1996 Spring ANCHOR

Page 1

All Roads Lead To Phoenix

Bulletin Board ] March History Month A many ofyou know, March is Women's Hitory Month. Last year, an overwhelming number of request for information on noteworthy Alpha Sigma Tau ister were received in conjunction with Women's Hi tory Month. We are plea ed to pr ent 'Women of Excellence", a brochure li ting Alpha Sigma Tau i ter ' noteworthy achievemen ts,ju tin time for Women' Hi tory Month. If you know of an AL.T i ter who hould be li ted in this brochure, plea e notifY National Headquarter at 1929 anyon Road, Birmingham, AL 35216, phone 205-97 -2179. Plea e give the si ter's name (maiden and married name ) , collegiate chapter and a brief de cription of her achievement.

. a\ Order of Nanon . Congratulanons


E Ankene of 2 1995 Arn · daA On Decernb.er ' ha Lambda) and Rho.n i ·, Radford Universtty (Alp oklahoma State . m. er ~cCall of Southeasternd d $500 scholarshtps tnlredM h awar e · and ea 'Rho) were bot . bT ty participatlOn ' .. f scholasuc a l l : ogn,uon o rganizauon . er hip in carnpu o

Welcome '

Delta Zeta Ch • Ea t Str apter

Dni, er l.ty oud buroI n tailed D ofp nn c 1nb

4 6

9 10


Taus on Line- Are yo u on line? AlT now h a a we b page! Find out how to acce sit and get yo ur alumnae or co llegia te c hapte r on line. Convention- Everyth ing you ever wanted to know a bout our atio n al Convention but we re afraid to ask.


Rho RLW- Rho ce le brates a su cce sfu l RLW. Armed Forces Alumnae Panhellenic AssociationA n ew association for alumn ae affi li ated with the D partme n t of Defe nse.


Chapter Excellence Program- Th e CEP offers innovative opportu nities for growth of co llegiate and alumn ae chapter . Applause for Taus- The 1995-96 ational Foundation Sc h o lar hip Award winners are announced.

Golden Girls of Zeta- The Zeta Chapter ce lebrate 75 years of sisterhood. Welcome Delta Zeta Chapter- "Welcome a board! " To our n ew i te r at Ea t Stroudsburg U nive r ity of Pennsylvan ia. Beta Delta Silver Anniversary- 25 years of sisterhood a re ce le brated at Duquesne niversity.

National Panhellenic Conference- The eve nts of the fifty-fourth bi e nnial mee ting are d etail ed h ere.

7)~ Bulletin Board ...... ........... ........... ............................................................ 2 Eternal Chapter ... .. ............ .......... .. ..... ... .. ............ ..... .. ........ .................... 5 4.0 Li t .... .. ............................................. ...... ... ....................................... 13 ational Staff Resume ......................................................................... 16 Co ll egiate Ch apter ews ..................................................................... 18 AJu1nnae Ch apter News ....................................................................... 28 Directory .............. ........... ..... .............................. .......................... .. .. ... .. 32

Editor Alina M. Whitlle 1650 E. Lycoming Street Philadelphia, PA 19124 Chapter News Editot路 Gay Gammell Truehan 2228 Old Be r wick Road Bl oom burg, P 178 15 Chapter News Editor Rory Erick o n Gawthorp P.O. Box 403 Mah o me t, IL 61853 Director of Publications Carol ]. Cooper

Produced by Maury Boyd and Associates

Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters 1929 Canyo n Road Birming ham , AL 35216 205/ 978-2 179 205/ 978-2182 fax T H E ANCHOR is published in the Fall and Sprin g . Single copies are avai lab le for 5.00 each. Third clas postage is paid at lndianapoli , Indiana, and at add itional mailing office . end address changes, death notices, an d business correspondence to National H eadquarters. Ed itorial co rrespon d en ce sho uld be sent to the Editor.

Spring 1996 Volum e 71, o. 1

The 1996 a tion al Convention see page 6.

THE FOUNDERS Mab le Chase Ruth Dutcher May Gephart Effie E. Lyman H ar ri et Marx Eva O ' Keefe Adri ance Rice He le ne M. Ri ce Mayene Trac Alpha Sigma Tau was Jo路u nded November 4, 1899 at Michigan State 1 oTmal School (now Eastern Michigan University), Ypsilanti, MI .

Printe d in USA

THE ANCHOR/ Spring 1996


By: Lisa M cCoy, Beta

Alpha Sigma Tau inform ation is now available through the Internet, on the Worldwide Web. The Alpha Sigma Tau National Hom e Page became official at the a nnu a l atio n al Council meeting in January 1996. The page function as a publicity and communication tool for th e sorority, promoting Alpha igma Tau globally with general inform ation and announ ceme nts, collegiate and alumnae chapter listin gs, philanthropic information , Convention updates, a li t of e-mail addresses for AlT sisters, and more. The page is fully interactive, with links to chapter web pages , other Internet Greek sites, and e-mail. Under development by Kath y McMahon, the Acting We bMas ter, the page is updated on a regular ba is. Th e address of th e page is "http :/ / telly. p y.ohio-state.edu/ a t/ ". The page is best viewed using etscape web brow er; h owever, a n y we b browser software will allow users to see the page. The project bega n in mid-1995 when Kath McMahon , Ze ta Tau 1992, began developing an un official WWV\ home page with th e h elp of e e ral i ter . Becau se the project was not ye t comp lete ly established or pre en ted to la tional Cou n cil , th e page wa not li sted on Inte rn e t earch list , and few si ter h ad the addre s. In Dece mbe r 1995, Lisa McCoy, Beta 1983, and Kathy began preparing information for a tional Cou n il to review at it annua l mee ting. aro l ooper, Dir ctor of Publications, pres nt d th e propo al a nd a bri f d e mon tration a t H eadquarte r , and Counil a pprov d th e projec t.

After Counci l a ppro ed th e lT Home Page, Kath e tablished link on everal Intern e t earch ve hicle , and on Gree k web p age li tina . co unter d evice was co nn ecte d to th e H ome Page, and visit to the page in crea ed dramati cally. Prior to the e link , abo ut ten use r p e r week vi it d the p age ; between J anuar y 30 a nd February 11 , th e re were 21 4 vi it to th e page, an average of more th a n 16 p r d ay. Pla ns for the Home Paae includ e creatin g a n im age map irr n a tur graphic, e tabli bin g links to ch apter web page ites, providing aca d e mi c ach ieve me nt recognition creating a li st of alumnae of di tin ction , an d expanding area of sorority life cove red on the page. Additionally, th e li t of alumn ae e-mai l addresse i expected to increa e. Chapter are welcome to submit chapter e-mail addre e for li tin g. Your photos a nd artwor k are needed to create th e sign a ture gra phic. Scanned image can be attach ed toemail and e nt to Kath at "taus庐 telly. p .ohio- ta te.edu ". Photo and camera-ready artwork can be e nt, with a se lf-addre sed, stamped e nvelope for their return, to: Lisa McCo ' P. 0 . Box 957932 Duluth , Ge rgia 30136 Guid lin for ch a pte r web paae have be n pre pared , and areal o avai la bl e from Li a . Co ll eaia te c h a pter con id e ring d eve lopin a a we b parre shou ld have th e e Guid lin e . An expand d t of Guideline , includin rr tec hni ca l he lp , will be availa ble for Conv ntion . dditionally, a w rk hop

i planned for Convention, which wi ll co er a var i ty of topic regarding Internet publi city for lT chapters. More than 93 % f campu e that hav Alpha ig ma Tau chapter have web page . Mo tallow tudent organiza ti on to publi h web pages and e tabli h link to the c hoo l' tudent ac ti vi tie page. Alumna hap ter can also tabli h link with the a ti o n a l Hom Page, a nd can contact Li a for a si tance. ntil 1996 onvention, th e page i b e in g m a n age d by Ka th y, c tin g WebMa ter, and Li a, cti ng Web Page Publicity Coordinator. Managing the page will be the re pon ibli ty of th a tio n al Publicity oordinator after onvention. Kathy i providing technical ervice , and Li a i providi ng publicity, text and c h apter guida nc e. The web ite for the Alpha igma Tau National H om Page and additi on a l technica l experti e are being graciou ly donat d by h ane Rul and, Kathy' hu band. Kathy arad ua ted from Lo n gwood College, and h a a Ma ter degree from Ohi o tate Univer ity in Columbu . h ane rece ived hi undergraduate and graduate degree from Ohio State. H is a omputer De ian Enrrineer with Ohio tate. The Ruland own Pag One De ign , an Internet e rvice compan ', and live in Dublin , Ohio. Li a gradua t ed from Central Michigan niver ity, a nd h a owned h er 0\ n bu ine in tla nta. he ha previou ly e n 'ed as Traveling on ultant a nd em ber hip DeYelopment Co rdinator. he i an at-home mother with lect web paae and computer training eli nt . h li\' Ill Duluth , Georgia. The Alpha ig m a Ta u National H om Page join oth r nati o n a l rority web pa o路 a lr ad 路 n the " \ \'. How ver, mo t m e mb L f Natio nal Pa nh II nic onferen e are n t repre nt d n a ti o nally n th e lnt rn t .

Are you on-line? Acces to the Internet is easy to obtain. Mo t co llege and univer iti provide free Inter n et access. Or contact provider in your area for information on ervice they can provide (look in the Yi II ow Pages ). cce providers can let you know requirements for using their Internet service . On e ou have Internet acce , vi it the Alpha igma Tau ationa l Home Page at "http:/ / telly. p .oh iotate.edu/ a t/ ' . There you ' ll find sorority information , anno un ceme nts and e-mai l add res e of other A~T sister . Let us know your comment and que tion . The page is continually being updated. e the WebMa ter e-mai l link on the page. I our chapter intere ted in devel-

op ing a web page? It is important that you h ave Web Page Guide lin es that h ave been prepared by Li a McCo , Acting Web Page Publicity Coord in ator. They outlin e focus a nd content information that is e ential for Internet publicity. You can contact: Lisa McCoy e-mail : gmccoy@ rl.com P.O. Box 957932 Duluth , Georgia 30136 (770)409-8315 [EST] A workshop is planned for Convention which will addre various topics regarding In tern t publicity. Please plan to attend. Additiona l Guideline wi ll be avai lab le at that time.

Eternal Chapter Alpha: Patricia Baldwin Theta: Margaret herwood Sharfenburg Iota: hirley Bey r Margaret G. Holmstrom Dorothy Overholt McQuinn Leta S. !rich Kappa: Minnie S. Bo c hen Lambda: Helen Megargee Nu: Kathryn Aibner Rho: Linnie Ru th Hall Sigma: Mary B. Cook

Zeta Tau: Ellen mith U psilon: J e hree . Bone Martha R. helby Betty Snider Young Psi: Jane C. Sullivan Vanny Hammer Walker Alpha Eta: Nanc Burle Mitro Alpha Iota: Enid Youg Felander Beta Nu: Kim Werner Harri on

THE ANCHOR/ Spring 1996

---MnntgomerJ, W. fa.

~ psilanti, Mich.

Waynesourg, Pa.


Cuuway, lrk. Harrisonburg, ~a.

lllenoaiB, Micb. Williamsport, Pa."

South Orange, N.J.

Lock Haven, Pa. EdwarnsviUe, IlL

Detroit-Northeast Suborns, Mich.

San lntooio, Tex. Buffalo, N1

lutztown, Pa.

Belmont, N.C.

Athens, W. Ya.

fairmont, W. ~a.

Snippeosnurg, Pa.

Philadelphia, Pa.

farmvllle, ~a.

Chicago, Ill. Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

Potsdam, N.Y.

Birmingham, AI.

Macomb, Ill.

bCUU'CJIIIC-MdUd~m. ~a.

Baltimore, Md.

Hammuno, ta.

Cbarlonesville, ~a.

Ranfor~, Ya.

Wayne, N.J. Annville, Pa. Dlll'an!,ll~a.

Denver, Colo. Lehigh JalleJ, Pa.

Slippery Rock, Pa. ~oinboro, Pa.

Gran~ Rapids, Mich.

Harrisburo, Pa. Charleston, Ill.

West thester, Pa.




East ~oudsburg, Pa.

, ass.

Pinsburgn, Pa.

fort Wayne, Ind.

Northern Virginia

Central Pennsylvania

~. touis, Mo.

Millersville, Pa.

York, Pa.

Bluefield, W. ia.

Wesl long ~rmb, N.J. frostlmru, Mo. ~alisburJ, Mo. Bloomsbur~, ra.

Fnt• mot·e infot·matlou call: National Headttuar·ters 20!1 ~18 2179

Southern Colorado

RichmonHetersburg, h. Livio~ston, M.

Erie, ra.

New Orleans, La.

Roanoke, Ya.

Tidewater ~irginia Yonngslown, Db.

Prince Genrge's-Mnntgomery County, Md.


Ancho1·ed For Lifr.

The 3 1 t lph a Sicrma Tau ationa! Convention will be held in Phoenix , Arizona, Jun e 24-29 , 1996. Tau from acros the country wi ll ce lebrate the fact that we are "Anchore d For Life ", while conducting important National busine . All initiated membe r , coll egian and a lumnae , are invited to atte nd. Every co ll egiate and alumn ae c hapter i repre nted at Conve ntion. ational Co unci I and Staff a lso atte nd. 1 ationa l Counci l wi ll m ee t on Monday,June 24. An afternoon se ion will be open to ister inte r ested in learning about the Coun cil m ee ting proce . A Nationa l Staff Training e sion will be held Monday eve ning . At onvention , i ter will lea rn ne\ idea , and mak e sure that h a rd work i r cognized and re\ ard ed. It i also a great opportunity to make n ew Tau friend and re unite ' ith tho e you haven ' t een for a whil e . LT Conve ntions provide attend e with a n increased ense of i terhood , renewal of commitment, and a lifetim e of me mone . Convention registration includ es attendan ce at bu ines ions, e minar and award ceremonies, and e ntitle ' OU to th e LT conve ntion ra te for accommodations at th e hote l. tte nd ees an also choo from a wid e range of additiona l ac tiviti es and afte rhour ocial gath ring . Registra ti o n mu t b e mad e by prill , 1996. The registration fee i 225 pe r pe r o n. ation al Coun cil , taff and co ll e gi a t e a nd

J une 2 4 · 29, 1996 Ph oenlJt, Arizon a

What to Bring to Convention • Ch a pter Pl aqu e • Ch apte r Scra pboo k alumnae hapte rs will rece iv information . Oth e r siste rs wishin g to a tte nd may contac t Na tion a l H eadqua rte rs a t 1929 Ca nyo n Road , Birmingh a m , Al abama 35216. Atte nd ees will tay a t th Crown e Plaza Hotel in Phoe ni , Arizona. Th e A T co nve nti on ra te is 65 pe r ni g ht pe r perso n for sin g le , doub le, trip le or qu ad roo ms. Chec k-in begins a t 4 p.m. ; check-out is by noon. Th e hot I is three mil es from Sky Harbor Inte rn a tion al Airport. Tra n portati o n is avail able via Th e Courie r Tran porta tion Gro up, a rra nged upon your a rrival in Phoenix. Rese rva ti o n ca n be made direct! ' with th e h o tel by ca llin g 800-359-7253. H ote l a me niti es includ e a jogging trac k, o utdoor po ol , sa lon , gift and a ppa re l h o p , a nd te nni a nd rac qu e tb a ll courts. Th e re are cro lf cours s in th e a rea .

• Na ti o nal, o llegia te, a nd lumnae Ch a pter Co n titu tio n a nd propo ed a me ndm e nts • C ha pter a ll owa n ce fo r Co nve ntion pi ctur • White dres fo r Open ing esio n a nd erem o ni a l (NO sh ort kin , horts, pli t kirts, pa n ts) •

ice dres e , sui ts, or d re s pa nts for bu in e mee tin g (n o ho rts o r j ea n )

• Afte r-five , d ressy o utfit fo r Ye llm Rose Banqu e t • Green a nd go ld a ttire fo r Friday eve ning o u ting • Ca mpus o r state T- hi r t, ize XL, fo rT- hirt exc ha n cre • Clothin g o r j ewe lr y with a nch o rs forTh ur d a ' th e me •

ecre t i ite m (poe m , pe n note pad s, ca ndy)

• Fitn e s a ttire a nd wim uit, if d e ired •

o mfortabl e sh oe fo r icrhtsee in cr

• Sunglas e - a ·M T in Phoe nix ' unn y clima te! <Ill The 1996 National Convmtion Poste1; Desig ned by Mary Ann R inehart, Beta Eta and julie j ones.

THE ANCHOR/ Spring 1996


--------------c~~~~ At th is year's Conve ntion , Alpha Sigma Tau sis te rs are asked to pa rti cipa te in a spec ial Conve ntion phila nth ro pic proj ect. A local wom e n ' sh e lter will be n efit from th e givin g pi rit of Ta us in a tte ndan ce, wh o wi ll b e asked to parti cipa te by d o na tin g to ile try ite ms such as sha mpoo , oa p, or toothp aste. A re pre e nta tive of th e sh elte r will atte nd on e of th e G n e ral Sessions to co ll ect th e ite rns. A!.T will sp onsor Co nve nti o n a nd social activities throug hout the eve nt, offerin g a wid e va riety of recrea ti o n. In add ition to the Con ve ntio n Quee n pageant, Crown Lun cheo n, a nd Yellow Rose Ba nqu e t, oth er rece ptions and banq u ets a re p lann ed , including th e Nationa l Fou ndation Brea kfas t, th e Ph oen ix Fr ie nds hi p Rece ption fo r a lumn ae a nd Nat iona l Pa n h e ll e ni c

Co nfere n c rrue ts, th e Em e rald Cha pte r Lun c h e on , a nd th e Co lleg ia te Awards BreakÂŁa t.

An "Eve ning Fu ll ofFun " i ch e duled fo r Wedn esd a ' eve nin g. Th e traditi o n a l T-shirt exc h a n ge will ta k e pl ace. H owever, thi ea r i te r a re a ked to bring a ta t , ca mpu , or !.T T- hirt gi ft wra pped " oap o p e ra" tyl , with o nly th e lid wrapped o r in a gift bag. If yo u h ave a n e xtra hirt, bring two . dditi o n all , th e r will be a ru h and alumn ae ac tivity pla nn ed. Ph oe n ix, Arizo n a i a rrrea t fa mil acatio n d esti na ti o n ! T h e city and th e urrounding area pro ide fa mily fun a nd edu ca ti o n . Th e o nventio n h o t I ra te will be in effec t for a n additio n a l th ree d ay pri ran d th r e day fo llowing Co nven ti o n . Yo u r fa mil can e per ie n ce Arizon a' be t while ou a tt nd o nve nti o n . earby go lf cou r e and hor e bac k r idin rr are po pular a ttraction .

