1998 Fall/Winter ANCHOR

Page 1

Self-Rei iant, Trustworthy




THE ANCHOR i published twice per year by Alpha Sigma Tau ational Sorority. Single copie are available for $5.00 each. Standard cia s po tage is paid at Indianapol.i , Indiana, and at additional mailing office . Send addre change to Alpha Sigma Tau ationa1 Headquarters. Editorial corre pondence should be ent to the THE ANCHOR Editor.

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Fall/Winter 1998, Volume 73, Number 2, Copyright 1998, Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority

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Editor, Kimberly Golden Benner, Beta Ep ilon '77 Collegiate ews Editor, Diane Schmelzel, Beta Pi '94 Alumnae ew Editor, Sandra Arne , Beta Tau '93

Delta Nu Beloit College Beloit Wis. and Delta Xi Valparaiso University Valparaiso Ind.

Director of Publication , Patricia Klausing Simmon , Delta '70



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Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters 1929 Canyon Road Birmingham, Alabama 35216 205-978-2179 205-978-2182 fax Website: www. alphasigmatau.org

L¥vMa-vcN, 1998.

Alpha Sigma Tau i a 50-year member of the ational Panhellenic Conference.

Thought of the day: "The true way to live i to enjoy every moment as it pas e , and surely it is in the everyday thing around us that the beauty of life lies." - Laura Ingall Wilder


Alpha igma Tau i a member of the College Fraternity Editor A sociation.

Submission deadline : pring/Summer 1999- De ember 1, I Fall/Winter 1999 - pe iallOOth Anniver ary I ue - M 1. I



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Features 5

National Convention, Centennial Celebration


1998-99 Collegiate Top Tau Recipients


Delta Lambda Chapter Installed


The National Council


Foundation News


Pave the Way to AST's Future


Chez Cheap ... Chez Chic


Our Founders .... A Tribute





Bulletin Board


A Message from the President


Collegiate News


Alumnae News



On the Front Cover: In honor of Alpha Sigma Tau's 32nd National Convention, Alpha Chapter -- where it all began -- hosted over 200 guests for an enjoyable afternoon of friendship and refreshments. (Photo by Tracy Bond, Zeta)

THE ANCHOR - Fall/Winter 1998

Special Moments, Special Memories: The 1998 National Convention by National President Martha Drouyor DeCamp, Alpha

Special moments and special memorie to last a lifetime, is the only way to describe Alpha Sigma Tau's 32nd National Convention . As I walked out to face all the i ters in attendance, with my big sister on one side of me and my little sister on the other, all the wonder of what being an Alpha Sigma Tau means rushed over me and overAlpha Sigma Tau National President Martha DeCamp (center) at National whelmed me. Convention with her big sister Shirley Sampier Redick (left), and little sister We gathered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, for many Ma ry Beth Seelye Tusrian (right). reasons. The most obvious reason was becau e we We pent the week at convention u ing and honing the all wear the same badge over our hearts. By accepting the tools we've learned, forming new friend hip and renewing honor of wearing this badge, this symbol of our organizaold one , and getting a great deal of bu iness done. During tion, we state that: we promise the same promise, pray the that week we convened, learned, bared, di cu ed, comsame prayers, sing the same hymn , and practice and promised, voted and conducted the bu ine of the orgauphold the same values. We continue to serve our nization. But, mo t importantly, we celebrated the heritage si terhood by performing the duties of our office to the of our ideal . best of our abilities, by gu idi ng younger sisters and pledged Life has changed in 98 1/2 year . The Alpha Sigma Tau members, and by carrying into the future our foundation value profe ed in our promi e and our Creed are our very of beliefs . structural foundation. They have tood by u faithfully to Alpha Sigma Tau is not new, and it is not even our idea. u tain thi continuum and union of friendship throuoh all Ninety-eight and one-half years ago, eight college women of life's change . o formed a club or sorority. Their aims were social and . Neither you nor I are the goal or end re ult of Alpha cultural. In the 1900 to 1902 issues of the Aurora (Ea tern Stgma Tau Sorority. We are each on it timeline. It i our Michigan University's yearbook) statements were printed task to pre erve the ideal and value that have brought u about this group such as: good scholarship, perpetuate together and pa them on to generation of i ter to come. social and true culture, high ideals and lofty aims, permaWe are the tewards of our founding principle , ju t a nent bonds of friend hip and fidelity to members' interests. tho e before u were. We continue to build on the These are 96 and 98 year old words that remain valid today. f?undation begun in 1899 to pre erve our deepe t value for Some things have changed, some have not. s1 ter yet to come. In 1958, I thought that the sorority existed just for me, I urge you, each, to trea ure and defend our ideal , and and in a way, it did. In 1998, today's collegian pre ume to keep and cultivate your bond of i terhood. Together that it exists just for them and, in a way, they are right. But we can take Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority fore er forward into it will continue to exist into other centuries to offer to future the future . young women the tool for the arne advantage that we Together we form what Alpha Sigma Tau Sororit i all have received. Tools like: bond of friendship, cholar hip about. excellence, cultural ( ocial) grace and etiquette, leaderhip, and integrity.


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THE ANCHOR - Fall/Winter 1998



Just before the convention opened, the first McCrory Order of Interfraternity Excellence award was presented to Kristin Radcliffe, Director of Greek Life at James Madison University, Harrisburg, Va., for her many contributions toward the improvement of the Greek system.

Members check in and check out the collegiate scrapbooks.

The "Parade of Banners" lead by the Alpha chapter.


Amy Dupree, award re ipient. and Martha De amp


The membership gets down to business at the 32nd annual National Convention.

THE ANCHOR - Fali!Winter 1998


Whew the- work-- wow~ U: wow CLU.tp~ for the- A l;phcv 5 ~ TcuJ ~ c;;t;t" corw~t.OrV:


1998-99 Collegiate Top Tau Recipients

Jayme Taylor

Angela Nichols

Jaime Erika Powers

Brenda Bowser

ErinLariue Carly Bohrer Sandra Miller Jayme Taylor Rebecca Kay Hamm Angela Nichols Sara Hughes Heather Bousman Nikka Fiddler Marissa Fernandez Mary Beth McCausland Emily Elizabeth Fletcher Michelle Cordell Chelsey Ratherrnann April Clark Diana Marie Pagano Kristy V alosio Summer Scheppelmann Melissa Magistro Christy Herr Jaime Erika Powers Nicole Rodriques Heather D'A vella Renee Jean Fountain NooBurke Amanda K@bal1 THE ANCHOR - Fall/Winter 1998

Hem her Bousman

Niki Burke

Ma1y Beth McCausland

M. Regina


Kimberly McCabe

Alpha Beta Delta Zeta Omicron Rho Sigma Zeta Tau Up ilon Phi Chi Psi Alpha Gamma Alpha Epsilon Alpha Lambda Alpha Xi Alpha Omicron Alpha Pi Alpha Phi Beta Epsilon Beta Eta Beta Theta BetaMu Beta Xi Beta Pi Beta Tau

Hollie Boo1h

Emily Elizabeth Fletcher

Stephanie Roberts

Nicole Marie Puchino

Andrea Gayle Mye rs

Mariana Ferreira Amber Shane Kelly Averett M. Regina Raley Stephanje Roberts Nicole Marie Puchino Susan Scudese Tammy Mynes Jenrufer Galand Sara Marie Darnell Brenda Bowser Barbara Costa Shannon Eileen Wall Kjmberly McCabe Patricia Ordonez Jennifer Wulff Theresa Burke Hollie Booth Andrea Gayle Myers Jennifer Wolf Monique Laurence Janet Rjdley Lynette Brehm Martha Scholl Michelle Follin Cherie Cucurullo

Christy Herr

Michelle Cordell

Susan Scudese

Martha Scholl

Beta Upsilon Beta Chi Gamma Gamma Gamma Zeta Gamma Theta Gamma Iota Gamma Lambda GammaMu Gamma Nu Gamma Xi Gamma Pi Gamma Rho Gamma Sigma Gamma Tau Gamma Up ilon Gamma Chi Gamma Omega Delta Alpha Delta Beta Delta Delta Delta Ep ilon Delta Zeta Delta Eta Delta Theta Delta Iota Delta Kappa 9

Delta Lambda Chapter Installed Sisters receive gifts at Delta Lambda Installation Banquet.


In 1996, two women met with campus officials to di scuss bringing a new sorority to Siena Heights University's campus. Two years later, the Delta Lambda Chapter was installed. On September 19, 1998, in a ceremony on the Siena's campus in Adrian, Michigan, the realization of a dream shared by many women on the campus came true. Mandy Lupu and Amanda Sill met with campus officials, researched various national organizations andrecruited women on campus to help them realize their dream. That dream was to improve Greek life on Siena's campus and create an organization which emphasized inclividualism, academic excellence, community service, and --most of-- all friendship. Soon eight members of the "Alpha" club started to pursue afftliation withAlphaSigmaTau. De pitemany ups and downs, the group held together, and on February 8, 1998, Expansion Assistant Anne Gruber conducted the Pinning Ceremony, officially marking Delta Lambda' affiliation with our sorority. With the a si tance of local alumnae, and under the guidance of National Colony Advi er Tracy Bond a nd Chapter Adviser Jennifer Schreer,the women began the proce of meeting the chapter req uirement for installation. 10

Throughout the month and training weekend , the Delta Lambda women learned about AST and each other. Weekends con i ted of officer training, policy review , si terhood building activitie , bu ine meetings, and, of cour e, trips to Frosty Boy. During thi s time member learned about them elves and pulLing together to accomplish their goal . They became highly respected on campu and recei ved award in fund rai ing and leadership. Finally, Installation weekend arrived! The weekend kicked off with a reception on Friday for colony members and the Installation team. On Saturday, a lovely ceremony was held in the Performing Art Building. National President Martha DeCamp, Alpha, served as In taJJing Officer, as i ted by Tracy Bond, Zeta; CoJJegiate Expansion Coordinator Christina Covington, Alpha Lambda; Di trictPre identLi a Marie Fredericks, Beta Xi; National Pledge Coordinator Kathy Baecker, Theta; National P arli amentarian Anne Gruber, Alpha; and Beth Fournier, Beta Xi . Member of the Yp ilanti/ Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter aJ o attended. It wa a beautiful and emotional e ent a the newe t member w re wei omed into the i terhood. Saturda e ning, e er one

gathered in Benincasa Dining Hall to celebrate. Mi Lupu, mi tres of ceremonie , and Amanda Holt chlag, banquet chair, welcomed over 100 gue ts, incl uding University Pre ident Dr. Artman; Dean of Student Michelle Buku ; A sistant Dean of Student Life/Greek Advi er Teri Carl on, member of Alpha chapter, member of other Greek organization , and Vema Courtemanche, an AST alumnae ince 1935. Upon accepting the Chapter Certificate of In tall ation, Dr. Artman expre ed hi pride in Delta Lambda's accompli hment and recognized the effort of Mi Lupu and Mi Sill. Chri tina Covington gave a movi ng keynote addres on the attribute of AST member and the bonds that i ter hare. After the peech, the chapter received everal gift . The chapter then pre ented gift to Dr. Artman, Mr . Buku, and Mrs. Carl on in appreciation for their endle upport.They al o pre en ted gift to the Installation team and to Mi Schreer, who e guidance and upport were invaluable. A lide how baring picture and memorie of Delta Lambda' growth wa presented. Thi wa followed by the traclitional candlelight ceremony led by Tracy Bond. Congratulations and welcome to the Delta Lambda chapter: Carmen Art, ConnieBontoma i, Cheryl Cella, Sarah Chavez, Becky Dabrowiak, Sharon Dechert, Brooke Gamelin Scarlet Glaro , Emily Gray Amanda Holt chlag, Sta i Kern. Mand Lupu, Chri tina Shearer, Amanda Sill, Am Suemni k, Alice Su hman, Ra h l Thomp on, and Janet Whitt .


Omicron Delta Kappa Omicron Delta Kappa recognizes and encourages uperior cholastic leadership and exemplary character for faculty and students on 248 campuses across the nation . Membership honors graduate and undergraduate women and men who are in the top 35 % of their class academically and who how leadership in one or more of five phases of college life: scholarship; athletics; campus or community service; ocial religious activities, and campus government; journali m, speech and the mass media; and creative and performing arts. The Alpha Sigma Taus have been inducted into thi s honorary society: Lori Buckma ter Lisa Hall Tracy Hendrickson Misty Holt

Michigan Technical University Univer ity of West Alabama Jame Madi on University Pennsylvania State University/ Behrend College Pennsylvania State Univer ity/ Behrend College Monmouth University Eastern llJinois University Ferri State University University of West Alabama Duque ne University University of West Alabama

Dawn Holzer Stacey Mecka Jennifer Polkow Amber Shane Katrina Skeen Dana Stephen Amy Williams

Congratulations to these fine women.



Congratulations are sent to the followmg.eotlegiate and alumnae 路 versaries in 1998. chapters who celebrated

Alumnae Top Taus Announced At the 32nd annu al A~T National Convention the Alumnae Top Taus were announced and certificate were handed to tho e lucky alumnae in attendance. The following are the 199899 Alumnae Top Tau recipients: Baltimore Chapter, Md. Pamela Vukmer Buffalo Chapter, N.Y. Mary Bolton Centreville-Manassas Chapter, Va. June Lovele Detroit-Northeast Suburb Chapter, Mich. Karen Cooper Greater Chicago Chapter, Til. Aimee Hoyt Harrisburg, Pa. Colleen Koller Indianapolis Chapter, Ind. Barbara Heeb Lehigh Valley Chapter, Pa. Barbara Day Northern Virginia Chapter, Va. Martha Jones Philadelphi a Chapter, Pa. Lois O'Dell St. Loui Chapter, Mo. Margaret Bogner Sunflower Chapter, Kan. Staci Wedermyer Tidewater Area Chapter, Va. Joy Wother poon Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor Chapter, Mich. Joyce Berg Congratulations to all of the e well deserving women who continue to be an integral part of Alpha Sigma Tau.

THE ANCHOR - Fall/Winter 1998


Scholastic Achievements ~-----------------------.

