1989 Fall ANCHOR

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Bulletin Board

Have You Seen the Fly on the Wall? One beautiful fall day Mister Fly was traveling through the air when he spotted five pretty girls in a hurry to get somewhere. They were all dressed up and each sported an onyx pin that said " AST" in gold. Mister Fly was intrigued by them and decided to follow . The following is an excerpt from a letter Mister Fly sent to his cousin: " ... They giggled and talked all along the waysomething about the president couldn't be mad because talking to a cute guy in the dining hall was , after all , just as important as these old meetings. They went to a room full of more pretty girls. Boy was I glad I chose to follow those girls! I decided to stay and see what this group was all about. I found a nice spot high up on the wall where I could see everything that was going on. It was 5 :10 when we all got settled. The meeting was just beginning . Madam President didn 't seem too concerned about the girls being late. She said she'd have been late too if she had known that guy was in the dining hall. She called the meeting to order, then turned it over to the chaplain to read a really nice poem . I had to move from my perch then because I couldn 't hear over some of the other girls talking about a party they went to last weekend. After the poem , the corresponding secretary read something out of the constitution about an alcohol policy. It must have been an inside joke because everyone sn ickered . Then the courtesy chairman read a short arti cle about being polite and attentive to others. I wonder if

those girls talking about the party heard that? A little while later the girls pledging the group were dismissed . Boy I thought it must be time to get down to some real business . I got comfortable and waited ... They called the roll of everyone that was supposed to be there . It sounded like there were alot of girls missing- ! guess they were still in the dining hall chatting with that good-looking guy! The meeting carried on like most others I've been to . I just wish there had been some food- guess I'll have to find a Lion 's Club for that . Oh well, the scenery here is much better. These girls talked about some great things they are doing like raising money for a place called Pine Mountain School, and collecting food for needy families in the area for Thanksgiving. They had a little trouble getting volunteers to deliver the food baskets though . Finally, someone in the back raised their hand. The rest of the meeting went by fairly fast. It seemed everyone wanted to get back to their rooms. From what I heard there was a " Ladies Nite" going on at a local bar and they could all get in free until 8 :00 . They sang a real pretty song and the meeting was dismissed. I decided to find some food and head on over to that ladies nite. Today must be my lucky day! I'll close for now , take care and stay clear of those nasty bug zappers. Sincerely Cousin Fly


THE ANCHOR/ Fall 1989

Vol. 64 THE ANCHOR is published in the Fall and Spring . Third class postage is paid at Indianapolis , IN , and at additional mailing offices . Single copies of THE ANCHOR may be purchased for $5 .00 each . Send ad dress changes and business correspondence to: Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters P.O . Box 59252 Birmingham , AL 35259 Address editorial correspondence to the Director of Publications :

Director of Publications Carole Bicking Keily 7807 Leland Road Manassas, VA 22111 Editor Cindy Rader Durham 5610 Midway Dr. SW Roanoke, VA 24018 Alumnae Editor Rose Marie Schmidt 5106 Harvard Rd . Detroit, MI 48224

No . 1


ATTENTION ALL ALUMNAE: Postal regulations require us to pay 30¢ for every copy not deliverable as addressed . Please notify us of any change of address , giving both the NEW and the OLD address .

Alpha Sigma Tau Celebrates 90 Year Anniversary


Founder Day Proclamation



10 12 25 27

Top Taus




Collegians Directory Awards & Honors '89-'90


Collegiate Editor Margaret D'Amico Shepherd 33 W. 21st St. Huntington Station , NY 11746 Produced by Maury Boyd and Associates.

On the cover: AI:T founding sisters

Spring 1990 deadline is December 1, 1989 THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989


Alpha Sigtna Tau Celebrates 90 Year Anniversary by Patricia L. Nayle, National President

Let us take time at our 90th anniversary to recall our beginning and how we have proceeded to our present existence. To assist us in recalling our beginning, let us catch a ride on a shooting star, a symbol of our existence, to another time. All Aboard!! To help generate the energy to move this vehicle through time, let us concentrate and dream of what life would be like in 1899. As we come out of the dream , we see our shooting star has traveled to the community of Ypsilanti , Michigan, where it stops at the home of Ruby Pratt. As we peer through the window, we see a group of young women from Michigan State Normal College talking about the organizing of a local club ... a sorority. The faces of the women are not too familiar to us , but as we listen to the conversation which breathes excitement, enthusiasm , and fellowship among them , we find the names sound familiar ... Helene Rice , Adriance Rice, Eva O'Keefe, Hariett Marx, May Gephart, Mayene Tracy, Mable Chase, and Ruth Dutcher. Yes, these are the eight young women who established Alpha Sigma Tau. As we continue to ride our star onward, we pass over the period of history that affected all Americans ... World War II. On our journey forward , we stop to view the celebration of our 50th anniversary, with the theme " hold high the torch " . Th is theme was befitting because of the many achievements in sorority development; it marked the turning point of our national life, as we had become a member of the National Panhellenic Conference . Another accomplishment was the acceptance of national philanthropic programs. One in particular was Pine Mountain Settlement School , a boarding school located in Harlan County, Kentucky. Through the years, as Alpha Sigma Tau made progress, so did Pine Mountain . Our initial support of Pine Mountain began in 1945 and has continued until today. Onward, our shooting star travels to the 1950s, to visit Mary Alice Sellers Peterson, our 5th National President. Prior to serving as president, Mrs . Peterson was responsible for the writing of the Creed, and the mean ing of the symbols on the Sorority shield. Miss Elizabeth Wilson followed in Mrs. Peterson's footsteps and served as National President from 1964- 1972 . In one of her convention addresses, Miss Wilson closed with the fol lowing words ... " You , who are here today, will write the story of Alpha Sigma Tau for the coming decade. Let us hope that each of you will find the way to contribute your share, remembering the words of Dag Gammerskold, 'you have not done enough , so long as it is 4

still possible that you have something of value to contribute.' " As we all board our shooting star, we find our compass is approaching the 1970's when Lenore Seibel King (Psi) better known as " Sybil " took office as National President. So much was accomplished under her strong leadership from 1972- 1984 ... which included the publishing of the first HISTORY OF ALPHA SIGMA TAU ; the reorganization of the national structure as we know it today; the purchase of insurance coverage to meet our sorority's needs; and the formation of a National Foundation to accept tax deductible donations to secure our financial future . One of the most historical moments to date was the rotation of Alpha Sigma Tau on the National Panhellenic Conference Executive Committee in 1979. At that time, Cynthia Peckhart McCrory (Alpha Alpha) went through the three chairs to become Chairman of NPC in 1983. This honor only comes to a national sorority every 52 years. Now our shooting star has come back to the future , or is it the present? At the present time, I am pleased to report that accessibility to sorority members has been made simpler through the purchase of a computer and several terminals . The national organization continues to emphasize new concepts in fraternity programming and is working on a publicity campaign . Our financial future is improving yearly as alumnae give support to the AST National Foundation , with scholarships established in the last few years to assist worthy collegiate and alumnae sisters in pursuit of their educational goals. This journey back in time was not meant to serve as a history lesson , but to serve as a reminder of what has been accomplished through the initial interest of eight women, our Founders . As Elizabeth Wilson, the 6th National President, shared in one of her closing addresses, you and I will be the sisters responsible for writing the history of Alpha Sigma Tau and creating what accomplishments we will fulfill ahead of us . If each of us were to contribute $5 .00 or 5 hours to our sorority every week, the work we could accomplish together would make our founding sisters proud of their creation of Alpha Sigma Tau . Our founders wrote a paragraph in their College Yearbook to share the aims and thoughts of its sorority at that time, as follows : " Its aim is first of all , social and literary culture, but we count not least among the result obtained, the bonds of sympathy among its member , which we trust will prove something more than a plea ant memory, when we leave our Alma mater . .. " THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

From its beginning, our founding sisters were guided by Effie Polyhamus Lyman, who served as adviser to the Alpha Sigma Tau group. Her leadership was instrumental in organizing additional chapters so that Alpha Sigma Tau might become national. Another woman who had an influence on the future development of Alpha Sigma Tau was Ada A. Norton. Miss Norton was a mathematics instructor at Michigan State Normal College, and as a patroness for the sorority, she wrote much of our sorority ritual. She also directed our first national convention . As our shooting star takes off from Ypsilanti, Michigan and journeys through the span of 25 years, we find that the group of women known as Alpha Sigma Tau passed its values and ideals to other young women . As a result of our founder 's efforts, Beta , Gamma , Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Theta and Iota Chapters were established. With the devotion of the women in our chapters, nationalization became a reality for Alpha Sigma Tau in 1925. At the time, the requirements to become a part of the national organization of the Association of Education Sororities were 1) at least five collegiate chapters; 2) the publication of a magazine; and 3) a national convention . The first national convention held in Detroit with 49 women present to conduct business. It was an exciting time for our sisters. While our shooting star travels through time, we recall the words of one of the Alpha Chapter delegates in

attendance at the first convention . Her words show strongly how she and others envisioned that Alpha Sigma Tau would move forward ... " Perhaps it is a little early for predictions or prophesies . Perhaps the future of Alpha Sigma Tau as a national sorority is still in question in the minds of some. But to those who were present and who had the chance to witness this fraternity feeling , to take account of the quality membership which the sorority boasts and to reckon the amount of work accomplished by since efforts- in the minds of these people, there is no question as to the future of Alpha Sigma Tau". What was the future of this organization? Let us journey forward to see what the sorority accomplished in the next 50 years. As Alpha Sigma Tau continued to add more collegiate chapters to its membership rolls, it also continued to adopt new ideas, change current programs and procedures, and achieve new and far reaching goals. In 1936 our first Central Office was established to house sorority materials and to serve as a main office. In 1936, Carrie Washburne Staehle was beginning her third year as National President; she continued to serve as such until 1949. During her years of leadership, the sorority was divided into districts with a president in charge of each district; much sorority literature was published; and a national social service program had been implemented.

Founders' Day Proclamation Each November we take the time to reflect on our past and the eight women who brought to life their dream for a sorority known as Alpha Sigma Tau. Our founding sisters created a bond strong enough to stand the test of time. The unique and special talents and skills shared by the founding sisters and their advisers brought forth the knowledge, understanding , and meaning of sisterhood. The National Convention theme in 1988, Salute Sisterhood, emphasized that membership in Alpha Sigma Tau is a time for celebration from the point that one becomes a pledge to a life-time alumna. With celebration in any activity, as in our sorority, comes work and commitment with time and energy to alumnae and collegiate sisters for the personal growth and enrichment of each and every sister. As members of Alpha Sigma Tau today , we are responsible for carrying forth the celebration of sisterhood which our Founders established in 1899. As we share together in this Founders' Day, we give thanks to God for each one of the eight women who founded Alpha Sigma Tau. We must also accept with pride the challenges ahead to continue strengthening our sisterhood. As your National President, I proclaim with great pride the fourth of November, nineteen hundred and eighty-nine, as our Founder's Day and 90th anniversary. -Patricia L. Nayle National President THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989


Alumnae Alumnae Spotlight

Indianapolis Alumnae Visit Pine Mountain The weekend of April 21 , 22 & 23rd , four of the Indianapo lis alumnae visited PINE MOUN TAIN SETTLEMENT SCHOOL in Kentucky. We arrived at th e school Saturday around noon after a roller-coaster ride over the mountains , but we only had to ask directions once! This weekend was their " Wildflower Weekend ," and after touring the campus and lunch , we joined many of the other guests for a " hike" into the mountains to see the wildflowers and trees in bloom . It was really spring in all its glory. Having survived this adventure, with only one sprained foot , we enjoyed meeting many of the other guests at dinner that evening. After dinner, some of the sisters actually found the energy to participate in the folk dancing program . We found total exhaustion contributes greatly to a good night's sleep! Sunday morning , after breakfast and a short chapel service, we started the 7-112 hour drive back to Indianapolis. For so many years , we have heard about Pine Mountain and how Alpha Sigma Tau has as sisted the school. We have viewed the slides as part of our social service program ; but it's not until you hav e actually visit ed th e school and seen it first-hand that you gain a real appreciation of how important AST's support has been through the years. We hope many other Alpha Sigma Taus will take the tim e to visit Pine Mountain as we found it a very rewarding experience. - Barbara Heeb 6

Buffalo Alumnae filling bunny baskets for Hav en House are Jean Ryckman McNamara , Frances Piwowa rczyk Plachta and Norma Willingdo n Martin .

BUFFALO Helps the Easter Bunny Buffalo Alumnae spent their entire March meeting making and filling 25 bunny baskets for Haven House, a shelter for abused women and children in the Buffa lo area. Members purchased personal care items , crafts and toys and made suckers and other candy treats . They also prepared a large box of craft items and play items for Haven House activity room. Th e Lois An ne Cooke Scholarship Fund has been increased. Each year two collegiates can receive scholarships which go to the two girls who have improved the most academically over the past year. Donnell Bauchman and Julie Eckert of Sigma Chapter were the recipients this year . - Norma Martin

DETROIT Increases Its Philanthropies Detroit Alumnae Chapter contributed over $500 this year to its various charitable and sorority programs. Recipients of the money included the AST National Foundation, Alpha Chapter, Pine Mountain Settlement School and the Special Olympics, Detroit Institute for Children-

Electronic Limb Research and Turning Point, a center for abused women and children , to which donations of used toys, clothing and household goods were also given. Cherrywood Nursing and Living Center was added as a social service project. Bingo prizes were donated as well as member made needlepoint items and lap robes. A tour of the center and discussion with the social director provided ideas for projects in the future . Contributi ons were made possible by profits from the sale of Entertainment passbooks as well as donations from members who were unable to participate in the Entertainment project. Roll call at meetings consists of each member telling briefly her news since the last meeting. In this way, everyone has a chance to share and hear news that would sometimes be missed in casual conversation between members . It's also a time to share photos of the events as they are reviewed . This year members brought back some of the undergraduate sorority spirit with the alumnae secret pal program as a way to enjoy AST fun . Monthly meeting exchanges provided added entertainment as alumnae opened their gifts and the creative ideas ere admired . In January , A Ts forgot the ic and

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

Alumnae achieve things we take for granted . This year Erie worked the swim meet and they have worked the track and field events in past years. - Norma J . Black

INDIANAPOLIS Attends Leadership Conference

Detroit Alumnae Chapter participates in Alpha Chapter initiation. Front row ; Lorraine Karasinski , Debra Yuhas , Karen Cooper; back row; Emily Mcintire , Kathy Baecker.

