1997 Fall ANCHOR

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CWe do it evek~ da~."




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Welcome to the following chapters and colonies of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority! The D e lta Eta C h apter at Belmont nivers ity in a hvi ll e, Tennessee was in tailed Ma 3, 1997. The De lta T h eta Chapter a t Moravian Co ll ege in Bethlehem , Penn ylvan ia wa installed pril19 , 1997. The D e lta I ota C h apter at J o hn so n and Wales niversit in Prov ide n ce, Rh ode I land wa intalled May 17, 1997. The D e lta Kappa Co lony at Tic h o ll s State niver ity in Thibodau , Louisiana was colon ized Ap ril 12, 1997.





Jtipha Years

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On the Front Cover:

Top Taus

De lta Iota Install ation orority "Fa mi ly" Picture.

4.0 List New Secretary Is Welcome A Royal Respose National Interfraternity Conference / Association Of Fraternity Advisors Annual Meeting

De lta l ota In tall ation Ba nqu e t arrie ander , Andr a Pe rugini , te ph ani Bra un and I[ . Patricia Mario n , Chapter Adviser. Le hig h Va ll ey lumn ae Cha pter l n tall a ti o n Dinn er 1997.

Don' t Get Clicked Off A Fond Farewell Delta The ta Chapter Installation Alumnae Assis tance With Expansion Delta Iota Chapter Installation

LT Members Rise To The Challenge A Ye ar o f Growth ... A Year of Sisterhood Tips for R e ading with Your Child

LT's Gift To Pine Mountain Settle ment School

DePartments Bull etin Board ....... ......... ..... .... .... .... ....... ... .... .. ... ... ..... ..... .... .. ... .... ..... ..... 2 Coli giate Chapter ew ............. ...... .... .................. .... ...... ......... ...... ... 17 Alumn ae hapter e' s ................. ... ..... .. ... .. .......... .... .............. ........... 30

Editor Alina M. Whittl e 4744 almon tree t Ph ilade lph ia, PA 19137 Chapter News Editor Gay Gamm e ll True ha rt 2228 O ld Berwick Road Bl oom burg, P 178 15 Alumnae News Editor Rebe cah Podd 71 12 Ro kRidge Lane #l Alexandria , V 22315 Director of Publications Pa tricia Kla usin g immons 29 1 Locu t treet Indi ana, P 15701 P rod u ced by Ma ur y Bo d and As ociate

THE ANCHOR/ Fall 1997

Alpha Sigma Tau Natio nal H eadquarte rs ] 929 Canyon Road Birmingh am , AL 35216 205 / 978-2179 205/ 978-2182 fax Inte rne t address: www.a lp hasig matau.o rg THE ANC HOR is published in th e Fa ll and pring. ingle co pie are availab le for 5.00 each. tandard cia postage i paid at Indianapolis, Indiana, and at additional mailing offices. Send address chan ge , death notices, and business o rrespondence to 1 a tional Headquarters. Editot路ial co rrespo nde nce sho uld be selll l t.h e Editor.

Fa ll 1997 Volu me 72 , No. 2

THE FO UNDERS Ma ble Cha e Ruth Dutche r May Ge ph a rt Effie E. Lyman H arri e t Ma rx Eva O 'Keefe Adria n e Rice Hele ne 1. Rice Ma e ne Trac

Alpha iguza Tau wa founded ovember 4, 1899 at iVJichigan tale annal chool (now Ea tern JV!ichigan Univer ity), Ypsilan ti, .J\11.

Printed in USA


APPlause for ToP Taus

1996-1997 Collegiate Top Tau Recipients

Nicole Delbonifro

Shannon Messick

Colleen H ursh

Jennifer Kemmery- Delta Arnie Crowl- Zeta Jamie McGraw- Omicron Kerry Anderson -Rho Jennifer Capeling- Sigma Heather Swan - Zeta Tau Brandy Glover - Upsilon Mary Beth Lomasney- Phi Julie Olson- Chi Melanie Barnes- Psi Elaine Martin-Kneebone - A lph a Gamma Misty Tuttle- Alpha Epsilon Leslie Epperly- Alpha Lambda Nicole Delbonifro- Alpha Omicron Melissa Herring- Alpha Pi LindaJo Lewis -Alpha Tau

Nicole Campbell


Angela Haf er

j enny Renfrow

j oey Marie McColl

Dacill Ferram

Shannon Me ick - Alph a Phi Collee n Hursh- Be ta Ep ilon Jenn y Renfrow - Be ta Eta Sharon Talkington- Beta Th e ta Joey Marie McColl - Beta Iota Carrie Ann Lynard- Beta Mu Nicole Paduch - Be ta u Tina Weiler- Be ta Xi Shelley Conner- Be ta Pi Dacia Ferrara- Beta Rho J ennifer Foulide -Beta Up ilon Kelly Larke- Beta Chi Jennifer Mastro- Beta Omega Julie Patterson- Gamma Gamm a Kristin Allison Willis- Gamma Ep ilon icole Martino- Gamma Ze ta icole Campbell - Gamma Theta

Regina Burzynski

Stllcey Lynn Daniel

Terri Stauffer

Jennifer Foultdt s

Nicok Mllrtino

Ang Ia H af r - Ga mm a lo ta Regina Burzyn ki- Gamm a La mbda tacey Lynn Dani el - Gamm a Mu T rri ta uffe r - Gam ma Nu Gin a Timme rm an - Gamm a Xi Re becca Moye r - Gamma Pi Erin Marie zej n er - Gamm a igm a J e nnife r Mihalov- Gamm a Tau Pa tri cia Ordo n ez- Ga mm a p ilon Kim Stracen ky- Gamm a Chi Regin a Inver o - Gamm a Omega Kimberlee Ann Bla chke- Delta Alpha Amy Gree n - Delta Beta Ca andra Blumbage n - Delta Del ta Kari a J ankow ki - Del ta E p ilon Pamrinke- De lta Ze ta

Rebecca Mayer

Erin Marit Sujntr

jmniftr Mihalov

R 'Fall1 997

1996-1997 Alumnae Top Tau Recipients Adele Black Diane Underwood Lisa-Marie Cox Fredericks Kristin Haskin Casey Smith Marks Ingrid Mason Childs Mary Charles Adams Ashby Marie Mcintyre Nemnich Karen White Farris Carlotta Mace Salemi

Baltimore Centreville/Manassas Detroit Northeast Greater Chicago Harrisburg Indianapolis Northern Virginia St. Louis Tidewater Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor

4.0 for SPring 1996 Beta: Delta: Zeta: Omicron: Rho:

Sigma: Zeta Tau: Upsilon: Psi:

Phi: Alpha Epsilon: Alpha Lambda: Alpha Mu: Alpha Xi: Alpha Omicron:

Alpha Pi: Alpha Phi: Beta Epsilon: Beta Eta: Beta Theta: Beta Mu: Beta Xi: Beta Pi:

Beta Tau: Beta Upsilon: Gamma Gamma: Gamma Lambda:

Alicia Andres Jennifer Kemmery;Je sica Langkamer; Emily Reich Lori Christopher Jamie McGraw Kerry Anderson; Cari Davis; Melissa Ebert; Chandra Fulgium; Casey Graham;Pau la Gander; Rhonda McCall; Teremia Toel; Krysta Priddy; Kelly Templin; Kelly Walla Dayna Beckwith Denise James; Michelle La Bazetta; Sue Rose ; Ashley Wilson Caryl Boyd; Kristin Glover; Heather Grant; Erin Kocourek; Christy Phillips Angie Barger; Abbigale Bricher; Robin Brunstrum; Sarah Lindgren; Monica Nee!; Sarah Pressman; Sybil Sheffield; Christy Wolanski Jennifer Mo Molly French Patricia Schweiger; Cheryl A. Starr Tiffany Pac Maria Cregan Christina Lynn Coccaro; Nicole Del Bonifro; Stephanie Schulz; Heidi Servette Diane Walter Jill Poserina Heather Everd; Tina Franck; Kim Krebs; Kathy Riordan Angela Jacobs Tracy Keller Michelle Ball; Kelly Flynn; Michele Thomas Sherri Rashleigh Kir ten Anne Celarek; Kristen Glover; Diane Schmelzel; Lori Sloan; Tracy Thezan Kristie Di Rosario Heidi Bukevicz Rebecca Chunn; Michele Lieder; Katrina Skeen; Rhonda Watkins Karen Birth; Dreon Olivetti

THE ANCHOR/ Falll997

GammaMu: Gamma Xi: Gamma Pi: Gamma Rho: Gamma Sigma: Gamma Tau:

Stephanie Holcomb Nicole Boyer; Heather Neim ela Megan Roof Carrie Cleary Maria Ferguson; Bridget Bonner Rachel Shaak

4.0 for Fall 1996 Delta: Zeta: Rho:

Zeta Tau: Upsilon:

Chi: Psi:

Alpha Gamma: Alpha Epsilon : Alpha Lambda: Alpha Omicron:

Apha Phi: Beta Delta: Beta Epsilon:

Beta Eta: Beta Mu:

Beta Xi: Beta Pi: Beta Ch i: Gamma Gamma: Gamma Zeta:

Gamma Iota: Gamma Lambda: Gamma Pi: Gamma Sigma: Gamma Tau: Gamma Omega:

Delta Delta:

Amy Bauer; Jessica Langkamer; Sandra Miller; Tiffany Weaver Lori Christoper; Mary Pender; Kristy Yearick Amy Perrin; Paula Gander;Jana Haggard; Kasey Kelso ; Kathy McDonald; Kelly Waller; Kelly Doolen; Alison Roberts Denise James Charlotte Baumgardner; Terah Cave; Jennifer Kinder; Ashley Kluge; Lauren Mohr; Angie Tune Danielle Tinurelli Shannon Anderson; Mary Evans; Amy Greenough; Kelly Krot; Sarah Lindgren; Amy Loud; Karen Morey; Monica Neel; Sarah Pressman Elaine Martin-Kneebone; atalie Gallimore Candice Pinka; Heather Vancil April Clark Tamara Berardone; Nicole Del Bonifro; Nikol Orner; Linda Szedon; Heather Waibel Jill Poserina Karolyn Bissell Lynn Crounse; Merrilee Donohue; Jenelle Kandrovy; Angela Ma simo; Katherine Riordan ; Sarah Telgheider AngelaJacobs;Julie Kleine Stepahnie Anderson; Michelle Ball; Jessica Huff; Emily Snellings; 1icole Teser Jessica Zerbst Jennifer Ferg;Jill Martin; Tiffany Smith Amber Shane Kelly Jackson; Katrina Skeen; Amy Wi ll iams Robin Ensor; Christina Me aly; Rebecca Peebles; Robyn Roth; Cassie Smith; Malyna Swyter Katie McEntee Michelle Pry Megan Roof Maria Ferguson Rachel Shaak Adrienne Gagliardo; Wendy Lunk; Katherine Marx; Kelly Maynard; Marie Scanlon Cassandra Blumhagen


neaaunes A Royal Response to the Internet Survey Bv



If you were Quee n of the World, h ow wou ld you u e th e Inte rn et technology for Alpha Sigma Tau? You ' d probabl y make web page faster to download, and informatio n easier to find , give free e-m ail acco unt to all me mber , a nd e t up an area on th e A~T ationa l H om e page for exch an gin g progra mming id eas. You would if yo u were th e ave rage r pa ndent to th e 1997 Member hip In ternet User's Survey. Th e first o n-lin e ur ve of it kind was condu cted last December through Fe bruar y via t h e ~T at io n a l Hom e page. The urvey a ked 22 que tion s to he lp determ in e Si ter attitud e and be haviors o n th e Internet. The res pon e were calcul ate d to g ive a compl ete pi cture of u ers; habit and available sy te m features, which helped

in developing the new ~T ational Homepage de ign. The information will al o h elp the Electronic Deliverab le Committee and ther deci ion m aker in developing future technology programming and y tern . The final "Queen of th World" que tion produced many creative u gestion . The mo t popu lar ugge tion wa alreacl under con icleration b ' the ationa l Organization . reatin g a ecure area for i t r to ex hange chapter o peration in formation wa recomm e nd ed by a large per en tag of rep ondent . Ho' ev r, it i important to note that right now the .<., T ationa ] H omepau i a publicit proj ct, rath r than an operation project. An xchang area cou ld be acce eel via the H mepage. The log istics of putting it on the VI \TV\7 ar being eli cu eel. 11 of the comment were read

and pa eel a long a a ppropriate. ome of you to k the que tion bey nd an limit with the idea that currently defy Internet functi n . But, he , ou wer Qu en f the World for a few minut . The ueen ont t winner i Bobbie i hoi Tucker, lph a Gamma, for her ugge tion of crea tin a ationa l taff e-mail clir ctory for eli tribution ' ith Fall upplie . ot a ll -mai lu r have ac e to th e li ton the WVI , and we thank Bo bbie for remin lin g u of that. "Tap th Ri ght Re ourc " the ational taff e-mail director i now avai labl from ational Headquarter . Plan are underway for a 1999 Internet er urve '. eanwhile, to voic y ur icl a about techno logy u e within the or rit , plea e end e-mai l t technology alpha i matau.org.

Welcome new National Secretary! The ation a! Secretar of Alph a ig ma Tau i Sanda Ruh o ll Clocksin , a Beta Pi who pledged ~T at Ea tern Illin o i U niv er ity In 1987. Sanda h as her own natural sorority. Sh e is th e o ldest of six girls. She grew up o n a m all fa rm in So uth Central Illino is. In Jun e of 1990 he married Kevin Cloc ksin. They hav o ne o n named DylanJam e . Sanda i em ployed as an offi ce coord in ato r for Bi aillo n Excavating, In c. She i involve d in th e Chicago Area a lumn ae g roup a nd erve a trea urer of th e Beta Pi ho usin g corporati o n . In he r spa re tim e he like to read and oo k. o nda njo \ orkin g clirec tl with


th e chapter becau e the are all o different a nd very eager to hare idea . She plan to work to bring the hapter Excell e nce Program more into focu witl1 th e ch a pters and a i teach chapter to achi eve their potential in thi area. The clutie of the ational ecretar ar to call roll at all meeting of the a tiona! Council and 'a tiona! Convention . She keeps a omplete record of the busine discu eel and tran acted at th e e meeting , a current li t of ballo ts, appo intment , and a ll bu ine transacted b ' mai l between meeting . She ign member hip card and i to n o tify th member hip wh en chapter are clo eel by putting an article in The Cre t. The eo-etary al o \ ork with the ward Chair man on preparation of the a nnual and Convention award . he ke p a complet li t of award recipie nts, award a nd th clat pre nted. he appo in ts tl1e memb r fth award

committe . The ecretar i to write note of c urte and greetin a authorized by the ational ounci l, nd or arrange for headquarter to end letter to parents of ach new pledge, corre pond a required with the ational Pr iclent and other officer . t onvention he i to call roll and read com路 ntion greeting and onv ntion rul , re orcl minute of all bu ine meetin and ceremonial function . he prepare a rough draft of minute at the conclu ion of each event to read at th e next a embl d gathering. The cretary i to receive and tabulate the effi ienc ' points of the colleQiat and a lumnae chapter of th Annual R port end a mid-year report to all chapter by Februar 路 1 and end-of-v r report with fa ll upplie . Wh n 路 mpilecl, end tabulation to ati nal H adquart r for duplication and eli tribution nal unci! and Di, tri t Pr i-

Headlines National Interfraternity ConferenceI Association of Fraternity Advisors Annual Meeting Alph a Sig ma Tau e nt a proud d e lega ti o n to th e Dece mbe r IC/ AFA Annu a l M ee tin g in Or la nd o , FL. Leadin g th d e legati o n fo r th e Sorority were C nthi a Me ro r Alph a Alph a; Lara Cegala , P i; a nd hri Covi ngto n , Alph a La mbda . The three o bj ec tive of th m ee ting were to co nduc t th e bu in e of the IC, IF, a nd AF , to e d uca te th e a tte ndees o n i u e fac ing o u r campu e a nd o rga nizatio n , and to allow admini stra to r an d fratern ity/ ororit:y lead e r th e o pp o rtuni ty tore o lve carnpu i su e and cele b rat su cce e . T h hi g hlig h t of th e co nfe re n ce occu rred d uring a e sio n o n the IC/ TP C Re arc h Initi a ti ve. Th e IF

ca te o f a pprec ia ti o n o n b e h a lf of A lph a ig ma Tau. It wa preen ted to th e atio nal o un c il a t th e ir March mee ting in Birmingh am , AL. Oth er hig h lig hts of th e m ee tin g we re th e AF l un c h eo n wh e re Alph a Si g m a T a u Chapt er Ex cellen ce P rogram was n o min a te d fo r th e AFA E x ce ll e n ce in Edu catio n Progra ms Awa rd . Pi Ka ppa Phi Fra te rnity wo n th e awa rd with th ir n ew m e mb e r e du ca ti o n

Ch-ris Covington, Cynthia M cCrory, Lara Cegala at M eeting

prog ra m . Additi o n a lly, o n e of th e AFA sessio ns di cussed so ro rity h o m e pages wh e re it was n o te d th a t A lph a Si g m a Tau is a leader, a lo n g with thr ee o th e r P C m e mb er g ro up , by havin g acces to thi s p o pu la r co mmuni ca ti o n and inforCharlie Wom er pose with Chris Covington, Cynthia M cCmry, & Lam m em a rio n Cegala dium . Tw o Gr ee k A d vi o r s th a t we Board recognized th e m ember groups kn ow we ll we re h o n o re d a t AF . M r. th a t gen ero u I spo n ored th e re earch C h a r lie Wa rn e r, Gree k d vi o r to into th e ben efi ts of Greek membe rship. o ur A l ph a Phi C h a pte r a t V\ est Alph a ig m a Ta u was h o n o re d as a Ch es te r U ni ve r ity was e lec te d as th e Ben efacto r Level donor orori ty alo ng N o rth eas t AFA Vi ce P res id e nt. Mr. with Alph a Gamm a De lta, Chi Omega, To rn Sta r li n g, Gr ee k Ad viso r to o ur De lta Delta Delta, De lta Gamm a, Delta D e lta Eta Co lo n y a t Be lm o nt U ni verZe ta, Kappa Alpha The ta, Kappa De lta, sity, was n o m in a te d fo r eve ra l proKappa Kappa Gamma, and Pi Be ta Phi. fe siona l awa rd as we ll. Cynthia McCrory accepted th e ce rtifiTHE ANCHOR/ Fal! l997

PC al o e n courage d me mbe r to re me mb r th i i PC' Year of the Scholar a n d to pl an po itiv progra mmin g un d e r t hi t h e m e. March 3rd i PC P in Day wh e re a ll m embe r gro u p will joi n in un ity b wea rin g o u r badge . T h e con fe re n ce end e d with th e in tal la ti o n of Mr. Br ia n Brook , De lta Sig m a Phi Fra tern it , a th e la ti o na l In te rfrate rni ty Pre id ent. Thro u g h hi te rm h e h o pe to in titute ub ta n ce free h o u ing and inc rea e t h e p o itive im ag e of th e Gree k co mmuni ty. Th e n ext mee ting will be in Dece mbe r in a n Fra n ci co , loo k fo r wa rd to m ee tin g wi th th e a rea a lumn ae fro m thi h o t ci ty ju t a we did with th e O rlan do Alu mnae! Cynthia i\tfcCrory, Alpha Alpha, i the Past PC Chairman and curren tly a member of the ational l n terfrat emity Foundation ( IF) Board and the P Foun dation Board. La ra Cegala, Psi i ational Philan thropy Coordinator. Chris Covington, Alpha L ambda i Director of Expan sion. 7

Finally Getting Your Own Computer? Don't Get Clicked OfÂŁ1 Learn the ABCs of PCs before you buy. BY LISA M CoY,



It's easy to get caught in the web of technology lingo . Just head for the neare t computer store. Unwary newbies can fall prey if they're not careful. Byte , meg , gig . Hard drives and software. It's enough to make your skin crawl. Before you give in to a commi sioned salesperson, learn his language . It will help ensure yo ur investme nt will be the right one for you. You 'll be less li kely to be bugged by an obsolete system if yo u can figure out what it is you're buying. A personal computer (PC) is made up of many parts. In order to know what parts you need to get, you need to know what you want your PC to do. Personal finan ce, word processing, and graph ic presentation packages all have their own requ irements. If you need to run the same programs at home that yo u use in the office, that will matter, too. VVhen yo u know how you want to use your PC yo u can match your n eeds to the parts you will n eed. Ke ep in mind that yo ur needs will probably change down th e road , and being able to upgrade one part of your PC when yo u need to is better than h avi ng to get another system in three yea rs. There are two things you n eed to look for: hardware and software. Hardware is the physical parts that come together to send e lectro ni c pul es coursing through th e maze of co nn ection . Software i the et of programs which te ll tho e elec tronic pulses to do what you want. vVh en you go looking for a PC, ou n eed to consider th e speed of th e proces or c hip and th e amount of me mor y. They work together to keep


your data moving fast. Your oftwar requirement wi ll tell ou the minimum you need of each. While technology change quickly, your be t bet i to get the fa te t available proce sor chip , and at lea t 24 megabyte of m emor y. Be sure that you can add m e m ory chips later becau e next year's software may require it. Your h ard drive wi ll hold yo ur data. The software yo u use and the amount of work ou' II ave to the drive will determin e h ow much pace you need on it. A one or t\vo gigabyte hard drive is current) adequate for mo t home user . You'll need a floppy drive to save data to disk . The floppy drive has a lot where the di k goe , and let you save informati on to the di k ju t li ke you save it to the hard drive. A compact di k (CD) drive will read data for CDs. Some drive le t you read and write data, like disks, but they are expensive.

