Pin Pledging
The Director of Expansion is pleased to announce the Pin Pledging of
Gamma Beta Colony Lake Superior State College Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan September 29, 1985 and
Gamma Gamma Colony Livingston University Livingston, Alabama April13, 1986
Legacies "I want to be an AJ:T when 1grow up!" says Patricia Lauren Powers, daughter of Kathy King Powers, editor.
Vol. 61
No . 1
THE ANCHOR is published in the Fall and Spring. Third class postage is paid at Indianapolis, IN, and at additional mailing offices. Send address changes and business correspondence to:
Alumnae Editor Rose Marie Schmidt 5106 Harvard Rd . Detroit, Ml 48224 Collegiate Editor Margaret Shepherd 33 W . 21st St. Huntington Station , NY 11746
Spring '87 deadline is Jan . 30 , 1987 .
ATTENTION ALL ALUMNAE : Postal regulations require us to pay 30" for every copy not deliverable as addressed . Please notify us of any change of address, giving both the NEW and the OLD address . THE ANCHOR
1986 Convention Queen , Kimberly Curtis , Beta Chi , and her Princesses, Kimberly Manika, Beta Pi and Aimee Herder , Alpha Tau. Congratulations!
J. 0. Pollack Social Service Scholarship Shelley Diane Bates, winner
Catch up on campus news .
On the cover:
Foundation What it is about, how to giue .
Pin Pledging Legacies
4 Produced by Maury Boyd and Associates .
Meet the people who haue been elected to serue you .
Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters P .O . Box 59252 Birmingham , AL 35259 Address editorial correspondence to the Editor: Kathy King Powers 9033 Gavelwood Court Springfield , VA 22153-1124
New Officers
Convention See how we Achieved Success Together
Alumnae News from busy Alumnae Chapters .
Editor's Note: Due to the vacancy in the National Editor position , THE ANCHOR has not been published since the Spring 1985 issue . In the transition period , some of the information may have been omitted and we apologize for any confusion this may cause . I am always looking for new ideas for feature articles for 路 THE ANCHOR. Please feel free to contact me at any time with your 路 ideas! Kathy King Powers National Editor 3
A chieving S uccess Together
~chieving Success Together . . . A Sisterhood of Choice" was the theme of the Twenty-sixth National Convention held at the Henry VIII Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri , June 24-28, 1986. Collegians and alumnae exchanged numerous ideas and helpful hints during the five-day conclave. From the impressive opening ceremonies, through the business sessions, workshops, and banquets, to the closing session , we were reminded of the bonds of sisterhood we share in Alpha Sigma Tau. The Convention festivities began on Tuesday afternoon, June 24, when the National Staff honored Cynthia Peckhart McCrory (Alpha Alpha), NPC Delegate , at a surprise luncheon (and Cynthia was surprised!) for her service as NPC Chairman from 1983-1985. Cynthia was the first Alpha Sigma Tau to serve in this capacity. Lenore "Sybil" Seibel King (Psi) was the toastmistress for this luncheon and presented Cynthia with a scrapbook filled with notes and momentos from her sisters in Alpha Sigma Tau and the National Panhellenic Conference . The formal opening Tuesday evening included the presentation of chapter plaques, roll call, the president's key4
note address , and the traditional candlelighting ceremony . Following the opening session , sisters attended the Memorial Service for all members deceased since the 1984 Convention. Mary Charles Adams Ashby (Chi), National Chaplain , conducted the service and read a special tribute to Mary Alice Sellers Peterson (Iota) , National President 1955-1964, who died last year. At the General Session Wednesday morning , Alpha Sigma Tau was officially welcomed to St. Louis by Teresa Turcotte of the St. Louis Ambassadors . We heard reports from Meda Ray Elliott Sewell (Omicron) , President of Alpha Sigma National Foundation , Inc .; Susan Rogers (Alpha Lambda) , National Treasurer ; Jane Coleman , National Headquarters Office Consultant; and Martee Buchanan (Alpha Lambda) , National Nominations Chairman . Gail Shockley Fowler (Alpha Lambda) , National President, announced her resignation, to be effective at the close of the Convention . Patricia Nayle (Phi) , Director of Expansion , was appointed by the National Council to complete Mrs. Fowler's term . At the National Staff meeting, Terry Winston Dudley (Beta Zeta) , Director of Alumnae, announced that there would be a contest from June 1986-June 1, 1987 to see THE ANCHOR
Address by Cail Fowler
who could sign up the most dues-paying alumnae. The contest is open to individual collegiates, individual alumnae , collegiate chapters, and alumnae chapters. The prizes will be payment of the winners' registration fees for the 1988 Convention . One of the highlights of Convention was the selection of the Queen . Making this choice were the judges, the 1982 Convention Queen , Annette Sanchez (Beta Theta); and Ron and Steve Pollack, of Alpha Sigma Tau's official jeweler, J . 0 . Pollack. While the judges were deciding which of the collegiate candidates would be the Queen and her princesses, Vicky Boyd Wensel (Alpha Lambda) , National Awards Chairman , presented the Margaret M. Macdonald Belle Awards to 31 women who have attended three or more national conventions. Kimberly Curtis, Beta Chi chapter, was selected as Queen for the 1986 Convention. Kimberly is a senior business education major at Ferris State College in Big Rapids , Michigan . She has served as her chapter's recording secretary , fundraiser, and vice-president. Princesses were Kimberly Manika, Beta Pi, Eastern Illinois University; and Aimee Herder, Alpha Tau , Edinboro University of Pennsylvania .
Abo ve : Co nve ntio n registratio n whe re the fun begins. Rush skit . . . wh o's who! E nthusia s ti c Coll egi an s a t Ope ning Sessio n. Page 4 : Candlelighting is tradition dur路 i ng th e formal b a nqu e t at convention .
Scholastics has always been a goal for these groups because all fraternities and sororities have some sort of rules which universally state that a satisfactory academ ic average must be attained before initiation . Today attention to scholarship has become even more paramount with students working, obtaining scholarships, and with sororities vying with other clubs for a respectable position in the academic community. Additionally , leadership training and responsibility are further outcomes of life in a sorority . Time has not really altered the fraternity/ sorority world. We are still people working together to achieve a common goal. As Al:T's we can Achieve Success Together in several ways. On the collegiate level we can actively rush and seek to fill quota with young women who will add dimension to our own individual chapters. We are a sisterhood of choice and we must seek women who are committed to our purposes and ideals. The values of friendship , the fidelity to purpose , the progress of mankind , and Continued page 6
the fuHillment of self are but a few of our spoken creed . Achieving Success on the coUegiate level is fun because you work, live and play as a team. As collegiate sisters we strive to achieve scholastic success for that is our main purpose of coUege life. When we become alumnae, our focus changes. We are now with sisters from all over the nation and aU walks of life. We achieve success together by our continued involvement with Alpha Sigma Tau. The benefits of continuing association with Alpha Sigma Tau are many. For one, I deeply feel that I became involved because I wanted to see the sorority continue. In 1976, when Martee phoned me about a District President's job, I reflected many thoughts. Someone did this job when I was in college. I remembered how she puUed our chapter together. In a sense you could caU it a payback. We aU owe Alpha Sigma Tau and our past National officers a debt of thanks. It is only due to the fact that many have so graciously given of their time that we have reaped the benefits of their efforts. Yes, Achieving Success Together must be a real reality for Alpha Sigma Tau. Together we are very strong. No one is so selfsufficient that she doesn't need the love and support of a sister . . . I know that we can achieve success together as a whole. The opportunities are there . Make or continue to make the effort and reap the regards of our sis-
Schotarsh · Alpha 0 tp Award . tntcron fL . 9tuen to ' ' ntrd <~Ud., M Year in -" ' •elso a row.
Margaret Macdonald presenting Jerry King the Beau Award. He has attended 16 National Conventions.
terhood.~ Founders Award giuen to Alpha Lambda Chapter. Presented to Missy Adams by Ga il Fowler, National Preside nt.
Treasurer Susan Rogers telling conuention not to spend too much!
convention Continued from page 5
Wednesday evening we enjoyed a tour of St. Louis planned by Jeanne Egan Brunworth (Beta Eta) , Edwardsville Alumnae. The first stop was the St. Louis Arch . We boarded barrel-shaped capsules and rode to the top of the Arch , where we enjoyed the spectacular 30-mile view of the city . Back on the ground , we toured Union Station , which is a renovated train station housing many shops and restaurants . We shopped, ate , and did some more sight-seeing until it was time to return to the hotel. The Alumnae Luncheon was held on Thursday . Terry Dudley introduced the guest speaker, Lois Schweikart O'Dell (Lambda), Philadelphia Alumnae president and former Director of Alumnae . Mrs. O'Dell's speech was about building memberships in alumnae chapters and she related several personal anecdotes about her own experiences in Alpha Sigma Tau . At the General Session Thursday afternoon , we saw the slide show on Pine Mountain Settlement School , presented by Mr. James Urquhart, Director of the school. Judy Anderson Hart (Zeta Tau) , Director of Publications, gave her communications workshop titled , "I Heard it Through the Grapevine". Cynthia Peck hart McCrory (Alpha Alpha) , NPC Delegate , gave a talk on the National Panhellenic Conference , and Patricia Nayle (Phi) and Expansion Assistant, Shelley Wascom (Phi) , presented Alpha Sigma Tau's expansion slide show . Before the close of the session , the names of all collegiate Top Taus were announced by the chapter delegates. Thursday evening , we were treated to the results of the pledge and rush workshops held during the week . The six hilarious skits on rush programs , etiquette , and pledge programs, were directed by Julie Bell (Iota) , National Rush Director ; Janet Hanson Dodson (Iota) , Kappa District President; and Debby Dwiggins Alexander (Alpha Lambda) , National Pledge Director . The Awards Banquet was held Friday evening . Toni Elbert Fowler (Alpha Sigma) , Kirksville Alumnae , was the toastmistress. Lynn Sullivan (Alpha Lambda) , Norfolk Alumnae , gave an inspiring speech on sorority involvement. The banquet concluded with the presentation of awards (see listing following this article) and the candlelighting ceremony . At the closing session Saturday morning , the Convention Top Tau-Collegiate awards were presented to Erin Train or (Alpha Xi) and Lorelei Gascard (Beta Upsilon). Lynn Sullivan (Norfolk Alumnae Delegate) won the Convention Top Tau-Alumnae Award . Gail Shockley Fowler (Alpha Lambda) conducted the recognition ceremony for the retiring National officers: Susan Rogers (Alpha Lambda) , National Treasurer, and Cathy Bonds Crapet (Beta Zeta) , Director of Collegiate Chapters . Mrs . Fowler then installed the following newly-elected officers: National President-Patricia Nayle , Phi National Vice-president-Janet Hanson Dodson , Iota National Secretary-Carole Bicking Keily, Alpha Xi THE ANCHOR
Director of Collegiate Chapters- Mary Charles Adams Ashby , Chi Director of Publications- Judy Anderson Hart, Zeta Tau Beta District President- Connie Hietanen , Sigma Delta District President- Heidi-Marie Bliss, Alpha Omicron Theta District President- Carol Cooper, Zeta Tau Kappa District President- Ricki Bargman Trosen, Alpha Sigma The collegiate delegates removed their chapter plaques , and following closing remarks from Gail Shockley Fowler, the Convention was officially adjourned . ~
Convention Awards: Anniversary Awards: Beta Iota , Beta Theta - lOth Anniversaries . Order of the Yellow Rose: Janice Grady Blake, Alpha Epsilon ; Ruth Ann Miller Bonin , Alpha Delta; Judy Anderson Hart , Zeta Tau ; Nancy Rauschenbach LaFiore , Beta Eta; Sharon Eaton Richard , Alpha Nu ; Meda Ray Elliot Sewell, Omicron ; Shelley Wascom , Phi. Music Awards: Original Words/ Borrowed Music- First Place : Beta Iota ; Second Place : Alpha Lambda; Third Place : Beta Xi ; Honorable Mention : Phi ; Original Words and Music: First Place : Alpha Xi. Margaret M. Macdonald Beau Awards: J im Cook- 5 Conventions ; Thomas J . "Jerry" King-16 Conventions . Scrapbook Awards: First Place- Zeta; Second Place-Beta Epsilon ; Third Place - Alpha Omicron . Elizabeth Wilson Efficiency Awards / Collegiate: First Place - Alpha Omicron ; Second Place- Alpha Sigma, Beta Pi; Third Place- Beta Nu . Elizabeth Wilson Efficiency Awards / Alumnae (presented at Alumnae Luncheon) : Buffalo , Detroit , Edwardsville , Houston , Norfolk , Northern Virginia , Philadelphia , Roanoke, St. Louis , Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor . Alumnae Top Tau (presented at Alumnae Luncheon): Kathy Dulice Baecker , Detroit; Nancy Hanner Jones , Norfolk , Beta Zeta ; Gladys Jones, Shepherdstown . Anchor Award (presented at Alumnae Luncheon): Becky Fennewald Beal, Edwardsville ; Edith Elliot, Northern Virginia , Omicron . Helen R. Garman Adviser Award: Dr. Noel Eggleston , Alpha Lambda . Carrie W. Staehle Alumnae Adviser Award: Ricki Bargman Trosen , Alpha Sigma; Dr. Mary Jane Urbanowicz , Beta Epsilon . Scholarship Awards: 1984-1985: Fewer than 20 members - Iota; 1984-1985: More than 20 members: First PlaceAlpha Omicron , Second Place - Beta Pi, Third Place- Beta Iota ; 1985-1986: First Place - Alpha Om icron, Second Place - Beta Pi , Third Place - Alpha Sigma . Mary Louise Doyle Panhellenic Award: Ferne Shumate Phipps (Omicron) . Founders Award: Alpha Lambda Chapter, Radford University , Radford , VA . Ada A. Norton Alumnae Award: Martee Buchanan, Alpha Lambda ; Cynthia Peckhart McCrory , Alpha Alpha . ~
convention " . .. I not only realized the fullness of sisterhood but also learned, experienced, and grew as a sister. This past convention was my first and last as a collegiate. I am sad that I will not be able to experience another one in quite the same way but thankful that I did get the opportunity. Hopefully I will be able to attend conventions as an alumnae . After all , AET IS FOR LIFE!!!" -Kirsten Barron Psi Chapter Delegate . the convention gave us new insights on how to make the sorority grow , and it provided me with many memories that my chapter and the Beta Eta Chapter will NEVER forget! (Right girls??!!!) " -Lynn Kuhnert Beta Psi President "What I learned from Convention was true sisterhood . If I would not have gone to Convention , I would never have met the girls from other chapters, the National Council and Staff. It's such a special bond! Everyone has so much in common and conversations started without any hesitations. I loved the moments that I shared with my sisters from other chapters. The experiences that I received from this Convention are not replaceable with anything I'll ever do or have done . It was a very special trip that will not be forgotten soon!" - Jeannine Gettys Phi President, Convention Delegate
Today has been a winning day f or all of us ... it has been filled with new learning experiences-meet ing new sisters ... or reacquainti ng fri endships that have been apart f or several months, or f or several yea rs ... gai ning some new information t hrough the four great workshops. Let's stop a moment and see a show of hands of how many of us have really good int entions of return ing to your chapte r and incorporating the new/different ideas you have received here int o your loca l chapter? Now let's be honest . . . how m any of you will take t hese ideas and put them to work immediately in your chapter? If you are anyt hing like me, you will have the good intentions of putting these ideas t o work. I can 't tell you how many times I have had good intentions . . . after returning f rom a workshop wit h my work . .. to immediately incorporate some of t he great ideas into my job responsi bilities . . . or even into my sorority work . . . and I didn't do it. Let's make t his t ime different ... let's do it. Kenneth Blanchard, author of a wellknown management book, THE ONE MINUTE MANAGER, has said "TRY NOT, DO OR DO NOT, BUT NEVER SAY TRY. " Let's not just try ... Let's do it, and incorporate what we have learned from each other today into ou r sorority life to make ourselves winners. I am a Winner ... You all are winners ... GO FOR IT. Yes, that's what I sai d . . . GO FOR IT. " Many of us have been misled by myths t hat suggest t hat only the rich ca n win, only the athletic can become superst ars or only the beautiful can get what they want. This is simply not true. Are winners a special breed? You bet!! But t hei r breed is distinguished by action , not by birthright. They are the producers, the forward movers of society who know that it is work that turns the key to success. THEY WANT TO MAKE IT HAPPEN AND THEY KEEP TRYING" . . . let me amend that statement .. . THEY WANT TO MAKE IT HAPPEN AND THEY DO IT. "Winners may not be the brightest people in t he crowd , but they are eager and tenacious. To win . . . it is not necessary to have a high I.Q.; natural endowment is not what counts. Nor is it true that a person who has great talent wil l become a wi nner, because inherent ability doesn't guarantee success." I am proud to say that all sisters of AET can be winners .. . we must strive to do our best, we must tackle the obstacles ahead, and never quit . . . don't put that word in your vocabulary. If we experience a weak moment . . . and all of us do ... when we become overwhelmed by a project or frustrated by a problem . . . go to a sister and tell her how you feel. It will work wonders because you will have anot her "win ner" working to help you through the tough times. I can tell you that it has worked for me, when 1have been troubled or frustrated . . . I have called another sister . . . she has given me the confidence I knew I had . . . and I knew that I cou ld handle t he situ ations. I am a winner .. . and you are a winner ... and let me leave you with this thought ... "There is a time to part and a time to meet, There is a time to sleep and a t ime to eat, There's a time to work and a time to play, There's a time to sing and a time to pray, There's a time that's glad and a t ime that's blue, There's a time to plan and a time to do, There's a time to grin and a time to show your grit , But there is never a time to quit. " GO FOR IT . .. whatever it is you set out to accompl ish.
