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features 8
Ask Elizabeth A former National President, Elizabeth Wilson, was the most well informed and proficient leader of her time .
My One Sister Sisters were asked to nominate the "one sister" who has influenced their life.
37th National Convention
Read the highlights of the Convention and the award winners.
Celebrating 25 Years Beta Phi and Beta Upsilon celebrated their 25th anniversary this past spring.
In Memoriam
departments 4 5 6 46 56
Reader's Guide President's View Sorority News Alumnae in Action Collegians on Campus
reader's guide
the 0
THE ANCHOR is the official magazine ofAlpha Sigma Tau Sorority, and is published biannually by the Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority, 1929 Canyon Road, Birmingham,AL 35216.
How to Receive THE ANCHOR
Collegiate mem bers receive THE ANCH O R through payment of their annual Sorority dues to their chapters. Copies are mailed to each undergraduate member's permanent address as designated on her membersh ip list subm itted to National Headquarters.
Al umnae members receive THE ANCHOR through payment of
their annual alumnae dues to e ither National Headquarters or through their local alumnae assoc iation ($40 annually).
Alpha Sigma Tau is a National Sorority dedicated to promoting the ethical, cultural and social growth of our members. Founded at Michigan State Normal College (Eastern Michigan University), November 4, 1899, by Mable Chase, Ruth Dutcher, May Gephart, Harriett Marx, Eva O'Keefe, Adriance Rice, Helene M. Rice and Mayene Tracy. National Council Nat ional President: C hrist ina Duggan Covi ngton, Alpha Lambda Nat io nal Vice President: Sailynn Doyle , Gamma Delta Natio na l Secretary: Tiffany Street. Delta Mu Nat ional Treasurer :Tammy Stegehuis Bon ifield , Beta Xi Director of Alumnae: Jam ie Jones Miller, Psi Director of Collegiate C hapters: Lara Cegala-Williams, Psi Director of Extension: Laura Clark, Psi D irector of Fratern ity Programs:Vacant D irector of Publications: C ourtney Mon ilias Keirn, Beta Upsilon
How to Update Your Name and Address Log onto and register fo r inC ircle - this will update your information automatically. Yo u may also contact Candace Mathews at or (205) 978-2 179. If you prefer to subm it your informat ion via US mail, please complete the form on the National Homepage and mai l it to : Candace Mathews , Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters, 1929 Canyo n Road, Birmingham,AL 352 16. How to Contact THE ANCHOR T HE ANCHOR, 1929 Canyon Road Birm ingham .AL 352 16 (205) 978-2 179 fax: (205) 978-2 182 ancho How to Send a Letter to the Ed ito r Do yo u have a comment about an article in th is o r any other issue ofTHE ANC HOR? We want to hear from you ! Letters to THE ANCHOR can be sent to the editor via email (anchor@ alphas igmatau.o rg) ; regular mail (THE ANCHOR, 1929 Canyon Road, Birmingham,AL 3521 6); or fax ((205) 978-2 182). Please include yo ur name, chapter, school and year of initiation.
Board ofTrustees C hairman: Bo bbie N ichols Tucker, Alpha Gamma Vice C hairman : Mary Ellen Willm itch. Alpha Rho Secreta ry: Martha D rouyor DeCamp, Alpha Mary G lo r Bol ton , Sigma Pat ric ia Nayle. Phi
National Foundation
THE ANC HOR reserves the right to publish any letter addressed to the edito r and ed it for space and clarity.
President: Ju lie Bell Bruington, Iota First Vice President: Gail Shockley Fowler, Alpha Lambda Seco nd Vice President: De bi McC ain Pyszka, Alpha Nu Secretary: Charlotte Evans Floyd, Psi Treasurer: Rose Marie Schm idt, Theta Research & Development: Ricki Bargman Trosen , Alpha Sigma Financial Development: Cynthia Peckhart McCrory, Alpha Alpha
National Panhellenic Conference Al pha Sigma Tau D elegate: Elizabeth Knaus McOsker, Alpha Lambda First Alternate Delegate: Carol Zorger Mooney, Alpha Lambda Second Alternate Delegate: Jamie Jones Miller, Psi Third Alternate Delegate: Patricia Klausing Simmons, Delta
Alpha Sigm a Tau Nation a l Home Page
A Note to Parents of Collegians Your daughter's magazine is being mailed to her home address while she is in college. We hope you en joy reading it too. If you r daughter is no longer in college or living at home , please send us her updated address, as ind icated above. Submission Deadl ines Fall/Winte r: July I 5 Spring/Summer: Decembe r I 5
Errors:THE ANCHOR staff apologizes for the omission of the StLouis Alumnae Chapter's report in the last issue.
Nationa l H eadqu art e rs 1929 C anyon Drive, Birmingham,AL 35216 Pho ne: (205)978-2 179 Fax: (205)978-2182 Email: headquarte rs@alphasigmatau.o rg
4 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Fall/Winter 2008
president's view Dear Alpha Sigma Tau Sisters, Welcome to the Fall/Winter 2008 issue of THE ANCHOR! Inside you will find wonderful articles that celebrate the heritage of our Sisterhood, the legacy of our Founders, and the inspiration for our future: you - our members. Remembering our past and connecting to our future keeps Alpha Sigma Tau relevant and the Sisterhood in touch with the needs of all generations of our membership. The values and ideals expressed over I00 years ago by eight like-minded women and their advisers are more important today than ever before. I hope that as you learn about the path our leaders fo rged, you will be moved by their personal service and sacrifice to advance our bonds and our traditions. Whether you've been a member for 80 years or eight days, this issue of THE ANCHOR holds many exciting tales of how the Sisterhood we love became anchored in our lives and the lives of over 40,000 women! Have a wonderful fall and I hope you enjoy this year's Regional Leadership Workshops and the 2009 Officer Academy! In Sisterhood,
Christina Duggan Covington Alpha Lambda National President
Fall/Winter 2008
THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ S
sorority news National Big Sis/Lil Sis Program
Gamma Sigma Alpha Recognizes AIT Members
Do you still keep in touch with your Little Sister? Do you want to help instill our traditions in our newest members? Have you heard of the National Big Sisters Program?
Gamma Sigma Alpha, National Greek Academic Honor Society, was founded to promote intellectual interaction between Greek students and the academic community.The purpose of the Society is to promote the advancement of education among Greeks; to instill a greater spir it of cooperation among Greek students and organizations; and to encourage excellence in scholarship.
A National Big Sister is an alumna who mentors a new colony member as she goes through the colonization process and learns about the traditions of Alpha Sigma Tau.A National Big Sister should:
The following members of Alpha Sigma Tau were initiated into
• Call, email or write a note of encouragement to her Little every few weeks • Send her Little small gifts throughout the colonization period • Give her Little a letter shirt before the colony's installation • Spend only $40- $50 on her Little TOTAL. We are currently seeking alumnae to serve as National Big Sisters for our colony members! This is an excellent opportunity for alumnae to make a small time commitment that will have a big impact on the success of our Sorority's growth. For more details, please contact: Meghan Harding, Collegiate Extension Coordinator, at
Extension News Alpha Sigma Tau is pleased to announce the colonization at the following university:
Epsilon Kappa Colony Trine University Angola, IN
If you are interested in assisting or serving in an adviser capacity to any of our colonies , please contact Laura Clark, Director of Extension, at
rLA this past academ ic year :
• Lindsay W illiamson, Californ ia University of Pennsylvania • Catherine Sm ith, Eastern Illinois University • Stephanie Hall, Eastern Michigan University • Lindsey Smith, Grand Valley State University • Brittany Than, Indiana University of Pennsylvania • Amanda Steele, Indiana University of Pennsylvania • Annamarie Moesein, Indiana University of Pennsylvania • Kari Kremser, Lycoming College • Michelle L. Manzino, Lycoming College • Amber L. Porter, Lycoming College • Kirsten L. Snyder, Lycoming College • Markell M. Sitler, Lycoming College • Heather N . Engelken, Monmouth University • Alyssa Nicole Hayek, Monmouth University • Veronique Leigh Blosten, Monmouth University • Katie Kaminski , Monmouth University • Brittany DePorte, Oakland University • Jennifer Kierpaul , Oakland University • Jaclyn M. Good, St. Mary's University • Sarah Elizabeth Hundley, St. Mary's University • Magdalena Salazar, St. Mary's University • Veronica Sosa, St. Mary's University • Ashley Bruner,The University ofVirgin ia's College at Wise • Nancy Ann Stickei,The University ofVirginia's College at Wise • Nicole Shudy,Western Illinois University • Heather W illiams, Western Illinois University • Tara Larose ,Western Illinois University • Cassie Creech,Western Illinois University • Jordan Bergen,Western Illinois University
Order of Omega Hono r Society Order of Omega is a National Greek Academic Honor Society, which recognizes Greek scholars who excel in academics.The following alumnae members of Alpha Sigma Tau were initiated into Order of Omega during the 2008 National Convention: Carrie Cambell, Seleena Carpenter, Lara Cegala-Williams, Nancy Cook, Christina Covington, Melanie Foster, Jessica Harris, Kris Haskin, Carole Keily. Courtney Keim, Jennifer Marshall, Jean McNamara, Kelli O 'Brien, Patricia Nayle, Rochelle Paz, Patricia Simmons, Amanda Stacey,Tiffany Street, Janet Ulrich, Kristin Walker, Karen Wasser 6 • THE A N CHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
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Fall/Winter 2008
THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau • 7
Elizabeth Wilson was born and raised in St. Louis, MO where she resides to this day. She graduated from Harris Teachers College and continued her education all over the country through the Masters plus 30 level. She has given a lifetime of service to children in the St. Louis area as a remedial reading teacher. Perhaps the decision that has had the greatest impact on her life has been her membership in the Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority. Former National President, Elizabeth Wilson was the most well informed and proficient leader of her time. "Ask Elizabeth ... " became the resounding answer to any question, comment, or concern related to Alpha Sigma Tau and she answered with pleasu re . 8 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
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THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau • 9
Sorority life for Miss Wilson started on a St. Louis streetcar on a crisp afternoon in the Fall of 1932. Elizabeth, a college freshman , had just recently communicated with her father. In that conversation, she spoke of feeling overwhelmed and lonely in the all-female collegiate environment where she now found herself residing. She boarded the streetcar that afternoon to go downtown and was met by a bubbly, talkative woman by the name of Mary Edna Barrett. Mary Edna was a member of Alpha Sigma Tau whose father was acquainted with Miss Wilson's and she spoke enthusiastically of the sorority the entire 20 minute streetcar ride downtown. As they parted ways, Mary Edna invited Miss Wilson to "rush season" and of course, she obliged. On June IS , 1934, Elizabeth became a member of the Pi Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau.
Miss Wilson was quite involved in the sorority in her undergraduate days but her influence far supercedes the four years she spent in college. Carrie W ash burne Staehle, former National President, was a frequent visitor of the Pi Chapter and took a liking to Miss W ilson. Mrs. Staehle mentored and encouraged Miss Wilson 's involvement beyond graduation which led her to become active in the Nati o nal O rganization, Alumnae Panhellenic , and the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter. Miss Wilson went on to voluntee r fo r an d ultimately direct almost every area of the Sorority. She was also able to cultivate the deepest, most meaningful friendsh ips of her life with the women in the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter.
In 1964, Miss W ilson was installed as the sixth Natio nal Pres ident of Alpha Sigma Tau. At t hat time, the Nati o nal President was also t he directo r of the Central O ffi ce (what we know today as Nati o nal Head quarters was ofte n run out of the home of t he Nati o nal President.) During her tenu re , Miss W ilson was abl e to proc ure a small offi ce space above a family frien d's de ntal practi ce w hi ch became the first official Central O ffi ce (o r Natio nal Headq uarters) of the Sorority.
Miss Wilson se rved as Nati o nal President fo r e ight years and directed the Centra l O ffice well beyo nd her tenure as President. She speaks with candor of the year that the Nat ional Pan hell en ic Confe rence (NPC) invited the Association of Educational Sororities to join the ranks of NPC , " I must have bothered my mothe r fo r weeks trying to pick out the right set of outfits to wear to our first NPC meeting. [The meeting] was wonderful but ve ry fo rmal ..."
Miss Wilson is kind, highly intelligent, and extremely humble . Elizabeth believed in social and ethical responsibility and that fraternities and sororities were about "the social, intellectual, and moral development of [their] members." It is so hard to do her justice in a short article. This woman has given her life to Alpha Sigma Tau and literally knew everything about every area of the organization during her time in leadership.
I 0 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Fall/Winter 2008
Martha Drouyor DeCamp, Alpha, Past National President writes: "Although Miss Wilson was not the first National President I knew, she was my guide of what a president should be. I was too young on staff to cite her many accomplishments , but she was elegant, calm, organized, unflappable , competent, warm, just all the attributes that I admire in outstanding women. When I learned that she was a full time school teacher, I couldn 't believe that she also ran our Sorority w ith such dedication and thoroughness. She attributed her presidential success to her St. Louis alumnae sisters. She said that they helped with whatever she asked . I can see why anyone would try to do anything she asked . She led the way without controlling like no one I have ever known .
For many conventions , I just knew her as this image of perfectio n, not personally.When I became National President, I re membe red her vision in my mind and tried to measu re up to it, to imitate he r. I established correspondence w ith her because I wanted her to know how much she meant to me and I am blessed to be able to call her a sister and a friend. One time, she asked me to call her Elizabeth: she is such a deity to me that I am still trying."
Miss Wilson was one of the most efficient leaders Alpha Sigma Tau has ever known ; so much so that the Chapter Excellence Award is named for her. Her organization was a large part of her success as was her involvement. She attended as many as three Alpha Sigma Tau national events per year and was surrounded by wonderful volunteers . When asked what advice she would give to the Alpha Sigma Tau women of today, she responds with her unique candor and grace , "Try to be involved in a specific area that interests you and make sure to work in your local area. Being in Alpha Sigma Tau (is a) responsibility, you must participate in some capacity (and) stick with it." Indeed, Miss Wilson took that responsibility very seriously. Today, Elizabeth Wilson still resides in St. Louis in an independent living community and still attends local Alpha Sigma Tau and Alumnae Panhellenic functions when she can. The next time you find yourself in the St. Louis area, make it a point to find the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter and go "ask Elizabeth" anything you like. You are sure to get a history lesson , develop a new friendship and find a woman who has spent her life enriching and ennobling the lives of others.
Elizabeth Wilson , Pi, was chosen by Cou r tney Monilias Keirn , Beta Upsilon , Director of Publications, as the one sister she has t ruly been inspired by.
www.alphasigmatau. o rg
Fall/Wi nte r 2008
THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ I I
My One Sister So often, we don 't realize what t ruly goes into ou r Sorority.Yes,we have ou r co ll egiate chapte rs .Yes, we have our alumnae as soci at ions.Yes,we have ou r current National Council and Staff. But, o ne is often left to wonder who are t he great wo men of our Sorority that has helped us grow into who we are today. If a name was me nt ioned, would yo u recognize it? W o uld yo u be able to talk of their accomplishments? Each of the women highlighted in t hi s issue has a con necti o n to a current sister and in fact to each and every one of us. A new feature within THE ANCHOR, we hope to highlight an outstand ing sister who has co ntri buted her share to our Sorority and deserves recogn ition .We invite you to learn about these women and t heir dedicatio n, loyalty and perseverance in supporting our national organization.
Beverly Bollard, Sigma Sally W ales, Sigma , in addit ion to membe rs of the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter hel ped to complete the story of Beve rly so that th e me mbership could see how tr uly ins pirat io na l Beverly was . Sally knew Beverly since 195 1 and believes she spoke at her init iation banquet in january of that year. In com pil ing th is information . she states it was a t ri p down memory lane.