Know Your ABCs Here's a starter course CD: CPU: floppy: ISP: K: OS:

PC: gig: meg: byte:

compact disc. Holds tons of information. central proces ing unit. The heart and soul of your PC. the drive or the disk used to save data off the PC. Internet service provider K_byte . 1024 bytes operating ystem, . The life of the PC that lets other oftware run. personal computer gigabyte. A large unit of data. megabyte. smaller unit of data. An even smaller unit of data.

Other part are the monitor, ke board and mou . Tr the e out for comfort before yo u buy. high resoluti on monitor will work be t with graphic program and game that are de igned with quality graphic . Modem interpre t data from the phone lin e and make file u a ble on yo ur PC. They come in differen t peed meaured in baud per eco nd, or baud . The higher th e baud , th fa ter the data tran mi ion . You'll want the faste t you can afford. If you want to " urf the web,' you' ll probably want a ound package, which in lud es a ound card, oft\vare and peak r . The type of printer you need depend on th e work ou 're going to produce . Ju t doing yo ur finance and reading e-mail? You probably don ' t need a high quality Ia er printer. But, if you ' re going to be putting out corre pondence to client , or making preentation , yo u 'll want a printer with

at lea t 600 dot per inch (dpi) quality, and maybe even color ink. Review of computer systems are conducted periodically by The Conumer Union, and publi hed in Consumer Reports magazine. You might want to read the e is ues before making our decision: May 96, July 96, September 96, October 96, December 96, and May 97. They now cover computer in every i ue. Even the best hardware will just sit there if it doe n 't know what to do . Software tells the PC how, when , and how well to work. It all tarts with th e operating sy tern (OS) . There a re two ba ic type of 0 ' : Maclnto h (or pple) , and IBM (or DOS). Each functions entire! different! from tl1e other, and data fil cr ated in one OS cannot u uall be u d in th other. Offreared to work best tern . Read our oftwar package arefu ll to e nsure compatibility. In the DOS camp, there are two favored type ofOS's: Microsoft' Window and V\ indow 95. \ indow 98 was recent! relea ed for limited di tribution and t ting but expect it oon.

Many program created for Window wi ll not work as well in Window 95, and those created for Window 95 won't work in Window . Ke p tl1i in mind when selecting yo ur other oftware. If you want to con n ect to the Internet, there' anoth r whole alphabet to learn . A good Internet service provider (ISP) can help you ba ed on how you want to u e th et. Consumer Reports August 96 and February 97 isue address Internet servic . One Ia t item on your shopping list shou ld be a basi c clas in how to use your particular oftware. There are co urses at local high chools, college and even copy shop (bu ine service center ) . Many are low or no co t, but don ' t let that stop yo u from as king que tion if ou remain confused during the class. After all, you want to get the mo t from your investme nt of time energy and money, and you don ' t want to get clicked off because yo u made the wrong decision.

A Fond Farewell

year , during the ' 20 and '30s, Mrs. Alexander M. Stewart,Jimmy's moth er, served as Patro ne s of De lta Chapter. cti ng a patroness, h e regularly invited sisters from the Delta Chapter into h er hom e. Mrs. tewart active ly ho ted rush parties, progressive lunch eo n s and theater parties for the chapter in the Stewart hom e on Vinegar Hi ll in Indiana. De lta Chapter still proudly disp lay an autographed photograph: "With be t vvish e , Jim Stewart."

Need Your Own Internet Access?

Get Connected! And Help Support the AIT National Homepage. Sign up with MindSpring Enterprises and credit our web page account when you tell them AIT referred you .

Lisa M cCoy, Beta '83, i the Web Team Coordinator and ational Publicity Coordinator for A.J:T. Gemge McCoy is a corporate network administrator in Atlanta, Georgia.

MindSpring offers: •

"E er y time a bell rings , an angel gets its wing. " AndsoonJuly2, 1997, bells were ringing witl1 the death of Jimm tewart. Jimmy Stewart and hi family have a pecial relationship with Alpha igma Tau and De lta Chapter at Indian a Univer ity of Penn ylvani a . For many

AlPha Siema Tau 1899-1999 As our beloved ororit approaches its Centennial Celebration, the Board of Directo r would like to share another dream with yo u. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have the upper floor of our ational Headquarters fini hed in time for our convention THE ANCHOR/ Fall 1997

in Birmingham in Jun e of 2000? All Alpha Sigma Tau si ters wou ld then have tl1e opportunity to see the history and th e archives of our sorority on display. Help u attain thi dream with your continued support of the National Foundation H eadquarter Fund . We believe that you believe in Alpha Sigma Tau!

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Delta Theta Chapter Installation BYTRA Y B OND

It was a perfect match from the beginning: two sorori ti es with a n ear century of hi story. Two group believing in friendship , diversity, loyalty, and sc hol astic ac hi eveme nt. On O ctobe r 5 and 6, 1996, Amy DuPree, Zeta Ch a pter Ad vi er, a nd Tracy Bo nd , Le hi g h Vall e Alumnae Preside nt, went to Moravian Coll ege in Be thl eh em, PA to g ive a pre e ntatio n to three gro ups of wo me n looking to affiliate with a na ti o nal so ro ri ty. '2:T was o n e of eve ral PC ororitie who prese nted at Moravian. The effort to b1ing natio nal organ izatio n to camp u was spear-h eaded by April Vari, A ociate D ea n of Students. Moravian College 's Greek system was compri ed of several local fraternities a nd ororities. The wee kend began with a day of individual meeting with each of the groups. The following da , the expansio n presentatio n wa given by Am y, Tracy, a nd e ig ht a lumn ae fro m the Le hi g h an d Philade lphi a areas. An incredible refres hm e nt table was put together by the Leh ig h Valley alumn ae.

The imil ar iti e bet\ een lph a Sigma Tau and Phi Mu Ep ilon were ea il a ppare nt. Phi Mu Ep il on wa e tabli bed in 1902 a a literar o iety. They were r e tab li h ed a a ocia l ororit in 1912. !though their number were low, the women di playe d pride in their organization a nd in it individu a l member . The ' were a diver e group of women who were quite in vo lved in ampu activitie . Their de ire and commitment to beco me a national orority wa ev ident, alth ough they w re c rtain to c h oose on ! an organization which m irrored th e Phi Mu Ep ilon tradition . Apri l Vari would later a h e, too, fe lt the affi li ation with '2:T wa certain. After a remarkabl ffort, the group wa ab le to doubl e their size and petition d to affiliate '2:T with 28 member . The D e lta Theta Co lon wa pinned on November 23, 1996 b ' Tracy Bo nd , Zeta, a isted b even member of the Lehigh a ile Alumnae Club . The alumnae ho ted a reception afterward in the chapter hou e. Thi refre hment tab le trend became an e entia! part of all Delta Theta gathering . Co lony training did not officiall y begin until February 1, 1997. Fortunate! , Barbara Grant Weth e rhold , Zeta, the national mu ic chair li\'e nearby and wa abl to a i t in t aching th Delta Theta sister hanging out before In lallation . ong . aro l Keil 路,


chapter, a lumn ae expan ion oordinator a l o attended thi training and gav a pr ntation to Phi Mu Ep ilon alumn ae. Ye , refr hment were provided b th Lehigh Valle a lumnae. In t n hort week the women f

Lehi h Valley Alumnae helping out at Delta Theta Ribbon Pinning. Front: Kim Golden Benner, usan Herd, Ginny Downey. Back judy Haas, Barb \Vetherhold, Kathijo Weinert, Norma Brown, Tracy Bond.

De lta Theta were able to meet all of the colonization requirement . They added i member through ru hand open bid , completed a fund rai inrr project which rai dover 1000, and donated over 100 to Pine Mountain. lon rr th " ay they w re lected a th Mo t Improved Organization on Moravian' campu . They were I d b u an Heard, chapter ad vi er wh would al affi li ate _ T. Kim old n Benner, Beta u, a i tant chapt r ad vi er; and Gin nv Ta ho ki Down v Z ta,chapt r on ,ultant,w rein , tr{t~ menta l in traininrr the hapt r a w II. Joinin u th team a, , dvi orv b rd m mb r wer JudyHaa , Z t,,

and L nn Klinger a Phi Mu Ep ilon a lumna who affiliated AlT. In ta llation wee ke nd fin a lly arrive d , a lthough no on e e xpe c ted we ath e r to be a factor in mid-April! Ch ri tin a Covington , Alpha La mbd a, director of expansion , was unable to ge t a flight o ut of New H amp hire due to a n ow torm ! Thanks to th e m agic of email and a grea t sense of humor, the in talla tio n team was able to carry o n. In ta ll a tion wee ke nd started with an o p e n ho u se o n Friday nig ht ho ted b th e Ad vi o r y Team . In sta ll atio n tea m m embe r we re g ree te d with a ellow ro e fro m th e i te r . On Saturd a m o rnin g Ap r il 19 we m e t a t Bo rh e k Ch ap e l to begin th e fin al ste p to beco min g a h apter. Thirty two ister a nd fo u r alumnae were initia ted into th e De lta Theta C hap te r of Alph a ig m a Tau. I t wa a love! ce r m o n de pi te t h e fact t h e c h a p e l was n ' t h eated a nd w near! lost o u r n ewe t ch a p ter to hypo th e rmi a.

Th a t afte rnoon , a rece pti o n was h e ld a t th e Payn e Art G a ll e ry o n Moravian 's outh ca mpu . It wa a ttend ed b isters, family me mbe rs, re prese nta tive fro m oth e r ca mpu organi zation s, a nd faculty. Th e Ga mm a La mbd a ch a pt r a nd Le hi g h Va ll ey Alumnae Club eac h e nt seve ral re pre entatives. Fin all y, th e in stalla ti o n ba nqu et was h e ld in th e Pavilio n . Ba nqu e t o rganize r Ka te McGo nigle and cha p t r p re id e nt, D ea nn a Ca mpb e ll we lco m e d th e 100 i te r a nd g u es ts. Caro le Ke ily read Ch ri Covin gto n ' keyn ote add ress which d escribed the hi to ry of both Phi Mu E psilo n a nd Al pha Sig m a Tau. Th e De lta Th e ta Cha pte r was th e n pre ented its cha rter by Mrs. Keily. Deann a accepted the cha rte r o n be h alf of h er sisters. Su an H eard prese nte d th e cha pter to th e co ll eg . Ap r il Va ri , re pre e ntin g Mo ravian Co ll ege, acce pted th e ce rtificate a nd spo ke wo rd s of pra ise a nd

e nco urage me nt to th e hapterwom n. Ginn y Down ey pre e n ted th gav I to Deann a. H eath er Fink, re ordi ng se re ta ry, a ce p te d th e ch a pte r plaq ue fr o m Kim Go ld n Be nn r. everal o th e r gifts we re give n to th e chapt r fro m th e a ti o n a l Co un cil , th e atio na! Organizatio n , everal a lu mnae me mbe rs, a nd th Zeta Ta u Alpha oro ri ty. Th ch a pte r th e n prese n ted gifts to Ms. Vari, Tracy Bo nd , a nd ea. h of the advi er . A slid how, deve lo p d by om of th e si ters wa hown. It was a nice mu ical picture a lbu m of th e lony's gro wth. This wa fo llowed by th e traditio na l ca ndle lig h t ce rem o n y led by Tracy Bo nd . It was a wo nd erful a nd e motional eve nin g ca pping off a n exhil arating but exh au ting th ree mo n th . ongra tulatio ns to th e wo me n of the Delta The ta Ch a pter, th e ir a d vi er , area alumnae, pa re n t and everyone wh o he lped ma ke thi s d ream a rea lity.

Anchored for Life Alumnae Assistance with Expansion BY

Alu m n ae play a vital ro le in coll egia te ex pa n io n fo r Alph a ig m a Tau . H ere are some u gge tio n s th at tell h ow o u per o n a ll m ay beco m e involve d with ex pa n io n : Join or form an alumnae association. T h e level of o rganized alumnae upp ort is ofte n th e key fac tor in wh th er o r n o t Alph a Sig m a Tau i elec te d to colo n ize o n a n ew campu s. Alumnae suppo rt is vital for th e p rese nta tio n , colo ny trainin g, and ch apte r suppo rt. tro ng, active a lumnae associa ti o n often lead to p o itive expa nio n o ppo rtuniti es. Con tac t th e Director of Alumn ae o r th e Alumnae Expan io n Coordin ato r for info rma tio n o n fo rmin g a n a lumn ae assoc ia ti o n in your a rea. Pay your annual alumnae dues . Alpha Sig m a Ta u ' expan io n effo rts dire ctly re la te to our annua l alumnae THE ANCHOR/ Fall 1997

du es. Th e fund s in crease th e fi cal reso ur ces of th e o r o rity e n a blin g growth a nd inn ova tive programmin g . If yo u 're n eedin g to re mit your du es fo r thi s year, pl ea e co ntac t th e Nati o n al H eadquarte rs. Inform the National Headquarters or the Director of Expansion about possible expansion opportunities. Alumnae and ollegia ns a re grea t resources for in fo rm a tion on ca mpus growth in th e Pa n hellenic area. If yo u know of a n o ppo rtunity, do n o t h esita te to le t u s know. Serve on the Advisory Team or Advisory Board of a colony or collegiate chapter. Stro n g adviso ry tea ms and advi ory b oard ar e p rimary to th e success and longevity of a n ew colony a nd th e stabili ty of a chapter. Support o u r youn g wome n as they excel within o u r si te rh ood by d eveloping a strong ch a pter. If you are inte res ted in serving, contact th e a ti o nal Vice Pre id e nt to di scu ss th e poss ibilities.

Respond to the Expansion Assistant. Wh e n Alpha Sig m a Ta u prepares for a prese ntatio n o r co lo nizati o n , th e assig n e d Expa n io n A i ta nt co ntac ts a rea a lu m n ae for a istan ce. Pl ea e re po nd to th a t re qu e t a soo n as p o ibl e a n d vo lunteer to co ntact ar ea a lumnae to up port th e prese nta ti o n . Recommend potential members to colonies and chapters. Collegian ofte n welco me re fe ren ce fo r poten tial membe rs. Plea e take th e o ppo rtuni ty to r eco mm e nd a q u a li fie d ou n g wo ma n yo u kn o w. View the Alpha Sigma Tau home page .... and often. T h e h o m e p age contain s additi o n a l inform atio n on co ll eg ia n s, a lumn ae, reco mm e nd ation , o u r Ce ntennial, career n e t\ o rkin g a nd m any o th er to pi cs. Ou r We bma te r i co n stantly ch anging and upda tin g th e h o m e page to mee t our m e mbe rs' n eed . p e nd so m e time urfin g.


Delta Iota Chapter Installation The De lta Iota Ch apter of Alph a Sigma Tau sorority wa in tail e d at John on and Wales niver ity on May 25 , 1997 in Providence, Rl. ationa l Treasurer, Andrea Kl ein-Yan ch o onducted the initiation and in tallation ce remoni es. Eight alumnae a! o affiliated with the collegiate women. Attending and a isting in the in tall ation were: Christina Covi ngton , Dir ector of Expansion ; Misty D ea n , D e lta Iota Chapter Consultant ; A I a i n a Evange l i sta, D e lta Ep il on; Della fola Banquel.

A Liana Evangelista, Della Epsilson, Geri Evangelista (mom) alumnae affiliate.

Della l ola Pin Pledging Ceremony.


Monika Hobbs, D e lta Ep ilon ; Chri t y David on, Beta Tau ; and Eileen McDonagh , D e lt a Iot a. The Beta Ta u c hapter from Univer it of Ma sac huse tt a t Lm e ll a nd various a lum- Della l ola Ribbon Pledging Ceremony. nae a lso upported o ur n ew c ha pter women gathered with othe r Greek on through the e du catio n a l requir the camp u to unv il the time cap ul ment , initiation , a nd banqu e t activiunderneath a roc k outsid Xavier H all. ti e . ev ral area a lumn a were in atTh wo m en p nt orne pecial tim e tendance a the women of De lta Io ta togeth r remembering th fun and anwere initia ted. ticipation of their initiation. The Everyon e in vo lved 路with th co lowomen then p ainted the rock to nization and in tall ation cele bra ted the proudly di play th letter of th e orority. event at th e We tin Hotel in downtown Providen e. The D Ita Iotas brought well a making an impre ion famil m e mb r , fr ie nd , a ndJ and W o n lph a igma Tau a lumn ae, the adm inistrator to the In tallation Ba nch a pter ha al o become a lead r on quet. Chri tina Covington wa the k cam pu through it invo lvement with note peaker and addre ed th e hi tory Panhell nic , philanthropy, tudentacof Alpha Sigma Tau, the formati o n of tiviti e , a nd academic . The Delta Io ta Kappa Phi local o rori ty, a nd the wonChapter of Alpha igma Tau i th e d er of sharing th e arne ideal , tanixth NPC m ember group on cam pu , dard , and goal . The chapter received joining Delta Ep ilon Phi , igma Delta evera l gift , and num erou greeting Ta u , Phi igma igma, igma igma from aero s the country were read. igma, and Theta Phi Alpha. Special recognition wa give n to Mr. Thi in tallation wa made ven Mark Burke, Vice Presid e nt of tud e nt m ore p ecial by the initiation of e ig ht Affa irs; M . Pa tri cia Ma rion , Chapter qualified women into the alumnae ordviser; M . Cath Leve que (De lta ga ni zatio n: Mr . Guidon , 1r . Iota) , As i tan t Chapter dviser; M . Evangeli ta , M . Leve que , M . mith , Mi t D ea n M .J ohn , M . addeo, M . McDonagh ( Be ta T a u ), and 1 . Michaud. Chapter ConCon!!ratulation to th e founding ulta nt; M . m ember of the De lta Iota Chapt r of J e ica mith Alpha igma Tau orority: Annette (D e lt a Iota), fill er, Kim Brezn ikar, Am Breanikar, Ru h Advi r; Michelle Follin , ani ander , uzann 1. Li a and ommerlad, he! ea Juli en, ara b (Ga mm a Zouky, Donna outh ard, Alek an dra Ze ta ), Pl e dge Andruki wicz, R nee Benjamin , andra dvi er; a nd Dunbar Den i e H op kin Ta-Tan i"h a m e mb er of J o hn on, Kri t n addeo, Jill 1 ovi k, th e Be ta Tau J ennifer 1 oviello uzann P lu ki , Anh ap ter. dr Peru uini , 1ich li e und rland, T h tephani Bruun , h a nn n Flvnn , ev n ing be for Ram my H an d l nd , ~li h II Hulb rt. initi tion , th e

A Year of Growth ...A Year of Sisterhood A Reflection on Alpha Sigma Tau s Expansion

路w hen I arrived home from our last convention there were already eve ral m e sage for expansion opportunities waiting for immediate attention. From that d ay to the present, the pace of intere t from qualifi ed group ha not slowe d. And the collegiate a nd alumnae support for our growth has been ju t a teady. Wh a ll th e excitem e nt for Alpha igma Tau Sorori ty? I believe that the inter e t tern from the exp e ri e n ce of i ter an d alumnae within Al pha ig m a Tau ororit:y aero th e United State from Rhod e Island to California from Michigan to Texa . The e are experi e n ces hare d with prosp ec tive co lon ie during pre e ntatio ns a nd ca mpu vi it . Another trong factor that cam pu admini trators co n ider i the un equaled support our colonies a nd ch a pter receive after affiliation and installation . The in ta llation of a n ew ch apter into our circle can be traced almo t 100 year back to our Founder . In th e a rn e fa hion , the founding sisters of a new chapter h ave cho e n to embrace th e tand a rds, ideal and legacy of our Si terhood created by eight vision ary wo m e n a nd their a d vi e r o m a n y ears ago. The in ta lla tion of a colony a a coll egiate chapter cele brate th e growing bond of our Sisterh ood n ationally, but it also d e monstra tes th e d e dica tion to purpo e and fortitude of an innovative group to m eet our rigorou tandard . Bringing Alpha Sigma Tau to a n ew campus is a un iqu e experience and a journey undertaken by women who ha e a passion for our Sisterhood . Colonie are formed e ither by a local interest group or local sorority that has decided to eek affiliation with a nationa l organization or by a Coll ege Panhellenic Cou ncil (CPH) and camTHE ANCH O R/ Fall 1997

pus adm ini tration that have agr ed to open th e campus to a n ew PC sorority. Mter reviewing informative material from eac h in tere te d organ ization , th e CPH or inte re t gro up elects a few group they are tru ly interested in for affi lia tion. Alph a Sigma Ta u offi cer I taff, a lumn ae and coll egia ns vo luntee r to attend a campus visit and pre e nta tion where stud e nts a nd admin istrators m ee t to becom e more ac-

... experiences shared with prospective colanies during presentations and campus visits. qu a inted and exchange information, exp ec ta tion s, and requirement . Fin ally, the CPH or local sorority we ighs th e informatio n and th e contact they received during th e presentation to m a ke a thoughtful d ec ision : they choose th e single group with whom th ey will affiliate for a lifetim e! Mter the big d ecision is made, the gro up o r ca mpus may p e tition Alpha Sigma Tau. The ation a l Council reviews th e qualifications of th e group and


a written ballot is ir ulat d to approv th coloni za tion. On ce approved, a a tiona! Colony Adviser is assign d and a training schedu le i dev lop d for the n ew colony. A colony must meet th a rne Chapter Ex lie n Program require me n ts as co ll egiate chapters plu additional training requirements to be a functioning, viable chapter. When all the requirement are met and the Colony Examination pa sed , the in tallation plans are finalized. Member of nearby coll egiate ch apter , alumnae assoc Ja Uon , a ti onal Council a nd taff, member of the local Greek com muni ty, famili e , and friends gath er to celebrate th e acco mp lishm e nt of the co lony member and loo k to the future promise of th e women, their chapter, and Alph a Sigma Tau o rority. Very few eve nts occur in uch a short pe ri od of time that so trongl affect me mbership natio nally th an the in tallation of a new chapter. Cheri h ed memories, hearts fu ll of i terhood, and our past, pre ent, and future urround th e event with a my tic aura th at Alpha Sigma Tau fully under tand. Remembe r to cu ltiva te this fee ling wi th new me mber of o ur collegiate chapter or alumnae associa tion; it i wh y we are so u cce ful.