4.0 for Spring 1997

4.0 for Fall 1997 Jessica Friedman; Denise Gielas; Kelly Haas Roberta Jessen Rho: Arlene Goodrich; Jennie Sharp Zeta Tau: Angela DePriest; Jennifer Jones; Leah Upsilon: Latch; Lauren Mohr; Lesli Siler Danielle Tinurelli Chi: Shannon Anderson; Kimberly Psi: Duklewski; Amy Greeough; Lori Jennings; Susanna Rice; Kim Rosner; Amanda Shipp Alpha Epsilon: Jennifer Quniton Alpha Lambda: Rhonda Evers Alpha Omicron: Laura Bennett; Nicole DeiBonifro; Anahlta Firouzi; Stacey Kostek; Lela Mileski; Kristen Power; Kristy Valosic Renee Kemmler; Summer Scheppelrnann Alpha Pi: Amy MacAleer; Lauren Rindos Alpha Phi: Stephanie Rumbaugh Beta Epsilon: Cristi Castile; Jenillfer Cornelius; Beta Eta: Shelly Hill Nicole Rodriquez Beta Theta: Christina Britton Beta Iota: Nicole Teser Beta Mu: Christie Marino; Mary Pappas Beta Nu: Carin DePue; Jessica Zerbst Beta Xi: Angie Chesser; Megan Conner; Kara Beta Pi: Hilgenberg; Amy LeCrone; Tarru Long; Jill Martin; Jody Pauley Beta Omega: Cathleen Ratcliffe; Evelyn Various Gamma Gamma: Kelly Averett; Angie Gibson; Kimberly Guy; Kelly Jackson; Amanda Mathers; Melissa Pugh; Sela Timbrell; Rhonda Watkins; Amy Williams Gamma Zeta: Regina Cocimano; Erin Evring; Kelly Weber; Kimberly Widder Gamma Iota: Katie McEntee GammaMu: Heather Tanner Gamma Pi: Jenna Hoff; Charlotte Link; Megan Roof; Lori Schultz Gamma Tau: Elizabeth Pond Gamma Upsilon: Fabiola Aguirre Gamma Omega: Nicole Cherill; Lisa Mimmo Delta Delta: Jen Aris; Grace Bozzetti; Carrie Butera; Elise Janusz; Tina Perez; Marci Ryan; Stephanie Snow Delta Epsilon: Andrea Francisco Delta Zeta: Katie Horst; Helga McCollough; Janet Ridley Delta Theta: Jennifer Coffin, Aymee DIDomenico; Heather Fink Delta Iota: Michelle Hulbert; Chelsea Julien Delta Kappa: Cherie Cucurullo; Melissa Garner; Susa Mitchell Delta Mu: Daphne Barnett; Brady Vaughn; Ta ha Walker Delta:


Amy Bauer; Erica Rusiewicz; Angela Zugate Amje Crowl; Dana Deshler Zeta: Paula Gander; Shawna Hall; Kasey Rho: Kelso; Andrea Rogers: Rebecca Rutherford; Kelly Walla Rachel Adam; Jennifer Avery; Melanie Zeta Tau: Brown; Denise James Brandy Glover; Gray Griffin; Jennifer Upsilon: Kinder; Leah Latch: Lauren Mohr; Lora Sluyter Danielle Tinurelli Chi: Brittan Bayly; Carrie Bender; Amy Psi: Greenough; Ashley Howell: Lori Jennings; Kelly Krot: Amy Loud; Jarrue McAfee; Karen Morey; Kristen Russo; Tamara Virgilio; Susan Wide) Alpha Epsilon: Kim Smith; Misty Tuttle Alpha Gamma: Mary Carter Alpha Lambda: April Clark Janet Grimmett Alpha Mu: Alpha Omicron: Nicole DelBonifro; Nicole Gregorich; Sandra Maitland; Jennifer Pelly; Kristy Valosio Amanda Munko Alpha Pi: Jill Tehl Alpha Tau: Kerri Lubic; Jill Poserina; Tonya Stanley Alpha Phi: Colleen Hursh; Karen Przbylowski Beta Epsilon: Judi Arness; Jennifer Cornelius Beta Eta: Mary Pat Devery; Tracy Keller; Beta Theta: Rosemary Lopez; Karen Mitchell Beta Iota: Christina Britton Michelle Esmont; Christina Peck; Emily Beta Mu: Snellings; Nicole Teser Beta Xi: Tina Weiler; Jessica Zerbst Beta Pi: Kristen Glover; Kara Hilgenberg; Tami Long; Jill Martin Beta Tau: Darcia Ferrara; Maura Porter Beta Chi: Amber Shane Beta Omega: Cathleen Ratcliffe Gamma Gamma: Michelle Culpepper; Elizabeth Grant; Kimberly Guy; Kelly Jackson; Cynthia Pugh; Sonja Wallace Gamma Zeta: Regina Cocimano; Jennifer Lockman; Cassie Smith Gamma Xi: Mindy Foster Gamma Pi: Jenna Hoff; Kelly Norton: Megan Roof Gamma Tau: Beth Paul Delta Epsilon: Maral Ar lanian; Andrea Franci co Delta Eta: T. Kena Timmon Delta Zeta: Katie Horst; Michelle Sepe; Sue Schyuler Delta:


The National Council At the 32nd Annual Convention of Alpha Sigma Tau, elections were held for the 1998-2000 National Council. The following talented and very dedicated women were elected into the Board positions: National President Martha Drouyor DeCamp National Vice President Melinda Henry Oates National Secretary Sanda Ruholl Clocksin National Treasurer Andrea Klein-Yancho Director of Collegiate Chapters Ricki Bargman Trosen Director of Alumnae Patricia Lynn Nayle Director of Expansion Lara Elizabeth Cegala Director of Fraternity Programs TeLoaHolderButler Director of Publications Patricia Klausing Simmons

Meet the Newest Members of the Council Three of the members the National Council are new to their positions: Melinda Oates, Gamma Gamma, Lara Cegala, Psi, and TeLoa Butler, Rho.

National Vice President

Director of Expansion

Melinda Henry Oates

Lara E. Cegala

TeLoa Holder Butler

Melinda Henry Oates , Gamma Gamma, is the new National Vice President of Alpha Sigma Tau. She is a 1984 graduate of Shelton State where she was a collegiate Chapter Adviser. Melinda is married to James Oates and resides in Gardendale, Ala. with her husband and their two children. Melinda is employed by Alpha Sigma Tau as the secretary. She works out of A:ET headquarters and travels extensively for the sorority. As Vice President, Melinda is responsible for maintaining contact with National Council members and arranging their meetings. Her duties require that she supervise the probationary requirements of chapters, make chapter visits as needed or requested, and appoint chapter advisers, chapter assistant advisers and chapter consultants.

The new Director of Expansion is Lara Cegala, a Psi who graduated from James Madison University in 1993. Lara lives in Orlando, Fla. where she is the coordinator for Cooperative Education Programs at the University of Central Florida. As a collegiate, Lara was actively involved in A:ET holding the positions of vice president, standards chairman, and pledge class treasurer. As an alumnae, she is a member of the Orlando Alumnae Hope Group. Lara's responsibility as Director of Expansion is the development and organization of new collegiate chapters. As colony's petition across the country to become A:ET chapters, Lara and her team of colony educators lead the training and initiating of each new colony. With all the new expanding, Lara's position will keep her very busy.

TeLoa Holder Butler, Rho, is the new Director of Fraternity Programs. A graduate of Southeastern Oklahoma State University in 1961, TeLoa has raised five children and currently resides in Durant, Okla. TeLoa is employed by Southeastern Oklahoma State University as an academic counselor/tutor coordinator. As a collegiate, TeLoa was involved in A:ET on many levels including rush chairman, pledge director, vice president, and Panhellenic representative. In her position, TeLoa is responsible for supervising the activities of the Fraternity Programs Chairmen and supervising collegiate programs related to fraternity programs. She also supervises rush and pledge programs, and makes recommendations for nominees to be recipients of sorority awards.

THE ANCHOR - Fall/Winter 1998

Director ofFraternity Programs


ALPHA SIGMA TAu NoMINATION FoRM Resume for National Council and Staff Positions Please Print or Type Applying for position (list in order of preference) :

Date,_ _ _ _ _ _ __

1._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3 ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

GENERAL INFORMATION Name1_ _ _ _ _~F~ir~st~-----------~M~id~d~le_____________~M~a~id~e~ n ____________~L~a~s~ t ________

Home Address City'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State,_________ Zipo _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone





_ __) ___)





May we contact you there? _ __

E-Mail Address Spouse's Name

CoLLEGE INFORMATION Collegiate Chapter Affiliation ______________________________________________________ On a separate sheet of paper, list any offices held. ~ Undergraduate/Graduate degree(s) received College/University


Major/Minor Or Area of Study


ALUMNAE INFORMATION Alumnae Chapter Affiliation, ___________________________________________________________ If yes, which one?_____________________________________

Do you currently hold an office?________

Yes No Are your alumnae dues paid for the current year (June - May)? On a separate sheet of paper list any previous offices held at the alumnae level (local/national level : National Council, Staff or Committee or Assistant to National Staff positions) .

CAREER INFORMATION Current Occupation/Title__________________________________________________________ Company___________________________________________________________________________ (Please attach your professional resume)

ALPHA SIGMA TAU INFORMATION Are you able to travel for AST? How often? _ _ Weekly

_ _ Yes

_ _ No

_ _ Monthly

Can you travel on short notice?

_ _ _ Yes

_ _ No

_ _ Semi-Annual

Are you willing to commit to a full term (a term is defined as being through the next convention) Do you have access to a computer?

_ _ Yes

_ _ Yes _ _ No

_ _ _ No

How much time per week are you able to devote to sorority business?________________________________

OPTIONAL On a separate sheet of paper: Please list collegiate, alumnae and professional awards, honors or recognition you have received. 1. 2. Briefly explain your qualifications or interest in this position. Describe your goals and strategies for this position. NOTE: Your application will NOT be processed until it has been determined that alumnae dues have been paid. You may

send your $30 dues with this nomination form to Headquarters. Complete and send this form to : National Nominations Coordinator, Alpha Sigma Tau Headquarters, 1829 Canyon Road, Birmingham , AL 35216-1723




Centennial Challenge Kick Off in Ann Arbor At the 1998 National Convention in Ann Arbor, the National Foundation Board of Directors announced a new, two-year fund raising campaign. The "Centennial Challenge" was issued, and immediately AETs began to support this effort. It is the National Foundation's goal to raise $100,000 prior to the close of our centennial celebration in Birmingham, Ala. in 2000. The National Foundation has challenged each AET, collegian and alumnae, to donate $10 toward this goal. The donations will be tracked by donor chapter affiliation. Each chapter, active and inactive, has the opportunity to be the chapter

that reaches 100% and receive a special recognition at the 33rd National Convention. Information regarding chapter progress will be included in THE ANCHOR, THE CREST and the Foundation News. Theta Chapter is out in front of all the others with donations collected prior to July 31, 1998. Send donations to: AST National Headquarters 1929 Canyon Road Birmingham, AL 35216-1723 All proceeds from this fund raiser will go towards Pine Mountain Settlement School and the Headquarters Fund.

Announcement of Centennial Challenge at National Convention breakfast.

Convention Fund Raiser for Pine Mountain Settlement School Attendees atthe32ndNational Convention opened their hearts and their wallets as the National Foundation sponsored a very special fund raiser for Pine Mountain Settlement School. The tradition of theN ational Foundation raffle and yellow rose sale continued at the 1998 Convention in Ann Arbor, with a new twist this year. The National Foundation Board of Directors announced that all proceeds from these sales would be donated to Pine Mountain Settlement School. As a result of the overwhelming support of the AET's in attendance, $1,102 was raised. This amount far exceeded the goal set by the National Foundation, and doubled the amount THE ANCHOR - Fall/Winter 1998

raised at previous conventions. The lucky raffle winners were: Carol Cooper- Silver AST jewelry box Emily Mcintire- AST afghan Mary Charles Ashby- AST lavalier. The Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation Board of Directors wishes to thank all who supported this fund raiser. A special thank you also goes to the Elliott Sisters -- Betty Gail, Edith and Meda Ray-- for manning the sales table. It is because of AET sister's generosity, that Pine Mountain Settlement School was able to receive these additional funds.

1998 National Foundation Donor Breakfast The Sheraton Inn Petite Ballroom, Ann Arbor, Mich. , was the site for the 1998 National Foundation Donor Breakfa t. On June 25, 1998, sixty-four individuals, chapter and/or groups were recognized for their continued support of the Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation. These recognitions were for those whose contributions, over the past two years, raised their total contributions to a new level of giving. Of those recognized, there were fourteen collegiate chapters, six alumnae chapters, one group, and fortythree individuals. Each individual or chapter received a certificate of recognition . Individuals also received a donor level pin. The Levels of Giving that have been established by the National Foundation have been altered slightly to allow for continued recognition of some of our most faithful supporters. It is with great excitement that the National Foundation announce the addition of four new levels of giving - the Founders Levels (I-XI). The e levels recognize those donor who have contributed $60,000 or more. The fust recipient of the Founders I Level recognition pin and certificate was in attendance at this event -- Dr. Rose Marie Schmidt. Dr. Schmidt bas long supported Alpha Sigma Tau through her time, talents and fmancial contributions . She is currently serving as Treasurer of the National Foundation Board of Directors.

Marie Schmidt 15

Pave the Way toAST's Future Be a part of Alpha Sigma Tau's legacy to future generations by ordering a brick on the walkways of A.ET National Headquarters in Birmingham, Ala. The walkways are planned to be completed just in time for A.ET's lOOth anniversary. What a lovely gift they'll make! The cost per brick is $100 with $80 of that being tax deductible. The bricks hold up to 3 lines of type with 14 characters per line-- that includes spaces and commas. Greek letters can be u ed in the brick copy. All brick requests are subject to acceptance by the Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation. A brick form accompanied by a check made payable to Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation must be sent into headquarters. A form can be found on page 17 of this issue of THE ANCHOR or a copy can be obtained on the A.ET National Homepage. It would be a wonderful site to see every collegiate and alumnae chapter represented in the walkways of headquarters.

A Look at the Alpha Sigma Tau brick on display at the Na tional Convention.