From the t ime of her collegiate init iatio n into the Sigma C hapter in 1932 through the rest of her life , Beverly Bollard was interested in and devoted to the pu rpose, aims and ideals of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority. During her collegiate years at New York State Co ll ege fo r Teachers at Buffalo, New York, Beverly served as president and treasurer of the Sigma C hapte r. She had he r fi rst taste of national activity as collegiate delegate at the C levelan d Conve ntion from wh ich she brought home memories of new friendsh ips w ith girls fro m many chapters. After her graduation from college in 1935, Beverly im med iate ly affi liated w ith the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter, was soon elected treasurer, and remained an active me mber of the Alumnae Board. At the same time she received her first nat ional appo int ment - that of Ritual Chairman. As chairman of this committee, she conducted the contest which resu lted in the Alpha Sigma Tau Praye r, Alpha Sigma Tau Grace and Alpha Sigma Tau Grace to be sung. At the Pittsburgh Convention of 1936 she se rved as the Par liamentarian and was appointed Sigma Alumnae Representative, an eight year term during wh ich ' Bev' wo rked furio usly fo r Alpha Sigma Tau. She ass isted the National Traditions and Founders Day Chairman with the w rit ing of the Can dlel ighting Se rvice, based upon one written earlier by the Pi Chapter; wrote 'epic' News Letters; organ ized co mplete and vo lum inous files ; maintained an enormous correspondence with Alpha Taus scattered throughout the country; 'sold ' Lifetime Membersh ips to Sigmas by the dozens; and acted as a guide and source of information to the collegiate chapter during all these years. She was active on the comm ittee fo r the first Eastern District Meeting held in Buffalo in 1937 when she was elected District Sec retary. As an alumnae rep resentative , Beverly became acquainted w ith hundreds of Sigmas and probably knew more of them than any othe r alumna. In 1944 she was chosen to be the National Vice President in charge of th e Easte rn Dist ri ct on the Nati onal Council. This involved her in o rganization of alumnae and collegiate ch apters. Distri ct Meetings , Counci l Meetings and National Conventions. Wh ile a member of the National Coun ci l, sh e install ed the NewYork C ity Alumnae Chapte r, worked on t he revision of the Constit ut ions of Alpha Sigma Tau. and was a member of t he co mmittee wh ich w rote t he Alpha Sigma Tau 12 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigm a Tau
Fall/W inte r 2008
www.alphaslgmarau .org
Creed. From 1949 to 1951, as National Pledge Chairman (now New Member Director), she was responsible for revision of the Pledge Examinations, Pledge Manual and Study Outline. When she retired as the Assistant Principal of Buffalo Schools #30 and #56 in 1972, her interest in Alpha Sigma Tau peaked once again and she accepted her appointment as National Historian in 1975. Her major project was writing a portion of the Alpha Sigma Tau History published in 1975 - 1976. She was chairman of the Nominations Committee for the 1976 Convention (the I Qth Convention she attended), was a recipient of the Ada A. Norton Award , and was recognized as a 'Convention Belle.' Beverly knew, lived and expressed the meaning and value of Alpha Sigma Tau membership which she promoted from her initiation in 1932 until her death in February 1987.
Margaret M. Macdonald, Sigma Bobbie Ni chols Tucker.Aipha Gamma, Board of Trustees Chairman, submitted Margaret's name in addition to many other sisters she believed deserved recognition.
M3 is the rather odd signature which many sisters may recognize as that of Margaret M. Macdonald , spelled with a small "d," by the way. As a collegiate member at the Buffalo State Teachers College in 1925, ' Marty' joined a local sorority named Tau Phi. As a collegiate member, she served as Tau Ph i's Secretary and President. It was during her tenure as President that this local sorority became known as the Sigma Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau ,the second national sorority at Buffalo State Teachers College. Little did she know that in this affiliation , Sigma Chapter, was the chapter needed to complete Alpha Sigma Tau 's nationalization. Remaining active within the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter as Treasurer and President, she traveled west, in 1931 , to Denver to serve as the National Chairman . At the fifth National Convention in 1934, she was appointed Chairman of the Effie E. Lyman Scholarship Loan Fund. For nine years, she managed this fund very competently. She was chosen almost ten years later by the National Council to be special Defense Chairman. Considering all of this sorority activity you might well wonder if Margaret had time for anything else. She was an eighth grade history teacher at School # 19 in Buffalo, and although her work entailed much responsibility, Marty efficiently budgeted her time. Her talents as an interior decorator were revealed in the charm and taste with which she has remodeled and decorated her home . She was clever w ith a needle, too, and her handknitted suits were long the object of despairing envy of the other Buffalo alumnae girls. The source of greatest pleasure to all the Buffalo girls, however, was her hobby of color photography with her 16mm movie camera. Meeting nights on which her reels were viewed were greatly anticipated dates. In 1943, she was elected to the position of National Treasurer and held the position until her death in 1976. As the National Treasurer of Alpha Sigma Tau, she is noted for her meticulous records, clear explanations, and careful budgeting of our accounts. She
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THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 13
seled and met w ith every delegate who attended National Convention during this time . Along with her traveling partner, Susie McBee, she installed many chapters in the 1960s and early 1970s. Everyone who has ever attended a Convention remembered Margaret, because she is our foremost Convention Belle. The attractive beribboned money fans , presented to winners of the Ada A Norton Alumnae Award at each convention were Margaret's special creation. She received the award in 1964.
Carrie Washburne Staehle, Alpha Martha Drouyo r DeCamp, Alpha, Boa rd ofTrustees Secretary and Pas t National President. subm itted the follow ing personal account of her "one sister" who has to uch ed her life.
Although much has otherwise been written about Mrs. Staehle, she is my "One Sister." My life will forever be richer because of knowing her spirit, her wisdom , and her graciousness. When I was a young (and naive) National Staff member, Mrs. Staehle appeared to be just another of those white haired , poised, and lovely leaders of our Sorority, seated at the " upper table" at all events. But at the Tulsa, OK convention in 1992, I had the honor of being invited to her room where we talked, among other things. about her move to California to live with family. This opened the door to a personal and wonderful relationship. She wrote and called often when I was Director of Fratern ity Programs saying that the Fraternity Programs area was the "Soul of the Sorority": it was my job to preserve it . When I had questions about the how or why of anything, she always knew the answer. Having been an Alpha in the mid 1920's, she told stories about knowing Mrs. Lyman; witnessing much of our ritual development including the first song book, working tirelessly to expand, and to bring us into NPC.We take these things for granted; she experienced them as they unfolded. She told me that she joined because she was fascinated with our pin and wanted one! Her continued devotion to the true purposes of the Sorority always awed me. She did not make exceptions: faithfulness was faithfulness. She held almost every national office, including IS years as National President, contributed to the Board of Trustees, was our ultimate resource , helped edit documents and "set us straight" about many things, as well as played bridge weekly, even through age 99. When Sam [Martha's Husband) and I traveled to trade shows in California for our company, we would see her for an afternoon. She would be prepared with her Sorority agenda and things to go over! We, however, knew never to interfere with a basketball game, especially during March Madness, as she was an avid basketball fan . When she wrote "Caroline's Story" as our centennial centerpiece of history, I was astonished when she asked me to help her edit, condense, and eliminate material as it had gotten longer than she wanted. Looking back, I can not imagine the pressure of editing anything that a "grammar usage teacher" wrote or of elim inating any of Mrs. Staehle's materials. Mrs. Staehle, without my permission, nom inated me for the National Presidency (as did Mary Charles Ashby, again over my protests) , gave me her own Sorority badge with presidential diamonds in the points and her National Council ring. 1 was honored to represent the Sorority at her IOOth birthday party and 14 months later to proclaim " Proverbs,Virtuous Woman " at her memorial service. She IS the "Virtuous Woman ." Our histories make her sound perfect: I believe she was. She is the personification of the Creed; she lived the Creed daily; and hoped that every woman to follow her in her beloved Sorority would also. 1 deeply treasure that she was and always will be part of my life, part of my heart.
14 â&#x20AC;˘ TH E AN CHOR of Alpha Sigm a Tau
Fall/Winter 2008
The most valuable
of ou c h;stocy ace ;n the
Normal College year book. Ou r founding sisters had plans and aims.
This organization claims to be strictly up to date, as it is pu rely twentieth century growth, having been in existence only a few months . Its membership is eight with a limit of ten , but since the departure of Miss Dutcher, 'We are seven.' Though it numbers less than most of the similar organizations in the college, yet for loyalty and harmony among its members none can excel it. Its aim is, first of all , social and literary culture, but we count not least among results obtained, the bond of sympathy among its members , which we trust will prove something more than a pleasant memory, when we leave our Alma Mater. We can only predict its future from its brief past. From the fidelity of its members to its interests, its high ideals and lofty aims , we feel assured that it is destined to become a permanent and an ennobling element in the college. Long may it live!
-/ /P-/ College friends are like melons, Shall/ tell you why? To (lnd one good, you must a hundred try. Although ou r Sorority, is not, as yet, strong in numbers, the bonds of friendship are equal to the sororities of greater numbers. Alpha Sigma Tau sp rang into existence in 1899. Its aim has ever been good scholarship and true culture. Our social gatherings have been not only pleasant, but we believe, beneficial - and will always remain with us among the pleasant memories of ou r Alma Mater. To those who may, in the future, join our mystic circle, we extend the wish that they may find as much enjoyment in its associations as we have found in the past.
~ /b~ We have but one life to live , and we all wish to make the most of it. The question arises, 'H ow can we accomplish the most with the energies and powers at our command?' For three years, we have sought to solve the problem, and we feel , that through our organization we have been enabled to accomplish much in the way of solution. The years of our college life have brought us into a true realizati on of the fact that 'a friend is the noblest gift that life can bring.' We have satisfactorily proved to ourselves that true friendship and catholicity of culture in sorority life, 'is worth while .' Ou r hearts' desire is that those who are left to carry on the work of next year, may be the means of forming links which time and change cannot seve~
Fall/Winter 2008
THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ I 5
THE ALPHA SIG-NAL Margaret Pollock, Alpha, Flint Alumna, received an award at the Seventh National Convention in 1939 for submitting the best name for the convention newspaper:The Alpha Sig-Nal. Lillian Vogt, St. Lou is alumna, was the editor of the paper which was published each day of the convention that year.
'The White Anchor,' as it was originally called, is a term that many do not understand .When Alpha Sigma Tau went national, a requirement was the publication of four issues of the Sorority magazine. Getting enough material from the developing Sorority proved difficult in and of itself, so the Ed itors decided to publish in the Fall a smaller magazine with a white cover,i nstead of the green that was used. After 1934, Carrie Washburne Staehle, Alpha, began issuing the annual report as mimeographed copies to chapters and officers. Mary Louise Mandrea Doyle, Theta , believed the Wh ite Anchor could be used each Fall for publishing the annual report as long as each issue contained some literary material. Th is practice continued for at least I 0 years.
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OuR ALUMNAE NEWSLETTER- THE CREST The National Council recommended at the 1934 National Convention changes in the national structu re. One suggestion was the appointment of an alumna representative from each active and inactive chapte r by the alumna secretary. At the recommendation of Carrie Washburne Staehle, Alpha, who was National President at the time , the alumna representative (or secretary) was to generate a list of how many members had been initiated within their chapter, what members were deceased, living and in the current collegiate chapter. This list should match the Central Office (National Headquarters). They would also prepare a newsletter (one a year) which the Central Office would mimeograph and mail to each alumnae member of her chapter.The National Membership Chairman would bring all these individual chapter efforts into one. The exact date when the alumnae representative newsletter system and membersh ip chart ended is unknown but the current newsletter, published at least twice a year, is sent to all alumnae members of Alpha Sigma Tau.
OuR BADGE There are four large points on the badge and two little ones. According to Carrie Washburne Staehle, Alpha, Pres ident Emerita, who addressed this issue while a member of the Board of Trustees, that "it never seemed to me that the little ones are points, but merely 'nubs .' At one point, the points were not named. I remember when we named them at a Council meeting and decided we had enough symbols without naming the ' nubs.' We had to keep our symbols within the framework of the constitution and not try 'to be all th ings to all people.' The five symbols on the shield are named as well as the four big points on the pin. There is a way to settle this:We can say 'our pin with four large points which mean .. .' and near the lowest point are two smoother points which indicate beginnings and growth." At the Eighth National Convention ( 1946). a special Insignia Comm ittee consisting of Betty Maisch , Jeanne Leilich and Jane Sawhill recommended " Ru les for Wearing the Alpha Sigma Tau Pin."
OuR BuiLDERS At the 1974 Convention, eighteen National Staff members and the National Presidents were honored as ' Bu ilders' for their dedication ,loyalty, and perseverance in supporting the National Organization for many years. The ' Bu ilders' were members who had made continuous contributions in the way of service to the Sorority over a period of years. Each ' Bu ilder' received a lovely musical jewel box which played"Aiways" with a silver engraved plate that had the following inscription: Alpha Sigma Tau. 7S'h Annive rsary, Honoring, (Recipient's Name) .
16 • THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Fall/Winter 2008
www.alphas lgmatau.crR
OuR CHAPTER RoLL The idea of the Chapter Roll was first planned at the 1958 Convention but became a reality two years later at the Thirteenth National Convention. As the collegiate chapter roll was called, each collegiate delegate hung her chapter's wooden shield in place before she took her seat.This ceremony was another 'first' which has become part of ALT tradition.
OuR CoLoRs Purple and gold were selected for colors by our founders the first night they met to create our Sorority. The next meeting was a little party, festive with decorations of gold and purple. Even the cake was golden with purple icing. Here it was decided the next day should witness the introduction of the newly born sorority to the world at large and to the student body in particular. Accordingly the members attended chapel en masse, everyone wearing the chosen colors. Imagine their surprise and chagrin when members of Zeta Phi informed them that Alpha Sigma Tau had appropriated their colors.
OuR CoNSTITUTION Ada A Norton appointed a committee at the 1925 National Convention to draft a constitution for Alpha Sigma Tau: Jane Atwood, lota,Araminta Mclane, Epsilon and Delta, Majil Mahaney, Alpha, Luella Chapman, Sigma, and Edith Mansell , Beta. On November 7, 1926, the Constitution Committee presented their report which was accepted. The constitution would be revised in 1934. After many additions and changes, at the Eighth National Convention ( 1946), the final important amendments were presented.While there are always some changes made at conventions, the basic accomplishments of the 1946 Convention resulted in the National , Collegiate and Alumnae Constitutions and Bylaws which have guided the Sorority's actions since , with only minor revisions and corrections.
OuR CREED The Sorority Creed was created to embody the Sorority beliefs.The w riting of the Creed was a group effort at the 1949 Spring National Council meeting, held in Detroit. Carrie Washburne Staehle, Alpha, from experience, wrote the first line of the Creed. Beverly Bollard, Sigma, who specialized in alumnae work, knew about the "values of friendship and fidelity to purpose." Mary Alice Sellers Peterson, Iota , saw the factual application of our purpose in the "fufillment of self and contributing one's share to the progress of mankind." Ruth Mayer, Pi, known for thoughtful words of wisdom and praise, believed in "beauty of spirit and graciousness of living." All contributiors believed in "working joyously and valiantly" and thus the Creed was presented for the adoption at the Ninth National Convention in 1949.
OuR FIRST YEAR On an evening in the autumn of 1899, a group of girls met at the home of Ruby Pratt on Huron Street to organize a little club or sorority. There were present at this first meeting, among others, Helene Rice, her sister Adriance , Eva O ' Keefe , and Harriett Marx. The name Alpha Sigma Tau was chosen and thus was that Alpha Sigma Tau , the third oldest educational sorority, was organized. A dozen or more very enthusiastic girls were present at this first meeting. Mrs. E.A. Lyman was chosen patroness. During the first year of its existence the Sorority did not display any marked activity. The charter was not received untill the second year when Edith Silk, Myrtle Oram, Zoe Waldron , Grace Townley, Marie Gedding, Louise Agrell and Mabie Pitts had joined the organization and with the organizers were the charter members. On the suggestion of Mrs. Lyman , Miss Pearce and Miss Norton were asked to become patronesses. The charter members were very, very close friends and remained so.