Order Of Omega DELTA Be th Blayden De bbie Dick J en n ifer Fe nton ZETA Re becca McLa ugh li n RHO Te loa Butle r Cari Davis Gail De lash aw Me lissa Ebe rt Mich ele Ebe rt Pa u la Hutchen Rhonda McCall UPSILO Be th a ny Briscoe J am ie Carte r J e nnife r J on e PH I Amy Co lli ns J e nnife r Mo Rob n McNa lly Lori loa n PSI Al i on u lair Emi l Bea rd


Mauree n C ha pma n Emily Dean Sa ra h Pres ma n ALPHA EPSILO Rac h el H ami lto n Co ll een Ke lly Kimbe r! a than Meli nd a Palau Candi ce Pinka ALPHA LAMBDA Lisa Beall La ura Loffl e r ALPHA PI Ra nd i Lash er Ta mm Se bo ld ALPHA PHI Erin o llin o n J e nnife r Darb Faith Fra nkel BET EP ILO C h ristin e Barth o lo m ew Lea h Die nn a Tin a Fra nk Kim Kr b C hri tin Lo hrfink J e nnife r d o r

BET T H ET Ki m berly rowley Ka th ryn Wei er Amy W ill iams BET lOT Me li a H artranft Renee Meyer BET PI tacy Brown

I abe l Deo liveira Ri ch a Ku mar J acalyn McCarth G MMA XI Britt Lindho lm GAMMA RHO Lori KrulikO\ ki Ro e l cGra th Re be a 1urph ' D b o ra h Ped o n e 1ic h elle T re n h ard r i ta T ripp di



Kim lari

HI .u\le n


Chapter Excellence Program by Cluistina Duggan Covinuton, Alpha Lambda

Imagine: Your collegiate chapter winning one of Alpha Sigma Tau 's most prestirrious honors at the ational Conven"'tion , the Founders Award. As you m ake your way to th e head table amid th e congratulations of other co llegiate chapters, the chee r , and the applau e to accept the award , your mind recalls the activenes , elf-reliance, and trust your chapter m e mber placed in each other to rece ive such an honor. You reme mbe r th e quiet study time a t the library each week and th e acti e class oriented sister stud y gro ups that evo lved. These activities e nabl ed your ch apter m e mbers to increase th eir average GPA by 0.6 for th e year, pleasing th e ch a pter me mbers a nd th eir parents. You think of th e finan cial acco unt th at your chapter starte d three year ago. Th e funds a ll owed yo_ur c h a pte r to re novate th e chapter su_Ite thi year, a nd atte nd the RLW wnh twice the required membership so that 50 % of yo ur c h a pte r co uld return bringing n ew ideas and a n a tion al AI-T aware n e s to the c h a pte r. Those accounts al o e nabled your ch a pte r to send five women a nd your Chapter Adviser to Convention to live the expe rie nce of b eing "Anchored withAlpha Sigma Tau. " Fin ally, you remember the chapter Sorority Growth a nd Development programming o n topic ranginrr from e thni c di vers ity t o women'~ health issues. Don 'tforge t th e Sisterhood activities like dynami c rush and pledge programs that enabled your chapter to fi ll quota and m ee t total. Your chapter is th e example!

Imagine: You are an area alumna living close to a coll egiate chapter. You graduated a few years ago and moved to this are~. You have a successful career, your cluldren attend school, and you and your husband are active with several profesTHE ANCHOR/ Spring 1996

ion a l a nd phila nthropi c organization . You p ay your annual du es to Alph a Sigma Tau through the local alumnae cha pter and participate in th e activiti e of th e ch a pter. Then, at the Annual Meeting yo u are nomin a ted to th Alumnae / Co ll egia te Liai son Offi ce. You acce pt th e nomina tion and are e lected . Your respon ibi liti es are to communicate and a si t th e local alumn ae chapter in supporting a co ll egiate ch apte r. You contact th e local chapter and set a m ee ting for lun ch with the C h a pter Pres id e nt a nd Col legia te / Alumnae li aiso n . You d ec ide to p la n a joint formal for Founde rs Day which attracts many area and chapter alumn ae. The ce lebra tion is a huge su cces , and th e next year five recent gradua tes of the co ll egiate chapte r and seven a rea a lumn ae j oin th e local alumnae chapter. You are n o min a ted for presid e nt!

e nri c h their per o n a l li ves. For the c hap ter that ad h ere to the Ch apter Excellence Program, they follow the path to success!

Four Steps of the Chapter Excellence Program 1

2 Academics/ Professional Achievements 3

Dues and Fees As e ment


Attendance at Functions

Reality or Imagination? Stories lik e this a re happ e nin g throu g hout our sisterhood as co llerria te and alumnae ch a pters embrace <::> an d impl e m ent the Chapter Excelle n ce Progra m (CEP ). Th e CEP offers innova tive opportunities for growth of co llegia te and alumnae ch a pte rs _acad e mically or professionally, finan cially, throu rrh effective programming and co mm"'u nica tio n with th e National Organizati o n , a nd nation a ll~ by attef_l~­ ing intra-ch apter a nd n ~ tl o ~ a l activiti es. Th e National Orgamza t1o n works as a co nduit to chann el id eas and coordinate informa tion for all m e mbers. Th e CEP wa d eve lope d to h e lp ch a pters choose ac tiviti es that are worthwhile, d eve lop strong lead ers hip a nd organization ski lls within their m e mbe rship , and a ttrac t we ll-rounded e nthusiasti c women into their chapters. The CEP h e lps Alpha Sigma Taus learn "life" skills that wi ll bring th e m to the forefront of th e business world a nd

Chapter Programming and Reporting


Chapter Programs • • • • • • • • • • • •

academic/ professional activities sisterhood activities Sorority Growth & Development topics ritual activities philanthropic projects recruitment activities social endeavors NPC/ CPH activities financial independence campus and communi ty events Regional Leadership Workshops .AIT National Convention



1995-96 National Foundation Scholarship Awards ongratulations to the fo llow ing individuals on being selected recipients for 1995-96 Academi c Scholarships. The Alpha Sigma Tau atio nal Foundation Board of Directors wa impre ed with the hi g h qualifications a nd accompli hm ents of these members and we are plea ed that Alph a Sigma Tau Foundation ca n support the e achieveme nt.


Denise James, L enore Seibel King Scholarship

The Lenore eibe l King cho larship was awarded to Denise J ame , a m e mb er of th e Zeta Tau C h a pter. Den ise is a Sociology/ Pre-Law major with a n Engli h min or and is a junior thi year at Longwood College in Virginia. As part of an internship, Denise had the opportuni ty to work with on e of he r professors a are earch assistant on a textbook concern ing marriage and family. Dr. Bidwe ll wa impre sed with De ni se's research efficiency and the internship was expanded to include editing, indexing and writing question for a teaching manual. Den ise ha been on th Dean' List every semester and was awarded a Blackwe ll Scholarship. A tale nted musician, Denise is a member of Lonlr'-vood ' e lect ch ora l en emble , The Camerata ingers, a nd has served th e Zeta Tau ch apter as their Music Chairman. Being a n involved member of her professional society, Denise h eld th office of Secretary of the SociologyI Anthropology Club. Additio nal campus activities include the Catho lic Campu Mini tries, and three hon or ocietie ; Eta igma Phi, Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Kappa Phi. long term goal for Denise i to ontinu e he r education at Duk in a Ph.D. program for


Anisa Bollen Ro e 1arie Schmidt Scholar: hip

One Rose Mari Schmidt cholarship was awarded to Ani a Bollen, Alpha Gamma Chapter at Hender on tate n iver it , rkan a . ni a i earning her B.B. . degree in Management. After graduation in 1996, he plan to pur ue a Ma ter in Health Service Management with a long term goal to work in a ho pital's human reource department. ni a wa ice Pre ident of her pledge class and i now serving a Alpha Gamma ' Chapter Treasurer. an active participant in a vo luntary national inve tment chall enge offered by a Finance Profe or, Ani a wa able to enrich her academic experience to learn about inve tment . Ani a i al o active in Ph i Beta Lambda, a busine organization at Hender on.

Richa Kumar Rose Marie Schmidt cholaTship

econd Ro e Marie Schmidt Scholar hip wa awarded to Ri cha Kumar, Beta p ilon Chapter at ew J er ey In titute of Technology. Richa will be a enior at the Albert Dorman Honor Coll ege at ~T in Engine ring cience that i part of an acce lerated pre-med program with ew Jerchoo l fMedicin and Denti try. he wa a cepted into medi a! chool a a co ll ege fre hm an and wi ll beo-in h r medical tudie at the end of h er junior ar at ~IT. Ri ha i a Re id nt

sistant on campu and i re ponsible for etting up ducational and ocial activitie for the stud nt . An active member of the Beta p ilon Chapter, Richa ha erved as the Hou ing, Muic, B laws and omination chairperon. Richa ' additional campu activitie include AFEhealth , the organization promote awarenes of health related i ue on campu , erving a a r pre entative on tudent enat , pe r oun eling and the ociation of Indian tudent . member of two honor societie , The Order of the Om ga and Tau Beta Pi , Richa was recognized for her academic ucce . Richa ' long term goal i to be a pediatrician , and he will ontinu her education in Medical cho I.

Carrie Washburne laehle cholarship

The Carri Wa hburne taehle cholar hip for languag wa awarded to Michelle Reed Lin, a member of the Alpha Gamma at Hender on tate niver ity in Arkan as. Michelle i an Engli h Education m~or with a pani h Education minor and thi i the econd year he received the taehle cholarhip. iichelle i a 4.0 tudent and participate in the honors program at Hender on. In addition to her tudie , Michelle ha found tim to erve as the chapter' Mu ic and Courte Chairp ron , i tant Treasurer and \ ic Pr ident. On campu iichelle' activi.tie include


pri.n,., 1996

Nobel winning Colombian novelist, Gabtiel Garcia Marquez. The pa per was presented at the HSU Student Research Conference. An honor ' re ea r c h project in her English major was on the subject of "cyberpunk", a con temporary science fiction move m e nt. Mter graduation, Michelle plans to teach Eng lish and Spanish at the high school level. The Mary Louise Mandrea Doyle Scholarship was awarded to Mar Eckenrod, Erie Alumnae Group, a graduate tude nt pursuing h er M.S. degree in Geography/ Cartography at Indiana University of Pe nnsylvania. Mary, a membe r of the Alpha Tau ch apter, received her unde rgraduate degree in Earth Scie n ce at Edinboro University. As an undergraduate, Mary served the chapter as Pledge Director and Sorority Growth and Development Chairman and was recognized at a tional Convention in 1992 for the exce lle nt programs sh e d eveloped for the ch apter. Mary has co ntinue d h er so rority in vo lvement with th e Erie Alumnae Club, worki ng with the De lta C h apter at IUP and assisting in 路c olo ny training. A teaching assi tant in the Geography an d Regional Planning De partmen t as well as a graduate tudent re prese ntative and Geography Club member keep Mary busy on campus. Mary's thesis proposal o n wetla nd reclamation and identification of common de ign and implemen tation issu es will be beneficial in achieving h er long te rm goals of a career in the environmental fi eld.

Leah Shelton E lizabeth WilsonDorothy Bennett Robinson Scholarship

The Elizabeth Wilson-Doroth y Benn e tt Robinson Schola r ship was awarded to Leah Shelton of th e Delta Epsilon Chapter at Marist College in New York. Leah is earning h e r d egree in Communications/ Public Re lations and has served the chapter as Publicity THE ANCHOR/ Spring 1996

Coo rdin a tor. A founding m e mber of the De lta Ep il o n chapter, Leah co ntinu ed h er invo lvem en t as Rush Direc to r. Leah is also a memb r of the communications art society as is able to practice her communication skills as a proofreader for student paper . T h e Marist Institute for Public Opinion is tied to the p o liti ca l cie n ce curri culum a nd Leah h as participated a a n interviewer o n seve ral projects. Working at NBC as a stude n t in tern i part of Lea h ' overall plan to meet h er goals an d gain experience in th e Public Re lations/ Communica tions field. The Meda Ray Elliott Sewell Scholar hip was award ed to J oanna Arbogast of the Zeta Tau Chapter. J oan n a is earning h er B.S. d egree in Bi o logy at Longwood College in Virginia and is intere ted in pursuing a career in the Enviro nmental Science area. Serving as the President of the Beta Beta Beta honorary organization for Biology m~ors provided Joanna an op portuni ty for additional leadership experie nce. J oann a provided guidance to the Zeta Tau ch apter as the ch airperson of the Standards Board . She also served as Social Director and In tramural representative for the chapter. As a resident assistant, J oan n a is re ponsible for a floor of sixty wome n and has planned educational and social programming as well as providing peer cou nseling to the re iden ts.

Rhonda McCall Edith Minerva Elliott Scholarship

The Edith Minerva Elliott Scholarship for sc ie n ce / mathematics was award ed to Rho nda McCall, Rho Chapter at Southeastern Oklah oma State U niversity. Rhonda is pur uing a d ouble major and will be earning her B.S. in Ch e mistry and Biology. Rh o nda is an active member of the Rho chapter, serving a h er pled ge class Preside nt, ch apter Secretary, Vice Preside nt a nd th en

Presid e nt. In addition to the sorority activiti es, Rhonda is invo lved on campus a nd her comm uni ty. Athletics ar one of h er prime activi ti s and she has been on the track team, the Porn Porn squ ad , in tramu ral oftball and ba ketball as we ll as a n aerobics instru tor for th e campus co ntin u ing ed ucation program . Rh ond a has earned several athletic and academic scholar hips and has been se lected to join the Alpha Chi ho n or society. Rhonda wa cho en to be the tudent representative on the faculty Academ ics Policy Committee that provided an opportunity to work with profes ors and administration on policy matters. A long term goal for Rho nd a is to continue h er education through medical chool.

Sandra Guire St. Louis Alumnae Chapter Scholarship

The fir t St. Louis Alumnae Chapter Scholarship was awarded to Sandra Guire, a collegia te member of the Beta P i C hapter and curre ntly a member of St. Louis Alumnae Chapter. Sandra i a pursuing her M.A. d egree in Special Educatio n at St. Louis University and received her B.S. in Secondary Education and Engli h in 1993. an undergraduate, Sandra served the chapter as Assistant Pledge Director, Philanthropy Chairman, Corresponding and Recording Secretary, and Collegiate-Alumnae Liaison. Sandra has continued her orority involvement with the St. Louis Alumnae Cha pter and serving as Beta P i' sistant Ch apter Adviser. Sandra' clinical performance working with children with special n eed 路 has been recognized by her professor as well as her kills as an educational diagnostician. Mter receiving h er M.A. degree, Sandra plan to tart h er career teaching students with learning disabilities or behavior di order . Sandra's longer term goal is to obtain her Ph.D. in the area of school coun eling or psych ological examination.


Na.c~P~Cc~ National Panhellenic Conference he fifty-fourth bi e nnial meet ing of the ational Pa nhelle nic Conference was he ld at th e Regal Riverfront Hotel in t. Loui , MO from O ctober 5 to 8, 1995. The the me of the mee ting was "An Eye to th e Future," pinpointing th e Conference d edi ca tion to future planning. The Lega l R view Committee sponsored a forum to a nswe r que tion concerning th e r o luti o ns th e committee put fort h a a resu lt of a year long study initiated following th e "In th e Company ofWomen" pre e ntation on legal issues at the 1994 Conference meeting. Beca use of the inte r e t among Conference members in me mbership recru itment, a seminar "Dynamic Direction ," wa pre e nted b the Ru h 2000 Comm ittee for I nternationa l Me mbershi p/ Rush Officers of the individual fraternities. Al l member groups sent r pre entative . H a rriet Rod nberg , Chairman, Sigma De lta Tau, high lighted the many Conference acco mp li shment durin oth e b ie n n ium , incl u ding the estab lishme nt of focu group with other frate rn ity-o ri e nted organization , effo rt in alco ho l manage men t, the introduction of the Ll 'KS progra m , and presentation of th e two segme nts of "In th e Company ofWomen." Sh e e mphaized th e powe r of partne rship , stating th at changes today in ure th e progre of tomorrow. Sh e noted that, a th e arch outsid e th e windows of the St. Loui hotel marks th e gateway to th e west, PC stands a t a ga teway whi ch th e Ia t two yea r \ e re spent shaping. Treasure r Lis a Bradford , I a ppa Alph a Th e ta, d iscussed th e in co rporation of th e Conference and Foundation , a uthori z din 1994. Conference in co rpora tion pa per we re fi led \ ith th e state oflndiana on Apri l 26, 1995 a nd th e on~ re n ee is se kin g 01 6 Inte rn a l R v nu e Ser ice class ifi cation . h Founda tion in co rpora tion ma t ri a ls we re fi led on ug u t 4, 1995 with Vi cki Li ll , lph a Delta Pi , nthia cCror , lj ha ig ma Tau a nd J a n Caine. , D Ita D Ita De lta as th e origi-




n al direc tor . OI C3 cia ifi cation will be ought. B law of the Corporation were ad o pted during th e bu ine e sion. J ean We ll , Kappa Kappa Gamma, gave th e Long Range Pla nnin g ommittee r port. Re ult ha e been n teworth , in luding cooperation with other organization on ubje t u h a a pilot ri k management program at Pe nn State ni r ity o p ration with IC on ub ranee free ho u ing, initiatio n of focu gro ups with co li ge me mber thi s ear and wi th alumn a me mbe r n ext year. h err Till y, Zeta Ta u Alpha, reported for the o mmi ion for ubstan ce Free H o u in g, n oting th a t pi lot ca mpu e are b ing de ign a ted a nd mode l program de lop d.

" . . changes today insure the progress of tomorrow. " Ma uree n nn g, D e lta Gamma, th e theme "R eintrodu ce d Membering " for the lumn ae Panh ell e ni c Committee. Durin o- th e pa t four ea r the A lumn ae Panhe lle ni c h ave been giv n the tools th e n eed . Durin g th e next two ear th e e will be u d to promo te th e value of the Greek comm uni ty and to promote growth b using a twelve-month recr uitme nt proo-ram. Be th e ler, Sigma Delta Tau, reported on the meeting of the national pre id en t . The pres id e nt recomm e nd that in 1996 the Directo r of H o u ing for the member group meet a t th a nnu al mee ting. The a k th at if haz ing is n ted on a a mpu the NP D leo-at or pr id e n t of th offend in og roup be notifi ed. Th e a l o a k for more ooperation a nd support wh e n n ew ch a pter co me n ca mpu . 1


ion , "In the Compan niver ity Per pecti ve" with pane li t Dr. Ke nt Gardner, niv r ity fTexa -Arlington , Dr. William Bracewe ll , niver ity of Georgia an d Dr. Dudle Lon g, Birminghamouthern oll o- , wa moderated b J ean Well . The pr e nta tion mphaized th need for women' fraternitie to reco nize th climate on toda ' campu and deal with the proble m in a time t and re pon ible manner. Dr. Gardner' humorou pre e ntation noted that alth ough tud e nt are optimi ti c about th ir own future , th e are not ab ut their organ ization or their co untr . H e li t d four nece itie if worn n ' Greek gro up ar to meet their re pon ibilitie : in cr a leader hip kill amon member , increa e a bili ty to ele t, train and evaluate volunteer , look at the tructure of r u h to promot diver ity including age, promote co llaboration a o pp ed to c mp tition and di tanc our e lve 路 from men ' gr up and develop flexibili ty. D r. Long, winner of the Greek dvi or ward pre ented at aturday evening' banqu t, hared her thouo-hts a a Greek dvi or. h e a ked wh ' we are doino- thing the wa we are and do we ne d to chana-e. h fee l that perhap th Conference i making deci ion and n tgetting feedback from tudent . h tre ed fl e 'ibility and genuine c operation a critical need and noted that co li ge look on tudent a con umer and fraternitie need to do o al o. h e li ted over programming a an i ue and h allenged the Conference to think ab ut the role of women and dev lop a y tem which will me t th ir need .