Members .. Riseff to the Challenge

At the 1996 ation a l Convention, a ch a ll e nge was is ued to th e Sorority- a lumnae a nd coll egia te m e mbe rs and ch a pters ali ke. This ch all e n ge wa to collect at leas t 12,000 for the National Foundation H eadquarte r Fund by May 31, 1997. If thi feat was accomp lish e d, an anonymous donor wou ld contribute a n a ddition a l $ 10,000 to the H ea dquarte rs Fund bringing th e total to 22 ,000 . Al l of yo u were so generous in

yo ur co ntributio n , that thi lofty goal was reach ed and surpas ed , m aking u eli gib le for th e additi o na l don a tion . It i thro u g h you r effo rt a nd yo ur genero ity th at Alpha ig m a Tau wi ll co ntinu e to thrive for future generation . The at iona l Foundation Boa rd of Directors wi h e to expre o ur most in cere th ank an d ap preciation to all of o u who h ave h e lp ed to p er p et u a te the dream of our Found ers a nd who h ave h e ld the torch hi g h to lig ht the wa for other yet to co m e. 13

Gamma Rho Anniversary On February 8, 1997, the Gamma Rho ch apter celebrated the ir 5th Annive rsary o n th e Se to n H all U nive rsity campus. The event began with the mingling of collegiate members and alumnae . The collegia te m e mb e rs we re h appy to fin ally put a pe r on ali ty to nam es and faces th at th ey h ave o nly h eard about or have seen in pho tos. Many siste rs we r e abl e to m ee t th e found er in th eir family trees. A photo display of past and present si ters and events, as we ll as scrapbooks, were e t

up to assist in th e reuni o ns. The gr o up then h ad a video prese ntatio n of p ast fo rmals. After th e video, cur re nt pre id en tAmy Bedard sp oke about the curre nt ch apter accomplishm en ts. Pa t ch apter president An n Marie Ri p oli the n poke abo ut h ow things were five years ago and h ow to move o n in the futur e. Th e eve nin g clo ed taking ph otos of pl e d ge cla se , family tr ees a nd a gro up pho to.

Gamma Rho founding president Marisol E tevezM enendez with her active family tree member, great grand little Carrie Cleary and great-great grand little J une Co ta.


Founding member Ann Marie Rispoli on the right with her little sister A my Bedard (center) and little-little Amy Magnu on on the left.

Gamma Rho chapter collegiate members and alumnae at the celebration of 5 years at eton H all University. February 8, 1997.

Tips for Reading With Your Child FROM T H E KEYSTONE S TATE READI NG Assoc iAT IO •

Read aloud to your child eve ry day, eve n an older child. Reading aloud provides a good model , expands voc abulary, stimul a tes curio ity a nd imagination , length e ns atte ntion span , and motiva tes th e child to want to read be tter books inde pe nde ntly. Most important of all , it h elps to d evelo p a lifetim e read e r ! Be ure to "ham it up " wh en readin g alo ud and re membe r to u se lots of expressio n ! Sha re reading with you r child by alte rn ate readin g. You read a page a nd th en o ur child read s a page . Whil e you a re reading, be awa re tha t readin g level and liste ning level


are diffe re nt. Read easy books with o ur child. Read mo re advan ced boo ks to your child to instill a love of book and fo r m o tiva tio n . En cou rage o u r child to read easy book to improve flue n cy. Fo r an old er child , read alo ud th e first few ch apter of a book to get him/ h e r starte d . T his i wh ere th e char acte r ar e introdu ced, th e plo t i se t up , and th e e ttin g is de cri be d . You ' ll be offering a jump tart! Di cu ss th e book you ' re readin g toge th e r. Pre di ct wha t th e book ·will be about before readin g it. Talk about th e pictures. Predi ct wh at will h appe n n ext. Co n ider wh a t else could h ave h a ppe n ed . Re late to our own ex p erie nce . to p toe ' plain thing ou think h e o r sh e d oe n t kn ow. Tal k abou t

th e au th or and illustra tor. Read a variety of book including poetry, fiction , an d nonfiction . Read for informatio n an d for fu n. Ch oo e repetitive, rhythmic book for younger read er . Look for intere ting illu trations that h elp to te ll th e tory. Plan tim for your fami l to read together. Take time each da for everyo n e in th e fami l to read ile ntl '· h ow you value read ing by a ll m.ving o u r child to ee you read. En cou rage 'Our ch ild to keep a journ al by recording th e da ,• h a ppenings or hi or h er fee lin . Provide p neil , pen , era o n , mark r , paper, a nd o th er m a te rial for you r hild to u to expre fee lin rr and th ou rrh t ab u t

(continued on next page) TH

At the Fall 1997 m eeting of th e

LT Nationa l Founda tion Boa rd of Direc to rs, the "wi h li t" fro m Pin e Mo unta in Se ttl e m e nt Sch ool wa revi ewe d . A always, th e n eed we re gr ea t in order for Pine Mo unta in ' educa tion a l progra m s to co ntinu e to gr ow a nd pro p e r. Alph a Sig m a Ta u a n we r ed tho e n eed with a d o n ati o n ex ceeding 20,000. Th e Bo a rd o f Direc tor s d e te rmin ed th a t th e mo st pre in g n eed wa to a si t Pin e Mo unta in with th e co mpl etio n of th e stan wo rk for th e fi re place a nd chimn e found a ti o n of Far H o u e. Thi i th e fac ility prese nt! b ein g re n o a te d. It was n ecesa r fo r Fa r Hou e to b e co mpl e te ) ta ke n d ow n a nd re built becau se of tru c tural d a m age ca u se d b a fire th at r nd ere d th e buildin g unu sa bl e . Th e o ri g in al Fa r H o u e was o n e of t h e ea rl Pin e M o unt a in

FaT H ouse at Pine Mountain Settlement School.

h o m e . Th e n ewly r e n ovate d Fa r H o use will e e ntu ally h o use th e n ew direc to r of Pin e Mo untain Se ttl em e n t Sc h oo l. Additi o n ally, th e Boa rd c h ose to supp o rt th e purc h ase of tw o h erba rium ca bin e ts. Th ese ca bin e t will b e u se d to to r e th e pl a nt "s p ec im e ns" coll ec ted by Mr. Elwood Ca rr. This ex te nsive co ll ec ti o n of h e rb s is u sed alm os t d aily by th e fac ul ty. It i o nl y th ro ug h th e ge n e rou s co ntributi o n of LT 's alumn ae a nd coll egia te c h a pte rs, as we ll as individual a lumn ae a nd co ll egia te m e mb e rs, th a t a gift su ch a thi s was m ad e p os ibl e. dditi o n a l m o ni es we r e

Delta Eta Installation BY To ETTE BLACKWELL

The Delta Phi Omega local sorority became the Delta Eta chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau on May 3, 1997 at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. The reception of the gavel by Lynette Brehm, Delta Eta President, was the culmination of a great effort on the part of an exceptional group of young ladies.

THE ANCHOR/ Fall 1997

This local sorority was form ed with the intention of becoming national. Already academically strong, financially stable and quite musically gifted, this group chose Alpha Sigma Tau and were pledge pinned on December 7, 1996. This bunch of campus leaders and honor society me mbers are a welcome addition to the Alpha Sigma Tau family.

ge n e ra ted th rou g h a de ignate d porti o n of th e alumn ae du e , a co ntr ibuti o n fro m th e lp h a igma Tau So ro ri ty a nd in tere t accum ul ated on th e e fund s th ro ug h out th e ear. In t h e word of M il dred Ma h o n ey, ctin g Di rector of P ine Mo unta in Se ttl e m e n t ch oo l, "I t i h a rd to find word to ex p re our appreciatio n to Alph a ig m a Tau for th e ge n e rou co n tri bu tio n whi ch met our n eed to fi n a n ce thi to n ework (o n Fa r H o u e). I ca n 't tel l you h m vita l th e sup port of Alp h a igma Tau is to th e o n go i ng effort of Pi ne Mo untain Settle m n t c h oo l. "

Tips for reading (contin ued from previous page)

wh a t is read . Carry boo ks with ou wh e rever yo u go . Read to ou r chil d whil e wa iting for appo intme n ts. Tape record favo ri te boo k o our oung child ca n li te n to th e m o er a nd o e r, eve n in th e car. Give yo ur child hi o r h er own libra ry ca rd for th e public lib rary. i it th e libra r ofte n . Sub sc rib to childre n ' magazine . V\ rite n ote to your child. Tuck th e m in to a lunch box or pocke t. Mo t of all, enjo reading with your child . 15

The Nominations Committee Needs Your Recommendations for National Council and Staff Positions WHY:

To assist the Alpha Sigma Tau Nominating Committee in gathering nominations for the National Council and the Staff of Alpha Sigma Tau.


Any alumna in good standing m ay erve in a position on th e National Staff. For National Council positions, it is preferred , but not required, that the alumna member fir t serve on the National Staff to gain exp erience .


NOW is the time to send in your nomin ation . Any ALT may recommend a candidate. Individuals interested in being considered are also encouraged to ubmit their own n ame . Nominations are due by February 1.


Send the following nomination form to: Karen Denchfield-Masterson, Acting Nominations Coordinator, 2622 Ponce Avenue: Belmont, CA 94002 (41 - )-592-5984.

According to Standing Rule #48, passed at the Fall National Council Meeting, ''All National Staff positions will be appointed by the National Council at the Spring Council Meeting of each convention year. The National Nominations Coordinator will submit the slate of candidates app roved by the Nomina tions Committee to the National Council no later than February 15. Appointees will attend convention and will assume office immediately after convention. "

A.!T Nomination for National Council or National Staff Positions I nominate


First name

lumber and u-eet addres









Chapter ____________________ School __________________ Year graduated ____ Position (s) for which this sister recommended ------------ - - -------------------Reasons for recommendation


Recommendation submitted by: - ----------------------------------------------Chapter _______________________________

Phone ------------------------

Is the nominee aware of this recommendation? ------'**All nominees must submit the R esume for Staff position on the followinu paue. A letter of intent hould accompany the re ume.



Today 's Date _ __

A~T Resume for National Staff Positions Applying for (Li tall interested position )


Name - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ~aiden Address City /State/ Zip Area Code/ Phone Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Husband's Name._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ College/University from which you graduated Year of graduation _____

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Advanced Degree? What area? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Collegiate chapter affiliation Alumnae chapter affiliation Are you actively involved at the alumnae level? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Office held at the collegiate level _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dues Paid _ _ __ Are you currently employed? _ _ __

Full-time or Part-time? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Occupation Do you have children? _____

If yes , please list their ages _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Are you able to travel for A4.T? _____ If yes , weekdays? _____ weekend ? _ _ __ How often? weekly _ _ __

monthly _ _ _ _ semi-annually _ _ _ __

Are you willing to commit to a full 2-year term? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Do you have access to a computer? ______ Do you write letters? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ How much time per week are you able to devote to sorority busine s? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Are you able to travel on short notice? ______ Are you able to work within a budget? _ _ __ Appointments will not be processed until it has been determined that alumnae du es hm e been paid.

THE ANCHOR/ Falll997


Collei!iate ChaPter News Alpha/ Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, MJ:

Th e Alpha chapter started off the emesterwith a Greek Leader hip Conference that promoted in vo lvement, un ity and lead er hip kil l . We have four p ledged me mber and pring rush i underway. We h e ld a raffl e with 1 ti cke ts. Prizes included dinner for two at local restaurant . The other was a potluck luncheon with our alumn ae . Each i ter brought a eli h , and afterward , a raffle was h eld . We auctio ned off pha Sigma Tau pa ra ph erna li a. The proceeds went to Pine Mountain Settlement School. Our chapter parti cipated in a campus clean up. Alphas are involved in social activitie a w II. We held a Superbowl gettogether for all i ter at th e hou e. W a ll brought a pre pare d eli h a nd watch ed the game. Of cour e, non e of us knevv anytl1ing about th e ga me. We were on ly intere ted in the co mm e rcials. -Marl a Selma n Beta/ Central Michigan University Mount Pleasant, MI:

This e meste r co ntinu e to be exciting for the Be ta chapte r. It bega n with a succes fu l inform al ru h which a llowed u to welcome ten p ledged me mber into our iste rhood. We have been bus with several phi lanthrop ic activiti es including ca m-

pu cleanup . Fund rai ing wa , by far our mo t succe ful project thi eme ter. We old a nd delivered rose by the dozens o n Valentine' Da ' ' Pare nt ' Day wa al o a huge ucce and a lot of fun. Several of our i ter received h o n ors at the Spring cade mi c ward . Ali ia D er and Kelly Gallery ' ere elected to become member of Orcl r of Om ega a nd Amy Wat o n rece ived the Rege n c ward from th Panhe ll e ni c oun cil. Although we have been bu y, we alwa ' eem to find time to have fun ! We h ad a Cupid ' D ate Party on a le ntin e 's Da , a nd we were " haking o ur ha m rock "at o ur t. Patrick' Day Dat Party. We are participating in Greek Week a nd Derb Da ' . V\ e are loo king forward to a ttend ing the RLW. -Ke ll Ga ll r y Delta/ Indiana University o f PA Indiana, PA:

pring gr eting from I P ! Th fir t few mo nth ofl997 have been very eve ntfu l h ere in Indiana. We h ave been having a wonderful se m ter. It began wi th a fanta ti c ru h , during which we acquired 16 new wom n. March 15 wa tl1 e annua l Mi IU P Pageant, whi ch To ni a H o rva th ran ' ith the h e lp of Mar Ann Calhoun, Angie Dott and Me lis a Mangene. We rai eel quite a um of mo ney for o ur phila nthropie . We thank Mar Turn bach for her very ge n e rous Mi I P cholar hip dona-

tion. We will be partici pati ng in Greek ing in pril. Our partner i igma Tau Gamma and th e ilieme thi ear i " aturday Morning anoo n ." Derb ' Da ' , i a l o in pril and wi ll b an exc iting an d hectic time for u . We " on the events Ia t ear and h ope tor ign again at th top of the Greek famil r at I P thi year. Our pring formal i b ing h e ld on pril 26 a nd promi e to be a fun time for a ll of th a lome Zeta/ Lock Haven Loch H aven, PA:

from the Zeta h apter niver it . Thi h a eme ter for u We tarted o ur eme t r with our prin retr at. There we plann cl th pring me ter, including id a for ru h , the pledge program , philanthrop ', fund rai ing , planning for Gre k Week and hoo ing an w 1 tan t Chapter clvi er. pring ru h wa great! We had a "Cat h the pirit" th e me , whi h indud d a ba ball party. We have a l o be n v ry bu y with philanthropic proj t . In pril, we participated in the linton County C hild ren ' Fe tival. In cooperation witl1 The Penn lvania Department of Tran portation , we dre eel up a Beren tein Bear and gr eted the children. - haron-Ka e Moran O micron/ Concord College A then , v\ll ~路

Th e Beta Chapter


V\ e began our eme ter b viewinrr the !ide from Pine M untain ettlement chool. We are reminded of our duty to Pine Mountain and a fre h tir developed to have more fund rai er to end money to the ch ool. In Februar ', we parti ipated in tl1e annual o n cord o ll e ph n -a-thon to ra i e mone ' for cholar hip ~ r the choo l. 'Ne rai d th third larg t amount of a ll the parti ipating orrranization. The mo t produ tive ,. nt f th m t r wa att ndinrr the RL\\' 路u

Collei!iate ChaPter News Radford Univer ity. We nt five representative wh o came bac k exc ited about new idea , ch a nges a nd frie ndhips. We are already implem e nting orne of the uggestion we rece iv d in to o u r program . :Jam ie McGraw Rho / South Eastern Oklahoma State Durant, OK: The Rh o Chapter has h ad a bu y year. We held our a nnual po tato supper a our major fund rai er, whi h was a great success. We also sold chan ce to ge t th e privilege of parking in th e college pre ident' parkin g pot. Dr. Wi lliams, the president, was a g reat po rt a nd ever yon e had a blast. Fo r phi lanthro pi c proj ec t , we p arti c ipa t d in Meal o n Wh e ls, ra n the co nce io n rand a t th e Bryan Coun ty An im al She lte r haunted h ouse, and h ad a ca n food drive. We h ad a g rea t tim e thi ear doing activiti e su ch as the Halloween party we had at a m e mbe r's house wh ere we ate h ot d og car ved pumpkin , a nd wat hed car y movi e . We all pu ll ed toge the r during hom eco ming week to win th e pi1it award. We h ad th e h ighe t atte ndan ce at all th e activities o ut of eve ry campu o rganizatio n . We also had a dinner toge th er and had th e privilege to have th e past three pre ide nts of th e Rho Chapter peak to us about leade r h ip a nd th e meaning of oro ri ty. -Mi ty Dad e Sigma/ State U niversity at Buffalo Buffalo, NY: On e of th e Sig ma ch apte rs' ma ny social ser vice thi e m es te r wa workin g with Cau se for ele bra ti o n , a n orga ni za tion which h o ld s a n a nnu a l ball to ra i e m o n ey for AID resea rch . This yea r, th e ba ll was h e ld a t o ur ve r y ow n Buffa lo Sta te College . We vo lunteere d our tim e to se t up th e H o u ston Gym. n loadin g tru ck , fu ll of upplie , a nd e tting u p table was a lot of ha rd work. However, knowi ng we we re a ble to d o so m eth i n g t h at ben e fits e ve r yo n e mad e it a ll worthwhil e . On Marc h 19, a numbe r of siste rs atte n ded a local Alum n a e m ee ting.

THE ANCHOR/ Fall1 997

Sigma Chapter left to right/ tojJ to bottom - ] en Safar, BTenda Kutte-r (Panhel. All), Denise Lewis (Social Fonnal), H eather Young (Asst. Pledge Mom. Etiquetle, Panhel. Del.), am H ughs (Treasum) , Leslie Gojberg (President), A llison Reynolds (Cor resjJonding Secretary), Laurel Okvat (Editm; IGA Alt.), Aimee Prince (IGA Rep., Social), Christine Wirth (Bylaws) Carrie Baren/ (Fundraise1), Kally Doyle (Historian, Publicity), Nicole Ca1"lson (Music, Social Service), Amy Ward (Sunshine Girl), Colleen Kieser, Kerin Fechter (Ritual, Rush), Claudia Ponlin (A lumnae Liason, Sgt. At Arms).

