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FALL 1982
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The National Council of Alpha Sigma Tau proudly announces the colonization of Beta Rho Chapter, Arkansas Tech University, Russelville, Arkansas, March 30, 1982 and Beta Sigma Chapter, Northeastern Oklahoma State University, Tahlequah, Oklahoma, March 31, 1982
Vol. LVII No. 2
Miss USA
Alu mnae Super Ta us
Regional Leaders hip Workshop Report
Ho no rs
7 Getting There
Directo ry
26 Collegians
New Officers
36 Panhellenic House Dedicated
National Editor Mrs. Thomas P. Dudley 5 Spruce Court Smithtown, N .Y. 11 787 Alumnae Editor Miss Rose Marie Schmidt 5106 Harvard Road Detroit, Ml 48224
Cover: AI:T is ve ry proud of sister Terri Utley who was crowned Mi ss U .S.A. 1982, and was fourth runn er-up to Miss Universe .
The Stars of AI:T Convention 1982
Top Ta us
The ANCHOR is publi shed in th e Fall and Sprin g. Th ird class postage is paid at In dia napolis, IN, and at add itio nal mai ling offices. Send address changes and busin ess co rrespondence to Alpha Sigma Ta u Nat io nal H ea dq uart ers, P.O. Box 5952 , Birmingham, A L 35259. Add ress edito ria l co rrespo ndence to th e edito r, M rs. Thomas P. Dudl ey , 5 Sp ru ce Co urt, Smithtow n, NY 11 787. Copy dea dl ines are M ay 1 and December 15. Printed by Com polith Graphi cs and M aury Boyd and Associates.
Collegiate Editor Mrs. joe Shores 536 Cross Creek Trail Pelham, Al35124
Longwood Coll ege campus was suddenly covered with more than it's usual number of spirited girls in green and go ld as Region al Leadership Workshop 1981 got under way. Six chapters including Omicron of Concord College, Athens, WV, Psi of james Madison Unive rsity, H arrisonburg, VA , Alpha Lambda of Radford University, Radfo rd , VA, Beta Mu of Salisbury State College, Salisbury, MD, and the Zeta Taus of Longwood College, Farmville, VA were invited to attend the workshop. The events were led by fourteen members of the National Staff and Council. The weeke nd began with an early breakfast in th e co ll ege banquet room . Dr . jan et Greenwood , President of Longwood College, was present towelcome the ASTs to the col lege. At this time she shared her appreciation of the enti re Greek system at Longwood . For the rest of the morning siste rs attended
workshops led by the National Staff and Council. Mrs. Harold Scott, President Elect, led a discussion concerning rush , as Miss Lynn Sullivan, atio nal Pl edge Director enlightened members on pledging. Chapter programming was the topic of discussion led by Miss Mary Ellen Willmitch , Director of Fraternity Programs. Mrs. Thomas King, ational President, and Miss Shelly Wascolm , cu rrent represe ntative of Area Expansion sha red their knowledge concerning alum nae expansion." In additio n to the workshops several additional events added to the excitement of the weekend . The Country Store was stocked with green and gold merch andise alumnae organizations and chapters in attendance. The Saturday luncheon was highlighted by a surprise birthday cake for Mrs. King. A fo rm al dinner was held on Saturday night in the candlelit banquet room .
Zeta Tau alumni Miss Terri Swann spoke on Togetherness . Miss Swann is presently Assistant Dean of Student Affairs at Longwood. The dinner was closed with candlelight ceremony led by Mrs. King. For the rest of the evening, sisters entertained one another with songs, a talent show, and skits. Two spi rit sticks were donated by Zeta Tau Chapter Consultant Mrs. judy Hart. Alpha Lambda and Zeta Tau chap ters who howed most spirit throughout the weekend were awa rd ed the sticks. After an informal breakfast, sisters participated in and discussed the mock ceremonies . Then it was time to leave a weekend of sharing and learning. To close the festivities members formed the circle of siste rhood and shared their ideas of membership and reflections on RLW .
Regional Leadership Workshops bring ''All sisters together'' -Karen Kilmer
" Tell me what your problem is, Miss Foster. " " Well , Dr. Hurtz, I' m feeling tired and run down. " sighed M s. Foster. " My stomach is in knots and I seem to have headaches all the time . I never get anything done. As a matter of fact, I've felt so miserable lately that I' m behind with everything. Correspondence, paying bills .. . My house looks like th e Greenpackers held sp rin g practice in there . I haven ' t had time to have my hair frosted in six months!" " Oh , I thought you had one of those new punk hair styles, " comme nted Dr. Hurtz. " I beg your pardon ," exc lai med Ms. Foster. " Er, sorry, Ms . Foster," the doct~r quickly apologized. " Is there anything else you think I should know?" " Yes, there is . .. " she hesitated . " I promi sed to chair the ways and means committee fo r my sorority alumnae chapter and I don 't have everything ready . The auction we planned is two weeks from today. Dr. Hurtz, my siste rs will hang me by my lava li er if I don' t do this job right. In co llege I finally took inactive status because I co uldn ' t fi ni sh any particular c urri culum ." After a few moments in thou ght Dr. Hurtz began hi s diagnosis. " I think I und erstand yo u problem . You , M s. Foster, have c hronic procrastination. " " But, Dr. Hurtz, nobod y in m y fa mily ever had that before, " exclaimed the yo ung lady. " Mom and Dad w ill be crushed ." " My dear M s. Foster, don' t be upset. I think we' ve caught it in time . But you will have to help me if yo u sincerely want to shake this case and put your life together again," wa rn ed Dr. Hurtz. " Well , ca n w e make another appointment for tomorrow?" asked Ms. Foster. " I have to meet my sister at the airport. I think her fli ght was due in about thirty minutes ago . I wrote it down so mewhere . . . " Procrastination , hesitation , prolongation. Whateve r yo u call it, proc rasti nation is a play for time that keeps us from ach ievin g or reac hing o ur goals. To so me it is a waitin g ga me. The passivity is often found in fe males w ho won ' t take the initi al step to greatness because she assumes that " Mr. Ri ght" will come along, sweep her off her feet, and ca rry her to neve r-never Land . In essen ce, she feels she is not entitled to buy a sporty car, take a cruise or invest money in her own right. Exa mine the case of the professional student. You know, the guy or gal who was a sen ior when you entered college and ten years later is working on his or
her third M aster's degree. Maybe th e perso n's goa ls are unrea li sti c drea ms of perfection th at move fa rther way. So he or she fears that reali ty will neve r li ve up to the dream . Sce nario : A coed ente rs co ll ege and goes th rough ru sh. She sign s her prefe rence ca rd and the sorority she picked gives her a bid . She's ecstatic. She's made the big tim e at co ll ege. Fame, fo rtune, and boyfriend s wi ll be hers because she mad e the sorority of her choi ce.
Getting There
-by Terry Dudley
But the eve nts she dream s about don 't fa ll in place exactl y the way she thou ght th ey wo uld . Not eve ryone views her choi ce of so rority siste rs as the ultim ate selection . Perh aps the big man o n ca mpus doesn' t date Greek women. And yes, even in sorority, fri end ships ca n turn so ur. M aybe we are afraid to face reality. But often procrastination is nothin g more than bad habits. Befo re we ca n ki ck a habit, howeve r, we must be willing to exa min e why we fail. Li st all those exten uatin g ci rcum stances. You know th e ones : I' m too tired . It' ll wait ' til tomorrow . I' m not in the mood . Creative people are messy. Nobody told me. I don ' t have enough tim e. I can' t get any cooperation. Nobody appreciates it anyway. Habits are autvmatic action s th at take
little or no thought. When we walk or sit, we don ' t have to think about it, we just do it. Good habits are plu ses in our li ves which are surround ed by a sea of minu ses. Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of Psychocybernetics, wrote that it takes 21 days for a person to change a habit. Maltz, a plasti c surgeon, made the discovery th at in nea rl y eve ry case involving am putation , it took his patient 21 days to lose th e ghost image of the mi ss ing limb . After studyi ng the co rrelation between th e 21-day pe riod and the human mind, he proved scie nti fica lly that an id ea must repeated for 21 consecutive days before it becomes fixed in the su bconcious. So what? So, decide which goals you want to accomplish. Be reali stic. Start out smal l so " if at first you don ' t succeed" yo u won't be di scouraged from tryin g aga in . Post a li st of habits you are trying to establish . So me goals or habits may be simpl e, like put things in place when you ' ve used them . Write tomorrow's sc hedul e the ni ght before. Finish what you start. Lea rn to say no. Don ' t let your guilt force you to voluntee r to help the sco uts, bake eight cakes for the chu rch bazaar, o r make thirteen tutus for your dau ghter' s ballet class. W e all need to be accepted by our peers, but too often we think that saying yes w ill yield acceptance. Be charitable. Gi ve someone else the chance to get the credi t and praise . One of the biggest threats to the success of any organization is the person who volunteers for five committees and never does the wo rk. Don' t play the martyr. Your motive to beco me organized should not be to impress so meo ne else. Do it fo r you rself. Know that the change appea rs first in you r mind . By cha nging yo ur attitude you ca n c hange your circumstances. The tan gibl e effects will follow naturally. Focus on what it is you want to accomplish. In yo ur mind , practice everythin g that thi s new pe rson would do and say . Follow up by physically attempting those visions. Finally, keep reality at your fingertips. Know that " real life" doesn ' t suddenly begin at some point in time. When I graduate. Wh en I get my new job. When I' m mam ed. After the kids are in sc hool. When my husband retires. Get th e picture? Our dreams, ambition s, and aspi rations exist with all we have going today. I'l l get there " one day." That day is today. And the adage " half the fun is getti ng there" is not quite true. Getting there is really all there is.
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I am Alph a Sigma Tau -Mary Kay Kahn The trip to Nashvill e and back was not your usu al drivin g tour for the gi rl s from Phi Chapter. Asi de from getting lost more than on ce during th e trip, 1 had a wonde rful and inform ative time at the 1982 AST National Convention. Th e program s and meeti ngs during the five days were significa nt subjects such as leadership, rush , rul es and bylaws, and constitutional amendments .. . and amendments to the already amended motion ! All the things I lea rned at Convention will serve no purpose if it is not put to use. I thought a great deal about how what I learn ed co uld best be used by our chapter. Should w e look only to our advise rs to solve any and all probl ems we en-
counte r? Do we look only to the presi dent for leadership ? Do we look only to the pledges for a fres h outlook on AST? Wh o has the most need for each of th ese qualities? Don ' t we all ? Each member, pledge and affiliate should look in side herself to fi nd the an swers. Do I know th e co nstitutional laws and rules and believe in the ideal s of AST enou gh to aid by c hapter in difficult tim es? Am I, as well as th e presi dent, a leade r? Can I co ntinu o usl y keep a fresh o utl ook on the sorority? To me, the answe rs to these question s are obvious . I ca n be the on e to fi ni sh poli shing " Isabe l' s Rai nbow ," I ca n be that star sh inin g brightly. I can be a leader, a sister, a fri end . I am an Alpha Sigma Tau !
Convention, as I see it -Ann Marie Campo If anyone had told me five yea rs ago that I would someday be socializing with Alpha Sigma Tau Nation al President, havin g lunch with the Directo r of Alumnae, or roomin g with Iota' s Di strict President at a Convention in ashville, I would have thought th ey were joking. If anyon e had to ld me I would be activel y involved with th e Sorority, I would have also found it hard to believe. Because, when I pledged five years ago, Sorority seemed like som ething that lasted on ly until graduation . Now, I have been to two ational Conventions, an RLW and I have se rved as Chapter Consultant, and Alpha Sig-Nal Committee Chairman for the Convention . Like the bumper stic ker says, " Alpha Sigma Tau is goi ng places." You ca n go too! That is the neat thin g about A .S.T. Everywhere I go, and in or out of Sorority, I meet peopl e who are eager to lend a helpin g hand . Peopl e who have helped me along the footpaths of li fe . That is what I have found AST to mean to me- a co ntinual growth of myse lf, my dream s, and my personality. By workin g on different committees, I am abl e to develop th e confidence that_ " Yes, I CAN do this, and accomplish that. " All I have to so is be there, and I can feel the warmth and the friendship that glows from each individual. There really are stars of Alpha Sigma Tau. Many years ago, someone said to me, " O nce you attend yo ur fi rst natio nal
eve nt, only then can you begin to see th e bea uty and spirit that belong to AST. " I don ' t remember who or where I heard thi s, but I' d like to pass it o n to eac h one of you now. The nation al officers to whom yo u se nd reports reflect brilliantly upon the chapters. And th e c hapters in th e big galaxy of th e orga nizat io n co ntain members so warm and fri endl y th at yo u'd think they had known you all your life. Most important of all , by comi ng to Convention 1982 , I fo und that, yes, th ere is li fe after sc hool , and it can be just as rewardin g as college life. As an und ergrad uate yo u are a lovel y bud on a hu ge rosebush . As an al umn a that bud is able to grow and develop into a uniqu e and beautiful ro se .
Th e presentation o f th e officia l Al:T flag w as made durin g opening sess io n.
atio nal Pre ident, L. Sybil King (right) greeted mem bers at a reception fo llo w -
What would co n ve ntion be wit hout th e Con vention Beaus.
Convention Queen A nnette Sanchez (Beta Th eta)
Princess Michelle May (Beta)
Annette Taccon elli (Alph a Xi)
Convention Top Taus Collegiate
Alumnae Martha Buchanan Shelly Wascom
M ary Yeatman (Beta Zeta) ju lie Alexa nd er
Alumnae Top Tau Loi s Ann Cooke (Bu ffalo) Carol Marsico (Youn gstow n) El aine Eason (Norfolk) Peggy Robertson (Northern Virginia) Delores Falls (Birmingham) Rebecca Sch arbrou gh (I ndi anapolis) Ro se M arie Schmidt (Detroit Ill)
Scholarship 1981-1982
1980-1981 Alpha Mu Beta Theta
1st Place-Division A 1st Place-Division B
Psi Alpha Omicron
2nd Place 3rd Pl ace
Beta Eta Beta Theta-Third time permanent possession of cup Psi Alpha Omicron
4.0 Awards Ruth Selby (Alpha Sigma) Cindy Finger (Beta Theta) Mary M argaret Rohmer (Beta Theta)
janet Wallace (Delta) Lucinda Christenson (Zeta Tau) Sa nd y Cashwell (Psi)
Scrapbook Award Psi-1st Pl ace Delta-2nd Place Beta Epsilon and Alpha Kappa-3rd Place
Music Awards 1981 Overall Winner-Lisa Portwood (A lp ha Nul 2nd Pl ace-Kelly Spangler & Tammy Neely (Omicron ) 3rd Pl ace- Lo ri Wilson (Zeta Tau)
1982 1st Place-Fa ll & Spring Pl edges, words; Lorraine Chiodo, music (Alpha Kappa) 2nd Pl ace-Mi ndy Hoover (Alpha Omicron) 3rd Pl ace-jacq ui Burns (Beta Xi) Honorab le Mention-Nancy H anks & Bo nn ie Hutton (Beta Eta); Kathryn Schultz (Alpha Lambda) .
Founders Award 1981 Psi-James Madison University
1982 Beta Theta- t. Mar ' s Uni er it
Mary Louise Doyle Pan hellenic Award
1981 Patricia Ann Wright (Alpha Lambda)
1982 C nthia McCrory ( lpha
Elizabeth Wilson Efficiency Award s Alumnae-100째/o 1980-1981 1981-1982 Buffalo Detroit Ill New Orleans Northern Virginia Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor
Buffalo Mun cie Northern Virginia
Collegiate 1980-1981 101 %- Beta Theta 98%-Aipha Mu 97 %-Psi
1981-1982 99% Omicron & Alpha Omicron 98% Alpha Kappa 97% Delta
District Efficiency Improvement Award s Alpha- Beta Gamma-Beta Nu Delta-Beta Iota Zeta-Alpha Sigma
Eta- Rh o Theta-Omicron Kappa-Beta Eta Lambda-Alpha Kappa
National Efficiency Improvement Award Alpha Kappa
Anchor Award 1982
1981 Marci a Barr (New Orlea ns) Lucy Youn ce (Muncie) Elsie Walsh (Detroit Ill)
Nancy Cochran (Greate r Kansas City) Norma Martin (Buffalo) Holly McDonald (Birmingham )
Carrie W. Staehle Chapter Adviser Award Kathy Pulice-Th eta Sally Wales-Sigma Jean McNamara - Sigma
Order of the Yellow Rose W anda Austin (A lph a Lambda) Roa noke Nancy Lynn Sullivan (A lp ha Lambda) Norfolk
Ada A. Norton Alumnae Award Terry Winston Dudley (Beta Zeta) Birmingham Catherine Bonds Crapet (Beta Zeta) Birmingham
See the alumnae unpa ck. See them mile. The y will have tired smiles after all of the meetings.
Gail Sco tt (left) , President Elect, presents Fo unders Award to Psi .
Free time allow collegian and alumnae to get to kn01
ea h other.
A trip to Nashville would not be complete w1thout visiting the Grand Ole Opry.
* Annette Sanchez displa ys a winni ng smile as th e judge announces h e is 7982 Convention Queen.
Music Cha irm an Faith Harlan extends congratulations to an award winning com poser.
Co nvention Q ueen A nnette Sa nchez and her princesses Mich elle Ma y (left) and Annette Tucconelli.
Alumnae part1c1pate in one of man challenging workshop . page 39
Alumnae: ~uper Taus Beckley alumn ae help Special Olympics Alumnae were fortunate to be able to help the Omicron members attend the National Convention by donating $130 to the collegians . Alumnae also helped with the Special Olympics held in Beckley. Initiation ceremonies were held for newest members, Cela Burge and Donita Sowder. Monthly meetings have been held at the home of jane Morhard. Sisters gave Cindy Holland a surprise wedding shower with gag gifts, food , and a lot of sisterly laughs. Cindy will move to North Carolina. As a fu nd raiser Beckley Alumnae are selling Tupe rware which is much better than selling doughnuts!!! Buffalo alumnae made these lovely wallhangmgs for the Gateway Home for Children.
