Dear Sisters, As I write this letter, summer is winding down, our 36th National Convention is now a pleasant memory, and the Sorority is in full swing preparing for another academic year. I would be remiss if I did not first take the opportunity to thank the membership for the opportunity to have served Alpha Sigma Tau for the last four years and for once again re-electing me as your National President so that we can continue our journey. I prom ise each of you that I will do my very best to fulfill your expectations of th is office. I will need the help of all of you to accomplish the many great things that this O rganization plans to achieve. I thank you for believing in this National Council and for allowing us to continue our plans for the next term . We are already hard at work and will do everything in our power to accomplish the goals that are being establ ished. Recruitment, consultant and adviser training, and Officer Academy planning are only a few of the items we are already working on. In my opening remarks at convention I spoke on Alpha Sigma Tau prid e . As an organization, we have so much to be proud of. As members, we are proud of our sisterhood and the women who join our organization each year. We are proud of the leaders that are created through the skills taught at Conventions and Officer Academ ies. We are proud of the scholarship excellence accomplished by our members. We are proud of the service given to Pine Mountain, Habitat for Humanity, and the many other philanthropies our members work with. We are proud of the financial support given to our Legacy of 1899 Fund and our Foundation. And, we are proud of the lifelong commitment that our alumnae have shown to this organization. But most of all, we are proud of the passion our members have. Our founders had an everlasting passion for AST and through their actions and words they have asked us to share in their pride. It is ou r responsibility to make the most of our heritage and plan well for our future. Help me keep the pride and passion alive within Alpha Sigma Tau. As members, I ask you to join in showing to everyone you meet that you are proud about everyth ing Alpha Sigma Tau stands for. Three powerful words- Alpha Sigma Tau. In the spirit of loyal friendship,
Patricia Klaus ing Simmons National President
Fall 2006
the 0
Mabie Chase Ruth Dutcher May Gephart Harriett Marx Eva O 'Keefe Adriance Rice Helene M. Rice Mayene Tracy AT IO
National President: Patricia Klausing Simmons National Vice President: Sailynn Doyle National Secretary: Emily Ashby Mcintire National Treasurer : Denise Klein Dutter Director of Collegiate Chapter: Melissa Hatfield Atkinson Director of Expansion:Tiffany Street Director of Fraternity Programs: Kathy Pulice Baecker Director of Publications: Courtney Mo nilias Keirn B OA RD O F TR U T EE
Cha1rman: Bobbie Nichols Tucker Secretary: Carolyn Conner Alexander Mary Glor Bolton An na Margaret Young Rhodes Mary Ellen Willmitch AT ION AL FOUNDATIO
President: Julie Bell Bruington First Vice Presiden t: Gail Shockley Fowler Second Vice President: Mary Beth Kelley Secretary: C harlotte Evans Floyd Treasurer: Rose Marie Schmidt Board Members: Ricki Bargman Trosen, Cynthia Peckhar t McCrory ATI O
Alpha Sigma Tau Delegate: Elizabeth Knaus McOsker First Alternate Delegate: Jamie Jones Miller Second Alternate Delegate: Carol Zorger Mooney Third Alternate Delegate: Carole Bicking Keily ALPHA SI G MA TA U NAT I ONA L H OM E PAGE
www.alphasigmatau .org AT IO
Lisa Latson Redd,Ad ministrator 1929 Canyon Drive, Birmingham,AL 35216 Phone: (205)978-2 179 Fax: (205)978-2182 Email: headquarters@alphasigmatau.org
Member : National Pan hellenic Conference Member : College Fraternity Editors Association TH E ANCHO R of Alpha Sigma Tau is published biannually by the Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority, 1929 Canyon Road, Birmingham, AL 35216. Postmaster: Send address changes to THE A CHOR, 1929 Canyon Road, Birmingham, AL 35216.
features 16
2006 National Convention
Meet the New Educat ional Con- 36 sultants
From the Pres ident
Alumnae Directo ry
Reade r's Gu ide
Co ll egian s o n Cam pus
News & Notes
Recruitment Addresses
Alumnae in Action
Potential N ew Member Form
Become an Advise r A Tri bute to Sybil King
HOW TO RECEIVE THE ANCHOR Collegiate members receive THE ANCHOR through payment of their annual Sorority dues
to their chapters. Copies are mailed to each undergraduate member's permanent address as designated on her membership list submitted to National Headquarters. Alumnae members receive THE ANCHOR through payment of her annual Sorority dues to either National Headquarters or their local alumnae association (at least $40 annually).
HOWTO CHANGE AN ADDRESS Log onto alphasigmatau.org and click on Update Contact Information with HDQ link under alumnae section. You may also contact Candace Mathews at cmathews@alphasigmatau.org or (205) 978-2179. If you prefer to submit your information via US mail, please complete the form within this issue and mail it to: Candace Mathews, Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters, 1929 Canyon Road, Birmingham,AL 35216.
HOW TO CONTACT THE ANCHOR THE ANCHOR, 1929 Canyon Road Birmingham,AL 35216 E-mail: anchor@alphasigmatau.org Phone: (205) 978-2179 Fax: (205) 978-2182
HOWTO SEND A LETTERTOTHE EDITOR Do you have a comment about an article in this or any other issue of THE CHOR? We want to hear from you! Letters to THE ANCHOR can be sent to the editor via email (anchor@alphasigmatau.org); regular mail (TH E 路 CHOR, 1929 Canyon Road, Birmingham, AL 35216); or fax ((205) 978-21 82). Please include your name, chapter, school and year of initiation. THE ANCHOR reserves the right to publish any letter addressed to the editor and may be edited for space and clarity.
DEADLINES Fall: July I 5 Spring: December I 5
Fall 2006
The following collegiate members of Alpha Sigma Tau were initiated into Gamma Sigma Alpha during the past academic year. Gamma Sigma Alpha is a National Greek Academic Honor Society, which recognizes G reek scholars who excel in academics.
At this time, we are proud to announce the members of AST who are serving as CPH Presidents. Special thanks to these women for the ir Panhellenic leadership.
• Darcy Bereznoff, Eastern Michigan University • Sara Browr. , Lycom ing College • Kellie Cicconi, Lycoming College • Megan Cut rona, Lycomi ng College • Rebecca Dudde k, Lycom ing College • Kristi Lyn n Eissle r, East e rn Illinois Unive rsity • Amy Gate house , Lycom ing College • Mo rgan G raham , Lycom ing College • Jennifer Hoote n, Easte rn Michigan Unive rsity • Lo ri Lienhop, Eas tern Ill ino is Univers ity • Shannon Li ndey, Sl ippe ry Roc k University of Pennsylvania • Do ra Ch ristina McClanahan , Cumberland University • Jaclyn Purcell, Lyc o mi ng College • Renee Sutton, Lyco ming College • Kelly Sykes, Lycoming College • Aman da Nicole Stacy, Cum berland Un ivers ity • Kandice Teutsch, Eastern Michigan University • Lauren Wilson, Lyc om ing College
• Duquesne University - MaryBeth Concann an • Edinboro University - Danielle Schultz • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Unive rsity - Prescott - Christi na Lang • Frostburg State University - Lauren Mo rgan • Gannon University -Allison Sico • Grand Valley State Un iversity - D rew Salas • Henderson State Unive rsity - Crystal McCreery • Johnson & Wales University- Cou rtney DeVoe • Lebanon Valley College - Stephanie Re issner • Mansfield Un iversity -Jennifer Allison • Marist College - Laura Hickey • Penn State Erie ,The Behrend College- Katie Sweeney • University of Central Arkansas -Whitney Beckman • University of West Alabama - Mandy Je nki ns • William Paterson College - Katelyn Powers
N E W CONTA T I N FORMATION FOR H E ADQUARTERS T he staff at Headquarters has new email addresses and contact information. Please note the changes as to who takes care of specific topics whe n w riting ... Lisa Redd, Headquarters Administrator Will handle chapte r pro ble ms, Un ive rsity reportsli nquiries,Advisery Team inqu iries, all 'other' inqui ries,ASN subm issions. Judy Sanders Will handle alumnae dues and status questions, colony and chapter installation inquiries, cred it card payments, alumnae list requests. C andace Mathews Will han dle address, name updates, Legacy of 1899 donations, supply orders, national directory updates. Miriam Lord Will handle collegiate d ues, new member fees , in itiation lists, questions from chapters.
NATIONAL BIG Sis/ LIL Sis P ROGRAM Do yo u wish you st ill kept in touch with you r Little Sister? Do you want to help instill our traditions in our newest membe rs? Have you heard of the Nat io nal Big Sisters Progra m ? A Nation al Big Sister is an alumna who mentors a new colony member as she goes through the colonization process and learns about the trad it io ns of Alpha Sigma Tau. A National Big Sister should: • Call, emai l or w ri te a note of encou ragement to her Little every few weeks, • Send her Little small gifts throughout the colonization period, • G ive he r Little a letter sh irt before the colony's installation, • Spend only $40- $50 on her Little TOTAL. We are currently seeking alumnae to serve as National Big Sisters for our colony members! This is an excellent opportunity for alumnae to make a small time commitment that will have a big impact on the success of our Sorority's growth. For more details , please contact: Laura Clark, Extension Assistant at lclark@alphasigmatau .org.
Fall 2006
Th; ·s~;~~~ .Ai~~~·a~· ch~p~~; ~~j~y~d· i~· t1~;;h ~t,~· ~;~ ~t ·;;r·d· ~~ktn·i ~i~h ·; s~;;pi~· up .ci~~~~s·t~~~~~ ·;t· ~h; ·c·~~~~~·s~~~. ~i ~·~r· monthly meeting, leaving with three beautifully decorated hand-made greeting cards. Our first Book Swap was held at the conclusion of our April meeting. The participating women brought books they had read and presented a synopsis of their book. We then swapped books at the end of the presentations. Our final meeting of the 2005-2006 year was held at a restaurant where we surprised our Treasurer (Shannon Hanson) and our Recording Secretary (Trisha Brien) with gifts and celebrated their upcoming new roles into motherhood. Our Social Chair (Cindy Thibault) continues to provide us with ideas which might also be incorporated as Program Events. We discussed possibilities of a "chocolate experience" party, a summer outing and/or a wine tasting event. In general, we continue to enjoy our monthly meetings as a time to conduct business but, more importantly, as a time to get together. The fact that we all come from different collegiate chapters, different age groups, and different life experiences simply adds to our multi-faceted group.
LOWELL ALUMNAE CHAPTER During the spring months, the Lowell Alumnae Chapter has been keeping up with fun activities, rewarding philanthropic projects, collegiate support, and sisterly bonding. In January we began a collection to donate to a deserving organization, which we decided to keep ongoing throughout the semester. In February we remembered and honored our sister Donna Marie Grenier by donating to the National Foundation in the name of her scholarship, as well as past president Sybil King with a donation in her name. In March we remembered and honored Alpha Sigma Tau by joining our sisters across the United States in wearing our Sorority badges on the 6th as was suggested in the Alpha Sig-Nal. During th is month we also remembered and honored the feast of St. Patrick, by having a festive collegiate and alumnae social with the Beta Tau and Gamma Phi collegiate chapters. With green refreshments and pin the shamrock on the leprechaun, everyone had a night full of Irish cheer. April brought about a chance to honor and remember those less fortunate than ourselves by offering our hands in a Habitat for Humanity committee envelope stuffing party. This day of lending a hand brought new information to the chapter about the next House build ing and ways that we can contribute. The month of April was also an anniversary for our chapter as we honored and remembered I5 years of organized alumnae sisterhood for the Lowell area. In the month of May we honored and remem bered women past and present who have fought and are fighting the battle with breast cancer. On 5120 the Lowell Alumnae chapter participated in the Avon Breast Cancer Walk by pitching tents for the walkers to stay in overnight as they rested to continue their 26 mile walk the next day. June is almost here, and we are planning to wrap up our spring by honoring and remembering ourselves.The Lowell alumnae chapter will have our annual dinner, this year the location being Bertucci's restaurant. A night of fun, laughter, good food and good friends is hoped to be had by
II II ,\ N< I lOR
all. We will choose the recipient of our ongoing collection on this night. To top off our celebration we will be holding chapter elections, and will choose candidates that will help us honor and remember our devotion to Alpha Sigma Tau.
The ·i\.j~;;h~;~ Vi~gtn"ii ·Ai~r~.;~;~ ·cf,;;,i:~~ •~~~i:tn"~~d •ch~ y~;~ ·h~idi~g· i~d· itc~~dtn"i ;· ~i~t;t;,· ~rf~·n· ;~·J ·e:;~ittng· events. We kicked off January with our monthly meeting that included a knitting class given by a friend of one of ou r members. With some pro's and others just learning how to cast on, a great time was had by all as our instructor spent time with each membe r. Our February meeting included a time for everyone to bring in an item from the ir AST past and explain its significance . Some shared collegiate memories while others shared memories from past conventions and other special times. While Ma rc h roared in like a lion the NOVA group relaxed by holding a yoga-on-the-go presentation from a fabulous lady involved with a Curves for Women center in the Northern Virginia Area. We learned how to take advantage of o rdinary moments like wa iting at red lights to take a deep breath and relax. Ap ril's meeting included an AST trinket auction to help raise funds for the chapter. Ou r final meeting of the year included Officer Inductions and a Pot-Luck dinner hosted at the home of one of ou r members. After our meetings many of us like to go to Starbucks Coffee or Ledo's Pizza to continue catching up and laughing together.