NPC National Badge Day: March 1, 1999

Place it over your heart with pride! National Panhellenic Badge Day ~arch 1, 1 999 March 1999 will mark the third annual National Panhellenic Badge Day, an effort that encourages sorority women to celebrate their Greek affiliations by wearing their badge or letters. The public awareness campaign entitled, "Place it over your heart with pride" is slated for March I st. "National Badge Day gives sorority women of all ages and in all locations a way to show their Greek pride," said Lissa Bradford, Chairman of the National Panhellenic 16

Conference. "We have lot of great news to share," aid Bradford, "during the la t year over $2 million was given in scholarships and donations to charitable organizations, alumnae involvement is up and membership number continue to climb-- we have a lot to be proud of." "A badge is a great conversation starter," Bradford contended, "it provide the chance to share what Greek

membership is .... a lifetime opportunity for friend hip, leadership, learning and service. " It's important that Alpha Sigma Tau be repre en ted on National Badge Day. Thi i the time for all collegiate and alumnae member to wear their badges with pride. Collegiate hould make March 1, 1999 a "badge attire" day with i ter wearing their badge to clas e , meeting , or anywhere they go that day. Alumnae hould also wear "badge attire" for the day. They can wear their badges to work or doing daily activities. The individual they would encounter during the cour e of a day, would lead to an incredible amount of people being better informed on Greek life. On March 1 tall i ter hould take advantage of National Badge Da and be an active poke per on for Alpha Sigma Tau. Here's to hoping that th u and f women port th ir badg -. ith prid .


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HELP PAVE THE WAY FOR THE FUTURE OF ALPHA SIGMA TAU!!! Be a part of our legacy to future generations of Alpha Sigma Tau. Order your personalized brick to be placed on the walkways of our National Headquarters Building in Birmingham , Alabama.

*Request for Purchase* Name :._________________________________

Please remit this form along with your $100 tax deductible** donation to :

Address :____________________________ Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation 1929 Canyon Road Birmingham , AL 35216-1723

City :. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ State/Zip :___________________________

Make checks payable to : AST National Foundation

Telephone: ___________________________ Commemorative Brick Inscription Please print in capital letters using only one character per space (includes letters, punctuation and spaces) Limit - 3 lines /14 characters per line. Greek letters are available. ***All requests are subject to acceptance by the Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation Board of Directors.

Bricks will be duplicated exactly as they appear here . Check your spelling , etc. carefully **$80 of your $100 donation is tax deductible. For office use only:

Order received. ___________________ Order submitted._________________

Payment received. ___________________ Brick received. _____________________

Raise the Anchor and Cruise the Caribbean BY JANET J IMISON

Kick back and cruise the beautiful Western Caribbean for seven days of pure relaxation with Alpha Sigma Tau sisters, their families, and friends. The sailing date is July 11 -1 8, 1999 aboard the Norwegian Cruise Lines Norwegian Sea. Everything about the Norwegian Sea is remarkable -- a two story shimmering crystal fountain, an elegant avenue of smart boutiques and shops and a glass-walled Observatory Lounge with a panoramic view of the sea. The two-story sun deck surrounds one of the largest pools afloat. There is a jogging track, basketball and volleyball court, golf driving net and two over-sized hot tubs. For those who like to exercise, there is a fitness center equipped with Lifefitness and Cybex machines. Guests can visit Lickety Splits ice cream palor, Coconut Willy's outdoor

bar, Oscar's piano bar, the art deco Gatsby's wine bar, and Boomer's disco. For those quieter moments, there are dozens of tranquil spots to read a book, take a nap or watch the world float past. On the Norwegian Sea the entertainment runs from bow to stem with plenty of live music, comedians, magicians, Las Vegas style revues, singer , and dancers. For those who like to participate, there are several dance floors to stage a personal performance. The Cabaret Lounge boast a fullscale Broadway production of the award-winning musical "Grease." Guest can also try their hand with "Lady Luck" at the blackjack table , roulette wheel, poker tables, and slot machinesintheextravagantMonteCarlo Casino. There's no flirting when it comes to food . Guests will fall head over heels in love from the very first bite. The chefs won't have it any other way. Whether eating a burger at the Big Apple Cafe, sitting down to an elegant five-course meal in the Four Season o Seven Sea dining rooms, relaxing at the intimate European-style Le Bistro, or indulging in the Chocoholic Buffet, guests are in for a real treat. Or two. Or three. This is a family affair, so for the little ones there is the whimsical Porthole

children's playroom. The first night at sea there will be an A~T reception. Everyone will have the opportunity to make new acquaintances and renew old friendships . Alpha Sigma Tau sisters will receive a discounted rate on this sailing, but the only way you can receive these rates is by calling Litwin Travel at 1800-262-8250. A percentage of the cruise fare will be donated to Alpha Sigma Tau. Stateroom rates are: Inside Staterooms start at: $799* per per on Oceanview Staterooms start at: $902* per person 3rd/4th Pas engers pay only: $199* per per on (*Rate is based on double occupancy and doe not include port charge of $128 per per on. The 3rd/4th in a cabin pay only $199 per person plu port charges.) The cruise travel schedule includes a day each at Cancun, Cozumel and RoatanBay. Questions can be answered by Janet Jimison at 316-442-6748 or via e-mail at jimisons @horizon.hit.net.

The Crest Receives Publication Award from National Interfraternity Foundation The National Interfraternity Foundation awarded Ricki Trosen, Alpha Sigma, Director of Collegiate Chapters, and the Alpha Sigma Tau its third place award for publications at the 1998 College Fraternity Editors Association conference in July. The award was presented for the article "Respect: Given or Earned?" which ran in the fal l 1997 is ue of 18

THE CREST. The article had been previously published by Ricki as a position paper, then ran in the spring 1997 issue of THE ANCHOR. The article in THE CREST addressed the orority's efforts in new member programming on the collegiate level. The National Interfraternity Foundation tated that this article accom-

plished its communication goal and that the content wa helpful in overall progres of the greek ystem. Li a McCoy , Beta , wa THE CREST interim editor for the i ue.


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Chez Cheap..... Chez Chic Cruising the garage sales? Trading goods at the local consignment shop? Clipping coupons? Still searching for that "blue light" special? Cheap, huh? Not according to the current trend in consumerism. Cheap is chic. And in a lot of cases, its necessary to live within your monthly budget. There is a strong movement in the U.S. towards frugality in all aspects of daily life. Studies indicate that 75 per cent of American workers between the ages of 25 and 49 would like to see a return to a simpler life with less emphasis on wealth and belongings. Sadly, the per capita consumption in the past 20 years rose by 45 percent, while the quality of life as measured by the Index of Social Health decreased by 51 percent. We must be doing something terribly wrong!!! The frugality movement is made up of people who are making less and consuming less, and finding a lot more happiness along the way. Being frugal doesn't mean lowering your standard of living or quality of life. It means prioritizing your life and deciding what you truly need, not what you want. It means doing more for yourself. This is easier to do than you think. Obviously, everyone doesn't need to bake their own bread, learn to fix their own car, or grow their own produce - unle s that's what you like to do. Some changes to frugal living can be done immediately, while other changes need to be done in small steps. To fmd some concepts and tips on living a little more cheaply, you don't have to go far. There are many books and websites specializing in this very subject. You can start with The Frugal Zealot herself, Amy Dacyczyn, and author of The Tightwad Gazette books. Some tips from her books include: 1. Don't buy things new if you don't have to. You can buy quality items at garage sales for a fraction of the cost of new items and pick up great buys at consignment shops. THE ANCHOR - Fall!Winter 1998

2. Don't pay for entertainment. Fix an expensive meal at home instead of going out. 3. Bring gift giving down to a more reasonable level. With creativity, you can come up with appropriate gifts for a reasonable amount. 4. Don't buy convenience foods. Making food from scratch will significantly bring down your weekly grocery bill. 5. Live below your means. Do a budget and stick with it. 6. Evaluate the extra expenses in your life. Do you really need the expensive makeup? shoes? car? .... 7 . Use up your leftovers. You may be able to get an entire meal out of two or three nights of leftovers, or take them for lunch at the office instead of going out to eat. 8. Don't go to first-run movies. Check out the "dollar theater" (most towns have theaters that charge $1 - $2), take in a matinee show or wait until it comes out in video and rent it. 9. Get books from the library. You can check out your favorite author or catch up on monthly magazines. 10. Comparison shop. Take time to check out prices. Often you can get a better deal at the store with a coupon than in a wholesale club. To accomplish true frugality, you need to set up long term goals. This is a more difficult and will take research, time and commitment to be successful. Your first step should be to track your spending. Get receipts for everything and do a weekly check on where your money is going. This task takes patience and is probably the most difficult change to accomplish, but you'll develop great insight into your spending habits and be able to make informed decisions on where you can cut back. For example, you could find out that your families combined trips to the A TM add up to $50 in banking fees for a week. Why not leave out a set amount

of cash each week. Use an ATM only man emergency. Concentrate on reducing unnecessary expenses like business lunches, gifts for co-workers and shopping at the local convenience store. Most importantly, do your be t to pay off those high interest credit cards. These debts can be deadly and leave you in financial trouble. You can get in a rut where your monthly finance charges are nearly equal to your monthly payment and you never get ahead. In spite of a 50 percent increase in personal income between 1957 and 1991 , the percentage of people who are "very happy" did not change. So, do more "things" make u happy? Or will implifying our life and doing more for ourselves and with our families make u happier? People spend more time at their jobs (163 more hours per year today as compared to 1969) to make more money, to buy more things. Considering a recent studied revealed that today's parent spend 40 percent less time with their children than parents did in 1965. Frugality effects more than ju t finances . Obviously, there are many tasks that need to be handled by a profe ional -brain surgery comes to mind. But there are many change you can incorporate into everyday expenditures that will a~e money and make significant changes in your life in the long run . Under tanding that some changes take the "long run " to see the savings. Everyone has heard thi infamou quote by Benjamin Franklin, "A penny saved, is a penny earned." Was he being cheap? Frugal? Maybe. Or maybe he was ju t smart! 19


In 1899, in Ypsilanti, Mich ... Eight great girls sat right down and made themselves a wish ... Every Alpha Sigma Tau has learned the names of those "eight great girls"Mable Chase, Ruth Dutcher, May Gephart, Harriet Marx, Eva O'Keefe, Adriance Rice, Helene Rice and Mayene Tracy. Our sorority history, however, does not tell us what it was like to be a college student 100 years ago or even what our Founders' lives were like. Imagine what it was like for a young woman to attend a state normal school - a teachers' college - one hundred years ago. Often they were younger than the now-traditional 18-22 year olds attending college. Some students at normal schools were as young as 15, with just eight years of schooling under their belt. Young women who attended college often lived in rooming houses in the community with other female students. Students at a state normal school, as a rule, came from working-class Christian homes. Our eight founders were typical college girls of the tum of the century. Nervous about being away from home, anxious about completing their twoyear stint of teacher training and competing in a man's world. Through it all they liked to have a good time when classes were over. Indeed, Alpha Sigma Tau's earliest history recounts parties given by the collegians at Ypsilanti. During its first year in Ypsilanti, the sorority did not display much activity, according to one of the founders, Harriet Marx Pfeiffer. She wrote that the charter was not received from the college until the second year, when seven more young women joined the group. With the original eight founders, they became Alpha Sigma Tau's charter members. Their advisers were Mrs. Effie E. Lyman, Miss Abigail Pearce and Miss Ada A. Norton. 20

Miss Pfeiffer wrote that after college, in general, those first members followed Horace Greeley's advice and went west (though she observed that he confined his admonitions to "young men") Our founders moved to western Michigan, to Wisconsi n, to Montana and to Washington state. Mrs. Pfeiffer, herself, eventually retired to California. Many of the founders taught on the American frontier until they married, turning their attention to the ways of their households, as most women did at the time. Carrie Washburne Staehle, President Emerita, reflected that, "some people in the early 1900s criticized sororities as being undemocratic, but all clubs and fraternal organizations are simply responding to is an instinct of togetherness." Even cave-dwellers gathered into clans for protection and friendship, each with its own area of habitation and descriptive name. A baby born one hundred years ago had a life expectancy of 46. The majority of children went to one-room country schools where they learned to read. Penmanship was important; pens had replaceable steel points inserted in a holder and one always needed a bottle of ink and a blotter. (Many books and papers were ruined when the ink bottles overturned!) The Indian Head one-cent piece was the most popular coin. A loaf of bread cost five cents, a bag of candy

one cent, as did a pencil and tablet. Children took their Sunday school or church offerings- usually a penny- tied in the comer of their handkerchiefs. Transportation was slow and minimal. People had to either walk or ride in a horse-drawn vehicle. Steam-engine trains were used for trips between cities. Even in Michigan, the home of the American automobile, there were very few cars one hundred year ago. Communication was al o slow. There was a daily paper with new a day late, postcards with a one-cent stamp and letters with a two-cent tamp. Few people had telephone which were just a box on the wall holding tw batterie connected by v ire to p le on the street. On the front of the b were two bell that rang wh n a all nth I ft carne in, and a mouthpi THE AN H R - Fat

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side were a crank to wind to place a caJl, and a receiver connected by a cord to the box to listen to incoming calls. Our founders were not able to vote in an election until twenty-one years after the founding of Alpha Sigma Tau, when most of them were in their late thirties. They, like many young women of their day, worked outside the home until they were married. Those who worked out side the home held traditionally female occupations like teaching and nursing. On that autumn evening in 1899, night young women stood on the verge of a new century. Did they wonder what the twentieth century would bring? Did they discuss"wild ideas" that eventually became airplanes, space shuttles, computers, e-mail and microwave ovens? THE ANCHOR - Fall/Winter 1998


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In the first years of this century, organizations at Michigan State Normal School wrote paragraphs with their pictures in the college yearbook, the Aurora. The 1900, 1901 and 1902 yearbooks reflect the thoughts and aims of our founders: "This organization claims to be strictly up to date, as it is purely of twentieth century growth, having been in existence only a few months. Though it numbers less than most of the similar organizations in the college, yet for loyalty and harmony among its members none can excel it. Its aim is, first of all, social and literary culture, but we count not least among the results obtained, the bond of sympathy among its members, which we trust will prove something more than a pleasant memory, when we leave our alma mater. We can only predict its future from its brief past. From the fidelity of its members to its interests, its high ideals and lofty aims, we feel assured that it is destined to become a permanent and an ennobling element in the college. Long may it live!" (1900) "Although our sorority is not as yet strong in numbers, the bonds of friendship are equal to the sororities of greater numbers. Alpha Sigma Tau sprang into existence in 1899. Its aim has even been good scholarship and true culture. Our social gatherings have been not only pleasant, but we believe, beneficial - and will always remain with us among the pleasant memories of our alma mater. To those who may, in the future, join our mystic circle, we extend the wish that they may find as much enjoyment in its associations as we have found in the past." (1901) "We have but one life to live, and we all wish to make the most of it. The years of our college life have brought us into a true realization of the fact that a friend is the noblest gift that life can bring. We have satisfactorily provide to ourselves that true friendship and catholicity of culture in sorority life, is "worth while". Our hearts' desire is that those who are left to carry on the work of next year, may be the means of forming links which time and change cannot sever." (1902)

Do we, who also stand on the verge of a new century, with so many more opportunities, so much more information and a plethora of problems, have any idea of the advances that our new century will bring?