Birmingham auction is huge success Betti Shores' brainsto rm turned into sweet success as Bi rm ingham al umnae auctioned white elephants, hand-made items, baked goods, kazoos, you name it . . . Husbands played a big part as auctio neers to members and guests. Profits were set aside fo r social service and the convention delegate . The Ch ristmas party held at the home of De lo res Falls was elegantly enhanced by Dr. Hubert Harper, humanities professo r at UAB who read Truman Capote' s " A Christmas Story. " Alum nae issued invitations to Beta Zetas and their dates to a fo rmal candlelight dinner. Alumns planned and prepared the menu while husbands took orders and waited tables. Profits were added to the growing treasury. Mr. jim Ostrosky, makeup artist and owne r of Images, a skin care shop, presented a program at the Ap ril meeting at the home of Susan Joe. Pa rt of the social service activities included providing Va lenti ne and Easter goodies for the Higdon Hill Home for emotionally distu rbed children and a monetary donation. Holly McDonald and D iane Sch ucc hi washed and mended drapes hanging the adolescent bedrooms. - Nancy Martin 14
Buffalo sews for children Ma ny hardy members enjoyed a winter luncheon at the Boardwalk Cafe despite biti ng cold and blizzard conditions. In February, a very successful fundraising dinner, held at the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church , helped to fi ll our coffers . Bells Supermarket contributed the food and many door prizes, as did sorority members. Again this year, our social service project benefited the Gateway Home for Children in Williamsville . Saddlebag grooming kits were made and filled for the girls. Wall hangings of cotton prints stretched ove r wooden frames were constructed to be hung in the rooms at the house. The annual Panhellenic luncheon and fashion show was sponsored this year by Alpha Sigma Tau and planned by Dorthea Porter and Lucille Peterson . The show featured costumes from plays performed at the Studio Arena Theatre. Costumed actors did a bit of pantomime while a pianist played appropriate music. At the home of Florence Sodus, police officer Christine Ziemba spoke on Rape and ways to cope and defend oneself. Following the program , collegians were initiated into the chapter. Helene Blackledge was hostess for a picnic in June to clo e the eason. -Catherine E. Smith
Detroit strengthen s collegiate ties A Christmas dessert buffet provided money for Theta Chapter rush parties. Contributions brought for Project Line, a local social service program , went to metropolitan Detroit social agencies serving children and adolescents. A june in january hors d' oeuvres party was initiation time for Lorraine Karasinski and Donna Tocarchick . Food preparation provided entertainment for members and guests at the Kyoto Steak House where the meal was prepared at the table . Spring began with a plant exchange and social service discussion. Locally, money was contributed to the Special Olympics and the Capucian Soup Kitchen which serves Detroit' s many unemployed . The investment seminar conducted by adia Madden' s father-in-law was appropriately held on the day after the income tax deadline. Collegiate-a I u m nae ties were strengthened at the Mother-Daughter luncheon and ice cream social. -Rose Marie Schmidt
Harrisburg alums learn CPR Due to a snow December, alumnae enjoyed a Chri tma part and ift
change in j anu ary. Al umnae welcomed Debbie Fe rn into the chapter at an in stall ation meeti ng held at Cheryl Dellinger' s. All alums went home with a ye llow rose . In Febru ary, al ums She ri Leymei ster and Debbie Fern , qualified instructors in CPR, ta ught CPR to all alumnae. A fun project eve ry year is making Easter baskets fo r c hi ld ren in the mentally handicapped classes at the Ro ssMoyne School. -Shei la Heflybower
Houston alumnae become sculptors Helping out with convention preparations has kept the Houston Alumnae Chapter busy the past few months. This group has been moldin g c lay candleholders shaped like ro sebud s for use in the opening ceremony. Sharon Juntunen came up with the design , and Sharo n Cla rke volu ntee red to fire all 250 of the candleholders in her kiln . Pat Nayle has the most difficult job, however-getting them to Nashvill e in one piece! Welcome to Terri Fisacke rly and Patty Willett who were initiated into our group in Ap ril. Pat and Ca ndy Horsley atte nded the Regional Leadership Workshop held by Rho Chapter in Durant, Oklahoma. -Candy Horsley
M em ber and gue ts a11end1ng th e Installation of th e /ndi anapo/1; Chapter are front ro"' !left to nghll. Shirley Ertle, Rochelle Harg1 , Becky Scharb rough , Cyn th1a M cCrory and Man10 Com•link Back row (/eft to right) : Lucy Younce with her daughter fro m MunciP, Barbara H eeb, Pam Legg, Velma Will1ams, Cheryl M oore and Faith H arlan.
Indianapolis chapter installed Crisp temperat ures in th e 40' s and early winter wind s fai led to dampen the spirits of Indi anapo li s area alum nae fo r th e chapte r' s installation o n Saturd ay, O ctober 24. Condu ctin g the in stall ation ce remony w as Cynthia McCrory, National Panh ell eni c Delegate from Ft. Wayne, Indi ana . M arijo Gosselink, Ar ea Re pr ese nt ati ve fo r Indi ana from Ri chmond, assisted her. Charter memb ers of th e group were Shirley (Gilbert) Ertl e, Barbara H ee b , Ro c he ll e A. Har gis, Pam (Method ) Legg, Cheryl Moor e, Becky (V enn e) Scharbrough and Velm a William s all Alpha Alphas from Ball State University' s Alpha Al pha Chapter, and Fai th Harl an (Alpha Omicron ), National Mu sic Chairman. Lucy (Edward s) Yo un ce, president of Mun cie Area Chapter,
Detroit members Mar y Ellen Babcock, Rose Marie Schmidt, Lo rraine Karasinsk1, and Nadia Maddens.
attended the day's activities which includ ed a " pitch-in" lun cheon. Members voted to " Adopt An Ani mal " at the In dianapoli s Zoo. The program allows community groups t o co ntr ibute financially toward feedi ng an animal for a year, and , in excha nge, the zoo publicizes the organization's efforts with a spon so r's plaq ue displayed at the zoo. India napolis alums contributed to Pine Mountain Settlement School and sponso red a garage sa le with profits of $110. $65 worth of items not sold were donated to Amvets. Fi nally, c rime prevention in the hom e was the topic emphasized by Lt. Bob Olsen of the Marion County She riff's Departm ent at the March monthly meeting. - Rochelle Hargis
H ouston sisters worked hard to prepare clay candleholder (From left ) Sharon Cla rke, Terri Fisac ke.
February meeting held a special d~足 light, a candlelight for President Bonnte Harris who is to be married in july. At the Panhellenic Luncheon held in March, judy Carmony was installed as recording secretary for the Tidewater Area Alumnae Association . - Elaine Eason
Greater Kansas City has first convention delegate Several Kan sas City alumnae were ab le to attend RLW for Kappa District which highlighted the year . Congratu latio ns to newly-el ected officers: Nancy Cochran president; Jeane Bamford, vice president; M arj M ellon, treasurer; and Sharon Ri chard, secretary. Sha ron is also ation al Sec retary. A party for gradu ating se niors was held at judy Spark's home in Blue Springs. Members played cra zy bridge, and each collegia n received a yellow rose, and was initiated to alumnae status. They were invited to join the Greater Kansas City (GKC) chapter . Alumnae plan to have a garage sale in june to raise money for the headquarters fund . Contacting all the Kansas City area alumn ae should spark more interest in the chapter. Mick ie Cleaver will be the first conve ntion delegate from GKC. Also attendin g co nvention from the area are Sharon Ri chard; Debi Psyzka, Directo r of Expansion ; judy Sparks, National Pledge Chairman , and Nancy Cochran , Assistant Chapter Adviser for AI ph a N u.
Lancaster revives collegiate days Members enjoyed a nostalgic trip in this fall by wearing and di splayi ng co llegiate memorabilia. They crea ted baling twine wreaths and exchanged cookies and recipes fo r Christmas. The sisters journeyed to a qu aint Early American restaurant , 3 Center Square, in Maytown fo r the Founder' s Day Banquet. Field trips this yea r were to Interior 2000 for decorating styles and tips, King of Pru ssia shopping mall , and the Mount Hope winery. Congratulations to President Marty Lynch and her new daughter Beth . -janet Wil so n
Muncie meets Indianapolis Christmas was ce leb rated by the Mun cie Chapter Dece mber 12 at the hom e of Peg Nottingham. About 12 sisters enjoyed an array of good ies and listened as Ethel Him el ick read a favorite Ch ri stm as story. For the seco nd yea r in a row several isters traveled to Indi anapol is fo r a sprin g luncheon wit h the Indi anapo li s lumnae Chapter at the james Tave rn . - Marijo Gosselink 16
Northern Virginia completes AET quilt
orlolk alumnae Elayne Goode (leftl dnd Bech Knaus were mduc!ed on Founder'; Da)
New Orleans plans family outings The highlight of the AET year is always the Christmas party, this year held at the home of Mike and Anita Gradwohl. As always, everyone had a great time sa mplin g all the goodies that members bring and exchanging gifts. In january, a pot luck dinner fo r husbands and wives was held at the home of Hank and Kay johnston. In February everyone met at the Ramogo' s home for a fa mily outing to a Mardi Gras parade . Other events were the nomination of new officers, an Easter egg hunt, the Phi fo rm al in Hammond in Ap ril , and a " Mom ' s ni ght out" meeting at a local restaurant. - Lau ra Moran
Norfolk holds Panhellenic post Norfolk alums began the ' 81-' 82 year under the leadership of: Bonni e Harris, president; Elain e Eason , vice president; Bonnie Manley, treasu rer; Robbi e Cool, secretary; Betsy Ru ss, chaplain ; and Lynn Sullivan, historian . The hi gh light of the fall season was Founder' s Day celebrated at the Cavalier Golf and Yacht Club. After a meaningful ceremony led by Bonnie Harris, the chapte r ind ucted two new members, Elayne Goode and Beth Knaus. Besides working on items for Country Store, the main co nce rn this year was finding a wo rthwh ile social se rvice project. Social Se rvice Chairman Betty Breadh urst arranged fo r a tour of the Ron ald M cDonald House. Proceeds from a ya rd sale in May will go toward purchasing needed items. Congratulations to new Moms: Gail (Hudson) Guthrie, 2nd so n; Donna (Mo rga n) Bisgrove and Elaine (Ale ander) Easton, daughters.
The winter of ' 82 was a hard one fo r North ern Virginia AETs. Both the january and February meetings had to be ca ncelled because of weather and road conditions . In March the group met at Debby Wein stein ' s home for a business meeting. Members who had made squares for the AET quilt were pleased when Beth Kendrick displayed the completed project which would be exhibited and raffled at the convention . AETs enjoyed a play, " From Berlin To Broadway," at Alexandria' s Little Theatre . The evening was sponsored by the local Panhellenic. In early April those who were free to participate in a daytime event took a tour of Hillwood , the home of Merriweather Post, former owner of the Washington Post newspaper Kathy 0 ' Meara was the hostess for the Ap ril meeting. Mr. Ken Barter from the Fairfax County Alcohol Safety Action Program discussed drug and alcohol abuse. The highlight of the May meeting at Mary Louise Doyle' s was the installation of officers for the 1982-83 year; President Debby Alexander; Vice President Carole Bicking, Recording Secretary Na n Crawford , Corresponding Secretary Roni Esposito, Treasurer Dianne Helbing, Historian Vicki Hoffman , Chaplain Cathy Schriner, and Editor Mary Louise Doyle . The annual spring picnic fo r sisters and their families was held at Mary Charles Ashby' s Collegian from nearby colleges were invited . -Betty Elliott
Philadelphians socialize Philadelphians circumvented winter' s blasts and conducted a Chinese auction in February at the Willow Grove home of chapte r treasurer Claire jenkins, rai ing their own wintry pirits and fu nd for a local charity . I n March , Tau enjo ed the gemutlichkeit of a German luncheon prepared b ho te e Bett IIi on and Helen Lombardi .
Northern Virginia me mbe rs celebrate Chris tm as togeth er.
The Burgundy Theatre at the Bellevue Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia was the setting for the amusi ng mysterycomedy, " Shear Madness," which encouraged participation of the audie nce. The entertaining eveni ng was ca pped by dining in the hotel. Clos in g the season on a mild May day, members met in New Hope, where they took a rid e on a muledrawn barge on the Delaware Canal , the last scenic w aterway of its kind in the nation . After rela xi ng over box lunc hes on board , Taus explored th e many charming shops and galle ri es of the well-known artists' colo ny. -Caro lyn Potser
Roanoke entertains children A brand new fund rai si ng project, Creative Exp ression s needlework party, was held at the home of Bittsy Hall. Orders were taken outs id e the party. In February, a ve ry successful Val entine's party was given fo r the emotionally disturbed c hildren at the Chi ldren' s Center in Roanoke City. The party inc luded games, refreshm ents, and gifts fo r the nine c hildren. The March meeting was held at Debbi e Williamson ' s home and members shared different craft ideas . The items that will be made are to be sold at the National Convention in the Country Store. And in April , Roanoke alumn ae hosted a tea for gradu ati ng seniors of Rad.:_ fo rd , Longwood , and Madison Colleges. -Cindy Howard
Roa no ke alumnae (from left) Billie Howell, Wanda Austin , Patsy Wnght (guests), Moll y Sca nlan , Lesless Kenefake, Rennie Bruno, and O ebb1e W1ll iamson (sea ted).
St. Louis helps Panhellenic St. Louis alums spent a cultural hour in December at the Art Mu seum - for lunch . In Febru ary they went down town to Lac lede' s Land ing to ce leb rate G eo rge W as hin gton ' s birthday at Hann ega n' s. An outing in March to a dinn er th eatre was enjoyed at St. Lo ui s Uni versity. Pot lu ck dinn er to honor office rs wa s held in M ay at th e hom e of M ax ine Graflage, and th e traditional jun e lun cheon was grac iou sly hosted by Alice Vit. Severa l of our alum s wo rked at th e inform ation booth and fashion show fo r panhell eni c to acqu ai nt co ll ege gi rl s in the area with so rority living. Thi s event took place in july at Pl aza Frontenac under the directio n of Pat Hoffeld er.
Pres id ent Nancy Cook rep resented our alumn ae in Nashville at Alpha Sigma Tau's twenty fourth! -Maxine Graflage
News from Southern Colorado Th e Southe rn Colorado Alumnae Chapte r of AET was in stalled on ovember 6, 1981 . Honored guests perfo rmin g the ce remony we re Sybil Kin g, National Presid ent, and Bobbi e icho ls. The seven charter members are Ba r ba ra Smith , president ; Grace Ri este r, secreta ry and AAR; and Mary Taber, treasurer; and members Fran Carfag n o , Sally Conrad , janet Normand, and Scottia Stalnaker. Sally Co nard hosted the event at her hom e in Colorado Springs and each member received a yellow rose made by Barbara Smith. Befo re the ceremony, Founder's Day was celeb rated at the Territory Restaurant in old Colorado City with hu sba nd s and M r. Thom as j. King in attendan ce . December found th e members celebratin g Chri stmas with a cookie exchange and ca rol s at the home of Mary Taber. In janu ary election and installation of officers was held at the Atlanti s Restaurant in Colorado Springs. ew office rs are Fran Carfagno, president; Barbara Smith, vice president; Sally Conard , sec reta ry; Mary Taber, treasurer; and Grace Riester, chaplain. In February, members treated husbands to a sweet heart dinner, and , in March, sisters lea rn ed to decorate cakes at the home of Grace Ri ester. -Fra n Carfagno
Delta, Indiana University
Omicron, Concord
Campus Awards: Inter-sorority pool champions; secondplace, Delta Gamma anchor splash ; first-place, most money raised, Residence Hall Association dance marathon ; secondplace, sp irit, Sigma Chi Derby Days; second-place, Interso rority volleyball. Campu s Organizations: Louise Cullen , Panhellenic council treasurer, nutrition education club secretary, rush counselo r; Andrea Lutz, marketing club secretary; Janet Wallace, Kappa Delta Pi president; Nancy Virus, Allied Health club co-p resident; Collette Bendik, marketing club secreta ry, Rush coun se lor; )enni Lon g, English club president; Heidi Zimmermann , Indiana Pen n credit manager, rush counselor; Tami Bush, advisory council of home economics-child development boa rd; Andrea Smiesko, marketing club president; Deb Domhoff, ru sh cou nse lor; Tine Leister, junior class committee; Natalie Marcantognini , orientation lead er; Li sa Westrick, Inside-Out chairman , Moknowlson food se rvice committee; Dot Kantor, Panhellenic sec retary. Straight A Average: Susan Arco, Janet Wallace, Kathy Walton , Li sa Westrick. Dean 's list: Joan Ave rill, Susan Arco, Colette Bendik, Tami Bu sh , Rhanda Campbell , Deb Donhoff, Carol Fitzpatrick, Lynn Gourley, JoAnn Irvin , Angie G ree n, Mary Beth Kelley, Maureen Knowlson , Jenni Lon g, Margie McCall, Kathy Martin , Kathy Jo Musitano, Lisa Smith, Janet Wallace, Kathy Walton , Lisa Westrick, Heidi Zimmermann , Jeannine Wilson , Nancy Konwick. Honoraries: Sigma Tau Alpha (se rvice), Holly Gei ser; Kappa Omicron Pi , Tami Bush; Gamma Rho Tau (honorary accou nting), Li sa Strazzella; Kappa Delta Pi, Janet Wallace, Deb Domhoff; O rder of Omega, Louise Cullen. Crowns and roses: Sandy Carey, homecoming queen ca ndidate; Janet Wall ace, outstanding co-ed nominee; Tina Leister, seco nd runner up, Sigma Chi Derby Days Queen.
