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features 8
In Service to Mankind Discover how Alpha Sigma Tau's connection to Pine Mountain Settlement School and Habitat for Humanity runs deep.
Alpha Sigma Tau + People's Burn Foundation Learn about Alpha Sigma Tau's partnership with the People's Burn Foundation.
There's No Place Like Home Read about the past of the Iota Colony and the recolonization at Emporia State University.
My One Sister Three sisters share their "one sister" who has influenced their lives in this tribute.
But College is Over ... Isn't My Sorority Experience? Learn ways to stay involved after graduation.
departments 4 5 6 34
Reader's Guide President's View Sorority News Alumnae in Action
reader's guide
the 0
THE ANCHOR is the official magazine ofAlpha Sigma Tau Sorority, and is published biannually by the Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority, 19 2 9 Canyon Road, Birmingham,AL 35216.
How to Receive THE ANCHOR
Collegiate members receive THE ANCHOR through payment of their annual Sorority dues to their chapters. Copies are mailed to each undergraduate member's permanent address as designated on her membership list submitted to National Headquarters.
Alumnae members receive THE ANCHOR through payment of
their annual alumnae dues to either National Headquarters or through their local alumnae association ($40 annually) .
Alpha Sigma Tau is a National Sorority dedicated to promoting the ethical, cultural and social growth of our members. Founded at Michigan State Normal College (Eastern Michigan University), November 4, 1899, by Mable Chase, Ruth Dutcher, May Gephart, Harriett Marx, Eva O'Keefe, Adriance Rice, Helene M. Rice and Mayene Tracy. National Council National President: Christina Duggan Covington, Alpha Lambda National Vice President:Vacant National Secretary:Tiffany Street, Delta Mu National Treasurer:Tammy Stegehuis Bonifield, Beta Xi Director of Alumnae: Jamie Jones Miller, Psi Director of Collegiate Chapters : Lara Cegala-Williams, Psi Director of Extension: Laura Clark, Psi Director of Fratern ity Programs: Kristin Walker, Alpha Lambda Di rector of Publications: Courtney Monilias Keirn , Beta Upsilon Board ofTrustees Chairman: Bobbie Nichols Tucker, Alpha Gamma Vice Chairman: Mary Ellen Willmitch, Alpha Rho Secretary: Martha Drouyo r DeCamp, Alpha Mary Glor Bolton, Sigma Patricia Nayle, Phi National Foundation President: Julie Bell Bruington, Iota First Vice President: Gail Shockley Fowler, Alpha Lambda Second Vice President: Debi McCain Pyszka, Alpha Nu Secretary: Charlotte Evans Floyd, Psi Treasurer: Rose Marie Schmidt, Theta Research & Development: Ricki Bargman Trosen, Alpha Sigma Financial Development: Cynthia Peckhart McCrory, Alpha Alpha National Panhellenic Conference Alpha Sigma Tau Delegate: Elizabeth Knaus McOsker, Alpha Lambda First Alternate Delegate: Carol Zorger Mooney, Alpha Lambda Second Alternate Delegate: Jamie Jones Miller, Psi Third Alternate Delegate: Patricia Klausing Simmons. Delta
How to Update Yo ur Name and Address Please contact Candace Mathews at cmathews@alphasigmatau.org or (205) 978-2179. If you prefer to submit your information via US mail, please mail any updates to: Candace Mathews, Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters , 1929 Canyon Road, Birmingham, AL 35216. How to Contact THE ANCHOR THE ANCHOR, 1929 Canyon Road Birmingham,AL 352 16 (205) 978-2179 fax: (205) 978-2182 anchor@alphasigmatau.org www.alphasigmatau.org How to Send a Letter t o t he Ed ito r Do you have a comment about an article in this or any other issue ofTHE ANCHOR? We want to hear from you! Letters to THE ANCHOR can be sent to the editor via email (anchor@alphasigmatau .org); regular mail (TH E ANCHOR, 1929 Canyon Road , Birmingham,AL 35216); or fax ((205) 978-2182). Please include your name, chapter, school and year of Initiation. THE ANCHOR staff reserves the right to publish any letter addressed to the editor and edit it for space and clarity. A Note to Pare nts of C ollegians Your daughter's magazine is being mailed to her home address while she is in college. We hope you enjoy reading it too. If your daughter is no longer in college or living at home , please send us her updated address, as indicated above . Submissio n Deadlin es Fall/Winter: July I 5 Spring/Summer: December I 5
THE ANCHOR Staff Editor: Sally Belknap, Alpha Alumnae Editor: Jennie Wysocki Kuhns, Gamma Rho Collegiate Editor: Beverly Singe I Molnar. Delta StaffWriters: Colleen Coffey, Delta Eta, Becky Johnson, Delta Nu, Carole Bicking Keily, Alpha Xi Kirsten Newman , Gamma Pi Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters 1929 Canyon Drive, Birmingham,AL 35216 (205)978-2 179 I (205)978-2182 I headquarters@alphasigmatau.org 4 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Ta u
Spring 2009
president's view Dear Sisters, From the Founding of Alpha Sigma Tau, we have had a deep commitment to serving our communities and neighbors, both locally and globally, who are in need. Over the past few months, I've had the great honor of visiting with collegiate chapters, colonies and alumnae associations, and one of the most profound discussions we've had surrounds our commitment to serving our local communities; Pine Mountain Settlement School, our National philanthropy; and Habitat for Humanity International, our National service project. Last year alone, our membership gave approximately $90,000 in donations and provided over 33,000 hours of volunteer time through our support of our National and local charities.As a sisterhood we contributed $725,000 of donations and volunteer value to our world, to our communities, to individuals in need. These are powerful accomplishments that should warm the hearts of every member. But philanthropy is more than just the numbers and the goals. Philanthropy is the genuine caring of people for one another; philanthropy is embracing the humanity of others and in the process grasping our own humanity. In this issue of THE ANCHOR, you'll find many examples of the philanthropist that resides in each member of Alpha Sigma Tau, and how, collectively, we change the world with our tradition of service. You'll also find many opportunities to serve Alpha Sigma Tau so that we may continue to grow our philanthropic footprint. As you give of yourself to a charity that you personally connect with and value, you impact the world and individuals in ways that you can only imagine.Your small deed today, may be just the very help someone needs for an improved life. What a gift to give and receive! Over the next few months, please make a personal effort to share your inner beauty to change our world by contributing your share to the progress of mankind. I remain in your service ,
Christina Duggan Covington
Alpha Lambda National President
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THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 5
sorority news • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • National Big Sis/Lil Sis Program
Letters to the Editor
Do you still keep in touch with your Little Sister! Do you want to help instill our traditions in our newest members? Have you heard of the National Big Sisters Program?
What a great ANCHOR! The cover and article about Elizabeth Wilson was a wonderful surprise. She is very special to St. Louis alumnae .
A National Big Sister is an alumna who mentors a new colony member as she goes through the colonization process and learns about the traditions of Alpha Sigma Tau. A National Big Sister should: • Call, email or write a note of encouragement to her Little every few weeks • Send her Little small gifts throughout the colonization period • Give her Little a letter shirt before the colony's installation • Spend only $40- $50 on her Little TOTAL. We are currently seeking alumnae to serve as National Big Sisters for our colony members! This is an excellent opportunity for alumnae to make a small time commitment that will have a big impact on the success of our Sorority's growth. For more details, please contact: Meghan Harding, Alpha Phi, Collegiate Extension Coordinator, at mharding@alphasigmatau.org.
Thanks for all the time and effort it took to put the current issue together. In Sisterhood, Mary Lou Fondren Scott, Pi '48, St. Louis Alumnae Chapter
I have planned to send you a note since the day the fall/winter 2008 issue ofTHE ANCHOR arrived last December. It was a pleasure to receive and read - just what we have needed and missed in the past few years. Thank you for the recognition regarding the Beverly Bollard article . It was my pleasure to be of assistance . We had a Buffalo Alumnae luncheon meeting in January on a cold, snowy Saturday. It was attended by twenty brave , hearty alums. THE ANCHOR was a topic of discussion . Everyone was appreciative and happy to receive a quality issue at last. I just had to share the enthusiasm with you . We know it takes a lot of time and energy to publish a magazine . Thanks. Tau Love , Sally Wales, Sigma , Buffalo Alumnae Chapter
Extension News Alpha Sigma Tau is pleased to announce the colonization at the following university: Iota Colony
e~~t~N~ ~~Jt Emporia State University Emporia , KS If you are interested in assisting or serving in an adviser capacity to any of our colonies, please contact Laura Clark, Psi, Director of Extension, at lclark@alphasigmatau.org.
I wanted to thank you personally for the lovely article on Elizabeth Wilson in the recent ANCHOR issue. She is a wonderful sister. She was the National President when I was initiated. It took years before I was comfortable with calling her Elizabeth , instead of Miss Wilson . She remains a source of good advice . Melanie Welsh Foster, Alpha Gamma Regional Collegiate Coordinator, St. Louis Alumnae Chapter
Proposed Amendments to Alpha Sigma Tau 's Constitution, Bylaws and Standing Rules According to the Alpha Sigma Tau National Constitution, Bylaws and Standing Rules, any changes to the National , Collegiate, and Alumnae Constitutions and Bylaws may be amended or revised only at a National Convention by a two-thirds vote of the qualified voters present. The Constitution also requires that "written notice setting forth the substance of the proposed amendments shall be sent by mail to the president of each collegiate and alumnae chapter of the Sorority and to each National Staff member one hundred twenty days before the Convention." (National Constitution ,Article XXI) Standing Rule #29 states that all resolutions and amendments to the National , Collegiate, and Alumnae Constitutions. Bylaws. and Standing Rules, to be considered at the next National Convention, must be submitted to the Director of Publications in writing by June I of all odd years .Therefore, the next deadline for proposed constitution revisions is June 1. 2009. Revisions will be accepted any time before June I, 2009 for consideration at the 20 I0 National Convention. For more information , please contact Courtney Keim , Beta Upsilon. Director of Publications. at ckeim@alphasigmatau .org. 6 • THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Spring 2009
t••··················································· National Pan hellenic Conference Launches New Website 1 The National Panhellenic Conference has launched a new II!"!ITIT'~j!t~'L~*II!!*!!=!_ ~•~ -~'7~~'?13!!'~ · II'#IUI+illllili§l'l:ffiiiii.!I'IDI'1 & • • • • • • • • • • • • • • M31113
Web site called "The Sorority Life" aimed at changing atti- ...... · c
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tudes , misperceptions and common stereotypes. Targeting young women between the ages of 16 and 18, NPC executives opted to set up various phases of a resource-rich site where women can make educated choices about the paths they take in college that can affect social and in-person networking choices for decades to come.
ABOUT THE SORORITY UFE ThttOI'DrltW.OifflfiO!I'IU(!'rtlffiii/IICI, IIIGtttlllt, ltMI't, torMI-nYIII'IIJ"'*r!Thttotorll' llltltt~-.,lontPioO!MII;Ir~I'OUflt ..... n.lt t pltCtiOpOWtrMimfb"wi"CI'otcltl
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The site, thesororitylife.com, launched Monday, November 17, was slated to be completed before January when deferred recruitment begins on many of the nation's college and un iversity campuses. 'There is no doubt ou r online presence needs to grow and provide accurate data, not only to young women entering college, but also to parents, high school advisors and others who play an important role in shaping life-long goals of eme rging adults ;· said Julie Cain Bu rkha rd, chairman of the National Panhellenic Conference. "We intend to be proactive and define the experience," Burkhard said. "We wanted to do something collectively that member groups alone couldn 't do," she said.While each of the NPC's 26 member groups has existing Web sites and other "advocacy" sites exist for affil iated Greek organizations, this site promises to be a "first." "We hope to change some perceptions out there and tell the clear, honest truth about the sorority experience.That means also informing some vi sitors to the site that a sorority choice may not be the right one ," Burkhard said. "We've never defined t he experience this way, educated people this way, dispelled stereotypes this way." Ta ken from National Panheffenic Conference Press Release
"' I
Alpha Sigma Tau Adopts Hazing: A Dangerous Lie On-line Training Program in Partnership with The Human Equation and Hank Nuwer
The fall of 2008 brought an exciting new educational tool to Alpha Sigma Tau new members: the on-line training course Hazing:
A Dangerous Lie developed by hazing expert Hank Nuwer and offered by The Human Equation . The 45-minute, self-paced program equips our new members recognize hazing in its many forms and how to respond should they find themselves in a hazing situation. Funded by an educational grant from the Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation, Inc. and operational funds from the Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority, the program uses the latest web-based training technologies and the many years of research conducted by Mr. Nuwer. Kristin Walker, Alpha Lambda, Director of Fraternity Programs, shared her excitement with the new program 's implementation, "This innovative tool , along with 1-888-NOT-HAZE and our new National New Member education program, will revolutionize how our members envision and participate in our membership's education. Many colleges and universities miss the opportunity to educate students on hazing situations - which occur in many situations, not just in Greek Life. It is Alpha Sigma Tau 's hope that this will help to eradicate hazing from society, not just Alpha Sigma Tau." Every new member of the Sorority is required to complete the on-line training course in a specific timeframe once the course is assigned by Headquarters staff.