Th e Pi ne Mo unta in !id e sh ow wa o n th e age nda, after wh ich , initi a tio n into th e Alumnae associa ti o n was h e ld . We we re p leased to wi tn e s the indu cti o n of three of o ur g radu ating siste rs. -Laure l Oka t Ze ta Tau/ Longwood College FaTmville, VA: Th e siste rs a t Zeta Tau began th e pring sem e ter with fo rm al r u h with th e th e me "AST Activewea r, Inc. " We have gain ed wo men who wi ll be a n ase t to the so ro ri ty o n a atio n al a nd local level. Ou r a nnu a l Swing-a-th o n fo r Cys ti c Fib ro i was a u cce , bringing in approxima tely $600.00. We e njoyed a lun ch eo n with o ur pare nt a nd fami lie a nd we re able to sh a re so m e of o ur AST trad ition . AJ o, siste rs a nd p ledged me mbe rs prac ticed toge th e r for th e li p syn c conte t. We p erfo rm e d th e son g, "Lo llipo p " fo r th e judge . It was e nj oyab le fo r th e pe rfo rme rs o n stage a nd th e o bse rve rs in th e a udie nce. Final ly, we pa rti cipa te d in Greeksponsore d wee k. It bega n with each orga ni za tion d o in g a phi lanthro pi c proj ec t. Our a ig nme nt wa to h a nd o u t fl ie rs for th e Wom e n , Infant a nd

Chi ldre n (WlC) program. Weal o parti cipated in a carni val with a n activity boo th geared for child ren. -Arle n Goodrich Upsilon/ University of Central Arkansas Conway, AR: Th e U p ilo n chapter ha explod ed into th e ew Yea r . We have bee n bu y with intra mu ra l, co mmuni ty ervice and socia l ac ti viti e . We have impacted th e in tramura l fi e ld by p lacin g in e er port ' e ha e co mp te d in . Ou r fi ve-o n-fi e ba ketba ll tea ms wo n fir t and Ia t place. We wo n fi rs t place in racq ue tball in gle , a nd took 2nd place in occer. O ve rall , we are ranked 2nd aga in t th e o th r so ro ritie o n campu but h o pefull ',we wi ll take th e ch ampi o n ship after tenni and oftball. We a lso h ave b ee n bu in o u r co mmuni ty thi s year. We h ave d onated mo n ey to th e local Huma n e ociety a nd Pine Mo untain. We h a e ado p ted a mil e clo e to th e niversity th at we will be re po n ib le for kee ping clean . Twe lve of u s e r ved as h o te e at th e local Junio r uxiliar Ball. V\ e al o oluntee re d a nd ch ap e ro n e d child ren


Colle!!iate ChaPter News We had monthly faculty appreciation awards. We are now planning a bowl-athan for our a tiona! philanthropic project. Greek Week wa a great ucces thi erne ter. In the Greek Olympic , Phi placed second in the dizz bat and fir t in th e tug-a-war. Overall , w won first place in parti cipation of Gree k Week eve nt . :J e nnifer Mollie re Upsilon-Soccer

from th e Boy and Girl Club that came to watch a basketball gam . We donated canned good to the tornado victims in our state and also took part in the annual "Taking it to the treet " day, where organization work together to clean up Conwa , AR. The Up ilon chapter will fini h out the semester with Mom' Day, Greek Week, and Spring Fling. Greek Week is filled with game , a blood drive , and different speakers. -Christine Alongi Phi/ Southeastern University H ammond, LA: The Phi chapter at Southea tern Louisiana University had man y successfu l ru h parti e this em ester. We h ad a sisterhood rush workshop in atchez, Mi sissippi at The atch ez Eola Hotel. The rush parties included a welcome back party, a spagh etti dinner, Take Me Out to the Tau Game, and a peppermint bash. We participated in man philanthropic events this seme ter. V\ e cleaned the spot maintained by ASTon campus.

Chi/Shepherd College Shepherdstown, ~W路 Our pring rush , ''You 've Got th e tuff We ' re Made Of," proved to be a ucc e ful one for u . We are ver happ to h ave twelve fabulou n e; m mbe r . Th e n ew pl edge cia h a held a few bak ale , a ca r wa h and an Easter fund raise r. Th e ma n e th e rai ed went to Pin e Mountain , th e ararity chapter gift and a pl dg retreat. Thi re treat gave i ter and new me mbe r a wond e rful opportunity to pend time togeth e r and to har mem o rie . a sorority, we h eld o ur econd annual Mardi Gra party at a local nuring home. There idents enjo th e time we pent with th em . Weal o held a 90th birthday party for a former advi e r, Dr. ara Cree. i ter , facul ty and former ational Pre id nt, Mary Charle hb attended the celebration. We are a lread busil y lookin g ah ead to next erne ter. Th e Chi chapter will be celebrating its 5th annivera J in ce our re in tallation a t h epherd Coll ege in 1992. -Pe nn Ford

Psi/James Madison University H arri onlnug, VA: Our ha pter h a b n quite bu thi erne ter and we r ce i d a great h o n or Ia t week at the annual Gr e k ward . W w re named Be t Chapter atJM . On top ofth i gr at h onor, two of our member rec iv d recogniti o n for their contributio n to Alpha ig ma Tau , a we ll a the Gr e k co mmunity. Melanie Barne wa named Mo t Out tanding e ni or a nd Katherine Batz li wa nam d Outsta ndin g ew M mb r. Memb r have volunteered their ervice to the oup Kitchen in downtown H arr i onburg a we ll a the Op h o p . Thi erne ter we a l o h ave h e lp e d with The Mercy H ou e and The Un ited Way. t the end of pril , we will hold our annua l dopt-aFl ower Bed , wh ich alwa prove to be quite u cce ful. The majority of our fund rai ing ha been done through the ellin of T- hirts. Our fund-rai ing chair organized Exam Pizza , whi h were d livered during exam to give tudents a little break from tud rinu. For Ea t r, o u r fund-rai in chair al or anized Ea ter Bask ts a nd Ea ter Lilie . - o urtn e ' i\Ioore Alpha Gamma/ Henderson State Arkakdelphia, R: t th b inning of the o ur goal were imp! : t d a nd be our b t in h o p that w ' ould aura t worn n dedi a t d to ur oro rity. \V c n ntrat don improvin g our mmuni a tion kills, but


A Century of EverlASTing Sisterhood...En Avant The 32nd Alpha Sigma Tau National Convention will be held in Ypsilanti/Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 23-27, 1998 . All AST ' from acros the country will join together a we celebrate A Century of EverlASTing Sisterhood...En Avant. Our Centennial Celebration takes us to Ypsilanti, the home of our Alpha Chapter. While attending to nmmal Convention business, the week will end with the beginning of our Centennial Celebration. Attending Convention is a great opportunity to meet si ter , both collegiate and alumnae, from all over the country. Convention give you the chance to commit yourself to be "Anchored for Life."

Convention Planning All collegiate chapters should begin saving through fundraising to be able to send the four required delegates. Included in the four delegates is one official voting delegate. Start planning those fund-raisers today to be able to send your delegation to Ypsilanti!

Accommodations The Convention will be held at the Sheraton Inn, located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The convention rate is 75 .00 per night for single, double, triple, or quad rooms. The Sheraton offer convenient gue t rooms with an in-room coffee maker, iron and ironing board, and hair dryer. Unwind after a full day of Convention meetings in the auna, whirlpool and indoor or outdoor pools. There i al o an exerci e room where you can exercise while enjoying the view of the pool and courtyard. While the hotel feature "Michael' Chop House", a restaurant featuring traditional fare , there are numerous re taurant and fa t food eateries within walking distance.

Registration All registration forms are due to Staci Wedermyer, National Convention Coordinator, by March 31, 1998 . Please submit one registration form per per on. The registration fee i $250.00 if po tmarked by March 31, 1998, and 275.00 after that date. The registration fee includes:

L, Am bas ador Luncheon L, AST Fun Night L, Collegiate Award Breakfast L, Tour of Eastern Michigan University, home of Alpha Chapter L, Yellow Rose Luncheon L, Centennial Banquet

Daily Convention Rates for Members and/or Guests If you will only be in the Ypsilanti/Ann Arbor area for just a day or so, a rate schedule for you ha been set up. Daily rates for Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, i $50.00. Rate for Friday morning is $25.00. The Centennial Celebration weekend begins at 1:00pm on Friday and runs through the Saturday evening Centennial Banquet for $125.00. Alpha Sigma Tau invites our familie to join us at the Centennial weekend. The Eastern Michigan University tour, opening Centennial Ceremony and Centennial Banquet are open to guests over the age of ix. Centennial Banquet ticket are $50.00.

Alpha Sigma Tau Ambassador The A:2:T Ambassador program is an opportunity for a collegiate member to participate at convention and within their region. This program will take the place of the queen and her court, per sugge tions received through the convention evaluation and RLW surveys. The regions will be divided a Region I, II, III and will be supervi ed by each Regional Collegiate Coordinator. Criteria for selection include major office held, good standing within the chapter, campu and community involvement, classification in school, recommendation by campus/faculty admini trator or community member, and a resume. Application may be obtained in the Alpha Sig-Nal. Selection process will involve an interview by a panel of three judges and participation in a que tion presentation before the convention body. Along with being named an Alpha Sigma Tau Ambassador, he will serve several dutie during Convention along with post Convention duties. The A:2:T Ambassador will attend an RLW and erve as a discussion leader. This Ambassador will serve on a collegiate advi ory board and help with expan ion.

Leadership Alpha Sigma Tau Leadership Alpha Sigma Tau i a new program designed to help train leaders within chapter and for future staff and council positions after graduation. Each candidate intere ted in Leader hip Alpha Sigma Tau will fill out an application form, obtained through the Alpha Sig-Nal. Those chosen to be "leader in training", will then be assigned to a Council member, Foundation member, or Headquarters Administrator. They will work with the e women, reviewing the daily activities, participate in leadership sessions and shadowing their as igned member. Participant in the Leadership Alpha Sigma Tau will al o be pre ent for a Council meeting and have partial Convention expenses paid. Participants will be notified of their selection and be assigned to a member upon arrival at Convention.

National Foundation Breakfast All A:2:T's are invited to join the National Foundation at breakfa t during Convention. Ticket will be available at the registration table. Attend thi activity and learn more about the activitie of the Foundation and to honor those members, chapters and as ociation who have contributed to thi worth cause.

Emerald Chapter Luncheon All retired National Staff and alumnae who have attended a minimum of fi e con ention are n ouraged • to attend this luncheon. Ticket will be on ale at the regi tration table. Thi a ti it i d ion d 0 to bnng together tho e pecial memb rs who hav given a long commitm nt to Alpha Sigma Tau.





Ce~tu~y ob 8ue~Qu4~<Ji~g ~is;te~hood


Tentative Convention Schedule Watch for updated schedule in the future ANCHOR, CREST, Alpha Sig-Nal or at www.alphasigmatau.org Monday, June 22 • National Council and Staff Registration Tuesday, June 23 • Collegiate/Alumnae Regi tration • Convention Orientation • Opening Se sion • National Council Reception Wednesday, June 24 • General Se sion • Arnbas actor Luncheon • Ceremonials Thursday, June 25 • National Foundation Breakfa t • Emerald Luncheon • General Se ion • Collegiate/Alumnae Roundtable s • Fun Night Friday, June 26 • Collegiate Award Breakfast • General Session • Opening of Centennial Celebration

Ann Arbor " ,.. . h .

LYlJC Jgan

' Sheraton !Ill]

Saturday, June 27 • General Session • Yellow Rose Luncheon • Closing Address • Centennial Banquet

Expenses For maximum Chapter Excellence Points, each delegation i required to end a minimum of four delegates to Ypsilanti. Check current Alpha Sig-Nal' for complete information on Convention financial allotment . Several meals are provided through Convention regi tration, but you will al o need money for other meals and snack . Join all A.L,T' in Yp ilanti for a memorable five day of i terhood, laughter and learning. The Con ntion will provide an opportunity for recognizing chapter accompli hrnent and honoring indi idual m mbers for their achievement , making n w and greeting old friend , highlighting ducational gr th, philanthropic work , and applauding our growth a we begin a Centur of E erlASTing Si t rh d ... En Avant.

Alpha Sigma Tau National Convention A Century of EverlASTing Sisterhood ... En Avant June 23-27, 1997

I General Information Name __________________________ Fir t Narne for Badge ___________________________ Address --------- -- -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - ----------------------------(Street) (City, State, Zip) Phone Summer Phone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ s umrner-------------------------Address - -------- -- -- -------------------------------------(Street) (City, State, Zip) Collegiate Chapter ____ ___ _ __ _ __ _ Alumnae Chapter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Roommate 1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Arrival Date!fime Departure Date!fime _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ How many convention have yo u attended including Ypsilanti? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Status: National Council Foundation Collegiate Delegate Alumnae Voting Delegate National Staff Board of Trustee Collegiate Voting Delegate Alumnae Delegate A t. to Nat'l Staff Title: _ _ _ ___________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _T-shirt size _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

I Convention Fee5 Regi stration Fee $250.00 postmarked no later than 3/31/98 .. ... ... ... .... ........ ... ...... $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Registration Fee $275 .00 po tmarked 4/1/98-4/30-98 .. ... .. ........ ............. .............. $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Daily Registration Fee - Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday $50.00 ...... .... ... ... .... $ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ Friday AM $25.00 .............. ...... ... .. ... ...... .. $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Centennial Weekend - Friday Noon - Saturday Centennial Banquet $125.00 .. .. . $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Centennial Banquet- 50.00 ... .. ............. .... ........... ..... .. .. ............. ... ..... ... .... .......... $ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Total Enclosed $ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ Ticket for the E merald Chapter Lunch and Foundation Breakfa t may be purchased at Convention Registration ite.

I Cancellation Policy Cancellation prior to April 30, 1998, will be refu nded the regi trati on fee paid, less a $75.00 cancellation fee. Cancellation May 1-31, 1998 will be refunded 50% of the registration fee paid. Cancell ations June 1, 1998 and after, will fo rfei t the registration fee paid. All cancell ations and substitution of delegates must be submitted in writin e: to the Convention Coordinator at the addres below. (For each sub titute, please incl ude their name, address, phone number an chapter.)

I Payment Send complete registration forms and check for each delegate (postmarked by 3/31/98) to: Staci VVedern1yer Convention Coordinator 3732 SVV Plaza Drive, #202 Topeka, KS 66609 Phone or Fax- 785-267-1060 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO ALPHA SIGMA TAU

"Growing! We do it everyday."

- wnere

y "t\.anti., N\.l oo ,1 opear\St., dP {tr . t rn et Where Foun er d Chapter tarte . 'iT AlPb a

Colle2iate ChaPter News

Alpha Gammas singing loud and proud!

above all, we wanted the yo ung lad i to realize that they were important to u . V路le sh owed them that we were about love, laug hter, and lasting friendsh ip . Through hard work, and b being our e lve , we 'v recruite d a tota l of even n e w memb e r , th e hi g h e t pl e dge cl as on our campus. The new member are a promising reminder that the orority never die . -Amity vVhitaker Alpha Epsilon/Western Illinois University Macomb, IL:

The Alpha Ep ilon chapter tarted the pring semester off with a n aweome ru h . We have fifte e n wonderfu l new member thi e mest er. Our theme for pring ru h wa "Und er th e Sea with AST. " We won th e mo t improved pledge cla CPA in th e fa ll of 1996. During the weekend of April ll13, we h o ted a Regional Leade rship Work h op. Alpha igma Tau chapter

Alpha Epsilon Spring 1997 Rush.

THE ANCHOR/ Fall1997

1997 RLW Alpha Lamba song contest.

from Easte rn Illin oi Univer ity and Southern Illin o is U ni versity at Edward vill e stayed th e we e ke nd with u in Macomb. It wa an opportunity to share ideas with Tau from other ch apters and to receive feedback from the at io n a l Staff in atte nd a n ce. Thanks to Chelsey Ra tterm a n and all of h er h a rd work, we had a wonderful weekend. -Hope O 'Conne r Alpha Lambda/ Radford University Radford, VA:

Th e Alpha Lambda chapter h ad a bu sprin g semester. It all tarred with an awesome formal rush with the theme "Television in th e 70s, 80s and 90s." After bid call out, we h ad 11 pledged membe rs th a t nam ed themselve "Th e El eve n Discovered Pearl ." Along with our a nnual Swing-athon and variou fund raise rs, we have done a lot of co mmuni ty service. This service include giving blood , working co nce sion sta nds , working at the Radford Clothing Bank, and picking up trash in Radford. We especially enjoyed ho ting RLW 1997 at Radford . We finally put face to tho e mystery names a nd loved m ee ting ister from other chapter . Our ch a pter a lso h ad an e nj oyab le visit from o ur Di trict President and alumna Michelle Flynn , and Ia t but not least, Alpha Lam bda is proud to say that Dr. J ervy, our pa t advisor, is doing well. -Roberta Wolfe

Alpha Xi/ Mansfield University Mansfield, PA :

Our rush dire tor, Gai l Fox, cam up with th e theme "101 Dalmatian ." She baked two cakes in the hap of bones and d co ra ted them with pots. We pre e nted a kit for the ru hee refl ecting the th e me that everyone ha a pot in AST. heal o had T- hi rts made with th e logo "Find Your pot in T. " We were cro sin g g uard for the trick-or-treater o n H a llowe n night. Our pledged member are making and elling charm neckl ace . Since orne of our fellow cia smate were living in an apartment building th at burned down , we collected and do nated food , clothe and toil etries for them as well a being th ere for them emotio nall . We made and old hoagie for o ur fund rai er and plan to make and sell pizzas. We are ery active in h elping the blood drive when it come to our campus. We are a lso invo lve d in alco h ol awaren e s activitie , a well as date and rape is ue .

Alpha Omicron si ler and alumnae hanging out together.


Colle2iate ChaPter News Alpha Pi/ Slippery Rock University Slippery Rock, PA :

The Alpha Pi jJledge class of the Beta iota chapter the night they recieve their big sisters- (front row pledged members, back row big sisters.)

We ' re ve ry proud to sa that eve ral of ou r si ter are on th e Man fi e ld U nive rsity wim Team. Th ey were in th e TCAA PSAC ch amp ions hip and placed e ig h th! -Am J o White Alpha Omicron/ Clarion University Cla·rion, PA : Th e Alpha Omi cron cha pte r had an exciting spring e rn e te r! We started th e seme te r with formal rush a nd picked up fi ve wond e rful women. Our th e me was "A Hundred and On e Da lmatian -Find Your Spot in ST. " We found ourselves very busy with fund ra isin g and philanthropic ac tivities. Our blood mobil e and fund raise r were a huge succe sand are lookin g forwa rd to o ur upcom in g o nes. Gree k We e k i right around th e co rn e r. We have bee n prac ticing h ard for all th e eve nt . La t yea r, we won 1 t place overall and are h oping to do th e a rn e again thi s yea r. :Je nnife r Harr

The Alpha Pi chapter h a h ad a very ucce fu l ern e ter thi pring. We have been bu y prac ti cing a nd pla nning for Greek Sing a nd Gre e k V\ eek. Our phil a nthro py proj ec t i to clean th e highway, a nd our fund rai er included e lling L a' Lite , en ted ca ndl e , and parti cipation in fund rai in g for cleroderma victim . W are al o planning o n a si ting during th Vio le nt F mme musical gro up ' vi it to R in Ma. On pril 24 w I brate our 31 t ar here, a t R . For th e orori ty' growth a nd d eve lopment, a pea ke r ha b en a ked to vi it and peak about u·e ng th e nin g gro up unity and improving re la ti o n hip within our gro up. T h ree i te r were tapped into Ord r of Om ega th i e me ter, a nd we are loo king forward to ee ing more of th e womenjo in them next em te r. -Chri tina Ri chard Alpha Phi/West Chester University West Chester, PA: Th e Alpha Phi chapter ha pro pe re d ove r th ear . During th 19961997 sem e te r , m a ny exciting events have taken place . Th e ear be an with forma l ru h and the chap ter gain ed 1 new m embe r . The ' were a ll ucc fu ll initi a ted into th e ch apter. o rn e ac tiviti e in cluded pumpkin carving, big-little nig ht and a d ate party All the si te rs gath e red together a nd becam e a fam ily. During th e econd seme ter, info rm al ru h took p lace with 12 new pledged m e mbe r . They enj oyed mak-

in g quilt , go ing to mixer , and were a! o ab le to participate in Gre k Week. Greek game be an o n pril 6 and many i ter were t h ere to c h eer friend o n . Ev ryone participated an d had a grea t tim e. :Jill Gold tein Beta Delta/ Duquesne University Pitt burgh, PA: B taD Ita taned off o ur meter with formal and informal ru h . We gained 16 wonderfu l women, our larue t pi dg Ia · in recent year ! W a! o had a vi it with o ur Di trict Pr ident, . lt.lann e o ogna. We a pprec iate uzan ne' · invo lvement and d eli ation to our chapter. We had a lot f fun with Greek We k thi m t r. We parti ipa ted in t h e ta le nt h ow, canne d for th e twork, a nd tried C hild ren' Mirac le our h ar d t at Gr k game . Our th m for Gre k ing wa "Blo ndi e ." We ' ere rea l e e catcher in our e ighty' o utfit . Our chapter wa honored to win the Mo t I mproved hapter ward for the econd year in a row! urr ntl , we are participa ting in Derb ' Day , pon ored by the Kappa igma Phi fraternity. We areal o planning our 26th annua l Ye ll ow Ro e Ball for our gradua ting nior . B ta Delta i al o working o n tting up a new loca l phil a nthropi project wit h a women' helter. -Karolyn Bi el

Be ta Ep ilon ' are proud to b the recipient of th e high t rad point avera e in hippen buru Univer it:v' Gr e k y tern. Over half of our i t~r­ h ood made the Dean' Li t Ia t erne -

llv, ou r pre. i-

impl e m

ree k advisor tar pr gram that

Colle2iate ChaPter News

Bela-Epsilon islers gel ready for spring break vacation in j amaica. L eft to righ t: Iri Folkman, Beck Gutshall, j ennifer Gutshall, j essica Gassert and A my Nalasek.

a ll Gree k organizatio n must parti cip ate in. We h ave alread y gain ed o u r fi ve ta r t hro ug h a tte nding vari o u edu ca ti o n progra m and participa ting in everal social se rvice proj ects. We h a e m ad e se e ra ) co n tributi o n to th e community. We have bee n participa ting in a lo ng-te rm can drive fo r a c hur c h h e lte r in n ea rb y Ch ambe r burg. We al o h ave p a rticipa te d in an a ll d a childre n 's fair fo r childre n of low in co m e fa mili es. nfortun a te l , o ur a d vi er for mo re tha n 1:\.ven ty-five year , MaryJ a n e Urban owicz, h a re ign d thi s e m e ter. V\ e will be h o lding a dinn er in h er ho n o r thi fall. -Iris Fo lkm an

and improve o n the co he ive n of th e gro up. Acade mi c Exce ll e nc was achieved Ia t eme te r by obtaining th o ro ri ty's hig h est co mpil ed g rad e po int ave rage eve r, 2.91. We h ave e t a goa l fo r improvin g o ur g rad e po int ave rage a full po int hi g h e r fo r th e pring e meste r. Our fund rai in g has bee n ucce ful. Ac ti iti e su ch as ba ke a les, car wa hes pagh e tti dinn e rs, ca ndy a nd carn a ti o n sales h ave h e lped pl ace o ur accou n ts in to a co mfo rtable ta tu . e rvice proj ects are rewardin g expe ri en ce fo r ou r ch apte r. Th e Orga n Do no r campaig n i o ur upco ming activity. We will e n courage coll eagu e to d o na te th e ir orga n fo r those who are in n eed . An o th er se rvice proj ect be ing condu cted i th e "Ba ttl e of th e De pa rtm e nts." Each ch ool dep artm e nt will co mpe te against th e o th e rs to raise th e most ca nn ed good . Th e winne rs will receive baked good fro m th e o ro ri ty fo r th eir d e partm e nt. Al l proceed will go to the local phila nthro py, Gl e n Ed Food Pa n try. This is th e Be ta Eta ch a pte r 's 25th a nnive rsa ry. Many peo ple are wo rkin g lo ng and ha rd to make thi s celebrati o n a huge u ccess. -She lly Hill

Beta Eta/ Southern Illinois at Edwardsville Edwardsville, IL: Du e to th ove r wh e lmin g r e pon e to ru h Ia t fall, we we re un able to h ave Sp r in g ru h. Thi gave t h e chapte r a ch an ce to g row in i terh ood

Beta Theta Chapter, Alpha Sigma Tau rush party, members having a little fun .