got into the icing. Debbie Yuhas and infant Jessica were hostesses at the cake decorating session conducted by member Janice Garbarino . Janice almost made professionals out of the group with her demonstration of techniques . Everyone had a chance to decorate her own cake as Janice supervised with one hint after another. Other meetings included the Christmas gathering around the crackling fire at Cyndi Manardo 's home as alumnae enjoyed one anothers' Christmas treats and shared gifts, February Evening Out arranged by Karen Cooper at the Steak and Ale Restaurant, the March workshop for needlepoint items for Cherrywood hosted by Lorraine Karasinski , and April 's Pine Mountain slide program at the home of Elaine Kaminski -Ken sicki. Personal events in alumnae lives included the births of Ryan Thomas on February 19 to Elaine Kaminski -Kensicki and Andrea Marie on March 5 to Terri Faillace, initiation of Coleen Goldsmith and Cyndi Manardo 's move to her new home. - Rose Marie Schmidt

giate chapter hosted dinner and a rededication ceremony. Lambda District President Mary Ellen Willmitch was with the group. It was very touching as she watched her " babies" grow from seven in 1979 to fifty in 1989! The most exciting event was the colonization of Gamma Theta at Penn StateBehrend in Erie. Alumnae assisted at the pin pledging of the 25 girls and have volunteered to act as colony advisor, assistant colony advisor and chapter consultant. Members are really looking forward to getting the chapter off to a good start by planning fall rush and pledge activities before school closes. There was still time for philanthropic activities. A soup label campaign was held which produced labels for Reverend Boggs school. For the fifth year in a row, members assisted the Erie Special Olympics. It is really exciting to see the kids do so well after working so hard to

The Indianapolis Area Alumnae Chapter celebrated the holidays with a Christmas party at the home of Barbara Heeb with a gift and holiday recipe exchange. The new year brought special excitement to the home of Becky Appleman , National Treasurer , and her husband Phil as they adopted a two-day-old baby boy, Evan Michael , born on January 31 , 1989. To say Becky is elated is a definite understatement!! The addition of Evan Michael to the Appleman household happily completed a long , and sometimes frustrating endeavor for Becky and Phil ; and we hope everyone will join us in extending congratulations to them . In March , the Indianapolis ladies met at the home of Pam Method Legg . Barbara Sinclair, former spokesperson for the Indianapolis Police Department and a member of the Mayor's Task Force that helped organize the Pan Am Games in Indianapolis last year , was guest speaker. Her experiences in crisis situations, while with the police department; and at the beginning of her career, as the first women sports reporter for a radio station in Indiana , were of great interest. Her dynamic approach to how women can be more assertive in the business world also was very motivating . In addition, she told us about many of the social service organizations in Indianapolis that need volunteers , and encouraged us to become more involved . This gave us

ERI E Assists New Collegiate Chapter Erie Alumnae Chapter had a busy year with the collegians. National Founders Day was celebrated with Alpha Tau at Edinboro State. They hosted a dinner and very inspirational program. The day was full of memories, song and ceremony. Special guests were the girls from PSU-Behrend who were petitioning for colony status. In March, alumnae again traveled to Edinboro to hel p Alpha Tau celebrate its 20th a nniversary. The colle-

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

Indianapolis Alumnae Gloria Hasler, Ingrid Mason, Pam Legg, Rochelle Hargis and hostess Barbara Heeb savor a Christmas recipe exchange luncheon .


Alumnae several new ideas for our social service project. Indianapolis also participated in the Panhellenic Chri stmas Gift Wrap. Money earned helped pay for parties at Lutherwood Hom e, th e trip to Pine Mountain and to adopt a painted turtle at the Indianapolis Zoo in their "Feed the Animal " Program. Pam Method Legg is recording secretary for the Indianapolis Panhellenic. Several al umnae AST's attended a leadership workshop in May. - Barbara Heeb

ST. LOUIS Experiences China Melanie Foster's Chinese experience was the featured attraction at the February meeting hosted by Carolyn Alexander. Melanie brought and cooked a Chinese meal for the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter and followed the culinary treat with a cultural experience through the showing of her slides of China. The St. Louis alumnae participate in numerous Panhellenic Association activiti es . Two re presentatives attend the monthly meetings. In addition , members attended the Scholarship Luncheon at which a generous contribution was made to the Scholarship Fund. In July, St. Louis alumnae joined two other Panhellenic sororities for a luncheon at a local restaurant. - Arline Clark

TIDEWATER Sends Collegiates Valentine Love January found the chapter at the home of Betsy Russ. The evening began

Tidewater Alumnae Chapter is second from the left.

with a " name game". Each sister had the name of a famous person from history or present day pinned to her back. The object was to identify the person . There were definitely some glamorous, athletic and political people in our midst. Valentine cards were made for collegiate chapters Alpha Lambda , Beta Mu , Psi and Zeta Tau. A check for $25 with Tau love was enclosed in each card. Paulette Crawford 's home was the setting for the annual Spirit Night in February. Sisters came wearing and carrying any and everything which meant AST. Awards were given for the most original, newest, oldest and other categories. The highlight of the evening was the slide show of Pine Mountain . The chapter sent $50 to the Pine Mountain Settlement School and an extra $25 for the AST room at the school. The annual Panhellenic Fashion Show

St. Louis hostess Allee Vlt Instructs members and guests in the rules of the game at the Christmas party.


and luncheon was held on March 18 at the Omni Hotel in Virginia Beach . Joining alumnae to see the latest styles were the Old Dominion University Panhel lenic Officers. A model was chosen by each sorority. AST model , Heidi , did a fantastic job! Each sorority also contributed a door prize. April featured a workshop on candy making and cake decorating at the home of Sherry Ayers . Members even decorated their own " mini " cakes and then ate them . What a treat! Members also brought canned goods to be donated to the Battered Womens Shelter. - Joy S. Robertson.

NORTHERN VIRGINIA Picnics with Collegiates The new year began with many mem bers enjoying an evening at the Alexan路 dria Little Theatre. Proceeds from this evening go toward the scholarship fund established by the local panhellenic organization . A popcorn party provided by Edith and Betty Gail Elliott in January made for fun while viewing slides of Pine Mountain . February found members and their guests enjoying a delicious Sunday brunch at Carnegie's Restaurant in Alexandria . Betty Sue Glaeser and daughter Susan Baker hosted the March meeting . Members concentrated on future planning for the chapter, the convention and formed a budget committee. April meeting was hosted by Donna Deibel and officers for the next year were elected. Thanks to President Lucia Bacon for serving so well this past year and permitting her election for another year. The new officers were installed in May at th home of Diane Helbing. M mber al

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989


Tidewater Alumnae Chapter sent Valentine wishes to the collegiate chapters in th eir area.

year celebrates the founding of their alumnae chapter with dinner and initiation of new members. This April , the event was celebrated at Molly McGui re 's Restaurant at which Julia Hill and Marjorie Cohen were initiated . Even the newest legacy , three month old Sabina Kay, daughter of Marcia Sullivan, came along to help alumnae celebrate. Joan Carpenter, Donna Stevens, Sally Pearson and Marily Christy , who hadn 't been able to attend meetings recently, were welcome additions to the gathering . Ypsilanti -Ann Arbor works closely with Alpha Cha pter. Members attend their meetings and participate in informal and formal rush , initiations , dinner dance, Greek Week, Lock-ins and advisory board meetings. A collegiate Sister of the Semester award was instituted. Mi chelle Weaver and Shelli Wheaton were recipients this year. Alpha members also attended the alumnae Christmas party and Mothers Day luncheon.

collected household items and food products to be donated to a new shelter in Alexandria . In June, the picnic baskets came fort h to the home of Mary Charles As hby where local collegiate sisters were guests. - Cathy Schreiner

YPSILANTI -ANN ARBOR Celebrates Alumnae Chapter Founders Day Wh ile chapters a lways celebrate Alpha Sigma Tau Founders Day , not many alumnae cha pters celebrate their own Founders Day. Ypsilanti -Ann Arbor each

Showing their colors are Ypsi lanti -Ann Arb o r Alumnae Chapter members at the Alpha Initiatio n . Carl o tta Salemi , Linda Shapona , Suzanne Ne meth Slick , Mary Loren z, Ja cqueline Soblesky.

This close relationship helped bring in new alumnae . Sales of Entertainment passbooks raised enough money to send cash donations to Pine Mountain and the Pontiac Rescue Mission for holiday dinners for the indigent. Campbell Soup labels were sent to Reverend Boggs. In May, items were collected and given to the Michigan Council of the Blind.

Northern Virginia presented yellow roses to outgoing officers and m embers who had given special service during the year.

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989


Tau Roses to the Top Taus of 1988-'89

This special honor features the hard work and enthusiasm of our active Taus exhibited on campuses across the country. Congratulations to all these outstanding women and chapters! 10

Sheila Denny, Alpha-Occupational Therapy-Eastern Michigan University . Pledge Class President; Panhellenic Delegate; Dorm Volunteer; Occupational Therapy Volunteer. Lisa Allen, Beta-Criminal Justice and Psychology-Central Michigan University. Chapter President; Pledge Educator; Greek Council Member; Panhellenic Judicial Board Member; Committees Chairperson; Intramural Sports; Student Advisory Council ; Campus Ambassador; Committee for Elementary School Recreation; Chapter 3.0 Club; Panhellenic 3.5 Award; Most Outstanding Member; Order of Omega Honor Society. Kimberly Woten, Zeta-Early Childhood Education-Lock Haven University. Chapter Publisher; Editor; Housing; Corresponding Secretary; Alumnae Director; Resident Assistant ; Campus Employed Desk Clerk ; Day Care Attendant; Ideal of Sisterhood Award. Pamela S. Wilson , Iota-Business Administration-Emporia State University; Pledge Class Treasurer ; Chapter Bylaws Chairperson; Alumnae Liaison ; Pledge Trainer; Vice President; Music Chairperson ; President; Alumni Member of FBLA; Law Firm File Clerk ; Endowment Scholarship ; Greek Merit Award; Best Active Greek; Highest GPA; Best Rusher; Who's Who Among College Students ; Outstanding Sorority Woman Nominee. Bonnie Anne Fuller, Sigma-Public Communications-Buffalo State College ; Chapter Treasurer; Sorority Growth and De路 velopment; Panhellenic President; Resident Assistant; Summer Orientation Assistant; Buffalo State Kickline; Buffalo State Cheerleader; Finalist for Homecoming Queen. Kristine Rossi, Zeta Tau-PsychologyLongwood College . Panhellenic Delegate ; Panhellenic Alternate; Chapter Vice President; Standards Committee; Weyanoke Nursing Home Volunteer; Leadership Conference Committee; Lacrosse Manager; Psychology Club; Sister of the Week. Cendey Kesler, Upsilon-Physical Education Administration-University of Central Arkansas; Chapter Rush Chairperson; Standards Committee; Homecoming Committee; lntramurals; Tennis Team; Swim Team ; Cross Country Team; DENM Club Student Orientation Staff; Sigma Tau Gamma Little Sister; Who's Who Among American University and College Students ; Presidential Scholar ; Dean 's List; Homecoming Court; Taco Bell Athlete of the Week.

Misty Thomas, Phi-Criminal JusticeSoutheastern Louisiana University. Chapter Advisory Board Chairman ; Pledge Music Chairman; Corresponding Secretary; Music Chairman ; Recording Secretary; President; Panhellenic Delegate; Sweetheart; Formal Es路 cort Chairman ; Parliamentarian; Greek Council ; Alpha Tau Omega Bowling League ; Student Foundation Board of Directors; President's Ladies; Lambda Alpha Epsilon ; lntramurals; Alpha Tau Omega Little Sister; Chapter Highest GPA; Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society; Green " S " Award; Order of Omega; Dean 's List ; Rho Lambda ; National Dean 's List; Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society; Alpha Sigma Tau Scholarship Award; Panhellenic 3.0 Award ; Panhellenic 4 .0 Award; Who 's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. Mary Kathleen Gallagher , PsiAccounting-James Madison University. Junior Panhellenic; Senior Panhellenic; Rush Committee ; Editorial Committee ; House Committee; Fundraising Committee; RLW Representative ; Brenda Borofski Memorial Fund Student ; Panhellenic Blood Drive Committee; Easter Egg Hunt Committee; Panhellenic Convention Delegate; Salvation Army Volunteer; Alcohol Awareness Program Volunteer ; Camp Jaycee ; Greek Liaison for Great Hunger Clean-Up; ursing Home Volunteer ; Student Government Association Election Committee; Dean's List; JHD Miss Madison Contest; Friendliest Sister; Friendliest Pledge. Shirley Rook, Alpha Gamma-Accounting-Henderson State University. Rush Director ; Executive Council ; Panhellenic Delegate; Publicity Chairman; Editor/ Historian ; Nominations Chairman; Accounting Tutor ; HSU Flag Line ; Alpha Chi Honor Fraternity; Panhellenic President; Heart & Key; Gamma Beta Phi Honor Fraternity; Accounting Society; Alpha Chi Induction ; Big Sister/ Little Sister GPA Award; Outstanding Pledge. Tracey Owens, Alpha Epsilon-Mass Communications-Western Illinois University. Panhellenic Representative; Rush Chairman ; Moneymaking; Editor ; Homecoming Chair; Executive Board; Assi tant Hi torian; Assistant Rush; Delegate to Convention ; Panhellenic Vice President ; Panhellenic ew Member Educator; Panhellenic E. ecuti e Board ; University Union Board ; Parent's Weekend Director: Student Leader of the omen ' L d rship lection Committee ;

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

Pamela Wilson Conference; Case Study Chairman; Visiting Lectures Co mmittee ; Chair to MS Drive; Spokesperson for Quad City Alumni Chapter; Sister of the Month ; Talent Grant Recipient; University of Illinois Student Leaders Study Candidate; Dean ' s List; Greek Woman of the Year ; Out standin g C o ll ege Stud ent o f America Recipi ent; Student Lea der of th e M onth fo r Offi ce of Student Activities; Derby Darling ; Top Ten fo r National Convention Qu een ; Lun d gerg , Grisgby and M arshall Awards . Chris Duggan, Alpha Lambda - Chemistry -Radford Universi ty. Food Co mmittee Chairman; Ritual Committee; Alumnae Relations Committee; Publici ty Committee; Social Co mmittee; H ousing Director ; Alumnae Secretary; Executive Co mmittee; MDA Publi city Co mm ittee; MDA Pri ze Co mmittee; MDA Decorations Committee Co-Chairman; MDA Steering Committee; Greek Week Field Day Co- Ch ai rman; V ista Co-Edi tor ; Advertising Commi ttee for Fundraiser fo r H eart Transpl ant Student ; Panhellenic Publ ic Relations Coordinator ; Tho Chi; Panhellenic Executive; Panhellenic President; RLW Delegate; National Convention Delegate; Longwood Leadership C o nfer ence ; Al co ho l Co nference; American Ch emical Society; Yearbook Business M anager ; Club Programming B oard ; Leadership Resource Group; Top Ten Taus; Convention Queen Nominee; Rho Lambda . Judy A. Wald, Alpha Xi- Special Education- Mansfield University. Sorority Growth and D evel o pm ent; Panh elleni c Delega te; Chapter President ; Dinner Dance ; Panhellenic President; Pledge Director ; Dean's Li st; Drug and Alcoho l Ta sk Force; Ori entation Team M ember; Bail ey's Jeweler's Sales Clerk ; Peer Tutor; AST Homecoming Queen Candidate; Dean 's List; Sister of th e Year. Amy S. Prindiville, Alpha Pi- Elementary Education- Slippery Rock University. Vic e Pres ident ; Standard s; Fundrai si ng ; Scholarship; Executive Board; H om ecoming Chairperson ; By-Laws Committee; Alumnae Corr espondence Committe e; As sista nt Pledge; National Convention Delegate; Intramural Sports; Students Admissions Assistant; Member of M others A gainst Drunk Driving; Student Secretary; Pennsylvania State Education Association ; Speaker for the Undeclared Readmit Program ; Order of Omega Leadership Seminar; Order of Omega Leadership Seminar Facilitator; Panhellenic Academic Award ; Camp Whitewood Instr uctor; Most Improved GPA.