OuR HEADQUARTERS The Sixth National Convention in 1936 established the Central Office, in charge of the National President. This Central Office combined the duties of National President and Alumnae Secretary; it was to be a
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tion center for supplies and a clearinghouse for information. Dorothy Bennett Robinson , Pi, fourth National President, secured the transfer of all Sorority records and service to St. Louis, MO immediately following her return from the 1949 Convention. After many moves around the St. Louis area, six years later, Dorothy Robinson handed the gavel to Mary Alice Seller Petersen, Iota, and accepted a new position as the Executive Secretary. Carolyn Alexander, Pi, was appointed to fill Dorothy's unexpired term and continued in the office until 1964. Elizbeth Wilson , Pi, newly elected National President, would fill the role and continue in that capacity, even once retired in 1972, as an ex officio member of the National Council as Director of the Central Office.The position was approved as a permanent Council Office in 1974. Our National Headquarters moved to Birmingham, Alabama in 1981 and into the current facility in 1994.
OuR MAGAZINE - THE ANCHOR Since 1925,THE ANCHOR has included collegiate and alumnae chapter news, features on prominent alumnae or collegians, news of installations, conventions, regional workshops and Pan hellenic news . In the 1980s, educational articles and news from and about the National Foundation were included. The Editor of THE ANCHOR served in an elected position on Alpha Sigma Tau 's National Council until 1970, when the position was moved to National Staff with the appointment by the National Council. The first issue ofTHE ANCHOR OF ALPHA SIGMA TAU was prepared in 1925 by Louise Glade Bohlen, Alpha, in order to contain and preserve the histories of the collegiate and alumnae chapters of Alpha Sigma Tau. Quite unassuming, she referenced herself as an 'Assistant Editor,' never giving herself the credit she so deserved. Following the second edition 's publication in June 1926 (Volume II) and Louise's resignation in 1928, the material was not coming in with articles late or missing. Carrie Washburne Staehle, Alpha, opened her front door in the fall of 1928 to find a smiling woman who inquired , "Are you Mrs. Staehle! I am Mary Mandrea. Edith Mansell sent me to talk to you about THE ANCHOR." Mary Louise Mandrea Doyle, Alpha, would be elected to the position and serve in the capacity until 1948. Du ring th is time ,THE ANCHOR was published twice a year, until December 1936 when the decision was made to publish four issues due to better postal rates. During WorldWar II, however, the Sorority reverted to mail ing twice a year and have ever since.
OuR RITUAL As the first Ritual Chairman, Mary Alice Seller Peterson, Iota, was responsible for helping write the Creed and the meaning of the symbols on the Sorority Shield, and creating the design of the official candleholder.Wh ile serving as National Standards Chairman, she is responsible for much of the lovely equipment now in use.
OuR SoNG BooK When Sarah Pollock Perrine, Alpha, became National Music Chairman in 1938, she immediately began thinking of a National Song Book.The only one in use then was one prepared and used by the Sigma Chapter under the leadership of Joseph ine Choate. Sarah used old songs, encouraged members to write new ones and wrote many herself. She wrote " Rose of Alpha Sigma Tau ,"" Ribbons of Alpha Sigma Tau, "" Friendship Song,''" Parting Song,''"Whistle Song,'' and the music to "Our Pin" and "Grace before Meals ." By 1942, she had compiled a-forty nine page song book. Sarah resigned as Music Chairman in 1948 and the office was filled by her good sorority sister, Margaret Holcomb Twork, Alpha.
18 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
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/tow we-I/ do 1ov folow A/phd Si~d "Gv??? How much do you really know about the history of our organization? Take the quiz and see if you are an Alpha Sigma Tau guru! I.When was the establishment of the Central Office? a. 1936 c. 1946 b. 1940 d. 1956 2. What was the initiation fee in 1925? a. $1 b. $2
c. $5 d.$10
3. When was a committee appointed to draft our Constitution? a. 1899 c. 1925 b. 1905 d. 1928 4. How many pages were the minutes of the First National Convention? a. I page c. 8 pages b. 3 pages d. 10 pages 5. Who wrote the " Ribbons of Alpha Sigma Tau?" a. Sarah Pollock Perrine c. Carrie Washburne Staehle d. Beverly Bollard b. Margaret Pollock Small
~ov #::~low
in 1~~1 (((
• it cost $282.28 to print one issue ofTHE ANCHOR • the Sorority required chapters to submit reports (six letters and two reports) • the collegiate chapters were grouped into four districts • the Central Office spent $431.86 in operating costs • Delta Chapter had the highest chapter GPA • new members were required to take an examination prior to initiation o the Emporia Alumnae Chapter had the largest membership o the Eta Chapter had the largest membership o the Flint andYpsilantiAnn Arbor alumnae chapters were organized
Pid ~ov #::~low in 6.When was the first issue ofTHE ANCHOR printed? c. 1918 a. 1899 b. 1905 d. 1925
?.When were the collegiate chapters/colonies and alumnae associations divided into regions? a. 1899 c. 1936 b. 1919 d. 1945
8. Where was the location of the First National Convention? c. Detroit, Ml a.Ypsilanti, Ml b. Pittsburgh , PA d. New York, NY
9. In what un ivers ity was the only collegiate chapter to colonize under two different names? a. Temple University c. Ball State University d. Eastern Michigan University b. Kent State University I 0. What were our Sorority's original colors? c. Blue and Gold a. Green and Gold b. Purple and Gold d. Black and Gold
it cost $8569.21 to print one issue ofTHE ANCHOR the Sorority required chapters to submit CEP reports the collegiate chapters were grouped into twenty-six districts Delta Mu Chapter had the highest chapter GPA new members were required to take an examination prior to initiation the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter had the largest membership the Delta Phi Chapter had the largest membership the Tri-Cities, Dallas/Fort Worth, New York Metro, Central NJ, Southeastern Louisiana and Western Michigan alumnae associations were organized
I I. When was the first Convention Queen crowned? a. 1938 c. 1962 b. 1949 d. 1963 12. Who is our Chief Patroness? a. Ada A Norton b. Carrie Washburne Staehle
c. Luella Chapman d. Effie E. Lyman
13. Who was the only member of Alpha Sigma Tau to serve as Chairman of NPC? a. Mary Louise Doyle c. Cynthia McCrory b. Carol Mooney d. Beth McOsker
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greek licensing, go vote '08, protect our name, convention 2008 highlights, convention blog, 4.0 GPA achievements, in memoriam, chapter anniversaries
What you need to know before buying your next Alpha Sigma Tau -shirt, tumbler or totebag. I have been a proud member of Alpha Sigma Tau for I0 years . Every spring in my household there is an enormous cleaning and organizing session. I recycle old documents, scrub the bathrooms until they shine, and give enough clothing to Goodwill to dress a small army. I am good at exfoliating things from my life and getting rid of clutter in every area except for ALT. When it comes to ALT stuff, I am a packrat. I still have every card written to me, almost every gift from my big sister, and every t-shirt I ever wore . One of my favorite items is a t-shirt quilt that was made for me upon graduation. I cherish that quilt as each shirt has an extraordinary memory attached to it.
To a lot of people, especially those who don 't know the Greek alphabet, one Fraternity or Sorority is the same as the next. Alpha Sigma Tau encourages you to stop using companies that are not legally licensed to use our name, logo, Greek letters, and crest. The next time you go to purchase something, look for the Greek Licensed Product logo on the product or service you 're considering. Find a list of our officially licensed vendors at
Sorority paraphernalia is sacred to many of us. However, I would be lying if I said I was not shocked by some tshirt themes I have seen floating around over the years.
To recommend a vendor for licensing or to report a vendor that is marketing the Alpha Sigma Tau name in an offensive manner, send the company's contact information and web address to and contact Headquarters.These particular vendors are marketing experts that have been pre-approved as professionals who know how to represent our organization; so use them .
It is our ethical responsibility to all Greek organizations to start holding ourselves to a higher standard.
Ten years ago we did not have Greek Licensed Products. As much as it pains me, it looks like I might have to
get rid of a few things during this spring's cleaning and since I do not want the patrons of the Goodwi ll purchasing my questionable t-shirts from 1998, it looks like I will need to recycle them. * T his article was inspired by the writings of our Panhellenic sisters in Alpha Xi Delta. For another approach to communicating this information, see the Alpha Xi Delta Q uill, SU 08, "All it takes is one little Tshirt" p. 13. cec
Would you really want to put afraternity shirt that objectifies women on your t-shirt quilt that you, if you are anything like me, will want to show your grandchildren one day? In what way does ashirt that promotes alcohol align with fraternal values? Would you want your future mother-in-law to see you wearing ashirt that suggests hazing?
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In August, during the 2008-20 I 0 National Council's first meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, the National Counci l spent the better part of a day discussing where Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority needs to position itself. The Council defined the contributions each National Officer needs to make, in addition to those assigned in the National Handbook, and defined the operating and meeting norms that as a Council w ill be embraced to work cohesively together. Since the August meeting, teams of National Officers members have worked to refine the language in each of these documents to share with our membership. The National Council of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority has developed the following goals to guide us in meeting the missions of the Sorority and the needs of our membership. Goal I:To create a financially stable and fiscally responsible organization through the use of specific accounting best practices and internal controls, balanced budgets, appropriate in surance coverage, investment planning and asset allocation, funding for Sorority staff and operations, fundraising, proper management of accounts receivable and accounts payable, and annual financial reviews that reflect the status of the Sorority's finances as approved by the Counc il. The Sorority's financial status will be clearly articulated to the membership. Goal 2:To establish turnkey human resource processes for attracting and retaining the highest quality and most effective volunteers and employees. Develop Headquarters staff and volunteer structures to meet the organ izational needs and goals of the Sorority. Goal 3:To create a fully-staffed , state-of-the-art Headquarters facility led by an executive directo r who manages the day-to-day operations of the Sorority and assists the National Council in meeting the missions of the Sorority. Goal 4:To create a technologically current organization through the assessment of existing hardware and software needs to support the membership.The Sorority will develop and implement a technology plan that may outsource information technology services as needed. Goal S:To work with volunteer and professional staff to develop and dissem inate relevant and value added programs, resources and benefits to collegiate and alumnae members to demonstrate the intangible and tangible benefits of membership in Alpha Sigma Tau. Ensure the perpetu ity of the Sorority by regularly assessing the stability of our colonies, chapters and alumnae associations and targeting services and resources as needed. Goal 6:To grow Alpha Sigma Tau through strategic expansion and recruitment initiat ives on both the local and National levels to ensure that the Sorority is a vibrant and relevant member of the National Panhellen ic Conference and the fraternity/sorority community. Collegiate chapters and alumnae associations will project the Sorority's purpose and accomplishments to potential new members, parents, peers and commun ity. Goal ?:To effectively and proactively communicate w ith all internal and exte rnal stakeholders, the Soro rity will utilize all available communication resources to create and develop a consistent and un iform commun icati on plan.This plan will inclu de considerations for crisis communications, public relations, and w ill be cons istent and prompt in order to provide a unified message to all stakeholders. Goal S:To develop and implement short and long range goals for the Sorority through an annual goalsetting exercise and by engaging in an externally-facilitated strategic planning process. Goals shall convey the vision , mission and programs of Alpha Sigma Tau to provide prioritized direction to the work of the staff and volunteers. Educate the membership that planning by the National Council is a critical internal tool for maintaining stability, ensuring strategic direction , and evaluating the work of the Sorority. Goal 9:To exhibit leadership within the National Panhellenic Conference and fulfill all obligations at the individual delegate and member group levels. Alpha Sigma Tau collegiate and alumnae members will be informed and active participants w ith in the fraternity/sorority community, and the Soro rity will interact positively w ith all fratern ity/sorority stakeholders. 22 â&#x20AC;˘ THIO AN CHOR nf Alnha Slcrrn" Tau
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The National Council of Alpha Sigma Tau is pleased to announce the 2008-20 I0 National Council meeting locations and schedule. The Council looks forward to conducting collegiate and alumnae outreach, visiting regions demonstrating membership growth trends, visiting specific areas so that they may receive personal visits from the Sorority leadership, and visiting with colleagues and vendors located in specific areas. Indianapolis, IN August 14-17, 2008 The Council visited with MJ Insurance Representatives; the National Panhellenic Conference Office staff;Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority Headquarters staff, Zeta Tau Alpha Women 's Fraternity Headquarters staff, Kappa Alpha Theta Women 's Fraternity Headquarters staff, and Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity Headquarters staff; Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority Indianapolis area alumnae; and members of the Epsilon Kappa Colony at Trine University in Angola, Indiana. January 8-1 I, 2009 Birmingham,AL The Council will visit the National Headquarters and meet with Headquarters staff; plan for the 20 I0 National Convention; visit with our attorney and other service providers; visit with the National Foundation staff; and meet with Birm ingham area alumnae and collegians. August 2009 New York, NY The Council will visit with collegiate members in New York, New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania; and meet with alumnae from the New York Metro area and Northern New Jersey. Houston ,TX January 20 I0 The Council will conduct outreach in Houston with area alumnae .This will be another step in the Council's efforts to meet with members who have not traditionally received personal visits from the Sorority leadership. June 20 I0 Birmingham,AL The Council will meet at the 20 I 0 National Convention for a pre-Convention business meeting and a post-Convention Council orientation.
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••••••••••••••••••••••• As the 37th National Convent ion convened in Virginia, over 350 sisters assembled for an event filled week in late June. "Stars, Stripes and Sisterhood" was the theme of this year's convention, at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia. The Convention schedule was altered slightly to allow collegiate and alumnae attendees (who were not the voting delegates) to attend various leadership workshops while the General Sessions were in session. Members of the National Council, National Foundation and Board of Trustees met at the home of Charlotte Evans Floyd, Psi, in Arlington the Tuesday night before the start of Convention (I). Wednesday was the start of Convention with the National Council and National Foundation holding individual meetings, while members from across the country poured into the hotel (2) . We tried some new things at Convention this year, including the "ALT All American League". Sisters who arrived before hotel check in time had the opportunity to play games around the outdoor pool or just relax there before the fun of Convention began. That night, members were treated to a fun filled opening orientation. Various Council and Staff members explained the next few days to the attendees. National
Vice President Sailynn Doyle, Gamma Delta, explained the Convention in general. National Historian and Convention Photographer jennifer Marshall , Alpha Gamma, explained the Convention photo schedule. Convention Parliamentarian Chris Dickey described the Parliamentary Procedure that will be util ized during the General Sessions. Late evening had the various Convention committees meeting. Over the next th ree days, with the National Officers, Staff (including Advisers), and Assistants to the National Staff, members evaluated each proposed revision to the Constitutions, Bylaws and Standing Rules of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority.The revised documents reflecting the changes desired by the membership are avai lable on the Alpha Sigma Tau National Homepage With the guidance and wisdom of talented speakers (3) , members walked away w ith new skills (4) in personal presentation, chapter development, campus relations, financial plann ing, character development, and eth ical decision making. They have an understand ing of the new National New Member Education Program, new onl ine hazing prevention training program for new members, both programs to roll out to the membersh ip this fall , and to be anchored in our ceremon ial traditions.
