1comes Cindy Carl, Deanna Da , onni


Sigmas at the State College at Buffalo pose after initiating new members.

Hietanen , Diane Mazzi , Chris Rosinski and Barb Thompson to its ranks. Ann Marie Carroll was named Top Tau, and Tricia Toomey was named Sister of the Year. The most recent of many social service projects was the Red Cross Bloodmobile Drive on April 7. The theme of "A Pint A Point" coincided with Greek Week activities. For Sigmas, Wednesday is always a busy day. There are chapter meetings, doughnut sales in the Student Union. These sales have increased the treasury tremendously. Sigmas aided the activities committee in preparation of a Winter Weekend " Snowball" semi-formal. AlT's Cindy Hill was named Snowball Queen! New officers for 1981-82 are: President, Michele Luppino; Vice President, Theresa McSweeney, Treasurer, Mary Jane Pend!; Recording Secretary, Julie Muise; Pledge Director, Tricia Toomey, and Rush Director, Mary Beth Sodus.

Longwood The Geist Bloodmobile, Superdance for M.D., Jumprope-a-thon, and Swinga-thon for Cystic Fibrosis were all social service projects for Zeta Tau's. Melanie Gilbert was a member of Catalina's, a synchronized swimming club. AST received six new pledges through informal rush. They were Chris Ruppel, Kathy Klebert, Lisa Crockett, Mary Hollup, Elaine Olay, and Terry Chumley. These girls were initiated April 21st along with Carol Duquette and Judy Carmony. AST won the All-Sports intramural trophy. Brenda Fettrow and Linda Pullen were tri-captains of the women's basketball team ; field hockey included tricaptains Julie Dayton, Kim Garber, and Teli Davis. Kim Garber and Julie Dayton made the field-hockey all-tournament team ; Sharon Pillow was first all-around in the state gymnastics meet and competed nationally; Debra Spencer received first place, swimming, in the Special Olympics; Cindy Dropeski, a lacrosse captain-the


Zeta Tau presents their Snoopy skit to rushees-(L -R) Julie Dayton, Jan Jennings and Teri Dauis.

tin , and Christi Mobley; Most Outstanding UCA student-Kim Hillis; Student Senate, Lisa Cathey, and UCA cheerleader, Karen Bettis; Miss Arkansas USA Lynnanne Derryberry; Miss Morrilton , Leanne Derryberry; first runner-up Miss UCA, Suzy Sanders; fourth runner-up Miss UCA, Diedre Stuart; first runner-up Body Beautiful; Terry Utley; and Daisy MaeKathy Terry. -Paula Smith

Southeastern Louisiana University

Zeta Taus-Mary Slade , president; Julia Combs, corresponding secretary; and Lorrie Garber, panhellenic representative.

team won the Division Ill State Championship; Julie Dayton , member of the Virginia-Club , and the U.S. Lacrosse Team. -Winona Bayne

Central Arkansas-Upsilon Upsilon Chapter members, with student senate members , co-sponsored Sadie Hawkins week and the Daisy MaeLittle Abner contest. Upsilons also held a Valentine's Day party for mentally retarded children of the Faulkner County Day Care Center. Alpha Tau's nine new sisters of whom we are very proud are : Tonya Watts, Donna Ladd , Connie Knox, Angela Law, Pam Houston , Sharon Hale, Ann Mulkey , Kelli Rutledge, and Mary Lou Knuckles. Congratulations to award winners: Presidential Scholars, Gina Spinneli, Mona Rowers, Sandy Cotten, Beth Mar-

Phi Chapter began the Spring semester by adding two new pledges in open rush: Shannon Holmes and Sheri Davis. A retreat for sisters and pledges followed. March 21 , Phi held its annual Spring formal honoring officers, Fall initiates, new Sweetheart, Lisa LeBlanc and the new Beau, Don Erwin. Phi Chapter hosted Regional Leadership Workshop March 27-29. ASTs from Alabama , Arkansas , Oklahoma, and Texas met in Hammond for a fun-filled weekend of lectures and activities. Phis co-sponsored a wheelchair basketball game and an Easter egg hunt for children from Hammond State School. -Michele Blanchard

