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30 features 4
Founders' Day Proclamation
The Anchors in Our Lives
Meetjim Alpha Sigma Tau welcomes Jim Paponetti, Executive Director this past spring.
departments 6 8 14 24
Reader's Guide Sorority News Alumnae in Action Collegians on Campus
2009 F
ONE HUNDRED AND TEN YEARS AGO THIS NOVEMBER 4TH , eight incredible young women and their advisers founded Alpha Sigma Tau: a Sisterhood that has changed the lives and filled the hearts of over 45,000 women ac ross th e world. They wanted to create a perpetual bond with the highest standards for membership, and eventua lly national operations. But we've always been a progressive group of women leaders. Throughout our histo ry,Aipha Sigma Tau has embraced many changes to serve our members, advance our purpose and share our vision . Over the last century, we have: Grownrown from a handful of collegiate and alumnae chapters to 86 collegiate chapters and colon ies and 45 alumnae associations.We consistently average 3-5 new colonies each year and have implemented innovat ive ways to connect alumnae .This year we will publish the 3rd edition of the Alpha Sigma Tau Alumnae Directory to connect ou r members. Expanded the publication of THE ANCHOR from a card stock vers ion to a semi-annual, full-colo r, 44-page magazine; added the print and then on-line versions ofTHE CREST for alumnae; established a firm presence on the Inte rnet with the Alpha Sigma Tau National Homepage, Facebook Fan and Alumnae Pages and community connections on Lin kedIn, Twitter, Delicious etc ... ; developed on-line publications and resources in our members-only section of our webs ite with more innovations planned to advance our Sisterhood . Developed and expanded our values-based programming inclusive of ethics, etiquette and cultu ral t ra ining.W e have grown our member education programs to include a variety of topics over the years from cit izensh ip and wome n's suffrage to member safety, values-based recruitment and cutting-edge, on-line hazing prevention training. Led the NPC community by being the first sorority/women 's fraternity to raise its academic requ irement fo r membership from the standard 2.0 cumulative GPA to what is now an Alpha Sigma Tau 2.5 standard, producing a member average GPA of over a 3.0. Joined the Association of Education Sororities in 1926 and then in 1954 became proud members of the Natio nal Panhellenic Conference, holding the Chairmanship of the Conference from 1983-1985.Today, the Sorority is prepared, both financially and with seasoned alumnae leaders, to take this role on again in the near future .We hold leadersh ip roles in NPC and actively participate in the Capital Fraternal Caucus. Ou r collegians actively participate in their college Panhellenics, and we have established processes to grow our leadership in alumnae Panhellenics. Supported Penland School of Handicrafts, Piney Woods School , and Programs for Emotionally Disturbed Ch ildren as service projects throughout the years. In 1945 we selected Pine Mountain Settlement School as ou r National Philanthropy, and in 2004 we chose Habitat for Humanity International as our National Service Project. We have pro vided millions of volunteer service hours and millions of dollars in donations to our communities, ou r nation, our wo rld.
4 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of A lp ha Sigma Tau
Fall/Winter 2009
â&#x20AC;˘ Evolved from a paper-based reporting system to an on-line survey tool with new innovations on the horizon to link reporting, communications, member database and accounting software for real-time information to service our membership. Established a Headquarters in Columbus, OH, St. Louis, MO, then in Birmingham,AL, and now in Indianapolis, IN along with over 30 Greek colleagues. We are working toward an expanded executive staff to better serve our members and volunteers. Established a related Foundation that provides an avenue for our members to demonstrate their continuing passion for Alpha Sigma Tau by accepting tax-deductable donations for educational and philanthropic purposes.The Foundation helps to support our member education and philanthropic/service partners and provides scholarships and grants to our members. Developed our financial resources to provide an annual income enabling the Sorority to provide member services with the least amount of member dues increase possible. Over 70 years ago, the National Council embraced national financial standards to improve Sorority operations. This past year, we introduced new accounting software , new accounting firm, and financial policies for the National Organization. We also established a comprehensive financial system for our collegiate chapters to streamline money management, budgeting, collections and reporting through billhighway.com. Commemorated our silver, gold and diamond anniversaries, leading to our memorable Centennial Celebration . In IS years, we will honor our legacy of Sisterhood when we celebrate our I 25th Anniversary! Throughout Alpha Sigma Tau's history, our leaders have focused on ways to engage our members and provide a lifetime of exceptional experiences by having an infrastructure prepared for the future. So many things about the So rority have progressed over the past I I0 years, but our purpose, the meaning of our Ritual and our deep bonds of Sisterhood that we share each day have not changed, nor has our commitment to the gift we call Sisterhood .This Founders Day take the opportunity to connect with special sisters that touch your heart. On November 4, 2009,1et's remember the commitment we made to Alpha Sigma Tau and work to prepare her for a successful future while fostering the heritage of our Founders. Let us remember that Alpha Sigma Tau is
Friendships Forged in Tradition! Have a wonderful I I Oth Founders Day!
Christina Covington National President Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority
Fall/Winter 2009
THE ANCHOR of Alph a Sigm a Ta u â&#x20AC;˘ 5
the 0
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reader's guide THE ANCHOR is the official magazine ofAlpha Sigma Tau Sorority, and is published biannually by the Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority, 1929 Canyon Road, Birmingham,AL 352/6. How to Receive THE ANCHOR
Collegiate members receive THE ANCHOR through payment of their annual Sorority dues to their chapters. Copies are mailed to each undergraduate member's permanent address as designated on her membership list submitted to National Headquarters.
~ Alpha Sigma Tau is a National Sorority dedicated to promoting the ethical, cultural and social growth of our members. Founded at Michigan State Normal College (Eastern Michigan University), November 4, 1899, by Mable Chase, Ruth Dutcher, May Gephart, Harriett Marx, Eva O'Keefe, Adriance Rice, Helene M. Rice and Mayene Tracy. National Council National President: Christina Duggan Covington, Alpha Lambda National Vice President: Shelly Marie Redmond, Psi National Secretary: Tiffany Street, Delta Mu National Treasurer:Tammy Stegehuis Bonifield. Beta Xi Director of Alumnae: Jamie Jones Miller. Psi Director of Collegiate Chapters: Vacant Director of Extension: Laura Clark, Psi Director of Fraternity Programs: Kristin W alke r. Alpha Lambda Di rector of Publications:Vacant Board ofTrustees Chairman: Bobbie Nichols Tucker, Alpha Gamma Vice Chairman: Mary Ellen Willmitch, Alpha Rho Secretary: Martha Drouyor DeCamp, Alpha Mary Glor Bolton, Sigma Patr icia Nayle, Phi
National Foundation President: Julie Bel l Bruington, Iota First Vice President: Gail Shockley Fowler, Alpha Lambda Second Vice President: Debi McCain Pyszka, Alpha Nu Secretary: Charlotte Evans Floyd, Psi Treasurer : Rose Marie Schmidt, Theta Research & Development: Ri cki Ba rgman Trosen, Alpha Sigma Financial Development: Cynthia Peckhart McCrory, Alpha Alpha National Panhellenic Conference Alpha Sigma Tau Delegate: Elizabeth Knaus McOsker, Alpha Lambda First Alternate Delegate: Carol Zorger Mooney, Alpha Lambda Second Alternate Delegate: Jamie Jones Miller, Psi Third Alternate Delegate: Patricia Klausing Simmons, Delta
Alumnae members receive THE ANCHOR through payment of their annual alumnae dues to either National Headquarters or through their local alumnae association ($40 annually). How to Update Your Name and Address You may also contact Candace Mathews at cmathews@alphasigmatau.org or (205) 978-2 179. If you prefer to submit your information via US mail, please complete the form on the National Homepage and mail it to: Candace Mathews, Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters, 1929 Canyon Road , Birmingham,AL •35216. How to ContactTHEANCHOR THE ANCHOR, 1929 Canyon Road Birm ingham, AL •35216 (205) 978-2179 fax : (205) 978-2182 anchor@alphasigmatau.org www.alphasigmatau.org How to Send a Letter to the Editor Do you have a comment about an article in this or any other issue ofTHE ANCHOR? We want to hear from you! Letters to THE ANCHOR can be sent to the editor via email (anch or@alphasigmatau.org) ; regular mail (THEANCHOR, 1929 Canyon Road , Birmingham,AL•35216); or fax ((205) 978-2182). Please inclu de your name , chapter, school and year of initiati on. THE ANCHOR reserves the right to publish any letter addressed to the editor and edit for space and clarity. A Note to Parents of Collegians Your daughter's magazine is being mailed to her home address while she is in college. We hope you enjoy reading it too. If your daughter is no longer in college or living at home, please send us her updated address, as indicated above . Submission Deadlines Faii/Winter:July IS Spring/Summer: December IS
Alpha Sigma Tau National Home Page www.alphasigmatau.org National Headquarters 1929 Canyon Drive, Bi rmingham, AL 35216 Phone: (205)978-2179 Fax: (205)978-21 82 Email: headquarters@alphasigmatau.org
6 • THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Fall/Winter 2009
www.alphasigmatau .o rg
The Anchors in Our Lives When discussing topics for this edition of the Anchor, I was wondering what would be a good, relevant topic for ALL of us ... collegians and alumnae. We live in very trying times .. .the economy, violence, employment. People are downsizing their lives, living more simply. Staying home more.We're looking for anchors to hold on to as we manuever in the current rough seas of life . Home is certainly an anchor - a refuge and calm haven where we can be ourselves - and just BE. Fam ily is definitely an anchor for me . I just purchased my first home by myself and I don't know what I would have done without my mom, who went with me to view houses, and my siblings and their spouses who helped move boxes the two miles from apartment to my home. Faith is an anchor for many of us. Prayer and mediation provide a quiet place to escape and enjoy stillness. Alpha Sigma Tau is the anchor for all of us.We've been there for each other in happiness and sorrow, weddings, funerals , Conventions, RLW/OA, collegiate and alumnae chapter meetings, We've celebrated successes and consoled one another in failure and depression .When my dad passed away in November 2003, I received condolence cards from AST sisters from across the nation and flowers from my alumnae chapter,Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor. I was stunned and deeply touched at the thoughtfulness of my sisters, some of whom I'd only met at Convention. When I affiliated with Alpha Sigma Tau, one of my co-workers commented about 'buying friends '. He had pledged a fraternity in college, but decided it wasn't for him . I thought about that comment after Dad's death and how much the cards meant to me (I still have them , by the way). My fees bought 19,000 friends .That's a pretty good return on investment, don 't you think? The anchor is a powerful symbol of hope . Perhaps it is why our Founders chose it for our symbol. Maybe they were going through some turbulent times of their own and went looking for something to cling to - a stronghold of safety and security. A permanent anchor is called a " mooring". It is a place one can return to time and again . Alpha Sigma Tau is that mooring for us, if we let it. Our sisters are there in good times and bad; they cheer our successes, help mourn our losses, listen to our dreams, bring food and encouragement. Remember that you always have an anchor in Alpha Sigma Tau.