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

Kristin e Rossi

Tra cy Owens

Carla Prenni, Alpha Tau- Social WorkEdinboro University of Pennsylvania. Executive Board M ember; Special Events Chairperson; Publi city Chairperson; Social Work Club; Silklin e Intramural Vo ll eyball ; Ad olescent Counselo r ; H o meco ming Committee ; N ati onal Associati on o f Social Workers; Erie County Board of El ections Volunteer; Dean's Li st; Indiana County Counselor's Associati on Scholarship. Kimberly J. Sutton, Beta ÂŁpsi/on- General Management- Shippensburg University. Chapter President; Pledge Committee; Publici ty Committee; RLW Delegate; N ati onal Convention Delegate; Shippensburg University Student Government; Service Proj ects Volunteer ; Community Center Dance Chaperone; First Class Award in Girl Scouts.

Michelle A. Hard, B e ta Eta - S oc ial Work - SlUE . Pl edge Class Vice President; Pl edge M other ; President; Music Director ; Convention Delegate; Big Brother/ Big Sister Participant; Student Social Work Associati on; Department of Children and Family Services Volunteer; Music Director of Summer Reading Program ; Dean 's Li st. Lillian Garcia, Beta Theta- SociologySt. M ary 's University. Spirit Ch airperson; Pl edge Educa tor ; President; N o minati o ns Co mmittee; Sorority Growth and Development ; Social Service Committee; Circle K. M exican Am eri ca n Student Organiza tion; Campus Ministry; Yearbook ; Youth Alternatives Volunteer ; Nueva Vi sta Development Center Volunteer ; Internship at Truman Middle School; El sa Li ons Club Scholarship ; Bro th er Schnepp Socio logy Scho larship ; Outstanding M ember of AST; Founding Member of Alpha Kappa Delta Sociological H onor Societ y; Outstanding College Student o f America . Martha Weimer, Beta Io ta- BusinessM illersville Uni versi ty. Ch apter Treasurer ; Parliamentarian ; Sorority Growth and Developm ent Chairperson; Greek Council Housing Representative; Founding President Inter Sorority Coun cil ; Dorm A ctivi ti es Co un cil ; Am eri can Marketing A ssociation ; Studen t Senator ; Guns Ad Hoc Committee Chairperson ; Student Servi ces Board of Directors; Sigma Pi Little Sisters. Kimberly A. Crumley, Be ta Nu- Special Education- B l oomsburg University. Chapt er President ; Convention Delegat e; Convention Queen Candidate; A ssistant RLW Chairman ; Rush Chairman; Pledge Committee; Inter-Sorority Representative ; Proj ec t

Chris Duggan Awareness V ice President; Council for Exceptional Children; Student Pennsylvania State Educa tors Associa tion ; Cheerleader; Baccus M ember ; Dean's List; Community Government Association Homecoming Sweetheart. Nancy Tyburski, Beta Xi- Electrical En gineerin g-M ichigan Tec h . Chapter Presi dent; Alumnae Relations; Treasu rer; Board of Directors Treasurer ; Troubleshooter Chairperson; Pop Steward ; National Convention Delegate; H ousing; Pledge Scholarship; Ritual ; Fundraising; Sorority Growth and Developm ent; N o m inations / Elections Committee ; Blue Key National H onor Fraternity; Undergraduate Student Government; Wadsworth Hall Association; Intramural H ockey; Volleyball ; Broomball; MTSF Telefund Caller; Dean of Students' Outstanding Achievement Schol arship Award; Michigan Tech Student Foundati o n Outstanding A chievement Award ; Wh o 's Wh o Am ong Students in A merican Universi ties and Colleges; Michigan Tech Student Fo unda tion L eadership Scholarship; Dean's List; Most Valuable Sister; AST Scholarship; H ighest Sister GPA; Most Improved GPA.



McGowen , Gamma

Alpha - Communica tion-Rio Grande Col lege . Edito r ; Treasu rer ; H ousing Director; H omecoming Queen Candidate; H omecoming Chairman; National H onorary Society of Pershing Rifles; A rmy ROTC; Cheerleader; Champaign County Teen Center; Ad H oc Committee for Student Senate; Dean 's List; Army ROTC Scholarship; Dolores Cain Memorial Scholarship; Dailey Scholarship; First Year Varsi ty Award. Kim Popour, Ga mma B eta-Criminal Justice/ Co rrect ions- L ake Super ior State Uni versity. Fundraising; Rock-a-Thon; Winter Carnival. Cheryl Lynn Currito, Gamma ÂŁpsi/onMusic Education-SUNY Potsdam . Founding Si ster ; Panh elle n ic D ele gate ; Executive Board; Rush Director ; H ousing Director; Music D ir ec tor ; B and; O rc hestra ; Pep -B and ; Sigma Pi Sweetheart; Pi Kappa Lambda Music H onor Society; Study Abroad Program; Concerto Program Recipient; All American Scholastic Student; President's List; H elen H osmer Scholarsh ip; Inter-Collegiate Band.


Collegians Beta

Central Michigan University This year has proven to be a very successful one for Beta . After the winter rush , Beta's membership was the largest ever. We are proud to say that Central 's 1989 homecoming queen was our own Tammy Kushner. We gained 17 enthusiastic pledges. They are a great asset to our group and have helped us to real ize the true meaning of sisterhood. Beta has excelled in extracurricular activities. We won the campus cham pionship in football and were fortunate enough to play in the U.S .F. & G. flag football tournament in New Orleans. Beta also won the Odyssey trophy dur ing Gree k Week. Th e tro phy is awarded to the overall winner of Greek Week events. We are proud to be the recipients of this prestigious award for the second time. We look forward to the fall semester with our newly elected executive board and we thank our old executive board for making us the strong chapter that we are today. - Amy Karr


Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania The sisters of Zeta chapter pulled together to aid Kerry McGrath , a 1985 graduate with Leukemia. Pledges were collected as members rode stationary bicycles.

Beta sisters enjo y the Big Sis dinner given by th e fall pledge class .

Because of our successful fall rush , we co ntinu ed the theme of Br oadway shows. Our new sisters are Alina Whittle, Amy Crowley, Chrisi Shaulis, Jamie Alunni , Heather Neuman , Missy Keller and J odi Thompson. Zeta was able to brighten the days of others while hel ping a good cause. During Daffodil Days, we volunteered our services to the Am erican Cancer Society. Spring always brings much involvement in athletic competitions . Sisters were on two intramural sports teams ,

volleyball and softball . We also participated in Greek Week and Greek Olympics , placing third overall . The Annual Yellow Rose Formal was held April 21 - 23. Several alumnae were able to join us. Zeta chapter is working hard for what we hope will be a very successful regional leadership workshop. We have already held several fundraisers and plan more so that we will be able to provide for our guests. - Kim Giorlando


S outheastern Oklahoma S tate University

Zeta stars put forth their best performances in " Broadway Shows " during Lock Hoven's Rush.


Spring semester was a great success for Rho chapter. Rushees traveled around the world with the sisters of Alpha Sigma Tau. An All Greek Kick-Off sponsored by the Greek Council began the week of rush activities. The week continued as rushees attended an open house in our chapter room at a Jamaican Me Crazy party, a Mexican Fiestau and a night in Paris at our Sidewalk Cafe. When bid house opened back in the U.S .A., new pledges were welcomed with Coca-Cola and apple pie. Our new sisters are Traci Evans, Shanna Haley, Christy Maxey, Laura Neighbors , tephanie Rambo , Tanya Roger , Lori atterfield, Delana mith , Jennifer kagg and abrina Thompon .

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989


"Pledge AST-The Choice of a New Generation " is the message heralded by the sisters of the Rho chapter.

Choosing big and little sisters was a special time for everyone in sorority. It was a joy to see the delight and happiness on the faces of pledges as they received gifts from their big sisters. On April Fool 's Day, wild things were sighted at Rho ' s " Wh e re th e Wild Things Are" party. Emerald was held at Tanglewood Resort on Lake Texoma . Everyone enjoyed delicious food and warm fellowship as we celebrated the end of another successful semester. - Pam Smith


Buffalo State The Spring semester of 1989 was an exci ting tim e for the Sigmas at Buff State. We began the term with three impressively creative Rush parties. Our effort was rewarded with 14 great pledges. Fundraising and social service projects took a real priority this year. Our fund raising events consisted of selli ng-everything from clothes to cards to candy. Many of the girls proved to be excellent at the art of persuasion. The sorority did very well. The Sigma Chapter is very proud to say that they were involved in 8 social service projects this spring. Much of the volunteer work involved work with chil dren. Everyone participated and was rewarded with many memori es . (Like Lepurachun village!) This years " Greek Games " was a time for all to remember. On the morning after our Spring Banquet 50+ AET's set out to demonstrate their athletic excel-

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

Donnell Baughman in the pictu re that won her the 1989 Greek Queen competition.

S ome Sigma sisters enjoying spring break in Daytona . Left to right, top to bottom: Julie Eckert, Kelli McEuoy , Donnell Baughman , Kimberly Gerber and Alicia March .


Collegians lence. Well , we didn 't win, but we sure did have a great time . As the year came to a close we were happy to initiate our pledges and begin planning for next year. Congratulations and wishes for luck go out to newly elected President, Bonnie Fuller, Vicepresident, Julie Seiwers and Inter-GreekAssociation President , Sister -Marci Hook . To our sisters who are leaving us ; Donnell , Kelly , Shelly, Lynne , Laura , Paulette, Lou , Michelle , Tina & Kirsten-we will miss you more than you will ever know-Sigma won 't be the same without you guys.

Zeta Tau

Longwood Our semester began with formal rush , including a skit party " A Night on Broadway. " We got four great pledges: Sharon Fulgham , Patty Davis , Elyse Englehart and Christina McKimens, and another pledge, Susannah Pinch , after an open bid party. All Greeks attended a semi-formal in the student union building after walk . We had Parents Day this year. The turnout was great despite a snowstorm the day before. The day consisted of a touching ceremony and time to socialize and have lunch together. We had fun participating in the Spring Weekend chili cookoff and Spring Weekend events . We also signed up for quite a few of the Greek Week events and played oozeball and intramural softball. Some sisters represented the sorority in the Delta Sigma Theta annual fashion show . Social service projects included sponsoring two underprivileged students of a Zeta Tau alumna to go on an educational field trip. Those sisters who could donated in the American Red Cross blood drive. Our biggest project was the adopta-highway program. We adopted a two mile stretch of highway outside of town and picked up all the trash on the side of the road. We now have signs on each end of the stretch saying that it belongs to Alpha Sigma Tau sorority . We were surprised to win second place and receive $75. Two scholarship awards were given within our chapter. Rhonda Wall received the scholarship key for the highest GPA (4.0) . Vicki Ellis received the scholarship badge for the highest cumulative GPA . The pledges gave a party for the sisters in which they presented paddles , a skit, a song and a much needed vacuum cleaner. Pledges


Zeta Tau takes a break from college life at Lo ngwood Co llege to concentrate on sisterhood at Maymont Park in Richmo nd.

also enjoyed being sisters for a day on role reversal day. Zeta Tau had a retreat in Richmond at Byrd Park and Maymont Park. We had a cookout then went to a petting zoo . It was a wonderful , relaxing day together. We also had a spring date party with a Hawaiian luau theme. - Victoria Ellis


Southeastern Louisiana University The sisters of Phi were busy raising money for the Pine Mountain Settlement School. We also held a raffle so that we could purchase rocking chairs. Our annual Rock-a -thon has become such a success that we decided we had better buy our own . During an open rush party in our chapter suite we met many interesting women . We chose seven pledges: Angie Browning , Shannon Cline , Dionne Cueva , Quinna Ezell , Hali Gow and Michel Martin . We donated games and toys to the Holy Ghost School in Hammond, then cleaned-up the school library during Greek Week . Friendly competition was the central theme during Greek Week . Our pledges mingled with other pledges at the annual Pledge Picnic held in Cafe Square. During Bloomer Bowl, we enjoyed the pre-

game parade and the " big" game . Phi was strengthened by a number of work sessions . Sisterhood Weekend allowed sisters to spend concentrated time together. At our Leadership Workshop, we learned the responsibilities that come when elected an officer.


James Madison University, Virginia The semester began with the initiation of the Xi pledge class com rised of 31 sisters. The brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon helped us celebrate with a party. Alpha Phi Alpha co-sponsored our annual Jail-a-thon for the American Cancer Society and we participated with other Greeks in the Great Hunger Clean Up to help fight world hunger. For the Pine Mountain Settlement School , we conducted " Button Night" and sponsored a band at a fraternity . One of the mi xers that was most fun was a double mixer with Theta Chi , Sigma Pi and Zeta Tau Alpha. A floor covered with sand got us psyched for Spring Break. Many sisters became traveling companions to " tropical " area such as Key West , Florida, and Freeport, Bahamas. After Break, we continued the fun during Greek ing. P i brought back El i for the night during our medley called " Elvis Lives."

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

Collegians Alpha Ga mma would like to wish the best o f luck to o ur newest alumnae : Ste phanie Ada ms, Jill J etter, Tina Lamb and Tracy Taylor, whose hard work and loyalty made the pas t year a great one . - S hirley Rook

Alpha Lambda

Radford University, Virginia

Sisters fro m th e Psi chapter unite with oth er members during a Regio nal Leadership Workshop.

Our Parents Banquet included honoring our top scholars. We are very proud of senior Mary Gallagher , who was named Greek Woman of the Year. We participated in all Greek Week events and even won the tricycle race. A boat race was held across Newman Lake at the end of the week. We had to build our own boat, and Psi , being the swim ming turtles that we are, paddled to second among sororities and fourth overa ll. Alumna e weeke nd brought siste rs back to celebrate with Kappa Sigma. We also held a cook-out with Sigma Phi Epsilon one beautiful Sunday afternoon to help relieve our pre-exam stress. Senior pass downs was both a sad and happy time , celebrated with hot dogs and hamburgers at a sister 's ho use . To end the year with a bang , we dressed up in spring frocks and tailgated at the Foxfield Steeplechase Races in Charlottesville. - Kit Coleman

with an original coun try composition. Taus shared the spirit of spring with oth e rs as we he lp ed in a city-wide cl ea nup and vo lunteered fo r Specia l Olympics. April was fill ed with hard work as sisters organized our annual Dating Ga me to raise money for spring formal. Our Yellow Rose banquet was held in Little Rock, AR , to celebra te another awesome yea r. While pre paring fo r fin als, we a lso pla nn ed fo r a su mme r wo rks ho p to brush up on our rush tools and finalize rush details.