Access the Internet Most of us know the story of the initial organization of Alpha Sigma Tau. These young women met on the evening of November 4, 1899 at the home of Ruby Pratt on Huron Street in Ypsilanti, Mich., to organize a club or sorority. Their campus, Michigan State Normal College (now Eastern Michigan University) ,was at that time home to three other sororities. On that November evening, the name Alpha Sigma Tau was chosen for their sorority and purple and gold were selected as the new sorority's colors. Shortly thereafter, a second meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Depew on Forest A venue where Helene and Adriance Rice, Eva 0' Keefe and Harriet Marx roomed. This meeting was a party; the rooms were festively decorated in purple and gold, and even the cake was golden with purple icing. At this party, these collegiate women decided that the next day they would introduce the newly-born sorority to the student body and the community. They all attended chapel together wearing purple and gold. Imagine their surprise and chagrin when members of another sorority informed them that Alpha Sigma Tau had appropriated their colors. Obviously, emerald green was quickly chosen as a replacement for purple.

www.alphasigmatau.org Check out the AST Homepage on the WorldWide Web. Visitors to the web ite will enjoy reading about AET happening and will find out the latest information on sorority events.

Coming Soon ... The New Taus@Net

Phi Kappa Tau Foundation To Offer Educational Fellowships The Phi Kappa Tau Foundation announced the availability of Interfraternity Educational Fellowships for the 1999-2000 academic year. Up to three Fellowships will be awarded to recognize those men and women who make -- or have made -exemplary leadership contributions beyond the undergraduate level. The applicant's fraternity must be a member of one of the following four organizations: National Interfraternity Conference (NIC), National Panhellenic Conference (NPC), National PanHellenic Council (NPHC), or Professional Fraternity As ociation (PFA). Applicants may be first-year graduate students, students continuing in a graduate program, or students who are returning to graduate chool after a period of time away from academia. Applicants pur ing a 22

graduate degree in Student Personnel Administration or a related field will receive a preference for one of the Fellowships annually. Each Fellowship is for $5 ,000. The application deadline for the 19992000FellowshipsisFebruary 1, 1999. A panel of fraternity men and women will review the applications and select the recipients on or about April 1, 1999. All applicants will receive notification of the results after that date. Payment of the Fellowships will be made directly to the in titutions where the recipients are enrolled in graduate programs. For application material or further information, write to: Bethany A. Deine , Director ofDevelopment Phi Kappa Tau Foundation, 14 North Campu Ave. , Oxford, OH 45056, or call 513-523-1778.

A Sisters-only network on the AST National Homepage! This new addition to the Homepage will allow members to: ·:·Maintain personal e-mail. ·:· Post personal me ages for isters and chapter . ·:· Share ideas for rush, philanthropy, orority growth and development. ·:· Download certain document and form . ·:· Maintain a record on the ite of chapter's current officers, advi ers, addresse and phone number . Thi will be a ecured ite requiring members to regi ter for a pa word.

Look for it soon! TH.E

HOR · Fat rVinter 199

Be a Writer for THE ANCHOR THE ANCHOR staff is looking for a few good writers to do feature article for upcoming issues . Collegian and alumnae members can build up their portfolio's and hone their writing skills by spending a few hours researching, conducting telephone interviews, and writing the finished piece. Writers will be given at lea t two to three month to work on their articles, but must be able to meet a deadline. Writers will work with the editor of THE ANCHOR, providing statu reports on a regular basis. Naturally, writers can contact the editor any time with questions and concerns. This is a chance to sharpen writing skills and contribute to Alpha Sigma Tau at the same time. Anyone interested should send thi form to THE ANCHOR Editor: Kimberly Golden Benner 217 Murray Drive Allentown, PA 18104 For additional information, call 610395-7763.

r------ - ---- --------------, THE ANCHOR -- Freelance Writer Form Name._________________________________________________ Address._______________________________________________

Home Phone.__________________________ VVork Phone._________________________

E-Mail _____________________________ Collegiate Chapter______________________________________ Year graduated _______ Have you written for publication before? ___yes _ _ No Prior writing experience__________________________________

L ---------------------- ---~

Become a Chapter Adviser Alpha Sigma Tau alumnae are needed to serve as Chapter Advisers , Assistant Advisers and Chapter Consultants. The positions require a good general knowledge of chapter operations and time commitments to be at chapter meetings and events where an adviser would be necessary. For this reason , it i essential that advisers and assistants live close to the chapters they are advising. Chapter Adviser's responsibilitie include attending weekly business meetings, advise and direct chapter officers, review chapter reports, and direct the chapter's proceedings in accordance with the Constitutions of Alpha Sigma Tau and College Panhellenic Rules. Assistant Chapter Advisers (ACA) assist the Chapter Adviser whenever the need arises. The ACA works closely with the Chapter Treasurer in formulat-

THE ANCHOR - Fall/Winter 1998

ing a chapter budget and supervising chapter finances. An ACA also works with the chapter officers and chairmen. A Chapter Consultant operates as an assistant to the National Staff. The Chapter Consultant meets with the collegiate officers and chairmen in the fall semester to explain duties and inspect notebooks and files. Consultants check the chapter's properties against its inventories and complete a report accordingly. Anyone interested in being a Chapter Adviser, Assistant Chapter Adviser or Chapter Consultant should contact: Melinda H. Oates National Vice President 7794 Old Mt. Olive Road Gardendale, AL 35071 205-631-0331 mhoates@ rnindspring.com


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CoLLEGIATE CHAPTER NEws Alpha- Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, MI

The Alpha Chapter had a successful Greek Week, taking first place for making the fastest human pyramid. In addition, the members hosted an all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner at a local restaurant, sold pizza by the slice at Greek events, and held a car wash. For sorority growth and development, a Planned Parenthood representative spoke to the chapter. Earlier this year, the chapter began an attendance point system that has improved attendance and involvement at meetings and other events. -Stephanie Smith

Beta- Central Michigan University Mt. Pleasant, Ml

The Beta Chapter began its semester with a successful rush. For their philanthropy and fund raising acti vities, Beta collected soup can labels to help an elementary school purchase a computer, helped the local soup kitchen raise money at a bake sale, and raised over $2,000 by selling roses in the community. The money earned from selling the roses allowed the chapter to donate money to "Walk for Warmth" and to adopt

a local philanthropy, Hospice of Isabella County. During Greek Week activities, Beta won trophies for togabowl, wallyball, kickball, rai ing money for toga-bowl, and rai ing money for PUSH America. -Roberta Pope

Delta - Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana, PA

Delta i ter Karin Rabenold and Dana Welker started a new tradition-an AJ umni Luncheon during the weekend of Mi s IUP. Mi IUP, chaired this year by Mary Ann Calhoun, went off without a hitch a 13 girl , including Delta member Aimee Arnold, vied for the title of Miss IUP 1998. The Delta chapter had a record year; it raised over $10,000 with the help of Mary Tumbacb's generou donation. Mary has given a donation for the second year in a row and her thoughtfulness has been overwhelming. The money raised was sent to the Pine Mountain Settlement School, the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and The Alice Paul House, a local shelter for battered women. The Delta Chapter also participated in three independent fund rai sers. -Susan Salome

Zeta - Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Lock Haven, PA

During the pring emester, Zeta Chapter participated in variou acti vi tie which included Greek Week, a car wash, and the annual highway pickups. The chapter wa bu y with many fund rai ing and philanthropic activitie . The i ter volunteered at the Mill Hall High School Easter egg hunt, held a candy-gram sale, and helped their local philanthropy in filling tre balloons for a children's fair. - Natalie Hood

Omicron- Concord College Athens, WV

The Omicron Chapter participated in the annual Phone-a-thoo in which it came in ixth out of 20 organizations for the total amount pledged for cholarship and other needs. The chapter also participated in the Mt. Lion Fe tival for high school juniors and enior , giving the students a chance to look at the campus and all of the club , organizations, fraternitie , and ororitie . Member also held two sorority growth and developments programs, one of which was on depression and the other on dependability . - 1 ess ica Hudson

Rho - Southeastern Oklahoma State University Durant, OK

Sisters of Alpha Chapter, Eastern Michigan University, enjoy their Fall Formal. 24

The Rho Chapter began the erne ter with an informal rush . The i ters participated in a i terhood bonfue in which they all came together and roa ted mar hmellow and danced the night away! Rho's philanthropy proje t for the erne ter included going to the 1 al nur ing home on Valentine' Da t ing and cheer up the r id nt and hosting a potato upp raft r hi h the hapter donated al11 fto er f d t th I al worn n' h 1t r and uth h 1THE

ter. Other activities included the Emerald Ball and a sorority growth and development retreat by Lake Texhoma. -Jennifer Dennard

Sigma- State University College at Buffalo Buffalo, NY

The Sigma's started the semester with a celebration-a benefit for AIDS research. Members enjoyed setting up streamers, unloading trucks, and setting up tables and candies all over the gym. Other philanthropy project included bowling with mentally challenged children, participating in the school blood drive, and participating in Take Back the Night, a night to fight against physical and exual abu e. The chapter started a new tradition , a mother-daughter banquet. During their Greek Week, the Sigma's participated in such activities as pool, volleyball, baseball, soccer, and a scavenger hunt. -Brandi Calleri

Zeta Tau College


Farmville, VA

The Zeta Tau Chapter enjoyed a successful ru h and the addition of a new adviser, Tammy Gingras. The new members were busy "Stayin' Alive" during the spring semester. They performed thi ong, as well as other , at Lip Sync, a contest held every erne ter for the pledge classes of each sorority and fraternity on campu . Member of Zeta Tau Chapter were involved in several service projects. Sisters participated in the Multiple-Sclerosis Walk and held a Swing-a-thon to earn money for their local philanthropy, Cystic Fibrosis. The new members painted sewer drains in an effort to educate others about how dumping trash endangers the Chesapeake Bay and the estuary there. -Jennifer Malon

THE ANCHOR - Fall/Winter 1998

Alpha Lambda sisters, Radford University, share an afternoon together.

Upsilon - University of Central Arkansas Conway, AR

The Upsilon Chapter held their Spring Fling in Memphis late last semester and a mixer with the Alpha Sigma Alphas in April. Several Upsilon sisters traveled down to LSU to help a new AST colony with formal rush. The chapter's philanthropic events included sending Valentine's candy to the Boys and Girls Club of Conway, cooking dinner for the Bethlehem House, help- . ing with the Junior Auxiliary Charity Ball, and donating toiletry items to the Haven House. Leah Latch was elected Panhellenic Pre ident and the Sigma Tau Gamma White Rose Sweetheart. Brandi Watkins wa electedMissEast Central Arkansa . In additio n, two Upsilon sisters were inducted into Order of Omega. -Aimee Delatte

Phi- Southeastern Louisiana University

raffle and participated in Burger King's Benefit Night to raise money for Pine Mountain Settlement School. Si ter held a mother-daughter tea at Blythewood Plantation -continuing their tradition of pinning mother at the banquet. Philanthropy also was a major part of the chapter's pring event ; Phi planned a philanthropic activity for every holiday. -Jennifer Molliere

Chi -

Shepherd College

Shepherdstown, WV

The Chi Chapter enjoyed a ucce ful spring semester. Member threw their annual Mardi Gras party for a local nur ing home. The chapter held raffle and worked concession at softball games to raise money for orority activitie . Other activitie included a Valentine's Day date party and their Yell ow Rose formal. Four Chi i ters-Anna Golladay, Jennee Campbell, Jen Guerrero, and Tamara Van Meterwere married. -Stephanie Schwandt

Hammond, LA

Spring fund raisers for Phi Chapter were successful. The chapter held a 25

Psi - James Madison University Harrisonburg, VA

The Greek Sing theme for Psi was "The Notorious AST." The chapter participated in Pi Kappa Phi's PUSH week, raising money for the mentally handicapped. Psi members were involved in activities on and off campus last semester. Sisters volunteered at the Little Grill soup kitchen and the Op-Shop, a woodworking shop for mentally-challenged adults; participated in Adopt-a-Grandparent, Adopt-a-Highway, and Adopta-Flowerbed; updated the local United Way's community service list; and donated to the Valley Voice, a reading service for the visually impaired. The chapter's on-campus house renovation project is well under way, thanks to the housing fund started during the fall semester. -Abby Bricker

Alpha Gamma - Henderson State University Arkadelphia, AR

The sisters of Alpha Gamma Chapter had a successful semester. They added 14 new members to their chapter. During the fall semester, the chapter's activities included trick-or-treating for canned goods, co-sponsoring the AIDS chandlelight ceremony, making and distributing programs for homecoming, and holding a sisterhood retreat. -Amanda Grace

Alpha Epsilon -Western Illinois University Macomb, IL

Members of Alpha Epsilon adopted three grandmothers-visiting them every week during the spring semester. The chapter also began house renovations. They painted the front door, recarpeted and refurnished the formal room, and painted the crest on the chapter room wall. During Greek Week, Alpha Epsilon received awards for overall participation, basketball, Sigma Sing, volley26

ball, and the banner competition. The chapter improved their new member program and found the new changes successful. In March, the sisters held their annual parent's weekend. They played AST jeopardy with the parents and held a formal reception. -Terra McGinnis

informal rush instead. "Tau House Rocks" was one of chapter' rush themes. Greek Week was a great success for Alpha Omicron; the chapter placed third overall in Greek Sing and Alpha Omicron sister, BrianneEidemiller, won the T -shirt designing contest. -Melissa Handley

Alpha Lambda University

Alpha Pi -Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania


Radford, VA

Slippery Rock, PA

"Paint the WorldWithAST" was Alpha Lambda's spring rush theme. Fundraising activitie included a ro e sale for exam week, bake ales, Valentine candy grams, and a yard sale. Members volunteered their services to the Hospice Center of the New River Valley, made a donation to the American Cancer Society, and held a money, clothes, and food drive for an underpriviledged family in the area. In addition, Alpha Lambda held a Swing-a-thon to rai se money for diabetes. -Sarah Brown

Alpha Pi ister welcomed family and alumnae for a Founder's Day/Family Day celebration. The chapter focused on i terhood Ia t erne ter- activitie included si ter dinner , intramural port , and a special trip to Washington and Jefferson College to ee sister April Kordi sh receive a fraternity pin. During the Panhellenic Scholarship De ert, i ters were recognized for their academic

Alpha Mu -University of Arkansas at Monticello Monticello, AR

Alpha Mu Chapter had a busy spring semester. Rush was a success. The chapter held a bake sale and the sisters donated the money to Pine Mountain Settlement School. In addition to their fund raiser , the Alpha Mu Chapter also wa active in on-campus activities. -Nikki Davis

Alpha OmicronClarion Un iversity of Pennsylvania

Maureen Corr, Bethany Maguire, Diana Vemisi ofAlpha Phi. West Chester, Pa. show off their banner at Bid Day.