Sally Brancheau Belknap, Alpha Editor
Fall/Winter 2009
THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 7
sorority news Harris Connect
New Sorority Accounting Firm Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority announces the selection of Mauldin & Jenkins, LLC of Birmingham, Alabama as the Sorority's accounting firm. The Sorority began a search for an accounting firm to provide accounting, auditing and tax pre paration services. Eleven firms were contacted and interviewed with seven proposals received. The request for proposals issued to candidate firms followed the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc., recommendations on proposal content and evaluation. "The Sorority is pleased to form a partnership with M&J as our accounting firm ," said Chris Covington, National President. "Their longevity, large company knowledge, and small company responsiveness coupled with their non-profit experience, including student organizations, university foundations, and Greek organizations made them a natural fit with Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority." Hanson Borders and Jeff Fucito of Mauldin & Jenkins, LLC , indicate, "We want to support you in making Alpha Sigma Tau more successful. We do this by working hard to provide you with the best possible service, at the highest levels of quality, in a cost-effective manner and to offer substantive business advice and counsel to help you realize your goals."
Pmmc A ccootiTANT&, LLC
8 • THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Ta u
Fall/Winter 2009
Alpha Sigma Tau is pleased to announce our continuing partnership with Harris Connect as we publ ish the third edition of the Alpha Sigma Tau Alumnae Directory.The Sorority and Harris Connect established a business relationsh ip in 1996 with the development of our first directory in 1997 and the second in 2004.The partnership was so successful that we expanded products to include both hard- and soft-bound directories and a searchable CD directory. Harris Connect publishes over 600 directories annually, provides Internet services to more than 300 leading educational institutions and membersh ip organizations and delivers best-in-class research an d modeling solutions to over I ,000 clients.
... . HARRI;;· •
•• • ••
CAMPUS PEAK chosen for 2009-2010 RLW Alpha Sigma Tau So ro rity announces it will once again partner with CAMPUSPEAK for its Regional Leadership Workshop educational series. The 2009-20 I 0 RLWs series will focus on member safety and risk management. CAMPUSPEAK presenters will engage the collegiate membership and advisers using the LADDER of RISK program. Over the past year, we have partnered with CAMPUSPEAK on recru itm ent skills and knowledge using the Recru itment Boot Camp program.Aipha Sigma Tau has a long-standing, successful relationsh ip with the educational firm for convention, RLW and OA student and alumnae experiences.
sorority news ~ billhighway Strategic Plann ing Company Chosen
New Tools for Collegiate Chapters
Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority is pleased to announce its selection of t.jelke solutions to provide strategic planning consulting services. "A strategic plan is road map So rority leaders use to sustain progress and engage members in our Sisterhood for the long-term," said Chris Covington, National President. "In August 2008, the National Council committed to a formal strategic planning process as part of our initial goals for the Sorority.We are working to fulfill these goals to provide expanded services and benefits to our members."
Alpha Sigma Tau Soro ri ty selects BiiiHighway.com as the Sorority's chapter-level financial management firm . Billhighway is a web-based finance and accounting software provider for member-based organizations. Alpha Sigma Tau chapters have the option of using the Billh ighway to manage the ir collegiate chapter finances. This service will also allow the National Organization to gain greater visibility of each chapter throughout the organization. Some Alpha Sigma Tau chapters w ill begin using Billhighway as soon as May 2009 and others may join in the fall of 2009.
To view the 2008-20 I 0 Goals and Quarterly Updates, please visit the Alpha Sigma Tau National Homepage.
"Providing key financial management tools to our collegiate chapters is important to the stability of chapter-level operations," said Tammy Bonifield, National Treasurer. " Bill highway's unique product and insight into the Greek community allows ou r chapters the highest level of financial oversight. We believe this tool will be a cornerstone for our chapter's financial security.This program will also eliminate the many financial repo rts our chapters are required to complete each quarter."
t .jelke solutions is an independent consulting firm that specializes in colleges and universities, national and international fraternities and sororities, and not for profit organizations. Their goal is to inform and empower our clients by providing the following services: assessment and evaluation of programs, operations, systems, cultures and communities; visioning and strategic planning consultation and facilitation; staff and officer training and leadership development; retreat planning and implementation ; research and data analysis; and values-based educational program creation and facilitation.
"We are very excited to have created this partnership with Alpha Sigma Tau and are looking fo rward to working with their Headquarters, chapters and members over the next few years," said Angie Chism at Billhighway.com, " It's always exciting to work with a new organ ization and even more when we can show them the positive results a financial program can lend to a chapte r."
For more information, visit the firm's website at www.tjelke.com.
Fall/Winter 2009
THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Ta u â&#x20AC;˘ 9
ast goes to washington On April 21 , 2009, hundreds of Greek student and alumni leaders traveled to Washington D.C. for the annual North American Inter-fraternity Conference (NIC) and National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) Congressional visit day to meet with Members of Congress on issues of importance to the fraternity/sorority community. Chris Covington, National President, Emily Jessee , Past President, Psi Chapter, and Carol Mooney, NPC I st Alternate Delegate , represented Alpha Sigma Tau at the collegiate and alumni training sessions and were members of two teams that canvassed Capitol Hill. The Alpha Sigma Tau delegation met with a total of 16 members of the House and Senate or their legislative staff. Over 400 meetings were conducted by teams consisting of undergraduates, fraternity/sorority board members, NIC and NPC delegation members, executive directors, and NPC and NIC leadership. The main purpose of the visits was to generate support for the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act (H.R. 1547/S.781 ). Under the current tax code, colleges and universities may expend tax-deductible charitable contributions for the building, improvement or alteration of student facilities including dormitories, dining halls, study areas, libraries, computers, laundry facilities, physical fitness facilities , and social o r recreational areas. Conversely, fraternity and sorority educational foundations are allowed to expend tax-deductib le charitable contributions for the benefit of college students only if it is educational in nature , such as libraries, scholarships, leadership programming, computer wiring, and study facilities. The Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act eliminates the distinction between the types of student facilities that may be provided by a tax-exempt college and those that may be provided by another tax-exempt charitable or educational organ izati on to a collegiate organization for the benefit of individuals who are full-time college students. It allows fraternal education foundations to have the same ability to fund collegiate housing as the universities have to build for similarly situated students. If this legislation were to be signed into law, fraternal educational foundations (50 I (c.)(3) organizations) would be able to make grants to the not-for-profit house corporations of their respective undergraduate chapters (50 I (c.)(2) or (c.)(7) organizations) for a larger array of purposes including bricks and mortar infrastructure and life safety improvements to chapter housing. Here is what the Alpha Sigma Tau delegation had to say about their experience: "It is important for Greek and other student organization housing to be affordable , safe and in parity with other not-for-profit housing like dormitories on college campuses. The Greek student and national leaders were able to take a very convincing message to our elected officials on how this legislation will create jobs, reduce state costs for housing students, and improve student safety. The experience was very empowering especially for the student leaders as they were interacting directly with Representatives and Senators, " said Chris Covington, Alpha Lambda.