Beta Theta/ St. Mary's University San Antonio, TX:

Bela Eta's pause f or a pose al their Spring Formal.

THE ANCHOR/ Fall 1997

Be ta Th e ta ch apter welcomed ix wonderful new pledged member for the spring sem ester. Th eir enthu iasm and pas ion for Alpha Sigma Tau have been a wo nderful inspiratio n for o ur chapte r.

Our visit fro m our Distri l Pre id e nt a ncy Lessig, bro ug ht a h lpful urpri se. Th Rho cha p ter an d TeLoa Butl e r, a ti o n a l Ru sh C h airp r on, joine d Ms. L sig to provid an in form a ti v ru h wo rk h o p . We a r xtr me ly g ra teful for th h lp . Our phila nthro pi c ac ti vities have ke pt us ve ry busy. Thi s e m st r we have tackl ed uch proj t a Hi g hway lea n up , a la d o ree k C lea n u p , C hildre n ' Mu eum , Goo d will , a nd Annu a l H o ly Ro ary Day proj ta t th Ro nald McDo nald H o u e. The re maining we ks in the spring se mes te r bring many exciting events. Fiesta O y ter Bake, th o penin g vent fo r a wee k lo ng citywide celebration, will be h ld o n o u r a mpu d uring April. We will be o perating the lemonad e booth , o mpl et with matc hi ng le m o n print le t ter T- hi rt a nd scrun c hies. T his will be o u r b igge t fund ra i e r of the year. -Kar n Mitc he ll Beta Iota/ Millersville University Millersville, PA: Th e Be ta Iota ch ap ter ha had a g rea t sp ring e m ester. We we i omed eve n great n ew wo m en a nd are very exc ite d a bo u t up com in g eve n t . We h ad a wo nderful vi it fro m Mr . Ricki Tro e n , Di rec tor of Coll egiate Chapte rs, and Mi Mary Ell e n V\ illmi tch , Regio n al Co ll egiate Coordin ator in April whi ch was very informative and h elpful. Thank Yo u. Our chapter i impleme n ting man n ew ch an ge within o ur Panh e lle ni c Co un cil, whi ch will improve o u r ru bin g pe riod. We are looking fo rward to pa rti cipa tin g in th e Mar ch of Dime Walk Am e ri ca. V\ e plan to end th e day with a pi cni c fo r our iste rh ood. We wo uld like to reque t an ch ap ter interested in exchanging ru h ideas to please con tact u ! -Andrea mith Beta Mu/ Salisbury State Salisbury, MD : Be ta Mu h ad a grea t p rin g eme ter beginning with form al ru h where we ple dged e e n wo m en . We h eld a


Collei!iate ChaPter News raffle for a one month unlimited tanning package and de livered care packages to the students. On ce again , we adopted a grandmother at a local nursing home. All th e si ter go to vis it h e r. A couple of our phi lanthrop ic activities include th e Walk America, and volunteering at the YMCA We h eld a Pare nt' Day brunch for all th e pare n ts of sisters. We went full force into Greek Week h op in g to reca pture our fir t p lace title. We e nd ed the sem e ter vvitl1 th e Ye ll ow Rose Formal. -Tracy Breedin g Beta N u / Bloomsburg University Bloomsburg, PA:

The Be ta 1 u ch apte r ha h ad a lot go in g o n this e rne ter. While on winter break, we had a iste r re treat in the Poco nos. It was fun to "hang out" toge th er with o ut h avi ng to worry about schoo l. We pl ed ge d seven g rea t m e mbers durin g rush in Fe bruary. For o n e of o ur fund ra ise rs, we so ld raffle ti cke ts with th e proceeds go in g to Breas t Ca n cer Resea rch . Anoth e r project was spo n sors hip of a Va le ntin e's Date Pa rty with Big Brothe rs/ Big Sisters for th e children in o ur area . We se nt seve ra l i te rs to th e RLW at Radford U ni vers ity. Th e h ad a g rea t tim e and m e t a lot of siste r . We are loo king forward to ou r a nnu al banqu e t, spnn g pi c ni c and se ni or se nd-off. -Chri ssy fa n tion e

Bela 'i si ters bonding at a da le fun ction.


Beta Xi/ Michigan Tech H oughton, 11:

The sisters of Beta Xi were in full force during Michigan Tech 's 75tl1 Winte r Carn i al. We pulled togeilier and worked hard , re ulting in a very u cce ful winter ca rnival. Our n ow tatue entitl ed "A Camp r' Dream in and Ic Gleam " came in fir t place . In ilie winter carn ival ports events, we received a eco nd place troph . t the end of me carnival, d pite m e cold Beta Xi wa o n fire ta kin g first plac overall ! we patie ntl y wait for th e nov to m elt, o ur cale ndar for pring term i fill ed wi tl1 fun and e citin g event in ~ to re for u s. We loo k forward to the RLW in Macomb, where we will b m ee tin g with o ur n ew eli trict for m e first tim e. pring term i al o ilie time of yea r for our Yellm Rose Formal. Ru hin g is a t ili e top of o ur list. We h ave lot of n ew idea a nd ton of wo m e n at MTU to in troduce to the magi c of Alph a Sig ma Tau. Be ta Xi i he lpin g in every way to be tter m e co mmuni ty. i ter are o luntee ring as certified CPR and fir t aid insu-u ctors and teachin g local comm uni ty organ izations. -Tanya icho z Beta P i/Eastern Illinois University Charleston, IL:

The lad ies of ilie Beta Pi ch apter have been bu y this pring pre paring

for a fun and ch allen uing Greek Wee k '97 . Whil e pract icin g for tu g , air band , a nd p yram id , we are mo t proud of o ur Greek ing e lection . Thi year we have ch o en a eli co m e m e and our o ng and movement are directed by our i ter Michele Fitzgerre l . Wiili a little blue eye hadm and orne brand nev go-go boo , we're ure to ge t om atte nti on. Thi pring, \ e al o had an info rmal ru h and are proud to h ave ju t initiated tl1 new member . Their pirit and dedi ation to our chapter during their pled ing time ar ure to h ow mrou h out ilieir ar here. We would like to thank our advi er, Julie Montgomery for all of h r hard work in h !ping us pr pare for RLW. - icole Cordei Beta Tau/ Massachusetts at Lowell Lowell, A1A:

The fall of 1996 wa a erne t r of growth for the Beta Tau chapt r. We expanded our memb r hip b 40 %. We grew a a group vvith the help and gu idance from our new Di trict Pre ident , M . h ari Ri ch, who e stron work did not end when her weekend vi it did (thank M . Rich!). Our philanthropy project grew in number too, a we cooked , delive r d and orted food for everal local pantrie . Orner project we participated in wer a! o local, or anized by our Beta Tau i ter . We donated a large TV to helter for familie in a homele Lowell. We continued to participate in Adop t-a-Highwa ' through the end of eptember. cadem ically, the overall GP of our i terhood went up dramatically. vVe tre eel acad mic and have b g un many new program aim ed at keeping o ur member aware of ilieir academ ic need. V\ e ran an clucational ru h which conce ntrated o n elate rap , h ow to h e lp your elf, om one I , an d h lp prevent ili e ev nt. Thi wa pe ially info rmative, ncl w thank l\1 ura Porter for all h r hard w rk n thi nlig hte nin cr u \t\' tri d a n w fund raiser in th fa ll whi rn \y u ~ssful.

Collegiate ChaPter News rai ing over 200. V\ e old Christm a wrapping paper. It wa just a few d ollar a package and th e prin ts we re ado rable. By fund rai ing, we ac tu ally exceeded the amount we r equired fo r our budge t! :Je nnifer Rutste in Beta Omega/ Monmouth University West L ong Branch, Tj: At Monmouth , m an of ou r ister are invo lve d in vari o us a m pus ac ti viti e suc h as Gree k Se n a te, h o n o r oc ie ti e , H awk TV, p ee r tuto r ing, a nd fre hm an ori e ntatio n lead er . Ru h we nt we ll thi pring. Th e the me was "Th e Times of Alph a Sigm a Tau ." It included a 70 ' , O's, and 90 ni g ht. We n ow h ave fi ve g rea t n ew me mbe r . Thi se m ester h ad man exciting eve n ts. Our bigge t fund raiser wa our pre e n tatio n of "Mee t Your Ma te' - a spin-off of MTV's "Singled Out. " A portio n of ou r proceed s was don a ted to Pin e Moun tain. O ve r th e cou r e of th e ea r, o ur phil a nthro pi c proj ec t included our c h a pter's p a rti c ip a ti o n in Gree k Se nate's H allowee n party and Chri tma party fo r th e childr n of th e Lo ng Branch ch ool . We ad opted three familie , and parti cipa ted in a Juve nil e Diabete Walk fo r th e Cure. In April , we will participa te in a MS walk a nd will a! o spo nsor a n Ea te r Egg Hunt fo r pre chool handicapped childre n . Du ring Greek Week, we will help in holding a fi eld d ay fo r yo ung children . Our chapter h as won Gree k Week sin ce 1993 a nd we h o p e to re m a in re ig nin g champs for our fif th year in a row! -Eve ) n Va ri as Gamma Gamma/ University of West Alabama L ivingston, A L : Fall quarter sta rted with a ban g for Gamma Gamm a. We began th e qu a rter with fo rm al rush in which we preented th e th e m e "AST: Th e Bes t Stuff on Ea rth ." We pi c ke d up 12 g r ea t pledges and began teachin g th e m th e meanin g of siste rhood. With ru sh behind us, we began workin g o n UWA Homecoming '96. Our fl oa t took first THE ANCHOR/ Fall1997

pl ace for th e fifth year in a row and we we r proud to co ngratul ate Amy Williams, So nj a Wallace, and J ean Santi ago for be ing included in th e H o meco ming Court. We pa rti cipated in th e co mmuni ty b having our annu al H all owee n party. Weal o picked up litte r a t ou r Ado pta-Mile and o ur Ad o pt-a-Stream . ext, we tarted pre parin g for Found er 's Day whi ch is a tim e fill ed with laughte r and tea r . We alwa s say goodby to ou r gradu atin g si te r durin g thi tim e. Befo re headin g ho me for th e holiday , we end ed th e qu arter by havin g our annual progre sive dinn e r and gift exch a nge. -Taba th a Lefan Gamma Epsilon/ SUNY at Potsdam Potsdam, NY: Thi se m e ter h as prove n to be ve ry eve ntful fo r th e Gamm a Epsil o n ch apter. Formal rush bro ught us fi ve bright and e nthu siasti c yo un g wom e n . Our ru h th em e wa "Puttin ' on the Ri tz" and we e nte rta in ed the rush es with sh o rt skits, r efr es hm e nts a nd ga mes. Weal o pa rticipa ted in Ice Ca rniva l a nd wo n fir t prize for th e o il clo th eve nt. We are lookin g forwa rd to parti cipating in th e Very Special Arts Festival, held fo r men ta lly challenged individuals and underprivileged childre n. Other activi tie included several fund raisers; th ree bake sales, two car washes, two bo ttl e drive a nd a chi cken barbec ue . We a re cu rre ntly lookin g fo rward to parti cipa ting in Gree k Week. This sem e te r has also bee n a u ccessful o ne for individual si ter . Ou r own Kri stin Willi won our cha pter's To p Tau Award , Mi ch elle Apicella was rece ntly inducted into the Phi Alpha Th eta Society and th e Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society, and Clair McKnight accepted tl1 e po iti o n ofiS C Preside nt. - kechinyere Ezuma h Gamma Zeta/ Frostburg State University Frostburg, MD : Spring se m este r sure h a been a busy on e for th e wo men of the Gamm a

Sisters of Gamma Zeta during spring rush


Ze ta chap ter. After retu rn ing from winter break, it wasn 't lo ng before formal ru sh began . T he th me this erne ter wa "To d a ' D ream are . . . Tomorrow' Reali tie ." nder the dir tio n of icole Martino, it was a ucce with ten wonderful new women add d . Alon g with dopt-a-Highway, u he rin g for th e ch oo l pl ay , and rai ing mo n ey fo r Pin Mounta in , we h ave add ed two new philanthrop ic projects. We a re n ow vo lu n teering at a local nursing h o m e th rough the dopt-aGrandpa re nt p rogram. We a! o take wee kly trips to th e Branden burg Center with a fratern ity, wh ere we participa te in ac tivi tie wi th th e men tall challe nged reside n ts. We are looking forward to o ur Ye ll ow Ro e Banqu t, Greekfes t 1997 an d a white water rafting trip . Ga mm a Ze ta wi h e ou r i te rs everyv.rh e re a wo n derful ear. -Beck au n d ers Gamma Theta/ PA State University at Behrend Erie, PA: Th e m o t exc itin g activity our ch apter did thi erne ter wa b ' far our Dan ce-a-th a n . '" e pa n ored the dance as a philanthropic fund rai e r. It wa a campus wide eve nt which ran from 7 p .m . to 7 a. m . th e fo ll ovvi ng da . It wa cove red by a local Erie radi o ta tion , STAR 104 and a! o b t\ o local n w sta ti on s. It wa a grea t way fo r Gre k in gen e ral to h ow th e community that

Collegiate ChaPter News

Omicron clas initiation November 17, 1996. Fmrn left: Karey Schuckers, Stacey L ane,

Cha-rolle L afer, } en Baumgratz. Theta.


Gre e k do good thing for th e communi ty. This se me te r we participa ted in our u ual chari ty proj ec t a we ll a some new o n es. alway , we did o ur e mester hig hwa clean up. We vi ited th e local hrin e r 's Hospital o n Valentine 's Day an d hand ed out little fun-y bear pin s, we refer fond! to a "Bea ry Hu gs." The c hildre n rea l! ee m e d to e nj o o ur visit a nd it wa rm ed our h ea rt to ee th e mil e on th e ir faces. - icole Ge nnuso Gamma Iota/ York College York, PA :

This e m ester th e Gamma Io ta chapter at York Co ll ege has participated in a wid e varier of acti iti es. Rush was the last weeke nd injanuar and our th e m e wa "Follow Your Drea ms. " We participated in adopt-ablock street clea ning in March a nd had a Bath a nd Body Works part . We a re looking forward to h e lpin g o ut in the Specia l Olympi c at o ur coll ege and in Gre e k Week. Pl edging ' a fun and now we have three wonderful n ew is ter . To ce lebra te th e pring weather, we will be e llin g cold drink to raise m o n ey durin g th e c h oo l' Spring Weekend. -Michell e Brigg Gamma Lambda/ Ku tztown University Kutztown, PA :

Thi pring h as ke pt u very busy. W had a great ru h thi me t r th a t


gave u ten pledg d m mber . T h e e women are very d edi ca ted a nd we're excited for the moment we can initia te th em a i ter . We ha e don e a lot of phil a nthropi c proj c t thi e rn e ter. Th m a in one i cele bra tin g th e co min rr f pring with eld r a t Kutztown 1an or. We donated fo od and clothing to local h elt r . We wi ll be' alking in th M V\ a lk-a-thon in mid- pril. V\ e h a e bee n doing man ' fu nd ra i er for future Co n v nti o n a nd RLW ' . favorite of o ur i the ar wa h. We have o mu ch fun together whil a compli hin g o ur goa l . In the b ginning of th e e rn e ter, we got together with o ur alumnae. It wa g rea t to fin a lI meet om of o ur fo undin g i te r . We loo k forward to be in g ~ ith th e alum aga in at o ur annu a l alumn ae pi cni c in May. -Da na Bortz Gamma Mu/West Virginia Tech Montgomery, WV·

Gamma Mu has h ad man fund ra i ers thi em ter in ludin g e llin g pom-pom and hot dog . V\ e have a! o begun e llin g coverlet that feature all th e building on ca mpu . We have al o sc heduled a donut ale, T- hirt ale, car wa h an d o ur Annual Mi T pagea nt in pril. eve n i ter , two a lumnae, o ur chapter advi e r and chapter co n ulta nt travel e d to Radford nive r it:y for th e RLW. We wo n a n award for a tte ndance be ond the required numb r. AI o, Lori Martin V\ illiam on, Chapte r Co n ultant a nd Li a M arte n ', alumnae, ' ere recognized for co ming back to the ch apter and giving th e ir upport a nd tim e. Our philanthropi proj ec t thi erne te r are ch edul d to include our erne ter don a ti o n to Pin e fountain , and reading to th e childre n a t th e campu da care center. Th e ple dged me mb e r mad e Easter ba ke t for a n eed ' fam il in the area. Th e i te r of Gamma iu would like to ta ke thi tim to a a great big th a nk ' OU to a ll of our a lumn a . v\ ithout • ur help and upport, w co uld not d it! - i ")' Dani

Gamma N u/Waynesburg College Waynesburg, P, :

We tarted off o ur e rn e ter with rush. Our th e m e wa "The Wiza rd of Tau ."It ·wa a great time. v\ e d ora ted o ur ororit:y room like th e fore t with the Em ra,ld it in th e backrrro und. We e nd ed up with five wand rful women a pledge . Our pledrr period i on of g rea t fun. We had man · i t r/ pl dge ge t tog ther. v\e put to ether a i ter an d p i d rre bowling ni g ht fo li o\ e d by a pizza party and had a very u cce ful Jee p over, wh re a ll of our initiated i t r and pi dge ot tog ther and pi a ed a game of orority J eopardy. This am wa de ign d b the i t r to h lp u pr par for our national exam . It wa a fun filled venin , we a ll got out th I eping bag and go iped a w watched a movi . The five ~om n ar ure to b a reat addition to our group. We have b en wor kin g at t. nn hurc h in th ir oup kitchen every aturda from 9-l pm. It give u a ll a h an e to be together a a roup out ideofm ting and weare h I pin the p ople in the community a well. -G n a Raci ppi Gamma Xi/ Grand Valley State Allendale, Nil:

Th Gamma Xi chapter had a wonderful winter ru h. We had many ucce fu l partie . Our favorit \ a our 0' party. We have recentl ' initiat d nine wonderful' omen into our ch apter a nd we ar certain that they will make gr at active i ter . v\ e have b en very involved with our local philanthropy, The Inn r ity h ri ti an Fellow hip. We did vari u ev nt with th m , in cludin makinrr a lentin ' Day card a nd r adin rr torie to child r n.