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THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau • 7
GIVING- DID YOU KNOW? The National Foundation would like to take this opportunity to invite everyone to "Get into the Habit" of donating to the Foundation on a regular basis. Did you know that you can make a donation through monthly installments? For example, a $60 donation can be broken into $5 per month installments.This is a quick and easy way to donate to the Foundation a specific amount at one time - but to pay for it in monthly payments. We ask that you also remember that you can specify your donation to a specific scholarship, fund , or project. Remember a sister or a family member; congratulate your collegiate chapter on recruitment by donating to their chapter scholarship; or donate to the Endowed Education Fund (EEF) to help fund educational grants to the Sorority. Please contact Melinda Henry Oates, Gamma Gamma, Foundation Office Manager at (205) 978-4512 o r mhoates@alphasigmatau.org to find out more about making donations to the National Foundation. Watch for more information regarding the National Foundation and giving opportun ities on facebook! Details to follow soon.
SCHOLARSHIPS The Foundation has established 50 named scholarships; 34 of these are fully endowed and eligible for award ing each year. With a March I deadline, the scholarship committee will review all applications submitted th is Spring.Announcements regarding scholarships for the 2009-20 I0 academic year will be provided to all recipients and are awarded in September 2009. Each year, the Foundation offers several scholarships and grants; however, many cannot be awarded due to a lack of applications. Please mark your calendar now to watch for information regarding the 20 I 0-20 I I scholarships in January 20 I0 and also for the application deadline of March I, 20 I 0.
ENDOWED EDUCATION FUND The purpose of the Endowed Education Fund (EEF) is to fund {from the interest on the fund) educational grants to the Sorority. Remember your specified gifts, pledges and brick orders are applied to this fund and you are helping us reach our goal of $75,000 by 20 I I. As of Fall 2008, the fund has grown to over $51 ,000. The Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation, Inc. thanks you for your continued support!
NATIONAL FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Julie Bell Bruington, Iota, President; Gail Shockley Fowler, Alpha Lambda, I" Vice President; Debi McCain Pyszka, Alpha Nu, 2"d Yice President; Charlotte Evans Floyd, Psi, Secretary; Rose Marie Schmidt, Theta ,Treasurer; Ricki Bargman Trosen, Alpha Sigma, Director; Cynthia A McCrory, Alpha Alpha, Director.
8 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Spring 2009
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THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau • 9
In Service to rY\.ttnkind Al:T Connections to 'Pine 1'Y1.otArttt<in SettleWtertt School ttnd Htt0itt<t for HuWtt<ni-t,0 'RM Veep
By Becky A Johnson, Delta Nu, Staff Writer
The year was 1937. Alpha Sigma Tau 's National President at the time , Mrs. Carrie Washburne Staehle, Alpha, met Mrs. MaryAnne Plattenburgh, a former teacher at Pine Mountain Settlement School (PMSS).When later Alpha Sigma Tau discussed the possibility of a national service project, Mrs. Staehle suggested PMSS.The affiliation seemed natural because Al:T was initially a member of the Association of Education Sororities and most early ALT alumnae were school teachers. In 1945 the National Council voted to send money from the National Social Service Annual Fund to Pine Mountain Settlement School , and to organize a project to assist the school. During the 1940s and 1950s, collegiate chapter pledge classes donated school supplies. In the 1960s, the focus of the school shifted to environmental education. Martha Belknap (now DeCamp) , Alpha, served as Social Service Chairman/ Philanthropy Coordinator from the mid1960s to the early 1990s. During her tenure , Al:T's emphasis shifted to having alumnae and collegiate chapters donate funds to purchase educational materials for the Ecology Center. Gwen Frostic , A/pha, an Al:T alumna, environmentalist and natu re artist, designed and donated bookplates for library books donated by the Sorority. Additionally, the National Council gave an annual contribution, and the Sorority supported a program for emotionally disturbed children while it was housed at PMSS. As Philanthropy Coordinator, Ms. Belknap and her family visited Pine Mountain several times to volunteer and study. Ms. Belknap developed educational slides from her visits for circulation among chapters; this in turn increased the amount of don ations that chapters gave to PMSS. Some chapters also volunteered at Pine Mountain during thei r spring bre aks by building trails, painting, and providing other services as needed. In 1983 , wh e n th e Alph a Sigma Tau National Foundation was incorporated, collegiate and alumnae chapters began
I 0 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of A lpha Sigma Tau
Spring 2009
sending their contributions through the Foundation for distribution. The pooling of resources, and the additional amount sent by the Foundation each year, allowed for a greater annual gift to PMSS from the Sorority. Funds from Alpha Sigma Tau over the years have helped to purchase freezers, ovens, washers, dryers, tractors, furnaces, a 16 passenger van, and renovations to Big Log, Laurel House , Far House , Draper Building, and the Outdoor Pavilion/Picnic Shelter. Today more than 3,000 students visit Pine Mountain Settlement School each year to participate in day or weeklong programs in environmental education and traditional arts and culture .The continuing work of the school is partly made possible by the annual donations that each chapter gives. At the 2004 National Convention, members voted to add a second national service project, and a relationship with Habitat for Humanity was born . Habitat for Humanity seeks to eliminate homelessness and provide decent housing for people around the world. To date , volunteers have built more than 300,000 houses around the world, provid ing more than 1.5 million people in more than 3,000 communities with safe, decent and affordable housing. The need for such housing is alarming.An estimated 1.6 billion people worldwide live in substandard housing or have no home at all. In the United States, 95 million people, or one-third of the population, face housing problems such as payments that are too large a percentage of their income , overcrowding, poor quality of shelter and homelessness. Through voluntee r labor and monetary and material donations , Habitat for Humanity builds and rehabilitates houses with the help of the homeowner/partner families . Habitat houses are sold to these partner families with no profit gained by the organization and they are financed with affordable loans. The homeowners ' monthly mortgage payments are used to build even more Habitat houses. Today every collegiate chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau participates in an annual service project to benefit Habitat for Humanity.These service projects have included hands-on involvement in home building, taking classes through Habitat for Humanity University, o r inviting guest speakers to the chapter from the Habitat for Humanity organization . Short-term service opportunities with both Pine Mountain Settlement School and Habitat for Humanity are available to alumnae and collegiate members of Alpha Sigma Tau. The Collegiate Challenge provides the opportunity for college students to volunteer during school breaks with other young adults. Habitat for Humanity also offers additional one-to-three week service opportunities in the United States and around the world . More information on upcoming trips may be found at the website: http://www.habitat.org.
Pine Mountain Settlement School Non-denominational Christian, privately endowed, non-profit, educational institution located in Southeastern Kentucky Founded in 1913; 800 acres, including forest and farmland; Environmental education staff teaching concepts of land stewardship and cultural awareness through exploration and discovery Many miles of maintained trails for educational purposes under the guidance of interpretive staff Interpretive classroom building for individual and group classes Dining Hall (Laurel Hall), including conference rooms, guest rooms, meeting area, and large living room with stone fireplace Library offering a special collection of Appalachian materials; Gift shop for the sale of local crafts; Swimming pool built in 1922-23 and still serving the community; Playground and picnic area Serving 2,000-3,000 students (elementary, high school, college and adult) each year in environmental education Sponsors an Intervention Program in three local schools to help children who are having trouble with the basic subjects of reading and math that is funded by an endowment fund established by the Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation, and the Berea College Appalachian Fund Offering continuing education classes for the community Created a sustainability initiative: to increase and diversify food production at PMSS; decrease and conserve energy use at the school; and create educational programs related to food and energy Additional uses of facilities include conferences, reunions, weddings. concerts, retreats and work camps
Volunteers are also welcome at Pine Mountain's annual summer www.al phasigmatau.org
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THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ I I
Reading Camp or throughout the year helping in activities such as updating the library, painting, and clearing area trails. Meals and lodging are provided for volunteers during their stay. Internship opportunities also exist, primarily in the area of environmental education. More information on volunteering may be obtained from the Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation or from the website: http:llwww.pinemountainsettlementschool.com.
Beta Eta's Trip to Pine Mountain Settlement School
Habitat for Humanity
By Michelle Marek. Beta Eta
A nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry Seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action Has built more than 300,000 houses around the world, providing more than 1.5 million people in more than 3,000 communities with safe, decent, affordable shelter Founded in 1976 by Millard Fuller along with his wife, Linda
Members of the Beta Eta Chapter took a road trip to Pine Mountain Settlement School in the summer of 2007. Although there wasn't a lot going on at the school when we went, we were able to spend time with some of the locals, learn about the history of PMSS. take hikes, and even hear a mountain storyteller. Everyone was extremely friendly and welcoming to the four of us. We were able to stay in the lodge for free and they even fed us home-grown meals! Wh ile we were there, they taught us woodworking where we whittled our own envelope openers. It was amazing to actually see all of the things we raise money for and learn about - the classrooms and buildings (especially the cabin with A:pha Sigma Tau engraved on the door) and even the historic log cabin that belonged to William Creech. Climbing the mountain with a guide was a lot of fun yet challenging. We were also able to help give back to the school by re-painting a bathroom in one of the buildings and also painting the outdoor bathroom walls. It was overall a wonderful experience and I would recommend going at least once to any sister!
Operational headquarters, located in Americus, Georgia, USA. and its administrative headquarters, located in Atlanta, Georgia, provide information, training and a variety of other support services to Habitat affiliates worldwide Gifts received by HFHI that are designated to a specific affiliate or building project are forwarded to that affiliate or project Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn took their first Habitat work trip, the Jimmy Carter Work Project, to New York City;Their personal involvement brought the organization national visibility Thousands of low-income families have found new hope in the form of affordable housing; Churches, community groups and others have joined together to successfully tackle a significant social problem decent housing for all
12 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Spring 2009
OP[IZ_ATION 3 U'c:, ASSISTING OUR SOLDIERS IN HOPE ... HEALTH ...H EALING By Vanessa Emch Florence, Zeta ,THE CREST Edito r Christmas in March? That was what the community mail room employees at the United States Army Garrison in Wiesbaden , Germany, were thinking last spring as they witnessed a steady stream of packages arriving from across the United States to one address. While the mail room is used to bundles of boxes arriving around the holidays, it was an unusual event for March. They were even more impressed when they found out who sent them -and why they were pouring in. The packages were from the alumnae of our own Alpha Sigma Tau for the Wounded Warrior Transition Unit (WTU). WTUs were formed across the Army in response to the need for soldiers to recover from medical issues - whether a war related injury or a single-soldier with a high risk pregnancy. Soldiers assigned to the WTU require medical assistance for more than 6 months. They are "too well" to be hospitalized but not well enough to be returned to their military duties or released from service to be productive veterans in civilian life. "At the WTU, the soldiers' mission is to heal ," states SSG Michael Bollig, a cadre that serves the soldiers in the WTU . "We help them do that by making an environment that is totally focused on that mission. Before, soldiers would have to find their own transportation to medical appointments - as well as keep track of multiple specialist appointments. Now, a nurse manager personally assists them with this. Because the soldier may see many doctors, the WTU also has a primary care manager to assist with the various medical personnel and medical needs." In addition to this support staff, there are the Soldier and Family Assistance Center coordinators and cadre. Their job is to support the soldier by providing administrative support, social work services, and direct, day-to-day support by handpicked, experienced cadre who have been deployed and understand what the soldier may be experiencing. "Here at the WTU, we work as a team to support the soldier," states SSG Bollig. Before the creation of the WTU, soldiers with medical conditions would have had to go back to the States for treatment. Now, they can receive the medical support they need while remaining close to their unit, which assists soldiers in having a speedier recovery. In Wiesbaden, the WTU facility had undergone over $400,000 in renovations to make 4 buildings accessible to those needing wheelchair access. However, this cost didn 't include the expenses that associated with a new apartment. Having a sponsored room means the soldier can concentrate on healing - with neither the stress of a move nor the expense of purchas ing needed items to make it a home. "When the soldiers move into quarters they are bare-boned. The room that Alpha Sigma Tau sponsored had basic military furniture - such as a bed, chest of drawers, desk, and a couch." This is where Alpha Sigma Tau came in . While the WTU is not able to directly solicit donations, word got around of the need for room sponsorships. Vanessa Emch Florence, Zeta, is a military spouse living in Wiesbaden - and at the time was the National Philanthropy Coordinator. "When I heard about the need to support our wounded warriors, I immediately knew that this was something our Sisterhood would proudly do." And do they did! "The mailroom couldn't believe that I had over three van loads of donations - not including those who sent monetary donations." Donations were solicited on-l ine via gift registry at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, as well as Walmart. "We chose these companies based on their service for qu ick, reliable shipping overseas as well as cost," says Vanessa. " From these gift registries, we received everything from a vacuum cleaner to silverware .. . bathroom towels to bed sheets . .. clocks to trash cans." In fact, the estimated value of the donations, prior to postage, is around $2000. "The amount of items in the Alpha Sigma Tau sponsored room is amazing," states SSG Bollig. " For some soldier, it is going to feel like it is Christmas. Our greatest thanks to the sorority for such an amazing task from so far away." For more information on how to support the Warrior Transition Unit, please contact Alpha Sigma Tau 's Stars and Stripe Alumnae Association at vflorence@alphasigmatau.org.