I 0 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Fall/Winter 2009
"I was honored to represent Alpha Sigma Tau as one of 60 Greek student leaders from across the country to lobby Members of Congress on the important issues facing the fraternity/sorority community. I am glad I was able to be a part of the effort to pass the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act- I believe it is very important to have safe housing for Greeks in all college communities. Being on Capitol Hill with many other collegiate and alumni fraternity and sorority members, as well as meeting with Members of Congress and their staff, was very exciting and an experience that I will never forget! " Emily Jessee. Psi " I felt privileged to be able to participate in the lobby effort on Capitol Hill in support of the NIC/NPC initiative on behalf of the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act (H .R. 1547). I believe that this effort will properly focus on the need for parity among alumn i donors to our Foundations so that we may make a difference in the safety of the structures in which we house our members. It was a pleasure to work with so many of our NIC and NPC friends and leaders as well as with the wonderful collegians that are examples of the Greek leaders of today. I think that we provided our Representatives and Senators with valuable information and thoughts and am sure that we w ill be successful in our efforts.What a great experience! " Carol Mooney,Aipha Lambda
Here is how you can be a part of the efforts to pass the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act (CHIA): I. Student and alumnae leaders should register with the Capital Fraternal Caucus (CFC) at www.fraternalcaucus.com and send an email to your Senators/Representatives in support of CHIA. 2. Students and alumnae on Facebook should visit the Capital Fraternal Caucus Facebook application and send a letter to your Member of Congress at www.cfcfacebook.com
snapshot: how alpha sigma tau communicates with its members AST National Homepage AST National Email Distribution List: 2300+ subscribers AST Official Facebook Application: 3141 users AST Alumnae Official Facebook Group: 456 members Facebook Fans of AST: 2141 Fans Twitter: 548 followers Linkedln: 143 members Emerald Chapter Newsletter: 250 recipients National Council Quarterly Report: Distributed wuarterly via homepage and distribution lists THE CREST: Available online, emailed to 2000 recipients and mailed to 50 alumnae THE ANCHOR: Approximately 1200 alumnae recipients Alpha SigNal: Emailed to all Collegiate Chapters, Alumnae Associations, National Staff and Collegiate Chapter Advisory Board Members AST Officer Resources:Available to all Collegiate Chapter/Colony and Alumnae Association officers
Fall/Winter 2009
THE ANCHOR of Alph a Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ I I
meet jim paponetti alpha sigma tau's new executive director
By Carole Bicking Keily,Aipha Xi, StaffWriter
In March 2009, the Sorority decided to locate its operations to Indianapolis, Indiana after a thorough evaluation of five candidate locations. Indianapolis was the major category leader in cost-effectiveness, proximity/accessibility, and resources. A search has been launched for a new operational facility that will accommodate our current and expanded office, meeting and training space needs. The Sorority continues to seek cutting-edge and cost-effective avenues to service the membership and volunteers.This year, the Sorority will add to the Headquarters staff w ith membership services and financial service coordinators in addition to administrative staff. The executive staff is the cornerstone for transitioning Sorority operations to a governance policy spectrum model, which will provide consistent, expanded services to members and volunteers and grow chapter and association level volunteer opportunities.The Sorority plans to add additional executive staff in the coming years. Over the past year, the Sorority initiated new educational (The Human Equation , The Leaning Center, Office r Resources), financial (billhighway.com and Quickbooks) and communication (GIN, Facebook, Linked-in, Twitter, Google, etc . .. ) systems and will begin phased implementation of a new member database management system before the academic yearend.These systems will allow a seamless technology infrastructure support to members, chapters, associations, volunteer leaders and Headquarters staff. These innovations required a change-oriented, dynamic leader to manage them and deliver them to our membership, so Alpha Sigma Tau formed an Executive Director Search Comm ittee , reviewing dozens of applications. In July, Alpha Sigma Tau announced the appointment of Jim Paponetti as our first Executive Directo r. "Jim has the experience , skills, knowledge, and motivation to vigorously lead with innovation and integrity.The Council is thrilled to have Jim as the leader of our Headquarters team as he expands Alpha Sigma Tau's presence in Indianapol is and acros s the Greek and Higher Education communities," says Chris Covington ,Aipha Lambda, National President. Jim Paponetti's most recent positions and experiences include:Associate Executive Director for Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc and Sigma Lambda Beta International Fratern ity, Inc; Director of Member Services for Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity; and Educational Leadership Consultant for Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity. Jim has a Bachelors Degree of Science in Business Administration from Ashland University and a Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership from St. Ambrose University. He is an alumnus of the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI) and The LeaderShape Institute . He is also a member of the Frate rnity Executives Association (FEA) ,American Society of Association Executives (ASAE), and Association of Fraternity Advisors (AFA). He has extensive volunteer service with Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, Beta Theta Phi Fraternity, and Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority. Jim said he's had such a warm welcome from Alpha Sigma Taus, whether they've met him in person or on Facebook, and from the Greek community at large . He 's received a lot of positive feedback about his new job. I had the opportunity to welcome Jim to Alph a Sigma Tau and to talk to him about his new role .
12 â&#x20AC;˘ T H E AN C HOR of Alph a Sigm a Ta u
Fall/Winter 2009
meet jim paponetti Why a women's organization, and why Alpha Sigma Tau? I looked at the job description and what was expected of the person and felt like it was speaking directly to me . I worked with my own fraternity [Phi Kappa Psi] during a time when it was growing rapidly and going through changes, much as Alpha Sigma Tau is today. Since I have the background with a changing organization in the fraternal world, I wanted to be a part of the changes AST is making.
What are you going to do in your first year, other than prepare to move Headquarters to Indianapolis? Get acclimated to the organization! I want to be one piece of the change puzzle at Alpha Sigma Tau and want to make the vision for the organization's future a reality. I'm excited about being involved in the strategic changes and figuring out what can be done better; to make recommendations and build relationships.
So how's this going to work? Are you going to work remotely in Indianapolis until Headquarters moves? Is one of your first assignments finding us some office space? I'll start off in Birmingham, spending a few weeks there getting to know the staff and the current operation . I know that our staff members have a wealth of knowledge and I'm eager to learn from them . I will be reviewing available offices in Indianapolis and making recommendations to the Transition Committee and the National Council , who will make the ultimate decision on our new "home".
What do you think will be your biggest challenge? Getting to know the membership and its needs and wants. The joy in this type of work, for me , is delive ring member services and getting positive responses.
We've been hearing a lot about "member services" recently, and it's a relatively new concept for Alpha Sigma Tau. What does that mean to you? Developing programming opportunities for effective leadership, education, training, and management, and getting members the tools they need to be successful students, sorority members, citizens, moms, and professionals.
Tell us about yourself. What do you do when you're not working? Well, I am a sports fan , but fraternities and sororities are my hobby. I've been the Chapter Advisor for my own fraternity's chapter at the Unive rsity of Iowa and am proud of them for recently w inning the Grand Chapter Award (similar to AST's Founders Award presented at Convention.) I previously served as the chapter consultant-recruitment adviso r at the University of Iowa's Beta Theta Pi chapter, and had also served as chapter advisor and recruitment advisor to Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority chapter at Iowa.
What's the best piece of advice you've ever received? That would be from [noted speaker] Will Keirn , who visited my chapter while I was in college . He said "find someth ing you love to do and someone who will pay you to do it and you will be happy."
How do you feel about Alpha Sigma Tau so far? Thrilled to be here! Friends tell me my whole demeanor changes- for the better - when I talk about the organization.
And finally, if you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be? An evergreen. They do well in different environments and adjust to their surroundings. They make it work, wherever they're rooted.
Thanks, Jim! We welcome you to Alpha Sigma Tau and wish you much success as you become "rooted" in our organization! www.alphasigmatau.org
Fall/Winter 2009
THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Ta u â&#x20AC;˘ 13
planning a successful alumnae event; in service to mankind;alumnae in action; welcome new alumnae affiliates
14 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Fall/Winter 2009
fllanning a SuccessfulAlumnae fvellf By: Gabrielle Rhodes, Gamma Zeta, Regional Alumnae Coordinator II
After college our lives only get busier but there is nothing like spending the afternoon w ith you r Siste rs to rejuvenate your soul. Planning a get togethe r may seem like a daunting task but with these easy-to-follow gu idel ines you 'll be able to plan and execute a fantASTic event. Don't forget, your Regional Alumnae Coordinator can serve as a helpful resource throughout the planning process. Don 't hesitate to contact her or anyone on the Alumnae Team with questions. Here are some simple tips to help you plan your next AST Alumnae event.