Patricia Nayle National President THE ANCHOR
New Officers Janet Hanson Dodson, National Vice President Chapter and School: Iota , Emporia State University Degrees Earned: Bachelor of Science in Education , Master of Science in Education Administration AET Activities: Kappa District President Other Activities: Financial Aid Officer, Kansas Techn ical Institute . . . Financial Director , Kansas Wesleyan . . . Teacher, U.S .D. 330. Janet and husband, Duane , (electrician , Bethany College) have a cat and a dog and live in Lindsborg , Kan sas . Janet's interests include school , traveling , cooking , reading , swimming , people and generally being busy .
Patricia Nayle, 8th National President
Carole Bicking Keily, National Secretary
Chapter and School: Phi Chapter , Southeastern Louisiana University
Chapter and School: Alpha Xi , Mansfield University
Degrees Earned: Bachelor of Science, Home Economics Merchandising
Degree Earned: Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
AET Activities: Are the words "rest ," "take it easy" or "relax" in Patricia Nayle's vocabulary? Well , once you meet our National President and see her intensity and dedication , you have to wonder . As a collegiate at Phi Chapter at Southeastern Louisiana University at Hammond , LA , Pat served as Vice President, Treasurer and Historian . Her involvement was recognized with the Top Tau and Kathryn Moore Outstanding Member Awards in 1975 and recognition as the Outstanding Female Greek on campus in 1974. Other collegiate honors include being named to Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities , Who's Who in Greek Sororities and Fraternities of America , Student Union Outstanding Service Award , and the Green S . Award for service to the University . For the past 11 years , Pat has given her talents to the Houston Alumnae chapter as President, Vice President , Treasurer, Historian , Chaplain , Secretary and Editor. In service to the national organization, Pat has served as National Historian , Iota District President , Director of Expansio n and as of the 1986 Convention - Alpha Sigma Tau National President . Pat has attended 7 conventions receiving the Order of the Yellow Rose in 1977 . She also was named Alumnae Top Tau in 1984. Other Activities: Pat lives in Houston , TX and is the Personnel Officer and Benefits Supervisor for the Texas Department of Human Services . And when the words "relax" and "rest" do come into play , Pat enjoys crossstitching, sewing , dancing , aerobics , tennis and cooking . THE ANCHOR
AET Activities: National Music Chairman . . . Area Alumnae Representative . . . Recording Secretary , Vice-President , President, Editor of Northern Virginia Alumnae . . . Fundraising/ Publicity Chairman , Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation . Awards and Honors: Alumnae Top Tau . Other Activities: Executive Secretary, Office Manager of Perpetual Savings Bank (McLean , VA) . . . General Office Supervisor of Hycon Corporation (Bethlehem , PA) . . . Carole and husband , Timoth y, (Orthopedic Technician) reside in Manassas , Virginia . Carole enjoys playing the piano , reading , aerobics and cross-stitch .
Susan Wilson McCarley, National Treasurer Chapter and School: Rho , Southeastern Oklahoma State University Degrees Earned: Bachelor of Science in Education AET Activities: Expansion Coordinator Other Activities: Staff Accountant, M. H . Burcham , CPA . Susan enjoys reading , sports -especially baseball accounting , and Income Tax preparation . She resides in Irving , Texas . Continued page 10
New Officers Continued from page 9
Mary Charles Adams Ashby, Director of Collegiate Chapters Chapter and School: Chi , Shepherd College Degree Earned: Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education AET Activities: National Chaplain . . . Director of Collegiate Chapters . . . District President . . . Program Chairman . . . Examinations Chairman . . . Secretary , Chaplain , Pledge Chairman , Chi . . . Secretary , Ways and Means Chairman , Historian , Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter . Awards and Honors: Ada A. Norton Award . . . Order of the Yellow Rose . . . Top Tau . . . Who's Who . . . AET Outstanding Senior . . . College S enior Leadership . Other Activities: President of the Plains Community League . . . Member of The Plains Town Council . . . Treasurer of The Plains Business and Professional Association . . . Vice-President of The Plains Public Library Board . . . Treasurer of Fauquier High School Band Boosters . . . Member of Warrenton Chorale and Warrenton Presbyterian Church Choir . . . Fauquier Hospital Thrift Shop Volunteer . . . Past president , secretary and treasurer of school Parent Teacher Organizations . . . member and past secretary and newsletter editor of Fauquier Chapter of Embroiderers' Guild of America . Mary Charles and husband , Jack , (a pharmacist with Drug Fair) live in The Plains, Virginia , where she owns and operates an antique and craft shop . Their son , Cary , is a junior in high school and daughter , Emily, is National Historian in AET . The new grandson , Timothy Michael , ranks high on the list of M. C .'s loves . Sewing , needlework of all kinds , AET , "the shop", bowling and the family take up most of Mary Charles' time and interests .
Lenore "Sybil" Seibel King, Director of Fraternity Programs Chapter and School: Psi, James Madison University Degree Earned: Bachelor of Science in Dietetics AET Activities: National President . . . National Alumnae Chairman . . . National Scho larship Award Chairman . . . Alumnae Representative , "Crest" Editor , Psi Chapter . . . Roanoke (VA) Alumnae . . . Birmingham (AL) Alumnae . . . organizer , first Vice-President AET National Foundation , INC . . . NPC Delegate . . . Alternate Delegate. Awards and Honors: Ada A. Norton Alumnae Award . . . Mary Louise Doyle Panhellenic Award . . . Houston Alumnae established Lenore Seibel King Scholarship Grant for AET National Foundation . Other Activities: Treasurer, NPC Executive Committee 10
. . . NPC College Panhellenic Area Adviser . . . Secretary , NPC Presidents Committee . . . NPC Extension Committee . . . Dawson Memorial Baptist Church . Birmingham Zoological Society . . . all levels of office in PTA . . . Concerned Citizens Coalition . . . organizer, officers, Garden Club . . . Dietitian , Lewis Gale Hospital, Roanoke, VA. Sybil and husband , Jerry , consider their greatest interests and joys to be with their family : five children and four granddaughters . Jerry is retired from United States Steel as a design engineer . The Kings reside in Birmingham , AL. Sybil's other interests include sewing , needlepoint, Scotish weaving, crocheting afghans , gardening , cooking and the most enjoyable of all is having family and friends in her home . Oh yes , Sybil's second daughter is AET's THE ANCHOR Editor. Lucy Edwards Younce, Chaplain Chapter and School: Alpha Alpha , Ball State University Degrees Earned: Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in Elementary Education AET Activities: National Nominations Committee . President , Muncie , IN Alumnae . . . President, West Suburban Chicago Alumnae Awards and Honors: Top Tau . . . ANCHOR Award Other Activities: Teacher, Muncie Community Schools . . . Teacher , Valley View Schools . . . Board Mem ber, Teacher, Choir , First Christian Church . . . P .T .G . Secretary , Jane Addams School. Lucy and husband , Steven , (AT&T) have three children , David , James and Gina . The Younce family resides in Bolingbrook, IL. Lucy's other interests are reading , singing and attending her family's countless sporting events . Vicky Boyd Wensel, Awards Chairman Chapter and School: Alpha Lambda , Radford University Degree Earned: Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood and Upper Elementary Education AET Activities: Chaplain , Alpha Lambda Other Activities: Teacher , Greensville County Schools and Patrick County Schools . Vicky and husband, Laurence , (Virginia Game Commission) reside in Stuart , Virginia . Vicky enjoys snow skiing , dancing , ballet and tap . Kathy King Powers, National Editor Chapter and School: Beta Zeta , University of Alabama in Birmingham Degree Earned: Bachelor of Arts in Ballet and Psychology
New Officers AET Activities: National Editor as of 1986 Convention Other Activities: Fort Leavenworth Officers' Wives' Club . . . Leavenworth Alumnae (KS) . Kathy , husband Jim and one year old daughter , Lau~en , have ~ust moved to Springfield , VA . Jim is a Major m The Umted States Army , Special Forces . They enjoy traveling and getting to meet new people and are looking forward to participating in the community . Kathy enjoys ballet, modeling , snow skiing , gardening , any kind of handicrafts and "watching my little legacy grow up ." Yolanda Villarreal Bauer, Colony Adviser Chapter and School: Beta Theta , St. Mary's University at San Antonio Degree Earned: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology AET Activities: Instigator , Corresponding Secretary, San Antonio Alumnae . . . Area Alumnae Represen tative Other Activities: Administrative Coordinator, University of Texas Health Science Center . . . Nongroup Billing Representative , Blue Cross & Blue Shield of North Carolina Yolanda and husband , John , reside in San Antonio , Texas . Her husband is a Ph .D . Professor of Political Science for the University of Texas . Yolanda's other interests are doing cross-stitch and pencil puzzles .
AET Activities: District Preside nt . . . Vice-President, President , Northern Virginia Alumnae Other Activities: Teacher, Holy Cross Child Development . . . Sales Clerk / Representative, Patchwork Place . . . Needlework instructor , Creative Circle Debby and husband , Robert, (C .P .A ., Man ager of Budgets and Costs , Pilot Freight Carriers) have three children , Matthew , Jonathan and Sarah . The Alexan ders reside in Kernersville , North Carolina . Debby really enjoys doing any type of needlework or crafts .
Sherry Dotson Butler, Scholarship Chairman Chapter and School: Omicro n , Concord College Degree Earned: Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education AET Activities: Her first experience in AET at the national level. Awards and Honors: Top Tau Other Activities: Teacher, Gaston County Board of Education . . . Family Life Committee, Memorial United Methodist Church Sherry and husband , Franklin , (Bankers Life and Casualty Insurance) reside in Charlotte , North Carolina . Sherry's interests include flower arranging and various crafts.
Martha Drouvor DeCamp, National Social Service Chairman Elizabeth Knaus, Housing Director
Chapter and School: Alpha , Eastern Michigan University
Chapter and School: Alpha Lambda , Radford University
Degree Earned: Bachelor of Science in Home Economics Education
Degree Earned: Bachelor of Science in Marketing and Management
AET Activities: Student Loan Chairman . . . National Social Service Chairman . . . President , Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor Alumnae Awards and Honors: Ada A . Norton . . . Top Tau . . . Kappa Delta Theta . . . Outstanding Ho me Economics Teacher Award Other Activities: American Home Economics Association . . . Secretary , Ventura County, Home Economists in Homemaking . . . L.A . District , Home Economists in Business . . . Consultant, Educational Information Systems . . . Coordinator , Bishop Sewing Adult Education . . . Teacher , Junior H igh Home Economics Martha and husband, Samuel , have two sons , Ralph and John . They reside in Agura , CA . Martha's other interests include sewing , cooking , swimming , figure ice skating , needlepoint , embroidery , and knitting . ~
AET Activities: Recording Secretary , Norfolk Area Alumnae Other Activities: Construction Loan Processor , Virginia Beach Federal Savings & Loan . . . consumer Loan Processor, Naval Air Federal Credit Union . . . Man ager Trainee , Dr. Pet Centers . . . Deferred Payment Plan Supervisor , Army & Air Force Exchange System Elizabeth resides in Virginia Beach , VA , and rea lly enjoys cooking , traveling , cross-stitch , skiing, tennis and racquetball .
Debbie Dwiggins Alexander, National Pledge Director Chapter and School: Alpha Lambda , Radford University Degree Earned: Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood / Upper Elementary Education THE ANCHOR
classrooms .
Alpha Sigma Tau recently installed a second collegiate chapter in the state of New Jersey . The setting was Mon mouth College in West Long Branch , New Jersey , which is within an easy walk of the boardwalk and beaches bordering the Atlantic Ocean. Alpha Sigma Tau became the fourth NPC group to be established on this campus. The installation activities held on Saturday , April 19, 1986 completed a colonization which initially began when Alpha Sigma Tau was asked to make an expan sion presentation to an interest group at Monmouth College . Mrs . Kathy Roche , an alumna from New Jersey , graciously made the presentation on October 4 , 1984 . Within two weeks , the interest group had chosen to affiliate with Alpha Sigma Tau . By the time the Christmas holidays arrived , the local interest group had been accepted as Beta Omega Colony of Al:T , and was ready to begin working to become a chapter. Shortly after the new year began , plans were underway to formally conduct the pledging ceremony and training during the weekend of February 1-3 , 1985 . Mrs. Gail Fow ler, National President , along with the assistance of Mrs . Kathy Roche , pledged and trained the newest pledge sisters through various group and individ ual sessions . After the initial training was completed , the women of Beta Omega colony were ready to fulfill the various program requirements under the direction of Mrs . Ann Gruber , National Colony Adviser . Throughout the colonization period , Mrs . Gruber corresponded with the women by letter and telephone ; she also visited with the colony women on several occasions to lend support and direction to the women regarding sorority operations . She also assessed what progress was being made in respect to the program requirements . Over the time of colonization , the women of Beta Omega rushed more women to join their sisterhood , handled several fund raising activities-such as delivering candycane reindeers during the Christmas season12
Bf!, AJ:T 's new siste rs.