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THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 13
PEOPLE's BuRN FouNDATION oF INOlANA By Carole Bicking Keily, Alpha Xi, Staff Writer
Alpha Sigma Tau has partnered with the Peoples Burn Foundation to raise awareness of burn and fire prevention, and is undertaking a new initiative over the 2009-20 I0 academic year in support of the personal safety/ risk reduction focus in our educational training. "Ou r overall theme for next year is personal safety," said Kristin Walker, Alpha Lambda, Director of Fraternity Programs. "The Peoples Burn Foundation is focused on promoting safety that many of us take for granted. Too often we light candles, burn fires in our fireplaces, string lights inside and outside our homes - and we forget about the danger involved." "As children, we're taught to 'stop, drop, and roll '; however, as adults, safety concerns today are primarily about protecting one's identity. By bringing the topic of personal safety to the forefront in our programming with the education the District Presidents and Educational Consultants will provide , we hope that our members will become more conscious about fire safety;' Walker continued. The People's Burn Foundation (PBF) was established as a nonprofit organization in 1997.The mission of the People's Burn Foundation is to educate, provide support and advocacy services to those adversely affected by fire and burn injury. Della Hines , a burn survivor, founded PBF after she suffered the loss of two of her three children in a 1991 apartment fire. In memo ry of Della's ch ildren , Nicholas and Mary, Della founded PBF. Beyond the highly acclaimed To Hell and Back national prevention initiatives for firefighters , PBF works on a grassroots level throughout the Midwest serving burn survivo rs and victims of fire loss. With a state-of-the-art burn unit serving three states, PBF works with family members and burn survivors to preserve the emotional and financial integrity of the family during the long burn recovery process.The Foundation also provides emotional support services for burn survivors (adult and children); operates Brave Hearts' camp, a one-week emotionally rehabilitative camp for burn survivors; and, offers a service known as Extinguish the Need to rehabilitate families following total fire loss, in tandem with service provided by the American Red Cross. Since PBF was founded in 1997, its network of burn survivors has grown from nine to more than 700. Della's vision was to create the first bu rn camp in the state of Indiana, because there was no program that provided emotional healing opportun ities for young bu rn survivors.With a small Board of Directors and a committed group of volunteers, PBF hosted the first bu rn camp for ch il dren in the state of Indiana in 1998. Nine children and IS volunteers attended the one-week residential camp. Child ren who had never known other burn survivors , found courage and strength to overcome their scarred and disfigured bodies. Less than a year after the first Brave Hearts' camp, a residential fire claimed the life of a 13-year old young girl , Christy Boles, an d seriously burned her father.The day after, PBF received a call from the school administration asking that, "Somebody help the students through the tragedy." The PBF objective was to comfort the students by explaining their help was necessary, but at the time, a person in grief was incapable of understanding the need for help. When they digested the circumstances of a mother grieving the loss of her only daughter, while praying for her husband 's survival, simultaneously planning a funeral, with no place to call home, the students moved to a different level of healing and altered their course to help in a way that would memorialize Christy's life. W ith Christy in mind, they thought of offering aid and assistance to all people victimized by fire in her memory, which became a program known as Extinguish the Need (ETN). The objective for ETN was to insure that any family victimized by fire would have a place to go where they could replace all of their possessions free of charge, and simultaneously find the strength to begin the rebuilding process. In less than a month, students devised a plan for a citywide collection drive, identified a location to host the event (Howe High School), secured sponsors, and organized the event. One month later, their event would serve more than 40 fire victims in the 14 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
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city of Indianapolis. On that day, families entered a facility set-up like a department store where students were standing by to help them shop: free of charge , to replace their belongings. One family walked in with three children, none of which had shoes or coats -.-- their fire had been the night before.The students could still smell the smoke on the family. It was a surreal experience and It brought powerful meaning and even more determination to their mission . In the fall of 2008,The Pi Beta Phi Fraternity for Women, in partnership with the People's Burn Foundation of Indiana and Campus Firewatch of Massachusetts, launched a campaign to sell fire-safe flameless candles and distribute fire safety literature at the se~en campuses in Ohio with Pi Phi chapters. This program, known as " Remembering Julie ," is being done in the memory of Julie Turnbull , a member of Pi Beta Phi , who died in 2005 in a tragic off-campus fire at Miam i Un iversity in Oxford , Oh io. Julie's great-great grandmother was one of the founders of Pi Phi , giving this program even more importance to the women 's fraternity. PBF met Julie's parents • While fraternity and sorority housing acwhile College Fire Survival was in production. The PBF staff was so moved not counts for only I 0% of fires on campuses only by their story, but by their passion to want to prevent further tragedies each year, the sustained damage rate is five times the average cost of a dormitory such as their own, that the Foundation was thrilled to partner with the women fire, and the injury rate is twice as high. of Pi Beta Ph i. Through the hard work of the Ohio chapters, Pi Beta Phi Frater• Fraternity and sorority housing averages nity made a donation of $6,834.50 to the People's Burn Foundation. Proceeds 141 fires per year, or one every 2.5 days. from the sale of these candles will be used to support the nationwide campus • Since 1976, there have been at least 50 fafire safety programs being presented by the People's Burn Foundation. Since January 2000, almost 130 people have died in campus-related fires according to information compiled by Campus Firewatch,with ove r 80 percent of the deaths occurring in off-campus housing. The PBF has recently produced a DVD in its To Hell and Back series which shows the reality of a burn injury. To Hell and Back: College Fire Survival was designed specifically for the college student demographic and was distributed to every college campus nationwide in the summer of 2008. The People's Burn Foundation is on a mission to make this program mandatory education for all college students through online training that will provide data tracking to determine whether the program is reducing fire-related college student deaths .
talities in fires at fraternity and sorority houses. • According to the American Fire Sprinkler Association, 36 of the last 41 fire fatalities in university-related fires occurred in fraternity housing • or off-campus housing. • Combining fire sprinklers and smoke detectors enhances an individual's chances of surviving a fire by 97%, compared with just 50% when smoke detectors alone are deployed. • With that being said, only about 8% of all Greek housing facilities are protected by a sprinkler system, and there has never been a fire-related fatality in fraternal housing that has sprinklers.
This DVD will be provided to all our collegiate chapters and Distri ct Presidents Source: froternalcaucus.org will use them as an educational program during their visits next year.To insure successful participation among our members , collegiate women should participate in the training sessions with the ir District President. All Alpha Sigma Tau members should evaluate and make needed changes in their living environments to promote fire safety, and should consider using flameless candles. While we are promoting awareness of fire safety, we are also supporting the efforts of the Capital Fraternal Caucus as they work to pass legislation that would allow Greek organizations to accept tax-deductible donations for fire safety im provements, something that is not allowed right now. "With too many Greek organizations having sub-par housing on some campuses, this initiative is very important," says Chris Covington, National President. According to the Capital Fraternal Caucus website , over a quarter of a million students are housed in 8000 Greek housing facilities across the nation , and the replacement cost to upgrades to these facilities (often required by local ord inances) is more than universities - or Gree k organizations - can bear. The Capital Fraternal Cauc us is working on the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructu re Act (H.R. 643/S. 638) . The bill states "that a 50 I (c.)(3) organization will not lose its (c.)(3) tax-exempt status solely because it chooses to make housing and infrastructu re grants to organizations (50 I (c.)(2) or 50 I (c.)(7) organizations, which should include all existing house corporations for fraternal housing that provide not-for-profit housing to college students. The grant may be used for any purpose that a grant made to build a dormitory at a university could be used for, with the exception of recreational/physical fitness equipment." (www.fraternalcaucus.org) The Capital Fraternal Caucus is also working on the College Fire Prevention Act (H.R. 642) , wh ich authorizes federal funding to provide matching grants for fire safety upgrades to existing collegiate housing; and Campus Fire Safety Right-to-Know Act (H .R. 592/S. 354). For more information , visit www.peoplesburnfoundation.org and www.fraternalcaucus.org. Alpha Sigma Tau is proud to partner with the Peoples Burn Foundation to promote awareness of fire safety in the home , whether your home is a college dorm , a small apartment, a large old house , or anywhere in between. Megan King-Wright, Peoples Burn Foundation Director of Public Relations, contributed to this article
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THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau • IS
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national panhellenic conference interim session, there's no place like home, alpha sigma tau needs you , legend of 1899 fund, my one sister
• • The National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) met Oct. 16-18 for the 2008 Inte rim Session at the Marriott Evergreen Con• ference Resort in Stone Mountain , Ga. The meeting was a "working session" with three town hall meetings and one gen eral • ~ session, all of which reflected the work done by the board of directors, the Executive Committee and the NPC stand ing committees on strategic in itiatives to advance the Conference. •• 0 •z The 26 inter/national presidents, executive directors and the NPC Foundation conducted thei r own group meeti ngs duri ng • > the session. All attendees had the opportunity to meet the 49 sponsors, either at their booths o r during the spon so r lunch- • ~ eon. • •~ Town Hall Meetings • • z~ New Media Initiatives • Representatives of MediaSauce presented a proposal to project the appeal of joining an NPC member group to potential • new members and parents. Under the proposed "Sorority Life" brand , MediaSauce will launch several electronic med ia tools • b1 to help NPC reach various audiences and to publicize the sorority experience. • ~~ • b1 MediaSauce and Kyle Communications, both Indianapolis-based companies, were selected in July 2008 to coo rdinate and • lead NPC's public relations and marketing needs. •z • n NPC Long Range Plan • The NPC Long Range Planning Committee presented its report on its review of the 2005-20 I0 plan and its focus on the •n goal of organ izational effectiveness. Led by Carol Warren , Pi Beta Phi, the committee was directed to provide the Confe r•0 ence with a forum to discuss how to improve current operations and to make recommendations on how to pu rsue a new • and different course of action. •z •~ • b1 The committee proposed several resolutions to improve organizational effectiveness, which were considered during the • :::0 general session. Committee members also facilitated small-group discussions to address opportunities for action on the: • b1 •z • Role of the delegate and the alternate delegates. • Necessity of Conference rules and regulations. •n • Executive Committee term . • Appointment of committee chairmen and committee members. • b1 • Importance of trust and t ransparency. • Method of conducting Conference business. • •N Recommendations and areas of consensus reached by the small groups were presented to the Conference for cons idera•0 tion by Warren and committee members Karly K. Burns, Delta Zeta;Jana Clayton,Aipha Delta Pi; Carol Coo rdt, Kappa Delta; Betsy Sierk Corridan, Kappa Alpha Theta; Jennifer Daurora,Aipha Chi Omega; Kathleen Salisbury Massie, Delta Delta • 0 • 00 Delta; and Lori Wh ite Scott, Alpha Sigma Alpha. • • Task Force on Social Practices Earlier this year, the Task Force on Social Practices reviewed the Big Ten Social Policy In it iative .The NPC rep resentatives on • z the task force are Susan Danko, Alpha Omicron Pi; Robin White Fanning, Phi Mu ;Julie Johnson , Kappa Delta; and Carol War- • ~ • b1 ren , Pi Beta Phi. • :::0 The presentation by the NPC members of the task force during the Interim Session discussed initiatives at several universi- • •~ ties to address the alcohol culture on campuses.Those activities include peer-monitoring programs, co-sponsored event policies, and other programs. Deb Ensor, Zeta Tau Alpha, gave a report on behalf of her group du ri ng the task force presen- • • (f) tation. • b1 • General Session • One general session conducted the business of the Conference, which included several amendments to the bylaws . Delegates voted on the name of the annual meeting of the corporation, the order of the rotation of the secretary and t reasu re r • •0 on the Executive Committee, the term of office of the Executive Committee, discipline , and the Membersh ip Rec ruitment •z Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA). • • Delegates also voted on two general resolutions: a College Pan hellenic dues increase and National Adviso r App reciation • Month. Resolutions that passed are posted on the NPC Web site and on member group Web sites. • • By Jamie Jones Miller, Psi, NPC