Some special events that the NOVA women were involved in during this half of the year included assembl ing two tool boxes fo r Habitat for Humanity. The chapter filled these two boxes to the point of over-flow! All spring long we also collected items fo r the Convention Philanthropy. One of our members graciously volunteered to fill her car and bring everything down to Orlando with her. In terms of Panhel len ic events, some of our members attended The Mystery of Edwin Drood , a musical put on by the Little Theatre of Alexandra,Virginia. This play is the major fundraiser for NVAPA to help fund a scholarship for Panhellenic women in the NOVA area. A few of ou r members also spent time with a delegate from the Psi Chapter who attended a Congressional Convention th is spring at the University of Maryland. We also nominated our Chapter President, Chris Covington , to represent us in the fi rs t annual Northern Virginia Panhellenic Women of the Year Award. As we look to Convention in Orlando, FL we feel noth ing but pride that so many of our members will attend to share the experience. The summer looks bright and exciting as we have our ann ual Summer BBQ scheduled for July as well as our Executive Committee Meeting.
PHOENIX/ VALLEY OF THE SUN CLUB .................................................................... Phoenix/Valley of the Sun Club began our year with a theate r night in January. Six members and spouses enjoyed a hilarious production ofThe Odd Couple at the Hale Theater in Gilbert, followed by socializing an d decadent desserts at Romero's Euro Cafe . Our annual meeting was held at the home of Kristen Klein on April 22, 2006, where our activities were planned for the year. Also attending were Karen Anderson , Daniele Gottl ieb, Risa Hodge, Cynthia McCrory, and Lisa Webb. We will support Habitat for Humanity's Dress for Success program by sending clothing to Convention . We are also collecting costume jewelry to be donated for sale at the Phoenix area Habitat for Humanity thrift stores, as requested in the ir newsletter.
·a~·r· ~~~thiy· ;,;~~ti~g~· i~d· g~t:t~g;th·e·r·s· ~~~·t~~~~ ·i~· ;tsi:~~h~~d ·a·s· ~·u·r· ~h~pi:~~ ·hi; "s1~~~ •ch~ ·1"936·~: A. iight ·~~~·c·h ~r· dessert are fe atures of business meetings in members' homes. A schedule is planned during the summer for the coming year. Members suggest monthly activities when there is no regular meeting. In May members and guests met at St. Louis Mills , a newe r large shopping complex, for lunch and shopping.
The annual Pan-Hellenic Scholarship lunch was in June. Carolyn Alexander and Margaret Bogner have been our faithful representatives to the local organization for many years. Thanks and more thanks fo r all you do. Melanie Welsh Foster will have a special retirement party given by her elementary school (Madison in 'St. Lou is) after a thirty-five yea r teaching career. Invitations were also sent to her Sorority sisters. Bevo Mill was the meeting (and eating) place in Ju ne to help Melanie celebrate with family and friends . Melanie has helped to guide the St. Lou is Alumnae Chapter for many yea rs as president, displaying the love of enduring sisterhood.
Fall 2006
ARIZONA PHOENIXNALLEY OF THE SUN Club Lisa Webb, Beta Pi 99S3 E. Onza Avenue Mesa,AZ 8S212 480.3S4.7607 phoenixalumnae@alphasigmatau .org
ARKANSAS CONWAY Support Team Lindsay Wygal Grifford, Upsilon 32SS A Lillian Cove Conway,AR 72034 so I.S 14.4067 conwayalumnae@alphasigmatau.org SE ARKANSAS Hope Group Lauren Atkinson searkansasalumnae@alphasigmatau.org
Acworth, GA 30 I 02 770.97S. I281 atlantaalumnae@alphasigmatau.org
MICHIGAN ILLINOIS EDWARDSVILLE Chapter Karen Wasser, Beta Eta 61 16 C lovergreen Place St. Louis, MO 63129 3 14.84S.0034 edwardsvillealumnae@alphasigmatau.org GREATER CHICAGO Chapter Kris Haskin, Beta Pi 21 I Rosehall Dirve Lake Zu rich, Ill 60047 847.S40. 140S chicagoalumnae@alphasigmatau.org
I DIANA SW ARKANSAS Hope Group Cheryl Flagg Burfeind swarkansasalumnae@alphasigmatau.org
CALIFORNIA NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Hope Group Noel Scarpa, Gamma Iota 1730 O 'Farrell St.Apt 90S San Francisco, CA 941 I S 41 S.748.0916 norcalalumnae@alphasigmatau.org
S08.213 . 17S I lowellalumnae@alphasigmatau.org
INDIANAPOLIS Social Team Kim Lomis Cottrell , Beta Xi 7S Carriage Lake Drive Brownsburg, IN 46112 317.8S8.S279 indyalumnae@alphasigmatau.org
KANSAS SUNFLOWER Club June McClure McMaster, Iota 40 I I SW Stonybrook Drive Topeka, KS 6661 0 78S.478. 1438 sunfloweralumnae@alphasigmatau.o rg
DENVER Chapter Rebekah Kovarik denveralumnae@alphasigmatau.org
SOUTHERN COLORADO Social Team Grace Riester, Pi 1306 Alexander Colorado Springs, CO 80909 socoloradoalumnae@alphasigmatau.org
SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA Hope Group Jennifer Miles, Phi 26S2 Foliage Drive Marrero, LA 70072 southeasternalumnae@alphasigmatau.org
TAMPNCLEARWATER Support Team Megan Craven, Delta Upsilon P.O. Box 944 Dade City, FL 33026 813 .376.6375 tampaalumnae@alphasigmatau.org
BALTIMORE Chapter Lori deStwol inski, Beta Mu I 08 Olde Towne Ave #317 Ga ithersbu rg, MD 20877 703 .966.3848 baltimorealumnae@alphas igmatau .o rg
ORLANDO Hope Group Tina Harbold, Gamma Iota 4601 S. Ferncreek Orlando, FL 32806 407.312.0 I SO orlandoalumnae@alphasigmatau.org
DETROIT-NE SUBURBAN Chapter Amanda Ho ltschlag, Delta Lambda 22243 Kinyon #4 Taylor, Ml 48180 734.673 .26SO detroitalumnae@alphasigmatau.org LANS ING Hope Group Kristi Za krzewski, Beta Xi 27 S. Royston Road Eaton Rap ids , Ml 48827 lansingalumnae@alphasigmatau.org WESTERN MICHIGAN Hope Group Shannon Snyder Bu rton, Gamma Xi 1034 Kelsey Street NE Grand Rapids , Ml 49SOS 616.447.8S 18 westernm ialu mnae@al phasigmatau.o rg YPSILANTI-ANN ARBOR Chapter Seleena C arpenter, Alpha 233 I Twin La kes D r Yps ilanti, Ml 48197 734.669.631 1 yps ial umnae@al phasigmatau.o rg
MIS OURI ST. LOUIS C hapte r Me lan ie Foste r, Pi S437 Oakcrest D rive Impe rial, MO 630S2 636.464.6 148 stlou isalumnae@al phasigmatau.o rg
ORTH CAROLI A CHARLOTTE Hope G ro up charlottea lum nae@alp has igmatau.o rg RALEIGH Hope G ro up Li ndsay Buch ne r Ande rson 4600 Unive rsi ty D r.Apt 1720 Durham, NC 27707 814.573 .3742 ral e ighalumnae@al phas igmatau.o rg
BUFFALO Chapte r Sue McNama ra, Sigma 31 I Sterling Aven ue Buffalo , NY 14216 716.862.0037 buffaloalumnae@ al phasigmata u.o rg
LOWELL Chapter Ch ristyn Toomey, Beta Tau P.O. Box SOOO Unit #7 Dudley, MA 0 I S71
NEWYORK METRO C lu b D r. Rachael Green Smit h, Beta Eta 38-09 20Sth Street Apt 2 Bayside, NY I 1361 917.921 .0282
BOSTON Chapter C indy Thibault, Gamma Delta 62 Radcliffe Avenue Providence, Rl 02908 16.S61 .7881 bostonalumnae@alphasigmatau.o rg
GEORGIA METRO ATLANTA Social Team C arol Baril, Beta Zeta 1932 Hamby Place D rive
T ll AN 11 R
Fall 2006
OHIO CINCINNATI-DAYTON Chapter Lara Cegala-Williams, Psi 7166 Holly Berry Court Liberty Twp, OH 4SO I I SI3.7S9.2S98 cincialumnae@alphasigmatau.org CLEVELAND Hope Group clevelandalumnae@alphasigmatau.org
PENNSYLVANIA ERIE Hope Group Jennifer Robinson 4169 West Ridge Rd Apt I Erie, PA 16S06 814.S04.27S4 e riealumnae@alphasigmatau.o rg LEHIGH VALLEY Chapte r Rebecca Wh ite Zanette, Alpha Tau S816 Shady Lane Naza reth, PA 18064 61 0.7S9. 1072 lehighalumnae@alphas igmatau.o rg PHILADELPHIA Chapter Kim Malcolm I0 I Chelsea Court Perkasie, PA 18944 phillyal umnae@al phasigmata u.o rg PITTSBURGH Chapter Heather Jo Shulu, Alpha Omicron 3S Highland Road Apt 4208 Bethe l Park, PA IS I02 412.83 1.2689 pittalumnae @al phasigma ta u.o rg
VIRGIN IA NORTHERN VIRGINIA Chapter Gabrielle Gellinas, Gamma Zeta 18712-M Caldeonia Court Germantown, MD 20874 301 .213 .20 IS novaalumnae@alphasigmatau.org RICHMOND-PETERSBURG Chapter Terri White, Alpha Lambda 9031 Whistling Swan Road Chesterfield,VA 23838 richmondalumnae@alphasigmatau.org TIDEWATER Chapter Lynn Hess, Alpha Lambda I 148 Eppi ngton Drive Virginia Beach,VA 234S4 7S7.427.6023 tidewateralumnae@alphasigmatau.org
WEST VIRGINIA CHARLESTON/MONTGOMERY Hope Group Tiffany Smith-Mounts, Gamma Mu P.O. Box I04 Glen Ferris,WV 2S090 304.632.2042 charlestonalumnae@alphasigmatau.org
jOIN AN ALUMNAE AsSOCIATION! Our alumnae associations function at various levels, from an alumnae social team getting together a few times a year, to an alumnae chapter, functioning with officers, social service projects, and collegiate chapter support. Alumnae activities offer opportunities for continued friendship, social activity, community involvement and strong sisterhood. The Anchor Chapter is made up of alumnae who are in areas where alumnae associations are not formed. They enjoy all the benefits of other dues-paying alumnae.
EXPANSION OPPORTUNITIES Alpha Sigma Tau is looking to expand in the following areas: Raleigh,NC Charlotte, NC Western Michigan Lansing, Ml
CHECKOUT ALPHASIGMATAU.ORG New changes and additions have been made to the Alumnae section of the national website. Get the latest information aboutAiumnaeAssociations, Reunions & Gatherings and much more!
TENNESSEE MEMPHIS Hope Group Kell i O 'Bri en, Delta Eta 7008 Ambe rly W ay D rive Cordova, TN 380 I 8 901 .734.4981 memph isalumnae@alphasigmatau.o rg
NASHVILLE Chapter Kristin Sims, Delta Eta nashv illeal umnae@alphasigmatau .o rg
T H E ANCHOR would love to hear about a birth, adoption, or marriage. Please visit the national website and complete the form found within the Alumnae section of the site.
Announcements may only be printed if they have occured within a year of publication. Announcements with missing information will not be printed. If announcements are received after copy deadline, they will be considered for the following issue.
HOUSTON Chapter Lolita Contreras, Alpha Lambda 4000 Essex Ln #7307 Houston, TX 77027 (832) 607-780S houstonalumnae@alphasigmatau.org SAN ANTONIO Chapter sanantonioalumnae@alphasigmatau.org
•••••••••••••••••• THE ANCHOR
Fall 2006
The 2006 winter semester ran smoothly. We have attended a Greek Officer Symposium here at Easte rn Michigan University and participated in a pizza eating contest at the half time show of a basketball game. Througho ut the semester we dropped anchor at the GVSU Leadership program, some other great leadership conferences, and the bowling alley for the annual Ozone Bowl to help rais e money for Ozone House. We had a career day where collegiates learned from the alumnae about different ways to stay active in Alpha Sigma Tau after they graduate . We danced the night away w ith some fe llow Greeks on campus when a great faculty member from the dance program taught us how to salsa dance for our "Dancing with the Greeks" event that is coming up just around the corner. Other great events that occured th is semester incl uded ice skating, formal, and G reek Week! We also planned a silent auction to help raise money for the G reek Alumni Scholarshi p, in honor of Joyce Berg.