"' '"

n rreuing r adv for ne.· t fa ll ' rtt h . h av numb er f fun thin(T 0 luding a new skit. W .u-

Collei!iate ChaPter News all excited an d lookin g forward to a great fall emester! -Kri ten Williams Gamma Pi/Lycoming College Williamsport, PA:

This emester h as been full of excitement for the si ter of Gamma Pi ! V\ e tarted the emester off with aver ucces fu l rush und er the direction of Jenna Hoff and Lisa Elliot, her a i tant. We h ave also been busy with our philanthropic activities. Our i ter h ave participated in Daffod il Da s for the American Canter Soci ety, co ll ectin g Snapple labe l for a local church a nd vo lunteering a tutors for F.L.O.A.T. , a lo al ele mentar school tutoring program . Our si ter , along with Big Brother / Big Si ters , organized an Easter Egg Hunt on campus for commun ity ch ildren and the children of our facu lty and taff. -Megan Oster Gamma Sigma/ Belmont Abbey College Belmont, C:

The i ter of the Gamma Sigma chapter h ave once agai n had a very bu y and productive erne ter. To start our pring seme ter, we h ad our ru h; "All I eed to Know About Life I Learned From the Sisters of Alpha Sigma Tau." In March, four of our i ters attended the RLW at Alph a Lambda. It was a wonderfu l ex pe rience for th em and ver educational for the i terhood. We h ave been extreme ly bu y in philanthropic projects and fund raiser . Our fund ra i ers include donut ales, h e lpin g o ut arou nd o u r ampu , and workjng at the loca l Convention Center. We have bee n very active with the Habitat for Humanity. Along with a number of c hurch organization and coll ege adm ini trator , we are curre ntly working and finishing two h o m es. Also, we worked with a local camp, Camp Hope. Thi is a camp th at h andicap ped children atte nd during the s umm er. We worked toward beautifying the camp THE ANCHOR/ Fall 1997

an d pre paring it for the hi ldre n . -Chri tina Marie Arsena Gamma Tau/ Lebanon Valley College Annville, PA:

A Attain ed eight new punky i t rs after four wee ks of pledging. L Lauded the forming of a atio nal Panhellenic Co un cil on campus. P Paid off bills with a car wa h fu nd raiser. H Hoora for sen iors, who were roasted at our Spring Formal. A Awaiting the arrival of Greek Wee k. S Spent time helping Big Brother I Big Sister of Lebanon County. I Inducted sister into th e alumn ae ch apter and new leadership position. G Gamma Ta announced J en Mihalov as Top Tau! M Mixed names for Secret Bunnies to celebrate Easter an d sisterh ood. A Appreciated Spring Arts weekend to greet mi ed alumn ae. T "Taustock " ru sh was a huge success in bringing out perspective pledged member . A Accla im ed a vi i t by atio n a l Pan helle nic Delegate, Cathy Crapet. U U ltravio let rays were absorbed by isters spring breaking in Florida and Cancun. -Beth Paul

Recently initiated Fall1996 class.

Gamma Upsilon/ Califorrua State Los Angele, CA:

This spring quarter, we are looking forward to our annual Greek Week. Greek Week held during the month of May. We also held our quarterl Munch with the Tau . This i a way for us to ociali ze with other Greek hou e on campus and is also a fun wa to fund raise money. Th i pring quarter ha been an exciting one. We had a cha nce to work together with our n ewly initiated siters for the growth of our sorority. - Tadiya iregar Gamma O mega/ LaSalle Uruversity Philadelphia, PA :

Spring semester wa both exciting and busy for the Gamma Omega chapter. Rush wa a tremendous succe and

Tau Stock Rush '96 Gamma Tau sisters Labanon Valley College.


Colleeiate ChaPter News and de pera te ly n eed d in communiti everywhere . We are excit d abo ut i ter W eke nd thi umm er whi h will be he ld at Coo k' Fore tin !arion , P . Re treat wi ll be he ld a ll w e k nd for philanthro py, orority Gr wth and Dev lopmen t, Ru h and pi dging, but of co ur e foli o' e d b cam p fire , \Vimming, hor e back riding, boating and much more. a Ia t n ote: "G iv what o u have to om o n e. I t rna be b tter than o u dar to think." -H enry Wadsworth Longfellow. - hanno n iurdie Delta Beta/ Fairmont State College Fairmont, W \ :

Gamma Omega, Bid Day '97, J unior Class.

we we lc o m e d thirteen wo nd e rful yo ung wom e n. A the Th e ta pl edg class, the pla nn ed eve ral fu nd-raising ac tiviti e , includin g Daffod il Day . Th e chapte r playe d in th e annual Midnight Madn e ba ketba ll tourn a me nt. Gamma Om ega al o had th e privilege of pa rti cipa tin g in the Pre ide nt' Summit o n Volunteeri m . Along with Pre id e nt Clinton a nd thou a nd of oth er voluntee r , we clea ned a portion of a local street in desperate need of a face lift. It was a hig hly exciting da for a ll. V·/ e e nd ed th e e rn e ter with our a nnual enior se nd off and Red edi ca tIo n ce re mon y to comm emorate our fourth Local Founde rs ' Day. -Am and a Coli

Kim 8/au hlw and Kim Russo huddle in the teeJH'e at an outing to lite jJtnnjlllin patch.

Delta Alpha/ Gannon University Erie, PA :

n a great em ter for the D Ita B ta . We tarted a n w traditi nand h ld our fir t annual Alumnae Re uni on. It wa gr at to man i ter back a ain; w an't wa it until next 'ear. i ' i ter attended th RLV\' at Radford niv r it . h y h ad a great time m tin new i t r and getting ne• id a forth hapt r. The i ter al o want to thank our Di trict Pre ident, i egan Janney for a wonderful vi it. - hri tie Malco lm

The i te r of th e D e lta lph a cha pter have had a v ry bu ' e rn e ter. Th e i te r have had th e ir hand fu ll fund ra i ing for o ur ch apter, a w II a phila nthro py. few of th e ucce fu l eve nt were se llin g Tupperware , Gourm e t lo llip op , Earth Da ' T- hirt , bake sale , car wa he and we ar curr ntl working on e llin g ca ndl e . Communit e rvi ce i o me thin g extreme! important. V\ e wi ll be gi,1n a dinn er a nd fl ower to women a t a local ba tte r d wom e n ' h e lter. Thi type of ervice i xtreme l ' gra tifyin cr

Delta Delta/ Univer ity of Imnois Chicago, IL:

A hug of relief "I 'm a si fer now.'" Beck is excitedly hugging her big si fer Danit•lle.

The D Ita D e lta chapter ki ck e d offt h e princr erne terwith a hri tma party, bringin the member tog~t h er to h are torie a nd e, h ange cr1ft after th month-Ion winter break. ru h work h p follow d including th plannin of u h ru h eve nt a cro in cr to the H ard Roc k Cafe for dinn er, croi n ice kat in cr at kate o n !at , a nd cro in cr to e the m ovi "In Love an d Wa r. " In Janumember f th atio n I taff th c h apter. W ith F bruarY n d , n n i\' r rv f th e hapt r. ~1 e mb r 1a an II li 0 htin cr rm o ny a nd bv weari n cr th ir b·1d · ..., 0 n F br u ar\' 11 . . time m 11 , b ment ~

Collei!iate ChaPter News eminar wa pre ented by a si ter and tudy hour were set up to e n ure th a t academic tudie remain priority. The chapter al o holds two positions in the campu P a nh e ll e ni c Council: Vice President and Phila nthropic. We al o participa ted in th e Mid-American Greek Coun cil A ociation Confere n ce . -Laura And e r on

Delta Epsilon/ Marist College Poughkeep ie, N Y: 1997 h a bee n an ex citing ear o far for us. We had a form al rush a nd gain ed nine wonde rful pledged m e mbe r a our Ep ilon cl as . Th e h a e be en ve r y bu y with b eco min g involved in th e c hapte r. They h ave participated in bi g / littl e a pprecia ti o n wee k , a fund r a i er, a t rip to Wood to ck a nd th e big/ little Jee p over wh e r e th e go t a ch a n ce to learn eve n more a b o ut our fo und e rs and hi tory. A a ch apte r, we h ave co ntinued our n路adition with th e Yell ow Ro e Ball. Another big achi evem e nt fo r us thi year wa a pagh e tti dinn e r whe re all of th e proceeds went to th e XP Society of Dutch es Coun ty, whi ch help children ove rl e n itive to ultravio le t light. -Me li a Ma n o

Delta Zeta/ East Stroudsburg University East Stroudsburg, PA:

The Delta Ze ta chapter ha bee n a beehive of activity this se mes ter. Our ru h went extre mely well with on e of our fun activities be ing a paj a ma party. We picked up four fantastic wo me n . So far thi e m ester we have had several fund raise r , including car wash es, candy ales, T- hirt sale and a turkey raffle. In addition to that, we have don e our biannual blood drive on campus. At the e nd of April, we participated in the ''Take Back the Night" march, which rai e d funds for th e lo cal battere d women 's shelter. We are continuou ly working with our local phila nthropy, the Pocono Parents ofDown Syndrome. Finally, we are looking fonvard to Greek Week. The eve nts include swim-

THE ANCHOR/ Falll997

Delta Eta sister clean u p aft er philanthm fJY wo rh.

ming relay , Greek Sing, quad game and various o th er fun eve nts. It should be a grea t warm up before Springfe t, our nive rsity's annual campus-wide party which co nsists of booth , ga mes, and rides. Alph a Sigma Tau will h ave a boo th and help run many of the actives. -Maure n Pindziak

Delta Eta/ Behnont University The Delta Eta chapte r is proud to be th e first ch apter of Alpha Sigma Tau in th e State of Tenn essee . th e first na ti onal orori ty at Belma n t Unive rsity we are paving th e way fo r oth er nati o nal ororiti es. The women of Delta Eta were bu y last se me ter learning about AST. At our i te rh ood wee ke nd re trea t, we pend seve ral hours in learning stations wh ere siste rs would quiz each o ther and help on a noth er learn the required inform a tion for our exa m. The n to te t each other's kn owledge, we played Fan1ily Feud; on e family again t anoth e r. At th e beginning of thi s year, we we re award ed th e Scholar hip Excellence Award for having th e highest CPA a mong Gree k at Belmont - 3.3 ! The group had fun participa ting in Homecoming wee k events wh ere we won fir t place on tal ent night and first place for best float. We also tayed busy with our favorite communi ty e rvice project at

th e ashville Re cue Mis ion where we helped pre pare an d erve food ton ed m en in th e co mmuni ty. T h e Delta Eta chapter al o had our annual Facul ty and Staff Appreciatio n ight, th e teak & bea n c h o lar hip event an d a fr ee baby itting for child r n of the university facul ty a nd staff. And of co ur e, we participated in a very succe sful rush where we danced a nd sa n g to o u r favor ite m u ica l "Grease." Th e se me te r e nded with th e c h a pte r in ta ll a ti o n a nd ba nq u e t. Thank you to all of th e ati onal taff tha t wa th e re to share in th e pecial a nd me morable nigh t. The ister have e nj oyed learning about Alpha Sigma Tau and are p ro ud to be a part of the i terhood . The Delta Eta cha pter would like to th an k o u r advise r, Dr. Ingh am and ou r colon advi er, M . Blackwe ll. We couldn t ha\ e do ne it without ou ! -Lynette Bre h m


Alumnae ChaPter News Erie Reported by: Debomh Carter

Our chapte r has a busie r umm e r and fall th an in th e spring. Ado p t-AHighway is till o ur summ e r philanthro py in co njun ctio n with Ga mm a Th e ta . We had a n e nj o able m ovie nig ht toge th er in J anuar . Th e summ e r age nd a fo r 1997 h a ye t to b d cide d . De lta Alph a , Alph a Ta u a nd Ga mm a The ta are still th e r cipi e n ts of our suppo rt.

Szafar czyk, wh o we thank fo r h er d edica ti o n over th e Ia t two year . Th e ch a pte r will be ta kin g o ur myster trip inJun e. The d e tin a ti o n i o n! pre ntl y kn own b th e tr ippl a nn e r , Sa il Wa les a nd J ea n Me am ara. We are loo kin g fo r ward to thi fun-fill ed day tog th er.

Centreville-Manassas Reported by: Diane

Buffalo Reported by: L iz Maerten

Our n ew yea r was to begin with a J anu a r y m ee tin g a t th e Re d Mill in Clare nce ch a ired by Dorthea Porter and Kay Baxte r. H oweve r, du e to now, it was ca nce led . In F bruar y, we held o ur dinn e r m ee tin g tas tefull y pl ann ed by Mi che l Luppin o a t A li ces's Kit c h e n in Amh e r t. We we re a! o h o no red thi m o nth to be in vited b o ur co ll egiate siste rs to a Be ngal' Paws lun ch o n th e Buffalo Sta te campus wh e re a fun afte rn oo n was h ad b all. V\ e m e t a t th e h o m e of J ea n McNam ara in 'la rch . vVe viewed th e sli d e of Pin e Mo unta in Se ttl e m e nt School. Ma n of o ur co llegia te i te rs a! o atte nded. In Apri l, th e Pa nh ell e ni c cho larship fund-ra i e r was a m te r th ea te r a nd Chin ese aucti o n a t th e Sh ann o n Pub in nyde r. th e me ba ke t based o n "Singing in th e Rain " ' as bea u tifull arranged by Michele Luppin o and Sue Fr y. Ou r Panh e ll e ni c re pre e ntative wh o h e lped plan this inte re tin g a nd e nj o a bl e eve nin g a r e J ea n Me a m ara a nd Sa il Wa le . La te r in April w h os t d bingo fo ll o we d by pun ch a nd coo ki e fo r th e e ld e r! li ving a t th e Episco pa l H o m e in Buffa lo . This plea a nt afte rn oo n wa arra nge d b Do rth ea Po rter, Ka th Callah an and Li z Mae rte n . A t o ur M a ' m ee tin g in i ar Bo lt n ' h m e, ,. e lee te d a nd in tall d o ur n w o ffi ce r . J ea n Wo lf i o u r n e w pre id nt re pl a in g Pa m


In Jun e, we plan to vo lunteer at th umb r lan d a un t ur in g H o m e wh re o u r i ter te ph an ie t adm an r e ide . V\'e will work o n th e h o m ' garden a nd vi it with te ph a ni e . Fin a l! , " e re re t th a t M li a Fl eega l wi ll be leav in g th e ha pter a h e r locat to Fl o rid a to pur ue h r doctorate .

Colleen ( hea) Kollrrr and Li a (Waltman) ackett (left to right) Win, Lose, or Draw at Game ight

Harrisburg Reported by: Rebecca Chri toff

Th e H ar ri burg Alumnae Ch ap ter held severa1mee tin 0' thro ug h th e fi r t ha lf of 1997. In ho nor o f VaJe ntin e' Day, a chocolate desse rt nig ht wa h e ld at th e h o m e of Bec ky Chri toff. In Ma r c h , "e m e t a t J oa nn a ( a ta le) Parth e m o re ' h o m e for a pizza dinn er which we fo ll m e d with a video . J oann a a1 o ho ted a gam e night a t whi ch o ur pou e a nd fam ili e ' ere invited to play Win , Lo e , o r Draw. We we re h a pp to m ee t th e n we t add iti o n to L nn e (ParU"idge) Klin e' farnil , a baby boy, wh o was b orn a wee k ea rli e r. Our chapte r d o nated bag of U"ea t fo r th e childre n at th e In t rfa ith h e lter fo r Ea ter. At th e end of pril, o m e of o ur i ter jo ined th e hippe n burg nive r ity fo r it e ni or in d uctio n . Ou r n ew offi c r a nd o mmitte cha ir ' re e lec t d in Ma '· V\ e a re pl ea d to a nn o un th a t o il e n ( h a) I o kker will b o ur n e' p r sid e nt.


T h Cen trevi ll e-Mana a Al umin na h a p ter h a b en very b u 1997. Our J an uar meeting wa h e ld at An naburg Manor nur ing h m . In add ition t re ei ing an orientation ab ut vo lunt ring at the n u r ing home, we met Alin a Kukra , th r ident we wou ld be ,; iting each w ek. In F bruar y, we met at the hom of jun Lov le . We had a demon tration fr m a Mar Kay repre en tative a nd then arnp l d orne of th product . I n March , Diane nderwood , D bb Ku h n , and Li a Di andro att nded the orthern irg tnta Pan h ll en ic p ia ide by ide. The hapter had lunch at the Rain For t afe orner aJ o in Mar h . The rain fore t, omplete with thunder torm o u nd effe t . E eryon had a reat ti me , and we even gave one of our i -

i ters enjoy an exciting lunch at the Rain Fore t Cafe in Ty on onw; 1:1 . Ba ck rowjohann e Favaloro. Keven and)'. Debb_v K uhn. a role Keily,jun e Lo1•ele , Front row-. \ nn avi(]'nac, Elean or Lonchm; Dianl' nderwood .

Alumnae ChaPter News ter a green and gold turtle for her bab to be. April aw the arrival of two babie to our chapter. Our n ewe t le gacy, Carmella Rose Ai ello wa born to Sandy Aiell o, and John Joseph Lon char was born to Eleanor Lonchar. The pril bu ine meeting wa h eld at the gree n and gold home of Am Savign ac. In May, we held our end of t11 e year famil cookout. It was a great chan ce to m eet eve r one 's famil . We ce lebrated our one ear anni e r ar at th e cookout. We look fonvard to o rne great activities mi fall and hope to ee our number grow over m e n ext few m o ntl1 . If you are in the ne ighborhood, come see us!

Detroit Northeast Suburbs Reported by: Jean Straw DeClerck The De troit Alumn ae have enjoyed two p ecial events thi s spring. For our traditional February night out, we met at Joe Dumar' Fieldhouse with o ur signifi ca n t oth er . Ever one e nj oy d pizza, a lad and each o tl1er' company. In Ma , we a ked our momer , daug hter and ister to join u for our MomerDaughter luncheo n at the Mariner's Yacht Club. Our yo unges t gue t r eceived bea ni e babie as a special gift. Our chapter continue to support everal charitie . We contributed to th e Special Olympics, Cancer Foundatio n

and Turning Point, a hom e for abu ed women in me D trait area. As in past year , we o ld e nte rtainme nt book to friends, fami ly and ourselve to raise funds. We enjoy using these book to exp lore me Detroit Me tropolitan area. Additionally, we rai ed mon ey for tl1 e a tional Foundation mro ugh a raffle of don ated items. Because tl1 i ha bee n uch a busy year so far, we plann ed seve ral low key, et fun, prog ra m for our m eetin g . These included a pa per twist baske t project, a traditional January pot lu k, a well as a make-up ample and entertainment book coupon swap. We co ntinue to stay clo e by sharing m e highlights of our busy lives in Round Robin. Our secre t si program also gives u s ple n ty of opportunitie to ex pre sour friendship and si terhood.

Indianapolis Reported by: Pam Legg To perk up m e winter, we met in Feb ru a r y for a hopping spre e at Castle ton Square Mall. We shared coupons for lun ch whi ch left extra mon ey for shopping. In March , we viewe d th e Pin e Mountain Slides and our delegate, Pam Legg was a mode l for m e Indianapolis Panhellenic Spring Luncheon. Funds are used to award scholarships. We will have a late summer m ee ting to plan for Fall of 1997.

Baltimore RejJorted by: Diane R aycob This yea r th e Ba ltimore Alumna g roup has bee n busy with in cr asin g our me mber hip and by d oing som very succe sful fundraising through the ale of pizza' and chee ecake . We se nt a care pac kage to the co li g ian' at Salisbury State. dele Bla k received o ur Top Tau award . For njoym nt we had a cookie exchange at hri tmas and we al o parti cipated in a win -ta ting eve nt. W all ho pe that next year wi ll be as exciting as thi o ne wa .

Philadelphia Area RejJorted by: Rebecca Rooks Thi past February, a lun cheon wa h e ld a t We t Ch ester ni er ity. Membe r from the Philade lphi a Alumnae ch apter and coll egians from Alp ha Phi a nd Gamma Omega atte nd ed. The P a nh e ll en ic lun heon wa he ld at the Waynesboro ountry lub in Paoli, PA at the end of March. Loi O ' De ll was h o nored a being an outsta ndin g alumn a. Our own De bbi e Brec h e min i incoming Panhell en ic Pre ide nt. We ' re all proud of ou! We took a tour of the Dorrance Ma n ion (Campbell o up ) at Cabrini College in Radnor, PA in Ap ril. Prior, we h ad a lun c h eon at Betty hlig ' ho me where we he ld the n om in ation of officer . In May, we h ad an e nd of the ear planning picni c at the h ome of our pre ide nt, J ea nn e Sanitate. The 19971998 activiti e were finalized , and offi ce r elec tions were h e ld .

Lehigh Valley R eported by: Kimberly Golden Benner After14 ear astheLehigh alle Alumnae Club of Alpha Sigma Tau , ' have fin ally beco me an official Alumn ae Chapter. On Ma 10, the club kicke d 路off its first ear a a ch apter when we h e ld our in tallation cere mon y in Bethle h e m , P . e were honor e d to ha ve Caro le Keil

Detroit Alumnae Chapter Legacies. THE ANCHOR/ Fall1997


Alumnae ChaPter News Alumnae Expansion Coordinator, officiate the ce re mon y. Carole , a dear fri e nd , mad e th e eve nt more me morabl e than we could h ave imagin ed. Nine sisters we re inducted in to th e chap te r that afternoon. An additio nal seve n to nin wi ll be inducted at our Founder's Day dinn e r in ovember. The ceremon y e nd ed with a pot lu k dinn er at Te rri Long ' hom e. We were pre e n ted with gift and ritual uppli by th e ational Organiza tion , a bea utiful Bible from Carole and a por e lain egg painted with ye ll ow rose from the Delta Th e ta Chapter. We were very mu ch invo lved in a isti ng the Delta Theta Chapter through the co lon ization proce a nd were thrilled to parti cipa te in th e ir in tall ation on April 19. Throughout th e ir colo ny training, we a ttended trainin g wee kends, hosted reception and provided support wh e n needed . Three of our member co ntinue to sta invo lved with th is chapter in the capaciti es of adviso r, as i tant advisor and chapte r co nsul tant. Alpha Sigma Tau is u路u l lucky to have th i group of outstandin g young wom en a a chapter. In add ition to all th e pomp and circum tance that we've been through thi yea r, we had our movie night, Ea te r candy making meeting and are looking forward to our econd annual picnic in July. This new a lu mnae chapter is off a nd running and do ing eve rything we 've always don e before. We are workin g to make a diffe re nce in our co mmunit:y, enjoying o ur tradition and i te rhood a nd crea ting memorie of a life tim e.