2 nd
Alternate Delegate
(/) (/) ~
www.al phasigmatau.org
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THE ANCHOR of Alph a Sigm a Tau • 17
The local o rgan ization was fi rst known as Delta Gamma Rho on the campus of Kansas State Teachers' College (now Empo ria State University). It was o rganized o n November I I, 1920, with fifteen women as charter members. The first year the so ro rity ranked fi rst in schola rsh ip and placed first in the annual stunt contest. Several of the members were recognized in Z eta Kappa Psi, the national honorary fo rens ics frate rnity, others were elected to Kappa Delta Pi , the national honorary scholarshi p fraternity. On April 4, 1923, Delta Gamma Rho became the Iota Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority. Effie Lyman install ed th e chapte r and initiated the officers at t he home of t he sponsor, Jane K.Atwood . Two weeks later another In itiation service was held at which time the remaining membe rs of De lta Gamma Rho were initiated into Alpha Sigma Tau. With in two years of installatio n, over fifty-five members signed the Alpha Sigma Tau Constitutio n signaling their Initiation. Jane Atwood wou ld late r become a C hapter Adviser with Martha Bates Hatfield. The next advise r, Helen P. Garman, was one of the strongest advisers any chapter eve r had . The Advise r's Award established in 1955 was called the Helen R. Garman Award. Besi des advising the members on sorority work, she was fin ancial adviser fo r the successful house they would purchase in 1926. The Iota Chapter was fortun ate eno ugh to own their own house . In 1928, Ceceil Butler, the Business Manage r for TH E ANCHOR, recalled how Iota "put it over" and the chapter's hopes that many more chapters will enjoy th e same pleasure t hey have fo und in owning a home . The chapter found itse lf renting hou ses, from on e year to t he next, since it originated several years ago. Th e mo re t hey tho ught about it, the more it seemed a shame to be practically throwing away at least a hund red do llars a mo nt h and not realizing any permanent good. W ith the help of a very interested patron, Mr. Loomis, the chapter cr _ 18 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
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there's no place like home ated a committee to " house hunt" some good prospective houses. The deal closed eight months after the "house hunt" began with the Iota Chapter paying $125 .00 each month for eleven years and eight months - that did not include furniture. But with the help of loving alumnae and patrons, the chapter was given numerous wonderfu l items to fill the house . Twenty years after the purchase of the house at I 006 Constitution, a new sign light was installed in the shape of the crest and had the Alpha Sigma Tau Greek letters in green neon lights. Over the next few decades, the ch apter reported successful recruitment periods, gala events and National staff visits . The chapter house underwent extensive renovations in 1947 with the raising of the roof literally to include an attic (to house 6 more collegians) and the chapter room remodeled to inclu de new wall paper, draperies and venetian blinds. The house was now able to house 23 Sorority women in addition to the House Mother. It was in 1966 that the chapter found it necessary to sell the Constitution house for a larger one. A house was purchased on Merchant Street. The chapter was very involved in college activities. Through successful recruitments, it became a large chapter. Many chapter women earned collegiate honors - C ardinal Key, Panhellenic honors, high GPAs, intramural athletics. There was a strong i'ocal alumnae group that supported the chapter and participated in activities. But in the late 1980s, the chapte r began to experience low membership and financial challenges. The National O rganization tried to support the struggling ch apter and the National Foundation provided loans to ease the financial burden. Even with this assistance, the chapter official ly closed on May 2, 1989, citing low membership and their inability to meet their financial responsibilities. Almost twenty years later, Alph a Sigma Tau has returned to Emporia's campus. The local soro rity, Beta Lambda Alpha, has been colonized as the Iota Colony. The nine active mem be rs of BAA began their colonization journey on February 2. BAA was established on March 13 , 2003 by three students who used their first initials to name the sorority. "They are a small but strong sisterhood ," said Laura Clark, Psi, Director of Extension for AIT, when asked why AIT choose to become affiliated with BAA. "They don 't have a house but they've been able to recruit and thrive .They have the highest GPA of all the sororities here .That tells us that they are serious about their studies, they are serious about res pons ibi lity and they are going to be good leaders." "Our goal is to rec ruit to the average size of sororities here , that's about 50 women ," Clark said. "We want to be an integral part of the Pan hellen ic commun ity right away. So we will be participating in Greek week and informal recruitment." Members of the Iota Chapter have gone on to serve the So rority in many capacities: Mary Alice Sellers Pete rson (National President 1955-1964); Dorothy Mirth Young (Recording Secretary 1925-1927); Esther Carolson G riffith (Life Membership Chairman 1943-1949);Virginia G riffith Maxson (District President IV and NPC Delegate 1964-1968); Mered ith Shepard Hinshaw (District Pres ident Ill , 1951-1972); Janet Minnis Jimison (National Vice President 1996-1998, 2000-2002 and National Treasurer 1990-1996), Jul ie Bell Bruington (National Foundation President) an d Janet Hanson Dodson (Nati onal Vice Pres ident 1986-1990 and D irector of Expansion 1992-1996). For more information about the Iota Colony, please contact Laura Clark, Psi, Director of Extension , at lclark@alphasigmatau.org.
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THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 19
Volunteer opportunities are here ... waiting just for you! By Sarah Hinshaw, Delta Nu, Nominations Coorinator, Non-Advisory Honestly, we need your time and talents! Becoming a volunteer on the National level creates the ideal dim ension to your resume! Whether you hope to: - build a network for an upcoming career change, or - sharpen your skills or build new skills to keep your career on the move, o r - share your experiences of Alpha Sigma Tau with a new generation of women, or - find an outlet as a stay-at-home mom, or - share your skills and time with the National organization as an alumna with children in high school and/or college, or as an alumna who has retired from her full-time career. Volunteering for Alpha Sigma Tau can provide this added dimension for you! Here are a few non-advisory volunteer opportunities currently available:
National Convention Coordinator(s)- To work with the National Council in planning, preparing, directing, and executing successful National Conventions. She works with local convention chairman, visits the approved Convention site prior to convention, plans all meeting/event rooms per requirements, makes accommodations for guests and speakers, plans for shipment of Sorority materials to the Convention site, and organizes the room reservations for the delegates. Excellent negotiation and organizational skills are required; hotel and restaurant management/event plann ing experience is preferred. Travel is required. Regional Leadership Workshop Coordinator- To plan, implement, and coordinate the Regional Leadership Workshops; assist the collegiate chapters in preparation for the workshops. She works closely with the Director of Collegiate Chapters and the Director of Fraternity Programs to prepare programs and meetings. She will be required to serve as the logistical coordinator for on-site coordination. Attendance at RLWs is required , of course. National Housing Coordinator- To distribute information on housing. She oversees the insurance billing to collegiate chapters, aids chapters the housing loan application process, supervises the maintenance of collegiate chapter housing savings/investments, and assists chapters in forming Housing Corporations. An investment or legal background is preferred. A complete list of these non-advisory volunteer opportunities along with a candidate application can be found at: http://www.alphasigmatau.org/alphasigmatau/alumnae-in-action/volunteer-opportunities/
Advisory Volunteer Opportunities are also available: Volunteering at the collegiate level by actively serving as an adviser on a Collegiate-Alumnae Advisory Board (CAAB) can also be a rewarding experience. Serving as a Chapter Adviser,Assistant Chapter Adviser, Chapter Consultant, Recruitment Adviser, or a New Member Adviser, will provide an experience that can enrich your life and the lives of collegians ... a chapter is waiting for YOU! For more information, contact Lara Cegala Williams, Psi, Director of Collegiate Chapters, lcegala@alphasigmatau.org for additional information.
Collegiate Alumnae Advisory Board Openings: The Sorority conducts monthly training calls to introduce and keep advisers current on relevant issues, new programs, and understanding how chapters operate.The National Adviser Training Program will also be held at the scheduled Officer Academy, in the summer of every odd year. For summer of 2009, Officer Academy will occur at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA the weekend of June 19-21 , 2009. Information about specific advisory roles, qualifications, and how to apply can be found at: phasigmatau/alumnae-in-action/adviser-responsibilities/
We offer alumna women with an avenue to develop new career skills in management, budget development/oversight, project management, or executive suite experience. There are definitely opportunities to develop and expand your career and your social networks, or simply an avenue to contribute your share to the progress of mankind ... Alpha Sigma Tau welcomes you to join in this wonderful effort! If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to contact the National Nom ina. . . < . > 20 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Aloha Sbzma Tau
Sprinl! 2009
LEGACY OF 1899 FUND Honoring our Past, Shaping our Future From November 4, 1899 to today, Alpha Sigma Tau members have dedicated their time, energy, and money to support our Sorority. Under the leadership of Patricia Klausing Simmons, Delta, Past National President, the Legacy of 1899 fund was established to provide premier professional educational programming at our National Convention, Officer Academy, Regional Leadership Workshops and District Days. The Legacy of 1899 Fund will raise monies to benefit the membership and provide educational opportunities. We will then be able to offer programming to our membership to help with life and leadership skills, which will benefit our Sorority and help us remain at the forefront in the Greek Community.
To meet this goal, it is imperative that we intensify our efforts to generate alternative revenue resources. To continue our success as a strong Sorority, we must create an independent source of funds that allows us the flexibility in providing the needed professional programming. Much of the resourcefulness and financial support needed to continue our success comes from our membership and friends of Alpha Sigma Tau. Like the eight Founders of Alpha Sigma Tau , we need you to become a Founder within the Legacy of ~899 Fund. By asking each member, collegiate and alumnae, for a minimum donation of $18.99, in honor of our establishment in 1899, we can reach unlimited heights. The goal is for at least I ,899 members to donate 18.99. Please be a part of honoring our past and shaping our future . Donations may be sent to Alpha Sigma Tau Headquarters, 1929 Canyon Road, Birmingham,AL 35216. Please make your check payable to Alpha Sigma Tau Legacy of 1899 Fund.
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THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 21
MARY LoursE MANDREA DoYLE, THETA Carole Bicking Keily. Alpha Xi, subm itted a personal story about her 'one sister.'