B ETA/ C E T RAL MICHIGAN This winter's recruitment was successful and quite comparable to other sororities on campus. We had six wonderful new members who just joined our sisterhood this past week. We had a recruitment/sisterhood ac tivity where we went rockclimbing on campus with our activities, new members, and potentials which turned out to become a huge success and a great PR tool as our rockclimbing story was featured in our campus newspaper, CMLife, along with some great pictures. Many girls in our chapter took part in weekly philanthropic activies that included: weekly volunteering at the Isabella County Soup Kitchen, Humane Animal Treatment, and last week a handful of our sisters went away for a week to volunteer at Special
Fall 2006
O lympics up in Traverse City.
The chapter began the recruitment process by having the "A Slice of the Alpha Tau Life" pizza informational. Other plans for recruitment for this semester include a philanthropy party where the ladies decorated pots for plants to be planted in and later donated to a local retirement home. Also a "Welcome to Taullywood" party, "Tau Bandstand," and a "make your own ice cream sundae" party were planned. The Alpha Gamma chapter was confident that recru itment would be very successful this past semester.
ALPHA lAMBDA/ RADFORD The Alpha Lambda chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau has been very busy on campus this semester.We just finished Spring Recruitment, and are still hav ing interest parties for Continuously Open Bidding about once a week.We attend the Radford basketball games, and compete in the banner contests with the other sororities. We are currently playing basketball intermurals, and will be playing softball and volleyball later in the the semester. The Alpha Lambda chapter is very excited because we are finally going to be able to be more active w ith Habitat for Humanity.We are going to help build a house in Pulaski , but we will still make lunches for the workers and help the tables on campus. We have plans for later in the semester such as table for fundra ising and Pine Mountain, Greek Week, and many others to keep us an active chapter.
A LPH The spring semester has been busy so far and w ill continue to be eventful for the next few months.We have just fin ished ou r
spring recruitment. Our campus held a "Meet the Greeks" night in which interested students could come out and get to know us and receive information about our organizations . Events included a game of beach ball volleyball, a skit night, and a preference night for those who were really interested in us. On bid day, we received two signed bids. We had a COR and were able to give out two more bids, both of which were accepted. Our new member program this semester included a bonding activity once a week. A few of the activities were a movie night with the sisters and new members, letter making, the new members finding information out about each other, and a game of jeopardy to help the new members review National information for the new member exam . Our philanthropies this semester included Habitat for Humanity, Dress for Success, and Relay for Life .
CLARIO This semester, we focused mainly on new member activities. We started the semester by recruiting girls; having letter days on which we all were to wear Alpha Sigma Tau letters. After recruiting, we held bid parties at our house, and each had a theme; Hawaiian,Tie-Dye, and PJ party, among others. At each bid party, we would play ice breaker games, show the new girls scrapbooks from previous pledge classes, and then give them some info rmation about our Sorority. After the bid parties, we went to the potential new members' houses to offer them bids. We also volunteered at a blood drive that is held every semester here at Clarion. As far as fund raisers go, we recently finished one with Mary Kay cosmetics. Our philanthropy is Habitat for Humanity, and earlier in the semester, we researched about it online and took quizzes to evaluate what we had learned. Among all the typical events we've had, a few weeks ago, we held a ceremony in which we dropped the anchor to congratulate a girl for taking the next step in her life. In planning for the future , we started organizing our Greek Week events, and practice for that will be started soon. We also have planned more events with our new members, including Big/Little cuttings and other ceremonies. On February 14, we are holding a Sorority Growth and Development activity for all the sisters at our house. Shortly after that, some girls will start studying for the National Exam that must be taken by all the girls who pledged Spring 05 and earlier.
ALPHA PHI/ W EST CHESTE R We continue to remain active on campus by participating in
service projects and raising money for our national philanthropy. We started the fall semester off with a bang by hosting our annual "Back to School Hoops" event.This three-on-three basketball tournament raises money for breast cancer. All of the proceeds earned go to the Amy Hashkowitz Foundation. She was a sister of Alpha Sigma Tau who suffered from breast cancer. We also took a new member class of seventeen women to help promote and expand our chapter. Each year, the West Chester University Greek System pa rticipates in an event titled "Halloween on High Street." This eve nt caters to young children in the West Chester Borough. During th is, the Greek System will plan different activities for the young children to attend . This yea r there was a haunted house, pumpkin painting, bobbing fo r apples, and a costume contest. This halloween our chapter was assigned to gu ide the child ren through the haunted house. Future plans for ou r chapte r fo r the spring semester include possibly taking a spring pledge class, fundraising for Habitat fo r Humanity, and a formal event in Philadelph ia.
B ETA T HETA/ST. MARY ' This past semester for our chapter was a very exciting one. We had several recruitment events, which included: bowl ing, volleyball , pajama night, and skating. The most exciting of the events had to have been the bowling. Anothe r excit ing recruitment event was the sand volleyball game we had . The volleyball game let the girls see that we are competitve , but in a friendly way. Five new sisters joined our family and we gained interest of a lot more potential new members. The New Member Program went very well fo r our new sisters. The new members had many chances to inte ract with the siste rs. They interacted with the ir bigs on many occasions and with the sisters during recruitment events , fundraisers, philanthropy events, and sisterhood hours. Every Friday, we go out to the Quad, which is just an area that all fraternites and sororites gather around and interact with each other. Du ri ng these outings, the bigs would give their Iitties gifts. We participated in 6 ph ilanthorpies this past semester. We had someone from the Rape Crisis Center come and talk not only to the chapter, but also to the St. Mary's University Community. We hope that it not only brings in both women and men, but that it opens everyone's eyes of the danger that is out there . As we have for the past few years, we participated in the Race for the Cure in April.
Fall 2006
B ETA IOTA/ MILLERSVILLE We adopted a highway near campus and cleaned it up. We helped paint a house for Habitat for Humanity, which has recently been fin ished and now holds a family of four. We have participated in Formal Recru itment and made holiday cards for patients in a hospital. We also raised money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society with a car wash and selling ribbons. We have held five barbeques/dinners for recruitement and Sorority growth and development. We are currently working on Pennies for Patients for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. We have updated our campus website and have started a means of communication with our alumnae electronically through the site.
B ETA N u/BLOOMSBURG This spring semester is looking to be quite productive as well as quite exciting for the Beta Nu chapter. Since our return in late January, we have already held two successful fund-raisers . These fund-raising events included a Valentine 's Day Matchmaker and also a Pizza Hut dinner. We participated in a Yankee Candle sale, a car wash, another Pizza Hut dinner, a lollipop sale , a candy bar sale , and two trips to Dorney Park as well as a trip to Cedar Point. Our recruitment theme was "Hollywood: Everyone here is a Star." Our house was full for the semester, with two of our younger sisters moving in to fill the vacant spots of the older sisters gone abroad . Overall, we were very excited to be back together as a chapter!
B ETA TAu/UMASS, LOWELL For recruitment we tried a lot of new games. We tried one new game with paper towels; for each paper towel you have, you must tell one fact about yourself. For fund raising, we participated in a magazine drive. To boost school pride as well as get our name out there, we attempted to have each sister as well as potential new members and new members go to at least one athletic event held on campus this semester.
GAMMA ZETA/ FRO TBURG STATE The sisters of the Gamma Zeta Chapter returned from winter break ready to begin the spring semester with fund ra ising.We sold Krispy Kreme donuts to better the So rority financially. Aside from our achievement of new members, we have been involved in our traditional philanthropy project of collecting pennies for Pine Mountain Settlement School and participating in the America's Walk for Diabetes held in Frederick along with making visits to the local nursing home.We plan to keep these traditions alive all semester long with the outstanding work of all the sisters of the Gamma Zeta Chapter.
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So far, the Spring 2006 semester has been a busy one for our chapter, Gamma Theta. At the end of last semster, we began to plan ahead for recruitment. preparing a number of posters and planning our rush events. We posted our signs early, getting the Alpha Sigma Tau name out first. We have had a number of successful rush parties - a board game rush party, a Mary Kay party, and a joint pajama rush party with the Alpha Delta chapter from Gannon Un iversity. So far, we have given one bid and have a handful of other girls interested. We will soon be moving into our new member education period. Our membership chair has an exciting schedule of events planned for our new members. We were active in raising funds for Penn State 's THON , the largest student-run philanthropy in the world . THON is an excellent cause, a 48 hour dance marathon, wh ich last year raised 4. 1 million dollars for pediatric cancer. Simultaneous to raising money for THON , we collected paperback books for Operation Paperback, an organization that ships reading material to the troops overseas. We also completed a toy drive for both the United States Marine Corps' Toys for Tots and a teddy bear drive for the Erie Shriner's Hospital. We had members active in student government, athletics, academic clubs, and honor societies. We attended Greek Nights at basketball games and other athletic events. Sadly, we had a number of members graduating at the end of the term, but hopefully they will be able to become active as alumnae.
"Make a Difference Day" was a huge Grand Valley State University organized philanth ropy event that several sisters participated in. We made cards for the Allendale Nursing Home both for Halloween and Thanksgiving.There are also quite a few sisters that took initiat ive and did different events without the Chapter directing them. Kid 's Club Day is one of these eventsit happens once a semester w ith Grand Valley athletics and kids.AII the sisters that have participated in it have had a lot of fun .We've also been working on getting our residen ce nationally. We've had two sisters step up to be a part of our Panhellenic Executive Board.
"Cas ino Night," our first recrui tment party, consisted of us talking to the formal rec ruits about our Sorority and showing them pictures of past events including volunteer work we have done, fo rmal dances and other events we have held on campus. Our second recruitment party included playing games with the recruits, wh ile also talking to them about being in a sorority, and it will also give them a chance to get to know us. Our third.
and last, party was preference night. We started Data Match in mid-February. Students filled out sheets to be matched up with a person, who they may be compatible with. The other event planned collected ink cartridges from local businesses, as well as old cell phones from people on campus, which then are given to Funding Factory, who recycles the items. We then receive money for these items. GAMMA PHI/ M E RRIMACK This semester we had formal recruitment. Our theme was "A Night with the Taus," built off the idea of "A Night at the Oscars." We had a "red carpet" in the room and we all dressed very nicely. Once all the potential new members were in the room, we had them strike a pose on the "red carpet" and took a picture of each to use during the bid matching process. For ou r new member class we had activities such as getting to know each other games, making letter shirts, laser tag, pottery painting, and a movie night. We are currently working toward being able to help out the Habitat for Humanity that is nearby in Lawrence, MA for philanthropy. D ELTA D E LTA/ UNIV E RSITY O F l LLI OIS AT CHICAGO As the spring semester is in full effect, the ladies of Delta Delta have been working hard to end this school year with a bang. We have many events planned and many goals that we are strivi ng to achieve . We have been working extremely hard to fundraise , such as selling coupon books for the downtown Carson Pie rre Scott Department store and even having an all night dance-a-then on campus. The girls of Delta Delta als o started working Chicago Bears games with Theta Xi Fratern ity to make some extra cash for our chapter as well as take in some great football action! Philanthropy has always been a huge focus for our chapter and we are currently wo rking with Loude r than a Bomb, an organization that promotes literacy. We also spent some time working w ith the G reater Chicago Food Depository and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Lastly, as always, we are continuing in our effo rts for Pine Mountain and Habitat for Humanity. D E LTA M u / CUMBE RLA D Delta Mu had big plans for Philanthropy.The sisters of Delta Mu prepared and delivered desserts for The Ronald McDonald House. The Ronald McDonald House provides a "home away from home" for families of seriously ill children who are receiving treatment from nea r by hospitals. The new members and sisters of Delta Mu also organized a campus-wide canned food drive.The donations we re given to a local agency that will give the food items to needy families. Delta Mu has continued to plan activities with ElmcroftAssisted Living Center.The first
Saturday of each month, Sisters play BINGO with residents of Elmcroft. D ELTA Nu/ B ELOIT Recruitment for Delta Nu has been going well this year. We've run the gammot for creative events. A fortune-telling event predicted a bright future for six young ladies, who were later invited to join our wonderful Sorority, creating the Alpha Alpha new member class fo r the Delta Nu chapter. Our Alpha Alpha class was excited and full of energy, and we all had a chance to get to know each other better at our retreat. Over the past year, Delta Nu has helped raise funds fo r Hu rricane Katrina relief, as well as sponsored the annual Gods and Goddesses Auction to raise over $500 for Habitat for Humanity. We have cleaned our segment of adopted highway and cleaned the apartment of a wom an who could not clean for herself. Apart from that, our sisters have dedicated countless hours of their own time to participate in internships and unpaid jobs around the commun ity to help out with science programs and school groups. One group of sisters began the Spunk organization on Beloit College campus in order to mentor teenage girls from the local school system . We just completed a Valentine's Day cookie sale fund raiser, where we baked cookies from scratch and decorated them by hand to order. Fellow students as well as college staff memebers purchased our cookies to give as gifts to friends and loved ones. Needless to say, we have proved time and again that we dese rve the tit le of "Beloit College Bake-off Champions." With our prize winning chili in 2004 and ou r incredible cheesecake last fall , we have a re putation that we are proud to maintain on Beloit College campus.