How do I get started? Here is a list of questions to ask yourself as you plan your nextAST event: • What type of event would be most appropriate? Really it doesn't matter what you do as long as you 're with your Sisters but some fun ideas are an afternoon BBQ in your backyard, meeting at your local nail sal o n fo r a mani/ped i party, a wine-tasting at a local winery or wine bar, a how-to class such as Learn to Knit o r a coo ki ng class, dinner at a restaurant, or even meeting to see a movie together. The possibilities are endless. • How many Sisters should I invite to attend? This number should be based on the number of Siste rs in you r area. You might want to start with a small group if its your first event. Onceyou get a core group together, you can share responsibility for planning and hosting future events. You can contact your Regional Alumnae Coordinator o r the National Headquarters to get a list of local Sisters and their contact information. When should I schedule the event? It's important to choose a date far enough in advance to send invitations and to allow your guests plenty of time to add your event to their personal calendars. Usually 3-4 weeks prior to your event is enough t ime but more formal events may require more lead time. Make su re to check th at there are no holidays or local events that may conflict with your event. Send a "save the date" ca rd o r email to make sure the event gets on everyone's calendar! Where should I host the event? Your home, a par k, local restaurant, a room at the libra ry o r chu rch is a great place to hold events. Just remember to consider the size of your expected group when choosing a fac ili ty. Is the location easily accessible with ample parking and/or nearby public transportation? You 'll want to make your event as easy as possible for your guests to get to so make sure that there is plenty of pa r king fo r everyone and if parking is limited suggest your Sisters carpool. Some Sisters may not drive or have access to a car, so picking a location that is within walking distance to mass transit like the subway or the bus will help ensure these Sisters can get to your event. Don 't forget to provide detailed directions or the address to the fac ility fo r those who may want to punch it into their own GPS systems. Should I ask for help? People respond well to specific requests for help- be clear about what you 're asking for and how much time will be involved. Find out what people's interests are- maybe you have an event planne r, a chef or someone with connections to potential event locations and activities.
continued on page I 6
Fall/Wi nter 2009
TH E ANCH O R of Alpha Sigma Tau • I 5
Planning a Successful What's my budget? Knowing how you 're going to pay for an event is just as important as the event itself.To try to keep costs down try some of ideas below. Use online services like www.evite.com to invite Sisters to your event. Evite is an easy to use, free electronic invitation service that tracks responses for you .You can also use it to send photos from your event to all the attendees. Make your event pot-luck by providing the main dish and have everyone bring the ir favorite side dish or dessert.This is a great way to involve your guests in the event. When picking a place to host your event beware of room rental fees which can sometimes be costly. Restaurants sometimes have a set per person cost for food and/or beverage; make sure to negotiate those items before you agree to host your event there. If there is a cost associated, make sure to gather that information ahead of t ime and provide it in your invitation. No guest wants to be surprised with a bill at the end of the night.
How do I let Sisters know about my event? Paper invitations either created on your computer or written out by hand are always a great way to reach out to Sisters, but this can be time consuming and costly.AST has gone digital and you now have the option to advertise your event in several free AST formats .AST alumnae also have a page on Facebook where you can post details about your event to a wider audience. Contact the administrator of the page to have your information posted to the whole group. Emailing invitations or using Evite are also easy and fast ways to invite Sisters. If you are organizing an initial get-together to gauge the interest of area alumnae in organizing a new alumnae association or re-energizing an old association, contact the Director of Alumnae. She can provide you w ith an invitation template, an interest survey and a zipcode list for alumnae in your area. The final documents can be sent to the alumnae list from National Headquarters under the alumnae budget
Should I ask Sisters to RSVP to my event? YES! Having an accurate headcount will he lp you keep track of how many people to expect which w ill make plann ing for how much food you'll need easier. Depending on how formal your event is your RSVP date may be anywhe re from two weeks to two days before your event. The more formal the event the more time you need to let the restaurant or hostess know your final head count.
Don't forget The Golden Rule of Planning Events - always prepare for I 0% more than the number of confirmations you actually have, this will account for the Sister who at the last minute tells you she can make it- which you're happy to hear because it wouldn't be the same without her and you've already secretly accounted for her in your I 0%. So, what do we do when everyone gets there? Since you 've already identified what type of event you're go ing to hold determin ing the agenda should be fa irly easy. An event is like a three-course meal , you have an appetizer at the beginning, the main course in the middle, and dessert at the end. For your event, plan a light activity to kick things off, followed by the main activity of the night, and conclude with a sweet ending.
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A/u11111ae fvel1f For example, once your guests have arrived, start with an icebreaker to introduce everyone and begin the festivities . One fun icebreaker is to have each Sister introduce herself and describe one of her favorite memories of being an AST. If the Sisters all know each other pretty well have the Sister to the right of you introduce you and tell everyone her favorite memory of you. These types of icebreakers are a good way to reinforce our Sisterhood.
As the host, you're responsible for making sure that you keep an eye on the time and that you lead everyone through the event. Icebreakers are fun but they should also be short; make sure to keep them to 20 minutes or less. Your main activity should follow your icebreaker. This can be the lesson or class, the movie, or dinner you planned. The main activity can last anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours, this will depend one what type of activity it is. At the end of the event, make an announcement to the Sisters thanking them for attending and letting them know what future events are planned or how they can get in touch with you with ideas.
My event is planned, advertised, and Sisters are coming! Now what do I do? Here's a timeline to help you with the final details of your event: One week prior - Reconfirm all the details with your contact at the event location . Don't forget to provide a final headcount! Two days prior - Send a reminder e-mail or make a phone call to everyone on your guest list. Sisters who may not have thought could make it may have had plans change and can now make it! Day of event -Arrive to the event site approximately 45 minutes to I hour before the event start time to set-up.When Sisters arrive have them sign-in and ask them for their most up-to-date information.You can later provide this information to Headquarters to help them keep their records current. Have nametags for everyone to help facilitate discussion among your guests. Mingle , make new friends, and recruit volunteers for your next event! My event was a huge success! Now what? Congratulations! You 've done a great job at planning and executing a great event. But as the event host your job is not quite over. Within one week of your event be sure to send a thank you note or email to all the Sisters who attended . (The general rule of thumb is: send an email if you sent an electronic invitation and a handwritten note if you sent paper invitations.) The correspondence will also serve to strengthen any connections you made during the event, will remind Sisters of upcoming events, and will give them a chance to provide feedback or ideas for future events. If you'd recommend your event to other alumnae associations, contact your Regional Alumnae Coordinator and share your ideas and tips with her! The last item on your To Do list is to send your sign-in sheet with updated contact information to Headquarters. Good luck on your next event!
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Written by Kirsten Newman, StaffWriter Service in the military means frequent relocations, sometimes more than once within the same year. It's not just the service member who is affected. Entire families are uprooted, children forced to make new friends over and over. Multiple deployments during wartime mean that parents often miss important milestones in their young children's lives. It's an uncertain lifestyle. How do these families cope? What is their grounding force , their anchor? For three ASTs, the answer is family, including their sorority family. Nicole Noyse,Aipha, a Military Intelligence Officer and Captain in the Army, says that life is different from that of her civilian sisters in the fact that she is away more than she is home, whether it's on a field exercise or a deployment. For example, the year before she deployed for her second tour, this time to Iraq, she went to three different training exercises and then left on a fifteen month deployment. Still , she says she wouldn 't change her experiences one bit. "I joined the Army because no one thought I could do it," Nicole says. "That is why I became an enlisted Soldier.After my first deployment with the National Guard, I decided to become an officer to take care of soldiers and that is what I have been doing for four years now." Libby (Lasco) Weinman , Gamma Pi, is a Navy wife. Her husband Joe is an SWCC (Special Warfare Combat Crewman) Weapons instructor at the Naval Special Warfare Center on Coronado Island in San Diego. In the five years that they've been married, Joe has received orders three times for six-month deployments, which usually end up being extended. In addition to the deployments,Joe 's attended many schools to train for specialties such as fast roping out of helicopters, parachuting out of airplanes, and practicing shooting during high speed car chases, in addition to others Libby can't know much about. "While he is away I not only worry about his safety, but everything else that goes on in our lives, "Libby says. On his second deployment, Joe had to leave just days after their son Joey was born. "The most upsetting thing was that I couldn't completely enjoy the fact that we just experienced the most amazing thing to happen in our lives! I was so worked up about him leaving that I couldn't fully appreciate the miracle we just experienced." "During that deployment, I couldn't know where he was or what he was doing, and couldn't talk to him for months at a time ," she remembers. "Meanwhile, I was dealing with all the sleepless nights. Not only because I had an infant but because I had no idea where my husband was or what dangerous things he was doing. " Even with all the sacrifices they've made, Libby says the best thing about being a military wife is family, in all its forms . "As husband and wife, you learn to appreciate the times that you have together. Ironically, being apart for so long can really bring you closer," she muses. "It isn't just your immediate family that you connect with . It is also your parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins. In my case, many of them have been in the military and have dealt with the same things I deal with.You lean on them for support, listen to their advice, or even just appreciate that they know what you are feeling.