Many of us have that "one sister" who has made the difference in our lives, in our passion and direction, whether it's our involvement in Alpha Sigma Tau or just life in general. This new feature in THE ANCHOR gives sisters a forum to talk about why that one sister is so important. My "one sister" is Mary Louise Mandrea Doyle,Theta, who died this past August at the age of 98. Mary Louise's lifetime of contributions to Alpha Sigma Tau have been chronicled extensively in the pages of prior Anchors; indeed, she served as Editor of this publication from the late 1920s to the late 1940s. As a collegiate member, I learned about Mary Louise because of the national award named for her, the Mary Louise Doyle Panhellenic Award . I knew she had also been a District President and the NPC Delegate and that she was a member of the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter. What I did not know was that soon I would meet this legendary Alpha Sigma Tau sister. I met Mary Louise when I first moved to Washington, DC in the early 1980s and started going to meetings of the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter. The first time I went to an alumnae chapter meeting, I was to meet a group of alumnae sisters at Mary Louise's. Well , the streets were dark and house numbers practically invisible as I drove around looking for her home. When I finally found it, there were five women waiting for me in a car outside her home - and even though they were all about my mother's age and older, they made me feel welcome. I sat next to Mary Louise on the car ride to the meeting and quickly found that this woman was so down-to-earth and so funny ; I wondered why I'd ever been so nervous about meeting her. I lived near Mary Louise for a few years and often stopped by to visit with her and her husband. We went to meetings together and on one occasion drove into Wash ington DC to meet with several NPC sisters who were attending a National Association of Student Personnel Admin istrators (NASPA) meeting there. Mary Louise and I had lunch with Sidney Allen of Alpha Sigma Alphaand I don 't think we stopped laughing the entire time . As we were leaving and exchanging hugs, Sidney said she hoped she'd meet me again . On the way home , it seemed for a moment as if Sidney wouldn't see either one of us again . I had to stop short at a traffic light, and Mary Louise , who hadn't put on a seat belt, sl id forward on the seat- almost onto the floor! She was not hurt and was quite chastened as she put on her seat belt for the trip home . When I was Editor ofTHE ANCHOR in the 1990s,l met with Mary Lou ise to pick her brain about ideas for upcoming issues and to commiserate over misspelled words, unusable photos and submissions that arrived too late. She told a story of how, after she'd resigned as Ed itor in the late 1940s when her husband was posted to Japan , she would still get submissions for The Anchor, addressed to " Mrs. Justin G. Doyle, Tokyo, Japan". Somehow, the Post Office would find her. We traveled togethe r to conventions an d chapter installations. I can still see her running behind me in the Dallas Airport as we hurried to get our connecting flight back home after the Convention in Tulsa. I did ask her to please ride in one of the carts and thought she was in fact in one of the carts - but when I looked over my shoulder as I turned a corner, there she was, three paces behind me and not at all out of breath! (She did take a long nap on the plane coming home!) Mary Louise didn 't just influence my Alpha Sigma Tau life. Just befo re President Reagan 's first Inauguration, she said " Oh, it's so nice that there will be elegance again in the Wh ite House." When I responded with a flippant, "so what?", she went on to explain that the practicalities of the Carter Adm inistration were necessary at the time but she didn't th ink they were very presidential. Entertaining and meeting with foreign dignitaries and the American public does requ ire a
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certain type of etiquette. I don't know if Mary Louise ever attended a State Dinner, but I'm sure she would have enjoyed it. When I was first married, she asked me if I ever planned to have children. When I said no, she said, "Oh, go ahead and have just one. You won't regret it." Well , it took a few years, but I found out (twice) that she was right. Mary Louise's first appearance on our national ALT stage was when she showed up at Edith Mansell 's door as a new graduate in the late 1920s and offered to edit THE ANCHOR. Her final influence on the Sorority was her suggestion that we amend the Constitution to allow our most senior members to be exempt from paying their alumnae dues after a certain age . That Constitution revision was passed at the 2008 Convention; alumnae who are over the age of 75 may now opt out of paying their national alumnae dues by completing a form available from Headqu arters. During those 80-odd years, she touched a lot of lives, from National Presidents to brand-new collegiate members. I'm proud to have been one of them.
Sometimes you can't just choose one sister. National President Chris Covington says her one sister is our One Sisterhood. There are many facets to our sisterhood and we can learn something from each sister. Chris said that for her, many different sisters have modeled leadership skills, knowledge of ritual, knowledge of our governing processes, and life-long friendship. "Often a sister who you don't really know today will inspire you tomorrow," she said.
Joanne Rupp recht Walter, Psi, Nominations Committee, submitted this story.
I can vividly remember Fall 2002 Rec ruitment at James Madison University. I was an easily intimated freshman , whose concept of sorority life was somewhat skewed. I thought recruitment would be an easy process; I was just deciding what sorority letters I wanted to wear around campus, right? Little did I know how life altering this process would become. I did not know what sorority was my perfect fit; I felt comfortable at every house I'd visited. With the clock ticking away, my moment of realization finally came on Pref Night. I was sitting in the basement of a different sorority, listening to one of their sisters tell her story about how she knew she had found her ideal sorority. Her story went something like this : She had a friend who was several years older than her, they had grown up in the same neighborhood , swam on the swim team together, gone to high school together, graduated 3 years apart, and then that previous summer they had coached the swim team they grew up on. She had been to JMU to visit this older friend , staying in that sorority house for a weekend and meeting several of the sisters. She went through recruitment, also as a freshman and ended up joining her friend 's sorority. In the middle of this girl's eloquent account of her recruitment experience, I begin to cry uncontrollably. Her story was the moment of realization for me that I had been anxiously anticipating throughout Recruitment; it was the moment I knew I had to become a sister of Alpha Sigma Tau. Ironically, I had a story and friendship that paralleled her story exactly, and my friend was a sister of Alpha Sigma Tau.
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My friend ,Jacquie, had always been my biggest supporter when it came to life , swimming, and then most recently college. jacqu ie and I had grown up together, swam together, graduated 3 years apart, and had , also, coached our neighborhood swim team together. While visiting JMU one weekend during my senior year of high school, I stayed in the ALT house with Jacquie and met many of the sisters. For me, it took hearing another sorority girl 's moving story that finally made me realize that I wanted to be a sister of Alpha Sigma Tau more than anything. Now, I could not imagine my life without ALT; I could not imagine my life without Jacquie as my friend and sister. As our story would turn out,Jacquie and I ended up being part of the same family. (Sadly, I cannot remember if this part of the story was the same as the other sisters ', but perhaps th is was our opportunity to write some of our own history!) Jacquie will always be tied to my decision to become a sister of Alpha Sigma Tau. Without hearing our story replicated at another sorority house on my Pref Night, I would never have been given the opportun ity to grow and flourish within this sisterhood. Jacquie is My One Sister who guided me into the best decision of my collegiate years. She is My One Sister that constantly reminds me sisterhood is a lifetime commitment to fr iendsh ip. She is My One Sister who will always remain close to my heart.
If you know of a special sister, that one sister, who you believe deserves recognition , please email Courtney Keirn, Beta Upsilon, Director of Publications, at ckeim@alphasigmatau.org to suggest you r sister. We cannot wait to hear your story!
•••• ••••••••••••••••••• Stay Connected to Alpha Sigma Tau! •• •
The Alpha Sigma Tau National Homepage has many new features to keep our membership up-to-date with the happenings of the Sorority.
Linkedln: Linkedln is an online network of more than 30 million experienced professionals from around the world representing ISO industries. Alpha Sigma Tau has an official group of networking individuals. Sign up today! Twitter:Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co-workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question:What are you doing? Each time anything is changed, updated or uploaded to the National Homepage , we post a tweet! Flickr: Flickr is an online photo management and sharing application. Its primary goals are to help people make photos available to those who matter to them, and to enable new ways of organizing pictures.We have uploaded over 5,000 photos we have collected throughout the years of our members. Facebook: Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. Become a fan of our Sorority!
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• THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Spring 2009
National Adviser Appreciation Day By Colleen Coffey, Delta Eta , Staff Writer
April is National Volunteer Month From the National Council: "Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority recognizes and appreciates all persons who advise, guide and support our collegiate chapters, our members and Greek communities. To demonstrate our appreciation and to reach out to alumnae, supportive persons, campus administrators, and community leaders, Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority declares April I 0 as National Adviser Appreciation Day! "
Alpha Sigma Tau 1s Leading the Way In October throughout throughout support for
2008,Aipha Sigma Tau presented a proposal to the National Panhellenic Conference that April be recognized NPC as National Adviser Month . The resolution was adopted and heretofore , all sororities will celebrate advisers this month . Alpha Sigma Tau is proud to lead NPC in this endeavor to recognize our advisers who are the baseline our collegiate chapters.
20 Ways to Appreciate Advisers The men and women who do so much for us and give countless hours of their free time just for the love of Alpha Sigma Tau deserve your support and recognition! In celebration of National Adviser Appreciation Day, we suggest the following:
I. Send yellow roses to his or her home or workplace. 2. Call the spouse of your adviser to thank him or her for their time. 3. Have each woman personally sign an appreciation card. 4. Send a heartfelt email about the impact each adviser has had on your chapter. 5. Throw a small surprise party for them . 6.Ask them if you can provide free childcare for a night. 7. Make them their favorite food . 8. Give them a gift card for something they would not purchase for themselves . 9.Ask them to report on the impact of alumnae involvement for an MG&D program. IO.Attend a local alumnae meeting to give specific praise to your adviser in front of his or her peers. I I. Dedicate a big event to them this year. 12. Serenade them with the Fraternity Hymn. 13 . Name a chapter-based award after your adviser to be given to a woman who demonstrates qualities similar to those you see in your adviser. 14. Encourage them to take time for themselves . IS. Start a scholarship that advisers can access to attend professional trainings. 16. Start a chapter-based scholarship through the Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation in honor of your adviser. 17. Send an email to the campus-based adviser's direct supervisor to let him or her know what the campus-based adviser means to your chapter. 18. In concert, set your facebook status to say, "we love our advisers." 19. Give a little bit of money to their favorite charity in their name. 20. Finally, the Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority has prepared an Adviser Appreciation Ceremony available for download from Officer Resources
Tell Us About It To commemorate the second year of Adviser Appreciation Day, we will be documenting success stories in the next ANCHOR. What did you do to appreciate your advisers? Send an email to Colleen Coffey, THE ANCHOR Staff Writer at advisorcc@hotmail.com with your name , your chapter's name , what you did for your adviser, and what his or her reaction was.
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26 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alph a Sigm a Tau
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alumnae affiliation, but college is over, alumnae dues invoice, i give, alumnae in action
AlUMNAI &''IllATION Most of us think of recruitment, the new member period and initiation as steps to Alpha Sigma Tau membership. There is another way women can become member s of Alpha Sigma Tau - alumnae affil iation . Women who have had at least one year of college cred it who are not a member of another National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) group may affiliate with the Sorority. Many women did not have the opportunity to join a soror ity during college , but now are ready to be a part of ou r Sister hood. Who is eligible for alumnae affiliation? The alumnae of a local sorority which is affiliating with Alpha Sigma Tau , patronesses of collegiate chapters, chapter advisers, women from the community, and fam ily members are examples of eligible women . Do you know a woman from your family, place of employment or neighborhood who possess the high ideals of Alpha Sigma Tau? If so, she should be introduced to Alpha Sigma Tau. Invite her to take part in socials and philanthropic projects so that she can meet other Alpha Sigma Taus. The process for affiliation is very simple. An eligible woman is recommended for membership by an initiated membe r, collegiate chapter, or alumnae chapter. Permission to affiliate is granted by the National Organization. The woman pays the affil iation fee and is initiated into Alpha Sigma Tau . One such member is Ricki Bargman Trosen,Aipha Sigma. Since her affiliation, Ricki has served in many capacit ies including Alpha Sigma Tau Chapter Adviser, Kappa District President, National Secretary, National Vice President, Di rector of Collegiate Chapters and is currently on the National Foundation Board of Directors - Research and Development. Alpha Sigma Tau is always looking for quality women to become members. If you know someone who qualifies, please take the time to introduce her to Alpha Sigma Tau . It could be time well spent. For more information about alumnae affil iation , please visit the National Homepage or contact Theresa Gallo, Alumnae Affiliation Chairman , at tgallo@alphasigmatau.org.
AlUMI'IAI IIIâ&#x20AC;˘ITIATI! Congratulations to the following women who have recently affiliated with A lpha Sigma Tau as alumnae: Victoria Giunta Epsilon Zeta Chapter University ofVirginia at Wise Victoria Rabalais Phi Chapter Southeastern Louisiana State University Michelle Miller Lee Alpha Chapter Eastern Michigan University
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Through the years, the majority of our expansion efforts have been focused on collegiate chapters. Expansion means establishing new collegiate chapter on university or college campuses where Alpha Sigma Tau does not have a chapter. Often, the university/college administration looks at the moral and financial support that can be provided by local alumnae of the national sorority. While we have approximately 35 established alumnae associations across the country, there are many areas where we could have additional associations based on the number of alumnae in the area. ALT alumnae also participate in Alumnae Panhellenics in thei r communities. Each Alumnae Pan hellenic strives to include a representative of each National Panhellenic Conference (N PC) sorority in its group. There are opportun ities to serve on Alumnae Panhellenics in areas where ALT may o r may not have alumnae associations organ ized.