Th e Al p ha La mbdas captu red our rush theme from the S ummer Olympics: " Go For The Gold ." We snatched up 27 wo nderful pledges who na med themselves " The 27 Heavenly Taus ." The fund ra isers went very well. We had our annual Valentine balloon sale and rose sale. We also had a ra ffle for beach supplies , a bake sale and a M & M sale . Our social services included Meals-onWheels, the Bowl-a-thon for Big Brothers/ Big Sisters wi th the P hi Sigma Ka pp a fr a te rn ity , a dinner for the Radfo rd firefig hters, the Litter-a-thon and a visit to the Detention Center. To top things off the Alp ha Lambdas participated in the annual all Greek M.D.A. Sup e rd a nce . Du r ing this event we placed first in the airband competition wi th Robert Palme r's " Simply Irresistible ." We elected a new executive board with Michelle O ' Nei ll as president. Our Sweetheart's Ball was held at the Sheraton in Roanoke. Michelle O ' Neill was crowned Banquet Princess and Lisa

Alpha Gamma

Henderson State University, Arkansas The sisters of Alpha Gamma began another busy spring semester with an Old South rush party. Held in Henderson 's historic Panhellenic House, the affair featured sisters in white dresses a nd yellow roses . Later, yellow and green balloon bouquets with AST telegrams were delivered to prospective pledges. Spring fever caught on soon as Alpha Gamma dominated Greek Week. We took first place in Greek Olympics and won first prize in the Greek Gong Show

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

Thi s wet, sloppy fun had a purpose to it as Alpha Ga mma earned money for their formal at Henderson State.


Collegians sented the theme of " It's a Tau Tau World. " We went around the world, and stopped to pick up 12 pledges. We also enjoyed our Yellow Rose . Francine Wartman was named Top Tau. The pride of Alpha Omicron was shin· ing during Greek Week. We showed more spirit than anyone on campus. We also look forward to our second annual Greek Carnival. Finally, we worked with the Red Cross during their Blood Drive and collected clothes for needy families . We look ahead to a great fall semester of Tau love . - Kellie Acquaro

Alpha Pi


Regionals at James Madison University were attended en mass by Alpha Lambda from Radford.

Davy, Banquet Queen . Attending the banquet were many alums as well as advisers Dr. Noel Eggleston and Leslie Lucas, and patron Dr. Edward Jervey . We partici pated in many intramural spo rts including basketball , volleyball , swimming and softball . We also held a num ber of mixers with other campus fra· ternities and sororities. The semester ended with Greek Week. The Alpha Lambdas placed first in field day, second in Sidewalk Art, and third in both Follies and Airband with David Lee Roth 's " California Gi rls. " It was also a great honor to hear that the Alpha Lambdas were the winners of the President's Cup. This honor was based on social services, scholarshi p, Greek involvement and leadership on campus. This was very exciting and a perfect way

to end the school year. - Tara Hess

Alpha Omicron

Clarion University of Pennsylvania Acting as hosts to the Regional Leadership Workshop (R.L.W.) was the best thing that could have ever happened to the Alpha Omicron chapter. During the past year, we put all of our time and energy into its preparation and we believe it was a great success. R.L.W. brought our sisters closer and strengthened our sisterhood. It was so much fun to spend time with members from other chapters and Nationals. This bonding is what sisterhood is all about. Rush was memorable as well. We pre-

Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania The highlight of the semester for Alpha Pi came during Greek competition. We chimed in for a second in Greek Sing and excelled for a third during Greek Week. We got off to a good start with a suc· cessful rush when nine women decided to pledge. Our " AST in Vogue" party was a big hit. Social service involvement included selling daffodils for the American Cancer Society and participation in the Blood Drive. Some sisters also volunteered at a community Easter egg hunt. Our intramural volleyball team did not place, but we had a great time playing and meeting members of other campus sororities. One of the goals for the Panhellenic Council is to form a committee of Greek pledges to encourage interaction . Plans for the fall include attending the regional leadership workshop and a big formal rush party. - Kim Wilker

Alpha Tau

Edinboro University of Pennsylvania

Anxiously awaiting the arrival of other chapters for a Re· gional Leadership Workshop are Alpha Omicron sisters (left to right) Beth Toth , Sue Dlvecchlo , Amy Badger, Sue Prezel, Tina Tozzle and Missy Sherwood.


Alpha Tau 's retreat at our adviser 's home proved to be an enriching experi· ence . In addition to practicing for Greek Week and discussions on sisterhood, we shared our inner most thoughts during a candle-lighting ceremony. Our rush centered under " The Circus Big Top" theme. Fourteen women decided to pledge Alpha Tau . We helped the Erie Community Blood Bank with their blood dri e . e al o helped prepare a new home for ju nil boys .

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989


Greek Week spirit shines from Alpha Pi sisters at Slippery Rock.

being rewarded for sponsoring an Amerasian family from Vietnam to move to the United States. A hoagie sale was held to raise money for the family and the sorority. The highlight of the semester was holding our first Mother-Daughter luncheon. The April affair was attended by sisters, alumnae and their mothers . The day went very well and the sisters hope to make the Mother-Daughter luncheon an annual tradition . The regional leadership workshop was held at Clarion University. Several sisters attended and brought back several ideas and plans for further sorority growth , development and unity. Congratulations to our seven graduating seniors , who will be greatly missed . We appreciate all of your support and help . During the summer months a summer rush workshop was set up to prepare for fall rush . - Denise Benedetto

Alpha Ph i

Beta De lta

West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Duquesne University

Spring at West Chester was a very active one, starting with formal rush . A theme of " AST in the Alps " brought seven new members . Our Yellow Tea Rose Formal was held in April and was enjoyed by all. During Greek Week, Alpha Phi was awarded the Community Service Award at Greek Awards night. The chapter was

Beta Delta has certainly had an exciting semester. Beta Pi , our sisters from Slippery Rock, lent us a hand with formal rush by visiting for a weekend in January and exchanging ideas . Missy Parks , national rush director, also attended . Spring rush gave us four terrific pledges : Kirsten Erdman , Tina Frank , Cathy Gandziarski and Vanessa Melendez.

Alpha Tau gets ready to show their spirit during Greek Week at Edinbo ro .

Since so many of our sisters partici pated on an intramural volleyball team , we marched away with the first place trophy during Greek Week . Our practice during our retreat also helped us capture first place in the chariot race, second in Greek Sing, swimming and track, and third in a Greek couples dance. All these victories helped us to place second overall. Our hats are off to sister Susan Rusnak , who was first vice president of Panhellenic Council was responsible for Greek Week organization . Alumnae he lped us recognize our 20th year anniversary in a special way as we rededicated ourselves to sisterhood. Summer plans include a sisterhood weekend, which we hope to hold annually to keep our bonds strong. -Michelle Bracken

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

Alpha Phi sisters welcome new pledges after bid night at West Chester University.



Who wouldn 't be all smiles , such as these women from Beta Delta , while enjoying their Yellow Rose Ball at Du quesne? (left to right) Bottom , Gina Clair , Second Row , Monica Clair , ACA Lisa Voegtly , Gloria Rayman, Third Row , Lisa Parker, Venessa Melendez , Cathy Gandziarski, Jennifer Paris, Sabrina Smith , Mary LoChiatto, Kathy Kress, Fourth Row , J e nny Graff, Sherri S chultz and Cathy Pri mavera .

February brought the annual Valen tine's Ball sponsored by the brothers of Al pha Phi Delta. Sister Gina Clair represented us as our candidate for queen , and several other sisters and alumnae also attended. April Fool's Day may have been the appropriate day for Duquesne's Greek Sing this year. We practiced dancing and singing for weeks, driven hard and crazy by sister Gloria Rayman for the show that benefitted the American Cancer Society. Ou r the me was " It's A Hard Knock Life ." Our special guest stars were no ne other than Chapter Adviser Kelly Lewis and Assistant Chapter Adviser Lisa Voegtly!! Of course it was a great show with all that talent ... We enjoyed the regional leadership wo rkshop (R. L.W.}, a " weekend of elegance" with the special Alpha Omicron sisters at Clarion University. As did the R.L.W. we hosted in 1987 , it reaffirmed our sisterhood and brought us closer together. March 10 was our pledge acceptance forma l at Costanzo 's restaurant , and April 15 was the date for our Yellow Rose Ball at B.B. Boomer's. We had a lot of fun at both. With seven of our sisters graduating this year, we wish to thank them for everything they have given to Beta Delta: hard work , loyalty, friendsh ip , laughter , more hard work , and most of all love. - Lisa Parker

Beta Epsilon

Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania Spring '89 was an exciting semester for Beta Epsilon . We started off with a successful rush with innovative and ere-


Holding steady are Beta Eta sisters in the pyramid-building contest during Spring Rush Week at Edwardsville. (left to right, top to bottom) Karen Kutz , Laura Geisinger, Savita Rai , Ela ine Messer, Christy Wellhausen , Kim Sickage and brothers of Alpha Kappa Delta .

MTV came to Shippensburg during Rush Week when Beta Epsilon sisters Pattie Cartwright, Elan Baglini , Kathleen Anderson and Jennifer Wilson performed in a skit.

As always, the chapter was kept busy with social service projects. Sisters were waitresses and coat check staff members for campus dances . We also chaperoned teenagers at local community center events. Sisters donated blood to the Red Cross, opened our sorority house for town meetings and participated in the campus-wide graffiti clean-up project. The sisters captured that " AST spirit" as Greek Week rolled around. We also were active in intramural competition. The semester came to a close with exceptionally good news that four of our sisters were chosen as fraternity Sweethearts . -Wendy Hain

Beta Eta ative ideas . Congratulations to new sisters Holl y Beach , Cobi e Bean , Kim Brogley, Allison Epps, Carolyn Malloy, Danielle Miller , Lisa Munday, Megan Nielson , Meg Oberman , Deb Rahn , Marcie Sullivan and Holli Vogt. The spring social calendar was filled . We began with a Valentine 's day date party, two fun four -way mixers and an eight-way mixer. At a Tropical Paradise date party couples danced in a limbo contest. The Yellow Rose Formal was a blast as sisters and our dates spent an entire weekend relaxing and socializing by the pool and on the dance floor. Kim Sutton won the Top Tau awa rd and Mi chele DiPietro , the Lisa Ziegler award .

Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville At Edwardsville Beta Eta kicked off spring with a very successful rush . We started off ' Rush Week' with a table in the University Center displaying IT pride. We talked with many perspectives, and ended up with seven pledges. Monday night we brushed up on our IT songbook. Tuesday we participated in a Round Robin night held on campus for all sororities and we showed off our IT songs and spirit. Ne t we held socials and by Friday evening \ e concluded an exciting week by attending several parties in honor of n gre ks .

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

Collegians This year we held many kinds of fund raisers. We had bake sales and sold calendars, candy bars and refreshments at the St. Louis Vice President's Fair. The majori ty of the money went into an account for our National Convention Fund. Our chapter also participated in a lot of Greek and campus events. We were active in all the usual Greek activities such as mixers and social s. Springfest was also a busy and fun -filled time . Mid-summer we began planning for rush. Then we'll start off the school year filled with spirit as we participate, once again , in another successful " Fall Rush! " - Michelle Turnbough

Beta Theta

St. Mary's University, Texas Beta Theta was in full swing on St. Mary's campus in San Antonio , TX . We began an early rush with themes " Putting on the Ritz" and " Treasure Hunt. " The traditional Tau Cross ceremony brought us six great pledges. February was a good month to have a retreat at a member's ranch house. It was a meaningful time for sharing. National fraternity Delta Sigma Phi joined us in the evening. In March , we held our Parents Weekend. It started at the house of Sister Ann , our chapter adviser , with a barbecue lunch . As the night progressed , the families were caught gambling at our 13th Annual Las Vegas Night, which turned out to be the highlight of the weekend. The weekend ended for parents with a mass on Sunday. Sisters , however, still had work to do , as we joined Delta Sigma Phi for an Easter Picnic for the Holy Rosary Parish children. Later in the month , Beta Theta strutted our beauty in a fashion show. It specialized in formals and renovated clothing. In April we received third place for our involvement in Greek Week activi ties . There was so much spirit in the air that sisters had to borrow each other's AST paraphrenalia and t-shirts because theirs was in the laundry . At the San Antonio Country Club , our formal was magical. President Lilly Garcia won the Top Tau award. Though tired after a night which included a buffet , awards , slide show and dancing , some sisters brought their sore feet to the " Walk America" the next morning . O ur semester ended with the Oyster Bake , which is run by the university al umni to raise money for scholarships. Due to safety recommendations , we de-

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

cided not to sell our traditional cheese sticks. Thank goodness for Sister Ann 's " Nawlins's Red Beans and Rice " which became a new attraction as it sold out before the night was over. - Annelise Vela

Beta Iota

Millersville University of Pennsylvania Beta Iota began the spring semester with the traditional spring formal rush. It was a huge success giving us nine enthusiastic sisters : Teri He isey , Kristin e Smith , Mich ell e Szymanski , Diann e Everett, Kristen Herrman , Deb May , Heather Moroz , Sonya Zearing and Kelsey Wade. Th e sisters en joyed fundrai s ing activities such as the phon-a-thon and the second annual bowl-a-thon with Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity. The money we collected from the bowl-a-thon went to The Ronald McDonald House of Hershey, PA. Greek Week saw pledges of Beta Iota take third place in pledge skits, one of the week's biggest events . This pulled us into third place where we proudly remained for the rest of the competition. At the end of April , the sisters enjoyed a picnic at the home of our adviser, Dr. McCaskey. The day was filled with good food , volleyball and beautiful weather. The spring formal was a night enjoyed by all who attended. We closed the semester with a volleyball party, which was

a chance to relax and break away from studying for final s. Lastly, Beta Iota would like to welcome two new enthusiastic members to our chapter: Dr. McCaskey, our chapter faculty adviser, and Chris Paules, our chapter consultant. Good Luck to graduating seniors Dora Shaud, Heidi Harrell and Candy Good . - Michele Graybill

Beta Mu

Salisbury State University It' s been a busy semester as well as a time of change and growth. Beta Mu fi nally got permission to have a sorority cluster on campus. This meant a lot to us because it gave us a such greater sense of unity and organization and , of course, a place to hang our composites! We decided not to rush because we needed to reevaluate what the sorority and each other meant to each of us before we could invite new girls to join us . Of course, no semester would be complete without fundraisers and we've certainly done our share . We started the semester off with a 50/ 50 raffle of a 3 foot white teddy bear. We gave half of the proceeds to a local AIDS foundation . Next, we sold " Spring Break Send-Offs" so people could wish their friends well before leaving for Break. Then , we did a little marketing by distributing credit card applications to juniors, seniors and graduate students. Lastly, we sold final exam survival kits to help our fellow undergrads through the hectic week .

Beta Iota sisters enjoy the casual side of sorority life at Millersuille .


Collegians Beta Xi

Michigan Technological University

Caught in the act of " sam pling" are Beta Mu sisters (left to right) Marl ene Elseroad , Wendy Smith and Colleen Hardin g. Benefits from the chocolate chip cookie sale went to Coastal Hospice.

We were also quite busy with social service projects. We held our bi-annual party for the residents at the Holly Center and we continued to vis it our adopted grandfather at the local nursing home . In March , we volunteered our services at WBOC-TV for the Easter Seals Telethon. Sisters were runners and answered phones . The most exciting part of the day for us was when our social service chairperson, Colleen Harding , and president , Wend y Smith , presented a check from our chapter on camera. In April , we participated in the March of Dimes Walk-a-thon and S .S .U. Annual Alumnae Phone-a-thon. Finally, we sold cookies at Mayfest for Coastal Hospice. Beta Mu has also been active with campus activities. Our intramural softball team, the Top Taus, finished among the top teams . We also partici pated in Greek Week and Derby Days. Next semester we're looking forward to a great rush and continuing to build on the firm foundation of sisterhood and friendship that we've begun. - Laura Schollenberger

Affection is one of the major byproducts of sisterhood, as shown by Beta Nu's Theresa Mamrol , Mary Beth Pethlck and Lea Lappin .