Lowell, MA Reported by: Sandra Ames The Lowe ll Alumnae Chapter co ntinu e to be active b holding month! m ee ting a nd b planning ac tiviti e u c h as fund-ra i e rs, phi lanthrop ' proj ec t a nd ocia ls. a loca l phila nthropi c proj c t, th e c h a pter h a bee n ma kin g don a tions to th Hou e of Hop , whi ch include an Easter ba k t a nd mon y. Th ch a pt r i pa rti ciJ ating in th e Lab I for Education


program b coll ec ting ampbell' oup labels. The collected lab I will be donated to a sc hool in th Lowell area. AI o thi ear, th e Lowell Alumnae Chapter e tabli heel a cholar hip for th e collegians of Beta Tau. Collegian who earn ed a 3. GP th e pre\~O u e rne ter holar hip. are eligible to appl forth We are proud to a we have had man y well-de ervi ng recipients. We are plea eel to ann o un ce th e appo intme nt of th e n e~ collegia te advi ory team . Pa tti Zebro k 1c all ha tak n th e reign a hapter aclvi er after having bee n chapter o n ultant for eve ra l yea r . K.ri ti e DiRo ari o h a join ed th e advi o r t a m a a i tant cha pte r advise r. and Ame ha fill ed Patti ' vacanc a chapt r co n ultan t. The n ew advi ory team e tabli heel afte r Carol Anne O 'Lear a nd Don na Marie Greni e r re tired fro m th eir po ition a chapte r ad vi er and a i tant chapter advi r, r pec tive l . full advism team is ure to be be nefi cial to B ta Tau. Th e chapter meets monthly from e pte mb e r to Jun e. eeting are ho ted b alum wh o vo lunteer their hom es for th ee e ning. For th o e who are in th e ea tern fa achu e tts/ outh-

e rn lew Hamp hire area and are intere ted in participating in the Lowe ll Alumnae hapter, plea e co ntact th e chapter pre idem, aro l Anne O 'L ary, a t (50 )94 -753 .

Tidewater Area Reported by: J oy . R obert on


tart clout 1997 wit h a meetatUJing a p aker on Fen hui , th ancient art of placement to reat a more balan d em路ir nm nt. We I arn d how to u e the e techniqu e in both o ur home and office It wa a ver intere ting ven ing. pirit ight wa h lei in February and we certain! had our har . We aw lo of T hirt , w atshirt, button , neckla , a paddle, a rug and e en a pi dg pin. W a l o watch d a meaningful video on Pine Mountain. The Pan hellenic lun heon, held in March , wa ho ted by one of our alumna , Karen Farri . Th re wa an excellent turn o ut for this get together with oth er a lumnae group in thi area. We all enjo eel a deliciou lu nch meeting. a e Bi tro in\ irginia Beach wa the etting for our pril meetin which in g~

Alumnae ChaPter News w~

a dining out. We all enjoyed a great mght out which include d a fantastic dinner and a very interestin g talk by guest speaker, Katy Fletcher, P i, on her experie n ce with Operatio n mil thi s pring in Palestine. She participated in a program pro idin g m e di cal a i tance to everely deform ed children. highlight of h er trip was m ee ting Yas er Arafat in person. In Ma , we in tailed n ew officers and inducted one new m e mber, Linda H e dri ck , Alpha Lambda. We lcom e Linda! We 'd al o like to we lcome Vick cott back into our group. Our June social was a progre ive dinner held at three e par ate h o me . We e njo e d great food , ga m e a nd friendship. Our Top Tau this year wa our vicepreside nt, Kare n Farri . Co ngratul ations , and thank for a g reat job with eve r ything . Congrat ul a tion to Carol n Kee n who recent! received a Doctor of Edu cational Adm ini tration degree from th e College of Willi a m and Mar in Willia msburg,VA. It took a trem e ndous a mount of hard work an d dedication to accompli h thi goal. Our co ngratulation also go out to Amy H oward wh o urpri e d u with a can dle light in Ma . Sh e and h er hu band, Scott, are expectin g tl1 ir seco nd child in tl1 e fa ll.

Ypsilanti - Ann Arbor Reported by: Suzanne H. Glic!? The Yp ilan ti -Ann Arbor chapter tarted off the 1997 yea r with a fun nig ht at orthvill e Down . Ten AST i ters a nd friend h ad a roarin g good tim e watchin g the races a nd th en topping the eve ning off with a wonderfu l buffet dinn er. The d essert table alone was in credible. Februar y tarted our ser iou work w ith th e making of Valentine ' for th e Veteran 's Hospita l. Thi is a sp ecial project of o ur , and we all made over 600 Va le ntin es with th e h e lp Maril yn Christy's eco nd grade class. Our March mee ting was a regular busines meeting he ld at J oyce Be rg 's home. What mad e this meeting so special was the attendance of12 collegian 's. THE ANCHOR/ Fall 1997

J oyce is me advi er for m e Alpha chapter at Eastern Michigan Univ r ity and has d eve lo p ed a close bond with th e ch apter. This isit gave th e alumnae wo men a n opportunity to h ow h ow th bonds of sisterhood e ndure over the ear and do not e nd with grad uation. In April, we cele brated ou r annual Found er' Day witl1 a dinn er ce remony to induct graduatin g se nior into the alumn ae g roup. We were d elighted to initiate e ig ht lovely yo un g women and to treat th em to dinn er. We have high hope tl1at in the n ear future th ey may become producti ve me mbe rs of th e a lumn ae group. We rang in m e mo nth of May with o ur Moth e r 's Day lun ch eon that is alway a pleas ure for us to h ost. We e njoyed havin g ma n y co llegiate m e mbe rs a nd th e ir moms, sisters, ni eces, gra nd child ren, fr i nd , d a ug hte rs and one on jo in us to cele bra te this sp ec ial d ay. Eve n though Martha DeCamp wa too far away to join us , her moth e r an d daug h ter-in-law were a bl e to atte nd. May wa our Ia t business mee ting for th e year with much work to d o fo r the upco ming conve nti o n in 1998. Carlotta Salemi i o ur Top Tau mis year. Ca rl otta has bee n a contributing me mb e r of the Ypsil a nti-Ann Arbor a lumnae chapter for th e last 20 year . H e r co ntributi on to th e h a pte r h a bee n invalu able.

Southern Colorado by Grace Riester On J anuary 31, m outh rn olorado Alumna hapter was d ligh t d to be a part of tl1 e Expansion Program for Alpha igma Tau. W m t with a ore group of young women at niversity of Colorado at Colorado Springs who are excited about getting a national sorority on the ir campu . Two of th e students escorted the alumnae o n a tour of campus, including th e newly co mpl eted dormitory buildings, library, art gallery an d bookstore. The campus has a hi tory as the site of a Tub rculosi Sanitorium where many patien ts came at the turn of the century for th e "fre h air" cure in this altitude. We had the opportun ity of m eting with Chan cellor Linda Bunne ll hade and were able to answer her concern about a Greek organization on campu . After lunch off-camp us, a pre en ration wa given by Mary Ann Rinehart, usin g a great di play of AST material and merchandi e. The girl were enthusiastic and th e alumnae pre ent, Virginia Kerin , Jan Norman, Grace Rie ter and Barbara mith were encouraged too. To fo llow up on this sorority pirit, we had a Spring Kick-Off Luncheon on March 15 at th e home of Grace Rie ter to make plans for further activitie , hoping to reach more alu mnae in m e area.

Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor A lumnae Chapter 1996 Founders Day.


AlPha Sigma Tau DirectorY Na ti o n a l H eadq uarter 1929 Ca n yo n Road; Bi rm ing ham, AL 35216 Ph o n e: 205-978-2 179 Fax: 205-97 -21 2 Office H o u rs: 9:00a.m. to 4:00p .m . entral T ime H eadq uarters Admi n istratio n : Le nore e ibel King (Mr . T homa National Council National President Marth a Dro uyor DeCa mp, Alp ha 27931 NE 4th Place; Red mo nd , WA 9 053

N ational Vice President J ane t Minnis J im iso n, Io ta 529 High land Dri ve ; Arkan as City, KS 67005 National Secre tary Sond a Ru ho ll loc k in , Beta Pi 2 Du rell Dri ve; Kankakee, IL 6090 1 cl oc ksin @alphasigm atau.org National Treasurer Andrea Kl e in Yancho , Be ta Xi 69-B Loc ust Stree t; As one t, MA 02702 aklein yancho@alphasigm atau .o rg Di rector of Collegiate Chapters Ricki Bargman Trose n , Alpha igma 904 Kin gs Road; Kirksville, MO 6350 1 rtrose n@alp has igmatau.org Director of Alumnae Patricia Lynn Na le, Phi 12002 H as tin gs Gree n; Housto n, TX 77065 pn ayle@alpha igmatau. org Director of Expansion Ch ri stin a Dugga n Covingto n, Alph a Lam bda 62 Sac he m Vi llage ; West Le bano n , NH 03784 ccovingto n@alphas igm ata u.org

1845 Lakeridge Road ; Bi rmin gham , AL 35216 Trustee Bobbie Ni cho ls Tucker, Alp ha Gamma 1009 Fawnwood Road ; Little Rock. AR 72227 District P res idents Region al Collegia te oo rdinator #1 Mar y Ell e n vVi ll mitch, lpha Rh o 1951 Pe nn y Lan e; Yo un gstown , O H 445 15492 Regio nal Collegiate Coord inator #2 Amy DuPree, lp ha Xi Box ll e nu·a l venu e; Avi , P 17721 Regional Co llegiate Coo rdinator #3 Miche lle ch midt, Alpha ig ma 1410 Commercial Drive; Ro lla, MO 6540 1 Al pha Distri ct President Kelly Klin e Du ke, Beta Xi 3843 N. Cu mbe rl and venue; Chicago, IL 60634 Beta Distri ct President Lisa-Marie Cox Frede ri ck , Be ta Xi 6024 Princess Lane; larkston , Ml 4 346 Gamma Distri ct President Misty . Laubscher, Gamm a Pi 106 Pearl Stree t; Lock H ave n , P

Delta Distri ct President Gi na Trucillo Pi ntar, Beta Up ilo n 520 Herrick Drive; Dover, 1\U 07 01

Di rector of Publications Pau·icia Kl au ing Simmo n , Delta 29 1 Lo cust tree t; Indi ana, PA 1570 1 psimm o ns@a Iphasigm a tau .org

Epsilon Distri ct President Ad ele Blac k, Be ta Mu 263 1 Lodge Fo rest Drive; Ba lti mo re, MD 21219

Board of Trustees President Emerita Ca rri e Was hburn e Stae hl e, Alph a 11354 Bloo min gto n Wa)'; Du blin , CA 945683508

Chairman Ann a Ma rga re t Yo un g Rh o des, P i 125 7 l nl ynn view Road ; Virginia Beac h, A 23454 Vice Chairman Ga il Shoc kley Fowle r, Alph a Lambda 5848 Ki lbirnie Drive; Salisb ur , MD 21 01 Secre tary harl o tte Eva ns Floyd, Psi 11 0 1 Arlin gto n Ridge Road ; Arlington , VA 22202 Trustee Ma r Lo uise Mandrea Doyle, T he ta 3208 Patri ck He n r)' Drive; Falls burch , \' 22044 Trustee Lenore


ibe l King, Psi



Theta District President Miche ll e Ca ngialo i Flynn , Alpha La mbda 2396 Brec henridge t; Harri onburg, VA 22801 Iota Distri ct P reside nt Me linda H e n r y Oa te , Gamma Gamma 7794 O ld :Vl t. O live Road ; Gardendale, AL 3507 1 Kappa District President Emily . Eri kson , Beta P i 1141 Floyd venue , pt. 60 Park, I 662 10

Overla nd

Lan1bda District President te p hanie J ad lowiec, B ta Phi 10 19 H ig h tree t; Pi tt burgh , PA 1" 2 12

Mu District President Jam ie Alunni , Zeta 3100 Grant venue , Apt. C-26; Phi lade lphia, PA 19114 u Dis trict Pre ident Kri tin H a kin, Beta Pi 3345 Be tt · Drive; Arlingto n He ight , IL 60004 Xi District President

O micron District Pre ide nt Miche lle . Tenor , lpha La mbda 26 Ori o le Lane; Bran chburg, l J 0


P i Dis trict Pre ide nt hari Cre ham Ri ch , Alpha Ep ilo n P Box 907; Mac kin aw, IL 61755 Rh o District P resident uzanne Dunlap occagna, De lta 266 West Owen Avenue ; Derry, P


Sigma District President Robin Burrows Davi , Zeta Tau Box 1 14; New Londo n , l H 03257-1" I 4 U psilon Di tri ct President Miche ll e J aguti Eldridge , Beta Xi 3332 Rege ncy Dri ve; Orion , Ml 4 059

Al umnae Expansion Carole Bickin g Ke ily, Alpha , i 7 07 Le land Road ; Mana a , V

Zeta District President C n th ia C. Easo n-i'v!anning, Alph a igma 43 S. Westo n Court; t. Charles, MO 63303 Eta District President Lisa Leffer Viebb , Beta Pi 11 61 N. J os h ua Tree Lane; Gi lbert,


ational Staff Acad emics Co nce tta Co weill er 14414 Purce ll ville Road; Purcellville, V 22132


Directo r of Fraterni ty Programs

J.,Jr.), P


Th e Ancho r Edi tor Alina Whittle Tezik, Zeta 4744 almo n ueet; Philad e lphia, P


T he Anchor Alumnae Editor Re becca Podd, Alpha Lambd a 6450 Cildar tree t; lexa ndria, VA 22310 Th e Anch or Collegiate Editor Cay Gammel True hart, Be ta Nu 31 7 o u o nwood ourt; Lanca te r, p, 1760 1 Awards ath1• !\·Iillard chreiner, hi HOO H adri a n o un; Alexandria. \ '


Chaplain Em ily hb • i\ lclntire , Alph a Lambda 19-W even Oak Drive; i\Jor ri town , T .' 37 H Colon Adviser !\ !aria , . (To nett ) Bla kwe ll . C<1mma , ,1111111.1 6 row :-.:es r Circle; De atm. ;\[ :i9 :i~l Colo ny Adviser Tra I' Bo nd , Ze ta 135 N. ll th rree t #~; .\llento"n . P \ 1g1 0~

R Fall 199/

AlPha Sii!ma Tau Directory Convention Staci Jimiso n Wed e rm ye r, Io ta 3732 SW Plaza Drive #202; Topeka, KS 66609 The Crest Editor Expansion Assistant Ro che lle A. Hargis, Alpha Alph a 1509 N. Ewing Stree t lndianapoli , IN 46201 Expansion Assistant Anne Curran Grube r, Alph a 5 12 Pin e La nd Drive, E; Ad a, MI 4930 1 Financial Assistant Beth Ann Do bson Fo urni e r, Be ta Xi 2594 Ridge Road ; White lake, MI 4 3 3 Historian Tina Taylo r chmied e l, Be ta Xi 363 1 Shang ri La Po in t Road ; 0 hko h , vVl 54904 Housing Lara Bu zka . Beta Xi 206 S. Laud e rdal e Drive; Kalam azoo, Ml 49006 Membership Development Milestone Pam e la Emo r y Vukm e r, Beta Mu 190 tone Ca de Drive ; eve rn , MD 211 44 Music Barbara Grant We th erh o ld, Zeta 410 Cemur y Dr ive; Bad1 , PA 180 14 ational Panhellenic Conference Delegate Cad1y Bo nd ra pet, Beta Ze ta 650 1 Quail Run Drive ; Pelh am , AL 35 124 National Panhellenic Conference Delegate Alternate aro lyn Co nn e r Alexand e r, Pi 6328 Po tomac; St. Lou i , MO 63 139 ational Panhellenic Conference Delegate Alternate Cynthi a P. McCror y, Alph a Alph a Vill a De l 01·o ; 852 . co ttsda le Road ; cottsda le, AZ 5253 National Panhellenic Conference Delegate Alternate Ma rth a Drouyo r De amp, Alph a 2793 1 E 4th Place ; Redm o nd , WA 9 053 Nominations Parliamentarian Lare n La urse n Kessle r, Be ta Xi 6 Edenfie ld Road ; Pe nnfi e ld , NY 14526 Philanthropy Lara E. Cagala , Psi 130 Fairway Poi nte Circle; Orland o , FL 32828 Pledge Kathy Puli ce Baecke r, The ta 18667 . O a k Co urt; Clin to n Twp, Ml 4 038 Publicity Lisa G. McCoy, Beta PO Box 957932; Duluth , GA 301 36

THE ANCHOR/ Falll997

RLW Lisa Narodowiec Enge l, Be ta Pi 8 19 pring ove Drive; chaumburg, IL 60 172

Rush Te loa H older Butler, Rh o PO Box 226 ; Durram , OK 74701 Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation, lnc. Bom·d of Directors President Med a Ray Elli o tt Sewe ll , Omi cro n 654 1 Willi am burg Bo ul evard ; Arlin gto n , V 222 13 1st Vice President Le no re Seibel Kin g, P i 1 45 Lakeridge Road; Birming ham, AL 352 16 2nd Vice Preside nt Juli e Bell Bruingto n , Iota 1318 W. Beec h treet; Ind e pend en ce, KS 6730 1 Secretary Charl otte Evan Floyd , Psi llOl S. Arlin gto n Ridge Road #316; Arlin gton , V 22202 Treasurer Rose Mari e chmidt, The ta 21359 Boxwooa Co urt; Farmin gton , Ml 4 336 Foundation Chairmen Grants, Scholarship Melissa Friese n Parks, Be ta Xi 6547 Ced ar Ridge; Loveland , OH 45 140 Publicity ath y Bo nds Crape t, Beta Ze ta 650 1 Quail Run Dri ve; Pe lh am, AL 35 124 Effie Lyman Academic Loan Jun e McCa rth y, Pi 9981 Watson Woods; St. Lo ui s, MO 63 126 Fund raising Pa tri cia Wrig ht Litde, Alph a Lambd a 3301 wan ho ll ow t. ; Richmond , V 23233 Alpha Sigma Tau Centennial Coordinator Ch arlo tte Evan s Floyd , Psi ll Ol . Ar lin gto n Ri dge Road #3 16; Arlington , VA 22202 Collegiate Chapters Alpha, Eastern Michigan University Pre idem : Erin La Ru e 130 1. 1 ormal; Ypsilanti , Ml 48 197 CA: J oyce Be rg 15 132 Ho ug hton ; Li vo ni a, M1 48154-48 16 Beta, Central Michigan University Pre ident: H ea th e r Pe te rs 107 W. Gaylord ; Mt. Pl easa nt, Ml 48858 CA: Ca th e rin e J anson 1417Andre;M t.Pl easant, MI 48 5 Delta, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Pres ident: Karen Pompa 950 Church Stree t; Indi ana, PA 15701 CA : Cad1i e De Pasq uale 260 E. Elkin Ave nu e ; Indi ana, PA 15701

Zeta, Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Preside nt: arri e McCull y 604 W. lain treet; Lock Have n , PA 17745 CA: my DuPree Box 11 8, Cen tral ve nu e ; Avis, PA 17721 Omicron, Concord College Preside n t: Me lissa Hedri ck Box -636, o ncord o llege; th ens, WV 247 12 CA: Sall y Lam b n #9 Pin eview Park, Box 424; then , WV 247 12 Rho, Southeastern Oklahoma State University Pres ide nt: Kell y Mc Le more 1423 N. 7th venue N. ; Durant, OK 74701 A: H ei di Butler 610 W. Cedar Su·eet; Durant, OK 7470 1 Sigma, State University College at Buffalo P1·es ide nt: Le lie Gofberg SICB, Tower 3, Room 1030 B; Buffa lo, Y 14213 Zeta Tau, Longwood College Pre ide nt: Heather Bousman Lo ngwood o ll ege; Box 364; Farmvill e, A 23909 ACA: Diann a Rowan Ho usin g Offi ce; Lo ngwood o llege; Farm vill e, VA 23909 Upsil on, University of Centra.! Arkansas Presid e nt: Ange la De Pri e t 390- B De ni on u·eet; Conway, AR 72032 ACA: Mari a Chudy PO Box 171 4; North Li ttl e Roc k, AR 7211 5 Phi, Southeastern Louisiana Unive rsity President: Carolin e Price L U 23 0; Hammond , LA 70402 CA: De bo rah Me lancon 73246 Pruden Road; Cm~ngton , LA 70435 Chi, Shepherd College President: Jill Ke pp le 204 Lurry Hall , C; Sheph erdstown , V\'V 25443 CA: Anna Go ll aday 5 183 Highview Ave nu e; PO Box 159; tephen City, VA 22655 Psi, James Madison University Pre ide nt: Emil Fle tche r AST:JMU; Box 222 1; 00 S. Main treet; Harri o nburg, V 22807 CA: Eli zabed1 Kni g ht Rt. 2; Box 446; Grottoe , V 24441 Al pha Gamma, Henderson State University President: Kim berly Be lt H U; Box 6191; Arkadelphia , AR 71999 CA: Mary Mann 905 1 . 26 th u·ee t; rkade lphia, AR 71923 Alpha Epsilon, Western Illinois University Pres ident: ara Urec h 1 Po ll ock Drive; #2A; Macomb, IL 61455 ACA: Do n tran berr 375 Egge r Dri ve; Apt 10; Maco mb, IL 61455