D ELTA PI/ O GLETHORPE Delta Pi experienced an exceptional form al recruitment, growing from eighteen members to twenty-six. Al l sisters attended a risk management wo rkshop where they were instructed on sorority protocol for handling an emergency and advised on how to use fire extinguishe rs. On Ph ilanthropy Night during recru itment the girls decorated tool belts, complete with gardening tools, to give to families receiving homes from the Atlanta Habitat for Humanity o rganization. Anothe r philanthropy project was promoting Breast Cancer Awareness on campus by weari ng a pin k ribbon and passed them out to others. In addition, a car wash helped raise money to donate to the Pine Mountain Settlement School. Sisters helped children from the Boys and Girls Club, as well as the surrounding neigh bo rh ood, to make treats like popcorn monster hands. Lastly, AST sisters also helped load supplies onto planes at the Dekal b Airport that were bound for New O rl eans as part of an Oglethorpe-
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wide effort to aid the Hurricane Katrina victims.
Because recruitment was so successfu l in the fall, we decided to keep a lot of the same things this semester. We enjoy do ing teams recruitments where a few sisters go out and invite interested girls to join them for lunch, ice cream , smores, etc. It has proven to be a great way to get to know the girls informally in a more relaxed environment. We spent much of our time with our educational consultant discussing ideas for new member activities. One of the new ideas we came up with was focusing more on the new member class being united. One of our newest ideas was going out to dinner together as a Sorority. All the events help both the new members and sisters get to know one another. Although we couldn't get a build date for Habitat for Humanity last semester, we made lunch for the workers. All of the sisters helped make sandwhiches and pack lunches for the workers. Then , a group of us drove to Northeast Philadelphia to deliver them personally. It had a much greater effect on the sisters by delivering the lunches to the actual build site. It was depressing to see the horrible conditions, but so rewarding when we gave the grateful workers lunches. Our biggest fundraiser is working arenas in the area. We work at stands and sell food for concerts or professional games. The chapter then gets reimbursed for a portion of the sales for that night. We are continuing to look for alternate ways to make additional money. We've decided to turn a lot of our attention toward bonding with our sisters. The chapter is also looking to strengthen relations w ith our alumnae .
D ELTA TAU/ 0 AKLA D In Fall 2005 Delta Tau ended recruitment on the beach. Their theme "Tauhiti," it was a big hit with an inflatable pool indoors and beach ball icebreakers. At the end of the semester the chapter initiated 4 new women increas ing chapter size by 28 percent. Delta Tau believes recruiting is a contin uous event, so is excited that they have met six wonderful women that they have extended bids to since initiation in the fall. Classes are back in full swing and so is planning for the chapter's upcom ing five year anniversary that will take place in August 2006. Although the chapter is small, it is blessed to have many alumnaeand National Staff in the area always willing to help. Speaking of help from the alumn ae, the annual Focus Hope Satu rday is com ing up,April 8th will celebrate their annual collegiate alumnae event where they pack boxes of food for the less fortunate in the Metro Detroit Area, every yea r seems to be more productive than the last.
The beginning of the 2006 semester started off w ith a Bake Sale that raised over $1 00 dollars, half of which went to The
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Cynthia Milk Fund, the local philanthropy of Christian Brothers Un iveristy's chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau. The Delta Chi Chapter is proud to announce a GPA of 3. 15 from the most recent semester, which tied AST with the other two soroities on campus. The semester also started the new member meetings for the Beta Class. The Up T il Dawn members of AST wrote letters to raise money for St. Jude's Children's Hospital. We passed out ribbons for National Eating D isorders Awareness Week. The week also included hosting a speaker and race in order to increase knowledge of eating disorders.
This past Founders Day weekend, the ladies of Epsilon Delta had the joy of being initiated as members into the sisterhood of AST. The weekend consisted of a Founders Day party w ith National Staff, the initiation ceremony on the Sch, and lots of celebration at an evening banquet. In addition to installation, we have kept busy oncampus and in our community.We are hosting events on campus to meet potential new members. These include events such as a bake sale and a movie night with pot luck. Our social w ith the fraternity on campus is a game night. As sisters, we started off the year with an evening of bowling fun . We lit up the town Christmas parade w ith our float.And we have sent seasonal cards to our local veterans. During the holidays , we had a teddy bear dr ive fo r The Mange r, a local charity for children in need. Fo r Pine Mountain, we hosted a "woman less" beauty pageant again th is spring. Another successfu l fundra iser was Bid-on-a-Basket. Sisters auction off homemade meals in bas kets to the highest bidder.
As the 2006 spring semester began for the Eps ilon Gamma Chapter, the women set new plans and ideas fo r the year. Habitat for Human ity needed the women co help renovate their house for the upcom ing year. Habitat for Human ity wanted their office to be beautiful for customers and the Epsilon Gamma Chapter helped . We welcomed seven new women. Future events for the Epsilon Gamma Chapter of the Alpha Sigma Tau So rority include, SG&D events, sweetheart social, Pine Mountain Settlement philanthropy day, pa rent's day, Mardi G ras social, marching in the St. Patri ck's Day parade, Beta Pledge Class initiation, visit from Laura Squ ires, Yellow Rose formal and the one yea r anniversary of the founding of Epsilon Gamma.
ALPHA SIGMA TAu is proud to introduce and sponsor the first annual
photography contest. Winners will have their work featured in the Summer 2007 issue of THE ANCHOR and also on the Alpha Sigma Tau National Homepage. The competition is open to all members of Alpha Sigma Tau in good standing. All photographs in good taste, including those taken before 2006 are eligible.
Categories: Undergraduate black & wh ite , Unde rgraduate color, Alumnae black & white and Alumnae color Judging: Judges will be looking for good composition, technical quality, overall impact, and how well it captures the spirit of Alpha Sigma Tau. One entry per person , per category. Photographs will not be returned and will become the property of THE ANCHOR upon entry. Entries should not be mounted or embellished in any way, although photographs should be well-p rotected.
Guidelines: Do not submit digital photographs unless they are high resolution (300 DPI at I00 percent) and at least fou r by six inches. Photographs that are too da rk, too light, too small or taken from too far away will not be used.Actual photographs are preferred because digital images typically are not taken or scanned at the size and quality THE ANCHOR requi res. When taking digital photos, set camera on superfine/large settings. Photo captions must include the complete name and school/chapter of each member shown. No special preference is given to any particular chapte r. All entries must be postmarked by April IS , 2007. Send all submissions to: Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters, THE ANCHOR Photo Contest, 1929 Canyon Road , Birmingham, AL 35216
Fall 2006
CONVENTION BRAG BOOK At the 2006 National Conven tion, chapter members were asked to post on the "Brag Board" anything about their chapter that they were proud of .. . showing their pride in Alpha Sigma Tau.
Alpha: Voted Chapter Excellence in Leadership and Citizenship for G reek Assessment and Standards. Also awarded C hapter C haracter out of 9 NPC sororities at EMU.
Greek Sing. Order of Omega President,Vice President, and Secretary. Panhellenic VP's of recruitment and publicity. Gamma Sigma Alpha president.
Beta: 80% return rate for formal recruitment and highest new member GPA.
Beta Delta: Raised $7,000 to benefit the Make-A-Wish foundation and scholarship funds . Miss Duquesne pageant was a huge success. We also placed Ist in 200S Greek Week.
Delta: First place in Greek Sing. First place in Kick O ut for Cancer. Tripled our membership in a semester and a half! Phi: Members actively involved in numerous extra curricular activities and still maintain a high cumulative G PA; only organization on campus without alcohol pictures on Facebook and Myspace! Numerous risk management awards and SELU intramural softball champs. Psi: First place in Greek Sing '06. 4 Star Chapter at JMU. Membership of 120 members. Alpha Gamma: Had the highest fall '05 GPA for all Greek organizations on campus, raised $1,200 in one weekend, and organized the very successful 60th chapter anniversary. Alpha Epsilon:We took I st place in this year's homecoming and all fraternity philanthropy events. We were #I in WIU fall recruitment. We won the Greek Cup for intramurals. Alpha Mu: Chapter won Sorority of the Year for the 'OS-'06 school year. Alpha Omicron: I st place two years in a row for float. Largest new member class on campus for fall 'OS . Alpha Pi: First place Alcohol Free Mix -Off. First place formal song
Fall 2006
Beta Eta: We laugh a lot! We have the highest women's GPA at SlUE. We're kinda a big deal. .. people know us . Beta Theta: Since last convention in '04, we have quadrupled in initiated members from I I to 40! Beta Mu: Holds the highest GPA of all Greeks at Salisbury University and won Greek Week. Beta Nu:Voted best fundraiser by Bloomsburg University Greek Life for the 200S-2006 school years . Sister Katie jackson was elected Vice President of NPC for the 2006-2007 school year. Sister Becki Shoustal was elected treasurer of the Community Government Association for 2006-2007. Beta Chi: Largest winter new member class in 4 years . First place Greek Week Lip Sync Contest. Increased chapter and new member GPA. Beta Upsilon: Our IS member chapter performed 30S community service hours in one semester. Gamma Xi: Brought a su icide prevention program to GVSU raising over $3 .000 and having attendance of over 400 people.
Gamma Upsilon: Received this year's recognition for Best Educator, Most Involved in the Community and the Greek group with the highest GPA at our annual Greek Formal Award Ceremony. Gamma Chi:Three Greek Women of the Year 2004-2006. Most innovative new program- 2006. Greek United - 2006. Delta District Most Improved - 2006. Delta Alpha: Since fall '04, we have more than doubled our chapter size, going from 7 members to 26 members. Delta Zeta: Greek week Champions - 8 years and running. Chapter of the Year! Winner of the 2005-2006 Philanthropy Award. We also won Greek Women of the Year, homecoming queen, and Greek Week Princess. In conclusion . ... We Rock! Delta Iota: Sister voted NPC president. 98% return back rate in formal recruitment. Delta Lambda: Started the 05-06 year with 4 actives and ended the year with 18!! !! Delta Mu: Excellent job on CEP reports. Th ird place for 2 years; won the highest GPA, athletic, community service, and President's Cup for the past 5 years among NPC sororities on campus. Delta Sigma: Tripled our membership in 3 years. Won 20% of the National AST scholarships last year! Highest GPA of any Greek organ~ zations on campus; the largest female Greek group on Campus. And they were Greek Week champs two years running. Delta Phi: Only chapter to receive the Gold Pres identia l Philanthropy Award. First place in Dance/Skit at NYU Greek Night four years in a row. Won the Overall Academic Achievement Award for the 20052006 academic years. We represent I0 countries and collective speak over IS languages! Delta Ch i: Had Best Greek Turnout for 2006 Eating Disorders SK. Won CBU's Greek Goddess for 2005-06. Won CBU 's Outstand ing Greek Service Project for 2004-2005 . Installed April 30, 2005 Delta Upsilon: Sorority of the Year - 4 years running. Sorority Week winners '05-'06. Greek Week winners '05 -'06. Highest GPA 4 years running. Mission and Values 2 years running (largest campus award given). Largest on campus. Greek Women of the Year. Sophomore, Junior - Outstanding Students of the Year. Epsilon Gamma:You guys are amazing. This is our first convention ever! Bigger and better chapter to come!! Epsilon Delta: " Fundraising Fools!" $3 ,482 was raised after 4 days in I 00 degree weather. Thank goodness for "Country Fever 2006 1" Epsilon Zeta Colony: Highest GPA out of all Greeks on campus. Most campus involvement award. Greek Chapter of the Year. Greek Woman of the Year. Outstanding New Member Award (voted by all Greeks on campus). Pittsburgh Alumnae Chapter : Recently formed . We have over 80 women in our Yahoo group. We meet once a month had have adopted Animal Friends as our local philanthropy.
CONVENTION PHOTO CD A photo CD of the Alpha Sigma Tau 2006 Convention can be yours with a $20.00 donation to Alpha Sigma Tau. All proceeds (beyond costs} will be donated to the Alpha Sigma Tau Legacy of 1899 Fund. For more information, please contact Tammi Bonifield (tammybonifield@gmail.com). Order your CD today for lasting memories!