Beta Nu

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Spring semester began with a dance sponsored by the Greek community to better acquaint students with Greek life. Afte r ru sh , we welcomed our 21st pledge class. Congratulations to Claudia Cooper , Kerri Donald , Kirsten Elek , Karin Francheselli , Kelly Gillette, Monica Gresch, Juli Herring , Heather Leslie, Ellen Patrick , Becky Pigga , Laura Reynolds and Kim Riss . Beta Nu sisters participated in the annual phon-a-thon and raised a substantial amount of money for the university. During Greek Week activities , we won the Chariot Race for the third consecutive year. We also placed in many competitions, such as the three-legged race and other track events. Our spring formal was held at the Camelback Resort in the Poconos. We look forward the regionals at Lock Haven , also located in Pennsylvania. -Christie Erb

lt seems that the name Beta Xi has become synonomous with the best icemakers . For the third consecutive year, we won first place overall and first place in the statue competition. Winter Carnival at Michigan Tech had the theme " An American Dream in a Frozen Scene." We dared to dream so intensely, that we even took first place in special events. College Avenue, where most homes for Greek organizations are located, was beautified this spring . The city of Houghton provided the flowers and we provided our enthusiasm and labor. Greeks also got together during the Panhellenic Council-sponsored Blood Drive. A goal of 300 pints was exceeded. ln addition to Greek Week and intramural competitions, Beta Xi sisters also attacked renovating the house . We are stripping the woodwork in the dining room . A room on the third floor was converted into a study room . Our alumnae were invited to our President's party as well as to our Yellow Rose Formal. We initiated a new " Top Alumna " award to be determined by our alumnae relations committee. Fall will be a busy time for our chapter. We will concentrate on more effective rushing during the Fall Rush, as it will be held for only the second time . We will also be hosts of a regional leadership workshop. - Janet Hartman

Beta Upsilon

New Jersey Institute of Technology Beta Upsilon was able to initiate two new programs with much success and support from its members. The Yellow Rose formal was reinstated November 5 and the first Mother/ Daughter Tea held April 15. We hope both of these events will be held annually. Spring Rush was intimate , as sisters held " Pub Day" where rushees and sisters lunched together. We also held an Italian Food Night and mixed with Tau Delta Phi fraternity . During " Putting on the Ritz " we served " mocktails and crackers ." The final party was " ub Day," complete with a 6 -foot submarin and Tina Scarnecchia and Gina Och be: came pledges. Our intramural bowling team got a boo t from our fundrai r \ hich included credit card r cruitm nt, bak

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

Collegians We defied all odds by winning Greek Week '89 in style. We also walked for the March of Dimes with fellow Greeks and sponsored another Alcohol Awareness Program and Hazing Forum . The annual spring formal was held at the Molly Pitcher lnn . A great time was definitely had by all as we ended a successful semester in style. Remember ... Alpha Sigma Tau .. . the Strength is in the Bond' We look forward to a continued sense of closeness in our chapter in the semesters to come. -Carol Zocco & Carolyn Heyman

Gamma Alpha

Rio Grande College, Ohio Dominating as Winter Carnival champs for the third consecutive year gives Beta Xi plenty to sm1le about.

sales and a Broadway show and hotel accommodations raffle . We participated heavily in the phon-athon and the cleanup of a local park. We also staffed booths and donated blood during the Interfratern ity and Sorority Council 's Blood Drive. During Spring Week and Greek Week we won the Keg Toss , chariot race and obstacle course events . We also placed second in the pogo jump and third in the egg toss . Some sisters rented a house on the New Jersey shore for the summer, which was open for us all to visit. - Rosanna Pizza

Beta Omega

Monmouth College, New Jersey The spring semester for Beta Omega was a memorable one. It all began with a great rush , as we welcomed the largest pledge class on ca mpu s. Th e Th eta pledge class included Deanna Delaney, Lori Duffield , Alison Fitzgerald , Melissa Galin, Jennifer Gibson , Karen Juliano , Daniell e Porchetta , Kathl een Rubacky and Jill Sidote. Our new sisters are sure to continue the enhancement and growth of our sisterhood.

The Gamma Alpha chapter captured the country feeling at the Bob Evans Farm Festival in Rio Grande, OH. This yea rly event draws folks from around the country for a weekend filled with entertainment. Fall quarter also featured Homecoming, with our own Sister Anna Brewer as runner-up in the Queen contest. Winter quarter brought us ten members: Dena Beard , Lisa Conley, Roxy Conrad , Mary Ann Crago , Sue Gayheart, Yuko Karmon , Cheryl Payne, Valerie Stefaniak, Ru th Wilkin and Sherri Wilson. We were in a rush in the spring quarter to come up with fundraisers and to make our May Day a memorable time for alumnae. Sisters worked hard decorating our picnic table for the contest held during Greek Week. Regionals were held at Clarion and we wish to thank the sisters of Alpha Omicron for a great weekend full of fel lowship . We would also like to thank our advisers for their support and congratulate our new executive officers: Lou Ellen Zerkle, president; Lorie Pickering , vice president; Kelly Lowe , corresponding secretary; Sheri Smith, recording secretary; and Anna Brewer, treasurer. Good luck to graduating seniors . Never forget us because we will never forget you .

Gamma Epsilon

State University of New York at Potsdam The fall pledge class squeezes together with Be ta Upsilon sisters in their chapter room at New Jersey Institute.

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

Gamma Epsilon now has a place for our get togethers . Our new " House" is actually two apartments that will be shared by 11 sisters.


Collegians " Wacky Olympics" as well as more serious activities. The week included a semi nar on the legal aspects of pledging , and the movie " The Jagged Edge." Teeter-Totter for Tots was an ali-day marathon by Panhellenic members to raise money for the Frostburg Children 's Center. We also participated in the alumni phonathon and Easter Egg Hunt. Our Yellow Rose Formal was held at Grantsville Holiday Inn . We also enjoyed a cookout with Sigma Tau Gamma fra ternity as a break during finals . - Joanne Weinstein

Gam ma Theta Gamma Epsilon sisters Gail Breedlove and Robin Ziegler clown around at Po tsdam .

Spring rush consisted of three theme parties, an interest party and a final tea . In addition to a " Black Tie" and " AST's All Star Team ," we had " Taus in Texas," which was especially fun . We were happy on Bid Night to welcome six pledges. Spring Break was celebrated early at Potsdam . Not only did the sisters enjoy the function downtown , but we also raised $450. Collections for others included gathering Campbell soup labels and the blood drive. We collected 150 pints of blood during the two-day drive. We also participated in the Very Special Arts Festival for the handicapped . During Ice Carnival in January, the chapter competed in broomball , volleyball , iceskating and a tricycle relay. We also enjoyed a softball game with Sigma Chi at our clam bake. In the coming year will we continue to put into practice organizational skills taught by Gamma District President Gay Truhart. - Robin Ziegler

Behrend College, Penn State University On Sunday, April 17, 24 proud and happy faces were seen leaving the science building o f Penn State's Behrend College in Erie, PA. The newly pledgepinned colony of Gamma Theta left the day's ceremony feeling elated. The pledge pinning wrapped up a

weekend of activities , following a visit from Jean McNamara , director of expansion , Sally Wales , director of alumnae, and Anne Gruber, colony adviser. On Saturday, we enjoyed breakfast and lunch with our visitors from Nationals . Later in the day, individual training meeting for officers began . These meetings prepared the officers of the fall semester for their positions. We were very fortunate to have AST alumnae Norma Black and Debbie Carter in the Erie area . They helped the National advisers with the pin -pledging ceremony. Afterwards, hugs were exchanged and pictures were taken as our journey into sisterhood became within our grasp . We had started meeting during the fall 1988 semester, and on Founder's Day, shared a delicious dinner and a beautiful ceremony with the sisters of Edinboro 's Alpha Tau chapter. We are looking forward and to being installed as a chapter by the fall 1989 semester. - Sue Edmonds

Gamma Zeta

Frostburg University of Pennsylvania The new sisters at Gamma Zeta really enjoyed the regional leadership workshop at James Madison University. It gave us the opportunity to beef up on ideas for fundraisi ng and social service projects. After such games as " Win , Lose or Tau " and performances as " AST Sock Hop ," Gamma Zeta welcomed 14 new members . Gree k Week was packed full with


Th e Gamma Theta sisters become the newest colony of Alpha Sigma Tau during a pin-pledging ceremony at Penn State 's Behrend Co llege in Erie.

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

Alpha Sigma Tau Directory National Headquarters, P.O. Box 59252, Birmingham , AL 35259

Ph : 205/945-0318

ALPHA SIGMA TAU founded November 4, 1899- Eastern Michigan University (fo rmerly Michigan State Normal College) , Ypsilanti , Mi chigan

Mrs. E. A. Lyman• Helene M. Rice• May Gephard• Mayene Tracy• Mable Chase•


First Vice President- Lenore Seibel King (Mrs. Thomas J ., Jr.). Psi, 1845 Lakeridge Road , Birmingham , AL 35216 Second Vice President- Mary Glor Bolton (Mrs. Douglas J .), Sigma, 60 Briarhurst, Williamsv ille, NY 14221 Member-at-la rg e- June McCa rthy, Pi , 8891 Watson Woods, St. Louis, MO 63126 Treas ure r- Bobbie Nichols Tucker (Mrs. Jack A., Jr .), Alpha Gamma, 6304 Kenwood, Little Rock, AR 72207

Adriance Ri ce* Ruth Dutcher• Eva O'Keefe• Harriet Marx• (Mrs. C. F. Pfeiffer)


*Ada A. Norton- Alpha .. . .. .. .. . ....... .



•Grace Erb Ritchie-Alpha . .. .. .. . .. . •Luella Chapman- Sigma . . . .. . ... . ... Carrie Washburne Staehle-Alpha ... . .. . ... . . •Dorothy Bennett Robinson- Pi ...... . .... ... •Mary Alice Seller Peterson- Iota . .... . .. . . .. . Elizabeth Wilson-Pi .... . ..... . ... . . . . Lenore " Sybil " Seibel King- Psi . .... . .. .. ... Gail Shockley Fowler- Alpha Lambda .... .... . . 'deceased

1925-1928 1928-1934 1934- 1949 1949-1955 1955-1964 1964- 1972 . 1972-1984 . 1984-1986 . . . .

PRESIDENT EMERITA Carrie Washburne Staehle (Mrs. Haswell E.) Alpha

National Council National President- Patricia Lynn Nayle, Phi , 5801 Lumberdale # 138, Houston, TX 77092 National Vice President-Janet Hanson Dodson (Mrs . Duane) , Iota, 618 North Chestnut, Lindsborg, KS 67456 National Secretary- Rick! Bargman Trosen (Mrs . Wallace) , Alpha Sigma, 904 Kings Road , Kirksville, MO 63501 National Treasurer-Rebecca Venne Appleman (Mrs. Phillip R.) , Alpha Alpha, 311 N. Ridgeview Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46219 Director of Collegiate Chapters- Mary Charles Adams Ashby (Mrs. C. J .), Chi , Box 12, The Plains, VA 22171 Director of Alumnae- Sally Sturm Wales (Mrs. Robe rt A.) , Sigma , 85 Bassett Road, Willia msville, NY 14221 Director of Expansion- Jean Ryckman McNamara (Mrs. John) , Sigma , 189 Cresthill Ave. , Tonawanda, NY 14150 Director of Fraternity Programs- Lenore Seibel King (Mrs. Thomas J ., Jr.) , Psi , 1845 Lakeridge Road, Birmingham, AL 35216 Director of Publications- Carole Bicking Keily (Mrs. Timothy) , Alpha Xi , 7807 Leland Road, Manassas, VA 22111 National Panhellenic Conference Delegate- Cynthia Peckhart McCrory (Mrs. Charles R.), Alpha Alpha , P.O. Box 5218, Fort Wayne, IN 46895

District Presidents Beta: Linda Hollingshead Bruce (Mrs. Barry K.) , Alpha Xi , 917 Pleasure Road, Lancaster, PA 17601 Gamma: Gay Gammell Truehart (Mrs. David). Beta Nu , 159 Eyer Street, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Delta: Heidi- Marie Bliss, Alpha Omicron, 603 Aberdeen Lane, Black. wood, NJ 08012 Epsilon: Karen Geary Sloan (Mrs. Thomas W.) , Zeta , 8621 Mano rfleld Road Baltimore, MD 21236 Eta: R ~th Selby Kielczewski (Mrs. Richard) , Alpha Sigma , 531 Kessler, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Theta: Carol J . Cooper, Zeta Tau , Office of Residence Life, UNCW, 601 S. College Road, Wilmington , NC 28403 Iota: Lynn Mona han Kirkham (Mrs. Chuck) , Zeta, 2345 Bruce Ave., Spartansburg, SC 29302 Kappa: Janet Minnis Jimison (M rs. Conrad). Iota , 1441 North C, Arkansas City, KS 67005 Lambda : Mary Ellen Willmitch , Alpha Rho , 1951 Pen ny Lane , Youngstown , OH 44515 . Mu: Deborah Ullenius, Beta Xi , 6148 Cream Ctty Rd . Lot 1, Oconto, WI 54153 Nu: Lori Larkin Pinto (Mrs. Carl) , Zeta, 4013 Salem Circle, Harleysville, PA 19438

Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors President- Meda Ray Elliott Sewell (Mrs. Preston) , Omicron , 6541 Williamsburg Bouleva rd, Arlington , VA 22213

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

Foundation Chairmen Awards, Grants & Scholarships Committee Chairman- Rose Marie Schmidt, Theta , 5106 Harvard Road, Detroit, Ml 48224 Fin a ncia l Secretary- Lois Schweikart O' Dell (Mrs . Robert) , La mbda, 222 West Tabor Road, Philadelphia, PA 19120 Publicity- Delores Craps! Schmidt (Mrs. Adolf K. ), Sigma, 597 Mill Street, Williamsville, NY 14221 Secretary- Fern e Shumate Ph ipps (Mrs . E.C.), Omicron 2611 Harrison Avenue, Parkersburg, WV 26104