Radford Alpha Lambdas gained six pledges at an informal " Get into Tip Tau Shape" spring rush : Jodie Cocke, Betsy Kupec, Debbie Lovingood, Beth Martin , Jean Pfeifer, and Tracy Price. Pledges gave an Easter party for Special Education Children at McCarthy School. Congratulations to recently initiated Lori Batten , Tracy Brewer, Beth Hodges, and Pam Wells; and to new president, Patsy Wright, and vice president, Holly Evert. Social service projects included a muscular dystrophy Super Dance, working


Alpha Lambda seniors attending the Cabin party were from left (back row) Katie Pack, Cathy Harrell, Emily As by, Tammy Boardwine; (center row) H ope Fleming, Barbara Goodrish, Debbie Dauis, Beth Knaus, and Stephanie Mere/man ; and (front row) Vicky Boyd, Val Shelton, and Anne Sin not.

with the New River Valley Agency on Aging, and parties for learning-disabled children. Our annual cabin party was held at Camp Mitchell in New Castle, Virginia. Awards were given to Val Shelton, Top Tau; Sharon Stanley, Best Pledge Award; and Tracy Brewer, Eternal Rookie. At our annual Sweetheart banquet, Sharon Stanley was voted Queen and Rene Zecca was voted Princess. -Debbie Davis

Central Missouri Alpha Nu chapter sponsored a receptio n for CMSU 's Parents Weeke nd . Parties were held for Halloween and Christmas. Tina Smith and David Ackley danced for AST in the Annual Phi Sigma Epsilon Dance Marathon for the American Cancer Society. At the annual Yellow Rose Formal the Panhellenic Scholarship award was presented to Denise Boland; and Jennifer Jones was named Top Tau 1980-81. Alpha Nu's Man of the Year was Vince Knox. Several members attended the Bridal Show sponsored by the Association of Women Students and the film "Speaking on Love." Twelve members attended RLW at Southern Illinois University. - Angie Miller


"Taus go Texan at an Alpha Omicron rush party.

Mansfield State After six weeks of pledging the Alpha Xis welcome eight new members: Kim Bower, Kathy Catallier, Paula Cook, Barbara Munsell , Andrea Nicotera , Annette Tacconelli, Shelly Taynton , and Maria Weber. Chapter members participated in Mansfield's Special Olympics, an afternoon of recreation for the handicapped children of Tioga County. The annual Greek Week was held this Spring. Congratulations are in order AST's Kirstin Larkin , chairperson of Greek Week. Alpha Xis also congratulate the Fall and Spring Pledge Classes of 1980 for winning the scholarship award for that year. -Kris E. Kukura

Clarion State "Taus Go Texan" was the theme for Spring rush as members gathered a saloon setting and donned western clothes. The hard work pa id off when they rounded up Barb Arnett, Lisa Burker, Kimber Dalrymple, Mindy Hoover, Carey Johnson, Joyce Kokoski, Sue Myers, Ceal Polumbo, and Maryann Roberti, under the guidance of pledge mistress Kelly Ziembicki. Pam Chilson and Jody Aaron also accepted bids to pledge. Social service projects kept sisters "jumping" in a Jump-a-thon for the Heart Fund; and Taus lent a hand with the Red Cross Bloodmobile. AST' s Laurie Leslie walked away with the Miss CSC 1981 title as did Sister Ann Marie Sheets in 19 0. Debbie Waterloo

was also a contestant. New officers for 1981-82 are: President, Mary Beth Hess; Vice president, Natalie Johnson ; Treasurer, Sue Snyder; Recording Secretary, Heidi Bliss; Pledge Mistress , Annemarie Hackett ; Rush Chairman, Jackie Kennedy; and Panhellenic representative, Terri McCoy. Also, sister Andrea Vozel was appointed Panhellenic Council secretary. -Kristin Mervosh

Slippery Rock Alpha Pi's are proud to report seventeen new sisters gained this spring. Terri Kunkel, one of our newest sisters is feature twirler, for the Slippery Rock State Marching Rockets; is Miss Majorette of the Eastem United States Compeition and the World Champion in Two Baton Competition. Community activities--a Blood Drive, Muscular Dystrophy Carnival, a can food drive for the needy people in the Slippery Rock community. Alpha Pi's placed third among sororities on campus in the Greek Sing Competition. -Doreen Hiltz

Edinboro Alpha Taus took children in the " Big Brother" program in Erie, Pa., tobogganning. Five new members were initiated thi semester: Fran Albacker, Be Buies, Anita Burger, Mary Lou Mihalic and Leanne Williams.