N4-c~ p~ C(J~ lack of pride in their chapters by m embers. He asked , "Are we e litists? Are we recruiting more of the same? VVhat is today' student looking for?" H e proposed that the woman student is looking for a "nich e" and th a t, in rush , students are looking for fairn e s. He fee ls that it should b e possible for groups to pledge the wom e n they want to pledge , that the re is n o commitment to the Greek sys tem o n many campuses, that substance a buse, hazing and alcohol a re "doing us in " and that we mu s t get rid of a n adversarial tom e with Greek advisors. As with other pan e lists, h e pinpointed fl exibili ty as a critical n eed and noted that th e Academic Excellence Committe e of th e Conference can be motivators and create an e nvironme nt for

progre s toward the goa ls of th e Confe re n ce. An Alumn ae Lun c heo n o n Saturd ay featured an PC LI KS presen tation by th e Educational Deve lo pme nt Committee, including a "h an d s on" LINKS progra m. St. Lo ui s a lumn ae m e mbe r of th e twenty-six m e mbe r groups were invited gu ests. The Presid e nt of th e o utstandin g Cleve la nd , Ohio Alumn ae Panhe ll e ni c wa s pr ese nt to acce pt the A lumna e Panhell en ic Award. It was a nnou nced that Alumn ae Pa nhe ll e ni cs raise d a total of over 329,000 during the biennium to provide co mmuni ty enrichm e nt services a nd to furnish fin a n cial aid to wo men stude nt . Th e wards Banqu e t o n Saturday eve ning hi g hli g ht e d ca mpu s P an-

h ell e ni c ac hi eve ments. Awards w re prese nted to Southeaste rn Lo ui siana U nive rsity, Bu ckne ll niver ity, orthwest rn U nivers ity, Pe nnsylvan ia Stat U niversity, U ni versity of Florida, nivers ity of Illin o is, N w Mexico State University, Vill a nova and th e niversity of Ke ntuc ky. A d esse rt reception sp onsored by Kappa Alpha Th eta fo llowed th e banquet. In attendance at the meeting wer twe n ty-five d e legates, eve nly-eight alte rn a tes a nd eigh ty-five visitors. Alpha Sigma Tau was re prese nted by PC De lega ti on Members Caro lyn Co nner A lexa nd e r and Cynthia P ec kh art McCror y, National Pres id e nt Mar y Ch arles Adams Ashby a nd H eadquarter Executive Secretary Miriam Lord .

Congratulations to these sisters who achieved a 4.0 average last year: Laura Campbell Ba rbara Anania Michelle]. Reed Laura Loffler H eather Kn o ll Susan Ke nt J en Wall ace Melissa D o lmovich Amy Martz Gretchen Po lny J e nnifer Smakosz Laurel H aley H eidi Hugh e Sherri Bre ntze l Nicole De!Bonifro Shala Haun Randi Lasher Amy Kilmer Kelly McCain La ura Pike Sherry Ayers Melissa Lynch Kristen Frisbee Ann Wappelhor t Jennifer Watt Amy Spann Amy Schutze nhofer Andrea Hommert

A lpha .Cpsilon Alpha Epsilon Alpha Gamma Alpha Lambda A lpha Lambda Alhpa Lambda A lpha L ambda Alpha Omicron Alpha Omicron Alpha Omicron Alpha Omicron Alpha Omicron Alpha Omicron Alpha Omicron A lpha Omicron A lpha Pi Alpha Pi A lpha Xi A lpha Xi Beta Beta .Cpsilon Beta Epsilon Beta Eta Beta Eta Beta Eta Beta Eta Beta Eta Beta Eta

THE ANCHOR/ Spring 1996

Da niela Ka no Juli e Klein e Tiffany Reyno lds Mela ni e Snyder C. Miche ll e Th o mas Autumn Frost Dia n e Sc hmelze l Tiffa ny Sm ith Tressa Themas J a nette Smith Brand e Ryan Kimbe rly Stone Anisa Ali J ess ica La n g ka me r Christine Smith Terri Burn ell Mary Ell en Sprech e r Ke lli Gallagh e r Elizabeth Grant Hollt Pe nton Dondra Ledbetter Rh o nda Wa tkins Kimberly Ri ch ards Cyn thia Pugh Be th Mell J oAn n Kova lch eck Terri Stauffer J acqu e lin e Pia n e

Beta Eta Beta Eta BetaMu Beta Mu BetaMu Beta Pi Beta Pi Beta Pi Beta Pi Beta Pi Beta Psi Beta Xi Beta Xi Delta Delta Delta Beta Delta Zelta Delta Zelta Gamma Gamma Gamma Gamma Gamma Gamma Gamma Gamma Gamma Gamma Gamma Gamma Gamma Iota Gamrna Nu GamrnaNu Gamma Rho

Ka thryn Dowlin g Rach e l Win er Sarah Pressm an Ka thryn Ke nym Coleen Lindgre n Erin Myers Sarah Raikes Mary Evans Amy Lind er Sarah Weiland Eli zabeth Gree nburg Kelly Te mplin Kelly Walla Holli e Spencer Casey Gra h a m Melissa Mattingly Rh o nd a McCaJI Maria Merritt Amy Kimbrell We ndy Sumner Kelly Shelton Calli e Cullom Ruth Ann Corb it Tiffany Curtis Michelle H art Re n ee H ard e n D e nise J am e

Psi Psi Psi Psi Psi Psi Psi Psi Psi P i Psi RJw Rho RJw Rho Rho Rho Upsilon Upsilon Upsilon 'Psilon 'Psilon Up ilon Upsilon 'Psilon 'P ilon Zeta Tau


Rho Regional Leadership Workshop

Rho Chapter RLW Rho, Gamma Upsilon and Gamma Gamma at RLW mixer.

From October 27-28, 1995 the Rho chapter at Southeastern Oklahoma State University hosted an RLW. A total of 99 sisters from Phi, Up ilon, Alpha Gamma, Gamma Gamma, Alpha Mu, and Gamma psilon chapters attended. Amid the usual ice breakers, singing, and food were some pretty me morable events. Kelli Doolen, Rho, played her fiddl e while Amy Perrin , Rho ,

clogged. Mi s Mar Ellen Willmitch won the very first door prize. RLW work hops included: "Volunt erism and Finance " preented b Mi Mary Ellen V\ illmitch , "Chapter Excellenc " and "Ru h " preen ted b Mr . Christina ovington, "Pledge" and "Making the Greek Connection " presented b Mr . Ri cki Trosen, and "Convention " and" P

Armed Forces Alumnae Panhellenic Association Representatives from 13 national sororities have begun organizing the pilot Armed Forces Alumnae Panhellenic Association (AFAPA) in the Washington DC area with hopes of expanding internationally. Bylaws have been approved by the National Pan hellenic Association and funding will be provided by Chi Omega. Eligibl membership on i t of "qualified women who ar alumnae or as ociate memb r of any NPC fraternit and who are affiliat d with th Department ofD .~ n of the A.nned 14

Forces on active duty, reserve, or retired status or are a family member." Purposes of the AFAPA include publicizing the high ideals, purpose and accomplishments of the fraternity sy tern, and main raining file on pro pective collegiate members for the reference of member groups. For more information on th exciting opportunity, plea e contact Mar Lu Meixell, 4926 Wh at tone Driv . Fairf~'<, V 22032, or PRODIGY# F G97B.

and Alumnae Relation " pre en ted b

The "Right tuff' ward- Gamma Gamma hapter

The "Pumpkin" ward-Alpha Mu Chapter

The "Friendl y" Gamma Chapter

The "Culture hock " ward Gamma p ilon ha pter

The "Took the Longe t Route " ward - p ilon hapter

The "Sent the Mo t Member " ward- Phi Chapter

The "Earl y Bird" Chapter

The "RLW uidance " ward- 1i ar Ell n V\ illmit h

ward -


\ ard - Phi



e. · it m nt

Golden Girls of Zeta On April7, 1996 the Zeta Chapt r of Alpha Sigma Tau wi ll officially b seventy-five year o ld . From April 12 to 14, 1996 there will be a golden ann iversary celebration on the campus of Lock Haven ni ersity of Penns lvania. All Alpha Sigma Tau can help celebrate the existence of the olde t continuous chapter in Alpha igma Tau b taking part in 1 ational Letter Day on April 12, or by coming in person to the anniversary fe tiviti e . Currently the Zeta Chapter has twenty-six ister and five pledges. Academically, they are the premi r Greek organization on campus. The girl are quite proud of all that the and th eir alumnae have accomplished in th e past eventy-five ears. Kudo to all the Ze-

ta on ational Staff: Jamie Alunni , Andrea Dall ego, Karen Geary Sloan, Colleen Reese , Fran brams, Lisa Hatley Cramer, Barbara Grant Wetherhold and Alina Whittle-Tezik. The Zeta hapte r ha s a lovely weekend planned for th eir guest . On Friday the 12th th re wi ll be "ge t acquainted" tim e at th newly renovated Par ons Union Bui ldin g from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. On the 13th there will be a campus wide re ce ption followed by a semi-forma l at th e Lock Haven Elks Club located on Main treet. For more information call Alicia Eby, Chairman, a t 717-748-4456 or Am J. DuPree, Chapter Adviser, at 717753-8557.

Beta Delta Silver Anniversary On Saturday, April 13 the i ters of Beta Delta will celebrate 25 years with lpha Sigma Tau at Duquesne niver ity. The anniversary ball will be held on Saturday, Apri l 13, 1996 at the We tin William Penn Hotel in downtown Pittsburgh . For additiona l information , please contact jennifer R. Wiggins, 1420 Centre Avenue, Apt. 506 , Pittsburgh, PA 15219,412-232-0584

Welcome Delta Zeta Chapter On August 13, 1995 th isters of P i Kappa Tau, a local sorority at East Stroud burg niversity of Pe nn ylvania , were e tabli hed as a colon of Alpha irrma Tau. Ribbon a nd Pin Pledging Ceremonies were conducted and the e si te rs officia lly beca m e pledged memb r of ALT. Th ey were th D Ita Zeta Co lony. Lisa Hatley Cramer, Zeta, vvas appointed their Chapter Adviser. With her guidance the women ucce fu lly comp leted the co lonization requ irements. On September 9, 1995 the i ters of the De lta Zeta Co lony were isued their fa ll upp lies. It wa evid e nt that this wa an exceptional group for they had already begun a fund-raiser and had numerous socia l ervice events p lanned . Severa l area a l umnae let the Colon y borrow ALT items to u e for ru h. Six women decided to p ledge ALT as a resu lt of thi s rush. The in i t iation ceremony took p lace the morn ing of December 2, 1995 at t h e Keokee Chape l in Canad anse , PA. It was an ideal etting. T h e gave l was p re se n ted by Tracy Bo nd , Zeta, and rece ived by Courtney

THE ANCHOR/ Sp ring 1996

Mitch e ll , Chapter Pres ident. We ndy ovack, Carole Bicking Kei ly and Mary Charles Ashby were in attendance a were Barbara Grant We th erho ld , Zeta, Assistant Chapter Adviser; L ea h Piccon e, Zeta; Amy Mull e r, Zeta; and Norma Black Brown . Twenty-eight collegians and seven alumnae were initiated.

Th e in tallation banquet wa held at the Best We tern in Stroud burg. The ballroom was beautifull de corated and a it-down m a l wa erved. Mter the banquet th e i ter had a em i-fo rm al and had a very enjo able evening.

Sisters of the Delta Zeta Chapter gather around their brand-new banner.


The Nominations Committee Needs Your Recommendations for National Council and Staff Positions WHY:

To assist the Alpha Sigma Tau Nominating Committee in gathering nominations for the National Council and the Staff of Alpha Sigma Tau. The slate , based on your nominations, will be presented at the National Convention this June in Phoenix and voted on by the delegates.


Any alumna in good standing may serve in a position on the National Staff. For National Council positions , it is preferred , but not required , that the alumna member first serve on the National Staff to gain experience.


NOW is the time to send in your nominations! Any LT may recommend a candidate. Individuals interested in being considered are also encouraged to submit their own names. Deadline is May 31 , 1996.


Send the following nomination form to: Kathy Pulice Baecker, Nominations Coordinator, 18667 N. Oak Ct., Clinton Twp., M I 48038-2095 (81 0)286-2314


Nomination for National Council or National Staff Positions

I nominate --------------------------------------------------------------First name

Number and street addrss








Chapter _____________________ School ________________ Year graduated _ _ Position(s) for which this sister recommended Reasons for recommendation



Recommendation submitted by: ---------------------------------------------Chapter ____________________________



Is the nominee of this recommendation? - - - **All nominees must submit the Resume for Staff positions on the following page . A letter of intent should accompany the resume. For a description of each position , check the Fall '95 Ed ition of The Anchor.



Today's Date _ _ __

Resume for National Staff Positions Applying for (List all interested positions) Name

- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- Maiden

Address City /State/ Zip Area Code/ Phone Number _ __ _ _ _____ Husband 's Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ College/University from which you graduated Year of graduation

Major _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

Advanced Degree? What area? Collegiate chapter affiliation Alumnae chapter affiliation Are you actively involved at the alumnae level? Offices held at the collegiate level _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ Dues Paid _ _ __ Are you currently employed? _ _ __

Full-time or Part-time? - - - -- - - - - - - -

Occupation Do you have children? _ _ _ __

If yes , please list their ages _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

Are you able to travel for A:LT? _ __ __ If yes , weekdays? _____ weekends? _ _ _ _ How often? weekly _ _ __

monthly _ _ _ _ semi-annually _ _ _ __

Are you willing to commit to a full 2-year term? _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Do you have access to a computer? _ _ _ __

Do you write letters? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

How much time per week are you able to devote to sorority business? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Are you able to travel on short notice? _ _ __ Are you able to work within a budget? _ _ __ Appointments will not be processed until it has been determined that alumnae dues ha ve been paid.

THE ANCH OR/ Spring 1996


C!tJ~ C!~ N4t14___ Alpha/ Eastern Michigan Ypsilanti, MI: Th e Alpha Chapter started with an exce ll ent ru sh, picking up 14 wonderfu l pl edges. We celebrated Founde rs Day with a lunch eon with our alumnae chapters from De troit Iorthea t Suburb and Ypsil a nti/ Ann Arbor. In ovember, we held a hot tub fund rai er for a Cancer camp for kids in j ackso n, Mi ch . Congratu la tion Jami H all, voted E as te rn Mi c hi ga n ni ver ity' Pan h elle nic Woma n of th e Yea r 19941995. :Jami H all

I P ", we did Captain Crunch, and built a float that won econd place. Prior to the parade, we held our annual Alumnae Tea. Also thi se m e ter, we h eld an alcohol se min ar that wa extreme! intere ting an d h elped Alpha Chi Rh o with a h a unted ho u e for H alloween. Carrie Miterko and Riki Petrucci have been bu preparing our annual 1i s I P contest. We 're looking forward to a won d erfu l m ter and looking forward to Convention thi ummer. - bby Ke ilman

Beta/ Central Michigan Mt. Pleasant, MI: Th e Beta chapter began our erne te r with a ucce sfu l rush including beach th e mes, barbecue a nd the add iti on of 13 women! We h eld our first annual car wash which rai ed almost 200! For philanthropy, we have join e d with a she lter for batte re d wom e n . We have had progra m s on und erstanding th e n eed for h elping ba tte red women and have gathered clothing for them. Th e e ntire Greek communi ty promoted the outlook o n Gree k by go ing out into th e communi ty a nd h elping ra ke leaves, and other jobs. -Ma ndy Wilber

Beta sisters

Delta/ Indiana of PA Indiana, PA: Th De lta ch apter h ad a ucce fu l ru h with th e mes running from Di n e to H awa iian lu a u . Our fir t major fa ll eve nt wa homecoming. The cam pu -wide them wa ''Wa k up with


This year's H omecoming candidatej ttlie Book, pictured with last yem-s Queen H eather Frankhauser and their Assistant Clwpter Adviser Sue Robbins.

Zeta/ Lock Haven Lock H aven, PA: We started th e ear ou t with our fa ll re trea t. Durin g our retreat, we elected new officers and et goals. Thi se me te r, we h ave had o ur h and fu ll with philanthro p proj ects, includin g our annu al rock-a-th on, the J aycee ' Labor Da Regatta, the Lock H aven Fall Clas ic Wrestlincr Tournament, se rving a eros ing guards for a local ele me ntary chool, trick-or-treating for cann ed foods for the al ation Arm a nd h elping th e Red Cros with their blood drive . Wear curr ntl pla nning our 75th Anniver ar which will be h eld in pril. -Anne Gra gruber Omicron/ Concord Athens, vW路 Th fall 1995 me ter ha been one of th e mo t exc iting for u . With th e addition of 13 wo nd rful' o m n ,

The new pledge cla after pick-up. Top row: Kim Losken, Delnom Reed, Danielle Monnia. Bottom Row: Billie j o Pinter, Clarinda Leplett, usan Ea ter, Meli sa H edrick Toni PO'rler.

we have in creased our memb rship b ov r 300%. We ran with Phi igma Phi during Hom coming, and Vf'ryone had a great time with our them " aturda ight Fever. " We received fir t pia e in the co tume conte t, third place in the float competition, and, our candidate wa a runner-up for H omecomin g Queen ! We would like towelcome our new adviser Pamela lade an d c h apter con ultant Kimberl y Goad. -Kristy Gla Zeta Tau/ Longwood Farmville, VA: Thi ha been a erne ter of ch ange and mile tone for the Zeta Tau chapter! We celebrated our 60th anniver ary in ugu t by h o ting a formal tea. Al l of our i ters and a large number of alumnae enjo ed the fetivitie . Thi erne ter ha al o een the accomp li hment of one of our highe t goal -a comp1ete1 redecorated chapter room. It look beautiful. Our fall ru h gave u ' onderfu l , new, and promi, ing pi dge . Zeta Tau \vi he all our i ter e \ er '\Vh er a wond rful y ar. -D e ni J ame Upsilon/ Central Arkansas onway, AR:

C!c~ (!~ NtW4 skit" where we got a ch a n ce to te ll about all our different activitie and involvement on campu . Som e of these included th e Up ilon chapte r winning the overall award for mo t money given to a phil a nthropy and best banner. We also had th e high est grade point average of all th e o rorities on campus for the 1995 spring semester! For th e re t of th e e m este r, we have a sisterhood re trea t pl a nn ed along with many oth e r thing . -Re be ka h Ti o Chi/Shepherd Shepherdstown, WV路 Fall e m este r h e re h a d efinite ly bee n a busy on e . Our wom e n return ed to chool with a ba ng! We all go t togethe rfor a fa nta ti c re treat full of great activities. Our formal ru h th e me was "Th e Who le i Greater Th an Th e um of It' Parts". Fund raising ideas just kee p rolling in. So fa r, we have hosted a pagh e tti dinn e r, car wa h e , and soft pre tzel sales. Each fund rai ing activity h as prove n to be trul profi tabl e . Hom ecoming wa a bl a t! We won econd prize fo r o ur fl oat. We owe much of our success to our fa bulo us alumn a Anna Goll ad ay, wh o h elped us create a great weste rn town to go alo ng with our sc hool' the m e of "Wild Wild West". Phila nthro pi c ac tiviti e h ave b ee n going non-sto p. We co ntinu e to visit our adopte d g ra ndmo th r, a nd Dr. Sa ra Cree . W a re ve r y pro ud fo r being th e top Gree k organiza ti o n o n o ur campu to don a te blood a t the Se ptember Blood Drive. Oth e r pros pero us project includ e: coll ec tin g ite m s ne ed ed for flood vi ctims, ad o pting a family for Chri tm as and fillin g stocking for th e Salva tion Army. Founders Day was a ple ndid su cce sa we hosted a d e liciou s dinn e r a t Inwood for sister and alumn ae . We wou ld like to thank th e c h a rmin g alumnae ister that attend ed. -Mary Beth McCausland


Fo und r Day wa c lc bra t d by siste rs a nd pledges with a a tered banqu e t. Our a nnu alj ail-a-th o n was a su cess to rais mon ey for th Am rican Ca nce r Society. We are di cussin g pla ns for a n o th e r j ail-a-than thi s sp rin g. W a re a l o sp o n o rin g ve ndo rs to se ll th ir good s o n a mpu a nd r tain a perce n tage o f th e profi ts. T hi s y a r, we ar tryin g a n exte nded tra nsiti o n pe riod to mad e th e ch a nge to th e n ew exec u tive board a ier. -Lindy H o lm e

Psi (fames Madison University) Bid Celebration 1995.

wo nd e rful n w pl e d ges! We impl eme nted a n ew id ea for a wee k lo ng bid ce le bra ti on . T h e most rece nt pl edge class p la nn ed a movi e night, the seco nd m ost rece n t p ledge class too k th e pledges to rid e go-carts. Thi s helped th e pledge a nd th e si ters ge t to kn ow o n e a noth e r. Anoth e r n ew progr a m we h ave tarted i ro ta tin g co mmittees. Eac h i ter is assig n ed to a committee for a c rtain m onth of th e sc hoo l year. Th e co mmittee pla ns a siste rhood ac tivi ty for th eir m o nth . This give eve ryon e a c ha n ce to plan a nd orga nize eve nts as we ll as bring fresh ideas to th e group .