Clarion, PA

Members of the Alpha Omicron Chapter earned the highest sorority GPA of a 3.1 during the fall semester. In the past, the Alpha Omicron Chapter held formal rush in the spring. Last emester, however, the chapter held their

achievement and Alpha Pi wa recognized for their excellent o erall GPA amonob all sororitie . Three i ter were indu ted into Order of Omega in the pnng. - Heather We is


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Alpha Tau - Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Edinboro, PA

Edinboro University presented the Alpha Tau Chapter with three philanthropic awards. The chapter received a ftrst place community service award for a sorority, the Grand champion award for the most service hours by anyorganizationoncampuswith 1,639.5 hours, and the service project that required the most hours award. Member also took part in the annual MS Walk and went on a retreat to the Erie Zoo. During their spring formal, sisters were presented with 3.0 award for sisters who earned a 3.0 or above for the fall semester. Alpha Tau performed a medley of Billy Joel ongs for Greek Sing. -Heather Crerar

Alpha Phi -West Chester University

Beta Eta cheers on. their team.

ter holds the second highest GPA on campus and over half of the sisters made the dean's list. -Katie O'Donnell

West Chester, PA

The Alpha Phi Chapter held several spring fund raisers that included a raffle, a carwash, and a lollipop sale. Members were busy volunteering their time with the AIDS Quilt and West Chester University's ftrst annual dance marathon. In April, District President Heidi Bliss paid a visit to the chapter. During the summer, Alpha Phi held their annual Anchor Splash and their annual Back to School Hoops contest. -Linsley Cressinger

Beta Epsilon Shippensburg University Shippensburg, PA

Social service projects were a success for the Beta Epsilon Chapter. The members held their ftrst clothing drive. They collected over a 100 bags of clothes from students, faculty, and the community. In March, the chapter participated in the annual Shippensburg Children's Fair and members traveled to Lehigh UniversityforarnixerwithAlphaSigma Phi. As of the spring semester, the chapTHE ANCHOR - Fall/Winter 1998

Beta Eta- Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, IL

The Beta Eta Chapter was dedicated to fund raising and service projects during the spring semester. Several activities included bake sales, a carnation sale, a yard sale, and a chicken and dumplings dinner. Sisters also held a canned food drive for a local food pantry in addition to donating can openers and items left over from the yard sale. The chapter held a scholarship banquet to recognize sisters' achievements. Beta Eta holds the highest women's GPA on campus and has surpassed the all-Greek GPA on campus. -Kristen Ratliff

Beta Theta- St. Mary•s University San Antonio, TX

The Beta Theta Chapter welcomed six new members during the spring semester. The chapter participated in several philanthropy projects that included an

annual Easter egg hunt with the local elementary school and a bi-annual trash off in which sisters cleaned areas of a Texas highway. In April, Beta Theta held its Homecoming Alumnae Oysterbake. Director of Alumnae Patricia Nayle al o attended. -Meredith Baca

Beta Iota- Millersville University of Pennsylvania Millersville, PA

During the pring seme ter, the Beta Iota Chapter volunteered at the Willow Valley Nursing Home's Easter egg hunt. One Beta Iota sister dre ed up in a bunny uit and helped neighborhood children in the hunt. The chapter al o participated in theannuallO-mileMarch of Dimes Walk-A-Thon in April. Si ters held a spring picnic and their senior pass downs. Thirteen chapter members graduated at the end of the erne ter. -Susan Smith

Beta Mu -Salisbury State University Salisbury, MD

The Beta Mu Chapter held a clo ed weekend with their new District President Heidi Blis . The chapter organized 27

several philanthropic events that included Daffodil Days for the American Cancer Society, the MS Walk for Multiple Sclerosis, Habitat for Humanity, visits to the chapter's adopted grandmother, and contributions to their adopted turtle and manitee. Beta Mu is looking forward to their 20th anniversary in November. -Trisha Ehman

Beta Nu - Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Bloomsburg, PA

The spring semester began with the addition of 16 new members to the Beta Nu Chapter. Members held an Easter egg hun t at the tow n park for the Big Brothers and Big Sisters organization. The chapter al so held a car wash in the spri ng. District President Amy Dupree paid a visit to the Beta Nu Chapter. -Coleen Donohue

Beta Xi- Michigan Technological University

Beta Pi - Eastern Illinois University

Houghton, Ml

Charleston, IL

The Beta Xi Chapter began the erne ter with major renovations to their hou e because of water damage that occurred over Christma Break. De pite this, Beta Xi kept bu y with fund raising projects. The chapter held a raffle and the proceed went to the hou e renovations and the Keewenaw animal alliance. Several isters taught first-aid courses for the American Red Cro while other participated in Walk America. In addition, members participated in the annual blood drive sponsored by Panhellenic Council. At the annual Yellow Ro e formal , Renee Fountain wa awarded Top Tau . - Amy Boyd

The Beta Pi Chapter had a ucces ful semester. During Greek Week, Beta Pi placed third in Greek Sing with a theme of "Rain;" ongs included "Singing in the Rain" and "I Love a Rainy Night." Other Greek Week award included econd in pyramid , econd in tugs, and fir t in canoes. In March, Beta Pi rai ed money for Project Pal with Midnight Madne a campu wide event. Membersal o participated in the Kappa Delta Walk-a-thon and won fir t among the ororitie . In academic , the chapter placed fir t in grades. -Nichole Cordin


Beta Tau - University of Massachusetts at Lowell Lowell, MA

The pring erne ter began with a ixweek long ru h for the Beta Tau Chapter. Si ters went to a coffee hou e ponsored by the University, to the movie , and to a concert put on by Beta Tau sister Stephanie Beauprea. The chapter held two orority growth and development workshop . During one workshop i ter watched an informational video on rape. In February, the chapter participated in a ritual workshop. -Amy Wikander

Beta Chi- Ferris State College Big Rapids, Ml

The sisters of Beta Pi, Eastern Illinois University, participate in one of thier philanthropic projects- - cleaning up their stretch of a highway outside Charleston, f L.


Member of the Beta Chi Chapter enjoyed a fall retreat to Camp Tapioca in Kalka ka, Mich. Several alumnae were in attendence. Beta Chi participat d in their Si ter Growth and De elopment Week Greek Week, and annual M k Ro k, a lip n and dan e routine. Th hapter i looking fon: ard t pairing with Phi Sigma Kappa~ r H m ming a ti iti in th fall. - 1e an n II

tally and physically disabled adults on a weekly ba is, and participated in Adopta-Highway and Adopt-a-Grandparent. In addition, the chapter collected stamps fortheASAP(American Syringomyela Alliance Project), a non-profit organi zation run by Maynard A. Guss, who uffers from the disease Syringomyela. All proceed go to helping the organization with their research. - Randi Schnapper

Gamma ThetaPennsylvania State University/Beh rend College Erie, PA Eleven new sisters share a moment at Gamma Zeta 's fo rmal initiation.

Gamma GammaUniversity of West Alabama Livingston, AL

The Gamma Gamma Chapter's spring activitie included Adopt-a-Stream and Adopt-a-Mile. The chapter held the annual Rock-a-thon and raised $1 ,500 for St. Jude's Cruldren's Hospital, the American Heart Association, and other charitable organizations. Gamma Gamma's annual G.Q. Party theme was "Tau-Palooza." -Alesa Bridges

Gamma Epsilon at Potsdam

Festival, a program held for mentally challenged individuals and underprivileged children . - Allissa Blau

Gamma Theta sisters hang together at a f raternity semi-f ormal.

Gamma Iota- York College York, PA

The Gamma Iota Chapter deUvered pamphlets around the city of York for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. Members worked at Great Adventure for a day and made $ 1,000. The chapter focu ed on sisterhood last semester. Rush was a success ; the chapter welcomed 15 new member . - Noelle Panichella


Potsdam, NY

Gamma Epsilon Chapter began the year by celebrating its lOth anniversary. The chapter combined its alumnae weekend with the anniversary. Alumnae from the Alpha and Beta classes were among the participants. Sisters held a rededication ceremony for the alumnae. Gamma Epsilon moved into a new hou se last semester. The chapter participated in the Ice Carnival and their queen, Ruth Samson, won first place. Fund raisers included bake sales and bottle drives . Members also participated in the Very Special Arts THE ANCHOR - Fall/Winter 1998

"Coffee Tau'k" wa the Gamma Theta' spring ru sh theme. The chapter collected clothes for the Salvation Army as well a food for the city rni ion . Two sisters participated in alternative spring break- building and repairing home for tho e in need. Fund raisers included selling Subway subs and Little Cae ar's pizza. The emester ended with a retreat and Alumnae dinner. -Kate Wombacker

Gamma Zeta State University


Frostburg, MD

The Gamma Zeta Chapter celebrated its lOth anniversary this year. Philanthropic projects were a major part of the chapter's activities. Members collected pennies for Pine Mou ntain Settlement School, visited the Brandenburg Center for men-

Gamma Lambda- Kutztown University Kutztown, PA

In conjunction with other ororitie and fraternities on campus, the Gamma Lambda Chapter focused on improving Greek Ufe. The chapter participated in Bowl for Kid Sake, a fund rai er to 29

benefit the children in two nearby counties. Gamma Lambda helped establish a Panhellenic Council at Kutztown University . Three sisters serve on the Panhellenic executive board. In addition, two Gamma Lambda's have been elected to the Greek Council executive board. -Lindsay Stafford Gamma Pi sisters, Lycoming College, kick back and relax at a 60 's theme party.

Gamma Mu - West Virginia Institute of Technology Montgomery, WV The Gamma Mu Chapter enjoyed a successful spring rush. For fund-raising activities, members continued the coverlet sale and sold sipper cups during Greek Week. The cups promoted sportsmanship with the saying "No Matter the Letter We are All Greek Together." Other activities included athletic events and formal. -Amanda Criner

Gamma Nu College


Waynesburg, PA Gamma Nu had an excellent semester for fund raising. In addition, sisters attended athletic events, plays, musicals, and presentations. The chapter enjoyed a week-long rush with a ball toss and jousting. -Christina Ross

Gamma Xi - Grand Valley State University

Gamma Pi College


Williamsport, PA

Belmont, NC

Flashbacks to the '60s, '70 , and '80s were the themes for Gamma Pi 's pring rush. In March, the sisters ho ted an ice cream ocial in East Hall Coffeehouse. More than 100 campus re idents attended. Philanthropic activities played a major role for the chapter. Members participated in babysitting for professors' children, donating clothes to the Salvation Army, Daffodil Days for the American Cancer Society, and volunteering as tutors for F.L.O.A.T. , a local elementary tutoring program. Six members attended a student leadership retreat in March. -Charlotte Link

The Gamma Sigma Chapter participated in several community project thatincludedHabitatforHumanity, upporting breast cancer, helping Holy Angle with the "American Girl " fa hion show, and gathering and donating clothe for a rape crisis center. In addition, the chapter held everal sisterhood retreats. Si ters went on trip to the mall and the movie . Gamma Sigma wa proud that they earned the highe t GPA of all the ororitie on campus. -Christina Marie Arsena

Allendale, MI The sisters of Gamma Xi hosted their area's Regional Leadership Workshop last semester. Members enjoyed their time with the sisters from Beta Xi. The chapter placed second in Greek Week competition. Even though Gamma Xi will no longer reside in their house, the sisters are looking forward to finding a new house in the future. - Jessica Walter


Gamma Sigma- Belmont Abbey College

Gamma Rho University

Seton Hall

South Orange, NJ "Join the All-Star Team ... ru h AST" was Gamma Rho' pring rush theme. Sisters donned baseball jer eys and held several sports-related activities. Greek Week consisted of atheletic, talentminded, and intellectual activities. To rai e money for Pine Mountain Settlement School, the Gamma Rho Chapter held a Rock-a-thon. Member at in rocking chair forthreeday and nights. - Shannan McLaughlin

Gamma Tau - Lebanon Valley College Annville, PA Members of Gamma Tau took part in a campus lip ync conte t where they won fir t place. Other activitie included a vi it to a local nur ing home and participating in Habitat for Humanity. The chapter al o wa in ol ed" ith LVC Live, a program v here per pe tive fre hman are introduced to ampu activitie and organization . - Joya Tobia


Gamma Upsilon California State University, Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA One of Gamma Upsilon's spri ng ru h themes wa AST Rock Party. Sisters painted rocks they found at the beach. For fund raising, the chapter held three bake sales, a Cinco de Mayo dinner, and an Italian Night. In addition, the chapter had their quarterly Munch with the Taus, where sisters invite other ororities and fraternities over for a potluck dinner. -Coco Kornspan

Gamma Omega- LaSalle University Philadelphia, PA "The Tau Rock Cafe" and "Family Tree Night" were two Gamma Omega rush themes. Members sold Variety Club pins and pledged their time in "Bid for Bodies" in which AST raised over $200 for the American Cancer Society. In March, Gamma Omega hosted nine women from the Philadelphia Alumnae A sociation for a weekend tay. For their five-year reunion in April, they held a barbecue for sisters and alumnae.-Nicole Cherill

Delta Beta College

Fairmont State

Delta Epsilon - Marist College

Fairmont, WV

Poughkeepsie, NY

The Delta Beta Chapter had a visit from Di trict President Li sa-Marie Cox Fredricks . Spring activities included Greek Week and bowling for the Big Brother's and Big Sister's Foundation . To celebrate the emester, members held formalin April. Sister Hollie Booth won the Top Tau Award. Sisters said goodbye to five graduate at the end of the seme ter. -April Garrett

"Through the Years" was DeltaEpsi lon's rush theme. Each night represented a different decade. The first ni ght featured "Tau Stock." The second night was a tribute to the '80s. Finally, the Ia t night wa dedicated to the '90s. During all three partie , table were set up so potential members could learn more about the chapter's philanthropy, cholarship, orority growth and development, andBig/LittleAppreciation Week. -Andrea Weatherby

Delta Delta - University of Illinois at Chicago

Delta Zeta - East Stroudsburg University

Chicago, !L

East Stroudsburg, PA

The Delta Delta Chapter hosted two mixers during the spring semester. The first was a toga mixer. For the second, the members "dress[ed] to impress." Di trict President Kris Haskin visited Delta Delta. For a philanthropic project, members read to children waiting to see their doctors. In May, the chapter celebrated their 30th anniversary on campus. -Grace Bozzetti

The Delta Zeta Chapter worked with th e Am erican Hearth A ociation, Pocono Parent with Down Syndrome, the Blood Drive, and Take Back the Night March for Women ' Awarenes Month. The chapter attended the RL W at Mommouth Univer ity and had a great time. Fund raisers included letter day, condomgrams for Condom A warenes Week, a spaghetti dinner for the community, and glamour hot for the campus and community. -Stephanie Bloss

Delta Eta- Belmont University Nashville, TN

Delta Zeta sisters from East Stroudsburg University, Pa. , attend Beta Omega's RLW (Manmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ).