Fall 2006
Alumnae and collegians were recognized for their good deeds and hard work during an evening awards presentation. The recognition continued later in the week as alumnae and collegians received the Sorority's highest honors during National Convention's Yel low Rose Banquet. Congratulations to all of the alumnae associations, chapters and members who received awards during National Convention. CARRIE W. STAEHLE AWARD Vanessa Chapa (Beta Theta) Chrissy Lenr (Gamma Iota)
Michelle Luppin. (Sigma) Jenn ifer Miles (Ph i) Jessica Fayard St. Cyr (Ph i) Lisa Webb (Beta Pi)
MARY LOUISE DOYLE PAN HELLENIC AWARD Stefanie Fontakis, (Delta Epsilon) Jamie Jones-Miller, (Psi)
EDWARD JERVEY/MARTHA DECAMP AWARD Gamma Theta, Penn State Erie - The Behrend College
FOUNDERS AWARD Delta Eta, Belmont University ADA A NORTON AWARD Carol Mooney (Psi), No.Virginia
SCRAPBOOK AWARDS: Collegiate Chapters I" Place - Delta Delta 2•• Place - Delta Tau 3"' Place - Delta Upsilon Hono rable Mention - Phi, Sigma
ORDER OFTHEYELLOW ROSE Diane Hurst Forrest (Psi)
SCRAPBOOK AWARDS: Alumnae Chapters I" Place - Detroit/Northeast Suburbs
2nd Place - Lowell 3"' Place - Tidewater Honorable Mention - Boston, Buffalo
SCRAPBOOK AWARDS: People's Choice Award I" Place - Ph i 2nd Place - Boston 3"' Place - Alpha & Delta Upsil on Honorable Mention - Epsilon Delta & Delta Psi ALUMNAE CHAPTER TOP TAUS Baltimore - Lori deStwolins ki Boston - Shannan Cooney Hanson Buffalo - Marilynn Miller Todd Greater Chicago - Sandy Mindy Leff Detroit-Northeast Suburbs - Amanda Holtschlag Edwardsville - Jennifer Cornelius Lowell - Kathleen Charbonneau Northern Virginia - Theresa (Terri) Agnew Williams St. Louis - Clarisse Birk Winkler Tidewater - Lynn Hess Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor - Amanda Campbell COLLEGIATE DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT AWARDS Alpha District - Gamma Ph i ( 2.6%) Gamma District - De lta Epsilon (4.4%) Delta District - Gamma C hi (5.2%) Epsilon District - Delta Sigma ( 7.4%) Theta District - Gamma Mu ( 13.4%) Lambda District - Delta Pi ( 18.9%) Mu District - Alpha Mu (83 .3%) Nu District - Gamma Xi (0.8%) Xi District - Beta ( 14.2%) Omicron District - Delta Nu (5.2%) Rho District - Beta Theta ( 13 .8%) Sigma District - Gamma Theta ( 1. 1%) 2004 SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS I" Place - Delta Mu 3.28 GPA 2 nd Place - Delta Phi 3.27 GPA 2005 SCHOLARSH IP AWARDS I" Place - Delta Eta 3.4 GPA 2 nd Place - Delta Nu 3.355 GPA
2004-2005 MARTHA DROUYOR BELKNAP DECAMP OUTSTAND ING ALUMNAE CHAPTER PHILANTHROPY AWARD: Alumnae I" Place - Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor 2 nd Place - Northern Virginia 3"' Place - Detroit 2005-2006 MARTHA DROUYOR BELKNAP DECAMP OUTSTANDING ALUMNAE CHAPTER PHILANTHROPY AWARD: Alumnae I" Place - Detroit 2 nd Place - Tidewate r 3'd Place - Northern Virginia Honorable Mention - St. Lou is 2003-2004 ELIZABETH W ILSON ALUMNAE CEP LEVEL RECOGNITIONS Pearl Anchor Level - G reater C hicago Emerald Anchor Level - Philadelph ia, Edwardsville, Leh igh Valley Gold Anchor Level - NOVA, Detroit!NE, St. Louis,Ypsi lanti, Buffalo, Lowell,Tidewater, Boston Alumnae Club Stars - Phoenix/ Valley of the Sun
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200S-2006 ELIZABETH WILSON ALUMNAE CEP LEVEL RECOGNITIONS Emerald Anchor Level - G reater Chicago Gold Anchor Level - NOVA, Detroit/NE, St. Louis,Ypsilanti, Buffalo , Lowell,Tidewater, Edwardsville, Boston Alumnae Club Stars - PhoenixNalley of the Sun LOIS SCHWEIKART O 'DELL ALUMNAE ANCHOR AWARD Tammy Stegehuis Bonifield, Detroit/Northeast Suburbs Susan Fry McNamara, Buffalo Theresa Mary Agnew W illiams, Northern Virginia 2004-200S MUSIC AWARD FOR BORROWED MUSIC AND ORIGINAL LYRICS I " Place - Beta Eta, "Wannabe" 2•• Place - Alpha, "Alpha Tau" J "' Place - Zeta, "Who I Am" Honorable Mention - Ph i, "All-Star" 200S-2006 MUSIC AWARD FOR BORROWED MUSIC AND ORIGINAL LYRICS I " Place - Phi, "Boogie Woogie Alp ha Sig" 2•• Place - Gamma Upsilon, "Something Truly" 200S-2006 MUSIC AWARD FOR ORIGINAL CHANT I " Place - Gamma Gamma, "Gamma Gamma Chant" 2•• Place - Alpha Pi, "What's It All Abo ut?" ]'• Place - Gamma Ups ilon, untitled NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT AWARD Zeta Tau Chapter for their SG&D at a Ropes Course Honorable Mention - Delta Zeta Chapter for their "building a fire" teamwork exercise; Delta Nu chapter fo r having alumnae come back to the chapter and discuss what various ritual items (and parts of ritual) mean to the sisters NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP IMPROVEMENT/INCREASE AWARD National Membership Improvement Award-Presented to the collegiate chapter ach ieving the greatest gain in mem bership. 2004-200S Delta Pi with IS7% in crease 200S-2006 Alpha Ph i with 63 % increase NEW MEMBER PROGRAM AWARD 2004-0S Delta Beta Chapter 2005-06 Delta Chi Chapter RECRUITMENT AWARD Presented to the collegiate chapter(s) that has made the greatest improvement in its recruitment program or has a very strong recruitment program. 2004-2005 Beta Theta 200S-2006 Beta Pi Honorable Mention Delta Upsilon 2004 ELIZABETH WILSON COLLEGIATE CHAPTER EXCELLENCE AWARD I " Place - Gamma Pi (I 00%) 2•• Place - Delta Alpha (98.73%) J"' Place - Delta Mu (98. 10%)
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2•• Place - Delta Eta (98.25%)
J "' Place - Delta Eps ilon and Delta Mu (98.17%) MARGARET MACDONALD CONVENTION BELLE AWARDS Melissa Hatfield Atkinson (Gamma Mu) - 3 Kim Baird (Alpha) - 3 Sally Ann Brancheau Belknap (Alpha) - 3 Dana Marie Cain (Delta Rho)- 3 Carrie Elizabeth Campbell (Delta Rho)- 3 Seleena Lezlee Carpenter (Alpha) - 3 Kim Cottrell - 3 Vanessa Kolleen Emch Florence (Zeta) - 3 Kira Jane Zaveri Grabowski (Beta Eta) - 3 Rebecca Smith Jones (Delta Mu) - 3 Jennifer Lynn Mo Miles (Ph i) - 3 Jessica Leigh Passemato Nolan (Gamma Delta)- 3 Rochelle Leonor Paz (Gamma Pi) - 3 Athena Marie Gagnon Richards (Gamma Delta)- 3 Diana Roth (Delta Alpha) - 3 Em ily Rae Schnepp Spencer (Beta Xi) - 3 Laura Kristen Squires - 3 Nicole Ann Steede (Gamma Theta)- 3 Kate Storey (Alpha) - 3 Christyn Toomey (Beta Tau)- 3 Kristen Marie Walker (Alpha Lambda) - 3 Jennifer Cornel ius (Beta Eta) - 5 Teena Marie Johnson Reasoner {Alpha Gamma) - S Nadia Marie Sawka Maddens (Theta) - 5 Susan Fry McNamara {Sigma) - 5 Jamie Jones Miller (Psi) - S Tiffany Kathleen Street (Delta Mu)- S Julie Bell Bruington (I ota) - I0 Melanie Welsh Foster {Pi) - I0 Cynthia Anne McCrory (Alpha Alpha) - IS Margaret Bongner {Pi) - IS Bobbie Nichols Tucker - IS Anne Louise Curran Gruber (Al pha)- 16 Patricia Lynn Nayle {Phi) - 17 Carolyn Conner Alexander {Pi) - 20 Charlotte Evans Floyd - 21 Rose Marie Schmidt - 21 Mary Helen Glor Bolton (Sigma) - 22 Martha Lenore Drouyor DeCamp (Alpha) - 23 Sally Sturm Wales (Sigma) - 23 MARGARET MACDONALD CONVENTION BEAU AWARDS Mr. Mark Atkinson (Melissa Atkinson)- 2 Mr. Jeff Cottrell {Kimberly Cottrell)
-2 Mr. Ivan lracheta (Manada Munivez) -I Dr. Edward Jervey - 4 Mr. James Lagena (Maria Lagena) Mr. Matt Leonard (Colleen Coffey) -I Mr. Jim Mooney (Carol)- 2 Mr. Don Rhodes (Anna Margaret) 7 Mr. Lee DeBoard (Suzanne Slick) 2 Mr.William Simmons (Patti Simmons)- 2 Mr. David Stellman- I Mr. Don Berg - I
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Fall 2006
NATIO AL PRESIDENT PATRICIA KLAUSING SIMMONS Delta, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Education: Bachelor of Science in Education (Indiana University of Pennsylvania); working on Masters in Adult Education and Communications Technology (Ind iana University of Pennsylvania) Sorority History: District President at Large;Theta Dist rict Pres ident; Director of Publications Hobbies: Making jewelry, emailing family and friends , and taking photography Husband/Family: Bill, husband; Julie Sim mons Krol (Delta), daughter; Jeff, son; Madison, Megan , and All ie, grandchildren
"What I enjoy most is the opportunity to meet and talk with our members. Every person is different and each has a diffe rent reason as to why they joined Alpha Sigma Tau and what they have to offer Alpha Sigma Tau. Our members are our greatest asset They are the reason we are who we are and why women want to join our organizaiton. I have learned so much about AST from our members. Additionally, I especially love to visit with our newest chapters. It is unbelieveable to watch AST grow before your eyes."
Fall 2006
2006 -2008 NATIONAL
Gamma Delta, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth Education: Bachelor of Arts in Humanities & Social Sciences (University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth) ProfessionaiNolunteer: Director of Community Relations, Visiting Nurse Association of Southeastern Massachusetts; Pet Petter (I volunteer to socialize with cats at a local shelter so they have human interaction when they go to a new home) Sorority History: Alpha District President; Regional Leadership Workshop Coordinator
"The fact that you could be anywhere in the world and run into someone you have something in common with. I love event planning so coordinating Convention and OA challenges me personally and professionally."
Alpha Lambda, Radford University Education: Bachelor of Science in Business Management (Radford University) ProfessionaiNolunteer: Substitute Teacher Sorority History: National Historian; National Chaplain Hobbies: Cross Stitch and attending any band event in which my son performs Husband/Family: Mike , husband;Timothy, son
"My AST story begins in a little town in Virginia. I joined a group of thirty women to be a member of something fun in college. I knew there was more to it than that since my mom had been an active member well into her alumnae days. But I really did not truly understand the scope of possibilities until my husband moved me to Michigan, and I met a group of women there ... wearing the same badge, pledging themselves to the same creed, and sharing the same type of friendships that I had once before in my college days . What a wonderful way to make myself at home in a new place! Our sisterhood offers all of us so many opportunities to meet new people, try new things, give to others, and broaden our view of our world."
Beta Xi, Michigan Technological University Education: Bachelor of Arts in Education (Michigan State University) ProfessionaiNolunteer: Realtor Sorority History: Financial Assistant; Alumnae Affiliation Program Chairman Hobbies: Spending time with extended family, boating, paper crafting, volunteering for my parish and serving on the Youth Development Corporation's board Husband/Family: Bob, husband; Elde, Dale and Robin Weldon (children) ; nine grandchildren
"/ enjoy meeting and getting to know diverse women who share a common purpose and traditions is one of the best aspects ofAlpha Sigma Tau. I'm fortunate to be able to work with collegians, alumnae, employees and vendors.This variety
and the scope of responsibilities make the Treasurer's area a great place for me."
Fall 2006
DIRECTOR OF ALUMNAE LARA CEGALA-WILLIAMS Psi,James Madison Un iversity Education: Bachelor of Science in Engl ish and Political Science Qames Madison University); Masters in Business Adm inistration (University of Central Florida); Masters in Higher Education Administration (University of South Carolina) Sorority History: Director of Extension; National Philanthropy Coordinator; Colony Educator Hobbies: spending time with my family, scrapbooking/cardmaking, photography, reading Husband/Family: Chris, husband; Cooper, son; Brynn, daughter
"Alpha Sigma Tau has given mare to me than I could ever hope to give back. The Sorority has provided me leadership opportunities, philanthropic and community service opportunities, and most importantly, AST has taught me the value of friendship and sisterhood. I have enjoyed working with the alumnae area over the past four years. It has provided me additional insight into the bigger picture of the national organization and the important role that alumnae play. I am so thankful for the opportunity to work with alumnae all over the country. Meeting these women and learning from them is the greatest gift of all."