Campus Awards: First-place, talent competition and second-place, song entry, Greek Week . Campus Organizations: Debbie McGee, treasurer, Panhellenic; Mimi Boggess, treasurer, Towers Hall council ; Susan Walls, recording secretary, Gamma Beta Phi ; Tammy McGraw, president, ational Art Education Association; Donna Asbu ry, treasurer, Society for the Advancement of Management. Straight A Average: Jeanne Davis.
Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities: Linda Martin , Jeanne Davis, Cindy Jones. Dean 's list: Karen Sexton, Donna Asbury, Ruth Seabolt, Jeanne Davis, Cindy Jones, Patricia Chandler, Linda Hall, Linda Martin , Debbie McGee. Honoraries: Cardinal Key, Tammy Neely, Karen Sexton, Susan Walls, Cindy Jones; Kappa Delta Pi (education) , Tammy eely; Proud Concordian , Tammy McGraw; Society fo r Advancement of Management, Patricia Chandler; Gamma Beta Phi , Ruth Seabolt, Tammmy McGraw, Cindy Jones, Jeanne Davis, Karen Sexton, Linda Martin, Susan Walls. Crowns and Roses: Tammy eely, homecoming court; Kelly Spangler, Valentine court; Karen Canterbury, Snowball Queen . Individual Honors: Concord undergraduate scholarship, Tammy Neely, Linda Martin, Jeanne Davis, Kelly Spangler; Ella Holroyd Scholarship, Tammy eely; Joseph P. Hutcher Scholarship, Karen Sexton; Concord College Talent Scholarship, Ruth Seabolt; Elizabeth Shelton Scholarship, Kelly Spangler, ational Dean ' s List, Ruth Seabolt, Donna Asbury, Linda Hall, Jeanne Davis, Debbie McGee, Linda Martin .
Sigma, State College at Buffalo Campus Awards: Outstanding Sorority. Campus Organizations: Regina Ray, Inter-Greek Association , treasurer; Mara Attell, Phi Beta Lamgda bylaws committee chairman and Panhellenic president; Maria Dispenza, Spanish Club president; and Barb Thompson , dorm secretary .
Zeta Tau, Longwood Campus Organizations: Winona Bayne, junior class pre ident, and associate secretary of Student Athletic Training Association (SAT A) ; Suzanne Fraile, chairman , honor board ; Kim Fuhr, senior class president; Melanie Gilbert, corresponding secretary, student government a ociation ; Be erl Harris, secretary, SATA; Jo Jacobs, historian, Delta Psi Kappa; Lisa Lassiter, vice president, home economics club; Christine Mayer, chaplain , Delta Psi Kappa; haron Pillow, pre ident, Delta Psi Kappa; Grace Ann Rodgers, pre ident, Gei t and president, Longwood Company of Dance; Chri tine Rupperl,
recording secreta ry, Delta Psi Kappa, Mary Slade, president, Kappa Delta Pi ; Melissa Wagn er, treasurer, Tafara ; and Lori Wilson , secretary, psychology cl ub. Ranks second among sororities on campus.
Straight A Average: LuCinda Christensen and Sharon Harrup.
Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities: Mary Slade . Dean's List: Beverly Harri s, Sharon Harrup, Connie Murrau , julie Petefish, Sha ron Pillow, Mary Slade, Debra Spencer, Christine Ruppel , and LuCinda Christensen. Honoraries: Delta Psi Kappa (health , physical education and recreation and therapeuti c rec reatio n), LuCinda Christensen , Sharon Harrup, )o jacobs, Christine Mayer, Mary Milne, Connie Murray, Susan Towler, Sharon Peyne, julise Petefish , Sharon Pillow, Grace Ann Rodgers, Christin e Ruppel , and Debra Spencer; Geist, 路 Sharon Harrup, Christi Lewis, Grace Ann Rodgers; Kappa Delta Pi (ed ucation ), Mary Slade; Lambda Iota Tau , M ary Slade; and Phi Kappa Phi , Mary Slade.
Phi, Southeastern Louisiana
Psi, james Madison
Campus Awards: Spirit trophy; Greek Week-first-place in the women 's 100-yard medley relay, fi rst-place in the 200 yard free style rel ay, and first-place in the pyramid-building contest. Campus Organizations: Li sa LeBl anc, Delta Chi president; Mary Kay Kahn , Delta Chi vice president. Straight A Average: Lisa LeBlan c, Mary Kay Kahn and Barbara Talbot.
Campus Awards: Second-place, ca mpu s in volvement; second-place, housing, second-place, Panh ellenic in volvem ent; third-place, fund-raising; second-place, schola rship. Campus Organizations: Cyndy Win gate, secretary, j enni Boult, social c hairm an , Kim Cordie, publicity c hairm an, American Marketin g Association ; Debbi e Attell , vice-presi dent, Accounting Honor Society; Su sa n Bi shop, sec retary, Psychology club; j an Holyoyd , sec reta ry, Fash ion M ercha ndising club; Brend a Morgan , production manager, Sande Sneed, feature editor, " Th e Breeze" (student newspa per). Ranks second scholastically amon g so rori ties on ca mpu s. Straight A Average: Gai l Roper, jan Wernimont, Sandy Cashwell. Dean 's List: Debb ie Axtell , Tam my Belfield , Sandy Cashwell , Carolyn Cooper, Constance Fi anu , M argie Flanaga n, Susan Freeman , Carol Gall ag her, Molly Grimes, Rebecca Hurt, Kim Keyes, Teresa M arable, Trish Locke, Sarah Marshall, Li sa Peele, )anell Schroeder, Sarah Slayton, Kim Snider, Robin Spen cer, Melani e Stillwell, Mary ancy Turn er, Robin Watkin s, Sh eri William s, Peggy Booth, Brend a Morgan, jenni Samoni s, Sand e Sneed, Gai l Roper, jan Wernimont, Susan Bernard , )enni Bou lt, Tammy Cassell, Carol Hioss, Paula Lipsco mb, Tammi Simonis, Cyndy Win gate, Denise Wray. Honoraries: Gamma Gamm a (Greek honor society), Maribeth Daley, Tamm y Cassell , Lisa Pee le; Phi Beta Lambda (business society) , Melani e Willi ams, Cyndy Wingate, Kim Snide r, Tammy Belfi eld, Su sa n Willi ams, Jan Hol yoyd, Peggy Booth, Debbie Axtell, Tammy Cassell , Connie Fianu , Lori Whitema n, Li sa Regira; Intern ation al Association of Bu siness Communications, Den ise Dinardo, Brend a Morgan, Sande Sneed, Brooke Baker, Leslie Kaplan , Kim Snider; Pre-Legal Society, Tammie Gli sson , M arga ret Cowan ; American Marketing Association , Cynd y Wingate, j enni Boult, Kim Cordle, Sarah Marshall; Sarah Marshall; Sigma Alpha Iota (gi rl' s mu sic soro rit y) , Chris Thuot; Accounting Honor Society, Tammy Belfie ld, Debbie Axtell ; Eta Sigma Gamm a, Kell y M c Ph aul; Publi c Administration Association , Tammie Glisson; Society of Collegiate Journ alists, Sande Sneed; Alpha Epsilon Rh o (broadcasting honor society) , Jenni Sammis.
Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities: Mary Kay Kahn , Li sa LeBl anc and Beth Sanders Dean's List: Susan Ortego, Stephanie Bilello, Suzanne Krail , Debbie Melancon, Eleanore Maywalt, Mary Pl anchet, Lynne Theobald , Lisa Quin , Sherri Boqu e, Kim Durabb, Val erie Sharp, Lynn Willis, Ronell e Aime, Michelle Gremillion , Tacy Hibee, Sherry Davis, Becky Morgan, j ea n Cobb, Michelle Blanchard , Tammy )o Hardin , Sharon Moran , and julie Moran. Honoraries: Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society, Kappa Delta Pi (ed ucation ) and Delta Chi (speec h and hea ring), Li sa LeBlanc and Mary Kay Kahn ; American Marketing Association , Renee Bryja . Crowns and Roses: Cindy Miller, first runn er-up and talent winner, Miss SLU Pageant; jenni Atkins, Kappa Alpha Rose . Individual Honors: Susan Ortega- Outstanding Freshman ; Circle K, most outstanding new member; Outstanding Stu dent Activities Boards Member; T-H Harris Scholarship; Lesmesdame Most Outstanding Freshman ; Green S Awa rd ; and the Willis and Mildred Pell erin Foundation Scholarship.
Chi, Shepherd College Campus Awards: Highest attendance at Greek Workshop. Campus Organizations: Mic helle Gallagher and Kathy Snyder, Kappa Delta Pi treasurer; Paula Schenerman, Panhel lenic president. Ranks second, scholastically, on campus, wo n award for best skit at RLW . Dean's List: Michelle Gallagher. THE ANCHOR
Alpha Kappa, Marietta
Alpha Nu, Central Misouri State
Campus Awards: First-place, volleyball intramurals; second-place, dance marathon; first- and second-places, sorority tug of war; first-place, overall , sorority olympics; firstplace, racquetball intramurals. Cam pus Organizations: Marti Glaser, psychology club president, United Nations club secretary-general ; Ivy Peterso n, American Chemical Society, international students organization vice presidents; Lisa $chocking, chairman academic standing board ; Julie Zmij, president student life board ; Kim Smith , Panhellenic president; Roxanna Spear, art edito r, " Pulse"; Mariettana Marcolian, girls' basketball manager; Teresa Weiner, girls ' basketball co-captain ; Debbie Woodruff, Circle K. Ranks number one scholastically among sororities on ca mpu s. Who 's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities: Nancy Brucken, Ivy Peterson, Teresa Weiner . Dean' s list: Jackie Buell, Michelle Brown, Kathy Brediger, Linda Fou sek, Marti Glaser, Crista Johnson, Cheryl Keegan , Christie Kirkpatrick, Cindy Machade, Elizabeth Metheny, Diana Norman, Cindy Pelley, Ivy Peterson, Carol Sawyer, Lisa Schockling, Julie Zmij . Honoraries: Tau Pi Phi , Michelle Brown, Lisa Schockling; Phi Beta Kappa (academic) , Ivy Peterson; Psi Chi , Marti Glaser, Cindy Macado; Omicron Delta Kappa , Marti Glaser, Teresa Weiner; Beta Beta Beta (biology) , Teresa Weiner; Kappa Mu Epsilon (math), Nancy Brucken; Sigma Delta Pi (spa nish), Diana Norman. Crowns and Roses: Teresa Weiner, homecoming queen candidate. Individual Honors: Marti Gl ase r, Cleveland Model U.N. outstanding delegate; Ivy Peterson, Lavallee and Lybrizol outstanding Chemistry awards.
Campus Awards: First place, paper toss, Greek Week; second place, Delta Chi sexy legs contest. Campus Organizations: Cindy Anson , Student National Education Association vice president; Susan Malzner, Panhellenic rush chairman ; Laura Ortiz, Lambda Sigma recruitment chairman . Straight A Average: Lisa Portwood Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities: Mickie Cleaver, Lisa Portwood, and Crysti William s. Dean's list: Li sa Portwood, Angie Theroff and Carla Powell. Honoraries: Lambda Sigma (freshman) and Phi Beta Lambda, Laura Ortiz; Phi Eta Sigma (freshman ), Carla Powell.
Alpha Lambda, Radford Campus Organizations: Sally Tarter, Panhellenic secretary; Sharon Stanley, house council senator, Kim Reed , Panhellenic treasurer; Becky Williams, Student Organization for Medical Technology, president; Sharon Snow, ational Federation of Student Social Workers secretary; Jodie Cocke, volunteer services fo r Radford University, Board of Directors; Patsy Wright, Greek housing committee chairman. Ranks number one, scholastically, among so rorities on campus. Dean's list: Terri Law lwer, Holly Evert, Donna Clingenpeel , Carol Boardman, and Pam Wells. Honoraries: Debbie Davis, Kappa Pi Tau (social work); and Donna Clingenpeel , Mu Phi Epsilon (music). Crowns and Roses: Holly Evert, Autumn Court and Homecoming Court; Connie Boswell, Sweetheart Queen ; and Jean Pfiefe r, Sweetheart Princess.
Alpha Omicron, Clarion State Campus Awards: First-place, overall , Greek Olympics; tied for first-place overall Greek week; first-place, overall , intramurals; first-place in Greek swim ; and third-place in Greek scholarship . Campus Organizations: Joyce Kokoski , student senator; Sharon Buczkowski, American Marketing Association (AMA) vice president; Nancy Getty, AMA treasurer; Kim Nurss, German Club vice president; Lori Storm, National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association vice president. Straight A Average: Wendy Putman Dean's list: Jan Harrison, Beth Klinger, Wendy Putman, Janet Scminke, Mary Ann Simpson, Jennifer Hartman, Carol Hazlett, Sue Snyder, Sherry Ward , Heide Bliss, Kristin Mervosh, Val Novak, Carol Metzger, Anne Marie Sheets, Barb Arnett, Sue Myers, Lisa Cain , Val Trivelpiece, Cheryl Walchack, and Kelly Ziembicki. Honoraries: Phi Beta Alpha (business), Sherry Ward ; Beta Beta Beta (biology), Mindy Hoover and Debbie Waterloo . Crowns and Roses: 1981 Theta Ch i Dream Girl, Janice DeFalco; Miss CSC third runner-up, Kimber Dalrymple. Individual Honors: Top Tau , Heide Marie Bliss; AST Anchor Scholarship Award ; CSC band member, Sue Snyder and Val Novak.
Alpha Mu, Arkansas at Monticello Campus Organizations: Camille McFalls, vice president, Pi Kappa Delta, publicity chairma n, Student Activities Board Debate Society, UAM Assembly and Resident Assistant: Kat~y Newton, president, Alpha Chi , UAM Senate Secretar/ Busmess c lub sec retary, and UAM Assembly; Michelle Arnn, UAM Student Ambassador; Teresa Reed , UAM Student ambassador alternate; Susan Norton, SNEA and 7-Down Club; Judy Braughton, 1982 football cheerleader and past president, Panhellenic; Leann Mercer, resident assistant.