Committee Chairmen Awards- Nancy Voltz, Beta Epsilon, 2760 Hyson Lane, Falls Church, VA 22043 Chaplain- Lucinda Edwards Younce (Mrs. Steven l.) , Alpha Alpha , 354 Sword Way, Bolingbrook, IL 60439 Colony Adviser- Anne Curran Gruber (Mrs. James). Alpha, 10110 Polo Court, Spring Valley, OH 45370 Colony Adviser- Mary Pauline Yeatman , Beta Zeta, 2539 Potomac Hunt Lane, # 2-B, Richmond, VA 23233 Convention- Lindy Hallquist Steeves (Mrs. John). Alpha Epsilon, 400 Hudson, Clarendon Hills, IL 60514 The Anchor Editor-Cynth ia Rader Durham (Mrs. Alvin T. , Jr.). Psi, 5610 Midway Dr. SW, Roanoke, VA 24018 Editor, Alumnae " Anchor" - Rose Marie Schmidt, Theta, 5106 Harvard Road , Detroit, Ml 48224 Editor, Collegiate " Anchor" - Margaret D'Amico Shepherd (Mrs. Gerard), Del ta, 33 West 21st Street, Huntington Station , NY 11746 Crest Editor- Lisa Pelkey Arnold (Mrs. Randy) , Sigma, 1951 -A Village Green South , East Providence, RI 02915 Financial Assistant- Janice Fitch (Mrs. Donald) , Iota, 4621 Via Lorna Linda, Yorba Linda, CA 92686 Historia n- Emily Ashby Mcintire (Mrs. Michael). Alpha Lambda, 40052 Steel , Sterling Heig hts, Ml 48310 Housing- Elizabeth Knaus, Alpha Lambda, 3029 Sandbend Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Me mbership Development- Anne Ma rie Campo Girardot (Mrs. Dan) , Beta Theta, 118 18 Tobler Trail, Austin, TX 78753 Music- Arline Bouligny Clark (Mrs. Allen) , Pi, 7037 Rhodes Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63123 Nomina tions-Jenn ifer Cantrell Schulz, Psi , 3533 Valley Road, # 2, Bonita, CA 92002 NPC Alternate Delegate-Carolyn Conner Alexander (Mrs. James). Pi , 6328 Potomac Street, St. Louis, MO 63139 NPC Alternate Delegate- Ferne Shumate Phipps (Mrs. E. C.), Omicron , 2611 Harrison Avenue, Parkersburg, WV 26104 NPC Alternate Delegate- Patricia L. Nayle, Phi, 5801 Lumberdale # 138 , Houston , TX 77092 Parliamenta rian-Cynthia Peckhart McCrory (Mrs. Charles R.), A , P.O. Box 5218, Fort Wayne, IN 46895 Pledge Director- Sherry Trayer Gentile (Mrs. John A.). Psi , 4746 Shadow Woods Court, Dumfries, VA 22026 Regional Leadership Workshop Director- Kelly Lynn Lewis, Delta, 11 East-West Drive, Pittsburgh , PA 15237 Rush Director- Melissa Friesen Parks (Mrs. Clinton R.), Beta Xi, 6199 Chablis Drive, Hamilton , OH 45011 Scholarship- Sherry Dotson Butler (Mrs. Franklin D.). Omicron, 5211 Cherokee Hills Drive, Salem, VA 24153 Social Service- Martha Drouyor DeCamp (Mrs. Samuel T.). Alpha, 27061 Eswa rd Drive, Agoura , CA 91301

Collegiate Chapters Alpha-Eastern Michigan University President, Janice Alvarado, 1021 Washtenaw, # 4, Ypsilanti , MI48197 ; CA, Marcia Beach Sullivan (Mrs. Chris) , Beta Xi, 14957 Arden , Livonia, Ml 48154; COACA, Suzanne Nemeth Slick (Mrs. Robert) , 3350 Croissant, Dearborn , Ml 48124; CO-ACA, Carlotta Salemi , Alpha, 2965 Bridge


Avenue, Trenton , MI 48183; CC , Linda Gundlefinger Shapona (Mrs. Mark}, Alpha Rho, 5843 Wedgewood , Canton , MI 48187 Beta-Central Michigan University President, Lisa Allen , 107 W. Gaylord, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858; CC, Shellie Lyn Ware, Beta , 47551 Hickory, Wixom , MI 48096 Delta-Indiana University of Pennsylvania President, Christine Marie Piper, 1050 Washinton Street, Indiana , PA 15701 ; CA, Suzanne Monet Lawer, 1091 South Sixth Street, Indiana, PA 15701 ; CC, Rebecca McCiincy, Delta, 5237 Strathmore Drive, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055; FA, Dr. Linda Rambler, 203 Stapleton Library, !UP, Indiana, PA 15701 Zeta-Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania President, Maria E. Demain, 121 112 East Main, Apt. 302, Lock Haven, PA 17745; CA, Amy DuPree, Alpha Xi , Box 118, Central Avenue, Avis, PA 17721 ; ACA, Denise Warner, Zeta, 622 East Main Street, Lock Haven , PA 17745; CC, Sheri Gordon , Box 254, Lamar, PA 16848 Iota-Emporia State University President , Genie! R. Hosselkus, 131 SE Morse, Emporia, KS 66801 ; CCA, Sally Clerico Conard, Iota, 918 Neosho, Emporia, KS 66801 ; ACA, Lisa Piper Smith , 126 Cypress, Emporia, KS 66801 ; CC, Staci Lyn Jimison , Iota , 401 Poxntz, Manhattan, KS 66502 Omicron-Concord College President, Julie Pence, C-423, Concord College, Athens, WV 24712; CA, Patty Hamilton, Box D-146, Athens, WV 247 12; ACA, Benjean Rapp, Omicron, P.O. Box 747 , Athens, WV 24740; CC, Betty Sue Hedrick, Omicron , 600 Island Street, Princeton, WV 24740 Rho-Southeastern Oklahoma State University President, Liz Cobb, P.O. Box 2468, Station A, Durant , OK 74701 ; CA, Rowena Bowman, P.O.Box 19 11 , Durant, OK 74701 Sigma-State University College at Buffalo President, Lisa Marinello, 1036 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14222; CA, Marilyn O' Lear Helmrath (Mrs. Will ia m}, Sigma, 86 Joanie Lane, North Tonawanda, NY 14120; ACA, Norma Willingdon Martin (Mrs. Frances A.}, 21 Glendale Drive, Tonawanda, NY 14150; CC, Susan McNamara Fry (Mrs. Norman} , Sigma, 311 Sterling Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14216 Zeta Tau-Longwood College President, Silvia Wyant, P.O. Box 1350, Longwood College, Farmville, VA 23901 ; CA, Cathi West, Dept. of Psychology, Farmville, VA 23901; CC, Katherine Sowards Baber (Mrs. Frank}, Alpha Lambda, Box 108-A Hampton Farm , Cartersville, VA 23027 Upsilon-University of Central Arkansas Presidertr, Mariana Lewis, 193 1 Martin U, Conway, AR 72032; CCA, Karen Jo Davis, 1221 Vestal , North Little Rock, AR 72114; CCA, Maria Chudy, Upsilon , 240 Apple Valley, Sherwood, AR 72116; CO-ACA, Francie Ferguson Jeffery (Mrs. Estel, Jr.} , Upsilon, # 5 Oakwood Circle, Conway, AR 72032; CO-ACA, Elaine Mack McNiece (Mrs. James C.}, Upsilon, 1410 Prince, Conway, AR 72032; CC, Gina Stone, Upsilon , 17 Jeanna Drive, Conway, AR 72032 Phi-Southeastern Louisiana University President, Judi Lambert, 301 Quick Blvd. #304, Hammond, LA 70401 ; CA, Patricia Keller, Phi , 501 Crystal Street, New Orleans, LA 70124; CC, Eva Blackwell , Phi , 10795 Mead Road 603, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 Psi-James Madison University President, Mary T. Bailey, P.O. Box 355, J MU, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 ; CA, Dr. Eileen S. Nelson, Psycholog y Departm ent, Johnston Hall , JMU , Harrisonbu rg, VA 22807 ; ACA, Jill Costie Harris (Mrs. Hunter} , Psi , 120 South Hampton , Harrisburg, VA 22807 Alpha Gamma-Henderson State University President, Robin E. Foster, 613 South 12th, Arkadelphia, AR 71923; CA, Vickie Arnold King (Mrs. Lloyd} , Alpha Gamma, Rt. #9, Box 482 , Hot Springs, AR 71 913; ACA, Sandra Peavey, HSU , Box 6478, Arkadelphia , PA 71923 Alpha Epsilon-Weste rn Illinois University President, Kristen Andress, # 1 Pollack Drive, Macomb, IL 64155; CA, Cathy Chenoweth Onion (Mrs. Steven}, Alpha Epsilon , RR 1, Table Grove, IL 61482; CC, Marti Schwartz, Alpha Epsilon , 1514 Northbrook C-3, Apt. 10, Normalington, IL 6176 1 Alpha Lambda-Radford University President , Kim Fulghum , 1011-D Fairfax, Radford, VA 24141 ; CA, Leslie Lucas , 506 Lawnva le Drive, Pearisburg, VA 24136; ACA, Noel Eggleston, Box 5833, Radford University, Radford, VA 24141 Alpha Mu-University of Arkansas at Monticello President, Dawn Harrod, 721 Sycamore, Monticello, AR 71655; CA, Nancy Gates, P.O. Box 20018, Monticello, AR 71655; CC, Jan James Owens, Alpha Mu, 532 Perry Street, Helena, AR 72342 Alpha Xi- Mansfield University President , J udy A. Wald, Box 341 , 328 Laurel B, MU , Mansfield, PA 16933; CA, Judy Lewandowski, Alpha Xi , 120 Pinecrest, Mansfield University, Mansfield, PA 16933 Alpha Omicron- Clarion University of Pennsylvania Presiden t, Deanne Shelenberger, 537 Madison Street, Clarion, PA 16214; CA, Suzanne Crozier P-Jobb, Alpha Omicron, 108 Wilson , Clarion, PA 16214 ; CC, Mary Ellen Willmitch , Alpha Rho, 1951 Penny Lane, Youngstown, OH 44515 Alpha Pi- Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania President,


Christine Baker. 234 Towers, Slippery Rock PA 16057 Alpha Sigma-Northeast Missouri State University President, Christine Edwards, 323 Brewer, NMSU, Kirksville, MO 62501; Michelle Schmidt, Alpha Sigma , 2203 South Marion Street #f, Kirksville, MO 63501 ; CC, Laura Ann Jackson , Alpha Sigma, 18-H Broadway Village Drive, Columbia , MO 65201 Alpha Tau-Edinboro University of Pennsylvania President, Denise M. Strucker, 102 Stonehaven , Gwynne 8, Edinboro, PA 16412; CA, Elaine Karch Bercik (Mrs. Edward M.}, Alpha Tau , Box 210, Irish Road, RD #1, Edinboro, PA 16412; CC, Mary Ellen Willmitch , Alpha Rho , 1951 Penny Lane, Youngstown , OH 44515 Alpha Phi-West Chester University President, Dawn Fischer, 607 South High Street , Apt. B, West Chester, PA 19382; CA, Grace MacDonald, Alpha Pi , 845 Wyndom Terrace, Secane, PA 19018; ACA, Annemarie Wagner, 516 Sagamore Road , Haverton , PA 19083; CC, Lynn Hannum , Alpha Phi, 23 Penns Court, Aston , PA 19014 Beta Delta- Duquesne University President, Lauralee Rzeszotarski SMC # 296, 1354 Vickroy Street, Pittsburgh , PA 15219; ACA, Miss Kelly Lewis, Delta, 11 East-West Drive, Pittsburgh , PA 15237 ; ACA, Lisa M. Voegtly, Alpha Tau , 603 Soose Road, Pittsburgh , PA 16209; FA, Dr. Kenneth Matejka, School of Business & Admin ., DU, Pittsburgh, PA 15282 Beta Epsilon-Shippensburg University President, Kim Sutton , 19 North Earl Street, Shippensburg , PA 17257; CA, Dr. Mary Jane Urbanowicz, Beta Epsilon , 400 E. King Street # 2, Shippensburg, PA 17257; ACA, Linda Price, Beta Epsilon , 9892 McCreary Road, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Beta Ze ta-U niversity of Alabama in Birmingham President, Melissa Jo Cox, 1312-C 34th Street South , Birmingham , Alabama 35205; CA, Terry Winston Dudley (Mrs. Thomas P.}, Beta Zeta , 3501 Countrywood Lane, Birmingham , Alabama 35243; ACA, Susan Joe, Beta Zeta, 4933 Scenic View Drive, Irondale, AL 35210; CC, Diane Lee, Beta Zeta, # 4 Indianwood Terrace, Pelham , AL 35124 Beta Eta- Southern Illinois University President, Michelle Hard , 125-A West Park, Edwardsville, IL 62025; ACA, Miss Nancy Hanks, Beta Eta, 471 East Lake Drive, Edwardsville, IL 62025; Karen L. Wasser, Beta Eta, 6809 Culpepper, Florissant, MO 63033 Beta Tau-Lowell University President, Laura A. Costanzo, 22 North Hill Road, Westford, MA 01886; CA, Carol Grenier O 'Leary, Beta Tau, 32 Auburn Street, Malden, MA 02148; ACA, Donna Marie Grenier, 824 Main Street, Malden , MA 02148 Beta Theta-St. Mary's University President, Lilly Garcia, Lourdes # 107, St. MU, San Anton io, TX 78284; CA, Sister Ann Semel , 3415 W. Woodlawn , San Antonio, TX 78228; ACA, Sue Vega, 7207 Snowden # 2210, San Antonio, TX 78210; CC, Doralisa Reyes, Beta Theta, P.O. Box 76, 139 E. Main, LaGrulla, TX 78548 Beta Iota-M ille rsv ille University of Pennsylvania President , Karen L. Houck , RD 2, Box 92-M, Coatesville, PA 17551 ; CA, Mary Ann Hanley Weber (Mrs. Thomas M.}, 917 Prospect Street, Lancaster, PA 17603; CC, Andrea icotera, 903 orway Street, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Beta Mu-Salisbury State College President, Wendy L. Smith , 1101 Camden Avenue, Box 3002, SSU, Salisbury, MA 21801 ; CA, Cathy Ryan, Beta Mu , 715 College Lane # 6, Salisbury, MA 21801 ; ACA, Barbara Ann East, Route 12, Box 418, 3 Cottonpatch , Salisbury, MD 21801 ; CC , Pam Emory , 5905 Auth Road , Camp Springs, MD 20746 Beta Nu-Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania President, Kim berly Crumley, 371 Lightstreet Road, Bloomsburg, PA 17815; CA, Gay Gammell Truehart (Mrs. David}, Beta u, 159 Eyer Street, Bloomsburg, PA 17815; CC, Joanne Dunston Ochs (Mrs. William} , Beta Nu , RD # 2, Box 104-B, Germansville, PA 18053 Beta Xi- Mich iga n Technological University President , Nancy Tyburski , 916 College Ave, Houghton, Ml 49931 ; CA, Heidi Lind DePuydt (Mrs. Daniel }, Beta Xi, 31 Hubbard, P.O. Box 61 , Painesdale, Ml 49955, ACA, Dr. Cynthia L. Selle, 64 Royalwood, Houghton, Ml 49931 Beta Pi-Eastern Illinois University President, Kelli J . Rich, 1808 Ninth Street, Charleston, IL 61920; CA, Deborah Watson Daugherty, 2409 8th Street # 20, Charleston, IL 61920 Beta Upsilon-New Jersey Institute of Technology President, Jean Murray, NJIT Alumni Center Rm. 6, ewark, J 07102; CA. oreen M. Schmid, Beta Upsilon, 35 Dacotah Ave. Lake Hiawatha ' ' J 07034 Beta Phi-California University of Pennsylvania Pre ident Lisa Stafford, 423 5th Sstreet, Apt. # 1, California, PA 15419; CA: Kelli McDonald, Box 398, RD # 1, Daisytown, PA 15427; CC, Mary Beth Kelly, 22 Boulevard, Point Marion, PA 15474 Beta Chi-Ferris State College President, Michele A. Farabi. 30 orth Michigan, Big Rapids, MI 49307 ; ACA, Heather Huber, Beta Chi , 17780 15 Mile Road, Big Rapids, II 49307 ; , Marianne Faulk, Beta Chi , 17137 York, Mt. Clemen , Ml 044 Beta Psi-St. Louis University Pre ld nt, Joan M. pen r, 005