Alpha Epsilon/ Western Illinois Macomb, IL: We bega n our e rne ter with many re n ovatio ns to our ch a p te r house. We painted th e h ou e, red ecoratin g man roo m a nd add ed a beautifu l d eck! Our Eig hth Ann u a l Ch alle nge of the Fra te rniti e in cl ud ed event uch a foo tb a ll , b as ketb a ll and Mr. lp h a Sig ma Ta u. It raise d over 1,000 for Pin e Mo un tain Settlement c hoo l and th e America n Ca n cer ociety. O th er phila nth ro p ic activitie included th e MS d rive , Wo rkout for H ope, th e Salva ti o n Army Bell Ringing Campaig n, a nd th e Ta k Back th e ig ht march . -Me li n d a Palau

Psi/James Madison Harrison burg, VA : The hard work everyon e put into formal rush paid off. We welcom ed 4 7 THE ANCHOR/ Spring 1996

Psi Bid Day Celebration


C{JJ4At C~ N~ ucce ful Jail-and-Bond , raffled off ti cke t to th tate Fair and Rodeo and had bake ale . For Chri tma , we led carol a t AM' Chri tma tree-li htin g ceremony. - iari a j ohn on Alpha P i/Slippery Rock lippery Rock, R :

Alf;lw f-psilon getting read)' for ru h.' top row (left to right):j en inll, lacy Balzek, Danya Erxleben, Misty Tuttle, Karen McNeely, j ill hoemaker bottom row (left to right): Andrea Burcham, Kalh)' Allen, Theresa j ames, H ilary Cichosz, Becky Vaughn

Alpha Lambda/ Radford Radford, VA : Th e semester kicked off to a great start! Since we did not h ave a fall rush , we co nce ntrated on o ur sisterhood. orne of o ur activitie we re a h ayride a nd the pot-luck dinn e r. A n ew ocia l service proj ec t started thi s year i "adopt-a-pa ti e nt. " Si te rs adopted a patient from th e loca l nur in g hom e a nd visited them once a week . At H allowee n , we pa sed out ca ndy. We a lso had a Hallowee n party for th e loca l comm uni ty chi ldre n . -He le n Ki

Alpha Mu collecting canned food at 1-lalloween.

Alpha Mu/ Arkansas at Monticello Monticello, AR: Alph a u ki cked off th e rn e ter with a fanta tic fall ru h with the "Wi zard ofTau " th e me. In Homeco ming, we' on fir t prize in th e Bonfire competition with a step shm d eveloped by lph a Phi lph a . We a tte nded th e RLW in Dura nt, OK On Hallowee n night, we dres ed up and tri k-or-o- ated for canned food for M ' Holid a ' Cann d Food Drive. We a! o participated in th Great merican moke-Out b 路 eli tributincr bubbl g um to tho tr ri ng t br ak th ha bit. [n fun I raisin cr, we h e ld a


We w re a bl e to m et quota thi fa ll ru h with th e th e m of "Wizard of Tau ," whi c h wa followed up with an open bid part to get a total of 11 pledge . We have been h lping out in the comm uni ty thi me ter. Be id e o ur adopt-a-hi hway, we h I peel out at a co mmuni ty qu are Dance for local nior citizen . W are co li ting oda pop can tab t give to th American R d Cro . F rever tab th e contribute mon y to thirteen Penn lvania Vet ran ' 1-Io pita! . We had a fu lfilling H omecoming thi ear. For the econd ear in a row, we won fir t place in th Yl II Lik H II con te t and the theme "T h e Flint ton . "With the arne theme , w al o won the "Paint the T wn" co nte t! orori t:y rowth i mething we r ally enj y doing. When the weath er wa till warm, we rented a pontoon boat and et out on the high ea . We a l o invaded a i ter' b auty alon and had a retreat comp lete with ha ride , camp fire, hot doa and ' more . - tacey Cre Alpha Tau/ Edinboro Edinboro, R : Ou r ru h theme wer "D o wn nder the ea" and a "H o-d wn!" Our Prefere n Party includ d the Anchor Ceremon . We are v r ex ited a bout

Cc~C~New4 tion and are looking forward to seeing all our sisters. An extra pecial thanks to our new Chapter Adviser, Dr. Campbell! Thanks for all the help ! -Shana Redy Beta Delta/ Duquesne Pittsburgh, PA: This semester, the Beta Delta chapter had a fun rush. Our n ew pledges are wonderful new isters and welcome edition to our c hapter. While they were p ledging they collected various toiletries to distribute to the homeless during the colder month . Our orority wing in our living learn ing ce nter has been renovated. The middle wall was kno cked down to provide more housing for the sisters. Also , a kitchenette and washer and dr yer were added. We are participating in hunge r awarenes week, pon ored by our campu ministry. We are also h osting a Sunday Mass at our campus ch apel. Congrats to u for winning th e tentdown during our ca rnival sh ow with the brothers of Sigma Nu. -Catherine Costanzo

Beta Eta/ Southern Illinois Edwardsville, IL: Our chapter h eld forma l and informal r u sh this fall. Our theme wa "Taus in Texas." We h ad a blas t line dancing and sin gin g for th e rush ee . All of our hard work was rewarded with 22 beautiful pledges . Our philanthropic activities co ntinue to provide sisters with meaningful ways to spend free time. It is now required for each of us to h ave 10 hours of s rvi ce pe r seme te r apart from what we do as a ch apter. The prospect of getting our own h ouse is improvin g. Th e Un ive r ity is offering u s an on-campus apartment building! We will revi ew the proposal and decide what is the bes t for our chapter. We we r e a ble to sh ow the tru e sp irit of A~T at th e Hom eco ming game a we cheered, sang, and dan ce d our way to winning th e spirit contest. :Jennifer Watts

Beta Epsilon/ Shippensburg Shippensburg, PA: The Be ta Ep ilon chapter is a ll about motivation for the fall semester of 1995. The new Gre e k advisor at Shippensburg Un iversity, Marvin Worthy, i bringing back th e spirit of Gree k life h ere on campus. A~T h as been participating in many campus activities to build the best reputation. V\ e are the proud r ecipient of the 500 ca h award given to us for the highest CPA, by the Panhelle nic coun cil this semester. In March , we will be celebrating our 25th anniversary. Pre parations are being made now and sisters are anxious ly awaiting the festivities. This semester has been wonderful. All the sisters have involved themselves one hundred percent in all sorority activities. Beta Epsilon has prove n to be a stronger chapter than ever before. -Francesca Paon e THE ANCHOR/ Spring 1996

Beta Theta Sisters take time to smile for the camera

Beta Theta/ St. Mary's San Antonio, TX: To begin with , rush for sprin g and fall of 1995 h ave bee n the best in rece nt memory. We have found some great new members, thanks to the h a rd work and effort of our Ru sh Chair, Sabina Ramirez. Our n ew members are learning how to conti nu e the Alpha Sigma Tau tradition. The apex of Greek week 1995 was the tal ent show, in which we placed first! A huge th ank you goes to Veronica Toledo for doing such a great job as Greek week ch ai r !

The me mbers of Beta Theta have b e n quite bu y thi s semes ter organizin g, participa ting in a nd donating our tim and mon y to differe nt p hil anthropy projec ts. So far we vo lunt er d to work at a n air show sponsored b th Ho pita! Welcome Lo dge, put toge th e r a nd d e livered H alloween treats for the c hildre n of the Youth Drop-In Center, donated and delivered to iletries for a drive spo nsored by the St. Mary's Service Learn ing Ce nter. Also, we h ave d emonstrated th e pride and fe ll ow hip that th e Greek commun ity is o proud of here at St. Mary's by rai ing mon ey for a member of another orority h ere who has been tricke n with a spinal di sease. Our plan for th e Spring of 1996 are to adopt and clean a secti on of highway, cleaning th g rounds a nd p ark of the Black Swan Inn, and our yearly Easter Egg Hun t for th e childre n of H o ly Rosary school. We h ad a total of 69 hours of community service last year, and are happy to ay th a t we h ave already passed that total! Finally, we want to recognize our outstanding alumnae adviser : Debbie Ort-Shea, Sharon Rodriguez, aleria Santos and Kathy Wei er. We couldn 't survive without your gu idance! With tha t, we wo uld like to an nounce that Apri l 24 will be our 20th Anniver ary, and we are pl anning a big ba h . Also , our Adviser, De bbi e is trying to e tablish a Sa n Antonio Alumnae chapter. If you are an alumna of St. Mar ' niversity and are an A~T or 2-T, please contact Sharon Talkington at 210-4363061 , we ca n ' t wait to hear from ou . :Julie Linare Beta Iota/ Millersville Millersville, PA: With our 20th a nnive r ar a a local ch apte r approaching in May, \ e are being recognized a the o lde t national so rori ty on Mill e r s ill e ni er ity' ca mpus. We are pla nnin g a reunion picnic in Jun e a nd a rededication cere mony in the spring. To ce lebrate Halloween , we h eld a co tume si te r p arty. We divided into teams and had a cavenger hunt, followed by a few game to h e lp u get to 21

know each oth er better. We have many oth er activitie planned and look forward to 20 more great years. -Alexis Konieczny Beta Xi/ Michigan Tech Houghton, MJ: T he Beta )(j ch apter tarted this term out with our 15th year reunion. It was a hu ge success. Our pledge raised money for Pine Mountain b collecting oda pop can from all the Greek orga ni zations on campu . The renovations to o ur h ou e are com ing along ni cely. We have redone two of our ba throo m , and plan to have our stairs fixed. The stripping of the wood in our back hall is almost complete. We also planted a tree in o ur front yard. Our si ters have helped work on the AIDS memorial quilt, Habitat for Humanity, and Lake Superior Cleanup for soc ial ervice. For H a lloween, we h elped on a party for the child ren of th e comm unity. As fall term comes to an end , we are gettin g fired up for Winter Carn iva l, by plann in g our statu e theme a nd writing our skit. -Shana Rae Kelly Beta N u/ Bloomsburg Bloomsbu-rg, PA: This fall semester h as been an eve n tful one so far for us . Our Homeco min g weeken d turned out to be a fun one, a usu al. We made a float of "Gilligan's Island" with anoth er orority a nd fraternity and won eco nd place. We h ad a great turn out of alumnae who returned to Bloom burcr. At the footba ll game, we were pre ented with an award for hi ghe t GP of pledges for the 1994-95 year! Our Fund-Raising Chair i doing a great job this semester. We h ave had sweater sa les a nd are consid ering doin g "Maid for the Day", which will be somethin g n w for u . -Megan Cann ing

Beta Xi chapter group picture

had our third annua l World erie for all the fraternitie . The men of igma Pi won for the eco nd year in a row. Our chapter i proud becau e we are the reigning in tramural champion for the past two years! Hom ecoming thi year was a great ucce ! We took econd place in our banner and on our float. We have also been busy with some fund rai ing thi eme ter. -Diane chmelzel Beta Tau/ Massachusetts at Lowell Lowell, A1A: Beside havincr a wonderful time pledging, our pledge co ll ected clothing for the local Salvation Army and h eld a 50/ 50 raffle, ending the proceeds to Pine Mountain. We had a help weekend in ear l Ma ' to a i t our pledges in preparing for the ationa l exam . After the exam, \ e camped out at Kamp Kiwani for the re t of the weekend.

Beta Pi/Eastern Illinois Charle ton, JL: T h B ta Pi chapter had an xcelle nt fa ll r ush thi mester. We add d 39 gr at n wwomen! In pt mb r, w


On aturday AprilS , 1995, we ce lebrated our 20th anniver ar a a chapter at our Yellow Ro e emi-formal. large numb r of i t r , in luding a lumn ae, attended thi pectacular event. We participated in ther activitie throughout the em ter and urnmer month , including erving dinner at The Hou e of Hope, a lo al home for unwed mothers and th ir children. V\ eal oju tadoptedat:womile tretch of Route 495 for cleanin . We really enjo thi project and love making our community a better place to liv . - andra Lydon

Thi ha been a very excitina eme ter for us . We ju t moved in to our new hou e. hou ewarmincr party wa held in October with parents, alumnae , ~IT faculty and fellow Greek . Ru h \ ent extreme! \ell thi erne t r. Mor women participated than ever beÂŁ r . We held a Tea Party, Barbecu , and an ~T ub party. e participated in a ee- m marathon with lpha icrma Phi whi h rai ed m n ' for babi with AID . RU\ wa held in r 1o-

wa Beta Pi's at fall rush


C!<J~ C!~ Ne.w-1 to grow clo er in isterh ood . On H alloween, th e chapter vo lunteer d at a H a unt d H o u . Th e siste rs dress d up in "The Wizard of Oz" cos tum a nd playe d gam with th e childre n. Oth er phila nthro pic projec t have in lud d ; particip atin g in Alcoho l waren s week , th U ni ve r ity-spo nsored Food Drive, a nd week ly trip to Kar n Hou e, a h o me le s she lt r for women a nd childre n . We c le bra ted Founder Day with th St. Loui alumn ae c hapter a nd th Be ta Eta co ll egia te a nd alumn ae ch apters. Th e ce le bra tion includ ed a tea followe d by hi stori es of th e va ri o u c hapters and th e coll egia te ch a pter sa ng so me ong . Th e d ay co nclud ed with a ca ndl e lig hting ce remon y. We truly e nj oyed a d ay of red ed ication to o ur vow of isterhood. -Michelle Reagan

Beta Phi/ California of PA California, PA: Our c h a pter took b es t ove r a ll award at o ur mix-off this semester. Thi activi ty require a ll participating Greek organizations to come up with the best n on-alcoh o li c drink and to come up with a th e me th at upport it. Th e evening of th e contest, a li e band provided th e ntertai nme nt as we gathered in th e Perfo rma n ce Center with all other p a rticipating Gree k . We turned h ead wh e n we walked in wearing overa ll , freck le a nd pigta il to upport our LT Corral th e m e. . Ju t wh en we thought ~he excitem ent wa over, four of our 1ster were running for H omecoming ourt. Beth an ie Pikula was on court, an d the Queen wa our own Lori j ohn o n! ~e worked on our float th is seme ter with De lta Sigma Phi an d won first pl ace! We h ave d o n ated mon ey to ch arities, collected fe minine hygiene produ cts for a woman ' h e lter, plant d tr parti cipated in a turkey drive , h a nd ed out pamphlet on su b tance a bu e, participated in a town clean-up and also folded clothes every week a t a local c hurc h. Ru sh thi se me terwa "ALTGoe Broadway". We put on a skit th at resembled an a uditi o n lin e up for a

THE ANCHOR/ Spring 1996

broadway sh ow. On i te r "plays" direc tor, whil e oth e rs took th e p a rts of a ch eerl ead er, a bully, a n e rd , a shy girl, a nd a hippi e. Each was trying out for the part of an ALT in an upco ming sh ow. Th e direc tor wou ld as k what each crirl ca n contribute o n h e r behalf to beincr a n ALT. At th e e nd of the skit, the dir~ctor d ec id ed th a t ac h girl got the part because each of th e m had_a trait a mong them, n o matte r how different, th at co ntributed to b eing a n ALT. Betwee n them a ll , th ere was a hippie's love, a ch eerlead e r's pirit, the shy girl 's quie t sid e and th e bully's way of tand ing by a sister no matte r what th e ca use. The skit sh owed th e rushees that Alph a Sigma Tau is a group of different indi vidu a l wh o together form a b o nd of sister h oo d with a str e n gt h lyin g in th e differe n ces a mong each individu al. -Kim Sh ewack

Beta Psi/St. Louis StLouis, MO: Sorority Growth a nd Deve lopment ha bee n a major focu for th e sisters this semester. Vario us ac tiviti es h ave include d app le pi ckin g, a date ra p e awaren ess di cu ion, and a day retreat. We have all e njoye d th ese activitie which h ave g ive n us th e op portuni ty

Beta O mega/ Monmouth West L ong Branch, NJ: On Sunday, November 5, we h eld o u r a nnu a l moth er/ daughter lun c heo n to ce le brate Founder Da . Thi wa a great opportu ni ty for our n w ALT moth er to get a fee l for what Alpha Sigma Tau i all about. We h e l~ a raffle to raise m o n ey for the OI-o nty a nd a photog rap h er wa there to take pictures of moth ers and d aug ht r_ together. Th ese picture were made mto keych a ins a nd part of the mon e mad wa don a ted to the sorority. We vo lun teered to wa lk for the American H eartwalk. Thi h ad a large outcome a nd was one of the thing we did for phila nthro p . H omecomincr was h eld on November 4. The theme was "A Brand ew U" in ce Monmouth just rece ived niver ity tatu . All th Greeks o n campus got toge th r and made a float for the parade. The fl oat wa a hu ge su ccess and we got the award for th e "most spiri ted". -Step h a ni e D emer

Gamma Gamma/West Alabama Livingston, AL: Fall quarter tarre d off with an acrenda fu ll of activities for th e Gamma Gamma chapter. We began the fall with


- irginia hrev Gamma Theta/ Penn State Behrend Erie, PA :

The sisters of the Beta P i Chapter are enjoying a day spent with alumnae at the annual Alumnae Lun cheon

formal rush . Thi year, we picked up 11 out tandin g young wom en . With rush ove r, we jumped into H o m eco min g. With H o meco ming co mes a wee k of activiti es; the two most favo rite of th e e is th e fl oat co nte t and sere ndipi ty, th e tudent talent sh ow. This yea r became th e fo urth year in a row tha t A2:T too k first pl ace in th e H o meco ming fl oa t. Our si te r took seco nd place in th tale nt show with our pledo-es coming in third . We also parti cipa ted in intramural sport. This quarte r, we spe nt tim e playi ng football. At th e end , we fo und ourse lve claiming the champio n hip ! We did ma ny communi ty service proj ect thi quarter including giving

Thl' Cmnma Gamma Chaptl'r of ~T took ji1.1 1 jl!at!' at Wi\ 's an nual Creel! game

clo thes to DHR a we ll a taking fo ter children oick or treating for Hallm ee n. Being busy a bee a usu al, we ti ll had n o tim e fo r re t. We go t tarted with Founder Day whi ch i a pecial time for A2:T eve rywh ere. For u h owever, it is a ad time a we ll as a j oyou o n e. It i h e re a t Fo und e r Day th a t we a good-bye to o ur gradua ting i ter as the alumn ae welcome th e m to th eir' or! d. -Dea nna Littl e Gamma Zeta/ Frostburg State

Our informal rush ta rted off our e m t r with p ar ty th e m of 'Tauto pia, A2:T fo r the ind, Bod & oul ", " LT-opo l ,",and "Mock-tail Par ty". We p artic ipated in a j o int ru h with th e i ter fro m Ga nn o n whi ch h e lp d to h ow th a t o ur i te rh ood exte nd much wide r th a n th bo undari e of our campu . We a! o invited alumna m mbe r to j o in u . During Greek wee k, we took fir t pl ace in hario t Race, Dizz ba t , eating co nte t and Gr e k ing. W finish ed off th e week b being a nno unced Gr e k wee k ch ampio n . Th e wee k nd of O cto ber 21 twas a tim e fo r u to ge t tog th r for o ur i ter retreat. Fir t, w p e n t th e mo rnin g leaning u p our ad o p ted hig hwa . T he n w were led in many lead er hip activitie an d arne b o u r G&D oh a ir an d we h ad a great tim . On

Frostburg, MD :

After b a rin g s to ri e a b o ut o u r summe rs, we began plan nin o- for informal rush. In an effort fo r ru h ee to get to kn ow th e i t r , ru h activiti e included "Greece Tigh t" and Iide h ow to provide th em witl1 idea abo ut what si terhood e n ta il . t the e nd of th e week, ' e ' elcomed twe lve new pledge ! Vl'e conti n ue o u r reo-ula r co m m unity e rvi ce proj ec t includino- ush ring fo r ca mpu play , ba b sitting for a local churc h a nd pa rti cipa ting in our Panh ell e ni c ocia tio n . In additi on , thi e m e ter, we t oo k p a rt in Fro tburg' Big Ev nt in a n effort to ke p th e co m m unity lea n and litter free. Al o , we p a rti cipa t d in th e H allow e n H o u f Fun to provide afe h o lid a ' fun fo r th e hild r n in th e co mmuni ty.