participated in a "Project Hunger" for social service , and trained their new pledges . In February , 1986 , it was the decision of the National President and the Director of Expansion that Beta Omega be installed as a chapter. So came the big event, when twenty-one women became members of Beta Omega chapter on April 19, 1986 . The newest sisters are Karyn Butensky (alumnae affiliate) , Carol Alto , Patricia Boyle , Tina Campise , Diane Canito , Kathy Cole , Laini Collabella , Sheila Collinson , Maria Connoncio , Dawn Cubberley , Sharon D'Angelo , Jennifer DePaul , Susan Giordano , Karen Harrison , Mary Lusardi , Sandy Lusardi , Cindy Netchert, Beth Pergament, Denise Pyskaty , Kathy Rinalli , and Monica Wolf. Initiating the women were Mrs . William Fowler , National President ; Miss Patricia Nayle , Director of Expansion ; Mrs . James Gruber , National Colony Adviser ; Mrs . William Roche , Mrs . Robert O'Dell , Miss Ann Marie Carroll , and Miss Roseann Muriello , alumnae from Pennsylvania , New Jersey , and ew York . In the evening of April 19, the Beta Omega chapter celebrated its installation with a banquet in Anacon Hall on the Monmouth College campus . Jennifer DePaul , president of Beta Omega , served as Mistress of Ceremonies , and opened the banquet by welcoming the national staff of Al:T , guests and new initiated sisters . Following the devotion and dinner , Mrs . Fowler addressed the audience and then began the presentations by awarding the charter to Jennifer DePaul. Miss Nayle presented a Certificate of Installation to Mr . Jeff Bartlett , administration representative of the college , to represent our establishment on the Monmouth College campus . Miss DePaul , chapter president , also received the gavel from Mrs . Gruber and the chapter plaque from Miss Carroll . The installation came to a wonderful closing as gifts from the national organization and from various alumnae and collegiate sisters were presented to Beta Omega by Mr . O'Dell and Miss Muriello . THE ANCHOR
Collegians Beta
Central Michigan University At the end of spring semester, the sisters of the Beta chapter were proud to initiate seven new members . The total chapter membership is now 63. Besides initiating our own new members Beta also helped the sisters of the Beta Chi chapter with their rush program . Last semester the Sigma Chis were our brother fraternity . The sisters of Alpha Sigma Tau participated with the Sigma Chis in their annual philanthropic project on February 13 and 14. We helped them with their two day Red Cross Blood Drive . Other service projects include donating non -perishable items to the victims of the Forum Apartments fire and participating in the MTV Millions against Multiple Sclerosis Rock-a-Like contest. This event included competition 13 midwest schools. Our group won from CMU by raising the most money. As a community service , the AET's work with the police , local car dealers and other fraternities and sororities in a program to drive drunk drivers home. This involves placing phone numbers at local bars and restaurants where each fraternity and sorority on call can be reached . If a person feels that they are incapable of driving home they can call the listed number and a person from a fraternity and sorority will drive them home . During the spring semester , the sisters of Beta were pro ud to receive the prestigious award of being the most involved chapter in the campus Panhellenic Association . Combined with the efforts of the president (Amy LaFrance) , senior pan he! delegate (Donna Pollard) , and junior pan he I delegate (Christine Campbell) , each member actively contributed their time to earn the award . We were in volved in such activities as fund raisers , greek functions and Panhel Executive Board service . We had an 100 % efficiency record . During Greek Week this year, our chapter captured many honors . In Greek Sing, with the theme of "Movies ," the AET's took first place by singing songs from " Beverly Hills Cop ." This was very important to our chapter , because we had put in long and hard hours of practice and also because we have placed in Sing for the past couple of years , but we had never won! During the middle of the week our chapter placed in such e vents as track , swimming and tug-of-war. This year has been very successful for our chapter and we look forward to an
even better year in '85 -'86 . - Barb Guenther
Indiana University of Pennsylvania Some say love - it is a family that helps you when you're down Some say love- it is a companion that helps without a sound Some say love-it is a feeling a smile turned from a frown We say love-i t's you the sisters that we're so glad we fo und - lyrics to Spring '84 Pledge Class Song
We welcomed nine new members into the Delta family this Spring after holding three rush parties . The "New York , New York, " "Neon Night," and "A Night With the Taus" parties brought us pledges Amy Jo Baldoni, Lori Eddy , Wendy Edwards , Terri Fornear , Kim King , Debbie Lauth , Jean Moffo, Susan Paul and Sez Sharkey . The semester started out with many social plans; Greek Week , Derby Daze , a date party, a formal and hosting a Regional Leadership Workshop . The date party was he ld at the Eagles Club on February 15. Our sweetheart, Tim Vojtasko , escorted Vice-President Teresa Pendrick. Tim is a brother of Phi Sigma Kappa at IUP. Hard work followed in our dancing footsteps as committee heads and cochairs Ke lley Lewis and Rebecca McCiincy geared up for the R.L.W .
Our guests included delegations from Clarion University , Edinboro University, Dusquesne University , California State University , Slippery Rock University, State College at Buffalo , Central Michigan and a surprise visit from our sisters at Shepherd College . We were also honored to host National Council members Gail Fowler , Susan Rogers, Mary Sinibaldi and Judy Hart . The weather was typically IUP-overcast , but the schedule we prepared kept o ur new friend s running through the raindrops . Games, workshops, skit competitions , cheering and meetings with National staff were all part of the weekend . The highlight of the workshop for us was a formal banquet held in the Blue Room of Sutton Hall . Speeches by Indiana's IFC president Mike Bova and Interim Vice-President for Student and University Affairs Dr . Charles Fuget rounded out the dinner , a slide show and song were presented by Delta members . The R. L. W. workshop brought us even closer together and this bond was celebrated at our formal in Greensburg , April 13. Plgnned by the pledges and pledge mom Tamm y Bleicher , "A Night to Treasure" brought the announcement of Terry Fornear as "Best Pledge" and " Most In spirati onal Pledge Sister". Danielle Mizikar was picked as "Most Inspirational Sister" by the pledges . The semester wound down with back to back Derby Daze and Greek Week competitions . AET won second place in Derby Daze tug-of-war.
Betas practice their technique outside th eir house that won them first place in Central Michigan 's Greek Sing.
Collegians Greek Week opened with our performance of "New York , New York," "Nasty Girls ," and "On Broadway" with Phi Kappa Psi fraternity . Sigma Nu was our partner in pyramid building, Theta Xi in frisbee football and Kappa Sigma in chariot races . The Taus enjoyed all the events , winning a third place in volleyball and a third in Jello Jump . The annual senior banquet gave the graduating seniors' families a special look at what friendship their daughters found in AET . The seniors' little sisters read them poems and gave them yellow roses. Our love goes out to the 12 graduates, along with a vote of thanks for teaching us how to promote a strong sisterhood; JoAnne Dombroski , We ndy Free man , Kim Massie , Susie Mcilwain , Danielle Mizikar , Sheila Mowry , Karen O'Dell , Connie Rexford , Susan Roper , Traci Salsy , Carrie Vish and Kelly Wolfe .
The Delta Cha pter is proud of sister Joyce Sadowski for receiving a full scholarship to study in Plymouth , England .
Indiana University of PA was the scene for Beta district 's Regional Leade rship Wo rkshop with hosts th e Delta chapter.
The Top Tau award was presented to Rebecca McClincy at the senior celebratio n . Fro m her term o n Panhellenic Council secretary to R.L.W . chair, Reb showed our chapter how to share one's talents and energies for causes that really count. Stre ngthening our social service is something that counts for all the sisters . Karen Bowser, chairperso n for sorority growth and development , is organizing activities for next fall. This semester we helped in the campus Special Olympics and were involved in a picnic for retarded citizens . We are planning to start an annual event that includes !UP Greeks next semester. We look forward to another successful rush and plan an ali-day picnic to brainstorm rush ideas for parties when we return in the fall. - Andrea J . Baran
Z eta
Lock Haven Univers ity This spring semester has been full of fun and busy as well. The sisters of the Zeta Chapte r have been searching for a ho use we can call ours for years . Currently , we are looking into one that will allow us to re nt from the owner for a period of time . We are excited and hopeful abo ut this endeavor. April was a month in whic h many of o ur events took place . Mid-month the Zeta's held the annual Yellow Rose Formal. Sisters , alumni and dates traveled to Williamsport's Sheraton where they enjoyed an evening of dining and dancing . Am y Dupree , our District President , came to visit. She suggested several ideas for fund raisers , sorority unity , rush activities and greek relations .
During the month of May there are many events sc heduled . The sisters competed in a game titled "Hunt". In this event sisters and pledges of all sororities on campus shoot the others with water , having the remaining person receive a prize . The Zeta's have been selected to hold the office of vice-president of the Pan hellenic Board. The sisters chose Pam Klinefleter to run for the office . Zeta's were also involved in Greek Olympics. All greek organizations competed against each other in events ranging from an egg toss to bed races . As a social service , the Zetas showed a hazing film to other greek organizations and to local groups as well. We have had 50/ 50 raffles and aluminum can drives in which we plan to use the profits for our scholarship , housing , formals , conventions and Regional Leadership Workshops . There are plans for a 50/ 50 drawing over the summer and a Labor Day fund raiser . We have a new idea for incoming freshmen to remind them of things that they might forget to pack such as a popcorn popper! The spring semester began with the rush theme "Tau Search" from the television game show Star Search , Lynne Partridge was our rush chairman . The sisters dressed in their green and gold letters and competed in a "Tau Pursuit" game using sorority and rush information . We picked up ten pledges through rush and four open bids . These 14 enthusiastic girls include : Dee Adamczyk , Jackie Chappell , Sue Cowan , Paula France , Shelley Garber , Sheri Gordon , Judy Haas , Deanna Jucknik , Lisa Keirn , Lisa Knappenberger , Jenny Koehler , Luan Matoushek , Wendy Smith and Cindy Wamsley . We wish good health and happiness to all Alpha Sigma Tau sisters! -Laurianne Robison
Concord College This semester has been a very busy one for Omicron Chapter at Concord College . First , we started out the semester with four great pledges: Kim Anderson , Rachel Griswold , Nancy Largen and Carolyn Miller. The big event of the semester was when the Alpha Taus won Greek Games by a large margin . We participated in other athletic event such as basketball in which we took third place ; a volleybali
Collegians tournament; and softball . Also , two of our sisters are women's doubles badminton champions of intramurals . Big Sis' Lil' was a real treat . The actives had to dress up as Nursery Rhyme characters such as Mother Goose, Little Bo Peep and Little Boy Blue . Everyone had a blast. We had three rush parties this semester. The first one was a Tau Wonderland party. We asked trivia questions that pertained to winter. We served hot chocolate and popcorn balls . The second party was a St. Patrick's Day party. We played a variety of games and served refresh ments . The third was an Open House Rush party , with people just floating in and out on visitation . To end the semester with a bang, we had our Yellow Rose dinner and dance at a Chinese restaurant. Everyone had a fantastic time . We also had our annual Parent/ Daughter Banquet, where we presented mothers with yellow carnations. All good things have to come to an end for a semester. We will be ready and geared up to come back next fall and have a very successful formal rush . -Catherine Green
Buffalo State's Second Annual Lawn Chair Day. Profits were used for Sigma's Annual Senior Party. A Cut-a-thon for a children's hospital was held Valentine's Day with a local beauty salon donating their services. A weekend of selling memberships for the Buffalo Zoo was held in mid -April. Then , AET and Tau Kappa Epsilon cosponsored Daffodil Days in March. On-campus , we were involved in in tramural and Greek activities . Our floor hockey team , the "Tough Taus" proved to be enthusiastic , if not as successful as we had hoped . Our record of 0-5-1 did not do justice to the amount of fun , spirit and optimism we played to demonstrate. An AET I AEA picnic was held in the end of April complete with gam es , supper-swap and secret sisters . The Inter -Greek Association he ld Gree k Week during mid-April. Programs such as " Meet the Greeks " and " Gree k Games" were slated . This su mmer was full of big plans for rush. -Susan Kielbasinski
Zeta Tau
Longwood College
State College at Buffalo
The most noteworthy event this year was planning and preparing for Zeta Tau's 50th Anniversary. That special day will be remembered for a long time by all of those who took part and created special memories. Spring rush was an active time for us . We had a "Name that Tune" party where sisters and rushees, alike , struggled to figure out the answers. We went to the "Beach" for a day of sun and fun and spent an evening eating popcorn and enjoying "M-TV" in our chapter room.
The sisters of Sigma Chapter were very pleased to initiate 6 new pledges after spring rush. We were proud that they all did so well on their pledge tests . We were successful raising money and becoming involved with social service projects . An exciting "I Survived the Flood of '85 " party helped the chapter to raise $130. That , in addition to doughnut sale profits help ed to fund the concession booth Sigmas sponsored at
Sisters and rushees during rush . Our th e me was Come Party in Tau -Hit i.
The sisters of the Zeta Tau Chapter had a lot of fun at a yard sale and a car wash . We also sold cups at this year's Regional Leadership Workshop. All of the money raised at these activities went to pay for our chapter's 50th Anniversary celebration . Our annual Swing-a-thon was very successful. We also adopted a resident at the Holly Manor Nursing Home in Farmville . The sisters participated in intramural softball, tennis, bowling and foul shooting. ZT sisters took part in all of the Go Greek Week activities . An annual Easter Egg Hunt had us hopping along with our fellow Greeks . - Beverly Dickerson
South Louisiana State With all new goodies from Santa moved in and the dorm once again being called home, Phi Chapter was in full swing beginning with rush . The additional six new pledges highlighted the start of spring for AET . We proudly announce o ur new pledges : Sharon Brown , Lori Edwards , Judith Lambert, Deboras McKinney , Lisa Priez and Stacy Whittington . In February , we attended the Regional Leadership Workshop at St. Mary's University in San Antonio , TX . We were proud to receive the best attendance , best skit and most spirited chapter awards . Once again we held our Rock-a-thon for Pin e Mo untain . Robin Blanchard worked very har d to get everyone "Rockin ." Greek Week is AET's favorite spring activity and we ended the week with man y trophies . The Phis huffed and puffed a second place in the track meet and swam our way to a second in the swim meet. Being the wild and crazy girls that we are , of course we won first place in Anything Goes! Phi Chapter wants "Muscle" and that is exactly what we received . Our second annual Mr. SLU body building contest was a huge success; the profits from Mr. SLU were put into o ur house fund . Look out sorority row here we come! The Southeast Panhellenic Conference was attended by Colleen Carrigan and Deborah Gl aser. Th e weekend turned out -to be very rewarding . Colleen and Deborah attended many workshops presented by speakers from all over . The
Collegians new ideas will help SLU have a very successful fall rush . Our annual Ye llow Rose Formal was held May 4 , 1985 . New officers and new initiates will be escorted by eight handsome fraternity men. Jeannine Gettys , president; Eva Blackwell , vice-president ; Tina Warren , treasurer ; Malia Witte , recording secretary ; Terri Tillis, rush director ; Robin Blanchard , pledge director and Michele Ortalano , ho using , were elected for Phi's new chapter officers . After all of the decorations are taken down and the dresses sent to the dry cleaners , we will miss all of o ur graduating seniors : Rebecca Hyme l, Patricia Keller , Nicole McKee and Debbie Melancon . Even though not at school they won 't be too far away. They will be in their nearest alumnae chapter. - Molly L. Paris
Shepherd College We were all glad to be back for the Spring and celebrated during Rush activities . We held a doughnut party and showed the movie "The Dead Zone ," which everyone enjoyed . Chi sisters were busy this year staffing concession stands at football and basketball games for the college . Other fund raisers included sales during St. Patrick's Day and Easter. The sisters were especially proud to receive the Panhellenic spirit award . It was the first time the award was ever presented and we enjoy going down in the college's histo ry . We held the position of vice-president of Pan he llenic. Chis were active with other Greeks in the campus' information picnics and with other A2::T's at the Regional Leadership Workshop held at Indiana University of Pennsylvania . We hosted alumnae during homecoming and taped their advice during sorority training workshops . Alums also came back for the Fo unders Day dinner. An organizational meeting was held during the summer in mid-July . - Lilly Thompson
theme of "I wish they all could be Alpha Sigma Tau girls ." We were busy with many social and service activities . We raised money for the chapter through a car wash , trash clean -up , Valentine's balloon sales , bake sale and a men 's night at JMU . We also visited our "grandmother" and gave her flowers for Easter . In intramurals , we competed in volleyball , softball , diving , swimming , basketball and track . Our panhellenic involvement included Greek Week , a blood drive and Panhel Social Service Week. We sang o ur hearts out to some of our alumni who attended Greek Sing , and learned a lot from the Greek leadership workshop. On campus, the Psis danced in the Super Dance for Muscular Dystrophy and participated in the student government elections. We were able to buy a new carpet for the foyer , and a vacuum to keep it at its best. - Robin Windsor
Alpha Epsilon
Western Illinois University The Taus of Alpha Epsilon are simply shining after a super semester filled with excitement , accomplishments , new programs and fun! The semester started with a great rush . We got nine great girls and once again Alpha Epsilon was the only chapter on campus to will the sorority total of 85 . Our new pledges are Sherrie Lewis , Dannette Kn ott , Karen Baines , Marcia Christoffel , Debbie Schoen , Mary Towmey, Jennifer McCord , Lori Sivienty and Jodi Johnson. We are all so
proud of them and the activities they did during our new pledge program . Our pledge trainer, Denise Stephens, designed a new program full of fun activities to promote better relations between the active members and the pledges . Some of the activities were a scavenger hunt , fun with all the pledges classes still present in AE , Mom steal, daughter steal , house take-over, games night with events such as "Name your pledge/ sister", and philanthropies like raising money for Easter Seals. The AE Chapter raised money for American Heart Association by going door-to-door at the houses in Macomb . We also had a balloon drive for the Heart Associatio n . Our traditional money maker, the Alpha Sigma Tau Sweetheart Calendar is being prepared by calendar chair Beth Dollar for the beginning of the semester next year. The calendar features WIU's top-ten men in categories such as academics , activities on campus and , of course , looks! One of the highlights of our semester was an exchange we had with the Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority. We played games , watched movies and ate popcorn . It was a super wa y of promoting Greek relations while having fun , and we also discovered ho w very much alike all sororities are . Hopefully, it will become a tradition with AE . Our social chair , Marla Newman , did a great job putting together other social activities this semester- a "Spring Break" exchange with S igma Nu fratern ity, which was held the weekend before spring break ; a hog-roast at the Alpha Gamma Rho house with Delta Sigma
James Madison University This year , Psi's parents' banquet was o ne of the most enjoyable times . Honor awards were handed out . Rush was not held this spring , but we are psyched for o ur fall rush with the 16
Collegians Phi fraternity, Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity , Alpha Sigma Alpha and Sigma Sigma Sigma sororities and us ; our spring party which was held on a riverboat on the Mississippi River in Davenport , Iowa and our annual kidnap party . Promoting Greek relations has been a pleasure for the Taus at W!U . The highlight of our semester was winning Greek Week for the second year in a row. We placed first over all the sororities. Throughout the week we had activities such as a Sigma Sing, in which we placed second, Tug-of-War, God and Goddess Competition , dinner exchanges, Greek Fair , Dance contest , in which Cathy Chenoweth of AE took first place , and a D.J. contest. One fun event that all sororities and fraternities took part in during the week was a Super-dance. We danced for six hours to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy. More than $3 ,000 was made . We are proud of our sister Denine Guy , who was the chair of Greek Week , along with a Delta Sigma Phi brother . Other chairs on the Greek week committee from our chapter included Laura Anderson and Liza Zabel. Kelly Richardson, our Goddess representative , came in first runner up in the competition. What an exciting week it was, especially when we received the Spirit Award for the entire week . Ann Kilbourne , our chaplain , and Kelly Richardson , song chair , began a new AE tradition : the "Tau Sweetheart Serenade ." When a fraternity member gives a sister a lavaliere , pin or becomes engaged to one of our sisters , we sing fo ur songs at the fraternity chapter meeting and present the lucky man with a flower . We just chose new officers and are psyched for a terrific year ahead of us . We are working together to become even better , because that is what we believe Alpha Sigma Tau is all about! -Liza Zabel
Alpha Lambda
Radford University Alpha Lambdas have had an extremely busy and productive semester . To get things started , elections were held and new officers were installed. The new officers are : Tammy Green, president ; Missy Adams , vice-president ; Margy Dolan , recording secretary; Karen Sweeney, corresponding secretary; Dianne Widener , treasurer. Officers elected, the work began . The Muscular Dystrophy Association Super-
We visit the elderly in a nearby nursing home and drive them to the grocery store. It was a busy , but successful semester for Alpha Lambda . - Teresa Sullivan
Alpha Xi
Mansfield University Alpha Pi 's Cindy Smartt , Lisa Marino , Tammie S chmieler, Rose Alban o and Lo ri Short show off their 2nd place Greek Week trophy ca ptured by the sorority .