THE ANCHOR/ Fall 1989

Highfield, St. Louis, ~0 63109; CA, Suzanne M. Griffin, Beta Psi, 9816 Balboa, St. LoUis, MO 63136; CC, Cecilia Kirkland Kadane (Mrs. Douglas) , Alpha Gamma 106 Caravel Court Ballwin MO 63021 ' ' ' Beta Omega-Monmouth College President llyse Roberts MC Elmwood Hall, West Long Branch, NJ 07764'; ACA, Mr. Jeff Bart: lett, Student Activities Department MC West Long Branch NJ 07764 ' ' ' Gamma Alpha-Rio Grane College President, Tammi Stambaugh , Box 790 , R10 Grande, OH 45674; CA , Doris Ross (Mrs . ), Gamma Alpha, Davis Hall, Rio Grande College Ri o Grande OH 45674; ACA, Karen Kovack Thomas (Mrs. Earl). Gamma A'Ipha, Box 119, 701 Pine Street, Rio Grande, OH 45674; CC, Diane Neff, Gamma Alpha, P.O. Box 141 , Rio Grande, OH 45674 Gamma Beta-Lake Superior State College President, Kim Popour, 812 112 Ashmun, Sault Ste. Ma rie, Ml 49783; ACA, Dr. Marga· ret Malmberg, 1803 Young, Sault Ste. Marie, MJ 49783 Gamma Gamma-Livingston University President, Michaela Lankford, Route 1, Parkside # 7, LU , Livi ngston, AL 35470; CA, Eliza· beth Shoadoan , Gamma Gamma, 401 Main Street, Eutaw, AL 35462; CC, Lynnette Youngblood, Gamma Gamma, 560 Sixth Ave. , SW, Graysville, AL 35073 Gamma Epsilon-Potsdam College President, Anne Pascucci, 606 Lehman , SUNY, Potsdam, NY 13676; ACA, Jon Bergstrom, 37 Chestnut Street, Potsdam, NY 13676; CC, Linda Jackson, Alpha Lambda, 40 Kiwassa Road, Saranac Lake, NY 12983 Gamma Zeta-Frostburg State University Pres ident , Jan et Jaecksch , 417 Westmi nster Ha ll , FSU , Frostburg , MD 21532; CA, Karen Guthrie, Frostburg State University, Frostburg, MD 21532; ACA, Lori A. Neff, Coord. Residence Edu . RLO, FSU , Frostburg, Maryland 21532; CC, Dana Shearer, HCR 80, Box 44, McConnellsburg, PA 17233 Gamma Eta Colony-Northwood Institute College, President, Jen· nifer Vastola, P.O. Box 58, Cedar Hill , TX 75104; CA, Susan Smith , Alpha Sigma , 2409 Cypresswood Trail # 1324 , Arlington , TX 76014; ACA, Pat Reinecker, 3013 Magnolia Lane, Bedford, TX 76021 ; CC, Linda Sauget, Beta Theta , 18800 Lina Street, Dallas, TX 75252

Alumnae Chapter Presidents •Arkadelphia, Arkansas Jo Anne Williams Chunn (Mrs. Robert ), Alpha Gamma, 818 North Park Drive, Arkadelphia, AR 71923 'Baton Rouge, Louisiana Becky Morgan , Ph i, 1701 Lodbell , Apt. #39, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 'Birmingham, Alabama Truly Ann Limbaugh , Beta Zeta, 8 15 School Terrace, Birmingham, AL 35235 'Bluefield, Princeton-Athens, West Virginia Joyce Gregory Buchanan (Mrs. Glen) , Omicron , 1905 Tazewell Ave., Bluefield, WV 24605 'Buffalo, New York Michele M. Luppino, Sigma , 1983 Colvin Boulevard, Tonawanda , NY 14150 'Conway, Arkansas Cathy Knox Koehl er (Mrs. Chuck). Upsilon , Rt. 2, # 1 Todd Drive, North Little Rock, AR 72118 'Dallas-Ft. Worth Barbara A. Berg man, 2116 Laramie, Mesquite, TX 7611 6 'Denver, Colorado Victoria Thompson Garrett (Mrs. Curtis). Nu , 9263 W. Virginia Drive, Denver, CO 80226 'Detroit I, Michigan Rose Marie Schmidt, Theta, 5106 Harvard Road, Detroit, MI 48224 'Durant, Oklahoma Sharon McVay Dunham (Mrs. James), Rho , 113 Gates Ave., Durant , OK 74701 'Edwardsville, Illinois Karen Wasser, Beta Eta , 6809 Culpepper, Florissant, MO 63033 'Emporia, Kansas 'Erie, Pennsylvania Deborah Young Carter (Mrs. David). Alpha Tau , 2431 W. 34th Street, Erie, PA 16506 Fort Wayne, Indiana Linda Pulver, Alpha Epsilon , 1009 South VanBuren, Auburn , IN 46706 'Grand Rapids, Michigan 'Hammond, Louisiana 'Harrisburg, Pennsylvania . Linda P. Price, Beta Epsilon, 9892 McCreary Road, Shippensburg, PA 17257 'Houston, Texas Sharon Hahn Juntunen (Mrs. Gayle), Phi , 643 Eastlake, Houston, TX 77034

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

'Indianapolis, Indiana Shirley Gilbert Robey (Mrs. Stephen). Alpha Alpha, 2618 Astra Ct. , lndianpolis, IN 46229 'Kirksville, Missouri Toni Ebert Fowler (Mrs. Kenneth) , Alpha Sigma P.O. Box 254, Milan , MO 62556 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Christine Oleska Paules (Mrs. Tom) , Beta Epsilon , 3 Piedmont Road, West Chester, PA 19182 'Lansing, Michigan Margaret Holco mb Twork (Mrs. E. C.), Alpha , 137 S. lves Road, Mason , MI 48854 'Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania Kathy Jo Burker Weinert (Mrs. Scott) , Alpha Omicron, 2415 Livingston Street, Allentown , PA 18014 'Lowell, Massachusetts Karen Lebedzinski , Beta Tau , 101 Main Street, Townsend, MA 01468 'Marietta, Ohio-Parkersburg, West Virginia Diane Dyar, Alpha Kappa, Putnam Place, Apt. # 65, Marietta, OH 45750 Metropolitan New York Area Mara Attell Hargarther (Mrs . Thomas) , Sigma, 257 Lincoln Avenue, Island Park, NY 11558 'Miami, Florida Natalie Johnson Cole (Mrs. Ronald M.), Alpha Omicron, 8069-C Severn Drive, Boca Raton , FL 33433 ' Muncie, Indiana Margaret McGarrell Nottingham (Mrs. Roger) , Alpha Alpha, 2300 White River Blvd. , Muncie, IN 47303 'New Orleans, Louisiana Ann Marie Vinturella Duffy (Mrs. Bernard). Phi , 3136 Tennessee Ave., Kenner, LA 70065 'Northern Virginia (Washington D.C.) Lucia Warner Bacon (Mrs. David). Alpha Chi, 9410 Delaney Drive, Vienna , VA 22180 'Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Lois Schweikart O'Dell (Mrs. Robert ), Lambda, 222 W. Tabor Road, Philadelphia , PA 19120 'Prince George-Montgomery Co., Maryland Sue Hunter Dingess (Mrs. Jerry) , Omicron , 1304 Caddington Ave., Silver Springs, MD 20901 'Richmond-Petersburg, Virginia JoAnn Crabill Mars hall (Mrs. Larry) , Alpha Lambda , 9007 Waterfowl Flyway, Chesterfi eld, VA 23832 'Roanoke, Virginia Jean Gray Brammer (Mrs. George) , Psi , Route 1, Box 91 , Goodview, VA 24095 'St. Louis, Missouri Arli ne Boligny Clark (Mrs . Allen). Pi, 7037 Rhodes Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63123 'San Antonio, Texas Carmen Olivares Gellhausen (Mrs. William E. III) , Beta Theta, 14134 Sage Trail , San Antonio, TX 78231 'Shepherdstown, West Virginia Marie Busch Crim (Mrs. B.B.), Chi , P.O. Box 405, Gerrardstown, wv 25420 'Southeast, Arkansas 'Southern Colorado Grace Walter Riester (Mrs. William H., Jr.). Pi , 1306 Alexander Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80909 'Tidewater Area, Virginia Carolyn Keen, Alpha Lambda , 1005 Wellsford Court, Virgin ia Beach, VA 23454 'Tri-City, Michigan Martha Prendergast Triantafillow (Mrs. ). Beta, 2835 Dorset, Sagi· naw, MI 48603 'West Chester, Pennsylvania Carolyn McGill Mee (Mrs. Arthur). Alpha Phi, 1101 Glenview Street, Philadelphia, PA 19111 'West Suburban Chicago, Illinois Lucinda Edwards Younce (Mrs. Steven L.) , Alpha Alpha, 354 Sword Way, Bolingbrook, IL 60439 'Youngstown, Ohio Carol Ficeti Marsico (Mrs. James) , Alpha Rho , 46 Lafayette, Niles, OH 44446 'Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor, Michigan Linda Gundlefinger Shapona (Mrs. Mark). Alpha Rho, 5843 Wedge· wood , Canton , MI 48187

·Asterisks denote installed chapters. Other groups are clubs.


Alpha Sigma Tau is pleased to announce the pledging of Gamma Iota Colony York College York, Pennsylvania

Alpha Rho Colony (recolonization) Youngstown University Youngstown, Ohio

Gamma Lambda Colony Kutztown University Kutztown , Pennsylvania

Gamma Kappa Colony Averrett College Danville, Virginia

Alpha Sigma Tau would like to congratulate and welcome

Gamma Theta Chapter to be installed November 1989 at Behrend College/ Pennsylvania State University

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THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

A " . , 4 ~,路Awards & Honors 路aa:.路ag .,? Chapter Honors

Alpha: 2~d place Greek Week , 1st place Fun Talent Show, Shopping Cart Race , Case Stuffing, Basketball Throw ' 2nd place Phi Sigma Kappa Mud Bowl. Beta: Greek Week Odyssey Award , All-campus intramural football champs . Zeta: Sorority of the Year, 3rd place Greek Week . Iota: Pledge Scholarship Trophy, Bloodmobile Countness and Participation awards. Sigma: 3rd place Greek Games. Phi: 3rd place Greek Week , 2nd place Songfest. Psi: 2nd place Panhellenic Involvement, Community Involvement and Campus Involvement. Alpha Lambda: 1st place Greek Week Field Day, 3rd place Airband , President's Cup, Efficiency Cup, Social Service Award , Panhellenic Excellence. Alpha Omicron: 2nd place Greek Olympics, Greek Volleyball , Scholarship. Alpha Pi: 2nd place Greek Sing, 3rd place Greek Week , 2nd place Homecoming Float. Alpha Tau: 2nd place Greek Week , 1st place Volleyball , 2nd place Greek Sing, 2nd place Swimming , 1st place Homecoming Float, Most improved and Highest Efficiency honors . Alpha Phi: Community Service Award , 1st place Winter Carnival booth. Beta Epslon: 3rd place Homecoming Float. Beta Tau: Bloodmobile participation award . Beta Iota: 1st scholastically among sororities , 3rd place Greek Week. Beta Xi: 1st place Winter Carnival, 1st place Special Events , 1st place Snow Statue, 1st place Skits, 1st place Homecoming events. Beta Pi: Spirit Award , 1st place Canoes, 2nd place Tugs. Beta Omega: 1st place Greek Week , intramural volleyball champs . Gamma Alpha: 2nd place Greek Week .

Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities Alpha: Ingrid Hanson, Margie Bosek, Lynette Shepard, Lisa Ledwidge (Outstanding College Students of America Member). Sigma: Shelly Lauckern, Dawn Bunger. Phi: Gwen Kurtz, Misty Thomas. Alpha Lambda: Kim Fulghum . Alpha Omicron: Michelle Williams, Anna Smay. Alpha Pi: Pamela Fischer, Melissa Pagano, Christina Whippo. Beta Tau: Kym Credit. Beta Xi: Paula Mayer, Shelly Rogers, Channon Jordan . Beta Pi: Jennffer Durham, Sandy Mundy. Gamma Alpha: Tammi Stambaugh. Gamma Zeta: Elena Saenz (Who 's Who Among Minority Students).

Straight A Average Alpha: Sheila Connor. Zeta: Gerianne Flynn, Catherine Machuski, Pam Yaroma.

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

Sigma: Leeanne Alfano. Psi: Julie Kramer. Alpha Omicron: Patty Hauber, Anna Smay, Francine Wortman . Alpha Pi: Christina Whippo. Alpha Tau: Lori Gerhart, Karen Hartman. Alpha Phi: Kimberly Taylor. Beta Nu: Kerri Donald, Val Getz, Kimmy Mills . Beta Pi: Elly Matson, Dana Zilinski. Gamma Zeta: Monica Prencipe.

Dean's List Alpha: Margie Bosek, Sheila Connor, Kathy Morrison, Lynette Shepard, Debbie Youmans. Beta: Julie Cockroft. Zeta: Gerianne Flynn, Kim Gior/ando, Catherine Machuski, Pam Yaroma . Sigma: Donnell Baughman , Dawn Bunger, Luella He isbrough, Robin Sheehan, Julie Siewers. Zeta Tau: Beverly Dickerson, Vicki Ellis, Rhonda Wall. Phi: Andrea Howes, Adrienne Thomas , Misty Thomas . Alpha Lambda: Clairmarie Comar, Amy Golightly, Kathy Phipps. Alpha Omicron: Kellie Acquaro, Dori Mama/a, Andrea McCracken, Kitty Neal, Sue Prezel, Jacki Rafferty, Lynette Rosenberger, Deanne Schelenberger, Anna Smay, Chris Smith, Michelle Williams. Alpha Pi: Laurie L 'Amoreaux, Deanne Mancuso, Kimberly Peters, Christina Whippo . Alpha Tau: Lori Gerhart, Karen Hartman, Pam Heiple, Julie Quinn, Mary Beth Reidy, Susan Rusnak, Sandy Schau, Debbie Young. Alpha Phi: Jeannie Ape/ian, Michele Racca, Kimberly Taylor. Beta Epsilon: Elaine Fees, Karen Hock, Joanne Kozel/, Michele Nestro, Maria Pavlakis, Tern Suhr, Kristen Ulshafer, Jodie Zerilla. Beta Tau: Laura Costanzo, Kim Heroux, Chrissy Kazangian, Marianne McWhinnie, Stephanie Mercier. Beta Iota: Cindy Silverman. Beta Nu: Kerri Donald, Val Getz, Theresa Mamrol, Kimmy Mills. Beta Xi: Amy Clark, Laurel Deegan, Channon Jordan, Shelly Rogers. Beta Pi: Usa Bourazak, Valerie DeBaun, Jen Durham, Elly Matsn, Sue Reimer, Dana Zilinski. Beta Omega: Rachel McOdrum, Annette Mosca . Gamma Alpha: Betsy McGowen, Valerie Stefaniak, Lou Ellen Zerkle. Gamma Zeta: Susan Haste, Monica Prencipe, Elena Saenz, Drew Topping.