Gamma Mu, West Virginia Institute ofTechnology Education: Bachelor of Science degrees in C hemical Engineering and Chemistry (West Virginia Institute ofTechnology) Professio naiNolunteer: Environmental Affairs Coordinator Sorority History: Chapter Consultant for Gamma Mu for 2 years;Theta District President for 4 years Hobbies: Read, sing, spend time with my family and take vacations at the beach Husband/Family: Mark, husband; Claire and Audrey, daughters
"I truly enjoy working with all the wonderful women ofAlpha Sigma Tau on both the collegiate and alumnae levels, especially the outstanding women on the DCC area team. I especially enjoy seeing all the wonderful things that our collegiate women accomplish and celebrating their successes with them!"
DIRECTOR OF EXTENSION TIFFANY STREET Delta Mu, Cumberland Un iversity Degrees: Bachelor of Science in Biology, minor in Chemistry (Cumberland University); Master of Science in Nurs ing (Vanderbilt Univers ity School of Nursing) ProfessionaiNolunteer : Nurse Practitioner Sorority His tory: National Colony Educato r; Director of Extension Hobbies:Tennis, Golf, Reading, Photography
"I enjoy assisting our national organization in its growth, growth is a vital part of every organization and I am proud to help AST move into the future ."
Theta, Wayne State Un iversity Education: Bachelor of Science and Masters of Education in Special Education, Educational Specialist in Administration (Wayne State Unive rsity) ProfessionaiNolunteer: Special Education teacher Sorority History: Chapter adviser to Theta, Chapter Consultant to Alpha, National Nom inations Coordinator, National New Member Coordinator Hobbies: Red Wing hockey; supporting several animal welfare groups Husband/Family: Paul, husband; 2 cocker spaniels (I mix), Bailey & Kahlua
"I enjoy lifelong friendships with my Theta sisters; we have been meeting on one Friday night a month since we graduated almost 30 years ago. We have been joined in our alum group by other Michigan Chapters' alums. We have shared all of life's experiences together, both joyful and sad. I also enjoy meeting wonderful women that I would not have had the opportunity to meet withoutAST and working with, and seeing growth with collegiate women."
DIRECTOR OF P UBLICATIONS COURTNEY MONILLAS KEIM Beta Upsilon, New Jersey Institute ofTechnology Education: Bachelor of Science degrees in Applied Physics and Mathematics (Richard Stockton College of New Jersey); Maste rs of Arts in School Adm inistration (Rowan University) ProfessionaiNolunteer: Chem istry/Physics Teacher Sorority History: National Webmaster; Beta Omega Chapte r Consultant; Collegiate Expansion Coo rdinato r; Epsilon District President Hobb ies: Reading, traveling, and swimming; volunteer at Gilda's Club Husband/Family: Kenneth, husband; Co rgi pup, Laniakea
"Being a member of our National Staff (and now National Council) has allowed me to realize that the bonds of sisterhood extend past collegiate life. I have met so many wonderful sisters throughout the past few years and I look forward to meeting so many more. The publications area reaches each and every sister."
NPC DELEGATE Beth Knaus McOsker, Alpha Lambda, Radford University
NPC ALTERNATE DELEGATE # I NPC ALTERNATE DELEGATE #2 NPC ALTERNATE DELEGATE #3 Caro l Zorger Mooney Ca role Bicking Keily Jamie Jones Miller Alpha Lambda, Radford Un iversity Psi, James Mad ison University Alpha Xi, Mansfield University
Fall 2006
The National Organization utilizes Collegiate Educational Consultants (EC's) to provide extra support and services to our Collegiate Chapters. Part of your collegiate dues goes to fund these visits through the National budget, so it is a service for which you and your chapter members are essentially paying. To not utilize these services is to waste your investment as a dues paying member! Because we are so conscientious of how we spend our members' investment dollars, we try to be as fiscally responsible as we can. This means that the EC's try to schedule their visits in clusters with chapters that are close in geographic area in order to minimize travel costs. Additionally, it is the National Organ ization's desire to provide stronger and more consistent support to those chapters that need additional assistance; therefore, the Collegiate EC visit schedule has been revised so that the number of visits that a chapter receives is based on their level of need. Because of this, some chapters may not receive a Collegiate Educational Consultant visit at all while others will receive I, 2, or 3 visits.AII chapters will continue to be supported by District President visits and consistent contact with the Director of Fratern ity Programs team, whether they receive an EC visit or not.
PURPOSE OF COLLEGIATE EC VISITS: To provide additional support to our Collegiate Chapters by conducting educational workshops and making sure they are knowledgeable about and following our r ules, policies, and procedures; to partner w ith the Collegiate Chapters to find solutions to their Chapter problems or issues, improve their Operations and help them achieve SUCCESS!
ROLE OF THE COLLEGIATE EDUCATIONAL CON ULTANT: She is the "short-term" problem solver. She visits your chapter for a certain number of days with I or more specific tasks in mind to address with the chapter. Visits can be during the week or over a weekend; however, activities will be completed around the Chapter members ' schedules. She will have consulted with your Chapter. your Adviser(s), and/or your DP about what type of educational activities that she needs to facilitate. Remember, your Chapter will have a new Educational Consultant every academic year. EC's are paid employees! GENERAL INFORMATION REGARDING COLLEGIATE EC VISIT : EC visits can occur during the week and/or over the weekend.The duration of her visit will be S-7 days, depending on the chapter needs and she may visit I or more times. She will work the activities and the meetings that she has planned around the chapter's calendar. If you have events planned already during the suggested visit dates that she provides, such as philanthropy, recruitment or SG&D activities, then she can attend them or even assist w ith the preparation and im plantation of the events. Additionally, members will not be expected to miss class to attend any act ivities or meetings planned by the EC.You w ill need to set up requested appointments with your Adviser(s), Greek Advisor or other Un iversity staff as requested by the EC, and book a room or space for a group meeting or individual meetings. Remember to review the proper etiquette in the Etiquette Handbook that members need to observe when a National Staff member comes to visit!
TRANSPORTATION FOR COLLEGIATE EC' : EC's that are within reasonable drivi ng distance (approximately S hours or less) will drive to a chapter. Otherwise, they will fly. If the EC is driving in , provide clear, concise directions as to where you will be meeting her and provide an escort to accompany her to where she will be staying. If she is flying in, she will need a Chapter member to pick her up and drop her off at the airport. The EC will try her very best to arrange her fly- in and fly-out times to correspond w ith when a Chapter member will be available, so make sure that you provide her with that information. It is not a problem for her to wait at the airport for a few hours if someone is not available exactly when she will be arriving. LODGING DURING A COLLEGIATE EC VISIT: Hotel accommodations are not necessary! Your EC will need some private space (not someone's couch), clean bed linens and towels and a place to shower and dress . A dorm room reserved for visitors, a sister's dorm room or an Adviser's spare room is fine . Alpha Sigma Tau is extremely excited to offer this academic year, a National dues reimbursement for I semester to the woman who allows a Collegiate EC to stay in her room for the duration of her extended visit! Try to provide the EC with a phone number of where she is staying for her to leave with family members at home. (Sometimes there may not be cell phone service!) MEALS FOR THE COLLEGIATE ECS: The EC's have a modest daily food budget so you don't have to provide them with 3 meals everyday, but an occasional meal with members would be nice. (Remember, they are on the road 90% of their time!)
AFTER EVERY COLLEGIATE EC VISIT: After every visit, please complete the EC Survey Form to give us feedback as to how your Chapter felt about the EC visit.This form was sent out in the fall supplies but can be provided to your Chapter via e-mail. as well. Chapters submitting their survey forms should e-mail them to Melissa Atkinson, Director of Collegiate Chapters, at matkinson@alphasigmatau.org. KEY TO A SUCCE SFUL EC VISIT: EC's, just like the District Presidents , are there to assist you because they WANT to! Treat them accordingly! Have open and honest communication before, during, and after the visit! We can't help you if we don't know what the real issues and needs are! They do not want to waste your valuable time, as much as they don 't want to waste their own valuable time. Don't be afraid of "getting in trouble"! We are here to help you find solutions to your problems and help you get on the right track! I hope that this gives you better insight as to the nature and purpose of a Collegiate Educational Consultant visit and the everlASTing benefits that we hope your Chapter will receive from having one! If you have any questions or concerns at anytime , please contact the Director of Collegiate Chapters. Yours in Sisterhood,
).) â&#x20AC;˘ {)) tolJ)(n--J
Melissa Hatfield Atkinson, Gamma Mu Past Director of Collegiate Chapters
LINDA B URRELL! Alpha Pi, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania Hometown: New Castle, PA Major: Community Programming for Americans with Disabilities Chapter Offices: Ritual Chair, Housing Director, Philanthropy Chair, Vice President
Future plans: Possibly Grad School for Masters in Student Affairs What Linda hopes to bring to chapters: A positive , upbeat experience , where girls can learn & grow individually and as a chapter.
"Most excited about .. . Meeting all the different girls affiliated with Alpha Sigma Tau!!"
Zeta Tau , Longwood Un iversity Hometown: Fredericksbu rg,VA Major: Political Science Minor : Histo r y Chapter Offices: Vice President, Etiquette Chirman, Chaplain Future plans: Plan to get my Masters in Higher Education What Jennifer hopes to bring to chapters: I hope to bring a positive energy that each chapter can take away and continue to do great things with.
"I'm most excited about getting to travel to difference chapters ofAlpha Sigma Tau (again) and meet sisters that share the same excitement about AST that I have." A SHLEY G ANOE
Alpha Pi, Sl ippery Rock Unive rsity of Pennsylvania Hometown: C larion , PA Major: Communication; Mino r : Dance Chapter Offices: Treas ure r,Vice President,Webmaster, Special Events Chai r and Mate rials C hair Future plans: I plan to go back Highe r Education. I hope
to Slippery Rock University to get my Maste rs in Student Affairs in someday be the Coo rdinator for Greek Affairs at a Unive rsity.
What Ashley hopes to bring to chapters: What I hope to br ing to the chapters is my experience as a collegiate and alumnae member of Alpha Sigma Tau . I want to show the women there is more to do with Alpha Sigma Tau once you graduate from college. Not only do you get to continue enhancing you r sisterhood bonds you are able to volunteer or even work for the National Organization, join alumnae groups and continue the pledge you took way back on your initiation day.
"I am most excited about traveling around the United States and visiting different Alpha Sigma Tau Chapters. I can't wait to meet all of my sisters and see how similar and different each chapter can be." STE PHAN IE ST. J ACQUE
Gamma Xi, Grand Valley State Un iversity Hometown: Taylor, Ml Major: Psychology Chapter Offices: President, Vice President of Academics , Member at Large, Philanthropy, Ritual, and Sorority Growth and Development
Future plans: 1 plan to continue my education in a graduate program in Social Wo rk o r Public Administration. 1 would ultimately like to wo rk with a community on youth prevention programs based on social issues.
What Stephanie hopes to bring to colonies: I hope to instill in colon ies the true meaning of Alpha Sigma Tau. 1 am inc redibly excited to be working with the newest members of our Sorority. I hope to gu ide them in a positive direction and assist them in reaching their goals.
"I am most excited about working with the colony members. They are the future ofAlpha Sigma Tau and I am excited to have the opportunity to help them strive toward the ideals of our Sorority." THE Ai\CHOR
Fall 2006
Alpha Sigma Tau wants YOU! Alpha Sigma Tau is seeking dedicated enthusiastic Taus who wish to contribute to the future of the Sorority while developing new friendships, building a personal and professional network, and gaining valuable experiences in management.These mentors are known as advisers and serve a critical role in the success of a chapter by being a role model, counselor, and an adult friend to collegians. Serving as an adviser is probably one of the most rewarding experiences an alumna can have! Advisers help our collegians to understand and live the purpose of Alpha Sigma Tau, which is to promote the ethical, cultural, and social development of its members, specifically: • to develop the character of each member through a study of ethics so that she will show in all her relationships sincerity, honesty, love and understanding; • to help each member enjoy the cultural advantages in life so that she will know how to select those things which are most worthwhile; and • to develop in each member the social graces to the extent that she w ill be able to take her place in life with true dignity and poise. In our advisers,Aipha Sigma Tau is seeking women who will guide our members to be leaders, scholars, philanthropists and sisters.