dance set the pace for a successful semester. Shari Brown was co-chair with Steve Perkins of Alpha Sigma Phi. They managed to get Johnny Sportcoat and the Causals along with the Skip Castro Band to keep the dancers going for the 28 hours marathon . Games and contests were planned to keep the dancers' spirits up and help them to have a good time . Many Alpha Lambdas participated in this successful event to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association . Alpha Lambdas raised money for Big Brothers and Big Sisters by Bowl-forKids-Sake . We never knew who our bowlers were! Finally, at the end of March came Sweethearts. It was held at the Blacksburg Marriott and included dinner, dancing , a slide show and an awards ceremony. It was a fantastic banquet. The next major event on the Alpha Lambda ca lendar was the Regional Leadership Workshop . Highlights of the weekend were a banquet , rush skits and awards and the chance to be with sisters from all over . Greek Week at Radford held sporting events, trivia bowl and a dart tournament. The pizza eating contest was right up Alpha Lambda's alley ; first place was no problem . AET took first place in tugof-war; second place in the relay race , egg toss , and mile relay and third place in the egg eating contest, chariot races and the obstacle course. AET won several Panhellenic awards: Efficiency Bowl , Pledge Scholarship , and the Scholarship Bow. We also received one of the Panhellenic Awards of Excellence . These major events didn't stop Alpha Lambda from its regular ro utine . We had a doughnut sale and a candy sale to raise money for sweethearts. Our chapter has adopted a child from Equador.
Rush included a party with the theme "Putting on the Hits ." The sisters performed lip sine to groups ranging from the And rews Sisters to the Beatles to Boy George . Money was raised for the chapter through sub , candy and raffle ticket sales, and the sisters helped the Lions Club sort through tin cans and the Cancer Society sell daffodils . Alpha Xis participated in Greek Week and a Panhellenic Volleyball Tournament. Letter day saw all the Greeks on campus , including the sisters of Alpha Xi , wearing their letters and the chapter supported college athletic teams as spectators. The chapter lounge is now a little more entertaining , thanks to the addition of a TV and HBO . -Joanie Cole
Alpha Pi
Slippery Rock The sisters of Alpha Pi are excited to announce the we have rented a house . We were nervous about the responsibility , but with the encouragement of our alu mnae we decided to take the step . Ten girls will move in next fall and we spent most of the summer finding furnishings for it. Our western theme during Rush must have shot pledges right where it counted , because we gained 11 pledges for our Beta Beta class . The sisters and pledges were active in many ways . Alpha Pi sponsored two raffles that were based on the daily number winners of the PA lottery. We held a Walk-a-thon for Cystic Fibrosis where we walked 18 miles along with members of the community . The Alpha Pis participated in intramural basketball and although we did not place , we had a great time . Delta Zeta sorority held an all-sorority cookout this year. Tammie Schmieler was appointed public relations chairperson of Panhellenic. The Alpha Pis made it to quarter finals in the College Bowl.
Collegians Our three-year reign as Greek Week champions was ended this year when we placed second behind the sisters of EEE. Greek Sing was postponed until next semester , and we participated in a Cleanup America event with the SRU Greeks and picked up litter in Slippery Rock in April. Our alumnae have been very supportive this year, not only with the house , but also during Greek Week . We have decided to start an alumnae newsletter to help us stay in close contact. - Tammie Schmieler
Alpha Sigma
Northeast Missouri State University The spring semester at Northeast Missouri State University was very active for the Alpha Sigma Chapter. The semester started with a successful open rush . The week included a roller skating party , a "Rock with AET party", and a "Mount Tahoe" party . At the conclusion of the week , every bid extended was accepted making this the most successful rush of the chapter. Spring Rush '85 also had the largest spring pledge class ever. Early in the semester fund raisers were held for Pine Mountain Environmental Center. The climax of all the hard work was a trip to Bledsoe , KY over spring break . In March , the Kirksville alumnae chapter sponsored a St. Patrick's Day party which gave the pledges a chance to meet the alumnae . In April , we held our an nual Yellow Rose Formal with the theme : "All I Need" . Many alumnae traveled to be with the chapter at this event. Also during April the annual Panhellenic/ IFC-sponsored Greek Week was held. The chapter captured many honors. The week , chaired by Alpha Sigma's Melody Marcantonio began with a torchwalk followed by the volleyball game between the sororities on campus , Alpha Sigma won. During the awards banquet , Suzanne Blair was presented the Outstanding Greek Woman award and chapter adviser Ricki Trosen was presented the Outstanding Adviser award .
Alpha Tau
Edinboro Disappointed with a formal rush that
only brought in two pledges, the sisters of Alpha Tau stirred up their determination and gained six more pledges during open rush. Formal rush parties included a Mexican Trivial Pursuit Night. One open rush party was a beach party , where sisters imitated singers , hosted by Joan Rivers. Another was "Rock with ASTs", where sisters performed popular dances over the years , and explained how AST changed and improved with them . A Valentine flower day sale and raffle and bake sales raised money for the chapter and sisters also worked as ushers in the concession stands at the Erie Youth Theater. Alpha Taus placed third overall in Greek Week activities , winning first place in the swimming contest. The chapter also ran with the brothers of Phi Kappa Psi and helped the college by participating in the annual alumni phonathon . The sisters joined other sorority members in a dance sponsored to benefit the American Heart Association . A summer workshop in July was planned to work on rush and Homecoming . - Renee Carothers , Mary Arbuckle
Week. LET'S GO FOR IT GIRLS! Our rush season started as a booming success and out from it blossomed 18 new pledges . Some of our rushes included a "Storybook", "Revenge of the Nerds" and "Stars and Stripes" rush, where Susie Atkinson , one of our colony members , joined us . Susie's enthusiasm for AST and the chapter helped to show rushees the importance and the wonderful things AST has to offer . When Susie was through her talk to the rushees , we thanked her with a gift of an AST lavalier-something she has always wanted . Preparations are underway for the Regional Leadership Workshop to be held in the fall. We are looking forward to being the host chapter and meeting all the sisters who will be joining us . This spring we held our Yellow Rose Formal and we are pleased to award Top Tau to Judy Cuffaro and Laurie Walter the Lisa J o Ziegler Award . Everyone had a wonderful time . There was a fabulous buffet prepared for dinner , and the evening was topped off with a wide selection of songs arranged by the D. J . As the spring draws to a close , we bid farewell to 14 seniors with tearful eyes . We wish them the best in the future and thank them for all their dedication . - Barb Murphy
Beta Eta
Southern Illinois
Top Tau Judy Cuffaro , Beta Epsilon .
Beta Epsilon
Shippensburg University As life goes on at Shippensburg University , the Beta Epsilons are keeping on top of it all. Greek Week was held again this year, with the defending BE Taus taking first place once again . Through a week of fun and games the drive and enthusiasm of the chapter never ended . The excitement is already growing for next year's attempt at Greek
Beta Eta has been very busy this school year. We started the winter off with a Nerd/ Nerdette party and saw some hilario us costumes . We gave AST mugs to the best dressed Nerds and Nerdettes . We attended a local talk show (like Donahue) and all of us got to be on T .V.! We sold carnations on Valentine's Day and delivered them to school offices and apartments . Besides being fun , we made $600 to use toward our Spring Formal. Rush party themes were "At the Movies" and "Beach Party Fun". For "At the Movies", we seated our rushees as if they were at a movie theater and served popcorn during our slide show . Two sisters were dressed as ushers and old movie posters hung from the walls . As a result of these parties , we are proud to welcome new members Nikki Johnson Danette Dorsey and Eileen Baggot. Th~ new pledges were Mary Ann Rinehart and Lisa Davis . Our biggest service project this y ar
Collegians was a benefit dance for Veterans of Foreign War and received much Greek support. Although we are a small chapter, we undertook this big event and it proved to be very successful. We also held a Mother/ Daughter brunch and gave every sister an award, even if it was "The sister who attended the most rock concerts." This year we adopted three new mascots. Alvin, Simon and Theodore-The Chipmunks. When they sit on our rush table , their T-shirts read AST . Summer plans include a picnic with Beta Psi Chapter from St. Louis University. We wish the best of luck and will miss our graduating sisters-Nancy Hanks , Kathi Klingele and Lynn Elliot. -Gina Gehrs
Beta Tau
University of Lowell Beta Tau was busy as usual during spring semester. We have increased our membership by fourteen new sisters. Diane Capone (rush director) and Donna Marie Grenier (pledge director) should especially be thanked for their efforts . In January, we spent our Winter Help Weekend in Glouchester , MA. The sisters had a great time "breaking in" our pledges-teaching them some of our crazy songs and games as well as information needed for their pledge exam and some of the traditions and rituals of Alpha Sigma Tau . In March , we participated in Greek Week at U. of Lowell. Events included a pie eating contest , bed races, a movie night in which we gave out free popcorn and soda , and informational booths set up on campus. Beta Tau placed second overall in the Greek Olympics in April. We won the tug-of-war and Terri Pollock placed first in the 2 .7 mile road race. Pledges were busy with fundraising which included coffee and doughnut sales, a raffle, and Tuck Ins. For one dollar, a student could get a bedtime story and tucked into bed . What a deal! The sisters' fundraising included chocolate Valentine lollipop sales , a raffle , button sales , selling custom engraved glassware, and a hamburger day. Some social service projects we have done include a Blood Drive , sending supplies to Pine Mountain , working with Delta Kappa Phi on their annual Big Brother / Big Sister Day, and helping to open St. Mary's Camp in Tyngsboro,
Congratulations are in order for our graduating seniors-Diane Capone , Fran Fidaleo , Carol Grenier , Chris Hayes (Dec . '85) , Lisa Maginn, and Cathy Squires. We thank them all for their efforts and hard work and wish them the best with their careers. The seniors were honored at our Senior Banquet on May 4th . Special congratulations to those who received Senior awards . - Carol Anne Grenier
Beta Theta Beta Epsilon sisters discuss the strategy that helped them to win first place during Greek Week at Shippensburg University .
MA . The camp opening included raking (and lots of it!) , hanging swings, and setting up seesaws and picnic tables . Other sororities and fraternities participated too and the day was concluded with a cookout. Academically , Beta Tau maintains the highest grade point average of all Greeks at U. of Lowell. Our Spring Semi-formal was held on April 11, at the Lowell Hilton . It was a enjoyable evening for sisters , pledges , and their guests and we danced 'til midnight! Our Spring Help Weekend was held at a camp in Tyngsboro , MA . Activities included "the usual" plus a workshop on interpersonal relations and working together, and creating a "custom made" tablecloth with all of our names , nicknames , sayings and events to remember , and pictures drawn on it . The weekend was a fun time once again . Beta Tau was visited by girls from Southeastern Mass . University who are interested in colonizing AST there . We taught them a little about ourselves and we hope to be involved in their getting started .
Beta Eta 's Hedy Tigrak , Staci Cunningham , Robin Warner , Belinda Youngkin , Tracey Wurtz , Sherry Hutton , Nancy Hanks , Kathy Klingele and Ann McLaughlin celebrate Founders' Day at Southern Illinois.
St. Mary's University The Beta Theta Chapter at St. Mary's University in San Antonio, TX "rushed" into the new spring semester. Planned by Leslie Smith, rush chair, rushees learned "The ABC's of AST," "Wished Upon a Star with Alpha Sigma Tau ," and after a few weeks 12 pledges eventually became 12 enthusiastic new members . Sponsored by the Beta Theta Chapter for the first time , the highlight of the spring semester was the Regional Leadership Workshop , held the weekend of February 15-17 . Chapters from Oklahoma , Louisiana and Arkansas attended the activity-filled weekend. Workshops of finance , public relations , social service and rush / pledge were given by the national officers Bobbie Nichols , Patricia Nayle , Ann Girardot and Cathy Crape!. Song and rush-skit competitions provided variety to the workshop-filled day . On the social service scene , the Beta Theta Chapter and Delta Sigma Phi fraternity coordinated the fourth annual Easter Party at the Delta's fraternity house . San Antonio's underprivileged children enjoyed such games as " Duck , Duck, Goose ," " Red Light , Green Light ," as well as hunting for hidden Easter eggs . The children's smiles and laughter made the effort worthwhile . Beta Theta also engaged in numerous social activities. "The Great Escape" dance was Beta Theta's main fund raising activity . St. Mary's students "escaped" from studying and schoolwork for a few hours as they rocked and rolled to the tunes jammed out by "The Secret" , one of San Antonio's hottest bands . Beta Theta 's athletic side shone through as we participated in Greek Week . Jennifer Utterback , athletic director, coordinated Beta Theta's participation in activities such as tug o'war , Dizzy-lzzy, and the egg toss . Although Beta Theta came in a respectable third , we were first again in the food-and-drink-consuming activities .