Long hours were spent rehearsing for Greek Sing competition-sisters won second place with their rendition of Rodgers and Hammerstein's " Honey Bun." Sisters washed cars to raise money for the dance marathon which benefitted the Edinboro Volunteer Fire Department. Alpha Tau Janet Mikula and her partner Bob Preksta (Alpha Phi Omega) danced thirty hours to a brilliant finish . The year was ended with the Spring 1981 pledge dance where honored guests included Janis Thoma, Charlene Fumi, and Miss Mary Ellen Willmitch. Congratulations to graduating sisters this semester: Pat Seymour, Gemma lannessa, and Dawn Boer!. -Sue Garbart

West Chester State Due to the dedication of the members of each fraternity and sorority, Greeks are " in" again. AST has taken advantage of this change, and worked especially hard this semester. Increased participation, and spirit has made people notice Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority. Officers this year are: President, Sue Kelly; Vice President, Marie Cameron; Treasurer, Denise Allen ; Secre tary , Shelagh Kennedy. Due to a great rush program organized by Jennifer Beyer and fully supported by the whole sorority, six girls pledged AST. Missy Parziale, Caroline Scambi, Donna Laskin , Lori Schnure, Nicole Melander and Trisha Moran . Graduating seniors this year are: Debi Brechmin, Gail Demarco, Debbie Panko, Lisa Steffy, Sherry Shwartz, and Sue Weber. Chrissy Demarco graduated in December. Lisa, Sue and Chrissy all have weddings planned for the upcoming year. We wish them all luck.

Beta Epsilons Barb Orr, Sue Cook and Kathy Reilly-"grand" big sis, little sis, and big sis.

enjoyed by sisters. Jill Henry, social service chairman and members entertained first and second grade children with songs and games. The highlight of the semester was the tenth annual Yellor Rose Formal held at the Sheraton Conestoga Inn in Lancaster. - Lisa Grimm

Shippensburg Thanks to Judy Clayton and her rush committee , Beta Epsilon gained 12 pledges this semester. Rushees were entertained at an alligator party (everyone dressed in their preppiest attaire) ; When You Wish Upon A Star, and the Emerald City of AST; and sisters told rushees that " There 's no place like AST," at the Wizard of Oz party. New pledges are Vicky Aurandt, Tracy Bathurst, Sue Cook, Terri Gallagher, Barb Keller, Lisa Leichliter, Fran Lucia, Ann McCloskey, Lois Molin , Laura Newton, Jenni Ritz, and Lisa Zimmerman. Campus tours, a phone-a-tho n for alumnae fund-raising, letters written to President Reagan concerning budget cuts and his economic policy, and a visit to Scotland School for Veterans Children were some of the social service projects


Beta Zetas gather for chapter meeting.

Alabama in Birmingham Beta Zetas congratulate new initiates Leah Burke, Stacey Cromer, LeeAnn Jackson, Jenny Wilkinson, Bonnie Burroughs, Hope Ingram, Jennifer Perrine, Melanie Persons, Tammy Thomas and Donna Tinney. The expansion of Beta Zeta Chapter led to an increase in social service projects: Pine Mountain Settlement School receiving a donation; a Christmas dinner was donated to the Birmingham Womens Mission; and the Fall pledge class sponsored a blood drive for the Red Cross.

New officers installed are: President, Susan Waintraub; Vice President Scholarship, Cecilia Watts; Vice President Social, Mary Yeatman; Recording Secretary , LeeAnn Jackson ; Corresponding Secretary , Pauls Hawkins; Chaplin, Dianne Dameron ; Treasurer, Lisa Burdette ; Editor Terri Sides; Historian , Paula Hawkins; Ritual Chairman, Cecilia Watts; and Housing Director, Stacey Cromer. The University of Alabama in Birmingham Alp ha Tau's were awarded the scholarship cup for having the highest Q.P. average. -Terri Sides


Beta Etas had a rush table for Spring '81 to mark the first cooperative rush for campus sororities.