\XIha.t a.re. the. top ..AO re.a..sons For wantl.ng to st~ l.nvolved. l.n the. a.Lu.mna.e. world oF Alpha. Slgma. T OJ.L ? I0. To stay involved as an active alumna after leaving college. That involvement can be as simple as paying your national alumnae dues! 9.To continue to support the National Organization with your time and financ ial means . In this way, the organization can provide benefits and direction to collegiate and alumnnae chapters and individual members through volunteers and the National Headquarters staff. 8.To devote time as an active member in an alumnae association by attending meetings , serving as an officer or committee chairman, and participating in community projects. ? .To continue to follow and perpetuate the beliefs expressed in the Creed of Alpha Sigma Tau. 6.To continue the communication and support with your local collegiate chapter by attending the chapter's Founders Day, homecoming, recruitment events, or other special events. S.To make new friends with other ALTs across the country. These sorority sisters can become your best friends! 4. When you pay your National dues, you receive our National magazine ,THE ANCHOR. 3.To gain inner fulfillment by volunteering in a national staff position. 2. To participate in a collegiate extension effort by attending the presentation, providing refreshments, or participating in the new member period or installation services. I.To take the lead in your area to establish a new alumnae association if there is no existing association. 28 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Spring 2009
How cio
but college is over ... isn't my sorority experience?
(lt,ci If there. t.S an a.dwe. ol.umnQe. QSSoUaJlon ln rYJ a.re.a. ?
Check the Alumnae Association directory on the National Homepage.
there. lS not an e..stabllshe.ci o.LumnQe. a.ssOO:a.tlon lt1 rry a.re.a.} how tan
sta.rt one. ?
Contact Shelly Redmond, Alpha, Alumnae Expansion Coordinator, at sredmond@alphasigmatau.org.
\XJha.t lt'lrorm~lon cio
ne.e.d. to provlcie. to le.arn wha.t o.LumnQe. llve. lt1 rry a.re.a. ?
You should provide the first three digits of the Zip Codes for your area. For example, 770, 773, 774, and 775 are some Zip Codes within a 50-mile radius of Houston ,TX. You should also provide your full address and telephone number in case the Headquarters staff or the Alumnae Expansion Coordinator need to contact you . You should also indicate whether or not alumnae may contact you personally.
\XIha.t ste.ps are. tQWJ ~ t\JaJlona.l He.Qciqurufers or the. AlumnQe. Expanslon Coorcilt'lalor ? National Headquarters will share with you the approximate number of alumnae living in your area. This information will be provided through an alumnae listing sorted by Zip Code. The Alumnae Expansion Coordinator will receive a copy of Headquarters' response, so she can follow up with you . If the Alumnae Expansion Coordinator is your first contact, she will check the alumnae listing. She has to see how many alumnae are in the Zip Codes requested .
How lS c.onta.d mQcie. Wlth a.re.a. o.LumnQe. ? The Alumnae Expansion Coordinator determines the number of alumnae from the alumnae listing by Zip Codes. Generally, if the number of alumnae is below 25 , with the Alumnae Expansion Coordinator will contact the alumnae asking that they respond to you as the contact person, or you may contact the alumnae yourself. If the number of alumnae is higher than 25, flyers will be sent to the alumnae in the target area. If a local alumna is willing to take the lead in the expansion effort, the Alumnae Expansion Coordinator will ask the alumnae , via the flyer, to respond to that alumna. Otherwise, the alumnae will be asked to respond to the Alumnae Expansion Coordinator.
\XIho p~s
the. o.LumnQe.
to be. se.nt ?
The National Organization pays for the printing and postage.
\XIha.t h~pe.ns whe.n the. AlumnQe. Expanslon Coorcilt'lalor rew.ve..s re..sponse..s Prom the. o.LumnQe. expanslon mo.Lllt'lg to a.re.a. o.LumnQe.? When there is a local contact, she will respond to all affirmative responses, asking the local contact to follow up with the alumnae to arrange a social gathering.
\XIha.t other lt'lrormallon Wlll be. sha.re.ci Wlth an organt.zt.ng o.LumnQe. group ? A copy of Four Steps to Organizing an Alumnae Chapter, an explanation of the initial steps to organize an alumnae group, an explanation of the benefits of members in the alumnae organization, and a listing of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the alumnae who responded to the flyer.
How m~ women m.u.st be. lt1 an o.LumnQe. group to be. c.onslciere.ci an o.LumnQe. a.ssOO:a.tlon ? There are no minimum requirements for alumnae associations, however it's best to start with a core group of three to five alumnae who can share the responsibility for getting the association started.
How rre.qu.e.nt~ sho.ulci an aiumnQe. group meet ? www.alphasigmatau.org
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but college is over ... isn't my Sorority experience?
There are four types of alumnae associations, and each has different requirements for meetings and events: Chapter, Club, Social Team and Support Team. The Alumnae Expansion Coordinator can work with your group to determine the best format. Keep in mind that alumnae associations are less formal and structured than collegiate chapters.
\XIhat Flr!ClÂĽlCLa.L c.ommltment lS re.qllired ~ a.Lumna.e. a.ssOO:atlc>n me.mbers ? The $40.00 national alumnae dues are paid annually by each member. Each alumnae association determines its own local dues, generally between $5.00 and $20.00.
\XIhere. are. a.Lumna.e. me.etlr!gs held ? Generally, in the homes of alumnae, on a rotating basis. Alumnae meetings may also be held in churches, the community rooms of public libraries o r in meeting rooms at local hotels. Social activities are planned in local restaurants, movie theaters, museums, etc.
\XIhen are. me.etlr!gs held ? This varies by association . Most of our associations meet on a particular day in a particular week, e .g. , the third Wednesday of the month .
a.n lnltla.l sOO:a.l gather-lng ha.s be.en arra.nge.d ) what are. the. next steps ?
At the initial meeting, you might hold a get-acquainted activity and serve refreshments such as dessert and soft drinks. The Alumnae Expans ion Coo rdinator and Director of Alumnae can give you suggestions. Determine the interest level for starting the alumnae group. See if the alumnae in attendance know other alumnae, and pass around the alumnae listing sent from Headquarters or the Alumnae Expansion Coord inator to see if alumnae recognize the names of sisters. Share w ith alumnae the steps invo lved in becoming an organ ized alumnae association , and determine an agenda and location for a second meeting. Co nsider how often to meet, the best date and time to meet, eventual selection of chapter officers, and when the petition to become an alumnae association will be signed. The second activity should be held no later than 4-6 weeks after the initial gathering.
\XIhat ne.e.ds to happen at the. serond adlvl_ty ? Conduct another get-acquainted activity for new alumnae attending. Plan how often you will meet, discuss program ideas, determine local dues, an d plan for an election of officers after discussing the duties of each officer. Find out if the alumnae are ready to sign a petition to o rganize an alumnae association.
\XIhat happens a.Fter the. peMlc>n lS s.ubmlHe.d ? The National President will acknowledge the receipt of the petition, and Headqua rters will send supplies to assist in organizing the chapter. The Alumnae Expansio n Coordinator will give specific details of the requirements to necessary to become an alumnae association. If a group is petitioning to become an alumnae chapter and it has completed the requirements, steps will be taken to arrange the installation activity.
How m~ a.Lumna.e. a.ssOO:atlc>ns c.o.uld be. esta.bllshe.d CllroSS the. c.o.unt:Y ? If every member were involved, we could have well over I 00 alumnae chapters with 20 or more alumnae in each chapter.
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alpha . sigma. tau
2009-20 I 0 Alumnae Dues Invoice Name First
Address Phone Number
E-mail Address Collegiate Chapter Affiliation
Alumnae Dues
Educational Set-Aside Fund Legacy of 1899 Fund NPC Reserve Fund Total Payment Options
Check: Please submit this form along with your payment to Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters, 1929 Canyon Road, Birmingham, AL 35216. Please make your check payable to Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority. Total: _ _ _ _ _ __ _
Check# _ __
Credit Card: Please visit the [ALT] Marketplace on the Alpha Sigma Tau National Homepage at http://alphasigmatau.org/dues/ to pay your dues online. Why am I receiving this dues invoice? Membership in Alpha Sigma Tau is a lifetime commitment, and by paying your annual dues, you are helping to meet the ever-increasing costs of operating our National Organization. Your Sorority Alumnae dues will support programs and services for all members. If you normally pay your alumnae dues through an organized alumnae association, please continue to pay in that manner. If you have questions concerning this invoice, please contact the National Headquarters at 205.978.2179 or JSanders@alphasigmatau.org. Please remember to notify National Headquarters if you change your name or address after you have paid your alumnae dues.
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32 • THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
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c: 0 ·~ u
c: ·cu ns
atlanta social team The Atlanta area alumnae are in the process of re-starting an alumnae organization in the Atlanta area. A Facebook group was created (AST Atlanta Alum) and currently has around 30 members. The first event, a social night starting with appetizers at "The Grove" in Decatur and seeing the movie "Confessions of a Shopaholic,"had five alumnae at the event and many more who couldn't make it but want to be involved in the future .
greater chicago alumnae chapter The Greater Chicago Alumnae Chapter had numerous fun-filled events this past year. They included: a family outing at the Schaumburg Flyers baseball game, a family picnic at the home of Sandy Leff. where the upcoming calendar was made for the year and officers were elected, a mini-golf and bowing event, a Founder's Day Celebration at the home of Diane Rand where following a ceremony, the members played games and enjoyed an appetizer dinner. and a Holiday Gift Exchange at the home of Jennifer Lapacek where members participated in a grab bag gift exchange and enjoyed a potluck brunch.
indianapolis social team Four members of the Indianapolis Alumnae Social Team met to discuss plans for the coming year, about the new Epsilon Kappa colony at Trine University in Angola, IN and some of the proposed constitutional revisions to be voted on at convention. Three Indianapolis Alumnae members and three members of the Epsilon Kappa Colony enjoyed a fabulous dinner at the Bravo Restaurant with the visiting members of the National Council in August. Even though prior comments kept several of our alumnae from attending, the Social Team was extremely honored to have the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with our Sorority leaders. Fall not only means school has started, the leaves are changing color, but also Founders Day approaching. Six members of the Indianapolis Social Team met at the home of Marilynn Teel for a jewelry party and early Founders Day observance in October. Two new alumna to Indianapol is were welcomed to the group: Carmen Bruner, Alpha Epsilon , from Western Illinois, and Ann Cichocky, Gamma Xi, from Grand Valley State in Michigan. Founders Day was observed by reciting the Creed and reading of Footpaths to Peace. The passing of one of ALT's icons, Mary Louise Doyle, was mentioned along with an article regarding a current Sorority icon and THE CREST article on volunteerism.
nashville alumnae chapter The tail end of 2008 wraps up a busy year for the Nashville Alumnae Chapter! Over $660 was raised in Fall fundraisers, working concessions at the local Nashville Sounds baseball game. This money was used to give $500 in dues scholarsh ips to the members of Delta Eta. September saw the success of recruitment and welcoming of Delta Eta's 30 new Omega class members! The chapter proudly cheered on all at Susan G. Komen 's annual Race For The Cure. How rewarding and inspiring to support such strong women (and men!) from the community. November had the chapter celebrating Founders Day on November 7'h with a Rededication Ceremony.
northern virginia alumnae chapter Stars, Stripes, and Sisterhood! In honor of the 2008 Convention being held in Chantilly,Virginia the ladies of the NoVA Alumnae Association decided to honor our country during th is election year and
34 • THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
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learn about the different patriotic songs our country cherishes. In September the women made a care package for each of the four collegiate chapters in the state ofVirginia that included notes from the alumnae, AET items, scrapbook materials, and yummy treats. The group also worked on developing its Nintendo Wii skills- especially with bowling. In October, the alumnae celebrated the fall season and actually decorated pumpkins and met to put ideas into motion for the upcoming year. In November the alumnae met at the home of Charlotte Floyd to celebrate Founders Day. With many in attendance the evening was full of sisterhood and learning about our recent accomplishments as well as pausing to remember Mary Louise Doyle. The women from the Northern Virginia Chapter also participated in bid matching at George Mason University this fall. Thanks to the active Panhellenic Delegate, the association's voice is definitely heard at area Panhellenic Meetings and the NoVA President also serves as the Webmaster for the NVAPA. Everyone is looking forward to the gift wrapping event in December at the Dull es Town Cente r in order to help the NVAPA raise funds for the National Juvenile Diabetes Association. The alumnae also adopted a first-year teacher and assisted her in setting up her classroom before her students arrived for the first day of school. The ladies of NoVA are again selling the White House ornaments with hopes to raise more money that ever before to help us help mo re individuals and organizations this year. We look to the rest of the year with enthusiasm with more opportunities to gather together and make more wonderful green and gold memories.