Collegians were gained . The chapter was supportive of the Regional Leadership Workshop held in Indiana PA as 14 sisters were able to attend. The~ brought back many ideas which will make the chapter more efficient. Raffle ticket and hoagie sales were held often and an Easter party was a big hit with children from the Headstart Program . On campus , the sisters showed their team spirit sporting letters during a basketball game . They also participated with fellow Greeks during a Greek clean-up and a canned food drive . Greek Week was held the end of April , along with an all-Greek picnic . Alumnae were invited to a special initiation ceremony that included a candlelighting in the president's office . Beta Phis are busy looking for a house to rent together. - Christine Cronin
The Yellow Rose Banquet held at the Woodlake Country Club topped off an incredible semester. Graduating seniors and new officers were honored . Good luck to Dianne C'de Baca, Linda Kroll , Melissa Ledesma , Anna Mehta , Lisa Negrete , Deborah Ramirez , Susan Romon and Theresa Valls . The Beta Theta Chapter at St. Mary's University in San Antonio , TX looks forward to a new and progressive semester . -Jennifer Prior
Beta Nu
Bloomsburg University The spring semester was enjoyable and prosperous for the Beta Nu Chapter. Our "Spring Break '85 - Ft. Lauderdale" rush theme bro ught us 11 great new sisters. They include Jaime Betz , Barbara Bilger , Chris Eiswert , Karen Fisher, Noreen Hanus , Andrea Kehoe , Karen Pike , Am y Savastio, Gigi Speaker, She lly Sto udt and Shirley Way. During rush we held an informal ceremony for our graduation seniors . Five sisters will be leaving us . We wish them the best and look forward to their future visits . To raise money for our sorority, we showed the movie Trading Places. Monetary door prizes were awarded . This proved to be profitable for us and fun for everyone who attended . A high point in o ur semester occurred at the end of April when o ur national Director of Alumn ae, Mrs. Terri Dudley, came to visit. Each sister met with her and some dined with her. We also en joyed the company of Gamma District President Miss Am y Dupree who visited us in February . Alpha Sigma Tau once again actively participated in Greek Week at B.U. We beat seven other sororities in the chariot race , making us the champs for that event. We took another first in the keg toss and second in the 440-yard relay . We closed the week with Greek Sing , singing up a storm to tunes from the movie Anima/ Ho use . We closed o ur semester with o ur Annual Yellow Rose Formal. The banquet was held at The Wood lands, a posh hotel located in Wilkes Barre , PA. Everyone had a marve lo us time dining and dancing . - Liza Mack
Beta Pi
Eastern Illinois Beta Pi's fourth year on Eastern's cam-
Beta Chi Beta Taus at Gloucester, MA for Winter Help Weekend .
pus has been full of fun and achievement. We had a terrific time at Mini-unity, an event for two invited fraternities and three sororities at the Lambda Chi Alpha house . Stro ng Panhellenic bonds were built with the Phi S igma Sigmas as we housed their advisers for weeks during their colonization . We have accomplishments that we're very pro ud of; some of these are our Greek Week trophies . We won first place in canoe, a first place in tugs (for the third year in a row) , and the Spirit trophy, which is the highest award among the Greeks. Co ngratulations goes to Gail Richardso n who received the award as o ne of the the top ten Panhel women on Eastern's campus . Four Taus were chosen among other Greek women to be Rho Chis for fall rush . Beta Pi Chapter is hosting the fall Regional Leadership Workshop . We are preparing for a successful R.L.W . We're looking forward to seeing all of you! - Kimberly Manika
Beta Phi
California University of PA The sisters of Beta Phi capitalized on Valentine's Day by holding a rush party where everyone wore something red . The skit "Put your heart in AST" must have been successful as 13 pledge sisters
Ferris State College Alpha Sigma Tau joined the other three NPC sororities on the campus of Ferris State College in Big Rapids , Michigan in the fall of 1983. The initial invitation to Alpha Sigma Tau to colonize on the campus came in January , 1983 after a presentation was made by Mrs . Thomas J. King , Jr. , then National President , and Miss Michelle May , then Alpha District President in November , 1982 . Ferris State College , located approximately 55 miles from Grand Rapids , and founded in 1884, opened its doors to open rush activities on September 26 for the women on campus . Lisa Mercier, the Traveling Counselor conducted a presentation and interviewed interested women . Nine bids were issued to the first colony sisters and the official pledging was held on October 3 , 1983 for the nine women - Chris Berry , Kelly Chittenden , Marianne Faulk , Bridget Fitzgerald , Dianne Govan , Kelli LeBarre , Vicki Rau , Kelli Sisson , Stephanie Weidner. From these nine women , Beta Chi colony grew during the coming year by working together as a sisterhood with various program requirements . The sisters of Beta Chi participated in many campus and greek activities-in fundraisers such as car washes and raffles , in Philanthropic projects as donating a Christmas Tree to Project FATE to aid underprivileged children . In the year from the time Beta Chi colony was established to the date the
Collegians were initiated , they received much support from the AST sisters from Beta C hapter. They also received support and assistance fro m the two National Colony Advisers d uring their growing period from Miss Ann Marie Carro ll and Mrs . James Gruber. In December, 1984 after Mrs. Gruber had made a visit to the colony to review the group's progress on the sorority's program requirements , the Director of Expansion and the National President made the decision that Beta Chi colony should be installed as a chapter . March 16 , 1985 was the date set for the big event. Bright and early at 9 :30 a.m. on March 16, the initiation service began , with the following sisters serving as the installing officers- Mrs . William Fowler , National President ; Mrs . Charles R . McCrory , NPC Delegate ; Mrs. James Gruber , National Colony Adviser ; Mrs . Marijo Gosselink , National Parliamentarian ; Mrs. Missy Parks , Alpha District President ; and Mrs . Lucille Younce , President of the West Suburban Chicago Alumnae Chapter. Nancy Starr, Kristy Green , Sue Rose , and Marcie Lehr , all sisters of Beta Chapter, also were present and assisted with the service . When the initiation service was completed at noon , thirteen collegians and four alumnae women were our newest full -fledged members of Beta Chi and Alpha Sigma Tau . The four alumnae initiated were Bea Mulcahy , adviser , Heather Huber , Assistant adviser, and Mary Ann Faulk and Chris Hanson . In the collegiate numbers were Michelle Andrus , Maureen Asher , Kelly Chittenden , Candi Clark , Kimberly Curtis , Tammy Furst , Tracy Hughes , Debie Krueger , Cyndi Linner , Cheryl Patterson , Sue Pauli , Kathy Simpson , and Debbie Waterman . The installing officers and new initiates
Beta C hi C hapter Installation.
started their celebration of the activities with a tasty brunch . Later that evening , the celebration continued with the installation banquet held at "The Jai l", a very lovely historical home . After a delicious meal, the installation activities began . Mrs . Fowler , National President , gave the keynote address and then presented the charter to Kathy Simpson , chapter president. Mrs . McCrory gave the certificate of installation to the college as an indication of our founding on the campus. Mrs . Gruber and Mrs . Parks presented the gavel and plaque , respectively to Kathy Simpson . Mrs. Younce had the distinct pleasure of presenting the various gifts from the national organization , alumnae , collegiate chapters and sisters to the newest chapter. The wonderful activities came to a closing with the traditional candlelighting service which was conducted by Mrs . Marijo Gosselink.
Beta Psi
St. Louis University A fo rmal party during Spring Rush was made successful with the aid of alumnae Janie Marshall and June McCarthy . Nine new sisters were the result ; congratulations Kelly , Jeannie , Lori , Kathy , Laura , Cathy , Shannon , Patty and Susan . Fund raisers included bake and raffle ticket sales, with part of the profits going to the Pine Mountain Environmental Center. Beta Psis also participated in the ann ual Chocolate Rendezvous to benefit the Leukemia Society . Funds were raised for charity and fun was had for sisters during the Sigma Chi Derby days , with competition among sororities in contests such as skit making
and Miss Derby Days . We also spon sored a basketball game with Phi Delta Kappa fraternity . Afterwards , there was a spirit dance at Kiel Auditorium , where a cash prize was awarded to the Greek organization that displayed the most spirit during the game. Spring semester saw us as president of the Panhellenic Council , during which time a new constitution was written . We sponsored a luncheon for area alumnae . It gave the graduating seniors an opportunity to learn about an alumnae group and a chance for us to become reacquainted with area alums . During the summer plans included a swimming party and on the more serious side , an envelope stuffing fundraiser. - Cheryl Paszkiewicz
Gamma Alpha
Rio Grande College On May 18 , 1985 Alpha Sigma Tau installed a new collegiate chapter in the state of Ohio , and the first national sorority on the campus of Rio Grande College . The college , located in Rio Grande , Ohio , was established in 1976 and over the years has been a denominational college , a two-year college , a self-he lp student work college , and a four year liberal arts college . Rio Grande College sits on a campus in the beautiful Appalachian foothills . The new chapter evolved from a culmination of activities that were initiated in May , 1984 when a local sorority known as Zeta Theta Chi expressed in terest in affiliating with an NPC sorority . In early October , 1984, Nan Church of the sorority requested AST to make an expansion pre sentation . Miss Susan Rogers , National Treasurer , traveled to the campus and spoke with the women of Zeta Theta Chi. The next day the sorority was calling to say that they wanted to petition Alpha Sigma Tau . Thanksgiving came early for our sorority when the Director of Expansion received the petitioning materials from the women of Zeta Theta Chi. The local sorority composed of 18 collegiate women and an advisor at the time of petitioning, came to affiliate with AST after a long history as a local sorority . Established in 1968 , the sorority's major aims were 1) to coordinate and promote student activities ; 2) to promote better acad!2mic grades ; 3) to help improve the school and the community ; 4) to maintain and promote the standards of Rio Grande College ; 5) to foster
Gamma Alpha In stallation .
friendships that will endure; and 6) to promote worthwhile ideals . Over the years , their aims have been followed through their involvement in campus and community affairs which led Alpha Sigma Tau to approve the petition . The new year started out with a bang and a lot of cold chilling weather and lots of snow, whe n AST officially held the pin pledging ceremony on January 20 , 1985 , after a productiv e training weekend . Three alumnae - Patricia Nayle , Director of Expansion , Susan Rogers , National Treasurer , and Ann Gruber , National Colony Adviser-conducted the various meetings and pledging ceremony to train the women o n our traditions and operations. With the 15 collegiate women that were pledged were also three local advisers who chose to affiliate with AST . Within two weeks after the official colony was established, Gamma Alpha colony had rushed 21 new pledges . These rush results were only one of the many program requireme nts that the women of Gamma Alpha fulfilled during the next four to five months as a colony .
In March , Ann Gruber , the National Colony Adviser , made an inspection visit to Gamma Alpha to determine the progress of the colony toward the program requirements . In April , she reported her findings to the National President and Director of Expansion , and after deliberations a decision was made that Gamma Alpha was ready to be installed as a chapter . With the decision made , plans quickly were implemented for the installation activities set for May 18 . After much time and effort on the part of the collegiate and alumnae women , the national organization, and the national staff in volved, the scene was the Fine Arts Building at 9:00a .m ., May 18. To assist Gail Fowler , National President , with the initiation service were Patricia Nayle , Director of Expansion ; Susan Rogers , National Treasurer ; An n Gruber , National Colony Adviser; Ferne Phipps, NPC Alternate Delegate ; Missy Parks , Alpha District President; and Mary Ellen Willmilch , Lambda District President. The initiation service was more than a special occasion-it was a memorable event. Along with the 28 collegians , 3 local advisers, and 2 local alumnae who had been recent collegians were two women who were charter members of the original local sorority . AST was proud to initiate the following women into o ur sisterhood : Doris Gettinge r and Caroline Ice , charter members of the original local sorority ; Nanette Church and Michelle Scott , alumnae affiliates ; Doris Ross , Karen Thomas , and Judy Webb , advisers for the chapter ; and the collegiate sisters of Kathy Ault, Angela Beans , Sue Berry , Sonia Butts, Kelly DeWitz , Deanna Fuller , Theresa Hadley , Susan Halpin , Daphne Heidtman , Audrey Howdyshell ,
Susan Johnson, Charlene Karshner, Marketta Lawhorn , Cathy McFarland, Trudy Nace , Shirley Neff , Patricia Neutzling, Angela Noel, Raeleen Oliver , Ellen Oprisch , Tonya Poulton , Rebecca Shope , Veronica Starner , Lee Ann Stringer, Mary Tresger , Elizabeth Underwood, Janet Walters, and Kimberly West. After a wonderful morning, man y of the sisters converged to a local restaurant for a light lunch and some socializing. The celebration continued that evening with an installation banquet in the James A. Rhodes Student Center on the Rio Grande College campus. After a delicious meal and the keynote address by Mrs . Fowler , the presentation began . Mrs . Fowler presented the charter to Ellen Oprisch , president of Gamma Alpha . Miss Nayle presented the certificate of installation to Mr. Mark Abell , Director of Student Development , to show our support of the sorority and the administration . Ellen Oprisch also had the pleasure of receiving the president's gavel from Mrs . Gruber , with the plaque being presented by Miss Rogers . Miss Parks and Miss Willmitch had the delightful experience to present various gifts from the National Council , the national organization , and alumnae and collegiate sisters and chapters to celebrate Gamma Alpha's founding . Mrs . Phipps conducted the traditional candlelighting ceremony with much expression and seriousness to end a lovely evening . Or so we thought it was the end . A local college choral group , known as the Grande Chorale , of which several Gamma Alpha sisters were members , entertained the AST sisters and their guests with many spiritual and great listening tunes- what a wonderful way to conclude a very productive and memorable weekend . ~
Is your chapter report missing from this issue? If it is, it probably arrived after the copy deadline or was misplaced during the preparation of this issue . Remember , reports for the Spring 1987 , THE ANCHOR must be submitted by January 30 , 1987 . Mail your copy early so your chapter won 't be left out. Send collegiate reports to : Kathy K. Powers , Editor 9033 Gavelwood Court Springfield , VA 22153-1124
Alumnae BUFFALO Honors Carrie Washburne Staehle The weather smiled on Buffalo for the winter luncheon in January, just before the blizzard. The excellent attendance included several members who had not been able to participate recently such as Helen Laudenslager , a Zeta Chapter alumna who is living in Buffalo . Janet Bartlett hosted a February meeting and dessert , at which Patricia Crockett gave a cosmetic demonstration of Mary Kay Products . A week before the meeting , she gave facials to two members in their homes . At the demonstration, she again gave facials to the same two members , and then added the appropriate make-up for each person . At the March meeting , large plastic Easter eggs were filled with various kinds of Easter candies. They were given to the Gateway Youth Center. Among other Social Services this year were a cash donation to the "Loaves and Fishes" which serves meals to the poor and underprivileged and twenty-five dollars to Pine Mountain School. Buffalo Chapter was well represented with three tables of members (25) at the Buffalo Panhellenic Luncheon and Fashion Show . Mary Bolton's daughter , Maureen , a student at the State University at Buffalo , was accompanist for the Fashion Show . Mary Beth Sodus, Buffalo alumna was a model again this year. In April , Frances Plachta, alumnae president , conducted the Affiliation Service of four new me mbers from Sigma. Kelly Walsh , Barbara Mrotzek , Robyn Sprenger and Connie Hietanen were welcomed into the chapter. New officers for the coming year were announced by Catherine Crocuston , nominating chairman . Michelle Luppino will be the new president. April 27th was the date for our Garage Sale at Delores Schmidt's home in Williamsville . Ways and Means Chairman , Patricia Nichols , had everything we ll organized. The proceeds will be used to fi nance Social Service projects. Carl and Betty Walter , from the Erie County Extension Bureau showed slides of outstanding gardens at the May meeting . These gardens , which may be visited , are within short driving distances from Buffalo . The year closed with a picnic at the home of Patricia Nichols. Pat has a delightful gazebo in her rear garden for serving buffet suppers. This spring Buffalo Alumnae sent cards , a planter and best wishes to National President Emerita , Carrie
Bula McManaway McNeill (Reprinted from the Concord College Alumni News) The 1984 Golden Alumnus Award was received by Bula McManaway McNeill '25 of Athens , WV . Mrs . McNeill is the wife of Professor E. Meade McNeill '28 , who was the recipient of the award in 1983. Dr. McNeill made the presentation of the award after keeping it a secret for more than a month. Mrs . McNeill is a longtime member of the co llege co mmunity , both as a college student at Concord and as a faculty wife and resident of Athens . She was honored in 1975 as a member of the 50year graduation class . A teacher in the Mercer County Schools, she taught at Oakvale , Caperton Elementary School, Princeton Junior High School and was teaching at Knob Elementary School in Princeton when she retired in 1970 , after 33 years of service to her profession. A dedicated teacher , she has claimed the distinction of helping many nowprominent men and women to receive an excellent education under her tutorage . She is a member of the Princeton Presbyterian Church , the Mercer County Historical Society , the Boutonniere Garden Club , a 50year member of the Eastern Star and the Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority. She is also an active member of the Retired Teachers Association and the Concord Heritage Committee . Editors Note: Bula was a charter member of Omi cron Chapter , Southern District President (now Epsilon District) from 1936- 1942, and Endowm e nt Committee Chairman from 1944- 1953 . She has been a life-time leader in the concerns of AET , particularly Omicron Chapter and alumnae chapters near Concord College.