By Chr istina Covington, Alpha Lambda, National President and Carole Bicking Ke ily,A/pha Xi, StaffWrite r
Speakers included Dr. Gwen Dungy, Execut ive Director, NASPA; Nonn ie Cameron Owens (5), Etiquette Plus; David Stoll man , CAMPUSPEAK; Chris W ill iams , Karizma Consulting; Bill Simmons,Ameritas/Acacia UNIF;Jessica Gendron, Phired
•••••••••••••••••••••• 24 • THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
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••••••••••••••••••••••• Up Productions; Dean Harwood, George Washington University; Jennifer Antonini , George Mason University; Julie Lubochinski, George Mason University; Juliet Blank Godlove , George Mason University;Tricia Shalka, Drexel University; Mike Hayes , University of Maryland; Cory Peterson, Georgetown University; Kate Planow, Longwood University; Jennifer Cox, Longwood Un iversity; Jamie Miller,Aipha Sigma Tau; Kristin Walker, Alpha Sigma Tau; Samantha Karwin ,Aipha Sigma Tau; Meg Harding,Aipha Sigma Tau; Jennifer Cohen, Alpha Sigma Tau; and Karen Brandon, Alpha Sigma Tau. Friday night's Tau Fever had members bust out thei r 70's gear in true Tau fashion (6) . Members danced on th rough the night and prizes were awarded to the "best dressed." Saturday's final session concluded with election and installation of the following members: • Christina Duggan Covington, Alpha Lambda, National President • Sailynn Doyle, Gamma Delta, National Vice President • Tiffany Street, Delta Mu , National Secretary • Tammy Stegehuis Bonifield, Beta Xi , National Treasurer • Lara Cegala Williams, Psi, Director of Collegiate Chapters • Jamie Jones Miller, Psi, Director of Alumnae • Laura Clark, Psi, Director of Extension • Teena Johnson Reasoner, Alpha Gamma, Director of Fraternity Programs • Courtney Monilias Keirn , Beta Upsilon, Director of Publications The culmination of any AL:T Convention is the Awards Banquet. Patricia Klausing Simmons, Delta , gave a final address as National President, looking back over her accomplishments and what the future will hold as she passed the torch to incoming National President Christina Duggan Covington, Alpha Lambda (7). W ith the second and third place award winners having been announced during the Saturday General Session, the evening was filled with recognition and celebration of member's ache ivements and accomplishments .
••••••••••••••••••••••• www.alphas
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THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau • 25
Edward Jervey/Martha DeCamp Award I Delta Phi (I ) Presented to honor the collegiate chapter which has exhibited in all its actions the highest adherence to the ideals and integrity of Alpha Sigma Tau as set forth in the Creed.
Founders Award I Delta Phi Presented to the collegiate chapter that is outstand ing in all facets of sorority, college, and community life.
Martha Drouyor Belknap DeCamp Outstanding Collegiate Chapter Philanthropy Award I Alpha (2006 2007) and Beta Eta (2007 2008) Presented annually to the alumnae and collegiate chapte rs that demonstrate an outstanding commitment to philanthropic endeavors.
Music Awards I Phi (2) Presented annually to collegiate chapte rs subm itting t he best songs in categories stipulated by the Music Chairman.
Scholarship Awards I Delta Nu (2006) and Delta Mu (2007) Presented annually to the collegiate chapters achieving the highest grade point average .
Collegiate Scrapbook Awards I Upsilon Presented to the collegiate chapter exh ibiting the best scrapbook, wh ich conforms to the establ ished criteria.
Peoples Choice Scrapbook Awards I Ups il on
CHAPTER ADVISER AWARDS Helen R. Garman Adviser Award
Carrie W. Staehle Award
Presented to a Chapter Adviser, who is a faculty member, for outstanding service to the collegiate chapter and to the Soro rity.
Presented to a Chapter Adviser(s) , chosen from the alumnae, for the exceptional service to collegiate chapters and to the Sorority.
David Stoll man, Delta Phi Assistant C hapte r Adviser
Jessica Fayard St.Cyr (6), Phi, Ph i Chapter Adviser
2 Year Staff Certificates Amanda Campbeii, Aipha Chapte r Cons ultant Em ily Schnepp Spencer, Beta C hapter Consultant Amy Dup ree Brooks, Zeta Chapter Adviser an d Alpha Xi Chapter Consu ltant Jess ica Fayard St. Cyr, Phi C hapter Adviser Jamie Jones Mill e r, Psi Ass istant C hapter Advi ser Caro l Mooney, Ps i C hapter Consultant Dr. Edward Jervey,Aipha Lam bda Assistant Chapter Adviser Dana Boru, Gamma Lam bda Assistant Chapter Adviser Anna Gru ber, Gamma Xi Chapter Adviser Jennie Kuhns , Gamma Rho Chapter Adviser David Stollman, Delta Phi Assistant Chapter Adviser Amanda Pennington, Delta Chi Chapter Advise r
26 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
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Martha Drouyor Belknap DeCamp Outstanding Alumnae Chapter Philanthropy Award I St. Lou is (3) Lois Schweikart O'Dell Alumnae Anchor Award
Elizabeth Syposs Maerten Presented to outstanding alumnae who have given exceptional dedication and faithful service to thei r alumnae chapter and community for a minimum of five years. It is presented only to those alumnae who are not presently serving on the National Staff.
The Pearls of Alpha Sigma Tau I Delores Craps i Sch midt , Sigma Presented to recognize alumnae members who have given special contributions within their communities and/or professions.
Order of the Yellow Rose I Catherine Kieffere Gervase , Sigma Presented to alumnae who have completed a special project or given long, faithful service to the Sorority.
Mary Louise Doyle Pan hellenic Award I Sally St urm Wales (4), Sigma Presented to an alumna( e) , collegian(s), alumnae chapter(s), and/ or collegiate chapter(s) for exceptional Panhellen ic service which exceeds expectat ions. SO year Membership Certificates
I Martha Drouyor DeCam p, Alpha (5)
Ada A Norton Award I Pamela W al es Szafarczyk, Sigma, Buffalo Alumnae Chapter and Emily Ashby Mci nt ire (6), Alpha Lambda, Det ro it NE Suburbs Presented to alumnae fo r outstand ing long t ime nat ional ser vice to the So ro rity. Alumnae Scrapbook Awards I No rthe rn Virginia, Detro it NE Suburbs, Boston, St. Loui s
Peoples Choice Scrapbook Awards I Boston Alumnae ChapterTopTau Presented annually to a membe r of each al umnae chapter chosen by t he membership of that chapte r fo r o utstan ding se rvice an d comm itment to he r ch apte r and the So ro rity. Boston : Jess ica Passemato Nolan Buffa lo: Mi che lle Wheel e r Edwardsvi lle: Kira Z ave rl G rabowski G reater C hi cago: Lo ri Stro ng Poo re No rt he rn Virginia: Sarah Hinshaw T idewate r: Elain e Alexan de r Eason
Convention Top Tau I Sal ly Bel knap, Alpha an d Kristin W alker, Alpha Lambda www.alphasigmatau.o rg
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THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 27
Margaret Macdonald Convention Belle Awards Presented to members who have attended three or more National Conventions.
Karen L. Wasser, Beta Eta Carole Bicking Keily, Alpha Xi Cathy Schreiner, Chi Linda Price, Beta Epsilon
3 National Conventions: Denise Klein Dutter, Beta Xi Marie Klebart VanAken , Alpha Amy Marseglia, Gamma Xi Kelli Puce II O ' Brien, Delta Eta Dana Bortz, Gamma Lambda Yolanda Villarreal Bauer, Beta Theta Amanda Campbell, Alpha Laura Clark, Psi Natalie Lytle, Gamma Theta Karen Brandon, Delta Chi
I 5 National Conventions: Carol Cooper, Zeta Tau Emily Ashby Mcintire, Alpha Lambda Amy J. Dupree Brooks, Alpha Xi Nancy Marie Cook, Pi 16 National Conventions: Margaret M. Bogner, Pi Gail Shockley Fowler, Alpha Lambda
5 National Conventions: Courtney Monilias Keirn, Beta Upsilon Heather Frankhouser Griffin, Zeta Carol Zorger Mooney, Alpha Lambda Jessica Fayard St.Cyr, Phi
I 7 National Conventions: Ann Cu rran Gruber, Alpha 18 National Conventions: Bobbie Nichols Tucker, Alpha Gamma Patricia Nayle , Phi
I 0 National Conventions: Tamara Stegehuis Bonifield, Beta Xi
Thomas J. King Jr. Award I Mr. Dennis Strouse (7) - Zeta Chapter Sweetheart Presented to a non-member who has contributed in a exceptional manner to Alpha Sigma Tau and her members for an extended period of time. Margaret Macdonald Convention Beau Awards
First National Convention Mr. Edward Brandis, Jr.- Tiffany Street Mr. Thomas Foster- Melanie Foster Mr.Tom Klausing- Patti Simmons' brother Mr.AIIan Krol - Patti Simmons' son in law Mr. Travis Long - Laura Clark Mr. Jefffrey Marrone- Annette Marrone Mr. Tim Miller -Jamie Jones Miller Mr. Dennis Strouse - Zeta Chapter Sweetheart
3 National Conventions (B) Mr. Bill Simmons - Patti Simmons Mr. Jim Mooney- Carol Mooney Mr. David Stollman - Delta Phi Assistant Chapter Adviser
4 National Conventions Mr. Christopher Covington - Christina Covington
5 National Conventions Dr. Edward Jervey Mr. Chris Williams - Lara Cegala-Williams
8 National Conventions Mr. Don Rhodes - Anna Margaret Rhodes McCrory Order of Interfraternity Excellence Award Ms. Rose M. Ray, Phi Mu 28 â&#x20AC;˘ T HE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
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19 National C onventions: Jean M. Ryckman McNamara, Sigma 21 National Conventions: Caro lyn Conner Alexander, Pi 22 N ational C onventions: Rose Marie Schmidt, Theta C harlotte Evans Floyd, Psi 23 N ational C onventions: Mary G lor Bolton, Sigma 24 N ati o nal C onventions: Martha Drouyor DeCamp, Alpha Sally Sturm Wales, Sigma 25 National Conventions: Anna Margaret Young Rhodes, Psi
Alpha Sigma Tau congratulates the following collegiate members who achieved a 4.0 for the 2006-2007 academic year! Fall 2006 Darcy Marie Berezolf,Aipha Elisabeth Fischer, Alpha Cassie Krause, Rho Nikki Williams, Upsilon Ashley Archer, Upsilon Catherine Arnold, Upsilon Tara Carroll, Upsilon Katy Cole, Upsilon Laurie Hinson , Upsilon Brittney Hooks, Upsilon Adrienne Morris, Upsilon Kara Valentine, Upsilon Katie Hoppert, Upsilon Brittany Baughman, Upsilon Lori Hux, Upsilon Madison Mills, Upsilon Heather Bennett, Upsilon Jessica Norris, Upsilon Jennifer Williams, Upsilon Natalie Smith, Upsilon Leslie Landers, Upsilon Andrea Shocklee, Upsilon Renee Boucher, Chi Katie Finch, Psi Aida Fazlic, Psi Whitney Welsh , Psi Charlotte Powers, Alpha Lambda Mary Broz, Alpha Lambda manda Temple, Alpha Mu Sarah Hendrix, Alpha Mu Amanda Shade, Alpha Xi Jesanne Wagner, Alpha Phi Katie Boyers, Beta Epsilon Courtney Church, Beta Eta Jessa Collins, Beta Eta Michelle Marek, Beta Eta AmyVennell , Beta Eta Tory Pfordresher, Beta Eta Chelsie Carlton, Beta Eta Danee Keith, Beta Mu Claire Meringlo, Beta Mu Jackie Cordasco, Beta Mu Jayme Harrison, Beta Mu Stephani Moore, Beta Mu Lauren Walker, Beta Mu Jennifer Parks, Beta Mu Rebecca Wyzinski, Beta Pi Elise Sommerfeld, Beta Pi Stacie Czurlanis, Beta Omega Kerry Gorman, Gamma Delta Marcy Jannis, Gamma Epsilon Pam Smith, Gamma Zeta Megan Davis, Gamma Xi Jaclyn Purcell, Gamma Pi Michelle Manzi no, Gamma Pi my Gatehouse, Gamma Pi Jill Ebersole, Gamma Tau Allison Abayasekara, Gamma Tau Susanna Hansson, Delta Alpha Emily Kochanowicz, Delta Alpha Juliann Zawadzki, Delta Alpha
Julie Thomas, Delta Alpha Chelsea Herd , Delta Zeta Caroline Drago, Delta Zeta Kerri Gavin, Delta Zeta Kellie Cortiana, Delta Eta Margaret Inman, Delta Eta Jaclyn Johnson, Delta Eta Evelyn Bruington, Delta Eta Graham Bunce, Delta Eta Wendy Gregory, Delta Mu Amanda Evans, Delta Nu Stacey Gorski, Delta Sigma Megan Van Doran, Delta Phi Rachel Steinberg, Delta Phi Jackie DeVegvar, Delta Phi Darina Kedzierska, Delta Phi Meghann Bolin, Delta Upsilon Amanda Davis, Delta Upsilon Alyssa Parga, Delta Psi Lauren Crawford, Delta Psi Amanda Pitt, Delta Chi Jennifer Hinman, Epsilon Alpha Tara Gergacs, Epsilon Alpha Amy Neff, Epsilon Delta Traci Rainwater, Epsilon Delta Ashley Dick, Epsilon Delta
Spring 2007 Darcy Marie Bereznoff,Aipha Cassie McKeever, Rho Brooke Coxsey, Rho Katie Hoppert, Upsilon drienne Morris, Upsilon Natal ie Smith, Upsilon Anna Malcolm , Upsilon Brittany Baughman, Upsilon Andrea Shocklee, Upsilon Leslie Landers, Upsilon Nikki Wiliams, Upsilon Kathryn Finch , Psi Kate McFarland, Psi Amber Mend res, Psi Amanda Chandler, Zeta Tau Christine Hardin,Aipha Gamma Rorey Senger,Aipha Lambda Britney Pniewski,Aipha Pi Courtney Kilbrun,Aipha Pi Erin Flynn,Aipha Pi Amanda Boyle,Aipha Tau Katie Chengery, Beta Delta Carla Placidi, Beta Delta Michelle Marek, Beta Eta AmyVennell , Beta Eta Ashley Tintori, Beta Eta Courtney Diederich, Beta Eta Katie Schotthofer, Beta Eta Stephanie Fuller, Beta Eta Lauren Shaw, Beta Theta Sarah McDermott, Beta Mu Megan Hess, Beta Xi Laurea Lienhop, Beta Pi Catherine Smith, Beta Pi
Jessica Gorniak, Beta Pi Marcy Lannis, Gamma Epsilon Leslie Cohen , Gamma Zeta Amber Elkins, Gamma Mu Laura Warren , Gamma Xi Kahty Lesizka, Gamma Rho Emily Dakin, Gamma Rho Samantha Lichocki, Gamma Rho Jessica Bourbeau, Gamma Psi Susanna Hanssen, Delta Alpha Emily Kochanowicz, Delta Alpha Julie Thomas, Delta Alpha Hope Anne Parks, Delta Alpha Elizabeth Bocan, Delta Alpha Gina Binotto, Delta Beta MacKenzie Griffith, Delta Beta Jen Leddin, Delta Delta Meagan Stass, Delta Delta Anisa Schulman, Delta Epsilon Karri Gavin , Delta Zeta Jennifer McQuade, Delta Zeta Molly Quinn, Delta Theta Tera Basel ice, Delta Theta Michelle Behr, Delta Iota Joanna Steffel, Delta Lambda Wendy Gregory, Delta Mu Tiffany Cobb, Delta Rho Bonnie Garner, Delta Rho Stacey Gorski, Delta Sigma Allison Knight, Delta Phi Alysha Bullock, Delta Phi Selma Am rane, Delta Phi Rachel Abrams, Delta Phi Alyssa Parga, Delta Psi Kristen McTee, Epsilon Alpha Hi yam Afeef, Epsilon Alpha Jennifer Hinman, Epsil on Gamma Jordan Hargrove , Epsilon Gamma Ashley Dick, Epsilon Delta Mackenzie Chesbro, Epsilon Delta Fall/Winter 2008
THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 29
Meet the 2008=2010 Chris Covinqton.
Our new National President, Alpha Lambda '86/Radford University, a former Chemistry major and now full-time volunteer, hails from the National Capital Region, Haymarket,Virginia. Chris isn 't new to the National Council scene- she's also held the positions of National Secretary, Director of Extension, Director of Collegiate Chapters, Director of Fraternity Programs, and NPC Delegate-3rd Alternate. Supporting her in her new role as National President is her husband of 14 years (who is also named Chris!) and their two ch ildren - ages 2 and 8. If you catch Chris at the neighborhood park, you'd probably find her smelling the beauty of roses and lilacs, enjoying a double-decker chocolate and coffee ice cream cone, enjoying some chocolate covered peanuts, or even playing a few sports. If you happen to be there at night, you may find Ch ris wishing on those falling stars to take her away to the exotic places of Monaco, Ch ile , Ch ina, Iceland, or Africa! Perhaps she'll wish we can all join her too!