page 38-
Alpha Sigma Tau Directory ALPHA SIGMA TAU founded November 4, 1899-Ea tern Michigan Univer i! y (form erly Michigan State Normal Co/leg ), Ypsilanti, M1ch1ga n
Mrs. E. A . Lym an• Helene M . Rice• May Gephard• M ayene Tracy• Mabie Chase•
THE FOUNDERS Adriance Ri ce• Ruth Dutcher• Eva 0 ' Keefe* Harriet Marx• (Mrs. C. F. Pfeiffer) *deceased
CHIEF PATRONESS *Ada A. Norton-Alpha . ........ . .. . . . . ... .... . . . . . 1925- 1928
NATIONAL PRESIDENTS *Grace Erb Ritchie-A lpha . . .. . ......... . ..... .. .... 1925-1928 * Lu el la Chapman-Sigma ... ...... ................ 1928-1934 Carrie Washburne Staehle-Aipha . ................. 1934-1949 *Dorothy Bennett Robinson- Pi ........ .. .......... 1949-1955 Mary Alice Seller Peterson - Iota ..... . .. . ........ . .. 1955-1964 Eli za beth Wil son- Pi . ............................ 1964-1972
PRESIDENT EMERITA Mrs. Haswel l E. Staeh le (A lpha)
National Headquarters, P.O . Box 5952, Birmingham , AL 35259
National Council National President- Mrs. Thom as j . King, Jr., 1845 Lakerid ge Rd. , Birmingham , AL 352 16 President Elect- Mrs. Harold S. Scott, Jr., Rt. 7, Schumaker Lane, Salisbury, MD 21801 National Secretary-Mrs. Robert Richard , 4609 W . 62 nd Terrace, Fairway, KS 66205 National Treasurer- Miss Susan Rogers, 939 Park Street, St. Albans, wv 25177 Director of Collegiate Chapters- Mrs. A nthony Crapet, 6501 Quail Run Dr., Helena, AL 3S080 Director of Alumnae-M rs. Robert O ' Dell , 222 W . Tabor Rd ., Ph iladelphia, PA 19120 Director of Expansion-Mrs. Robert E. Pyszka, 2301 Pari s Drive, Blue Springs, MO 64015 Director of Fraternity Programs- Miss May Ellen Willmitch, 4853 Westchester Dr., #307B, Youngstown, OH 44515 Director of Publications- Mrs. Britt Hart, 1553 Skirm ish Run Dr., Richmond , VA 23228 National Panhellenic Conference Delegate-M rs. Charles R. M cCrory, P.O . Box 5213, Fort W ayne, IN 46895
District Presidents Alpha: Beta, Theta, Sigma, Beta Xi Chapters- M iss M ichelle May, 3370 Metca lf Rd ., Port Huron 48060 Beta: Delta, Alpha Omicron, Alpha Pi Chapters-Miss Fannie Pirollo, 5570 McCandless Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15201 Gamma: Zeta, Alpha Xi, Beta Epsilon, Beta Nu Chapters-Miss Amy Dupree, R.D . 1, Lock Haven, PA 1774S Delta: Chi , Psi , Beta Mu Chapters, Mi ss Kim Golden, #1 , Babbling Brook Rd . 2, Ea ston , PA 18042 Epsilon: Alph a Phi , Beta Tau, Beta Iota Chapters- Mrs . Wesley Newman, 3078 Green Bud Lan e, Apt. T, Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Zeta: Alpha Epsilon, Beta Epsilon, Beta Pi Chapters- Miss Janice Grady, 103 Walnut, Park Forest, IL 60466 Eta: Upsilon, Alpha Gamma, Alpha Mu , Beta Rho Chapters-Miss Bobbie Nichol s, 1420 Cantrell Rd ., #312, Little Rock, AR 72201 Theta: Omicron , Zeta Tau, Alpha Lambda, Beta Zeta - Miss Carol Cooper, South Cunningham Hall, Farmville, VA 23901 Iota: Rho, Th eta, Beta Th eta, Beta Sigma Chapters-Miss Patricia Nayle, 2121 Tannehill , #2022, Hou ston, TX 77008 Kappa: Iota, Alph a N u, Alpha Sigma Chapters- Miss Sandy W entler, 1030 W est High , Edwardsville, IL 62025 Lambda: Alpha Kappa, A lpha Tau, Beta Delta Chapters-Mrs. james Marsico, 46 Lafayette, N iles, OH 44446
Committee Chairmen Awards-M rs. john Gentile, 906 Qua rry Drive, Cleveland Heights, OH 44121 Chaplain- Mrs. C. j. Ashby, Box 12, The Plains, VA 2217 1 Colony Advisor-M iss Ann Marie Ca rroll, 28 Roosevelt Ave., Dumont, Nj 07628 Convention - Miss Donna Richa rd so n, 2293 Dunkirk Ave. , N .E., Roanoke, VA 24012 ; Miss W anda Austin, 801 Whitney Ave., A202, Roanoke, VA 24012
Editor- Mrs. Thoma s P. Dudley, 5 Spru ce Court, Smithtown , Y 1187 Headquarters Fund- Mrs. Robert Willover, 163 Center St., East Aurora, NY 14052 Historian- Mrs. Thad Schucc hi, 1111 Eagle Drive, Maylene, AL 35114 Housing- Mrs. William D . Scott, 1625 Marshall Ct., Florissant, MO 63031 Membership Development - Mrs. Roy S. Reynold s, 9202 Grandhaven Ave., Upper Marlboro, MD 20870 Music- Miss Fa ith Harlan , 8916A Evergreen Ave., Ind ianapolis, IN 46240 Nominations- Miss M artee Bucha nan, 1022 Downey St., Radford, VA 2414 1 National Panhellenic Conference Alternate Delegates- M iss Bobbie Nichols, 1420 Cantrell Rd ., #312, Little Rock, AR 72201 ; Mrs. E. C. Phipps, 26 11 Harrison Ave. , Parkersburg, WV 26104 Parliamentarian - Mrs. Harold Gosselink, 150 Cheyenne St. , Boli ngbrook, IL 60439 Pledge- Mrs. Larry Spa rks, 41 OS South 9th St. , Blu e Springs, MO 640 15 Publicity Chairman - Mrs. Robert T. Clarke, Jr., 1810 Autumn Trails Lane, Kathy, TX 77449 Regional Leadership Workshop-Mrs . Robert R. Haas, Jr., 1920 Cambridge Ct., Apt. 3B, Palatine, IL 60067 Rush - Mrs. james Noctor, 502 Sturwood Way, Lawrenceville, 08648 Scholarship- M iss Ci ndy Cluster, 8140 Harold Ct. , Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Social Service- Mrs. Randall Wil so n, 99E. Silvercreek, Gilbert, AZ 85234 Student Loan - Miss june McCarthy, 8891 Watson Woods, St. Louis, MO 63126
Area Alumnae Representatives Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, TennesseeMrs. Joh n Bauer (Yol anda), 800 Babcock #233, San Antonio, TX 7820 1 Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, W yoming-Mrs. William H . Riester (G race), 1306 Alexa nder Road , Colorado Springs, CO 80909 California- Mrs. Michaeline j . Lowright, 3028 Kinglet Way, orth Highlands, CA 95660 Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island , Vermont- Miss Wendy Cogswell , 18 Summer Street, Sa lem, MA 01970 Delaware- Miss Ca rol Bicki ng, 4419 Duke Street #403, Alexandria, VA 22304 Illinois, Indiana- Mrs. Harold Gosselink (M arijo), 150 Cheyenne Court, Bol ingbrooke, IL 60439 Michigan, Wisconsin - Ms. Theresa Stack, c/o Grand Traverse Project, Traverse City, Ml 49684 Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, North and South Dakota- Mrs. Den nis Walthart (Carol), RR #1 , Colesburg, lA 52035
New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania-Miss Carol Dahms, Pricewood K-137, Harleysville, PA 19438 Ohio, Western Pennsylvania -Mrs. William Bennett {Diane), 13703 South Avenue Extension, Columbiana, OH 44408 Oklahoma, Texas-Mrs. Thomas Marconi (Beth), 5701 Pearce Street Box 61008, The Colony, TX 75056
Collegiate Chapters Beta-Central Michigan President, Kelly Arndt, 1809 Deming, #7, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858; CA, Mrs. Patrick Doyle, 413 S. Univ. , Mt. Pleasant, M l 48858; ACA, Mrs. Robert )anson, 1417 Andre, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858. Delta-Indiana University President, Louise Cullen, 1160 Oakland Ave., Poplar 8, Indiana, PA 15701 ; CA, Mrs. Mike Mundis, 395 S. Third St., Indiana , PA 15701 ; ACA, Mrs. Williams B. Simmons, 291 Locust St. , Indiana, PA 15701 ; CC, Mrs. Mary Stella Wolfe, 621 Willow Ave., Indiana, PA 15701 , and Miss Donna Wetzel , 48 W . Elm St. , Homer City, PA 15748 Zeta-lock Haven President, Sue Engel, 435 W . Church St., Lock Haven, PA 17745; CA, Mrs. Karin Van Deun, 307 Hobson St. , Mill Hall, PA 17751 ; Mrs. jay Schively, 161 Legion Lane, St. College, PA 16801. Theta-Wayne State President, Claudia Meise, 8880 Mayden , Detroit Ml 48228; CA, Miss Kathy Pulice, 8571 Hampshire Dr., Sterling Heights, Ml 48078; ACA, Miss Debra Kanigowski, 34575 Mulvey Rd ., Apt. 166, Fraser, Ml 48026; CC, Mrs. Donna Schroeder, 4002 Courville, Detroit, Ml 48824 Iota-Emporia State President, Robbin Ratliff, 1621 Merchant, Emporia, KS 66801; CA, Mrs. Leonard Crowl, 526 S. Congress, #44, Emporia, KS 66801; CC, Mrs. Kaye Abbott, 3501 Randolph Ave. , Topeka, KS 66611. Omicron-Concord College President, Tammy Underwood, Box C868, Concord College, Athens, WV 24712; CA, Miss Mildred Dransfield, Box 307, Athens, WV 24712 ; ACA, Mrs. G. Richard Larki n, Box 785, 17 Pinehill Park, Athens, WV 24712; CC, Miss Betti Sue Hedrick, 600 Island St., Princeton, WV 24740. Rho-Southeastern Oklahoma President, Kimberly Wise, 1000 Parkview Dr. , Durant, OK 74701 ; CA, Mrs. Leslie Webster, 520 . Ni nth St., Dura nt, OK 74701 ; ACA, Mrs. Doris And rews, 1121 Oakridge Dr., Durant, OK 74701 ; CC, Mrs. Robert R. Owen Grimes, 1119 Oak Ridge Dr., Durant, OK 74701 . Sigma-State College at Buffalo President, Theresa McSweeney, 376 Baynes, Buffalo, NY 14213; CA, Mrs. Robert Wales, 85 Bassett Rd ., Williamsville, NY 14221 ; ACA, Mrs . john Me amara, 189 Cresthill Ave., Ton awanda, NY 141 50; CC, Mrs . Norman D. Fry, 145 Greenfield St., Buffalo, Y 14214. Zeta Tau-longwood President, Mary Milne, Longwood College, Box 887, Fa rm ville, VA 23901 ; CA, Miss Carolyn Callaway, HPER Dept., Longwood College, Fa rmville, VA 23901 ; ACA, Miss Ruth Budd, HPER Dept., Longwood College, Fa rm ville, VA 23901; CC, Mrs. Britt Hart, 1553 Skirmish Run Dr. , Richmond, VA 23228. Upsilon-Central Arkansas President, Karen Wadley, #47 Mansard Apts., Conway, AR 72032 ; CA, Mrs. Betty Young, 814 Watkins, Conway, AR 72032; ACA, Miss Leslie Brown, 1701 Westpark Dr., # 106, Little Rock, A R 72204; CC, Mrs. Rick Harrell, 1003 East I St., Russelville, AR 72801. Phi-Southeastern louisiana President, Ma rga ret deBoer, P.O. Box 2418, SLU, Hammond, LA 70402; CA, Mrs. Thomas Hufstetler, Box 468, SLU , Hammond, LA 70402; ACA, Mrs. Kenneth Thom as, 306 Delmar Dr., Hammond, LA 70401 . Chi-Shepherd College President, jill Sowers, P.O. Box 859, Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, WV 25443; CA, Mrs. Howard Ca rper, jr., Rt. 1, Box 628, Shepherdstown, WV 25443; ACA, Miss Carol Munson, Rt. 3, Box 324, Smithsburg, MD 21783; CC, Miss Angela Propst, Brandywine, WV 26802; Colony Adviser, Mrs. Anna Mary Walsh , P.O. Box 2A, Kearneysville, WV 25430. Psi-James Madison President, Carolyn Cooper, Box 892, )MU, Harrisonburg, VA 22807; CA, Dr. Eileen elson , 2017 Windsor Rd., Harrisonburg, VA 22801 ; ACA, Ms . Gail Berrell, 117 . High St. , Harrisonburg, VA 22801 ; CC, Mrs. Terry B. Garber, 700B W . Sturbrook Dr., Richmond, VA 23235. Alpha Gamma-Henderson State Pre ident, Paula Wilson, Box H1192, HSU , Arkadelphia, AR 71923; CA, Mrs . B. E. Gilbert, 819 . 26th, Arkadel ph ia, AR 71923; Mrs . Marcie Smith, 923 S. 27th, Arkadelphia, AR 71923; Council Adviser, Miss Bobbie Nichols, 1420 Cantrell Rd ., #312 , Little Rock, AR 72201 . Alpha Epsilon- W estern Illinois President, Sara johnson, 1 Pollock Dr., M acomb, I L 61455; CA, Ms . Becky Peterson, 1 Pollock Dr.,
Macomb, IL 61455; ACA, Mrs. Richard Frowein, 506 E. Carroll St., Macomb, 1L 61455; Miss Diane Vesely, 807 61 st St. , Downers . Grove, IL 60516. Alpha Kappa-Marie«a President, julie Zmij, 219 Fourth St., Mar~ etta OH 45750· CA Miss Vicki Via, 203 Maple Shade Dr., Manetta: OH 45750;, Mrs: Richard Hill, 202 Chamberlain Dr., Ma rietta, OH 45750. Alpha lambda-Radford President, Kim Reed, P.O. Box 6364, RU, Radford, VA 24142; CA, Miss Martee Buchanan, 1022 Downey St., Radford, VA 24141 ; ACA, Dr. Bernd Kuennecke, 1501 Downey St. , Radford, VA 24142 and Dr. oel Eddleston, 46 E. Brandon Rd ., Radford, VA 24142; CC, Miss Ellen C. Reinhardt, 3A Plaza Apts. , Dublin, VA 24084. Alpha Mu-Arkansas at Monticello President, Debbie Roark, UAM, Box 2735, Monticello, AR 71655; CA, Mrs. Tom Lewins, P.O . Box 857, Warren , AR 71671 ; ACA, Mr. jim Edson, UAM, Box 2451 , Monticello, AR 71655; CC, Mrs. james Terrell, 509 Midland Rd ., Little Rock, AR 72209. Alpha Nu-Central Missouri President, Karen Cline, A206 Panhellenic, CMSU, Warrensburg, MO 64093; CA, Mrs. Jeane Bamford , 313 jones Ave., Warrensburg, MO 64903; ACA, Mrs. Robert Cochran , 1607 Lee Lane, Pleasant Hill, MO 64080; CC, Miss jennifer Jones, 1013 S. 14th Terr., Blue Springs, MO 64015. Alpha Xi-Man sfield State President, Susan Cooper, Laurel B, Box 121 , MSC, Mansfield, PA 16933; CA, Mrs . Paul Plowcha, 161 St. james St., Mansfield , PA 16933; Mr. Paul Plowcha, 161 St. james St., Mansfield, PA 16933; CC, Miss Barbara Cooper, 312 Allison St., Sayre, PA 18840. Alpha Omicron-Clarion State President, joyce Kokoski , 108 Ral ston Hall, CSC, Clarion, PA 16214; Mrs. Andor P. jobb, 41 Wilson Ave., Clarion, PA 16214; ACA, Miss Cassie Boyle, 16 S. Seventh, Clarion, PA 16214; CC, Miss janet L. Schmincke, 2432 Terr. Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242 . Alpha Pi-Slippery Rock President, Kathy Schiffer, 207 Towers, SRSC, Slippery Rock, PA 16057; CA, Mrs. Bruce Bolivar, 313 . Main St., Slippery Rock, PA 16057; ACA, Miss Elaine Cook, 2879 Talley Covey Rd ., Allison Park, PA 15101. Alpha Sigma-Northeast Missouri President, Lea Ann Fluegel, 324 Brewer, NMSU , Kirksville, MO 63501 ; CA, Miss Ruth Selby, 416 E. Harrison #2, Kirksville, MO 63501 . Alpha Tau-Edinboro President, Sue Garbart, 218 Lawrence Towers, ESC, Edinboro, PA 16444; CA, Mrs. Leonar Fumi , 2522 E. 32nd St., Erie, PA 16510; ACA, Miss orma Black, 206 Hickory St., Edinboro, PA 16412. Alpha Phi-West Chester State President Denise Allen, 211 W . Chestnut St., West Chester, PA 19380; CA, Dr. Charlotte King, 726 Hillside Dr., West Chester, PA 19380; ACA, Mrs. Bruce Copus, 4160 Harbor Dr. , Palmyra, j 08065; Mrs. Patrick Bridgeman, 300 New jersey Ave., orth Wildwood, j 08260. Beta Delta-Duquesne President, Tami Usher, SMC 947, 1345 Vickroy St. , Pittsburgh, PA 15219; CA, Mrs. Charles F. Strunk, 700 Forbes Ave., Apt. C-1 0, Pittsburgh, PA 15219; ACA, Mrs . William L. Pollett, 89 Lowry Ave., #5, Emsworth, PA 15202; Faculty Adviser, Father Robert Roach, Adm . Bldg., Duquesne Univ., Pittsburgh, PA 15219; CC, Mrs. Dale Wagner, 470 S. Raccoon Road , Apt. D-7, Youngstown, OH 44515. Beta Epsilon-Shippensburg State President, Terri Gallagher, 52 Richa rd Ave., Shippensburg, PA 17257; CA, Dr. May jane Urbanowicz, 400 E. King St. , #2, Shippensburg, PA 17257; ACA, Mrs. Stephehen Pye, 9892 McCreary Rd. , Shippensburg, PA 17257; CC, Mrs. Thomas Lissee, 421 Sixth St. , ew Cumberland, PA 17070. Beta Zeta-Alabama in Birmingham President, Cecelia Watts, 3420 Dunbrook Circle, Birmingham, AL 35243; CA, Miss Sandra Whitney, 604 lOth Ave. S., Birmingham , AL 35205; ACA, Miss Carol Matthews, 4131 Appomattox Lane, Birmingham, AL 35213; CC, Mrs. Blane McCarthy, 1517-A 16th Ave. , S. , Birmingham, AL 35205. Beta Eta-Southern Illinois Pre ident, Bonny Hutton, 634 E. Fifth t., Alton, IL 62002 ; CA, Mrs. Jeane Brunworth, 1439 Eberhart, Edwardsville, I L 62025; CC, Mrs. jo eph La Fiore, 6612 Foothill Ct., Flori ant, MO 63033. Beta Tau-lowell Pre ident, Paula Eleftherios, e en te\ art t., Lowell, MA 01854; CA, Mis Ellen Duggan, Uni . of Lm ell , ne Univ. Ave., Lowell, M 01854; C , M . Barbara jean 1\a aron, Univ. Ave., Lowell, M 01854; CC, r . Peter Gianop ulo . 45 Mildreth t. #21 , Lo~ ell, M 01850.