THE ANCHOR - Fall/Winter I 998

Delta Eta's rush theme was "Mardi Tau." Following ru h, Homecoming competitions and activities began . The chapter attended games, the skit competition, and the parade. As one of their service projects, the i ter served breakfa t at the Mi ion, a Nashville homeles shelter. (See photo on page 32.) In addition, member al o deli ered Easter baskets to patient at a local nursing home. -Samantha Welch


Sisters from Delta Eta (Belmont University) get cooking at the Mission, a Nashville shelter

er, i ter participated in "Dead fo r a Day," acampu - pon oredeven tto how how many people are hurt, killed, or affected by dru nk driver each year. - Jes ie Boucher

Delta Theta College

Delta Iota - Johnson and Wales University

Delta Kappa Colony Nicholls State University

Bethlehem, PA

Providence, Rl

Thibodaux, LA

For spring ru h, Delta Theta Chapter chose a celestial theme. Members ang "Doing it Tau Way " d urin g o ne of theirparties. In April, the chapter celebrated Local Founders Day with local alumnae over a covered di h dinner. Fund raisers incl uded selling candy and raffle tickets. The sisters also planned and participated in acti viti e for Camelot House, a home fo r terminal!y iII children. - Melissa Kovatch

The Delta Iota Chapter participated in the annu al Multiple Sclero i Walk and the AIDS Walk to earn money for Pine M o unt ain Se ttl e me nt Sc hool. For Valentine' Day , the chapter delivered tulips through "Heart in Bloom ." Member al o remai ned activei n the Woman' Concerns Center, whi ch celebrated it grand opening on the John on and Wale campu . At the end of the spri ng erne t-

Since their colonization in April 1997, the Delta Kappa Colony ha been working to fill all in tallation requirement . D uring the pri ng emester, the chapter participated in it fir t G reek Week. Other acti vitie included a car wa h and bake ale. Delta Kappa Colony would like to thank everyone for all of their upport. The chapter hope to be intalled in Fall 1998. - Mandy Sieber


Buffalo Chapter Buffa lo, NY T he Buffalo Chapter began the new year with a January meeting at the Dandelion Restaurant in Williamsville, New York. Later that month, members attended 'Viva Las Vegas', which wa presented by the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra. The concert wa foll owed by a party with music, dancing and food . At March's dessert meeting at Florence Sodus' house, the chapter di cus ed and planned social projects. In Apri l member attended the Panhelleni c fund-raiser at the Screening Room in Amherst and saw the movie 'The Full Monty', while fea ting on hors d'ou vres, des ert , and beverages. They were a! o entertained by a Greek Auction, whi ch rai ed money fo r cholar hip . Al so that month, member lunched at Buffa lo State oll ege' Benga l Paw wi th oll egiate

The Bufflo Alumnae honor their members who were initiated in the 1920's and 1930's.

In M ay they ho ted bingo, fo ll owed by punch and cookie , fo r the elder! li ing at the Epi copal Ho me in Buffa lo. t the May meeting member di u d plan to attend Conventi on in June and o ial

ervice proje t for the fal l. I nJun th y plan to tra e l to their an nual m t trip. The d ti nation i v a nl kn wn by th trip planner , Mar ha Lipk Jarn t. - Li- Maert n TH

Centerville-Manassas Chapter Manassas, VA

The Centerville-Manassas Alumnae chapter ha been very busy in 1998. The January meeting was a joint social event with Northern Virginia Alumnae chapter. Everyone met at the home of Lisa DiSandro for a soup and andwich exchange. Diane Underwood and Mary Charles Ashby provided the soup and everyone brought andwiche cut into sections for everyone to try. The luncheon was a huge succes and everyone left very sati fied . In February, members celebrated George Washington's birthday by attending a luncheon at Mt. Vernon. The Inn wa decorated in antiques and the gift shop had many wonderful item available for purchase. In March , Diane Underwood attended theN orthern Virginia Panhellenic play 'Nunsense', which wa outstanding. Also in March, the chapter had the privilege of initiating Katharine Sokol into the soratity. The ceremony was beautiful and was followed by a welcome luncheon at the home of Eleanor Lonchar. In May, members attended a stamping demontration at the home of Lisa DiSandro. It was very interesting to learn a lot of new ways to create very beautiful card and notes. Fund-raisers this year included the sale ofTupperware and Giant gift certificates. The chapter looks forward to some great activities in the fall, including a walking tour of old town. -Diane Underwood

Detroit Chapter Detroit, Ml

The Detroit Alumnae enjoyed two special events this spring. For the chapter's traditional February night out, couples enjoyed a barbecue dinner where everyone enjoyed playing a variety of games afterwards. In May, members asked their mothers, daughters and sisters to join them for a Mother-Daughter luncheon at THE ANCHOR - Fall/Winter 1998

Pasquale' Restaurant. The chapter raised money for the national foundation through a raffle of donated items. They continue to upport two very important charities-- Special Olympics and Turning Point, which is a home for abused women in the Detroit area. As in years pa t, members sold entertainment books to friends , family and themelves(ofcour e)toraisefunds. Spring plans include several low-key, but fun programs, like: making centerpieces for Fun Night at convention, decorating clay pots for the Mother-Daughter luncheon, making care packages for Turning Point and participating in our traditional January pot luck. The group continues to stay close by sharing the highlights of their busy lives in a Round Robin. The Secret Sis program also gives members plenty of opportunities to expre their friend hip and isterhood. -Jean DeClerck

Erie Chapter Erie, PA

The Erie Alumnae had a superb Christmas brunch with spouses and children at Peek n Peak Ski Resort in Clymer, NY in December. The re t of the em ester, the member tried to get things

Jane Loveless welcomes Katharine Sokol to the Centerville-Manassas Chapter.

ready for Convention and look forward to 100% attendance at Ypsilanti! In July members will do the Adopt-aHighway as their philanthropic project, which will help Gamma Theta too. -Debbie Carter

Frederick/Hagerstown Chapter Hagerstown, MD

The Frederick/Hagerstown Alumnae Chapter wa formally in tailed on March 15, 1998. Carole Keily, Alumnae Expansion Coordinator, and other members of the orthern Virginia Chapter helped install the chapter and presented the chapter with everal gift . A dinner followed the installation at Tauraso' s restaurant in downtown Frederick. The chapter' annual meeting is planned for September of 1998. The chapter' goal , now that it is established, are to expand membership, establi h a philanthropy program with the Heartley House, and increase activities. -Jayci Shaw Duncan

Greater Chicago Chapter Chicago, !L

The Greater Chicago Area Alumnae Chapter had a very busy spring. In February, members got together for a movienightatoneofthe i ter' home . For the chapter's philanthropy project, they donated canned and boxed food items to a local food pantry. The chapter has also taken a stand in the fight against breast cancer by participating in theY -me walk again t brea t cancer on Mother's Day. It was a twomile walk along Chicago' beautiful lake-front and Grant Park that rai ed money to inform, educate and support breast cancer patient ' familie and communities. Member are looking forward to their annual barbecue in June and the 1998 National Convention.-Ju/ie Smolarek Rodgers


Indianapolis Chapter Indianapolis, IN

The Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter managed to have a wonderful Christmas celebration . This was not an easy task, as Barb Heeb was chairing the Panhelleruc Gift-Wrap. Barb juggled the schedule so members could have their celebration on December 13, where they met for lunch and a gift exchange at Garden on the Green, located on the grounds of Indianapolis Mu eum of Art. Afterward, members went on a tour of the Lilly Pavilion. Many were back to the Gift-Wrap duties the following week. Due to Barb's efforts and extra hours volunteered by the sisters, the chapter earned record 路setting funds to help various charities. Fruth Harlan continues to teach music at Elwood Middle School as well as build her musical reputation in Indianapolis. Shirley Gilbert received her Principal's License and is set to begin her Doctorate at Indiana U ill versity while continuing to teach at Broad Ripple High School. She also coaches their two Academic teams.-Pam Legg

Lancaster County Chapter

Debbie Carter, Chris Brooks and Cindi Hawes of the Erie Chapter, Pa.

Lehigh Valley Chapter Allentown, PA

ThealurnnaeoftheLehigh Valley Chapter are still dipping chocolate in their dreams thanks to their annual Ea ter candy-making meeting. Si ter gathered a few days before Ea ter, melted 30 pound of chocolate and went crazy for a few hours dipping, molding and decorating candy. One of the highlights of the spring season was the annual cocktail party. Long time members, new member , recent affiliate and significant others gathered to hare hors d'oeuvres, desserts and drink . They were honored to have Carole Keiley stop by and join the celebration. The year ended with a subdued, but delicious, Potluck Dinner. Officers were elected and the Alumnae Top

Tau nominee wa selected. It was unarumou ly decided that Barbara Day, the chapter' 'Founding Mother', would be the fir t Top Tau. Barb' work in tarting the group 15 years ago, acting a our Pre ident for many year and remaining an integral part of the chapter couldn't pass by without acknowledgment. In August, member gathered for a family ummer picnic in the country. In the meantime, the chapter is planning activitie and event for the fall. -Kimberly Golden Benner

Lancaster, PA

The Lancaster group worked hard during the last year to establish their chapter. The efforts paid off when the group was installed as an alumnae chapter in March. A ceremony was held at the Bent Creek Country Club, and members celebrated together over lunch afterward. Each semester the chapter hosts a pizza party for the local collegiate chapter atMmersville University. Last fall, members participated in a walk-a-thon for the Blind Association, and at Chri tmas they wrapped gifts for United Cerebral Palsy. A family picnic i planned for June. - Danae lobe Buczackif


Members of the Indianapolis Alumnae celebrate the holidays at Lilly Pavilion.

Lancaster Alumnae celebrate their Chapter installation.

Lowell Chapter

Philadelphia Chapter

Lowell, MA

Philadelphia, PA

The Lowell Alumnae Chapter celebrated the holidays by attending a Christmas dinner-theater called 'Holiday Hullabaloo II'. It was a comedy variety show with funny skits and ongs. The response wa so good, that members may start this as a new tradition to celebrate the holiday . Their local philanthropy project for the spring wa a collection of items for a 'baby shower' for a woman in need. Member bad a great fund-raiser this spring selling Y ankee Candles. It was the chapter's best fund-raiser yet! Portions of the profits were donated to the Pine Mountain Settlement School. To remain upportive of the local collegiate chapter, Beta Tau, members had several Collegiate/ Alum socials throughout the year including a Birthday Party for all sisters with birthdays in June. The chapter hopes to strengthen their support of the local collegiate chapter by continuing to offer scholarships, participating in Collegiate/Alum socials and holding more Collegiate/Alum activities such as philanthropy projects. Over the past couple years, members have had the pleasure of meeting several sisters who moved to the Eastern Mass area and attended Alumnae meetings. Anyone who lives in the Boston area is encouraged to contact the chapter to find out more information about meetings and activities.-Sandy Ames THE ANCHOR - Fall/Winter 1998

came together in a meeting of interest and et January 31 , 1998 as their first meeting date to have a preliminary organizational meeting. Officers were elected and, together with other sisters, took the first group picture. A subsequent meeting was held on April 4, 1998, and three offices were filled (chaplain, historian, and editor). Members collected toiletrie as a philanthropy project for Centro Adelante Campesino, which i located in Surprise, AZ. The next meeting i a Board Meeting et for June 1998 and a Social Meeting forJuly 1998 is planned.- Ginny Creager

St. Louis Chapter St. Louis, MI

In February, the chapter met with the collegians and pledges of the La Salle University, Philadelphia. During the afternoon, they had an icebreaker activity and watched the ladies from La Salle perform their rush skits. Members hope to be in contact with the group in the future and perhaps make this an annual event. March brought the Panhellenic luncheon at the Aronirnink Country Club in Del. Co. The chapter's own Debi Kerns was the outgoing president and installed the new officers. In April, the chapter combined their meeting with a wonderful baby shower for soon to be Baby Malcolm. Betty Uhlig's granddaughterentertained the group with some piano selection . Pans are in the works for a picnic. -Rebecca Rooks

Phoenix/Valley of the Sun Club Phoenix, AZ

The PhoenixN alley of the Sun Alumnae Club was approved by the National President in February 1998. Priortothis,local Sisters formed the Local Convention Committee in November 1995, to host the National Convention in June 1996. In the summer of 1997, several sisters mailed out a local survey to determine interest in forming an association. On November 1, 1997, as the result of the survey, sister