Southern Illinois Winter Quarter at SlU-E saw its first movement towards establishing a College Panhellenic Association. On January 7, 1981 , Beta Eta met with the Alpha Phis, the second NPC sorority on campus. Plans for a joint rush were discussed, planned and carried out and Sandra Wentier was elected chairman. For Valentines Day we held our annual carnation sale-it was a " blooming" success. BEs attended an officer's workshop and RLW. A representative from We Care America came to explain and demonstrate self-defense techniques and products. Beta Etas met, participated in a 20kilometer walk-a-thon for the March of Dimes. The annual mother-daughter banquet was May 3; other socials--a picnic and spring formal . -Sandra Wentler

Sisters from Beta Tau Chapter at Disneyworld during Spring break.

shaped lollipops on campus. Informal rush Beta Tau chapter four new pledges after a "Soaps & Subs" party was held at the house to entice soap opera fans. Social happenings ... a Valentine 's Day party ... Hawaiian Night complete with grass skirts . .. and the Yellow Rose semi-formal held April 25th in Nashua, NH. The senior awards banquet was held in April at a local Chinese restaurant. Best of luck to the departing seniors: Linda Gueli, Denise Nadeau, Jennifer Clement, Lena Michaelidou, Kathy McLaughlin, Kristin Melanson and Karen Lebedzinski. -Michelle Perry

St. Mary's Beta Thetas celebrated their fifth anniversary with the annual senior picnic. Fifteen sisters went to Hammond , Louisiana to participate in a RLW. The special fund-raising event for the semester was Las Vegas Nightdecorations, glamorous hostesses, suave dealers, (and even a floor show) filled St. Mary's Cafeteria. After an evening of " gambling," players bid on auctioned prizes with their " play" money. Members tutored in an orphanage and helped with a Girl Scout picnic, and evaluated personal goals and growth. The initiation of ten new members at the spring banquet made Spring semester complete. -Mary Margaret Rohmer

Lowell Lumber, rolled-up carpets, and nails were scattered throughout the house. But, when semester break was over, ASTs moved into the first sorority house at the University of Lowell. Collegians held a housewarming party to show off the house to parents, advisors, alumnae, and neighbors. AST co-sponsored an Easter party with the Pi Lambda Phi fraternity for the neighborhood kids and sisters took advantage of Valentine's Day to sell heartBeta Thetas at St. Mary's during Las Vegas night.



Beta Iotas at Millersville State from left (staryding) Cathy Shaffer, Karen Hetman, Terri Weaver, Dianna Lockes, Joanna Natale, Dawn Clauser, Cyndi Fessler, Cindy Stump, Sue Pihoker, Kathy Van Syckle, Meg Cullinan, Chris Paules, Chapter Advisor; (sitting) Ma ry T. Versprille, Ph yllis Anastasio, Terry Rill, Casey Smith , Lori Wallace, Wendy Tibbets, Deb Sunday, Judy Smith , Terry Gass; and (kneeling) the Spring '8 1 pledge class, Maureen McPoyle, Donna Holley, Linda Hetrick, Betsy Giangiulio, Deb Hartman , Theresa Baker, Pam Paulson, and Lisa Nikolaus.

Salisbury State Beta Mu held a " Welcome Back Dance" for Salisbury State students-a profitable fund raiser. Six pledges were taken this semester: Cathy Bounds, Shaun Bradshaw, Lisa Guameiri, Lisa Melchiorre, Jamie Rush , and Carroll Sherwood; following Yellow Rose Formal Saturday May 2. Honors: Donna Bytella and Debi Flaig were chosen for Who 's Who Among College and University Students and Debi was voted Top Tau. Fund raisers: a singing Valentine service; and Spring Kisses (homemade flowers with Hershey kisses) were sold; we served as hostesses at the World Cup Tennis Tournament at the Salisbury Wicomico Youth and Civic Center for the second year in a row. -Mary Dickey --Jo Ann Forbes

Bloomsburg Beta Nus acquired 8 pledges through Spring rush, led by Pat Miller. They are Sue Eberly, Dawn Guinther, Laurie Kratz, Brenda Martin , Pat Moyer, Brenda Schreffler, Kim Traum, and Vickie Young. Once again , AST worked along with the other sororities and fraternities on campus at the Red Cross Bloodmobile. Joanne


The Beta Nu Spring pledge class, from left, tback row) Dawn Guinther, Laurie Kratz, Pat Moyer; and, front row, Vickie Young, Bre nda S chreffl er, Kim Tra iwn , Sue Eberly, and Brenda Martin.