What are the benefits of being a chapter advisory team member? Being a Chapter Adviser has many chal lenges and rewards. The two go hand in hand.The primary benefit of serving as an adviser is the reward of directly impacting the future of individual women, a chapter and the National O rganization. But there are also many other tangible benefits: • Country-wide travel for conventions, regional leadership workshops and other train ing events; • Opportunity to build a local and national professional and social network; • Exposure to the internal operations of the Sorority; • Officer and Directors Insurance provided by the National O rganizat ion; • Opportunity to attend national Greek conferences; and • Opportunity to take on other significant leadership roles in the Sorori ty
How do I become a member of the chapter advisory team ? The process is simple: • You and the chapter should openly meet to discuss the duties and how you will interact together; • The chapter should officially vote you into the position;
"II II" r\i\:( 1101\
Fall 2006
• The chapter should contact the National Vice President indicating that it wants you as an adviser; • You should contact the National Vice President indicating that you want an adviser;
Who can I contaa if I have questions about becoming an adviser? You should contact the District President for the chapter, but the Director of Collegiate Chapters is also available to answer any questions you might have. You may also want to speak with current members of the advisory team . Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority - National Headquarters 1929 Canyon Road Birmingham,AL 35216 phone: (205) 978-2179 fax: (205) 978-2182 www.alphasigmatau.org
WHERE TO FI D AN ADVISER? • Adve rtise the positions on the web • Work with the District President in recruiting/interviewing potential advisers • Where to find the "good " adviser : alumnae association, area alumnae, chapter alumnae, faculty/administrators, nearby college campuses, churches, women's community clubs, hospitals - places you find women, women's resource centers, family members: mothers, aunts, cousins, sisters, and local business women (newspaper as a resource)
Other information and ideas ... • brochu re to provide information about core values, responsibilities, direct and indirect benefits • opening statement - talk about our values, who we are as a chapter, activities (leadership, philanthropy, academics, sisterhood) • recruitment event • contact list- who can I contact for more information - chapter specific and nationally (forward information to district president} • application • references
What about Chapter Advisers recruiting additional advisers:
• If you are an initiated alumna, you must be in good standing with the Sorority and be current with your national alumnae dues; If you are not an initiated member, you should consider alumnae affiliation. In lieu of affiliating, you may request a wavier from the National Vice President for the Chapter Adviser position; • Once appointed, obtain supplies from your predecessor or from Headquarters; • Immediately begin attending chapter business meetings, executive committee meetings, rituals and othe r events as you are able.
• recruiting area alumnae friends and sisters from school • recruiting from other area chapter alumnae • using homecoming or other events to recruit alumnae to help • be direct in communication with area alumnae • ask for specific assistance • provide direct contact information • ma ili ngs to area alumnae • follow up phone calls • follow up E-mails • select alumnae with good skills
What would your responsibilities be as a member of the Chapter Advisory Tea m~ Chapter advisory team members are responsible for working with chapter officers in specific areas defined below. The Chapter Advisory Team consists of a Chapter Adviser (general operations), Assistant Chapter Adviser (financial matters), Chapter Consultant (officer training, supplies and property); Recruitment Adviser (recruitment preparation and execution); and New Member Adviser (new member training and acclimation). The Collegiate Chapter Adviser attends all business meetings of the chapter, advises chapter officers and chairmen of their national and local duties; coordinates the activities of all advisers; serves on the Chapter Advisory Team; and performs other duties as assigned by the Director of Collegiate Chapters. She must be an initiated member of Alpha Sigma Tau, unless an exception is granted. The Collegiate Assistant Chapter Adviser supervises the financial matters of the collegiate chapter; serves on the Chapter Advisory Team; and performs other duties as assigned by the National Treasurer and the Director of Collegiate Chapters. The Collegiate Chapter Consultant inspects the properties and supplies of the collegiate chapter and conducts annual officer and chairman training; serves on the Chapter Advisory Team; and performs other duties as assigned by the Director of Collegiate Chapters. The Collegiate Recruitment Adviser assists the chapter in developing, implementing and evaluating an effective recruitment program based on the core values of the Sorority; coordinates alumnae support; attends all recruitment functions of the chapter; advises the Recruitment Director of her national and local duties; assists the chapter in filling quota and total annually; and performs other duties as assigned by the National Recruitment Coordinator. The Collegiate New Member Adviser assists in developing, implementing and evaluating the new member program to teach the core values of the Sorority in an educational environment; advises the New Member Director of her national and local duties; and performs other duties as assigned by the National New Member Coordinator.
Fall 2006
Sylvia Lenore Seibel King President Emerita of Alpha Sigma Tau November 16, 1927 - February I I, 2006 Sylvia Lenore Seibel King,"Sybil," beloved wife and mother, died February II , 2006. Her parents, John G. and Sylvia N. (Harrington) Seibel, of Roanoke ,Virginia, preceded her in death. Her husband of 54 years, Thomas J. King, Jr., "Jerry," and her children survive her: Thomas J. King, Ill , "Tommy," Susan King Holben , Katherin King Powers,Janlce King Smith and Clare King Clements.
"Nineteen hundred and forty-eight It seems like only yesterday at James Madison University that we took the lonely walk from Wilson Hall, down the quadrangle across the street to Uncoln House into the welcome arms of our prospective sisters of Psi Chapter. Under Sybil's skillful and dedicated guidance and instruction our pledge class came through with flying colors and we became full fledged members ofAlpha Sigma Tau." Charlotte Evans Floyd, Psi Sybil began her journey as an AST as a member of the Psi Chapter at James Madison University in Virginia in 1947. She served as Pledge and Rush chairman, and in her senior year, President. In a letter she wrote to Past National President Martha DeCamp, Alpha, Mrs. King wrote , "Many moons ago, as I knelt before Dolly Elliott Richardson , President of Psi Chapter, as did all of the 33 members of my pledge class, I accepted the respons ibilities of membership in Alpha Sigma Tau . Little did I know where this commitment would lead me ." This commitment lead her on a lifetime journey to uphold the purpose and ideals of Alpha Sigma Tau. Upon graduation in 1950 she became Alumnae Representative until 1964 when she accepted the appointment as National Scholarship Awards Chai rman. She represented Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority as National Pan hellenic Conference (NPC) Alternate Delegate from 1967-1987. From 1969 to 1975 she served as a College Panhellenic Area Adviser. "Because I attended th e first National Convention ofAlpha Sigma Tau in 1925 and have known and worked with all the National Presidents,/ feel somewhat capable of assessing Sybil's years of presidency... Now looking back over the past few years we can say W ell done, Sybil. You guided our Sorority well."' Carrie Washburne Staehle President Emerita Sybil served Alpha Sigma Tau as its 7th National President from 1972 through 1984. She also served as Director of Fraternity Programs, National Alumnae Chai r man, Centennial Committee member, Board of Trustees Chairman, and Headquarte rs Ad ministrator where she was instrumental in the purchas e of the
TilE AN< I lOR
Fall 2006
current Headquarte rs bu il ding. She visited eve ry chapte r du ri ng her presidency, pa r t icipated in many RLWs , N at ional Conventions, expansion presentations, and installat ions. Sybil was honored w ith the title of President Eme rita at the Centennial Founde rs Day of No r thern Virginia Alumnae Chapter. Charlotte Floyd convinced Sybil and he r husband Je rry to come be a part of a rea l I OOth anniversa ry celebration at her house. The National Council voted to honor her w ith the President Emerita status the previous Spring. Lara Cegala-Willia ms, who is also a Ps i, flew to Cha rl otte's to present the framed ce rtificate . Sybil and Je rry were completely su r prised. "It is because of women like Sybil King that women like myself develop a thorough understanding and appreciation for our Natio nal Organization. Sybil has given of her time, talents, and financial resources so unselfishly. Her dedication, passion, and service have far exceeded what anyone could ask. Her vision and leadership have provided AST with a strong foundation to continue on into the next century... On behalf of the National Council, it is with great honor and respect that I present to you this certificate in recognition of your years of leadership and service to Alpha Sigma Tau. And, in doing so, I do hereby confer upon Lenore Seibel King. the title President Emerita." Lara Cegala-Williams on behalf of the National Council on November 4, 1999
Sybil was instrumental in the development of the Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation, Inc. She served as Vice President of the Foundation from September 1983 through September 1998 and President of the Foundation from September 1998 through September 2005 . He r service to these positions and others was one of devotion. The Foundation not only app reciated all of her work, but her tireless effortS to make the o rga nization truly reflective of what it was originally intended w as the hallmark of her presidency. From making meals to hosting the Foundation fo r a long weekend. Sybil was a t ruly gracio us host and ded icated leade r to both the Foundat ion and t he Soro rity. "But with your help which you have told me I have, we can build Alpha Stgma Tau stronger; develop a better understanding of our fellowman while at the same time growing ourselves into better individuals." Acceptance Speech of Sybil ing ugust 12. 197
"I tried to think back to the time I (lrst met Sybil King, and it seems.l1ke she has always been in my life - a sister, a friend, and a good listener. This is my tribute to Sybil King." Cynthia Peckhart McCrory THAT'S SYBIL Her hug is a little tighter, Her smile makes us all much brighter, Her words make our lives seem lighter, I call her Sybil King. She will lend more rather than borrow She's the same today as tomorrow, ' She will share your joy and sorrow, That's who I call Sybil.
weeks at a time. This tremendous devotion and sacrifice, as anyone who comes to know her quickly learns, springs from her overwhelming love for Alpha Sigma Tau. This love compels her concern for, and devotion to, the life of the sorority.
She's always willing to aid you, Her advice has always helped you , She's defended with others against you, That's who I call Sybil. She's one who's been there for me when life seemed rotten; She's given us more than she has gotten, That's really who I call Sybil.
"If you have never heard Sybil King give a speech at a convention, installation, a Regional Leadship Workshop, you are missing something wonderful. This woman has a special talent of taking simple, yet appropriate words and adding flare to them. You listen with your ears and your heart and think about every word she says ... always, words of wisdom." Pat Nayle
There are really no words sufficient to recognize Sybil's love and dedication; and no gift, however costly, could possibly repay her years of effort and sacrifice. And so, we can only say with love and deep appreciation, 'Thanks, Sybil, for a job well done."' Lois O 'Dell
"/ want to thank her for the countless hours and endless devotion she has for Alpha Sigma Tau and for sharing herself and her family with so many: but, mostly for what effect she has had on me as an AST, as a Council member and as an individual." Mary Ellen Willm itch
"Whether working long hours together, taking pleasant walks together, watching sunsets and sunrises together, planning conventions, installing chapters, pressing ceremonial robes, preparing meals, or helping one another through a crisis, being with Sybil has been a 'good time'." Fe rne Ph ipps
"Sybil has taught me most of what I know about AST and I continue to learn from her all the time. Even under the most extreme, crucial decisions that I have seen her encounter, her tedious and exciting ladylike qualities remain. No problem, disappointment, thrilling event, or devastating personal crisis has ever swayed her loyalty or devotion to Alpha Sigma Tau. I am quite convinced that without Sybil and her love our sorority AST would not exist as we know it today ...A tribute to Sybil is difficult because one person has never done so much for our sorority. But a tribute to Sybil would be complete if all of us will remember to strive and work earnestly to enrich young lives and to perpetuate the ideals ofAlpha Sigma Tau in our daily lives." "I have seen the tremendous amount of warmth and love she has to give ... to her family and to her sorority. I see the care and concern for each AST sister, past and present and for the best interests and future ofAST. The contributions she has made during her I 2 years as National President have been important to our growth. The boundless energy and drive which she attacks the job are amazing! She has been a gift and a blessing to the life ofAST, and to each of our lives ... Sybil is a precious sister and a precious friend."