philadelphia alumnae chapter The Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter held their annual Founders' Day meeting at the Old York Country Club. In add ition to the seven sisters who attended, two guests of the group were also there to celebrate this special day. One of the most exciting parts of the luncheon was the announcement by Susan Connelly that she is expecting twins in the Spring! The group helped assemble Christmas bags for the troops overseas after lunch at the December meeting. Thank you to Tracy Bond from the Lehigh Valley Chapter for this wonderful service project. The Philadelphia Chapter was able to send 16 bags filled w ith good ies to the troops! December for the Philadelphia Chapter was also a sad time . Rebecca Rooks, a longtime member of A L:T , passed away at the age of 97. Until six months ago, Becky faithfully came to every AL:T event hosted by the Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter. She was an amazing sister and will be missed . The Phi ladelphia Alumnae Chapter met in February for thei r annual lunch on the Delaware River at the Mushulu Restaurant, are planning to attend the Philadelphia Panhellenic Luncheon in March and will be visiting sisters in the Spring. Come join us in 2009! New members welcome!
phoenix valley of the sun club Phoenix Valley of the Sun Club met several sisters who are new to the Valley, all of whom graduated within the past th ree years. C lub president, Lisa Webb continues to serve as Chapter Consultant for EA at Embry Riddle , and several alumnae went to Prescott on October 26 for their Initiation ceremony. Lisa makes regular trips to meet w ith their group, as does Cynthia McCrory, now serving as Assistant Chapter Adviser. Kenda Deleon has just been elected as EA Recruitment Adviser. On November 8, members celebrated Founder's Day and the I Oth Anniversary of the Club, hosted by Daniele Gottlieb. The speaker was Dr.Virginia (Ginny) Creager, first Club president. The attendance was exceptional , including PNOS members, AL:T alumnae guests, husbands, and members of the Epsilon Alpha Chapter. "Sorority mom", Nellie Creager, joined as well. The C lub donated funds to Pine Mountain Settlement School and AL:T Educational Foundation. Several members participated in a December gift wrapping project, with proceeds going to Habitat for Humanity. Three members are active in theSalt River Alumnae Panhellenic: Cynthia McCrory (Treasurer) , Karen Anderson ( I st Vice President); and Lisa Webb (Scholarship Committee).
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st. louis alumnae chapter The St. Louis Alumnae always include cultural outings in the calendar.The Missouri History Museum 's Civil War Exhibit, entitled "Lee And Grant", was educational to members and spouses. Everyone enjoyed the excellent view high above Forest Park, while lunching in the upper level din ing room. Several husbands attending are Civi l War buffs, so the conversation was lively. Post World War II European Art and Wolfgang Puck's exotic foods attracted the chapter to the St. Louis Metropolitan Art Museum. However, Founders Day was the highlight of autumn .The chapter were the guests of the Edwardsville Alumnae and Beta Eta Chapters. Karen Wasser gave a beautiful slideshow ofWashington, DC and Convention 2008.Janet Ulrich, Nancy Cook, and Michel Brindell demonstrated the All Sisters Together attitude by picking up sisters Marie Nemnich , Margaret Bongner, and Clarisse Winkler from assisted living facilities . It was wonderful for them to share memories w ith the collegiates, who are our "fountain of youth ." Members continue to volunteer in schools, hospitals, churches, and museums. Christmas giving took on another dimension , as Melanie Foster co-ordinated nearly I000 gifts for local needy youngsters and senior citizens.
tidewater alumnae chapter Founder's Day dinner was the highl ight of the fall season. Eighteen sisters met at the home of Joy Wotherspoon for a festive and elegant lasagna dinner. Betsy Russ used her artistic skills to decorate the tables. Sherry Ayres made chocolate yellow roses for our favors . Candles and high sp irits illuminated the evening which climaxed with a beautiful candle lighting ceremony celebrating our past, present and future . Eight Tidewater sisters had the opportunity to have lunch th is past November with National President, Chris Covington, who was in town visiting family. Chris ' mother, Bonnie Gurney, is a member of the Tidewater alumnae chapter. The chapter expressed their concerns/opinions and were asked to give suggestions to improve the commun ication of the National Council. High priority has been given to local and national philanthropies. In light of the economy the chapter plans to match last years donations plus we have sent money to Delta Rho Chapter who temporarily is in need of support.
tri-city alumnae hope group The Tri-City Alumnae is in progress of becoming re-established. 2008-09 is the first year in many that the group has had an event. After a slow start, a regular schedule of events in 2009-10 is in the works.
Alumnae Expansion Opportunity Seeking Alpha Sigma Tau Alumnae In Richmond,Virginia Are you an alumna living or working in the Richmond area ofVirginia? Alpha Sigma Tau is looking to re-establish the Richmond alumnae association. There are currently two alumnae chapters in Virginia- the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter and the Tidewater Alumnae Chapter. For more information, please contact Shelly Redmond,Aiumnae Expansion Coordinator, at sredmond @alphasigmatau.org.
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contributing our share, npc release figure method, enriching and ennobling our lives through learning, why sisterhood is different
I collegians
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By Kirsten Newman , Gamma Pi, StaffWriter As members of Alpha Sigma Tau , philanthropy is a big part of our sisterhood.We give support to Pine Mountain Settlement, helping hund reds of children in the poverty stricken Appalachia region. Through Habitat for Humanity, A LTs across the country help famil ies gain access to decent shelter and the promise of a new day within their very own homes. On a more local scale, collegiate chapters contribute daily to the progress of mankind by working with organizations in their own communities. One such organization is Turning Point of Lehigh Valley, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to eliminating domestic violence. As their website states, Turning Point educates and supports abuse victims "in order to help them discover their strengths and abil ities." One of the activities provided for victims is a writing group where they can reflect on their personal experiences. The Delta Theta Chapter at Moravian College became involved with Turning Point's writing group through the encouragement of English professor Naomi Gal. " Mrs. Gal decided to publish a book with some of the individual 's stories in it as a way to share with others the lives of domestic violence victims," said Philanthropy Chairman Alyssa Milano. "She asked if we would be interested in helping with the publication, including both fundraiser activities and proof reading." Delta Theta held several fundraising events, including bracelet and t-shirt sales. Sisters also gave their time to proofread the manuscript, eliminating the cost of hiring an outside company to do the editing. Work with Turning Point has since been adopted by the chapter as an ongoing local philanthropy, so efforts are year-round. However, one event made an impact on Delta Theta's members more than any other. "Prior to commencing our fund raising efforts, we sat in on a reading hosted by Mrs. Gal. She had asked us to come and listen to two of the victims who had written for their book," Milano said. "They first shared their writing with us and then elaborated on their experiences. Hearing these stories and (seeing) the strength these women have to carry on through the rest of their lives gave my sisters and I the inspiration to do whatever we could to help publish their book."
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www.alphasigmacau.o rg
Another local organization receiving assistance from ALT collegians is the Pennsylvania Academy of Performing Arts, or PAPA. Based in Chester County, Pennsylvania, PAPA's mission is to provide an international environment that enriches the quality of life by nurturing creativity and innovation through exposure to the arts.The ladies of Alpha Phi at West Chester University began their relationship with PAPA this January by volunteering at the Winter Choral Concert Series. When their Chapter Adviser Debbie Fetscher, Gamma Pi, suggested this might be an interesting way to get involved , the chapter agreed instantly. "We jumped at the chance to be able to expand our philanthrop ic activities," President Kate Dilello said. " Mostly we do work with Habitat, or with campus events and events within the West Chester borough, but it was nice to really get out into a community that doesn't know us as well." Sisters helped with set-up, program distribution and sales of tickets and merchandise, such as t-shirts and CD recordings.With assistance needed at three different concerts, almost 30 members of the chapter were able to lend a hand , and then stay to enjoy the performance. " I really enjoyed the shows because I felt that it broadened our horizons; it was a chance to take in someth ing that most people our age don't get access to," New Member Director Kaitlin Bradley said. "The event itself was a great chance to explore a whole new culture of music and talent." For Dilello, the events also served as a chance to remind the public that Greek organizations can have a positive impact. ''There are so many negative stereotypes surrounding the Greek community and it was so refreshing to see our name first under the 'thank you ' section in the program," she said. " It was great to display our Greek pride while helping other people. It was really nice to continue to spread the word that there's a lot of good we are capable of doing and that we are more than willing to do it."
Turning Point of Lehigh Valley is a safe place where victims of abuse and their children can find refuge , providing services in Lehigh and Northampton Counties of Pennsylvania to more than 5,000 victims of domestic violence each year.
The Pennsylvania Academy of Performing Arts, PAPA International, is comprised of community members, along with business and artistic professionals, dedicated to promoting the performing arts with integrity.
For more information about Turning Point of Lehigh Valley, please visit their website: http://www.tplv.arg
For more information about PAPA International, please visit their website: http://www.papa-international.org
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By Jamie Jones Miller, Psi, Director of Alumnae, NPC 2"d Alternate Delegate, Sen io r Specialist, NPC Release Figure Team
What are Release Figures? Release Figu res , also known as Carry Figures, are the numbe r of Potential New Members (PNMs) a chapter can invite back to each round of recru itment. The Release Figure Method (RFM) was established by NPC to ensu re that PNMs and Chapters are best positioned to get the outcome they desire in formal recru itment, have realistic expectations, and be competitive w ithin the system . The RFM is managed through a proprietary program created by NPC using Microsoft Excel. Fo r more informat ion about the RFM process, please review the NPC Manual of Information (MOl , Green Boo k) .
Purpose of Release Figures The purpose behind the use of Release Figu res is th reefold : I.To enable each sorority to invite a sufficient number of PNMs to each event in order to attain Quota at the conclusion of Formal Recruitment. Quota is a number representing an equal allocation of the PNM pool; 2.To allow each PNM to methodically investigate available options and ultimately to match w ith a sorority fo r wh ich she has a preference; and 3.To maximize the number of PNMs that ultimately affiliates with a sorority through FR.
Why change from the Standard Formula in the MOl to the new RFM formula? I. In almost every system that uses the Standard Formula, there is at least one chapter that falls sign ificantly short of Q uota. Essentially, the Standard Formula does not leave a sufficient number of candidates in that chapter's PNM pool at the e nd of FR to attain Quota. This is called "Threatened Chapter Syndrome". 2. In almost every system that uses the Standard Formula, there is always a surplus of PNMs that complete the FR process by signing preference/MRAA cards but do not ultimately match in the Bid Matchi ng Process. Quota Add it ions emerged as a solution for placing these women to relieve the pressure of host institutions wishing to offer membersh ip to all PNMs who complete the FR process in good faith . This is called the Recruitment Casualty Syndrome (Quota Add ition Problem) . 3.Too many invitations are typically issued under the Standard Formula in the system for each round , wh ich usually resu lts in many PNMs accepting invitations to chapters that are unrealistic for them. 4. Under the Standard Formula, historical statistics on a chapter's performance in only one Invitational round are used to deter mine Release Figures for that round, when the chapter's strength across all rounds should be considered in the determination of Release Figures.