Washburne Staehle , in honor of her 85th birthday . A special celebration will be held at Founders' Day Luncheon in November, to mark the 60th anniversary of Buffalo Alumnae and Sigma Chapters which were affiliated with the national organization on June 6 , 1925. - Catherine E. Smith
Dolo res S chmiat and Sally Wales at Buffalo meeting.
DENVER Maintains Ties Denver members have a luncheon once a month around Denver and the suburbs to keep in touch with one another. Since there are no chapters in Colorado , the source of renewal for the group is transfers . Members relocating in the Denver area are welcome to contact the president listed in the directory . - Edna McCormack
DETROIT Sends Scents Thirty-five sachet baskets were made at the social service work session under the direction of Social Service Chairman Barbara Davis . Nursing home patients received them on Valentine's Day. In addition , alumnae sponsored two children in the Special Olympics . Pine Mountain was sent its annual contribution by the chapter as well as an extra donation to furnish the AET room in the dormitory. Support continued to the Detroit Institute for Childre n which supplies artificial limbs for children. Sue Roman was chairman for the annual Pa.nhellenic lun cheon at the Lochmoor Country Club . Six members joined her and representatives of ten so23
Alumnae rorities in hearing about the new develo p ments on Detroit's riverfront. Four Panhellenic scholarships were given to sorority collegiates from three universities in Michigan. Funds for the scholarships come from the proceeds of the luncheon , a 50/ 50 drawing, and bridge groups meeting during the year .
Detroit Alumnae Kathy Baecker, Mary Ellen Babcock and Rose Marie Schmidt use a production line to assemble the sachet bas路 kets giuen to nursing home patients on Vale n路 tine's Day.
The Mother-Daughter luncheon had guests aging from 4 to 80 years . Kathy Baecker, chairman , arranged a warm and loving tribute to the mothers present . The young guests were honored as well. Nut cups filled with chocolate kisses carried out the loving the me . Floral centerpieces were made by a burn victim and were distributed as favors after the lunc heon . Personal events included a candlelighting for Elaine Kaminski-Kensicki whose first baby is expected in October and the initiation of Marianne Faulk , an alumna from Beta Chi Chapter. Alumnae ended the year sweet and satisfied after an ice cream social at which Chirstine Pulice made homemade ice cream. - Rose Marie Schmidt
ERIE Helps Year Round The fall got underway with a Founders' Day dinner at Edinboro University for pledges , sisters and al umnae. Leo Estes from the Erie Playhouse was the guestspeaker. His presentation led to a social service project for the girls . The holidays got off to a bright start with husbands and dates at a cocktail party hosted by Chuck and Diana Bool. It was a fun -filled evening with enticing food
and Trivial Pursuit. Creative favors were stitched and tempting goodies made for both spring and fall rushes at Edinboro. Apparently the efforts were well spent as ALPHA TAU is growing in leaps and bounds . Members also supported two of the Alpha Tau girls who danced a 30 hour dance marathon during Greek Week . The funds were used to support the Edinboro Food Bank. Way to go twinkle toes!!! Another social service project was the Erie County Special Olympics. This year alumnae assisted at the swim meet as "huggers", timers and lifeguard . Every attendance at the Special Olympics is a very gratifying and fun experience . In March another future AET joined our ranks with the birth of Meghan to Chuck and Diana Bool. It is their second little angel. She wll be a super sister!! On May 11 the annual Mother Daughter Luncheon was held at Henry's Restaurant. It is always a pleasure to see the moms again . The event doubled as a rush function for several women we hope to affiliate in the fall . Looking ahead to the summer months several family events were planned such as picnics at the beach and a car wash in July. These always prove interesting as husbands attempt to supervise and children lend a hand!!! -Norma J . Black
HOUSTON Alumnae Proud of Its Women Houston Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau planned a busy spring and summer . All members looked forward to the annual evening of dining out. This year the gourmet evening will have an Oriental flavor , with alums gathering at a Szechwan restaurant for special Chinese treats . Candy Horsley , outgoing president , will become recording secretary for the Houston Area Panhellenic Association along with her board member duties as chairman of the Panhellenic Finance Committee. Pat Nayle, National Director of Expansion , has been chosen to be in "Who's Who of American Women " . Sharon Juntunen will take the lead and become Houston 's new president for the coming year. Sharon is an ardent pursuer of any and all types of crafts . She is one of the mail suppliers of ideas
for the annual Charity Bazaar. As usual , summer will be spent preparing Christmas crafts . The summer months afford a chance to get together and work on Christmas items sold at the Bazaar, as well as socialize in an informal atmosphere . Members enjoy this time to get to know sisters in Houston, since all have been transplanted to Texas . -Muriel Ivey
Houston siste rs at an info rmal meeting .
INDIANAPOLIS Always Busy Learning more about the culture and lifestyles of other nations is becoming the traditional fall program for the Indian apolis Area Alumnae Chapter . "The Philippines ," a nation engaged in much controversy and turmoil , became the timely topic for our first meeting of 1985 . Our speaker , Mabel Matzey , spent many years as a missionary in the Philippine Islands ; and through her presentation of slides , art work and recent correspondence from friends still living there , we were able to gain a better insight into the customs , lifestyle and ambitions of its people not obtained from newspaper headlines . Founders' Day was celebrated at our meeting on November 21 , 1985 , with the slide presentation from Pine Mountain Settlement in Kentucky . This program was of special interest inasmuch as none of us have had the opportunity yet to visit the settlement , and we became aware of how important the project is and how critical our donations are to the continued operation of Pine Mountain . Our local social service project is an on -going relationship with " Lutherwood ," a residential treatment center for emotionally disturbed children. The Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter continues learning about the concerns of today's woman . Dr . Morgan, of ommu-
Alumnae dent , stated "The next year is going to be one of excitement and fun ." -Cheryl Moore
Indianapolis alumnae Shirley Ertle and Barbara Heeb color Easter eggs for the Lutherwood Easter egg hunt.
nity Hospital , contributed to that process by presenting a program on Premenstrual Syndrome. The group learned about the symptoms and management techniques of coping with PMS. From adult problems to a child's delight, the Indianapolis Alumnae hosted the Easter Egg Hunt for Lutherwood . The strong winds and brisk atmosphere didn't dampen the spirits for the springtime fun . Prizes were awarded in different categories for collection of eggs. Fund raising played an important role this year for the Indy group . The chapter literally "wrapped-up" 1984 by participating in the annual Panhellenic Christmas Gift Wrap . As a member of Panhellenic, each sorority has the opportunity to become involved with this special event fund raiser. Funds are dispersed based upon hours worked . The annual Spring fund raiser is a lawn sale . With the assistance of good weather the sale was a success . With the arrival of Spring thoughts turn to socializing and being with other AET alumnae . The annual Spring luncheon was held at James Tavern , Keystone-atthe-Crossings. As a tradition , nearby alumnae chapters are invited to attend. The Planning Committee will begin the process of coordinating the upcoming year's activities . Shirley 路Ertle , vice presi-
In the blustery month of January , members decided to create their own sundaes after the regular business meeting . Each sister brought a favorite sundae topping while hostess , Joanne Dunstan , provided the ice cream . It was an evening to truly enjoy each other's company . The club's Founders' Day was celebrated in March with a cocktail party at Julie Frazier's ho me . A sampling of everyone's hors d'oeuvres made both sisters and husbands happy. The girls tromped the guys in a late night Trivial Pursuit match! Way to go girls! The election of officers proved that all are doing so well in their present positions that they were re-elected! The May dinner was held at Laraine Demshock's home where alumnae enjoyed an Italian feast to which everyone contributed their specialty . A few informal gatherings were held during the summer; a Broadway play and a day at the casinos in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Members volunteered their time on Mother's Day evening to take bids on public television 's Great On Air Auction , the Valley's most watched TV event. - Julie Welter-Frazier
NORFOLK Hosts Sorority Exchange Norfolk alumnae attended the Tidewater Panhellenic Association luncheon and had the largest delegation present to see Anna Margaret Rhodes installed as president of the Association . Members made all the invitations for the Panhellenic luncheon . The January meeting was sorority exchange and members hosted Gamma Phi Beta . A fashion show was given by Casual Corner and a social hour followed . In April , the meeting was held at Ron ald McDonald House . The director , Mrs . Ann Claxton , lead a tour of the house and explained details for the housesitting project in which members serve as hostesses one Sunday a month . This schedule began in May . A total of $86 of groceries was bought and delivered to the Ronald McDonald House . Paulette
Crawford baked hot cross buns for Easter . A silent auction was held at the Christmas Party for the Ronald McDon ald Fund . Monthly raffles are also held at each meeting . Norfolk alumnae held a workshop where three members gave instructions: Gail Guthrie taught stenciling ; Cathy Polychroni, calligraphy; Lynn Sullivan , making invitations. A candlelighting was held for Elaine Eason whose second baby is due in July . The local collegiate chapter with the highest scholastic average will receive a scholarship award of $25 . Lynn Sullivan visited Radford and Salisbury State to offer our assistance . - Bonnie V. Manley
NORTHERN VIRGINIA Continues Hospital Support The Valentine dinner , to which husbands and friends were invited , took place at Sir Walter Raleigh Inn , Falls Church , Virginia . Those present enjoyed a selection of crab imperial , chicken or beef kabob and a delicious salad bar. The meeting in March was held at the home of Mar-y Early. Speaker Bob Levy, columnist for the Washington Post newspaper , requested assistance for Children's Hospital National Medical Center in Washington , D.C . and for Send-aKid-to-Camp . Members donated coloring books and crayons , as requested by Children's Hospital , and also made a monetary contribution , which was matched by alumna Dorothy Gates , in the sorority's name . Finally, the following officers were approved on April 19, 1985 for the year 1985-1986 : President Viki Hoffman , Vice-President Mary Early , Recording
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Norfolk alumnae Linda Johnson and Betsy Russ show that AET enthusiasm .
Alumnae emotionally disturbed children at Children's Center. Each child received gifts at the party and during the year items needed by the children are purchased with funds raised by selling Current items and holding teacup auctions . Pine Mountain was also sent funds . The Christmas meeting is made special through the hand made ornaments and Christmas coo kies that are ex changed . - Martha D. Crute
Secretary Cathy Schreiner, Corresponding Secretary S usan Glaeser, Treasurer J eanne Wylie , Historian Martha Jones , Chaplain Tammy Turner , Editor Carole Keily.
erybody Loves Opal" at St. Louis University's dinner theater. In April , the Beta Psi collegiates gave a tea for the St. Louis Alums. They had lots and lots of food . It was a great chance to know each other. -June McCarthy
ST. LOUIS Is Entertained The St. Louis Alums started the Christmas season with a pot luck dinner at Alice and Bill Vit's home early in December. Not sure whether the men or ladies were the big winners of the "horse race". During Christmas week many members attended the luncheon at Sappington House (1808) Bar Tea Room . In March , money was made for social service projects by selling tickets for "Ev-
Induction of Nancy Volt (Right) , BE, too k p lace du ring the March meeting of the North 路 ern Virginia Alumnae Chapter.
ROANOKE Has a Heart Th e heart of alumn ae activities in Roanoke was the Valentine Party fo r the
St . Lo uis Alu mnae Ju ne luncheon .