Dunstan participated in a Jump Rope-athon to benefit the American Heart Association , while the other sisters and pledges cheered her on and sponsored her. Ten Beta Nus attended RLW at Lock Haven State and some traveled to Mansfield State for the end of their pledge activities.

AST participated in various Greek Week activities including Olympic Day, Tug-of-War, Games Night, and Greek Sing. Cheryl Murray made Dean's List. - Mary T. Mantione


Headquarters gets a big boost

Winner of oil painting raffle announced Dear Sisters, The time has come for everyone to learn the outcome of the oil painting " raffle." As you will remember, contributions were made to the National Headquarters Fund so we might be able to make a more substantial downpayment on a headquarte rs building. Well , you have come through again! 101 sisters and two chapters contributed a total of $2070. The National Staff is most grateful for your wonderful support in this endeavor. Personally it was a heartwarming experience that I could donate this beautiful painting in memory of two special Sigma sisters, Margaret Macdonald and Lucile Steen Butterfield. I only wish each of you could have been the recipient. At the summer board meeting of the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter, I asked our president to draw the winning name. (By the way, two names were

placed in the box fifteen times for $ 100 contributions; one name thirty times for a $200 contribution , and one alumnae chapter twenty times for their $150 contribution !) I am very pleased to announce that Paulette Micki S ingleton of Ph iladelphia , Pennsylvania won the painting. Again , I thank each of you for your support and generosity. We have some distance to travel to reach our goal of $80,000, but we have not heard from many of you as yet. Why not sit down today and write a check for the National Headquarters Fund, using the form below or a facsimile ? Please print/type information clearly in order that acknowledgment of your contribution may be printed correctly in The Anchor. Fraternally, Marjorie Willover National Headquarters Fund Chairman

Micki S ingleton (Alpha Kappa '69) says she is delighted to have won the picture which will grace a wall of her newly decorated apartm ent.

My pledge for 1981 is$ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 路 My contribution is made in memory/honor (circle one) of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -Name Collegiate Chapter Your Name City

Address State

Enclose this form and check made payable to Alpha Sigma Tau Headquarters Fund. Mail to: AST Headquarters Fund 3424 Chimney Rock Abilene, Texas 79606








Zeta Tau Chapter at their annual S wing-a-thon for Cystic Fibrosis.

A THREE DAY conference at Cleveland State, co-sponsored by Oregon State and NASA's Lewis Research Center, predicted greatly increased use of windmills--now called wind turbines--in generating electricity. Researcher expect the cost to drop to 4 or 5¢ per kilowatt hour. A GENE BANK for flowering plants is operated by the University of CaliforniaIrvine and specializes in South African plants on the verge of extinction. Many species are thriving in the arboretum's gardens. lWENTY-ONE COLLEGES in eight states form the American Indian Higher Education consortium. The colleges are operating on or near reservations and enroll 30% non-Indian students. (Chronicle of Higher Education ).

A SMALL COMPANY in Minneapolis, the National Credential Verification Service, reports that one in three claims to college degrees that it checks is faked , inflated , or at least slightly misrepresented. Its clients are mostly corporations. (Chronicle)

AMONG COLLEGE WOMEN In the class of 1984, more than one in four plan careers in business, engineering, law, or medicine-a 400% jump since 1966.

Linda Sauget, Beta Theta, works the roulette table during Las Vegas night.

TWO RECENT SURVEYS report that three out of four college students own calculators, half have 10-speed bikes, and six out of 10 own tennis rackets. Blow-dryers are owned by eight out of 10 women and six out of 10 men. THE FIRST WOMENS' S TEAM to enter Indiana University's Little 500 bicycle race failed by 19 seconds to qualify. One team member plans to try again next year. (On-Campus Report) STANFORD UNIVERSITY pays an annual premium of $480,000 to a group of eight insurance companies for $60 million earthquake coverage. THE NATIONAL EDUCATION Association found in a recent survey that 37 states have shortages of teachers in some subject areas. The most acute shortages are in math and science teachers with English teachers becoming scarce. The prediction is that the shortages will become critical by 1985. COLGATE UNIVERSITY is installing a wood-fueled boiler to supply 80% of the university's heat and hot water. Wood scraps are to be purchased from sawmills, furniture manufacturers, and others. A study predicts an annual saving of $250,000.

(U.S. News)



Zeta pledge class of Sigma Chapter at Buffalo.

Sisters of Beta Tau Chapter at traditions night.