S?irfynn boyle.Gamma Delta '99/UMass Dartmouth, continues on for another term as National Vice President. While many of us are dread ing that Monday morning, Sailynn rejoices in it! Perhaps it is the excitement of own ing her own franchise bus iness - Home Instead Senior Care in her hometown of North Attleboro, Massachusetts. Being a busy lady, Sailynn would rather go out to eat than cook anything at home. When she orders her favorite sandwich, ham and cheese with lettuce, tomato, and mayo all toasted together- she may also orde r that 'seder' - it's that northeastern way of saying soda. When she's relaxing at home with her boyfriend of eight years , Norm , Cudd les and Bubbles, two cats she has rescued, and her Jumbo Love-a-Lot Care Bear that she had since she was little, you 'll probably find her watching her favorite television program, An imal Cops, eating some Swedish Fish, or listening to Nora Jones. If she's not home, you' ll more likely find her at the amusement park than the neighborhood park - probably celebrating her favorite holiday- her birthday!
Tiffetny Street. Delta Mu '98/Cumberland University and Alpha Sigma Tau's new National Secretary, comes from the region of our country where it isn 't pop o r soda, but everything a "Coke".We're talking about our warm, southern city of Houston ,Texas.Tiffany has a Master of Science in Nursing which has enabled her to become an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in Vascular Su rgery (a job that kind of makes your heart skip a beat! ). Tiffany dotes on her 4-year-old West Highland White Terrier named Molly. Apparently Molly is a bit possess ive ofTiffany's attention and can be heard barking whenever she is on the phone. We guess that means that when Tiffany goes on her dream vacati on to Europe, Molly may be coming along! Tiffany's favorite item of clothing is her shoes, which we hope doesn 't get dripped on when she's eating her favorite ice cream (mint chocolate chip) or attempting to go out and investigate her favorite smells - rain and fresh cut grass (and cinnamon!).
Tcimmy Bomfield,
Alpha Sigma Tau welcomes Beta Xi '86/Michigan Tech University, to the National Council scene as the new National Treasurer. Even though when she was little she wanted to be a teacher,Tammy today is a certified public accountant. Living in Livonia, Michigan, Tammy has ample opportunity to enjoy her favorite season, autumn w ith all the colorful leaves- an d enjoy her favorite holiday, Halloween (where she hopes to get lots of Nerd candy!). And, being in Mich igan the next season after fall is hockey, so naturally it's her favorite sport to watch! Tammy is supported in her new ALT endeavor by her husband of 14 years, Brad , two children -Tristan, I0, and Trevor, 8- and Orea, her cute pup adopted from the Humane Society.
Courtney KeiYJ1,Beta Upsilon '96/New Jersey Institute ofTechnology, has recently been re-elected to the pos it ion of Director of Publications. Courtney lives with her husband, Ken , and one year old legacy Lilliana- as well as Corgi pooch, Laniakea30 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
FaiiiWinter 2008
Iationaf Couna1 By Vanessa Emch Florence, Zeta,THE CREST Ed itor
in the beach city of Atlantic City, New Jersey. When she isn't teaching high school physics (she also has a Bachelor's degree in Math, a Masters in School Administration and awaiting word to begin her EdD in Education - just figuring out how to juggle this and a toddler - so the toddler may win out!) or doing Alpha Sigma Tau work, Courtney can be found lounging around in her favorite True Religion jeans and listening to Foo Fighters on her iPod or going to the movies - most recently to see" Sex and the City" - or just hanging out at the beach with her family. You won 't find her chowing down on chili dogs on the boardwalk, though -she's a veggie lover! And if she isn't in any of those places, check her dream vacation place - the Maldives.
JCt(f1ie :Tones Mt!ler. Psi '95/James Madison University, is returning as Director of Alumnae (as well as the
National Pan-
hellenic Conference 2nd Alternate Delegate). Jamie is soon to be celebrating her 8th wedding anniversary to Tim. Together in their hometown ofVienna,Virginia, they are raising two dogs - Jack, a 6 year old chocolate lab and Gunnar, a 3 year old shepherd/coonhound mix. When Jamie was little she wanted to be the President of the United States, but until her campaign debut she is happily enjoying her current position as Legislative Director for Congressman Robert J.Wittman of the United States House of Representatives. During her "off time" she enjoys changing into her favorite jeans and going to the movies (the latest was "The Dark Knight"}, eating out at her favorite restaurant Maggianos, listening to anything by the Dave Matthews Band, or catching a Washington Redskins football game -although she 'd rather be vacationing at a beach in Hawaii where she can take in her favorite smell -the ocean . Don 't be afraid if ou r Directo r of Collegiate Chapters,.L.uirCt son University, comes around the corner and screams " Boo! " She's probably just practicing trick or treating since her favorite holiday is Halloween -which would also explain why her favorite season is fall! Perhaps Lara is just try to relive her childhood when she loved to eat Razzler candy (or is it gum ! according to Wikipedia - it's both!} and mint chocolate chip ice cream from Baskin Robbins. Lara says that her favorite toy as a child was a Little Professor Calculator. This must have inspired her academically as she has earned a Masters of Business Administration , Masters in Education/ Higher Education and a Bachelor of Science in English/Political Science. Currently Lara currently resides in Liberty Township, Ohio (near Cincinnati} -that is when she isn't wishing on stars to go to Italy. She is happily married to her husband of 8 years, Chris and has two children : Cooper- age 6, Bryn- age 3, and Tebucky, their I00-pound yellow lab.
CeqCtiCt-/AJtfliCtf11S, Psi '90/James
.L.uium C!Ctrt<.. Psi '00/James Madison University may be a legal assistant in Arl ington , Virginia, by day, but is our Director of Extension after hours (perhaps she's using a secret identity based off the last movie she saw- "The Dark Night").This may prove why she is more of a night-owl than one of those people she is so jealous of that can jump out of bed with a smile on their face . So, if you have a morning meeting with Laura, make sure you bring some chocolate and she may mysteriously switch moods! Perhaps someday Laura will have a ' Big Fat Greek Wedding' ... not because of nationality, though , but because her entire family is Greek! Her mother is an Alpha Xi Delta, her father is a Pi Kappa Alpha, her sister Julie is a Kappa Alpha Theta, and her other sister Emily is a Delta Gamma. After that it may be a honeymoon to Italy to soak up all the culture and see all the ancient buildings and landmarks. A great gift may be Washington Redskins season tickets or two little kittens- although her boyfriend of four years, Travis, may have some other things to say about all these plans!
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Celebrating 25 't Beta Phi Chapter, California University of Pennsylvania On May 7, 1983,Aipha Sigma Tau in stalled its twelfth collegiate chapter at the California University of Pennsylvania (CUP) in the Borough of Cal ifornia, a community of then six thousand residents. The installation of Beta Phi came only about six months after a group of women known as Beta Pi Gamma petitioned Alpha Sigma Tau. Beta Pi Gamma became a sorority on the CUP campus on February I I, 1979 with fifteen members and a new member class of seven girls . The group of women had always had the intention of national affiliation , but they knew they had to strengthen and grow before they made the decision. On November 30, 1982, Shelley Wascom ,Traveling Counselor, made a presentation to the Beta Pi Gamma Sorority. She was assisted by several members of the Delta Chapter. On December I, 1982, Beta Pi Gamma petitioned Alpha Sigma Tau. The National Council accepted the petition in mid December, making Beta Pi Gamma local sorority the Beta Phi colony of Alpha Sigma Tau. The date for ribbon and pin pledging ceremonies was set for January 30, 1983. Shelley stayed on w ith the Beta Phi sisters to implement the colon ization program, by holding an officers workshop and various meetings to teach the woman about Alpha Sigma Tau. On March 18-20,Ann-Marie Carroll, National Colony Adviser, visited the Beta Phi colony to see what progress the women were making on the road to installation as a chapter. Ann-Marie Carroll reported her findings to Patricia Nayle , Director of Expansion , and Sybil King, National President. A decision was then made that the Beta Phi Colony was to be installed as the Beta Phi Chapter. On the morning of May 7, 1983, the women of Beta Phi colony were initiated into Alpha Sigma Tau by Sybil King. That evening, the women celebrated their initiation and installation with a banquet held at Gallagher Hall on the campus, along with many other guests. To commemorate the 2S'h Anniversary, the chapter hosted an alumnae luncheon. On May I0, 2008 both collegiate sisters as well as alumnae gathered at a sister's house. Throughout the day, collegiate and alumnae talked and laughed for hours comparing life and sorority stories. The alumnae offered heartfelt advice on topics ranging from fundraising to webs ite ideas to basic words of wisdom. Kids were welcomed and took pleasure in drawing art on the sidewalk and blowing bubbles to pass the time . Two graduating sen iors , Lindsay Williamson and Brittanie McCann, were inducted into the alumnae organization. Any alumnae member of Beta Phi is encouraged to contact Chris Block at to be placed in contact with the chapter.
32 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Fall/Winter 2008
ars of Sisterhood Beta Upsilon, New Jersey Institute ofTechnology Alpha Sigma Tau had the distinct privilege and honor to install a chapter at the New Jersey Institute ofTechnology (NJIT) in Newark on April 30, 1983, the first national sorority on the campus. In the spring of 1982, a few women decided that NJIT needed a sorority on the male dominant campus. There were programs on the campus for women, but "one seemed to give the women that feeling of togetherness" as Jean Marie Kaminski (first Beta Upsilon president) wrote. In that spring, Mrs. James Noctor, National Recruitment Director, made a presentation to a small group of women and the associate dean . Jean Marie began to pursue the idea of a national sorority by writing a general letter to all of the NPC sororities. In October, Gail Shockley Fowler made another trip to the NJIT campus to answer technical questions concerning the colonization process, as did representatives of other sororities. After a week of deliberation, the women picked Alpha Sigma Tau and petitioned on December 6, 1982. After the petition was accepted , the group of women at NJIT were crowned the Beta Upsilon colony. Patricia Nayle and Jean Marie Kaminski agreed to have the pin pledging ceremony on February 6, 1983. Shelley Wascom , Traveling Counselor, spent the next ten days after the pin pledging ceremony, assisting with the election of officers, officer training and meeting with the administration on campus. The colony began its colonization program immediately and the decision was made, upon fulfilling all requirements , to install the chapter on April 30, 1983. Thirty-four women were initiated, in addition to two NJIT administrators initiated as alumnae affiliates. Mrs. JoAnn Dixon, Director of Alumni Relations and Mrs. June Launay,Associate Director of Alumni Research and Development, were initiated that morning. The installation of Beta Upsilon was completed that evening at the banquet in the faculty dining room. Twenty five years later, the 2S<h Year Anniversary Celebration of the Alpha Sigma Tau Beta Upsilon Chapter was held at the new Campus Center Ballroom at New Jersey Institute ofTechnology in Newark, NJ on Sunday, April 27, 2008. Beta Upsilon celebrated this time in the presence of some founding sisters in addition to NIJIT Administrators. Mrs.JudyValyo, present at the installation of the colony, was honored for her dedication to the sorority. Mr. Robert Moran , Faculty Advisor, was also honored for his continued dedication and steadfast guidance throughout the years. The chapter looked back on how they've grown and prospered through the years and has become one of the most active organizations at NJIT. The keynote speaker, Gina Trucillo Pintar from the Kappa Pledge Class, is currently the Committee Chair of Scholarship Development for the National Foundation. She spoke about the endowed scholarship that was started through the National Foundation for the chapter at NJIT as well as for children of Beta Upsilon members. The afternoon ended with the Candlelighting Ceremony for Founders Day and an anniversary address presented by the Chapter President, Carlee Potochar.
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THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 33
I protv1i)e to Contribute Wl~ 5hare to the prosre))
VOTE 2008
of tv1ankind . ..
Go Greek and Go Vote The youth vote will matter in this election cycle and Greek students are one of the most visible segments of that demographic. Alpha Sigma Tau has participated in the GO VOTE '04 and GO VOTE '06 voter registration and outreach program and distributed GO VOTE '08 information at the 2008 National Convention. For more information about GO VOTE '08, please visit the Alpha Sigma Tau National Homepage!
What is The Capital Fraternal Caucus?
Founded in the summer of 2002, the Capital Fraternal Caucus (CFC) stemmed from the formerly named Greek PAC. The group began as a way to develop and maintain a Greek presence in Washington, D.C. The CFC includes organizations that comprise the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) and the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC). The CFC coordinates legislative initiatives in Congress that affect Fraternity/Sorority life and provides tools for expression of the fraternity and sorority agenda in Washington . The CFC has worked extensively on legislative efforts and civic engagement efforts in Washington relating to fraternities and sororities on issues relating to freedom of association,Title IX, housing and infrastructure improvements, and fire prevention . Alpha Sigma Tau alumnae and collegiate members participate in CFC activities by serving on the CFC executive committee, participating in the annual visits to Members of Congress on Capitol Hill and by communicating with their Senators and Rep resentatives on issues that are important to the fraternity/sorority community.
What Are The Issues? The main focus of the CFC is currently the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act. This Act amends Internal Revenue Code to allow tax exempt charitable or educational organizations to make collegiate housing and infrastructu re improvement grants to certain tax exempt groups, such as college fraternities and sororities. This legislation would allow Fraternal House Corporations to make grants to provide , imrove, operate, or maintain collegiate housing for Greeks, just as Universities can . These improvements can include important modernizations, such as adding life saving sprinkler systems. The CFC has five stated goals that have guided and continue to direct its effo rts in Washington.These goals include: • Bu ild permanent Gree k presence in Washington, similar to the presence of other national trade organizations; • Show policymakers the positive impact of Greek life; • Preserve the existing rights of fraternities/sororities ; • Advocate parity in government regulations and support collegiate quality of life issues; and • Identify opportunities for Greeks and government to work to improve society. Get Involved! • Register to vote in the 2008 election • Work with your college campus and/or Pan hellenic to conduct a voter registration drive using the GO VOTE ' 08 guide available on • Register for the Capital Fraternal Caucus and its advocacy, outreach and other activi ties on • Down load the CFC Facebook application from For more information about the Capital Fraternal Caucus and its activities, please contact Jamie Jones Miller, Director of Alumnae, at jmil
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THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau • 35
BoaTd of TTU.St££.5 The Board ofTrustees is composed of five members ofAlpha Sigma Tau Sorority. The Board ofTrustees advises the Sorority for the preservation of the ideals and standards ofAlpha Sigma Tau. Membership may include past National Presidents who are not currently holding any other position within the Sorority and additional alumnae members who have served on the National Staff. Alpha Sigma Tau thanks Carolyn Conner Alexander and Anna Margaret Rhodes for their dedicated years of service to the Sorority as members of the Board ofTrustees.
We welcome Martha Drouyor DeCamp and Patricia L. Nayle, both Past National Presidents. They have been appointed to the Board and we look forward to working with them.
Anna margarE't
Carolyn ConnEr AlExandEr Carolyn Conner Alexander retires after service as a member of the Board of Trustees for six years. She was a member of Pi Chapter where she served as chapter president. She earned a BA in Education at Harris Teachers College in St. Louis and taught primary grades for several years. She later worked in business and , after returning to school for library studies, returned to teach ing for several years, middle school this time . Carolyn then served with Library Services Division of St. Louis Public Schools, retiring as the Coordinator of Libraries in 1984.Carolyn married her college sweetheart upon his return from WW II . They were privileged to share 50 years to gether and raise two daughters. Her three grandchildren are the " light of her life" now. Carolyn is an active member of the I04 year old College Club of St. Louis and the United Church of Christ. She is on the Board of Directors of her high school alumni association and the Community Historical Society. She has also served as the ALT delegate to the St. Louis Alumnae Panhellenic for over 25 years. She is a past president and currently serves as their Scholarship Treasurer. Carolyn has been a member of the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter for 62 years and is currently serving as treasurer. She first became a member of the National Staff as a Chapter Adviser, was the Executive Secretary of Central Office (National Headquarters in St. Louis), was National Rush Chairman (Membership Recruitment Coordinator), National Parliamentarian, and NPC Delegate. Carolyn has been honored with many awards. She received the Ada A Norton Award ,Top Tau Award ,Anchor Award , Mary Louise Doyle Panhellenic Award , and the Order of the Yellow Rose.