Gamma Zeta ' homecoming flag.

ovem ber 4, we ce le brated Fo und er Da wi th th e i ter fro m Alph a Tau and De lta Al ph a. It wa a n m ' day, bu t we ti ll man aged to ge t tog th r. '"'e encou raged veryon e to brin th e ir p are n t , a nd th ink it wa a o-ood o pportuni ty to le t o ur p are n ts th rio u id fo ur orority li拢 . Vl'e wo uld like toe 路te nd a p cial we i o m e to o ur n e w h a pter a d vi er, 1r . '" nd 路 H ar rin to n . -Ra h a I B rrY Gamma Iota/York York, ?.4. : m " ' , '路Rea h for th ta r with _ T '' we nt Yer with g rea t r ult . W h;w als b n w r k.-

ing hard with fund rai mg a we ll. Spending our weekend working at Her he Park ha proven to be both adventurou and fulfilling. We' ve al o been working with local childre n in a TEACH tutor program rece ntly whi ch i its own reward. Adopt-a-blo ck i a nother communi ty se rvice activity tha t we ' e participa ted in now for eve ral years. We had a great toad U"ip to Sh e pherd College ! It was a lot of fun h a ncring out with th e ALT's tl1 e re a nd we look forwa rd to vi iting oth e r iste r a t various c hool . Our n ext proj ec t i Halloween Happe ning . Eac h sorority and fraterni ty have a ta b! al on g the wa lkwa to o ur main building for classes and can II variou thin g . We will be elling cide r and h o t chocola t . - icto ri a Coulte r

sa lsa. At our pr fe re n par ty, w had a moving candl e lig ht se rvi c and h ad a reading of "Wh a t i a Ta u?" We had an e njoyabl e rush a nd gain ed great p i d ge . Our pl ed ges we nt to th e d ay care ce nte r on ca m pu to read to th e chi 1dre n for th e ir phila nthro pi c proj ec t. W a re ta rtin g a n ew phil a nthro py thi s e rn e te r. We a r e a d o pting a chool. Th e loca l hi g h sc hool n ee d tut r to orn e of our iste r vo luntee red an hour a wee k to he lp out.

Gamma Lambda/ Kutztown Ku tztown, PA: We 've b een bu y o fa r tl1i se m ter with rush and pa rticipa ting in man y communi ty e rvi ce activiti es. We h eld a pe nn drive for Pin e Mo untain ; d onated mon ey to th e Lupus Loop, h e ld in Philad elphia; don a ted blo od ; a nd parti cipa ted in the K ph o n e-a-th a n . We h ave a l o b ee n bu s with o th e r Greek on ca mpu s. Ma ny of u vo lunteered a t Ca mp Ad a hi , wh e re th ey he ld a hallowee n ca mp. C hildre n fro m around th e Reading area come to the camp to hm off th eir co tum e a nd pia orn e fun ga me . We ce le brated our Fo und e r Day paghe tti dinn e r with our ch a pter co nultant Fra n Abra m s. Th a nk you fo r joining u Fran. We a lso got toge th er at our i te r re trea t in th e mountain s at our big/ li ' l sle p over during H o m ecoming weeke nd. -Tiffan y Mill e r

Gamma Mu/West Virginia Tech Montgomery, WV.路 Formal ru sh a t WVIT wa h e ld during the econd week of e pte mbe r. We had an information par ty, dorm storm, theme party and prefere n ce . Our theme party wa "WANTED : ALT for Life," at which we dre sed up in our cowgirl boots and served chips and THE ANCHOR/ Spring 1996

Amy Hendenshot, jJresident and Amy Kozeliec, rush director at a forma l rush information fJarty

Before ve ra! of o ur Go ld en Bear football ga mes, we go t toge th e r fo r a coo kout a nd ge n era llyju t to c hee r o n o u r team . Ma n y of o ur siste rs go to vo ll eyball m a tch es to c h ee r on our iste r a nd the n w h ead voll eyball coach, wh o is an ALT alumna, Kri ti Sampso n Davis. An o th e r ALT a lumn a, Libby Willi a m s, i ass ista nt c h e rl eadin g coac h h e re a t Tech . Cong ra tul a tio ns go to Le ley Martin who mad e a 4. 0 ave rage Ia t e meste r, a nd to Emily Mill e r wh o wo n Gree k Goddess a nd Stacey Da niel wh o won first runn e r up fo r Gree k Godd ess. -Ho p e Adkin s

Gamma Xi/ Grand Valley State A llendale, MI: Th e si te rs of Ga mm a Xi h ave bee n working ver y hard this year. During winte r e rn e te r, w r evised all of o ur progra ms; ru h , pl edge , a nd acad e mics b eca m e more importa nt. We

h ad p a ke r come in a nd speak to us about team building, co mmuni a ti o n and mo t importantl y, learning to tr ust ac h oth e r as i te rs. La t wint r, we we nt into ru h with a n xc ite d a nd positive a ttitude. We pulled toge th er a a ha pte r like n eve r befo re, a nd o ur e ffo rt p a id o ff wh e n we rece iv d twe leve in cr dibl e wo me n . Thi s was th e largest pledg class of a n Gr ek o rga ni zati o n o n ca mp u . La t winte r, we were pro ud to be the rec ipi e nt of Grand Va ll ey tate niversity 's Most Improve d tu d ent Organi za ti o n ! ow aft r a ucc s fu l form al rush, whe re we received a nothe r in c r e dibl e p le d ge clas of e leven wome n , o ur chapter total i 40 worn n ! This fall w a r focusing tro ngly on o ur phil a nthro p y, wh er w kee p our stre tch of highway clean , taking u nder privilege d child re n trick or treating , reading bed time t01ie to childr n in a h o mele sh elter, and man otl1e r benefi cia l eve nts. Al l of our wome n are strong, invo lv d , e mpowered indi vidual wh o strive for exce ll e nce, not on l in th e orority, but o n cam pus, in tl1eir acad e mic a nd in th e com m uni ty a well. -Ange la H ebebrand

Gamma P i/Lycoming Williamsport, PA: Fall fo rma l r u h ki c ked off thi ern e te r in Se p tember. U nde r th e d irec ti o n of Amy Bar r ick, it was a great su ccess . We rec ived th e most numbe r of pledges! Thro ugh m u ch h a rd work a nd d edi cati o n, th e si ters of Gamma Pi ac hi eved th e high e t CPA among Greek a t Lycomi n g . We recent! tar ted a "pen-pal" te rn to p erson all keep in tou ch wi tl1 o ur alumn ae. Each i te r ha an alumna to write to. A few p hilan tl1ropic projects we parti cipa ted in thi erne ter are a candle light e rvice for ' omen of abu e, clo thing driv and the American H eart Walk. We are extrem e! bu fu nd rai ing for tl1e 1996 onven tio n in Arizona. We were ver h on ored to rec i e tl1e C h a pter Exce ll e n ce Award for 19941995. It wa a goal tha t all of our i ter worked toward an d we w re extreme! ' proud to rece ive it.

tre m end o u inte re t h own by nonm ember on ca mpu . t th e Hall owee n ocia l, eve n tee n g irl cam e to car ve pumpkin and learn more a bout th e sorori ty. Th i t r will h o ld a eco nd social toward th e e nd of th e erne terin h op inte re t.

Carrie Sn ell, infa Ceeva, and Becky Moyer anxiously wailing the return of bid on bid night!

We are looking forwa rd to go ing o u t west thi s summer. See eve ryone a t Conve n tion . -Amy Jan e Leonard Gamma Sigma/ Belmont Abbey Belmont, C: We have had a grea t fall e mes te r. Our ru h th em e was 'Wh a t a Ru h. " Thi se me te r we h ave ta ke n on th e ch all enge of tutoring local choo l chi ld re n as an additional philanthropy. We also h elped th e Knight of Columbus coll ect mon ey for re tarded c hi ldre n . In Decembe r, we have our th ird Annual Christrna Party for th e ch ildre n in th e communi ty. Our Homeco ming cele bra tion was a terrific expe rie n ce. We h ad a te nt se t up a t th e ga me fo r frie nds and alumn ae. The H o mecoming Quee n i on e of our si te rs, Eduji e Imo i iii . We are now looking forward to a succe fu l spring semeste r. -Sh elley Bax te r Gamma Tau/ Lebanon Valley Annville, PA: For th e Gamma Ta u ch apte r, th e fa ll has prove n to be a n eve ntful a nd uccessfu l on e . At th e start of th e te rm , a n ew presid e nt was e lec ted , Sha ron Possessky. T h orority also p a rti cipa ted in a campus-wide ac tiviti e fair, whi ch mad e th e campu more kn owled geab le a bout th e orga ni za tion . for fund raising , th e i te r have h eld two a r wash e , on e raffl e a nd three con ces ion ta nd a t a th le ti c ve nt . h e h apte r also co- pon o r d a n Alco ho l wa re n es prog ra m. Pled rrin g p lans a re und rway and th e r ha be n


Lynne E. DettoTe, 1995 H omecoming Queen

We are also pro ud to a nn o un ce th a t two e nior membe r we re no min a ted to th e co llege ' Hom ecom ing Court,J aqu eline We nad ou a nd Lyn n e De ttore . Lyn n e was crown ed th e 1995 H o mecoming Quee n ! Co ngra tula tio n to J acki e a nd Lyn n e. a fin al n o te, th e i te r a re eage r! awa itin g th e spring sem e ter, including th e traditi o nal "birthda " ru h and th e pled gin g te rm . -L nn e Elizabe th De ttore Gamma U psilon/ Calif ornia State L os Angeles, CA: On Nove mber 11 , th e Cal ifornia State ni e rsity Lo Angele Greek te rn had its annual fal l Greek for mal. Thi year ' for m al wa h e ld a t th e Disn eylan d H ote l. v are ver excited because thi event wi ll give u the ch ance to introduce our newe t me mb r . We ce le bra ted Fo und er Da b initi a tin g three n ew m e mb e rs a nd h o ldin g th e Fo und er D a ' Ca ndl e lig hting cere mo n y. This Fo unde r Da i ve r spec ial to u becau ewe ar e n o t o nl ce le b ra tinrr th e 96th ear of Alpha Sig ma Tau , but al o last e pt mber Gamma p il o n le brated it eco nd ea r a pa rt of Alph a irrma Tau . - adi 'a ir rrar

Delta Alpha/ Gannon Erie, PA: We ta rted o ff th e fall e m e ter with a grrrrrea t ru h, with th th e me o f "Th e Lion King. " Th e pledge a re cur re nt! working o n a p e nny drive to be n efit Pine Mo untain ch o ol. To ge t to kn ow th e ister a little be tte r, th e join d e era! of u fo r a progre ive dinn er. We have been reall bu holdin g fund rai er , including a n Alwa o m thing Ta ty bake ale . Our H o meco min g th e me thi y ar wa " World of usic", wi th o ur parad e ba nn e r taking fir t plac ! We h ave al o p a rti cip a te d in a H eart Walk and we "ad o pted " a n eed famil for th e h o liday . All of our tud ing p aid off wi th a 3.0 ave rag GP fo r th e chap ter, tl1ird hig he ti n th e n a ti o n for all 2-T . -Am Rae Mattis Delta Beta/ Fairmont State Fairmont, \tW路 Thi e m e te r h a bee n o n of th e be t for Delta Be ta. We are till fairly n ew a nd lear nin g. in e wo nd e rful wo me n have pl edged to join o ur orority thi fall and th e h ave bee n n o thing but great. Th e h ave bee n learnin g a b o ut Al ph a igma Ta u a nd its fo unda ti o n a well a inging o n g a nd lear ning that ou r creed i m ore th a n a bun ch of word o n pa p r. Our pinning cerem on y wa b a utiful and big/ little si te r cere m o n wa a] o a tim e to re m ember. H o m eco ming d emanded mu ch of ou r ti m e thi year. We organize d a n all Greek alumn ae pre-game pa r ty fo r the a turd a y of th e game. Mi c h e ll e Rod rigu ez wa o ur 199 - H o m c min rr candid a te a nd alth ou rr h h e did n o t win th e crown , ou r fl oat won fir t prize in th p arad e . Th e th e m e wa ' arniva l" a nd o ur fl oat wa a up e r-1 p roll er oa ter m ad e o ut of ardboard and. tin fo il. It wa a mazin 0rr ' h e n it w fim h d . We h ave n ev r v n pia d in th e fl oa t co mp e titi o n b f r thi year. Altl1 u rrh w h av b n h a\'in rr , lo t of fun , w h ,. al o b n w r kinrr h ard . ' "' h ad th hirrh . t rrr, d , f , U


C<J~ C~ New4

Greeks on campu . Three of our member had a 4.0 GPA. We u hered the FSC Homecoming Alumni Dinner and again when the Wheeling S mphon played on campus. We a l o wore pink ribbon for Breast Cancer Awarene s Month in Octob rand we handed out ribbons to the people who live at Wishing Well Manor Re tire ment Home . For Founders Da , we ce le brate d with a cand le lighting ceremony and potluck dinner. We talked a bout the ational hi tor of our orority and got in touch with our roots. Delta Beta isn 'tjust about grades and philanthropies, though. Three of our sister are memb e r of th e Fairmont State College vo il e ball team. Andrea M er , Billie Yates, and Courtne Fochtman mad a m ajor contribution to th eir tea m whi ch i ranked fourth in th e Mid-Atl a nti c Region and rank sixth n a tionall in CAA Division II with kill pe r game, 12th in digs pe r game and 17th in ai t per game. Courtney wa voted We t Virginia Conference Pia e r of the Yea r, elected to the All-Confere n ce team again and also se lecte d to th e We t Virgini a Conference All-Tourn ament Team! Courtney was chose n a a national fin a li t in th e ig m a Tau Gamma Frate rni ty White Ro e co mpetition which was h eld in Washington DC at the end of July. Courtney fini h e el a national runn e r-up . Congratu lations Court! Gretch e n Stanko i team ca ptain of th e FSC swim team which ha twelve out of fifteen wimmers who were AllAm ricans last seas on. Although Gretchen wa not an Al l-Ame rican last year, he says that thi year she plans to win that honor! -Billi e Yates

build from th e strong foundation we have formed. We, th e founding sist r of th e De lta Delta chapte r, h ave ta ke n on th e ro le of improve me nt with great pride a nd e nthusiasm . We great! be nefitted from th e vi it our ational Staff me mbe r paid u in Se pte mbe r. They wer an ex traordin a ry h elp to u . During th weekend , we were able to eli cuss our probl ms co n ce rning th e e tabli shm e nt of a a tional sorority wher a local one h ad exi ted for so lo ng. ow we are ure we can ta ke on the c h a nges and look forward to the growth of a ororitywe hold so d ear to our h ear ts. We parti cipated in an e njoya ble rush wher we acquire d thre n ew me mbe rs. 1 ow change will be upon us once again as th e National Panh ell e nic Conference i ma king its way on to our campus. We are taking active particip ation in its e tabli shm e nt a nd a re a nxiou to includ e it in to our organiza tion in order to improve the Greek system on ca mpu . We h ave pl a nn e d a p c tacular Founde rs D ay ce le bration a nd look forward to ce le bra ting so me thing we have worked so h a rd to make tru ly wonderful and me morable . It is especia lly importa nt to us sin ce it will be our first!

Delta Delta/ lllinois at Chicago Chicago, IL: The fall1995 em ester at the Delta Delta chapter ha tru ly been one of various activities and memorable times. Starting with our ann ual boat cruise, we have had many activities and programs designed to improve our new but blossoming chapter and h e lp

THE ANCHOR/ Spring 1996

Do you know the way to A.J:T?

Th e re is a La tino Youth Confern ee ma kin g it tart in Chi ago. We have taken th e affair to h art a nd have aid ed its g rowth from th beginning pha es of organization. We ar excitin g ly awa itin g its d e but. It will be an important vent forth ch ool as we ll a for u , for we will have th honor of h ea rin g m a n y prestig ious m n and women speak. We will also participate in various ac ti viti es d e igne d to h e lp aid th e youth of hicago aim toward a p o itive future. -Maribel Ortiz

Delta Epsilon/ Marist PoughkeejJsie, NY: H ello to a ll o ur si ters arou nd th nation. Th e fa ll 1995 em ter h a flown by fas t. Ma ny wo nd erfu l things co ntinue to h appe n to the De lta Ep ilon chapte r. Thi year, we not on ly go t new sisters, but ce lebrated our fir t year a nnive r ary. We ce le brated together with our n ew pledges a nd o ur alumnae on our Founder Day, ovem ber 12th. We co n ici e r it a great accomp lishment! The year tarred off with a wonderfu l rush in which all the sister h awed th e ir e nthu sias m in the th me partie . We tarted offru h with the 'Tau Rock Cafe"' a nd end d with 'Tau tock," our ve rsion ofV\ood tock. This se me ter, we h ave been bus a tte ndin g ca mpu s aware n e m eetings. Th e c h a pte r pon ore d tud breaks for th e campu a nd a lecture on ea ting di so rd ers. ext seme ter, we pl a n to p o nsor a pre entation on sign la ngu age. Busy as we m a eem, we a lways m a ke tim e for lending a h e lping h a nd to philanthropies. The is t e r s got up ea rl y and eager ! c h ee re d on peo pl e a th e \ a lked to rai e mon ey for Am e ri ca n Di a bete A sociation. We h a d so mu c h fun, we pl a n to parti cipa te in th e wa lk next year. We al o threw a H a ll ow e n p arty in conjunction with two other ororiti es on campus for special c hildre n . Th e sister a l o have ke pt our tradition of making ca ndy a nd ca ra m e l app le . It was a big u cce on campus. - icole Capozza 27

C!i)~ C!~ Nt芦14 Delta Zeta/ East Stroudsburg East Stroudsburg, PA: T his se mester we h ave bee n wo rking hard to become a ch apte r of Alp h a Sigma Tau on Dece mbe r 2. We look fo rwa rd to our future as me mbe r of Alph a Sig ma Tau O u r fall rush was a huge succe , rece iving five wo nderfu l new me mbe r . Ever yone wa invo lved in a vari ety of

eve nt which too k place this fall. We we re a bl e to parti cipated in an AIDS wal k, vari.ou edu cati o nal , ba by ittin ofo r childre n with Down e yndro me , a bl ood drive with Theta Chi , and man rewarding fund rai e r . In th e beginning of O cto ber, e e r o ne pu ll ed toge th er for ix of o ur i te r wh o were vi tim of a fire. Other Greek organizatio n Al pha igm a Ta u al umn ae, and co li gia te chapter , rai d

to share with each o th e r a nd ali bu ry Sta te' ch apte r. Afte r fillin g a box to end off to th e collegia te , we mun ched and e njo ed eac h othe r' com pan . Our cha pte r would like to ex te nd wi he to everyo ne fo r a wond erful 1996.

m o n e fo r th e ix g ir l . Thi trul y bowed wha t i te rh ood i all a b ut. Once again we would like to e te nd our man y thank to th o e of o u who h ave e n t us le tt r of con o-ra tulati o n a nd e n courage m e nt thro ug hout th proc s of becoming a c ha pter of Al ph a io- ma Tau . -Ta ra 0 ' 1eill

w went on to our Decem b r hri tm as Party a t Maria Lagona's h o me. We co nti nu d our tradi tion of" tealing " eac h o ther gift . We are all looking forward to a ha pp an d prod ucti e n w ar.