Members enjoyed the annual Chri tmas holiday luncheon at a local re taurant, departing from the past tradition of having the celebration hosted by a member at her home. Alice and Bill Yit were gracious host for many year and always provided everyone with an enjoyable time. President Melanie Foster brings items to every meeting to be raffled , with proceeds going to the chapter's Convention Fund. Participation is great and the winners are pleased with their prize selection. Other i ter are al o upplying items to raffle. In March, the chapter went to the hi toric town ofKimm wick, Missouri and took part in a special luncheon at Gradma' Parlor & Gilded Tea. The hoste wa dressed in period co tume and told about Victorian times. After lunch members visited various antique shops in town . In April , a succes ful Panhellenic Garage Sale was held a a scholarship fund-raiser. As another means of supporting the Panhellenic scholarship efforts, members will attend the annual luncheon in June. The chapter's annual meeting was held at the home of Kathy Kennedy. At lea t eight member from the chapter will be at the National Convention in June. -Mary Lou Fondren Scott


P resident E merita Carrie Washburne Staehle, Alpha

National Staff National Headquarters 1929 Canyon Road Birmingham, AL 352 16-1723 Phone: (205) 978-2179 FAX: (205) 978-2182 Office Hours: 9:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. CST AST National Homepage www. alphasigmatau. org Headquarters Administrator Lenore Seibel J(jng, Psi National President Martha Dro uyor DeCamp, Alpha, 27931 NE 4th Pl ace, Redmond, WA 98053 National Vice President - Melinda Hen ry Oates, Gamma Gamma, 7794 Old Mt. Oli ve Rd. , Gardendale, AL 3507 1 National Secretary Sonda Ruho ll Clocksi n, Beta Pi, 2 Durell Dr, Kankakee, IL 6090 I sclocksin@alphasigmatau.org National Treasurer And rea Kl ei n-Yancho, Beta Xi, 69-B Locust St., Assonet, MA 02702 aklein)rJneho@alpha.signvtauorg Director of Collegiate Chapters - Rjckj Barg man Trosen, Alpha Sigma, 904 J(j ngs Rd, J(jrksv ille, MO 6350 1 rtrosen@alphasigmatau.org Director of Alumnae Patricia Ly nn Nayle, Phi, 12002 Hastings Green, Hou to n, TX 77065 pnayle@alphasigmatau.org Director of Ex pansion Lara Elizabeth Cega la, Psi, 13620 Waterhouse Way, Orlando, FL 32828 lcegala@ pegasus.cc.ucf edu Director of F raternity Programs TeLoa Holder Butler, Rho, 1224 W. Beech Durant, OK 7470 I tbutler@sosu.edu 36

Director of Publications Patricia Klausing Simmons, Delta, 291 Locust St., Indiana, PA 15701 psimmons@alphasigmatau.org Academics Coordina tor Concetta Gosweiler Shipp, Chi, PO Box 254, Hami lton , VA 20 159 Alumnae Expansion

TH E ANCHOR Editor J(jmberly Golden Benner, Beta Epsilon, 217 Murray Dr. , Allentown , PA 18104 THE ANCHOR Alumnae Editor Sandra Marie Ames, Beta Tau, 23 Greystone St. , Qui ncy, MA 02169 THE ANCHOR Collegiate Editor Diane Schmelzel, Beta Pi, I 569 Beacon St. #44., Brookl ine, MA 02446 A wards Coordinator Carol Jean Cooper, Zeta Tau, PO Box 12 189, Winston-Salem, C 27 11 7 Chaplain - Emi ly Ashby Mcint ire, Alpha Lambda, 1940 Seven Oaks Dr. , Morri town, T 37814 mcintire@usit.net Colony Adviser Maria A. (Tonette) Blackwell , Gamma Gamma, 68 Crows est Cir., Decatu r, MS 39327 Colony Ad viser Tracy Bond, Zeta, 135 I I th St. #2, Allentown, PA 18 102 Convention Coordinator Staci Jimison Wedermyer, Iota , 16 12 SW Chelsea Drive #3 , Topeka KS 66604 Convention Coordinator

THE CRE ST Editor Maria L.D. Vanella, Beta Psi, 9737 B rittleigh Terrace, St. Loui , MO 63 123 bunybread2@aol.com Collegia te Ex pansion Rhonda McCall, Rho, I026 E. 66th Place # 123, Tul a, OK 74136

Collegia te Expan sion Chri tina Duggan Covington, Alpha Lambda, 55 Pre cott St, # 1, ewtonville, MA 02460 ccovington@alphasigmatauorg F ina ncia l Assistant Teena Marie John on , Alpha Gamma, 3403 Price Ave., Bryant, AR 72022 Historian - Tina Taylor Schmiedel, Beta Xi, 3631 Shangri La Point Rd. Oshko h, WI 54904 Housing - Tracey Gordon Yelverton , Alpha Lambda, 39 Pickering Crt. #201 , Germantown , MD 20874 M embership Jennifer Leigh Gaab, Beta Mu , 1506 Brittany Dr. #G, Florence, SC 2950 I gaab@ mailexcite. com

Pledge - Kathy Pulice Baecker, Theta, 18667 Oak Ct, Clinton Twp., MI 48038 Kathy. Baecker@ moa.net Publicity - Wendy Bu ard Sybert, Gamma Theta , 4781 Blue Church Rd, Sunbury, OH 43874 R egional Collegiate Coordinator #1 Mary Ellen Wi1lmitch, Alpha Rho, 1951 Penny Ln , Young town, OH 44515 aust_mw@ access.ohio.gov R egiona l Collegia te Coord inato r #2 Amy DuPree, Alpha Xi, Box 118, Central Ave, Avi , PA 17721 ajdupree@ microserve. net

M usic

R egiona l Collegiate Coordinator #3 Kelly Kline Duke, Beta Xi, 475 evada, Frankfort, IL 60423 dukek@ rh. wl. com

Nominations Rochelle A. Hargi , Alpha Alpha, 1509 . Ewing St. , l ndianapo li , IN 4620 1 RAHargis2@juno.com

RL W- Li a Leffer Webb, Beta Pi, 1161 Jo hua Tree Ln, Gilbert, AZ 85234 toothdr8@aol. com

NPC Delegate


NPC Alternate Delegate - Carolyn Conner Alexander, Pi, 6328 Potomac, St. Loui , MO 563 139

Alumnae Affiliation Program C hairma n Li a DiSandro Kardaras, 5122 S. Hampton Dr. , Annandale, VA 22003

NPC Alternate Delegate Cynthia McCrory, Alpha Alpha, 8634 E. MacKe zie Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 CRMcCrory@aol. com NPC Alternate Delegate - Christina Duggan Covington, Alpha Lambda, 55 Pre cott St, # I, ewtonville, MA 02460 ccovington@a/phasigmataLLOrg Parliamentaria n nne Curran Gruber, Alpha, 512 Pine Land Dr, SE, Ada, MI 49301 kumon2@aol. com Phila nthropy - Robin Burroughs Davi , Zeta Tau,Box 1514, New London, H 03257 rda vis@kear.td net. com

District Presidents Alpha - Li a-Marie Cox Frederick , Beta Xi, 6024 Princess Lane, Clark ton, MI 48346 norm@ powerpictures. com Beta - Michelle Jaguti Eldridge, Beta Xi, 3332 Regency Dr. , Orion , MI 48359 deldridg@jlash.net Gamma - Lynn Warner Mona, Delta, 4512 Florence Ave., pt. C, Mechanicsburg, P 17055 Delta - Gina Tru illo Pintar, Beta Upsilon, 520 Herrick Dr. . Do er, J 07 01 GPintar@aol. com


E psilon - Adele Lynn Black, Beta Mu, 2531 Lodge Fore t Dr., Baltimore, MD 21219 Zeta - Cynthia G. Ea on-Manning,Alpha Sigma, 43 S We ton Ct., St. Charle , MO 63303 E ta - Jarni Lynn Rossi , Gamma Theta, 360 I Pacific Ave.-RLH, Stockton, CA 95211 T heta - Anna Mclnto h Golladay, Chi, 118 E Main St. Bldg. G, Boyce, VA 22620 Iota - Kathleen William Kennedy, Alpha Delta, 204 J(jmberly Lane, St. Peter , MO 63376 Kappa - Annette Brasko, Alpha Gamma, Rt. I Box 94, Stuttgart, AR 72160 jabrasko@ hotmail. com Lambda - Erica Lenz Papley, Alpha Pi, 221 Elm St. , Slippery Rock, PA 16057 M u - Jennifer Kemmery, Delta, 6132-D Green Meadow Pkwy ., Baltimore, MD 21209 Nu - Michel Brindell, Beta Psi, 11154 S. Kedzie Garden Apt. , Chicago, IL 60655 Xi -Jennifer White, Delta Beta, Rt. 1 Box 151-C, Bridgeport, WV 26330 Omicron - Kelly Park, Chi, 13069 Open Hearth Way, Germantown, MD 20874

Pi -Laura Loftler Fuller, Alpha Lambda, 12522 Great Park Cir. #304, Germantown, MD 20876 Rho - Stephanie Jadlowiec Etter, Beta Phi, 1430 For the t. , Pitt burgh, P I _ L igm a - Dan Bortz, Gamma Lambda, 36 Third t. , Emmau, . P I 049

Tau - Heide-Marie Bliss, Alpha Omicron, 95 Beekman Ave.# 302-A, Sleepy Hollow, NY 1059 1 hbliss@lawlib.law.pace.edu

Board Member Meda Ray Ell iott Sewell , Omicron , 654 1 Wi ll iam burg Bl vd ., Arlington, VA 222 13


1st Vice President Gail ShockJey Fowler, Alpha Lambda 5848 Kilbirnie Dr. , Salisbury, MD 21801

Phi - Rhonda Dennison, Ganuna Theta, 3E Lockbury Ct., Germantown, MD 20874 Chi - Dawn Fitzgerald, Delta, 701-B S Church St., Monroe, NC 281 12

Special Appointments Centennial Coordinator Charl otte Evan Floyd, Psi, 1101 S. Arlington Ridge Rd. #316, Arlington, VA22202 Colony Educator - Kelly Baggett Levison, Gamma Gamma , 38632 11th Ave. , Zephyrhyill , FL 33540

2nd Vice President Julie Bell Bruington, Iota, 1318 W . Beech , Inde pendence, KS 6730 1 Secreta r y - Charlotte Evans Floyd, Psi , I 10 1 S. Arlington Ridge Rd. #316, Arlington, VA 22202 Treasurer - Rose Marie Schmidt, Theta , 21359 Boxwood Ct. , Farmington , MI 48336

Colony Educator - Tara Peebles, Rho, 1203 N. 19th, Durant, OK 74701

A wards, Scholarships, G rant - Meli sa Frie en Park , Beta Xi, 6547 Cedar R idge, Loveland, OH 45140

Colony E ducator Nancy Tyburski, Beta Xi, W6l N419 Washington Ave, Cedarburg, WI 53012

E ffi e E . Lyman Academic Loan

Colony Educator Elizabeth Davis, Alpha Lambda, 90 Curti St, San Francisco, CA 94112 Colony E ducator Carrie Bender, 560 Pl ainfield Ave., Berkeley Height , NJ 07922 Milestone Anni ver sary Chairman - Pamela Emory Vu lmer, Beta Mu , 1908 Stone Castle D r, Severn , MD 21144 Pamela.ÂŁ Vukmeer@aexp.com W ebmaster - Lisa G. McCoy, Beta, PO Box 957932, Dul uth, GA 30095 lgmccoy @mindspring.com

Foundation Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation, Inc. - 1929 Canyon Rd. , Birmingham, AL 352 16 205-978-2179

Board of Trustees C ha irman - Anna Margaret Young Rhodes, Psi, 1257 In lynn view Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 233454 T rustee - Carrie Wa hburneStaehle, Alpha, 11354 Bloomington Way, Dub lin, CA 94568 T rustee - Mary Lo uise Mandrea Doyle, Theta, 3208 Patrick Henry Dr. , Fall s Church, VA 22044 T rustee - Bobbie Nichol Tucker, Alpha Gamma , 1009 Fawnwood Rd., Little Rock, AR 72227 T rustee - Loi Schweikart O'Dell, Lambda, 222 W. Tabor Rd. , Phi ladelphia, PA 19 120

President - Lenore Sei be l Ki ng, Psi, 1845 Lakeridge Rd ., Birmingham, AL 352 16

THE ANCHOR - Fall/Winter 1998

Collegiate Chapters Alpha, Eastern M ichigan Uni ver sity 130 . Normal, Yp ilan ti, MI 48 197 3734-485-7429 CA Joyce Berg 15 132 Houghto n Livonia, MI 48 154-48 16 Beta, Central Michigan Univer sity 107 W. Gaylord, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 517-773-7725 CA Catherine Janson 14 17 Andre Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858-1911 Delta, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Ind iana, PA CA Cathie DePasq uale 115 No rth Ave. Indiana, PA 1570 1 Zeta, Lock Haven Uni versity of P ennsylvania Lock Haven, PA CA Colleen Stiening 123 Flemi ng Ave. Lock Haven, PA 17745-398 1 Omicron, Concord C olle ge Athens , WV CA Sall y Lam bert 9 Pi neview Park, Box 424 Athens, WV 24712 Rho, Southeastern Okla homa State Uni ver sity Durant, OK ACA Tara Peebles 1203 . 19th Durant, OK 7401 Sigma, State University College at Buffalo Buffalo, NY CA Anna Poll ina 75 Edmund St. B uffalo, NY 14227- 1803

Phi , Southeastern Louisia na Uni versity SLU 128 11 Hammond , LA 70402 CA Deborah Melancon 73246 Pruden Rd. Covington, LA 70435-7347 C hi, Shepherd College Shepherdstown, WV CA An na Go ll aday 11 8 E. Mai n St. , Bldg. D Boyce, VA 22620 Psi, James Madison Uni ve rsity AST-JMU, Taylor Rm . 233 , 800 S. Main St. , Harrisonburg, VA 22807 ACA Lisa Knight RR2, Box446 Grottoes, VA 2444 19334 Alpha Gamma, Henderson State Uni ver sity HSU, Box57 11, Arkadelphia, AR 71999 CA Ny la Avant 1204 Evans St. Arkadelphia, AR 71923 Alpha E psilon, Western Illinois Uni versity I Pollock Dr. Macomb, IL 61455 309-837-42 11 CA Jana Ba ler 206 Stud. Rec. Ctr. , WIU Macomb, IL 61455 Alpha Lambda, Radford Uni versity Radford , VA CA Allen Bures 7547 Cedar Grove Ln . Radford , VA 24 141-3239 Alpha M u, Uni ver sity of Arkansas at M onticello PO Box 2194, UAM Monticello, AR 7 1656 CA Marsha Clayton 726 . Slemons #25 Monticell o, AR 7 1655