Anna Margaret Young Rhodes retires after service as one of the original members selected by the Past National Presidents to join the Board ofTrustees in 1990. She earned a B.S. in Education from Madison College Uames Madison University) in 1955. In 1952, she was initiated as a member of Psi Chapter where she served as "Pledge Chairman," (New Member Educator). In 1960, she earned a Masters in Education at the University ofVirgin ia. Anna Margaret's professional career spans over 36 years where she has worked as an elementary teacher, elementary principal, and an instructional specialist in higher education. She is a member of Delta Kappa Gamma Honorary Society where she served as President and Vice Pres ident; the Methodist Church, she served as Scout Leader, Sunday School teacher, Superintendent of the Children's Sunday School, and Church Board member. Her community involvement includes: Local Parish of the DAR;AAUW Virginia Beach and the Virginia Division; Norfolk City Union of the King's Daughters. She is also a life member of the PTA "Miss Young" became Mrs. Donald H. Rhodes 45 years ago. They have two sons and three grandchildren . Anna Margaret served as an active member and President of the Roanoke and Tidewater,Virginia Alumnae Chapters. She also served as President of the Tidewater Alumnae Panhellenic three times! Nationally, Anna Margaret served as Housing Chairman, lternate NPC Delegate, NPC Delegate and as local chairman of the Virginia Beach National Convention. She has been honored as she received the Mary Louise Doyle Panhellenic Award and was recognized as a Sustainer of Alpha Sigma Tau at the Centennial Convention.
36 • THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
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man:~a Drouyor DECamp Martha Drouyor pledged Alpha Chapter at Eastern Michigan College in 1958, where she earned her BS in Homemaking and Vocational/Occupational Education. She was presented her SO year certificate at Convention this summer. She has served as Alpha Chapter President,Ypsilanti Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter President, National Student Loan Chair, National Social Service/Philanthropy Chair, Director of Fraternity Programs, National President, and now is a member of the Board of Trustees. Martha has received the following awards: Collegiate Top Tau, Ada A. Norton, Order of the Yellow Rose, and Sustainer. Her mother, Gertrude Drouyor endowed the Martha Drouyor Belknap DeCamp Outstanding Philanthropy Award through the Foundation to recognize a member for leadership in philanthropy and service. Dr. Edward Jervey,Aipha Lambda Chapter Adviser, established the Edward Jervey/Martha DeCamp Award to honor the highest achieving chapter at each convention. She has taught home economics in secondary school in Michigan as well as being a home economist for Cuisinart Food Processor Corporation, Berndes Cookware Company, and Calphalon Cookware Corporation in California and the state ofWashington . She and Sam DeCamp moved back to Michigan after she completed her term as National Presidenct. She has two sons: Ralph and John Belknap and his wife Kelly Evans Belknap. Martha states that although it is impossible to ever repay Alpha Sigma Tau for what she has received , she is driven to try. She says that volunteering for service in our Sorority will perpetuate our values and experiences for other young women . She hopes to touch their lives with and by our Creed. She states that the statistics above are just that, statistics. Her real treasures are her friendships which span time and history and enrich her life beyond all measure.
Pa'trtCta L naylE Patricia earned a BS in Home Economics Merchandising at Southeastern Louisiana University (SLU) in 1974. 1nitiated into Phi Chapter in 1971 , Pat served as Historian, Vice President and Treasurer andreceived the chapter's Top Tau award. Pat was involved in other campus organizations, including holding the office of President of the Student Union Board. For her campus work, she received the Student Union Board Outstanding Service Award , and was elected to "Who's Who in Fraternities and Sororities of America" and "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges." Pat was elected to SLU 's Thirteen Club hono r society and Ph i Kappa Phi, national honor society for scholastic achievement. Her biggest honor at SLU was rece iving the 1974 "Outstanding Female Greek" award, given annually to the outstanding sorority woman for contributions to her sorority and the university. As a senior in college, Pat attended her first national convention in 1974, caught the ALT fever at an early age, and has attended every convention since then. In April 2007, Pat retired from 32 years of employment working for Texas' state agencies. For 16 of those years, she was employed as a Human Resources Officer. Due to an agency reorganization, Pat moved to the Client Services Contract department managing contracts fo r children and families . In her last eight years, she was the Contract Administrator for the agency's Ch ild Protective Services division in the Houston and surrounding counties. Pat has been a member of the Houston Alumnae Chapter since 1975, holding various positions. Between 1976 to 2002, Pat held the following National positions: National Historian ( 1976 1980), District President ( 1980 1983), Director of Expansion ( 1983 1987), National President ( 1986 1992),Aiumnae Expansion Coordinator ( 1992 1996), NPC Delegate ( 1992 1994), and Director of Alumnae ( 1996 2002). She also worked on the constitution revisions, headquarters, and communications committees. She presently serves on the Handbook Revisions Committee. Pat has been honored as a recipient of the Order of the Yellow Rose and Ada A. Norton Awards . She was named as one of the Sorority's Sustainers at the 2000 convention . For her employment and volunteer service, she was awarded membership in several "Who's Who" registries. As an active member in her church, Pat worked on the Missions Committee and in Singles Ministry; she also volunteers at a local Assistance Ministry. She currently serves as a Board member of Spirit Key, Inc., a non profit organization ded icated to re entry of ex offenders into society. Pat considers it a privilege and honor to serve on the Alpha Sigma Tau Board of Trustees.
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THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 37
38 • THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
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25th an niversary celebration
At the 2008 Convention in Chantilly, VA, the Foundation celebrated it's 25th anniversary during a breakfast on Friday, June 7, 2008. At this breakfas t, the Foundation recognized scholarship recipients and changes in donor levels. The National Foundation awarded 20 scholarships in the amount of $6,750 for the academic year 2008-2009. Rose Marie Schmidt PhD and Charlotte Evans Floyd were recognized for their generou do~ations to the Foundation. D r. Schmidt's cumulative donations exceed $160 000· Mrs. Floyd's cumulative donations exceed $70,000. ' ' In 5 years, highlights of the
ational Foundation include:
• AIT ational H eadquarters ational Headquarters established in current location in 1994; Sorority moved to Birmingham in 1981. The National Headquarters building includes the ALT Sorority office, the ational Foundation office, and the ALT archives. There is also a commemorative brick walkway at the ational Headquarters.
• A IT S ororiry The Foundation sponsors sp eakers at ALT Convention, Officer Academies, other workshops and seminars. In 2007-2008, the Foundation funded "Mom onnie"- onnie Cameron Owens at the eight Regional Leadership Workshops (RLWs) and speakers at the Officer Academy held in June 2007. The Endowment Fund is a vital source to the Foundation. A portion of the Initiation Fee collected by the Sorority is de ignated for this fund. Interest from the Endowment Fund provides the fund s to support educatio nal programming to the orority through grants.
• Endowed Education Fund (EEF) This fund was established in 2001. The purpose of the Endowed E ducation Fund is to fund (from the interest on the fund) educational grants to the Sorority. To date, the EEF has grown to over $51,000 thanks to all of you and yo ur gifts, pledges and brick orders! Because the Sorority continues to leave a lasting impression on the lives of young women from all walks of life, the EEF will also continue to impact and improve their lives through educational programming that the Sorority provides as a result of these foundation grants. The Foundation's goal for EEF $75,000 by 2011.
• Scholarships The Foundation has established 50 nam ed scholarships; 34 of these 50 are full y endowed and eligible for awarding of the scholarship each year. Applications are available online and are sent to chapters each year.
• Pine Mountain Contributions In the past 25 years, ational Foundation do nations to Pine Mountain have funded essential equipment, renovations to several buildings; stonework to outdoor facilities; and the establishment of the Sybil King Community Room. ALT sisters have participated in the Summer Reading Camp at Pine Mountain since 2004. The ALT ational Foundation/ Pine Mountain Settlement School Intervention E ndowment was established in 2000 to en ure Pine Mountain's community program would continue into the future. This program provides funding for three teachers at three local schools to help children who are struggling with basic reading and math skills. In the 21 years since the program began, it is estimated that 1200 students have benefited fro m this program. The Foundation thanks you for your continued support. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need further information. The Alpha Sigma Tau H om epage will soon have an updated ational Foundation page. Watch for detail . www.alphasigmatau.o rg
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THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau • 39
2008-2009 Scholarship Recipients The ational Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of 2008-2009 Alpha igma Tau ational Founda·ti~n cholarship · 7 The recipients were announced at the ational Foundation Breakfast held durmg the 2008 ConYentJ.on m Chantill), \A.
General Scholarships Amanda Pitt, Delta Chi, Christian Brothers University, eruor, History Lois Schweikert O'Dell ($3750) Colleen Coffey, Delta Eta, azarene Rose Marie Schmidt ($3 50) Stephanie Ring, Epsilon Zeta, Communication & Biology Lenore Seibel King($ 750)
niversity, Graduate, E dD
niver ity of V College at Wise,
niver ity, enior,
Jennifer Longo, Delta Chi, niversity of Memphis, Graduate, Law Founders Centennial ($1500) Jennifer Longo, Delta Chi, University o f Memphis, Graduate, Law Effie E Lyman Memorial Scholarship ($1000) Amy Miller, Gamma Tau, Lebanon Valley College, Senior, Music education Meda Ray E lliott Sewell ($150) Tara Thallmayer, Delta Zeta, East Stroudsburg Senior, Health Services Adminisrration Elizabeth Wilson/ D orothy Robinson ($150)
Iegan Burton, Delta 11, Beloit ollege, enior, Theatrical deign Thoma ]. King, Jr. ( 150) I atherine Jone , Delta lpha, Gannon University, Junior, Premed/ Biology arrie Wa hburne taehle ( 1000)
Kelley Rouse, Delta Alpha, Gannon Biology Edith Iinerva Elliott ( 50)
Joanne Rupprecht, Psi, niversity of Georgia, Graduate, Speech language pathology June E . McCarthy ($1 750) Magdalena Salazar, Beta Tbeta, t. Mary's Criminology & Spanish Mary Louise Mandrea D oyle ($1500)
Jennifer Erb, Delta Alpha, Florida tate University, Graduate, fB Charlotte Evan Floyd ( 150)
niver ity, Junior, Pre- led /
Jennifer Gerhardt, Gamma Psi, Ia . College of Phar macy & H ealth cience, Graduate, ur ing Ferne humate Phipp ( 750) tephanie Conner, Alpha Gamma, Hender on tate Univer ity, enior, ursing & Busincs D r. ara H. Cree ( 500) Brittiny Bach, Delta Pi, Oglethorpe Adrnini rration K aren]. Beggs Iemorial ($500)
niversity, Junior, Busines
Rachel Bourgeoi , Phi, outheastern Loui iana Organizational Communication fary Charle Adams Ashby ( 500) K atie Chengery, Beta Delta, Duque ne Law D onna 1\Iarie Grenier ( 50)
niver ity, eruor,
niYer ity, Graduate,
Chapter Scholarships Cindi Clarke, Sigma, State University College at Buffalo, enior, Early childhood education Lois Anne Cooke ($1750) icole Charleton, Beta Pi, Lewis Beta Pi Chapter ($ 50)
niversity, Graduate, Family & Consumer ctence
Application forms are sent to each chapter in January and are al o available in the Foundation ection of the Alpha igma Tau ationa} H omepage - The completed application and all required attachm nt are ro be p rmarked b,· !\larch 1.
40 • THE A NCHO R of Alpha Sigma Tau
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being an alumna, alumnae in action
I alumnae
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To many people the term "Sorority" is directly related to college years and college reunion or Homecoming events. In reality, although most members' most active Sorority involvement is at the collegiate level, the mere existence of the Sorority relies heavily on the alumnae members. They are the leaders - the infrastructure that allows the National Organization to exist and prosper and to offer the wonderful Sorority experience that bu ilds character, leadership skills, and lifelong friendships to incoming students. Without alumnae involvement, sororities would cease to exist. As each of us was initiated into our sisterhood, we vowed and promised continued support at the alumnae level. Alpha Sigma Tau offers members much flexibility in becoming involved and staying connected . Alumnae activities are organized on the basis of where you currently live, not where you attended college . For those individuals who do not reside near others, an " Anchor Chapter" membership keeps you connected. The most intense and time consuming alumnae involvement would be a Council or Staff position. These voluntary positions keep the organization functioning on the staff or advisory level. For most sisters, alumnae association membership fits more easily into their busy schedules. Alumnae members generally meet on a monthly or quarterly basis. The alumnae groups are much less structured and are not as time consuming for members. They run on a more social agenda with philanthropic projects and fun events thrown in for good measure! They allow us to both continue our friendships and develop new ones when relocating to new areas. They provide a common bond and a great network of sisters nationwide. Our alumnae organization also provides for individuals who were not initated into a sorority during college to join our sisterhood as alumnae affiliates. This allows us to expand our membership base and share our sisterhood with individuals who are interested.
The picture is complete onlY when each PUZZle piece is in Place - where do you fit in? .Cl • THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Fall/Winter 2008
www.alohasll!mata u.o r"
Volunteer your Titne! By Knstm Walker, Alpha Lambda, Nominations Coordinator
The opportunity to volunteer is a special and worthwhile way to honor the vows each member makes at Initiation. Serving as a volunteer is challenging, stimulating, interesting, rewarding, and ever changing. Being a volunteer allows you to step beyond your chapter ties and become a part of a larger circle of sisterhood within Alpha Sigma Tau. Because of women like you, who are leaders, philanthropists, scholars, and are willing to share their time and talents with the next generation of sisters, the betterment of Alpha Sigma Tau is inevitable. Alpha Sigma Tau is in search of qualified and dedicated women to fill volunteer positions within the National Organization. If you are willing to give of your time and talents in order to assist the Organization in living and retaining its values while keeping it relevant to the world today, then we have the positions for you .
Available Opportunities Alumnae Affiliate Chairman Alumnae Extension Coordinator Area Recruitment Coordinators Awards Coordinator Chapter Excellence Program Chairman Chapter Transitions Chairman Convention Coord inator Director of Fraternity Programs District Presidents Financial Assistants
Ho using Coordinator Local Convention Coordinators Membership Development Coordinator Milestone Anniversary Chairman Nominations - Advisory Parliamentarian Philanthropy Coordinator Risk Management Coordinators RLW/OA Coordinators
•• • • • • • •• • • • • • •
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e e • •
Getting Started So if you are interested in getting started in serving your National Organization, then simply complete this application. If you have any questions about any of the above positions or about getting involved in general, then please don't hesitate to contact Kristin Walker, Nominations Coordinator. (
•••••••••••••••• SallY Brancheau Belknap Being Convention Coordinator for four terms (eight years) has been challenging and very rewarding. One of my special gifts seems to be "troubleshooting" on site and executing the little details that make or break an event. My motto is, "if things go wrong and people don 't know it, I've done my job!" I love being involved. I love seeing the collegiate women being immersed in and having a say in her policies. I love being with my fellow alumnae women who get their energy from the collegians. Young and old , we come together, sharing a common bond and special sisterhood . I have met many amazing women, and I look forward to keeping those friendships and making new ones.
• • •
One thing we should always remember as sisters in ALT when we vo lunteer, whether it be for National President or Chapter Consultant, Convention Coordinator or Directo r of Extension, WE serve AIT ... AIT does not serve US.To help guide, pro-
sire for power.