Foundation I hereby pledge to send $ - - - - - - - - on or before - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Date) To the ALPHA SIGMA TAU NATIONAL FOUNDATION Name Ma rried
M aiden
Address City
D Lenore Seibel King Scholarship D Headquarters Fund D Endowment Fund
For the Following Program(s) : D Social Service D Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation Growth D Student Loan Fund
(Collegiate Chapter Housing) InMemo~ / Honorof
Please Notify ----------------------------------------------------------Please return this form with check payable to: ALPHA SIGMA TAU NATIONAL FOUNDATION Mrs. Robert O 'Dell, 222 West Tabor Road, Philadelphia Pa. 19120 Thank you for your continued support Co ntributions are tax-deductible
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Foundation --------,
1. What is the Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation ? The Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation raises funds for the various philanthropies of Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority . 2 . How and when was the Foundation started? The Foundation was incorporated on September 24 , 1982. At that time , Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority turned over to the Foundation its Headquarters , Student Loan , and Endowment funds so the newly-formed Foundation could begin ad mi nistering these programs . 3 . How is the money raised by the Foundation used? The money is used to make housing loans to collegiate chapters, to administer the Effie E. Lyman student loan program , to provide college scholarships for American Indians , and to finance Alpha Sigma Tau's continuing support of Pine Mountain . The Lenore Seibel King Scholarship will be awarded annually to a collegian or alumna of Alpha Sigma Ta u in good standing when funds are available . 4. What are the future goals of the Foundation ? To give support that will enrich and enhance the programs of the sorority , to provide more scho larships, loans , and fi nancial support to Alpha Sigma Tau members . 5. How many employees does the Foundation haue? There are no full-time employees of the Foundation . The Board of Directors and committees donate their time . Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters personnel provide some administrative services; the Fo undation rei mburses the sorority for the fair and reasonable value of those services. 6. How are members of the National Foundation 's Board of Directors chosen? The President , First Vice-President , Second Vice-President , Secretary , and Treasurer of the National Foundatio n are elected by the National Council of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority . In addition , the National President of Alpha Sigma Tau attends meetings of the Board as a representative of the national sorority . The Fo undation 's chairmen are appointed by the Foundation Board of Directors . 7. Are donations to the Foundation tax-deductible? YES!! 8 . Where do I send my contributions for the Foundation ? To Mrs . Robert O'Dell , AET National Foundation Financial Secretary, 222 West Tabor Road , Philadelphia , PA 19120 . Checks should be made payable to Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation ; please send the contribution form along with your check . 9 . May I make an honorary or memorial contribution to the Foundation? Yes . The contribution may be in honor or in memory of whomever you wish ; the person does not have to be a member of Alpha Sigma Tau . When making an honorary or memorial contribution , please indicate the following on the contribution form : the person 's name (and collegiate chapter if she's an AET) and the name and address of the person to be notified of your contribution . If your chapter is making the donation , please give the name and address of yo ur president as a contact. 10. How do I find out more about the Foundation ? For more information on the Foundation , or if you are interested in serving on one of the Foundation's committees , write to Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation , 1845 Lakeridge Road , Birmingham , Alabama , 35216 . Look for more information on the National Foundation's programs in upcoming issues of the Crest . (See page 26 for contributio n form)
• • • • • THE ANCHOR
coming Next Issue:
Memorial contributions to Foundation Honorary contributions to Foundation Awards and Honors More Collegiate News! More Alumnae News! 27
" . . . to contribute my share to the progress of mankind . .. " Shelley Diane Bates of Beta Mu chapter at Salisbury State College was announced the winner of the 1984 J. 0. Pollack Scholarship . Regarded highly for her dedication to the social service aspect of Alpha Sigma Tau, she has always been concerned with the well-being of others. This is one of the main reasons she joined Alpha Sigma Tau . A Nursing student at Salisbury State College , she has received her certificate as a Geriatric Nursing Assistant. Along with her school involvements she has been President of Nanticoke Hall, first runner up on the Homecoming Court, student manager of Ruth Powell Dining Hall, three times nominated "Student of the Month", and Secretary/ Treasurer of her sophomore, junior and senior classes . As for her sorority achievements she received the "Best Pledge" award , the "3.0 Award" twice and the "Spirit Award" three times. During rush Shelley traveled to a fellow AET chapter to help provide the chapter with ideas and useful hints on how to encourage the young ladies on campus to look into sorority life . One of Shelley's greatest social service accomplish-
ments was the adoption of the Drayton family . She took it upon herself to gather information from a social worker about a needy family in her community . She became very involved with this family . The chapter bought winter coats for three girls, took them to the zoo , the park , and roller skating . The chapter has developed a loving bond with the family . Shelley feels that the beginning of this project was an eventful one in that it has been a continuing service that Beta Mu Chapter has undertaken with their service to this family . Programs with the Holly Center, a home for the mentally retarded in Salisbury , were set up by Shelley so the chapter could make social service calls several times a year. She also initiated the Deershead Nursing Home project where the chapter visits the elderly and assists the clients while they are on the kidney dialysis unit. Shelley believes these projects have helped to heighten the chapter's awareness that civic services are a very important and necessary aspect of the sorority which still supports the idea that Alpha Sigma Tau was established to help promote the progress of mankind . ~ THE ANCHOR
Alpha Sigma Tau Directory National Headquarters, P.O . Box 59252, Birmingham; AL 35259
Ph: 205/945-0318
ALPHA SIGMA TAU founded November 4, 1899-Eastern Michigan University (formerly Michigan State Normal College) , Ypsilanti, Michigan
Mrs. E. A. Lyman•
THE FOUNDERS Adriance Rice• Ruth Dutcher• Eva O'Keefe• Harriet Marx• (Mrs. C . F. Pfeiffer)
Helene M. Rice• May Gephard• Mayene Tracy• Mable Chase•
CHIEF PATRONESS •Ada A. Norton-Alpha ............... . ....... . ... . . 1925-1928
NATIONAL PRESIDENTS •Grace Erb Ritchie-Alpha .. ..... . ................. 1925-1928 •Luella Chapman-Sigma ............... . .. .. . .... 1928-1934 Carrie Washburne Staehle-Aipha .. . ..... . ..... . .... 1934-1949 •Dorothy Bennett Robinson-Pi. ........ . ......... . . 1949-1955 Mary Alice Seller Peterson-Iota .......... . . . ..... . . 1955-1964 Elizabeth Wilson-Pi ...................... . ....... 1964-1972 Lenore "Sybil" Seibel King-Psi ... . ..... . ... .. ...... 1972-1984 Gail Shockley Fowler-Alpha Lambda . ............. . 1984-1986
PRESIDENT EMERITA Mrs. Haswell E. Staehle (Alpha)
National Council National President-Patricia Lynn Nayle , Phi, 5801 Lumberdale #138, Houston , TX 77092 National Vice President-Janet Hanson Dodson (Mrs . Duane) , Iota , 311 North Second, Lindsborg , KS 67456 National Secretary-Carole Bicking Kelly (Mrs . Timothy) , Alpha Xi, 7807 Leland Rd ., Manassas, VA 22111 National Treasurer-Susan Wilson McCarley, Rho, 215 W. Fourth , Irving, TX 75060 Director of Collegiate Chapters-Mary Charles Adams Ashby (Mrs . C. J .), Chi, Box 12, The Plains, VA 22171 Director of Alumnae-Terry Winston Dudley (Mrs. Thomas P .). Beta Zeta , 3624 Hunters Hill Dr. , Birmingham , AL 35210 Director of Expansion- TO BE APPOINTED Director of Fraternity Programs-Lenore Seibel King (Mrs. Thomas J ., Jr.), Psi , 1845 Lakeridge Rd ., Birmingham , AL 35216 Director of Publications-TO BE APPOINTED National Panhellenic Conference Delegate-Cynthia Peckhart McCrory (Mrs. Charles R.), Alpha Alpha , P .O . Box 5218 , Fort Wayne , IN 46895
District Presidents Alpha: Melissa Friesen Parks (Mrs. Clinton R.). Beta Xi, 3649 Amberson , Cincinnati, OH 45208 Beta: Connie Hietanen , Sigma, 425 Auburn , Buffalo, NY 14213 Gamma: Amy DuPree, Alpha Xi, Box 118, Central Av ., Avis, PA 17721 Delta: Heidi-Marie Bliss, Alpha Omicron, Presidential Apartments, Adams House , Apt. B-1001 , Philadelphia , PA 19131 Epsilon: To Be Appointed Zeta: Joni Froman , Beta Pi, R.R . #2 , Box 94, Chrisman , IL 61924 Eta: Ruth Selby Kielczewski (Mrs. Richard) , Alpha Sigma, 8845 Rodeo Dr ., Apartment 294, Irving , TX 75063 Theta: Carol J . Cooper, Zeta Tau, Office of Residence Life, UNCW, 601 S. College Rd., Wilmington , NC 28403 Iota: JoAnn Graffeo King (Mrs . Benjamin F.), Beta Zeta, 29 Lancaster Rd ., Mobile , AL 36608 , HIJLK Kappa: Rick! Bargman Trosen (Mrs. Wallace) , Alpha Sigma, 104 Woodwinds, Kirksville, MO 63501 Lambda: Mary Ellen Willmitch, Alpha Rho, 1951 Penny Ln ., Youngstown, OH 44515
AET National Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors President-Meda Ray Elliott Sewell (Mrs. Preston), Omicron , 6541 Williamsburg Blvd ., Arlington , VA 22213 First Vice President-Lenore Seibel King (Mrs. Thomas J ., Jr.), Psi, 1845 Lakeridge Rd., Birmingham, AL 35216 Second Vice President-Martee Buchanan, Alpha Lambda , 1022
Downey St., Radford, VA 24141 Secretary- June McCarthy, Pi, 8891 Watson Woods, St. Louis, MO 63126 Treasurer-Bobbie Nichols, Alpha Gamma, 6304 Kenwood, Little Rock , AR 72207 Financial Secretary-Lois Schweikart O'Dell (Mrs. Robert) , Lambda, 222 W. Tabor Rd ., Philadelphia, PA 19120
Committee Chairmen Awards-Vicky Boyd Wensel (Mrs. Lee), Alpha Lambda , P.O . Box 1109, Stuart, VA 24171 Chaplain-Lucinda Edwards Younce (Mrs. Steven L.) , Alpha Alpha, 349 North Pinecrest, Bolingbrook, IL 60439 Colony Adviser-Anne Curran Gruber (Mrs . James) , Alpha, 511 Adaway Av ., S.E ., Grand Rapids, MI49506 Colony Adviser-Yolanda Villarreal Bauer (Mrs . John R.) , Beta Theta, 119 Sunnyland, San Antonio , TX 78228 Convention - Wanda Austin , Alpha Lambda , 2129 Windsor Av ., Roanoke , VA 24015 Convention-Lindy Hallquist Steeves (Mrs . John) , Alpha Epsilon, 400 Hudson , Clarendon Hills, IL 60514 Editor-Katherin King Powers (Mrs. James F., Jr.) , Beta Zeta, 9033 Gavelwood Ct. , Springfield , VA 22153 Editor, Alumnae "Anchor"-Rose Marie Schmidt, Theta , 5106 Harvard Rd ., Detroit, MI48224 Editor, Collegiate "Anchor"-Margaret D'Amico Shepherd (Mrs. Gerard) , Delta , 33 West 21st St ., Huntington Station , NY 11746 Crest Editor-Gina Huhn , Beta Nu , 13875 Ella Blvd . #1504 , Houston, TX 77014 Expansion Assistant-Shelley L. Wascom , Phi , Rt . 1, Box 38, Lake City , TN 37769 Financial Assistant-Rebecca Venne Applemen (Mrs . P . R.), Alpha Alpha, 9625 E. 42nd St. , Indianapolis, IN 46236 Historian-Emily Ashby Mcintire (Mrs . Michael) , Alpha Lambda, 5710 Academy Dr. , Morristown , TN 37814 Housing-Elizabeth Knaus, Alpha Lambda , 3912 Regal Ct., Virginia Beach , VA 23452 Membership Development-Deborah Jean Williamson , Psi, 2000 Palm Av ., Apartment 4 , San Mateo, CA 94403 Music- Ann Marie Campo Girardot (Mrs . Dan) , Beta Theta , 11818 Tobler Trail, Austin , TX 78753 Nominations-Martha Buchanan , Alpha Lamba , 1022 Downey St. , Radford , VA 24141 NPC Alternate Delegate-Lenore Seibel King (Mrs. Thomas J ., Jr.) , Psi, 1845 Lakeridge Rd ., Birmingham , AL 35216 NPC Alternate Delegate-Ferne Shumate Phipps (Mrs. E. C.), Omicron , 2611 Harrison Av ., Parkersburg, WV 26104 NPC Alternate Delegate- Patricia Lynn Nayle , Phi , 5801 Lumberdale #138, Houston , TX 77092 Parliamentarian- Deborah McCain Pyszka (Mrs . Robert) , Alpha Nu , 1307 Hawk Creek, Blue Springs, MO 64015 Pledge Director-Deborah Dwiggins Alexander (Mrs. Robert) , Alpha Lambda, 1040 Longreen Ct. , Kernersville , NC 27284 Regional Leadership Workshop Director- To Be Appointed Rush Director-Julie Bell Bruington (Mrs. Jeff) , Iota , 408 N. 12th, Independence , KS 67301 Scholarship-Sherry Dotson Butler (Mrs . Franklin D.), Omicron, 7825 Elm Tree Ln ., Charlotte, NC 28212 Social Service-Martha Drouyor DeCamp (Mrs. Samuel T.), Alpha , 27061 Esward Dr. , Agoura , CA 91301
Collegiate Chapters Beta-Central Michigan University President, Susan Hoppin , 107 W. Gaylord, Mt. Pleasant, Ml48858 ; CA. Glee Doyle (Mrs . G . Patrick), 413 S . University , Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858; ACA , Catherine Palo Janson (Mrs . Robert), 1417 Andre Ct. , Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858; CC , Cally Ann Kasapis, 746 Sebago , Bloomfield Hills, Ml 48013 . Delta-Indiana University of Pennsylvania President. Deborah L. Lauth , 713 School St. , Indiana, PA 15701 ; CA , Susie Mcilwain ,