Ga il Shockley Fowler 'The future of our sorority is bright and assured because there are willing hands to guide the course. Progress will continue as sisters believe and understand each of us are better because we each gave our best The secret is belief in the values of the Alpha Sigma Tau purpose, ideals, and standards for the personal development and enrichment of every sister." Sybil King
Judy Hart
"Sybil King has devoted countless hours to the myraid of details a conscientious officer must concern herself with, traveled thousands of often uncomfortable miles, and been separated from her family for
Editor's note: Special thanks to Martha DeCamp, Cha rlotte Evans Floyd, Anna Golladay, Patricia Klausing Simmons for assembling information found within this article. Quotes and passages taken from CHOR. previous ed itions of THE
Fall 2006
Names reported from June I, 2004 through June I, 2006. Members are listed alphabetically by chapter order. The year is the year of ini tiation. C harlotte Miese
Betty Hoover Young
Eastern Michigan University Doris D. Bennett Joyce Phy Berg Diana Mihaiu Jody Bergin Newton LaVinna J. Sherwood
1951 1957 1969 1959 1925
University of Northern Colorado Florence Bloom Reed Mary N. Waterman
1940 1949
BETA 1971 1956 1942 1952 1943
Indiana University of Pennsylvania Marian E.M. Kennard 1933 Grace Nelson Moors 1935 Rachel Cadzow Piribek 1941
Dorothea Lindsey Akers Sadie Fry Bunn Ruth Combs Cvizic Mary Johnson Davis Elizabeth Hancock Dean Mell ie Cassell Jones Anno Ia Wells Lancaster Marie Vest Loudermilk Jane Neel Wells Patsel Melba Hurt Rector Ruby Hale Stevenson
1940 1939 1946 1933 1932 1933 1949 1953 1954 1938 1940
Kelly Brentzel Leslie Hall Harris Sylvia Lenore Seibel King OMEGA Janet Kraus Presser Jeannine Sayler Sammett
Harris Teachers College
Ball State
Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
Virginia Kerner Cockerham Marie Ann Fajt Florence Knahe Gifford Alice Baal Vit
Patricia M. Dutchman Nancy Creek Grow Kristine Papvolich Johnson Dorothy Ayres Murray Mary Katherine Morrow Tyler
1940 1961 1931 1935 1972
Kent State University Margaret Armour Joles
1940 1946 1943 1936
Cindy Price Ashby Elizabeth H. Smith Stephanie Smith
1991 1943 2002
ALPHA BETA Glaray Sue Lacy Betty Gail Richardson ALPHA
Buffalo State College
Henderson State University
Emporia State University Virginia Z. Bandy Helen Phillips Brecheisen Donna Blue Dannenfelser Lorena Roberts Garman Helen Hett Higgins Lena Ruth Wheeler Hopper Genevieve M. McElroy Ellen Herron Parks Janice Cassidy Stoll Trula Theobald Wagner Carrie Wharry
1942 1932 1961 1948 1950 1942 1944 1937 1958 1930 1976
Temple University Ann Chalmers Ruth Atherton Locke
\ '\( Ill lR
1932 1939
FJII 2006
Betty Andert Kathryn E. Baxter Rita Kick Marian Weber Lapp Mary Masterson Maurer Christine Nagel Jean Perner N icholson C. Lucille Mattern Peterson Hazel Mapes Turner
1944 1939 1938 1932 1945 1947 1942 1936 1934
Randi Elaine Shell
1937 1946
Southwest Missouri State University Marilyn Kennon Dickson
ALPHA EP ILO Western Illinois University Eva Mae Johnson Patricia Ormsby Linton Audrey Johnson Perry
1948 1954 1948
Longwood University Marguerite Costello Birchett Jacqueline Bobbitt Field
1956 1946
1972 1959 1968 1945 1945
Marshall University
THETA 1934 1969
1952 1947
Wayne State University Eleanor D. Haines Sonia A Slobojan
2001 1948 1947
Minot State College
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
james Madison University
Phyllis H. Bassett Gail Williams Dixon Kathryn Wagner Jack Margaret Williams Kreidler Jacqueline C. Shubert
1943 1940 1940 1950
Concord College
Central Michigan University Donna Babel Charlotte Denman Elaine M. Holmgren Rose Ann B. Reid Bernice B.Wehrley
Shepherd College Edith Frye Bland El iza beth Fritts Carlisle Sara Helen Cree Louise Ann Downey Simpson
Alma College Leah Vorce G reen
University of Central Arkansas Edna Spurlock Brannan Sarah Crowell Jennings Norma J. Bailey McHenry Kelly Vaught
ALPHA THE TA 1962 19S6 1961 1992
University of Detroit Cassandra Jerzykowski Burrage Suzanne Zakrzewski Roman
1966 1967
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Radford University
Mary Pugliese Rodriguez
Sandra Lee Watkins Mantz ALPHA
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania Valerie Hodge 2002
Eastern Illinois University
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Cindy J. Collins
Annie Carol Bury
Ferris State University
Clarion University of Pennsylvania
Heather Masters Brems
Barbara Kulla Danczyk Nancy Plese Painter
1966 1971
Jennifer O'Connell Miller
Cumberland University Robyn Daniel Britton
SUNY- Potsdam
alpha sigma tau
A contribution for memorial flowers at convention was made by the St. Lou is Alumnae Chapter in memory of the chapter members who have passed away since last convention.
Alpha Sigma Tau 2007 Officer Academy June 22- 24, 2007 Villanova University Philadelphia, PA Chapters should plan to send the following officers: Risk Management,Treasure r, Membe rship Growth & Development, and Recruitment. If you have any questions, please contact Erinn Horan, RLW/OA Coordinator at ehoran@alphasigmatau.org.
Young women face many difficult issues in today's world the pressure to fit in, to be thin, to abuse alcohol, to be popular, the list goes on and on. Nowhere is this more evident than on the campuses of America's colleges and universities. Ironically, these same campuses are the breeding ground for tomorrow's leaders, the very people who will be expected to find ways to address these issues. That's why Alpha Sigma Tau and 24 other National Pan hellenic Conference groups have joined forces to present Stand Up ! Stand Out! , a program that builds upon Greek sisters' strength to help each other refuse to give in to negative peer pressure. Stand Up ! Stand Out! teaches women that they can rise above their problems that interfere with their goals, and that they have a voice and the right to stand up for their values.
How the Program W orks: Who: All women in the campus Panhellenic System What: A one-time 2 hour program; will be endorsed by all National Panhellenic Conference groups
When: Held after formal recruitment (Fall or Deferred) Where: To be determined by the individual campus How: The program will be planned and implemented by the Greek women on campus.They provide their own funding, ideally by securing sponsorships from the local community. For more information on how to bring this program to your campus, please contact Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters by calling (205) 978-2179 or email headquarters@alphasigmatau.org.
Greek women have the power to change things.
Why settle for ~tting in when you were meant to STAND OUT?
Fall 2006
MEMBERSHIP RESPONSIBILITIES A woman who accepts an invitation to membership in Alpha Sigma Tau has a personal responsibility to: maintain a high academic standard; contribute to the progress of mankind; contribute to the campus and Greek community; and to fully participate in Sorority activities. Specifically, she is to: attend all meetings; vote responsibility in the best interest of the chapter and the Sorority; pay all national and local financial obligations; promote a loyal attitude to her sisters, her chapter, and her National Organization; uphold the ideals and standards of the Sorority; work willingly for the good of the Sorority and its members; support her chapter sisters in their endeavors; abide by the Alpha Sigma Tau Constitutions, Bylaws, and Standing Rules; fulfill obligations when holding office; learn and strictly adhere to the procedures prescribed for in their performance of the Alpha Sigma Tau Rituals and Services; and study the Sorority materials and pass the annual written examination. When considering the chapter as a whole, her responsibilities are to: promote the continued success and growth of the chapter; develop herself as a mentor and role model for newer members; educate new members in proper Sorority behavior; and teach organization and self discipline to all members.
LEGACIES Webster's New World Dictionary defines legacy as "anything handed down from or as from an ancestor," i.e., the Alpha Sigma Tau experience as passed on by a grandmother, mother, or sister. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary describes legacy as "something received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past." As Alpha Sigma Tau grows older, the number of legacies will increase.This, combined with campus recruitment quotas, could make it impossible for chapters to pledge every Alpha Sigma Tau sister, daughter, or granddaughter who goes through recruitment. Pledging a legacy is exciting and when it happens, all can rejoice! Extending Alpha Sigma Tau through generations truly enhances the future of our sisterhood.When legacies are pledged, it adds another dimension to our sisterhood.A legacy is, after all, as Webster said, a gift from an ancestor. The role of alumnae during recruitment is to provide complete references for legacies and to be sure collegians know about legacies participating in recruitment so they will be given every possible consideration for membership. Alpha Sigma Tau does not promise membership to a legacy. She and the chapter each maintain their right of choice . Membership selection remains the responsibility and right of each collegiate chapter. However, a legacy is afforded certain considerations during recruitment. Each legacy should be invited back to the first invitation recruitment party, and each chapter member is obligated to make every effort to get to know her. If a legacy does not go through recruitment, the chapter is encouraged to make a personal visit to get to know her. If the legacy attends the preference party, she must be placed within the chapter's first bid list.Any chapter not at total should extend a bid to any legacy participating in recruitment who demonstrates that she embodies the standards and ideals of the Sorority.
ALUMNAE Do you know an outstanding woman you would like to recommend for membership in Alpha Sigma Tau! Be sure to write a reference for her! By promoting Alpha Sigma Tau in daily life, an alumna can educate young women about the benefits of membership in a Greek organization, and more specifically Alpha Sigma Tau. If an alumna is fortunate to live in a community where an Alpha Sigma Tau collegiate chapter is located, she can find many opportunities for involvement during membership recruitment. Alumnae are happy to provide a helping hand in many areas: knowledge. experience, ideas, and a sense of AST everlasting sisterhood. Like your chapter members, they must be kept informed of your recruitment plans. Addresses for alumnae located within your area can be requested from National Headquarters .
路1111 t\NC I lOR
Fall 2006
College/University Attending GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION
Street Address
City/State/Zip Code
Phone Number
Email Address
High School Attended ACADEMIC I
Age Academic Class (please check one):
Year of Freshman Admission [ ] Freshman
[ ] Sophomore
[ ] Junior
[ ] Senior
High School GPNGPA Grade Scale
Class Size/Rank
College Attended
ACT Score
SAT Score
Names of Parents/Guardians
Alpha Sigma Tau Legacy (e.g. Grandmother, Mother, Stepmother, Sister) Name , Relation, Chapter and Initiation Year
Relatives or Acquaintances in Other Fraternal Organizations (Fraternity or Sorority) ADDITIONAL I FORMATIO The potential membe r would enjoy talking about these topics during recruitment:
What kind of person (e.g. outgoing, reserved, relaxed) should the potential member be matched with during recruitment?
] I have personally know the potential member for _ years. ] I have known the potential member's family for _ years. ] Unknown but referred by a reliable source . Completed by:
[ ) Alumna
Last Name
First Name
[ ] Collegian Maiden Name
Chapter of Initiation and Year
Street Address/City/State/Z ip Code
Email Address
Phone Number
] I endorse this member with the understanding she may become a member of Alpha Sigma Tau . ) I do not wish to endorse this potential member for membership and understand I may receive a call from an adviser.
• Please attach additional information you may have and wish to share regarding th is potential member. • Send this form to National Headquarters, 1929 Canyon Road , Birmingham,AL 35216. • Alpha Sigma Tau Letter of Reference may be submitted via email, fax, US Postal Service , UPS, Federal Exp ress, or any similar delivery company. • Pleae attach a photo if possible. • This form may be copied for multiple use
WHAT TO DO WITH RECOMME DATIO S AFTER RECRUITME T ? Once recommentations have been acknowledged, you are to: • Destroy recommendations on all potential new members who pledged a NPC sorority. • Maintain files on those recommendations for potential new members who did not pledge any group. Recommendations should be kept on file for one college generation (4 years) .
G u iDELI ES Once recruitment has started, alumnae and collegiate members from other campuses must NOT contact members of the college chapter to inquire about progress. Such calls must be addressed to the chapter's recruitment adviser. Alumnae should neither expect to receive any information about the status of a specific potential member nor expect to receive bid list information. Alumnae are also prohibited from sending food or gifts of any form to the chapter on behalf of a potential member. Breaking Panhellenic rules may cause the chapter to be penalized.
FOR COLLEGIATE CHAPTER USE ONLY: Date Recommendation Form Received Date Acknowledged by the Chapter Please check one: [ ] She joined Alpha Sigma Tau. [ ] She joined _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sorority. [ ] She did not join a sorority. Date Alumnae Notified of Potential Member Post-Recruitment Status
Signature of Chapter Recruitment Director
T il
Fall 2006
The Alpha Sigma Tau website has been overhauled. While the new site may look similar to the old site, there are many new features that can be utilized by many different visitors to our site - collegians, alumnae, prospective members or friends of AST. We invite you to look at the new site, noticing the new changes:
Alpha Sigma Tau Photos - this new feature is on each and every page of the site. Members of Alpha Sigma Tau are welcome to share photos for the world to see. lnidividual chapters and events have their own slideshow. Member Resources- Just like the old site, collegiate officers are supplied a username and password that allows them to download forms , search chapter directories and most recently, chat via a bulletin board with members throughout the country.
Anchor Chapter- The Anchor Chapter is composed of dues-paying alumnae not living near an active alumnae association. The purpose is to encourage alumnae involvement. The Ancho r Chapter and technology w ill make it possible for Alpha Sigma Tau to make our Sisterhood accessible to any sister regardless of where she lives. Despite the "virtual" nature of our chapter, we provide all of the same benefits of membership as any other alumnae chapter. This information includes informal " meetings" conducted via our "sisters only" site, philanthropy participation, fundraisers , etc.
AnchorUne - The current AnchorLine is receiving a complete overhaul as it will soon be housed on the National Webs ite. Members w ill register using a username and password. The database will allow members to enter information such as occupation, location, etc. and will be searchable by other members.
Chapter Profile Pages - Collegiate members were asked in the December Alpha Sig-Nal to submit profile information. Each collegiate chapter will have it's own page and slideshow that ties into "Alpha Sigma Tau Photos." New Email Protocol for Headquarters -The staff members at Headquarters have new email addresses and contact information. Lisa Redd, Headqua rters Admin istrator, will handle chapter problems, Unive rsity reports/inqui ries,Advisery Team inquiries, all 'other' inquiries, and ASN submissions. Judy Sanders will handle alumnae dues and status questions , colony and chapter installation inqu iries, credit card payments, and alumnae list requests. Candace Mathews will handle address and name updates , Legacy of 1899 Fund donations, supply orders, and national directory updates. Miriam Lord will handle collegiate dues, new member fees, initiation lists, and questions from chapters. For each individual's email address , visit www.alphasigmatau.org and click on "contact us " at the bottom of any page. While Alpha Sigma Tau 's website is up and running, please bear in mind that it is never truly "completed ." It will continually be updated, revised and improved to serve you better. For any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact Courtney Monilias Keim, Director of Publications, at ckeim@alphasigmatau.org. We hope you enjoy the newly renovated www.alphasigmatau.org!
Fall 2006
POSTMASTER: Please send changes to Alpha Sigma Tau , 1929 Canyon Road, Birmingham,AL 35216
Save this portion of THE ANCHO R! You will need your membership number (found at right) to identify yourself if you contact National Headquarters and to access various online resources.