Beta Theta-St. Mary's President, Laura Fisher, One Camino Santa
Mane, Daugherty Hall , SMU , San Antonio TX 78284· CA s· t Am m Semel, 230 Overhill , San Anton io, TX l 8228; ACA, Mi~s ~sh:~ resa Cl1 ffo rd, Charl es Francis Dorm SMU One M · s A . ' ' ammo, anta ~ n a , an nton1o, TX 78284; CC, Mi ss Ann M ari e Campo 909 Rem II , Apt. #221 , Austin , TX 78751. ' Beta Iota-Millersville President, Cyndi Fessler 3-H B k d A t M'll ·1 1 PA ' roo woo P s., I ersv1 e, 17551 ; CA, Mrs. Thomas Paules, 2582 Valley D r. , Lancaste r, PA 17603; ACA, M iss Cathy Ann Shaffer, 302 N . M ary. St. , La ncaster, PA 17603 ; CC, M s. Patri cia Ada mire 11 11 jama1ca Rd. , Lancaster, PA 17602. ' Beta Mu-Salisbury State President, Theresa Schis ler, Rt. # 1o, 1816 Spn ng Hill .Rd ., Salisbury, MD 2180 1; CA, Miss Nancy Clendaniel , 1 13 E. W1ll1am St. , Apt. #4, Sa lisbu ry, MD 21801. Beta Nu-Bioomsburg State President, Sue Reed , 207 E. Fourth St. , Bloomsburg.' PA 178 15; CA, Mrs. Gary Hilderbrandt, RD 1, Box 207, Cataw1 ssa, PA 17820; ACA, Miss Diane Rud awski 127 w Fifth St. , Apt. #1 , Bloomsburg, PA 17815 . ' · Beta Xi-Michigan Tech President, Miss Friesen, 1107 Ru by Ave., Houghton , Ml 49931; CA, Dr. Cynth ia Selfe, 1206 Agate, Houghton, Ml 49931 ; ACA, Dr. Kennetb R. Janson, Rt. #1 , Box 262 Canal Rd ., Houghton , M l 49931 ; CC, Miss jackie W ilcox, 204 Vivia n, Houghton, M l 49931. Beta Pi-Ea stern Illinoi s Pres id ent , Linda Dell amaria , 236 Pemberton Hall , Charleston, IL 61920; CA, Ms . Bobbie Hunt 824 Division St. , Charleston, IL 61920; ACA, Mrs. Bryan Fay, Rur; l Rt. 1, Box 91 , Atwood , IL 61913 . Bet~ Rho Colony-Arkansas Tech Preside nt, info to co me; CA, Mrs. R1ck Harrell, 1004 W . 17th Terr ., Ru ssellville, A R 72801. Beta Sigma Colony-Northeastern Oklahoma info to co me· CA M rs. Melanie Proctor, Rt. 4, Box 306-A, Tahlequah, OK 774G4 . '
c ·
Alumnae Groups + Akron-Canton, Ohio
Mrs. Nancy Cochran, 1607 Lee Lane, PI asant Hill , MO 64080
+Kirksville, Missouri Miss ourtney DeRien zo, 501 M ea dow r st, Apt. #1 , Kirksville, M O 63501
+ Lancaster County, Pennsylva nia Mrs. Vivian Lioon Crin er, 102 Ta nglewood Lane, Lan ast r, PA 1760 1
+ Lansing, Michigan Mrs. E. C. Two rk, 137 S. lves Road, M ason, M l 48854
+los Angeles, Californi a Miss Frances Higgins, 1 162 South Bronson, Los Angeles, CA 90019
+ l owell, Massachusetts Miss Karen Lebedzi nski , 127 Groton Rd ., North Chelmsford, MA 01863
+ Marietta, Ohio- Parkersburg, West Virginia Mi ss Diane Dyar, Apt. 50, Putman Pl ace, M ari etta, OH 45750
+Miami , Florida Mrs. Susan Bossong, 123 15 W. 43 Street, M ia mi, FL 33175
+ Muncie, Indiana Mrs. Helen Cross Mrs. Helen Cross, 207 Winthrop, Munci , IN 47304
+New Orleans, louisiana Mrs. Kay Brister johnston, 10020 St. Paul Ave., Ri ve r Rid ge, LA 70123
+Norfolk, Virginia Mrs. Elai ne Alexa nder Eason, 944 Covey Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23454
+ Northern Virginia (D.C.) Mrs. Debby Alexander, 111 2 East Maple Ave., Sterling, VA 22170
+Orlando, Florida Mrs . Henry Brosius, 2113 Mohawk Trail, Maitland, FL 3275 1
+Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
+ Chartered
M rs. Thomas Ande rson, 2330 Graham Road , Stow, OH 44224
+ Arkadelphia, Arkansas Mrs. Robert Chunn, 1702 O 'Connell, Arkadelphia, AR 71923
+Beckley, West Virginia Miss Donna Tipane, 107 Roberts Street, Beckley, WV 25801
+Birmingham , Alabama Mrs. Su sa n Fogas joe, 4933 Scenic View Dri ve, Bi rmingham, AL 35210
+Bluefield , West Virginia
M rs. Glen Buchanan, 1903 Tazewell Avenue, Bluefield , WV 24605
+ Bucks-Montgomery Co. , Pennsylvania Mrs. Ba rbara Y. Begley, 1914 Ca rriage Way, Warrington , PA 18976
+Buffalo, New York M rs. William G . H el mrath , 86 Joanie Lane, N. Towa nd a,
Y 141 20
+Cincinnati-Dayton, Ohio Miss Nancy Dehnbostel, 25 74 Belhaven Drive, Cincin nati, OH 45239
+Conway, Arkansas M iss Cathy Koehler, 35 Lon e Pine Road, 72 118
+ Kansas City, Missouri (Greater)
ort h Littl e Rock, AR
+ Deleware County, Pennsyl vania
Miss Alycia Mallon, 219 Scottdale Road, Landowne, PA 19050
+Denver, Colorado M rs. Anne B. Todd , 1021 Carr # 18, Lakewood , CO 80215 + Detroit Ill, Michigan Miss Rose Marie Schmidt, 5106 Harva rd Road, Detroit, Ml 48 224
+ Durant, Oklahoma Mrs . Sharon Dunham M rs. Sha ro n Du nham , 1 13 Gates Ave. , Durant, OK 7470 1
+ Edwardsville, Illinois M rs. jean ne S. Layth e, 3926 Berview Lane, St. Louis, MO 631 25
+ Emporia, Kansas Ms. Cheryl Greelee, Rt. #4, Box 201C, Emporia, PA 66801
+Erie, Pennsylvania Mrs. David Ca rter, 2531 W . 34th Street, Erie, PA 16506
+Fort Wayne, Indiana Miss Li nda Pu lver, 1009 South Van Buren, Auburn, IN 46706
+Harrisonburg, Pennsylvania M rs. Patricia G . Hughes, 129 Old Fork Dri ve, Camp H ill, PA 17011
+Houston, Texas Mrs. Sharo n Clarke, 18103 A utu mn Trai l La ne, Katy, TX 77449
+Indianapolis, Indiana Mrs. Rebecca Scharbro ugh, 9625 East 42nd , India napolis, IN 46236
Mrs. Donald Youn g, 1165 West Valley Road, Wayne P.O ., PA 19087
+ Pittsburgh, Pennsyl vania Miss Charlene C. George, 5054 Parkvue Drive, Pittsbu rgh , PA 15236
+ Prince Georges-Montgomery Co., Maryland Mrs. jerry Din gess, 1304 Caddi ngton Avenue, Silver Springs, MD 20901
+ Princeton-Athens, West Virginia Mrs. Fred Bell, 1109 H arri son Street, Princeton, WV 24740
+Richmond-Petersburg, Virginia Mrs. Larry M arshall , 5507 Bu xton Court, Chester, VA 23831
+Roanoke, Virginia Miss Wanda Austin, 207 Whitney Ave., Apt. A20 2, Roanoke, VA 240 12
+ St. louis, Missouri Miss Nancy Cook, 1320 Willingham Drive, St. Louis, MO 63121
+ St. Petersburg, Florid a Miss Virginia Bailey, 161 2
. E. 38th Terrace, Ocal a, FL 32670
+Salisbury, Maryland Miss Ca role Bicking, 4419 Duke Street, #403, Alexandria, VA 22304
+ San Antonio, Texas M iss Lind a H erzik, 4015 Callagha n, Apt. 120, San Antonio, TX 78228
+ Shepherdstown, West Virginia M iss M ary Hodges, Rt. #2, Box 259, M art insbu rg, WV 25401
+ Southern Colorado Mrs. Frances Smi th Carfango, 75 Springs, CO 80909
o rth Cu rt is Rd ., #10, Colo rado
+Springfield , Illinois Miss Patri cia Tompkins, 2328
. Ki ckapoo, #1 , Lincoln , IL 62656
Mrs. james S. Fogu s, 37 18 Deibel Drive, Sagi naw, Ml 48603
+West-Chester, Pennsylvania Mrs. Arthur Mee, 1101 Glenview Street, Philadelphia, PA 191 11
+Wichita, Kan sas Mrs. Nanct G . Horvath , 4056
. Clarendon, Wich ita, KS 67220
+Youngstown , Ohio M rs. Mary A nn Koontz, 7446 W est Boulevard, Apt. #4, Youngstown , OH 44512
+Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor, Michigan Mrs. Carlotta Mace Salemi , 32986 Trum an, Rockwood, Ml 48173
Convention Elections and Appointments
Presid ent Elect Gail Shockly Scott (Alpha Lambda ' 73), graduated from Radford where she earned her B.S. degree with a dou ble major in special education and early childhood. Gail was panhellenic vice preside nt and president of her chapter. She was also honored as May Court Princess fo r two years and was named O utsta nding Senior. In addition to work with ot her AETs in Salisbury, Gail served as District President and Directo r of Collegiate Chapters. She was named to the Order of the Ye ll ow Rose, and, in 1980, she received the Ada A. Norton Outsta nding Alumna Award. Gail is employed with the Somerset Cou nty Board of Education whe re she is a resource teacher. She loves Ha rold , her husband, AET, tennis, reading, and singing. She was listed in the 1980 Outstanding Young Women of America. National Treasurer Susan Rogers (Alpha Lambda '70), attended Radford U niversity where she rece ived a B.S. degree in histo ry and social science . While a collegian, Susa n was courtesy chai rman and pledge mistress; and was honored as best pledge. She has served o n the National Staff most recently as Awards Chairman ; and was a recipie nt of the Order of the Yellow Rose. Susan is a sec retary for j. E. Rogers, M.D., fo r her live lihood, and, enjoys reading and sports fo r fu n. Director of Collegiate Chapters Catherine Bond s Crapet (Beta Zeta '70), received a B.S. degree in elementary education from the University of Alabama in Birmingham. Cathy, a cha rte r member of the BZ chapter was initiated at the 1970 National Convention in Toro nto, Canada. She was the first president of her chapter; Collegiate Top Tau ' 70; Who 's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; · .. .. secretary of the Student Government . . - ,• Association ; on the UAB Entertainment Committee; and SGA Education Senator. Cathy has been treasurer (four times) and president of the Birmingham Alum Chapter. ationally, she served as Local and National Convention Chairman ; and on the Headquarters Site Committee. Her national honors include Convention Top Tau-1976, Order of the Yellow Rose-1978; and the Ada A. Norton Outstanding Alumna Award -1982. Cathy is married to Anthony-they have two daughters, Lisa and Casey. She' s been active in jayceetees, garden club and church. Small wonder she was named to the Outstanding Young Women of America-1980 .
'~• ,·
Alpha District President Michelle May (Beta ' 81 ), received her degree in fashion design and merchandising from Central Michigan University . Michelle was pledge president and housing director of Beta chapter and , during those years, was named Beta Pledge, was a semi-finalist in the Miss Michigan State Fair Pageant and was Miss Blue Water Festival Queen . Michelle is the proud owner of La Michelle House of Redesign , and is even prouder of her fiance, Bryan M . Black. Her hobbies include sewing and redesigning clothing, boating and sports. Gamma District President Amy Dupree (Alpha Xi ' 78), majored in business administration at Mansfield State where she received her B.S. degree . Amy was vice president, pledge director and editor of her chapter; and was honored as Top Tau , Sister of the Year; and Greek Woman of the Year . Prior to her election as District President, Amy was resident counselor for Beta Pi Colony. Now she is employed by the Susquehanna Transit Company as secretary tour hostess. Traveling, singing and crafts are a few of Amy' s " favorite things ." Delta District President Kimberl y Ann Golden (Beta Epsilon ' 77), received her B.A. degree in commu nications from Shippensburg State. In addition to many committees, Kimberly served her chapter as president, editor and intersorority council representative. During college, she was Sigma Pi Fraternity Sweetheart, AET Homecoming queen nominee, and on the Dean ' s list. Kimberly is a member of the International Association of Business Communicators; and was general manager before being promoted to executive assistant for David A . Miller, II Marketing, Inc. She lists racquetball , writing, cooking, singing, camping, and hiking outdoors as a few (?) of her hobbies and interests. Zeta District President Janice Lynn Grady Bl ake (Alpha Epsilon ' 78), graduated from Western Illinois with a B.S . degree in business where she majored in marketing. She was a busy active serving as song chairman , RLW chairman , and pledge revision chairman . janice, a " sister of the semester," was named to Wh o's Wh o Among Students in American Co lleges and Un iversities and received a talent grant. She is a sales broker for Complete Cosmetic Service, but, when not at work she enjoys working with the Girl Scouts. janice is due to become Mrs. Michael james Blake on October 2. Her new address will be 29 W . 542 , Apt. C, Country Ridge Drive, Warrenville, IL 60555 . Social Service Chairman Su sanne To ndi W il son (Iota ' 67), graduated with a B.S.E. degree where she majored in elementary education . Susanne has volunteered her time at Desert Samaritan Hospital, Parent Study Hospitality Chairman , Lift ur ery Chairman , Gilbert Community Church and Grace Community Church . he taught from 1969 until 1977 in naheim and e eral chool districts in Arizona . Susanne is married to Randall , and th have three children , Brandon , Chri topher, and De on .
Theta District President Carol Jean Cooper (Zeta Tau ' 77) w as a ho me eco nomi cs major at Lo ng: w ood Co ll ege whe re she received a B.S. degree. As an acti ve, Carol was pledge class vice president and record in g sec reta ry, and, was listed in Wh o's Who Among Students in American Colleges and U niversities and Kappa Delta Pi (ho no rary) . She has return ed to her alm a mate r, Lo ngwood , to beco me a res ident co un selo r afte r comp leti ng a M aster's Degree in ed ucati on cou nseli ng with an emph as is 1n co ll ege student pe rso nn el servi ces. Carol aspires to work 1n st udent o r Greek affai rs. She has a diversified li st of hobbies ~ n d mte rests: c ross sti tch and needl epoint, photography, 1ce skat1ng, snow ski ing and, when th e snow and ice thaw, collectin g sea shel ls. Awa rds Cha irm an Sherry Trayer Genti le (Psi '7 3), was gradu ated from ja mes M ad1 so n U n1 ve rs1ty whe re she majo red in speech pathology and rece ~ ved her B.S. degree. As an active, Sherry wa s hou smg, mu s1c and co-pledge chai rm an , and Panh el leni c president. She was Top Ta u and a me mbe r of Ga mm a Gamma and Sigma A lpha Eta ho no raries . Sherry is a mem ber of the Roanoke A lumn ae Chapter and, nati o nall y, was Epsilo n District Presid ent. Jo hn , her husband, and, Christop her, her so n, help kee p her busy w hen she isn' t movi ng boxes. Th e Gentil es recently moved fro m V irgi ni a to O hi o . National Chaplai n M ary Charles Adams Ashby (Chi '78), earned a B.S . deg ree in Phys ica l Edu ca tion at Sh eph erd Co ll ege . M ary Ch arles w as a busy co ll egian: Top Tau, Outstand ing AET Senior, Wh o' s Wh o Amon g Students in Ameri ca n Col leges and Unive rsities, and th e Co ll ege Se nior Leadership Award . If poss ibl e, she has been an eve n busier alumn a. M ary Charl es has been ways and mea ns c ha irm an for th e North ern Virgini a Alumn ae for nin e yea rs, and , nati o nall y, has bee n Program Chairm an, D istrict Pres id ent, and Director of Co ll egiate Chapters. In addition, she has attend ed 13 con ve nti o ns with hu sband, j ac k, son Carey, and daughter Em ily M c inti re (Alph a Lambda). M ary Charl es has bee n treas urer and president of Northwestern and Co leman Sc hool PTO ; is a member of Th e Pl ai ns Co mmunity Leag ue; and Th e Pl ain s Tow n Co un cil. Co-Convention Chai rm an Donn a Sue Richardson (Al pha Lambda ' 72) , ea rn ed her B.S. and M .S. degrees in hom e economi cs edu ca ti o n and el ementary coun se lin g, respecti vely. As a col legian at Radford , Do nn a w as pled ge c lass directo r and editor. Si nce the n she has been a member of the Roanoke Alumn ae chapter servin g as social servic e c hairm an, co rrespond ing secretary, fund -raising c hairm an, and c urrently, is vice president. At the nation al level, Do nn a has been Loca l Con ve nti o n Chairm an, Social Se rvice Chairm an, and, was first appointed Co-Co nve ntion Chai rman in 1979. She beca me a reci pi ent of th e Order of the Yellow Rose- 1976; and w as named an O utstanding Yo ung Wo man of A merica -1980. Donn a's commu THE ANCHOR
nity activities incl ude: j uni or W o man's lub of Vin ton of whi ch she has held num erou s offices, Phi D Ita Kappa , Roanoke Area Co unse lo rs Association, and the Am rican Sc hool Coun se lo r Assoc iation . She was a ca reer education counselor and class room in stru cto r of the Bedfo rd County Sc hools, and an elementa ry sc hoo l coun se lo r in the Roanoke Cou nty Sc hoo ls. Co-Convention Chairman Wanda Aust in (Alpha Lambd a ' 74), ea rn ed a B.S. degree in spec ia l edu catio n, majoring in upper elementary c hildhood ed uca tion . As an A lph a Lambd a, Wand a w as recordin g sec retary and w as named to W ho's Who Among Students in America n Co lleges and U niversitie . She wa s hi storian and is now pres ident of the Roanoke Alum nae Chapter. Alph a Lambd a Chapte r Co nsul tant, Th eta Di stri ct Pres id ent, Natio nal Haz ing Commi ttee, and Qu een's Lun cheo n Chai rman fill Wanda's so ro rity resum e. For her dedicat ion , she received the O rder of th e Yellow Rose. W and a's comm uni ty invo lve ment inclu des Area VII Spec ial Ol ympics chai rma n, Gi rl Scout Lead er, PTA pres ident, and Sports Car Cl ub of Ameri ca. Boteto urt Co un ty Jaycees named her O utsta nd ing Ed uca tor. W and a wa s a special edu ca tion teache r, and , is now teachi ng in the Botetout County Sc hool System . National Edito r Terry Win sto n Dudley (Beta Zeta '70), gradu ated fro m UAB with a B.A . degree in art and En glis h. Terry w as a 1970 Co nve ntion Initi ate and a cha rter member of th e BZ Chapter w here she was vice president. Co ll egiate hono rs incl ude: Top Ta u-197 1, Best Active1972 , SGA sec reta ry, and Yea rbook Favo rite. Terry held several offices in the Birmin gham Alumn a Cha pter and w as named O utstand ing Alumn a fo r 1978 and 1980. She has bee n Ed ito r since, 1976, PC Altern ate Delegate (i nterim sess io n), BZ Pa nhell eni c Advise r, and is current treasu rer of the National Pan hell eni c Ed ito r' s Con fe rence . She rece ived the Order of the Yellow Rose-19 78, and the Ada A . Norto n O utstandi ng A lum na Award-1982 . Terry, hu sband To mm y, and so ns, Paul and Ph illip, rece ntl y moved to New Yo rk w here she is a membe r of th e Christi ans W omen' s Club, and is a provi sional in the Jr. League of th e No rth Sho re. She was in the 1980 O uts tanding Yo ung Wo men of America; and wo n th e " Addy" for best bl ac k-a ndw hite Birmingham busin ess publi ca tion for 1976. Scholarship Chai rm an Cynthia Clu ster (Beta M u ' 78), grad- ------~ uated fro m Sa lisb ury State Col lege w here she ea rn ed her B.A. degree in leisure stud ies. Cynt hia was co rrespondin g sec retary, histo ria n and pa nhell eni c rep resentative of the Beta Mu Cha pter. She was a 3. 0 and O mic ro n Delta Kap pa M ember, o n the Dea n' s li st fo r seve n semeste rs, Wh o 's Who A mong Students in American Co lleges and U niversities; most va lu ab le cheerleader. Cy nthi a is a trave l co nsultant for Wel com e Aboard Trave l Ce nter. She enjoys he r yo un g adult Su nday school , bow lin g, need lepoi nt, snow ski ing, iceskatin g, swimm ing, and sno rkli ng.