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Jo I•n ,. nC,. rc Ie ~ . . . ·: ~:c~~~~~~~·i·~:~~u~a ;~~:e~~~hs:~~~d By Shelly Marie Redmond, Psi, Aiumnae Expansion Coordinator
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Alpha Sigma Tau's inCircle ™ is a secure online social and professional networking tool exclusively for members - both alumnae and collegians.Through In Circle ™, you can dynamically interact w ith other ALTs sisters who live in your area. • Share photos and blogs in a secure environment • Create and/or join groups that are built around shared interests, jobs, chapters, and locations It's so simple to join! Here 's what you do! • Go to • Click on 'Have you REGISTERED for Alpha Sigma Tau lnCircle yet? (far right) • Follow the easy steps to join our online community. • Develop profile. • Go to 'People' link to search for sisters. (top of page) • Search and JOIN groups! • Invite your Alpha Sigma Tau friends to register
Groups for all to join:
• New graduates. _This group is specifically developed for new graduates to d1scuss JOb mterv1ew sk1lls, resume tips, networking, moving tips. www.alphas
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THE ANCHOR of Alpha S igma Tau • 43
• Seniors/Collegians. This group is designed for seniors/collegians to network and encourage development in alumnae activities and career opportunities.
Groups to search for and create: • Your career or aspiring career. We have several groups includ ing ALT's in higher education, nurses, fitness and well ness, law, pre med , teachers, business, nonprofits, entertainment, etc. If your care~r. is not listed, create it! Uust a note, ~elly Marie Redmond did this with fitness and well ness; the group had members JOin that day!) • Your location. Groups range from cities, to states, to regions (for example, southwest). • Your class/university.
, ....
Questions? Send a quick email to Shelly Marie Redmond at sredmond@alphas
Members of the Emerald Chapter met at the 2008 National Convention in Chantilly, Virginia to celebrate Alpha Sigma Tau . The Emerald Chapter reception highlighted ways that our members can incorporate "green" living into our daily lives. Resources on energy conse rvation , organic products, eco travel and other "green" initiatives were provided to attendees by email after the event. The members of the Emerald Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau are a distinguished group of alumnae who have given the Sorority their time and talents for many years. The purpose of the Emerald Chapter is to maintain a communication system for its members , encourage its members to attend conventions, provide knowledge and expertise to the Sorority, and stay informed about the National Organization. The Emerald Chapter is composed of alumnae members who have served a minimum of four years, consecutively or non consecutively, in one or more National positions on the National Council, Staff, or as a Chapte r Adviser. Alumnae members who have attended a minimum of five National Conventions are also eligible for membersh ip. The Emerald Chapter meets at conventions and its members stay connected virtually between Conventions through the Alpha Sigma Tau National Homepage, the inCircle social networking site, and via an e-newsletter, which will be distributed in W inter 2008.
Membership in the Emerald Chapter Please contact Jamie Jones Miller, Director of Alumnae, if you would like to join the Emerald Chapter or if you would like to update your contact information . The Emerald Chapter Member Update Form can be downloaded from the Alpha Sigma Tau website: content!uploads/2008/03/emerald chapter form.pdf and submitted to the Director of Alumnae by hard copy or email. If you haven't already signed up for inCircle, please visit: http://ast- and jo in the Emerald Chapter group! The Emerald Chapter is seeking submissions for the Winter 2008 edition of the e newsletter. Tell your fellow sisters what has been happening in your life! Please send your updates to EmeraldChapter@alphasigmatau .org by December I, 2008 for inclusion in the e newsletter.
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boston alumnae chapter With the annual contribution to Pine Mountain Settlement School as a cornerstone of their philanthropy efforts, the Boston Alumnae Chapter are proud of the collection of children 's books for the National Convention Philanthropy project, "The Reading Connection." The chapter was also thrilled to gather items for the second Convention Philanthropy project - collecting Alpha Sigma Tau related items for the National Convention raffle of which proceeds were earmarked for Pine Mountain Settlement School. Another project this Spring occurred Easter Sunday with Kelly Epperly as their volunteer for the Greater Boston Alumnae NPC philanthropy project. Kelly assisted with serving meals to homeless families at the Boston Rescue Mission. The Greater Boston Alumnae Pan hellenic Group is being reorganized. A planning meeting was held in January and beside serving a meal at the Boston Rescue Mission, the Alumnae Pan hellenic group held a networking event in pril in downtown Boston, attended by Yolanda Bauer. The cover charge will help fund a scholarship to a Boston area collegiate. summer time planning meeting is set for July, Cindy Thibault and Yolanda Bauer plan to attend. The chapter participated as a "vendor" at the National Convention in June at Chantilly,Va and sold tote bags with the Alpha Sigma Tau logo and the phrase, " Friendships Forged in Tradition." Plans are underway to continue selling these tote bags throughout the academic year. For more information, please contact Yolanda Bauer <> for information. Getting together to create their individual scrapbook pages for the National Convention Scrapbook entry, under the guidance of Beth Heinie; or hosting a " meet and greet" potluck at the home of District President, Shannan Hanson , with the area collegiate chapters and the alumnae chapter; or getting together to test their trivia skills for Pub Trivia Nights are a few examples of the fun and merriment they share as they exemplify the true meaning of All Sisters Together. If you plan to visit or are living in the Boston area and would like to join their meetings or social gatherings, they invite you to join them!
edwardsville alumnae chapter The Edwardsville Alumnae Chapter has been very busy. Starting the year with a barbeque at a member's home, the chapter created a display board for the Beta Eta chapter to use during recruitment. They joined Beta Eta and the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter for Founder's Day and attended a picnic hosted by Beta Eta in the spring. The chapter sent members to this past convention. The chapter's focus on philanthropy included the Light the Night Walk, making dinner for the Ronald McDonald House, Scouting for food with the Boy Scouts, and donations to the Glen Ed Food Pantry.
northern virginia alumnae chapter The theme for the year is "Virginia is for Sisters." January was kicked off with the Executive Committee planning meeting followed by their monthly event which included an even ing of pampering with Ma ry 46 • THE ANCHOR of Aloha Shzma Tau
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Kay products. President Kristin Walker, a Mary Kay consultant, donated 30% of the proceeds from the sales that evening back to the chapter. Other monthly meetings included working on the Convention scrapbook, Top Tau voting, sharing pizza and laughs, a "Girls Night Out" theme where we learned to play a new dice game courtesy of Marti Peter, a pot luck dinner and Member Inductions for four sisters. Some special events that the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter (NOVA) women were involved in during this half of the year included participating in purchasing items for the Warrior Room in Germany, collecting items for the Convention Philanthropy and "sponsoring" ALTs who are first year teachers in the Northern Virginia area. The chapter's participation in Alumnae Panhellenic events included members attending The Secret Garden put on by the Little Theatre of Alexandra, Virginia. This play is the major fundraiser for NVAP to help fund a scholarship for Pan hellenic women in the NOVA area. The chapter also nominated Vice President, Laura Clark, to represent NOVA in the third annual Northern Virginia Panhellenic Women of the Year Award. President Kristin Walker and Local Convention Coord inator Sarah Hinshaw participated in the NVAP Greek Goddesses team on June 7th in the Washington D.C. Race for the Cure.
phoenix/valley of the sun club Phoenix/Valley of the Sun Club members earned $200 in a gift wrapping fund raiser and donated the proceeds to Valley of the Sun Habitat for Humanity. Kenda Deleon and Cynthia McCrory helped serve food at the grand opening of the new Habitat for Humanity Restore in Mesa on February 23 , 2008. Six women attended the Annual Meeting at Cynthia's home on April 19 to plan events for the coming year. Elections were held and dues were paid. A lovely potluck lunch followed . Several new young members were welcomed with open arms. Five members and four spouses attended the comedy, Five Women Wearing the Same Dress on May I0 at the new Tempe Center for the Arts. The group enjoyed dinner at King's Fish House prior to the theatre. President Lisa Webb has made frequent trips to the Epsilon Alpha chapter in Prescott, serving as their Chapter Consultant.
st. louis alumnae chapter The St. Louis Alumnae Chapter was delighted to send five members to the recent National Convention - Carolyn Alexander, Margaret Bongner, Nancy Cook, Melanie Foster, and Janet Ulrich. What a great representation! The spring concluded with a luncheon tea in Valley Park, with even several husbands in attendance. The summer will bring a trip to see a special exhibit of Lee and Grant at the Missouri Historical Society Museum. Individual honors included Melanie Foster being honored by the Upsilon Chapter with a scholarship in her name , Carolyn Alexander being recognized by the St. Louis Alumnae Panhellenic Association for her 30+ years of service, and Clara Marin busily creating the Convention scrapbook. Members still hold meetings in their homes throughout the year, a long standing tradition and a great way to catch up on sisterly news. The chapter hopes to see new faces at upcoming events and want you to remember - you are an alumna forever in sisterhood.
tidewater alumnae chapter The Tidewater Alumnae Chapter continues to focus attention on local philanthropies. Needed items for battered women were collected and bagged. Samaritan House gave the bags to the women and children upon their arrival at the shelters.The chapter attended the Alumnae Panhellenic luncheon and fashion show. Gail Miller, Pan hellenic President and the chapter's
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2009 President, modeled. "Lifenet" was theme of a presentation by speakers Susie and AI Diaz, who became interested in organ and tissue donation following the death of their daughter. The final activity, back by popular demand , was a picnic and outdoor fun at Joyce Jonak's Hunt C lub. With the induction of Becky Winner and the in stallation of our 2008-2009 officers, the year has come to an end.
ypsilanti-ann arbor alumnae chapter The chapter started off the year with an annual pot-luck dinner. Not only is this the start of their working year, it's also a time to catch up on all the news from sisters. Linda Shapona retired and moved to Las Vegas which has left a big hole in the group. Elaine Habel and Sue Slick also retired and are enjoying their new found freedom . Kate Kilponen had a baby girl named Claire (her first) while Kelly Hornbacher had a baby boy named Max (her second). In the Fall the chapter participated in the annual Heart Walk at Eastern Michigan University in honor of beloved sister Joyce Berg.This is a fun and informative morning to educate members about heart disease and preventative measures. Joyce's family always attends and her memory lives on through her wonderful husband, children and grandchildren. Another Fall outing was working at a Habitat for Human ity store helping the customers locate items and helping restock shelves when needed.AII the items were donated and volunteers generously gave their time and the proceeds go to buy the material to build homes. Spring is always a special time as the chapter had their annual Mother's Day Luncheon. In addition to honoring moms, a recycling program was presented with favors being cloth bags from Target. The year ended with Sally Belknap winning Top Tau at Convention.A well deserved honor! Here's looking forward to another great year.
alumnae news
. The Alumnae Team is pleased to report the establishment of the following Hope Groups and Clubs: • Tri-Cities Michigan Hope Group: Sarah Marko Kavalauskas (smk I 0 • Dallas/Fort Worth Texas Hope Group:; • NewYork Metro Hope Group:AnnemarieWaitt ( • Central NJ Hope Group:Jennie Kuhns ( , • Southeastern Louisiana Alumnae Club: Amber Burch-Page ( ·Western Michigan Alumnae Club: Alicia Topa ( .
We are also pleased to announce that the following Alumnae Chapters are conducting membership drives in their area: · • Denver Chapter: Jennifer Marshall ( and Anne Todd • Houston Chapter: Pat Nayle ( and Tiffany Street ( Potential expansion areas: • Cleveland/Akron/Canton, OH: Michele Golob ( • Miami, FL: Elaine Rein ( For more information about how to form an alumnae association or how to get connected to an association in your area, please contact Jamie Jones Miller, Director of Alumnae at 48 • THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
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alpha . sigma¡ tau
2008-2009 Alumnae Dues Invoice Name First
Address Phone Number
(_ _) - - -
E-mail Address Collegiate Chapter Affiliation
Alumnae Dues
Educational Set-Aside Fund Legacy of 1899 Fund NPC Reserve Fund Total Payment Options
Check: Please submit this form along with your payment to Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters, 1929 Canyon Road, Birmingham, AL 35216. Please make your check payable to Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority. Check# _ __
Total: _ _ _ _ _ __
Credit Card: Please visit the [ALT] Marketplace on the Alpha Sigma Tau National Homepage at to pay your dues online. Why am I receiving this dues invoice?
Membership in Alpha Sigma Tau is a lifetime commitment, and by paying your annual dues, you are helping to meet the ever-increasing costs of operating our National Organization. Your Sorority Alumnae dues will support programs and services for all members. If you normally pay your alumnae dues through an organized alumnae association, please continue to pay In that manner. If you have questions concerning this invoice, please contact the National Headquarters at 205.978.2179 or Please remember to notify National Headquarters if you change your name or address after you have paid your alumnae dues.
SO â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alph Sigma Tau
Fall/W inter 2008
educational consultants travel for ast, get to know your ecs, setting sail on a six week tour, collegians on campus
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My name is Robin Burroughs Davis and I am the new member coordinator for Alpha Sigma Tau. By now you will have heard that we have launched a revised new member program. I wanted to give you some information about how it came about and what we hope it will accomplish. Last year Christina Covington, then Director of Fraternity Programs, asked me if I would help her revamp the new member program and manual. Our purposes in revising the materials were: a. b. c. d.
to streamline the materials and information so the program would fit into a six week new member education program; to make the new member programs consistent from chapter to chapter; to give the women effective tools to present the material without having to make their own lesson plans, activities, quizzes; and to model a program that includes positive sisterhood building activities with educational activities that eliminates opportunities for hazing.
As I mentioned, we had a two part process in revising the manual and the materials. The manual revision was , in my opinion, the harder task and I am grateful that Chris took the lead on that project! The challenge was creating a manual that, again , could fit into a six week time frame but that could also serve as a resource to our new members long after their initiation into our sisterhood and alumnae organizations. Chris and I agreed that the main part of the manual would be basic information necessary for our new members to know to be able to pass their quizzes, the new member exam, and to be able to participate in ritual ceremonies. The appendix contains information that is important reference material, the names of all the NPC member groups and their founding dates and locations. Once the manual revision was underway in the spring and summer of 2007, it was time to tackle the lesson plans and materials. The manual is structured sequentially so the new members and new member educators can follow the information from week to week, each week building upon the prior week's information. The new member educators have syllabi which include outlines of the lessons including each week's theme, activity, readings. ritual passages and songs begin each new chapter in the manuai.The structure helps maintain consistency and keeps the program on track to a successful six week completion. Supplemental materials for the new member educators include a series of power point presentations that lead the new members through each week's lesson. The materials also include the weekly activities with directions on how to facilitate them as well as the weekly quizzes. We did not want the new member educators to be overwhelmed by the responsibility of educating the new members and we wanted to make sure the new members had a chance to meet the chapter officers and learn about their duties . One way we
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addressed this concern was by having "guest speakers" at the weekly new member meetings.You will find in the lesson plans that the chapter president introduces the new members to the purpose of Alpha Sigma Tau, the chapter's alumnae liaison introduces new members to the alumnae association, and the recruitment director introduces new members to the fundamentals of recruitment.The new members still attend chapter meetings so they are not surprised about the "inner workings" of chapter business. Another key component of chapter business is recruitment. We have frequently had chapters ask us how to introduce new members into the recruitment process.There was a time when it seemed in "bad taste" to invite someone to join our organization and then immediately press them to recruit their friends .What is in bad taste about spreading friendship? You will see that we begin to talk with our new members about recruitment the first week.They need to know the glossary of terms, the cycle of recruitment for each campus, what we value in our members and seek to find in new members, and how we host recruitment events. Each meeting, again building on the previous, new members identify potential new members, plan a mock recruitment event, host the event, evaluate the event for effectiveness, and plan for a "live" recruitment event with the chapter. Recruitment is a natural part of membership and we need our new members to feel comfortable in this role. By the end of fall 2007, we had a program we could pilot.We had a few chapters who were willing to pilot the program in the spring of 2008 and help us work out the kinks. Overall the feedback has been positive but a few questions linger and I'd like to address them below. I) 2)
How do we include enough time for our new members to meet and get to know the chapter members? The activities are designed to help the new members get to know each other and the larger membership. What if the college is closed during our new member program and we can't do it within six weeks? Six weeks is the time frame but we recognize the cycle of the college and university campus. If week four in the program falls during mid term exams, by all means pause the program and pick it back up again the next week. If there is another reason or impediment for completing the program, please contact the National New Member Coordinator. Can we still include chapter history and traditions? We want chapters to include chapter history and traditions in the program and have left time and space for this to happen. What cannot happen are negative traditions that linger despite their disrespect for the individual and their dangerous nature. If chapters or their advisors are uncertain whether or not an activity crosses the line from positive to risky, I ask them to please contact me so we can discuss it. If chapters want to achieve a certain goal - getting to know each member on an individual basis for example - and are having difficulties figuring out what activities will help meet that goal, again please call the National New Member Coordinator so we can work together on it. How do I know if a traditional chapter activity might be considered hazing? In general, any activity or behavior that stigmatizes an individual or group or intimates that an individual or group is less than another could be considered hazing. If the goal is for the new members to meet the sisters, then activities that include the entire chapter are better. The new member educator could pull names from a hat to pair new members with initiated members during philanthropy or service projects, for example. Again , if a chapter is unsure about any of its activities, it is better to ask the chapter adviser or the National New Member Coordinator.