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"In the military there is also ano.t her family: your friends.And in Joe 's case, coworkers. When you meet them you have an instant connection that you wouldn't have otherwise.When you are all living so far from your family and you can't get home as much as you would like, you become extremely close with your friends." Laura (Leisner) Lenander, Sigma, agrees. " I love being in the military community. It is like a sisterhood with the wives that you get to know," she says. Laura's husband Brian is an Army Blackhawk helicopter pilot currently in his third deployment. "It is something I never get used to. Each deployment is hard . I am glad people understand that and don't think I should be used to it," Laura says. Living in Fort Drum, New York, Laura is thankful for the respect people have for Brian's service and the support they get from their community. "I must say though , there are people out there that try to take advantage of military spouses," Laura says. "When hubby is gone, they think they can rip you off.An example is the guy who plowed for me this winter. He knew Brian was away and tried to charge me for plowing he didn't do. But most people are on the up and up, and are willing to help us out. "The hardest thing is the deployments and not being able to pick up the phone and call Brian ," she says. "It's hard not having him come home at night, not being able to reach over in bed and feel him there , and to have the constant worry about his safety when he is in a combat zone." Laura stays strong for their daughters, Jordan and Audrey. "My anchor is my girls. Without them I would be lost," she says. "They give me a reason to be strong and keep going through every day, and they make it so I am not so lonely. Taking care of them makes the days go fast." Libby echoes that sentiment, saying that her son Joey has become her anchor. "When I look at him I feel strong and I feel proud . Proud of our family. I think about what we have survived in the past and I know that we can take on more in the future ." "My family members are definite anchors in my life ;' Nicole says, "as well as my Alpha Sisters, and I would definitely say the Stars and Stripes organization. I have gotten so much support from all of those wonderful women, and call some of them my close friends now." This past Christmas, the Stars and Stripes Alumnae Group organized a care package drive for Nicole and her comrades.Through the Snowflake Project, dozens of brown paper lunch bags arrived in Iraq filled with goodies and decorated for the holiday season. Nicole distributed the bags to her fellow soldiers, reminding them that they weren't forgotten at the holidays. "The support we get from our sorority is really outstanding. So many women have supported us in so many ways that it's hard to express the heart-felt gratitude. Sisters I had never met were sending care packages, or letters of encouragement. It was so nice and appreciated," Nicole praised . As her time in the Army draws to a close, Nicole says it's been her pleasure to serve the American people in a wartime situation , "especially my Sisters. I wouldn 't change my Army experience one bit," she says, " but there comes a time in your life when you need to move on. I am at that road; I will take all the lessons I have learned and go on to pursue life as a kindergarten teacher! "
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detroit north east suburbs
·., u ns
The Detroit North East Suburbs Alumnae Chapter meets once a month on Friday evenings at members' homes on a rotating basis. Three sisters co-host each meeting to provide a nice assortment of appetize rs, foods , & desserts since so many of us are coming straight from work. We are lucky to have newly graduated sisters join our group this year. We have new members from Beta Xi, Beta Chi and Delta Tau Chapters. These new members are the life of our chapter and we are so happy to welcome them . This fall we traveled to the Campus of Eastern Michigan Univers ity, home of our Alpha Chapter to celebrate Founders Day w ith Alpha, Delta Lambda and Delta Tau collegiate members as well as the Ypsi-Ann Arbor Alums. We collected items for the local animal shelter as well as held a raffle to help philanthropy projects. On our annual night out with our significant others, we went to Second City for a comedy show and followed up with dinner at a local restaurant. It is nice to have the men in our lives meet our sisters and their spouses or boyfriends. We are planning to collect items for Care House as our local philanthropy project this year. Care House is a facility that coordinates the prosecution and treatment services to victims of child sexual and physical abuse.
phoenix valley of the sun On February 21 , 2009, six members and five spouses attended the comedy, Murder Among Friends at Tempe Center for the Arts. Following the play, we all enjoyed delic ious desse rts at nearby Tempe Marketplace. Lisa Webb hosted a scrapbook organ izational meeting at her home on March 22. Our Annual Meeting on April 18 began with a tour of Cosanti Originals in Pa rad ise Valley, home of the Paolo Soleri Windbells handcrafted in ceramic and bronze . It was a beautiful place to visit on a lovely spring day in Arizona. We then went to lunch , followed by our business meeting to make plans for the coming year. Three of our members continue to be very busy in advisory positions w ith Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Embry Riddle in Prescott. Lisa Webb serves as Chapter Consultant, Cynth ia McCrory is Assistant Chapter Advisor, and Kenda Deleon is Recru itment Advisor.
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www.alphasigmatau .org
tidewater alumnae This was the year of the Pot Luck Suppers. We included our husbands and took our favorite dishes to both the Christmas Party and the End of the Picnic. A lovely Pot Luck Dinner was also held in May at Beth McOsker's church. Yellow roses graced the tables and the yellow and green decor was the perfect setting for Installation of Officers. The local Panhellenic organization offered two opportunities for our involve ment. In January there was a play at the Little Theater of Norfolk. In April they hosted their annual Lunch and Fash ion Show. Our new chapter President , Becky Winner Schnekser, did an excellent job modeling clothes. The sale of Entertainment books, a garage sale and the monthly raffle helped supplement our philanthropies which are Pine Mountain , National Foundation, Habitat for Humanity and our local charity, the Citizens Committee for the Protection of the Elderly. We had great fun at our February meeting filling bags with goodies and necessities to be handed out to children and battered mothers at Samaritan House.
northern virginia alumnae The Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter continued its year of "Stars, Stripes, and Sisterhood" in the spring of 2009 by holding and attending a variety of fun and exciting events. The chapter kicked off January with an Executive Comm ittee planning meeting followed by our monthly event. Everyone brought in items to hold a White Elephant Auction whe re the proceeds went towards making a donation to the Zeta Tau Chapter (Longwood) 75th milestone anniversary celebration. A Rededication Ceremony was also held to give members the chance to rededicate themselves to the ideals and standards of Alpha Sigma Tau. The February event was definitely a sweet one! Each member brought in the ir favorite sweet treats to share with one another. Each member took home a Tupperware container full of good ies. The March event was filled with catching up with sisters and allowing members to put in applications for next year's leade rship positions. The group went to Ledo's after the meeting to share pizza and laughs. April's event focused on being creative with making personalized key chains and beginning our scrapbook for next year's Convention . The final meeting of the year included Member Inductions and a Pot-Luck dinner. The alumnae chapter proudly inducted two new members to the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter. The Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter enthusiastically maintained its participation in Pan hellenic events, some of its members attended Greater Tuna put on by the Little Theatre of Alexandra,Virginia. This play is the major fund raiser fo r NVAPA to help fund a scholarship for Pan hellenic women in the NoVA area. We also nominated the Alternate Pan hellenic Delegate - Marti Peters to represent AST in the fourth annual Northern Virginia Panhellenic Women of the Year Award. Our President, Kristin Walker was nominated for the Alumnae of the Year award for the NVAPA as well. Carol Mooney, Panhellenic Delegate , served as this year's Historian and will serve next year as the Treasurer. Kr istin Walker will also serve as the NVAPA's Webmaster. As the group looks to the summer and another great year, the members of the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter continue to be "Anchored for Life."
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THE ANCH O R of A lpha S igma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 21
Welcome, New Alumnae Affiliates! Alpha Sigma Tau is pleased to introduce the following women leaders who have affiliated with Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority:
Brenda Barker Psi Chapter James Madison University
Samantha Hartmann Epsilon Kappa Chapter Trine University
Stephanie Trombley Epsilon Alpha Chapter Embry-Riddle Aeronautical UniversityPrescott
Dessa Hershberger Epsilon Kappa Chapter Trine University Stephanie Jones Epsilon Kappa Chapter Trine University
Elyse Hessley Epsilons Delta Chapter Rogers State University
Megan Lentz Epsilon Kappa Chapter Trine University
Heather Dougherty Epsilon Theta
Nicole (Dixon) Wiley Epsilon Kappa Chapter Trine University
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20 I 0 convention Eight months and counting! Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority Convention is always a wonderful time to reconnect with sisters, learn new information, and renew our commitment to membership. Convention 20 I 0 will be held in June at the Sheraton in Birmingham,Aiabama. Each collegiate chapter is required to bring a voting delegate and three additional delegates from their chapter. Alumnae chapters are strongly encouraged to send at least one delegate. However, many chapters choose to bring more women and that is celebrated! June 20 I 0 will be here before we know it! Start preparing now by saving and fundraising to send as many women as possible.Aiso, remember, that chapter scrapbooks are an Alpha Sigma Tau convention tradition and should include history from June 2008- June 20 I 0. Finally, begin identifying upcoming leaders in your chapter who might benefit from experiencing an Alpha Sigma Tau national event such as convention. Members will be able to visit the website at the start of 20 I 0 to register for convention . National Vice President, Shelly Marie Redmond promises a outstanding experience and has committed to more collegiate involvement "A Collegian Convention Committee is in the works - collegians will be responsible for introduction of speakers, registration, and even leading some of our sessions." Alpha Sigma Tau exists to promote the ethical, cultural, and social development of its members. Join us at Convention 20 I 0 and see that purpose realized in this most important event.