' Zeta
Lock H aven State
Deltas And rea Lutz, Dana Midili and Deb Domh off check out their scrapbook before ru h.
Indiana University Delta sisters began Spring semester with a whirlwind of rush parties including "New Year' s Eve" and " Working out with AST. " Success came in the form of 13 beautiful pledges: Susan Baker, Kim Benso n, jill Bubb, Gloria Campbell, Christy Csaszar, Ria Duryea, Wendy Heter, Doreen Martier, Dana Midili, Danielle Mizikar, Laura Ricci , Carrie Vish , and Annette Winand. Delta teamed up with Phi Sigma Kappa in their annual pancake-eating contest to raise money for the Alice Paul House for Battered Women . Sisters and pledges were enthusiastic participants in IUP's Greek week, that included Greek Sing, T-Shirt day, and a tournament of games with other campus sororities. Sisters travelled to Buffalo, New York for RLW returning with newly gained information and stories of the warmth shared with other sisters. The pledge class worked long and ha rd with the guidance of pledge moms Terry McDermott, Marcia Klemanski , and Kim Trunzo to present the sisters with a fantastic formal. Congratulations are in order fo r the enthusiasm and dedication shown by all pledges. AST and Sigma Chi worked together at Derby Days to raise over $21 ,000 for Champ Orenda, a local camp for the mentally and physically handicapped. -Nancy Platzer
Spring semester for Zeta began with a homerun-getting ten great pledges : Cheryl Easly, Patty Fenderson, Gail Graven, Anne Kerwin , Kim Mac Derment, Leslie Miller, Mikki Murgas, Susan Sutherland, Kay Vojtek, Kerri Warner. Pledge train er jill Strasser helped them learn information about AST and coached them with their studies. AST and other campus sororities rocked in rocking chairs for 24 hours to earn money for special program s in th e Lock Haven school district. Future plans include Greek weekend when we show everyone on campu s how proud we are to be Tau s. A parent tea, and a picnic are planned . A big game of ball and lots of burgers and laughs fill the day. The final event will be our senior send-off dinner. -Kimberly Morris
Two of our most interesting informal rush parties were a Las Vegas Casino Party and a Western Party. The Casino Party included three types of card games, backgammon and popcorn. At the Western Party we taught the rushees how to swing dance as well as other popular dances. Other parties included a 60' s Party, a Beach Party, and a P.j . Party. One of our new additions to our hou se is hou semother Maxine Pickerill. To show our appreciation for her, we helped host a Hou semother' s Tea with other chapters on campus . Our community service projects were helping the Salvation Army during Chri stma s and our annual Halloween party for the local handicapped children . Iota awards for the semester include placing third in a spirit contest before homecoming and winning fi rst place on our homecoming float w ith the Kappa Sigmas. The most noteworthy award wa s the Countess Award trophy presented to the chapter who donated the most blood to the Red Cross Bloodmobile. -Chery l Pherigo
O micron
Concord College
Emporia State Rush activities for Iota were quite successful this fall. The pledged 14 through formal rush and ten more through informal rush , nearly doubling the total chapter membership.
Omicron chapter opened the spring semester w ith a " Snoopy and the Gang" form al rush party. Ru shees were presented with A ll-Star banners in green and gold and " 1982 Spring Formal Rush" mugs in pastel colors . A skit entitled " Snoopy' s Al l Star Team " was staged by active members. The yield was nine new pledges: Bonn ie Hanks, Charlotte Hunt, Cindy jeffcoate, Kerri Pennington, Tina Remes, Becky Richardson , Kerri Sheets, Pam Trent, and Rosemary Young . The pledges sold baked good s to sponsor their Western style Big Sis-Lil Sis party and made the delivered Easter baskets to patients at a local hospital. The Omicrons participated in the Muscular Dystrophy Telethon in Bluefield , WV, where they worked with Hill Street Blue tar , Bruce eitz and Taureen Blacque. Other highlight : a co metic part for the chapter; a weekend retreat, her
Omicron Advisors Ruth Seabolt (left ) and Mildred Dransfield enjoy a spaghetti dinner given b y colle-
each girl 's Secret Sis was revealed and gifts were excha nged; and a spaghetti dinner hosted by Princeton alumnae. After excitin g competition , Omicron placed third in Concord Co ll ege' s Annual Greek Games. Omicron walked away with the following awards: Most Spirited Greek,-Donna Asbury; Most Talented Greek,-Kelly Spangler; Best All-Around Greek-jeanne Davis; Highest Greek CPA-jeanne Davis; Best Funny Song.
1/)--~ Sigmas threw a welcome back to school part y for students at Buffalo State.
State University, Buffalo On March 27 Sigma chapter initiated the spring pledges Nikki Bassani & Valentina Falena. A reception was held at Samuel ' s Grand Manor in Clarence. During the event Mary jane Pendl was named Sister of the Year and Top Tau for Sigma Chapter. February 22 to 27 was proclaimed " Support Poland Week ." Members sold red and white ribbons for students to show their support. The money raised was used to purchase care packages for the needy in Poland. Also, old clothing was collected and there was a bowl-a-thon where girls were su pported by people who pledged money for each pin knocked down. The organization of this project was headed by senior Mary Beth Fischer . By far the highlight of the semester and the year was the Regional Leadership Workshop . Sisters from ten chapters joined us in Buffalo for the weekend . On Friday night Sisters were welcomed , each chapter presented their own songs and rush skits. Then Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity threw ASTs a party. Saturday was filled with informative workshops and a dinner in the evening. A phenomenal job was done by Mara Attell who chaired the RLW committee. -Robyn Sprenger
Zeta Taus go western fo r an info rm al rush part y.
Zeta Tau
Longwood College Although a large portion of th e sorority's se niors departed to comp lete their student teaching or intern ship, the re st of the Taus pulled through with informal rush parties. Th e january Punk party invested num erous wild looking outfits and later, in M arch another informal get-together was held with a western theme . As a result of t hese parties, AST initiated fou r new members April 14: Suzanne Piotrowski , Bonnie Lipscomb, Evelyn Gregnanny and Ann Holland . A nita Hall was also initiated jan. 21. AST was busy with socia l service this semeste r. First, there was participation
in a bloodmobile. Secondly, the Tau s raised more money thi s year th an they had ever done before for Cystic Fibrosis. A swi ng-a-than was set up in the town of Farmvill e, catching th e attention of the town 's peopl e as well as the college stud ents. However, AST is far from all work and no play! On February 26, a formal dance was held in Ri c hmond . As an end of the year' s activity a picnic was held to honor senior' s last year at school. It is filled with the laughter of previous emba rassing incidents and the sharin g of tears about memorab le touching mom ents. Wills are read aloud and things are passed down from one sister to another. -Bethann Herberger
Phis were winners of the 1981 Spirit Trophy at So u th ea tern Lo uisiana State
it y.
Alpha Kappa
Southeastern Louisiana
Shepherd College
Marietta College
" Alpha Sigma Tau wan ts you ," was the theme that started Spring semester. Our army theme was productive in bringing two pledges: Teai Fowler and Sue Terrett. Pizza parties and visits brought the sisters and pledges closer together during the semeste r. The Mr. Shepherd Contest was the biggest event of the semester. The theme, King of Hearts, was tied in with our annual carnival. jerry Wilcox won the coveted title. Our banquet was held in April. Lisa Ceravelo won the Top Tau award while our president, jill Sewers, won Yellow Rose Queen . We are happy to accept Sue and Teai with sisters from Fall: Fran Gower, Barb McCardell and Michelle Gallagher. -Shelley Wetzel
Alpha Kappa celebrated its twentyfirst year as a chapter with a " Coming of Age" party featuring a former dean of the college as guest speaker in january, thus initiating a successful semester for the chapter. The chapter received $500 for placing fifth on campus in the Miller Pick-' em-Up aluminum can collecting contest, and placed second in the 24-hour Dance Marathon, raising over $1000 for the Heart Fund and the Lung Association. Other community projects included co-sponsoring, with the Delta Tau Delta fraternity, an Easter egg hunt for child ren in the area, and participating in a 24-hour softball marathon for the Lung Association organized by the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. Five new pledges, Crista johnson, Anita Magan , Liz Matheny, Becky Piatt,
While still beaming over the sp irit trophy which AST won, Phi Chapter participated in school intramural sports suc h as volleyball , softball , and basketball. The participated in Greek week and placed second in the tug-of-war, and third in the track meet. Lookin g back: Roadblocks were set up by the Greeks in Hammond as they successfully " shook" cans to raise $2 ,200 for the Leukemia society. In late February Phis hosted a party for alumn ae. The yearly rock-a-thon was the big eve nt in March. Phis rocked for 24 straight hours in the student union and dorm lobby. The girls received pledges and donations of nearly $400 which was sent to Pine Mountain Settlement School. April showe rs brought flowers .. . actually the Yellow Rose Formal. Honors given that night went to Andrew Gregoria, sweetheart, and Diana Morgan, Top Tau . A family day picnic gave sisters a chance to meet real life families. The day was filled with excitement, sun , softball games, and lots o' good food. Sincere best wishes to graduating seniors, Christie Goadorov, Becky Morgan, Ronelle Aime, Renee Bryja, and Diana Morgan. - Lori lattery
and Debbie Woodruff, were received by the chapter, and were honored at the spring pledge formal. Pledge dessert, held in April , was an occasion for the exchange of gifts between the pledges and their big sisters. The high point of the semester was receiving the Scho larship Bowl for having the highest first semester grade point average among all sororities and independents on campus. -Nancy Brucken
Alpha lambda
AI ha Mu
Arkansas at Monticello
Alpha Lambdas focused this semester on social service proj ects. Giving a Christmas party for Radford ' s Head Start child ren , donating blood and se rvices when the Bloodmobil e wa s in town , participating in the muscular dystrophy Super Dance, and rai sing mon ey in a Skate-for-Heart skate-a-thon are just a few .
A spagh etti dinner prepar d by AM actives honor d p ledges: Mich II Arrn , Myra Kuykend all, Kelly Bulla k, Teresa R d, Sheila Frazi er, and Keran McDonald . Alpha Mu hand ed out ribbon s and were " huggers" at the Special Olympics that wa s held at UAM . Greek W eek was held in April , and, Alpha Taus won third -place in th e egg toss co ntent. Our new officers are Debbie Roark, president; Camille McFalls, vice president; jud y Brau ghton, reco rdin g 5 cretary : Karen Fowl er, co rresponding secretary; and Tammy Hul ett, treasu rer.
P i Chap ler Springpledge class: From lefl (back row) Lexte Jepson, Kalie Ferry, Dentse DiNardo, Meg Dagil, Mandy Laltmer, Ltsa Bryan! , Ctnny Marltn , Dtane Disandro, Lisa Coun ls, Veronica Leirn er, Ellen Srevens, Susan Ray, Kim Salmon; and (fronl row) Ca rh lin Bowman , Ka ren DeGarmo, Tracy Ward, Shetfa Could, Deanna While, Sheri Loxlercamp, and ancy Beach.
James Madison Psi Chapter celebrated spring rush which yielded twenty newly-initiated sisters: Nancy Beach, Cathlin Bowm an, Lisa Bryant, Lisa Courts, Meg Dagi t, Karen DeGarmo, Den ise Di ardo, Di ane Di sand ro , Katie Ferry , Sheila Gould, Lexie Jepson, Mandy Latimer, Sheri Loxtercamp, Ginny Martin, Susan Ray, Kim Salmon , Ellen Stevens, Tracy Ward , Deanna White, and Veronica Leitner who was named best pledge . Social Service Chairman Kathy Stewart has kept Psi busy with a panhelleni c Blood Drive, jump rope-a-thon for the Heart Fund , the March of Dimes Walka-thon , Special Olympics, and baking for Pleasant View Home for the mentally retarded . We also visit our adopted grandmother and treat her to dinn er when possible. Psi fundraising began with a slave auction which was a lot of fun. Our main project, however, was a beach towel sale. We designed a towel on which " james Madison Dukes" and a picture of our mascot was printed. Sales were fantastic; sisters' friends and faculty helped to boost our treasury immensely. The Yellow Rose formal , a Parent's Day Banquet, following a delicious din ner was entertai nment, which included: the father-daughter game, the pledge skit, and the " Senio r Song." -joy Stroud
Greek relation s improved on and off Radford ' s ca mpu s. We had a mixer with Phi Kappa Sigma of Radfo rd and Va. Tech ; and atte nded a Sigma Phi Epsilon party and a Zeta Tau Alpha mixer. We gained four new pledges through our traditional " Sleepy-time Tau " spring ru sh : Paul a Kania , Michele Matherly, Darlene Morton, and Th eresa Sutphin . Congratulation s are due to many of the sisters. The newly initiates this year are: Renee Blumenfeld, Connie Boswell , Christie Cullinan , Carla Dion, Kim Gillispie, Cathy Harvey, Kelly Heald , Terri Lawler, Suzanne Nel son , Shelley Roof, Kathy Schultz, Sharon Snow, Sally Tarter, M ary Ellen Vores, and Dotti e Youngkin . We are especially proud to boast that over half of the chapter had better than a 3.0 GPA at the end of our winter quarter! -Ke ll y Heald Alpha Lambdas pla y pin rhe rose on Rudolph wirh Head Slarl children.
Alpha Xts prepare for ru sh : (fro m le(IJ Ca rh y Cres man, Ivy Montz and Robtn Olkiewicz
Alpha Xi
Mansfield State The Alpha Xi chapter began a busy sc hedul e with the installation of new officers: pre ident, Susan Cooper; vice president, Ka y Ann Pierce; treasurer, An nette Tacco nelli ; recording secretary, Andrea Nicotera; panhellenic delegate, Nancy Gee; pledge director, Debra Smeltz; rush chai rm an, Lau ra Biester; hou sing d irector; jim Weatherill . Activities in cl ud ed having a makeup demonstration , usherin g for the school mu sical, and participating in the rally agai nst tuition hikes. Still to co me is the specia l olympics, a rec reatio nal event for the handi capped children of Tioga Co unty. Sales thi s semester, planned by our co mpetent sales manager,-Annette Taccon elli- in c lud ed a candy sal e, Valentin es " Sweet Surprises" (cookies), and a raffle. Members initiated this semester were Paige Garvey, Barb German, Michelle Koss, and Step hani e Slatter. Goodbye to graduating enio rs: Deb Smeltz , Dierdr e Gallahu e, Ro bin Olkiewi cz, Kris Kukura, Bonnie Moyer, Gina Calzola , Cathy Cressman, and I y Hontz. -Laurie Beach 29
Alpha Pi
Slippery Rock
Alpha Omicron president Joyce Kokoski jumps rope for the American Heart Association .
The Alpha Pis began a fantastic rush under the direction of Michelle Gronsky and Terri Kunkle . Rush themes were Las Vegas night and a 1950' s ice cream party. We gained six new pledges guided by Barb McQuaid . They are : Linda Alaburda , Becky Vetter, Betsy Drake, Lee Sailer, Di ane Keyes , and Lisa Wytiaz . AST took part in a phone-a-thon with the Slippery Rock Alumni Association ; and in a weekend workshop with Director of Fraternity Programs, Miss Mary Ellen Willmitch . Many sisters are to be commended for their campus involvement. Recently six sisters made the semi-finals in Slippery Rock' s College Bowl. Mary Ann Laslavic was third runner-up in the Miss Slippery Rock Beauty Pageant. Laury Massack represented AST in the Greek Goddess contest. adema Spott was elected president of Phi Chi Theta (busi ness honorary). Terri Kunkle was elected Panhellenic delegate while Lisa jo Lorenzo was elected recording secretary of campus Panhellenic. -Rita jane McGough
Fasching, Carmen Gunnels, Tricia Mollahan and Amy Owca . Highlights of pledge season include weekly acti~ities for the entire group and a Secret S1s for each pledge. ew officers are president LeaAnn Fluegel , vice president Sue Schiefelbein , secretary Donna Selby, treasurer Wendy Hanson, rush chairman Belinda Green and Lisse Krink, pledge director Sandy Streb, panhellenic delegate Cathy Colton , and housing director julie Williams. We are pleased to say that Ruth Selby, an alumna of our chapter has been approved as our new Chapter Advisor . Honors presented Alpha Sigmas this semester included : jo Ellen johns, Top Tau ; Sandy Streb, AST Sweetheart; Cathy Colton , Miss Congeniality of AST (selected by other NMSU sororities); Kathy Fasching was a finalist in the Womens NCAA-MIAA Swimming and Diving Championships; and Theresa Walker, was selected president, of Greek Alcohol Interest Network . The crowning honor taking third place in Greek Week skit competition . -Cathy Colton
Beta Delta
Alpha Omicron
Clarion State Alpha Sigma Tau surpassed quota of six, making their pledge class the largest of any sorority on campus. Morey Bollinger, Kim Fosbenner, Patty Godula, Marilyn Gulden, Becky Guy, Kerry Platco, Dian e Skalka, and Heather White are Alpha Omicron ' s newest members. Roses to rush chairman jackie Kennedy . Highlights of the Spring semester were a jump-rope-a-thon to benefit th e American Heart Association ; the Red Cross Bloodmobile; a post-Valentine party; the senior recital of sister Val Novak; and the Miss Clarion State College pageant with Sue Myers and Kim Dalrymple who was nam ed third runner-up. Other highlights for the year included RLW in Buffalo, the Yellow Rose formal in April , Heidi-Ma rie Bliss rece1vmg Top Tau , and participation in Greek Week . Good luck to graduating seniors: Barb Arnett, Heidi -Mari e Bliss, Annemarie Hackett, Beth Hoke, Kristin Merosoh, Maggie Mitchell, Val Novak, Helene Pawlowski , Wendy Putman, jill Sonnhalter, Val Trivelpiece, Andrea Vozel , Cheryl Walchak, Debbie Waterloo, and Kelly Ziembicki.