Baltimore A lumnae Chapter, Dec 1995

BALTIMORE RepoTted by Diane Raycob T h e n ew Ba ltim o re c h a pte r h a bee n busy th e last few month s. In the fal l, Pam Vukm er was hostess of th e epte mbe r mee ting. Afte r a d iscussion of th e program s for th e year, we left he r h om e a nd clea n ed th e id es o f o ur ad opted highwa . Sin ce th ere were everal of u a nd we had cleaned it tw路ice before, the task was swift and th oroug h . Th e O ctobe r mee ting took us to th e h o me of Susa n H a rri o n wh e re th e me mbe rs made wrea th s for th e H all owee n sea on . T he e nd product was don ated to a sile nt auction fo r cere bral pa l y a nd brought $65.00! In love mb r, a few of our me mbe rs vi ited o ur collegiate cha pter ofSalisbur Sta te fo r th eir ce le bra ti o n. Al o, a fe, vi ited th e orth e rn Virg inia c ha pte r a nd w re we lcom ed b a grea t hapte r. La tl , th e D ce mbe r m ee tin g was h e ld a t th e Chri tm as-d eco ra ted h o m e o f Dia n e Ra o b. Eve r o ne brought o rn a me n ts to x ha ng a nd thr d oz n cookie




RepoTted by FloTence M. Sodu

Reported by andm Aiello

Our a lumnae ac tiviti e began in May a t Mi ch e ll e Lupin o 's re taurant, Alice ' Kitch e n . Our n ew offi cers were swo rn in , the pre ide nt be ing Pam ela Szafarcz k. Al o in Ma , o ur group ra n a bingo activi ty fo r th e resid e n ts of th e Episco pal Church H om e . It i a vo luntee r ser vice. During th e s umm er, ~ e e nj o ed a pot lu ck picni c a t J ea n McNa mara ' su mm e r h ome a t Silver Ba , Ontari o a nd Tau To t Time a t Doro thea Po rte r ' h o m e a t P o rt Co lburn e . Th e re, we co u ld brin o- th e little o n e to e nj oy a d ay of sun and fun . We b egan the fall with another p o t luck supper in Septe mbe r an d th en a m ee tin o- in O cto be r a t th e h o me of Ma ril n Todd . Th e peaker wa Florence Sodus he b ar ed he r experien ce teaching in L'Viv krain e, with Bridge for Edu ca tion. Al so in O c to b e r, th e a lumn ae a nd co ll eg ia te to ge th er h lped out a t a H allm een pa r ty a t th Earl Childhood Program of hildre n ' Ho pi tal. We also beo-an our fund rai er, th esaleof Ente rtainme ntB ok und r the chairma n hip of Ani ta he rka uer. It proved to be ve r , u ce ful. Afte r ce le bra tin o- Fo und e r Da , at th Littl vVhit H u e in ove mb r,

T hi i o ur fir t report! PI a e we lc me u to the Al pha igm a Ta u Al u mn ae ociation . We 'vej u t begun a nd we ' re tro ng. We 've ado p te d J ame i ad i on n iver ity a our co ll egia te ch a pter. We've al o teamed u p wi th the Wome n ' nter inManas a , aa our p hilanth ropy. J o h anne Favaloro an d a ro le Kei l have been in tru mental in acco mpli hing th i ta k. O ur fearles leader, Di ane nd erwoo d , h a bee n kee ping it all toge th er. We're a very active gr o up . We h e ld a tup perware p arty/ ale for ou r fu n d rai e r, orch e trated b Ju ne Love! 111 O c to ber. With involvemen t like thi , we ' re o-oin o- to be big.

DENVER Reported by Grace R iester T h e alumn ae of th e D e nve r h a pt rand th e ou th ern Co lo rad h a pter of Alpha io-ma Ta u j in ed fo r ove mb r to ee l bra te F un der

A~C~NtM/4 tains as we trave led . Te ntative ly, w have made plan for futur e ge Ltogethe rs, weath e r permitting!

DETROIT/ NORTHEAST SUBURBS Reported by Patricia Maddens Our Se ptembe r mee tin g wash Id at Kath Baecker' hou e . We e nj oyed welcoming two n ew m e mber , Sh e rri Steele Chandra a nd Li a-Ma ri e Cox Frederick both from Be ta Xi. J a ni ce Garbarino upplied iron-ons o tha t we we re all able to make our own Alph a Sigma Ta u t-shirt o r sweat hirts. In O c tob e r, we m e t a t th e h o me ofTamm Bonifield . Mte r th e busin ess mee ting, we e njo ed Iookin <T a t wedding albums a nd coll ege cra pboo ks. Th e Me tro D troit Fo und ers Day ce le bra tion was h o ted by our ch apte r thi year. In a tte nda n ce were 36 a lumnae, 32 collegia te a nd 15 pledge , re prese ntin <T 1096 ear of Alpha Sigma Tau siste rhood ! A raffl e of craft ite m wa h e ld , with proceed of 217 go in g to th e ALT Founda ti o n H eadqu a rte rs Fund. Emily Mcintire, who re loca ted to Te nn e ee fr o m De troit 4year s ago, wa a bl e to j o in u a nd condu cted th e Candl e lig ht ser vice. In Dece mbe r, ou r a nnual C hri tm a p a r ty wa h e ld a t th e h o m of adia Madd e ns. A gift exc ha nge wa held. Each p e r on ope n ed th eir gift and th e n n; ed to gu e wh o had brought it.

ERIE Reported by Debbie Carter Gamm a Th e ta' phil a nthrop y proj ec t is th e Adopt-a-Highway Prog ram th a t th e ope ra t d fro m Se pte mbe r thro ug h May. Th e Erie Alumn ae d o th e summe r portion to he lp th e m out a nd to kee p us involved . We have a good tim e di scussin g th e "u,as h ", a nd ge ttin g o ur ae r o bi c e x erc i e. O f course, a fe w "h o rn s" h e lp the egos for th e alumn ae iste r ! G a mm a Th e t a h o te d th e Founders Day for all three surroundin g c h a p te rs, includin g Alph a Ta u, De lta Alph a and u s. Tha t i o ur favo rite day wh e n ver yo n ca n be toge th e r. 1 ow th a t th e re a re three chapte rs in o ur a rea, we really ca n be -All Siste rs Toge th e r ! We would like to con g ra tul a te Cindy H awes fo r be in g nam ed Dean of Stud e nts a t Tri-S tate Bu in e and De bbi e Carte r fo r be ing elec ted Vi ce Pr sid e nt of th e La ke Erie Balle t Guild a nd for b e ing a pp o inted as th e Ele m e nta r y re prese nta tive for Gira rd School Distric t's La bor Ma n age m e nt Tea m !

HARRISBURG Reported by j ennije1路 Lytle Our c ha pte r had a ver y busy fall ! Wea r till trying to in crease our me mber hip a nd welco med two n ew wo me n t o o ur m o nthl y m ee tin g; L a uri e

McKee (De lta) a nd Amy Lass i (Be ta Iota) . We look for wa rd to having the m in our o rga niza tion . Two o f ur m e mb rs wer ngaged ove r th e summ e r; Va n ssa Em h to Lou Flo r n ee a nd j e nnife r Lytl to Ke nn th Pryo r.] nnife r a nd Ke n pla n to b e m a rri e d n x t umm er a nd Van essa a nd Lou we re mar ried rece ntl y in De nm a rk ! Va n essa h a m ove d to Ge rm any wh e re Lou i statio n ed in th e milita r y. We will mi s her nthu iasm and wi h h e r we ll. Durin g o u r e pte mbe r m e tin g h e ld a t Vi ce Pre id e nt Co ll ee n h ea Koll e r' n ew ho me, we p nt tim d iscussin g new a tivities for th e up omin g mo nth a nd catc hin g up . In O ctob e r, we fill e d H a ll owee n trea t bag which we d e live red to th e child re n at the Inte rfa ith h Ite r in H a rri bu rg, o ur local phila n thro py. We a lso began our e mi-a nnual Tupperware fu nd raising sa le. In ove mbe r, we had a Karao ke ig ht a t Gib a nd J oa nn a a ta leParth e mo re ' h o me. Al um a n d th e ir spo use o r gue ts go t to how off th ir ingin g tale nt (o r lack of) while e nj oying foo d a nd fr ie nd ship . For o u r Founde r Day ce l e b ratio n , ~ e h e ld a n indu cti o n ce re mo ny fo r n ew m e mbers a nd sh a re d a pec ial A LT ca ke in h o no r of th e eve nt. As a result of a n o th e r u cce ful fund raise r, we we re a bl e to purch a e a nd d o n a te to th e Inte r fa ith She lter a Chri tm a gift of fi ftee n n ew blan kets . With th e ea rly a rri va l of winte r thi s ear, we a re sure th e will be grea tl a pprec ia te d. We h e ld o u r a nnu a l Chrisunas lun ch eon at Pre ident Case (Smith ) a nd J eff Ma rk ' h o m e . V\ e e njoyed a wo nd e rful meal and th e n revea l d o ur e lve to ou r "secre t i te r " a we exc ha nged Chri una gifts with th e m . We loo k fo rward to a n exciting n ew year !

INDIANAPOLIS Reported by Pamela Legg

Detroit/ ortheast Suburbs Beth Fournie1; Tammy Bonifield, R ose Ma rie Schmidt (fron t), Kathy Baecke1; N adia Maddens, Emily Mc!n tire, Pat Maddens, Chris Dixon at Founders Day

THE ANCHOR/ Spring 1996

Indi anapoli Alumn ae turn ed o ut in fore fo r tl1 e 50 ear e le bratio n of Alph a Alph a a t Ball Sta te niver ity. Many of our me mbers are Alph a Alph as. We bega n o u r fall \vith a pl an-


ning meeting at the new apartment of Faith Harlan. She and Roche ll e H argis howed u the festive table decora tion s we will provide for th e Crown Luncheon at the Phoenix Convention. All agreed that they were even bette r than the ones we furnished at Ball State's recent gala. In ovember, we shared Founde r Day at the home of Mary Ann Rin hart, another new location. The eveningwa cool but our hearts we re warmed a we recalled the founding of Alph a Sigma Tau . De li cious refreshment we re also enjoyed. Plans were finalized for a Christmas celebration downtown at our new Circle Center Mall.

LEHIGH VALLEY Reported by Kimberly Golden Benner

From assi ting with the start-up of a n ew coll egiate chapter, to spo n oring a local family for the holiday eason , the Lehigh Valley Alumnae Club i doing it best to make a difference. In 1995, the Club participated in th e co lonizatio n, pinning, training and insta ll ation of the De lta Ze ta chapter of A"LT at East Su路oudsburg Un iver ity. Working with Carole Keily, a tional Vice President, we were ab le to be invo lved every step of the way, including the first pre entation made to the local orority. It was an enjoyable and rewarding experie n ce that brought back a lot of memories for the alumnae. In add iti on, two of o ur Club member h ave stayed with the n ew chapter, erving on th eir advi or team. Thi holiday season, as in seaso n past, we adopted a lo ca l fami l for C hri tmas. A si ng le moth e r a nd h e r three yo ung daughters were th e recipie nts of a leig h-full of gift . Th e children r ce ived new clothe and a number of toy items from th eir C hristmas wi h li t. Their mother also received new clothes, h o use hold ite ms , all th e trimmings for a delicious holid a dinner and a Chri tma her fami l wi ll n ev r forget. We are keeping up with all of our usual "LT happenings. We el brat d ourown lO yearanniversar lastMa with a potluck M , i an th m dinn rand a


lo t of laughter. Our ALT Founder Da celebration was held a t LaDue re taurant and wa attend d b 13 alumnae-about half of our me mber hip. We a] o h ad our yearly craft night, where th e "craft impaired " an d the tale nted i ter worked together to cr a te beautiful ce nt rpi ce for the P Reception at Convention thi summ er. It h as bee n an eve ntful few month for this club a nd w loo k fon ard to the re t of the ear with wide-e ed enthuias m.

NORTHERN VIRGINIA R eported by Diane


The Northern Virg ini a Alumna chapter ha bee n ve r y bu alread thi yea r. The umm er bega n with the annual Ice Cream ocial at the home of Mary Charlos hb . In additi on to o ur members, we welcomed co ll eg iat and the famili e of tho e me mber attending. Th e afternoon wa unny and a good time was h ad by all. During th e summer, the officers bega n to plan for the upcoming yea r. Th e e ptembe r meeting wa held at the house of Betty Sue Gla er. Everyo ne brought a dish for the pot luck dinn er. After dinn er and a general bu ine mee ting, ever one admired Betty Sue ' new home. In O ctober v e m tat Mar Earl ' hom e, we di cussed convention and how our chapter could help out. After the m ee tin g, sisters tried to gue s who' who from baby picture that i ter brought. In addition , White Hou e ornament \ ere handed out to m e mber to ell for our annual fundrai r. Our a nnual Founder's Da dinn r wa held in the home of Charlotte Flo d . Ever one attending donated 15.00 to the H eadquarter ' fund . Th e dinn e r wa fabulous. We were joined b member of the Baltimore Alumnae Chapter and th e Centrevi ll e- 1a na sa lumn ae Club. The Centreville- Mana a Alumnae Club provided fan ti d with green ribbons and a e llO\ ro which ' e re u ed a favor . Ma r ' Charle A hby began th e ning with a pra er b for~ dinner. After dinner, the traditional cand le li ghtino路 duct d b ' th

nderwood and the Chaplain, arah Bartl tt. E eryone continued to ell the White Hou e ornament . \'\ie e nded 1995 with a Holiday ee l bra tion a t th hom e f ara h Bartl e tt. Ever one pa rti cipa ted in a gift exch a nge and ecret i ter were revealed. e v ecret si ter w re cho e n for 1996. In upportofth 1 orth rn Virginia Pan h e ll nic, o m i ter wi ll be atte nding the pia "Forev r Plaid" in March. There will al o be a joint cookout with two oth r ronu in May. Wecontinueto upportChildr n ' H o pital in Washington, D.C. During Exam time, we e nt "goodie " t our ll egiate littl e i ter at Fro tburg a nd h pard. W al o en t 250 to th 路 ter at Ea t trasburg to r pia e mone from their raffle which wa I tin a fir .

PHILADELPHIA Reported by J amie Alunni

The Philade lphia Alumna hapter vi ited We t Che ter niversity thi O cto ber to as i t the Alpha Phi chapt r with a Greek presentation. It wa a great time and very rewarding to help at the co li giate leve l. Our Founder D ay ee l bration found u once again at the Old York Countr Club . Our pecial CTUe t wa M . Mary Beth Kelley, Director of Alumnae. M . Kelley poke about Pin e o untain ettlement c hoo l and enco uraged u all to vi it.

PITTSBURGH R eported by 1ary Beth Kelley

The Pitt burg h Alumnae h a pter ontinue to (Trow a nd gai n n w m mber . Our yearly calendar i a mi, ture of m ting a nd fun ac tiviti . Seve ral member a nd th ir familie enjo ed a Pirate ba e ball (Tam thi umme r. The fall was kicked off b 路 attending Beta Delta' '' omedy lub ight ' ru h party. Founder D av wa le bra ted with th B ta D It, ' h , pter. All m mber took th


pri.ng l99f

A~C~N~4 Congratulations are extended to Sue Schultz , 1995 Pittsburgh Alumnae Chapter Top Tau. Al l member wish to expre s th eir sincere appreciation to Sue for all of her dedication to our alumnae chapte r. In 1996, we are looking to grow and become a more proactive chapter. If you live in the Pittsburgh area and are interested in becoming part of our group, p lease contact Sue Schultz. H e r addres is located in the direc tory.

hip. Sandy Guire will be haste s at a wee kend e vening party wh ere hu sbands and d a te wi ll attend. We wi ll also meet for lunch at an Italian re taurant th e week after Christma . Gu est are invited to share in a time of friend hip . Re membe r those words, All Sisters Toge th er. Le t's ge t togeth e r!

TIDEWATER R epoTted by MaTirni chelle D elaney

ST. LOUIS Reported by Mary L ou colt

Seve ral summer activities are always on the calendar-most involve feasting of some kind. A luncheon in Ju ly was he ld at a hotel n ew to mo t of us. We we re served with style in a dining room of our own . Th e annual lunch eo n given by Beta P i for the St. Louis alumnae was held in th eir chapte r room at St. Louis Univer ity. Three founders of th e co llegia te chapter we re honored. Those attending bared in th e privi lege of si terhood throughout the years . The real show of iste rhood is in the e nduring cele bra tion of Founders Day. For a numbe r of year , th e chapter of Edward vi ll e Alumnae, Beta Eta, th e ir co ll egiate c hapte r, Beta Psi th e co llegiate c h a pte r from St. Louis niversity and th e St. Louis alumnae h ave shared the occasion. Th e a lumna e c hapters tak e turns in hosting th e eve nt. Julie Herrm a nn , at St. Louis alum was in charge and m ad e arrangements for an afternoon tea a t th e Seven Gables Inn in Clayton . Some of us recalled the teas we attended while at college, even the hats and white g love . Talk about the "o ld e n tim es!" The NPC mee ting was h eld this fall in St. Louis and a dinner party was given for our de legation. The dinner wa he ld at the hom e of Margare t Gieselmann and was a nice break from meeting at the h ote l. The Christmas sea on will find us celebrating twice with food and friend-

THE ANCHOR/ Sp ring 1996

Our fall season started off with a bang! Our first m ee ting carried th e the m e, "Spirit ight. " We all wore our gree n and gold and all of our Alpha Sigma Tau paraph e rnalia . We also init iated Miss y D e laney (Shook) of Gamma Theta into our chapter. We b egan our first of three fund raisers. "Going to the top with T u pperware ". Next we got toge ther for a Pampe red Chef fund raiser party. The company was great and the food wa wonde rful. Our fina l fund raiser was selling 1996 Entertainment Books. Al l three we re successfu l. We ce lebrated Founde rs Day at a local res taurant. Eighteen sisters atte nded , a nd we in itiated Gai l Mi ller of Gamma Ep ilon. Th e re was d e liciou food , great company and a beautifu l ca nd le light ce re mony, which mad e us all reflect on th e co mmitme nt we h ave all mad e to Alph a Sigma Tau. We have contributed to a few charitie thi season. The traditional donation to Pin e Mountain Schoo l, and don a ting Campbell's Soup Labels to the Living Waters Christian School are just a few. For Christmas, we are p lann ing a party for all our me mbe rs and spouses. It will be h e ld at a sister's house and eve r yo ne attending wi ll bring a covered dish. We are planning on h avi ng a Chine e Auction, which hou ld be our e ntertainm e nt for most of th e eve n mg. We are looking forward to th e spring with great anticipation.