Zeta Tau, Longwood C ollege Farmvi lle, VA CA Tammy Gingra s 700 E. 2nd St. , Farmvi lle, VA 2390 I

Alpha Xi, Ma nsfield Uni versity of P ennsylvania Mansfield, PA CA Sandra Brant 24 College Ave. Ma nsfield, PA 16933

Upsilon Uni versity of Central Arkansas Conway, AR CA Maria nna Ferrari 126 Shamrock Conway, AR 72032

Alpha Omicron, Clarion University of Pennsylvania Clarion , PA CA Suzzn ne P. Jobb 108 Wi lson Clarion, PA 16214- 1722

Alpha Pi, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylva ni a Slippery Rock, PA CA Therese Caldarelli B- 105 Univ. Union , SRU Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Alpha Tau, Edin boro Uni versity of Pennsylva nia Edinboro, PA CA Mary Campbell 5431 Linden Ave. Edinboro, PA 16412-1436 Alpha P hi, Wes t Chester Uni ve rsity of Pennsylva nia West Chester, PA CA Alaina Evangeli ta 239 Holly Dr. King of Pruss ia, PA 19406 Beta Delta, Duquesne Uni ver sity Pittsburgh, PA CA Kate Fletcher 70404 Rolling Dr. Bethel Park, PA 15102 Beta E psilon, Shippensburg Uni ve rsity of Pennsylva nia Shippensburg, PA CA Linda Price 9892 McCreary Rd . Shippen sburg, PA 17257-9285 Beta Eta, Southern Illinois University,Edwardsville Edward ville, IL CA Karen Wa er 615 State St. Wood River, IL 62095-1110 Beta T heta, St. Ma r y's Uni ve rsity San Antonio, TX Beta Iota, M iller ville Uni versity of Pennsylvania Miller ville, PA CA Mary Weber 917 Prospect St. Lanca ter, PA 17603-5843 Beta Mu, Salisbury State University Sali bury, MD CA Linda Barnes PO Box 65 4806 Laurie Ln Woolford, MD 21677


Beta Nu, Bloomsburg Uni versity of Pennsy I vania 37 1 Lightstreet Rd. , Bloomsburg, PA 17815 717-784-0666 CA Peter Bohling Dept. of Economics, BU Bloomsburg, PA 178 15

Gamma Zeta, Frostburg State University Frostburg, MD CA Sarah Regan 42 Washington St. Frostburg, MD 21532

Gamma Tau, Lebanon Valley College Annville, PA

Gamma Theta, Pennsylvania State University/ Behrend College Erie, PA

Gamma Upsilon, California State Uni ve rsity, Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA CA Tora Brown 1815 Sherington Pl. #V 113 ewport Beach, CA 92663

Gamma Iota, York College York, PA CA Marcy Smith Box 58 Abbottstown , PA 1730 I

Gamma Chi, William Patterson College Wayne, J CA Joanne DePasquale 219 Pompton Rd . Haledon, J 07508

Beta Pi, Eastern lllinois University 1009 Greek Ct. , Charleston , IL 61920 2 17-581-6745 CA Debi Schaljo 1344 Lincoln Hwy Rd ., Lerna, IL 63440

Gamma Lambda, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Kutztown, PA CA Kathleen Dolgos Kutztown University Kutztown, PA 18530

Beta Tau, University of Massachusetts at Lowell Lowell , MA CA Patriciann Zebro ki 30 Chestnut Hill Rd. Chelmsford, MA 0 I 824

Gamma Mu, West Virginia Institute of Technology Montgomery, WV CA Lori Wi lli amson 1611 Fletcher Ave. Dunbar, WV 25064-2415

Gamma Omega, LaSalle University LSU-AST 20th St. , & Olney Ave. Box 628 Phil adelphia, PA 19141 CA Maribeth In ver o 343 Lincoln Ave. Cherry Hill , J 08002

Beta Xi, Michigan Technical Uni ver sity 916 College Ave. , Houghton, M1 4993 I 906-482-6204 CA Michelle Donofrio 334 Morri son Ave. Newton Falls, OH 44444-1429

Beta Upsilon, New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, J Beta Phi, California University of Pennsylvania California, PA Beta Chi, Ferris State University Big Rapids, Mi CA Tracy Martin 400 Hickory ut Dr. Waterford, MI 48327 Beta Omega, Monmouth University West Long Branch, J Gamma Gamma, University of West Alabama PO Box 1403 Living ton, AL 35470 CA Neldra Spencer PO Box 690 Livingston , AL 35470-0690 Gamma Epsilon, State University of New York at Potsdam 10 Bay St. , Potsdam, NY 13676-2294 CA Laurel harmer lOBay St. Potsdam, NY 13676-2294 38

Gamma Nu, Waynesburg College Waynesburg, PA Gamma Xi, Grand Valley State University Allendale, MI CA Anne Curran Gruber 5 12 Pine Land Dr. , SE Ada, MI 49301-9119 Gamma Pi, Lycoming College Williamsport, PA CA Robert VanVoorst Box 62, LC William port, PA 17701 Gamma Rho, Seton Hall University 400 S. Orange Ave. South Orange, J 07079 CA Joy Brown PO Box 384 Florham Park, J 07932-0384 Gamma Sigma, Belmont Abbey College Belmont, C CA Bonnie Reidy 3008 Hampton Ct. Ga tonia, C 28056

Delta Alpha, Gannon Uni ve rsity Erie, PA CA Katherine Kramer 422 Staffo rd Ave. Erie, PA 16508-1766 Delta Beta, Fairmont State College Fairmont, WV 26554 CA Rosemary Thomas 1300 Locust Ave. Fairmont, WV 26554 Delta Delta, University of IIJinois at Chicago Chicago,IL CALi aS mola 6935 Golf View Country ide, IL 60525 Delta Epsilon, M arist College 290 orth Rd. Poughkeep ie, NY 1260 I CA Karen Oloff on 110 Bermuda Bl vd. Poughkeep ie, Y 12603 Delta Zeta, East Stroudsburg University East Stroudsburg, PA CA Teri Hay 430 King St. E. Stroudsburg, PA I 301 Delta E ta, Belmont University PO Box 121435 Na hville, T 372 12 CA ynthia oble 938 Evans Rd . a h ille, T 37204-4034

Delta Theta, Moravian College 1200 Main St. Bethlehem, PA 180 18 CA Jennifer Herring 556 Chel ea Ln. Allentown, PA 18104

Florida Orlando Hope Group LaraCegala 130 Fairway Pointe Cir. Orlando, FL 32828 407-249-5970 lcegala@ pegasus. cc. ucf. edu

Delta Iota, Johnson and Wales University Providence, Rl CA Pat Marion 6 Slater Ave . Lincoln, Rl 02865

Georgia Metro Atlanta Social Team Li a G. McCoy PO Box 957932 Duluth, GA 30095 770-409-8315 lgmccoy@ mindspring. com

Delta Kappa Colony, Nicholls State Uni ve rsity SU Box 2611 Thibodaux, LA 703 10 Delta Lambda, Siena Heights College 1247 E. Siena Height Dr. Adrian , MI 49221 CA Jennifer Schreer 1247 E. Siena Heights Dr. Adrian, MI 49221 Delta M u Colony, Cumberland University Lebanon, T CA Pace Pope CU, One Cumberland Sq. Lebanon , T 37013

Illinoi Edwardsville Chapter Karen Wa er 615 State St. Wood Ri ver, IL 62095 618-251-2093 Greater Chicago Chapter Kri Ha kin 3345 Betty Dr. Arlington Hts ., IL 60004 847-520-3054 krisast@aol.com

Indiana Fort Way ne Club Linda Rose Pulver 1009 S. Van Buren St. Auburn, I 46706 Indianapoli Chapter Shirley Gilbert 8123 Bromley Place Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-897-3894

Alumnae Associations Arizona Phoenix (Valley of the Sun) Club Ginny Creager, Ph .D. 13659 . 71 t Dr. Peoria, AZ 85381-5093 602-979-3476 DrVCreager@aol.com Arkansas Little Rock Hope Group Cry tal Cook Stanfield 13818 B. Mail Rte. Rd. Little Rock, AR 72206 501 - 88-7669 Colorado Denver Chapter Ann Boley Todd 1021 Carr, #1 Denver, CO 80215 Southern Colorado ocial Team Grace Rie ter 1306 Ale ander Colorado pring , CO 80909-2920


Muncie Chapter Kathryn Mcinni Tharpe 1505 . Hackberry Rd. Muncie, IN 47304

Kan as unflower (Ea tern Kansa ) Chapter Janet Jimi on 529 Highland Dr. Arkan a City, KS 67005 316-442-6748 jjimison@alphasigmatat.~.org

Loui iana ew Orlean Chapter rd Jeannine Getty # 16 Emile ve. Kenner, L 70065 Maryland Baltimore Chapter u an Wat on Hard 170 I 0 White Landind Rd. Brand wine, MD 20613-7 19 01 - 79-613 PE

herr@aol. om

Frederick-Hagerstown Chapter Jayci Shaw Duncan PO Box 547 Walkersville, MD 21793 301-845-0632

Missouri St. Louis Chapter Melanie Foster 5437 Oakcrest Dr. Imperial , MO 63052 314-464-6148

Pennsylvania Erie Chapter Deborah Young Carter 2531 We t 34th St. Erie, P A 16506 814-838-7095

Montgomery County Hope Group Kerri Maranto 13201 Grenoble Dr. Rockville, MD 20853 301-933-2392 kitty2u@erols. com

New Jersey orthem New Jersey Chapter Christina Pal umbo 44 Center Grove Rd. , T-39 Randolph, NJ 07869 973-328-9521 palumboc@aol. com

Harri sburg Chapter Colleen Shea Koller 44 Greenmont Dr. Enola, PA 17025 717-732-1483 lckoller@aol.com

Massachusetts Lowell Chapter Carol Anne O'Leary 3 Long Hill Rd . Rowley, MA 01969 508-948-7535 Michigan Detroit- ortheast Suburb Chapter Tammy Stegehuis Bonifield 16925 MacArthur Redford, MI 48240 313-534-5097 Bonfield@ wwnet.com West Michigan Club Lara Buszka 206 S. Lauderdale Kalamazoo, MJ 49006 616-226-9574 Larabusdw. @mindspring.com Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor Chapter Linda Shapona 5843 Wedgewood Canton , MI 48187 313-981-6207 msh.apona@gr-lakes.com

New York Buffalo Chapter Jeanne Carney Wolf 365 Crescent Ave. Buffalo, NY 14214 716-836-1688 Westchester County Hope Group Heide-Marie Bliss 138 Pali sade St., #2D Dobb Ferry, NY 10522 914-67 4-4659 hbliss@ laslib.law.pace. edu

Lancaster County Chapter Danae Jobe Buczacki 159 Cobblestone Ln . Lancaster, PA 1760 I 717-560-2062 Lehi gh Valley Chapter Tracy Bond 135 N. 11th St. Allentown , PA 18102 610-439-1381 Philadelphia Chapter Jeanne Goldy Sanitate 42 Warren Ave. Bellmawr, NJ 08031 609-931-94 71 Jjsani@aol. com

Ohio Young town Chapter Carol Ficeti 3885 Jeanette Warren , OH 44484

Pittsburgh Chapter Suzanne Schultz 1797 Renee Dr. Library , PA 15129

Oklahoma Durant Chapter Tara Peebles 1203 . 19th Durant, Ok 74701 580-924-2555 tpeebles@hotmail.com

West Chester Hope Group AJ ainaE vangelista 501 Wayne Dr. , #324 King of Prussia, PA 19406 610-768-9778 jabbal 11 @ix.netcom.com

THE ANCHOR - FalVWinter 1998

Tennesee Nashville Area Hope Group Tammy Hillebrand 70 I Ash law n Pl ace Nashville, TN 37211 615-331-4722 jukebox@ edge. net

Northern Virginia Chapter Di ane DiSandro Underwood I 0446 Bracket Ford Cir. Manassas, VA 20110 703-369-0243 uwood@ erols.com

Texas Hou ston Chapter Sharon Hahn Juntunen 643 Eastlake Houston , TX 77034 7 13-946-8479 c/o Pat Nayle: pnayle@ hal-pc.org

Richmond-Petersburg Chapter Bonnie Harris 9820 Iron Bridge Rd . Chesterfield, VA 22832-6434

San Antonio Chapter Debra ort Shea 510 Red Oak Woods Canyon Lake, TX 78133 830-899-2875 dshea510@aol. com Virginia Centreville-Manassas Chapter Diane DiSandro Underwood I 0446 Brackets Ford Cir. Manassas, VA 20 110 703-369-0243 uwood@erols.com Charlottesville Hope Group Sandra McLaughlin Lowry 322 11th St., NE Charlottesv ille, VA 22902 804-295-0331

Roanoke Chapter Cindy Moore Howard 503 I Meadowcreek Dr


Roanoke, VA 240 18 Tidewater Area Chapter Karen Farris 915 Pine Knob Way Virginia Beach, VA 23451 7 57-422-9315 West Virginia Bluefield Chapter Joyce Buchanan 1905 Tazewell Ave. Bluefield, WV 24605 Shepherdstown Chapter Marie Bu ch Crim RRI , Box 114 Gerrardstown , WV 25420

Lynchburg Hope Group Jennfier Long 139 Cedar Crest Dr. #I 06 Madi son Heights, VA 24572 804-845-0282


To: Alpha Sigma Tau Parents Your daughter's magazine is sent to her home address while she is in college. We hope you enjoy reading it. If she is no longer in college, however, and is not living at home, please send her new permanent address to Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters, 1929 Canyon Road, Birmingham, AL 35216.

Alpha Sigma Tau 1929 Canyon Road Birmingham,AL 352 16

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U.S.Postage PAID Permit No.4416 Columbu , Ohio

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