AlPha Siema Tau DirectorY Alpha Lambda, Radford University Pres ide nt: p ri l lark 500-C Hun ter Ri dge , Apt C; Radford , A 24 142 CA: All en Bures 7547 Cedar Grove Lane; Radford, V 24 141

Beta Iota, Millersville University of Pennsylvania Pre ident: Rachelle Buckwalte r 2704 Lynn e Lane; Mille r ville, P IT 5 1 CA: Man • We be r 9 17 Pro p ct tree t; La n caste r, P 17603

Gamma Gamma, nive rs ity of West Alabama Pre ident: Am · Willi a m PO Box 1403; Living ton, AL 35470 : t e ldra pe ncer PO Box 690; Living ton , AL 35470

Alpha Mu, University of Arkansas at Monticell o Pres ide nt: Billie Woo lems-Lusin ger 325 . Hyatt# 1; Monti cello, AR 71655 CA: Mars ha Clayto n 726 . le mons #25; Mo n tice ll o , AR 7165-

Be ta Mu, Salis bury State University Pre ident: Hea th er D' ve ll a 403 Ve nton Place; ali bury, MD 21 04 o llee n Hardin g · 13 ypre tree t, F; eaford, DE 199 73

Gamma Ep ilon, State nive r ity of New York at Potsdam Pre ide nt: Kri stin Wi ll is 17 Pi e rre po nt ven ue; Po t d a m , 1Y 13676 : J o hn Ia aro Depa rtm e nt of Po litic ; Y Pot cla m ; Potsdam , NY 13676

Alpha Xi, Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Pre ident: Suzann a Acevedo 4 N. Ma in Stree t; Apt 1; Mansfi e ld , P CA: andt·a Brant RR #2; Box 189; T ioga, PA 16946


Alpha Omicron, Clarion University of Pennsylvania Preside n t: ' ico le Flynn 14-B Gree nville ve n ue; !arion , P 16214 CA: Suza nn e P.J obb 108 Wilso n ; Clarion, PA 162 14 Alpha Pi, Slippery Rock U niversity of Pennsylvarua Preside m : umm er cheppe lma n 30 W. Cooper tree t; li pper y Rock, PA 16057 CA: Th ere e Caldare ll i B-105 Univer ity Union ; R ; Sli ppe r y Rock, PA 16057 Alpha Tau, Ewn boro University of P ennsylvarua President: H eather Crerar 226 Mead ville tree t; Ed in boro, PA 164 12 CA: Mar y Campbell 543 1 Lin de n Avenue; Edin bo ro , PA 16412 Alpha Phi, West Chester University of Petmsylvarua Pre ide nt: Susa n Moffitt 500 . Wa ln ut Street; We t Chester, PA 193 2 CA: Tri h a Le ig h ton Emmett 360 Chestnut Stree t; Lewe , DE 1995 Beta Delta, Duquesne University Pre ident: Lindsey Kan ki M #7344; 1345 ickroy treet; Pittsburgh , PA 152 19 Beta Upsilon, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania President: Cara onnelle 19 1• Earl Stree t; Shi ppe nsburg, PA 17257 A : Linda Price 9 92 McCrear Road; h ippensburg, P 17257 Beta Eta, Southern Illinois University Pre ide nt: J aime Power I 0569 pring C ard n treet; t. Loui , 10 36137 : Karen Wa e r 6 15 tate tree t; Wood River, I L 63 139 Beta Theta, St. Mary's University Pr ident: ico le Rodrigu z 9422 tr h tree t; an Ant ni o, T


Be ta u, Bloomsburg Univer ity of Pennsylvania Pre ident: J aim e Kupper 37 1 Li ght tree t Road ; Bloo m burg, PA 17 15 : Pe ter Bo h lin g De par lfl1 ent of Economic , B ; Bl oom burg. p 17 15 Be ta Xi, Michigan Techni cal niversity Pre ide nt: Lori Buckrn a te r 9 16 Coll ege venue; Ho ug hto n , Ml 4993 1 \ : nn Kitalo ng Will 11 50 Ingo t tree t; Hancoc k, MI 49930 Beta Pi, Eastern Illinois University Pre ide nt: J enny ph off 1009 Gree k ourt # 11 ; Cha rl e to n, l L 6 1920 CA: J u li e Mo ntgo m e r y 72 Pifer Lan e; ullivan , !L 619 -1 Beta Tau, University of Massachusetts at Lowell Pre ide nt: Sa ra h Heffe ra n 133 n ive r ity venue #6; Lo we ll , MA 01 54 : Patricia nn Zeb t·o ki 36 Cathy Road ; h elm ford, MA 01 24 Beta psilon, ew Jersey Institute of Technology Pre ident: Iari ana Fer reira 299 Martin Luth er Ki ng Blvd.; ewa rk , 07 102 CA: J aca lyn McCa rth y 9 Clin ton ourt; Plain boro, l ] 0 536


Beta Phi, California University of Pennsylvania Pre ident: Am y Donne ll • 415 eco n d u·ee t, pt 4; California, P 15419 A : Colleen chuessler RD 1, Box 529 A; ardner e nue ; ni o ntown , PA 15401 Beta Chi, Ferris State University Preside nt: Kara \\'hi man 21220 Madi on Avenu e ; Big Rapids, Ml 49307 : Kimbe rly Yo un g 5 164 Wake fi e ld venue, E; om tock Park, M1 4932 1 Beta Omega, Monmouth University Pre ide nt: Quian a ~ ! ar lin 431 ed ar venue, edar H all L-3; We t Lo ng Branch , 1 07764 : J anis Palumbo 1202 Turf Dr.; O cea np o rt , 1 077·7

Gamma Ze ta, Fro tburg State Univer ity Pres ide nt: J e nnifer Lo !-man 26 E. o llege venue; Fro tburg, MD 21532 indv Herzog 11 6 Braddoc k treet; Fro tbug h , MD 21532 Gamma The ta, P ennsylvania ta te

niver ity

I Be hrend College Pre iclent: tep han ie Robert 06 agle Road; rie , PA 16-l l : J amie Ros i Box 77 , tation Road ; Erie , P 16563 Gamma Iota, Yo rk Co llege Presicl nt: Nicole Puchino 361 W. J ack on treet; York, PA 17403 Gamma Lambda, Kutz town Unive rsity o f Pe nnsylvania Pre iclent: Gina Bu rqnski 341 W. Ma in treet; Kuu town , P 19-30 : Kathleen Do lgo Kutz town niver in·; Ku utown . P 19 - 30 Gamma Mu, West Virginia Institute of Technology Pre ident: Tamm y M •n e 701 Favette Pike pt 32; Montgomeq·. \\ 251 36 : H eather Morri PO Bo. 247; 403 harle treet; Pratt, W\' 25 162 Gamma u, Wayne burg College Pre ident: Tina Dun n 104 E. High treet, pt 3; Wavne burg. PA 1 370 Gamma Xi, Grand Valley tate U niversity President: hri tine Kin g 950 Pin e l\TV\'; Gr nd Rapid . ~ ll 49-04 nne urran ru ber ·12 Pin e Land Ot;ve , E: • da . Ml 49301 Gan1ma Pi, Lyco ming College Pre iclent: J a n e Popham Lvco min o lleo-e; Box 1361; Williamsport, p 17701 A: Robert \'an \'oor t Bo. 62, L ; \\'illiamsp rt, PA 1770 1 Gamma Rho , eton Hall niver ity Pre ident: h ri tin e Far o 400 . Orange A' e nu ou th ran o-e. :-\j 7079 Dm er. :-\J 07801

7 224


AlPha Sii!ma Tau DirectorY Gamma Sigma, Belmont Abbey College President: Je sica Galicia PO Box 122-B; BAC; Belmont, NC 28012 CA: Bonnie Reidy 3008 Hampton Cr.; Gaswnia, C 28056 Gamma Tau, Lebanon Valley College Preside nt: Jill Fleming LVC #3 16 Vickroy Hall ; Annville, PA 17003 CA: Me li sa Re ber 136 Colonial Crest Drive; Lancaster, PA 17601 Gamma Upsilon, California State University, Los Angeles Preside nt: orma San ch ez 5154 Sta te Univer ity Drive, 4th fl oor; Los Ange les, CA 90032 CA: Tara Brown CS -LA; 20930 Via Estrella, nit 203; ewhall, CA 91321 Gamma Chi, William Patterson College Pre ide nt: Nicole Lamberg Box 888 Heritage 40;9; WPC; Wayne, NJ 07470 CA: Joann e De Pasqu ale 219 Po mpton Road; Haled o n , U 07508 Gamma Omega, LaSalle University Preside nt: Alyso n Stone LS -AST; 20th u路eet and Olney Avenue; Box 628; Philad e lphia, P 19141 CA: Marib th ln verso 343 Lincoln Avenue, CheJTy Hill, U 08002 Delta Alpha, Gannon University Pre ide nt: J e nn y Ste irheim 326 W. th treet, Apt1 ; Erie, PA 16502 CA: Kath erine Kram e r 422 Stafford Avenue, Eri e, PA 16508 Delta Beta, Fairmont State College Pre ide nt: Amanda Straley 814 Ridge ly Avenue, Apt 1; Fairmont, WV 26554 CA: Ro e mary Thoma 1300 Locust Avenue; Fairmont, WV 26554 Delta Delta, University of Illinois at Chicago Pre ide nt: .J e nnifer Wolf 5531 . McVi cker Street; Chi cago, lL 60630 CA: Lisa Smola 3A-201 Kin ge r y Quarter; Hinsdale, lL 6052 1 Delta Epsilon, Marist College Preside nt: Kri sten Carlson MC-MSC 102 ; 290 orth Road; Poughkee p ie, 12601 CA: Susa n Burda 7 High Pas ture Road; New Paltz NY 12561 Delta Zeta, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania Preside nt: Amanda Ri sing 151 An alomink Stree t, Apt 3; East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 CA: Cumm ing Piatt 2 Em e rson Road; East Stroud burg, PA 18301 Delta Eta, Belmont University President: Lyn e tte Brehm 1512 Compton Avenue; Belmont University; as hvill e , T 37212 CA: Rosemary Ingham Departme nt ofEd ucation; BU; 1900 Belmont Boulevard; as hville, T 372 12

THE ANCHOR/ Falll997

Delta Theta, Moravian College Preside nt: Dea nn a ampbell Box 208, M ; 1200 Main tree t; Be thl ehem , p 18018 CA: Susan H ea rd 42 19 Harri et Lane; Beth le hem , PA 18017 Delta Iota, Johnson and Wales University President: Annette Miller 8 bbott Park Place; Provide n ce, Rl 02903 Delta Kappa, Nicholls Stale University President: Che rie ucurullo 181 3 Mano r Heights; Man路ero, LA 70072 CA: Betty Sue Babcot Edward 5 15 Pleasure Lane; T hiboda ux , LA 70301 Alumnae Chapters Arkansas Conway Cathy Kn ox Koe hl er, psilo n 430 1 Lee Avenu e; orth Little Rock, AR 72205 Colorado Denver Ann Bo ley Todd , u 102 1 Carr; # 18; Denve1路,

0 80215

Southern Colorado Grace Ri e ter, Pi 1306 Alexande r u路ee t; Colorado prings, CO 0909-2920 Illinois Edwardsville Kare n Wasser, Be ta Eta 615 State Stree t; Wood River, IL 62095 Greater Chicago Kris Has kin , Beta Pi 3345 Be tty Drive; Arlingwn He ights, IL 60004 Indiana Indianapolis In grid Maso n Child s, Be ta Xi 43 11 Fores t Terrace And e rso n, I 460 13 Muncie Kathryn Mcinnis Tharpe, Alpha Alph a 1505 N . Hac kber r y Road Mun cie, IN 47304 Kansas Sunflower (Eastern Kansas Area) Dana Walke r, Iota 2864 SW J ewe ll Topeka, KS 66611 Louisiana New Orleans J ea nnin e Gettys Ard , Phi 16 Emile Ave nu e Ken ne r, LA 77065 Maryland Baltimore Pame la Emory Vukm e r, Beta Mu 1908 Stone Castle Drive Severn, MD 21144

Massachusetts Lowell Caro l Ann O ' Lear y, Beta Tau 3 Lo ng Hill Road Rowley, MA 0 1969 Michigan Detroit-Northeast Suburbs Tammy Bo nifi e ld , Beta Xi 16925 MacArthur Redford , MI 4 240 Ypsilanti/ Ann Arbor Linda hapo na, Alpha Rh o 5843 Wedgewood Ca n w n , M1 48 187 Missouri St. Louis Me lani e Foster, Pi 5437 Oakcres t Drive Im perial, MO 63052 New Jersey Northern New J ersey Cindy Hruby Egan , Beta Ups ilon 8 Salvatore t. Fairfie ld , J 07004 New York Buffalo J eanne Carn ey Wolf 365 resce nt venue Buffa lo , 1\IY 0704 Ohio Youngstown Carol Feceti , Alpha Rh o 38 5 J ea ntte Warren , OH 444 4 Oklahoma Durant baron M. Durham, Rl10 11 3 Gate Durant, OK 7470 1 Pennsylvania Eric Debora h Yo un g Cane r, Alpha Tau 2531 Wes t 34th Street Erie, PA 16506 Harrisburg Coll ee n h ea Koller, Delta 44 Gree nm om Drive Eno la, PA 17025 Lehigh Valley Tracy Bond, Zeta 135 . 11th tree t Allentown, PA 18102 Philadelphia J ea nn e o ldy Sanitate, Beta Zeta 42 Warren Avenue B ll mawr, J 0 031 Pittsburgh Suzanne chul tz, Delta 1797 Ren ee Drive Library, PA 15129


AlPha Sii!ma Tau DirectorY Texas Houston haron juntun en , Phi 643 Ea tl ake Housto n , TX 77034

Maryland Frederick aro l Trohan Harri on, amma Zeta 11725 Good Intent Road Keymar, MD 21757

Texas San Antonio Debra Ort hea, Beta Theta 510 Red Oak V ood anvo n Lake, TX 7 133

Virginia Centreville-Manassas Dian e DiSandro nd e rwood, Psi 19446 Brackets Ford Circle Manassas, VA 201 10

Montgomery County Kerr Mara n to , Chi 13201 Gre noble Dri ve Roc kvill e, MD 20 53

Virginia Charlottesville andra McLa ugh lin Lowrv, P i 322 I l th treet, 1 E harlone ville , V 22902

orthern Virgin ia Diane DiSandro nd erwood , Psi 19446 Brackets Ford Circle Mana sas, V 20 11 0 Richmond-Petersburg Bo nni e Harris, Alph a Lambda 9820 Iron Bridge Road Che terfi eld , VA 22 32 Roanoke Cindy Moo re Howa rd , Alpha Lambd a 5031 Meadowcreek Dri ve, SW Roanoke, 2401 Tidewater Area j O)' Wo th er poo n, Zeta 2480 Bayview Avenue Virginia Beac h, VA 234 - 5 West Virginia Bluefield J oyce Buchan an, Omi cro n 1905 Tazewe ll Avenue Bluefi e ld , \11/\1 24605 Sheperdstown Mari e Busc h rim , Chi RR 1, Box 11 4 Gerrardstown, WV 15420 Alzmmae Clubs Indiana Fo rt Wayne Linda Ro e Pul ver, Alpha Epsilo n 1009 S.Van Bure n tree t Auburn, I 1 46706

Michigan Western Michigan Kimberly Stone 95 14 Perry treet Zeeland, Ml 49464 Alumnae Hope Groups Arkansas Little Rock Willa William , lpha Gamma 500 Napa Va ll e #236 Liule Roc k, AR 722 11

Florida Orlando Lara ega la, Psi 130 Fairway Poim ircle Orlando , FL 32 2 Miami Re nee Rite he ' vetlick, Gamma Gamma 1506 W 24 th treet Ft. Laud erda le , FL 333 15


ew York Westchester County Heidi Blis , Alp ha Omicron 13 Pali ade treet #2 D Dobb Ferr , 1 Y 10-22 Charlotte Li a j one Goff, Beta ta 103 even Oaks Dri ve Monroe, 1 C 2 11 0 Pennsylvania Lancaster County Danae j obe Bu cza ki , Alpha Lambda 159 Cobblestone Lane Lanca ter, P 1760 1 West Chester Alaina Evangeli ta, De lta p ilon - o1 \IVayne Dri ve #324 Kin g of Pru sia, P 19406

Wiscon in Green Bay Am y Prill, Gamma Xi 2214 1 ocilet Drive, #7 Green Ba , WI 54311 Alumnae ocial Teams Georgia Me tro Atlanta Li a G. McCo ¡, Beta P Bo 957932 Duluth , 301 36 Alumna e upport TeaniS Arkan as Arkadelphia Carla Ra • Th o mp on , Alph a Gamma 216 l . 4th tree t Arkade lphia, i\R 71923

Omicron Delta Kappa Omicron D Ita Kappa recognize a nd encourage up rior h o lar hip lead ers hip and xemplar ch arac ter for facu lty a nd tudent on 234 campu e aero th e nation . Me mbership ho n or raduate and undergraduate wo m en a nd me n' h o a re in th e top 35 % of th e ir cia academ ically and wh of coll ege life: ch o lar hip; h ow leader hip in one o r more of fi ve ph a a thl e ti c ; campu o r co mmunity ervice , o ial re lig iou activiti , a nd campus gove rnm e nt; journali m , p eec h , a nd th rn a m dia; and creativ an d performing art . Th e fo li O\ ing Alp ha ig ma Tau have been inducted into thi h o n orar ociety: u a n Marie Bra um Duque ne niver: it)' Ke ll . Kro t james iVIadi on niver. ity J e ica J. Zerb t 'lichigan Tech niver: ity Irene De me tri o Tzovolo 'lonmouth niver ity Ker ri Ann Bradford niver: ity of We t Alabama a ndace R. Pe nton niver. ity of We t Alabama Kimberly Margaret Ru o Can non niversity Mi ch e ll e Mari Ru citti Young town tate niver. ity

Do You Know a Potential AL:T? ~dft U4 ii!U~ lwtl

Do you know of a high school graduate going off to college next fall? Do you know an outstanding young college woman you want ALT to know about? Do you have friends whose daughters plan to attend college? Do you have a sister, daughter, granddaughter or other relative who will be attending a university with an AL:T chapter?

College/U niversi~路 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AL:T C h a p t e r - - - - - - - - - - Name of Ru shee


Home Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Age _ _

Entering as a






Fall I Spring of _ _ _ _ _ __

Please check as many as apply: Ru shee is a legacy. R e l a t i o n s h i p : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ru shee is a personal friend. Ru shee is a family friend. I have known her family __ years. Activities in which Rushee is involved:

Your Name (include m a i d e n ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chapter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Phone Numbcr(s) (~.___ _ _ ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Signatun.' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please mail to:

Alpha Sigma Tau Nationall-leadquarters 1929 Canyon Road Birmingham, Alabama 35216-1723


The Collegiate Chapter (see listing in The Anch or or calll-lcadquartcrs)

(205) 978-2179

THE ANCHOR/ Fall 1997


Top Left- i ters gather at the end of the year cookout in Manassas, VA. Back row- Lisa Di andro, june Loveless, Keven andy, Debf7y Kuhn, Front row- Lori Lambert, Carole Keily, Eleanor Lonchar, Diane Underwood. Right- igma Chapter (after pledge pinning ceremony), Michelle Eckert (Pledge Mom), ici Kuzma, lacey Bonnell, Colleen ugent, ally, Kri tine t. john, ]en Zambito, H eather Young (Asst. Pledge 1om). Bottom Left- Zeta Taus at a football game.

To: A lpha Sigma Tau Parents Your daughter's magazine is sent to her home address while she is in colleue. We hope you enjoy reading it. If he i no longer in college, however, and is not living at home, please send her new permanent address to Alpha Sigma Tau ational H eadqua-rters 1929 Canyon R oad, Birmingham, AL 35 216.

Alph a ig ma Ta u 1929 Ca n on Road Birming h am , AL 352 16


erv ic R qu es ted

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