YPSilANTI-ANN ARBOR &poTted by Suzanne Nemeth Shick

Th e Ypsi-Ann Arbor A lumn ae Chapter started th e year off in our usu al fashion with a pot luck dinn rat Lyn e tte Schwartzenberger's hom e in Dex ter. Wh a t wasn't u ual was a sunrise visit by Joa nie Meaker from H ot prin gs Vi ll age Arkansas.Joanie was a ve r y active m e mb er of o ur c h apter until h er r tire m e nt a nd move to Arka n a . We mi ss h er and the visit brought back a lot of memorie for all of us. The bonds of sisterh ood always kee p us clo e th roug h tim e and distance. Our Garage Sale in Jun e was ind ee d a sp ec tacular su ccess. We raised over $400 for our ch a pter and on a day th a t the te mpe rature hit abo ut 95 degrees and the humidity about the same. We h ad a g reat time bargaining with ever yon e and loved it when we aw a man approac hing. If they liked what they aw, th ey n ever bargain ed, just paid the sticker price. Maybe we shou ld have a male only garage ale next year! Special th a nks to Maril yn Chr i ty, Carlotta Sale mi , Joyce Berg a nd Dia n a Mihaiu. Carlotta Salemi hosted our H o liday party thi year and a wo nderfu l time was h ad by all . Ou r gift exch ange is always fun a nd it wa amazing how man y of the gifts matched what everyone wanted. We do not draw name , we just bring in a gift to exch ange and p lay a card game to see who gets first pi c k . Laur a Pobursky Alfred wa thrill ed when she received an app le d ecora ted napkin h old er a h e h ad just d ecorated h er kitch e n in apple d eco r ! We look forward to 1996 and to th e many pecia l things we will be doing in that year. We are working on Convention a nd trying to get a man of the alumn the re as po ible. Our sp ecial co ng ra tula tion to Chri Bronk on h e r e ngage m e nt.


A~~T~'D~MJ National H eadqu a rte r , 1929 anyon Road, Birmingham , AL 35216 Phone 205-97 -2179 fax 20--978-21 2 Office Hours 9:00a.m.- 4:30p.m. Central Time H eadqu a rte r Adminisu·awr: Le n ore e ibe l Kin (Mr . Thoma J. , J r.), Pi

Board of Trustees Le nore Seibel Kin g, Psi, Ch a irm an Gai l Shackle Fowler, Alpha Lambda, ec re ta ry Ma r y Lo ui e Mandrea Doyle, Th e ta Cha rl otte Evans Flo d , Psi ferne Shumate Phipps, Omicron Anna Ma rga ret You ng Rh odes, Psi Ca rri e Washburn e Staehle, Alpha P reside nt Emerita - Carrie Wa hburn e Staeh le (Mrs. Haswe ll E.) , Alpha

National Council a tio nal Preside nt- Mary Cha rl e d a ms Ashby (Mrs. C J. ), Chi , Box 12, Th e Pl ains, VA 22171 Natio nal Vice President - Carole Bi cking Ke ily ( 11rs. Timoth y) , Alpha Xi , 7 07 Le la nd Road , Ma nas as, A 22 111 National Secretary- Christina Dugga n Covingto n (Mrs. Christoph e r), Alpha La mbda, 11711 Memoria l Drive #667, Housto n , TX 77024 ational Treasurer -J a net Minnis Jimiso n (Mrs. Co nrad ) , Iota, 529 Hig hl a nd Drive, Arka nsas City, KS 67005 Directo r of Collegiate Ch apte rs - Ri cki Ba rg ma n Trosen (Mrs. Wallace) , Alph a Sigma, 904 Kin gs Road , Kirksville, MO 63501 Director of Alumnae - Ma r y Be th Ke ll e , De lta, 22 Bo ul evard , Po int Marion , P 15474 Director of Exp ansion -J a net H a nso n Dod o n (Mrs. Duan e), Iota, 543 South Ma in , Cre te, E 68333 Director of Fraterni ty Programs- Ma rth a Dro uyo r DeCamp (Mr . Samue l) , Alpha, 2793 1 NE 4th Place, Redmo nd , W 98053 Director of Publications - Carol j. Cooper, Zeta Tau , PO Box 12189 N SA , Winstan- ale m , N 27117

District Presidents Regional Collegiate Coordina tor - Mary Elle n Willmitch , lpha Rh o, 195 1 Penny La n e, Youngstown , OH 445 15 Alpha - hristi a nn e Vacca Ye ntz, Be ta ' i, 460 1 W 2nd Aven ue #806, Boca Ra ton , fL 3343 1 Beta - Lucinda Procwr Hawe , lpha Tau, 4 11 6 Pl easan tvi ew venue, Erie , P 16509 Gamma -J a mi e lunni , Ze ta, 3 100 Gra nt ve nue# ~-26, Phi lade lphia , P 19 1 14


De lta - Mich e lle Cangia lo i, Alpha Lambda, 134 Scarborough Place , ha rlotte vi lle, v 22903 Epsilon - Lisa Throckmorton , Alpha La mbd a, 4933 Redford Road , Beth esd a, MD 20 16 Zeta - Miche lle c hmidt, lph a igma, 6 15 Dover Drive, Ro lla, MO 65401 Eta - Nanc o ltz Le ig (Mr. ~ a ll ), Beta Epsilon , 47 ill age Kn o ll Drive , The Woo dla nd , TX 773 0 T h e ta- Patric ia Kl ausing immo ns (Mr . Willia m) , De lta , 29 1 Locu L tre t, Indiana, PA 15701 Iota - Me lin da He nr O ate , Gamma Gamma, 7794 Old Mt. Olive Road, Gardenda le , AL 35071 Kappa - onda Ruh o ll locksi n (Mrs. Kevin), Beta Pi , 2 Dure ll D•;ve , Kankakee, lL 60901 Lambda- Alii on Brungard, Alpha Rh o, 6934 Hillda le Drive, Pittsburg h , PA 15236 Mu - Tamara tege hui Bo nifie ld (Mr . Brad) , Be ta Xi , 16925 MacArt hur, Redford, Ml 48240 N u - Co lleen H ard ing, Be ta Mu , 431 Be ul ah Road, Hurlock, MD 21643 Xi - Vi ctori a King-Ga rwood (M r . Don ald ), Beta De lta, I 06 arraganse t Drive, McKee port, PA 15 135 O m icr o n - Andrea Da llago, Zeta, 60 Maple ven ue , Marysville , P 17053 Pi - Appo intme nt Pe nding Rho - MeganJanne , Zeta Tau , 3529 Willowrun Drive NE , Roanoke, 24012 Sigma- Kri sLin H askin , Beta Pi , 3345 Betty Drive, ArlingtOn He ights, 1L 60004 At-Large - Sha ron Cre ham , Alpha Epsilon , 2212 Twin Lake Drive, tlanta, CA 30339

National Staff Acade m ics - ( ctin g) Julie Be ll Bruington (Mrs. J eff) , Iota , l 31 W. Beec h , I ndependence, r 67301 Alumnae Expansio n - Patri cia Nayle, Phi , 12002 H a ting Green Drive , H ou ton, T ' 77065 Th e Anchor Editor - Al in a v\'hittle-Tezik ( 1rs. John ), Zeta, 1650 E. Lyco min g St. , Philad e lphia , P 19124 Th e Anchor Alumnae Editor - Ror • Erick on Cawthorp, Be ta Pi , PO Box 403, !Vl a homet, 1L 61 53 Th e Anchor Collegiate Editor - Ca • am me ll Truehan ( Mr. David), Be ta Nu , 222 Old Be n vick Road , Bl oom burg, PA 17815

Awards - a th y Millard chreiner ( Mr . Ric hard ), hi , 4400 H adrian Court, lexan d•·ia, VA 22310 Chap lain - Emily Ashb Mcintire (Mr . Michae l) , Alpha Lambda, 1940 even ak Drive, Morri wwn, T 1 37 14 Colony Adviser- Wendy t ovac k, Beta, 1467 Gregor · #13 , Yp ilanti, Ml 4 197 Colony Adviser - an y Tybur ki , Beta i, W61N419 Wa hin gta n venue, edarb urg, \1\-1 53024 Convention - raciJimi on Wederm ye r (Mr. We), Iota, 37 2 W Plaza Drive #202 , Topeka, KS 66609 Th e Crest Editor- Elizabeth D e rn e•· onner (Mr. Timoth ) , lpha Lambda, 7226 Roo evelt venue, Fall hur h , 22042 Expansion Assistant - Anne urran ruber (Mr . J ame ) , lpha, 512 Pin e Land Drive E. da , M l 49301 Exp ansion Assistant - ynth ia Peck hart Me rory (Mr . Charle R.) , lph a 1pha, PO Box 521 , fort Wayne, It 46 95 Financial Assistant - B th Ann Dob on Fournier (Mr . J o eph) , Beta i, 2594 Ridge Road, Whitelake, MI 4 3 3 Historian - Tina Taylor chmiedel (Mr . Car ) , Beta i, 3631 hangri La Road , 0 hko h , Wl 54904 Housing - Lara Bu zka, Beta i, 141 Winter L , 1 t floor, uburn , ME 02702 Membership Development - Andrea Kl e inVan ho, Beta Xi , 69-B Locu t treet, s onet, ivlA 02702 Music - rline Bouligny Clark (Mr . Allen). Pi , 7037 Rhode venue, t. Louis, i\10 63123 National Panhellenic Conference Delegate - a thy Bond Crapet ( Mr . mhony) , Beta Zeta, 5 ·01 Quai l Run Road, Pelham , L 3 -124 National Panhellenic Conference Alternate Delegate - Carolyn Conn er lexander (Mr . J ame ) , Pi , 632 Potoma , t. Lo ui , 10 63139 National Panhe llenic Conference Alternate Delegate - vnthia Peck hart ~l c rorv (i\lr . ha rl e R. ),Alpha A.Iph a. P Box 521 , Fort \\'am , li\ -16 9ational Panhellenic Conference Alternate De legate - ~l ary hade Adams .-\. hb\ ( ~l r. J .), Box 12, The Plains. Y.\ 22171 ominations - Katlw Puli Baed.. r ( ~l r ·. Paul). Theta, 18667 i\ orth al.. .oun. lin ton Twp., ~II -120 :~~


Parliamentarian - Appointment pending Philanthropy - Lara Cegala, P i, 130 Fairway Po inte Circl e, Orla nd o, FL 3282 Pledge - herryTrayerGe ntile ( 1r .J o hn ), P i, 15043 H o ll eyside Drive, Dum fr ie , VA 22026 Publicity - Mary nn Rin e hart, Be ta Eta , 133 W. Market Street # 106, India na polis, I 46204 Regional Leadership Workshop - Karen Gear loan (Mr. Thom as), Zeta, 8 Lois Lane , Shrew bur y, PA 17361 Rush - Karen De nchfield-Ma terson (M r . Danie l), Beta Xi , 2622 Ponce ve nu e , Be lmo nt, CA 94002

Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors President - Meda Ra Elliott ewe ll (Mrs. Presto n ), Omicron , 6541 Willia msb urg Bo ul eva rd , Arlingto n , VA 222 13 First Vice President- Le n o1·e Seibel Kin g (Mrs. Thoma J. ,Jr.), P i, 1845 Lake ridge Road , Birmina ham , AL 35216 Second Vice President - Ro e Mal"i e c hmidt, T he ta, 21359 BoA·wood C t. , Farmington , MI 48336 Secretary - ha rl o tte Evans Floyd (Mrs. Julia n ), Psi, 1101 S. Arlingto n Ridge Road #316, Arlington, VA 22202 Treasurer - u an Roger , Alpha Lam bda, 939 Park treet, t. Albans, WV 25 177

Foundation Committees Awards, Scholarships & Grants - Me lis a Frie e n Parks (Mrs. Clin to n R.), Beta Xi , 6547 Ced ar Ridge, Love la nd , OH 45 140 Effie E. Lyman Memorial Academic Loan Jun e McCarth , Pi, 889 1 Watson Woods, t. Loui , MO 63 126 Financial Secretary - Lo is Schwe ikan O ' De ll (M r . Robert), Lambda , 222 Wes t Tabor Road , Philad e lphia, PA 19 120 Fundraising- Patricia Wright Littl e, Alpha La mbda, 3301 Swa n h o ll ow Co urt, Ri c hmond, V 23233 Publicity - Cathy Bo nds Cra p et (Mrs. Anthon y), Be ta Zeta, 650 1 Quail Run Drive, Pe lh am , AL 35 124 Con tribution payable to the Alpha Sigma Tau ational Foundation may be en/ to the Financial ecreta1')'·

Alumnae Organizations Arkadelphia, Arkansas Chapter -J oAnne Willi a ms Chunn , Alph a Ga mma, 818 N. Pa rk Drive, Arkade lphia, AR 71923

THE ANCHOR/ Spring 1996

Baltimore, Maryland Chapter - Susan Harri bring, Be ta lu , 432 1 Fli m Hill Drive # 101, Owings Mi ll , MD 2 111 7 Birmingham, Alabama - ha n n o n Tucker, Gamma Gamma, 46 Overbill Road , Montevallo , AL 35 11 5 Bluefield, West Virginia Chapter -J o ce Gregory Buc hanan , Omi cron , 1905 Tazewell v nu e , Blue fi e ld , VA 24605 Buffalo, New York Chapter - Pa mela Wale Szafarczyk, igma, 11 07 Park hur t Bo ulevard , Tonawanda, NY 14150 Central Pennsylvania - my DuPree, Alpha ' i, Box 11 8, e ntral Avenue , vis, PA 17721 Centreville-Manassas, Virginia - Di a ne DiSandro Und e r wood, Psi, 10446 Bracke ts Ford Cr., .M ana sas, VA 22 lll Chal'lottesville, Virginia - Michelle Cangialosi, Alpha Lambda, 134 Scarboroug h Place, Charlottesville, VA 22903 Chicago, Illinois - Kris H askin , Beta Pi , 3345 Betty Drive, rlin gto n Heig h ts, IL 60004 Conway, Arkansas Chapter- Cathy Kn ox I oe hler, U psilon , 430 1 Lee Avenue, North Linl e Ro ck, AR 72205 De nver, Colorado Chapter - Ann Bo le Todd , Nu , 1021 Ca rr # 1 , De nve r, CO 80216 De troit-Northeast Suburbs, Michigan Chapter - Kath y Pu li ce Beacke r, Th e ta, 18667 orth O ak Court, Cli nton Twp ., Ml 48038 Durant, Oklaho ma Chapter - Sharon McVay Dunham , Rh o, 11 3 Gates, Dura m , OK 74701 Edwardsville, Illinois Chapter - Kare n Wasse r, Be ta Eta, 615 ta te treet, Wood River, IL 62095 Erie, Pennsylvania Chapter - De bora h Youn g Carter, Alph a Tau , 2531 W. 34th tree t, Erie , PA 16506 Fort Wayne, Indiana Club - Linda Rose Pulve1·, Alp ha Epsilo n , I 009 S. Van Bure n Street, Auburn , IN 45706 Grand Rapids, Michigan - An ne Curra n Gruber, Alpha , 5 12 Pine La nd SE, Ada, MT 4930 1 Harrisburg, Pe nnsylvan ia Chapter- Kathr yn Smith Marks, Be ta Iota, 17 Glendale Drive, Mechani c burg, P 17055 Indianapolis, Indiana Chapter - Ing rid Maon Childs, Be ta Xi , 4311 Fores t Terrace, Ande rso n, IN 460 13 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Club Ch ristine Ole ka E he lman , Beta Epsilon , 2532 Speckled Drive, East Petersburg, PA 17520 Lehigh Valley, Pe nnsylvania Club - Tracy Bond, Zeta, 135 N. llth Street#2, Al le ntown , PA 18 102 Lowell, Massachusetts Chapter - Ke lly Manning Vigneault, Be ta Ta u , 104 D Street, Lowell , MA 0185 1

Muncie, Indiana Chapter - Kathr yn Mcinni s Tharpe , Alpha Alpha, 1505 onh Hac kberry Road, Muncie , I 1 47304 New Orleans, Louisiana Chapter -J ean nin e Gettys rd , Phi , 16 Em ile Avenue , I e nn e r, LA 70065 Northern New J e rsey Chapter - ymhia H ruby Egan , Beta Ups ilo n , 8 alvator ourt, Fairfi e ld, NJ 07004 Northern Virginia Chapter - Diane Di a ndro nderwood , Psi, 10446 Bra ke ts Ford r., Manassas, VA 221 11 Philade lphia, Pennsylvania Chapter - Lo i c hweikan O ' De ll , La mbda, 222 Wes t Tabor Road , Philade lphi a, PA 19120 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Chapter - uza nn e Lilli quist Schu ltz, Delta, 1797 Re nee Drive, Libra r y, PA 15 129 Prince George's-Mo ntgomery County, Maryland - Ke rri Ma ranto, Chi , 1400 1 ro sland Lane , Gaith e r burg, MD 20 78 Richmond-Pe tersburg, Virginia Chapter Bo nni e H arl"i , Alph a Lambda, 9 20 Iro n Bridge Road, he terfi eld, 23832 Roanoke, Virginia Chapter - indy Moore Howard , Alpha Lambda, 5031 Meadowcree k Drive SW, Roanoke , VA 2401 St. Louis, Missouri Chapter - Mela ni e Foster, Pi , 5437 O a kcrest Drive, lmpe i·ial, MO 63052 Shepherdstown, West Virginia Chapter Marie Bu ch Crim , Chi , RR1 , Box 11 4, Gerrard town , V\'V 25420 Southern Colorado Chapter - Grace Walter Ri ester, Pi , 1306 Alexander, o lorad o Springs, CO 0909 Tidewater Virginia Chapter - Elizabeth J o ll Ru s , Alph a Lambda , 712 Abbey Arch , Virginia Beach , VA 23455 Tri-City, Michigan Chapter - 1artha Pre nd e rgast Tria ntafillow, Beta, 2 35 Dor e t, agi naw, 111 48603 West Chester, Pennsylvania Chapter Carolyn McGill Mee, Alph a Phi , 1101 Gle nview u·eet, Philade lphia, PA 19 111 West Chicago, Illinois Chapter - Lucinda Edwa rd Younce , Alpha Alpha , 354 Sword Way, Boli ngbrook, 1L 60440 Youngstown, Ohio Chapter - Caro l Fi ce ti , Alpha Rh o , 3885 J eanette, v a rre n , OH 44484 Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor, Michigan Chapter Di ana Mihaiu , Alpha, 33 Ri chter Street, Rive r Rouge, MI 4 21 All Alpha Sigma Taus are welcome at alumnae meetings, which are usually held in members' homes. Please check yoU1· localtelephone directory or call ational Headquarters for the number of the contact person in your area.