415 5th St. , Indiana , PA 15701 ; ACA, Sue Lawer , 1091 South 6th St., Indiana, PA 15701 : FA , Dr. Linda Rambler , 203 Stapleton Library, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana , PA 15701. Zeta-Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania President, Karen DeGrauw, 205 W. Church St., Apartment 3, Lock Haven , PA 17745; CA. Debra Helbley, 534 High St.. Flemington , PA 17745; ACA, Nancy Berry, 440 W. Nittany Av., State College , PA 17745. Iota-Emporia State University President, Heather Gray, 1621 Merchant, Emporia, KS 66801; CCA, Robbin Ratliff Markowitz, (Mrs. Robert) , 2401 Apple Dr., Emporia , KS 66801 ; CCA . Kyle Abbott, 5232 S.W. 23rd #5, Topeka , KS 66614 . Omicron-Concord College President, Carolyn Miller, Box C-470 , Concord College . Athens, WV 24712 : CA, Martha N. Kello, 505 Walnut St., Princeton , WV 24740 : ACA , Benjean Rapp , P.O . Box 747 , Athens , WV 24712 ; CC, Betty Sue Hedrick, 600 Island St. , Princeton, WV 24740. Rho-Southeastern Oklahoma State University President, Teresa Davis, 112 Wilson , Apartment 237 . Durant, OK 74701 ; CA, Weslie A. Fortenbery, 128 N. Second , Durant, OK 74701. Sigma-State University College at Buffalo President, Pamela Wales, 85 Bassett Rd., Williamsville , NY 14221 ; CA . Sally Strum Wales (Mrs. Robert) , 85 Bassett Rd ., Williamsville, NY 14221 : ACA , Jean Ryckman McNamara (Mrs . John) , 189 Cresthill Av., Tonawanda , NY 14150; CC , Susan McNamara Fry , 311 Sterling Av ., Buffalo , NY 14216. Zeta Tau-Longwood College President, Kimbra Patterson , Box 1026, Longwood College , Farmville , VA 23901 ; CA, Carolyn Callaway , H.P.E .R. Department , Longwood College, Farmville, VA 23901 ; ACA , Evelyn Gragnani , 5212 Sylvan Rd ., Richmond, VA 23225 ; CC, Katherine Sowards Baber (Mrs. Frank), Box 108-A Hampton Farm , Cartersville , VA 23027. Upsilon-University of Central Arkansas President, Jodi Watts, Box 101 , University of Central Arkansas , Conway, AR 72032 : CA, Charlene Walthall (Mrs. Joe) , #22 Smoking Oaks Rd. , Conway , AR 72032 ; ACA , Cathy Knox Koehler (Mrs. Chuck) , 1 Todd Dr ., North Little Rock , AR 72218; CC , Kim Hillis, 5012 Edgemere, North Little Rock , AR 72116 . Phi-Southeastern Louisiana University President, Jeannine C. Gettys, P.O . Box 2634, SLU , Hammond , LA 70401; CA, Margaret DeBoer, P.O. Box 388, Robert , LA 70455; ACA, Nancy K. Gautier, 16035 Manchester, Baton Rouge , LA 70816 ; CC, Deborah Lato, Route 1, Box 177, Denham Rd ., Pride, LA 70770. Psi-James Madison University President, Kirsten Barron , Box 304, JMU , Harrisonburg, VA 22807; CA. Dr. Eileen S . Nelson , Psychology Department, Johnston Hall, JMU. Harrisonburg. VA 22807; ACA, Jill Costie Harris (Mrs. Hunter) , 1439 East Ct. , Harrisonburg, VA 22801; CC, Sarah Howarth , 11925 Winterthur Ln ., Apartment 107, Reston , VA 22091. Alpha Gamma-Henderson State University President, Tracy Taylor, Box H-7529 , Arkadelphia, AR 71923 ; CA, Vickie Arnold King (Mrs. Lloyd) , P.O . Box H-7529 . Arkadelphia, AR 71923. Alpha Epsilon- Western Illinois University President , Jenifer Mitchell, 1 Pollock Dr. , Macomb , IL 61455; CA, Lori L. Perry, 1027 Derry Ln ., Apartment 58, Macomb, IL 61455; ACA , Janice Sohrbeck Frowein (Mrs. Richard). 506 E. Carroll, Macomb, IL 61455; CC, Marti Schwartz, 707 48th St., Moline, !L 61265. Alpha Lambda-Radford University President. Melissa G. Adams, 1011 Fairfax St. , Apartment F, Radford , VA 24141 ; ACA , Dr. Noel C. Eggleston , Box 5833, Radford College , Radford , VA 24142; CC, Dana Swart Williams (Mrs. Carl), 108 Roberts St. , Radford, VA 24141. Alpha Mu-University of Arkansas at Monticello President, Kim Arnn , P.O. Box 2210, UAM , Monticello, AR 71655; CA, Mr. Rich ard Masterson. P.O. Box 2063, UAM, Monticello, AR 71655; ACA , Terry Ward, P.O . Box 3466 , UAM , Monticello, AR 71655 . Alpha Xi-Mansfield University President, Susan Omara, Box 305. Laurel B. MU , Mansfield , PA 16933; CC, Amy Hollick, 422 High St. , 1st Floor, Williamsport, PA 17701. Alpha Omicron-Clarion University of Pennsylvania President, Judy Nelson , 113 Ralston Hall, CUP, Clarion , PA 16214; CA, Jacqueline Kennedy Thompson , Box 29 , Nisbet, PA 17759. Alpha Pi-Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania President, Lori A. Short , 118 W. Liberty Rd ., Slippery Rock , PA 16057; CA, Barbara J. Gaudio , 419 Franklin St., Slippery Rock , PA 16057; ACA, Rebecca Vetter, 138 Bell Dr ., Glenshaw, PA 15116; CC. Carol Ficeti Marsico (Mrs. James) , 46 Lafayette, Niles. OH 44446 . Alpha Sigma-Northeast Missouri State University President, Melissa Kurtz, 323 Brewer, NMSU, Kirskville , MO 62501; CA, Ricki Bargman Trosen (Mrs . Wallace) , 104 Woodwinds, Kirksville , MO 63501 ; ACA , Kelly Hunt, 1015 South Cottage Grove. Kirksville ,
MO 63501; CC , Laura Ann Jackson , 18-H Broadway Village Dr., Columbia, MO 65201. Alpha Tau-Edinboro University of Pennsylvania President, ~th Ogilvie, Blackwatch #10. EUP , Edinboro, PA 16412; CA. Elame Bercik , Box 210, Irish Road , R.D. #1. Edinboro , PA 16412; CC, Mary Ellen Willmitch , 1951 Penny Ln ., Youngstown. OH 44515. Alpha Phi-West Chester University President, Kelly Kennedy. 831 Falcon Ln ., West Chester, PA 19382: CA. Grace MacDonald, 101 E. Glenolden Av . #311. Glenolden , PA 19036. Beta Delta-Duquesne University President, Lori Stevenson , RD #4 , Box 120. Ridge Road , Finleyville , PA 15332. Beta Epsilon-Shippensburg University President , Tawn April Lochinger. 49 College Park , Shippensburg, PA 17257; CA, Dr. Mary Jane Urbanowicz . 400 E. King St. #2. Shippensburg, PA 17257; ACA, Linda Price , 9892 McCreary Rd. , Shippensburg, PA 17257 ; CC, Judy A. Cuffaro , 945 S . Royal St., York, PA 17402. Beta Zeta-University of Alabama in Birmingham President, Dianne Lee , 1521 16th Av ., South, APT G , Birmingham , AL 35205; AB . Terry Winston Dudley {Mrs . Thomas P.) , 3624 Hunters Hill Dr., Birmingham , AL 35210: Truly Ann Limbaugh, 815 School Terrace, Birmingham . AL 35235; Susan Golliher , 3101 Lorna Rd . #112 , Birmingham , AL 35216; Catherine Bonds Crape! (Mrs. Anthony) , 6501 Quail Run Dr., Helena, AL 35080. Beta Eta-Southern Illinois University President, Patty Jansen , 812 N. Smiley. O'Fallon , IL 62269 ; CC. Karen Wasser, 4247 Flad, St. Louis, MO 63110 . Beta Tau-Lowell University President, Stephanie Burke. 5 Center St .. Amesbury, MA 01913 ; CA. Dean Ellen Duggan , 1 University Avenue , Lowell, MA 01854 ; ACA , Denise Saindon, 10 Wayne St. , Hudson , NH 03051 ; CC. Carol Minicucci Gianinapoulos (Mrs. Peter). Business Office , University of Lowell, Lowell, MA 01854. Beta Theta-St. Mary's University President, Karla Jo Hartman , Room 208 , Donohoo House , SMU, San Antonio TX 78284 ; CA , Sister Ann Semel , 3415 W. Woodlawn , San Antonio, TX 78228 ; ACA , Yolanda Villarreal Bauer (Mrs. John R.). 119 Sunnyland , San Antonio, TX 78228; CC. Doralisa Reyes, P .O. Box 76 , 139 E. Main, LaGrulla, TX 78548 . Beta Iota-Millersville University of Pennsylvania President. Rosemary Thompson , 10-D Brookwood Ct. Apartments, Millersville , PA 17551 ; CA, Christine Oleska Paules (Mrs. Tom), 2582 Valley Dr., Lancaster, PA 17602; ACA , Mary Ann Hanley. 680 Barr Blvd .. Lancaster, PA 17603. Beta Mu-Salisbury State College President , Rena Hayes, Box 66 . Chesapeake, SSC , Salisbury , MD 21801 ; Co-CA . Catherine E. Bounds, 633 Truitt St. , Salisbury, MD 21801: Co-CA. Theresa Schisler. 1816 Spring Hill Rd ., Salisbury , MD 21801 : ACA, Virginia Mears Bird (Mrs.), 1305 Sylvia St., Salisbury. MD 21801; CC, Lynn Sullivan , 152-B Pinewood Rd ., Virginia Beach , VA 23451. Beta Nu-Bioomsburg University of Pennsylvania President, Stephanie Slysh , 317 College Hill, Bloomsburg , PA 17815; CA. Kathleen Duggan Dellinger (Mrs. Roger) . 417 Center St . , Bloomsburg , PA 17815; CC , Joanne Dunston Ochs (Mrs . William) , 626 North 19th St. , end Floor, Allentown , PA 18104. Beta Xi-Michigan Technological University President, Karen L. Laursen. 916 College Av ., Houghton , Ml 49931 ; CA. Dr . Cynthia L. Selfe, 64 Royalwood , Houghton , Ml 49931 ; ACA . Heidi Lind DePuydt (Mrs. Daniel). 31 Hubbard , P .O . Box 61 , Painsdale , Ml 49955; CC, Pam Bartelt (Mrs. Robert) , P.O. Box 631, South Range, MI 49963 . Beta Pi-Eastern Illinois University President, Leslie Pabst. 1808 Ninth St. , Charleston , IL 61920; CA, Janet McVey , 113 East Cleveland . Chrisman , IL 61924 ; ACA, Debbie Summerlot Fay (Mrs. Bryan) , R.R . #1 , Box 91 , Atwood , lL 61913 . Beta Upsilon-New Jersey Institute of Technology President, Lorelei Gascard , 235 Grace Av ., Secaucus, NJ 07094; CC , June Launay (Mrs. Michael) , 409 Jefferson Av ., Lawrence Harbor NJ 08879. â&#x20AC;˘ Beta Phi-California University of Pennsylvania President. Alicia Hayden , 649 Park St. , California, PA 15419; CC . Kim Fuhr, RD #2 , Box 217 , Greenwich Rd .. Bridgetown , NJ 08302 . Beta Chi-Ferris State College President, Candace E. Clark . 309 N. Michigan , Big Rapids, Ml 49307 ; CA , Bea Merva Mulcahy (Mrs. John) , 10290 75th Av., Mecosta , Ml49332; ACA. Heather Huber, 316 Marion St. , Big Rapids. Ml49307 . Beta Psi-St. Louis University President, Lynn Kuhnert , 5215 Quincy , St. Louis, Ml 63109 ; CA. Marcia J . Wooddell, General Dynamics, Suite 1700, 7733 Forsyeth , Clayton , MO 63105: CC, Cecilia Kirkland Kadane (Mrs. Douglas), 106 Caravel Ct. Ball in MO 63021. . , Beta Omega-Monmouth College President, Caroline Alto, Willow
Hall, Box 89, Room L-1 , MC , West Long Branch, NJ 07764: CA, Toby H . Klinger, 225 Eastham Dr. , Point Pleasant, NJ 08742; ACA, Mr . Jeff Barlett , Student Activities Department, MC, West Long Branch , NJ 07764: CC. Katherine Schmitt Roche (Mrs. William C .), RD 2 , Box 244, Mays Landing, NJ 08330 . Gamma Alpha-Rio Grande College President, Tanja Tracey, Box 1124, RGC, Rio Grande, OH 43787 ; ACA , Karen Kovack Thomas (Mrs. Earl), Box 119, RGC , Rio Grande, OH 45674 ; CC , J udy Webb, Box 975 , RGC , Rio Grande, OH 45674 . Gamma Beta Colony-Lake Superior State College President. Tammy VanWert, 9E Chippewa House, LSSC , Sault Ste . Marie, MI 49783 ; ACA, Dr. Margaret Malmberg, 1803 Young, Sault Ste. Marie , Ml 49783 ; CC , Tina Marie Taylor, 2000-B Beech Tree Ct. , Green Bay, W154304. Gamma Gamma Colony-Livingston University President, Athenia Clark , P.O . Box 1341 , LU , Livingston , AL 35470 ; CA , Kathy Outlaw (Mrs.) , Station 6 , LU , Livingston , AL 35470: ACA, Susan Adams, Station 4 , LU , Livingston , AL 35470.
Alumnae Chapter Presidents +Arkadelphia, Arkansas JoAnne Williams Chunn (Mrs. Robert) , Alpha Gamm a, 8 18 North Park Dr. , Arkadelphia , AR 71923 + Baton Rouge, Louisiana Becky Morgan , Phi , 1701 Lodbe ll. Apt. #39 , Baton Rouge, LA 70806 + Birmingham, Alabama Truly Ann Limbaugh , Beta Zeta , 8 15 School Terrace, Birmingham, AL 35235 +Bluefield, Princeton-Athens, West Virginia Joyce Gregory Buchanan (Mrs. Glen), Omega , 1905 Tazewell Av., Bluefield , WV 24605 +Buffalo, New York Miche le! M. Luppino , Sigma , 70 Troy View Ln ., Williamsville , NY 14221 +Conway, Arkansas Cathy Knox Koehler (Mrs. Chuck), Upsilon, Rt. 2, #1 Todd Dr. , North Little Rock, AR 72118 + Denver, Colorado Vistoria Thompson Garrett (Mrs . Curtis), Nu , 9 263 W. Virgini a Dr. , Denver, CO 80226 + Detroit I, Michigan Rose Marie Schmidt , Theta , 5106 Harvard Rd., Detroit, MI 48224 + Durant, Oklahoma Sharon McVay Dunham (Mrs . James) , Rho, 113 Gates Av. , Durant, OK 74701 + Edwardsville, Illinois Jeanne Egan Brunworth (Mrs. Don) , Beta Eta, 1320 Gloucester, Edwardsville , IL 62025 + Emporia, Kansas Cheryl Greenlee , Iota , Rt. #3, Box 20 1-C, Emporia , KS 66801 +Erie, Pennsylvania Deborah Young Carter (Mrs. David) , Alpha Tau , 253 1 W. 34th St., Erie, PA 16506 +Fort Wayne, Indiana Cynthia Peckhart McCrory (Mrs. Charles R.), Alpha Alpha, P.O. Box 5218 ; Fort Wayne, Indiana 46835 + Grand Rapids, Michigan . Jennifer L. Swanson, Beta , 4526 Bridle wood Dr., Traverse City , MI 49684 +Hammond, Louisiana Robbie Blackburn , Phi , 107-A Ruland Street, Hammond , LA 70401 + Harrisburg, Pennsylvania . Linda P. Price , Beta Epsilon, 9892 McCreary Rd ., Shippensburg, PA 17257 +Houston, Texas Sharon Hahn Juntunen (Mrs. Gayle) , Phi , 643 Eastlake, Houston, TX 77034 + Indianapolis, Indiana Shirley Gilbert Robey (Mrs. Stephen) , Alpha Alpha , 12006 Weiland , Indianpolis, IN 46229 + Kirksville, Missouri Toni Ebert Fowler (Mrs. Kenneth) , Alpha Sigma , P .O. Box 254 , Milan , MO 62556 + Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Christine Oleska Paules (Mrs . Tom) , Beta Epsilon , 2582 Valley Dr ., Lancaster, PA 17603
+ Lansing, Mic higan Margaret Holcomb Twork (Mrs. E. C .), Alpha. 137 S. lves Rd. , Mason, Ml 48854 +Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania . Barbara Day Korn (Mrs. Josep h), Alpha Omicron , 3945 Brandeis Av., Bethleham, PA 180 17 + Lowell, Massachusetts Karen Lebedzinski , Beta Tau, 101 Main St. , Townsend , MA 01468 + Marietta Ohio-Parkersburg , West Virginia Diane D~ar, Alpha Kappa, Putnam Place, Apt. #65. Marietta , OH 45750 +Metropolitan, New York Area Mara Atte ll Hargarther (Mrs . Thomas) , Sigma , 4 Rose St., 5F2 , Oceanside, NY 11572 + Miami, Florida Mrs. Natalie J oh nson Cole, Alpha Omicron . 1000 S . E. lOth Street; Deerfie ld Beach, FL 33441 + Muncie, Indiana Margaret McGarrell Notting ham (Mrs. Roger) , Alpha Alpha , 2300 White River Blvd ., Muncie, IN 47303 + New Orleans, Louisiana Ann Marie Vinture lla Duffy (Mrs. Bernard) , Phi , 3136 Tennessee Av., Ken ner, LA 70065 + Norfolk, Virginia . . . Lynn Sulliva n, Alpha Lambda , 152-B Pinewood Rd ., Virgmia Beach. VA 23451 + Northern Virginia (D.C. ) Vicki Klawitter Hoffman (Mrs . John) , Beta Delta, 6024 Meyers Landing Ct. + Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Lois Schweikart O'Dell (Mrs . Robert) , Lambda . 222 W. Tabor Rd ., Philadelphia , PA 19 120 + Prince Georges-Montgomery Co., Maryland Sue Hunter Dingess (Mrs. Jerry) , Omicron , 1304 Caddington Av ., Silver Springs , MD 2090 1 + Richmond-Petersburg, Virginia JoAnn Crabill Marshall (Mrs. Larry) , Alpha Lambda , 5507 Buxton Ct., Chester, VA 23831 + Roanoke, Virginia Molly McKee Scanlon (Mrs. Alan) , Beta Eta , 1631 Center Hill Dr. , S.W ., Roan oke , VA 24015 + St. Louis, Missouri . Janis Dale Marshall (Mrs . E. E.), Pi, 5935 Bishops Pl. , St. LoUis, MO 63 109 +San Antonio, Texas Carmen Olivares Ge llhausen (Mrs .), Beta Theta , 14134 Sage Trail, San Antonio , TX 78231 +Shepherdstown, West Virginia Ruth Seibert, Chi, 446 Winchester Av., Martinsburg , WV 25401 + Southeast, Arkansas Karen K. Parker, Alpha Mu, 580 West Gains, Monticello, AR 71655 + Southern Colorado Frances Smith Carfango (Mrs. Fred) , Pi, 75 North Curtis Rd . # 10. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 + Tri-City, Michigan Martha Prendergast Triantafillow (Mrs.), Beta, 2835 Dorset, Saginaw, Ml 48603 +West-Chester, Pennsylvania Carolyn McGill Mee (Mrs . Arthur) , Alpha Pi , 1101 Glenview St., Philadelphia, PA 19 11 1 +West Suburban Chicago Lucinda Edwards Younce (Mrs. Steven l.), Alpha Alpha , 349 N. Pinecrest, Bolingbrook, IL 60439 +Youngstown, Ohio . Carol Ficeti Marsico (Mrs. James), Alpha Rho, 46 Lafayette , Niles, OH44446 +Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor, Michigan Suzanne Nemeth Slick (Mrs. Robert M.), Alpha, 3350 Croissant, Dearborn , Ml 48 124
' deceased + chartered
Rings 18. R 531T ignet JQ. SRt36oT Signet 20. BRff Pin-On 21. R/i31 Pierced :-..lini-:-..tonogram
!OK IOK GOLD YELLOW WHITE K.ASE GOLD GOLD 121.00 .:2Q 00 104.50 125 00
Pins 15. PIT 16. ~IG liT 17. CRt25T
Sl35 00
Pledge ~tonogram
$6.75 $6.75
13. SP/12T Cre t Stick Pin 17.75 $13.00 $22.00 1-l. B/5 T Anchor Bracelet 3 .50 - CE/04T Embroidered Cloth Cre t (:\ot lllu trated) ·s.oo High x 3· Wide
5 !0 32 00
Lavaliers IOK IOK GOLD YELLO\\' WHITE TERLI:\G KASE GOLD GOLD - - - - - - IL\ 'ER ~ 13.00 '22.00 l. 3LL/02\'T Vertical :-.tonogram $10.00 2-!.25 $13.25 7. 2LL16iT ~lini .\nchor 2. 2LL/50T Pierced tar 13.00 35.00 15.00 . 3LL/33DT 3-Dimensional 3. 2LL/36T Rose-:..todeled 13.00 35.00 15.00 Vertical ~tonogram 21.00 36.50 26.50 4. 2LLI29T Rose-Octagon 13.00 35.00 15.00 9. 3LLI12T Heart ~tonogram 26.50 5. BP/T Pin-On Pendant 85.00 S95 .00 40 .00 10. CC/07T Cre t 26.50 6. 3LL/02ST Staggered II. 3LLIOQT Circle ~tonogram 1300 35.00 :-..Jonogram 10.00 24.25 13.25 12. 2LL 33T Anchor All Lavaliers come with an 18' neckchain except the Pin-On Pendant \\'hich ha a 26• endle
Order Form For A L T
:>:arne _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
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City State _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Ring ·i z~ -----------------Gn..-ek name :mJ lener-. fnr chapter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1700 West Irving Park Road • Chicago, IL 60613 • (312) ~7i-2100 Chica110 1-(800) 5i2-379~ Illinois lbll Free • 1-(800) 62l-l90i L'.. A. Toll Free·
Alpha Sigma Tau P.O . Box 59252 Birmingham , AL 35259
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