The new Release Figure Method results in: I. Better management of the expectations of PNMs 2.Trad itional Quota making groups still make Quota 3. Non-Quota making chapters have bigger new member classes and more reasonable COB hurdles 4. Slows Threatened Chapter Syndrome 5. Quota Additions decreased or eliminated 40 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Spring 2009
When to Contact Your Assigned NPC Delegate • If the Pan hellenic Council considers extension 6. Maximizes percentage pledged 7. *Chapters with the strongest returns must be prepared to release PNMs earlier in the FR process 8. *It is natural for the system to experience higher withdrawals earlier in FR under this method because the releases made by the popular chapters happen earlier. however the rate of withdrawls that occur just before Preference tends to decrease noticeably and the overall rate of withdrawal usually decreases or remains the same
What do Chapters and Chapter Advisers need to know about the new Release Figure Method? I. Each Panhellenic will be assigned a Release Figure Specialist to manage the numbers and to make recommendations to each chapter on how many invitati ons to issue to each round of formal recruitment. 2.The program has been tested and applied over the past 6 years . It has been very successful and is showing positive results. It works best on campuses when the chapter, the advisers , the alumnae , the Panhellenic, the RFM Specialist, the NPC Area Advisor and the University work together to implement it. 3. PNMs will be released by the stronger chapters EARLIER in recruitment rather than later. PNMs will consider more options earlier in the process. 4.The PNMs and the chapter members don 't need to know the mechanics of the Release Figure Method. All chapter members need to know is that the system is designed to help each chapte r succeed, it may be different from what they are used to, and all NPC groups are participating. 5. If you run into a problem with the numbers your chapter is receiving from the RFM Specialist, please contact your NPC Delegate. The Release Figure represents the maximum number of PNMs a chapter can invite back to the next round. If chapters don 't follow the numbers issued through the RFM program, they run the risk of missing Quota. If chapte rs over-invite or underinvite, that will have an impact on the invitation pool and could inflate or deflate Quota. 6. Once recruitment is over, the NPC Delegate will receive a copy of the RFM report on the chapter's performance . Use this information to tweak o r make changes to your recruitment program and marketing plan.
• If the Panhellenic Council wants to change or establish recruitment rules • If the Pan hellenic Council wants to change or write CPH bylaws • If the Pan hellenic Council considers a change in Total or Quota • If the Panhellenic Council considers changing from early Fall recruitment to deferred or delayed recruitment • If the Panhellenic Council considers changing recruitment style • If the Pan hellenic Council considers electing officers instead of rotating • If your chapter wants to file a recruitment infraction against another sorority • If your chapter has an recruitment infraction filed against it • If your University initiates a study of recruitment • If your University initiates a study of the Greek organization • When your sorority is the only National (NPC) sorority on campus and a second NPC group colonizes • When one of your chapter member takes office as the Panhellenic Council President • When your campus has a change in Panhellenic/Greek Advisors • If another sorority's NPC Delegate or Chapter Consultant contacts your chapter • When you have question(s) about interpreting the NPC Manual of Information (aka MOl or The Green Book)
Need to contact your Delegation? NPC Delegate: Beth McOsker, Alpha Lambda, bmcosker@alphasigmatau .org NPC 1" Alternate Delegate: Carol Zorger Mooney, Alpha Lambda, cmooney@alphasigmatau .org NPC 2nd Alternate Delegate: Jamie Jones Miller, Psi, jmiller@alphasigmatau.org NPC 3 rd Alternate Delegate: Patricia Klausing Simmons, Delta psimmons@alphasigmatau.org www.alphasigmatau.org
Spring 2009
THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau • 41
fnfiChin1 ~n~ EnnoPiin1 ovf Lives ... ... Thfov1h Le~fnin1 By: Colleen Coffey, Delta Eta , StaffWriter W ith special contributions from Mi che lle Behr, Gamma Delta. Edu cational Consultant
Alpha Sigma Tau conceptualizes the value of promoting the development of its members with many opportun ities for training and development. Biannual Conventions, annual Regional Leadersh ip Workshops (RLWs), and biannual Officer Academy (OA) are all educational opportunities for sisters to learn and grow.Th is year, Alpha Sigma Tau provided both Regional Leadership Workshops and Officer Academies. The National Vice President, Director of Collegiate Chapters, and Director of Fraternity Programs designed RLWs to reach chapters and make a positive difference in the way Alpha Sigma Tau recruits new sisters. Sisters from all over gathered together in the months of November and January to learn , network, and fellowship at the 2008-2009 RLWs.The host chapters this season were Delta Sigma, Beta Delta, Gamma Delta, Beta, Alpha Epsilon , Psi , Epsil on Eta, and De lta Chi. At Officer Academy, Recruitment Boot Camp training was provided on core-values recruitment which was tailored specifically for Alpha Sigma Tau by David Stoll man and Angie Carr from CAMPUS PEAK.The women worked diligently to improve recruitment plans through communication skills, healthy chapter promotion , chapter branding, recruitment incentives, using online resources, and the teams recruitment philosophy.
' RLW wos aqreat experience becavse f qat to meet ststers from other chapters in ovr area. f wos motivate~ b~ Pavi~ ~oilman's f(euudment Poot Camt proqram. Pavid's vniqve approach of loobnq at Alpha Siqma Tav and other 6reek orqanilations os bvsinesses made me look at how m~ ststers and f present ovrselves to other people on ovr campvs. HiS ideos and personal experiences with other 6reek orqaniUtions have inspired me and reaffirmed m~ desire tomake ovt chapter not jvst ~ood, bvt 6REA"P ' -Aman~a Schartel, Peffafrgma 2009 Officer Academy will be held June 19-21, 2009 at Duquesne University in Pittsburg, PA, home of our Beta Delta Chapter. The coordinators of this event have worked carefully to provide training on chapter bylaws, recruitment, the National Chapter Excellence Program and much more . Officer Academy is an amazing time for collegiate chapter officers to rejuvenate their passion for their particular office. It is recommended that Bylaws Coordinators, Recruitment Directors, New Member Directors, Mem bers hip Development coordinators, and Collegiate Alumnae Advisory Board members attend this year as training will be provided specifically for them. To register for this exciting experience log on to www.alphasigmatau.org. 42 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Spring 2009
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~erhoo~ ~ tfferentl
One of m~ siSters c~me to vi5it me I~ weekend. hw~ ~ wonderf1il time. There i5 somethin1 inexplic~bl~ cornfortin1 ~bovt bei~ with someone who • knows ~ou the w~~ ~siSter knows ~ou. The inside JOles 1 old memories 1 the sidew~~ 1l~nc.es 1 thew~~ the~ know wh~t ~ou ~re thinbn1 or feelin1 : without ~ou ever ~rticul~tin1 it. After m~ siSter left f w~ ver~ s~d 1 bvt comforted in lnowin1 we would be siSters for life. hw~ thi5 s~dness th~t • 1ot me wonderin1i wh~ i5 siSterhood difFerent?
: After 1r~du~~in1l~ M~~~ f moved from ~ sm~ll town in Aorid~ 1 to ovr N~tion's c~pit~l to ~ttend l~w school. Bein1 the T~u th~t f ~m 1 f h~ve fovnd • ~ 1roup of fr1ends who f love/ ~nd f know f will be lo~~l too. f find m~self thou1h 1 mi5sin1 m~ siSters ~nd not just mi5sin1 them bvt ~e~rnin1 for their • -fumili~rtt~ with ever~ fiber of m~ bein1. f tell m~ new friends thi5 1 ~nd f don't think the~ underst~nd 1 how could the~? The~ s~~ th~t the~ do 1 ''he~ : f h~d friends too 1 ~nd f mi5s them too''. Bvt f s~~ sl5terhood 1 m~ siSterhood i5 difFerent.
M~n~ people know me 1 the me f ~m tod~~ - Bvt m~ siSters knew the old me 1 ~nd how f stru11led in developin1 ~nd becomin1 the me f ~m now. Not onl~ did the~ know me durin1 those stru11les- the~ where m~ siSters throu1h it ~II. Sl5terhood 1 m~ siSterhood w~ not ~II r~inbows ~nd svnshine 1 f
• : will be the first to s~~ f cried1 f w~ hurt 1 ~nd even more sh~mef1ill~j I've hurt m~ siSters- b~ m~ ~dions 1 m~ words 1 or the times f w~n't there • ~nd should h~ve been. There were times when f h~ted sl5terhood 1 f h~ted th~t f h~d to for1ive the people who h~d hurt me. Bvt f ~m th~nlf1il for • ever~ te~r 1 ~nd ever~ fi1htj bec~use f would not be the person f ~m tod~~ if it w~n't for the times the~ for1~ve me.
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Ritu~l. P~vid Stollm~n once told me th~t if we dr~q1ed out ~nd opened ever~one's ritu~l chests the~ wovld ~II be essenti~ll~ the s~me. Sure the
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: words 1 the me~nin1s 1 the secret h~ndsh~kes wovld be difFerent but the concept w~ the s~me . SiSterhood. The ide~ th~t no m~tter wh~t h~ppened- • whether we lik.ed it or not we were siSters. Bovnd b~ ties th~t c~nnot be severed. 6rowin1 up m~ mom told me th~t friends would come ~nd 1o bvt • -fumil~ would ~lw~~ be there. And so -fur she h~ been ri1ht 1 friends come ~nd 1o but m~ f~mil~ 1 m~ mom 1 m~ siSter 1 m~ sororit~ siSters. The~ : ~re perm~nent- like ~ secret love th~t i5 inscribed in m~ he~rt. There i5 no w~~~ ~nd in v~in f tr~ 1 to describe these bonds 1 these feelin1s 1 thi5 in- • credible 1ift of love. Th~t i5 where ritu~l comes inj our love ~nd bonds ~re ~rticul~ted in our ritu~l. Th~t i5 wh~ it i5 so s~cred 1 th~t i5 wh~ we p~s • it on 1 th~t i5 wh~ it i5 the cornerstone of our siSterhood. And m~~be the~ do look the s~me 1 bvt ~fter ~II our foundin1 members where ~II tr~in1 to : ~rticvl~te their v~lues 1 ~nd wh~t we should strive for in our or1~nil~tions . •
: M~ siSters know more ~bout me then f could ever dre~m oftellin1 ~n~one . Some thin1s f h~ve told them 1 some thin1s the~ picked vp ~lon1 thew~~~ • but most of it w~ bec~vse there were ri1ht there with me. The~ ~~o know who f ~m ~e~rnin1 to become ~nd how to help me 1et there. The~ ~p• preu~te me for who f ~m bec~use the~ know where f h~ve been. M~ siSters h~ve t~u1ht me so much ~bovt friendship 1 ~bovt sl5terhood1 ~bout for: 1iveness1 ~nd ~bovt love. Beinq in Alph~ Si1m~ T~u m~~ not h~ve been the e~iest thin1 f' ve ever done in m~ life I but it i5 b~ -fur the best thin1 f' ve • ever done. f ~m the ~c.tive 1 self-reli~nt ~nd trvstworth~ wom~n f ~m tod~~ bec~use of m~ siSters. Th~t i5 wh~ siSterhood i5 difFerent.
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• • • : women i5 th~t the~ will one d~~ look b~ck on their experience ~ f do now ~nd feel nothin1 but love in their he~rts for their experience ~nd for • • one ~nother . Bec~use siSterhood w~ cre~ted to be difFerent. -M~~~ PomilliJuell vrJilon, fi'o mhef fv.telxxt rnote •• • • • •• •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• £ver~thin1 f ever needed to le~rn ~bout life ~nd ~bovt love f le~rned from ~nd with m~ siSters. The thin1 f hope for m~ ch~pter ~nd for ~llsororit~ 1
Spring 2009
THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau • 43
N onprofit O rganization
alpha -sigma-taua
National Headquarters 1929 Canyon Road Birmingham,AL 35216
Midland, Ml Permit No. 135
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network ~~~ worbnq with 5lrlw +Yom ~Uo55 the un1ied ]~te5 .
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will be~in in 1009
throv~h the Alph~ Ji~m~ T~v N~足 tion~l Homep~~e . AJJition~l inform~tion will be ~v~il~ble thov~h the Alph~ SirN~I .
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The 1009 Officer Ac~~em~ focuses on the v~lves b~e~ \e~~whip tr~inin~ of b~l~ws coor~in~tors, membership ~e足 velopment coor ~in~tors, new member Jiredors ~n~ recruitment ~iredors. Colle~i~te Alvmn~e A~vi5or~ Bo~r ~ embers will ~~o le~rn ~bovt their peuRc roles ~n~ te~ concepts ~n~ echniqves to enh~nce their ~~vi5in~ JSbl~. Extern~\ ~n~ intern~\ experts willsh~re import~nt tnowled~e, sbl~ ~n~ experiences wcth colle~i~te ~n~ ~lvmMe members.
Officer Ac~~em~ 1004