Collegiate Chapters Alpha-Eastern Michigan University Preside nt, H eath er H ackett, 206 . Normal #2, Ypsilan ti , MI 48 197; CA, J oyce Berg, 15 132 Ho ugh ton, Livon ia, 11 48 154; ACA, Dia na Mihaiu , 338 Ri c hte r Street, Ri ver Ro uge, Ml 48218; CC, Kelly Klin e Duke, 798 Lake Fore t Dr. , Roc he te r, M1 48309 Beta-Central Michigan University Pre ide nt, Be th Hoard, 107 W. Gaylord, Mt. Pl easant, Ml 48858; CA, Cathe rin e j a n o n , 14 17 And re, Mt. Pl easant, Ml 4885 ; ACA, Mar yj o Disma ng, 2129 M Do nald Drive, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48 58; C , a n cy Haremza, 575 t. Be rnard , lar ysville, MI 48040 Delta-Indiana University of Pe nnsylvania Preside m , Monica Morthla nd , 950 Church tree t#B, Indiana , P 1570 1; CA, uzan ne Coccagna, 266 W. Owe ns ve., De rr y, PA 15627; A , o ndra Spalla, RD #5, Box 307 , Indi ana, PA 15701 Zeta-Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Preside nt, Ange la Pease , Box 18 , Woo lri dge H all , Lock H aven , PA 17745; CA, Am y DuPree, Box 118, Avis, PA 17721; ACA, Suzanne Robbin , 44 Wood la nd Dr., RD#2, Lock Haven, PA 17745; CC, Collee n Ree e, 300 Eas t Wate r t. #33, Lock Have n , PA 17745 Omicron-Concord College Preside nt, Pamela Glass, Box C-837 , Concord College, Athens, WV 247 12; CA, Pa mela lade, Rt. 2 Box 473-A, North Tazewe ll , VA 24630; ACA, Bill Skee n , Box 39, Co ncord Coll ege, Ath en, \1\ 247 12; CC, Kim e rl y Goad , 32 Loui e Co urt, Ri ing Sun , MD 21911 Rho-Southeastern Oklahoma State University Preside nt Rh o nda McCall , PO Box 2074, Dura nt, OK 74701 ; CA, Te Loa Butle r, 610 Cedar St. , Dura nt, OI 74701 ; CC, Heidi Butl e r, 610 V.'. ed ar, Durant, OK 74701 Sigma-State University College at Buffalo Presid nt, Marc Hayden , CB, 1300 Elmwood ve. T 3 Rm .3 1OA, Buffalo, NY 142 13 Zeta Tau-Longwood College Preside nt, Sue Rose, Longwood College, BOX 2457, Fa rmvi ll e, V. 23909; CA, Robin Davis, Lo ngwood H o using Office, Fa rmville, 23909; , Diann a Rowan, Hou ing Offi ce, Longwood College, Farmville, 23909; , Androniki Fallis, 416-D \1\ inswn tree t, Farmville, 23901 psilon-University of Central Arkansas Pres ide nt, Robin White, 29 ale m Road , Co nway, AR 72032; , Ma ri a hud y, P Box 171 4, o nh Littl e Roc k, AR 72 11 5; CC, Bobbi e ' ichols, I 009 Fawnwood , Liul e Rock, R 72207


Phi-Southeastern Louisiana University Pre ide nt, Ma r y Lorn a n ey, L Box 2380, H a mmo nd , LA 70402; De bora h Melan co n , 73246 Prude n Road , ovington , LA 704 33; , Kimbe rl y Stewart, 14257 Wood land D1·ive #9, H a mm o nd , LA 70401; C, Gwen Kurtz, 7564 MacKenLie t. , l ew Orleans, LA 701 2 Chi-Shepherd College Pre iden t, Melanie Merri ll , 30 I Lurr y Hall , hep herd wwn , WV 25443; , Anna o lladay, 106 H en el D rive , hep h erd ww n , WV 25443; , Barbara Maxwell , 2139 Winchester Pike, Martin burg, \1\ 2540 1 Psi-James Madison University Pre ide nt, Mauree n ha pma n ,JM Box 1 12, , Elizabeth H a rri o nburg, V. 22 07; Knig ht, RT. 2, Box 446, Grottoes, 24441; , Karen Knig ht, Rt. 2 Box 446, Grotwe , 2444 1; , Dia ne nd e rwood , 10446 Bracket Ford Circle , Mana sa , V 22 111 Alpha Gamma-Henderson State University Preside nt, helle rnold , Rt. 4 Box 271-A, Arkadelphia, R 71923; CA, 1ary J o Ma nn , 905 1. 26th t. , Arkadelphia, AR 71923 Alpha Epsilon-Western Illinois Universi ty Pre ide nt, Tri cia Ho lt, 1 Poll ock Dr., Macomb, lL 61455; CA, a th Onio n , RR2, Box 28, Table Grove , lL 614 2; ACA, Do n tan berr y, 201 ha nn on Dr. #3N, Maco mb, IL 61455 Alpha Lambda-Radford University Pre ident, Kri te n Dixo n , 1015-F Calh o un t. , Radfo rd , VA 24141; , Alle n Bure , 7547 Cedar Grove La ne , Rad ford , VA 24141; ACA, Nicole Owe n , PO Box 1232, Grund , V. 24614 Alpha Mu-University of Arkansas at Monticello Pre ide nt, ma nda Ri dd le, PO Box 2194 , Mo nticello , AR 71656; CA, Den ni cogin , Rt. 3 Box G25, Mo ntice llo , AR 71 65 Alpha Xi-Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Pr ident, a ra h Lefeb ure , Laurel B Box 327, Ma n fie ld , P 16933; Michael LeMa ter , 120 Pin ecrest H all iVI , Ma n field , P 16933; , Karen Rus e ll , 37 Main t. #3, Lawre n cevi lle , PA 16929; CC, Christina o nningHri cz, 292 Zimm er Road , I ewark ail e , r-.,ry 13811 Alpha Omicron-Clarion niversity of Pennsylvania Preside nt, Mela nie tep he n o n , 15 Fra mpton t. , !arion , P 16214; , uzanne P-:J o bb , 10 Wil o n , Clarion , P 162 14 Alpha Pi-Slippery Rock niversity of Pennsylvania Pre ide nt, Ra ndi La her, 509 Elm t. #4, lippery Ro k, P 16057; , There e aldai·elli, B-10- nive r itv nion , R , Ii pper ' Ro k, P 16057;

, Erica Pa ple ', 221 Elm t. , lipperv Rock, P 16057; CC, Kimber! Webb, PO Box 40-, lippery Rock, P 16057 Alpha Tau-Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Pre ide nt, Linda Lewi , 40- Wa hing ton t., Edinboro, P 16412; Ma r y Jo a mpbell , 543 1 Linden ve nu e, Edinboro, P 16412; , Mar y Ell e n Willmitch , 195 1 Pe nn y La ne , You ng town , OH 44515 Alpha Phi-West Chester University of Pennsylvania Pre id n t, Kri ten Flagg, 419 . Walnut t. #5, Wes t h ter, P 193 2; , Trisha Leighton Emmett, 29 1 vo n Rd . #G-232, Devo n , P 19333; L nn-Marie Tarra, 1522 Overbill Road, We t he ter, P 193 2; , Michell e Ko per na , 1344 Forre t t. , Marc u Hoo k, PA 19061 Beta Delta-Duquesne University P1·eside nt, nthia Gibbon , M #6570, 1345 ickro t. , Pi ttsburgh , P 1- 2 19; C , Alii on Brungard , 6934 Hillda le Drive, Pittsburgh , P 15236; , Dawn cou, 6 0 hade ve nu e #9 B, Pitt burgh, P 15202 Beta Epsilon-Shippensburg niversity of Pennsylvania Presid nt, Kimberly Kreb , 7 Co llege Park pt ., hippen burg, P 17257; , Mary rbanowicz, 11 363 Thornwood Rd ., hippensburg, P 17257 ; o-A , Linda Pri ce, 9892 McCrear y Road, hippen bur , P 17257; Co-A , Don na Couch enour, 103 Middle pring Rd ., hippen burg, P 17257; C, Tina Carl, 5474 Heatherfield \- ay, H arri burg, P 17112 Beta Eta-Southern Illinois University Pre ident, Kri ti Bennett, 3-D Quail H o ll ow Ct. , Edward vi lle , IL 62025 ; , Karen Wa er, 615 tate t., Wood River, lL 62095; , hri ty Wellhausen , 133 E. nion #1 , Edward vi lle, IL 62025; CC, Verbal Blake •, 300 Laurel , Hig hlan d , IL 62249 Beta Theta-St. Marys niver ity Pre ident, Veronica Toledo, M TR 409, an nton io, TX 7 22 ; , Debra h ea, -10 Red Oak Wood , Canyon Lake, T ' 7 133; , haron Rodriguez, 107 Hic kor • Trail , an Antonio, TX 7 24Beta Iota-Millersville Univer ity of Penns 1vania Pre ide nt, joe • IcCool, 12970-B pencer Avenue, Lanca ter, P 1760 ; \ , Mary Ann Weber, 9 17 Pro pe t t. , Lanca ter, P 17603; , onva Baro-e, 1701 Lin e In Hig hwavE# L Lana ter, p 17602 Beta Mu alisbur State niversity Pre ident, hri tina h eehan , -o4 Loblolh Lane, a li bun·, :'liD 2l t 0 1 Beta Nu-Bloom burg niversity of Pennsylvania p,- · id nt,J nnifer D'Al ia., 71. Light ·tree t Rd .. Blo m. burg. P.\ 17tH .>:


CA, Peter Bohling, Dept. of Economic B , Bloomsburg, P 17 15 Beta Xi-Michigan Technological University Pre ident, Dana Dryd en , 916 Coll ege ve. , Houghton , MI 49931; CA, H eidi Depuydt, 31 Hubbard PO Box 61, Pain e dale, Ml 49955; ACA, Mar Durfee, Social Science Dept., MT , Houghton , MI 49931 Beta Pi-Eastern Illinois University Pre ident, Laurie Surges, 1009 Greek t., lT #111, Ch arl eston , IL 61920; CA, Julie Montgomery, 72 Pifer Lan e , ullivan , IL 61951; CC, Rory Erick o n Gawthorp , PO Box 143, Mahom et, IL 61853 Beta Tau-University of Massachusetts at Lowell Presid ent, Dacia Ferrara, 133 U nive r ity Ave . #4, Lowell , MA 01 854; CA, Carol O ' Lear , 3 Long Hill Road, Rowle , MA 01969; ACA, Donna Greni er, 33 Kittery Ave., Rowley, MA 01969; C, Patricia nn Ze bro ki , 36 Cath y Road, Che lm ford , MA 01824 Beta Upsilon-New Jersey Institute of Technology President, Maria e ntura, Redwood H all , 186 Bl eeke r t. , Newark, ~ 07103; ,J acalyn McCarthy, 9 linton ourt, Pl ain sboro, ~ 08536; CC, Ro bin Barall-Havi can , 28 N. Hillside Ave., #B, uccasunna, NJ 07876; ACA, Karen Levchik, 2122 Adam Ave. #10, Toms River, J 0 753 Beta Phi-California University of Pennsylvania Pre ide nt, Mich elle Maj er ky, 264 Mechanic t. # , alifornia, PA 15419; , Sue jone , 207 Colo ny Dr. , Ir win , PA 15642; A A, Colleen Schuessle r, RD 1 Box 529A, Gardner ve. , ni o ntown , p 15401 Beta Chi-Ferris State University Preside nt, Dawn Kaptrosky, 420 S. tewa rt, Big Rapids, MI 49307 Beta Psi-St. Louis University Pre ide nt, uzann e te hno, 20 N . Grand Blvd ., St. Loui , MO 63103; CA, Mich e l Brinde ll , 134 . Myr tl e, Elmhurst, IL 60126; and Guire, Box 525, 3700 W. Pin e Blvd. , St. Louis, MO 63108; CC, Kath leen Kenn ed , 10220 Doane Drive, t. Loui , MO 63136 Beta Omega-Monmouth University President, Vi cky Ali , 200 Alpern Ave., Elbe ro n , NJ 07740; CA, Lydi a j avora, 3 Marc St. , Hazlet, J 07730 Gamma Gamma-University of West Alabama President, Mich ele Lieder, UWA Box 4349, Livingston , AL 35470; CA, le ld ra pencer, PO Box 690, Livingston , AL 35470; ACA, Shannon Tucker, 46 Overbill Road, Montevallo, AL 35115; CC, Tonette Blackwell , PO Box 890, Livingston , AL 35470 Gamma Epsilon-State University of New York at Potsdam President, Kerri

THE ANCHOR/ Spring 1996

Marsh en , 17 Pi erre pont t. , Pot dam , 13676; CA, J ohn Ma saro, D pt. of Politic , -Pot dam , Potsdam , Y 13676; C, Dawn Lanph er, 301 Rippl ebrook Lane, Minoa, NY 13116 Gamma Zeta-Frostburg State University President, Karin Rea my, 35 Bowery treet, Frostburg, MD 21532; CA, Cynthia H erzog, 224 We lsh Hill Road #F, Frostburg, 1D 21532; ACA, onnie Groer, 17310 Old ation al Pike W, Frostburg, MD 21532; CC, Dana Agnolutto , 6 05 raig Lane, Clin ton, MD 20735 Gamma Theta-Pennsylvania State University/ Behrend College President, Am y McCard le, 620 E. 28th St., Erie , PA 16504; CA, We ndy Harringto n , 1022 Sill Ave nue, Erie, PA 16505 Gamma Iota-York College Preside nt, Kathryn Moore, 820 . Pershin g, York, PA 17403; CA, Lisa Arnold , 100 Idlewild St. #2A, Bel Air, MD 21014; CC, Kell y McBride, 8 Fairfax Vi llage , H arri burg, PA 17112 Gamma Lambda-Kutztown University of Pennsylvania President, Dreon O livetti , 120 Pin e St. #1, Kutztown , PA 19350; CA, Kathl ee n Dolgos, Kutztown University, Kutztown , PA 19350; C, Fra n Ab rams, 1712 Saratoga o urt, Allentown , PA 18104 Gamma Mu-West Virginia Institute of Technology President, Am y Hendershot, Box 305 COED, WVIT, Montgo me ry, \ W 25136; CA, Beve rl y Harris, Box 708, Mo ntgom er y, \W 25136; ACA, Mary Ida luge nt, PO Box 131, Pratt, \W 25162; CC, Lori Wi lli am o n, 1611 Fle tcher Avenue, Dunbar, VI'V 25064 Gamma Nu-Waynesburg College Preside nt J e nnifer Downs, Bo 157, Wayne burg Coll ege, Waynes burg, PA 15370; CA, Mich e lle N ichols, 104 E. High t. #5, , Mar Beth Wayn es burg, P 15370; Ke lley, 22 Bo uleva rd , Po in t Marion , PA 15474 Gamma Xi-Grand Valley State University Preside nt, Gina Timm erm an, 5869 Lake Mi chiga n Dr. , Al lendale, MI 49401 ; CA, Britt Lindholm , 103 TU / GVS , All enda le, MI 49401 ; C, Ann e Gruber, 5 12 Pin e Land Drive SE, Ada, Ml 49301 Gamma Pi-Lycoming College Pres ident, Joy Graeff, Box 653- L , Wi ll iamsport, PA 17701 ; CA, Robert vanVoorst, Box 62LC, Wi ll iam port, PA 17701 ; ACA, Do nna Weaver, 612 Rose Stree t, Williamsport, PA 17701; CC, Melinda Kissling, 410 E. Ch estnut St. , Lebanon , PA 17042 Gamma Rho-Seton Hall University Pre id ent, Am y Bedard, Box 21 3, 400 S. Orange Ave. , South Orange, J 07079; CA, Gin a Pintar, 520 H erri ck Drive, Do-

ver, J 0780 l ;C , j oy Brown, POBox 384, Florham Park, NJ 07932 Gamma Sigma-Belmont Abbey College Pre ide m Co ll ee n O'Too le, BA Box 16, Belm ont, C 28012; CA, Bo nni e Re idy, 3008 Hampton Cr. , Gastonia, C 2 056 Gamma Tau-Lebanon Valley College Pre ide nL, R b cca Ragn o, LV OHB4, Annvi ll e, PA 17003; CA, Melis a R ber, 9 14 Mapl e Lan e, Lebanon , PA 17042 ; CC, Donn a Mande , 1343 Hardin g ve., H er h y, PA 17033 Gamma Upsilon-California State University, Los Angeles President, ad iya Siregar, 845 1 E. Beverly Dr. , San Gabriel , CA 91775 Gamma Chi-William Paterson College Pre ide nt,J e nnifer Ma lys ka, H eritage Hall , PO Box 409, Wayne, J 07474; CA,Joanne DePa qual , 219 Pompto n Road , Haled o n, J 07508; A A, Marie aso, 90 Do h erty Dr., Iifto n, J 0701 3 Gamma Omega-LaSalle University Pre iBox 20902, d e nl, Regin a In ver o , L SMC9, Phil ade lphi a, PA 19141 ; A A, Dani ell e Ambro ini , 493 Philip Road , Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006; Alin a Whittl e-Tezik, 1650 E. Lycoming St. , Philad elphia, PA 19124 Delta Alpha-Gannon Unive rsity Pre ident, Karen Pogorzel ki , 316 W. 9th t. , Erie, PA 16502; CA, Katherine Kramer, 422 tafford Ave nue , Eri e, P 1650 ; A Ro eann Warren , 5140 Buffa lo Road #6, Erie , PA 165 10 Delta Beta-Fairmont State College Pre ide nt,J ennifer H augh t, 27-1 / 2 Oakwood Rd ., Fairmont, VI'V 26554; CA, Ro ema r y T h omas, 1201 Locu t Ave ., Fairmont, VI'V 26554 Delta Delta-University of Illinois at Chicago Preside nt, Lisa Medin a, 6932 W. 79th t. , Burbank, IL 60459; , Li a mola, 3A-20 1 Kin gery Quarter, Hin dale, IL 60521 Delta Epsilon-Marist College Pre ident, Marilu z San ta n a, Marist Coll ege, M Box 11 832 , 290 North Road , Poughkee psie, 12601 Delta Zeta-East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania Pre ident, Courtney Mitche ll , 45 Crystal St. #1 , Ea t troud burg, PA 18301; CA, Li a Cramer, RRS, Box 077 , troud burg, P 18360; Co-CA, Cummings Piatt, 106 Bra Castle Road, Was hingto n , ~ 07882; ACA, Bar bara We th e rh o ld , 410 Cent~lr Drive, Ba th , P 1 014; C , lorma Brown, 2941 Ra pberr Lane, Gi lbertsvi lle, PA 19525 CA=Chapter Adviser; ACA=A sistant Chapter Advise~;路 CC=Chaptm路 Consultant


When: June 24-29, 1996 Where : Crowne Plaza Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona Who: All Alpha Sigma Tau i ter are invited to attend a we gather out West and celebrate the fact that we are "Anchored for Life .'

Phoenix is a great family vacation spot introduce your family to your sisters! How Much: Registration i $250.00 per attendee. National Council and Staff, collegiate and alumn ae ch apter already received Convention information . Other alumnae who want to attend Convention may contact National Headquarters for registration form . The Convention rate at the hotel is 65.00/ night.


To: A lpha Sigma Tau PaTen ts Your daughter's m~gazin e is sent to her home address while she is in college. We hope you enjoy reading it. If she zs no longer zn college, however, and i not living at home, please send her new permanent addTess to A lpha Sigma Tau ]\.ational H eadquarter. , 1929 Canyon Road, Birmingham, AL 35216.

Alpha Sigma Tau 1929 Canyo n Road Birming ham, AL 352 16

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ti o n Req u t d

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