What is missing? What we hope is missing is anything that could be construed as hazing. In the first meeting we introduce the new members to the Call for Values Congruence, educate them about what hazing is in their new member manuals and through an online hazing prevention course, and provide them with our national caller-identity protected anti-hazing hotline number and national headquarters telephone number so they can report hazing if they experience it.We only keep secret and private those details that are only revealed during the initiation process.When and where initiation is to take place is not a secret and is to be disclosed within the first meeting so everyone may appropriately plan and prepare. New members do not have to earn their letters. We are clear in the manual and in the lessons that uninitiated members can wear letters and that they should get their first pair of letters in the first week of the new member program. They can receive the crest at initiation and wear the initiated member Badge following initiation and those are our only restrictions. There was a new member education program orientation at Convention, a training call for advisers in September and the new member directors will be one of the four officers at the 2009 Officer Academy; we will continue our discussion and training on the program with them then. By now almost all of our chapters will have completed the new program. All of the materials are accessible online on the National Homepage. It is our hope that the chapters find the material and the presentation concise and accessible. Our emphasis remains on the fundamentals of our sisterhood - our values, our history, our ritual. Implementing the program is not the sole responsibility of the new member educator; we have truly tried to incorporate All Sisters Together. 1 want to thank the chapters who piloted the program and those sisters - national staff, collegiate members, and chapter advisers - who have helped refine the program. We continue to strive for excellence and I welcome any comments or suggestions as we move forward .
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~----------------arkansas The Alpha Mu Chapter won Sorority of the Year. The newest phi lath ropy they participate in is the Prescription Program where money is donated to local pharmacies to help the elderly who are consumed by their prescription finances.
california The Gamma Upsilon Chapter competed against fellow Greeks at the California State University, Los Angleles every Thursday night playing sports such as soccer basketball, volleyball, and football.
colorado The Delta Psi Chapter was given the opportunity to work at the 2007 World Series! The chapter was in charge of running one of the many pizza concession stands in the ball park and in exchange was given a percentage of sales.
florida The Epsilon Epsilon Chapter established their first new member class, participated in breast cancer and diabetes walks, and hosted a Super Bowl Feast in the rec reational center of the university and an informational presentation on the Genocide in Darfur.
georg1a The Delta Pi Chapter enjoyed their new office and hall. Still without a sorority house , the chapter now has their own private office and the first floor of the newest dormitory on campus to call their own .The office is not too far from the hall, making it very convenient. Their local philanthropy is the Ronald McDonald House, preparing food for the seriously ill children and their families that stay at the house while rece iving treatment at nearby hospitals. The Epsilon Gamma Chapter held a two-week fund raiser for Pine Mountain Settlement School, a scrapbooking project for Habitat for Humanity, and the ir Yellow Rose Ball. Programming included an MG&D Lock-in and an Alcohol, Drugs and Hazing Risk Management Seminar.
illinois The Alpha Epsilon Chapter raised money and walked all night long at Western Illinois University's Relay for Life. Britany Reed, former president, was also awarded the crown of Greek Goddess.The chapter had the first ever Family Weekend Luau including an all day open-house, sit down dinner, awards ceremony, and a silent auction raising over $2,200 for the American Cancer Society.
The Beta Pi Chapter at Eastern Illinois University reports one of the greatest achievements was a new member class of 23. Other successes include a great homecoming week, .a wonderful phi lanthropy event coinciding with the World Series, many social events and sisterhoods to strengthen friendsh ips. The Delta Delta Chapter planned a Membership Growth and Development event each month to help keep the bond of sisterhood strong within the chapter. Delta Delta volunteered for Hustle Up the Hancock, an annual Chicago event that raises money for the American Lung Association of Metropolitan Chicago and in Shamrocks for Kids, an annual event run to raise money for Mercy Home for Boys and Girls.
indiana The Epsilon Kappa Colony has already been a presence on campus, participating in the Take Back the Night March. Multicultural Night, attended Habitat's Movie night to learn more about our national community service project. and in the campus' first Disabilities Awareness day. As a colony they have focused on learning more about Alpha Sigma Tau; they have started new member education lessons and attended training programs led by their Educational Consultant.
maryland The Gamma Zeta Chapter introduced potential new members to life as an Alpha Sigma Tau through an info r mat ion
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----------------night, Fall in Love with ALT. highlighting sisterhood, strong values, friendships, and philanthropy while painting flower pots for Habitat for Humanity and a local nursing home. The night ended with a slideshow about what Alpha Sigma Tau means to them - sisterhood and sorority life.
massachusetts The Gamma Phi Chapter donated lunches to one of the Habitat for Humanity work sites, held a fundraiser at a restaurant in North Andover raising money for Habitat for Humanity while eating a few burgers and participated in Relay for Life. The Gamma Psi Chapter's recruitment theme was "Taullywood." Events included an information night, a skit night, and a philanthropy night (which highlighted both the National and Local Philanthropic Projects and included a self-defense workshop) . The chapter continued to participate at Gillette Stadium on Sundays and look forward to it next semester.
michigan The Alpha Chapter created care packages for the Ozone House and walked in the 3rd annual Heart Walk - held in honor of beloved Chapter Adviser, Joyce Berg The Beta Chapter has worked on contributing to the Greek community. - with members serving on Panhel as Treasurer, GAMMA Peer Advocates (a program that GAMMA has set up to help raise awareness about different difficult subjects around the Greek community), .members of the Greek Judicial Board, and GAMMA's Executive Board. The chapter is proud to be becoming one of the bigger sororities on campus. The Beta Xi C hapter sponsored the Vagina Monologues on campus and were busy building a snow statue as part of Michigan Tech's Winter Carnival celebration. In the past five years the chapter has placed first in this competition four times. The Panhellenic Council organized a girl scout learn ing day helping local girl scouts earn merit badges. The Beta Ch i Chapter hosted " Shopping for a Cure," which raised money for breast cancer, hosted a successful cookie jar sale, and were involved in "Take Back the Night," "Walk for Warmth," and " Bowl ing for Kids." The Gamma Delta Chapter participated in various philanthropic activities including the Hearts and Hands Walk for Autism and the Clothesline Project and created back to school care packages for a local elementary school. Fund raising efforts of the chapter were also kicked into overdrive this semester to prepare for the upcoming convention and the chapter managed to raise upwards of $1700.The most profitable fundraiser was Barrett's Haunted Mansion in which all of the sisters were transformed into all sorts of ghouls and goblins and placed within the haunted house to act for the night.The chapter worked in conjunction with Gillette Stadium as security for various events, including Patriots games. Over the past semester the Delta Tau Chapter began to involve themselves into the community as well as try new things - participating in the AIDS Walk Detroit for the second year in a row, volunteered at a local soup kitchen, adopted a family for Christmas, prepared care packages for a shelter and supported the chapter president participate in a triathlon in Washington DC.
new Jersey The Beta Omega Chapter participated in the Martin Luther King Junior Day for children making unsung hero ¡cards, sold candy grams for Valentine's Day. raising over one hundred dollars in candy grams and presented the event of Beauty and the Greek - a way to involve all the students to come together to compete for prizes. The Gamma Rho Chapter volunteered at Overlook Hospital , partici pated in a campus wide blood drive and worked tables for National Smoke Out Day. Through Seton Hall, the chapter left their own lasting impression by purchasing a brick from the Student Government
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The Gamma Chi Chapter hosted ALT Amateur Night fo r a ph ilanthropy fun draise r, celebrated Women's History M~nth with diffe.r ent. activit ies, such as a self defense lesson, an HPV awareness event and Adopt-a-Spot o n camp us. Ana Sanchez was the Pres1dent of the Mmonty Association of Pre-Med Students, a club at W ill iam Paterson Unive rsity. Thro ugh her club she coordinated a spring break trip for Habitat for Humanity sponsored by the Student Government Association.
The Epsilon Theta Colony held bake sales to raise money for the Gay Men's Health Alliance, raised money fo r and participated in the AIDS Walk New York and Breast Cancer Awareness W al k., partici pated in as many school functi o ns as possible, and raised money for a young pregnant woman who lost her mother and everything she owned in a horrible fire .
new york The Gamma Epsilon Chapter sold soups and cookie dough to friends, family. schoolmates, and professors. They anxiously anticipated their 20th Anniversary Alumnae Weekend with a huge turnout. The Delta Phi Chapter initiatied the Eta class - the first group of wo men to partici pate in formalized recruitment, a new implementation at the university. Girls who exhibited true CHASS were accepted as a welcome add ition to the chapter.The acronym, created by the then Recruitment Director Lisa Hurwitz, stands for Classy, High Energy, Achievement-O riented, Sensitive, Sweetheart. Lisa also serves as the only Student Member of the Board for A large group of sisters made the trip uptown to Central Park to participate in Making Strides which helped raise money for Breast Cancer Awareness. The sisters also raised money on the streets of the city by selling ribbons.Their efforts helped bring in close to $5000 to contribute to the American Cancer Society.
north carolina The Delta Rho Chapter continued to be involved not only on campus but also in the co mmunity. The chapter participated in Relay for life and Habitat for Humanity, fundraised selling Krispy Kreme donuts and candles.
oklahoma Twenty girls from the Upsilon Chapter attended the Regional Leaders hi p Wo rkshop Conference in Memphis,Tennessee. They learned how to be a leader, not only in the room, but also in life . The Epsilon Delta Chapter visited ch ildren at Hillcrest hospital and brightened their days. MG&D presentations to the chapter included "Sex, Liquor, and Lies," Women's Health Talk and the importance of safe sex and abstinence.
pennsylvania The Delta Chapter held their annual Miss. IUP scholarsh ip pageant for all girls o n campus, raising money for local philanthropies, Pine Mountain Settlement School and Habitat for Humanity. The chapter cleaned part of Ro ute 422 two times for Adopt-A-Highway, decorated a rocking chair and then sat in it for twenty four hou rs to raise money, and deco rated a Christmas tree that would be judged and placed on one of the buildings on campus. The Alpha Xi Chapter participated in Habitat for Human ity - whe re members participated in cleaning, unloading and loading trucks and tearing down ceilings and walls for a building being remodeled into a Salvatio n Army.The chapter sponsored a Battle of the Bands to raise money for the Pine Mountain Settlement School. The Alpha Pi Chapter developed activities related to past semeste rs - "Sister Bingo" where each member submitted clues and everyone guessed them on a bingo sheet to get to know each other bette r, "Piecing together t he passage ,"where the girls learn about the organization and what it is all about, and "Who wants to be an ALT." a fo rm of jeopardy. The Alpha Tau Chapter's recruitment theme was "Just like a little black dress, being fabulous never goes out of style !" The chapter participated in a Habitat fo r Humanity event, attended the RLW at Ganno n and actively participated in the other Greek organization's philanthropies on campus. The Beta Delta Chapter helped the Pittsburgh co mmunity by participating in Keep It Clean South side, a community service project cleaning up Pittsbu rgh neighborhoods. The chapter o rganized Miss Duquesne Pagent, the most successful fundraising event on Duquesne's campus. T stickers along w ith Hershey kisses.The The Gamma Theta Chapter increased their visibility o n campus by handing out Kissed by an chapter's philant hropic e ndeavo rs included Adopt-a-highway, t he March of Dimes walk, Habitat for Humanity. and Mr. and Miss Penn State Behrend Pageant.
58 â&#x20AC;˘ THE A NCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
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----------------The Gamma Tau Chapter participated in many fund raising activities including: online surveys,Valleyfest events, and food deliveries for The Underground - a fast-food restaurant. Every week there are two delivery nights where the chapter will receive any tips from deliveries. Through, the chapter filled out surveys throughout the school year. Valleyfest, an annual event held for the community and students, acts as a big carnival ending the night with an evening concerts. The Delta Theta Chapter raised money for several different causes including:The Pine Mountain Settlement School and a new up incoming organization known " Rainbows" - an organization helping children growing up in broken homes because of the death of a parent(s) o r divorce. The Chapter made welcome wreaths for Habitat for Humanity. Fundraising activities included selling "safety packs" which contained pepper spray, rape whistles, and magnets. The magnets contained phone numbers for victims rights hotlines, hospitals, and SAFE nurses for victims of rape or other random violence. This fundraiser was in response to a female student on the campus being stabbed walking back to her dormitory. The positive response from the entire campus was so overwhelming that they sold out of our packets within a week. At the beginning of the spring semester, the Delta Sigma Chapter hit the ground running with its Las Vegas themed rush. Both the sisters and potential new members "Hit the Jackpot with ALT" by getting to know each other while playing cards and snacking on cupcakes. Delta Sigma chose to raise money by selling cute and clever T-shirts and a variety of tasty candy bars to the students at the Un iversity of the Sciences in Philadelphia. The sisters sponsored their second annual Women's Week on campus, which included a self defense class, movie night, and tea with the president's wife. The Delta Omega Chapter sponsered a blood drive , participated in Relay for Life taking shifts walking around the campus pond for twentyfour hours raising money for the American Cancer Society, made Valentine's Day cards for a Nursing Home, and donated Box Tops for education.
rhode island The Delta Iota Chapter put on a variety show to show off a little bit about the chapter to get potential new members excited for the upcoming weekend. Delta Iota got football jerseys specially made just for this event that were green and gold with ALT on the front and then either nicknames or last names on the back along with scroll numbers.
tennessee The Delta Eta Chapter filled their Advisory Board, created a new chapter communications system, participated in extensive values and leadership training, including traveling to Memphis for the Regional Leadership Workshop and participating in the inaugural Belmont Institute for Greek Growth, initiated more members into Order of Omega than any other chapter on campus, and hosted their annual campus-wide social, Mardi Tau, wh ich was also a fund raiser for Pine Mountain Settlement School. With a member as Pan hellenic president, the chapter is looking forward to even more Panhellenic involvement and supporting the new NPHC groups on campus. The Delta Mu Chapter held game nights, bonfires, movie nights, bowling nights, and dinner parties with potential new members. The Delta Chi Chapter decorated pillow cases to take to either St. Jude's Hospital or LeBonheur, and held a bake sale to raise money for the Cynthia Milk Fund.
texas The Beta Theta Chapter participated in Continuing the Heritage, a campus wide community service project sponsored by the Marianist Leadership Program and spent an afternoon at a local elementary school helping teachers prepare for their semester and upcoming standardize testing sessions.
west virginia The Omicron Chapter scheduled a second trip to the Pine Mountain Settlement School. The Gamma Mu Chapter more than doubled their membership this past recruitment period.
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v1rg1n1a The newly founded Four-Star Sister program of the Psi Chapter from James Madison University has done wonders to promot.e increased involvement and service within the chapter. Sisters earn points by attending social and sisterhood events as well as for supporting other chapters' philanthropy, different community service projects, and scholarship accomplishments. At the end of the semester, points are tall ied and those women that earned Four-Star Sister status will be recognized at the annual Parents' Banquet in April. The Parents' banquet is always a favorite for the Psi Chapter since they are able to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of both individual sisters and the chapter as a whole. The banquet is also a send-off for graduating seniors who will sadly be leaving in May and becoming Alpha Sigma Tau Alumnae .
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