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t collegiansl
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rlw; alpha sigma tau is growing; taus in rome; fall 4.0's; rho lambda initiates; officer academy
officer academy photos
Fall/Winter 2009
THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 25
SpsiloH tlaota 6/!aaptor ¡ HorStory " ... but when she accepts a rose, a shirt, a pin and a hat, she's an angel, a princess, . my s1ster ... " By Jennie Wysocki Kuhns, Gamma Rho with Heather Dougherty and Nancy Morehouse, Epsilon Theta The idea of founding a chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau at Fairleigh Dickinson University's Metropolitan Campus in Teaneck, NJ was conceptualized in the fall of 2005. A group women who wanted join a sorority, but were unable to find compatibility with the organizations already on campus, started an interest group in order to attract other women who were also looking for the same experience . Over the time from conceptualization until the official colonization , some women left FDU, some joined other organizations, and some lost interest. In any case , the women who remained were faced with discouraging obstacles, but after two years of planning and execution, the first seven members of the Epsilon Theta colony were pinned in the spring of 2007. The fall of 2007 saw the return of five of those original seven. While they were down in numbers, they had not lost any of their spirit or drive. That semester marked Epsilon Theta's first official semester as a colony, and marked the beginning of a long process that wou ld ultimately lead to their becoming a chapter. Continuous open recruitment strategies over the course of the year attracted other women to become part of the colony. The undergraduate members were also joined by three women who were inducted, with the assistance of the Delta Phi chapter at New York University, as alumnae members and would serve on the colony's Collegiate-Alumnae Advisory Board. All of this work helped to prove that the colony members would do everything they needed in order to overcome so many hurdles that had sprung up during their journey. By the time the fall of 2008 rolled around, the colony members had met the requirements necessary to become a chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau. The final bridge to cross was the National Colony Member Exam -which the entire colony passed with flying colors. News came soon that December 13, 2008 was chosen as the date to make Epsilon Theta a full-fledged chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau . The installation of Epsilon Theta was an exciting day for many. All-in-all, fourteen women were initiated as the founding sisters of the Epsilon Theta Chapter. National President Christina Covington came to New Jersey to perform the installation, as did many other National Staff and alumnae members. In attendance were: Director of Extension - Laura Clark; National Colony Educator -Jennifer Brown; Extension Educational Consultant - Samantha Kerwin; Collegiate Educational Consultants - Michelle Behr,Jennifer Cohen and Meghan Harding; Collegiate Chapter Advisers- Rochelle Paz (Delta Phi) and Jennie Kuhns (Gamma Rho) and members from Epsilon Theta's Advisory Board, Chapter Adviser- Isabel Zerpa, New Member Adviser -Theresa Gallo and Membership Recru itment Adviser -Jessica Harris. Also on hand to welcome their new sisters toAST were seven collegiate members from the Gamma Rho Chapter at Seton Hall University. r on in the evening, the Epsilon Theta Chapter hosted a celebratory banquet. Celebratng with the newly initiated sisters were friends and family members, faculty and administraon from FDU, and women from the Gamma Rho Chapter and Epsilon Iota Colony from IT. At the banquet, the Epsilon Theta Chapter received their Charter and many othe r and were able to share their excitement with everyone. The evening closed with the ndle Lighting Ceremony, which truly showed all involved the beauty and spirit that is Alpha igma Tau. 26 â&#x20AC;˘ T HE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigm a Tau
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rlw The 2009-20 I 0 RLWs focus on increasing awareness and providing education to ou r membe rs on membe r safety. The Sorority is pleased to partner with CAMPUSPEAK as they present a LADDER of RISK program to ou r membe rship. We welcome Trent Gilbert and Aaron Bachenheimer who will be working with our membership on this important educational program. Both presenters joined CAMPUSPEAK from the Pi Kappa Phi LADDER of RISK facilitato r ranks. Trent Gilbert currently works for a higher education consultation firm and has led several LADDER of RISK workshops. Trent currently lives in Atlanta, GA but consistently travels across the country. Aaron Bachenheimer is cu rrently a part of the Appalachian State student life team and is beginning his doctorate work at North Carolina State. Each collegiate chapter is asked to send 25% of its membership to the RLW based upon National Organization records from spring 2009. Freshman , sophomores, jun iors, and non-graduating seniors are encouraged to attend . Additionally, a ll advisers are welcome. Registration is on-line at the Alpha Sigma Tau National Homepage . Host Chapter - Epsilon Theta - I 013109 Facilitator: Trent Gilbert Chapter Assignments: Epsilon Theta, Beta Upsilon , Gamma Rho, Gamma Tau , Gamma Chi , Delta Phi, Epsilon Iota, Beta Omega, Gamma Lambda, Gamma Omega, Delta Epsilon, Delta Zeta, Delta Theta, Delta Sigma, Alpha Phi, Beta Iota, Beta Nu , Gamma Iota, Delta Iota, Alpha Xi, Beta Epsilon, Gamma Pi , Gamma Psi, Gamma Phi, Gamma Delta, Beta Tau, Beta Mu , Gamma Epsilon
Host Chapter - Gamma Xi - I II 14109 Facilitator:Aaron Bachenheimer Chapter Assignments: Gamma Xi, Beta Chi, Beta, Alpha, Delta Delta, Delta Lambda, Delta Tau , Epsilon Kappa, Delta Nu, Beta Xi
Host Chapter - Gamma Theta - I 01 I 0109 Facilitator:Trent Gilbert Chapter Assignments: Gamma Theta, Alpha Pi , Delta, Zeta, Sigma, Alpha Omicron ,Aipha Tau , Beta Delta, Beta Phi , Gamma Zeta, Delta Alpha, Delta Beta, Delta Omega
Host Chapter - Delta Chi - I1231I0 Facilitator: Trent Gilbert Chapter Assignments: Delta Chi , Alpha Gamma, Upsilon , Alpha Mu, Delta Mu, Delta Eta, Phi, Gamma Gamma, Epsilon Delta, Delta Pi, Delta Upsilon , Epsilon Epsilon, Iota
Host Chapter - Zeta Tau - I0124109 Facilitator:Aaron Bachenheimer Chapter Assignments: Zeta Tau , Psi, Alpha Lambda, Delta Omicron, Delta Rho, Omicron , Chi, Gamma Mu , Epsilon Zeta, Epsilon Gamma
Host Chapter - Beta Theta - II 161 I0 Facilitator: Aaron Bachenheimer Chapter Assignments: Beta Theta, Epsilon Eta, Epsilon Beta, Rho, Gamma Upsilon, Epsilon Alpha
Host Chapter - Beta Eta - I1301I 0 Facilitator:Trent Gilbert Chapter Assignments: Beta Eta, Alpha Epsilon, Beta Pi, Delta Psi
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THE ANCHOR of Alp ha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 27
alpha slgma t By Laura Clark, Psi, Director of Extension
The past year has been an exciting time of growth for our So ro rity, marked with three chapter installations, a planned installation for September 2009, a re-colonization of an historic chapter, and two planned colonizations for this fall. Whew! It's been a busy year, but we would hope for nothing less. The extension team is pleased to share with our members the news of installations and colon ies. On December 13, 2008,Aipha Sigma Tau installed the Epsilon Theta Chapter at Fairleigh Dickinson University's Metropolitan Campus, in Teaneck, New Jersey. The twelve initiates and two alumnae affiliates were installed by a team of National Council, National Staff and local alumnae. The installation team members were: Christina Duggan Covington , National President; Laura Clark, Director of Extension; Meghan Harding, Collegiate Extension Coordinator; Jennifer Brown, National Colony Educator; Samantha Karwin, Educational Consultant; Jennifer Cohen , Educational Consultant; Jennie Kuhns, THE ANCHOR Alumnae Editor and Gamma Rho Chapter Adviser; Rochelle Paz, Delta Phi Chapter Adviser; and Michelle Behr, Educational Consultant. Also present for the initiation and installation banquet were members from the Gamma Rho Chapter (Seton Hall University), members of the Epsilon Iota Colony (New York Institute of Technology), and members of Epsilon Theta's advisory board Isabel Zerpa,Theresa Gallo, and Jess ica Harris. Isabel Zerpa, Epsilon Theta's Chapter Adviser, has seen the women grow and learn from their experiences since the beginning. "As their adviser, friend and sister, I feel proud. I have seen how they went from being friends to being Sisters," she says. "The bonds they have formed are way deeper than what they can see now." The Epsilon Eta Chapter, at University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, Texas, was installed on April 25, 2009. National Council , National Staff, and alumnae from near and far traveled in to serve as the install team, including several of the colony members' National Big Sisters. The fifteen Epsilon Eta founding members were initiated by Tiffany Street, National Secretary; Laura Clark, Director of Extension ;Amber Gonzales, National Colony Educator; Samantha Karwin, Educational Consultant; Yolanda Bauer, National Nominations Committee Member and National Big Sister; Kelli O'Brien, National Music Coordinator and National Big Sister; and Canda Kroger, National Big Sister. Also joining in the installation celebration were members and alumnae of the Epsilon Beta Chapter (University ofTexas - Pan American). After the installation gifts were presented and ceremonials were completed, the members of Epsilon Eta Chapter donned cowboy boots with their formal dresses and surprised their guests with a good old-fashioned Texas line dance. T iffany Street, National Secretary and previous Director of Extension, shares, " It was especially warding to be present for the installation of the Epsilon Eta Chapter because I was there when the colony began their journey and now I am able to share in celebrating their achievement as a chapter. The University of the Incarnate Word has been so supportive of Alpha Sigma Tau on both a National and local level. It will be exciting to watch the chapter prosper on the campus in the upcoming years."