Alpha Sigma
Northeastern Missouri A chili supper, Tau-Hiti and My Heart Belongs to AST were themes for Alpha Sigma chapter' s spring rush . Hard work from actives and the rush committee gave us even new pledge : Li a Bair, j ayne Blackstad, Dawn Bratcher, Kathy
Beta Deltas gained three pert pledges this spring: Terry Bergman, Patty Gallagher and Rika Barboti. Many thanks to judy Palmieri for her hard work in planning this semester' s rush . Spring at Duquesene means Greek Sing practice . the hours of hard work given by the sisters really paid off and the Beta Deltas performed another showstopper. Titled " On Broadway," the sisters dressed in black outfits trimmed with gold sequins, and white gloves. Soloists Mary Monteverde, jennifer Roughton and Suzanne Vessella were outstanding. Many thanks to to Kim Zapparo, Mary Ann Ward , Brenda Stinnett and Karen Columbo for all of their time and effort. We took third-place in Derby Days and after an undefeated season , captured first place in the girls softball team. The end of Spring semester was celebrated with the senior dinner dance when we bid farewell to julie Ritchey, Betty Guerinni , Mary Monte erde, Kathy Krause, Becky Cramer, Mat Lynn Mitlo, Mary Ann Ward , Penn Hemmings, Marianne Enni , onne Lapinski , Laura Ger t, Beck iller, Claudia E er , Charlene George, ue Griffin, and nnette aura . -Tina h ef r
Bela Epsilo n p ledge Karen Rupinski glances l hrough sis ler.
Beta Epsilon
Shippensburg State Bet a Epsilon's more successfu l themes fo r ru sh were " Cowboys and Indi ana," " Your Favorite Holid ay," " M*A*S*H ," and " junk Food ." " Fantasy Island " was the theme for Beta Epsilon ' s info rm al rush. For the ten ru shees who became pledges, their fa ntasy of sisterhood came true. They are Pam Bender, judy Cuffaro , Cathy j acq ues, Dorene Lappin , Patty Rei ley, Karen Rupin sk i, Wendy Robin so n, Sue Sharpe, janis Smith and Mindy Strausbaugh. The pledge period was hi ghlighted by a sister and pledge weekend in the mountains. At this time, a specia l ca ndle light ceremony, " Turn Around Big Sister," revealed to each pledge the sister who had been secretly supportive for the prior week. Th e Yellow Rose Formal and two mixers provided social activity fo r the sisters. Seniors Tin a Eccari us and judy Clayton were awarded with the Top Tau and Li sa Ziegler Award . The most unusual party of the semeste r was the " Blind Man ' s Date Party. " Social se rvice projects were a blood dri ve , making name tags fo r the inauguration of the president, ushering the college production of " Measure for Measure" and throwing a party for the kids at Scotland School fo r Veteran's Children and a party for a group of elderly folks. -Pam Barnhart
Beta Eta
Southern Illinois During Winter quarter, Beta Etas
a scrapbook wil h her big
Be la Thera en lerlain guesrs du ring Las Vegas Nigh!.
were happy to pledge three new girls: Patty Dooley, Lynn Elliot, and Cherry Painter. In February, Beta Eta held a 24hour dance marathon for which Theresa Grace was the cha irm an. The proceeds were donated to Cardinal Glennon Memorial Hospital for Children in St. Louis . A total of app roximately $1400 was raised . Beta Eta is now preparing for Spring and o ur tenth anni ve rsary . Before Mother' s Day, the annu al MotherDaughter Banquet w ill be held . Later in the month, a luncheon with the al umnae will take place to celeb rate our anniversar,y. Spring formal also occurs at the end of May. -Karen Wasser
refreshments, a candl eli ghting service conc luded the festi viti es. The Val entin e' s Day party; a spaghetti supper with Tau Kappa Epsilon ; and the semi -formal and senior aw ard s celebration filled our ca lend ar. Fundraising w as profitab le: lo ll ipops were sold to students for sec ret loves; Alpha Skates night; and se ll ing pizza during Sp ring carni va l. Beta Tau si sters gave blood and helped out at the blood dri ve spon so red by the Inter-Fraternity Sorority Council. - Mi chelle Perry
Beta Theta Beta Tau
University of lowell Beta Tau chapter acq uired eight pledges who we re educated about Al pha sigma Tau by pledge mistress Patty DiN ico la. New members visited a local hospital for soc ial se rvice and so ld chocolate bunnies on campus to defray pledging costs. Everyone worked together during traditions weekend to clea n house. The weekend wasn't all wo rk, however, as Beta Taus joined frate rniti es for fu n and pizza . Following RLW we received a visit from Miss M ary Ellen Wilmitch, Director of Fraternity Prog rams. While snowed in for several days, Miss Wilmitch met us and offered many helpful suggestions. We hosted parents' day at the sorori ty house in April. After everyone had a chance to get acq uainted and sample
St. Mary's University The Beta Th etas' started off the semester with their annu al fund -raiser; Las Vegas Night, compl ete with beautiful AST hostesses, suave dea lers, and a talented group of AST dancers providing entertainment with a floor show c ho reog raphed to " Fam e." The guests enjoyed the evening and the lucky ones bid on auctioned pri zes with their winnings . Rush was a success with the acqu isition of 15 pledges. The pledge dance theme was " Anchors Aweigh." Other noteworthy activities w ere sel ling ca rnations on Valentine' s Day; send ing 12 representatives to Oklahoma for RLW; participating in a campu s mini str y blood drive competition (and winning fi rst place) ;路 and placing first in the annual Greek Week games. Beta Theta & Delta Sigma Ph i cosponsored an Easter party for neighborhood children.
We honored 18 seniors with a picnic and the se nior banquet he ld at the romantic M arriot Hotel along the ri verwalk . -Caroline Mannion
Beta Iota
Millersville State Beta Iota acquired.eight very enthusiastic pledges with ru sh lead by Deb Sunday & Dawn Clauser. We spo nso red a 24 hour dance marathon to benefit Lancaster Associat ion for Retarded Citizens. (LARC) Coope ration from adviso r Chris Paules, our colleagues, and the communitie around us helped to meet the chap ter' s goal of $1500, wh ich was then p rese nted to L.A. R.C. Hoagie Sales, Pretzel Sales, and a ca r ash helped net additio nal assets. M embers also participated in the bowl -a-t hon , alco ho l awa reness day, and co llectin g aluminum cans. Beta Iowa atte nded the Region al Leadership Workshop, roll er skating路 party, and a sleepover fo r pledges and sisters . -Maurene McPoyle
Bela Xi rook firs! place wllh !hi clever and b au!lful ice sculp!ure
and donating money to the March of Dimes made up our social service project. A new tradition was begun by siste r Karen Yarnall . At each business meeting the present holder of a collection of poetry reads a poem and dedicates it to a sister who did something special for them. Th e book has passed throu gh many hand s so fa r, and each dedication is a specia l moment. The semeste r ended with participation in Greek week, and the Yellow Rose Formal which was held at the Briar Heights Lod ge. -Patricia Moyer
Beta Xi Be la
u p ledge class m em bers Ma)' Showers, Kim
We rn er, Gail H arim an and Ma ria Squie rdo perform a ski! fo r sis!ers.
Beta Nu
Bloomsburg State A ru sh program ce ntered on friend ship attracted fo ur great pledges to Beta N u Chapter : Gail H artm an , May Showers, Marie Squierdo, and jim Warner, were under the direction of pledge mistress, Brenda Martin. The traditional sleepove r scave nger hunt weeke nd and skit ni ght were part of the pledge acti vities . New additio ns to the program were ea rnin g pearls and the use of a puzzle of th e crest. Clues based on info rm ation about AST were given to the girl s who were to fi nd a puzzle piece eac h day. Beta Nu ' s Sue Eberly, Lauri e Kratz, Cheryl Murray, and jean Pri ce represe nted AST in a dance marathon to b nefi t th e Heart Association. An Easter egg hunt fo r a loca l child ca re center,
Michigan Tech Instead of compla ining about the snow and the cold this winter, Beta Xis put it to good use. participating in the annu al winter ca rni val at Michigan Tech kept us busy with skit co mpetition , statue building, skati ng, skiing and snowshoe racing. Following the theme of " Melodies in the Key of Ice," we built a 25' x 10' x 12' statue with the slogan " The Yellow Rose of Tech ' s Ice. " On the last gru eling ni ght of statue co mpetition , actives and pledges stayed up all night putting final touches on the statue . by noon the next day we found out that all the hours spent wo rking in the sub zero temperatures had paid off. We wo n fi rst place in ou r division! With our participation in other activities, we took second-place, overall , in the women ' s division . Being resourceful Taus, we survived th e co ld and had a terrific Yellow Rose Formal. The weather and enthu siasm fi-
nall y warmed up in anticipation of the final social event of the spring, the annual G reek Games.
Beta Pi
Eastern Illinois Sp ring semester started on a high note for Beta Pi when they received their charter on january 30 . Mrs. King and many other national officers were present to help initiate the 72 pledges. Since then many things have been going on for the chapter and its members . Linda Dellamaria, chapter president, was inducted into the Order of Omega, a Greek honorary fraternity . Susan Hawk was chosen to represent AST for Greek Women of the Year, and Alexis Bentz took part in the Delta Chi pageant, which is a preliminary for Miss Illinois. Beta Pi also purchased a house and are now in the process of getting it ready for fall. Other activities include bake sales, bedtime stories, elling buttons, and singing at a local convale cence home. Along with all of this, the member are getting ready to participate in Greek Week. Part of this included taking part in an " Air Band " contest where they received the award for be t ynchronization . So far the Beta Pi has recei ed a ard for being econd in the blood dri e, third in canoe, pyramid building, and relay. Our conte tant, Li a Haneklau , came in a the econd runner-up for Greek week queen. The chapter al o recei ed an a ard from th Panhell nic council. - onni L wi
Karen Geary, Lock Haven
Kim Wise, Southeastern Oklahoma
Ma ry Slade, Longwood
Heide-Marie Bliss, Clarion
}o Ellen jo hns, No rtheast Missouri
Susan Waintraub, Alabama-Birmingham
JANE LEWI S, Beta, Central Michigan University, Elementary Education, Senior.
CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Jr. Panhellenic representative, ritual chairman, first rush assistant, junior and senior Pan hellenic representative, executive board, vice president, Panhellenic council scholarship committee. COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Raking leaves for shut-ins in the community, voluntary tutoring in math at an elementary school, floor social chairman, resident hall executive board treasurer, social committee, intramural sports. HONORS/AWARDS: Dean' s list, " AST 3.00 GPA Club" Panhellenic recognition award , nomination fo r Mortar Board, nominated for outstanding senior Panhellenic representative.
JANET WALLACE , Delta, Indiana University, Elementary Education, Senior.
CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Assistant rush chairman, president, nom inating, pledge program.
bat girl, Student Education Association Secretary, President's Club, Richmond College, Dactylokigt club, volunteer worker at deaf and mute recreation center, volunteer worker at Halfway House for ~un足 away girls, " Big Sister" for girl in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Vac~tlon B1ble School, intramural softball, basketball, volleyball, sw1mmmg lessons taught to children and adults. HONORS/AWARDS: Queen, homecoming queen nominee, best pledge, received commendations and certificates from staff and courtiers of Richmond College, London England for outstandmg work and participation in Humanities and European Tours.
MARY JANE PE NDL, Sigma, Buffalo State University College, Special Education/Art Therapy, Senior.
CHAPTER ACT IVITI ES: Inter-Greek Association representative . COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: United Students Government Senator, college senator, Buffalo State Rugby player, IGA representati ve. HONORS/AWARDS : Honesty award by Sigma Tau Gamma .
COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Association for Childhood Education International, Pennsylvania State Education Association, Kappa Delta Pi (Education), president, Intramural Volleyball , visitors in ministry to the aged , Operation Uplift (volunteer tutoring organiza tion). HONORS/AWARDS: Dean' s list, all semesters, Outstanding Coed 1981 .
KAREN GEARY, ZETA, Lock Haven State College, Elementary education , Senior.
CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: President, RLW chai rm an, music chai rm an, pledge co-chai rm an.
COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: College/choir, big sister program.
MARY LOUISE SLADE, Zeta Tau, Longwood College, Elementary Education, Senior.
CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Best pledge, pledge president, constitution cha irman , convention delegate, president, RLW co-chairman of Country Store. COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Freshman production , residence board investigator, legislative board representative, colleague for orientation, orientation leader, vice president of junior class, manager of lacrosse team, elections committee, Oktoberfest skits, music chairman, student life committee, constitution review committee. HONORS/AWARDS: Dean' s list, Alpha Lambda Delta, Kappa Delta Pi, President, Lambda Iota Tau .
HONORS/AWARDS: Dean' s List.
JULIE ANN BELL, Iota, Emporia State University, Elementary educa-
BETH STEINMAN, Upsilon, University of Central Arkansas, Senior. CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: pledge trainer, vice president, president,
tion with emphasis in specia l education and early childhood, Senior.
" Singing Tau " .
CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Pledge class parlimentarian, Best Pledge
1978, assistant rush chai rman , mu sic chairman, co nvention delegate 1980, ru sh chai rman , assistant Panhellenic representative, program director, parlimentarian , pledge trainer, Al:T int ramu rals. COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Cardinal Key ational Honor Society, Xi Phi Honorary Leadership Fraternity, Council for Excepiional Children, Kansas Association fo r the Education of Young Children, The Second Century Club, Selected as Panhellenic Summer Ru sh Chairman 1981 , nominated as Phi Delta Theta Sweetheart, nom inated for Outstanding So rority Woman 1981 , Kappa Delta Pi Honorary Education honors and awards, recipient of Frank Beach Music Scholarship, dean' s honor roll , Who 's Who Among Students in American University and College Students.
DIANA D. MORGAN, Ph i Chapter, Southeastern Louisiana University, Zoology, Senior.
CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Pledge class treasurer, housing director, vice president, president.
COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Lionettes dance team, a little sister of the Maltese Cross (A TA), American Chem ical Society, CarterHarris House Council President. HONORS/AWARDS: ATO sweetheart court, Who 's Who Among Students in American Co/leges and Un iversit ies Green S-Service award, Phi' s Convention queen Candidate, Top Tau of 1980 convention .
SHERRY ROBIN DOTSON, Omicron, Concord College, Elementary Education , specialization in physical education, Senior.
CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: president, sorority growth and development chai rm an, by-laws, 50th anniversary, pledge by-laws, Panhellenic, intramurals.
LISA CERAVALO, Chi, Shepherd College, Senior. CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Treasurer, chairperson of concessions for
athletic events, homecoming committee, parents' day committee, banquet committee.
tion of Health, physical education, recreation and dance, worked with the special olympics confe rence as scorer and timekeeper.
Church .
KIMBERLY DAWN WISE , Rho, Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Elementary Education, junior.
LISA PEELE, Psi, james Madi on Uni er ity, Data Proce ing and Management Information System, Senior.
CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Fall pledge class vice president, pledge class
CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: enior Panhellenic Officer, pre ident, e ecu-
representati ve to junior Panhellenic, best pledge, treasurer, delegate to RLW committees-ways and means, rush , RLW, pledge, social, decorating.
COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: College Choral, cheerleader,
tive council, president' s a ociation, T ocial & social ervice chairman, elor, interviewer Greek coordinator, member, Gamma Gamma hairman,
float chairman, Panhellenic Rep., intervie er ru h ounororit election committee attended RL , Greek wor -
shop, by-laws chairman , fu nd raising, yellow rose , social, rush counselor.
COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Stu dent assistant Data Processing Management Association , hotel-restaurant ~anagem e nt club, Phi Beta Lambd a Business Club, )ayceettes chapter member president Ca rriers Commission , presidents council member, intramu: rals .
HONORS/AWARDS: Panhellenic spirit award , deans list, Gamma Gamma Honor Society, hotel restaurant management scholarship.
TERRI HARRIS, Alpha Gamma, Henderson State University, Pre-law, Senior.
CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Intramural director; assistant pledge trai ner; president; pledge trainer; Panhellenic council.
HEIDE-MARIE BLISS, Alpha Omicron , Cla ri on State Coli ge, Management/library s ience, Senior. CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Liai son office r, ru sh chairman, Panhellenic trea surer and recordin g secretary, fo under's day committees, pledge committee, formal co mmittees, tradition revisions committee and nominating committee . COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Lambda Sigma , Alpha Mu Gamma secretary- treasurer, Phi Beta Alpha, s lection co mmittee, coo rdinator of Greek week, tenni s tea m, ski cl ub, business management association, Library M edia and Information Science Society, peer adviso r, bloodm obile, puppet shows for pre-schoolers, intramurals. HONORS/AWARDS: Dea ns list, Who 's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities, CSC tenn is tournament women 's doubl s champ.
COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Heart and Key cl ub, Gamma Beta Phi honor society, student activities board , student government association.
VICKI SAYER, Alpha Pi , Slippery Rock State College, Therapeutic
HONORS/AWARDS: AST scholarship award, AST Ch apter outstand-
Recrea tion , Senior.
ing Member Award.
CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Ways and means, materials, food , sorority
SUSAN KRATOCHWILL, Alpha Epsilon, Western Illinois University,
growth and development, junior and senior Pan hellenic health services advi so ry board . COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Hostess madrical dinners, parti ci pant of jump-a-th on for ca nce r society, blood banks, hostess president's inauguration, co mmunity food co-op, special olympics, SRSC Dance Th eatre.
Finance, Senior.
CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Pledge class treasurer, treasurer, fund-raising committee, social service committee, senior send-off chai rperson, homecoming committee.
COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Phi Gamma Nu , professional business fraternity, president, convention delegate, student ori entation board, college of business advisory council , student ambassador, tutor in economics, fina nce club .
HONORS/AWARDS: Dean' s academic honor list, Beta Gamma Sigma business honorary, Mortar Board senior honorary, Phi Kappa Phi honorary, Riverdale Chamber of Commerce Scholarship, College of Business Honors Program Scholarship.
JO ELLEN JOHNS, Alpha Sigma , Northeast Missouri State University, Senior, speech pathology. CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Trea surer, pledge director, al umnae director, Greek alcohol interest network, intramurals. COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Speech pathology organization, Alpha Phi Sigma . HONORS/AWARDS: Deans list, Panhellenic scholarship, Alpha Sigma Tau sweetheart.
HELEN A. LEKOWSKI , Alpha Kappa, Marietta College, Speech and Economic Management, Senior.
CAROL JEAN LL YOD, Alph a Tau , Ed inboro State College,
CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: president, vice president, Pa nhel len ic rep re-
sentative, bylaws committee, historian .
CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: President, pledge director, ru sh director,
bylaws committee.
COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Student Nurses of Edinboro . HONORS/AWARDS : Littl e sister of the semester.
HOLLY A. EVERT, Alpha Lambda, Radford University, ECE/ Readi ng, Senior.
SUSAN KELLY, Alpha Ph i, W est Chester State College, Social Wel-
CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Editor, pledge mistress, vice president,
fare, junior.
friendship candlelight mistress, ru sh cou nselor, chairman of food , social, and scholarship co mmittees . COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Student Education Association , Highland band. HONORS/AWARDS: Sweetheart Queen, autumn court finalist, sister of the week award.
CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Inter-G reek Council represen tative, Panhellenic co nference rush chairm an, chapter president.
COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Chester County.
TINA ECCARIUS, Beta Epsilon , Shippensburg State College, jou rn alism/public relations, Senio r.
SUZY VONTUNGELN , Alpha Mu , University of Arkan sas, Monticello, Chemistry, Senior. CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Rush chairman, president. COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Alpha Chi Honor fraternity, secretary. HONORS/AWARDS: Alpha Chi Honor fraternity, dean 's list, Who 's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities.
CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: President, pledge class president, rush and publicity committees.
COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Senator fo r stud ent government, food service co mmittee, student-faculty admin istration relations com mittee, wrote for college newspaper.
SUSAN WAINTRAUB, Beta Zeta, University of Alabam a in Birm ingBERNADETTE CHELLINO, Alpha Xi , Mansfield State College, Child
ham , nursing, Senior.
and Family Services, Senior.
CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Chapter president, Panhellenic representa-
CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: President, assistant pledge chairman, rush co mmittee, float committee.
COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Omicron Gamma Pi, intramural sports, Pennsylvania Council of Family Relation s.
tive, ru sh co mmittee, social committee.
ursing Society, Little Sister-Alpha Tau Omega, intramurals. HONORS/AWARDS: Best Active, outstanding sister of the week.
BONNIE HUTTON, Beta Eta, Southern Ill inois University, Nursing, junior. CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Vice-p resident, recording sec retary, social co mmittee, pledge trainer, Panhellenic al ternati ve delegate. COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Presi dents cl ub, nursing student affai rs. HONORS/AWARDS: Dean' s list.
DEBBIE COLLINS, University of Lowell, Beta Tau , Psyc hology, Senior. CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Recording secretary, housing manager, social co mmittee chairperson, vice president, RLW, national convention queen delegate. COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Student government, intramural basketball , psychology club, nursing club. HONORS/AWARDS: Most athletic sister, Who 's Who Among Students in American Co/leges and Universities, psychology research awa rd .
MARY MARGARET ROHMER, Beta Th eta, St. Mary' s University, English, Commun ication Arts, Senior. CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Fundraising chairperson, publicity chai rperson ed itor, pledge, sorority growth and development co mmittee. COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: English guild, PR department at USAA, internship at chamber of commerce, International Associati on of Bu si ness Communicators . HONORS/AWARDS: Presi dent' s schola rship, resident' s scholarship, Treadaway schola rship, Wilson-Smith english schola rship; Outstand-
ing advancement award for English/Communication dept., dean's list, Delta Epsilon Sigma honor society.
TERRI ANN WEAVER, Beta Iota, Millersville State, El. Ed.-Reading, Senior. CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: President, co rresponding secreta ry, bui!ding chairman , host chairman , intramurals, nominating committee, pledge class president. COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: lntramurals, Ghost Manor for MS, Boy Scout phone-a-thon, bowl-a-thon for scholarship fund , Special Olympics.
MARGARET HAYES, Beta Mu , Salisbury State, Nursing, Senior. CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: Vice president, treasurer, executive committee advisory board, spirit award, treasurer of pledge class. COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES : National Student urses Association, student nurses association , Charles County Community College Alumni Association . HONORS/AWARDS: Spirit award, 3.0 club.
JOANNE DUNSTAN, Beta u, Bloomsburg State College, ursing, Senior. CHAPTER ACTIVITIES: President, chaplain, editor. COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: ursing Student Association . HONORS/AWARDS: Outstanding sister award .
PAN HELLENIC HOUSE DEDICATED AT SLIPPERY ROCK Sue Pholeric, Alpha Sigma Alpha (/eft) , Terry Thome, Alpha Sigma Tau (cen ter), and Cathy Skidmore, Sigma Sigma Sigma, enJOY looking through a photo album in the living room comfort of the recently dedicated Slippery Rock State College Pan hellenic House.
SLIPPERY ROCK, PA.-The Slippery Rock State College Panhellenic Council ha s achieved a fi rst among soro riti es in the East. Th is fall , the eight national chapters at SRSC dedicated th e Panh elleni c Hou se, a house owned by th e college and designated for use by the Council. The sisters now have a home on ca mpu . At SRSC, as in many colleges and unive rsi ti es in the north an d east, there are no so rori ty hou ses. The chap ters eac h have the use of a mall dorm room fo r meetings, but have never had a pia e they could ca ll th ei r own , large
enough to host Panhellenic meetings, Junior Panhellenic meetings, ritual ceremonies and other events. In the fall of 1980, the Panhellenic Advisory Board felt the need for a Panhellenic facility and approached the SRSC administration with the idea. Fortun ately, the college owned a small house on the campu which wa not in u e at the ti me. Nancy Rei nhard , the wife of the president of SRSC, and Rebecca Hulbert , now the college ' s Greek ad isor, were both on the ad iory board at the time, while Michael Sardinsky, former director of studen t
activities and organizations at SRSC, was serving as Greek advisor. The three of them followed through on the idea and made the dream a reality. Once the use of the house wa obtained, the job of cleaning and redecorating it fell to the sororit si ters, who pitched in to clean , paint and maintain the in ide of the hou e. " E er one worked on painting and cleaning the in ide. " aid Cath kidmore, a member of Sigma igma igma, and Panhellenic Council pre ident. " The r all ' take pride in it. "
Beta Epsilon, Shippensburg State Campus Awards: First-place intramural softba ll. Campus Organizations: Denise Deon, Concert Committee Co-Chairman and Campus Radio Assista nt Sales Manager; Tina Eccariu s, Senior Student Senator, Student Han dbook Committee chairman ; Pam Barnh art, " Slate" advertising sa les manager and public rel atio ns director of Cumberland (yearbook); Robin Reed, homecoming committee, half-ti me coordinator . Dean's List: Judy Clayton , Ann Schoen stein , Doreen Stoltzfus, Donna Taylor, Gina Lutz. Honoraries: Kappa Delta Pi (ed ucation) , Judy Clayton , Donna Tay lor and Ann Schoenstein; Pi Delta Epsilon , Pam Barnh art. Crowns and Roses: Tina Eccariu s, homecomin g queen ca ndidate. Individual Honors: Robin Reed , Snayberger Memorial Foundation Scholarship .
Alpha Pi, Slippery Rock
Beta Zeta, Alabama in Birmingham
Campus Awards: First-place, volleybal l tourname nt. Campus Organizations: Li sa Lorenzo, Panhellenic recording secretary.
Dean 's List: Barb Gaud io, Sally Weger, Cathy Gronsky. Honoraries: Phi Chi Theta, Nadema Spott; Alpha Kappa Psi , Laury Massack; Mu Kappa Gamma, Tish Hai nes; Rho Phi Alpha, Barb Gaudio. Crowns and Roses: Mary Ann Las laric, second runn er-up, Slippery Rock Bea uty Pageant.
Alpha Sigma, Northeast Missouri
Campus Organizations: Diane Dameron , UAB Panhelleni c President.
Dean's List: Lea h Burke, Lisa Burdette and Lee Ann Jackso n.
Crowns and Roses: Mary Yeatman fi nis hed in the top five fo r Miss UAB.
Individual Honors: Birm ingham Alumn ae Pan hellenic awarded to Mary Yeatm an with their annu al schola rship, and Lisa Burdette was named outstanding seni or.
Beta Mu, Salisbury State
Campus Awards: Third-place, Greek week ski t. Campus Organizations: Sue lm an , st udent act1 v1t1es board , sec retary, st udent se nate co un cilwoman , ca mpu s view (tv statio n) co-producer; Cathy Colton , Panhellenic vice president. Dean's List: Suzanne Blai r, Diana Brad ley , Laura DeCrooqu , Hazel Dougl as, Carolyn Gl ascock, Beli~d a Green, Wendy Han se n, Jo Ell en John s, Ton i Johnson , L1 ssa Krink , Jenni Meeks, Sandy McKinney, Candy Pettinger, Sue Schiefelbein , Ruth Selby, Susan Smith, Sandy Streb, Susan Tomasek, Theresa Walker, Sue Williams . Honoraries: Alpha Phi Sigma (sc holarship), Jo Ell en John s, Theresa Walker, Sue Schiefelbein . Crowns and Roses: Brenda Nunnelly, Greek week queen candidate路 Sue I man , homecoming queen candidate; Jo Ell en Johns, Top Tau ; Sandy Streb, sweet heart; Li sse Krink, best pledge.
Campus Organizations: Debi Kilby, President, Panhellen ic; Cathy Bound s, Panhell enic delegate; and Andrea Pav lin sky, Panhellenic , sec retary. Straight A Average: Cindy Kirby, Lee Akers, Connie Boswell , Penn y Foster, Gretchen Altergott, Penny Foster, and Ann Kelly. Who's Who Among Students in American Co/leges and Universities: Penny Foster. Dean's List: Cindy Kirby, Lee Akers, Connie Boswell, Penny Foster, Gretchen Altergott, and Ann Kelly . Honoraries: Omicron Del ta Kappa, Penny Foster.
Alpha Phi, West Chester State Campus Organizations: Lori L. Schnure, Panhel.leni c secretary; Marie J. Cameron , Inter-Greek council pres1dent. Straight A Average: Lori L. Schnure, Tn sha Mo~an. Dean's List: Lori Schnure, Mary Beth H age n, Tnsha Moran Honoraries: Abbey Society, Trisha Moran ; Ph1 Epsilon Kappa (h ealth and phys ical education), Missie Parzia l; Kappa Delta Pi (education), Lori Schnure . Crowns and Roses: Susan Callaha n, Greek weekend queen court
Individual Honors: Jennifer Beyer, S1ster of the Year, an
Missie Parzial , Health and Physical Education Department Scholarship.
-page 20
Beta Pi, Eastern Illinois Campus Awards: Panhellenic Outstanding Achievement Award; Third-place in Greek week, canoe race, pyramid contest, 880 relay race; second-place, Greek dance contest; second-place, campus blood drive; pledges, third-place in sc holarship. Campus Organizations: Gwen Camden , Residence Hall Association (RHA) representative; Cheryl Cassica, RHA president; Lind a Commerford , Alpha Chi Omega historian, RHA floor president, and judicial board representative; Aimee DeMuynck, judicial board representative; Eloise Dunbar, Society for the Advancement of Management vice president, and student government pre-admissions representative; Denyce Felton , Phi Alpha Eta secretary; Lindsey Gilmer, RHA social chairman , Susan Hawk, Alpha Phi Omega communicatio ns, and RHA historian; Lajoyce Hunter, university board human potential coo rdin ato r; and EIU dancers, president; Cara Kujula, RHA rep resentative; Brenda Milk, Ford Hall Coun ci l treasurer; Natalie Scott, Student Body executive vice president; Tamm y Skowronnek, RH A vice president; Linda Dellamaria, publications boards student rep resentative,
health services board and judicial board ; and Laura Kolbe, Phi Beta Lambda local and state president. Straight A Average: Linda Dellamaria, jeri Karns, Lisa McEimury, and Cathy Walker. Dean's List: Linda Dellamaria, Denyce Felton, Lindsey Gilmer, Sue Hotchkiss, ancy johnson , jeri Karns, Kim Martson, janean Long, Lisa McEimurey, jan McVey, Peggy Pelati, Cathy Walker. Honoraries: ational Residence Hall Honorary, Linda Commerford ; Order of Omega, Eta Sigma Gamma and Pi Epsilon Kappa, Linda Dellamaria; Phi Alpha Eta, Lindsey Gilmer, Denyce Felton, Jeri Karns, Pam Mason, Sheila Marks, and Jan McVey; Sigma Tau Delta, Denyce Felton; Alpha Phi Omega; Susan Hawk; Phi Gamma u, Teri Horn; Quill and Scroll, Lajoyce Hunter; Beta Beta Beta, Amy Stricklett and Laura Berry; Kappa Delta Pi , Cathy Walker; Sigma Delta Chi , Candy Woodward ; and Alpha Epsilon Delta, Laura Berry. Crowns and Roses: Heather Ford , Penny Queen ; Lisa Haneklau , second runner-up to Greek week queen, and Pike calendar. Individual Honors: Linda Dellamaria, Patti Benjamin Roberts Scholarship Award , top ten Greek women of the year, and Soroptomist Scholarship Award of Illinois.
-page 17
Are you an active membe r The kind that would be missed, Or are you just contented That yo ur name is on th e list? Do yo u attend the meetings, And mingle with the crowd, Or do you mostly stay away And crab both long and loud? And do you take an active part To help your club along, Or are you satisfied to be The kind that " just belongs? " Do you ever ha ve suggestions That are both good and slick Or leave the work to just a few And then talk about a clique, There 's quite a program scheduled That means success, if done; And it can be accomplished, With the help of everyoneSo be at regular meetings And help with hand and heart, Don 't be just another member But take an active part. If you 're not in good standing We 're sure you want to be, So dig up the amount you owe And send along yo ur fee Now think this over, A-S- T Are we right or are we wrong? Are you a rea/live member Or do you " just belong?"
Shepherdstown taps inactive A friendl y atmosp here filled the air as the siste rs started the new yea r at the home of Ruth Dehaven planning a program to moti vate inactive members. A Tupperware party, spo nsored by Marga ret H . Hench , increased the treasury. At a meeting at Barbara Maxwell ' s home, Mr. Thom as G . Vaughan , chief of the Branch of Con servation Labo ra tories of the ational Park Services, told about the resto ratio n and conservation of artifacts located throughout the United States. At the home of Ruth Seibert, members enjoyed ancy Brannon demonstrate the art of spinni ng flax and virgi n wool into different patterns and styles on her spinning wheel. Alumnae joined collegians in the installation of a new member, Cheryl
Turner; and a surprise baby shower for Mary Staley terminated the year' s activities. -Gladys jones
Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor survives Winter The new year brought knee-deep snow, but Michiganians trudged onward. Members learned needlepoint to help Theta' s make AET key chains . Fingers will never be the same. Suzanne Slick' s Tupperware party ea rn ings went into the co nvention fund . joan Meaker held the March business meeting to make plans for Founder' s Day and the annual Mother' s Day luncheon . Founder' s Day was at a Chinese restaurant as outdoors was decorated by eight inches of new snow that fell day! -Mary Lorenz
Historian is Outstanding Young Woman of America Dianne Pierce . Scucchi is ~arried to Thad Scucchi and has two daughters Sandra and Glona. She rece1ved a B.S.E. from the University of Arkansas and has taught in Arkansas public schools and at Pelham Baptist Church Kindergarten in Alabama. She has served as president, newsletter editor and chaplain of the Birmingham alumnae. She was adviser to Alpha Mu and Beta Zeta Chapters. Diane has served on the National Staff as acting chaplain and historian. She is a member of First Baptist Church, Columbiana and is active in se eral church organizations and civic groups.
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Our talented alumnae present a skit on proper phone etiquette.
Ah, back in th e room after a day of meeting .
Cynthia McCrory (left) received the 1982 Mary Louise Doyle Panh e/lenic Award from Sybil King, National Pre ident.
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