Honoraries Alpha Chi: Alpha Tau : Lori Gerhart. Alpha Epsilon (Agricultural Engineering): Sigma : Kelly Comerford. Alpha Lambda Delta: Gamma Alpha: Jennffer Kimmey, Lou Ellen Zerkle, Angie West. Beta Beta Beta (Biology): Alpha: Lisa Ledwidge; Alpha Tau: Pam Heiple.


~•" (! ~' Awards & Honors '88-'89 a

Delta Phi Alpha (German): Beta Tau: Robin Burroughs. Delta Psi Kappa: Zeta: Catherine Machuski. Kappa Delta Pi (Education): Alpha: Lynette Shepard; Zeta: Michelle Lanks; Alpha Tau: Beth Reidy. Lambda Iota Tau (English): Zeta Tau: Robin Burroughs, Vicki Ellis. Omicron Delta Epsilon (Economics): Beta Pi: Jen Williamson. Order of Omega (Greek): Phi : Adrienne Thomas , Misty Thomas; Psi: Monica Mazza, Judy Melincoff, Brenda Wolf; Beta Pi: Jen Durham, Sandy Munday, Lisa Ericson. Phi Alpha Eta: Beta Pi: Valerie DeBaun. Phi Beta Alpha (Business): Alpha Omicron: Mary Hirsch, Sue Prezel, Anna Smay; Gamma Zeta: Susan Haste. Phi Epsilon Kappa (Physical Education): Alpha Pi: Laurie L 'Amoreaux, Pamela Fischer. Phi Eta Sigma (Freshman): Alpha Tau: Kim Fox, Lori Gerhart; Alpha Pi: Jennifer Gift. Phi Kappa Phi (Class Top 10%): Phi: Misty Thomas . Phi Sigma Pi: Beta Epsilon: Amy Becker, Allison Epps . Phi Upsilon Omicron (Home Economics): Sigma: Dawn Bunger, Julie Siewrs. Rho Phi Lambda (Parks & Recreation): Alpha Pi: Tamara Getz. Sigma Delta Chi: Beta Epsilon: Donna Graeff, Karen Hock. Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish): Zeta Tau: Lori Lambert; Gamma Zeta: Drew Topping; Alpha Pi: Jennifer Showers. Sigma Tau Delta (English): Gamma Zeta: Noelle DeMarss.

Campus Organization Officers Alpha: Bridget LaForest, French Club vice president; Barbara Michaelidis, Panhellenic president. Beta: Cathy Heller, Panhellenic secretary. Sigma: Dawn Bunger, Phi Upsilon Omicron president; Bonnnie Fullr, Panhellenic president; Marci Hook, Inter-Greek Association president. Zeta Tau: Megan Janney, Council for Exceptional Children Membersh ip chairperson ; Elizabeth Trout, Alpha Phi Omega Fellowship chairperson and historian; Bheryl Whitehead, Artworks , Inc. president; Robin Burroughs, Vicki Ellis, Katie Macinnis, Kris Rossi, Elizabeth Trout, Leadership Conference Committee members. Phi: Misty Thomas, Rho Lambda secretary, Lambda Alpha Epsilon secretary, Student Foundation treasurer, membership chairperson , Board of Directors member. Psi: Mary Bailey, Order of Omega president; Marie Dugan, Junior Class vice president; Karen Knight, President 's Cabinet student director; Judy Melincoff, Campus Buildings and Grounds Committee chairperson ; Karen McCulloch, Campus In formation Center student manager; Terri Rebibo, student ambassador. Alpha Omicron: Lori Rider, International Association for Business Communication president; Dana Shannon, Jen Yaple, student senators; Anna Amay, Panhellenic president, student senator. Alpha Pi: Christine Baker, American Public Health Association Member, American Marketing Association Speaker; Beth Kretiv, Student Ambassador Association Member; Danielle Lundy, Panhellenic president; Tammy Ostrum, Founders Hall House Council vice president; Teresa Palicia , Student Ambassador Association co-director;



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Heather Virdo, Founders Hall House Council secretary. Alpha Tau: Lori Gerhart, Speech and Hearing Club secretary; Julie Knapp, Panhellenic secretary; Beth Reidy, Kappa Delta Pi historian; Susan Rusnak, Panhellenic first vice president. Alpha Phi: Terri Giannetti, Panhellenic vice president of membership; Mariealana Simpkins, Panhellenic secretary. Beta Epsilon: Lorrain Kirk, Sophomore Class president; Kat McCarthy, Senior Class historian; Kelly Miska, Junior Class senator; Lisa Mundy, Freshman Class senator; Kim Sutton, Senior Class treasurer; Leigh Ann Weakland, Panhellenic treasurer. Beta Tau: Tracy Atwod, Barbara McBride, Community Service Organization representatives ; Kym Credit, American Nuclear Society secretary; Kim Marques, marketing Club fall treasurer, spring vice president; Stephanie Mercier, Society of Women Engineers secretary. Beta Iota: Cindy Silverman, Counsel of Exceptional Children Adult Programming chairperson ; Sonja Zearing, Delta Iota Eta pledge master. Beta Nu: Kimmy Mills, ACEI president; Sue Piasecki, Ski Team corresponding secretary. Beta Xi: Carrie Frob/em, Dorm Hall president; Channon Jordan, Society of Automotive Engineers vice president and secretary; Paula Mayer, Undergraduate Student Government president; Sue Millard, Society of Women Engineers vice president. Beta Pi: Elly Matson, S.A.M.S. Educational chairperson . Beta Omega: Carolyn Heyman, Marketing Club president; /lyse Roberts , Panhellenic vice president ; Kathleen Rubacky, Laurel Hall Dorm Council treasurer. Gamma Alpha: Tamm i Stambaugh, Student Senate vice president; Betsy McGowen, S-2 Intelligence in ROTC ; Paula Sydenstricker, Assistant S-2 ROTC , Pershins Rifles training officer; Jennifer Rimmey, Alpha Lambda Delta secretary; Mary Ann Crago, yearbook editor; Jennifer Thompson, All Greek Council president; Dianna Wellman, Student Programming Board chairperson ; Lou Ellen Zerkle, College Republicans vice president, MDA Superdance co-chairperson. Gamma Zeta: Mary Pat Dougherty, House Council treasurer; Michelle Hanlin, House Council vice president; Janet Jaecksch, National Residence Hall Honorary vice president; Christinia Jimenez, Marketing Association vice president for programs; Elena Saenz, House Council residence assistant.

Roses & Crowns Alpha: Jennifer Gebott, Model of USA finalist; Nicole Tindall Miss Congeniality 1st Runner-up . ' Beta: Tammy Kushner, Homecoming Queen. Sigma: Donnell Baughman, Greek Queen . Alpha Omicron: Jan ~i~cher Keller, Kitty Neal, Homecoming Court; Gretchen L1tzmger, Derby Queen ; Lynette Rosenberger, Greek Goddess. Alpha Pi: Christine Baker, Greek Goddess; Teresa Palicia, Homecoming Queen. Alpha Tau: Ann Bugosh, Homecoming Queen 1st Runner-up. Alpha Phi: Terri Giannetti, Greek Goddess. Beta Epsilon: Kimberly Biesse, Miss Berkley County 2nd Runner-up; Kat McCarthy, Homecoming Queen.

THE ANCHOR/ Fall 1989

~· ') . . , .,, Awards & Honors '88-'89 Beta Nu: Freshman Class Homecoming Queen . Beta Xi: Laurie Bigalke, Winter Carnival Queen 2nd Runnerup; Shelley Rogers, Homecoming Queen. Gamma Alpha: Lori Pickering, Military Ball Queen .

Individual Honors Alpha: Sheila Connor, Lisa Fultz, Lisa Ledwidge, Barbara Michaelidis, Sherry Pettit, Margie Bosek, Debbie Youmans , Panhellenic certificates for Outstanding Academic Achievement; Sheila Denny, Lisa Fultz, Rhonda Lovett, Barbara Michaelidis, Panhellenic certificates of Appreciation ; Heather Fiser, National Democratic Party Certificate for Outstanding Volunteers ; Barbara Michaelidis, Vice President Larry Smith Letter of Recognition ; Molly Wempert, American Legion Counselor winner. Zeta Tau: Mary Beck, Robin Burroughs, Beverly Dickerson, Vicki Ellis, Megan Janney, Lori Lambert, Mary Leslie Norford, Rhonda Wall, Kellie Weisenbeck, Chris White , Cheryl Whitehead, Sylvia Wyant, Panhellenic Scholarship awards. Phi: Gwen Kurtz, Adrienne Thomas , Misty Thomas , Green " S" awards; Gwen Kurtz, Panhellenic Greek 3.0 Club. Psi: Tracy Flodin, Susan Reber, Brenda Borofski Memorial Scholarship awards; Mary Gallagher, Greek Woman of the Year. Alpha Lambda: Clairmarie Comar, Greek Clown; Chris Dug-



gan, Outstanding Greek Woman ; Kim Fulghum, Outstanding Greek Student. Alpha Tau: Lori Gerhart, National Student Speech Language Hearing Association Award ; Rosilyn Killeen, Senior Medalist Award . Alpha Pi: Teresa Palicia, Outstanding Woman of America; Amy Prindiville, Pamela Rischer, Christine Baker, Christina Whippo, Outstanding College Students of America. Beta Tau: Kym Credit, John Muriel Landis Scholarship, Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Scholarship; Linda Romkey, Annual crew regatta winner; Beth Wright, Varsity Bowling Tri-State Conference and 2nd Most Improved Player. Beta Nu: Theresa Lorenzi, First female basketball player to score 2000 points at Bloomsburg University of Pa. Beta Xi: Mary Armstrong, Michigan Tech . Student Foundation Leadership Scholarship; Channon Jordan, Campus Campaign Award , Board of Control Scholarship; Shelly Rogers, University Award , Board of Control Scholarship, Hartment and Wendula Phippipp Scholarship , E.M. Mackie Award . Beta Pi: Jen Durham, Top Senior Chemistry Award ; Lisa Mettille, Top Ten Greek Woman. Gamma Alpha: Tammi Stambaugh, Top Tau Spring '88, Who's Who in Education; Betsy McGowan, Top Tau Spring '89, National Dean 's List; Lori Pickering, ROTC recognition , National Soujourners Award (highest attribute of Americanism of the 6S of OTC), Superior Cadet Award .

Support Through Your Contributions What?

Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation


It works for YOU .


Why not right now .


Consider a memorial donation . Pay tribute to a special someone.


Set a personal goal.


Attain a level of giving . Up to $99.00 - Torch Club $100 to $499 - Anchor Club $500 to $2499 - Yellow Rose Club

$2500 to $4999 - Pearl Club $5000 to $9999 - Emerald Club $10 ,000 and above - AST Star Club


Send your tax deductible contributions to : Mrs. Robert O ' Dell 222 West .Tabor Road Philadelphia, PA 19120


You may specify the area you prefer to support: • • • •

THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

Growth Endeavors Lenore Seibel King Scholarship Effie E. Lyman Student Loan Carrie Washburn Staehle Scholarship

• Pine Mountain • Headquarters • Endowment


Foundation Another National Foundation Scholarship!


The National Foundation Board of Directors at their April , 1989 meeting received a letter that " made the weekend ." National Foundation Awards, Grants and Scholarships Chairman Rose Marie Schmidt wrote, " At the age of 64, I finally had to make a will for the first time in my life . At the same time , I received a ballot for the King Scholarship from Mary Jane Urbanowicz , Awards Committee member, in which she wrote, ' Don 't you wish you could " wave a magic wand " and help them all? ' It was then I realized that I shouldn 't wait until I die to do something for my sisters , so I am waving a little magic wand now . I am enclosing a check for $2500 to the National Foundation Scholarship Fund to initiate the Rose Marie Schmidt Scholarship. At current interest rates , a CD will produce about $200 per year. In the future , I will add enough to make it $250. To get things started , I am enclosing an extra $250 so that this year's second choice nominee for the King Scholarship can receive a scholarship as well! " It has been the dream of the National Foundation Board that individuals , collegiate and alumnae chapters providing scholarship money to members yearly would instead establish these awards through the National Foundation . With this scholarship, another part of that dream has come true . Rose Marie Schmidt was initiated into Theta Chapter at Wayne State University in 1944. Since 1946, she has served the national organization in various staff positions ; rush chairman , pledge chairman , convention chairman , Anchor alumnae editor and chairman of the National Foundation Awards, Grants and Scholarships Committee. At the local level , she is president of the Detroit Alumnae Chapter. She was active in national affairs for many years, missing only one national convention from 1944 to 1974. Alpha Sigma Tau honored her service in 1964 with the Ada A. Norton Award and again at the 75th anniversary of AST when Rose Marie was recognized as one of the Builders who supported the national organization for most of the years between 1934 and 1974. Rose Marie's college degrees were received from Wayne State University where she was granted her doctorate in educational administration in 1964. Professionally, she served the Detroit Board of Education for 35 years in the capacity of teacher aide, teacher, assistant principal , personnel admini trator. She was assistant director of per onnel h n she retired in 1979. THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

Foundation Two Lenore Seibel King Scholarship Winners Kristin Lee Andress, wrote " I was ecstatic to receive the Lenore Seibel King Scholarship . I am truly honored . Alpha Sigma Tau has given me so much ." This mass communications major with a 3.5 grade average held a variety of offices in Alpha Epsilon Chapter at Western Illinois University . Most recently she was president of her chapter and vice president of the college Panhellenic Council. Honors include being on the National Dean 's List and Who 's Who Among American Colleges and Universities . Her membership in campus organizations such as Student Alumni Council , Student Ori entation Board , Greek Week Committee and United Way Chairman provided additional leadership opportunities. She is self-motivated, creative, and a dedicated student with a positive outlook , dynamic personality, and outstanding communication skills. This has made her a well-rounded student leader, as well as a role model for the women in her sorority and other organizations. Kristin 's long term goal is to be employed in government service with a possibility of law school in the future . Staying active in Alpha Sigma Tau is one of her top priorities.

Kristin Lee Andress

Laura Ann Schollenberger, who placed second in the Lenore Seibel King Scholarship competition, was also granted a scholarship through a contribution from Rose Marie Schmidt, Chairman of the National Foundation Awards , Grants , and Scholarship Committee . Laura has maintained a 3 .5 grade average in the Honors program at Salisbury State University where she is majoring in English . As a member of Beta Mu Chapter, she has been treasurer, Greek Council representative and has assisted the editor. Campus activities include membership on the editorial board of the university literary magazine , the Business and Economic Society, and the University Republican Club . Her honors include the Dean 's List and Phi Eta Sigma. Laura 's long term goal is to become a managing editor for a major publishing house, in addition to writing some books of her own . She expresses a sincere desire to stay involved with Alpha Sigma Tau on a national level.

Please send your tax deductible contribution for scholarship, with a check payable to : Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation c/ o Mrs . Robert O ' Dell 222 West Tabor Road , Philadelphia, PA 19120 Thank you for your support! THE ANCHOR/Fall 1989

Laura Ann Schol/enberger



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