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IS growing
On May 9, 2009, the Epsilon Iota Chapter at New York Institute of Technology was installed. Christina Duggan Covington, National President, served as the installing officer for the new chapter of twentyeight initiates and one alumna affiliate. Other installation team members were: Laura Clark, Director of Extension; Meghan Harding, Collegiate Extension Coordinator; Jennifer Brown, National Colony Educator; Laura Zreliak,Aipha Beta District President; Samantha Karwin, Educational Consultant; Isabel Zerpa, Epsilon Theta Chapter Adviser; and Joanna Barrett, National StaffWriter and Epsilon Epsilon Chapter founding member. Joining in the initiation and installation banquet were members of Delta Phi Chapter (New York University) , escorted to the evening banquet with thei r Assistant Chapter Adviser David Stellman; members of Eps ilon Theta Chapter (Fairleigh Dickinson University - Metropolitan Campus) ; and a number of alumnae members. Chris Covington, National President, said of the installation:''This is always one of the most enjoyable parts of my job [as National President] ... to be able to see the express ion of each new member as she is initiated , to see the bonds of our sisterhood grow one by one . It is an historic occasion for this chapter and for each founding member - and I feel privileged to be able to take part in it with them." As we look to the coming year, the extension team will be focusing on several more installations and colonizations . Epsilon Kappa Colony, at Trine University in Angola, Indiana will be installed on September 26, 2009. Indianapolis area alumnae have enthusiastically supported Epsilon Kappa and several alumnae members plan to travel to Angola for the installation . Iota Colony at Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas, originally chartered in 1923, was re-colonized in February 2009 and will be planning for a late-fall 2009 installation. Iota Colony was recently recognized by the Emporia State University Panhel lenic for their high grade point average and awarded with the New Member Class Scholarship Award. A lpha Sigma Tau has been invited to colonize on two new campuses this fall : Indiana University South Bend, in South Bend, Indiana and SUNY University at Buffalo, in Buffalo, New York Alpha Sigma Tau's continued growth as a national organization contributes not only to our national presence and strength, but provides us the chance to share Aâ&#x20AC;˘T's traditions and values with new campuses and new members . Growth through extension is characterized not only by the addition of chapters to our roll or an increase in member numbers, but is brought to reality by each individual founding sister and the Alpha Sigma Tau tradition she helps to create on her campus. To these newest members and the many more to come, we extend a hearty welcome and wish you each many years of friendship, opportunity, and enjoyment through the Alpha Sigma Tau experience . Visit the Alpha Sigma Tau website and Alpha Sigma Tau Facebook page to stay updated with colonies and extension opportunities. If you are interested in serving as an adviser for a colony or new chapter, please contact Laura Clark, lclark@alphasigmatau.org. Nancy Morehouse, Epsilon Theta, contributed to this article .
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THE ANCH O R of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 29
taus in rome
From May 13-June 13, 2009, Bayley Lesperance, Burch Hazelgrove and Sara Christie of Psi Chapter traveled to Italy to student teach in the Marymount International School in Rome , an American-based school where students speak only English. Bayley taught math for seventh and ninth grade, Burch taught fourth grade, and Sara assisted the special education teacher in elementary school. Each sister had such rewarding experiences and loved being in the school. This entire experience helped them learn more about themselves, their teaching styles and what to do and not do while teaching. According to Bayley, "Teaching was the main reason we were there , however, we did much more than teach! Each morning we would take the public busses to school, and after school we went to different places around Rome .We saw the Coliseum (where Caesar was killed), Palentine Hill ,The Pantheon, many ancient ruins ,Trevi fountain , St. Peter's square, the Vatican , and on our last night there we actually saw the Pope! We saw the Spanish steps, a soccer game (Manchester Un ited vs. Brazil), Circus Maximus, the pyramid, the Jewish ghetto, and Villa Borghese, which is the central park of Rome . It was so interesting to see the different types of architecture and how old everything is; there is nothing like this is America." The girls also went to Pompeii, Sorrento, Capri, Florence,Tuscany, Cinque Terra, and Pisa. Here are Bayley's observations:"Pompeii has a gorgeous view, and there was so much history. It was also interesting to see everything they had includ ing speed bumps, measuring cups, fast food restaurants, sit down restaurants, pizza ovens, none of which we expected to see uncovered by arch a~ ologists! "Sorrento and Capri was just gorgeous.We were lucky enough to have great weather for the entire weekend we were there. In Capri, we took a boat tour around the island for six hours. We went into the blue grotto and were serenaded by the local s. It was an amazing experience. "Florence was wonderful ; we climbed the Domo, and went to the Uffizi Gallery. Of course, it was Florence, so shopping fo r leather was a necessity! Sara took a cooking class and learned how to make local food from scratch.We also went on a wine tour at a castle in Tuscany. The owner made her own wine and olive oil. We enjoyed the wine and the ol ive o il! "Cinque Terra was also beautiful. It is five little villages that people can hike through . Sara and Burch hiked through all the villages, and got to see so many amazing views. It is a beach town noted for hiking. We enjoyed our last weekend in Italy there , hiking, getting massages, and relaxing. "Of course, being in Italy we ate so much , and everything we tried was amazing. Since we stayed in an apartment, we had the opportunity to cook for each other; the food and gelato was amazing. We can 't wait to go back! "
The entire group in front 30 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Fall/Winter 2009
of the Marymount chool
Left: Bayley, Lauren, Burch and Sara on the beach in Cinque Terra
Right: Sara and Bayley hold some good looking flip flops !