THE LAWRENCE WELK Foundation has contributed $39,000 to a scholarship in the Music Department of the University of North Dakota. SUNFLOWERS are being researched by the University of Missouri. The income potential is about the same as soybeans and sunflowers have good drought resistance. An acre of sunflowers yields 75 gallons of oil which compares favorably with diesel fuel. ARIZONA STATE, the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., three Indian communities, and a Scottsdale research corporation are working together on a project to develop natural rubber from the guayule plant, a desert shrub native to Mexico and Texas. In the first phase, seedlings will be planted on 500 acres between Phoenix and Tucson. FRANK SINATRA, for the 7th consecutive year, hosted a fund-raising concert for the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. The entertainer received an honorary Ph.D. from UNLA in 1974 in recognition of his considerable and continuing support of the university and its athletic programs.

SCIENTISTS at the University of Mississippi believe they have developed a vaccine to protect against poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. Tests on guinea pigs have been successful and tests on humans are expected next year. AN OPTION of part-time retirement for employees 60 or older is provided by the University of California as an alternate to abrupt full retirement. GETTYSBURG COLLEGE in Pennsylvania trains all faculty members to grade papers not only for subject matter but also for grammar, clarity, and structure. Students failing to meet school standards are sent to a writing laboratory for remedial instruction. (U. S. News) STUDENTS In a political science course at UCLA are required to read eight books which cost $95.35. Eleven others are listed as optional. Cost for the total list comes to $190.35. Students, however, are encouraged to share the books and copies are on reserve in the college library. (Collegiate Hedlines ) DELTA UPSILON members at Carnegie-Mellon took part in a telethon for the benefit of WQED-TV, a public television station.

Alpha Omicron won 2nd place with their homecoming float entry.



IT'S IMPORTANT: We Need Your Correct Address! Have You Married? Or Moved? College Chapter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Year of Initiation _ _ _ __ Maiden

Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Married Name - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip ______ State _ _ _ _ _ __ New Address: Stree _________________________ City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip ______ State _ _ _ _ _ __ Remarks _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date Returned _ _ _ _ _ _ __ If you are planning a change of name or address in the near future, please use the above form to notify the Central Office. Please don't get lost!

Place Postage Stamp Here

Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters P. 0. Box Birmingham, AL 35259

Tau Market Want to help your chapter earn mo ne y? Tau Market is a new feature of THE ANCHOR. It is designed to help chapters sell items which they have made or bought. If you o r your chapter have an item for sale, send a clear picture or black and white drawing of the item along with a description, price and address where it can be ordered. Priced quoted should include shipping and handling. DO NOT SEND ORDERS OR MONEY TO THE AN CHOR. The Editor cannot accept responsibility for such orders.

Show everyone that AST pride everywhere you go! Buy a bright green and gold bumper sticker from Beta Tau Chapter. Bumper stickers are $1.00 + 25¢ for postage and handling. They make great

gifts for big and little sisters. Send your check- made to Betc Tau Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau to: Miss Dona Foskey 10 Fern Street Chelmsford, MA 01824

Crysta l Etchings

Lovely crystal etchings such as those given as favors at the awards banquet at convention are available for $2.50. This keepsake is made of quality acrylic on which a rosebud and open blossom has been beautifully engraved . Great gifts for that special sister. Order from National Headquarters.

Aprons Put on a smile and an apron that tells everyone that Alpha Sigma Tau is the spice of life. They' re great for receptions, rush , cookouts, etc. And, they' re only $3.50 each. Make check payable to Alpha Sigma Tau , Birmingha m Alumnae Chapter & send to: Mrs. Morris Becker, 3041 Dolly Ridge Rd , Birmingham, Ala. 35243.

National Handbook . . . . . . . $5 Collegiate Handbook . . . . . . $3


These may be purchased from National Headquarters , PO . Box 5952 , Birmingham , AL 35259.

Members wishing to sell or give a badge to the sorority for " recycting" should write National Headquarters, PO . Box 5952 , Birm ingham , AL 35259.

ArT iA tkt

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PAID Permit No. 4 B1rmmgham.

IT'S IMPORTANT: We Need Your Correct Address! Have You Married? Or Moved? College Chapter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Year of Initiation _ _ _ _ __ Maiden

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Married Name - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Former Address: StreeL__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City路_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip ______ State _ _ _ _ _ __ New Address :

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