Left: Burch, Sara and Bayley pose by the ruins near the Palatine Hills
Fall/Winter 2009
THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 31
CoV\5rc1-ttllc9-«o~ -\0 -thefolloJ./iV\5 JJOMet\.'JhO e~rtteJ ~ 't.Dfor -the f ~n 2COISett\es1ff Beta
Mackenzie Foss
Tara Canright
Nicole Alfieri Kellie Hayes Rebecca Walmsley
Carrie Edmondson
Upsil o n
Heather Bennett Casey Jo Bowers Chelsea Brashears Kellie Cortiana Katherine Hoppert Brittany Horn Megan Moore Samantha Small Natalie Claire Smith Keeli Warford Lauren Dear Brittany Horn Bailey Will iams
Alpha Tau
Beta Delta
Beta Eta
Alpha Gamma
Alpha Lambda
Alpha Mu Alpha Omicron
Alpha Phi
Alpha Pi
Amy Bednarko Laure Gramke Teru Kiefer Natalie Walker Claudia Gonzales Jennifer McClure Lauren Maim
Whitney Dorton Mady Saylor Karah Taylor Nicole Yavulla
Delta Rho
Miranda Forsythe
Delta Sigma
Amanda Schartel
Maria Baker Daphe Dupont-Nivet Amanda Egan Beverly Flaherty Nicole Greenland Ashley Mudryk Conn i Vickinovac
Delta Theta
Lisa Cimino Kaitlyn McEnrue Alyssa Milano
Delta Phi
Rishma Bhaloo Jillian Voon
Delta Psi
Lidia Moreno
Delta Zeta
Dan ielle Ciani Kerri Gavin Heather Guratosky Ashley Puderbach
Gamma Delta
Kristen Hall
Gamma Epsilon
Heather Barr
Gamma Phi
Jocelyn Cordell
Gamma Pi
Allyson Blizman Robyn Price Kirsten Snyder
Gamma Tau
Carolyn Agnoli Savannah Coombs Ashley Hausman Stephanie Mckay Amy Miller Crystal Zakszeski Heidi Zeigler
Courtney Cyrier Tara Warren
Beta Epsilon
Jenna Seibert
Beta Iota
Jordan Cassidy
Beta Mu
Alex Ashman Emma Balint Kate Schury
Beta Xi Alpha Epsilon
Kelly Marsh Emily Reeher Rachel Smith
Kathryn Lerche
Beta Tau
Alanna Gaffny
Beta Omega
Heather Engelken
Delta Alpha
Andrea Carn icella Kelley Rouse
Delta Beta
Megan Klauck
Delta Delta
Lauren Kolac inski Karolina Szczygiel Jessica Toro
Delta Eta
Evelyn Bruington Jaclyn Johnson
Delta Iota
Carly lves
Ashley Gleason Joy Lombard Kelly Zalalas
Delta Mu
Alexandra Belz Allegra DeMelo Molly Gagnon
Lindsey Manzuk
Delta Nu
Amanda Rancourt Courtney Kilburn Britney Pniewski
32 • THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Fa ll/Winter 2009
Kristin Pack Rachel Morris Lindsey Prater
Gamma Upsilon
Cristina Espinoza Marlene Gonzalez Nicole Reyes
Gamma Xi
Laura Warren
Gamma Zeta
Katie Nicole Plume
Epsilon Alpha
Amber Bogdan Ashlee Shattuck
Zeta Tau
Erica Charest Rachel Gibson Rachel Meon i
Alpha Epsilon Western Illinois University Audrianna Gonzalez Whitney Greenleaf Laura McClure Heather Varney
Belta Delta Duquesne University Caitlin Conko Francesca Fetzner Beverly Flaherty Nicole Greenland Stephanie Hinchberger Leah Smith
Alpha Lambda Radford University Madeline Saylor Adrienne Tharpe
Alpha Tau Edinboro University Amanda Boyle Emily Stone
Beta Pi Eastern Illinois University Chelsea Crill Brittni Garcia Ashley Hoogstraten
Beta Central Michigan University Jenn ifer Cook Sarah Cook Katie Denn ing Marah Fierek Cherilyn Haas Alyssa Schafer Jessica Schlicker Stefan ie Sm ith
Delta Alpha Gannon University Andrea Carnicella Deanna Rubenstein
In case you are unfamiliar with Rho Lambda, their national website contains the following information: Rho Lambda, the National Sorority Leadership Recognition Society, was founded at the University of Miami as a local group in 1962 under the direction of Dean Louise P. Mills. In 1974, Rho Lambda received permission from the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) to become a national organization. The Greek letters RHO LAMBDA stand for PANHELLENIC LEADERSHIP, respectively.Those who are leaders light a torch in the darkness for others to follow, and the flame is the symbol of Rho Lambda. Although membership was originally intended for women whose organizations belonged to campus Panhellenics, any sorority woman is now eligible for membership as long as she meets the membership selection criteria. The purpose of Rho Lambda is to honor those women within the sorority community who have exhibited the highest qualities of leadership and service to their Greek community and their sorority.They are women who have furthered the ideals and principles of the Greek community throughout their years of sorority affiliation. To date, over 218 chapters have been chartered throughout North America, each sharing the common goal of recogn izing sorority women for their outstanding leadership. Alpha Sigma Tau is excited to have its leaders from a variety of chapters from across the country selected for th is honor. We congratulate them on this honor and applaud them for their continued service to their campuses , fraternity and sorority community, and their chapters.
Fall/Winter 2009
THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 33
Officer Academy 2009 Written by: Kristin Walker, Alpha Lambda, Director of Fraternity Programs What do you get when you take the best-selling book Good to G reat by Jim Collins, over 300 Alpha Sigma Tau women (and two gentlemen) from across the country, and an outstanding host university and chapter? It's quite simple- the 2009 Officer Academy in Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania. While some had a fun, easy road trip, others learned way more about traveling than they ever wanted to know. From the intended educational programs to the unintended ones like learning how to rebook cancelled flights due to weather, the members of Alpha Sigma Tau definitely learned what it means to go " From Good to Great." As David Stoll man, Co-Founder of CAMPUSPEAK and Assistant Chapter Adviser of the Delta Phi Chapter, remarked to the advisers who partici pated on the follow-up training call on July 21st "Officer Academy in Pittsburgh was a great experience. The National Vice-President and Director of Fratern ity Programs put a lot of effort into design ing a curriculum and used the book Good to Great as more than just a launching po int. They took pieces of the content and built curriculum pieces around that, so it wasn 't just a theme; it was tied to one of the best business books out there ." The event began with registration in Towers at Duquesne Un ive rsity. After receiving their information for the event, they had the opportunity to shop with two vendors- Get Some Greek (www.getsomegreek.com) and Sarah Hinshaw, National Nominations Coordinator - Non-Advisory, representing Delta Nu . In the words of the Get Some Greek representative , "We always have a great time at Alpha Sigma Tau events. These ladies are our best customers." After doing a bit of shopping, the women were able to set up appointments with representatives from Billhighway,Aipha Sigma Tau 's new par tner to assist chapters with their finances . The re presentatives were available through the event and spent 40 minutes speaking with the advisers about making a successful transition from their current method of handling funds and collecting dues to this outstand ing service that will el imi nate so many obstacles that chapters and advisers are fac ing. " It was a pleasure working with both your collegians and advisers at your Officer Academy. We look forward to providing a continued, friendly service to them as well as hopefully seeing your women at the 2009-20 I0 Regional Leadership Workshops ;' said Angie Chism and Meghan Doyon. (www.billhighway.com) Friday's programm ing kicked off with a "Buy In or Get Out" presentation by David Stallman that had the women laughing at the truths of sororities and fraternities , realizing the importance of holding members accountable to the ideals and standards of Alpha Sigma Tau, and what happens to a chapter if accountability doesn 't occu r. Saturday's programm ing began with Kristin Walker, Director of Fraternity Programs, covering the educational programming Alpha Sigma Tau is presenting to its members during the 2009-20 I0 academic year that fit under the theme of "personal safety." The day continued presentations for each chapter position in attendance . Each group heard from several members of the National Staff as well as Chris Dickey, National Registered Parliamentarian, Nonn ie Owens, President and Owne r of Etiquette Plus, and David Stallman on a variety of topics. Advisers, Recruitment Directors, New Member Directors, Bylaws Coo rdinato rs, and Membership and Development Coordinators all walked away feeling energized. Saturday's even ing program was a favo rite for attendees, an Etiquette Dinner led by Nonnie Owens, President and Owner of Etiquette Plus. Wrapping up the event on Sunday, we finished w ith members hearing from Shauna Stuck, Resident Director at Duquesne Un ivers ity an d Chapte r Advisor, Chapter Advisor Coordinator, and Chapter Operations Specialist for the Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority. She spoke with the women on how to improve communication with and effectively work with their advisers. The last presentatio n invo lved David Stellman taking the women through an action planning session. So many t imes women attend confe ren ces and feel pumped abo ut lear ning ways to promote positive change, however, a solid plan isn 't established. Not at the 2009 OA! David made sure each chapter present walked away with a solid plan with SMART goals. Alpha Sigma Tau was pleased to partner with The Ch ildren 's Institute of Pittsburgh for an outstanding, hands-on commun ity service project. Instead of members bri nging items to donate , the chapters brought markers and construction paper to create a variety of greeting ca rds for children who call the Institute their home. Alpha Sigma Tau donated I ,076 cards and several chapters donated their marke rs and paper for the Institute's art classes. " I have never seen so many cards! You have no idea the im pact these will have on our children ," said Amy Haid ofThe Ch ildren 's Institute. (www.amazingkids.org) The National Council would like to congratulate the ladies of the Delta Beta Chapter who won the scholarship endowed by t he National Council through the Alph a Sigma Tau N ational Foundation. Each chapter who attended the 2009 Officer Academy from beginning to end was entered into a drawing that took place on Sunday at the close of the Academy. "We are excited to present this gift to our members to help make a positive impact on their educational experience. These scholarsh ips remai n at the core values of our Organization," said Director of Fraternity Programs, Kristin Walker.
34 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Fall/Winter 2009
- Dusquesne University After reflecting on OA, Shelly Marie Redmond , National Vice-President, commented on her favorite parts that included "the excitement of putting faces to the emails, text messages, and Facebook messages as well as giving the farewell 'toast' at the close of the event. I will never forget the I0 seconds Kristin Walker and I ran off the soccer field after taking the group picture during a soccer game - by the way- it's hard to run in flip flops." Kristin Walker agreed that they could not have done with it without the Duquesne University staff, Alicia Raciti, Beta Delta Chapter, and all of the speakers who kept everyone talking about helping their chapters go "From good to G reat." Simply put, 'The icing on the cake was driving away from DU and receiving two text messages on how wonderful it was. Thank you to everyone for being so receptive." Alpha Sigma Tau looks forward to bringing you an outstanding 20 I0 Convention in Birmingham, Alabama as we look forward to "Sailing into Excellence."
www.al phasigmatau.org
Fall/Winter 2009
THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 35
alpha. sigma. touR National Headquarters 1929 Canyon Road Birmingham,AL 35216
Midland, Ml
Permit No. 135